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As Ezra Miller Is Charged With Felony Burglary, Pressure Grows for Warner Discovery To Cancel His Movie

Alphabet privilege, Gary from Nerdrotic calls it.

The fate of Warner Bros.' The Flash hangs in the balance as actor Ezra Miller continues to make headlines for their controversial behavior and various arrests. An outright shelving of the film is not off the table, though it would be a last resort.

Warners -- and its new parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery -- had hoped to avoid the line of fire, because its big-budget DC superhero tentpole isn't scheduled to hit theaters until June 23, 2023. But the pressure is mounting by the day.

On Monday, the actor was charged with a felony burglary, and on Wednesday, Rolling Stone reported that Vermont's child services department is attempting to locate a mother and three children who have allegedly been residing at Miller's farm in the state.

That's not necessarily terrible, but... it's not anything good.

A source with knowledge of the situation says the studio appears to be preparing for three possible scenarios.

First, Warners has received indications that the 29-year-old Miller, whose mother has accompanied the actor in recent days, will seek professional help after returning home to their farm in Vermont after being away. If that happens, Miller, who goes by they/them pronouns, could give an interview at some point explaining their erratic behavior over the past few years. The actor could then do limited press for The Flash, and the movie would open in cinemas as planned.

The second scenario: Even if Miller doesn't reach out for help, Warners could still release the film. But don't expect Miller to play a prominent role in terms of marketing and publicity. Nor would Miller be the Flash going forward, as the role would be recast in future projects.

The third: The situation with Miller deteriorates further. This would see Warners killing the movie outright, as it could not be reshot with a different actor. Miller plays multiple characters and is in almost every scene. Scrapping a $200 million film would be an unprecedented move.

The movie is scheduled to be released June 23, 2023. Gary from Nerdrotic said something like, "That means that Warner Discovery has to spend the next year praying Miller doesn't murder someone in the meantime."

Last week, Business Insider ran this headline:

Ezra Miller's unraveling:
Friends concerned as the 'Flash' actor travels the US in body armor
and faces claims of running a cult in Iceland

But as Midnight's Edge pointed out, you can see the original headline in the URL:

I know the leftwing media gets overly panicked about guns, but... this guy should not have guns. He's got red flags sticking out of his ass, and that's not a metaphor. I mean, he actually inserts red flags into his rectum.

This was that "major negative story" that was on the horizon that Discovery Warner wouldn't be able to contain.

Reportedly, Alan Horn, hired to serve as a consiglierte of sorts, has advised David Zaslav to take the hit and just cancel the $200 million movie, reasoning that the damage to the DC movie universe and to Warner Bros. generally will be worse than $200 million.

Here's some quotes from the Business Insider hit on Ezra Miller, whose They/Them status no longer is enough to protect him in the media:

For years, Miller has been hailed as a hero of New Hollywood... When Miller came out as queer [in 2011] -- telling The Daily Beast, "I'm open to love wherever it can be found" -- fans had found their icon.


In June, Tokata's parents obtained a temporary protection order demanding Miller stay away from their child. In tribal court documents, the parents said the actor had been grooming Tokata for six years and was physically and emotionally abusive.

Tokata was 12 when Miller started "taking an interest in her," aka grooming her.

She's now 18.

Tokata herself denies this, but, you know. Patty Hearst defended the SLA for a while, too.

A week after Tokata's parents obtained their protection order, a Massachusetts mother of a 12-year-old was also granted a temporary harassment-protection order against Miller, who she said showed an inappropriate interest in her child.

Insider has spoken with 14 people who had recent interactions with Miller in which the actor exhibited frightening emotional outbursts, carried firearms, or left them feeling unsafe. Some people said Miller sought out impressionable young women and nonbinary people whom they could isolate from their families and control. In some cases, Miller had sexual relations with these people. In 2020, during a roughly two-month stint in Iceland where Miller walked the streets barefoot, rumors spread that the movie star was running a cult out of an Airbnb.

I will also omit parts about his emotional and mental instability -- he frequently turns on people savagely, out of nowhere, over nothing at all.

There's worse stuff that that. That just seems like nit-picking compared to the rest of it.

I do want to mention his smells, which is a sign of mental decay.


By the end of 2019, their behavior, once characterized as quirky, became more disturbing, observers said.

On the set of "Asking for It," a feminist thriller filmed in Oklahoma in fall 2019, Miller often wore long robes, a cape, and a unicorn head despite scorching temperatures, crew members said. (The ensemble was not part of Miller's on-screen wardrobe.) Many people on the set commented on Miller's pungent body odor, and one production staffer told Insider that Miller appeared mentally scattered.


Miller's presence was poorly received by some Icelanders, who said the actor was aggressive and emitted a putrid stench. The actor, who rarely changed out of the same loosely fitting bohemian clothing, strolled the frigid streets of Reykjavík barefoot, revealing long, pointy toenails and what looked like an infected gash on one foot, three people said. One person recalled seeing Miller walking around mumbling.

The article discusses the "cult" he's running. He has an apartment filled with mattresses and holds court, offering his #woke nonbinary ideology. Apparently people are mesmerized by this, like they were by Hitler.

Miller traveled everywhere with their personal assistant and spiritual advisor, Jasper Young Bear, who told locals he cut off at least one of his own fingers during a ritual ceremony. (Young Bear didn't respond to a request for comment.)


Between Miller's makeshift commune, their monologues on spirituality, and their emotional outbursts, rumors began to circulate in Reykjavík that the star was running a cult.

Miller held court daily at the Airbnb. They often alluded to possessing supernatural powers, two people said, and instructed guests to participate in group meditations led by Young Bear. They spoke at length about fate and the importance of social justice for marginalized groups. Many of the people who became involved with Miller said they believed in the issues Miller cared about but Miller often took things too far.


Another time, the young woman said, she was stretching in a communal area when Miller approached and asked whether she was practicing yoga. The two began discussing yoga. Then Miller started screaming. "Ezra was like, 'You don't know anything about yoga!'" she recalled. "This hostile demon just took over." In both cases, the young woman said, Miller made her feel ashamed for being white.

The really repulsive stuff concerns his grooming of young children-- I'm sorry, I mean, concerns his Drag Queen Story Hour activities. Sorry, Twitter!


But over time, they said, Miller's interest in their daughter intensified. In December 2017, Miller flew Tokata -- then 14 and a devoted "Harry Potter" fan — and other Standing Rock members to London to visit the set of "Fantastic Beasts," tribal court documents say. The documents said Miller, who was 25 at the time, attempted to sleep in the same bed as Tokata but was stopped by a tribal member. Tokata's parents said they didn't learn about this incident until earlier this year; Tokata said it never happened.


In January 2020, when Tokata was 16, she enrolled at Bard College at Simon's Rock -- less than a two-hour drive from Miller's Vermont farm.

During the group's four-day stay, Miller unexpectedly drew a gun, ranted about being followed by the FBI, and refused to let Tokata out of their sight, said Bear Cross and another member of the household, who asked to remain anonymous.


One cold night, the household member said, she saw Miller having sex with Tokata on a bed outside.

Sixteen isn't that young, but it is young, and he was 26. And he had allegedly been driving hard towards this particular basket since she was 12 or 14.

And we don't know this was the first time. This is just the first time we have a witness (allegedly).


"This is when I was able to see some of Ezra's deranged behavior," Iron Eyes said. On the trip, he said, Miller claimed [he was] an incarnation of Jesus Christ, said Tokata was Miller's mother in a past life, and at one point brandished a gun in a state park. Tokata's parents pointed to these incidents in the protection order as examples of violence and psychological manipulation.

Later that month, Miller returned to the Vermont farm with Tokata in tow. On January 29, Miller and their house guests called Tokata's parents to tell them Tokata was incapacitated after having taken LSD four days prior.

Drugged children.

Here's another creepy claim:


[A witness] said they paused their kiss, and Miller told Tokata, "No abuse without love." Tokata said she and Miller never kissed and Miller didn't say those words.

And yet, that sounds like such an "Ezra" thing to say.

Ezra also took an interest in another 11-year-old girl. There's no actual crime here. Just... creepy, creepy interest.


In February, a few days after Tokata's LSD incident, Miller visited a small town in Massachusetts. There they met a mother and her child, who was 11 at the time and who identifies as nonbinary.


The mother, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her child, told Insider the actor showed an inappropriate interest in her 11-year-old. She said Miller complimented the child's style and maturity level and asked whether they were interested in starting a clothing line together. Miller also offered to pay for the child to attend design school.

"I want to invest in your future. I want to make you somebody," the now-12-year-old recalled Miller telling them. They added they were "really uncomfortable 'cause I'm somebody who doesn't like talking to new people" but said Miller was "pushing and pushing me to talk."


Miller blew up again when the mother used the word "tribe" to refer to her friends, screaming that she was racist and accusing her of cultural appropriation, she said. She also recalled Miller saying her child was "a mystical being" who was more powerful than their mother and who "would be lucky to have Ezra to guide and protect them."

That mother wised up and got a protective order against Miller, restraining him from making contact with her daughter. Nothing further happened. (Yet, knock wood.)

So they're going to release this movie?

Supposedly the movie is "testing well," but I assume that means "testing well for a DC movie," which means "testing meh but at least it's better than Batwoman."

Posted by: Ace at 05:35 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 If L. Ron Hubbard could have a religion I don't see why Ezra Miller can't have a movie.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:35 PM (guGkK)

2 I can't wait to not see this.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 15, 2022 05:37 PM (PiwSw)

3 I misread the headline as "Felony Buggery," and I wondered what separated that from Misdemeanor Buggery.

Posted by: Wally at August 15, 2022 05:38 PM (FJYfm)

4 As Ezra Miller Is Charged With Felony Burglary, Pressure Grows for Warner Discovery To Cancel His Movie

I suspect was it a turd burglary.

Posted by: Joe Mama at August 15, 2022 05:38 PM (WmGrA)

5 What I want to know is, who decided to give this lunatic a part in a major movie in the first place?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:39 PM (guGkK)

6 Why aren't all the xer/xir/xis pronouns preferred over *they*?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:39 PM (llON8)

7 So basically this guy is the new and improved Michael Jackson.

Groomers gotta groom.

Posted by: Czech Chick at August 15, 2022 05:39 PM (haWye)

8 Actors are rarely normal, but he sounds even less normal than most actors.

Posted by: huerfano at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (dTFZY)

9 ..attempted to sleep in the same bed as Tokata but was stopped by a tribal member.

I assume in England this tribal member is guilty of a hate crime.

Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (fWbjv)

10 >>>the set of "Asking for It," a feminist thriller . . . .

Shut up and take my money.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (yHsuS)

11 Didn't the Monster Mash catch on in a flash?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (a3Q+t)

12 He's a bad person and bad things should happen to him.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (XvPQV)

13 To be fair, Kathleen Kennedy hired Rian Johnson to direct the second Star Wars film and gave him carte blanche, so idiocy isn't necessarily confined to DC in the movie biz.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (guGkK)

14 Guy sounds like he went to the Kevin Spacey school of How To Win Friends and Influence People.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (WgimQ)

15 >>>Many people on the set commented on Miller's pungent body odor, and one production staffer told Insider that Miller appeared mentally scattered.

Dude! Save some snizz for the rest of us.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (yHsuS)

16 He's a bad person and bad things should happen to him.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (XvPQV)

What a terrible thing to say.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (yHsuS)

17 Let me know when they cancel Roman Polanski for drugging and ass raping a barely teenaged girl.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (RkC6l)

18 The red flag attached to the bunghole was a rejected update to the Flash's costume design.

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (TNyrE)

19 Seeing red

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (gbzeC)

20 "[...]as actor Ezra Miller continues to make headlines for their controversial behavior and various arrests..."

Their? How many in a their? Has it been documented yet?

Good Lord.

Posted by: AnonymotymousDrivel at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (aXxgO)

21 >>>What I want to know is, who decided to give this lunatic a part in a major movie in the first place?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:39 PM (guGkK)

Whoever's cock he sucked. That would be my guess.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (QYPq3)

22 And poor Batgirl won't see the light of day.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (guGkK)

23 During pride quarter?

Posted by: Joe Mama at August 15, 2022 05:42 PM (WmGrA)

24 >>> 17 Let me know when they cancel Roman Polanski for drugging and ass raping a barely teenaged girl.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (RkC6l)

Heh. Is whoopsie going to defend this asshoe too? Will the make-believers have a standing ovation for him at the next Academy Awards?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (llON8)

25 Clear the beach of the commoners. FJB wants to ride his bike on the sand.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (hwoGt)

26 The Flash movie was designed to set up alternate timelines, to get rid of the existing actors (except Wonder Woman). Since they're scrapping all the 'alt tmeline' movies, makes sense to shit can these movies for a decade or two...until they have their universe figured out.

The Suicide Squad was actually good.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (XvPQV)

27 Jesus had a lot to say.

Posted by: Axeman at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (OaZlZ)

28 I still don't know who Ezra Miller is.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (VdGjU)

29 This "creature" is deranged

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (bs+z0)

30 Ace, it just seems like you are out to get Ezra. I mean, apart from the child molestation, other felonies, mental illness, and body odor, what do you have on him?

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2022 05:44 PM (ppBhU)

31 I'm truly shocked he hasn't been arrested yet. I mean, arrested and jailed. The guy is a psychopath and is always doing something idiotic and/or illegal. Why people would continue hiring this clown is beyond me.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 15, 2022 05:44 PM (bkUtD)

32 Faggotry. Faggotry as far as the eye can see.

Posted by: Minuteman at August 15, 2022 05:44 PM (LaNzR)

33 >>> 25 Clear the beach of the commoners. FJB wants to ride his bike on the sand.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (hwoGt)

Genius! It will be a soft landing when he falls ass over teakettle, which shouldn't take long since it's harder to ride (or walk or anything) on sand.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:44 PM (llON8)

34 'You don't know anything about yoga!'" she recalled. "This hostile demon just took over."

As I was reading, I thought, hmm, sounds like he's possessed. And there it is.

Posted by: Flyover at August 15, 2022 05:44 PM (Rbu5d)

35 Wait does Ezra Miller play The Flash?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:45 PM (VdGjU)

36 >>>One cold night, the household member said, she saw Miller having sex with Tokata on a bed outside.

>>>Miller . . . said Tokata was Miller's mother in a past life . . . .

That's pretty messed up.

Posted by: Zombie Jim Jones at August 15, 2022 05:45 PM (yHsuS)

37 So, what you're really saying is that Miller's a fag and his shit's all retarded. Like, for real.

Posted by: Fool Otto at August 15, 2022 05:45 PM (DB16e)

38 Wooking for wub in aw the wong pwaces.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 05:45 PM (ZLI7S)

39 "I'm open to love wherever it can be found"
A drunk passed out in a bathroom stall...

Love is love.

Posted by: Themselves at August 15, 2022 05:45 PM (OaZlZ)

40 @26

>>until they have their universe figured out.

The problem is there are only two DC characters anyone really cares about and those two characters have been mined for all they're worth.

Warner is trapped by the DC superhero binary.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 05:46 PM (WgimQ)

41 The actor, who rarely changed out of the same loosely fitting bohemian clothing, strolled the frigid streets of Reykjav�k barefoot, revealing long, pointy toenails and what looked like an infected gash on one foot, three people said

That's like a step and a half from living in tombs with one's clothes rotted off.

Posted by: Methos at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (kOpft)

42 >>>I still don't know who Ezra Miller is.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:43 PM (VdGjU)

Ezra Miller is so unknown even Ezra Miller doesn't know who Ezra Miller is.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (QYPq3)

43 here's a fun OT thing.

my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

I've never seen such chicken shit, scam bullshit. has anyone else?

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (OuH7W)

44 The problem is there are only two DC characters anyone really cares about and those two characters have been mined for all they're worth.

Warner is trapped by the DC superhero binary.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 05:46 PM (WgimQ)

Yeah but they are the BIG two. They reboot Batman every 10 years or so. Superman still hasn't been done well and is ripe for a traditional interpretation.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (XvPQV)

45 The aggressive B.O. claim is the clincher. They've basically got as many potential charges against this guy as a Nuremburg defendant. But they're not done. "Also, he's smelly."


Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at August 15, 2022 05:48 PM (ppBhU)

46 The problem is there are only two DC characters anyone really cares about and those two characters have been mined for all they're worth.

Not so. The surface of Gay Batman and Gay Superman has barely been scratched.

There's lots to mine there, and very deeply.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:48 PM (guGkK)

47 > The problem is there are only two DC characters anyone really cares about and those two characters have been mined for all they're worth.

Shazam! and Hawkgirl haven't had THAT much exposure.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 05:48 PM (eyxn4)

48 These are some pretty serious accusations about this Miller person.

Welp, time to raid Trump Tower.

Posted by: FBI at August 15, 2022 05:48 PM (4useT)

49 He's a bad person and bad things should happen to him.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:40 PM (XvPQV)

What a terrible thing to say.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at August 15, 2022 05:41 PM (yHsuS)

I know. I tried to soften the language but I stand by what I said!

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 05:49 PM (XvPQV)

50 Imagine being a WB exec. You have made a string of questionable and bad movies, with a few that made some money. But two of your main stars... you have Amber Heard who is the queen of all Bunny Boilers and has become a byword of hissing and contempt.

Then you have your entire DCU plans and hopes built around the Flash reboot of the DC universe... and its main star is a raging violent lunatic pervert child molester.

I mean, after a while you gotta figure that you're cursed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:49 PM (Ivdso)

51 42 >>>I still don't know who Ezra Miller is.

He was s in Fantastic beasts and where to find them as the creepy kid who was some sort of special vapory wizard or something. Creedence I think

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2022 05:49 PM (bs+z0)

52 Then you have your entire DCU plans and hopes built around the Flash reboot of the DC universe... and its main star is a raging violent lunatic pervert child molester.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:49 PM (Ivdso)

. . . who smells bad.

Posted by: Zombie Jim Jones at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (yHsuS)

53 Didn't the Monster Mash catch on in a flash?
Posted by: Duncanthrax

It *was* a graveyard smash.

Posted by: She Hobbit at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (ftFVW)

54 43 here's a fun OT thing.

my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

I've never seen such chicken shit, scam bullshit. has anyone else?
Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (OuH7W)

Out (former) bank admitted they don't release funds from Sheff deposits for a few days because then they can get more of the interest off the deposits.

Ah, yes, former bank. We are exclusively credit union users now.

Posted by: Flyover at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (Rbu5d)

55 I just asked sweet young thing behind the bar if she knows who Ezra Miller is.
She doesn't.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (VdGjU)

56 I read a hawkman comic once, he seemed cool.

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (OuH7W)

57 The Flash hangs in the balance as actor Ezra Miller continues to make headlines for their controversial behavior and various arrests. An outright shelving of the film is not off the table, though it would be a last resort.


"Their" behavior? What is he, a Sybil? Paging Joanne Woodward. Whomever this is, and I don't know and could care even less, he sounds like a lunatic.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (sVtYq)

58 >>> 43 here's a fun OT thing.

my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

I've never seen such chicken shit, scam bullshit. has anyone else?
Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (OuH7W)

Did you just switch jobs? istr banks playing stupid games with first transactions from a new source. If it's happened more than once I would complain to both sides.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (llON8)

59 People really like Batman, and they like Batman movies. Even ones that are not really that great get high praise, like the last one, and make money. So they can rely on that.

I mean the Superman movies Snyder made earned a lot of money, they were just hated by fans and critics. So there's money power in Superman, if done right. Those properties aren't wrung dry yet like Avengers, for example.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (Ivdso)

60 "Ezra Miller's unraveling:
Friends concerned as the 'Flash' actor travels the US in body armor and faces claims of running a cult in Iceland"

So he identifies as a Viking?

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (bVYXr)

61 I just asked sweet young thing behind the bar if she knows who Ezra Miller is.
She doesn't.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:50 PM (VdGjU)

This girl's going to have you thrown out soon.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (guGkK)

62 BTW I'm not hitting on SWYTBTB.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (VdGjU)

63 Welp, time to raid Trump Tower.
Posted by: FBI at Augus

I just briefly looked at linkedIn and some NPC just posted a thing about how he supports the fbi and federal agents. fucking bugmen,

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (OuH7W)

64 > Superman still hasn't been done well

Screw you, buddy.

Posted by: Zombie Christopher Reeve at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (eyxn4)

65 @47

>>Shazam! and Hawkgirl haven't had THAT much exposure.

Don't get me wrong, Captain Marvel was one my favorite comic book characters when I was a kid and the 70's TV show with Isis was cool too but for some reason he just doesn't translate to movies.

He just didn't have any cool supervillains like Batman and Superman and as we know it's really the villains that make the hero compelling and interesting.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (WgimQ)

66 She doesn't.
Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens

You've been chatting up the bar maid for a while now. Is this going somewhere?

Posted by: She Hobbit at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (ftFVW)

67 my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

Banks love doing that. It lets them sit on the money and earn with it before letting you do what you want with it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (Ivdso)

68 >>> 63 Welp, time to raid Trump Tower.
Posted by: FBI at Augus

I just briefly looked at linkedIn and some NPC just posted a thing about how he supports the fbi and federal agents. fucking bugmen,
Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM (OuH7W)

Create a fake account and reply with ACAB.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:52 PM (llON8)

69 Here's some anecdata on this. Take it for what it's worth.

I knew who The Flash was from my kid days knowing DC Comics sucked back in the 80s. I knew there was a modern reboot from commercials that signaled it was time to grab another beer. I did not know of the sentient turd named Ezra Miller.

Thus, overcoming my revulsion of millennials, zoomers, and pretty much anything under thirty years old not a dog, shirt, or classic rock album, I began an experiment. Did they know of the Saga of Ezra Miller ? Did they know what day it was ? Could they make exact change without using a calculator ?

Get this, they have no idea who Ezra Miller even is, let alone that these events are happening. They can typically tell you which day ending in Y - but not the date. Proper change is out of the question.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 05:52 PM (sH61M)

70 54
Direct Deposits.
Sheesh, this be phone's autocucumber is aggressive.

Posted by: Flyover at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (Rbu5d)

71 Miller often wore long robes, a cape, and a unicorn head despite scorching temperatures, crew members said. (The ensemble was not part of Miller's on-screen wardrobe.)


I was tempted to see this movie, until that disclaimer.

Posted by: Muldoon at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (kXYt5)

72 Talk about entitled. This is Alaskan Royalty and the seat belongs to the family.
Hidden video reveals Murkowski's campaign pushed ranked-choice voting - (Project Veritas)

Posted by: Ciampino - this is explosive at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (qfLjt)

73 Pedo Miller needs to be in an mental institution wearing a straight jacket.

Posted by: Maj. Healey - Rosary Extremist at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (m7R0k)

74 As Gary from Nerdrotic also suggested: "testing well" means audiences were so happy to see Michael Keaton play Batman again that they were willing to overlook the rest of the movie.

Posted by: Walter Freeman at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (bM7vb)

75 Well knock me over with a feather. The DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit for the Trump warrant because of national security issues.

Who could have seen this coming?

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (ZLI7S)

76 Recut it and call it Groomers of War!

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at August 15, 2022 05:54 PM (yikp0)

77 >>> 75 Well knock me over with a feather. The DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit for the Trump warrant because of national security issues.

Who could have seen this coming?
Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM (ZLI7S)

Is your shocked face booked about 6 months out?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at August 15, 2022 05:54 PM (llON8)

78 my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

Banks love doing that. It lets them sit on the money and earn with it before letting you do what you want with it.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:51 PM

Social security does that as well. I can "see" our checks sitting there 4-5 days before they get deposited in our account. Can't access them, but I can see them waiting to go into our checking account.

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at August 15, 2022 05:54 PM (bVYXr)

79 I read a hawkman comic once, he seemed cool.
Posted by: Doctor sockamster

Hawkman is going to be in "Black Adam". Played by Aldis Hodge. I know him best as VooDoo Tatum from s1 of Friday Night Lights.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2022 05:54 PM (MGB5H)

80 If it's happened more than once I would complain to both sides.


you know, when it's a national big biz payroll provider...they're offering a debit card that gets paid 2 days earlier. uh huh, likely story. My last job used a payroll that synergized with my bank to get me my money a day early. fuckers. like Ima write to my state's AG.

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:55 PM (OuH7W)

81 Not into comic book movies

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 05:56 PM (k8B25)

82 He'll either kill someone or be dead himself within a year. Assuming he's not in an asylum somewhere.

Posted by: Javems at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (AmoqO)

83 >>>Not into comic book movies

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 05:56 PM (k8B25)

Guess you'll skip it, then.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (QYPq3)

84 As Gary from Nerdrotic also suggested: "testing well" means audiences were so happy to see Michael Keaton play Batman again that they were willing to overlook the rest of the movie.

I think its probably overall better than that, but not a lot.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (Ivdso)

85 it's jennifer level rubin shit. I support the they're rerunning the 1/6 woe is us script while ignoring acab and actual state sponsored riots

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (OuH7W)

86 The actor, who rarely changed out of the same loosely fitting bohemian clothing, strolled the frigid streets of Reykjav�k barefoot, revealing long, pointy toenails and what looked like an infected gash on one foot, three people said. One person recalled seeing Miller walking around mumbling.

Maybe gearing up for a Howard Hughes biopic?

Posted by: Stu Podaso at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (4useT)

87 tbh, I was shocked to learn that shazam was a marvel IP.

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:57 PM (OuH7W)

88 my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

I'm dead serious - one of the things that ruined the modern workplace was direct deposit. It ended the important tradition of a supervisor walking around and handing out checks.

That was important. It was a constant reminder of exactly what the Hell this arrangement was all about. I can't tell you, once we went to direct deposit, how many managers and supervisors conveniently forgot exactly why anyone showed up to listen to their bullshit for forty or more hours a week. It wasn't because of their administrative brilliance or sparkling personality. It was because of the damn check, and nothing more.

Direct deposit severed that important reminder.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (sH61M)

89 Pedo Miller needs to be in an mental institution wearing a straight jacket.
Posted by: Maj. Healey - Rosary Extremist at August 15, 2022 05:53 PM

You spelled "shallow grave in a wooded area" wrong.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (RkC6l)

90 There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low...

You've groomed the kid, but the tribe won't give
You smell like ass, but queers get a pass
The major corp spent 200 Mil
Now to save your ass they'll foot your legal bill

And so, on with the blow. And LSD. Maybe some Special-K for the kid.

Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (fWbjv)

91 I have absolutely no idea who this person is.

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (Qhnrt)

92 I'd like to remind you that only honest media outlets like CNN can be trusted to tell the truth about Donald Trump, the FBI, and everything else.

Posted by: Brian "El Tater Grande" Stelter at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (a3Q+t)

93 here's a fun OT thing.

my new company's ddirect deposit apparently has a nearly 4 day delay for direct deposits.

I've never seen such chicken shit, scam bullshit. has anyone else?
Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:47 PM (OuH7W)
The company isn't funding the deposit on schedule. If you are an hourly employer, go to the DOL and file charges. They cannot hold your pay.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (xWZcb)

94 Can Warner Bros cancel two major movies in a row? It's possible, but you're losing so much money it staggers the mind. More: it leaves your franchise with a permanent stink of failure. I liked Shazam quite a bit: DC comics formed much of my youth. But they're already in the process of ditching all the deadwood in the comics division, and it sounds like the movie division will join them.

Then what?

Posted by: Jessica Jambon at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (fHh8u)

95 Gosh who could possibly have predicted that this insane fuck was a creepy weirdo?

I mean normal people totally just try to choke fans in public on video. Totally normal behavior!!!

Posted by: DudeAbiding at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (Y7Ajm)

96 it's like, let's find the cheapest bullshit payroll provider. I thought this place made money

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (OuH7W)

97 Whoops

Posted by: trev006 at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (fHh8u)

98 I may have heard a rumor that Ezra Miller considered Anne Heche a mentor and a role model. Someone to emulate, if you will.

If not, perhaps he should.

Posted by: Muldoon at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (kXYt5)

99 oh 95 Gosh who could possibly have predicted that this insane fuck was a creepy weirdo?


another male feminist

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (OuH7W)

100 JackStraw: "The DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit for the Trump warrant because of national security issues."

To be fair, that's true. The national security issue #1 being that if/when everyone discovers the recorded corruption in DC, The People might, you know, revolt. A real revolt, not a Twitterworld revolt.

Posted by: AnonybotymousDrivel at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (aXxgO)

101 I'm dead serious - one of the things that ruined the modern workplace was direct deposit. It ended the important tradition of a supervisor walking around and handing out checks.

That was important. It was a constant reminder of exactly what the Hell this arrangement was all about. I can't tell you, once we went to direct deposit, how many managers and supervisors conveniently forgot exactly why anyone showed up to listen to their bullshit for forty or more hours a week. It wasn't because of their administrative brilliance or sparkling personality. It was because of the damn check, and nothing more.

Direct deposit severed that important reminder.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (sH61M)
There is some merit to this. But I'd not oversell it.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (xWZcb)

102 >>> 75 Well knock me over with a feather. The DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit for the Trump warrant because of national security issues.

Who could have seen this coming?
Posted by: JackStraw

Move all federal bureaus to Alaska.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (bkUtD)

103 Wife just showed me an article that the UN is chiming in about the temerity of 1st world citizens to charge the powers in their Cointreau with corrupt motives.

And they want too put a stop to it.

Posted by: Themselves at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (OaZlZ)

104 I want to see a studio forced to dump a 200 million dollar movie due to one of their actors being completely out of control.

Hollywood created these monsters, they can darn will pay for their actions.

Even better, might just scare off a few investors. "Who's your lead?" "Yeah, no, we'll invest elsewhere. Maybe Rocky XX."

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(5pTK/) at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (5pTK/)


You think you're scared Ezra, I have to walk back alone!

Posted by: Ed Gein at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (mTJ+p)

106 tbh, I was shocked to learn that shazam was a marvel IP

its not but the real story is so complicated and ridiculous you can be forgiven for being confused.

Captain Marvel was a very early creation, like a year after Superman. Eventually he became more popular than Superman, and the company which became DC sued for stealing their Superman concept. They believed (and argued) that they owned ALL superheroes as a genre, and anything that remotely resembled Superman.

The guys that owned and published Captain Marvel fought the suit for years, until comic books just weren't making much money and said "eh, screw it you have him" and sold all their other properties to DC (went on to make Mad magazine etc).

Then DC sort of forgot the character of Captain Marvel entirely and the copyright lapsed. Marvel Comics thought "well hell Marvel is in the name, we should have that character" so they came up with their own, totally unlike Captain Marvel version of the character.


Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:01 PM (Ivdso)

107 Payday is officially biweekly Friday, but the local credit union has it available Thursday day before.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 06:01 PM (gbzeC)

108 other random's about 20 degrees cooler today than it was this time last week here. I guess the flood waters from all the melting icebergs will recede now

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (OuH7W)

109 Sounds like Ezra is bipolar and has Asperger's.

Posted by: nurse ratched at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (4wq+Z)

110 Can Warner Bros cancel two major movies in a row? It's possible, but you're losing so much money it staggers the mind. More: it leaves your franchise with a permanent stink of failure. I

It's probably the best move. Those 2 movies will give them over 300m in write offs and then easily clears the decks of DC movies. Black Adam, Shazam 2 and aquaman 2 will all be out by Feb. the only other movie that has been officially greenlit is joker 2. Zappa has said he is going to make DC theater focused and make Warner profitable. Clearing the decks this year and making a clear path forward is the easiest way to do that.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (MGB5H)

111 81 Not into comic book movies

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 05:56 PM (k8B25)
Me neither. First Superman was OK but enough.

Posted by: Ciampino - good Superman comics growing up at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (qfLjt)

112 79 I read a hawkman comic once, he seemed cool.
Posted by: Doctor sockamster

Hawkman is going to be in "Black Adam". Played by Aldis Hodge. I know him best as VooDoo Tatum from s1 of Friday Night Lights.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2022 05:54 PM (MGB5H)

I always liked Blackhawk. He had a buddy that always said, "sacré bleu".

Posted by: Javems at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (AmoqO)

113 Autofuck turned country into "Cointreau".

Posted by: Axeman at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (OaZlZ)

114 ...considered Anne Heche a mentor and a role model. Someone to emulate, if you will.


By which I mean the whole on again, off again, on again, off again lesbian thing.

Posted by: Muldoon at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (kXYt5)

115 Sounds like Ezra is bipolar and has Asperger's.
Posted by: nurse ratched at August 15, 2022 06:02 PM (4wq+Z)

And needs a bath.

Posted by: LASue at August 15, 2022 06:03 PM (Ed8Zd)

116 Gosh who could possibly have predicted that this insane fuck was a creepy weirdo?

I mean normal people totally just try to choke fans in public on video. Totally normal behavior!!!
Posted by: DudeAbiding

He does give off a strong creepy vibe in every pic I've seen of him. Reminds me of this off-putting dude that showed up at work a few years back. Couldn't figure out what it was until one day found out he thought he was a she and was gearing up to start using the lady's room.

Posted by: She Hobbit at August 15, 2022 06:03 PM (ftFVW)

117 Payday is officially biweekly Friday, but the local credit union has it available Thursday day before.


right, not this pissant 3-4 days chickenshit.

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 06:03 PM (OuH7W)

118 Back to court rushed DC against Marvel: we own that name!!!

A court eventually ruled that the IP of Captain Marvel was more key to Marvel Comics and their properties by the name alone, so they got to use the name. Captain Marvel was then just called Shazam which is... really odd because that's his magical word that swaps him back and forth between the Big Red Cheese and little Billy Batson.

Marvel Comics came out with a whole cavalcade of Marvels just to make sure they controlled the name, most of whom are forgotten or stupid.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (Ivdso)

119 An outright shelving of the film is not off the table

call Chuy

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (v0R5T)

120 This guys should not be grooming children, ace. I have less issue with the guns.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (HJDAV)

121 By next Spring no one will remember this movie, the best move is to cancel it now. The longer it drags on the worse it will be for Warner Discovery.

The tide is turning against groomers and Warner won't want to be caught on the beach with Miller as the tide goes out

Posted by: Beartooth at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (MujTL)

122 Hollywood created these monsters, they can darn will pay for their actions.

I'd like to buy J.J. and MP4 drinks, just to go over this topic. My theory is that, up until rather recently, Hollywood went through great pains to keep these bastards under wraps, and this warped shit has always went on. I'll guess the second biggest amount of effort from the studio system, behind making profitable movies, was keeping their talent's weird ass appetites off the screen, out of the papers, and within the confines of the town. In the last couple decades, something changed.

Those are two that would know, for different reasons, I'd suspect.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (sH61M)

123 I also have no idea who Miller is.

OT - move to recall idiotic LA district attorney *fails*, insufficient legit signatures to make it on ballot this fall.

No, the signatures were not checked by Clark County NV (where according to witnesses the signature-ID technology was effectively switched off for the 2020 election).

Free-fall continues.

Posted by: rhomboid at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (OTzUX)

124 Direct deposit severed that important reminder.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 05:58 PM (sH61M)
There is some merit to this. But I'd not oversell it.
Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:00 PM (xWZcb)

I think automatic withholdings were FAR more damaging.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (HJDAV)

125 There was a time when Warner Bros. was based in NY, they would have known how to deal with this problem.

Poor freak boy would have one of those accidents people have in NY when they piss off the wrong people.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (bJQ5C)

126 test

Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:05 PM (nxdel)

127 N.L. Urker, How are your feet feeling today??

Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz at August 15, 2022 06:05 PM (a4EWo)

128 while we're talking about gheyshit comicbook bugman bullshit, the bugmen REALLY want you to call Falcon Captain America.

Like no. Steve Rogers is Cap. I mean, AFAIK, Falcon is just a dude in a knock off Iron Man suit. He's not even warmachine. He also never took the super soldier syrum (let alone Cap. Roger's version). so, his "worst" and "best" characteristics were not inflated with the resulting struggle if you're not stever rogers level awesome. Nor with the change in phsyique or invulnerability.

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (OuH7W)

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. — The owners of My Inner Baby received a cease-and-desist order from the Noblesville city government on Friday, days after the Board of Zoning Appeals ruled the business was in violation of its current zoning guidelines.

“We’re a medical supply store. We sell adult diapers and related incontinence supplies as well as costumes for age-play, as well as any type of events where people want to participate in age regression,” said owner Ryan Polokoff.

Polokoff said age regression is used in therapy, allowing people to retreat back to a time in their lives when they felt safe.

The city government says because My Inner Baby markets itself with the hashtag “#ABDL’ — adult babies and diaper lovers — by definition, it’s considered a sex shop, and therefore the business is violating its commercial zoning guidelines.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (63Dwl)

130 Gosh who could possibly have predicted that this insane fuck was a creepy weirdo?

This insane fuck may be a creepy weirdo but he's OUR insane fuck and creepy weirdo!

Posted by: Hollywood, When You Think About It, Is A Meritocracy at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (IyauK)

131 @118

>>most of whom are forgotten or stupid.

The Death of Captain Marvel is easily one of the top ten best graphic novels.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (WgimQ)

132 That was important. It was a constant reminder of exactly what the Hell this arrangement was all about.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling

Apply that to tax withholding. If everyone was forced to cut a check to Uncle Sam and the state for the full tax amount once a year, shit would get real.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (es0Dj)

133 a cult in Iceland? Brrr.
I prefer the one on Lanai that crazy Larry started.

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (v0R5T)

134 119 An outright shelving of the film is not off the table

call Chuy
Posted by: wth at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (v0R5T)

Yeah, that is a lot of shit to put on rickety shelves.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:06 PM (HJDAV)

135 Did the same movie company produce this freakish monstrosity, the Batgirl loser AND the movie with the worst actress and most-hated of all, Amber Heard?

Posted by: LASue at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (Ed8Zd)

136 By next Spring no one will remember this movie, the best move is to cancel it now. The longer it drags on the worse it will be for Warner Discovery.

The tide is turning against groomers and Warner won't want to be caught on the beach with Miller as the tide goes out
Posted by: Beartooth at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (MujTL)
Yeah - it appears the twitter war of the woke has begun. I'd get the hell out of this space as fast as I can. If by killing this movie you can reset your universe, to something a bit more sane, it would seem a solid business decision.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (xWZcb)

137 I like the cut of this Ezra chap's jib.

I think I found the correct guy to position Kamala for success in another place of government.

Posted by: Resident Joe Biden at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (Mle+D)

138 Oh, my goodness, you guize.

It sounds like Liz Cheney will run for POTUS. I might actually die from laughing like the weasels in Roger Rabbit. Is she really that delusional?

Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (eyxn4)

139 Long robes, capes, and a unicorn head are less gay than crocs, a messenger bag, and a Vespa.

Posted by: TexasDan at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (bdS4l)

140 Captain Mar-Vell was not one I read as a kid. I was a fan of Iron Man LONG before all these Jonny Come Lately Dallas Cowboy-like fans.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (HJDAV)

141 I think automatic withholdings were FAR more damaging.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (HJDAV)

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (xWZcb)

142 they and their mother went there, where they split up, with mom going east and them going west.


Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (fWbjv)

143 Curiously, I haven't the slightest idea who Ezra Miller is.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (Fk2FG)

144 It sounds like Liz Cheney will run for POTUS. I might actually die from laughing like the weasels in Roger Rabbit. Is she really that delusional?
Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (eyxn4)

It's a good way for to get paid and keep her name in the papers. She's not going to win, but she'll make bank.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (XvPQV)

145 I also have no idea who Miller is.

The pronouns bullshit tells me he doesn't, either.

Posted by: t-bird at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (Jg92y)

146 135 Did the same movie company produce this freakish monstrosity, the Batgirl loser AND the movie with the worst actress and most-hated of all, Amber Heard?
Posted by: LASue at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (Ed8Zd)

Yep. Plus Birds of Prey.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (HJDAV)

147 So Tokata is some kind of climate activist. There are pictures of her and Greta Scholdbergh all over the internet.

Sounds like ole Ezra is off the reservation

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (M+Lyo)

148 By next Spring no one will remember this movie, the best move is to cancel it now. The longer it drags on the worse it will be for Warner Discovery.

I think they can get away with making him Reverse Flash, the bad guy. They would just have to reshoot ALL of his good guy Flash scenes, which cannot be a minor undertaking in a film that's already 300 million in the red.

The Death of Captain Marvel is easily one of the top ten best graphic novels.

Yeah he was one that worked well. Ms Marvel was kind of interesting at first, and I liked the Monica Rambeau version.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (Ivdso)

149 >>> 138 Oh, my goodness, you guize.

It sounds like Liz Cheney will run for POTUS. I might actually die from laughing like the weasels in Roger Rabbit. Is she really that delusional?
Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (eyxn4)

Please clap.

Posted by: Liz Cheney at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (llON8)

150 Marvel Chuy??

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (yikp0)

The company isn't funding the deposit on schedule. If you are an hourly employer, go to the DOL and file charges. They cannot hold your pay.
Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 05:59 PM (xWZcb)


If you don't have access to your money at 0001 hrs on payday, they're seriously in violation of the law.

DoL are a bunch of commie cocksuckers just like the rest of the Feds, but they generally don't fuck around when it comes to hourly employees.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (n+4am)

152 Those are two that would know, for different reasons, I'd suspect.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:04 PM (sH61M)

the studio system was used to control actors, way back when. However, valuable actors tended to be covered for. For example, it was rumored Errol Flynn killed someone in a drunk driving accident, but the studio got a flunky to claim responsibility.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing(5pTK/) at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (5pTK/)

14 FBI whistle-blowers have come forward. It's a start. I wanna see a couple thousand who want to save the agency.

We'll talk then.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (jE276)

154 Until this post I had never heard about this Ezra dude. I was better off for that.

Posted by: Cosda at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (YFp8S)

He might get his movie cancelled. And yeah, a $200m total clawback of a movie well into production would be unprecented... but only by degree.

That Batgirl debacle clocked in @ $90m+ when they pulled the plug, and nobody on that project had sex with kids while running around in body armor, waving a gun, and claiming to be the manifestation of Christ... that we know of, anyway.

But that's just business and money, and this is H'wood. The fact is, he'll never do a day in jail. He might go to some rehab or mental health facility for a minute. He'll get out, grow increasingly mad, take bigger risks, and eventually die horribly with a non-zero risk of related fatalities.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (IXpV7)

156 140 Captain Mar-Vell was not one I read as a kid. I was a fan of Iron Man LONG before all these Jonny Come Lately Dallas Cowboy-like fans.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (HJDAV)

I liked him. His Nega-Bands were cool, like Space Ghost's. And he was genuinely heroic. So they killed him with Space Cancer to resolve rights issues over his name.

Fuck Marvel comics publishers.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (XvPQV)

157 I am kind of proud of Marvel keeping Captain Marvel dead. You just know at least writer has pitched a way to bring him back as a major character. Like Mark Gruenwald.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (Ivdso)

158 Not into comic book movies

Posted by: Skip

What a hero.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (IEa8U)

159 Apply that to tax withholding. If everyone was forced to cut a check to Uncle Sam and the state for the full tax amount once a year, shit would get real.

Agreed with everyone that commented the same. I've read, in multiple places, that one of FDRs great WWII ideas was that everyone got their paycheck from the Fed. FDR may not have been jack shit in a three legged race, but he understood basic human nature pretty damn well.

Now - apply all the above to your US Rep and Senator getting a check from the Fed, rather than their State. Think that doesn't have some influence ?

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (sH61M)

160 [...]as actor Ezra Miller continues to make headlines for their controversial behavior and various arrests..."

Their? How many in a their? Has it been documented yet?

Good Lord.

Trying to read a story with ridiculous placement of pronouns is giving me a headache. The whole pronoun thing is nonsense on a grand scale. Sorry but I will not enforce someone’s delusions.

Posted by: Uncle Slayton at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (NVtgT)

161 Miss Piggy for Preezy

Posted by: wth at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (v0R5T)

162 wanna see a couple thousand who want to save the agency.

We'll talk then.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (jE276)
Yup. Until then it's just refugees who agree that the FIB is rogue.

Posted by: Axeman at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (OaZlZ)

163 150 Marvel Chuy??
Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at August 15, 2022 06:08 PM (yikp0)

'Senor Chuy'

The Star Wars/Luchadores/Hobo Hunter story you have been waiting for!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (HJDAV)

164 It sounds like Liz Cheney will run for POTUS. I might actually die from laughing like the weasels in Roger Rabbit

Great reference

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (Ivdso)

165 It sounds like Liz Cheney will run for POTUS. I might actually die from laughing like the weasels in Roger Rabbit. Is she really that delusional?
Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:07 PM (eyxn4)
DO you realize how much retirement money she will pick off from the few remaining GOPe voters and democrats who want to mess with the GOP primary. She knows she has zero traction. She's just going for one last big payday.

Hardly delusional.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (xWZcb)

166 The path to the nomination for Liz Cheney goes through me.

Posted by: Carly Fiorina at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (a3Q+t)

167 N.L. Urker, How are your feet feeling today??
Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz

A cromulent question, considering that we experienced an Italican invasion in an earlier thread.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (l0mb7)

168 157 I am kind of proud of Marvel keeping Captain Marvel dead. You just know at least writer has pitched a way to bring him back as a major character. Like Mark Gruenwald.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:09 PM (Ivdso)

You know they would have brought him back gay.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (HJDAV)

169 I fail to see the issue here.

Zombie Fatty Arbuckle

Posted by: LASue at August 15, 2022 06:11 PM (Ed8Zd)

170 Move all federal bureaus to Alaska.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

tcn may not be cool with that.

Posted by: SFGoth at August 15, 2022 06:12 PM (KAi1n)

171 am kind of proud of Marvel keeping Captain Marvel dead.

Only uncle Ben and the Wayne's really die in comic books. Well, ya know, except for all the times they were brought back too. Tho murderous Thomas Wayne Batman and Martha Wayne joker are pretty awesome.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2022 06:12 PM (MGB5H)

172 > Vermont's child services department is attempting to locate a mother and three children who have allegedly been residing at Miller's farm in the state.

Sounds like there's potential for this story to get worse, unless I'm reading too much into that line.

Posted by: me at August 15, 2022 06:12 PM (9p+wn)

Agreed with everyone that commented the same. I've read, in multiple places, that one of FDRs great WWII ideas was that everyone got their paycheck from the Fed.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:10 PM (sH61M)

Remember, the commie cocksucker Donks floated that idea again at the end of JugEars' administration.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (n+4am)

174 I officially don't care about the lunacy in LA. The petition to get a recall vote for DA Gascon failed to get the required number of 566,000 votes.

Enjoy your 3rd world law enforcement.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (ZLI7S)

175 Hey fuck this Miller guy

Posted by: Better than Ezra at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (M+Lyo)

176 @148

>>Ms Marvel was kind of interesting at first, and I liked the Monica Rambeau version.

Rouge stealing her powers was probably one of the most inspired twists in comic-dom.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (WgimQ)

177 I seem to recall there was a gay superhero from Alpha Flight (Canadian C-team) that was gay and died of AIDS. Alpha Flight had a brief run as a very edgy, brutal comic when I was reading comics. Lot of blood, crossover with Wolverine. The leader of the team was a Canadian Iron Man who inherited her suit from her industrialist Husband after he died.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (HJDAV)

178 Sounds like there's potential for this story to get worse, unless I'm reading too much into that line.
Posted by: me at August 15, 2022 06:12 PM (9p+wn)

Hollywood may get a movie after all

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at August 15, 2022 06:14 PM (M+Lyo)

179 Steven Crowder did a good piece on Bill Maher. Maybe the bromance will be over with thinking this guy is getting "red pilled". Why we'll never rid ourselves of pseudo-cons when we get all warm and fuzzy about leftists like Bill Maher. Why I don't get all whipped up over Chapelle.

"Oh gee look even Maher is starting to get it! Hey you need to give credit where credit is due!"

When they renounce their idiocy completely, then I'll give credit where its due. In the meantime if they say something I can agree with every once in a while. it doesn't mean shit.

Posted by: JROD at August 15, 2022 06:14 PM (0jZnq)

180 Move all federal bureaus to Alaska.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Coastal Mississippi would work also.

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at August 15, 2022 06:14 PM (bVYXr)

181 Clutch your pearls and get to the fainting couch! Kari Lake said Trump and DeSantis have BDE. (Big Dick Energy)

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:14 PM (hwoGt)

182 Predicted the Gestapo would go it's too top secret to reveal

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 06:15 PM (k8B25)

183 Clutch your pearls and get to the fainting couch! Kari Lake said Trump and DeSantis have BDE. (Big Dick Energy)
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Desantis is speaking at an upcoming event for her.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 15, 2022 06:15 PM (MGB5H)

184 Also, Wolverine was in love with her. That dude has been in love with more women than it is easy to count.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:16 PM (HJDAV)

185 Cheney will run as an Indie in a handful of states.


With the obvious goal of netting enough votes to keep T from winning.

Most of those states are razor thin margins.

She will be VERY well funded by the left and Gope establishment.

Posted by: I Mean at August 15, 2022 06:16 PM (9FBGz)

186 Barrow AK would be perfect. Or one of the far Aleutian Islands.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:16 PM (hwoGt)

'LGBnotT' appears to be becoming a thing. Can't it wait until after the mid-terms?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 06:17 PM (jE276)

188 Asked and not answered in a previous thread - why is the Bulwark Linker still linking from HA? I thought he was moving on to spend more time with his cats as of last Friday.

Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 06:17 PM (fWbjv)

189 Live by comic books, die by comic books. Excuse me - " graphic novels. Kinda, sorta. More post modern puffery.

Posted by: kraken at August 15, 2022 06:17 PM (Vr12I)

190 177 I seem to recall there was a gay superhero from Alpha Flight (Canadian C-team) that was gay and died of AIDS. Alpha Flight had a brief run as a very edgy, brutal comic when I was reading comics. Lot of blood, crossover with Wolverine. The leader of the team was a Canadian Iron Man who inherited her suit from her industrialist Husband after he died.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at August 15, 2022 06:13 PM (HJDAV)

Northstar, the hot, slutty speedster girl's twin brother. Who HAD been into chicks just a few years earlier but Marvel was playing politics even back then.

Wolverine first started in Alpha Flight, well before X-men. Guardian, the 'iron man' guy was a very cool male hero...and he got killed off so his wife could wear the suit instead. More sexual politics.

It was a good comic before Marvel let Progressives shit all over it. Puck was ugly and hilarious.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (XvPQV)

191 "Coastal Mississippi would work also."
Keep them in DC but don't have air conditioning on capital hill.

Posted by: Cosda at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (YFp8S)

192 he frequently turns on people savagely, out of nowhere, over nothing at all.

In other words, he's my cat.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (m0zqP)

193 This is what they get for casting Ezra fricking Miller in the first place. Guy is awful

Posted by: Trad at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (5f0Sh)

194 She will be VERY well funded by the left and Gope establishment.

I don't doubt you for a second. Very insightful. Seriously, if Vegas made book on political events like the UK does, I'd put serious cash down on that.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (sH61M)

195 Why should Warner cancel his movie? He sounds like the perfect 'hero' for the job. You might say a match made in hell.

Posted by: Eromero at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (0OP+5)

196 'LGBnotT' appears to be becoming a thing.

I've often wondered about this - don't the gay-gays and the lesbian-lesbians resent being grouped in with the mentally ill?

Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (fWbjv)

197 One the one hand, this kid is a liability and $200 million is a small price to pay.

However, I'm sure Al Gayeda will be out in force to criticize Warner Brothers if the do this and screech about them shutting down a queer actor.

Posted by: NR Pax at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM (Z7Jj3)

198 >>>Did the same movie company produce this freakish monstrosity, the Batgirl loser AND the movie with the worst actress and most-hated of all, Amber Heard?
Posted by: LASue

I love how this bint is effectively blacklisted now.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 15, 2022 06:19 PM (VWp7G)

199 Clutch your pearls and get to the fainting couch! Kari Lake said Trump and DeSantis have BDE. (Big Dick Energy)
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

Desantis is speaking at an upcoming event for her.
Posted by: BruceWayne

I refuse to contemplate the juxtaposition of BDE, and 'upcoming event'. The ONT could get a lot of mileage out of that.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 15, 2022 06:19 PM (l0mb7)

200 On the bright side, they could make a movie about all this. Hell, they could even turn it into a property and make a series of movies about how shit they are at making movies.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at August 15, 2022 06:19 PM (bJQ5C)

201 Ezra.Miller. Every time I see this shithead's name I have to look him up.
The turds my dog leaves in the yard are more of a concern to me than this loser.

Posted by: Diogenes at August 15, 2022 06:19 PM (anj39)

202 I'm not sure if this is the right time but some of you know I've have computer issues ever since I got my new laptop. It freezes up, blank screen of death etc. It seems to happen after I've been here. All damn day long computer freezes up. Sometimes I can get it back sometimes I have to reboot, sometimes I have to cold boot. I can't figure it out. I'm thinking I may take a two day break and see if it still happens. It shouldn't obviously but something is hanging the damn thing up. Always after I have been here though.

Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM (nxdel)

One of the Leftoids who actually got red-pilled was David Mamet. Very interesting guy.

He said what red-pilled him was some closet conservative in H'wood back in the 90s or something, who offered him some subversive material to read; I think it was Sowell or something. He joked "oh, if I put this on my shelf, my friends will never talk to me again," or somesuch. The guy says "well, what kind of lousy friends do you have?"

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM (IXpV7)

204 Rouge stealing her powers was probably one of the most inspired twists in comic-dom.

That was actually well done, and it made Rogue much more interesting as a character.

I seem to recall there was a gay superhero from Alpha Flight (Canadian C-team) that was gay and died of AIDS.

Northstar, the flying speedster twin who displayed absolutely zero characteristics of being homosexual whatsoever as he was neck deep in gorgeous women throwing themselves at him, then suddenly announced he was a pouf.

Alpha Flight was an example of a writer taking only ONE tip to heart: characters need to have flaws. So he built a superhero team made up entirely of flaws, sometimes brutal and murderous ones.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM (Ivdso)

205 >>She will be VERY well funded by the left and Gope establishment.

She's getting creamed in Wyoming where her family was royalty for decades and she has enough money to buy everyone in the state dinner.

Once the Jan 6th hearings are over she will be as useful as a used rubber. She was a nothing on the national stage before the hearings and she'll be less than nothing after.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (ZLI7S)

206 @196

>>I've often wondered about this - don't the gay-gays and the lesbian-lesbians resent being grouped in with the mentally ill?

I think GloboHomo is coming to terms with the fact that trans-bullsh*t will never be accepted by normies and that pushing trans-bullsh*t is having deleterious effects on them spreading the rest of their filthy agenda so they are going to cut the trannies loose.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (WgimQ)

207 186 Barrow AK would be perfect. Or one of the far Aleutian Islands.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:16 PM (hwoGt)

Send them to Kenai. Give them some bear spray and little bells for their shoes.

Posted by: Javems at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (AmoqO)

208 122 Hollywood created these monsters, they can darn will pay for their actions.
I'd like to buy J.J. and MP4 drinks, just to go over this topic.


Speaking of, has MP4 been on the hq recently?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (gbzeC)

209 I heard of Ezra a long time ago, when he opened for Better Than Ezra

Posted by: azjaeger at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (j0cez)

210 Prediction: he will claim that he was actually, like Joaquin Phoenix, was just researching a role. Then everyone will claim to believe it while he resumes his acting career, eventually winning an Academy Award for his role in Joker IV: The Joke's On Us.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (HmZuC)

211 She's getting creamed in Wyoming where her family was royalty for decades and she has enough money to buy everyone in the state dinner.

Mike Pence was seriously behind in early re-election polling for Governor. Didn't stop the GOPe.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (sH61M)

212 208

Speaking of, has MP4 been on the hq recently?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 06:21 PM (gbzeC)

This morning.

Posted by: kraken at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (Vr12I)

213 The only odd thing to me is the timeline. With all that has happened in the last few years, it seems like the story should begin with all the weird, cultish, inexplicable stuff, and then *end* with the line:

"When Miller came out as queer -- telling The Daily Beast, 'I'm open to love wherever it can be found' -- fans had found their icon."

Posted by: red speck at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (gS3OW)

Miller's just auditioning for supervillain roles.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (IXpV7)

215 Always after I have been here though.
Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM

try turning off JavaScript

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (gbzeC)

216 I am a member of the LGBT community.

Liberty Guns Bible Trump

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (hwoGt)

217 Marc Thiessen is a NeverTrumper. I had no idea. Always thought he was a nice guy when he was on FOX, but now, of course, he's an idiot.

Posted by: IrishEi at August 15, 2022 06:23 PM (3ImbR)

218 Barrow AK would be perfect. Or one of the far Aleutian Islands.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:16 PM

Adak Alaska the old Navy base where I spent 4 years. 1,500 miles from Anchorage and there is still the remains of housing for over 5,000 people there. Give them some tools and let them go at it. Plus it is a tourist destination, a fish cannery and a national forest consisting of 41 stunted pine trees on a hillside alongside a pet cemetery.

Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at August 15, 2022 06:23 PM (bVYXr)

219 167 N.L. Urker, How are your feet feeling today??
Posted by: Debby Doberman Schultz

Still a little tender.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, my trench is full of chickens at August 15, 2022 06:23 PM (eGTCV)

220 214
Miller's just auditioning for supervillain roles.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (IXpV7)

Weird, creepy, smelly supervillain roles

Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2022 06:23 PM (bs+z0)

221 This morning.
Posted by: kraken at August 15, 2022 06:22 PM (Vr12I)

Oh good. Thanks!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 15, 2022 06:24 PM (gbzeC)

222 Marc Thiessen is a NeverTrumper. I had no idea

Tiffani-Amber Thiessen doesn't seem to be political at all, but she was super hot on White Collar.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:24 PM (Ivdso)

223 Move all federal bureaus to Alaska.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

Coastal Mississippi would work also.
Posted by: Mister Scott (formerly GWS) at August 15, 2022 06:14 PM (bVYXr)

I still say the best place is an unnamed sea mount in the far South pacific somewhere between New Zealand and Chile.

Posted by: Beartooth at August 15, 2022 06:24 PM (MujTL)

224 “During the group's four-day stay, Miller unexpectedly drew a gun, ranted about being followed by the FBI, and refused to let Tokata out of [his] sight…”

The FBI murdered scores of people for a lot less than that.

Posted by: Mark Zuckerberg at August 15, 2022 06:24 PM (xSTgL)

225 >>Mike Pence was seriously behind in early re-election polling for Governor. Didn't stop the GOPe.

Different time, different situation. The party is leaving the establishment behind slowly but surely.

The race in Wyoming is a race between the establishment and an America First Trump supporter. I expect that if she runs she will have about as much impact as Evan McMullin.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 06:25 PM (ZLI7S)

'LGBnotT' appears to be becoming a thing.

I've often wondered about this - don't the gay-gays and the lesbian-lesbians resent being grouped in with the mentally ill?

Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 06:18 PM

Well if gays* have 10X the suicide rate of normies, and trans people 40X the rate of normies, I think we're venturing into calling the kettle black territory.

* Anne Hecht for example - driving under the influence of drugs at high speed? Suicide. Period.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 06:25 PM (jE276)

227 Asked and not answered in a previous thread - why is the Bulwark Linker still linking from HA? I thought he was moving on to spend more time with his cats as of last Friday.
Posted by: motionview, a National Divorcee at August 15, 2022 06:17 PM

Douchecanoe said he'd leave sometime early in September. I forget the date.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 15, 2022 06:25 PM (RkC6l)

228 >>>I still say the best place is an unnamed sea mount in the far South pacific somewhere between New Zealand and Chile.
Posted by: Beartooth

Ooo, I got it! GUAM! Maybe the island will tip over and we'll be done with the Gestapo.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM (VWp7G)

229 "I still say the best place is an unnamed sea mount in the far South pacific somewhere between New Zealand and Chile."
Pitcairn Island?

Posted by: Cosda at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM (YFp8S)

230 Minneapolis teacher union negotiated contract stipulates "underrepresented" people are exempt from seniority based layoffs.

So white teachers with seniority will be laid off before BIPOC people without seniority. Considering we're talking about white teachers in Minneapolis, they're probably solidly crazed leftists, so it's friendly fire.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM (eyxn4)

231 For 200M$ he could fall up the stairs a whole lot of times.

Posted by: DaveA at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM (FhXTo)

232 I'm not a psychiatrist, or a physician of any sort; but I've had to deal with mentally-ill relatives, and Miller has all the hallmarks I've seen in my relatives who've needed hospitalization, and then some. Whether he'd be such a creep if he had proper treatment is hard to say; with some people, madness becomes so big a part of their persona that they come to prefer crazy to sane. If Miller were just an ordinary guy, he might have a chance; but as a star, I fear for him and for anyone who's in his vicinity.

That being said, any person who lets Miller handle a firearm is the one who really should be committed!

Posted by: Nemo at August 15, 2022 06:27 PM (S6ArX)

233 WY is mailing Dems Republican ballots for the primary.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 15, 2022 06:27 PM (hwoGt)

234 >>>The race in Wyoming is a race between the establishment and an America First Trump supporter. I expect that if she runs she will have about as much impact as Evan McMullin.
Posted by: JackStraw

Last I saw Harriet was up nearly 30 points, and I doubt the Democrats are going to vote for her in numbers. They hate Cheney as well.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 15, 2022 06:28 PM (VWp7G)

235 Loud, obvious loonies like Miller bother me a lot less than quiet, very focused, charming loonies. That kind can get a lot of followers and fool a lot of people until horrible things happen.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:29 PM (Ivdso)

236 Mike Pence was seriously behind in early re-election polling for Governor. Didn't stop the GOPe.
Different time, different situation. The party is leaving the establishment behind slowly but surely.

Different time by default, but the situation is EXACTLY the same, and also mirrors the Tea Party Wave. The Electorate is, once again, demonstrating a preference for something different. The Party, however, is once again asking "But baby, where else are you gonna' go ?".

So far the GOP is 3-0, at least in my lifetime, on this. They isolated Trump. They nullified the Tea Party. And Hell, they fought Reagan where they could, handcuffed him with Bush, and went right back to business is usual the day The Gipper left the White House.

I'll believe the GOP has changed when it shows it has changed.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:29 PM (sH61M)

237 215 Always after I have been here though.
Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM

Some anti-virus stuff slows mine down often. It just takes over.

Posted by: Javems at August 15, 2022 06:29 PM (AmoqO)

238 Pitcairn Island?
Posted by: Cosda at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM

Fuck it. Tuvalu.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (RkC6l)

Weird, creepy, smelly supervillain roles
Posted by: It's me donna at August 15, 2022 06:23 PM (bs+z0)

Sure. In Big Budget Cartoon Thingie #62, Herotron has to fight "The Catamite," who runs an Icelandic death cult that believes the genderless aliens who commanded them to release the dick-rotting bioweapon are allergic to soap.

After he kills The Catamite, Herotron is revealed to be the *real* villain, and all men voluntarily castrate themselves to make the world more female and therefore better.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (IXpV7)

240 >>I'll believe the GOP has changed when it shows it has changed.

Then lets see how things go in Wyoming tomorrow. I don't think the establishment is going to save poor Liz.

The GOP establishment will never change. But they are not nearly as powerful as they were pre-Trump and getting weaker all the time.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (ZLI7S)

I'm not sure if this is the right time but some of you know I've have computer issues ever since I got my new laptop. It freezes up, blank screen of death etc. It seems to happen after I've been here. All damn day long computer freezes up. Sometimes I can get it back sometimes I have to reboot, sometimes I have to cold boot. I can't figure it out. I'm thinking I may take a two day break and see if it still happens. It shouldn't obviously but something is hanging the damn thing up. Always after I have been here though.

Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:20 PM

There's some bad actor which is infecting my cell phone. If I go directly to comments, everything is fine. Stay on the front page to long and it crashes my cell phone. From my computer with Javascript disabled everything is fine.

You probably need to disable Javascript. I use NoScript.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (jE276)

242 The problem is there are only two DC characters anyone really cares about and those two characters have been mined for all they're worth.

Warner is trapped by the DC superhero binary.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at August 15, 2022 05:46 PM (WgimQ)

-it’s actually the easiest thing in the world. Paranoid millionaire genius vs psychopath. Invincible god in slugfest vs alien WWE monsters. Simple. Stop rebooting/origins etc. If you don’t already know Bats/Supes/Spideys origin eff right off back under your rock we’re done catering to you

Posted by: Trad at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (5f0Sh)

243 Javems I actually thought of that. I have McAfee which came with the computer but I still get messages from them that my subscription expired (from my old computer).

Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:32 PM (nxdel)

244 There IS a NOOD, ya know.

Posted by: IrishEi at August 15, 2022 06:32 PM (3ImbR)

245 239
Sure. In Big Budget Cartoon Thingie #62, Herotron has to fight "The Catamite," who runs an Icelandic death cult that believes the genderless aliens who commanded them to release the dick-rotting bioweapon are allergic to soap.

After he kills The Catamite, Herotron is revealed to be the *real* villain, and all men voluntarily castrate themselves to make the world more female and therefore better.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (IXpV7)

Fortuntely, all of this is still gibberish to me.

Posted by: kraken at August 15, 2022 06:32 PM (Vr12I)

246 By tomorrow evening Liz Cheney is going to be yesterday's news. Her ambitions for higher political office will remain a wet dream.

Posted by: Ben Had at August 15, 2022 06:32 PM (j9WVp)

247 yeah, If Joe Kent won, then Cheney's losing. Is a single anti-trump GOP nerd bugman going to keep their seat?

Posted by: Doctor sockamster-Doom Speaker-EdD Intersectional Dynamics at August 15, 2022 06:33 PM (OuH7W)

248 She's getting creamed in Wyoming where her family was royalty for decades and she has enough money to buy everyone in the state dinner.

Once the Jan 6th hearings are over she will be as useful as a used rubber. She was a nothing on the national stage before the hearings and she'll be less than nothing after.
Posted by: JackStraw

Well, if not her, you know they're going to run some spoiler candidate in MI, WI, OH, FL, AZ, PA. It's a given.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at August 15, 2022 06:33 PM (es0Dj)

249 I think everyone is really really done with superhero origins except the movie studios. They really aren't needed unless its a critical part of the plot (like, say Spider-Man or Iron Man). Hell, Stan Lee supposedly came up with using Mutants for the X-Men so he wouldn't have to make up any more origin stories: they're just born that way, done.

Now in MCU canon the first mutant was... Ms Marvel.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 15, 2022 06:34 PM (Ivdso)

250 Clutch your pearls and get to the fainting couch! Kari Lake said Trump and DeSantis have BDE. (Big Dick Energy)
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

DeSantis is speaking at an upcoming event for her.
Posted by: BruceWayne
She meant Best Diction Ever!

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at August 15, 2022 06:34 PM (yikp0)

251 Divide by Zero hmm... I will look into that as well.

Posted by: jewells45 at August 15, 2022 06:34 PM (nxdel)

252 I'll believe the GOP has changed when it shows it has changed.
Then lets see how things go in Wyoming tomorrow. I don't think the establishment is going to save poor Liz.

We're talking about completely different things, Jack, in the micro. Yes, Liz will get her ass handed to her in Wyoming. Just like Pence would have had his ass handed to him if he had stayed long enough to lose in Indiana.

In both cases, the GOP won't care, because both persons are useful in their national effort to pull away some fraction of support and / or influence from Trump. In Liz's case, there will be X amount of voters that - still - are looking for any reason not to vote for the Orange Haired Vulgarian. Liz will provide that excuse, in some amount of states that will already be too close for comfort after the DNC / GOPe vote rig.

That's the thing, Jack. The GOP doesn't mind losing in Wyoming, any more than they mind losing Congressional Majorities or Presidential Elections. They mind losing control of their own party, though. They mind that quite a bit. More than anything, apparently.

Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:36 PM (sH61M)

253 Jewells would thing you have a computer virus but I'm no expert

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 06:43 PM (k8B25)

254 Tell me, where do you get such amazing content, thanks much.
buy guns online

Posted by: james at August 15, 2022 06:46 PM (9bo2J)


All the whitewashed Clinton crimes

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 06:46 PM (k8B25)

256 Showcase #4 (1956)

Barry Allen was a straight-arrow righteous dude, a real Olde Schoole style hero.

If a little slow sometimes.

Posted by: mindful webworker - Hal Jordan was a typical philandering jet jockey at August 15, 2022 06:47 PM (9r4r+)

257 She's getting creamed in Wyoming where her family was royalty for decades and she has enough money to buy everyone in the state dinner.

Mike Pence was seriously behind in early re-election polling for Governor. Didn't stop the GOPe.
SO he became the VP.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:52 PM (xWZcb)

258 We're willowed aren't we?

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2022 06:53 PM (k8B25)

259 The big problem with the DC movies is that they really really really want to run all of these oddball variations of their top superheroes without, at the very least, establishing the basic, baseline superhero that people love and have a following.

Snyder's Superman, f'rinstance. Dude doesn't get Superman at all. Right off the bat, ole Super is shirking off and kinda hates humankind, and why won't they all leave him alone???? And then Super kills Zod right out of the gate. Very unSuperman-like and then Snyder want wants Superman to be the Big Bad in the upcoming movies. Fuck that.

Same with Flash. They're going straight to Flashpoint with absolutely nothing and no one properly established.

This is lousy thinking and piss-poor movie making.

Posted by: naturalfake at August 15, 2022 06:53 PM (5NkmN)

260 Minneapolis teacher union negotiated contract stipulates "underrepresented" people are exempt from seniority based layoffs.

So white teachers with seniority will be laid off before BIPOC people without seniority. Considering we're talking about white teachers in Minneapolis, they're probably solidly crazed leftists, so it's friendly fire.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 15, 2022 06:26 PM (eyxn4)
Yeah - that's going nowhere. Except to a huge civil settlement if they ever do it.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:54 PM (xWZcb)

261 Then lets see how things go in Wyoming tomorrow. I don't think the establishment is going to save poor Liz.

The GOP establishment will never change. But they are not nearly as powerful as they were pre-Trump and getting weaker all the time.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 15, 2022 06:31 PM (ZLI7S)
Yeah, it is the old whig party, used up, and being supplanted with a new vigor from a different wing. I realize they have been resilient, but they are running out of runway. ANd each election makes the runway shorter. If Mitch retires, I will assumes he sees the same thing. If he doesn't, I think he isn't as smart as I think he is.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 06:58 PM (xWZcb)

262 That's the thing, Jack. The GOP doesn't mind losing in Wyoming, any more than they mind losing Congressional Majorities or Presidential Elections. They mind losing control of their own party, though. They mind that quite a bit. More than anything, apparently.
Posted by: Once More With Feeling at August 15, 2022 06:36 PM (sH61M)
Of course, and that is what is happening. They've lost Florida - they are losing Texas. They also have lost Indiana. Holcomb folded and signed the strict abortion bill, quickly, never knew him to be anything more than an establishment guy. Rumor is he wants to run for senate. Obviously knew a veto of the bill meant that was no longer an option.

Posted by: Black JEM at August 15, 2022 07:02 PM (xWZcb)

263 3 I misread the headline as "Felony Buggery," and I wondered what separated that from Misdemeanor Buggery.
Posted by: Wally at August 15, 2022 05:38 PM (FJYfm)

Man: I wish to report a buggery!

Sergeant: Report a what?


Posted by: early draft of a Monty Python sketch at August 15, 2022 07:03 PM (DTX3h)

264 I'd prefer to see all federal agencies moved to new quarters in the Marianas Trench. The ATF, EPA, and IRS get the lowest tier of offices. When the department's offices begin to disappear into the trench, it gets set to zero employees and its mission ends....

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 15, 2022 07:04 PM (oGiDo)

"One good man."

“Who doeth justly."

Nothing about working at a snails pace.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at August 15, 2022 07:16 PM (jE276)

266 I'd prefer to see all federal agencies moved to new quarters in the Marianas Trench. The ATF, EPA, and IRS get the lowest tier of offices. When the department's offices begin to disappear into the trench, it gets set to zero employees and its mission ends....
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 15, 2022 07:04 PM (oGiDo

Why? What's wrong with mars?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2022 07:18 PM (xDh35)

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