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Democrats Have a Hot New Plan to Woo Back White Voters: Lean More Heavily Into Racial Identity Politics and DEI

No, seriously.

Politico actually reports this, and apparently thinks it's a pretty good plan.

A new Democratic-aligned initiative -- dubbed the White Stripe Project -- has a novel idea for winning white working class voters back to the Democratic Party: lean more into talk of equity and race.

Organizers say traditional methods in wooing white voters are ineffective, often relying on knee-jerk recommendations from an elite group of Democrats that pushes a race-neutral economic message.

Are you kidding? The Democrat Party is pushing a "race-neutral" message?

In what alternative plane of existence?

White Stripe organizers say this approach is misguided. They are calling for a more targeted and data-driven approach that they argue will be a better return on investment.

The project has plans to build a robust infrastructure to attract white voters who are open to Democratic messaging but who are less likely to vote. Once identified, organizers are betting with targeted messaging and pinpoint engagement that enough of these voters will show up for the party at the ballot box.

They're dying to vote for policies that actively discriminate against them and their children?

That last part is pretty important. It's one thing to tell someone you're going to enact policies that will keep them from getting into competitive colleges or promotions in their careers. Some might say, "Ah, I missed my shot anyway, who cares?"

But telling them you also intend to make their children a lower, disreputable caste blocked from the pathways to the upper middle class is a deal-breaker for anyone who doesn't actively despise his own children.

Then again, Democrats are routinely bringing their children to drag shows and sex-change clinics, so this plan is just so crazy it just might work!

Meanwhile, Democrats are also seeing lower levels of support from... black voters.

Democrats are concerned that black voters won't turn out for President Joe Biden in 2024 like they did during the 2020 election, according to The Washington Post.

Democrats are increasingly worried after the 2022 midterms saw a 10% voting drop among the crucial electorate, despite the party's victories in the Senate, according to the Post. Party activists are now making it a priority to bolster turnout for black voters, particularly in key battleground states Biden narrowly secured in 2020 -- Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

"The Democratic Party has been failing epically at reaching this demographic of black men -- and that's sad to say," W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, told the Post. "Black men are your second-most stable base overwhelmingly, and yet you can't reach them in a way that makes your work easier."

Robinson argued that Democrats should focus on black men, who are "sporadic or non-voters," rather than suburban "conservative-leaning white women," he told the Post. Many Democrats told the Post their concerns are largely over black men and not women, who they expect to continue to show out for Biden so long as Vice President Kamala Harris is on the ballot.

Black voters are significantly less enthused about a Biden reelection campaign than they were in 2020, with only 55% saying they're likely to support him in 2024, according to an early May AP/NORC poll. The same poll suggests that 81% of Democratic voters say they'd definitely or probably would support the president if he's the nominee.

"We have to meet them where they are and we have to show them why the political process matters and what we have accomplished that benefits them," Cedric L. Richmond, senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former Biden adviser, told the Post. "We will not make the mistake that others made of not drawing all the connections."

Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?

In some better news for the Democrats: They have a lock-tight grip on transgender furries who now claim that household objects are pronouns (and vice versa). That's a solid foundation you can build a future on.

Posted by: Ace at 01:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Winner winner chicken dinner!

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:00 PM (GYIa4)

2 White Stripe organizers say this approach is misguided. They are calling for a more targeted and data-driven approach that they argue will be a better return on investment.
Sounds like they're in league with the "effective altruists."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:01 PM (t0OGg)

3 Look, fat! If you don't shower with your underage daughter....YOU AIN'T BLACK!

Posted by: Joe "loofah" Biden at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (Geoni)

4 81 million votes

Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (bs+z0)

5 "White" Stripe? For realz? LMFAO

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (Q4IgG)

6 I think it's funny that they pretend to have voter engagement strategies when it's all about ballot harvesting.

Posted by: Iris at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (n3DL0)

This is so stupid that it's either straight-faced Democrat strategy or it's a screen for a vote-stealing operation.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (lCaJd)

8 Parents despising their children isn't as uncommon as you think.

Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (UnA8+)

9 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?


Auditing the voter rolls and census data from Philadelphia would be racist, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (LvTSG)

10 The White Stripes sucked.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (xPl2J)

11 Democrats believe children are for sale.

Enough said.

Plus, stop EBT payments, and blame the illegal aliens, and pop some popcorn.

Plus, top ten?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (ufFY8)

12 7
This is so stupid that it's either straight-faced Democrat strategy or it's a screen for a vote-stealing operation.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (lCaJd)


I know which way I'd bet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (LvTSG)

13 The Ds "wooed" 20 million or more new voters in 2020. Where did they go?

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (wBpKf)

14 That last part is pretty important. It's one thing to tell someone you're going to enact policies that will keep them from getting into competitive colleges or promotions in their careers. Some might say, "Ah, I missed my shot anyway, who cares?"

But telling them you also intend to make their children a lower, disreputable caste blocked from the pathways to the upper middle class is a deal-breaker for anyone who doesn't actively despise his own children.

That's the reality, but it is not what they'll be doing. This looks pretty clear to me. They're going to target specific white populations that they think they can get with special messaging. Those people will get tailor-made propaganda for them, directly. This will not contradict the real Party ambitions, but it will simply not mention them.

These targeted messages will be all about working-class families, economic opportunity, racial harmony and equality, etc. They will not go into what the *actual* plan is. They're going to lie and spin to try to peel off some of the group. And since the group that they're going to target are, be definition, largely tuned-out lo-fos, none of them will notice what isn't there.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (t0OGg)

15 Dammit, LOL.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (ufFY8)

White Stripe organizers say this approach is misguided. They are calling for a more targeted and data-driven approach that they argue will be a better return on investment.


Data? ROI? I thought math was racist.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (lCaJd)

17 Organizers say traditional methods in wooing white voters are ineffective, often relying on knee-jerk recommendations from an elite group of Democrats that pushes a race-neutral economic message.

Most Democrats seem to believe that blacks comprise ~60% of the population. And, yet, are an aggrieved minority. Democrats can be made to believe anything.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (GYIa4)

18 Less chance of my children, we'll my girls anyway, is bad but I want to be seen on right side my Facebook group.

Still disappointed my boys don't recognize that they are actually girls in the wrong body, but I drink bottles of wine to deal with that.

Posted by: AWFL Karens at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (NhVS1)

19 The Dems don't care an AIDS infected Rat's Ass Lesions about Voters.

They care about Ballots.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (kSm5w)

20 Sure and vegetable Biden will still be reelected with a new all time record of 85 million votes. Probably some of them will even be real. Who is John Galt?

Posted by: Chuck Hemangioma at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (G+Taq)

100% of fake voters in a fake poll intend to cast a fake ballot or even multiple fake ballots for the Democrat. Republicans need to work on wooing *them*.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (tySVG)

22 Black Stripes Matter.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (ufFY8)

23 Like any of this matters? This is like two homeless bums arguing over which Lamborghini they would buy and which THOT they would marry. There is one thing and one thing only that will determine the outcome of the 2024 elections: whether the GOP can somehow stop the steal. They failed in 2020 and 2022. They will fail again in 2024 and forevermore. Nothing. Else. Matters.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:06 PM (iFTx/)

Oh, they want data and a better ROI. The one time in their life they'll gladly hire a qualified Asian.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:06 PM (lCaJd)

25 The project has plans to build a robust infrastructure to attractidentify white voters who are open to Democratic messaging but who are less likely to vote. Once identified, organizers are betting with targeted messaging and pinpoint engagement that enough of these voters will have their "votes" show up for the party at the ballot box.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:06 PM (GYIa4)

26 "W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, told the Post."

W. Mondale Robinson? Was he really named for that loser? Please let his brother be named W. Dukakis.

Posted by: hobbitopoly at August 02, 2023 01:06 PM (6xRrr)

27 "The Democratic Party has been failing epically at reaching this demographic of black men -- and that's sad to say," W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, told the Post. "Black men are your second-most stable base overwhelmingly, and yet you can't reach them in a way that makes your work easier."
Maybe because blacks aren't quite as stupid as you give them credit for. They, like everyone else, will vote their short-term self-interest. Keep the benefits flowing and they will remain yours. Stoke their egos and make them heroes and they will be yours. This has been working for generations.

But the problem is that the Dems have too many policies that black people hate. Many black women hate the opposition to school choice (they don't want their kids in inner-city school prisons any more than a white woman would) and many black men hate the constant gay and trans stuff, especially for the shrewder ones who see themselves sliding down that very lucrative victim hierarchy as a result.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:06 PM (t0OGg)

28 Red Stripe, Standing By...

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (kSm5w)

29 If the Democrats say so, then it must be so, because the Democrats say so.

Posted by: davidt at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (SYTee)

30 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?

Remember that they are starting from huge leads with most of the minority groups. A 10% drop in black male turnout for Biden would still mean 90% overall going the D way.
Can those numbers add up? Sure they could, if they din't have the vote counters on their side also.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (FCbAQ)

31 I want to know if Seattle cleaned up the homeless encampment where they had bombs go off a week or so ago because of the fentanyl turf war going on there.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (ufFY8)

32 Isn't the media lying on their behalf enough anymore?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (g6Ha5)

33 the dims will replace Joe as the nominee but not until the primary season is over

they don't want a contested primary where all this bullshit comes to the forefront

debating on how much the blacks get in reparations would not be a good look heading into an election

if things look decent on the ground, Gavin

if not, a throw away, maybe HalfWhit

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (us2H3)

34 The Democrat Party looked at Hollywood, and said "yeah, let's do more of that."

That being said, I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (dGCAG)

35 A new Democratic-aligned initiative -- dubbed the White Stripe Project

They should hire Dylan Mulvaney as spoxepyrsyn.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (v0R5T)

They will not go into what the *actual* plan is.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)


It's a cookbook.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (lCaJd)

37 Robinson argued that Democrats should focus on black men, who are "sporadic or non-voters," rather than suburban "conservative-leaning white women," he told the Post. Many Democrats told the Post their concerns are largely over black men and not women, who they expect to continue to show out for Biden so long as Vice President Kamala Harris is on the ballot.
What odd reasoning. They'll turn out as long as a Democrat is on the ballot and the alphas in their sewing circles make it clear that they'll be ostracized if they go off the reservation. There is no love for Kamala.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (t0OGg)

38 Every black Democrat deserves every ounce of suffering they voted for. DEI ain't gonna make it go away, either.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (lf83v)

39 Totally OT but I need to thank whoever posted the link to "Drift Away. "

Flash back fifty years. I'm on the Chicago el with my sister, headed to Chinatown for lunch. Across the aisle are three guys giving an a capella rendition of that song better than anything that ever made it to wax.

'Preciate the memory, yo.

Posted by: creeper at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (cTCuP)

40 Ooh! *Robust*!

Can't go wrong with robust!

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (kjOVp)

41 the White Stripe Project

smells like skunk

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (v0R5T)

42 In some better news for the Democrats: They have a lock-tight grip on transgender furries who now claim that household objects are pronouns (and vice versa). That's a solid foundation you can build a future on.
It is.

Well, that *and* control of the elections systems in the major population centers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (t0OGg)

43 One of the major problems with Dem Voter Recruitment is that Civil War Veterans are a fixed quantity.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:08 PM (kSm5w)

44 "They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters. You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?"

They sure don't seem like they are at all worried about actual ballots cast by actual people, do they?

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (iFTx/)

45 Black voters are significantly less enthused about a Biden reelection campaign than they were in 2020, with only 55% saying they're likely to support him in 2024,

Spoiler alert: 90% of the 45% who say they won’t support him will change their mind. Like they do every fucking single time. Black voters is the Lucy football for Republicans.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (Gfo96)

46 I am so glad I never had kids.

Posted by: Weasel at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (RG6z4)

47 The GOP doesn't *want* to address fraud, because they don't want to win.

They want to be a perpetual minority party that squeezes donations from their marginalized voters. That's it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (0FoWg)

48 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

And, yet, record "votes" in their favor. Somehow.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (GYIa4)

49 no matter how much the left says differently

blacks, in general, do not cotton to gays

prop 8 passed on the backs of CA black folk

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (us2H3)

50 Speaking of...

@DecentFiJC Aug 1
💥Arizona, ERIC and China💥

Apparently, the DHS (and CISA) not only “oversaw” reciprocal transmission of voter data with Beijing, they were “fully integrated” into everything happening the whole time.

Holy. Sh*t.🤯

31 states just handed over to the CCP.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (IG4Id)

51 47 The GOP doesn't *want* to address fraud, because they don't want to win.

They want to be a perpetual minority party that squeezes donations from their marginalized voters. That's it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (0FoWg)


They don't want to address fraud because they do it too. Their main target is primaries, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (LvTSG)

52 Kudos to whoever posted that shoplifting video.

Dude got beatdown with a fucking broomhandle.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (TZ75n)

53 The GOP doesn't *want* to address fraud, because they don't want to win.

They want to be a perpetual minority party that squeezes donations from their marginalized voters. That's it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (0FoWg)
Not really. I mean, they're okay with it and will take it, but it's not what they want. They don't want to have go begging for donations, they want to just get money.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (t0OGg)

54 Well, money and power. More important is the power.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (t0OGg)

55 I will tell you straight up, in simple conversation, some of the strongest Trump supporters that I have ever met have been black.

Seems counter-intuitive, but it is what it is.

I know me some black women that absolutely love Trump.
And will knock you right the hell out if you insult him to their face.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (1n+EO)

56 The Democrats seem to always find enough votes to win. Let's not start sucking each others dicks just yet.

Posted by: Oglebay at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (7fVdQ)

57 They want to be a perpetual minority party that squeezes donations from their marginalized voters. That's it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

The Tory Party without the possibility of knighthood.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (IG4Id)

58 ... Apparently, the DHS (and CISA) not only “oversaw” reciprocal transmission of voter data with Beijing, they were “fully integrated” into everything happening the whole time. ...
Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (IG4Id)
This is textbook malinformation.

Posted by: CISA at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (t0OGg)

59 55
I know me some black women that absolutely love Trump.
And will knock you right the hell out if you insult him to their face.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (1n+EO)


But Jim Clyburn told them to vote for Biden.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (LvTSG)

60 13 The Ds "wooed" 20 million or more new voters in 2020. Where did they go?

Posted by: Grudge Harbor
paper has such a short lifetime and most of those ballots have long since been shredded.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (bk5GW)

61 Given the everyday democrats' complete indifference to the health and well being of their children, I find it odd to think that they'd be concerned about sacrificing their educational future.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (KbCG3)

62 81 million votes
Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (bs+z0)

That guy is awesome!

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (v0R5T)

63 >>I know me some black women that absolutely love Trump.
And will knock you right the hell out if you insult him to their face.

You know Diamond and Silk?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (kSm5w)

64 The Ds "wooed" 20 million or more new voters in 2020. Where did they go?
Posted by: Grudge Harbor at August 02, 2023 01:04 PM (wBpKf)

Not to worry, comrade, once the ballots are set, a container with the votes from all those "people" will arrive from Chynah.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (GYIa4)

65 Stuff wipipo like.

Posted by: DEI at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (/3Jsr)

66 You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?


It's almost as if they know that elections no longer matter ... or something.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (o9TX1)

67 the problem for the dims is that when people get around other people, people tend to adopt the ways of the majority

white people moving to red areas is a big problem for the dims

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (us2H3)

68 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (Zz0t1)

69 NAACP Oakland is giving up on the Dems, maybe.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (ufFY8)

I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC


Neither is the Barbie movie. It's just badly written, glitzy drek. In Hollywood as in DC, apply Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (lCaJd)

71 62 81 million votes
Posted by: It's me donna at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (bs+z0)


Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (us2H3)

72 >>Apparently, the DHS (and CISA) not only “oversaw” reciprocal transmission of voter data with Beijing, they were “fully integrated” into everything happening the whole time. ...

This has ALL the Hallmarks of a Russian Disinformation Campaign.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (kSm5w)

73 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.


We don't need any stinkin' voters, obviously.

We've got ballots.

Posted by: Just Lily at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (RLLZj)

74 Soon to be answered by the GOP's response: the Yellow Stripe Project, which will push for the same thing, but a bit slower, and with a 5% smaller budget.

Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (brAQZ)

75 Revoke the mistake of giving women the vote. Democrats lose everywhere except the West Coast, NY, and most of the New England states.

Posted by: Keep Movin On at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (Ix9FU)

76 NAACP Oakland is giving up on the Dems, maybe.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (ufFY

Waiting for a new check to clear.

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (gmo/4)

77 10 The White Stripes sucked.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (xPl2J)

Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (KbCG3)

78 Works like a charm on the Althouse wine mom types. Why not double down on the play for that demographic?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (r0Q9B)

79 I'll have 'em voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Posted by: LBJ at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (/3Jsr)

80 Still disappointed my boys don't recognize that they are actually girls in the wrong body, but I drink bottles of wine to deal with that.
Posted by: AWFL Karens at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM (NhVS1)

You drink wine from bottles? Why do you hate the planet?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (GYIa4)

81 The actual plan, funded by zuckerberg is to harvest data on low propensity voters, then process ballots for them.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (Uj/oJ)

82 Hey, Sponge. How did your wife’s Quest for Popsicle go earlier?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (xTRSc)

83 69 NAACP Oakland is giving up on the Dems, maybe.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (ufFY

crack pipe enters the chat

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (us2H3)

84 some of the strongest Trump supporters that I have ever met have been black.

Saw a guy on utube yesterday with a shirt that said:


He was a black guy.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (ufFY8)

85 White Stripe organizers say this approach is misguided. They are calling for a more targeted and data-driven approach that they argue will be a better return on investment.

Nothing says informed voting than data-driven targeted lies, platitudes and narratives.

The GOP have been doing broad spectrum lies for ages.

They know exactly what are the hot agenda items with We The People because they hit on them in emails, stump speeches and town hall meetings.

Then they return to their elected positions to resume countering all that they lied about doing.

I'm waiting for the ChatGPT to use highly targeted paid adverts and emails to internet and mobile app users.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (p8A+W)

I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

My daughter who saw it (and liked it a lot) told me the feminist stuff was way over the top and kind of a joke in itself.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (Gfo96)

87 70 Neither is the Barbie movie. It's just badly written, glitzy drek. In Hollywood as in DC, apply Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (lCaJd)

Here's the problem with Hanlon's Razor:

You don't have to be smart to be vicious.

Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (UnA8+)

88 Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

The Ramones?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (IG4Id)

89 no matter how much the left says differently

blacks, in general, do not cotton to gays

prop 8 passed on the backs of CA black folk
Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (us2H3)

I'm throwing a yellow caution flag your way.
Style book says the words black and cotton are in too close proximity.

Posted by: OneEyedJack, hack soccer ref at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (FCbAQ)

90 >>Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

She was no Roland (Big Black).

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (kSm5w)

91 For the Democrat's daft strategy to really hurt them, there'd have to be an alternative, and there isn't. The Dems current position is that all kids should have sexual reassignment surgery, and the Repubs counter is something like, "Hold on there, partner, let's keep room in the conversation for chicks with dicks too."

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (ppBhU)

92 Because vinegar attracts better than honey.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (jgJfd)

93 prop 8 passed on the backs of CA black folk

Black, Hispanic, Asian, and, of course, us terrorists.

Posted by: t-bird at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (CaJIi)

94 I am so glad I never had kids.
Posted by: Weasel at August 02, 2023 01:09 PM (RG6z4)

Yeah, because not having a future is a win.

Posted by: Keep Movin On at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (Ix9FU)

95 82 Hey, Sponge. How did your wife’s Quest for Popsicle go earlier?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (xTRSc)

kids thinking we don't know what they're talking about

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:14 PM (us2H3)

96 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

You'd almost think they were doing something wrong, eh?

Who needs voters? They count the ballots, don't they?

Posted by: Eeyore at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (brAQZ)

97 >>>Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.

They still have dead voters.

Posted by: huerfano at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (7zEAH)

98 White Stripe?

Is that some new gum from the makers of Fruit Stripe?

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (gmo/4)

99 6 I think it's funny that they pretend to have voter engagement strategies when it's all about ballot harvesting.

Posted by: Iris
Dems are inventing the cover story for their forthcoming cheat. That way, the media uses that post election as indication why the GOPe lost again.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (bk5GW)

100 Kudos to whoever posted that shoplifting video.

Dude got beatdown with a fucking broomhandle.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (TZ75n)

I hope they upgrade to a Louisville Slugger or maybe a shovel.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (v0R5T)

101 Is the "White Stripe Project" so named because their symbol is "Pride Flag" variant with the addition of a white stripe?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (t0OGg)

102 52 Kudos to whoever posted that shoplifting video.

Dude got beatdown with a fucking broomhandle.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:10 PM (TZ75n)

Yea that really made me smile. What also struck me -- pun intended -- was what an arrogant, loudmouthed thug the thief was. Instead of just taking the shit and getting out of there, he spent half his time yelling at and insulting the store owners. The only thing that disappointed me is they they apparently didn't kill him.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (iFTx/)

103 Saw this specialist being interviewed the other day.

He said, basically, the Bidens' resemblance to a mob family is complete.

"We was just talkin' 'bout the weather!" is a staple of mob testimony.

All those mob guys who "didn't do nuthin'", are just having innocent conversations when cornered.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (krQz2)

104 Ballot harvesting disguised as voter engagement. Go-to Democrat playbook move.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (Q4IgG)

105 Ok, so is it a music thread or a movie thread?

Posted by: So confused at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (/3Jsr)

106 >"data driven"

Posted by: mr tmz at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (rJ48h)

107 77 10 The White Stripes sucked.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (xPl2J)

Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Why stop with drums ?

Posted by: AC/DC at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (og5mY)

108 Old white folks just need to DIE.

Posted by: High Priestess Oprah at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (aYBNL)

109 Of course there are black Trump supporters. If only 10% support him that’s still millions. So yeah you’ll see black people wearing maga hats and shit. But for every one of them there are 6 or 7 who would rather eat arsenic than vote for him.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (Gfo96)

110 They don't want to address fraud because they do it too. Their main target is primaries, though.

Exhibit A and B: McCain and Romney

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (p8A+W)

111 But race as a wedge issue can’t be ignored, say the White Stripe organizers. Instead, it should be tackled head on as Republicans embrace culture-war issues like critical race theory and battling the so-called “woke agenda.”

“We know that race is an incredibly powerful tool to keep people, white people, silent and separated from the multiracial coalitions we need to win,” said Heaney, who leads one of the principal groups spearheading the project.

Whoa. So they can't win on non-racial issues and the racial issues are alienating white support, and so the conclusions is to ... keep pushing racial issues, but try to do it differently in order to hold on to the whites?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (t0OGg)

112 I know me some black women that absolutely love Trump.
And will knock you right the hell out if you insult him to their face.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

News Flash, Jack: They ain't black.

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:17 PM (7cpMY)

113 I am so glad I never had kids.

Who soaps up your back in the shower?

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:17 PM (ppBhU)

114 107 77 10 The White Stripes sucked.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (xPl2J)

Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Why stop with drums ?
Posted by: AC/DC at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (og5mY)

Now this is a guy who gets it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:17 PM (KbCG3)

115 >>Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

>>I dare you.

The Rolling Stones could have used a drummer like her.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:17 PM (kSm5w)

116 How did your wife’s Quest for Popsicle go earlier?

I saw Quest For Popsicle open for Peter North in a video I should have never seen.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 02, 2023 01:17 PM (ufFY8)

117 I'm just amazed the loss of white voters for Dems has not been way bigger.

It's just white women seem to almost like this type of racism against them, thinking they're separate.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (cOFom)

118 Old white folks just need to DIE.

Is Raytheon still recalling retired engineers to help the current batch of ESG compliant AA hires bring back the Stinger missile production lines?

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (p8A+W)

119 They can use Meg White as their poster child since most liberal Democrat women look like Meg White.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (xaNfJ)

120 Organizers say traditional methods in wooing white voters are ineffective, often relying on knee-jerk recommendations from an elite group of Democrats that pushes a race-neutral economic message.

Yes. White men are terrorist.

Race neutral.

Posted by: Ilhan Omar at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (Zz0t1)

121 28 Red Stripe, Standing By...
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:07 PM (kSm5w)

Hoorray Beer

Posted by: zombie officer Johnny Cash at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (CCSxw)

122 I wonder if the SS is tracking that girl who beaned Pence with a water balloon. He's speaking at the IN State fair and I think people are going to be screened for weapons and meadow apples.

Posted by: pawn at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (wsHtO)

123 109 Of course there are black Trump supporters. If only 10% support him that’s still millions. So yeah you’ll see black people wearing maga hats and shit. But for every one of them there are 6 or 7 who would rather eat arsenic than vote for him.
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:16 PM (Gfo96)

I actually don't think blacks are the hysterical, rabid Trump haters. True, at least 85% would never vote for him (putting aside whether they actually cast their own votes). But the hysterical rapid Trump haters are almost all whites and mostly women.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (iFTx/)

124 Kill all the white people.

Then we'll be friends.

Posted by: Type O Negative at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (Zz0t1)

125 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

Neither is the Barbie movie. It's just badly written, glitzy drek. In Hollywood as in DC, apply Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (lCaJd)

I can only go by what others are saying, because I haven't and won't see it. The things that make me wonder is when people say the "real world" human who is Barbie's handler or whatever, is THE most unpleasant character in the film. Although I think there's a mother and daughter, so maybe it's the TWO most unpleasant characters.

And in the end, Ken looks like the hero. That's what some people are saying, anyway.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (dGCAG)

126 I think it's funny that they pretend to have voter engagement strategies when it's all about ballot harvesting.

Posted by: Iris
Dems are inventing the cover story for their forthcoming cheat. That way, the media uses that post election as indication why the GOPe lost again.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (bk5GW)
It worked! Our GOTV advocacy worked!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (t0OGg)

127 /off Ring of Fire Man sock

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at August 02, 2023 01:19 PM (CCSxw)

128 NAACP Oakland is giving up on the Dems, maybe.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt

I'm thinking they should give up on Oakland.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:19 PM (v0R5T)

129 You drink wine from bottles? Why do you hate the planet?
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (GYIa4)

LOL! Didn't see that one coming.

Posted by: creeper at August 02, 2023 01:19 PM (cTCuP)

130 In what alternative plane of existence?

“It is not against men I must shield you. There are dark worlds barely guessed by man, wherein formless monsters stalk - fiends which may be drawn from the Outer Voids to take material shape and rend and devour at the bidding of evil magicians. There is a serpent in your house, o king - an adder in your kingdom … I have felt the foul presence of Set’s neophyte. He is drun with terrible power, and the blows he strikes at his enemy may well bring down the kingdom. I have called you to me, to give you a weapon against him and his hell-hound pack.”
Epemitreus the Sage, to Conan of Cimmeria, King of Aquilonia
R. E. Howard, The Phoenix on the Sword in The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian 2002

Posted by: Fox 2! at August 02, 2023 01:19 PM (ZV/dd)

131 Is that some new gum from the makers of Fruit Stripe?

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2023 01:15 PM (gmo/4)

Hey, we already did our job by closing down and moving to Mexico, before we got bought out and ultimately sold to Wrigley.

Posted by: LifeSavers Company at August 02, 2023 01:19 PM (ufFY8)

132 Democrats are concerned that black voters won't turn out for President Joe Biden in 2024 like they did during the 2020 election, according to The Washington Post.

EVERYONE knows it doesn't matter anymore, you cheating f*cks.

Posted by: Type O Negative at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

133 I wonder if the SS is tracking that girl who beaned Pence with a water balloon. He's speaking at the IN State fair and I think people are going to be screened for weapons and meadow apples.

Posted by: pawn at August 02, 2023 01:18 PM (wsHtO)

If there is one thing in plenty supply at a State Fair, it's manure.

Chuck them road apples Hoosiers!

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (gmo/4)

134 Shit....strike one.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

135 I'm kinda glad I didn't have kids too

Although I actually kinda like kids, I possess the one thing that's deadly as a parent

I'm a selfish bastard

knew this when I was 5

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (us2H3)

136 Black activists understand that the bloc votes they’ve counted on for forty years have split like a bad table break.

Posted by: 13times at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (YscdA)

137 "“We know that race is an incredibly powerful tool to keep people, white people, silent and separated from the multiracial coalitions we need to win,” said Heaney, who leads one of the principal groups spearheading the project."

... Sigh. Wasn't that your goal from the beginning? To separate the whites from everyone darker than a paper bag and use your paper bag coalition to overthrow the whites?

I don't understand how these people can be so alarmed by achieving exactly what they've been working for all these years.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (ou9hh)

138 “Democrats have been underperforming generally with working class voters, whether they’re white, Latino or Black. And that’s an issue that we need to work on,” Smith said. “But the solutions won’t be found in turning our back on some of our most devoted voters.”
LOL. Sure. And this has nothing to do with how you got smoked in Ohio when you tried to run on working-class issues because nobody believed your asses.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:21 PM (t0OGg)

139 134 Shit....strike one.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (Zz0t1)

get your ass over the plate

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:21 PM (us2H3)

140 The one thing we're just not doing enough of as a society is talking about race.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:21 PM (tySVG)

141 Mike Pence isn't worth all of the shit on a SF sidewalk.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (slgIg)

142 The dems will win in 2024. And they'll use the most blatant and in-your-face fraud in doing so. Then they'll point at us and laugh and dare us to do something about it.

And of course.......we won't.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (BdMk6)

143 Prolapse Paul!

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (TZ75n)

144 And Paul weighs in from his alternate reality once again.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (2YtOq)

145 Dems are inventing the cover story for their forthcoming cheat. That way, the media uses that post election as indication why the GOPe lost again.

In 2016, they accused Trump of vote fraud because the Exit Polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide.

Remember the Left wants to destroy everything and replace it with the absurd. Votes are replaced with ballots which will be replaced by polls which will be replaced by opinions which will be replaced with AI deciding "elections".

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (p8A+W)

146 132 Democrats are concerned that black voters won't turn out for President Joe Biden in 2024 like they did during the 2020 election, according to The Washington Post.

EVERYONE knows it doesn't matter anymore, you cheating f*cks.
Posted by: Type O Negative at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM

Fewer black voters will actually cast ballots for Biden, and yet, he'll get just as many (if not more) black votes than he did in 2020. Weird.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (QIP2I)

147 Posted by: Paul at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (4ebmN)


And then Hobbs shut down voting in red parts of Maricopa County because, "Whoopsie!"

It was completely on the up and up, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (LvTSG)

148 78 Works like a charm on the Althouse wine mom types. Why not double down on the play for that demographic?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen
They are dying off from alcoholism. Female alcoholism death rates are now becoming close to those of males.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (bk5GW)

149 Pence just shit in his own trailer

Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (us2H3)

150 Brooms. Bats. Shovels.

That dude was aggressive and threatening. People like him should be shot dead and propped up in an open casket by the entrance with a sign nailed to his corpse that says: "This is what happens to thieves" or "Find Jesus or else." This weak, flabby society needs to embrace its inner Assyrian.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (ppBhU)

151 ... Sigh. Wasn't that your goal from the beginning? To separate the whites from everyone darker than a paper bag and use your paper bag coalition to overthrow the whites?

I don't understand how these people can be so alarmed by achieving exactly what they've been working for all these years.
Posted by: FeatherBlade at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (ou9hh)
Because they have to work harder to lay groundwork for credible cheating - which is what this effort is.

They're going to do a test run in Kentucky to dial it in. They need to be able to credibly* claim that they pulled it off to cover up the outrageous cheating.

*Credibly insofar as the press can carry water for them without looking too retarded to the people.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (t0OGg)

152 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

It is the stupid cope of "See it is really anti of what it says!!!" Hollywood just is not smart. And a lot of the women who like it are completely oblivious to how morally repugnant it is towards men.

Posted by: Keep Movin On at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (Ix9FU)

153 The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter is to be sentenced to death.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (xTRSc)

154 They want to be a perpetual minority party that squeezes donations from their marginalized voters. That's it.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice

The Tory Party without the possibility of knighthood.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (IG4Id)


"Mites in white satin
Always leeching to spend
Stern letters written
Never meaning to send

Evil I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore"

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (o9TX1)

155 Awwww, I missed the troll's deep thoughts.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (t0OGg)

156 This was a huge hit with our focus group, affluent white female liberals.

Posted by: Dem Strategy Committee at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (fs1hN)

157 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

My daughter who saw it (and liked it a lot) told me the feminist stuff was way over the top and kind of a joke in itself.
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (Gfo96)

Yeah, I think that's where it is leaning, either intentionally over the top, or so stupid that younger people can laugh it off either way.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (dGCAG)

158 It is totally impossible for fraud to exist in a federal election, and discussing it is now a federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (slgIg)

159 I'm kinda glad I didn't have kids too

Although I actually kinda like kids, I possess the one thing that's deadly as a parent

I'm a selfish bastard

knew this when I was 5
Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:20 PM (us2H3)

I was too, right up to the moment when my first child was born. Children force you to become unselfish. It's sort of a miracle.

Posted by: LASue at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (Ed8Zd)

160 153 The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter is to be sentenced to death.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (xTRSc)

Well, it's his own fault for question the integrity of our elections.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (KbCG3)

161 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke.

It's a damn advertisement for dolls that stupid people pay to go see.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (lf83v)

162 125 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

Neither is the Barbie movie. It's just badly written, glitzy drek. In Hollywood as in DC, apply Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (lCaJd)

A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)

163 I hope Robert Bauer rots in hell.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (TZ75n)

get your ass over the plate
Posted by: REDACTED at August 02, 2023 01:21 PM (us2H3)

I was incredibly short my freshman year of high school. I lead the team in hit by pitch because most pitchers couldn't hit my strike zone.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (Zz0t1)

165 Forget the racial gap in the polls, the gender gap is far more interesting, and is only going to get worse as colleges become more heavily skewed towards females.

Reviewing the record and extrapolating to the future, it's easy to say that the 19th amendment was a huge mistake, even worse than the 17th. Also a lot harder to fix.

Posted by: Milquetoast Mortgage-Paying Neighbor in Flyover Country at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (5C4od)

166 No worries. All the fraudulent ballots will "identify" as black.

Posted by: Democratic Political Machine at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (M0ZAi)

I actually don't think blacks are the hysterical, rabid Trump haters. True, at least 85% would never vote for him (putting aside whether they actually cast their own votes). But the hysterical rapid Trump haters are almost all whites and mostly women.
Posted by: Elric Blade a

I agree in a sense. Blacks generally won’t be out protesting at million pussy hat marches. That’s the territory of AWFLs. But there’s a less than zero chance they’d ever vote for him because he is a Klansman, which is what everyone in black media has said for 7 years.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (Gfo96)

168 Of course there are black Trump supporters. If only 10% support him that’s still millions. So yeah you’ll see black people wearing maga hats and shit. But for every one of them there are 6 or 7 who would rather eat arsenic than vote for him.
Posted by: Montec

This is just a lie people want to tell themselves, like the Bush's being really popular with Latinos.

Exit polls shows Biden getting 87% of black voters. John Kerry got 88%.

Its just people see a stupid YouTube channel or something with a black person wearing a red MAGA hat and think its a trend.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (cOFom)

169 This is good news except...

Donald Trump got historic vote totals from blacks and hispanics.

Didn't matter because the people counting the votes just created more votes for Biden

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (lc5cP)

Saw this specialist being interviewed the other day.

He said, basically, the Bidens' resemblance to a mob family is complete.

"We was just talkin' 'bout the weather!" is a staple of mob testimony.

Posted by: Axeman


Fed: "You can get out of jail to attend your daughter's wedding as long as you don't discuss 'business.'"

Johnny Sack, dancing with bride: "Sweetie, just waltz over towards Tony for a second."

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (lCaJd)

171 >>I was too, right up to the moment when my first child was born. Children force you to become unselfish. It's sort of a miracle.

It's a Biological Imperative for roughly 1/2 of the Population.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (kSm5w)

172 157 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

My daughter who saw it (and liked it a lot) told me the feminist stuff was way over the top and kind of a joke in itself.
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (Gfo96)

Yeah, I think that's where it is leaning, either intentionally over the top, or so stupid that younger people can laugh it off either way.
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (dGCAG)

Having only seen Critical Drinker's review of it, I could see that making some sense. Real-world Barbie getting her ass slapped in broad daylight while walking with Ken, ending with her at the OBGYN, little girls smashing dolls.

It could almost be seen in a similar light as Idiocracy.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (KbCG3)

173 Wake me up when my caste is required to lie down in the mud lest my despicable shadow fall on one of them high caste demoncrats.

Posted by: These Fish Sticks Are Hard As Tits at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (iOt02)

174 162 125 I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can.
Posted by: BurtTC

Neither is the Barbie movie. It's just badly written, glitzy drek. In Hollywood as in DC, apply Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:12 PM (lCaJd)

A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.

Posted by: Elric Blade
Easy, they smell their own farts and feel empowered. That is why I support nearly absolute free speech and why cops like suspects to talk--it almost always reveals what lies beneath.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (bk5GW)

175 Is Margot Robbie supposed to be all that hawt? She doesn’t do much for me.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (xTRSc)

176 The White Stripes sucked.

Posted by: Mark1971 at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (xPl2J)

One of those bands I managed to get through their whole career without paying any attention to them. I did hear one song, don't remember what it was called, was supposed to be one of their best, and I thought.... that's it? That's all there is? I guess I'm not missing anything.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (dGCAG)

177 Yeah, I think that's where it is leaning, either intentionally over the top, or so stupid that younger people can laugh it off either way.
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (dGCAG)
It was not intentional. The people who made it are all-in. It's just so over the top that it approaches self-parody, except that self-parody requires self-awareness.

This is *exactly* what happened when "Velma" came out on HBO Max. It was so over the top that people spun conspiracy theories about how Mindy Kaling was a secret right-winger who made a parody because she was butt-hurt over being branded a TERF or some such bullshit.

No. It wasn't case for Velma, and it isn't the case for Barbie. It's not some parody or people poking fun at the extremes of their own movement. They mean it, and they wrote it sincerely. They just have no self-awareness.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (t0OGg)

178 I lead the team in hit by pitch...
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (Zz0t1)

Explains a lot.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (2YtOq)

179 I've noticed Republicans can easily humiliate an empty headed reporter coming at them with a handle of stupid DNC talking points.
Pence, on the other hand? Is the one who gets humiliated.

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (g6Ha5)

180 Just saw a headline on USA Today that Trump and six coconspirators were indicted for trying to steal the 2020 election.

This is the kind of journalism we are dealing with today.

Posted by: jen the original at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (NtcYm)

181 Hmm, why it's almost as if they have some sort of voting plan in swing states that allows them to do whatever they want and ignore the voters.

Posted by: Drew in MO at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (/4xiS)

182 "We will not make the mistake that others made of not drawing all the connections."

Connections? You want connections? Can you handle the connections?

Because once you see them, it's black and white. They inexorably lead to one place:

Big Penguin.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (a3Q+t)

183 158 It is totally impossible for fraud to exist in a federal election, and discussing it is now a federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (slgIg)


"100% of all votes counted are 100% legal, and to say otherwise is a direct attack on democracy."
-Things Chavez Said, Volume II

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (LvTSG)

Reviewing the record and extrapolating to the future, it's easy to say that the 19th amendment was a huge mistake, even worse than the 17th. Also a lot harder to fix.

Women are easier to manipulate through media.

Reynolds was arguing for years that conservative billionaires would be better served by buying women's magazines then funding think tanks. And he is right. The problem is there aren't many conservative billionaires.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:27 PM (lc5cP)

185 It's a Biological Imperative for roughly 1/2 of the Population.

Posted by: garrett
But the MSM had a 'man' giving birth to twins and DeGrasse said that gender was a spectrum and not related to biology.....

Posted by: whine mom at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (bk5GW)

186 They're just selling the illusion of policies that white working class voters can go for.

Posted by: Muldoon, not quite sure how this meme works at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (l4B/J)

187 A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)
because they lack the ability of introspection and cannot view it as anything other than what *they* themselves meant for it to be.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (t0OGg)

188 >>One of those bands I managed to get through their whole career without paying any attention to them.

Elephant and Icky Thump are really good LPs.

You gotta like minimalist / garage style rock, though.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (kSm5w)

189 I don't understand why Democrats seem so desperate to attract voters.

Isn't the fix already in?

Don't they have pallets of ballots already filled out and ready to be delivered to the counting facilities?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (YIVH2)

Explains a lot.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (2YtOq)

I never got hit in the head. That was for my mom to do with 2x4's.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (Zz0t1)

191 The only voting group that Democrats really care about is 2000 mules.

Posted by: Mj at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (OBgnB)

192 I actually don't think blacks are the hysterical, rabid Trump haters. True, at least 85% would never vote for him (putting aside whether they actually cast their own votes). But the hysterical rapid Trump haters are almost all whites and mostly women.
Posted by: Elric Blad


What happened is in 2016, the black vote in total numbers just wasnt there for Hillary (for obvious reasons) but the vote distribution percentage was largely the same.

Its like the best a Republican can hope for is that they just dont show up, not that they actually swing towards Republicans.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (cOFom)

193 Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (dGCAG)

Having only seen Critical Drinker's review of it, I could see that making some sense. Real-world Barbie getting her ass slapped in broad daylight while walking with Ken, ending with her at the OBGYN, little girls smashing dolls.

It could almost be seen in a similar light as Idiocracy.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM (KbCG3)

I wondered if the template was Freddie Got Fingered.

I've said this before, but Tom Green set out to make the most offensively stupid movie he could, on the studio's dime, and succeeded massively.

It was a big F you middle finger to the industry that was willing to throw cash at him.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (dGCAG)

194 162 A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)


Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (LvTSG)

195 DeGrasse said that gender was a spectrum and not related to biology.....

Posted by: whine mom at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (bk5GW)

Pretend Scientist Announces Belief in Pretend Genders

- The Bee

Posted by: Archer at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (gmo/4)

196 Gender describes words in most European languages and has nothing to do with human beings who have a sex, which cannot be changed.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (lc5cP)

197 Democrats are going to cancel the presidential elections after China invades Taiwan under a state of emergency.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (lf83v)

198 189 I don't understand why Democrats seem so desperate to attract voters.

Isn't the fix already in?

Don't they have pallets of ballots already filled out and ready to be delivered to the counting facilities?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (YIVH2)


Gotta feed the narrative that the election is genuine somehow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (LvTSG)

199 Reynolds was arguing for years that conservative billionaires would be better served by buying women's magazines then funding think tanks. And he is right. The problem is there aren't many conservative billionaires.

Then go for the next best thing: infiltrate and control foundations.

Communists managed to take over the Chick Filet charity foundation and corrupt that into yet another vector of cash to underwrite cultural sabotage.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (p8A+W)

200 >>DeGrasse said that gender was a spectrum and not related to biology.

Well. He's a retard. So.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (kSm5w)

201 "They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters."

Yes, but in the all-important demographics of "journalist" and "vote counter", they've retained 100% party loyalty.

Posted by: Uncle Jefe at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (gAuAm)

202 Pence is Trump without the baggage.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (tySVG)

203 In some better news for the Democrats: They have a lock-tight grip on transgender furries who now claim that household objects are pronouns (and vice versa). That's a solid foundation you can build a future on.

Posted by: Ace at 01:00 PM

the important thing is that they have the graveyards and imaginary voter blocs sewed up. 110%

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (aD39U)

204 Has Pence ever come out of an interview looking like he has a backbone?

Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (g6Ha5)

It is the stupid cope of "See it is really anti of what it says!!!" Hollywood just is not smart. And a lot of the women who like it are completely oblivious to how morally repugnant it is towards men.
Posted by: Keep Movin On at August 02, 2023 01:23 PM (Ix9FU)

I think those women like because it is repugnant towards men - because most of those women are older, divorced and moving into crone territory alone. They shed their partners for whatever reason, thought that other men would be beating down the door to date them because that's what their friends told them, and when it didn't happen, the bitter resentment took seed and bloomed a nasty, smelly, toxic hatred towards men and couples who are happy together. This movie validates their choices that they questioned. They need that.

Posted by: Moki at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (JrN/x)

206 A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)

My guess would be that a lot of the people involved with writing, producing, directing, etc. these films are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians and they don't see an issue with it.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (GYIa4)

207 Its just people see a stupid YouTube channel or something with a black person wearing a red MAGA hat and think its a trend.
Posted by: Blago

I’m pretty sure all those “black Conservative”
Channels aren’t real. It’s like I can get blacks who are conservative. But these YouTubers are so fucking over the top conservative it’s like dude give me a fucking break. Even tucker criticizes the right some time. But weirdly you never do. Lol.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (Gfo96)

208 Reynolds was arguing for years that conservative billionaires would be better served by buying women's magazines then funding think tanks. And he is right. The problem is there aren't many conservative billionaires.
Posted by: 18-1

They're also really stingy compared to liberal billionaires. Someone like Mark Zuckerberg seems to have no issue writing a $500 million check in a single election cycle.

Someone like Peter Thiel might give a million.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (cOFom)

209 The Democrats haven't cared about white voters since the Civil War, and they don't care now.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (CDn/C)

210 Democrats have a LOCK SOLID grip on the voting machines and mail in ballots.

who needs "voters" LOL

Posted by: joe fingerblaster at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (3TalN)

211 Reynolds was arguing for years that conservative billionaires would be better served by buying women's magazines then funding think tanks. And he is right. The problem is there aren't many conservative billionaires.

Posted by: 18-1
The new billionaires are based on "intellectual property, finance, and bullshit" along with scamming dollars from the FedGov.

They hate the proles because they were once them and the lords of the universe hate to be reminded that they too are mortal.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (bk5GW)

212 Is Margot Robbie supposed to be all that hawt? She doesn’t do much for me.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (xTRSc)

She is skinny and cute, maybe a One.
If she had her ankles on my shoulders and was yelling at me in her Aussie accent, she might be more of a One.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (ufFY8)

213 Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (KbCG3)

Um.. hello

Posted by: Dave Clark of the 5 at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (CvZfq)

214 >>DeGrasse said that gender was a spectrum and not related to biology.

Well. He's a retard. So.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (kSm5w)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (Zz0t1)

215 Not to worry; not only do we count the votes, we harvest the votes.

--Your Friendly Neighborhood DNC

Posted by: JM in Florida, now Illinois at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (1f4Jg)

216 204 Has Pence ever come out of an interview looking like he has a backbone?
Posted by: That Northernlurker what lurkd at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (g6Ha5)


Well, to be fair, no one asks him about using the levers of government to block conservative policy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (LvTSG)

217 Pence is Trump without the baggage penis.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (tySVG)


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (aD39U)

218 I was incredibly short my freshman year of high school. I lead the team in hit by pitch because most pitchers couldn't hit my strike zone.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:25 PM

Well, an HBP gets you to first.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (a3Q+t)

219 " I'm still not convinced the Barbie movie is NOT stealthfully anti-Woke. Going out of its way to make Woke feminazi bullship look as absurd as it possibly can."

If it is "stealthily anti-woke" that is not in any way what the filmmakers intended.

But it doesn't matter. The studios don't care if you hate it or if you love it or if you just watched it ironically.

If you pay to watch it, they will make more of it. Stop giving money to people who hate you and want you dead.

Posted by: FeatherBlade at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (ou9hh)

220 " Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it."

I call them arm chair lesbians. They cheer the lesbos on but won't get down in it themselves. Ick!

Posted by: pawn at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (wsHtO)

It's a damn advertisement for dolls that stupid people pay to go see.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot


This. What I got out of it was a desire to attend a Barbie Party. Paint the walls pink, wear a sequined jumpsuit, dance to 80s music.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (lCaJd)

222 Fewer black voters will actually cast ballots for Biden, and yet, he'll get just as many (if not more) black votes than he did in 2020. Weird.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:22 PM (QIP2I)


Dominion's "reparations" subroutine will count each black ballot that was mailed out as 5/3rds a vote.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (o9TX1)

223 8 Parents despising their children isn't as uncommon as you think.
Posted by: XTC at August 02, 2023 01:03 PM (UnA8+)

Just look at the parents handing their kids over to the mutilators and chemical sterilizers. Let alone all the lesser child abusers, of which there are way too many.

Posted by: Life ain't '50s television at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (e8n94)

224 The Democrats are counting on the college students to keep them in power.

"This Is a Really Big Deal’: How College Towns Are Decimating the GOP"

Posted by: redridinghood at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (NpAcC)

225 224 The Democrats are counting on the college students to keep them in power.

"This Is a Really Big Deal’: How College Towns Are Decimating the GOP"
Posted by: redridinghood at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (NpAcC)


Asking if they're already registered at home is racism, though.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (LvTSG)

226 212 Is Margot Robbie supposed to be all that hawt? She doesn’t do much for me.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (xTRSc)

She is skinny and cute, maybe a One.
If she had her ankles on my shoulders and was yelling at me in her Aussie accent, she might be more of a One.
Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (ufFY

She's a high-profile Jaime Pressly. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (KbCG3)

227 Show me another band that could create 25 albums using the exact same drum track on every single song.

I dare you.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:13 PM (KbCG3)


Posted by: The Scorpions at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (Zz0t1)

228 202 Pence is Trump without the baggage.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (tySVG)

Or the principles.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (/iWhV)

229 Tell me they really dont care about getting enough votes without telling me.

Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (8SAJV)

230 No. It wasn't case for Velma, and it isn't the case for Barbie. It's not some parody or people poking fun at the extremes of their own movement. They mean it, and they wrote it sincerely. They just have no self-awareness.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:26 PM (t0OGg)

I don't know. Maybe it is or isn't, but the big difference here obviously, is the Barbie movie is raking in cash like crazy, whereas pretty much every other Woke project has met with indifference by the paying customers.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (dGCAG)

231 >>Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

They went with the 1966 T Bird.

Movie would have been much better if they featured a 69.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (kSm5w)

232 Margot Robbie is a 1.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (TZ75n)

233 Either way, Barbie never shows her tits, so I'm out.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (v0R5T)

234 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Well, it is more stylish ending than the real life death of Sylvia Plath.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (bk5GW)

235 I’m pretty sure all those “black Conservative”
Channels aren’t real. It’s like I can get blacks who are conservative. But these YouTubers are so fucking over the top conservative it’s like dude give me a fucking break. Even tucker criticizes the right some time. But weirdly you never do. Lol.
Posted by: Montec

I definitely think much of it is a con. Their version of Paycheck Conservatism.

Our side never vets anything though when it comes to this, like let's field Herschel Walker for a Senate race.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (cOFom)

236 I don't understand why Democrats seem so desperate to attract voters.

Isn't the fix already in?

Don't they have pallets of ballots already filled out and ready to be delivered to the counting facilities?

There was an old game I used to play called Tropico where you play as the leader of a Caribbean country. Most of the time you start as a democratically elected leader. And if you govern well you will probably get re-elected.

But if the results look like you won't you can cheat. The more you cheat the greater the likelihood of a bad outcome - protests, riots, civil war...

And I think that's what underlies all of this. The Dems cheated to win in 2020 but they'd prefer an election like 2012 where the Republican intentionally sabotages his own campaign so that they are "safer"

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (lc5cP)

237 PBD podcast had Chunk Uyugur on. It was actually kind of an interesting discussion. Chunk has sort of seen the light I think. He’s still ridiculously rabidly anti-Trump for bizarre, non-policy related reasons. But he’s seen the light that the Ds are as corrupt as the Rs.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (Gfo96)

238 "Yeah, I think that's where it is leaning, either intentionally over the top, or so stupid that younger people can laugh it off either way."

Don't know anything about the director, huh?

Posted by: Kitchener Lesley at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (CgQvH)

239 They're also really stingy compared to liberal billionaires. Someone like Mark Zuckerberg seems to have no issue writing a $500 million check in a single election cycle.

Someone like Peter Thiel might give a million.
Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (cOFom)
When prog billionaires give lavishly to ensure Democrat Party success, they get something for their money.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (t0OGg)

240 234 Well, it is more stylish ending than the real life death of Sylvia Plath.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (bk5GW)


It was such a bougie oven she chose to shove her head into.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (LvTSG)

241 Black Stripes Matter.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 02, 2023 01:05 PM


Posted by: American Express at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (FVJNG)

Well, an HBP gets you to first.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (a3Q+t)

Yeah, but I usually didn't last long.

It wasn't a good time in my life.

Posted by: The Scorpions at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (Zz0t1)

243 You know Diamond and Silk?
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:11 PM (kSm5w)

Diamond has “Gone to Glory”.

Posted by: Fox 2! at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (ZV/dd)

244 233 Either way, Barbie never shows her tits, so I'm out.
Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (v0R5T)

No nipples so it'd be weird.

Posted by: Weird indeed at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (e8n94)

245 204 Has Pence ever come out of an interview looking like he has a backbone?

Well, he's a big pile of mush with a marshmallow colored helmet hair-do. So it's kinda of difficult to pull off the 'has a backbone' look.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (fs1hN)

246 How's their polling among dead voters? Because that's the key demographic that gives them their expandable margin of victory.

Posted by: Hawkpilot at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (J1sWR)

247 Oh, man. I can't wait until we vote our way out of this.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (slgIg)

248 216 204 Has Pence ever come out of an interview looking like he has a backbone?
Posted by: That Northernlurker
Pence mistakes the stick up his ass as a backbone.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (bk5GW)

249 But he’s seen the light that the Ds are as corrupt as the Rs.
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (Gfo96)

Even tho this is NOT the case. Are the R's corrupt? Sure. But 'as' the D's? Not possible.

Posted by: The Scorpions at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (Zz0t1)

250 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM

This, too, is the story of Brandon.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (a3Q+t)

251 ________ around, find _____.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (slgIg)

252 Strike two......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (Zz0t1)

I call them arm chair lesbians. They cheer the lesbos on but won't get down in it themselves. Ick!

Most lesbians aren't having sex with each other either.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (lc5cP)

254 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

I think I'm the only Thelma & Louise fan at the HQ.

A big part of why I like it is your summary.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (ppBhU)

255 >>Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

They went with the 1966 T Bird.

Movie would have been much better if they featured a 69.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM

That movie needs a remake. There has to be a way to save the T-bird but keep the happy ending.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (FVJNG)

256 Had to do my 24 hrs of mandatory continuing legal education. The NYS bar now requires 1 hour of diversity education. Sat there through a video of an African American woman talking about "unconscious bias" in the legal setting. Absolute gibberish and a lot of other attorneys I know said they didn't feel educated only angry at being subjected to that crap. I don't think the Dems realize how many people they are pissing off

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (0LVjv)

257 I don't know. Maybe it is or isn't, but the big difference here obviously, is the Barbie movie is raking in cash like crazy, whereas pretty much every other Woke project has met with indifference by the paying customers.
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:32 PM (dGCAG)
It is indeed, and that's troubling. It could be a bunch of things - women will buy woke if you market it to them directly, Barbie is actually feminine and wrapping wokism in a traditional wrapper is more effective, the problem wasn't anti-woke preferences, but actually *is* "superhero fatigue" or "remake fatigue" or somesuch, etc. - but time will tell. Mattel's new movie business could turn into Disney Star Wars: comes in with a bang and then becomes actively hated to the point that it wrecks the entire larger brand landscape for the owner.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (t0OGg)

258 249 Even tho this is NOT the case. Are the R's corrupt? Sure. But 'as' the D's? Not possible.
Posted by: The Scorpions at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (Zz0t1)


I'd say the difference in terms of party leadership corruption is probably nil. You probably have to go to the edges of elected representatives to find out where the corruption actually ends.

AOC has always felt like an establishment tool to me. Matt Gaetz feels more like a wildcard out for himself.

But the GOP has Rand Paul, so the GOP is probably less corrupt simply because of him.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (LvTSG)

259 246 How's their polling among dead voters? Because that's the key demographic that gives them their expandable margin of victory.

Posted by: Hawkpilot

Dems provide live voters that are over 150 years old or fantasy non-existent voters. Dead voters is too much work to raise them from the grave with necromancy.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (bk5GW)

260 Margot Robbie is a 1.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory

But Barbie is a 0 because, well, there's no 'down there' there.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (v0R5T)

261 234 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Well, it is more stylish ending than the real life death of Sylvia Plath.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (bk5GW)

You want stylish...

Mine was the epitome of a stylish death!

Posted by: zombie Isadora Duncan at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (CCSxw)

262 Had to do my 24 hrs of mandatory continuing legal education. The NYS bar now requires 1 hour of diversity education. Sat there through a video of an African American woman talking about "unconscious bias" in the legal setting. Absolute gibberish and a lot of other attorneys I know said they didn't feel educated only angry at being subjected to that crap. I don't think the Dems realize how many people they are pissing off
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (0LVjv)

Seems, if things were as they're supposed to be, that blindfold on the statue out front should've told you all that......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (Zz0t1)

263 And I think that's what underlies all of this. The Dems cheated to win in 2020 but they'd prefer an election like 2012 where the Republican intentionally sabotages his own campaign so that they are "safer"

We have several candidates on offer who are well qualified in this area.

Posted by: GOPe at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (fs1hN)

264 Aren't 2/3's of black men felons or in prison?
Asking for a friend....

Posted by: torabora at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (OUiUM)

265 That movie needs a remake. There has to be a way to save the T-bird but keep the happy ending.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState
Ejection seats for the win.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (bk5GW)

266 But Barbie is a 0 because, well, there's no 'down there' there.

For now...

Posted by: Some Japanese Robot scientist at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (lc5cP)

267 Mine was the epitome of a stylish death!
Posted by: zombie Isadora Duncan at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (FVJNG)

268 It's my turn...again.

Posted by: Rmoney at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (OUiUM)

269 This brunette golfette would rather hit herself in the head with a golf club than pull the lever for Biden:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (t0OGg)

270 Democrats: "We don't want white and working class voters."

GOPe "Gross! Neither do we!"

Trump: "Hey guys ..."

Democrats and GOPe: "Impeach him! Arrest him!"

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (kqRg2)

271 If I had a choice between Mile Pence and a reanimated Hitler who promises to exterminate every jew, I would really regret having to vote for Hitler. Sorry JJ and CBD.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (slgIg)

272 Strike two......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:35 PM (Zz0t1)

Do you count by sock or by post?

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (DRSnL)

273 214 >>DeGrasse said that gender was a spectrum and not related to biology.

Well. He's a retard. So.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:30 PM (kSm5w)

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (Zz0t1)

I checked out DeGrasse Tyson's bio on Wikipedia. He certainly checks the education boxes, but it looks like he never really made any groundbreaking astrophysical discoveries in his career. He did succeed in classifying Pluto as a dwarf planet, but that's not because of any research on his part, but his popularity as an 'authority' on the subject.

He's more famous as an administrator than anything else, as far as I can tell. He did raise $200 million for the Hayden Planetarium as its director, but that doesn't mean

Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (/iWhV)

274 Dems provide live voters that are over 150 years old or fantasy non-existent voters. Dead voters is too much work to raise them from the grave with necromancy.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:36 PM (bk5GW)

Sauron was the OG Democrat...

Posted by: zombie JRR Tolkien at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (CCSxw)


The Dems know who they are pissing off, there is another layer to this shit.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (UCNv1)

276 265 That movie needs a remake. There has to be a way to save the T-bird but keep the happy ending.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState
Ejection seats for the win.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (bk5GW)


A rich billionaire who wants to torture them in his sex dungeon comes along, and they melt at his look. This is after they escape the dumpy trailer park trash that wants to torture them in his sex dungeon.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (LvTSG)

277 Awww, raspberries.

Posted by: sidney at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (Uy/WF)

278 Dems provide live voters that are over 150 years old or fantasy non-existent voters. Dead voters is too much work to raise them from the grave with necromancy.

Was it...WI? where there were more voters over 120 years old then Biden's supposed margin of victory?

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (lc5cP)

279 I actually don't think blacks are the hysterical, rabid Trump haters. True, at least 85% would never vote for him (putting aside whether they actually cast their own votes). But the hysterical rapid Trump haters are almost all whites and mostly women.
Posted by: Elric Blade

Only 15% support from black voters is still well above what most Republicans get, and enough to scare the Dems. Bush got 8% in 2000 and 11% in 2004.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (QIP2I)

280 Mine was the epitome of a stylish death!

Posted by: zombie Isadora Duncan
Had to look it up but fair point.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (bk5GW)

281 A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)

The "feminist" movement hates women every bit as much as they hate men. See their recent feverish support for trannies. They don't GAF about women.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (tySVG)

282 Well, an HBP gets you to first.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM


Yeah, but I usually didn't last long.
Posted by: The Scorpions at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM

You're talking about having already rounded the bases, and sliding into home?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (a3Q+t)

283 But Barbie is a 0 because, well, there's no 'down there' there.

Just slice her open and repurpose her colon.

Posted by: American Doctors Today at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (ppBhU)

Do you count by sock or by post?
Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (DRSnL)

Post, for now......Next thread, new inning.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (Zz0t1)

285 269 This brunette golfette would rather hit herself in the head with a golf club than pull the lever for Biden:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (t0OGg)


Photoshopped to such a degree that she's probably actually a dude with a beard.


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (LvTSG)

286 "Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters."

And yet Joe Biden set a record for the number of votes he received. If you believe that, I know of this really sweet bridge for sale that I can get you cheap!

Posted by: Botched_Lobotomy at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (WiAW9)

287 Can we get some Tennis Cheesecake?

I like Golf Cheesecake as much as the next guy...but, let's have some variety in our Sporty Cheesecake.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (kSm5w)

288 He's more famous as an administrator than anything else, as far as I can tell. He did raise $200 million for the Hayden Planetarium as its director, but that doesn't mean
Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (/iWhV)

...that he's a great astrophysicist, but a great fundraiser.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (/iWhV)

289 Those questioning Margot Robbie watch The Wolf of Wall Street and get back to me.

Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (8SAJV)

290 Hi, my name is Sponge, and I’m a sockaholic.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (xTRSc)

291 Get Bongino's radio show delayed an hour here.

He's saying that this latest indictment of Trump officially marks the end of the republic -- and that as El Rushbo would often say that he'd let us know when it's time to panic ... well, it's "break glass" time to panic.

[Predicted Media Matters headline: "Bongino Calls for Neo-Kristallnacht! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"]

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (nS6p1)

292 Don't know anything about the director, huh?

Posted by: Kitchener Lesley at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (CgQvH)

Sure I do. She's also likely not the driving force behind the film. Most "directors" aren't.

What I don't know is who is behind this effort to create a Mattel Cinematic Universe. Whoever those people are, they got the movie they wanted, and it's making them shedloads of money.

If Whatshername Feminazi Lesbo Ex-SNL lady thought she was making one movie, it would appear they were making something else.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (dGCAG)

293 They're also really stingy compared to liberal billionaires. Someone like Mark Zuckerberg seems to have no issue writing a $500 million check in a single election cycle.

Someone like Peter Thiel might give a million.

Posted by: Blago at August 02, 2023 01:31 PM (cOFom)

The Zuck is well aware that the deep state will top off his account before he needs to be a "non state actor" again. Theil uses his own money.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (GYIa4)

294 Justin's play for reelection -- getting a divorce /being divorced -- although I don't know if it's to get the gay and tranny vote or the AWFL and SWF vote because now "he's available again, girls!!!"?

Amy @IAmyagain
See the kiss at the end. 😂 she couldn’t turn away fast enough!
8 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (krqg6)

295 I remember watching the NYT vote projection thing live during the 2020 election. Before it went offline Trump was getting 30% of the black male vote.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (lc5cP)

296 You want white voters and every other real voter?

Focus entirely on fighting crime with real measures. Not feel good goobly gop.

Posted by: polynikes at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (Xb3lU)

297 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM (LvTSG)

You mean those calm, guiding hands full of guns on the guys who were chasing them?

Posted by: creeper at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (cTCuP)

298 A rich billionaire who wants to torture them in his sex dungeon comes along, and they melt at his look. This is after they escape the dumpy trailer park trash that wants to torture them in his sex dungeon.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM

Have your people call our people after the writer's strike is over.

Posted by: Hollywood Producers at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (a3Q+t)

299 280 Mine was the epitome of a stylish death!

Posted by: zombie Isadora Duncan
Had to look it up but fair point.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (bk5GW)


I stumped whig?!?!

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (CCSxw)

300 with a golf club than pull the lever for Biden:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM (t0OGg)

Par for the course.
Nice outfit.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 02, 2023 01:40 PM (ufFY8)

He's more famous as an administrator than anything else, as far as I can tell. He did raise $200 million for the Hayden Planetarium as its director, but that doesn't mean
Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (/iWhV)

I go by the body of evidence available to me. Watch any video where he gets into a discussion or debate with another party.

He's a f*cking intellectual hack that knows no facts about anything he declares he's a master of.

He's the Al Gore of John Kerry's.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (Zz0t1)

302 >> I remember watching the NYT vote projection thing live during the 2020 election. Before it went offline Trump was getting 30% of the black male vote.

Dems strategy of holding back the inner cities is a large factor to this specific example.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (kSm5w)

303 Planetariums are for nerds and school field trips. They have no scientific purpose.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (JTwsP)

304 Huh. They lost white voters. They're losing Asian voters. They're losing Hispanic voters. And now they're losing black voters.


Who cares about voters? We have the ballots.

Posted by: Democrats at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (BZOqj)

305 ________ around, find _____.

Sleep, Kamala

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (tySVG)

306 250 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM

This, too, is the story of Brandon.

Posted by: Duncanthrax
You are forgetting the punchline--and the American people are in the backseat screaming.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (bk5GW)

307 Post, for now......Next thread, new inning.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:39 PM (Zz0t1)

Well then you're at three strikes, love. 132, 242, 249.

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (DRSnL)

308 I have not seen Thelma and Louise but I understand they had to parallel park next to the Grand Canyon.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (44ww/)

309 Sporty Cheesecake > Sporty Spice

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:42 PM (nS6p1)

310 MCConnell is more corrupt than Harry Reid was for example. Not even in the same ballpark.

Overall including backbencheers yeah Dems have The edge. But it’s like Dems are at 9.9/10 and Reps are at 9.2

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:42 PM (Gfo96)

311 Dear DNC. This is an Awesome strategy! I would sink millions into this effort.

Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2023 01:42 PM (eqKLj)

312 Damnnnnn...

I stumped whig?!?!

Posted by: browndog
And you did so fashionably.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:42 PM (bk5GW)

313 MCConnell is more corrupt than Harry Reid was for example. Not even in the same ballpark.

Dem voters actually get stuff in voting for D office holders.

The only thing I've ever gotten from the Rs prior to Trump are temporary tax cuts.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:43 PM (lc5cP)

314 312 Damnnnnn...

I stumped whig?!?!

Posted by: browndog
And you did so fashionably.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:42 PM (bk5GW)

And I wore my best "sock"...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at August 02, 2023 01:43 PM (CCSxw)

315 They also have a rock solid lock on the voting process.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 02, 2023 01:43 PM (Ia/z/)

316 “Planetarium” is just a fancy word for the place where Stacey Abrams lives.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:44 PM (xTRSc)

317 I don't understand why Democrats seem so desperate to attract voters.

Isn't the fix already in?

Don't they have pallets of ballots already filled out and ready to be delivered to the counting facilities?
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 02, 2023 01:28 PM (YIVH2)

Of course they have their fake ballots to fill out. Everything else is just window dressing to fool the ignorant rubes. And there's a shit ton of ignorant rubes in this country.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 02, 2023 01:44 PM (BdMk6)

318 9 280 Mine was the epitome of a stylish death!

Posted by: zombie Isadora Duncan

That's some Final Destination shit right there.

Posted by: Life imitating death imitating art at August 02, 2023 01:44 PM (e8n94)

319 Unlike 2016, NYT featured just three states in their "live projection".

The prominent middle one was Georgia, which just seemed bizarre, odd and weird until we saw the outcome.

They knew.

And they were rubbing it in.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:44 PM (tySVG)

320 “Planetarium” is just a fancy word for the place where Stacey Abrams lives.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:44 PM

Space. It's spacious. And dark.

Posted by: Kamalala at August 02, 2023 01:45 PM (eqKLj)

321 Thelma and Louise is about two women who have no idea how to operate in the world and need the calm, guiding hand of a masculine figure to help them that they reject in favor of driving off a cliff.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:29 PM

This, too, is the story of Brandon.

Posted by: Duncanthrax
You are forgetting the punchline--and the American people are in the backseat screaming.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (bk5GW)


That "car in the ditch" metaphor is working out pretty well for the DogEater.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:45 PM (nS6p1)

322 Either way, Barbie never shows her tits, so I'm out.
Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 01:33 PM (v0R5T)

I believe she does full frontal in "Wolf of Wall Street" if you're desperate.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:45 PM (GYIa4)

323 Democrats Have a Hot New Plan to Woo Back White Voters: Lean More Heavily Into Racial Identity Politics and DEI


Considering the elections are fortified, I suggest their work is more geared to culture forming propaganda. They'll say 'see we leaned heavily on identity politics and won so now it's time to outlaw all hate speech."

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2023 01:45 PM (cMXNt)

324 Yeah but they don't really need voters. They have "ballots."

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (JvZF+)

325 It is funny...

Soap is 99% pure
Food is allowed a certain volume of bugs in it
We accept all sorts of industrial accidents just happen.

But...officially there were no fake votes in 2020. Not 1%, not .1%, not .000001%. Zero.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (lc5cP)

326 I have not seen Thelma and Louise but I understand they had to parallel park next to the Grand Canyon.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM

Golf clap. Well done.

Posted by: Minnfidel at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (eqKLj)

327 The "feminist" movement hates women every bit as much as they hate men. See their recent feverish support for trannies. They don't GAF about women.

Posted by: ...
Leftists are by and large nihilists that do not have the courage of their convictions to commit suicide. They demand society and all around them go with them into the darkness.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (bk5GW)

328 The only thing I've ever gotten from the Rs prior to Trump are temporary tax cuts.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023

Hate to break the news to you but the trump cuts were also temporary. They expire in 2025 I believe.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (Gfo96)

329 Ramaswamy on TPP

Posted by: 13times at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (ocTXb)

330 When dems say they are losing black support, it doesn’t mean they are losing votes. It means they don’t have enough black people to collect ballots and fill them out.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (JTwsP)

331 The Bee:
Spectacular: Trump nails indictment hat trick

Posted by: Snort! at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (/3Jsr)

332 Space. It's spacious. And dark.

Posted by: Kamalala at August 02, 2023 01:45 PM (eqKLj)


So quiet that nobody can hear you cackle.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (nS6p1)

333 325 But...officially there were no fake votes in 2020. Not 1%, not .1%, not .000001%. Zero.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (lc5cP)


Not one felon getting a ballot. Not one person accidentally voting for someone living in their house.

Not one mail in ballot without chain of custody out of place.

Not one.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (LvTSG)

334 Whenever someone calls me a racist bigot I can't wait to join their club.

Posted by: DJ at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (uosPt)

Well then you're at three strikes, love. 132, 242, 249.
Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (DRSnL)

Ok. Whell......bye.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)

336 Never underestimate the Bacon Wench.

Posted by: creeper at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (cTCuP)

337 Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:41 PM (Zz0t1)

He chimed in on twitter about the darkstar scene in Maverick, saying that there isn't an ejection system that would survive that speed. Promptly gets roasted by a few former SR-71 pilots.

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (OgrpQ)

338 And I wore my best "sock"...

Posted by: browndog
I really don't want to know where you wore your best sock btw. Risks TMI.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (bk5GW)

339 MCConnell is more corrupt than Harry Reid was for example. Not even in the same ballpark.

Both got their asses kicked by the boys they were raping.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (slgIg)

340 >>Hate to break the news to you but the trump cuts were also temporary. They expire in 2025 I believe.

Tax Cuts are a Popular Issue.

Why would they make them permanent and lose that issue?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (kSm5w)

341 327 The "feminist" movement hates women every bit as much as they hate men. See their recent feverish support for trannies. They don't GAF about women.

Posted by: ...
Leftists are by and large nihilists that do not have the courage of their convictions to commit suicide. They demand society and all around them go with them into the darkness.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (bk5GW)

A lot of the feminist movement reminds me of the ugly chick in a hot group at the bar complaining that guys are always hitting on them.

Nobody is hitting on her but she needs to be a victim of the situation. Much of what feminists decry they've never actually experienced but they'll be damned if they're going to miss out on their victimhood points.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (KbCG3)

342 If anyone is interested, there's a remarkable video of Jimmy Dore interviewing RFK Jr., wherein RFK Jr talks about his three day visit to the border

It was quite the eye opener for RFK Jr and Dore was also surprised.

Well worth the time to check out.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (2YtOq)

343 "Are you kidding? The Democrat Party is pushing a "race-neutral" message?

In what alternative plane of existence?"

In Warhammer 40k, it would be called The Warp.

Posted by: Lumpy at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (+xLeJ)

344 Ok. Whell......bye.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)

I vote you count by sock!

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (DRSnL)

345 They love what they see in South Africa and want to bring it over. The end of race-neutral politics.

Posted by: PG at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (84jHt)

346 Pence is Trump without the baggage.


Posted by: Joe at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (Vu7A1)

347 Not one felon getting a ballot. Not one person accidentally voting for someone living in their house.

Not one mail in ballot without chain of custody out of place.

Not one.posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:47 PM (LvTSG)

Joe Frazier waves "Hi".

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (TZ75n)

348 This is my shocked face....

Oh, and I predict that this time around, Joe Biden will get 84-85 million votes. At least.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies Brigade, plucky comic relief at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (SRRAx)

349 In Warhammer 40k, it would be called The Warp.

This...Epstein Island sounds interesting to me.

Posted by: Slaanesh at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (lc5cP)

Tax Cuts are a Popular Issue.

Why would they make them permanent and lose that issue?
Posted by: garrett

Fair point.
But oddly enough when Dems raise taxes it’s permanent.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (Gfo96)

351 In Chicago it looks like these clowns on the left might get their race war. Looks like it's going to be between Latinx immigrants and AA's. Maybe honkies get to sit this out(?)

Posted by: JROD at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (IlL6s)

352 345 They love what they see in South Africa and want to bring it over. The end of race-neutral politics.
That and they have a surplus of old tires to dispose of.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (4eKPg)

353 Never underestimate the Bacon Wench.
Posted by: creeper

"I've got the tongs and I know how to use them!"

Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (EnT0Y)

354 >>It was quite the eye opener for RFK Jr

Eyes open or not, he is a race panderer and a lib.

He has been Red-Pilled on several issues, but is still a knee-jerk lib.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (kSm5w)

355 Pence mistakes the stick up his ass as a backbone.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:34 PM (bk5GW)


Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (xhaym)

356 That "car in the ditch" metaphor is working out pretty well for the DogEater.

Posted by: ShainS
DogEater ain't so happy nowadays with his black eye and damaged hands. Reminds me of Harry's exercise band injuries.

Someone ain't happy with him.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (bk5GW)

357 Tax Cuts are a Popular Issue.

Why would they make them permanent and lose that issue?
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (kSm5w)
I never understood the Democrat response:

"Who's gonna pay for those tax cuts?"

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (YIVH2)

358 Did Sponge leave?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (xTRSc)

359 It was quite the eye opener for RFK Jr and Dore was also surprised.

Well worth the time to check out.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (2YtOq)

I've not come around to accepting Jimmy Dore yet. I might. I don't know that I've heard RFK talk about the border, I guess maybe this is where I should.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (dGCAG)

360 The Bee:
Spectacular: Trump nails indictment hat trick

Posted by: Snort! at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (/3Jsr)


ClownWorld would not be complete without The Triple Lindy.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (nS6p1)

361 I checked out DeGrasse Tyson's bio on Wikipedia. He certainly checks the education boxes, but it looks like he never really made any groundbreaking astrophysical discoveries in his career. 
I've heard him speak enough to know he's never had an original scientific thought in his life.
He's a parrot for smarter people and it's painful to watch people take him seriously.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (kqRg2)

362 Did Sponge leave?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (xTRSc)

He was all wrung out.

Posted by: spindrift at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (iG1Nf)

363 281 A lot of blatantly "feminist" movies actually shit all over feminism. Even proudly pro-women movies like Mayday validate what many men think of feminists: that they are mentally-ill, angry, needy, man-hating latent lesbians. I don't get it.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:24 PM (iFTx/)

The "feminist" movement hates women every bit as much as they hate men. See their recent feverish support for trannies. They don't GAF about women.
Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (tySVG)

Good point

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (iFTx/)

364 >> They love what they see in South Africa and want to bring it over. The end of race-neutral politics.

If you really want a laugh, look at the History of their current Constitution. When / Who wrote it.

Can't find a better real world example of the pitfalls of relying on the Expert / Academic Class.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (kSm5w)

365 Prediction: 99.9999% of Dem voters in Chicago last year will be (legit) Dem voters next year despite illegals brought to their city by Dems, destroying their ‘hoods.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (Gfo96)

366 What does Bill Nye the Science Guy have to say about gender?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (xTRSc)

367 Sounds like the pitch will be:

You will become less racist, be less hated by immigrants who do jobs you will not, finally liked by the French, help create millions of good-paying union jobs, and save the Earth, if you vote straight Democrat!

Definitely a winning message.

Posted by: Gref at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (AMIL/)

368 The movement to rehabilitate F-RFK Jr. is strange

Posted by: 13times at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (ocTXb)

369 But telling them you also intend to make their children a lower, disreputable caste blocked from the pathways to the upper middle class is a deal-breaker for anyone who doesn't actively despise his own children.

I think this has already led to a considerable amount of radicalization - white liberal parents who mouth liberal pieties, who discover that their kids have no hope of getting into colleges and universities that they would have gotten into easily ten years ago.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (2tUFv)

370 I've heard him speak enough to know he's never had an original scientific thought in his life.
He's a parrot for smarter people and it's painful to watch people take him seriously.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (kqRg2)

He's a classic credentialist

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (OgrpQ)

371 359 It was quite the eye opener for RFK Jr and Dore was also surprised.

Well worth the time to check out.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 01:48 PM (2YtOq)

I've not come around to accepting Jimmy Dore yet. I might. I don't know that I've heard RFK talk about the border, I guess maybe this is where I should.
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (dGCAG)

I've seen a few of Dore's comedy clips. He's not that funny but he's more in the lane of activist that combines his edge with humor.

In the clip I saw, he railed against pharma, MIC, corporations, etc. A few years ago I would've said he's just a typical lib nutter. Not anymore.

Best part was that he spent a good portion of his bit calling Chuck Schumer a POS.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (KbCG3)

372 I saw someone driving around with a Neil DeGrasse Tyson Spare Tire Cover.

It was the gayest thing I have seen since Ace did that one spot on Fox News.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (kSm5w)

373 I never understood the Democrat response:

"Who's gonna pay for those tax cuts?"

If you believe everything belongs to the government it makes sense...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (lc5cP)

374 269 This brunette golfette would rather hit herself in the head with a golf club than pull the lever for Biden:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:37 PM

Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)

375 Posted by: Kindltot
I fundamentally distrust anyone in authority and I especially despise fake moral preening as many of those people are as slimy reprobates that you would never want to have cross your path. A type of sociopathy I believe.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (bk5GW)

376 DogEater ain't so happy nowadays with his black eye and damaged hands. Reminds me of Harry's exercise band injuries.

Someone ain't happy with him.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (bk5GW)


Maybe Big Mike discovered Barry cheating on him with the chef?

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (nS6p1)

377 I started watching/ listening to Joe Rogan.

He's really not that great an interviewer. I guess he stands out because everyone else is so terrible.

Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (8SAJV)

378 I never understood the Democrat response:

"Who's gonna pay for those tax cuts?"
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (YIVH2)

It is rather odd, since "pay for" would suggest there's some concern in the first place that programs are being paid for, which nobody really believes.

What it does reveal though, without coming out and saying it, is that they know Republicans who push for tax cuts are also never going to push for cutting programs.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (dGCAG)

379 Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)
She is very soft and busty.

I have no idea if she's a good golfer.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (t0OGg)

380 "I've got the tongs and I know how to use them!"
Posted by: Tonypete at August 02, 2023 01:50 PM (EnT0Y)

I don't get tongs. Just a tray.

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (DRSnL)

381 If the gop cares about the middle class like they claim to, they’d cut taxes for the middle class and either leave taxes where they are for the rich or increase them. But they don’t give a fuck about the middle class. Tax cuts really mean tax cuts for the rich, with a bit of marketing to make the rubes think they’re also benefitting.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (Gfo96)

382 One of Dore's points he often makes is that the elites in America adopted woke as a way to remove leftwing criticism.

And...consider Bezos. 40 years ago he would be the most hated man in America by the left. Now? They love him

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (lc5cP)

383 361 I checked out DeGrasse Tyson's bio on Wikipedia. He certainly checks the education boxes, but it looks like he never really made any groundbreaking astrophysical discoveries in his career.
I've heard him speak enough to know he's never had an original scientific thought in his life.
He's a parrot for smarter people and it's painful to watch people take him seriously.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at August 02, 2023 01:51 PM (kqRg2)

He's a total hack. More of a science enthusiast than any kind of actual scientist. He had some dumb show for morons, is a leftwing commie stooge, and has the right skin color for an industry desperate for minorities that aren't Asian or Indian.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (iFTx/)

384 I started watching/ listening to Joe Rogan.

He's really not that great an interviewer. I guess he stands out because everyone else is so terrible.
Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (8SAJV)
He usually lets his guest talk. That's a big plus when it comes to modern interviewers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (t0OGg)

385 372 I saw someone driving around with a Neil DeGrasse Tyson Spare Tire Cover.

It was the gayest thing I have seen since Ace did that one spot on Fox News.
Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM

Gayer than Obama curling 7lb dumbbells for the media?

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (QIP2I)

386 Grace Charis has a weird face.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (xTRSc)

387 Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)

Howdy Doody face

Posted by: J. Frank Parnell at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (JXens)

388 I've heard him speak enough to know he's never had an original scientific thought in his life.
He's a parrot for smarter people and it's painful to watch people take him seriously.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice
You just describe virtually all our public intellectuals today. They have all the depth of a pancake and Jack Handy's Deep Thoughts would stun them with insight.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (bk5GW)

389 384 He usually lets his guest talk. That's a big plus when it comes to modern interviewers.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (t0OGg)


You are a terrible American.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (LvTSG)

390 351 In Chicago it looks like these clowns on the left might get their race war. Looks like it's going to be between Latinx immigrants and AA's. Maybe honkies get to sit this out(?)
Posted by: JROD at August 02, 2023 01:49 PM (IlL6s)


it's a tragedy but I bet the tacos will beat the chitlins.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (cMXNt)

391 Welcome to your all golf babes all the time channel.

Posted by: And that's just fine at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (/3Jsr)

392 One of Dore's points he often makes is that the elites in America adopted woke as a way to remove leftwing criticism.

And...consider Bezos. 40 years ago he would be the most hated man in America by the left. Now? They love him

Vivek says the same thing.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (Gfo96)

393 >>Grace Charis has a weird face.

I've grown accustomed to her face.

Posted by: Zombie Sinatra at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (kSm5w)

394 384 I started watching/ listening to Joe Rogan.

He's really not that great an interviewer. I guess he stands out because everyone else is so terrible.
Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (8SAJV)
He usually lets his guest talk. That's a big plus when it comes to modern interviewers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix
Carson's route to success.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM (bk5GW)

395 The pic of Charis looks like a still from a porn shoot.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (TZ75n)

396 The Afternoon Arterton is trying to squeeze into the golf girl craze:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (LvTSG)

397 Bill Nye the Bachelors in engineering guy?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (slgIg)

398 He's really not that great an interviewer. I guess he stands out because everyone else is so terrible.
Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (8SAJV)
He lets the guest answer the question. Looking at you Hannity.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (JvZF+)

399 379 Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)
She is very soft and busty.

I have no idea if she's a good golfer.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (t0OGg)

I'm beginning to think these female "golfers" aren't really golfers at all, but merely social media THOTs who can swing a golf club without hitting themselves in the boobs.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (iFTx/)

Prediction: 99.9999% of Dem voters in Chicago last year will be (legit) Dem voters next year despite illegals brought to their city by Dems, destroying their ‘hoods.

Posted by: Montec


That's easy. Same for New York, even with Eric Adams pleading for Trump's border policy.

In a possible future universe: He'll sit down with Candidate Newsom 2024, get an "understanding" that Adams will be sucker enough to take at face value, and get shivved by Whitey once again.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (lCaJd)

401 Presdent Bidum supports the Brattelboro FART Tubes progrim and because he be supportering the critcall program we be votes foor him agains.

Posted by: Mary Clogginstein from Brattleboro, VT at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (hSa/7)

402 The Afternoon Arterton is trying to squeeze into the golf girl craze:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (LvTSG)
Too bad she's just a thumbnail there. Looks like a good picture.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (t0OGg)

403 >> Grace Charis has a weird face.

I tell ya' ...

I'm not seeing it.

Her face that is.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (kSm5w)

404 But...officially there were no fake votes in 2020. Not 1%, not .1%, not .000001%. Zero.
Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 01:46 PM (lc5cP)

It is scientifically impossible for fake votes to exist. That's why no court anywhere will permit evidence to entered into the record.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (GYIa4)

405 He's a classic credentialist

If only. Credentialism is bad enough, but today's credentialists aren't even that. They think a degree, any degree, qualifies them to opine ex catherdra on all topics. The dude's a physicist, right? What the fuck does he know about biology, sex, or gender that you can't learn from a hobo for $20?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (ppBhU)

406 But I'm a Great American™!

Posted by: Shawn at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (/3Jsr)

407 Joe Rogan isn’t really an interviewer. He just has conversations with people. And as been mentioned, he lets the other person speak and actually listens to what the other person has to say. Even with people that he disagrees with, it’s a conversation not an interrogation which is what most interviews are.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (Gfo96)

408 377 I started watching/ listening to Joe Rogan.

He's really not that great an interviewer. I guess he stands out because everyone else is so terrible.
Posted by: blaster at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (8SAJV)

His strength is that he get's out of the way, and let's the person being interviewed talk.

Novel fucking concept

***looking at you Sean Hannity***

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (CCSxw)

409 I'm beginning to think these female "golfers" aren't really golfers at all, but merely social media THOTs who can swing a golf club without hitting themselves in the boobs.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM (iFTx/)
I'd be shocked - SHOCKED, I say - if that is the case!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (t0OGg)

410 My eldest brother only parrots what he reads but has such a high self opinion that the people around him fawn over his "amazing intellect". He's basically a cross between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Wikipedia.

I decided to make him look like the dumbshit he is ONCE and shortly thereafter he said he no longer wanted me in his life.

Which honestly suits me to the ground because I don't want anyone in my life, let alone that abusive leftard bastard.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (tySVG)

411 Bill Nye the Bachelors in engineering guy?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (slgIg)

He was a phony even back during his local Almost Live days on KING 5 in Seattle.

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (OgrpQ)

412 After all the crap that Jordan Petersen regularly takes--and James Damore took--as if they were claiming that traits are sexually exclusive, even while talking about their different distribution curves among sexes, I can't believe that Neil TheAsse Tyson can come out and say that distinct parts of his personality are definitively female or male and that when he counts them up he gets a % male and % female.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (krQz2)

413 381 If the gop cares about the middle class like they claim to, they’d cut taxes for the middle class and either leave taxes where they are for the rich or increase them. But they don’t give a fuck about the middle class. Tax cuts really mean tax cuts for the rich, with a bit of marketing to make the rubes think they’re also benefitting.
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (Gfo96)


The corporate tax cuts are permanent. I don't know if the state tax deduction limit is permanent.

But yeah, the individual income tax cuts were temporary.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (cMXNt)

414 I've seen a few of Dore's comedy clips. He's not that funny but he's more in the lane of activist that combines his edge with humor.

In the clip I saw, he railed against pharma, MIC, corporations, etc. A few years ago I would've said he's just a typical lib nutter. Not anymore.

Best part was that he spent a good portion of his bit calling Chuck Schumer a POS.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (KbCG3)

Yeah, I think that's what I noticed, he's supposed to be some sort of comedian, but I never heard the funny. And he's just come off like a number of these other people who have come out of the Democrat Party, in that he's wishy washy about a lot of things, when he's otherwise strong on certain points.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (dGCAG)

415 *fistbumps all around for busting on Hannity*

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (JvZF+)

416 Looking at you Hannity.

Posted by: San Franpsycho
Hannity's purpose is to prevent you from actually getting any real information. The more damning the information is for the left, the more he would talk over his expert guest so that people did not really understand the implications.

While Colmes was an idiot, he was at least an amusing one and shut Hannity up a time or two.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (bk5GW)

417 396 Mannish chin.


Would not bang.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 02:00 PM (xTRSc)

418 White Stripe Project - heh, a young sexy cat did that to me and I fell in love!

Posted by: Pepe Le Pew at August 02, 2023 02:00 PM (8GBH4)

419 >>I'm beginning to think these female "golfers" aren't really golfers at all, but merely social media THOTs who can swing a golf club without hitting themselves in the boobs.

ALL these Golf Thot Photos and not one...

not ONE of them is cleaning Balls?

Who are these photographers?

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 02:00 PM (kSm5w)

420 Come on...we all know who THE golf babe is and

Note: I'm not even trolling

PS: Seriously.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (lc5cP)

421 How does she swing a club with those things attached to her up body?

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (Gfo96)

422 Can I have an American flag with a white stripe going through it? Or nah...raaaaacist?

Posted by: Joey Sausage at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (or2+y)

423 One of Dore's points he often makes is that the elites in America adopted woke as a way to remove leftwing criticism.

I think they are left wing now that left wing basically means being a modern day slaveholder.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (tySVG)

424 Yeah, I think that's what I noticed, he's supposed to be some sort of comedian, but I never heard the funny. And he's just come off like a number of these other people who have come out of the Democrat Party, in that he's wishy washy about a lot of things, when he's otherwise strong on certain points.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (dGCAG)

Would say that his shows are more rallies than comedy shows. Which I guess you could say about any comedian with a political bent.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (KbCG3)

425 I would still watch if they hit themselves in the boobs.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (JTwsP)

426 I can't believe that Neil TheAsse Tyson can come out and say that distinct parts of his personality are definitively female or male and that when he counts them up he gets a % male and % female.

Current, 4th generation feminism, is 100% at odds with 2nd and 3rd generation feminism.

But as with many things on the left people just pretend you can believe two opposite things at the same time

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (lc5cP)

427 Why can't he just go by Neil Tyson?

Posted by: I would like to know at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (/3Jsr)

428 I have no idea if she's a good golfer.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (t0OGg)

I'm beginning to think these female "golfers" aren't really golfers at all, but merely social media THOTs who can swing a golf club without hitting themselves in the boobs.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM

Not her sexiest shot, but this clip seems to show she knows how to actually golf:

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (QIP2I)

429 Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (lc5cP)

How the fuck would that be trolling? Who would you be trolling? Queers and furries?

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (tySVG)

430 The movement to rehabilitate F-RFK Jr. is strange
Posted by: 13times at August 02, 2023 01:52 PM (ocTXb)

How much of it is to rehabilitate him, and how much is it "I have a brilliant idea, lets send Lenin back to Russia by train to mess up the Russians war effort"?

Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (xhaym)

431 I checked out DeGrasse Tyson's bio on Wikipedia. He certainly checks the education boxes, but it looks like he never really made any groundbreaking astrophysical discoveries in his career. He did succeed in classifying Pluto as a dwarf planet, but that's not because of any research on his part, but his popularity as an 'authority' on the subject.

He's more famous as an administrator than anything else, as far as I can tell. He did raise $200 million for the Hayden Planetarium as its director, but that doesn't mean
Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 02, 2023 01:38 PM (/iWhV)

Compared to Bill Nye, the Science Guy, DeGrasse is a genius, but that's not saying much.

Posted by: LASue at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (Ed8Zd)

432 All they need is a charade of a plan. The media will reinforce its application (and existence). Election fraud handles the rest.

Posted by: Orson at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (dIske)

433 is white stripe thing as stupid as that X thing in San Francisco?

Posted by: torabora at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (OUiUM)

434 He usually lets his guest talk. That's a big plus when it comes to modern interviewers.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:55 PM (t0OGg)

Rogan is another one of those former Democrats who seems to make sense, until he doesn't.

Some of these guys just can't make the leap from seeing how the left is an existential threat, to not being such a ninny on typical, standard social Democrat talking points about things like "climate change."

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (dGCAG)

435 is white stripe thing as stupid as that X thing in San Francisco?
Posted by: torabora at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (OUiUM)

They did Seven Nation Army, but Glitch Mob made it better in their cover.

Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 02:04 PM (xhaym)

436 434 Some of these guys just can't make the leap from seeing how the left is an existential threat, to not being such a ninny on typical, standard social Democrat talking points about things like "climate change."
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (dGCAG)


*Bill Maher "Libertarian" has entered the chat*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, contemplating utopia with Peter Weir at August 02, 2023 02:04 PM (LvTSG)

437 410 My eldest brother only parrots what he reads but has such a high self opinion that the people around him fawn over his "amazing intellect". He's basically a cross between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Wikipedia.

I decided to make him look like the dumbshit he is ONCE and shortly thereafter he said he no longer wanted me in his life.

Which honestly suits me to the ground because I don't want anyone in my life, let alone that abusive leftard bastard.

Posted by: ...
Sorry. A lot of families are broken up by the state because a lot of people simply cannot reject the mind viruses planted in them by education and the media.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 02:04 PM (bk5GW)

438 This is not a plan to win over white voters. In a growing number of states elections are already a Third World joke.

Rather, this is Democrats doing what they love best - ordering people around and punishing groups that are out of favor with our self-anointed moral and intellectual betters.

Posted by: Mhandisi at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (Z77DI)

439 Why can't he just go by Neil Tyson?
Posted by: I would like to know at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (/3Jsr)

Because "DeGrasse" is close enough to "degauss" he thinks it gives him more cachet.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (2YtOq)

440 Not her sexiest shot, but this clip seems to show she knows how to actually golf:
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (QIP2I)


Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (ufFY8)

441 DeGrasse needs to transition. To set herself apart from all the other pretenders.

Posted by: torabora at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (OUiUM)

442 They did Seven Nation Army, but Glitch Mob made it better in their cover.
Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 02:04 PM (xhaym)


Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (OgrpQ)

443 *Bill Maher "Libertarian" has entered the chat*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Actually libertine. Maher fears the Jacobin junta.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (bk5GW)

444 is white stripe thing as stupid as that X thing in San Francisco?
Posted by: torabora at August 02, 2023 02:03 PM (OUiUM)

X was a Los Angeles thing. They even made an album by that name.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (dGCAG)

445 I imagine being interviewed in the 60s meant that under moody lighting, a man who has read your book or whatever asks you an open-ended question, and then you talk at length while he chain-smokes.

Between that era and the era of podcasting, getting an interview meant trying to wrangle an 80 IQ soundbite while you had zero control of the framing or the topics.

At any point in the past 50 years, the GOP candidates could have gone on strike against the network news. "No we won't debate for you, because you would like nothing better than to make us all look like mean-spirited idiots." They didn't because the GOP is a fake party.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (44ww/)

446 Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)

I want to see her follow-through.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (BdMk6)

447 I don't have a problem with Tyson or Nye being "phonies." Science needs enthusiastic popularizers, people who aren't doing science themselves per se but bringing it to the masses in a way that registers with nonscientists. That's valuable. A real service. Their problem is that they are just garden variety leftists who dress up their stupid politics as science. That kind of crossdressing or skinsuiting is not a service.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (ppBhU)

448 Neil killed Pluto.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (slgIg)

449 Rogan is a bandwagon guy. Any position taken by a guest, if he is exposed to the arguments for a sufficient period, he adopts.

He's entertaining as a long form podcaster, but he is a meathead. Always has been.

Affable, no doubt. But he is not sporting much in the way of intellectual facility.

Posted by: garrett at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (kSm5w)

450 Why can't he just go by Neil Tyson?
Posted by: I would like to know at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (/3Jsr)
Cause he's chicken.

Posted by: Axeman at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (krQz2)

451 428 I have no idea if she's a good golfer.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 02, 2023 01:54 PM (t0OGg)

I'm beginning to think these female "golfers" aren't really golfers at all, but merely social media THOTs who can swing a golf club without hitting themselves in the boobs.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 01:58 PM

Not her sexiest shot, but this clip seems to show she knows how to actually golf:
Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 02:02 PM (QIP2I)

That's a pretty mediocre swing, actually. There's no way she's got a golf career because she's good at golf. She's got a career because she's a photogenic THOT, and for some reason hot THOT golfers are a thing.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (iFTx/)

452 I've grown accustomed to her face.
Posted by: Zombie Sinatra at August 02, 2023 01:56 PM

Wait, whwat?

Posted by: Henry Higgins at August 02, 2023 02:07 PM (FVJNG)

453 Sorry, but when talking hot female golfers, Grace Charis is the standard to beat.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 02, 2023 01:53 PM (QIP2I)


Nice teeth!

/And socks, too.

Posted by: ShainS -- We're Happy Ace's Geriatric Club ... at August 02, 2023 02:07 PM (JwBb8)

454 Rogan is another one of those former Democrats who seems to make sense, until he doesn't.

This is why we never win. He agrees with you on probably 75% of things. But it’s not 100% so fuck him man!!!

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:07 PM (Gfo96)

455 *Bill Maher "Libertarian" has entered the chat*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Actually libertine. Maher fears the Jacobin junta.
Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (bk5GW)

Yeah, I don't think I've seen/heard anyone in the LP claim Maher, informally or formally.

He's just a smarmy douchebag... which I can understand, given what the LP had been, why people would think that makes him one.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:07 PM (dGCAG)

456 Rogan lets his guests talk about whatever they have to talk about it.

He doesn't talk over them. He doesn't bash them with woke politics.

And for that he is currently one of the best interviewers in major media.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (lc5cP)

457 448 Neil killed Pluto.

Police suspect fair play.

Posted by: To quote Dennis Miller at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (/3Jsr)

458 THOT? What that be?

Posted by: LASue at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (Ed8Zd)

459 Had to do my 24 hrs of mandatory continuing legal education. The NYS bar now requires 1 hour of diversity education. Sat there through a video of an African American woman talking about "unconscious bias" in the legal setting. Absolute gibberish and a lot of other attorneys I know said they didn't feel educated only angry at being subjected to that crap. I don't think the Dems realize how many people they are pissing off
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2023 01

Welcome to the world of corporate America. We've been subjected to this shit for 20 years.

Posted by: Beartooth at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (JqMqI)

460 Sorry, Grace fans. I prefer Paige.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (xTRSc)

461 Neil killed Pluto.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (slgIg)

As I saw, probably here, If anyone can be any sex they wnat, why can't Pluto be a planet?

Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (xhaym)

462 458 THOT? What that be?
Posted by: LASue at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (Ed8Zd)


That Ho Over There

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (iFTx/)

463 That's a pretty mediocre swing, actually. There's no way she's got a golf career because she's good at golf. She's got a career because she's a photogenic THOT, and for some reason hot THOT golfers are a thing.
Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (iFTx/)

That's okay. I'm not that particular.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (BdMk6)

464 Sorry, Grace fans. I prefer Paige.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (xTRSc)

So when are we going to discuss Susana Benevides?

Posted by: Kindltot - Click the Link for info on the PNW MoMee at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (xhaym)

465 Neil killed Pluto.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (slgIg)

He has, in the past, pointed out that he was the token science illiterate person on the committee which killed Pluto.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (GYIa4)

Sorry. A lot of families are broken up by the state because a lot of people simply cannot reject the mind viruses planted in them by education and the media.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 02:04 PM (bk5GW)

No worries. It wasn't even political, I swear. Man I don't even know how political I was back then.

Apparently in the 20 years we haven't talked he has decided that Trump is Hitler, DeSantis is Himmler and the light of the eternal angels shines out of every orifice in Hillary, Joe, Pelosi, Kamala etc.

His mind is a dingleberry. It's not even an entire shit. And he has any friend or family member who will still take his crap convinced he's got a 200 IQ.

Posted by: ... at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (tySVG)

467 447 I don't have a problem with Tyson or Nye being "phonies." Science needs enthusiastic popularizers, people who aren't doing science themselves per se but bringing it to the masses in a way that registers with nonscientists. That's valuable. A real service. Their problem is that they are just garden variety leftists who dress up their stupid politics as science. That kind of crossdressing or skinsuiting is not a service.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 02, 2023 02:05 PM (ppBhU)

Fuck those guys...

Mere pimples on my ass!

Posted by: zombie Mr. Wizard at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (CCSxw)

468 This is why we never win. He agrees with you on probably 75% of things. But it’s not 100% so fuck him man!!!
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:07 PM (Gfo96)

Who is we?

I'm probably not one of you, whatever it is YOU are.

I never said you shouldn't listen to what he has to say, or even like MOST of what he says. I'm just saying, he comes off as a ninny about some things. Because he does.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (dGCAG)

469 460 Sorry, Grace fans. I prefer Paige.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 02, 2023 02:08 PM (xTRSc)

Embrace the power of the word “and”

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:10 PM (Gfo96)

470 Neil killed Pluto.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 02:06 PM (slgIg)

Because he was fucking Goofy?

Posted by: Joe Rogan, inquisitive interviewer at August 02, 2023 02:10 PM (ufFY8)

471 How does she swing a club with those things attached to her up body?
Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:01 PM (Gfo96)

I'm surprised she doesn't do a complete 360 degree spin with all that momentum.

Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 02:10 PM (v0R5T)

472 They See it Coming – Fitch Joins S&P to Downgrade USA Credit Rating

Treasury has over a trillion dollars of debt to sell

Posted by: SMOD at August 02, 2023 02:10 PM (RHGPo)

473 I find it funny that Dolph Lungren holds a masters degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney. So not only could he kick Bill Nye's ass, he is more of a scientist than Bill.

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 02:11 PM (OgrpQ)

474 Nood. Ashley Biden.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at August 02, 2023 02:11 PM (GYIa4)

475 459 Had to do my 24 hrs of mandatory continuing legal education. The NYS bar now requires 1 hour of diversity education. Sat there through a video of an African American woman talking about "unconscious bias" in the legal setting. Absolute gibberish and a lot of other attorneys I know said they didn't feel educated only angry at being subjected to that crap. I don't think the Dems realize how many people they are pissing off
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 02, 2023 0

You actually do your CLE?? I just have the videos playing in the background where I can't even see them.
Every 6 minutes or so when the "chime" happens to push that stupid button to show that you're actually watching, the page pops up from the background, I hit the button, and it disappears again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Posted by: Elric Blade at August 02, 2023 02:12 PM (iFTx/)

*Treasury has over a trillion dollars of debt to sell.*

They'll make it up in volume.

Posted by: Obligatory at August 02, 2023 02:12 PM (/3Jsr)

I never said you shouldn't listen to what he has to say, or even like MOST of what he says. I'm just saying, he comes off as a ninny about some things. Because he does.
Posted by: BurtTC at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM (dGCAG)

Yes everyone sounds stupid on some subject. That’s my point exactly. If they’re not perfect they’re tossed out for not being perfect.

Rohan is a great ally in the war against work shit and free speech. But he believes in climate change so fuck him. And this is why we (the right) never get anywhere.

Posted by: Montec at August 02, 2023 02:12 PM (Gfo96)

478 I'm surprised she doesn't do a complete 360 degree spin with all that momentum.
Posted by: wth at August 02, 2023 02:10 PM (v0R5T)


They’re light and squishy. Trust me. I touched one one.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 02, 2023 02:13 PM (JTwsP)

479 He usually lets his guest talk. That's a big plus when it comes to modern interviewers.

"Why would you let them talk?" - Sean Hannity

Posted by: Ian S. at August 02, 2023 02:13 PM (ZGrMX)

480 Yeah, I don't think I've seen/heard anyone in the LP claim Maher, informally or formally.

He's just a smarmy douchebag... which I can understand, given what the LP had been, why people would think that makes him one.

Posted by: BurtTC
Libertarianism as a movement took a wrong turn in the 70's and have become liberaltarians nowadays. Most of what Reason puts up nowadays is simply rewarmed liberalism and muh corporations are people too.

Any intellectual movement that does not provide for most people and their families to live healthy and productive lives is a failure.
I am pretty much a natural dissident but I don't demand that the world approve my predilections.

Posted by: whig at August 02, 2023 02:13 PM (bk5GW)

481 Fuck those guys...

Mere pimples on my ass!
Posted by: zombie Mr. Wizard at August 02, 2023 02:09 PM

I know more than you do.

Posted by: Dr. Science at August 02, 2023 02:14 PM (FVJNG)

482 “You take my money you wear my brand.”
Sounds kinda serious

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at August 02, 2023 02:14 PM (qMzwm)

483 Joe Rogan tells an interesting story about working with Kevin James on "Here Comes The Boom."

Evidently, there's a scene where Kevin James picks up a good size guy from the mat, but, before they set up the lift tackle, Kevin James said wait, and proceeded to lift the guy off the mat three times or some such. Evidently, James made the comment he wanted people to know he could actually do it.

If memory serves, Rogan was impressed.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at August 02, 2023 02:14 PM (2YtOq)

484 473 I find it funny that Dolph Lungren holds a masters degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney. So not only could he kick Bill Nye's ass, he is more of a scientist than Bill.
Chemical Engineering degree normally take 5 years to get.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 02, 2023 02:18 PM (4eKPg)

485 In case you haven't had your fill of clown world, KJP, the human ad for DEI says regarding the Fitch rating downgrade:

In a statement, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the White House "strongly" disagreed with the decision, saying that it "defies reality to downgrade the United States at a moment when President Biden has delivered the strongest recovery of any major economy in the world."

Happy days are here again! Strike up the band and damn that Trump!

Posted by: Cheri at August 02, 2023 02:18 PM (oiNtH)

486 458 Bear

Been there too. I had to go to one mandated by the judges-- angry black women trying to help us become better human beings.. We were all (maybe 100 or so) asked to submit anonymous written feedback.

The chief judge was so pissed by the furious blowback he got that he told other judges he wished he could identify and punish some of us. And that was 10-15 years ago. I doubt it's gotten any better since!

Posted by: mnw at August 02, 2023 02:19 PM (NLIak)

487 Bill Nye the Bachelors in engineering guy?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 02, 2023 01:57 PM (slgIg)

He was a phony even back during his local Almost Live days on KING 5 in Seattle.
Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 02, 2023 01:59 PM (OgrpQ)

He's more of a High-Fiving White Guy and a Speed Walker than a scientist.

Posted by: LASue at August 02, 2023 02:21 PM (Ed8Zd)

488 They’re light and squishy. Trust me. I touched one one.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

What's it like?

Posted by: Lumpy at August 02, 2023 02:25 PM (+xLeJ)

489 They aren't losing the black vote or the Hispanic vote. It's not happening. And even if it did, it wouldn't matter.

Ever wonder why the country moves inexorably toward tyranny even when the Republicans are in charge? Ever wonder why Republicans love grandstanding during committees, talking tough on Fox News, introducing legislation that will never pass, and writing stern letters to government offices, all while accomplishing nothing? But they sure do love to sell merchandise (MTG) while things just keep getting worse.

Folks, don't listen to this man. His job is to give you false hope so you stay idle. Hear me:


That doesn't mean all is lost: you need to consider another way.

Posted by: Martu Mango at August 02, 2023 02:42 PM (a9NGl)

490 It doesn't matter if they 've lost black and Hispanic voters. They have groups to vote on their behalf with mail-in ballots.

Posted by: MikeN at August 02, 2023 04:26 PM (XygMV)

491 Take a Hike Democ-Rats

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at August 02, 2023 04:56 PM (wGqjj)

492 but who are less likely to vote
Like the dead, people in institutions, illegal aliens....

Posted by: GWB at August 02, 2023 06:30 PM (E8qwH)

493 The Democrats don't have to do anything to woo White voters back. All they have to do is stand back and let the Republicans keep doing what they do to totally alienate their largest voting block. If White voters just abandon the system by staying home, then it's like a voter drive for the Democrats. That's what nearly 30 years of being lied to and disparaged - John McCain's infamous "crazies" and "whacko bird" remarks about his own constituents in AZ as a prime example - by the Grand Old Party has wrought. And White Republican, Christian or Catholic voters are smart enough to know that he/they means US by such condescension.
For most of the MAGA and Tea Party crowd before it, being branded as White Supremacists for merely having a difference of opinion from our betters in government, was a wakeup call. The icing on the cake was the treatment of President Trump and the 2020 stolen election. We are done. This is why other contenders in the G.O.P. primary have little to no traction. We've dug our heels in.
Fix 2020, quit fighting us more than Democrats destroying our nation or die as a political party. No one here will weep your demise. Dems need not worry.

Posted by: Tracy at August 02, 2023 07:56 PM (rAlzw)

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