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Axios: "Some Democrats" Worry That Biden Is Wrapping the Biden Economy Around His Own Neck

Axios reports that their Democrat friends and sex-partners are getting worried about Gammy Biden.

Why It Matters: Axios is Politico for Kidz! (TM) and millions of children 13 and under form their political opinions based on what Axios lies about.

The Biden re-election campaign's decision to brand the economy under the president's name (Bidenomics) is looking like an early blunder that misread the public's deep pessimism about how things are going on that front.

Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.

Driving the news: Some prominent Democrats are now openly criticizing the Biden campaign's strategy, arguing that it appears to be in denial of Americans' economic reality.

"We have to do a better job framing this not so much for one person -- for the office of the presidency -- but for the people," Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) told Politico.

"I've never understood why you would brand an economy in your name when the economy hasn't fully recovered yet," Michael LaRosa, a former spokesman for Jill Biden, told the publication.

"Whatever stories Americans are told about the strength of the economy under President Joe Biden, they are not going to be persuaded to look past the issue of their own living standards," liberal economist James Galbraith wrote.


His campaign ads laud the passage of COVID emergency funds, the bipartisan infrastructure law, the Inflation Reduction Act and funding for semiconductor manufacturing.

But so far, the message isn't resonating -- especially among the working-class Americans he's trying to win over. Polling indicates that college-educated voters are generally satisfied with the state of the economy, but voters living paycheck to paycheck are disillusioned.

By the numbers: Only 28% of Americans said they were "very" or "somewhat" satisfied with the state of the economy in a new NBC poll -- the lowest level of economic satisfaction in nearly a decade of the network's polling.

Biden's economic approval rating sits at 37%, with 59% of respondents expressing disapproval of his performance.

The NBC survey showed that Republicans hold a whopping 21-point advantage over Democrats on the economy (49%-28%), the largest lead Republicans have held in 32 years.

The poll also shows that Democrats only hold a 2-point edge (36%-34%) on looking out for the middle class, an area in which the party typically holds a significant advantage.

What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

The Wall Street Journal reports this morning Democrats' "fears are growing" that voters may not buy their spin that Joe Biden is mentally competent enough for this term, let alone another. And they wonder how -- and if -- they can pull the plug to salvage the 2024 electoral cycle:

Conversations with more than a dozen leading Democrats revealed the pervasive, but mostly private, sense of worry that hangs over the race. Some compare this moment to the 2016 cycle when many top Democrats brushed aside Hillary Clinton's vulnerabilities only to watch her ultimately lose to Trump. But this is in many ways a different case--a sitting president facing clear frustration from voters, including those within his own party.

"It is a little bit like your grandfather running the company and you know that he's at a point now where the heirs could suffer value if we don't change management at the top," said Philip Levine, a former Democratic mayor of Miami Beach, Fla., who has expressed support for No Labels, a centrist group that has suggested it may run a third-party candidate. "And this is very difficult. How do we get grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?"

Other Democrats would only echo those sentiments in private. Said one member of the Democratic National Committee: "It would be irresponsible for us to not be concerned at this point. People can be hopeful about what the result is going to be. But we don't have any evidence as to why we should be hopeful. The polling is bad. The approval ratings are bad. We know about concerns about both the president's age and about the vice president if she were to take over."

Zoom Out: Biden is old as f*ck and is aging like summer milk.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:47 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I called 'em.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (qPw5n)

2 Bidenomics is the hottest catch phrase since skippity-doo!

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (WxSX0)

3 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"


By convincing him that he should step down from his lifelong dream of being President.

Now, how do you do that?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (LvTSG)

4 Joe is evergreen.

Posted by: Joe Mama at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (lZVy/)

5 Millions?

Posted by: Red Turban Someguy - The Republic is already dead! at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (eYoxG)

6 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM (Zz0t1)

7 They need to do a better job of framing things.

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM (Wg6v7)

8 Yeah. quite a few necks in DC need things wrapped around them.

Posted by: henry at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM (JMDly)

9 "It is a little bit like your grandfather running the company and you know that he's at a point now where the heirs could suffer value if we don't change management at the top," said Philip Levine, a former Democratic mayor of Miami Beach, Fla., who has expressed support for No Labels, a centrist group that has suggested it may run a third-party candidate. "And this is very difficult. How do we get grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?"

It is an issue.

Posted by: Lachlan Murdoch at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM (I/Qkd)

10 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

Call us.

Posted by: See Eye Eh? at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (lZVy/)

11 Gotta admit, that "Why it matters" gimmick irritates the fudge out of me.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (QBaJw)

12 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.

Lying sacks of shit.

EVERYTHING is 100% more expensive than it was 4 years ago.

Iflation tamed my ass.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (Zz0t1)

13 Summer milk?

Is that like summer teeth?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (IG4Id)

14 Where the hell am I?

Posted by: Joe Biden, Bribe Taker at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (0lY6Y)

15 >>By convincing him that he should step down from his lifelong dream of being President.

>>Now, how do you do that?

Simplest way is to tell him if he doesn't go evidence of his corruption might just leak from the intel community. And not just about him, his entire garbage family.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (ZLI7S)

16 Oh, no!

Breaking: Leftist journalist and activist Josh Kruger
@JoshKrugerPHL has been tragically shot dead at his Philadelphia home. Kruger has long downplayed gun violence in his city and publicly chastised others who spoke about it.


Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (IG4Id)

17 Mmm. Summer milk.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (aD39U)

18 The fucking lies.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (iupH6)

19 After Ten Quarters of Anemic Growth, Ungrateful White and White-Adjacent Workers Continue Failing to Position Brandon for Success.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (0FoWg)

20 They're refusing to say what they desire it to be.

All your shit costing you $10000 more a year is the 'new normal.'

Remember Owebama and his magic wand comment? Yeah. They WANT you broke and destitute.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (Zz0t1)

21 Conversations with more than a dozen leading Democrats revealed the pervasive, but mostly private, sense of worry that hangs over the race. Some compare this moment to the 2016 cycle when many top Democrats brushed aside Hillary Clinton's vulnerabilities only to watch her ultimately lose to Trump. But this is in many ways a different case--a sitting president facing clear frustration from voters, including those within his own party.

Profiles in courage. They know Biden is utterly incompetent, but their only concern is "can he win?" so I can retain power. Screw the welfare of the country.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (I/Qkd)

22 hiya

Posted by: JT at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (T4tVD)

23 Look, you all are focusing on what you can no longer afford, and not the things you still can afford thanks to the wonders of Bidenomics.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (5iCZZ)

24 Is thar a joke about Kruger?

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (YDx0c)

25 Simplest way is to tell him if he doesn't go evidence of his corruption might just leak from the intel community. And not just about him, his entire garbage family.

Which is already happening. The drumbeat will not get quieter.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (I/Qkd)

26 By convincing him that he should step down from his lifelong dream of being President.

Now, how do you do that?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 02:48 PM (LvTSG)

You can't even trick him. His wife is a doctor! And his son is the smartest guy on the planet!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (uvymP)

27 @JoshKrugerPHL has been tragically shot dead at his Philadelphia home. Kruger has long downplayed gun violence in his city and publicly chastised others who spoke about it.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (IG4Id)


Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (iupH6)

28 As I mentioned over the weekend, Larry Elder is swearing up and down there's no way for them to get rid of Biden, because that would automatically mean Cummala.

His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (QBaJw)

29 Where the hell am I?
Posted by: Joe Biden, Bribe Taker


Where IN hell am I.

Posted by: Stan's Tropical Travel at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (lZVy/)

30 Biden’s economic message:

Who are you going to believe? Me or your lyin eyes?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (u73oe)

31 Grampa Sniffer losing it again.

Dr. Jebra Faushay @JebraFaushay
I watched this and worried he was going to drop dead! Thank goodness his wife is a doctor.
27 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (krqg6)

32 Wrapping the economy around his neck could explain the brain damage. Lack of oxygen will do that.

Posted by: Just Lily at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (AKRYK)

33 Mega MAGA Mecha Republicans vs. Built Back Broker Bidenomics--- The summer dullfest of 2024 that nobody wanted

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM (WxSX0)

34 "Whatever stories Americans are told about the strength of the economy under President Joe Biden, they are not going to be persuaded to look past the issue of their own living standards," liberal economist James Galbraith wrote.

WTF are they SUPPOSED to look at, dickhead? How good George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio have it?

When you can't afford the same shit you did 2 years ago, the economy is SHIT and it's the GOVERNMENT'S fault.

F*ck off.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

35 Yeah dems have a problem....

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (DOrlJ)

36 His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.
I rate this as Untrue.

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Wg6v7)

37 15 Simplest way is to tell him if he doesn't go evidence of his corruption might just leak from the intel community. And not just about him, his entire garbage family.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (ZLI7S)


We already know.

He also knows that the media will defend him once he gets to the point where he's definitely the candidate for 2024 again.

Recall, no major media outlet had much of anything to say about the impeachment hearings, no TV channel carrying it that isn't trying to con the rubes into thinking that they're conservative.

That's not because the knives are out. It's because no one thinks he's actually leaving.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (LvTSG)


I know a guy who drives an AMG but brags about his love for Obama and how he's a socialist. He's intelligent and wealthy.

He is so angry he said he'd vote for GW Bush.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (UCNv1)

39 Is Dianna Ross dead?

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Wg6v7)

40 Bugs are too expensive to eat... I'll go outside and shoot some squirrels with my assault slingshot.

Posted by: henry at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (JMDly)

41 Is thar a joke about Kruger?
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (YDx0c)

He died from A Nightmare on His Street.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

42 They need to do a better job of framing things.
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM (Wg6v7)

We've got thousands of agents working on that... oh, you meant explaining things. Forget what I said. -- Gay-as-Fuck Garland

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 02:54 PM (uvymP)

43 Is it to late to rebrand it as Trumpenomics? I think enough LIV's would gladly believe it as long as they have sportsball and reality TV.

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 02:54 PM (JojsZ)

44 ...tragically shot dead...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (IG4Id)

It's such a stupid thing to say, and actually, this might be the one time it's not so tragic after all.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:54 PM (QBaJw)

45 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"


My mind is spinning with so many possibilities.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 02:54 PM (BdMk6)

46 His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.
I rate this as Untrue.

They hate her, but getting rid of her would be dissing them, and they just can't get past that.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:54 PM (I/Qkd)

47 Democratic National Committee: "It would be irresponsible for us to not be concerned at this point. People can be hopeful about what the result is going to be. But we don't have any evidence as to why we should be hopeful. The polling is bad. The approval ratings are bad. We know about concerns about both the president's age and about the vice president if she were to take over."

Zoom Out: Biden is old as f*ck and is aging like summer milk.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace

There is no way anyone can know how happy I am to see this analysis from the DNC, knowing LGB's keepers will never stop propping the doddering pedo up.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (Y8dTC)

48 I have as much faith in all polls as I do with "experts." It seems that fudging poll numbers is by far the easiest way to manipulate public opinion.

Posted by: washrivergal at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (IFHOX)

49 There's a "news" source on politics aimed at thirteen-year-olds?

When I was thirteen the only news I consumed was about the new James Bond movie and various articles in TV Guide. The "evening network news" bored me and politics even more so.

Well, okay, the story about Jim Garrison vis a vis the Kennedy assassination "investigation" caught my attention. Because it was local.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (J2vNu)

50 24 Is thar a joke about Kruger?
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (YDx0c)

No, he was shot dead today.

Posted by: Nova Local at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (exHjb)

51 Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:47 PM

GREAT SCOTT! He's gone back to the future

Posted by: Christopher Lloyd at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (XqcwY)

52 Best "Economy" since the Big Bang which happend over 5 Billion Years Ago. So sit down and shut up MAGA H8ters !!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (p3lya)

53 The price of peanuts has hardly gone up at all. And that ain't peanuts!

-Draft WH Tweet, probably.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (5iCZZ)

54 My mind is spinning with so many possibilities.

Would those form a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (I/Qkd)


Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (N1DT3)

56 His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.
I rate this as Untrue.
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Wg6v7)

He swears by it, but honestly, I think Larry just won't bring himself to consider the possibility they're going to drop Gavin Nuisance into the slot, and it's clouding his judgement.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (QBaJw)

57 Simplest way is to tell him if he doesn't go evidence of his corruption might just leak from the intel community. And not just about him, his entire garbage family.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (ZLI7S)

I'm betting that Joe does not give one wet fart about his family. When he takes the big dirt nap the universe ends as far as he's concerned.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (uvymP)

58 EVERYTHING is 100% more expensive than it was 4 years ago.
I like the counter to when Dems lie about lowered inflation-- How come prices haven't gone down?

Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)

59 I wonder... how does Philly handle this. They've been telling the crims to steal and kill whatever they want. But now they killed a precious little press fairy. How do they adjudicate it? Who is more important? Crims or Party connected monkeypox superspreaders? Decisions, decisions.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (0FoWg)


Posted by: JOE "SNIFFER" BIDEN at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (wtvvX)

61 Had a cow-worker talking about how great the economy was.

Reminded her that the CEO said no raises this year because the economy sucks.

Then I reminded her she was complaining about inflation.

And...somehow the talking heads on the idiot box had more of an affect on her then her own actual eyes.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (XqcwY)

62 Well I suppose Harris doesn't have the disadvantage of women voters being jealous of her looks or achievements. Still not sure that any group of women actually wants another woman to be in charge.

Posted by: PaleRider at October 02, 2023 02:57 PM (3cGpq)

63 The dems (rat bastard commies, the lot of 'em) just need better messaging.


Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 02:57 PM (4I/2K)

64 Dems will "fortify" and Biden or a another Dem will be elected in 2024.

Posted by: mr tmz at October 02, 2023 02:57 PM (rJ48h)

65 >>We already know.

>>He also knows that the media will defend him once he gets to the point where he's definitely the candidate for 2024 again.

"We" is a much smaller group than you think. Everyone "knows" Trump colluded with Russia because the intel community wanted it to happen. Very few Americans know a fraction of what we know because the intel community has not wanted them to.

And that includes the media which is now largely an extension of the intel community. Igantius is the go to reporter for the intel community, has been for years. That's why he wrote that article in WaPo. They practically destroyed Trump over lies, image what they could do to feeble, stupid Joe with facts.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 02:57 PM (ZLI7S)

66 @MrAndyNgo
Breaking: Leftist journalist and activist Josh Kruger
@JoshKrugerPHL has been tragically shot dead at his Philadelphia home. Kruger has long downplayed gun violence in his city and publicly chastised others who spoke about it.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (IG4Id)

Tragically. Uh-huh.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 02:57 PM (uvymP)

67 Biden needs to remain in office until its too late too remove him from the ballots.

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (pn0P3)

68 Whew, glad I escaped that aging comparison.

Posted by: Meg Ryan at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (2YtOq)

69 Breaking: Leftist journalist and activist Josh Kruger
@JoshKrugerPHL has been tragically shot dead at his Philadelphia home.

Josh, don't steal your boyfriend's drugs no matter how into you he is.

That's the lesson you teach from my life back on earth...right?

Posted by: Matthew Sheppard at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (XqcwY)

70 I can't wrap my brain around how Biden can possibly brag about his performance on the economy.
Well there is the senility.

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (VdGjU)

71 Leftist journalist and activist Josh Kruger

At least they admit both parts.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (5iCZZ)

72 "Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice"

Covid shots?

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (JojsZ)

73 Biden needs to remain in office until its too late too remove him from the ballots.

That's an interesting question. What would happen if Biden kicked off the day before the election? Would SCOTUS delay it? Would they print new ballots with a new candidate? Would Kamala simply become the prezzy and then get Biden's votes?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (I/Qkd)

WTF are they SUPPOSED to look at, dickhead? How good George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio have it?

When you can't afford the same shit you did 2 years ago, the economy is SHIT and it's the GOVERNMENT'S fault.

F*ck off.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: washrivergal at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (IFHOX)

75 Simplest way is to tell him if he doesn't go evidence of his corruption might just leak from the intel community. And not just about him, his entire garbage family.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 02:50 PM (ZLI7S)

No. The simplest way is to have the White House physician to withhold his meds. That decision will be based on polls over the next few weeks.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (KSNKu)

76 In the Bideneconomy the chocolate ration will increase to 20 grams from the previous 30 grams.

Posted by: News from the future at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (XqcwY)

77 Zoom Out: Biden is old as f*ck and is aging like Ssummer's Evemilk.

FIFY, Disinformation Expert Ace

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (wtvvX)

27 seconds
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023

That "anyway" is a red flag of a mind that can't follow one thought and skips to another.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at October 02, 2023 02:59 PM (J2vNu)

79 Biden is fine until Newsome starts publicly promoting Feinsteinomics for Ol' Joe.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (kmEPs)

80 dammit.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (wtvvX)

81 Biden HAS to constantly lie about how great the economy and Bidenomics are.

Because if he doesn't constantly tell the Democrat sheep what to believe, they night have to trust their own lying eyes when they go to the supermarket to shop.

Posted by: DudeAbiding at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (Fsgnl)

82 They WANT you broke and destitute.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (Zz0t1)

They want you dependent, but not quite desperate. Controllable. Afraid to speak out, to ask questions. Afraid to notice when someone's kid goes missing one afternoon cuz the local commissar liked the way they look.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (uvymP)

83 70 I can't wrap my brain around how Biden can possibly brag about his performance on the economy.

Suspension of disbelief, no conscience, a sociopathic ability to lie and gaslight.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (5iCZZ)

84 Well, okay, the story about Jim Garrison vis a vis the Kennedy assassination "investigation" caught my attention. Because it was local.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (J2vNu)

For what it's worth, I think we have ample evidence now Garrison was less wrong about it than the Warren Commission.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (QBaJw)

85 58 EVERYTHING is 100% more expensive than it was 4 years ago.
I like the counter to when Dems lie about lowered inflation-- How come prices haven't gone down?

Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)

I explained this on a entertainment board. After multiple years of double digit inflation, just bringing down the rate by half doesn't help. You need deflation to actually reduce the prices semi-rapidly. Without deflation, even "regular" inflation keeps pounding people on the higher prices b/c wages take so long to catch up.

I did a $1 product example from 2019 with 10% inflation for 3 years and then 5% the final year. Folks were surprised.

Posted by: Nova Local at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (exHjb)

86 Biden needs to remain in office until its too late too remove him from the ballots.
Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (pn0P3)

Yeah, about that...

Posted by: Frank Lautenberg at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (2YtOq)

WTF are they SUPPOSED to look at, dickhead? How good George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio have it?

FYI the FNM is now saying DiCaprio is an asshole because he keeps trading his GF in for a younger model. Notice Barky won't do that.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (XqcwY)

88 Now, Democrats think people are stupid and if they replace Biden with another figurehead, they'll be able to convince people that THIS TIME, they'll turn the economy around.


And sadly, they're probably right.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (N1DT3)

89 If he didn't lie about the economy, people would realize how bad it is, panic, and tank the economy.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (5iCZZ)

90 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

91 "And this is very difficult. How do we get grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?"

there are processes for removing him from POTUS (and from running), but the DeepState is content having their puppet take credit/responsibility for every maniacal and destructive order the oligarchs issue.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (Cus5s)

92 That's the lesson you teach from my life back on earth...right?
Posted by: Matthew Sheppard at October 02, 2023 02:58 PM (XqcwY)

IIRC, Shepard was the one providing the meth for his pair of rough, tough hillbilly rumprangers, and when he demanded money, they killed him. But that was a long time ago.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (0FoWg)

93 Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)
Face masks?

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (Wg6v7)

94 Well,, I've got some good news and some bad news...

Bad news is Gene Simmons is feeling a bit under the weather. Good news is, I'm gonna be filling in for him to finish out the tour! YEA!! I've gotta' get to Brooklyn by Friday afternoon for rehearsal and costume/makeup. In case you're wondering,, oh yeah,, I'm gonna' be spitting blood and blowing fire. Best birthday yet!


Posted by: Jimmy Carter at October 02, 2023 03:02 PM (X4yCj)

95 "when the economy hasn't fully recovered yet"


Um, there is no plan to "recover" the economy. The inflation is part of the design for destruction.

Posted by: Jay in PA at October 02, 2023 03:02 PM (i7Q7S)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:02 PM (aD39U)

97 Biden could stay through election day, win the election, die, and have the electoral college pick Gavin Newsom.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:02 PM (5iCZZ)

I did a $1 product example from 2019 with 10% inflation for 3 years and then 5% the final year. Folks were surprised.

When we were talking about housing prices earlier today I found a little nugget that might explain what the real inflation rate is...

Media house price 2020: $330K

Media house price 2023: $416K

Note for that time frame the FNM claims that the total inflation rate was roughly 10%...

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (XqcwY)

99 Are we Dunning poor Kruger?

I'll see myself out.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (nnp+f)

100 Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?

Shorts on Biden making it to 2024.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (I/Qkd)

101 Since these people kill babies and cut tits and dicks off, I fear for Joe's safety.

They will off him, and the staff medical will parrot the line like an NFL announcer justifying a terrible penalty call.

Media will go along because they always go along.

Posted by: DOYLE at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (Z8Yh2)

102 90 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

Shot seven times in the chest and abdomen.

Sounds personal.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (wtvvX)

103 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.


7 times, point blank in the chest.

Definitely personal.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (3fvxY)

104 Josh Kruger should've known - Philly ain't SF, and he ain't named Pelosi. The rough trade in his town is *real* rough, and they carry guns, not hammers.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (0FoWg)

105 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.
Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

That cat has monkeypox eye.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (Zz0t1)

106 I'm betting that Joe does not give one wet fart about his family. When he takes the big dirt nap the universe ends as far as he's concerned.
I guarantee it.
I once dealt with a guy early in dementia who wanted everyone to funnel a deal through his son so his son could land a 5-6 figure commission.

We spent weeks and various outside opinions to finally convince him not only was it highly unethical but probably illegal for everyone involved.
He was still pissed we didn't do it anyway.

So I guarantee Joe doesn't think Hunter has done anything wrong and does not think any of the millions were illegal-- these guys in dementia just do not have any consequence reasoning left.
In his mind, Republicans are just trying to cheat him and his son.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (WxSX0)

107 Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)

Fentanyl !

Posted by: CCP Export at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (lZVy/)

108 LOL, great minds, Bitter Clinger

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (wtvvX)

109 Something you must-hear-d. Correcting for inflation, hotdogs cost the same today as they did in 2020. That is news you should ketchup on.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (5iCZZ)

110 I like the counter to when Dems lie about lowered inflation-- How come prices haven't gone down?

Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)

Inflation has (at least temporarily) gone down.

To have PRICES do down, we need deflation. That's never going to happen. These prices are here to stay, thanks to the actions of our "elite" class.

We might get a SMALL bit of relief if we started producing thing in these country- natural resources, manufacturing, etc....

But unless our elites start getting treated like France circa late 1700s, that's not going to happen.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (N1DT3)

111 7 times, point blank in the chest.

Definitely personal.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (3fvxY)

So, a single stack.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (aD39U)

Biden's economy: Shit sandwich

Biden: You'll eat it and like it.

Dems: This tastes bad.

Biden: You should see what the Republicans are serving.

Dems: I guess Shit doesn't taste THAT bad.

Posted by: Frank Barone at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (+oR7L)

113 87
WTF are they SUPPOSED to look at, dickhead? How good George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio have it?

FYI the FNM is now saying DiCaprio is an asshole because he keeps trading his GF in for a younger model. Notice Barky won't do that.
Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (XqcwY)

He was always like this. They're only now waking up to this? He was a fixture in the NYC party scene. Always had some new, very young (18 or 19 year old) model on his arm. I hate the guy, but unlike some celebs he had very good taste in ladies.

Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (iFTx/)

114 these guys in dementia just do not have any consequence reasoning left.

Good thing that isn't needed in a president.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (I/Qkd)

115 Why it matters?

Gee I dunno Axios. Why would the economy matter to a president’s re election campaign? I’m so confused. Please explain.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (HnzP8)

116 7 times, point blank in the chest.

Definitely personal.
But none in the face?

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (Wg6v7)

117 "Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice"

Gender affirming care

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (JojsZ)

118 Oops, forgot the WH intern tweet modifier.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (5iCZZ)

119 College loan repayments are set to start again this month.

Good timing, Grandpa shit pants.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (ZLI7S)

120 LOL, great minds, Bitter Clinger

As do ours!

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (3fvxY)

121 Yep. The additional $1000 per month just to exist the same way you were existing in 2019 is baked into the cake now.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (XSoJN)

122 ehh will just need to run the ballots through a couple timers. barely an inconvenience.

Posted by: BruceWayne at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (CIS44)

123 I feel that under obama the administration realized that they could sell any lie to the public and the media would go along.

Or maybe it started with the clinton scandals, but with obama it became part of their strategy instead of just a reaction to events. He did a fake pivot to the center in 2012 and even though everyone understood he was a radical and the moderation was fake, the media convinced the public that obama was reasonable and moderate. It was the first time, i think, that the media control was part of the planning phase.

Biden inherited that control and that was how they sold the fake election and everything else. If there is any resistance now, it is because biden is fighting demons on the Left, not because the public is not buying it.

Posted by: I am not Montel Williams at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (Dh1Nh)

124 Would those form a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives?
Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (I/Qkd)

Well, yeah........I guess.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (BdMk6)

125 These prices are here to stay, thanks to the actions of our "elite" class.

The 50% of your total wealth that disappeared over the last 3 years through inflation? Went straight into the governing class's accounts.

Something an opposition party would be pointing out if there was one.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (XqcwY)

126 I am proud, so proud that Governor HairGel picks a Black LBGTDFTYJHNBVCFEDDRFI and KOMNGBFFJHMMNB and HGHNBGBJHJJMNJMK and a JHNFGVFYOLMNHTUHHHH+ Woman to replace Feinstein............. So proud !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (p3lya)

127 "Polling indicates that college-educated voters are generally satisfied with the state of the economy, but voters living paycheck to paycheck are disillusioned."

I'd guess those two sets of voters intersect significantly. Polling category analysis error.

Posted by: gp's Chamber Of Trust Issues at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (MvF+J)

128 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.


This was written by ChatEBT, amirite?

The Biden Crime Family is merely the illusion of treasonous corruptocrats .. and the collapsing economy is merely your the perception of it.

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (xj0FU)

129 Biden will win the nomination easily... and THEN be replace a month before the election.

By a miracle, there'll be no problem getting the replacement on the ballot in all 50 state.

Posted by: comradearthur at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (bUnPj)

130 83 70 I can't wrap my brain around how Biden can possibly brag about his performance on the economy.

Suspension of disbelief, no conscience, a sociopathic ability to lie and gaslight.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:00 PM (5iCZZ)


Plus, this is his whole life - making up fantastic, farfetched stories. This what he does the best, lying.
With gusto.

Posted by: washrivergal at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (IFHOX)

131 The " inflation transitort" the Infrastructure Bill, etc were all done with the expectation that the inflation ripple would have already passed.

At the end of the day, Biden can't say vote for me because I need to do X. Because why it wouldn't have already been done. So he's got to go with " everyone and everything is great."

This message wasn't chosen, it was forced upon him with a prayer things would get marginally better and he cod say "See, told you it would work."

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (FxH7T)

132 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

Tell Grandpa Biden it's time to go on an expedition to Africa (Happy Dale).

Posted by: Mortimer Brewster at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (4I/2K)

133 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.


7 times, point blank in the chest.

Definitely personal.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger

Oh damn. I didn't know that. Yes. Definitely personal.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (Y2tls)

134 In addition to many other inaccuracies in this post, “the Great One” seems to have a problem with rudimentary math.

21 (not four) Republicans voted against the McCarthy CR which:

- funded Ukraine
- funded Jack Smith
- abandoned E-verify (which we passed just hours earlier.)

Also, making the argument that
is more conservative than I am doesn’t seem to be landing with your own audience, Mark.

The People see through the noise.

About time someone unloaded on that bearded fat fuck
Hannity cocksucker.

Posted by: The Search For Bigfoot at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (l10hq)

135 107 Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 02, 2023 02:56 PM (WxSX0)

US citizenship?

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (wtvvX)

136 FYI the FNM is now saying DiCaprio is an asshole because he keeps trading his GF in for a younger model. Notice Barky won't do that.
Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (XqcwY)
He likes tight young pussy. What was the question again?

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (Wg6v7)

137 Kruger had worked as a journalist covering issues like LGBTQ+ rights, HIV and addiction


When your vocation is your avocation, you'll never work day in your l--- bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 03:06 PM (AXxyR)

138 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low

The labor participation rate has never been lower.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (XqcwY)

139 @85

>>You need deflation to actually reduce the prices semi-rapidly.

The masterminds have put us in position where the only way to save the economy is to completely tank the economy, for something on the order of a decade.

There are things that would ameliorate things like, I don't know supercharging oil production and driving down the price of fuel to where it was in 2018.

2.50 a gallon is the sweet spot.

The knock on effects from just that would be enormous.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (XV/Pl)

140 These prices are here to stay, thanks to the actions of our "elite" class.

The 50% of your total wealth that disappeared over the last 3 years through inflation? Went straight into the governing class's accounts.

Something an opposition party would be pointing out if there was one.

Posted by: 18-1


It's weird, innit?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (XSoJN)

141 there are processes for removing him from POTUS (and from running), but the DeepState is content having their puppet take credit/responsibility for every maniacal and destructive order the oligarchs issue.
Posted by: illiniwek at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (Cus5s)

Which does add one more data point. If everything bad these past 3 years can be blamed on the senile old pervert, then at some point it COULD be to their advantage to replace him with someone who can't be tarnished with it.

So let the old fart keep saying everything's fine, when everyone knows it isn't.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (QBaJw)

142 College loan repayments are set to start again this month.

Good timing, Grandpa shit pants.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (ZLI7S)

They started either yesterday or today.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (BdMk6)

143 Don't fall for it, Joe! They want to steal credit for destroying the economy, the military, and the border from you.

Posted by: t-bird at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (CaJIi)

144 Shorts on Biden making it to 2024.
Posted by: Archimedes

I do NOT want to see Biden in his shorts, or his Depends. Granted, if he's walking around just in his Depends, he's dressing for his emotional age as a Terrible Two.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (mNmNo)

145 They are going to convince Joe that he needs to go paddleboarding at the Obama's "I Do Think At A Certain Point You’ve Made Enough Money" Mansion in Martha's Vineyard.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (lf83v)

146 ------------------
But none in the face?
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (Wg6v7)

They seem to have wanted him to see what was happening for a short time.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (Zz0t1)

147 I want everyone to know I do not throw my "I Available" panties at RFJ Jr. while at a recent rally. I plan to hand them to him personally on October 9th.

Posted by: Asa Hutchinson at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (kmEPs)

148 When we were talking about housing prices earlier today I found a little nugget that might explain what the real inflation rate is...

Media house price 2020: $330K

Media house price 2023: $416K

Note for that time frame the FNM claims that the total inflation rate was roughly 10%...
Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (XqcwY)

I assume you mean "Median" because I don't care how much the media pays for houses. (Well, other than MAKE IT HURT)

I'm not seeing how those prices don't come out to a ~10% annual inflation.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (N1DT3)

149 Name one thing cheaper today ( besides bribes to Hunter) than it was 4 years ago?

Biden has been in for only 2.5 years.
But I’d guess some 90 inch TV that cost $4000
In 2021 is $3000 now. Since high end tech becomes cheaper every year no matter what, due to mass adoption.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:07 PM (HnzP8)

150 My theory is the Democrats are going to wait to toss Sundowner then be forced the last month's to have Mooch be the nomination

Posted by: Skip at October 02, 2023 03:08 PM (fwDg9)

151 "More on Josh Kruger."


At least he didn't die of Monkeypox.

Posted by: Jay in PA at October 02, 2023 03:08 PM (i7Q7S)

152 102 90 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

Shot seven times in the chest and abdomen.

Sounds personal.
Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:03 PM (wtvvX)

Negligent Discharge

Posted by: Media Cover-up Artists at October 02, 2023 03:08 PM (53oGX)

153 He is following the exact plan Obama had but for a lot more money. (Infrastructure spending, EVs, etc.) And, yet, he was fine & used 2nd administration to "transform society."

NPR, July 23, 2010: Obama Tries Refocusing Everyone On Economy. "Along with that is the continuing bad news for Obama that Americans aren't confident in his handling of the economy. The latest CNN/Opinion Research poll showed that just 42 percent of respondents approved of his management of the economy." And, that was 2010.

The Washington Times, Editorial, Jan 20, 2012: It’s the economy, stupid. Obama's quest for a second term doomed by his own policies

Mr. Obama is stuck defending an economic record far worse than Mr. Bush’s. The gross domestic product (GDP) grew an average of 4.3 percent over the first three quarters in 1992, while 2012’s growth is expected to be half that rate. Unemployment in October 1992 was 7.3 percent, while Mr. Obama has said that an 8 percent rate by election day is “possible.” Inconvenient truths like these are why the White House is trying to steer the debate into the vaguer arena of class warfare and away from the specifics of Mr. Obama’s unhappy record.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (GshMh)

154 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.


Did they recover the hammer?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The EPA has determined US has cooled since 1948 at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (XSoJN)

155 Ask your doctor what Laphonza can do for you

Posted by: steevy at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (FQmDC)

156 Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

He will not resign. Never gonna happen. Democrats need to call their CIA buddies. IYKWIM

Posted by: GL at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (5fDan)

157 Someday, if God wills it, I will be as old as Biden and I might be facing a similar sort of cognitive decline. May God be merciful and grant me a graceful and peaceful exit such that I might not be a burden to my family, my friends, or the public.

("Things no grifting politician EVER said" for $500, Alex.)

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (qPw5n)

158 But none in the face?
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:04 PM (Wg6v7)

That would have been glockakke

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (wtvvX)

159 Inflation is "tamed" as long as you exclude food, fuel, rent, mortgage, and medical costs from the calculations.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (MeG8a)

160 18-1


As hard as it may be to believe, home prices is not a factor in CPI calculation. Instead imputed rent is used. Which can be a proxy but it’s not perfectly correlated.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (HnzP8)

161 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.
Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (iFTx/)

Has there been a single high profile gay - or, holy shit, I didn't know he was gay - murder in the past several years that wasn't?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (uvymP)

162 Is thar a joke about Kruger?
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (YDx0c)
No, he was shot dead today.
Posted by: Nova Local at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (exHjb)

Good riddance to human garbage.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (0lY6Y)

163 I am proud, so proud that Governor HairGel picks a Black LBGTDFTYJHNBVCFEDDRFI and KOMNGBFFJHMMNB and HGHNBGBJHJJMNJMK and a JHNFGVFYOLMNHTUHHHH+ Woman to replace Feinstein............. So proud !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:05 PM (p3lya)


Not an historic first: wasn't Obama the first black lesbian US Senator?

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at October 02, 2023 03:10 PM (xj0FU)

164 >>Negligent Discharge

I've had a few of those when Frank puts on his thigh highs and bends over - Kevin McCarthy

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (l10hq)

165 The masterminds have put us in position where the only way to save the economy is to completely tank the economy, for something on the order of a decade.

It can be done but...there isn't will for a Paul Ryan "we'll cut the budget in 10 years honest" fake let alone a real will's my suggestion

Ship the illegals home and take any possessions/money they have when ship them back.
Any government hack that approved ANY aid to an illegal is fired and assessed a 10K penalty per illegal.
Individuals employing illegals get a $10K penalty per year
The cost of H1Bs is 100K per. And retroactive to 2020 (since Biden was installed not elected)
All welfare spending is ended

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (XqcwY)

166 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 1h
NEW: US Fed official says high interest rates likely for ‘some time’
The F, you say!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (krqg6)

167 I think abortion prices are still pretty low. And apparently that’s the only thing 18-35 year old women voters care about.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (HnzP8)

168 You know.

I mentioned this to the ARNP I support. She still owes a LOT of money for her student loans and is furious she has to start paying on them again. I said, what did you expect? You borrowed money and promised to pay it back. Why is it ok for you to reneg on that? Why should I have to bail you out?

Pay your fucking debts

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (eOjAZ)

169 Is thar a joke about Kruger?
Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 02:51 PM (YDx0c)
No, he was shot dead today.
Posted by: Nova Local at October 02, 2023 02:55 PM (exHjb)

Freddy Kruger > Josh Kruger

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (NtVYv)

Posted by: Elric Blade at October 02, 2023
That cat has monkeypox eye.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023

Oh, you meant a literal feline. Yeah.

I hope somebody will take care of the cat.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (J2vNu)

171 I'd rather *biden be his stubborn, fucktard self and refuse any and all attempts to get him to quit. There's about 100 million people in this god-forsaken hellhole that need to feel some pain. 4 more years of this shit will either collapse the country or lead to open, public revolt.

Or both.

People are only now beginning to sour on "Bidenomics." Those that still believe what CNN or MSNBC tell them is true need a rude awakening.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (Q4IgG)

172 Is there any possibility Joe could coherently explain Bidenomics?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (VdGjU)

173 Bidenomics is good for sea otters.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (kmEPs)

174 I'm not seeing how those prices don't come out to a ~10% annual inflation.

The FNM claim is that inflation peaked at 8%/year and was negligible for the two years before that.

Housing prices have gone up 26% over those three years, so it likely does work out to something like 10%/year

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (XqcwY)

175 "But we don't have any evidence as to why we should be hopeful. The polling is bad. The approval ratings are bad. We know about concerns about both the president's age and about the vice president if she were to take over."

No sh*t, Sherlock!

Posted by: Watson at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (a3Q+t)

176 I believe that the elites should be forced to live in an Amish style community for 6 months or a year, surrounded by guards to prevent contamination, to really understand socialism. No technology except what you can power using muscles. No food except what you grow. No clothes except what you make from raw materials.

I might listen to them after that experience, if they last that long.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (mNmNo)

177 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.


Where was Paul Pelosi on the night in question, and was there a hammer involved?

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (xj0FU)

178 All theseb Liberal Women are all becoming Lesbos, so within 20 years Abortion will no longer be an issue !!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (p3lya)

179 Pay your fucking debts
Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (eOjAZ)

The monetary, and the karma

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (NtVYv)

180 Is there any possibility Joe could coherently explain Bidenomics? Posted by: That Northernlurker

I would settle having him explain coherently what he had for breakfast.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (kmEPs)

181 I am just pissed that they kept jerking my chain on PSLF. Kept slow walking and playing stupid with the requirements.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (5iCZZ)

182 Is there any possibility Joe could coherently explain Bidenomics?

Joe can't coherently explain why his drawers are always awash in fecal matter, so no.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (I/Qkd)

183 Is there any possibility Joe could coherently explain Bidenomics?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at October 02, 2023 03:12 PM (VdGjU)

Well ya see jack it's my name and economics. not a lie.
-Joey B

Posted by: BruceWayne at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (CIS44)

184 -------

Not an historic first: wasn't Obama the first black lesbian US Senator?
Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at October 02, 2023 03:10 PM (xj0FU)

There was a black fag on my morning.

There was a black fag on my day.

Posted by: Kings Xcrement at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (Zz0t1)

185 All theseb Liberal Women are all becoming Lesbos, so within 20 years Abortion will no longer be an issue !!!!!!
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (p3lya)


Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (NtVYv)

186 Breaking911 @Breaking911 53m
NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (krqg6)

187 The CIA is going to leave some fentanyl on Joe's bed slippers and he is going to die of respiratory failure. They will blame Hunter. The bag of coke that the SS found was in preparation for this op.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:14 PM (lf83v)

188 The big mac index has been saying that inflation is higher than claimed for 20 years now.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 02, 2023 03:14 PM (44ww/)

189 S&p500 is up about 10% since Jan 2021. Inflation since then is 25%.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:14 PM (HnzP8)

190 All theseb Liberal Women are all becoming Lesbos, so within 20 years Abortion will no longer be an issue !!!!!!

Having talked with plenty of abortion nutters over the years, they generally don't "need" abortion personally. What they are really concerned about is how many kids THOSE people are having. they can go on a pure tuna diet and they aren't going to want free abortions for brown women any less...

Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:14 PM (XqcwY)

191 Breaking911 @Breaking911 53m
NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC

That oughta do it. Thanks very much, Ray.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (I/Qkd)

192 I wonder if, when it comes out that he was killed by one of his party palz, they can manage to whitewash everything and claim it was a hate crime by straights, and then have this mincing nancy boy buried at the National Cathedral like Shepard.

The media must look back at those halcyon days wistfully. They really could just make up *anything* back then, and it would pass into history as fact.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (0FoWg)

193 Breaking911 @Breaking911 53m
NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC

Speaking to future voters.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (lf83v)

194 >>> 159 Inflation is "tamed" as long as you exclude food, fuel, rent, mortgage, and medical costs from the calculations.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (MeG8a)

This might be getting close to math, but even if we have inflation of 0.00% for the past year, most people are still fcked because of the 25% or whatever insane amount from the year or two before *that*. Inflation *stopping* doesn't mean prices went down, it means they stopped going up. Stupid presstitutes.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (llON8)

195 They need to do a better job of framing things.
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 02:49 PM

You know what comes after shelving? Framing.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (a3Q+t)

196 I did a $1 product example from 2019 with 10% inflation for 3 years and then 5% the final year. Folks were surprised.

2019: $1
2020: $1.10
2021: $1.21
2022: $1.33
2023: $1.40

Posted by: bonhomme at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (R38qh)

197 believe that the elites should be forced to live in an Amish style community for 6 months or a year, surrounded by guards to prevent contamination, to really understand socialism. No technology except what you can power using muscles. No food except what you grow. No clothes except what you make from raw materials.

I might listen to them after that experience, if they last that long.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (mNmNo)

Cannabalism within a week.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (iupH6)

198 FYI the FNM is now saying DiCaprio is an asshole because he keeps trading his GF in for a younger model. Notice Barky won't do that.
Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (XqcwY)

Man, even as he's getting older. However does he manage it. If only someone could explain how a rich, famous guy could be so successful with women.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (uvymP)

199 I assert:

Pet Sematary is the best book of Stephen King's first decade.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (LvTSG)

200 The big mac index has been saying that inflation is higher than claimed for 20 years now.
Posted by: BourbonChicken

But, but, but - 'inflation is tamed'!

(Only in Bizarro World)

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (qoGsy)

201 Bring out your dead Senators...

Bring out your dead Senators.......

But I am not Bloody Dead yet Gavin !!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:16 PM (p3lya)

202 >>> 188 The big mac index has been saying that inflation is higher than claimed for 20 years now.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 02, 2023 03:14 PM (44ww/)


Posted by: Helena Handbasket at October 02, 2023 03:16 PM (llON8)

203 Looking at curry recipes and saw this:
I tried Wookie curry for the first time last night The flavour was alright but the meat was a bit chewy.

Posted by: Ciampino - All generalizations are false at October 02, 2023 03:16 PM (qfLjt)

204 Speaking to future voters.
Begging them to stay in TX and NM.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:16 PM (krqg6)

205 Inflation is "tamed" as long as you exclude food, fuel, rent, mortgage, and medical costs from the calculations.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at October 02, 2023 03:09 PM (MeG8a)

So the "non-essentials" have been excluded?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:17 PM (BdMk6)

206 I did a $1 product example from 2019 with 10% inflation for 3 years and then 5% the final year. Folks were surprised.

2019: $1.00
2020: $1.10
2021: $1.21
2022: $1.33
2023: $1.40
Posted by: bonhomme

Exactly. Bidenomics has made us all richer.

Posted by: AOC - Econ Major at October 02, 2023 03:17 PM (kmEPs)

207 Biden is old as f*ck and is aging like summer milk.

The stress of being President, even with all the vacation time, is causing Biden's dementia to rapidly progress.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 02, 2023 03:17 PM (2tUFv)

208 There used to be one of those coincident connections between skirt length and the economy. Anyhow are skirts getting longer or shorter?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at October 02, 2023 03:17 PM (VdGjU)

209 168. Pay your fucking debts
Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM
Just got easier. August 22, 2023, FACT SHEET: The Biden-⁠Harris Administration Launches the SAVE Plan, the Most Affordable Student Loan Repayment Plan Ever to Lower Monthly Payments for Millions of Borrowers

"The SAVE plan is an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan that calculates payments based on a borrower’s income and family size – not their loan balance – and forgives remaining balances after a certain number of years."

There we go & after the definition of 'family' changed too.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 03:17 PM (GshMh)

210 They can stay in NM and AZ because thoses places voted for this Shit..So they live with it as a gift from Uncle Joe !!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (p3lya)

211 Exactly. Bidenomics has made us all richer.

Can someone convert that the quatloos?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (lf83v)

212 FYI the FNM is now saying DiCaprio is an asshole because he keeps trading his GF in for a younger model. Notice Barky won't do that.
Posted by: 18-1 at October 02, 2023 03:01 PM (XqcwY)

Leo is the embodiment of the Wooderson quote from Dazed and Confused. I get older they stay the same age.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (HnzP8)

213 I assert:

Pet Sematary is the best book of Stephen King's first decade.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

As long as it doesn't feature 11 year olds having sex like some of his other work does.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (Bd6X8)

214 "I've never understood why you would brand an economy in your name when the economy hasn't fully recovered yet,"

This is how you can tell people are play acting scripted bullshit.

"Fully recovered yet" ???

By that does he mean swims in the deepest bacterial bowels od the most disgusting Grand Central Station toilet?

Posted by: ... at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (3rT2C)

215 Man, even as he's getting older. However does he manage it. If only someone could explain how a rich, famous guy could be so successful with women.


It's a mystery.

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (DOrlJ)

216 199 I assert:

Pet Sematary is the best book of Stephen King's first decade.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (LvTSG)

Eh, now he writes like, and looks like, a bitter old lesbian..

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (PCK5/)

217 The SAVE plan is an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan that calculates payments based on a borrower’s income and family size – not their loan balance – and forgives remaining balances after a certain number of years."

There we go & after the definition of 'family' changed too.
Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies

She's hopefully fucked then.
She and her hubs pull in a LOT of money.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (Z9wrD)

218 I paid $6.59 a gallon today for mid grade here in Commifornia.


Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (NtVYv)

219 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

Almost certainly.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (2tUFv)

220 There is a commercial running in New Mexico that the sound of nuts popping open can be heard around the state. Is this a local issue?

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (kmEPs)

221 Mark Felton has a new video up on YouTube about 14th Waffen SS Division memorials in the UK.

One is located at a POW camp in Scotland located at Lockerbie. And somehow Scotland has decided to pony up over 50,000 Pounds to restore the chapel with the memorial.

Mark Felton to the Canadian Parliament, "according to Wikipedia Hitler was not a nice man."

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (5WZCt)

222 216 Eh, now he writes like, and looks like, a bitter old lesbian..
Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (PCK5/)


I'm just going in publishing order. Long way to go before bitter old lesbian.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (LvTSG)

223 Why do I have to pay for my $200K degree from Fuckstain University in Gay HaMster Reproductive Habits when I can only find a minimum wage job at Burger King ?????

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (p3lya)

224 Anther Trump endorsed congresscritter, Stefanik is having a cramp over Matt Gaetz's attempt to oust McCarthy.

Trump can really pick'em.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (l10hq)

225 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take a longshot challenge to former President Donald Trump's eligibility on New Hampshire's ballots during the 2024 election.

So... we need to keep trying?
-The left.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (5iCZZ)

226 She's hopefully fucked then.
She and her hubs pull in a LOT of money.
Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (Z9wrD)

YOu dont have to go on IDR, thats for the people that want to lower their payments. She can just be on one of the general payment plans.

Posted by: BruceWayne at October 02, 2023 03:20 PM (CIS44)

227 186 Breaking911 @Breaking911 53m
NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (krqg6)

Hola, mis amigos!

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:20 PM (wtvvX)

228 The stress of being President, even with all the vacation time, is causing Biden's dementia to rapidly progress.

Compare Biden's behavior now to just a couple of years ago.

It's gotten much, much worse.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 02, 2023 03:20 PM (2tUFv)

229 Bidenomics= Theiving tax money to give to Leftists, Bureaucracy and foreign countries which lines pockets of the Deep State driving inflation upwards while shutting down energy production.

Thats what Bidenomics are all about Charlie Brown

Posted by: Skip at October 02, 2023 03:20 PM (fwDg9)

230 168 You know.

I mentioned this to the ARNP I support. She still owes a LOT of money for her student loans and is furious she has to start paying on them again. I said, what did you expect? You borrowed money and promised to pay it back. Why is it ok for you to reneg on that? Why should I have to bail you out?

Pay your fucking debts
Nurse, you should have said 'rub some dirt on it. Drink some water Don't be a pussy'.

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:20 PM (L1JuH)

231 I mentioned this to the ARNP I support. She still owes a LOT of money for her student loans and is furious she has to start paying on them again. I said, what did you expect? You borrowed money and promised to pay it back. Why is it ok for you to reneg on that? Why should I have to bail you out?

You missed a prime opportunity to say "your loan payment helps fund the war in Ukraine and fund migrants at $2400 a month. You should be proud to pay it!"

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (3fvxY)

232 222 216 Eh, now he writes like, and looks like, a bitter old lesbian..
Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:18 PM (PCK5/)


I'm just going in publishing order. Long way to go before bitter old lesbian.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (LvTSG)

I just wanted to insult the rotten bastard…

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (PCK5/)

233 @disclosetv 3h
JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.
Daily Mail link pixelated at the Xtweet.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (krqg6)

234 Plants don't seem to be growing so good. They need more Brawndo.

WHY IT MATTERS: Brawndo has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (fs1hN)

235 "Whatever stories Americans are told about the strength of the economy under President Joe Biden, they are not going to be persuaded to look past the issue of their own living standards," liberal economist James Galbraith wrote.

Good grief! One's living standards is synonymous with the economy. What an idiot.

Posted by: InZona at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (u21f8)

236 Eric Adams should tell them they are as unique as breakfast tacos.

Posted by: Dr. Jill Biden, married to a guy who was raised by Puerto Ricans at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (lf83v)

237 I paid 5.69 a gallon in Seattle yesterday.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan, she's still free! at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (Z9wrD)

238 Breaking911 @Breaking911 53m
NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC
Posted by: andycanuck

Kamala lights up joint in celebration that a new Immigration Czar has arrived.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (kmEPs)

239 232 I'm just going in publishing order. Long way to go before bitter old lesbian.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (LvTSG)

I just wanted to insult the rotten bastard…
Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (PCK5/)


It's true. He is a rotten bastard.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (LvTSG)

240 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

Sand bags.
Sand bags.
Sand bags.

Useful for tripping, smothering or socking on the head. Also to hold back flood waters.

Posted by: Ciampino - All generalizations are false! at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (qfLjt)

241 @disclosetv 3h
JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:21 PM (krqg6)


Hookers take checks?

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (DRSnL)

242 "She still owes a LOT of money for her student loans and is furious she has to start paying on them again. I said, what did you expect?"

Should have asked her why she wasn't paying them while the interest wasn't accruing so she could get ahead on paying the principal.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (ou9hh)

243 Didn’t Biden try some new student loan shenanigans after scotus told him to fuck off? I guess it didn’t go anywhere.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (HnzP8)

244 There used to be one of those coincident connections between skirt length and the economy. Anyhow are skirts getting longer or shorter?
It's been replaced by the length of "women's cocks" index.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (krqg6)

245 Should Dems be worried about the Biden economy tanking Biden's re-election chances? A Dem I was talking to recently is thrilled with how Biden has "improved" the economy. I don't know how common this mindset is since I don't discuss politics with Dems.

Perhaps the problem is non-Dems who might vote against Biden. This means fewer votes could be feasibly manufactured for Biden. They'd have to "lose" Repub ballots on a massive scale.

Posted by: Emmie at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (syXXq)

246 Gas is 3.64 mid grade here… I guess we are exempt from the Coatal Privilege Tax, here in the Middle..

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (PCK5/)

247 240 What Comes Next: Democrats begin asking "how do we get grandpa to step down from his role as the country's CEO?"

Sand bags.
Sand bags.
Sand bags.

Useful for tripping, smothering or socking on the head. Also to hold back flood waters.

Posted by: Ciampino - All generalizations are false! at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (qfLjt)

Just make him keep getting on and off Air Force One all by himself...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (wtvvX)

248 Should have asked her why she wasn't paying them while the interest wasn't accruing so she could get ahead on paying the principal.
Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (ou9hh)


I personally put the monthly payment in my bank account, so I could accrue the interest (little as it is). I paid my loan off at the end of August.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (DRSnL)

249 a bitter old lesbian.

That's kind of redundant, right?

Posted by: Rosie O'Donnell at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (fs1hN)

250 JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.

It was cry for help. He needed more Father's Love.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (lf83v)

Should have asked her why she wasn't paying them while the interest wasn't accruing so she could get ahead on paying the principal.
Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (ou9hh)

Everyone thought Biden would wipe away their loans. If it happened great, if it didn’t, no big deal interest wasn’t accruing. There was zero risk to not paying and a lot of risk in paying, the last 3 years. Not making payments was the smart and rational move.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (HnzP8)

252 Musk has a sense of humor.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (ZLI7S)

253 They missed their best chance to replace Kamala.

Kamala goes back to the US Senate and then Newsom slides to the VP. Won't happen now.

Posted by: rd at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (P+eA/)

254 I paid $3.41 today in Los Cruces, NM. Plus I didn't have to pay off a homeless drug addict to not wash my windshield.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (kmEPs)

255 We are getting close to "too late to switch" for the Demofasicsti. If they're making a move, they should do so before Thanksgiving (or so) so their new candidate can have time to make an impression on the rank-and-file ballot harvesters.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (HV2Ek)

256 =====

Hookers take checks?
Posted by: Jordan61 at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (DRSnL)


Posted by: Zombie Jerry Springer at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (Zz0t1)

257 245 Perhaps the problem is non-Dems who might vote against Biden. This means fewer votes could be feasibly manufactured for Biden. They'd have to "lose" Repub ballots on a massive scale.
Posted by: Emmie at October 02, 2023 03:23 PM (syXXq)


Detroit says that there are 1000 ballots in a box with ten. Make that 1500 next time.

Philly sends out 250,000 mail in ballots illegally. Make it 300,000 next time.

Atlanta just runs the same ballot through the machine hundreds of times. Make it thousands of times next time.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (LvTSG)

258 Bidenomics.

No Malarky.

Not a Joke.

Posted by: Joe "#twoterms" Biden at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (Vu7A1)

259 Hookers take checks?
Posted by: Jordan61 at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (DRSnL)


Posted by: Zombie Jerry Springer at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (wtvvX)

260 "Polling indicates that college-educated voters are generally satisfied with the state of the economy, but voters living paycheck to paycheck are disillusioned."

Posted by: gp's Chamber Of Trust Issues

College loan repayments are set to start again this month.

Good timing, Grandpa shit pants.
Posted by: JackStraw

College educated living pay check to pay check.

The teachers who have been vacationing for 3 years hardest hit.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch...

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (Y8dTC)

261 That picture of the UAW worker staring at Biden shows all you need to know.

Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (u6ZFt)

262 I paid $6.59 a gallon today for mid grade here in Commifornia.

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (NtVYv)

Yikes! I'm outraged that I'm paying north of $4! Glad I got out of Cali.

Posted by: InZona at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (u21f8)

263 hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women,

Gosh. Is Ukraine in Eastern Europe?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (lf83v)

264 $3.09 here in SE Texas.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (4I/2K)

265 "NEW: NYC Mayor Eric Adams to travel to Central America to speak with migrants, officials - WNBC"

I miss the days when state politicians would leave international relations to the feds whose job it is to conduct that kind of thing.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (ou9hh)

266 Regular gas has hovered right around $4 forever here. Seems like we are immune to any short term spikes or drops.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (HnzP8)

267 261 That picture of the UAW worker staring at Biden shows all you need to know.
Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 03:25 PM (u6ZFt)


"That we need to send a guy to his house."
-UAW president

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (LvTSG)

268 Kamalala Harris, President #47.

Soon boys and girls. Soon.

Posted by: rd at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (P+eA/)

269 Just under $5 a gallon here on the east side of WA.

Posted by: Jordan61 at October 02, 2023 03:27 PM (DRSnL)

270 Everyone thought Biden would wipe away their loans. If it happened great, if it didn’t, no big deal interest wasn’t accruing. There was zero risk to not paying and a lot of risk in paying, the last 3 years. Not making payments was the smart and rational move.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (HnzP

Shoplifting all your groceries in SF is the smart and rational move as well.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:27 PM (aD39U)

271 Polling indicates that college-educated voters are generally satisfied with the state of the economy, but voters living paycheck to paycheck are disillusioned

Whoever wrote that assumes no college educated person lives paycheck to paycheck, and no non-college grad does well financially.

Bigly big assumption.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (HnzP8)

272 Has Chicago started their state run grocery stores yet?

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (L1JuH)

273 @165

>>It can be done but..

It could but it would take pushing unemployment to around 10 pct and contracting the global economy by about 25 pct.

There is simply no free lunch to be had in any of this.

The only way out is to be found on The Wheel of Pain.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (XV/Pl)

274 Trump is unraveling, and the media is covering it up. Trump is in a confused and addled state, where he frequently makes statements both incoherent and irreconcilable with reality.

Still, did you hear Biden made a “gaffe”? Sure you did. Because the media devotes heavy coverage to Biden’s every hesitation or stumble, and goes out of its way to create them when they don’t exist. All to promote a narrative that Biden is old and losing his grip, while Trump is somehow vigorous. That narrative isn’t just a clear disservice; it’s a signal measure of how willing major media outlets are to coddle Trump, savage Biden, and keep the nation in the dark.

Ron Filipkowski tweet: "Slurring his words, Trump starts riffing about how he would rather be electrocuted to death than be eaten by a shark."

"Montage of 33 clips of the stupidest, most vile, insane, weirdest, addled dementia-ridden, psychotic statements made by Trump over the past two weeks."

Biden may not always make the most skillful dismount from his bike, but he's not asking his audience to choose between electrocution and being eaten by a shark.

Posted by: Intercepted Daily Kos Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (JCZqz)

275 The problem with the student loan mess is that the amnesty lasted far too long. Had it been six months, it would have been easier to handle. Now it has been 3+ years, and people are looking at this with inflation raging. Next, no one knows what they have to pay. The processors keep changing and the Feds keep changing the rules. Kid unit said she was told that based on about 30 criteria they could determine her payment. It's chaos.

Posted by: WOPR at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (WFJRS)

276 I miss the days when state politicians would leave international relations to the feds whose job it is to conduct that kind of thing.

You mean the Logan Act? That only applies to X-Men with claws made of adamantium.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (lf83v)

277 I don’t know why they want Biden to step down, he’s down everything they have dreamed about

Posted by: Gonzotx at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (MwHgU)

278 220 There is a commercial running in New Mexico that the sound of nuts popping open can be heard around the state. Is this a local issue?
Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (kmEPs)


Posted by: Emmie at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (syXXq)

279 $2.99/gal in central TN today. That's as low as it's been for some time.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (63An5)

280 Rampant crime in Blue states and cities… gas prices through the roof… overrun by illegals… the Left sure takes care of its own..

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (PCK5/)

281 Gosh. Is Ukraine in Eastern Europe?

And we're killing off all the men.

Less competition.

Posted by: International Sex Trafficing Rings! at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (2tUFv)

282 Leftists are not paying student loans because they are hoping they will all get forgotten

Posted by: Skip at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (fwDg9)

283 I’d totally go with the shark. You can escape a shark attack. Electrocution though, you’re fucked.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (HnzP8)

284 "Trump can really pick'em."

You could put "I hate drumpf" in your name line and avoid looking for any reason to say you hate drumpf.

Posted by: Outside of Life at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (89Sog)

285 And we're killing off all the men.

But they can die happy, knowing that their deaths are helping to deter China from invading Taiwan.

Posted by: International Sex Trafficing Rings! at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (2tUFv)

286 Eric Adams should tell them they are as unique as breakfast tacos.
Posted by: Dr. Jill Biden, married to a guy who was raised by Puerto Ricans at October 02, 2023 03:22 PM (lf83v)

Soy un . . . taco de desayuno!

Posted by: Eric Adams at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (4I/2K)

287 "I paid my loan off at the end of August.
Posted by: Jordan61 "

Nice! I paid off two of my four during the pause and half of the last one. I've got $3700 to go.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (ou9hh)

288 Yeah, because if it is anything the mainstream media does it is cover for Trump...

Posted by: steevy at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (FQmDC)

289 >>Biden may not always make the most skillful dismount from his bike, but he's not asking his audience to choose between electrocution and being eaten by a shark.

Yea, pretty much he is.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (ZLI7S)

290 And we're killing off all the men.

Less competition.

Hey, baby.

Posted by: Lt. Col. Alexander Semyon Vindman at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (lf83v)

291 283 I’d totally go with the shark. You can escape a shark attack. Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Don't forget to wet the sponge.

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (L1JuH)

292 Trump starts riffing about how he would rather be electrocuted to death than be eaten by a shark."l

Man, he's still got it

Posted by: ... at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (3rT2C)

293 The processors keep changing and the Feds keep changing the rules. Kid unit said she was told that based on about 30 criteria they could determine her payment. It's chaos.
Posted by: WOPR at October 02, 2023 03:28 PM (WFJRS)

Only the federal govt could fuck op something as simple as a loan amortization table.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (HnzP8)

294 283 I’d totally go with the shark. You can escape a shark attack. Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM (HnzP

sharks are easy to jump.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (i9ffA)

295 Not making payments was the smart and rational move.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (HnzP

Shoplifting all your groceries in SF is the smart and rational move as well.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:27 PM (aD39U)

Come on, if you are told you do not have to pay, that is not the equivalent to stealing.

Posted by: WOPR at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (WFJRS)

296 One square. One square only.

Posted by: Sheryl Crow, channeling her inner Ramius at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (a3Q+t)

297 There is a commercial running in New Mexico that the sound of nuts popping open can be heard around the state. Is this a local issue?
Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (kmEPs).

Posted by: Emmie

Sorry for the confusion. I left out the pistachio part by accident. Maybe. Sort of like doing a Jamaal.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (kmEPs)

298 There are at least two 14th Waffen SS memorials in Canada - Oakville and in Edmonton.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:32 PM (5WZCt)

299 -------------------
Don't forget to wet the sponge.
Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:30 PM (L1JuH)

Leave me out of this.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 03:32 PM (Zz0t1)

300 What if the sharks have friggin' lasers?

Posted by: Dr. Evil at October 02, 2023 03:32 PM (lf83v)

301 It's a SHOCK ATTACK!!!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (krqg6)

302 "Everyone thought Biden would wipe away their loans. If it happened great, if it didn’t, no big deal interest wasn’t accruing. There was zero risk to not paying and a lot of risk in paying, the last 3 years. Not making payments was the smart and rational move.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:24 PM (HnzP"

That's because they are really stupid people, who weren't paying attention the last 17 times the government promised something and then changed its mind/the qualification criteria/ all the rules later.

If the government gives you the opportunity to pay off your debt without interest accruing, you take it before they change their minds.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (ou9hh)

303 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.

.. this is the situation in 1992 that sent George HW Bush to the exits .. the Clinton campaign did everything possible to push this

Posted by: SMOD at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (RHGPo)

304 197 believe that the elites should be forced to live in an Amish style community for 6 months or a year, surrounded by guards to prevent contamination, to really understand socialism. No technology except what you can power using muscles. No food except what you grow. No clothes except what you make from raw materials.

I might listen to them after that experience, if they last that long.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at October 02, 2023 03:13 PM (mNmNo)

Cannabalism within a week.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:15 PM (iupH6)
What's for dinner Mum?
Well we have a choice of DiFi roast shank or sous vide Joe Biden tripe.

Posted by: Ciampino - Cover me, I'm changing lanes at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (qfLjt)

305 Only the federal govt could fuck op something as simple as a loan amortization table.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:31 PM (HnzP

Her husband has had three different processors who change what monthly payment each time. You would think it would be a check to the Feds. Nope.

Posted by: WOPR at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (WFJRS)

306 298 There are at least two 14th Waffen SS memorials in Canada - Oakville and in Edmonton.
Waffen SS were sort of twitchy.

Posted by: Puddinhead at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (L1JuH)

307 "Biden may not always make the most skillful dismount from his bike, but he's not asking his audience to choose between electrocution and being eaten by a shark."

That actually pretty funny, if it were true.

But not as bad as making the choice between Biden and Kamala (which is real)

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (JojsZ)

308 So Kruger was shot seven times in the chest you say?
Damn nice grouping. Check for gay shooting range members

Posted by: Smell the Glove at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (gZYFY)

309 Seems like the Dem game plan is pretty simple to me:

Let Biden run; even win at the convention. Month before the election... ten days, say, before the first mail in ballots go out, replace him with Mooch or Newsome. Biden says he's retiring and wants everyone to vote for Mooch "for me" and they run as "finishing the job Grandpa couldn't do! Win one for the gimper!" Ride the sympathy wave to a legitimate win! And it's going to be legitimate, even if they have to count the ballots 25 times each!

Posted by: GanGanowicz at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (AxRGS)

310 $3.09 here in SE Texas.
Posted by: Count de Monet

I topped off the tank at $2.889 the other day in Newark, Ohio at Speedway. I get a 7-cent discount with my Speedway card and there is a mini-gas war going on in the neighborhood there (I don't live there, just shop there) because a new "Sheetz" gas station showed up and is selling gas cheap.
The new Sheetz down the road and close to home is selling gas at $3.099.
Kroger is selling gas at $3.299 as of this morning (and I get a discount on that, too), and UDF is selling it at $3.319 (and I get a discount off that, too).
My guess is that the present low prices are the summer blend gas being run out of storage tanks and refineries, before they start shipping out the winter blend of gas.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at October 02, 2023 03:34 PM (vcOmj)

311 There are at least two 14th Waffen SS memorials in Canada - Oakville and in Edmonton.

Yeah, but those aren't offensive like statues of confederates or the Stars and Bars.

Posted by: the autobahn is swell, after all at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (ppBhU)

312 $3.09 here in SE Texas.
Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (4I/2K)

$3.29 here in central OK. But I remember that it was in the range of $1.60 the day the Doof was sworn in.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (BdMk6)

313 What is electrocution vs being eaten by a shark deal?? I just got here…

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (PCK5/)

314 And we're killing off all the men.


Fertile, impoverished Slavic women are a prime source for homo baby adoptions.

Perhaps a greater natural resource than oil or wheat.

They were permitted to leave in droves while all Uke males under 60 needed to stay and fight for territorial integrity and internationally recognized borders.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (3fvxY)

315 seen at zero hedge, jonathan turley:

First, Biden has lied about key facts related to these foreign dealings, including false statements flagged by the Washington Post.

Second, the president was indeed the focus of a corrupt multimillion-dollar influence peddling scheme.

Third, Biden may have benefitted from this corruption through millions of dollars sent to his family as well as more direct benefit to Joe and Jill Biden.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (B1FKF)

316 219 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

Almost certainly.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 02, 2023 03:19 PM (2tUFv)

So that Josh Kruger story is true? Damn, this times 1000 and there might actually be some hope for us.

Posted by: Tom Servo at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (i9ffA)

317 So the SS did a few things here and there that were not cool. Who hasn’t made mistakes? Come on guys stop being so weird.
- Canada

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (HnzP8)

318 "We have to do a better job framing this ..."

Yeah, it's a "framing" problem. Go with that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (YqDXo)

319 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.
Posted by: SMOD at October 02, 2023 03:33 PM (RHGPo)

Stop the Fed COLAs for employees for two years and see if they believe inflation is tamed.

Posted by: WOPR at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (WFJRS)

320 Re: JJosh Kruger:

CNN's headline is: Philadelphia journalist and advocate Josh Kruger shot . . . .

Um, you really have no idea what a 'journalist' is, do you?

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (63An5)

321 I’d totally go with the shark. You can escape a shark attack. Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM

With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (a3Q+t)

322 The Denver Post reporters the cover the Denver Broncos have are clinically mentally ill. That is a compliment.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (kmEPs)

323 I would say we already have deflation. Breyers cut a 1/2 quart from their half gallon of ice cream. Cereal boxes also smaller.

Don't get me started on Bottled Guiness.

Posted by: DOYLE at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (Z8Yh2)

324 288 Yeah, because if it is anything the mainstream media does it is cover for Trump...
And the constant coverage of stuttering Joe misspeaking are because the MSM literally can't find any footage of him not effing up while making major policy or diplomatic statements.

Yes, they're nuts at DK like the nuts who think the NYT is right-wing because after ignoring Hillary's server etc. for 9 months, they had to have a report on why Comey wasn't charging her despite clearly breaking the law.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (krqg6)

325 Holy cow. We have a legitimate unincorporated community here in Fanin County called Bug Tussle.

I gotta find this place.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (Y2tls)

326 There is a false narrative being pushed by both politicians and pundits that there is no basis for an inquiry, let alone an impeachment, unless a direct payment or gift can be shown to Joe Biden. That would certainly strengthen the case politically, but it is not essential legally. Even in criminal cases subject to the highest standard, payments to family members can be treated as benefits to a principal actor. Direct benefits can further strengthen articles of impeachment, but they would not be a prerequisite for such an action.

Posted by: SMOD at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (RHGPo)

327 There are at least two 14th Waffen SS memorials in Canada - Oakville and in Edmonton.


Do in home shrines to Bandera and Shukhevych count?

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (DOrlJ)

328 Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM

With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)

329 seen at zero hedge, jonathan turley:

Hmm maybe he should have mentioned that in televised testimony last week instead of saying there is nothing impeachable here, which was splashed on every newscast.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (HnzP8)

330 Adams who I don't believe speaks Spanish, while speaking in Central America "NO COME TO NEW YORKO"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (gZYFY)

331 Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM

With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (aD39U)

332 Send Rocco around to collect on those student loans.

Give me my fukin money!

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (nnp+f)

333 Do in home shrines to Bandera and Shukhevych count?

You've been to Justine Trudeau's domicile?

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (5WZCt)

334 Just saw the vid of Trump in court today.

Who's the chick lawyer on his left? Freakin' smoke show.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (QBaJw)

335 Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our conquered female guests - we did. *winks*

Posted by: 14th Waffen SS at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (4I/2K)

336 CNN's headline is: Philadelphia journalist and advocate Josh Kruger shot . . . .

Um, you really have no idea what a 'journalist' is, do you?
Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:36 PM (63An5)

Judging by their hiring- no.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (iupH6)

337 Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM

With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!

Resistance is futile.

Posted by: Diesel Jones, Biologist at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (Vu7A1)

338 With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (aD39U)

Don’t get too amped about this.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (HnzP8)

339 It's interesting that the same faction that aggressively argues that old people crippled by covid are lebensunwirtesleben and should be turned off for the last three years are stuck having to deal with having an old senile person as their standard bearer.

Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (yeAgd)

340 $5.39 for diesel on the rez north of Seattle.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (l10hq)

341 That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)

Polarizing !

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (DOrlJ)

342 Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends -- unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed -- polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.

.. this is the situation in 1992 that sent George HW Bush to the exits .. the Clinton campaign did everything possible to push this
Posted by: SMOD

Inflation is not tamed. They exclude "volatile" things like...FOOD! (who needs that?) from the inflation index. How quaint.
Unemployment is probably higher than reported, and remember that a lot of people left the work force PERMANENTLY during the Covid plandemic. My wife, for instance. At her age, she is having a hellacious time finding something and getting hired, as her work evaporated because of the plandemic.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (vcOmj)

343 312 $3.09 here in SE Texas.
Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:26 PM (4I/2K)

$3.29 here in central OK. But I remember that it was in the range of $1.60 the day the Doof was sworn in.
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:35 PM (BdMk6)

$6.79 here in CA.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (YqDXo)

344 @327 runner , SW of me outside Ellenville NY there are people who actually have statues of Bandera at the homes and Ukrainian community centers.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (gZYFY)

345 Resist we must!

Posted by: Electrocutee, just before electrocution at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (a3Q+t)

346 Electricity puns… only at the HQ…

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (PCK5/)

347 Defense of Brody, 14,000 of the 14th went in. About 3,000 escaped the pocket. Rebuilt with conscripts and sent to keep the Slovaks down. German commander wanted permission to arbitrarily shoot the Ukrainian soldiers because too many were joining the Slovaks.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (5WZCt)

348 Anyone who thinks Inflation has been 'tamed' is a fucking retard.

Posted by: garrett at October 02, 2023 03:41 PM (TJKU9)

349 Inflation is not tamed. They exclude "volatile" things like...FOOD! (who needs that?) from the inflation index. How quaint.

Food is a luxury item. Kinda like yachts.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:41 PM (YqDXo)

350 You have to run the circuit.

Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:41 PM (5jW6s)

351 I paid $2.99/gal in Georgia last week.

Kemp has suspended the state's portion of the gas tax again.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:41 PM (aD39U)

352 Just solder on.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:41 PM (4I/2K)

353 If death is certain in this 'would you rather', I'd choose electrocution. Because the shark may just eat you a piece at a time, which would be very unpleasant.

Posted by: DB - at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (geLO8)

354 Anyone who thinks Inflation has been 'tamed' is a fucking retard.

Joey Bidet raises his hand.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (5WZCt)

355 things like...FOOD! (who needs that?)


This guy gets it.
- Klaus Schwab

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (HnzP8)

356 Adams who I don't believe speaks Spanish, while speaking talking extra loud and extra slow, so the Central Americans can him understand better, in Central America "NO COME TO NEW YORKO"
Posted by: Smell the Glove

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (kmEPs)

357 With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:38 PM (aD39U)

Don’t get too amped about this.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:39 PM (HnzP

Yes. One must remain grounded.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (iupH6)

358 With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223

Posted by: G'rump928(c)

Don’t get too amped about this.
Posted by: Montec

I don't have the capacity to understand these.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (63An5)

359 Bugs are still cheap.

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (JojsZ)

360 How about gene spliced Electric Sharks?

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (5WZCt)

361 ThunderB🇺🇸
Every GOP pol who is suddenly concerned with Rep Gaetz moral hygiene wants to fund Ukraine without end or limit

I reckon it’s because they’re cashing in

He’s touching the money. That’s the only truly unforgivable sin
6:32 PM · Oct 1, 2023

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (GshMh)

362 166 Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 1h
NEW: US Fed official says high interest rates likely for ‘some time’
The F, you say!
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:11 PM (krqg6)

Surely, I'll eventually see some decent interest rates on my checking and money market accounts. Right? Right...?

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (DTX3h)

363 Gold is down another $20 again today. Markets being manipulated.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (l10hq)

364 If I let myself get all coiled up about these electrical puns, I might be a bit impeded.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (qPw5n)

365 since I just commented, you can expect a nood any moment now

Posted by: DB - at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (geLO8)

366 "emp has suspended the state's portion of the gas tax again.


Thanks to the last "Republican" Gov we had in PA, we pay almost .60 per gallon just in taxes.

He did it for the roads and bridges...

Posted by: Jay in PA at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (i7Q7S)

367 *Yes. One must remain grounded.*

Or become inverted.

Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (5jW6s)

368 SW of me outside Ellenville NY there are people who actually have statues of Bandera at the homes and Ukrainian community centers.
Posted by: Smell the Glove at October 02, 2023 03:40 PM (gZYFY)

Yep. They are like that.

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (DOrlJ)

369 365 since I just commented, you can expect a nood any moment now
Posted by: DB - at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (geLO

Please God…..

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (PCK5/)

370 Defense of Brody, 14,000 of the 14th went in. About 3,000 escaped the pocket. Rebuilt with conscripts and sent to keep the Slovaks down. German commander wanted permission to arbitrarily shoot the Ukrainian soldiers because too many were joining the Slovaks.
Yes, along with others of the Rimini POWs not 'returned' to Uncle Joe, unlike those in Operation Keelhaul.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (krqg6)

371 Surely, I'll eventually see some decent interest rates on my checking and money market accounts. Right? Right...?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (DTX3h)

Look around. Some MM accounts are paying 5%

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (HnzP8)

372 *Yes. One must remain grounded.*

Or become inverted.
Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (5jW6s)

I'll take that as a sine.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (aD39U)

373 Wait

Antonio Bandera is Ukrainian?

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (5WZCt)

374 I paid $2.99/gal in Georgia last week. Kemp has suspended the state's portion of the gas tax again.
Posted by: G'rump928(c)

It is a barely camouflaged payment in kind to the suspension repair shops.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (kmEPs)

375 They ( Kalorama Kontrol and the WEFcabal) wanted to run their prize puppet Joe Stinkfinger one more time but the dayglow drugs aren't working anymore.

Guess we can hope that the positioning of the Pretenders for the POTUS throne will spiral out of control.
Cosmic level greed has a way blinding people to the risk of their actions..... here's hoping they have a literal internecine St Valentines Day Massacre.

Posted by: Beyond Norman Parameters at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (QLmHl)

376 >>Every GOP pol who is suddenly concerned with Rep Gaetz moral hygiene wants to fund Ukraine without end or limit

I'm sure Trump will admit he was wrong on McCarthy.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (l10hq)

377 JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.

Yea but Trump married women from Eastern Europe !!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (p3lya)

378 365 since I just commented, you can expect a nood any moment now
Willow has been DBed??

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (krqg6)

379 "With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax"

It could spark a last minute confession

Posted by: Ripley at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (JojsZ)

380 You could get transformed.

Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (5jW6s)

381 358 With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!
Posted by: rickb223

Posted by: G'rump928(c)

Don’t get too amped about this.
Posted by: Montec

I don't have the capacity to understand these.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (63An5)

Resistance is futile

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (wtvvX)

382 365 since I just commented, you can expect a nood any moment now
Posted by: DB - at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (geLO

Please God…..
Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (PCK5/)

Hoping for a Playboy Bunny to come flying in your window and land in bed with you?

Posted by: Senator Blutarski at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (4I/2K)

383 Surely, I'll eventually see some decent interest rates on my checking and money market accounts. Right? Right...?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 02, 2023 03:42 PM (DTX3h)

Personal Capital from Empower is paying 4.7%. No minimum, no penalty for early withdrawal.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (aD39U)

384 328 Electrocution though, you’re fucked.
Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:29 PM

With electrocution, you can meditate just before you go.

Ohmmmm ...
Posted by: Duncanthrax

That's shocking!

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)
I would have said
With electrocution, you can meditate just before you light up.

Posted by: Ciampino - Cover me, I'm changing lanes .. at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (qfLjt)

385 PayPal has about a 4.3% return on investment.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (5WZCt)

386 Can anybody give me a summary of what Ace and COBs are writing about today?

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (kmEPs)

387 re 334: i think her name is something like alina habbiba, but i'm too lazy to look right now

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (B1FKF)

388 Yes. One must remain grounded.*

Or become inverted.
Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (5jW6s)

That would rectify the situation.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (iupH6)

389 Here in Southern Nevada they are running come to San Diego Ads everyday !!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (p3lya)

390 >>That would rectify the situation.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

I was jolted by your comment.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (l10hq)

391 Can anybody give me a summary of what Ace and COBs are writing about today?
Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM

Horde stuff.

You're welcome.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (aQy7p)

392 Someone is about to blow a fuse.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (Zz0t1)

393 388 Yes. One must remain grounded.*

Or become inverted.
Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (5jW6s)

That would rectify the situation.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (iupH6)

Ride or Diode

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (wtvvX)

394 hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.

Yea but Trump married women from Eastern Europe !!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:44 PM (p3lya)

But cheeto head adelded 3 inches to his dick size on his tinder profile....reeeeeeeeee

Posted by: Lefties everywhere at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (yhWwl)

389 Here in Southern Nevada they are running come to San Diego Ads everyday !!!!!!!!

To move there?

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (HnzP8)

396 I am not looking forward to 2024. In 2020 we had Covid and race adjacent riots. 2024 we get New Covid and WW3?

Posted by: Azjaeger at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (bOK50)

397 Why would anyone move to Cali???

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (PCK5/)

398 387 re 334: i think her name is something like alina habbiba, but i'm too lazy to look right now
Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (B1FKF)

Looked her up... Alina Habba.

More like Alina Hubba Hubba, amirite??

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (QBaJw)

399 if crime goes up 15 percent in the new mayor's term and 12 percent in the second, the fact that it's only up ten percent so far this year is not exactly something to boast about. the big thing is that gas is not as expensive as it was a year ago.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (B1FKF)

400 Personal Capital from Empower is paying 4.7%. No minimum, no penalty for early withdrawal.
Posted by: G'rump928(c)

I dated a teller for a time. Once I made a deposit I lost interest.

Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (63An5)

401 Is ace still working on his "project " ?

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (DOrlJ)

402 re 397: free stuff on demand

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (B1FKF)

403 Someone is about to blow a fuse.

Well Joey Bidet has had a couple of aneurysms

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (5WZCt)

404 Is ace still working on his "project " ?
Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (DOrlJ)

Sex dungeons are not built in a day.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (aD39U)

405 402 re 397: free stuff on demand
Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (B1FKF)

I would rather rob 7-11’s…

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (PCK5/)

406 It is especially hard for those who are shelving impaired.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (5WZCt)

407 Gimp out front should have toldya.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (aD39U)

408 Sen. Lump is a gimp

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:50 PM (5WZCt)

409 It is official that my generation is kaput. All the doctors I have are the same age of our grandchildren.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:50 PM (kmEPs)

410 if crime goes up 15 percent in the new mayor's term and 12 percent in the second, the fact that it's only up ten percent so far this year is not exactly something to boast about. the big thing is that gas is not as expensive as it was a year ago.
Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM (B1FKF)

Wait, is this the train leaving Chicago or the train leaving New York City?

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:50 PM (4I/2K)

411 Sex dungeons are not built in a day.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (aD39U)

Should have hired professionals...,,

Posted by: runner at October 02, 2023 03:50 PM (DOrlJ)

412 That would rectify the situation.

Here's your sine.

Posted by: Nikola Tesla at October 02, 2023 03:50 PM (Vu7A1)

413 That's shocking!

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)
Unless you're insulated.

Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:51 PM (5jW6s)

414 More on Josh Kruger. Odds are this was a late-night drug deal or Grindr encounter gone bad? I'd say well north of 50 percent.

From reading the article I'd say well north of 98%.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:51 PM (YqDXo)

415 Sex dungeons are not built in a day.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM (aD39U)

A Home Depot aisle has everything you need, all in one place.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (4I/2K)

416 Sex dungeons are not built in a day.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 03:49 PM

It's the shelving, isn't it?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (aQy7p)

417 Unfortunately, 13 and under is the Dems mental capacity - their physical adult capacity reaches 40. As long as Ma brings the meatloaf down to the basement where they play World of Warcraft 2024 edition whatever...

Posted by: Boswell at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (K+UlC)

418 413 That's shocking!

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:37 PM (Y2tls)
Unless you're insulated.
Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:51 PM (5jW6s)

I'm sorry, wire we doing this again?

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (N3zMI)

419 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (kmEPs)

420 RMBS


Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:53 PM (5WZCt)

421 Why would anyone move to Cali???
Posted by: tubal

Swimming pools, movie stars

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:53 PM (Y2tls)

422 I am not looking forward to 2024. In 2020 we had Covid and race adjacent riots. 2024 we get New Covid and WW3?
Posted by: Azjaeger at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (bOK50)

In 2024 it'll be WLDM - white lives don't matter.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:53 PM (YqDXo)

423 @366

>>He did it for the roads and bridges...

Chris Christie on his way out the door signed the largest gas tax increase in NJ history.

Went from some of the cheapest gas in the country to the most expensive.

And the kicker is that future increases are indexed to short falls in the transportation fund so they don't have to even bother raising them in the future, it happens automatically.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (XV/Pl)

424 Man, 22, left 'in tears' after girlfriend berated him for BURPING 'all the way through' dinner while meeting her parents for the first time.

Sounds like my asshole BIL.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (l10hq)

425 Beach Boys revised song lyrics........

"Wish they could they all could be fat,ugly, and LGBSDTTTHHHJJJJJJJHGF + persons. The Her/she/it's/them all get so tan from that Global Warming SoCal Sun.......

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (p3lya)

I'm sorry, wire we doing this again?

I don't think we gauged it right.

Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (5jW6s)

427 Greg Price
Rep. Jamaal Bowman on pulling the fire alarm:

"I don't know why this has gotten so much attention. I was literally in a rush to go vote. That's all it was."

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (GshMh)

428 It was a mystifying stance to take. I fully expected Biden to blame the horrific economy on varying factors in admission that it sucked. I didn't expect anyone to actually try and convince the public that all was honkey dory.

Every time anyone goes to the grocery store (which everyone has to do) reality is reinforced. Prices (and your total bill) aren't just a little higher. They are SIGNFICANTLY higher. There is no way to hide that at all.

I think it's more likely that someone is submarining Biden by advising him to take that stance.

Posted by: Orson at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (dIske)

429 RMBS

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:53 PM

Dammit! That's what I get for trying to multitask.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (aQy7p)

430 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.
Posted by: lost in space

The Eagles Kelce is gay.
Chiefs Kelce had Taylor Swift sut with momma.
The Eagles Kelce had Jake, from State Farm sit with momma.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (Y2tls)

431 Hoping for a Playboy Bunny to come flying in your window and land in bed with you?
Posted by: Senator Blutarski at October 02, 2023 03:45 PM (4I/2K)

That's possible?

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (BdMk6)

432 seen at twichy: waffle house employees in atl ga want $25 an hour mininum wage

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (B1FKF)

433 Rep. Bowman needs to be trapped in a burning house to understand the fuss

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (5WZCt)

434 Tenderloin 25 dollars per pound and the cut rate butcher.

Posted by: Bidens economy at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (yhWwl)

435 TS;DR

Too stupid; Didn't read.

Except for Ace's choice cruelty.

Posted by: Minuteman at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (LaNzR)

436 Why would anyone move to Cali???
Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 03:47 PM (PCK5/)

A local news story described a female vagrant who to California from Louisiana when her husband died because "she'd heard the benefits were better" there.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (YqDXo)

437 And just like come the horrible puns.

Posted by: Forrest Grump at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (V8he0)

438 Chronic empty shelves in the grocery store

Posted by: Bidens economy at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (yhWwl)

439 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.

So she's a fleeting moment of glory that won't matter next week?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at October 02, 2023 03:56 PM (Bd6X8)

440 Because the shark may just eat you a piece at a time, which would be very unpleasant.

You may feel a bit of discomfort.

Posted by: Dr. Shark at October 02, 2023 03:56 PM (fs1hN)

441 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (p3lya)

442 Tenderloin 25 dollars per pound and the cut rate butcher.

Posted by: Bidens economy

That actually went down $2 from $18.95 to $16.95/lb.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (Y2tls)

Hoping for a Playboy Bunny to come flying in your window and land in bed with you?
This one time, at band camp...

Posted by: Dear Penthouse Forum at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (5jW6s)

444 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.

So she's a fleeting moment of glory that won't matter next week?
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at October 02, 2023 03:56 PM

Got spiked in the end zone?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (aQy7p)

445 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.
Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 03:52 PM (kmEPs)

NFL Network is giddy - the Chiefs won the Taylor Swift Bowl! Even the refs got involved! It was a win win - for everyone except a true football fan - they got a taste of the WWE rules of entertainment that the NFL seems to be devolving into last night.

Posted by: Boswell at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (K+UlC)

446 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????

Because it excuses their failures.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:58 PM (5WZCt)

447 430 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.
Posted by: lost in space

The Eagles Kelce is gay.
Chiefs Kelce had Taylor Swift sut with momma.
The Eagles Kelce had Jake, from State Farm sit with momma.
Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 03:54 PM (Y2tls)

Could figure out why the kept cutting away from swift with those interminable football interuptions.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at October 02, 2023 03:58 PM (yhWwl)

448 RMBS


Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:58 PM (5WZCt)

449 388 Yes. One must remain grounded.*

Or become inverted.
Posted by: Pun and done at October 02, 2023 03:43 PM (5jW6s)

That would rectify the situation.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 03:46 PM (iupH6)
If you are svelte you can jump the gap, as long as you are not impeded.

Posted by: Ciampino - Cover me, I'm changing lanes ... at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (qfLjt)

450 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.

So she's a fleeting moment of glory that won't matter next week?
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at October 02, 2023 03:56 PM

Got spiked in the end zone?
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (aQy7p)

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory in spiking Taylor in the end zone lasts forever.

Posted by: Shane Falco at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (4I/2K)

451 03:57 PM (5jW6s)

444 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.interruptions.

Men are just accessories to her. Looking forward to the kelce break up song though.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (yhWwl)

452 A school bus driver in Lake Mineola, FL runs over and kills a child after letting him off at his stop. The driver is 78 years old.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (l10hq)

453 RMBS

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 02, 2023 03:58 PM

And you beat me to the socialism response, too. Get yourself to TX, lady, I owe you a drink.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (aQy7p)

454 So let me understand. You got TayTay, Kelce and Andy Reid.

TayTay has sex with Kelce, so who is having sex with Andy Reid?

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (0lY6Y)

455 Greg Price
Just smiling and laughing as they turn our country into a third world banana republic.

Fox video: Now Trump in court as civil fraud trial begins.
(Voice of Jonathan Turley/Constitutional Law Attorney)

Oct 2, 2023, 109.8K Views

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 04:00 PM (GshMh)

456 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (p3lya)

It's the smart and rational move.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 02, 2023 04:00 PM (aD39U)

457 Gammy Biden

The Mummy

Posted by: wth at October 02, 2023 04:00 PM (v0R5T)

458 Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown.

Swift has a higher body count than the FBI at Waco. Not a touchdown.

Posted by: Ian S. at October 02, 2023 04:00 PM (2ocoG)

459 A local news story described a female vagrant who to California from Louisiana when her husband died because "she'd heard the benefits were better" there.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 03:55 PM (YqDXo)

That might be a good short-term choice.

The short-term might even last her whole life.

OR, it might last ALMOST her whole life up until the last moment when it suddenly ends.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert, Formerly Virginian at October 02, 2023 04:01 PM (N1DT3)

460 they got a taste of the WWE rules of entertainment that the NFL seems to be devolving into last night.

Plus all the players wearing patches yesterday that looked like a paint store exploded, apparently in service of Roger Goodell wanting YOU to be gay. Sign up at your nearest recruiter, or Kalorama.

Posted by: Ian S. at October 02, 2023 04:02 PM (2ocoG)

461 We aren't coming for your gas furnace!*

*We are coming from your gas furnace.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (5iCZZ)

462 Who are they trying to convince?

Posted by: San Franpsycho at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (RIvkX)

463 Chris Christie on his way out the door signed the largest gas tax increase in NJ history.

Went from some of the cheapest gas in the country to the most expensive.

And the kicker is that future increases are indexed to short falls in the transportation fund so they don't have to even bother raising them in the future, it happens automatically.

You wanna know how tough I am? THAT's how tough I am!

Posted by: Chris Christie Tough Guy at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (fs1hN)

464 There’s a second Kelsey brother? So it’s gonna be like the Kennedy boys and Marilyn Monroe. Noice!!

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (HnzP8)

465 Josh Kruger anti-2nd crusader jihadist update:

Sean Davis @seanmdav 1h
Two days after mocking @ScottAdamsSays for predicting a violent crime surge in the U.S., a left-wing Philadelphia journalist was shot and killed.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays 22m
I have an alibi.
Link to Davis' Xtweet; will have to click through to read the screencap IMAGES he posted.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (krqg6)

466 And they wonder how -- and if -- they can pull the plug to salvage the 2024 electoral cycle:

Newsom is coiffed, gelled and ready.

Posted by: wth at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (v0R5T)

467 456 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????

"We're all in this together.™"

Posted by: Dear Penthouse Forum at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (5jW6s)

468 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown." One of the Kelce brothers.
So she's a fleeting moment of glory that won't matter next week?
Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at October 02, 2023 03:56 PM (Bd6X

When corporate media says you're the thing, you're the thing.

If next week it's UFOs or Covid23 or a school shooting or trannies on parade, then that's what it is.

Americans are slaves, their eyes and ears go wherever corporate media says they should go.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 04:03 PM (QBaJw)

469 There’s a second Kelsey brother?

One plays for the iggles and one plays for the chiefs.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 02, 2023 04:04 PM (Y2tls)

470 We love Tay Tay!!! *hic*

Posted by: Suburban Wine Moms at October 02, 2023 04:04 PM (V8he0)

471 "Taylor Swift does not score touchdowns. She is a touchdown."

Many players scored there?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 02, 2023 04:04 PM (fs1hN)

472 I can score for Taylor!!

Posted by: William "The Fridge" Perry at October 02, 2023 04:05 PM (4I/2K)

473 As I mentioned over the weekend, Larry Elder is swearing up and down there's no way for them to get rid of Biden, because that would automatically mean Cummala.

His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.
Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM


They'll love me even more!

Posted by: Big Mike at October 02, 2023 04:05 PM (vEnOy)

474 The Philadelphia Inquirer, Columnist Will Bunch, Opinion, 9/24/23

Can Taylor Swift save U.S. democracy if Joe Biden can’t? Here’s an idea for 2024.

A pop star's voter registration frenzy suggests an organized drive to save democracy in '24 can be bigger than decrepit Dems.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 04:05 PM (GshMh)

475 Her next album will be called NFL and will have 8 sounds about how football players are the mostest evilest people ever. After Republicans anyway.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (HnzP8)

476 But how does Taylor Swift relate to electricity??? Stay on topic, people!!!

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (PCK5/)

477 233 @disclosetv 3h
JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.
Daily Mail link pixelated at the Xtweet.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6)

They push kids to watch trannys do mock anal but pixelate Hunter's whores.

Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (u6ZFt)

478 470 We love Tay Tay!!! *hic*
Posted by: Suburban Wine Moms at October 02, 2023 04:04 PM (V8he0)


Posted by: Ben Rothliesbergergler at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (yhWwl)

479 There’s a second Kelsey brother? So it’s gonna be like the Kennedy boys and Marilyn Monroe. Noice!!

Err...ah...sammich anyone?

Posted by: Zombie Uncle Ted Kennedy at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (V8he0)

480 Save the Erf!

Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
The Self-Licking Ice-Cream cone in living color: $4b electric vehicle battery plant in Kansas uses so much energy it requires its own coal plant 🤡

Add to that the yucky fossil fuel power generation to charge those batteries.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (FVME7)

481 So if Biden loses democracy won’t be saved. Lol.

Posted by: Montec at October 02, 2023 04:07 PM (HnzP8)

482 481 So if Biden loses democracy won’t be saved. Lol.

Maybe we should be as democratic as Ukraine and cancel the election.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (fs1hN)

483 Jarvis @jarvis_best 17m
Everyone is joking about Taylor Swift and the NFL, but last night, I sat down to watch the game. My 13 year old daughter -- who is usually hiding in her room -- came up to me and asked if she could watch with me.

She had heard that Taylor was going to be at the game, and she is Taylor's biggest fan.

I said sure, and she sat down next to me for the first time in a long time. She asked me questions about the game, and I explained football to her. She seemed genuinely interested!

I asked her about Taylor and her favorite songs, and she lighted up and went on and on about her favorite Taylor Swift songs. We shared some popcorn together and every time they showed Taylor on the telecast, we both cheered.

By the end of the night, we had spent more time together than we had in years. What started out as a random Sunday night football game turned into one of the most beautiful moments we had shared together in years. And it was all thanks to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (krqg6)

484 Could somebody go and get Ace out the pub?

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (kmEPs)

485 Laphonza Butler is the new Kamalama.
Without the blowjobs.

Posted by: wth at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (v0R5T)

486 Axios: "Some Democrats" Worry That Biden Is Wrapping the Biden Economy Around His Own Neck
—Disinformation Expert Ace
Why would they choose the treason of believing the economy is bad when they can just click their heels and say "There's no economy like a Biden economy! There's no economy like a Biden economy!"?

Posted by: Axeman at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (krQz2)

487 I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be any newpost around.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (4I/2K)

488 I couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup

Posted by: San Franpsycho at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (RIvkX)

489 His reason: Black women won't let them, they loves them some Cummala.
Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 02:52 PM

They'll love me even more!
Posted by: Big Mike at October 02, 2023 04:05 PM (vEnOy)

Larry's position is, there are only two people who COULD supplant Cummala: Ooprah and Big Mike, and neither of them want the job.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 02, 2023 04:09 PM (QBaJw)

490 480 Save the Erf!

Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
The Self-Licking Ice-Cream cone in living color: $4b electric vehicle battery plant in Kansas uses so much energy it requires its own coal plant 🤡

Add to that the yucky fossil fuel power generation to charge those batteries.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (

Workers at the plant should plug in their electric cars and let the plant use their electricity instead coal!!

Posted by: Lefties everywhere at October 02, 2023 04:09 PM (yhWwl)

491 chicken cordon bleu and sugar-glazed carrots for lunch

this is retirement

brownie, vanilla ice cream and an espresso coming up

Posted by: DB - at October 02, 2023 04:09 PM (geLO8)

492 @disclosetv 3h
JUST IN - Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from an "Eastern European sex trafficking ring" and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal.

Reminds me of Zappa's song Willie the Pimp.

Man in a suit with a bow-tie neck
Tryna buy some pussy with a third party check

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at October 02, 2023 04:09 PM (FVME7)

493 464 There’s a second Kelsey brother? So it’s gonna be like the Kennedy boys and Marilyn Monroe. Noice!!

Posted by: Montec

And you thought Teddy invented the ham sandwich.

Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 04:09 PM (u6ZFt)

494 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 02, 2023 03:57 PM (p3lya)

Because socialism is the political philosophy of losers.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at October 02, 2023 04:10 PM (YqDXo)

495 488 I couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup
Posted by: San Franpsycho at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (RIvkX)

Generic celebrity, White Style…

Posted by: tubal at October 02, 2023 04:10 PM (PCK5/)

496 Add to that the yucky fossil fuel power generation to charge those batteries.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at October 02, 2023 04:06 PM (FVME7)

Electricity doesn't charge itself? I've been duped!

Posted by: wth at October 02, 2023 04:10 PM (v0R5T)

497 The cloak has dropped from Thomas Massie and what we see is a WEF stooge.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 04:10 PM (l10hq)

498 452 A school bus driver in Lake Mineola, FL runs over and kills a child after letting him off at his stop. The driver is 78 years old.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 02, 2023 03:59 PM (l10hq)

Story I'm reading says the 78 year old bus driver struck a 17 year old bicycle riding student (Sherman Vannoy) on the way to school and that he was killed. This happened at 6:50 a.m. so that would be "on the way to school", and the bus driver only had one student on-board the bus at the time.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at October 02, 2023 04:10 PM (qPw5n)

499 Dear Algorithm,
Don't jump! Get off the ledge! Take a deep breath.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at October 02, 2023 04:11 PM (as3uC)

500 500!

Posted by: lost in space at October 02, 2023 04:11 PM (kmEPs)

501 With electrocution....

Make a circuit with me!

(Sung to The Polecats' tune.)

Posted by: Sasquatch, the Original Trans-Wookie at October 02, 2023 04:11 PM (pn0P3)

502 NOOD

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at October 02, 2023 04:11 PM (qPw5n)

503 nood happy thread

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, anti-Marxist, buy ammo at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (xcxpd)

504 Why do so many losers of today love Socialism????

They're too lazy to commit their own robberies so they want the government to do it for them.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks Now With Pumpkin Spice! at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (FVME7)

505 I dated a teller for a time. Once I made a deposit I lost interest.
Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM

Was there a penalty for early withdrawal?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (a3Q+t)

506 488 I couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Seen her on TV vommercial enough. Could tell you if she was singing or not on the radio.

No idea what het music sounds like.

Standard girl boss crap... don't need no man stuff I assume

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (yhWwl)

507 >> I couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup

I could. That girl has some great legs.

Posted by: garrett at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (TJKU9)

508 505 I dated a teller for a time. Once I made a deposit I lost interest.
Posted by: Tonypete at October 02, 2023 03:48 PM

Was there a penalty for early withdrawal?
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (a3Q+t)

How did penn take it?

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at October 02, 2023 04:13 PM (yhWwl)

509 So Laphonza Butler is apparently not even registered to vote in California.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at October 02, 2023 04:13 PM (Mzdiz)

510 >>>Montage of 33 clips of the stupidest, most vile, insane, weirdest, addled dementia-ridden, psychotic statements made by Trump over the past two weeks."

Biden may not always make the most skillful dismount from his bike, but he's not asking his audience to choose between electrocution and being eaten by a shark.

Posted by: Intercepted Daily Kos Transmissions

It's amazing what they can do in the cutting room.
Saw a video clip from a CNN presentation then the complete clip - more than totally opposite, it was a completely different presentation. ..._CROOKS they are

Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 04:14 PM (u6ZFt)

511 nood Josh shooting

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM (krqg6)

512 This is why Emily's List is now Gavvy's List.

Posted by: Candidus at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM (Zc7Fe)

513 Couple weeks ago in an interview, Mayor Buttplug said public opinion of Bidenomics will soon change soon, when people begin to experience more benefits from it as more money is spent on infrastructure projects and other stuff authorized in the infrastructure and inflation reduction bills.

In other words, trickle-down economics.

Posted by: Blue Sky at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM (5fDan)

514 couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup

I could. That girl has some great legs.
Posted by: garrett at October 02, 2023 04:12 PM (TJKU9

Great ass, too.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM (iupH6)

515 By the end of the night, we had spent more time together than we had in years. What started out as a random Sunday night football game turned into one of the most beautiful moments we had shared together in years. And it was all thanks to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at October 02, 2023 04:08 PM (krqg6)

And this is why I think this is all a put on. They aren't dating, they're just trying to reach new audiences for the nfl.

Posted by: InZona at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM (u21f8)

516 Laphonza Butler, Democrat VP nominee.

Posted by: Braenyard at October 02, 2023 04:16 PM (u6ZFt)

517 Had no idea Alicia Menendez, an anchor on MSNBC, is Bob's daughter.

I knew Valerie Garrett's daughter, Laura, still co-anchors the Saturday Today Show.

The democrats drive me crazy with their never-ending allegations of nepotism.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 04:16 PM (GshMh)

518 And this is why I think this is all a put on. They aren't dating, they're just trying to reach new audiences for the nfl.
Posted by: InZona at October 02, 2023 04:15 PM

And to look like a stampede of new democratic voters shall be upon us and nothing can stop them.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at October 02, 2023 04:19 PM (GshMh)

519 It’s time for family intervention. They need to take his corvette keys.

Posted by: Keezen at October 02, 2023 04:54 PM (XTpg5)

520 Don't worry about democrats abandoning their party over the economy. I have it on good authority (my parents) that the economy is just fine. And yes, this is after almost a week of them complaining about the ever encroaching homeless encampments near their suburban home and the cropping up of low-income housing around their favorite restaurant and the way the local Safeway now has an armed guard at the entrance and normal items inside locked cabinets.

Posted by: red speck at October 02, 2023 05:00 PM (t20Fg)

521 No Albatross yet they are way too busy with others

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at October 02, 2023 07:33 PM (wGqjj)

522 And in comes masterful, psychotic liar Newsom taking 2/3 of independents from Trump because of NeverTrump™.

Posted by: Danimal28 at October 03, 2023 09:43 AM (klw0w)

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Posted by: texas holdem online real money at October 03, 2023 02:16 PM (IWRsR)

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Posted by: carey at October 06, 2023 12:03 AM (xe4Mv)

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