Manchin Mans Up and Tells The Democrats to Wake Up and Smell the Skyrocketing Cost of Coffee;
New York Times Claims That Republican Ads About Inflation Themselves... Cause Inflation
Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air.
The New York Times is very, very sad that Manchin won't let the Democrats add another trillion to the Inflation Fire.
And they attack him as if he's a child molester.
No, worse than a child molester -- they attack him as if he's... a
WASHINGTON -- First, he killed a plan that would have forced power plants to clean up their climate-warming pollution. Then, he shattered an effort to help consumers pay for electric vehicles. And, finally, he said he could not support government incentives for solar and wind companies or any of the other provisions that the rest of his party and his president say are vital to ensure a livable planet.
Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, who took more campaign cash from the oil and gas industry than any other senator, and who became a millionaire from his family coal business, independently blew up the Democratic Party's legislative plans to fight climate change. The swing Democratic vote in an evenly divided Senate, Mr. Manchin led his party through months of tortured negotiations that collapsed on Thursday night, a yearlong wild goose chase that produced nothing as the Earth warms to dangerous levels.
"It seems odd that Manchin would chose as his legacy to be the one man who single-handedly doomed humanity," said John Podesta, a former senior counselor to President Barack Obama and founder of the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank.
He single-handedly doomed humanity.
Privately, Senate Democratic staff members seethed and sobbed on Thursday night, after more than a year of working nights and weekends to scale back, water down, trim and tailor the climate legislation to Mr. Manchin's exact specifications, only to have it rejected inches from the finish line.
As my gym teacher Mr. Bevelacqua used to tell me:
Your pathetic tears are just lubricant for my soulless erection.
"We are not going to meet our targets, period," said Leah Stokes, a professor of environmental policy at the University of Santa Barbara, California, who has advised congressional Democrats on climate legislation.
"I honestly don't know how he is going to look his own grandchildren in the eyes," she said of Mr. Manchin.
At the start of this week, Mr. Manchin said his top concern was the price at the pump and the need for more fossil fuels. "How do we bring down the price of gasoline?" he said. "From the energy thing, but you can't do it unless you produce more. If there's people that don't want to produce more fossil, then you got a problem. That's just reality. You got to do it."
On Wednesday, after data was released showing the nation's inflation rate at 9.1 percent, the highest in a year, Mr. Manchin said in a statement, "No matter what spending aspirations some in Congress may have, it is clear to anyone who visits a grocery store or a gas station that we cannot add any more fuel to this inflation fire."
For a year and half, climate activists have described themselves as Charlie Brown to Mr. Manchin's Lucy. Several times they neared what many Democrats believed could be a deal, only to see Mr. Manchin yank away his support at the final moment.
But perhaps they should have seen it coming.
My boner misses your tears like the desert misses the rain.
Over the past weeks, Democrats thought they were finally nearing an agreement on the climate package with Mr. Manchin. But he still had demands...
Mr. Schumer conceded to every request and more, staffers said. Up until Thursday evening, the majority leader thought a deal was possible, according to climate activists who spoke with Mr. Schumer later that night.
The White House made concessions to Mr. Manchin, as well.
This month, the Interior Department offered the possibility of 11 new offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska -- despite Mr. Biden's campaign promise to end new drilling in federal waters -- which two administration officials described as an effort to appease Mr. Manchin. The White House also was weighing whether to allow a path for other fossil fuel projects, like a gas pipeline in West Virginia, in order to gain Mr. Manchin's vote.
The administration delayed federal rules to address methane, mercury and other pollutants from oil and gas facilities so as not to anger Mr. Manchin during delicate negotiations, according to several administration officials. That's two years lost time in a regulatory process that can be lengthy.
Activists said they felt suckered.
"He has pretended to be a fair arbiter," Jamal Raad, executive director of the climate advocacy group Evergreen Action, said of Mr. Manchin. "He talked about his grandchildren. It turns out that's all bullshit. He cares about profits for his coal company and his own political future over the future of our planet."
Cry more.
The sweet dew from your Face-Cloud makes the trouserwood thick and mighty.
The hyperemotive dullards at the New York Times decided to be "clever" and attempt some "Intellectual Judo" against Republicans.
They decided, "Hey, if Republicans are going to blame us for inflation,
we'll just say that the very act of blaming us for inflation is what's causing inflation!"
Yeah, that's Super-Smart, Generation Participation Trophy.
"Seize." They said it. They said The Meme.
Prices are rising at the fastest rate in four decades, a painful development that has given Republicans a powerful talking point just months ahead of the midterm elections.
It's a "talking point."
With control of Congress very much in play, Republicans are investing heavily in a blitz of campaign advertisements that portray a dark sense of economic disarray as they seek to make inflation a political albatross for President Biden and Democrats.
We're just "portraying" this as economic disarray, and we're "seeking to make it a political albatross" for Biden and the Democrats who, you know, actually killed the albatross. (Literally reference redoubled!)
Now the Times concocts a convoluted scenario of Rube Goldbergian feedback loops in which it's Republican campaign commercials that panic workers into demanding higher wages which cause higher wages and provoke higher wages.
See, it's all the fault of
Dirty Lying Republicans, not Joe Biden and the Democrats!
Some economists have expressed concern that the political debate could actually make it harder for the central bank to orchestrate a so-called soft landing -- in which it cools the economy without causing a recessi
"Some economists" -- ones that work for or shill for the Biden Administration, maybe? The same ones who Biden relied on to claim that inflation was transitory and that "no one is talking about" runaway inflation?
If inflation concerns become even more heightened and consumers begin expecting prices to keep rising, that could compel workers to ask their bosses for bigger raises in anticipation of goods and services becoming more costly. Those employers could then raise the costs of the goods and services they sell in order to cover their higher labor costs.
"The concern that I have is that you get inflationary expectations embedded in the economy and that leads to the wage-price spiral that we saw in the 70s," said Dean Baker, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. "It becomes self-perpetuating."
Dean Baker? Keep that name in your active memory banks for the next thirty seconds.
The Center for Economic and Policy Research is -- get this -- a
"progressive" think tank, and considered "left-leaning," which the Times
forgot to tell us.
The Center for Economic and Policy Research also provides the leftwing media with optimistic stories about the Biden Administration.
For example, do you guys remember this story from yesterday, from Politico?
The "story" argued that declining wages were a good thing, because declining wages were a negative factor for inflation (that is, rising wages are inflationary), and so declining wages took pressure off the Fed to raise interest rates and possibly put the economy into recession.
Here was a quote from that "story:"
"If we have a wage-price spiral, the Fed really has to slam on the brakes," said Dean Baker, a senior economist at the progressive Center for Economic and Policy Research. "You can't have that if wage growth is slowing, and it clearly is."
"This takes an enormous amount of pressure off the Fed," Baker said.
Saaaayyyyy, is that the same Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research who's claiming that lower wages are
good for workers who's now claiming that the Republicans are causing inflation by noting that progressives like Dean Baker caused inflation?
Yep! It sure is!
Mr. Baker added that such a wage-price spiral is unlikely because wage growth has been slowing, but that it is possible that the Fed could make unnecessary interest rate hikes because of the hysteria surrounding inflation.
Let me point out that progressives have been against hiking inflation rates all along-- they want to keep spending and they don't mind hyperinflation. You should also remember they all bought into the claim that we're in a "post-inflationary economy" and that we could print and spend as much Fake Money as we liked and it would have no serious inflationary effects.
So they're ideologically committed to pushing this and seeing if inflation just "goes away" with even more spending. They want to see if the cure for inflation is
more inflation. Hair of the dog.
So that story was planted in the media by a "think tank" which is just a progressive Democrat propaganda outfit with in a fake "policy" wrapper.
And now they're planting another story: the story of how it's really Republicans causing inflation, by
noticing inflation.
So the brain trust at the New York Times and the very productive progressive propagandist Dean Baker think that if they claim Republicans are causing inflation by noting that Biden caused inflation, we'll stop blaming Biden for inflation?
Hey idiots, the Jedi Mind-Trick works
on the weak-minded, not
for the weak-minded.
These are petulant children. They're babies. They're playing baby games. "Nuh-uh, am not! I'm rubber you're glue! Whatever inflation you call on me bounces off me and sticks to you!"
"He who smelt the inflation dealt the inflation!"
Cry moar, babies.
Your sexy tears are the nourishing rain that makes my Dick-Timber grow tall and angry.
Beware of taking a victor lap. I don't think this is over. The left never, ever gives up. Never. They're like retarded malfunctioning Terminators stumbling around spewing oil and spit everywhere, but they keep going forever. This is not the last we've heard of this climate "package." Especially since this may be their last chance before the GOP retakes Congress in November (hopefully).
Posted by: Elric Blade
Oh that's accurate, of course. The first article noted that Biden will now use "all of his authority" -- his assumed tyrannical powers -- to just order on his own fake authority what the Constitution demands the legislature authorize.
Posted by:
Ace at
01:31 PM