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The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


For the foreseeable future my classical music Mystery Clicks will be taken from the following, "The 200 Classical Music Pieces Every Moron and 'Ette Should Know Better, as compiled by Hadrian the Seventh"


Before we enter the Prayer Revival, just a few housekeeping matters (Rulz for those of you in Potosi) to take care of.

1) Open thread. Feel free to Lurk, Opine and/or Bloviate.
2) As always be kind and don't jump on the furniture.
3) Absolutely no running with sharp objects inside today. Outside? Sure, why not.
4) Have a great weekend, See Rulz #3.

Thank you Annie for the following.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

3/2 Reforger asked for prayers for his Coworker “D”, a widowed mom of 4 who is having a rough time with daughter #1. D’s daughter had to be incarcerated. She went nuts, trashed her room, broke things, and even kicked a cop. She could use a lot of prayers.
3/31 Update – Coworker D’s daughter is making pretty good headway. Jail really left an impression and she is not a fan of the ankle monitor and probation. No serious issues since, but she is still a little cray cray. No drugs tho.

2/29 – DaveT asks for prayers. We had prayed in the past for him, as he was trying to save his cats and his home from repossession (due to a relative who burdened the family home with debt). DaveT is over 65 and is not able to work much. The cats are elderly and one is blind, and the only family he has. Things had turned around and it looked like he was going to be fine last summer, but now a new judge is on the case and seems to want to kick DaveT and the cats out of the house. Please pray. If anyone wants to contribute, Annie’s Stew has the details of his GiveSendGo.
3/20 Update – The sham trial took place on 3/20. The judge would not allow DaveT to speak or give any evidence. He is still taking donations for a new appeal.

3/3 – Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards asked for prayers as he is scared to death of some much-needed surgery. Pain, healing, iyiyi! Even the red tape involved in scheduling. Thank you all again!
4/10 Update – Recovering from diverticulitis surgery. It’s rough. Much pain, and there is talk of another surgery. He is miserable.

3/9 – RedMindBlueState asked for prayers for his dear friend who miscarried Wednesday. Again.
3/30 Update – Apologies from Annie, for guessing RedMindBlueState’s sex incorrectly. It has been corrected (above).

3/9 – Hadrian the Seventh asked for prayers for Her Majesty, who is having knee replacement surgery. He’d like prayers for a successful operation, but also an uneventful recovery. Her previous surgery in 2019 (on the other knee) was marked by great pain and the effect of the medication was terrible.
3/30 Update – Her Majesty’s surgery went well, even though this knee was in much worse shape and needed tendon repair as well. But the post-operative pain was much better managed. She is up and around on a walker.

3/9 – Piper sent news about her daughter and her eye issue. Her doctor said the MRI results were everything they hoped for, that he knew the radiologist and trusts the reading. At this point, they will wait 6 months and then check again. But he said they should celebrate – doctor’s orders!

3/9 – Dr_No asked for prayers for his daughter, Megan. We had prayed for her in 2021, when she had cancer. Her cancer is still in remission, but she has blood clots in her lungs. She went to the local ER, where they said everything was normal. She sent a message to her PCP, to ask her to review the situation. She is still weak, and gets tired if a conversation lasts more than 1-2 sentences. Please pray that she be restored to full health. Thanks once again to the Horde for the help.
3/30 Update – Megan no longer has blood clots in her lungs, but she will need to be on Xarelto from now on. In the meantime, she developed shingles. Many thanks to the Horde for their words up for Megan. As of now, the colorectal cancer is two years + gone, the blood clots and under control, and shingles appears to be healing. The Horde is amazing.

3/16 PaleRider asked for prayers for wisdom and serenity for herself and siblings. Her father died on 3/15. Dad had been slowly fading away for 1.5 years, so it was not a big shock. She thinks that settling the estate will go smoothly, but prayers are welcome.
3/30 Update – Apologies from Annie, for guessing PaleRider’s sex incorrectly. It has been corrected (above).

3/16 – Winston, GOPe, McFailure wing of the Uniparty humbly asks for prayers for friends of friends who are stuck in Haiti with their two adopted children and four foundlings that have been in their family for several years. These are good, God-fearing Christians who have lived and taught and built homes there, as well as cared for orphans. Of course, being Christians, they are at the bottom of the list for extraction.

3/20 – Inogame sent an update. We had prayed for him and his wife when they had trouble conceiving. On 3/19, about 8:30 pm, his wife went into labor… and before 10 pm she gave birth to a little girl in their bathroom, with a midwife on the phone assuring Inogame he wouldn’t drop the baby. He didn’t and Mom and baby are doing well, and prayers for their health are appreciated. In an unrelated prayer request, Inogame asks for prayers for a good friend from childhood is struggling with addiction. He checked into an in-patient facility for 30 days to save his job and hopefully his life. He is lost and needs help to find his way.

3/23 – Jewells would appreciate prayers for her niece, who is in the hospital for the second time in a week. She was diagnosed with pneumonia the first time, but still felt awful. She went back to ER, and they admitted her again. Her oxygen level was 76. She is the niece who is fighting cervical cancer.
4/6 Update – Jewells sends thanks for the prayers for her neice. They have suspended treatment for 6 weeks and put her on steroids. She’s doing better.

3/23 – Sock Monkey asks for prayers for his BIL, who we prayed for before, does have a cancerous mass on his spine. He spent 8 weeks in the hospital. He is walking with a walker and making significant progress. The battle plan is to start cancer treatments in mid-April.

3/23 – Fenelon Spoke needs prayers for Jessie, their “retired” organist. Jesse had fallen. Nothing was broken, but it is a setback for her and she is in pain.

3/23 – NR Pax asked for prayers. He is leaving his current job on 3/29 and starting a new one the following week. Please pray for the transition.
4/5 Update – So far, the transition to the new job is going well.

3/28 – Reforger asked for prayers for his wife, who is applying for a promotion. The new job would triple her salary.

3/30 – Danimal28 asked for prayers for Roberta and Jim, who were neighbors and friends. Jim went to the Pearly Gates. He was faithfully married for 60 years, a father of four successful kids, a veteran of active duty for 3 years just after the Korean War, and raised his family in South Chicago in the 50s and 60s. Danimal28 and he discussed history on a daily basis.

3/30 – rhennigantx requests prayers for his friend Carl, who died in his sleep. He knew him for 4 years and Carl always treated him like a long-lost friend. Also prayers for the family (which is as complicated as Father’s Day at a DEI meeting), for their pain and suffering.

3/30 – mindful webworker asked for prayers as he is going under the knife again for what will be a few hours’ surgery and maybe a week in the hospital. His surgeon used the word “mystery” three times while describing what they will be doing.
4/6 Update – The surgery went “ok”. They think they were able to remove all the infected tissue. He is still in the hospital and in some pain, but getting a little better every day. His family sends prayers of Thanksgiving for good medical staff and the amazing support of all those praying for him.

3/30 – Polliwog the Ette posted that DOYLE had posted that his adult son had shared the troubles he was going through ,which left him shaken and in need of time to process. It sounds like they both could use some prayers.

3/30 – Jim in Kalifornia asked to add his sister to be added to the prayer list. She broke her arm/elbow 3 weeks ago. The first x-ray did not have the angle to properly see the damage, so now she is seeing an orthopedist who will recommend surgery. They will be re-attaching the ulna to the humerus.

3/30 – Fox2! Requested prayers for his great-nephew, J. He appears to have a severe case of Food Protein-Induced Entercolitis Syndrome (FPIES), which is an allergy to food proteins. His appears to be grass related, which includes all grains, even if his mother eats them.

3/30 – Tonypete offered a prayer for the “mother of nine” who gave her ninth child the blessing of being adopted. May the biological mother come to a knowledge of the Lord’s saving grace.

4/1 – News from Washington Nearsider: His savings have expired and May's bills cannot yet be paid. Another custody hearing - to reevaluate the March 13 determination to give his ex full custody - has been scheduled for May 13th, so that's a date on the calendar towards which he has to work.
He has added one (1) client to his custom model aircraft list, and hopes to add several more, even though he can only work on one at a time. Having a known stream of income is better than not. You can contact Nearsider at washingtonnearsider at gee mail to learn about shipping and timelines or to discuss any details. Interested Morons can look at some small segment of his previous work by heading to this link:
On the job front, Nearsider had a promising interview, only to be told at the end that though his writing samples, resume, attitude, background, and presentation were all exceptional, his removal from federal service prevented any path forward. Nearsider explained the details leading up to his removal, and while the panel expressed their sympathies for his situation and their admiration at his courage, their position was unchanged. He suspects this employer was simply the first to be so direct, and that he's missed out on several other opportunities for the same reason.
Several contractors have contacted him in response to applications he's submitted and he's hoping at least one of them will be willing to focus on the writing, resume, attitude, background, and presentation vice the end of his federal career. As usual, more follows.
Since several people encouraged it, he has set up a GiveSendGo account. Please contact Annie for the details, if you wish to contribute.
4/8 Update – Washington Nearsider says “you’re all amazing, wonderful people”. He appreciates the support.

4/3 – Notsothoreau posted that Mrs. Salty (as in Mrs. NaClyDog) had a bad fall and broke four ribs. She tested positive for Covid, as well. Prayers for quick healing and that she is out of the hospital soon.
4/6 Update – Mrs. Salty is out of the hospital. She is recovering slowly.

4/4 – J. J. Sefton could use prayers. Here was his posting:
“After suffering some sort of seizure back in February, while the initial MRI and spinal tap showed nothing, a subsequent MRI this past Friday evidently seems to indicate that I might have some sort of brain tumor/growth that would require immediate attention. As in surgery.
That said, on a positive note -- and I'm holding onto this bit of news as positive with all my might -- the medical neurology team and the surgical neurology team are apparently still reading the tea leaves to see what kind of surgery, if any, is required to deal with this. I am hoping against hope for that non-surgical option but am preparing myself as best as I can for whatever is to be.”

4/5 – Teej posted and asked for prayers for a Marine who is on hospice, with possibly two weeks left to live.

4/5 – Pipe asked for prayers for a dear friend who has lung cancer, who lives alone.

4/6 – MikeOxlong requested prayers for healing and that treatment goes well, He was diagnosed with stage 5 esophageal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Traditional treatment doesn’t have a good answer, so he is taking non-traditional treatment in AZ.

4/6 – Grammie Winger posted that Rev had some tests done and he has a cracked sternum from their earlier car accident. They also found several nodules in his lungs, and an aortic aneurysm. Prayers appreciated.

4/6 – RedMindBlueState asked for prayers for an old and dear friend who just started chemo and is feeling it hard. And for the friend’s dog, who may need surgery soon.

4/6 – Paisley1333 gave an update. We had prayed for her trainer, who went through her third round of cancer in December. The trainer’s surgery was successful, and it appears they got all the cancer. While under the knife, she had a seizure (which she has daily), so the doctors got to experience that and changed her meds. This has been a huge help. So very good news and so grateful for all the prayers.

4/8 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for her husband. He was stubborn and didn’t go to the doctor for about 5 days and has shingles. He is in pain.

4/10 – FortWorthMike updated the Horde. His MIL, who was going through cancer treatments, had miraculous results. The tumor is reduced so much, there is no sign of cancer. They won’t say cancer-free, but it’s just something to monitor now.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:01 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good Saturday morning, dear Horde!

Posted by: Ladyl at April 13, 2024 08:03 AM (+4oV5)

2 Yep

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 08:03 AM (3i3RH)

3 Never forget that Beau Biden gave his life for this thread.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at April 13, 2024 08:04 AM (ovxwt)

4 Posts coming quick
Still more coffee for later, big pot today

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 08:05 AM (fwDg9)

5 Cumin in a bloody mary? Wait'll you hear about the chicken.

Posted by: TC at April 13, 2024 08:05 AM (cHOHf)

Powerline Week in pictures

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 08:06 AM (fwDg9)

7 Good morning!

Making pour-through (or is it pour over?) coffee with the carafe (love that word) and some on-sale buy-one-get-one-free coffee, Community brand, their dark bold signature roast.

69 degrees cool outside, in the Florida sunshine, not one cloud, the air still, one mockingbird trying out his playlist.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at April 13, 2024 08:08 AM (KiBMU)

8 G'mornin' Horde!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying to us for decades at April 13, 2024 08:08 AM (PFYt9)

g'mornin' again, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at April 13, 2024 08:11 AM (2WOOS)

10 Morning, coffee folk!

Willowed: There’s a Buc-ees outside Florence SC. The first time I went in there i was just amazed at the place. They have just about everything a traveler would want. Big draw are the huge spotless bathrooms.
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at April 13, 2024

By any chance, does Buc-ees sell pouches of pipe tobacco?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:11 AM (omVj0)

11 Finished up my shave; need to leave in about :30 to wash the car on the way to the barbershop. I plan to visit a CBD store on the main avenue near there, to see about some CBD oil or gummies to maybe help me sleep better. They have both 0% THC and some with <.3%. Is the THC the stuff that actually helps with the sleep business? Anybody aside from Ace try this stuff?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM (omVj0)

12 Mornin' Horde, prayers for all y'all and your loved ones.

Ladyl!!! How are ya?

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM (wQXfi)

13 MH, You cannot go wrong with the Hadrian playlist!
This will be on rotation for a while, a long while, at Hovel del Hrothgar!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM (hOUT3)

14 Finished up my shave; need to leave in about :30 to wash the car on the way to the barbershop. I plan to visit a CBD store on the main avenue near there, to see about some CBD oil or gummies to maybe help me sleep better. They have both 0% THC and some with

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM

I suspect CBD is the new snake oil.

We have a poster for selling CBD in our VFW, so far we haven't sold a single bottle. The poster has a guy who says he is a Veteran and was going to the VA for treatment. He claims the VA Doctors prescribed over 93,000 different pills to him in one year but just by taking CBD oil he is "cured" and doesn't have to take a single pill. I'm not buying any of the hype.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 13, 2024 08:18 AM (QNSds)

15 Good morning! Prayers for this country.

Posted by: Lotta nerve at April 13, 2024 08:18 AM (JdcHc)

16 Yeah, the CBD gummies with the THC, from my experience, knock you out for a good night's sleep.

I bought them in PA which does not have dope legalized like CO, IL, CA, and OR and all the other leftist shitholes, so there must be a THC loophole or something.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at April 13, 2024 08:20 AM (KiBMU)

17 Dennis Kucinich was on TimCast last night, they were talking about the renewal of the FISA Spying, Kucinich talked about the passage of The Patriot Act, he was the lone no vote on it, they had only debated it for 10 hours and the original legislation was swapped out for what became the Patriot Act at the last second, and he was literally reading it as fast as he on the house floor could before they had to vote on the monstrosity.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 13, 2024 08:20 AM (XV/Pl)

18 Mornin', good people (and the rest of you ne'er-do-wells). It's moving day - four more hours until the movers get here, and we still have a lot to do. At least we don't have to be 100% out of here today, and can come back for the little things over the course of the next couple of weeks. Even though we're only moving two miles, it's the same as moving 2000 miles in terms of boxing up all your worldly good.

Posted by: PabloD at April 13, 2024 08:20 AM (TBrbN)

19 Good Saturday morning, horde. Prayers said for all.

Coffee is hot and delicious. Coffee maker keeps stopping the brew, though, thinking I have the drip stop on. I guess we'll be de-scaling it today.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 08:21 AM (OX9vb)

20 So very many in need of prayer. Upholding them now.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:22 AM (SfhV1)

21 3) Absolutely no running with sharp objects inside today. Outside? Sure, why not.

Fun times are over...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 13, 2024 08:23 AM (BpYfr)

22 Weird part of that video was that people were just standing around while he wandered around with a giant knife. People on an upper level just watching it happen.
It makes you realize how unbelievably brave the individuals who try and stop this kind of thing are. Like Daniel Penny who is being prosecuted for being a hero. Society is sick.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice)
I noticed he turned away from the one guy, screen left, being followed who turned to face/confront him.

Rumble link to news vid of Aussie knife attacker
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 13, 2024 08:26 AM (vtyCZ)

23 Prayers for the list and for those who need them; both voiced and unvoiced.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:27 AM (n99CU)

24 Absolutely no running with sharp objects inside today


Serious question: Does the 'sharp object' category include the more pungent varieties of Cheddar cheese?

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 08:27 AM (991eG)

25 Good morning {{{Ladyl}}}

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at April 13, 2024 08:27 AM (hOUT3)

26 Thanks for the Mystery Click MisHum and for the coffee break and prayer revival of course.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:28 AM (n99CU)

27 just by taking CBD oil he is "cured" and doesn't have to take a single pill. I'm not buying any of the hype.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 13, 2024 08:18 AM (QNSds)

Same. I tried it for a while to ease arthritis symptoms and hot flashes. It did nothing, except taste bad. Didn't even help me sleep better.

Mr. Dmlw! seems to respond well to supplements, and is always ordering a new one that he swears does just what he wants it to do. Nothing I've tried ever makes a darn bit of difference for me, so I stick to a multivitamin and hope for the best. The only difference I notice from that is that it keeps my iron just high enough to donate blood.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 08:28 AM (OX9vb)

28 Thanks for the Mystery Click MisHum and for the coffee break and prayer revival of course.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:28 AM (n99CU)


Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:28 AM (SfhV1)

29 Good morning! Prayers for this country.
Posted by: Lotta nerve


Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 08:29 AM (T4tVD)

30 Prayers up for Alla YOUSE !

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 08:29 AM (T4tVD)

31 Yay classical music!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:29 AM (q2svT)

32 I learned this week I'd need to file an amended return after receiving an unexpected form related to J's mother's estate. After a few hours of panic, turns out I'll actually get a bit more back. Thank you Lord and thank you Kathy from Block.

Also on tap for today, baking a batch of Helena Handbasket's brownies for the incredibly kind neighbors who made my big pile of limbs disappear into their woodchipper.

And a trip to Ace hardware for more yard supplies to begin what is sure to be an epic battle with the kudzu on my fence - to help maintain good relations with neighbors on all sides. Another neighbor mentioned something about a blowtorch... (I love my 'hood)

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:30 AM (wQXfi)

They have both 0% THC and some with

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM

If you treat CBD oil with an acid solution you end up with something referred to as 'Delta 8' - which contains little to no THC. It is legal in most states including FL and TX and PA - who one might suspect would be tough. THC is referred to as 'Delta 9' and the two are similar in effect. Someone with chemistry background could probably explain better.

Delta 8 will get a person very very high - absent the paranoia some experience with THC. If ingested it might take a bit to kick in. If purchasing gummies I would cut the gummie into 1/8ths and try that for sleep aid. Too much is not a good thing.

Never drive under the influence.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 08:30 AM (RKVpM)

34 Prayers for my friend and doggeh's breeder / sitter, who lost a youngish doggeh to a sudden cancer this week.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:31 AM (q2svT)

35 Good morning again dear horde and thank you mh and annie

Happy birthday JJ

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 13, 2024 08:31 AM (RIvkX)

36 Prayers up for those that have asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that know they need them but have not asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that need them but don’t know it yet; and
Prayers up for those who pray alone, asking for help in silence, and whose prayers are known but to God!

And prayers up for all "our" politicians who have apparently decided that money and power are far more desirable than honor, let them see the error of their ways and repent!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at April 13, 2024 08:32 AM (hOUT3)

37 Anybody aside from Ace try this stuff?

I have. Mine has 3% THC. I made me mellow enough to fall asleep but I felt kind of groggy the next day. It didn't do anything for my pain.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (iF0sF)

38 Prayers for all the Horde in need

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (q2svT)

39 Good morning. Doggie up early therefore so am I. Prayers for all. Thanks for the classical mystery click Mis Hum. Currently listening to the very beautiful Symphony #3 by Camille Saint-Saens. Lovely way to start the day.

Posted by: Tuna at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (oaGWv)

40 Even though we're only moving two miles, it's the same as moving 2000 miles in terms of boxing up all your worldly good.
Posted by: PabloD
I feel your pain... prayers for a low stress move.

I hope I never have to move again, at least until it's time for me to go to the loony bin or the camps, whichever comes first.

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (wQXfi)

41 grammie, how is Rev?
I have been praying for both of you.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (q2svT)

42 Kudzu and Crown Vetch are a pox from the plant world.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (R4t5M)

43 4/10 – FortWorthMike updated the Horde. His MIL, who was going through cancer treatments, had miraculous results. The tumor is reduced so much, there is no sign of cancer. They won’t say cancer-free, but it’s just something to monitor now.

How wonderful! Praise be to God.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:34 AM (q2svT)

44 In SE Kentucky, along the Cumberland Gap Parkway there are miles and miles of Kudzu growing on both sides of the road. In some places it has totally enveloped whatever structures are still standing.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 13, 2024 08:36 AM (Q4IgG)

45 And a trip to Ace hardware for more yard supplies to begin what is sure to be an epic battle with the kudzu on my fence - to help maintain good relations with neighbors on all sides. Another neighbor mentioned something about a blowtorch... (I love my 'hood)
Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:30 AM (wQXfi)

If you had acted earlier, ya coulda cut it all down and blamed it on OJ !

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (T4tVD)

46 I suspect CBD is the new snake oil

We have a poster for selling CBD in our VFW, so far we haven't sold a single bottle. The poster has a guy who says he is a Veteran and was going to the VA for treatment. He claims the VA Doctors prescribed over 93,000 different pills to him in one year but just by taking CBD oil he is "cured" and doesn't have to take a single pill. I'm not buying any of the hype.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 13, 2024

I'm not about to shell out big $$ to try it, but for $25 for a good portion, I'm willing to give it a shot. The melatonin and magnesium I've been taking are working to a degree. But I want to see about this stuff for myself.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (omVj0)

47 Also on tap for today, baking a batch of Helena Handbasket's brownies for the incredibly kind neighbors who made my big pile of limbs disappear into their woodchipper.

Pro Tip:

Hobo arms and legs make good eatin'. You shouldn't be throwing those away.

There's starving people in Haiti, you know.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (eDfFs)

48 grammie, how is Rev?
I have been praying for both of you.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:33 AM (q2svT)

Thanks vmom. He saw the cardiologist yesterday and we are in for another round of tests. Tests test and more tests. In the meantime, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't want him to suddenly go POOF. Thanks for your prayers.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (SfhV1)

49 Re: Aussie stabber @22. Watching the video, it seems like it would be easy enough to gang up on him and get him down. I'll bet it looks a lot different at eye level.

That would be the day you wished you had just purchased a heavy frying pan, and had the strength and resolve to swing it.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 08:38 AM (OX9vb)

50 Pro Tip:

Hobo arms and legs make good eatin'. You shouldn't be throwing those away.

There's starving people in Haiti, you know.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (eDfFs)

They should come to Milwaukee. Lots of severed body parts being found.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:38 AM (SfhV1)

51 Thanks vmom. He saw the cardiologist yesterday and we are in for another round of tests. Tests test and more tests. In the meantime, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't want him to suddenly go POOF. Thanks for your prayers.
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (SfhV1)

Thanks for the update on The Rev.
Hurry up and wait seems to be a consistent business model in the medical world.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at April 13, 2024 08:39 AM (8aThB)

52 Prayers up for the rev grammie. I must have missed this news since I'm not on here all that much.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:40 AM (iF0sF)

53 Wolfus, husband and I use CBD gummies that are (1) legal in Texas and (2) sold by Amazon. They are nothing like gummies with actual THC in them. They do substantially help with sleep and work much better for both of us than melatonin did.

Posted by: Art Rondelet of Malmsey at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (FEVMW)

54 Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:30 AM (wQXfi)

Yummy Helena's brownies. If I weren't at a conference I would be there to help clean up the mess and the brownies.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (8aThB)

55 If you treat CBD oil with an acid solution you end up with something referred to as 'Delta 8' - which contains little to no THC. It is legal in most states including FL and TX and PA - who one might suspect would be tough. THC is referred to as 'Delta 9' and the two are similar in effect. Someone with chemistry background could probably explain better.

Delta 8 will get a person very very high - absent the paranoia some experience with THC. If ingested it might take a bit to kick in. If purchasing gummies I would cut the gummie into 1/8ths and try that for sleep aid. Too much is not a good thing.

Never drive under the influence.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024

The store's website lists Delta8 and -9 as different products from the main. No, I do NOT want to get high at all. These gummies are supposed to have .3% THC at the outside, 250 mg.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (omVj0)

I'm not about to shell out big $$ to try it, but for $25 for a good portion, I'm willing to give it a shot. The melatonin and magnesium I've been taking are working to a degree. But I want to see about this stuff for myself.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM

In Pennsylvania $25.00 will get you a bottle of probably ~25 'Delta 8' gummies. As I cautioned above, low dose I would suggest for sleeping. Start at 1/8th gummie half an hour before bedtime.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (RKVpM)

57 They have both 0% THC and some with
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:14 AM (omVj0)

Yup...before my new hip I used the Delta 8's to sleep. I cut them in half and they will relax you so you can sleep better. They make you feel numb but in a good way. I cut them in half as one would really kinda fuck me up enough as being an early riser I would still be kinda out of it at zero dark thirty so I reduced them and they do work. I no longer need them now being pain free and all.

If you wanna get high, the Delta 9's are for that from what I learned. Give the 8's a try, can't hurt anything.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (R/m4+)

58 That would be the day you wished you had just purchased a heavy frying pan, and had the strength and resolve to swing it.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

You want something longer than his machete or whatever that is. Maybe a golf club?

Thing is he is not running like he's in a frenzy - he's just loping along, with purpose. If he wasn't yelling or snakbaring then I can understand why people are confused.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (q2svT)

59 24 Absolutely no running with sharp objects inside today


Serious question: Does the 'sharp object' category include the more pungent varieties of Cheddar cheese?
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 08:27 AM (991eG)

It depends if the Cheddar will break the skin.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (8aThB)

60 Wolfus, husband and I use CBD gummies that are (1) legal in Texas and (2) sold by Amazon. They are nothing like gummies with actual THC in them. They do substantially help with sleep and work much better for both of us than melatonin did.
Posted by: Art Rondelet of Malmsey at April 13, 2024

So these are 0% THC, but still work?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (omVj0)

61 Prayers up for the rev grammie. I must have missed this news since I'm not on here all that much.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:40 AM (iF0sF)

Hi jewells! He has an aneurysm. I hope you are doing well today.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (SfhV1)

62 They should come to Milwaukee. Lots of severed body parts being found.
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:38 AM (SfhV1)

Wasn't Dahmer from Milwaukee?

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (R4t5M)

63 They suspended treatment for my niece for 6 weeks and have her on oxygen. Her cancer is responding to the treatment but at an awful price.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (iF0sF)

64 Prayers for my friend and doggeh's breeder / sitter, who lost a youngish doggeh to a sudden cancer this week.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion

Years ago we lost our youngish Corgi to cancer. Although there had been no studies at that time, the vet said he and his colleagues believed the uptick in cancers in young dogs to be the increase in the use of lawn chemicals. Regardless, it is tough to have to let any pet go especially one who hasn't lived out a normal life span.

Posted by: Tuna at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (oaGWv)

65 I'm glad the Rev is in a cardiologist's care. Bring a book or audiobook for the waiting rooms.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (q2svT)

66 SiD,40, you left out third and best option on when to move. The morgue. Straight from your bed.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (4780s)

67 Off to the wars, all. I shall return with my shield, or upon it.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (omVj0)

68 Also on tap for today, baking a batch of Helena Handbasket's brownies for the incredibly kind neighbors who made my big pile of limbs disappear into their woodchipper.

Pro Tip:

Hobo arms and legs make good eatin'. You shouldn't be throwing those away.

There's starving people in Haiti, you know.
Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (eDfFs)
Neighbors willing to help with the 3S's are the best kind of neighbors.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM (BpYfr)

69 That would be the day you wished you had just purchased a heavy frying pan, and had the strength and resolve to swing it.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

He's running through a mall, I'll bet there was at least one sporting goods store that would have had cricket bats.
Pots and pans would have worked to; but, you don't have to buy them 'cuz you're just using them for a minute or two.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM (n99CU)

70 Just so you guys know, CBD is believed to increase the risk of stroke.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM (q2svT)

71 Wasn't Dahmer from Milwaukee?

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (R4t5M)

Yes. Apparently there's something in the water.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:45 AM (SfhV1)

72 Thank you grammie. The past few days have been good. Treatment on Tuesday and we start all over again

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:45 AM (iF0sF)

Update on my prayer request. Her Majesty is on a cane now and doing very well. The downside is that now she's no longer bedridden, she's going around the house finding things for me to do.

She goes to physical therapy twice a week, which is exhausting, but she wants to drive the RV to Washington state in a couple of months for our National Specialty, so she'll have to put in the work.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at April 13, 2024 08:45 AM (MoZTd)

74 Trick would be to find anything useful to attack the attacker.
Isn't there boomerangs just laying around everywhere?

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 08:45 AM (fwDg9)

75 Wolfus, won't hurt to try, and everyone reacts differently to cbd, and any drug, really. Does he do anything noticeable for me.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 08:46 AM (4780s)

76 Breaking911 @Breaking911 13h
BREAKING: Judge rejects defense efforts to dismiss Hunter Biden's federal gun case - AP

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 13, 2024 08:46 AM (vtyCZ)

77 Just so you guys know, CBD is believed to increase the risk of stroke.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM (q2svT)
He does post those blood-boiling Morning Rants a couple of times a week...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 13, 2024 08:46 AM (BpYfr)

78 >>> That would be the day you wished you had just purchased a heavy frying pan, and had the strength and resolve to swing it.

You could always carry it, claiming you were going to return it.

Posted by: fluffy at April 13, 2024 08:47 AM (86W+h)

A link to the full playlist to which Mis Hum refers is in my nic. And thanks, Mis Hum, for making use of it here.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at April 13, 2024 08:47 AM (MoZTd)

80 Trick would be to find anything useful to attack the attacker.
Isn't there boomerangs just laying around everywhere?
Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 08:45 AM (fwDg9)
Anything can be used as a weapon if you have the will and desire to do so. Just watch a Jackie Chan movie.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 13, 2024 08:47 AM (BpYfr)

81 They suspended treatment for my niece for 6 weeks and have her on oxygen. Her cancer is responding to the treatment but at an awful price.
Posted by: jewells

More prayers for both of you.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:48 AM (n99CU)

I suspect, without a lick of inside knowledge, that acidifying CBD oil is what created Delta 8, which increased the shelf life of the product. So, one could be buying CBD products that are actually Delta 8 but advertised as CBD. The actual percentage is probably insider knowledge - so erring on the side of caution is sound advice.

At higher doses Delta 8 can definitely enhance experiences of a sensual nature along with consumption of food. Some cancer patients experience enhanced appetite.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 08:48 AM (RKVpM)

83 grammie, prayers for the Rev and for peace during the seemingly interminable waiting for results.

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:48 AM (wQXfi)

84 Thank you, screaming in digital. I appreciate it.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:49 AM (SfhV1)

85 Hobo arms and legs make good eatin'. You shouldn't be throwing those away.

There's starving people in Haiti, you know.
Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 08:37 AM (eDfFs)
Neighbors willing to help with the 3S's are the best kind of neighbors.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel
TREE limbs...

I have not developed homicidal tendencies.


I am thinking a lot about fire lately though.

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:50 AM (wQXfi)

86 A link to the full playlist to which Mis Hum refers is in my nic. And thanks, Mis Hum, for making use of it here.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

Great on random play too!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:50 AM (n99CU)

87 Doesn't do. Damn.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 08:50 AM (4780s)

88 Welp, they're f*d.

Chinese Police Officers Will Soon Be on Patrol in Hungary

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 13, 2024 08:52 AM (IG4Id)

89 Thank you AZ deplorable. She's in pretty good spirits. I feel so bad for her living alone. She craves company and has amazing friends, one of which is my daughter. But they can't be there 24/7.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:52 AM (iF0sF)

90 Aha, I see my plan to takeover via Cumin spiked maple syrup proceeds apace. I promise my reign will be benevolent but incomprehensible.

Posted by: DaveA at April 13, 2024 08:52 AM (FhXTo)

91 Imagine Mexican Jumping Coffee Beans.

Posted by: Ciampino - amazingly at April 13, 2024 08:55 AM (qfLjt)

92 I see that over in Iran, mighty IRGC captured a civilian ship with 25 unarmed Indonesians on it, what an accomplishment.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 13, 2024 08:55 AM (q3gwH)

93 In SE Kentucky, along the Cumberland Gap Parkway there are miles and miles of Kudzu growing on both sides of the road. In some places it has totally enveloped whatever structures are still standing.
Posted by: Martini Farmer

I remember when we moved to South Carolina being amazed at the swathes of Kudzu growing along the highways. It's all lush and green during the summer but ugly as all get out during the winter. There were thriving Kudzu vine basket businesses in the area. Lemonade from lemons kind of a thing.

Posted by: Tuna at April 13, 2024 08:56 AM (oaGWv)

94 🌅
Apr 2- After three intense hours, the surgeon packed out his pickaxe and jackhammer, weary but confident he had removed all the cement-like crud blocking my intestines. Next few months to be spent recovering and healing. Then we'll see what shape what's left of me is in.

Now, after nine inhospitable days, I'm trying to adjust to home life. Not fully adjusted yet -- I've asked MiladyJo to wake me every couple of hours to check my vital signs.

Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.

Posted by: mindful webworker - what's left of me at April 13, 2024 08:56 AM (YdVca)

95 Pots and pans would have worked to; but, you don't have to buy them 'cuz you're just using them for a minute or two.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM (n99CU)

Right? Only an asshoe would complain.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 08:57 AM (OX9vb)

96 The kittens are out playing

Ciampino's Rescue Kitties



Posted by: Ciampino - the babies are so active at April 13, 2024 08:57 AM (qfLjt)

97 @disclosetv 2h
NOW - Trump: "We could end up in a World War."
27 seconds; criticisms of Biden's incompetence as well.

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 13, 2024 08:57 AM (vtyCZ)

98 Thank you Tuna.

I think her doggeh had metastatic hemangiosarcoma.
They only found out because she seemed to be having a false pregnancy, saw a mass, had emergency surgery. This was last week of March.
The vets said that if she got chemo she might live 2-4 months, so they decided against it. My friend just let her live her last days happy.
She was a sweet girl. I remember her playing with my doggeh before we even brought him home. She would play bow to the little pups and try to get them to chase her. They all loved it.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:57 AM (q2svT)

99 jewells, prayers and hugs for you and your niece, for healing and to be surrounded by love and support.

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:57 AM (wQXfi)

100 Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.
Posted by: mindful webworker

Glad to hear you're home, prayers for your MiladyJo too!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 08:58 AM (Iq0J2)

101 Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.

Indeed. Prayers for you as well.

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:58 AM (iF0sF)

Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.
Posted by: mindful webworker

A speedy and swift recovery, friend.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 13, 2024 08:58 AM (IG4Id)

103 If you had acted earlier, ya coulda cut it all down and blamed it on OJ !
Posted by: JT
Heh. I need to work on my slashing skills...

And Hiya!

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:59 AM (wQXfi)

104 Thank you sid!!

Posted by: jewells45fuckcancer at April 13, 2024 08:59 AM (iF0sF)

105 Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.
Posted by: mindful webworker

A speedy and swift recovery, friend.
Posted by: weft cut-loop
Amen and amen.

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:59 AM (wQXfi)

106 I'm glad the Rev is in a cardiologist's care. Bring a book or audiobook for the waiting rooms.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:43 AM (q2svT)

A gun would shorten the wait.

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 09:00 AM (T4tVD)

107 Hiya Grammie !

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 09:00 AM (T4tVD)

108 Hiya JT!

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 09:01 AM (SfhV1)

109 #76 update:

Unauthorized Narrative @mgEyesOpen 11h
LOL, in denying Hunter Biden's motion to dismiss the case, Judge Noreika says Hunter's "articulated protected class is apparently family-members of politically-important persons."

Posted by: andycanuck (vtyCZ) at April 13, 2024 09:01 AM (vtyCZ)

110 Perfessor or a Jason Borne movie

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:02 AM (fwDg9)

111 Happy Saturday!

Prayers for the horde.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 13, 2024 09:03 AM (Kl1FI)

112 Surgery recovery is rough

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at April 13, 2024 09:04 AM (EkV4B)

113 >Judge Noreika says Hunter's "articulated protected class is apparently family-members of politically-important persons."


Your honor, your career dissipation light is flashing red

Posted by: Don Black at April 13, 2024 09:05 AM (oCjPU)

114 There is an UNwarm wind blowin' out thar !

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 09:05 AM (T4tVD)

115 Speaking of classical music...

Wagner's Vorspeil from Das Rhinegold-

was used to great effect throughout the movie but especially in the opening to-

"The New World" by Terrence Malick.

It truly is a great movie. Probably, Malick's best.

The story concerns the founding of Jamestown and the Pocahontas/John Smith story and much more. By the end you'll feel as if you've seen real life lived.

Just an excellent watch.

Currently streaming on Max for "free".
But, can be found elsewhere.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 09:05 AM (eDfFs)

116 Hiya JT!
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead

Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 09:06 AM (T4tVD)

Just so you guys know, CBD is believed to increase the risk of stroke.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:44 AM

I think all of the players in the game; CDB, Delta 8, and Delta 9 (THC) all have the effect of dropping blood pressure hugely. Dosage is critical and self dosing without feedback like a BP gauge is probably less then optimum.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:08 AM (RKVpM)

118 Neighbors willing to help with the 3S's are the best kind of neighbors.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel


Yeah, maybe in blog comments braggadocio terms, but not so much in real life. My father in law's neighbor was willing to shoot, shovel and skip town. Not going to win any "Best Neighbor in the Subdivision" awards any time soon.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:09 AM (991eG)

119 Every day a gift. Prayers for all in need today.
Posted by: mindful webworker

Gentle hugs and continued prayers for your recovery, mindful!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 09:09 AM (q2svT)

120 Surgery recovery is rough
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty


What are you recovering from?

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:11 AM (991eG)

121 Windy and in 50s at best today, starting tomorrow stretch of nice 70s coming

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:13 AM (fwDg9)

122 Muldoom, I could only think of the morning 3 s's, and was wondering how a neighbor would assist those.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 09:14 AM (4780s)

123 Posted by: mindful webworker


I'm glad to hear you are home and on the road to recovery, Brother!

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:15 AM (991eG)

124 Yeah, maybe in blog comments braggadocio terms, but not so much in real life. My father in law's neighbor was willing to shoot, shovel and skip town. Not going to win any "Best Neighbor in the Subdivision" awards any time soon.
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:09 AM (991eG)

True...we laugh, but it's not as funny when it actually happens.

My brother died of hypothermia. It was years before my sister and I could tolerate anyone saying they were "freezing to death."

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:15 AM (OX9vb)

125 Surgery recovery is rough
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty


Sorry if I misconstrued.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:16 AM (991eG)

126 My brother died of hypothermia. It was years before my sister and I could tolerate anyone saying they were "freezing to death."
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:15 AM (OX9vb)

That's awful. What happened?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 09:17 AM (q2svT)

127 So Biden issued a directive to the entire federal bureaucracy that they are allowed to campaign for him. Well not for him (wink wink) just to do politics stuff. But since 90% of fedgov is left wing, it’s for him of course.

This is saving democracy, I believe.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:18 AM (cJ6+u)

128 It was years before my sister and I could tolerate anyone saying they were "freezing to death."
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!


Yikes! That's a tough one.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:19 AM (991eG)

129 vmom, my brother did tree inventory in the Pacific NW, contract work for the Forestry Service.

They usually didn't work in the deep winter months, but had to re-do a plot in the Siskiyou National Forest in January because data was lost. Snowstorm, disorientation, hypothermia on his way back to camp--family members finally found his body several weeks later. It was devastating. Left behind a two-year old and an unborn son.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:22 AM (OX9vb)

130 49
'Aussie stabber @22. Watching the video, it seems like it would be easy enough to gang up on him and get him down. '

I wouldn't guarantee I would do something like that but if I did it would be right after he passed and his back was to me.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 09:22 AM (roH4R)

131 Please, somebody bitch about the classical music, so a handful of us can remind you once again of the truly stunning classical repertoire of Frank Zappa. He was an avant-garde ensemble composer first, before the frat boys got into the comedy act.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at April 13, 2024 09:23 AM (zdLoL)

Windy and in 50s at best today, starting tomorrow stretch of nice 70s coming

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:13 AM

Still gonna be windy tomorrow but a little less. 45 mph gust possible today. Only lost power yesterday for about 15 seconds. Sleeping last night with those wind gusts was tough.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:23 AM (RKVpM)

133 *sneezes*
*sneezes* *cleans up mess*
Morning all. *sneezes*
Prayers up for all asking *sneezes* and those needing but not asking.
I love *sneezes* Spring. The warm nights. *achoo*
Blah blah.

I think I'm allergic to spring. Seems to get worse every year.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 09:24 AM (B705c)

134 Commissar of Plenty ... 4/10 Update – Recovering from diverticulitis surgery. It’s rough. Much pain, and there is talk of another surgery. He is miserable.

I sympathize. Two major surgeries so far, at least one more to go.
Weirdly, the surgeon said afterwards that my problems, which appeared to be longstanding, couldn't be sure were caused by diverticulitis or not.

Know what a wound vac is? I do, now. Rebuilding this crater in my abdomen one layer of flesh at a time. Wound is held closed at first by vacuum pressure. Dressing changed several times a week. First time was the worst pain I've felt in this whole routine. Burning feeling. Felt like, yes, slapping hot iron to it.

Past is past and future is not yet. Only present pain hurts. So I'm okay at the moment. Except when I cough.

Posted by: mindful webworker - what's left of me at April 13, 2024 09:24 AM (YdVca)

135 DbZ building a new senior day care over your way, ride beats Bux County

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:26 AM (fwDg9)

136 Past is past and future is not yet. Only present pain hurts. So I'm okay at the moment. Except when I cough.

Posted by: mindful webworker - what's left of me at April 13, 2024 09:24 AM (YdVca)

Oh, ow....been praying for your recovery, webworker. I'll be sure to include pain reduction as well.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:26 AM (OX9vb)

137 Seeing a NPR report Iran has seized a Israeli affiliated container ship in Straight of Hormuz

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:29 AM (fwDg9)

138 Wolfus, sorry for the delay, but I don't know if these gummes have THC or not. If they do, it's a very low dosage or they wouldn't be legal here.

Posted by: Art Rondelet of Malmsey at April 13, 2024 09:30 AM (FEVMW)

139 For the last week or so my wife and I have been battling sinus problems related to allergies. It's probably the worst I've ever had. Massive congestion, but only on the right sinus.


And nothing I've administered has helped. Including my finger.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 13, 2024 09:30 AM (Q4IgG)

140 Zappa was into blues and such until he discovered Stravinsky. That had a major affect on his musical inclinations.

Posted by: fd at April 13, 2024 09:31 AM (pZIXd)

141 Windy and in 50s at best today, starting tomorrow stretch of nice 70s coming
Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:13 AM (fwDg9)


Posted by: JT at April 13, 2024 09:31 AM (T4tVD)

142 Posted by: mindful webworker

Wound vacs are a pain for both the patient and the nurses who change them. I used to come in and find the wound vac alarm on intermittently and inspect the dressing. Putting 5 or 8 layers of the special dressing on is *not* the best way to prevent leaks.
All that said: wound vacs work miracles on big wounds, unfortunately as you are finding out big wounds take a long time to heal.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 09:32 AM (Iq0J2)

143 Hello, everyone! Some heavy tidings from Chateau Lloyd.

My former son-in-law has died. I must admit this is something of a relief. He was an abusive, manipulative, drug-using alcoholic whose hobby was breaking into cars. He was well-known to law enforcement and the justice system.

He had a remarkable capacity for wiping out wealth, either through outright theft or negligence. My daughter tried to leave him multiple times, but he was able to woo her back again and again. The last straw was when he used their tax refund for an Only Fans girl.

He is survived by my grandkids, who he should have supported but have been in our care for more than a year. Pray for him if you like, but please pray for my daughter and her children.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:32 AM (llXky)

144 En mi casa toman Maxwell House.

Posted by: Cora Approved at April 13, 2024 09:32 AM (V5BDR)

DbZ building a new senior day care over your way, ride beats Bux County

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:26 AM

I thought you might be working on the new StarBucks over near the old KMart and Giant. Went looking for some guy surfing the web on his cell phone, but no one was working.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:33 AM (RKVpM)

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed
Prayers for your daughter, children, you, and the departed.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 09:35 AM (Iq0J2)

147 Seeing a NPR report Iran has seized a Israeli affiliated container ship in Straight of Hormuz

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:29 AM (fwDg9)
I'm amazed by the bizarre moral inversion that make Israel an aggressor against Iran. I actually saw posts on X saying that by striking a consulate, Israel had established a "dangerous new precedent" for attacking diplomatic facilities.

Um, what about the American FRICKING Embassy in 1979?

People have walled themselves into a fantasy world.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:35 AM (llXky)

148 Wow Mindful, I hope your healing continues swiftly and less painfully.

Posted by: fd at April 13, 2024 09:35 AM (pZIXd)

149 139

When that happens, I use the strongest sinus headache tablets I can find, hot showers and let the water hit my face. I would also try to find out what I am allergic to. In my case it's at least dust and dairy products. But there's probably others.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (roH4R)

The last straw was when he used their tax refund for an Only Fans girl.

Nine out of ten investment advisors agree that is a bad investment. The one holdout explains why on her own Only Fans page.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (RKVpM)

151 Sorry for your daughter and kids, AHL, but as you say it's a great relief when someone like that is finally excised from your life.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (q3gwH)

152 Pray for him if you like, but please pray for my daughter and her children.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:32 AM (llXky)

Sounds like time's up for prayers for him, but I pray for your daughter and grandchildren. I pray that she is guided to a better relationship in the future.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (OX9vb)

153 An update for my updates. I have received a formal offer of employment, for a job I think I want. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. Y'all are the best.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:38 AM (iZEhM)

154 Sorry for your daughter and kids, AHL, but as you say it's a great relief when someone like that is finally excised from your life.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (q3gwH)
He was a tragic figure, abused by his parents and siblings. All the same, he had multiple opportunities to change his ways, and passed on them all.

While it will be hard for my grandkids to grow up without their father, I think it better than having a father rotating in and out of prison and who would likely prey on them for cash and support.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:39 AM (llXky)

155 Well, I just finished my taxes. I had to pay $1000 even though I'm only grocery stock clerk. Granted, I did make a bit from investments last year but still.

Good grief, there's something wrong with our tax system.

Posted by: dantesed at April 13, 2024 09:39 AM (88xKn)

156 I still in 3 weeks have only used 1.68GB on my phone, I work with people that use that in a day probably

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:39 AM (fwDg9)

157 An update for my updates. I have received a formal offer of employment, for a job I think I want. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. Y'all are the best.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:38 AM (iZEhM)
God be praised!

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:39 AM (llXky)

158 Sixteen weeks on a wound vac with simultaneous IV antibiotics. Didn't get around much for a while, but most of foot still there, and not dead, so there's that.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM (4780s)

If I ever see Skip working in my area I'm gonna walk over, shake his hand and introduce myself.

As "Bob from NSA".

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM (RKVpM)

160 Sounds like time's up for prayers for him, but I pray for your daughter and grandchildren. I pray that she is guided to a better relationship in the future.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (OX9vb)

Yes, I've always believed that effective prayers are for the living, not the dead.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM (q3gwH)

161 An update for my updates. I have received a formal offer of employment, for a job I think I want. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. Y'all are the best.
Posted by: Cybersmythe

Onward and upward

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM (IG4Id)

162 Great news, Cybersmythe! I hope this one suits both you and the employer.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM (OX9vb)

163 Nine out of ten investment advisors agree that is a bad investment. The one holdout explains why on her own Only Fans page.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:36 AM (RKVpM)
It is a mark how much I have changed from my former life that I thought Only Fans was a sports-related site.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 09:42 AM (llXky)

164 155
'Good grief, there's something wrong with our tax system.'

I had to pay quite a bit myself and I agree with you about the tax system. Between that and inflation it looks like the democrats are trying to bleed the middle class dry.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 09:42 AM (roH4R)

165 Great news, Cybersmythe! I hope this one suits both you and the employer.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:41 AM

The only issue is that I am probably going to have to move down by Hadrian at some point because it's an on-site gig in Webster. We'll see what happens. Things are just too up in the air right now to think about moving yet, but it's on the horizon.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:46 AM (iZEhM)

166 People look at taxes the wrong way. Having to pay or getting a refund doesn’t really mean anything. Someone can have a tax bill of $200k, paid $210k and gets a $10k refund.

Someone else has a tax bill of $2000, only paid $1000 so they owe $1000.

One gets a $10k refund one owes $1000 but those numbers have nothing to do with how much tax they actually pay.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:47 AM (cJ6+u)

167 Morning.

It's weird hearing the music I listened to as a kid on rotation as oldies. What's even weirder is the...not entirely sure the genre but dance/techno/hippety hop-ish stuff from about 1989 to maybe 1993 is going into rotation. I really enjoyed that stuff when I was little.

What? Hey, I wasn't always a diehard metalhead, ya know.

So there I am in the Truckstop bathroom doing my bidness and something like this comes on...


But I'm not saying I'm old. Nnnooooooooo no no no no!

Posted by: Robert at April 13, 2024 09:47 AM (oNOxo)

168 For the last week or so my wife and I have been battling sinus problems related to allergies. It's probably the worst I've ever had. Massive congestion, but only on the right sinus.

Probably a deviated septum.

And if so, there's a surgical fix if you wish.


I'm not a big believer in supplements, however

Quercetin with Bromelain seems to work on everybody who's tried it for reducing your sinus allergies.

It takes about a week to start working once you start taking it, but it seems to turn those big infected sinus problems into little sniffles and sometimes nothing.

I had 3 big major allergy periods during the year but since using the QwB and an over the counter nasal steroid, my symptoms have pretty much vanished.

Not a physician, so do as you wish. Still, it worked for me.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 09:49 AM (eDfFs)

169 FIL Jack update.

In two weeks it will have been six months, (26 weeks. Half a year. 182 days. However you want to say it)
Six months ago volunteer S&R cadaver dog teams found very strong indications of buried human remains on a property previously owned by the man suspected of killing Jack. Six months and no further examination of the property has occurred. But, the lead investigative agency has informed us that once the snow has melted and the air temps are "suitable" that they plan to perform a...

...wait for it...

...a repeat cadaver dog search! Yayyy!


Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:50 AM (991eG)

170 >>I had to pay quite a bit myself and I agree with you about the tax system. Between that and inflation it looks like the democrats are trying to bleed the middle class dry.

It's going to get worse. For the first time this year the feds will pay more on interest for the national debt than on national defense and the delta will only get bigger going forward.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 13, 2024 09:51 AM (LkLld)

171 The biggest scam the govt runs is withholding taxes. If everyone had to write a check once a year to the govt, instead of paying having the money deducted every 2 weeks from a paycheck, taxes would be 1/2 what they are.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:52 AM (cJ6+u)

172 $2278.00 this year. That hurt. My entire raise and then some last year went to the gooberment.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 09:52 AM (B705c)

173 Posted by: Cybersmythe



Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:54 AM (991eG)

174 Doing things twice, if not more seems a sign they don't want results

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 09:54 AM (fwDg9)

175 Prayers for all those who need them.

Update on my friend's little doggo. Had his surgery and as of this morning, he's doing great, full recovery expected. Thanks for all the prayers. She seems to be tolerating her chemo a little better, too.

On the downside, 2024 needs to knock this shit off. A friend and coworker passed away unexpectedly Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We're a tight team, and this was a gut punch to us. Please pray for his family. Memory eternal.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 13, 2024 09:54 AM (Wnv9h)

176 Posted by: Cybersmythe

I hope it works and you love it!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 09:54 AM (Iq0J2)

177 170
'It's going to get worse.'

Yeah. I'm sure of that. I just wondered whether Biden's puppet masters flipped some kind of switch and bumped everyone's taxes up a few thousand dollars.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 09:55 AM (roH4R)

178 How can your entire raise go to the govt? That would mean your marginal tax rate is 100%. Obviously not.

See my comment above. Refunds or taxes owed don’t mean anything. It’s just accounting and timing. Your total tax bill is what matters not the timing on when it’s paid.

Tax rates were unchanged in 2023 vs 2022. Nobody’s paying mornin taxes regardless of what you owe at the end of the year.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:55 AM (cJ6+u)

179 Late to the thread. But it's PST.

Prayers please for my Marine, J and his wife M who are having their wedding celebration today. They are sweet kids, respectful and kind to each other and would benefit greatly from the power of Horde prayers.

Thank you. Heading out for the venue to set up and rehearsal. Love to all youse.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 13, 2024 09:56 AM (Z+eOk)

180 My goal is owing nothing to the state or fed gov't. Managed that with the state this year and owed Uncle Sugar $150. I'll take it. Too many people we know are taking a bath this year.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 09:56 AM (R4t5M)

181 Federal taxes are just another obsolete scam . The feds are broke, busted and in debt and borrow what they want to spend anyways so why do we pay taxes to them.

The withholding nonsense is from WW2 and should have been done away with long ago.

Income tax is pure bullshit and everybody knows it.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (R/m4+)

182 Eh, the silver lining is he won't be dragging your daughter down with his dead weight anymore. Maybe she can move forward now.

My older brother's wife's ex got murdered by drug dealers a few years ago. Not great, I feel bad for her son by him, but it's likely for the best as far as they're concerned, sadly.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (0FoWg)

183 Thanks for the Coffee Thread and Prayer Revival, Mis Hum and Annie!

Prayers up for all who need them, known or unknown, requested or simply held on the heart.

May God continue to bless the U.S.A. and Israel.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (U3L4U)

184 I blame TurboTax and H&R Block. Their marketing makes it seem like a refund is free money or something. Maximize your refund!!! The underlying message is get more free money.

Nah bruh. It’s not free money. It’s your money that you overpaid. Instead of machining your refund, change your withholding to not have a refund next year.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (cJ6+u)

185 Un-farging-believable!
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:50 AM (991eG)

Whaaaat? Why? Did they forget to plot where the dogs sniffed before or something?

Time to start digging, isn't it?

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (OX9vb)

186 Great news Nurse!
Hope the day is fine and they have many, many, years together.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (Iq0J2)

187 Some asshole stole the lower grille assembly from my wife's car....grrr.

Posted by: BignJames at April 13, 2024 09:58 AM (AwYPR)

188 The biggest scam the govt runs is withholding taxes. If everyone had to write a check once a year to the govt, instead of paying having the money deducted every 2 weeks from a paycheck, taxes would be 1/2 what they are.
Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:52 AM (cJ6+u)

Money is withheld because otherwise people wouldn't pay taxes at all, or at least that's the rationale.

I know, I know...that would just be terrible. Awful. So awful.

Posted by: Robert at April 13, 2024 09:58 AM (araNt)


Tax rates were unchanged in 2023 vs 2022. Nobody’s paying mornin taxes regardless of what you owe at the end of the year.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:55 AM

They are if they got a cost-of-living increase in pay. You have to examine the tax tables carefully to see where one bracket ends and the next one begins. But I'm sure there were some people who earned more money, shifted into a higher bracket and took a cut in take home pay. Then inflation hit them and they're doubly screwed.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:59 AM (RKVpM)

190 Praise God for the visible answer to prayers, as well as for the answers we haven't seen yet.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 13, 2024 09:59 AM (XjtdB)

191 Prayers up for the new couple, nurse! May God grant them many years!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 13, 2024 10:00 AM (Wnv9h)

The withholding nonsense is from WW2 and should have been done away with long ago.

Yep. Same with employers providing insurance. That was a ww2 thing as well. The govt imposed restrictions on employers giving employed raises during the war. So to attract talent employers started proving non-cash compensation like health insurance. And that stuck.

It’s retarded that health insurance should be tied to a job.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 10:00 AM (cJ6+u)

193 Refund from State, owed a bit over State refund to Feds.
That's a win as our goal is to owe very little in total after tax filing.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 10:00 AM (Iq0J2)

194 Nah bruh. It’s not free money. It’s your money that you overpaid. Instead of machining your refund, change your withholding to not have a refund next year.
Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:57 AM (cJ6+u)

Yup...I used to work with a fella named Red who always held out more in his pay so at tax time he would get a refund and go on a trip to Vegas with the money he had lent all year to the feds interest free.

Stump Dumb that is.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 13, 2024 10:00 AM (R/m4+)

195 Following songs from church of our youth.
It Is Well With My Soul
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
I’ll Meet You In The Morning
No Tears In Heaven

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:02 AM (o2ZRX)

196 If taxes ever dropped, they'd just leverage debt and inflation to make up the difference, and then some. Like always. Their rapacity is insatiable and we'll always be be bled dry for it, because that's the nature of their evil. You can't escape their greed and sadism.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 13, 2024 10:02 AM (0FoWg)

197 It may be that if they want to build a real case they want to start with official service dogs, not volunteer. Credentials are everything these days.

Posted by: From about That Time at April 13, 2024 10:02 AM (4780s)

198 An update for my updates. I have received a formal offer of employment, for a job I think I want. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. Y'all are the best.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:38 AM

Fantastic news! Congratulations!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 13, 2024 10:02 AM (Wnv9h)

199 I'd hate to pass one of those birth stones.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 13, 2024 10:03 AM (DTX3h)

200 Time to start digging, isn't it?
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!


I can neither confirm nor deny speculation about any plans to perform any in-depth probe of any particular location in the San Luis Valley and if any such probe were to be done, any correlation with results of any prior search data would be purely coincidental.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:03 AM (991eG)

201 t I'm sure there were some people who earned more money, shifted into a higher bracket and took a cut in take home pay. Then inflation hit them and they're doubly screwed.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:59 AM (RKVpM)

That's virtually impossible to do. The extra income is the only income taxed at a higher rate. Existing income stayed taxed at the old rate. So unless the new marginal tax rate is 100% what you said is impossible.

The rare case where it could be possible is if the extra income passes a credit t threshold. So for example you get a $2000 raise but with that raise your income goes above the threshold to get a $2500 tax credit. So you’re out $500 net. But that is a very rare exception,

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 10:03 AM (cJ6+u)

202 My Mother-in-law Peggy is done with chemo and now almost finished with the Cyberknife treatment. So far she has tolerated both well. Thank you all for previous and continued prayers.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 13, 2024 10:04 AM (XjtdB)

203 187 Some asshole stole the lower grille assembly from my wife's car....grrr.
Posted by: BignJames at April 13, 2024 09:58 AM (AwYPR
Mercedes Lick Overhead Jam Five, very popular.
- Brother James Gardner

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:05 AM (o2ZRX)

They are if they got a cost-of-living increase in pay. You have to examine the tax tables carefully to see where one bracket ends and the next one begins. But I'm sure there were some people who earned more money, shifted into a higher bracket and took a cut in take home pay. Then inflation hit them and they're doubly screwed.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 09:59 AM (RKVpM)
That's where accountants really earn their pay - calculating that out in advance and finding shelters or ways to get you out of that bracket.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 10:05 AM (llXky)

The last time I checked the lowest tax bracket was around 5%. But there are many brackets much higher with thresholds to entry. Go over one threshold and the 5% becomes 10%.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 10:06 AM (RKVpM)

206 196
'You can't escape their greed and sadism.'

I have sadism for them too. They better do everything they can to stay on top.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:07 AM (roH4R)

207 Congratulations!
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 09:54 AM

Thank you. I, um, noticed that you haven't been updating the Limerick a Day site for a while. I'm not complaining or anything, I just wanted you to know that someone noticed.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 10:08 AM (iZEhM)

208 Heh. I need to work on my slashing skills...

And Hiya!
Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 08:59 AM

Have you talked to bluebell? Or maybe that's stabbing skills. Can you put an edge on a shiv?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 13, 2024 10:09 AM (Wnv9h)

209 Inflation is what causing a lot problems for the middle class. Just look at the gas and grocery prices on top on paying federal taxes.

Thanks, Joe

Posted by: dantesed at April 13, 2024 10:09 AM (88xKn)

210 178 How can your entire raise go to the govt? That would mean your marginal tax rate is 100%. Obviously not.

That's what I said. We went up a tax bracket. Made about $10,000 more between the wife and I last year. Not that we noticed. Both filed zero dependents.
Never the less I got a $2080/yr raise and and had to write a check for $2278.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 10:09 AM (B705c)

211 The get into a new bracket and pay more overall thing is a myth.

Say you make $100k and you pay 25% total taxes so $25k.

Then you get a $100k raise and make $200k. The initial $100k is still taxed at $25k. Even if the additional $100k is taxed at let’s say 50%. So the overall tax obligation is now 25% of the first $100k and 50% of the second $100k.

Relatively speaking the additional $100k isn’t worth as much as the first $100k. That’s how progressive tax systems wirk. But to say that you’ll earn less because you get a raise, due to taxes, is 100% incorrect.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 10:10 AM (cJ6+u)

It's to the point now that the cost of living increases in Social Security has more then a few now having to pay taxes. Maybe at the lowest 5% bracket, but it's still a bite in the ass.

They'll put those 90,000 new IRS agents to work on making sure grannie doesn't have any knitting money.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 10:11 AM (RKVpM)

213 It may be that if they want to build a real case they want to start with official service dogs, not volunteer. Cr


The original search was performed by official Search & Rescue teams acting voluntarily but not unsupervised.. The four dogs were all certified Archeologic Human Remains Detection Dogs. I.e. they are specifically certified to find older or historical deposited human remains. All four dogs, working independently, triggered on a spot that is about six feet wide by ten feet long. The data were compiled and reported in a formal report and would be as admissible in any court as expert professional K9 results. And quite compelling at that.

The investigating agent cites budget restrictions.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:12 AM (991eG)

214 That's what I said. We went up a tax bracket. Made about $10,000 more between the wife and I last year. Not that we noticed. Both filed zero dependents.
Never the less I got a $2080/yr raise and and had to write a check for $2278.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 10:09 AM (B705c)

I what matters is your total tax bill not what check you wrote. That’s my point. Don’t focus on that number it’s meaningless. I could overpay $50k in taxes and get a $50k refund. It doesn’t mean shit.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 10:12 AM (cJ6+u)

215 Due to flooding, there are 27 barges that broke loose and are floating uncontrolled down the Ohio River. Wonderful. Many bridges in the path.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:12 AM (R4t5M)

216 nurse ratched: Prayers please for my Marine, J and his wife M who are having their wedding celebration today.

Nice to have good things to pray for. May their life together be long. & fruitful.

Posted by: mindful webworker - positively at April 13, 2024 10:14 AM (YdVca)

217 Everything before your $10k raise stayed the same. Your $10k raise got taxed at what, 30%? So your net income increased by $7k after taxes. That’s the math. Your refund or what you owe has nothing to do with it.

Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 10:14 AM (cJ6+u)

218 Thank you. I, um, noticed that you haven't been updating the Limerick a Day site for a while. I'm not complaining or anything, I just wanted you to know that someone noticed.
Posted by: Cybersmythe


Thanks. I've been focusing more on this other deal. I may or may not resume the limericks. I've got a couple hundred more that might be suitable.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (991eG)

219 Mazel tov to Marine Ratched and his bride, and her mother in law

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (RIvkX)

'Progressive taxes' are an oxymoron like 'jumbo shrimp'.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (RKVpM)

221 And most of the barges were loaded with coal. Add that weight to the speed of river and they could hit bridge supports/pilings pretty damn hard.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (R4t5M)

222 Blueberry pancakes not too much whining.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 13, 2024 10:18 AM (RIvkX)

223 221 And most of the barges were loaded with coal. Add that weight to the speed of river and they could hit bridge supports/pilings pretty damn hard.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (R4t5M
A few more of these ‘accidents’ here and there could add up to trouble.

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:20 AM (o2ZRX)

224 The investigating agent cites budget restrictions.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:12 AM (991eG)

It seemed from what you wrote above it might be something like that.

How long ago was you FiL's disappearance?
Is the guy who more than likely murdered him alive or dead?

They may see no "upside" for them in pursuing this, if say it's been more than ten years and the murderer is already dead.

Which seems unprofessional all the way around..

I have no experience of this but is the excavation/genetic testing/ID something you can and can afford to do on your own dime? And are willing to do if it seems they aren't?

That may be the best way to get this resolved in a timely fashion.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 10:20 AM (eDfFs)

225 That's what I said. We went up a tax bracket. Made about $10,000 more between the wife and I last year. Not that we noticed. Both filed zero dependents.
Never the less I got a $2080/yr raise and and had to write a check for $2278.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 10:09 AM (B705c)
Don't waste your time with him. He's impervious to reality.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 10:22 AM (llXky)

226 Prayers for all.

Posted by: Mick at April 13, 2024 10:27 AM (KOTG6)

227 Tax rates were unchanged in 2023 vs 2022. Nobody’s paying mornin taxes regardless of what you owe at the end of the year.
Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:55 AM (cJ6+u)
Inflation causes "bracket creep"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 13, 2024 10:27 AM (RIvkX)

228 215 Due to flooding, there are 27 barges that broke loose and are floating uncontrolled down the Ohio River. Wonderful. Many bridges in the path.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:12 AM (R4t5M)

And now they're collecting against a dam. Apparently this thing also happened in 2018, in the same place.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 10:27 AM (OX9vb)

229 Some asshole stole the lower grille assembly from my wife's car....grrr.
Posted by: BignJames at April 13, 2024 09:58 AM (AwYPR
Mercedes Lick Overhead Jam Five, very popular.
- Brother James Gardner
Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:05 AM (o2ZRX)

Huh....this is a Kia...a Kia

Posted by: BignJames at April 13, 2024 10:27 AM (AwYPR)

230 That may be the best way to get this resolved in a timely fashion.
Posted by: naturalfake


Fifteen years ago (October, 200
Suspect is a wanted fugitive on a failure to register as a sex offender warrant from 2006, still alive, in hiding since 2008, and now on the radar of both state and Federal agencies. Actively being sought.

Case languished under local jurisdiction until six months ago, renewed interest in the case by state investigators who have expressed a zeal to apprehend the neighbor and seek a criminal conviction.

I think the budget concerns are from the agent's boss, not the agent himself. Doesn't want to waste money on a fruitless excavation. I'm citing what I consider compelling evidence of human remains in aa highly confined space, that could be preliminarily dug up by two guys with a shovel in 3 hours.

Hell, my dog might dig up a bone there in 15 minutes.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:29 AM (991eG)

231 And now they're collecting against a dam. Apparently this thing also happened in 2018, in the same place.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

Yep. At times during flooding it does.

I guess 6 went over the damn about 8 miles downriver. What a fucking mess.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:30 AM (R4t5M)

232 dam

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:31 AM (R4t5M)

233 Hell, my dog might dig up a bone there in 15 minutes.


Oo's a goood boy!? Yes you is!

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:31 AM (991eG)

234 I was told there would be no math.

Still writing a check to Ukraine pisses me off.
We haven't even kept up with inflation with our raises and promotions.
We have dove into money we haven't touched in 10 years a couple of times last year. Even making 10,000 more we are being slowly bled of our savings and damn sure not adding to it like we used to.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 10:31 AM (B705c)

The next town over, where Skip works sometimes, the original Kmart is now a huge self storage outfit, a new StarBucks, and a new car wash.

Progress. People wanna pay a couple hundred dollars a month to a place to store shit they should throw away, buy overpriced coffee, and have someone else wash their car for them.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 10:32 AM (RKVpM)

236 62 They should come to Milwaukee. Lots of severed body parts being found.
Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at April 13, 2024 08:38 AM (SfhV1)

Wasn't Dahmer from Milwaukee?
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 08:42 AM (R4t5M)



Posted by: Slayer at April 13, 2024 10:32 AM (WLul0)

237 After taxing a big tax hit a few years ago, I now do the withholding calculator on the IRS site every quarter, and submit a new W4 if needed. Something weird is definitely going on this year. I'm in the same office as the payroll department, and their phones have been blowing up with people complaining that they owe money this year.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 13, 2024 10:32 AM (FzDG4)

238 Progress. People wanna pay a couple hundred dollars a month to a place to store shit they should throw away, buy expensive coffee, and have someone else wash their car for them.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 10:32 AM (RKVpM)


Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 13, 2024 10:35 AM (WLul0)

239 225
'Don't waste your time with him. He's impervious to reality.'
Not reforger but, yeah I know. It seems to make him very happy to pontificate.

On an unrelated point, EVs are grossly inefficient and you'd need rocks in your head to buy one.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:36 AM (roH4R)

240 Problem every article brings up on tax problems is too much money is made on preparation, it will never go away

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 10:38 AM (fwDg9)

241 221 And most of the barges were loaded with coal. Add that weight to the speed of river and they could hit bridge supports/pilings pretty damn hard.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 13, 2024 10:17 AM (R4t5M
James Wesley, Rawles explained in one of his Survivor books, how the government takes nearly all your earnings over your working life. They do it through taxes and inflation.

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:38 AM (o2ZRX)

242 The government bureaucracy has made a civilian bureaucracy

Posted by: Skip at April 13, 2024 10:39 AM (fwDg9)

243 171 The biggest scam the govt runs is withholding taxes. If everyone had to write a check once a year to the govt, instead of paying having the money deducted every 2 weeks from a paycheck, taxes would be 1/2 what they are.
Posted by: Montec at April 13, 2024 09:52 AM (cJ6+u)

It would indeed be better instead of withholding to the government directly, you either peel off the check yourself or establish an allotment with the job that pays your estimated tax into an interest bearing account so you can get some Pennie’s on what you owe to the government.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 13, 2024 10:39 AM (WLul0)

244 Talk about A Job for Men. Chasing runaway fully loaded barges on a raging river, with a tug light enough to catch up and corral them? Why, if a fellow had a career doing stuff like that, then added a little out-west journalism experience to tune up his chops, he might do well enough as a novelist to build a mansion in Hartford.

While we stay busy carping about the general nutlessness of those other than ourselves, some people are punching in (kidding: they live on the boats for weeks at a time) and doing this for a living every damn day. And Loving It. Some of them belong to the Lost and Doomed Generations, too.

How about a passing prayer for those brass-balled SOB's? Because [spits] damn.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at April 13, 2024 10:41 AM (zdLoL)

245 Inflation causes "bracket creep"

Posted by: San Franpsycho at April 13, 2024 10:27 AM (RIvkX)
There's also how deductions are structured.

Many years ago my wife became a full-time mom because her income added nothing to our budget - it pushed us into a higher tax bracket that sucked up almost all she made.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 10:41 AM (llXky)

246 Post 241 was for Jordan 61 @ 237.

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:42 AM (o2ZRX)

247 234
We have dove into money we haven't touched in 10 years a couple of times last year.

Yeah, I've done my own taxes for about 25 years, mostly correctly per the IRS feedback. In the last few years though, I've gone from a net 'importer' to a net 'exporter'
on tax day.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:42 AM (roH4R)


Super interesting read. Can totally be read on the shitter.

Posted by: Robert at April 13, 2024 10:43 AM (araNt)

249 It would indeed be better instead of withholding to the government directly, you either peel off the check yourself or establish an allotment with the job that pays your estimated tax into an interest bearing account so you can get some Pennie’s on what you owe to the government.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 13, 2024 10:39 AM (WLul0)
Our city approved its own income tax, and it is collected quarterly. I said "screw that," and kept my money in an account to pay it when it is due.

Turns out, they charge you a "late fee" for not paying it concurrently. I have no idea how this is in any way legal, but that's how things roll today.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 10:44 AM (llXky)

250 Whoa! Late to the revival as I was completing my beauty sleep - a never ending task btw.

Prayers for all intentions: those requested and those known but to God.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 13, 2024 10:44 AM (WXNFJ)

251 On an unrelated point, EVs are grossly inefficient and you'd need rocks in your head to buy one.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:36 AM (roH4R)

We are making MORE EVs as you and the rest of the public so badly want them!

Posted by: U.S. auto industry at April 13, 2024 10:44 AM (WLul0)

252 I just live Microsoft. They forced an update while I was working on it. Erased my history, deleted my bookmarks, killed my browser,and installed edge as my default. Now I have to rebuild everything again.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 13, 2024 10:45 AM (e/m9i)

253 Our city approved its own income tax, and it is collected quarterly. I said "screw that," and kept my money in an account to pay it when it is due.

Turns out, they charge you a "late fee" for not paying it concurrently. I have no idea how this is in any way legal, but that's how things roll today.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at April 13, 2024 10:44 AM (llXky)

Sounds like people need to take advantage of The Final Freedom. Voting with your feet.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 13, 2024 10:47 AM (WLul0)

254 248 Standing Well Back: EXPLOSIVE DEVICES ON THE MOON.

Super interesting read. Can totally be read on the shitter.
Posted by: Robert at April 13, 2024 10:43 AM (araNt)
Moon perps pretty gutsy to not return fire.

Posted by: Eromero at April 13, 2024 10:47 AM (o2ZRX)

255 I'm in the same office as the payroll department, and their phones have been blowing up with people complaining that they owe money this year.
Posted by: Jordan61

I have had to adjust withholding six times to try and get it right. Their calculator is crap.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 13, 2024 10:48 AM (e/m9i)

256 We have dove into money we haven't touched in 10 years a couple of times last year.

Posted by: Dr. Claw

Us also but we are doing it by design. Our old mindset of 'save save save for a rainy day' has changed since the rainy days are here. Our $$ just sitting there is, of course, losing purchasing power so we are spending it on durable goods.

Honestly, we are largely not saving it for the kids. They don't need it anyway.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 13, 2024 10:49 AM (WXNFJ)

257 It Is Well With My Soul

That hymn is our choir "solo" this Sunday. One of my favorites and the choir is filled with marvelous voices.

Thanks, Eromero!

Posted by: LRob in OK at April 13, 2024 10:50 AM (TSQkU)

258 Thanks to y'all who provided input and feedback re: my FIL. I need a periodic sounding board to help check my rationale and my thinking on things. And for better or worse, that's you people. 😀

If the investigators come up with anything significant I'll et you know. Otherwise, there may be other ways to bring about a result, and if so, I'll let you know as well.

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:51 AM (991eG)

259 Between that and inflation it looks like the democrats are trying to bleed the middle class dry.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 09:42 AM (roH4R)

I believe some commie had a quote to that effect.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 13, 2024 10:51 AM (XjtdB)

260 Super interesting read. Can totally be read on the shitter.

"Hey. Hey. This Library!"
Save highbrow reviewer phrasing for Sunday Book Thread!
Evelyn Wood Speed Shitter.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at April 13, 2024 10:51 AM (zdLoL)

261 Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:46 AM (iZEhM)

You'll be 30-45 minutes away from us there. Very close to where my parents now live.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 13, 2024 10:53 AM (XjtdB)

262 My brother died of hypothermia. It was years before my sister and I could tolerate anyone saying they were "freezing to death."
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs!

I hear you Sister. "Just shoot me!" brought up the 'ouch' for me for a long, long time.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 13, 2024 10:54 AM (WXNFJ)

263 I had 3 big major allergy periods during the year but since using the QwB and an over the counter nasal steroid, my symptoms have pretty much vanished.

Not a physician, so do as you wish. Still, it worked for me.

Posted by: naturalfake at April 13, 2024 09:49 AM (eDfFs)

Will have to look into that.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 13, 2024 10:55 AM (XjtdB)

264 We are making MORE EVs as you and the rest of the public so badly want them!
Posted by: U.S. auto industry at April 13, 2024 10:44 AM (WLul0)

We make same cars, steal your tech. Import them and sell for half price!

US auto industry so stoopid, and unions go vote for Democrats some more. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks Joe Biden!

Posted by: Chi Nah at April 13, 2024 10:57 AM (pM0Eq)

265 256

'the rainy days are here.'

I have a while to go to reach that milestone. You make it sound a good place to be. I am happy for you and look forward to a similar goal for me.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:57 AM (roH4R)

266 Government Search? So despotic,
A guy could get feeling neurotic.
When High Sheriffs log
in, to call off the dogs,
Sounding boards ought to be periodic.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at April 13, 2024 10:58 AM (zdLoL)

267 Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at April 13, 2024 10:58 AM (zdLoL)



Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:59 AM (991eG)

268 259

'I believe some commie had a quote to that effect.'

Yes. I didn't phrase it that way by accident. Commies accuse us of what they themselves plan to do.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:59 AM (roH4R)

269 Morning all.

Has anyone heard from Donna&&&&? I mentioned it a couple of times this week because I seem to recall her coming on a month or more ago and saying she and her sister in law were both dealing with cancer.

I am hoping I was just imagining it and someone will say 'I just saw her last night on the ONT...'

Posted by: Aetius451AD at April 13, 2024 11:01 AM (di6C2)

270 It was devastating. Left behind a two-year old and an unborn son.
Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 13, 2024 09:22 AM (OX9vb)

I am so sorry. Prayers for his widow and kids, and for all of you who must still miss him terribly. May he RIP.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 11:01 AM (q2svT)

271 We are saving to replace the crappy triple wide we just paid off.
Thing is they seem to go up about $5000+ per year. 10 years ago when we started this plan we could have done the same sq/f for about $125,000. Now a doublewide with 400 less sq/t is $180,000.
We are making hella more money but not getting anywhere.

Posted by: Reforger at April 13, 2024 11:04 AM (B705c)

272 Yes. I didn't phrase it that way by accident. Commies accuse us of what they themselves plan to do.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:59 AM (roH4R)

And are doing. It is a suicide run, because when it comes down to it, the real source of power is still the law of the jungle.

It is what mystifies me about the NeoFeudalists. At root, if they got their wish and the whole thing came crashing down and they had their idyllic green paradise where they are kings, do you think Bill Gates will win a fistfight with some 22 year old wanna be warlord? Their power is based on a society that they themselves are doing everything to destroy. Idiots. Oft evil will evil mar.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at April 13, 2024 11:04 AM (di6C2)

273 Us also but we are doing it by design. Our old mindset of 'save save save for a rainy day' has changed since the rainy days are here. Our $$ just sitting there is, of course, losing purchasing power so we are spending it on durable goods.

Honestly, we are largely not saving it for the kids. They don't need it anyway.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 13, 2024 10:49 AM (WXNFJ)

I sold my Colorado house late last year, put the money aside (earning a little interest), for when I'm ready to buy again.

Problem is, house prices are inflated, interest rates are high, buying the amount of house I want right now isn't possible. So... I have to "hope" for a collapse in the market and/or politicians artificially lowering rates to get elected.

So I'm rooting for everything I know to be wrong about markets to happen, for my own selfish interests. I hate this world.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 13, 2024 11:05 AM (IYiPT)

274 You want something longer than his machete or whatever that is. Maybe a golf club?

Thing is he is not running like he's in a frenzy - he's just loping along, with purpose. If he wasn't yelling or snakbaring then I can understand why people are confused.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 08:41 AM (q2svT)

A nice little vest-pocket revolver has a longer reach than a golf club.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:05 AM (tkR6S)

275 181 Federal taxes are just another obsolete scam . The feds are broke, busted and in debt and borrow what they want to spend anyways so why do we pay taxes to them.


And they print more money all the time too.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 11:06 AM (q2svT)

276 272
' Idiots.'

You answered your own question. They're sawing off the limb they're standing on.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 11:07 AM (roH4R)

277 I am disappoint.

I read the article linked on the sidebar only to find that the Chinese immigrant didn't really set David Hogg on fire.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at April 13, 2024 11:07 AM (bo7UB)

278 I have a while to go to reach that milestone. You make it sound a good place to be. I am happy for you and look forward to a similar goal for me.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 13, 2024 10:57 AM (roH4R)


Same here. Although I've been helping to find a memory care home for one of our retired priests, and seeing the cost of those places makes me think I'm never going to save enough to be comfortable with what I've got.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 13, 2024 11:07 AM (FzDG4)

279 275 181 Federal taxes are just another obsolete scam . The feds are broke, busted and in debt and borrow what they want to spend anyways so why do we pay taxes to them.


They're not obsolete at all. They are the sole justification for the power of the government to dig into the private financial affairs of every law-abiding citizen.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at April 13, 2024 11:09 AM (bo7UB)

280 I always try to not make too much money so I dont have to pay taxes.

Posted by: fd at April 13, 2024 11:10 AM (pZIXd)

A nice little vest-pocket revolver has a longer reach than a golf club.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Australia is like Canada: no guns in OZ (since 1996) in Canada no short guns and they are making long guns more difficult to own. Right?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 11:12 AM (Iq0J2)

282 They're not obsolete at all. They are the sole justification for the power of the government to dig into the private financial affairs of every law-abiding citizen.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at April 13, 2024 11:09 AM (bo7UB)

And keep everyone participating. You can't opt out, so you have skin in the game, and when they create artificial divides in the populace, we remain distracted enough for them to continue doing what they do. Right under our noses.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 13, 2024 11:12 AM (IYiPT)

283 Congrats Cybersmythe!!! So happy to see this news!

Posted by: screaming in digital at April 13, 2024 11:12 AM (dkCkf)

284 On topic:

We have been enjoying Bizzy cold brew coffee in bottles. There are at least three varieties. It's cheaper than the brand I used to buy.

Don't tell CBD that I haven't been making my own cold brew.

Posted by: Emmie at April 13, 2024 11:13 AM (Sf2cq)

285 >>>The tumor is reduced so much, there is no sign of cancer. They won’t say cancer-free, but it’s just something to monitor now.

Prayers for all the Horde and theirs and all people seeking righteousness on this earth. Good morning, it's good to be here.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 13, 2024 11:14 AM (9kzJm)

286 An update for my updates. I have received a formal offer of employment, for a job I think I want. I appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. Y'all are the best.
Posted by: Cybersmythe at April 13, 2024 09:38 AM (iZEhM)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:14 AM (tkR6S)

Of course the studs weren't where I needed them to be but I installed towel rack for *her* appliance.

Hint: ''It's for washin' yur backside, right?''

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 11:14 AM (RKVpM)

288 277 I am disappoint.

I read the article linked on the sidebar only to find that the Chinese immigrant didn't really set David Hogg on fire.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43)

Figured it was clickbait.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 13, 2024 11:15 AM (9kzJm)

289 Praise God for answered prayer!

Posted by: Emmie at April 13, 2024 11:15 AM (Sf2cq)

290 Its not working out because I still had to pay. I only write that check once a year though. If everyone should have to do that

Posted by: fd at April 13, 2024 11:16 AM (pZIXd)

291 Cybersmythe, congrats!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 11:16 AM (q2svT)

292 Theres a NOOD

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (bo7UB)

293 Milei has a goid quote about taxes

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (q2svT)

294 I always try to not make too much money so I dont have to pay taxes.
Posted by: fd at April 13, 2024 11:10 AM (pZIXd)

Being somewhat serious about this, there are many who live the life of a hobo. Go from town to town, make a little money, and when necessary, take advantage of the local resources, then when people start trying to make you plant roots and/or become a tax paying citizen, you move on.

Problem is, people age out of those roles, and eventually they can't move anymore, and become a significant burden on wherever they land. No roots, no connections, just dependent on the usual systems to take them in, feed them, patch them up, and... what? Just keep them as a drain on society, until they die.

There are more and more of these people these days, obviously. And I'm not even talking about the ones we're importing.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (IUr7k)

295 Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon


Howdy! Are still in AZ or back up north?

Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (991eG)

296 My buddy bought me a Bialetti expresso maker as a gift and some grounds to go with it. Love it - still learning to dial in my preference of strength.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (WXNFJ)

I wrote the payroll software for my firm. Maybe a couple thousand lines of Clipper code and maybe half a dozen databases. I didn't want to bother with look up tax tables for withholding and instead asked each employee his/her preference, big check, little check, or no check. Sort of the 'Goldilocks' method. I then assigned a percentage (6%, 7%, 8% etc) to be applied to each and every paycheck for withholding based on their preference. I never heard a single complaint. People who worked overtime didn't complain that bracket creep saw their efforts disappear due to taxes.

There are something like six separate IRS approved methods of withholding and that was one of the methods.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 11:22 AM (RKVpM)

298 I can neither confirm nor deny speculation about any plans to perform any in-depth probe of any particular location in the San Luis Valley and if any such probe were to be done, any correlation with results of any prior search data would be purely coincidental.
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 10:03 AM (991eG)

Innocent explanation: the county cops want to re-do the cadaver dogs search with a contractor normally used by the county, so as to deny the perp's defense attorney any opportunity to claim the evidence was "tainted".

Not so innocent explanation: county cops want this investigation to go away, so they will re-do the cadaver dog search with a pack of nasally-congested poodles that could't find a Lizzo fart in a phone booth.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:25 AM (tkR6S)

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:25 AM

Hopefully, it's Door Number One. I can see that. ''The hole did not fit, you must acquit.''

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 13, 2024 11:27 AM (RKVpM)

300 I just live Microsoft. They forced an update while I was working on it. Erased my history, deleted my bookmarks, killed my browser,and installed edge as my default. Now I have to rebuild everything again.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 13, 2024 10:45 AM (e/m9i)

Any Windows system i ever owned, I always made sure to turn off "automatic updates".

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:31 AM (tkR6S)

301 Australia is like Canada: no guns in OZ (since 1996) in Canada no short guns and they are making long guns more difficult to own. Right?
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 13, 2024 11:12 AM (Iq0J2)

Oh, I know it's illegal. But it's effective.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:34 AM (tkR6S)

302 Howdy! Are still in AZ or back up north?
Posted by: Muldoon at April 13, 2024 11:17 AM (991eG)

Still in the sunny South, for another 2-3 weeks.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 13, 2024 11:36 AM (tkR6S)

303 Excellent article. Keep writing such kind of info on your site.
Im really impressed by it.
Hello there, You have done a fantastic job.
I will definitely digg it and for my part suggest to my friends.

I am sure they'll be benefited from this web site.

Posted by: Soft House Washing at April 16, 2024 04:32 AM (TwJew)

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