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Because It Wasn't Already Contentious Enough ... WaPo Op-Ed Injects Race Into the Gun Debate

This "blame whitey" piece is unintentionally (I think) hilarious.

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year. Articles and interviews would flood the media, and we’d have political debates demanding that African Americans be “held accountable.” Then, if an atrocity such as the Newtown, Conn., shootings took place and African American male leaders held a news conference to offer solutions, their credibility would be questionable. The public would tell these leaders that they need to focus on problems in their own culture and communities.

But when the criminals and leaders are white men, race and gender become the elephant in the room.

That first paragraph is very nearly self-refuting. A couple of Newtowns worth of people, almost exclusively African American people, die on the streets of gun control-loving Chicago every month, yet the media flood the authors suggest would happen simply hasn't. I wonder why that is ... ?

But if they want to go there, then, by all means, let's go there.

Looks to me like (a) the black homicide rate dwarfs the white homicide rate and (b) the gap is greatest where gun control is most strict.

This should come as no surprise, since gun control first got a toehold in this country by being directed at minorities (Native Americans, freed slaves, immigrants).

In addition to being unconstitutional and impractical, gun control also has a disparate impact on minorities. Next time you hear some lefty going on about it, ask him why he's such a racist.

Posted by: Andy at 02:20 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Ever notice that since obama was elected it is always about race?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 30, 2013 02:22 PM (9Bj8R)

2 Wow, whomever wrote that article really lives in a special bubble for liberal snowflakes.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:23 PM (k9TQr)

3 344 Those of us wanting to make cultural headway need to read the reddit politics thread, especially the comments.

Until we internalize that those are some of the key Obama supporters, we will make no progress. They are fully literate, received 12+ years of public education, were taught false things about economics, were taught to turn off all critical thinking skills, and are incapable of thinking logically.

It is those people that we must sway.

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 02:23 PM (clcLS)

4 Since WaPo is nothing more than a Democrat PR rag I would expect them to lie like Obama.

Posted by: Vic at March 30, 2013 02:25 PM (53z96)

5 Because the enemy only has two cards to play: race and rape.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 30, 2013 02:25 PM (piMMO)

6 If mass murder is a "cultural problem", then why are we talking about guns?

Won't the murderers use any weapon available to accomplish their ends?

Posted by: gastorgrab at March 30, 2013 02:25 PM (FX38i)

7 Nevergiveup. as opposed to Bush Katrina 24/7/365. But nothing like that for Sandy/Obama even though five months later people are still living in hotel rooms, no mention of FEMA trailers either.

For progressive-socialist control freaks, facts don't matter. All that matters is them telling everyone else what to do.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:25 PM (k9TQr)

8 The Big Gulp ban is targeted at minorities too, when you look at the real numbers.

Disparate impact, bitchez.

Ofc, the GOP doesn't object or oppose. They support the state grab of power.

Fighting these things isn't hard, but it's undone because the elite in positions to do so want to advance the cause of liberalism.

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 02:26 PM (clcLS)

9 The worse it becomes the less they report on it.
For god's sake a little girl who sang at Obama's installment was gunned down just days later and it was media crickets.

Posted by: NeoKong at March 30, 2013 02:26 PM (JWLwG)

10 Guns don't kill folk...ammo does....

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:27 PM (LRFds)

11 Wa Po is still in denial the DC snipers were black jihadis. I sent them an angry email about covering up the jihad motivations of the DC snipers. The same day al Qaeda attacked Spain, for accidental emphasis.

Posted by: Beagle at March 30, 2013 02:27 PM (sOtz/)

12 Projection.

Lefties are obsessed by race and they hate/fear/patronize blacks. They assume the Right must feel the same, only to a greater magnitude.

Posted by: Cicero, Semiautomatic Assault Commenter at March 30, 2013 02:27 PM (8ZskC)

13 I know what would protect the poor citizens of Chicago, DC, NYC, and LA from gun violence...we need to prevent White Cracka Line dancers from getting within 50 miles of the ghetto....

question for Juan Williams especially...Juan is it racial progress that white cracka racists disguise themselves as gangbangin' fools so well?

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:29 PM (LRFds)

14 Anna, Sandy refugees only wish they had trailers. Some are being housed in tents on the backstretch of a race track. I read the heaters dont work too good either. News blackout is total

Posted by: gushie can has kittehs at March 30, 2013 02:29 PM (u/ZMh)

15 Damn neighbor's cat just snatched a bird off of my bird feeder. We need some cat control.

Posted by: Vic at March 30, 2013 02:29 PM (53z96)

16 well, isn't all that crime in the Black community caused by white racism and oppression?

Posted by: mallfly at March 30, 2013 02:30 PM (bJm7W)

17 3 hopeless,

I think you misspelled "neutralize" there at the end champ

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:30 PM (LRFds)

18 Does the author see any conflict between the belief that killing is a
cultural problem and the belief that "a disproportionate number of black
men are in prison"? If these homicides are indeed a cultural problem,
wouldn't that suggest that the higher number of black men in prison is
appropriate if the black-on-black murder rate is higher?

Is cognitive dissonance an official part of the Progressive platform???

Posted by: gastorgrab at March 30, 2013 02:30 PM (FX38i)

19 Do these GWPs realize that if some kind of race war blew up they wouldn't be spared? They'd be like the kid in Gran Torino without Walt Kowalski to save him.

Posted by: USS Diversity, only watching hoops this month at March 30, 2013 02:31 PM (+bZOu)

20 The original gun control was all about keeping guns away from blacks and natives.

Posted by: navybrat at March 30, 2013 02:31 PM (SWuSg)

21 Gun's gun safety now.

Posted by: BignJames at March 30, 2013 02:31 PM (H9MGI)

"by Charlotte and Harriet Childress"

You will no doubt be delighted to discover that the sisters Childress have received close to a million dollars from the NSF:

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 30, 2013 02:32 PM (kdS6q)

23 Gushka, its Catherine the Great touring these bright and clean villages whilst far far back are the real peasants and their real hovels. You can lie and lie some more but eventually the whole facade crashes down. But until then the people suffering are well nigh invisible, non-people vanished into gulags. It is a tragedy and crime.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:32 PM (k9TQr)

24 Gushie,

Again, deliberate decision by the GOP not to make hay out of it.

No Mitch McConnell going to those places, having a large press conference to show how bad it is, then requiring every single GOP Senator to issue their own press releases condemning Obamas lack of leadership.

Until we accept the fact that leadership is inactive deliberately, to advance the cause of liberalism that they support, we will make no progress.

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 02:32 PM (2CuCY)

25 Can't wait to see what the CDC deems the cause of gun violence is now that Obama has charged them with the task via executive order.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 02:33 PM (KqmXZ)

26 23 Ms Puma,

or you can pray the horse falls on you m'lady....

in the end this machine they are building is a manure powered manure spreader and the newsies make a LOT of fuel

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:33 PM (LRFds)

27 Anna, Sandy refugees only wish they had trailers. Some are being housed in tents on the backstretch of a race track. I read the heaters dont work too good either. News blackout is total
Posted by: gushie can has kittehs at March 30, 2013 02:29 PM (u/ZMh)


Talked with a couple from that area. The news black-out on this is criminal. We are living in dark days.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 02:33 PM (ifi6m)

28 27 Soona,

the mass murder will not be televised when if it comes...

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:34 PM (LRFds)

29 As Tony the Tiger would say, "GRRREEAT" article, research and analysis. Thank you.

Posted by: MoeRon at March 30, 2013 02:36 PM (xrGeT)

30 Aaaaaaand the goofy bastards only have about 5 or 6 rounds to shoot each other with, we need to incorporate their sorry asses into the military for all of those thousands of KIA's in the getto.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 02:36 PM (8Hnjw)

31 You guys are surprised at the news blackout? I'm not. White R president and primarily black victims....story never sleeps. Black D president and primarily white victims.....what story?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at March 30, 2013 02:36 PM (GEICT)

32 31 BC1981,

You mean like us glug, glug...?

//Knoxville, TN

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:37 PM (LRFds)

33 These two ditzes live in Oregon. They know zip about Chicago and they know zip about guns. They teach college and have never done anything but teach so they know zip about real life.

Why should anyone quote them? Because they toe the liberal line.

Posted by: Vic at March 30, 2013 02:37 PM (53z96)

34 Spearman's Rho would be a good name for a prog-rock epic.

Posted by: Waterhouse at March 30, 2013 02:38 PM (aAJpv)

35 It would be kind of funny if it weren't so g-d damn serious. All of this Balkinization will lead to someplace really bad. Really, really bad.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at March 30, 2013 02:38 PM (jucos)

36 Knoxville, Texas, Sandy... hide the neglect.
Media reports what they see fit. Delenda est pronto!

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:38 PM (k9TQr)

37 33 Vic,

You know Vic I used to be affable in my postings....I used to grin because no matter how crazy the moonbats got I knew over time I could sway the kids...

now they've won because the kids are prgrammed and can't think....

I want to beat the moonbats in the face until my hand is wet.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:38 PM (LRFds)

38 Can't wait to see what the CDC deems the cause of gun violence is now that Obama has charged them with the task via executive order.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 02:33 PM (KqmXZ)


It'll be something like a mixture of potato chips and guns.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 02:39 PM (ifi6m)

39 So, according to science, I need effective weapons to protect my family from murdering blacks? That's crazy. This isn't Mali. Or Somalia. or Nigeria, or South Africa, or Detroit, or....

I do not denounce me.

Posted by: Ook? at March 30, 2013 02:39 PM (OQpzc)

40 35 Truck Monkey,

Maybe, of course I am not sure Leesville, LA RoT is such a bad place....

RoT standing for Republic of Texas

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:39 PM (LRFds)

41 There is no racism in America dammit! Just walk your dog in a getto at 10pm I'm sure you will get home safely, btw they should be called war zones not gettos'

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 02:39 PM (8Hnjw)

What is it with Brothers and women, guns, drugs, jobs, fatherhood and responsibility?

I was in the service 4 years and the only action I saw was a Brother, in Chicago, putting a knife at my neck demanding my wallet.

Posted by: tony redenzo at March 30, 2013 02:40 PM (1MsBy)

43 38 Soona,

Coca-Cola will be the trigger....

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:40 PM (LRFds)

44 Fort Hood Nidal Hasan

Virginia Tech Seung-Hui Cho

Posted by: Temper Tantrum at March 30, 2013 02:40 PM (AWmfW)

45 Wow. Neil deGrasse Tyson is quite a lecturer. I'll bet he is an awesome teacher.

Posted by: maddogg at March 30, 2013 02:40 PM (xX+d4)

Once we make Grabby Gabby DroolBib happy and ban all the baaad baaad gunny-gun-guns, we can all move Forward! To Common-Sense, Universal, Mandatory Sodomy For The Childrens! IF WE COULD SAVE JUST **one** LIFE!! SEX BEFORE 8 OR ELSE THEY'LL H8!!
And all through the loving hands of Planned Parenthoody's new Personal Educational Responsibility Prograp - PERP.

Posted by: OK, thank you, goodbye, off to caligrump's 5150 resort at March 30, 2013 02:41 PM (he33V)

47 Dear Wa-Po:

Imagine watching "The First 48" for one week, then you'll get the picture.

Posted by: nevada-ette at March 30, 2013 02:41 PM (tEe1I)

48 Well, didn't a 13-month old white hispanic baby recently shoot a black teen in the head? Or something.

Posted by: Craig Poe at March 30, 2013 02:42 PM (BVkEs)

49 44 Temper Tantrum,

Nidal Hassan is white...

no seriously go ask the US Army he is being reported as 'white"

Just like George Z who is more black than Obama gene wise is "white hispanic'....

this ain't about the perps babe it's about us.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:42 PM (LRFds)

It'll be something like a mixture of potato chips and guns.

No Twinkies?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this shit at March 30, 2013 02:43 PM (+z4pE)

Can't wait to see what the CDC deems the cause of gun violence is now that Obama has charged them with the task via executive order.
Posted by: Lizzy

If Lawn Darts can be outlawed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission for being inherently unsafe....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 30, 2013 02:43 PM (kdS6q)

52 48 Craig Poe,

No the baby volunteered to be a stunt double in the young Black gentleman's kermit Gosnell impersonation...

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:43 PM (LRFds)

53 I'm getting on in yrs hope the revo starts soon so I won't miss it.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 02:44 PM (8Hnjw)

54 51 LDC,

we can't run the world any more because we are not breeding durable kids who have progressed past natural selection....

my brother and i played football with lawn darts for Christ's sake...

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:45 PM (LRFds)

55 38 "It'll be something like a mixture of potato chips and guns"

Yes. And what they WON'T attribute to gun violence: gangs, breakdown of the family/lack of fathers as male role models, a music and entertainment industry that glorifies gun use and the gangsta lifestyle, an unarmed populace waiting to be victimized, drugs, etc.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 02:45 PM (KqmXZ)

56 Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings
month after month, year after year. Articles and interviews would flood
the media, and we’d have political debates demanding that African
Americans be “held accountable.” Then, if an atrocity such as the
Newtown, Conn., shootings took place and African American male leaders
held a news conference to offer solutions, their credibility would be
questionable. The public would tell these leaders that they need to
focus on problems in their own culture and communities.

But when the criminals and leaders are white men, race and gender become the elephant in the room.

I read and reread this thing, trying to figure out if this was one of those "gotcha" pieces where you agree with something and then find out they switched the villains or some key words to make you confront your hypocrisy. I now don't think that's what this is. I have concluded that they are simply so marinated in their own propaganda that they've lost the ability to understand how normal people read and respond to what they write. They are like blind, cave-dwelling animals who no longer sense visible light because they just don't need it in their specialized little environmental bubble.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 02:45 PM (6TB1Z)

57 They consider Ft. Hood to be a white guy? Just for the record, the other three mass shootings they mentioned weren't carried out in the south. You know, where the crazy white gun lovers all live.

Posted by: NCKate at March 30, 2013 02:46 PM (J/Yaf)

58 Glendale, CAfeels SooooOOoo much Safer now that the bad bad gun show has been banned from city property! Those bad bad mans wanted to act as if they were free mans or something! Meeting in public to discuss issues and engage in legal trade, how DARE they draw breath! Racist bad mans! AND FEEEEELING SAFE IS SOOOOO GOOOOOD.

Posted by: OK, thank you, goodbye, off to caligrump's 5150 resort at March 30, 2013 02:47 PM (he33V)

59 "Charlotte and Harriet Childress are researchers and consultants on social and political issues."

When someone who writes this kind of crap describes themselves as a "consultant", what it usually means is that they are trousering huge amounts of money running mandatory Diversity Training sessions for government and industry.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 30, 2013 02:47 PM (gqT4g)

60 57
They consider Ft. Hood to be a white guy? Just for the record, the other
three mass shootings they mentioned weren't carried out in the south.
You know, where the crazy white gun lovers all live.

Posted by: NCKate at March 30, 2013 02:46 PM (J/Yaf)

Nor were they carried out in states like Utah, Idaho, Montana or North Dakota where practically everyone owns a gun.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 02:48 PM (HDgX3)

These two should get the Walter Duranty Prize for 2013..

What a massive steaming pile of lies and disinformation, hidden behind the facade of Leftist academic research.

Posted by: Reader C.J. Burch, writes at March 30, 2013 02:48 PM (Md8Uo)

62 Tony,

Lyndon Johnson's The Great Society. For starters.

Communists in the 1930 (during the depression) theorized that the black community in America was far more open to the influence of communism than other communities, and so the liberals in America designed and implemented programs intended to disrupt the black family, the black community, and black neighborhoods.

The end goal being to have an entire portion if the population dependent upon the government, so as to create a permanent class of voters as part of the transformation of America.

Thus, LBJs the great society program.

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 02:48 PM (qHQCW)

63 I'm getting on in yrs hope the revo starts soon so I won't miss it.
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 02:44 PM (8Hnjw)



Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 02:50 PM (ifi6m)

64 So I was in my first post, those who wrote this tripe do live in a special snowflake snowglobe.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:50 PM (k9TQr)

65 Derbyshire lives

Posted by: TejasJudio de la Frontera at March 30, 2013 02:50 PM (4Vr+0)

66 57 NCKate,

THe racial math works like this.

Hassan is white, the asians are white...

the DC snipers were white...

the white shooter Jared Loughner was a tea party guy who well is a member of an activist democrat family and was angry that St Gabby was not left enough....THe Colorado born again Jihadist was a lefty who was angry that Big Education didn't hug him enough and must have been tea party....

the Baby butchering shooter in newtown was a doped up hoarding prep kid whose family was tea party through donating to democrats...

it all gets confusing but I think its pretty clear the answer is "kill the GOP" somehow....


Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:50 PM (LRFds)

Glendale, CAfeels SooooOOoo much Safer now that the bad bad gun show has been banned...
Posted by: OK, thank you

Not until they also ban Armenian drivers from their streets. Lord, the things I've seen on the road in Glendale.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 30, 2013 02:51 PM (kdS6q)

68 64 Ms Puma,

If oregon didn't exist JRR Tolkien would have invented it....

full of nuts and flakes

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:52 PM (LRFds)

69 That was one of the strangest editorials I've ever read.
We have what , 5% of the population committing over 50% of the murders and yet somehow , somewhere , whitey is still pulling the murder strings .

I'll refrain from my usual profanity out of respect for our christian morons ettes because ,,, Easter .

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 02:52 PM (USjX1)

70 In the name of diversity, Johnsons great society program then proceeded forced relocations of hundreds of thousands of blacks into public housing, only gave benefits to families without fathers, sent the beat and brightest black youth to Vietnam, and subjected black children to public schools.

The crimes of the democratic party are breathtaking. Imagine if GOP leadership were willing to stand up to these clowns?

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 02:53 PM (clcLS)

71 Pep - I read that and I think they're kinda right, if unintentionally so.
Whitey - as represented by the media and the elitists - is partially to blame for being too petrified (by white guilt and of being accused of raaacists) to even give inner city black crime a full analysis. Instead of pushing black leaders like Sharpton an Jackson to look with in their own community for both the cause and the solution,they give them the spotlight to blame everyone else.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 02:53 PM (KqmXZ)

What would Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about this?

Let's get on the full tilt crazy train.

Posted by: Reader C.J. Burch, writes at March 30, 2013 02:53 PM (Md8Uo)

73 Bad drivers, just ponder when entitlement mentality meets rules of the road. What do you think wins? Well until the horrendous crash of metal and the screeching of maimed bodies that is.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:53 PM (k9TQr)

74 69 Awkward Davies,

You know I had forgotten....

I apologize, and as a very flawed Xian moron I should have known better.

Forgive me, please.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:53 PM (LRFds)

75 From their bio:

They enjoy long walks, camping, commuting by bicycle/walking/bus,
organic gardening, cycling, dancing, reading, needlework, backpacking,
and cuddling with beloved cats and dogs.

Jeez, are they identical twins or lovers? I was especially glad that they pointed out their enjoyment of commuting by bus. I have also always found that to be fulfilling and exciting; it's one of the things that gives life its frisson.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 02:54 PM (6TB1Z)

76 Totally OT:

Famed record producer, 14-time Grammy winner Phil Ramone has passed away at age 72.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 30, 2013 02:54 PM (tqLft)

77 I think Holmes converting to Islam is interesting. Spencer writes about it at Jihad Watch. Speaking of reasons and justifications for violence with significant global impact. It's the jihad, stupid.

Mali was a comparatively decent place until the north was overrun by rebels and warring bands of jihadis. White jihadis in Kosovo and Albania can make those places dicey. Violence is not a skin color thing. See, Vikings.

Nobody in government or the NGO community seems very interested in the victims of jihad or non-Muslims being exterminated in the Arab Spring. Too busy scolding Israel for building construction.

Posted by: Beagle at March 30, 2013 02:54 PM (sOtz/)

78 72 CJ Burch,

I learned my racial math at the SPLC....

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:54 PM (LRFds)

"Those of us wanting to make cultural headway need to read the reddit politics thread, especially the comments."

The only "headway" you're likely to make in a reddit comment thread is repeatedly bashing your head against a concrete wall to no good effect.

If saving America means having to teach the average reddit commenter to reason rigorously, well, forget it, Jake.

And, frankly, we need to be realistic about the fact that America has now fallen into the the failed-state category, and there isn't going to be any magical turnaround in America's long decline into incoherence, ignorance, squalor and bankruptcy.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 30, 2013 02:55 PM (gqT4g)

80 Pep - I read that and I think they're kinda right, if unintentionally so.

Could be. The writing was so bad I wasn't sure what they were saying.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 02:55 PM (6TB1Z)

81 One thing I've noticed about libtards, we are safe because a majority of them are pussies no matter the age, I had on a 'Nam Vet. t-shirt the other day when I went to get my truck serviced and a kid asked me if I fought there as if I was some kind of monster, I said just take care of my truck son. LOL

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 02:55 PM (8Hnjw)

82 77 Beagle,

You know if the bottom ever falls completely out here in America I am wondering if Xians of good character, devout hearts, and with strong arms should go help our African brothers horsewhisper Islam.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:56 PM (LRFds)

83 White people caused that black dude in Atlanta to shoot a baby in the face too.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 02:57 PM (HDgX3)

84 And all of these mass shootings - Tucson, Newtown, VA Tech,and Aurora took place incounties that voted for BaraqUbama.

Posted by: Perdogg at March 30, 2013 02:57 PM (ziD3M)

85 79 torquewrench,

I think several "states" in America are doing just fine....

I'd also say that despite the fact I literally worship his words as some of the most powerful secular writing in the history of mankind I'd laugh in Hamilton's face and point at Obama and Federalist 6 and start giggling like a schoolgirl.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 02:58 PM (LRFds)

86 No worries with me Harlekwin .
I'm only a christian by heritage . I'm not observant .

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 02:58 PM (USjX1)

87 Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings
month after month, year after year. Articles and interviews would flood
the media, and we’d have political debates demanding that African
Americans be “held accountable.”


Posted by: Walter Williams at March 30, 2013 02:58 PM (6TB1Z)

Sharpton and Jackson are part of the problem. They are enabling and leading this. When any black man or woman of prominence stands up and talks sincerely about the tragedy ofdeadly black-on-black violence in cities across the country, they get attacked, and Sharpton and Jackson will be leading the chorus.

In part, because there is big drug money behind this, and they are getting a cut of it. I would bet the ranch on it. Drug corruption permeates the Mexican government and politics. Do you really think it is any different here? Really?

Posted by: Reader C.J. Burch, writes at March 30, 2013 02:59 PM (Md8Uo)

89 83 White people caused that black dude in Atlanta to shoot a baby in the face too.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 02:57 PM (HDgX3)

Brunswick, on the coast.

Posted by: BignJames at March 30, 2013 02:59 PM (H9MGI)

90 I don't even know where to begin pointing out the how inane that sounds given the fact that it's VERY well known how much the media refuses to mention race when it's a black on _____ crime.

The lib media would trip over itself making sure nobody "jumped to conclusions" if it were a person of color. Then, when it's becomes "the elephant in the room" they pretend it doesn't exist.

Where is this person getting their facts from? White folks have been shamed by the media into a guilty state and therefore feel they should accept any criticism and even promote the guilt as "deserved".

Fuck that.

Whites walk around with targets in their back saying "thank you sir, my I have another.." when they are bashed, but if ANNNNYONE tries to point out the double standard...? Out comes the high horse firing squad to murder you.

Posted by: Melodicmetal at March 30, 2013 03:00 PM (enRm4)

91 Brunswick, on the coast.

Posted by: BignJames at March 30, 2013 02:59 PM (H9MGI)

Oh, I thought it was Atlanta. I've been to Brunswick, total shithole, explains a lot. But drive 15-20 miles or so and you're on some beautiful beaches on the coastal Georgia islands.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 03:00 PM (HDgX3)

92 Black people are incapable of evil. It's the white man's voodoo or juju (Joo-Joo????)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 30, 2013 03:01 PM (tqLft)

93 Nam Grunt, soona and teej (so far) are aging vets who aren't too old yet.
And we won't be too old till they're throwing dirt on our boxes.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:01 PM (/BwGa)

94 That was Brunswick not Atlanta where the punk shot the baby .
Once again the profanity struggles to be heard .
Thirteen month old baby . Try and get your mind around that .

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 03:02 PM (USjX1)

95 And most black homicide is against other blacks.

It's slow motion self-genocide egged on and encouraged by liberal policies.

Posted by: HoboJerky, now with 74% more DOOM! at March 30, 2013 03:02 PM (FsUAO)

96 "I had on a 'Nam Vet. t-shirt the other day when I went to get my truck
serviced and a kid asked me if I fought there as if I was some kind of
monster, I said just take care of my truck son. LOL"

Manager. Complaint. Some assembly required.

It has been my experience that most businesses react with immediate and overwhelming and terrifying force when line level employees start mouthing off politically to customers. As in employees getting their walking papers that same day.

Doesn't matter what the politics are, left or right. It's the optics. Your typical business wants customers coming in the door, they spend good money to get those customers in the door, and they do NOT like anything that keeps those customers away.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 30, 2013 03:02 PM (gqT4g)

97 *also our Drug War

Posted by: HoboJerky, now with 74% more DOOM! at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (FsUAO)

98 CJ,

Drug money?

In big cities?

With corrupt governments, and gangs?

No fuckin way.

Posted by: Hopeless at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (8iy5P)

So should we start to be afraid that this is going to tip over into something truly terrible?

I can see it happening.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (SAMxH)

100 This may be a deliberate WaPo strategy prior to them instituting a pay wall. By now they must know that they've lost all but the hardcore libs, and that nobody else is coming back. Perhaps they reckon that one last orgy of leftist cant will induce the remaining readers to sign up. I'm sure they're wrong. They'll be out of business within 5 years, or they'll have ads like those you used to have to read Screw to find. Or so I've heard.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (6TB1Z)

And, frankly, we need to be realistic about the fact that America has now fallen into the the failed-state category, and there isn't going to be any magical turnaround in America's long decline into incoherence, ignorance, squalor and bankruptcy.

Well, I won't be a "magical turnaround", but I do promise 'Change'!

(Less Hope though)

Posted by: The Burning Times at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (vN7SY)

102 Whites walk around with targets in their back saying "thank you sir, my I have another.." when they are bashed, but if ANNNNYONE tries to point out the double standard...? Out comes the high horse firing squad to murder you.
Posted by: Melodicmetal at March 30, 2013 03:00 PM (enRm4)

It's actually quite rare compared to black on black homicide.

Posted by: HoboJerky, now with 74% more DOOM! at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (FsUAO)

103 It has been my experience that most businesses react
with immediate and overwhelming and terrifying force when line level
employees start mouthing off politically to customers. As in employees
getting their walking papers that same day.

Doesn't matter what
the politics are, left or right. It's the optics. Your typical business
wants customers coming in the door, they spend good money to get those
customers in the door, and they do NOT like anything that keeps those
customers away.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 30, 2013 03:02 PM (gqT4g)

Not always. In 2008 I was in a restaurant and the waiter was wearing a HOPE t-shirt. I told the manager when I left, I don't appreciate having politics forced down my throat by my waiter while I'm eating dinner. The manager said essentially, too fucking bad, go somewhere else if you don't like it. And this was at the height of the "financial crash" when you would have thought every business in America would do everything it could to keep customers.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 03:05 PM (HDgX3)

So should we start to be afraid that this is going to tip over into something truly terrible?


Posted by: The Burning Times at March 30, 2013 03:05 PM (vN7SY)

105 I don't know how it is in your cities and towns up north but AA breakins here in the south are starting to have increased KIA's you would think that our Preezy would say something about this to his freeloaders that he plays santa to but their % of UE keeps rising and he never confronts that either.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:06 PM (8Hnjw)

106 99
So should we start to be afraid that this is going to tip over into something truly terrible?

I can see it happening.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 30, 2013 03:03 PM (SAMxH)

Just like Guam.

Posted by: Hank's Johnson at March 30, 2013 03:06 PM (H9MGI)

107 And most black homicide is against other blacks.
And that is sad beyond words. Most people stuck in these inner city shooting galleries want desperately to get out and live in abject fear every day. Most of them never escape.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at March 30, 2013 03:07 PM (jucos)

108 15
Damn neighbor's cat just snatched a bird off of my bird feeder. We need some cat control.

Posted by: Vic at March 30, 2013 02:29 PM (53z96)

Why? They provide bird control. No extra charge.

Posted by: Tami at March 30, 2013 03:07 PM (X6akg)

109 Whites walk around with targets in their back saying "thank you sir, my I have another.." when they are bashed, but if ANNNNYONE tries to point out the double standard...? Out comes the high horse firing squad to murder you.
Posted by: Melodicmetal at March 30, 2013 03:00 PM (enRm4)


Political correctness has killed the 1st Amendment to the Consitution. We're no longer a country of free speech.

That's why they're going after the 2nd. It's next.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:08 PM (ifi6m)

110 And another restaurant I frequented (yeah I eat out a lot) had a Barrack Obama song playing from the kitchen. It's one of those open kitchen deals where there's no wall between the restaurant and the kitchen. This was a day or two after the inauguration. I didn't say anything about it, but I left $0 tip and wrote on the bill why. Probably didn't change anything, but at least I had the satisfaction of knowing I pissed of a liberal waiter.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 30, 2013 03:08 PM (HDgX3)

111 107 Truck Monkey,

Amen, and they have been trained to hate the system that gives control and reward to them.....

I can scream or rage or cry depending on mood.

Posted by: sven10077 at March 30, 2013 03:09 PM (LRFds)

112 Thanks again to Andy for assuming the duties of hq. gun blogger.
Not that ace doesn't do a good job of it when he gets in the mood , but he has to be more of a big picture kinda guy .

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 03:09 PM (USjX1)

113 My solution:

1) End the drug war
2) Hand out guns and ammo to all inner-city dwellers

You'd see homicide drop to maybe 2x white levels within the decade.

Posted by: HoboJerky, now with 74% more DOOM! at March 30, 2013 03:09 PM (FsUAO)

114 b-b-b-b-but this would completely nullify the socialists arguments for stripping our rights!

Posted by: HoboJerky, now with 74% more DOOM! at March 30, 2013 03:10 PM (FsUAO)

115 96,

Hey we're 'Nam Vets we've been used to all of this shit for decades, walk in our shoes, but I will say the majority have handled it well and not started shooting or beating anyone, I talk to them weekly at my VFW, it's part of life to most of us now, but we are there for the good stuff in the community and the right folks know that, so there's that.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:12 PM (8Hnjw)

116 I read somewhere if you corrected the gun crime stats for race , then whites in the U.S. would have levels similar to all those euro white countries that scumbags like piers morgan is always whining about .
Weird , ain't it ?

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 03:13 PM (USjX1)

117 They're not "mass shootings", you see? It's different.

Posted by: JohnEReb at March 30, 2013 03:14 PM (Sn5UN)

118 Black kids don't play video games?

That's a shock.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:14 PM (MMC8r)

119 The linked editorial is cribbed straight from the liberal playbook.

1. Blame X (white males, Christianity, conservatives, etc.) independent of any evidence that X is to blame
2. Demand X change to become more like victim group Y (blacks, Muslims, welfare moms), again, independent of any evidence that Y actually has a better way of dealing with the problem than X
3. Decry any reason-based defense of X as the "-ism" du jour--or racism, if all else fails.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at March 30, 2013 03:14 PM (FqcJu)

120 You have to see the website of the womyn who wrote this article

Posted by: Auntie fraud at March 30, 2013 03:15 PM (lBFxV)

121 Nam Grunt, soona and teej (so far) are aging vets who aren't too old yet. And we won't be too old till they're throwing dirt on our boxes.
Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:01 PM (/BwGa)


I just want to be healthy and mobile enough to make a contribution when the time comes.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:15 PM (ifi6m)

122 I wonder how the twin Childress clowns feel about Django Unchained? I bet it made them moist like it did me. Wowsers!

Posted by: Jim Carrey at March 30, 2013 03:16 PM (UzPAd)

123 The Balkinization they seek to impose, if successful, will lead to their demise. You think they would see that, but they do not.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at March 30, 2013 03:16 PM (jucos)

124 And Nam, there's guys like me who served back then but never saw "the elephant" who appreciate what you guys did so very damn much.
You'll always have our undying gratitude and respect.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:16 PM (cWpCn)

125 @ 121

I will.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 30, 2013 03:17 PM (SAMxH)

126 It's interesting that there is no data about these 'researchers.'

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:17 PM (MMC8r)

127 107 -

Add to that the fact that their children are imprisoned in a public school system that favors the thugs, and punishes the conscientious students, the only reasonable explanation as to why they keep voting for the same pigs who hold them down is they think so little of themselves as to believe they deserve it.

Very sad indeed.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 30, 2013 03:18 PM (BeSEI)

128 And fuck but I hate websites that are infected with literally dozens of scripts on every page. Wapo is one of the worst.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:20 PM (MMC8r)

129 "Check out one of the most realistic war movies ever made: Oliver Stone's Platoon...coming up on the Military Channel."

Posted by: USS Diversity, only watching hoops this month at March 30, 2013 03:20 PM (+bZOu)

130 "Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year..."
I think their preferred m.o. is to spread it out in one-sies/two-sies. It keeps the body count nice and high, and also fails to attract the attention of ABCNBCNNBCHLNYTMSNBCNPR et al

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at March 30, 2013 03:20 PM (rDDPm)

131 I posted this over at the last closed thread, but it is worth re-posting..., I think.
Taki Magazine article re the glue glue that holds the Obama coalition together..., hatred of straight white males:

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:22 PM (aDwsi)

132 So the author is so racist his consciousness wipes out any awareness of or concern about the huge amounts of black people being killed by other black people in the inner city, especially Chicago. He only notices when white people are killed.

That there's some potent racism.

Posted by: chique d'afrique (the artist formerly known as african chick) at March 30, 2013 03:22 PM (6zgse)

133 A lot of gang (all racially organized) violence is over drug turf. Chicago and other places act like guns just activate for no reason and "kids" die.

Not sure how to fix it, but NRA life members with assault rifles are not making Chicago's streets mean. Mainly bangers with cheap nines.

Posted by: Beagle at March 30, 2013 03:23 PM (sOtz/)

134 131
I posted this over at the last closed thread, but it is worth re-posting..., I think.
Magazine article re the glue glue that holds the Obama coalition
together..., hatred of straight white males:

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:22 PM

I suppose it is especially sticky stuff if you also happen to be a Christian..

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:23 PM (aDwsi)

135 "Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year..."

Thats the biggest line of shit I ever read. The primitives in chicago this year alone by far passed the casualty rate combined of the last 10 years of "mass shootings".

These lib writers need to be swinging from lamp posts and shot at until they disappear.

Posted by: Berserker at March 30, 2013 03:25 PM (FMbng)

136 Hey we're 'Nam Vets we've been used to all of this shit for decades, walk in our shoes, but I will say the majority have handled it well and not started shooting or beating anyone, I talk to them weekly at my VFW, it's part of life to most of us now, but we are there for the good stuff in the community and the right folks know that, so there's that.
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:12 PM (8Hnjw)


I just wish I hadn't just stood around and watched my country being destroyed. The blatant hatred toward America by many of it's citizens started in our time. Maybe, when I got back from Vietnam and had to live through the maze of hatred for the vets, I just became too tired to say or do anything. I was full of excuses back then of why I didn't and that was wrong.

Perhaps when the really dark times come, I'll be there as the voice for freedom. I pray for that courage.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:25 PM (ifi6m)

137 133 beagle,

Hey I bought a cheap nine well "middle cheap"......

after adding Novak sights, a trigger job, and possibly getting it gunkoted I will have turned a once 227 dollar P-36/SW 59 hybrid into a 227 dollar gun I bought for 450 because of OBAMASCARE! into a 700 dollar 227 dollar gun.....

ain't modern economics a blast?

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:25 PM (LRFds)

138 I see the authors also forgot to mention the Seattle Jewish Federation shooting in 2006 - committed by Naveed Haq.
They're a bit disengenous when they state "Immigrants with mental health issues are not committing mass shootings" - that's because this group prefer bombs, cars, and planes, such as:
*Shoe bomber Richard Reid
*Underwear bomber
*The planned bombing of the Christmas tree lighting in Oregon in 2011
*The Times Square bomber 2012
*The dude who drove his SUV into a bunch of NC college students

Tell me again who's ignoring the elephant in the room by blaming whitey?

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 03:25 PM (KqmXZ)

139 Y'all do know that there will be mass riots if the right ever gets back in charge, because all this free shit is going to stop and minority UE is still going to rise because they can't stop being libtards.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:26 PM (8Hnjw)

140 129 USS Diversity,

I found Catch 22 to be as realistic which is to say "not at all"....

did spend a lot of my time in the force trying to be barnes though

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:27 PM (LRFds)

141 Their last book: Clueless at the Top.

Posted by: Esau's Message at March 30, 2013 03:27 PM (WZq72)

142 To be fair , Wayne Williams of Atlanta mostly didn't use evil guns on his numerous victims .
Kermit Gosnell , he liked scissors .
Lee Boyd Malvo , now we're talking .

Posted by: awkward davies at March 30, 2013 03:27 PM (USjX1)

143 139 nam'Grunt,

that's why I am more worried about getting the ArkLaTex ready for divorce than WINNING! the White House....

there ain't a happy ending to this story as written I suspect.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:28 PM (LRFds)

144 Thanks to all vets on the threads, no matter when or where you served!

Posted by: navybrat at March 30, 2013 03:28 PM (SWuSg)

145 Just do what you can to stay in shape soona. Walking while carrying some extra weight (10-20 lbs) and stretching can do wonders.
My 50 year old friend's jaw dropped last night when he saw this 58 year old stand on one leg, lift his knee up, hug that shin and keep lifting it till my knee was against my chest.
And still had the balance to just stand there and hold it.

Also thinking the Big Guy knew what He was doing when I ended up in the physical job I'm at now. It's not bothering me as much at the end of the day.

I've decided to try to find the best Tai Chi instructional video I can lay my hands on too. A great art for us old folks to work on balance, strength and endurance.

That and keeping my right eye dialed in...

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:29 PM (cWpCn)

146 144 navybrat,

it was an easy country to want to defend....

simply the best, and my service was small compared to many.

Thank the American people for their generosity of heart, wealth of character, and poverty of greed in being generous with us.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:30 PM (LRFds)

did spend a lot of my time in the force trying to be barnes though
Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:27 PM (LRFds)


I was bummed when boot camp wasn't at all like Stripes.

Posted by: USS Diversity, only watching hoops this month at March 30, 2013 03:30 PM (+bZOu)

148 139 'Nam!
Hows the kids 'n all?
Happy Easter too.

Posted by: Beto at March 30, 2013 03:30 PM (MhA4j)

149 Soona,

It would do you a world of good to get involved with your community VFW, I promise it puts your anger away and still keeps you ready for that DAY of payback, that's why I'm looking forward to it.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:31 PM (8Hnjw)

150 `147 USS Diversity,

you're probably ~15 years too old...

did you know that Sand Hill on Ft Benning has Coed boot down the road from OSUT now?

That's right Family day is a little less special for those boys than it likely was for me...

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 03:32 PM (LRFds)

151 136
Hey we're 'Nam Vets we've been used to all of this shit for decades,
walk in our shoes, but I will say the majority have handled it well and
not started shooting or beating anyone, I talk to them weekly at my VFW,
it's part of life to most of us now, but we are there for the good
stuff in the community and the right folks know that, so there's that.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:12 PM

I do some work here:

Lot of Vets with a lot of problems..., but the burden is mostly on them as individuals, not on society. It's crappy work, because you have to accept that a lot, if not most of your effort will fail to help.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:32 PM (aDwsi)

152 148 Beto,

All is well, we're about to head over to the tackle shop and start getting ready for the fishing season, (spend lot's of money) LOL.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:33 PM (8Hnjw)

153 What in tarnation? Theseladies are plain ole creepy looking. Their biographies read like a rich spinters tale. Heh. Remember the old ladies on the Waltons that ran a still. At least they had that going for them.

Posted by: t-dubyah-d at March 30, 2013 03:33 PM (u6lBN)

154 To hell with these idiot 'reasearchers,' damn the fucking WaPo for publishing Goebells-esque drivel like this.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:34 PM (MMC8r)

155 "I pray for that courage."

And all the Horde said Amen!

Okay, now I'm getting choked up.
And why is everything getting kind of blurry.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:34 PM (6Zy+s)

156 152
Leave some for the other folks.
Daughter graduates from A&M with Civil Engineer degree in May.

Posted by: Beto at March 30, 2013 03:34 PM (MhA4j)

157 I've decided to try to find the best Tai Chi instructional video I can lay my hands on too. A great art for us old folks to work on balance, strength and endurance. That and keeping my right eye dialed in...
Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:29 PM (cWpCn)


I'll look for it on the intertubes after I finish this piece of pie.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:35 PM (ifi6m)

this is soooooo true

Posted by: Christopher Dorner at March 30, 2013 03:36 PM (xIzGn)

159 151,

Hand Salute Brother, yeah I do the same in a round about manner can't reach them all but it's good for the ones that you do reach.

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:36 PM (8Hnjw)

"Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year..."

Thankfully over in Africa-Africa, things are pretty safe for black folks because there are no dangerous NRA members.

No wars, no crime, narry a shooting to be seen.....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 30, 2013 03:37 PM (kdS6q)

161 Liberal utopia realized will always be similar to what occurred in the USSR. That's also the direction the US is heading. The liberals will win in the US in the long run as well because most conservatives think the big issues are gun control, or the economy, or gay marriage, etc. The real issue is whether we as a nation honor God (before all else.)

There is nothing new under the sun. Just read the old testament. In fact, the problem is not liberals/ progressives at all; the problem is how people have been fooled by Satan who makes people turn to liberalism, etc. He who has come as an angel of light & infiltrated modern so-called Christian churches in America. He did this throughout the middle ages in the RC church as well, to the point where the RC church became utterly corrupt and devoid of truth. And now he has accomplished the same thing with the vast majority of churches in the US; churches that reject the bible and have even perverted the word of God by rewriting and editing the bible to the point where modern versions, e.g. NIV, no longer contain much value or truth. These churches (most churches in the US) attempt to "convert" people by telling them they are such good people and they really don't need to repent of their sins (not really), although the first and most important message of the gospel is to repent. These churches have turned doctrine on its head by placing man above God (just listen to any Arminian preacher when he asks people to "allow God to work in their lives" -- what complete rubbish; see Arminianism vs Calvinism.) These churches also turn many people away from true Christianity, because many who may be seeking a higher meaning in life & are seeking the truth, seeking what is real, will not find it and perhaps also close the door to Christianity (just as many shoppers will not return to a place of business if they have a single bad experience-- but in this case they never really saw the real product in the first place.) These churches lead people to hell by the millions. The very people who came to these churches for answers and for help. The same churches which have in many ways incorporated the twin religions of liberalism and Darwinian Evolution. Who am I referring to? Just turn on the t.v. on any Sunday and watch someone preach. I have never, not once, seen a true man of God preach on television. Please do not make the mistake by thinking what I am saying is in any way hateful. If someone is heading in the wrong direction, then it's not being hateful to tell them so.

So, I enjoy this blog. I enjoy how liberals are easy targets because of the inconsistencies in the things they say and believe and do, but I am also sad that ALL conservative blogs (that I've so far read), in the end, will not have done much if any good to change America for the better.

Only God can do that.

PS: Before the hate to begins in earnest, you may want to ask yourself if your reaction to what I've written above is in anyway different than what a liberal's would be. Also, I do not hate Roman Catholics or Arminians, I simply note that these religions believe in a corrupted version of the word of God and are no longer in the truth, and are part of the main problem with America today. There are many fine RCs and Arminian people, some of whom are in my immediate family. I have no problem if RCs and others believe the same about me as I do about them. "Let God be true, but every man a liar."

Posted by: Andy S at March 30, 2013 03:37 PM (q72+j)

162 Yeah getting too old but as long as I can still man up when the TSHTF I'll be glad.

Posted by: USS Diversity, only watching hoops this month at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM (+bZOu)

163 Is it apple? Cause if it's apple, or cherry, or blackberry, or pumpkin, or...

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM (6Zy+s)

Nidal Hassan is white?

Posted by: MJ at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM (vl5mg)

Virginia Tech?

Posted by: MJ at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM (vl5mg)

166 Nidal Hassan is white?

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 30, 2013 03:40 PM (piMMO)

167 164

Nidal Hassan is white?

Posted by: MJ at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM

You refer to the disgruntled employee?

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:40 PM (aDwsi)

168 @137
My first gun in evidence was a Lorcin nine. You remember your first cheap gun in evidence. I also had a guy who winged three people with a cheap nine.

Can be use for defending nuns from Huns or shooting babies in the face depending on the user.

By the way, at one time all firearms configurations were military weapons. I am so sick of hearing about hunting v. military. The Germans killed a bunch of guys with hunting rifles in two world wars it turns out.

Posted by: Beagle at March 30, 2013 03:40 PM (sOtz/)

169 I got your big guns right here

Posted by: Jones in CO at March 30, 2013 03:40 PM (8sCoq)

170 I'm out boys and girls, things to do, be good to someone today, and if someone is bad to you shoot that mofo!

Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at March 30, 2013 03:41 PM (8Hnjw)

171 Twin crazy cat ladies, apparent spinsters.

Interesting info on this wiki page, not just looking at the US, or recent history:

Racially motivated spree killings? US doesn't even rate until #17.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:41 PM (MMC8r)

172 Their last book: Clueless at the Top.

Posted by: Esau's Message at March 30, 2013 03:27 PM

Clueless, all the way down.

Posted by: huerfano at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (bAGA/)

173 142 -

Most serial killers do not use guns. It's too impersonal, and frankly it causes way too much attention. Think Son of Sam.

I was thinking about this the other day, we really don't have any "famous" serial killers working right now, and we haven't for some time. I wonder if it's related to the topic here. In other words, it serves on political purpose for the media to publicize the acts of serial killers. I have no doubt we have several working at it as we speak, it's not like they ever stop.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (BeSEI)

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.

Yo, imagine dat.

Posted by: The Bloods at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (IDSI7)

175 To be fair , Wayne Williams of Atlanta mostly didn't use evil guns on his numerous victims .

Yup, I'm sure the last thoughts of those little black kids he killed were "Thank God he doesn't have a military-style assault weapon. Only white people use those."

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (6TB1Z)

176 I just wish I hadn't just stood around and watched
my country being destroyed. The blatant hatred toward America by many of
it's citizens started in our time. Maybe, when I got back from Vietnam
and had to live through the maze of hatred for the vets, I just became
too tired to say or do anything. I was full of excuses back then of why I
didn't and that was wrong.

Perhaps when the really dark times come, I'll be there as the voice for freedom. I pray for that courage.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:25 PM

Maybe when you got back you earned and deserved a breather. My cousin was there in '67 and '68. He got over run while on patrol around kai san right before the siege. He actually got over run twice while over there and survived, and fought in the battle for Hue. He was a marine, M-60 gunner. When he got home he was rushed through the airport because the hippy cocksuckers were throwing rocks at the returning vets. He sat up in his room for a month when he got back.

I don't blame any of the vets for hanging back after shit like that.

Posted by: Berserker at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (FMbng)

177 164 MJ,

Yes, want the punchline?

"White" encapsulated hispanics and Mediterrainian looking folk since the 1880s. Now index that to the racial mythmaking the last 20 years. I hate the WHOLE construct and want ONE pile but there it is.

Posted by: sven10077 at March 30, 2013 03:42 PM (LRFds)

178 By the way, at one time all firearms configurations were military
weapons. I am so sick of hearing about hunting v. military. The
Germans killed a bunch of guys with hunting rifles in two world wars it
turns out.

Mauser M98 a fine, fine action. No idea how many M98's converted to sporting uses, as well as M98 actions being re-barreled to something other than 8mm.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:43 PM (aDwsi)

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.

Yo, man, I'll bust a cap in dat muthafucka for sayin' dat!

Posted by: The Crips at March 30, 2013 03:43 PM (IDSI7)

180 Looking at the murder and rape statistics for black male perps is a Pandora's Box of racial shit the stupid Libs shouldn't really want to open.

Great job, WaPo dumbasses!!

Posted by: TejasJudio de la Frontera at March 30, 2013 03:43 PM (GwLJQ)

181 164 Nidal Hassan is white?

165 Virginia Tech?


The DC Snipers?

Does that not count as a spree killing?

Posted by: wheatie at March 30, 2013 03:43 PM (UMBJ2)

182 The white folks be killin' people.

Posted by: Tupac Shakur at March 30, 2013 03:44 PM (IDSI7)

183 Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.

**stares slackjawed** It's like we slipped into the Bearded Spock universe.

Or Bizzarro World.

Posted by: toby928© presents at March 30, 2013 03:44 PM (QupBk)

184 Is it apple? Cause if it's apple, or cherry, or blackberry, or pumpkin, or...
Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:39 PM (6Zy+s)


It's toasty warm outside. Which means; cold lemon-merenge pie.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:44 PM (ifi6m)

185 Next time you hear some lefty going on about it, ask him why he's such a racist.

This works for almost any topic by the way.

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 03:44 PM (Twvy/)

186 161 -

My reaction to what you've written above? I'm not reading your screed. You haven't earned that much of my attention.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 30, 2013 03:45 PM (BeSEI)

187 Nam Grunt, you take good care of yourself, please.
I'd missed our almost daily talks from years gone by.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:46 PM (6Zy+s)

Betcha dollars to donuts the wapo writer looks over his shoulder in parts of DC. often. and not for teh whitey.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 03:46 PM (IY7Ir)

189 Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.

Apparently what they mean is that murder is more serious when it's wholesale but infrequent than when it's part of the daily culture, and occurs frequently but in smaller increments. I have no idea why.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:47 PM (6TB1Z)

190 Pretty sure Washington post writers have a car service to take him home. Crime you know.

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 03:47 PM (Twvy/)

191 If you want to become a hardcore racist son of a bitch, go work in an ER

Posted by: TejasJudio de la Frontera at March 30, 2013 03:48 PM (GwLJQ)

192 The DC Snipers? Does that not count as a spree killing?
Posted by: wheatie at March 30, 2013 03:43 PM (UMBJ2)


Of course it was a spree killing. BUT, I think the people of this regime and others of the political stripe learned something that has them quaking in their boots.

And that is; two people of non-military training could pretty well bring the DC area to a standstill. Imagine if it were a hundred.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:48 PM (ifi6m)

193 Cold lemon-merenge?
Falls under the category of my last or...

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:49 PM (6Zy+s)

Pretty sure Washington post writers have a car service to take him home. Crime you know.

Doubtful, they don't make that much. No, they enjoy commuting by bus.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:49 PM (6TB1Z)

195 189
Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.

WaPo writer, imagine that your brother is a jackass.

Posted by: Mike Hammer at March 30, 2013 03:49 PM (aDwsi)

Betcha dollars to donuts the wapo writer looks over his shoulder in parts of DC. often. and not for teh whitey.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 03:46 PM (IY7Ir)

Yeah, he should move to a black neighborhood in DC, just to stay safe. Why take the risk of being around all those white mass killers, anyway?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 30, 2013 03:49 PM (IDSI7)

197 132 So the author is so racist his consciousness wipes out any awareness of or concern about the huge amounts of black people being killed by other black people in the inner city, especially Chicago. He only notices when white people are killed.

That there's some potent racism.

Posted by: chique d'afrique (the artist formerly known as african chick) at March 30, 2013 03:22 PM (6zgse)


It also reeks of desperation.

This whole gun-control push is being ginned up by liberal elitists who are grasping at anything to try to impose their will on the country.

Posted by: wheatie at March 30, 2013 03:50 PM (UMBJ2)

198 @ 192

Or a thousand, in as many separate areas.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 30, 2013 03:50 PM (SAMxH)

199 192 -

John Muhammed was military trained.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 30, 2013 03:51 PM (BeSEI)

Apparently what they mean is that murder is more serious when it's wholesale but infrequent than when it's part of the daily culture, and occurs frequently but in smaller increments. I have no idea why.
Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:47 PM (6TB1Z)

I think what they meant was murder warrants attention when they can imagine they or a family member being the victim, but otherwise, no biggie.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 30, 2013 03:52 PM (IDSI7)

201 This whole gun-control push is being ginned up by liberal elitists who
are grasping at anything to try to impose their will on the country.

I actually don't think they wanted this. They know its a big political loser, but after Newtown, they couldn't figure out how to avoid "doing something" without really alienating their base. As I've said before, there is a reason Obama put Joey Paste-eater in charge of policy on this.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:52 PM (6TB1Z)

202 They don't really care about black people killing each other because black people vote correctly and therefore don't have to be punished for having different tastes from them.

Because when it comes to popular support this gun grab is about taste. Leftists don't LIKE icky guns. People who do need to be punished. People who like them, and vote for less socialism, that is.

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 03:53 PM (Twvy/)

203 New movie coming out: "Trust Fund Boyz in the Hood."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 30, 2013 03:54 PM (IDSI7)

204 It's only "hilarious" if it spurs an honest discussion of the racial aspect of gun homicide in America, which of course it won't. You can mock liberal cluelessness all you want, but it's their reality now.

Posted by: Beef at March 30, 2013 03:54 PM (mb1uj)

205 202 -

Nah, leftists LOVE guns. They just don't love them being in YOUR hands.

Posted by: BurtTC at March 30, 2013 03:55 PM (BeSEI)

206 "I think the people of this regime and others of the political stripe learned something that has them quaking in their boots"
Soona, I was living in Arlington, VA when this happened, and we were all still reeling from 9/11 and the anthrax by mail attacks. Everyone was *acutely* aware of how vulnerable we were. What was most galling was the 24/7 parade of city/state/federal officials and other experts telling us it was a lone, white male, military vet with a white van.
If there's any justice, it's that Mohammed was executed (no "Free Mumia" canonization for him), and his little bad seed got no special treatment in his Virginia prison.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 03:55 PM (KqmXZ)

207 Stolen for the webz:

"Cyprus has strict gun control. Private citizens are completely forbidden from owning handguns and rifles in any calber, even .22 rimfire. Only shotguns are allowed, and these require a license. Shotguns are limited to two rounds."

Because they don't want you coming for your money. Gives a new definition to "bank robbers".

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 03:56 PM (IY7Ir)

208 Leftist thought boiled down: Only animals and blacks are free to protect themselves.

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 03:56 PM (Twvy/)

209 192...Of course it was a spree killing. BUT, I think the people of this regime and others of the political stripe learned something that has them quaking in their boots.
And that is; two people of non-military training could pretty well bring the DC area to a standstill. Imagine if it were a hundred.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:48 PM (ifi6m)


Which is probably why liberal elitists try to act like it 'didn't happen'.

It doesn't fit their narrative about "angry white men".

Posted by: wheatie at March 30, 2013 03:57 PM (UMBJ2)

210 @161-
I don't know AndyS. Don't know what he's posted in the past.
I also, as one of the guiltier of the guilty, would have a hard time arguing with any of it.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 03:57 PM (GX2fm)

211 Stay out of Provo after dark.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 03:58 PM (MMC8r)

212 That's why they're going after the 2nd. It's next. Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 03:08 PM (ifi6m)--- And thats why we will have to get that divorce soon. The libs go there way and we go ours

Posted by: Velvet Ambition at March 30, 2013 04:00 PM (R8hU8)

213 210 Teej,

I failed God, I am too soft when He neds hard, I am mean when he needs joyful, midway through life's journey I went astray.

Posted by: sven10077 at March 30, 2013 04:01 PM (6c/Oh)

214 201...I actually don't think they wanted this. They know its a big political loser, but after Newtown, they couldn't figure out how to avoid "doing something" without really alienating their base. As I've said before, there is a reason Obama put Joey Paste-eater in charge of policy on this.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 03:52 PM (6TB1Z)


And I'm glad they did...
Joey Paste-eater can't keep his mouth shut.

According to Joe...this is "just the beginning" of their push to disarm us.

Posted by: wheatie at March 30, 2013 04:01 PM (UMBJ2)

215 If there's any justice, it's that Mohammed was executed (no "Free Mumia" canonization for him), and his little bad seed got no special treatment in his Virginia prison.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 03:55 PM (KqmXZ)


I thought it was Malvo that did most of the shooting. That's right. Malvo was deemed too young to juice.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 04:02 PM (ifi6m)

216 When and if that divorce happens, if Kansas doesn't go with the "good guys", I'm leaving Kansas.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 04:02 PM (GX2fm)

217 Guy Mohawk, I recently looked up Cyprus gun ownership rates and there were only 5 countries in the world w/more guns per capita. On phone now so I can't look it up but those two "facts" about ownership of guns can't both be right, can they?

Posted by: Lincolntf at March 30, 2013 04:04 PM (ZshNr)

218 I just read through about 200 comments over on that WaPo article.


Doofuses. Even the conservatives who are trying to make points there. All doofuses!

God the world is dumb

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 04:05 PM (Twvy/)

219 If they outlaw guns, I'd be an outlaw. Or something like that.

Posted by: Craig Poe at March 30, 2013 04:05 PM (BVkEs)

220 Additionally, the article is also anti-Men, but I don't think I'm surprised of this opinion from two crazy cat-lady spinsters.

But let's look at the numbers-- what, 100 million white men in the US? Vs. how many killers? 20?

We can indict on numbers like that?

Sorry, but the scorn needs to land on the WaPo. This is like publishing The Protocols of the Elders of White Men.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:06 PM (MMC8r)

221 Many spree killers are mentally ill white guys. And that's because white men are bad?

I would bet that most mentally ill, trigger happy guys in ghettos or barrios with those kinds of problems don't live long enough to pull one off. No parent or school coddles them into adulthood and supports their madness.

Posted by: PJ at March 30, 2013 04:07 PM (ZWaLo)

222 Hey, Chicago, you know what a cop's gun is for? To protect him at your crime scene. Now, hold still while we draw this chalk outline...

Posted by: t-bird at March 30, 2013 04:07 PM (FcR7P)

223 I failed God, I am too soft when He neds hard, I am mean when he needs joyful, midway through life's journey I went astray.

Yet, Sven, that too was part of his plan. He remains in control, and our mistakes and weaknesses only serve his purposes in the long run.

Posted by: Grey Fox at March 30, 2013 04:09 PM (BsxM8)

224 also stolen:

Cable giant Comcast has apparently been instituting a new policy in
several markets regarding advertising spots purchased by sporting goods
stores, gun shops and related businesses. You can air your ads with
them, providing you don’t show any guns, archery equipment or anything
pointy, apparently.

Yes, you read that correctly. If your gun store wants to run an advertisement, you can’t show any guns.

Its a full frontal assault just like obamacare.

ps - archery?

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 04:09 PM (IY7Ir)

225 Yeah sven, it seems I'm too often being the opposite of what He wants me to be.
I am fortunate that my closest friends are godly people. And they never let me forget that I am "family".
I wanted to bow out of having dinner with them last night when I picked up milk. It was the wife's/mom's birthday. I was dirty from work.
They would have none of it.
God bless that family.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 04:09 PM (M7Cfv)

226 Yet, Sven, that too was part of his plan. He remains in control, and our mistakes and weaknesses only serve his purposes in the long run.
Posted by: Grey Fox at March 30, 2013 04:09 PM (BsxM


Good. I can still fap to Kate Upton.

Posted by: Soona at March 30, 2013 04:12 PM (ifi6m)


ps - archery?

That's actually reasonable. Everyone knows that those longbow fanciers are untrustworthy.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 30, 2013 04:12 PM (lr3d7)

Don't know Lincoln unless everybody has a shotgun. But I will double check too. I thought everything you read on the internet was true.

Also I am a french

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 04:12 PM (IY7Ir)

229 Yet, Sven, that too was part of his plan. He remains in control, and our mistakes and weaknesses only serve his purposes in the long run. Posted by: Grey Fox at March 30, 2013 04:09 PM (BsxM

--- You are correct sir!

Posted by: Velvet Ambition at March 30, 2013 04:13 PM (R8hU8)

230 The problem with churches is that they don't lift up Jesus Christ as the living Lord. Even though I have strong political opinions, I realize America is not synonymous with the Kingdom of God. Radio preachers tend to preach on either prosperity gospel-which is heresy or they are to focused, on sad to say-politics. They are some good preachers on the radio but they are few and far between. The minister I like the best on radio comes from believe or not the "Godless" Northeast and it is called "Loving Grace Ministry". You can't get the station if you're not in NY, NJ or PA or certain times in PA but it really IS Christ centered and you can download his previous messages:

What they believe:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 04:13 PM (YaB6W)

231 And once again Grey Fox brings a wizened eye to the conversation.

Posted by: teej at March 30, 2013 04:13 PM (Nsomq)

232 Actually it has a wider distribution to hear:

You can also get it on Saturdays Pacific time:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 04:16 PM (YaB6W)

233 Don't know Lincoln unless everybody has a shotgun. But I will double check too. I thought everything you read on the internet was true.

Cyprus has a history of ethnic conflict during the 70s - might be a bunch of old military arms floating around, technically illegal but still present nevertheless.

Posted by: Grey Fox at March 30, 2013 04:16 PM (BsxM8)

Ok, so ZH used wiki (fair warning):

Cyprus (Comments apply to the internationally recognized Greek portion of the island) has strict gun control. Private citizens are completely forbidden from owning handguns and rifles in any calber, even .22 rimfire. Only shotguns are allowed, and these require a license. Shotguns are limited to two rounds. The only shotguns typically sold in stores are double-barreled side-by-sides or over-unders. Pump actions and semiautomatics are prohibited. A private citizen can own a total of ten different shotguns. A citizen is not required to specify a reason for ownership to obtain a license, but most own their guns for hunting. Licenses are issued by provincial police. A gun license is required to buy ammunition, and ammunition sales are recorded. A shotgun owner may purchase up to 250 shells at one time. Cyprus also controls airguns, and airgun owners require a license.

So maybe its just the Greek side, which would mean the Turk side has quite the advantage in a civil war.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 04:17 PM (IY7Ir)

235 The subway shooter in New York was black and a serial killer of hookers recently was, I wish I was not forced to add.

Nothing useful comes from thinking any particular people get violent. People are the dominant species not because we plant trees on Earth Day. Basically the bow and atlatl took us out of the food chain as much and the rifle put us on top.

Posted by: Beagle at March 30, 2013 04:18 PM (sOtz/)

236 Hey, HotAir now says The Economist is backing down on global warming.

Three Euro publications now that I've seen-- Is this the end of The Great Scam?

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:20 PM (MMC8r)

237 The subway shooter in New York was black

Colin Ferguson, how easily we forget. Loughner-style crazy.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:22 PM (MMC8r)

238 237 Yes he was crazy but he also got some public support in the form of "I can see why he did" comments. Think Chris Dorner and the "real life

Posted by: typo dynamofo at March 30, 2013 04:23 PM (WVMUQ)

239 django" crap.

Posted by: typo dynamofo at March 30, 2013 04:24 PM (WVMUQ)

Is this the end of The Great Scam?

Yes. It has run its course and stolen billions, especially euros. Now that they have ruined those economies they must come up with a new scam.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 30, 2013 04:24 PM (IY7Ir)

241 1. nadal hassan at ft hood (mid eastern)
2. dc snipers (black)
3. Jiverly Wong in Binghampton, killed 13 in 2009 (asian)
4. james pough (black) killed 10 in 1990 in florida
5. james seevakumaran (middle eastern) florida - found with a huge stash of arms and ammo
6. seung cho - killed 32 in 2007 at virginia tech
7. christopher dorner (black) california- 2013 subject of spree killing and manhunt
8. colin ferguson (black) killed 6 in nyc subway
9. hamad memom (middle eastern) school shooting in alabama 2010
10. ali syed (middle eastern) 2013 - 4 killed in a shooting spree in california
11. alvaro castillo (hispanic) - 2007 attempted school shooting
12. latina williams (black) - 2008 killed 3 others in a school shooting
13. one goh - (asian) - 2012 - killed 7 in a school shooting in oakland

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:30 PM (mCvL4)

242 Your header should read Wa Poop-Ed cause that's mostly what the WaPo does.

Posted by: chuckR at March 30, 2013 04:33 PM (WE9pd)

243 2
Wow, whomever wrote that article really lives in a special bubble for liberal snowflakes.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 30, 2013 02:23 PM

Yes they do, here's the Harpy Twins about page on their blog

Yes, and they look about like what you expect leftist harpies to look like;

Collectively, Charlotte and Harriet have:
• Earned eight college degrees, including one Ph.D. and four master's degrees.
• Taught college for forty years: pharmacy, engineering, math, physics, chemistry.
• Received close to a million dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation to research math, science,

Charlotte and Harriet are identical twins who live near each other in Oregon.

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:34 PM (mCvL4)

244 So I guess the only question is, are The Twins liars, or just incapable of reaching beyond the Leftist Consensus Bubble after all that time in Academia?

MFM delenda est.

Academia aperient.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith's Other Mobile at March 30, 2013 04:38 PM (bxiXv)

245 kbdabear, add this to your list:
Seattle Jewish Federation shooting by Naveed Haq (2006)- six women shot, one died

Posted by: Lizzy at March 30, 2013 04:39 PM (KqmXZ)

246 @243

Read further.
Earned eight college degrees, including one Ph.D. and four master's degrees.

• Taught college for forty years: pharmacy, engineering, math, physics, chemistry.

• Received close to a million dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation to research math, science, technology, and engineering education.

• Worked eleven years in RD and manufacturing in Fortune 500 companies and NASA.

The bio is very vague about just what their degrees were in. Also, does it not seem a bit strange that they have 40 years of professorial experience in 5 different technical disciplines and one PhD in an unnamed subject (education is my bet)? Something is most definitely wrong here.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 04:40 PM (6TB1Z)

247 Charlotte and Harriet are identical twins who live near each other in Oregon.
Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:34 PM

Charlotte and Harriet Childress are the poster gals for the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:40 PM (mCvL4)

248 Best one yet, Andy.

Well done.

Posted by: mare at March 30, 2013 04:41 PM (A98Xu)

"Ofc, the GOP doesn't object or oppose. They support the state grab of power"
X 10,000.
Anyone thinking that there are two diametrically opposed groups in today's political scene is just..
silly. At best.

Posted by: Kitty Frontage formerly known as Jess1 at March 30, 2013 04:42 PM (lbiWb)

250 Hopeless is a pretty cool guy.

Posted by: Truman North at March 30, 2013 04:43 PM (Twvy/)

251 So I guess that one mass shooting in Binghamton Ny was really performed by a white man . O by the way the Binghamton shooter was more than a little crazy angry .Speaking of White Shooters . The Mayor of Braddock Pa pulled a shotgun on an unarmed jogger . The Mayor claimed he heard a dozen assault rifle shots then saw a man dressed head to toe in black jogging gear run out of the gunfire zone . The jogger stated to the local news, that the mayor heard kids playing with bottle rockets . The mayor's response was " I would do nothing different ... I had a duty as a mayor and as a father .

Posted by: DrDrill at March 30, 2013 04:45 PM (0Ywg0)

252 Hey, HotAir now says The Economist is backing down on global warming.

Three Euro publications now that I've seen-- Is this the end of The Great Scam?

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:20 PM (MMC8r)

ManBearPig doesn't have his own little tinkertoy dipshit media outlet to claim this is financed by the oil companies. In fact an oil producer's mouthpiece now owns it.

Posted by: Captain Hate at March 30, 2013 04:45 PM (J57aM)

253 Will they be double-printed?

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:46 PM (MMC8r)

254 Whoops, wrong thread.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:46 PM (MMC8r)

255 Heh. Colin Ferguson's gun was purchased legally in California.

And many people he encountered were afraid he might become violent, but nothing was done.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 04:47 PM (MMC8r)

256 59
"Charlotte and Harriet Childress are researchers and consultants on social and political issues."

someone who writes this kind of crap describes themselves as a
"consultant", what it usually means is that they are trousering huge
amounts of money running mandatory Diversity Training sessions for
government and industry.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 30, 2013 02:47 PM

Those Diversity Training consultants are the equivalent of setting fire to your company.

They come in where a company generally has a workforce that gets along with each other with the exception of a few drama queens, and when they leave you have an workforce tearing each other apart with resentment and suspicion

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:48 PM (mCvL4)

257 Hey, if you criticize California, it's because ... RACISM!

Beyond the Point of Parody
Troy Senik, Ed. · March 29, 2013 at 7:54pm

Timothy Egan, writing a lengthy mash note to California in the New York Times:

" ... There is something irrational, indeed unpatriotic, in rooting for California to fail, as so many conservatives are now doing. Sure, they are upset that the Republican Party is dead in this state — R.I.P. G.O.P. And, among the fringes, there are those who cannot accept that California is a minority-majority state, with whites making up about 39 percent of the population. They’ve seen the future and don’t like it one bit."

Swing and a miss.

The issue here isn't unthinking contempt -- conservatives don't want to see California reduced to some sort of post-apocalpytic wasteland to get their jollies. It's that they understand that there are consequences to institutional liberalism -- and they'd like to see its practitioners learn from that.

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:54 PM (mCvL4)

Yes. By.All. Means. Go There Wa Po illiterates.
CDC USA 2010
Total Homicides by firearm > 11,000
Black male victims of homicide by firearms > 5,500
Those Black Male Victims?
Almost all shot by Black African Americ men and boys.


Posted by: JAL at March 30, 2013 05:01 PM (2RD9x)

259 Cyprus firearms ownership figures: I have looked around at the same internet sources, and it's apparently just the considerable gap between what the law on Cyprus says people can own, and what they actually have in their homes and trade among themselves. Having been on other Mediterranean islands, I can say the locals often have a long history of smuggling pretty much anything including guns-- the Maltese have similar, British style laws and you would be surprised at what turns up there despite the restrictions (Uzis with silencers, anyone?). Corsica despite the strict French gun laws is awash in interesting and very modern illegal hardware, and heaven only knows what's available in Sicily.

In a way I expect if Obama and Schumer get their dream legislation, the US population would maintain an illegal arms trade that would dwarf even the Middle East, with Prohibition-like effects on people's respect for law and order, the authorities, and society in general. It's a Pandora's box that no liberal should be trying to open, or anyone else for that matter. But I expect them to keep trying.

Posted by: leftcoast at March 30, 2013 05:05 PM (DIqEL)

260 I've been pointing out the racism of anti-gunners for more than twenty years, especially in usenet.

Their reaction? Calling me a n****r because I won't support repressive, racist gun controls when a White anti-gunner tells me to, and saying that I can't be Black because I disobey those same White anti-gunners' orders.

The history of gun control in North America is the history of violent White supremacism and the efforts of its proponents to achieve a "safe working environment" for themselves. After all, where's the fun in a lynching or race riot if there's no guarantee of who's going to end up dead when things shake out?

A few years ago, I was accosted by an elderly cleaner in a Lakewood, Ohio McDonald's. Part of his tirade included an assertion that the NRA should be "banned". I pointed out that the last time organizations started getting "banned", we somehow misplaced 6,000,000 Jews. His reply? He "wasn't so sure that was such a BAD thing".

Scratch an anti-gunner, find a Klansman... or a Nazi.

Posted by: Chris Morton at March 30, 2013 05:18 PM (2YnwF)

261 Collectively, Charlotte and Harriet have:
• Earned eight college degrees, including one Ph.D. and four master's degrees.
• Taught college for forty years: pharmacy, engineering, math, physics, chemistry.
• Received close to a million dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation to research math, science,

Charlotte and Harriet are identical twins who live near each other in Oregon.

Posted by: kbdabear at March 30, 2013 04:34 PM (mCvL4)


Can anybody else detect a strong aroma of fraud wafting from their science, engineering and education claims?

Multiple-multiple undergraduate degrees is not typical of a scientific career. It would generally be a waste of time that detracts from actual achievement.

They appear to spend all their time and energy on social engineering anyway.

Posted by: Wm T Sherman at March 30, 2013 05:28 PM (LJ2uj)

262 I'm not sure what "
• Received close to a million dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation to research math, science, "


Other than indicting them as the work of the patriarchy, I mean.

Posted by: zsasz at March 30, 2013 05:36 PM (MMC8r)

263 Here's the "research" the million bucks paid for:


We are identical twins who began our careers in science and engineering 35 years ago. Collectively, we have been teachers, researchers, and administrators in colleges and universities and worked in industry and government.

Over the last 13 years, we've been researching various hierarchies throughout the United States because we learned about the value of listening to groups who are lower in hierarchies. Charlotte led the Connections Across Cultures--a research project started in 1994 and funded with nearly $1 million from the National Science Foundation--which compiled the perspectives on math and science of several hundred women, African Americans, American Indians, Latinas and Latinos.

Posted by: Wm T Sherman at March 30, 2013 05:44 PM (LJ2uj)

264 I pointed out that the last time organizations started getting "banned", we somehow misplaced 6,000,000 Jews. His reply? He "wasn't so sure that was such a BAD thing".

Posted by: Chris Morton at March 30, 2013 05:18 PM (2YnwF)

Some days I want to start work on *major* revisions to assault and battery laws.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith's Other Mobile at March 30, 2013 05:45 PM (bxiXv)

265 a research project started in 1994 and funded with nearly $1 million
from the National Science Foundation--which compiled the perspectives on
math and science of several hundred women, African Americans, American
Indians, Latinas and Latinos.

Probably the same as 99% of the white population. "Do I look like a poindexter? I hate that stuff."

There, I saved you $1M. You're welcome.

Posted by: pep at March 30, 2013 06:05 PM (6TB1Z)

266 I want to know what it's going to take to light a fire under white guys' butts to make you stand up to this BS.

If they want to make it about race the outcome should be a no-brainer. 13% vs. 67%.

What are you waiting for?

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 06:31 PM (MrQiL)

267 266 wyntre,

understand something...ethically and morally I hate where this is heading...

I am sincere as I am about anything that I want one pile "Americans" not 283.5 piles with hyphens....

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 06:54 PM (LRFds)

268 I want to know what it's going to take to light a fire under white guys' butts

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 06:31 PM (MrQiL)


You don't get it. They are intentionally dividing us into groups and setting us against each other. You are playing into their strategy.

Posted by: Wm T Sherman at March 30, 2013 06:59 PM (LJ2uj)

269 267.

I get it but to deny the truth is to lose. It's clear the POS and his minions are disciples of Screwy Louie and his Kill Whitey brigade.

Enough of the pc propaganda. Time to stand up, speak up and shut the fothermuckers down before they succeed in wiping you out.

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 07:03 PM (MrQiL)

270 268.

I get it and they are winning.

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 07:04 PM (MrQiL)

271 And as far as preachers on TV, I don't have a TV or can't get anything but movies from the library on it. I think Charles Stanley is not a bad preacher and I don't know if they're on the TV or but I enjoy Alistair Begg. and John McArthur on the radio.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 07:06 PM (YaB6W)

272 And RC Sproul is very Calvinist and a fine preacher

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 07:07 PM (YaB6W)

273 Wyntre sounds like a liberal troll trying to gin up racial antagonism so they can they say. "Look at the conservative racists." I'm not buying it

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 07:09 PM (YaB6W)

274 273 FenlonSpoke,

still not their buddy liberal agent provoc or not....

I want one stack of folks...


but the family motto is and always has been Virtus in Arduo

Times may be hard, but we're harder.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 07:12 PM (LRFds)

275 4000 vets kill themselves.each.year with Huns. About 12% of all gun deaths.

Posted by: occam at March 30, 2013 07:17 PM (bQtNV)

276 275 Occtard,

I'd kill myself with a hun if she looked like that mongol porn queen...

go fuck yourself.

Posted by: Harlekwin15-Emergency back Up Angst ID at March 30, 2013 07:18 PM (LRFds)

277 Time to stand up, speak up and shut the fothermuckers down before they succeed in wiping you out.

I doubt anybody but a liberal playing a being a white conservative would saying "Wiping 'YOU " Out. You're not white? Trying to encourage violence is an evil thing to do. If faux messiah Obama causes you to do that you better get yourself right with the actual Messiah. And if you're just a garden variety troll you're a sad sack and the same still goes.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 07:18 PM (YaB6W)

278 Its almost as if the large majority of inner city, pants around their knees, quart drinking, drug using, professional baby makers, who are killing each other in record numbers aren't black, don't exist, or are being killed by white guys with assault weapons and thirty round clips.
Alternate universe to accomplish the disarming of America. Watch your Congress critter or senate scumbag very carefully and be prepared to primary its ass if they buckle!

Posted by: ConcealedKerry or SubMitt at March 30, 2013 07:29 PM (0QE9Y)

279 No troll here. Just a reformed (and penitent) bleeding heart liberal feminist who got to see reality up close and personal in the dysfunctional miseducation slums. Saw the propaganda crammed down the throats of students beginning in Kindergarten. Later saw the attitudes of fellow reporters at small newspapers. Know very well the voting stats. 13 % AA plus roughly 17 % Hispanic combined with 50 % of females who were, apparently, convinced by the Debbie Wasserman Schultz-Sandra Fluke hysteria over the non-existent US "War on Women." Not to mention the 11 million plus illegals who, if the POS gets his way, will have the right to vote.

I can count. If the white males don't get it together and understand what's going on is NOT a game and the sands are shifting beneath their feet then the odds of hanging onto the traditions and history of this glorious country are slim.

That's not something I want to see happen.

Why do you think the WaPo and other LSM are now "getting in your faces" with no fear of reprisal? It's because they can. Whose going to stop it if not you?

Maybe reality makes some queasy but extinction is worse. That's just my 2 cents.

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 07:43 PM (MrQiL)

280 Still not buying it, baby. " You white men better get prepared for a race war. Kill them before they kill you.." Either you're a troll or a sick, evil person. I hope you don't claim Christiianity
Because there is nothing remotely Christian about what you said.

I hope you ger banned.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 07:56 PM (YaB6W)

281 who are killing each other in record numbers aren't black, don't exist

They undeniably show up (quite prominently) in the FBI's UCR reports, as does the overall ~3X higher (compared to rural/burbs) urban murder rates.

THAT is the elephant in the room. Why is urban culture so dysfunctional that it has murder rates vastly higher than rural and the burbs?

Posted by: @PurpAv at March 30, 2013 07:57 PM (/gHaE)

282 280.

I didn't mention killing. You did. My language might have been colorful but and vivid but that is in response to the outrageous reporting by WaPo. See. I can play nice. But playing nice is pointless.

"I hope you ger banned."

That's not very christian of you.

Happy Easter.

Posted by: wyntre at March 30, 2013 08:03 PM (MrQiL)

283 WaPo burning strawmen again, like our Strawman-Burner-In-Chief.

Posted by: Dandapani at March 30, 2013 08:04 PM (fsVdJ)

284 Nice try. You're a troll and I suspect a regular Trying togin up race wars gets no cover from me. Adios Troll You've bet fed enough. Maybe one of the others know which regular troll you are. I hand no more time to waste on you.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 30, 2013 08:12 PM (YaB6W)

285 Did the WAPOO report yet on the empty racks at gun stores, the empty ammo cases for everything from .22 cal to .308 cal?
I guess they, and OBiden, would say its because all those white bitter clingers suddenly took up Deer Hunting.
They would be wrong!
Many Americans know whats up, that we have no voice anymore in the DC, Big City Cess Pools we perefer not to frequent.
We are the target.
We know that.
We are preparing even as our politicians are cowering and acquiescing.

Posted by: ConcealedKerry or SubMitt at March 30, 2013 08:13 PM (0QE9Y)

286 Black crime versus white crime is one thing, but considering the stranglehold that he Democrats have on the black and (non-Cuban) hispanic vote, I think would be incredibly damning if someone broke down the crime rates of Republicans versus Democrats because the latter simply don't acknowledge the existence of minorities unless they can use them as a weapon. By the left's idiotic formulation, Republicans = every single white person in flyover states, and Democrats = upper middle class white people on the coasts. We really need to blow up this delusion that they have.

Posted by: Zippity Doo Dah at March 30, 2013 08:19 PM (E55AK)

287 "blow up". Race War. Ban him.

Posted by: nip at March 30, 2013 08:29 PM (lGVXf)

You write the following line: " the black homicide rate dwarfs the white homicide rate" I think you mean to write "the white homicide rate is dwarved by the black rate". As written, your line mean BHR < WHR. Is that what the sstat says?

Posted by: jb at March 30, 2013 08:31 PM (I5svt)

289 -- 272 "And RC Sproul is very Calvinist and a fine preacher"

Absolutely agree. I read material by AW Pink, Charles Spurgeon, Horatious Bonar, et al. I do not own a television either, but of course in earlier years I wasted a good portion of my life staring at the idiot box… Many fine reformed sermons can be found at

Posted by: Andy S at March 30, 2013 08:49 PM (q72+j)

290 Horatius (oops)

Posted by: Andy S at March 30, 2013 08:51 PM (q72+j)

291 1 Ever notice that since obama was elected it is always about race?
Yes I noticed that.

This changed my perspective on many things.

Posted by: Chromoly Man at March 30, 2013 09:51 PM (DwRFP)

292 ** "Can anybody else detect a strong aroma of fraud wafting from their science, engineering and education claims?" **

Yes. I did a *little* bit of Googling and didn't find the sort of web presence you'd expect from two women with serious careers as academics researchers. I couldn't even find any mention of the college(s) they supposedly taught at.

Seriously, I think that the Washington Post has been April Fooled. These harpies are just too perfect.

Posted by: Wilson at March 31, 2013 12:32 AM (VHfD4)

293 Um, twin researchers?....that sounds, dare I say it, redundant.

Posted by: bill at March 31, 2013 12:53 AM (f/qE7)

294 wyntre is just telling the truth. It's grim.

The problem is, having a lot of votes doesn't help you if you don't have a party that, if you get it elected, would help you. Obviously white guys in America have not had such a party since 1965 and the Hart-Celler act.

That's what's happened in America, and historically white countries all over the world. The politicians, academia and mass media have moved together to the detriment of white men, leaving them nobody to vote for and no way to make their potential power tell (before mass immigration reduces their share of the population enough that they can just be ridden over without the need for such tactics).

The way to over-ride the anti-democratic consensus of the elites would be to found a new party. But it costs an enormous amount of money to really make a party that can win. Working class white guys can't do it.

You need seriously wealthy people, such as the Democrats have, or to a lesser extent such as the Karl Rove types have.

So far, the wealthy have shown that they are more interested in funding sports teams or being fashionably liberal.

And the hour grows late.

Posted by: Chromoly Man at March 31, 2013 10:09 AM (zG8lc)

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