aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Confederate False Flag: Democrats Stage Another Absurd Op In Virginia, and the Media Again Pushes The Democrat PropagandaThe leftwing media is acting as Terry McAuliffe volunteers pushing out this photo taken at Youngkin's rally last night: ![]() ![]() ![]() Meanwhile, the media ignores the actual neosegregationist statements from Terry McAuliffe.
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:06 AM (LvTSG) 2
Posted by: Max Power at November 02, 2021 11:06 AM (QCc6B) 3
Nailed it James!
Posted by: Max Power at November 02, 2021 11:07 AM (QCc6B) 4
*shits pants*
*falls asleep* Posted by: Joe Biden at November 02, 2021 11:07 AM (h5TKJ) 5
Does it? Several people, including @HolmesJosh and @RBPundit, point out that this Confederate patch is shiny and appears brand new. The whites in the flag are titanium white and have never touched dirt. The red is bright and bloody and has never seen the sun. There is no cracking or weathering in the patch.
++++ Or the jacket. The jacket looks new, too. Crisp. No fraying. No wrinkles. No creases. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:08 AM (DU+/6) 6
The photographer is literally close enough to speak to this guy without raising his voice. Even in a crowd.
He didn't, because the "news" media are not in the news business. They are in the propaganda business. They know this is likely a Democrat propaganda operation and they are eager to volunteer to be part of that. ========= I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story. They're all Woodward and Bernstein, selfless heroes out to get to the truth no matter how unsavory. Was I mislead? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:08 AM (LvTSG) 7
Top 10!
Posted by: Greyman27 at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (RKLPC) 8
5 Or the jacket. The jacket looks new, too. Crisp. No fraying. No wrinkles. No creases.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:08 AM (DU+/6) ============ "Only the best to support Youngkin." -Deep racist, apparently Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (LvTSG) 9
If this country still exists in the year 5222, it will still be talking about slavery and confederate flags.
Fucking ridiculous. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (HRu0R) 10
Yeah. This is exactly what you think it is. What bunch of obvious retards.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (o2MD2) 11
>>>I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story. They're all Woodward and Bernstein, selfless heroes out to get to the truth no matter how unsavory.
Was I mislead? .. you were mislead Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (0G13K) 12
I'm currently watching part one of Tucker Carlson's Patriot Purge doc on Fox Nation. Unreal.
Decided to sign up for the one-year free for veterans discount. Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (iytpw) 13
Am I'm supposed to be offended by that flag ?
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (cMXNt) 14
We need some "Let's Go Brandon" patches, stat.
Posted by: Simple Stevo at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (SOV+T) 15
>>Someone commented that given the racist hoax on Friday, the media should know better to run stories like this without first identifying the people involved.
Probably because they were working with flag patch dude and/or his sponsor to get the shot. The MSM and DNC are marged. Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (bDqIh) 16
LOLGF Dem glowie with the big hat.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (ufFY8) 17
11 Was I mislead?
.. you were mislead Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (0G13K) ========= Gasp! *fainting couch* Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (LvTSG) Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (w9Wax) 19
Any moment now the GOP is going to absolutely disavow the Lincoln Project.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:10 AM (B0mGw) 20
What amazes me is how inept they are.
You'd think that anyone putting a brand new Confederate patch on a jacket would have the sense to run the jacket through the washing machine a few times, so the patch would look at least a little less new. Their problem is that they are so arrogant and are so used to having things their way that they don't make the slightest attempt to have their false flags seem plausible. Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (I2/tG) 21
13 Am I'm supposed to be offended by that flag ?
My thoughts exactly... For History's sake Richmond Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy.... Maybe he's a history buff... Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (0PUU9) 22
I can't wait to not read Tom "the Expert"'s take on this offensive display!
Posted by: PoopyPantsInogame at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (53oGX) Posted by: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (h5TKJ) 24
I went to Junior High and HS in Va. in late '60s early '70s, they were plenty diverse then...lots of dumb teachers.
Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (AwYPR) 25
Their problem is that they are so arrogant and are so used to having things their way that they don't make the slightest attempt to have their false flags seem plausible.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (I2/tG) They don't need to Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (0PUU9) 26
If this country still exists in the year 5222, it will still be talking about slavery and confederate flags.
___ I seriously doubt this country will last a couple of years, much less a couple of millennia. Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (iytpw) 27
Fuck Joe Biden.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (B0mGw) 28
I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story.
Some are. However, others are straight shooters who speak truth to power. You have to know the taxonomy. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (ZsR3z) 29
I bet that guy talks like a fag, because we know his shit's all retarded.
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (ufFY8) 30
Posted by: Joe Biden at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (vX8tY) 31
28 I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story.
Some are. However, others are straight shooters who speak truth to power. You have to know the taxonomy. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (ZsR3z) ========= *updates notes* Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (LvTSG) 32
It was ironed-on to the jean jacket just an hour or two ago before this photo. So this guy bought a confederate patch and iron it on just to debut it for the Youngkin rally.
++++ Very likely yes - but that doesn't imply a lack of verity. Think about it from the standpoint not of a pundit or a politician, but from the standpoint of a racist. To this man, this is a very big deal. Her perceives Youngkin as a chance to turn back the clock, to go back to a time before the minorities he hates were liberated - first by the Civil War and then by Reconstruction and then by the end of Jim Crow laws. Youngkin and his regressive agenda represents something very important for this man: hope. Hope for the future he envisions that is derived from a grotesque past. Hope is important and hope is valuable. Just like how the faithful put on their nice clothes for church (indeed, their "Sunday Best" - an idiom that exists because of it), he is dressing up. He got a new jacket and a new patch. He put on his "Sunday Best" for this rally. To racists like these, the white-wing political rally is akin to church, and they try to bring their best to the ceremony. The newness is unsurprising. Posted by: Your Kid's Psychology Professor at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (DU+/6) Posted by: brak at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (4f+il) 34
I do applaud the self control, going with the 10-gal cowboy hat as opposed to the red MAGA hat...
Posted by: PoopyPantsInogame at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (53oGX) 35
In a world in which decent people are few and far between Terry McAuliffe is about as indecent as they come yet the Lincoln Project firmly endorsed him.
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (cSyAR) 36
Clap, clap, clap, clap-clap-clap!!
Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (ufFY8) 37
>>Am I'm supposed to be offended by that flag ?
Naw, it's meant to scare any Dems or independents who were leaning Youngkin. And in general, to resuscitate the Charlottseville 'KKK is alive in VA, the US!" narrative, not only to bolsetr Democrats nationwide, but to change the topic away from parents rebelling against CRT and trans in womens bathrooms. Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (bDqIh) Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (w9Wax) 39
Oops, I did it again!
Posted by: Droolin' Joe Biden! at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM (I2/tG) 40
Look out below!
Posted by: Droolin' Joe Biden! at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (I2/tG) 41
"And notice he's wearing a big hat, to avoid his face being photographed. The Democrats saw what happened to the Tiki Torch plants; they were ID'd within an hour."
Dunno if this happens at R rallies (because you know, stupid party or maybe there's logistical issues with this), but there should be campaign staff photographing everything, front and back, and looking for obvious plants like this. If they can't be stopped, at least they can be IDed and named and shamed. Posted by: Thrawn at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (5aFbR) 42
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (/6kZi) 43
Fox News has already called it for McAwful.
Pack it in, folks. I assume that's a joke, but sadly, it's plausible. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (ZsR3z) 44
There is video of the event that some other sites are already going through to capture Confederate Ken's and his sidekick, Red Leather Randy's faces.
Look at that crowd. See any other similar hats? Nope. Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (epasQ) 45
Shorter McAuliffe:
"We're gonna kick you out of your job no matter how good you are at it because you're the wrong color." My, what an uplifting message of unity! Let's not vote cuz it makes no difference who's in power and we can't win anyway. Yay! Racial apartheid is for lovers! Posted by: naturalfake at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (5NkmN) 46
Forever in blue jeans.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 02, 2021 11:14 AM (63Dwl) 47
further reinforcing my belief that all "news" is manufactured bulls#it.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (Ri0rK) at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (Ri0rK) 48
That's not how you wear a jean jacket with the Confederate Flag. First, you have to cut the sleeves off. But before that you have build your arms into a girthy gun show. Then you sew a complete flag on the back of the jacket. Oh, you never wear a cowboy hat.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (2graF) 49
So that means he's got support of Democrats, too.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (/6kZi) Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (dfRN6) 51
The trolls are already here... It's gonna be a long day/night/week/month... How ever long it takes the Dems to manufacture the needed votes
Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (0PUU9) 52
>>>Posted by: Your Kid's Psychology Professor at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (DU+/6)
lol. and now your hash is DU+. Don't change IPs! Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (0G13K) 53
A witling knife and a stick would have really punched up the Op.
He also could have contiguously spit chewing tobacco and punctuated every Youngkin statement with a, uhnn huhh!! Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (xL1kJ) 54
"That's not how you wear a jean jacket with the Confederate Flag. First, you have to cut the sleeves off."
I just bought this jacket to go with my fishing cooler. Posted by: Rick "The Pirate" Wilson at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (B0mGw) 55
They don't need to
Yep - they know the media will cover for them, and the important thing is to get the smear out - any refutation will happen hours after the smear has been broadcast all over social media. Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (I2/tG) 56
51 The trolls are already here... It's gonna be a long day/night/week/month... How ever long it takes the Dems to manufacture the needed votes
Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:15 AM (0PUU9) Fairfax will report last, so they'll know how many ballots need to be conjured up to give McAwful the win. Posted by: Thrawn at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (5aFbR) 57
Is there not a picture of this individual's face? If it was actually a Youngkin supporter, wouldn't the media be excited about doxxing him?
Posted by: EveR at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (4dsGu) Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (0G13K) 59
35 In a world in which decent people are few and far between Terry McAuliffe is about as indecent as they come yet the Lincoln Project firmly endorsed him.
--------------------- Scooter Trash from Syracuse. Same deal with Weinstein. Hillary does attract a lot of white trash. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM (2graF) 60
lol ace.
Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (iytpw) 61
the hat looks pretty brand-new, too.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez (Ri0rK) at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (Ri0rK) 62
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (Zz0t1) 63
28 I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story.
Some are. However, others are straight shooters who speak truth to power. You have to know the taxonomy. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM Those kind of journalists get beaten and ostracized. Truth is not the goal of modern journalism. Posted by: Andy Ngo at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (MtNHs) 64
When your ev runs out of charge on the highway, do you walk to the station to get a bucket of electricity?
The SEMA show in Las Vegas opens today, and one of the exhibits is a running and driving Tesla that a popular YouTuber put a Chevy "LS" V8 in, to demonstrate that Tesla won't sell you parts to fix your car, but GM will. The Tesla fanboys haven't woken up from fainting yet, but you should hear "REEEEEE" any time now. Posted by: Ian S. at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (ZGrMX) 65
It's time to start waling on the fakes. You see someone at a 'right' rally and they're acting all racist, just break out the tire iron. Enough of this bullshit. Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (Zz0t1) 66
Is there not a picture of this individual's face? If it was actually a Youngkin supporter, wouldn't the media be excited about doxxing him? Posted by: EveR at November 02, 2021 11:16 AM curious, that Posted by: AltonJackson at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (/olov) 67
Oh, and in less important news, apparently the CDC is going to determine whether 3 year old schoolkids should be required to get the entirely new, completely unknown, completely untested KIDZ KOVIDZ shot today.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (/6kZi) 68
>>>57 Is there not a picture of this individual's face? If it was actually a Youngkin supporter, wouldn't the media be excited about doxxing him?
There are some grainy accidental pictures taken on cell phones by people in the crowd who just passed by this guy's face while taking video of Youngkin. The media itself did not show any interest in photographng this guy's face, or in identifying this Dangerous Confederate ISIS Terrorist, for some reason I cannot fathom. Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (0G13K) 69
In a world in which decent people are few and far between Terry McAuliffe is about as indecent as they come yet the Lincoln Project firmly endorsed him.
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker Is the Lincoln Project NAMBLA by another name? Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (9yu8C) 70
I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story. They're all Woodward and Bernstein, selfless heroes out to get to the truth no matter how unsavory.
Was I mislead? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:08 AM (LvTSG) Colleen Long from the AP wanted to break into the cockpit of a commercial airliner to interrogate the pilot that supposedly said LGB over a loudspeaker, yet crickets from these reporters at the Youngkin rally? Misled? I shall not believe it! I shannot! Posted by: Darrell Harris at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (wra3C) 71
No-one is going to change their vote for Youngkin, or get out to vote for McAuiliffe over stunts like this.
Posted by: Revenant at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (WtAgB) 72
>>"We're gonna kick you out of your job no matter how good you are at it because you're the wrong color."
After the way public school teachers behaved throughout the pandemic? And since then, in how they are pushing CRT and LGBTQIA2++XYZ hard?? This is HILARIOUS! Bring on the weepy tiktoks where white women teachers with purple hair, rainbow-BLM-Antifa flags prominently placed in the classroom background, whine about how unfair this is but they of course support their POC colleagues, OK?!? Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (bDqIh) 73
And nobody wears that shit on the middle of their back like that. Rebel flags on jean jackets tend to be much smaller and on the chest or shoulder.
Posted by: Fool Otto at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (DB16e) 74
re: I do applaud the self control, going with the 10-gal cowboy hat as opposed to the red MAGA hat...
Rick Wilson wanted to go with a pointy white hat, but the rest of the staff thought that might be a tad on the nose. Posted by: Simple Stevo at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (SOV+T) 75
The false flags keep flying, and the media sucks them up
and spreads them out Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (+f7Lb) 76
I have been looking at these photos today - I think the one posted on top has me convinced that the wearer of the jacket is a woman, not a man. Yes, its binary.
Regardless, I don't think we should fall for their game that any instance of the Confederate flag means "Charlottesville racist put y'all back in chains!" It doesn't always mean that. And even if in this case it DID mean that, it doesn't mean that Glenn Youngkin is any of those things. Sigh. Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (mbFEM) 77
Was this guy yelling "Freebird!"? Would've made it more effective.
Posted by: brak at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (4f+il) 78
That's quite a closing argument from Terry Dispshit, "Vote for me and tomorrow, I get rid of all of the white teachers!!!"
I mean, that's, crazy, but apparently white suburban wine moms lap that sh*t up. Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (xL1kJ) 79
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:17 AM (Zz0t1)
*ponders* I like this idea. Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (gmwxC) 80
I think there's a patch on the sleeve that reads "Gas, Grass or Teenage Boy Ass, Nobody Rides for Free".
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (epasQ) 81
Like his hat, that patch looks all shiny and new, like, he went out and bought new clothes for a special occasion.
Posted by: Braenyard at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (QQcV5) 82
>>I thought reporters were go getters who worked their shoe leather to the bone in order to get to the bottom of the story. They're all Woodward and Bernstein, selfless heroes out to get to the truth no matter how unsavory.
Was I mislead? "Duh." -- Ben Rhodes Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (bDqIh) 83
This is HILARIOUS! Bring on the weepy tiktoks where white women teachers with purple hair, rainbow-BLM-Antifa flags prominently placed in the classroom background, whine about how unfair this is but they of course support their POC colleagues, OK?!?
Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (bDqIh) ++++ Yes, I look forward to it. Proposed theme for responses: "Equity doesn't happen on it's own. You had to go to make room for true progress." Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (DU+/6) 84
Wait LGB is bad now? I thought it was part of LGBTIA2SQQ+++ ? Really, I need a scorecard.
Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 11:19 AM (mbFEM) 85
???Regardless, I don't think we should fall for their game that any instance of the Confederate flag means "Charlottesville racist put y'all back in chains!"
i don't think that but this is an op and this what the op-runners intend people to think. when i first saw the pic I didn't even understand what the problem was. I didn't even "see" the confederate flag because, who cares? Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (0G13K) 86
Nice brand-new hat and flag patch, Mr. Authentic Long-Time Fellow-Conservative.
Posted by: t-bird at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (l0Lgi) 87
The media is the enemy of the people.
Donald Trump spoke the truth, but when challenged by some fucking judge, backed down and rolled over. Unless the next GOP nominee pledges to not only revoke every press pass save for OAN and Newsmax (fuck you, Fox), but shut down the press room, throw every damned reporter out and warn them that if so much as a shadow falls across the White House lawn, they will be removed and taken down with extreme prejudice, then it's all noise and I don't want to hear shit from you. Destroy the media. That is your number one job. Every success flows from that one action. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (2JVJo) 88
83 This is HILARIOUS! Bring on the weepy tiktoks where white women teachers with purple hair, rainbow-BLM-Antifa flags prominently placed in the classroom background, whine about how unfair this is but they of course support their POC colleagues, OK?!?
Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (bDqIh) =========== Meh. McAullife doesn't mean to fire any white teachers. He just means to hire more black teachers. He'd never campaign to fire teachers. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (LvTSG) 89
They're just setting up the " reason" for a donk " victory". The fix is in.
Posted by: CN- at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (ONvIw) 90
As I predicted, "let's go brandon" will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle." Joe Cocksucker Lockhart: "You know who also had coded statements like Brandon? ISIS, the Klan, Nazi's...beginning to get the point?" Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (//1wO) 91
they're not wearing clothes they're wearing Wardrobe
Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (0G13K) 92
We're gonna kick you out of your job no matter how good you are at it because you're the wrong color."
** Ah, the anti-government employment strategy. Because when I briefly worked for a local government, those mofos knew they were bulletproof and wouldn't do SH*T. Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (/6kZi) 93
I'm leaving to vote, prolly do this several times today. bbl
Posted by: Braenyard at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (QQcV5) 94
It's still being predicted that McAwful will get ~80% of the black vote. I don't even know what to say other then he got about 90% last time he ran, so it's moving in the right direction.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (epasQ) 95
Posted by: Rick "The Pirate" Wilson
----- Friend of the blog. ------ Cause I'm a pirate! Aaaargh! Posted by: Rick "The Pirate" Wilson at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (B0mGw) 96
72 >>"We're gonna kick you out of your job no matter how good you are at it because you're the wrong color."
------------------ Everywhere they do this student achievement falls. I don't know why. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (2graF) 97
Someone should wear a white hood to a Biden rally. Just for the lolz.
Posted by: Mr Fabulist at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (QpIni) 98
So predictable. They are worried.
Posted by: 22LR at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (TobyG) 99
Is there not a picture of this individual's face? If it was actually a Youngkin supporter, wouldn't the media be excited about doxxing him?
Excellent point. That's why they won't find out who he was. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (ZsR3z) 100
No-one is going to change their vote for Youngkin, or get out to vote for McAuiliffe over stunts like this.
Not the point - the objective is to discourage low-information Youngkin voters from voting. It is why Obama used so much negative advertising in his Presidential campaigns - the point was not to get more votes for Obama, but to suppress the white working-class vote. Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (I2/tG) 101
As I predicted, "let's go brandon" will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle." Joe Cocksucker Lockhart: "You know who also had coded statements like Brandon? ISIS, the Klan, Nazi's...beginning to get the point?" Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:20 AM (//1wO) LOL... Tell that to the Rappers with the hit songs... To their faces Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (0PUU9) 102
At least he has a stain or two on his hat. A perfect new Stetson would have been too much.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (nsnF6) Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:21 AM (0G13K) 104
Hello, fellow conservative racist southerners.
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (Zz0t1) 105
The fact that McAwful simply assumes that no kid could feel "comfortable" with a teacher of a different race just shows that McAuliffe is the real racist.
I had black teachers when I was a public school kid in Virginia. I never felt "uncomfortable" with them. And none of my black friends ever said they felt "uncomfortable" with the teachers who were white (or Asian or whatever). But keep dividing people up by race and promoting that race hatred, McAuliffe. That'll end well. Always does, right? Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (k4dH2) 106
That still frame of Terry McAwful reveals the inner demon trying to remain hidden.
Posted by: Joe Mama at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (WmGrA) 107
Don't let them talk you past the sale. The confederate flag is *not* prima facie evidence of racial radicalism. I don't care if it's real or fake. I reject the entire frivolous premise.
Unless they interviewed the guy and he said "I wear this patch and vote Youngkin, because like me, he stands for the natural order - white masters and black thralls!" then it's evidence of jack shit. And if that happened, then I'd be certain he works for LP, and grabs a frosty cold one from Rick Wilson's trusty Confederate beer cooler after he gets done railing his ugly wife. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (/KPLX) 108
"s I predicted, let's go brandon will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle."
So what? There's only so many "bad man" epitaphs they can tack on before they lose their effectiveness. Posted by: Rick at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (B0mGw) 109
The hat doesn't look too worn or weathered either.
He's sporting longish grey hair, so I'm betting, if he were ACTUALLY a hat wearer, it'd have more wear than that one. Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (Zz0t1) 110
As I predicted, "let's go brandon" will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle."
How about Fuck Joe Biden? Does Fuck Joe Biden work? Because Fuck Joe Biden works for me. Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (9yu8C) 111
100 the point is to create s situation in which a fraudulent win feels real
Posted by: CN- at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (ONvIw) 112
94 It's still being predicted that McAwful will get ~80% of the black vote. I don't even know what to say other then he got about 90% last time he ran, so it's moving in the right direction.
--------------------- 80% or 90% the question is what is the size of this vote. MacAwful didn't scare them enough to show up. So he loses. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (2graF) 113
>>Regardless, I don't think we should fall for their game that any instance of the Confederate flag means "Charlottesville racist put y'all back in chains!"
We're recognizing their narrative construction. The confederate flags were banned right around the time of the Charlottesville hoax, IIRC. Understanding their shorthand visuals/memes for racism =/= agreeing with it. Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (bDqIh) 114
Nice brand-new hat and flag patch, Mr. Authentic Long-Time Fellow-Conservative.
Posted by: t-bird I heard this in my head in the 'Real Men of Genius' presentation. ![]() Posted by: Tonypete at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (mD/uy) 115
At last year's Michigan (Michigan!!!) rally by business owners to reopen the state, there was a young guy flying the Confederate flag. We joked that that was what the news cameras would focus on, and sure enough they did, with the Governess warning about extremists.
Posted by: All Hallow's Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (Dc2NZ) 116
Well give the retard props for hitting his mark, right in front of the cameras.
Plus being at the barricade means he has an easy escape route if someone notices him. Yeah he's a plant. Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (RiaUX) 117
Crap. (No Biden)
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (B0mGw) 118
You people just don't understand the sacrifice I had to make, putting on that Jean jacket with that execrable adornment. My spouse cried when he saw me wearing such low brow clothing. But, he cheered up when he realized I was setting up to truth bomb the Youngkin campaign rally. I held my husband in my arms as he sobbed, because he knew just how dangerous this moment was, for not only me, but also for Virginia and the nation. Chin up, I headed out the door, trying desperately to put up a brave front for my Sammie. He promised to have grilled tofu burgers wating, for when I returned.
"Be brave and strike a blow for freedom, Jonah!" I'm so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive spouse at home! Posted by: David Jonah Kristol at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (ZxV1A) 119
35 In a world in which decent people are few and far between Terry McAuliffe is about as indecent as they come yet the Lincoln Project firmly endorsed him.
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 02, 2021 11:13 AM We support, shelter and are pedophiles, so compared to us, he's a saint! Posted by: The Lincoln Logs Man/Boy Love Project Twitter acct at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (MtNHs) Posted by: Braenyard at November 02, 2021 11:24 AM (hje90) 121
Maybe it's Rick Wilson's cooler salesman?
Posted by: Shooter McGavin at November 02, 2021 11:24 AM (4ehGq) 122
77 Was this guy yelling "Freebird!"? Would've made it more effective.
Posted by: brak at November 02, 2021 11:18 AM (4f+il) ...add to that, "PLAY ALL NIGHT!!!" Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 02, 2021 11:24 AM (BgMrQ) 123
BTW, regarding the KLOTZ 4 KIDZ shotz, here's ABC news:
"That study wasn't large enough to detect any extremely rare side effects, such as the heart inflammation that occasionally occurs after the second full-strength dose, mostly in young men and teen boys." Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:24 AM (/6kZi) 124
Halloween slasher movie comes out. In the movie, along with all the OTHERS that are killed, a gay couple are killed.
The movie is deemed racist........ Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:24 AM (Zz0t1) 125
"Was this guy yelling "Freebird!"? Would've made it more effective."
He was yelling "This is MAGA Country" and stealing people's Subway sandwiches. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (B0mGw) Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (0G13K) 127
Someone should have a picture of the guy
Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (+f7Lb) 128
I predicted, let's go brandon will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle."
** Fine. Everything is anyway. F*ck it. Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (/6kZi) 129
>>116 Well give the retard props for hitting his mark, right in front of the cameras.
$100 bucks says the patch master and photog know each other... Posted by: Heavy Meta at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (NgqoH) 130
You mean that after McAuliffe danced on stage, shaking his moobs and gyrating like a fat blowup doll in a windstorm, you are not entertained?
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (epasQ) 131
Didn't someone figure out that the guy waving the Confederate flag in the Capitol on 1/6 was actually a left-wing plant?
Posted by: The ARC of History! at November 02, 2021 11:26 AM (I2/tG) 132
who says the left is out of ideas?
The problem: We're losing the VA governors race because we're a bunch of whackadoo weirdos pushing racial division. The McAuliffe common sense, homespun American values solution: Call everyone racist. The new problem: Because we're incompetent, our PR efforts to smear our opponents as racist are fucking stupes. Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 11:26 AM (ZZK0E) 133
So gather 'round, gather 'round chillun' Get down, well just get down chillun' Get loud, well you can be loud and be proud Well you can be proud, hear now Be proud you're a rebel 'Cause the South's gonna do it again and again Posted by: Jacket Man at November 02, 2021 11:26 AM (63Dwl) 134
Did you feel a kink-thrill?
Posted by: ace at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM (0G13K) ------ My good sir, I am incapable of shame! Posted by: David Jonah Kristol at November 02, 2021 11:26 AM (ZxV1A) 135
"Lighter than usual" turnout in VA 608 precinct (Fairfax) 2 hours ago.
Posted by: ZOD at November 02, 2021 11:26 AM (M3Z2J) 136
Rick Wilson wanted to go with a pointy white hat, but the rest of the staff thought that might be a tad on the nose.
Posted by: Simple Stevo In fairness, in his youth Rick spent a lot of time in the classroom corner with his pointy white dunce cap on, so he is pretty nostalgic for pointy white hats. Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (GZ/yK) 137
I got an email from Glenn yesterday that stated Mcauliffe was ahead. It's all bullshit
Posted by: CN- at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (ONvIw) 138
Matt Gorman
@mattsgorman No matter what happens today, there are a lot of states more purple/red than VA with races in '22. That a state Biden won by 10+ last year is a tossup is *very* bad for Dems. Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (NpAcC) 139
Alec Baldwin killed a woman, but I sure wouldn't want someone to call me a racist.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (/6kZi) 140
128 I predicted, let's go brandon will be labeled a "racist" "dog whistle."
----- meanwhile, the left doesn't use dog whistles because they out and out just say they hate whites and want to disperse us to the wind, maybe drive us into the ocean. Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (ZZK0E) 141
You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them. Guess not.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (o2MD2) 142
Cause I'm a pirate! Aaaargh!
Posted by: Rick "The Pirate" Wilson you sure are. Posted by: ace An ass pirate. Posted by: rickb223 at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (9yu8C) Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (w9Wax) 144
So is he with the FBI?
Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (cSyAR) 145
You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them. Guess not.
We might just be surprised. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (ZsR3z) 146
And I love how the racial controversy about Wilson involved his freakin' beer cooler and not the vile shit his son says. I have a feeling Junior didn't learn that on his own.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (/KPLX) 147
Too bad Youngkin doesn't go on the offense and set forth the history of the DemonRat Party as lovers of slavery and Jim Crow laws and creators of the KKK. I would bring it up in every speech.
Posted by: Sharkman at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (YVolY) Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (RiaUX) 149
Cause I'm a pirate! Aaaargh!
Posted by: Rick "The Pirate" Wilson ----- you sure are. Posted by: ace ----- An ass pirate. Posted by: rickb223 ----- I knew someone would come through. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (B0mGw) Posted by: x at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (oA+QO) 151
138 Matt Gorman
@mattsgorman No matter what happens today, there are a lot of states more purple/red than VA with races in '22. That a state Biden won by 10+ last year is a tossup is *very* bad for Dems. Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (NpAcC) ============ We'll see if it's actually a tossup or if the polls have been lying their asses off for the last week soon enough. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (LvTSG) 152
It's a flag decal, am I offended, no. If you are you're worrying about the wrong things in life. You should be worried about the laughingstock the US has become because of karens, sjws, our military leaders, the feds (FJB) and our news media.
Grow up for Pete's sake. Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (2NHgQ) 153
97 except you would be spending time in Garland's Archapeligo
Posted by: Skip's Phone at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (+f7Lb) Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (axyOa) 155
You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them.
As a buddy of mine says, McAuliffe has all the subtlety of a German jazz band. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (ZsR3z) 156
Wasn't it one of the Lincoln Boy Project pedos that had a confederate beer cooler on his boat?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (r5BVk) 157
So rooting for a white fag named Brandon is racist?
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (2graF) 158
Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (iytpw) 159
That hair -conveniently tucked up under the brand new cowboy hat, so the brand new confederate flag patch on the brand new jean jacket can be adequately appreciated! Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish.. Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd) 160
It looks like a new stone-washed/made-faded jean jacket too; and isn't the hat-tightener thing supposed to be in the front of the hat so you can tighten it without having to take the hat off??
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (UHVv4) 161
They forgot the lawn jockeys.
Posted by: Cheri at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (oiNtH) 162
158 Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (iytpw) ========== That police budget's gonna go south. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (LvTSG) 163
Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd) Perhaps a wig ? Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (0PUU9) 164
155 You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them.
As a buddy of mine says, McAuliffe has all the subtlety of a German jazz band. --------------------- And now on Sprocket we dance. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (2graF) 165
Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations
Demolition Derby in 5, 4, 3,... Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (RiaUX) 166
If you are attending a Republican rally with the Democratic Party's battle flag on your jacket then yeah, you are likely a plant.
What is funny, is that if you look at all of the acts which the left uses to justify CRT they were all committed by the Democrats. And nothing has changed today with the left still trying to justify treating the races differently. Posted by: Thatch at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (qWceQ) 167
135 "Lighter than usual" turnout in VA 608 precinct (Fairfax) 2 hours ago.
__________________ That's okay, the Dim voters there have already mailed in 10 ballots each. Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (k4dH2) 168
107 Don't let them talk you past the sale. The confederate flag is *not* prima facie evidence of racial radicalism. I don't care if it's real or fake. I reject the entire frivolous premise.
Unless they interviewed the guy and he said "I wear this patch and vote Youngkin, because like me, he stands for the natural order - white masters and black thralls!" then it's evidence of jack shit. And if that happened, then I'd be certain he works for LP, and grabs a frosty cold one from Rick Wilson's trusty Confederate beer cooler after he gets done railing his ugly wife. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (/KPLX) You had me till you said Wilson has sex with his wife... Posted by: PoopyPantsInogame at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (53oGX) 169
McAuliffe is disgusting to insinuate that people that are not white aren't comfortable around white people. That's what he's saying, in no uncertain terms. What a vile maggot.
Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (sVtYq) 170
Thrift shop stetson.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (0ryfU) 171
Notice that those two are the onky people wearing cowboy hats at the entire rally and they chose to stand in the last row directly in front of the media.
Not suspicious at all. Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (Y+l9t) 172
Kool and The Gang don't like being Misled Posted by: x at November 02, 2021 11:28 AM (oA+QO) Sly And The Family Stone agree. Posted by: Napoleon XIV at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (AiZBA) 173
Blackstone is running against DeWine here in Ohio. A former Blackstone staffer just filed an affidavit showing possible evidence of campaign finance fraud. The evidence is a few hundred bucks, on a recording, but they extrapolate that into "if x and y are considered this could be in the thousands!"-paraphrased.
Also, the only actual, possible evidence presented is 5 months old. The GOPe are corrupt shitbags too. Posted by: Fool Otto at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (DB16e) 174
Could be the singer of that song "Signs, signs, everywhere signs messing with my mind." Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (RiaUX) 175
115 At last year's Michigan (Michigan!!!) rally by business owners to reopen the state, there was a young guy flying the Confederate flag. We joked that that was what the news cameras would focus on, and sure enough they did, with the Governess warning about extremists.
Posted by: All Hallow's Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at November 02, 2021 11:23 AM (Dc2NZ) So he's probably FBI then... Posted by: PoopyPantsInogame at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (53oGX) 176
Off to the cancer center for "the tests". My blood pressure is through the roof (is something upsetting you Mr. Dog, asks the nurse?). BBL... Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (BgMrQ) 177
This is the EXACT same op they pulled back in 2012 where the plant wore a "Romney/Ryan: PUT THE WHITE BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE" shirt to a rally. It was cold out and everyone else at the rally was wearing a jacket, except this guy who was just in the t-shirt. He also stood directly in front of the media stand. The media asked no questions and fell all over it.
With these stunts you can generally tell if it's a false flag op or not based on asking the question, does the photographer make any effort to get a picture of the person's face so they can be properly outed and harassed. Look at what lengths the liberal media will go to dox people and sic mobs or the government after them. Remember Joe the Plumber? Another way to tell if it's an op is, people who want to hide their identity to make it harder to out them always wear sunglasses, even on cloudy days when no one else is. Remember those government plant idiots at the 1/6 support rally who became a meme, all wearing sunglasses. Same thing with the tiki torch dumbasses, all wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day. Posted by: Dubs at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (9ALg7) 178
>>It's still being predicted that McAwful will get ~80% of the black vote. I don't even know what to say other then he got about 90% last time he ran, so it's moving in the right direction. As has been noted, the demographics of Virginia do not favor Republican's. Turnout is everything of course but seeing as POC's make up nearly 40 pct of the electorate in Virginai and they simply do not vote Republican in any meaningful way. I'm going to call it 52-48 for Clinton's bagman and this is with greater than usual POC support for Youngkin. I pray I am wrong. Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (xL1kJ) 179
What is funny, is that if you look at all of the acts which the left uses to justify CRT they were all committed by the Democrats. And nothing has changed today with the left still trying to justify treating the races differently.
Posted by: Thatch at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (qWceQ) ++++ Of course. They're *still* playing the whole "BUT THE PARTIES SWITCHED" bullshit, and pointing to David Duke winning an election as a Republican - a completely unsupported Republican kept on the back bench and forbidden any committee assignments or reelection assistance - as proof positive that all Democrat bigotry was transferred to the Republicans. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (DU+/6) 180
Democrats and Confederate flags have been a thing since 1861.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (nsnF6) 181
Alec Baldwin killed a woman, but I sure wouldn't want someone to call me a racist.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (/6kZi) I wonder if he'll attend the funeral? Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (AwYPR) 182
meanwhile, the left doesn't use dog whistles because they out and out just say they hate whites and want to disperse us to the wind, maybe drive us into the ocean.
Posted by: Tim Riggins ** You've noticed that too? Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (/6kZi) 183
Another site did some video grabs. They're pretty certain they know who it is. They have profile shots and potentially a front shot.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (epasQ) 184
Tell the press that's a false Confederate flag, and it's obvious because it's upside down.
Posted by: Roy at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (IddrS) 185
Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (iytpw) Just wait till the dipshits figure out how much revenue that generated.......... Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (Zz0t1) 186
Does it? Several people, including @HolmesJosh and @RBPundit, point out that this Confederate patch is shiny and appears brand new. The whites in the flag are titanium white and have never touched dirt. The red is bright and bloody and has never seen the sun. There is no cracking or weathering in the patch. All good points. But the biggest "tell" the patch is brand new is: It's obviously never been in a single Wash Cycle. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (//1wO) 187
Uh, guess I should read the content before posting. In my defense, I had those thoughts before I read the content.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (Y+l9t) 188
Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations
Demolition Derby in 5, 4, 3,... Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (RiaUX) Insurance cancellations begin in 5, 4, 3... Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (axyOa) 189
C'mon Jimmy, put on some black face, dress as Kamala Harris and go down on someone. Your show sucks, you may as well swallow.
Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 11:00 AM Sure I got here so late I missed the last thread, but I just want to say that MisHum, that is cooold. I love it. As to this post I could copy/paste the exact same comment for almost all media related BS. Which is, if the dull normie democrats could see just how manufactured the news is they'd finally realize how much of what they think they know isn't true. But that won't happen, because if it were going to, it would've already. For every one normie that gets red-pilled there are three freshly minted college educated dullards to take their place, and unlike now-cynical normie, the dullards have zeal Posted by: OneEyedJack at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (MFphb) 190
"Do you ever question why we have to keep manufacturing racism for the other side, Brenda?"
"No, I never think of it." Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (LvTSG) 191
I wonder if he'll attend the funeral? Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (AwYPR) Likely not because it would trigger his now suffering from PTSD. Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (Zz0t1) 192
181 Alec Baldwin killed a woman, but I sure wouldn't want someone to call me a racist.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (/6kZi) I wonder if he'll attend the funeral? Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (AwYPR) Don't let him sit in the back - he'll have too many people in front of him. That didn't work the last time for him. Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (D3cJf) 193
If you didn't already know McAuliffe was associated with the Clintons, you'd suspect he was.
Posted by: Ktgreat at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (AD3JT) 194
The flag patch is not centered. So yeah a plant.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (RiaUX) 195
165 Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations
Demolition Derby in 5, 4, 3,... ------------------- MRAP Station Wagons may become a thing. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (2graF) Posted by: Alec Baldwin at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (1vynn) 197
I'm going to call it 52-48 for Clinton's bagman and this is with greater than usual POC support for Youngkin.
I pray I am wrong. Me too. Posted by: Hat which does not wish to be eaten at November 02, 2021 11:34 AM (ZsR3z) 198
So here's where I am confused about something. This guy is a plant, quite obviously. Why are they so lazy? They staged the dude right in front of the cameras. It isn't like the press whores aren't down the struggle? Why not just inform two or three press whores about where to look and when, and then send the shill out into the crowd? Why not at least make it look the guy is participating and in the thick of things? Why this periphery bullshit?
Even assuming the op was good (it wasn't - it's stupid, because the confederate flag isn't some diabolical thing), it would be made bad by being so obvious. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (DU+/6) 199
Off to the cancer center for "the tests". My blood pressure is through the roof (is something upsetting you Mr. Dog, asks the nurse?). BBL... Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (BgMrQ)" Prayers out. I'm Pulling for you. Diaphragm Breathing and all that. Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (epasQ) 200
Philadelphia to become 1st major US city to ban traffic stops for low-level violations Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (iytpw) Just wait till the dipshits figure out how much revenue that generated.......... Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:33 AM (Zz0t1) They DGAF anymore. Uncle Sugar will bail their asses out. Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (vX8tY) Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (0ryfU) 202
And what's up with the patch on top being removed?
Posted by: Thatch at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (qWceQ) 203
I wonder if he'll attend the funeral?
Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:32 AM (AwYPR) Are you kidding? Get primed for his finest performance. Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (o2MD2) 204
Turnout is everything of course but seeing as POC's make up nearly 40 pct of the electorate in Virginai and they simply do not vote Republican in any meaningful way.
I maintain the Haitian boatlift Soros is doing is because current black Americans are getting too squishy for the DNC to trust. Stories like Loza Alexander's where a friend showed him the receipts that Trump isn't any of the things CNN claims are getting somewhat common. Posted by: Ian S. at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (ZGrMX) 205
"Turnout is everything of course but seeing as POC's make up nearly 40 pct of the electorate in Virginai and they simply do not vote Republican in any meaningful way."
Blacks are 20% of the population in Virginia. If they are 40% of the electorate, that means there's a lot of white people staying home on election day. Good job, guys. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (B0mGw) 206
Hey fellow republican. Know anywhere I can get me some rope and ANFO?
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (iDcra) 207
And what's up with the patch on top being removed?
-- I think that's the backside of the manufacturer's label? Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (sVtYq) 208
Be a shame if hat-wearing flag boy passed out and woke up in, oh...I don't know...South Philly. Wearing the same clothes.
Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (axyOa) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (s2VJv) 210
Confederate flag guy is obviously there with the hatted chick on his left. We've got two to identify .
Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (2DOZq) Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (0PUU9) 212
If you didn't already know McAuliffe was associated with the Clintons, you'd suspect he was.
Ain't that the truth. If the lie like most people breathe, chances are they're Clintonites. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (ZsR3z) Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (/6kZi) 214
You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them. Guess not.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 11:27 AM (o2MD2) How long before McAwful pulls out the Hillary bad southern drawl? Posted by: Mainah at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (B+qrE) 215
Even if this was real, which it's not, who cares? Seriously, who cares? It's one person in a crowd of however many. Why give the idiots the attention they crave? (Except me, I should always get the attention I crave)
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (Y43Ow) 216
We'll see if it's actually a tossup or if the polls have been lying their asses off for the last week soon enough.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:29 AM (LvTSG) *********** The poles flipped after all the school board stuff came out. The anger of parents has been growing and will continue to grow even in McAuliffe wins. The main problem is people were already voting before all the outrage by the angry parents. Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (NpAcC) 217
Man with Confederate Flag jacket identified as Mac Caca. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (s2VJv) That guy stinks. Posted by: Napoleon XIV at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (AiZBA) 218
52 >>>Posted by: Your Kid's Psychology Professor at November 02, 2021 11:12 AM (DU+/6)
lol. and now your hash is DU+. Don't change IPs! I thought this guy was like the Official Democrat Devil's Advocate for the HQ. Seen him before and it was a similar flow of Leftist reasoning but clearly satire. Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (BRpqW) 219
I agree with some of the comments up-thread. I find nothing wrong with displaying this flag. It's part of our history. Plus it symbolizes what many are feeling nowadays.
Posted by: Justsayin' at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (Fs5vw) 220
202 And what's up with the patch on top being removed?
Posted by: Thatch at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (qWceQ) It had said Trump 2020, and the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association has their limits. Posted by: Roy at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (IddrS) 221
I will have this investigated.
Posted by: Merlin Garlic at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (2xGy+) 222
Man with Confederate Flag jacket identified as Mac Caca.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (s2VJv) Sefton bringing back the classics. Posted by: Ian S. at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (ZGrMX) 223
I had black teachers when I was a public school kid in Virginia. I never felt "uncomfortable" with them. And none of my black friends ever said they felt "uncomfortable" with the teachers who were white (or Asian or whatever).
But keep dividing people up by race and promoting that race hatred, McAuliffe. That'll end well. Always does, right? Posted by: TrivialPursuer--F*ck Joe Biden at November 02, 2021 11:22 AM (k4dH2) i had one white male professor in college that made me uncomfortable. but it was because he was a Russian teaching advanced math, and with is accent as thick as it was, i couldn't understand which greek letter he was referring to 3/4 of the time... Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (8D42x) 224
Man with Confederate Flag jacket identified as Mac Caca. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (s2VJv) That guy stinks. Posted by: Napoleon XIV at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (AiZBA) "Hey, I know that guy!" - - Juan Badappel Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (s2VJv) 225
Has Youngkin or anyone previously ever brought up McAuliffe's shady financial dealings in campaigns or is that getting dangerously close to wanting to win?
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (y7DUB) 226
Wasn't it one of the Lincoln Boy Project pedos that had a confederate beer cooler on his boat?
-------------------------- It was Rick Wilson's son's so that makes it 'cool'! Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (UHVv4) 227
Pisses me off though that the confederate flag has been completely canceled.
Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (2DOZq) 228
Tom Elliott
@tomselliott McAuliffe's closing message: Va has too many white teachers ----- "The trouble with America is that it's full of Americans ... and whites, but mostly whites." Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (MtGJh) 229
The Empress craving attention, are you self-identifying as a cat neow?
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (RiaUX) 230
Who gives a fug about a Confederate flag patch?
Posted by: Monty James at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (Zqz9o) 231
I'd recognize The Rick Wilson's jacket anywhere.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (ptqGC) 232
Blacks are 20% of the population in Virginia. If they are 40% of the electorate, that means there's a lot of white people staying home on election day. Good job, guys.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (B0mGw) --- Your assuming that 40% of blacks are actually going out and voting. Considering how much fraud there is, I'd be highly skeptical that the turnout really is what they claim it to be. Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (YIVH2) 233
"Pisses me off though that the confederate flag has been completely canceled."
It lasted a lot longer than the talisman's of most conquered societies. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:38 AM (B0mGw) Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (UHVv4) 235
ICYMI, Crowder's livestream on the Rittenhouse case today is fantastic: Posted by: Sharkman at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (YVolY) 236
And what's up with the patch on top being removed?
Posted by: Thatch at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (qWceQ) That's actually the manufacturer label on the inside, just sewn all the way through. It's a Levi's thing, I would guess. Another tell it's a plant. Levi Strauss doesn't want you to have guns, so plenty of conservatives don't buy Levi's anymore. Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (Zz0t1) 237
215 Even if this was real, which it's not, who cares? Seriously, who cares? It's one person in a crowd of however many. Why give the idiots the attention they crave? (Except me, I should always get the attention I crave)
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (Y43Ow) I'll be honest. I care. It's another in the multi-decade long run to brand anyone not Dem as racist. Something so successful that they no longer have to even work at making a connection they just suggest and it takes shape. I certainly understand your point, but it still enrages me. There will be people who see that photo and will never wonder if it's staged because they've been trained to believe it. Posted by: PoopyPantsInogame at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (53oGX) 238
This twat is from a rural VA county that shows bigly big turnout so far. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (OalnH) 239
I'm going to call it 52-48 for Clinton's bagman and this is with greater than usual POC support for Youngkin.
--------------------- Its all about turnout. MacAwful ran an awful campaign and has no mo. He's a dead man walking. Loudon Co School Board screwed the pooch and MacAwful defended them. Blacks really don't like Trannies. Really. Ask Governor Gillum. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (2graF) 240
216 The poles flipped after all the school board stuff came out. The anger of parents has been growing and will continue to grow even in McAuliffe wins.
The main problem is people were already voting before all the outrage by the angry parents. Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (NpAcC) ========== They didn't flip until last week, but the school board stuff had been going on for weeks before that. The school board stuff made the race tighten up a bit, but McAullife was still winning, making his sudden acts of desperation weird to watch. The polls suddenly flipped last week (starting with Fox's 8 point Youngkin lead) because the public polls were suddenly trying to be accurate, not because of a change in public sentiment. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, in the 30s with John Ford, again at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (LvTSG) 241
>>225 Has Youngkin or anyone previously ever brought up McAuliffe's shady financial dealings in campaigns or is that getting dangerously close to wanting to win?
That is not who we are. Posted by: GOPe at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (2xGy+) 242
Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd) I do. @76 Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (mbFEM) 243
The biggest problem with telling white people that have never paid attention to skin color to begin paying attention to skin color is that they might begin paying attention to skin color.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - the vax for kids is brand new and never tested, good luck kids, see p14 at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (/6kZi) 244
This is the type of situation where the trolls and plants really out themselves. You can smell the panic.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (epasQ) 245
Has Youngkin or anyone previously ever brought up McAuliffe's shady financial dealings in campaigns or is that getting dangerously close to wanting to win?
And if Youngkin wins? Are you going to admit that perhaps he knew what he was doing in a race which was widely viewed as a layup for McAuliffe? Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (ZsR3z) 246
OK so let's find out who this person is. Let's dox him. Let's cancel him, let's get him fired.
How 'bout it leftist Twitter? Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (OalnH) 247
50% of students in VA are minorities? I'm calling bullshit.
Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (2DOZq) 248
Man with Confederate Flag jacket identified as Mac Caca. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 02, 2021 11:36 AM (s2VJv ----- Little-known genealogical fact: MacCaca is Gaelic for McAuliffe. Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (MtGJh) 249
Who cares? Not a single city last year was torn apart by folks with this flag. Chicago got shredded twice, with the commonality being it was black people both times. Same nationally. Why, exactly, should I give a damn about white supremacy or Confederates.
Posted by: ejochs at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (lSFMQ) 250
The moar effective stunt would have been to have Beto show up in a bunny suit.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (2graF) 251
Blacks are 20% of the population in Virginia. If they are 40% of the electorate, that means there's a lot of white people staying home on election day. Good job, guys.
Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (B0mGw) --- Your assuming that 40% of blacks are actually going out and voting. Considering how much fraud there is, I'd be highly skeptical that the turnout really is what they claim it to be. ----- I don't want to play this game anymore. The simplest thing you can do is vote. If you can't even be bothered to do that, give it up, go get the shot, put your kids in public school, and swear featly to your new king Poopy Pants the First. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (B0mGw) 252
No self respecting klansman puts the beautiful flag on a jean jacket!
Denim comes from Italy! Get your popery cloth outta here, bastid! Posted by: KK Klansman, fiercely democrat at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (nIIRF) 253
Is this stunt aimed at black voters or is it aimed at the upper class white wine moms who are upset because Bryanya's school is telling her perfect precious child that she is an evil racist?
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (Y43Ow) Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (RiaUX) 255
ace as always my first thought 10th thoughts about this are not the ridiculous, poisonous idiots of the Dem party or the "press" - but the public, the target of this sub-North Korean clumsy propaganda.
White, especially black, but everyone. A public that could prefer a decrepit, stupid, nasty and invisible Biden to Trump, a year ago. For such a degraded audience, this kind of stunt, which would make a Soviet propagandist blush and shake his head, maybe this is to be expected? The ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, and race-disability required to respond to *any* racist manipulation in today's America, much less this crude variety, is one of the biggest anchors around the society's neck. Posted by: rhomboid at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (OTzUX) 256
What time is the pipe scheduled to "burst" tonight?
I wonder where the suitcases full of ballots are located? Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (ptqGC) 257
Is this stunt aimed at black voters or is it aimed at the upper class white wine moms who are upset because Bryanya's school is telling her perfect precious child that she is an evil racist?
Posted by: alexthechick - Boobs and hysteria at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (Y43Ow) ++++ It clearly isn't targeted at black voters. They wouldn't fall for it. That leaves the wine moms. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (DU+/6) 258
247 50% of students in VA are minorities? I'm calling bullshit.
Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (2DOZq) _____ Whitey isn't having any more kids. Juan and Maria have 4 or 5. Plus remember the thousands of new Afghani students already enrolled in VA. I think if anything 50% is too low. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (OalnH) 259
An election question - is it ok for someone who is on the ballot to work inside the polling place (as an "usher" for example, not handling ballots)? Or do rules vary per state? Posted by: vmom - link to Red's fundraiser at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (YZG/i) 260
247 50% of students in VA are minorities? I'm calling bullshit.
-------------------- Well half of that 50% are Chinese. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (2graF) 261
>>You would think black voters would be offended by this ham fisted attempt at manipulating them. Guess not.
Yes. However, we have to recognize that they are playing the long game here. Should Youngkin win, he will forever be described as being elected by tiki torch and confederate flag-waving KKK voters. It's about crafting a record of these incidents that combined will build the historic record of Youngkin and his supporters are racist. Here's a perfect example of how they do it -- this Charlottesville mayor sounds like a dumpster fire, yet all they want to mention is Virginia racists exhausting her: Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (bDqIh) 262
You can look at the minor traffic infraction law two different ways:
No one cares about those laws apart from (a) revenue generation; and (b) as a legal pretext to conduct a fishing expedition for other crimes. Getting rid of these stops is good because it'll make the state raise revenue through taxes and investigate real crimes based on reasonable suspicion of those crimes in particular. Traffic stops are good because (a) they are a proactive way of sweeping up the trash because they are effectively a net that real criminals get caught in; and (b) if minor laws don't get enforced, they effectively don't exist, so say hello to Mad Max-like traffic. I tend toward the second view, but there's no question that minor traffic stops allow for a lot of state involvement in the lives of ordinary citizens. The traffic code is full of minor offenses, and people are arguably committing them almost continuously. Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (QU5/8) 263
PROFILE PHOTO FOUND: Posted by: andycanuck Look at the front brim! Look how it's pulled way down, like he's an undercover gumshoe. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (//1wO) 264
"Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd)" If it's a "she", she has a mustache and a pretty good five o'clock shadow. There's are profile pictures on other sites. Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (epasQ) 265
225 Has Youngkin or anyone previously ever brought up McAuliffe's shady financial dealings in campaigns or is that getting dangerously close to wanting to win?
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:37 AM (y7DUB) Political consultants say that negative ads turn off the wine moms. At least negative ads from Republicans. Nobody says a thing about negative ads from Democrats. Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (mbFEM) 266
"Is this stunt aimed at black voters or is it aimed at the upper class white wine moms who are upset because Bryanya's school is telling her perfect precious child that she is an evil racist?"
Maybe a portion of both demos? That it would not be a guaranteed, insulting, bonfire of a disaster (for the Dems) is what I am getting at. Posted by: rhomboid at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (OTzUX) 267
No pipes will burst this time, but squirrels or rats will eat the wiring.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (RiaUX) 268
PROFILE PHOTO FOUND: Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (UHVv4) I'd say the man-bun under his hat is a giveaway. Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (AwYPR) 269
234 has excellent profile shot of the guy. It is definitely a guy.....I mean he has a mustache if that is any indication.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (Y+l9t) 270
You know, cowboy hats are not a thing in NoVA. I've lived here for a while now and I don't see them often. Confederate flags are verboten. I never see those. Have to drive a bit before I see any. Anyway, the Dems will continue to do this kind of thing because they never, ever pay a price for it. So get used to it. I voted this morning for the squish over the sleazy Clinton bagman. I'm not expecting the squish to win. It would be nice.
Posted by: Puddleglum at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (QFVV9) 271
I've seen that 40% black figure for VA several times recently, and it didn't sound right to me. It isn't. It's 19%. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (ZsR3z) 272
125 "Was this guy yelling "Freebird!"? Would've made it more effective."
He was yelling "This is MAGA Country" and stealing people's Subway sandwiches. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:25 AM I think he was wearing a bolo tie, which looks suspiciously like a noose! Posted by: Corrupt Liberal Media at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (MtNHs) 273
253 Is this stunt aimed at black voters or is it aimed at the upper class white wine moms who are upset because Bryanya's school is telling her perfect precious child that she is an evil racist?
--------------- The Target Group is the Wine Moms of Fairfax County. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (2graF) 274
My prediction is:
Youngkin up 53-47 at end of Tuesday night. Youngkin up 51-49 by Wednesday night. Tied up Thursday night. McAwful up 51-49 by Friday morning. McAwful wins 52-48 Friday night. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (iDcra) 275
In fact, I bet that now that the photo-op is over, this jacket is going right into Rick's cuck closet alongside a red ball cap for when the old lady wants to do "MAGA Night" with a craigslist drifter. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (/KPLX) 276
No self respecting klansman puts the beautiful flag on a jean jacket!
Denim comes from Italy! Get your popery cloth outta here, bastid! Posted by: KK Klansman, fiercely democrat at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (nIIRF) Fun fact: The word Denim comes from the French city of Nimes. It was originally called "De Nimes" contracted to Denim. Posted by: Napoleon XIV at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (AiZBA) 277
So, it's nighttime, and you're watching a candidate on a raised naturally you bend down the brim of your stupid "costume" cowboy hat to block your own eyes? Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (//1wO) Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (OalnH) 279
271 I've seen that 40% black figure for VA several times recently, and it didn't sound right to me. It isn't. It's 19%. ------------------- Yep. But blacks are religious place holders for the newbies. Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (2graF) 280
"It clearly isn't targeted at black voters. They wouldn't fall for it."
?????????????? On what is this sunny assertion based? "Not falling for it" would even, by itself, be a failure on their part. How about being angry and insulted, and holding the perps (Dems) in hot contempt? As would be the result with any functioning citizen targeted by this? Posted by: rhomboid at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (OTzUX) 281
The idea that the Media operatives would -- I dunno -- do their JOBS and make sure a plant designed to besmirch an opponent is genuine before running with a narrative is simply too much to ask. They have proven their inability to hold two ideas in their heads at the same time, so I'm sure the only thing going through the outlet's head was: "Ooh... racist! Get the framing right... maybe short depth of field -- but that would make one of the 'bad guys' blurry. Best get it all in focus. Make sure the candidate and signs and flag are in frame... Got it!"
Recalls to mind the scene at the end of that old movie "Hero" with Dustin Hoffman and Geena Davis -- how the cameraman talked to himself about the remarkable, earth-shattering work he was doing. Posted by: red speck at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (gS3OW) 282
234 PROFILE PHOTO FOUND: Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (UHVv4) ----- Rick Simon (Gerald McRaney) of "Simon and Simon" fame? Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (MtGJh) 283
268 PROFILE PHOTO FOUND: Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:39 AM (UHVv4) I'd say the man-bun under his hat is a giveaway. Posted by: BignJames What the hell is Dickey Betts doing at a political rally in VA? Posted by: Puddleglum at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (QFVV9) Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (w9Wax) 285
Youngkin up 53-47 at end of Tuesday night. Youngkin up 51-49 by Wednesday night. Tied up Thursday night. McAwful up 51-49 by Friday morning. McAwful wins 52-48 Friday night. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (iDcra) ___ Saturday, the GOPe shrugs its shoulders and starts sending out emails fo 2022 donations. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (OalnH) 286
I always thought the best campaign dirty trick they could play in NOVA was to say Youngkin supports a total ban on wine sales. The suburban wine turds would be crawling over each other to get to the polls.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (epasQ) 287
Blackstone is running against DeWine here in Ohio. A former Blackstone staffer just filed an affidavit showing possible evidence of campaign finance fraud. The evidence is a few hundred bucks, on a recording, but they extrapolate that into "if x and y are considered this could be in the thousands!"-paraphrased.
Also, the only actual, possible evidence presented is 5 months old. The GOPe are corrupt shitbags too. Posted by: Fool Otto at November 02, 2021 11:31 AM (DB16e) I think you mean Blystone which already points out a name recognition problem. To your point otherwise, I've already seen some very suspicious "conservatives" against Blystone. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (y7DUB) 288
PROFILE PHOTO FOUND: Posted by: andycanuck Ace should post this. Look. At. The. Angle. of the Brim. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (//1wO) 289
I'll go out on a limb and say the guy might not be a plant although politically it makes sense to spin it as such given the Fake Tiki Torch Bus incident.
Jacket might have sat in a closet or just been purchased. Not everyone that sports a Confederate Flag is a racist longing for a return to Plantation Days as I recall from the good old days of the Confederate Flag Wars of yesteryear. Of course the media saw an opportunity whether it was staged or not and went for it. Tiki Terry is in trouble and needs the help. Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at November 02, 2021 11:46 AM (BRpqW) 290
I wonder where the suitcases full of ballots are located?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 02, 2021 11:41 AM (ptqGC) Trunk of the Buick. Posted by: BignJames at November 02, 2021 11:46 AM (AwYPR) 291
Why not go all out and wear Klan robes?
Posted by: steevy at November 02, 2021 11:46 AM (CYnTg) 292
Crowder said retard. His livestream will be pulled any minute now.
Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:46 AM (Zz0t1) 293
ace, if you need a happy-ending story later:
John Eisenman, 60, is alleged to have beaten Aaron Sorensen, 19, in the head with a cinder block before stabbing him to death for selling his daughter into a sex trafficking ring. 60 years old, but he still can swing a cinderblock. Posted by: 40 Miles North at November 02, 2021 11:46 AM (uWF4x) 294
A Buick Roadmaster because a Volt lacks trunk space.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:47 AM (RiaUX) 295
"Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd)" If it's a "she", she has a mustache and a pretty good five o'clock shadow. There's are profile pictures on other sites. Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:42 AM (epasQ) LOL. Thanks Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:47 AM (Ed8Zd) 296
Ace should post this. Look. At. The. Angle. of the Brim. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (//1wO) And look at the age of the man, then the age of the hat. He bought that hat that morning. He's a plant. Period. Posted by: Sponge - Michael Byrd MURDERED Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:47 AM (Zz0t1) 297
Has the GOP sent out a communication yet saying if we question any voter fraud or illegal activity, we're all racists and domestic terrorists?
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:47 AM (epasQ) 298
"John Eisenman, 60, is alleged to have beaten Aaron Sorensen, 19, in the head with a cinder block before stabbing him to death for selling his daughter into a sex trafficking ring."
Looks like the punishment fits the crime. Posted by: squid_hunt at November 02, 2021 11:47 AM (B0mGw) 299
>>60 years old, but he still can swing a cinderblock.
"Huh. No gun angle, how do we cover this now?.." -- MSM Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 11:48 AM (bDqIh) 300
I think the actor at the rally is a woman. See the hair? Her size?
Posted by: Mr Gaga at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (4ZE6o) Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (UHVv4) 302
So who's daughter got sold? Whomever wrote that twaddle needs to go back to school.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (RiaUX) 303
My prediction is:
Youngkin up 53-47 at end of Tuesday night. Youngkin up 51-49 by Wednesday night. Tied up Thursday night. McAwful up 51-49 by Friday morning. McAwful wins 52-48 Friday night. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (iDcra) I'm going to agree with this. McAuliffe never had a chance. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (2JVJo) 304
Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd)" The person with him on his left is a woman. Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (2DOZq) 305
in a shocking turnabout, the FEC ruled that furiners can donate to referndum campaigns
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (ZZK0E) 306
Kind of a footnote by now, but McAufiffe as I recall is one of *the* most corrupt, self-dealing of the Clinton gang, which is saying something. A crude, Third World-level kind of corruptocrat.
Though Biden remains the top corrupt Dem of current America, surging to that position with his crude, unbelievable corruption while VP - and his crime family. Hillary a strong second, having used the SecState position as a fucking open influence-peddling bazaar. Posted by: rhomboid at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (OTzUX) 307
Fox News calls it at Noon for McAulliffe. "It's a statical impossibility for Youngkin to win at this point", states the Fox Election Decision Desk.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (epasQ) Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (2JVJo) 309
262 (b) if minor laws don't get enforced, they effectively don't exist, so say hello to Mad Max-like traffic.
*smacks forehead* i could've had a v-8! Posted by: Kulak Anachronda, behind the Newsom curtain at November 02, 2021 11:50 AM (v3pYe) 310
Or the jacket. The jacket looks new, too. Crisp. No fraying. No wrinkles. No creases.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:08 AM (DU+/6) It had a label or patch of some kind, right below the collar, that was cut off. Some fading evident. My best guess? Jacket bought at Value Village, patch stuck on for the photo op. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 02, 2021 11:50 AM (P3gRi) 311
I hope our poll watchers are carrying mace and fish bats.
Posted by: GOPe at November 02, 2021 11:50 AM (2xGy+) 312
I seriously doubt this country will last a couple of years, much less a couple of millennia.
I believe we are in the earth from STOS, "Omega Glory". Cloud William .. your our only hope! Posted by: Paladin at November 02, 2021 11:50 AM (CE4w9) 313
off moldy estab sock
Posted by: Capital Eff at November 02, 2021 11:50 AM (2xGy+) 314
Just got back from voting here in Texas. In my precinct, it's only a constitutional election, no local positions. Turnout looked low, but there were more people arriving as I was leaving, around the beginning of lunch break time.
I had strong feelings about a couple of the propositions, hence why I voted. One of them I was actually semi-against, BUT a for vote was also a Fuck Hidalgo vote, so I voted for, because fuck Hidalgo, that's why. Posted by: Mrs. Peel at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (8548M) 315
This leggy brunette with a motorcycle thinks this obvious stunt his hilarious in a really contemptible sort of way: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (DU+/6) 316
Who counts the votes? Same people who counted in 2020?
Posted by: Duncan Macleod, The Highlander at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (5bp/r) 317
278 FWIW...
betting markets are surging for McAwful. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:44 AM (OalnH) ) ----- Last year, when they halted the vote counting in the battleground states, Trump was crushing it -- and then the betting markets switched to Biden big time ... Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (MtGJh) 318
And if Youngkin wins? Are you going to admit that perhaps he knew what he was doing in a race which was widely viewed as a layup for McAuliffe?
Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:40 AM (ZsR3z) Fine with me if Youngkin wins. I've seen too many previous Virginia races that were torpedoed by party apparatchiks who didn't know one fucking thing about smart campaigning. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 11:52 AM (y7DUB) 319
I think Youngkin wins by 4-5% and the Dems know this.
I'm not on board with the "Dominion owns us!" meme, I think its like a 1% margin of fraud in a state like VA. Posted by: Hylian at November 02, 2021 11:52 AM (YsTC1) 320
I just wonder who this is supposed to persuade? Some guy has opinions, news at 11.
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 11:52 AM (ZZK0E) 321
The same guy with the patch was yelling "Give us a Rebel Yell, boys!"
Caleb Hull twitter has the video and audio. Posted by: AV at November 02, 2021 11:52 AM (gtKRu) 322
I recall one the early Allman Brothers Band albums featured a Confederate Flag. But that was back when hippies wanted to be rebels instead of concentration camp guards.
Posted by: Puddin Head at November 02, 2021 11:52 AM (2graF) 323
Russian Hoaxster and nbc fake news employee Ken Dilanian called the Secret Service to "ask" (report) them about "let's go brandon." Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:53 AM (//1wO) 324
This leggy brunette with a motorcycle thinks this obvious stunt his hilarious in a really contemptible sort of way: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (DU+/6) ----- Oh my ... reminds me of a young Gabrielle Anwar. Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:53 AM (MtGJh) 325
The same guy with the patch was yelling "Give us a Rebel Yell, boys!"
With a TIdewater accent or a phony Southern drawl? Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:53 AM (RiaUX) 326
293 ace, if you need a happy-ending story later:
John Eisenman, 60, is alleged to have beaten Aaron Sorensen, 19, in the head with a cinder block before stabbing him to death for selling his daughter into a sex trafficking ring. 60 years old, but he still can swing a cinderblock. Posted by: 40 Miles North He seems to moderate. No use of a blowtorch? C'mon. Posted by: Puddleglum at November 02, 2021 11:53 AM (QFVV9) 327
My thoughts exactly... For History's sake Richmond Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy.... Maybe he's a history buff...
Posted by: It's me donna at November 02, 2021 11:11 AM (0PUU9) There are a lot of people, typically the 1% biker types, who wear that flag, because they fancy themselves as "rebels" Most of them couldn't give you a Coles Notes version of the leadup to the Civil War. Hell, plenty of those flags worn in Canada, too. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 02, 2021 11:54 AM (P3gRi) 328
274 My prediction is:
Youngkin up 53-47 at end of Tuesday night. Youngkin up 51-49 by Wednesday night. Tied up Thursday night. McAwful up 51-49 by Friday morning. McAwful wins 52-48 Friday night. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:43 AM (iDcra) Yup. You nailed it. Posted by: Justsayin' at November 02, 2021 11:54 AM (Fs5vw) 329
Fox News calls it at Noon for McAulliffe. "It's a statical impossibility for Youngkin to win at this point", states the Fox Election Decision Desk.
-- Is this for real? ![]() Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:54 AM (sVtYq) Posted by: SMH - The War has been won, only the battles remain, as usual at November 02, 2021 11:55 AM (iytpw) 331
The Ghost of Don Imus wanted to show his support for Virginia and the Confederacy!!!
Posted by: Gunner at November 02, 2021 11:55 AM (zRnMr) 332
I think Youngkin wins by 4-5% and the Dems know this.
I'm not on board with the "Dominion owns us!" meme, I think its like a 1% margin of fraud in a state like VA. I think that's a mite optimistic. It'll probably be closer to 2-3%, but that's just a WAG. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:55 AM (ZsR3z) 333
The same guy with the patch was yelling "Give us a Rebel Yell, boys!"
Caleb Hull twitter has the video and audio. -- That right there seals the deal. No doubt they were 100% phony plants. Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (sVtYq) 334
Fox News calls it at Noon for McAulliffe. "It's a statical impossibility for Youngkin to win at this point", states the Fox Election Decision Desk.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (epasQ) *** Heh. Thats what they were saying at 10:00 PM (Pacific Time)election night for Trump. Statistically impossible for Biden to win. Right. Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (axyOa) 335
GOPe tonight: The system worked, the people have spoken we congratulate Governor elect McAwful and look forward to working with him in the future.
GOPe tomorrow: Send $100 ASAP so we can stop the radical Biden/Pelosi agenda Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (OalnH) 336
Yay for more racial cuckoldry. That flag is a symbol of honor that sodomites of the North never understood until the word 'busing' began being nightly news. Thanks again for proving how worthless conservatives are. Keep getting on your knees I'm sure someone somewhere will eventually tell you're not racist and remember to swallow. Conservative honor is at stake.
Posted by: Borzoi Respector at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (tjieG) 337
258 247 50% of students in VA are minorities? I'm calling bullshit
Daughter and SIL live in VA. Whites are the real minority. Posted by: Carmenzoid at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (9sa5h) 338
The way things are going, starting to side with the Engineers in their opinion of humans. No fur off my back since a neko-grrl.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (RiaUX) 339
Fox News calls it at Noon for McAulliffe. "It's a statical impossibility for Youngkin to win at this point", states the Fox Election Decision Desk.
Please stop doing this. The joke's been done. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (ZsR3z) 340
Is this for real?
Posted by: Lady in Black ___ No. ===== Isn't it sad that it could very well be? I don't know what's real anymore... Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (sVtYq) 341
"betting market are surging for McAwful"
Predict It started tanking for Youngkin about 10:30 or 11. He was up comfortably pretty much ever since the Fox poll came out. What happened late morning? Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (YFAIE) 342
Is next - rube wear!
Posted by: 496 at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (U1eOr) 343
Just saw that the betting pools now have Youngkin favored.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (Y+l9t) 344
"9 Fox News calls it at Noon for McAulliffe. "It's a statical impossibility for Youngkin to win at this point", states the Fox Election Decision Desk.
-- Is this for real? Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:54 AM (sVtYq)" Arizona called. It says, "hey". Real but fake. Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (epasQ) 345
"NBC Investigations" is a real thing. It's a, get this, "investigative" branch of nbc fake news. They have their own twitter account, and everything. "NBC Investigations" is pretty much just a twitter account that pretends to "investigate" Democrat opposition by ratting them out to authorities. "NBC Investigations" "asked" the Secret Service (and probably the ATF, too) if the slogan "let's go brandon" printed on weapons or used by ammo dealers is a "threat." Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (//1wO) 346
I don't under the intense Lincoln Project support for McAuliffe
Youngkin is a GOPe and McAuliffe is trash Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (cSyAR) 347
GOPe tonight: The system worked, the people have spoken we congratulate Governor elect McAwful and look forward to working with him in the future.
GOPe tomorrow: Send $100 ASAP so we can stop the radical Biden/Pelosi agenda Yes, there is abundant reason for cynicism, but I think even the braindead drones in the VA GOPe understand that they're on the precipice. If they don't change their ways, the party will disappear. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (ZsR3z) 348
Mail-in ballots are the danger. They must be postmarked by election day - I am not sure if that means it can be mailed today or had to be mailed by midnight last night I am trying to find that.
Theoretically a mail-in ballot must be requested, and that request is supposed to meet certain requirements - name, address, last 4 of SSN to help identify. Fairfax Country registrar decided that last 4 wasn't REALLY necessary so fulfilled requests without it. Concerned voters went to court and - this is not snark - the judge found they had no standing. All requests were supposed to be postmarked by October 22. Hmmm. Your ballot will be counted if it is postmarked by Election Day and received by your local registrar by noon on Friday, November 5. Hawaiian judge could rule that postmarked ON election day is the same as BY election day. And they will still be coming in by Friday. Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (mbFEM) 349
Predict It started tanking for Youngkin about 10:30 or 11. He was up comfortably pretty much ever since the Fox poll came out. What happened late morning?
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (YFAIE) ____ Reports of heavy turnout in NoVa and the realization that it was a fantasy for a Republican to have a hope in hell in VA. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (OalnH) 350
This leggy brunette with a motorcycle thinks this obvious stunt his hilarious in a really contemptible sort of way: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (DU+/6) Nice bike. Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (o2MD2) 351
Wasn't it one of the Lincoln Boy Project pedos that had a confederate beer cooler on his boat?
Saw on the twitface last night that the confederate cooler was at the Youngkin rally. If not the same one, somebody went to a lot of trouble to recreate it. Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (SchxB) 352
That right there seals the deal. No doubt they were 100% phony plants.
Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 11:56 AM (sVtYq) Yup. Posted by: mrp at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (6eRlp) 353
The Lincoln Pedophile Project are useful idiots for the Democrats. The Democrats can claim some Republicans support them by pointing to the LPP.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (RiaUX) 354
For those interested, I posted a link on the Art Thread to a quick interview with Winsome Sears (running for Lt Gov in VA). She talks a bit about the black community getting fooled by the Dems again and again.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (5HBd1) Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (zoGah) 356
Just got a spam call reminding me to vote.
I asked her, "Damn, how many times do I need to do so?" Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (axyOa) 357
Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd)" The person with him on his left is a woman. Posted by: Just a side note at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM Only one way to find out. Have a couple of big biker types demand that he tip his hat to that lady. Outs the long-haired, hippy-type, pinko fags every time. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (m+jkK) 358
he hat looks pretty brand-new, too.
Posted by: sock_rat All hat, no cattle. Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (zoGah) Gotta tell ya, I kinda like the hat. I'd wear it. Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (axyOa) 359
Those aren't men, they're women. Such fake b.s. I can't even...ugh.
Posted by: Dansgirls at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (92Wxi) 360
357 Anyone else think that's a woman? The hair looks very woman-ish..
Posted by: LASue at November 02, 2021 11:30 AM (Ed8Zd) *** Rick Wilson has quite the collection of wigs, I'm sure. Posted by: Azathoth at November 02, 2021 12:00 PM (DZcbi) 361
331 The Ghost of Don Imus wanted to show his support for Virginia and the Confederacy!!!
Posted by: Gunner at November 02, 2021 11:55 AM (zRnMr) ----- Heh. That could be Don Imus if the dude looked more like 120 than 60 ... Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 12:00 PM (MtGJh) 362
Imagine if the guy had had a hammer and sickle flag on his back.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 02, 2021 12:00 PM (YqDXo) 363
come on guys. two lame PR stunts don't erase an 8 point lead. Youngkin all the way
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 12:00 PM (ZZK0E) 364
Yes, there is abundant reason for cynicism, but I think even the braindead drones in the VA GOPe understand that they're on the precipice. If they don't change their ways, the party will disappear.
Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (ZsR3z) McConnell was initially for impeaching DJT for 1/6 before someone talked some sense to him. Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (y7DUB) 365
For those interested, I posted a link on the Art Thread to a quick interview with Winsome Sears (running for Lt Gov in VA). She talks a bit about the black community getting fooled by the Dems again and again.
If so, they're willful fools. I'm not willing to say they are children without agency. I realize she has to talk the way she does, when what she really means is "stop being stupid because you think you can get stuff". Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (ZsR3z) Posted by: Dale at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (P8upX) 367
Not only does Fake Rebel have his brim tipped way down, notice he also has his jeans jacket collar Wes Hightower getting ready to rob Gilley's.
Posted by: Lady in Black at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (sVtYq) 368
I think even the braindead drones in the VA GOPe understand that they're on the precipice. If they don't change their ways, the party will disappear.
Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 11:58 AM (ZsR3z) ------- I'm not so confident in that. I hope if a few more GOP types lose some off-year elections (fairly or not), it'll reinforce public perception of them as a useless Party. I want a big loss for them next year, in a year when they *should* win, making it obvious that they are simply not an option anymore, whether you like them or not... I expect they will pick up seats, sadly, but I think a loss in 2022 would more-or-less mark the end of the GOP as a viable Party faction. It needs to happen. I know it's not a popular opinion and grows less so as we approach the midterms, but I don't see any opportunity for meaningful change with them around. Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (/KPLX) 369
You don't say "give us a God Save The Queen!" You just yell God Save the Queen and await the response.
You don't say "give us a Rebel Yell!" You just make a Rebel Yell and await the response. Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (6FeV1) 370
Hey fellow republican. Know anywhere I can get me some rope and ANFO?
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at November 02, 2021 11:35 AM (iDcra) check in with your FIB handler, he can get it for you cheap... Posted by: SturmToddler (8D42x) at November 02, 2021 12:01 PM (8D42x) 371
Virginia Dem caught by police tampering with campaign signs hours before heated election Posted by: redridinghood at November 02, 2021 12:02 PM (NpAcC) 372
I refuse to be made to care about the Confederate flag by a group of mediocrities who still have their faded Che Guevara t-shirts hanging in their closet from their college days at Lackluster U.
Posted by: Azathoth at November 02, 2021 12:02 PM (DZcbi) 373
>>Blacks are 20% of the population in Virginia. If they are 40% of the electorate, that means there's a lot of white people staying home on election day. Good job, guys. POC make up roughly 40 pct of the total population of Virginia, that's Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and other ethnicities. Roughly speaking, Blacks vote 90pct, Hispanics 70 pct and Asians and others vote 75-80 pct for team Donkey. This doesn't explain everything but it does explain most things with regards to how Virginia votes. Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2021 12:02 PM (xL1kJ) 374
Frank Luntz tweeted that Youngkin had an 80% chance to win. The kiss of death.
Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 12:02 PM (OalnH) 375
Aric Baldwin is not finished! Not by a long shot (heh) will shooting some insignificant person stop his important twitter work! Now, xe is tweeting out Manchin complaints. Is that a threat? Should the FBI know?
Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (ITJyK) 376
> I think you mean Blystone which already points out a name recognition problem.
Seen a few Blystone signs around. Posted by: me at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (9p+wn) 377
13 Am I'm supposed to be offended by that flag ?
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at November 02, 2021 11:09 AM (cMXNt) I'm not. I love that flag. Posted by: Reggie1971 at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (996BY) 378
346 I don't under the intense Lincoln Project support for McAuliffe
Youngkin is a GOPe and McAuliffe is trash Posted by: Brother Northernlurker at November 02, 2021 11:57 AM (cSyAR) ----- Trump wrecked them. They hate him (and by extension us), and want him (and by extension us) dead -- at whatever cost, including their own destruction. Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (MtGJh) 379
Dude probably got the patch from Pirate Rick Wilson's cooler.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (XSRBF) 380
Kind of a footnote by now, but McAufiffe as I recall is one of *the* most corrupt, self-dealing of the Clinton gang, which is saying something. A crude, Third World-level kind of corruptocrat.
Posted by: rhomboid at November 02, 2021 11:49 AM (OTzUX) So he's exactly the posterchild of modern Virginia Democrat. In other words, he serves the beltway in northern Va and the rest of the state can pound sand. VA is dead until 75% of its counties leave and join West Virginia. Posted by: Shenanigans at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (q0yPd) 381
Some of the early exit polling is not good for Dems. They don't like McAuliffe and especially on education. Overall Dem voting is down and polling specific to Dem voters shows they don't like Moobs McAwful.
Posted by: Marcus T at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (epasQ) 382
IIRC that Rick Wilson's cooler didnlt just have the confederate flag, but also "the South will rise again!"
Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (bDqIh) 383
Should you vote? My answer is yes, because every vote makes the Democrats' cheating incrementally more difficult.
If you don't vote, you are casting away your moral right to complain, as you have joined the great number of apathetic people who have never voted. Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (fw+kj) 384
Deplorable is all they got. Since like forever. Scratch a dem find a racist. Ever time. If they can't paint us as racist homophobes that hate anything or anyone not white or straight. They got nothing. I imagine it is all projection anyway.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (0OmEj) 385
Only one way to find out. Have a couple of big biker types demand that he tip his hat to that lady. Outs the long-haired, hippy-type, pinko fags every time.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 02, 2021 11:59 AM (m+jkK) I bet he's even got a commie flag tacked up on the wall of his garage. Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (axyOa) 386
>>>This leggy brunette with a motorcycle thinks this obvious stunt his hilarious in a really contemptible sort of way: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (DU+/6) ===== She's going to have a hell of a time shifting in those heels. Posted by: Turn Two at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (yk3T/) 387
363 come on guys. two lame PR stunts don't erase an 8 point lead. Youngkin all the way
Posted by: Tim Riggins at November 02, 2021 12:00 PM (ZZK0E) ___ That was an outlier. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (OalnH) 388
I refuse to be made to care about the Confederate flag by a group of mediocrities who still have their faded Che Guevara t-shirts hanging in their closet from their college days at Lackluster U.
Posted by: Azathoth at November 02, 2021 12:02 PM (DZcbi) Real Confederacy has never been tried. Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (6FeV1) 389
OT: China warns its citizens to start stockpiling food for the winter. That's encouraging. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (ZsR3z) 390
Everyone forgets that Mccauliffe was Balls Deep in the MCI Worldcom Scandal. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (//1wO) 391
Good news America! My crack upholstery cleaners are able to get the stains out of the chair #PoopyPantsBiden used, and we won't be billing you for the replacement.
Posted by: Pope Francis at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (ITJyK) Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (RiaUX) 393
So you suppose Baldwin will take a few selfies standing in front of his victim's casket? Would that be tacky?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (o2MD2) 394
In fact, the stupid Republicans never bring up MCI Worldcom. Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (//1wO) 395
Some of the early exit polling is not good for Dems. They don't like McAuliffe and especially on education. Overall Dem voting is down and polling specific to Dem voters shows they don't like Moobs McAwful.
You're doing it wrong. Try: Woe is us! All is lost! Save yourselves! Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (ZsR3z) 396
>>OT: China warns its citizens to start stockpiling food for the winter. That's encouraging. Good thing I just installed a massive subterranean larder. Now I just have to lard. Posted by: Thomas Bender at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (xL1kJ) 397
I don't under the intense Lincoln Project support for McAuliffe
Youngkin is a GOPe and McAuliffe is trash Its proof that they aren't about their stated goals. Just like Joe Biden taking a 7-dozen car motorcade to the "Climate Crisis" conference in Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (KZzsI) 398
I bet he's even got a commie flag tacked up on the wall of his garage.
Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM Hmm...not convinced on the garage ownership. Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (m+jkK) 399
Real Confederacy has never been tried.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (6FeV1) ================ Threadwinner Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (ITJyK) 400
So if the black students need black teachers to feel comfortable, we could put the white students with the white teachers and the black students with the black teachers ...... it seems like there's a word for that. Oh, segregation.
Posted by: MammaB at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (TIB1F) 401
Once upon a time CA was a red state. Then it wasn't.
We need to wake up to the reality that VA is now like CA. It's a fool's errand to get excited about it, it will only lead to disappointment. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (OalnH) 402
Unlike Alec Baldwin -
That guy in the Jean Jacket w/ Confederate patch likely never killed a girl. Posted by: garrett at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (CQDF9) 403
Democrats are scum.
Posted by: Bosk at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (x6uUk) 404
393 So you suppose Baldwin will take a few selfies standing in front of his victim's casket? Would that be tacky?
Posted by: Xipe Totec at November 02, 2021 12:06 PM (o2MD2) Just one shot, for posterity Posted by: Roy at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (Ti+Tv) 405
If you don't vote, you are casting away your moral right to complain, as you have joined the great number of apathetic people who have never voted.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (fw+kj) Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Not voting *is* a vote. Rejecting all candidates on offer does not somehow revoke your right to complain about which useless bastard gets selected for office. Posted by: Warai-otoko at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (6FeV1) 406
Alex Baldwin would need tips from that ace influencer Jayne Rivera for that. Though he should skip the low cut black dress if he does.
Posted by: Anna Puma at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (RiaUX) 407
Nood: Shitbird in Chief
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at November 02, 2021 12:07 PM (QU5/8) 408
nOOd Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 12:08 PM (//1wO) 409
I refuse to be made to care about the Confederate flag by a group of mediocrities who still have their faded Che Guevara t-shirts hanging in their closet from their college days at Lackluster U.
Exactly. I don't care for what the Confederacy stood for in its constitution, but I did like them rebelling against a constitution-violating federal government. Its a push. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at November 02, 2021 12:08 PM (KZzsI) 410
>> don't under the intense Lincoln Project support for McAuliffe
Youngkin is a GOPe and McAuliffe is trash LP are DC uniparty. Their donors are Lefties, their friends and long-time DC colleagues are Lefties. They exist to feed the narrative that "Trump or [insert latest rising star Republican] is too extreme for reasonable Republicans -- vote for the Democrat instead!" T hey are selected to represent the "Republican" POV on MSNBC and in other media outlet, which coincidentally is always "I agree with the Dems on this one, her's the conservative case for it. . ." Posted by: Lizzy at November 02, 2021 12:08 PM (bDqIh) 411
OT: China warns its citizens to start stockpiling food for the winter. That's encouraging. Posted by: pep at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (ZsR3z) ++++ Red China is a hive of scum and villainy, but at least they sometimes say things and do things that *aren't* arrayed against their own people. Hell, in this country they're telling people to *not* stockpile anything because it isn't necessary and makes shortages worse and that it's all panicked tomfoolery anyway. There is not a single thing that our government does that isn't designed to hurt us. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 12:08 PM (DU+/6) 412
For those interested, I posted a link on the Art Thread to a quick interview with Winsome Sears (running for Lt Gov in VA). She talks a bit about the black community getting fooled by the Dems again and again.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - look forward She's amazing. Posted by: Sharkman at November 02, 2021 12:09 PM (YVolY) 413
Food shortages here mean I can't find the brand i want. Food shortage in communist country mean starvation. See nk... Cuba...Russia. China's in deep.
Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at November 02, 2021 12:09 PM (0OmEj) 414
If the GOP were smart (I know, I know), they'd have someone show up to a McAwful rally with an Antifa flag or a USSR flag. Or holding up signs that say TEACHERS DECIDE WHAT KIDS WILL LEARN. Something.
But no, they never fucking learn to play the game right. They're still stuck in a 90s mentality where white papers and TV ads is what a campaign needs to win. Posted by: Joe XiDen - Delta Delta Delta Can I help ya help ya help ya Variant at November 02, 2021 12:09 PM (OalnH) 415
Here is something a little promising. VA has 100 districts for delegates.
91 are contested by the major parties. 9 only have one party competing. EVERY ONE IS A REPUBLICAN. There are no districts where there are no Republicans competing. Posted by: blaster at November 02, 2021 12:09 PM (mbFEM) 416
Predict It looks to have temporarily stabilized with Younkin only down a cent. 52 cents for McAwful, 51 for Youngkin.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at November 02, 2021 12:09 PM (YFAIE) 417
VA is dead until 75% of its counties leave and join West Virginia.
Posted by: Shenanigans at November 02, 2021 12:03 PM (q0yPd) ============= Lets just expand the District border ten miles south, and boom! None of those voters will matter any more. Seriously, the Demofascists keep threatening to give the district Senate seats. Let's beat them to the punch, and expand the district line. Posted by: Huck Follywood at November 02, 2021 12:10 PM (ITJyK) 418
nood glasgow antics
Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 12:10 PM (UHVv4) 419
346 Brother Northernlurker
Rick W is a product of the Florida GOPe cesspool. Still lives here. Wouldn't be surprised if this isn't warm-up to take out Gov Ron D in 2022. DeSantis has plenty of GOPe enemies to help LP. Posted by: EveR at November 02, 2021 12:11 PM (4dsGu) 420
Everyone forgets that Mccauliffe was Balls Deep in the MCI Worldcom Scandal.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at November 02, 2021 12:05 PM (//1wO) Some of the Horde have Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 12:11 PM (y7DUB) 421
I refuse to be made to care about the Confederate flag by a group of mediocrities who still have their faded Che Guevara t-shirts hanging in their closet from their college days at Lackluster U.
It's the same people behind both, so your feelings are understandable. Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at November 02, 2021 12:11 PM (SchxB) 422
Welp I fucked that up.
Posted by: Captain Hate Won't Forget Michael Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt at November 02, 2021 12:12 PM (y7DUB) 423
I will not be the least bit surprised if Youngkin "loses" and the Dems "sweep" the entire state. I would like to think there's an actual chance for the GOP to pick up the necessary votes, but you know as I as I do that the Dems have already baked in the necessary mail-in and drop box votes. McAuliffe already has his "victory" speech prepared and the champagne on ice.
Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin -- Bitterly clinging to the deplorable life at November 02, 2021 12:12 PM (ZFIBc) 424
Hey, McCauliffe, diversity isn't putting black teachers in front of black students. That's called quotas, and they're unconstitutional.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 02, 2021 12:12 PM (MbgKo) 425
This leggy brunette with a motorcycle thinks this obvious stunt his hilarious in a really contemptible sort of way: Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at November 02, 2021 11:51 AM (DU+/6) ----- "near" a motorcycle. fify ---- Oh my ... reminds me of a young Gabrielle Anwar. Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:53 AM (MtGJh) ---- Reminds me of how foolish young guys think a bike will help pull tail like that. Ask me how I know Posted by: OneEyedJack at November 02, 2021 12:14 PM (MFphb) 426
I will not be the least bit surprised if Youngkin loses Posted by: Captain Josepha Sabin
Yup. They need to have us completely disheartened/giving up on voting. Posted by: MikeM at November 02, 2021 12:14 PM (WsqCN) 427
I bet he's even got a commie flag tacked up on the wall of his garage.
Posted by: Diogenes at November 02, 2021 12:04 PM (axyOa) Hey, you can call my wife! I don't even HAVE a garage!! Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at November 02, 2021 12:16 PM (Zvtjl) 428
Rick Simon (Gerald McRaney) of "Simon and Simon" fame?
Posted by: ShainS -- State-Stamped Sluggish Schizophrenic at November 02, 2021 11:45 AM (MtGJh) That's a pretty good photo. If it was someone I knew, I'd recognize him right off. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at November 02, 2021 12:17 PM (P3gRi) 429
This is what the "Democrats are the Real Racist KKK NAZIs" rhetoric does to conservatives. Now you are running around like chickens with your heads cut off because someone showed up to a rally with a rebel flag patched on to a denim jacket, and few more steps down the path to "The Democrats are the REAL TRANSPHOBES" nonsense. Conservatism is mind rot. You are moored to no principle you wouldn't cast aside instantly that you might win some pointless election. Youngkin isn't your savior and neither is the GOP. Your investment into this election reeks of desperation. You lost your country the moment the following became anywhere close to true: "50% of the students at Va. schools K-12, 50% are students of color & yet 80 percent of teachers are white." No amount of token "black conservatives" is going to rewind what you've lost. There is no undo button.
Posted by: nope at November 02, 2021 12:18 PM (2XvbO) 430
I'm thinking now that there was a series of false flags planned. They already had this planned before even the tiki torch. Might have been a couple of ops that didn't even get noticed - or were so, so bad, that the media refused to report on them.
Posted by: Cthillary, dead but dreaming at November 02, 2021 12:23 PM (FWn1L) 431
"John Eisenman, 60, is alleged to have beaten Aaron Sorensen, 19, in the head with a cinder block before stabbing him to death for selling his daughter into a sex trafficking ring."
I believe in TX that would be justifiable use of deadly force under the "defense of others", or "stopping the commission of a felony". If it happened at night the "criminal mischief after dark" provision for deadly force would apply. Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at November 02, 2021 12:24 PM (fw+kj) 432
"An election question - is it ok for someone who is on the ballot to work inside the polling place (as an "usher" for example, not handling ballots)?
Or do rules vary per state?" In Virginia candidates were not allowed within 50 feet of polling place except to actually vote but don't know if that law has changed in last 4 years. Posted by: museisluse at November 02, 2021 12:35 PM (s90Jo) 433
Allah thinks it's legit.
Posted by: AV at November 02, 2021 01:04 PM (gtKRu) 434
I understand, but disagree with, the impulse to try to call this a false flag thing. I prefer the response of "who cares".
Since when do we care if somebody (tastefully) displays the confederate flag? By calling this a false flag incident, we are essentially buying into the "confederate flags = racist" argument that the Left loves. Posted by: Stingy at November 02, 2021 01:11 PM (mt0/g) 435
Alex the Chick found some video footage with a critique of the plant's actions. 1455528195504148489?s=20 Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at November 02, 2021 01:11 PM (UHVv4) 436
Don't worry the cemetaries have spoken.
Posted by: Harry at November 02, 2021 01:16 PM (EcD5Y) 437
nobody at the rally has a photo showing this guy's face?
Maybe he quickly just put the jacket on for the photo and then took it off immediately. Posted by: Bitcoin Fixes Everything at November 02, 2021 01:59 PM (V6W16) 438
You should have told us about firing the white teaches before we mailed in our early voting ballots.
Posted by: Teacher's Union at November 02, 2021 02:15 PM (+6zT6) 439
You know, with so many illegal immigrants coming over the border from Mexico, you'd think at least some of 'em would be the cartel members who kill journalists.
Posted by: vivi at November 02, 2021 02:15 PM (+F+Xg) 440
From Liberal Democrats comes WHINE WHINE WHINE
Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at November 02, 2021 05:12 PM (wGqjj) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.0838 seconds. |
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