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Be An Elephant Not a Smellephant Cafe

Sedona, Arizona
by @desert_badger

You keep a look-out while I navigate this obstacle.

Baby bear catching snowflakes.

Now this is some prancing right here.

Squirrel plays with a ball.

Little dog has a special escape maneuver.

Lynx tries the ice, doesn't like it, so he jumps over it.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 07:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first

Posted by: Admirale's Mate at December 04, 2023 07:50 PM (sMkAM)

2 Good evening everyone

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 07:50 PM (fwDg9)


my house smells like steak
it'll clear in a bit

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 07:51 PM (geLO8)

4 I know that place.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 07:53 PM (QBaJw)

5 Good evening everyone. My kitchen smells like turkey and gravy. I cooked one today as Her Majesty worked her cute butt off all day and she requested it.

Works for me.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 07:53 PM (IaTa3)

What time is it?


Posted by: Auspex at December 04, 2023 07:54 PM (j4U/Z)

7 "Now this is some prancing right here."


I don't know about that, all I know is Dasher is late with my Kung Pao Chicken.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 07:55 PM (QBaJw)

8 BABY elephant ! so small !

Posted by: runner at December 04, 2023 07:55 PM (V13WU)

9 There may not even be that much in the way of filters used on the picture from Sedona.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at December 04, 2023 07:55 PM (tT6L1)

10 That's embarrassing. My GSD would have turned that cat into a throw rug.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 04, 2023 07:56 PM (54XhK)

11 Sedona is home to a most excellent olive oil company in

Posted by: Ben Had at December 04, 2023 07:56 PM (pxi3m)

12 my house smells like steak
it'll clear in a bit
Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 07:51 PM (geLO

I cooked steak.

But alas, my house smells like cat poo.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 07:57 PM (QBaJw)

13 There may not even be that much in the way of filters used on the picture from Sedona.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at December 04, 2023 07:55 PM (tT6L1)

Yeah, I was gonna complain about it, as is my wont, but then realized it's probably not been touched up.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 07:58 PM (QBaJw)

14 *sends a hug Blake's way*

Posted by: Ben Had at December 04, 2023 07:59 PM (pxi3m)

15 Time for the cuteness hours.

Thank you for the break.

Posted by: rd at December 04, 2023 07:59 PM (quiQn)

16 If you look at the horizon on the left of the top picture, you can see the Tower of Sauron.

Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:00 PM (I/Qkd)

17 The pooch in the backpack with the shades on was teh funneh.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at December 04, 2023 08:00 PM (V8he0)

18 There are three levels of Final Jeopardy Questions.

1. You'd have to be brain dead not to get this question.

2. I don't understand the question.

3. You need to have done your doctoral dissertation in this discipline to be able to answer this question.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at December 04, 2023 08:00 PM (XV/Pl)

19 5 Good evening everyone. My kitchen smells like turkey and gravy. I cooked one today as Her Majesty worked her cute butt off all day and she requested it.

Works for me.
Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 07:53 PM (IaTa3)

Whoa! You married into royalty too? What are the chances?

Posted by: Royal PITA at December 04, 2023 08:01 PM (83IzV)

20 Good evening everyone
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 07:50 PM (fwDg9)

Thanks for The Big Blue Tweets in the last thread !

Posted by: JT at December 04, 2023 08:01 PM (T4tVD)

21 Thanks, Ben. Right back at you.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (tT6L1)

Can't help but notice more and more whining about bad officiating in the NFL and MLB. I get the feeling it's driven by gamblers.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (48N+a)

23 I suspect that stairway cat showed the dogs who the boss was when they were pups.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (M1WkG)

24 Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 07:53 PM (IaTa3)

Whoa! You married into royalty too? What are the chances?
Posted by: Royal PITA at December 04, 2023 08:01 PM (83IzV)

Not that great, it turns out.

Posted by: Sparkle Markle at December 04, 2023 08:03 PM (QBaJw)

Puppies' eyes are opening. I'm not sure if I should be happy or terrified.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:04 PM (9mNHV)

26 Celebrity Jeopardy is a hoot. The questions for those episodes are easier than the HS Jeopardy tournament.

Producers know the celebrities are fucking retarded.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 04, 2023 08:04 PM (R4t5M)

27 Never seen any squirrel her play at all, it's all business with them

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 08:04 PM (fwDg9)

28 22
Can't help but notice more and more whining about bad officiating in the NFL and MLB. I get the feeling it's driven by gamblers.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (48N+a)

Or, by really bad officiating. They are calling way more 'judgement call' penalties than in the past, because they keep changing the rules to make the game 'safer'.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 04, 2023 08:05 PM (xaFKb)

29 If you look at the horizon on the left of the top picture, you can see the Tower of Sauron.
Posted by: Archimedes

That's a mosque.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:05 PM (9eecq)

30 Can't help but notice more and more whining about bad officiating in the NFL and MLB. I get the feeling it's driven by gamblers.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (48N+a)

You mean, gamblers are fixing the games via bribes to officials, or degenerate gamblers are complaining because the calls don't go their way?

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (QBaJw)

31 cute butt

Pics or it didn't happen.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the struggle to maintain Moron standards at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (5Ju3w)

32 Today i sent my zip code to Shatner, Namath, JJ Walker, William Devane, and Medicare Martha. Don't call me lazy.

Posted by: Overachiever at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (83IzV)

33 Celebrity Jeopardy is a hoot. The questions for those episodes are easier than the HS Jeopardy tournament.

Producers know the celebrities are fucking retarded.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 04, 2023 08:04 PM (R4t5M)



Posted by: David Duchovny at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (T/Lqj)

34 26 Celebrity Jeopardy is a hoot. The questions for those episodes are easier than the HS Jeopardy tournament.

Producers know the celebrities are fucking retarded.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 04, 2023 08:04 PM (R4t5M)

Almost all 'celebrities' are famous for spouting out the words someone else wrote... with direction... and with multiple chances to get it right.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (xaFKb)

35 The Rapists for 100 Trebeck

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 04, 2023 08:07 PM (2ovLw)

You mean, gamblers are fixing the games via bribes to officials, or degenerate gamblers are complaining because the calls don't go their way?
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (QBaJw)


The second right now, the first later.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:07 PM (9mNHV)

37 Swords for $500.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 04, 2023 08:07 PM (2ovLw)

38 AZdeplorable, Good evening to you and the lovely Mrs.

Posted by: Ben Had at December 04, 2023 08:07 PM (pxi3m)

39 Lynx links lynx

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (63Dwl)

40 you guys, I've been reading witness testimonies about hamas atrocities. worse then mengele. the tortures , mutilations, genital mutilations. this is form the medial teams and witnesses...

"Everything was an apocalypse of corpses. Girls without any clothes on . . . without underwear. People cut in half, butchered, some were beheaded..nd Richert played a video from an interview that police conducted with a Nova survivor. That witness said she saw Hamas members shoot at victims’ sexual organs. “They had a thing with sexual organs, both in woman and in man.” In the clips, the witness said she saw a Hamas gunman rape a woman, amputate her breasts, then throw them onto the road..."

there is more of the same and worse. Israel needs to destroy them. Erase them from this Earth.

Posted by: runner at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (V13WU)

41 Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (ZLI7S)

42 Posted by: Ben Had

{{{Ben Had}}}

Hope you have luck with some smaller pigs!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:09 PM (9eecq)

43 Celebrity Jeopardy is a hoot. The questions for those episodes are easier than the HS Jeopardy tournament.

Producers know the celebrities are f***ing retarded.

Obligatory: especially at 06:30

Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:09 PM (I/Qkd)

Producers know the celebrities are fucking retarded.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner


But we need to listen to whatever they say about current affairs.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:09 PM (9mNHV)

45 Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (ZLI7S)

Yup. Nice town. Just be forewarned: a lot of fucking hippies. Like Boulder.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM (T/Lqj)

46 some bodies were so mutilated that they could not tell whether it was a man or a woman...

talk to me about civilians...a death in an Israeli strike is too kind of a death for them

Posted by: runner at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM (V13WU)

47 The second right now, the first later.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:07 PM (9mNHV)

I saw some comments recently, from some rather well known players claiming their Super Bowls might have been fixed.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM (QBaJw)

48 Watching a Futurama where Fry et alia go to Comic-Con 3010 and the entrance sign reads, "Free admission with Ewok pelt"!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM (krqg6)

49 Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.
Posted by: JackStraw

It is a pretty place, you have to walk/hike a bit to see some of those sites.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:11 PM (9eecq)

50 Smellephant

If you like bad smells, you'll love penguins!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 04, 2023 08:12 PM (a3Q+t)

51 Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (ZLI7S)

Yup. Nice town. Just be forewarned: a lot of fucking hippies. Like Boulder.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM (T/Lqj)

To be honest, there are lots of places around these parts, in all four of the Four Corners states, that are worth seeing, just as much as the more well known places, but don't have all the tourists and hippies all over the place.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:12 PM (QBaJw)

52 >>It is a pretty place, you have to walk/hike a bit to see some of those sites.

Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that elderly yet.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:12 PM (ZLI7S)

53 Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.
Posted by: JackStraw

It hasn't been the same since the E.T. Encounter Diner closed down.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:13 PM (IaTa3)

54 I can see no way this could go wrong.

Prophetic, founded earlier this year, is tapping into a new unconscious market with an innovative headpiece called the "Halo".

Allowing customers to tap into lucid dreaming could pave the way for productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep, per Fortune.

People spend approximately one-third of their lives sleeping. Prophetic wants to subvert the lack of activity that happens during sleep by inducing a lucid dream state.

Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:13 PM (I/Qkd)

55 Victor Davis Hanson channeling ace.

Posted by: Braenyard at December 04, 2023 08:13 PM (BJC33)

56 a lot of fucking hippies. Like Boulder.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:10 PM

Are they doing it, like, right out in the open where they could scare the horses?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 04, 2023 08:13 PM (a3Q+t)

57 Israel needs to destroy them. Erase them from this Earth.
Posted by: runner at December 04, 2023 08:08 PM (V13WU)

They needs to get Biblical on their asses!

Posted by: Samuel L. Jackson at December 04, 2023 08:14 PM (M1WkG)

58 People here say Sedona used to be a nice place to live, before it was overrun by the kind of people who buy and sell crystals for some reason.

Rocks are still pretty, though.

Posted by: Splunge at December 04, 2023 08:14 PM (CJkBc)

Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that elderly yet.
Posted by: JackStraw

heh, heh, heh... the land around there is as flat as RI!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:14 PM (9eecq)

60 To be honest, there are lots of places around these parts, in all four of the Four Corners states, that are worth seeing, just as much as the more well known places, but don't have all the tourists and hippies all over the place.
Posted by: BurtTC

Meteor Crater outside of Winslow is one such place. How the meteor hit so close to the gift shop without damaging it though is mind-boggling.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:15 PM (IaTa3)

61 Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that elderly yet.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:12 PM (ZLI7S)

Your cocaine fueled yachting ways won't work in Sedona.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:15 PM (tT6L1)

62 It's nice to know that those monsters' relatives (who are just like them) are our neighbors, and even have vocal representation in Congress.

Posted by: runner at December 04, 2023 08:15 PM (V13WU)

63 heh, heh, heh... the land around there is as flat as RI!
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:14 PM (9eecq)

*licks pencil

Checks "Naughty" box.

Posted by: Santa at December 04, 2023 08:16 PM (tT6L1)

64 Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that elderly yet.
Posted by: JackStraw

heh, heh, heh... the land around there is as flat as RI!
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:14 PM (9eecq)

And just as much water!

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:17 PM (QBaJw)

You mean, gamblers are fixing the games via bribes to officials, or degenerate gamblers are complaining because the calls don't go their way?
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:06 PM (QBaJw)

Overheard an announcer on an NFL game mention, the announcer after was probably slapped, hard, for saying the quiet part out loud, that questionable calls at the end of several games have changed the outcome.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (tT6L1)

66 Evening.

Posted by: Robert at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (V5gLA)

67 The Free Press: He’s Got $250 Million to Spend on Communist Revolution
Fergie Chambers is heir to one of the biggest American family fortunes. He’s also a revolutionary with ‘actual bloodlust’ building a mysterious commune in Massachusetts. His neighbors are scared.

Commie nutjob with shitloads of money. Remember this guy. He'll be the one signing death warrants and raping women on his nightly sabbaticals.

Posted by: Robert at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (V5gLA)

68 To be honest, there are lots of places around these parts, in all four of the Four Corners states, that are worth seeing, just as much as the more well known places, but don't have all the tourists and hippies all over the place.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:12 PM (QBaJw)

One of my favorite places is around Torrey, Utah. Son and I have met there for Christian men's retreats, sponsored by his church, three times (not last summer, alas). Not a lot of hippies in central Utah.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (T/Lqj)

69 Well fuck.

Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

70 People here say Sedona used to be a nice place to live, before it was overrun by the kind of people who buy and sell crystals for some reason.

Crystals, you say?

Posted by: Jessie Pinkman at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (M1WkG)

71 I'm positively giddy. I just started watching the new Venture Bros movie that I only now found out exists.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at December 04, 2023 08:20 PM (E/7rO)

72 Sedona was nice in the 70s.

It's a gross tourist trap now.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:20 PM (5jjnE)

73 Meteor Crater outside of Winslow is one such place. How the meteor hit so close to the gift shop without damaging it though is mind-boggling.
Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:15 PM (IaTa3)

What I haven't done yet is venture into New Mexico. They say there are little towns all around, that haven't really shown much evidence of being touched by time in a century or more. And the scenery is just... well, it's like everything around this part of the country. You wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it yourself.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:20 PM (QBaJw)

74 So happy we are bat-free this evening. Every Biblical reference to bats is negative. They are mentioned as unclean animals on a par with moles, voles, weasels, rats, mice. On the other hand there are NO negative mentions of penguins in the Holy Writ.

Posted by: Penguin Liberation Front at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (83IzV)

75 I know right where that pic from Sedona was taken.

Used to mountain bike all over that area of AZ. Great trails.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (/S2W0)

76 nurse your icing it, right?

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (fwDg9)

77 Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that elderly yet.
Posted by: JackStraw

Does your week revolve around garbage day?

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (uSHSS)

78 Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

Fortunately, for you, it's not a long fall. Unlike myself.

Get better quickly!

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (tT6L1)

79 Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Ouch, here's hoping you didn't crack or shatter it!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:22 PM (9eecq)

80 Nurse - sorry to hear about your knee. Feel better.

Posted by: PabloD at December 04, 2023 08:22 PM (GtcRW)

81 The Free Press: He’s Got $250 Million to Spend on Communist Revolution
Fergie Chambers is heir to one of the biggest American family fortunes. He’s also a revolutionary with ‘actual bloodlust’ building a mysterious commune in Massachusetts. His neighbors are scared.

Commie nutjob with shitloads of money. Remember this guy. He'll be the one signing death warrants and raping women on his nightly sabbaticals.
Posted by: Robert

Similar to the one in Hyanusport.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 04, 2023 08:22 PM (R4t5M)

82 Not one Moron offered to kiss your boo-boo Nurse?

Wow guys - be better.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:23 PM (IaTa3)

83 76 nurse your icing it, right?
Posted by: Skip


Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:24 PM (5jjnE)

84 Well fuck.

Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

Hot iron status:
(X) Activated
( ) Not Activated

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:24 PM (uSHSS)

85 Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.
Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

Fell on your kneecap onto concrete? Luxury! Why, when I was a lad we would fall face-first into rubbish tips full of broken glass, and gladly pay a shilling for the privilege!

Posted by: A Yorkshireman at December 04, 2023 08:24 PM (M1WkG)

86 >> Sedona is one of the few places I'd like to visit someday. Looks beautiful.

Sedona is beautiful.
As is Moab area. Clear up into Arches and Zion.

Canyon de Chelly is a bit lesser known and no less beautiful.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:25 PM (/S2W0)

87 One of my favorite places is around Torrey, Utah. Son and I have met there for Christian men's retreats, sponsored by his church, three times (not last summer, alas). Not a lot of hippies in central Utah.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (T/Lqj)

Spent a weekend there two summers ago... before the ex came along.

Areas both in and out of Capitol Reef are stunning. We drove to the middle of nowhere one night, just to look up at the sky. The Milky Way was right overhead, and as many times as I've seen its photo, I never would have believed such a thing really existed, until I saw it with my own two eyes.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:25 PM (QBaJw)

88 >>nurse your icing it, right?

Icing it?

That's not gonna help.

Rub some dirt on it and walk it off!

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:25 PM (/S2W0)

89 Does your week revolve around garbage day?
Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (uSHSS)

Ha! I even know when not to pull the can to the road: Thanksgiving, Memorial day, labor day, Christmas, etc.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:26 PM (T/Lqj)

90 Nurse, so sorry you got kneecapped!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (E/7rO)

91 Canyon de Chelly is a bit lesser known and no less beautiful.

Posted by: garrett

Add Chaco Canyon to that list

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (5jjnE)

92 That photo of Sedona is fantastic

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (WF/xn)

93 Ha! I even know when not to pull the can to the road: Thanksgiving, Memorial day, labor day, Christmas, etc.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:26 PM (T/Lqj)

I've lived places where you put out the can no matter what, because you just never knew.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (tT6L1)

94 littl dogs gotta have some slick moves, amirite?

g'night everyone!

both, H7! but still, puppies!

oh, and f vdh who was all on board with the mean tweets crowd when it counted, he shoulda got religion 8 years ago insteada following the fashion of the day ... (spit) ... f'en f'head, f him, spit!
(can ya tell i lost all respect for an otherwise distinguished historian?)

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (zer5o)

95 90 Nurse, so sorry you got kneecapped!
Posted by: All Hail Eris

Heh. Thanks, Eris. That made me smile.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (5jjnE)

96 Because Willowed, and it might shed some light on the asshole:

It's obvious that Aaron Mate has fantasies of being raped by a gang of Swarthy Freedom Fighters. Repeatedly.
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 06:57 PM (/S2W0)

Looked him up, unusual name you know. Well, well, well, lookie here. He is the son of Gabor Mate, a left-wing shit-maggot at UBC in Vancouver when I was there. The shit-apple does not fall far from the shit tree.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (011Ki)

97 Pretty and unspoiled: the Escalante area of Utah, the drives and hikes are beautiful.
Kodachrome State Park images:

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:27 PM (9eecq)

98 As is Moab area. Clear up into Arches and Zion.

Canyon de Chelly is a bit lesser known and no less beautiful.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:25 PM (/S2W0)

Moab has its share of snooty hippies too.

But Canyonlands is one of the better kept secrets, of all the National Parks. Another place you have to see to believe. I've said in some ways, it's more spectacular than Grand Canyon.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:28 PM (QBaJw)

99 >>Add Chaco Canyon to that list

Oh yeah. That whole area is loaded with amazing landscapes.

Don't miss Mexican Hat!

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:28 PM (/S2W0)

100 Dump is closed on Thanksgiving.

Posted by: Arlo and Co. at December 04, 2023 08:28 PM (83IzV)

101 nurse, ice, elevation and Dr. Jamesons

Posted by: Ben Had at December 04, 2023 08:28 PM (pxi3m)

102 I left work early today - I had some "use it or lose it" leave time to burn, and nothing to do, so I came home and set up the radio. Made my first DX contact with someone in Japan. I could barely hear him, but I got his call sign and a signal report so that's good enough. Wish I could find his email to confirm it, but he's not in any database I can find (thus far).

Posted by: PabloD at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (GtcRW)

103 The beauty of Arizona sunsets is matched only by the beauty of Arizona sunrises.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (uSHSS)

104 "Allowing customers to tap into lucid dreaming could pave the way for productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep, per Fortune"

I hear
You programming in C
When you're coding in your sleep

Posted by: Guy who relates everything to a Romantics song at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (vFG9F)

105 Oh yeah. That whole area is loaded with amazing landscapes.

Don't miss Mexican Hat!
Posted by: garrett

And a stay at The Hotel of the Stars in Gallup!

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (5jjnE)

106 ...If you look at the horizon on the left of the top picture, you can see the Tower of Sauron.
Posted by: Archimedes

That's a mosque.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:05 PM (9eecq)[/i ]

No essential difference between them. Evil is Evil, no matter it's form, or matter.

I'm still a proponent of covertly furnishing Hamas with a dozen rockets, with very well hidden, accurate guidance systems, that would land them all in and around the grounds of the al asqua mosque. Rubbleize the damn thing.

Arabs....NO Arabs, should ever be allowed to "custodian" any Jewish or Christian sites within Israeli borders, ever again. Lookin' at you, Bethlehem.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (e6UQI)

107 There's a retired guy in my hood that goes into alarm red when leaves hit his lawn. A bad combo of retired, OCD , and lack of hobbies.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (R4t5M)

littl dogs gotta have some slick moves, amirite?


The boys grow up stupid and predictable. That makes them loveable.

The girls grow up smart and sneaky. That makes them exasperating.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (9mNHV)

109 >>But Canyonlands is one of the better kept secrets, of all the National Parks. Another place you have to see to believe. I've said in some ways, it's more spectacular than Grand Canyon.

I drove the last truck from Glen Canyon into and through all of Canyonlands Nat Park.

We got paid to go 4 wheeling and take Large Format Photographs of all the Native Rock Art in the Parks when I was a Senior in College.

Spent 2-3 weeks driving off-road, through the Park.

Incredible trip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (/S2W0)

110 Areas both in and out of Capitol Reef are stunning. We drove to the middle of nowhere one night, just to look up at the sky. The Milky Way was right overhead, and as many times as I've seen its photo, I never would have believed such a thing really existed, until I saw it with my own two eyes.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:25 PM (QBaJw)

Yup. Magical. Son and I drove out into the desert with some friends, one of whom had a telescope, to look at whatever comet was visible at the time (couple of years ago). Middle of the night.

I've seen the same thing in the Bighorns, Grand Mesa and northern Canada. it's a crazy beautiful thing to see.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:31 PM (T/Lqj)

111 Ben Had!

Going dry for a couple weeks. But I've got the other two.

Tomorrow morning will be interesting

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:32 PM (5jjnE)

112 Don't miss Mexican Hat!
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:28 PM (/S2W0)

It's a rock! That looks like a Mexican hat!!

Drove past there a couple weeks ago. No need to stop, once you've seen the Mexican Hat, you've seen the Mexican Hat.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:32 PM (QBaJw)

113 Damn nurse, that hurt all the way over here!

Posted by: pawn at December 04, 2023 08:32 PM (QB+5g)

114 Can't help but notice more and more whining about bad officiating in the NFL and MLB. I get the feeling it's driven by gamblers.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:02 PM (48N+a)

Seems like online sports books are the major sponsors of televized sports these days.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:33 PM (011Ki)

115 I've always wanted to see Goblin Valley, but it's always so friggin' hot in that part of Utah, even in June.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 08:33 PM (T/Lqj)

116 >>It's a rock! That looks like a Mexican hat!!

I know it says that in all of the Guides.

But, until you see it, you can't really appreciate it.

Because. It looks just like a Mexican wearing a Sombrero!

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:33 PM (/S2W0)

117 Wish I could find his email to confirm it, but he's not in any database I can find (thus far).

Do people still send out paper QSO cards?

Posted by: Oddbob at December 04, 2023 08:33 PM (asWic)

118 The beauty of Arizona sunsets is matched only by the beauty of Arizona sunrises.
Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (uSHSS)

This time of year, the sun is juuuuuust over the ridge in the distance, when I'm leaving for work I'm almost literally blinded looking for traffic coming from the East.

Stupid sunrise.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:34 PM (QBaJw)

Because. It looks just like a Mexican wearing a Sombrero!
Posted by: garrett


*grabs keys*
*jumps into car*
*roars off*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:34 PM (9mNHV)

120 12 my house smells like steak
it'll clear in a bit
Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 07:51 PM (geLO

I cooked steak.

But alas, my house smells like cat poo.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 07:57 PM (QBaJw)
Tell me about it!

Posted by: Cat House Manager at December 04, 2023 08:35 PM (qfLjt)

One day Fergie will be gone ... and no one will give the disappearance a second thought.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 04, 2023 08:35 PM (xG4kz)

122 >>Because. It looks just like a Mexican wearing a Sombrero!

I've been to Mexico a few times and seen a Mexican in a Sombrero. I gotta say it wasn't all that.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 08:36 PM (ZLI7S)

123 Huh, I never noticed before but Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary looks like Ellen Barkin. They're both in the ugly, but somehow still very attractive category.

I had a serious crush on Mary Travers when I was a wee lad.

Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:36 PM (I/Qkd)

124 There's a retired guy in my hood that goes into alarm red when leaves hit his lawn. A bad combo of retired, OCD , and lack of hobbies.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner

My hobby is sloth.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 08:37 PM (FVME7)

125 >>I've been to Mexico a few times and seen a Mexican in a Sombrero. I gotta say it wasn't all that.

Sure. But, they weren't like 50' Tall and made out of Stone!

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:37 PM (/S2W0)

126 Well fuck.

Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

I can do nothing for you except send mental leg massages your way.

Posted by: Robert at December 04, 2023 08:37 PM (60ytt)

127 I drove the last truck from Glen Canyon into and through all of Canyonlands Nat Park.

We got paid to go 4 wheeling and take Large Format Photographs of all the Native Rock Art in the Parks when I was a Senior in College.

Spent 2-3 weeks driving off-road, through the Park.

Incredible trip.
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM (/S2W0)

There's a semi-paved route you can take now, but you still better have the right vehicle for it. Right up to the rims of the canyon. They say it's a two day trip, you better have all your provisions. My challenge these days is being able to do such a trip with my son. He's not really built for the outdoors, so I have to entice my brother and at least one other person to come along.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:39 PM (QBaJw)

128 Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

Sorry to hear that. Get some ice on it, stat. But you know that.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:39 PM (011Ki)

129 The beauty of Arizona sunsets is matched only by the beauty of Arizona sunrises.
Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (uSHSS)

There's a company which prints pictures on glass. I've got two AZ sunrise pictures I had printed on glass. First one turned out quite well and I'm looking forward to getting the second print

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:40 PM (tT6L1)

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched


Her Majesty got the second of three lubrication shots in her knee. It's going to need replacing but when we can't set.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 08:40 PM (9mNHV)

131 69 Well fuck.

Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Yay me.
Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)


Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 08:40 PM (TTAGa)

132 Another road that you might enjoy:
Moki Dugway:

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:41 PM (9eecq)

133 >>There's a semi-paved route you can take now, but you still better have the right vehicle for it. Right up to the rims of the canyon. They say it's a two day trip, you better have all your provisions. My challenge these days is being able to do such a trip with my son. He's not really built for the outdoors, so I have to entice my brother and at least one other person to come along.

Oh, the route we took had sign in boxes along the (un-improved) way. It had been 13 years since someone had traversed it successfully! We made it over all 3 passes on the way, though.

Lots of work to make that 'road' passable on that trip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:41 PM (/S2W0)

134 Oddbob - some people still send QSL cards, but it has become less of a thing with the advent of email, online logs, etc. I keep a log on and have a link to a dedicated email account for any hams who find me there.

Posted by: PabloD at December 04, 2023 08:42 PM (gAaud)

135 Aloha Morons & Moronettes

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at December 04, 2023 08:42 PM (FWy1I)

Lots of work to make that 'road' passable on that trip.
Posted by: garrett

I'll bet that trip was a blast.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:43 PM (9eecq)

137 I know it says that in all of the Guides.

But, until you see it, you can't really appreciate it.

Because. It looks just like a Mexican wearing a Sombrero!
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:33 PM (/S2W0)

I suppose. I took a photo earlier this year, but it's on my old phone, and I haven't downloaded it here.

I mean, yeah. It looks like a Mexican hat. But it's still just one rock.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:43 PM (QBaJw)

138 I've been to Mexico a few times and seen a Mexican in a Sombrero. I gotta say it wasn't all that.

Posted by: JackStraw


Now you tell me

Posted by: Elaine at J. Peterman at December 04, 2023 08:43 PM (8AONa)

139 We literally drove to withing 100 yards or so of the Chocolate Drops.

The Rangers at Canyonlands looked at our Map and Route and said 'That's impossible.'.

Then they took horses out and checked all the sign in boxes we checked in at.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:43 PM (/S2W0)

140 @82, AYFKM? offer that around here and draw back a bloody stump is how I read this crowd. YMMV.

& now rly g'night

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at December 04, 2023 08:44 PM (zer5o)

141 Oddbob - some people still send QSL cards, but it has become less of a thing with the advent of email, online logs, etc. I keep a log on and have a link to a dedicated email account for any hams who find me there.
Posted by: PabloD at December 04, 2023 08:42 PM (gAaud)

I expect the price of overseas postage may be a factor in that.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:44 PM (011Ki)

142 Bedtime, hope everyone has a great evening

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (fwDg9)

143 I mean, yeah. It looks like a Mexican hat. But it's still just one rock.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:43 PM (QBaJw)

There's a much better rock on the climb up out of Bullhead City head toward Golden Valley. Looks just like a clenched fist with a middle finger extended. Don't even have to really squint to see it. And, bonus, depending on the light, it looks even more like a clenched fist and extended middle finger.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (tT6L1)

144 Oh, the route we took had sign in boxes along the (un-improved) way. It had been 13 years since someone had traversed it successfully! We made it over all 3 passes on the way, though.

Lots of work to make that 'road' passable on that trip.
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:41 PM (/S2W0)

Sounds wonderful, but for me those days are over.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (QBaJw)

145 I drove the last truck from Glen Canyon into and through all of Canyonlands Nat Park.

We got paid to go 4 wheeling and take Large Format Photographs of all the Native Rock Art in the Parks when I was a Senior in College.

Spent 2-3 weeks driving off-road, through the Park.

Incredible trip.
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:30 PM
Mrs. E and I were at Mesa Verde about 20 plus years ago and she asked the young guide if he knew what Fat Man's Misery was. He said sure but nobody has been allowed back there in years. She told him 'I have'. Then he said something dumb 'How old are you?'. I tried to warn him off but, nooo.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (NxC5+)

146 >>I'll bet that trip was a blast.

It was nutty. Paper navigation on untraveled paths for over 3 days...never saw another human once we left the marked roads N. of Glen Canyon.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:46 PM (/S2W0)

147 Huh, I never noticed before but Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary looks like Ellen Barkin. They're both in the ugly, but somehow still very attractive category.

I had a serious crush on Mary Travers when I was a wee lad.
Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:36 PM

Unlike them, I had a hammer.

Posted by: Paul P. at December 04, 2023 08:46 PM (a3Q+t)

Cathedral Valley Loop

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 08:47 PM (geLO8)

149 Then he said something dumb 'How old are you?'. I tried to warn him off but, nooo.
Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (NxC5+)

Good grief, I'm surprised your wife didn't turn him into a cinder on the spot. I seem to recall she's got the death stare down pretty well.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:47 PM (tT6L1)

150 The pooch in the backpack with the shades on was teh funneh.
Posted by: Notorious BFD

They sell goggles for dog under the name Doggles.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 08:47 PM (FVME7)

151 "paper navigation", lol

gotta remember that phrase ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at December 04, 2023 08:48 PM (zer5o)

152 >>"paper navigation", lol

Topo Maps and a Gazetteer.

Well before Cell Phones and GPS were an option.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:52 PM (/S2W0)

153 There's a much better rock on the climb up out of Bullhead City head toward Golden Valley. Looks just like a clenched fist with a middle finger extended. Don't even have to really squint to see it. And, bonus, depending on the light, it looks even more like a clenched fist and extended middle finger.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(tT6L1) at December 04, 2023 08:45 PM (tT6L1)

There's a fork, if you are heading south on 191, go right and you're heading toward the aforementioned Mexican Hat, and Monument Valley. Go left and you pick up 160, and head toward Kayenta. Somewhere, I can't remember where, is the Sleeping Ute. At least I think that's what it is. They might not call it that anymore. Looks like a... eh, sleeping Ute.

Egad, I could go on. Those of y'all who've never been out this way, you should. It's your country.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:53 PM (QBaJw)

154 >>Egad, I could go on. Those of y'all who've never been out this way, you should. It's your country.

And don't speed through Montgomery, Utah.
Like, not even 1 MPH over!

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:55 PM (/S2W0)

155 Looks like a... eh, sleeping Ute.

Egad, I could go on. Those of y'all who've never been out this way, you should. It's your country.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:53 PM (QBaJw)

You can see sleeping Yutes, or nodding-off Yutes, in most any Democrat-controlled city.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:55 PM (011Ki)

156 60
Meteor Crater outside of Winslow is one such place. How the meteor hit so close to the gift shop without damaging it though is mind-boggling.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:15 PM (IaTa3)
Laser-guided by the Alien Mothership in very high orbit.

Posted by: Ciampino - instead of 6 cans of Sprite, I ralized I had picked 7 up instead at December 04, 2023 08:57 PM (qfLjt)

157 Cathedral Valley Loop
Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 08:47 PM (geLO

We drove part of that road, but the pickup I had, it might have been fine... but it wasn't worth the risk, so we didn't go the whole route.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 08:57 PM (QBaJw)

158 If you are South of Tucson, don't bother with Elephant Head.
It looks nothing like an Elephant's Head. From any angle.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:57 PM (/S2W0)

159 132 Another road that you might enjoy:
Moki Dugway:
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 08:41 PM (9eecq)

The Dalton Hwy is one I want to drive.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 08:58 PM (8sMut)

160 >Sleeping Ute. At least I think that's what it is. They might not call it that anymore. Looks like a... eh, sleeping Ute.

yes, Sleeping Ute Mountain

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 08:58 PM (geLO8)

161 Hunter /Charlie Sheen 2024: Let's Make America Cool Again!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 08:58 PM (FVME7)

162 Go left and you pick up 160, and head toward Kayenta. Somewhere, I can't remember where, is the Sleeping Ute. At least I think that's what it is. They might not call it that anymore. Looks like a... eh, sleeping Ute.


If you go right, do you head towards Mexican Water, AZ?

Often thought that was a killer name for a town. Not sure I'd drink anything there.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:59 PM (IaTa3)

163 If you are South of Tucson, don't bother with Elephant Head.
It looks nothing like an Elephant's Head. From any angle.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:57 PM (/S2W0)

It's on my bucket list!

Posted by: Kamala Harris at December 04, 2023 08:59 PM (011Ki)

164 oh, no fear, I remember paper navigation ... still do that, rly ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at December 04, 2023 09:00 PM (zer5o)

165 The Dalton Hwy is one I want to drive.
Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 08:58 PM (8sMut)

Dempster would be good, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:00 PM (011Ki)

166 And don't speed through Montgomery, Utah.
Like, not even 1 MPH over!
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 08:55 PM (/S2W0)

Montgomery? Where is that?

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:01 PM (QBaJw)

167 74 So happy we are bat-free this evening. Every Biblical reference to bats is negative. They are mentioned as unclean animals on a par with moles, voles, weasels, rats, mice. On the other hand there are NO negative mentions of penguins in the Holy Writ.

Posted by: Penguin Liberation Front at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (83IzV)
Lamas are not mentioned in the Biblical writings.

Posted by: Ciampino - Instead of 6 cans of Sprite, I ralized I had picked 7 up instead at December 04, 2023 09:01 PM (qfLjt)

168 Allowing customers to tap into lucid dreaming could pave the way for productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep, per Fortune.

People spend approximately one-third of their lives sleeping. Prophetic wants to subvert the lack of activity that happens during sleep by inducing a lucid dream state.
Posted by: Archimedes at December 04, 2023 08:13 PM (I/Qkd)

Rick and Morty did this one episode. It wasn't pretty.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 04, 2023 09:02 PM (D7oie)

169 The gambling stuff cracks me up. It's like the NFL has never seen a movie. Of course somebody is being bought somewhere.

Posted by: DOYLE at December 04, 2023 09:02 PM (Z8Yh2)

170 >>Montgomery? Where is that?

South of Canyonlands.

About 1/2 way between the S. Boundary and Mexican Hat.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:02 PM (/S2W0)

171 >>Topo Maps and a Gazetteer.

>>Well before Cell Phones and GPS were an option.

Loran and paper charts.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:03 PM (ZLI7S)

172 76 nurse your icing it, right?

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 08:21 PM (fwDg9)
Vanilla or marzipan flavor?

Posted by: Ciampino - Instead of 6 cans of Sprite, I ralized I had picked 7 up instead ... at December 04, 2023 09:03 PM (qfLjt)

173 You can see sleeping Yutes, or nodding-off Yutes, in most any Democrat-controlled city.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 08:55 PM (011Ki)

What's that...Yutes? Did you say Yutes...?

Posted by: zombie Judge Chamberlain Haller at December 04, 2023 09:04 PM (TTAGa)

174 productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep

(1) Coders code. Engineers engineer.
(2) My father was a backhoeman, and regularly spent the whole sleeping night working some job, which he'd tell you about in great detail, soil types, slope angles and all.
(3) When I did a certain kind of map work, we used a proto-Mac gooey thing whose language was spoken only by a few score analysts thinly scattered across the country. It was over 35 years ago. Once in awhile, I catch myself, asleep, splaying those data sets just as if they still meant something.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 04, 2023 09:04 PM (FCs/J)

175 I kind of go 4 wheeling every day. About half of my trip to and from work is off road.. if I choose. I could get to work almost entirely on some really challenging trails. Did it once and was late.
Thought about buying a Razor or something similar to get back and forth in.

Posted by: Reforger at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (B705c)

176 Penguins are not mentioned in the Bible because they stink so bad they were banished to Antarctica.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (vFG9F)


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have qualified for Wednesday’s debate in Alabama, which will be hosted by NewsNation, The Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM and The Washington Free Beacon.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (63Dwl)

178 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

179 BurtTC

If you go right, do you head towards Mexican Water, AZ?

Often thought that was a killer name for a town. Not sure I'd drink anything there.
Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 08:59 PM (IaTa3)

Yes, but there's basically nothing there. Maybe if you get off the highway. Which I wouldn't.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:06 PM (QBaJw)

180 I love maps. There's a 4'X5' world map sitting in my hall waiting to be hung in the den. Problem is, Mrs. E has the classic 'Bull Elk Stomping Two Wolves' print in a custom frame and I have a vintage 'Enlist Now!' Navy Seabee recruiting poster from WW II hanging on the den wall where it's going. Decisions.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:06 PM (NxC5+)

181 Good evening, Hordelings!

Amazing top photo, Ace! Been to Sedona twice. Among the most beautiful places I've even seen.

Posted by: Doof at December 04, 2023 09:06 PM (+cH+C)

182 It was a counteroffensive.

Columbia Social Workers 4 Palestine
We will be having our second teach-in this Wednesday the 6th at 12pm, in room C-03 of the Social Work building! We will discuss the significance of the Palestinian counteroffensive on October 7th and the centrality of revolutionary violence to anti-imperialism. See y’all there!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:06 PM (FVME7)

183 >We drove part of that road, but the pickup I had, it might have been fine...


the stream crossing is low difficulty, and there are some areas of bare slickrock you have to drive-

there's a section on top, on the Hartnet Road, that is pretty rough on tires- lots of broken rock-
then the swicthbacks down into the Valley are steep but doable- put your 4WD in low low and just walk down-

last time I was out there, I had to get out of the way of a cattle roundup-

the sky at night: diamonds on black velvet

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 09:07 PM (geLO8)

184 >>Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Sincere Condolences, Skip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:07 PM (/S2W0)

185 Penguins are not mentioned in the Bible because they stink so bad they were banished to Antarctica.
Posted by: fd

And yet the Seals were able to go to La Jolla. Jeebus, Seal Beach stinks!!!

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 09:07 PM (IaTa3)

186 Lamas are not mentioned in the Biblical writings.
Posted by: Ciampino - Instead of 6 cans of Sprite, I ralized I had picked 7 up instead at December 04, 2023 09:01 PM
Nor wombats

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:07 PM (NxC5+)

187 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Dang, Skip -- so sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers up for you and your family.

*raises bourbon glass in his honor*

Posted by: Doof at December 04, 2023 09:08 PM (+cH+C)

188 Nurse... I'd medicate that knee with ample volumes of Bourbon or Irish Whiskey.

Two fingers in the rocks glass, neat or one cube, PRN.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 09:08 PM (e6UQI)

189 I'm very sorry for your loss Skip.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:08 PM (ZLI7S)

190 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Please accept my condolences, Skip.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:08 PM (011Ki)

191 South of Canyonlands.

About 1/2 way between the S. Boundary and Mexican Hat.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:02 PM (/S2W0)

Do you mean Monticello?

Because yeah, don't speed there.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:08 PM (QBaJw)

192 Tucson has shit politics, live every city, but the best purple sunsets , and a mountain range in every direction

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:09 PM (33nmr)

193 >Do you mean Monticello?


Mixing it up with a known speed trap town in NY, I think.

Monticello. Bailed a lot of friends out of that jail going to/from Moab.
Idiots always wanted to bring weed with them on a MT Biking Trip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:10 PM (/S2W0)

194 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Prayers given. Sorry, Skip.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:10 PM (QBaJw)

195 I'm sorry to hear that Skip. My condolences.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:10 PM (vFG9F)

196 >>Tucson has shit politics, live every city, but the best purple sunsets , and a mountain range in every direction

I spent 5 years there from late 89 - early 95.

It was great back then.
By 2000 the entire City had changed.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:11 PM (/S2W0)

197 178 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM
May GOD Bless you, Skip. I hope you told your brother to 'hold that thought, see you in a bit.'.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:11 PM (NxC5+)

Skip, I'm so sorry for you, your brother and your family.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:11 PM (9mNHV)

199 102 I left work early today - I had some "use it or lose it" leave time to burn, and nothing to do, so I came home and set up the radio. Made my first DX contact with someone in Japan. I could barely hear him, but I got his call sign and a signal report so that's good enough. Wish I could find his email to confirm it, but he's not in any database I can find (thus far).

Posted by: PabloD at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (GtcRW)
Did he say, "It is ah, raining in Tokyo"?
Tony Hancock, BBC, 50s-60s
The Radio Ham episode. The Blood Donor is another classic.

Posted by: Ciampino - Mayday? That was last month! at December 04, 2023 09:12 PM (qfLjt)

200 Monticello. Bailed a lot of friends out of that jail going to/from Moab.
Idiots always wanted to bring weed with them on a MT Biking Trip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:10 PM (/S2W0)

I drove through Monticello once, did not get a ticket. But it was 0200, and I was going slow, because if I remember right the highway makes a right-angle turn in the middle of the town, and you can easily miss it. So I was going slow as a matter of course.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (011Ki)

201 ..My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers. Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Sincere Condolences, Skip.

Tell us more about your brother maybe, in the ONT?


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (e6UQI)

202 I DO!

Mixing it up with a known speed trap town in NY, I think.

Monticello. Bailed a lot of friends out of that jail going to/from Moab.
Idiots always wanted to bring weed with them on a MT Biking Trip.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:10 PM (/S2W0)

Same with the next town south of there, Blanding. I got pulled over just outside of town, cop was sitting just at the spot where the speed limit goes from 65 to 55 and in a blink, to 50.

For some reason he didn't give me a ticket. My lucky day, I guess.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (QBaJw)

203 Oxford University Press names "Rizz" the word of the year

Nobody tells me nothing!

"The viral term was crowned 2023's 'word of the year' by the Oxford University Press, which it lists as a 'colloquial noun, defined as ‘style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.' It is believed to stem from the word 'charisma.'

"OUP's decision comes after a year of rizz-related memes helped make it one of the most buzzy slang terms, particularly among Gen Zers"

Puttin' On the Rizz!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (FVME7)

204 Sorry to read about that, Skip.

Posted by: Puddleglum, Christmasing in Pennsyltucky at December 04, 2023 09:14 PM (VTm8j)

205 He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers
Posted by: Skip

Prayers for you and yours, Skip.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at December 04, 2023 09:14 PM (9eecq)

206 Time to scorch Yemen

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:14 PM (33nmr)

207 103 The beauty of Arizona sunsets is matched only by the beauty of Arizona sunrises.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 08:29 PM (uSHSS)
Yeah, but have you seen the place the Sun goes to at night?

Posted by: Ciampino - The Sun goes away every night! at December 04, 2023 09:15 PM (qfLjt)

208 I drove through Monticello once, did not get a ticket. But it was 0200, and I was going slow, because if I remember right the highway makes a right-angle turn in the middle of the town, and you can easily miss it. So I was going slow as a matter of course.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (011Ki)

That's Blanding, where it makes a right turn. Really though, they're basically the same town. Just 20 miles apart.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:15 PM (QBaJw)

209 >> Time to scorch Yemen

Probably the ONLY way Biden can improve his relations with SA / UAE.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:15 PM (/S2W0)

210 Skip we are sorry for your loss

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 09:16 PM (geLO8)

Allowing customers to tap into lucid dreaming could pave the way for productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep, per Fortune.


My dreams are routinely not happy. Placed in some ridiculous situation, made to look like a fool, in some former job or school with nothing to do, never respected or masterful.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:16 PM (9mNHV)

212 OT: This made me laugh...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:18 PM (ynpvh)

213 203 Oxford University Press names "Rizz" the word of the year

Nobody tells me nothing!

"The viral term was crowned 2023's 'word of the year' by the Oxford University Press, which it lists as a 'colloquial noun, defined as ‘style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.' It is believed to stem from the word 'charisma.'

"OUP's decision comes after a year of rizz-related memes helped make it one of the most buzzy slang terms, particularly among Gen Zers"

Puttin' On the Rizz!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:13 PM (FVME7)
Bullshit on charisma, Gen Zeros can't spell Ritz and Ritzy.

Posted by: Ciampino -- The Sun goes away every night! at December 04, 2023 09:19 PM (qfLjt)

214 Thanks all. He used to post as Cletus a while back. Loved this country. Strokes were brutal, but he managed to come every morning for JJ and later for ace. The Gipper was hero, and Jesus his savior

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:21 PM (33nmr)

215 >>Oxford University Press names "Rizz" the word of the year

We just learned how to use 'Slay'!?

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:21 PM (/S2W0)

216 I spent 5 years there from late 89 - early 95.

It was great back then.
By 2000 the entire City had changed.
Posted by: garrett

Tell me about it!!

-- Chrissie Hynde

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 09:21 PM (IaTa3)

217 .My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers. Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Condolences and prayers.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (VwHCD)

218 East of Tucson are the Chiracawas.

Worth a visit and a hike.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (jrfOX)

219 My dreams are routinely not happy. Placed in some ridiculous situation, made to look like a fool, in some former job or school with nothing to do, never respected or masterful.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:16 PM
Did you have that one where you finally get the opportunity to dance with the prettiest girl at the prom and you look down and you're not wearing any pants? I have been having weird dreams lately too, probably to do with drinking, or not drinking. Hard to get the correct ratio.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (NxC5+)

220 Slipped and fell on the way down the hill to the ferry. Fucked up my knee. Fell directly onto my right kneecap onto cement.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 08:19 PM (5jjnE)

Because you shoot 9mm. .45ACP shooters don't fall.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (3Gtis)

221 Order your copy now!

Oath and Honor
A Memoir and a Warning
By: Liz Cheney

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (FVME7)

222 >>Oxford University Press names "Rizz" the word of the year

We just learned how to use 'Slay'!?
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:21 PM (/S2W0)


Posted by: Doof at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (+cH+C)

223 >>He used to post as Cletus a while back.

I recognize that Handle.

Will raise a glass of Bourbon and lament the loss of a true Moron.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (/S2W0)

The Gipper was hero, and Jesus his savior
Posted by: Skip


Thanks for telling us about him. Blessings on his memory.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (9mNHV)

225 176 Penguins are not mentioned in the Bible because they stink so bad they were banished to Antarctica.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (vFG9F)
Good theory but then sheep and camels (together with all the palis) should have been banished there too.

Posted by: Ciampino - ME = cesspit of Earth at December 04, 2023 09:23 PM (qfLjt)

226 Prayers for you and your family, Skip.

Posted by: nurse ratched at December 04, 2023 09:23 PM (jrfOX)

227 Skip, sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers up for the family.

My dreams are routinely not happy.

Yeah, the ones I can remember any of are usually me trying to do something or get somewhere and not being able to.

Posted by: Oddbob at December 04, 2023 09:24 PM (nfrXX)

228 This might actually be good.

Everywhere an Oink Oink
An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood
By: David Mamet

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:24 PM (FVME7)

229 >>East of Tucson are the Chiracawas.

Some great little climbing areas in the Chiricahua's and the White Mountains.

We used to camp at the base of a wall there, eat mushrooms and spend the Full moons climbing. Good times.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:24 PM (/S2W0)

230 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers. Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)

Condolences, Skip, to you and your entire family.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:24 PM (ynpvh)

231 "The viral term was crowned 2023's 'word of the year' by the Oxford University Press, which it lists as a 'colloquial noun, defined as ‘style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.' It is believed to stem from the word 'charisma.'


This goes in the dictionary?

I can't help but think this is similar to naming hurricanes things like Jihaad and Shaniqua.

Checking off those boxes. Look at their contributions!!!

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:25 PM (+zy2u)

232 Sorry for your loss Skip.
I can only imagine.

Posted by: Reforger at December 04, 2023 09:25 PM (B705c)

233 227 Skip, sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers up for the family.

My dreams are routinely not happy.

Yeah, the ones I can remember any of are usually me trying to do something or get somewhere and not being able to.

Posted by: Oddbob at December 04, 2023 09:24 PM (nfrXX)

Was walking around in a dream a few nights ago and realized I was suddenly naked; realized it was a dream, since I had just been clothed. Tried (unsuccessfully) to will my clothes back on, went with it anyway.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM (ynpvh)

234 Seems normal.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM (ZLI7S)

235 I recognize that Handle.

Will raise a glass of Bourbon and lament the loss of a true Moron.
Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:22 PM (/S2W0)

Likewise. I will raise a toast to Cletus when my drink is poured.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM (011Ki)

236 I remember Cletus- very sorry for your loss Skip. Prayers are already starting.

Posted by: free tibet at December 04, 2023 09:27 PM (iNp3L)

237 234 Seems normal.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM (ZLI7S)

If this weren't the non-political post, I'd say something about Congressional Subpoenas...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:27 PM (ynpvh)

238 Thanks for telling us about him. Blessings on his memory.


(raises glass)

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:27 PM (+zy2u)

239 >>Was walking around in a dream a few nights ago and realized I was suddenly naked; realized it was a dream, since I had just been clothed. Tried (unsuccessfully) to will my clothes back on, went with it anyway

Sounds like you needed to find a...

Dream Weaver.

Posted by: Gary Wright at December 04, 2023 09:27 PM (/S2W0)

240 My dreams are routinely not happy. Placed in some ridiculous situation, made to look like a fool, in some former job or school with nothing to do, never respected or masterful.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:16 PM
Had one of my recurring dreams last night. I dreamt that a dental crown came loose in my mouth. Naturally, I freaked out a bit as I had a dental appointment this morning.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (BpYfr)

241 234 Seems normal.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM (ZLI7S)

DA FUQ !!!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (TTAGa)


Spring has sprung, the grass is rizz
I wonder where the birdies is

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (63Dwl)

243 @212 One of the BB writers, who did a postmodern setting of The Pilgrim's Progress, lives in my county and his kids go to a classical academy that we support a little. Their big fund raiser late in winter will have him as guest speaker. I'm trying to predict whether he will play it straight and tell his life story, or go for the yox. It's not cheap but they give me several reasons a day to give him a listen, so leaning hard yes.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (FCs/J)

244 178 My brother, a big trumpster, loved Ace and JJ. did not post much, but loved this site. He passed away this weekend, but viewed every morning. Prayers

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:05 PM (33nmr)
Hey, condolences. That did raise some dust. A fellow Moron.
Really sorry.

Posted by: Ciampino - nothing I can add at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (qfLjt)

245 I often wonder whose faces are those in my dreams of folks that are just background or part of crowds? You know, folks not important to the activity I find myself in.

Did my brain/chemicals make them up or have I really seen then once during my lifetime?

Posted by: Tonypete at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (IaTa3)

246 Seems normal.
Posted by: JackStraw


It will be interesting to see if that's on any news channels tomorrow or through the week.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (+zy2u)

247 I think a common dream is teeth falling out.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (vFG9F)

248 240 My dreams are routinely not happy. Placed in some ridiculous situation, made to look like a fool, in some former job or school with nothing to do, never respected or masterful.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:16 PM
Had one of my recurring dreams last night. I dreamt that a dental crown came loose in my mouth. Naturally, I freaked out a bit as I had a dental appointment this morning.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (BpYfr)

Eh, I sometimes dream I'm spitting out teeth, sometimes with pieces of jawbone; don't know why there falling out suddenly...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (ynpvh)

249 a visibly moved Kristin Gillibrand addresses the UN and calls out so-called "feminists" for remaining silent wrt hamasshole sexual violence against Israeli women:

Posted by: kallisto at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (Yhao9)

250 242

Spring has sprung, the grass is rizz
I wonder where the birdies is

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 04, 2023 09:28 PM (63Dwl)

Attracted to the grass, apparently...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:30 PM (ynpvh)

251 man that shit went all kablooey
pretty cool

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 09:30 PM (geLO8)

252 Likewise. I will raise a toast to Cletus when my drink is poured.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM
As will I. Then I will brush my teefs, and put my aching body (poured concrete today) to bed. Hoppefully to dream like an innocent and not nightmare like a reprobate.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:31 PM (NxC5+)

253 Thanks all. He used to post as Cletus a while back. Loved this country. Strokes were brutal, but he managed to come every morning for JJ and later for ace. The Gipper was hero, and Jesus his savior
Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:21 PM (33nmr)

Pretty sure I remember him too. Had a fine sense of humor, if I recall correctly.

Posted by: BurtTC at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (QBaJw)

254 252 Likewise. I will raise a toast to Cletus when my drink is poured.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:26 PM
As will I. Then I will brush my teefs, and put my aching body (poured concrete today) to bed. Hoppefully to dream like an innocent and not nightmare like a reprobate.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:31 PM (NxC5+)

Oh, so that's my dream issue; I've been a reprobate since I was 4 or 5...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (ynpvh)

255 >>Seems normal.


101 Aloha Snackbar St. ???

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (/S2W0)

256 247 I think a common dream is teeth falling out.
Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (vFG9F)


Having Flying dreams is know, where you have the ability to fly.

I've never had, or heard of TEETH FALLING OUT DREAMS...GAHHHHHH!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (TTAGa)

257 Those common dreams like flying and teeth falling out cross cultures too. There is something weird about humans that makes that happen.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:34 PM (vFG9F)

258 I've always figured the teeth falling out dream was tied to clenching jaws and/or grinding teeth. Probably something mentally, too, of course, but the physical element would help prompt it.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:35 PM (+zy2u)

259 256 247 I think a common dream is teeth falling out.
Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:29 PM (vFG9F)


Having Flying dreams is know, where you have the ability to fly.

I've never had, or heard of TEETH FALLING OUT DREAMS...GAHHHHHH!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (TTAGa)

"While dreams about your teeth falling out seem unusual and disturbing, such dreams are surprisingly common."

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:35 PM (ynpvh)

260 You all are terrific. Thanks. He told before he passed to send a donation to trump but not the RNC In His name. Smart as hell to the end. Good night friends, and God bless

Posted by: Skip at December 04, 2023 09:36 PM (33nmr)

261 The one I remember having often is being in a life or death situation and being very slow or weak (not the right word but the only thing that gets close) to the point where I can't respond in real time or pull a trigger.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:37 PM (+zy2u)

262 My dreams run quite the gamut. I've been shot, beheaded, thrust through with a sword, fallen off a cliff, driven off a cliff, been driven off a cliff, smashed, nuked, zapped by gamma rays (and turned to jelly about 30 seconds later)...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:38 PM (ynpvh)

263 Oh, and blow'd up too. Twas an assassination, and I died.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:38 PM (ynpvh)

264 I've never had, or heard of TEETH FALLING OUT DREAMS...GAHHHHHH!
Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (TTAGa)

It's just Nevergiveup astrally projecting himself into your dreams.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:39 PM (011Ki)

265 >>101 Aloha Snackbar St. ???

Love to know what the search warrant says. Democrats are setting up Trump to be assassinated, 8+ million illegals from God knows where win the country and more by the day and the media is stoking violence.

2024 is going to be something we have never seen before.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:39 PM (ZLI7S)

266 God bless Skip.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 09:39 PM (uSHSS)

267 265 >>101 Aloha Snackbar St. ???

Love to know what the search warrant says. Democrats are setting up Trump to be assassinated, 8+ million illegals from God knows where win the country and more by the day and the media is stoking violence.

2024 is going to be something we have never seen before.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:39 PM (ZLI7S)

It might have been incinerated...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:40 PM (ynpvh)

268 Having Flying dreams is know, where you have the ability to fly.

I've never had, or heard of TEETH FALLING OUT DREAMS...GAHHHHHH!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:32 PM (TTAGa)
Dreaming that your teeth are falling out is even worse than it sounds. I get this feeling in my mouth that it's full of rocky objects. I spit them out and discover a bunch of bloody teeth in my sink.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 04, 2023 09:40 PM (BpYfr)

269 one recurring thing in my dreams is a get driving too fast and hit a bump or small hill and get airborne, and then I just hang there, waiting to fall back down-

in another dream I've had more than once is walking thru a village that has been wrecked by war

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 09:40 PM (geLO8)

270 >>Love to know what the search warrant says.

My guess is there was an aspiring young Clock Builder in Residence.

That didn't look like a Gas Explosion, to me.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:41 PM (/S2W0)

271 270 >>Love to know what the search warrant says.

My guess is there was an aspiring young Clock Builder in Residence.

That didn't look like a Gas Explosion, to me.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:41 PM (/S2W0)

No, Señor, I didn't eat no beans beforehand.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:41 PM (ynpvh)

272 Skip, may his memory be a blessing.

Please accept my condolences

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 04, 2023 09:42 PM (RIvkX)

273 I almost never dream.

Or, at least have any memories of dreaming.

When I have, it's always been a trapped in a Maze Scenario.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:44 PM (/S2W0)

274 I think a common dream is teeth falling out.
Posted by: fd

I occasionally have such a dream.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 04, 2023 09:44 PM (FVME7)

275 I have this dream about moving out of somewhere, not always the same place, and I have to keep going back to make JUST ONE MORE TRIP. It's such a relief when I wake up.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:44 PM (vFG9F)

276 (raises rum and cola)

To the memory of Cletus. Godspeed.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (011Ki)

277 Again, a few here do not have those dreams. I consider them fools.

Posted by: How Things Work at December 04, 2023 09:43 PM (M766H)

Naked dreams? Check
Finding out I didn't finish 5th grade/9th/grade/3rd grade and had to go to class? Check
Forgetting I had classes at the University I signed up for, but didn't attend and am way past the drop dead date? Check

Then there are the true horror dreams...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (ynpvh)

278 Meth lab rumor in the splodey house.

Posted by: In Summary at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (83IzV)

279 279 Meth lab rumor in the splodey house.

Posted by: In Summary at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (83IzV)

He wasn't supposed to swallow all that meth!
He couldn't breathe!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:46 PM (ynpvh)

280 Sheesh.
My dreams usually revolve around Barbara Eden, Ginger AND Maryanne, and Elizabeth Montgomery.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 09:46 PM (uSHSS)

281 Speakers at UN conference on sexual violence against Israeli women:

I saw an Israeli spokesman say that the monsters who perpetrated these crimes will be held accountable

Posted by: kallisto at December 04, 2023 09:47 PM (Yhao9)

282 Heisman Trophy 2023: Jayden Daniels, Bo Nix, Michael Penix Jr, Marvin Harrison Jr named finalists

Posted by: Don Black at December 04, 2023 09:48 PM (geLO8)

283 The dream conversation is fascinating to me. I never appear in my dreams. I'm watching something unroll in front of me, sometimes scary, sometimes funny. Like the time I dreamt Daffy Duck was giving a lecture on interracial couples, whom he called candy bar couples. When someone in the audience asked him about the name, he shrugged his tiny shoulders and said, "Milk chocolate."

Does that happen for anybody else?

Posted by: Wenda at December 04, 2023 09:48 PM (1MfV9)

284 My dreams include Shirley Booth, Irene Ryan, and Maudie Prickett.

Posted by: Dime Store Romeo. at December 04, 2023 09:49 PM (83IzV)

285 Forgetting I had classes at the University I signed up for, but didn't attend and am way past the drop dead date? Check


ha, yeah, I've had those.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 09:49 PM (+zy2u)

286 Then there are the true horror dreams...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (ynpvh)
What, like the recurring dream I have where my house is possessed by an evil poltergeist?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (BpYfr)

287 I rarely dream way too many drugs in the before time.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (RIvkX)

288 I had a recurring dream, where I was being chased by a unknown monster, and almost caught. I would always wake up just before being caught and killed. This went on for years.

One night, in the wee hours of the morning, I had the dream again. It dawned on me that all I had to do was yell back at the monster, and I'd be saved.

Somehow I managed to emit a guttural scream in the dream...and it appears in real life as well.

Scared the living bejeesus out of my then bride. I awoke to her beating me with her pillow, in scream was so unwordly.

And I never had that dream again...


Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (TTAGa)

289 That did not look like a gas explosion. Pity it wasn't daytime, the color of the smoke might've been a clue.

Every video'd gas explosion I've seen is a near-spherical bubble of hot gas and flame, expanding consistently to every point on the compass.

That explosion looked to have a very directional initiation, and a far "dirtier" and erratic fireball than a gas blast. And, it had secondaries. Most interesting, those.

Aloha Snakbar! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (e6UQI)

290 I have a lot of dreams where I am back at Walmart, but forgot to clock in.

Also dreams where I am trying to call my wife but my phone is totally jacked up.

or trying to get to another part of the airport to make my flight, but find myself trying to navigate a bunch of fucked up staircases and blind hallways, and museums, and food courts at malls, and...

I'm a mess.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 09:51 PM (T/Lqj)

291 287 Then there are the true horror dreams...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:45 PM (ynpvh)
What, like the recurring dream I have where my house is possessed by an evil poltergeist?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (BpYfr)

Like this one I had as a kid:
I was in a house with a guy I knew was a killer; He was serving me dinner (and the doors were all locked). When the cover was taken off the platter, it was the cooked head of a girl of about 7 or 8; he expected me to EAT it...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:52 PM (ynpvh)

292 >>Every video'd gas explosion I've seen is a near-spherical bubble of hot gas and flame, expanding consistently to every point on the compass.

That explosion looked to have a very directional initiation, and a far "dirtier" and erratic fireball than a gas blast. And, it had secondaries. Most interesting, those.

Yeah. Gas Explosion go 'Whoosh'.

Solid explosives Explosion go 'Crack'.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 09:52 PM (/S2W0)

293 275 I have this dream about moving out of somewhere, not always the same place, and I have to keep going back to make JUST ONE MORE TRIP. It's such a relief when I wake up.
Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:44 PM (vFG9F)

One of my favorites is the dream of having to reach an objective, but the harder I try to get there, the further away it gets.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 09:52 PM (8sMut)

294 That explosion looked to have a very directional initiation, and a far "dirtier" and erratic fireball than a gas blast. And, it had secondaries. Most interesting, those.

Aloha Snakbar! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 09:50 PM (e6UQI)

Do you think the masonry construction could have affected the directional aspect?

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 09:53 PM (uSHSS)

295 The violence will continue as long as Israel remains in a one-down position.

After they show some strength and resolve with visible results, deterrence will be restored. The Arabs understand only power.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 04, 2023 09:54 PM (RIvkX)

296 This thread is nightmarish.

Posted by: Sigmund F at December 04, 2023 09:54 PM (SYTee)

297 Jeez Jim, and I thought my moving dream was scary.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:54 PM (vFG9F)

298 The majority of my dreams are scenarios that play out that are more or less a grouping together of all sorts of things that do not go together. For instance, I dreamt one time of being in Berlin...on a yellow school bus not unlike those that I took to get to HS. With people aboard the bus that I have know before but were never with me on my travels, never mind in Berlin.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 09:55 PM (8sMut)

299 293 275 I have this dream about moving out of somewhere, not always the same place, and I have to keep going back to make JUST ONE MORE TRIP. It's such a relief when I wake up.
Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:44 PM (vFG9F)

One of my favorites is the dream of having to reach an objective, but the harder I try to get there, the further away it gets.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 09:52 PM (8sMut)

I was sick one night and in discomfort. When that happens my mind gives me tasks in my dream to complete to make the pain go away. I actually completed one of the tasks for a few minutes of pain relief...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:55 PM (ynpvh)

300 >>Like this one I had as a kid:
I was in a house with a guy I knew was a killer; He was serving me dinner (and the doors were all locked). When the cover was taken off the platter, it was the cooked head of a girl of about 7 or 8; he expected me to EAT it...

Well hello Clarice. Tell me, do you hear the screaming? The screaming of the lambs?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 09:56 PM (ZLI7S)

A recent dream that really shook me was Her Majesty getting infuriated with me and yelling that everyone hated me.

Or did that actually happen? Not sure.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 04, 2023 09:56 PM (9mNHV)

302 I'm a mess.

Sounds sane to me. Like herding cats. You're trying to make sense of it all, even in your sleep. I get it.

Posted by: Cheat Code at December 04, 2023 09:56 PM (A2YKZ)

303 In the last video I linked, the last speaker calls out the females like that squad congresswoman who thinks r@pe is OK if it hurts the correct people.

Posted by: kallisto at December 04, 2023 09:56 PM (Yhao9)

304 Skip left? Wanted to say, seems like a loss for us all. God bless.


I have awakened in the morning, actually having resolved some challenging bit of code in my sleep. Once.

Posted by: mindful webworker - ongoing at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (PGE+Y)

305 I have actually spit out a couple teeth. Long story involving alcohol and a false sense of invincibility.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (NxC5+)

I have a question:

Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

307 297 Jeez Jim, and I thought my moving dream was scary.

Posted by: fd at December 04, 2023 09:54 PM (vFG9F)

One that scared me the most:
I'm holding the hand of my daughter at an incredibly busy mall (BTW, I DON'T have a daughter...). All of a sudden I feel a tug on her and and she's gone... I look around in vain, panicking because I can't find her, and the place is so packed...

Or one where I'm working in a shop and recollect some horrible thing I did (murder and old couple brutally in their RV). I HATE those. I feel guilty for someting I didn't do for the rest of the day.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (ynpvh)

308 One thing about my dreams is that they are very vivid. Color, sound, faces, scenery. Even music sometimes. But they still don't make a damn bit of sense.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (T/Lqj)

309 306
I have a question:

Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

Because their enemies have no morals?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:59 PM (ynpvh)

310 After they show some strength and resolve with visible results, deterrence will be restored. The Arabs understand only power.

Kinda' tough to do when you let thousands of them walk through, every day, to pour concrete and hang drywall and paint and all the other menial shit.

The Arabs understand that they do the shit the Israelis won't. That's a problem. A big, big problem.

Posted by: Cheat Code at December 04, 2023 09:59 PM (A2YKZ)

311 308 One thing about my dreams is that they are very vivid. Color, sound, faces, scenery. Even music sometimes. But they still don't make a damn bit of sense.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (T/Lqj)

Some original music sometimes plays in my dreams. Too bad I don't know how to write that stuff down.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 09:59 PM (ynpvh)

312 Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

Because the ragheads don't care what our moral.standards are. The Israelis generally share our moral standards.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 10:00 PM (uSHSS)

313 >>Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

We don't. The scumbags on the other side do. For the same reason they call us terrorists.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 04, 2023 10:01 PM (ZLI7S)

314 180 I love maps. There's a 4'X5' world map sitting in my hall waiting to be hung in the den. Problem is, Mrs. E has the classic 'Bull Elk Stomping Two Wolves' print in a custom frame and I have a vintage 'Enlist Now!' Navy Seabee recruiting poster from WW II hanging on the den wall where it's going. Decisions.
Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 09:06 PM (NxC5+)

I have always loved maps. At the end of third grade, my third grade teacher got hold of a bunch of aerial navigation maps of Central Europe. All my buddies and I knew we were in the class for some time afterward, because the maps were proudly displayed on our bedroom walls.

I still have it someplace.

And yes, given this was the mid-80s, NOTAMS in three places to the east of the Iron Curtain warning that shootdowns in that area were possible, and without warning.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 10:01 PM (8sMut)

315 Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

The same reason we hold every other ethnic group to different standards. The idea that everyone is the same. Every group, get this, is not. As a group, some groups simply do bad shit more than others.

The irony ? This notion comes from the Ivy League. Mostly pushed, in the beginning, from wealthy Jews.

Posted by: Cheat Code at December 04, 2023 10:01 PM (A2YKZ)

316 The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced. Frank Zappa

Mal-inforced. Selectively Enforced. Selective enforcement of non-laws.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 10:01 PM (ynpvh)

317 My favorite dreams are the ones where I'm able to fly.

Not terribly high, maybe treetop level, but I go everywhere.

No wings, just go airborne with a swimming motion: sidestroke / breaststroke / once airborne, backstroke. It's odd now that I think of it, no butterfly stroke...hmmm.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at December 04, 2023 10:02 PM (TTAGa)

318 >>Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Morality is a Lever used by the Left.

Anyone who is sentient knows that they don't believe in said Morality. They just recognize it as the pwerful Tool it can be when wielded against a Moral People.

Posted by: garrett at December 04, 2023 10:02 PM (/S2W0)

319 One more thought on nightmares, and Ishouldn’t think about it this close to sleep. Eaten alive by wild hogs. Whoa mama.

Posted by: Eromero at December 04, 2023 10:02 PM (NxC5+)

320 Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)


Posted by: The Left at December 04, 2023 10:02 PM (8sMut)

321 Oops. ONT is up.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 04, 2023 10:03 PM (ynpvh)

322 Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

I don't know. What I do know is that I am about to write something that I never believed I would:
I commend two demonrat senators for their strong stance for Israel and against Hamas: Fetterman and Gillibrand. Marco Rubio as well but it would be normal for me to respect him 'cause he's not a leftist.

Posted by: kallisto at December 04, 2023 10:03 PM (Yhao9)

323 I have a question:

Why do we in the West hold Israel to a higher moral standard than we do her Arab enemies?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (0FoWg)

You know, I had the same question back in the 80's when we were supposed to hate South Africa for their police state, while SWAPO was killing villagers for being vaccinated and giving information to the SA Army
I figured then it had to do with who was funding which side.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 04, 2023 10:04 PM (D7oie)

324 308 One thing about my dreams is that they are very vivid. Color, sound, faces, scenery. Even music sometimes. But they still don't make a damn bit of sense.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Aspiring Codger at December 04, 2023 09:57 PM (T/Lqj)

You too?

Posted by: The Left at December 04, 2023 10:04 PM (8sMut)

325 ..Do you think the masonry construction could have affected the directional aspect? Posted by: Diogenes at December 04, 2023 09:53 PM (uSHSS)

Honestly, no. What I saw as the initial blast, was kind of a megaphone shaped blast of hot gasses and smoke, kind of pointing down and to the left in the video, with the initiation point seeming to be nearly dead center on the ground floor of the house.

Instantly after the initial blast, then a ragged, mis-shapen fireball ascends, climbs through the already falling bits of the roof, and it's right about then that about a half-dozen small secondaries go off, near the original (apparent) epicenter.

Watch it about five or six times in a row, till you're not just seeing one big mayhem event, but can break it down into it's unique phases as the blast progresses.

Betcha 1. Forensics will find mucho evidence of much naughtyness, inside. 2. WE won't be told a damn thing about such naughtyness, unless the blast-ee was a Trumpian of some kind or another.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at December 04, 2023 10:04 PM (e6UQI)

326 Some of you are narrowing in on it. We hold Jews to a higher standard for the same reason we should turn a blind eye to the fate of Arabs. To ask is to answer, in this case.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 04, 2023 10:04 PM (0FoWg)

327 Some of you are narrowing in on it. We hold Jews to a higher standard for the same reason we should turn a blind eye to the fate of Arabs. To ask is to answer, in this case.

I was there, by accident, when it all kicked off. One side was killing people in the streets. The other sold me a hotel room and plane ticket back to the States.

In all honesty, what pissed me off the most was the lack of anger by the Jews. And I said so, go kick their asses. Not universally approved at all. They, as a nation, are fucked.

Posted by: Cheat Code at December 04, 2023 10:08 PM (A2YKZ)

328 Die, sock...

My most vivid, intense dream - featuring somnambulance - was just two days after Field Training. I was staying at a hotel in Dallas the night after a concert, and went to sleep...

...and in the dream I was in the bay at Lackland AFB (you AF vets will remember those), and everything was neat and in order. Beds made, everything where they should be, and was perfect. One problem. I was the only one in the bay, and I began flipping out, trying to find where everyone was, freaking out as I firmly believed I was missing some key event and that my ass therefore was grass. But...there was one t-shirt draped over a chair, so I went to go get it as it might provide a clue...

It was my concert t-shirt. I looked at it and snapped out of it, realizing I was sleepwalking all over the hotel room. After that, I tried to go back to sleep...

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at December 04, 2023 10:08 PM (8sMut)

I was there, by accident, when it all kicked off. One side was killing people in the streets. The other sold me a hotel room and plane ticket back to the States.


I keep coming back to how worthless and crappy the region is when they could be wealthy beyond belief if they'd simply set up some resorts and fancy hotels and entertainment along the beach.

But their entertainment is poverty, handouts, and rape.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 04, 2023 10:13 PM (+zy2u)

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