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The Flawless Victory of the LibsofTikTok

The Bee:


We should stop using transgender activists' much-demanded terminology and adopt a more truthful vocabulary, writes Jenifer Roback Morse at the National Catholic Register.

Trans Rights Activists (sometimes abbreviated to TRA) wish to impose obligations that other people owe to the "transgender" person. Before we accommodate this demand, it would be prudent to take full notice of the fact that people can define themselves into or out of this new legal category called "transgender" for any reason they want.

Let me give you some examples of some very different kinds of people who are currently wearing the "transgender" label.

1. The Pretender: a mediocre male athlete who says he's a woman so he can win competitions he could not win against other male athletes. He is not the same sort of "transgender" as

2. The Predator: the convicted rapist who says he's a woman so he can be housed in women's prisons, locked into a cell with his preferred victim. He, in turn, has nothing in common with

3. The Autistic Teen Girl: who says she's a boy because she sees it as a way to fit in with a group of friends who seem to like her better as a trans boy than an ordinary girl. She has something in common, but not much with

4. The Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoric Teen Girl who has spent too much time in internet chat rooms and becomes convinced that becoming a boy will make her happy. She has literally nothing in common with

5. The Adult Man who decides, after years of marriage and perhaps siring children, while secretly cross-dressing because it sexually arouses him (known as "autogynephilia"), that he is, and always has been, a woman. He, in turn has nothing in common with

6. The Victim of Munchausen by Proxy, the boy whose mother has been the center of lots and lots of attention since she decided he was really a girl when he was age 3.

More at the link. Keep an eye on #6. But in the meantime, you can wonder what the odds are that a politically extremist Karen AWFL with the state-mandated PURPLE HAIR could have not one but two "transgender" children if not for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

Two out of four! She's batting five hundred! That crushes Ted Williams! That crushes Babe Ruth!

I watched Michael Malice talk with the Triggernometry guys. One of the Triggernomety guys -- Konstantine, maybe? -- said that wokeness is starting to end because women will revolt when you come after their children.

Malice replied that that severely underestimates how eager AWFLs -- Affluent White Female Liberals -- are to sacrifice their own children for the sake of gaining some transitory social clout.

And AWFLs view transgender children as winning lottery tickets. They're eager to program their kids to be gay or trans.

Keep this vicious, Murder-Mother mentality in mind as you read this AWFL woman humiliate her own sons for The Cut, exposing them for widespread public hatred for the sake of boosting her Internet Clout by 0.2%.

Recently, I walked into my kitchen and the morning light hit my stove's greasy backsplash in just the right way to reveal a finger-traced drawing of a dick 'n' balls spraying a few fingertip-dots of jizz. Who, I wondered, was the artist who chose my stove's grease for their canvas? I asked both of my sons (they are 13 and 10), and they convincingly denied having done the doodle -- I'm a connoisseur of their drawings, and, indeed, the style wasn't one I recognized.

Did your editor tell you to pretend your sons didn't draw it so you don't seem like such a Saturnine, child-devouring monster?

We briefly speculated about which of their friends might be the artist, but I'm more amused than anything, and I don't really care who drew it. I have no need to shame a kid over it.

Shaming your own children for the delight of strangers strongly suggests you do have this need.

The drawing did remind me, in all its forward-gesturing glory, that adolescence is creeping into my house, and it's time to look alive, parenting-wise.

I've never been much for the "boy-mom" thing. Beyond the obvious gender-politics ick, it's part of what I think of as bumper-sticker culture: the labeling and characterizing of every surface of our lives, for, I guess, fun. Very childish behavior.

She means she doesn't want to act as a "boy-mom," because she doesn't want to label her boys "boys." Who knows what genders they might mutate into with the right dose of parental radiation?

(Hot damn that was a smooth turn of phrase right there.)

Making my kids' putative gender identities a badge that I wear alongside my own? Why is this cute? Anyway, I've tried to raise my sons in a spirit of loving gender agnosticism if not neutrality, while of course honoring their passion for trucks, the NFL, and bag-tagging each other at every opportunity.

She claims she doesn't want to fetishize her sons' "Gender Identities" before proudly announcing she's raising them in a "gender agnostic" way, and only begrudgingly indulges their normal boyhood appreciation of trucks and big machines.

She'd much rather if they were painting their toenails, obviously.

She only means she doesn't want to fetishize their normal, natural, non-mentally-ill gender identities. If she warps them into sick twisted freaks, then she'll start fetishizing, believe you me.

She then discusses the fact that girls are becoming ultraprogressive while boys are growing to be more conservative -- and wails about how horrible a prospect this is.

This did not come as a huge surprise to me or Gray. He teaches humanities at a local college, where I have taught too, and we've often talked about how tricky it can be to keep hetero boys involved in classroom debates. Many of these young men seem very anxious about saying the wrong thing, and will often refuse to participate, sometimes projecting a provocative kind of defensiveness that is its own argument.

By refusing to join a rigged non-debate in which they will be shamed no matter what they say, boys are showing "defensiveness" which is its own form of defiance of the Right Way of Thinking.

As much as I think cancel culture is a fake problem in media...

LOL, she thinks "cancel culture" is something Fox News imagined. What a shock.

... it feels very real to young men when they're sitting in a classroom. Whatever they are feeling, it feels real as hell. Insisting that they're imagining their enemies doesn't help.

After the study came out, there was a lot of speculation as to what might be causing this ideological schism. Is it capitalism? Men's-rights influencers? Is it the dreaded woke mind virus?

I'm just going to spitball here: People naturally reject any ideology that makes them second-class citizens and demand they behave as servants to higher-ranked citizens.

But no, you're probably right, it's probably "capitalism" and "men's rights influencers."

There's no mystery about why young women are becoming more progressive, but it's harder to understand the factors behind the increasingly conservative young men.

Hmmm... could it be that as these feminists become more progressive -- more dogmatic, more shrill, more demanding, more entitled -- that boys will very naturally become firmer in their rejection of this toxic, aggressively denigrating anti-male mindset?

Nah. It's probably just capitalism again.

My friend Greg sent me a fascinating piece of analysis by Dr. Robin James, who argues that central to the move toward conservatism among young men is a sense that they're an aggrieved party -- that they are being robbed of entitlements.

She's talking about her own sons, remember.


Applied to people, it maps to feminism and its mirror, misogyny....


The appeal of a grievance-based identity makes it hard to convince straight white boys that they in fact have plenty going for them, and that they have no reason to feel aggrieved. Doing this convincing, whether it's in the classroom or at the dinner table, requires a light touch. It's very easy, and very satisfying, to be doctrinaire -- social media encourages and rewards it. ...

My own feeling is that we progressive parents of white sons could ease up. It's possible to model and enforce ideological ground rules for your family while also allowing young people to bring up their questions and TikTok-based information without fear of a parental freeze-out. For those of us (like me) very firm in our political beliefs,

No shit? You're plotting how to indoctrinate your boys into your cult.

... it feels good to stake your position and defend it well. But as adults, we need to figure out a way to help our young people work through confusion without feeling shunned by their own families.

Straight young men are "confused." You know who's not confused at all, right?

The NY Post also wrote about this column, though I disagree with it. I think this is about more than "rebelling against your parents." Girls aren't rebelling against AWFLs' woke soydeology, boys are -- because this ideology is essentially racist against boys. It's like adopting a black kid and then teaching him white supremacy. Of course he's going to reject that.

By the way, that article has a photo of the woman who wants to pound the male out of her sons.

Imagine in your minds what she looks like -- specifically, the set of her face, the cast of her eyes, the line of her mouth.


How close did you get?

That's not resting bitch face.

That is active bitch face.

The NY Post article notes some other articles this miserable, venomous c*w has written:

Jezer-Morton, author of columns headlined Does Anyone Feel Like an Actual Adult? and My Mom Is Selfish. Do I still Have to be a 'Good Daughter'?

Wow. She's just a bucket of sunshine isn't she?

Her family exists only as fodder for her to publicly bitch about.

My old friend steve_in_hb used to (loosely) quote Nietzche: If everyone in your life seems to be hateful, maybe you're the one who's actually hateful.

Eh, go back to your boxwine and benzos, Karen.

As Malice said: You underestimate the viciousness with which Affluent White Female Liberals will sacrifice their own children, especially their unfashionably masculine children, for the sake of social clout.

And as he also said: When you look at the drag shows, it's all vile white liberal women bringing their children to gay sex shows. This one brings a toddler! Hey, the important thing is that she Feels Seen on social media!

A "trans woman" has been sentenced to life in prison for a "sex fantasy murder," and trans extremists are demanding this sick murderous pervert be housed with women.

By the way, Megyn Kelly has an easy tip for understanding what our deliberately-corrupted and dishonest Newspeak really means: Whenever you see the phrases "trans woman" or "trans man," just substitute the word "fake" for "trans." So "trans woman" is a "fake woman" better known as a man.

We have to resort to this kind of decoding to disentangle the knot of self-reinforcing lies of Newspeak.

Anyway, this murdering man will probably go to prison with Cis Future Victims.

A trans woman who went by the name Scarlet Blake (born Alice Wang) has been sentenced to life in prison for the 2021 murder of a man she met at random on the street. Evidence in the case showed Blake was obsessed with murder and killing and found sexual gratification in violence. She had previously killed and dissected a neighbor's cat while filming herself. Naturally, all of the headlines in the UK are about the violent "woman" killer. Here's the Independent:

A woman who live-streamed the dissection and killing of a cat has been jailed for life for murdering an innocent man by drowning him in a river.

Scarlet Blake, 26, walked the streets of Oxford looking for a victim until she encountered Jorge Martin Carreno, 30, during the early hours of 26 July 2021.

She persuaded him to accompany her to the secluded Parson's Pleasure area, where she is believed to have hit him with an object, strangled him until he lost consciousness and then drowned him in the River Cherwell.

Jurors heard that Blake had a "fixation with violence and with knowing what it would be like to kill someone", and received sexual gratification from the thought of death. After murdering Carreno, she told a new partner that she had done so because "my lover said it would be hot".

The judge in the case concluded that Blake was partly inspired to the murder, and to the prior killing of a cat by a Netflix show.

The murder came four months after Blake livestreamed the horrific killing of her neighbour's cat. Blake used cat food and a carrier to lure the pet...

Blake dissected the animal, decapitated it, removed its fur and skin, and placed its body in a blender.

Once she had dissected the cat, she said: "Well, one day, I want to learn how to do this to a person."

Ladies, you need to stop being homicidal maniacs. Don't follow the example of this "woman."

Joanne's not having it:


"It's ma'am." Spoiler: It's not ma'am.

An obviously-mentally-ill girl records her transgender evolution. It's hard to watch.

Below, The World's Oldest Teenager Tay-Tay Lorenz "interviews" -- attacks -- Chaya from LibsofTikTok. Notice Chaya's shirt; it's a picture of Tay-Tay crying in her MSNBC meltdown.

Tay-Tay wants to know why Chaya objects to gay porn comic books in schools. When Chaya asks if she supports comic books showing boys getting sodomized by men, Tay-Tay repeatedly lies and claims she's unfamiliar with the book she's defending, Gender Queer, and will not take an affirmative position on whether the book is appropriate for children. She just insists -- supposedly without having read or even skimmed through the sexbook -- that "experts" (aka leftwing woke teachers) should make the call, and that none of us has sufficient expertise to judge if a comic book showing explicit gay sodomy is appropriate for grade schoolers.

Key quote: "Here, this is a blowjob."

Social media has had a bad effect on us all, but its effect on women has been absolutely devastating, and in many cases, feralizing:

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 We're in the endgame now.

Posted by: Dr Strange seeing the end of the week coming at March 01, 2024 06:11 PM (KRtlO)

2 Shit's in the fan, it only depends what side of you are on if you get splattered.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at March 01, 2024 06:12 PM (qZdIZ)

3 Gawd, she's scary, also, I told the others.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at March 01, 2024 06:16 PM (qZdIZ)

4 I'm not surprised in the least that young men are NOT speaking up in class discussions.

They can NEVER say the right answer, no matter the question, because their gender is toxic by definition.

So might as well just shut up and take it silently. Then join the MGTOW movement when they are old enough...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:17 PM (BpYfr)

5 Take me now O time machine of fate. I don't want to get splattered.

Posted by: Gmac - WTF did you think was going to happen? at March 01, 2024 06:17 PM (qZdIZ)

6 I just call all them homos, fags, queers, trannys, pederasts, pedophiles, bulldykes, lesbos, twinks and democrats "sodomites".


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 01, 2024 06:18 PM (R/m4+)

7 >>> Imagine in your minds what she looks like -- specifically, the set of her face, the cast of her eyes, the line of her mouth.


Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at March 01, 2024 06:18 PM (cOq4q)

8 All of .. this.. is to destroy the country. We were the only obstacle to the New World Order. They thinkl that Islam and Communism can be .. handled..

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:18 PM (7EHch)

9 Alors, il commence.

Posted by: Ce gars qui pense toujours que ça commence. at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (DeFcY)

10 This Jezer-Morton broad looks like one of those gals from the Italian Renaissance who played fast and loose with the arsenic and nightshade.

Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (njExo)

Here's a "hypothetical".
You meet someone for the first time. He says his name is "John Smith" and that "Smith" is spelled "JONES".

You may wonder, "Why the fuck should I play his stupid game?"

Now here's a "real"
You meet someone for the first time. He says his pronouns are: She, Dragon, They.

You may wonder, "Why the fuck should I play his stupid game?"

Yeah, why should you?

Posted by: comradearthur at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (sHuIA)

12 It's a veritable Festival of Human Pustules

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (TcVeV)

13 Have to read the content thoroughly

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:21 PM (fwDg9)

14 Yes, I don't want to shame my boys, sot I'm going to write in public about them, ad nauseum, so all their friends Mom's can read it...

So THEY can shame them...

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:21 PM (xaFKb)

15 "I watched Michael Malice talk with the Triggernometry guys. One of the Triggernomety guys -- Konstantine, maybe? -- said that wokeness is starting to end because women will revolt when you come after their children.

Malice replied that that severely underestimates how eager AWFLs -- Affluent White Female Liberals -- are to sacrifice their own children for the sake of gaining some transitory social clout."


He had Abigail Shrier on the other day. I've only ever heard her speak before, her voice does not match her face, because good grief is she smokin' hot.

I want to have her babies... but I guess I'd need to get a sex change to do that, so.....

Posted by: BurtTC at March 01, 2024 06:21 PM (dGCAG)

16 The best strategy for dealing with alphabet people is to not deal with them…

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (7EHch)

17 The chick with active bitch face reminds me of Claudia Black, which gives me cognitive dissonance, because Claudia Black is sort of hot.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (ufFY8)

18 This Jezer-Morton broad looks like one of those gals from the Italian Renaissance who played fast and loose with the arsenic and nightshade.
Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (njExo)
So you are saying I should politely decline if she offers me tea?

Not that she would, of course...And if she did, my radar would be going off...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (BpYfr)

19 "Imagine in your minds what she looks like -- specifically, the set of her face, the cast of her eyes, the line of her mouth. "

It's Wendy Rhodes from the "Billions" show!

Posted by: Bobby Axelrod at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (6ML8Y)

20 If only men would stop working out.

Posted by: Journaist Katie at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (a3Q+t)

21 Now here's a "real"
You meet someone for the first time. He says his pronouns are: She, Dragon, They.

You may wonder, "Why the fuck should I play his stupid game?"

Yeah, why should you?
Posted by: comradearthur at March 01, 2024 06:20 PM (sHuIA)

Bettah? You meet someone dressed as a French Martial, who introduces themselves as Napoleon, and insists you call him Emperor.

How is this any different than a Trans?

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (xaFKb)

22 The trans woman's birth name was Alice?

I am a woman and I am confused.

Posted by: Emmie at March 01, 2024 06:23 PM (Sf2cq)

23 After the study came out, there was a lot of speculation as to what might be causing this ideological schism. Is it capitalism? Men's-rights influencers? Is it the dreaded woke mind virus?

I think it is worry over a shrinking antarctic ice mass

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at March 01, 2024 06:23 PM (N3GIM)

24 "How close did you get?

That's not resting bitch face.

That is active bitch face."


Wish I was kidding, but I'm not - that's the face of a woman who was sexually assaulted when she was younger and prettier, and is doing everything in her power to make sure no one wants to do that to her ever again.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 01, 2024 06:24 PM (dGCAG)

25 The woman at bottom at least isn't happy about all the unhappiness she brings around her.

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (fwDg9)

26 Imagine in your minds what she looks like -- specifically, the set of her face, the cast of her eyes, the line of her mouth.

What am I, chopped liver?

Posted by: The flair of her nostrils at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (a3Q+t)

27 Bettah? You meet someone dressed as a French Martial, who introduces themselves as Napoleon, and insists you call him Emperor.

How is this any different than a Trans?

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:22 PM (xaFKb)
You'd know he doesn't know his history, as Napoleon typically wore the uniform of a colonel of Chasseurs.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (DeFcY)

28 First person that spouted that pronoun shit at me would find me putting out my cigarette on their forehead. I have a toxic allergy to bullshit.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (SwYJN)

29 22 The trans woman's birth name was Alice?

I am a woman and I am confused.
Posted by: Emmie at March 01, 2024 06:23 PM (Sf2cq)

Had a restaurant, where there was a Mass a Cree....

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (xaFKb)

30 That's a face that says "your alimony payment isn't two days early like I require"

Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (KRtlO)

31 Have to look at link but the reasons for Trannies seems spot on

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (fwDg9)

32 ‘ That is active bitch face.’
Prediction: Her sons come to hate her if they don’t already. She gets to enjoy her declining years alone.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (roH4R)

33 K.I.S.S.

Flaming youth will set the world on fire!

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (b2d5O)

34 Applied to people, it maps to feminism and its mirror, misogyny....

Note that she is admitting that feminism = misandry. Which is what we've known since the 60s.

Posted by: Eeyore at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (1bNHn)

35 In some sense the woke are self selecting themselves out of existence, much like the Shakers…

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (7EHch)

36 30 That's a face that says "your alimony payment isn't two days early like I require"
Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:25 PM (KRtlO)

Good point... I'd like to hear Dad's viewpoint in all this.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:27 PM (xaFKb)

37 "Applied to people, it maps to feminism and its mirror, misogyny..."


The mirror of misogyny is NOT feminism. It is Misandry. Feminism is a construct that is born out of Misandry.

Posted by: Orson at March 01, 2024 06:27 PM (dIske)

38 while of course honoring their passion for trucks, the NFL, and bag-tagging each other at every opportunity.


Bag tagging?

Is that teabagging? Because if so that is not normal behavior, especially "at every opportunity". Although I guess gay incest homos are even higher ranking than cross dressing.

Those boys need a dad

Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (Yui9f)

39 In some sense the woke are self selecting themselves out of existence, much like the Shakers…
Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (7EHch)

Some of those Shakers were hot. I wish I could have.. you know. Just once.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (dGCAG)

40 22
‘ The trans woman's birth name was Alice? ’
You know it’s some damn man pretending to be a woman.
Maybe he’s named after Alice Cooper.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (roH4R)

41 32 ‘ That is active bitch face.’
Prediction: Her sons come to hate her if they don’t already. She gets to enjoy her declining years alone.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (roH4R)

Signs say... 'Cats, lots of Cats'

Posted by: Magic 8 Ball at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (xaFKb)

42 Great that Rowling is not backing down…

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (7EHch)

43 Holy fuck. Get the butterfly net.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (R4t5M)

44 Anybody who publishes "ad nauseum" in public does not understand gender well enough to decline and conjugate.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (zdLoL)

45 Purple hair isn't transgressive anymore. Sometimes it looks good.

Danger hair > { tattoos | piercing }

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 06:29 PM (MvF+J)

46 >>>Bag tagging?

sounds like slapping a guy in the nuts with an upward kind of slap. I knew a guy who'd do that. It was some jock/repressed gay thing.

Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:29 PM (KRtlO)

47 Women confused

Did I wash under my tits?
How do I know?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (bNIcd)

48 Prediction: Her sons come to hate her if they don’t already. She gets to enjoy her declining years alone.
Posted by: Dr. Claw at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (roH4R)
It's no wonder they drew a dick'n'balls in the grease on the stove. It's an act of rebellion against her controlling personality.

Also, she needs to clean her stove more often. I at least have an excuse (single bachelor). My mom would never have had a stove that dirty...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (BpYfr)

49 I'm reading the autobiography of Frederick Douglass. He says in short slavery does away with fathers and families because slavery has no use for fathers

My tinfoil hat theory is that the left is trying to destroy fathers and families because they impede their desire to impose slavery.

Posted by: Northernlurker at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (xcrUy)

50 ace, I think Malice has it slightly wrong, it isn't the AWFLS who are the worst, it is the women who WANT to be considered affluent and white that are the worst, they have the "most" to "gain" and as nouveau-AWFL they will stop at nothing and create no end of damage to get the position in society they crave.

There is a Spanish saying from the 16th century, the new Christian eats pork three times a day, and in a similar vein the AWFL mom will always show off how with it they are because the alternative is to be cast out.

(Granted, in Spain it could mean the Inquisition might come by and torture you to prove you were a secret Jew, and this is not what any AWFL faces, but you get the idea)

Posted by: Kindltot at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (D7oie)

51 38 while of course honoring their passion for trucks, the NFL, and bag-tagging each other at every opportunity.


Bag tagging?

Is that teabagging? Because if so that is not normal behavior, especially "at every opportunity". Although I guess gay incest homos are even higher ranking than cross dressing.

Those boys need a dad
Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (Yui9f)

Might just mean throwing beanbags at each other?

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (eYoxG)

52 42 Great that Rowling is not backing down…
Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:28 PM (7EHch)

Yup... she's got F U Money... doesn't need to...

Kudos to her.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (xaFKb)

53 For a Freak Friday this a 5 on the puke scale.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:30 PM (SwYJN)

54 This did not come as a huge surprise to me or Gray. He teaches humanities at a local college, where I have taught too, and we've often talked about how tricky it can be to keep hetero boys involved in classroom debates
What kind of a faggot is Gray?

Posted by: Eeyore at March 01, 2024 06:31 PM (1bNHn)

55 We have a term for "Gray", who teaches humanities at the local college, and that term is:


Posted by: Normal Boys from 9 to 92. at March 01, 2024 06:32 PM (LaNzR)

I live in a currently conservative area of Pennsylvania. When I stopped in the library today there was a sign announcing that post apocalyptic dystopian literature was now located in 'current affairs'.

I'm taking a wild eyed guess this isn't good.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 06:32 PM (RKVpM)

57 >50 ace, I think Malice has it slightly wrong, it isn't the AWFLS who are the worst, it is the women who WANT to be considered affluent and white that are the worst, they have the "most" to "gain" and as nouveau-AWFL they will stop at nothing and create no end of damage to get the position in society they crave.

yeah that too. Someone put it: "the lower class has no means to advance socially, except to loudly proclaim the upper classes' hatred of their lower class fellows" or something like that

there are a fair few "downmarket" women bringing their kids to drag queen strip shows.

Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:33 PM (KRtlO)

58 On the plus side.... these freaks will suicide at a phenomenal rate.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 01, 2024 06:33 PM (Q4IgG)

59 The blonde has a nice rack. I think she also tortures kittens and puts them in a blender.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at March 01, 2024 06:33 PM (R4t5M)

60 Blender gal probably votes democrat. They'll welcome anybody, no matter how demented.

Posted by: fd at March 01, 2024 06:33 PM (vFG9F)

61 That's not resting bitch face.

That is active bitch face.

She's just angry that her penis is so small.

Posted by: wth at March 01, 2024 06:34 PM (v0R5T)

62 This did not come as a huge surprise to me or Gray. He teaches humanities at a local college, where I have taught too, and we've often talked about how tricky it can be to keep hetero boys involved in classroom debates.
I do not think you understand the meaning of the word "debate."

When only ONE point of view is allowed in the classroom, no debate is possible.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:34 PM (BpYfr)

63 58 On the plus side.... these freaks will suicide at a phenomenal rate.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 01, 2024 06:33 PM (Q4IgG)

Not soon enough

Posted by: It's me donna at March 01, 2024 06:34 PM (Akjoo)

64 I identify as the guy who says "Go fuck yourself" when you demand I bow to your demands.

Go cut off your dick and do whatever you want but don't tell me what I have to do. Go fuck yourself.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 06:34 PM (LkLld)

65 Those boys need a dad

Was it "Slapshot" where Paul Newman said
You better get married again soon or your son will grow up with a dick in his mouth?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at March 01, 2024 06:35 PM (bNIcd)

66 Women, do not believe the lies that purple hair looks good. It doesn't. It makes you look like clowns. Circus people.

Same goes with the nose piercings.

Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 06:35 PM (Yui9f)

67 Does anyone know what happens to the titties they cut off tranny chicks.
Asking for a friend..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at March 01, 2024 06:35 PM (EBPnT)

68 * hands JackStraw 3 fingers of Rum*

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:36 PM (SwYJN)

69 @42 Great that Rowling is not backing down…


There's no reason for her to do so. She's quite open and in their face about the fact that she has the rights to a money-printing franchise. She has even thanked her attackers for helping her to achieve that. They literally can't do anything to her that she cares about (short of physically attacking her, and I imagine she has hired security), and she makes sure that they know that she knows it.

It's hilarious to watch in action.

I'm also glad that the primary social questions of the day have her as a co-belligerent, as she is not a conservative. If it weren't for the trans-activists, we would be the ones complaining about her.

Posted by: junior at March 01, 2024 06:36 PM (4kvju)

70 Resting or active bitch face?
Nah bruh. That’s a dude face.

Posted by: Montec. at March 01, 2024 06:37 PM (MnSa3)

71 Dried tittlie dog treats?

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM (SwYJN)

72 "don't tell me what I have to do."

This is when Captain Kirk walks in and says "I command you NOT to do what I command you to do!" and the computer blows up. Works every time.

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM (MvF+J)

73 Thank you Ben Had.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM (LkLld)

74 Might just mean throwing beanbags at each other?

Now do Pickleball and Cornhole.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM (bNIcd)

75 That “ woman” has a helluva Adam’s apple..

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM (7EHch)

76 66 Women, do not believe the lies that purple hair looks good. It doesn't. It makes you look like clowns. Circus people.

Same goes with the nose piercings.
Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 06:35 PM (Yui9f)

Even Tatoos are a danger sign for me... maybe a small one normally not seen... but large tattoos on a Woman is like putting Graphiti on the Venus de Milo.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (xaFKb)

77 Trish Regan is still decent looking.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (ufFY8)

* hands JackStraw 3 fingers of Rum*

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:36 PM

I think he needs a bottle of 151 overproof and a shot glass.

And who the hell ever decided there was such a thing as 'overproof'?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (RKVpM)

79 One thing I recall from some "Nouthetic Counseling" class is "Don't Minimize the Problem". That means not hearing someone say they have an issue, and you say "oh that's no big deal".

Because it IS is a big deal, at least for them, in their situation. So calling a man a woman is just denying the problem, and telling them "Oh, you are trans, that is awesome". No, Not Awesome, it is gender dysphoria and it can be fixed.

Posted by: illiniwek at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (Cus5s)

80 The purple, blue and green hair seems to have gone out of fashion around here

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:40 PM (SwYJN)

81 11am is prime Only Fans time?
Office people are way overpaid for the little work they do to be on Only Fans accounts

Done rant, I' m sure you office people are up to your necks in work that doesn't include Only Fans time

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (fwDg9)

82 The purple, blue and green hair seems to have gone out of fashion around here
Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:40 PM (SwYJN)
I wish I could say the same...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (BpYfr)

83 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.

Posted by: Calculon 2.0 at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (EfLg5)

84 Jeez, Kathryn, take a soapy dishrag and wipe the grease off your backsplash. If the boys are drawing pictures, it's been too long.

Posted by: huerfano at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (Q4KYm)

85 >>>83 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.

probably because, like youth, they will vanish soon.

Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (KRtlO)

86 Faggotry. Faggotry as far as the eye can see.

Posted by: Buzz Light in the Loafers Year at March 01, 2024 06:42 PM (LaNzR)

85 >>>83 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.

probably because, like youth, they will vanish soon.
Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (KRtlO)

That is probably a porn niche market that she can monetize too, ace…

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (7EHch)

88 Only fans gal has alot of chipmunk DNA.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (SwYJN)

89 Keep this vicious, Murder-Mother mentality in mind as you read this AWFL woman humiliate her own sons for The Cut,

The title of this AWFL's article is Can Parents Prevent Their Sons From Sliding to the Right? And the first thing in the article is the story about her sons drawing a dick and balls. I think this is meant to connect juvenile artistic expression with conservatism.

Considering the comments that get posted on this site, maybe she has a point. Maybe, maybe.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (fs1hN)

The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.

Posted by: Calculon 2.0 at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM

Her teeth are very white. Semen is very white. Draw your own conclusions.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (RKVpM)

91 Jeez, Kathryn, take a soapy dishrag and wipe the grease off your backsplash. If the boys are drawing pictures, it's been too long.
Posted by: huerfano at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (Q4KYm)
Heh. that was my takeaway from ridiculous anecdote as well. I'd hate to see her terlit.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Not Ready for the Cart at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (MvA9C)

92 88 Only fans gal has alot of chipmunk DNA.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:43 PM (SwYJN)

Her Fans name is Rodentia??

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:44 PM (7EHch)

93 I have an adult male grand-nephew that falls into Trans category #6 (i.e., Victim of Munchausen by Proxy). He's always been a bit effeminate, and his mom was Crazy-Psycho-Bitch™ when he was a child.

Now, he calls himself by a "stripper name" and wears dresses. Suddenly, he's gone from Zero to Hero, and his mom is all-in.

I've told Mrs. Cop that his mom is over-compensating for how awful she had treated him when he was a child. Rather that trying to get him help, she is affirming his mental illness. It's sad.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at March 01, 2024 06:44 PM (pJWtt)

94 And that bitch looks like Glenn Danzig.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Not Ready for the Cart at March 01, 2024 06:44 PM (MvA9C)

95 48
‘ Also, she needs to clean her stove more often.’

Doesn’t get ‘her stove cleaned’ often enough?
I think you may be on to something.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at March 01, 2024 06:44 PM (roH4R)

96 that a politically extremist Karen AWFL with the state-mandated PURPLE HAIR could have not one but two "transgender" children if not for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.


Minus the purple hair, but a cow-orker has 2 daughters, both of whom are now trans and de-boobed.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at March 01, 2024 06:44 PM (DpEcY)

97 I can't remember who (it really doesn't matter) but some alleged conservative complained that LoTT came off as "inarticulate" in her video with Taylor What's-her-name. This jerk might have a point, except 1) LoTT's job isn't argumentation or explanation, but merely to broadcast to normies what Libs say to each other, uncensored, and 2) bulletproof logic is wasted on those who tell LoTT, " Why don't you do the world a favor and just KILL YOURSELF?"

Posted by: Pete in Texas at March 01, 2024 06:45 PM (QgPGY)

98 Nose rings are for when you really want your first impression from someone to wonder "what is hanging from her nostrils".

Posted by: Chuck Martel at March 01, 2024 06:45 PM (fs1hN)

99 So you are saying I should politely decline if she offers me tea? - "Perfessor" Squirrel

Yes, unless you are accompanied by a food taster of whom you are not especially fond.

Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 06:45 PM (njExo)

100 3 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.

probably because, like youth, they will vanish soon.
Posted by: ace at March 01, 2024 06:41 PM (KRtlO)
Wow. I could only watch about a minute of that OnlyFans chick's rant. She has NO business being a mother...She doesn't give a shit about her own flesh and blood. He's an inconvenience to her and she may end up drowning him in a bathtub one day (I'm sure she regrets not doing it when the poor kid was younger.)

Evil bitch.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:45 PM (BpYfr)

101 tubal, she's probably a good nut cracker

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (SwYJN)

Have to read the content thoroughly
Posted by: Skip

You'll be sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (63Dwl)

103 Sheesh!
I wonder how old she was when her stepdad started molesting her?

Posted by: Diogenes at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (W/lyH)

104 "And that bitch looks like Glenn Danzig.
Posted by: Pug Mahon,"

Harsh, but fair.

Posted by: fd at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (vFG9F)

105 "men's rights influencers"
You mean... dads?

She might have a male (for now) "partner" ho might have actually contributed the sperm for these to boys, but they do NOT have a dad.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (ANsAt)

106 101 tubal, she's probably a good nut cracker
Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (SwYJN)

Oof!!! 🫣🫣

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (7EHch)

The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.
Posted by: Calculon 2.0

Cartoon gopher

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (63Dwl)

108 92. Only fans gal has a lot of chipmunk DNA. - Ben Had

Yes. You can almost hear an exasperated male voice in the background shouting "ALVIN!"

Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (njExo)

109 Minus the purple hair, but a cow-orker has 2 daughters, both of whom are now trans and de-boobed.

Maintain assured clear distance at all time.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 01, 2024 06:48 PM (V8he0)

110 Read this about long times past, urine will keep your teeth white, guess the acid will do the trick.

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:48 PM (fwDg9)

111 "Before we accommodate this demand, it would be prudent to take full notice of the fact that people can define themselves into or out of this new legal category called "transgender" for any reason they want."

"Yesterday I was a floor polish. Today I'm a dessert topping. Tomorrow I will be a floor polish. Kneel before us! Kiss our feet! Worship us! If you don't we'll kill you and blame you for forcing us do it!"

- An example of the coming level of Leftist-enabled insanity.

Posted by: Gref at March 01, 2024 06:49 PM (5fDan)

112 ...times

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 01, 2024 06:49 PM (V8he0)

113 >>> Only fans gal has alot of chipmunk DNA.
Posted by: Ben Had

How many hardboiled eggs can she pack in her cheeks?
(shelled, of course)

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at March 01, 2024 06:49 PM (cOq4q)

114 Note she acknowledges how feminism is the counterpart to misogyny (the hatred and abuse of females). She actually wrote that.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (ANsAt)

115 They can NEVER say the right answer, no matter the question, because their gender is toxic by definition.

So might as well just shut up and take it silently. Then join the MGTOW movement when they are old enough...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:17 PM

The tide is starting to turn, at least a little bit.

My son and one of his buddies joined the SAP Club in high school. That stands for Students Against Prejudice.

Every time the club officers labelled an entire group racist, sexist, toxic, etc. for some innate characteristic, my son and his friend would point out the inherent prejudice contained in the claims.

They essentially rendered that club toothless as a mechanism of propaganda. (That certainly goes into my list of "proud papa" moments.)

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (HlyYF)

116 she's probably a good nut cracker.

Nut cracker? Sweet!

Posted by: P. Tchaikovsky at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (AWCJK)

117 Wow, Judge in California just ordered Pegasus, a Security Software firm from Israel, to cough up their SOURCE CODE to another company.

Yeah... not seein it happenin there Judge.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (xaFKb)

118 "(Hot damn that was a smooth turn of phrase right there.)"

I love you Ace....but in an admiration of your creativity and transgressivene way, not in a gay way. I mean, not JUST in a gay way...

Posted by: KasperrHauserinRio at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM (qrtQl)

119 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.
Posted by: Calculon 2.0

I was reminded of the scene in Groundhog Day where he imitates the sound the waitress makes when she's "excited."

Posted by: Diogenes at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM (W/lyH)

120 88
‘ Only fans gal has alot of chipmunk DNA.’

Oh. Yeah.

Posted by: The chipmunk at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM (roH4R)

121 Viva Frei speculates the crazy Only Fans Blonde Mom is doing a bit, and I'm inclined to agree.

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM (MvF+J)

122 For those of us (like me) very firm in our political beliefs,
Oh no, honey. Don't fool yourself. Those are religious beliefs, all the way through.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM (ANsAt)

123 men's rights influencers"
You mean... dads?


Saw someone make a really good point recently.

The wymyn that complain about the patriarchy were much better valued under the more traditional system before feminism destroyed it for everyone.

(to say nothing of respected and protected)

Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM (Yui9f)

124 75 That “ woman” has a helluva Adam’s apple..

Posted by: tubal at March 01, 2024 06:38 PM

Hell, I think she has TWO Adam's apples.

Posted by: MartynW at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM (sHP7b)

125 Pillage Idiot, hugs.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM (SwYJN)

126 >>Minus the purple hair, but a cow-orker has 2 daughters, both of whom are now trans and de-boobed.

Not that I need it but to me this situation is proof this is mental illness. You have two kids and both of them just happen to be "born in the wrong body"? Sure Jan.

Why is it so hard for us as a society to just say the truth, these people are mentally ill and need some kind of mental health treatment not encouragement to harm themselves?

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM (LkLld)

127 That's a MAN, baby!

Posted by: Gref at March 01, 2024 06:53 PM (5fDan)

128 It does make me sad hearing young girls think they are male, they won't ever be.

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:53 PM (fwDg9)

129 This did not come as a huge surprise to me or Gray. He teaches humanities at a local college, where I have taught too, and we've often talked about how tricky it can be to keep hetero boys involved in classroom debates
What kind of a faggot is Gray?
Posted by: Eeyore at March 01, 2024 06:31 PM (1bNHn)

Once the information content goes to 0, interest dies.

Talk of dinosaurs, sports scores has content.

Talk of feelings, feelings about feelings and memories of feelings about feelings has zero content.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 06:53 PM (eoQWY)

Viva Frei speculates the crazy Only Fans Blonde Mom is doing a bit, and I'm inclined to agree.

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM

Yeah, it's all about the 15 minutes of infamy.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 06:53 PM (RKVpM)

131 They essentially rendered that club toothless as a mechanism of propaganda. (That certainly goes into my list of "proud papa" moments.)
Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (HlyYF)
Good for them!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:54 PM (BpYfr)

132 Wow, Judge in California just ordered Pegasus, a Security Software firm from Israel, to cough up their SOURCE CODE to another company.

Yeah... not seein it happenin there Judge.
Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (xaFKb)

Hey judge... Might want to think twice about answering your cell phone in the future.

Posted by: Diogenes at March 01, 2024 06:54 PM (W/lyH)

133 >>Viva Frei speculates the crazy Only Fans Blonde Mom is doing a bit, and I'm inclined to agree.

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 06:51 PM

For the sake of her real or imaginary child, I hope so.

Posted by: huerfano at March 01, 2024 06:54 PM (Q4KYm)

134 125 Pillage Idiot, hugs.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM

Hugs right back at ya!

Are your horses happy that spring is approaching?

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:54 PM (HlyYF)

135 Fanni, it's me you need to show
How deep is your love

How deep is your love, how deep is your love
I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
when they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

Posted by: Nathan Wade at March 01, 2024 06:55 PM (4I/2K)

136 >>Minus the purple hair, but a cow-orker has 2 daughters, both of whom are now trans and de-boobed.

Not that I need it but to me this situation is proof this is mental illness. You have two kids and both of them just happen to be "born in the wrong body"? Sure Jan.

Why is it so hard for us as a society to just say the truth, these people are mentally ill and need some kind of mental health treatment not encouragement to harm themselves?
Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 06:52 PM (LkLld)

pretty fast work on their part, since the trans stuff hasn't been the acme of activism for that long even now.

The Parents must have been making the daughters mentally ill in an entirely different way for the early part of their lives.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 06:55 PM (eoQWY)

137 It does make me sad hearing young girls think they are male, they won't ever be.
Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:53 PM (fwDg9)

Me, too. I pray for the victims of transgenderism frequently. They're mentally ill, and are being exploited by evil people.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at March 01, 2024 06:56 PM (pJWtt)

138 Today my daughter invited a friend over and they played Barbies/ponies for an hour then Cat Quest II for another hour. This is probably more girliness than I ever achieved in my entire childhood, and I'm happy for her.

Posted by: pookysgirl grew up a tomboy, unsurprisingly at March 01, 2024 06:56 PM (dtlDP)

139 My Mom Is Selfish. Do I still Have to be a 'Good Daughter'?
Sorry to break it to you, but YES, you do. Because it's not about relativism. It's about adherence to an objective moral standard. At least in Christianity, upon which Western Civ was founded. But certainly not in your heretical, warped, evil religion. It's all about ME. (You think your mom's selfish? And yet you're arguing about you getting to do the same? Hoo boy. That is NOT what we used to call "logic.")

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:57 PM (ANsAt)

140 Imagine in your minds what she looks like -- specifically, the set of her face, the cast of her eyes, the line of her mouth.

Romans 1:28-32
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, [m]covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at March 01, 2024 06:57 PM (DqJmd)

Wow, Judge in California just ordered Pegasus, a Security Software firm from Israel, to cough up their SOURCE CODE to another company.

Source code is contained in file

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 06:57 PM (RKVpM)

142 Retired Buckeye Cop considering teachers in schools push this Trannie crap yes they are evil people doing the pushing

Posted by: Skip at March 01, 2024 06:58 PM (fwDg9)

143 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.
Posted by: Calculon 2.0

Cartoon gopher
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (63Dwl)

there is a meme toddler with teeth like that, I forget the exact meme. Even a blonde girl.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 06:58 PM (eoQWY)

144 If everyone in your life seems to be hateful, maybe you're the one who's actually hateful.
Or, as I've said it for years, You are the commonality in every failed relationship you've ever had.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:59 PM (ANsAt)

145 "And that bitch looks like Glenn Danzig.
Posted by: Pug Mahon,"

Harsh, but fair.
Posted by: fd at March 01, 2024 06:46 PM (vFG9F)

The first name that came to mind when I saw her pic was the actress Anne Revere. Ms. Revere was a member of the American Communist party and she refused to testify in a HUAC hearing.

Posted by: mrp at March 01, 2024 07:00 PM (rj6Yv)

146 By the way, Megyn Kelly has an easy tip for understanding what our deliberately-corrupted and dishonest Newspeak really means: Whenever you see the phrases "trans woman" or "trans man," just substitute the word "fake" for "trans." So "trans woman" is a "fake woman" better known as a man.


ah, ok.

Posted by: runner at March 01, 2024 07:01 PM (V13WU)

147 144 "Or, as I've said it for years, You are the commonality in every failed relationship you've ever had."

Or as an old joke goes, "Confucius say man who smell shit all the time should check his own shoes."

Posted by: Alex at March 01, 2024 07:01 PM (EcUen)

148 Scarlet Blake (born Alice Wang)
Wait... WHAT!? How was a trans (fake) woman born with a woman's name?

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:01 PM (ANsAt)

149 They essentially rendered that club toothless as a mechanism of propaganda. (That certainly goes into my list of "proud papa" moments.)
Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (HlyYF)
Good for them!
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:54 PM (BpYfr)

I've done something similar with my employer, a big multi-national company. The last couple years they've sent out an Employee Satisfaction Survey, and my responses always point out that categorizing employees based upon immutable characteristics is a Civil Rights Violation.

This year, apparently DEI has been re-labeled RESPECT. I guess the geniuses in the C-Suites must have figured out that they were opening themselves up to legal jeopardy.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at March 01, 2024 07:02 PM (pJWtt)

150 Today my daughter invited a friend over and they played Barbies/ponies for an hour then Cat Quest II for another hour. This is probably more girliness than I ever achieved in my entire childhood, and I'm happy for her.
Posted by: pookysgirl grew up a tomboy, unsurprisingly at March 01, 2024 06:56 PM (dtlDP)

Cat Quest 2 sounds pretty based. At war with the nasty dogs of the Lupus empire, Kings being overturned and have to reclaim their thrones.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 07:02 PM (eoQWY)

151 144 If everyone in your life seems to be hateful, maybe you're the one who's actually hateful.
Or, as I've said it for years, You are the commonality in every failed relationship you've ever had.
Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:59 PM (ANsAt)

Said it for years. We all consider ourselves the norm. So if we are honorable? We expect others to be honorable.

Problem is, it goes the other way too... Liars expect everyone to lie, and thus will be the first to accuse others of telling lies... same with cheating...

So... knowing this... I've been able to avoid some relationships with folks who are truly dysfunctional.

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 07:02 PM (xaFKb)

152 148 Scarlet Blake (born Alice Wang)
Wait... WHAT!? How was a trans (fake) woman born with a woman's name?
Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:01 PM (ANsAt)

Frankly my Dear, I don't give a damn...

Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 07:04 PM (xaFKb)

153 Feiw, everybody knows women have been as awful as men since the Greeks started writing.

Posted by: N at March 01, 2024 07:05 PM (RjBju)

154 So, this Wheezer-Morton woman....What? Not Wheezer? Oh, Jezer...Sorry...This Jeezer-Morton woman, what is her particular schtick? It sounds as if she mostly writes slice-of-life stories based on a life that is rather half-baked and full of lemon juice and vinegar.

Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 07:05 PM (njExo)

155 Or, as I've said it for years, You are the commonality in every failed relationship you've ever had.
Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 06:59 PM (ANsAt)

You either suck at relationships, or you suck at picking relationship partners, if you've piled up lots of them.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 07:05 PM (eoQWY)

156 I am truly blessed for the people in my life have morals values, work ethic and a great sense of humor

Posted by: Ben Had at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM (SwYJN)

157 Speaking of idiocy, Fani is likely done. This is a brutal beatdown. She should count herself fortunate is she is prosecuted.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM (LkLld)

158 So, this Wheezer-Morton woman....What? Not Wheezer? Oh, Jezer...Sorry...This Jeezer-Morton woman, what is her particular schtick? It sounds as if she mostly writes slice-of-life stories based on a life that is rather half-baked and full of lemon juice and vinegar.
Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 07:05 PM (njExo)

She's no Erma Bombeck.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 01, 2024 07:07 PM (4I/2K)

159 And, yes, this is the crap that happens when a civilization dies. We used to point at things like Rome (or Germany) and ask, "How could that be?" And then answer it with "Well, the commoner was ignorant, and blah, blah, blah."

And I've been pointing for more than 20 years and saying, "Oh? Blame it on their ignorance or their propensity for evil? Understand you are now they."

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:07 PM (ANsAt)

160 isn't

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:07 PM (LkLld)

161 All this "gender" crap is getting tiresome.

Posted by: But that's just me at March 01, 2024 07:07 PM (ks6Us)

162 Was it "Slapshot" where Paul Newman said
You better get married again soon or your son will grow up with a dick in his mouth?
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards

Yes, it was. But I think he said cock. I need to watch that again.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at March 01, 2024 07:07 PM (s+cGt)

163 Don't miss the link in JJs thread this morning about Alex Jones being made fun of but being 100% correct about the frogs.

Now think about how much time has passed since then, and what humans have also been consuming.

Posted by: Moron Robbie at March 01, 2024 07:08 PM (Yui9f)

164 categorizing employees based upon immutable characteristics is a Civil Rights Violation.

Can't call em stinky anymore?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at March 01, 2024 07:08 PM (bNIcd)

If everyone in your life seems to be hateful, maybe you're the one who's actually hateful.

There's a problem there. If you are a successful person expect everyone to hate you and do everything under the sun to even the score. They don't consider their actions hateful. Cheating, stealing, forging wills, picking locks... I could create quite the list.

Might wanna go back and pick a smaller brush.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 07:10 PM (RKVpM)

166 Trump's "Never Surrender Sneakers" originally sold by Trump for 399 dollars
Now being offered on eBay at 99 bucks.
Wear them at your own risk ! Price will go up, but not in your own lifetime, but in 10 years who knows what they may be worth

Posted by: Paul banned at March 01, 2024 07:10 PM (pjQjB)

167 Go Fund Me for terp who worked with SOF in Afghanistan only to be murdered by savages in DC carjacking. This is what happens to legal immigrants when they're truly exposed to Democrats constituency.

He leaves behind a wife and children with no means of support.

Posted by: Marcus T at March 01, 2024 07:10 PM (ynlMv)

168 Per the sidebar, I can't believe it's been 12 years since Andrew Breitbart died. I'll always remember that sick feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when I heard the news. Same feeling I had when I heard Rush Limbaugh had lung cancer. Bless both of them.

Posted by: Tuna at March 01, 2024 07:11 PM (oaGWv)

169 By the way, Megyn Kelly has an easy tip for understanding what our deliberately-corrupted and dishonest Newspeak really means: Whenever you see the phrases "trans woman" or "trans man," just substitute the word "fake" for "trans." So "trans woman" is a "fake woman" better known as a man.

I thought this up last week. I could never figure out what I was supposed to be dealing with. Trans means Fake. I thought I was so clever, but I was swimming in Megan's wake.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at March 01, 2024 07:11 PM (s+cGt)

170 Paul, you ignorant slut.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 01, 2024 07:13 PM (u73oe)

171 Flaming youth will set the world on fire!
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at March 01, 2024 06:26 PM (b2d5O)

Too soon, man.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:13 PM (ANsAt)

172 This is a very long and detailed post, and you all make excellent points


Posted by: Don Black at March 01, 2024 07:14 PM (oCjPU)

173 Holy shit, your society is a bunch of vile perverts!

Posted by: Caligula at March 01, 2024 07:14 PM (f45Vt)

174 Lol
Libs of TikTok first example is the mediocre male athlete competes in girls sports to win championships.
There are currently to my 388000 athletes competing in the NCAA 34 are transgenders some compete in women's sports some compete in male sports.
That works out too a little over 1 in 10000

Posted by: Paul banned at March 01, 2024 07:14 PM (pjQjB)

I'm sure China has 'Trump sneakers' on Amazon by now. Complete with a 'Made in America' tag that Amazon never seems to care whether it is true or not.

Jeff is not a 'Great American'.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 01, 2024 07:14 PM (RKVpM)

176 157 Speaking of idiocy, Fani is likely done. This is a brutal beatdown. She should count herself fortunate is she is prosecuted.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM (LkLld)

I hope the judge kicks her and Sweetdick to the curb.

However, the judge is an idiot if he's not thinking about the possibility that AndyTifa will firebomb his house. And thinking about the possible end of a political career in Fulton County and for Georgia state-wide offices. Sad. Maddening.

Posted by: Gref at March 01, 2024 07:15 PM (5fDan)

177 The OnlyFans chick bitching about Mom duties; she views Narcissism as a Virtue.

Posted by: Puddleglum at work at March 01, 2024 07:17 PM (DqJmd)

178 The Fans Only woman's hatred of her own son is horrendous. I hope his father gets full custody now.

Posted by: Decaf at March 01, 2024 07:17 PM (unUNN)

179 Speaking of idiocy, Fani is likely done. This is a brutal beatdown. She should count herself fortunate is she is prosecuted.
Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM (LkLld)

Dat cracker ain't got nuttin on my ass.

I will be phree to get a hump in my back and pop my coochie and it gonna be lit!

Shake it! Don't break it!
It took your momma nine months to make it
Bend over and spread 'em, girl
Show-w-w me those coochie pearls...

Posted by: Fani Willis, Illiterate and Ignorant at March 01, 2024 07:17 PM (R/m4+)

180 Per the sidebar, I can't believe it's been 12 years since Andrew Breitbart died. I'll always remember that sick feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when I heard the news. Same feeling I had when I heard Rush Limbaugh had lung cancer. Bless both of them. - Tuna

I felt the same way. Breitbart's death was more of a gut punch because it was completely unanticipated. Rush, at least, was able to spend some time with us during his extended illness. God bless both of them, indeed.

Posted by: Paco at March 01, 2024 07:17 PM (njExo)

181 157 Speaking of idiocy, Fani is likely done. This is a brutal beatdown. She should count herself fortunate is she is prosecuted.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM (LkLld)


Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 07:18 PM (xaFKb)

182 Me love you long time.

Posted by: Alice Wang at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (V8he0)

183 OT

Pie shop reopens after employee fell through floor

Posted by: Don Black at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (oCjPU)

184 Here's a fun fact. Alexander Smirnov, the FBI informant that the FBI just arrested for supposedly lying about Joe and Hunter taking $5 million dollar bribes from Ukraine was also and FBI informant on the Trump Russia collusion hoax.

The FBI believed that one.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (LkLld)

185 but large tattoos on a Woman is like putting Graphiti on the Venus de Milo.
Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (xaFKb)

Or slapping graffiti on a Van Gogh because it's the only way to distract from the craziness.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (ANsAt)

186 173 Holy shit, your society is a bunch of vile perverts!
Posted by: Caligula

(plays Ashoken Farewell)

Posted by: Nero at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (DqJmd)

187 That's just cunt face.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (/6/1z)

188 >Per the sidebar, I can't believe it's been 12 years since Andrew Breitbart died.


and no suitable replacement as of yet

Posted by: Don Black at March 01, 2024 07:20 PM (oCjPU)

189 Hmmmm... "Bitch Face...... Activate!!"

I see a new series on TV in the near future.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 01, 2024 07:20 PM (Q4IgG)

190 it is astounding to me, and also very amusing, to watch younger generations slowly figure out what every generation of men and women have had to learn the hard way: Unless you are very very lucky and have a very stable society, your children are going to grow up despising the ideals you try so had to teach them. It was heartbreaking that the boomers rejected most of the values of the Greatest Generation (especially selflessness); but it's hilarious to watch kids coming of age now rejecting all the Karen's values.

another hard lesson - the more force a generation uses to try and impose it's views, the more violent the counter-reaction will be.

Posted by: Tom Servo at March 01, 2024 07:20 PM (q3gwH)

191 it is gender dysphoria and it can be fixed.
Posted by: illiniwek at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (Cus5s)

Well, the fixing part is already being handled by a lot of them. Without the fear of the vet most critters evince. *cough*

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:20 PM (ANsAt)

192 Alice Wang is a murderer, but his sister Anita Wang is vice-president.

Posted by: Wally at March 01, 2024 07:20 PM (f45Vt)

193 I identify as the guy who says "Go fuck yourself" when you demand I bow to your demands.

Go cut off your dick and do whatever you want but don't tell me what I have to do. Go fuck yourself.
Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 06:34 PM (LkLld)

The thing is though, they're not confronting you. They're not confronting me. They confront those they know will NOT tell them to go f themselves.

Those of us who will, we are silently shaking our fists at them, from afar. Which is fine too, now that I think about it. Stay over there, you... weirdo.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 01, 2024 07:22 PM (GtZ7X)

194 nood

Posted by: Apply gp Directly To Forehead at March 01, 2024 07:23 PM (MvF+J)

195 >>However, the judge is an idiot if he's not thinking about the possibility that AndyTifa will firebomb his house. And thinking about the possible end of a political career in Fulton County and for Georgia state-wide offices. Sad. Maddening.

I'm sure he's well aware of all of it. He did work for Fani and contribute to her campaign. He's a Democrat politician in Fulton County and this whole thing is politics.

But this has gone beyond farce. There are so many lies and conflicts nobody could take this seriously if she is allowed to stay on this case. Hell, nobody can take this entire case seriously. Their entire lawfare strategy is blowing up in their faces.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:23 PM (LkLld)

196 It was heartbreaking that the boomers rejected most of the values of the Greatest Generation (especially selflessness);

Many of us didn't. Growing so very tired of this crap.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at March 01, 2024 07:23 PM (V8he0)

197 Our society has worked hard to get rid of any trace of motherliness. It shouldn't come as a surprise that these women have no tenderness or care for their children. It's been brainwashed out of them.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at March 01, 2024 07:24 PM (yeEu9)

198 Speaking of idiocy, Fani is likely done. This is a brutal beatdown. She should count herself fortunate is she is prosecuted.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:06 PM

*wipes eye*

That was beautiful.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 01, 2024 07:24 PM (Wnv9h)

199 Here's a fun fact. Alexander Smirnov, the FBI informant that the FBI just arrested for supposedly lying about Joe and Hunter taking $5 million dollar bribes from Ukraine was also and FBI informant on the Trump Russia collusion hoax.

The FBI believed that one.
Posted by: JackStraw at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (LkLld)

Everything's an op.


Posted by: BurtTC at March 01, 2024 07:24 PM (MapSb)

200 She doesn't give a shit about her own flesh and blood.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:45 PM (BpYfr)

A big problem began in our society when people began seeing their children as accessories instead of posterity. If you can't see them as a continuation of your families and you down through succeeding ages, then just let your line die out. Please. Do it for the children.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:25 PM (ANsAt)

Look at Chaya's tee-shirt. It appears she is royally trolling Tay-Tay by wearing a t-shirt with her face on it. I wonder what the caption is.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's office at March 01, 2024 07:26 PM (T3es0)

202 (That certainly goes into my list of "proud papa" moments.)
Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (HlyYF)

Hot diggity, PI! That's good parenting there!

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:27 PM (ANsAt)

I'm not sure that OnlyFans mom is real. It just doesn't seem possible.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's office at March 01, 2024 07:28 PM (T3es0)

204 That works out too a little over 1 in 10000
Posted by: Paul banned at March 01, 2024 07:14 PM (pjQjB)

Works out to 1 in 5 or 10 if they're on your team.

Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:35 PM (ANsAt)

205 115 They can NEVER say the right answer, no matter the question, because their gender is toxic by definition.

So might as well just shut up and take it silently. Then join the MGTOW movement when they are old enough...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at March 01, 2024 06:17 PM

The tide is starting to turn, at least a little bit.

My son and one of his buddies joined the SAP Club in high school. That stands for Students Against Prejudice.

Every time the club officers labelled an entire group racist, sexist, toxic, etc. for some innate characteristic, my son and his friend would point out the inherent prejudice contained in the claims.

They essentially rendered that club toothless as a mechanism of propaganda. (That certainly goes into my list of "proud papa" moments.)
Posted by: Pillage Idiot at March 01, 2024 06:50 PM (HlyYF)

That's great!

Posted by: m at March 01, 2024 07:38 PM (o3SCB)

206 Saturnine, child-devouring monster?

Planned Parenthood and the Left cronus children.
cronus Verb: to describe the act of consuming or engulfing something. e.g. like Cronus did to Zeus' siblings.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at March 01, 2024 07:43 PM (ynpvh)

207 143 The teeth on the OnlyFans girl appeal to me for some reason.
Posted by: Calculon 2.0

Cartoon gopher
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 01, 2024 06:47 PM (63Dwl)

there is a meme toddler with teeth like that, I forget the exact meme. Even a blonde girl.
Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 06:58 PM (eoQWY)

Lily's Disneyland Surprise

Posted by: m at March 01, 2024 07:44 PM (o3SCB)

208 but large tattoos on a Woman is like putting Graphiti on the Venus de Milo.
Posted by: Romeo13 at March 01, 2024 06:39 PM (xaFKb)

Or slapping graffiti on a Van Gogh because it's the only way to distract from the craziness.
Posted by: GWB at March 01, 2024 07:19 PM (ANsAt)

Those who think about doing this need to remember that much of the time people see you not within a foot or two, but farther off. At that distance you just look extremely dirty, like you bathe in motor oil.

Posted by: Oldcat at March 01, 2024 07:49 PM (eoQWY)

209 the boomers rejected most of the values of the Greatest Generation (especially selflessness)

The many WWII veterans I knew well could, possibly, bash some sense into you about the so-called "values" of "generations." There were any number of slackers and bounders about. The US Army is still missing one division worth of deserters in Europe. But I can't teach you anything. You're on a soapbox, orating. I don't have an opinion about the "values" of your "generation," but I'll be happy to challenge your personal virtue. You're a bullshitter.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at March 01, 2024 08:05 PM (zdLoL)

210 "adopt a more truthful vocabulary, writes Jenifer Roback Morse"

Yes to this. Transgender is not one thing. You need a taxonomy, and Roback's is about the same as mine.

There are sadists, perverts, advantage-seekers, virtue-signalers, harmless weirdos, and various types of confused kids, some with predators of their own.

They're not all the same.

Posted by: Tom Perry at March 01, 2024 08:16 PM (MX0bI)

211 Managed to not click on any of the links of videos.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at March 01, 2024 08:42 PM (dQfJF)

212 OF girl is a horrible human being but would bang.

Posted by: Montec. at March 01, 2024 08:58 PM (bWsRe)

213 Someday the Matriarchy will end, here’s my advice ladies:
We’re going to be as nice to you on the way down as you were to us on the way up.

Posted by: LexisTexas at March 01, 2024 09:10 PM (MWeTv)

214 Only the truly insane are still playing along (this is a great way to identify the mentally unstable). And the more sunlight this sees, the more it is being disinfected (I hope and pray).

The smug "expert worshippers" should be the reviled when this wave of perverted postmodernism is washed away. No path to forgiveness. Like the COVID crew. Sorry, you have had your "polite society" card revoked.

Posted by: Dane at March 02, 2024 06:34 AM (2vQ6L)

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