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Dear Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers

Please stop saying that a corporation is a "fictitious person" as part of your case in chief against the Hobby Lobby decision.

For one thing, you sound stupid. Not because this is untrue, but rather because it is obviously true, and 90% of all literate people not only know "corporations are fictitious people" but in fact have known this since long before you apparently did.

You sound like 8 year olds who just learned a FunFact (TM) about koalas and can't stop repeating it. Didja know that koala bears are not in fact bears but odd creatures called "marsupials"?!!? Didja? Didja?!!?

Yes, we all knew that. In second grade. But Welcome to the World, I guess.

It's a big place. You'll want to take notes about it until you get your bearings.

Secondly, and here I fear I will lose you completely because this is going to get slightly abstract and logical, the fact that "corporations are fictitious persons" actually destroys your arguments, rather than strengthens them, which, if you'd bother to have read the Hobby Lobby case, which you have not and will not, ever, you'd already know.

See, a corporation is a fictitious person. It is a made-up designation, created by state law, to permit business concerns to live longer than the lifespan of a natural person.

It is a fictitious person. It is not a real person. Fictitious -- an imaginary construct of the law.

Think about what that means.

This means that in a closely-held corporation -- where five or fewer people control the majority of shares (and in fact usually control all of it) -- the "corporation" does not exist in any real way, except for its listing in the tax records of a state.

In a small closely-held corporation, "the corporation" only means "these five guys right here."

The Supreme Court did not acknowledge that corporations qua corporations (look up "qua" on your own time, idiots) have "religious freedoms." Rather, it recognized the obvious -- that in the case of a closely-held corporation, the corporation being a fictitious entity and all, an imposition of a duty on "the corporation" is in reality just an imposition of a duty on the five or fewer people (often one or two) who own it.

Thus, when we say the Hobby Lobby corporation must provide abortifacient drugs to its employees, this is precisely the same as laying this responsibility on the five or fewer individual persons (who definitely have the right to religious freedom) to provide abortifacient drugs to their employees.

Given that the corporation is a fictitious entity of no tangible presence (something you seem so delighted to have recently learned), forcing the corporation to provide abortions is precisely the same as forcing the family who owns Hobby Lobby to provide them.

You see? You see what your problem is here?

I mean, one of your problems. You have many, beginning with the facts that 1 you are not terribly well educated and 2 you seem to believe you are extremely well educated.

Now, in a very large corporation, what we call a "publicly traded" corporation, wherein many thousands (or even millions) of persons might have shares and thus ownership interests in this fictitious person, one could very easily make the case that each individual shareholder is so attenuated from actual control of the corporation that to impose a duty on the corporation does not implicate the individual shareholder at all, or implicates him so slightly, so trivially, that we can round down and simply say "Forcing Exxon to provide abortion drugs should not offend the conscience of Exxon's thousands of owners."

We could say in that case that an imposition on the corporation has no real implication for the individual owner. He would own, what, one thousand shares out of over ten million shares of the decision to provide abortion services?

A very diffuse responsibility indeed.

But you cannot make this claim when a family of four owns almost all of the stock in a corporation. In that case, the burdens placed on this fictitious entity are actually burdens on the people -- Unless you idiots want to make the case that this fictitious entity that has so mesmerized you actually has the tangible quality of being a real person whose actions do not implicate its real-person owners.

But then in that case you shouldn't keep saying it's a fictitious person-- you should be arguing it's close enough to a real person to be treated as such.

You should be arguing that a corporation is so close to real that we should say a burden on it means nothing at all to its owners-- who are just third-parties with barely anything at all to do with the real person being burdened. The real person being burdened (in this argument) is the corporation, which is basically a totes real person, and no other people are burdened at all.

The Supreme Court agrees with your actual statements about corporations being fictitious persons. In fact, they agree with it so much they based their decision on it.

They're saying "A corporation, being a fictitious construct with no real existence in the context of a closely-held corporation, is too slight and gossamer a thing to put any weight upon as far as distinguishing burdens placed on it and burdens placed on its owners."

By the way, idiots, partnerships (also small collections of people) have always had these rights to religious freedom, as they are obviously Just People and do not surrender their humanity by choosing to form a business partnership with another.

All the court did was say that a closely-held corporation is sufficiently similar to a partnership for the same rule to attach.

"Attach" means "apply" in this contest, dummies. I don't mean they glued the rule to them.

I know you'll all thank me for clearing up your latest stupidity so allow me to say, in salutation,

You're Welcome, Imbeciles,

Your Buddy,


PS-- "SCOTUSblog" is not the Supreme Court's personal web-log. It's just some guys who follow the court.

Please update your records, dum-dums.

PPS -- I don't know if "SCOTUSblog" is an incorporated fictitious person. You should get right on that yourselves, though. I'm sure that fact holds the key to this whole mystery.

Posted by: Ace at 06:20 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 My man. Nice.

Posted by: wte9 at July 02, 2014 06:24 PM (DjClO)

2 Must have been a short film.

Posted by: Garrett at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (bgHsq)

3 Remind me not to insult Ace....ever.


Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (QFxY5)

4 Thank you, Ace. A very good summation of the case as well as of the lack of comprehension in the writings of the Left - or as I term them, the fictitiously loyal quasi-american semi-sapients.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (2mOaf)

5 Thank you, Ace. A very good summation of the case as well as of the lack of comprehension in the writings of the Left - or as I term them, the fictitiously loyal quasi-american semi-sapients.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (2mOaf)

6 Go Fuck Yourselves Stupid,

Your buddy,


And that, right there, pretty much sums up the way we need to deal with the world as it is.

Posted by: tcn at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (g+qqc)

7 I don't know if the writers and "journalists" truly don't get it or they just don't care. The people who read them though probably wouldn't be able to get past your second paragraph.

Posted by: Adam at July 02, 2014 06:26 PM (G8ga7)

8 Meaning? Shirley you jest.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:26 PM (0HooB)

9 but they're denying basic care! And women will die because the safest care for a pregnancy is an abortion. Also, what if the woman has like cancer in the pregnant areas? Then, an abortion is the only cure for that cancer.

signed, xxoo
Justice Ginsburg

PS I actually made these arguments

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:26 PM (K6Ajt)

10 Thanks a lot for this kind of post, Ace. Seriously.

Posted by: Yoshi, Aggrieved Victim of the White Man at July 02, 2014 06:27 PM (qCYxV)

11 Ace I think the liberals, or at least a good size portion of them, do understand that corporations are by law the same as individuals. I also think they will lie about anything if it gets in the way of what they want.

So most of these turds are just using this as a stupid argument to justify their opposition to the Hobby Lobby decision.

Posted by: Vic at July 02, 2014 06:27 PM (T2V/1)

12 great, now Boehner and the GOP will have to spend all of 2014 apologizing for lone wolf rwnj ace, thus giving Obama control of House and Senate.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:27 PM (K6Ajt)

13 Could have used a PS.

Posted by: Dr Spank at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (5UteM)

14 Go Fuck Yourselves Stupid

Done and done!

Posted by: Sandra Fluke at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (CtpHC)

15 beginning with the facts that 1 you are not terribly well educated and 2 you seem to believe you are extremely well educated.
Ace describes every liberal ever.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (K6Ajt)

16 It's a good thing you explained "attach" Ace,I fear they would have assumed you meant something like "strap-on" which is what they are most familiar with.

Posted by: meh at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (W2qJe)

17 Koalas are the only mammal besides humans that gets venereal disease. Over 50% of koalas have chlamydia, which often renders females infertile. Therefore, koala populations are rapidly dwindling.

Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (Y92Nd)

18 Well, I didn't know all this stuff. I was ignorant of it, and now I'm not. The howling leftists: 1 out of 2.

Posted by: red sweater at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (lVwPm)

19 That's how the bringer of bringiing it brings it.

Like the frustration ace.

Posted by: RWC at July 02, 2014 06:28 PM (OYOmf)

20 So-o-o-o-o, I'm not getting how this works.

Should.....should I drill a hole in my head to get fucked stupid?

What kind of lube would I use?

And who's going to pay for my brain contraceptive?

I don't want a pregnant brain.

Posted by: Leftarded Lefty Libtard at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (0cMkb)

21 I believe like half the people in the US are employed by closely held corporations.

Posted by: Dr Spank at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (5UteM)

22 (look up "qua" on your own time, idiots)

It's 3/4 of Jorma Kaukonen's first solo LP.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (N2w7p)

23 Corporations do have Constitutional rights - i.e. the government can't seize a corporation's property just 'cause. Ask the idiots if they think a corporation has First Amendment rights? Then ask the idiots if they think Planned Parenthood (a corporation) has First Amendment rights? Stand aside so as not to get brain matter all over you as their heads explode.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (lh89W)

24 I don't understand why Leftists insist on saying that "corporations are not people."

Of course they're people.

Also, basketball teams are people. So are: bowling leagues, churches, garage bands, investment clubs, universities, street gangs, families, knitting circles, fraternities, sororities, and Yahoo! groups.

See, these are just FUCKING WORDS we apply, as labels to, get this, GROUPS OF PEOPLE, who organize themselves in various ways and for various purposes.

Posted by: Phinn at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (i5GO4)

25 this whole post is violence against women and vaginas. vaginas.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:30 PM (K6Ajt)

26 Yes, leftists are quite stupid.

Posted by: prescient11 at July 02, 2014 06:30 PM (tVTLU)

27 So, Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers are a type of weasel?

Sadly, like the actual judgment, this will go unread by those that need it most.

Posted by: Chupacabras at July 02, 2014 06:30 PM (qDuQy)

28 Meanwhile, doctors are now in favor of skipping annual check ups for women. Feminists say this is a good thing, because most of the time, they don't find anything, and besides, it's embarrassing.

Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (Y92Nd)

you can attach things with staples too

Posted by: kj at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (lKyWE)

30 If I see one more of the "Next thing you know, some religious business owner won't want to pay for blood transfusions!!!eleventy!1!!!" argument, I'm gonna 'splode. Just 'splode.

Posted by: Tami at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (v0/PR)

31 Left-wing writers, come to your senses!
Like the mass of men, that ain't gonna happen.
Jus' sayin'.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (cVvbj)

32 Go Fuck Yourselves Stupid,

OK, fine. But, is this key with the Apple Pie on it, the French Fry Key, or not?

My very existence hinges on this, BTW.

Posted by: Pre-Columbian Uruguayan Feminist Studies Major Grad Student at work at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (laf0h)

33 I'm confused. Are you saying the Patriarchy hates women or that only evil corporations do?

Posted by: A Leftist at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (5UteM)

34 It's clear we're dealing with immature children inhabiting adult-sized bodies who think they know everything.

Which is a direct result of an education system that gives out participation awards instead of First Place trophies and places more emphasis on a child's feelings instead of facts.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (0HooB)

35 Ace

You must stop watching msnbc.

For your health

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:32 PM (zOTsN)

Ace, If empty headed left wing writers bother you, don't look at Vox. They have gone full Der Stürmer.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:32 PM (lJm99)

37 No more first amendment rights for corporations. See how quickly these things change.

Posted by: Mig0 at July 02, 2014 06:32 PM (Zkiz+)

38 I've been talking to these people and it really is that they hate the religious and don't care about the actual arguments. They just want Christians to pay for birth control because they are out of control and fuck you.

Posted by: Chupacabras at July 02, 2014 06:32 PM (qDuQy)

39 never try to teach a pig to sing...

it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (q+fqH)

40 Animals can get and transmit STDs. In fact syphilis original was transmitted to humans from animals.

Posted by: Vic at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (T2V/1)

41 @34 This!

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (cVvbj)

Seriously, what's up with Jewish guys named Max? They all hate the fuck out of Israel.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (lJm99)

43 I got it from the toilet seat.

Posted by: Koala at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (N2w7p)

44 You can lead the stupid to knowledge, but you can't make them think.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 02, 2014 06:34 PM (YEelc)

45 I can't even remember what it must have been like before Obama when there were no contraceptives for women.

The dark ages.

It took the receder of oceans and the healer of planets to discover female contraceptives.

And how is he rewarded?

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:34 PM (BZAd3)

46 you can attach things with staples too

Fuuuck! I forgot to buy a damned stapler, again.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 06:34 PM (N2w7p)

47 How come Ace is closer to the left wing imbeciles than us? Boo-hoo

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 06:34 PM (HVff2)

48 Their anger over this case hits several points:

1) The notion of ownership. That a line worker cannot dictate policy to the owners of a company rankles them. That it's a corporation, not a collective.

2) That religious rights were upheld. They despise seeing religion practiced publicly. And that, in combination with #1 above, might result in beliefs being enacted that do not blend with their own.


3) They hate the idea that anything trumps the power of the government diktat. ESPECIALLY RELIGION.

Their argument comes down to one thing. That incorporation should take away your individual rights, and force you to comply with some secular standard that they enact and enforce.

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (MMC8r)

49 @31 with a horribly foreshortened $22 glass of Benziger Merlot in front of me.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (cVvbj)

Posted by: Vic at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (T2V/1)

Is that where Democrats came from?

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (BZAd3)

51 I just wanted to point out that I can give you leprosy.


Fuck y'all.

Posted by: The Armadillos at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (0cMkb)

52 Uh oh. Looks like the pimp hand is getting a workout before the holidays.

Posted by: Fritz at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (3wLHY)

53 "Ask the idiots if they think a corporation has First
Amendment rights? Then ask the idiots if they think Planned Parenthood
(a corporation) has First Amendment rights? Stand aside so as not to get
brain matter all over you as their heads explode.
-Posted by: Alec Leamas at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (lh89W)

Throw in the word "unions" and then after they are sufficiently dazed...

...Punch Them In Their Empty Fucking Faces.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (lq3Ak)

54 "Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers"

OK, so they goofed on this one. But they're right about everything else.

Posted by: Bizarro Gell-Mann at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (1CroS)

OT, but it's in the headlines: Discussing Lindsey Lohan's "hotness" is like discussing the aridity of the oceans. Note for any left-tards: aridity means "lacking any moisture."

Posted by: The Atom Bomb of Loving Kindness at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (jqHOY)

56 I've already considered it my solemn duty to order a second spicy chicken at Chick-Fil-A every time I visit, just to cancel out every moron that is outraged by them. It's tough work, but it must be done, so I do it.

Now I have to pick up hobbies, other than poker and drinking and posting comments here. This one might be even tougher.

Posted by: Dave S. at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (GZa5S)

57 30 If I see one more of the "Next thing you know, some religious business owner won't want to pay for blood transfusions!!!eleventy!1!!!" argument, I'm gonna 'splode. Just 'splode.

Posted by: Tami at July 02, 2014 06:31 PM (v0/PR)

The one I am seeing a lot is that abortifacient's don't cause abortions.

Posted by: RWC at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (OYOmf)

58 So clearly leftist don't feel unions should these sorts of protections?


Posted by: Kreplach at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (6lSRk)

59 Nicely written. I'm a little surprised when you were talking about attenuation of responsibility by shareholders you didn't take a sideswipe at the BDS fools. After all, there's no attenuation if you are one of 10,000 shareholders if interests in Israel are involved.

That might help get the point across.

Posted by: Advo at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (7hUS8)

60 43 I got it from the toilet seat.
Posted by: Koala at July 02, 2014 06:33 PM (N2w7p)

So, stop licking it. And only drinnk out of the bowl right after they flush. Mmmmm - toilet bowl water.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (lJm99)

61 Awesome rant, Ace.

Posted by: votermom at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (GSIDW)

62 So, sooo tempted to post this to the FB.

Because, if there is one thing the leftists love, love, love about themselves it's "I mean, one of your problems. You have many, beginning with the facts
that 1 you are not terribly well educated and 2 you seem to believe you
are extremely well educated."

Posted by: RoyalOil at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (VjL9S)

63 Lord. Enough already with the sky is falling dick wads.... Read the decision. I'm sure the only thing the Libs read was the dissent by that old buzzard ginsberg. Nutty as a fruit cake that was...

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (9+ccr)

64 I read over at a liberal board for entertainment, they are doing back flips to try and bolster themselves after this decision. Unable to accept how wrong they are and still frantically trying to protect the knucklehead in the WH. One thread called him the smartest President of all times. I tell ya you can't get better laughs anywhere.

Posted by: Cal at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (Boxye)

65 58 So clearly leftist don't feel unions should these sorts of protections?


union thugs gets special protections where they can harass private individuals

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (K6Ajt)

66 I thought there was a rash of gonorrhea in Afghani goats a few years back?

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (N2w7p)

67 Epic rant.

*golf clap*

Posted by: Y-not at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (zDsvJ)

68 You can staple vaginas? Tell me more...

Posted by: Any Given Muslim at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (gwDMH)

69 Why should the corporation they work for (media corps) enjoy First Amendment rights?

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (MMC8r)

70 Wow, AB Stoddard just destroyed Obama, talking about how he's essentially given up on the job and no longer cares.

Posted by: Adam at July 02, 2014 06:37 PM (G8ga7)

71 The one I am seeing a lot is that abortifacient's don't cause abortions.

Posted by: RWC at July 02, 2014 06:35 PM (OYOmf)

Yeah, see Kohn, Sally.

Posted by: Tami at July 02, 2014 06:38 PM (v0/PR)

72 "24 I don't understand why Leftists insist on saying that "corporations are not people."

Of course they're people.

Also, basketball teams are people. So are: bowling leagues, churches, garage bands, investment clubs, universities, street gangs, families, knitting circles, fraternities, sororities, and Yahoo! groups.

See, these are just FUCKING WORDS we apply, as labels to, get this, GROUPS OF PEOPLE, who organize themselves in various ways and for various purposes.

Posted by: Phinn at July 02, 2014 06:29 PM (i5GO4) "

It's like Corporation is the name we give things we all do together!

Posted by: Advo at July 02, 2014 06:38 PM (7hUS8)

73 I once saw a fictitious person stupidly fuck a closely-held corporation.

Posted by: Nonfictional Character at July 02, 2014 06:38 PM (/cUUk)

74 Is this a contest? It depends on the context.

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 06:38 PM (8MjqI)

75 Is it still cool to say "IT'S. THE. LAW.", or has that fallen out of favor for some reason?

Posted by: Dave S. at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (GZa5S)

76 The one I am seeing a lot is that abortifacient's don't cause abortions.
yeah because denying those to women will cause them to die. Plus, it's a denial of basic care over vague moral objections.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (K6Ajt)

77 You can also attach things with a nail gun

Trying to be helpful

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (zOTsN)

78 11 Ace I think the liberals, or at least a good size portion of them, do understand that corporations are by law the same as individuals. I also think they will lie about anything if it gets in the way of what they want.

So most of these turds are just using this as a stupid argument to justify their opposition to the Hobby Lobby decision.
Posted by: Vic at July 02, 2014 06:27 PM (T2V/1)

I think that the few liberals who have backgrounds in law and business do understand that corporations are legally people in most ways. But they're willing to gloss over any distinctions in order to get a bumpersticker message out.

The rest just know that corporations are bad. So accepting that they may have the same rights as individuals is like accepting that orcs have souls and the legal right to marry your daughter.

And no they don't consider Planned Parenthood or the ACLU to be corporations either. Because profit is baaad!

Posted by: Maetenloch at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (pAlYe)

79 Okay, then, how can 'freedom of the press' apply to a news corp?

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (MMC8r)

80 The koala has one of the smallest brains in proportion to body weight of any mammal, being 60% smaller than that of a typical diprotodont. Please continue.

Posted by: Soledad O'Brien's Earpiece at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (1CroS)

81 Go Fuck Yourselves Stupid

How do you really feel about this Ace?

Posted by: Iblis at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (9221z)

82 The point about Planned Parenthood and 1st amendment is a good contrast. The leftists say a corporation can't impose it's morals on employees, but then they expect corporations to impose their leftist morals on everyone (employees, customers, suppliers, etc.). Pick a cause. Global Warming, LGBT, DOMA, 2nd amendment, charity donations, Unions. All of these have a moral element to them. Corporations are another means of people assembling for a purpose. If the leadership of the corporation takes a position that the shareholders don't like, the shareholders have the ultimate power. Don't need government ruling, regulation or approval in almost everything. The stockholders, customers and suppliers can easily apply their own votes by their choice of participating in commerce with that company. Live and let live should be the measure of what our society needs to get back to.

Posted by: JJ at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (0A+Ix)

83 So, stop licking it. And only drinnk out of the bowl right after they flush. Mmmmm - toilet bowl water.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (lJm99)

My big beautiful Chocolate lab used to lay on the floor in the upstairs bathroom when the lid was closed. I miss that bug dummy.

Posted by: Timon at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (BuhpO)

84 All lefties need to do is ask Lois Lerner for the definition of a closely held corporation. It's well defined in tax law.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (g1DWB)

85 You sound like 8 year olds who just learned a FunFact (TM) about koalas and can't stop repeating it. Didja know that koala bears are not in fact bears but odd creatures called "marsupials"?!!? Didja? Didja?!!?
did you know the human head weighs 8 pounds?

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (K6Ajt)

86 You can staple vaginas? Tell me more...

Dear Any Given Muslim,

Thanks for your inquiry. For $14.95 plus shipping and handling, I'll send you some of my labia and you can staple it to almost anything!

Posted by: Sydney Leathers at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (N2w7p)

87 Between this post and the earlier one where Ace says crosstabs show Obama is an asshole...I'm kind of in love with Ace today. He's in rare form, on fire.

Posted by: Mayday at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (eHc+1)

88 Ace, I hope you typed this post slowly so the Leftards could understand it.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (0HooB)

89 "You see? You see what your problem is here?"


The "five or less shareholders" argument handed down by the courts is arbitrary and without foundation.

We're knee-deep in the weeds when we get in this issue, however, the one trump card is this:

The business decides. Not the government.

The government has 0 authority. By design.

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:41 PM (x3YFz)

90 I don't even get the "closely-held" distinction.

Or the fact that Hobby Lobby has to resort to claiming this is based on religious beliefs.

Can't they just not pay for it...just because?

Posted by: AmishDude at July 02, 2014 06:41 PM (T0NGe)

91 Lefties don't like that corporations run by capitalists are independent of their collective borg.

But they'll take daddy's money, of course.

Posted by: Feh at July 02, 2014 06:41 PM (g/zj9)

92 Between this post and the earlier one where Ace says crosstabs show Obama is an asshole...I'm kind of in love with Ace today. He's in rare form, on fire.

Posted by: Mayday at July 02, 2014 06:40 PM (eHc+1)

Yes he is. Kept me entertained on the train ride from Stamford to Baltimore today. Thanks Ace!

Posted by: Timon at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (BuhpO)

93 I'm kind of in love with Ace today. He's in rare form, on fire.

I miss the guy who yells, 'EN FUEGO!'.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (N2w7p)

94 Thank you.

Posted by: Nobody_Jones at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (hTzAh)

95 77 You can also attach things with a nail gun

Trying to be helpful
Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:39 PM (zOTsN)

Don't forget duct tape & liquid nails

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (HVff2)


You have a way with words, Ace.

Well said.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (0LHZx)

97 I once held a fictitious person at arm's length. But I hold my cards close to my chest.

Posted by: Know when to fold 'em at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (/cUUk)

98 Wait until these idiots discover fire...

Oh wait.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (fWRPD)

99 >>The "five or less shareholders" argument handed down by the courts is arbitrary and without foundation.

No, actually its not. Its extremely well defined in the law.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (g1DWB)

100 The leftists say a corporation can't impose it's morals on employees, but then they expect corporations to impose their leftist morals on everyone (employees, customers, suppliers, etc.). Pick a cause. Global Warming, LGBT, DOMA, 2nd amendment, charity donations, Unions. All of these have a moral element to them.

But those they'll call 'secular,' as though its only wrong when its religious values. Of course, many of those 'secular' values are direct assaults on religious ones, but...

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:42 PM (MMC8r)

101 Velcro.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (N2w7p)

102 When the national government tells private businesses what they must provide employees, apart from a simple paycheck...

...that's fascism. Almost textbook definition.

Posted by: AmishDude at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (T0NGe)

103 Ace En Fuego!

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (9+ccr)

104 Corporations are like friendly cyborgs.

Posted by: toby928(C) at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (QupBk)

105 @87 I think we can all agree with the excellence of Ace, and the asshole-ness of their god-king Ogabe, His Ultimate Esteemed Panjandrumcy of Bacha Bazi.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (cVvbj)

Yeah, see Kohn, Sally.

Posted by: Tami at July 02, 2014 06:38 PM (v0/PR)

Is that where it is coming from? I knew the idiots were regurgitating it from somewhere.

And what the hell ace. Come down with a case of the nicey nice? Why'd you change the ending?!?

Posted by: RWC at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (OYOmf)

107 You can also attach things with a nail gun

Trying to be helpful

Don't forget superglue.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (0HooB)

108 I still think Republicans if ever they get full control again, should pass a law, that is verbatim to Obamacare, only with the word gun instead of the words health insurance.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (0LHZx)

109 One other thing that bothers me about these leftist harpies on TV and the Hobby Lobby decision. No one is saying that these womyn can't get these types of pills/implants, etc. All they are saying that that someone else won't have to pay for them. That's it. If you want something that your employer won't pay for, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF BITCH!

Posted by: Timon at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (BuhpO)

110 I don't even get the "closely-held" distinction.

Posted by: AmishDude at July 02, 2014 06:41 PM (T0NGe)

by today's legal definition it means 5 or less shareholders own a majority of the company.

That's it.

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (x3YFz)

111 Superglue, Proud Whopper, some assembly required.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (fWRPD)

112 Duct tape.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:45 PM (0HooB)

113 109 One other thing that bothers me about these leftist harpies on TV and the Hobby Lobby decision. No one is saying that these womyn can't get these types of pills/implants, etc. All they are saying that that someone else won't have to pay for them. That's it. If you want something that your employer won't pay for, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF BITCH!
Posted by: Timon at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (BuhpO)


One Venti Latte = 1 month of birth control pills.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:45 PM (0LHZx)

114 1 you are not terribly well educated and 2 you seem to believe you
are extremely well educated."

Posted by: RoyalOil at July 02, 2014 06:36 PM (VjL9S)

nuh uh.... Hello? Grad schul?

Posted by: Pre-Columbian Uruguayan Feminist Studies Major Grad Student at work at July 02, 2014 06:45 PM (laf0h)

What's the Whopper for trannies?

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (YDWEq)

116 I can clear this shit up right now:

Title 1, Chapter 1, Section 1 of the US Code:

The words "person" and "whoever" include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals

It's literally the first law in the book.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (X9Mnx)

117 Nice Ace...

You made me smile....what's funnier is these dumbass libs are fascist to their core and can't see it.

People who want government to behave as principle partner in directing corporations' goals and ethics...are get this "fascists"...

I'm a "liberal" by classic definition....

We need to learn Spanish and turn the Hispanics against "the managing partner"...

Posted by: Sven10077 at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (T6Jz2)

118 3 Remind me not to insult Ace....ever.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (QFxY5)

Aside from this current example of teh awesome post,
there's no greater reminder of not angering Ace than the " That About Wraps It Up For David Frum" post from Mar 2012. Just IMHO, I only found out about this place in 2010, there could be more awesome that I'm not aware of

If Ace lives in a Prog state, he probably had to register his wit as a deadly weapon after that one

Posted by: kilo6 at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (IziAx)

119 I once killed a fictitious person, just to watch him not die

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (zOTsN)

120 And, I'll say again-- there are plenty of people who are incorporated. Many of the celebrity types will be employees of a corporation they head to handle the financial aspects. Do they lose their individual rights because they file under a banner organization?

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (MMC8r)

121 I don't even get the "closely-held" distinction.

Posted by: AmishDude at July 02, 2014 06:41 PM (T0NGe)

by today's legal definition it means 5 or less shareholders own a majority of the company.

That's it.

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (x3YFz)

I'll expand: You can have 300 shareholders. But if 5 or less control 51% then it's "closely held."

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (x3YFz)

122 >>90
I don't even get the "closely-held" distinction.

I assume once you open your corporation up to shareholders, ie: the general public, your right to assert that your company is YOUR company and subject to YOUR morality goes out the window.

Posted by: Y-not at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (zDsvJ)

123 107 You can also attach things with a nail gun

Trying to be helpful

Don't forget superglue.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:43 PM (0HooB)

Secret Sauce from the Ghey Whopper works in a pinch.

Posted by: Dandy Sandy Fluke at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (OYOmf)

124 >>by today's legal definition it means 5 or less shareholders own a majority of the company.

>>That's it.

No it's not.

Seriously. Its been in the tax law for an extremely long time. It is a specific type of privately held corporation with specific ownership rules and transfer rules.

It is not new and the SC did not just make it up. It is the law.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (g1DWB)

a hot dog in a taco?

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (YDWEq)

126 If my employer doesn't provide me with a brand new car, does that mean my employer is denying me my "transportation rights"?

Fuck no. I can still buy my own car or pay for a buss pass and get all the transportation I can handle.

Same with birth control. Not getting something for free does not equal not having access to the something.

Fuck I hate these people.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (0LHZx)

127 One Venti Latte = 1 month of birth control pills.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:45 PM (0LHZx)

And one copper IUD costs far less than a year's worth of cell phone bills. This is absolute bullshit.

Posted by: Timon at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (BuhpO)

128 116 Hollowpoint,

Yup and get was on purpose b/c economic liberty is a necessity for the others...

Posted by: Sven10077 at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (T6Jz2)

129 @108 I know cows, I've worked with cows; and you, Sir, are no cow.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (cVvbj)

130 So what would one of these tards say if you asked if Unions are "fictitious persons"?

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (MNq6o)

131 Oh, and still angry that
the SCOTUS Citizens United ruling treated corporations as people with
regards to campaign contributions?

Well, then. Looky looky what I found.
A precedent from a SCOTUS case won by a Big Evil Corporation way back
in 1957. They too ruled that corporations have a constitutional right to
make campaign contributions, just as individuals do.

The Big Evil Corporation in question? United Auto Workers.

You reap what you sow, fuckers.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (X9Mnx)

132 I fear most for the strawmen

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (K6Ajt)

133 They're too stupid to be reasoned with Ace.

They only understand rocket fist in the mouth.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (oFCZn)

134 108 I still think Republicans if ever they get full control again, should pass a law, that is verbatim to Obamacare, only with the word gun instead of the words health insurance.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (0LHZx)

Instead of nose, face, knife, spite repeal the damn ACA instead of playing fuck fuck. GOP will have full control but no for long. Make hay when the sun is shining. Oh yeah that's too hick for you

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (HVff2)

135 What's the Whopper for trannies?


Posted by: kj at July 02, 2014 06:48 PM (lKyWE)

136 Remind me not to insult Ace....ever.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 02, 2014 06:25 PM (QFxY5)

Aside from this current example of teh awesome post,
there's no greater reminder of not angering Ace than the " That About Wraps It Up For David Frum" post from Mar 2012. Just IMHO, I only found out about this place in 2010, there could be more awesome that I'm not aware of

If Ace lives in a Prog state, he probably had to register his wit as a deadly weapon after that one

Posted by: kilo6 at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (IziAx)

I hit the tip jar when I can. Ace tolerates us so he's +1

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:48 PM (x3YFz)

137 Obama has used the 'so sue me' sound bite like twice, and it's already over used.

This is a very bad sign of Barry.

No other person probably in history has managed to leverage the power of the witty sound bite as well as Obama has.

When he had masses of sycophants, they would pick up the sound bites and echo them everywhere like a Gregorian chant.

Now they're falling dead almost immediately.

He can't succeed without sound bites. They were his stock in trade.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:48 PM (BZAd3)

138 Where'd they get the number 5 from? A chocolate starfish?

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 06:49 PM (MNq6o)

139 Instead of nose, face, knife, spite repeal the damn ACA instead of playing fuck fuck. GOP will have full control but no for long. Make hay when the sun is shining. Oh yeah that's too hick for you
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 06:47 PM (HVff2)


Dude get a fucking grip. We're on the same side on this one.


Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:49 PM (0LHZx)

140 Ace. there's consensus today. You use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore.

Posted by: Taggart at July 02, 2014 06:49 PM (1CroS)

141 16 Hollowpoint,

Yup and get was on purpose b/c economic liberty is a necessity for the others...

The legal doctrine that "corporations are people" is a very old one. As Ezra Klein might lament, it's over 100 years old.

Most lefties think that the concept was invented by the Citizens United ruling.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (X9Mnx)

142 108 I still think Republicans if ever they get full control again, should pass a law, that is verbatim to Obamacare, only with the word gun instead of the words health insurance.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (0LHZx)

What the fuck's wrong with you?

I don't want these people to have guns.

I want them helpless so when the time comes to kick their asses it will go quick and easy.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (oFCZn)

143 The left likes to say "corporate" and "corporation" because they're swear words. They don't require thinking. Once you've said them, you've identified The Enemy, and no further proof of your rightness or wrongness is required.

Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (xN1DB)

144 Ace. there's consensus today. You use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore.

Posted by: Taggart at July 02, 2014 06:49 PM (1CroS)

fairly certain he doesn't use his tongue to type his posts.

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (x3YFz)

145 What the fuck's wrong with you?

I don't want these people to have guns.

I want them helpless so when the time comes to kick their asses it will go quick and easy.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (oFCZn)


You do make sense...

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (0LHZx)

146 Glue? How about Ace bandages, nyuk, nyuk.

Posted by: Curly at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (/cUUk)

147 a hot dog in a taco?

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (YDWEq)

I'm sorry, sir. I don't see that button on my cash register. Please drive up.

Posted by: Pre-Columbian Uruguayan Feminist Studies Major Grad Student at work at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (laf0h)

148 'Corporation' is the new 'kulak.'

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (MMC8r)

149 Barry has got to be cracking under the strain. I bet Shady Ed the Opium Man is making a lot of deliveries to Pennsylvania Avenue these days.

Posted by: Y-not at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (zDsvJ)

150 Here's what I've not heard the leftists (who lie about everything) asked: What if Hobby Lobby was a partnership, and not a corporation?

Should the partners still be forced to violate their religious beliefs?

What if it was a limited partnership, with a 1% general partner and 99% control by the limited partners?

What if it was a limited liability company (LLC)?

Why is it that choosing the corporate form--over all other forms--means the owners have forfeited all their Constitutional rights?

Then, if they mumble around that one, I'd like to know: "Do corporations have 4th Amendment rights? If so, why should they be entitled to 4th Amendment rights but not 1st Amendment rights?"

Posted by: RoyalOil at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (VjL9S)

151 That was epic. But you are going to have to do it with an interpretive dance performed by papier-mache' puppets if you want there to be any hope of the leftists truly understanding it.

I haven't followed it, but is Hobby Lobby a Sub-chapter C or S corporation? Not that it makes a great difference legally, but Sub-S never have a large number of owners and are really just pass through entities. There are also LLC's who are taxed as Sub-S which I don't think applies here from what I can make out through all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Posted by: Thatch at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (m/nBa)

152 141 Hollowpoint,

The left is busy destroying every cornerstone established during the enlightenment that got us out of the dark ages...including innoculations....

Western Civ has devolved into an insane asylum.

Posted by: Sven10077 at July 02, 2014 06:51 PM (T6Jz2)

153 9 Barry has got to be cracking under the strain. I bet Shady Ed the Opium Man is making a lot of deliveries to Pennsylvania Avenue these days.

Maybe the cocaine in the pies wasn't a joke...

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (9+ccr)

154 Corporations have no rights but Mother Gaiaia does?

Posted by: Erowmero at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (go5uR)

155 What's the Whopper for trannies?

The Groper. It's the same as the Whopper but there's a hot dog tucked between the buns. It's on the dollar menu next to the Gay Chicken Fingers.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (MNq6o)

156 I still think Republicans if ever they get full control again, should pass a law, that is verbatim to Obamacare, only with the word gun instead of the words health insurance.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (0LHZx)

What the fuck's wrong with you?

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (oFCZn)

Wait wait, Dack.

Does that mean everyone gets a gun?

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (x3YFz)

157 oh a wise guy

Posted by: moe at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (lKyWE)

158 143 The left likes to say "corporate" and "corporation" because they're swear words. They don't require thinking. Once you've said them, you've identified The Enemy, and no further proof of your rightness or wrongness is required.
Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at July 02, 2014 06:50 PM (xN1DB)


True. I don't know how many times I've heard libs say "what, you want corporations to have all this power?". My reply is, OK who would you rather have this power. To which the reply is well the people of course. And I say, well who runs corporations.....that split second when it all comes together for them is priceless to watch. Until the next second when they go back to their insanity.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (0LHZx)

159 I once almost married a fictitious person. I could just never get him to be real with me

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (zOTsN)

160 115
What's the Whopper for trannies?

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 06:46 PM (YDWEq)

Post Op version is made with fresh ground beef.

Posted by: RWC at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (OYOmf)

161 Libbies believe corporations are evil, living cyborg entities that are built in factories owned by the Koch brothers. They live only to swell up in size, gobbling up all of their competition, until there is only the corporation, which then enslaves it's workers to keep stealing money from the poor.

Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (7vYgo)

162 The requirement to cover birth control isn't even part of the ACA, is it? Isn't it just another "rule" made by a bureaucrat?

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 06:53 PM (8MjqI)

163 some caller on Rush today put it very well, noting that the Lefties claim that denial of payment for abortifacient drugs denies access to female employees. he pointed out that Hobby Lobby also denies them access to TV and cable, since it does not provide them free to employees, it denies them transportation by not providing cars and free gas, etc. to lefties, nothing exists unless it is mandated, paid for, and run by some Party stooges.

Posted by: John Cunningham at July 02, 2014 06:53 PM (zES6t)

164 The DNC is a corporation. And, an extraordinarily evil one, withal.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 02, 2014 06:53 PM (vvk2F)

165 The left likes to say "corporate" and "corporation" because they're swear words. They don't require thinking. Once you've said them, you've identified The Enemy, and no further proof of your rightness or wrongness is required.

I just love it when one of my leftarded friends (as a musician, I have lots) starts railing against some "evil corporation," particularly drug companies.

I remind them that I get medicine for free directly from them.

It's almost like the Real World doesn't exist for them.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:53 PM (0HooB)

166 And then I worried about our half fictitious babies.

We had to fake break up

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (zOTsN)

167 162 The requirement to cover birth control isn't even part of the ACA, is it? Isn't it just another "rule" made by a bureaucrat?

You have to vote for it to find out what's in it or something...

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (9+ccr)

168 I'm not to keen on being forced to buy dental coverage and contraceptives for my guns.

Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (jtgkZ)

169 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'

Posted by: Captain Tuttle at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (MMC8r)

170 Does that mean everyone gets a gun?

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016)

Everyone is just told they're getting a gun and then they get audited if they complain about never getting a gun. It's a money maker. Trust me.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 06:55 PM (MNq6o)

It seems that Israeli AF, as we speak, is pounding the shit out of Gaza.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:55 PM (lJm99)

172 I'll take irony for $800 Alex

The answer is...

Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Google


What are 4 corporations that earn billions in profit every year, which leftists use to fight against capitalism

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (0LHZx)

173 All the fictitious people,
Where do they all come from?

Posted by: Eleanor Rigby, Inc. at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (MMC8r)

174 What kills me is that they continue to suggest that females who work in these corporations cease to have access to contraceptives. The continue to use the word 'access'.


As if when these women go to the drug store to by these contraceptives, a magic gate slams down on their hands and a trap door opens in the floor and they descend immediately to the seventy layer of hell.

Which, in Sandra Fluke's case, that's where they belong.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (BZAd3)

175 >>The requirement to cover birth control isn't even part of the ACA, is it? Isn't it just another "rule" made by a bureaucrat?

No. And yes.

And when Hillary starts going off on how offended she is on this remember that her health care plan introduced under her husband which crashed and burned also had a contraception exemption.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (g1DWB)

176 @156 pro tip: guns are only good if the nut behind the bolt is good. N.B. A state of grace is not necessary, but some measure of goodness, even if it is only the fervent belief that one must be good to be free, is required.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (cVvbj)

177 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'
Posted by: Captain Tuttle at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (MMC8

I don't know, obama as "Commander in Chief" comes awfully close...

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (9+ccr)

178 It seems that Israeli AF, as we speak, is pounding the shit out of Gaza.
Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:55 PM (lJm99)


Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 06:56 PM (+XMAD)

179 Omg so funny

Jimmy kimmel interviewing faux soccer fans on the street about events in the World Cup that never happend

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:57 PM (zOTsN)

180 TangoNine: "fairly certain he doesn't use his tongue to type his posts."

Of course he was using his tongue. He was beating this post like it owed him money.

Posted by: Taggart at July 02, 2014 06:57 PM (1CroS)

181 "Attach" means "apply" in this contest, dummies. I don't mean they glued the rule to them.

I thought it meant they were stapled to them. That's what I do when I attach things. Does that help?

Posted by: VP Joe Biden at July 02, 2014 06:57 PM (IN7k+)

182 This is in response to the launching of rockets from gaza into Israel.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:57 PM (lJm99)

183 Corporations have no rights but Mother Gaiaia does?

There are quite a few crazies who want animals to have legal rights, which I'm OK with just as soon as they can sign a contract.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:57 PM (0HooB)

184 141 Hollowpoint,

The left is busy destroying every cornerstone
established during the enlightenment that got us out of the dark
ages...including innoculations....

Western Civ has devolved into an insane asylum.

We've had a good run. No country or culture maintains its status as world dominant forever. I'm not sure it's possible- the temptation to decadence oneself to death is too great.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (X9Mnx)

185 Go IDF.

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (zOTsN)

186 It seems that Israeli AF, as we speak, is pounding the shit out of Gaza.
Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:55 PM (lJm99)

Only problem is that they need bigger planes and bigger bombs.

And a larger stockpile.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (BZAd3)

187 Aceplanation: Detailed, lengthy, accurate illumination of some topic performed in a witty manner.

Voxplanation: Vague, short, condescending obfuscation serving as the days agitprop.

Posted by: bananaDream at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (vLk7c)

188 169 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'
Posted by: Captain Tuttle at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (MMC8r)

Yes, there is. The Kardashians. I refuse to believe that family actually exists.

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (+XMAD)

189 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'

Posted by: Captain Tuttle at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (MMC8r)


Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 06:59 PM (X9Mnx)

I recall the same people proposing 'rights' for trees.

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 07:00 PM (YDWEq)

191 I would still like to use my nail gun. Just saying

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:00 PM (zOTsN)

192 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'

*cough* Office of the President-Elect *cough*

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:00 PM (0HooB)

193 169 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'
Posted by: Captain Tuttle at July 02, 2014 06:54 PM (MMC8r)

Say, did you go to medical school at Berlinischer Politechnicom by any chance?

Posted by: Arthur J. Cognomen at July 02, 2014 07:00 PM (RwwCT)

194 184 Hollowpoint,

Yeah and absent the IT and transportation revolutions I'd be more ambivalent.....

Problem is while we're eating chocolate cadence the 3d world will invade us.

Posted by: Sven10077 at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (T6Jz2)

195 126 Yes. In fact the White House is denying me access to a free Ferrari, right now. I need it. For, er, basic healthcare!

Posted by: votermom at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (GSIDW)

196 Secretary of Health Santorum.

That is all.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (K6Ajt)

197 OpSec notwithstanding, the rockets from Gaza were an attack on Kurdish oil flowing to the Med-Aqaba pipeline. They still must avenge the 3 dead boys.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (cVvbj)

198 There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'
excuse me

Posted by: george c fictitious at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (lKyWE)

199 "There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'"

Damn, do you mean to say that you all don't live inside my computer?

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (+XMAD)

200 >PS-- "SCOTUSblog" is not the Supreme Court's personal web-log. It's just some guys who follow the court.

Whoever writes their tweets is a good sport, though. Some of them are hilarious.

Posted by: kartoffel at July 02, 2014 07:02 PM (0K+kO)

201 CThank you Ace. I have had this same discussion 3 fucking times today with these idiotic lefties that clearly never once got close to a basic business law class.

When can we expect the sequel, OMG elenty!!!!!they banned birth control!

Posted by: brainpimp at July 02, 2014 07:03 PM (Y/1Mp)

202 "Attach" means "apply" in this contest, dummies. I don't mean they glued the rule to them.

Decoupage in the first degree!

Posted by: Eleanor Rigby, Inc. at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (MMC8r)

203 Muslim psychology is strange. Whenever a muslim has any success in any conflict, even against other muslims, they think that the success somehow is imputed to them as well. They always pull this shit.

And they generally get less than what they deserve in the way of punishment. For once, I would like to see Israel put these asswipes permanently on their knees.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (BZAd3)

204 >Secretary of Health Santorum.

>That is all.

>Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (K6Ajt)
Would be immediately busy with a national epidemic of cranial detonation.

Posted by: kartoffel at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (0K+kO)

205 "Damn, do you mean to say that you all don't live inside my computer"
-Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:01 PM (+XMAD)

I do. And it might do you well to toss me a goddamn peanut every month-or-so. I finished that Cheeri-O last week and I'm a little famished.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (lq3Ak)

206 "There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'"

The Palestinians are a fictitious people.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (N2w7p)

It's 2 am over there and Netanyahu has been spotted in his motorcade with sirens and lights flashing. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:05 PM (lJm99)

208 Apropos of nothing:

The name Gaza is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Gaza is: Strong, a goat.


Posted by: Hollowpoint at July 02, 2014 07:05 PM (X9Mnx)

209 just read hobby lobby pays their employee a wage 93% higher than minimum wage......what a bunch of assholes........./

Posted by: phoenixgirl, just another love song at July 02, 2014 07:05 PM (u8GsB)

210 Posted by: Eleanor Rigby, Inc. at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (MMC8r)

Gee and here I thought you were buried along with your name.

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:05 PM (+XMAD)

211 It's 2 am over there and Netanyahu has been spotted in his motorcade with sirens and lights flashing. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on.

I hope he takes the whole damned area out.

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (9+ccr)

212 I...uh, ...
I know several fictitious people in the greater DC metro area.

Posted by: Jay Carney at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (N2w7p)

213 Obviously, no one knows that 'Captain Tuttle' was a character Hawkeye made up in one of the last funny episodes of M*A*S*H.

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (MMC8r)

214 Ace. Bringing it.

No assembly required.

Posted by: Emperor of Trebek at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (2Gqjy)

215 Qua, Scrabble word of the day

Posted by: Jean at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (TETYm)

216 "The Palestinians are a fictitious people."
-Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (N2w7p)

*golf clap*


Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (lq3Ak)

217 49 @31 with a horribly foreshortened $22 glass of Benziger Merlot in front of me.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy... wait what?

Posted by: Dufus lefty at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (uGlk8)

218 Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:04 PM (lq3Ak)

How about a raw oyster?

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (+XMAD)

219 As much as the left likes to bang on the "corporations" thing here, that's not the real argument. It's a distraction from the more fundamental issue.

The Left doesn't actually care about the corporate form. Listen carefully to their arguments. They aren't making nuanced
arguments about corporate form. They're saying that there shouldn't be
religious exemptions for any employer. That's the argument: that an employer who doesn't give out free birth control is "denying" a fundamental right. So it doesn't matter who's doing it and how that company is organized. They don't think it's okay for sole proprietors to object on religious grounds.

The Left brings up the "corporations" objection, though, because it sounds good. At first blush it seems kind of odd that a legal fiction created to limit liability can have religious views, or can have speech rights under the First Amendment. Those objections play well to the uninformed: how can Wal-Mart have religious beliefs?

But again, that's just a distraction from the real issue: the Left wants to force all employers to pay for contraception.

Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (xN1DB)

220 207
It's 2 am over there and Netanyahu has been spotted in his motorcade with sirens and lights flashing. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on.

Beer run?

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (MMC8r)

221 207
It's 2 am over there and Netanyahu has been spotted in his motorcade with sirens and lights flashing. Hmmm...I wonder what's going on.

Where are you getting this info?

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 07:07 PM (9+ccr)

222 Say, did you go to medical school at Berlinischer Politechnicom by any chance?

Posted by: Arthur J. Cognomen at July 02, 2014 07:00 PM (RwwCT)

Auburn hair, hazel eyes...

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2014 07:07 PM (wbZ5N)

223 I just love it when one of my leftarded friends (as a musician, I have lots) starts railing against some "evil corporation," particularly drug companies.
I remind them that I get medicine for free directly from them.

It's almost like the Real World doesn't exist for them.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 06:53 PM (0HooB)

And whenever someone start ranting about how greedy corporations are making insane, windfall profits, I lean over to them and whisper conspiratorially, "Well you know there is a way for you to get a piece of their insane profits......." and then in an even smaller whisper, "Buy their stock. You'll get their profit AND the right to complain at the shareholders' meeting."

Yet somehow this never satisfies them.

Posted by: Maetenloch at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (pAlYe)

224 Many fictitious people vote in every election.

And they always vote D.

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (+XMAD)

225 "How about a raw oyster?"
-Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (+XMAD)

Your hardware won't like it, but I'll eat it.
...As long as it isn't wrapped in a rainbow wrapper.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (lq3Ak)

226 If you are really looking for fictitious people you need to check the voter rolls

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (zOTsN)

227 Manichewitz Run.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (N2w7p)

228 at the heart of the argument is whether the ideals and values of the individual (in this case the business owner) outweigh the perceived rights of the "collective."

They do. It's what this nation is founded on, at root level.

This is such an important point. This is the key to our survival. We cannot give ground here. Not an inch.

And DaveA: report to the barrel. I have an extra coating of unrecognizable goo in there on the walls just for you.

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 07:09 PM (x3YFz)


Posted by: Truck Monkey at July 02, 2014 07:09 PM (jucos)

230 Obligatory Reagan they know so much that isn't so comment.

Posted by: alexthechick - Oh save us mighty SMOD at July 02, 2014 07:09 PM (dMSj2)

231 Does that mean everyone gets a gun?
Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (x3YFz)

Can you imagine the price of guns if the gubmint gets involved? Yikes

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 07:10 PM (HVff2)

232 Yet somehow this never satisfies them.

Reality: how does it work?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:11 PM (0HooB)

233 108 I still think Republicans if ever they get full control again, should pass a law, that is verbatim to Obamacare, only with the word gun instead of the words health insurance.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at July 02, 2014 06:44 PM (0LHZx)


"Lawyer" instead of "Doctor".

Posted by: AmishDude at July 02, 2014 07:11 PM (T0NGe)

234 Great smackdown, ace.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2014 07:11 PM (sdi6R)

235 >>The people who read them though probably wouldn't be able to get past your second paragraph.
Posted by: Adam

They can, however, get past that second bag of Cheetos. Handily.

Posted by: Aviator at July 02, 2014 07:12 PM (3rrMW)

236 Wait until they find out you have to publish your fictitious name in the newspaper to get your business license!

"So that's who all those strange people were saying they were starting a business!?"

Posted by: Clutch Cargo at July 02, 2014 07:12 PM (7HjKx)

237 Does that mean everyone gets a gun?
Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 06:52 PM (x3YFz)

Can you imagine the price of guns if the gubmint gets involved? Yikes

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 07:10 PM (HVff2)

ask yourself this: what's more effective: a vote (legal or illegal) or a gun.

And that's already a battle lost so...

Posted by: TangoNine (Beckinsale/Johnson 2016) at July 02, 2014 07:12 PM (x3YFz)

"The Left isn't innocent in their inaccuracies. They are lying with purpose. Arguing a false premise with a liar is futile."

-- Shih Tzu

Posted by: Soothsayer of the Righteous And Harmonious Fists (-452 days left) at July 02, 2014 07:12 PM (YDWEq)

239 Netanyahu?

Hospitality check in Jenin

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:12 PM (zOTsN)

240 A good deconstruction of their arguments Ace. There's only one problem: you assume their arguments are based on faulty logic and stupidity but that they are otherwise sincere: they aren't.

For example, look at the NYT ed board's article on the Hobby Lobby ruling. It was pure propaganda that twisted the truth and just omitted facts that were harmful to their case. No thinking person can really believe the rhetoric they're spewing. At least I hope not: if people are really that Goddamn stupid we're doomed.

Posted by: Motorhead at July 02, 2014 07:13 PM (EXsvS)

241 Nice little civil war Teh JEF is setting up here with the illegal invasion he is spearheading. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with these people that Teh JEF is trafficking.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at July 02, 2014 07:13 PM (jucos)

242 Is a tranny a fictitious woman? And can she pay for a fictitious abortifacient with Monopoly money?

Posted by: Joey the Bidenmeister at July 02, 2014 07:13 PM (/cUUk)

243 This post is why I lurk here. Rarely comment, just waiting for that gem to appear, in the meantime the morons keep me entertained.

Posted by: flmom at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (nSjrf)

Papa was a rolling bone...
Any crotch he sniffed he called home...
And when he died, all he left us was alone...

Sing it, litter mates!

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (lJm99)

245 I'm thinking that Palestinian kid was killed by Palestinians

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (zOTsN)

246 >>Animals can get and transmit STDs. In fact syphilis original was transmitted to humans from animals.


Posted by: Achmed's goat at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (3rrMW)

247 he Left brings up the "corporations" objection, though, because it sounds good. At first blush it seems kind of odd that a legal fiction created to limit liability can have religious views, or can have speech rights under the First Amendment. Those objections play well to the uninformed: how can Wal-Mart have religious beliefs?

But again, that's just a distraction from the real issue: the Left wants to force all employers to pay for contraception.

Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at July 02, 2014 07:06 PM (xN1DB)

And truthfully, corporations such as WalMart, Target, etc. have fed this beast for years now.
Remember when these types of stores used to be closed on Sunday? Closed on holidays, particularly Christmas, and Easter? I remember when Jewish owned stores were closed on Saturday. Remember when one was given a "Have a Merry Christmas" when checking out.
I can remember when you couldn't buy gasoline on Sundays, the Dairy Queen was closed, etc.

By acquiescing to the left's PC crap, and staying open on Sunday's etc. these business's have helped to diminish the importance of religious observations and family holidays in the minds of current generations. So it follows that additional secular demands on them seems normal to many.

Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (7vYgo)

248 Yet somehow this never satisfies them.
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 02, 2014 07:08 PM (pAlYe)

This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (HVff2)

249 "223 I just love it when one of my leftarded friends (as a musician, I have lots) starts railing against some "evil corporation," particularly drug companies.
I remind them that I get medicine for free directly from them."

Plus the fact that the music industry is - an industry. I'm sure if they recorded some big hit, they'd refuse all that dirty capitalist money. Just like movie people refuse their monster profits.

Oh, yeah, how could I forget, Hollywood money, made in the City of Angels, is pure.

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (+XMAD)

250 Righteous fucking rant.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (FMbng)

251 Republicans living rent free in obama's head right now. I for one love it.

"All they do is block me", and all this time we knew it was reggie blocking that exit.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (jsa6I)

252 OK.... The First Amendment freedom of Speech, and religion, is held in a single sentence.

How can you then make differentiation between who gets speech freedom, and who gets religious freedom.... in the same damn sentence... and make it different?

Publically held companies have Free Speech according to Citizens United... as they say Money is Speech.

But then in Hobby Lobby, the Supremes say the Government can Force them to spend money (which is speech according to Citizens) on something they don't wish to spend on... but only if they are publically held...

And if we are going to differentiate between the two classes of business... should we not then Limit PUBLICALLY held companies Political Speech? As the ones who control the power of speech (money) is not the owners, but the President of the Company, and CEO? So shareholders then give those Company Officers their Speech rights? (as speech is money, and those officers can spend money on politics if they wish?).

But what this really proves... is that Rights, as far as the Supreme Court is concerned, are NOT from God or Nature, but can be bestowed by the Court.... and taken away by it...

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 07:16 PM (84gbM)

253 Masturbatin' Pete is in the house?

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:16 PM (N2w7p)

254 The sad part is, even if they read Ace's piece they wouldn't be able to figure out that they should be insulted.

Maet's ONT of last night included a pic of Wolf Blitzer's Jeopardy score.

Ronald Reagan -- It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:17 PM (1h+NM)

Animals can get and transmit STDs. In fact syphilis original was transmitted to humans from animals. Wut?!Posted by: Achmed's goat at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (3rrMW)

Baaad, baaad

Posted by: The Jackhole at July 02, 2014 07:17 PM (6/J77)

256 So basically you are saying Soylent Green, Inc. is people.

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:17 PM (mvenn)

257 245 I'm thinking that Palestinian kid was killed by Palestinians

I agree...

Posted by: Hello it's me Donna and I know nuthink! at July 02, 2014 07:17 PM (9+ccr)

258 The left likes to say "corporate" and "corporation" because they're
swear words.
Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete

I listened to a rant from a stupid cunt going on and on about "corporate America" blah, blah, blah and then it dawned on me the bossy bitch worked at a huge advertising agency. Selling corporate stuff and apparently hating every minute of her work - but I guess the money was good!

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:17 PM (MNq6o)

259 I literally "lol'd" several times while reading that. Nicely done, Ace - one of your best pieces in recent memory as far as I'm concerned.

Posted by: Petrus at July 02, 2014 07:18 PM (mP2zZ)

260 I'm thinking that Palestinian kid was killed by Palestinians

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:14 PM (zOTsN)
^^THIS^^. That is why Bibi isn't saying anything yet. It was probably Hamas. It seems that Secretariat of State Kary couldn't wait to get out front and condemn the Israelis. G-d do I ever hate these people in the regime.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at July 02, 2014 07:18 PM (jucos)

261 If, according to the Left, corporations are the evil, why do government employees need to be unionized?

Posted by: --- at July 02, 2014 07:20 PM (MMC8r)

262 Secretariat of State Kary


So when is he going out to pasture? Sure isn't soon enough for my liking

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 07:20 PM (HVff2)

So Soylent Green actually is People then?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 02, 2014 07:20 PM (JE/wX)

264 257 245 I'm thinking that Palestinian kid was killed by Palestinians

I agree...

They seem to be wanting to try sumptin new with the burning alive and all, that head chopping thing is so yesterday.

Posted by: E.T. at July 02, 2014 07:21 PM (uGlk8)

265 Yes, Ace, I doff my hat to you, or would if I had a hat to doff.

Posted by: Donna and V. at July 02, 2014 07:21 PM (+XMAD)

266 Btw. Even if the kid was a revenge killing, it is a crime not a policy. The mother of one of the killers said she was proud of her son and would raise his children to be jihadis. The mother of one of the slain jewish boys said the murder of the Arab boy was a terrible crime and sent her condolences

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (zOTsN)

267 How many fast and furious guns are being brought back into the country now?

Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (jtgkZ)

268 Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 07:15 PM (7vYgo)

Your argument is based on the PC police making stores start opening on Sundays and such, but the reality is that there were a ton of blue laws in many states prohibiting many businesses from opening or selling certain types of items on Sundays.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (1h+NM)

269 I'm thinking that Palestinian kid was killed by Palestinians

Posted by: Thunderb

He probably had something to do with the Israelis finding out where the kidnapper's house was. Or he liked a Christian post on Facebook or something.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (MNq6o)

270 Plus the fact that the music industry is - an industry. I'm sure if they recorded some big hit, they'd refuse all that dirty capitalist money. Just like movie people refuse their monster profits.

Oh, yeah, how could I forget, Hollywood money, made in the City of Angels, is pure.

Somewhere out there on teh Intarwebz is a clip of Dick Cavett interviewing Crosby, Stills and Nash right around the time of Woodstock in '69.

They bitch about big corporations being evil, totally ignoring the giant music company that they work with. The irony, it just drips off the screen and forms little puddles at the corners.

Once it dries, it's a real bitch to clean up, tho'.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:23 PM (0HooB)

271 253 Masturbatin' Pete is in the house?
Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:16 PM (N2w7p)

Yes, don't sit on or touch any surfaces.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:23 PM (lJm99)

272 @247 This is very important. The Commies substitute the state for th family, and thus control posterity. I can remember when you could walk up to the counter, smoking a cig, pay for you ticket with cash, walk on the aircraft n loafers with no socks, and stub out your butt in the convenient on-board ashtray. My grandpa, who owns a hardware store, told me he sold a lot of dynamite over the counter.
You could buy a machine gun through the mail a few years before my dad was born.
You have to be good to be free, and make sure Congress is, too.

Posted by: some Amos Singletary-type guy sitting in an airport at July 02, 2014 07:23 PM (cVvbj)

Your argument is based on the PC police making stores start opening on Sundays and such, but the reality is that there were a ton of blue laws in many states prohibiting many businesses from opening or selling certain types of items on Sundays.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (1h+NM)

Teh Ghey?

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (84gbM)

274 He was wandering around by himself in the middle of the week in the Arab part of town at 3:30 am. I think he may have been an informant, or gay

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (zOTsN)

275 Gay marriage is fake marriage, but the Supreme Court dictated it's marriage.

See lefties? It's easy.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (7j57K)

276 Masturbatin' Pete is in the house?

Posted by: garrett

Can he go outside and do that?

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (MNq6o)

277 So basically you are saying Soylent Green, Inc. is people.

*golf clap*

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:25 PM (0HooB)

278 He was wandering around by himself in the middle of the week in the Arab part of town at 3:30 am. I think he may have been an informant, or gay

Just looking for a place to get a rainbow wrapped Whopper.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 07:25 PM (N2w7p)

279 Pete has been in the barrel. More privacy

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:25 PM (zOTsN)

280 Does fucking oneself stupid require the use of free contraceptives?

Posted by: Access! I got it! at July 02, 2014 07:26 PM (/cUUk)

My theory on the dead pali kid is that I don't have one. If an autopsy has been performed, they haven't released the results so no one can say that he was burnt alive. I will say that if I wanted to murder someone, he was a bad choice. Low hanging fruit - no pun intended. Going by his photo, he looked very underweight and of course gay.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:26 PM (lJm99)

282 Ohhhh

3:30 am

It's Ramadan right?

He was at a party

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:26 PM (zOTsN)

283 Imagine their shock if they ever discover that the SCOTUS doesn't make law..., or at least isn't supposed to. The outrage will be epic.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, hiding behind a Proxy at July 02, 2014 07:26 PM (1Mxs7)

284 Aceplanation: Detailed, lengthy, accurate illumination of some topic performed in a witty manner.


I like this word. A lot.

Luceeee! You got some acesplainin' to do.

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:27 PM (mvenn)

285 Just looking for a place to get a rainbow wrapped Whopper.

One place! It's only one place you can get that from you fucking idiots!!!!11!!'

Posted by: Mr. Woof Woof at July 02, 2014 07:27 PM (G8ga7)

286 Gay marriage is fake marriage

They also like fake plastic dicks and mangled dicks turned outside-in to make a fauxgina. Disgusting, sick people.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:27 PM (MNq6o)

287 G-d do I ever hate these people in the regime.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at July 02, 2014 07:18 PM (jucos)

Kerry is such an obvious anti-Semite that it still stuns me that in all of these years in politics he was never able to learn how to hide it better.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 02, 2014 07:27 PM (QFxY5)

288 "Gay marriage is fake marriage, but the Supreme Court dictated it's marriage.

See lefties? It's easy.
-Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (7j57K)

With seven "Breeders" ruling over the rest of the Gay BLT.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:28 PM (lq3Ak)

289 Sleep all day, party all night

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:28 PM (zOTsN)

290 I read that he left his father's shop at 330am to go wait for the mosque to open which it does early during Ramadan. His friends left him alone there while they went to grab something to eat.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:28 PM (lJm99)

291 What I learned from #HOBBYLOBBY.

1. This decision has shoved a bible up some woman's vagina.

2. Hobby Lobby are terrorist.

3. Some couldn't form an opinion until John Steward formed one for them.

4. Wear hip waders, the spittle is getting deep over there.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at July 02, 2014 07:29 PM (I5y5w)

292 If we're lucky, Obama can serve on the Supreme Court after his successful tenure in the White House to put his constitutional mind to social justice and overcoming all the H8 from Republicans!

Posted by: Libtard at July 02, 2014 07:29 PM (Jse5h)

293 288 "Gay marriage is fake marriage, but the Supreme Court dictated it's marriage.

See lefties? It's easy."
-Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (7j57K)

With seven "Breeders" ruling over the rest of the Gay BLT.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:28 PM (lq3Ak)

Old and Busted: The Founders fear that Democracy was the Tyranny of the Masses.

New Hotness: Tyranny of a minority...

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 07:30 PM (84gbM)

294 Teh Ghey?

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (84gbM)

True, we are seeing that now. The state is requiring certain transactions. But that doesn't alter the fact that in the past, the state prohibited a lot of transaction, particularly on Sundays. Hell, there are still plenty of states/counties where you cannot buy alcohol on Sunday; the last stand of the blue laws.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:30 PM (1h+NM)

295 "Whopper" is one of those words that sounds dirty. And phallic. "Big Mac" is definitely the ghey.

Posted by: Weiner at July 02, 2014 07:31 PM (/cUUk)

I like this word. A lot.

Luceeee! You got some acesplainin' to do.
Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:27 PM (mvenn)

You know, that Ricky always threaten to spank Lucy. Is that what you want? For Ace to put you over his knee??

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:31 PM (lJm99)

297 He was wandering around by himself in the middle of the week in the Arab part of town at 3:30 am. I think he may have been an informant, or gay

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:24 PM (zOTsN)
He...... / looked.

Posted by: George Zimmerman Goldberg at July 02, 2014 07:32 PM (jucos)

298 Hell, there are still plenty of states/counties where you cannot buy alcohol on Sunday; the last stand of the blue laws.

There are still dry counties out there, too.

You can, however, get booze any time you want from the sheriff's brother (the local preacher) for a slight phenomenal fee.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:32 PM (0HooB)

299 You have to wonder how many of the arguments that the Leftist Narrative Machine makes are actually made in good faith. That being that they actually believe them and are hoping to persuade based on the genuine merits. I've come to the conclusion that quite a few don't care whether they are refutable or logically consistent but rather that they are easy to make and provoke strong emotions that cement loyalty and smear the opposition. Power isn't about the logical consistency of the arguments you make but whether you get the most votes and control the institutions.

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at July 02, 2014 07:33 PM (dvRYt)

300 "Whopper" is one of those words that sounds dirty. And phallic. "Big Mac" is definitely the ghey.

Posted by: Weiner

Jack in the Box: Totally Hetero

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:33 PM (MNq6o)

301 "Is that what you want? For Ace to put you over his knee??"
-Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:31 PM (lJm99)


Posted by: Japanese "Girl" With Tentacles at July 02, 2014 07:33 PM (lq3Ak)

302 I got stuck on the "corporation qua corporation" thingy.

I'm going to start using "qua" at least once a day in regular conversation cause it will be cool.

Posted by: Hammer at July 02, 2014 07:34 PM (5buGz)

303 Karl's Jr. --- Pedo

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:34 PM (mvenn)


Posted by: Sphynx at July 02, 2014 07:35 PM (OZmbA)

305 "Is that what you want? For Ace to put you over his knee??"
-Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:31 PM (lJm99)


Posted by: Japanese "Girl" With Tentacles

LOL. I love it when the punchline is in the name.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:35 PM (MNq6o)

306 I mean the post, Ace. Good one.

Posted by: Sphynx at July 02, 2014 07:35 PM (OZmbA)

307 I have never felt the hatred I do for anyone that I have for SCOAMF!!

Posted by: Carol at July 02, 2014 07:35 PM (z6T3Y)

308 Hell, there are still plenty of states/counties where you cannot buy alcohol on Sunday; the last stand of the blue laws.


Blue laws still exist in my SC county. You have to get your boozin' in M-Sat.

Posted by: Lady in Black at July 02, 2014 07:37 PM (tsGZY)

309 A very diffuse responsibility indeed.

Isn't it the ease of selling vs. diffusion that separates?

Posted by: DaveA at July 02, 2014 07:37 PM (DL2i+)

310 Your argument is based on the PC police making stores start opening on Sundays and such, but the reality is that there were a ton of blue laws in many states prohibiting many businesses from opening or selling certain types of items on Sundays.
Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:22 PM (1h+NM)

No my argument is that when "blue laws" were lifted fifty years ago in many locales, the stores still had a choice to open or not open.

Target, and others had a choice about whether to open Thanksgiving afternoon this past November.
No one is forcing them to open. Those choices they have made from a marketing and sales decision, and some have suffered poor PR from it. Yet they continue to open.....

The acquiescing to PC is stores choosing to not display the words Merry Christmas, not permitting their employees to wish one a Happy Easter or Christmas, refusing to allow the Salvation Army to have Christmas kettles in front of the store, etc. In addition to remaining open on traditional holidays.

All these things have reinforced the notion of PC and not wanting to "offend" the small minority of people who could possibly be offended at such displays of religious acknowledgment, which strips it away from the general culture.

Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 07:37 PM (7vYgo)

311 McCafe Mocha sounds racist to me.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:38 PM (MNq6o)

312 McCafe Mocha sounds racist to me.

Try the Tragic Moolatte at your local Dairy Queen.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 07:39 PM (3kZUM)

313 Ace?

Nice rant.

I think I just had an orgasm.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at July 02, 2014 07:39 PM (yz6yg)

314 Thus, when we say the Hobby Lobby corporation must provide abortifacient drugs to its employees, this is precisely the same as laying this responsibility on the five or fewer individual persons (who definitely have the right to religious freedom) to provide abortifacient drugs to their employees.

This. This right here.

Posted by: Buck Farack, Gentleman Adventurer at July 02, 2014 07:39 PM (Nk6GS)

315 It seems that Israeli AF, as we speak, is pounding the shit out of Gaza.

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 06:55 PM (lJm99)

Only problem is that they need bigger planes and bigger bombs.

And a larger stockpile.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at July 02, 2014 06:58 PM (BZAd3)

Problem with Gaza is, unless Israel were to pound all the shit out of it, the shit that remains will just multiply, and fill the place back up again.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2014 07:39 PM (8Fl6F)

316 Ace,
It is a great post. I will read entire post when I go in my house.

Posted by: Carol at July 02, 2014 07:40 PM (z6T3Y)

317 Fuddrucker's-- hetero

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:40 PM (mvenn)

318 Excellent post, this makes points clear that I haven't seen made plainly ANYWHERE, and that, quite frankly, I've never thought about like this before.

"Kaboom" is still your greatest hit, but this one runs a close second, imho.

Posted by: Jocon307 at July 02, 2014 07:41 PM (7+F2i)

319 Ace here makes the classic mistake ... assigning blame to stupidity instead of malice, which is the far more logical explanation.

Liberals know that "corporations" are just "groups of people forced by law to incorporate so we can take a cut of their profits" and that by doing so, we can't strip them of their God-given rights.

They know this. They're not fucking stupid.

They don't care.

Lies don't matter to them. They're not constrained by this "morality" you speak of. They want power, and they know how to get power, and they'll do whatever is necessary to both get power and to maintain that power over you.

Once you realize that they're just evil, it becomes much easier to entertain the thoughts of what necessarily must flow from that knowledge.

Posted by: someguy at July 02, 2014 07:42 PM (8XRrT)

320 Red Robin-- Ghey Superhero?

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:42 PM (mvenn)

321 Problem with Gaza is, unless Israel were to pound all the shit out of it

I've been advising that Lebanon take it over, as a "Phoenician" concern. It doesn't work as Arab, it doesn't work as Egyptian and it sure as hell hasn't worked as Palestinian.

Also the Philistines were all killed off by Nabukadurriusur the Second.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 07:42 PM (3kZUM)

322 "Problem with Gaza is, unless Israel were to pound
all the shit out of it, the shit that remains will just multiply, and
fill the place back up again.
-Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2014 07:39 PM (8Fl6F)

Send them goats.
...Lots and lots of goats.

Posted by: Slapweasel at July 02, 2014 07:42 PM (lq3Ak)

323 Ace missed something important in this post. Closely held does not mean held be a particular number of people i.e. five or fewer but only that it is not a publicly traded corporation. Of course the number of owners is not relevant in an case. Any private entity should be free to represent the values of its owners in how it speaks and associates nits spending. If the shareholders don't agree with the corporate values, that is what corporate governance is for.

Posted by: Paul at July 02, 2014 07:43 PM (SKWUe)

324 Did someone ask about how the government taxes a fictitious person? If a corporation is not a 'real thing' how can the government tax the profits of a corporation?

If the profits of a corporation are owed by the share holders who are real people, unless those shares are owned by another fictitious person, the profits should only be taxed once when paid to the shareholders, not taxes levied on the fictitious person, and then taxed a second time when paid to the real people who own the shares.

Of course, this whole make believe thing is for the convenience of the government who just wants it's fair share of the profits.

Posted by: Constance Chicely at July 02, 2014 07:43 PM (sTZeT)

325 In-and-Out Burger: Could go either way

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:43 PM (MNq6o)

326 Leftists don't believe that abortifacient drugs cause abortions. They prevent conception. Get it?

I don't get it, but I'm anti-science and all that.

Posted by: Clyde Daggenthorp at July 02, 2014 07:44 PM (7O/R+)

327 Dairy Queen: Super gay, and fabulous

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:45 PM (MNq6o)

328 >>They know this. They're not fucking stupid.

SCOTUSblog's twitter feed says you're wrong.

I good many liberals at the top of the food chain know what they are doing but a much larger number who support them are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 07:45 PM (g1DWB)

329 Checkers Burgers: best fucking fries anywhere.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:45 PM (0HooB)

330 Sonic?

Aural sex

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (mvenn)

331 Five Guys: Yeah, gross

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (MNq6o)

332 Please no.

Posted by: The Goat at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (G8ga7)

333 A & W


S & M

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (mvenn)

334 Yeah, it's less that they think they have a point. It's that they are pissed that they haven't acquired total control over the economy by now.

Fascists gonna fasc.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (bCaR9)

335 Think about what that means.

I'm sure you meant to say "Feel about what that means".

You are talking about plant life here after all...

Posted by: Portnoy at July 02, 2014 07:47 PM (bIi6H)

336 Five Guys: Yeah, gross

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:46 PM (MNq6o)



Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:47 PM (mvenn)

337 Long John Silvers: Well endowed hetero, but geriatric, so gross

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:48 PM (MNq6o)

338 Quarter Pounder? B&D.

Posted by: Weiner at July 02, 2014 07:48 PM (/cUUk)

339 When you think the gov. can't get any dumber, they manage it.

They are suing a Wisconsin company for requiring that their employees speak English here in the USA.

Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 07:48 PM (7vYgo)

340 Anyone want to talk about a congressman being denied access to a federal facility?

Posted by: Ben Had at July 02, 2014 07:49 PM (DB5cX)

341 310 >> No my argument is that when "blue laws" were lifted fifty years ago in
many locales, the stores still had a choice to open or not open.

Okay Jen, I understand your argument a bit better now. When the CEO of Mozilla can be forced out for donating to Prop 8 several years ago, of course this whole PC thing has gone waaaay too far.

But the board of directors of a publicly held corp. are responsible for keeping the company profitable; if not, they can be fired by the shareholders. I imagine that at Hobby Lobby, they still greet customers with a Merry Christmas around that time of the year. I don't know that for sure, since I've never set foot in one.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:49 PM (1h+NM)

342 Sure would like to know how rashid Khaledi is advising the JEF Sure wish I knew what was on that video tape

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:49 PM (zOTsN)

343 Taco Belle- Obvious, duh.

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:49 PM (mvenn)

344 In and Out Burger. Wham bam and thank you ma'am.. Definitely hetero.

Posted by: Tuna at July 02, 2014 07:49 PM (7KPIw)

345 Taco Johns- hetero

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (mvenn)

Just found a bit of political advertising in my inbox. Ben Carson's pushing a new online edition of the Washington Times (where he apparently has a column). And while the topic doesn't directly relate to anything gun related, his push starts out with terms that 2nd Amendment supporters would be familiar with - talk of arming oneself, etc...

Hopefully this means that he's come around on the 2nd Amendment, and moved away from his earlier anti-gun comments.

Posted by: junior at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (UWFpX)

347 Panda Express: Fucking pedophile sickos

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (MNq6o)

348 Taco Cabana?

Cougar with the pool boy!

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (mvenn)

349 I recall when the Gazans were "starving" because of the evil Israelis. Then some wag, I think at AFP, published a photo essay of the rotund Gazans out shopping. They looked like a by ch of Mexicans at the supermercado, Mexicans who, on average, are the fattest people on the planet.
I should "starve" like that.

Posted by: your average, studly, Scandi mesomorph at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (cVvbj)

350 I feel so stupid. I had to look up qua.

I thought it was those goldfish carp that live in Japanese water lily gardens.

Posted by: Constance Chicely at July 02, 2014 07:50 PM (sTZeT)

351 Subway: Gay SM

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:51 PM (MNq6o)

352 Steak 'n Shake: Gay twerkers

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:51 PM (MNq6o)

353 Little Caesar... Midget Porn?

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (84gbM)

354 Thank you for "go fuck yourself stupid," because I'm all over stealing that one.

Posted by: Beth at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (Epq7Y)

355 The "corporate person" thing is not their main argument for crushing 1st Amendment freedoms.

They truly believe that the state can require that you suspend your 1st Amendment rights just because you are engaged in an act of commerce, because you choose to work or offer a commercial service.

In the New Mexico Supreme Court which ruled against the wedding photographer, the concurring opinion pretty much said that suspending your 1st Amendment rights was the price you have to pay to live in a "civilized" society (civilized according to the justice, of course).

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (CTCNK)

356 This is some weapons-grade snark, Ace.
Love it. may be a little over their heads.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (AYolx)

357 Quizno's-- questioning, bi-curious

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (mvenn)

358 169
There's no such thing as a 'fictitious person.'

That's right, there isn't.

Posted by: Ace's girlfriend in Canada at July 02, 2014 07:52 PM (2jQGY)

359 White Castle: I guess I'd feel at home there. Hetero.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:53 PM (MNq6o)

360 A new poll today says that 86% of Americans hate the press, characterizing them as fascist propagandists. The other 14% sort of nodded along but weren't too sure what the words mean.

Posted by: MTF at July 02, 2014 07:53 PM (03tjI)

361 What's all this talk of fictitious persons???

Posted by: Guy Incognito at July 02, 2014 07:53 PM (GsmA5)

362 Jimmy John's = Scottish cuisine.

Ben Doon and Phil McCrevis

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (0HooB)

363 Longhorn- for furries who like it rough.

Posted by: Adam at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (G8ga7)

364 Dominoe's -- S&M

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (mvenn)

365 Dairy Queen. You figure it out.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (g1DWB)

366 Shocking pictures show cell of 'serial child rapist' moments after he hanged himself while under investigation for molesting little girls and filming it

Nothing shocking about it. They don't show his dead body, just a letter to his parents where he acts contrite while at the same time whining that the DA is a meany. The guy drugged and raped little girls and taped it. They have at least 56 victims on tape. Poor you!

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (lJm99)

367 341.... I imagine that at Hobby Lobby, they still greet customers with a Merry Christmas around that time of the year. I don't know that for sure, since I've never set foot in one.


Not only do they say "Merry Christmas", GnuBreed...but they also play Christmas songs and Hymns over their PA system.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (AYolx)

368 Ace, you're a god damned moron. Don't quit your day job.

Corporations are "fictitious people", meaning that they're not people, meaning that law resulting from the opinion that corporations are people is inherently preposterous.

Posted by: Palooka at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (xl4VT)

369 Do you want fries with your fag-burger?

Posted by: Wolf Blitzer at July 02, 2014 07:55 PM (jtgkZ)

370 Quizno's-- questioning, bi-curious

Posted by: S. Muldoon


Little Caesar... Midget Porn?

Posted by: Romeo13

LOL! But is it gay midget porn or hetero? "Pizza pizza" does sound kinda like "Piece 'o Pussy" so I say hetero.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:55 PM (MNq6o)

371 the Left wants to force all employers to pay for contraception.

Moloch demands every hand.

Posted by: DaveA at July 02, 2014 07:56 PM (DL2i+)

372 355 >> They truly believe that the state can require that you suspend your 1st
Amendment rights just because you are engaged in an act of commerce,
because you choose to work or offer a commercial service.

TPH, keep in mind that the Supremes have so far declared that by you choosing to do business with a telecom, the State has a right to fuck over the 4th Amendment and grab your data without a search warrant.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 07:57 PM (1h+NM)

373 340 Anyone want to talk about a congressman being denied access to a federal facility?


Yeah, it happened here in Ft. Sill.
They don't want people to find out what's going on in there.

They aren't even admitting to how many illegals they've dumped there.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 07:57 PM (AYolx)

374 Me making 0.25C/hr at the local glory hole is preposterous.

Posted by: Palooka at July 02, 2014 07:57 PM (G8ga7)

375 >They truly believe that the state can require that you suspend your
1st Amendment rights just because you are engaged in an act of commerce,
because you choose to work or offer a commercial service.

Freedom of association is dead. Thank the Civil Rights Act.

Posted by: kartoffel at July 02, 2014 07:57 PM (0K+kO)

376 Outback Steakhouse?

Do I have to say it?

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 07:58 PM (mvenn)

377 Golden Corral: Geriatric bestiality porn. Real sick shit. Don't go.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:59 PM (MNq6o)

378 Speaking of names

Chris Hayes on msnbc.

His show?

"All In"


Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:59 PM (zOTsN)

379 Stanley Steamer for Mr. Banion @313

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 07:59 PM (HVff2)

380 And DaveA: report to the barrel.

Yep, saw that oops.
I tried pasting the ignore user script into the comment box a couple of times and didn't see anything so gave up and commented on something else and kablooiey there it was. A refresh between fails might fix it but one test to the barrel a day for software that I didn't write and ain't getting paid for is the limit.

Posted by: DaveA at July 02, 2014 08:00 PM (DL2i+)

381 Outback Steakhouse?

Do I have to say it?

Posted by: S. Muldoon

And another LOL!

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:00 PM (MNq6o)

382 @373 Your congressman seems like a good guy. Do you think he will do alot of pushback on this?

Posted by: Ben Had at July 02, 2014 08:00 PM (DB5cX)

383 Protesting against hundreds of illegal immigrants being dumped in your town is just nasty.

Posted by: Bill O'Reilly at July 02, 2014 08:01 PM (G8ga7)

384 Black Jack Pizza?

Afro-Urban hetero porn

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 08:01 PM (mvenn)

385 Popeyes - Bukakae Porn

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 08:01 PM (h2H/o)

386 Hooters.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 08:01 PM (0HooB)

387 Black Jack Pizza?

Afro-Urban hetero porn

Posted by: S. Muldoon

And Jamba Juice.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:02 PM (MNq6o)

388 372 Also, the Post Office takes a picture, front and back, of every piece of mail you send or receive. Perfectly legal *spit*.

Posted by: GnuBreed at July 02, 2014 08:02 PM (1h+NM)

389 Dunkin' Donuts: Gay, gay, gay

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:02 PM (MNq6o)

390 Little Caesar... Midget Porn?

Posted by: Romeo13

LOL! But is it gay midget porn or hetero? "Pizza pizza" does sound kinda like "Piece 'o Pussy" so I say hetero.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 07:55 PM (MNq6o)

I don't know... Jury is still out... Guy does wear a Dress in the commercials...

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 08:03 PM (84gbM)

391 378 Speaking of names

Chris Hayes on msnbc.

His show?

"All In"

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:59 PM (zOTsN)

Next on MSNBC: "Balls Deep" with Crystal Ball.

Posted by: EC at July 02, 2014 08:03 PM (doBIb)

392 I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. I get that. But couldn't people who don't like employers who don't want to pay for abortion drugs, simply refuse to work for them?

Posted by: northernlurker at July 02, 2014 08:03 PM (Xmw9g)

393 Msnbc calling it Selma Alabama. Rosa parks.

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 08:03 PM (zOTsN)

I good many liberals at the top of the food chain know what they are doing but a much larger number who support them are dumber than a bag of hammers.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 02, 2014 07:45 PM (g1DWB)

Queue up for the Million Hammer March on DC!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at July 02, 2014 08:03 PM (H9JfJ)

395 Reminders:

These people belong to a group that simultaneously believe that higher specific taxes on gasoline will reduce gasoline consumption but higher general taxes do not reduce economic activity.

Also that George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama would make good Presidents.

When Bubba is your leader of the pack, you need some help, idiots.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (ltdV/)

396 Freedom of association is dead. Thank the Civil Rights Act.

It should be repealed, since it only ever gets applied one way.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (7j57K)

397 So the Left is ecstatic about this bus confrontation in California. They even have video of a white guy spitting in the face of a Mexican guy.

Obama is pleased with himself, no doubt.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (ZPrif)

398 Gettin' loud out there. Hopefully my power stays on, since I'd sure hate to lose my air conditioning right now.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (sdi6R)

399 oh fuckin SNAP

Posted by: Mongerel at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (YqWfw)

400 341.... I imagine that at Hobby Lobby, they still greet customers with a Merry Christmas around that time of the year. I don't know that for sure, since I've never set foot in one.


Not only do they say "Merry Christmas", GnuBreed...but they also play Christmas songs and Hymns over their PA system.
Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 07:54 PM (AYolx)

They also are closed on Sunday. And unless a prospective employee can't read, they make it clear they operate the company in line with Biblical principals.

Posted by: Jen at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (7vYgo)

401 Buffalo Wild Wings-- Bison-sexual

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 08:05 PM (mvenn)

402 It depends on what your definition of 'Qua' is.

Posted by: Bill Clinton at July 02, 2014 08:05 PM (h2H/o)

403 Msnbc calling it Selma Alabama. Rosa parks.

Rosa Parks was from Montgomery, but don't stop them, they're rolling.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 02, 2014 08:05 PM (ltdV/)

404 Hmmmmm

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 07:59 PM (zOTsN)

Oooh, Thunder, do that again!
(oops - that was the Burger Queen thread)

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 08:05 PM (8MjqI)

405 382 @373 Your congressman seems like a good guy. Do you think he will do alot of pushback on this?


Yeah, he is a good guy.

Fuck em.

Our governor visited the facility right after they received the first 600 illegals...along with Jim Inhofe.
She said..."This is an illegal use of this facility"...and Inhofe concurred.

Congressman Bridenstine may just go back, with some backup.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 08:06 PM (AYolx)

406 Culver's Butter Burger: Fat and gay

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:06 PM (MNq6o)

407 En fuego Ace, en fuego!

Posted by: Darth Randall at July 02, 2014 08:06 PM (KlVdw)

408 And, yeah, what passes for "right-wing" news on TV is O'Reilly doing a special on the horrible white people who are racist against hard-working brown-skinned Salvadorans and don't want disease-ridden illegal aliens dumped in their town. What monsters.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:06 PM (ZPrif)

409 397 So the Left is ecstatic about this bus confrontation in California. They even have video of a white guy spitting in the face of a Mexican guy.

Obama is pleased with himself, no doubt.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:04 PM (ZPrif)

I think some of them have to be conflicted... because... California?

Land of Fruits and Nuts, and La Raza? Where I as a white guy is a Minority (Central Valley)...

Its like a Town in Texas suddenly being Anti Gun... it flips the meme...

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (84gbM)

410 TGI Fridays? Foot fetishists. (toes go in first)

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (8Fl6F)

411 Dunkin' Donuts. Ghey.

Posted by: Weiner at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (/cUUk)

412 Rosa Parks

So, it is just another publicity stunt?

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (h2H/o)

413 George McGovern was a special case though. He had libertarian economic views - admittedly acquired later in life, and admittedly not enough to wean him from the Democrats.

He'd have at least been a better President than Nixon 1973-6, despite losing South Vietnam. And actually... maybe he wouldn't have lost South Vietnam if the Congress had been in his party.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (3kZUM)

414 Congressman Bridenstine may just go back, with some backup.

A film crew and his bodyguards. If they can, stream it live.

Posted by: EC at July 02, 2014 08:07 PM (doBIb)

415 This bus video is gonna be replayed for decades, like black kids getting hit with water canons by cops in the 60s.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:08 PM (ZPrif)

416 Krispy ... Kremes ... ?

Posted by: CM at July 02, 2014 08:08 PM (0NdlF)

417 Rosa Parks

So, it is just another publicity stunt?
Yeah, a publicity stunt that worked.
The Left is ecstatic to have video of a hundreds of angry whites shouting at a bus filled with children.

Obama and his people did this on purpose. They wanted this confrontation.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (ZPrif)

418 And, yeah, what passes for "right-wing" news on TV is O'Reilly doing a special on the horrible white people who are racist against hard-working brown-skinned Salvadorans and don't want disease-ridden illegal aliens dumped in their town. What monsters.

Heaven forfend we establish standards for whom we allow into our own country. It's not like we own it or anything.

Bill, take the front door off your home and watch what happens.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (0HooB)

419 George McGovern was a special case though. He had libertarian economic
views - admittedly acquired later in life, and admittedly not enough to
wean him from the Democrats.

He'd have at least been a better President than Nixon 1973-6, despite losing South Vietnam.

Way late in life.

And he would have been Jimmah on steroids on foreign retreat.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (ltdV/)

420 As for Carter, he was a good President for one year. Unfortunately that year was 1980. When he was cleaning up the mess from 1977-9. The mess he'd made.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (3kZUM)

421 McGovern used to live up the road and had a shop in town. He was a liberal douchebag.

Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (h2H/o)

So, is Ace taking us all out for ice cream tonight? Okay, kids, pile into the station wagon...

Posted by: Pug Parton at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (lJm99)

423 I think this is going to back fire. On them. These talking heads do not live in these towns or these neighborhoods. They do not have these kids in their schools or in their housing development. Average people know what they know. I think the average person sees what's happening on the border and is horrified at how callously these kids are being used, and horrified by the disease and criminal element that is coming with them. This is going to back fire. On them

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (zOTsN)

424 Taco Trader... Taco Trader

Posted by: DaveA at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (DL2i+)

425 Then why do they think that good people should sell their shares in companies that do business with Israel, etc. Are they dumb or something? Or so they just want people to have to do what they want them to do? Fkkin Nazis.

Posted by: Dirks strewn at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (77F0w)

426 Hardee's. Yes, please.

Posted by: Weiner at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (/cUUk)

427 Doesn't O'Reilly live in Long Island?

They tried to dump some illegals in Long Island.
But the citizens stopped it.

This has been largely unreported.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 08:11 PM (AYolx)

428 Left is gonna build up a whole mythology around this bus incident. I predict many a Latino Studies seminar in the future.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (ZPrif)

429 Red Throbster.

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (8MjqI)

430 that was the Burger Queen thread

I seem to recall, there actually was a franchise by that name years ago. Chicago area, maybe?

Or not.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (x+APE)

431 415 This bus video is gonna be replayed for decades, like black kids getting hit with water canons by cops in the 60s.

What happened? Was anyone killed or injured?

If not, it's only a problem if people start going weak-kneed.

It's time to be rude and confrontational. About everything.

These people are not polite to us.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (7j57K)

432 Carter in NFL points:
1Q: 7-0
2Q: 14-0
3Q: 70-0 (Ayatollah + Afghanistan)
4Q: 77-7

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (3kZUM)

433 421 McGovern used to live up the road and had a shop in town. He was a liberal douchebag.
Posted by: garrett at July 02, 2014 08:09 PM (h2H/o)

And yet he looks monumental stacked up against jug ears.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 02, 2014 08:13 PM (HVff2)

434 Captain D's; Tranny dude with a boob job, gay

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:13 PM (MNq6o)

435 My very very liberal sister in CA, blind to everything else, is not blind to this.

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 08:13 PM (zOTsN)

436 Roscoe's House of Dick and Waffles

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 02, 2014 08:14 PM (lB8vo)

437 And, yeah, what passes for "right-wing" news on TV is O'Reilly doing a special on the horrible white people who are racist against hard-working brown-skinned Salvadorans and don't want disease-ridden illegal aliens dumped in their town. What monsters.

Before my naturalization process started, I had to prove I didn't have any communicable diseases. I had to get examed by a doctor from the INS' approved list of doctors ONLY. There were only three, one retired, one passed away, and the last one was about to retire too. I got lucky. The doc said he's let the INS know many times that he's the only one left but they never got back to him.

If you are diseased, you cannot come in. That's in the goddamn paperwork.

Oh, and ladies....I am disease free!


Posted by: EC at July 02, 2014 08:14 PM (doBIb)

438 I seem to recall, there actually was a franchise by that name years ago. Chicago area, maybe?

Or not.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (x+APE)

K. Renamed Druthers in the late 70's.


Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at July 02, 2014 08:14 PM (x+APE)

439 Posted by: Dirks strewn at July 02, 2014 08:10 PM (77F0w)

As our 'betters' in Washington, Silicon Valley, and New York, shove immigrants down our throats.

When almost all of the jobs created in the last few years, went to immigrants.

When 41% of Teck Startups are by immigrants... because Natives can't get funding (if I was a Woman, Immigrant, or Minority, my teck startup would still exist...)...

I expect to see a Nativist movement soon in the US.... think UKIP on steroids...

Because in America... when we finally lose our temper.... we REALLY lose it.

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 08:15 PM (84gbM)

440 1Q: 7-0

2Q: 14-0

3Q: 70-0 (Ayatollah + Afghanistan)

4Q: 77-7


Amy is concerned about nuclear proliferation.

Google to negative infinity.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 02, 2014 08:15 PM (ltdV/)

441 What happened? Was anyone killed or injured?

If not, it's only a problem if people start going weak-kneed.

It's time to be rude and confrontational. About everything.

These people are not polite to us.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (7j57K)

Absolutely correct.

These people and the actors behind them mean to do us harm.

They need to be opposed on every level at all times and places.

VIGOROUSLY opposed if need be.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at July 02, 2014 08:15 PM (oFCZn)

442 Left is gonna build up a whole mythology around this bus incident. I predict many a Latino Studies seminar in the future.

Let 'em try. This will create blowback.

TFG is already way under water in the polls, and this ain't helping him.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 08:16 PM (0HooB)

443 Orange Julius: Spray-on-tan gay

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:16 PM (MNq6o)

444 McGovern always sounded like he was whining (which he usually was.)

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 08:16 PM (8MjqI)

445 What happened? Was anyone killed or injured?

If not, it's only a problem if people start going weak-kneed.
Has nothing to do with being weak-kneed. I'm not opining on whether these people should have done what they did. I'm explaining how the left will craft propaganda around it. Our reaction is irrelevant since the propaganda is not aimed at us.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at July 02, 2014 08:17 PM (ZPrif)

446 I thought Amy was worried about periferation.

Posted by: bergerbilder at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (8MjqI)

447 Not germane to the Holly Lobby case, but I also like telling the "A corporation is not a *person*!!!!!" crowd "OK then, next time some space heater blows up for faulty design, the corporation that manufactured it can't be sued." You should see their faces when I further explain that the corporate "legal person fiction" is the only thing that gives corporations legal standing to sue/be sue.
Oh, I also like informing these intellectual pygmies that the oldest corporation in the USA is Harvard.

Posted by: Dancing Queen at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (FDGeg)

448 Der Wienerschnitzel-- autoeroticism.

Posted by: S. Muldoon at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (mvenn)

449 People see the images of hundreds of people crossing the border illegally and they do not like it

Posted by: Thunderb at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (zOTsN)

450 You guys are making me scared to go back to Mesquite Pit BBQ.

Are we going to get a post on that epic goal by Claudia Donovan today?

Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (jtgkZ)

451 Nood.

Posted by: EC at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (doBIb)

452 Selma is a bad analogy.

Rosa Parks did not come to this country to prey on it.
She was also born here.

Posted by: wheatie at July 02, 2014 08:18 PM (AYolx)

453 Evening Horde.

Ace, you da man. Seriously, this is weapons-grade snark. And I also learned a bit about the definition of "closely-held corporations".

Furthermore, I learned that Jim Beam Devils Cut is pretty damn good.

Posted by: DC in Airports and Hotels at July 02, 2014 08:19 PM (RylRk)

454 And note...

Bergdahl has been let off Post...

But as the News Cycle has spun... the media is not interested in if he is a traitor or not...

So the Administration, by delaying things... have successfully taken this off the National Radar.

Posted by: Romeo13 at July 02, 2014 08:19 PM (84gbM)

455 DC, did you ever get your iPad back?

Posted by: EC at July 02, 2014 08:19 PM (doBIb)

456 I have to give o credit. He couldn't force Congress to act on immigration so once again he created a crisis so that this issue came front and center. He knewthat the act that Congress voted onto give minors judicial protections would force this crisis. In looking for a way to appeal to his base before the midterms he chose to flood the Texas border and now he will Executive Order not to deport these people and make red states bear the cost.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 02, 2014 08:20 PM (DB5cX)

457 Has nothing to do with being weak-kneed. I'm not opining on whether these people should have done what they did. I'm explaining how the left will craft propaganda around it. Our reaction is irrelevant since the propaganda is not aimed at us.

Again, let them try.

It won't work. Not this time. The economy's in the shitter, lots of folks are out of work and have been for quite a while.

I want to see more protests. If they try that shit down here, you'll see me in the news.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at July 02, 2014 08:20 PM (0HooB)

458 People see the images of hundreds of people crossing the border illegally and they do not like it

Posted by: Thunderb

And people know about the diseases being bussed all across the US since no one was checked, like they did at Ellis Island 100 yeas ago.

Posted by: Dang at July 02, 2014 08:20 PM (MNq6o)

459 430 that was the Burger Queen thread

I seem to recall, there actually was a franchise by that name years ago. Chicago area, maybe?

Or not.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at July 02, 2014 08:12 PM (x+APE)

They were in Kentucky too. Queen B was the mascot.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at July 02, 2014 08:21 PM (I5y5w)

460 Has nothing to do with being weak-kneed. I'm not opining on whether these people should have done what they did. I'm explaining how the left will craft propaganda around it. Our reaction is irrelevant since the propaganda is not aimed at us.

And our reaction needs to be to challenge the narrative. Get in their faces.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 02, 2014 08:22 PM (7j57K)

461 Another masterpiece Ace.

Posted by: TheOtherJay at July 02, 2014 08:23 PM (nojhZ)

462 Just had a grandchild and all doctors in Northern Illinois are recommending that all adults have immunization boosters before being around a baby. I just went and had it done because the toll on the schools that I know about with whooping cough is dire. To work in any school or hospital/clinic you also have to have TB testing. The scary one that I am seeing right now is Hepatitis and I worry that polio will make a comeback as well.

Guitierrez should be tried for treason.

Posted by: Mustbequantum at July 02, 2014 08:24 PM (MIKMs)

463 >>>DC, did you ever get your iPad back?

Southwest called today. they have it, and I'll pick it up tomorrow at the airport.

*snoopy dance*

Posted by: DC in Airports and Hotels at July 02, 2014 08:24 PM (bMpGT)

464 Bergdahl has been let off Post...

I guess they made their move before he deserted again. Less embarrassment that way

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at July 02, 2014 08:27 PM (3kZUM)

465 I am in love with this post, perhaps some day I can marry it #samelove

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at July 02, 2014 08:44 PM (gl2Yt)

466 Posted by: DC in Airports and Hotels at July 02, 2014 08:24 PM (bMpGT)


Makes sense - the attendants tidy up the plane and restock things before the next wave of people get on. Good on 'em!

Posted by: CM at July 02, 2014 08:53 PM (0NdlF)

467 BOOM! Nice take down Ace.

Posted by: dogfish at July 02, 2014 10:20 PM (1vYi0)

468 As a lawyer who just finished writing ten pages of Jury Instructions, I must say that your exposition was very, very well written. Bravo.

Posted by: CMU VET at July 02, 2014 10:29 PM (ejB0r)

469 This is why I love this blog.

Posted by: Bryan Caskey at July 02, 2014 10:44 PM (DjcIp)

470 After your entire diatribe, the simple fact is, most busy young women who don't have time read Supreme Court cases, will conclude from the fleeting media reports they see, that the Republicans want to deny contraceptives to women and continue the war on rascally wabbits lose again....

Posted by: onibar at July 02, 2014 11:30 PM (DsmQQ)

471 Dear empty-headed blogger,

IUD's and Plan B have nothing to do work abortion.

Posted by: john at July 03, 2014 07:11 AM (d7a+9)

472 Hey posterity - this blog post is calling.

Should be in the Hall of Fame I think.

Sure its not Kaboom, but there can be only one.

Posted by: simplemind at July 03, 2014 03:10 PM (hTeQK)

473 A corporation can consist of a single individual depending upon the state of incorporation. Many private practices of a professional nature are corporations. The term is just a designation for a form of business no different in fact from an LTD, partnership, or sole ownership.

The Left believes in newspeak.

Posted by: Veritas at July 03, 2014 05:45 PM (lDfIi)

474 It seems to me if the Supreme Court actually thought a corporation was a legal human being, it would be illegal to own one.

Posted by: Karl Lembke at July 04, 2014 06:13 PM (BJqiY)

pas cher gamma blue 11s

Posted by: pas cher gamma blue 11s at July 06, 2014 06:10 PM (vSrb5)

476 @#474, you are precisely the caliber of person for whom this post was written, and still it managed to sail right over your head.

Start from the beginning and give it one more go. Mull it over all day every first Tuesday in November, mkay?

Posted by: RosalinJ at July 07, 2014 04:20 PM (ns4bP)

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