aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Telegraph, Citing WikiLeaks: Break In Hunt for Bin Ladin May Have Been Provided By Not Only Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, But by Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Performed On An Al Qaeda Operative Captured in IraqVia Hot Air, which excerpts the meat of the thing. Full article at the Telegraph. This is a bit byzantine, but here's what I'm gleaning from various articles, including this fresh one: 1. 2003: Enhanced Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Results in the Nom De Guerre of bin Ladin's Courier. Enhanced interrogation techniques did not, however, produce the real name of the courier -- at least not this earlier; it seems to have happened later. This is giving the pansy liberals and McCain "We're better than this" types the pretext to deny the usefulness of such techniques:“They waterboarded KSM (Khaled Sheikh Mohammed) 183 times and he still didn’t give the guy up,” said one former U.S. counterterrorism official who asked not to be identified. “Come on. And you want to tell me that enhanced interrogation techniques worked?"Yes, because he did give the guy up: he gave you the nom de guerre. Further, I can think of a rather obvious possibility as to why he didn't give the real name up: He never knew it. Bin Ladin told him the codename; why would KSM need to know more than that? The most important practice in any covert organization is compartmentalization of information -- the famous "need to know." If KSM's job only requires that he know the codename of bin Ladin's courier, in order to make contact with and identify him -- why would bin Ladin tell him his real name? Why would he tell him his family name and place of origin? None of this is necessary, and it a covert organization it would be secret. And yes, secrets are kept from other members of any covert organization. Terrorist groups are specifically built in the "cell structure," such that no cell knows much at all about any other cell, so if the members of one cell are captured their ability to give information about other cells is drastically limited. In a cell structure, the superior cell -- bin Ladin -- would know the identity of the leader of the subordinate cell (KSM), and would be able to contact him at will. But this is not reciprocal. The whole point is that KSM doesn't know how to contact or where to find bin Ladin. So if KSM gets captured, bin Ladin is still safe. And this would apply to his couriers -- why would bin Ladin instruct KSM on the precise identity of a crucial cut-out who could be followed back to bin Ladin should his real identity ever be discovered? But sure, stupid liberals: Let's just assume KSM knew all of this but wouldn't break on it. He broke on almost everything else -- the nom de guerre of the courier, other terrorist operatives -- but this one thing he wouldn't tell. Let's just assume that. Because when you assume, you make a GENIUS out of ME and YOU. It is my belief the interrogations that led to the nom de guerre occurrecd in the "black sites" of Poland and/or Romania. I am pointing that out because we have heard two stories-- that the information originated in the "black sites," and that the information originated at Guatanmo. I think now the answer is both things happened -- this piece, the nom de guerre came from the "black sites" interrogations of KSM. The next piece, which I'm coming to, came from Guantanamo. 2. 2004: Enhanced Interrogation of al-Qahtani Confirms the Nom De Geure of bin Ladin's Courier. I'm actually sort of guessing on this part, but it seems reasonable. Here's the new information from the Telegraph article, based on WikiLeaks: The file for the Guantanamo detainee, Muhammad Mani al-Qahtani, who was to have been the "20th hijacker" on 9/11, contains a reference to the key US intelligence thread that led directly to bin Laden. According to the file, al-Kuwaiti [bin Ladin's courier, and the man whose false step gave away bin Ladin] provided al-Qahtani with computer training for the mission to attack the US in the summer of 2001. Al-Qahtani was told by the lead 9/11 hijacker, Muhammad Atta, “to make reservations and buy airline tickets to Orlando for five individuals” including himself. “Detainee [al-Qahtani] received computer training from al-Qaeda member Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti in preparation for his mission to the US,” according to the file, dated 30 October 2008.Did al-Qahtani reveal the man's real name, or just that he was very important in the bin Ladin command structure? And did he confirm that he was bin Ladin's courier? Not quite sure yet -- it appears the answers are "No, he didn't reveal the real name" (that is still later), probably because he didn't know it, but yes, he revealed this al-Kuwaiti was absolutely crucial, and yes, he probably confirmed he was bin Ladin's courier. (Assuming he even knew that-- perhaps he didn't. But our analysts knew that from KSM.) And Qhatani did get the enhanced treatment: The identity of at least one of the detainees who provided early information about the courier who led to bin Laden could be politically explosive. According to a U.S. official, that detainee was notorious Saudi al-Qaida operative and accused 9/11 conspirator Mohammed al-Qahtani, who was subjected to some of the most humiliating interrogations at Guantanamo. Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra, being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks and being subjected to cold temperatures that twice required his hospitalization, according to a later U.S. military report. U.S. officials have accused Qahtani of being the so-called 20th hijacker for the 9/11 plot based on his unsuccessful attempt to enter the U.S. in August 2011 at the Orlando airport, where lead hijacker Mohammed Atta had arrived to meet him. But in January 2009, Susan Crawford, then chief of the U.S. military commissions under President George W. Bush, rejected the proposed prosecution of Qahtani because of what had been done to him in interrogations at Guantanamo. “His treatment met the legal definition of torture,” Crawford told the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward.Thusfar we have the nom de guerre revealed by enhanced interrogation and further confirmed by enhanced interrogation. No real name yet -- that's next. 3. 2006 (?): Enhanced Interrogation of an Al Qaeda Captured in Iraq, Ghul, Produces the Real Name of the Courier. Finally, the real name. We get this, I think, in 2006. How? Well first of all from an al Qaeda captured in Iraq. Iraq. Huh. Who'd've thought that Iraq would end up being so crucial to getting bin Ladin, who of course had nothing to do with Iraq and Iraq had nothing to do with him? Further, this particular guy gets enhanced interrogations, it seems -- apparently, he's interrogated by the CIA in Pakistan, which I'm taking as code for "'outside the jurisdiction of the United States so wink, wink." The file suggests that the courier’s identity was provided to the US by another key source, the al-Qaida facilitator Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004 and interrogated by the CIA. Ghul was never sent to Guantanamo but was believed to have been taken to a prison in Pakistan. He told the Americans that al-Kuwaiti travelled with bin Laden. The file states:So far, the entirety of the case is put together by a team commanded then by Bush. Before Obama was a gleam in Chris Matthews' eye, our nation and its operatives, under Bush's command, had used enhanced interrogation on at least two men and almost certainly a third, that third captured in Bush's unnecessary war in Iraq, which as it turns out, was pretty damn necessary. We now have his real name -- and can begin the gruntwork/brainwork of figuring out where he likely is. We probably start with his hometown, of course -- that's likely. Criminals like to operate close to home. 4. 2006-2009: NSA Begins Furiously Intercepting Any And All Communications Made By Anyone "al-Kuwaiti" Has Ever Known. All of al-Kuwaiti's family, anyone known to be an associate, clerics from the region he grew up in... everyone, as Gary Oldman advises. Then in the middle of last year, the courier had a telephone conversation with someone who was being monitored by U.S. intelligence, according to an American official, who like others interviewed for this story spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive operation. The courier was located somewhere away from bin Laden's hideout when he had the discussion, but it was enough to help intelligence officials locate and watch him. In August 2010, the courier unknowingly led authorities to a compound in the northeast Pakistani town of Abbottabad, where al-Libi had once lived. The walls surrounding the property were as high as 18 feet and topped with barbed wire. Intelligence officials had known about the house for years, but they always suspected that bin Laden would be surrounded by heavily armed security guards. Nobody patrolled the compound in Abbottabad.Ah. So he called one of his associates that we were already wiretapping, and then we figured out about where he was, and then we started following him, and he led us to Abbottabad. 6. 2011: Surveying Abbottabad, We Grow Confident We've Found Bin Ladin's Hideout. Even at this point we don't know he's there -- we never see him. But the circumstantial evidence -- tall walls, garbage burned, pricey digs -- is suggestive. (Rewritten: Based on Gabe's article, at this point we have traced the courier to the compound and are now just deciding if it's likely OBL himself is there.) 7. April 29-May 1 2011: Obama's Team Tells Him They Have High Confidence Bin Ladin (or at Least His Most Trusted Courier) is In the Compound, and Obama Agrees, and Orders the Raid; On May 1 It's Executed By SEAL Team 6. 8. May 2011: Begin a Disinformation Campaign To Convince the Public That 2003-2008 Never Happened. And now the Democrats begin the real covert operation, the important mission: But one Democratic communications hand sent advice to a slew of other Democratic operatives in the wake of the announcement hammering on the need to make sure Obama comes out on top. “In your day jobs, do not let Republicans turn this into continuing the Bush legacy. This has to be about Obama’s decisive leadership,” the guidance said. “He is the one who oversaw bringing bin Laden to justice, much like how Bush failed to do so at Tora Bora and then claimed Osama wasn’t a priority.”I am still fuzzy on this. I will correct my mistakes when I find them. This is my best reconstruction of events, but I don't know all that much, just what comes out in drips and drabs. Let me say something: I believe the media could put together a clear timeline like I have but I think they never will, because they do not want to make it clear where and when and how this information originated. Better to just leave it vague and keep saying, "Obama got him." They do not want to even talk about critical steps 1-4, as those were thanks to Bush; they only want to talk about the very end of the game, steps 5-7, because that's where Obama enters the game. Late. In fact, they don't even want to talk about the NSA and CIA and SEAL Team 6; they want to focus on one relatively minor thing: Obama agreeing that the raid should happen. And Obama's men will not leak the real story out, even though, given that the operation is concluded, it can be released. Because the real story cuts in Bush for some credit -- and cuts Obama out of some credit -- it must be suppressed like our nuclear warhead launch codes. Added: Step 8 was added at the suggestion of a commenter called "The Prez." Alternate Timeline: Commenter Dan offers up alternate critical steps 1-4, from the media's/Democrats' perspective. 1. 1/21/09 OB gathers his inner circle and tells them that there is this real bad guy that Bush totally forgot about and didn't care that he secretly murdered 3,000 people early in Bush's administration and OB wanted him found ASAP. 2. 2/14.09 OB kicks out Bush incompetent an replaces him with super sleuth Leon Panetta because of his vast experience in espionage and fabulous motivational skills. 3. 2/15/09 OB tells Panetta that I'm 95% confident OBL is in Pakistan, probably somewhere just North of Islamabad in a house with high walls and maybe three stories and two security gates. 4. 2/21/09 OB tells Panetta that he intercepted a call from a guy who is really close to OBL and to drop everything else and totally focus only on him.Ah, That Makes Sense Too: Esteemed Professor Rusty Shackleford suggests a different reason that al-Qahtani and KSM wouldn't know al-Kuwait's real name. Not that it was secret -- so much as he simply had abandoned his old name entirely for his jihadist name. Yes, that makes sense; at some point the real name of "Stalin" just becomes a trivia questions. When you're holding yourself out only by a made-up name, that becomes your real name. Why would someone else know it? Only people who'd known you from your youth would have reason to know it. Everyone else knows you by your d.b.a. (doing business as) name. This happens on the internet, too: our handles, or made-up noms de cyber become, more or less, our real names, for most purposes. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)Posted by: dfbaskwill at May 03, 2011 01:30 PM (71LDo) 2
Dammit, what'd you do to this post?
Posted by: Jeff B. at May 03, 2011 01:33 PM (U8Os0) Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 01:54 PM (o+SC1) 4
Ace, didn't we pop OBL this year in 2011?!
Posted by: Penfold at May 03, 2011 01:56 PM (1PeEC) Posted by: Onlooker at May 03, 2011 01:57 PM (9f7qj) 6
Ok, I admit, the "!" was unnecessary.
Posted by: Penfold at May 03, 2011 01:57 PM (1PeEC) 7
Captured in Costellobad?
Posted by: Lincolntf at May 03, 2011 01:58 PM (xMT+4) Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 01:58 PM (penCf) 9
yes, 2011... thanks, my bad.
I also added in some ??? after the dates because in many cases I really don't know. That 2006 thing with Ghul -- I'm not sure of that. Maybe it was 2004. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 01:59 PM (nj1bB) 10
OT: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Dennis Kucinich thinking of moving to Washington State to run for congress in our new district. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Posted by: robtr at May 03, 2011 01:59 PM (MtwBb) 11
Good job, ace. Another long post, but really worth reading and well put together.
Posted by: Quilly Mammoth at May 03, 2011 01:59 PM (MD1/s) 12
It'll be interesting to hear more about how Bin Laden's McMansion came to be without attracting more attention.
I'm assuming one just doesn't pick up the phone, call up Re/Max Abbottabad..."Hi, yeah, I'm looking at moving to your town but I want to be someplace quiet. I mean, I wouldn't want to move in next door to any international terrorists likely to attract missile strikes or anything. Mind if I drop by and we can talk about what neighborhoods I ought to avoid? Four o'clock? Yes, that'd be great. Thanks." Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 02:01 PM (o+SC1) 13
FOX News:
U.S. Official Confirms 2 Sets of Bin Laden Photos Ahead of WH Briefing Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:01 PM (penCf) 14
IS Abbottabad anywhere near Costellogood?
Posted by: nevergiveup at May 03, 2011 02:02 PM (i6RpT) 15
I didn't read the post because it's too long, and I'm following the Rule of Breitbart. What I do know is that I would confess to assassinating Abraham Lincoln if I was waterboarded. What you stupid wingers fail to realize is thattorture makes people admit to things they didn't do!Gitmo is full of innocent goat herders who were caught in thewrong place in the wrong time.These impoverished, uneducated,innocent young men were subjected to harsh interrogation methods. They made false confessions just to make the madness stop.
Unfortunately, stupid bitter clinging racistslike the lot of you, embrace torture as an acceptable method to glean useless information from ethnic and religious minorities. Torture is wrong. It's a human rights crime. America under George W. Bush has turned into a country I no longer recognize. It's a sad, sad day when my fellow Americans rejoice in the ill treatment of innocent civillians. I for one, denounce such shenanigans. Posted by: Maria Floggenstein at May 03, 2011 02:02 PM (ihSHD) 16
ace: the story you quoted says Ghul was bagged in Iraq in 2004. It's entirely possible it took time to get anything useful out of him. We don't and may never know exactly when he coughed up the name.
Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 02:02 PM (o+SC1) 17
Ace, according to the crosstabs of the Washington Post Poll giving Obama at +9 point bounce, 51% of Americans polled thought the Bush administration's record deserved at least some credit for the capture kill. I think that's a pretty strong number to start from.
Posted by: Jeff B. at May 03, 2011 02:02 PM (U8Os0) 18
Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:03 PM (penCf) 19
U.S. Official Confirms 2 Sets of Bin Laden Photos Ahead of WH Briefing
Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:01 PM (penCf) Actually I'd like to see a pic of Bin Laden's puckered ass when he realized the jig was up Posted by: nevergiveup at May 03, 2011 02:03 PM (i6RpT) 20
Ms Floggenstein: if you killed Abraham Lincoln, I think the CIA would be very interested in your tardis.
Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 02:03 PM (o+SC1) 21
Drips and Drabs would be a great name of a punk garage band.
Thanks for this post though. It's a good timeline. Posted by: laceyunderalls at May 03, 2011 02:03 PM (pLTLS) Posted by: Vladmir Putin at May 03, 2011 02:04 PM (uqJo6) 23
But...but...Abu Grahib!
Posted by: Flailing Lefty McRadical at May 03, 2011 02:05 PM (RD7QR) 24
Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 02:01 PM (o+SC1) Actually, in Pakistan, with the ISI as the realtor... you never know. It might well have been just that easy. Posted by: blue star at May 03, 2011 02:05 PM (X8chP) 25
You can look at the polls this way. The Osama kill was such big news it even gave Bush a bounce
Posted by: Ben at May 03, 2011 02:05 PM (wuv1c) 26
I didn't read the post because it's too long, and I'm following the Rule
of Breitbart. What I do know is that I would confess to assassinating Abraham Lincoln if I was waterboarded. Sometimes I get the urge to waterboard all nurses that enjoy running. I mean, wanting to help people and on their off time, they exercise?! I keed! I keed! ![]() Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:06 PM (penCf) 27
Let me say something: I believe the media could put together a clear
timeline like I have but I think they never will, because they do not want to make it clear where and when and how this information originated. --- It wouldn't surprise me to see FNC do this a s a weekend special at some point. Hopefully with Oliver North rather than Geraldo. Posted by: Methos at May 03, 2011 02:07 PM (uqJo6) 28
I didn't read the post because it's too long, and I'm following the Rule of Breitbart. What I do know is that I would confess to assassinating Abraham Lincoln if I was waterboarded. What you stupid wingers fail to realize is thattorture makes people admit to things they didn't do!Gitmo is full of innocent goat herders who were caught in thewrong place in the wrong time.These impoverished, uneducated,innocent young men were subjected to harsh interrogation methods. They made false confessions just to make the madness stop.
Fortunately for us these false confessions yielded real tangeble results. Posted by: Ben at May 03, 2011 02:07 PM (wuv1c) 29
Ace, you called this yesterday. Also, I wonder how the lefties will feel about that patriotic leaker now, with his info pointing to Iraq. In fact, wouldn't it be hilarious if the next Bradley Manning stepped up and posted the entire contents of OBL's hard drive on the internet? (Which gives me a trolling idea . . .) Posted by: arhooley at May 03, 2011 02:07 PM (uELLA) 30
Rush just said, 'If those pics of OBL aren't up by 2:45 I'm calling Trump. He gets things done!'
Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:08 PM (penCf) 31
What's this? The White House is finally releasing the photos we all want to see... of Obama as he ponders the decision to attack Osama bin Laden's compound. Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 02:08 PM (uFokq) 32
Rush just said, 'If those pics of OBL aren't up by 2:45 I'm calling Trump. He gets things done!'
Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:08 PM (penCf) LMAO! That's perfect. Posted by: Tami at May 03, 2011 02:09 PM (VuLos) Posted by: Jean at May 03, 2011 02:09 PM (WkuV6) 34
OT: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Dennis Kucinich thinking of moving
to Washington State to run for congress in our new district. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! He's saying, in other words, "Fuck Ohio. I'll move anywhere, do anything, as long as I stay in Congress" Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:10 PM (7YzRS) 35
While at the gym, I believe the official ABC story is that June of 2009, Barak Hussein told the CIA they had 30 days to come up with an actionable plan to get Obsama.
So my guess is that is the real timeline, according to the WH. This all started with Obsama putting his foot down a little less than 2 years ago. Nothing happened before that. Posted by: CUS at May 03, 2011 02:10 PM (wOGfT) 36
Ms Floggenstein: if you killed Abraham Lincoln, I think the CIA would be very interested in your tardis.
Terribly useful thing, a tardis. Posted by: Richard Nixon at May 03, 2011 02:10 PM (uqJo6) 37
Our timeline
1. Bombings in Tanzania 2. Bill Clinton not responsible for nothing no how. 3. USS Cole Bombing, probably done because Bush was going to be elected in a year. 4. 9/11 on Bush's watch. 5. PDB 6. PDB 7. PDB 8.America invades Afghanistan 9.America illegally invades Iraq 10. The movie Path to 9/11 was never made and does not exist 11. Bush leaves office failure 12. Obama elected. 13. Obama ends War on Terror by killing Bin Laden single handedly. Case closed Posted by: MSM at May 03, 2011 02:11 PM (wuv1c) 38
Three reasons they are unclear on the unfolding story:
1. It''s always hazy in the beginning 2. In this age of CSI (Season 1 was undoubtedly one of the confiscated DVDs), you don't want to inform the enemy too much and facilitate future crimes 3. SPOLIER ALERT: Drive box office receipts for the inevitable Hollywood blockbuster Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 02:11 PM (mHQ7T) 39
Of course, Harry Truman should get all the credit for developing the atomic bomb and Nixon should get the credit for the moon landings.
Posted by: joeindc44 at May 03, 2011 02:11 PM (QxSug) 40
Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra, being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks ...
This is torture? People pay good money in West Hollywood for this kind of treatment. This is an excellent post. Thank you so much for putting this all together, Ace. Posted by: Dumb_Blonde at May 03, 2011 02:12 PM (C9JSP) 41
The reports on Sunday said they had the compound pinpointed, and high confidence bin Laden was there, by February 2011.
Posted by: Waterhouse at May 03, 2011 02:12 PM (Hiaja) 42
2. In this age of CSI (Season 1 was undoubtedly one of the confiscated DVDs), you don't want to inform the enemy too much and facilitate future crimes Or compromise your intelligence assets, which is why I'm with those who say that not too much of this info should be public knowledge. Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at May 03, 2011 02:13 PM (9hSKh) 43
I just read the story at:
Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden at and that paints a different picture of our Panty waste in Chief. What a BALL_LESS wonder Obama is ! Posted by: Billy Berue' at May 03, 2011 02:13 PM (48wze) 44
Wasn't there a point in that timeline where the military wanted to take the house out with bombs and Obama overrode them wanting definitive proof of a kill?
Posted by: Vic at May 03, 2011 02:14 PM (M9Ie6) 45
Was I supposed to read this?
Posted by: Chuckit at May 03, 2011 02:14 PM (Y/SHV) 46
wiki leaks was supposed to expose the rotten, vicious, immoral, imperialist US war machine....
Jeez. Think the CIA did the actual leaking? Posted by: Richard Aubrey at May 03, 2011 02:15 PM (wxHHM) Posted by: nevergiveup at May 03, 2011 02:16 PM (i6RpT) Posted by: The Prez at May 03, 2011 02:16 PM (1fB+3) Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 02:16 PM (uFokq) 50
Steps 1-4 took giant elephant balls, courage and unfortunately all the vitriol. But they worked.
Pulling the trigger on an OP once there was high confidence UBL was found is an easy no-brainer. In fact, I can't think of anyone who would not have made the same call. Posted by: Marcus at May 03, 2011 02:17 PM (CHrmZ) Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 02:17 PM (uFokq) Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 02:18 PM (uFokq) 53
Pulling the trigger on an OP once there was high
confidence UBL was found is an easy no-brainer. In fact, I can't think of anyone who would not have made the same call. Posted by: Marcus at May 03, 2011 02:17 PM (CHrmZ) No. No. No. The WH Admin. told us this was the most gustiest call of a Prez in recent memory! Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:18 PM (penCf) 54
Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra, being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks and being subjected to cold temperatures that twice required his hospitalization, according to a later U.S. military report.
Oohh, poor baby. Does he still have all his fingers and both eyes? Is he able to walk/talk/eat/poop? If he is, then he hasn't been tortured. Who cares if he now has a pronouned facial tic and is deathly afraid of napkins? Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 03, 2011 02:18 PM (d0Tfm) 55
Instalaunch! Boy are Insty's readers in for a surprise. "What the hell does Brian Dennehy, longbows and Pollock have to do with Bin Ladin????" Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:18 PM (7YzRS) Posted by: Marcus at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (CHrmZ) 57
Wasn't there a point in that timeline where the military wanted to take the house out with bombs and Obama overrode them wanting definitive proof of a kill?
Reportedly, that was March2011. I think that call would have pissed ofalot of people working hard to get UBL. However, in hindsight, it was the right call. Posted by: wtfci at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (qITbz) 58
Rudy will be at GZ tomorrow with Obama. Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 02:17 PM (uFokq) No, because the ND Football team has a practice Posted by: nevergiveup at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (i6RpT) 59
What I do know is that I would confess to assassinating Abraham Lincoln
if I was waterboarded. What you stupid wingers fail to realize is thattorture makes people admit to things they didn't do! We weren't looking for confessions; they were all ready guilty of being unlawful combatants - which per the Geneva Conventions is a capital offense; we were looking for information. Which we got, verified, and used effectively. Waterboarding works! Posted by: Jean at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (WkuV6) 60
it's looking more and more like the WH isn't going to release those photos
Posted by: MSM at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (wuv1c) 61
Jay Carney is a rambling retard.
Posted by: iknowtheleft at May 03, 2011 02:19 PM (G/MYk) 62
Thanks. I'll be here all week.
Posted by: Your Schadenboner at May 03, 2011 02:20 PM (VndSC) Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:21 PM (penCf) 64
installanche, everyone quick hide your beers
Posted by: MSM at May 03, 2011 02:21 PM (wuv1c) Posted by: blue star at May 03, 2011 02:22 PM (X8chP) 66
51% of Americans polled thought the Bush administration's record deserved at least some credit for the capture & kill. I think that's a pretty strong number to start from.
That's not good at all! There's the 40% who think Obama is omniscient and omnipotent (so they don't really count)—plus about 10% who offer Bush no credit because TV didn't say "Bush did it." And they're just as lost as the 40%. It's not like the TV is going to tell them not to love Obama in 2012. That's 50% out, understand? Baseline. Unreachable. In total denial of an indisputably known thing—that they themselves know. But they put that knowing away and do what they're told. So boned. Posted by: oblig. at May 03, 2011 02:23 PM (xvZW9) 67
"To the best of our knowledge, based on a look, none of it came as a
result of harsh interrogation practices," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in a wide-ranging press conference. Posted by: momma at May 03, 2011 02:23 PM (penCf) 68
huh wtf? I don't remember hitting Post
Posted by: blue star at May 03, 2011 02:23 PM (X8chP) 69
it must be suppressed like our nuclear warhead launch codes.Hint - all zeros
HA! That was my idea! They said it was stupid and asked me to leave.......but then they took me to the train room! Man I love that train room..........I could and didspend hours in there......... Posted by: Joe Biden at May 03, 2011 02:24 PM (quUhk) 70
I will have to agree that it was a tough call to send a SEAL team rather than a strike from the air. I've already said that I would not have chosen that option based on the limited info I know. I am surprised that the compound was not rigged to blow. That leads me to believe he was a captured guest of the ISI.
Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 02:24 PM (lSnks) 71
Sometimes I get the urge to waterboard all nurses that enjoy running. I mean, wanting to help people and on their off time, they exercise?! I keed! I keed!
Ha! Ha! Unsocked! Momma, you are too ding, dang smart! Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (ihSHD) 72
"It's a big country and a big government ..."
Jay Carney explaining how Bin Laden was able to able hide, disguised as a rich, security-conscious arab not too far from the Pakistani miliatry academy. You go, Jay! Posted by: iknowtheleft at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (G/MYk) 73
To quote Hillary! it would take a willful suspension of disbelief to not see that enhanced interrogation techniques and using the infrastructure Bush laid out is what made this mission possible.
That and some bad as SEALs. Posted by: JackStraw at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (TMB3S) 74
Ace is such a chump for the Bushitlerburton RethugliKKKans.
All your precious illegal torture techniques yielded was a nickname. A fucking nickname. It wasn't until tracing the credit card payments made to Obama"s campaign that we were able to nail down his real name and biling address. Yeah, that's right, wingers: Disabling the CVV requirements to donate to Obama's campaign, which you were constantly bitching about, caught the World's Most Wanted Terrorist. You wingers are playing checkers and Obama is playing CHINESE checkers. Or 5-dimensional Connect Four. Or something. Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (TATbF) 75
1. 2003: Enhanced Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Results in the Nom De Guerre of bin Ladin's Courier.
This point is a bit muddled. The NY Times article in the sidebar says KSM did not give up any name, nick name or otherwise, and that's what indicated they were on the right trail: Prisoners in American custody told stories of a trusted courier. When the Americans ran the man’s pseudonym past two top-level detainees — the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed; and Al Qaeda’s operational chief, Abu Faraj al-Libi — the men claimed never to have heard his name. That raised suspicions among interrogators that the two detainees were lying and that the courier probably was an important figure. The Times seems to be deliberately muddling it. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (9KqcB) 76
Rolling Stone's lying-ass "timeline" predictably includes non of the icky pre-Obama details.
Posted by: Waterhouse at May 03, 2011 02:26 PM (Hiaja) 77
OK.... now... Add in the multiple people who have recently (during said timeline) resigned from the Administrations Intelligence Apparatus. My Guess is that we've known his whereabouts for quite some time, but some (points at Valerie Jarret) did not want us to go get him... note... she is not in the War Room as this is happening... Obama looks angry, and is in Golf clothes... If I follow the Obama way of doing things... going by his history... he waited as long as possible to pull the trigger on this, and probably only did so once somone told him his Political Aspirations would be destroyed, if it got out he knew where OBL was, and did nothing. This is NOT the type of operation where we found out where he was last week, planned it, rehearsed it, got the assets (Team 6) in place.... it takes weeks to months to put in this type of Op... Posted by: Roemo13 at May 03, 2011 02:26 PM (NtXW4) 78
said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in a wide-ranging press conference.
Diane Feinstein sitting on the Senate Intelligence Committee has got to be one of the biggest ironies of all time. Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 02:26 PM (ihSHD) 79
" must be suppressed like our nuclear warhead launch codes..."
I just read in Wikileaks that Obama's nuclear launch code is 1... 2... 3... 4... 5. Just like the combination on his luggage. Posted by: Keith Arnold at May 03, 2011 02:26 PM (Jdtsu) 80
Wired Magazine's Spencer Ackerman furiously tries to minimize the importance of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" used to identify Osama's courier. Posted by: Ed Anger at May 03, 2011 02:27 PM (7+pP9) 81
Guns don't kill people. SEAL Team 6 kills people.
Posted by: Quilly Mammoth at May 03, 2011 02:27 PM (MD1/s) 82
51% of Americans polled thought the Bush administration's record deserved at least some credit for the capture kill. I think that's a pretty strong number to start from.
That's not good at all! Yeah, but look at the source. It's a WaPo poll. The number was higher than I thought it would be. Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 02:28 PM (ihSHD) 83
Essentially, Obama's role was to authorize the killing (I'd love to know the ROE in the order) of Bin Laden on the sovereign soil of another country after having actionable intelligence that he was there. I'd give him credit for that. Bill Clinton didn't do it, when he had the chance.
However...this is what US presidents are supposed to do. What does Obama want? A cookie? Posted by: AmishDude at May 03, 2011 02:28 PM (T0NGe) 84
I am surprised that the compound was not rigged to blow.
I'm not. These cockholsters specialize in talking other people into suicide bombing or death on the battlefield. Especially impressionable teenagers. They themselves have NO intention of going out with a bang, so to speak. The ultimate Chickenhawks. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:28 PM (7YzRS) 85
Oh, this is so delicious, I can't eat another bite!
Posted by: Mr. Creosote at May 03, 2011 02:28 PM (mEyVv) Posted by: CUS at May 03, 2011 02:29 PM (wOGfT) 87
Hey Ace - great post, it helped clarify a lot. Thanks!
Posted by: Sassy at May 03, 2011 02:30 PM (eBhII) 88
Posted by: Osama Bin Laden at May 03, 2011 02:31 PM (rfsir) 89
What is REALLY going to be interesting is the slew of books which will soon come out about how the Administration handled this... AND the later books, which will tell the truth... Posted by: Romeo13 at May 03, 2011 02:32 PM (NtXW4) 90
No swearing, either.
Oh, great. Nextwe'll haveto go put on some pants... Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 03, 2011 02:32 PM (d0Tfm) 91
IllTemper I say that because earlier interrogation of some of Osama's men say that they had prepared his hiding place in Tora Bora to blow if infiltrated. IIRC.
Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 02:33 PM (lSnks) 92
This is NOT the type of operation where we found out where he was last week, planned it, rehearsed it, got the assets (Team 6) in place.... it takes weeks to months to put in this type of Op...
They knew since August, but weren't sure. So they planned and rehearsed since. That's been widely reported. Let's not go Birther on this. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 02:33 PM (9KqcB) 93
Don't worry about the launch codes. Joe Biden encrypted them. Now the launch codes are 54321.
Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 02:33 PM (+61wI) 94
""To the best of our knowledge, based on a look, none of it came as a result of harsh interrogation practices," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in a wide-ranging press conference."
Dealing with Di-Fi, "to the best of our knowledge" is not a very high standard. Were she to say "to the best of my knowledge, they're serving pie in the Senate cafeteria today," I'd want independent verification. Seeing the words Feinstein and Intelligence written in the same sentence is breathtaking. Imagine what we could write if it were Boxer instead of Feinstein. Posted by: Keith Arnold at May 03, 2011 02:33 PM (Jdtsu) Posted by: CUS at May 03, 2011 02:34 PM (wOGfT) 96
Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra, being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks and being subjected to cold temperatures that twice required his hospitalization, according to a later U.S. military report.
In other words, Tuesday at Nancy Pelosi's house. Posted by: joncelli at May 03, 2011 02:34 PM (RD7QR) 97
Mistakes were made.
Posted by: Osama In Hell at May 03, 2011 02:35 PM (mEyVv) Posted by: Keith Arnold at May 03, 2011 02:36 PM (Jdtsu) 99
I am part of the Instalaunche now. Ain't I cool?
Posted by: CUS at May 03, 2011 02:37 PM (wOGfT) 100
>>> Don't worry about the launch codes. Joe Biden encrypted them. Now the launch codes are 54321.
NOT LISTENING - LALALALA IN THE TRAIN ROOM - LALALALALALA Posted by: Joe Biden at May 03, 2011 02:37 PM (quUhk) 101
No swearing, either.
Oh, great. Nextwe'll haveto go put on some pants... Then again, Insty has a robotic tongue up as the lead link. The University gave no word on the possibility of tentacles in future models. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:38 PM (7YzRS) 102
Disabling the CVV requirements to donate to Obama's campaign, which you were constantly bitching about, caught the World's Most Wanted Terrorist. You wingers are playing checkers and Obama is playing CHINESE checkers. Or 5-dimensional Connect Four. Or something. Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 02:25 PM (TATbF) He's playing golf. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 02:39 PM (z1N6a) 103
Installanche, everyone quick hide your beers.
And your Thai tranny hooker prOn. Don't forget that. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Clitoris at May 03, 2011 02:39 PM (zF6Iw) 104
The hell with Instapundit. Have you ever heard him say anything nice about he commenters? No, no you haven't.
Brietbart is a much more sophisticated, nuanced and advanced human. Posted by: JackStraw at May 03, 2011 02:40 PM (TMB3S) 105
just read in Wikileaks that Obama's nuclear launch code is 1... 2... 3... 4... 5. Just like the combination on his luggage.
Nothing makes me chuckle like a Spaceball reference. Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President for Life at May 03, 2011 02:40 PM (OWjjx) 106
Sissypants is going to be on 60 Minutes. My G-d, these people have no shame, at all. I know that's nothing new, but each time I see it, it's still stunning.
Posted by: iknowtheleft at May 03, 2011 02:40 PM (G/MYk) Posted by: Alfred at May 03, 2011 02:40 PM (Xv7f/) 108
They knew since August, but weren't sure. So they planned and rehearsed since. That's been widely reported. Let's not go Birther on this. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 02:33 PM (9KqcB) Hmmm.... since AUGUST?And this is.... May?So, we had this place on our 'radar' for 9 or 10 months? Before we took it down? While all the time he COULD HAVE MOVED??More and more, this stinks of Politics... Obama was falling in the polls... and is not taking a "Victory" Lap... how... convenient... Posted by: Romeo13 at May 03, 2011 02:42 PM (NtXW4) 109
Everyone is feeling good about OBL's demise, especially many of the rabid moonbats. They're so giddy, thinking that Obama's re-election is now assured, that they are willing to give (grudging) credit even to BushHitler. They're very practiced at shoving previous statements and writings down the memory hole. As time goes on, it will become "unsporting" or "divisive" to bring up any timelines or such that put them in a bad light.
Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at May 03, 2011 02:42 PM (YmPwQ) 110
It wasn't enhanced interrogation techniques.
Bin Laden knew the gig was up once President Obama was elected. Bin Laden knew he could outsmart Bush...he was a dummy. But President Obama is smart and Bin Laden knew it was only a matter of time before President Obama found him personally. We are so lucky to havea President who is smart and believes in science as opposed to stupid ol Bush and his icky religion. Thank you President Obama! Posted by: Kos Kids at May 03, 2011 02:42 PM (OWjjx) 111
Does anyone notice that the shape of the compound is similar to the shape of Israel?
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at May 03, 2011 02:42 PM (iAUf+) 112
I'm a moderate Independent! You never know which way I'm going to vote! Hell, I could vote for Obama.
By the way have you seen my wife? How the Hell did I score that? Talk about out of my league! Hey, have you subscribed to PJTV yet? It's only about $30 a month to watch me stand awkwardly in front of an oilcloth! Posted by: Glenn teh Instapundit at May 03, 2011 02:43 PM (mEyVv) 113
Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra and being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks.
There are drunk chicks who will happily do that with a complete stranger then complain when he doesn't call. Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 02:43 PM (mHQ7T) 114
Posted by: Glenn teh Instapundit at May 03, 2011 02:43 PM (mEyVv) 115
Oh, great. Nextwe'll haveto go put on some pants...
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 03, 2011 02:32 PM (d0Tfm) I can't believe somebody had to tell you. Again...... Posted by: joefrog at May 03, 2011 02:44 PM (vKUhG) 116
Who is Hassan Ghul?
Ra's al Ghul's little brother. He used to cheat at checkers when he was a kid. Posted by: Bruce Wayne at May 03, 2011 02:44 PM (7YzRS) 117
Does this mean GWB will get a Nobel Prize? If Obama is the standard by which one should get a Nobel Peace Prize, GWB is actually intelligent, a bit humble, and capable of introspection. Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at May 03, 2011 02:46 PM (9hSKh) 118
>>>More and more, this stinks of Politics... Obama was falling in the polls... and is not taking a "Victory" Lap... how... convenient...
Lovely. We just got done with one conspiracy theory so of course we have to begin another. We always need some kooky conspiracy theory, after all. Can we dispense with the conspiracies? Can we just have like six months off from these bullshit, kook-magnet conspiracy theories? Just a break from them? We spent two or three years indulging the last one. Can we rationalists just have a little time without conspiracy theories as a payback? Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 02:47 PM (nj1bB) 119
So I read the piece, which was actually quite good. So, in a summary for the Instalanch bunch, Brian Dennehy was in charge of a group of honey badgers, armed with longbows, operating under the name Seal Team 6 so as to cause confusion, sent into the soveriegn territory of Pakistan with shoot to kill orders. And brilliantly watched over by our brave leader, Barack Obama, who was so involved with this operation that he showed up not only in golf clothes, but golf shoes even?
Posted by: joefrog at May 03, 2011 02:47 PM (vKUhG) 120
Then again, Insty has a robotic tongue up as the lead link.
The University gave no word on the possibility of tentacles in future models. Holy god. Now that they've developed this I shudder to think what's next. Posted by: Dumb_Blonde at May 03, 2011 02:48 PM (+mXoZ) 121
Posted by: joefrog at May 03, 2011 02:47 PM (vKUhG) Don't forget Steve Guttenberg being on the crashed chopper...... Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:49 PM (7YzRS) 122
Just like when he was in college somebody else did all the work and Obama takes all the credit
Posted by: Lemmiwinks at May 03, 2011 02:49 PM (pdRb1) 123
CARNEY: 'Resistance does not require a firearm'...
OBL shook his bony fist at the SEALS, must have been so scary for them Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 02:50 PM (K4ia2) 124
Something I noticed on CNN last night (I was at the gym). They say that bin Laden was sought by the US for "nearly ten years."
This conveniently ignores the fact that the US wanted him for many years before 9/11, and it also conveniently lets Clinton off for failing to get him during his administration. Starting everything at 9/11, and ignoring bin Laden's career before that, makes Bush the creator of the problem, and Obama the solver. The re-write of history has already begun. Posted by: BeckoningChasm at May 03, 2011 02:50 PM (u2fPF) 125
Echoing a point he has made again and again since at least 2005, the Pride of Illinois made the following remarks about the actions of Navy Seal Team 6 in Pakistan:
"this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beingsas Nazis, Soviets in their Gulags or followers of Pol Pot. This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure," he said the day after his initial comments. Posted by: Dick Dirtbag, prominent Illinois Socialist at May 03, 2011 02:51 PM (K/USr) 126
Everyone here is a Bush loving Nazi. Here is the real timeline, at least 1-4.
1. 1/21/09 OB gathers his inner circle and tells them that there is this real bad guy that Bush totally forgot about and didn't care that he secretly murdered 3,000 people early in Bush's administration and OB wanted him found ASAP. 2. 2/14.09 OB kicks out Bush incompetent an replaces him with super sleuth Leon Panetta because of his vast experience in espionage and fabulous motivational skills. 3. 2/15/09 OB tells Panetta that I'm 95% confident OBL is in Pakistan, probably somewhere just North of Islamabad in a house with high walls and maybe three stories and two security gates. 4. 2/21/09 OB tells Panetta that he intercepted a call from a guy who is really close to OBL and to drop everything else and totally focus only on him. At least this is what the media will go with or something ery close. Posted by: Dan at May 03, 2011 02:51 PM (bRJ3N) 127
did wikileaks do us a favor? Am I too cynical, thinking that someone might have thought about sitting on the info until right before the election? Posted by: oooOOOooo at May 03, 2011 02:51 PM (UU52+) 128
This was like voting..............present? At least he didn't get in the way.
Posted by: kansas at May 03, 2011 02:52 PM (mka2b) 129
Who's that creepy lesbian that tookover as WH spokesman ftom Gibsey? More butch looking than Rachel Madcow.
Posted by: CoolCzech at May 03, 2011 02:53 PM (kUaEF) 130
Is anyone else highly amused that those first in line to perpetuate the YELLOWCAKE LIE ELEVENTY@(%*^@(^$ crap are now whining about alllll these silly-ass anti-Obama conspiracy theories?
I mean, once you unleash the Art Bell listeners.... Posted by: Filly at May 03, 2011 02:53 PM (O45XL) 131
We spent two or three years indulging the last one. Can we rationalists
just have a little time without conspiracy theories as a payback? Seconded. Too bad the Retard-In-Chief makes even the worst of them seem so frakking credible... Posted by: AoSHQ's worst commenter, DarkLord© at May 03, 2011 02:53 PM (GBXon) 132
We spent two or three years indulging the last one. Can we rationalists just have a little time without conspiracy theories as a payback?
“Donald Trump says he’s President Obama’s worst nightmare. That’s not true. Having to make a decision is Obama’s worst nightmare.” –Jay Leno A couple of weeks ago Jay Leno jokes about Obama's decision making abilities and the next thing you know he's giving shoot to kill orders on Bin Laden. I question the timing! Not, not really. I just wanted to work I question the timing into something ... ![]() Posted by: Dumb_Blonde at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (+mXoZ) 133
More and more, this stinks of Politics... Obama was falling in the polls... and is not taking a "Victory" Lap... how... convenient... Except for the part where you sprayed I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! on your nipples and ran screaming down the hallway naked, I found your argument to be reasoned and well supported by multiple references. And by "references" I mean "another unsubstantiated comment on this thread." Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (TATbF) 134
Hey! What are we doing listening to those terrorist phone calls? That's unconstitutional!
Posted by: Judge Napolitano at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (7EV/g) 135
Ugh, I just got a conspiracy email from my best friend who, in recent years, has decided to let her inner kook run amok.
9/11 was an inside job. The birth certificate is fake. Osama's been dead for 10 years, and they've kept him on ice until now. The point of my friend's email? "Why now?" Posted by: Kensington at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (mEyVv) 136
CARNEY: 'Resistance does not require a firearm'...
Luckily, the longbow got caught up in his dishdasha. Hey, bodkin point arrows vs. Kevlar is no joke. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:55 PM (7YzRS) 137
Maria Floggenstein;
First, I served at GTMO and observed your "goat herders"these are people that can read and write in English...not bad for the local schools in that region. However, nothing I say could ever possibly change your views. Second,does water boarding make you psychic? I mean it is one thing to admit to assassinating Lincoln or agree to sign a confession; it is an entirely different and much cooler feat to make someone learn a name they never knew… If you water-board me I will never be able to tell you what President Obama’s favorite color is. I would admit to knowing surely, but when required to divulge that information I would guess like green or something and have a slim chance (like 5% or so) of getting it right, now ask me the name of the driver of President Obama’s limo and I would have approximately 0.0% chance of getting his real name let alone is code name/ call sign. Maybe we should water-board you to get next week’s lotto numbers. Think about that..... I said THINK Posted by: IronKnight at May 03, 2011 02:55 PM (jVg/k) 138
A couple of weeks ago Jay Leno jokes about Obama's decision making abilities and the next thing you know he's giving shoot to kill orders on Bin Laden. I question the timing! Not, not really. I just wanted to work I question the timing into something ... Posted by: Dumb_Blonde at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (+mXoZ) I question the timing of your working in 'I Question the Timing' Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 02:55 PM (z1N6a) 139
Was the part before the comments good this time? Posted by: Andrew Breitbart at May 03, 2011 02:32 PM (qIHlG) I don't know I never read that part. Posted by: Lemmiwinks at May 03, 2011 02:55 PM (pdRb1) 140
Don't forget Steve Guttenberg being on the crashed chopper......
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:49 PM (7YzRS) We do! We Do! Posted by: The Stonecutters at May 03, 2011 02:56 PM (vKUhG) 141
Something I noticed on CNN last night (I was at the gym). They say that bin Laden was sought by the US for "nearly ten years." This conveniently ignores the fact that the US wanted him for many years before 9/11, and it also conveniently lets Clinton off for failing to get him during his administration. And also forgets OBL declared war on the US during said Clinton admin. BIRM. Posted by: CUS at May 03, 2011 02:56 PM (wOGfT) 142
9/11 was an inside job.The birth certificate is fake.Osama's been dead for 10 years, and they've kept him on ice until now.The point of my friend's email? "Why now?"
Posted by: Kensington at May 03, 2011 02:54 PM (mEyVv) Tell him that Mossad has read his email by scanning the emmissions from your PC, and he only has hours to get away. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 02:56 PM (z1N6a) 143
130 "Barack Obama, who was so involved with this operation that he showed up not only in golf clothes, but golf shoes even?"
Kinda makes me think he didn't know a thing about it till it happened. He looks like a shrunken man in the photo. Posted by: lan sing at May 03, 2011 02:57 PM (YHrQZ) 144
Romeo, your conspiracy theory doesn't even make sense and if you THOUGHT about it before leaping to paranoid conclusions you'd realize that.
ANY of the months before the 2010 electiosn would be better timed than this. If we found the courier in Aug 2010 -- then killing bin Ladin in Aug, sept, or oct 2010 would have been better timed, politically. The Democrats might have only lost a few seats. Further, every month we get closer to the 2012 elections are better-timed for this, politically. June 2011 is better than may 2011. July 2011 is better than june 2011. August 2011 is better than July 2011. And on and on until the best months, politically, sept or oct 2012. So, in the twenty seven months between Aug 2010 and October 2012, the may event is only better than six months (Nov 2010, December 2010, jan 2011, feb 2011, march 2011, and April 2011) and WORSE than every other month. Of 27 months, this is the 21st "best" month for political timing. This is silly. You're proposing a conspiracy theory based on the idea that Obama picked what month to do this for political reasons, and bizarrely picked the seventh WORST month to do it. The twenty first best, but the seventh WORST. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 02:58 PM (nj1bB) 145
But the fact that its the worst possible time for a conspiracy PROVES its a conspiracy! Because its the best time to convince you that its NOT!
Posted by: Obscure Conspiracy Oldcat at May 03, 2011 02:59 PM (z1N6a) 146
So it's indulging in conspiracy theory to assume Obama is driven by polls at every turn? Sorry, so sorry. Falling in line now.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:00 PM (K4ia2) 147
Opeacenik's spokesjerk was playing down any previous info gathered in today's press conference.
In the end, I think that's a mistake, kinda like the old "its not the crime but the cover up" thing. It just makes the people that want to point these things out more committed. Posted by: Guy Fawkes at May 03, 2011 03:00 PM (IXLvN) 148
Coming to theaters in September of 2012: DOUBLE TAPOCRACY Starring George Clooney Johhny Depp Leonardo DiCaprio with Alan Alda as bin Losing and Samuel Jackson as Barackus Obamacus This time it's two holes in one! Posted by: Holly Woodburn at May 03, 2011 03:00 PM (gppu7) 149
kathleen-- see post 155. This is the seventh WORST month for this to happen in terms of political timing -- 20 other months would be BETTER.
Please. Think more, vent less. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 03:02 PM (nj1bB) 150
If Obama really wanted to boost his poll numbers, he would help repeal ObamaCare and endorse large spending cuts. The fact that his poll numbers are still dragging because only 40-45% of Americans approve of his performance in handling the economy is telling. So he got a slight bounce out of all of this and he can now claim that he's a leader, but he isn't leading where it matters.
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:02 PM (qdBf5) 151
Isn't this just laying it all out so now they know how we do things and will make adjustments? Shouldn't this just be something that we don't really need to know in the public circles?
Posted by: © Sponge at May 03, 2011 03:03 PM (UK9cE) 152
I think the timing was great for Obama. The MSM was just beginning to allow for speculation that his re-election might be a problem. It was time to change the narrative stat.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:03 PM (K4ia2) 153
Among the enhanced interrogation techniques used on him were being forced to wear a woman’s bra and being led around on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks. I call that a typical Tuesday.
Posted by: Andy Sullivan, MD-OB/GYN at May 03, 2011 03:03 PM (AnTyA) 154
Opeacenik's spokesjerk was playing down any previous info gathered in today's press conference.
In the end, I think that's a mistake, kinda like the old "its not the crime but the cover up" thing. It just makes the people that want to point these things out more committed. Posted by: Guy Fawkes at May 03, 2011 03:00 PM (IXLvN) That's the problem - bringing enemies of the nation to justice is so alien to them they can't make it sound convincing, even when its true. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:03 PM (z1N6a) 155
"Tell him that Mossad has read his email by scanning the emmissions from your PC, and he only has hours to get away"
She also believes that the government seeds the sky with chemicals (the chemtrails conspiracy). The biggest impediment to her getting over this crap is that she's highly educated. That gives her just enough arrogance to presume that she's being impeccably rational. Posted by: Kensington at May 03, 2011 03:04 PM (mEyVv) 156
Ace, your "seventh worst month" meme is inherently absurd. Not every face-saving political move happens in October, for pete's sake.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:04 PM (K4ia2) 157
Now here's a real conspiracy: what happened to the Taiwan News Media cartoon about Osama's death? It seems to have been taken down!
Posted by: Kensington at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (mEyVv) 158
I think the timing was great for Obama. The MSM was
just beginning to allow for speculation that his re-election might be a problem. It was time to change the narrative stat. Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:03 PM (K4ia2) Obama is one of the least poll-driven presidents in ages. If he listened to them, he might be more popular. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (z1N6a) 159
Hmmm.... since AUGUST?
And this is.... May?So, we had this place on our 'radar' for 9 or 10 months? Before we took it down? While all the time he COULD HAVE MOVED?? Posted by: Romeo13 at May 03, 2011 02:42 PM (NtXW4) Will you please READ up on the facts before you launch into a half-assed conspiracy? Verifying it was Osama took time. Deciding whichkind of attack to launch took time.Looking up the basic facts of this story takes almost no time. Try it. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (9KqcB) 160
So it's indulging in conspiracy theory to assume Obama is driven by polls at every turn? Sorry, so sorry. Falling in line now.
Somebody help that poor lady! ZOMG teh JACKBOOTS are crushing her dissent! She's only asking questions! Oh, the humanity! Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (+61wI) 161
Somebody help that poor lady! ZOMG teh JACKBOOTS are crushing her dissent! She's only asking questions!
Oh, the humanity! Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (+61wI) Are they stompy jackboots at least? Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (z1N6a) 162
The cabal has assured me, there is no conspiracy.
Posted by: Doofus at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (YEelc) 163
kathleen-- see post 155. This is the seventh WORST month for this to happen in terms of political timing -- 20 other months would be BETTER. Please. Think more, vent less.
Posted by: ace And there are at least 20 other Democrats who would have been a more credible VP choice. And yet........... Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (Gzv/o) Posted by: Michael Moore's Coin Slot at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (ihSHD) 165
The cabal has assured me, there is no conspiracy.
Posted by: Doofus Well played sir and/or madam. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (Gzv/o) 166
Obama dithered because he was politically afraid of authorizing a failed mission.
Posted by: davidt at May 03, 2011 03:08 PM (GfhFm) 167
But Ace, it's very cute in a gear-head sort of way for you to rank the months for conspiracy utility though. Maybe you wrote a political science paper like this in college: hope you got an A!!!! : D
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:08 PM (K4ia2) 168
And there are at least 20 other Democrats who would have been a more credible VP choice. And yet...........
Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (Gzv/o) But they might have looked smarter than Barry at some point. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:08 PM (z1N6a) 169
Kinda makes me think he didn't know a thing about it till it happened. He looks like a shrunken man in the photo.
Rush pointed out in that picture, Obama was the smallest man in the room (including Hillary). Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 03:09 PM (ihSHD) 170
And there are at least 20 other Democrats who would have been a more credible VP choice. And yet...........
Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:07 PM (Gzv/o) But they might have looked smarter than Barry at some point. Posted by: Oldcat Based upon that, then he did make the #1 choice. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:09 PM (Gzv/o) 171
Obama dithered because he was politically afraid of authorizing a failed mission.
Posted by: davidt at May 03, 2011 03:08 PM (GfhFm) Introspection really isn't in his nature. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:09 PM (z1N6a) 172
>>> I think the timing was great for Obama. The MSM was just beginning to allow for speculation that his re-election might be a problem. It was time to change the narrative stat.
Oh you must be right, kathleen. What's really important to Obama is his middle-of-term poll numbers, as opposed to his actual vote share in Nov 2012. So of course he'd time this to get a bump from gallup in a period where it doesn't really matter and will probably all dissipate by Nov 2012. He doesn't care about the election in 2012, just his middle-of-term poll numbers. You've convinced me. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (nj1bB) 173
I know that it has been said that ObL did not have telephone or internet service at the compound, but if you look at the video of the compound, there is clearly a satellite dish on top of one of the buildings. A satellite [could] have provided both internet and phone service. And if ObL was using a cell phone, no land lines would have been required.
Also, let's remember by ObL was using a highly trusted courier. Had the NYSlimes not revealed that our intel was tracking ObL via his cell phone, there was a high possibility we could have captured him sooner. No doubt in my mind that the NYSlimes is guilty of subversion and being an accomplice to ObL. Posted by: retire05 at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (k6XyZ) 174
New claims from The Guardian: US troops were yards from Osama bin Laden house in 2008 – WikiLeaks
files "The information about the US troops is contained in the account of a meeting in Washington between the-then US deputy secretary of state, John Negroponte, and Pakistan's foreign minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, discussing security co-operation and concerns across the country." Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (qdBf5) 175
Ace, your "seventh worst month" meme is inherently absurd. Not every face-saving political move happens in October, for pete's sake.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:04 PM (K4ia2) Ah, "not every" one. Just the ones that would benefit the politician the most. You really showed him. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (9KqcB) 176
So, if company's coming over,what am I supposed to do withthis sheep? It's not due back 'till tomorrow night.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (d0Tfm) 177
Based upon that, then he did make the #1 choice.
Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:09 PM (Gzv/o) Yeah, he knew what he wanted and got it. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (z1N6a) 178
by the way kathleen -- maybe I just think you're paranoid and bad at thinking because I hate women.
You've got an awful lot of easy answers and theories, don't you? Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 03:10 PM (nj1bB) 179
Really though, this will blow over in a few days. Once the initial awesomeness is gone, only Obama will still be flogging this endlessly as his "credentials". Politically it won't really amount to much because A) we are still broke and B) stagflation is impossible to ignore. Not that the media won't try their best to do just that.
So conspiracy? Nah, aside from ace's "seventh worst month" theory, this story just doesn't have the legs to turn it all around for Obama, no matter what the press wants. Ergo-no conspiracy. Posted by: Alex #11 at May 03, 2011 03:11 PM (rkvBC) 180
Nice time-line write up. Looking forward to the updated versions as the details become more clear.
OBL resting nicely squished inside a sealed 55 gal drum of used bacon grease at the bottom of the sea. Posted by: melvin at May 03, 2011 03:11 PM (3OCZw) 181
OT: Issa vs. Holder on Project Gunrunner
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:11 PM (qdBf5) 182
"Obama is one of the least poll-driven presidents in ages. If he listened to them, he might be more popular."
He doesn't listen to them, he attempts to manipulate them. big difference. Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (K4ia2) 183
I have a question. Who's smarter, ace or JeffB? Seriously when you guys disagree with someone you go directly to mock mode. So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did? Careful now, any supposition may be considered a conspiracy theory.
Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (lSnks) 184
Surfboarding, si! Waterboarding, no!
Posted by: MSM and other limp dicks at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (0AClR) 185
Now here's a real conspiracy: what happened to the Taiwan News Media cartoon about Osama's death? It seems to have been taken down!
Probably death threats due to the pig buggery version of Islamic paradise. Not sure about Taiwan's speech laws. Posted by: Beagle at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (sOtz/) 186
>>>Ace, your "seventh worst month" meme is inherently absurd. Not every face-saving political move happens in October, for pete's sake.
right, the really important ones apparently occur in May in the middle of an election cycles. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (nj1bB) 187
Or maybe I'm in on it!
Posted by: Alex #11 at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (rkvBC) 188
Ace, your "seventh worst month" meme is inherently absurd. Not every face-saving political move happens in October, for pete's sake.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:04 PM (K4ia2) Notaconspiracy: Obama is indifferent, but when the opportunity to take out Osama presented itself he couldn't say no. He also gets to have a slobbery NYT, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, et al try to give him 100% of the credit. Insaneconspiracy: Obama knew before the 2010 electoral slaughter, but held off just long enough to fool everybody into thinking that he was doing this at the worst possible time. Reality: You will get to hear the phrase "Obama did what Bush couldn't do" ad nauseum in 2012. Posted by: The Dread 80286 opcode LMSW at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (lT0LC) 189
Obama dithered because he was politically afraid of authorizing a failed mission. Posted by: davidt at May 03, 2011 03:08 PM (GfhFm) Introspection really isn't in his nature. Posted by: Oldcat at May 03, 2011 03:09 PM (z1N6a) Not introspection, political calculation and cowardice. Posted by: davidt at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (GfhFm) Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (+61wI) 191
Conspiracy theory:
1. Obama had his choice of when to do this and his pick of whatever month he chose to do it in. 2. He decided to do it in May 2011, six months from the last election, 18 months to the next one. Okay. Maybe he did time it for political reasons, but he's so retarded he doesn't know WHEN to time it properly. Posted by: ace at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (nj1bB) 192
Aw. You don't hate women, Ace. You love women. Which is why you hate them. But don't listen to me because I be "bad at thinking"
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (K4ia2) 193
kathleen-- see post 155. This is the seventh WORST month for this to happen in terms of political timing -- 20 other months would be BETTER. Please. Think more, vent less.
Whoa! Ace readingthe commentsnow? I'd like to think I had something to do with that! Posted by: Andrew Breitbart at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (ihSHD) 194
Because the real story cuts in Bush for some credit -- and cuts Obama out of some credit -- it must be suppressed like our nuclear warhead launch codes.
Nice!Note that Clinton literally lost those codes, and that the Lefties are trying to get Clinton on the list of Presidents to get credit for this. My impression is that Clinton had virtually gutted the intelligence services involved, and that Bush had to rebuild them from scratch. Posted by: Optimizer at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (F56VB) 195
Mark Knoller Carney also said there's no change in Pres Obama's opposition to "enhanced interrogation techniques" - even if they helped locate bin-Laden. So much for any hopes that Obama would become wiser due to this event. Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:14 PM (qdBf5) 196
I'm happy as hell the last thing UBL saw before his head was blown apart was an American SEAL.
BUT, I intend to use the total hypocrisy of the left on this little"kill" call of deWon's any time they try to crow about what a great job he did in killing UBL. You see, this exposes, more than anything else,theyhave no real honor or principles.Is itnot their ideolgy, that they have been screaming for years, this exact kind of operation is soo against human rights? UBL should have been captured, read his rights, and brought back to the states for trial. How dare the government go into another country and assassinate an elderly, unarmed man. The horror! This is just so wrong. At least it would have been if a Republican administration had done this. I intend to shove it in their face, at every opportunity. The left have no priniciples except lies and hypocrisy. Oh, and to shove the point even further up their ass. They killed an innocent woman. My goodness, she was only trying to protect this old, unarmed man from being shot in the face. What kind of an administration would do this kind of thing.Have they no honor? This, although, I celebrate the death of a total pos and the way he was killed, will be what I shove in their face gleefully. Great job on the timeline, Ace! Posted by: Steph at May 03, 2011 03:14 PM (AkdC5) 197
And as for Obama waiting to "pull the trigger", he probably (and by he I mean all his advisors) needed to get this 100% and to plan the operation. I still think they would have advised caution before rushing in to shoot the place up with ACTUAL TROOPS, and not just a missile fired from 5 miles away.
Did it happen to fall in a politically convenient time for Obama? Yes, but that was just dumb luck, no overarching conspiracy. Posted by: Alex #11 at May 03, 2011 03:15 PM (rkvBC) Posted by: Doofus at May 03, 2011 03:15 PM (YEelc) 199
How does Donald Trump's hair fit into this conspiracy?
Posted by: JackStraw at May 03, 2011 03:16 PM (TMB3S) 200
Kathleen, if I were ace I'd tell you to stop being so emotional.
Posted by: Dr Spank at May 03, 2011 03:16 PM (GC5/b) 201
Gallup: Americans Credit Military, CIA most
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:16 PM (qdBf5) 202
OMG! Kathleen has switched phasers from IRRATIONAL to CONDESCENDING.
LEAVE KATHLEEN ALONE!!1111!! You knuckledraggingwingnuts revel in misogyny as you embrace the slavery of racism and ignorance. Posted by: Maria Floggenstein at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (ihSHD) 203
"right, the really important ones apparently occur in May in the middle of an election cycles. "
You have discussed on your blog time and again that Obama's entire term has been a campaign. He never stops campaigning. He never stops spinning. Are you seriously arguing he attempts to manipulate public opinion only a couple of times every 2-4 years? Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (K4ia2) 204
I would give up the next three journalist blow jobs just to hear Drew M. tell me how incredibly brave and courageous I am again.
Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (c45xH) 205
Now phasers are on BUTTHURT!
Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (OW0nw) 206
Water boarding works.
Dick Cheney was right. Bush was right. John Yoo was right. Rumsfeld was right. Posted by: Clubber Lang at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (QcFbt) 207
Events before 2008?
Posted by: Charlie Gibson at May 03, 2011 03:17 PM (FcR7P) 208
#216 I sure hope so!!!!
Posted by: Barney Frank at May 03, 2011 03:18 PM (rkvBC) 209
Meh, there is no conspiracy anymore than Obama was somehow directly involved at all points in this mission.
If either one of the two above scenarios were true Obama would not have been on the golf course when this was going down, he would not have to run back to the whitehouse without even time to change his shoes. If he were involved enough for a conspiracy or overseeing one of the highest profile operations in history he would have been in the whitehouse working, watching and ready to intervene if neccessay. Instead he was playing golf and got a text that said you might want to be here for this. Posted by: robtr at May 03, 2011 03:19 PM (MtwBb) 210
Ace, your "seventh worst month" meme is inherently absurd. Not every face-saving political move happens in October, for pete's sake.
Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:04 PM (K4ia2) Ah, "not every" one. Just the ones that would benefit the politician the most. You really showed him. Posted by: CJ I call bullshit. October of 2004 wasn't the most important month for Al Gore. It was late 2003- early 2004, when donors indicated that they wouldn't repeat their investment of 2000. That's the reason he dropped from contention. Someone posited a theory, based upon a similar scenario. We're seeing criticism of The Won that we never saw before, and speculation of what the Dems might do, including Obama's prospects in 2012. And then we see this, followed by a victory lap at Ground Zero. This from the man who shot off his mouth in favor ot the Dome of the Landing Gear? Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:19 PM (326rv) 211
I want to know who the 5% are who do not approve of killing OBL. Posted by: Paper at May 03, 2011 03:19 PM (VoSja) 212
I have a question. Who's smarter, ace or JeffB? Seriously when you guys disagree with someone you go directly to mock mode. So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did? Careful now, any supposition may be considered a conspiracy theory.
Damn, left out again. I'm going to have to step it up a notch with the mocking of conspiracy kooks. I initially had the same question why it took so long if they knew where he was in August, but suspected it had more to do with Obama's indecisiveness. As more facts were released, however, it turns out that they knewwhat general area he was hiding in back in August, but not the exact location. No doubt the True Believers in whatever conspiracy theories arise from this will still cling to the "I question the timing" angle, however. Posted by: Hollowpoint at May 03, 2011 03:20 PM (SY2Kh) 213
Cheney and Rumsfeld have been saying the info did not come from waterboarding. Of course, enhanced interrogations softened these murderous pigfuckers up, but the media has their quotes.
Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:20 PM (mHQ7T) 214
Ace, maybe you need to post a 'conspiracy" thread to draw all the 'deathers".
Posted by: Vic at May 03, 2011 03:20 PM (M9Ie6) 215
Can we haz the photo now ? So I can say "This is what Democracy looks like"
Posted by: melvin at May 03, 2011 03:20 PM (3OCZw) 216
"...continuing the Bush legacy..."
As I noted on another thread yesterday, it must be rough to be an Obamabot these days. It seems likethe few positive successes of their anti-Bush heroare on the coattails of the Bush legacy. Success in Iraq, the "surge" in Afghanistan, and now this. His only other major success is Obamacare, which is a negative, and the majority of the public knows it. Posted by: Optimizer at May 03, 2011 03:21 PM (F56VB) 217
Wikileaks also had something to do with it, I think.
Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:21 PM (mHQ7T) Posted by: C.A.I.R. at May 03, 2011 03:21 PM (GC5/b) 219
So much for any hopes that Obama would become wiser due to this event.
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:14 PM (qdBf5) I hate to give the dirtbag any credit at all, but seriously: I found $10 blowing down the sidewalk, but that doesn't make me in favour of dropping money accidentally. Posted by: The Dread 80286 opcode LMSW at May 03, 2011 03:21 PM (lT0LC) 220
Ms. Floggenstein, it's all in the way you ask the questions while delivering the "torture" to the SOB. Ask him "did you do it" and you can make them say yes even if they didn't. Ask them "Tell me everything" and they aren't going to confess to killing Lincoln.
Also, even thought they may give you garbage while being "tortured" the fear of going back can make them decide to cooperate and tell the truth. PS- In case the quotes didn't make it clear, I don;t consider water boarding to be torture. Posted by: DLM at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (3unWG) Posted by: dfbaskwill at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (71LDo) 222
How does Donald Trump's hair fit into this conspiracy?
His toupe being lined with tinfoil, he's immune to the mind control rays that have blinded the rest of us from seeing The Truth. Posted by: Hollowpoint at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (SY2Kh) 223
O/T: Time running out for 2012 Republican Primary candidates to get in on the SC debates on Thursday. This at Fox:
In order to participate in the debate, Fox News and the South Carolina Republican Party have agreed that candidatesmust meet several requirements, including filing exploratory paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission,filing papers and paying a fee tothe state party, as well aspolling nationally. The deadline to qualify is the end of business Tuesday. Posted by: Vic at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (M9Ie6) 224
Fuck, I forgot how much I hated McCain for his calling our intelligence field agents "torturers". Coming from a man who cannot lift his arms above his heads and to this day dreads the sound of jingling keys.
Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (mHQ7T) 225
Yeah, what's up with the pics? No release-y? Is President Gutsiest Decision-Maker of All Time still having some trouble making a choice?
Posted by: Waterhouse at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (Hiaja) 226
One Bulletized Loser
Posted by: Lincolntf at May 03, 2011 03:25 PM (xMT+4) 227
Does this mean that journalists won't be waterboarding each other in an attempt to prove how barbaric it is? Those videos were highly entertaining.
Posted by: negentropy at May 03, 2011 03:25 PM (27KAF) 228
So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did?
Trying to get eyes-on 100%confirmation of OBL's location. Which they never did apparently. Posted by: Beagle at May 03, 2011 03:25 PM (sOtz/) 229
Gee Shep is one stupid asshole
Posted by: nevergiveup at May 03, 2011 03:26 PM (i6RpT) 230
I think this works both ways politically.
In Obama's favor, he will be shielded from attacks on foreign policy during the campaign in ways that will assist him in the general. He gets a boost to his early campaign and fundraising. In the Republican's favor, this provides more incentives for them to focus on their strongest argument for their election,the economy. No one can doubt now that this ishis clearweakest point. Even polls comingtodaywith higher overall approval are showing no change on weak approval on the economy. I also think this fizzled out Trump's media momentum. He can still attack Obama (good), but he won't do it leading the Republican primary polls (even better). Posted by: Paper at May 03, 2011 03:26 PM (VoSja) 231
Who is Rashad Mendenhall and why is he such a dickhead?
Posted by: joncelli at May 03, 2011 03:26 PM (RD7QR) 232
236 Yeah, what's up with the pics? No release-y? Is President Gutsiest Decision-Maker of All Time still having some trouble making a choice?
Posted by: Waterhouse at May 03, 2011 03:23 PM (Hiaja) Hey, it's hard to edit photographs using Adobe Illustrator. Damn, we really should have bought the whole Create Suite 5 instead of just one program! Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (c45xH) Posted by: trap at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (yi+Bl) 234
I've yet to see it substantiated that we "knew for months" exactly where Bin Laden was. THAT is the germ of bullshit upon which this entire goofball conspiracy rests. Killing Osama is a fucking plum that NO president wouldn't grab as soon as possible. Assume Obama's only concerned about his legacy, polls, re-election chances, whatever. He's going to chance being The Guy Who Let Osama Bin Laden Get Away? I get it. You hate Obama. I can't stand him, either. But I'm not going to abandon common sense and my superior knowledge of human nature and make up some cockamamie theory on the one-in-a-trillion chance that someday I can say ,"SEE?! SEE?! I TOLD YOU SO!!! I WAS RIGHT! SAY IT! SAAAYYYY IT!" To a bunch of fucking strangers on the internet. Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (+61wI) 235
>>I want to know who the 5% are who do not approve of killing OBL.
Hardcore leftists. The Democrats' answer to Ron Paul supporters. My BFF had an MLK quote on her wall. "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (mHQ7T) 236
Kathleen, if I were ace I'd tell you to stop being so emotional.
Now you callous neanderthals have crossed the line. So that's what it comes down to, huh? Men are the "rational, sentient" beings and women are driven by nothing but hormones and feelings? I pity the fools who are married to you insensitive clods.Kathleen, don't worry sister, I've got your back! I'll be filing some kind of complaint with the arbiters of the blogosphere stat! Posted by: Maria Floggenstein at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (ihSHD) 237
By the time this is over Obama and his bunch will have done everything but sing 'Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead' on prime-time TV.
Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (o+SC1) 238
I can't believe Obamadidn't already release the pictures. It's already too late to head off Arab-Muslim conspiracy theories. They've orbited the globe dozens of times by now.
Posted by: Beagle at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (sOtz/) 239
Whoa this is fake, right? They didn't just kill kill him!?
Posted by: Obama watching the live stream at May 03, 2011 03:28 PM (7zt2W) 240
I have a question. Who's smarter, ace or JeffB? Seriously when you guys disagree with someone you go directly to mock mode. So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did? Careful now, any supposition may be considered a conspiracy theory.
Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (lSnks) Obama, not being an utter idiot, had actually read about Carter's retarded Operation Eagle Claw. Posted by: The Dread 80286 opcode LMSW at May 03, 2011 03:28 PM (lT0LC) 241
Ace, your knowledge of history is, shall I say, sketchy?
I suggest that you start your study with the year 1892 and Rudyard Kipling's Gunga Din. Reverse the order of the two words in the title and transmogrify the letters and any simpleton will instantly see the connection. To wit: Gunga Din >> Din Gunga >> Bin Laden. There, I've given you more than enough to track down the real story. Prove to me that your mind, too, is superior and complete the proof. Q.E.D. Posted by: Walter (he of the superior mind) at May 03, 2011 03:28 PM (0AClR) 242
Newsweek sees no bump for Obama either. The main positive he's getting from these polls is that 55-58% now consider him a strong leader. He should be doing better.
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:29 PM (qdBf5) 243
When does the mini series start on TV. Oh wait, that show that does the biography on famous peeps should have the real story in a few days. Or maybe VH1 will do a retrospective.
Posted by: melvin at May 03, 2011 03:29 PM (3OCZw) 244
Obama delayed the mission 16 hours while he slept on the decision? WTF?
Posted by: Rocks at May 03, 2011 03:30 PM (Q1lie) 245
In Obama's favor, he will be shielded from attacks on foreign policy
during the campaign in ways that will assist him in the general. Remember me? Posted by: NATO's Great Lybian Adventure at May 03, 2011 03:30 PM (wOGfT) 246
Oh, and ace should just call Kathleen sweet cheeks and tell her not to worry her pretty head about all this. That usually makes them quiet for a few days. Of course they walk out after that, but still...(hey, maybe that's why my relationships never lasted very long...)
Posted by: joncelli at May 03, 2011 03:30 PM (RD7QR) 247
I see nothing, but the awesomeness of "The One" and his ability to cut through the Boosh lies and find the truth!
Thank God we elected him to save the world, like he said he would. Posted by: MSM at May 03, 2011 03:30 PM (JpFM9) Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 03:31 PM (uFokq) 249
Who is Rashad Mendenhall and why is he such a dickhead? He is (or maybe soon will not be) the running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers. As to why he's a dickhead, *shrugs*, uh, too many blows to the head? Or is his dickhead-ness innate? Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at May 03, 2011 03:31 PM (9hSKh) 250
>>I can't believe Obama didn't already release the pictures.
Yeah, he releases his birth certificate but hides the pictures. It's almost like he has some quota of hidden and released material. Raises some questions..... Posted by: JackStraw at May 03, 2011 03:31 PM (TMB3S) 251
Has Michael Moore called for impeachment against Obama for killing innocent brown people (since, sez Mikey) Bush did 9-11?
Posted by: nickless at May 03, 2011 03:32 PM (A62C7) 252
Did Michael Jackson die?
Posted by: Charlie Gibson at May 03, 2011 03:32 PM (rN9Na) 253
I'm a steeler fan, and I would like to let ratshit mendenfuk know that the steeler nation has disowned his ass.
Posted by: tangonine at May 03, 2011 03:32 PM (x3YFz) 254
enhanced interogation has always worked with my kids.................always..........and i'm sure it worked this time and guess what? i'm glad our country used it/uses it.........because the information SAVES LIVES...........AMERICAN LIVES.........
Posted by: phoenixgirl at May 03, 2011 03:32 PM (Cm66w) 255
If we're lucky we'll learn the truth in twenty years; if not, fifty years.
Posted by: Mikey NTH at May 03, 2011 03:33 PM (O9Cc8) 256
Tattoo - I do not, did not, hate Bin Laden.
That doesn't mean I did not want to see him dead, or that I wouldn't have pulled the trigger myself if given the opportunity. You do not have to hate your enemy. You merely have to determine that he has done or wants to do serious harm to you, and that killing him will either ameliorate that threat and/or warn others away from similar action. Posted by: JEM at May 03, 2011 03:33 PM (o+SC1) 257
Here's a big kiss from me to you all! (Tinyurl, don't fail me now!)
That classic from the Right Brothers: Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 03:33 PM (ihSHD) 258
There is a window of opportunity for these types of operations and these 'windows' are small and fleeting. However, there is always a political consideration to every decision made by Team Obama. Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 03:33 PM (uFokq) 259
Yeah, he releases his birth certificate but hides the pictures. It's almost like he has some quota of hidden and released material. Raises some questions.....
Posted by: JackStraw In retrospect, the first warning signs within the Obama Presidency were most likely the predeliction for playing 'peek-a-boo' with important documents. Posted by: Sandy Berger at May 03, 2011 03:33 PM (326rv) 260
Or maybe VH1 will do a retrospective.
Or maybe the History Channel will interrupt Ice Road Truckers and do a special where they plan the mission in a Pawn Shop. Posted by: Vic at May 03, 2011 03:34 PM (M9Ie6) 261
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives,
but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (mHQ7T) Did you ask her how she felt about President Chimpy McBushhitler? Posted by: 18-1 at May 03, 2011 03:34 PM (7BU4a) 262
Just watched some twink on MSLSD telling Martin Batshit that there's no way of knowing when the information was obtained, but then he was surethat it was developed by non-coercive methods. Easy-peasy.
Posted by: boned to the bone at May 03, 2011 03:34 PM (0ba8c) 263
If I'm around in 50 years to hear the news, I'll count myself lucky.
(I doknow what you mean and you're likely right.) Posted by: Lincolntf at May 03, 2011 03:35 PM (xMT+4) 264
Maria, I understand that you are upset, please settle down and try to control your emotions. Maybe take something to help with any discomfort you are having. I also recommend cleaning, it's soothing and constructive, or possibly cooking.
Your welcome. Posted by: Dr Spank at May 03, 2011 03:35 PM (GC5/b) 265
Oh, and ace should just call Kathleen sweet cheeks and tell her not to worry her pretty head about all this. That usually makes them quiet for a few days. Of course they walk out after that, but still...(hey, maybe that's why my relationships never lasted very long...)
And all this time, I thought it was the lack of their sammich making skilz. Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 03:36 PM (ihSHD) 266
Calling Iowahawk --- There has to be a comedy gold transcript lurking behind the photos of the intrepid WH gawkers watching goat herder pron, an NBA playoff game, Joey Choo-Choo's mad Mario Brothers skillz, the live feed from Costellobad ("Who's on first?")
Posted by: your enraptured fans at May 03, 2011 03:36 PM (0AClR) 267
It's times like this I'm glad I acknowledge my substandardness.
Posted by: AoSHQ's worst commenter, DarkLord© at May 03, 2011 03:37 PM (GBXon) 268
The Insider has a new article up claiming Obama did not want to authorize the raid. According to the Insider, that is why in the photo that was released of everybody watching the operation from the situation room, Obama is dressed in his golf attire. Posted by: chillin the most at May 03, 2011 03:37 PM (6IV8T) 269
Calling Iowahawk --- There has to be a comedy gold transcript lurking behind the photos of the intrepid WH gawkers watching goat herder pron, an NBA playoff game, Joey Choo-Choo's mad Mario Brothers skillz, the live feed from Costellobad ("Who's on first?")
Posted by: your enraptured fans Check out Jim Treacher's blog on the Daily Caller. He teed off with 'Caption this'. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:37 PM (326rv) 270
Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:19 PM (326rv)
I'll defend to the death your right to make conservatism look silly, while doing all I can protect the movement from the damage you folks cause in keeping us from attaining a veto/filibuster-proof, governing majority that will allow us to actually govern like conservatives instead of just talking and talking about it. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 03:37 PM (9KqcB) 271
Mr Ace, your word count continues to exceed our contractual requirements and your bonus per word is about to be used up.
We are open to renegotiating your contract, your traffic is beating the shit out of huffpo. Have your guy call our guy. Posted by: AOL Board at May 03, 2011 03:38 PM (JpFM9) 272
I can't believe Obamadidn't already release the pictures. It's already too late to head off Arab-Muslim conspiracy theories. They've orbited the globe dozens of times by now.
Given how hypersensitive they are about offending those poor little oppressed Muslims, I believe it. Posted by: Hollowpoint at May 03, 2011 03:38 PM (SY2Kh) 273
All apologies to Ace, but I don't think it's far-fetched at all to assume the thin-skinned manchild reacted to his first serious brush with mortality in the polls by revving up a little foreign assassination. Yes, the timing is horribly wrong for 2012, but it'll make the pain subside *now*, which is what 5-Year-Old Barry wants most.
Posted by: Ian S. at May 03, 2011 03:39 PM (cd11S) 274
Obama made a few good decisions, and I'll give him that. But it doesn't change the fact that he okayed prosecuting military members for slapping a terrorist, or that he was friendly towards the Muslim Brotherhood, that the ROE in Afghanistan have led to unnecessary deaths, that his Justice Department let some terrorists off-the-hook, that some Taliban members escaped from prison, the list is endless. Let's also not forget Libya. So Obama can claim he's tough on terrorism, but a few good decisions don't change his record.
Posted by: Miss'80sBaby at May 03, 2011 03:39 PM (qdBf5) Posted by: scoop soothsayer at May 03, 2011 03:39 PM (uFokq) 276
So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did? Careful now, any supposition may be considered a conspiracy theory. Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 03:12 PM (lSnks) 1. We didn't know for sure that was Osama's family living there. 2. We didn't know for sure he was with his family. 3. We didn't know for sure which type of attack was best - bomb or assault. 4. We had the place under survelliance and it is not likely he would get away if he was there.
Just for starters.... Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 03:41 PM (9KqcB) 277
So what is your explanation for Obama waiting as long as he did?
Trying to get eyes-on 100%confirmation of OBL's location. Which they never did apparently. Posted by: Beagle at May 03, 2011 03:25 PM (sOtz/) Well, unless he was afraid he'd let Bin Laden get away by going in too soon, this sounds like a typical Leftie view. They can justify to themselves killing Osama (barely), but nobody else, even the lowlifes who were human-shielding him.I'm betting this wasn't a strategic decision on Obama's part. Posted by: AmishDude at May 03, 2011 03:42 PM (T0NGe) 278
Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (mHQ7T)
That is not actually an MLK quote. Some jackass made it up on Sunday, and attached MLK's name to it. Posted by: Waterhouse at May 03, 2011 03:43 PM (Hiaja) 279
So, the newsflash headline on Drudge has been the same for the past how many hours? Do you think these photos are ever going to materialize?
Posted by: MWR at May 03, 2011 03:43 PM (4df7R) 280
Drudge taking forever to refresh...
Posted by: Jeannie at May 03, 2011 03:43 PM (GdalM) 281
>>>"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oh really? And how did you die, again? Here's a more applicable quote from Schlock Mercenary: "If violence wasn't your last resort, then you didn't resort to enough of it." I'm not saying MLK was a bad guy, just impractical as hell. And nobody asked him if he'd be willing to be a martyr. If he knew how it was going to play out, he might very well have said, "He's gonna WHAT?! Hell, No! Shoot that motherfucker!" Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:43 PM (OW0nw) 282
And all this time, I thought it was the lack of their sammich making skilz.
Posted by: runningrn at May 03, 2011 03:36 PM (ihSHD) Well, that didn't help either. I mean, mustard on ham and mayo on turkey, cut off the crusts on white but not on wheat, and no pickles on ham but pickles on turkey on wheat (but NOT turkey on white!). How hard can that be? Posted by: joncelli at May 03, 2011 03:43 PM (RD7QR) 283
When they release the pics they should have a split screen showing the jetliner going into the Trade Center Tower each and every time it is showed. Same goes for the video. Fuck the muzzies
Posted by: melvin at May 03, 2011 03:44 PM (3OCZw) 284
I'm not. These cockholsters specialize in talking other people into suicide bombing or death on the battlefield. Especially impressionable teenagers. They themselves have NO intention of going out with a bang, so to speak. The ultimate Chickenhawks.Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 02:28 PM (7YzRS) Hey! That's our M.O.! Posted by: public sector labor union leaders at May 03, 2011 03:44 PM (0AClR) 285
Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:19 PM (326rv)
I'll defend to the death your right to make conservatism look silly, while doing all I can protect the movement from the damage you folks cause in keeping us from attaining a veto/filibuster-proof, governing majority that will allow us to actually govern like conservatives instead of just talking and talking about it. Posted by: CJ "You folks"? I said over a month ago that getting involved in Libya was a bad idea. At that time, Ace called me a Ron Paul supporter. Even after I said that my reason was because Obama was likely to fuck it up. Well, here I am reporting from Ron Paul HQ.Wefucked up in Libya. Obama is pretending to not be involved, until someone gets the right Kadaffy family member. Then he'll be right back in. Is that silly too? I have no frickin' clue if there was a conspiracy, and I have no proof that one exists. I do know that October in an election year often is NOT the most important month in an election year. Don't believe me? Ask Sen. Mike Castle. I served in the Marines. I don't need your defending. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:45 PM (Gzv/o) 286
Ace, this is one of your best. I think you are the first person to try and bring all this disparate information together in a cohesive manner and you succeeded.
This is O/T but not really, but it seems to be the next brewing controversy and why not bring a little Sarah Palin into the OBL mix: "Did Sarah Palin Really Snub Obama in Speech Yesterday?" and a little donald trump: "Several Washington Post Staffers 'Uneasy and Anxious' About Trump Invite" The White House correspondent's dinner was this weekend. The video of Seth meyers (watch it for the things he says and doesn't say, it's worth the time) Here is the video of the president's remarks. Just for the videos that the president has interspersed between his remarks. The opening "I am an American" video is very interesting. Posted by: curious at May 03, 2011 03:46 PM (k1rwm) 287
John Lennon: "Imagine all the people, living life in peace." Mark David Chapman: "BANG! BANG! BANG!" Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:47 PM (TATbF) 288
My BFF had an MLK quote on her wall. Ask her if she makes a habit of blindly copy/pasting dubious (read: totally untrue bullshit) quotes on her FB wall. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 03:47 PM (7YzRS) 289
Obama did what he was told was the best shot at proving we got OBL. Give the fucker a break, he stepped up to the plate when Gates was a total chicken shit.
O/T, I am going to Ft Bragg for a Special Forces er, "meeting". Having dinner with Delta Force Commander, hope to have some shit I can share on Friday. You guys know the Delta's can not stand the SEALS, right? Should be interesting to say the least. Shooting lots of free ammo is worth the trip! Posted by: Kemp at May 03, 2011 03:48 PM (JpFM9) 290
John Lennon: "Imagine all the people, living life in peace."
Mark David Chapman: "BANG! BANG! BANG!" With Yoko right there, too. Posted by: nickless at May 03, 2011 03:48 PM (A62C7) Posted by: Empire of Jeff at May 03, 2011 03:49 PM (TATbF) 292
Let me see if I've got this straight. Obama, "top men", and Hillary! all watched the raid of the compound unfold in real time. The Obama admin now says that Osama was unarmed. This would present a scenario where Obama et al probably watched the execution of Bin Laden in real time and the left is perfectly ok with this. If so, we're going to have to find a new word for hypocritical because the current one has lost all meaning.
Full disclosure: I have absolutely no problem with an unarmed Bin Laden being executed by our brave men. I envy the person who tapped two into this scum thus sending him to hell! I just can't believe the left's reaction to this. As another commenter said earlier, if this had been Bush, there would be passionate screams for impeachment for the "murder" of an unarmed man. In their zeal to prop Obama up as a hero, the left doesn't realize what precedent they have set. They have now opened the "by whatever means necessary" door. The left's great thinkers aren't exactly three dimensional chess players! Posted by: Havedash at May 03, 2011 03:50 PM (sFD5n) 293
Aww, hell. Blue Hen was a gyrene? Great. Next, they'll be telling me Rock Hudson was a fag.
Posted by: Empire of Jeff Of course not. Posted by: Liberace at May 03, 2011 03:50 PM (Gzv/o) 294
I can't believe Obamadidn't already release the pictures. It's already too late to head off Arab-Muslim conspiracy theories. They've orbited the globe dozens of times by now. Posted by: Beagle at May 03, 2011 03:27 PM (sOtz/) Its all part of his legacy of universal cluster fuck. Thats how I know he had nothing to do with planning and execution of this mission. If he had, it would have been a total and complete cluster fuck, just like his handling of the aftermath. Posted by: maddogg at May 03, 2011 03:50 PM (OlN4e) 295
Will you please READ up on the facts before you launch into a half-assed conspiracy? Verifying it was Osama took time. Deciding which kind of attack to launch took time. Looking up the basic facts of this story takes almost no time. Try it. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 03:05 PM (9KqcB) Hmmmm... lets see... basic facts...OBL High Level Courier is tracked to this house... in August... TEN MONTHS LATER, we go in...Hmmm.... lets see.... what kinds of attack... drone or Boots on Ground /flips coin....Unless somehow Team 6 is different than other SEALS I worked with in the past.... I can't see them needing 10 MONTHS to plan this Op.... heck, thats longer than a standard US Navy Deployment...The OBL Courier was Good Enough target IMO to set up the Raid... (to capture to interogate)... somthing in this timeline still sounds really Hinky to me....
Posted by: Romeo13 at May 03, 2011 03:50 PM (NtXW4) 296
The best thing you can do for your cause is seldom dying.
Posted by: AoSHQ's worst commenter, DarkLord© at May 03, 2011 03:51 PM (GBXon) 297
uh oh, the Daily Telegraph is full of conspiracy theorists too! KRAYZEE! "Last night, however, a well-placed source with strong links to Pakistan's security establishment put to me an alternative analysis. He said that bin Laden had been lured away from his mountain hideout with a promise of total security – only to be betrayed. This is a very different kind of story, because it suggests that the ISI and the Pakistani army may have played a significant part in the operation which brought about bin Laden's death." .... It suggests that the country's security apparatus is working far more closely with America than anyone has so far understood and that Pakistan's government may even have struck a new grand bargain with the US." Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:51 PM (pe+nj) 298
The best thing you can do for your cause is seldom dying.
Or the Tom Clancy version. "You know what all martyrs have in common? They're dead." Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 03:53 PM (7YzRS) 299
uh oh, the Daily Telegraph is full of conspiracy theorists too! KRAYZEE!
In truth, it's also full of bad dentistry. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:53 PM (326rv) 300
Let's see the picture. I want to see UBL's death head. Everyone knows that Bush/Cheney did most of the legwork on getting this POS. I don't care how much the little lefty turds want to turn this into Petey's victory,everyone knows in his heart that Bush didn't just give up the search after Tora Bora. But that's beside the point. Right now I want to see an unphotoshopped picture of UBL's smashed visage.
Posted by: Soona at May 03, 2011 03:53 PM (45UNa) 301
We remember when all the Mohammedans at the World Trade Center were washed an wrapped up in white shit, just before they jumped out a window.
We got the pictures, but we're not releasing them. Posted by: MSM at May 03, 2011 03:54 PM (JpFM9) 302
130 "Barack Obama, who was so involved with this operation that he showed up not only in golf clothes, but golf shoes even?" Kinda makes me think he didn't know a thing about it till it happened. He looks like a shrunken man in the photo. by: lan sing at May 03, 2011 02:57 PM (YHrQZ) The most closely guarded secret about said photo was the fierce tantrum Obi-Won threw when they made him hide his GameBoy controller before they'd take the photo. "How am I gonna get the bad guy if I'm not playing all the time?" he wailed, over and over. Posted by: ya2daup at May 03, 2011 03:54 PM (0AClR) 303
Whatever, everyone knows Valerie Plame would have captured Bin Laden back in 2003 if Cheney hadn't blown her cover.
Posted by: Lefty Hussein McMoonbat at May 03, 2011 03:56 PM (saRwI) 304
George Bush would have done a tomahawk strike. He would not have risked the seals on this mission "just to be sure". IMHO.
Posted by: maddogg at May 03, 2011 03:56 PM (OlN4e) Posted by: ya2daup at May 03, 2011 03:56 PM (0AClR) 306
Step 9a: Everyone on Team Obama gives a presser where they repeat "Obama" and "gutsy" in the same sentence, over and over.
Posted by: Tantor at May 03, 2011 03:56 PM (blNMI) 307
#315 maddog I agree but maybe it's because that is what I would have done. Actually two JDAMS 20 seconds apart.
Posted by: polynikes at May 03, 2011 04:00 PM (lSnks) 308
Well, now that I've gone back and read the rest of thethreads today on the front page I see thatthe gist of my comment @ 207 was already discussed, so I feel kind of like a ditz for bringing it up on this thread.
Soo, never mind, but I still am going to use it aginst the dickheads on the left. Posted by: Steph at May 03, 2011 04:03 PM (AkdC5) 309
Remember when the Muslim Fascists all over the world and even some here were gleefully celebrating the attack. And CNN was happy to show it all. I want the raid video, in color with sound, IMAX even, in 3D surround 12.9 Dolby
Posted by: melvin at May 03, 2011 04:06 PM (3OCZw) 310
The OBL Courier was Good Enough target IMO to set up the Raid... (to capture to interogate)... somthing in this timeline still sounds really Hinky to me....
Obama wanted this to be an October surprise, change of command announced for CIA and the Pentagon and Wikileaks forced this earlier than they would've liked. Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 04:06 PM (mHQ7T) 311
I would say questioning the timing of Obama's decision to give the go-ahead isn't conspiracy theorizing; it's distrust. You can hardly say that Obama's earned our trust. Everything he does is archly political when he bothers tostep out of his self-absorbed fantasy land and realizes that people are unhappy with him.
Conspiracy theorizing would be saying that he specifically tracked down Osama, then deliberately held off until gas prices had almost reached $4/gallon on average around the country. Then, to distract everyone, he ordered the killshot. That theory? Preposterous. Believing that Obama could see that killing Osama would serve the dual purpose of A) killing Osama, and B) boosting Obama's poll numbers? Not preposterous at all. Please understand, I don't think that's WHY he did it.But outright denying that Obama wasn't aware of or at all influenced by a potential "bounce"from OBL's deathsounds likenaivete in the polar opposite direction from the conspiracy theorists. I don't quite understand where that polarization is coming from. I suppose I shall be mocked now. Ah well. Posted by: MWR at May 03, 2011 04:09 PM (4df7R) 312
I don't trust this regime with any of this. Especially with the spin everyone knows is being formulated, as we comment,somewhere in the WH to make this as a singular victory for Barky's foreign policy.
Posted by: Soona at May 03, 2011 04:11 PM (45UNa) 313
uh oh, the Daily Telegraph is full of conspiracy theorists too! KRAYZEE! "Last night, however, a well-placed source with strong links to Pakistan's security establishment put to me an alternative analysis. He said that bin Laden had been lured away from his mountain hideout with a promise of total security – only to be betrayed. This is a very different kind of story, because it suggests that the ISI and the Pakistani army may have played a significant part in the operation which brought about bin Laden's death." .... It suggests that the country's security apparatus is working far more closely with America than anyone has so far understood and that Pakistan's government may even have struck a new grand bargain with the US.'' It seems as though the pakistanis are taking lessons in "everyone say everything and say nothing and everyone make sure to say something different" from the obama administration. Last night batchelor had a guy on who said that it was possible that either BO was being held there with the stipulation that he could not leave or was being protected by them and could come and go as he pleased but just chose not to go so much. the buy said this area is the belle aire of pakistan and a very high end ritzy place which amazed batchelor and his co host. I think the latter is more apt, that he knew they promised to protect him. So then your idea that somehow they betrayed him might be plausible. However, the guy also said that the country will go down if they lose the American aid, well at least those he described as "the moderates" would go down so you don't know if the money was a huge factor in all of this. (If you want to listen to batchelor the podcast from last night is here, the discussion may have taken place in the third hour but I was busy and wasn't paying that close of attention to time.) Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:51 PM (pe+nj) Posted by: curious at May 03, 2011 04:11 PM (k1rwm) 314
Especially with the spin everyone knows is being
formulated, as we comment,somewhere in the WH to make this as a singular victory for Barky's foreign policy. Posted by: Soona at May 03, 2011 04:11 PM (45UNa) It's really shameless and perverse. Posted by: iknowtheleft at May 03, 2011 04:12 PM (G/MYk) 315
You can't spell "conspiracist" without "racist"!
Posted by: racist conspiracists at May 03, 2011 04:12 PM (7GfKM) 316
You guys know the Delta's can not stand the SEALS, right?
Posted by: Kemp at May 03, 2011 03:48 PM (JpFM9) I have known a few green berets and one SEAL. None of them had anything bad to say about the other services. I'm kind of annoyed at all that crap. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:15 PM (bxiXv) 317
Conspiracist's wife: Honey, I'm pregnant!
Conspiracist: I question the timing! Conspiracist's wife: Honey, I'm moving out. Conspiracist: I question the timing! Conspiracist's wife: Honey, I've started divorce proceedings. Conspiracist: I question the timing! Conspiracist's wife: See you in court, asshole. Conspiracist: I question the timing! Posted by: same planet, different worlds at May 03, 2011 04:15 PM (7GfKM) 318
308 uh oh, the Daily Telegraph is full of conspiracy theorists too! KRAYZEE! "Last night, however, a well-placed source with strong links to Pakistan's security establishment put to me an alternative analysis. Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:51 PM (pe+nj) Seriously, can ANYONE think of a reason why PAKISTAN might want to get the word out that they were helpful in catching/exterminating this cockholster?Especially if they *were*, in fact, helping protect him?OF COURSE Pakistan is going to try to take credit, and believing it on its face is naieve beyond comprehension. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:18 PM (bxiXv) 319
Glenn beck said on his show the other morning that he has a lot of "special forces" contacts and that he finds it funny the good natured way that they kid one another. I didn't sense it was anything but healthy competition and respect.
Posted by: curious at May 03, 2011 04:21 PM (k1rwm) 320
203 Aw. You don't hate women, Ace. You love women. Which is why you hate them. But don't listen to me because I be "bad at thinking" Posted by: kathleen at May 03, 2011 03:13 PM (K4ia2)
The first part of that did not make so much sense.But oh, that last sentence, that's what I'm going to do! Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:25 PM (bxiXv) 321
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 03, 2011 03:47 PM (7YzRS)
Thank you, I alerted her to the error. Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 04:27 PM (mHQ7T) 322
330 Glenn beck said on his show the other morning that he has a lot of "special forces" contacts and that he finds it funny the good natured way that they kid one another. I didn't sense it was anything but healthy competition and respect.
Posted by: curious at May 03, 2011 04:21 PM (k1rwm) I have no problem with good-natured ribbing, that's not what "can not stand" means, and it's not what I've been seeing posted lately her and elsewhere. Some people are taking it too far.There's a big difference between ribbing and talking trash to the public behind someone's back.I'm getting tired of the "standard model" in life being "drag everyone down to make yourself feel taller." There's real opposition enough so you don't need to practice on your friends. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:28 PM (bxiXv) 323
In a cell structure, the superior cell -- bin Ladin -- would know the
identity of the leader of the subordinate cell (KSM), and would be able to contact him at will. - But this is not reciprocal. That's a good point. It raises another point that may have been brought up here already. Bin Laden almost certainly had more useful information about AQ than any other person. Wouldn't it have made sense, instead of going after bin Laden with "shoot-to-kill" instructions, to try to capture him, send him to a covert prison in the Cech Republic or somesuch, and interrogate him very enhancedly? Maybe the head-shot story was for public consumption only, and he actually is being hooked up to a car battery in Eastern Europe as we speak. Posted by: ashowalt at May 03, 2011 04:30 PM (QojlK) 324
This timeline also suggests a reason Obama took back his promise to close Gitmo. I think when the reality of this situation was drawing near, the Intel Guys said, "Hey, we have a lead on where OBL is. If you cut off any sources, we will lose him."
And parenthetically, the next president, a Republican, will get the kill. Obama couldn't resist. Also, all this BS about the gruesome photo and the reverent funeral is classic Obama: bowing and apologizing to our enemies. What a jerk. In 24 hours, he completely loses any and all mojo he gained through the raid. Posted by: PJ at May 03, 2011 04:31 PM (XUYpl) 325
Ihave no frickin' clue if there was a conspiracy, and I have no proof that one exists. I do know that October in an election year often is NOT the most important month in an election year. Don't believe me? Ask Sen. Mike Castle.
I served in the Marines. I don't need your defending. Posted by: Blue Hen at May 03, 2011 03:45 PM (Gzv/o) But that's the thing, when conservatives do this "I'm just saying(FILL IN BLANK)MIGHT be a conspiracy," the rest of us DO have to defend you - or defend conservatism in general. And it keeps us where we are: Hoping for the Left to fuck up enough to give us slim majorities....just enough to get another W but never enough to govern from the Right. It sucks. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 04:35 PM (9KqcB) 326
Diane Feinstein sitting on the Senate Intelligence Committee has got to be one of the biggest ironies of all time.
She signed up because she thought they were handing it out ..... Posted by: BD57 at May 03, 2011 04:37 PM (QMp0d) 327
Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:28 PM (bxiXv)
I agree with you. I'm seeing it too. But I'm also seeing a terrible mean spiritedness among regular folks in the real world. I find myself thinking that I want to say to a person, all too often lately, "so you trounced that person, you won, you made them feel small and you look like the big shot, and you did it in a devious, underhanded, unethical manner, so, can you put your head on the pillow at night and even like who you've become?" So far I've managed to hold my tongue but I know it's just a matter of time before I let loose with a speech like the one above. I think though, with all the mean spiretness we see in DC and in the upper eschelons of this country, instead of the good people who prove you can be ethical and nice and honest and put all your cards on the table winning, the devious, underhanded unethical, the ends justify the means group is winning and that doesn't bode well for the future. I try to get across to people that if you live your life that way eventually it will come back at you but no one seems to care. Posted by: curious at May 03, 2011 04:37 PM (k1rwm) 328
Posted by: Romeo13 at May 03, 2011 03:50 PM (NtXW4)
Look, Romeo and everyone else who's "Just asking questions...." We can keep making the current ideological struggle in America about a never ending list of conspiracy theories, or we can make it about the most important questions of our time: Will we become a European Socialist Democracy or not...Will we defend our borders or not...Will we keep e pluibus unum or go with multiculturalism...? We have to pick an approach, because we can't do both. We win on the issues, we lost on the silly shit. Posted by: CJ at May 03, 2011 04:46 PM (9KqcB) 329
Maybe the head-shot story was for public consumption only, and he actually is being hooked up to a car battery in Eastern Europe as we speak.
Posted by: ashowalt at May 03, 2011 04:30 PM (QojlK) Nah, the reason to take him to Europe is that the power is stable. You turn the switch, the power stays on all day.No need to get impatient and resort to unproductive tactics, like pulling nails. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at May 03, 2011 04:49 PM (bxiXv) 330
I've read a few comments saying that they didn't read the entire article because of length. Trust me-go back and read it, all of it. Facinating stuff, not to mention more than plausible. It will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds in the coming months, and years.
Posted by: R. Banks at May 03, 2011 05:25 PM (k8Ri4) 331
Wouldn't have been too hard to spot the couriers once the good guys knew where to look. They were Arabs and would have stood out like a pair of sore thumbs in Pakistan. Everything from their appearance to their accents would have given them away.
Posted by: rb at May 03, 2011 06:02 PM (LKlcE) 332
But I'm also seeing a terrible mean spiritedness among regular folks in the real world.
I found my rabidly partisan neighbor who usually has nasty anti-Republican signs in the window had one this week with some harsh words for Pakistan: "You Are Either Dumb or Liars, But Thanks For Hiding Bin Laden In Plain Sight For All Those Years." Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at May 03, 2011 06:26 PM (mHQ7T) 333
This morning I came out of the kitchen andthe show I had been watching changed to a different one. It was The View! Ahhh! Before I had a chance to change it I heard Joy Behar say the dumbest thing EVER. The topic was, "Since waterboarding started the trail to OBL, is it useful?" She actually said "You didn't need to waterboard KSM, you could have offered him a 6 million dollar book deal and still get the information." She was serious. Now I have to clean up the vomit in front of my TV and on my remote. In my defense, I just moved and the cable guy didn't come until this afternoon. Only had two channels. What an idiot!
Posted by: PugBoo at May 03, 2011 06:39 PM (20jXV) 334
OK, I gots to know: is this a joke, or is there a primate who's actually this stupid? Posted by: Jay Guevara at May 03, 2011 06:59 PM (C9l9M) 335
What you stupid wingers fail to realize is thattorture makes people admit to things they didn't do!
"You know that IED that blew up at 2:40 am on Highway 42 just outside of Buttfuckia just as a convoy was passing it? You know, the one that took out three Humvees, and led to 5 American troops shot by snipers who were lying in wait for the detonation? Yeah, that one. I don't know anything about it." Posted by: Jay Guevara at May 03, 2011 07:03 PM (C9l9M) Posted by: rb at May 03, 2011 07:05 PM (LKlcE) 337
I'm fine to be tarred as one of the conspiracy theorists on the timing--if we really had ID'd the compound back in September then waiting until May to act was foolish in the extreme--thought I don't think Obama did it for election or political reasons but just because he's indecisive. His defenders say Obama just need time to be 100% sure. Only they never were 100%. In life, much less a military op, 100% is elusive. Percents aside, we apparently had enough intel that we knew that the possible OBL family unit would be on the 3rd floor in a specific building in the compound. That compound, vertical surveillance, a few actual eyeballs over the course of 2 months--one could recite Hamlet compulsively waiting for the 100%, but it sounds like they had the best intel they could reasonably expect. And still Obama allegedly slept on it before the final go. (That was in the Daily Mail, hence the allegedly. They have a better track record than you'd expect, though.) Give Obama credit for making the decision, but if it turns out he waited all that time, then face it, he got really lucky that OBL didn't sneak away.
Posted by: AHLondon at May 03, 2011 07:18 PM (B8mp9) 338
Wikileaks released last week identified Abbottabad. Obama's hand was forced
Posted by: rb at May 03, 2011 07:23 PM (LKlcE) 339
One correction for #7 needed - Obama didn't just agree after being told Osama was in the compound. He wanted to sleep on it and his military commanders were left waiting for a decision.
Gateway Pundit has more on that indecisiveness. (Or was it arrogance? The attitude makes me think Obama was making sure his commanders knew who was in charge.) Posted by: DMartyr at May 03, 2011 11:00 PM (q0iyW) 340
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In regards to the courier Al-Kuwaiti dropping his real name for his jihadi name...
How many people here know the soviet war name of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov? He is remembered to this day by a name he chose to hide his real identity during the Russian revolution. That name was Lenin. Posted by: pcnav at May 04, 2011 01:28 AM (R7TnZ) 342
I'm having trouble buying this story. First, they aren't really going to tell you how they really determined where he was at. They just aren't. This entire 5 year timeline may have some elements of truth to it, but to believe the entire story you would have to believe that we sent SEALs into Pakistan to raid a house based on a good hunch, that we had good suspicion. They claim they determined he was "likely" there. No, they knew he was there, 100%, or they wouldn't have gone in. This 5 year timeline simply covers for whoever gave us the info.
Posted by: Dave at May 04, 2011 06:48 AM (qhqWu) 343
Just think about it for a second ... we have been calling this guy incompetent for the last 2+ years, and now we are supposed to call him competent now that he has gone and actually killed somebody. It sounds more like the autobiography of a junior mob hit man rather than a President of the United States of America. Posted by: Neo at May 04, 2011 11:51 AM (tvs2p) 344
Posted by: rb at May 03, 2011 06:02 PM (LKlcE)
-------------------------------------------------------- They were Arabs and would have stood out like a pair of sore thumbs in Pakistan. Everything from their appearance to their accents would have given them away. -------------------------------------------------------- That may not be true, depends who is watching. Appearance less likely to be a give away than accent; Not all pakistanis look the same type or speak the same. way. Far from it. Posted by: chueewowee at May 05, 2011 05:20 PM (o/A6O) 345
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