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Daily Tech News 24 May 2024

Top Story

  • Google promised better search - now it's telling us to put glue on pizza. (The Verge)

    AI - the LLM version of AI, which is all that makes the news these days - requires human input to learn. It only takes a few iterations of training AI on AI output for it to turn completely to shit.

    Yes, even more than usual.

    Which is why OpenAI and Google made deals with Reddit to train their respective AI engines on that vast trove of human-generated data.

    Only problem is, Reddit is Reddit:
    Imagine this: you've carved out an evening to unwind and decide to make a homemade pizza. You assemble your pie, throw it in the oven, and are excited to start eating. But once you get ready to take a bite of your oily creation, you run into a problem - the cheese falls right off. Frustrated, you turn to Google for a solution.

    "Add some glue," Google answers. "Mix about 1/8 cup of Elmer's glue in with the sauce. Non-toxic glue will work."

    Google will literally tell you to do this, because it found that answer in a ten year old Reddit thread.

    Obviously it's a joke. Obviously it's a bad idea. But AI doesn't know those things, because AI doesn't know anything except, statistically, which words are likely to be found together.
    Look, Google didn't promise this would be perfect, and it even slaps a "Generative AI is experimental" label at the bottom of the AI answers. But it's clear these tools aren't ready to accurately provide information at scale.
    They work just fine if you don't care about the answers. They work just fine if an answer that looks right, is right.

    That's why AI is advancing rapidly in image generation (and in producing astoundingly mediocre music) but is absolute garbage at anything that requires a factual answer.

    It's not a bug. It's baked in to the design.

Tech News

Well, Fuck Samsung Then Video of the Day

It's nothing Apple hasn't done, but it's shit no matter who is doing it.

Disclaimer: I shall most likely kill you in the morning.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:09 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 hiya

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:12 AM (T4tVD)

2 Top 5?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:13 AM (omVj0)

3 Morning, 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:14 AM (ju2Fy)

4 Evening and morning to ever'body! 'Tis Friday, the consummation devoutly to be wished! And with a three-day weekend coming up, too.

Glue on pizza . . .?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:15 AM (omVj0)

5 Evening and morning to ever'body! 'Tis Friday, the consummation devoutly to be wished! And with a three-day weekend coming up, too.

Glue on pizza . . .?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:15 AM (omVj0)

"Stick to yer ribs " !

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:16 AM (T4tVD)

6 I'd put pineapple on my pizza before Elmer's glue.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:17 AM (ju2Fy)

7 G'Day everyone

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 04:17 AM (fwDg9)


Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 04:18 AM (fwDg9)

9 Quiet this morning. Too quiet.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:29 AM (omVj0)

10 Spotify is going to break every Car Thing device it has ever sold. (The Verge)

No, you don't get a refund.


Well, fuck Samsung then.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:29 AM (ju2Fy)

11 Hello .....?

You're on the air ....!

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:30 AM (T4tVD)

12 Quiet this morning. Too quiet.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere

The Injuns must be up to sumpin !

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:31 AM (T4tVD)

13 Quiet this morning. Too quiet.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere
The Injuns must be up to sumpin !
Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024


Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:33 AM (omVj0)

14 Little Dagny the standoffish kitten was sleeping next to me at one point last night. Perhaps this heralds a new era in human-Siberian cat relations.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at May 24, 2024 04:35 AM (omVj0)

15 >> A temp of 67 at 3 am? In May? Unbelievable. As in >> "unbelievably nice."
>> Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

That's actually a bit warm. Normals for the last half of May are around 82/60F high/low here.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb) at May 24, 2024 04:39 AM (w6EFb)

16 Somethings going on with Bella. Last 2 nights she's come to get me up at 2am instead of usual 3 or 4a. Also, she's vomited both mornings after snacking. Never witnessed this before. I must apologize to Betty when I see her because she always gets blamed for the messes.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:42 AM (ju2Fy)

17 I have to get up in two hours. Why am I commenting on the Tech Thread?

Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 04:47 AM (iZEhM)

18 Somethings going on with Bella. Last 2 nights she's come to get me up at 2am instead of usual 3 or 4a. Also, she's vomited both mornings after snacking. Never witnessed this before. I must apologize to Betty when I see her because she always gets blamed for the messes.
Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:42 AM (ju2Fy)

You should get a job with The State Department !

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:48 AM (T4tVD)

19 You should get a job with The State Department !
Posted by: JT


Morning all!

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 04:54 AM (BOdfC)

20 Late start today on small job

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 04:55 AM (fwDg9)

21 In the Germany solar article:

""This is what happens to power prices when the volume of unregulated power becomes equally big or bigger than demand: Prices collapse when unregulated power produces the most," the Swedish bank wrote on Tuesday."

So the solution to the problem is more regulation. It's the solution to all problems.

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 04:56 AM (BOdfC)

22 You should get a job with The State Department !
Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:48


Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:59 AM (ju2Fy)

23 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 05:03 AM (iZEhM)

24 Patience and perseverance- A man writes a Christian devotional on a passage from Romans:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:06 AM (wuRvW)

25 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.
Posted by: Cybersmythe

Great news. Too bad about the long drive and the traffic.
The driving part isn't so bad if you can just drive.

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:07 AM (BOdfC)

26 Posted by: Cybersmythe

Glad you have a job you like and that pays well. Sorry about the tough commute.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:07 AM (wuRvW)

27 >>>"Add some glue," Google answers.

Shoulda said "Slap some hot iron to it."

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:08 AM (hyRRf)

28 Cybersmythe, congratulations the new job.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 24, 2024 05:08 AM (rCzZx)

29 Patience and perseverance- A man writes a Christian devotional on a passage from Romans:

I saw Patience and Perseverance open for Peaches and Herb at the Stadium 1978.

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:09 AM (BOdfC)

30 I figure if the cheese is sliding off the pizza, you've got the right amount of cheese on it.

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:10 AM (BOdfC)

31 There is a young woman working on the internship with my son who is driving 1.5 hours each way. God bless her. That is a long commute, but she is in her 20's so that is better than doing this when much older.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:10 AM (wuRvW)

32 Morning, Ben Had. You're up early.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:11 AM (ju2Fy)

33 There is a young woman working on the internship with my son who is driving 1.5 hours each way. God bless her. That is a long commute, but she is in her 20's so that is better than doing this when much older.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

How is job going for your son?

Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:11 AM (BOdfC)

34 Lucky me!

See ONT comment #3.

Found 2 shrapnel shards where we're staying. Neighbor found something larger in a field across the street.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 24, 2024 05:11 AM (CrtM/)

35 AI makes all of the news, and AI makes all of the news.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:12 AM (seACy)


Standing alongside Kenyan President William Ruto, in a classic tux, and Rachel Ruto, in a gorgeous steel-gray ensemble covered in ruffles and trimmed with a soft edge, the Bidens painted a picture of a first couple that embraces American tradition and imagery at a time when symbols of patriotism — especially the flag — have been used and abused by undemocratic forces.


Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 24, 2024 05:12 AM (xG4kz)

37 >>>They work just fine if you don't care about the answers. They work just fine if an answer that looks right, is right.

That's approaching dummy text. Like lorem ipsum.

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:13 AM (hyRRf)

38 Lucky me!

See ONT comment #3.

Found 2 shrapnel shards where we're staying. Neighbor found something larger in a field across the street.
Posted by: Biden's Dog


Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:13 AM (BOdfC)

39 Good morning morons

Local TV news reports gunfire yesterday at Skyline HS graduation in Oakland. I'm seeing raw video of mass casualty response.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:13 AM (RIvkX)

40 2 GSWs at the graduation in stable condition.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:15 AM (RIvkX)

41 olddog, good morning. Lots of irons in the fire today.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 24, 2024 05:15 AM (rCzZx)

42 Why am I commenting on the Tech Thread?
Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 04:47 AM (iZEhM)

Nerds attract nerds?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:17 AM (RIvkX)

43 Disclaimer: I shall most likely kill you in the morning.


Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:18 AM (hyRRf)

44 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 05:03 AM (iZEhM)

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:18 AM (RIvkX)

45 olddog how did your surgery go?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:20 AM (RIvkX)

46 1 hiya
Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 04:12 AM (T4tVD)

JT scored a first!

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:21 AM (hyRRf)

47 A beautiful psalm of praise. Psalm 33:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:21 AM (FwIDj)

48 Want to thank the Horde for yesterday's well wishes and prayers. Surgery went better than expected. No skin graft and so no overnight stay. Flash biopsy was negative.

Just have to hope ducts from sublingual salivary gland don't scar over leading to swelling, pain and another surgery.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:23 AM (ju2Fy)

49 23 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 05:03 AM (iZEhM)

Oh, yay, Cybersmythe! All best wishes.

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:24 AM (hyRRf)

50 23 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 05:03 AM (iZEhM)

I have a about 70 miles round trip, overnight shift so traffic isnt bad on way in..better leave on time in am though..and of course the winter wheel of chance(pain)

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 24, 2024 05:25 AM (+I6Y/)

51 olddog how did your surgery go?
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Looks like your hope for "clean edges" on first surgery came to fruition. Thank you.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:25 AM (ju2Fy)

52 Ps. 33 is a reminder that any earthly "authority" is transitory and subservient to hashem

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:26 AM (RIvkX)

53 Looks like your hope for "clean edges" on first surgery came to fruition. Thank you.
Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:25 AM (ju2Fy)
Fabulous! b"h for clean edges and good health!

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:27 AM (RIvkX)

54 10 Spotify is going to break every Car Thing device it has ever sold. (The Verge)

No, you don't get a refund.

Well, fuck Samsung then.
Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 04:29 AM (ju2Fy)

That seems unfair to Samsung!

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:29 AM (hyRRf)

55 30 I figure if the cheese is sliding off the pizza, you've got the right amount of cheese on it.
Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:10 AM (BOdfC)

It's the "on" that's the problem.

; )

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:30 AM (hyRRf)

56 New Taiwan President: we must demonstrate our resolution to defend our nation.
CCP: cool story, bro.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:32 AM (RIvkX)

57 That seems unfair to Samsung!
Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:29

Nah, just reinforcing Pixy's sentiment. He was on a roll.

Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:35 AM (ju2Fy)

58 Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:26 AM (RIvkX)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:35 AM (FwIDj)

59 Biden: "I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters ... One of them will always love you"

Let me tell you something about you that you don't know: You're a pervert.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:36 AM (RIvkX)

60 Long commute are hard, I get them often enough besides fairly close. Where I live has been very good for job locations. Compared to one of my co-workers who lives in the extreme area he might have double my milage in last few years.

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 05:38 AM (fwDg9)

61 So a system that can only mash words together based on a statistical guess at which words it's heard other people mash together, with absolutely no idea what those words actually mean....

Holy Crap. AI is a politician!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 24, 2024 05:43 AM (+yhUM)

62 I remember as a young kid went with my dad to go pick up a pizza ordered and was holding it on trip home. Got home all all the cheese was off the pizza.

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 05:43 AM (fwDg9)

63 So. a very leftist church -not my denomination-not far from me is making a change to their sanctuary. They have some beautiful phases from the psalms written partially in gold leaf with black lettering ( Can't recall which psalms) but since it was probably done in the late 1800s or early 1900s it refers to God as He. The dopey progressive pastor has decided that the phrases will be covered up and ones with more inclusive language put up instead. I think this is a really bad idea- disrespectful to the former pastor who had this put up and the members of yesteryears. Somebody I know who goes there is spitting man and says she will leave if this is done.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:43 AM (FwIDj)

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 24, 2024 05:12 AM (xG4kz)

The Bidens are the literal answer to James Carville's proverbial hundred bucks in a trailer park.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 24, 2024 05:45 AM (+yhUM)

65 #17 on Bad Blue, Spain Deputy PM calling for eliminating Israel

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 05:45 AM (fwDg9)

"Add some glue," Google answers. "Mix about 1/8 cup of Elmer's glue in with the sauce. Non-toxic glue will work."

Google will literally tell you to do this, because it found that answer in a ten year old Reddit thread.

This might not be a joke. Many Leftists are still paste-eaters (e.g., Salon, Kos), and for those trying to lower their carb intake, Elmer's Glue just might be the transition food.

Posted by: Arbalest at May 24, 2024 05:45 AM (FlRtG)

67 Posted by: Bruce at May 24, 2024 05:11 AM (BOdfC)

It seems to be going o.k. He is working outside a lot. Thx for asking.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:46 AM (FwIDj)

68 There is at least one person on earth who is lucky that they specified non-toxic glue.

That person is without any doubt a member of the white house press corps.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 24, 2024 05:48 AM (+yhUM)

69 34 Lucky me!

See ONT comment #3.

Found 2 shrapnel shards where we're staying. Neighbor found something larger in a field across the street.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 24, 2024 05:11 AM (CrtM/)

Thanks for the report, Biden's Dog!

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:49 AM (hyRRf)

70 Contribute to the Trump campaign, get a congressional investigation:

Congressional Democrats launched another salvo against the oil industry Thursday, this time investigating what executives may have promised or been promised at a dinner with former President Donald Trump where he asked them for $1 billion in campaign donations.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:50 AM (seACy)

71 I think it's hilarious that the Trump organization. Got a permit for about 3, 500 for their rally in the Bronx and about 30, 000 people showed up. I bet there were not as many at the counter rally with A O-C.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:50 AM (FwIDj)

72 39 Good morning morons

Local TV news reports gunfire yesterday at Skyline HS graduation in Oakland. I'm seeing raw video of mass casualty response.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:13 AM (RIvkX)

40 2 GSWs at the graduation in stable condition.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 05:15 AM (RIvkX)


Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 05:50 AM (hyRRf)

73 Was thinking that Speed Racer has to be first anime I saw

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 05:53 AM (fwDg9)

74 There is a theological point behind. A O-O 's comment. Before the rally started AO-C said it was muddy and probably not too many people would show up and that "God is good" . Is God not good if He does not meet her expectations?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:54 AM (FwIDj)

75 Arrest warrant issued for Trump for exceeding the number of people permitted in the park. He faces a life sentence for each person present over 3500. He is facing 26,500 charges.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:56 AM (seACy)

76 75 Arrest warrant issued for Trump for exceeding the number of people permitted in the park. He faces a life sentence for each person present over 3500. He is facing 26,500 charges.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:56 AM (seACy)

What are you wearing?

Posted by: Fani Willis at May 24, 2024 05:57 AM (PiwSw)

77 71 I think it's hilarious that the Trump organization. Got a permit for about 3, 500 for their rally in the Bronx and about 30, 000 people showed up. I bet there were not as many at the counter rally with A O-C.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 05:50 AM (FwIDj)

Even with rent-a-mobs, the demolosers can't hold a candle to the crowd draw of Orangeman

Posted by: a dude in MI at May 24, 2024 05:59 AM (+I6Y/)

78 The first articles on Google are why I insist that AI is overrated.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 24, 2024 05:59 AM (xgbJW)

79 75 Arrest warrant issued for Trump for exceeding the number of people permitted in the park. He faces a life sentence for each person present over 3500. He is facing 26,500 charges.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:56 AM (seACy)

And for belonging to an illegal political party.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at May 24, 2024 06:00 AM (xgbJW)

80 All it took was for my ex-pastor last year to say "We pray to God to rise up those marginalized due to their sexual orientation, race, or gender identity". Grabbed the kids out of Sunday school and walked out the door. The fact that there is even serious discussion about covering the Psalms is reason enough.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 06:00 AM (seACy)

81 Was thinking that Speed Racer has to be first anime I saw
Posted by: Skip

I think my first was Astro Boy.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at May 24, 2024 06:01 AM (Cp1vk)

82 100 year old man in a senior center marries a 102 year old woman:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:01 AM (FwIDj)

83 Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 05:56 AM (seACy)

I laughed but I wouldn't put it past them.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:03 AM (FwIDj)

84 Got woke up this morning at 5:30 by the asswipe with a subwoofer loaded truck about 1/4 mile from me. This guy has been getting more and more brazen, so I called the cops on him this morning. I've had it with his late night/early morning noise making crap machine.

Posted by: fd at May 24, 2024 06:04 AM (vFG9F)

85 I've worked with elders about 15 years and I have seen things. Awful things.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 06:05 AM (RIvkX)

86 Today starting well, lost keys for 10 minutes
Forward Dog 9 out

Posted by: Skip at May 24, 2024 06:06 AM (fwDg9)

87 My dad thinks AI is going to change the world. If so, it's going to change the world into a pile of shit.

Posted by: fd at May 24, 2024 06:07 AM (vFG9F)

88 @231

>> I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.

Can you rent a car through your company?

If not buy a hoopty, putting 500 miles on your car a week is a bit much.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at May 24, 2024 06:07 AM (rYFn0)

89 Verse for the day:

Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:07 AM (FwIDj)

90 Stay safe Skip

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 06:09 AM (RIvkX)

91 It looks like Cracker Barrel has shot itself in the head. Good for them.

Posted by: fd at May 24, 2024 06:09 AM (vFG9F)

92 yo wut sup

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 24, 2024 06:10 AM (ENQN6)

93 G'mornin' everyone!

glad to hear it, olddog!

Wow, Biden's dog! any idea what got intercepted?

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at May 24, 2024 06:10 AM (tQtDb)

94 I had a job once where my commute was about 45 miles each way. The worst part was the 5 miles just getting out of the city.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 06:10 AM (RIvkX)

95 Marilyn Mosby gets 12 months home confinement instead of 40 years of prison like she deserves. She'll be back running for office before you know it. After all, if Trump can do it...

Posted by: fd at May 24, 2024 06:14 AM (vFG9F)

96 What are you wearing?
Posted by: Fani Willis


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:14 AM (XkYcA)

97 My work can take me 5 miles away or over 100. I generally don't know where it's going to be much in advance, a day or so. I like the long trips sometimes though, it gets me out of the shop.

Posted by: fd at May 24, 2024 06:17 AM (vFG9F)

98 My husband is getting a lot of enjoyment from listening to the "Hello Muddah. Hello Faddah" camp song. It's wonderful to find humor on little things. He told me that the group "Leonard Skynner" is taken from a name of a kid in the song. I didn't know that.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:17 AM (lmHwU)

99 I head a band interview that their high school custodian was Leonard Skinnard.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 06:19 AM (seACy)

100 Grumpy baby photos take internet by storm:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:23 AM (lmHwU)

101 Posted by: olddog in mo (ju2Fy) at May 24, 2024 05:25 AM (ju2Fy

Thankful to hear that, old dog.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:25 AM (lmHwU)

102 .

G'morning Horde.

NOOD! Misanthropic Humanitarian is here with today's Morning Report.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at May 24, 2024 06:25 AM (O7YUW)

103 Grumpy baby photos take internet by storm:
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 24, 2024 06:23 AM (lmHwU)
We used to call Girl F. "the Baby Who Hates" because we have so many photos with a truly hateful expression. Turns out she grew up to be fairly judgmental but also very emotionally intelligent.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2024 06:29 AM (RIvkX)

104 80 All it took was for my ex-pastor last year to say "We pray to God to rise up those marginalized due to their sexual orientation, race, or gender identity". Grabbed the kids out of Sunday school and walked out the door. The fact that there is even serious discussion about covering the Psalms is reason enough.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 24, 2024 06:00 AM (seACy)

Now, *there's* a pastor not reading the audience!

Posted by: m at May 24, 2024 06:33 AM (hyRRf)

105 SCOOP: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants.

As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence.


Posted by: rhennigantx at May 24, 2024 06:33 AM (ENQN6)

106 23 I finally got a job, and it pays well, but it's down by the Space Center. That's 100+ miles round trip and the traffic sucks. Should be interesting work, though.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 05:03 AM (iZEhM)

You can practice your yodeling and you and Skip can have a yodel off !

Posted by: JT at May 24, 2024 06:34 AM (T4tVD)

107 Wow, Biden's dog! any idea what got intercepted?
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at May 24, 2024 06:10 AM (tQtDb)

No details are being given. Supposedly launched from Iraq and was heading toward Haifa Port before being intercepted over Safed in the N. Galilee.

We heard quite a few pieces as they hit the ground. Until about 2-3 hours ago, I didn't realize that 2 bits were smack outside our door.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at May 24, 2024 06:37 AM (CrtM/)

108 If not buy a hoopty, putting 500 miles on your car a week is a bit much.

What, pray tell, is a 'hoopty'? No, never mind. I don't think I want to know.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at May 24, 2024 06:52 AM (iZEhM)

109 "The plan is to turn half the panels over so that they operate when it's dark."

Pixy: That got a big laugh. Well played. I''m going to use that one at some point.

Samsung devices: While I rather like my Galaxy Tab A8 (a tablet) I'm not pleased about the company's attitude towards customers trying to get their devices repaired. That's going to affect my next purchase and make me research decent alternatives. Friendliness to customers wanting to do repairs is going to be a large factor in my decision making.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at May 24, 2024 06:56 AM (O7YUW)

110 2 + 2 will equal 5 dammit

Posted by: Butkus51 at May 24, 2024 08:24 AM (BBPQE)

111 The funny thing is, phones have reached the point where I only feel the need to upgrade when my currency phone starts to die.

Which means I'm probably going to be in the market for a repairable phone before too much longer.

Posted by: Voyager at May 24, 2024 08:52 AM (nmL8W)

112 There was a story the other day about a serial outdoor masturbator in Florida. In Illinois he would be known as an alfresco iterate auto-eroticist

Posted by: chicagovota at May 24, 2024 09:51 AM (hH3ux)

113 "AI - the LLM version of AI, which is all that makes the news these days - requires human input to learn"


You really need to stop talking about stuff that you really don't study, comprehend or work on.

An LLM or, more specifically the multi-modal models that are current are just RNN's, no different mathematically than the wet one in your head that comes up with the snark and is suffering from such a severe case of Dunnings-Kruger.

Of course, there is some question on the role and exactly how backprop is implemented neuraly, and of course the neocortex is 5-layers deep and you just iteratively pass information through it to make up for the lack of depth, but these are arguments in favor of ANN over neural substrate as you can make artificially RNNs as arbitrarily large and deep as you'd like until they asymptote in performance. And neural computation is highly modular, like the emotion and disgust I get reading much of your postings, are relegated to a subnet, but current ANN design is adopting such approaches.

(1/2) continue

Posted by: TheInverseAgonist at May 24, 2024 10:52 AM (WtmqQ)

114 (2/2) continue.

Ultimately your idea that it "requires human imput to learn" is retarded. It needs training data, as you do. The current problem that you might be attempting to address, that of lack of training data as parameter counts scale past a trillion or so and the reliance on synthetic data is only partially a problem.

As humans, we learn in our first few years not by integrating all data, but by multimodal aquisation of spatial and sensory correlations. Of this the models will be able to have limitless data from the real world, provided we sample from high entropy sources almost like a parent would. They will teeach themselves and learn correlation and causation, the mathmatical structure of the network can allow for it, we just need scale, compute and multimodal data.

With you the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is strong. But, I'm sure you know the rest of tech better!

Posted by: TheInverseAgonist at May 24, 2024 10:52 AM (WtmqQ)

115 About that Spotify thing, MS did that to me with their Phone. It was great and then they broke it. They are doing the same with their Android launcher.

Posted by: Lost My Cookies at May 24, 2024 11:58 AM (kYEdG)

116 I'm surprised that you're surprised that Spotify is still in business. Aren't they currently the biggest music service going?
I have a free account and I'm fine with it.
I know I'm an outlier in that I still buy CDs for the things that I find that I like but the deal bands get from streaming is utter wank.

Posted by: STV at May 24, 2024 12:54 PM (vmHhd)

117 This paragraph will assist the internet viewers for setting up new web site or even a blog from start
to end.

Posted by: NFT at May 27, 2024 08:32 AM (daluV)

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