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Nikki Haley Refuses to Say That a Man Can't Become a Woman

All she will commit to, weakly, is blocking those under 18 from surgeries. She will not say she would block those under 18 from being prescribed irreversible, sterilizing hormone blockers.

Haley was asked a very direct question by a caller who identified himself as "John" about men becoming women. She did not, however, offer a direct answer. Instead, Haley said people over the age of 18 "can live any way they want."

The question and fake answer:

HOST: And with that, let's go to our last question, John. John, you're live from Dubuque.

JOHN: Hi, Ambassador.

HALEY: Hi, John.

JOHN: A lot of the stuff that Trump does, you know, and says, really bothers me, and I'm concerned about it. You know, one thing I saw him do was, he said that, uh, he had trouble answering the question, could a man become a woman? And I'm just wondering what, what your response to that question is?

HALEY: Yeah, I mean, I think first of all, let's look at the facts. Again, I'm sorry that we didn't make it to Dubuque, and, and I hate that we're not there but I appreciate you coming on here.

Look, I mean, I have said, I want to start with Trump and then get to the question. You know, this is a hard truth on my part. I believe Trump was the right president at the right time. I agree with a lot of his policies. But rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. And everybody on this call knows that. And we can't be a country in disarray and a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. We won't survive it. And I think a lot of that is how he communicates and what happens. It just sets us all in disarray, and we can't afford a President Kamala Harris.

Now, can a man become a woman. There's been a lot that's been talked about when it comes to all of these roles and all of these issues. I strongly believe that we should not allow any gender change surgeries to anyone before the age of 18. Period.

She's trying to sound tough here, while doing the absolute minimum.

We-- kids now can't get a tattoo until they're 18. We shouldn't have them permanently change their body until they're 18. And that includes puberty blockers, that includes any sort of hormones that would do that.

After the age of 18, we want to make sure people can live any way they want to live. I don't think government needs to be in control of anybody's life. You go live the way you want to live, you should be free to live the way you want to live, and every-- government and everybody else should stay out of your way.

But prior to 18, it is an important time, especially when you're going through your teenage years that can be confusing. I don't think we should ever in any way have any sort of permanent changes. But after 18, I'm not going to say anything. I think that, you know, you always have to believe in freedom and allowing people to live the life the way they want to live, and if that's how they choose then, you know, I don't think government should have any say in that.

Thank you for that question. comments:

At no point did Haley actually address the question of biological males 'transitioning' to female and, presumably, the other queries that arise from that, including trans athletes' competition in women's sports, the use of women's locker rooms, etc.

In fairness, Nikki Haley's answer to this question is just Trump's rope-a-dope answer to this question, and people pretend that he's a warrior on the issue, so why not Nikki too?

The former South Carolina governor is not the first 2024 Republican candidate to make headlines for their position on this topic. Back in September, Megyn sought clarity from former President Donald Trump on where he stands on biological men in women's spaces and how he feels about gender reassignment hormones and surgeries for minors.

She also asked him directly: "Can a man become a woman?"

After a pause and chuckle, Trump offered this: "In my opinion, you have a man, you have a woman. I think part of it is birth. Can the man give birth? No, although they'll come up with some answer to that also someday. I heard just the other day, they have a way that now the man can give birth. No, I would say, I'll continue my stance on that."

Men will soon be able to give birth, Trump says, and that will settle the issue. I mean, if they can, hypoethetically, give birth, then they're women and should be allowed to compete in women's events and use women's bathrooms.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked the same question by Glenn Beck during a September sit down. "No, how ridiculous that we're even asking that question," he responded. "And you know, sometimes people will knock me because they'll say that he's talking about woke and you shouldn't worry about-- like, like people say, 'Who cares about it, right?' Look, society needs to be grounded in truth and if you're telling me a man can get pregnant and you're telling me a man can become a woman, that is not true and I'm not going to accept that as true. I'm not going to be complicit in a lie."

Trump has always been very, very liberal on this issue. He announced his leftwing take on the issue in 2016 stating that the state government of North Carolina should not block North Carolina cities and towns from mandating genderless bathrooms, stating that people should use "the bathroom they feel is appropriate." And he has not evolved since the first liberal take.

Transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want, Donald Trump said Thursday.

"Oh, I had a feeling that question was going to come up, I will tell you. North Carolina did something that was very strong. And they're paying a big price. There's a lot of problems," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event on NBC's "Today."

Note there he also implicitly endorses the leftwing boycott of the state by Hollywood and liberal sports leagues. He seems to have continued this "bow to leftwing corporations" line with his refusal to endorse the Bud Light boycott, and his attacks against Noted Gobalist Corporatist Ron DeSanctimonious for standing up to Trump's big donor, Disney.

Referring to comments from an unnamed commentator who on Wednesday said North Carolina should "leave it the way it is right now," Trump said he agreed.

"Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they're going through with all the business that's leaving, all of the strife -- and this is on both sides. Leave it the way it is," he said, referring to companies that have canceled plans to move or expand businesses in the state as a result of the law, which bans transgender individuals from using a bathroom that does not match their gender at birth.

"There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean, the economic punishment that they're taking."

The only "problem" with mandating that people use the bathrooms of their real sex is the "strife and economic... punishment" that the left uses to destroy conservative states and voters who dissent. Otherwise, "so little trouble"!

Anyone who thinks that the 71-year-old lifetime Hollywood liberal Trump is going to suddenly "evolve" on this issue is coping very hard.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:40 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:39 PM (Zz0t1)

2 Nikki never said that. She told me so.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

3 Oh, and she sucks.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:40 PM (Zz0t1)

4 Nooded.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:41 PM (Zz0t1)

5 Yet STILL trotted the bases for the grand salami.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:41 PM (Zz0t1)

6 "HALEY: Yeah, I mean, I think first of all, let's look at the facts. Again, I'm sorry that we didn't make it to Dubuque, and, and I hate that we're not there but I appreciate you coming on here."

Well, that's a big lie right there. There's footage that ace posted of Haley in NH making fun of Iowans. She had no intention to go to Dubuque.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at January 15, 2024 02:41 PM (Y12T9)

7 I'm sure Haley will be the perfect president. Such poise, such idiocy...

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 02:42 PM (9ubby)

8 >>>5 Yet STILL trotted the bases for the grand salami.

Is this Grand Salami available for legal work in Georgia?

Posted by: Fani Willis at January 15, 2024 02:43 PM (KRtlO)

9 Where is the fetus going to gestate? In a box?

Posted by: Reggie PFJ at January 15, 2024 02:43 PM (4I/2K)

10 Why is anyone terrified of offending less than one percent of the population? Yeah I the imbecilic media is protrannie.

Posted by: Northernlurker at January 15, 2024 02:43 PM (yyfQG)

11 stating that people should use "the bathroom they feel is appropriate."

The drinking fountain at the library?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the struggle to maintain Moron standards at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (OKkSB)

12 When a maaaannnn b'comes a woman....

Posted by: PERCY SLEDGE at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (wtvvX)

13 No, although they'll come up with some answer to that also someday. I heard just the other day, they have a way that now the man can give birth. No, I would say, I'll continue my stance on that."

Yeah, you highlighted the first part, but he finishes up with NO. So NO, Trump doesn't believe that men can give birth.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (Zz0t1)

14 New Delhi Nikki is a garbage human.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (R4t5M)

15 Yet STILL trotted the bases for the grand salami.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:41 PM

Impeccable credentials is so last Thread.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (a3Q+t)

16 stating that people should use "the bathroom they feel is appropriate."

The drinking fountain at the library?
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the struggle to maintain Moron standards at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (OKkSB)

The one on the right.

Posted by: CCR at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (4I/2K)

17 9 Where is the fetus going to gestate? In a box?
Posted by: Reggie PFJ at January 15, 2024 02:43 PM (4I/2K)

I'm imagining uterus transplants, sick as that is.... Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should... And as much as I am not fond of Trump , he is no way as bad as Haley

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (n2vyf)

18 >>>10 Why is anyone terrified of offending less than one percent of the population? Yeah I the imbecilic media is protrannie.

Jeremy Boering said that some conservative people in Hollywood expressed an interest in funding his movies or even appearing in them, on one condition: They had to lay off the transgender issue completely. He said that it's a religious issue for them.

(I don't think it's a religious issue for the conservative types, I think he meant they were saying, "We just can't work with you if you cross the left's top religious issue.")

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (KRtlO)

19 She is the GOP Hillary. She'll say anything without prior consideration of the consequences.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (MeG8a)

Two US Senators from Florida endorsed Ron DeSantis, if I'm not mistaken.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (nIvob)

21 Yet STILL trotted the bases for the grand salami.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:41 PM (Zz0t1)

We'll be there soon!

Posted by: Don and Shep at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (Angsy)

22 Trump is not great on this issue. DeathSantis is better. But unfortunately for him, this isn't a winning issue. While it might resonate for some, the majority of voters have much bigger concerns on their minds than a bunch of confused weirdos with horrible parents and horrible doctors. Much bigger concerns that are primarily economic.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (iFTx/)

23 Call me when you get to an issue that affects more than a few perverts and the media.

Posted by: Rat Fink Chief Mechanic at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (9X60i)

24 Two US Senators from Florida endorsed Ron DeSantis, if I'm not mistaken.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (nIvob)

Rubio just endorsed trump

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (n2vyf)

25 "Men will soon be able to give birth, Trump says, and that will settle the issue. I mean, if they can, hypoethetically, give birth, then they're women and should be allowed to compete in women's events and use women's bathrooms."

Good grief, Ace, what a dishonest comment.

He was clear, and if you don't know that, you're not paying attention. What he's saying, and I can't believe you don't know this, is that eventually the idiot scientists will make it possible for a male, with male organs and male parts, to give birth.

It's a silly comment, which may or may not be scientifically accurate, but he's not talking about gender benders.


Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (o9EGS)

26 I don't really care what consenting adults do on their own time...provided that it does not infringe on the rights of other people. The problem with all this gender crap is that it explicitly and intentionally *does* infringe on others' rights; indeed, therein lies the kink. It is infuriating that only a handful of hardcore tradlads are even willing to consider that.

Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (PZvjL)

27 Little Marco endorsed Trump.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (R4t5M)

28 “Where is the fetus going to gestate? In a box?”

That’s my line!

Posted by: John Clease at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (8uig7)

29 >>>She is the GOP Hillary. She'll say anything without prior consideration of the consequences.
Posted by: gourmand du jour

Absolutely correct.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (9ubby)

30 The drinking fountain at the library?
Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the struggle to maintain Moron standards at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (OKkSB)

"No yellow!"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (9UlRk)

31 Eh, don't care. Neither DeSantis nor Haley will be the nominee without shenanigans. That will turn the Trump voters off. Don't see how the Rs win that way.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (Angsy)

32 I'm sure Haley will be the perfect president. Such poise, such idiocy...

She's perfect for the GOP. Absolutely perfect. And, frankly, if Trump had just bent the knee early - and maybe ran for Senator, instead of insisting on stepping to the front of the line ? Then he probably would have been fine for the GOP as well.

For the GOP voters ? Meh, I don't know, because the lines have become so blurred with the influx of Trump Nationalists mixed with the typical "no more mean tweets, lets all be polite" GOP voter.

Yet, in a few months, we'll all play the same dumb game again, with people breathlessly anticipating slim GOP margins of victory in the House and Senate and maybe a Trump or DeSantis Presidency. And the same folks will be shocked - absolutely shocked - when the same old GOP moves get us more open borders, foreign adventures, and maybe another couple liberal judges.

Well, some will play. I'm all out of play.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 02:47 PM (o9LdA)

33 >>>Good grief, Ace, what a dishonest comment.

bullshit. Cope harder.

He just couldn't say 'no." He always tap dances.

And there's the other comment about people using "whatever bathroom they feel is appropriate." Do you have some bullshit interpretation for that one too, or will you just ignore it and continue living in Pretendistan?

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 02:48 PM (KRtlO)

34 I despise Haley... There I said it... She gets the nod I don't vote for President.....

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:48 PM (n2vyf)

35 "religion" with a very effective Inquisition

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 02:48 PM (V13WU)

36 Yeah, you highlighted the first part, but he finishes up with NO. So NO, Trump doesn't believe that men can give birth.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:44 PM (Zz0t1)

Which is the same as the dishonest people who only quote when Trump says somebody's "terrific" or whatever, then goes on to burn them in ways that ought to make clear he doesn't consider them to be "terrific."

Think, Epstein.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (o9EGS)

37 Because there has been a lot of weird speculation about Trump voters, we have actual confirmation about what pro-liberty, pro-America Nikki voters will be doing:

"A new NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll released just one day before the Iowa caucuses found that 43 percent of Haley backers in the state said they would vote for Biden if Trump is the GOP nominee, while 23 percent say they would vote for the former president. Eight percent said they would vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy "

Posted by: Nikki Haley knows the parties switched sides at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (O01nq)

38 I for one am looking forward to OnlyTrumpers doing a 180 and defending this birdbrain to the death when he picks her as his running mate.

Posted by: Dr. T at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (g0Y4p)

39 "At no point did Haley actually address the question of biological males 'transitioning' to female and, presumably, the other queries that arise from that, including trans athletes' competition in women's sports, the use of women's locker rooms, etc."

Doesn't "Now, can a man become a woman." amount to addressing it, and at least implicitly, endorsing that BS.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (1bNHn)

40 I'm imagining uterus transplants, sick as that is.... Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should... And as much as I am not fond of Trump , he is no way as bad as Haley
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:45 PM (n2vyf)

I made that movie. Didn't even have a choppa.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (LX4y3)

41 Nikki Haley is the new Hillary Clinton

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (vnSn7)

42 Andy Sabin

Major Nikki Haley donor accidentally reveals LIVE on-air DEMOCRATS are the ones behind big money push for Haley: "A number of it coming from Democrats"

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (lwOKI)

43 9 Where is the fetus going to gestate? In a box?
Posted by: Reggie PFJ at January 15, 2024 02:43 PM (4I/2K)
Five quatloos for the Loretta reference!

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (wP/hA)

44 Anyone who cannot answer a black and white question like "can a man become a woman" with one word doesn't really believe their answer.

The answer is no. Men cannot give birth. They cannot breastfeed. They cannot menstruate.

You cannot change chromosomes or DNA.

Whatever happened to science.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (/7Sa4)

45 Men, Woman, Civil War... I mean how much do we expect our future president to know?!?

Posted by: Inogame at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (53oGX)

46 You should be able to live the way you want but the government can tell you what kind of car, light bulbs, stoves and garden tools you can own.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (L8hCM)

47 Call the truth a lie. Call a lie the truth. FAFO is plenty vulgar. Still we are finding out all the time: loooove triangles, queers, lies, theft, murder, treachery, you name it and that short term pleasure results in long term pain, death, debt, that defines you until you turn away from it and do the opposite.

Aaaand it’s your blog.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM (as3uC)

48 I for one am looking forward to OnlyTrumpers doing a 180 and defending this birdbrain to the death when he picks her as his running mate.

Good one.

Posted by: t-bird at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (bIidV)

49 Jan. 31, 2023, NBC News
By Alex Seitz-Wald and Jo Yurcaba
Former President Donald Trump vowed in a video released Tuesday that, if he is re-elected, he will punish doctors who provide gender-affirming care to minors and push schools to “promote positive education about the nuclear family” and “the roles of mothers and fathers” as part of a wide-ranging set of policies to use federal power to target transgender people.

In a straight-to-camera video posted on his Truth Social platform, Trump said he would task several federal agencies to police and ultimately “stop” gender-affirming care for minors, which he equated to “child abuse” and “child sexual mutilation.”

He said he would also prohibit any federal agency from working to “promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age," not just for minors.

The proposals are likely to be met with staunch opposition from LGBTQ rights advocates, who are fighting similar ideas across the country, calling them detrimental to trans people.

Gender-affirming care, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, “consists of an array of services that may include medical, surgical, mental health, and non-medical services

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (2yu8s)

50 Ace is correct about Trump on this issue, but I don't see the point. He's going to be the candidate. And much as I hate the idea of voting Republican, I just don't see an alternative.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (1bNHn)

51 Don't be tiresome:

Posted by: GOP sux at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (Zzbjj)

52 "religion" with a very effective Inquisition

It is helpful to view today's Left in religious terms. They are most definitely Evangelical. They most definitely are faithful. And they absolutely are not concerned with immediate results, but rather their vision of some long term result rooted in their own prophecy. Hell, some immediate suffering is considering good. Purifying. Cleansing.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (o9LdA)

53 President Waraiotoko earlier today was caught on a live mic saying "well maybe if you can't figure out which pot to piss in then your opinions on who should be the chief executive of the land don't really fucking matter all that much do they?"

Posted by: Warai-otoko at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (9UlRk)

54 44 Anyone who cannot answer a black and white question like "can a man become a woman" with one word doesn't really believe their answer.

Simple answer is Scientifically and biologically speaking no

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (n2vyf)

55 Nikki Haley is the new Hillary Clinton


Except Nikki will be president.

Posted by: Nikki Haley knows the parties switched sides at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (O01nq)

56 Alternate headline:

In a Desperate Attempt to Pander to Her GOP Donors and Democrats, Nikki Haley Refuses to Say That a Man Can't Become a Woman

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (Q4IgG)

57 Look, society needs to be grounded in truth

Geez! What an extremist hater!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (FVME7)

58 Yeah, Trump is weak on woke but, he's going to be the nominee. How do we work around his weakness?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (aD39U)

59 bullshit. Cope harder.

He just couldn't say 'no." He always tap dances.

And there's the other comment about people using "whatever bathroom they feel is appropriate." Do you have some bullshit interpretation for that one too, or will you just ignore it and continue living in Pretendistan?
Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 02:48 PM (KRtlO)

You should look in a mirror sometime.

I can give you plenty of reasons not to support Trump. I could even go so far as to say I wouldn't want him reelected president, but this petty stuff doesn't reflect well on you.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (o9EGS)

Which is the same as the dishonest people who only quote when Trump says somebody's "terrific" or whatever, then goes on to burn them in ways that ought to make clear he doesn't consider them to be "terrific."

Think, Epstein.
Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 02:49 PM (o9EGS)

Where it seems Ace IS going full libtard. When do we get the "good people on both sides" and "Trump called for an INSURRECTION!!!"

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (Zz0t1)

61 Rubio just endorsed trump
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:46 PM (n2vyf)

So Rubio is trying to sink Trump.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (LX4y3)

So Rubio is trying to sink Trump.
Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (LX4y3)

LOL.. Nikki paid him

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:53 PM (n2vyf)

63 After the age of 18, we want to make sure people can live any way they want to live.
This is the problem with making up "human rights" as we go rather than recognize the "God-given Rights of Men" that this nation were founded on.

There just is no limit to the evil you'll wind up supporting in the name of being nice.

Posted by: Methos at January 15, 2024 02:53 PM (Dnobf)

64 63 After the age of 18, we want to make sure people can live any way they want to live.

Not if it impacts me

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:54 PM (n2vyf)

65 Major Nikki Haley donor accidentally reveals LIVE on-air DEMOCRATS are the ones behind big money push for Haley: "A number of it coming from Democrats



Billionaire Ukranian WhatsApp founder that is a big supporter of the war. He's apparently one of if not the biggest Nikki donors.

Posted by: Nikki Haley knows the parties switched sides at January 15, 2024 02:54 PM (O01nq)

66 Ace is correct about Trump on this issue, but I don't see the point. He's going to be the candidate. And much as I hate the idea of voting Republican, I just don't see an alternative.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 15, 2024 02:51 PM (1bNHn)
Yes, he is. And he is bad on the cultural issues at this point unless it is all a dog whistle and I am supposed to react like the dems did to Obama saying he didn't support gay marriage.

It doesn't matter what I think, Trump will win my state in the primary and general, and it won't be close. I can vote my conscience.

Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (GZYu7)

67 34 I despise Haley... There I said it... She gets the nod I don't vote for President.....
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:48 PM (n2vyf)

Haley v Biden is a good way to get a libertarian prezzy ballot out of me, ala 2012.

Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (PZvjL)

68 Where it seems Ace IS going full libtard. When do we get the "good people on both sides" and "Trump called for an INSURRECTION!!!"
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (Zz0t1)

If I see him with a pony tail on a bike....I'm outta here!

Posted by: OrangeEnt at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (Angsy)

69 In January 2017, Haley resigned as governor to become U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the administration of Donald Trump.[6] She was confirmed 96–4 by the U.S. Senate in a bipartisan vote. She stepped down as ambassador on December 31, 2018.[7] Wikipedia, in part.

Can't go with Haley now or ever; I see too little strength. (Appearances matter entirely too much to her.)

Posted by: L - They don't have to outrun the bear. They only have to outrun us - for now at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (GshMh)

70 Trump is going to be the nominee. Whether you like him or not, nothing is going to change that. I expect a blowout in Iowa. This one is all wrapped up, guys.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (iFTx/)

71 Yeah, Trump is weak on woke but, he's going to be the nominee. How do we work around his weakness?

Who cares ? Sure, you care, I assume you still care about which party controls what House and such. I'm with Ace on this, my field of fucks is barren. I've purchased no seed.

It's not like, with a six seat majority in the Senate and a twenty seat majority in the House, and say Trump in the White House, that anything will change. We'll still get the same shitty "compromises" regarding immigration. We'll still have Trump railing on Twitter while he gets no recess appointments.

I, get this, don't feel any better when the GOP shivs me as a majority party rather than a minority party. I'm funny like that.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (o9LdA)

72 It is astounding to me how supposedly intelligent people can be so willfully ignorant.

Posted by: Tonypete at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (VwNzI)

If I see him with a pony tail on a bike....I'm outta here!
Posted by: OrangeEnt at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (Angsy)

I'll give him another day or two if the bike still has the seat on the post.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (Zz0t1)

74 38, Trump is not picking Nikki as his running mate, guarantee it.

Posted by: Jaimo at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (DBrN4)

75 I received my second Nikki flyer in the mail on Saturday.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (9yWhg)

76 I don't know what Trump meant in response to that "Can a man become a woman?" question. And that's precisely the problem: I don't know what he thinks anymore. About anything.

For me, this has gone beyond the fact that I'm sure he'll lose in November. I don't trust him to adhere to the issues that made most of us want to elect him in the first place. In which case, what distinguishes him from any other Republican?

Posted by: Dr. T at January 15, 2024 02:57 PM (g0Y4p)

77 75 I received my second Nikki flyer in the mail on Saturday.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 02:56 PM (9yWhg)

My Husband gets emails daily... He's a Repub. I don't.... I'm an Independent

Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:57 PM (n2vyf)

78 When a man Is a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 02:57 PM (FVME7)

79 Not if it impacts me
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:54 PM (n2vyf)

You know, if you don't like what's going on in your area, you can move!

Then, when they move into your new area, you can move.

Then, when they move into your new area, you can move.

Then, when they move into your new area...etc ad infinitum

Posted by: GOPe at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (Angsy)

80 Find Anyone Just By Entering A Name girl has fabulous gams.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (9yWhg)

My Husband gets emails daily... He's a Repub. I don't.... I'm an Independent
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:57 PM (n2vyf)

I got an email from her the other day. It wasn't readable on my phone, so ignored it.

I'm not registered with any party.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (Zz0t1)

82 Fwiw, Pelosi just said Trump won't ever be president again.

It's probably why all the candidates are pretending it's 1992 and elections are normal.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (O01nq)

83 One of the last votes I participated in when we lived in Houston was Annise Parker's effort to make transgenders the new minority by allowing them to use women's restrooms.
She even tried to subpoena pastor's sermons because she was sure they were preaching to their flocks to vote against it.
That vote went down 2:1 and she tore into the entire town for the rabid denial of her pet topic. One of the few wins in recent times.

Posted by: DanMan at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (8uzBS)

84 I dunno, the only candidate who has taken a stand is . . . well, the one people call the untrustworthy H1b, an Indian just like that Pakistani Scottish PM Humza Haroon Yousaf, a shyster, a pharma snake oil salesman and can be ignored and discounted because he was a libertarian once .

I guess we are boned.

Posted by: Kindltot at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (D7oie)

85 I agree with you Donna, if Nikki somehow becomes the nominee this fall I will seriously consider not voting for president and since I live in CT there isn't much else to vote for anyway.

Posted by: Jaimo at January 15, 2024 02:59 PM (DBrN4)

86 Many great Trump positions, and one of my favorites is the wall. Trump will build it, as Mitch The Bitch reminded the Traitor Caucus today, and no deals will stop him.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 15, 2024 02:59 PM (wP/hA)

87 Yeah, Trump is weak on woke but, he's going to be the nominee. How do we work around his weakness?
Posted by: G'rump928(
This is the rub. Like him or not, he's a juggernaut and the expected republican nominee. Then what? This is always the problem. Even the great Ronald Reagan failed in so many ways and certainly didn't halt the long March.

Posted by: Drc at January 15, 2024 02:59 PM (llGBY)

88 Megyn Kelly's original PDT on Trannies etc.

by Meg Storm; ; September 14, 2023

Then vs. Now [i.e. 2016 and re. Jenner]
Trans Military Ban
The ‘Mutilation’ of Children
What Is a Woman? [final throwaway question]

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 02:59 PM (2yu8s)

89 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked the same question by Glenn Beck during a September sit down. "No, how ridiculous that we're even asking that question," he responded. "And you know, sometimes people will knock me because they'll say that he's talking about woke and you shouldn't worry about-- like, like people say, 'Who cares about it, right?' Look, society needs to be grounded in truth and if you're telling me a man can get pregnant and you're telling me a man can become a woman, that is not true and I'm not going to accept that as true. I'm not going to be complicit in a lie."

I can't improve on this answer.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 02:59 PM (CsUN+)

90 If I had known I could give birth, I would have tried for a '59 Les Paul.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (V8he0)

91 Trumps is all mouth no pants. If he makes it to He won't be able to make any agency, department, or branch work for him. The only tool he'll have is the executive order. That will either be obstructed or not carried out. And spare me the argument "if Trump could not do it, no one else can either." The Fani Wilis takedown was from one of the other defendant's lawyers, who were dragged with him to court, and who put in an effort, and not from Trump. He has a shit team and no plan, other than running his mouth.

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (V13WU)

92 So Rubio is trying to sink Trump.
Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 02:52 PM (LX4y3)

LOL.. Nikki paid him
Posted by: It's me donna at January 15, 2024 02:53 PM (n2vyf)

Heh, poor Mario. Nobody takes him seriously anymore.

What is it with Florida pols stepping on their own weeners on the national stage?

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (thd9p)

93 There are good people on both sides, the Mounds and the Almond Joys.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (FVME7)

94 *makes it to DC

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (V13WU)

95 The Republicans don't do what I want them to do. Why should I do what they want me to do? Count me as a Never Haley. Turnabout is fair play.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (fs1hN)

96 Heh, poor Mario. Nobody takes him seriously anymore.

His garbage remains unmolested.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (aD39U)

97 If your house isn't stocked with months worth of food and medical supplies you're doing it wrong.

At some point this year the glow from our country will be visible from space.

Posted by: Last Days of the Republic at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (+6273)

Can't go with Haley now or ever; I see too little strength. (Appearances matter entirely too much to her.)
Posted by: L - They don't have to outrun the bear. They only have to outrun us - for now at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (GshMh)

I wrote her off when she folded on the Confederate flag. Could there be a discussion that lead to it to be had, sure, but she took it down so fast that she almost got rope burns in her zeal. Showed me she had a lot of Bush in her, and the country is poorer for that families dynasty in politics.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (LX4y3)

99 80 Find Anyone Just By Entering A Name girl has fabulous gams.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 02:58 PM (9yWhg)

I'm assured that "Hot Singles In NYC Are Looking for You" -- with a pic of a hot girl that looks exactly like the hot girl in the "find anyone" pimping.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

100 >>>Jan. 31, 2023, NBC News
By Alex Seitz-Wald and Jo Yurcaba
Former President Donald Trump vowed in a video released Tuesday that, if he is re-elected, he will punish doctors who provide gender-affirming care to minors and push schools to "promote positive education about the nuclear family" and "the roles of mothers and fathers" as part of a wide-ranging set of policies to use federal power to target transgender people.

that's the only time he said that. He was pressured into saying it, so he said it. He doesn't believe it at all.

He thinks people should use "whatever bathroom they feel is appropriate." That's what he actually believes

For people who decided they wouldn't be Cheap Date Conservatives with the GOPe any longer, satisfied with blatantly insincere words, a lot of Trumpers are very Cheap Date Conservatives with Trump.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (KRtlO)

101 Never Nikki! Clinton. Never. Nada. Zilch.

Posted by: uniparty, Raping and Mutilating the Children They Do Not Kill at January 15, 2024 03:02 PM (gxokI)

102 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked the same question by Glenn Beck during a September sit down. "No, how ridiculous that we're even asking that question," he responded. "And you know, sometimes people will knock me because they'll say that he's talking about woke and you shouldn't worry about-- like, like people say, 'Who cares about it, right?' Look, society needs to be grounded in truth and if you're telling me a man can get pregnant and you're telling me a man can become a woman, that is not true and I'm not going to accept that as true. I'm not going to be complicit in a lie."

I can't improve on this answer.

That guy should try running for president.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:02 PM (O01nq)

103 91 Trumps is all mouth no pants. If he makes it to He won't be able to make any agency, department, or branch work for him. The only tool he'll have is the executive order. That will either be obstructed or not carried out. And spare me the argument "if Trump could not do it, no one else can either." The Fani Wilis takedown was from one of the other defendant's lawyers, who were dragged with him to court, and who put in an effort, and not from Trump. He has a shit team and no plan, other than running his mouth.
Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (V13WU)

This is a succinct summary of why I'm skittish about Trump 2.0. The king's most important job is to keep the nobles in line, the importance of this became abundantly clear toward the end of his first term, and I haven't seen much to suggest that he wants to up his game.

Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 03:03 PM (PZvjL)

104 For people who decided they wouldn't be Cheap Date Conservatives with the GOPe any longer, satisfied with blatantly insincere words, a lot of Trumpers are very Cheap Date Conservatives with Trump.
Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (KRtlO)

Yeah, I am in the Curse You and Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal! camp.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 03:03 PM (aD39U)

105 It's all a sick joke.

All of it


Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:03 PM (AcWfM)

106 >>>
Where it seems Ace IS going full libtard. When do we get the "good people on both sides" and "Trump called for an INSURRECTION!!!"

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

hey here's an idea then -- then get the fuck off my site and never, ever come back

How you like them apples, Cunt?

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (KRtlO)

107 Many great Trump positions, and one of my favorites is the wall. Trump will build it, as Mitch The Bitch reminded the Traitor Caucus today, and no deals will stop him.
Building the wall next year is pretty much the inverse of closing the barn door when the horses are gone.

At this point we need a plan for eliminating the illegals that are already here and punishing anyone who gave them aid and comfort, wall or not.

Posted by: Methos at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (Dnobf)

108 This is a succinct summary of why I'm skittish about Trump 2.0. The king's most important job is to keep the nobles in line, the importance of this became abundantly clear toward the end of his first term, and I haven't seen much to suggest that he wants to up his game.

he's been "touched" - I think with him it's carrot not stick tho. but they got him, he's theirs.

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (AcWfM)

109 Trumps is all mouth no pants. If he makes it to He won't be able to make any agency, department, or branch work for him...


Which is an interesting point.

If someone takes office who they WILL work with, it won't be to benefit Americans.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (O01nq)

110 Haley v Biden is a good way to get a libertarian prezzy ballot out of me, ala 2012.
Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 02:55 PM (PZvjL)

Michael Rectenwald might be the single most boring human on the planet, but as of right now he's about 25% on my ballot.

Mind you, 25% also includes not voting, because what's the point.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (thd9p)

I believe Trump was the right president at the right time. I agree with a lot of his policies. But rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him.

See? This is why I could never vote for Nikki.

"Chaos follows him" is the new "violence at Trump's rallies" from 2016.

"Chaos' does not follow Trump.

Democrat opponents of Trump are so immature and so stupid that they can't behave like mature members of a Representative Republic with free elections, and instead-

throw tantrums and riot and commit arson and murder.

That is 100% on the Democrats, the WEF, BLM, antifa, and people like Soros, Schwab, Progtards, etc.

It has nothing to do with Trump, except-

if the violence starts again, Trump enforces the law strictly and these clowns go to prison or to the gallows for insurrection and treason.

"Chaos follows" is the simply excusing the violence and rioting of Libtards.

Go drink some more box wine, Nikki.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (nFnyb)

112 >>> I despise Haley... There I said it... She gets the nod I don't vote for President.....
Posted by: It's me donna

I mean if she had better boobs...

Ahem, I'll see myself out.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (9ubby)

113 That guy should try running for president.

It's weird. I think he's smart. Yet he fell for the exact same trap as Trump. What did he do, trying to run as the "new outsider" ? Surrounded himself with a ton of GOP insiders. Just like Trump did.

It would have been so easy for him - so damn easy - to just stay in Florida and wait Trump out.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (o9LdA)

114 that's the only time he said that. He was pressured into saying it, so he said it. He doesn't believe it at all.

He thinks people should use "whatever bathroom they feel is appropriate." That's what he actually believes

So, now you know exactly what Trump actually believes and what he doesn't.

That's a neat trick. Is that device right next to the time machine?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (Zz0t1)

115 ugh.

Barrel escape?

Posted by: naturalfake at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (nFnyb)

116 >>Trump is not picking Nikki as his running mate, guarantee it.

You will never convince the Only Ron's of this obvious fact. Hell, they made up the rumor, they aren't going to stop saying it now.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (ZLI7S)

117 I'm serious, Sponge -- get the fuck off my site.

I will not take personal attacks from stupid culty cunts like you.

You can't just disagree -- as with your Cult Leader Trump, it always has to be a personal attack and attack on one's motives.

Get the fuck out of here. Gone.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (KRtlO)

118 I see most are having drinks on the lido deck. I'll
Wait for the next thread.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (BdMk6)

119 Instead, Haley said people over the age of 18 "can live any way they want."

Dudes over the age of 18 can shower with any little girls they want.

Posted by: Marooned at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (kt8QE)

120 Anyone who thinks that the 71-year-old lifetime Hollywood liberal Trump is going to suddenly "evolve" on this issue is coping very hard.
"He'll nominate his sister to the Supreme Court!"
"He's a staking horse for Hillary-- he's just making sure she will win!"

Things we were assured repeatedly by the Very Smart People Who Know Things in 2016.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice - Personality Commentator at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (PFILT)

121 Trump is going to be the nominee. Whether you like him or not, nothing is going to change that. I expect a blowout in Iowa. This one is all wrapped up, guys.

Posted by: Elric Blade

Assume for the moment that I think you're correct, and he will be the nominee. So what? I have no intention of pretending like he isn't waffling here, and that whatever comes of his mouth is correct. I leave that to the, dare I say it, cultists.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:06 PM (CsUN+)

122 It would have been so easy for him - so damn easy - to just stay in Florida and wait Trump out.


The easiest path to the presidency I've ever seen in my lifetime, and that I'm aware of in history.

And he listened to the GOPe.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:06 PM (O01nq)

123 Instead, Haley said people over the age of 18 "can live any way they want."

Cheers, Nikki!

Posted by: The Epstein List at January 15, 2024 03:06 PM (YxE9a)

124 John asks stupid questions.
John is an idiot.
Don't be a John.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 15, 2024 03:06 PM (W/lyH)

125 I see most are having drinks on the lido deck. I'll
Wait for the next thread.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (BdMk6)
Grab me a couple drinks and hold me a seat!

Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (GZYu7)

126 What is it with Florida pols stepping on their own weeners on the national stage?
Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:00 PM (thd9p)

Is this where I point out that be virtue of residence that Trump is a Florida politician?

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (LX4y3)

127 ACE did you see Film Threat’s article on the forms they are asking Union Members to fill out asking all kinds of questions about race and Gender so you can be excluded from future projects and they can fill their diversity quota

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (dKiJG)

128 Another radical position!

Linda Yaccarino
Sunday Sauce with Mom. There are raisins in those meatballs. IYKYK

Don Corleone weeps.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (FVME7)

129 It would have been so easy for him - so damn easy - to just stay in Florida and wait Trump out.

would have been no country left to be President of, especially if you weren't a D/Prog

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (AcWfM)

130 Bigger tits - Chris Christie or Nikki Haley?

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (O01nq)

131 You can't spell 'disingenuous little shit' without the letters a-c-e.

Posted by: Ace dreams of John McCain at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (ifHdv)

132 All men lose heart. All betray. It is exactly why we must make the choices we make.

Posted by: Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale at January 15, 2024 03:08 PM (aD39U)

133 Michael Rectenwald might be the single most boring human on the planet, but as of right now he's about 25% on my ballot.

Mind you, 25% also includes not voting, because what's the point.
Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (thd9p)

You know how people say, "can't trust a libertarian"?

He is a reformed Marxist academic who would have been happy to remain a Marxist if he had just been left alone to preach Marxism is his classes. I don't care what he says, I have trouble believing that he would not slip back into his old patterns of faith if he gets comfortable.

Posted by: Kindltot at January 15, 2024 03:08 PM (D7oie)

134 Trumps is all mouth no pants.
He fits in here.

Posted by: Inev at January 15, 2024 03:08 PM (weeaD)

135 >>>127 ACE did you see Film Threat’s article on the forms they are asking Union Members to fill out asking all kinds of questions about race and Gender so you can be excluded from future projects and they can fill their diversity quota

yes I did. It's... I mean, it's illegal, but I guess the left is done with the law now.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (KRtlO)

136 This is a succinct summary of why I'm skittish about Trump 2.0. The king's most important job is to keep the nobles in line, the importance of this became abundantly clear toward the end of his first term, and I haven't seen much to suggest that he wants to up his game.
Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 03:03 PM (PZvjL)

There are two major failures of the Trump presidency:

1. Covid
B. Not securing a fair election

Less major failures are also easily delineated, but being "soft" on the tranny bathroom issue isn't one of them.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (thd9p)

137 It's not like, with a six seat majority in the Senate and a twenty seat majority in the House, and say Trump in the White House, that anything will change.

What you'll get are supreme court nominations and confirmations that don't eviscerate the first and second amendments.

Posted by: People who think a Dem high court would be no big deal are retards at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (pjs7m)

138 You can't spell 'disingenuous little shit' without the letters a-c-e.

Posted by: Ace dreams of John McCain at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (ifHdv)

I notice that you're either new here, or a regular unwilling to use his usual nic. Talk about a disingenuous little shit...

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (CsUN+)

139 Yikes. I'm out for a bit. This site is full of fun people who love each other and have spirited disagreements, but it's going to get out of hand fast.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (O01nq)

140 Which is an interesting point.

If someone takes office who they WILL work with, it won't be to benefit Americans.
Yup. Absent a miracle (and we've done nothing as a nation to warrant it), no one is getting into the White House without deep state pre-approval.

That includes Trump.

Posted by: Methos at January 15, 2024 03:09 PM (Dnobf)

141 it's like Silo in here

time to send someone out to clean, maybe

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM (AcWfM)

142 Haley said people over the age of 18 "can live any way they want."

Well, she has my vote. I want to live like Hugh Hefner.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM (FVME7)

143 Trump has no game, no plan, no solid team. All he has is populist slogans , that all start with "I will ...". No, you won't. Because you did not when you had the presidency, Senate and House. And you could not make it work. He has no people. Why ? He has no loyalty to anyone. He is chucks anyone as soon as he is bored with them. So all he has are sycophants around him, who will bail anytime the check does not clear, or an indictment is issued, and that is about it.

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM (V13WU)

144 Trump did forbid trannies from the military, as I recall.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM (9yWhg)

145 The easiest path to the presidency I've ever seen in my lifetime, and that I'm aware of in history.

And he listened to the GOPe.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:06 PM (O01nq)
I vacillate on this one. He's a prominent politician from a large state, that has been turned red from purple, that has a GOP mayor of its biggest town. He beat Disney, and every woke leftster who has come for him. He can see Trump's liabilities and figures why not. The ego of any of these folks is huge.

I think it was probably good experience, and he is still viable in 28, assuming Trump is the nominee this go round. And since the GOPe moved on to Nikki we can assume the big RINO money couldn't turn him. RDS will be fine.

Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (GZYu7)

146 Try again.

I believe Trump was the right president at the right time. I agree with a lot of his policies. But rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him.

See? This is why I could never vote for Nikki.

"Chaos follows him" is the new "violence at Trump's rallies" from 2016.

"Chaos' does not follow Trump.

Democrat opponents of Trump are so immature and so stupid that they can't behave like mature members of a Representative Republic with free elections, and instead-

throw tantrums and riot and commit arson and murder.

That is 100% on the Democrats, the WEF, BLM, antifa, and people like Soros, Schwab, Progtards, etc.

It has nothing to do with Trump, except-

if the violence starts again, Trump enforces the law strictly and these clowns go to prison or to the gallows for insurrection and treason.

"Chaos follows" is the simply excusing the violence and rioting of Libtards.

Go drink some more box wine, Nikki.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (nFnyb)

147 Whatever happened to science.
Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 02:50 PM

It's become a construct of the white heteropatriarchy, don'cha know?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (a3Q+t)

148 *he will chuck anyone

..typing too fast...

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (V13WU)

149 I want to live like Hugh Hefner.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

Um...I have some bad news for you...

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (9yWhg)

150 113 It would have been so easy for him - so damn easy - to just stay in Florida and wait Trump out.
Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:05 PM (o9LdA)

To be fair, it's not uncommon for a high profile politician to make several sequential presidential bids and Darth Santa won't cease to exist the next day if he loses an election. Hell, Biden tried like six times before he finally made it in. Though that may not be the best example to use...

Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (PZvjL)

151 Look, society needs to be grounded in truth...

Totally this.
Oh sure we can be clever, we can trick science for a bit, but in the end, science will not be denied. The day we start lying to ourselves about this is the day we are finished as a society and as a culture.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (W/lyH)

152 And since the GOPe moved on to Nikki we can assume the big RINO money couldn't turn him.

Excellent point.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:12 PM (CsUN+)

153 >>>145 The easiest path to the presidency I've ever seen in my lifetime, and that I'm aware of in history.
And he listened to the GOPe.

LOL, I'm glad Trump didn't listen to the GOPe in his first term, filling his entire administration with GOPe picks (and Ivana's sorority friends).

DeSantis doesn't want the GOP to lose in 2024. Which trump will do.

And then it'll be "Trump 2028 - they can't steal it from him THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!!"

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:12 PM (KRtlO)

154 Desantis backer says what?

Posted by: DOYLE at January 15, 2024 03:12 PM (Z8Yh2)

155 Is this where I point out that be virtue of residence that Trump is a Florida politician?
Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (LX4y3)

It's certainly possible, when one remains unemotional about this stuff, to find all kinds of incidents where Trump stepped on it.

It isn't necessary to make them up.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (thd9p)

156 time to send someone out to clean, maybe
Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM

Sorry, we're still fumigating The Café after last week's penguin despoilation.

Posted by: AoSHQ Janitorial Staff at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (a3Q+t)

157 When it's -32 degrees F and Chuck the Tranny is squatting in the bowl, that motherfucker better hope the faucet in the bathroom still has running water, or Chuck is going to get a swirly.

The yard is one door and ten steps away.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (J3ryZ)

158 I can't take any of this election process seriously.

The machine picks who wins in the end.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (vnSn7)

159 Hello and good morning gloom and doomers.
Well it might actually freeze out here so I cut the water off and drained my pipes. Washed all the dishes first.

It's a sad day when the Horde belittles the best we've ever had.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (+spwp)

160 To be fair, it's not uncommon for a high profile politician to make several sequential presidential bids and Darth Santa won't cease to exist the next day if he loses an election. Hell, Biden tried like six times before he finally made it in. Though that may not be the best example to use...
Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (PZvjL)

Posted by: Harold Stassen at January 15, 2024 03:13 PM (weeaD)

161 119 Instead, Haley said people over the age of 18 "can live any way they want."

Dudes over the age of 18 can shower with any little girls they want.

*perks up*

Posted by: Joe from Scranton at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (fs1hN)

162 If asked a question about sodomites, just answer with what Lot said.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (R/m4+)

PDJT is 77 and will be 78 on election day. Sad.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (/qczr)

164 >>DeSantis doesn't want the GOP to lose in 2024. Which trump will do.

>And then it'll be "Trump 2028 - they can't steal it from him THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!!"

Again. You get hysterical when it comes to Trump.

Be better.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (RVloE)

165 that's the only time he said that. He was pressured into saying it, so he said it. He doesn't believe it at all.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:01 PM (KRtlO)

Didn't he once in 16 talk about jailing people who had abortions while trying to appeal to prolife voters before realizing that isn't wht most prolifers wanted? It's part of what comes with Trump in that he is not in any way a social conservative any more than Biden is a Catholic, and so he says what he thinks we want to hear on some issues that aren't far from what the MSM claim we believe. It's kind of baked in with him.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (LX4y3)

166 >>>
"Chaos' does not follow Trump.

it does. There is the chaos that the left creates, which is not fair to attribute to trump, but then there is the chaos trump creates by being erratic, not doing his homework, not having any ideological grounding, not following through, not riding herd on an insubordiate bureaucracy, etc.

There's a saying: "Trump agrees with whoever the last person who talked to him said." His "employees" jockey to be the Last Person Trump Talked To, and thereby dictate policy.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (KRtlO)

167 How you like them apples, Cunt?
Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:04 PM (KRtlO)


Sometimes I get it, sometimes I feel like I missed something...

Posted by: Inogame at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (53oGX)

168 >>> Transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want, Donald Trump said Thursday.

During a building design conference a female architect was plugging the wonders of the waterless urinal and other cost savings.
I got some time to throw in a few suggestions too - why not go further and have a single restroom with only WCs and partitions for privacy and put the lavatories in the wallhay. No need for doors because of the stalls...
Ewww... Men, if they don't put the seat down after don't lift it up in the first place...
OK, just use a slit trench.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at January 15, 2024 03:15 PM (cOq4q)

169 did I miss the GAINZZZ thread? I was on a little ski vaca

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:15 PM (AcWfM)

170 @33

>>bullshit. Cope harder.

Ok, who's zoomin' who here?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:16 PM (XV/Pl)

171 Based upon the 128 hits for Trump in 168 comments Trump is the most popular candidate, ever.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at January 15, 2024 03:16 PM (cOq4q)

172 158 I can't take any of this election process seriously.

The machine picks who wins in the end.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby

I empathize with lack of seriousness over the campaign
BUT we can beat the machine.
We must go vote to do it.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:16 PM (+spwp)

173 Of course it had to be about Trump.
The Bill Mitchellization of Ace has been astounding to watch.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (xaNfJ)

174 >>>Didn't he once in 16 talk about jailing people who had abortions while trying to appeal to prolife voters before realizing that isn't wht most prolifers wanted?

yeah something like that rings a bell

there's an inconsistency in pro-life trump supporters. This is not the same people saying two contradictory things, but different trump supporters saying contradictory things.

Some Trump supporters say that he's the strongest candidate on abortion.

Other Trump supporters say that DeSantis is "too extreme" and we need someone like Trump who can be more flexible.

Again, it's not the same people saying these things -- but both these things are claimed in favor of Trump. I wish the two types of Trump supporter would talk to each other and figure out if trump is, or is not, the strongest candidate on abortion.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (KRtlO)

175 Reset the clock!

And since you're a democrat now get used to the platform.

Posted by: UwU_Power at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (Aoqwj)

176 Don Jr. on trans

Tried at PDT's former, reinstated X twitter account but Search doesn't seem work on inactive accounts.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (2yu8s)

177 One can smell piss 20 ft away from a bathroom with waterless urinals.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)

178 The question is moot. We are going Zombieland regardless.

Cardio, cardio, cardio...

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (aD39U)

179 Ask Big Mike if that can be accomplished .............

Posted by: Stienhofer Jones at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (g1ws5)

180 I think it was probably good experience, and he is still viable in 28, assuming Trump is the nominee this go round. And since the GOPe moved on to Nikki we can assume the big RINO money couldn't turn him. RDS will be fine.
Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 03:11 PM (GZYu7)

Lots of time between now and 2028, but I think it's possible DeSantis did enough damage to himself that he will not be viable in four years... if we still have elections then.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (thd9p)

181 I'm just gonna throw this out there and then I'm gonna go away for a bit. Way too many people are way too emotional at the moment.

1. No matter what any candidate may think on the trans issue, it not a federal matter. That's what they should say to any gotcha question. Some candidates are answering for primary voters, some are answering for general voters. It doesn't matter either way.
2. DeSantis is not going to be the nominee. Doesn't matter if he's better, or worse, or the same. He's not going to be the nominee.
3. Once you accept item 2, you have to decide how you're moving forward. Are you going to push as hard as you can for anyone but Trump? Will you tell people that they shouldn't vote? You should give this some thought.

Now I'm gonna skip election related threads for a while. I'll be back unless I get banned.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (GYIa4)

182 163 PDJT is 77 and will be 78 on election day. Sad.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (/qczr)

Assuming that is the race, their choice of vice presidents is going to be absolutely essential. Even the retail-politics crowd will see the inevitable death in office.

Posted by: CppThis at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (PZvjL)

183 I can't wait until 2025 or 2029 when there is no more Trump and we can stop beating around the bush and officially declare America dead.

Posted by: Clark Gable's Ears at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (h8c/W)

184 would have been no country left to be President of, especially if you weren't a D/Prog

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:07 PM (AcWfM)

If that's what DeSantis thought ? And maybe he did. Then he was a bigger fool than I though either him or Trump - for trying to be the President to save everything as a GOP candidate. Because the GOP, at the national level, is at least half the problem.

OTOH - being an insanely popular governor in a Southern state if things really did get dicey ? Not a bad place to be. Hell, they passed legislation - popular with both parties inside the state, to let him run for President while remaining governor. That's an incredibly strong position, relatively speaking. And I'm pretty sure he's pissed it away.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (o9LdA)

185 >>>169 did I miss the GAINZZZ thread? I was on a little ski vaca

no, Friday I think/hope. I'm giving people a chance to recommit to their resolutions. (I'm giving myself that chance, most of all. I have been bad on several of them.)

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (KRtlO)

186 162 If asked a question about sodomites, just answer with what Lot said.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy

Take my daughters instead?

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (+spwp)

187 If your house isn't stocked with months worth of food and medical supplies you're doing it wrong.

At some point this year the glow from our country will be visible from space.

Well, then none of it will matter.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (V8he0)

188 ...and here we go. It's the ace Orange Man Bad show.

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (SNVFk)

189 >>>Bigger tits - Chris Christie or Nikki Haley?
Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault

Christie, by a landslide.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (/bnxD)

190 "men" giving birth...
s/he/its playing make-believe in public and on the job...
dragqueer storyhours...


I like the world better, back when 'being a radical' simply meant maybe a mohawk haircut or a safety pin thru the cheek

Posted by: JQ at January 15, 2024 03:18 PM (njWTi)

191 Dropping in to see what the morons are thinking? I loathe Haley.

So? Who have you fought it out to support?

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:19 PM (U8kCF)

192 Didn't he once in 16 talk about jailing people who had abortions while trying to appeal to prolife voters before realizing that isn't wht most prolifers wanted?
Sure, he made the mistake of thinking "pro-life" voters were serious about the issue and picked his words accordingly.

Of course if you're serious about banning abortion you have to jail or execute everyone involved. That's how laws work: Don't do *this* or else *that*.

Posted by: Methos at January 15, 2024 03:19 PM (Dnobf)

193 At this stage, I'm simply trying to decide what to wear to the next civil war. I'm torn between contemporary camouflage and the dress uniform of a Bolivian admiral.

Posted by: Paco at January 15, 2024 03:19 PM (njExo)

194 One can smell piss 20 ft away from a bathroom with waterless urinals.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)
Why not go whole hog and put in an arsenal?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at January 15, 2024 03:19 PM (weeaD)

195 OTOH - being an insanely popular governor in a Southern state if things really did get dicey ? Not a bad place to be. Hell, they passed legislation - popular with both parties inside the state, to let him run for President while remaining governor. That's an incredibly strong position, relatively speaking. And I'm pretty sure he's pissed it away.

Your concern is:
[X] Noted
[ ] Not noted

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:19 PM (CsUN+)

196 177 One can smell piss 20 ft away from a bathroom with waterless urinals.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)

They're being installed in airports which aren't cleaned particularly well to begin with. Nasty. You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss. You'd be wrong.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (iFTx/)

197 She has had WAY TOO MANY unforced errors on major topics that require succinct responses. She is TOO SQUISHY. Give me Drump or DeSatan over this. I am sorry about it too, hoped she would have been more con than this but she is like the Bushies without the power.

Posted by: Polisysiphus at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (O5Dys)

198 >>>Again. You get hysterical when it comes to Trump.

So if/when Trump loses, the cry won't be "2028! The Ol' College Try!"

That's what you're saying? You're denying this? You're saying people would finally admit, "Okay maybe he can't win after all"?

It' either going to be "Trump 2028!" or it's going to be "Don Jr.!" or "Kari Lake!"

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (KRtlO)

199 Transgender people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want, Donald Trump said Thursday.
"Oh, I had a feeling that question was going to come up, I will tell you. North Carolina did something that was very strong. And they're paying a big price. There's a lot of problems," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event on NBC's "Today."

I think Trump prefers individual states make their own decisions regarding trans "folks" transposing with the God given genders...

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (9L4BR)

200 Can a man become a woman?

What the absolute fu*k!!!???
All the issues we are facing and they bog down on one of the most insane questions ever. The correct answer is: "This is an incredibly stupid question and to ask it demonstrates just how fu*ked in the head some people are. This is important to maybe 1/100th of 1 % of the population? There are thousands crashing the border every day. Thousands more dying from fentanyl. Kids failing in schools. Wars everywhere and corruption at every level of government. And the big question is this??? Next question"

Posted by: Diogenes at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (W/lyH)

201 DeSantis has sound policy positions. Has a legilatve record.
Had donor funding. Why couldn't he get any traction in a national campaign.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (CTxeO)

202 On abortion Trump has said it consistently, loud and clear
"It's up to the states."

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (+spwp)

203 @193

>>I'm torn between contemporary camouflage and the dress uniform of a Bolivian admiral.

Full on Ghillie Suits, everyone is walking around like Chewbacca, swinging axes and taking shots at each other.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (XV/Pl)

204 Testadura.

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (SNVFk)

205 If asked a question about sodomites, just answer with what Lot said.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy

"Damn! I won't have to buy salt for a decade!"?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (FVME7)

206 >>>Sure, he made the mistake of thinking "pro-life" voters were serious about the issue and picked his words accordingly.

it's indicative that he really doesn't have any social conservative convictions, and just guesses what people want to hear at any time.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (KRtlO)

207 >>So if/when Trump loses, the cry won't be "2028! The Ol' College Try!"

That's what you're saying? You're denying this? You're saying people would finally admit, "Okay maybe he can't win after all"?

>>It' either going to be "Trump 2028!" or it's going to be "Don Jr.!" or "Kari Lake!"

Seriously. Maybe try a Midol?

Or, a soothing Herbal Tea and a Heating Pad on your abdomen.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (RVloE)

208 Well, she has my vote. I want to live like Hugh Hefner.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:10 PM (FVME7)

Yeah, they had to renovate for millions of dollars the mansion cause there was animal shit everywhere. Basically Hugh lived like the worst stereotype trailer park trash, except with hotter girlfriends.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (LX4y3)

209 So if/when Trump loses, the cry won't be "2028! The Ol' College Try!"

That's what you're saying? You're denying this? You're saying people would finally admit, "Okay maybe he can't win after all"?

I've already seen it here. They say "you guys will blame us if Trump doesn't win."

Yes. Yes we will. You earned it.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (CsUN+)

210 Um
Can we have a "we all want Disney to burn" thread please?

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (Ja3qS)

211 >>>One can smell piss 20 ft away from a bathroom with waterless urinals.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)


My first experience with waterless urinals was Pikes Peak. And you're right. I could smell it before I even walked in.

Posted by: Turn 2 at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (JfxgE)

212 They're being installed in airports which aren't cleaned particularly well to begin with. Nasty. You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss. You'd be wrong.
Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (iFTx/)

Some already have them. Detroit airport, I think. There's a few places around here that have them.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (R4t5M)

213 This lie is destroying our society as is the rest of the lies about “equality”. And yes, there are real differences in iq. I know that’s not a welcome opinion here, but I’m not saying that people are less for it. We need to make allowances for reality - and stop lying about shit.

Posted by: Justin Pinochet Castreau at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (HvEUw)

214 Lots of time between now and 2028, but I think it's possible DeSantis did enough damage to himself that he will not be viable in four years... if we still have elections then.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (thd9p)
Nah, the damage is all amplified because the dems wanted Trump, figuring he will be the easiest to beat. He got accused of things he isn't, nor even said. He gets two more years of being a good governor and no will even remember what his campaign was or wasn't.

Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (GZYu7)

215 Trump is all about gainzzz. He keeps gaining in the polls.

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (SNVFk)

216 Triangular Nikki…

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (PCK5/)

217 Again. You get hysterical when it comes to Trump.
Be better.
Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (RVloE)

He can't help it 'cause he's a disingenuous piece of shit.

Posted by: Ace dreams of John McCain at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (LjX+p)

218 >>Lots of time between now and 2028, but I think it's possible DeSantis did enough damage to himself that he will not be viable in four years... if we still have elections then.

It will be awful interesting watching DeSantis trying to rebuild bridges with Trump. It might piss his supporters off but Trump's endorsement in 2028 is a golden ticket and everyone who runs will want it including Ron.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (ZLI7S)

219 Can't get pissed re Trump and pro-life. He got the judges, so gets a pass on any other silliness.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (U8kCF)

220 You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss. You'd be wrong.

It's a more welcoming fragrance to help the border jumpers get comfortable in their new home.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (fs1hN)

221 196 177 One can smell piss 20 ft away from a bathroom with waterless urinals.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)

They're being installed in airports which aren't cleaned particularly well to begin with. Nasty. You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss. You'd be wrong.
Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (iFTx/)

I'm from Chicago, home to Wrigley Field.

Posted by: Inogame at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (53oGX)

222 >>>I think Trump prefers individual states make their own decisions regarding trans "folks" transposing with the God given genders...

You don't understand the situation. North Carolina cities like Raleigh mandated that businesses make their bathrooms all-gender/genderless. The NC state government passed a law to stop this mandate.

Trump sided with the liberal cities who were mandating bathroom free-for-alls.

If he wanted to let states do what they wanted to do, he wouldn't have called for North Carolina to "leave it the way it is" (that is, with liberal cities imposing genderless bathroom mandates).

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (KRtlO)

223 now Kari Lake is bad? This is becoming fake and gay.

Posted by: UwU_Power at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (Aoqwj)

224 =====

My first experience with waterless urinals was Pikes Peak. And you're right. I could smell it before I even walked in.
Posted by: Turn 2 at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (JfxgE)

They tried that in a school somewhere and it didn't take long for the pipes to rot and break, sending piss everywhere.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (Zz0t1)

225 No matter what any candidate may think on the trans issue, it not a federal matter.

The sell-by date on this kind of thinking is way past. We lost the federalism debate decades ago. The only place it makes sense to make federalism arguments now is court, where you might occasionally win a narrow constitutional victory. But politics? Sorry, Leviathan is real. Preaching federalism in politics is like advocating unilateral nuclear disarmament. Everything is now the federal government's business. If you want that to change, you'll need to win a civil war.

Posted by: It's not 1980 anymore at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (pjs7m)

226 I want a Republican candidate that will ban funds for any institution that will do kiddie mutilation and/or hormones and the death penalty for anyone that brings a kid across straight lines for the same

Posted by: 18-1 at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (ibTVg)

227 Can Sam Bawdy please help me ?
I am forced to sleep on the floor like an Animal.
My name IRL is Charles Henry Swartz.
Charles H. Swartz
2356 Peninsula Drive. Shell Knob MO 65747
(80 202-6030

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (wet15)

Seriously. Maybe try a Midol?

Or, a soothing Herbal Tea and a Heating Pad on your abdomen.
Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (RVloE)

are you sober right now ?

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (V13WU)

229 Can we have a "we all want Disney to burn" thread please?

Please. Just no.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (V8he0)

230 DeSantis’ main damage is in the minds of political junkies… the average person does not see what they see.

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (PCK5/)

231 193 At this stage, I'm simply trying to decide what to wear to the next civil war. I'm torn between contemporary camouflage and the dress uniform of a Bolivian admiral.

Posted by: Paco

Don't forget the gold-tasseled epaulets.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (+spwp)

232 212 They're being installed in airports which aren't cleaned particularly well to begin with. Nasty. You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss. You'd be wrong.
Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (iFTx/)

Some already have them. Detroit airport, I think. There's a few places around here that have them.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (R4t5M)

New terminals at LGA, JFK, and EWR (Newark) already have them. I was unpleasantly surprised to use them on the ski trip last week. Everyone's piss literally just sits there at the bottom of the bowl. It's disgusting.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (iFTx/)

233 Ace can't go deranged on Nikki being the VP anymore because nobody believes it, but he does find a way to let it fly.
Will any of the TwitterCon gang ever face up to knowing what anyone with an IQ over 80 knew? That DeSantis was never going to win the nomination in '24? Of course not.
How about another round of "But Trump is who the Dems want to run against!" Just so utterly dumb.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (xaNfJ)

234 Ace, respectfully, I don't understand how you seem to think this is just another primary like any other, where we think we can choose candidates.
Like we can compare campaign platforms as if that is material.
That's not the drama our country is in right now.
We can only *maybe* choose between Deep State vs Not-Deep State. And even that is dubious.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at January 15, 2024 03:24 PM (vnSn7)

235 You know how people say, "can't trust a libertarian"?

He is a reformed Marxist academic who would have been happy to remain a Marxist if he had just been left alone to preach Marxism is his classes. I don't care what he says, I have trouble believing that he would not slip back into his old patterns of faith if he gets comfortable.
Posted by: Kindltot at January 15, 2024 03:08 PM (D7oie)

Sorry, didn't mean to pass this up. Rectenwald tells a credible conversion story, but he does demonstrate the problem with intellectuals. Or whatever one wishes to call him. He's easily led around by people who make compelling arguments, and may not have any foundation of his own values to rely on.

That's dangerous, because people who "think" they know the truth, and can't see beyond the "facts" as they are being presented to them, end up building bridges for their Japanese captors, without considering the men who are there to blow it up might not be the bad guys.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (thd9p)

236 Jan. 31, 2023, NBC News

... by Meg Storm; ; September 14, 2023

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (2yu8s)

237 >>are you sober right now ?

Yeah. It's barely past 1.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (RVloE)

RFK Jr will pull so many votes from Biden that if Trump is the opposition it will be a single RCH away from a 50 state landslide. *That's* why Biden won't order Secret Service protection for a KENNEDY.

A fvcking KENNEDY - is their any name more tied to the (D) party? Home broken into twice recently. These fvckers are playing for keeps and sending a message.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (nIvob)

239 >>Yes. Yes we will. You earned it.

That's ok. I blame you for Ron losing in the primaries.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (ZLI7S)

240 It will be awful interesting watching DeSantis trying to rebuild bridges with Trump. It might piss his supporters off but Trump's endorsement in 2028 is a golden ticket and everyone who runs will want it including Ron.

Eh, I remember when Reagan finished his 2nd term. There were LOTS of people who were ready for him to go. The American attention span just isn't that long. So, assuming Trump is the nom, AND wins, AND has a successful 2nd term, I still think people will be ready to turn the page, and his endorsement, while possibly helpful, won't be critical.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (CsUN+)

241 189 >>>Bigger tits - Chris Christie or Nikki Haley?
Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault

Christie, by a landslide.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp

That's what Nikki needs to get some traction - A big boob job.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:25 PM (+spwp)

242 eight zero eight
Hawaiian Area Code.
like the band eight oh eight state
We have a hide-a-bed in the garage but I am forced to sleep on the floor by my evil Mother, mirror twin Brother and Nephew. They think I deserve this treatment ?

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (wet15)

243 >>>Seriously. Maybe try a Midol?

You just continue not denying it.

I've already seen it here. They say "you guys will blame us if Trump doesn't win."
Yes. Yes we will. You earned it.

Riiiiiight. And it was "our fault" when we warned you that Christine O'Donnell couldn't win -- see, she COULD win, but then we lied and said she couldn't and caused her to lose!

it's never your fault for picking these sure-losers. It's OUR fault for warning you that they're sure-losers.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (KRtlO)

244 >>>now Kari Lake is bad? This is becoming fake and gay.
Posted by: UwU_Power


Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (/bnxD)

245 DeSantis has sound policy positions. Has a legilatve record.
Had donor funding. Why couldn't he get any traction in a national campaign.

My theory ? Because a national campaign has to deal with four cultures. West Coast, North East, South East, and Mid West. Different things resonate with each.

Anything folks here, including me at some spots, like will simply not resonate with the West Coast and North East. And DeSantis is too blunt to appeal to the Mid West bland. Haley will perform her best in the Mid West. De Santis will perform his best in the South.

Trump does well in the South because of his populist nationalism, and largely as a middle finger to the establishment. It has, as far as I can tell, very little to do with what he ever says or does. Because what he says is largely incoherent and what he does is as subject to spin as the record of Lincoln. Trump is, in many ways, the Right's Obama. He is what the individual wishes him to be. Regardless of what he says. Regardless of what he does. He's a reaction.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (o9LdA)

246 Seriously. Maybe try a Midol?

Or, a soothing Herbal Tea and a Heating Pad on your abdomen.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:21 PM (RVloE)

What's the deal with magnets and those copper bracelets?

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (SNVFk)

247 That's what Nikki needs to get some traction - A big boob job.
Posted by: Braenyard

Wouldn't help. Butterface.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:26 PM (9yWhg)

248 OTOH Trump did order the DoE to stop it with all the trans shit.

“ You go live the way you want to live, you should be free to live the way you want to live, and every-- government and everybody else should stay out of your way.”

I read that as the government will enforce trans norms.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (cMXNt)

249 >>>That's what Nikki needs to get some traction - A big boob job.
Posted by: Braenyard

I'd vote for her if she released the hounds.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (/bnxD)

250 id I miss the GAINZZZ thread? I was on a little ski vaca
Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:15 PM (AcWfM)

Didja use your little skis ?

Welcome home !

Posted by: JT at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (T4tVD)

251 If Trump picks Hakey and wins, we'd get George Bush 1 again.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (U8kCF)

252 Can't we all just get along?

Posted by: zombie Rodney King at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (a3Q+t)

253 >>>Wouldn't help. Butterface.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

She has a face?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (/bnxD)

254 >>Eh, I remember when Reagan finished his 2nd term. There were LOTS of people who were ready for him to go. The American attention span just isn't that long. So, assuming Trump is the nom, AND wins, AND has a successful 2nd term, I still think people will be ready to turn the page, and his endorsement, while possibly helpful, won't be critical.

And who followed Reagan?

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:27 PM (ZLI7S)

255 You'd think the most powerful, advanced, and successful country in history would not have toilets deliberately stinking of piss.

A perfect thing to write on stickit notes and plaster on said bathrooms. Just like the FJB notes on gas pumps.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (W/lyH)

256 Must be a slow news day.
Moby Trump and Captain Ace redux.

Posted by: Beyond Norman Parameters at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (U10q1)

257 So, is there any candidate willing to go against “big pharma” on this??!!?

Only Vivek, right?

Posted by: Lizzy at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (Hkcdp)

258 I can be whatever you need me to be.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's Dusky Nipples at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (aD39U)

259 Nah, the damage is all amplified because the dems wanted Trump, figuring he will be the easiest to beat. He got accused of things he isn't, nor even said. He gets two more years of being a good governor and no will even remember what his campaign was or wasn't.
Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 03:22 PM (GZYu7)

I guess we'll see. Unless we don't.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (thd9p)

260 >>it's never your fault for picking these sure-losers. It's OUR fault for warning you that they're sure-losers.

And, in this case, a Loser that is going to run away with the Primaries and the Nomination.

But, go ahead and yell at the clouds. They are always there when you need to vent your spleen.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (RVloE)

261 Sometimes I get it, sometimes I feel like I missed something...
Posted by: Inogame at January 15, 2024 03:14 PM (53oGX)

Someone had been skating on thin ice for a while and decided to try to get personal on Ace. So, the Custer Gambit. Ended about as well this time around.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (LX4y3)

262 I used to be on here with Sis ? Remember her ?
She turned out to be Maria Corbett

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (wet15)

263 No one under 60 cares about Kennedys.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (U8kCF)

264 >>>223 now Kari Lake is bad? This is becoming fake and gay.

No, she's not bad, but she did lose, and what I'm getting at is that some of you judge candidates only based on 1, whether they are trump or not, or 2, how much they kiss trump's ass. Some seem to have no basis for picking a candidate other than whether or not the candidate was "loyal" to Trump.

IF that doesn't describe you, fine, but that's why I'm saying there are a certain number of people who only want Trump or a Trump sycophant.

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (KRtlO)

265 >Nikki Haley Refuses to Say That a Man Can't Become a Woman

why are people so afraid of hurting the feelings of these tranny freaks

they are a minuscule cohort within the population

f*** 'em

Posted by: Don Black at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (geLO8)

266 Politics and reeking toilets… actually, a good mix…

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (PCK5/)

267 What's the deal with magnets and those copper bracelets?

As I understand it, copper bracelets have a renal taste not unlike chicken livers.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (CsUN+)

268 Wouldn't help. Butterface.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (R4t5M)

269 DeSantis allowing himself to be seduced by GOPe donors told me all I need to know about his character.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (+spwp)

270 For those of you not on Twitter, there are multiple leaks every day from TrumpWorld that Nikki is the VP. That's why he started attacking Vivek.

Posted by: Ian S. at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (wItF4)

271 Where's my therapy dog!!!!!

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (SNVFk)

272 I saw Reeking Toilets open for Twisted Sister at the Gorge in George.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (W/lyH)

273 Show me a candidate that is winning their own State and I will concede that there is any other option.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (RVloE)

274 >Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (KRtlO)

I just wanted someone hot to win a spot
most politicians are ugly

Posted by: Don Black at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (geLO8)

275 They tried that in a school somewhere and it didn't take long for the pipes to rot and break, sending piss everywhere.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at January 15, 2024 03:23 PM (Zz0t1)

So it worked, just as they planned it.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:30 PM (thd9p)

276 I love Haley's campaign. Truly. It's like the GOP saw Jeb! get thoroughly humiliated, and said "this much shame and humiliation and impotence is kinky AF. We're willing to spend at least $100m for the sequel."

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 15, 2024 03:31 PM (0FoWg)

277 Trump did a highly effective job of demonizing DeSantis. My dumb suburban women nitwit acquaintances like Haley.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:31 PM (U8kCF)

278 Wait ace. Kari Lake is also hot and that counts.

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (SNVFk)

279 Awesome post! Reminds me of The Usual Suspects. I thought the antagonist was Nikki Haley, but then PLOT TWIST!

Orange Man Bad was Keyser Soze all along and he was right under our nose!

Posted by: Jack Package at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (8LP6B)

RFK Jr - for whatever reason - has Biden as 'dead man walking'.

Accept the inevitable. Joe is done, cooked, finished, whatever...

Not a single prayer. Whoever gets the (R) nod wins in November way over the ability of the leftists to pull ballots out of their ass.

It's done. I'm not going to argue with delusional people. It's done.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (nIvob)

281 My dumb suburban women nitwit acquaintances like Haley.

Spoiler Alert - 2/3 of women that vote are instinctively drawn to whatever woman they see as viable. For suburban women ? I'd elevate that to about 3/4.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (o9LdA)

282 Didja use your little skis ?

yay let's derail the thread!

yes actually I got my own skis that are shortish, because I SUCK AT SKIING and don't want to go fast anyway. much easier for me to ski with; when I rented they always made me use long long skis and I fell all the damn time

snow wasn't the best except for one day but still had a lot of fun. hurting today. took off. ski vacays require a post-trip recuperation day (or two)

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (AcWfM)

283 Good grief - someone on here actually said Trump "was the best we e ever had". Palm to face

Posted by: Son of Dad at January 15, 2024 03:33 PM (8JB5s)

284 And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:33 PM (FVME7)

285 >Trump did a highly effective job of demonizing DeSantis

He had a rolling start with the Left marinating him in hate for 2+ years.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (RVloE)

286 I think we need a Mannix girl to lighten up the mood around here.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (9yWhg)

287 I still think people will be ready to turn the page, and his endorsement, while possibly helpful, won't be critical.

And who followed Reagan?

You mean old 1-term GHWB?

Now do "who followed Obama".

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (CsUN+)

288 Dead Kennedys (the band) are best Kennedys!

Posted by: JQ at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (njWTi)

289 @277

>>Trump did a highly effective job of demonizing DeSantis. My dumb suburban women nitwit acquaintances like Haley.

I don't know about demonizing, but Trump did what Trump does to opponents, he froze him, defined him and gave him a couple of silly names.

I mean, Meatball Rob is a killing word.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (XV/Pl)

290 >>And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

Are you in or out of the house?

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:35 PM (RVloE)

291 And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

It's possible to get a new key made (assuming you can get to both sides of the lock), but probably it'd be both easier and cheaper to just put in a new one.

Posted by: Ian S. at January 15, 2024 03:35 PM (wItF4)

292 I love Haley's campaign. Truly. It's like the GOP saw Jeb! get thoroughly humiliated, and said "this much shame and humiliation and impotence is kinky AF. We're willing to spend at least $100m for the sequel."
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

Ahh. The bark like a dog gambit.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:35 PM (FVME7)

293 Trump did a highly effective job of demonizing DeSantis. My dumb suburban women nitwit acquaintances like Haley.
Posted by: dagny, first of her name at January 15, 2024 03:31 PM (U8kCF)

The Trump spotlight falls on whoever is in front of him, and in turns (so far) that's been Rondee and now Vivek.

Neither of whom are going to stick around much longer (Vivek might, but only if he wants to waste his own money), and then it'll be Nikki's turn.

We'll see who gets their feelings hurt when that happens.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:35 PM (thd9p)

294 >>Dead Kennedys (the band) are best Kennedys!

Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables is a killer LP.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (RVloE)

295 I mean you lost the key what if someone found it near your house?

get thee a new lock!

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (AcWfM)

296 Any locksmith can rekey a lock. It is literally their bread and butter.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (aD39U)

297 get a new lock, just to be sure

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (V13WU)

298 >>>I don't know about demonizing, but Trump did what Trump does to opponents, he froze him, defined him and gave him a couple of silly names.

he also lied a lot and accused DeSantis of being a groomer and adulterer and also gay.

I mean, little things like that.

And then some complain when DeSantis doesn't do ENOUGH to defend Trump from these LIES that he fucked a porn star!

How dare DeSantis acknowledge reality and not lie on behalf of the guy who slanders him every week!

Posted by: ace at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (KRtlO)

299 It's possible to get a new key made (assuming you can get to both sides of the lock), but probably it'd be both easier and cheaper to just put in a new one.

Where they try to do the temp mold and then cut a key ?

Go price a new dead bolt with key. Then buy it.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (o9LdA)

300 289 @277

>>Trump did a highly effective job of demonizing DeSantis. My dumb suburban women nitwit acquaintances like Haley.

I don't know about demonizing, but Trump did what Trump does to opponents, he froze him, defined him and gave him a couple of silly names.

I mean, Meatball Rob is a killing word.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (XV/Pl)

That sort of thing is why I don’t like him ( but will vote for him anyway)… kind of an asshole… but, politics and all..

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (PCK5/)

301 Dead Kennedys (the band) are best Kennedys!
Posted by: JQ at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (njWTi)

Pol Pot! Pol Pot! Pol Pot! Pol Pot!
Pol Pot Pol Pot Pol Pot Pol Pot Pol Pot....

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 15, 2024 03:36 PM (R/m4+)

302 Are you in or out of the house?
Posted by: garrett

In it's unlocked now.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (FVME7)

303 Haley will never get my vote, ever. But I'd make her a sammich and eat half of it across from her. That's just the way I roll.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (J3ryZ)

304 201 DeSantis has sound policy positions. Has a legilatve record.
Had donor funding. Why couldn't he get any traction in a national campaign.
Posted by: Ben Had at January 15, 2024 03:20 PM (CTxeO)

I think a lot of it comes from the fact people saw 2020 and don't belive for a second the reported results. And as Americans we largely want to see wrongs righted (heh), and so Trump was always going to be a favorite unless he either chose not to run or completely went batguano crazy.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (LX4y3)

305 Dead Kennedys (the band) are best Kennedys!
Posted by: JQ at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (njWTi)

Meh, way further left than the others.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (thd9p)

306 >>>>284 And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks,

Shop it.
I had one key shop that would do that for a couple of bucks and always less than 30 minutes turn around time.
The other shop would have it ready tomorrow and charge an arm and a leg.

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (+spwp)

307 >>You mean old 1-term GHWB?

Yes, Reagan's VP and the guy he endorsed.

You know one thing Trump nor his supporters ever do? They don't go after the supporters of other candidates. Trump goes hard after his opponents but he doesn't call DeSantis supporter cultist or other childish insults.

You and Ron should work on that before 2028.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (ZLI7S)

308 >And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

you should probably just move

Posted by: Don Black at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (geLO8)

309 There's a separate key for the deadbolt? We have one key for both the deadbolt and the regular lock on the doorknob.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:38 PM (9yWhg)

310 >And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

you should probably just move
Posted by: Don Black at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (geLO

Burn the house down. It's the only way to be sure.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at January 15, 2024 03:38 PM (aD39U)

311 282 Didja use your little skis ?

yay let's derail the thread!

yes actually I got my own skis that are shortish, because I SUCK AT SKIING and don't want to go fast anyway. much easier for me to ski with; when I rented they always made me use long long skis and I fell all the damn time

snow wasn't the best except for one day but still had a lot of fun. hurting today. took off. ski vacays require a post-trip recuperation day (or two)
Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:32 PM (AcWfM)

The baseline for beginners is that skis should be no taller than your chin. Too many rental places rent beginners skis that are too long.

Where did you go?

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:38 PM (iFTx/)

312 >>In it's unlocked now.

In that case, it is possible to disassemble the lock, pull the barrel and check it for a key code.

A lot of times it will be printed on there.

I am assuming that you don't have a matched set for the Door and the Dead-bolt. Or, you would not be missing the key.

So, other than just ordering up a keyset via code, it will be cheapest to replace that Dead-bolt.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:39 PM (RVloE)

313 The baseline for beginners is that skis should be no taller than your chin. Too many rental places rent beginners skis that are too long.

My baseline is that skis should be on somebody else. That way I don't break my leg.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:39 PM (o9LdA)

314 If I were running for office, unfounded accusations about my opponent being a pederast would be about the mildest communications to come out of my vicious campaign apparatus. That would be the shit that happened when my goons were sleeping it off and phoning it in.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 15, 2024 03:40 PM (0FoWg)

315 @298

>>he also lied a lot and accused DeSantis of being a groomer and adulterer and also gay.

You got to admit, shoe lifts are pretty gay.

And DeSantis was pretty ungrateful.

It's alright though, he'll get a couple of years to figure out the plot and take on Scott or Rubio, because he's never going to be POTUS.

There's the way we would like things and there's the way things are, and DeSantis like Fetch, will never be a thing.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:40 PM (XV/Pl)

316 My baseline is that skis should be on somebody else.
Posted by: I Have No Party

Skiing is a very expensive way to attempt suicide.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:40 PM (9yWhg)

317 Elric we were at the Beast

first time and enjoyed, will go back when there's more snow and less ice

really only saturday was kind of not great; Friday was fantastic tho

had some fun times at the little lodge we stayed at, lost power for a good while there but they made it fun. people up there are kind of crazy lol

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (AcWfM)

318 They're going to rush through flight training a pair of DEI losers to fly Marine One to rid themselves of the billionaire in case they need to. They could care less about collateral damage but will seek water.

Posted by: torabora at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (OUiUM)

319 Seems that Lake probably would have won a clean election in Arizona.
I mean no signature match is a pretty big deal for a close election.
Or is the new correct strategy to avoid campaigning at all and debates, def don't debate.

No, I don't buy for one second Kari Lake was so bad a candidate that Abortion Mouse could sit out the campaign and win.

Posted by: Inogame at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (53oGX)

320 And then some complain when DeSantis doesn't do ENOUGH to defend Trump from these LIES that he fucked a porn star!

*citation needed

Posted by: Jack Package at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (8LP6B)

321 Breaking911 @Breaking911 29 Oct 2023
TRUMP: "Under a Trump administration, gasoline-fired engines will be allowed, but child sexual mutilation will be not allowed."
32 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (2yu8s)

322 >>>>How dare DeSantis acknowledge reality and not lie on behalf of the guy who slanders him every week!

Posted by: ace

Who threw the first punch?

Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (+spwp)

323 I subscribe to the "throw-away election" concept.

The "election" in November is a throw-away as far as the GOP is concerned. And for Trump, the rank and file GOP, McConnell's GOP, the donor's GOP isn't going to put him on their ballot. In my opinion that's set.

Nikki Haley probably isn't the candidate the movers and shakers want. In fact the replacement for *biden, if there is one has probably already been tapped to assume the White House. Whether that's Harris, some dark horse or even Haley is debatable. But it'll be more of what we have today. Just in a different suit.

All the GOP hand wringing over DeSantis vs. Trump vs. Haley is mental masturbation. Whoever gets the GOP nod is throwing away their political career.

So my field of fucks about 2024 is as barren as it gets.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (Q4IgG)

324 >>I think a lot of it comes from the fact people saw 2020 and don't belive for a second the reported results. And as Americans we largely want to see wrongs righted (heh), and so Trump was always going to be a favorite unless he either chose not to run or completely went batguano crazy.

Very true. And hard as it might be for some to believe there are a huge number of people in the US who actually liked the way things were going under Trump. Inflation was non-existent, tax cut, the border was as secure as its ever been, gas was cheap, the economy was good, no new wars, peace deals in the Middle East, China in a box and on and on.

I've never gotten more for my vote than I did with Trump. Why wouldn't I want more of that?

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (ZLI7S)

325 When no ski, no break leg.

--Chinese fortune cookie

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (V13WU)

326 My baseline is that skis should be on somebody else. That way I don't break my leg.

I feel that! I'm a green/blue person and I think hard about some blues

Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (AcWfM)

327 You know one thing Trump nor his supporters ever do? They don't go after the supporters of other candidates.

Are you high. I've been listening to insults for the last year and a half, right here, on this very site.

Trump goes hard after his opponents but he doesn't call DeSantis supporter cultist or other childish insults.

It isn't childish if it's true. There are plenty of Trump supporters who aren't cultists, and I've said that repeatedly, but apparently not often enough. But there are also many of them who are, and they're usually the ones calling anyone but a Trump supporter a dupe, a RINO, a sellout, etc. etc. Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (CsUN+)

328 Skiing is a very expensive way to attempt suicide.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:40 PM (9yWhg)

Concur. But don't forget, I knocked the bottom out of Cher in her heyday.

Yeah! Oh Yeah!

Posted by: Zombie Sonny Bono, Talentless Hack at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (R/m4+)

329 you should probably just move

Posted by: Don Black at January 15, 2024 03:37 PM (geLO

It's this kind of insight that makes me come here for medical advice.

Posted by: And here we go at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (SNVFk)

330 Trump being somewhat of a jock himself would make me think he's a hard liner against men competing in womans sports .

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at January 15, 2024 03:42 PM (9L4BR)

331 269 DeSantis allowing himself to be seduced by GOPe donors told me all I need to know about his character.
Posted by: Braenyard at January 15, 2024 03:29 PM (+spwp)

Remember when Don said to take it easy on Disney and Jr.(?) said same about Budwiser cause both companies donated to Republicans? Do only some donars count as negatives?

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:43 PM (LX4y3)

332 >>I've never gotten more for my vote than I did with Trump. Why wouldn't I want more of that?

Because he gives hysterical women the vapors?

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:43 PM (RVloE)

333 Who threw the first punch?

My money would be on the guy who accused Ted Cruz's dad of being in on the Kennedy assassination.

Posted by: Fruit punch at January 15, 2024 03:43 PM (pjs7m)

334 Burn the house down. It's the only way to be sure.

But first, can we have your stuff?

Posted by: Notorious BFD at January 15, 2024 03:44 PM (V8he0)

335 Since when is Trump a jock ? Golf ?

Posted by: runner at January 15, 2024 03:44 PM (V13WU)

336 >>>I think we need a Mannix girl to lighten up the mood around here.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:34 PM (9yWhg)



Posted by: Turn 2 at January 15, 2024 03:44 PM (JfxgE)

337 It's weird, Skiing seems insane to me. I mean, it's only a matter of time before you get seriously injured. Usually, a short period of time.

Yet. I will bomb down steeper, sketchier terrain that is NOT covered in 3 feet of fresh snow, on a bike.

No hesitation.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:45 PM (RVloE)

338 317 Elric we were at the Beast

first time and enjoyed, will go back when there's more snow and less ice

really only saturday was kind of not great; Friday was fantastic tho

had some fun times at the little lodge we stayed at, lost power for a good while there but they made it fun. people up there are kind of crazy lol
Posted by: BlackOrchid, I meant to say at January 15, 2024 03:41 PM (AcWfM)

Killington? Nice. I have fond memories of that resort. Not of the place we stayed. It was a shithole with or without power. We were poor college students. But we met these girls at the Pickle Barrel . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:45 PM (iFTx/)

339 10 more months of this shit…

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:45 PM (PCK5/)

340 Seems that Lake probably would have won a clean election in Arizona. I mean no signature match is a pretty big deal for a close election.

Didn't raise enough Hell, quick enough, regarding the fraud. Just like Trump.

They all still act like they don't get it. Many people here act like they still don't get it. The numbers, even if they are lies, matter as they are posted. If you don't believe the numbers ? You don't wait on a court 30 days later. You raise Hell about those numbers as the scores are posted on the board, in real time.

It doesn't matter how fraudulent shit was, 30 days later. The Minnesota debacle with Al Franken should have taught you that. You've got about a seven day window, if you think you got screwed, to sow doubt in the minds of the public. Miss that window ? Then turn out the lights. The party is over.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:45 PM (o9LdA)

341 Yet. I will bomb down steeper, sketchier terrain that is NOT covered in 3 feet of fresh snow, on a bike.

No hesitation.
Posted by: garrett

Sounds like Calvin and Hobbes in the wagon.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:46 PM (9yWhg)

342 >>10 more months of this shit…

Isn't it awesome?

I love election seasons.

Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (RVloE)

343 And then some complain when DeSantis doesn't do ENOUGH to defend Trump from these LIES that he fucked a porn star!
You mean Horse Face?

Posted by: torabora at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (OUiUM)

344 332 >>I've never gotten more for my vote than I did with Trump. Why wouldn't I want more of that?

Because he gives hysterical women the vapors?
Posted by: garrett at January 15, 2024 03:43 PM (RVloE)

Where is the negative there?

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (LX4y3)

345 Breaking911 @Breaking911 20 Sep 2023
TRUMP IN IOWA: "I will ban the Critical Race Theory and far-left Gender Ideology from our schools. I will keep men out of women's sports if that's OK."
17 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (2yu8s)

346 Come on, ace. She wasn't a porn star. More like a porn character actress. She was the Clint Howard of porn.

Posted by: Wally at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (hqVaF)

347 Skiing used to be super fun!

I would go on Fridays after work with a girlfriend and get a night pass for 7$ and we'd ski from about 6-11pm, then go in the lodge and have a couple beers and some nachos and go home.

My l boys got to go on the ski bus a couple seasons. Their godparents paid for their passes because they wanted their daughter to have someone to ski with. They got really good really fast!

Not a lift ticket is 190 bucks. For one day.
And the areas are PACKED with people. And now, for the more popular areas, they don't even sell day passes. You have to buy a multi thousand dollar season pass!

Oh well.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 03:48 PM (9jKO6)

348 10 more months of this shit…

Nah, we'll know whether Trump is the nom fairly shortly. After that, lots of the bitterness will fade away.

Posted by: Archimedes at January 15, 2024 03:48 PM (CsUN+)

349 My money would be on the guy who accused Ted Cruz's dad of being in on the Kennedy assassination.


See, that's the kinda shit I'm talkin' about.

If I'm running for office, there'll be an ad with a scary voiceover: "YD's granddad died in the Pacific theatre during the big dubya dubya 2. So did Bill Johnson's," with a Photoshop of my opponents grandfather grinning on the wing of a Zero, with a Rising Sun bandana and a bottle of sake.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at January 15, 2024 03:48 PM (0FoWg)

350 @339

>>10 more months of this shit…

Only if Ace wants to continue destroying beautiful things, like he's Tyler Durden at his first Fight Club.

I think the Primaries will be sorted out very quickly and the only thing that may prolong it is if GOP donor whales want to waste One Billion Dollars or Two Billion Dollars.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at January 15, 2024 03:48 PM (XV/Pl)

351 Remember when Don said to take it easy on Disney and Jr.(?) said same about Budwiser cause both companies donated to Republicans? Do only some donars count as negatives?

Again, the Trumps are to here as the Obama's were to everyone everybody here couldn't stand. Trump is what you want him to be, for the most part. Unless you just can't stand the tweets.

The only President I've ever seen defended, and explained - regardless of quotes to the contrary - more than Trump has been Lincoln. I picked that example very carefully.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:49 PM (o9LdA)

352 Nood.

Posted by: Eeyore at January 15, 2024 03:49 PM (1bNHn)

353 339 10 more months of this shit…
Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:45 PM (PCK5/)

And then it's recrimination season.

Posted by: Bete at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (LX4y3)

354 Deadbolt, lost key...

Take the lockset off the door (you can leave the 'bolt' portion in place, since it's unlocked) and take the cylinder portion-- the portion that the key goes into-- to a locksmith shop.

IF your doorknob is the same brand *and* keyway, you could even have the deadbolt rekeyed to match it. (Locksmith can look at your doorknob key & tell you whether it's possible)

Shouldn't cost too much. Certainly less than a new lockset.

Posted by: JQ at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (njWTi)

355 If I'm running for office
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

So, the bid to become dictator of Liechtenstein didn't pan out?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (9yWhg)

356 >>>>284 And now for something completely different. We lost the key to our deadbolt. Is it possible /practical to get a new key made or should I bite the bullet and buy a whole new lock?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks,

Take it to Home Depot Key kiosk..
An old timey hardware store guy that makes keys used to charge me 5 bucks to rekey handle sets and dead bolts..
No key needed he just took the locks apart and reraganged the tumblers...

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (9L4BR)

357 Didn't raise enough Hell, quick enough, regarding the fraud. Just like Trump.


Point of order:

They weren't allowed to raise enough Hell.

There are legal motions filed to speed things up so that cases are heard in a "timely" manner (I'm not a lawyer but that's the term IIRC). The judges refused to honor them. The slow-rolled them on purpose so it would be too late.

Our elections are like a game at the fair, and if you manage to hit the first ring toss they give you a smaller ring that doesn't around the neck of the bottle for your next throw.

There's no way to counter that.

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (JuA5P)

358 332 >>I've never gotten more for my vote than I did with Trump. Why wouldn't I want more of that?

Because he gives hysterical women the vapors?
Posted by: garrett

Dude. Even the mention of Trump makes progressives go feral. Seething, drooling, snarling rage. It's kind of funny. Pavlovian if you will.

Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 03:51 PM (9jKO6)

359 Assuming ( likely) that Trump gets the nomination, then it is on to the court battles, then the on the ballot or not fights, then on to the pre- election vote fraud issues…

Posted by: tubal at January 15, 2024 03:51 PM (PCK5/)

360 Come on, ace. She wasn't a porn star. More like a porn character actress. She was the Clint Howard of porn.
Posted by: Wally at January 15, 2024 03:47 PM (hqVaF)

That's not entirely fair either. More like the Paul Giamatti of pron.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:51 PM (thd9p)

361 >>They all still act like they don't get it. Many people here act like they still don't get it. The numbers, even if they are lies, matter as they are posted. If you don't believe the numbers ? You don't wait on a court 30 days later. You raise Hell about those numbers as the scores are posted on the board, in real time.

Lake started protesting the day of the election when it was discovered that a large number of voting machines in Republican dominated areas weren't functioning. It didn't matter. Nobody would do shit in where the SOS was her opponent for the governors job.

Kind of the same as "Trump lost all his court cases!". No he didn't. Most were tossed for lack of standing or other technicalities. But he won the majority of cases that were actually heard. And it meant jack squat.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:51 PM (ZLI7S)

362 I didn't keep up. Was Ted Cruz's dad part of the FBI or CIA or a supporting agency at the time?

Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:51 PM (JuA5P)

363 Not a lift ticket is 190 bucks. For one day.
And the areas are PACKED with people. And now, for the more popular areas, they don't even sell day passes. You have to buy a multi thousand dollar season pass!

Oh well.
Posted by: nurse ratched at January 15, 2024 03:48 PM (9jKO6)

The ski report model has turned away from day passes to season passes and the multi-resort passes like Ikon and Mountain Collective. The ski industry has adopted the gym-membership model of pimping heavily discounted "membership" passes in the hopes that the buyer ends up not using them. These passes are actually great deals if -- but only if -- you ski a lot. But I agree, it sucks for most people who are only going to ski a few times a year.

Posted by: Elric Blade at January 15, 2024 03:52 PM (iFTx/)

364 Poll shows Biden losing to Trump, DeSantis, Haley

Also losing to my poodle probably.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter 2024 at January 15, 2024 03:53 PM (FVME7)

365 There are legal motions filed to speed things up so that cases are heard in a "timely" manner (I'm not a lawyer but that's the term IIRC). The judges refused to honor them. The slow-rolled them on purpose so it would be too late.

Our elections are like a game at the fair, and if you manage to hit the first ring toss they give you a smaller ring that doesn't around the neck of the bottle for your next throw.

There's no way to counter that.
Posted by: Nikki Haley - DeSantis is losing to Nikki and it's all Trump's fault at January 15, 2024 03:50 PM (JuA5P)

The little nimrods who were running her campaign, on election night, were saying "we got this.

They didn't got it. They were caught on their heels, just like the Trump campaign, and just like those people, they should have known. The fact they didn't doesn't speak well of their future efforts, if all they're doing now is making excuses.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:54 PM (thd9p)

366 Breaking911 @Breaking911 28 Sep 2023
TRUMP: “Sex changes for children will be banned. Is that OK?”
The Post Millennial
Sep 28, 2023 · 1:22 AM UTC
37 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at January 15, 2024 03:55 PM (2yu8s)

367 The little nimrods who were running her campaign, on election night, were saying "we got this.

Yeah. With all due "respect" to JackStraw ? No, she certainly DID NOT start complaining about fraud right away.

She went in front of the cameras and declared that once the uncounted ballots were counted, she expected to win, based upon precincts and anticipated turnout.

Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:55 PM (o9LdA)

368 Yeah. With all due "respect" to JackStraw ? No, she certainly DID NOT start complaining about fraud right away.

She went in front of the cameras and declared that once the uncounted ballots were counted, she expected to win, based upon precincts and anticipated turnout.
Posted by: I Have No Party at January 15, 2024 03:55 PM (o9LdA)

There was a lot of smugness coming out of her campaign. They acted like they were smarter than their opponents, and that they'd secured the win with superior efforts.

Until they didn't.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:57 PM (thd9p)

369 >>Yeah. With all due "respect" to JackStraw ? No, she certainly DID NOT start complaining about fraud right away.

Yea, she did. On Election Day. As soon as it was reported that a very large number of electronic voting machines were not printing.

The bottom line which started with Bush v Gore is that it is nearly impossible to overturn an election in the courts.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 15, 2024 03:58 PM (ZLI7S)

370 Oh, everyone's gone.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:58 PM (thd9p)

Kennedy name has no value? Some guy with the last name of 'Anderson' got around 8% of the vote in 1980, shoving Jimmah Carter into the waste heap of history.

History repeats, oh yes it does.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at January 15, 2024 03:59 PM (nIvob)

372 201 DeSantis has sound policy positions. Has a legilatve record. Had donor funding. Why couldn't he get any traction in a national campaign.
Posted by: Ben Had

My personal favorite. Absolutely, with the legislative record.

But, “It’s all about connection,” Sununu told reporters Tuesday. “She’s bringing her truth to it, at a very real level — as a wife, as a mother, as a former governor, as someone who sat in the UN, when international issues are threatening American security every single day.”

All within the article, "What Sununu's support could mean for Haley's 2024 primary campaign — and his own future." (Updated Dec. 13, 2023.)

"Sununu’s endorsement, which follows another high-profile boost from the Charles Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity Action, could position Haley to capitalize — or rebound — regardless of where she places in Iowa.

Sununu could also help Haley among a particularly critical bloc of New Hampshire voters: independents, who due to the lack of a high-profile Democratic primary are expected to gravitate toward the Republican contest instead."

Posted by: L - They don't have to outrun the bear. They only have to outrun us - for now at January 15, 2024 04:02 PM (GshMh)

373 I guess we'll see. Unless we don't.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 15, 2024 03:28 PM (thd9p)
Well, unless I get called to the big sleep, I'm figuring I will see something one way or the other.

I take your comment to mean we are fucked and its over regardless. My reading of history says we aren't over. And you can read about all sorts of crazy times where we screwed up and somehow managed to overcome. I also realize history sometimes says you disappear, poof. But for that to happen, there must be a credible threat to do so. Who would that be? If the internal commies would take over, how long could they last? Not very long. It's all theater, but when the money gets tight, as it is now, it starts sorting everything out.

Posted by: Black JEM at January 15, 2024 04:04 PM (GZYu7)

374 “She's trying to sound tough here, while doing the absolute minimum.“

She’s learned well from me!

Posted by: Gov Abbott at January 15, 2024 04:04 PM (rSl/w)

375 I find it amusing to hear idiots speaking of "roles" to define a fact. There is what you are. Vs what you feel like. Reality vs delusion...
Yes. It is that simple.

Posted by: Augusto Perez at January 15, 2024 04:40 PM (HkC7B)

376 Trump did more than that. In one of his big 2015 stump speeches he thundered about being the president of trannies, and how they'd be protected in his administration.

Trump, the first Tranny President.

Refuse to vote above state level.

Posted by: insurgens ad opus at January 15, 2024 07:15 PM (FRT/w)

377 Despite his squishyness Trump booted transgenders out of the military and had Betsy DeVos rescind the letter that forced university's hand on this, reportedly against DeVos's wishes.

Posted by: MikeN at January 16, 2024 12:04 AM (XygMV)

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