aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Jon Huntsman to Join "No Labels" Gang of TwoSo it'll be him and Michael Bloomberg. I'm sure there are a couple more but they escape me at the moment. “Too many people in Washington believe that leading consists of imposing their will on the opposition. It is true of both parties,” Huntsman, a Republican, said during a conference call organized by the group No Labels. “This all or nothing leadership is an attitude that may work on military battlefields or in competitive business markets … but it’s a recipe for dysfunction in democratic politics.”Quick, can anyone name a Democrat who's joined No Labels? I was listening to the news yesterday and I heard Harry Reid urging people to shed their ideological and partisan straightjackets and seek a statesmanlike compromise all for the good of the nation. Yes, Harry Reid, the one who said he would never, ever compromise with a President Romney on anything; Harry Reid, who is a leader of the No Reform caucus in the Democratic Party. Incidentally, his call for "compromise" involved simply passing the Democrats' preferred solution on debt and spending -- tax hikes for the rich, no spending cuts. The press just reports this without comment. Harry Reid? The most partisan hack in the Senate? That's the guy calling for compromise and putting party aside? Isn't it terribly strange that Harry Reid is considered by the press to be non-partisan while any Republican pushing a conservative policy preference is an ultra-ideologue? Meanwhile, Salon Magazine (WHO?) urges no compromise and suggests instead taking us over the "mythical" fiscal cliff. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Huntsman is taking his ball and his 2 percent and leaving.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 28, 2012 12:57 PM (QKKT0) 2
He's a regular maverick, that guy.
Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 12:57 PM (UOM48) 3
I was going to join No Labels, but my Coffee Party obligations are taking up all my free time.
Posted by: Gristle Encased Head at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (+lsX1) Posted by: BCochran1981 at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (da5Wo) 5
Hunstman is not a Republican and never has been one. He is a liberal with an R after his name.
Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (YdQQY) 6
Let. It. Burn.
Posted by: rickl at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (zoehZ) 7
Birds of a feather still crap all over the patio.
Posted by: Joe Mama at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (EKr9U) Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (cdwbr) Posted by: t-bird at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (FcR7P) 10
Harry Reid makes satanist look good.
Posted by: Hanoverfist at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (F6NgH) 11
..."Huntsman, a Republican" I stopped right there.
Posted by: cu'chulainn at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (Vk2CC) 12
If only Arlen were alive to see this.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 28, 2012 12:58 PM (QKKT0) 13
Barack Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a malignant traitor.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (5DR1j) 14
I thought Tony Villar was a member. Maybe he quit once they offered him a speaking spot at the dnc.
Posted by: Walkers! at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (TYO2p) 15
Mr. President, define "rich" please?
Posted by: The unasked question at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (iy7de) Posted by: eleven at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (KXm42) 17
Moderation in all things!
Posted by: Joe Mama at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (EKr9U) 18
Fat, drunk and cornholed by Democrats is no way to go through life, son.
Posted by: Dean Wormer at November 28, 2012 12:59 PM (QKKT0) 19
Jeb Bush will join them soon. This poppycock was tailored for his condescending ass.
Posted by: the lone lemon at November 28, 2012 01:00 PM (xXhWA) 20
Where do I sign up?
Posted by: Lincoln Chaffee at November 28, 2012 01:00 PM (QKKT0) 21
Imagine Harry Reid naked.
Posted by: Palm Beach Pooter Hound at November 28, 2012 01:00 PM (ufLRj) 22
'scuse me while I kiss this guy!
Posted by: Jimmuh Rey at November 28, 2012 01:01 PM (zIiy2) Posted by: Joe Mama at November 28, 2012 01:01 PM (EKr9U) 24
Salon thinks the fiscal cliff is mythical, eh? So they subscribe to the childish belief that if you cover your eyes, other people can't see you, and if you say something isn't there that means it isn't there.
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:01 PM (4df7R) 25
Poppycock? Poppycock?!?!!??
Posted by: Poppycock at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (KXm42) 26
Imagine Harry Reid naked.
Posted by: Palm Beach Pooter Hound at November 28, 2012 01:00 PM (ufLRj) I hate you. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (4df7R) 27
Any thoughts on how we address this progressive left partisan media, Ace?
Posted by: Fred at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (yDr5/) 28
And Harry Pederast gets elected because the union stooges in Vegas and Reno stuffed the ballot boxes. He will not be up for election again until 2016.
By then enough Californios should be in NV to make it a permanent blue State. Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (YdQQY) 29
so Huntsman a Republican? So that makes Crist a libertarian right..maybe constitutional conservative ?
Posted by: cu'chulainn at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (Vk2CC) 30
How "progressive" of Huntsman to join the No Labels gang
Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (1Jaio) 31
These guys are all clit and no pussy. Sure, they're going to get off, but what about the rest of us?
Posted by: BCochran1981 at November 28, 2012 01:02 PM (da5Wo) 32
Meanwhile, Salon Magazine (WHO?) urges no compromise and suggests instead taking us over the "mythical" fiscal cliff.
Works for me. Give them what they want, good and hard. Posted by: joncelli at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (RD7QR) 33
Isn't it terribly strange that Harry Reid is considered by the press to be non-partisan while any Republican pushing a conservative policy preference is an ultra-ideologue?
Ace, have you read Bernard Goldberg’s Bias? I’m writing a review of it right now, and am quoting from to emphasize Goldberg’s comment similar to your “ If you tell someone who's not an alcoholic that he's drinking too much, he'll take an interest in your statement” and was wondering if it’s just incredibly obvious or if you were building off of Goldberg (or others). Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (QF8uk) 34
Posted by: victim of Harry Reid, pederast at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (UOM48) 35
I moved to the Left so the MSM would stop putting the word "Millionaire" in front of my name.
Posted by: John Hunstman at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (AzwZn) Posted by: Hundreds of Little Boys in Searchlight, Nv. at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (zIiy2) 37
Let. It. Burn.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:04 PM (5DR1j) 38
Salon thinks the fiscal cliff is mythical, eh?
Laughing at warnings of danger always works out well. Posted by: eleven - Go Raiders!!!!! at November 28, 2012 01:04 PM (KXm42) 39
Wow, I go to Costco and now AoSHQ is bring back the dead.
So we going to see Palin Steele again? I guess "Greg" is no more since Axe is not paying him. Interesting how some trolls just happen to disappear after the election, isn't it? I guess Ace should be proud that Axe pissed money away trolling the site. Posted by: Billy Bob, pseudo intellectual at November 28, 2012 01:04 PM (wR+pz) 40
Hey, Huntsman. I know you'll understand this: bi zui.
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:04 PM (4df7R) 41
MFM: But Huntsman has hawt daughters!
Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 01:05 PM (UOM48) 42
Why do rich spoiled Mormons think that anyone gives a shit about what they do?
Posted by: Billy Bob, pseudo intellectual at November 28, 2012 01:05 PM (wR+pz) 43
Democrats: See those guys over there? We want to take all their stuff and give it to the Government...
Republicans: No, you can't take stuff! Democrats: OK, since we need to compromise, we'll only take HALF their stuff, this time... Republicans: /crying OK.... since we HAVE to compromise... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:05 PM (lZBBB) 44
The name "No Labels" sounds like something a pony-tailed middle school guidance counselor would think up. Like a club for the fat kids.
Posted by: Gristle Encased Head at November 28, 2012 01:05 PM (+lsX1) 45
"Quick, can anyone name a Democrat who's joined No Labels?"
Michael Bloomberg. Lifelong Democrat/Liberal Loon in policy and ideology. Posted by: Chump at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (nm4/M) 46
Huntsman Bloomberg are not Republicans. You can add Christie and whoever you like. The R party has been infiltrated by these bastards and they need to be called on it.
The are liberal, leftist Democrats. They hate and will try and destroy everything this country has been built upon. With one exception, they made their money through this evil capitalistic system and now want to control the masses. Posted by: Cheri at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (G+Wff) Posted by: Flapjackmaka at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (LmkYu) 48
Meanwhile, Salon Magazine (WHO?) urges no compromise and suggests instead taking us over the "mythical" fiscal cliff.
------ WTF? I agree with Salon? shit. Posted by: RWC at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (fWAjv) 49
>>>ny thoughts on how we address this progressive left partisan media, Ace?
I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone? Posted by: ace at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (LCRYB) 50
I moved to the Left so the MSM would stop putting the word "Millionaire" in front of my name. Posted by: John Hunstman at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (AzwZn) You told me it was because you wanted your daughters to get free condoms. You lying sack of shit. Posted by: St. Sandra Fluke at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (wR+pz) 51
Beware my thunderous no label chariot that shoots sharks with laser beams on their heads at you!
Posted by: jesse jackson jr. at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (ZRoGl) 52
Quick, can anyone name a Democrat who's joined No Labels?
Posted by: Ace at 12:54 PM Bloomberg and Huntsman. There's a twofer..... Posted by: TheOculists at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (DzvS7) 53
Do. Not. Compromise. The Republicans should either get what they want or give Obama what he wants. Since the Republicans cannot get what they want, they should give Obama what he wants. With two conditions: It is to be called the Obama Tax Hikes and it comes with an expiration date. In one year the people will see if Obama's way works. It won't. And that'll be the end to blaming Bush and the Republicans. Yeah yeah I know: they'll still blame Bush!! Yes, but this time only 45% of the people will believe it instead of 51%. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (cdwbr) Posted by: Milli Vanilli at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (nKQYl) 55
Will Senator Reid ever address the voluminous questions about his relationship to pederasty? Will he accept the label? Will the children have suffered in vain? Will they all ever be found? I have it from a reliable source I saw on the Internet. Twitter even! There is no room for compromise. It's for the children.
Posted by: Concerned for the Children at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (71LDo) 56
Following the links you find this:
Washington • Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is signing on with a new movement to attempt to bridge the partisan divide that has left Washington in gridlock, charging that government leaders should be more focused on problem-solving, not point-scoring. Why is it that the MFM think gridlock is bad? I didn't see them complaining when the Dems blocked the Senate when the Rs had all three branches. Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (YdQQY) 57
Isn't *No Labels* a label? Dept. of Accuracy Dept. please weigh in.
Posted by: Liberty Lover at November 28, 2012 01:07 PM (GUSOQ) 58
His daughters are hot.
Posted by: garrett at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (zIiy2) 59
Ace said: "So it'll be him and Michael Bloomberg. I'm sure there are a couple more but they escape me at the moment."
I think Tokyo Joe Scarborough was a member at one point. Posted by: Jon (not the troll) at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (E8Ag4) 60
>>>22 'scuse me while I kiss this guy!
Posted by: Jimmuh Rey I've been skipping the ont. Is he still around? Or was he banned? Posted by: Walkers! at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (TYO2p) 61
no I didn't read Goldberg. This may sound strange but I don't read many political books. Bear in mind, I'm doing this stuff all day!
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (LCRYB) 62
Washington • Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is signing on with a new movement to attempt to bridge the partisan divide that has left Washington in gridlock, charging that government leaders should be more focused on problem-solving, not point-scoring.
Since when is "No Labels" a new movement? It's at least two years old, if not more. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (4df7R) 63
With two conditions: It is to be called the Obama Tax Hikes and it comes with an expiration date.
Will never happen because they own the MFM. Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (YdQQY) 64
Let it burn.
Posted by: In the bunker at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (R7H3g) 65
My wife thinks I'm insane for criticizing NPR's liberal slant. "Get off your conspiracy sites", she says...
49 >>>ny thoughts on how we address this progressive left partisan media, Ace? I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone? Posted by: ace at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM (LCRYB) Posted by: Pyrocles at November 28, 2012 01:09 PM (cv5Iw) 66
- "what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?"
How do you breathe through that thing!? Posted by: Hysterical Elephant at November 28, 2012 01:09 PM (zIiy2) 67
Harry Reid and crew are very proficient at maligning everyone for pure control and power until they want something, Then it's bi-partisanship is best for all of us.
hell even J Stewart said, lets be nice to eachother. the only thing is, They stab us call us anything and everything, and then when we fight back, It's 'let's play nice' the left, 'Hey you stupid mfkknuckledaggers, religious freakos and nazi scumbags !' 10 seconds later, "Please be nice to us and help us so we can get OUR ideology passed" Posted by: willow says , yep i an buying all the shit at November 28, 2012 01:10 PM (hX8cq) 68
And yet, next election cycle we will again hear that the SoCons need to move to the squishy middle.
Posted by: Klawnet at November 28, 2012 01:10 PM (ePxxX) 69
Just found out the Ace has Gangnam Style, which means in Korea he is a big hit.
What WOULD ace do for 840 million hits? Dance the Korean Pony dance? Posted by: Billy Bob, pseudo intellectual at November 28, 2012 01:10 PM (wR+pz) 70
Ok.... so with the Bush tax cuts expiring, and as the MSM will NOT call these the Obama Tax Hike...
Who will the MSM blame? will this be the Clinton tax rate? as I've already heard some of the MSM call it? Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:10 PM (lZBBB) 71
There are some real dumbass commenters at Salon. This one is typical:
I think Obama is doing the right thing by taking his bully pulpit on the road. He knows the futility of 'negotiating' with the current GOP in Congress. He's been to that dance before and the nation got burned with a needless downgrading of our credit rating. I predict we will go over the so-called fiscal cliff and the nation will see that, once again, intransigent Republicans are to blame. There will be a big public backlash and Obama will go into the New Year holding all the cards. Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (UOM48) Posted by: dc at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (UdPlZ) 73
58 His daughters are hot. Posted by: garrett at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (zIiy2) Well, 2 outa 3 ain't bad. Posted by: BCochran1981 at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (da5Wo) 74
Republican brand/party is in it's early death throws. Gen Y etc. has decided we are terminally unhip, and by terminal I mean the literal definition of the word.
This is the end of Act I. Get ready for the political bodies to start hitting the floor. Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (q177U) 75
anyway ok John Huntsman, we'' be no labels give them everything they want and when the shtf we'll hang the dunce sign around you and 'Your' party's neck.
Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (hX8cq) 76
>>>I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?
Protests outside their offices? Get more national GOP figures to address it? I dunno, I'm just spitballing. 90 percent of our raging against the media is just to ourselves. Posted by: El Kabong, RINOINO at November 28, 2012 01:12 PM (sGU4F) 77
Give them the Obama Tax Hike, without withholding.
Posted by: Jean at November 28, 2012 01:12 PM (LnQr8) 78
Ace, why not try a little activism? It's so crazy it just might work. If we get other bloggers to join us in, say, a mail drive, we can send a message to Congress. Mail them something. Monopoly money. Chicken feed. A peanut. Anything just to remind them that half the country, the productive half, wants no part of their hair brained schemes. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:13 PM (cdwbr) 79
I moved to the Left so the MSM would stop putting the word "Millionaire" in front of my name.
Posted by: John Hunstman at November 28, 2012 01:03 PM (AzwZn) You told me it was because you wanted your daughters to get free condoms. You lying sack of shit. ----------------------------------------- Don't play innocent like you're not used to a man doing you wrong, Baby. Posted by: John Hunstman at November 28, 2012 01:13 PM (AzwZn) 80
Bring on The Great Republican Purge of 2013.
Posted by: Jaws at November 28, 2012 01:13 PM (4I3Uo) 81
We suffered through four years of that moron as governor. His three major achievements were either undone immediately (school vouchers) or by his successor (four day work week/food tax cut). He like Romney and McCain is a legacy/convenient Republican. The only way to be elected in Utah is as a Republican so thats what he is. Compare that to romney who ran as a repubtard in the bluest of states. Also every achievement this guy has on his résumé is a direct result of his daddy's money. Ambassador, governor, think tank guy. All bought and paid for by daddy. I loved when Messina said they were scared if him. How? In what fucking universe? All that shit they threw at Romney. This guy ACTUALLY IS!
Posted by: Exasperated Expat at November 28, 2012 01:13 PM (xV30b) 82
He's been to that dance before and the nation got burned with a
needless downgrading of our credit rating. I predict we will go over the so-called fiscal cliff and the nation will see that, once again, intransigent Republicans are to blame. There will be a big public backlash and Obama will go into the New Year holding all the cards. Posted by: Jane D'oh, whew Jane , The are very good at throwing the blame on anyone else but their l-rd an savior. yeah 'our' fault being downgraded. Hey Dems, where is the Budget! flippin fkrs Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:14 PM (hX8cq) 83
Republican brand/party is in it's early death
throws. Gen Y etc. has decided we are terminally unhip, and by terminal I mean the literal definition of the word. Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (q177U) Romney actually won among white Gen Yers (after McCain lost them by 10 points). That surprised me. Posted by: Jon (not the troll) at November 28, 2012 01:14 PM (E8Ag4) 84
60 >>>22 'scuse me while I kiss this guy!
Posted by: Jimmuh Rey I've been skipping the ont. Is he still around? Or was he banned? Posted by: Walkers! at November 28, 2012 01:08 PM (TYO2p) *primps mullet* I'm not going anywhere. I'm far too good looking and the Camaro is in the shop. Posted by: jimi ray Professional Hausfrau at November 28, 2012 01:15 PM (nKQYl) 85
John Huntsman should change his first name to Mike.
Posted by: Joe Mama at November 28, 2012 01:15 PM (EKr9U) 86
We want to call it the Kaffee Party so it'll have that euro cachet.
Posted by: david frump-brooks at November 28, 2012 01:15 PM (jPVBi) 87
Don't forget meeee!
Posted by: David Frum at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (H0lcY) 88
I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?
We can get our message out. We need to do what the TEA party did in 2009 - be loud, be raucous, and be in their faces. Can we do that anymore? I'm not sure. We just plum have no organization. Everybody here works a job. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (49lPc) Posted by: Bean Waxxer at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (vroT8) 90
Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:11 PM (q177U)
GOP can't do it.... but we need to make the Founding Father's cool again... Point out what rebels they were.... how the Sons of Liberty started in a Pub... How Ben Franklin used to walk around Paris Naked, and his writings about Beer.... Talk about Freedom, and Liberty, and how a big Government is like Mommy and Daddy.... controlling all they do.... Talk about how Big Government, and the UN, wants to control the Net.... IE.... make Conservative and Libertarian values cool.... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (lZBBB) 91
At least there's no Mormons in Belize.
Posted by: Palm Beach Pooter Hound at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (ufLRj) 92
>>> Protests outside their offices? Get more national GOP figures to address it? Yes. We need to remind these shitheels that we're still here. They forgot since 2010. All this talk about secession and not paying taxes is fantasy and extremist and last-resort-irrational. We can do other stuff such as calling the Reps. Call all of them. Go to their offices. Organize rallies. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (cdwbr) 93
Drop the tug-of-war rope. Let them have it all. Walk away and Let. It. Burn.
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (BAS5M) 94
I skimmed Facebook and saw some brainless cretin make a Mitt Romney put his dog on the roof of his car joke in the comments of someone's post.
16.2 trillion in debt. Their Boy King got reelected and THIS is what they fixate on. Mitt Romney is rich! Sarah Palin is stoopid! Hurr hurrr hurrr.. It offends and angers me on so many levels. I want to SMASH people like this. Beat them into a fucking coma. I think I need to close that account. It just gets me worked up every time I check in. And people rarely post anything of interest. Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (0DlnM) 95
"Call them out" to whom?That's the dilemma.
In my small circle of friends, neighbors and acqauintences, only about 3 or 4 care about politics, the rest adamantly refuse to discuss anything beyond sports, the weather, or the latest cultural event. I tried in the months preceding the election, to discuss how important the election was, the blatantly biased media, how awful Obama really is, etc. Lots of fingers-in-the-ears and LALALALA in response. Honestly, I'm done with that. Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (YmPwQ) Posted by: El Kabong, RINOINO at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (sGU4F) 97
Is Huntsman suggesting that the elected representatives cave on the very issues they ran on that we sent them there for? Isn't that like saying "listen populace, we lied to you, you don't know what's good for you but we do." If the American people wanted compromise why did they send a group back to office that has yet to do it? Posted by: tsrblke (work) at November 28, 2012 01:17 PM (YloHR) 98
Both daughters and the momma, 4 some
Posted by: Vizzy at November 28, 2012 01:18 PM (H0lcY) 99
John Huntsman. So much of a douche bag, even the Democrats didn't want him.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:18 PM (5DR1j) 100
Oh and how bout not being a backstabbing douche? You worked for the guy then decided to run against him? Some loyalty. He, Christie, McCain and Crist should form a No Mr. Republican Fuck You group.
Posted by: Exasperated Expat at November 28, 2012 01:18 PM (xV30b) 101
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 28, 2012 01:16 PM (49lPc)
Yeah... it was a shame IMO when the TEA party got co-opted by the GOP... note how Boehner does not even acknowledge the existance of the TEA party anymore? and we have the EXACT same major players in Washington after TWO election cycles (on both sides of the aisle...). Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:18 PM (lZBBB) 102
Why can't I just accept that most people are stupid, shallow and lazy and then sociopathically prey on them for my own benefit?
Why? Is there something wrong with me? They deserve to be exploited, abused, and crushed under my boot heel. Why can't I do it? Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (0DlnM) 103
Imagine Harry Reid naked.
Ring! Ring! Ring! Posted by: crichton ringing his bell and pointing at harry reid and holding up a flashlight at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (jPVBi) 104
Let's go over the cliff now while it may only be a 20 ftdrop to the bottom; perhaps we'll break some bones but may survive. If we wait yet again to go over, the cliff may have risen and the fall will be too great and we won't survive.
Posted by: Woodsrunner at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (7PYTA) Posted by: eleven - Go Raiders!!!!! at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (KXm42) 106
Hate to say it, but if the R's don't shut it down and let the budget get automatically balanced through "rendition" or whatever dumb ass name they have for it, there's no hope. Its all one "Communist Party USA" at that point.
Posted by: Whatev at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (2t6Gz) 107
Supposedly Huntsman's record as Utah governor is more conservative than you'd think given this and his primary run, but he doesn't seem to want anyone to know about that
and how do you compromise when the two parties are operating on totally different assumptions? I watched an old interview of Richard Mourdock (I know) back when he beat Lugar, and he pretty much nailed this. the reason there used to be more compromise between the parties was because they were more ideologically heterogeneous. that isn't the case today Posted by: JDP at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (60GaT) 108
>>>Point out what rebels they were.... how the Sons of Liberty started in a Pub... How Ben Franklin used to walk around Paris Naked, and his writings about Beer....
That sounds good. Wish I could be more positive, but I think they would jut say "Ben Franklin would be a Democrat if he were alive today." How many Breitbarts are out there? It looks like there was only one. We need more cultural heroes, NOT political ones. Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (q177U) 109
He is also pro Susan Rice. Why isnt he a democrat?
Posted by: thunderb at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (aCsVZ) 110
I'm of the let-it-burn mindset. Republicans should just tell Dems to write whatever fiscal legislation they want to write, and they will pass it. Make it very clear that Republicans have nothing to do with the resultant economic crash. Yes, it will hurt, but people need to wake up and realize that Dem policies are strangling the country.
Posted by: biancaneve at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (6bYlh) 111
>>> 92 Yes. We need to remind these shitheels that we're still here. They forgot since 2010.
I thought that was the best part of Pat F'ing Caddell's rage against the media video a few months ago. He made the point that no national GOP figure ever addresses the fact that the media is 1) openly rooting for the Dems and 2) actively undermining the GOP at every turn. I think Obama whined more about the media ('treat me like a dog') than any GOP figure did in the last four years. Posted by: El Kabong, RINOINO at November 28, 2012 01:20 PM (sGU4F) 112
CountDeMonet, Sounds delicious yet, who is controlling the meme.
Republicans cause collapse! They could have helped save america But they wouldn't show up to help! Nothing we could do! listen they got away with kill the rich, kill the banksters , and republican are the party of kkk. besides having the populace agree to stealing others money for free shit. but all of this is OUR fault. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:21 PM (hX8cq) 113
Oh for God's sake.
The White House is promoting a new Twitter hashtag about the fiscal cliff: #My2K. The headline at Drudge links to the story at the Hill. Have at it, 'rons and 'ettes. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:21 PM (4df7R) Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (iKSAz) 115
Why can't I just accept that most people are stupid, shallow and lazy and then sociopathically prey on them for my own benefit?
Why? Is there something wrong with me? They deserve to be exploited, abused, and crushed under my boot heel. Why can't I do it? I know right? I just wasn't raised that way or something. Maybe my mother loved me too much. So many sheep to be shorn and me with no psychological clippers. Posted by: eleven - Go Raiders!!!!! at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (KXm42) 116
I want my Obamaphone! #my2k
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (49lPc) Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (UOM48) 118
>>>The White House is promoting a new Twitter hashtag about the fiscal cliff: #My2K. The headline at Drudge links to the story at the Hill.
Lulz: The Heritage Foundation bought an add on that hashtag. First thing you see. Posted by: El Kabong, RINOINO at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (sGU4F) 119
CountDeMonet, Sounds delicious yet, who is controlling the meme.
Good thing about "Let it burn?" When you're worried about eating tonight and sleeping inside, whose "fault" it is pretty well doesn't enter the equation. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (5DR1j) 120
I'm starting a club called "Mostly Labels." It will be kind of a beer drinking deal where people are encouraged to shout at passersby and make fun of idiots, dweebs and assholes. There will be pie and sausages. We will probably also have some pretty cool t-shirts made up.
Posted by: Gristle Encased Head at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (+lsX1) 121
I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?Posted by: ace
Why would we think the strategy to reclaim the public square would be any different than the strategy used to take it in the first place? What happened to 'vetting the media?' When did that happen? Because it seemed to be a good starting place. "Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." IF this is a war, we aren't the cavalry. We're the indians. The first conservative group to synthesize Alinsky's 10 rules with Lawrence of Arabia's 15 principles will win every media battle. Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (JEpGb) Posted by: Andy at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (XTvgu) Posted by: Billy Bob, pseudo intellectual at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (wR+pz) 124
over the cliff bitches!
Posted by: we are so screwed at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (HEa5q) Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (kdS6q) 126
Instead of no labels just call them "generic" as in generic dems
Posted by: thunderb at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (aCsVZ) 127
120 I'm starting a club called "Mostly Labels." It will be kind of a beer drinking deal where people are encouraged to shout at passersby and make fun of idiots, dweebs and assholes. There will be pie and sausages. We will probably also have some pretty cool t-shirts made up. Posted by: Gristle Encased Head at November 28, 2012 01:23 PM (+lsX1) Sounds great, but will pants be required? Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:24 PM (4df7R) 128
Allen, well yes, but that means I'm coming with my kids to your place to survive.
Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:24 PM (hX8cq) 129
Allen, well yes, but that means I'm coming with my kids to your place to survive.
Workers welcome. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:24 PM (5DR1j) 130
We're clever enough to "make" news, aren't we? One thing is for sure: Nothing will change if we resign ourselves to be full time reactionaries in the peanut gallery. If the base of the GOP base won't engage in a little activism, who will? And how can we expect Republicans to stand up to Democrats if they think the base doesn't care? Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:25 PM (cdwbr) 131
no I didn't read Goldberg. This may sound strange but I don't read many political books. Bear in mind, I'm doing this stuff all day!
Thanks!—For the answer and for doing this stuff all day. (Goldberg’s book grew out of a WSJ article he wrote in 1996, link in name shortened because WSJ is banned, where he basically fisked a colleague at CBS for using adjectives on conservative ideas they’d never allow for liberal ones; the book itself goes more heavily into the media using labels far more often on Republicans than on Democrats. It’s a little depressing how things are basically the same as fifteen years ago except worse.) Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at November 28, 2012 01:25 PM (QF8uk) 132
Allen, i've always been a city gal, but i can be taught.
Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:26 PM (hX8cq) 133
"I was listening to the news yesterday and I heard Harry Reid urging people to..."
FUCK Harry Reid and anyone who looks like him. Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at November 28, 2012 01:26 PM (vd7A8) 134
"Isn't it terribly strange that Harry Reid is considered by the press to
be non-partisan while any Republican pushing a conservative policy preference is an ultra-ideologue?" O Fie, Ace! Fie! They also serve who move the goalposts in the dead of night. Posted by: The Sweat-Stained Wretches Of Journ-O-List v. 18.0 at November 28, 2012 01:26 PM (HjPtV) 135
Workers welcome.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:24 PM (5DR1j) How big is your place? And out of curiosity, what does land go for out there? I briefly looked at some stuff online the other night for here in Florida. Seemed cheap to me, but for all I know it's useless scrub land. Posted by: BCochran1981 at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (da5Wo) 136
Good thing about "Let it burn?" When you're worried about eating tonight and sleeping inside, whose "fault" it is pretty well doesn't enter the equation.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:22 PM (5DR1j) Unless you're an entitled little idiot who believes that you're owed the sun, moon and stars just for being a special little snowflake. Why do you have to eat three day old cabbage water when THE RICH get to eat the actual cabbage? And there must be THE RICH somewhere, because THE RICH are the ones who force the 99% to drink cabbage water! Seriously, they will do nothing to help themselves. They will piss and moan and blame everyone else in the entire world, throughout history, for their situation. And then they'll die of starvation or exposure and won't be missed. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Hobbit, rooting for SMOD or the Mayans, whichever comes first at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (4df7R) 137
Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:21 PM (hX8cq)
[from 1978] I've got news for you, Posted by: Count de Monet at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (BAS5M) 138
You know what? I've decided I'm okay with taxing the rich. Most of them are liberal fuckwits anyway. Let's tax every single fucker making more than, say $10 million a year at 100 percent. Take it all, drive them away or drive them broke. It's all money that won't be going to the Democrats.
And when the economy completely tanks, maybe the rest of the stupid voters will get a clue. Posted by: Trimegistus at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (MGlN+) 139
If the base of the GOP base won't engage in a little activism, who will?
And how can we expect Republicans to stand up to Democrats if they think the base doesn't care? See, sadly, this was what "special interest groups" and lobbying firms were supposed to do: represent actual people's actual interests, so the people could get on with their work while being reasonably certain their concerns were at least being heard. We see how that worked out. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (5DR1j) 140
Beck's "Piss Obama" raising $11,300 before E-Bay took it down, is directly under the headline on Drudge.
Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (UOM48) 141
Reid and Pelosi are allowed to say anything.
state anything about our candidates and they Never have to back it up. it's taken as pure truth. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:28 PM (hX8cq) 142
All the legislature in Utah. Utah is the mirror of California only with republicans there is only a very narrow window for governors to work in. His three major policy undertakings were lowering the food tax so poor people weren't impacted by it, civil unions for homosexual couples and changing state agencies from five to four day work weeks. That combined with the school choice were all he had. Four years after he quit as governor only the civil unions are still in place. One, the four day work week, was ruled unconstitutional because he enacted it through executive order not legislative action. He's the Mormon Republican Obama. Pretty, speaks well with only vapidity to back it up. Posted by: Exasperated Expat at November 28, 2012 01:28 PM (xV30b) 143
one thing about the Reid comment, conservatives will admit they're, well, conservative, but liberals seem very invested in the idea that they're "nonideological" and just calling it like they see it. Republicans have to get better at deconstructing liberal alleged "common sense" and explaining why it isn't to the public.
Posted by: JDP at November 28, 2012 01:28 PM (60GaT) 144
If an upstanding Republican like George Voinovich can join No Labels, then they must be pretty ok. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 28, 2012 01:28 PM (kdS6q) 145
Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:19 PM (q177U)
We somehow have to break the connection between the GOP Brand, and how people percieve the GOP. Most people want smaller Government... and less taxes... yet vote Democrat becaue the GOP is the party of rich guys... I said this BEFORE the election... I think the GOP Brand is broken... its messege is lost because people see it through the prism of the Brand... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:29 PM (lZBBB) 146
Also, I suggest that the GOP start running with the idea that America voted for the Fiscal Cliff.
See, they voted in Barack Obama, they kept the Senate virtually unchanged, and the same with the House. Ergo, they must be happy with the "gridlock" on capitol hill and with the Fiscal Cliff deal which was, after all, negotiated by these exact same players. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:29 PM (5DR1j) 147
[from 1978]
I've got news for you, Hoov Willow. They're gonna nail us no matter what we do. So we might as well have a good time doing it. You guys up for a Toga party? Posted by: Count de Monet at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (BAS5M) uh hmm, true. On the positive side,i might look pretty good in a toga. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:29 PM (hX8cq) 148
IE.... make Conservative and Libertarian values cool....
Posted by: Romeo13 This. We are now the rebels and are raging against the machine. If we can articulate that then we will prevail. This will also take care of the Rinos amongst us. Posted by: Cheri at November 28, 2012 01:29 PM (G+Wff) Posted by: Karl Rove at November 28, 2012 01:29 PM (AzwZn) 150
Talk about falling off the wagon...
A suspected drunken motorist accused of driving more than two miles with a dying man on her hood was a former addict who seemingly had turned her life around and was a respected drug and alcohol counselor, her boss said Posted by: RWC at November 28, 2012 01:30 PM (fWAjv) 151
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (BAS5M)
TOGA TOGA!!!! Actualy, on Dec 21, we're having a Mayan themed End of the World Party.... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:31 PM (lZBBB) 152
121, less the butt-sex then were good, although I would go with Roberts or Guderian over Lawerance.
Posted by: Jean at November 28, 2012 01:31 PM (UjSt7) 153
I think part of the reason the Republicans capitulate is because they don't feel the support of the base as the Democrats do. The Republicans got pretty bold in 2009 and 10 because we came out and showed we care. Then as our rallies stopped, the Republicans' boldness faded. Here's a crazy idea. Let's let Boehner and McConnell know we have their backs. Maybe that will embolden them. Or we can do nothing, try nothing, and complain when nothing changes. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:31 PM (cdwbr) 154
From the No Labels "Our People" page: Tyler Kirby My name is Tyler Kirby, I am a 14 year old high school student. I was never really interested in politics until now; this is due to an American Government course I am taking. A political movement based around kids that don't want to do the book report for extra credit.... Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 28, 2012 01:32 PM (kdS6q) Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 28, 2012 01:32 PM (GVxQo) 156
So we'll send tea bags to congress and put Obama in piss and wonder why they treat us like children? Posted by: the lone lemon at November 28, 2012 01:33 PM (xXhWA) 157
Harry Reid's speech in the Senate in 2014:
And most recently of all, a "Roman Toga Party" was held from which we have received more than two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion SO profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here. Posted by: Count de Monet at November 28, 2012 01:33 PM (BAS5M) 158
***3 Separate Replies Ahead***
How big is your place? And out of curiosity, what does land go for out there? I briefly looked at some stuff online the other night for here in Florida. Seemed cheap to me, but for all I know it's useless scrub land. The farm (and, yes, I'm planning on getting it up and running again) is 160 acres. It has a "garden" that's about 1 - 1.5 acres. Plus another one more worthy of the name "garden" right by the farm house. As for the cost of land? No clue. It's a family farm. Allen, i've always been a city gal, but i can be taught. I've always been a city boy. I plan on learning. And then they'll die of starvation or exposure and won't be missed. Well, yes. And? Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:33 PM (5DR1j) 159
I have relatives who sincerely believe Wall Street and the financial industry is run by those evil republicans. That the entire collapse in 2008 was the fault of republicans.
I've talked till I'm blue in the face about who really runs Wall Street and the financial industry, it's all rich democrats who donate big money to obama, and he then bails them out. Democrats are the party of the really rich, and the poor. Republicans are the party of the (ever shrinking) middle. The commies finally have their class warfare, it took a 100 years because freedom and capitalism work against having a proletariat underclass that will rise up against "the rich" but it's here. Posted by: Boots at November 28, 2012 01:33 PM (neKzn) 160
Beck's "Piss Obama" raising $11,300 before E-Bay took it down, is directly under the headline on Drudge.
Posted by: Jane D'oh, Life Coach at November 28, 2012 01:27 PM (UOM4 ![]() Was Jamie Foxx in on the bidding? Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 28, 2012 01:34 PM (1Jaio) 161
sooth, the problem with that is Progressives lie , They hate war unless they are engaging in it.
They hate death, until they are doing the killing. They hate thieves unless they are the ones thieving. etc. and their followers Don't care because they believ in powr not honesty. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:34 PM (hX8cq) 162
Obama was on Fox earlier; I watched about 10 minutes as that was all I could stand. He was just setting up the GOP as the ones who want to raise taxes. Said unless they act everyones' taxes go up $2200 after the first---blamed it on the House.
No mention anywhere of the multiple tax hikes coming from Obamacare. For some reason none of the networks seem interested. Let it burn. I know when I am beat. Half my family has been here since the 1600s and the other side were already here. Fuck it. They want a fascist/socialist democracy? Let them have it. I'll support a Texas/Southern Republic. That might be a free society. Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:34 PM (+paCV) 163
If the base of the GOP base won't engage in a little activism, who will? And how can we expect Republicans to stand up to Democrats if they think the base doesn't care? >Well, the GOP base did engage in a little activism, the Tea Party, and when they weren't giving us unelectable candidates, they were getting crapped on by the MFM and the GOP elitists.
No, I don't want to quit, but the task is very daunting. Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at November 28, 2012 01:34 PM (YmPwQ) 164
[So we'll send tea bags to congress and put Obama in piss and wonder why they treat us like children?]
Yeah, we should do something more mature. Like yell about free condoms and make women in binders jokes. Also? Naked protests. Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:35 PM (0DlnM) 165
16 Trillion in debt? Cool, how 'bout more free stuff for my vagina? #My2K
Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2012 01:35 PM (q177U) 166
>>>22 'scuse me while I kiss this guy!
Posted by: Jimmuh Rey I've been skipping the ont. Is he still around? Or was he banned? JR was all over last night's ont bragging about being the best guitar player evah. Posted a YouTube video of his music that sucked, then bragged some more and ragged on otho. Real prick. Posted by: CharlieSays at November 28, 2012 01:35 PM (2aJHq) 167
ugh, idn't finsh my point.
We actually expect the republicans to represent the best of america's ideas, and we slash them when they lie. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:35 PM (hX8cq) 168
This just reiterates the Point. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy. The Media are the enemy.
Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:35 PM (bb5+k) 169
You know, for a Democrat, Jon Huntsman seems like a nice enough guy.
Posted by: A Balrog of Morgoth at November 28, 2012 01:36 PM (NL15p) 170
Dear God,
We are so screwed. "...@RayRobertGreen #My2k means I won't have to stand in lines at food shelters with chronic back pain, because of being on a fixed income..." That DAMN chronic, unspecified, soft tissue, untreatable, SSI-enabling back pain. IF IT JUST WASN'T FOR THAT, @RayRobertGreen would be a productive member of society. Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 01:36 PM (iKSAz) 171
It would be nice if Fox were the right-wing mouthpiece that the left claims that they are.
I've seen this mentioned of the rich right-wingers needs to create a REAL right-wing news outlet. Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at November 28, 2012 01:36 PM (YmPwQ) 172
Here's a crazy idea. Let's let Boehner and McConnell know we have their backs. Maybe that will embolden them.
No. New leadership is needed. We had congressmen who were supposed to carry the fight, but they didn't. Our representatives failed us. Now I'm supposed to suck Boehner's cock? Fuck him. It's time for a new party or new leadership. No more being polite. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 28, 2012 01:36 PM (UjSt7) 173
"So it'll be him and Michael Bloomberg. I'm sure there are a couple more but they escape me at the moment."
Mike Castle? Posted by: jwest at November 28, 2012 01:37 PM (ZDsRL) 174
>>> So we'll send tea bags to congress and put Obama in piss and wonder why they treat us like children? You do not see the value in these actions. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:37 PM (cdwbr) 175
What are you trying to say DiogenesLamp?
Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (+paCV) 176
I've always been a city boy. I plan on learning.>>
If you offer free beer to the locals you'll get more than enough teachers to show up. I moved from the city to a 10 acre farm site and rent out the tillable part. Since moving out there 4 years ago I've learned quite a bit about farming through Barmosis. Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (tf9Ne) 177
Without my moneyJon Jr. would be nothin'. There's a label for that.
Posted by: Jon Huntsman Sr. at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (wIgpo) 178
"So we'll send tea bags to congress and put Obama in piss and wonder why they treat us like children?"
Yeah, well, at the moment they treat us "like the British children". Posted by: mrp at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (HjPtV) Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (zF6Iw) 180
like the be-wilder-ed-beasts at the watering hole...
Posted by: Running Hobo at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM (l1oyw) 181
No. New leadership is needed. We had congressmen who were supposed to carry the fight, but they didn't. Our representatives failed us. This. If they need more "support" than sending them an historic wave of Republicans to take over the House, and electing a Republican to "Ted Kennedy's Seat" in Massachusetts, then I'm done with them. I don't want children who need constant reassurance and cheer-leading. I want adults who will see that we elected them to do one thing- oppose Obama and his Marxist agenda- and do that. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM (5DR1j) 182
re: 'We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?'
I think "Call them out" is advice intended for people who are allowed to step up to the megaphone. You know, not us. Like when Newt went with the "your question is stupid because you're stupid" attitude for a while. That was fun. The problem is that the *only* criterion by which a (nominal) opposition figure is allowed access to the megaphone is acquiescence to the megaphone's premises/attitudes/etc. If they don't play by that one rule, they get destroyed--with enthusiastic assistance from the nominal opposition--and then of course they can't be allowed to get near the megaphone, because they're a fringe crazy Palin racist Beck idiot Limbaugh rape! etc., and letting them talk would be irresponsible. So. A unified countenance-no-bullshit front from all the public faces of the GOP might work, to some degree. It could clarify things, and clarity is good. It's a place to start. But aren't things already clear? Look what story we're commenting on. Will Huntsman get thrown out of the Party for this? No. And yet, in effect, Palin was. For...wait, what was it again? Ah, whatever. Her name got put on The List, so--the end. All any prominent Republican wants is to not get put on The List, and getting put on it is the only sin the Party recognizes. The one thing we here out in no-megaphone-land can *definitely* do, that's completely within our own control, is: Don't help. Don't join. But... Too tall an order, isn't it? Posted by: oblig. at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM (cePv8) 183
so we no longer like tea?
why? we throw those that have the most interest in individuals and americas survival to the curb? Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM (hX8cq) 184
Democrats are the party of the really rich, and the poor.
Republicans are the party of the (ever shrinking) middle. The commies finally have their class warfare, it took a 100 years because freedom and capitalism work against having a proletariat underclass that will rise up against "the rich" but it's here. Posted by: Boots at November 28, 2012 01:33 PM (neKzn) In the book "Leftism Revisited" by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, He points out that every socialist movement in History was promoted and financed by the Children and Wives of the very Wealthy. (those who got their hands on the money without knowing where it came from.) Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM (bb5+k) 185
I don't know. We say things like "Call them out" but what does that mean when we have such a small megaphone?
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2012 01:06 PM and when they have such a large Meggiephone Posted by: kbdabear at November 28, 2012 01:40 PM (wwsoB) 186
We need to reach out across the aisle and offer real tax hikes combined with imaginary spending reduction. No Labels!
Posted by: WalrusRex at November 28, 2012 01:40 PM (XUKZU) 187
jamie foxx in piss.......that would be a good follow up
Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 28, 2012 01:40 PM (GVxQo) 188
Well, Harry hasn't passed a budget in over three years. Because, you know, he is skilled in the art of compromise.
No labels. No budget. Whatever. Compromise to Democrats is they impose their will on us. Ergo I think Huntsman and Bloomberg should name their group Vichy-Republicans. Posted by: Marcus at November 28, 2012 01:41 PM (GGCsk) 189
If you offer free beer to the locals you'll get more than enough teachers to show up.
Not sure how well that will work in the largely Tea-total Eastland, TX, but the people there are friendly enough that I suspect I can get a hand or two. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart at November 28, 2012 01:41 PM (5DR1j) 190
I'm reasonably confident - to a certain extent - that bicycle helmet laws are responsible for all of our suffering today. Someone's creator at some point knew that complicated mechanisms like bicycles and skateboards were actually designed to be hard-to-discern (yet self-selecting) population limiting devices. Nice of all those fine progressive folks to start fucking with the gene pool like that without contemplating the myriad consequences.
All it took was a couple laws "for the Children", and this whole nation started its rapid descent unto nanny state hell and subsequent oblivion. My main question now is thus - when is someone re-recording "Let It Be" with our movement's new flame-oriented lyrics? Posted by: Rob McNeece at November 28, 2012 01:41 PM (hNXHo) 191
You do not see the value in these actions. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:37 PM (cdwbr) No, I think childish shit is counter-productive. Its the whole tit-for-tat realm the left resides in. We ought to be holding a mirror to the lefts own childishness rather than emulating it, i think. Posted by: the lone lemon at November 28, 2012 01:41 PM (xXhWA) 192
We need to reach out across the aisle and offer real tax hikes combined with imaginary spending reduction. No Labels!
Posted by: WalrusRex at November 28, 2012 01:40 PM (XUKZU) haha isn't that what we've been doing?Boehner really does need to go. Posted by: willow at November 28, 2012 01:42 PM (hX8cq) Posted by: Ian S. at November 28, 2012 01:42 PM (B/VB5) 194
Let it burn. I know when I am beat. Half my family
has been here since the 1600s and the other side were already here. Fuck it. They want a fascist/socialist democracy? Let them have it. I'll support a Texas/Southern Republic. That might be a free society. Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:34 PM (+paCV) The Republic of Greater Texas is okay by me as well, but I fear those bastard Californians that are moving to Texas are bringing along their disastrous and dysfunctional ideas, and will likely work to make Texas as big of a mess as California now is. Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:42 PM (bb5+k) 195
Look what story we're commenting on. Will Huntsman
get thrown out of the Party for this? No. And yet, in effect, Palin was. For...wait, what was it again? But... Too tall an order, isn't it? Posted by: oblig. at November 28, 2012 01:39 PM For being an actual conservative and having a high-pitched annoying voice and odd speech pattern? Posted by: huerfano at November 28, 2012 01:42 PM (bAGA/) 196
[i I don't want children who need constant reassurance and cheer-leading. I want adults who will see that we elected them to do one thing- oppose Obama and his Marxist agenda- and do that.
Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) Channelling Breitbart This. The first thing the leadership did after 2010 was tell the freshmen to STFU and then go on the MFM and denounce the Tea Party. Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:43 PM (+paCV) Posted by: Christina Hendricks's Mighty Jugs are Really SMOD in Disguise at November 28, 2012 01:43 PM (16UJh) Posted by: Marcus at November 28, 2012 01:43 PM (GGCsk) 199
From the No Labels "Our People" page:
Tyler Kirby My name is Tyler Kirby, I am a 14 year old high school student. I was never really interested in politics until now; this is due to an American Government course I am taking. A political movement based around kids that don't want to do the book report for extra credit.... --- Which is better; having to pay for stuff or getting free stuff? Bueller? Bueller? Posted by: WalrusRex at November 28, 2012 01:43 PM (XUKZU) 200
the GOP as a political party is dead. Any career politician who seeks public office should find another party label to affiliate with. (with which to affiliate).
Conservatives need to start their own political party, or just shut up and go underground. Otherwise, Obama and the media will destroy you. Posted by: Skandia Recluse at November 28, 2012 01:43 PM (F5UGj) Posted by: Marcus at November 28, 2012 01:44 PM (GGCsk) 202
“It’s a topsy-turvy world, Jane. And maybe the problems of two people don’t amount to a hill of beans, but this is our hill, and these are our beans.”
Posted by: Frank Drebin Joins Coffee Party "Gang Of Two" at November 28, 2012 01:44 PM (AzwZn) 203
Anymore, I can't figure out if the Republican Party has changed so much that I don't recognize it anymore, or if I've sort of projected my beliefs on a party that never really had them in the first place.
Posted by: DangerGirl - feeling empty at November 28, 2012 01:45 PM (crLRi) 204
197 My family switched from GOp to Independent after the election.
Thank goodness we moved and did that before the election. It really cut down on the calls that I wasn't going to answer to begin with, since I didn't know who was actually calling. Of course, we thought we were moving from a safe red state to a safe red state...and even wound up in a pretty red part of a traditionally very red area... ...which Obama carried. Sigh. Posted by: Rob McNeece at November 28, 2012 01:46 PM (hNXHo) 205
BTW "Fiscal Cliff" is a misnomer.
Look at the history of that term. It is basically a Democrat convention adopted by the media as part of their negotiation strategy. They want to say Republicans took us over the cliff. Now live with it. But we should make Obama and Democrats own it. Instead Republicans sit with fingers up their ass and minds in Idaho. Posted by: Marcus at November 28, 2012 01:47 PM (GGCsk) 206
I have to admit, I'm out of ideas and energy.
We're surrounded by immoral, grasping, gimme-free-shit losers who tear down anyone who rises above them. They don't want to improve themselves. They don't want to take responsibility for their own failings. They want someone to blame so they don't have to take a hard look at themselves. We have the internet--the greatest source of information in the history of man--the great equalizer where ANYONE can access ANYTHING FOR FREE. And yet, collectively, we're more ignorant than ever. You can lead a horse to water... but if Jersey Shore is on, you can't make it drink. I've come to realize I'm a minority--in the way I think, in my lifestyle, and how I raise my kids. All this shit is out of my hands. I'm having a lot of trouble coming to peace with that, but I'm trying. I'm trying as best I can to protect my family, to raise my kids right and arm them with the tools they'll need to be okay in such a corrupt society. I'm trying not to be filled up with hate and rage. Mostly, I'm not. But there's something dark simmering underneath the surface. I just can't believe that THIS is who we are. I'm so goddamned disappointed in my country. I think I need to just unplug from it all for awhile. Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (0DlnM) 207
bicycle helmets are not the problem
children's programing beginning with sesame street was and is the problem....don't let the kids watch anything with out you sitting there explaining it to them why it's crap or not crap....the same with school....debrief them everyday and reprogram them if necessary....also....for new parents....point out the bad behavior of brats and label them liberals.....selfish, greedy, whiney, manipulating kids are liberals in training......and never have a second play date with those kind of kids..... Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (GVxQo) 208
"For being an actual conservative and having a high-pitched annoying voice and odd speech pattern?"
There are some things that just can't be overlooked. Posted by: jwest at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (ZDsRL) 209
What are you trying to say DiogenesLamp?
Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:38 PM (+paCV) I'm trying to say that any plan which does not include nullifying or taking out the Enemy "Air" Force is highly unlikely to succeed. We seriously need to figure out ways to cut the economic throat of these New York Hired Liberal Union Democrat Media people. We need to go to war with them as an institution and as individuals. We need to take them out. Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (bb5+k) 210
1.) Two morearrogantpols I've never known. 2.) Two more banal, politically correct pols I've never known. (Funny, isn't it, that pc-ers think they're pro-science when they are actually scientifically illiterate and innumerate, esp. concerning population genetics and evolutionary biology. They cling, for instance, to blank-slateism, thoroughly trashed by all the scientific data know available to us through even simple genomic scanning. More to come, btw, in the next months and years on this.) 3.) Two more physically unappealing male pols I've never known, straight ones, that is, for I can't forget the most unappealing of all, Barney Frank....oh, wait, the straight Alan Grayson is almost as bad as Barney, at least I think Grayson is straight, or maybe he's just asexual. Watching Huntman makes my skin crawl, an unctuous bastard who can't seem to understand what makes people not like him. Bloomberg's voice is enough to make me change channels w/out even listening to his totalitarianism elitism. Posted by: gm at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (TPaQf) 211
I'm struggling to think of any real compromise legislation, with more than token cover from one side, that has proven good for us. Put another way, it's precisely these no labels type people that are the worst for us. They are the ones who take the "good" parts both sides offer and reject the "bad". Problem is the bad is the necessary medicine.
If you wonder how we end up in this financial situation, it's these idiots. The ones that want to keep the lie that we can have everything and have somebody else pay for it. They are a minority by far, but they facilitate the deadlock they so often claim to hate. Posted by: Dave S. at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (/tk/V) 212
The "Piss Obama" is EXACTLY the type of guerrilla shit we need to be doing. An entire subculture of cutting, sarcastic ridicule of these idiot people and their insipid messiah. Posted by: imp at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (UaxA0) 213
Childish. That's funny. Childish is the language of politicians. You get the attention of a politician in only two ways. 1. Money. 2. Activism, i.e., being a loud, squeaky wheel. Stunts work. Politicians interpret activism as support or as opposition. Support = In Power. Opposition = Out of power. Posted by: soothsayer at November 28, 2012 01:50 PM (cdwbr) Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 28, 2012 01:50 PM (GVxQo) 215
@206 Warden at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (0DlnM)...
Amen, brother. To the T, that's how I feel. I'm unplugging to Idaho. Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 01:50 PM (iKSAz) 216
I've seen this mentioned of the rich right-wingers needs to create a REAL right-wing news outlet.
Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at November 28, 2012 01:36 PM (YmPwQ) ------------------------------------------------- Go to Blaze TV. That's exactly what Beck is trying to do. Support him even if you don't like his radio show. He's one of the few mainstream conservatives out there willing to stick his neck out and actually do something along this line. I just wish Rush and a few of his wealthy buddies would get a consortium going and buy a major network news organization. Posted by: Soona at November 28, 2012 01:53 PM (HGw4L) 217
We seriously need to figure out ways to cut the economic throat of these New York Hired Liberal Union Democrat Media people. We need to go to war with them as an institution and as individuals. We need to take them out.
Yep. It all starts there, but will always end with an electorate that (still) really doesn't give a fuck. There is no solution materializing to the confluence of those two problems. Zip, zap, zilch. What percentage of "voters" said they didn't make their "decision" until the week before the election, and this Administration's brilliant and comprehensive Sandy response photo opportunity impacted it...? There's a lot of pretty bright conservatives...some of the folks here are certainly cut from that bolt of cloth...but we're trying to go FTL in a '69 VW Bug here. Posted by: Rob McNeece at November 28, 2012 01:53 PM (hNXHo) Posted by: Democratic Politburo 2016 at November 28, 2012 01:54 PM (60GaT) 219
@216 The funny thing about Glenn Beck is, I know he's the butt of a lot of jokes and I don't listen to him regularly but when I do happen to catch him on the radio in the car...I'm always impressed with him.
Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 01:54 PM (iKSAz) 220
Posted by: DangerGirl - feeling empty at November 28, 2012 01:45 PM (crLRi)
There has always been a twisted sort of partnership within the GOP... There are the small Government Folks... and those who want to make the Government do things their way... The GOP SAYS its for smaller Government, yet even when they have both houses of Congress, and the Presidency (Bush) they EXPANDED Government... they just expanded it in the name of 'security'.. Dems expand Government in the name of 'taking care of people'.... Either way... they expand Government.... and the small Government folks keep voting Repub, hoping they will actualy do what they say.... we're like the beaten Housewife, defending their Hubby.... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:55 PM (lZBBB) 221
I'm trying as best I can to protect my family, to raise my kids right and arm them with the tools they'll need to be okay in such a corrupt society. I'm trying not to be filled up with hate and rage. Mostly, I'm not. But there's something dark simmering underneath the surface. I just can't believe that THIS is who we are. I'm so goddamned disappointed in my country. I think I need to just unplug from it all for awhile. Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (0DlnM) My advice is if you are able, locate to a part of the country that is more stable and sensible (if you are not already there) and prepare to defend it when the financial collapse hits mostly the Liberal Cities. Oh, and get yourself as self sufficient as possible. Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:57 PM (bb5+k) 222
Posted by: Rob McNeece at November 28, 2012 01:53 PM (hNXHo)
I really think the despair the Electorate feels is the major problem.... People just plain believe that their vote does not matter... and so stay home.... Obama won the election with the votes of about 25% of the voting age population.... ie, he only had to pay for the motivation of 1/4th of the people.... We now have the Tyranny, of the Minority.... Posted by: Romeo13 at November 28, 2012 01:58 PM (lZBBB) 223
I just wish Rush and a few of his wealthy buddies would get a consortium going and buy a major network news organization.
Posted by: Soona God...can you imagine such a thing? If a conservative group managed a hostile takeover of say, ABC the rest of the MFM would explode. Literally; There would be young liberal atheist suicide bombers. Posted by: Daybrother at November 28, 2012 01:59 PM (+paCV) 224
The "Piss Obama" is EXACTLY the type of guerrilla shit we need to be doing.
An entire subculture of cutting, sarcastic ridicule of these idiot people and their insipid messiah. Posted by: imp at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (UaxA0) I agree. We need to do "Piss Couric" and "Piss Gibson". These people want in on the fight as a partisan? Let's give it to them. How about urinal cakes with the pictures of these media people on them? Get it to go viral nationally. Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:59 PM (bb5+k) 225
If you wonder how we end up in this financial
situation, it's these idiots. The ones that want to keep the lie that we can have everything and have somebody else pay for it. They are a minority by far, but they facilitate the deadlock they so often claim to hate. Posted by: Dave S. at November 28, 2012 01:49 PM (/tk/V) Have said for years that I would rather have a Liberal Democrat elected than a back-stabbing republican. Arlen Specter comes to mind. Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 02:01 PM (bb5+k) 226
@221 "...My advice is if you are able, locate to a part of the country that is more stable and sensible (if you are not already there) and prepare to defend it when the financial collapse hits mostly the Liberal Cities. Oh, and get yourself as self sufficient as possible. .."
DiogenesLamp Can't be said does not really come from the grocery store shelves. Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 02:02 PM (iKSAz) Posted by: Jypsea Rose is @AmericanGypsea at November 28, 2012 02:03 PM (iKSAz) 228
Yep. It all starts there, but will always end with an electorate that (still) really doesn't give a fuck.
Posted by: Rob McNeece at November 28, 2012 01:53 PM (hNXHo) They don't give a fuck because the media keeps singing a lullaby song to them. The media refuses to cover the news in such a way that it makes Democrats look bad, and by that intentionally inaction alone, they are giving the equivalent of billions of dollars worth of free advertising to the Democrats. As Mark Twain supposedly said: "If you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you DO read the newspapers you are mis-informed. " Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 02:04 PM (bb5+k) 229
Re #68
"And yet, next election cycle we will again hear that the SoCons need to move to the squishy middle." Yeah that's the ticket I tried it and... oh never mind. Re #145 "Most people want smaller government... And less taxes... Yet vote Democrat because the GOP is the party of rich guys" Wait I still don't see what went wrong. Posted by: Scott Brown at November 28, 2012 02:05 PM (hcRCp) 230
@Rob McNeese:
"My main question now is thus - when is someone re-recording "Let It Be" with our movement's new flame-oriented lyrics?" Let me see what I can do. Posted by: Captain Whitebread at November 28, 2012 02:06 PM (cVfX0) 231
I agree. We need to do "Piss Couric" and "Piss Gibson". These people want in on the fight as a partisan? Let's give it to them. How about urinal cakes with the pictures of these media people on them? Get it to go viral nationally.
Posted by: DiogenesLamp at November 28, 2012 01:59 PM (bb5+k) Get with your Tea Party. Start making suggestions along this line. Also, don't rule out the power of the billboard. Have pics of Dear Leader, Katie Couric, Chris Matthews, and, yes, even John Stewart with a caption underneath that says something like, "These are the people helped the Preezy to take more money out of your paycheck". It doesn't have to be complicated, BUT it has to be politically incorrect. Posted by: Soona at November 28, 2012 02:09 PM (HGw4L) 232
I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a tax hike today...
Posted by: mallfly at November 28, 2012 02:09 PM (bJm7W) 233
1 in 17 Americans are on Social Security Disability. It is now the career aspiration of most inner-city youth, whose parents and grandparents never worked. Call it racist if you will, but it is true. And the money runs out in just 2 years on that one. There's not enough popcorn for that train wreck.
Posted by: Aspire to Disability at November 28, 2012 02:10 PM (71LDo) 234
Yeah, what Rush is saying.
Posted by: jwest at November 28, 2012 02:15 PM (ZDsRL) 235
I'm not a big fan of labels either. "Vice President," "2016 POTUS," "Ole Joe from Scranton," "Biker Chick Magnet." Literally, those are just labels.
Honestly, I'm just a big f*cking deal. That's the only label I need. Posted by: Joe Biden at November 28, 2012 02:20 PM (xvtYZ) 236
I'm so goddamned disappointed in my country. I think I need to just unplug from it all for awhile.
Posted by: Warden at November 28, 2012 01:48 PM (0DlnM) I'm with you Warden. The wife and I are actively taking steps to get the hell out of California, downshift our lives, and find a quiet, peaceful place out in the country (red country of course) and stay out of the way of history. Cause it's coming through like a steamroller. Posted by: LGoPs at November 28, 2012 02:22 PM (4x8W0) 237
Quick, can anyone name a Democrat who's joined No Labels? That's easy - Jon Huntsman! Well face it, he's no Republican. Posted by: Alabama Mike at November 28, 2012 02:24 PM (8XDXc) 238
They should get that Smerconish person to interview them both. Threee very annoying creatures they are.
Posted by: Baldy at November 28, 2012 02:39 PM (opS9C) Posted by: Huntsberg Blooman Overdrive at November 28, 2012 03:15 PM (On6jE) 240
just testing
Posted by: wankette at November 28, 2012 03:36 PM (qNhTJ) 241
I have a label for both Huntsman and Bloomberg. Douche and Bag, respectively.
Posted by: Minuteman at November 28, 2012 05:49 PM (qs9G3) 242
Jon Huntsman would have beat Obama, you retards. Name a single one of his policies in Utah that wasn't conservative. He put his state on the road to flat tax, cut gov't, and is fiscal right-wing as hell. Can you even name a single substantiative, way with regards to POLICY in which Huntsman would have been bad?
Huntsman's tax plan during his campaign was VERY CONSERVATIVE and had liberals crying: Just because the man plays heretic against the GOP establishment (yeah, a real bunch of winners, judging by how they trounced Obama this year) doesn't mean he isn't a Republican. Do any of you have a substantiative criticism of him that isn't parroting rhetoric? Posted by: Silenus at November 30, 2012 02:44 PM (l/7Kb) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.0689 seconds. |
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