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John Solomon: The Biden Campaign Was Behind the "51 Intelligence Officers" Letter; Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was Directed by Biden to Organize The Campaign Op

Congress now has testimony from Mike Morrell -- the CIA official who said nothing when his superior lied to Congress, and who later quit government to make big money working for a Hillary Clinton-connected "intelligence" company (Beacon) -- that the entire lie was organized by our Secretary of State.

He called up his leftwing intelligence buddies and told them to lie.

I hear that Morrell says Blinken lied to some of the officials to get them to sign the lying letter, telling them it would not be used for political purposes. Blinken also told them that they had evidence that the laptop was a Russian op, which, of course, was a lie.

Solomon says the testimony will become public when it is "transmitted" to other branches of government. I have no idea what this means, but I'm going to assume it means that Jim Jordan is writing a letter to Merrick Garland telling him to investigate Anthony Blinken, and this letter will include the charges that Blinken used US Intelligence to Interfere in a Presidential Election.

I also hear that Lindsey Graham is going to write a letter disclosing the information.

Update: ( might have misheard that, I might have been told he's going to *comment* on it, which he just did in the Fox interview I added below the fold.

Bonus: Lindsey Graham talks about the Hunter Biden whistleblower, mentioned in the previous post. He also talks about the Mike Morrell testimony.

Miranda Divine reports on the leftwing media grumbling that they showed up for the Fox trial in Wilmington, Delaware, and then didn't get a story.

She wants to know why they don't just visit the Wilmington offices of the US Attorney pretending to investigate Hunter Biden, and ask him about the charges that he's tanking the investigation deliberately.

She then reports on the Morrell revelations:

Take the bombshell this week from former acting CIA Director Mike Morell.

In a sworn interview, Morell has admitted it was Joe Biden's presidential campaign that prompted the infamous letter in which Morell and 50 fellow former intelligence officials falsely claimed that material from Hunter Biden's laptop published by The Post before the 2020 election was Russian disinformation, sources in the House Judiciary Committee have confirmed.

Tony Blinken, now secretary of state, was the Biden campaign foreign affairs adviser who urgently phoned Morell in October 2020 to suggest the laptop was a Russian plant.

"We can prove that the entire purpose of this letter at the outset was to influence a presidential election with some of the most senior people who have ever been in our intelligence community ­using the imprimatur of their security clearances to pave the way for Joe Biden's presidency," Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast this week.


"Morell wanted to be Joe Biden's CIA director, got a phone call from Tony Blinken, who was representing the Biden campaign, saying, 'Gee, Mike, doesn't this Hunter Biden laptop look like Russian disinformation?' " said Gaetz.

"Morell testifies that then triggers him to be the ringleader of an enterprise to go to others and to put together a letter for the specific purpose of use by Joe Biden in the presidential debate ... We can prove that and much more."

The committee has also interviewed a former adviser to ex-CIA Director John Brennan and Obama White House alum Nick Shapiro, who cooked up the letter with Morell and delivered it to ­Politico.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will release a report in the next couple of weeks tracing the origins of the "Dirty 51" letter, showing it constituted corrupt interference in the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) this week revealed that newly accessed financial records from the Treasury Department show "the Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden's political career and connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the Biden family."

Note that Mike Morrell is a commentator for CBS.

Divine offers some speculation as to which of Merrick Garland's sworn statements before Congress were perjurious:

What's more, the whistleblower has evidence that will "contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee" -- who is Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to congressional sources.

In sworn testimony to a Senate oversight hearing on March 1, Garland was grilled about the Delaware investigation into Hunter by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Garland was asked whether Weiss had "sought permission of another US Attorney's Office, such as in the District of Columbia or California [both places where Hunter has lived], to bring [tax-related] ­charges? If so, was it denied?"

Garland replied that he did not know but went on to insist that Weiss has been "advised that he has full authority ... to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it necessary ... He is not to be denied anything that he needs, and if that were to happen, it should ascend through the department's ranks, and I have not heard anything from that office to suggest that they are not able to do everything that the US attorney wants to do."

Grassley pointed out that "without special-counsel authority, [Weiss] could need permission of another US attorney ... to bring charges outside the district of Delaware."

Garland replied: "I promised to leave the matter of Hunter Biden in the hands of the US attorney in the district of Delaware ... I pledged not to interfere with that investigation, and I have carried through on that pledge."

That sounds right to me. I think Divine is right, that Merrick Garland has denied the US Attorney the power to bring charges against Hunter Biden for crimes committed in another jurisdiction, which proves Garland perjured himself before Congress.

And I bet you she isn't just "speculating," either -- I think she has probably been told about the specific perjured statement.

Update: Note that I have previously said that it's David Weiss, the US Attorney for Delaware, who is tanking the case. As Jack Straw points out, assuming this whistleblower statement is true, it's Merrick Garland who is tanking the case, by refusing him the authority, which he requested, to investigate crimes taking place in California.

Posted by: Ace at 01:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st!

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2023 01:51 PM (DRSnL)

2 Nothing. Will. Happen.

Posted by: Valiant at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (cy2xC)

3 I also hear that Lindsey Graham is going to write a letter disclosing the information.

A strongly worded letter, filled with all the masculine fury that Graham possesses.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (L57Qg)

4 Mike Morrell is an apex weasel.

Posted by: BignJames at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (AwYPR)

5 The walls are coming off!

The wheels are closing in!

Posted by: Joe Mama at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (WmGrA)

6 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (9gDA7)

7 GEEE, who would have guessed?

But it won't matter in our corrupt kleptocracy.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (N1tpc)

8 "I have no idea what this means, but I'm going to assume it means that Jim Jordan is writing a letter to Merrick Garland telling him to investigate Anthony Blinken, and this letter will include the charges that Blinken used US Intelligence to Interfere in a Presidential Election."

I hope there's a video of 'ol Jim rollin' up them sleeves...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (CCSxw)

9 Nothing will happen.

Posted by: I'll ruin the ending for you at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (p90Go)

10 Going to be a crowd under that bus.

Posted by: Joe Mama at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (WmGrA)

11 >Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was Directed by the people who direct Biden Biden to Organize The Campaign Op

Posted by: DB - key Watergate figure at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (geLO8)

12 Amazing how these "conspiracy theories" turn out to be "conspiracy facts" at a rather alarming rate these days...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 20, 2023 01:55 PM (wtvvX)

13 So I just got a call from ATT billing that I requested. As soon as I mentioned that they were overcharging me, the connection was dropped.

Let's see if they call back.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (L57Qg)

14 Wow. So many letters. Hope some of them were sternly worded.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (BdMk6)

15 Whoo, girthy content added.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (DRSnL)

16 A strongly worded letter, filled with all the masculine fury that Graham possesses

Which will be contained in the last period at the end of the document.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (wb1YC)

17 > "I have no idea what this means, but I'm going to assume it means that Jim Jordan is writing a letter to Merrick Garland telling him to investigate Anthony Blinken,

it should be sternly-worded, and delivered with much frowning

Posted by: DB - key Watergate figure at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (geLO8)

18 GOPe will do nothing. No balls. They even are active trying to stop MTG from speaking during committee hearings.

GOPe is asshole.

Posted by: Archer at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (gmo/4)

19 I also hear that Lindsey Graham is going to write a letter disclosing the information.

A strongly worded letter, filled with all the masculine fury that Graham possesses.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (L57Qg)

So, about 3 picrograms...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (wtvvX)

20 Morrell is a mushroom

Posted by: REDACTED at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (us2H3)

21 'Fiery' would be good too

Posted by: DB - key Watergate figure at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (geLO8)

22 I have nothing but loathing and gross disregard for the 51. They are fools, cowards and liars. If they were so stupid so as to be taken in by this bullshit, they should never have risen to the rank they did in the IC. The wording of the letter says it all...a master stroke of equivocation.
They knew it was BS and added their names to it anyway.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (anj39)

23 I mean, THEY STOLE THE ELECTION, blatantly and obviously on election night and NOTHING happened to them.

Just what difference is this little crime going to make?

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (N1tpc)

24 If we had a functioning republic, as opposed to a banana type, this would spell DOOM for Biden.

IF is the operative word.

Posted by: Joe Mama at April 20, 2023 01:57 PM (WmGrA)

25 I shant believe it... I just shannot

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (flINI)

26 I have added a lot to the post, making it girthier and muskier.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (iHBZj)

27 Wow. So many letters.

Thats what The Big Guy says every time we turn the teleprompter on.

Posted by: Hunter Biden at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (0mN7F)

28 which is more emphatic- strongly or sternly?

Posted by: DB - key Watergate figure at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (geLO8)

29 >>>19 I also hear that Lindsey Graham is going to write a letter disclosing the information.

i might have misheard that, I might have been told he's going to *comment* on it, which he just did in this Fox interview.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (iHBZj)

30 This is news? I did not see anything on CNBC or CNN

Posted by: bang-a-gong at April 20, 2023 01:59 PM (By6uD)

31 It's Junta all the way down!

Posted by: runner at April 20, 2023 01:59 PM (tACMT)

32 If nothing ever happens, at what point do we just stop talking about it, here and everywhere?? Serious question…

Posted by: tubal at April 20, 2023 01:59 PM (PCK5/)

33 26 I have added a lot to the post, making it girthier and muskier.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (iHBZj)

Needs more cruelty.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (wtvvX)

34 Muskier post? Is the ewok pon far season upon us?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (2YtOq)

35 Either Bite me is an drooling shifforbrains or a slick bastard doing the Vin The Chin Shuffle in slippers and robe to avoid any culpability in his crimes..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damnit! at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (TRzws)

36 As a Moron noted; Jim Jordan has his shirts come from his french laundry with the sleeves already rolled up. He's as fake as the rest.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (L57Qg)


Absolutely nothing will happen to anyone in this matter.

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (flINI)

I'm... I'm-uh at-uh, at the-uh, I'm at the-uh t-top of-uh my game!


Posted by: John Fetterman at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (vwCZJ)

39 BREAKING: Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket explodes (video)

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (FVME7)

40 Boots on the ground
Boots on the ground
Lookin' like a fool with yo boots on the ground

Posted by: wth at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (v0R5T)

41 I love your musk.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (L57Qg)

42 I hear that Morrell says Blinken lied to some of the officials to get them to sign the lying letter, telling them it would not be used for political purposes. Blinken also told them that they had evidence that the laptop was a Russian op, which, of course, was a lie.
With a nudge and a wink and a knowing smile.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (t0OGg)

43 Why do so many people want to destroy this nation?

Do they really want to live in a third world shit hole, which is where we are headed at break neck speed?

Are Conservative values really that bad?

Is transitioning children and cutting off body parts. Unlimited abortion and racial hatred and division the best things in the world?

I am so disgusted I cannot believe all of this.

Posted by: Czech Chick at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (6Tc2R)

44 I saw Girthier and Muskier open for The Captain and Teneille at the Roxy in '78.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (AW0uW)

45 > If nothing ever happens, at what point do we just stop talking about it, here and everywhere?? Serious question…

Posted by: tubal

what else is there
the dissolution of the United States is what's on the menu-

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (geLO8)

46 I added more to the post, at the end.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (iHBZj)

47 i might have misheard that, I might have been told he's going to *comment* on it, which he just did in this Fox interview.


Did he wave his hand and snap his fingers a couple of times at the end? That's how you know he's serious.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (wb1YC)

48 39 BREAKING: Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket explodes (video)
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (FVME7)

so #10 is in the oven

Posted by: REDACTED at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (us2H3)

49 As a Moron noted; Jim Jordan has his shirts come from his french laundry with the sleeves already rolled up. He's as fake as the rest.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (L57Qg)

He's gettin' to work! Down to business!

Posted by: wth at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (v0R5T)

Which will be contained in the last period at the end of the document.
Posted by: Azathoth

So, brown colored sperm drizzle?

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (3CCua)

51 If nothing ever happens, at what point do we just stop talking about it, here and everywhere?? Serious question…

Serious answer - when the GOP overwhelmingly passes the RESTRICT Act and Ace gets shut down.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (AW0uW)

52 >BREAKING: Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket explodes (video)

yeah that already broke, hours ago

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (geLO8)

53 41 I love your musk.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (L57Qg)

oil vey

Posted by: REDACTED at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (us2H3)

Absolutely nothing will happen to anyone in this matter.
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM

That's nonsense! We'll having hearings, and speeches, and campaign ads. We might even draft a sternly worded letter or two!

Posted by: Ted Cruz at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (NCgXW)

55 Seems vigilante justice needs to start making a comeback.

I remember that part from Goodfella's that would be nice about now......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (9gDA7)

56 Solomon says the testimony will become public when it is "transmitted" to other branches of government. I have no idea what this means, but I'm going to assume it means that Jim Jordan is writing a letter to Merrick Garland telling him to investigate Anthony Blinken, and this letter will include the charges that Blinken used US Intelligence to Interfere in a Presidential Election.

Hey, Janet! Get a load of this!


:: wipes tear ::

Janet, please take dictation.
Dear Mr. Jordan, I cordially invite you to fuck directly off. You'll get nothing from me, and you know it. This silly game is childish and the outcome is obvious. The whole thing has reached and gone beyond the point of tedium. Sincerely,

Posted by: Merrick Garland at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (t0OGg)

57 I'm... I'm-uh at-uh, at the-uh, I'm at the-uh t-top of-uh my game!

Posted by: John Fetterman at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (vwCZJ)

Well, you're getting there. Keep trying. We're rooting for ya!

Posted by: wth at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (v0R5T)

58 Trump's breath is too discusting to POTUS again !!!!!

Posted by: Dorcus Blimeline at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (snpvX)

59 Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was Directed by the people who direct Biden Biden to Organize The Campaign Op

Right. Biden can barely direct eating an ice cream cone. He's 100% not doing this, which is why they had Hunter leading him around like a stray dog in Ireland.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (ZGrMX)

60 What makes the muskrat guard his musk?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (k4KWN)

61 You have no leadership. The msm ignores govt corruption of Dems. Congress will do nothing. Garland will do nothing.

And then your elections are stolen.

Posted by: Terminal Loop at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (p90Go)

62 She wants to know why they don't just visit the Wilmington offices of the US Attorney pretending to investigate Hunter Biden, and ask him about the charges that he's tanking the investigation deliberately.
What propagandist would?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (t0OGg)

63 I hear that Morrell says Blinken lied to some of the officials to get them to sign the lying letter, telling them it would not be used for political purposes. Blinken also told them that they had evidence that the laptop was a Russian op, which, of course, was a lie.
With a nudge and a wink and a knowing smile.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (t0OGg)

Huh. So where is the public outrage over being used? If I were a former member of the IC and was used like this, it severely undermines my worth in the private sector. It suggests I'm too stupid to really make a difference to a firm.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (anj39)

64 Oh come on. Does anyone really believe that these 51 shiteating shitheads had to be put up to this by the Biden admin? They were chomping at the bit to write this letter and go on leftwing "news" shows to pimp it. The "news" organizations of course just duckspoke it to their droolingly stupid audiences.

What I think is really going on here is the 51 shiteating shitheads and their media pimp-whores are looking for a way to wash away some of the stench from themselves. They are trying to implicated Biden in the scam and claim he lied to them.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (iFTx/)

65 In keeping with the interesting "boarding pike" story at the top of the sidebar, I give you the final battle between the Surprise and the Acheron from Master & Commander: Far Side o' the World:

And here's a 4 Bore Rifle, because why the heck not:

Posted by: Sharkman at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (keZMg)

66 BREAKING: Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket explodes (video)
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (FVME7)

And there was much rejoicing......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (9gDA7)

67 I've given up on anything remotely resembling justice in this world. ATF should have arrested Hunter long ago. The didn't. Had it been John or Jane 6 pack who lied, ATF would have rolled out with an MRAP.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (2YtOq)

68 Y'ever see those old 60's Black Panther type radicals ranting about the CIA and the FBI?

Now I'm that guy.


Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (cupoy)

69 Tommy Chong thinks that Miss Lindsey is vaping too much CBD if he actually believes that we'll think he's going to make a difference.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (n+4am)

70 Curly Shuffle > Shuffle off to Buffalo > Vin the Chin Shuffle

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (AW0uW)

71 BREAKING: Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket explodes (video)
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 20, 2023 02:00 PM (FVME7)

It started meandering and was intentionally destroyed by launch control.

But it was still a delight to see that behemoth fly as far as it did. I do think they'll have to rethink the design though.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (BdMk6)

72 Holy shit! A Democrat presidential campaign engaged in falsehoods and dirty tricks with the support and connivance of current and former members of the government? I just don't know what's true any more.

Next you'll tell me that covid didn't come from a wet market or that my wearing a mask won't keep you safe.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (1Z8zZ)

73 Does anyone really believe that these 51 shiteating shitheads had to be put up to this by the Biden admin? They were chomping at the bit to write this letter and go on leftwing "news" shows to pimp it.

The "intelligence community" got Biden elected, and they're the ones with their hands up his ass to make his mouth move. Ergo, the 51 shitheads were put up to it by themselves.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (ZGrMX)

74 >>I added more to the post, at the end.

I'll scroll the next time I refresh, instead of just jumping to the 'end'.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (P7IZS)

75 51
Serious answer - when the GOP overwhelmingly passes the RESTRICT Act and Ace gets shut down.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM (AW0uW)

Pretty good answer. The impotent fist shaking and gnashing of teeth is therapeutic I guess.

Posted by: tubal at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (PCK5/)

76 I saw Girthier and Muskier open for The Captain and Teneille at the Roxy in '78.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (AW0uW)

Wow. You've SEEN some shit, man......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (9gDA7)

77 Oh, I get it. The most innocent of a crime are punished.

Posted by: humphreyrobot at April 20, 2023 02:06 PM (UwtPD)

78 26 I have added a lot to the post, making it girthier and muskier.
Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 01:58 PM (iHBZj)

"Thank you! I like it girthy and musky."

-- Pete Bootyjuice

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 20, 2023 02:07 PM (iFTx/)

79 Elon Mission Control needs more harrumphing

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:07 PM (geLO8)

But it was still a delight to see that behemoth fly as far as it did. I do think they'll have to rethink the design though.
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 02:05 PM (BdMk6)

they really need to get the booster rockets to detach as designed.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 02:07 PM (9gDA7)

81 But it was still a delight to see that behemoth fly as far as it did. I do think they'll have to rethink the design though.

This was an early test to see if it'd clear the launch pad, which it definitely did. Everything past that is extra data they can use in the future.

It's kind of hilarious how many people forgot that SpaceX exploded dozens of test flights on the way to making launches more reliable than NASA.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:07 PM (ZGrMX)

82 That sounds right to me. I think Divine is right, that Merrick Garland has denied the US Attorney the power to bring charges against Hunter Biden for crimes committed in another jurisdiction, which proves Garland perjured himself before Congress.
Big deal. It doesn't matter.

This isn't just because Garland is connected and in the deepest part of the deep state, this is because lying to Congress is irrelevant. *Everyone* lies to Congress. It's totally expected at this point. It's just a form of sport. Congress expects to be lied to. Witnesses expect to lie to Congress. It's all just so much theater and has been for many, many years.

Industrialists, activists, politicians, appointees, bureaucrats, other Congressmen - *everyone* lies to Congress. On the odd occasion that Congress decides to mention this or "do something about it," it is a form of failure theater - like demanding that Eric Holder arrest himself for Contempt of Congress.

It's just part of the show.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:07 PM (t0OGg)

83 "Dirty 51"

Needs to be "Filthy 51". Need that alliteration if'n you wanna work in the big leagues.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (jzzG8)

84 Oh, Lyndsey, is on it. That means fkall will be done.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (1huWu)

85 It started meandering and was intentionally destroyed by launch control.

Jack E. Smith ⚖️
SpaceX is calling it “a rapid unscheduled disassembly”.

In my day, we called it an explosion.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (FVME7)

86 >>they really need to get the booster rockets to detach as designed.

Obviously they are using too much Velcro.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (P7IZS)

87 Letters? We don't need no letters. We don't need no stinking letters!

Ace's Moron Banditos, Ltd.

Posted by: Archer at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (gmo/4)

88 The Starship launch was a success. It cleared the launch tower and gained altitude before exploding. I think the starship was about 6 miles up before it blew or was blown up.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (2YtOq)

89 that the laptop was a Russian op

Just read it.

No Russian could fake that level of pathetic, entitled, depravity. That's genuine rich boy USA crackhead.

Posted by: DaveA at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (FhXTo)

90 It's kind of hilarious how many people forgot that SpaceX exploded dozens of test flights on the way to making launches more reliable than NASA.


They also don't realize how much of NASA's stuff back in the day exploded either.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:09 PM (wb1YC)

91 Wouldn't it be great if there was an opposing party which would also not play fair?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 20, 2023 02:09 PM (d2bW3)

92 Made it a whole 6 miles before it Chinese Flowered?

Better than I could do, no doubt.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:09 PM (P7IZS)

93 The mainstream media won't acknowledge Democrats deliberate election interference (and their complicity in it) until it crawls up their ass and winks at them in the mirror.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2023 02:10 PM (8Voqu)

94 If Solomon is correct it's not Weiss who is tanking the investigation. It's Garland (and no doubt Monaco) and other US Attorneys.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:10 PM (ZLI7S)

95 The "intelligence community" got Biden elected, and they're the ones with their hands up his ass to make his mouth move. Ergo, the 51 shitheads were put up to it by themselves.


CIA runs all this - all of it

they run the FBI and they run State and they run the FedGov and many state governments. They run many large businesses

it's done, it's over. kleptocracy by the IC and that's the end of the story of the USA. maybe we can get some states to exit and put something like the former USA together, hopefully soon

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:10 PM (w0NJk)

96 I am so disgusted I cannot believe all of this.
Posted by: Czech Chick at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (6Tc2R)

***pulls out chair, pats seat***

Come, sit by me, I'm as bewildered by all this as you are.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at April 20, 2023 02:10 PM (CCSxw)

97 Huh. So where is the public outrage over being used? If I were a former member of the IC and was used like this, it severely undermines my worth in the private sector. It suggests I'm too stupid to really make a difference to a firm.
Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:04 PM (anj39)
It has nothing to do with your worth in the private sector, other than possibly increasing it.

Companies hire ex-spooks for a reason, and that reason is usually keeping their fingers on the pulse of the state and maximizing money and influence. The guys who signed this letter are insiders. They're "good guys" who are in tight with the State/Party Complex. Their friends and colleagues are a valuable resource, and these spooks can channel that into the coffers of whoever hires them.

Nobody is looking for honesty or critical assessment. Nobody is looking for analysis. They're looking for entry into the vast web of influence networks in Washington, or expansion of existing activity. These guys are fantastic candidates for that. Their "private-sector" value is not even remotely reduced by this.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:11 PM (t0OGg)

98 *Rubs hands together*

Oh boy, this is going to be GREAT!!

Posted by: Flounder at April 20, 2023 02:11 PM (j40lz)

99 >>they really need to get the booster rockets to detach as designed.

BREAKING - Enhanced photography of the launch shows what appears to be a crazed coyote attached to the Starship, suggests possible interference with booster detachment.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 20, 2023 02:11 PM (N3zMI)

100 the people of Khartoum have lost their heads

Posted by: REDACTED at April 20, 2023 02:12 PM (us2H3)

101 We call falling off a horse an unscheduled dismount. Same concept. 🤣

Posted by: Piper at April 20, 2023 02:12 PM (ZdaMQ)

102 and no doubt Monaco

Yeah, that lousy Prince Albert. Never trust anyone whose Mom was from Philly.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 20, 2023 02:12 PM (k4KWN)

103 What makes the muskrat guard his musk?
Uncommon scents.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (Vwz3I)

104 45 > If nothing ever happens, at what point do we just stop talking about it, here and everywhere?? Serious question… Posted by: tubal
Something is happening. It takes a lot of move a lot of people to withdraw trust in government. Under the last 4 years or so, that trust has declined to the point where about 60 percent believe that Jan 6 was caused by government agents, that we should send no more aid to Ukraine, that we are on the wrong track economically, and so on.

Disney's reputation is in the shitter, Media is thought of as a bunch of liars, no one trusts Mitch McConnell even Republican voters, Arnie, Hillary, and a bunch of other clapped out celebrities like Kathy Griffin have found out that even lefties don't give a shit about them and for them to go away.
continued. . . .

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (ZBGfo)

105 I added more to the post, at the end.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 02:02 PM (iHBZj)

When you added it at the end, it was no longer the end, thereby nullifying your statement. What you did was add it TO the end.

I'm just kidding.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (tON+x)

106 A strongly worded letter, filled with all the masculine fury that Graham possesses.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 01:54 PM (L57Qg)

I picture a wee, little foot being stomped accompanied by demands that a citizen be shot.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (1Z8zZ)

107 >>the people of Khartoum have lost their heads

As usual...

US State Department, under Joe Biden, has left Americans in a War Zone to be killed/captured/ransomed.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (P7IZS)

108 The Canadian defense minister:

It’s official: All eight Leopard 2 battle tanks promised by Canada for Ukraine have now arrived in Poland.

We’ll continue to #StandWithUkraine, and to provide Ukrainians with the tools that they need to fight and win this war.

Surrender now, Putin!

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (2tUFv)

109 'Some people did some things.'

Posted by: Eromero at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (z3WCn)

110 Space X launch was terminated by us. Impotent humans. Meta Luna forever!

Posted by: Exeter & Brack at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (gmo/4)

111 Wouldn't it be great if there was an opposing party which would also not play fair?
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at April 20, 2023 02:09 PM (d2bW3)

It's not Who We Are - GOPe

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (DRSnL)

112 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing'

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (geLO8)

113 until it crawls up their ass and winks at them in the mirror.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2023 02:10 PM (8Voqu)

Get in line, big boy

Posted by: Shep at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (tON+x)

114 Our medical establishment, public and private, have been shown to be lying liars that f.cking lie repeatedly and then pile more lies on top of that by Covid. The number of people getting Covid shots has declined to the point where where even big government is giving up on that dead horse of boosters.

Our military has become a joke and no one wants to join much--Milli Vanilli is now a laughingstock and outright criminal to the UCMJ for what he did to Trump, our ships don't work, our planes are too expensive to fly, and training time is spent blaming whitey for everything.

Our corporations are widely despised now by the right as much as the left---I can go on.

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (ZBGfo)

115 They should check the bulletproof glass on that SpaceX / Tesla Rocket.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:15 PM (P7IZS)

116 112 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing'

yeah not for big dumb commies it's not

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:15 PM (w0NJk)

117 So much grilling, pressing, letter writing, advising, and verbal dreck. No action by GOPe. As usual.

Posted by: scampydog at April 20, 2023 02:15 PM (2bFN5)

118 where citizens have unfettered access to firearms

*the mysterious Hughes Amendment has joined the chat*

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:15 PM (L57Qg)

119 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing'

Eek barba derkel, someone's gonna get laid in college.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:15 PM (tON+x)

120 Surrender now, Putin!

Also today, the Polish government, which wants to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, has blocked Ukrainian grain imports from being brought into Poland.

Poland wants to protect their farmers, you see.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (2tUFv)

121 Fuck em all

Posted by: Rhenigantx at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (eQNDT)

122 whig you're right sure

also I find myself questioning some pretty out there things - obviously ALL vaccines I question now

but I'm also questioning 9/11 at least parts of it

you have to question everything. every damn thing.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (w0NJk)

123 and despite all this election interference ... Trump still won ... till that toilet in Atlanta overflowed, damn the bad luck.

Posted by: illiniwek at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (Cus5s)

124 Did you see Biden’s new mortgage rule? Make sure you’re not near anything breakable 1st.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (1huWu)

125 Once upon a time we got pissed off about the price of tea.

Posted by: SOMEASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (ytSiK)

126 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing'
Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (geLO
Two things:
1. It is by no means unfettered. There are vast numbers of unconstitutional laws fettering it.
2. Assuming it was unfettered, why would that be a bad thing? Be specific, and you cannot fall back on "because people will shoot each-other in the ghetto or commit mass shootings" because those people aren't qualified to own guns anyway, according to the fetters that are already in place.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (t0OGg)

127 John McCain was a piece of crap but he gave a speech back in 2014 on the Senate floor about how dangerous Blinken was. Blinken was being appointed to some undersecretary position but was big on pulling out of Afghanistan. Part of McCain's speech was warmonger crap but he had Blinken nailed. Naturally Blinken was approved.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (Uk8NJ)

128 Someone needs to tell Michelle the first gun control laws were put in place to deny Blacks the ability to defend themselves from Democrat night riders, the KKK.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (2YtOq)

129 114
Our corporations are widely despised now by the right as much as the left---I can go on.
Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (ZBGfo)

Thanks for the insights… the loathing seems organic and pervasive then?? Maybe generalized?

Posted by: tubal at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (PCK5/)

130 The Starship launch was a success. It cleared the launch tower and gained altitude before exploding. I think the starship was about 6 miles up before it blew or was blown up.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (2YtOq)

The launch did what it was supposed to do. Once it cleared Boca Chica it was just icing on the cake until the squirrels got to it.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (BdMk6)

131 Oh, a smidgeon just won't do
Corruption is just what we do
With a smidge-smidge here and a
smidge-smidge there
Here a smidge, there a smidge
just beware
As the AG I declare
I'm corrupt sans fear... or... fa------vor!

yeah -- Sen Dr Fetterman

Posted by: micky at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (3byMq)

132 Hang them in public.

Posted by: Joe Fingerblaster at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (W+TLY)

133 124 Did you see Biden’s new mortgage rule? Make sure you’re not near anything breakable 1st.

waiting for the post here on it

absolute insanity

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (w0NJk)

134 112 The problem, Michelle, is that you think mobs burning down significant portions of their own cities IS a good thing.

They are relentlessly trying to disarm the last vestige of viable opposition to imposed Serfdom. No thanks, Michelle.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (aGGj6)

135 Surrender Putin!

Posted by: Wicked Witch of the West at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (gmo/4)

136 >>Poland wants to protect their farmers, you see.

Ukrainian Wheat is killing the European Market. It usually goes to Egypt by way of Turkey, I believe.

Now, it is flooding the adjacent grain producing countries of Europe and killing their grain prices.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (P7IZS)

137 Did you see Biden’s new mortgage rule? Make sure you’re not near anything breakable 1st.

Works for us - we don't use mortgages.

Posted by: Blackrock! at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (2tUFv)

138 None of this gets on CBS unless the deepstate has decided to make a move.

Kamala should avoid flying. Maybe just hide in a bunker.

Posted by: my God help us all at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (sh1GZ)

139 >Surrender Putin!

Posted by: Wicked Witch of the West

who has him?

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (geLO8)

140 Something is happening. It takes a lot of move a lot of people to withdraw trust in government. Under the last 4 years or so, that trust has declined to the point where about 60 percent believe that Jan 6 was caused by government agents, that we should send no more aid to Ukraine, that we are on the wrong track economically, and so on.

Slowly, then all at once.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (ZGrMX)

141 Thanks for the insights… the loathing seems organic and pervasive then?? Maybe generalized?
Posted by: tubal at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (PCK5/)
Very generalized. We're looking at broad-spectrum increases in contempt and broad-spectrum decrease of trust. Broad in terms of both supply and demand.

More people are more contemptuous and less trusting of more things. Those curves are all increasing at the same time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (t0OGg)

142 >>>94 If Solomon is correct it's not Weiss who is tanking the investigation. It's Garland (and no doubt Monaco) and other US Attorneys.

right, thank you, that's right, I missed that.

Posted by: ace at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (iHBZj)

143 Oh, and the subject of the post, we have lost total faith in rule under the law, that wrongdoers will get punished while the righteous benefit, and that federal, state, and local law enforcement are the good guys all the time. In fact, federal law enforcement is a contradiction in terms now if you are a politically favored group. If you are in that group, you can ignore the law with glee and the feds will ignore you--if you are a member of a disfavored group--mothers, people that attend PTA meetings, and so forth, the full weight of the federal government will come down on you including use of paid spies, perjury and obstruction traps, and even violation of your lawyer client privilege and right to a speedy trial plus a jury of your peers.

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (ZBGfo)

144 Someone needs to tell Michelle the first gun control laws were put in place to deny Blacks the ability to defend themselves from Democrat night riders, the KKK.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (2YtOq)

Someone needs to tell everyone else she'd have been pushing for it.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (tON+x)

145 Major gold heist at Pearson [Toronto International Airport], movie plot turns reality in GTA
At this point, investigators don’t know who stole the gold

It’s the kind of stuff movies are made of — a robbery from a supposedly secure facility, a huge amount of gold now missing and a mystery about who is behind it.
Peel Regional Police have enlisted the help of the RCMP following a massive gold heist at Pearson airport.

Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport. Pearson is often used to move gold mined in Ontario to customers around the world.

At current spot prices for gold, that would put value of the heist at more than $100 million.

While that sounds like a lot of gold, and it is definitely worth a lot, it could have been smuggled out of the airport in something as simple as a heavy-duty pickup truck.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (Vwz3I)

146 Did you see Biden’s new mortgage rule? Make sure you’re not near anything breakable 1st.

I posted a link about it on the previous thread. It's insanity.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (ZGrMX)

147 Serious question:

How long until morbidly obese women decide to walk around nude?

Seems where this is all going.

Because the when the weather turned the fat girls pretty much started wearing mere fig leafs.

Posted by: Thesokorus at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (ITMLG)

148 16 A strongly worded letter, filled with all the masculine fury that Graham possesses

Which will be contained in the last period at the end of the document.
Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 01:56 PM (wb1YC)

That period will be hand drawn in the shape of a heart. Just like his Valentines cards

Posted by: Diesel Jones, Biologist at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (Vu7A1)

149 121 Fuck em all
Posted by: Rhenigantx at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (eQNDT)

I suggest walking down the hill, not running...

Posted by: Wise Old Bull at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (CCSxw)

150 Skimming the comments and I see 'Broad' in a Mannix Post and no link.


Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (P7IZS)

151 I'm still amazed at the SpaceX launch this morning.

The Saturn V rockets we used for the Apollo program generated over 6 million pounds of thrust at lift off. The Starship rocket that launched this morning generates 17 million pounds of thrust.

The Saturn Vs when they took off generated so much thrust they would literally pound Pad 39A few inches into the ground. I have no idea how they're handling this in Texas with this latest rocket. I realize the rockets are greatly advanced from the old F1 Saturn days and use different fuel mixtures but thrust is thrust. Over the years, NASA used a series of aqueducts and water reservoirs under the launch pad that were filled shortly before launch with millions of gallons of water. Practically all of that was turned to steam during launch, hence the enormous clouds you saw around the launch pad and pictures. I don't know if they're doing something like that in Texas or if they're going completely in a different direction.

17 million pounds of thrust. The largest rocket anyone's ever launched. And we're 120 years out from the first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (wb1YC)

152 Now, it is flooding the adjacent grain producing countries of Europe and killing their grain prices.

Yeah, Hungary, Slovakia, and possibly Rumania are also taking action against Ukrainian grain exports.


Posted by: Blackrock! at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (2tUFv)

153 Former Defense Official: Mike, why would I sign my name to something so obviously stupid?

Mike: Because you're a stupid retard.

Official: And how!

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (KbCG3)

154 Our corporations are widely despised now by the right as much as the left---I can go on.
Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (ZBGfo)

Thanks for the insights… the loathing seems organic and pervasive then?? Maybe generalized?
Posted by: tubal at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (PCK5/)

It doesn't have to be generalized - its one thing to have company X be ruthless in business and producing a good product. Its another to have it be ruthless in social engineering and trying to destroy moral values because a cancerous clique of leftists have burrowed in and zombifying management.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (eoQWY)

155 More people are more contemptuous and less trusting of more things. Those curves are all increasing at the same time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (t0OGg)

At the same exact time national voting matters less and less. Huh.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (tON+x)

156 Slowly, then all at once.
Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2023 02:18 PM (ZGrMX)

Like most massively complicated concepts, we have a tight idiom for describing this: "the straw that broke the camel's back." It's why the final thing resulting in total failure is often so surprising - like the perfectly routine oppression of a village priest in Romania leading directly and quickly to Ceausescu being executed and the fall of his regime.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (t0OGg)

157 Does anyone know if the 51 "experts" still have their security clearances ? I know Trump yanked a couple, but every one of these thugs should be no where any intelligence

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (Uk8NJ)

158 Six ways to Sunday …

Posted by: Schumer at April 20, 2023 02:20 PM (azTeW)

159 What do you call a mortgage on Mars?


Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 20, 2023 02:21 PM (k4KWN)

160 Was the FBI in Toronto recently?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at April 20, 2023 02:21 PM (1huWu)

161 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing'

She's sorta right. It's not a good thing that other nations deprive their people of the right to bear arms.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at April 20, 2023 02:21 PM (Bd6X8)

162 The Starship launch was a success. It cleared the launch tower and gained altitude before exploding. I think the starship was about 6 miles up before it blew or was blown up.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:08 PM (2YtOq)

It was at 29 km (not converting to freedom units) and falling when it was destroyed. IIRC, it got to over 40 km before things started going wrong.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (1Z8zZ)

163 So Joe just pardons his whole family, for everything and anything. (I guess he can't do that on state charges though?)

Posted by: illiniwek at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (Cus5s)

164 Someone needs to tell Michelle the first gun control laws were put in place to deny Blacks the ability to defend themselves from Democrat night riders, the KKK.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:17 PM (2YtOq)

So are these gun control laws, we just have a different group of Democrat night riders.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (eoQWY)

165 Gold theft link:

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (Vwz3I)

166 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner: 'We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing


Fuck you, Worf.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (wb1YC)

167 but I'm also questioning 9/11 at least parts of it

you have to question everything. every damn thing.
Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (w0NJk)


I was SHOCKED, actually shocked to find out how much the media lied about how the Viet Nam war was going. I haven't trusted them since.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (iocN7)

168 Does anyone know if the 51 "experts" still have their security clearances ?

Of course. How can they maintain their consulting businesses otherwise?

Normal people lose their security clearances when they leave jobs that require them.

That doesn't apply to the elite.

Posted by: Blackrock! at April 20, 2023 02:22 PM (2tUFv)

169 Straight up election interference.

But they are The Party. With the guns, the heavies, the brownshirts, the loudspeakers, the jackboots, the goosesteps, the prisons, guards, the Party Propaganda, and the censors.

We are bugs.

Posted by: Mr Gaga at April 20, 2023 02:23 PM (KiBMU)

170 We're the only developed country on the planet where citizens have unfettered access to firearms. That is not a good thing.

Yes. Only non-citizens should have that access.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:23 PM (tON+x)

171 Was the FBI in Toronto recently?
The CIA.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:23 PM (Vwz3I)

172 17 million pounds of thrust. The largest rocket anyone's ever launched. And we're 120 years out from the first flight at Kitty Hawk.
Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (wb1YC)

I had read that the sound is 220+ decibels. How does anyone survive just being a couple of miles away in the town?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (L57Qg)

173 Not only did BuzzFeed go tits up today but Ben Smith took the opportunity to admit he knew there were "errors" in the dossier when he first published it.

And Paul Sperry is saying that Smith has revealed that David Brock was shopping the dossier in 2016.

I wonder why Ben feels the need to finally tell the truth now?

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (ZLI7S)

174 >>Yeah, Hungary, Slovakia, and possibly Rumania are also taking action against Ukrainian grain exports.

Reinforcing the notion that NATO is not out for the best interests of the NATO aligned countries.

I can barely conceive a scenario where this could have been played worse for the US/NATO interests. Literally every action has been magnitudes worse than the last re. Ukraine.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (P7IZS)

175 >>17 million pounds of thrust

The Paolo. He delivers the thrust.

Posted by: Paolo at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (P7IZS)

176 Chairman of the House committee on stupid shit : we call on madamemayhem to testify about this stupid shit.

Me: walk to the table, sit down, prop feet on table, crack open a Jolt Cola and say, " yeh, I'm here, what the fuck do you asswipes want?"

Chairman: " what do you know about this stupid shit?"

Me: I know you can fuck right off, limp dick.

Chairman: " you are out of order madam! "

Me: what part of mayhem did you not understand? Go fuck yourself with a rabid badger, you retarded cockroach.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (Wy1BU)

177 Anyone else noticed that ads on YouTube and the TV are getting overtly indecent?

How about the girl with the moustache and the gap in her teeth? They are trying to normalize ugly.

Posted by: Miss Issippi at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (sI15f)

178 Five of the 28 (?) rockets flamed out early on ... it kept going but started to lose control, spiraling before they blew it up.

Posted by: illiniwek at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (Cus5s)

179 171 Was the FBI in Toronto recently?
The CIA.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:23 PM (Vwz3I)

Danny Ocean & Co.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (N3zMI)

180 Was this Walton guy bragging or something? In what context was he dumb enough to admit these things?

Posted by: TexasDan at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (AA+1h)

181 I have a financial plan. Maybe I'll write a best-selling book about it. "Get Broke, Go Croak."

You buy a lucrative life insurance policy, and make sure to pay those premiums before any other bills. Mortgage, utilities, 401k, everything.

You also buy a balaclava and a gun.

Worst to worst, you start robbing banks. If you're successful, your family is set. If you're not, your family is still set.


Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (oINRc)

182 CIA runs all this - all of it
I was a bit surprised to see that the CEO of AB USA has a CIA background.

Posted by: my God help us all at April 20, 2023 02:26 PM (sh1GZ)

183 The Canadian defense minister:

It’s official: All eight Leopard 2 battle tanks promised by Canada for Ukraine have now arrived in Poland.

We’ll continue to #StandWithUkraine, and to provide Ukrainians with the tools that they need to fight and win this war.

Surrender now, Putin!
Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 20, 2023 02:13 PM (2tUFv)

Apparently two Leopard Tanks in Ukraine being used in training somehow collided, popping the turret of one tank completely off. There's a report of some Russian raiders swiping a Leopard in the Kherson area, driving it off and drowning it in a swamp as they couldn't get it back to Russian lines.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 02:26 PM (eoQWY)

184 Also today, the Polish government, which wants to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian...

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 20, 2023 02:16 PM (2tUFv)

This is NOT true. We are prepared to grant sanctuary to any hot blonde chicks. -- The Polish Government

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:26 PM (1Z8zZ)

185 Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (Wy1BU)

Today I am proud to nominate madamemayhem to be Press Secretary in the Ellipsis Administration. Fuck it, she's also my Secretary of State.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:27 PM (tON+x)

186 Space X launch was terminated by us. Impotent humans. Meta Luna forever!
Posted by: Exeter & Brack at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (gmo/4)

It's the Brack Show, starring, ME! I'm Brack!

It's the Brack Show and we've got lots of good guests....

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 20, 2023 02:27 PM (N1tpc)

187 Thanks for the insights… the loathing seems organic and pervasive then?? Maybe generalized?
Posted by: tubal
Think back of the last ten to twenty years--of actions that corporations, the legal process community, the media, local, state, and federal government, the health complex, and so on have done to inspire trust in them. Now, all that trust that has been created by centuries is being undone in a few years by unscrupulous greedy and evil bastards and all around useless sumbitches.

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:27 PM (ZBGfo)

188 >>It's the Brack Show, starring, ME! I'm Brack!

"It says in my contract that I'm supposed to have a Pineapple..."

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (P7IZS)

189 166 Michelle Obama slams the 2nd Amendment after shooting of teen Ralph Yarl and 20-year-old killed in driveway by homeowner:

He didn't die did he ?... Isn't he the one Joe is having over to the WH to whip up race wars ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (bs+z0)

190 55 Seems vigilante justice needs to start making a comeback.

I remember that part from Goodfella's that would be nice about now......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 20, 2023 02:03 PM

I don't understand? We allow plenty of activist groups to run rampant and inflict restorative justice in our communities. mean "rule of law". Racist!

Posted by: Soros DA at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (NCgXW)

191 O/T question for the Horde.

Does "Alumnus" imply graduation, or merely attendance? I ask because I transferred schools partway through college and the first school I went to sends me their "Aumni" E-Mails and apparently counts me as an alumnus even though I didn't graduate. I don't consider myself an alumnus of that school and I wouldn't be considered one by most people if you were to ask them, but I don't know if I technically am or not.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (t0OGg)

192 I can barely conceive a scenario where this could have been played worse for the US/NATO interests. Literally every action has been magnitudes worse than the last re. Ukraine.
Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (P7IZS)

it would have been simple for Poland, say, to "buy" all the Uke grain, send it to a port and resell it to Egypt or someone and not have it hit their local market hard.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (eoQWY)

193 I wouldn't doubt they were asked to stick up for Sundowner and son but not like any had their arms twisted behind their backs

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (xhxe8)

194 I had read that the sound is 220+ decibels. How does anyone survive just being a couple of miles away in the town?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (L57Qg)

I couldn't hear the rocket over the sound of the nerds and the gays and valley girl commentators cheering in the background.

At least that commie Cronkite shut the fuck up when the Saturn V lifted off.

Posted by: Archer at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (gmo/4)

195 "making it girthier and muskier."

They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.

Posted by: Bosk at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (VMFAF)

196 @173 in a city , DC, where being a slimy scumbag is actually a job description, David Brock out slimy scumbags them all

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (Uk8NJ)

197 Today I am proud to nominate madamemayhem to be Press Secretary in the Ellipsis Administration. Fuck it, she's also my Secretary of State.
Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:27 PM (tON+x)

Berserker needs to be in the mix.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (2YtOq)

198 Every day Democrats pray for a black person, any black person, to be shot by whitey. Ghouls.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (tON+x)

199 The sound you hear is the gasping, dying breaths of the Republic as Democrats smother her with a pillow.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (oWBc3)

200 be nice if kennedy jr starts bringing this stuff up

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (B1FKF)

201 17 million pounds of thrust. The largest rocket anyone's ever launched. And we're 120 years out from the first flight at Kitty Hawk.
Posted by: Azathoth
Gee, its almost as if there is a desperate race to get off planet.

Posted by: my God help us all at April 20, 2023 02:29 PM (sh1GZ)

202 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)

203 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (t0OGg)

204 Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport. Pearson is often used to move gold mined in Ontario to customers around the world.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 20, 2023 02:19 PM (Vwz3I)

Has anyone seen either Hunter Biden or Volodymyr Zelenskyy this week?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (1Z8zZ)

205 185 Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:25 PM (Wy1BU)

Today I am proud to nominate madamemayhem to be Press Secretary in the Ellipsis Administration. Fuck it, she's also my Secretary of State.
Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:27 PM (tON+x)

I think she has what it takes to be all the secretaries.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (iocN7)

206 At 194db your eardrums rupture and you brain bleeds. Above 200 and the sound waves literally become shock waves.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (L57Qg)

207 It's depressing the price for Polish grain and putting their farms at risk. And there's no place to store the stuff. But the EU says it's more important to put up with Ukrainian grain than it is to support Polish farmers

Posted by: Notsothoreau at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (u7leW)

208 191 Joe, I think “alumnus” implies graduation.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (k4KWN)

209 >>it would have been simple for Poland, say, to "buy" all the Uke grain, send it to a port and resell it to Egypt or someone and not have it hit their local market hard.

I really have no idea how this played out in real time and whether or not Poland could pull that off.

Now, NATO could have planned on some way of mitigating the interruption of Uke Exports in concert with the EU.
IF they cared about the citizens of the NATO countries as much as they cared about a war with Russia and the graft involved.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (P7IZS)

210 "I am so disgusted I cannot believe all of this.
Posted by: Czech Chick"

Those are the same questions I ask myself whenever I read/see news and think maybe it is exaggerated. I had to go to downtown Atlanta yesterday, which I avoid as much as possible. Yes, things are as bad as we read, maybe worse. Same whenever I deal with the local schools or go to a mall and many other places. We are surrounded by brain dead idiots and lemmings.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (cUYo/)

211 I think she has what it takes to be all the secretaries.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (iocN7)

I said secretary twice.

I like secretaries.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (tON+x)

212 202 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)

Thank God Trump isn't still President.. He would get us into wars !

Posted by: It's me donna at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (bs+z0)

213 Joe Mannix you aren't a graduate but yes you are an alum sure

but if it's an embarrassing school just pretend it never happened maybe lol

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (w0NJk)

214 Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.


Awesome. Good for him.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (oINRc)

215 198 Every day Democrats pray for a black person, any black person, to be shot by whitey. Ghouls.
Posted by: ...

Well, they aren't racists, every day prayers are said for disfavored whiteys to be shot as well as restorative justice.

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (ZBGfo)

216 Anyone else noticed that ads on YouTube and the TV are getting overtly indecent?
How about the girl with the moustache and the gap in her teeth? They are trying to normalize ugly.

Posted by: Miss Issippi

(looks at 1963 communist goals to conquer the U.S.)

ah, there we are:

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Posted by: Biden: MAGA surrendered America to China at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (wqFd7)

217 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic


Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (L57Qg)

218 I don't consider myself an alumnus of that school and I wouldn't be considered one by most people if you were to ask them, but I don't know if I technically am or not.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (t0OGg)

For the purpose of getting access to your cash, you are...

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at April 20, 2023 02:32 PM (CCSxw)

219 >>He didn't die did he ?... Isn't he the one Joe is having over to the WH to whip up race wars ?

No, he didn't die. Neither did the little white girl in North Carolina who was shot by her black neighbor when she went to retrieve her ball that rolled into his yard.

Didn't hear about that one? Don't worry, you won't.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:32 PM (ZLI7S)

220 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (t0OGg)

I have more contempt and loathing for dudes that look at that and still want their dick chopped off.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at April 20, 2023 02:32 PM (VwHCD)

Didn't hear about that one? Don't worry, you won't.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:32 PM (ZLI7S)

I did hear that one... on OANN

Posted by: It's me donna at April 20, 2023 02:33 PM (bs+z0)

222 >> This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:

I don't know about the 17 Million Lbs of Thrust...but, I can guarantee her an untimely explosion.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:33 PM (P7IZS)

223 I am so disgusted I cannot believe all of this.

I suggest drinking heavily.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:33 PM (L57Qg)

224 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)

Given that rumors are State or CIA *started* this little civil war to keep Russia from getting a naval base on the coast, this is especially stupid, even for our government.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 02:33 PM (eoQWY)

225 Joe Mannix you aren't a graduate but yes you are an alum sure

but if it's an embarrassing school just pretend it never happened maybe lol
Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (w0NJk)
Thanks. I guess the implication of "graduated from" us just that: implication.

It isn't too embarrassing, just weird. None of my sheckles ever have or ever will go to alumni or other funds at either school I attended, so it's no skin off my back.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:33 PM (t0OGg)

226 208 191 Joe, I think “alumnus” implies graduation.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (k4KWN)

Well, both my wife and one of my kids transferred while undergrads and neither has ever got anything from the schools they left.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 20, 2023 02:34 PM (N3zMI)

227 So if Merrick Garland lied to Congress (Yes, his mouth was moving) and the DOJ will not prosecute why doesn't the House use the Capitol police to through him into the Garland Gulag?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 20, 2023 02:34 PM (L4Q88)

228 Trump sure knew how to pick em'.

Posted by: pawn at April 20, 2023 02:34 PM (kYVzH)

229 Given that rumors are State or CIA *started* this little civil war to keep Russia from getting a naval base on the coast, this is especially stupid, even for our government.
Hold my beer.

Posted by: Wait til you see hostages in Sudan at April 20, 2023 02:34 PM (sh1GZ)

230 >> It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Now where have I heard this story before?

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:34 PM (ZLI7S)

231 17 million pounds of thrust. The largest rocket anyone's ever launched. And we're 120 years out from the first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Wow, 17 million? I wonder what the weight of the payload is.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 20, 2023 02:35 PM (Xrfse)

232 Get ready for a flood of Sudanese 'Refugees'.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:35 PM (P7IZS)

233 I guess I was going by being an army brat as a kid I went to three schools before HS and they all do actually contact me and say I'm an alumna

maybe college is different but I think it just means you were a student there

whether they'd target you or not probably depends on the marketing dept

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:35 PM (w0NJk)

234 Garland would have made a fine SCOTUS justice.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 20, 2023 02:35 PM (17s+e)

235 Is this a special counsel investigating Hunter? If so, then the AG would have a document listing the specific things the counsel is investigating. This was not made public for Trump.

Posted by: MikeN at April 20, 2023 02:36 PM (XygMV)

236 How about the girl with the moustache and the gap in her teeth?


Yeah. That bitch is totally gross. If you aspire to look like Frida Kahlo, fine. But don't be surprised when you end up married to a cuck like Diego Rivera, your boyfriend gets his skull cracked open by one of his half-a-faggot friends, and all of your paintings suck.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:36 PM (oINRc)

237 230 >> It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Now where have I heard this story before?
Posted by: JackStraw
I hate reruns as the Biden junta show is simply using the Obama years as a script but with added stupidity and malice.

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:36 PM (ZBGfo)

238 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed. ...
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)
I wish I could be surprised. There is a civil war there and it's been moving toward Khartoum. I guess nobody thought to evacuate them last week.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:36 PM (t0OGg)

239 Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.
Not vandalism.

Posted by: C'mon you can grin at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (sh1GZ)

240 Is there going to be a post about charging those with good credit scores more for home loans to cover those who won't pay back their loans? Soon after, I'm sure they'll make it retroactive for old loan agreements as well.

Posted by: InZona at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (m6BXy)

241 Yeah. That bitch is totally gross. If you aspire to look like Frida Kahlo, fine. But don't be surprised when you end up married to a cuck like Diego Rivera, your boyfriend gets his skull cracked open by one of his half-a-faggot friends, and all of your paintings suck.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice
Over under on a throuple or worse in her future?

Posted by: whig at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (ZBGfo)

242 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)

So some State department people might get killed? Oh no... anyway...

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (1Z8zZ)

243 Is there anywhere a list of the 51 signatories to the bogus letter? I've tried to find it. Want to see names of who signed this.

Posted by: Cheri at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (oiNtH)

244 >>I hate reruns as the Biden junta show is simply using the Obama years as a script but with added stupidity and malice.

At this point what difference does it make?

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (ZLI7S)

245 I am sure those nice Sudanese will take any of our injured staffers to the Hospital should they need it.

...just like the good citizens of Benghazi.

Posted by: Hillary at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (P7IZS)

246 Is this a special counsel investigating Hunter? If so, then the AG would have a document listing the specific things the counsel is investigating. This was not made public for Trump.
Posted by: MikeN at April 20, 2023 02:36 PM (XygMV)
It's not a real special counsel, I don't think. That's the point Grassley made. He's just a US Attorney, not an actual special prosecutor. They're all pretending otherwise, though, to keep up appearances or something.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (t0OGg)

247 Best of luck to our personnel in Sudan!

Posted by: zombie j. christopher stevens at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (ppBhU)

248 "It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist"

Another 10 years of his insanity and it will the third world shitholes trying to get their personnel out of the US.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (cUYo/)

249 But Trump said pussy.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (kzHlT)

250 Named and Shamed: The 51 Intel Officials Who Lied About the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (L57Qg)

251 ...the EU says it's more important to put up with Ukrainian grain than it is to support Polish farmers
Posted by: Notsothoreau at April 20, 2023 02:31 PM (u7leW)

In fairness, Poland is an EU member nation and, I believe, Ukraine is not so that makes perfect sense.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (1Z8zZ)

252 Press secretary mayhem: all right. Which one of you worthless weeds has a good question that is pertinent to the president ellipses current situation?

CNN raises hand: sorry we don't talk to high school newsletter editors. God could you remove the CNN stain from the room please?
(Sound of screaming and axe falling nearby)
Thank you. Next.

CBS raises trembling hand...

Me: who the fuck let you in here? ZOD! GET RID OF THAT CREATURE!
More screaming, more axe.
Me: Zod you may need to sharpen that.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (Wy1BU)

253 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:

I'd like to check her tan lines.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (anj39)

254 Khartoum?

Gladstone, send in General Charles "Chinese" Gordon.

Posted by: Archer at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (gmo/4)

255 So one of Joe's spokes liars came out today and said Joe had nothing to do with covering up the Hunter lap top stuff... That's good enough for me..... I assume I don't need a sarc tag

Posted by: It's me donna at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (bs+z0)

256 Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.

$112,332,000.00 back of the envelope math.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2023 02:40 PM (nWPLh)

257 The people about to die in Sudan are obviously people who are not friends of the Junta.

The Junta is maliciously incompetent.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at April 20, 2023 02:40 PM (2YtOq)

258 @202

>>It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Great, we're going to get another Black Hawk Down image of the dead bodies of Americans being dragged through the streets by barbarians.

Great, just f**king great.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 20, 2023 02:40 PM (kR67p)

259 Is there going to be a post about charging those with good credit scores more for home loans to cover those who won't pay back their loans? Soon after, I'm sure they'll make it retroactive for old loan agreements as well.
Posted by: InZona

The group in CA demanding! reparations has on its list that all blacks with bad credit scores have them erased and/or edited to be put in the "good" category. That'll work out well.

Posted by: Cheri at April 20, 2023 02:40 PM (oiNtH)

260 Since when has the DoJ given a damn about jurisdiction?!

Posted by: pookysgirl wasn't born yesterday at April 20, 2023 02:40 PM (dtlDP)

261 I can barely conceive a scenario where this could have been played worse for the US/NATO interests. Literally every action has been magnitudes worse than the last re. Ukraine.
Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (P7IZS)

Exactly as planned. Not incompetence nor stupidity or even bad luck. This was planned.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (17s+e)

262 @247

>>Best of luck to our personnel in Sudan!
Posted by: zombie j. christopher stevens at April 20, 2023 02:38 PM (ppBhU)


The Ghosts of Shugart and Gordon.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (kR67p)

263 >>The group in CA demanding! reparations has on its list that all blacks with bad credit scores have them erased and/or edited to be put in the "good" category. That'll work out well.

If only Pontiac could have held out a little longer!

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (P7IZS)

264 I'd like to check her tan lines.
Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (anj39)

I volunteer to check her for ticks.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (kzHlT)

265 With all of this coming out, I don't see how the deep state will allow elections next year.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (lTGtQ)

266 In fairness, Poland is an EU member nation and, I believe, Ukraine is not so that makes perfect sense.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (1Z8zZ)
It doesn't matter. Ukraine is the most thing in the world. It isn't a NATO member, either. Everything must be subordinated the glorious importance of the infallible Ukraine!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (t0OGg)

267 State Department Personnel are commies. Where are my toenail clippers?

Posted by: Not trying to be mean but... at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (p90Go)

268 I am so disgusted I cannot believe all of this. Posted by: Czech Chick at April 20, 2023 02:01 PM (6Tc2R)

The principle of technocracy is that the world is arranged and run by the brightest and bestest according to theories cooked up by the brightest and bestest.
The principles of stakeholderism is that if you can pony up the money or the support then the theories must be applied to your benefit and your interests as you are the most important part of the equation.

Curtis Yarvin has a similar theory that he calls neo-monarchism.
Mussolini had a similar theory of his own also . . .

Posted by: Kindltot - Sounding like Liam Neeson chasing a load of chickens around in a barell at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (xhaym)

269 What was the value in campaign contributions this "buy and kill" scheme? Hundreds of millions, plus the value of the Presidency.

Isn't that exactly the vague "campaign finance " violation Bragg had Trump up on felony charges for?

Every single person-- who failed to recant their signature-- made an in-kind donation to the Biden campaign of easily $10,000,000.

Are you telling me not one of the signators lives in a red state?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (E9Gzz)

270 The FauciFiles has just dropped on Twitter. Looks like Paul Thacker is posting these.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (wb1YC)

271 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (t0OGg)

I don't know what it was, but my first thought was, "she's Russian".

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (BdMk6)

272 With all of this coming out, I don't see how the deep state will allow elections next year.
Well, if you think about it. The deep state hasn't allowed elections for quite a while.

Posted by: Right at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (sh1GZ)

273 Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.

Was the gold packed with women's lingerie as I would be looking at Sam Brinton right now.

Posted by: Cheri at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (oiNtH)

274 And that "comment" from Lindsey Grahamnesty will be the ONLY action that GOPe squish will take!

Posted by: Tracy at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (sRaVw)

275 Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday just destroyed Senator Tommy Tuber's talking points that attacked a non-binary Navy Officer who was proud that they had the chance to read a poem to their crew mates on an LGBTQ spoken-word night.

If Republicans get control of the military again, just think how awful it will be for LGBTQ people.

Admiral Gilday said to Tuberville that the officer "took the same oath that you and I put...our lives on the line". Toobs didn't serve, so this is world class trolling.

I served with LGBTQ individuals ranging from clerks to mechanics to logisticians to engineers, all of whom performed superbly.

The more I observe Senator Tuberville of Alabama the more I think his nickname should be "bigot". His whining to the admiral is Exhibit One of his bigotry towards anyone other than someone like himself.

That's my senior senator from the great state of Alabackwards. Admiral Gilday did a beautiful job of addressing the bigoted football coach who is totally unqualified to be a Senator and a human being.

Posted by: Intrepid Democratic Underground AoS Liaison at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (NCgXW)

276 With all of this coming out, I don't see how the deep state will allow elections next year.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (lTGtQ)
Because the elections don't matter?

Either they win or cheat into a "win" or, on the off chance an actual opposition candidate is running, they contain the opposition candidate like they did to Trump.

Elections are a useful tool, but the idea that they matter is a fiction.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (t0OGg)

277 270 The FauciFiles has just dropped on Twitter. Looks like Paul Thacker is posting these.

oh excellent off I go

well it won't be Taibbi he is pissed at Elon

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (w0NJk)

278 Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:39 PM (Wy1BU)

I have the best press secretaries, don't I, folks? Even people who don't like me very much say I have the best press secretaries. It's true.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (hRS2E)

279 "State Department Personnel are commies."

And I'd put money down on 100% voted for Biden.
Reap the whirlwind suckers. My GOF meter is broken.

Posted by: Bosk at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (VMFAF)

280 How's that increased funding for the DOJ coming along?

Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (rj6Yv)

281 Also, I only call Ramon Mercader half a fag because he brutally slaughtered Trotsky. If it weren't for that, he'd be total fag.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (oINRc)

282 I don't know what it was, but my first thought was, "she's Russian".
Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 20, 2023 02:42 PM (BdMk6)

If your second thought wasn't, but I don't care, then you're gay, married, or an 'ette.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (1Z8zZ)

283 ... Admiral Gilday said to Tuberville that the officer "took the same oath that you and I put...our lives on the line". Toobs didn't serve, so this is world class trolling. ...
Posted by: Intrepid Democratic Underground AoS Liaison at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (NCgXW)
Or the admiral didn't do any homework and just assumed that Tuberville had served because that's pretty common in Congress...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (t0OGg)

284 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.

Well to be fair, leaving Americans behind is kinda what this administration does. Its a thing now.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:45 PM (anj39)

285 ... That's my senior senator from the great state of Alabackwards. Admiral Gilday did a beautiful job of addressing the bigoted football coach who is totally unqualified to be a Senator and a human being.
Posted by: Intrepid Democratic Underground AoS Liaison at April 20, 2023 02:43 PM (NCgXW)
I wonder why he doesn't leave Alabackwards for a more enlightened place that would be more than happy to have him.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (t0OGg)

286 OT I made beef stew and it worked

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (geLO8)

287 >>Elections are a useful tool, but the idea that they matter is a fiction.

So you're saying it's almost time for me to strap on the goalie mask and leather thong?

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (ZLI7S)

Hey! Settle down! Durham is looking into all of this!

Posted by: Auspex at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (j4U/Z)

Posted by: G'rump928(c)

Thank you!!

Posted by: Cheri at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (oiNtH)

290 All else aside, Yarvin has a disordered mind, and that's putting it politely.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (oINRc)

291 I wonder why he doesn't leave Alabackwards for a more enlightened place that would be more than happy to have him.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (t0OGg)

Mom's basement is firmly rooted.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (L57Qg)

292 How's that increased funding for the DOJ coming along?
Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2023 02:44 PM (rj6Yv)
Probably just fine. If history is any guide, they'll get an 8% increase instead of the expected 10% so that the Republicans can claim they cut the DoJ's budget.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (t0OGg)

293 "We can prove that the entire purpose of this letter at the outset was to influence a presidential election with some of the most senior people who have ever been in our intelligence community "using the imprimatur of their security clearances to pave the way for Joe Biden's presidency," Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast this week.




Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (Me9WP)

294 So you're saying it's almost time for me to strap on the goalie mask and leather thong?
Posted by: JackStraw
Oh honey, I can't wait any longer!

Posted by: Shep at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (sh1GZ)

295 Louisville shooting was an op like anyone could've figured out. Suddenly a shooting did involve an actual AR. What are the odds?!?!

Posted by: NCKate at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (d5Qya)

296 >Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.

cool- just like in the movies
bet it was an evil supervillain

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (geLO8)

297 >>OT I made beef stew and it worked

Nice. Next time you make it, add a couple of Parsnips. They do a great job of adding texture to Stews and Stocks.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (P7IZS)

298 Hey! Settle down! Durham is looking into all of this!
Posted by: Auspex at April 20, 2023 02:46 PM (j4U/Z)


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (t0OGg)

299 I had a weird dream where James Earl Jones was trying out for Tuberville back when he coached at Auburn.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (oINRc)

300 So you're saying it's almost time for me to strap on the goalie mask and leather thong?
Posted by: JackStraw
We get pictures of this, right?

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 20, 2023 02:48 PM (Wy1BU)

301 Louisville shooting was an op like anyone could've figured out. Suddenly a shooting did involve an actual AR. What are the odds?!?!
Posted by: NCKate at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (d5Qya)

I thought xhe used a Keltec Sub2000.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:48 PM (L57Qg)

At 194db your eardrums rupture and you brain bleeds. Above 200 and the sound waves literally become shock waves.
Posted by: G'rump928(c)

Sounds like the Disaster Area rock band.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 20, 2023 02:48 PM (63Dwl)

303 >> So you're saying it's almost time for me to strap on the goalie mask and leather thong?

Isn't today the biggest Holiday on your calendar?

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:49 PM (P7IZS)

304 I recently realized that I don't even know what a Rutabaga looks like. It's a root vegetable, right? Like a turnip?

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:49 PM (L57Qg)

305 I can't believe throw is now speeled 'through'. sigh.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 20, 2023 02:49 PM (L4Q88)

306 Space X launch was terminated by us. Impotent humans. Meta Luna forever!
Posted by: Exeter & Brack at April 20, 2023 02:14 PM (gmo/4)

It's the Brack Show, starring, ME! I'm Brack!

It's the Brack Show and we've got lots of good guests....
Posted by: Formerly Virginian

So...that was 'squirrel pudding'.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (wUHYj)

"Little Jack Horner sat in the corner, eating a Christmas pie; He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum and said "What a good buy am I!"

And this is the story of the Biden administration.

Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (rj6Yv)

308 I recently realized that I don't even know what a Rutabaga looks like. It's a root vegetable, right? Like a turnip?
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:49 PM (L57Qg)
There's nothing in the world like me, Jack.

Posted by: Joe Biden, turnip-brain at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (t0OGg)

309 >>At 194db your eardrums rupture and you brain bleeds. Above 200 and the sound waves literally become shock waves.

Ja, das ist ein Earschplittenloudenboomer

Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (geLO8)

310 >Earlier this week, someone made off with 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport.

cool- just like in the movies
bet it was an evil supervillain
Posted by: DB - immaterial witness at April 20, 2023 02:47 PM (geLO

50 quatloos it was Bubba the baggage handler and his cousins Skooter and Booger.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (anj39)

311 >>I recently realized that I don't even know what a Rutabaga looks like. It's a root vegetable, right? Like a turnip?

Like a big dirty, malformed turnip.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (P7IZS)

312 Meanwhile from the WH's favorite shit filled sock that acts as a press secretary:

“I also want to say a word about the decision yesterday made by the Florida Board of Education to expand the state’s dystopian Don’t Say Gay law. As this measure takes effect, it will prohibit all students up to seniors in high school from learning about our, or, learning about or even discussing LGBTQI+ people in the classrooms. Teachers in Florida have already faced the devastating consequences of the existing law. Under threat of having their licenses revoked, gay teachers have been forced to take down pictures of their spouses from their desks and censor their classroom materials. Censoring our classes is not how public education is supposed to work in a free country. Conservative politicians love to complain about the so-called cancel culture, all while threatening teachers with losing their jobs if they teach something that the MAGA extremists don’t agree with.”

Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (wb1YC)

313 The Hunter Laptop was on the Starship Heavy Booster.

Wheels within wheels.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 20, 2023 02:51 PM (L57Qg)

314 Nood

Posted by: NCKate at April 20, 2023 02:51 PM (d5Qya)

315 Note that Mike Morrell is a commentator for CBS.


Posted by: Jen Psaki, former Interlocutor of The Junta at April 20, 2023 02:51 PM (a3Q+t)

316 Charlie Weis > David Weiss

Posted by: Fatter Than But Still Overpaid Hacks at April 20, 2023 02:52 PM (KRfYs)

317 Well to be fair, leaving Americans behind is kinda what this administration does. Its a thing now.
Posted by: Diogenes

Not only a thing now but the Biden Junta will laud this as a highly successful operation. Never mind the American heads on pikes lining Khartoum.

Posted by: Cheri at April 20, 2023 02:52 PM (oiNtH)

318 ... Conservative politicians love to complain about the so-called cancel culture, all while threatening teachers with losing their jobs if they teach something that the MAGA extremists don’t agree with.”
Posted by: Azathoth at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (wb1YC)
Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. She needs better talking points (or at least, she needs to look more like Elizabeth Hurley, ca. 1997 while spouting the current talking points).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:52 PM (t0OGg)

319 240 Is there going to be a post about charging those with good credit scores more for home loans to cover those who won't pay back their loans? Soon after, I'm sure they'll make it retroactive for old loan agreements as well.
Posted by: InZona at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (m6BXy)

Cracks me up that I own my home outright, have serious money in the market... wrote a check for my last 3 cars... don't even HAVE a credit card. Have more money coming in, even though retired, than I spend... don't owe anyone a single cent...

And my credit rating sucks... because I don't owe anyone anything.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 20, 2023 02:52 PM (oHd/0)

320 191 O/T question for the Horde.

Does "Alumnus" imply graduation, or merely attendance? I ask because I transferred schools partway through college and the first school I went to sends me their "Aumni" E-Mails and apparently counts me as an alumnus even though I didn't graduate. I don't consider myself an alumnus of that school and I wouldn't be considered one by most people if you were to ask them, but I don't know if I technically am or not.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:28 PM (t0OGg)

This gets to one of my big pet peeves regarding these terms. First, as I understand it, if you either attend or graduate from a school, you're an alumnus.

Now, every college license plate holder, or tchotchke that I see coming from a college, says [name of school] Alumni. This is absolutely incorrect. If you're a male alumnus, you're an alumnus. If you're female, your an alumna. Alumni is plural, and it's used all the time - even the fancy schools use it, and it's incorrect. They should know better.

-end rant-

Posted by: Darrell Harris at April 20, 2023 02:52 PM (/iWhV)

321 So you're saying it's almost time for me to strap on the goalie mask and leather thong?

Isn't today the biggest Holiday on your calendar?
Its the most wonderful day of the year!!!

*Jack Straw Fouettes past the horde in leather thong and Goalie Mask*

Posted by: Shep at April 20, 2023 02:53 PM (sh1GZ)

322 305 I can't believe throw is now speeled 'through'. sigh.
Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 20, 2023 02:49 PM (L4Q8

Camp Cup Spell Check

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at April 20, 2023 02:53 PM (CCSxw)

323 Sounds like the Disaster Area rock band.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 20, 2023 02:48 PM (63Dwl)

Uh, oh! I can't remember the band leader's name off the top of my head and had to look it up!

*hands in Frood Card*

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 20, 2023 02:54 PM (N3zMI)

324 Medieval choir chant:

Nothing will happen...

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at April 20, 2023 02:54 PM (QRdjz)

325 Like a big dirty, malformed turnip.

Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:50 PM (P7IZS)

Michael Moore?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Southpaw at April 20, 2023 02:58 PM (xPJvm)


Camp Cup Spell Check
Posted by: browndog

Not big enough.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 20, 2023 02:58 PM (L4Q88)

327 Nood SpaceX

Posted by: Iris at April 20, 2023 03:00 PM (NaH5I)

328 It appears to be too late to get State Dept personnel out of Sudan. Military options are being planned, but they aren't likely to succeed.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (sWM8x)

So some State department people might get killed? Oh no... anyway...
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 20, 2023 02:37 PM (1Z8zZ)

Assuming there are any decent State Dept people, they are more likely to be in Sudan than in a nice posting, or in DC.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 03:02 PM (eoQWY)

329 I have been on a prayer chain for a few days for a person in the middle of the Sudan mess. Prayers for BP and crew.

Posted by: Sassy at April 20, 2023 03:07 PM (xSICi)

330 I can barely conceive a scenario where this could have been played worse for the US/NATO interests. Literally every action has been magnitudes worse than the last re. Ukraine.
Posted by: garrett at April 20, 2023 02:24 PM (P7IZS)

Exactly as planned. Not incompetence nor stupidity or even bad luck. This was planned.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 20, 2023 02:41 PM (17s+e)

If your planners keep having you get crowbars smashed across your skull as part of the plan, you need different planners.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 20, 2023 03:07 PM (eoQWY)

331 My Dad told me the story of an early pre-NASA missile launch with all of the top military brass present. There was a halt during the final countdown. One of the launch team was sent out to the pad to fix something on the booster. He did whatever he did, then hustled back to the bunker. The countdown resumed and the missile went up and did its thing. The post-launch team meeting went through its paces and von Braun paused and asked "The man who serviced the booster, was he an engineer or a technician?" When von Braun was told that he was an engineer, von Braun replied, "Next time, send a technician."

Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2023 03:15 PM (rj6Yv)

332 This bikini brunette has generous quantities of contempt and loathing for virtually every institution in this banana republic:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2023 02:30 PM (t0OGg)

Damn! I'd give her the best 30, er, 20 seconds of her life!!

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at April 20, 2023 03:25 PM (Zvtjl)

333 "Solomon says the testimony will become public when it is "transmitted" to other branches of government. I have no idea what this means"

It means we ain't ever going to see it.

Posted by: gp's Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly at April 20, 2023 03:28 PM (MvF+J)

334 As said some time ago, damnest thing that 61 intel officers just happened to be hanging, maybe the bowling legue, and just up and whipped out a letter on something that really wasn't anything in the news at the time...

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 20, 2023 04:58 PM (vomDM)

335 Turn up the heat watch them Melt that with Dorthy and the Wicked Witch

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at April 20, 2023 05:12 PM (wGqjj)

336 Tһanks to my father whο informed me regarding this
website, this web site is truly remarkable.

Posted by: other at April 25, 2023 11:31 PM (fdcFX)

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