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The Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


He may not know how to eat French Toast properly. But CBD certainly does deserve a H/T for this morning's mug.

Holy Crap, December 2nd. Only 22 shopping days left until Christmas. Before you go shopping today, just a few friendly reminders. (Rulz for those of you in Slab City, WI)

1) This is an open thread. Feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate.
2) Play nicely with others.
3) Placing a cut body part into the snow bank will ease the pain.
D) Have a nice weekend.


Thanks to Annie for sharing today's Prayer Revival with us.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

10/20 – SB asked for prayers for his mother. She is in end-of-life care now. Prayers for his father are needed as well.
11/18 Update – Mom passed peacefully with her family around her. Continued prayers for SB’s father are appreciated.

10/21 – Sugar Plum Fairy asked for prayers for her dad, Mindful Webworker, as he has been pretty sick for the last few days. Prayers for recovery to full health and strength, and wisdom for her mom to help him would be appreciated.
10/28 Update – Mindful Webworker had an emergency surgery and is recovering well. They are not sure what happened, and tests are underway, but so far his prognosis is good. He is in good spirits and is recovering well. She sends thanks from the whole family for the prayers, and a special thanks to Muldoon for the limerick, which brought laughter to some dark days. Please keep praying, and thanks and glory to God for the doctors saving dad’s life.
11/18 Update – He is scheduled to have surgery the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, but for now, he is out of the hospital and home, where the coffee is good! Milady Jo could use some prayers, as she will be getting hip replacement surgery in Dec.

10/28 – FenelonSpoke thanked the people who prayed for her township open space committee to buy land from her church. It has been approved. Now they just have to have enough money to last until this is all settled.
11/4 – She thanks God that the township voted to buy their land at the church.

11/4 – Half Dozen sent thanks to the Horde for the prayers, and gave an update on his son’s health. He had a large tumor removed from the center of his brain stem in March. Then there was a month of rehab in the hospital, and on-going therapy to re-learn how to walk. He also had 6 weeks of radiation and chemo, just to be sure. He has returned to work part-time. Progress has been slow but steady. Small things wear him out quickly. His paralyzed vocal cord still has not recovered, so he speaks in a rough whisper, and his voice gives out before the end of each day. Next week, they will all be walking in the city’s 5K with him. It will be exhausting, but a good day nonetheless.

11/4 – Oddbob asked for prayers for his granddaughter. Without going into details, please pray hard for baby E. Thank you.
11/18 Update – Baby E is doing much better, but please keep praying. She and her parents (and grandparents) will need them for the long haul.

11/4 – Creeper asked for prayers again for his friend “Q”. We had prayed for Q, who had a bad back, and then had a temporary nerve stimulator put in, which helped tremendously. They installed the permanent stimulator last week, and it was a disaster. He woke up in excruciating pain, running a low fever, and vomiting. A CT scan found an ileus. It seems to have been caused by the stimulator, and if it doesn’t clear on its own, he will have to have it removed.
11/18 Update – They turned the TENS off for a few days. Then when they turned it back on, it was a big success. Q has control over the machine and is learning it fast. He’s not pain free – he never will be – but he is very happy with “tolerable”. Thank you to the ‘rons and ‘ettes. You’re the best.

11/9 – JediArashi asked for prayers for his health and the meddling government situation related to pain medications. There are shortages already, and the DEA is “recommending” a reduction of 7.9%. He is a chronic pain patient and is terrified.

11/10 – Tonypete asked for prayers for Deb, Ben, and their little boy. Deb suffered a premature emergency birth of her long-prayed-for second baby. He did not survive. They are all heartbroken.

11/10 – Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko stuff sent his thanks for the prayers – that he didn’t even ask for yet! He had good news from the doctor yesterday. He will only have to have one surgery, not multiple.

11/14 – Jewells sent an update. She got the news that her cancer is progressing, and they are stopping the current treatment. They want to switch to monoclonal therapy as well as chemo. Prayers are appreciated, that the new drugs will work, and that the cancer has not spread.

11/15 – That Northerlurker what lurkd needs help. He commented that he is in the worst financial situation of his life, but the people in his town are reaching out to him to help. He added that the only thing worse than financial stress is asking for help.
11/19 Update That Northernlurker posted that he is on his first day of homelessness.

11/18 – Tonypete asked for prayers for the repose of the soul of B. He took his own life suddenly and without any apparent reason. He is greatly missed by his family, his classmates, and his teachers. He was an 8th grader.

11/18 – Hadrian the Seventh thanked everyone for the prayers for his sister. She came through her heart valve surgery with no problems and is recovering nicely.

11/18 – DMB had a job offer in Sarasota, FL that was withdrawn. God, in His providence, had better plans for DMB. He has now relocated to Ft. Lauderdale, and is still unpacking boxes, but started his new job this week! Praise be to God!

11/19 – FenelonSpoke requested prayers for a 2 month old baby named Lillian, who has a UTI and possible meningitis. Please pray for healing.

11/21 – BD asked for prayers for his brother Paul. Paul is very ill, and gets worse every day. He has had a long, painful, fight with congenital issues with his lymphatic system. He’s only 57 and deserved better. Please pray for a miracle and for his soul. BD thanks the people here who make his day every day, but recently it hasn’t been enough to overcome his sorrow.

11/22 – Fox2! requested prayers for his newborn great-nephew, J, who is in the NICU. He turned blue overnight. Please pray for him and his family.
11/18 Update – J is out of the hospital and progressing nicely. Thanks for the prayers.

11/18 – Fen asked for prayers for R, someone in her congregation. R’s dementia is making him angry and verbally abusive, which is hard for his daughters. R’s wife died several years ago. They are having trouble finding additional caregivers to help out. Prayers that rough places could be made smooth for this dear family are appreciated.

11/18 – Reforger asks for prayers for grandchild #2, prayers that he will begin to figure out that every time Papa says “you’re going to get hurt doing that”, he would listen instead of getting hurt ,and proving Papa right over and over again. Also, Reforger is afraid he will lose one of his best friends soon. She grew up in a smoking house and has smoked since she was 13, and a minor flu has turned into a 4 day stay in the hospital. Reforger is trying to quit, too.

11/18 – G asked for prayers for a friend’s wife (named Ileana), who is undergoing cancer surgery. Prayers for a successful outcome and a speedy recovery.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:45 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Mornin' again. I nooded.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at December 02, 2023 08:47 AM (qPw5n)

2 Scrambled eggs with a side of bacon.

Rain, rain, go away!

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at December 02, 2023 08:47 AM (R/m4+)

3 Good morning. I'm wrapping today, which means I will be using scissors.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 08:48 AM (45fpk)

4 I sometimes wake up grumpy.

But I usually just let her sleep.

Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at December 02, 2023 08:48 AM (PYJJG)

5 One more item and I am done with Christmas shopping.
By needs a new PC (laptop). Walmart $300 special here I come.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:49 AM (cOq4q)

6 BOY needs.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:49 AM (cOq4q)

7 Willowed:

A long-term canned food storage anecdote:

I made chicken & rice casserole yesterday with a can of Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup that was dated 2018.

All is well gastronomically. It looked and smelled and tasted fine upon opening and cooked up similar to a fresher can.

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 02, 2023 08:50 AM (4I/2K)

8 But first, off to BassPro to pick up some HS-6 for wifey.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:50 AM (cOq4q)

9 4 I sometimes wake up grumpy.

But I usually just let her sleep.
Posted by: Blutarski, Gradually then Suddenly at December 02, 2023 08:48 AM (PYJJG)

An oldy but a goldy

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 08:51 AM (aA3+G)

10 Gotta' make some breakfast...

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 02, 2023 08:52 AM (Q4IgG)

11 I made chicken & rice casserole yesterday with a can of Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup that was dated 2018.

All is well gastronomically. It looked and smelled and tasted fine upon opening and cooked up similar to a fresher can.
Posted by: Count de Monet

With CREAM of Anything, how would you know if its getting old. If it was Checken Noodle it would be Cream of Chicken by now.
I have found that canned goods turn to mush over time.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:52 AM (cOq4q)

12 First coffee, then all the other nonsense.

This implies coffee is also nonsense, when in fact coffee is cllearly NOT nonsense, it is essence!

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 08:53 AM (991eG)

13 The only real difference you'll notice is that it will take on a metallic taste from the can.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 08:54 AM (+zy2u)

14 Strong coffee with my friends Isiah, John, and Matthew

Posted by: Jonah at December 02, 2023 08:55 AM (33nmr)

15 The only real difference you'll notice is that it will take on a metallic taste from the can.
Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 08:54 AM (+zy2u)

If I had any discerning taste buds, that might be an issue. However . . .

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 02, 2023 08:56 AM (4I/2K)

16 I used a Shake 'N Bake mix last night that was dated 2015. It's breadcrumbs. How 'bad' can they be?

I'm fine BTW....

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 02, 2023 08:56 AM (Q4IgG)

17 My Christmas shopping is mostly done. Just need a book for each of the grands. My rule of thumb is: "Something to wear. Something they need. Something they want, and something to read."

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 08:56 AM (45fpk)

Only 22 shoplifting days until Christmas. Was watching the news yesterday about some proposed 'anti-ski mask' legislation in Philly. The video they showed was all of these youths, in the process of turning their lives around, breaking into a store with masks on. A little later they showed the youths exiting the store with flat screen televisions.

One of the exceptions the proposed legislation would allow is wearing a ski mask for a religious event. ???

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 08:57 AM (enJYY)

19 Prayers up for those that have asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that know they need them but have not asked us for them;
Prayers up for those that need them but don’t know it yet; and
Prayers up for those who pray alone, asking in silence, and whose prayers are known but to God!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Next year in Corsicana - again! ~ at December 02, 2023 08:57 AM (hOUT3)

20 Birdbath status?

Posted by: Just Wondering at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (NBVIP)

21 What is this snow bank of which you speak?

Posted by: The Black Knight at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (DsA2n)

22 My Christmas shopping is mostly done. Just need a book for each of the grands. My rule of thumb is: "Something to wear. Something they need. Something they want, and something to read."

Posted by: grammie winger


Not really stolen, but you know what I mean.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (+zy2u)

23 The rain has stopped, or maybe just has a truce with the city. I need to leave in about half an hour for haircut, library, and then whip around to pick up an Rx at the CVS in Target. And a new Tracfone card for more minutes.

Miss Linda wants to go to an open-house, or maybe it should be called "open-store," event in the uptown area tonight. This means crowds, difficult parking, and walking a couple of miles up and down to watch her sip some wine and eat cheese. I never want to buy anything at those $$$ stores.

Maybe it'll rain again and the thing will get postponed.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (omVj0)

24 Almost done with Christmas shopping. Just have hubby left and he's just impossible to buy for. I may start wrapping today. After next week I'm not sure how I will be feeling so I'm trying to get everything done by Monday.

Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (iF0sF)

25 12 First coffee, then all the other nonsense.

This implies coffee is also nonsense, when in fact coffee is cllearly NOT nonsense, it is essence!
Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 08:53 AM (991eG)

Yell at CBD

I was the recipient of his H/T.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (aA3+G)

26 My Christmas shopping is mostly done. Just need a book for each of the grands. My rule of thumb is: "Something to wear. Something they need. Something they want, and something to read."
Posted by: grammie winger

Ever thought about getting them a 'bunny onesy' pajama and making them wear it for a picture like Ralph in Christmas Story?

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (cOq4q)

27 Good morning again dear morons and thank you annie and mh

Thank you morons for your prayers

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 08:59 AM (RIvkX)

28 Ever thought about getting them a 'bunny onesy' pajama and making them wear it for a picture like Ralph in Christmas Story?

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (cOq4q)

I was going to do that for Rev. Shhh - don't spoil the surprise!

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (45fpk)

The first step in turning ones life around is apparently shoplifting a flat screen tv.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (enJYY)

30 My Christmas shopping is mostly done. Just need a book for each of the grands. My rule of thumb is: "Something to wear. Something they need. Something they want, and something to read."

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 08:56 AM (45fpk)
This is the first Christmas when all the kids are adults. At the same time, our grandkids are now staying with us, so there's some excitement there.

Combine that with tight finances, and we're going to be focusing on "nominal" Christmas presents, small gifts that excite and amuse rather than anything lavish. There is always some tension over this as my wife wants to "go big," but this year it's just not possible.

I'm using this to remind the family that Christmas is about God, not stuff. They seem quite receptive.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (llXky)

The beautiful and exploratory Mars naturalfake bought Community Coffee's "Spiced Pecan Pumpkin Pie Coffee", which must surely-

win the prize for the most flaovrizing chemicals infused into Ground Coffee evah!

On the plus side, it's pretty tasty.

Posted by: naturalfake at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (QzZeQ)

32 My rule of thumb is: "Something to wear. Something they need. Something they want, and something to read."
Posted by: grammie winger


My B-I-L is a big Oiho State fan, so a sweatshirt with OSU printed on the front would meet all four criteria at once.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM (991eG)

33 Ski masks will be ok if you say that you're wearing one for Covid. Or whatever mystery bug they have planned for this winter.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM (S6gqv)

34 29
The first step in turning ones life around is apparently shoplifting a flat screen tv.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (enJYY)

Is that the reason for baggy baggy really baggy pants?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM (aA3+G)

35 My B-I-L is a big Oiho State fan, so a sweatshirt with OSU printed on the front would meet all four criteria at once.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM (991eG)

There ya go. BOOM you're done!

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:03 AM (45fpk)

Remembering every day those on the Prayer List in my Rosary intentions.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 02, 2023 09:03 AM (9mNHV)

37 Good Morning, everyone. Rainy as all get out here in the Tennessee Valley of North Alabama. Foggy too. Temps aren't bad, 61°.

Gotta go to Valey Forge tomorrow for the work week.

Posted by: BifBewalski at December 02, 2023 09:03 AM (3CCua)

38 One of the exceptions the proposed legislation would allow is wearing a ski mask for a religious event. ???

It can't be discussed without this deposition being posted:

(fair warning: It's a trainwreck and you won't be able to stop watching all 10 minutes)

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:04 AM (+zy2u)

I'm using this to remind the family that Christmas is about God, not stuff. They seem quite receptive.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (llXky)

Our kids are scattered across the country.

Our youngest has scheduled a Xmas vacation so we are all flying to this secret location to spend Xmas. No gifts, just presence.

On the bright side I'm hoping to meet Mr. Mike Hammer for coffee.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 09:04 AM (aA3+G)

40 I wasn't yelling at YOU MisHum, just pointing out an aspect of the language on the mug.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:05 AM (991eG)

Is that the reason for baggy baggy really baggy pants?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM

They basically were just tucking the tv's under their arms and running out of the store. Probably about 50 inch sets. Bigger then anything I own.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 09:05 AM (enJYY)

42 My B-I-L is a big Oiho State fan

Interesting spelling. Was that on purpose?

Posted by: dantesed at December 02, 2023 09:05 AM (88xKn)

43 More home repairs this week bleeding over to today.


None of these a-holes seem capable of coordinating their efforts properly, which you'd think is job number one for a contractor of tradesman.

Posted by: naturalfake at December 02, 2023 09:05 AM (QzZeQ)

44 "My B-I-L is a big Oiho State fan, so a sweatshirt with OSU printed on the front would meet all four criteria at once.
Posted by: Muldoon"

Transformer underoos

Posted by: a millinial at December 02, 2023 09:05 AM (vFG9F)

45 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:06 AM (Zz0t1)

46 The first step in turning ones life around is apparently shoplifting a flat screen tv.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 09:00 AM (enJYY)
Wry humor aside, making a terrible life choice is often the catalyst for conversion.

I am hoping my eldest follows that course of action.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:06 AM (llXky)

47 Prayer list is sad.

I don't know there's enough prayer for what TonyPete's situations have been. My goodness.....

The news on Jewells saddens me as well.

Prayers will continue.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:07 AM (Zz0t1)

48 Good morning. I'm wrapping today, which means I will be using scissors.
Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 08:48 AM (45fpk)

Just don't run with 'em and you should be fine.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:08 AM (Zz0t1)


contractor of tradesman = contractor OR tradesman

Posted by: naturalfake at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (QzZeQ)

50 Just don't run with 'em and you should be fine.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:08 AM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (45fpk)

51 Our kids are scattered across the country.
Our youngest has scheduled a Xmas vacation so we are all flying to this secret location to spend Xmas. No gifts, just presence.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

My siblings are as well. We (less the sister who is the black sheep and asshoe) will be falling in on Mom's place near Longview, TX. Junior-ette is going to meet my nephew after 20 years, his wife and their two kids. She will also meet my brother, his wife and their two kids.

Posted by: BifBewalski at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (3CCua)

52 Speaking of THE college football playoffs, this year is absurd.

Apparently if Alabama (one loss to #7 Texas, undefeated in the SEC West, beaten 3 ranked teams) beats undefeated #1 overall Georgia (beaten 4 ranked teams) neither team will make the playoffs and instead the 11-1 Texas team, whose big win was over that same Alabama that just beat #1 Georgia, will get in.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (+zy2u)

53 Wry humor aside, making a terrible life choice is often the catalyst for conversion.

Only if there is a negative consequence. Do you think there will be for those shoplifting yoots?

Posted by: Oddbob at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (nfrXX)

54 I'm reading an article on the late, great Shane MacGowan of The Pogues.

Apparently he had his famous snaggleteeth replaced with implants in 2015 from a dental surgeon who described the procedure as "the Everest of dentistry."

Posted by: All Hail Eris at December 02, 2023 09:10 AM (Rz7ER)

55 Ohio State just fired their entire marching band staff as, after years of speculation, they finally found that they were hazing marchers, including having them march naked on the field after midnight.

At least they weren't molesting children, I guess.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:11 AM (Zz0t1)

Our kids are scattered across the country.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 09:04 AM (aA3+G)
Years ago there was much talk from the kids about striking out and seeing the world. That seems to have been cured by the pandemic. Middle kid was stuck in training from early November to late July, missing just about every holiday and birthday (including her own) and becoming terribly homesick. Even living a couple of hours away at college was too much. She came home and is now ready to get her own place - four minutes down the road.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:11 AM (llXky)

57 None of these a-holes seem capable of coordinating their efforts properly, which you'd think is job number one for a contractor of tradesman.

Posted by: naturalfake

*pats couch*
*proffers mug of coffee*

Let's bitch about my deck guy. Started a month later than he said he would, and it's half finished and i cannot use it.

How do these halfwits stay in business?

Posted by: BifBewalski at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (3CCua)

58 Birdbath status?
Posted by: Just Wondering at December 02, 2023 08:58 AM (NBVIP)

Not frozen.

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (T4tVD)

59 The first step in turning your heart around is turning OFF your TV.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (NBVIP)

60 Prayers up for alla youse !

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (T4tVD)

61 I rm requesting prayers for healing of a leg infection suffered by the man who was scheduled to carry out the GPR survey of the property where the cadaver dog team found strong evidence of human remains in a location that is highly plausible as a potential site where my F-I-L was buried by his neighbor. The infection has caused an indefinite delay in further searching, as this individual is the key team member for the GPR analysis.

Prayers both for the infection to heal ad for the process of discovering Jack's remains to move forward.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (991eG)

62 hiya

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (T4tVD)

63 F & F is on in the background while I read here; Ramswami just lost me forever. He's decided to shill for votes by jumping on the anti-pipeline bandwagon, I've watched demagogues big and small try to ride that hobby horse into office for 40 years now.
Eminent Domain has never been popular; and it should never be abused, as it has been sometimes. But it remains a process that is absolutely necessary to build and maintain a functioning economy. Ramswami knows this, but he's desperate and flailing.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (S6gqv)

64 Ohio State just fired their entire marching band staff as, after years of speculation, they finally found that they were hazing marchers, including having them march naked on the field after midnight.

At least they weren't molesting children, I guess.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:11 AM (Zz0t1)
The MeToo crowd was focused almost entirely on jocks, ignoring the fact that bandos are some of the raunchiest, depraved people out there. Mine was the last class hazed and that was 1991. The Buckeyes are way behind the times.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (llXky)

65 En mi casa toman Bustelo!

Posted by: Kawfeend at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (83IzV)

66 Ohio State just fired their entire marching band staff as, after years of speculation, they finally found that they were hazing marchers, including having them march naked on the field after midnight.


Weird. It's almost like that sort of embarrassing but harmless fun that people will go through on the way to becoming part of a group builds comradery and long-term relationships.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (+zy2u)

67 Nope, it's still drizzling. Faintly, but you can feel it. Jacket and hat as I head out -- and maybe this street fair thing tonight will be postponed.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at December 02, 2023 09:14 AM (omVj0)

68 Community Coffee Pecan Praline coffee. Delish! Dunking a ginger cookie in it: Nirvana! Nice way to start a Saturday.

Posted by: JTB at December 02, 2023 09:15 AM (7EjX1)

69 NY Times: Is Shoplifting Really Surging? Claims the U.S. is in a retail theft wave are exaggerated. Events in New York tend to receive outsize scrutiny...

Videos of extreme but rare crimes can go viral today...As a result, people can always find outlandish anecdotes, even if crime is down. Conservative media has promoted these videos as evidence of disorder in liberal cities and under President Biden.

Retailers have an interest in spreading the shoplifting narrative because it can suggest that disappointing profits are beyond their control. Inflation may play a role, too. Even if retail theft is not up, retailers might care more about it now. The rise in murder, car theft and some other crimes makes shoplifting seem like part of a larger story even if it isn’t in most cities.

Its the spectacular nature of recent theft that has spiked perceptions of a surge. Organized Shoplifting, where groups go into a store and steal together while wearing hoodies and covid masks are usually caught on security cameras. There's also PTSD from the organized theft rings that exploited the George Floyd protests. That absolutely outraged the bourgeoisie.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at December 02, 2023 09:15 AM (JCZqz)

70 Prayers both for the infection to heal ad for the process of discovering Jack's remains to move forward.
Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM (991eG)


Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:16 AM (T4tVD)

71 Praying for your situation, Muldoon.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:17 AM (45fpk)

72 Speaking of THE college football playoffs, this year is absurd.

Apparently if Alabama (one loss to #7 Texas, undefeated in the SEC West, beaten 3 ranked teams) beats undefeated #1 overall Georgia (beaten 4 ranked teams) neither team will make the playoffs and instead the 11-1 Texas team, whose big win was over that same Alabama that just beat #1 Georgia, will get in.
Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:09 AM (+zy2u)

There are a lot of if's still remaining here. First, Washington is still undefeated, along with Michigan and Florida State. Florida State plays Louisville in the ACC championship with a question at QB. If they stay undefeated and Michican beats Iowa, 3 spots of the 4 are filled.

You're leaving the final spot open to some committee that relys on a f*cking spreadsheet to make the decision.

But overall, yes, it's pretty f*cked up.

However, Georgia, who's only lost one game, if they even do, in 2 YEARS, should still be in. Just my opinion.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:17 AM (Zz0t1)

73 Videos of extreme but rare crimes can go viral today...As a result, people can always find outlandish anecdotes, even if crime is down. Conservative media has promoted these videos as evidence of disorder in liberal cities and under President Biden.


Ten years ago Lego and toothpaste and makeup and spray paint wasn't behind locked plexiglass in stores all around the country.


Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:17 AM (+zy2u)

74 Weird. It's almost like that sort of embarrassing but harmless fun that people will go through on the way to becoming part of a group builds comradery and long-term relationships.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (+zy2u)
I might have agreed with you back in the day, but the ubiquitous nature of cellphone cameras renders this thing much more sinister than it might have been.

Having been through various initiations, there's a difference between a rite of passage type thing, where you are challenged to perform tasks to a high standard and being humiliated for kicks.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (llXky)

75 Videos of extreme but rare crimes can go viral today...As a result, people can always find outlandish anecdotes, even if crime is down. Conservative media has promoted these videos as evidence of disorder in liberal cities and under President Biden.

The author of this comment is too stupid to exist and should find a noose post haste.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (Zz0t1)

76 Hiya Grammie !

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (T4tVD)

77 Interesting spelling. Was that on purpose?


Yeah. His seats are on the visiting team's side of the stadium so that's how he thinks it's spelled.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (991eG)

78 Hiya JT!

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (45fpk)

79 Intercepted DU transmissions - funny when the news gets so bad and so obvious there's nothing left but to close their eyes and deny everything.

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (S6gqv)

80 And why do we have so many posting with the Nikki Haley sock all of a sudden?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (Zz0t1)

I rm requesting prayers for healing of a leg infection suffered by the man who was scheduled to carry out the GPR survey of the property where the cadaver dog team found strong evidence of human remains in a location that is highly plausible as a potential site where my F-I-L was buried by his neighbor. The infection has caused an indefinite delay in further searching, as this individual is the key team member for the GPR analysis.

Prayers both for the infection to heal ad for the process of discovering Jack's remains to move forward.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:12 AM

is this the first real break you've had in his disappearance? it's been a long time

Posted by: AltonJackson at December 02, 2023 09:19 AM (xDK93)

82 Was wondering if .issed break time, outside doing leaf collecting

Posted by: Skip at December 02, 2023 09:19 AM (fwDg9)

83 His seats are on the visiting team's side of the stadium so that's how he thinks it's spelled.


I botched the joke. I should have said when he looks down at his T-shirt he reads it at O-I-H-O

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:20 AM (991eG)

84 However, Georgia, who's only lost one game, if they even do, in 2 YEARS, should still be in. Just my opinion.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:17 AM (Zz0t1)
The University of Michigan systematically scouted in person for the better part of three years. This is no longer alleged, it happened. And we can see it mattered - this very season Michigan went from destroying opponents to squeaking past them.

The notion that people are just going to turn their heads, perhaps let them win a national title *knowing* it will be vacated turns my stomach.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:21 AM (llXky)

85 Hiya JT!
Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (45fpk)

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:21 AM (T4tVD)

86 You're leaving the final spot open to some committee that relys on a f*cking spreadsheet to make the decision.

But overall, yes, it's pretty f*cked up.

Yep. OSU and Texas move into the spot vacated by Oregon. Maybe. It's entirely possible they pull and OSU and just swap places, moving OSU to 5 and Oregon to 6.

Meanwhile not a single team in the top ten other than maybe Georgia could make it undefeated through the SEC West, and Alabama did it with one of the most unpolished teams Saban has had in years.

Heck, Oregon's Heisman candidate Bo Nix left the SEC because of it.

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:21 AM (+zy2u)

I botched the joke. I should have said when he looks down at his T-shirt he reads it at O-I-H-O
Posted by: Muldoon

Does he have a tattoo of W-O-W on his bicep for his mother too?

Posted by: BifBewalski at December 02, 2023 09:22 AM (3CCua)

88 The author of this comment is too stupid to exist and should find a noose post haste.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:18 AM (Zz0t1)
It's typical NYT spin: "Pay no attention to data or what you see with your own eyes, just do as we say."

Seems to be working for a lot of folks.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:22 AM (llXky)

89 And why do we have so many posting with the Nikki Haley sock all of a sudden?
Posted by: Sponge


"Nikki Haley says anonymous social media accounts and bots pose a "national security threat."

"Every person on social media should be verified by their name," Haley told Fox News on Tuesday."

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:23 AM (+zy2u)

90 The University of Michigan systematically scouted in person for the better part of three years. This is no longer alleged, it happened. And we can see it mattered - this very season Michigan went from destroying opponents to squeaking past them.

The notion that people are just going to turn their heads, perhaps let them win a national title *knowing* it will be vacated turns my stomach.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:21 AM (llXky)

There have been MULTIPLE former players that have all come out and said EVERYONE does it. If you're going to investigate Michigan, you've got to look at them all.

Michigan just got singled out.

Ohio State is a program that's been blessed with an NCAA blind eye their way for a LONG time.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:23 AM (Zz0t1)

91 That absolutely outraged the bourgeoisie.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at December 02, 2023 09:15 AM (JCZqz)

Who's this bourgeoisie, kemosabe?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:24 AM (RIvkX)

92 "Every person on social media should be verified by their name," Haley told Fox News on Tuesday."
Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:23 AM (+zy2u)

Ah, well, I did see and hear about that, but didn't expect an influx of her name being used on a site that most don't use their real names.

Carry on.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:24 AM (Zz0t1)

93 From what I understand attempting to steal signs is common. It's been a part of the Clemson program for a decade or more. The problem is the coordinated travelling and recording. IIRC the recording the sidelines for the entire game is specifically what's got Michigan in trouble.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:25 AM (+zy2u)

94 Chocolate shortbread cookies

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:26 AM (RIvkX)

95 used on a site that most don't use their real names.

grammie winger is my real name.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:26 AM (45fpk)

96 Also I whined up some bacon and pancakes too.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:26 AM (RIvkX)

97 Is there a longbread?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:26 AM (Zz0t1)

98 a sweatshirt with OSU printed on the front

And, in reverse, a big sloppy U of M footprint on the back.
Don't show him the back, and he'll never see it.

OSU has now fired the entire band staff for putting on naked broken-field marching at midnight SO MANY TIMES that one might almost get the idea that OSU bandsmen LIKE marching naked at midnight.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (FCs/J)

99 Ah, well, I did see and hear about that, but didn't expect an influx of her name being used on a site that most don't use their real names.

Carry on.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:24 AM (Zz0t1)
Just wait until everyone legally changes their name to Nikki Haley...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (BpYfr)

100 is this the first real break you've had in his disappearance? it's been a long time
Posted by: AltonJackson


Yep, first real findings in 15 years. New owner of the property (that had never been searched) found us through the Curious Disappearance blog, contacted us out of the blue offering to let us search. My wife located an archeological team that voluntarily did a cadaver dog search just before Halloween. Strong K9 indicators of a positive find from four different dogs in a tight location and now we are hung up due to health issues of the company's lead guy. Waiting is the hardest part, after being so close. Sheriff is on hold until actual remains are dug up.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (991eG)

grammie winger is my real name.
Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:26 AM (45fpk)

Are you the grandmother of Kip Winger, of the band Winger?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (Zz0t1)

102 Ah, well, I did see and hear about that, but didn't expect an influx of her name being used on a site that most don't use their real names.


I would love to see hundreds of millions of internet users post only as Nikki Haley for a week or two all over the internet.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (+zy2u)

103 simultaneously, I mean. Entire forums filled only with Nikki Haley.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (+zy2u)

104 That absolutely outraged the bourgeoisie.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at December 02, 2023 09:15 AM (JCZqz)

Who's this bourgeoisie, kemosabe?
Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:24 AM (RIvkX)

Posted by: DEVO's Booji Boy at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (4I/2K)

105 Are you the grandmother of Kip Winger, of the band Winger?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (Zz0t1)

No. You're thinking of my sister, pappy winger.

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (45fpk)

106 Well I'm off to get shit done. Have a great day all!

Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (iF0sF)

107 simultaneously, I mean. Entire forums filled only with Nikki Haley.
Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (+zy2u)

She would just consider it support for her campaign and feel emboldened to request more of our rights be trampled.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (Zz0t1)

108 Well I'm off to get shit done. Have a great day all!
Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at December 02, 2023 09:28 AM (iF0sF)

God bless you and have an awesome day!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:29 AM (Zz0t1)

109 Have a good day, jewells!

Posted by: grammie winger - I don't belong here at December 02, 2023 09:30 AM (45fpk)

110 She would just consider it support for her campaign and feel emboldened to request more of our rights be trampled.


hahaha, you're probably right.

Maybe only porn sites.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:30 AM (+zy2u)

111 OSU has now fired the entire band staff for putting on naked broken-field marching at midnight SO MANY TIMES that one might almost get the idea that OSU bandsmen LIKE marching naked at midnight.
Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 02, 2023 09:27 AM (FCs/J)

After midnight,
we gonna let it ALL hang out.

Posted by: THE Ohio State Marching Band at December 02, 2023 09:30 AM (4I/2K)

112 Michigan just got singled out.

Ohio State is a program that's been blessed with an NCAA blind eye their way for a LONG time.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:23 AM (Zz0t1)
Cry me a river. Ohio State had to fire Tressel, its president and vacate games because players sold their own property.

Michigan organized a massive cheating operation that has real-world consequences in gambling, which is why the FBI is involved. Coaches do not go from three-losses per year to immaculate *while switching out coordinators every year* just because. U-M destroyed every point spread, broke every analytical model. Word is the Vegas guys were the one who spotted this because they knew it was crooked.

Read the Big Ten letter and note the references to U.S. Integrity, independent gambling watchdog.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:31 AM (llXky)

113 Terrible life choices? Simply ask the myriad felons who made them what committing suicide by choice is like. All were made by free will, the blessing and bane of humanity.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 02, 2023 09:31 AM (KATBx)

114 Mornin' Horde. Prayers for all of us and our loved ones...

I have a couple of blessings to share from this week. The HVAC at the house I just bought is 23 years old. It worked great for the home inspector, but pretty much as soon as I acquired the keys, would run intermittently but could not hold the set temp. I called the # on the unit, lo and behold, the same guy who installed it 23 years ago came out to inspect and then service it. He got it chugging along nicely and thinks we can get a bit more life out of it.

We donated Mom's car this week as I do not think she has much, if any, driving in her future, and insuring/maintaining an unused car is not financially reasonable for us. She didn't take it as hard as I thought.

OTOH, tomorrow should have been Jesse's and my 2nd wedding anniversary and I'm feeling down about that.

Posted by: screaming in digital at December 02, 2023 09:31 AM (aBJcM)

115 "Nikki Haley says anonymous social media accounts and bots pose a "national security threat."

"Every person on social media should be verified by their name," Haley told Fox News on Tuesday."
Posted by: Nikki Haley

I wholeheartedly agree! You guys should really give her a second look for president in 2024...she's got some great ideas. Could probably use a solid, respectable guy for her VP...many a retiring senator or something to add some stability and gravitas. Wonder if Romney might be a good choice?

Posted by: Pierre Delecto at December 02, 2023 09:32 AM (JCZqz)

116 'Morning all.
Strange day here today. Woke up to fog and supposed to hit 60 degrees. It was in the 30's two days ago. I will never get used to the weather here.

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 02, 2023 09:33 AM (t/2Uw)

117 Word is the Vegas guys were the one who spotted this because they knew it was crooked.


Now that's an interesting thing if true, and certainly believable.

I'd love to hear their take on officiating during the Auburn - Alabama game knowing the playoff implications if Alabama were allowed to bust the party.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:33 AM (+zy2u)

118 My B-I-L is a big Oiho State fan, so a sweatshirt with OSU printed on the front would meet all four criteria at once.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:02 AM (991eG)

for fun, get him one in Orange with a beaver on it.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (D7oie)

119 Well the breakfast I whipped up was tasty. A one egg omelet with diced tomato, onion and green pepper, diced ham and cheese with some fried polenta.

My wife isn't motivated to follow my exceptional lead and is having a fried egg and the polenta.

Rarely do we eat breakfast together. She's not a 'morning person.'

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (Q4IgG)

120 Read the Big Ten letter and note the references to U.S. Integrity, independent gambling watchdog.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:31 AM (llXky)

Gambling has ruined ALL sports. Michigan didn't invent it. ALL of the big programs do it. Michigan just got picked.

I will not cry for something that I really have no skin in the game for, nor care much about. College football was one of the last bastions of sports entertainment.

That's fleeting.

By the time the wife and I get where we want to go, God willing, I won't be watching much TV and all the gamblers can take their spoils and smoke 'em.

I won't care.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (Zz0t1)

121 "Placing a cut body part into the snow bank will ease the pain."
Been There. Done THAT. And all I got was that lousy coffee mug. Sheesh. There outta be a law I tellz yuz.

Posted by: Ray Mota at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (sw3xv)

I wholeheartedly agree! You guys should really give her a second look for president in 2024...she's got some great ideas. Could probably use a solid, respectable guy for her VP...many a retiring senator or something to add some stability and gravitas. Wonder if Romney might be a good choice?

Posted by: Pierre Delecto at December 02, 2023 09:32 AM (JCZqz)
What I'd like to see is libel law being restored to what it was before it was gutted by judicial decree.

That would solve a ton of problems right there.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (llXky)

123 It can't be discussed without this deposition being posted:

(fair warning: It's a trainwreck and you won't be able to stop watching all 10 minutes)

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:04 AM (+zy2u)

I stopped. I often have difficulty watching people being people.

Posted by: javems at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (8I4hW)

124 'Morning all.
Strange day here today. Woke up to fog and supposed to hit 60 degrees. It was in the 30's two days ago. I will never get used to the weather here.
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at December 02, 2023 09:33 AM (t/2Uw)

It's climate change and will kill you soon, so you'll be fine.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:35 AM (Zz0t1)

125 I stopped. I often have difficulty watching people being people.


I hope you at least got to the part where they pull the lamp down on the old lady and she screams OH LAWD SUMBUDDY CALL AN ABULANCH

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:36 AM (+zy2u)

126 Hiya Screamie !

Prayers up !

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:36 AM (T4tVD)

127 I want Bama to win, I want Iowa to win just to watch the rankings go fucking bonkers. I'll laugh and laugh.

Good Morning.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:37 AM (R4t5M)

128 Thanks for the Thread, MisHum !

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:37 AM (T4tVD)

129 Wolfus Aurelius, your prose reminds me of Walker Percy's.

Posted by: Beverly at December 02, 2023 09:38 AM (Epeb0)

130 "Sir! There are 7 days until Army beats the Hell out of Navy in the annual Army-Navy football game at Gillette Stadium in Boston, Massachusetts!"

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:38 AM (991eG)

131 Gambling has ruined ALL sports. Michigan didn't invent it. ALL of the big programs do it. Michigan just got picked.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:34 AM (Zz0t1)
They picked themselves. They were stupidly obvious. You can see the guy decked out in Central Michigan gear wearing sunglasses at night. It was worse than criminal because it was so stupid. He bought tickets in his own name all over the place.

Arguing that we should just shrug is using the same argument that the NYT is about crime - it happens, so why care about mass looting incidents?

And the thing is, it doesn't happen, not like that. This was no down-low gray area skullduggery, it was the equivalent of walking out the the 50" TV in broad daylight.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:39 AM (llXky)

132 Nimarata Randhawa wants everyone to post under his own legal name. I think that's just precious.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 02, 2023 09:39 AM (FCs/J)

133 Thanks for the Coffee Thread, Mis Hum!

Prayers up for the Horde and all Horde intentions.

Prayers for those requesting and all those not yet requested.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at December 02, 2023 09:39 AM (a8Rgt)

134 JT, a big hiya right back atcha and thank you!

Posted by: screaming in digital at December 02, 2023 09:41 AM (aBJcM)

135 130 "Sir! There are 7 days until Army beats the Hell out of Navy in the annual Army-Navy football game at Gillette Stadium in Boston, Massachusetts!"
Posted by: Muldoon

Is this the best a man can get? Boys will be boys shouldn't be tolerated anymore. Together, we can be better, and end this toxicly masculine display (and society). The boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow, and there's hardly any LGBTQIA2S+ acceptance on display here!

Posted by: The Spirit of Gillette Stadium at December 02, 2023 09:42 AM (JCZqz)

136 There is no argument going on right now about the influence of gambling and boosters in collegiate sports that has not already been made by more intelligent and moral men in the 19-teens and 20s.

The NCAA an organization that was empowered to the degree that it is to enforce ethics in sports has allowed the devolution of everything it stood for....

kind of a metaphor for the US government actually.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 09:42 AM (X0I7i)

And the thing is, it doesn't happen, not like that. This was no down-low gray area skullduggery, it was the equivalent of walking out the the 50" TV in broad daylight.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:39 AM (llXky)

And they all do it.

IF the NCAA wants to be taken seriously, they'll investigate EVERYONE. But they NEVER do. Ok, so Michigan picked a dip shit to do it. Or he did it on it's own. There's been no real evidence obtained that says Harbaugh specifically requested this to go on. Did he really? Probably.

But they ALL do it.

Oh, and Maurice Clarette driving in a Cadillac Escalade with $10000 worth of home theater equipment wasn't a case of "him selling his own stuff." I'm just saying.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:43 AM (Zz0t1)

138 Las Vegas managed to secure a pro football team, hockey team, and soon, a pro baseball team. I'm sure when a blue shithole pro basketball team needs to relocate, it will go there. Already have a pro franchise there in the NBA Gash league.

All this in a very short amount of time.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:43 AM (R4t5M)

139 Gambling has ruined ALL sports.

Baseball and football, both denounced from the pulpit at the turn of the last century. There were movies about it by the early thirties. Duh Beau Hunques like it because they bet on it.

Let me tell you, precision rifle is squeaky clean.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 02, 2023 09:44 AM (FCs/J)

140 No. You're thinking of my sister, pappy winger.
Posted by: grammie winger


I think I may have seen your sister by a kettle outside the grocery store yesterday.

Belle Winger?

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:44 AM (991eG)

141 [io]Las Vegas managed to secure a pro football team, hockey team, and soon, a pro baseball team. I'm sure when a blue shithole pro basketball team needs to relocate, it will go there. Already have a pro franchise there in the NBA Gash league.

All this in a very short amount of time.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:43 AM (R4t5M)

Cuban just sold controlling interest in the Mavericks to a casino mogul. Maybe they'll move there.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:45 AM (Zz0t1)

142 JT, a big hiya right back atcha and thank you!
Posted by: screaming in digital at December 02, 2023 09:41 AM (aBJcM)

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:45 AM (T4tVD)

143 "Sir! There are 7 days until Army beats the Hell out of Navy in the annual Army-Navy football game at Gillette Stadium in Boston, Massachusetts!"
Posted by: Muldoon

Is this the best a man can get? Boys will be boys shouldn't be tolerated anymore. Together, we can be better, and end this toxicly masculine display (and society). The boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow, and there's hardly any LGBTQIA2S+ acceptance on display here!
Posted by: The Spirit of Gillette Stadium at December 02, 2023 09:42 AM (JCZqz)

That shit's funny, right there. Don't care WHO ya are.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:46 AM (Zz0t1)

144 I'm thinking about just doing the original Saturnalia, this year... Lady YD and I can take over the kids' rooms, and lounge around watching TV while they wait on us hand and foot, for once.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at December 02, 2023 09:46 AM (0FoWg)

145 It can't be discussed without this deposition being posted:

(fair warning: It's a trainwreck and you won't be able to stop watching all 10 minutes)

Posted by: Nikki Haley's verified online persona at December 02, 2023 09:04 AM


I think I can speak for all the Horde lawyers. Holy shite, that was funny!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 09:47 AM (aQy7p)

146 Here's a 2020 article about Clemson if anyone is interested:

There are legal ways to practice it, which I'm sure most all teams do, and some teams throw more resources at it while others focus on other parts of the game.

I haven't kept up lately but Michigan's problem seems to be crossing the line into in-person recording.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:48 AM (+zy2u)

147 Las Vegas Mavericks. It does have a ring.

Cuban is a garbage human.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:48 AM (R4t5M)

148 147 Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:48 AM (R4t5M)

Mark "Dick" Cuban is a walking advertisement for the debauchery of the American moral spine in the last 30 years.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 09:49 AM (X0I7i)

149 "Every person on social media should be verified by their name," Haley told Fox News on Tuesday."


We totally agree. What a timesaver! It will be much easier to target for physical harm and mental harassment anyone who doesn't conform to leftist politics.

Posted by: American Doxxers Association at December 02, 2023 09:50 AM (tf4XU)

For the next three weeks, the only shopping rule is, "No prisoners!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 09:50 AM (xG4kz)

151 "Sir! There are 7 days until Army beats the Hell out of Navy in the annual Army-Navy football game at Gillette Stadium in Boston, Massachusetts!"
Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 09:38 AM

Are there 7 days exactly, Muldoon? Exactly 7?! No, there aren't. There are 7 and a butt days!

Start over!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 09:50 AM (aQy7p)

152 Who's this bourgeoisie, kemosabe?
Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:24 AM (RIvkX)

a French seafood stew.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 02, 2023 09:50 AM (D7oie)

153 Las Vegas Mavericks. It does have a ring.

Cuban is a garbage human.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:48 AM (R4t5M)

Why I'm hoping it actually happens. Used to be a fan, then that prick stepped in.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:51 AM (Zz0t1)

154 "Above all else guard your heart for from it flows the wellspring of life."

Posted by: Proverbs 4:23 at December 02, 2023 09:52 AM (NBVIP)

155 153 Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:51 AM (Zz0t1)

There's a trend amongst the progtards to "sell" their interests while "maintaining control" saw it in the attempted sale of a Pizza joint back home in Ohio and from what little I have looked into Mark "Dick" Cuban is doing it with the Mavs.

If I have one half of one bowel movement about the NBA anymore I'd be more bothered.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 09:53 AM (X0I7i)

IF the NCAA wants to be taken seriously, they'll investigate EVERYONE. But they NEVER do. Ok, so Michigan picked a dip shit to do it. Or he did it on it's own. There's been no real evidence obtained that says Harbaugh specifically requested this to go on. Did he really? Probably.

But they ALL do it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:43 AM (Zz0t1)
Oh, well, I guess we should just shrug and move on, then, like letting the looters go, right?

The funny thing is how fast U-M changed its tune when it saw the evidence. I should clarify - they saw the evidence the NCAA had already obtained. They know what they did.

That's what bothers me the most. They are doing the Clinton Defense. You have no proof. Okay, you have proof, but not enough. Okay lots of proof, but everyone does it. You can't tie it directly to the boss.

Note how they always put it in very Clintonesque terms: "We have seen no evidence..." which isn't a denial, just a statement that you haven't caught us yet. It's grotesque.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:54 AM (llXky)

157 Las Vegas picking over Oakland's corpse.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at December 02, 2023 09:55 AM (RIvkX)

158 12 First coffee, then all the other nonsense.

This implies coffee is also nonsense, when in fact coffee is cllearly NOT nonsense, it is essence!
Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 08:53 AM (991eG)

Yell at CBD

I was the recipient of his H/T.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02,

COB Fight !

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:55 AM (T4tVD)

159 Prayers up for the Horde and all Horde intentions.

Prayers for those requesting and all those not yet requested.
Posted by: Legally Sufficient


Posted by: Thomas Paine at December 02, 2023 09:57 AM (kPep5)

160 They all do it, and Michigan got caught. This time. And there will be a next time from another school.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:58 AM (R4t5M)

Dreary day. Rain promised. No ETA.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 09:58 AM (xG4kz)

162 COB Fight !
Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09:55 AM

Corn COB was a bad dude!

- Stuff Biden will probably say

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 09:58 AM (aQy7p)

163 Yell at CBD

I was the recipient of his H/T.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02,

COB Fight !
Posted by: JT

Gentlemen, please! There's room enough for all types of coffee, and coffee lovers, to coexist...

Posted by: Confederate chicory and acorn "coffee" at December 02, 2023 09:59 AM (JCZqz)

Corn COB was a bad dude!

Better Corn COB than me!

-- cousin of the rabbit abused by a bear

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (xG4kz)

165 128 Thanks for the Thread, MisHum !
Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 09

Hiya JT
You're welcome

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (aA3+G)

166 Gentlemen, please! There's room enough for all types of coffee, and coffee lovers, to coexist...
Posted by: Confederate chicory and acorn "coffee" at December 02, 2023 09:59 AM

But not the Irish!

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (aQy7p)

167 I haven't kept up lately but Michigan's problem seems to be crossing the line into in-person recording.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:48 AM (+zy2u)
Bingo. When the rule was put in place in 1994, everyone was happy. The big schools no longer had to waste money in an endless arms race to scout and the small schools got a break. Countless coaches have gone on the record talking about how awful it was.

What Michigan did was a clear, unambiguous breach of those rules, and they did it to gain a competitive advantage. They didn't just have signals, they had all of them, and the playbooks as well. Remember that a Marine officer ran this op - he had real-time intel that allowed his team to get the play when the opponents did. If I know every single one of your moves in real time, I have a huge advantage.

Where this gets interesting is whether people involved profited from it. If boosters were running this, they could be expected to profit from the results. It's basically fixing college football.

Oh, and speaking of corrupt players, Blake Corum seems to be a business partner in multiple enterprises with the ringleader. A lot of stuff going on.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (llXky)

168 The combination of betting and inter-conference playoffs to determine a "real" national champion ruined college football.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM (kPep5)

169 Something they want, and something to read."
Posted by: grammie winger

So, an AoS Premium membership?

Posted by: t-bird at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM (HjfVN)

170 They all do it, and Michigan got caught. This time. And there will be a next time from another school.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 09:58 AM (R4t5M)
Doubtful. Headsets will be in place pretty quick. Maybe even by the playoff.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:03 AM (llXky)

171 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (llXky)

Thanks for the info.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:03 AM (R4t5M)

Contest fixing going on in NCAA Football contests?

I'm shocked, shocked!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 10:03 AM (xG4kz)

173 The combination of betting and inter-conference playoffs to determine a "real" national champion ruined college football.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM

This is why the only game I pay serious attention to is the Army/Navy game.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:04 AM (aQy7p)

174 The combination of betting and inter-conference playoffs to determine a "real" national champion ruined college football.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM (kPep5)
It was ruined from the start. Players used to switch teams during the season. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" comes from that era.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:04 AM (llXky)

175 Anonymity on the web has been both good, and bad. It has loosened some tongues that probably shouldn't have been.

Whether discourse in America would be better if anonymity was removed from online discussions is debatable, but what isn't debatable is that some people hiding behind a persona that's totally fake hasn't helped one bit.

And 'Nikki Haley' (Nimarata Randhawa) is one of the poster children for what's wrong with it.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 02, 2023 10:04 AM (Q4IgG)

176 172
Contest fixing going on in NCAA Football contests?

I'm shocked, shocked!
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM)

I know! What's next...fraud in local elections?!?!

Posted by: Incredulous journalist stumbling upon the path to the truth at December 02, 2023 10:05 AM (JCZqz)

177 168 Posted by: Thomas Paine at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM (kPep5)

The NCAA morphing from a governing body into a business itself is what ruined things.

You won't find me complimenting many things about the modern school but the University of Chicago made the right call quitting the big 10 and Div 1 football.

Our distractions have become our motive force and our motive efforts are not treated as distractions.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:05 AM (X0I7i)

178 Deposition: call the am-bu-LANCE.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 10:05 AM (NBVIP)

179 69 Something they want, and something to read."
Posted by: grammie winger

So, an AoS Premium membership?
Posted by: t-bird at December 02, 2023 10:02 AM (HjfVN

I can make that happen with a small donation to my favorite charity

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 02, 2023 10:06 AM (aA3+G)

Dogs and cats living together -- mass hysteria!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 10:06 AM (xG4kz)

181 174 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:04 AM (llXky)

My favorite coach from the era is Francis Schmidt, I say that as a reformed Wolverine fan.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:06 AM (X0I7i)

182 ---
Oh, well, I guess we should just shrug and move on, then, like letting the looters go, right?

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 09:54 AM (llXky)

Not once, in any inkling of my comments here today, did I even imply that.


The NCAA is the problem. If Michigan is guilty, BURY THEM. All I'm saying is THEY'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE.

The NCAA is a f*cking joke and I wish all of college sports would jettison their asses and take control of it.

SMU's football program was destroyed because they paid players. Penn State lost a few scholarships and a couple bowl games for running a child sex farm for a decade or 2.

The NCAA is the problem.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear in my feelings on this discussion. Hope we're good now.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:07 AM (Zz0t1)

183 This is why the only game I pay serious attention to is the Army/Navy game.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:04 AM (aQy7p)
During the 90s it was kind of an afterthought because Air Force took the Commander's Trophy almost every year.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:07 AM (llXky)

184 182 Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:07 AM (Zz0t1)

SMU was destroyed, the rest of the conference was squeaky clean!

//Your NCAA

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:09 AM (X0I7i)

185 So one possible upset of an undefeated failed to materialize.

My Crimson Tide really needs two to happen, one is at least in their hands if they can beat Georgia today.

I guess FSU is the other possibility but I really think that isn't going to happen so, for a 2nd (and I guess the last time for the foreseeable future under the 12 team playoff) Alabama will be outside looking in.

Well poo.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:09 AM (aD39U)

186 Oh, and my heavens, you guys.

NASCAR racist Bubba Wallace is DEPRESSED!!! He should be happy that his best friend just won the Cup Championship, but HE'S NOT!

Seems he can't handle the pressures of attempting to destroy a sport that was giving him a chance to succeed and being called out for it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:10 AM (Zz0t1)

187 183 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:07 AM (llXky)

Paul Johnson's fusion of the triple option and mouse davis' run and shoot pass route theory was a thing of beauty in its day at Navy.....

I miss "football" which has been bleeding out the last 15 years.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:10 AM (X0I7i)

During the 90s it was kind of an afterthought because Air Force took the Commander's Trophy almost every year.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd

Do the Marines at Quantico still field a football team?

They did back in the late 60s / early 70s because they were on Northern Michigan University's schedule for a while during that period.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 10:11 AM (xG4kz)

189 Not once, in any inkling of my comments here today, did I even imply that.


I'm sorry I wasn't clear in my feelings on this discussion. Hope we're good now.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:07 AM (Zz0t1)
Typically "everyone is doing it" is not a call for action, so perhaps you can understand my confusion.

It's funny you brought up Penn State because the NCAA actually overreached - it was out of their jurisdiction and they got sued for it and lost. The victims were not student-athletes, which is why civil authorities handled it.

HOWEVER, the NCAA also did not investigate U-M's thirty years of having a perv doc on their staff, anal raping black football players. No formal investigation has even taken place. The university payed a legal team, and bought off the 800+ accusers. Note that while the perp was dead, numerous witnesses were available to determine what the university knew and when. But Michigan's AG is a U-M grad, so...

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:11 AM (llXky)

190 "Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago."

Isaiah 25:1

Posted by: Marcus T at December 02, 2023 10:11 AM (bNcG+)

191 Doubtful. Headsets will be in place pretty quick. Maybe even by the playoff.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd

Somebody usually squeals. Or brags. Or gets sloppy.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:12 AM (R4t5M)

I received a phone call last week from - well what the phone said was a - 'New York Law Firm'. On the line was a woman with an accent I could not place exactly. In the background I heard a racket of perhaps kids playing. She asked me a couple of questions but the meat of what she wanted was my Social Security number. I am one of the individuals suing the BSA and I suppose after reading my claim they know I'll be receiving a payout. But I did not trust her and asked her to read part of my narrative, which she did.

Long story short I did not give her my ss#. But I wonder about this work from home crap where people don't have a quiet room to work from. It seems so less then professional and reflects poorly on the organization.

/ kicks soap box away

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 10:12 AM (enJYY)

NASCAR racist Bubba Wallace is DEPRESSED!!! He should be happy that his best friend just won the Cup Championship, but HE'S NOT!

That's noose to me ...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 02, 2023 10:12 AM (xG4kz)

194 Gentlemen, please! There's room enough for all types of coffee, and coffee lovers, to coexist...
Posted by: Confederate chicory and acorn "coffee" at December 02, 2023 09:59 AM

But not the Irish!
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:00 AM (aQy7p)

No yellow......

Posted by: Hunter Biden at December 02, 2023 10:12 AM (Zz0t1)

195 Outside again collecting leaves and scared up a hWk not 20 feet awY with a carcass. I think a squirrel

Posted by: Skip at December 02, 2023 10:14 AM (fwDg9)

196 It's funny you brought up Penn State because the NCAA actually overreached - it was out of their jurisdiction and they got sued for it and lost. The victims were not student-athletes, which is why civil authorities handled it.

So, the athletic program had no culpability despite it being the football staff was committing the atrocities? Seems strange, to me.

Posted by: Hunter Biden at December 02, 2023 10:14 AM (Zz0t1)

197 SHIT.

Strike one......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:15 AM (Zz0t1)

(fair warning: It's a trainwreck and you won't be able to stop watching all 10 minutes)


How do people like this get dressed? Or eat? Or function in society?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at December 02, 2023 10:15 AM (9mNHV)

199 SMU was destroyed, the rest of the conference was squeaky clean!

//Your NCAA

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:09 AM (X0I7i)
Wasn't SMU destroyed because they had to fire so many corrupt staffers that there simply wasn't enough left to run a team? I thought they voluntarily decided to just skip the next season and start over.

As we've discussed, there's a difference in scale between slipping a candy bar into your pocket and walking out with major appliances.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:15 AM (llXky)

200 HOWEVER, the NCAA also did not investigate U-M's thirty years of having a perv doc on their staff, anal raping black football players. No formal investigation has even taken place. The university payed a legal team, and bought off the 800+ accusers. Note that while the perp was dead, numerous witnesses were available to determine what the university knew and when. But Michigan's AG is a U-M grad, so...

I guess they covered it up pretty good as I've never heard of this.

IF it is the case, the campus should be razed. Right along with Penn State.....

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:16 AM (Zz0t1)

201 Wasn't SMU destroyed because they had to fire so many corrupt staffers that there simply wasn't enough left to run a team? I thought they voluntarily decided to just skip the next season and start over.

As we've discussed, there's a difference in scale between slipping a candy bar into your pocket and walking out with major appliances.
Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:15 AM (llXky)

The NCAA banned them from football for 10 years. They could have a team, but weren't allowed to even have a football on campus for practice.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (Zz0t1)

202 On the bright side I'm hoping to meet Mr. Mike Hammer for coffee.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

'Hoping'? Nah, this is a certainty, just a few details to be worked out.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (XeU6L)

203 Shopping? for Christmas?

is that A Thing these days?

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (zer5o)

204 I think the best outcome for my pleasure is for Alabama to beat Georgia for the SEC title, but Georgia to stay in the playoff as the 4th seed and three-peat. It is clear that the committee is not going to let Alabama in this year even as a 12-1 SEC Champion.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (aD39U)

205 163 Yell at CBD

I was the recipient of his H/T.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02,

COB Fight !
Posted by: JT

Gentlemen, please! There's room enough for all types of coffee, and coffee lovers, to coexist...
Posted by: Confederate chicory and acorn "coffee" at December 02, 2023 09:59 AM (JCZqz)

No Cob fight.
Just telling ya all where today's photo came from.

The maple syrup debate continues however.......

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Frozen Tundra at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (aA3+G)

206 It was deemed "The Death Penalty."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (Zz0t1)

207 Start over!
Posted by: RedMindBlueState


Heh. This is a large part of why I left Woops after my second year. Wanted to see how it was done in the real world.

Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM (991eG)

208 So, the athletic program had no culpability despite it being the football staff was committing the atrocities? Seems strange, to me.
Posted by: Hunter Biden

They tried to smother it with a blanket and got caught. Come hell or high water, Paterno was getting his record. The press even sat on this until win #409.

Get win 409 Sat. and 2 days later all hell breaks loose.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:18 AM (R4t5M)

They tried to smother it with a blanket and got caught. Come hell or high water, Paterno was getting his record. The press even sat on this until win #409.

Get win 409 Sat. and 2 days later all hell breaks loose.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:18 AM (R4t5M)

Well, the media IS the enemy of the people.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:19 AM (Zz0t1)

210 Also, I have a runny nose. Possible Covid exposure last Thursday at my MiL's rehab place. This effs up my plan to be at my father's 91st birthday tomorrow as my frail mother will not survive any severe respiratory infections.


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:20 AM (aD39U)

211 Healthy, spirited discussion this morning, Horde.

Enjoyed it.

Gotta go start my day.

Be excellent to each other.

Except Paul....and Sid. I have it on good authority those guys are a dick.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 10:20 AM (Zz0t1)

212 So, the athletic program had no culpability despite it being the football staff was committing the atrocities? Seems strange, to me.

Posted by: Hunter Biden at December 02, 2023 10:14 AM (Zz0t1)
That's how it played out. The NCAA's purview is limited to student athletes, and Sandusky did not target them. I think the other issue was that they violated their own procedures. This time they seem to be very carefully following a point.

Normally the NCAA collects evidence and then files a notice against the university, which responds. This takes forever. Now, however, the NCAA is turning over evidence to the University (and the Big Ten) because the allegations cut to the core of competition. The University has done a 180 as a result, going from threatening lawsuits to meek statements about letting the investigation play out.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:21 AM (llXky)

213 You won't find me complimenting many things about the modern school but the University of Chicago made the right call quitting the big 10 and Div 1 football.

And then tore down the football stadium and replaced it with a library.

(A portion of the football stadium that was used to house the world's first nuclear reactor was shipped to a low-level nuclear waste dump.)

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:21 AM (YAtuc)

214 I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

Posted by: Nicole Halley at December 02, 2023 10:21 AM (NBVIP)

215 Just went up to where I saw the Hawk and the dead squirrel is there., so will quit and hope it comes back

Posted by: Skip at December 02, 2023 10:22 AM (FJx5N)

216 They tried to smother it with a blanket and got caught. Come hell or high water, Paterno was getting his record. The press even sat on this until win #409.

Get win 409 Sat. and 2 days later all hell breaks loose.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:18 AM (R4t5M)
Now do Michigan's 1,000th win.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:23 AM (llXky)

Get win 409 Sat. and 2 days later all hell breaks loose.

My son was working for the University at the time and he looked out the window and the satellite trucks took up an entire block. It was like an invasion.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at December 02, 2023 10:23 AM (enJYY)

218 May GOD bless those of our family who suffer from illness or distress. We ask that He also heals this sinful world.

Posted by: Eromero at December 02, 2023 10:23 AM (+GW0+)

219 Prayers for all.

Posted by: Mick at December 02, 2023 10:24 AM (sVc11)

220 199 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:15 AM (llXky)

I have studied the era extensively, the SMU sanctions and jettisoned scholarships led to a total exodus of staff. To imply that Texas, Texas Tech, and UH were somehow "less dirty" is willful blindness. Sherwood Blount did not invent the booster pay scheme he just "perfected it."

The Death Penalty was the NCAA stroking itself to get hard and then once thrust understanding it was a literal nuclear bomb. They decided behind closed doors to never use it again and consequently counter-intuitively the stricter rules de jure led to their being no rules or no sanely and evenly applied rules defacto.

What killed SMU's ability to compete and recover in part was a faculty action by a nut named Lonnie Kliever the SMU faculty rep who was an anti-football religious studies prof who said "listen what this school REALLY needs is another 4 years off for bad behavior!"

That said it was a perfect storm of arrogance, idiocy, overreach, and stupid that will not be allowed to happen again.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:24 AM (X0I7i)

And then tore down the football stadium and replaced it with a library.

(A portion of the football stadium that was used to house the world's first nuclear reactor was shipped to a low-level nuclear waste dump.)

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:21 AM (YAtuc)
Ah, for the days when schools were worried about the corruption of sports. The Big Ten only allowed one bowl game because more would be unseemly. I think Ohio State went through a period where it refused post-season play because the president didn't like it.

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:24 AM (llXky)

222 It's almost like anybody anywhere can say anything and there's no accountability.

Posted by: Nicole Haylee at December 02, 2023 10:26 AM (NBVIP)

223 110 She would just consider it support for her campaign and feel emboldened to request more of our rights be trampled.


hahaha, you're probably right.

Maybe only porn sites.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 09:30 AM (+zy2u)

Or, say "Nikki Haley, Asshole". That screams support, no?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:27 AM (ynpvh)

224 It's going to be hilarious when 8 or 9 of the 12 team playoff spots are SEC teams.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:27 AM (qs1Py)

225 Uncanny resemblance.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:28 AM (FVME7)

226 I want to thank all of the Horde for the prayers for my son-in-law's mother. The surgery was a success and she is recovering now. The Horde is tight with the Lord!

Posted by: Diogenes at December 02, 2023 10:28 AM (uSHSS)

227 Anyone else old enough to remember when that lady made a joking observation about real world conditions in Africa and she was fired before her plane touched down?

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:28 AM (qs1Py)

228 What killed SMU's ability to compete and recover in part was a faculty action by a nut named Lonnie Kliever the SMU faculty rep who was an anti-football religious studies prof who said "listen what this school REALLY needs is another 4 years off for bad behavior!"

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:24 AM (X0I7i)
Wait, there were deeply religious people at a school called Southern Methodist University???

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:29 AM (llXky)

229 Gamblers complaining about cheating can go eat an apple. If teams knew Michigan was stealing signals, then, screwing with Michigan should have been easy.
Michigan ran the ball 30 times in a row because they couldn't protect McCarthy.
Ryan Day has lost 6 or 7 games that matter, three of them to Michigan. Did Georgia or Oregon cheat?
Michigan sux.
Blow the apple

Posted by: Jamaica at December 02, 2023 10:30 AM (Eeb9P)

230 May GOD bless those of our family who suffer from illness or distress. We ask that He also heals this sinful world.

Posted by: Eromero at December 02, 2023 10:23 AM (+GW0+)

Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:30 AM (llXky)

231 There is a sports talker in Pittsburgh named Mark Madden. That Fri he said just wait until Monday after the game. It will be bedlam and you will probably be disgusted.

They knew all about it. He didn't want to burn any sources he had in the program. Who knows what the fuck else was going on.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:31 AM (R4t5M)

232 Haleys demand for digital ID has nothing to do with concerns for that sort of thing, though.

It was announced immediately after her WEF and UN friends announced their 50 in 5 plan.

50 countries will have digital ID in 5 years.

Haley is very pro WEF and globalism. She was just going on record.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:32 AM (qs1Py)

233 So let me get this straight. You take a small rural college town that would ordinarily have ~20,000 people in it on any given Saturday. Then five Saturdays a year 100,000 people show up with RVs, generators, tent canopies, large flat screen TVs, food and hooch and besiege the place.
And there's gambling going on in this establishment?
I'm shocked, shocked!

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 10:33 AM (NBVIP)

234 It's going to be hilarious when 8 or 9 of the 12 team playoff spots are SEC teams.
Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:27 AM (qs1Py)

I thought at first that that would be a possibility but I am not thinking that anymore. One, as we have seen the last two years, the transfer portal and NIL money have broadened the parity at the top of College football. A lot of traditional powers have plenty of money. So the rich get richer but not just the very top programs.

Second, with the addition of Texas and Oklahoma, it is going to be really hard to get out of SEC play without at least one loss.

I do think that we will always have the two SEC Championship contenders in the 12, probably one more, and occasionally two additionally.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:33 AM (aD39U)

235 "2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."

Thank you for this verse, Annie's. Stew. It helps make sense of the list of prayers needed. God, in your mercy and grace, help all of us calling out to you for healing, help, wisdom and whatever it is we need to get through this life, and help us to glorify you in doing so. There is so much pain, Lord, and we need your rest. In your son, our saviour's name we pray, Amen.

Posted by: Moki at December 02, 2023 10:34 AM (N43JC)

236 I can say from seeing them play, with a view from the skyboxes of the Astrodome, that no team in the South West Conference and many others could not match or stop the offensive elegance of SMU in their prime.

Their offensive schemes developed lie growing flowers. This was during the Eric Dickerson era. Fun times.

Posted by: DanMan at December 02, 2023 10:34 AM (8uzBS)

237 Heh. This is a large part of why I left Woops after my second year. Wanted to see how it was done in the real world.
Posted by: Muldoon at December 02, 2023 10:17 AM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:35 AM (aQy7p)

238 take out one of those negatives

Posted by: DanMan at December 02, 2023 10:35 AM (8uzBS)

239 228 Posted by: Ace-Endorsed Author A.H. Lloyd at December 02, 2023 10:29 AM (llXky)

Yeah well the notion that a "faculty rep" would have the power to do to other schools what was done to SMU got solved quick.

Look I love the sport of football, and I also love the IDEA at a minimum of education institutes what I do not love is that functionally instead of colleges with football teams as a distraction we have sportsball with education as a hobby.

Posted by: sven at December 02, 2023 10:35 AM (X0I7i)

240 And there's gambling going on in this establishment?
I'm shocked, shocked!
Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 10:33 AM

Your winnings, sir...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:36 AM (aQy7p)

241 Second, with the addition of Texas and Oklahoma, it is going to be really hard to get out of SEC play without at least one loss.


It will depend on if they remember it's supposed to be "best" or if they stick with the silly TCU, Cincinnati, notre dame "deserve" ridiculousness.

Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:38 AM (qs1Py)

242 Then five Saturdays a year 100,000 people show up

I went to a conference once in Urbana. The motel where I stayed had three room rates listed on the door: "Normal", "Summer" and "Football".

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:38 AM (YAtuc)

243 Greetings and thanks for cheering me up out of my funk yesterday. All is well today again. Also thanks for the commenter who reminded me of the sale on audible. I stocked up on all of the Shelby Foote books for under twenty bucks.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at December 02, 2023 10:39 AM (MeG8a)

244 The Marxists have just about corrupted everything. You are given no quarter.

*channels Sponge*

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:39 AM (R4t5M)

245 *Your winnings, sir...*

Oh. Thank you.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 10:40 AM (NBVIP)

246 I think I would prefer an eight team playoff to the twelve with byes. In most years IMO, the first round is going to be at least two and probably three cripple fights with the winners smashed in the second round.

Entertaining, I guess.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:41 AM (aD39U)

247 Second, with the addition of Texas and Oklahoma, it is going to be really hard to get out of SEC play without at least one loss.

It will depend on if they remember it's supposed to be "best" or if they stick with the silly TCU, Cincinnati, notre dame "deserve" ridiculousness.
Posted by: Nikki Haley at December 02, 2023 10:38 AM (qs1Py)

Great PAC12 game last night. I laugh though as it will be the last time either team, as well as USC and UCLA, are playing again for a conference championship for a very long time.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 02, 2023 10:43 AM (uSHSS)

248 Several sources are reporting that there is a really ugly reason why the hostage talks between Israel and Gaza broke down and the war resumed.

The agreement was that only women and children would be exchanged.

Basically all the children and elderly women held by Hamas were exchanged, leaving only the young women as Hamas hostages, and Hamas said: "Well, it's time to start exchanging elderly men."

Hamas has no intention of exchanging the young Israeli women held as hostages.

One guess why.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:45 AM (YAtuc)

249 Great PAC12 game last night. I laugh though as it will be the last time either team, as well as USC and UCLA, are playing again for a conference championship for a very long time.
Posted by: Diogenes

Great QB play. The defenses really had no answers in the second half.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:46 AM (R4t5M)

250 So big mouth Carville thinks speaker Johnson is a bigger threat than Al Queida?
Carville is a fool and well past his Use By date.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 02, 2023 10:47 AM (uSHSS)

251 Senate Dems Block Jeffrey Epstein Flight Log Subpoena Request

Damn Republicans don't care about privacy.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:48 AM (FVME7)

252 Ohio State just fired their entire marching band staff as, after years of speculation, they finally found that they were hazing marchers, including having them march naked on the field after midnight.

At least they weren't molesting children, I guess.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at December 02, 2023 09:11 AM (Zz0t1)

That would be really tough on the women accordion players.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 10:49 AM (0MYde)

253 He's a cracker but whatever, dude.

FBI Informant Charged With Stabbing Derek Chauvin 22 Times Says He Did So in Name of Black Lives Matter

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:49 AM (FVME7)

254 240 And there's gambling going on in this establishment?
I'm shocked, shocked!
Posted by: Quarter Twenty at December 02, 2023 10:33 AM

Your winnings, sir...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at December 02, 2023 10:36 AM (aQy7p)

Change Establishment for Congress and Gambing for Bribery.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:50 AM (ynpvh)

255 Speaking of which-

Per TGP: LeBron James manager Maverick Carter admits to federal agents he illegally bet on games.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:51 AM (R4t5M)

256 Aloha all.

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at December 02, 2023 10:51 AM (rlTNf)

257 Makes sense, I guess.

Clinton Judge Rules Banning TikTok is “Anti-Chinese”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:51 AM (FVME7)

258 251 Senate Dems Block Jeffrey Epstein Flight Log Subpoena Request

Damn Republicans don't care about privacy.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:48 AM (FVME7)

Also Dems: Jack Smith subpoenas info on all folks that liked or retweeted Trump.

One is definitely not a crime, the other was probably. We and the Leftists choose differently on which is which.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:52 AM (ynpvh)

259 So the rusty trombone is a thing at OSU.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:52 AM (R4t5M)

260 KJP Will Face No Consequences for Violating Hatch Act

I'm shocked!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:52 AM (FVME7)

261 Eminent Domain has never been popular; and it should never be abused, as it has been sometimes. But it remains a process that is absolutely necessary to build and maintain a functioning economy. Ramswami knows this, but he's desperate and flailing.
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (S6gqv)

And pipelines are one of the least obtrusive uses of eminent domain going. You have a few weeks of disruption during the construction phase, and then it is just there, out of sight, out of mind.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 10:53 AM (0MYde)

262 257 Makes sense, I guess.

Clinton Judge Rules Banning TikTok is “Anti-Chinese”

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:51 AM (FVME7)

And hating Hamas is anti-Islam, right?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:53 AM (ynpvh)

263 KJP Will Face No Consequences for Violating Hatch Act

In fairness, it is a rather toothless law in practice. Has anyone ever been convicted of it?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:53 AM (aD39U)

264 I'm not sure who I trust anymore.

Posted by: Nicolae Haleykovich at December 02, 2023 10:54 AM (NBVIP)

265 261 Eminent Domain has never been popular; and it should never be abused, as it has been sometimes. But it remains a process that is absolutely necessary to build and maintain a functioning economy. Ramswami knows this, but he's desperate and flailing.
Posted by: Tom Servo at December 02, 2023 09:13 AM (S6gqv)

And pipelines are one of the least obtrusive uses of eminent domain going. You have a few weeks of disruption during the construction phase, and then it is just there, out of sight, out of mind.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 10:53 AM (0MYde)

And Eminent Domain's rapping also sucks.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:54 AM (ynpvh)

266 >>Hamas has no intention of exchanging the young Israeli women held as hostages.

When you rape them to death, it's hard to return them for Store Credit.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 10:55 AM (F6Raq)

267 263 KJP Will Face No Consequences for Violating Hatch Act

In fairness, it is a rather toothless law in practice. Has anyone ever been convicted of it?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 10:53 AM (aD39U)

More interesting if it was the "Hatchet" Act...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:55 AM (ynpvh)

268 Jan 6 Committee Tapes Have Disappeared, Says House Republican

The secretary was Rose Mary Woods.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:56 AM (FVME7)

269 intensifies gaza operation after hamas violates ceasefire

Give it to them good and hard

Posted by: Skip at December 02, 2023 10:56 AM (fwDg9)

270 268 Jan 6 Committee Tapes Have Disappeared, Says House Republican

The secretary was Rose Mary Woods.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:56 AM (FVME7)

Round up all the Dems in Congress and hang them for obstruction of Justice. It's only fair. You can throw most Reps too.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:57 AM (ynpvh)

271 Eminent Domain has never been popular; and it should never be abused, as it has been sometimes. But it remains a process that is absolutely necessary to build and maintain a functioning economy.

Utilities sometimes face the situation where they need a specific piece of land, and the landowner knows it, and keeps jacking up the price.

At some point, the utility needs to be able to say: "Accept our offer, or we'll let a judge figure out how much the land is worth."

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:57 AM (YAtuc)

272 Boy, the GOP sure is smart.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 10:57 AM (R4t5M)

273 >>Senate Dems Block Jeffrey Epstein Flight Log Subpoena Request

Weird. Maxwell is in Jail for Trafficking.
Epstein went to Jail for Trafficking.

Girls / Women were paid for being Trafficked.

Yet. Nobody they were trafficked TO was charged with any sort of crimes...weird that.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 10:57 AM (F6Raq)

274 Felicity Huffman Says She Had "No Choice" but to Bribe College Officials to Get Her Daughter Into School

I guess the daughter was dumber than Kamala.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:59 AM (FVME7)

275 Damn Republicans don't care about privacy.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 10:48 AM (FVME7)


You jet away to Pedo Island, you're protected.

You "like" Donald Trump, you're exposed.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 02, 2023 10:59 AM (vDyah)

276 271 Eminent Domain has never been popular; and it should never be abused, as it has been sometimes. But it remains a process that is absolutely necessary to build and maintain a functioning economy.

Utilities sometimes face the situation where they need a specific piece of land, and the landowner knows it, and keeps jacking up the price.

At some point, the utility needs to be able to say: "Accept our offer, or we'll let a judge figure out how much the land is worth."

Posted by: The ARC of History! at December 02, 2023 10:57 AM (YAtuc)

And some cities just abused it because they were making a sweeheart deal to a developer. That what happened in the Kelo case, and the courts deemed that increasing city property tax revenues was a "public purpose". Really? Can I walk through that tax revenue? Drive over it? That tax revenue can be used for ANYTHING, unless you deem every dollar spent by a government agency is "public use"...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 10:59 AM (ynpvh)

277 Oh, come now. Let's not bicker and argue about 'oo trafficked 'oo...

Posted by: Monty Python at December 02, 2023 11:00 AM (NBVIP)

278 >>And some cities just abused it because they were making a sweeheart deal to a developer. That what happened in the Kelo case, and the courts deemed that increasing city property tax revenues was a "public purpose". Really?

Yes. And THIS is how you get rid of the Harvard / Yale / Ivy Problem.

Take their Land.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:01 AM (F6Raq)

279 Back when SF had some semblance of law enforcement it went after the johns, not the prostitutes. Prostitution was greatly reduced. This involved attractive female cops luring johns. Some called this entrapment. I always knew they were cops, too clean, looked too nice, smelled too nice. No ma'am I don't want to party and may I tell you about Jesus?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at December 02, 2023 11:02 AM (MeG8a)

280 Yes. And THIS is how you get rid of the Harvard / Yale / Ivy Problem.

Take their Land.
Posted by: garrett

And go after their endowments.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 11:03 AM (R4t5M)

281 278 >>And some cities just abused it because they were making a sweeheart deal to a developer. That what happened in the Kelo case, and the courts deemed that increasing city property tax revenues was a "public purpose". Really?

Yes. And THIS is how you get rid of the Harvard / Yale / Ivy Problem.

Take their Land.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:01 AM (F6Raq)

Right after that ruling, they tried to do that to one of the SCOTUS' judges land. They wanted to turn it into a "freedom" hotel, with a copy of Atlas Shrugged in each hotel room. The aldermen of that town would not allow it, of course. Some people are more protected than others. I say let them live an die by their own rules.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:04 AM (ynpvh)

282 280 Yes. And THIS is how you get rid of the Harvard / Yale / Ivy Problem.

Take their Land.
Posted by: garrett

And go after their endowments.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 11:03 AM (R4t5M)

If they take money from the Gov't teat, the endowments need to be taxed...and any interest earned on them. They do that to the little guy and have 85,000 IRS agents waiting in the wings to screw us over, but leave the whales alone.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:06 AM (ynpvh)

283 Felicity Huffman Says She Had "No Choice" but to Bribe College Officials to Get Her Daughter Into School


Smashing the Huffman Dingbat Daughter Caper proves that every now and then the FBI really does manage save our Republic.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 02, 2023 11:06 AM (vDyah)

284 Tea. Darjeeling. With a few drops of juice from a home-grown Meyer lemon. One of your better Saturdays.

Good morning, sanity keepers.

Posted by: creeper at December 02, 2023 11:06 AM (cTCuP)

285 >>Tea. Darjeeling. With a few drops of juice from a home-grown Meyer lemon. One of your better Saturdays.

That's not coffee.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:07 AM (F6Raq)

286 284 Tea. Darjeeling. With a few drops of juice from a home-grown Meyer lemon. One of your better Saturdays.

Good morning, sanity keepers.

Posted by: creeper at December 02, 2023 11:06 AM (cTCuP)

Do you perchance like a nice Earl Grey with bergamot?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:07 AM (ynpvh)


And go after their endowments.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 11:03 AM (R4t5M)


They 'ave 'uge tracts of land?

Posted by: The Swamp King at December 02, 2023 11:07 AM (vDyah)

288 A prayer of Thanksgiving this morning: We found out that my cancer is in remission for the 5th time. I was sure this last treatment didn't work (the one before it didn't), so I was the most surprised guy in the room. Hoping it lasts longer than 15 minutes, but grateful to Jesus regardless. Our trust in him has never wavered, as his life, death, and resurrection are independent of anything that ever happens to me. So grateful for eternal security. Be blessed, everyone!

Posted by: Eternity Matters at December 02, 2023 11:08 AM (MTm8X)

289 I'm sure I believe everything I read on Twitter, either.

Posted by: Nicolette Hayleigh at December 02, 2023 11:08 AM (NBVIP)

290 285 >>Tea. Darjeeling. With a few drops of juice from a home-grown Meyer lemon. One of your better Saturdays.

That's not coffee.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:07 AM (F6Raq)

some of us abhor coffee.
On a business trip to the UK, I had tea, the Brit and the Scot had coffee. Twas funny.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:08 AM (ynpvh)

291 I guess the daughter was dumber than Kamala.

She's now studying engineering at Carnegie-Mellon. Well, not exactly engineering, but drama.

Is there any question on the SATs (the core of the scandal) that determines how good you'll be at drama?

Posted by: t-bird at December 02, 2023 11:09 AM (HjfVN)

292 Posted by: Eternity Matters at December 02, 2023 11:08 AM (MTm8X)

Wonderful news!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:09 AM (ynpvh)

293 Nice, Eternity!

Fuck Cancer.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:09 AM (F6Raq)

294 Rapid Response Stronk UN Women leap into action!

UN Women
We reiterate that all women, Israeli women, Palestinian women, as all others, are entitled to a life lived in safety and free from violence.
. . . .
We unequivocally condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas on Israel on 7 October.
We are alarmed by the numerous accounts of gender-based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks

And in less than two months!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 11:11 AM (FVME7)

295 293 Nice, Eternity!

Fuck Cancer.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:09 AM (F6Raq)

Did you know that some cancers in animals are sexually transmitted? That would definitely be a "Fuck Cancer"...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:12 AM (ynpvh)

296 Do you perchance like a nice Earl Grey with bergamot?

don't know about others, but I perchance do. But not as the first drink of the day.

Posted by: runner at December 02, 2023 11:12 AM (V13WU)

297 Is there any question on the SATs (the core of the scandal) that determines how good you'll be at drama?
Posted by: t-bird

Aren't all teenage girls good at drama?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here at December 02, 2023 11:13 AM (FVME7)

298 >>Aren't all teenage girls good at drama?

Katie Kaboom was a great Animaniacs character.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:14 AM (F6Raq)

299 this is so..expected:

"Israeli troops uncover dozens of rockets in UN-provided supplies to Gaza"

Posted by: runner at December 02, 2023 11:15 AM (V13WU)

300 >>"Israeli troops uncover dozens of rockets in UN-provided supplies to Gaza"

UNRWA is a Terrorist Org.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:15 AM (F6Raq)

301 I'm thinking deer heart and eggs over-easy with some home fries. Some fresh (green), sustainable coffee and free-range toast to get my blood pumping for this second round of the FCS.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 02, 2023 11:16 AM (5N8Mz)

302 Bergamot interacts with my meds, including one of my transplant ones, I believe. I can't have pomegranate, grapefruit, and various other citrus types (blood orange, etc).

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:16 AM (ynpvh)

303 Good morning everyone.

On my third cup already.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 02, 2023 11:16 AM (qoGsy)

304 "Nice, Eternity!

Fuck Cancer."

Thanks! And it reminds me of when my wife was taking me to my first hospital stay for cancer treatments. We just happened to get behind a car that had "FUCK CANCER" pasted in huge block letters on the rear window. I told my wife, "If that is the Levine Cancer Institute's new marketing slogan, it is a bold one."

Posted by: Eternity Matters at December 02, 2023 11:16 AM (MTm8X)

305 Additionally, about 30 10-kilometer Grad rockets, among other munitions, were found under the crates, belonging to UNRWA, the UN agency that supports the relief and human development of Palestinian refugees.

Grad...sounds like a care packege from Suria or Irania.

Posted by: runner at December 02, 2023 11:17 AM (V13WU)

306 300 >>"Israeli troops uncover dozens of rockets in UN-provided supplies to Gaza"

UNRWA is a Terrorist Org.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:15 AM (F6Raq)

the US funds them too, I believe. So we directly and indirectly fund terrorism in many, many ways.
And our State Department is filled fascist commie terrorist lovers.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:17 AM (ynpvh)

307 I wonder if the Drama curriculum at Carnegie-Mellon includes training on the stripper pole. If it doesn't, it should, since most of those aspiring actresses will end up on one.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 02, 2023 11:18 AM (vDyah)

308 KT is up with 'watching things burn'

Posted by: Martini Farmer at December 02, 2023 11:19 AM (Q4IgG)

309 I wonder if the Drama curriculum at Carnegie-Mellon includes training on the stripper pole. If it doesn't, it should, since most of those aspiring actresses will end up on one.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at December 02, 2023 11:18 AM (vDyah)

Is the Huffman daughter sufficiently hawt for such training to be of value to her?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 11:20 AM (JjV+O)

310 the US funds them too, I believe. So we directly and indirectly fund terrorism in many, many ways.
And our State Department is filled fascist commie terrorist lovers.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at December 02, 2023 11:17 AM (ynpvh)

They want world conflict to cover what they have planned here at home.

They don't give a fuck anymore.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at December 02, 2023 11:20 AM (R4t5M)

311 Been reading lots of Hamas's hostage accounts, one hostage was held by a Teacher with a bunch of his kids

Posted by: Skip at December 02, 2023 11:20 AM (fwDg9)

312 Two Iranian Revolutionary Guards members who served as military advisers in Syria have been killed in an attack Iranian state media on Saturday attributed to Israel, in the first reported Iranian casualties during the ongoing war in Gaza.

Posted by: runner at December 02, 2023 11:21 AM (V13WU)

313 Felicity Huffman Says She Had "No Choice" but to Bribe College Officials to Get Her Daughter Into School

Whenever anyone says they had 'no choice', it really means they had a choice.

Posted by: Tonypete at December 02, 2023 11:22 AM (qoGsy)

314 Time for another reheated mug of Tim Horton's coffee. I don't usually buy it, but it seemed like the least worst option at my local grocery, which has a limited selection.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 11:22 AM (JjV+O)

315 Skip, many of them still have their relatives in captivity , so the they are not disclosing everything. And not just relatives. Threatened of course that they will torture and kill whoever remains if they talk.

Posted by: runner at December 02, 2023 11:22 AM (V13WU)

316 I'm thinking deer heart and eggs over-easy with some home fries. Some fresh (green), sustainable coffee and free-range toast to get my blood pumping for this second round of the FCS.
Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 02, 2023 11:16 AM (5N8Mz)

I’m not a very good cook, but there is a butcher near me that sells beef hearts and liver. I know about liver but, how do you cook hearts?

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at December 02, 2023 11:25 AM (N6UT3)

317 but, how do you cook hearts?
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly

- Huitzilopochtli

Posted by: Tonypete at December 02, 2023 11:27 AM (qoGsy)

318 Recently retired from Target and I’m no fan of their corporate guidance from the last 15 years. Ace’s link to X-user @LarryDJonesJr who shows a “SuperFat” protester with a large crowd behind her though is pretty clearly an AI generated fake. Scan the crowd and you’ll see composited faces (pinched to grotesque visage, many of the faces have warps or folds on them) and the lead protester holds a sign with both hands as a megaphone is oddly suspended in mid-air at her mouth. All the signage is unreadable and the script on them is crooked (I was in charge of superintending that type signage and the lettering was always clear and balanced in the frame. Poster Mr Jones is careful to not even name the store as a Target store in his post. Anyway, it’s clearly a fake photo. The sad truth about Target’s modern corporate governance doesn’t need any fakery to be exposed as reprehensible. They’ve got a long track record of fealty to progressivism already.

Posted by: Patrick at December 02, 2023 11:33 AM (5PMSf)

319 I’m not a very good cook, but there is a butcher near me that sells beef hearts and liver. I know about liver but, how do you cook hearts?
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at December 02, 2023 11:25 AM (N6UT3)

My Mom used to stuff them with bread stuffing, and bake them. Might have been fine-chopped onions in the stuffing, too. It was yummy.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 11:34 AM (+y3HG)

320 Anyway, it’s clearly a fake photo. The sad truth about Target’s modern corporate governance doesn’t need any fakery to be exposed as reprehensible. They’ve got a long track record of fealty to progressivism already.
Posted by: Patrick at December 02, 2023 11:33 AM (5PMSf)

1. Why are you posting in this thread?

2. Some people just don't get satire.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at December 02, 2023 11:36 AM (+y3HG)

321 >>I’m not a very good cook, but there is a butcher near me that sells beef hearts and liver. I know about liver but, how do you cook hearts?

Grandfather and my Uncles used to slice it super thin and fry with Onions and Hot Italian Peppers.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:37 AM (F6Raq)

322 Alberta Oil Peon: yeah, I don’t post much at all and I didn’t know how to reference that side bar story other than this thread. And, yes, I probably didn’t get that Ace was posting it as satire. I should know to give him more credit than that. He’s my daily go to for commentary. My bad.

Posted by: Patrick at December 02, 2023 11:42 AM (5PMSf)

323 My bad.
Posted by: Patrick at December 02, 2023 11:42 AM (5PMSf)

I like that we have Morons with personal knowledge of things in the news.

This is the best place on the webz.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 11:43 AM (aD39U)

324 Saturday, before noon...

you won't find Ace here.

Check the local ER for patients having stuff removed from their colon. Much better odds that way.

Posted by: garrett at December 02, 2023 11:44 AM (F6Raq)

325 "And, yes, I probably didn’t get that Ace was posting it as satire."

Wait. The Target protest wasn't real?


Posted by: Nicky HeyLee at December 02, 2023 11:47 AM (NBVIP)

326 Ace is sometimes up at the crack of noon.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at December 02, 2023 11:48 AM (aD39U)

327 G’rump928(c): you caught my intent. I think it was Michael Crichton in the preface to his climate change critique novel who mentioned that so many falsehoods go past us in the news that we don’t catch until one of them relates to our expertise and we see how lazy “the press” is. But, I did fail to note the satire and that’s on me. This IS the best place on the webs, for sure.

Posted by: Patrick at December 02, 2023 11:49 AM (5PMSf)

328 The "news." That's cute.

Posted by: NBC at December 02, 2023 11:50 AM (NBVIP)

329 I know about liver but, how do you cook hearts?
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at December 02, 2023 11:25 AM (N6UT3)

Suggestive dancing.

Posted by: JT at December 02, 2023 11:52 AM (T4tVD)

330 G’rump928(c): you caught my intent. I think it was Michael Crichton in the preface to his climate change critique novel who mentioned that so many falsehoods go past us in the news that we don’t catch until one of them relates to our expertise and we see how lazy “the press” is.

See Gell-Mann Amnesia:

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 02, 2023 12:06 PM (XeU6L)

331 There are German and French "provincial" recipes for pickled or brined beef heart. I've tried for years (well, off and on) to match up a spelling to how my mother pronounced it -- sounds like "Clumps of." Have not even figured out which language that comes from. Sweet and sour, north Europe style. It's in a thin cream sauce, and really, sounds worse than it is.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at December 02, 2023 12:10 PM (FCs/J)

332 >>>I’m not a very good cook, but there is a butcher near me that sells beef hearts and liver. I know about liver but, how do you cook hearts?

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly

Obviously an organ with a lot of blood. Pure protein and no matter how you harvest your venison, there is usually a trace of adrenaline that will get your heart pumping. Beef heart, -probably less so. Slice thin and cook like a fine steak. If you don't like a little pink, it will get chewy, but not necessarily tough.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at December 02, 2023 12:32 PM (5N8Mz)

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