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Daily Tech News 18 October 2022

Top Story

  • A fire at a major datacenter in Korea wreaked havoc on the country's online infrastructure on Saturday. (Korea Times)

    The fire at the fifteen acre datacenter just south of Seoul caught burned for eight hours before being fully extinguished, which is a long time for this sort of thing. The fire at OVH in Strasbourg didn't last much longer than that, and the building burned to the ground.

    The disastrous effects were felt throughout the community:
    "I needed to receive a photo from my business partner through KakaoTalk. But I had to go through an inconvenient process to get the photo through email because of the KakaoTalk disruption," said a KakaoTalk user, asking for anonymity. "I should've used Telegram."
    Well, okay, that's a minor thing, but:
    "I send some money to my parents every month automatically through Kakao Pay, but I can't verify it," said a user of the platform.
    Well, I can see how that would be temporarily vexing. One more try?
    "After dinner last night, I tapped on the Kakao T app to call a cab, but it didn't work," said another user. "So I took the subway home."
    It's almost as if these platforms aren't really that critical and people can cope fine without them.

  • Apparently I ordered the new hifi system that was delivered by Amazon tomorrow, yesterday, twice. Except that I only paid for one and they only delivered one.

    I think there's a time rift somewhere between Sydney and New House City.

Tech News

Disclaimer: In case of fire, panic.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:00 AM (GkGYg)

2 Good evening Pixy
Hello everyone

Posted by: Skip at October 18, 2022 04:01 AM (xhxe8)

3 hiya

Posted by: JT at October 18, 2022 04:01 AM (T4tVD)

4 Mornin' all.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:05 AM (BLOW1)

5 I bought a hat.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:05 AM (BLOW1)

6 >>>... the paper towels and soda were out of stock....

That sounds not-good.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:05 AM (GkGYg)

7 So I ordered 24 bottles of soda and 12 double rolls of paper towels from Amazon. That'll teach them to offer free shipping.

And a hat.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:06 AM (BLOW1)

8 >>>The fire at the fifteen acre datacenter just south of Seoul caught burned for eight hours before being fully extinguished

No mention in the article about any injuries or deaths at the site due to the fire--which maybe means there weren't any.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:11 AM (GkGYg)

9 What kind of hat?

Mornin', all

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:11 AM (IQ/jg)

10 Pixy it is summer there, I bought a coat the other week and might need it today

Posted by: Skip at October 18, 2022 04:11 AM (xhxe8)

11 A hat for Halloween?

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:12 AM (GkGYg)

12 Posted by: Ana White at October 18, 2022 04:12 AM (MGW8C)

I hate these people. Pure flaming hatred.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:14 AM (GkGYg)

13 ... like a Flammenwerfer.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:16 AM (GkGYg)

14 12 double rolls of paper towels?

In the U.S. you can buy a 12-pack of paper towels.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at October 18, 2022 04:21 AM (C1rbv)

15 MLiI, it's described as a bucket hat, but it's got a wide brim.

I was out doing yard work most of the weekend, and got sunburned.

New House City is a lot cooler than Sydney because of the altitude, but it gets more sun. And I'll be doing a lot more yard work now that I have a yard, so a hat seemed like a sensible purchase.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:22 AM (BLOW1)

16 14 12 double rolls of paper towels?

In the U.S. you can buy a 12-pack of paper towels.

Yes, I mean a 12-pack of double-length rolls.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:23 AM (BLOW1)

17 And the evening and the morning were the Tuesday! Hello to all. I have a big black kitten on my lap, so it's hard to type.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:23 AM (c6xtn)

18 double rolls of paper towels?

In the U.S. you can buy a 12-pack of paper towels.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at October 18, 2022 04:21 AM (C1rbv)

Workin' on correctin' that, Boss!

Posted by: Transpo Sec. Petey Pie Bootygig at October 18, 2022 04:24 AM (emlEe)

19 >> MLiI, it's described as a bucket hat, but it's got a wide brim.

Cool! Something like one Col. Blake sported on M*A*S*H ?

As for the yard work....raked leaves yesterday at mom's house. Cold (38degrees) and super windy! Not the easiest day to rake!
Feeling it today.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:30 AM (IQ/jg)

20 When I put Flammenwerfer in a google search bar to double-check my spelling I get a mini-course ... in German:

"People also ask:

Sind Flammenwerfer verboten?
Ist ein Flammenwerfer in Deutschland erlaubt?
Hat die Bundeswehr Flammenwerfer?
Wie funktioniert ein Flammenwerfer?"

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:31 AM (GkGYg)

20 Tweets from Bad

Some funnies this morning

Posted by: Skip at October 18, 2022 04:34 AM (xhxe8)

22 14 In the U.S. you can buy a 12-pack of paper towels.
Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at October 18, 2022 04:21 AM (C1rbv)

In the U.S. we have a hat. It's called "Canada."

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:35 AM (GkGYg)

23 Unbelievably for this time of year here, it's 59 F. outside. I'm unfortunately recovering from a knee strain; no working out right now. I hate to miss good weather, since I get so little of it.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:35 AM (c6xtn)

24 19 >> MLiI, it's described as a bucket hat, but it's got a wide brim.

Cool! Something like one Col. Blake sported on M*A*S*H ?

Yes, like that, but I think the brim on this one is wider and the fishing flies are an optional extra.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:36 AM (BLOW1)

25 I am not a hat wearer. The occasional one in the dead of winter, but it has to be really, really cold for me to wear one.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:40 AM (IQ/jg)

26 I have seen a couple of stories the US is not selling any high end computer chips to Communist China, nor are they allowed to sell wafer and chip production machinery. Even more drastic, supposedly American citizens cannot even legally maintain or operate American Made chip manufacturing equipment in Communist China?

Any insights?

Posted by: rd at October 18, 2022 04:40 AM (Z32m1)

27 rd - I'm looking into that. Most of the details are only on Twitter, and Twitter is a fountain of BS.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:41 AM (BLOW1)

28 Thanks Skip !

Posted by: JT at October 18, 2022 04:42 AM (T4tVD)

29 Hiya MLii !

Posted by: JT at October 18, 2022 04:43 AM (T4tVD)

30 Got up late, but enough time to make a bacon and egg muffin to take along. Added a smackeral of marmalade and some slices of the last jalapeno from a friend's garden.

Pint of tomato juice to wash it down.

Make it a good day all!

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:43 AM (IQ/jg)

31 Though the restrictions on high-end chips are real at least. Nvidia downgraded its sales forecasts because it won't be able to sell fancy chips to the commies anymore.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:43 AM (BLOW1)

32 Hey JT!

Hope all is well.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:43 AM (IQ/jg)

33 Yes, like that, but I think the brim on this one is wider and the fishing flies are an optional extra.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022

No Akubras? You have a top-notch hat store, the Hattery, in Katoomba outside Sydney.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:44 AM (c6xtn)

34 Hey JT!

Hope all is well.
Posted by: My Life is Insanity

Thanks !

It is !

Posted by: JT at October 18, 2022 04:44 AM (T4tVD)

35 Got up late, but enough time to make a bacon and egg muffin to take along. Added a smackeral of marmalade and some slices of the last jalapeno from a friend's garden. . . .

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022

A "smackeral"? I like that. Your own coinage, MLiI?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:45 AM (c6xtn)

36 >>It is !
Posted by: JT


I have a friend that wears a hat made from recycled tarp - it's called a Brazilian hat - pretty cool looking actually.

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:48 AM (IQ/jg)

37 >> "smackeral"? I like that. Your own coinage, MLiI?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

Stole it from the Pooh Bear. Lol

Ok, now I'm really out the door

Posted by: My Life is Insanity at October 18, 2022 04:49 AM (IQ/jg)

38 One would think a datacenter would have a fire suppression system to, you know, suppress fires.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 18, 2022 04:51 AM (7vnj6)

39 I did get bacon but haven't opened it yet

Posted by: Skip at October 18, 2022 04:52 AM (xhxe8)

40 From the ONT: Toyota is nixing the Avalon? That was Toyota's answer to my big Buick! Not that I'd be looking at a recent model, given new car prices, but it would be nice to have an alternative in a comfortable smooth sedan with power in case something terrible happened to my LaCrosse.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:58 AM (c6xtn)

41 12 Posted by: Ana White at October 18, 2022 04:12 AM (MGW8C)

Yay, she's zapped.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 04:58 AM (GkGYg)

42 And the vehicle they are replacing the Avalon with is a hybrid-only. Those invariably have weak little ICE engines. If they would put something in them with some decent power, say 250-275 hp, I'd love a hybrid. But a non-turbo four just won't cut it with a biggish sedan or SUV.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:59 AM (c6xtn)

27 Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:41 AM (BLOW1)

Thank you. You would think a drastic move like this would be front page news if it was true?

My completely uniformed thought, this is an excuse to try to extort money from US Contractors and Chinese Corporations via expensive US licenses or permits.

Posted by: rd at October 18, 2022 05:00 AM (Z32m1)

44 The Buick Encore, their subcompact SUV, is going away, and good riddance. From the comments on that article: "I once drove to the top of a parking garage and the only other car up there was a brown Buick Encore. I parked far away from it because I had this image of a large, baggie-covered hand reaching down from the sky to pick it up, invert the bag, and throw it in the doggie waste bin."

To me the Encore has always looked like an athletic shoe with wheels. The big Enclave at first looked like a pregnant whale, but the second gen is pretty darn nice.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 05:04 AM (c6xtn)

45 You'd think that data center would have fancy fire control systems. 'The fire set off the halon system! We gotta wait til the gas clears!'

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:15 AM (dNqv+)

46 Spent part of the night at the office fooling around with Zoho on their platform (Writer). It's okay, but I can't see myself using it for a lot of things.
Like anything, it does some things better than other outfits, other things are a hassle or needlessly obscure. One thing I do like is you can save copies as different types of files in Zoho's 'Cloud', which you can't do (in any serious way) with Google Docs.
You'd be shocked at how many people think a gdoc is a file!
With Zoho Writer you have the choice of downloading a different file type to your own drive, or saving whatever it is as that file type with Zoho.
That's kind of useful. Like, you can save a file as a pdf with Zoho and park it with them, without having to download it, like Google Docs. Then you have access to that file from any device you're carrying without having to carry a hard-copy around.
I suspect it will be much more useful when traveling than being in my home office, where it doesn't make much sense.

Posted by: LenNeal at October 18, 2022 05:27 AM (U11/V)

47 Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 18, 2022 04:35 AM (c6xtn)

Speaking of working out, about three weeks ago, I decided to start lifting again (light workouts with dumbbells here at home.) A few observations:

-when I bought weights about 15 years ago, I really should have sprung for those dialable dumbbells. I thought they were gimmicky at the time. I like the set I have, but it is a pain to change the weight.

-it is amazing how you see much more benefit from an equivalent amount of lifting vs cardio. It is odd to have muscle tone again (a bit of an overstatement.) Plus, even though I am not doing any ab specific exercises, my gut has been sucked in.

-I have been trying to avoid any bicep focused exercises (really elbow focused) as I do not want to aggravate the tennis elbow thing. I have been doing much more large muscle group stuff. The only thing I have been doing is tricep presses. The elbow has been warning me to take it slow and steady, so far so good.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:27 AM (dNqv+)

48 Google docs give me an uneasy feeling for some reason. I like the idea of a sharable data spreadsheet, but it is amazing how few actually take advantage of it (even though I know from experience that for every person who has access to group data, the more likely it is to get screwed up.) Still, I like the idea, it is just that everyone seem to default to the google platform when it should be easy enough to do- but so few use other means.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:32 AM (dNqv+)

49 27 rd - I'm looking into that. Most of the details are only on Twitter, and Twitter is a fountain of BS.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 18, 2022 04:41 AM (BLOW1)

Good analogy. A shit fountain. A fountain of shit, sludge and misery.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:34 AM (dNqv+)

50 I guess the advantage with Zoho and the ability to 'save' (more like park) a file type like an odt with them, is that it doesn't have to be downloaded to a device, so it's an editable file without getting stuck on a single device or being limited to gdocs.
That way, version history and any editing trail stays intact, which for a variety of reasons I can see being really, really useful.
Like anything, it has its good and bad points.
For myself, its major good point is that it's not fuckin' Google.

Posted by: LenNeal at October 18, 2022 05:34 AM (U11/V)

51 For myself, its major good point is that it's not fuckin' Google.
Posted by: LenNeal at October 18, 2022 05:34 AM (U11/V)

Cannot be overstated enough.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:36 AM (dNqv+)

52 Check out the fire suppressant in the bad blue tweets; the Elide Fire fire extinguishing ball; wonder if that's real:

20 Tweets from Bad
Posted by: Skip at October 18, 2022 04:34 AM (xhxe

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 05:37 AM (GkGYg)

53 The encore reminds me of those more car sized 'hot hatches' we used to have more of. Just a bit overweight. Not particularly ugly, but also bland as porridge. I miss cars looking like something.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:38 AM (dNqv+)

54 The encore reminds me of those more car sized 'hot hatches' we used to have more of. Just a bit overweight. Not particularly ugly, but also bland as porridge. I miss cars looking like something.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

Hard to tell what car it is most times. I used to be able to tell what they were just by the tail lights.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:40 AM (vd8XM)

55 Hard to tell what car it is most times. I used to be able to tell what they were just by the tail lights.
Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:40 AM (vd8XM)

THIS. Or the headlights at night. Now, pretty much the Challenger is the only one with a distinct enough pattern- and that one is going away as all the companies decide to get rid of their muscle cars.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:42 AM (dNqv+)

56 Their website is unprofessional, Englishwise:

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 05:42 AM (GkGYg)

57 From Insty:
GOOD. IF THIS IS TRUE, WE’LL KNOW WHO TO BLAME: Researchers at Boston U. Supposedly Claim They Developed a COVID Strain With ‘80% Kill Rate’.

Me: why the hell would you do this? I am just a dumb hick from Kentucky, but it has always bothered me the reasons you develop new strains of a disease. Get various strains and find ways to kill them, sure- but develop new ones? That just seems retarded.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:44 AM (dNqv+)

58 Me: why the hell would you do this? I am just a dumb hick from Kentucky, but it has always bothered me the reasons you develop new strains of a disease. Get various strains and find ways to kill them, sure- but develop new ones? That just seems retarded.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

We must be able to create new strains and find ways to kill those strains in case the new strain gets out and infects the public.
Then we can create a vaccine that doesn't work.


Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:48 AM (vd8XM)

59 58 We must be able to create new strains and find ways to kill those strains in case the new strain gets out and infects the public.
Then we can create a vaccine that doesn't work.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:48 AM (vd8XM)


Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 05:50 AM (GkGYg)

60 Then we can REPUPOSE a vaccine that doesn't work for it's intended purpose so that it does not work in the exact same ways for the new purpose either.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:48 AM (vd8XM)

Fixed for accuracy.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 18, 2022 05:50 AM (dNqv+)

61 Then we can REPUPOSE a vaccine that doesn't work for it's intended purpose so that it does not work in the exact same ways for the new purpose either.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:48 AM (vd8XM)

Fixed for accuracy.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

But you must take it anyway...and wear a mask if and when I say so.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:51 AM (vd8XM)

62 61 But you must take it anyway...and wear a mask if and when I say so.
Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:51 AM (vd8XM)

Or what? Huh? Or what?

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 05:52 AM (GkGYg)

63 Really need to read messages closer, remember those tests that said read all questions first then last one said sign and turn in?
Got me every time

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 18, 2022 05:54 AM (BSrdf)

Or what? Huh? Or what?
Posted by: m

We will run TV ads, sponsored by the CDC using YOUR money to tell you how safe and effective it is, even as we admit it's not so safe.

Or effective.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:54 AM (vd8XM)

65 Before I left home way too early was reading a Federalist article Fauci is back peddling it wasn't him who made decisions, he just suggested.

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 18, 2022 05:56 AM (BSrdf)

66 "Cannot be overstated enough.
Posted by: Aetius451AD"

I soured on gdocs after getting wind of a shared document getting a user locked out of their own Google account, and all their files stored with Google, due to some snowflake narcing on them. THAT freaked me out.
Getting censored over a public social media post or whatever yeah, I expect that, but a private document search causing Google to simply confiscate everything you have with them?
I'm out.

Posted by: LenNeal at October 18, 2022 05:56 AM (U11/V)

67 Hidden beauty:

A reflection from Paul's letter to the Philippians and encourage t in God continuing his work in us:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 18, 2022 05:57 AM (OU4q0)

68 Before I left home way too early was reading a Federalist article Fauci is back peddling it wasn't him who made decisions, he just suggested.
Posted by: Skip's phone

Hitler in Hell says. "Yeah, me too"!!!!

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 05:58 AM (vd8XM)

69 LOL Bruce you had some caffeinated beverages this morning?

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 05:58 AM (GkGYg)

70 Good morning!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at October 18, 2022 06:00 AM (u82oZ)

71 The husband of a friends couple we have has had some serious health issues lately. It seems that he is on the mend but at 75 YO it will take a while to bounce back.

Question, his wife told my wife that she was praying when this first started (she said just last year she thought prayer was hooey) and included that she would go back to attending church if God helped him.

Why is the old joke about the guy praying to God to find a parking space in a crowded downtown parking area and promising all sorts of things, then when finding a spot says "never mind God, I got this" come to mind?

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:04 AM (vd8XM)

72 Thanks, Salty. I am happy. I am going to see some people who volunteer at the local food pantry today. It will be good to be back helping there and to see them.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 18, 2022 06:05 AM (76UQF)

73 LOL Bruce you had some caffeinated beverages this morning?
Posted by: m

Always. Been awake for 2 hours, 2 cuppas in me.
But that's my usual dosage for day.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:06 AM (vd8XM)

74 71 Why is the old joke about the guy praying to God to find a parking space in a crowded downtown parking area and promising all sorts of things, then when finding a spot says "never mind God, I got this" come to mind?
Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:04 AM (vd8XM)

David Foster Wallace had a really good example of this in his commencement talk "This Is Water": two guys lost in a snowstorm.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 06:10 AM (GkGYg)

75 FenelonSpoke

Loved the signboard message you posted.

Hope you are fully recovered, and thinking of next year's TxMoMeet.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at October 18, 2022 06:12 AM (u82oZ)

76 This is not the book thread, I realize,
but I am usually at church when the book thread comes out Therefore I am going to recommend a great book for the people of religious faith and possibly people of the Protestant variety since it is about a man in the 1800s from Scotland who served as a missionary to the New Hebrides now called something like Vannanatu (sp?) in the South Pacific . Anyway, someone was mentioning last night in respect to comic books and Tolkien that we don't need literary heroes or escapism. We need people who fight against the left. My response was that people cannot be fighting -
16 hours a day and probably need some escapism
At any rate, IMO the missionary John G Paton was a hero in trying to bring the gospel to cannibals and he has to face a lot of extremely difficult circumstances with courage and faith. The book is his autobiography and is published by Christian Focus publishers. I have read it before but it is worth reading again.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 18, 2022 06:23 AM (81cMY)

77 Just finishing my first cup of coffee, and debating if I turn on the heat for the first time. 40 and it feels colder. And of course the joints are aching. I see we were talking cars up above. A couple weeks ago we had a hot rod cruise night in this little burg. Sitting outside, a couple of the younger tenants, 35 to 40, were treating me like the village elder. What year is that? 58 chevy, one year only. How about that one? Could be a 55 or 56.Gas cap's under the taillight. This went on for an hour.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at October 18, 2022 06:24 AM (lz5hY)

78 Fen K should read more wholesome books but stuck into man's inhumanity of man

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 18, 2022 06:27 AM (BSrdf)

79 Thanks, Salty. I am praying for all the folks going to Texas and for Ben Had and God willing and it happens I hope to be there next year.

As far as signs, I prefer to put them up when I am home which I won't be today, but I do have a yard sign for two conservative women ruining for the school board. I might put "Vote for____.
Because Drag Queen shows don't belong in the schools."

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 18, 2022 06:28 AM (cEoR6)

80 Sitting outside, a couple of the younger tenants, 35 to 40, were treating me like the village elder. What year is that? 58 chevy, one year only. How about that one? Could be a 55 or 56.Gas cap's under the taillight. This went on for an hour.
Posted by: bill in arkansas

I watch My Classic Car on Motortrend. Always fun to see some of the cars you know and those you don't.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:30 AM (vd8XM)

81 FenelonSpoke

You are awesome.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at October 18, 2022 06:30 AM (u82oZ)

82 Work preps start early, as I have a lot to do.

May you all appreciate the beauty around you.

Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at October 18, 2022 06:30 AM (u82oZ)

83 57 From Insty:
GOOD. IF THIS IS TRUE, WE’LL KNOW WHO TO BLAME: Researchers at Boston U. Supposedly Claim They Developed a COVID Strain With ‘80% Kill Rate’.

Me: why the hell would you do this? I am just a dumb hick from Kentucky, but it has always bothered me the reasons you develop new strains of a disease. Get various strains and find ways to kill them, sure- but develop new ones? That just seems retarded.

Obviously, it is bioweapons research, and they are being paid your tax dollars by the insane clowns in DC.

This kind of research is highly immoral and should be a hanging offense.

Posted by: Uncle Festerman's Reverse Goiter at October 18, 2022 06:33 AM (Tc2CN)

84 80 Bruce, what isn't fun is watching auctions like Mecum and see something you traded in or worse yet scrapped go across the block for the big bucks. And you say, well you can't keep them all. And then you see a show where a guy did keep them all.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at October 18, 2022 06:33 AM (lz5hY)

85 Posted by: NaCly Dog (u82oZ) at October 18, 2022 06:30 AM

Thanks. I am not but you certainly are.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 18, 2022 06:34 AM (f9vCB)

86 Good Morning

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 18, 2022 06:34 AM (yFgCz)

87 A data center burns and apps don't work?

Oh, the humanity!

Morning all!

Posted by: Rosasharn at October 18, 2022 06:34 AM (yEBFM)

88 And you say, well you can't keep them all. And then you see a show where a guy did keep them all.
Posted by: bill in arkansas

I would love to have a few of those I saw on Mecum. Then I realize I would be scared to drive them anywhere.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:42 AM (vd8XM)

89 I would love to have a few of those I saw on Mecum. Then I realize I would be scared to drive them anywhere.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:42 AM (vd8XM)

I used to live down the road from Mecum Auctions. Big parking lot but I never did see any cars.

Posted by: grammie winger at October 18, 2022 06:44 AM (45fpk)

90 so the Brooks trial....

Shirtless Darrow is a SovCit....

He legitimately thinks there is some magic combination of words that will allow him to walk out of the court with the murder of half a dozen or so people forgotten.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:45 AM (Lzpvj)

91 88 Yep. Watch Leno's car show, and there he is tooling around LA in some multi million dollar only three known to exist. Lots of money, lots of insurance I guess.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at October 18, 2022 06:45 AM (lz5hY)

92 83 Posted by: Uncle Festerman's Reverse Goiter at October 18, 2022 06:33 AM (Tc2CN)

Do note the happy smiley photos of them doing their evil.

I grew up with the angst and rage pointed at the nuclear weapons industry, evidently this particular extinction level event is an inclusive thrilling one.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:46 AM (Lzpvj)

93 He legitimately thinks there is some magic combination of words that will allow him to walk out of the court with the murder of half a dozen or so people forgotten.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:45 AM (Lzpvj)

He's going for "not guilty by reason of insanity".

Posted by: grammie winger at October 18, 2022 06:47 AM (45fpk)

94 I used to live down the road from Mecum Auctions. Big parking lot but I never did see any cars.
Posted by: grammie winger

There is one by Walworth Wi. I think they mainly auction off tractors.

And How are you grammie! Long time no see, when I'm around

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:48 AM (vd8XM)

95 I don't trust Google to stay out of my fuckin data. Scan through everything to find info to add to my advertiser profile.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 18, 2022 06:49 AM (7vnj6)

96 Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:45 AM (Lzpvj)

He learned how to be a lawyer on TV.

Hopefully he will lose and not get a new trial on appeal (because his lawyer is an idiot).

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 18, 2022 06:50 AM (l8MKx)

97 Long time no see, when I'm around

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:48 AM (vd8XM)

I usually hit the Morning Report and the Art Thread. Lurkalot but mainly stay out of the political threads this time of year. Hope you're nice and warm. Brrr outside.

Posted by: grammie winger at October 18, 2022 06:50 AM (45fpk)

98 93 Posted by: grammie winger at October 18, 2022 06:47 AM (45fpk)

Eh he is, but he was ruled competent. At the end of the day the SovCit nonsense is kind of like the way they got pot 80% legalized just raw stupid willpower. These asshats think if they bray long enough it changes reality.

It is a combination of magic-thinking and cargo cultism. I hatewatch everything on the clowns I can, the decline of America directly tracks with their "derp to power" mentality. It probably is giving me a spare decade of life or cutting one out because the rage the retards generate in me is either strengthening or blowing my heart apart.

Mom was insane, she was not this insane and it was never a get out of jail free card.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:50 AM (Lzpvj)

99 96 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 18, 2022 06:50 AM (l8MKx)

Shirtless Darrow does not grasp that the judge has been nothing but indulgent.

"Grounds?" he is literally saying "fuck you" to her constantly.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:52 AM (Lzpvj)

100 Hope you're nice and warm. Brrr outside.
Posted by: grammie winger

You too!
With the high winds, the 30 degree weather is finding the leaks in my 80 year old house. Glad we put in a gas stove when we added on the family room

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:52 AM (vd8XM)

101 I checked and my next door neighbor already left for work. Why did I check? First time I turn on the heat, electric, it usually sets off the smoke alarm, and it did. Must blow out some particulates during that first blast.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at October 18, 2022 06:55 AM (lz5hY)

102 I don't want this to be missed. From the ONT link

"‘We have learned how to better, faster manufacture vaccines. We have learned in a large number of people how the immune system reacts towards mRNA.’

She said the developments have also helped regulators learn about mRNA vaccines and how to deal with them."


Look at what they admit there and are comfortable admitting there.

Posted by: Gray Man at October 18, 2022 06:56 AM (/BX3R)

103 I checked and my next door neighbor already left for work. Why did I check? First time I turn on the heat, electric, it usually sets off the smoke alarm, and it did. Must blow out some particulates during that first blast.
Posted by: bill in arkansas

It is an odd odor. I usually turn mine on and let it run a bit when it's still warmish and the windows are open.

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:57 AM (vd8XM)

104 102 Posted by: Gray Man at October 18, 2022 06:56 AM (/BX3R)

The kill ratio in their cancer research should have given everyone pause. Woke U is turning out some interesting practitioners morally. I am glad I am past the 1/2 way point.

Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:59 AM (Lzpvj)

105 Breakfast time!
Then some outside chores including wrestling the garden hoses for storage.
Why do I always wait until it gets cold to do that?

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:59 AM (vd8XM)

106 Look at what they admit there and are comfortable admitting there.
Posted by: Gray Man at October 18, 2022 06:56 AM (/BX3R)

My fav so far is that it does not stop the spread. So you while vaxxed and symptomless can carry a viral load to another.

So the DO IT FOR ME (or grandma or the chillrens) is 100% BULLSHIT.

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:04 AM (BRHaw)

107 @106

>>So the DO IT FOR ME (or grandma or the chillrens) is 100% BULLSHIT.

Lies and deceit that only industrial wood chippers can remedy.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 18, 2022 07:11 AM (up/3i)

108 The data carrier backbone of optical Sonet rings is terribly vulnerable to sabotage. You don't even need to burn down the buildings, just tear up the cables in a few locations.

Posted by: pawn at October 18, 2022 07:12 AM (wsHtO)



Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 18, 2022 07:13 AM (vwCZJ)

110 Posted by: sven at October 18, 2022 06:45 AM (Lzpvj)

He learned how to be a lawyer on TV.

Hopefully he will lose and not get a new trial on appeal (because his lawyer is an idiot).
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 18, 2022 06:50 AM (l8MKx)

Probably learned some criminal defense lawyering from his 12 prior arrests and convictions (not admitted into evidence as "prior acts".) He knows some trial process words, but not their actual meaning, application, or appropriate timing.

Have been watching the trial. His eyes and voice tone tell the story. He's a manipulator of people, a user. Glares at the judge, sometimes has a innocent little boy expression when first dealing with a witness on cross-exam. Many times he shows disdain and contempt for all the white people around him. Treats the black witnesses (2 so far) much differently, more gently and evenly. He lies readily. He feigns not understanding. Thinks he is cleverer than he his with his schtick.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 18, 2022 07:14 AM (4I/2K)

111 110 all this and his fingernails creep me out.

Posted by: Infidel at October 18, 2022 07:16 AM (Ur3ox)

112 Also, I just discovered that 4tb SSD's can now be had for under 300 bucks, looks like it's time to upgrade the storage for my plex server.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 18, 2022 07:16 AM (up/3i)

Then some outside chores including wrestling the garden hoses for storage.
Why do I always wait until it gets cold to do that?

Posted by: Bruce at October 18, 2022 06:59 AM

Still some 70 degrees days with sunshine in my forecast, so I'll wait a little more. Until its too late.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at October 18, 2022 07:16 AM (y3pKJ)

114 Morning all. It's a brisk 28 degrees out. Didn't sleep well so I was up at 5:30.

Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at October 18, 2022 07:18 AM (nxdel)

115 Morning Jewells, sorry you didn't sleep well, you have been in my prayers <3

Posted by: spypeach at October 18, 2022 07:19 AM (UuB/1)

116 57 going to 70 here by the Bay

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:20 AM (BRHaw)

117 Thanks spypeach.

Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at October 18, 2022 07:22 AM (nxdel)

Lower 50s here this morning at Schloss Hadrian. Sat outside with the puppies but decided to bring them in after 20 minutes, as they had both done all their business and were now huddled in the dog house on the porch.

Now sitting in the Command Center with coffee. Puppies are asleep, Delilah is asleep, Her Majesty is asleep. It's the best time of day.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at October 18, 2022 07:24 AM (1Nxff)

119 wait wut

former FBI agent @PeteStrzok: FBI agents probing 1/6 must be less biased on behalf of MAGA & more "professional," like we were during Russiagate

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:25 AM (BRHaw)

120 We used the Kakao Talk app when my son was stationed in South Korea. If I remember correctly, it operated like walkie-talkies. But hey, it was free and I was thrilled to hear from him regularly.

Posted by: IrishEi at October 18, 2022 07:25 AM (3ImbR)

121 >>> former FBI agent @PeteStrzok

I'd be permanently banned if I wrote what I really think of that piece of crap.

Posted by: IrishEi at October 18, 2022 07:28 AM (3ImbR)

122 Thinking Pixy is mixed up in AoSHq Time machine Philadelphia Experiment

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 18, 2022 07:29 AM (BSrdf)

123 At Reuters:

Misleading. Social media posts claiming that a Pfizer executive “admitted” the company did not test its COVID vaccine’s ability to prevent virus transmission before receiving marketing approval imply that the company had been required to do so or claimed to have done so, which is false.

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:30 AM (BRHaw)

124 mattklewis

Reminder: Trump destroyed an entire generation of conservative rising stars.

Wait for it

Like Liz Cheney!

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:32 AM (BRHaw)

125 Morning, Tech Peeps

Posted by: fluffy at October 18, 2022 07:33 AM (UqnOO)

126 Brooks' objects to nearly every question the prosecution poses to their witnesses. It's an intentional tactic to disrupt and delay. This trips up most civilian witnesses' answers. The police witnesses, with much more trial experience, gather it up and can stay focused on strong, clear, and unequivocal responses.

He tosses out grounds for his objections, seemingly at random, words like 'relevancy', 'speculation', 'leading question' hoping something will stick.

When he cross-examining, his line of questions will try to pick apart the smallest potential inconsistency in a witnesses testimony. "Was it a car or an SUV?" "Was the suspect wearing a white or a gray hoodie?" "Was the suspect wearing blue jeans or jogging pants?"

And he cross exams every witness, often digging himself a even deeper hole of there being no question at all that he did this horrible thing on purpose.

Then he has the playacting after his detainment and arrest that, boy looks like something big happened downtown Milwaukee today. How about them Packers?

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 18, 2022 07:35 AM (4I/2K)

127 My fav so far is that it does not stop the spread. So you while vaxxed and symptomless can carry a viral load to another.

Many people on this site were screaming that on Day One when they made the claim.

If a person has the C19 and is asymptomatic because they had the Clot Shot (and thus feel immune or not contagious), then they are far more likely to spread C19 than a person who has the C19 but has the symptoms and stays at home because they know they are contagious.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at October 18, 2022 07:36 AM (ceWUn)

128 Downtown Waukesha, not Milwaukee.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 18, 2022 07:36 AM (4I/2K)

129 JJS here

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 18, 2022 07:38 AM (BRHaw)

130 Someone attended the Charlie Manson school of defense lawyerization.

Posted by: davidt at October 18, 2022 07:38 AM (oTZbj)

131 and stays at home because they know they are contagious.
Posted by: Reuben Hick at October 18, 2022 07:36 AM (ceWUn)

That's what the masks were for. Duh.


Posted by: Warai-otoko at October 18, 2022 07:40 AM (6FeV1)

132 128 Downtown Waukesha, not Milwaukee.
Posted by: Count de Monet at October 18, 2022 07:36 AM (4I/2K)

Grandpa was sort of from there (by way of northern Italy.) He and one of his brothers moved away when they joined the Army- only went back to visit. A brother and sister (passed on now) still lived there. All of them worked at the Waukesha Paper Mill as kids (grandpa and Uncle Steve both kept stock in the company.) That is how they all referred to it. Looking online now and there are around 30 paper mills there.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at October 18, 2022 07:55 AM (CwQXo)

133 130 Someone attended the Charlie Manson school of defense lawyerization.
Posted by: davidt at October 18, 2022 07:38 AM (oTZbj)

It's so much that vibe. I keep waiting for him to hold up an illicit front page of a newspaper to the jury.

Posted by: m at October 18, 2022 08:15 AM (GkGYg)

Pixy I've got some free wine corks for your hat,no flies on me Bruce. You want Merlot or Champagne?

Posted by: safristi at October 18, 2022 08:23 AM (qktfm)

135 "I think there's a time rift somewhere between Sydney and New House City."

See if you can find it, Pixy. We'll probably need it later, to save the world.

Posted by: GWB at October 18, 2022 08:31 AM (7uSB+)

136 Pixy, companies-reel-china-export-bans-chips/

Posted by: rd at October 18, 2022 02:01 PM (Z32m1)

137 I am currently making an extra $38,000 or several months from home doing very honest and simple sports online from home. I am currently interacting at some point during this hobby and generating larger coins online by swaying
in the given stat processing system…

Posted by: 3456 at October 18, 2022 07:00 PM (Nrii2)

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Posted by: bella at October 27, 2022 05:29 AM (4YHBh)

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