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Out: "Firey But Mostly Peaceful Protests"
IN: "Passionate Protests"

An ABC "News's" chief White House hack offers her unbiased on the pro-terrorism/pro-Jew-slaughter mayhem that invaded DC this weekend:


Passionate insurrecting:

Passionate attempts to pound open the White House gates.

Passionate scaling of the White House fence. Remember, grandmothers are in federal prison for 5 years for simply "parading" in Congress.

Passionate home invasion:

Passionate terror slogan grafitti:

This little pissant thinks it's absurd that Maria Bartiromo asked, "Why is this not an insurrection?"

John Hayward

OUT: Insurrectionists are an existential threat to democracy who should be punished more harshly than thieves, rapists, and murderers

IN: Look at those adorable little pro-terrorist scamps and their passionate protests!

You know who else's supporters were passionate, right?

Mark Hemingway

So let me get this straight -- we had a major protest in the nation's capitol this weekend, where a bunch of people were carrying signs with Swastikas and crickets from the same national press that told us an OK hand signal was incipient white supremacy?

Cool, cool.


What happened in front of the White House on Saturday was a riot. It was not a protest. It was not passionate. These are people who openly support terrorism and genocide (chants of "from the river to the sea" were, of course, present). The only thing that stopped things from getting completely out of control was the strength of the fence they were trying to tear down.

It is pathetic how the press continues to coddle pro-Hamas protesters in ways they would never treat anyone they saw as ideological enemies. But that's the key. They see these protests as justified, and they are willing to provide indirect support in whatever way they can. I'd love to see Bruce actually attend one of these "marches" and get back to us on her experience.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st

Posted by: GF at November 06, 2023 01:10 PM (wmCUx)

2 In before lunch.

Posted by: torabora at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (EmTGi)

3 This is really darkly funny. It's Hamas Democrats vs Biden-Hillary Democrats.


Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (i9ffA)

4 Mary Bruce: ABC News White House Correspondent.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (78508)

5 Spidey Sense is on

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (fwDg9)

6 Some good passionate censorship...

Not the Bee
The story about the Nashville shooter's manifesto has been CENSORED on Facebook and Google. 𝕏 is the only place to find this news.

Posted by: Mister Ghost at November 06, 2023 01:12 PM (TGPs7)

7 Tee hee!

Posted by: Garland at November 06, 2023 01:12 PM (VLqtF)

8 Let's not forget the lessons of the antifa and black lives matter protests really since Ferguson, but even more importantly during covid.

These rent a mobs seem to operate at the control of people in DC, and can be turned on and off quite easily.

Then they disappear from the news.

So... who is benefitting from these passionate protests?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (mj0Qp)

9 Of course

Posted by: Pissed at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (M9DBx)

10 I've mentioned before how Governor Reynolds is a big DeSantis supporter, and has successfully governed Iowa in a very similar style. I wonder if he's considering her as a running mate? I hope not...they're both great, but I still think this is the wrong election for them to run in.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds plans to endorse Ron DeSantis for president, giving the Florida governor's 2024 campaign a boost as he struggles to show progress against Donald Trump in the Republican primary, two people familiar with the matter said Sunday. The people familiar with the matter spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity before a Monday rally in Des Moines where Reynolds is expected to announce her endorsement.

Renolds is probably banking on the orange asshole going to prison. Even though Haley is ahead of desatan. rwnj jobs have a choice among crappy, crappier and traitor

Trump response: "If and when Kim Reynolds of Iowa endorses Ron DeSanctimonious, who is absolutely dying in the polls both in Iowa and Nationwide, it will be the end of her political career in that MAGA would never support her again..."

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (NCgXW)

11 Friends don't arrest Friends

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (fwDg9)

12 Out: "Firey But Mostly Peaceful Protests"
IN: "Passionate Protests"

NEXT: Somewhat Homicidal Protests

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (guGkK)

13 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (Zz0t1)

14 The pro-Hamas Palestinian Islamic Jihad protests in Washington DC spewed anti-Jewish anti-Israel and anti-democracy chants. They also left a trail of graffiti and vandalism: “Death to Israel” and “Glory to our Martyrs,” among other violent antisemitic messages that glorify


Dude. They put hears around "Free Gaza". That means that they're loving.

What else do you need?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (GBKbO)

15 So many fingerprints!

Nothing a few tubs of turpentine and sandblasting can't remove!


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (bAJ1Y)

16 Just in time for tomorrow's elections.

Such a pity.

Posted by: rd at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (n949k)

17 @Not_the_Bee
The story about the Nashville shooter's manifesto has been CENSORED on Facebook and Google. 𝕏 is the only place to find this news.
Posted by: Mister Ghost at November 06, 2023 01:12 PM (TGPs7)

It's really amazing, how heavy and obvious the government control is.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (i9ffA)

18 So, how many arrests?

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (rj6Yv)

19 CIA Director went to the middle east. No idea why, I suspect Joey and Officer Harris are so incapacitated they are unable to get anyone to front for them who isn't already twitchy about their future.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (xhaym)

20 What happened in front of the White House on Saturday was a riot. It was not a protest. It was not passionate.

I would have assumed most riots to be passionate... and a tad insurrection-y.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (uvymP)

21 It's simple. The rulers cannot be guilty of insurrection. Only the traitors (us) can be.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (brAQZ)

22 17 It's really amazing, how heavy and obvious the government control is.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:14 PM (i9ffA)


And how the information is still out there.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (GBKbO)

23 sooo... i saw about 50 people storming in to the other house. um... yeah, there's should be a stack of bodies at the front door but DC so....

and just another reason to stay out of cities.

Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (KZaqS)

24 It is not a free press.

It is a Reichsministerium für Propaganda und Volksaufklärung.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (RIvkX)

25 So... who is benefitting from these passionate protests?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (mj0Qp)

The war president in waiting.

Posted by: Kindltot at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (xhaym)

26 Reminder: The media IS the ENEMY of the people.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (Zz0t1)

27 I've read that one person was arrested.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (MeG8a)

28 I wonder if something terroristy happens.. will they keep up pretending...

Posted by: Inogame at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (53oGX)

29 Mary Bruce is obviously from the "Let's go Brandon!" school of journalism.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (z5vMw)

30 "The protesters screamed vocal support for Palestine/Hamas at the Secret Service and even defied orders to stop."

And did the secret Service then proceed to blow their brains out with automatic weapons fire, and if not, why not?

Posted by: I.P. Daly at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (ysn/U)

31 So... who is benefitting from these passionate protests?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (mj0Qp)

My bet is same bunch that got Axelrod to come out today and say Biden needs to drop out of the race. Someone else is ready to seize power and Biden is now in the way.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (i9ffA)

32 >>So, how many arrests?

I am sure the Cops would have arrested any Journalists who refused to use the Regime Approved Terminology.

Posted by: garrett at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (WFWQE)

33 Hey!

Michael Caine
Hello all of you.

Posted by: Mister Ghost at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (TGPs7)

34 The war president in waiting.
Posted by: Kindltot at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (xhaym)

The Warlord Buttygag?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (guGkK)

35 This little pissant thinks it's absurd that Maria Bartiromo asked, "Why is this not an insurrection?"
Because it's a Client Group, of course.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (ELpxa)

36 Hey! It's not as if they put up posters of Israeli hostages. THAT would be criminal. This is Free Speech, like you say you support. Not violence.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (brAQZ)

37 Defacing government property...surely there are consequences for this assault!

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (8rsIm)

38 What happened in front of the White House on Saturday was a riot. It was not a protest. It was not passionate. These are people who openly support terrorism and genocide (chants of "from the river to the sea" were, of course, present). The only thing that stopped things from getting completely out of control was the strength of the fence they were trying to tear down.
It was passionate. Rioters often are.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (ELpxa)

39 When the Iranians stormed the US embassy and took everyone hostage that was just a passionate protest.

Posted by: steevy at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (FQmDC)

40 Wasn't a real protest. Description of the event didn't include "fiery."

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (z5vMw)

41 and just another reason to stay out of cities.
Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (KZaqS)

If you don't come for them, they will come for you.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (bAJ1Y)

42 I just want to emphasize again how interesting it is that the Muslim world is now calling on America to be the world police.

I remember when America enforcing morality across the globe, in particular in the Middle East, was the worst sign of imperialism in world history.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (GBKbO)

43 So... who is benefitting from these passionate protests?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (mj0Qp)

At a guess? The portion of the uniparty which wants to give the government an excuse to abandon Israel.

Gosh... look at how passionate our people are. Guess we'll need to back off.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (uvymP)

44 Reminder: The media IS the ENEMY of the people.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: Zombie Julius Streicher at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (guGkK)

45 This is really darkly funny. It's Hamas Democrats vs Biden-Hillary Democrats.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (i9ffA)

There's a difference? (unsocking)

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (ysn/U)

46 Mary Bruce: ABC News White House Correspondent.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (7850

Don't bring me down . . . . Bruce!

Posted by: ELO at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (4I/2K)

47 'passionate protests'

kd lange gone bad

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (geLO8)

48 "Thousands" of these vermin showed up? Only thousands?

I don't mean to imply that a thousand angry Jew-hating lunatics isn't a threat, but any half-assed leftwing cause easily gets tens or even hundreds of thousands to crawl into DC.

I'm surprised all the Hamas vermin could manage was thousands. Maybe their cause is so blood-soaked and insane that even the usual leftwing agitators and rent-a-mobs are too squeamish.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

49 The story about the Nashville shooter's manifesto has been CENSORED on Facebook and Google. X is the only place to find this news.
Posted by: Mister Ghost

Well, X and... AoSHQ, TGP, CTH, and ten thousand other websites.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (/QIWP)

50 27 I've read that one person was arrested.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (MeG8a)

Probably some Jew who objected. We can't have that.

Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (brAQZ)

51 Friends don't arrest Friends
Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 01:13 PM (fwDg9)

Skip with the truth bomb.

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (8rsIm)

52 HFS, they walked themselves into a funnel of death. If that were my home they forced the door of, that would have been a scene of nearly unspeakable carnage.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (0FoWg)

53 Reminder: The media IS the ENEMY of the people.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (Zz0t1)

The media is only one arm of the regime. Pop on your fisheye lens.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (bAJ1Y)

54 35 This little pissant thinks it's absurd that Maria Bartiromo asked, "Why is this not an insurrection?"
Because it's a Client Group, of course.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:16 PM (ELpxa)


It's not an insurrection if we're funding it!!!


Posted by: Just Lily at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (vivhj)

55 The 72 Olympics in Murich were known as the Passionate Olympics.

Posted by: garrett at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (WFWQE)

56 Hey, Secret Service, uniformed or not:

why are you not shooting these people

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (geLO8)

57 This is fine because there were no Capitol Police brutally murdered and paraded around like trophies like January 6th.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (Zz0t1)

58 As Dan Bongino's presidential platform says:

"Liberals Suck"

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (CecP5)

59 I'm surprised all the Hamas vermin could manage was thousands. Maybe their cause is so blood-soaked and insane that even the usual leftwing agitators and rent-a-mobs are too squeamish. Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

I heard the estimate was 300,000. They want to downplay how big the crowd was.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (7B5FA)

60 So I booked a Galapagos trip for 2024. You fly in to Ecuador and then to Galapagos. Before they’ll complete the booking, you need to fill out forms, upload passports -- basically get interrogated. Presumably this is all required by Ecuador’s immigration.

Wtf?? USA to illegal degenerates and criminals from third world shitholes – many from Ecuador -- invading across the Texas border: "Sure, come right in! Bring your dysfunction, your disease, your crippling poverty, and your monkeypox, and you’re all good.”

Third-world shitholes to Americans going on a trip they are surely planning to return from? "Fuck you, show me your papers, gringo.”

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (iFTx/)

61 I've read that one person was arrested.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (MeG8a)

Probably some Jew who objected. We can't have that.
Posted by: Eeyore at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (brAQZ)

To be fair, he was waving a Union Jack in Washington DC.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (bAJ1Y)

62 It would be very disappointing to American ideals if DC brought its streets under control and made it safe for our elected representatives.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (GBKbO)

63 Any caos is encouraged by the Leftists to end western civilization as we know it, or use to anyway

Posted by: Skip at November 06, 2023 01:20 PM (fwDg9)

64 AND THE PURGE BEGINS -2 hours ago:
� Protests in Washington DC are hitting next level as rioters rush people's houses

Just FYI: "Several news outlets reported on this incident and said the homeowner, Rahul Dubey, had allowed more than 70 protesters to take shelter in his house after a confrontation with the police over the violation of a 7 p.m. curfew on the night of June 1, 2020."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023 01:20 PM (IG4Id)

65 There are a few outlets reporting the tranny manifesto. Newsweek is one of them
Weirdly enough.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:20 PM (P5BwU)

The media is only one arm of the regime. Pop on your fisheye lens.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (bAJ1Y)

Walleye vision.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

67 Also Ben Franklin and General Rochambeau statues:
End Wokeness @EndWokeness 23h
What the hell did General Rochambeau (1781) do wrong to Palestinians?
Photos; Kick them in the nuts??

Visegrád 24 @visegrad24 Nov 5
Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Father of the U.S.

Today, anti-Israel protesters desecrated his statue. [videos and stills]

Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
New York County public defender Victoria Ruiz caught on camera destroying posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. Via @StopAntisemites
17 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (krqg6)

68 Riots are spontaneous. This was planned, organized, and executed.

Posted by: davidt at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (SYTee)

69 59 I'm surprised all the Hamas vermin could manage was thousands. Maybe their cause is so blood-soaked and insane that even the usual leftwing agitators and rent-a-mobs are too squeamish. Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

I heard the estimate was 300,000. They want to downplay how big the crowd was.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (7B5FA)

Doesn't look anywhere near 300k from the pics and video. And usually they deliberately over-count the number of leftwing assholes. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that would be the exact opposite of what they normally do.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (iFTx/)

70 Blue on Blue - what's not to like?

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (XetL6)

71 I wonder if there was any "River to the Sea" talk among the "Death to Israel" graffiti.

Posted by: Simple Stevo at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (Dgo06)

72 Several news outlets reported on this incident and said the homeowner, Rahul Dubey, had allowed more than 70 protesters to take shelter in his house after a confrontation with the police over the violation of a 7 p.m. curfew on the night of June 1, 2020."
Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023

What a fag.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:21 PM (0FoWg)

73 kd lange gone bad
Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (geLO

"gone"? The luster wore off that turd a long time ago, when she lent her name and image to the "Beef Stinks" campaign. Fuck her in the squeakhole with a red-hot posthole auger.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (ysn/U)

74 One positive aspect of Muslim protests is that they don't ransack liquor stores or the Nike shoe outlets as part of their fight for justice.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (/11g9)

You can't call this an Insurrection, because-

all the participants had Insurrectile Disfunction.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (QzZeQ)

76 Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Father of the U.S.

Today, anti-Israel protesters desecrated his statue. [videos and stills]


They got triggered by the Jewish name, Benjamin...

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (8rsIm)

77 So I booked a Galapagos trip for 2024.

Good for you, Elric. You won't regret it. My son and I went in 2014. It's a beautiful place.

Hopefully, you won't get seasick like we did going from one island to another.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (JrojV)

78 Several news outlets reported on this incident and said the homeowner, Rahul Dubey, had allowed more than 70 protesters to take shelter in his house after a confrontation with the police over the violation of a 7 p.m. curfew on the night of June 1, 2020."
Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023

I hope they shit in his entryway.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (Zz0t1)

79 Its



Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:23 PM (RIvkX)

80 They bring a yarmulke to a rally, you bring a knife!

Posted by: Barky O at November 06, 2023 01:23 PM (o9iNw)

81 I'm surprised all the Hamas vermin could manage was thousands. Maybe their cause is so blood-soaked and insane that even the usual leftwing agitators and rent-a-mobs are too squeamish. Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

I heard the estimate was 300,000. They want to downplay how big the crowd was.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (7B5FA)

I saw aerial video of it time forwarded. It was a lot of fucking people. More than just “thousands”.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:23 PM (P5BwU)

82 Alina Habba, Trumps very attractive attorney, is slamming, and I mean slamming the Judge, The Trial, and James

What an appeal this is going to be.

Especially after the Judge saying he is not here to hear Trump

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 06, 2023 01:23 PM (pVWRI)

83 Why wouldn't they? Blinken was in the Wear Bank this morning letting them know that behind the scenes this administration who "stands with Israel" *wink* is pushing for a ceasefire.

Just as the IDF starts making real progress and killing Hamas leadership two at a time.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (bNcG+)

84 Yet 22 "Republicans " voted against censor of the leader of the Hamas Caucus in Congress....

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (TzW+Y)

85 If my neighbor invited Hamas into our neighborhood as a virtue signal, I'd break in when he went out for monkeypox salve, and take a shit on his kitchen countertop.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (0FoWg)

86 sooo... i saw about 50 people storming in to the other house. um... yeah, there's should be a stack of bodies at the front door but DC so....

and just another reason to stay out of cities.
Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (KZaqS)

Or at least stay out of the blue shitholes.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (BdMk6)

87 Hamas is a formally classified terrorist group (or at least, it sometimes is). People marching in support of it are persons of interest no matter what - even if they *don't* engage in property destruction and trespass and even if they aren't openly threatening violence.

And you can be sure the feds know who every one of those people are, where they live, what they do for work, who their families and friends are. Odd how the fed gov isn't running them down to every corner of the country like they did during Jan6...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (ELpxa)

88 One positive aspect of Muslim protests is that they don't ransack liquor stores or the Nike shoe outlets as part of their fight for justice.

They have also been noted to possess a curious immunity to the lure of free soap, deodorant and other personal grooming products.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (guGkK)

89 Alina Habba, Trumps very attractive attorney,

*does image search*

Habba habba!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (Zz0t1)

90 Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (Zz0t1)

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (0FoWg)


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (0FoWg)

91 74 One positive aspect of Muslim protests is that they don't ransack liquor stores or the Nike shoe outlets as part of their fight for justice.
Weave shops pray for Muslim protests.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (XetL6)

92 77 So I booked a Galapagos trip for 2024.

Good for you, Elric. You won't regret it. My son and I went in 2014. It's a beautiful place.

Hopefully, you won't get seasick like we did going from one island to another.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (JrojV)

Thanks! I'm taking my mom for her birthday. My brother and his wife are coming too. We haven't gotten sea- or motion-sick so far, and we are experienced adventure travelers. We can hope . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (iFTx/)

93 84 Yet 22 "Republicans " voted against censor of the leader of the Hamas Caucus in Congress....
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (TzW+Y)


Because the GOP is a bullshit party that wants my money, not my vote.

A serious GOP would censure its own members for that sort of stuff. Strip them of committee assignments.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (GBKbO)

94 Or at least stay out of the blue shitholes.
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (BdMk6)
So, the cities. Most cities are. Some are less far along on the curve than others, retarded by state government and surrounding areas - but they're all on the road.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (ELpxa)

95 I feel pretty passionate at times too

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (xcxpd)

96 And did the secret Service then proceed to blow their brains out with automatic weapons fire, and if not, why not?
Posted by: I.P. Daly at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (ysn/U)

Miss Lindsey wasn't there to give them orders to do so.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:25 PM (uvymP)

97 Bonchie.... Bonchie.. I know that name from somewhere I never go anymore.

Posted by: Reforger at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (Hzvwc)


Palestinians are the Haitians of Somalia...

Posted by: B. Rodriguez at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (HRQvT)

99 I could put an end to all rioting and looting and shoplifting. Today.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (RIvkX)

100 And usually they deliberately over-count the number of leftwing assholes. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that would be the exact opposite of what they normally do.
Posted by: Elric Blade

Think about why their calculus might be different with this particular riot, in this particular location. The MFM wants you to think their side has fewer actual Nazis than there are, especially Nazis on their side literally storming the White House.

I'm surprised they're not saying "dozens".

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (/QIWP)

101 And in the UK for Remembrance Week...

GB News @GBNEWS 7h
Poppies STRIPPED from Rochdale cenotaph as activists dress monument with Palestinian flags

Not single lapel poppies but the poppy-wreaths laid by local government and veterans' organizations like the Royal British Legion.

Inc.Monocle @IncMonocle 8h
🚨 As two young British servicemen [andy: sailors] walk though Trafalgar Square, they were on the receiving end of some abusive language, with the man on the right of the frame making a spitting motion toward them. Out of frame he reached for my phone as I walked past. Date taken 4/11/23 #Israel

This is where we are.
12 seconds; not violent but disrespectful.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (krqg6)

102 I could put an end to all rioting and looting and shoplifting. Today.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (RIvkX)

Is there anything left to shoplift in San Franshitsco?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (Zz0t1)

103 What U.S. city is not a blue sh*thole?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (RIvkX)

104 Lemme try this joke again:

You can't call this a Passionate Protest, because-

all of the participants had Insurrectile Dysfunction.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (QzZeQ)

105 Was that beheaded baby blood on the gates?

If not, these dum dums are slipping.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (ufFY8)

106 Alina Habba, Trumps very attractive attorney,

*does image search*

Habba habba!

Trump sure does have a good eye for the lovely ladies.

Except Ivana. I never thought she was all that attractive.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (JrojV)

107 81 I'm surprised all the Hamas vermin could manage was thousands. Maybe their cause is so blood-soaked and insane that even the usual leftwing agitators and rent-a-mobs are too squeamish. Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

I heard the estimate was 300,000. They want to downplay how big the crowd was.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (7B5FA)

I saw aerial video of it time forwarded. It was a lot of fucking people. More than just “thousands”.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:23 PM (P5BwU)

Link? I've done searches and all the pics and video seem to be taken from a low angle, which is always what you do when you want to make a crowd look bigger than it is. It also looks like the same bunch of scumbags over and over.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (iFTx/)

108 Haitians of Somalia...
Posted by: B. Rodriguez at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (HRQvT)

Let's be fair. Haitians are like a race of galactic beings of made pure energy compared to Somalis.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (0FoWg)

109 ... @IncMonocle
🚨 As two young British servicemen [andy: sailors] walk though Trafalgar Square, they were on the receiving end of some abusive language, with the man on the right of the frame making a spitting motion toward them. Out of frame he reached for my phone as I walked past. Date taken 4/11/23 #Israel

This is where we are. ...
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (krqg6)
Goodbye, Britain. You were great in your day, but you've permitted yourself to be colonized and the end is now almost upon you.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (ELpxa)

110 >Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (ysn/U)

great voice though

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (geLO8)

111 Oak Island's new season starts tomorrow night. Hold your water.

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (XetL6)

112 could put an end to all rioting and looting and shoplifting. Today.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (RIvkX)

Take out the instigators and it stops. Funny how our LE can track down gamma who was three blocks from J6 but can't find Antifa leaders...

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (z5vMw)

113 At least the Palis didn't burn the place down and kill hundreds like the MAGA insurgents did.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (4UJZ+)

114 Not really relevant, but willowed:

Guy was stranded on the side of a 3 lane road when his vehicle ran out of gas. He put his hazards and called his grandmother to assist. She showed up with a can of gas, parked behind and put on her hazards. She stood in the grass as he stood in the street filling the vehicle from the gas can.

A car rapidly approached from behind, finally realizing the vehicles were stopped and slammed on the brakes. She sat there for a short period of time, then began honking her horn, demanding they move out of the way.............
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:12 PM (Zz0t1)

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (Zz0t1)

115 Passionate Protests??

Oh, it's bunch of kids goofing off on a Saturday night.

Posted by: dantesed at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (88xKn)

116 Is it illegal to modify a vacuum robot to shoot a gun and laugh?

Posted by: humphreyrobot at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (gzplO)

117 I guess I'm a bad person. I read about people storming the White House and I just nod and wish them success.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (xcxpd)

118 Oak Island's new season starts tomorrow night. Hold your water.
Posted by: Puddinhead at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (XetL6)

There can't be any island left at this point, can there?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (Zz0t1)

119 and President Grandpa was at the beach while this was going on, right?

Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (geLO8)

120 Is there anything left to shoplift in San Franshitsco?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:27 PM (Zz0t1)
I'll let you know when I pick up my pre-ordered deodorant at Target later.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (RIvkX)

121 Passionate protests? I'm curious to hear the Paolo's take on this.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at November 06, 2023 01:30 PM (fs1hN)

122 great voice though
Posted by: DB - at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (geLO

She did. But she shit on her own homies. No forgiveness for that coont.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:30 PM (ysn/U)

123 Oak Island's new season starts tomorrow night.

I'm surprised that there's any of that island left to dig up.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:30 PM (JrojV)

124 Heavy equipment operators love Oak Island.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 06, 2023 01:31 PM (R4t5M)

125 This is really darkly funny. It's Hamas Democrats vs Biden-Hillary Democrats.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (i9ffA)

There's a difference? (unsocking)
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (ysn/U)

There is no difference. One and the same.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at November 06, 2023 01:31 PM (BdMk6)

126 So glad we fought a f**king War On Terrorism just to see terrorism passionately committed on U.S. soil.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 06, 2023 01:32 PM (lf83v)

127 There can't be any island left at this point, can there?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

Jack: "We're, uh, we're about to open this here door and, uh..."


"嘿! 我勒个去? 你是谁?"

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023 01:32 PM (IG4Id)

128 ===
I'll let you know when I pick up my pre-ordered deodorant at Target later.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:29 PM (RIvkX)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:32 PM (Zz0t1)

129 This is really darkly funny. It's Hamas Democrats vs Biden-Hillary Democrats.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:11 PM (i9ffA)

There's a difference? (unsocking)
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (ysn/U)
Yes. The "Biden-Hillary" idea is wrong, though. No such thing. Biden is an Obama tool. Hillary, for all her despicable evil, was a gangster. Obama's crew is different and worse.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (ELpxa)

130 Trying not get my hopes up that Cameron actually has a chance tomorrow.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (Dm8we)

131 They were just passionately austere religious scholars.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (JrojV)

132 @8

>>So... who is benefitting from these passionate protests?

Obviously the maniacs who are running things feel they benefit from the chaos and anarchy and can leverage it for "fundamental transformation."

As has been noted, the summer of 24 is going to be, as the kids say, LITAF.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (rc3Z7)

133 I'm laughing at how pissed off these people are going to be when Israel wins this war quickly. They still haven't grasped that not only will it happen, but the inevitability of it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (i9ffA)

134 OT but if Dave Attell is not ace’s favorite comedian I don’t know why he’s not. ace should be a writer for Dave. They are on the same wavelength.

( just finished listening to Attell on Pandora)

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (MNhXM)

135 >>>The White House gates this morning after passionate protests over the weekend.

--ABC News Chief White House Correspondent

Really, seriously: How dare a White House Correspondent say that.

Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (LdYi7)

136 Yes. The "Biden-Hillary" idea is wrong, though. No such thing. Biden is an Obama tool. Hillary, for all her despicable evil, was a gangster. Obama's crew is different and worse.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (ELpxa)

Cthulhu for Pres! Why settle for a lesser Evil?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (ysn/U)

137 Trump is making a joke of the NYC judge, as the latter has to pretend land is valued the same everywhere.

Serious question: do the DC 7's like Mary Bruce get their self worth by being passed around from lobbyist to congressional staffer, hoping to one day be DP'd by white house staffers? Is this some weird lack of self-esteem that comes from working in journalism?

Posted by: UwU_Power at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (Iu84W)

138 Link? I've done searches and all the pics and video seem to be taken from a low angle, which is always what you do when you want to make a crowd look bigger than it is. It also looks like the same bunch of scumbags over and over.
Posted by: Elric Blade

Twitter link

I've seen other, even higher altitude pics. The crowd resembles Obama's first inauguration. Easily 300,000.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (/QIWP)

139 123 Oak Island's new season starts tomorrow night.

I'm surprised that there's any of that island left to dig up.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:30 PM (JrojV)

You'd think they'd have turned it into an unassailable Templar Sea Fortress by now.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (zZu0s)

140 Any conservative who pays any attention to the new, improved Bill Maher is an idiot.

His immediate attacks on the new Speaker for being dangerous because "too Christ-y" made me puke in my throat.

This is the same comedian (that's what he calls himself) who said that "Trump's mouth is just a holster for Putin's cock."

This guy is asshoe, from Day 1 to Day Now.

A lot of conservatives are deluding themselves about the "new" Bill Maher.

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)

141 Trump should turn to this left wing nutjob Judge and say "Fuck You" and walk out.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (pVWRI)

142 Yeah, I'm just gonna 10-mile-tomato this one: if a violent mob wants to storm the white house or menace DC, I don't care.

Posted by: They can be as passionate as they want. AFAIAC. at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (CjGGv)

143 They're going to put on the vests soon.

Posted by: Not trying to be mean but... at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (VLqtF)

144 >>>The White House gates this morning after passionate protests over the weekend.

Her post currently has 4,795 comments.

Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (LdYi7)

145 Trying not get my hopes up that Cameron actually has a chance tomorrow.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (Dm8we)


I'm almost positive that after tomorrow's election our city will have made the full transition to commie.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (DRSnL)

146 Attell is a funny guy.
His show on C. Central was very entertaining.

Posted by: garrett at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (WFWQE)

147 and just another reason to stay out of cities.
Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (KZaqS)

If you don't come for them, they will come for you.
Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:17 PM (bAJ1Y)

they're more than willing to try. but interestingly enough, i doubt it'll happen. there's a rather large presence of like minded individuals on my street. not to mention, we're way away from important parts of the city. they try marching here, it'll be a barricade at the entrance.

Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (KZaqS)

148 There is no difference. One and the same.
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at November 06, 2023 01:31 PM (BdMk6)

no, the Biden Democrats know that they still need the big money from their high-roller secular Jewish donor base, who are pissed off about what the wankers on the ground are up to.

Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (i9ffA)

149 Wtf?? USA to illegal degenerates and criminals from third world shitholes – many from Ecuador -- invading across the Texas border: "Sure, come right in! Bring your dysfunction, your disease, your crippling poverty, and your monkeypox, and you’re all good.”

Third-world shitholes to Americans going on a trip they are surely planning to return from? "Fuck you, show me your papers, gringo.”
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (iFTx/)

They're just trying to make sure you're not some of the trash they sent north trying to come back.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (uvymP)

150 If yoou counter protest islamic terrorism how many years do you get? 5? 8? Life?

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (17s+e)


I've seen other, even higher altitude pics. The crowd resembles Obama's first inauguration. Easily 300,000.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (/QIWP)

Explains why we were so sadly neglected.

Posted by: The Goats at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (ysn/U)

152 140 This is the same comedian (that's what he calls himself) who said that "Trump's mouth is just a holster for Putin's cock."

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)


I thought that was Colbert.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (GBKbO)

153 Goodbye, Britain. You were great in your day, but you've permitted yourself to be colonized and the end is now almost upon you.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (ELpxa)

And us?? The barbarians are inside the gate. Only a matter of time until we are the Brits.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (ivc7k)

154 108 Haitians of Somalia...
Posted by: B. Rodriguez at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (HRQvT)

Let's be fair. Haitians are like a race of galactic beings of made pure energy compared to Somalis.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (0FoWg)

I like Haitians. I've dated a few. My conclusion is that Haitians themselves are generally respectable, resourceful, and successful when allowed to succeed. It's their government and all its allies -- UN, NGOs, fake leftwing charities, etc -- that is such a steaming pile of dysfunctional toxic dogshit that the country is forever doomed. The smart Haitians get the fuck out and never look back.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (iFTx/)

155 I am expecting the Junta will soon tell Decrepit Joe he must make a "major speech" in which he will say H@te Has No Home Here, will condemn h@tred and violence by "all sides," and give additional bromides and total BS that the Handlers believe will make the Democrat Base anti-Semites think Joe's on their side, while making J--s think he's not selling them out. Including statistics that DoJ will cook-up showing anti-Semitic AND anti-Muslim violence and h@te speech are increasing across the nation.

Posted by: Gref at November 06, 2023 01:37 PM (5fDan)

156 @126

>>So glad we fought a f**king War On Terrorism just to see terrorism passionately committed on U.S. soil.

Any and all, War On XYZ, is simply an Op hiding an alternative agenda.

Remember, an LE/IC "failure" to sniff out a plot by 19 muslim men to crash airplanes into buildings, resulted in Little White Haired Ladies being felt up at airports and supercharging muslim immigration into the west.

As the saying goes...

Everything is an Op.
Everything is Bullshit.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 01:37 PM (rc3Z7)

157 This is the same comedian (that's what he calls himself) who said that "Trump's mouth is just a holster for Putin's cock."

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)

So, does that make Biden a holster for Zelensky's cock?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:37 PM (Zz0t1)

158 It would be a hoot if the Oak Island guys got to the bottom of the well and found both the complete Nashville manifesto and Epstein's client list. I can hear the British guy saying "ooo look at that"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 06, 2023 01:37 PM (tokkD)

159 I'd be willing to bet a steak dinner at Bobby Van's in D.C. that if I walked along spraying a Star of David over the pro-Palestinian graffiti, I'd get arrested on the spot.

Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 01:37 PM (njExo)

160 A lot of conservatives are deluding themselves about the "new" Bill Maher.
Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)

Blind hog, acorn.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:38 PM (ysn/U)

161 I'm soooo ready!

Just got word that I'm being flown out to the USS Gearld Ford carrier to take over command. Apparently there's intel that Iran is on the prowl and ole' Joe needs a competent, steady, Iran experienced hand on the till. When it comes to reliable, proven mid-east policy and diplomacy,,

Who you gonna' call?

That's right JIMMY C BABY!

Posted by: Jimmy Carter at November 06, 2023 01:38 PM (X4yCj)


Link? I've done searches and all the pics and video seem to be taken from a low angle, which is always what you do when you want to make a crowd look bigger than it is. It also looks like the same bunch of scumbags over and over.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (iFTx/)

It was on twatter but I don’t remember where and don’t have a link unfortunately.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:38 PM (P5BwU)

163 And us?? The barbarians are inside the gate. Only a matter of time until we are the Brits.
Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (ivc7k)
Yes. We're not as far along and have more time than they do to try to deal with it. Like them, though, we will not.

I think that the only Western country that that has the territory, demography and cultural pride to possibly survive and be the standard-bearer is France. They're not a sure thing, but it's where I'd put money down on a long-odds bet.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:38 PM (ELpxa)

164 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (GBKbO)


Hey, TJM, I got to season 15 of Taskmaster and had to bail in the first episode when Greg started calling that tranny broad "they." I thoroughly enjoyed up until then, so thanks for the recommendation.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (DRSnL)

165 >>I like Haitians. I've dated a few.

"I was gonna wear a condom...but, then I thought to myself -'When is the next time I'm going to be in Haiti'."

Posted by: Bad Idea Jeans at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (WFWQE)

166 The luster wore off that turd a long time ago, when she lent her name and image to the "Beef Stinks" campaign.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:22 PM (ysn/U)

Sadly, I never saw that. There's probably some day I brutally murdered a different food animal for consumption when I could have been reminded of cow.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (uvymP)

167 "I was gonna wear a condom...but, then I thought to myself -'When is the next time I'm going to be in Haiti'."
Posted by: Bad Idea Jeans at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (WFWQE)
"You rent, don't you?"

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (ELpxa)

168 Sponge,
Your school came in 3rd. Congratulations!
Ours... not so good...23rd😱😱

Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (EneHm)

169 164 Hey, TJM, I got to season 15 of Taskmaster and had to bail in the first episode when Greg started calling that tranny broad "they." I thoroughly enjoyed up until then, so thanks for the recommendation.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:39 PM (DRSnL)


Still, a funny season.

Season 16 is up to episode 7 now.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (GBKbO)

170 I was passionate about Paul Masson wine without ever leaving my chair.

Posted by: Orson Welles at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (DZrNt)

171 152 140 This is the same comedian (that's what he calls himself) who said that "Trump's mouth is just a holster for Putin's cock."

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)


I thought that was Colbert.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (GBKbO)

Not sure but it couldn't be Colbert if it actually was said by a comedian. Colbert is an activist.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (xcxpd)

172 138 Link? I've done searches and all the pics and video seem to be taken from a low angle, which is always what you do when you want to make a crowd look bigger than it is. It also looks like the same bunch of scumbags over and over.
Posted by: Elric Blade

Twitter link

I've seen other, even higher altitude pics. The crowd resembles Obama's first inauguration. Easily 300,000.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (/QIWP)

I gotta disagree, that camera is deliberately panning to show only the concentration of people -- while if you look at the edges there's few people there. No way that's anywhere near 300k. I will grant it's more than a few thousand, though.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (iFTx/)

173 A lot of conservatives are deluding themselves about the "new" Bill Maher.
Posted by: mnw

Maher *has* to throw the left some bones, or he doesn't get to stay on television at all. He's doing good, even with that absolute requirement.

My prediction: he will go streaming within a year, and then his audience will increase a hundred fold, and he won't be bound by the aforementioned chain.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (/QIWP)

174 You can see how angry the NPCs are in their own country. DC, NY, Chicago, etc.

What keeps them under control in the rump US is the knowledge that they'd get pulverized for acting like they do on their own soil.

Can you imagine the pressure-cooker of clogged up, unsatisfied rage inside of red state NPCs? I think that probably explains the Nashville Tittychopper Murders.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (0FoWg)

175 Joke from the 80s:

Q. What's the hardest thing about having AIDS?
A. Convincing your mother that you're Haitian.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (JrojV)

176 I bet if you were eating a BLT within ten blocks of a pro paleosimian terrorist protest you'd be locked up for 6-9 years. Hate crime enhancement.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at November 06, 2023 01:41 PM (17s+e)

177 171 Not sure but it couldn't be Colbert if it actually was said by a comedian. Colbert is an activist.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (xcxpd)


Fair point.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:41 PM (GBKbO)

178 Not sure but it couldn't be Colbert if it actually was said by a comedian. Colbert is an activist.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (xcxpd)


Fair point.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:41 PM (GBKbO)
It was Colbert.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at November 06, 2023 01:41 PM (ScR16)

179 Bill Maher still has TDS. But things like Israel, Covid and most importantly free speech, he’s on your side. He’s not 100% with youMaybe not even 50%. But take the win where you can.

This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (P5BwU)

180 Maher will never let go of his anti-Christian bigotry, nor his deeply held belief that climate change is the most important issue in the world.

It's amusing when he beats on the left, though. Unimportant because no one listens to him.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (GBKbO)

181 So glad we fought a f**king War On Terrorism just to see terrorism passionately committed on U.S. soil.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot

And people wonder why veterans are a grumpy lot.

Posted by: SMH at God's grace at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (32R9e)

182 149 Wtf?? USA to illegal degenerates and criminals from third world shitholes – many from Ecuador -- invading across the Texas border: "Sure, come right in! Bring your dysfunction, your disease, your crippling poverty, and your monkeypox, and you’re all good.”

Third-world shitholes to Americans going on a trip they are surely planning to return from? "Fuck you, show me your papers, gringo.”
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:19 PM (iFTx/)

They're just trying to make sure you're not some of the trash they sent north trying to come back.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (uvymP)

Maybe. But booking a cruise seems an odd way of sneaking back . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (iFTx/)

183 Biff P

I think Cameron (R) will win tomorrow in KY. It's OK to get your hopes up.

I look at the trend in polling over time, more than the bottomline, & it's pretty clear Cameron has the momentum.

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (NLIak)

184 56 Hey, Secret Service, uniformed or not: why are you not shooting these people

Same reason Biden's dog skated on the biting a federal officer charge.

Posted by: Auspex at November 06, 2023 01:43 PM (j4U/Z)

185 Sponge,
Your school came in 3rd. Congratulations!
Ours... not so good...23rd😱😱
Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (EneHm)

Yes. Saw that. Not sure how they finished 2nd in prelims, then got hopped, but it's BoA, so......

Daughter and her boyfriend were actually there for finals. Said our show was really good.

23 out of 65 isn't all that bad.

I'm betting you guys don't spend all the money on designers and choreographers that we do........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:43 PM (Zz0t1)

186 Bill Maher still has TDS. But things like Israel, Covid and most importantly free speech, he’s on your side. He’s not 100% with youMaybe not even 50%. But take the win where you can.

This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.
Posted by: Montec

Take their support on the battles in which they agree and fight them tooth and nail on those which they dont.

Posted by: BruceWayne at November 06, 2023 01:43 PM (CIS44)

187 179 Bill Maher still has TDS. But things like Israel, Covid and most importantly free speech, he’s on your side. He’s not 100% with youMaybe not even 50%. But take the win where you can.

This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (P5BwU)


I'll happily not consider him an enemy when he says that people who think that climate change isn't a real concern are less dangerous than Islamic terrorists.

All he's doing is trying to retain a certain order of the leftist social hierarchy with him near the top. He's not my friend. He's in the enemy camp and will not decamp for any reason.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (GBKbO)

188 Posted by: SMH at God's grace at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (32R9e)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (Zz0t1)

189 How was that, Mr. Stephanopoulos?

Posted by: Mary Bruce, ABC News' Chief White House Correspondent at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (4I/2K)

190 I think Cameron (R) will win tomorrow in KY. It's OK to get your hopes up.

I look at the trend in polling over time, more than the bottomline, & it's pretty clear Cameron has the momentum.
Posted by: mnw at November 06,

I hope so. It will be entertaining for a few days

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (WVAwc)

191 Hey Sponge. : )

Posted by: SMH at God's grace at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (32R9e)

192 Maher is a libertarian. The kind who will bend over backwards to find common ground with the left, i.e open borders, or defunding the police, even though the reasons for wanting those things are 180 degrees apart. But when it comes to the right, and slight difference is grounds for casting out forever.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy MAGA Extremist at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (57chq)

193 We are ruled by profoundly evil people.

They will not give up power willingly.

They don't care about "norms" except as they can use them for their own power.

This won't end well.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (zjgNU)

194 So glad we fought a f**king War On Terrorism just to see terrorism passionately committed on U.S. soil.
Our elites chose to waste over a trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives when they lied and forced on us the lie, "Islam means peace."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (TzW+Y)

195 A lot of conservatives are deluding themselves about the "new" Bill Maher.
Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:35 PM (NLIak)

i don't think it's so much praising him as allowing when he gets something right. broken clock and all.

Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (KZaqS)

Too bad the Bidens' nasty, bitey dogs were exiled.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (lCaJd)

197 This will all be settled equitably
there is no CW II.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (Okeht)

198 Bill Maher still has TDS. But things like Israel, Covid and most importantly free speech, he’s on your side. He’s not 100% with youMaybe not even 50%. But take the win where you can.

This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (P5BwU)

Sorry, I don't give a rats ass about ANYTHING Bill Maher says. Not one thing.

He's not on my side, no matter WHAT he happens to be slightly correct on.

I don't NEED that f*ck on my side. Ever.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (Zz0t1)

199 Madison

You're right. It was Colbert, not Maher who said that.

Posted by: mnw at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (NLIak)

200 190 I think Cameron (R) will win tomorrow in KY. It's OK to get your hopes up.

I look at the trend in polling over time, more than the bottomline, & it's pretty clear Cameron has the momentum.
Posted by: mnw at November 06,


The polls before were bullshit designed to sell one narrative (that the D was easily going to win). The new poll is out to sell another narrative (that the race is close and Democrats should vote).

It's all bullshit. It's all an op, and treating them seriously as actual data is silly.

What incentive did the pollsters have to try and get it right 5 weeks ago when the D was up heavily, especially when they can just say, "Well, everything just changed in the final fortnight, like always."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (GBKbO)

201 Maher still has TDS. But things like Israel, Covid and most importantly free speech, he’s on your side. He’s not 100% with youMaybe not even 50%. But take the win where you can.

This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:42 PM (P5BwU)

It’s less than 10% but that said you can take the win and still think he’s a douchebag who will revert back to the it’s all relative Lefty he is.

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (MNhXM)

202 I admit I could be wrong about Maher. But none of us here have read his contract. Tucker had chains controlled by Fox, too. He still might.

But if Maher doesn't throw them some leftist doggy treats, he's yanked inside a week, and then he goes from 60 percent red pilling to ZERO.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (/QIWP)

203 192 Maher is a libertarian. The kind who will bend over backwards to find common ground with the left, i.e open borders, or defunding the police,


Not sure about open borders, probably. But he’s not a defund the police guy and never was.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (P5BwU)

204 This guy is asshoe, from Day 1 to Day Now.

A lot of conservatives are deluding themselves about the "new" Bill Maher.
Posted by: mnw
Still believes the Russian collusion and "fine people" bullshit too.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 01:46 PM (krqg6)

205 Keep it up assholes, our protest won't be peaceful, but it will be passionate.

Posted by: Mo, Ham, & Ed at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (FjlUt)

206 @187

>>I'll happily not consider him an enemy when he says that people who think that climate change isn't a real concern are less dangerous than Islamic terrorists.

I don't even know what people mean when they say the words, "Climate Change," changing from what?

The earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, it's had a lot of different climates.

Are they talking about the climate as it was 1 billion years ago, 250 million years ago, 250k years ago, 1000 years ago?

I mean, what are we doing here Bob?

Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (rc3Z7)

207 The FBI has 100 agents tasked with monitoring school board meetings.

Zero agents are allowed to monitor Muslim terrorists in America.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (TzW+Y)

208 Still, a funny season.

Season 16 is up to episode 7 now.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:40 PM (GBKbO)


I would LOVE to see Richard Ayoade on there at some point.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (DRSnL)

209 I just realized that the headline has a misspelling. It’s “fiery,” not “firey.”

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (JrojV)

210 99 I could put an end to all rioting and looting and shoplifting. Today.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 06, 2023 01:26 PM (RIvkX)


Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (LdYi7)

211 207 The FBI has 100 agents tasked with monitoring school board meetings.

Zero agents are allowed to monitor Muslim terrorists in America.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (TzW+Y)


John Dillinger had nothing on a mom not wanting her kid to read Gender Queer.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (GBKbO)

212 192 Maher is a libertarian. The kind who will bend over backwards to find common ground with the left, i.e open borders, or defunding the police, even though the reasons for wanting those things are 180 degrees apart. But when it comes to the right, and slight difference is grounds for casting out forever.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy MAGA Extremist at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (57chq)

Maybe. I don't know what he is or what to call him. He was 100% a liberal Democrat for years. But as that ideology moved ever leftward to shithouse-rat levels of crazy, he didn't move to the left with them.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (iFTx/)

213 I’m a Jew at ‘The Guardian.’ I Don’t Feel Safe at Work.

An anonymous employee describes the hostile environment at Britain’s foremost left-leaning newspaper.

Posted by: SMH at God's grace at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (32R9e)

214 197 This will all be settled equitably
there is no CW II.
Posted by: Braenyard at November 06, 2023 01:45 PM (Okeht)

If there wasn't one after the 2021 coup, there never will be one. Doesn't mean the country won't break up though.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (xcxpd)

215 Cameron winning in Kentucky would mean the Senate seat would be safe should Turtle retire or die. The legislature passed a bill saying that if a seat opens then the governor must pick from a list of replacements submitted by legislature. Breshear promised to fight the law, but with Cameron it would be moot

Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (tokkD)

216 23 out of 65 isn't all that bad.

I'm betting you guys don't spend all the money on designers and choreographers that we do........
Posted by: Sponge -
We spend but probably not at your levels. We're going to Nationals though so not making finals stings. We were the only Texas band going to Nationals that competed in SA and didn't make finals.
Are semi's top 32 for Nationals?

Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (EneHm)

217 Let's be fair. Haitians are like a race of galactic beings of made pure energy compared to Somalis.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:28 PM (0FoWg)

I like Haitians. I've dated a few. My conclusion is that Haitians themselves are generally respectable, resourceful, and successful when allowed to succeed. It's their government and all its allies -- UN, NGOs, fake leftwing charities, etc -- that is such a steaming pile of dysfunctional toxic dogshit that the country is forever doomed. The smart Haitians get the fuck out and never look back.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:36 PM (iFTx/

This is true. My mother's from South America, and her friends would call Haitians the Jews of the Caribbean.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (78508)

218 208 I would LOVE to see Richard Ayoade on there at some point.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (DRSnL)


Little Alex Horne has said that his most wanted contestant would be Stephen Merchant. That would be good. Him and Ayoade on a team together...Gold. Comedy gold.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (GBKbO)

219 Maria Bartiromo is asking for an erection?

Posted by: guy who doesn't really pay attaention at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (v0R5T)

220 Ann Althouse at least has tits. That's two more points in her favor than Bill Maher has.

Posted by: He sucked in DC Cab too. at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (CjGGv)

221 I'm laughing at how pissed off these people are going to be when Israel wins this war quickly. They still haven't grasped that not only will it happen, but the inevitability of it.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:33 PM (i9ffA)

The IDF is now denying that they targeted Shifa complex solar panels.

The wrong people are running the show here.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (bAJ1Y)

222 It never ceases to amaze me how so many members in good standing of the Alphabet of Victimhood are out there waving Palestinian flags and flexing their anti-Semitism, when the leaders of the "oppressed" would gladly hang them from cranes or stone them to death. The combination of ignorance and schizophrenia is a marvel to behold.

Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (njExo)

223 This is so often the thing with the right. Unless someone is 10000% with you they’re the enemy.
Posted by: Montec

Not so much 'enemy' as 'a leftie that will flip in an instant and stab your ass when he has a mob behind him.'

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (IG4Id)

224 I would LOVE to see Richard Ayoade on there at some point.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (DRSnL)

They put Matt Berry on with him, I'll watch it.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (xcxpd)

225 If you want to see the real Bill Maher watch his podcast, called Club Random on YouTube. You won’t agree with everything he says but you’ll agree with a lot of it.

He also has guests like Jordan Peterson, JFK Jr, Kid Rock, Candace Owens, Dave Rubin on. If nothing else he gives people from all sides a platform platform.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (P5BwU)

226 222 It never ceases to amaze me how so many members in good standing of the Alphabet of Victimhood are out there waving Palestinian flags and flexing their anti-Semitism, when the leaders of the "oppressed" would gladly hang them from cranes or stone them to death. The combination of ignorance and schizophrenia is a marvel to behold.
Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (njExo)

They think they can use Muslims as a weapon against Christians.

They don't think any farther than that.

Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (UnA8+)

227 Maher used to have conservatives on his "Politically Incorrect" show. Cal Thomas, for one. And Barbara Olsen was killed on 9/11 because she was flying out to LA to be on the show.

Maher's always been good on free speech.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (JrojV)

228 Still believes the Russian collusion and "fine people" bullshit too.
Posted by: andycanuck

Today? How are you sure of that?

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (/QIWP)

229 224 I would LOVE to see Richard Ayoade on there at some point.
Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:47 PM (DRSnL)

They put Matt Berry on with him, I'll watch it.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (xcxpd)


Matt Berry getting flustered because he can't get a string around a pole while blindfolded would be pure gold.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (GBKbO)

230 Cthulhu for Pres! Why settle for a lesser Evil?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (ysn/U)

Cthulhu was a pimp. -- Shub-Niggurath

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (uvymP)

231 Forget the Press the powers that be called it a" First amendment activity. "

Posted by: It's me donna at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (bs+z0)

232 {{{SMH}}}

Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (EneHm)

233 If Maher has JFK, jr. as a guest that is quite a feat, seeing as how JFK, jr. is, you know...

Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (MeG8a)

234 Look, if we thought this was a real insurrection, we would have had Ray Epps there.

Posted by: The FBI at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (hqVaF)

235 Ann Althouse at least has tits. That's two more points in her favor than Bill Maher has.
Posted by: He sucked in DC Cab too. at November 06, 2023 01:49 PM (CjGGv)


Totally forgot he was in DC Cab.

Posted by: Jordan61 at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (DRSnL)

236 From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Hamas-free!

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (YAtuc)

I've seen other, even higher altitude pics. The crowd resembles Obama's first inauguration. Easily 300,000.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM

It's a football stadium sized crowd. Maybe 100,000.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (enJYY)

238 If Maher has JFK, jr. as a guest that is quite a feat, seeing as how JFK, jr. is, you know...
Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (MeG8a)

Still voting Democrat, though.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (ysn/U)

239 Maybe. I don't know what he is or what to call him. He was 100% a liberal Democrat for years. But as that ideology moved ever leftward to shithouse-rat levels of crazy, he didn't move to the left with them.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (iFTx/)

He used to call himself a libertarian.

I think he's mostly just an unfunny asshole whose opinions no one should care about, but that's just me.

He has that smarmy "most people are nowhere near as smart as me and can't even begin to understand me" schtick down though.

And I guess that appeals to some people.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (mj0Qp)

240 Know what I'm passionate about?

Small Government.
Even Smaller Taxes.

Exactly the things this country was founded on.

Time to fix this shitshow, one way or another.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (HfzR0)

241 Jfk Jr, RFK Jr 220,221 whatever it takes

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (P5BwU)

242 I think Cameron is toast. He shouldn't be. He should win. But I'm getting bad-feeling vibes from this race and have been for a while.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (iFTx/)

243 233 If Maher has JFK, jr. as a guest that is quite a feat, seeing as how JFK, jr. is, you know...
Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:51 PM (MeG8a)


"He's only mostly dead."
-Miracle Max

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (GBKbO)

244 All he's doing is trying to retain a certain order of the leftist social hierarchy with him near the top. He's not my friend. He's in the enemy camp and will not decamp for any reason.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:44 PM (GBKbO)
True, dat. But all who support free speech and decry volent antisemitism are welcome for those moments!

TJM, was down in your neck of the palmetto swamp state last weekend, or your previous place anyway (not sure if you moved yet). Very nice part of the world.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (ZY5SV)

245 Maher used to have conservatives on his "Politically Incorrect" show. Cal Thomas, for one. And Barbara Olsen was killed on 9/11 because she was flying out to LA to be on the show.

Maher's always been good on free speech.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (JrojV)

That was the format of his show. One conservative, multiple liberals and a clapping lefty seal audience.

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 01:53 PM (MNhXM)

246 It's a football stadium sized crowd. Maybe 100,000.

That's too small for Michigan Stadium.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:53 PM (JrojV)

247 They think they can use Muslims as a weapon against Christians.

They don't think any farther than that.
Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (UnA8+)

Think they'll last long enough to remember the good old days of Christians repressing them through prayer?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 01:53 PM (z5vMw)

248 The video of billboard Chris having an Antifa punk get in his face but then having Muslim girls jump ugly on the Antifa guy is priceless. Not good at posting vids but it's part of Paul Joseph Watson's newest video.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (tokkD)

249 Are semi's top 32 for Nationals?
Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 01:48 PM (EneHm)

I honestly don't remember.

I just remember only one Texas team didn't make it to finals the year we went. 7 of 8 made it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (Zz0t1)

250 A patient asked me today if I was in Vietnam???
I said "How old do your think I am? " LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (pVWRI)

251 Today? How are you sure of that?
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
Recent videos at Scott Adams' Xtweets account.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (krqg6)

252 242 I think Cameron is toast. He shouldn't be. He should win. But I'm getting bad-feeling vibes from this race and have been for a while.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (iFTx/)


Or it could be a polling "miss" on par with the Louisiana governor's race and Cameron just walks away with it easily.

Who knows? It's not like you can trust polls.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (GBKbO)

I think Cameron (R) will win tomorrow in KY. It's OK to get your hopes up. I like the way you think Fingers crossed

Posted by: doug at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (8/lc0)

254 Maher's always been good on free speech.

It was on his show "Real Time With Bill Maher" where Ann Coulter boldly predicted on June 19, 2015 that Donald Trump had the best chance of winning the Republican nomination.

They laughed at her.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (lf83v)

255 228 Still believes the Russian collusion and "fine people" bullshit too.
Posted by: andycanuck

Today? How are you sure of that?
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (/QIWP)

I'm almost positive. He was on Joe Rogan within the last few months spouting his normal stuff.

Seemed to be rubbing Rogan very much the wrong way, which is a feat for any guest, since Rogan is usually high and wants to talk about UFO's, DMT and monkeys.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (mj0Qp)

256 Bill Maher has never been more than a useful idiot.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (zZu0s)

From the river to the sea
Satan's barb will be in thee

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (enJYY)

258 Hi lin-duh. : )

Posted by: SMH at God's grace at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (32R9e)

259 244 TJM, was down in your neck of the palmetto swamp state last weekend, or your previous place anyway (not sure if you moved yet). Very nice part of the world.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (ZY5SV)


I have already moved. Spent all weekend building a new dresser for Junior and four bookshelves for the movies. I am tired.

But yes, Charleston is very pretty, and I didn't want to move away. South of Charlotte is pretty too in its own way, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (GBKbO)

260 If Maher has JFK, jr. as a guest that is quite a feat, seeing as how JFK, jr. is, you know...

But he is still voting!

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (lf83v)

261 Even if everything Maher says is wrong, the fact he is a free speech fighter trumps all that. That’s THE issue. It’s the only issue that matters in the long run. Because once that’s gone nothing else matters.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (P5BwU)

262 Hamas will not accept a puppet government in the Gaza Strip and will remain in the territory, says the leader of the Palestinian terror group in Lebanon.

“To those who think that Hamas will disappear, Hamas will remain entrenched in the conscience of our people, and no force on Earth can annihilate or marginalize it,” Osama Hamdan tells a news conference.

Somebody's getting nervous...

Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (YAtuc)

263 226. They think they can use Muslims as a weapon against Christians.

They don't think any farther than that. - XTC

Gonna be real interesting when those weapons start to blow up in their hands.

Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (njExo)

264 256 Bill Maher has never been more than a useful idiot.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (zZu0s)

But occasionally he does something right

Posted by: It's me donna at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (bs+z0)

265 255 228 Still believes the Russian collusion and "fine people" bullshit too.
Posted by: andycanuck

Today? How are you sure of that?
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (/QIWP)

I'm almost positive. He was on Joe Rogan within the last few months spouting his normal stuff.

Seemed to be rubbing Rogan very much the wrong way, which is a feat for any guest, since Rogan is usually high and wants to talk about UFO's, DMT and monkeys.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (mj0Qp)

Maher is convinced Trump is a criminal and super dangerous. Not like the quiet professionals we have installed in office currently.
Would not even concede that Biden is dirty.

Posted by: Inogame at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (53oGX)

266 245 Maher used to have conservatives on his "Politically Incorrect" show. Cal Thomas, for one. And Barbara Olsen was killed on 9/11 because she was flying out to LA to be on the show.

Maher's always been good on free speech.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 01:50 PM (JrojV)

That was the format of his show. One conservative, multiple liberals and a clapping lefty seal audience.
Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 01:53 PM (MNhXM)

Yes, but Maher, much as I dislike him, always let the conservative speak without interruptions. That's frankly rare.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (xcxpd)

267 254 It was on his show "Real Time With Bill Maher" where Ann Coulter boldly predicted on June 19, 2015 that Donald Trump had the best chance of winning the Republican nomination.

They laughed at her.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (lf83v)


To be completely fair, Ann Coulter is a one issue person who thinks the whole world is behind her, and her one issue is immigration. She's also a provocateur who will say just about anything.

She's been wrong a lot, too. She was very forcefully in favor of a Romney presidency, too.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (GBKbO)

268 Maher hates Christians. He said so.
He can piss off, just my $.02 worth.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (MeG8a)

Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.

Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (LdYi7)

270 Albert Brooks > Bill Maher

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (GBKbO)

271 252 242 I think Cameron is toast. He shouldn't be. He should win. But I'm getting bad-feeling vibes from this race and have been for a while.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (iFTx/)


Or it could be a polling "miss" on par with the Louisiana governor's race and Cameron just walks away with it easily.

Who knows? It's not like you can trust polls.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (GBKbO)

I hope he wins easily. I hope my bad-feeling meter is off. But something seems up in KY, at least from a Yankee boy's perspective. Dems seem to be up to something, and it can't be good.

Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (iFTx/)

272 I think Cameron is toast. He shouldn't be. He should win. But I'm getting bad-feeling vibes from this race and have been for a while.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (iFTx/)


Or it could be a polling "miss" on par with the Louisiana governor's race and Cameron just walks away with it easily.

Who knows? It's not like you can trust polls.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

What's strange is the almost complete lack of Cameron signage.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (Dm8we)

273 259 244 TJM, was down in your neck of the palmetto swamp state last weekend, or your previous place anyway (not sure if you moved yet). Very nice part of the world.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 06, 2023 01:52 PM (ZY5SV)


I have already moved. Spent all weekend building a new dresser for Junior and four bookshelves for the movies. I am tired.

But yes, Charleston is very pretty, and I didn't want to move away. South of Charlotte is pretty too in its own way, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (GBKbO)

And I was there, too


The weather was lovely the day we flew in and the day we left. It was pretty in Charleston though. Hall's Chophouse was killer.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (xcxpd)

274 Maher is convinced Trump is a criminal and super dangerous. Not like the quiet professionals we have installed in office currently.
Would not even concede that Biden is dirty.
Posted by: Inogame

Yet he couldn't name one crime.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (G8h7g)

275 269
Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (LdYi7)


"Oh, wow...we found our police powers again."
-The FBI, seeing the same moms from school board meetings at the rally

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (GBKbO)

276 If I had a talk show and I had said on camera that a person was "too Jewish", "too Black" or "too Muslim", how would I be treated?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (MeG8a)

277 So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (uSHSS)

278 "Cthulhu for Pres! Why settle for a lesser Evil?"


Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (zSyrn)

279 230 - Cthulhu for Pres! Why settle for a lesser Evil?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 01:34 PM (ysn/U)

Cthulhu was a pimp. -- Shub-Niggurath - I used to have a different nic

George Soros - Hold my beer.

Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (njExo)

280 Biden keeps bugging Netanyahu about a "pause. "To help his reelection and to pacify assorted scum here. Israel already wasted a week or more waiting for Biden's people to get their act together in thE ME. Now he wants them tomato when they are winning decisively. Sad.

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (8rsIm)

281 Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m

Pick someplace other than DC.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (G8h7g)

282 "Somebody's getting nervous..."

I personally believe that the sudden, coordinated astroturf protests all over the world are indication that Hamas (and therefore by extension Iranian) leadership miscalculated Israeli resolve to dismantle Hamas permanently in the wake of it's "operation" and are now getting desperate.

Posted by: Zek at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (5FPX4)

283 Gonna be real interesting when those weapons start to blow up in their hands.
Posted by: Paco

If only we had some mythologies that could have warned against this inevitability. Golems, or Mary Shelley or something.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (/QIWP)

284 270 Albert Brooks > Bill Maher
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (GBKbO)

RIP to his brother, Super Dave Osborne.

Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (UnA8+)

285 271 I hope he wins easily. I hope my bad-feeling meter is off. But something seems up in KY, at least from a Yankee boy's perspective. Dems seem to be up to something, and it can't be good.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (iFTx/)


I can believe a few things at once. Firstly, I think KY Republicans really like Mitch. Second, I think Mitch uses all of his institutional power in the state to ensure a smooth running of the state in his vision, that he's more king of KY than any governor. And thirdly, that Mitch is happy to kneecap any Republican with that institutional power who would cross him, especially at the governor level, see Matt Bevin.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (GBKbO)

286 So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?
Posted by: Diogenes

Been nice knowing ya.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (G8h7g)

287 If I had a talk show and I had said on camera that a person was "too Jewish", "too Black" or "too Muslim", how would I be treated?
Posted by: gourmand du jour at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (MeG8a)

Is that you, Jackie Mason?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (bAJ1Y)

288 *To wait, not tomato.,,geez atocucumber is sentient!

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (8rsIm)

289 273 And I was there, too


The weather was lovely the day we flew in and the day we left. It was pretty in Charleston though. Hall's Chophouse was killer.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (xcxpd)


It kills me that we missed each other by that much, but we still have so much to unpack, and I had to leaf blow for hours.

As a side note: Promises around batteries are borderline criminally misleading. The thing promised me an hour. I might have gotten 20 minutes at a time.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (GBKbO)

290 If only we had some mythologies that could have warned against this inevitability. Golems, or Mary Shelley or something.

Paul Wegener's Golem movies from the early 1920s are really interesting.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (JrojV)

291 Somebody's getting nervous...
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (YAtuc)
Since Israel's invasion of Gaza kicked off, they've been getting much more aggressive. It looks like they're setting the framing up to be "extermination or we win." And since Israel (probably) won't exterminate them, they're already planning for the postwar period, where Israel will re-occupy and Hamas restarts recruiting to run the new intifada on its own terms.

Just a guess.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (ELpxa)

292 She's been wrong a lot, too. She was very forcefully in favor of a Romney presidency, too.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (GBKbO)

Wrong a lot?

Romney over Obama. You were against that?

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (MNhXM)

293 261 Even if everything Maher says is wrong, the fact he is a free speech fighter trumps all that. That’s THE issue. It’s the only issue that matters in the long run. Because once that’s gone nothing else matters.
Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (P5BwU)

Not a Maher fan, but that sounds about right. In fact, if you look at several lefties that are fighting on our side lately - such as Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi - they seem to have that in common.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (78508)

294 I just remember only one Texas team didn't make it to finals the year we went. 7 of 8 made it.
Posted by: Sponge
Great.... there are 8 Texas bands going this year... I guess we'll be the 1....😱😳🤪

Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (EneHm)

My mother's from South America, and her friends would call Haitians the Jews of the Caribbean.

Rich doctors?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (63Dwl)

296 Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (LdYi7)


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (WVAwc)

297 So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?
Posted by: Diogenes

Been nice knowing ya.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 02:00 PM (G8h7g)


So what if I burn my draft card instead? I still have it.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (uSHSS)

298 RIP to his brother, Super Dave Osborne.
Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (UnA8+)

There's a hilarious clip of Super Dave handing out gifts to Johnny and Ed on :The Tonight Show."

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (z5vMw)

299 *To wait, not tomato.,,geez atocucumber is sentient!
Posted by: runner

Autocucumber is your enema.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (G8h7g)

Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m

Pick someplace other than DC.

Either get a burner phone or leave your cell phone at home.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (enJYY)

301 Romney over Obama. You were against that?

At least we knew what we were getting with Obama.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (JrojV)

302 281 Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m

Pick someplace other than DC.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (G8h7g)

Anyone that attends this or any other "rally" for "our side" is a damned fool.

I support Israel and the Jews' right to exist as much as anyone but LOL @ voluntarily going to Washington, DC to protest a damn thing.

Posted by: ballistic at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (oqH4h)

303 Maher said there were NO caravans coming across the southern border.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (63Dwl)

304 292 She's been wrong a lot, too. She was very forcefully in favor of a Romney presidency, too.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (GBKbO)

Wrong a lot?

Romney over Obama. You were against that?
Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (MNhXM)


Romney over the rest of the field? The way she framed a Romney presidency as a great conservative victory because he was mealy-mouthed in support of some harsher immigration enforcement that we all know he wouldn't have followed through on?

Romney = Obama in terms of quality. Fuck 'em both. Two sides of the same coin.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (GBKbO)

305 Do you figure Anton Chigurh recharged his compressed air tank at local Fire Departments?

Posted by: Puddinhead at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (z8d1G)

306 Autocucumber is just the modern manifestation of Titivillus.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (ELpxa)

307 Autocucumber is your enema.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (G8h7g)
That sounds very uncomfortable...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (YIVH2)

308 Which DC street has Mayor Bowser decided to designate ‘Hamas Lives Matter’ boulevard?

Posted by: Bang-a-gong at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (SRiFu)

Pick someplace other than DC.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (G8h7g)

Yes and leave your phones at home.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (SQmE5)

310 Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (LdYi7)

Can you carry in DC?

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (bAJ1Y)

311 The leftists must really want to believe, otherwise how could they keep overlooking how sloppy Palestinian propaganda is.

For example:

Posted by: Paco at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (njExo)

312 From the river to the sea, the Hamastinians are a disease.

Posted by: No Shirt Shylock at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (PWI4f)

313 How did that many people all know to mobilize and have signage, flags, and know all the chants? Where did the organization happen/ How did it happen? Who paid for it all?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (4ZE6o)

314 Video of IDF soldiers showing off a rocket battery installed inside a youth activities building.

Posted by: bonhomme at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (0N1h0)

315 Maher is convinced Trump is a criminal and super dangerous. Not like the quiet professionals we have installed in office currently.
Would not even concede that Biden is dirty.
Posted by: Inogame at November 06, 2023 01:56 PM (53oGX)


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (mj0Qp)

316 Joey shoulda mooned the insurrectionists from the Out House windows.

You know he wanted to...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (R/m4+)

317 The aliens didn't protect Kennedy back in 63.
What does that tell you?

Posted by: humphreyrobot at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (gzplO)

318 Or it could be a polling "miss" on par with the Louisiana governor's race and Cameron just walks away with it easily.

Who knows? It's not like you can trust polls.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:54 PM (GBKbO)

I hope he wins easily. I hope my bad-feeling meter is off. But something seems up in KY, at least from a Yankee boy's perspective. Dems seem to be up to something, and it can't be good.
Posted by: Elric Blade at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (iFTx/)

In KY it's mitch's machine that matters. Thats why they have a Dem Gov. Last guy wasn't backed.

Posted by: Inogame at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (53oGX)

319 Clearly, these pro-Hamas rioters had blood on their hands.

The best part of the Age of Trump .. people self-identify

Posted by: Neo at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (RHGPo)

320 Maher is treated like the Special Olympics of political commentary.
If he gets something vaguely right once in awhile everyone goes bananas handing him trophies.

Posted by: Zek at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (5FPX4)

321 ----
Great.... there are 8 Texas bands going this year... I guess we'll be the 1....😱😳🤪
Posted by: lin-duh at November 06, 2023 02:01 PM (EneHm)

I've got faith.

We'll be pulling for you!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at November 06, 2023 02:04 PM (Zz0t1)

322 I don't give a rat's ass about what Bill Maher believes or doesn't believe. I've never met him, I'm not related to him, and he's a TV personality. Life's too short, like Bill Maher, to spend time worrying about what someone on the boob tube thinks.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 02:05 PM (rj6Yv)

323 302 281 Bethany S. Mandel
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m

Pick someplace other than DC.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (G8h7g)

Anyone that attends this or any other "rally" for "our side" is a damned fool.

I support Israel and the Jews' right to exist as much as anyone but LOL @ voluntarily going to Washington, DC to protest a damn thing.
Posted by: ballistic at November 06, 2023 02:02 PM (oqH4h)

She lives in Silver Spring MD.

Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 02:05 PM (LdYi7)

324 Now, three weeks after Newsom signed SB 525 into law — giving medical employees at least $25 an hour, including support staff such as cleaners and security guards — his administration has an estimated price tag: $4 billion in the 2024-25 fiscal year alone.

Posted by: SMOD at November 06, 2023 02:05 PM (RHGPo)

325 Maher is treated like the Special Olympics of political commentary.
If he gets something vaguely right once in awhile everyone goes bananas handing him trophies.

No, just giving credit where it's due.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:05 PM (JrojV)

326 She lives in Silver Spring MD.
Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 02:05 PM (LdYi7)

Sucks for her.

Posted by: ballistic at November 06, 2023 02:06 PM (oqH4h)

327 What's strange is the almost complete lack of Cameron signage.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (Dm8we)

I actually saw one just now when driving from one site to another.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 06, 2023 02:06 PM (zZu0s)

328 South of Charlotte is pretty too in its own way, though.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 01:55 PM (GBKbO)

used to live behind south park mall. it was a nice area. if you're on the pineville side, there's a good german restaurant down there that was very nice, authentic too.

that's where most of the "new" money was when i lived there.

Posted by: SturmToddler at November 06, 2023 02:07 PM (KZaqS)

329 So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?
Posted by: Diogenes at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM

Can I have your stuff?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 06, 2023 02:07 PM (vqhPW)

330 Maher is convinced Trump is a criminal and super dangerous. Not like the quiet professionals we have installed in office currently.
Would not even concede that Biden is dirty.
Posted by: Inogame

Yet he couldn't name one crime.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM (G8h7g)


"Trump committed the crime of the theft of Hillary's Coronation -- it's right there in Zombie Howard Zinn's latest fan-fiction history book: 'The Drunk in the High Castle: An Alternative History of the United States."

Posted by: ShainS -- Rumped Bush Tyrant at November 06, 2023 02:07 PM (0M/kD)

331 If he gets something vaguely right once in awhile everyone goes bananas handing him trophies.
Andrew Sullivan was a blog hero here too at one time as well as in the Conservsphere during the Bush Jr. Era and how many of them [like all of NRO and Weekly Standard] have had the masks torn off??

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (krqg6)

332 What's the point of giving credit to anyone who isn't a Warrior We Need?

What we need is a nasty drill sergeant type who can beat the crazy out of people until they straighten up and fly right.

Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (UnA8+)

333 Bongino played a recording of RFK,Jr. saying it would be a good thing if we had a smart grid so the government could shut off our water heaters and car chargers at the same time. For the climate.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (63Dwl)

334 So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?
Posted by: Diogenes

You will not have killed yourself.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (JrojV)

335 "No, just giving credit where it's due."

I'm not going after you. And yes I agree Maher is good on a few things once in awhile. But he generally seems to abet the "both sides" narrative when clearly uncalled for. I just think a lot of the time we on the right "fill in the blanks" with what we're thinking, but he (Maher) didn't really support a conservative position. Like when he had Cuomo on about Covid, he basically rescued the guy from having to answer whether he would have done things any differently. But in our circles he's called "good on Covid." Not so much really.

Posted by: Zek at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (5FPX4)

336 White House’s most cynical, secretive amnesty push yet

Posted by: Ciampino - about those criminal vets at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (qfLjt)

So if I go to the White House gates and say...burn a Pali flag...what happens to me?
Posted by: Diogenes at November 06, 2023 01:58 PM

You'll get a fair and impartial jury trial. Jury will deliberate for at least three minutes before finding you guilty.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (enJYY)

338 31...My bet is same bunch that got Axelrod to come out today and say Biden needs to drop out of the race. Someone else is ready to seize power and Biden is now in the way.
Posted by: Tom Servo at November 06, 2023 01:15 PM (i9ffA)


Posted by: Question authority bumper sticker at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (Rbu5d)

339 What's the point of giving credit to anyone who isn't a Warrior We Need?

We need to accept any allies on any issue we can find. We can't afford to be purists. Even a lefty who is not totally bonkers can be useful.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (JrojV)

340 @bethanyshondark
Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 01:57 PM (LdYi7)
And after Jan 6, people will get right on that. The response to Jan 6 has done its job. Nobody on the right side of anything will dare go there.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (ELpxa)

341 Sarah should have eliminated that whore and her feral bastard.

Posted by: runner at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (8rsIm)

342 Nood Epps

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (4kfDu)

343 333 Bongino played a recording of RFK,Jr. saying it would be a good thing if we had a smart grid so the government could shut off our water heaters and car chargers at the same time. For the climate.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (63Dwl)


RFK Jr. has never stopped being a fascist just because was against the covid regime.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, watching some more Best Pictures at November 06, 2023 02:12 PM (GBKbO)

344 339 We need to accept any allies on any issue we can find. We can't afford to be purists. Even a lefty who is not totally bonkers can be useful.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (JrojV)

They aren't allies if they aren't strident enough to make people too afraid to be crazy.

Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 02:12 PM (UnA8+)

345 What's the point of giving credit to anyone who isn't a Warrior We Need?

What we need is a nasty drill sergeant type who can beat the crazy out of people until they straighten up and fly right.
Posted by: XTC at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (UnA8+)

Where have you gone, Sgt Zim?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Posted by: Johnny Rico at November 06, 2023 02:12 PM (4I/2K)

346 I read this morning that part of the UAW agreement with GM was to invest $6B in EV production, mainly battery manufacturing. Because jobs. GM needs to invest $6B in manufacturing <$30K ICE pickup trucks.

Posted by: mrp at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (rj6Yv)

347 I wonder how some blue city's cops will react when one of these riots is outside a synagogue during services and they break in and start to beat the worshipers?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (3Gtis)

348 Bongino played a recording of RFK,Jr. saying it would be a good thing if we had a smart grid so the government could shut off our water heaters and car chargers at the same time. For the climate.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM (63Dwl)

This is not the Kennedy you are looking for.

Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (bAJ1Y)

Bongino played a recording of RFK,Jr. saying it would be a good thing if we had a smart grid so the government could shut off our water heaters and car chargers at the same time. For the climate.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 06, 2023 02:09 PM

Next weeks polling will show him stealing all of Trumps votes with a position like that.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (enJYY)

Charlotte - Myers Park, mid 50's. As pleasant an area as is imaginable.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (XeU6L)

351 e need to accept any allies on any issue we can find. We can't afford to be purists. Even a lefty who is not totally bonkers can be useful.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (Jroj

Is he convincing other Lefties? If not he’s useless,

Posted by: Drive by at November 06, 2023 02:13 PM (MNhXM)

352 Video of IDF soldiers showing off a rocket battery installed inside a youth activities building.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (0N1h0)

In hamastan, firing rockets at Jews is a "youth activity".

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 02:14 PM (nsVpb)

353 Nood Epps
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 06, 2023 02:11 PM (4kfDu)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at November 06, 2023 02:15 PM (bAJ1Y)

354 352 Video of IDF soldiers showing off a rocket battery installed inside a youth activities building.
Posted by: bonhomme at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (0N1h0)

In hamastan, firing rockets at Jews is a "youth activity".
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 06, 2023 02:14 PM (nsVpb)

Heh. Sadly.

Posted by: m at November 06, 2023 02:15 PM (LdYi7)

355 Goodbye, Britain.
Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)
Wishcasting on your part. I'd say the UK will outlast the GAE and Israel. You are so desperate for the eradication of the British, aren't you?
Any scraps of information blown up into a imbecilic collage of invective and fake concern for people you have a seething hatred for. Cry more.

Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at November 06, 2023 02:15 PM (L0HJn)

356 How did that many people all know to mobilize and have signage, flags, and know all the chants? Where did the organization happen/ How did it happen? Who paid for it all?

Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 06, 2023 02:03 PM (4ZE6o)


"You ask for miracles, Theo -- I give you the F. B. I."

They're trained and operate at the direction & pleasure of the treasonous Top. Men.

Fecklessness. Betrayal. Insurrection.

Posted by: ShainS -- Rumped Bush Tyrant at November 06, 2023 02:19 PM (0M/kD)

357 I think that the only Western country that that has the territory, demography and cultural pride to possibly survive and be the standard-bearer is France. They're not a sure thing, but it's where I'd put money down on a long-odds bet.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 06, 2023 01:38 PM (ELpxa)
Yeah France has always been about France. But I don't think the invasion can last here either. When you force people who don't want to be involved in it, to get involved, it is an awfully big piece of land. And they normally get pretty pissed off when they have to get involved - and tend to be rather aggressive in response. We are getting close to that point. I have started slowly refusing to accept any shaming of certain words both in public and in private. And I'm not getting much push back from anyone, even those who wish to be polite, even get some people to back me up. The commie's run of inter-sectionalism as a means to have their enemies defeat themselves is ending.

Posted by: Black JEM at November 06, 2023 02:20 PM (GZYu7)

358 believe that the sudden, coordinated astroturf protests all over the world

Don’t think they’re astroturfed. The muzzies hate Jews with the intensity of 1000 suns and will happily tell you so.

Posted by: Montec at November 06, 2023 02:22 PM (P5BwU)

359 So, my connection to the cesium clock in CO is having issues. What time is it?

Posted by: Denny Crane! at November 06, 2023 02:35 PM (raeI8)

360 Friends and allies: There will be a March in Washington on 11/14 in support of Israel. Details tbd, but we are hoping for a massive turnout. Please plan on joining the Jewish community. We can’t do it alone.
Posted by: m

Pick someplace other than DC.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 06, 2023 01:59 PM (G8h7g)

Paterson? Jersey City?

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at November 06, 2023 02:52 PM (h4nev)

361 85 If my neighbor invited Hamas into our neighborhood as a virtue signal, I'd break in when he went out for monkeypox salve, and take a shit on his kitchen countertop.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 06, 2023 01:24 PM (0FoWg)
You'd be leaving your DNA there. Just pick up some random dog poop at the park and use that. Better still if it has worms.

Posted by: Ciampino - about that poop at November 06, 2023 02:58 PM (qfLjt)

362 359 So, my connection to the cesium clock in CO is having issues. What time is it?

Posted by: Denny Crane! at November 06, 2023 02:35 PM (raeI
My La Crosse weather/clock also didn't update the time. It has been doing that for some time, even years. I wonder if something got changed in the signal from Boulder, CO?

Posted by: Ciampino - What's the frequency, Kenneth at November 06, 2023 03:03 PM (qfLjt)

363 Cera with a C can buy me a cart full O'liquor to drink and I'll be watching you.

Posted by: safristi at November 06, 2023 03:29 PM (MAEtI)

364 Time to deport all Bolshevik scum

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at November 06, 2023 06:49 PM (wGqjj)

365 Hi! I ϳust wanted to ask if you ever have any trouЬle
wіth hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing a few months ⲟf haгd work
due to no data backᥙp. Do you have any solutions to stop hackers?

Posted by: episode at November 07, 2023 03:13 AM (FvVpg)

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