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Obama Adminstration Specifically Denied Exception to Permit Veterans to Attend WWII Memorial

Before we go any further, let us note once again how contrived it is to shut down entryways to a wide open space out in the middle of a park.

This is not a building, like a museum, that has doors and staffers and guides. This is fucking scenery.

And yet the erected artificial barriers to block people from walking through outdoor scenery.

Voila! Now we can pretend a memorial standing unsupervised out in the open is a "National Park" or "Open Air Museum" and close it to pedestrian traffic (and people can in fact just walk through this thing in their normal transversing of the city).

Now, that out of the way: They then took the next step.

When they were informed that the Honor Flight was on the way, and that they should make one exception for the veterans of WWII and open up the artificial barriers they had erected to make a political point, they refused.

Palazzo, a Gulf War Marine veteran who has participated in all five of the Honor Flights, blames the White House for making it harder on veterans and playing politics. “At first I thought it was a huge bureaucratic oversight,” Palazzo told The Daily Caller, “but having talked with the officials I can’t help but think this was politically motivated. Honor Flights, which bring WWII veterans to the nation’s memorials, are planned a year in advance and cost anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000. How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans?”

In a statement, Palazzo noted that he is introducing legislation to ensure that all Honor Flights are granted access this week. “This is an open-air memorial that the public has 24/7 access to under normal circumstances — even when Park Service personnel aren’t present,” Palazzo said in the statement. “It actually requires more effort and expense to shut out these veterans from their Memorial than it would to simply let them through. My office has been in touch with NPS officials and the Administration to try to resolve this issue.”

There are no "schedule hours" for scenery. The monument does not close on weekends, or at night.

Because it's scenery.

It is a feature of the landscape.

And yet these See You Next Tuesdays attempted to create a fake "entryway" into a landscape feature so they could block it off and say "the Building is closed."

And then they doubled down.

Note The Lack of Walls and Gates and Barriers: From @slublog, here's what we're talking about.

Look at the gigantic "entrance" -- I don't know if you can call it an "entrance" when it's just a huge area of No Walls out in the middle of a grassy lawn.

Think about all the work it took to turn an open air landscape feature into a blocked off Instant National Park Which Is Now Shut Down You Guys.

[Update - Andy]: It's even worse:

Posted by: Ace at 07:32 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 for the children

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 07:34 PM (bJm7W)

2 ooh, first again. I denounce myself

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 07:34 PM (bJm7W)

3 Thought I sensed a new post.

... and F U B.H.O!

Posted by: Spiderman at October 01, 2013 07:35 PM (FY+3+)

Artificial barriers are all Barry understands.

Posted by: Harvard Law at October 01, 2013 07:35 PM (bkTIc)

5 Fuck those fucking fucks.

Sorry, I cannot be any more articulate than that right now. Just. Enough.

Posted by: Jenny Hates Her Phone at October 01, 2013 07:36 PM (kKKEV)

6 well, come on, what did veterans of, you know, combat against, like, fortified nazi German positions, do that was so important compared to the heroic occupy wall street turdwads?

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 07:36 PM (bJm7W)

7 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....wha?..huh?.............GOP's fault.................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by: MSM at October 01, 2013 07:36 PM (8SsiG)

8 Try going to any website for a national park. You get a message saying the website isn't working cause of the shutdown.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 07:36 PM (g1DWB)

9 That is my congressman: pretty good as far as congressmen go. Kudos to Rep. King from Iowa, ( not the asswipe from New York). And good job to the Park policeman who let them thru.

Posted by: Hammer at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (5buGz)

10 America wanted this.


Posted by: Mr. Pink at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (8719b)

11 If Michelle can't tweet, nobody can. It's not fair.-Barakanahten, the boy king

Posted by: The Jackhole at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (nTgAI)

12 I hate these guys. I really, really hate these guys.

Jesus, is there anything they won't stoop to?

I hate these guys.

Posted by: GuyfromNH at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (kbOju)

13 FUBAR = F U Barky and Reid.

Ooh, I impwessed mysewf, puddy tat.

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (bJm7W)

14 Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes.

Posted by: Taggart at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (8ZskC)

15 These men fought a war to bolster colonialism and imperialism.

Posted by: The Obama Administration at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (Dwehj)

16 Yeah, how'd that work out?

Posted by: NCKate at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (Rs+1o)

17 In a just world, all of these bureaucratic fucks who spent time and MONEY shutting things down would be ejected from DC by trebuchet.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (ligos)

18 To paraphrase the late greatJeane Kirkpatrick; They'll always blame conservatives first.

Posted by: puddleglum at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (8SsiG)

19 I do wish that the Viet Nam Vets would take back their public monument. With the big bikes and everything. I am not a vet, but I'd join them.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (l3vZN)

At least the IRS won't be harassing anyone for a few days, riight?

Posted by: No soup for you at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (bkTIc)


Horrible, execrable, vicious, vindictive and evil.

May they go swiftly to Hell and rot.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:38 PM (WjLUf)

22 Try going to any website for a national park. You get a message saying the website isn't working cause of the shutdown.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 07:36 PM (g1DWB)

They shutdown the webcam in Cannel Islands NP. I guess there was nobody to watch it underwater, dumbasses

Posted by: The Jackhole at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (nTgAI)

23 How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans terrorists?”

Updated per the SCOAMT style guide.

Posted by: SpongeBob ReaverSaget at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (kxSZr)

24 This is what I was ranting about this morning with news they wanted to 'close' the National Mall. The Mall is basically a huge LAWN with some very pretty and elaborate yard ornaments. It's madness to even consider 'closing' it. It's just pure goddamn partisan political BULLSHIT of the worst sort.

Our forefathers would be shooting people by now. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (8sCoq)

25 That asshole.

And it figures.

What a piece of shit he is.

Posted by: L, elle at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (0PiQ4)

26 "We don't not negotiate with terrorists with bombs attached to them...or 88 year old Vets who stormed Normandy."

Obama and his cohort are bad, bad people.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (a4Omg)


Give'em Hell!

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (sSHNB)

28 The Door-Slamming Teen Administration.

Posted by: Waterhouse at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (B9MDs)

29 There isn't a mikvah deep and dirty enough to drown these fucks in. How utterly despicable and low.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (WjLUf)

30 Obamacades

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (FIDMq)

31 Honor Flight? Never heard of it.

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (/1ATA)

32 O.C.C.U.P.Y.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 07:41 PM (9MLX+)

33 so my question is this.
When /If? Obamacare is part of the govt , will a future piss'd off president obama be able to withhold funds because they are piss'd off?

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 07:41 PM (nqBYe)

34 >>>Obamacades

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (FIDMq)

or Barackades?

Posted by: Spiderman at October 01, 2013 07:41 PM (FY+3+)

35 So, can we expect the MSM to show video of Barky's henchmen blocking outdoor areas off?

I make it 100:1 that they will not.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 07:41 PM (aDwsi)

36 The Door-Slamming Teen Administration.

Sometimes we even break out the "terrible twos".

Posted by: The Obama Administration at October 01, 2013 07:41 PM (Dwehj)

37 L, elle, #25 is true but not a very good haiku.

Posted by: andycanuck at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (qnPg9)

38 Uhhhh, get off my lawn. And the middle class.

Posted by: B. Hussein Obama at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (Ks4nX)

Petulant Cunt Gets Petulant

Posted by: Alt Headlines at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (iZogV)

40 Hey, those old dudes could have fallen and no government employee would have been there to ignore them.

Posted by: President Obama at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (9jLim)

41 Did these idiots think the veterans were just going to walk away?

Typical leftist misjudgment of human nature. Just because they are easily-led sheep, they think everyone is. Too many are, but certainly anyone with half a brain would realize that a bunch of crusty old vets are going to do what they want to do and it isn't worth the PR hit to try stopping them.

Posted by: That's gonna leave a mark at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (9YMRO)


We need a live-cam on this site.

And, broadcast it 24/7, so we can watch these vile, spiteful, filthy leftists with SCOAMF t-shirts.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (IXrOn)

43 you know who isn't concerned so much about our military guys and gals That serve Him and Our country ! as he is about julias free abortions?

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (nqBYe)

44 The irony is that these veterans fought fascist enemies so that idiots like Obama could run for office 60 years later.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (EGPJQ)

45 Quick!!! Get me the Black Panthers!!!

Posted by: eric holder at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (qnPg9)

46 Heh, Obama follows a porn star on Twitter.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 07:42 PM (9MLX+)

Great points Ace. This needs to be put up on facebook and twitter and any other medium.... to show what a petty petty man President Obama is. This man is all kabuki theater drama queen, all the time.


Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (KHqDV)

48 Oh, and what are the chances this story will be in the NYT or Boston Globe or LA Times or Washington Post or MSNBC or CNN tomorrow?


Yeah, I thought so.

Posted by: GuyfromNH at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (kbOju)

49 Obama is a petty jerk!
He's following his "Make it Hurt" Sequestration playbook, an I'd bet good money they were planning all of this crap far in advance.

Every day I think I can't hate TFG more and then something like this happens.

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (vvueH)

50 But never question their patriotism.

Posted by: Methos at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (hO9ad)

51 Nice blogpost Anna; Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (a4Omg)

52 Ace, it's worse than that.

If the tweets bear out, the park service selectively 'protected' the WWII memorial while leaving the WWI memorial open.

They closed down the monuments where living soldiers visit.

Cause the most pain.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (DmNpO)

Bring on the NHL!
Oh, how I missed Kathryn Tappen.

Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (iZogV)

54 America wanted this.

Posted by: Mr. Pink at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (8719b)

I'm not sure that is true, but it did happen.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 01, 2013 07:43 PM (IXrOn)

55 Next, they're going to start rounding up squirrels and bunnies and evicting them from Yosemite.

Posted by: El Kabong at October 01, 2013 07:44 PM (AVhce)

56 It would feel soooooo good to elbow Teh JEF in the face. Hate them all. Childish, priggish, nanny state motherfuckers. All of them. They are not fit to wipe the asses of the MEN who fought in WWII. Fuckers.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 07:44 PM (jucos)

57 >>> O.C.C.U.P.Y.

Purp, that's actually a brilliant idea if you meant that veterans should flood the monument and have a sit in. Except The MFM wouldnt cover it.

Posted by: L, elle at October 01, 2013 07:45 PM (0PiQ4)

58 I'm just going to cut and paste what I wrote on Facebook when I linked this....

How ashamed I am. These men, these giants who fought so valiantly to deny evil, gathered together to visit the memorial dedicated to them and their brothers who died. What did they see? Blockades. "Park closed". How shameful that in their lifetimes they've had to see us piss away what they fought for through our irresponsibility, recklessness and gluttony. How shameful that we have done to ourselves what the fascists, socialist and imperialists could not.

These brave few made one last stand. They refused to be cowed and defeated. The walked, limped and rolled right past the blockades and had their remembrance.

Godspeed men. Thank you. And I'm so very sorry.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 07:45 PM (GEICT)

59 With apologies to Nat King Cole:

C, is for the commie way you deal
U, is for the unctuous way you feel
N, is nihilism, bathed in buckets of tainted jism
T, is tyranny you, impose on us at every opportunity...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:45 PM (WjLUf)

60 Freeze it down
Scoop it up
Blend untill creamy

Posted by: Eton Cox at October 01, 2013 07:45 PM (q177U)

61 This is the same administration that locked kids out of the White House to make a petulant political point during the sequester. Old heroes and kids.

I don't ever want to hear a liberal tell me they are full of compassion. They are full of something but compassion it ain't.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (g1DWB)

62 Absolutely reprehensible. The mighty ban hammer fear keeps my lips from going further.

Posted by: Lady in Black, in a dead thread talking to myself at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (XB5Ak)

63 The National Forests are open. I think they are a bit bigger open spaces than the WWII Memorial.

Posted by: Rocks at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (vR0sZ)

Let me be clear: Removing the obstructions we put in place to stop the obstructionists is obstructing our plan.

And working families.

Posted by: B. Hussein Obama at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (Ks4nX)

65 This surprises you?

Since when has Barrack Obama been a friend of the military? We know of his association with the Pentagon Bomber (or as he call him, "just some guy who lived in my neighborhood."

The folks who spit on Vietnam vets who came home from the war now run the country.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (Rk8LS)

66 I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (8sCoq)

67 Also contrived, the cancelling of the service academies' football games. Of course, they would cancel the one thing that makes money.

Posted by: no good deed at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (k55Fc)


The guy said he thought it was a huge bureaucratic oversight...

You see how nice, and clueless people are about this administration?


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (IXrOn)

69 @jamiedupree Looks like enough Democrats have voted "No" to block this VA funding bill from the House GOP

@frankthorpNBC GOP bill to fund the Dept of Vet Affairs during the govt #shutdown has FAILED in the House, 264-164, needed 2/3rd maj (286)

Posted by: Miss80sBaby at October 01, 2013 07:47 PM (YjDyJ)

70 Anyone as Tom Hanks, who has spent a good chunk of his career depicting and honoring the greatest generation, what he thinks of this? IIRC he was very involved in getting this monument built.

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 07:47 PM (vvueH)

71 66 I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States
Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (8sCoq)

It took about 100 years...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:48 PM (WjLUf)

72 >>>66 I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States

Big Bird, You Guys.
No Tampons, You Guys.

Posted by: El Kabong at October 01, 2013 07:48 PM (AVhce)

73 Freeze it down
Scoop it up
Blend untill creamy

Posted by: Eton Cox at October 01, 2013 07:45 PM (q177U)

Add more nuts.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (IXrOn)


These miserable worms are damned lucky that we the people are a decent, civil lot.

Very fucking lucky. And if that ever changes...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (WjLUf)

75 The goblins trolls from the Hobbit movies have followed Ace to this next post. They were holding the barricade against the veterans.

Posted by: exdem13 at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (kfSXj)

76 bet they turned off all the water features too.

Posted by: Dave in Texas at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (pUqSw)

77 The JEF has Daddy issues me thinks ...

Posted by: ET at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (YpjaN)

78 Carthago de Potomac delenda est

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (EjXS8)

79 "Our forefathers would be shooting people by now. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:39 PM (8sCoq)"

It's the "bread and circuses" effect of modern consumer technology keeping this from happening. Not that it might not eventually happen, but back when the country was in the revolutionary period, there really wasn't much to distract you from reality, unlike now. So, political upheaval takes longer.
That said, Instapundit is definitely on to something when he talks about how corrosive the Left has been to belief in the fairness of the Federal bureaucracy. I think a certain number of people are walking around looking for an opportunity to start shooting people for political reasons, but want to do it when the risks are relatively low, like once low-level anarchy starts breaking out and the odds of getting away with it increase. No one with a strategy wants to just go out guns blazing, they want to pick their spots.

Posted by: That's gonna leave a mark at October 01, 2013 07:49 PM (9YMRO)

80 Pure political gamesmanship, aided and abetted by the media.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 07:50 PM (aDwsi)

81 @jamiedupree Looks like enough Democrats have voted "No" to block this VA funding bill from the House GOP

@frankthorpNBC GOP bill to fund the Dept of Vet Affairs during the govt #shutdown has FAILED in the House, 264-164, needed 2/3rd maj (286)


I believe the final number had 33 Dem defectors

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 07:50 PM (DmNpO)

These men stormed onto Utah and Omaha Beach, the Siegried line, and too many cities and towns to list. They took Guadalcanal, New Guineau, Tarawa, Guam, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. They sunk the German U-boats, Japanese Fleets and Delivered Millions of Tons of supplies and men throughout the world. They swept the skies of Japanese and German air forces. They are in their 80's and 90's now, but

Does Obama think a concrete barrier will slow them down?

If the police try to stop them, tell them they better be willing to arrest the greatest generation.

Posted by: rd at October 01, 2013 07:50 PM (D+lxs)

83 Democrats have no souls.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 07:50 PM (ZPrif)

Fuckin' NOAA is shut down...with a 'Gov't Shutdown' Page up.

Damn, now I'm going to have to go all the way over to weather dot com.
This will cost me 1 maybe 2 seconds.

Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (iZogV)

85 I denounce myself for racism in comparing Obamabot minions of Big Government in racist terms by comparing them to goblins and trolls.

Posted by: exdem13 at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (kfSXj)

86 You know, if the House can hang together and push this, it may be one long "Lonesome Rhodes" moment for Obama.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living... at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (P/gm7)

87 I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States
Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (8sCoq)

That about sums it up

Posted by: The Jackhole at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (nTgAI)

88 Anyone in the vicinity of a national monument must be blindfolded until further notice.

Posted by: King Barack at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (vJFM9)

89 Hey, did we get any aerial footage of the dastardly scofflaw veterans from DRONES??

Posted by: exdem13 at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (kfSXj)

90 bet they turned off all the water features too.

They did.

Posted by: no good deed at October 01, 2013 07:52 PM (k55Fc)

91 The bill to continue DC ops has failed as well. Again, 33 Dem defectors voted for it.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 07:52 PM (DmNpO)

92 >>>>If the police try to stop them, tell them they better be willing to arrest the greatest generation.

I work within law enforcement...maybe my local police are special, but I'm noticing a lot of young self-important punks putting on a badge these days.

I think they would.

Posted by: El Kabong at October 01, 2013 07:52 PM (AVhce)

93 I think it's time to give 'the go code'

Wing Attack Plan K Street

Posted by: Harry S. Truman at October 01, 2013 07:53 PM (Pr6hk)

94 >>NOAA is shut down...with a 'Gov't Shutdown' Page up.

Oh geez!!!! Who will save the world from global climate change in their absence! I "sense" that the earth is hotter today. Anybody else? I think I hear the ice caps melting and the polar bears crying.....

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 07:53 PM (vvueH)

95 Hey.

Have all those truckers begun to trickle into town yet?

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 07:53 PM (DmNpO)

96 Democrats have no souls.

That's only mostly true.

Posted by: Lucifer at October 01, 2013 07:53 PM (hO9ad)

97 Over at the entrance to the Colorado National Monument I saw a group of squirrels, rabbits and deer hanging out playing ping pong.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 01, 2013 07:53 PM (65HOH)

98 These people simply have no shame.

Nothing more can be said.

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 07:54 PM (wR+pz)

99 Wait, so after I reload the NOAA page 5 times because it's a piece of crap that won't load, I won't even be able to see the forecast?


Posted by: WolfinNC at October 01, 2013 07:54 PM (Vvg+J)

SCOAMT, barbed cock of Satan; some "merging" required.

Posted by: steveegg at October 01, 2013 07:54 PM (o44nj)

101 "I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States."

Free cellphones.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 07:54 PM (Rk8LS)

102 86 You know, if the House can hang together and push this, it may be one long "Lonesome Rhodes" moment for Obama.
Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living... at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (P/gm7)

Vita-Jex, Viagra, what's the diff?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:54 PM (WjLUf)

103 and remember, every day the gov't is shut down, Yogi Bear has to go without a pickanick basket

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 07:55 PM (bJm7W)

104 I work within law enforcement...maybe my local police are special, but
I'm noticing a lot of young self-important punks putting on a badge
these days.

I think they would.

Punks need to be taught their place. From time to time.

Posted by: Methos at October 01, 2013 07:55 PM (hO9ad)

105 Maybe there is some truth to Government Shutdownmageddon. The Sam's Club was out of chocolate soft serve. War is hell.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 07:55 PM (KRpfP)

106 We're better than this.

Posted by: Your Moderate President at October 01, 2013 07:55 PM (dvRYt)

107 These fucking pieces of shit!! Let's just hope this current civil war goes hot asap........... I am soooo sick of these pukes.

Posted by: Knightbrigade at October 01, 2013 07:55 PM (Q76p7)

108 Did They stop Funerals at Arlington?

Posted by: Patrick at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (b6koZ)

109 If closed Tomorrow,
I will be there on Thursday.
I won't be alone.

Posted by: haiku guy at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (fgviU)

I will never ever ever understand how this miserable cocksucker became President of the United States

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (8sCoq)

Free shit, racism, and an assist from the Wall Street Boyz.

Posted by: steveegg at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (o44nj)

111 So if a Category 5 hurricane suddenly brews up in the Gulf and NOAA nor the Hurricane Hunters of Keesler have funding...

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (sSHNB)

112 That's not how we do things in America.

Posted by: Your Moderate President at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (dvRYt)

Dang, I missed a hobbitses thread. Is the first one on Premium Cable yet?

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 07:56 PM (KRpfP)

114 How does this help the "middle class"?

Posted by: Barry, Chom leader at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (wR+pz)

115 Look, you motherfuckers all say you hate illegal immigrants, well, guess what? All of those so-called "World War II veterans" illegally entered Tunisia, Italy, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union (thought I'd forget about those interned bomber crews, huh?). So it looks like you're all just a bunch of hypocrites - it's a terrible crime when poor innocent folks come here peacefully to work and prosper, but when your bellicose ancestors crossed border after border, leaving death and destruction in their wake, they're the "Greatest Generation." No wonder I hate you all.

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (FsqHK)

116 The Door-Slamming Teen Administration.

Posted by: Waterhouse at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (B9MDs)

With nukes. And the car keys. And your wallet.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (qyfb5)

117 Why do the VA and DC ops bills need 2/3 to pass?

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (EjXS8)

118 Obama: making Hoover look good since 2009

Worst President ever, worse than Buchanan

Posted by: tmitsss at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (Pa9vP)

119 >>Free shit, racism, and an assist from the Wall Street Boyz.

Don't forget the msm and IRS.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (g1DWB)

120 It's time to act like adults.

Posted by: Your Moderate President at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (dvRYt)

121 And pre-printed professional signs stating the park was closed due to the govt shutdown. this was pre-planned.

Posted by: canb0nly1 at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (hnaLV)

122 So if a Category 5 hurricane suddenly brews up in the Gulf and NOAA nor the Hurricane Hunters of Keesler have funding...


NWC still funded.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (DmNpO)

123 116 116 The Door-Slamming Teen Administration.

Posted by: Waterhouse at October 01, 2013 07:40 PM (B9MDs)

With nukes. And the car keys. And your wallet.
Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (qyfb5)

Lost In Space episode, teens who grow young.

Also Trek, Gorgo the Friendly Angel (Hail Hail Fire and Snow...)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (WjLUf)

124 And I just heard a commercial on Levin's radio program having to do with money for national parks, narrated by some hysterical man. Preserve the national parks with more government funding "for the children" and future generations!!11!eleventy How very coincidental.

Posted by: Lady in Black, in a dead thread talking to myself at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (XB5Ak)

125 5 Fuck those fucking fucks.

Sorry, I cannot be any more articulate than that right now. Just. Enough.

Poetry to my ears

Posted by: tmitsss at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (Pa9vP)


24 This is what I
was ranting about this morning with news they wanted to 'close' the

24 This is what I
was ranting about this morning with news they wanted to 'close' the National
Mall. The Mall is basically a huge LAWN with some very pretty and elaborate
yard ornaments. It's madness to even consider 'closing' it. It's just pure
goddamn partisan political BULLSHIT of the worst sort.

Our forefathers would be shooting people by now. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Jones in CO

You know they actually had a meeting to figure out how to screw over as many people as possible. Some fkkin jerk got a raise for this one. Thinking outside the boxthey call it.

Posted by: dirks strewn at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (n+DCP)

127 The Friendly Angel was played by a famous lawyer.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (sSHNB)

128 Obama won via free shit, racism, and some good old fashioned vote fraud.

When you can't buy a vote, or race-hate a vote, a bucket of ballots comes in handy.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (ZPrif)

129 5 Fuck those fucking fucks.

Sorry, I cannot be any more articulate than that right now. Just. Enough.


Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (aDwsi)

130 Come see the abject stupidity inherent in this administration!

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (BAS5M)

131 I don't know if you can call it an "entrance" when it's just a huge area of No Walls out in the middle of a grassy lawn.

Serious known as "Sidewalk on 17th St" you guys

Posted by: DaveA at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (DL2i+)

132 87, it happened because the media,education, and immigration systems have changed America. They have altered our culture and value systems giving the Left millions of new brain damaged voters.

Posted by: Dan at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (m3gf3)

133 All part of let it burn.

Posted by: akak at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (4tkxZ)

134 Fuckin' NOAA is shut down...with a 'Gov't Shutdown' Page up.

Damn, now I'm going to have to go all the way over to weather dot com.
This will cost me 1 maybe 2 seconds.
Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2013 07:51 PM (iZogV)

My brother is waiting for the word, so he can go surfing and hang at the beach.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (IXrOn)

135 127 The Friendly Angel was played by a famous lawyer.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (sSHNB)

Attorney Melvin Belli. And the "Attorney" part is how he is credited. Weird.

"DEATH TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (WjLUf)

136 If this sh*t is gonna go pear shaped, I need a few weeks for certain items to arrive in state.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (xdC/M)

137 Experience the firepower of the new 6.8 Ounce Hershey's with Almonds.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:00 PM (KRpfP)

138 I managed to hear top-of-the-hour radio news a few times today, and it was all about interviewing tourists who couldn't visit the Statue of Liberty

they actually had to stand back and be content to look at it- the horror

does America know that about 60% of all US govt activities are still chugging along?

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (8sCoq)

139 Dems refuse VA funding bill. Obama threatens veto.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (aDwsi)


Here's my shocked face. o.o

Boehner negotiated the staffer carve out he currently is shutting the government down to end. No wonder the Dems aren't budging.

Posted by: Methos at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (hO9ad)

141 Crap like this is why I can't do local politics anymore, either. Whenever there needs to be fat-cutting done, the School Committee never, ever looks to cut the multiple assistant 3rd-grade cirriculum coordinators. Nope - they cut the band, or JV sports, or the drama club.JEF is just doing the same exact crap on a national level and getting a pass for it from The Deciders.As I said, Carthago de Potomac delenda est.

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (EjXS8)

142 It's just pure

goddamn partisan political BULLSHIT of the worst sort.

No kidding! It's not like there aren't streets that run right through there. They are basically saying the sidewalks are closed. It's completely douchey. Did they close the escalators from the subway that are right there too?

Posted by: no good deed at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (k55Fc)

143 Good thing jet fuel is "essential" off to Bali for some smoked Lassie and a good hit of hash.

Posted by: Barry, Chom leader at October 01, 2013 08:01 PM (wR+pz)

144 Boss I got a Kit Kat bar the size of a license plate in my fridge

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (8sCoq)

Seriously this is a f*cking no brainer win for the GOP and there is only a couple of Congress critters down there with the veterans hanging out? If I was in charge of the republicans I'd call it a day and force everyone of 'em to go down there and make some noise.... maybe shove thePark police around a bit too, just for giggles.

...and take lots of photos with the heros of WW2... for my scrapbook.

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (KHqDV)

146 You know what? Rules mean f*cking nothing to this administration.

With that in mind, I am officially launching the Benjamin Netanyahu 2016 campaign for President of the United States.

F*ck any US President more hostile to the US and its allies than a foreign PM.

Posted by: The Obsidian Owl at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (ZoXtL)

147 So is the TOTUS offline too because of the partial government furlough? Because stuttering and stammering platitudes are what America needs in this moment of crisis.

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (dvRYt)

148 Shouldn't the entire federal District of Columbia have been closed?

Posted by: Albie Damned at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (Yhu4q)

149 This is where the press earns it's total hatred from most of us.
These pricks would absolutely destroy a Republican over this massive shitheel move.

Posted by: jjshaka at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (R4vTL)

150 Boehner should just declare Obamacare defunded and repealed.

Something about a co-equal branch?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 08:03 PM (WjLUf)


I know what a 'government shutdown' is, and this ain't no government shutdown

Posted by: Ambassador Stevens at October 01, 2013 08:03 PM (Pr6hk)

152 OFA got my tweets going, bitches.

Shut down? Shit that's for the middle class.

Posted by: Barry, Chom leader at October 01, 2013 08:03 PM (wR+pz)

153 Right!! fuckin scenery bitches... I just like to say 'fuckin'

Posted by: Johnny Cold Cuts at October 01, 2013 08:03 PM (N3Al8)

154 You know they actually had a meeting to figure out how to screw over as many people as possible. Some fkkin jerk got a raise for this one. Thinking outside the boxthey call it.

Posted by: dirks strewn at October 01, 2013 07:59 PM (n+DCP)

Somebody get me that tape and I'll get arrested for playing it through loudspeakers in mall parking lots.

You know the MFFM (delenda est) wouldn't play it.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:04 PM (qyfb5)

155 >
Shouldn't the entire federal District of Columbia have been closed?

Posted by: Albie Damned at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (Yhu4q)

GODDAMN somebody knows their Constitution! Well done

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:04 PM (8sCoq)

156 Come see the abject stupidity inherent in this administration!

Posted by: Count de Monet

Sadly, that message must be promulgated by the media, which they will not.

If you can keep your gorge down, and if you do not mind given their site a hit, just check Huff Po front page to see how it is presented.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:04 PM (aDwsi)

157 I'm really starting to worry here. Hopefully Americans get tired of this shit right quick and it doesn't simmer too long . . . not sure why but today I started to really see how dangerously malicious the current White House is. It's worrisome.

Lots of "can't see the Liberty Bell" crap. First off, the new "museum" for it is a piece of PC stupid crap. It's a total waste. And you can see the damn Bell just as well from OUTSIDE thru the glass wall as you can from inside the dumb museum anyway.

hell I like to look at it from the nice bar across the street . . .

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (2up3Q)

158 Cruz on BOR now. Watters tweeted that it gets "lively"

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (DmNpO)

159 Crap like this is why I can't do local politics anymore, either. Whenever there needs to be fat-cutting done, the School Committee never, ever looks to cut the multiple assistant 3rd-grade curriculum coordinators. Nope - they cut the band, or JV sports, or the drama club.

Why is that? Do Tea Party groups not have the ability to get on the school board? My wife's school has yellow water, but they have a nice, fat Administrator's budget.

Posted by: bonhomme at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (yETln)

160 Holy shit.

Posted by: HeatherRadish™ at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (hO8IJ)

161 That's it Barry. Overwhelm the system. Just like Uncle Saul taught us, overwhelm the system.

Posted by: Bill Ayers at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (Pr6hk)

162 Memo for Sebelius the Baby Killer:

It ain't working.

Somebody call IT.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (yL0v8)

163 If I was in charge of the republicans I'd call it a day and force everyone of 'em to go down there and make some noise.... maybe shove thePark police around a bit too, just for giggles.

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 08:02 PM (KHqDV)

No need, police have statutory limits dealing with Congress.

Just make a human wall of Congressmen protecting the veterans.

Kind of like the moral inverse of the reaction to the Bonus Marchers.

It would eat the MFFM alive.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (qyfb5)

164 And pre-printed professional signs stating the park was closed due to the govt shutdown. this was pre-planned.

Posted by: canb0nly1 at October 01, 2013 07:58 PM (hnaLV)

Yeah, I noticed that, too. They've been hoping for a chance to use them and thought they'd found it. Too bad for them that some old guys, many in wheelchairs no less, breached their puny barricades.

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:06 PM (Oz+LZ)

165 Boss I got a Kit Kat bar the size of a license plate in my fridge

Posted by: Jones in CO

*begins attempt to locate Jone's place*

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:06 PM (aDwsi)

166 158 Cruz on BOR now. Watters tweeted that it gets "lively"
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 08:05 PM (DmNpO)

Ted Cruz I'm sure will acquit himself well.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (WjLUf)

167 If the tweets bear out, the park service selectively 'protected' the WWII memorial

I live here and I have no idea where the WWI memorial is? The George Mason Memorial is another one tucked away - for an very important dude.

Posted by: Beorn at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (CMlD4)

168 Barry despises our soldiers.

Posted by: Timwi at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (pdhxN)

169 Our "president" has no honor.

Fuck. Him.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (Lgf19)

170 Also Trek, Gorgo the Friendly Angel (Hail Hail Fire and Snow...)

And Miri.

Kill the Grups! Bonk! Bonk!

Posted by: Fox 2! at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (XFTOV)

171 Is the Department of Education's SWAT Team still operational?

I'd hate to think of any truants trying to take advantage of this situation.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (uhAkr)

172 Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that this thing is in the middle of a giant field and they had to go through a lot of trouble to build barricades around this thing last night.

Was thinking the same thing about rumblings I heard about capitol police threatening to arrest anyone using the sidewalks around The Mall.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (G99e4)

173 I prefer Can't Understand Normal Thinking over See You Next Tuesday.

Posted by: Buzzion at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (7Lpq1)

174 I have a better idea - hire some Hooters or Tilted Kilt girls to escort the veterans. I'd love to see THAT video - not going to look good for the park police! but will still look WAY too good for the press to not cover it!

I'm brilliant!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (2up3Q)

175 World War II Veterans? Never heard of 'em

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at October 01, 2013 08:08 PM (Pr6hk)

176 Do Tea Party groups not have the ability to get on the school board?

No. Evidently.

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 08:08 PM (EjXS8)

177 Cruz is actually getting to talk during a Bill O interview.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:08 PM (KRpfP)

178 Boss I got a Kit Kat bar the size of a license plate in my fridge

Posted by: Jones in CO

*begins attempt to locate Jone's place*
Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:06 PM (aDwsi)


I think it's somewhere in Colorado.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at October 01, 2013 08:08 PM (eQ5nb)

179 On a semi-related note, I've had quite a few arguments with liberals today, and I've learned two things: they're not very tolerant. Or intelligent.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (Rk8LS)

180 Fuckin' NOAA is shut down...with a 'Gov't Shutdown' Page up.

Who cares. They're useless anyway.

Posted by: Queequeg the Harpooner at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (yL0v8)

181 But did the Vets have well-creased pants?

Posted by: David Brooks at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (Pr6hk)

182 169 Barry despises our soldiers.

Posted by: Timwi at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (pdhxN)

That's a lie. I love when they carry my luggage and fly me and my dog around at your expense.

Oh and Moochle.

Posted by: Barry, Chom leader at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (wR+pz)

183 Hannity was relevant today with his '100 unintended consequences of Obamacare'. jobs jobs focused like a laser..

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (N3Al8)

184 Big opportunity here for all of you radio amateurs to try out that spark transmitter.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (aDwsi)

185 168 Barry despises our soldiers.
Posted by: Timwi at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (pdhxN)

I imagine the felling is mutual. The rest of this comment is self-redacted.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (WjLUf)

186 >Barry despises our soldiers.

Posted by: Timwi at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (pdhxN)

he's none too fond of America in general

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (8sCoq)

187 Uh huh. Sidewalks, monuments, and webpages- things maintain 24/7 accessibility without staff or additional cost are all shut down.

Magically, however, signs, barriers, updated "Sorry, you can not view this webpage because Republicans hate you" content- things that require additional significant cost and labor- are up an running in excess of normal capacity.

Weird. Almost seems to that logic, spending, and common sense don't apply here. Reminds me of how government spending magically remained unchanged and below debt ceiling levels for months, yet everyone kept cashing their government checks like normal.

Posted by: Damiano at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (j0wOO)

188 Hey Vets.... You didn't build that!

Posted by: Elizabeth Warren at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (Pr6hk)

189 Fund NASA? For the mooselimp outreach.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (KRpfP)

190 I think it's somewhere in Colorado.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon

That's what he wants you to believe....

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (aDwsi)

191 Jeez, Bill giving "advice" to Cruz.....

Posted by: Ktgreat: at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (Bl4dy)

Why do the VA and DC ops bills need 2/3 to pass?

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 07:57 PM (EjXS

Because El PRL tried to suspend the rules to pass them. They pull that shit when they want to make it look like they want to pass something but really don't.

Posted by: steveegg at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (o44nj)

193 It's called the Washington Monument Strategy (LITERALLY in this case), and if the MFFM wasn't just a bunch of soulless, bootlicking sacks of child-molesting crap, they would be all over it like starving rats.

But they won't, they'll play along. They'll cooperate, because lies are their mother's milk and we are their mortal enemies.

That's why the fantasize about warring against us, like TNR's pathetic bloodlust today.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (qyfb5)

194 8 fucking years of a President that is an incompetent,evil turd.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (9XBK2)

195 Tojo at Iwo Jima ... Hitler at Normandy ... Mussolini at Anzio... or Obama at Washington.... Makes no difference; theGreatest Generation will always kick atyrant's ass.

Posted by: Powderhouse at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (Xv7f/)

196 >On a semi-related note, I've had quite a few
arguments with liberals today, and I've learned two things: they're not
very tolerant. Or intelligent.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 08:09 PM (Rk8LS)

if you've ever had a discussion with a screaming 2 yr old banging on their highchair, you've argued with a liberal

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (8sCoq)

197 When the Vets showed up, did their daughters tag-along? I don't want to miss a mass-groping opportunity next time

Posted by: Former Congressman and Mayor Bob Filner at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (Pr6hk)

198 191 Jeez, Bill giving "advice" to Cruz.....

Posted by: Ktgreat: at October 01, 2013 08:10 PM (Bl4dy)

Bill thinks everyone wants his 'advice'.

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (bCEmE)

199 I've learned two things: they're not very tolerant. Or intelligent.

did you learn the third thing yet? it's that that actually hate us

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (2up3Q)

200 Federal locations that are normally not staffed, are mysteriously staffed, because can't be staffed, or something.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (aDwsi)

201 @191
191 Jeez, Bill giving "advice" to Cruz.....

The Holy Spirit made him do it!

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (wR+pz)

202 Anyone here in Rolling Thunder or have contacts with the organization?

They would make perfect escorts for the vets and to protect them from Ogabe's storm troopers

Posted by: Albie Damned at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (Yhu4q)

203 Government shut down you say? Finally I can tear the 'do not remove under penalty of law ' tags from all my pillows. It is probably some progressive idea to get us when we were young and vulnerable anyway.

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (N3Al8)

204 >That's why the fantasize about warring against us, like TNR's pathetic bloodlust today.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (qyfb5)

what's this now?

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (8sCoq)

205 Unbelievable.

By which I mean entirely believable for TFG.

Posted by: Andy at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (0ZQCB)

206 Therefore a wise prince ought to adopt such a course that his citizens will always in every sort and kind of circumstance have need of the state and of him, and then he will always find them faithful.

Posted by: Niccolo Machiavelli- The Prince at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (j0wOO)

207 70
Anyone as Tom Hanks, who has spent a good chunk of his career depicting
and honoring the greatest generation, what he thinks of this? IIRC he
was very involved in getting this monument built.

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 07:47 PM (vvueH)

Always liked those ad spots...very to the point. I think it was something like It's time to say thank you.

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (FIDMq)

NOAA has the most reliable wind forecasts.
I'm taking the old man fishing tomorrow.

Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (iZogV)

209 This is one of those hard splits in our nation. Either you would never do something petty and partisan to WWII vets making a trip to their memorial, or you are a malignant traitorous prick.

Posted by: Beagle at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (sOtz/)

210 Guys like Barry, you got hold on to them by the nose and kick them in the ass

Posted by: George S. Patton at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (Pr6hk)

211 One thing has become abundantly clear, America hasn't been this divided since the Civil War. We hate them and they hate us. Hate.

I don't see anyway to reconcile the sides.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (g1DWB)

212 The Holy Spirit made him do it!

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (wR+pz)

But not God....

What a fucking dolt he is.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (GEICT)

213 Exactly. The Media loves talking about the Washington Monument strategy likes it's a cool fucking magic trick and they don't want to spoil the trick by telling the audience the gimmick.

They all know it's a con. Everyone in the media has known it's a con for decades. But they are playing their part in the con.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (ZPrif)

214 F the EBT. Let them eat each other.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (KRpfP)

215 the Obama administration and Democrats are fucking sick. Who thought to do this?

Talk about a what the fuck moment.

Posted by: Jack at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (gWHwW)

216 You guys notice Googles stupid website picture today has a bunch of national park logos? Coincidence?

Posted by: bern at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (q+BUG)

217 Ho-Lee SHIT....

that is a game changer public perception wise if we play it right....

Shutdown Theater presents "I once thought of joining the Army and hey I personally killed OBL..."

fuck these people.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (9jfyN)

218 Tojo at Iwo Jima ... Hitler at Normandy ...
Mussolini at Anzio... or Obama at Washington.... Makes no difference;
theGreatest Generation will always kick atyrant's ass.

Posted by: Powderhouse at October 01, 2013 08:11 PM (Xv7f/)
Fuck yeah.

Posted by: Berserker at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (FMbng)

219 what's this now?

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:12 PM (8sCoq)

Only a couple of posts down.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (qyfb5)

220 Cruz has an excellent poker face. My eyes would have been in the back of my head.

Posted by: Ktgreat: at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (Bl4dy)

221 What difference, at this point, does it make?

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 01, 2013 08:15 PM (Pr6hk)

222 Ogabe has declared war. Fuck him.

Contact info for Rolling Thunder national HQ

TEL (90 369-5439

FAX (90 369-2072


Posted by: Albie Damned at October 01, 2013 08:15 PM (Yhu4q)

223 We have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in the White House

Posted by: Juan McLame at October 01, 2013 08:16 PM (Pr6hk)

224 shut down shut down everything is shut down hobbits hobbits wacko birds gang of eight gang of eight

Posted by: Lone Gerbil McCain at October 01, 2013 08:16 PM (yL0v8)

225 Do you want me to audit those Vets, Ms. Jarrett

Posted by: Lois Lerner at October 01, 2013 08:17 PM (Pr6hk)

226 And why isn't boner at the barricades with a camera crew making commercials and giving speeches about how craven the dems are for paying people overtime to put up barricades to deny the people access to their monuments.

Does that limp dick jug eared fool think he owns the fucking city? These monuments, these web sites, etc belong to the people the paid for them. Only a fucking idiot would think the people would not see through the shutdown web sites and blame the republicans.

This will be the best shutdown ever, and finally we will be free from slick willy's bs story about it hurting R's.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at October 01, 2013 08:17 PM (zZJJp)

227 Could you spell out the last number so you don't get the smilies? Thx.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 08:17 PM (a4Omg)

228 I can only conjecture the flow of events had this been "Selma Flight" on its way to the King memorial.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:17 PM (JBLt6)

229 Democrats, all Democrats, are fucking traitors.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (ZPrif)

230 Because El PRL tried to suspend the rules to pass them. They pull that
shit when they want to make it look like they want to pass something but
really don't.

That's for putting-me to that knowledge, steve.

Oh and Boehner can burn with Carthage on the Potomac as well.

Let. It. Burn.

Posted by: DocJ at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (EjXS8)

231 Sent this link to 'my' senator - Bill Nelson. The bastard had the nerve to apologize for the 'partisan' tea party shutting down government. I pointed out that this (the link) was an example of the petty partisan politics that get under people's skins.

Posted by: rabidfox at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (Gejy0)

232 211 JackStraw @8:13,

I do...

They say the only thing we share is a country.

I don't want to anymore.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (9jfyN)

233 Why is this going to keep going.

We got them by the balls. Gerrymandering baby!

We can not lose the House.

Make the Senate look like shit.

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (wR+pz)

234 >> I don't see anyway to reconcile the sides.


Posted by: Andy at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (0ZQCB)

235 They all know it's a con. Everyone in the media has known it's a con for decades. But they are playing their part in the con.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:13 PM (ZPrif)

Again, doing the opposite of their credo.

Like police murdering and robbing, firefighters setting fires, doctors poisoning.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:18 PM (qyfb5)

236 Where is some Young Republican group from nearby VA or MD? They should be there when the vets get there and kick down the barricades.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:19 PM (ZPrif)

237 Owebama hates America and will stop at nothing in his efforts to make it a communist shit hole. He hates the military, hates American exceptionalism and hates America being a super power.

He constantly tells citizens they're stupid, insults the military and it's veterans and treats them like his personal servants. The WWII vets can't go to the memorial, but he can fly his fucking dogs on an Osprey with some basketballs.

He is an asshole of the highest order. HE THINKS HE IS KING.

Posted by: © Sponge at October 01, 2013 08:19 PM (0TFZw)

238 Well...yah Ace. Cause he's a fucking dick. ???

Posted by: JQP at October 01, 2013 08:19 PM (U4GjV)

239 i'll wager o'admin apparatchiks looked at a Marine honor guard lockout at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Posted by: 13times at October 01, 2013 08:19 PM (fGPLK)

240 If this bullshit persists into the weekend, think I'm gonna head up to Gettysburg and see if the cocksuckers are going to be able to barricade the entire battlefield.

Posted by: Stu-22 at October 01, 2013 08:19 PM (k4bdL)

241 211
One thing has become abundantly clear, America hasn't been this divided
since the Civil War. We hate them and they hate us. Hate.

I don't see anyway to reconcile the sides.

Well, one side isn't paying anything. And the other side is paying everything.
Which one will stop first?

Posted by: Jack at October 01, 2013 08:20 PM (gWHwW)

242 Right, the media claims they are Truth-Tellers.

Every shutdown story should start with an explanation of the The Washington Monument Strategy. A strategy that is fucking taught in journalism school. They all know what it is.

The are willing participants in this con.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:20 PM (ZPrif)

243 "Barry despises our soldiers.

Posted by: Timwi at October 01, 2013 08:07 PM (pdhxN)"

Shit, if word of this gets out, the soldiers might not be reliable pawns in my "shell Congress into obeisance like Yeltsin did" strategy.

Posted by: Julia "Dumbfuck" Joffe at October 01, 2013 08:20 PM (9YMRO)

244 I live in Missouri, and the National Park Service just said they're closing the Ozark Trail in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

That's right, they're closing a wilderness trail--an 18-inch wide swath of dirt and gravel paid for by the taxpayers. There are no amenities--no shelters or anything to maintain, and the trail is maintained by volunteer groups.

Fark that noise. I'm working for IOUs right now, and the tyrant wants to keep me from walking on my own land?

Posted by: Palandine at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (OldRG)

245 Carthage delenda est.

Posted by: Cato the Elder at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (KRpfP)

246 >>>Like police murdering and robbing, firefighters setting fires, doctors poisoning.

Ummm... what are the logical outcomes of strengthening public sector unions and Obamacare?

Posted by: Damiano at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (j0wOO)

247 Who do these vets think they are anyway, trespassing on the Federal Government's sovereign property?

Posted by: Stu-22 at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (k4bdL)

248 Stu we are thinking of going out to Gettysburg this weekend.

there is NO WAY they can actually stop you from going. Come on. it's unpossible.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (2up3Q)

249 I was part of the 2 mil bikers to DC rally on 9/11. The independent truckers are blitzing DC on 11/11 veterans day..Oh hell yes they are and a million 65 foot semi rigs might take up a scoch more room then the 850K bikes that showed on 9/11

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (N3Al8)

250 So, people can access this monument 24/7 except today?

Posted by: Jesse Pinkman, PhD Bitches! at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (paOCA)

251 Did the also close the MLK monument? Because RAYYYYYCISM You Guys. I still can't believe this fuckstick is Pres.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (jucos)

252 When the time comes in 2017, I hope those in charge are strong enough to take care of all matters of the family business

Posted by: Michael Corlene at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (Pr6hk)

253 This is where it helps to control territory.
If a Repub President did this to the MLK monument, Sharpton would have a gang of thousands of young black Democrats tearing down the barricades the moment they were put up.

It helps to have bully boys.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (ZPrif)

254 Whoops! You answered my question.

Posted by: Jesse Pinkman, PhD Bitches! at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (paOCA)

255 >Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:14 PM (qyfb5)

you know, I was politically aware during the Watergate era- 15, 16 years old. It was a dark time, and people definitely took sides. But you NEVER heard one side talk about wanting to murder people on the other side. They just wanted their side to prevail because they felt they were right, and the other side was wrong.

But these people on the Left today, they have murder fantasies. They don't want to win, they want to destroy.

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (8sCoq)

256 >> i'll wager o'admin apparatchiks looked at a Marine honor guard lockout at the tomb of the unknown soldier.


Posted by: Andy at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (0ZQCB)

257 This is a communist regime.

Oh, yeah: Daily reminder.

Posted by: WOW at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (6sqK6)

258 Those utter cunts.

I do not want to hear one more fucking word about attempting to act as if we are dealing with those who deal in good faith. We're not.

Those utter pathetic vile filthy pus weeping cunts.

Posted by: alexthechick - Really Universe Really? at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (Gk3SS)

259 Palazzo is my Rep, and while he pisses me off sometimes he's certainly been a lot better than the cockholster he replaced, Gene Taylor (D). This honor flight thing he does is one of the good things.

Didn't TFG just make a closed circuit taped speech to the military yesterday, telling them how he is looking out for them in spite of those evil tea baggers?

Posted by: GnuBreed at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (wNF3N)

260 Only a chickenshit administration would be so assinine.

Posted by: Ronster at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (0HIYB)

261 Limiting government spending = Terr'ism
Demanding accountability = Arson
Insisting on only 1 class of citizen = Racism

Going out of your way to hurt veterans = Masterful Political Maneuvering.


Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (ligos)

262 253 Flatbush Joe,

Which gets us back to "the right needs to take over a few "Fraternal Groups" and then we need to use jury nullification to fix a few things.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (9jfyN)

263 My ass is a vast, wide open space. Just sayin'

Posted by: Meghan McCain at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (x/lJo)

I'm sorry.
I checked with the Manager and he says we can't accept, 'spite', as a reason for your return.

Posted by: Sales Girl at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (9Jn1G)

265 OR is going racist!

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (wR+pz)

266 Republicans block WWII memorial for heroic, middle class heroes that fought in WWII for the middle class.

Posted by: MSM at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (uUq75)

267 Hey, remember the old Meisterburger Burgermeister? "No toys"? Well, that's your Democrat-ran Federal government for you. No joy at all if they can blame it on the GOP.

I understand NPS officers are patrolling out west and arresting folks who look at Pike's Peak from the freeways or overhead airplanes.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (JBLt6)

268 This level of passive-aggressive bitchiness is truly mesmerizing.

Posted by: Fritz at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (x2W/k)

269 They had murder fantasies in the 60s, too.
They just didn't have twitter, so we didn't hear it as often.
I think it is more widespread now though.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (ZPrif)

270 Blue Ridge parkway will remain open. Curiously, however, the various concessions (which are privately operated) have been ordered to close. Figure *that* out.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (aDwsi)

271 Don't make us come over there

Posted by: Pinkerton Goon Squad at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (N3Al8)

272 248
Stu we are thinking of going out to Gettysburg this weekend.

there is NO WAY they can actually stop you from going. Come on. it's unpossible.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (2up3Q)

Oh, they'll close the gates on the roads, no doubt. But there are plenty of ways to walk in.

Posted by: Stu-22 at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (k4bdL)

273 I think 8 followed by ) makes a smilie

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (8sCoq)

274 We need a new term for astroturf that is targeted toward the 10,000 or so elected reps and their staff that control the gov. maybe laser-turf.

Well, this is laser-turf of the first order. When the monuments are shut down those idiots might stumble on a disgruntled boy scout on their way to getting a cappuccino or BJ in the bus station mens room, and find out that the boy scout, who saved up all year for the trip to DC, is unhappy and we must pass a budget now.

That is the only reason this strategy has ever worked. most people could give a fuck that dc shuts down. Look how they had to shut down web sites to get the message out to the people that are paying the bills. Like the fucking electrons on the hard drives are on furlough? idiots.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at October 01, 2013 08:25 PM (zZJJp)


Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (9Jn1G)

Posted by: Cato the Elder at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (KRpfP)

277 192 Because El PRL tried to suspend the rules to pass them. They pull that shit when they want to make it look like they want to pass something but really don't.

How nice of you to excuse a majority of Democrats for throwing a tantrum over funding the VA. But they really, really love our veterans. Just ask them.

@jamiedupree @DanaBashCNN reporting that GOP will bring these funding bills back tomorrow under a rule (majority vote)

Posted by: Miss80sBaby at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (YjDyJ)

278 Clean up on hash (878Cj) stat!

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (sSHNB)

279 Meghan, honey. Daddy would prefer that you present yourself to people as an enormous, insecure cow.

Posted by: John McRino at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (x/lJo)

280 268 heh..

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (N3Al8)

281 Posted by: Gonzo Gosmann at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (878Cj)

TOTALLY unacceptable comment. Your backside will hopefully be banned pronto. With a comment like that I hope you're a leftist troll pretending to be a conservative,

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (a4Omg)

282 This is insane. House Democrats just killed a bill to allow elderly, disabled WW2 vets to visit the WW2 Memorial. Democrats are on a rampage
Retweeted by DrewM

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 01, 2013 08:26 PM (ligos)

283 But these people on the Left today, they have murder fantasies. They don't want to win, they want to destroy.

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:22 PM (8sCoq)

It's baked in the cake. Russia, France, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, etc., to some extent even the "soft hard left" of Europe. Certainly the many leftist states in Africa.

They ALWAYS do it and yet some people just don't draw the connection.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (qyfb5)

284 BlackOrchid,

The Gettysburg National Military Park, Eisenhower National Historic Site, David Wills House and the Soldiers' National Cemetery are closed, as are park roads that do not serve as throughways.

Never underestimate a pissed off spoiled teenager. Or the SCOAMF.

Posted by: RWC at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (LpbKr)

285 Cleanup on #268. Stat.

Posted by: GnuBreed at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (wNF3N)

286 Might be time to re-read some Heinlein.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (d7tB2)

287 plz ban the moby troll

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (ZPrif)

288 Clean up on aisle 268.

Posted by: MJ at October 01, 2013 08:27 PM (uUq75)

289 269 Fritz,

Eh...we see it here a lot...

just imagine it cranked to eleventy and you have SCOAMF's #1 setting...

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (9jfyN)

290 Didn't TFG just make a closed circuit taped
speech to the military yesterday, telling them how he is looking out for
them in spite of those evil tea baggers?

Posted by: GnuBreed

I heard that didn't go over well.

Posted by: Jean at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (CMlD4)

291 no I understand they're "closing" the park - but I mean you can still go in it! it's an open field!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (2up3Q)

292 Senator Casey, I am writing to let you know I believe that the position the majority party in the Senate has taken is untenable. Refusing to negotiate on any of the four versions of H.J. Res 59 that were sent to the Senate is despicable.

Furthermore, the arbitrary and capricious implementation of the government shutdown, specifically the White House denying the World War II veterans arriving via an Honor Flight to visit the memorial, is down right disgusting, what was the cost of erecting barriers to prevent these men from gaining access to an open air memorial?

I do not expect the courtesy of a reply, as I am nearly certain you will hide behind the limited operations due to the shutdown rather than engage your constituents in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Posted by: Strategic Corporal USMC at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (6J+oK)

293 A lib friend could not understand why they were shutting certain things down.
I told him it was to piss people off. Then he got it.

To change the subject, Book 2 of the Distant Eden series by Lloyd Tackitt is free on kindle tonight. This won't wait until sunday, sorry Oregon - "Adrian's War (A Distant Eden) by Lloyd Tackitt"

Posted by: Buck An Ear at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (zCDcA)

294 Thinking about it more...if there had been a "Selma Flight", there would have been either strong behind-the-scenes pressure on the group to go back home, or a media event protest in front of the closed memorial denouncing the GOP.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:29 PM (JBLt6)

295 This is insane. House Democrats just killed a bill to allow elderly,
disabled WW2 vets to visit the WW2 Memorial. Democrats are on a rampage

Democrats believe that the breakdown of the country is 80-20 in their favor. They are way overconfident after 2012.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 08:29 PM (uhAkr)

296 Obama wouldn't stand a chance against one of these men.

Posted by: gracepmc at October 01, 2013 08:29 PM (rznx3)

297 Democrats have no souls.

Oh, they have souls; like Muslims have free will.

Democrats have abandoned belief that they have souls.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:29 PM (d7tB2)

298 So these guys fight their way through the bocages in Normandy and you erect some barriers to block them from THEIR MEMORIAL, I think you have underestimated these men. They were like "fuck you son (racists I am sure) and your sticks (barriers not his arms)." Pretty sure most of them could still kick his Reggie Lovin ass.

I have known 3 ww2 veterans up close and personal. One wounded in operation varsity (almost died from blood loss), one that survived Bataan, and was awarded two silver stars (valor). These men ARE America. You sir are a piece of excrement.

Posted by: traye at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (HK9R/)

299 (878Cj) == moby.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (d7tB2)

300 What.... closing down this Memorial is just like having a F'n GAY Aprreciation month, complete with Parades, within a Year letting Gays serve openly...

Its one thing to Tolerate, its another to be forced to celebrate...

They will keep pushing until there is a backlash....

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (lZBBB)

301 These motherless fucks have no honor.

Posted by: Benedict Arnold at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (2/re2)

302 Blue Ridge parkway will remain open. Curiously, however, the various
concessions (which are privately operated) have been ordered to close.
Figure *that* out.


Will they try closing federal highways?


Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (Oz+LZ)

303 >Clean up on aisle 268.

get that shit out of here- un-ass that shit

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (8sCoq)

304 294 A lib friend could not understand why they were shutting certain things down.
I told him it was to piss people off. Then he got it.

Posted by: Buck An Ear at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (zCDcA)

Is he still a lib?

Posted by: RWC at October 01, 2013 08:30 PM (LpbKr)

305 ace is on twitter, someone that has twitter should say let him know.

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (nqBYe)

306 Those utter cunts.

I do not want to hear one more fucking word about attempting to act as if we are dealing with those who deal in good faith. We're not.

Those utter pathetic vile filthy pus weeping cunts.

Posted by: alexthechick - Really Universe Really? at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (Gk3SS)

Just wanted to see it again. Poetry. Don't forget malignant! (h/t Paulie Walnuts)

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (BAS5M)

307 I blame the internet for making it easier for people to say the most vile shit imaginable, and to do it relatively anonymously and safely

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (8sCoq)

308 9
That is my congressman: pretty good as far as congressmen go. Kudos to
Rep. King from Iowa, ( not the asswipe from New York). And good job to
the Park policeman who let them thru.

Posted by: Hammer at October 01, 2013 07:37 PM (5buGz)

Yup, he's my Congressman too. I know most people hate Congress "but my guy's okay," however, I think I'd call him one of the good guys even if he wasn't mine.

Posted by: pookysgirl at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (kMnHs)

309 Words cannot express my contempt for the MFs ruining this country.

Posted by: LIVS at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (ryyVW)

310 A lib friend could not understand why they were shutting certain things down.

I told him it was to piss people off. Then he got it.

Posted by: Buck An Ear at October 01, 2013 08:28 PM (zCDcA)

Is he still a lib?


Can one get it and still be a lib?

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (WMsq+)

311 A really small community organizer with a job that's far too big for him, keeps proving that he HATES America.

Didn't his fake uncle fake his way into a concentration camp? about ingratitude.

Posted by: ontherocks at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (b0am5)

312 This level of passive-aggressive bitchiness is truly mesmerizing.

Posted by: Fritz at October 01, 2013 08:24 PM (x2W/k)

I repeat: There are 13 year old girls getting their first period who have more emotional maturity and stability than the JEF.

Posted by: alexthechick - Really Universe Really? at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (Gk3SS)

313 If you were on Shitter he could hear your thoughts.

Posted by: Cato the Elder at October 01, 2013 08:32 PM (KRpfP)

314 307 AtC puts it better than I can.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:32 PM (9XBK2)

315 There are 13 year old girls getting their first period who have more emotional maturity and stability than the JEF.


And a bigger sack, too.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:32 PM (WMsq+)

316 >
ace is on twitter, someone that has twitter should say let him know.

I did

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (8sCoq)

317 308

Screw you &@$:/. You don't have the first god&)/-: clue what you are talking about.

Posted by: Not T. at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (JBLt6)

318 I posted on the H2 for one of the cob loggers to please clean it up.

Posted by: MJ at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (uUq75)

319 Off stupid shithead sock!

Posted by: Freaked Out! at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (ryyVW)

320 I heard another honor flight is due in wednesday. If the barricades are up, wouldn't it be nice if 88 year old Joe and 88 year old Willie bring their 88 year old Bangalore Torpedo?

Posted by: Bill at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (uvyrw)

321 I hear they are putting a big tarp over Mount Rushmore and trying to fill in the Grand Canyon. Harry Reid gave a speech today saying how Lake Mead was closed today and thousands of visitors would not be able to experience it. It's a lake! How do you close a lake? Drone strikes?

Posted by: Buck An Ear at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (zCDcA)

322 alex, i read you nice meaty rant on the last post.

nice. made me smile on this really shitty shitty day.

glass of wine.

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 08:34 PM (nqBYe)

323 I thought the gov't shutdown meant you couldn't get onto twitter. Or did the First Wookie try to mislead us?

Posted by: mallfly at October 01, 2013 08:34 PM (bJm7W)

324 hey agreat strategy would be to hold a boy scout jamboree in Yellowstone, andnational scienceevent at the Smithsonian, a benefit at The KennedyCenter for autistic children ect to make the left look really bad...Not to mention a Charlie Brown Christmas tree on the National Mall ...........

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:34 PM (N3Al8)

325 "Typical White Grandma - Why am I bleeding?"

Posted by: 13 Year Old Barackhenaten I at October 01, 2013 08:34 PM (9Jn1G)

326 Gonzo Gosmann is BANNED

Posted by: ace at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (/IWYB)

327 OT

Jacksonville International Airport was evacuated several hours ago due to suspicious packages. At least two men detained. One trying to go through security and another who had just gotten off a flight.

There is cell phone video of police on an airplane, supposedly taking someone off.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (GEICT)

328 It's a lake! How do you close a lake?


Don't forget Dingy's talking to Democrats. They really truly don't know you can't close a lake.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (WMsq+)

329 I sense a chillax thread.

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (KRpfP)

330 I posted this earlier today, but here it is again, and I will likely post on the ONT.

At the site I picked up on an interesting phrase. From the site:
'Starting 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the "individual shared responsibility payment").

Now, two things here.

First, I thought Roberts declared it to be a 'tax', not a 'fee'?

Second, only Socialist bureaucrats could come up with the name "individual shared responsibility payment". How chillingly 1984-ish is that?

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (aDwsi)

331 That's right, they're closing a wilderness trail--an
18-inch wide swath of dirt and gravel paid for by the taxpayers. There
are no amenities--no shelters or anything to maintain, and the trail is
maintained by volunteer groups.

Fark that noise. I'm working for IOUs right now, and the tyrant wants to keep me from walking on my own land?

Posted by: Palandine at October 01, 2013 08:21 PM (OldRG)

Do you need trail permits? Stealth camp that biyatch

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (FIDMq)

332 Wonder how many VFW groups are burning up the phone lines and emails organizing to re-enact the Bonus Army march?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (sSHNB)

333 Progs do provocative things to innocent people like young children and old heroes. Then they troll the people who are justifiably angry with Moby violent crap. And to cap it off they call anyone who opposes them a terrorist.

Posted by: Beagle at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (sOtz/)

334 jones thanks, also sorry for the myriad of mistakes in that comment. glad you could read willowfeelswreckedstuff.

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (nqBYe)

335 See the update

Posted by: Andy at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (0ZQCB)

Gonzo Gosmann is BANNED

Posted by: ace at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (/IWYB)

Good. We don't need that shit here.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (uhAkr)

337 My 318, soon to have a different number.

Apologies, didn't realize we were referring to a specific event.

Posted by: Not T. at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (JBLt6)

338 Ace - just curious, how can we tell if our IP has been banned? The last 3-4 days I've been unable to connect to from work. Which sucks, seeing how checking this site during breaks helps keep me sane. (for reference, it would be from a domain)

Posted by: lord of the furlough at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (eTI+p)

339 Morons needs to organize an "Occupy WWII Memorial".

Posted by: Serious Cat at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (UOjzE)

340 I wuz told I could inspect any suspicious packages.

Posted by: Bawney Fwank at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (KRpfP)

341 Posted by: ace at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (/IWYB)


Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 08:36 PM (a4Omg)

342 It's best not to mention the number(and don't quote) of posts that will be disappeared.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (9XBK2)

343 Here's a parable. About 10 urbanites on my block in Brooklyn attended a presentation by the NYC Dept of Parks on caring for your trees. OK.
But someone asked a question, in all petulant seriousness, whether we were "permitted" to snip a small branch that is hanging down at face level, or whether we "need to call the City."

When the ability to take any action is granted to you by the State, it no longer seems absurd to require "permission" to walk up to a public monument.

Only a minority of a minority retain any visceral sensibility of what it means to live as free men and women. What are the implications?

Posted by: NYC Parent at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (2jX5o)

344 @211: "One thing has become abundantly clear, America hasn't been this divided
since the Civil War. We hate them and they hate us. Hate.

I don't see anyway to reconcile the sides."

Oh, I've got a plan for that. Just wait until you see the line items in the budget for quicklime and grass seed. Then you'll understand why we were buying all of that ammunition.

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (FsqHK)

345 Don't forget Dingy's talking to Democrats. They really truly don't know you can't close a lake.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (WMsq+)

You think your boat is fast?

Posted by: Hellfire from above at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (FIDMq)

346 Don't refer to these anal warts as "progs." Call them what they are: totalitarian statists, or simply statists.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (WMsq+)

347 I heard another honor flight is due in wednesday. If the barricades are up, wouldn't it be nice if 88 year old Joe and 88 year old Willie bring their 88 year old Bangalore Torpedo?

Posted by: Bill


Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (aDwsi)

348 They do this shit like closing parks to punish the peons.

Posted by: Freaked Out! at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (ryyVW)

The Bamster is the most petulant little piss ant that has ever (dis)graced the Oval Office. He's absolutely convinced that the peasants out there aren't worthy of his imperial majesty--so he delights in shitting on them from a great height. Of coursehis "altitude" above the peasantry is one of those fever dreams that comes from ingesting too many drugs at an early age.

Now in reality, Barry is right down there on the ground--sorta like dog shit that you want to avoid stepping in. But then my mileage may vary from his.

Posted by: Comanche Voter at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (RZP0w)

350 was there a racist guy apart from Gonzo, the Incitement guy?

Posted by: ace at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (/IWYB)

351 Speaking of passive aggressive. This made me chortle.

The_One_Who_Brings ‏@AceofSpadesHQ 11m
.@piersmorgan are you all right, buddy?

I almost guffawed.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (g1DWB)

352 332
Wonder how many VFW groups are burning up the phone lines and emails organizing to re-enact the Bonus Army march?Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 08:35 PM (sSHNB)

Hope it doesn't end the same way.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (vJFM9)

353 it's all good

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (8sCoq)


Can one get it and still be a lib?

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 08:31 PM (WMsq+)

Unfortunately yes.

Posted by: RWC at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (LpbKr)

355 I hear they are putting a big tarp over Mount Rushmore and trying to
fill in the Grand Canyon. Harry Reid gave a speech today saying how Lake
Mead was closed today and thousands of visitors would not be able to
experience it. It's a lake! How do you close a lake? Drone strikes?

Posted by: Buck An Ear at October 01, 2013 08:33 PM (zCDcA)

Duh. Teabaggers are all law and ordery so if we tell them not to go to the huge lake they won't go!

Gah. So furious right now there are no words. Not even interpretative dance is sufficient.

Posted by: alexthechick - Really Universe Really? at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (Gk3SS)

356 They are canceling the service academies football games too.The scum.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (9XBK2)

357 It makes me sick that these assholes are in charge. And they are beating our brains out also!!!

And it is because they are all show and no go. They do dick but they look and sound good doing it to the average idiotic low information voter out there. And all to many Republicans have less balls than Margret Thatcher did on a bad day.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (1RQeV)

358 233 Why is this going to keep going.

We got them by the balls. Gerrymandering baby!

We can not lose the House.

Make the Senate look like shit.

Excellent point! Nothing to fear but fear itself. And, of course, fewer invites to the right cocktail parties. My friends...

Posted by: Mr. Natural at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (KArqF)

359 336 Bevel L,


no need for that aerobatic bullshit when the reality we face is unpleasant enough.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:38 PM (9jfyN)

360 This close to taking a flamethrower to them. And the GOP.

If space x ever gets going we... could nuke the whole site from orbit. Hypothetically you NSA fucks.

Posted by: Tonic Dog at October 01, 2013 08:38 PM (X/+QT)

361 So 800,000 federal civilian employees aren't working today. How is that different from any other day? They get every paid federal holiday off, and their birthday as well.

A federal civilian worker puts in 30 years of "service" and can retire before he's sixty - on 70% of his salary. The people who pay that salary will be lucky if they can retire by age 70.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone by stating this, but most of those federal workers aren't "middle class". They're beneficiaries of Democrat patronage. It's the real middle class - and their children - who will be stuck with the bill, who be forced to lower their standard of living, to subsidize these ticks.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 08:38 PM (Rk8LS)

362 They are canceling the service academies football games too.The scum.
Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (9XBK2)

But the dick and the vice dick are still traveling

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:38 PM (1RQeV)

363 >Second, only Socialist bureaucrats could come up with the name
"individual shared responsibility payment". How chillingly 1984-ish is that?

pretty bad- the govt telling me what I'm 'responsible' for

Uh, I can decide that for myself

I will not comply

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:38 PM (8sCoq)

364 was there a racist guy apart from Gonzo, the Incitement guy?

Posted by: ace

Yeah! All of us.

( No, I don't think there was another )

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 01, 2013 08:39 PM (ligos)

365 Earlier today someone tweeted a pic of the Vietnam Memorial, which was operating normally. So I guess this prick just hates the Greatest Generation.

Posted by: Y-not at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (5H6zj)

366 Here's my view on the National Mall closings--I've visited the Korean Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and TJ Memorial areas on winter nights between 9 and 11 pm, when absolutely no one was around, during the times I flew in to business on one of the bases in Maryland. I don't want to hear it from this administration.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (JBLt6)

367 Oh, and Go Pirates!

Posted by: Mr. Natural at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (KArqF)

368 Did that useless twit Piers Morgan get fired?

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (9XBK2)

369 Yeah, as I said before...
National Park Service Promoted Muslim Women Video
On MY Dime and your effen Nickel

Posted by: Jet Built Around Cannon at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (4L2D1)

370 >> Ace - just curious, how can we tell if our IP has been banned? The last 3-4 days I've been unable to connect to from work. Which sucks, seeing how checking this site during breaks helps keep me sane. (for reference, it would be from a domain)

If you can't get to the site at all, it's probably firewall settings on your end.

If you're having issues commenting, see here:

Posted by: Andy at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (0ZQCB)

371 Excellent point! Nothing to fear but fear itself. And, of course, fewer invites to the right cocktail parties. My friends...

Posted by: Mr. Natural

But, but..., we might not be invited out to booze it up on Joe Manchin's yacht.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:40 PM (aDwsi)

372 Ok so now I'm really thinking that the administration is afraid of old folks. I mean I saw something in another thread about a conspiracy theory that tea partiers are suddenly hackers which made me have to clean up my keyboard cause the average age of every single tea party member I personally know is about 70 and most are women with either a blue tint or a purple tint to their hair that no one tells them about cause no one wants to hurt their feelings. And now a bunch of vets between 70 and 90, mostly in wheelchairs, that they knew were scheduled were treated to heinous treatment. Bizarre, just bizarre.

They are seriously terrified of the oldies but goodies. It's too funny if it wasn't so scary.

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 08:41 PM (Nx76m)

373 So I guess they have to shrink-wrap the sequoias at Olympic NP?

Plug all the arches at Arches NP?

I wanna see the govt's shutdown plan for Canyonlands NP

better dam up the Colorado and Green rivers which flow thru it

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:41 PM (8sCoq)

374 Bertram this Administration is inciting the military and veterans towards rebellion.

I do not think I have run across such a clueless bunch of would be totalitarian scum in I don't know when. Perhaps when the Praetorian Guard advanced Caligula transitioning to another plane of existence.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at October 01, 2013 08:41 PM (sSHNB)

375 In case you missed BC's comments earlier, our airport (JIA) has been closed for hours.

There were two suspicious bags found and two men arrested: one in the airport and another on a plane.

The entire airport is shut down.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 08:41 PM (DmNpO)

376 Really,the fucking constant anger is killing me.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (9XBK2)

377 It makes me sick that these assholes are in charge. And they are beating our brains out also!!!

And it is because they are all show and no go. They do dick but they
look and sound good doing it to the average idiotic low information
voter out there. And all to many Republicans have less balls than
Margret Thatcher did on a bad day.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:37 PM (1RQeV)

they would not have gotten this far if it weren't for the MFM. people/liv would have experienced His real essense Their real essense if the media didn't bury it or spin for them

Posted by: willow at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (nqBYe)

378 Pirates with a couple dingers.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (ZPrif)

379 >The last 3-4 days I've been unable to connect to from work.

ask your WebSense admin at work

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (8sCoq)

380 The MEN were in the airport and on the plane.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (DmNpO)

381 375 TSA actually caught somebody?

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (9XBK2)

382 Andy's Update:

"The public may visit the World War II Memorial 24 hours a day." Staffed from 9:30 am to 11:30 pm.


Yeah, that does make it worse, a lot worse. Three year olds have more maturity.

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (Oz+LZ)

383 Earlier today someone tweeted a pic of the Vietnam Memorial, which was operating normally. So I guess this prick just hates the Greatest Generation.

Posted by: Y-not

When the Administration got wind of the planned visit, they planned this, with the idea that the media would represent it as a result of eeevil Republicans. And they will....

Posted by: Mike Hammer at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (aDwsi)

384 I only wish Democrats would close the border as well as they do parks.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (JBLt6)

385 Does anybody know if the Hunger Games will still be operating during the Shutdown?

The Capitol must be entertained after all.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (uhAkr)

386 Oh dear God, fear of old people has a name: "gerascophobia or gerontophobia"

It a real listed phobia.

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (Nx76m)

387 individual shared responsibility payment".

Uh.... isn't INDIVIDUAL and SHAREd... when put together... an Oxymoron?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (lZBBB)

Shit me, canceling football.
Dissing Veterans.
To push "individual shared responsibility payment".

Time to get busy. This is on a different plane than the MFM can spin.

Posted by: Justamom at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (wPzc5)

389 So, all the federal employees who are on admin leave while being investigated; do they get to go back to work during the shut down?

Just asking. 'cause I've got a lot of unfinished business to attend to.

And your little dog too.

Posted by: Lois Lerner (proud of my government service) at October 01, 2013 08:44 PM (yL0v8)

390 I only wish Democrats would close the border as well as they do parks.
Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:43 PM (JBLt6)

Well actually they do. That is why 50 old men were able to break on thru

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:44 PM (1RQeV)

391 I think it's worth noting that the memorial was built with $164 million in donations from American citizens (the federal govt. chipped in $16 mil). The upkeep of the memorial is still funded, in part, by donations from citizens.

Posted by: Girl Thursday at October 01, 2013 08:44 PM (HD915)

392 My outrage needle just broke with the update. I'm up for respectfully occupying every inch of real estate from the gate at the White House to the Washington Monument.

Posted by: no good deed at October 01, 2013 08:44 PM (k55Fc)

393 381 375 TSA actually caught somebody?
Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:42 PM (9XBK2)

The story I heard was that the guy going through security said that he had a bomb.

But the Rule is in effect.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 08:45 PM (GEICT)

391 I think it's worth noting that the memorial was built with $164 million in donations from American citizens (the federal govt. chipped in $16 mil). The upkeep of the memorial is still funded, in part, by donations from citizens.

Oh shit Rush and Co.need to get ahold of this info

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:45 PM (N3Al8)

395 "individual shared responsibility payment"

Some animals are more equal than others.

Posted by: Napoleon at October 01, 2013 08:45 PM (Dwehj)

396 @387
"Uh.... isn't INDIVIDUAL and SHAREd... when put together... an Oxymoron?"

Like Social Justice
and Democratic Socialism
and Collective Responsibility
and President Obama

Posted by: NYC Parent at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (2jX5o)

397 Someone should let the troll know that Ace forwards those types of comments to the Secret Service who have not been impacted by the shutdown.

Posted by: Mallamutt RINO President for Life at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (OWjjx)

398 The story I heard was that the guy going through security said that he had a bomb.

But the Rule is in effect.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 08:45 PM (GEICT)

Gaylord focker right?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (1RQeV)

399 I think it's worth noting that the memorial was built with $164 million
in donations from American citizens (the federal govt. chipped in $16

So it's passive aggressive daddy issues from SCOAMF. Figures.

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (Oz+LZ)

400 A bunch of 80 year olds just stormed the barricades.

Posted by: Bawney Fwank at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (KRpfP)

401 All of Jacksonville International Airport evacuated

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 08:47 PM (Nx76m)

402 Civil disobedience, then. Get veterans to open these monuments. Challenge this administration with Tiananmen-Square type actions.

This administration will back down.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:47 PM (d7tB2)

403 just went to the website for Arlington Cemetery and there is no mention of any closing related to the recent government malfeasance

searched the entire site for the word 'shutdown' and got no hits

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:47 PM (8sCoq)

404 398
The story I heard was that the guy going through security said that he had a bomb.

But the Rule is in effect.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 08:45 PM (GEICT)

Gaylord focker right?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (1RQeV)

Just a matter of time before the Tea Party claims responsibility

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 08:48 PM (FIDMq)

405 "individual shared responsibility payment"

To create a Greater American Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:48 PM (JBLt6)

406 Job #1 for Obama is to bring the pain and chaos. If some veterans get screwed in the process, so much the better. He, like all of the Left, has secret contempt for veterans and the special status most stupid, bitter-clinger Americans assign them.

Posted by: rrpjr at October 01, 2013 08:48 PM (XMPmv)

407 Someone should let the troll know that Ace forwards those types of
comments to the Secret Service who have not been impacted by the

Yeah, but it was probably a SS guy who posted it in the first place: secret-service-prostitution-scandal-one-year-later/

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:48 PM (d7tB2)

408 Still, wouldn't hurt to make the gesture.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (d7tB2)

409 Reds look like they've already been beaten. Hmm, Reds. Sounds like a commie name to me!

Posted by: Mr. Natural at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (KArqF)

410 Rare ‏@Rare 5h
VIDEO: GOP Reps Bachmann, King, Gohmert help WWII vets storm closed memorial

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (DmNpO)

411 Civil disobedience, then. Get veterans to open these
monuments. Challenge this administration with Tiananmen-Square type

This administration will back down.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:47 PM (d7tB2)

That's pretty much what they did today, and the administration, or atleast the park officials on site, did back down. Here's hoping more vets show up tomorrow, and every day during the shut down.

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (Oz+LZ)

412 Just as I suspected...

Thank you for your e-mail. The federal government is currently shut down due to a lack of funding. As a result, our office is unable to respond to your email. I will do my best to respond to all e-mails when the federal government returns to full operational status. Thank you for your patience.

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr.

Posted by: Strategic Corporal USMC at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (6J+oK)

413 If the French branch of the GOP can withstand the MFM generated conventional wisdom that the Repubs will be "punished" for this, then the marxists will self destruct right in front of everyone.

Their shit DOES STINK and the government fans are turned off.

Posted by: ontherocks at October 01, 2013 08:49 PM (b0am5)

414 >Job #1 for Obama is to bring the pain and chaos.

well, the stuttering little prick is a community organizer. All he knows is how to pit one group against another for some nefarious purpose

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 08:50 PM (8sCoq)

415 Senate dems are voting down bill to fund the VA and to keep the monuments open for the Vets. Nice guys

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:50 PM (1RQeV)

416 400 A bunch of 80 year olds just stormed the barricades.
Posted by: Bawney Fwank at October 01, 2013 08:46 PM (KRpfP)

Sort of Les Mis meets "The Golden Girls".

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:50 PM (JBLt6)

397 I hate to do this to all of you but.........
hey mallamutt, did you see who's starting for the dodgers?!!

Posted by: navycopjoe at October 01, 2013 08:50 PM (mi69D)

418 The media and education systems are responsible for all of this. The Left knows they can literally kill WW2 veterans and the media would blame Bush and Palin, so why wouldn't they try to shut down their memorial?

The media will NEVER give them consistent heat on anything, so they can literally do anything they want to do.

There is no downside to anything the Left does because of the media. Our blogs don't mean shit in the grand scheme of things.

Posted by: Dan at October 01, 2013 08:50 PM (m3gf3)

@66 - Martyrs, like Sandra Fluke

Posted by: bicentennialguy at October 01, 2013 08:51 PM (4qdsJ)

420 yeah, I assume any thinly veiled threat of violence is either a moby troll or a member of a federal task force launched by Obama and Holder investigating those evil anti-government right-wingers.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:52 PM (ZPrif)

421 @401

So they don't have bomb sniffing dogs in FL?

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:52 PM (wR+pz)

422 There is no downside to anything the Left does because of the media. Our blogs don't mean shit in the grand scheme of things.

sorry, this isn't the place to deliver the concern... try "i.c. wiener" over in manhattan

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:52 PM (d7tB2)

423 Those utter cunts.

I do not want to hear
one more fucking word about attempting to act as if we are dealing with
those who deal in good faith. We're not.

Those utter pathetic vile filthy pus weeping cunts.

Posted by: alexthechick - Really Universe Really? at October 01, 2013 08:23 PM (Gk3SS)

Its like music when a chick says it. lol

Posted by: Berserker at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (FMbng)

424 My 416

Or, more in line with the truth: The Calcutta Light Horse.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (JBLt6)

425 D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gary issues proclamation honoring October as America’s Islamic Heritage Month

District of Columbia, October 1, 2013: America’s Islamic Heritage Museum (AIHM) announced, The Mayor of the District of Columbia issuing a Proclamation honoring the month of October as America’s Islamic Heritage month. This year is the eighth annual celebration of October as America’s Islamic Heritage month in the District. This year’s theme is ”Connecting People Using Culture and History.”

The Mayor calls upon all the residents of this great City to join him in celebration and recognition of the history and contributions of the Islamic Community.

The Muslim communities throughout our region are encouraged to host open houses and educational events that highlight our diversity, contributions, and history. Our public schools are encouraged to learn about America’s rich Islamic history, to teach tolerance and understanding, and to visit AIHM museum.

Just in case you have not puked yet today

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (1RQeV)

426 418 Dan@ 8:50,

The reason this state exists is because there is NO pain for the media for their antics.

The "polite" way to fix that is to declare war on Hollywood's tax exemptions.

I favor less polite ways involving destruction of property, and public humiliation.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (9jfyN)

418 The Left knows they can literally kill WW2 veterans

um no, that's what would get the younger veterans to rioting in an ugly way
defend the VIC!!!!!!
or is he WW1?

Posted by: navycopjoe at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (mi69D)

428 A little comic relief: guess what is on TCM.

Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously...

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:53 PM (Oz+LZ)

429 427 Navy Cop A joe,

NCJ Vic was in the First Punic War bud...

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 08:55 PM (9jfyN)

>>"There is no downside to anything the Left does because of the media. Our blogs don't mean shit in the grand scheme of things."

Dead right. If George Bush had screwed with the veterans like this it would be all over the news tonight, and if the other roles were reversed it would be the horrible obstructionists Senate republicans denying funding and brave House democrats fulfilling their Constitutional oaths.

Posted by: rrpjr at October 01, 2013 08:55 PM (XMPmv)

431 This is why the republicans should have stood up a long time ago.

The man-boy Obama can't help himself to show off what a paper-bully he is.

Posted by: Jukin at October 01, 2013 08:55 PM (WGm5T)

432 Plug all the arches at Arches NP?

I wanna see the govt's shutdown plan for Canyonlands NP


We have company this weekend and were thinking of going to Capitol Reef or Moab, but I wonder if we could get in. Actually, a lot of the roads I've driven around cut through federal land (not hard since the Feds own most of Utah) and I think the Feds *can* shut them down, in theory anyway.

Posted by: Y-not at October 01, 2013 08:55 PM (5H6zj)

433 @425

Islamic heritage month?

Free VJ mutilations for the first 100 virgins.

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 08:55 PM (wR+pz)

434 recognition of the history and contributions of the Islamic Community

A list that could fit on the head of a pin.

Posted by: Napoleon at October 01, 2013 08:56 PM (Dwehj)

435 425 Oh Lord.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 08:56 PM (9XBK2)

436 >>This is why the republicans should have stood up a long time ago.


Posted by: Y-not at October 01, 2013 08:56 PM (5H6zj)

437 When is Christian Heritage month?

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:56 PM (ZPrif)

438 Did they have gurkhas?

Posted by: Boss Moss former editor of the Harvard Law Review at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (KRpfP)

439 When is Southern Baptism Awareness Month?

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (ZPrif)

440 Have they tried to shut off Old Faithful yet?

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (Oz+LZ)

441 Congressman Meehan,

I am writing to urge you to help raise awareness of the downright despicable and shameful tactics being employed by the current administration. Rep Palazzo has been working to bring World War II veterans to visit the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Knowing the veterans were scheduled to arrive today, he sought an exemption from the White House Liaison to allow the veterans to visit an open air memorial. The White House denied his request claiming that the shutdown prevented access.

I must ask how much was spent transforming an open air, extension of the landscape in to an inaccessible "museum" just to cause pain and suffering amongst the WWII Veterans and their families.

Thank God for men like Rep Steven Palazzo, who assisted these men in gaining access to the memorial despite the shameless tactics of an administration desperate to fix blame for the shutdown on others.

Please help spread the word about the despicable tactics being employed via the arbitrary and capricious shutting down of resources aimed at generating the most complaints among the citizens of the United States.


Strategic Corporal USMC

Posted by: Strategic Corporal USMC at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (6J+oK)

442 When is Catholicism Is Awesome Month?

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (ZPrif)

"Free VJ mutilations for the first 100 virgins."

72. Please, remember your Sharia. It's Islamic Heritage Month.

Posted by: rrpjr at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (XMPmv)

444 "425 D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gary issues proclamation honoring October as America’s Islamic Heritage Month"

I would have thought some would have preferred September.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (JBLt6)

445 no mention of the shutdown or potential inability to reply on Congressman Meehan's website...

Posted by: Strategic Corporal USMC at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (6J+oK)

446 When is Catholicism Is Awesome Month?

That was the month before Benedict decided to abdicate

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (d7tB2)

447 hmm. You know, I think Repubs are going about this the wrong way. Since it's the Republicans who are proposing the budgets and resolutions, and the Dems who are refusing to vote on them, we should be hammering home the fact that the shutdown is, in reality, completely the Democrat's doing. It's what they want. They're the ones who are erecting barriers to the OPEN MEMORIALS. Who are refusing to vote on resolutions that would OPEN GOVT BACK UP. What if Republicans started a twitter hashtag about standing with Fed Employees who want to get back to work? Why aren't we putting pressure on Dems to sign the resolution to delay Obamacare and pay the employees? Why are we letting them claim this is all the GOP's fault?

Posted by: Book at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (qWES6)

448 Here is a palate cleanser. Its an epic fail when FL Rep Alan Grayson tries to fund raise today and gets pummeled on twitter instead... LMBO (laugh my balls off)

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (N3Al8)

449 Actually I heard one good thing about the government shutdown. I'm hearing that the wood cutters in N. AZ are out in force harvesting free firewood. No FS office open to buy permits, no enforcement officers dressedmexican spotted owls, just free free free wood.

Posted by: Bufalobob at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (r8ENS)

450 "Starting 2014, most people must have health coverage or pay a fee (the "individual shared responsibility payment"

Good luck with that. Take me to court bitchez. I welcome the chance to go to court and have some Federal prosecutor explain to a jury of my peers why I must pay a penalty for a service I choose not to consume. If I go to a doctor, I pay for it. If I don't have the money, I don't go and have no expectation of services. No different that if I am hungry and don't have food. I don't eat. Not pleasant, but true non-the-less. Allegedly, I still have that right. So why am I being forced to pay a fee to maintain that right? What's next an "individual shared responsibility payment" for not getting food stamps? I will pay taxes for road, military and other shared services that benefit everyone. I'll even let you slide with the car insurance argument, since you only compel me to insure my liability to others that I accept by operating a vehicle. You do not and cannot, however, compel me to insure my property by purchasing comprehensive insurance. I am free to accept that risk myself or get insurance for it if I chose to. Health insurance benefits me alone.

So come on Federal government. I will willingly go to court. If you convict me, bring guns and drag me off to prison. Guess what? In prison, I am exempt from your unconstitutional law. You are absolutely powerless to force me to pay your unconstitutional 'penalty'. Stop with the charade and show everyone who and what you really are.

Posted by: Damiano at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (j0wOO)

451 ‏@Reince 1h
We applaud the WWII vets who fought back against #HarryReidsShutdown – show your support tmr & join them w flags:

That's fine, but what I'd REALLY like to see is those bikers who descended on DC last month.

Posted by: Y-not at October 01, 2013 08:59 PM (5H6zj)

452 The Left knows they can literally kill WW2 veterans

No, the literal killing will be when Obamacare death panels come it. It's only metaphorical at the moment.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 08:59 PM (a4Omg)

453 When is Christina Hendricks apreciation month? It might take two months!

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 01, 2013 08:59 PM (BAS5M)

454 Posted by: Strategic Corporal USMC at October 01, 2013 08:57 PM (6J+oK)

You should have mentioned that the WWI and Vietnam memorials were wide open.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 09:00 PM (qyfb5)

455 Posted by: Nevergiveup

That's funny, I call October Christian Heritage month. We celebrate with lot's of bacon and sing Rock the Casbah.

Posted by: dogfish at October 01, 2013 09:00 PM (nsOJa)

456 453 When is Christina Hendricks apreciation month? It might take two months!
Posted by: Count de Monet at October 01, 2013 08:59 PM (BAS5M)

Indeed. One month is just too big a hump to get over.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:00 PM (JBLt6)

457 I don't often put my foot in my mouth

But when I do I never get it as far down as Barry Sotero

Posted by: worls most interesting man at October 01, 2013 09:00 PM (WGm5T)

458 It's still tits out Tuesday today! Lets talk about this tomorrow

Posted by: Fabio at October 01, 2013 09:00 PM (n5mZ4)

oh thank god
the SHUTDOWN!!! didn't stop the Tuesday marathon of tatu baby's big Columbian ass

Posted by: navycopjoe at October 01, 2013 09:01 PM (mi69D)

460 Why are we letting them claim this is all the GOP's fault?

Posted by: Book at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (qWES6)

Gosh, why didn't we think of that? We could just tell the Democrats and the MFM to stop lying, that will work!

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 01, 2013 09:01 PM (qyfb5)

@226 exactly.

Boehner should be down at the barricades to the ww2 monument with five or six conservative republicans and they should just start tearing down all the blockaid and then pile the wood and fence off to the side on some concrete and burn the shit up.

F*ck the dems and f*ck the park police for refusing the vets a permit. Capture it all on video and watch it go viral.

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 09:01 PM (KHqDV)

462 That's fine, but what I'd REALLY like to see is those bikers who descended on DC last month.


There's a big trucker protest going down there soon.

I wish they were around now.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:02 PM (DmNpO)

463 Hast thou trespassed upon the kings property and slain the king's deer?

Off with their heads!

Posted by: King of Farts at October 01, 2013 09:02 PM (5ikDv)

464 And I want to send a special FUCK YOU out to the civil servants that were told to put up barricades on public monuments to punish the public,.... and they carried out those orders.

Yeah, just following orders, I know.

Well, Fuck you. Fuck your union. Fuck your pension. Fuck the drunken commie hippie scrunt that fucked your mother 9 months before you made it through the "clump of cells" stage and became a full fledged ward of the state.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at October 01, 2013 09:02 PM (zZJJp)

465 That's how you win this chickenshit showdown.

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 09:03 PM (KHqDV)

466 Remember, the park police are in on this fucking scam!
Because they are probably 95% hard-core Dems.
They were happy to take part in a political stunt designed to screw over Republicans and, incidentally, fuck over some WW2 vets.

It was a partisan fucking con and the federal, non-partisn Park Police were willing participants.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:03 PM (ZPrif)

467 Hey anyone know how the Yankees are doing tonight?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:04 PM (1RQeV)

468 Park Police are taking sides in this fight. And they aren't choosing our side.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:04 PM (ZPrif)

469 448
Here is a palate cleanser. Its an epic fail when FL Rep Alan Grayson
tries to fund raise today and gets pummeled on twitter instead... LMBO
(laugh my balls off)

Posted by: Regular Guy at October 01, 2013 08:58 PM (N3Al

I have only laughed my balls down to my ankles. Well played sir! Although you might miss those little suckas.

Posted by: worls most interesting man at October 01, 2013 09:05 PM (WGm5T)

470 Democrats have no souls.

Oh, they have souls; like Muslims have free will.

Democrats have abandoned belief that they have souls.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo

Excellent point hobo

Posted by: Jean at October 01, 2013 09:05 PM (CMlD4)

471 The once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with Blood, or Inhabited by Slaves.

Posted by: George Washington at October 01, 2013 09:05 PM (3p8sP)

So mad right now.

*breaths deep*

...are Lutherans allowed to get this fired up? I need a pastry and a glass of cold milk.

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 09:05 PM (KHqDV)

473 Islamic Heritage....?

" the shores of Tripoli...."

Having to build a navy and marine corps.

That is pretty much it.

Posted by: Beagle at October 01, 2013 09:05 PM (sOtz/)


Why the hell did it take so long to get a WW II memorial in the first place?

Yet look at this from the wiki--you know the damn "critics" were Liberals.

Critics were particularly bothered by the expedited approval process, which is normally lengthy.[17] The United States Congress, worried that World War II veterans were dying before an appropriate memorial could be built, passed legislation exempting the National World War II Memorial from further site and design review. Congress also dismissed pending legal challenges to the memorial.[18]

Criticism of the design and style[edit]

World War II Memorial
There were also aesthetic objections to the design. A critic from the Boston Herald described the monument as "vainglorious, demanding of attention and full of trite imagery."[19] The Philadelphia Inquirer argued that "this pompous style was also favored by Hitler and Mussolini"[20] (see Nazi architecture).

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:06 PM (r2PLg)

475 I. Hate. These. Democrat. Fucks.

Posted by: DangerGirl, home sweet home at October 01, 2013 09:06 PM (GrtrJ)

476 You want vainglorious? I give you the MLK monument.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:07 PM (ZPrif)

477 You know the "critics" of the design, the architecture--are Liberals because they are newspaper critics.

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:07 PM (r2PLg)

478 Seriously, Fuck every single human that block, or thinks its okay to block any war memorial !!

Posted by: Fabio at October 01, 2013 09:07 PM (YO39q)

479 OT, Samuel L jackson popped up at the last few minutes of 'Agents;

Posted by: Jeffrey Pelt at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (Jsiw/)

480 America's rich Islamic history? Like September 11, 2001?

Holy shit this is fucked up.

Posted by: Freaked Out! at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (ryyVW)

481 Here's something fun to ponder. The CBO benchmarked the cost of Obamacare using the number that the donks have been claiming for years, 30 million Americans don't have health insurance.

Yet today Obama said 15% of Americans don't have health insurance. Now I'm no Amish Dude but my ciphering says that 15% of 350 million is a bit north of 30 million.

So instead of costing $1.8 trillion this thing is going to cost more like $2.5 trillion.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (g1DWB)

482 Holy shit this is fucked up.
Posted by: Freaked Out! at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (ryyVW)

No this is obama's America

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (1RQeV)

483 476 You want vainglorious? I give you the MLK monument.
Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:07 PM (ZPrif)


Vainglorious--thankfully there isn't a monument to journalists yet--because that would be--


Just imagine the possibilities.


Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (r2PLg)

484 I will vote for the next Republican candidate who promises to tear down the MLK monument.

I might vote for the Republican candidate who doesn't say anything about it, but I'll have to think about it.

I won't vote for any pro-MLK candidate of any party.

Posted by: boulder toilet hobo at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (d7tB2)

485 It took a government shutdown for me to find out that the National Zoo has a Panda Cam . Damn you Republicans , damn you for taking away the Panda's fame . He, she , it was only a day away from a getting a book contact .

Posted by: DrDrill at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (QBErP)

486 So instead of costing $1.8 trillion this thing is going to cost more like $2.5 trillion.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (g1DWB)

Double 2.5 trillion and you might be close.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:09 PM (1RQeV)

487 I don't often try to start a civil war

but when I do I follow the Obama plan

Posted by: worls most interesting man at October 01, 2013 09:10 PM (WGm5T)

488 Appropriately enough to that Muslim thing, it's also prOCTOBERfest.

Posted by: Y-not at October 01, 2013 09:10 PM (5H6zj)

489 I think a fitting WWII monument would have included a bunch of Sherman tanks, some deuce and half-towed howitzers, some parked B-25s, and a big-ass beer tent

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:10 PM (8sCoq)

490 What month is Christian Heritage month in Saudi Arabia? I forget.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:11 PM (ZPrif)

491 The Offspring: Shit is Fucked Up

Posted by: dogfish at October 01, 2013 09:11 PM (nsOJa)

492 "Double 2.5 trillion and you might be close.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:09 PM (1RQeV)"
Ten times and you might be close. The only thing keeping the cost in control is the fact there will be so few doctors in the nest ten years. Whew.

Posted by: worls most interesting man at October 01, 2013 09:11 PM (WGm5T)

493 >>Double 2.5 trillion and you might be close.

Well yeah. I was just trying to use an apples to apples CBO comparison.

This thing is going to explode all by itself.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 09:11 PM (g1DWB)

494 someone upstairs wrote they were thinking of visiting Capitol reef

I googled the official website and got this

Because of the federal government shutdown, all national parks are closed and National Park Service webpages are not operating. For more information, go to

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:12 PM (8sCoq)

495 I think a fitting WWII monument would have included a bunch of Sherman
tanks, some deuce and half-towed howitzers, some parked B-25s, and a
big-ass beer tent

and smokes, if ya got 'em

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 09:12 PM (Oz+LZ)

496 Forgot all about Agents of SHIELD.Don't really care.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 09:13 PM (9XBK2)

Can't fail to repeat it enough, the WW I Memorial a block away remained "open".

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at October 01, 2013 09:13 PM (sj9LN)

498 Ace, you are causing a collective rage stroke with this post.

Maetenloch, early ONT?

Posted by: L, elle at October 01, 2013 09:13 PM (0PiQ4)

499 The 80 year olds are the only ones with balls enough to fight this Administration. Those under the age of 70, please bow your heads in shame.

Posted by: Mr. Mean at October 01, 2013 09:13 PM (Tlix5)

500 I just hope any WW2 monument has a Kowalski. Cause every WW2 movie did.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (ZPrif)

501 Park Police are taking sides in this fight. And they aren't choosing our side.


That can be said of the agency, but the individual officers turned their heads today.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (DmNpO)

502 The folks who spit on Vietnam vets who came home from the war now run the country.

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 07:46 PM (Rk8LS)

No. That was the Clinton administration. These are the folks who wish they had been old enough to spit on Vietnam vets who came home from the war.

Posted by: AmishDude at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (xSegX)

503 Let's look at the optics of fucking with a war memorial. If you think that draws vets to your commie side, you might be an idiot.

Posted by: dogfish at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (nsOJa)

504 It does coincide more or less, with the month of Muharram, which includes the day of Ashura, that's the day of martyrdom that the Shia celebrate.

Posted by: Jeffrey Pelt at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (Jsiw/)

505 Forgot all about Agents of SHIELD.Don't really care.


You didn't miss much.

Except a Sam Jackson cameo at the end.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (WMsq+)

506 The MLK statue looks like the son of Mao and Idi Amin. Should have started over.

Posted by: Beagle at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (sOtz/)

507 I think the MLK Memorial accurately reflects the desires and worldviews of those who were behind it. Whether or not it is a good memorial is another question--I have not been there.

But I do think they who made it are open to the charge of trying to do exactly what those who made the famous bust of Constantine were trying to do. Overawe.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (JBLt6)

508 OT, but get a load of the balls on this guy...

John Dingell ‏@john_dingell 1h
This shutdown was brought about by fools. Folks acting like experts on this place before they even knew where restrooms were. #GOPshutdown

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (DmNpO)

509 This is also a good reminder that the progtard fucksticks aren't genius politicos. This park closing was done on purpose cause they thought it'd be good PR for them to have a bunch of WW2 vets in wheelchairs cry to the cameras and complain about evil Repubs.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (ZPrif)

510 MLK monument -- if they are barricading and limiting access to WDC monuments etc -- bet this guy escapes that. Because ..... racist.

Posted by: gracepmc at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (rznx3)

511 502 AmishDude,

Duly noted....

I think underneath all the horseshit the HillyBilly! Gang loved America just less than they loved themselves...

these fucks?

They took HillyBilly seriously.

Posted by: Sven10077 at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (9jfyN)

512 481 Here's something fun to ponder. The CBO benchmarked the cost of Obamacare using the number that the donks have been claiming for years, 30 million Americans don't have health insurance.

Yet today Obama said 15% of Americans don't have health insurance. Now I'm no Amish Dude but my ciphering says that 15% of 350 million is a bit north of 30 million.

So instead of costing $1.8 trillion this thing is going to cost more like $2.5 trillion.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (g1DWB)

By my detailed calculations, it's going to cost a metric shitton more than $2.5 trillion.

Posted by: AmishDude at October 01, 2013 09:16 PM (xSegX)

513 I'd die a happy woman if I could see my 91 y/o WWII vet (Normandy) Uncledeck the President Pitching Wedge in Chief.

Posted by: sybilll at October 01, 2013 09:16 PM (/0KV1)

514 omg

The Washington Post totally took this out of their story about the World War II Memorial event.

I posted it this morning and now the bolded part is GONE.

NOW it says NO Park Police were present.


A shout went up. The barricades had been moved — it was unclear by whom.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) said he believed the Park Service opened the gates. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.) said the congressmen did it. Rep. Steven M. Palazzo (R-Miss.) said the barricades just seemed to part.

“I’m not going to enforce the ‘no stopping or standing’ sign for a group of 90 World War II veterans,” said a U.S. Park Police officer, who declined to give his name. “I’m a veteran myself.”

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:16 PM (r2PLg)

515 So I guess if you're on Utah Hwy 24- which goes right thru Capitol Reef National Park- you had better keep your EYES FRONT inside the Park boundary. DO NOT look off to either side of the vehicle.

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:16 PM (8sCoq)

516 Sometimes a little ray of hope peeks through.

Texting with my 20 year old cousin.

He's railing on Obamacare. "I don't understand how people can think it's so great if the people that wrote the damn thing exempted themselves from it."

"I'm not gonna pretend I understand the whole thing, but I know enough to know it's not what we need."

"It goes back to all those people who thought Obama was going to fill their cars up with gas and pay their mortgages. Always looking for a hand out if they can get it."

Brings a tear to my eye.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:16 PM (GEICT)

517 Bumbles McFuckstick is an absolute shitstain on the history of the United States.


Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 01, 2013 09:17 PM (Lgf19)

518 This NOW how The Washington Post writes the story up--

\compare and contrast.

Bystanders clapped and shouted, “Thank you for your service!”

No Park Police officers were immediately in evidence in the scrum.

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:17 PM (r2PLg)

519 John Dingell ‏@john_dingell 1h

This shutdown was brought about by fools. Folks acting like experts
on this place before they even knew where restrooms were. #GOPshutdown

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (DmNpO)

folks acting like experts....thats rich coming from anybody in congress. He's an asshat nontheless

Posted by: Red Shirt at October 01, 2013 09:17 PM (FIDMq)

520 Except a Sam Jackson cameo at the end.
Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 09:15 PM (WMsq+)

That's a surprise!

I was convinced they'd save that for the season finale.

Yeah, I have had no interest in that thing at all.

Posted by: AmishDude at October 01, 2013 09:18 PM (xSegX)

521 506

I'm stealing that.

And I do think it was deliberate on the part of the folks behind the memorial. *Strength*. "We have arrived".

But I admit I need to see the statue in context.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:18 PM (JBLt6)

522 Remember, this was a PR stunt that Obama and Valerie Jarrett planned. They thought it would help them. They expected the vets to act helpless and just sit and moan.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:19 PM (ZPrif)

523 ugh

edit This is how they write the story up--now.

Holy crud--which is it --Washington Post?

Have you completely forgotten about the Park Police officer you quoted right after the incident took place?

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:19 PM (r2PLg)

524 I have differences of opinions with President-For-Life-Obama-and-Her-Royal Highness-Moochelle but I will defer saying what I really feel
about these assholes in the interests of my driveway not filling up with
black suburbans.

And remember: the Royal Daughters have studied
all this and are now also so entitled. Or, maybe I missed it. Did they
go to DC public schools? You know. With all those common people. (Psst..who are not honkies)

Posted by: Dingbat at October 01, 2013 09:20 PM (pVdyT)

525 522 Remember, this was a PR stunt that Obama and Valerie Jarrett planned. They thought it would help them. They expected the vets to act helpless and just sit and moan.
Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:19 PM (ZPrif)


Yep, and now they have The Washington Post doing clean up.

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:20 PM (r2PLg)

526 I didn't think I could hate that piece of shit any more than I already do.. today proved me wrong.

Posted by: jewells45 trying to keep from going crazy at October 01, 2013 09:20 PM (u25eL)

527 This is a good example of what happens when you Take the Initiative. Obama didn't foresee that, and it fucked up his PR stunt.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:20 PM (ZPrif)

528 WWI is across Independence Ave from the reflecting pool, near to the new MLK display. It's technically the memorial for the district's fallen veterans, but I learned today that it's also administered by the park service. It's rather nice, very recently restored, and well off the beaten path.

Posted by: bluto at October 01, 2013 09:21 PM (TbVH2)

529 518

You can always count on the media for lack of integrity.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:21 PM (JBLt6)

530 Rand Paul is talking this up on Hannity. He's growing on me.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (g1DWB)

531 I'm confused. Doesn't the twitter update state that the memorial is now open 24 hours a day?

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (Rk8LS)

532 Side show. O's courtiers are incompetent and harried along by ideology and politics. They can only shriek, like babboons, at actual experts like IT people who know that dB rollout on this scale is non-trivial at short time scales. The truth is that they are cynically winging the reality (and lives) in order to socialize medicine and put everyone but their fawning ass-kissers on the government plantation.

Fools and more than their money are easily parted.

Posted by: Feh at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (g/zj9)

533 522 And bitch about the evil GOP ruing their visit.

Posted by: steevy at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (9XBK2)

534 Remember, this was a PR stunt that Obama and Valerie
Jarrett planned. They thought it would help them. They expected the
vets to act helpless and just sit and moan.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:19 PM (ZPrif)

Hitler didn't want those guys in Normandy either but they didn't listen then. Why did Barky and ValJar think they'd listen today?

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (Oz+LZ)

535 501 Park Police are taking sides in this fight. And they aren't choosing our side.


That can be said of the agency, but the individual officers turned their heads today.
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:14 PM (DmNpO)



I think there is a difference between the regular guys and their--

union spokesmodel.

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (r2PLg)

536 This is why a shutdown isn't a bad idea. This whole WWII memorial thing is the first blood, and it's a disaster for Obama - he look like an incompetent, petty boob.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 09:23 PM (uhAkr)

537 Came from Commissary (they are shutting down tonight) and there was a news crew from some CA station. Most of the people blew off any questions. Went to the Class VI store and they are staying open (no groceries, but hey beer is a food group too) and started talking to cashier. Oh boy did she start going off on Dingy Hairy, Ms. Botox and Obama and most of all the fucking idiots that elected the Imbecile. Thought she was going to have a stroke.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that lady was black

Posted by: Ma Bell at October 01, 2013 09:23 PM (RLdcX)

538 531 I'm confused. Doesn't the twitter update state that the memorial is now open 24 hours a day?

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (Rk8LS)

No, it was always opened 24 hours a day....the tweet was pointing that out. You have to actually WORK to barricade it.

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 09:24 PM (bCEmE)

539 536
This is why a shutdown isn't a bad idea. This whole WWII memorial thing is the first blood, and it's a disaster for Obama - he look like an incompetent, petty boob.Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 09:23 PM (uhAkr)

IF the story makes the major media.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at October 01, 2013 09:24 PM (vJFM9)

540 Whoever put up the barricades chose sides. They knew what they were doing was wrong and not normal procedure and just part of a stunt.

And the full hierarchy of the Park Police implemented this order.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:24 PM (ZPrif)

541 RENO (AP) — Ex-Nevada power broker Harvey Whittemore admitted he was "arrogant and naive" but insisted "I'm not greedy" before a judge sentenced him Monday to two years in prison for funneling more than $130,000 in illegal campaign funds to Sen. Harry Reid's re-election committee in 2007.

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at October 01, 2013 09:24 PM (e8kgV)

542 John Dingell was born in 1926 and has served in the Congress since 1955. He probably thinks nobody has a right to ask where the bathroom is until they've been there at least ten years-if they're a Republican.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 01, 2013 09:25 PM (a4Omg)

543 I'm confused. Doesn't the twitter update state that the memorial is now open 24 hours a day?

Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 09:22 PM (Rk8LS)

No. That's a link to a page from the Wayback Machine cache of the Department of the Interior info about the memorial.

That's another thing that amuses the hell out of me. Oh! We'll turn off the websites! No one can look anything up! Wayback Machine's a wee bitch, isn't it?

Posted by: alexthechick - SMOD, you taunty bitch. at October 01, 2013 09:25 PM (Gk3SS)

544 I'm glad the Park Police on site backed down when faced with the vets, but the Park Police still bear responsibility doing it in the first place.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:25 PM (ZPrif)

545 I spent part of today in Atlanta's airport listening to Wolf Blister drone on about the danger of end of gubment, yada.

I LOVE the fact of WWII vets taking their memorial back today. Love this so much as a Mississippian, that these gentlemen stormed the barriers. I only wish they had a flame thrower with them to melt the barriers. That would have been perfection.

Ace nails it: why is an open area now being blocked? Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier also blocked?

I could see no difference in airports today with the shut down. In fact all my flights were miraculously on time with no mechanical delays. Maybe we should shut down more often? One bloated TSA agent in Salt Lake City was yammering about not being paid today, but no one gave him attention as we just wanted to catch our flight. Two Atlanta workers seemed to be listening to Baroque, but everyone else was either ignoring or muttering like we were at what a tool he is. Meanwhile, Wolf and the rest of CNN tried valiantly to find someone this appeared to impact, while showing infomercials touting Obamacare.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 09:26 PM (baL2B)

546 With the media on his side, it's like Obama insisting on throwing spitballs even after he's bribed the umps.

Posted by: AmishDude at October 01, 2013 09:26 PM (xSegX)

547 So what was the reaction to the shutdown today in all your lives? I got people talking about BrBa and what they are doing friday.

Posted by: Flapjackmaka at October 01, 2013 09:26 PM (xkHQb)

548 IF the story makes the major media.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at October 01, 2013 09:24 PM (vJFM9)

CeeBeeS Evening News' Scott Smelly reported that "some Congressmen removed the barricades". Then they immediately went onto the next story. Apparently, it was not newsworthy to note the party of those mysterious Congress Critters.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:27 PM (kXoT0)

549 Came from Commissary (they are shutting down tonight) and there was a news crew from some CA station. Most of the people blew off any questions. Went to the Class VI store and they are staying open (no groceries, but hey beer is a food group too) and started talking to cashier. Oh boy did she start going off on Dingy Hairy, Ms. Botox and Obama and most of all the fucking idiots that elected the Imbecile. Thought she was going to have a stroke.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that lady was black
Posted by: Ma Bell at October 01, 2013 09:23 PM (RLdcX)

yeah I went to the Commissary last Saturday and the shelves were already getting a tad bare. I filled up on cat litter and cat food, because if the cat ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And they are both like 1/2 price at the Commissary

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:27 PM (1RQeV)

550 Wayback Machine's a wee bitch, isn't it?

Posted by: alexthechick - SMOD, you taunty bitch. at October 01, 2013 09:25 PM (Gk3SS)

Just wait until Ace fires up that time machine he doesn't have.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:27 PM (GEICT)

551 @542.. seriously? Jesus.. I was born in 54. Has anybody checked to see if he's really alive?

Posted by: jewells45 trying to keep from going crazy at October 01, 2013 09:28 PM (u25eL)

552 Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier also blocked? Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 09:26 PM (baL2B)

They might turn off the gas.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at October 01, 2013 09:28 PM (vJFM9)

553 Bumbles McFuckstick is an absolute shitstain on the history of the United States.


Posted by: Tex Lovera at October 01, 2013 09:17 PM (Lgf19)

Can't really add anything to that.

Posted by: Berserker at October 01, 2013 09:28 PM (FMbng)


Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:28 PM (8sCoq)

555 I remember when there were two separate groups there to protest and the park police lady wouldn't let one group mingle with the other group. I seem to recall that didn't work out so well either. I think it was at the capital.

The park police seem to be publicity hounds.

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 09:29 PM (Nx76m)

556 They might turn off the gas.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at October 01, 2013 09:28 PM (vJFM9)

Isn't there a marine standing there who will stop people from doing that?

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 09:29 PM (uhAkr)

557 >Wayback Machine's a wee bitch, isn't it?<

Takes one to know one? I keed, I keed. Please don't punch me in the knee caps. Again.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:29 PM (PlTXA)

558 549 Came from Commissary (they are shutting down tonight) and there was a news crew from some CA station. Most of the people blew off any questions. Went to the Class VI store and they are staying open (no groceries, but hey beer is a food group too) and started talking to cashier. Oh boy did she start going off on Dingy Hairy, Ms. Botox and Obama and most of all the fucking idiots that elected the Imbecile. Thought she was going to have a stroke.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that lady was black
Posted by: Ma Bell at October 01, 2013 09:23 PM (RLdcX)

yeah I went to the Commissary last Saturday and the shelves were already getting a tad bare. I filled up on cat litter and cat food, because if the cat ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And they are both like 1/2 price at the Commissary
Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:27 PM (1RQeV)


I here the overseas commissaries are staying open.

Also USAA and others like the Navy Credit Union will forward interest free loans--for those that do not get payed if the shutdown lasts more than 2 weeks--something like that.

Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (r2PLg)



you have any idea how many rich college girls couldve gotten their birth control pills for free with that money?

Posted by: DEM MORONS at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (W3J6O)

560 hussein is a worthless piece of shit.

Posted by: Titanium at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (IgOQg)

561 I'm glad the Park Police on site backed down when
faced with the vets, but the Park Police still bear responsibility doing
it in the first place.

Posted by: Flatbush Joe at October 01, 2013 09:25 PM (ZPrif)

The higher ups do. And word had to come down to them from even higher up than they. If you've never been, you might not appreciate how difficult it is to try to close off the space. Someone gave the order to spend a good deal of money and manpower for this stunt. And note there were professionally printed 'Closed' signs that had to be made well in advance.

Posted by: Retread at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (Oz+LZ)

562 No, it was always opened 24 hours a day....the tweet was pointing that out. You have to actually WORK to barricade it.


Posted by: Mike at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (Rk8LS)

563 iowahawk tweets:
"Next: WH dumps load of manure on Arlington Cemetery, blames GOP for lack of cleanup funds."

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at October 01, 2013 09:31 PM (mRrjf)

564 This is a good time to topic and take time a stand. Millions, LIV and idiot alike, will sign up for the fucked up 404care. It won't be pretty. We don't have to convince them, they get to experience the King's meager crumbs and burdensome tax.

Posted by: dogfish at October 01, 2013 09:32 PM (nsOJa)

565 Isn't there a marine standing there who will stop people from doing that?

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 09:29 PM (uhAkr)
No, the Tombs of the Unknown are manned by Army.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (kXoT0)

566 yeah I went to the Commissary last Saturday and the shelves were already getting a tad bare. I filled up on cat litter and cat food, because if the cat ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And they are both like 1/2 price at the Commissary
Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:27 PM (1RQeV)

Got all sorts of Deli Meats for 30% off. Breads for 50% off, there were no more veggies.
Oh and cheeses were 30% off too

Posted by: Ma Bell at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (RLdcX)

567 I ^hear^ the overseas commissaries are staying open.


Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (r2PLg)

568 >>John Dingell was born in 1926 and has served in the Congress since 1955. He probably thinks nobody has a right to ask where the bathroom is until they've been there at least ten years-if they're a Republican.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke

That senile old bastard hasn't used a bathroom in the last 15 years. He just wets himself and craps his Depends.

Posted by: Aviator at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (DI+ja)

569 Newt Gingrich


House just passed special continuing resolution opening memorials, national parks, museums,
Will Obama and senate democrats punish tourists ?

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (8sCoq)

570 Oh, and yes, in case anyone was wondering, the site is still a fucking clusterfuck.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (GEICT)

571 563 iowahawk tweets:
"Next: WH dumps load of manure on Arlington Cemetery, blames GOP for lack of cleanup funds."

If I had a twitter account, I'd reply:

"No -- WH has already dumped load of manure on entire US, blames GOP for opposing."

Posted by: zombie at October 01, 2013 09:34 PM (+cx5n)

Oh, and yes, in case anyone was wondering, the site is still a fucking clusterfuck.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:33 PM (GEICT)
Scott Smelly was trying to sell it (Federal Exchange) as being "too successful". The system was simply overwhelmed by the demand for Obamacare.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:35 PM (kXoT0)

573 569

Way to go GOP.

Keep Calm and Return Fire.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:35 PM (JBLt6)

574 Steven Spielberg and Tom Hank both helped get this memorial built, and they both are also Obama supporters... would love to hear their thoughts?

Posted by: Andrew at October 01, 2013 09:36 PM (VjlMj)

575 WAIT- isn't October "Pink Uniform Month" in the NFL?

don't know why I just thought of that

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:36 PM (8sCoq)

576 I hate the ont crowd with a passion.

But I have to comment here.

Fuck Obama.

Fuck him.

Posted by: eleven at October 01, 2013 09:36 PM (fsLdt)

577 >Scott Smelly was trying to sell it (Federal
Exchange) as being "too successful". The system was simply overwhelmed
by the demand for Obamacare.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:35 PM (kXoT0)<

I have watched carefully for any actual data on signups. Haven't seen a thing. Anyone else?

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:36 PM (PlTXA)

578 Posted by: Andrew

They'll still polish his knob to speak.

Posted by: dogfish at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (nsOJa)

579 >Steven Spielberg and Tom Hank both helped get this
memorial built, and they both are also Obama supporters... would love to
hear their thoughts?

Posted by: Andrew at October 01, 2013 09:36 PM (VjlMj)

Oh, they probably think Obama's balls have a fruity aftertaste

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (8sCoq)

580 Rand Paul is talking this up on Hannity. He's growing on me.


And my ckufing Comcast went out just as he was coming on.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (DmNpO)

581 Scott Smelly was trying to sell it (Federal Exchange) as being "too successful". The system was simply overwhelmed by the demand for Obamacare.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:35 PM (kXoT0)

We all know it's bullshit. And would "overwhelming demand" cause problems like dropdown menus not responding? Cause that's what I'm getting right now.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (GEICT)

582 Break it all into bits, and make it clear--"we will fund any part of the Government you want, but we will *not* fund ObamaCare. Deal with it, we have a majority."

Stand firm.

Posted by: Beau Jest at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (JBLt6)

583 BTW, GOP Senators and Congress Critters, that nice little thrill running up and down your recently straightened spine that you are getting is the good feeling of doing the correct thing.

Tweet it. I don't tweet.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:38 PM (kXoT0)

584 Here are the gents with a word or two (if I close my eyes I can hear my late father's voice--1st Marine---and he would have loved being a part of this trip

xoxo to all of our fine Veterans, past, present and future

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 09:38 PM (baL2B)

585 USAA and others like the Navy Credit Union will forward interest free loans--for those that do not get payed if the shutdown lasts more than 2 weeks--something like that.
Posted by: tasker at October 01, 2013 09:30 PM (r2PLg)

Yeah, they are great banks. Those are the 2 I used the most- credit card wise

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:38 PM (1RQeV)

586 GOP should piecemeal pass everything. Then piecemeal the debt ceiling as well - for our grandchildren.

Give Reid till 8AM the following day to pass everything - or we start passing the appropriation bills at a sub-agency level - all in one day.

Posted by: Jean at October 01, 2013 09:38 PM (CMlD4)

587 We all know it's bullshit. And would "overwhelming
demand" cause problems like dropdown menus not responding? Cause that's
what I'm getting right now.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:37 PM (GEICT)
Yep, am an IT professional myself. I know what a failed effort looks like.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes at October 01, 2013 09:39 PM (kXoT0)

588 Is there a Hells Angels park somewhere in the US that the gubmint can sequester so we can alert the Hells Angels of said action?

Posted by: Corona at October 01, 2013 09:39 PM (fh2Y7)

589 >>Vainglorious--thankfully there isn't a monument to journalists yet--because that would be--...

Uh, have you checked out the new and improved Newseum?

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 09:40 PM (vvueH)

590 so talking about shutdowns made me think of Arlington Cemetery, so I went to youtube and watched a changing of the guard video, and holy shit do those guys have their shit wired tight- awesome

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 09:41 PM (8sCoq)

591 A new fighter plane built by China is drawing more snickers than raves from aviation experts, and the People's Army is now saying the jet was really ticketed for export all along.

The J-31 "Falcon Hawk," likely designed by reverse-engineering a downed U.S. stealth fighter, was supposed “to become China’s next generation of carrier-based aircraft” and take its place next to the U.S.-made F-35 Lightning II as the gold standard in air force weaponry, according to a report last month in People’s Daily. But now it looks like China, which has exactly one aircraft carrier, has scaled back the hype and will peddle the aircraft to second-tier air forces like Brazil, Pakistan and some Middle East countries.

“It’s probably likely that the technology was not originally created for export but built for their own use and it did not work out too well,” Stephen Biddle, a political science professor at George Washington University and senior defense policy fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations told

Kinda funny. They can steal stuff with the best but....

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 01, 2013 09:41 PM (1RQeV)

592 I lived in DC, and everyone there knows that all these monuments are open 24/7. Not the museums and concessions, but the *scenery* is just there, and walking home you always see people hanging around or walking through into the wee hours looking at monuments.

So the reporters, that live in DC, all KNOW that this is a show. they know that people were paid overtime to put up barricades and shut down web sites.

There is slim in the ice machine, and we don't even have an en-girdled effete camera whore on our side.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at October 01, 2013 09:41 PM (zZJJp)

593 "I have watched carefully for any actual data on signups. Haven't seen a thing. Anyone else?"

I bet you the answer is ZERO. The system is probably totally broken and they're using the traffic excuse to cover themselves. The traffic excuse is bunk. If their system was properly designed it would scale by simply adding servers and/or bandwidth, whatever the bottleneck is. They've had how many years to plan for this? It's a database of providers and a signup form, not complicated. Anybody that has ever worked on a high traffic web-based system is laughing right now. I'm truly embarrassed for them.

Posted by: Andrew at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (VjlMj)

If Mattingly doesn't start Kershaw he is crazy. Hell, I would start The Greatness game 3.

Posted by: Mallamutt RINO President for Life at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (OWjjx)

"The public may visit the World War II Memorial 24 hours a day." Staffed from 9:30 am to 11:30 pm.

We're still taking our fifteen minute break and a early one hour lunch.

Posted by: Government Worker at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (mETGQ)

596 >>Oh, they probably think Obama's balls have a fruity aftertaste
Posted by: Jones in CO

Well, they are the size of raisins.

Posted by: Aviator at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (DI+ja)

597 I didn't think I could hate this Motherfucker any more than I already do. Today just ratcheted it up to eleventy. Teh JEF has no problems pissing all over people. It's disgusting. I consider myself hyper-rational, but I am pretty close to rounding the bend here.....

Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (jucos)

598 When understanding that Taqiyaya is the accepted form of lying to advance the Caliphate ALL becomes clear.

Posted by: Old Slappy at October 01, 2013 09:43 PM (3GuQx)

599 480 America's rich Islamic history? Like September 11, 2001?

Holy shit this is fucked up.
Posted by: Freaked Out! at October 01, 2013 09:08 PM (ryyVW)
Remember when Barry Hussein gave his over-hyped "Cairo speech" -- in which he claimed that Muslims invented all sorts of crap they didn't invent, and also claimed that they've made so many positive contributions to American society.

I'd have paid good money to see some reporter ask Barry to list the top three contributions Muslims have made to American society.

Go ahead Barry, take your time, we'll wait . . . .

Posted by: Trivial Pursuer at October 01, 2013 09:44 PM (/sohm)

600 Yes, lets put these people in charge of our hospitals.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at October 01, 2013 09:44 PM (zZJJp)

601 Pardon my insubordination, but open commissaries actually generate money. When they are closed, they consume money...electricity etc. But an asshole that has no experience other than being a community organizer wouldn't know that. PS Barry: many/most of the people that work in/patronize commissaries look like you and your imaginary son Trevon.

Barry and Mooch: FU and the horse you rode in on. I really don't like you. And Harry. And Madame Botox. And the honkies that characterize your Cabinet. FU.

Posted by: Dingbat at October 01, 2013 09:44 PM (pVdyT)

602 White House dumps load of manure on country, says "Trust us, there's a pony in there!"

Posted by: exhelodrvr at October 01, 2013 09:45 PM (edmTQ)

603 The memorial looks like a testicle, so, patriarchal tyranny in concrete and steel.

Somewhere a vagina weeps.

Posted by: eman at October 01, 2013 09:45 PM (AO9UG)

604 Steven Spielberg and Tom Hank both helped get this

memorial built, and they both are also Obama supporters... would love to

hear their thoughts?


Whatever it was, I'm sure you'd be disappointed. They are wearing blinders, they are drinking the kool-aid, they are true cult worshippers, like all the rest. Nothing penetrates these people's skulls when it comes to that POS known in these parts as TFG.

Posted by: Lady in Black, in a dead thread talking to myself at October 01, 2013 09:46 PM (XB5Ak)

605 White House dumps load of manure on country, says "Trust us, there's a pony in there!"


And every Democrat believes it.

Posted by: cool arrow at October 01, 2013 09:46 PM (WMsq+)

606 Kinda funny. They can steal stuff with the best but....

All their knock offs of old Soviet stuff was a direct copy, even the flaws. Never had an original idea of their own.

Posted by: EC at October 01, 2013 09:46 PM (doBIb)

607 >Posted by: Andrew at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (VjlMj)<

I agree. I went to the employer part of the site and specified my state when they asked. After a series of pages I got directed to a table with the insurance options for every county in every state - in a table that refreshes every time you scroll down. Why ask me what state I am in and then show me all 34? BTW, the only coverage available to an employer in my state was an HMO I never heard of. I called the 2 largest health systems in our area and neither accepts that HMO. So, web fail and actual execution fail on the ground.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:46 PM (PlTXA)

608 >>Well, they are the size of raisins.

Posted by: Aviator at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (DI+ja)<<

OK. That made me laugh.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:48 PM (PlTXA)

609 I know what a 'government shutdown' is, and this ain't no government shutdown

Posted by: Ambassador Stevens at October 01, 2013 08:03 PM (Pr6hk)

COTY 2013 potential, right there. I tip my cap, sir.

Posted by: The Mega Independent at October 01, 2013 09:49 PM (4/o9U)

610 Ah...I'm at comment #607. That means that what I have to say will be extra important.

Ace seems angry at the ass-fucking that America is getting from the cocksucker-in-chief.

That makes me happy.

An angry Ace is an interesting, perceptive and entertaining Ace.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 01, 2013 09:49 PM (/kU/5)

611 Hey, sven's back - Woot Woot!!!!

Posted by: speedster1 on the iPad at October 01, 2013 09:50 PM (yeM7r)

612 Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:46 PM (PlTXA)

Racist pig.

We should have people like you sent to camps.

Posted by: Democratic Underground at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (/kU/5)

613 Ya know, it just shows how generationally people have changed and the kind of spiteful, anti-American mofos thatwork for the Federal government now. Federal workers nowadays don't give a shit about veterans or patriotism - it's just feed me, give me my check! During the last shutdown, the Democrats would never, ever do something like this.

Posted by: joanne at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (CABFU)

614 All this stuff belongs to us. Maybe we should evict the current residents. With extreme prejudice.

Posted by: theotherbruce at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (cRs19)

615 Those in the GOP should realize this: You're in it now. Up to your necks. There is no getting out of it--that was last night. The only successful path of any kind lies forward.

Old poster that applies to this potentially big moment in history: *Your* Courage, *Your* Cheerfullness, *Your* Redolution, Will Lead to Victory.

The appropriations should be broken into seperate bills, and then let Barack Obama hold the country hostage so as to keep his Frankenstein monster (that only a mothercufker could love) alive.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (JBLt6)

616 I am pretty riled up right now. If I lived in DC or were there for the next couple of shut down weeks I'd be moving barriers like a madwoman all over town. I could be wrong, but I think this is one can of worms ole Val Jar was not counting on, messin' with WWII Vets at their own Memorial. Tres le tardisil.

I want to send the Million Bikers back to town.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (baL2B)

617 Does anyone truly believe that these fucking statist types WOULDN'T hold your healthcare over your head? You know.... Like a cudgel? The exchanges were busy today and I got no where. I have no where else to go because my insurance cancelled me BECAUSE of O'Vomitcare. No fucking way I'd be there otherwise. It is a fucking joke.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (jucos)

618 I don't understand the Hobbit hate.

The movie, I mean.

Look people, that guy wrote the book years ago. Now this guy is making movies. One has to do with the other, but it doesn't have EVERYTHING to do with it. Just sit back and enjoy it.

Or don't.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 01, 2013 09:52 PM (BeSEI)

619 Oh, lovely.

Some jackass named Jonathan Chait was on twitter earlier suggesting that they should "reinforce the WWII memorial with pillboxes and elderly germans".

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at October 01, 2013 09:53 PM (GEICT)

620 Ace is saying on twitter that there are now 6 cops 'guarding' the WWII memorial. WTFF!?!

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 09:54 PM (bCEmE)

621 Let



Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 09:54 PM (8lmkt)

622 >>Some jackass named Jonathan Chait was on twitter earlier suggesting that
they should "reinforce the WWII memorial with pillboxes and elderly

Ah yes. Maybe they can set some claymores with the inscription "THIS SIDE TOWARDS VETERANS".

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:54 PM (PlTXA)

623 “It’s probably likely that the technology was not originally created for export but built for their own use and it did not work out too well,”

It's not like the jury is in on the F-35.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 09:55 PM (JBLt6)

624 Watch this you fucko's

Posted by: G. Patton at October 01, 2013 09:55 PM (yh6zE)

625 Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 09:51 PM (jucos)

Hey, Truck!! I have also been informed by Anthem Blue Devils that my individual policy ($666 per month for fuck-all) will no longer be available on 1/1/14. Went over to "covered california" website. A somewhat comparable policy would be just under a grand a month. Their basement-level, craptastic policy would be about $550. They should all go diaf.

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 09:57 PM (8lmkt)

626 The Calcutta Light Horse.

Great movie. One of David Niven's last.

Posted by: Fox 2! at October 01, 2013 09:57 PM (XFTOV)

627 622 >>Some jackass named Jonathan Chait was on twitter earlier suggesting that
they should "reinforce the WWII memorial with pillboxes and elderly

Ah yes. Maybe they can set some claymores with the inscription "THIS SIDE TOWARDS VETERANS".

Chait forgot what happened to those Germans.

Posted by: EC at October 01, 2013 09:57 PM (doBIb)

628 Jenny nailed it with post #5. President butthead went above and beyond this time.

Posted by: Alabama Mike at October 01, 2013 09:58 PM (9Tj+9)

629 249 I was part of the 2 mil bikers to DC rally on 9/11. The independent truckers are blitzing DC on 11/11 veterans day..Oh hell yes they are and a million 65 foot semi rigs might take up a scoch more room then the 850K bikes that showed on 9/11


I couldn't help with the bikes, but I can damn sure show up in a 35' motorhome towing a 30' tag-a-long. It's no semi, but I'll eat up a fuck-ton of road. And I'll hang a GD banner on the side - "F.U.B.H.O." I don't think I've ever been this close to praying for this cold war to go hot.

I really really cannot put into words my rage at this. I think I'll join the previous poster who said that if this is closed again tomorrow, I'll be there Thursday. 6 hours ain't that long a drive.

And fuck the fucking fuckity pussy-assed Oliver Twist "please sir may I have another" fuckers in the GOP that didn't walk out and stand with these men, these giants. They should have been there with megaphones, video cameras, the whole shebang.

Someone else here, and I apologize for not remembering who, said it perfectly. (paraphrasing) "If they'll shut down the WWII Memorial, military payrolls and training over a budget bitch session, you think they won't threaten healthcare too the next time around?"

I .... I'm staring at a string of words that'd draw the BH3K so I'm just gonna stop there.

Posted by: Cold Rage at October 01, 2013 09:58 PM (YkeNb)

630 >Their basement-level, craptastic policy would be about $550. They should all go diaf.

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 09:57 PM (8lmkt)<

Is that for the level they call "Medicaid Plus" (unofficially)> Serious question.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:59 PM (PlTXA)

631 Wouldn't y'all think there would be gnashing of teeth and worry throughout the country about THE SHUTDOWN? I heard zero conversation today on planes or in Atlanta Airport, central amoeba of the South. None. Even after Baroque's grande appearance to the peasants in the Rose Garden (or wherever the hell he was as I'd rather rinse my eyes with bleach than to look at him, but I do note his color is fading and his lips are less purplish, so do not know what that means). Those dastardly Repubs! Baroque acts like this is "unprecedented!!!11! pfft

I did note a very old lady with a freaking BIRD in a cage on the airport (when I thought people traveling with wee dogs and an occasional cat were insane). A bird? Husband thought it might be one of those fake birds. I did not check and already have plans to be moved if my fellow passenger has a carry-on pet with them. bah #ChristyIsCrankyPants

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 09:59 PM (baL2B)

632 What's the over/under on whether or not this shit stain goes golfing before the shutdown is over?

You just know he's pissed because he actually has to do Presidentin' stuff and shit.

Posted by: B at October 01, 2013 10:00 PM (6iEQd)

633 Yeah Peaches.... My policy was a good one. Aetna family policy in MD for $657a month. The MD site doesn't even have prices posted yet but I am sure a comparable plan will be about $1200 a month. If I didn't have the kids I wouldn't have the insurance. These politicians need to feel some pain. Pain.... real pain.

Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 10:00 PM (jucos)

634 I have watched carefully for any actual data on signups. Haven't seen a thing. Anyone else?

Posted by: Muad'dib

"“We’re not releasing that information yet,” Marilyn Tavenner, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services, told reporters when pressed for information about the number of people who enrolled in the Obamacare exchanges on a Tuesday conference call."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 01, 2013 10:00 PM (ligos)

635 Is that for the level they call "Medicaid Plus" (unofficially)> Serious question.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 09:59 PM (PlTXA)

I think they call it the "bronze plan" . . . bronze *this* ya fucktards.

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 10:01 PM (8lmkt)

636 Isn't it about time for the ONT? Maet?

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 10:02 PM (wR+pz)

637 During the last shutdown, the Democrats would never, ever do something like this.

The difference now is -- these aren't old school Democrats.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (9MLX+)

638 Posted by: Cold Rage at October 01, 2013 09:58 PM (YkeNb)

fill that 35' Motor Home up with some drunk Morons and should be a great time.

Plus it has its own pisser for the ette's.

ron's just gotta pis on the road, savers tank space....

Posted by: G. Patton at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (yh6zE)

639 "620
Ace is saying on twitter that there are now 6 cops 'guarding' the WWII memorial. WTFF!?!"

I like the Obama apologists claiming the closures and cops are because of 9/11. Because we all know the only way to stop terrorists is with some Park Rangers and yellow tape.

Posted by: lowandslow at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (APJIX)

640 Sorry to hear it Peaches. I was able to delay us being thrown into the exchanges until December 2014 by renewing our biz medical insurance in Dec 2013. After that, I'm right there with you because our business can't afford the 50% premium increase we will see under O-Care.

Posted by: Muad'dib at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (PlTXA)

THIS is the answer to the shutdown! SERIOUSLY! Yeah - that's all CAPS!
An answer to the Occupy Wall Street douchers. We need to start coordinating people who are retired and travelling the country to BREAK DOWN BARRIERS TO PARKS. They need to be organized and en masse! And DARE the politicians and authorities to deny them entrance and enjoyment of OUR parks!

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (UEoQu)

642 I like the Obama apologists claiming the closures and cops are because of 9/11. Because we all know the only way to stop terrorists is with some Park Rangers and yellow tape.

Posted by: lowandslow at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (APJIX)

I know, right? What an idiot.

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 10:04 PM (bCEmE)

THIS is the answer to the shutdown! SERIOUSLY! Yeah - that's all CAPS!
An answer to the Occupy Wall Street douchers.
We need to start coordinating people who are retired and travelling the country to BREAK DOWN BARRIERS TO PARKS. They need to be organized and en masse! And DARE the politicians and authorities to deny them entrance and enjoyment of OUR parks!

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:04 PM (UEoQu)

644 Truck, in an ideal world, I would have a major medical policy (which were always pretty cheap) and just pay cash for my docs, which I do anyway, since in these parts none of the good ones have taken insurance in years. Plus, even at my advanced age, I have not seen a doctor in a year. Pissed off doesn't even begin to describe where I am on this shifty business.

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 10:04 PM (8lmkt)

645 I also have some vague plans to get a burner phone and crank call Obamacare places claiming rectal prolapses and various other pre-existing conditions to bog down the process. Speak pitiful French, claim I am illegal and run a drug ring and want to know if they can cop me some goods. This is the turn of my sweet brain under the Reign of Terror known as Baroque.

Good night xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 10:05 PM (baL2B)

I'm reposting this shit until ACE bans me or makes a thread! It is a no fuckin' brainer!
THIS is the answer to the shutdown! SERIOUSLY! Yeah - that's all CAPS!
An answer to the Occupy Wall Street douchers. We need to start coordinating people who are retired and travelling the country to BREAK DOWN BARRIERS TO PARKS. They need to be organized and en masse! And DARE the politicians and authorities to deny them entrance and enjoyment of OUR parks!

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:05 PM (UEoQu)

647 I like the Obama apologists claiming the closures and cops are because of 9/11. Because we all know the only way to stop terrorists is with some Park Rangers and yellow tape.
Posted by: lowandslow at October 01, 2013 10:03 PM (APJIX)

That, and them not having any more live State Department folks to kill. Usually ends the assault.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 10:05 PM (JBLt6)

648 THIS is the answer to the shutdown! SERIOUSLY! Yeah - that's all CAPS!
An answer to the Occupy Wall Street douchers. We need to start coordinating people who are retired and travelling the country to BREAK DOWN BARRIERS TO PARKS. They need to be organized and en masse! And DARE the politicians and authorities to deny them entrance and enjoyment of OUR parks!

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:05 PM (UEoQu)

649 9/11? It's the first of October. I know Muslim terrorists aren't exactly Mensa members but I am pretty sure they have a calendar.

Posted by: B at October 01, 2013 10:06 PM (6iEQd)

Fuckin' ban me, ACE. Or take up the cause. It is brilliant. Hell - Republican lawmakers removed the barriers at the WWII monument! Active participation and flouting of idiot government mandate. This is a WINNER!!

THIS is the answer to the shutdown! SERIOUSLY! Yeah - that's all CAPS!
An answer to the Occupy Wall Street douchers. We need to start coordinating people who are retired and travelling the country to BREAK DOWN BARRIERS TO PARKS. They need to be organized and en masse! And DARE the politicians and authorities to deny them entrance and enjoyment of OUR parks!

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (UEoQu)


Yep. And to really piss Obama off, pick up trash and tidy up during the occupation leaving the place better off than when you arrived.

Make the contrast with the poopers so stark it can't be ignored.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (9MLX+)

652 >>Ace is saying on twitter that there are now 6 cops 'guarding' the WWII memorial. WTFF!?!"

Let me get this straight: The Mayor of DC has declared October Muslim Heritage Month, meanwhile DC cops are "guarding" the WWII monument from visiting veterans. Ho-lee Shi-iiit!

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (vvueH)

653 Time to take DC back, kick out the low rent socialists and parasites that have invaded the place. Jefferson is rolling in his grave now.

Posted by: redenzo at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (vx61Q)

654 649 9/11? It's the first of October. I know Muslim terrorists aren't exactly Mensa members but I am pretty sure they have a calendar.

They always know when their goat is in heat, so yes they sort of have a calendar.

Posted by: John Smith at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (wR+pz)

655 Some people,

1) Love Socialism
2) Like Socialism
3) Think they can live with Socialism
4) Think they can't live with Socialism
5) Do not like Socialism
6) Hate Socialism
7) Barely know what planet they live on.

This battle over ObamaCare and other related things will put you in one of the above categories.

I wish people had the decency to be honest about it, but if that happened some of them couldn't get what they want.

Posted by: eman at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (AO9UG)

656 Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (UEoQu)

Yeah, you can stop that now.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (uhAkr)

657 Just set the barriers aside, don't bust anything.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 10:08 PM (9MLX+)



Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:08 PM (UEoQu)

659 Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:05 PM (UEoQu)

I don't think you get banned for being repetitive...

or boring

but a troll or a-hole, your results may varry

Posted by: G. Patton at October 01, 2013 10:08 PM (yh6zE)

660 How dare thee cast thine eyes upon our national treasure. Be gone with thee and cast your shadow no more!

-- King @BarackObama

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 10:08 PM (DmNpO)

661 Would someone look in Kennesaw Mountain NBP? It has become a jogging path more than a park--might be interesting to see how fascist the NPS has chosen to be.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (JBLt6)

662 Is twitter free? No, states Michele Obama.

"Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, updates to this account will be limited. #Shutdown"
Michele Obama

Posted by: Michele Obama's Truth about 9-11 at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (rCS6C)

663 You assholes are too uncreative. You rant at Ace and call it a day like you fuckin' did anything other than...rant at Ace and call it a day.

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (UEoQu)

664 And so it begins less than 24 hours in. Daily Caller has it up:

"An employee of Minnesota’s Obamacare exchange, MNsure, sent an unencrypted file to the wrong person and left 2,400 people’s private information at the mercy of a nearby insurance agent.

One exchange staffer’s simple mistake gave insurance broker Jim Koester access to an Excel document of Social Security numbers, names, addresses and other personal data for whole a list of insurance agents. Luckily for the 2,400, Koester was cooperative — and unnerved."

Posted by: B at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (6iEQd)

665 Name the park and the time and I will be their with 5 other vets.

Posted by: redenzo at October 01, 2013 10:10 PM (vx61Q)

666 oh neat a troll

Posted by: Jones in CO at October 01, 2013 10:10 PM (8sCoq)

667 new post up

Posted by: G. Patton at October 01, 2013 10:10 PM (yh6zE)

668 updates to this account will be limited.

I'm hoping that's more of a promise than a threat.

Posted by: Purp at October 01, 2013 10:10 PM (9MLX+)

669 660 How dare thee cast thine eyes upon our national treasure. Be gone with thee and cast your shadow no more!

-- King @BarackObama
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at October 01, 2013 10:08 PM (DmNpO)


I'm waiting for the first time off-prompter he actually says "You know, this whole king thing is.... err I mean president thing is hard."

You know he's thinking it.

Posted by: Cold Rage at October 01, 2013 10:10 PM (YkeNb)

670 "I have watched carefully for any actual data on signups. Haven't seen a thing. Anyone else?"

I bet you the answer is ZERO. The system is probably totally broken and they're using the traffic excuse to cover themselves. The traffic excuse is bunk. If their system was properly designed it would scale by simply adding servers and/or bandwidth, whatever the bottleneck is. They've had how many years to plan for this? It's a database of providers and a signup form, not complicated. Anybody that has ever worked on a high traffic web-based system is laughing right now. I'm truly embarrassed for them.
Posted by: Andrew at October 01, 2013 09:42 PM (VjlMj)


Even if I did want to sign up - which I don't - there is no fucking way in hell, I'd do it the first month, let alone first day it's rolled out. First off, security is non-existent. You might as well just type up your DOB, SSN, Name and address, make 1000 copies and throw those copies out on the street. That's what you're doing by providing any of this information to Obamacare exchange websites.

Second, chances are if you do sign up, something will go wrong in the first few days/weeks. You think you have insurance. Then you go to the doctor and the doc says, uhm, I have no clue what this number you gave me is, it doesn't correspond to any insurance plan.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at October 01, 2013 10:11 PM (HDgX3)

671 My 661

My thinking being--the trails are actually hard to close off completely on the Western side, and it is surrounded by suburbia (who, as I said, take the kids strolling, jog, etc.). So people are going to get on them. I'm curious as to what the Imperial troops then do.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 10:11 PM (JBLt6)

672 Im enraged to the point of stupification. We're absolutely in those days when mens hearts shall fail them. Problem is they're failing us folks they're supposed to be representing. Sucks. I bet GW wouldtake in the scene and start making mother fuckers' heads roll.

Posted by: fastfreefall at October 01, 2013 10:12 PM (Tz35j)

673 You assholes are too uncreative. You rant at Ace and
call it a day like you fuckin' did anything other than...rant at Ace
and call it a day.

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (UEoQu)

Continue ranting at us. It's making a difference.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at October 01, 2013 10:12 PM (uhAkr)

661 - Drove past it just this afternoon. Empty. The only person inside was a news truck and I thought - why the fuck does HE get to be in there. Seriously.

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:13 PM (UEoQu)

675 Let me get this straight: The Mayor of DC has
declared October Muslim Heritage Month, meanwhile DC cops are "guarding"
the WWII monument from visiting veterans. Ho-lee Shi-iiit!

Posted by: Lizzy at October 01, 2013 10:07 PM (vvueH)

dammit, I gotta call threadwinner on that. {facepalm}

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 10:13 PM (8lmkt)

@629 Cold Rage

Seems to me many of the truckers rolling into DC would be veterans. Time for some good old fashioned civil disobedience and some patriots need to take down the barrier to the WW2 memorial in it's entirety.
Have some of the vets/truckers film the boys taking down the fences etc and immediately post video on youtube. Bet it goes viral and makes some elected democrats (in red states) see the light on the Obama administration pulling this bullshit against, it's the right thing to do... reopen the memorials for the men and women who risked everything for this country!

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at October 01, 2013 10:13 PM (KHqDV)

677 Parkland just wants to be free!

Just like information.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 10:14 PM (JBLt6)

678 Bevel - pretend I'm against you and go fuck yourself. Old folks getting off their ass and actually being covered in the media for their activism is a good thing.

Posted by: JDW at October 01, 2013 10:14 PM (UEoQu)

679 Parkland just wants to be free!

Just like information.

Posted by: T. at October 01, 2013 10:14 PM (JBLt6)

and, well, everything!!!! yay!

Posted by: Illegal invaders at October 01, 2013 10:15 PM (8lmkt)

680 633 Yeah Peaches.... My policy was a good one. Aetna family policy in MD for $657a month. The MD site doesn't even have prices posted yet but I am sure a comparable plan will be about $1200 a month. If I didn't have the kids I wouldn't have the insurance. These politicians need to feel some pain. Pain.... real pain.
Posted by: Truck Monkey, Gruntled New Business Owner at October 01, 2013 10:00 PM (jucos)


Same boat as me. I had a kick ass plan. $450 a month with an HSA. Covered the basics, none of the bullshit like drug addiction or mental health. I paid out of pocket for everything, the insurance was there if I got hit by a bus and neded a month of hospital care.

That policy is gone.

Cheapest option I have now is close to $900 a month. It covers everything under the sun...drug addiction, abortion, mental health, obesity treatments, you name it it covers it. Oh and did I mention the $5K per person or $12K family deductible?

Well fuck that. I'm not buying anything. I'll pay the fine and call it a day. If I get sick, I can always sign up later. If I don't get sick, I'll pay out of pocket for minor things and come out well ahead.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at October 01, 2013 10:15 PM (HDgX3)

681 this siht calls for harsh language:

Fuck those Fucking Fuckers what fuck up shit

Good for the vets who ignored the barricades that the fucking fuckers what fuck shit up erected

and that shit that TNR pulled this afternoon: fuck those fucking fuckers, as well

(I'll now revert to my mild-mannered inter-web net-tubes persona that you all have come to know and love over all these years)


Posted by: AltonJackson at October 01, 2013 10:16 PM (JMmQ9)

682 Well fuck that. I'm not buying anything. I'll pay
the fine and call it a day. If I get sick, I can always sign up later.
If I don't get sick, I'll pay out of pocket for minor things and come
out well ahead.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at October 01, 2013 10:15 PM (HDgX3)

I'm thinking very similar thoughts, Mr. Moo Moo. How hard could it really be to get a new (or used) SSN and call myself Consuelo Tardez? Then it would all be totally free. And, no requirement to buy into this shitfest, as illegals are specifically exempted. Much like Congress . . . dammit, it's a wonder I am not already out there shooting people.

Posted by: Peaches at October 01, 2013 10:18 PM (8lmkt)

683 are they trying to provoke demonstrations?

Posted by: thunderb at October 01, 2013 10:21 PM (zOTsN)

684 Is Obama trying to ignite his dream of class warfare??

Of course, no one will hear about it. The legacy media ignored the veterans' story tonight. It was all "those evil Republicans" on and on.

Posted by: PJ at October 01, 2013 10:24 PM (ZWaLo)

685 @rorycooper Pretty simple Q for White House tmrw: Why did you deny WWII vets access to WWII memorial and then threaten a veto to open memorial back up?

@freddoso The NPS statement makes no sense whatsoever. RT @jaketapper: Why was the World War II Memorial barricaded?

Posted by: Miss80sBaby at October 01, 2013 10:25 PM (YjDyJ)

686 @AndreaPlunkett: @DCDude1776 @ExJon the Heartland Honor Flight will be at the WWII Memorial at 11am. We're bringing 90 vets.

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 10:27 PM (bCEmE)

Tojo at Iwo Jima ... Hitler at Normandy ...
Mussolini at Anzio... or Obama at Washington.... Makes no difference;
theGreatest Generation will always kick atyrant's ass.

How much for a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal?

Posted by: simplemind at October 01, 2013 10:27 PM (BmWNr)

688 Tami at 686...I promise if I lived closer to DC this just might be my hill to either die on or obtain a mug shot.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 10:37 PM (baL2B)

689 Alinsky tactics on display.

Posted by: Johnny NorCal at October 01, 2013 10:38 PM (/dbtL)

690 688 Tami at 686...I promise if I lived closer to DC this just might be my hill to either die on or obtain a mug shot.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky,Raging Lunatic about Benghazi at October 01, 2013 10:37 PM (baL2B)

Yeah, wish I was closer too.

Posted by: Tami at October 01, 2013 10:41 PM (bCEmE)

691 I'm surprised the ubama has not found it in himself to fire on these vets like was done to the Bonus Marchers. After all, they're just veterans, right? And veterans who became veterans AFTER the Bonus Marchers were fired on? The balls on those guys.
EROWMER- Proud son of a WW 2 vet.

Posted by: EROWMER at October 01, 2013 10:52 PM (OONaw)

692 662
Is twitter free? No, states Michele Obama.

"Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, updates to this account will be limited. #Shutdown"
Michele Obama

Posted by: Michele Obama's Truth about 9-11 at October 01, 2013 10:09 PM (rCS6C)
Michelle's twitterer was a non essential employee.

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 11:33 PM (Nx76m)

693 This shouldn't come as a surprise, the government has planned on how to play this to have the most negative impact on the general population and cause outrage vs. actually impacting the hogs at the trough. Are we still handing out free cellphones and flying the president's dog around with a military escort? Shut down the parks, but keep the perks. I don't blame the Tea Party, they are the only ones standing up against this nonsense. We cannot continue borrowing to support votes for an establishment that punishes achievement. Darwin's law will hold true in that what is rewarded will be achieved. If we celebrate lawbreakers and sloth, that is what we will have for a population.

Posted by: JGalt at October 01, 2013 11:34 PM (hWLdH)

694 The 12 House Republicans Who Are Ready to Give Up Obamacare Fight in Order to End Government Shutdown

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 01, 2013 11:38 PM (Nx76m)

695 Other than regular walk-throughs by the Park Police, why would an outdoor monument be "staffed" anyway?

This is the sort of job that could be permanently eliminated without even being noticed. There are hundreds of thousands of such positions in the government.

Posted by: Adjoran at October 01, 2013 11:45 PM (473jB)

696 It's a joke and people can't see through it. I live a stone's throw from the GW Parkway between Alexandria, VA and MT Vernon. They went out and blocked off all the parking spots along the road. There were still people walking and biking on the bike trail, but nobody could park. Not only that, but they placed about 8 full trash bags next to a trash receptacle at one of them. I go by there or park there to walk the bike trail almost every day. I have never seen any trash bags left there, let alone 8+ full trash bags. Obviously, someone decided to put them there today to create an impression.

Posted by: Landru at October 02, 2013 12:24 AM (x8l09)

697 Statistics worsened in the important 18 to 29 age bracket. Sixty-nine
percent of the youth demographic were unaware they were required to get
health insurance by January 1, 2014. This is the age group that Obama is
hoping will foot the bill for the rest of America.

Well now, the marketing guys sure have one big fat success on their hands, don't they?

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 02, 2013 12:28 AM (Nx76m)

698 Obama cancels Malaysia visit

Posted by: knowledge is power at October 02, 2013 01:13 AM (Nx76m)

699 obama trying to block his enemies from going to the World War II memorial didn’t come as a surprise to me. When obama was running for president the first time, he wouldn’t wear the American flag pin, or put his hand over his heart when the National Anthem was played, and he said he wants a civilian national security force that was as strong as the military. THINK ABOUT THAT!!! He wants a civilian force that can defeat the military. Could this be what the billions of rounds of ammo, thousands of weapons, and thousands of armored vehicles the different federal departments are buying are for? That is more rounds than the Army has, and enough rounds to shoot every person in the USA 5-6 times. When he said that, I knew right then that he wants to turn the USA into a non-free country. He sees the military as his enemy standing in the way of him becoming king. He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. He wants people to bow to him like Brian Williams did. When he was president, and awarded a medal to a Navy corpsman, he mispronounced “corpsman”. He mispronounced it a second time a few days later. Has this guy ever seen a war movie? If so, I wonder which side he was rooting for.

obama wanted the military to pay for their own medical insurance, and he sides with the Muslims all of the time. He has Muslims, socialists, and union members in his administration.

I have often thought that it must be very hard for obama to award medals to people he sees as his enemies. It would be like George Bush having to award a medal to a terrorist.

Posted by: Smorgasbord at October 02, 2013 07:58 AM (zZEne)

“…new IRS scandal, Islamic extremism and sex slaves”Shocking interviewPosted on | October 1, 2013 |

Posted by: Jerry welder at October 02, 2013 09:19 AM (Md+Ln)

701 RE: WWII Memorial Shut Down - IF THE SHUT DOWN WASN'T PLANNED BY o-bow-mao - how did closed signs get made put up in less than 8 hours ?????? nothing in US GOV happens that fast !!!!!!!

Posted by: LEWIS GIBBS at October 02, 2013 10:26 AM (b8BJI)

702 Is anyone else hoping that South Park does an episode for this? This being the blocking of WW II vets from seeing their scenery.

Posted by: dogbert at October 02, 2013 12:24 PM (bVeQi)

703 Maybe they should paint the Washington Monument blue so it can't be seen against the sky.

Posted by: Robert Matthews at October 02, 2013 03:06 PM (C/mkZ)

704 test

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at October 03, 2013 12:03 AM (/i3Yt)

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