aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Third Gun Found at Scene of Terry Murder Linked to Fast and FuriousAt Sipsey Street Irregulars (quoted by Fox in their story), and originally at FoxNews. A third gun linked to "Operation Fast and Furious" was found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, new documents obtained exclusively by Fox News suggest, contradicting earlier assertions by federal agencies that police found only two weapons tied to the federal government's now infamous gun interdiction scandal. Sources say e-mails support their contention that the FBI concealed evidence to protect a confidential informant. Sources close to the Terry case say the FBI informant works inside a major Mexican cartel and provided the money to obtain the weapons used to kill Terry. Unlike the two AK-style assault weapons found at the scene, the "third" weapon could more easily be linked to the informant. To prevent that from happening, sources say, the third gun "disappeared." (Emphasis supplied, MBV.) In addition to the emails obtained by Fox News, an audio recording from a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent investigating the Terry case seems to confirm the existence of a third weapon. In that conversation, the agent refers to an "SKS assault rifle out of Texas" found at the Terry murder scene south of Tucson. (Emphasis supplied, MBV.) The FBI refused to answer a detailed set of questions submitted to officials by Fox News. Instead, agency spokesman Paul Bresson said, "The Brian Terry investigation is still ongoing so I cannot comment." Bresson referred Fox News to court records that only identify the two possible murder weapons. However, in the hours after Terry was killed on Dec. 14, 2010, several emails written to top ATF officials suggest otherwise. In one, an intelligence analyst writes that by 7:45 p.m. -- about 21 hours after the shooting -- she had successfully traced two weapons at the scene, and is now "researching the trace status of firearms recovered earlier today by the FBI." In another email, deputy ATF-Phoenix director George Gillett asks: "Are those two (AK-47s) in addition to the gun already recovered this morning?"Evidence tampering? Asked about the content of the emails, a former federal prosecutor who viewed them expressed shock. "I have never seen anything like this. I can see the FBI may have an informant involved but I can't see them tampering with evidence. If this is all accurate, I'm stunned," the former prosecutor said. “This information confirms what our sources were saying all along -- that the FBI was covering up the true circumstances of the murder of Brian Terry," added Mike Vanderboegh, an authority on the Fast and Furious investigation who runs a whistleblower website called Sipsey Street.It's being called obstruction of justice... by the FBI. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)Posted by: soothsayer at September 09, 2011 01:17 PM (sqkOB) 2
So the only person at Agent Terry's murder scene who didn't have an Operation Fast and Furious gun . . . was Agent Terry. Posted by: Sharkman at September 09, 2011 01:18 PM (wMsKw) 3
And we're still busy with the Solyndra records. Now, piss off!
Posted by: The FBI at September 09, 2011 01:18 PM (FcR7P) Posted by: lolfbi at September 09, 2011 01:19 PM (sqkOB) 5
Progressives corrupt any organization they touch.
Posted by: toby928© at September 09, 2011 01:19 PM (GTbGH) 6
How much more evidence has to be collected before the Top Men of the stuttering clusterf*** of a miserable failure's regime and held accountable?
Follow the smell, people. It extends to the top. Posted by: MrScribbler at September 09, 2011 01:19 PM (YjjrR) 7
This would be serious if Terry had been murdered with a Gibson guitar.
Posted by: Eric Holder at September 09, 2011 01:20 PM (QKKT0) 8
My first reaction to this would have the FBI showing up to raid me so yeah.
God, every single time I think it can't get more jawdroppingly horrible, it does. Posted by: alexthechick at September 09, 2011 01:21 PM (VtjlW) 9
Barack Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure.
And I don't care about Holder's statement (lie) that top officials didn't know- if he's lying (he is) then he should be held criminally liable. If he's not, then he should still get the boot for being so incompetent and stupid. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) is tired beyond tired of the trolls at September 09, 2011 01:21 PM (8y9MW) Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:22 PM (sqkOB) 11
Well, NOW they can't ignore this scandal. No way the stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure and Eric "My People" Holder, Racist Extraordinaire, will get away with all this.
Right? ... Right? ... oh. Posted by: shillelagh at September 09, 2011 01:22 PM (hRzu2) 12
Posted by: MrScribbler at September 09, 2011 01:19 PM (YjjrR)
Problem is this gets no real media coverage. The only folks I know who've even heard of Op. Fast and Furious are bloggers and the moron horde. Posted by: Mandy P., Teahadi from Hobbitton at September 09, 2011 01:22 PM (qFpRI) 13
Tampering with evidence in the murder of a Federal law enforcement officer; nope, nothing to see here. Someone get us a sample of Rick Perry's bath water.
Posted by: NY Times at September 09, 2011 01:23 PM (ENKCw) 14
If we have Al Qaeda cells inside the U.S., which is likely, and if they do something...Obama, Skunk Napolitano, and Holder are in deep shit. Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:23 PM (sqkOB) 15
They found Rick Perry's fingerprints on it. And some coyote hairs.
Posted by: cherry pi, terrorist hostage taking SOB at September 09, 2011 01:24 PM (OhYCU) 16
Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:22 PM (sqkOB)
We could, but it actually makes sense to be on the look-out anyway. I believe the way you tell if someone in this Administration is lying is to check if their vocal chords are moving (hey, one of them could be a ventriloquist), but I'd heard things back when Bush was still Pres that they thought there was a specific attack (though they had even fewer details than they claim they do today) being planned special for the 10th anniversary. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) is tired beyond tired of the trolls at September 09, 2011 01:24 PM (8y9MW) 17
Isn't someone selling a t-shirt that says something like "Am I the only one who didn't get a gun from the ATF?" If not, they should.
Posted by: alexthechick at September 09, 2011 01:25 PM (VtjlW) 18
Jail time for these corruptocrats. But it will never ever happen, and the public will become increasingly inured, allowing the powerful to become increasingly corrupt, and so on, and so on.
Posted by: kathysaysso at September 09, 2011 01:25 PM (ZtwUX) Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2011 01:25 PM (RKzwg) 20
Okay, I'm off to lunch.
Which is probably good, because if I think about this too much, my head might explode. Posted by: AllenG (Dedicated Tenther) is tired beyond tired of the trolls at September 09, 2011 01:26 PM (8y9MW) 21
This ain't funny: A Whole Lotta People need to go to jail ( do not pass Go ) for their criminal activity in this matter
Someone beside Issa needs to get on this stick, pronto. Heads must roll,,,,,,, Posted by: SantaRosaStan at September 09, 2011 01:26 PM (UqKQV) Posted by: Darrell Issa's Drool Cup at September 09, 2011 01:27 PM (EL+OC) 23
10 btw, can we "question the timing" of these supposed al qaeda threats?
It would be unpatriotic to question the timing of the threats. Any connection to the threats and the Precedent's JSoC speech is just happenstance. There is no effort by the WH to enlarge the Precedent's public image following the speech by suggesting imminent danger to the citizens of DC and NYC and thus implying the Precedent is in full command and control of the situation.Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Posted by: Sub-Tard at September 09, 2011 01:27 PM (0M3AQ) 24
One gunblogger has made an interesting observation about BATFE "allowing" the guns to be purchased. If you believe the BATFE merely "allowed"criminals to buy the guns, you have to believe that there were regular, on-going attempts, by Mexican gangsters, to make huge purchases at U.S. gun stores, that these huge purchases were being regularly denied, and that the Mexican gangsters simply kept trying, failing, trying, failing, and then one day, all of a sudden, thegigantic sales start being approved,one and another and another, simply because our local dufi started pushing the green button instead of the red button. And nothing else. Sorry; I can't believe it. I say those purchases were engineered. Someone had to be in contact with known criminals, asking them, or ordering them, to come here and make those purchases and take delivery down south. Can we please stop using "allowed" or "let" when talking about this? It defies logic. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 09, 2011 01:27 PM (wPbwV) 25
It's comforting to now know the FBI has the Peoples back.
Posted by: willow at September 09, 2011 01:27 PM (h+qn8) 26
This would be serious if Terry had been murdered with a Gibson guitar.
Posted by: Eric Holder You've got nothing to tie me to this. Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (326rv) 27
Posted by: Scooby Doo at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (vnMLb) 28
I'm sure that Woodward Bernstein are investigating and will come out with this huge political and criminal scandal right? Crickets.
I hope that Brian Terry's family can get some kind of restitution out of this. My dream is that this country gets restitution by seeing all of these SCOAMFs in orange jump suits. Posted by: Cheri at September 09, 2011 01:29 PM (G+Wff) 29
Holder needs to spend ten years in Leavenworth. Obama could /should be his cellmate.
the Tree of Liberty is thirsty....... Posted by: SantaRosaStan at September 09, 2011 01:29 PM (UqKQV) 30
But our dust levels are under control, right?
Posted by: Waterhouse at September 09, 2011 01:29 PM (JUzf5) 31
It's comforting to now know the FBI has the Peoples back.
Posted by: willow Oh yeah. They have our welfare foremost on their minds. Posted by: Waco kiddie BBQ at September 09, 2011 01:30 PM (326rv) 32
If you believe the BATFE merely "allowed"criminals to buy the guns,
you have to believe that there were regular, on-going attempts, by Mexican gangsters, to make huge purchases at U.S. gun stores, that these huge purchases were being regularly denied, and that the Mexican gangsters simply kept trying, failing, trying, failing, and then one day, all of a sudden, thegigantic sales start being approved,one and another and another, simply because our local dufi started pushing the green button instead of the red button. And nothing else. Sorry; I can't believe it. I say those purchases were engineered. Someone had to be in contact with known criminals, asking them, or ordering them, to come here and make those purchases and take delivery down south. Can we please stop using "allowed" or "let" when talking about this? It defies logic. That's a really good point. Posted by: Johnny (John E.) at September 09, 2011 01:30 PM (nRTou) 33
Isn't someone selling a t-shirt that says
something like "Am I the only one who didn't get a gun from the ATF?" If not, they should. Posted by: alexthechick at September 09, 2011 01:25 PM (VtjlW) Yes. They were kind of a limited edition with an AK over the text, and I have one myself.It. Is. Awesome. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 09, 2011 01:30 PM (wPbwV) 34
The FBI was compromised during the era after watergate. I am no fan of Liddy as an entertainer, but he was quite candid about the Democrats exerting influence over every phase of he leadership flow after Hoover was gone. They may be deeper in the democrats' lap but they have always swung a little left at a minimum that I've known. The FBI will do everything in its power to protect its own image and earn favors from the other members of the Federal LE system to call in at a later date. The media will carry the FBI and by extension ATF and adminstration's water on this and keep referring to it as a "botched operation" never examining with a critical eye the legality or the morality of what was being done overall like they would if it was state or local LE. They are going to play the "we did it to protect an informant" angle.... of course remember the media outed an ongoing CIA op at their whim.... I hate the corruption and mutual love fest I see between media and government. It's like most press only remembers to be guardians of the body politic when one party is in power and the professional state never ever gets hard scrutiny unless it fits political expediency. Posted by: sven10077 at September 09, 2011 01:30 PM (AEIYh) 35
i hope the terry family receives justice...........
Posted by: phoenixgirl at work s.o.b. barbarian tea party terrorist at September 09, 2011 01:31 PM (IpiZb) 36
And this on top of the story that broke yesterday about the FBI concealinginvestigation from Congress and9-11 Commission concerningSaudi family in Florida that had contact with 9-11 hijackers before splitting town 2 weeks before the attack.
Oh, and Solyndra. Way to go FBI. You've had a slightly better week than Obama. Posted by: Spiker at September 09, 2011 01:31 PM (gh6F5) Posted by: cherry pi, terrorist hostage taking SOB at September 09, 2011 01:32 PM (OhYCU) 38
Thanks, Ace. I'm starting to feel like a contributor around here. Even if I'm just the messenger boy.
Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:32 PM (/bVuS) 39
Anyone who has seen the documentary about the Waco siege "Rules of Engagement" knows full well how capable the FBI and the ATF are at concealing and destroying evidence.
Posted by: LiquidFlorian at September 09, 2011 01:33 PM (f/pcE) 40
ATC @17, yes someone was but I think I remember seeing at Mike's place the orders have closed.
But if you get one can we get a pic of you wearing it? ![]() Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:33 PM (/bVuS) 41
It seems that Sipsey Street Irregulars is blocked by websense at this DoD site due to "Militancy and Extremism". I'l need to check it out at home. Posted by: Cluebat from Exodar at September 09, 2011 01:34 PM (JSetw) 42
I personally like the observations of Mike's friend in Northern VA:
That the FBI would take patently illegal measures to protect senior FBI officials' poor judgment (under the guise of protecting a Confidential Informant) will surprise no one who paid even the slightest attention to these three relevant cases: (1) the Ruby Ridge debacle; (2) the Kenney Trentadue murder; or (3) the ongoing Whitely Bulger caper. Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:34 PM (/bVuS) 43
Lemme run this through my brainpan one more time.
Abu Graib - Trailer park whore and boyfriend stacking naked Iraqis in a pyramid = OMG DID YOU SEE BUSHITLER SMASH A LEAD PIPE INTO THAT FREEDOM FIGHTER'S KIDNEYS?!!!1! Gunrunner - ATF chief orders guns to be given to murderous drug cartel, resulting in actual deaths, including one of our LEOs = "Dude, Obama don't even know how to spell ATF. Brother was on the back nine." Posted by: Empire of Jeff at September 09, 2011 01:35 PM (fWg4t) 44
Am I wrinkled?
Posted by: Darrell Issa's Sleeping Cap at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (EL+OC) Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (sqkOB) 46
I don't even know what to say anymore, criminals running the govt.
Posted by: Guy Fawkes at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (krs8G) 47
Can we just put some MFRs in jail all ready.
Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (ZDUD4) 48
The media will carry the FBI and by extension ATF and adminstration's water on this and keep referring to it as a "botched operation" never examining with a critical eye the legality or the morality of what was being done overall like they would if it was state or local LE.I still would like anything resembling a decent attempt to lie to explain what the hell the point of Gunwalker and FF were other than to demonize gun shop owners.
And, as ever and always when discussing the FBI, I have Hans Gruber in my head. Not that I'm complaining or anything, trust me, having Alan Rickman wandering around up there in a suit saying F. . . B. . . I. . . and shooting things is fine with me. Posted by: alexthechick at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (VtjlW) 49
I'll never forget the photo of Elian Gonzalez being held at gunpoint by an FBI agent. Something is really wrong here.
Posted by: The terrorist Hobbit formerly known as Donna at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (zgEs1) 50
Put me down for a t-shirt, please
Posted by: dr kill at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (le5qc) 51
How could this get worse?
I guess if Agent Terry were some kind of whistle blower. Which is extremely unlikely, but hey, that's how it could get worse. Posted by: Dustin at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (fF625) Posted by: Darrell Issa's Coffee Mug at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (EL+OC) 53
i hope the terry family receives justice........... Never happen. At least not on the SCFOAMF's watch. Posted by: Soap MacTavish at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (vbh31) 54
ohhhhhhhhhhh Kratos ...???????
Posted by: Honey Badger at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (GvYeG) Posted by: AmishDude at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (T0NGe) Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:37 PM (sqkOB) 57
ATC @17, yes someone was but I think I remember seeing at Mike's place the orders have closed.
But if you get one can we get a pic of you wearing it? I shall ponder. I still owe some people a picture of me actually wearing a dress. I need to finally get one of the ATF should be a convenience store not a federal agency shirts. Posted by: alexthechick at September 09, 2011 01:38 PM (VtjlW) 58
I'm malfunctioning.
Posted by: Darrell Issa's CPAP Machine at September 09, 2011 01:38 PM (EL+OC) Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:38 PM (sqkOB) 60
Maybe a T-shirt saying something like --' My Daddy got Killed by the BATFE and all I got was this lousy Beanbag'
That would be classy Posted by: dr kill at September 09, 2011 01:39 PM (le5qc) 61
I think Issa's doing the best he can considering the interference he is getting from the WH. Until the MFM gets on this <crickets>, it will be hard for him to get traction. I have talked to people who have no idea what fast and furious and gunwalker are, and shocked when I tell them.
Posted by: Guy Fawkes at September 09, 2011 01:40 PM (krs8G) 62
Dingoes took my Kalishnikov.
Posted by: Clutch Cargo at September 09, 2011 01:40 PM (p+mzQ) 63
Spinning Headline on AOHell: "World Stocks Fall on Fears Jobs Plan May Not Pass"
A more rational view: Stocks are down because he just told the entire world "I still don't get it after the Debt Ceiling debate and don't have a clue how to deal with the ya'll are DOOMED without a hope, no change, and no prayer." Posted by: MrObvious at September 09, 2011 01:40 PM (qwhLZ) 64
Maybe the FBI could deliver the mail while they're escorting those weaps around the Southwest
Posted by: dr kill at September 09, 2011 01:42 PM (le5qc) 65
How about some congressional hearings, post haste? At least it would insure more media coverage.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 09, 2011 01:42 PM (zgZzy) Posted by: cherry pi, terrorist hostage taking SOB at September 09, 2011 01:42 PM (OhYCU) 67
Who are they protecting? It's pure bs to believe that they are protecting their comrades. That's too convenient and too proximate. Plus all of the other boneheaded stuff that justice and fed law enforcement is cranking out. It's almost as if these assholes are saying, "Hey, I know! Let's do something even stupider to take the attention off of this other insane shit."
People are going to go to jail over this eventually, but I wonder if the right ones will be going to jail. Holder, at the very least, should already be in jail. Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at September 09, 2011 01:43 PM (jx2j9) 68
Under the Obama administration, we're removing barriers to immigration, one murdered Border Agent at a time.
Negligent Homicide - That's the Obama Difference! Posted by: Empire of Jeff at September 09, 2011 01:43 PM (fWg4t) 69
As Mike points out at the end of his article this really needs to move beyond Issa's committee.
With this being interagency, Dept. of State had to be involved or else both ATF and FBI have run way afoul of International Traffic in Arms Regulartions (ITAR). That falls under the juisdiction of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Time to wake that useless bunch up and get them moving on this. Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:44 PM (/bVuS) 70
speaking of Hoover... Megan McCardle wrote a piece about Professor Lick-man's 13-keys to victory. She compared Obama to Hoover. Her piece included a photo of J Edgar instead of Herbert. Posted by: soothie at September 09, 2011 01:44 PM (sqkOB) 71
Guy Fawkes is right. this is one of those scandals that really needs some public outrage.
It blows my freaking mind that the media isn't covering this. Or at least most of them. Even though I realize they are democrats, usually, at some point, they decide to cover a story anyway. This is a big damn story. It sounds like one of those paranoid 80s TV shows. It's amazing the FBI would stoop to this. I wonder what we'll learn about them after Holder is out of office. Posted by: Dustin at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (fF625) 72
You've got nothing to tie me to this.
Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (326rv) Busted Posted by: Hung Kung Phooey at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (bZ8J6) 73
Eric Holder is desperately searching his office for the right plug to pull.
Posted by: Dang at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (TXKVh) 74
48 AtC,
Alex the whole point was to demonize the gun dealer, of course the only way that works is if the gunowners and gunowner sympathetic non gunowners do not know the game.... now that the game is exposed they cannot speak to this without undermining their future con potential to try it again.... SO you won't get even your'll get: "this was a sophisticated operation to track, map, and influence the buying patterns of crossborder mexican narcotrafficantes that was botched, the investigation is ongoing we have nothing further to add"..... and I'll translate from the DC pro stooge: "this was a crude politically motivated operation to browbeat honest gundealers into arming muderous felons in several US cities, Mexico, and possibly arm the rebels in SW mexico for leverage to get 'sensible gun laws' that the President likes passed the operation went exactly as planned except for discovery through the murder of US agents of a sister agency and leaks by worried gundealers and we are busy shielding the agency leadership, the AG, and the PotUS from any adverse press scrutiny and as such have nothing to add but thanks media." and that is how they get away with felonies and complicity to murder Posted by: sven10077 at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (AEIYh) 75
Fast and Furious, we ride the Universe....
Posted by: SFGoth at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (dZ756) 76
Remember, its not the *expletive deleted* crime... its the *multiple expletives deleted* coverup....
Posted by: President at September 09, 2011 01:46 PM (NtXW4) 77
Posted by: President at September 09, 2011 01:46 PM (NtXW4)
Sock fail Posted by: President Richard Nixon at September 09, 2011 01:46 PM (NtXW4) 78
Will someone rid us of this meddlesome SCOAMF?!?!
Posted by: Paladin at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (4kpbt) Posted by: Sgt. York at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (fhLYa) 80
Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (326rv) Busted Posted by: Hung Kung Phooey at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (bZ8J6) Babalouie set me up. Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (326rv) 81
We need a special prosecutor and somebody needs to go to jail.
Posted by: Vic at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (M9Ie6) 82
Sorry...but Ultrreman's source did hint at something about this
Posted by: beedubya at September 09, 2011 01:48 PM (AnTyA) 83
Cleanup! Aisle 78.
Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:48 PM (/bVuS) 84
"Evidence tampering?"
Why would the Dems change something that has worked so well for them so many times before? Posted by: ConservativeMenAreJustHotter at September 09, 2011 01:48 PM (vKRHm) 85
You've got nothing to tie me to this.
Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (326rv) Busted Posted by: Hung Kung Phooey at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (bZ8J6) Hey, Moroco, is that a Gibson Guitar with Rosewood Frets he's carryin? if so??? bust him... Posted by: Secret Squirel at September 09, 2011 01:48 PM (NtXW4) 86
More proof that the whole "Bush lied, people died" thing was pure projection.
Posted by: mb at September 09, 2011 01:49 PM (Fr8N6) 87
71 Dustin,
Solyndra may be what we have to settle for..... I prattled on about it for a bit yesterday but this scandal makes people icky and terrified of their nation.... not the kind of thing you can get a good portion of the "mushy middle" to accept.... I think scandal fatigue is very real, and word of mouth can only effectively sell so many we do not have press allies who are vested in taking this guy down like Kos did in his war on Bush..... I dunno but yeah I firmly believe that if my wife were killed through misdeed by the feds they'd cover it up in a heartbeat.... how can you not? Posted by: sven10077 at September 09, 2011 01:49 PM (AEIYh) 88
We need a special prosecutor and somebody needs to go to jail. Posted by: Vic at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (M9Ie6) Hahahahahahahahhaha. Posted by: Darrell Issa at September 09, 2011 01:49 PM (EL+OC) 89
Hey, Vic, just heard about your med woes yesterday.
Saying some prayers for, ya. My mom is a 3 time cancer survivor. Breast, uterine and colon in that order. For the last she had the whole surgery followed by chemo thing. Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:49 PM (/bVuS) 90
Don't worry wingnutz I'm gathering all the evidence and will make sure that all the relevant pieces to Fast and Furious will get to prosecutors.
Posted by: Sandy Berger at September 09, 2011 01:49 PM (hewPj) 91
78, Denounce yourself Paladin. That sounds iffy.
Posted by: Oldsailor's poet at September 09, 2011 01:50 PM (ZDUD4) 92
I think if we knew one-tenth of how badly clusterfucked the federal government has become, particularly under the Pelosi-Obama reign of political terror, it would threaten to explode heads. A modicum of ignorance may indeed be bliss, in this case.
Posted by: Soap MacTavish at September 09, 2011 01:50 PM (vbh31) 93
It blows my freaking mind that the media isn't covering this. Or at
least most of them. Even though I realize they are democrats, usually, at some point, they decide to cover a story anyway. This is a big damn story. I think the media is at a tipping point. They know they've already destroyed their reputation (along with the profitability of their media companies). So, keep shamelessly spinning and maybe get a bailout or try to right the ship and slowly restore themselves as trustworthy, viable entities? It appears we know what path they've chosen. Posted by: Johnny (John E.) at September 09, 2011 01:50 PM (nRTou) 94
Oh yeah, they're running all the Solyndra evidence by me too!
Posted by: Sandy Berger at September 09, 2011 01:50 PM (hewPj) 95
I'll never forget the photo of Elian Gonzalez being held at gunpoint by an FBI agent. Something is really wrong here. Posted by: The terrorist Hobbit formerly known as Donna at September 09, 2011 01:36 PM (zgEs1) When Holder *spit* was nominated for Attorney General I thought for sure there was no fucking way the usual crew of Repukes would let him coast on this. To his credit Cornyn, whom I've criticized pretty extensively on other things, voted against him. Posted by: Captain Hate at September 09, 2011 01:51 PM (RKzwg) 96
How about all of the TV print broadcast hours spent on that scintillating scandal regarding dingbat Valerie Plame her equally useless husband. That's all we heard for weeks while Libby was being thrown to the wolves. And who did it turn out to be who actually revealed her identity?
I hate these people. Posted by: Cheri at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM (G+Wff) 97
The ATF shirts were being sold here. He's sold out right now, but if enough people ping him for more, I imagine that he might go for a third print run. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM (wPbwV) 98
Oh yeah, they're running all the Solyndra evidence by me too!
Posted by: Sandy Berger On the fly? Or within your fly? Posted by: Blue Hen at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM (326rv) 99
92, I'm conviced the CF goes back to the Clinton era (perhaps even Bush I).
I had thought perhaps W was fixing it behind the scenes but it seems that in his desire to be bipartisan he left the same bad actors in place for the most part during his term. No course correction was applied. Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM (/bVuS) 100
Curious. They've got two AKs already but they choose to completely disappear an SKS. What makes the SKS special?
Posted by: Matt at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM (vJUsG) 101
"not the kind of thing you can get a good portion of the "mushy middle" to accept....
I think scandal fatigue is very real," Sven, that's an interesting insight. Sad. Cause indeed this could happen to your family or mine. The federal government is completely out of control, in basically every direction. And you're probably right that a big reason we're at this point is that people get uncomfortable facing the facts. Posted by: Dustin at September 09, 2011 01:54 PM (fF625) 102
100, my understanding from the story is this one traced more easily back to a particular paid FBI informant.
Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:54 PM (/bVuS) 103
In related news, Muqtadā al-Ṣadr piped up to say, "Can we get some of this action too?"
Posted by: Fritz at September 09, 2011 01:57 PM (/ZZCn) 104
Curious. They've got two AKs already but they choose to completely disappear an SKS. What makes the SKS special?
From the article, it seems that the SKS could be directly traced to the informant.....which almost certainly means that the informant was the actual straw buyer. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 09, 2011 01:57 PM (wPbwV) 105
Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:28 PM (326rv) Busted Posted by: Hung Kung Phooey at September 09, 2011 01:45 PM (bZ8J6) Babalouie set me up. Posted by: El Kabong at September 09, 2011 01:47 PM (326rv) I had nothing to do with it. I've been busy. Posted by: One Hung Low at September 09, 2011 01:57 PM (V92KK) 106
Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 01:52 PM
Agreed, but I firmly believe that an unfathomable amount of damage inflicted by this new breed of leftist thugs has thoroughly compromised any integrity that might have previously survived. Posted by: Soap MacTavish at September 09, 2011 01:58 PM (vbh31) Posted by: cherry pi, terrorist hostage taking SOB at September 09, 2011 01:58 PM (OhYCU) 108
106, true. This latest crop is bolder than ever. They don't even pretend any more.
I've said time and time again this Gunwalker scandal proves they'll stop at nothing (including murder) to advance their agendas. Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 02:00 PM (/bVuS) 109
Truth in advertising, though. This does make you furious pretty damn fast, every time you hear about it.
Posted by: Dustin at September 09, 2011 02:01 PM (fF625) 110
This latest crop is bolder than ever.
Posted by: cherry pi, terrorist hostage taking SOB at September 09, 2011 02:02 PM (OhYCU) 111
People had 'scandal fatigue' back in the Clinton years....but they still seemed to like that sob. It's amazing what people will be forgiving of as long as the economy is doing okay.
King Putt doesn't have that going for him he is relying on fear and class warfare to win. The only way we have any hope of seeing Holder et all in orange jumpsuits is to elect a guy that is a staunch advocate of justice......Hmmm, who might that be. Posted by: ConservativeMenAreJustHotter at September 09, 2011 02:02 PM (vKRHm) 112
It's only right that as fucked up as things are in this country, that the focus is on the fucked up aspects off this government and the obvious damage it is doing to this country. But another sinister thing that I think is directly linked to this clusterfuck of a mess of an American administration is just how well Islam is doing in its quest to subjugate the world.
Pretty well, if all of the other blogs out there are correct in their focus. Just sayin'. Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at September 09, 2011 02:03 PM (jx2j9) 113
The SCOAMF and Holder must have known about FF for it to be implemented, so they need to b held responsible for its outcome.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 09, 2011 02:06 PM (zgZzy) 114
The only way we have any hope of seeing Holder et all in orange jumpsuits is to elect a guy that is a staunch advocate of justice......Hmmm, who might that be.
Posted by: ConservativeMenAreJustHotter at September 09, 2011 02:02 PM (vKRHm) You're gonna need a bigger boat transformer Posted by: Brody at September 09, 2011 02:06 PM (FIDMq) 115
Obstructing justice? Thats what the FBI is for.
E.G: when they bulldozed the evidence at the Branch Davidian Compound. Posted by: Texan Economist at September 09, 2011 02:08 PM (TC/9F) 116
I didn't realize until this week that another agent, an ICE agent, was also killed with one of the FF weapons.
Posted by: Clueless at September 09, 2011 02:08 PM (LyOUH) 117
112 HtP,
what makes you think thwarting anything but the ability of Islam to harm the domestic reputation of the Oligarchs in charge is the goal of any phase of the domestic federal government....? Islam is not advancing because we suck alone it is also because so long as they don't sway the polls here at home they are not interfered with at all. In order to thwart the march of islam we would have to be as ruthless as we got towards Communism and that would make the Multi-Culti cult on both sides of the aisle nervous. It would involve infiltrating domestic mosques, mapping out the networks of funding, manpower, and data contributions from here and overseas sources. You'd have to disappear people, flip them, kill some Imams at times...bribe others. None of that is or likely will ever be the federal government's goal.... they could give two shits about the wood beneath the paint being eaten by the termites so long as the paint is not dirty. Posted by: sven10077 at September 09, 2011 02:09 PM (AEIYh) 118
They may have confused the SKS as an AK. One of mine with the folding stock and 30 rnd mag looks very scary like an AK
Posted by: Schwalbe : The © at September 09, 2011 02:13 PM (UU0OF) 119
It's being called obstruction of justice... by the FBI.
It shouldbe calledcorruption of the FBI... by the Obama administration. The thug in the White House must go. Two more years of this and we will have a banana republic, and we may already have one and just don't know it. SCOAMaliciousFelon Posted by: sherlock at September 09, 2011 02:18 PM (JYBAr) 120
What bugs me about the SKS is how they have price inflated. I bought mine in 1994 for $99.95 +tax. Now you're lucky to find one for less than $300.
Posted by: Scott J at September 09, 2011 02:18 PM (/bVuS) 121
118 -- no way FBI and ATF agents confused an SKS for an AK. There were reasons for not releasing that info immediately, but not for hiding it from Congress or pulling in the informant.
Posted by: Jean at September 09, 2011 02:19 PM (WkuV6) 122
The defense atty for the scum that killed Agent Terry are going to rip this apart.
Posted by: Jean at September 09, 2011 02:24 PM (WkuV6) 123
What do you think the reaction of the Terry family will be? They're probably demanding impeachments as far as the eye can see.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at September 09, 2011 02:26 PM (zgZzy) 124
120, yeah I got both of my SKS in 94 for $89 at the Corpus Christi gun show.
121 The agent may not, but perhaps another person just saw pictures of the gun while reviewing the report in their email. I dunno, just seems the SKS gets no play, its always AK AK AK. (said like Jan Brady whining Marsha Marsha Marsha) Posted by: Schwalbe : The © at September 09, 2011 02:30 PM (UU0OF) 125
121 The agent may not, but perhaps another person just saw pictures of the gun while reviewing the report in their email. I dunno, just seems the SKS gets no play, its always AK AK AK. (said like Jan Brady whining Marsha Marsha Marsha) Posted by: Schwalbe : The © at September 09, 2011 02:30 PM (UU0OF) They're probably just using the Journalists' Guide to Firearms Identification Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 09, 2011 02:41 PM (wPbwV) 126
What is really amazing is that Bush's AG was forced out because he didn't keep Clinton people in. It was completely legal, it isdone every administation, but Democrats harped about it until he resigned. But under Holder people are dying. And there he sits. Posted by: petunia at September 09, 2011 02:54 PM (hgrmi) 127
Rule of law? Anybody know what they're talking about?
Posted by: Charlie Gibson at September 09, 2011 03:13 PM (bxiXv) 128
Even Fox keeps referring to it as a "botched" operation.
It wasn't a mistake, it went as planned until it was exposed. Deliberate complicity in murder, and supplying weapons to narco-terrorists in a neighboring allied country. And how is that not an act of war? Against an ally? And now I read that Dan Restrepo (connected to the Florida "grenadewalker" thing) is a Soros stooge and was in on the Obama actions against Honduras for kicking out the criminal Zelaya (also a Soros stooge). This administration is turning me into a conspiracy nut. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at September 09, 2011 03:16 PM (bxiXv) 129
128 mer,
breathe deeply.... you are not a nut...there is a conspiracy but it is no more convoluted than a powerful ideologue who once toppled the bank of England(a measure of his raw power) caught in a desperate race to bend the world to his vision before he dies. Soros either owns barry or spent the money to allow Barry to grab his dream.... he owns probably 45,000 of the most powerful people in the world at least. he's bigger than our ability to comprehend like a baby and black holes. Posted by: sven10077 at September 09, 2011 03:33 PM (AEIYh) 130
@ IllTemperedCur "From the article, it seems that the SKS could be directly traced to the informant.....which almost certainly means that the informant was the actual straw buyer." OK. and it would also mean the SKS and the AKs came from separate purchases. One to the informant and at least one other tosomeone else. Posted by: Matt at September 09, 2011 03:36 PM (vJUsG) 131
Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a miserable failure.
Posted by: steevy at September 09, 2011 03:37 PM (fyOgS) 132
"evidence tampering" - and, of course, completely different from the CIA destroying the tapes recording the enhanced interrogations of suspected high level terrorists.
The key to the difference is whether it worked. If Jimmy Carter's excellent little haboob-doomed rescue adventure, Operation Eagle Claw, had worked, hey: no President Ronald Reagan. If Obama's assassination of Usama bin Laden, Operation Neptune Spear, had failed, even the Dems would be scrambling to host a challenge to Obama for the 2012 presidential election. It's not that Operation Fast and Furious was an inherent clusterfuck (though it was), it's that it failed, and so becomes an unremitting clusterfuck - like Operation Iraqi Freedom (in fairness, a more enduring one). Posted by: Rex the Wonder God at September 09, 2011 05:13 PM (vahvH) 133
Can we send in SWAT teams at 1AM to every office and home of the preverts even remotely connected to this obomination? No knock warrants, kill every dog they see. Oh yeah, can we let them shoot first and ask no questions later using as many flashbang grenades as they can carry? I see no problem doing this, they have after all, honed their skills on the civilian population for years now.
Posted by: Gmac at September 09, 2011 08:44 PM (bQ4C4) 134
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