aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | MSNBC #Fail: Handpicked Panel of Undecided Voters Breaks Hard For RomneyBig roundup at Instapundit, but this is the one you want to see: Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
First and sleepless.
Posted by: Methos at October 17, 2012 02:51 AM (6LvlL) 2
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 02:53 AM (4MJt/) 3
Second, works graveyards with the night off.
Did Matthews come in at the end and scream at them to WATCH HIS SHOW?! Posted by: El Kabong at October 17, 2012 02:53 AM (HWj39) 4
Will my vagina enjoy this or the Matthews meltdown more?
Posted by: Filly at October 17, 2012 02:54 AM (247Qj) 5
Fuck me sideways with a pineapple.
Posted by: Rachel Maddow at October 17, 2012 02:56 AM (/YJYi) 6
These people belong in a Larson cartoon, or on MSNBC.
Posted by: Born Free at October 17, 2012 02:57 AM (eTWFH) 7
Ace is on fire, fueled by murdered chickens.
Posted by: schizoid at October 17, 2012 02:57 AM (BQhYY) 8
Good Lord, I have to get up in four hours to go to work. Night, Morons!
Posted by: Country Singer (likes teh ginger ladies) at October 17, 2012 02:58 AM (+r4NB) 9
Where ith our focuth group tonite? Where are they? They come in here ditharmed!
Posted by: Crith Mathiuth at October 17, 2012 02:58 AM (r535j) 10
I'll tell ya what this means: No size restrictions and screw the limit.
Posted by: Moron in a Leopard Snuggie at October 17, 2012 02:59 AM (Ks4nX) Posted by: wheatie at October 17, 2012 02:59 AM (ipkPX) 12
To be honest, I have to praise MSNBC here...I would have bet money they would have "stacked the deck".Using a true random audiencewas either a brief moment of integrity...or some verystupid assumptions on their part.
Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:00 AM (PTS+l) 13
Undecideds are racist.
Posted by: The Peasants at October 17, 2012 03:02 AM (dzCcw) 14
You'll be glad to know that Donne Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block has chided both candidates for "not talking to the people of the town." Well, that's straightened out.
Posted by: Filly at October 17, 2012 03:03 AM (247Qj) 15
To be honest, I have to praise MSNBC here...I would have bet money they would have "stacked the deck"
I wouldn't be surprised if they thought they had. Liberals being poster children for competence and all. Posted by: Methos at October 17, 2012 03:03 AM (6LvlL) 16
I count one Obama, one Romney,two lean Romney, a black guy who's just pissed that neither candidate pandered to black people, and a girl who's realizes Obama sucks, but can't quite go for Romney yet. Time to "call" this election yet? Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:03 AM (4MJt/) 17
Don you guyth know that you thould have your kiveth out? That you are thuppothed to go after the people and the facth? I meanRepublican people and Republican facth???
Posted by: Crith Mathiuth at October 17, 2012 03:03 AM (r535j) 18
I still think that a lot of these "undecideds" just don't want to come out and admit that they're not voting for Barky.
Posted by: wheatie at October 17, 2012 03:05 AM (ipkPX) 19
"I still think that a lot of these "undecideds" just don't want to come out and admit that they're not voting for Barky."
To the black man sitting right in front of them, you mean? Posted by: Filly at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (247Qj) 20
Don you guyth know that you thould have your kiveth
out? That you are thuppothed to go after the people and the facth? I meanRepublican people and Republican facth??? Posted by: Crith Mathiuth at October 17, 2012 03:03 AM (r535j) Maybe I'll finally get a raise now that Chris has stroked out. Posted by: Lawrence O'Donnell at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (/YJYi) 21
Crith, when you talk to Bwarney, does MSNBC have to run subtitles?
Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (PTS+l) 22
The deck WAS somewhat stacked, with young unmarriedwomen being overrepresented. I was surprised the black guy didn't support Obama.
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (4MJt/) 23
Posted by: Demotard Journo who ass-rapes own-goal metaphor at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (jKE+Z) Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:08 AM (PTS+l) 25
Favorite Obama In the Weeds moment of Debate 1: Transcontinental Railroad
Favorite Obama In the Weeds moment of Debate 2: Jobs for Wimminz = Free Condoms! Posted by: Filly at October 17, 2012 03:08 AM (247Qj) 26
Just listen to the woman (about two thirds of the way in) who "likes" Obama, but doesn't like the job he's done. She's going to continue to be "undecided" until she is alone in the booth.
And voters just like her are why Obama is toast. Posted by: Clint at October 17, 2012 03:09 AM (Ya5KA) 27
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:06 AM (4MJt/)
True, if you looked only at age, skin, and marital status...through a liberal prism...I'm sure the MSNBC folks were floored with the responses. Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:09 AM (PTS+l) 28
Do none of these people get it, I endorsed Obama. Game over people! Now watch me dance!
Posted by: Honey Boo Boo at October 17, 2012 03:10 AM (/YJYi) 29
Favorite moment of Debate 2: 'Go back to your seat. The adults are talking.'
Posted by: garrett at October 17, 2012 03:10 AM (HWUYs) 30
"16 I count one Obama, one Romney, two lean Romney, a black guy who's just pissed that neither candidate pandered to black people, and a girl who's realizes Obama sucks, but can't quite go for Romney yet." Oops. I meant "two Romney, one lean Romney ..." Again, they tried to stack the deck with single women and a black guy (although I suppose the countrymight beroughly 1/8 black, so maybe that's fair), and only one of them delivered for Obama. That's amazing. Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:10 AM (4MJt/) Posted by: MarcusBrody at October 17, 2012 03:11 AM (jWTKL) 32
Even though the debate was a tie/ slight Romney doing better, the SPIN will be...that "Prompterbinky didn't suck ass, so look he won"!!
Meanwhile back in households across America every undecided voter who watched, just yawned and said "that Romney ain't so bad huh"? Posted by: Knightbrigade at October 17, 2012 03:11 AM (Q76p7) 33
How fugly are these women that they have to pay for their own BC anyway?
Girl: "Sure, we'll have sex, but I need you to buy the condom" Boy: "Screw that noise...I'm outta here!" Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:12 AM (PTS+l) 34
Dammit will SOMEONE pay off my college loans?!?!
Posted by: Last American Undecided Voter at October 17, 2012 03:13 AM (jKE+Z) 35
I am less stressed about the Election now that Romney is on point about what he will do in his 1st four years...
Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:13 AM (5t/xx) 36
19 "I still think that a lot of these "undecideds" just don't want to come out and admit that they're not voting for Barky."
To the black man sitting right in front of them, you mean? I mean...across the country. But yeah, now that you mention it....that might've been a factorin this focus group. We've got a Thug in the White House. And he has thugs who bully people, when they admit they're voting for Romney. A lot of people just don't want to deal with they say "Ihaven't decidedyet" deflect the question. Posted by: wheatie at October 17, 2012 03:14 AM (ipkPX) 37
I think Ace will be up later than I will tonight.
Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:14 AM (jKE+Z) 38
Girl: "Sure, we'll have sex, but I need you to buy the condom" Boy: "Screw that noise...we can still do anal, though."
Posted by: garrett at October 17, 2012 03:15 AM (HWUYs) 39
Watching the Luntz focus group replay (missed it last time) I'm floored. My impression was that Romney ran the gauntlet, and came out without losing ground, but a lot of these formerly undecideds are just saying "Obama didn't deliver, and all he does is attack, while Romney seemed presidential and offered alternate solutions." Holy crap! Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:15 AM (4MJt/) 40
Once bitten, twice shy.
Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:16 AM (o4HGL) 41
Given the last 4 years... Can anyone say...Obama has moved this country in a "Positive" direction? Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:17 AM (5t/xx) 42
So as I read it, the pundits went for Obama narrowly, but the Joe Publics went for Romney strongly?
Posted by: AussieMarcus at October 17, 2012 03:18 AM (RstsB) 43
I saw this part with Hannity before, but all I remember about it was the gal in red in the background. Makes me hungry for cake!! ;-)
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:19 AM (4MJt/) 44
There is a secondary effect with undecideds. Let's say that the next debate doesn't settle things in her mind either.
This person will then be likely to turn to someone who's opinion she trusts to ask how they are voting. Then vote that way. Overall, that should be a net plus to Romney, as one of the main sources for advice will be her parents/grandparents. Those demos favor Romney in general. Posted by: GnuBreed at October 17, 2012 03:19 AM (ccXZP) 45
Racists. All of them.
Posted by: Axelbama at October 17, 2012 03:19 AM (yap/D) Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:20 AM (5t/xx) 47
43 I saw this part with Hannity before, but all I remember about it was the gal in red in the background. Makes me hungry for cake!! ;-)
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:19 AM (4MJt/) --Would someone please post video or at least a shot of this chick? Stop the fucking cockteasing! Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:20 AM (jKE+Z) 48
Is the MSM really going to ride this ship all the wayto the bottom? This has really got to be the point-of-no-return for them.
IMO, they have about 48-72 hours to salvage whatever is left of their pathetic reputations... Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:20 AM (PTS+l) Posted by: Adriane Loves the Classics but is Easily Confused at October 17, 2012 03:21 AM (/OhbZ) 50
Just for Ace, in case he's still up, I have to say it... PREFERENCE CASCADE!! Now go to bed and sleep very well. Great job, sir! Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:22 AM (4MJt/) 51
Can anyone say...Obama has moved this country in a "Positive" direction?
Scrap yards and pawn shops are reporting record business. For them, bad is good. Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:22 AM (o4HGL) 52
And repo-men. Repo-men are very happy with Obama's job security plan.
Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:22 AM (o4HGL) 53
42 So as I read it, the pundits went for Obama narrowly, but the Joe Publics went for Romney strongly?
Yep. Barky came across as petty, and 'trying to act agressive'....telling the usual whoppers that he's gotten away with telling before. The moderator tried to help him, repeatedly. But it just drew attention to the fact that he needed help. Romney came across as patient, respectful....and Presidential. Posted by: wheatie at October 17, 2012 03:23 AM (ipkPX) 54
Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:20 AM (jKE+Z)
..and the accidental upskirt will blow your fucking mind! I'll try to post later. Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:23 AM (PTS+l) 55
And gun shops....
Posted by: fu52 at October 17, 2012 03:23 AM (NZu+i) 56
>>Is the MSM really going to ride this ship all the wayto the bottom? This has really got to be the point-of-no-return for them.
You May Rely On It. Posted by: Magic 8-Ball for the Preezy at October 17, 2012 03:24 AM (HWUYs) 57
No.. some high brow journilisto's are already putting on dresses to get on the lifeboats first. They want the paycheck going into 2013... Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:24 AM (5t/xx) 58
48 Is the MSM really going to ride this ship all the wayto the bottom? This has really got to be the point-of-no-return for them.
Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:20 AM (PTS+l) Well, their philosophical predecessors were executed by their fellow revolutionaries, so I hardly think losing a small measure of credibility will phase them. Besides, they will have a big enough corps or foaming lefties to keep some of them afloat. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at October 17, 2012 03:25 AM (bxiXv) 59
Given the last 4 years... Can anyone say...Obama has moved this country in a "Positive" direction? Depends on the vertices. And the coordinate system. I'm sure under a hexa-octal non-euclidean graphing system, many trends under Obama may show "positive" values. As in, not below zero. Like , many. Such as many violations of the separation of powers have occured under Obama. That's a non-zero number, that. Positive. You can even probably color it blue. Or silver. Posted by: Inspector Asshole at October 17, 2012 03:25 AM (jZn+7) 60
I think Joe Biden think we're going in the right direction...
...but he's a tard and always holds the charts upside down. Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:27 AM (o4HGL) 61
"Besides, they will have a big enough corps or foaming lefties to keep some of them afloat."
Could it be time for "MSNBC 2, the Revolution!" Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:27 AM (PTS+l) Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:27 AM (4MJt/) Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:28 AM (jKE+Z) 64
"the most undecided person here"
That word, decided ... I don't think it means what MSLSD thinks it means. "Most people thought it was a draw, Chris." WTF? Is that a solid B+? Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 17, 2012 03:28 AM (X3lox) 65
I see no lady in red behind Hannity.
Posted by: garrett at October 17, 2012 03:29 AM (HWUYs) 66
Hey, I'm just here as eye candy for you guys.
Posted by: back door barry soetoro at October 17, 2012 03:29 AM (yBF/9) Posted by: Adriane Loves the Classics but is Easily Confused at October 17, 2012 03:29 AM (/OhbZ) 68
@65 You're too late. Sorry.
Posted by: Optimizer at October 17, 2012 03:30 AM (4MJt/) Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:30 AM (5t/xx) 70
That lady in red behind Hannity during the Gillespie interview was fuckin' smokin'. Period. - And she knew it. She was soooo show casing that fine ass. Posted by: _Dave_ at October 17, 2012 03:31 AM (/nxRb) 71
"Ummm...errr....ahhh. More of the same shit for another 4 years..."
Not a convincing argument to people looking for some actual hope. Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:31 AM (o4HGL) Posted by: garrett at October 17, 2012 03:31 AM (HWUYs) Posted by: morigu at October 17, 2012 03:32 AM (DOhHp) 74
That lady in red behind Hannity during the Gillespie interview was fuckin' smokin'. Period.
- And she knew it. She was soooo show casing that fine ass. Posted by: _Dave_ at October 17, 2012 03:31 AM (/nxRb) --Pics or it didn't happen. Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:32 AM (jKE+Z) 75
Can't sleep. All wound up from tonight's debate and some evening coffee I should have refrained from partaking . Supposed to be at work in 6 hours.
![]() Posted by: Serious Cat at October 17, 2012 03:33 AM (zrpqj) 76
Here's the debate review by the biggest libtard on my FB:
"Holy Cow, what a night for Obama........there's a deep drive to left field, going back, back, back, back, it's GOOOONE, a home run for Obama!!!!!!!! The President called him out on the lies and Romney refused to talk about his tax exemptions he'll eliminate! Great night, Romney looked like a rich, spoiled kid, Candy put him in his place--this is how a moderator should be in all debates, to both candidates.....SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:34 AM (PTS+l) Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:34 AM (5t/xx) Posted by: beverly at October 17, 2012 03:35 AM (XsaVO) Posted by: logprof at October 17, 2012 03:36 AM (jKE+Z) 80
41 Given the last 4 years... Can anyone say...Obama has moved this country in a "Positive" direction? "The lab results are back and......" Posted by: sistrum at October 17, 2012 03:36 AM (SUlmX) 81
Watching the Luntz focus group replay (missed it last time) I'm floored.
Did they bleep the "bullshitting" on the replay? Posted by: Methos at October 17, 2012 03:36 AM (6LvlL) Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:38 AM (5t/xx) 83
@76...I constantly smack him down with facts and logic, but everyday he wakes up as if it's 'Groundhog Day'.
...with liberals, every day is a new day, with no memory of the past, and no concern for the future. Posted by: Icedog at October 17, 2012 03:38 AM (PTS+l) 84
But Yahoo "news" says six undecided women from Milwaukee said Prince Obie was the winner. He was dreamy and forceful, therefore he won.
Posted by: d_fitz at October 17, 2012 03:41 AM (BZHvG) Posted by: Richard at October 17, 2012 03:41 AM (5t/xx) 86
Glenn Beck has been saying all month that he is praying that in the debates, the candidates would be revealed for who they really are.
I think for this one, God said, "Yeah, I did that in the last two and I'm kind of bored now. How about if I show what the MFM is instead?" Posted by: Filly at October 17, 2012 03:46 AM (247Qj) 87
Ace, I commented on here several months back (when Romney was close to locking up the nomination) regarding the asymmetrical nature of any presidential race where there is an incumbent. My point was basically that any sitting president has 100% name-face ID among registered voters. But challengers who have yet to pick their running mates and hold their conventions are under 80%. Anyway, what I believe is happening now is that the more voters start paying attention here in the home stretch, the more they get to know the challenger. In this case the challenger is Romney, and the more they get to know him, the more they see that he's obviously a highly competent, highly intelligent and basically decent guy. And as we get closer to election day, the undecided voters start to get more and more serious about what it means to cast a vote that will determine a direction for the next four years. A couple of months ago, it was one thing for a swing/squish voter who was not really paying attention to give a nod in the direction of the president and say, "Yeah, he's doing alright. Isn't he? I sure know his face better than the new guy. Why shouldn't I vote for the president again? Sure, I'd probably do it again." It's an entirely different thing for a swing/squish voter to be approaching a day of decision (by secret ballot) where there is a clear choice between directions, and the current direction sucks, and now he's basically comfortable with the new guy who represents the new direction for the next for years. This isn't yessing some question that basically validates that you think the most well known man in America (the president) is alright by you. This is privately laying down your marker for an actual approach and direction that you believe to be best for you, your family, and your country. Posted by: _Dave_ at October 17, 2012 03:52 AM (/nxRb) 88
These people may not vote for Romney, but I bet most of them will NOT vote for Obama. They just will not vote. But there is no way they were going to tell the truth to the big black guy asking them questions. They are truly the undecideds, with no strong sense of self. If they did have a strong sense of self and strong beliefs in their principles, they would not be undecided. They sure as hell are not going to offend the black guy, he might think they are racist. They are too meek and wishy-washy to make a stand. "I like Obama as a Person." "almost there" "I think I am going to have to vote for Romney..." If they had principles and strong beliefs then they would be able to decide on this election. They would not have trouble deciding Romney or TFG. These people would have trouble deciding paper or plastic; curly or waffle fries. Posted by: rd does not belive the MSNBC group at October 17, 2012 03:52 AM (zLp5I) 89
So once again the Obama/Biden team gets the refs to carry them over the goal line. And it's so obvious this time that it even offends the focus-group viewers.
Candy Crowley, in her eagerness to save Obama, may go down in history as the one who sunk him. She's now the object lesson in now NOT to run a debate. Mitt flubbed the Libya j'accuse, but it's forgivable - he wasn't dealing with one opponent, he had to handle the (factually incorrect, as it turns out) flank attack from the "moderator" as well. Now that even Crowley acknowledges that Mitt was right, it'll be fair game in the next debate unless Obama does some serious housecleaning and a mea culpa or two before then. It's not the crime, it's the coverup... This was a very important debate, and it's good that it happened now and that it went off the way it did. It's a very good thing that Crowley was so blatant, that her corpulent thumb was so visible on the scale. Maybe, finally, the GOP will learn that it simply cannot accept press figures as moderators. Personally, I'd like to see the moderator wear a harness with a cable attached to it, such that the sucker could be whipped off the stage at the press of a button if they start to get Crowley-uppity. Posted by: Candy Jowly at October 17, 2012 03:53 AM (o+SC1) 90
There's a continuum of movement happening.
ABO voters are morphing into weak Romney supporters. Weak Romney supporters morph into strong Romney supporters. Agnostic oblivion voters are figuring out that Obama "ain't all that" and just need a nudge to become an weak ABO voter. Romney doesn't come off as the ogre he's been painted as. That weakens the OBama campaign's cred. There's a full spectrum shift going on. In another week, Obama will have bled another point or two across the board. Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:54 AM (o4HGL) 91
The more unfiltered direct exposure Romney gets, the better he does.
The more unfiltered direct exposure Obama gets, the worse he does. Posted by: @PurpAv at October 17, 2012 03:57 AM (o4HGL) Posted by: Jeanine Garofolo at October 17, 2012 03:57 AM (HWUYs) 93
@91 - what we're really looking for is ridicule. When Obama becomes an object of derision, when even to the Honey Boo Boos (well, excluding the original) it's evident that he is the walking, talking definition of the Peter Principle, then it's really game over.
Tonight Barack Obama was the kid with the hovering nana who can't do anything by himself, he has to have his mouth wiped and his shoes tied for him. Bless his heart. Posted by: Candy Jowly at October 17, 2012 04:01 AM (o+SC1) 94
I still have student loans
I still have a car payment I still have a mortgage payment I still have to buy my own gas DAMNIT OBAMA!!! Posted by: Sho Nuff at October 17, 2012 04:03 AM (jo0fs) 95
logprof @74 I only wish I did have a screen capture to share of that babe. If you've got a DVR that's on FNC you can still rewind back to about 3:15am eastern standard time and see her voluptuous beauty. She's on screen for several minutes of the segment. Ooo la la. Lady in Red behind Sean and Ed. Posted by: _Dave_ at October 17, 2012 04:04 AM (/nxRb) 96
Romney and the RNC should really go on the offensive about Ms. Crowley. Demand a public apology broadcast at the beginnig of the next debate. Cut the MSM swine off at the knees by making an example of her. Fat, Stupid, Self-Important,and Biased is not very likable or sympathetic. Make an example of her. She ran her mouth before the debate about how she was above the rules, so she has no alibi. Explain to the debate commission that either they give an apology and a promise for better behavior,or Monday is the last debate ever run by these clowns. Will the debate commission risk their cushy jobs? Lay down the marker. The MSM coverage cannot get worse without it being any more obvious. Posted by: rd does not belive the MSNBC group at October 17, 2012 04:04 AM (zLp5I) 97
man, that indian girl is not "undecided" by any means.
for one thing, she doesn't even bother with euphemising "abortion",m and anyone who is so happy to declare their "pro-abortion" bona fides is pretty far to the left of the average american voter. for another thing, she has the audacity to say that obama has a better plan for her getting a job when she graduates, when he enumerated NO SUCH THING, and romney several times reminded her that 50% of college kids aren't finding jobs upon graduation in the obamaconomy. undecided my tush. Posted by: jimi ray at October 17, 2012 04:06 AM (79EF9) Posted by: jimi ray at October 17, 2012 04:12 AM (79EF9) 99
@96 - we are very, very fortunate to have a candidate whose background has prepared him well for dealing with these people.
I cannot think of a GOP nominee since Reagan who could have handled the moderator malfeasance as well. Posted by: JEM at October 17, 2012 04:12 AM (o+SC1) 100
In this household, we think the debates should be moderated by Dennis Miller. At least we would have some entertainment!
And no I can't sleep tonight either Posted by: westminsterdogshow at October 17, 2012 04:17 AM (C3KwS) 101
#31 Ditto. "I'm waiting for all the information to come in" - undecided lady in the back row. Do these dimwits have a script? Posted by: Comrade Arthur at October 17, 2012 04:20 AM (eEev7) 102
This debate was a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
Posted by: Fielding Mellish at October 17, 2012 04:24 AM (IvvrO) 103
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Posted by: harpo grabbing candy crowley's tits at October 17, 2012 05:55 AM (vDl/w) 104
News Flash! That was NOT "Candy Crowley", it was John Lithgow in drag, just as in "TWA Garp". Sheesh, John Boy,get the lines and story straight!
Yo, Bammy-brutha, the AA POTUS, needed a clear and convincing "W" tonite and instead got two thirds of the national panel to say "Nope, draw or Mitt wins". You don't win anything with 37%, especially when yo' nanny has to help you even get to that number! When you say you got 37, that means 63 said "NO" to your line of BS! These Lib-tards just don't get arithmetic, let alone math! Posted by: earl t at October 17, 2012 08:58 AM (iHY8x) 105
How can you be "undecided?" I have never had much patience with people who are indecisive. That is what they should be called in the future: questions presented at town hall by "Indecisive Imbeciles." El stupido.
This "women's issue" stuff makes it seem like women are still fighting for a vote. It is so "catch-phrase." This is what social media has turned a generation into: people without ideas, vocabulary or the ability to quickly make a decision on the facts they have. If you could look into their thought processes (or "word clouds"), you would see them thinking like this: "U R 2 a 4mer 8er"). Thank God they were not in charge for D-Day. Their idea would be, like Dear Leader's, to have committee meetings to discuss the pros and cons of killing Nazi's. If you think I am getting a bit testy, irritable and cranky, you are correct. Posted by: ChristyBlinky, unbanned, ready to get this done at October 17, 2012 09:57 AM (baL2B) 106
That is interesting. MSNBC couldn't find enough "undecided" voters to make sure Obama won no matter what. I never would have believed that possible.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - I'm Back in Slacks! at October 17, 2012 09:59 AM (hLRSq) 107
Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure.
Posted by: steevy at October 17, 2012 02:14 PM (6o4Fb) Processing 0.02, elapsed 0.021 seconds. |
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