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Poll Shows Biden Losing to Trump; Democrats Suggest It's Time for Biden to Drop Out of the Race, for the Good of the Party

A New York Times/Siena Poll finds:

Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration, as Mr. Biden's multiracial base shows signs of fraying.

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.
The results show Mr. Biden losing to Mr. Trump, his likeliest Republican rival, by margins of four to 10 percentage points among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Mr. Biden is ahead only in Wisconsin, by two percentage points, the poll found.


Across the six battlegrounds -- all of which Mr. Biden carried in 2020 -- the president trails by an average of 48 to 44 percent.


There is no good news in the poll for Biden.

Discontent pulsates throughout the Times/Siena poll, with a majority of voters saying Mr. Biden's policies have personally hurt them. The survey also reveals the extent to which the multiracial and multigenerational coalition that elected Mr. Biden is fraying. Demographic groups that backed Mr. Biden by landslide margins in 2020 are now far more closely contested, as two-thirds of the electorate sees the country moving in the wrong direction.

Voters under 30 favor Mr. Biden by only a single percentage point, his lead among Hispanic voters is down to single digits and his advantage in urban areas is half of Mr. Trump's edge in rural regions. And while women still favored Mr. Biden, men preferred Mr. Trump by twice as large a margin, reversing the gender advantage that had fueled so many Democratic gains in recent years.

Black voters -- long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden -- are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.


In a remarkable sign of a gradual racial realignment between the two parties, the more diverse the swing state, the farther Mr. Biden was behind, and he led only in the whitest of the six.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are both deeply -- and similarly -- unpopular, according to the poll. But voters who overwhelmingly said the nation was on the wrong track are taking out their frustrations on the president.


Another ominous sign for Democrats is that voters across all income levels felt that Mr. Biden's policies had hurt them personally, while they credited Mr. Trump's policies for helping them. The results were mirror opposites: Voters gave Mr. Trump a 17-point advantage for having helped them and Mr. Biden an 18-point disadvantage for having hurt them.

For Mr. Biden, who turns 81 later this month, being the oldest president in American history stands out as a glaring liability. An overwhelming 71 percent said he was "too old" to be an effective president -- an opinion shared across every demographic and geographic group in the poll, including a remarkable 54 percent of Mr. Biden's own supporters.

In contrast, only 19 percent of supporters of Mr. Trump, who is 77, viewed him as too old, and 39 percent of the electorate overall.

Concerns about the president's advancing age and mental acuity -- 62 percent also said Mr. Biden does not have the "mental sharpness" to be effective -- are just the start of a sweeping set of Biden weaknesses in the survey results.


Voters, by a 59 percent to 37 percent margin, said they better trusted Mr. Trump over Mr. Biden on the economy, the largest gap of any issue. The preference for Mr. Trump on economic matters spanned the electorate, among both men and women, those with college degrees and those without them, every age range and every income level.

That result is especially problematic for Mr. Biden because nearly twice as many voters said economic issues would determine their 2024 vote compared with social issues, such as abortion or guns. And those economic voters favored Mr. Trump by a landslide 60 percent to 32 percent.

The findings come after Mr. Biden's campaign has run millions of dollars in ads promoting his record, and as the president continues to tour the country to brag about the state of the economy. "Folks, Bidenomics is just another way of saying the American dream!" Mr. Biden declared on Wednesday on a trip to Minnesota.

Voters clearly disagree. Only 2 percent of voters said the economy was excellent.

Voters under 30 -- a group that strongly voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 -- said they trusted Mr. Trump more on the economy by an extraordinary 28 percentage-point margin after years of inflation and now high interest rates that have made mortgages far less affordable. Less than one percent of poll respondents under 30 rated the current economy as excellent, including zero poll respondents in that age group in three states: Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Obama's campaign manager, David Axelrod -- the man who essentially invented Obama -- strongly, strongly hints that it is time for Biden to go.

David Axelrod

Nov 5

It's very late to change horses; a lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden's team says his resolve to run is firm.

He's defied CW before but this will send tremors of doubt thru the party--not "bed-wetting," but legitimate concern.

The @POTUS is justly proud of his accomplishments. Trump is a dangerous, unhinged demagogue whose brazen disdain for the rules, norms, laws and institutions or democracy should be disqualifying. But the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore.

Only @JoeBiden can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it's in HIS best interest or the country's?

He's saying "Get Out" and he's not even saying it very politely.

Joe Biden will almost certainly not be the Democrat candidate for president.

And yes: Other Democrats will do better than Biden. Even Kamala does better than Biden.


I know Trump's partisans are all crowing but I continue being unimpressed that Trump edges the most unpopular Democrat president in recent history.

A generic Democrat beats Trump by eight points. Yes, there's no such thing as a "generic Democrat," and all Democrats will have baggage that the "generic Democrat" does not, but eight points is a good lead. And this just shows that Biden is the worst possible Democrat candidate, because Biden has to run on the Biden record.

Other candidates don't. Oh, they won't repudiate Biden's agenda, which is their agenda. But they'll all claim they'll "govern" wiser and get better results out of lightly modified Democrat agenda. How, they won't say.

And they won't have to. Sometimes logical-minded people just cannot grasp how completely illogical other people are. It may seem absurd to you that someone could run on pretty much the same agenda as Biden and just promise "I'll put a Commission together to figure out how to govern better than Biden did" and have people believe this, but this is the kind of stupid, retarded bullshit the American public routinely believes.

And if the Democrats nominate anyone younger than Trump, the Democrats and the media will suddenly discover that old men are physically frail and experience declines in cognition. And you might say "There's no way they can just all flip on a dime in one second like that."

Oh yeah? Watch them.

A lot of it comes down to who people "like," and people just do not like Trump. People who really like Trump seem to have trouble accepting that their opinion is a minority opinion. Even in this poll, even against Biden, Trump still can't claim a majority through the swing states.

Do not count on the Democrats keeping Joe Biden as a doomed candidate just out of allegiance to one flawed man. That's something only Republicans do.

Democrats will not run Joe Biden if he looks like a loser. They will ruthlessly act to win.

We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:40 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: Chainsaw at November 06, 2023 05:40 PM (p7g/X)

2 How does this compare to 2020 polling, I wonder.,,

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 05:41 PM (8rsIm)

3 st?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 06, 2023 05:41 PM (YRsIm)

4 Uh oh. Potatohead better get to raking in the graft while the raking is still good.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:42 PM (guGkK)

5 uh oh I feel trouble a brewing in this thread

anyway I saw that poll and the "generic D" part spooked me

I don't know what it will be but I don't think it will be Trump v Biden


Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (AcWfM)

6 JB Pritzker!

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (8rsIm)

7 Wait. Does this mean Hunter will have to get an actual job?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (guGkK)

8 There is no good news in the poll for Biden.

There is also bad news for us, because if Biden drops out, they might actually run a real candidate.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (I/Qkd)

9 The gap between Nevada and Wisconsin doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. The Nevada number by itself is rather odd as well as in comparison to other states.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (eYoxG)

10 These are LBJ in 1968 numbers. Oh look, there's a Kennedy trying to take him down!

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (i9ffA)

11 hiya

Posted by: JT at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (T4tVD)

12 Clean out Biden river to the sea.

Posted by: Redenzo at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (V/pbu)

13 Isn't it a truth universally acknowledged that Small and Floppy Joe isn't going to be the Dem nominee?

I don't know who will be, though. They have to:

1. Figure how to get rid of Kamala (Epstein her?), and

2. Put a chick in it and make her gay.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (brAQZ)

14 "Wait. Does this mean Hunter will have to get an actual job?"

Would you like to supersize that order?

Posted by: Bosk of Port Kar at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (VMFAF)

15 The real news is that the yutes only slightly favor the Dems.

Voters under 30 -- a group that strongly voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 -- said they trusted Mr. Trump more on the economy by an extraordinary 28 percentage-point margin after years of inflation and now high interest rates that have made mortgages far less affordable.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (I/Qkd)

16 What does this have to do with Disney?

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (v0R5T)

17 I want to believe these polls but I don’t.
Trump by 11…in Nevada? Yeah no.

I gotta give props to NYT. It appears they tried to correct the Dem bias in polls. But looks like they went way too far the other way.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (P5BwU)

18 Afternoon.

Megyn Kelly said the other day that we may be seeing the death of wokeness. I don't necessarily agree but we are seeing two things. The pure ugliness of wokeness without filter and hand in hand with that the complete collapse of the Biden Administration.

Posted by: Robert at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (j8cGQ)

19 "We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss."

We will lose regardless of the candidate and state of the nation at the hands of the tyrants.

The rig is pre-baked into the cake. The nation is dead and gone.

I have no idea what to do other than pray for a black swan event that, regardless of the pain and suffering, gets us through to the other side of this.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (x0n13)

Democrat gang war.

You could see them supporting the baby beheading thing as something they could get behind because that's just another form of abortion.

But killing Jewish hippies at a music festival? Complicated.

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (j4U/Z)

21 BREAKING: Market forecasts suggest valuations on Hunter Biden art pieces will tank in the near term.


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (guGkK)

22 I'd just like to point out that SOME of us have been saying for some time that Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November.

*gazes lovingly at image in mirror*

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (I/Qkd)

23 Wait. Does this mean Hunter will have to get an actual job?
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (guGkK)

On a Chain Gang ?

(do they still have them ?)

Posted by: JT at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (T4tVD)

24 I simply cannot grasp how anyone would conceivably want a second term for Biden, now that they've seen the train wreck he created in this term.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (5G/3e)

25 3 st?

Careful. You can die of 3st after three days.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (JrojV)

26 Beau Biden didn't forfeit his life in Iraq so that Joe could have only one term as president.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (guGkK)

27 Sundowner isn't going to run.

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (fwDg9)

28 I'm just gonna write in Adam Baldwin. I live in Colorado. Pretty sure I "voted" for the Joetato last time.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Disgustipated at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (T/Lqj)

29 Biden, Inc. looks at a Trump presidency with the low-hanging Hunter problem and figures that four more years not in prison is looking pretty good. If Biden really cared about the country, he'd have never run for president.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (rj6Yv)

30 Democrat leaders :

Fire up those Cheat Machines !!!

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (MZsCp)

31 And Pennsylvania is going to the vote counters, not the voters

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (fwDg9)

32 I simply cannot grasp how anyone would conceivably want a second term for Biden, now that they've seen the train wreck he created in this term.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

It wasn't any less absurd that anyone would have wanted him for his first term.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (I/Qkd)

33 27 Sundowner isn't going to run.
Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (fwDg9)

I predict his dementia-driven ego will not allow him to accept going quietly.

Pass the popcorn for that!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (x0n13)

34 Wonder what generic Democrat vs generic Republican looks like. The generic always wins regardless of party. But against each other, it would be like god trying to create a rock he can’t lift. Chaos!!

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (P5BwU)

35 I know Trump's partisans are all crowing but I continue being unimpressed that Trump edges the most unpopular Democrat president in recent history.

Yeah, you'd think that polls would show him curb stomping Bai-Den, but then you remember that there's no way in hell the MSM would let that cat outta the bag. Wouldn't support the narrative.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (YRsIm)

36 So, what sleazy democrat shitbag is likely to get the nomination?



You never hear anything from that utter fuck up Booty Judge anymore, do you?

Posted by: Robert at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (j8cGQ)

37 27 Sundowner isn't going to run.
Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (fwDg9)

He'll shuffle, trip and stumble.

Posted by: Roy at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (z+ik4)

38 >Poll Shows Biden Losing to Trump; Democrats Suggest It's Time for Biden to Drop Out of the Race, for the Good of the Party


still a year to go, which means DeepState has a year to put Trump in jail

also: what Winston Wolf said

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (geLO8)

39 Voters clearly disagree. Only 2 percent of voters said the economy was excellent.

You can argue the great depression was worse, but clearly this is the worst peace time economy since then.

Hyperinflation AND catastrophic unemployment (not the number of people on unemployment insurance, but the number of people not formally working) at the same time let alone the crushing national debt.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (XqcwY)

40 I don't know that I really buy this polling at all. Michigan? I've been hearing how we are on the cusp of prevailing there in various statewide races for decades. Never happens. Any polling that says we win Michigan under any circumstances just doesn't seem credible..

Posted by: But whatever. We're too far out at any rate. at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (CjGGv)

41 >>>I don't know who will be, though. They have to:

1. Figure how to get rid of Kamala (Epstein her?), and

2. Put a chick in it and make her gay

well they're already buzzing about Michele Obama sooooo...

Posted by: ace at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (KRtlO)

42 All these polls do is tell Dems where to set up their cheat machines.

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (v0R5T)

43 Hope springs eternal, and while I am hopeful, the mid-term experience has left me highly skeptical regarding polls, especially this far out.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (XeU6L)

44 And this is a NYT/Sienna College poll, which means the real numbers are far worse for Dems than the press release figures.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (rj6Yv)

45 In the history of the republic, has there ever been a successful hand-off from a one term loser President to another candidate in his own party?

Posted by: Curious in Cleveland at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (77H3k)

46 These are LBJ in 1968 numbers. Oh look, there's a Kennedy trying to take him down!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (i9ffA)

BANG! "Oww..."

Oops, what happened to his head?

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (dGCAG)

47 26 Beau Biden didn't forfeit his life in Iraq so that Joe could have only one term as president.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (guGkK)

He forfeited it at Rorke's Drift and again at Omaha Beach. Only to do it yet again on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (x0n13)

48 I'm tanned, rested and ready!

Posted by: Beto at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (vaEwX)

49 By September next year the terrible economy will not look so terrible to the masses. That and Authoritarian rule may not be so appealing

I remember when the NYT predicted that President Obama was going to be a one-term POTUS.

Obama had 43.3% approval in October, 2011. Biden's is 38.7 on 538, and 40.8 on RCP. Biden can overcome, so long as his polling goes upward like Obama's did. If it's still the same numbers in March, then I worry.

Inflation/ gas prices/ stock market are a huge part of this potential problem with young voters. The Fed's aggressive monetary policy is working. Gas prices are again falling. Barring unexpected bad news, the economy with regards to inflationary pressures is cooling enough that the Fed could reverse their policy in about a year (or maybe less). Bidenomics will benefit just as Reaganomics benefited 40 years ago, transforming Reagan from a certain loser to an unbeatable candidate. The biggest problem is there is a 6-9 month lag between the parallels in 1983 and 2023.

we don't know who Trump will pick as his running mate. If it's MTG or Scary Lake, it might just be a landslide.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (NCgXW)

50 Joe had the presidential bug since 1987.

His reply will be "I beat him once before."

He's not leaving. But they will pull a Torecelli middle of next year or at the convention.

People not showing up to vote Biden is one thing. Having not showed up, thus affecting down ballot races, is something the entire D establishment can't afford.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (FxH7T)

51 I simply cannot grasp how anyone would conceivably want a second term for Biden, now that they've seen the train wreck he created in this term.

I put his real vote total from 2020 at around 60M so...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (XqcwY)

52 well they're already buzzing about Michele Obama sooooo...
Posted by: ace at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (KRtlO)


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (guGkK)

53 I will know the Dems are serious about cheating if they replace Kamala on the ticket.

They know Joe make a whole second term.

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (MZsCp)

54 Yeah, it sounds like good news but if Biden drops out, think of all the tongue-bathing he'll get from media for putting the country first... and the Dems will nominate someone (not Kamala) and tongue-bathing will continue....

Trump is still not the answer.

Posted by: GuyFromNH at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (Rkbwx)

55 Biden approval at RCP is 40.6 today. At the same time in their administration,Trump was 43.3 and Obama (first term) was 45.2, for some perspective.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (P5BwU)

56 all this means is that Biden will get 100m ballots counted.

Posted by: dantesed at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (88xKn)

57 8 "There is no good news in the poll for Biden."

There is also bad news for us, because if Biden drops out, they might actually run a real candidate.
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:43 PM (I/Qkd)

Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate.

Just putting that out there if you guys want to continue to hang your hat on polls showing we should run someone else.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (eYoxG)

58 46 In the history of the republic, has there ever been a successful hand-off from a one term loser President to another candidate in his own party?
Posted by: Curious in Cleveland at November 06, 2023 05:48 PM (77H3k)

Not that I am aware off the top of my balding head.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (x0n13)

59 Also, I don't see any reason why Joe would be bullied out of running. They said the same thing about his 2020 basement campaign, with Obama urging him not to run - that he could not win.

Posted by: But whatever. We're too far out at any rate. at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (CjGGv)

60 It isn't about polls. It's about plausibly cheating Joe back into office. In 2020, TPTB had some cover for the cheat. No longer, though.

My expectation: the deep state gets together with the DNC and GOP and tells them to find a way put "electable" candidates on the slate so the deep state doesn't have to openly interfere in the election.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (z5vMw)

61 I'm sure the hair's visit to Asia was to shore up his 'lack of experience' chops.

Cali-Brek Girl is gonna get the nom.

It will be interesting to hear how he argues what a great job he's done with California and how people are kicking down the door to live there.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (6VKyY)

62 it's going to take an enormous amount of fraud to overcome polls showing an average 5% victory and they know it - yeah, it worked once because the lefty media beat it down and the judiciary became scared of that - but not this time, I think. Going to be a huge lift without black and Latino help - which is abandoning them.

Posted by: Boswell at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (K+UlC)

63 It wasn't any less absurd that anyone would have wanted him for his first term.
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (I/Qkd)

True, but I could imagine someone being naive/stupid enough to think - sight unseen - that he might be OK.

But now they KNOW what they've got, and they STILL want Biden? Incredible.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (5G/3e)

64 Short of either dying it’s Trump v. Biden. Doctor Jill isn’t going anywhere.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (P5BwU)

65 I think the Deep State Dems don't care if Joe is on the ticket. They are running the show. With someone else, that might not be the case.

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (MZsCp)

66 I'd seriously like to know what you were doing back in the Carter 70s. This still isn't as bad as that. At least not year.

I've lost half of my saving just due to bidenflation since 2020. As have you. As has everyone.

The 70s were not this bad this fast.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (XqcwY)

67 But Trump got the Waka Flocka Flame endorsement. He's gonna win the black vote!

Posted by: Typical MAGAtard at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (xPl2J)

68 >>I don't know that I really buy this polling at all. Michigan? I've been hearing how we are on the cusp of prevailing there in various statewide races for decades. Never happens. Any polling that says we win Michigan under any circumstances just doesn't seem credible..

Trump won Michigan in 2016.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (ZLI7S)

69 The Democrats have a huge problem. If you remove Biden, you have to offer the crown to VP Kamalalala Harris.

Sure, you can get her to leave, but at what cost?

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (jBguE)

70 33 27 Sundowner isn't going to run.
Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (fwDg9)

I predict his dementia-driven ego will not allow him to accept going quietly.

Pass the popcorn for that!
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (x0n13)

They'll just stick him in a room that vaguely resembles the Oval Office and tell him he's won. "You did it, Mr. President, you saved America!"

*Biden claps and shouts sitting on a rocking horse while wearing a diaper*

Posted by: Robert at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (j8cGQ)

71 Soooo.... no accounting for the party that foisted Biden on us.....

"Please, suh, can I have some more?"

Posted by: Axeman at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (OaZlZ)

72 We're here to help.

Posted by: Dominon Voting Systems at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (vaEwX)

73 Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate.

I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)

74 Betting markets barely budged on the news of these polls.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (P5BwU)

75 Democrats will not run Joe Biden if he looks like a loser. They will ruthlessly act to win.

We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss.
Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:40 PM

There' you go, being the eternal optimist again.

You think elections are free and fair. You think "voters" decide things.

How quaint.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (dGCAG)

76 Newsom will be positioned as the sensible AntiChrist choice.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (6VKyY)

77 well they're already buzzing about Michele Obama sooooo...
Posted by: ace at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (KRtlO)

No way she runs. A) she's too lazy, B) she makes way too much money doing nothing and C) her ego won't allow it. She's jealous of Barry; do you think she'd let him and/or ValJar pull her strings and be a glorified Joe Biden. No way, fellow traveler or not. Plus the exposure of her past, despite the media interference, and all the aggravation at being even a pretend president is too much for her.

If the cheat machine is real -- and I believe it is -- they can run Fetterman and he'll with with 90 million votes.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (x0n13)

78 Cali-Brek Girl is gonna get the nom.

It will be interesting to hear how he argues what a great job he's done with California and how people are kicking down the door to live there.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (6VKyY)

I think so too. Of course, that raises the Kumala Sutra problem, since the President and VP cannot both be from the same state. Will she go quietly? I kinda doubt it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (5G/3e)

79 Battlespace prep. Disinformation. Whatever.

It's not like Trump's gonna win.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (Q4IgG)

80 48 26 Beau Biden didn't forfeit his life in Iraq so that Joe could have only one term as president.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (guGkK)

He forfeited it at Rorke's Drift and again at Omaha Beach. Only to do it yet again on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

I think you're forgetting his key role at Thermopylae.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (I/Qkd)

81 78 Newsom will be positioned as the sensible AntiChrist choice.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (6VKyY)

White, male, heterosexual. He's got no shot.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (x0n13)

82 If the cheat machine is real -- and I believe it is -- they can run Fetterman and he'll with with 90 million votes.

On a platform of "fire bad" right?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (XqcwY)

83 You can argue the great depression was worse, but clearly this is the worst peace time economy since then.

Few things aggravate me more than thinking about the roaring economy we could have had for the last three years if stupid, uninformed people didn't buy into the media narrative that Trump's personality was somehow beyond the pale.

These voters gave as much thought to their choice as a thirteen year-old girl choosing a class president.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (guGkK)

84 Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate.



(looks back to find my post last month where I said Nikki Haley would be the candidate after Trump neuters DeSantis and the Republicans say he's ineligible to run because he was charged with saying pussy)

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (lNBGv)

85 Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate.
I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)

I would vote for Joe Biden over Nikki Haley.

Not even kidding.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (dGCAG)

86 Black voters -- long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden -- are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.

The keystone. Remember when we were talking about these numbers back in '15-'16? I called this scenario an Extinction Level Event for the Dems. It explains everything we've seen since.

They know the jig is up under the old rules, so they're just doing whatever they can to survive. Even if the rest of us burn.

Posted by: Brother Tim sez Max Headroom for President! at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (OUMaO)

87 You can't whine you would win the Super Bowl if you can't even win a playoff game.

So, who is going to win even one primary state over trump?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (TzW+Y)

88 Michelle is a chick and Barry Is gay so we have a Disney classic.

Posted by: 4thewin at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (G2o/Q)

89 My name is Jack Generic, and I approve this message!

Posted by: Axeman at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (OaZlZ)

90 41% of the country wanted four more of Jimmy Carter, after watching the Misery Index every night, watching video of Iranian hostages for a couple years, and going odd or even days to get gas depending on their location. All while paying what we'd call credit card interest rates for homes and cars.
Posted by: Time Lag at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (GYjxM)

True, but that amazed me too.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (5G/3e)

91 28 I’m just gonna write in Adam Baldwin.

It’s worth a shot.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (JrojV)

White, male, heterosexual. He's got no shot.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (x0n13

Woke is dying on the vine. To be replaced with 401k concern.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (6VKyY)

93 We will lose regardless of the candidate and state of the nation at the hands of the tyrants.

The rig is pre-baked into the cake. The nation is dead and gone.

I have no idea what to do other than pray for a black swan event that, regardless of the pain and suffering, gets us through to the other side of this.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (x0n13)

Then why are they worried about polling and are trying to replace Biden?

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (8rsIm)

94 JJ I think the Puppeteers will give him a offer he can't refuse.

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (fwDg9)

95 I've lost half of my saving just due to bidenflation since 2020. As have you. As has everyone.


If by savings you mean money in a literal savings account then yeah. But few people have savings in that. Since 2020 stocks and real estate surged to more than make up for inflation. If money was invested there you didn’t lose anything.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (P5BwU)

96 On a platform of "fire bad" right?

That's a pretty good platform.

Posted by: Hawaii at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (CjGGv)

97 Newsom will be positioned as the sensible AntiChrist choice.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (6VKyY)

White, male, heterosexual. He's got no shot.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

We said that about Biden. See how that turned out.

Posted by: Brother Tim sez Max Headroom for President! at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (OUMaO)

True, but that amazed me too.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (5G/3e)

Team sports is a ride or die sitch

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (6VKyY)

99 89 Black voters -- long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden -- are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.

The keystone. Remember when we were talking about these numbers back in '15-'16? I called this scenario an Extinction Level Event for the Dems. It explains everything we've seen since.

They know the jig is up under the old rules, so they're just doing whatever they can to survive. Even if the rest of us burn.
Posted by: Brother Tim sez Max Headroom for President! at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (OUMaO)

The democrats need minimum 90% black support and 100% turnout. They're supposed at 76% which is a disaster for the Democrats. Dao-Min Yen notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (x0n13)

100 75 "Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate."

I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)

Probably. Haley's vote-for total is actually worse than Trump's, it just shows less people committed to Biden there. Which generally doesn't mean an actual weakening of support, some people just move into a sort of soft support position where they will ultimately vote for a candidate.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (eYoxG)

101 Short of either dying it’s Trump v. Biden. Doctor Jill isn’t going anywhere.

Never before have I never seen a sitting president's own party begging him not to run. We're in uncharted territory here.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (I/Qkd)

102 I thought I saw somewhere that if Bai-Den were to vacate the ticket after January, the Dems could nominate anyone for the slot and Cameltoe would be SOL. The new guy could pick whoever he/she wanted. This seems to be most likely strategy because it seems no one...No. One. wants Harris.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (YRsIm)

103 Anyone who follows Fintwit with any regularity knows what Janet Yellen and Lael Brainard are doing -- they're goosing up the liquidity in the hopes that the stock market goes up and the bond market doesn't continue crapping the bed.

Of course increasing liquidity is exactly what our economy doesn't need right now with inflation still double the Fed's target. But like everything else in this administration, they don't care about the long term consequences, even something like repeating the mistakes made in the early 70s which created chronically high inflation that continued through the early 80s.

Add that to the stack of society-destroying things coming out of this administration: using the justice department to harass your political opponents; destroying the SPR and ruining our energy independence; losing deterrence against the numerous global shit stains like Iran, China and Hamas; economically disenfranchising the entirety of Gen Z so that jackass boomers can continue flipping homes to each they start dying off; creating 1970s inflation part 2 and actively working against Fed tightening.

Posted by: Trich at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (7wCmd)

104 Dems have to make a decision soon. There are promises to be made and dark money fundraising to score. Will the Donks be forced to take the 25th amendment route? That would be embarrassing.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (rj6Yv)

105 I would vote for Joe Biden over Nikki Haley.

Not even kidding.
Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (dGCAG)

You can't get more ridiculous unless you are of the LIB faction .

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (MZsCp)

106 Either Sundowner runs things or he doesn't, if if not those who do are not going to chance him losing no matter how much fraud they Cann put up.

And no one likes The Ho

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (fwDg9)

107 Polls just make the fake results seem plausible.

Posted by: 4thewin at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (G2o/Q)

108 Discontent pulsates throughout the Times/Siena poll

apropos of nothing, "throbbing discontent" would be a good name for a band.

Posted by: anachronda at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (oY6Yp)

109 People are still trusting polls? Very foolish.
Remember, these numbers are bad for FJB only because his party wants him gone, otherwise they would not have published these numbers at all or they would have been adjusted.

Posted by: Ciampino - polling, polling, polling! at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (qfLjt)

110 White, male, heterosexual. He's got no shot.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (x0n13)

"But he's so dreamy!" - a walking advertisement for repealing the 19th Amendment

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (5G/3e)

111 Few things aggravate me more than thinking about the roaring economy we could have had for the last three years if stupid, uninformed people didn't buy into the media narrative that Trump's personality was somehow beyond the pale.


It's all gaslighting. A complete lie. He was re-elected in a landslide, probably winning Pennsylvania and maybe even California. It's why they had to stop counting and then stage an insurrection to end the conversation about their cheating.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (lNBGv)

112 Michelle is a chick and Barry Is gay so we have a Disney classic.
Posted by: 4thewin at November 06, 2023 05:53 PM (G2o/Q)

*throws red flag*

Big Mike is not a chick.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Disgustipated at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (T/Lqj)

113 Black voters -- long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden -- are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.

If Trump goes to prison he'll be an American Mandela.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (guGkK)

114 Four years ago I was an idiot for insisting they were going to steal the election unless we came up with a counter strategy. We didn't, and they did.

Now, I find myself doubting it's quite so hopeless. I'm worried about it, but at least our side now knows about it. So it's not the certainty it was in 2020.

BTW, I'm not convinced either way about the Carter vs Biden economies. To be fair, in those days I was a terminally drunk bachelor, and didn't really think about shit like that.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (brAQZ)

115 >>I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

If you look at the internals of the poll, which are much worse for Biden than the top line numbers would suggest, about the only group Biden is still doing fairly well it's with women. Probably where Haley support is coming from.

Still, Biden is losing men to Trump by 18 points. There's a reason Democrats like Axelrod are freaking out about this. Trump isn't just edging Biden, this poll suggests a landslide.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (ZLI7S)

116 100 We said that about Biden. See how that turned out.
Posted by: Brother Tim sez Max Headroom for President! at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (OUMaO)

That was Dao-Min Yen that got the win. They need the intersectional candidate to counterbalance the lack of enthusiasm for white male normals. A win by that especially in this climate will raise holy hell.

Plus, we now have RFK and Cornel West in the mix and they shall not be moved. Not now, anyway.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (x0n13)

117 Until vote fraud is seriously tackled and it sure has not been, any donkey-commie is going to win.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (17s+e)

118 98 I've lost half of my saving just due to bidenflation since 2020. As have you. As has everyone.


If by savings you mean money in a literal savings account then yeah. But few people have savings in that. Since 2020 stocks and real estate surged to more than make up for inflation. If money was invested there you didn’t lose anything.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (P5BwU)

Real estate yes, stock market not as much(stock market usually offsets a lot of but not all of inflation). Bonds have been awful though.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (eYoxG)

119 Black voters -- long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden -- are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.

The NYT numbers from 2020 showed Trump getting 30% of the black male vote before the steal. Even if you assume black women were voting at 100% Biden that's a 15% turn out of black voters for Trump.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (XqcwY)

120 Short of either dying it’s Trump v. Biden. Doctor Jill isn’t going anywhere.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:50 PM (P5BwU)


What about the Incredible First Woman VP? Are the Democrats going to kick the First Black Woman VP out of the VP slot?

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (jBguE)

121 economically disenfranchising the entirety of Gen Z so that jackass boomers can continue flipping homes to each they start dying off;

Wow, I had no idea that I was responsible for Gen Z's lack of a work ethic.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (I/Qkd)

122 112 Discontent pulsates throughout the Times/Siena poll

apropos of nothing, "throbbing discontent" would be a good name for a band.
Posted by: anachronda at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (oY6Yp)

A.K.A. a hate-f*ck.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (x0n13)

123 Perhaps

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (as3uC)

124 Listen Fat, I got pieces of guys like Axelrod in my stool.

I ain't going anywhere pal. I fought too hard, killed too many and have too many people depending on me to leave now. Only way I am going anywhere is feet first.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Posted by: Joe Biden, Old Skool Gangsta at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (R/m4+)

121 Until vote fraud is seriously tackled and it sure has not been, any donkey-commie is going to win.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (17s+e)

And shockingly, our side won't even admit it happened.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (6VKyY)

126 Not that it means anything, but this year is the centennial of WG Harding's death in office, with subsequent bribery and sex scandals (post-mortem). Unclear on whether Harding got 10% of the money, but he obviously got some percentage of the strange.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (e1604)

127 The filing deadlines in some states (NV) have already come and gone. With every passing week, the un-named, un-Biden candidate-to-be-named-later will get disappeared from additional state primary ballots.

As for dumping Biden at the DEM convention, assuming he stays in the race, the Biden delegates were chosen by... Biden!

You & I can't be Biden delegates, because Biden delegates can only be chosen by Biden. These folks are not going to turn on the man who chose them. That's never happened before, ever, & it won't happen in 2024, either.

So unless Biden withdraws, he'll be the DEM nominee.

I agree with our Disinformation Expert that Trump would be an extraordinarily weak GOP nominee against anyone not named Biden, though.

One last thing: the damn polls need to be polling a three-way race (including Kennedy) to get more predictive results.

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (NLIak)

128 Just don't spend any money and you havent lost anything to inflation, dummies!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (lNBGv)

129 If unemployment were counted the same way today as it was in the 1930s, it would be higher now than then.

The GD wasn’t THAT bad relatively speaking. Most of us have this vision of the 30s from movies that all make it seem like everyone was poor and hungry. It wasn’t really the case. Yes there were a lot of poor people but it was nowhere near the majority like the movies and general conventional wisdom would have you believe.

75-80% of the population lived a pretty decent life throughout the 1930s.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (P5BwU)

130 I would vote for Joe Biden over Nikki Haley.

Not even kidding.
Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (dGCAG)

You can't get more ridiculous unless you are of the LIB faction .
Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (MZsCp)

Hell, I'd vote for you over Nikki Haley, and I think you're basically an idiot.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (dGCAG)

131 Ace, did you miss Bill Kristol saying it was time for Biden to go?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (t/2Uw)

132 Wow, I had no idea that I was responsible for Gen Z's lack of a work ethic.
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:57 PM (I/Qkd)

Don't forget 14% interest rates for a home loan in the eighties.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (z5vMw)

133 Polls don’t mean shit. Same as voting.

The establishment rigs elections and they’re not going to stop until something really, really bad happens.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (dFWmU)

134 Since 2020 stocks and real estate surged to more than make up for inflation

My costs for most things are double now, because that's what the real inflation rate has been.

My investments have increased by less then 4% per year.

So...4% gain over 3 years versus a 50% overall reduction in value.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (XqcwY)

Maybe the Democrats can come up with an audioanimatronic candidate programmed by AI to mouth all the right prog dogma. There's already a precedent for a Democratic candidate without a background, without accomplishments and without any independent thoughts.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (MoZTd)

136 "And you might say "There's no way they can just all flip on a dime in one second like that."


Dude, you don't even need a hypothetical. Look at the opinion on VP Deepthroat. People have been saying for years that she doesn't have a shot.


If she gets the nod, D voters will overlook her mental retardation just as quickly as they did for Slow Joe.

Posted by: McLurkerson at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (wNDOJ)

137 @96 runner-optics. All the fucking problems right now the Democrats own. Now they'll re-brand with Newsome(or another). Doesn't matter what we think or know of how California is governed because Dem voters are fucking idiots and will believe and buy anything the left sells even a Newsome. They'll sell him as something other than Biden and everything will be new again.

Posted by: JROD at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (IlL6s)

138 The same people that say all the polls are weaponized propaganda change their tune when it says what they want to hear.

Ever ever think the same liberal pollsters that lie about the state of the race until the very end may also be doing this to sucker us into nominating Trump again ?

Trump will blow it again, it’s just his nature.

All Biden has to do is go in hiding and let Trump say something stupid every news cycle.

Posted by: Equate at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (4WoTw)

139 Audio is back!

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (lNBGv)

140 Trump won Michigan in 2016.

I stand corrected.

Posted by: Okay. I'm less skeptical. Still too far out though. at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (CjGGv)

141 Hell, I'd vote for you over Nikki Haley, and I think you're basically an idiot.
Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 05:58 PM (dGCAG)

Don't care who you are. That there is funny.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (6VKyY)

142 The Gun Control Act of 1968 was foisted upon us, following the JFK, MLK & RFK assassinations.

Do not be surprised if they do the same to FJB, but make it "inclusive" of a mass shooting atrocity, starring, of course, the accursed AR-15, with all the things whut go up.

They'll clear the electoral deck, and sweep up a vast sympathy vote, coat-tailing control of both houses of Congress, whereupon we'll get GCA '24 (turn 'em all in!), and worse.

I'm *not* "predicting" this. Frankly, I'll pray it never happens. But this is exactly how those bastards think, and do.

Reminder. Oswald was a dem and a communist. Sirhan Sirhan was a Palistinian Muzzie, and islam is a totalitarian state. Dunno 'bout James Earl Ray, but he evidently had information that'd have led to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton.

Thus ends your daily dose of sunshine and optimism.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (e6UQI)

143 Generic for President

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (63Dwl)

144 You never hear anything from that utter fuck up Booty Judge anymore, do you?
Posted by: Robert at November 06, 2023 05:47 PM (j8cGQ)

At some point, even the MSM gives up on a loser.

Granholm can't run for preznit but it's being noticed that she's a corrupt idiot as well.

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (j4U/Z)

145 I see WI is pretty fucked.
To prefer Biden after everything that has gone on...JFC.

Posted by: Erebus- ex-killer whale at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (uo9+F)

146 The Carter 70s were bad. Extremely bad.
Posted by: Time Lag at November 06, 2023 05:55 PM (GYjxM)

I lived in a small town in Wyoming at the time, and things seemed less tense, shall we say. But I also saw what was going on watching the Teevee, and it was kind of scary, even for a kid who was just past ten years old.

Dad did a lot of muttering.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Disgustipated at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (T/Lqj)

147 Im not crowing, and you're not wrong

But Im not going to enable this "lesser of 2 evils" strat where we hope our Republican President doesn't go all
wobbly and betrays us. Its the little victories that people like Mitch gave us - enough to cool the mark but not enough to affect the actual change that we needed

I think it's actually kept us from making a necessary changes, like sharing a house with a woman you should have divorced.

I wish there was a replacement for Trump standing by ready to take over but there's not. Remaining loyal to Trump and losing 2024 may be the only road out of out predicament. I don't want to elect another Bush clone and run around in a circles again

Posted by: Fenrisulven at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (jllJv)

148 There's already a precedent for a Democratic candidate without a background, without accomplishments and without any independent thoughts.

I'm going to need more detail. That's kind of all of them.

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (I/Qkd)

This is why Biden is gonna catch Pillow Over the Face COVID and die right before the DNC.

He won't quit. But, he can't really campaign so that gives the Dims a chance to test drive the potential candidates until some Oblabla flunky administers the fatal moment.

Will it work? Eh, we'll see.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (QzZeQ)

150 Agree theyhad to shut down anyone or thing about vote fraud so they could repeat it

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (fwDg9)

151 83 48 26 Beau Biden didn't forfeit his life in Iraq so that Joe could have only one term as president.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 05:46 PM (guGkK)

He forfeited it at Rorke's Drift and again at Omaha Beach. Only to do it yet again on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

I think you're forgetting his key role at Thermopylae.
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM

Nathan Hale was a bitch.

Posted by: Beau Biden at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (NCgXW)

152 Still, Biden is losing men to Trump by 18 points. There's a reason Democrats like Axelrod are freaking out about this. Trump isn't just edging Biden, this poll suggests a landslide.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 05:56 PM (ZLI7S)

Good thing for Axelrod, this election won't be decided by votes.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (dGCAG)

153 all of which Mr. Biden carried in 2020

Posted by: Methos at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (Dnobf)

154 Young liberals aren't voting on the 401k issue.

They are voting on baby killing and Jew hatred.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (6VKyY)

155 78 Newsom will be positioned as the sensible AntiChrist choice.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (6VKyY)

White, male, heterosexual and annoting as hell. He's got no shot.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 06, 2023 05:52 PM (x0n13)

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (v0R5T)

156 Here's my prediction fwiw:

Biden is convinced to drop out. He does it for the good of the country (wink), he becomes the Democrat party version of Hero Of The Soviet Union, and assumes the life of elder statesman (pudding on a beach in Delaware).

Kamala is cut loose. She is free to declare her own candidacy, but the Handlers ensure that she becomes toxic in the eyes of the public. She returns to California and opens the first KamalaBurger restaurant.

DNC comes up with new dream team. They are elected with nearly 200,000,000 votes.

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (geLO8)

I have no savings, $1.98 in checking, the ATM just ate my credit card, and my car got towed away last night. But I'll still crawl over glass to vote for Joe. He cares for me.

Posted by: Determined Leftist at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (enJYY)

158 13 Isn't it a truth universally acknowledged that Small and Floppy Joe isn't going to be the Dem nominee?

I don't know who will be, though. They have to:

1. Figure how to get rid of Kamala (Epstein her?), and

2. Put a chick in it and make her gay.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 05:45 PM (brAQZ)
Well there's Pritzker's Brother!

Posted by: Ciampino - polling, polling, polling at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (qfLjt)

159 That's a head to head poll. Throw in Kennedy as a 3rd party and the votes get siphoned from Trump putting every single race in the margin of error...(hence a guaranteed Dem victory).

The DOJ injected themselves into the 2020 election...they will do so in the 2024 election. The days of a Republican president are over. That's not being pessimistic. That's being honest.

Posted by: Orson at November 06, 2023 06:02 PM (dIske)

160 annoying not annoting

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:02 PM (v0R5T)

If Biden dropped out on Halloween Day, 2024, the Democrats would get the courts to put his replacement on all 50 state ballots.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 06, 2023 06:02 PM (MoZTd)

162 Polls
Trump is winning a hell of a lot more

Posted by: Gonzotx at November 06, 2023 06:02 PM (MwHgU)

163 Infighting. The Dems are not in lockstep (yet). They will be soon enough.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (Q4IgG)

164 That's a head to head poll. Throw in Kennedy as a 3rd party and the votes get siphoned from Trump

You cannot be this stupid...

Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (I/Qkd)

165 That's a head to head poll. Throw in Kennedy as a 3rd party and the votes get siphoned from Trump


Utter absurdity

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (lNBGv)

166 People say here often that the Dems will risk a 90m plus in votes for their candidate for President even though everyone in America will know its fraud - I don't see it. Sure, Trump or his plausible alternative is going to get close to 80M votes, I think - but no one but hardcore Dems want a Dem president so much they'd fraud an election in plain view of everyone and twerk with their pants down in front of what's the plain truth.

In short, they aren't risking it all on this election with everyone watching. They'll wait, playing the long game, like they always do, for 2028, to elect some leftwing nutjob - this is what they do. They wait you out...

Posted by: Boswell at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (K+UlC)

167 81 gazillion votes coming right up. No problem.

Posted by: Democrat Operatives Everywhere at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (QAQdw)

168 A future huge story is going to be the 2024 Recession.

Why recession?

Look at the shipping companies. They are all suddenly cutting back, laying off employees, cutting back on expenses.

Google Maersk, Uber Shipping, and the company Jeff Bezos was investing in just exited the shipping business entirely.

Shipping companies don't think they will have a lot of customers shipping goods and raw materials around these next few years.

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (TYna3)

169 I'm just going to stick my fingers in my ears and sing Guantanamera if Biden is replaced...

The words mean "I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees
And before dying, I want to share these poems of my soul
My poems are soft green
My poems are also flaming crimson (con los pobres de la tierra)
My poems are like a wounded fawn (quiero yo mi suerte echar)
Seeking refuge in the forest"

The last verse says, "Con los pobres de la tierra"
"With the poor people of this earth (quiero yo mi suerte echar)
I want to share my fate
The streams of the mountains
Please me more than the sea" (el arroyo de la sierra)
(Me complace más que el mar)

Posted by: Mister Ghost at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (TGPs7)

170 If dividends were reinvested stocks have retired about 40% from the start of 2020 to now. So yeah a bit less than inflation but in the ballpark.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (P5BwU)

171 So get ready for Greasy Gruesome?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (xcxpd)

172 169 "That's a head to head poll. Throw in Kennedy as a 3rd party and the votes get siphoned from Trump"

You cannot be this stupid...
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (I/Qkd)

Just needs to be a story people are willing to believe.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (eYoxG)

173 Newsom will win the climate change and Axe body spray voters.

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (v0R5T)

174 It will be Newsome. I promise you. His recent foreign trip was Nancy telling him to get some 'real world experience'.

There won't be a dem woman. Can't even think of one who holds any national sway that everyone doesn't loathe.

Don't say AOC.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

175 81 gazillion votes coming right up. No problem.

90% turn out in WI in 2020...look forward to 102% in 2024...

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (XqcwY)

176 The Dems big problem is the economy. The Biden anti-inflation program, which seems to be wholly dependent on unicorns, fairy dust, and astronomical interest rates are killing the dreams and bank accounts of American working people and the upper middle class. The trend is for homeowners to be real estate rich and cash poor. Meanwhile, the Treasury Dept. is printing paper dollars at a galactic level. Meanwhile, the M2 Money chart shows the M2 at $20.75T, historically low. Not good numbers going into an election year.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (rj6Yv)

177 Let me clarify:

I don't doubt that it would be used as an excuse for fraud, but there's no way Kennedy pulls votes from Trump in any meaningful way

Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (lNBGv)

178 They are keeping Biden in for maximum confusion.

And he will STAY in for as long as they can manage it.

That way they will have a plausible explanation for the chicanery.

They want chaos and confusion.

Posted by: Just Lily at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (RLLZj)

81 gazillion votes coming right up. No problem.
Posted by: Democrat Operatives Everywhere


Too bad, Republicans. The dog ate your ballots.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (MoZTd)

180 This all seems like battlespace prep to me, setting it up for a close (read that as a smaller margin of cheat required) win by Bai-Den or his successor.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (YRsIm)

181 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)


Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+)

182 Young liberals aren't voting on the 401k issue.

They are voting on baby killing and Jew hatred.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (6VKyY)

Don't forget the breast lopping and penis chopping.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (dGCAG)

183 If the DNC is not suing to keep RFK Jr off the ballot, that means they're confidant he can assure them of the plausible victory they want.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (z5vMw)

184 186 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+

Didn't I just say don't say AOC??

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (6VKyY)

185 157 Still, Biden is losing men to Trump by 18 points. There's a reason Democrats like Axelrod are freaking out about this. Trump isn't just edging Biden, this poll suggests a landslide.
Posted by: JackStraw

Based off of what I've seen on PornHub, I don't want to ever see anything about "Trump edging Biden" ever again.

Posted by: Perv Moron at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (NCgXW)

186 >Don't say AOC.

Posted by: AlaBAMA

she could run for Prez next year- she'll be 35 on Oct 13 2024

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (geLO8)

187 I just got a 13% increase in my condo fee after an 8% increase last year.
This is getting ridiculous.
But let's send billions to Ukraine, pay for food, shelter and medical care for an invading army of illegal aliens, allow unfettered looting of businesses and causing them to go under.
Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (t/2Uw)

188 >>Good thing for Axelrod, this election won't be decided by votes.

If Democrats really believed that there would be no talk about replacing Biden.

In 2020 after 4 years of lies and slander from the media and the left Democrats were energized and they were defending a record. Biden was actually leading in the polls.

None of that is true now. If Biden isn't somewhat close cheating isn't going to work.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (ZLI7S)

189 What do the polls say in the Ace v. Chuy race?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (JrojV)

190 Biden is going nowhere. So long as he is breathing, he’s going to be the nominee.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (/RBd8)

191 They are voting on baby killing and Jew hatred.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (6VKyY)

And climate warming global change.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (P5BwU)

192 I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)

But she is the kind of minority that it is OK not to love, because they can frequently be annoying. All those call center dweebs...

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (jQJ+F)

193 Young liberals aren't voting on the 401k issue.

They are voting on baby killing and Jew hatred.

Well...those people vote every 4 years for whatever the FNM tells them to

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (XqcwY)

194 A future huge story is going to be the 2024 Recession.
The one that started last year that the media pretended away?

Posted by: Methos at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (Dnobf)

195 All of this just makes it more likely Biden gets replaced.

Trumps only hope is Biden, and Dems won’t let that happen if they’re convinced it’s over.

Trump needs Biden, any other Democrat and Trump loses a landslide.

Newsom has clearly gotten some signal he may be tapped.

For the record, I still think Biden beats Trump. Warts and all. The people that voted against Trump in 2020 aren’t changing their mind.

Posted by: Equate at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (4WoTw)

169 That's a head to head poll. Throw in Kennedy as a 3rd party and the votes get siphoned from Trump

You cannot be this stupid...
Posted by: Archimedes at November 06, 2023 06:03 PM (I/Qkd)
Oh, you'd be surprised how stupid I can be. But, in this case, I am less than stupid.

Posted by: Orson at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (dIske)

197 >she could run for Prez next year

and then we'd have a President with a GREAT ASS!

apologies to Al Pacino

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (geLO8)

198 What do the polls say in the Ace v. Chuy race?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (JrojV)

The hell?

Posted by: Lamont at November 06, 2023 06:08 PM (T/Lqj)

199 Jeff Dunham called, he wants his squinty-eyed, babbling old moron puppet back.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at November 06, 2023 06:08 PM (pIx7m)

200 Weapons grade.

The @POTUS is justly proud of his accomplishments. Trump is a dangerous, unhinged demagogue whose brazen disdain for the rules, norms, laws and institutions or democracy should be disqualifying. But the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy MAGA Extremist at November 06, 2023 06:08 PM (57chq)

201 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+)


Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:08 PM (v0R5T)

202 For the record, I still think Biden beats Trump. Warts and all. The people that voted against Trump in 2020 aren’t changing their mind.
Posted by: Equate at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (4WoTw

They really hate the word pussy, I guess.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:09 PM (6VKyY)

203 193 I just got a 13% increase in my condo fee after an 8% increase last year.
This is getting ridiculous.
But let's send billions to Ukraine, pay for food, shelter and medical care for an invading army of illegal aliens, allow unfettered looting of businesses and causing them to go under.
Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (t/2Uw)

What fee is that? HOA?

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at November 06, 2023 06:09 PM (pIx7m)

204 If Democrats really believed that there would be no talk about replacing Biden.

In 2020 after 4 years of lies and slander from the media and the left Democrats were energized and they were defending a record. Biden was actually leading in the polls.

None of that is true now. If Biden isn't somewhat close cheating isn't going to work.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (ZLI7S)

Honestly? I think they might just be tired of having to haul his carcass all up and down the place.

It's embarrassing for them, especially with the international crowd, and I don't doubt much of the pressure they're getting is from them, and the various oligarchs.

They want a new head up there, they want somebody who doesn't shit his pants everywhere he goes.

They'll rig it one way or another, and then have whoever it is in there who promises to do things their way. Just don't make us look stupid, is their overarching priority.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (dGCAG)

205 208 For the record, I still think Biden beats Trump. Warts and all. The people that voted against Trump in 2020 aren’t changing their mind.
Posted by: Equate at November 06, 2023 06:07 PM (4WoTw

They really hate the word pussy, I guess.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:09 PM (6VKyY)

As retarded as it may be, yeah. They want no mean tweets over stability and good economic times.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (P5BwU)

206 186 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+

Didn't I just say don't say AOC??
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (6VKyY)

Pistols at dawn.

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (v0R5T)

207 If the Marxists don't get a clear potential winner still think Mooch will give up a few days a year to pretend to run the country.

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (fwDg9)

208 Why does Ace endlessly obsess over politics?

There hasn't been a politician worth paying attention to since Ronald Reagan.

Please cancel my subscription.

Posted by: Bored at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (QfInn)

209 >> The people that voted against Trump in 2020 aren’t changing their mind.

Neither are the people who are voting for him when he got 75 million legal votes. At least.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (ZLI7S)

210 212 186 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+

Didn't I just say don't say AOC??
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (6VKyY)

Pistols at dawn.
Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (v0R5T

I want Nurse for my second.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (6VKyY)

211 @212 Joe does like to live dangerously.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (pIx7m)

212 They really hate the word pussy, I guess.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:09 PM (6VKyY)

He's right, you know. The people who voted against Trump are not going to change their minds, because they're either dead or they never existed in the first place.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (dGCAG)

213 193 I just got a 13% increase in my condo fee after an 8% increase last year.

This is why I have never touched condos in all the years I’ve invested in real estate. In the long run these condo fees destroy profit.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (P5BwU)

214 economically disenfranchising the entirety of Gen Z so that jackass boomers can continue flipping homes to each they start dying off; creating 1970s inflation part 2 and actively working against Fed tightening.
Posted by: Trich at November 06, 2023 05:54 PM (7wCmd)

Gen Z disenfranchised themselves because they'd rather play video games than work.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (jQJ+F)

215 216 212 186 Don't say AOC.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:04 PM (6VKyY)

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at November 06, 2023 06:05 PM (R/8l+

Didn't I just say don't say AOC??
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (6VKyY)

Pistols at dawn.
Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (v0R5T

I want Nurse for my second.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:11 PM (6VKyY)

Good choice

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (xcxpd)

216 Eh, who knows, really? I had it wrong in my head the last 3 elections, so my thoughts on the matter are no bueno….

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (PCK5/)

217 Run Brylcreem Serpentor. That will make the fans of Kamaltoe Spoogebucket extremely happy.

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (I+ZWa)

218 These are LBJ in 1968 numbers. Oh look, there's a Kennedy trying to take him down!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (i9ffA)

BANG! "Oww..."

Oops, what happened to his head?
Posted by: BurtTC

Dark cruel humor is the best humor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (XeU6L)

219 Trolls are out like mosquitoes on a June night.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (Okeht)

I'll cast as many ballots as I have to to keep the kid from Scranton in office. It works, and after all - the Supreme Court is choke full of... what's the word Trump used?

'Pussies', that's it.

Though I do like that guy who 'heightens' and eats pudding with his fingers.

Posted by: Determined Leftist at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (enJYY)

221 He forfeited it at Rorke's Drift and again at Omaha Beach. Only to do it yet again on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

And Gettysburg and Bunker Hill.....

Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (7u5gb)

222 Please cancel my subscription.
Posted by: Bored at November 06, 2023 06:10 PM (QfInn)

Hey, hey, next tell him how much you don't like all his posts about Disney.

He really appreciates the feedback.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:13 PM (dGCAG)

223 None of the above...
Martial law

Posted by: meal team 6 at November 06, 2023 06:13 PM (u4HaR)

224 225 Trolls are out like mosquitoes on a June night.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (Okeht)

Cue Nick Cage "you don't say?" meme.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at November 06, 2023 06:13 PM (pIx7m)

225 Seems more like they need a plausible story when they steal the 2024 election. Looks like most of their own base would have a problem accepting the old, senile communist wins the popular vote over any Republican in 2024. They’ve got to keep their lies and theft up to a believable standard so when they steal it for Gavin Newsome, etc, they won’t have to work so hard crushing election deniers.

Posted by: Chunk at November 06, 2023 06:13 PM (vm951)

226 >>They'll rig it one way or another, and then have whoever it is in there who promises to do things their way. Just don't make us look stupid, is their overarching priority.

Pretty tall task. If someone does eventually replace Joe they will run on the exact same platform. This IS the modern Democrat party.

If their policies weren't embarrassingly bad they wouldn't need to cheat. They own 99% of the media, Hollywood, sports, schools and yet they still have to cheat.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (ZLI7S)

227 Hey, hey, next tell him how much you don't like all his posts about Disney.

I want the mouse to die and if I think it's boring... I don't respond on the thread.. Imagine that...

Posted by: It's me donna at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (bs+z0)

228 In the 8 years between 2016 and 2024 millions of new GenZ voters replaced millions of old Trunp voters who died. It’s a different electorate.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (P5BwU)

229 So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (XMwZJ)

230 Eh, who knows, really? I had it wrong in my head the last 3 elections, so my thoughts on the matter are no bueno….
Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:12 PM (PCK5/)

The only thing I know for certain, is when this election is over, I will have to be totally honest with myself in admitting I didn't see that coming.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (dGCAG)

231 So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?

WI was the state that had over 10K voters over 120 years old right?

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (XqcwY)

232 I always just assumed the play was to run Biden into next summer, let him get indicted then pull the switcheroo.

This has the added benefit of claiming that it was tit for tat for all the Trump indictments so everything they did is now a wash. Sure we went after your guy, but then you went after our guy and got him. It's just every day politics.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (z+89e)

233 There's always the alien angle.

Right around September or October of 2024, the government announces full disclosure of aliens, one lands on the White House lawn and martial law is enacted for continuity of government.

This way, people. Into the train car. It's the safest bet.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (6VKyY)

234 Jeff Dunham called, he wants his squinty-eyed, babbling old moron puppet back.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO

A pair of aviator shades, and Walter is a dead ringer for Joe.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (XeU6L)

235 235 So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?
Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (XMwZJ)

Too much cheese... It binds you up including the brain evidently

Posted by: It's me donna at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (bs+z0)

236 75 Polling says DeSantis does worse than Trump and Niki Halley is the strongest R candidate.

I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)
Aren't there more (dot) Indians than Whites in the world? So not a minority?

Posted by: Ciampino - about that polling, polling, polling at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (qfLjt)

237 161 Here's my prediction fwiw:

Biden is convinced to drop out. He does it for the good of the country (wink), he becomes the Democrat party version of Hero Of The Soviet Union, and assumes the life of elder statesman (pudding on a beach in Delaware).

Kamala is cut loose. She is free to declare her own candidacy, but the Handlers ensure that she becomes toxic in the eyes of the public. She returns to California and opens the first KamalaBurger restaurant.

DNC comes up with new dream team. They are elected with nearly 200,000,000 votes.

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:01 PM (geLO

Forcing Biden to resign will be difficult. The only way I see him resigning is if the FBI and DOJ threaten to put Hunter in prison for at least 10 years and seize 99 percent of Joe's ill-gotten gains.

Getting rid of Kamala? Do-able. Where there's a will there's way.

New Dream Team? It won't be hard to choose the new team. Newsom will sew-up the AWFL, Karen, union, anti-oil, go soft on China, and other key Leftist voting blocks. Not necessarily blacks, though. Who's the next Kamala token black on the Dem bench? Witchmer may have to amazingly discover she has distant black ancestor.

Posted by: Gref at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (5fDan)


Since every one of those states is a major poll fraud state, who cares?

Posted by: Dirka Dirka at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (N/h5n)

239 >So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?



Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (geLO8)

240 152 Im not crowing, and you're not wrong

But Im not going to enable this "lesser of 2 evils" strat where we hope our Republican President doesn't go all
wobbly and betrays us. Its the little victories that people like Mitch gave us - enough to cool the mark but not enough to affect the actual change that we needed

I think it's actually kept us from making a necessary changes, like sharing a house with a woman you should have divorced.

I wish there was a replacement for Trump standing by ready to take over but there's not. Remaining loyal to Trump and losing 2024 may be the only road out of out predicament. I don't want to elect another Bush clone and run around in a circles again
Posted by: Fenrisulven at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (jllJv)


This is where a proven, popular Governor like Ron DeSantis who sat out 2023 and 2024, but was Trump Friendly would have been a smart option.

I don't think the Democrats are going to allow Trump to run in 2024. They are throwing everything in the world at him already, legal and illegal. Do you think some nut(s) ain't going to try to kill him?

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (A0pbR)

241 Audio is back!
Posted by: Moron Robbie - don't ask me to accept what you are when you refused to accept what you are at November 06, 2023 05:59 PM (lNBGv)

I thought I heard something squeaking.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (jQJ+F)

242 231 Seems more like they need a plausible story when they steal the 2024 election. Looks like most of their own base would have a problem accepting the old, senile communist wins the popular vote over any Republican in 2024. They’ve got to keep their lies and theft up to a believable standard so when they steal it for Gavin Newsome, etc, they won’t have to work so hard crushing election deniers.
Posted by: Chunk at November 06, 2023 06:13 PM
This is the recipe. Mix in the fillers like sawdust and chalk, make the product smaller and charge more.

Posted by: Eromero at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (NxC5+)

243 Not sure how the WI poll makes any sense. PDT only “lost” by around 20k ballots in 2020, but after 3 years of economic misery, Joe gains popularity?

Posted by: EveR at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (LdQWo)

244 237 So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?

WI was the state that had over 10K voters over 120 years old right?
Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:15 PM (XqcwY)

Unless they all eat human livers to survive that is odd!

(X-file reference)

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (pIx7m)

245 Ace this is interesting

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (fwDg9)

246 >>>If their policies weren't embarrassingly bad they wouldn't need to cheat. They own 99% of the media, Hollywood, sports, schools and yet they still have to cheat.

Posted by: JackStraw

How else are they going to own the country?

Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (Okeht)

247 Elephant in the room Nobody talks about: isn’t about to be convicted to 50 years prison for treason and shit?

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (P5BwU)

248 If Biden drops out Republicans need to remind people that Biden was the middle of the road candidate, he was there unifier, he was the bipartisan politician that was going to save the country. Well that or Democrats lied in 2024, but that now they're completely telling the truth about their socialist candidate pretending to be a conservative.

No Democrat is better than Joe Biden, every single one will be bankrolled by the Obama team and then beholden to their policies.

Posted by: Rbastid at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (mn5GB)

249 Does KamalaBurger have a Drive-thru?

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (v0R5T)

250 Wisconsinates!

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (8rsIm)

251 . If Biden isn't somewhat close cheating isn't going to work.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:06 PM (ZLI7S)


Based on what we are seeing now with 90+ bogus criminal charges, SWAT raids based on politics, Decades long criminal sentences for standing around...etc... You honestly don't think a Dem Secretary of State in some of these battleground states wouldn't be willing to just fudge the results for a victory? There is no help coming from the DOJ if they do...any investigation would be obfuscated. I'd use Michigan as an example...since the Sec of State and the AG of that state buried obvious voter fraud by passing it onto the FBI where it disappeared.

Posted by: Orson at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (dIske)

252 Pretty tall task. If someone does eventually replace Joe they will run on the exact same platform. This IS the modern Democrat party.

If their policies weren't embarrassingly bad they wouldn't need to cheat. They own 99% of the media, Hollywood, sports, schools and yet they still have to cheat.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (ZLI7S)

I'm really not convinced they can pull it off. I mean, we have lots of good evidence now, their cheat operation is quite effective, but there is a real problem in trying to replace this clown.

In all sincerity, there really are idiot democrat voters who like the guy. It's insane, but after all, we're talking about democrat voters.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:18 PM (dGCAG)

253 Honest question. Does anybody believe Biden will actually be the candidate?

If past is prologue, Democrats will break all norms, rules, laws and constitution to gain power. With Trump "gaining" in these polls (which I believe the media has is doing on purpose) I believe that's the final straw.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 06:18 PM (R8XW4)

254 So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?
Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 06, 2023 06:14 PM (XMwZJ)

Fat, drunk and eating cheese curds all day will warp you brain pan a little bit.

Then, once your a fat cheese eating layabout, you fall victim to every federal handout and freebie you can lay your mitts on.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 06, 2023 06:18 PM (R/m4+)

255 * Thinks about commenting on primaries *

* Deletes comments *

Say, how about those Grizzlies!

Posted by: Beartooth at November 06, 2023 06:18 PM (TDQgG)

256 256 Does KamalaBurger have a Drive-thru?
Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (v0R5T)

You're gonna hate the special sauce.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:19 PM (6VKyY)

257 260 Honest question. Does anybody believe Biden will actually be the candidate?

If past is prologue, Democrats will break all norms, rules, laws and constitution to gain power. With Trump "gaining" in these polls (which I believe the media has is doing on purpose) I believe that's the final straw.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 06:18 PM (R8XW4)

In a way it does not matter.. it is the party not the person for them.

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:19 PM (PCK5/)

258 Remaining loyal to Trump and losing 2024 may be the only road out of out predicament. I don't want to elect another Bush clone and run around in a circles again
Posted by: Fenrisulven at November 06, 2023 06:00 PM (jllJv)


If Dems win in 2024 there will never be any 2026 or 2028 elections.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 06:19 PM (i9ffA)

259 There’s no ceiling on the cheat. Used to be they’d get a few thousand ballots stuffed on election night. But there’s a limit to how much of that happens. Today with 6 week early voting, mail in ballots, and weeks of post election counting, sky is the limit. Add to that the 5 million new illegals here in the past 2-3 years who will vote.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 06:20 PM (P5BwU)

250 Not sure how the WI poll makes any sense. PDT only “lost” by around 20k ballots in 2020, but after 3 years of economic misery, Joe gains popularity?
Posted by: EveR at November 06, 2023 06:16 PM (LdQWo)

Government handouts haven't gone down.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:20 PM (6VKyY)

261 If Dems win in 2024 there will never be any 2026 or 2028 elections.

Well, we never got an actual counting of actual votes in 2020 so I'd argue we didn't have a real election then either

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:20 PM (XqcwY)

262 "Pretty tall task. If someone does eventually replace Joe they will run on the exact same platform. This IS the modern Democrat party."

Really? Because it looks to me like Democrats vote like it's a team sport. There may be some people not enthusiastic about Biden, but those people will come home to mama if they throw the right gender or race up as the candidate.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 06:20 PM (R8XW4)

263 Around 1980, I remember 10% inflation, and 25% unemployment locally. At least in 2023, there are jobs available, although nobody seems to want or need them.

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:21 PM (MvF+J)

264 Really? Because it looks to me like Democrats vote like it's a team sport. There may be some people not enthusiastic about Biden, but those people will come home to mama if they throw the right gender or race up as the candidate.

Why are my ears ringing?

Posted by: Anne Althouse at November 06, 2023 06:21 PM (XqcwY)

265 I suspect Niki is getting "generic Republican" plus minority plus woman.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 05:51 PM (XqcwY)


If anyone really thinks Democrat Women are going to vote for Haley? Not going to happen. She will be lucky to get 40% of all women voters in November

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 06:21 PM (A0pbR)

266 270 Around 1980, I remember 10% inflation, and 25% unemployment locally. At least in 2023, there are jobs available, although nobody seems to want or need them.
Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:21 PM (MvF+J

Pretty sure most of us here remember the economic numbers from the 70s to mid eights before Ronnie turned it around.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:21 PM (6VKyY)

267 Around 1980, I remember 10% inflation, and 25% unemployment locally. At least in 2023, there are jobs available, although nobody seems to want or need them.

Welfare pays better.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (XqcwY)

268 Sanders got bought, at least twice… they can all be bought.. the “ price” might not be money though..

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (PCK5/)

KamalaBurger! Home of the Big Suck Shake and Gobbler Burger!

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (j4U/Z)

270 "So what the hell is wrong with Wisconsin...ians? ites?"

They're a bunch of drunk, brat eating Packers fans.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (R8XW4)

271 polls, LOL


Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (hXr4C)

272 >>We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss.

Well, tomorrow is DeSantis's last chance to rise above the pack.

He needs to step up and elevate his position so that he can lift his lagging polls to new heights.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (XV/Pl)

Well, tomorrow is DeSantis's last chance to rise above the pack.

He needs to step up and elevate his position so that he can lift his lagging polls to new heights.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (XV/Pl

Tall order.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:23 PM (6VKyY)

274 >>You honestly don't think a Dem Secretary of State in some of these battleground states wouldn't be willing to just fudge the results for a victory?

I do think it's possible. I think many things are possible. But after being told over and over that Trump can't beat Biden this poll would seem to indicate that not only can Trump beat Biden he is unquestionably the strongest candidate against Biden.

I don't know why some of you seem to think the entire Democrat party only cares about beating Trump and if Ron is that nominee they will just say "Well that's cool, turn of the cheating machines".

And if they did think that then why would you want Ron?

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:23 PM (ZLI7S)

What do the polls say in the Ace v. Chuy race?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Lamont, by a nose.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 06:23 PM (63Dwl)

276 280 >>We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss.

Well, tomorrow is DeSantis's last chance to rise above the pack.

He needs to step up and elevate his position so that he can lift his lagging polls to new heights.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:22 PM (XV/Pl)

It’s Trump, doesn’t matter.. maybe..

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:23 PM (PCK5/)

277 K-B have it your way

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:24 PM (v0R5T)

278 Does KamalaBurger have a Drive-thru?
Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:17 PM (v0R5T)

Naw. It's drive in, back out, drive in, back out...

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:24 PM (jQJ+F)

279 If I was a Democrat operative this poll is exactly what I'd commission. NYT will publish whatever results it generates and with whatever narrative I tell them to run with. It continues the narrative that "elections" are fair. It's just that when it comes time to pencil in the box, or pull the lever Trump just doesn't cut it.

To bad MAGA terrorists lost again. Time for more draconian measures to keep them in line.

Better luck next time, losers.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 06, 2023 06:24 PM (Q4IgG)

280 280 ISWYDT!

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (MvF+J)

281 In a way it does not matter.. it is the party not the person for them.

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:19 PM (PCK5/)

I mean that's pretty true for voters.

But it is actually a realistic perspective. I don't think anyone seriously believes Joe Biden is calling the shots.

And is Gavin Newsome is elected, it's it like he will be the one calling the shots.

In fact, looking back, even when Trump was president, he didn't call the shots, or when he did, he was ignored.

In some strange way, we have almost become a parliamentary form of government, where people vote on ideals rather than individuals, and even if someone like Trump wins, his fringe party has to form a coalition government with the GOPe to hold a majority.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (/11g9)

282 If Dems win in 2024 there will never be any 2026 or 2028 elections.
Well, we never got an actual counting of actual votes in 2020 so I'd argue we didn't have a real election then either
Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:20 PM (XqcwY)

Senator Fetterman called, and said about the 2022 elections "Flhgh doaigh doiasn idd."

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (dGCAG)

283 @281

>>Tall order.

Well, if he plays his cards right, he can take an elevator right to the top.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (XV/Pl)

284 I went to KamalamaBurger and asked them if they wanted sauce.

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (v0R5T)

285 Kamalaburger does make house calls

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (fwDg9)

286 291 @281

>>Tall order.

Well, if he plays his cards right, he can take an elevator right to the top.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (XV/Pl

He's not growing on me, sorry. Just comes up short in my book.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:26 PM (6VKyY)

287 I just saw that "Queen" chick from Jordan trying to say being against Israel doesn't mean you're an antisemite. I guess she missed the whole murder, rape, torture and kidnap thing. I assume she's also not blind or deaf, and can hear what these people are saying and writing. Eh, I guess she doesn't want to get Gaddafi'd and end up hiding in a drainage ditch with people putting sticks in her rectum.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 06:26 PM (R8XW4)

288 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 06, 2023 06:27 PM (/6GbT)

289 They will wait until the Convention to avoid a primary.
They will cry as their hero Biden retires...and Newsome or Whitmer runs.

Trump will already have won primary, but be indicted and maybe convicted before the election.

My suggested route out of this is to have Desantis or Haley be the sole competitor to Trump, and if they win, they can pardon Trump.

If Trump wins, he can pardon himself for federal cases.

Not gonna lie, Trump running means he's extremely self-motivated to win. It's his ass on the line.

Could Trump withdraw at the GOP convention?

IIRC GOP convention is before Dems, though.

Posted by: Harun at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (c2WeP)

290 Ha! Someone mentioned Whitmer -- if the Dems put her on a national ticket just have George Santos follow her around in his drag outfit, he's a ringer for the bitch.

Posted by: The guy that moves pianos for a living at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (d8Y5d)

291 @295

>>He's not growing on me, sorry. Just comes up short in my book.

Perhaps he should lay low for a bit.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (XV/Pl)

292 297 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'
Posted by: A dude in MI at November 06, 2023 06:27 PM (/6GbT

Boob-removal and fake sex organ industry.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (6VKyY)

I'd really like to pull the lever for Ron. I don't wanna give him the short shift but I think he needs to heighten his exposure.

Posted by: Determined Leftist at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (enJYY)

294 "Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'"

Facebook, Amazon, Google.

most people don't work for Facebook. amazon is making itself and China sellers richer, and Google....

Posted by: Harun at November 06, 2023 06:28 PM (c2WeP)

295 Sorry, Ace, but you are the one that doesn't understand Trump's popularity. It's not a cult either.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at November 06, 2023 06:29 PM (cLWyk)

She is free to declare her own candidacy, but the Handlers ensure that she becomes toxic in the eyes of the public.


I'm sure she can manage this without assistance.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at November 06, 2023 06:29 PM (MoZTd)

297 297 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'
Posted by: A dude in MI at November 06, 2023 06:27 PM (/6GbT)

Orange juice futures funnily enough.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 06:29 PM (eYoxG)

298 If Dems win in 2024 there will never be any 2026 or 2028 elections.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 06:19 PM
There is iron in the words of Tom Servo.

Posted by: Eromero at November 06, 2023 06:29 PM (NxC5+)

299 "
Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration, as Mr. Biden's multiracial base shows signs of fraying."

YASSSSSSSSSSS. These worms need to be worms, otherwise they won't realize that hey are worms.

YASSSSSSSSSSS. Give me more, Cash. MORE

Posted by: Denny Crane! at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (raeI8)

300 Poor Meatball, the best part is, he's not that short.

But then, Cruz's dad probably didn't kill JFK either, but Trump has a way of getting to these guys in ways that are hilariously cruel.

Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (dGCAG)

301 I just asked Alexa "what is someone from Wisconsin called?" And she responded "cheesehead." No shit.

Posted by: Angzarr the Cromulent at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (XMwZJ)

302 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'

Welfare and government work

Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (XqcwY)

303 I will say, Trump is running for his life.

Posted by: Harun at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (c2WeP)

304 "I'm sure she can manage this without assistance."

She'll have to. Her assistants always quit right away.

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (MvF+J)

305 Biden is all in as long Jiggly Jill likes sleeping in the White House. Her Michelle envy is hard to underestimate and this I think is why Shits-Pants ran in the first place.

Posted by: Lost in Space at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (2StUH)

306 >>>
If past is prologue, Democrats will break all norms, rules, laws and constitution to gain power. With Trump "gaining" in these polls (which I believe the media has is doing on purpose) I believe that's the final straw.

Posted by: Marcus T

And if they win this time it's over.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 06:31 PM (Okeht)

307 309 Poor Meatball, the best part is, he's not that short.

But then, Cruz's dad probably didn't kill JFK either, but Trump has a way of getting to these guys in ways that are hilariously cruel.
Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (dGCAG

If nothing more, it's a masterclass in how to otherize someone to completely hamper their efforts.

Trump has taken down multiple opponents.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at November 06, 2023 06:31 PM (6VKyY)

308 "what sector of the economy is 'excellent'"

Take a look at the drug distribution sector. MCK, CAH, COR. Go look at their stock charts. Probably too late to climb aboard that rocket.

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:32 PM (MvF+J)

309 I don't know why some of you seem to think the entire Democrat party only cares about beating Trump and if Ron is that nominee they will just say "Well that's cool, turn of the cheating machines".
Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:23 PM (ZLI7S)
They care about power....and control. It's that simple. They can't appeal to the acceptance of their policies to the constituents, so they hammer it down your throat via Fiat and the Courts, and federal law enforcement.

Someone in the Oval office that isn't on that same page is an obstacle. It matters not whom that person is (Trump, DeSantis, Zippy the Pinhead). They already have a pretty good handle on the Judicial Branch. I have no doubt that come 2024 they will solidify the Legislative Branch (good God, they elected a piece of broccoli to the senate in PA). The White House is an easy cheat now that they have no problem being covert and egregious in their fraud.

Posted by: Orson at November 06, 2023 06:32 PM (dIske)

310 311 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'

Welfare and government work
Posted by: 18-1 at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (XqcwY)

So nothing that actually contributes to the economy

Posted by: A dude in MI at November 06, 2023 06:32 PM (/6GbT)

311 Since 2020 stocks and real estate surged to more than make up for inflation


Just got back in. What horse's ass wrote that. Stocks peaked in March 2021 when the financial news that Trump lost hit everyone that wasn't paying attention.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 06:33 PM (17s+e)

312 Does KamalaBurger have a Drive-thru?
Posted by: wth

I await the launch of a ship, 'USS Kamala Harris'.

Will have a female skipper, natch.

Only a matter of time until the news reports roll in; 'Kamala Harris rams reef, is bilged, and going down by the stern'.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:33 PM (XeU6L)

313 A lot can happen in a year and as we saw in 2020 , a lot can happen in a few hours

Posted by: It's me donna at November 06, 2023 06:34 PM (bs+z0)

314 What if Newsome announces he's trans?

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 06:34 PM (brAQZ)

Orange juice futures funnily enough.

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 06:29 PM (eYoxG)

Which is kinda weird. Global warming is killing off the FL orange crop with frosts and freezes.

I have a slight suspicion someone is being dishonest.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 06:34 PM (enJYY)

316 Generic Republican positively *clobbers* Biden. We even have a fairly close approximation of one, if only he could win the nomination.

Posted by: Vrag Naroda at November 06, 2023 06:34 PM (JuMV1)

317 Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'

Big Pharma

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:35 PM (XeU6L)

318 The Venn diagram and Kamaltoe's mouth and a powerful man's cock is a perfect ovoid.

Just syain.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 06:36 PM (17s+e)

319 Lost in Space - Then you are saying Sundowner has complete control of the White House

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 06:36 PM (fwDg9)


Kamalaburger! You'll swallow, not spit!

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 06:36 PM (j4U/Z)

321 Big Pharma
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:35 PM (XeU6L)

Both "legit" and otherwise.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:36 PM (jQJ+F)

322 314 Biden is all in as long Jiggly Jill likes sleeping in the White House. Her Michelle envy is hard to underestimate and this I think is why Shits-Pants ran in the first place.

Posted by: Lost in Space at November 06, 2023 06:30 PM (2StUH)

Future News Today!

A tremendous tragedy for the nation occurred today. President Biden and his wife were both killed when the Marine One helicopter they were in crashed in flames as it approached Joint Base Andrews.

Posted by: Gref at November 06, 2023 06:37 PM (5fDan)

323 "Trump has taken down multiple opponents."

While leaving Biden, Newsom, and Whitmer unscathed.

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at November 06, 2023 06:37 PM (woPUd)

324 Converting all the orange groves into retirement communities is killing the FL orange crop.

Posted by: The guy that moves pianos for a living at November 06, 2023 06:37 PM (d8Y5d)

325 @281
>>Tall order.

Well, if he plays his cards right, he can take an elevator right to the top.

With the right platform, he would be a shoo-in.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (DsA2n)

326 the "generic Democrat"

I saw some of those at the supermarket, those things are expensive!

Posted by: wth at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (v0R5T)

327 I suspect next year will be full of surprises.. many of them very ugly.

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (PCK5/)

Id like to know besides the defense industry and grift, what sector of the economy is 'excellent'

Big Pharma

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:35 PM

Now might be a very good time to decide if Pfizer belongs in your portfolio.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (enJYY)

329 in Israel War news, some reports are suggesting that ground troops are now closing in on Shifa Hospital - one says that IDF troops are already in at least one of the buidlings.

Shifa is rather like the Reich Chancellery & Fuhrerbunker complex in Berlin, 1945.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (i9ffA)

330 @332

>>"Trump has taken down multiple opponents." While leaving Biden, Newsom, and Whitmer unscathed.

Tell me you have never watched a Trump rally without telling me you've never watched a Trump rally.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 06:39 PM (XV/Pl)

331 325 Generic Republican positively *clobbers* Biden. We even have a fairly close approximation of one, if only he could win the nomination.
Posted by: Vrag Naroda at November 06, 2023 06:34 PM (JuMV1)

Jeb is running again?

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 06:39 PM (eYoxG)

With the right platform, he would be a shoo-in.
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks

Cry havoc, and loose the puns!

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:39 PM (XeU6L)

333 "I saw some of those at the supermarket, those things are expensive!"

I dunno. You can buy a generic Democrat president for $5M or less.

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:39 PM (MvF+J)

334 I await the launch of a ship, 'USS Kamala Harris'.

My son has a friend assigned to the USS Harvey Milk.

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 06:39 PM (j4U/Z)

335 Shifa bout to hit the fan.

Posted by: Bosk of Port Kar at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (VMFAF)

336 The old Ace is back, I see.

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (DKlaF)

337 #SwiftiesForPalestine Trends As Fans Try to Bully Taylor Swift Into Opposing Israel.

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (geLO8)

338 >>Someone in the Oval office that isn't on that same page is an obstacle. It matters not whom that person is (Trump, DeSantis, Zippy the Pinhead). They already have a pretty good handle on the Judicial Branch. I have no doubt that come 2024 they will solidify the Legislative Branch (good God, they elected a piece of broccoli to the senate in PA). The White House is an easy cheat now that they have no problem being covert and egregious in their fraud.

Exactly my point. They will cheat against whomever is the nominee. The key is nominating someone who can build a lead outside the margin of cheat and all indications right now are that person is Trump. And for those who have short memories he also did an outstanding job of presidenting the first time around.

Trump is over 60% in virtually every national poll for the nomination and winning every state I've seen as well. That's a bit beyond the realm of cult candidate. That's the clear front runner.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (ZLI7S)

339 Now might be a very good time to decide if Pfizer belongs in your portfolio.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM (enJYY)

Better there than in my bloodstream, although I would not wish to profit from other peoples' misery.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (jQJ+F)

340 "287 If I was a Democrat operative this poll is exactly what I'd commission. NYT will publish whatever results it generates and with whatever narrative I tell them to run with. It continues the narrative that "elections" are fair. It's just that when it comes time to pencil in the box, or pull the lever Trump just doesn't cut it.

To bad MAGA terrorists lost again. Time for more draconian measures to keep them in line.

Better luck next time, losers.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at November 06, 2023 06:24 PM (Q4IgG) "


Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at November 06, 2023 06:40 PM (hXr4C)

341 > I suspect next year will be full of surprises.. many of them very ugly.

Posted by: tubal


I predict it will be completely unpredictable

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 06:41 PM (geLO8)

342 Senator Fetterman called, and said about the 2022 elections "Flhgh doaigh doiasn idd."
Posted by: BurtTC at November 06, 2023 06:25 PM (dGCAG)
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at November 06, 2023 06:42 PM (ScR16)

Now might be a very good time to decide if Pfizer belongs in your portfolio.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

I suspect that they just pay Fauci, et al, directly, in cash.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:42 PM (XeU6L)

344 nood

Posted by: Peel gp A Grape at November 06, 2023 06:43 PM (MvF+J)

When you're shopping you gotta leave a lot of space for 'generic democrats' to maneuver those little scooters.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 06:43 PM (enJYY)

346 ace is entitled to his opinions about Trump.. hell he lets us prattle about anything, guess he can opine too..

Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:43 PM (PCK5/)

347 Say what you will about Kamala but she does have her own unique take on retail politicking, and it's very effective according to Willie Brown.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 06:43 PM (guGkK)

348 "...this is the kind of stupid, retarded bullshit the American public routinely believes."

I am listening to the audio book of "Animal Farm" which I have never read before. (It's very short, only about 3 hours so I'm halfway through it already.)

This point, about the STUPIDITY of most of the animals seems, so far, to be the ultimate lesson of the book.

Not sure what I thought it was going to be about, but it wasn't that. So I'm struck to see these remarks because they are totally underlining what I just heard.

People are really, really, really monumentally stupid. Without true guardrails we would have disaster day in and day out. Like they do actually have in uncivilized places. I understand one is supposed to overlook all that, but it is still true.

Posted by: jocon307 at November 06, 2023 06:44 PM (EuROc)

349 These are LBJ in 1968 numbers. Oh look, there's a Kennedy trying to take him down!
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 05:44 PM (i9ffA)

BANG! "Oww..."

Oops, what happened to his head?
Posted by: BurtTC


Biden has denied RFK Jr. secret service protection. There have been already two incidents of armed people trying to reach him during public events. Candidates running for president in the past have been granted SS protection in over 500 days in advance of the general election.

Posted by: levin at November 06, 2023 06:44 PM (aUIrK)

350 My son has a friend assigned to the USS Harvey Milk.
Posted by: Auspex

Imagine being handed those orders...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:44 PM (XeU6L)

351 336 I suspect next year will be full of surprises.. many of them very ugly.
Posted by: tubal at November 06, 2023 06:38 PM
Exactly, a man-caused disaster big enough to trigger martial law and postpone elections. They have the will and the resources.

Posted by: Eromero at November 06, 2023 06:45 PM (NxC5+)

352 People are really, really, really monumentally stupid.

Easily influenced by the media.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 06:45 PM (XeU6L)

353 Now might be a very good time to decide if Pfizer belongs in your portfolio.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

Considering it's down 52% from it's Dec. 21 peak, i'd say it's a little late. Best wait for that 2nd sigma, and then buy with both fists.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023 06:46 PM (IG4Id)

354 Converting all the orange groves into retirement communities is killing the FL orange crop.
Posted by: The guy that moves pianos for a living at November 06, 2023 06:37 PM (d8Y5d)

Yup....It's time for all the old farts to retire to Guatemala since there is no one left there now.

You can live like a King on the social security ponzi scheme check and even own people. That is until the government or cartel gets wind of you then off you go.

Live a little.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 06, 2023 06:47 PM (R/m4+)

355 Trump can't win, say the people supporting the candidate that is stuck at
How are Ron's small donor donation numbers looking lately? Yeah, there aren't any. But he can Totally WIN!
Anxiously waiting for the first Allahpundit link here.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at November 06, 2023 06:47 PM (zdYK9)

356 Trump broke ace's brain. This is as good an argument to continue supporting him as any; ace's broke-brained seethe is extremely amusing.

Posted by: Deepelemblues at November 06, 2023 06:48 PM (9mRsW)


Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at November 06, 2023 06:49 PM (hXr4C)

358 Love it, Love it! Great work ace! Nothing burns the Orange Man dweebs llike scoffing at poll results that show the Combover Cretin leading Biden. Just a suggestion might want to deep six the Desantis fluffing...kind of make you look just a tad delusional and Bushy/GOPey, which, for some reason, is seen as a red flag by many...just sayin'...

Posted by: Jonah at November 06, 2023 06:49 PM (nfyTY)

359 DeSantis would be a perfect nominee, if he had any chance of winning a republican primary.

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 06:49 PM (DKlaF)

360 also nood!

Posted by: sock_rat_eez - these lying bastardi e stronzi have been lying for decades at November 06, 2023 06:50 PM (hXr4C)

361 Biden will be the nominee because he wants to be, and more importantly, “The Doctor” will murder anyone who tries to take it from him.

I’m an RD supporter, but even I have to admit that Trump’ (and Kamala’s) relative weakness is the only things keeping D power brokers from coming to a consensus to eject him. Someone is going to be very wrong next fall.

Posted by: MountainGuy at November 06, 2023 06:54 PM (/tm+P)

362 "We will lose regardless of the candidate and state of the nation at the hands of the tyrants.

The rig is pre-baked into the cake. The nation is dead and gone."


We watched an election get stolen in real time in 2020, then watched again as a crushing wave got turned into a nail-biting victory in 2022. The Dems can never tolerate another legitimate election - the risks are too high for them.

We're done.

Posted by: Sloucho at November 06, 2023 06:56 PM (+AbyO)

363 @362 Maybe you’re done.
Why don’t you leave everyone alone and go play video games or something.

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 07:01 PM (DKlaF)

364 325
'With the right platform, he would be a shoo-in.'

Without a platform, he'll continue to be overlooked.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at November 06, 2023 07:04 PM (roH4R)

365 Trump is gonna blindly sleepwalk into any trap they set, because he’s too narcissistic and lazy to spot anything they’re doing. And his team of lawyers who chase Bigfoot on the side already showed they can’t handle it for him.
Those on team “it’s rigged anyhow so just throw the Trump rock at their head again”, I don’t get their plan. Why don’t they at least have a search out for competent legal teams and strategies if this is what they believe? They’re just gonna repeat 2020, get more people thrown in prison, and get the America First ideology discredited for a generation.

Posted by: Cjw at November 06, 2023 07:04 PM (AtWrV)

366 @364 maybe platform shoes?

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 07:06 PM (DKlaF)

367 Do not count on the Democrats keeping Joe Biden as a doomed candidate just out of allegiance to one flawed man. That's something only Republicans do

What the Republicans are about to do is impeach Joe Biden. Not Garland. Not Wray. Not an out and out stone cold traitor to America named Alejandro Mayorkas. No, taking Biden -/ who is Garland by Kalorama-/ solves nothing. Biden deserves impeachment and being sentenced as a traitor but strategically it makes more sense to start impeachment with Mayorkas or one of the other deserving subjects. Let the Communists depose Biden. Make The Party own and deal with Biden.

Posted by: Beyond Norman Parameters at November 06, 2023 07:09 PM (FCPbW)

368 "1. Figure how to get rid of Kamala (Epstein her?), and

2. Put a chick in it and make her gay.

Posted by: Eeyore"

Sounds like KJP would take care of those items! Another historic first.

Posted by: Ripley at November 06, 2023 07:16 PM (PTDkx)

369 Just putting that out there if you guys want to continue to hang your hat on polls showing we should run someone else.
Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at November 06, 2023 05:49 PM (eYoxG)
Polling is all narrative setting. Last time Biden was crushing Trump - being polled to provide justification when the late votes materialized for Biden. They are getting the establishment set up for when it's time to jettison Biden as the nominee. They also will hope they will lock Trump in - they give Haley to give squish RINOs a reason to not coalesce around any one non-Trump candidate. They might even think that Harris as much as she is hated by everybody could win. But probably Pritzker out of Illinois, not over exposed like Newsome. Personally wealthy. All in on kiddie sex and maiming without being too vocal. Then we need to make sure Thomas and Alito have 4 good years left in them.

Posted by: Black JEM at November 06, 2023 07:22 PM (UVyKP)

370 It’s p**sy central up in here. (And not in a good way)

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 07:28 PM (DKlaF)

371 Oh, a NYTimes poll. Well then, I'm convinced. Looks like this one was D+84.

Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at November 06, 2023 07:41 PM (WiAW9)

372 "There's no way they can just all flip on a dime in one second like that."

Lol they do this all the time.

Posted by: El Camino at November 06, 2023 07:55 PM (hBDSK)

373 Cmon Ace, your famous cynicism disappears? It's a NY Times poll designed to replace Biden...Do you really believe a generic democrat or (chuckle) Kamala is really ahead of him...Like him or not he has a track record and I will gladly take 4 years of good economy and foreign policy while figuring out who to fix the rest.

Posted by: Phineasphogg at November 06, 2023 07:56 PM (Y2qvn)

374 I'm not so sure Biden will drop out. The question is, will Obama want someone other than his sock-puppet in the White House. Someone other than his cabal - Newsome, say - while being an ideological fellow-traveler, will not be Obama's creature. I'd bet the rent that Obama would rather the party lose than lose his grip on the party.

As for Wisconsin, I live there, and I find that hard to believe, unless the pollsters confined themselves to Milwaukee and Dane counties.

Posted by: Nemo at November 06, 2023 08:37 PM (S6ArX)

375 Biden will not leave voluntarily.

Posted by: Allen at November 06, 2023 08:38 PM (91Cr6)

376 Only a gender studies major can say he believes an unnamed generic Democrat can beat Trum by a significant amount. But I forgot the polls did not count all those zombies and undead. Got to hand it to all those experts.

Posted by: Jane at November 06, 2023 08:49 PM (EcD5Y)

377 I don't know, Ace... I have dozens of democrat and NeverTrumpers who are solidly Trump based on reality and history.

The key is our establishment types who you seem to prefer - they all think Trump is a joke and a threat to their foreign, ill-gotten gains. And he is. And we love him for it understanding his faults.

As soon as you all call out Brad Raffensperger for giving up the 2020 election in GA I will call out Trump. Deal?

Posted by: Danimal28 at November 06, 2023 08:55 PM (ryUqI)

378 "We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss."

Ace is marching to DeSanctis' (and the rest of Never-Trump's) mega-donor drums, not MAGA. So what's with "we"? Ace and McConnell? Ace and Graham? Axin' for a friend.

Posted by: Born Free at November 06, 2023 09:02 PM (6kqgf)

379 Trump just turned down an invitation from GOPe paypal Zelensky...

Seems like a wise move from a supposed 'joke' of a president. I will never understand how people do not take Trump seriously in life or business; business is the greatest education you can ever attain.

Posted by: Danimal28 at November 06, 2023 09:03 PM (ryUqI)

380 378 "We won't. We will continue marching along the path to a 2024 loss."

Ace is marching to DeSanctis' (and the rest of Never-Trump's) mega-donor drums, not MAGA. So what's with "we"? Ace and McConnell? Ace and Graham? Axin' for a friend.
Posted by: Born Free at November 06, 2023 09:02 PM (6kqgf)


Posted by: Danimal28 at November 06, 2023 09:05 PM (ryUqI)

381 Joe Biden got the most votes of any presidential candidate in US history, more than Obama. True, I think it is obvious that he cheated, which is why he came up with The Big Lie fraud. Hint, whenever anybody uses the term Big Lie, it is a fraud.

Posted by: william ferrin at November 06, 2023 09:59 PM (dsy+u)

382 Exceⅼlent way of telling, and nice piece of writing to obtаin data about my presentation focus, whіch i am going to deliver in academy.

Posted by: fawn at November 07, 2023 04:24 AM (HS2c9)

383 Considering there are only a handful of Rs who are not part of the uniparty, and Desantis hired Jeb’s advisors who would you suggest?

Posted by: DavidH at November 07, 2023 07:22 AM (Ci8ue)

384 "battleground states... all of which Mr. Biden carried in 2020"

Their Ballots vs Our Votes

Posted by: mossomo at November 07, 2023 08:22 AM (x+lkv)

385 I will immediately grfab your rsss feed as I can not in finding your e-mail subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service.
Do you've any? Kindly permit me recognise so that I may subscribe.


Posted by: Golden Teacher Growkit at November 10, 2023 10:38 PM (GnTDK)

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