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Howard Kurtz: Sarah Palin Could Have Struck A More Inclusive, Moderate Tone Merely By Confessing To The Left's Charges Against Her & Admitting She Was An Accomplice To Mass-Murder

This is why, for quality political insights, you don't come to a blog like mine. For this level of analysis, you need to read Howard Kurtz, star opinion columnist for The Washington Post The Daily Beast.

The Loughner Left:

Blood libel, for those who are not familiar, describes a false accusation that minorities—usually Jews—murder children to use their blood in religious rituals, and has been a historical theme in the persecution of the Jewish people.

Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase.

As someone who has argued that linking her rhetoric to the hateful violence of Jared Loughner is unfair, I can imagine that the former governor was angry about how liberal detractors dragged her into this story. But after days of silence, she had a chance to speak to the country in a calmer, more inclusive way. She could have said that all of us, including her, needed to avoid excessively harsh or military-style language, without retreating one inch from her strongly held beliefs.

Instead she went the blood libel route.

Which would be an admission that she had something to do with this. Which she didn't.

Let me clue Howard Kurtz in: I am one of those who agrees, generally, that actually inciting language is dangerous, and should be restrained. I do in fact believe there are enough Category 3 types that we should have worries about this, and do our best, to the extent we can, to at least make sure such people do not get the erroneous impression that acts of violence would be applauded by any political cohort.

Here's why I'm not having that debate now -- because right now it is being used to create a false link to Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, and me, and so no, I'm not interested in calmly, and in a mature fashion, discussing the ways in which I may, or may not be, an accomplice to mass murder.

That is what the Laughner Left demands as proof of "moderation."

Am I concerned about this issue, incitement? Indeed. And I'm no Johnny Come Lately on the issue, either, Howie-- I cared about it eight years ago when people were writing books about the assassination of George W. Bush (the book was on the Pro side of the issue) and, oh, what else? Movies about the assassination of George W. Bush (the movie was also, get this, on the Pro- side).

See, after screaming bloody murder about the Florida Democratic Party putting out a flyer suggesting that Donald Rumsfeld should be executed for war crimes, I noticed that no one in the media or on the left -- including Howard Kurtz -- was at all interested in taking up my crusade against incitement towards political violence.

But how things changed on January 11, 2009! Oh my! Now that we had a president in office we didn't want killed, oh dearie, how this became all that anyone cold talk about!

Now that be that as it may, I am still willing to talk about the issue-- because, unlike Howard Kurtz and the left, I don't want a president of either party assassinated. Unlike Kurtz and the left, I am not selective in my anti-assassination position. I am anti- all political assassinations. (Well, in America. I have a different opinion with respect to, say, Iran, but that's a completely different issue.)

So I am willing to discuss this, and say that yes, some incitement which urges, or seems to urge, violence against public figures is not just bad but pretty awful and un-American.

And I'm willing to do that now, as I was eight years ago, when it wasn't a very interesting topic for Howard Kurtz because, well, if Bush got killed, and so it goes.

But I'm not willing to discuss this now. Why not now? Because now the left isn't trying to have a discussion about inciting language -- if they were that concerned, they could have patrolled their own during the Bush Administration -- they're just interested in piling up political points and turning a massacre to their political advantage.

And by even indulging in this discussion, now, I tacitly agree with the left's charge that, oh yeah, by constantly saying incitement to political violence by anyone, right left or No Labels, is wrong, no matter who does it and no matter who is the target of it, I actually had a hand in the shootings in Tucson, because, well, I'm right-wing, which is Latin for "presumed guilty."

So no, I decline your generous offer to accept the blame you've laid at my feet, and I support Sarah Palin in similarly declining your selfless offer to profit by her demise.

And oddly enough-- even as Howard Kurtz offers to admit on Palin's behalf that she talked in violent code that resulted in murder -- I notice that not a single figure on the left is willing to do likewise.

I have not heard a single figure on the left say something like, "Honestly, I sort of said some things about Bush that were close to urging murder, and I regret that."

And I have not heard a single person in the media say, "Yeah, I guess if I have a problem with the 'Obama=Socialist' posters and think they're incitements to murder, maybe I should have said something about the 'Bush=Fascist" signs or 'Bush is a KILLER' signs; maybe they were incitements to violence, too. And maybe I gave them a pass because they're on the left, like me. And I shouldn't have done that."

Why is it that Sarah Palin -- or anyone on the right -- is demanded to come forward and confess their own guilt whereas not a single person on the left is? Oh, Howard Kurtz will permit Sarah Palin to say that it's not just her to blame, there might be some unnamed others who share in the blame, who might or might not be Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh; but why is it that not a single liberal has come forth and made a similar personal confession?

If this is so easy, as Kurtz alleges, why can't Kurtz himself do it?

Here you go Howard-- here's all you have to say:

"During the Bush Administration I was forwarded a lot of links by people on the right pointing out incendiary and dangerously provocative images and language used by the left to disparage Bush, thereby increasing the chances that some violence would be done to him. I ignored this, partly because of my unfounded conceit that no one on the left is violent, but mostly because it is in my own best political interests to overlook the excesses of my own side."

If this is so easy to admit, where the FUCK is Howard Kurtz's admission?


With her defiant video, Palin continued—no, escalated—her war with the press, which plays so well with her strongest supporters (despite a recent thaw in which she actually granted a few interviews to the lamestream media). She continued her us-versus-them approach to political discourse. She punched back at critics rather than trying to fashion a unifying message.

She "escalated" her war with the press? The press is calling her a murderess.

Is it possible to "escalate" a war with the press when they're calling you a murderer?

Oh, and by the way: You know all that toxic, martial language that Howard Kurtz wants Sarah Palin to apologize for?

"War with the press"? War?, Howard?

Isn't it funny that Kurtz can use this language without apology but, if Sarah Palin says "targeting," he needs her to apologize on national television for her part in a mass murder.

You Know When We Could Have Had A Nice Discussion About This? When James Lee took hostages and shot people at the Discovery Channel. I know early in that day, the left was eager to discuss hateful messages and the coarsening of the public dialogue, but when he turned out to be a left-wing loon who took Al Gore's statements about the literal destruction of the Earth if we don't ACT NOW to be genuine instead of nonsense hyperbole, the left suddenly didn't want to have that discussion anymore.

In fact, Media Matters For America was very sensible on this point... the moment we learned he was on the fanatical fascist environmental left:

But now, when we have a right-wing shooter, now we have to talk about this, huh?

Oh wait, did I say "right wing"? Oh that's right, I forgot for a moment, so overwhelmed was I by media insinuation -- of course Loughner is not right wing, doesn't watch right-wing TV, doesn't listen to right-wing radio, doesn't read right-wing blogs.

In fact he's an atheist Truther, more concerned about mind control by government grammar Men in Black than in any political debate, but oh yeah, let's pretend he's right wing, because you guys are down on your chips and really need some luck and you think we should play along because you're desperate.

I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself.

Posted by: Ace at 02:45 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 OK, I'm out. I can't take it any more. The beating of a dead horse...Gaaack!

Posted by: runningrn at January 12, 2011 02:48 PM (ihSHD)

2 Oh, but before I do,

Posted by: runningrn at January 12, 2011 02:48 PM (ihSHD)

3 I read an article on the Huffington Post this morning that implied Palin was acting improperly because she wasn't focused on post-tragedy reconciliation - you know, like the liberal media has been.

What, have you not felt reconciled lately?

Posted by: david_shane at January 12, 2011 02:49 PM (T8c0z)

4 Remember when Sarah Palin killed all those people in Arizona?

Posted by: Everything I Needed To Know I Learned From SNL at January 12, 2011 02:50 PM (FcR7P)

5 I'm surprised that.....certain....commenters haven't had enough yet, and made you an honorary Palin-bot.

Posted by: Archie Boinker at January 12, 2011 02:52 PM (YmPwQ)

6 Every day gets more crazy.

I hope that most of America can see right through this total BS.

Posted by: Timbo at January 12, 2011 02:52 PM (ph9vn)

7 Palin - vertebrate, Kurtz - invertebrate

Posted by: Jean at January 12, 2011 02:54 PM (7Jipo)

8 You're an errand boy, Ace, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill!

Posted by: Mad Warlord of the Media Howie Kurtz, Sitting In A Darkened Cave In DC at January 12, 2011 02:54 PM (Gx9Qb)

9 "
And oddly enough-- even as Howard Kurtz offers to admit on Palin's
behalf that she talked in violent code that resulted in murder -- I notice that not a single figure on the left is willing to do likewise.

I have not heard a single figure on the left say something like,
"Honestly, I sort of said some things about Bush that were close to
urging murder, and I regret that."

And I have not heard a single person in the media say, "Yeah, I guess
if I have a problem with the 'Obama=Socialist' posters and think
they're incitements to murder, maybe I should have said something about
the 'Bush=Fascist" signs or 'Bush is a KILLER' signs; maybe they were
incitements to violence, too. And maybe I gave them a pass because
they're on the left, like me. And I shouldn't have done that.""


Posted by: Topsecretk9 at January 12, 2011 02:54 PM (8x3SC)

10 Charles Johnson tweeting that Palin is speaking on this to advance her political ambitions.

Posted by: Who Knows at January 12, 2011 02:55 PM (QLiYt)

11 In a nutshell, the left is the scumbag that kicks you in the shins in the playground during recess, and as soon as you go to punch their lights out they run to the teacher. This is who they are, they use every dirty trick in the book, and when you come out fighting they scream foul. Fuck them in the ass. They are metal defects.

Posted by: Berserker at January 12, 2011 02:55 PM (gWHrG)

12 Somebody who escapes my mind made a great point about "incidenary" rhetoric:
We use harsh military terms and vile rhetoric because we're suppressing our natural tendency towards outright military conflict.
Using words is a substitute for using arms.
Mark my words: there will be more violence in this country if the rhetoric is toned down, because if vocabulary is limited, some people will turn to other measures to make their point.
Like the bootlegger making barrels of cash selling alcohol during Prohibition.

Posted by: The Q at January 12, 2011 02:55 PM (5qBd2)

13 How is it that they all come up with the same criticism at the same moment?

Posted by: Journolist at January 12, 2011 02:55 PM (yjWUo)

14 Um..mental defects.

Posted by: Berserker at January 12, 2011 02:55 PM (gWHrG)

15 I think there was some other headline today about her message that read: "Sarah Palin inserts herself into another story."

Like she wasn't dragged into in within minutes of the breaking news report by hacks like Krugman and Kos.

Posted by: robviously at January 12, 2011 02:56 PM (Dxb1S)

16 hey you stupid rubes (i don't actually know what that word means, btw) palin is so dumb that she can't be vp, yet she is so cunning that she can mastermind a mass murder without any connection to her AT ALL.

Posted by: dudeinsantacruz at January 12, 2011 02:56 PM (78EuS)

17 It's like Palin is Carrie and the media is throwing tampons at her in the shower.

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 02:57 PM (HaYO4)

18 oh, that was ment for the zombie left, btw.

Posted by: dudeinsantacruz at January 12, 2011 02:57 PM (78EuS)

19 You know,I've noticed that the name"Howard Kurtz" starts with the letter "H." Well, so does the "Hindenburg," the "Holocaust," the word "horrible," and the "home" of Satan "himself, "Hell." I thinkHoward should apologize for those things, since they have an actual, tangible association with him, unlike Sarah Palin's non-existent connection to the Arizona tragedy.
*waits patiently*

Posted by: MWR at January 12, 2011 02:57 PM (4df7R)

20 Ace, you should link to Zombie, he has a shitload of anti-Bush photos on his site.
Serious shit. Her's a Bush as Hitler photo-essay.

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 12, 2011 02:58 PM (1fB+3)

21 When Iran calls Israel a "stinking corpse", it is considered saber rattling by the "reality-based community" on the left.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at January 12, 2011 02:59 PM (TpXEI)

22 "Palin Speaks - Leads Nation. Obama's Teleprompter Still Downloading..."

Posted by: Fantasy Headline News at January 12, 2011 02:59 PM (FcR7P)

23 Ace, you are at one with the force.Simply prolific your postings have been, I'm sure Yoday himself would say.
Keep up the great work baby.

Posted by: Journolist at January 12, 2011 02:59 PM (LwLqV)

24 I forgot to mention this, its an anecdote, but i think it goes to the fact that a lot of americans aren't really following this.

I was at the Penguins game against Boston, and they had a moment of silence before the game because of the shooting. It was during this moment of silence that several people yelled "Chara you suck". For those of you who don't follow hockey, Zdeno Chara is the captain of the Bruins. There were quite a few laughs.
My point is, there are people out there, quite a few, who don't give a shit about this and aren't even really paying attention.

Posted by: Ben at January 12, 2011 02:59 PM (wuv1c)

25 Amazing that Howard Kurtz can't even be bothered to look up the definition of blood libel, which can be applied to any number of situations (Romans v. Christians, Catholics v. Knights Templar, etc.) Or to even note that this very same phrase was used in a WSJ column just a few days ago. This is really one of WaPo's stars?

Posted by: RickS at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (Kogrf)

26 Remember that friend from pre-school who whined to his mom when you touched anything or did anything they didn't like?

He/she is now running the world. And they never grew up.

Posted by: Doc at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (dTyOw)

27 Laughner Left

It's in my lexicon now.

Posted by: Dave C at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (p13tD)

28 The hateful rhetoric from Palin and rightwing radioare directly responsible for thedeaths ofMcKinley and Garfield, despitepreceding the invention of radio. Her incitement to violence, specifically a "let's shake it up" statement, also caused a severe change in climate which led to pneumonia forWillliam Henry Harrison.

Posted by: Unruly at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (LL4jH)

29 One of US! One of US!

Posted by: Keith,Rachel, and Chrissy at January 12, 2011 03:01 PM (Aa/el)

30 Fuckin-Ayy, Ace.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at January 12, 2011 03:01 PM (f9c2L)

31 Loughner believed the government was behind 911, yet it was violent rhetoric from the right wing that made him snap. Obama was not only ok with truther conspiracies, but he appointed Van Jones to a high level position. Leftists are so full of shit. I hope to see a manifest for the Scare Force One flight one day.

Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at January 12, 2011 03:01 PM (mHQ7T)

32 This has gone way beyond parody, we are living in Bizarro World.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 12, 2011 03:03 PM (TMB3S)

33 "Remember that friend from pre-school who whined to his mom when you touched anything or did anything they didn't like?"
Yes. Sandy Fuckface slammed her own head into a toybox and then told her mom I pushed her! I bet she's a "journalist" now.

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 03:03 PM (HaYO4)

34 Her incitement to violence, specifically a "let's
shake it up" statement, also caused a severe change in climate which
led to pneumonia forWillliam Henry Harrison.

Posted by: Unruly at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (LL4jH)
ROFL were you reading the comments on that Jonathan Chait piece, too?

Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at January 12, 2011 03:03 PM (mHQ7T)

35 The vitriolic hateful lies slung by the MFM these last few days is nothing short of historic.

Posted by: Archduke Franz Ferdinand at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (F/4zf)

36 10
Charles Johnson tweeting that Palin is speaking on this to advance her political ambitions.<<<

Don't worry, Drew's right behind him.

Posted by: Kerry at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (a/VXa)

37 They keep poking me in the chest and taunting me about what am I going to do about it and when I punch their lights out they act surprised. Geez besides not
able to make logical comparisons and having more projection than a 20 screen multiplex theater, they have no clue on cause and effect.

Posted by: Mr. Sar Kastik at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (70v0o)

38 Ahhh.... see... everyone has a trigger, somthing which takes them from Type 1, into type 2...
Ace just hit his on this particular subject....
Now, he may slide back into type 1... but...
Welcome to theRebellion Ace... (meant in the most nonviolent never meaning Jeffersonian context of course).

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (AdK6a)

39 He/she is now running the world. And they never grew up.

But we damn well better get our Social Security and Medicare! We didn't work and we didn't breed because it cramped our style, but it's just about time to pay up, suckers!

Posted by: The Worst Generation at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (gQ+XA)

40 Why do I read the r as an n in the douchebags last name?

The really sick part is that the media is framing Loughner's defense. If I were a betting man I would lay 100 to 1 odds that the public defender wench opens with the Talk Radio/Sarah Palin = Hate Speech argument.

Posted by: sTevo at January 12, 2011 03:04 PM (/JTfU)

41 Ace is on fire. Fantastic!

Posted by: lauraw at January 12, 2011 03:05 PM (DbybK)

42 Yeah, we fucked up. Should have gone with "Discovery Hostage Situation Shows The Dangers Of Right-Wing Thought"

Posted by: Media Matters at January 12, 2011 03:06 PM (FcR7P)

43 28
The hateful rhetoric from Palin and rightwing radioare directly responsible for thedeaths ofMcKinley and Garfield, despitepreceding the invention of radio. Her incitement to violence, specifically a "let's shake it up" statement, also caused a severe change in climate which led to pneumonia forWillliam Henry Harrison.
Posted by: Unruly at January 12, 2011 03:00 PM (LL4jH)
Indeed. I would alsoposit that Palin was directly responsible for the fall of France to the Nazis, because she once refused a freeFrench tipmanicure.

Posted by: MWR at January 12, 2011 03:06 PM (4df7R)

44 Everyone is making this complicated and it's very simple. The Left will. if not condone, at least tolerate violence if it fits thier agenda. They do this by blaming the victim. The victim was racist, intolerant, anti-feminist, anti-environmental, cruel to animals, etc. theywere at least somewhat responsible. This time they could not blame the victims. And there was no real information on the perpetrator that fit their agendas..not a minority, not poor, not union, etc.togenerate their empathy. So they had to presume that it was outside influences, which always means the VWRC or something along those lines. Pretty simple really, they've been doing it for years..

Posted by: Deanna at January 12, 2011 03:06 PM (RE8f5)

45 There is something familiar to me about all of this rhetoric. I can't put my stump on it though.

Posted by: Robespierre at January 12, 2011 03:06 PM (dTyOw)

46 "With her defiant video, Palin continued—no, escalated—her war with the press, which plays so well with her strongest supporters (despite a recent thaw in which she actually granted a few interviews to the lamestream media). She continued her us-versus-them approach to political discourse. She punched back at critics rather than trying to fashion a unifying message."
Oh, you're just such a clever little wordsmith, aren't you Howie?Just drop these violent phrases like "escalating a war" and "punching back" in there and readers, (who are just putty in your hands!) will get your Kurtzian subliminal message that Palin is...violent! God, you're such a brilliant propagandist. I wish I was as clever as you.
What a lowlife. Oh, yeah, using the blood libel metaphor. Just out of bounds. The absolute worst in inflammatory rhetoric. Really, these people are pathetic. Hey, let's throw out all these ugly smears and just keep repeating them like Goebbels said. Then we'll accuse her of being ungracious and inflammatoty when she calls us degenerates and assholes afterwards.We're just such brilliant "narrative" makers, aren't we, fellas.

Posted by: Landru at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (Y/gal)

47 You're on fire, Ace.

I apologize for the hateful rhetoric implied in the word "fire."

Posted by: Jeff B. at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (NjYDy)

48 I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself.

I'm really offended that you used my real name in your post......Hope I don't go on a killing spree now....damnit man!!!

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (UK9cE)

49 Sarah Palin turned me into a newt ...

Posted by: Adriane at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (dIik4)

50 I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself.

Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (Aa/el)

51 The burden is on Sarah Palin to be more inclusive in answering baseless charges against her by those who IMMEDIATELY sought to score partisan points using her as a focal point in the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy.

Got it, Howard. You preening jackass.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 12, 2011 03:07 PM (GZITd)

52 This fucking blog is like the humanities elective you take for a easy A and you find out it has more homework than the required engineering and math courses.
Yesterday everyone was speaking in punctuation marks, and today i am left wondering which post i skipped explained "category 3" Or is it a movie reference?

Posted by: nine coconuts at January 12, 2011 03:09 PM (DHNp4)

Why aren't they releasing the documents/records?

Because they're not finished creating the 'treasure trove' of rightwing material.

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:09 PM (hBqOU)

54 17 It's like Palin is Carrie and the media is throwing tampons at her in the shower. Then she comes out and smooshes them with bleachers, doors and cars (yes, I LOVE that movie just for that part).

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at January 12, 2011 03:10 PM (Ty06w)

55 I blame Leonardo di Caprio's films especially his latest one, Invective.

That film obviously inflamed the shoot with all that consciousness dreaming or whatever the fuck it is. I know I want to hurt myself after some of his films.

Posted by: mpfs at January 12, 2011 03:10 PM (iYbLN)

56 It's like Palin is Carrie and the media is throwing tampons at her in the shower.

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 02:57 PM (HaYO4)

Congratulations. That is one of the most OBTUSE references I've ever heard/read.

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:10 PM (UK9cE)

57 Wehaven't even gotten toour end and, already, youstart in with your critique ofour means?
How.Dare.You? Sir!

Posted by: Keith 'the Urinal' Olbermann at January 12, 2011 03:10 PM (Aa/el)

58 Ace, you should link to Zombie, he has a shitload of anti-Bush photos on his site. Serious shit. Her's a Bush as Hitler photo-essay.

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 12, 2011 02:58 PM (1fB+3)

Zombie is a 'she', I believe.......

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:11 PM (UK9cE)

59 If only the Jews had copped to the blood of babies thing, maybe they wouldn't have made those camps neccessary....

Got it, Howie.

Posted by: Mao at January 12, 2011 03:12 PM (MMC8r)

60 Hey what happens when the liberal blame meme collapses? You call and audible and guess what???
KFI radioin Los Angeles is now reporting Palin is engaging in anti-semitismbecause she dared used the term,blood libel.
Despite the fact Palin used it to display the complete illegitimacy of the left's argument, she is now the tortfeasor.
Ace, you pegged this in an earlier post.
The left is completely unhinged.
Where ye or where ye is rational thought?
Answer: take a right and keep taking a right and you'll see if right here.

Posted by: Journolist at January 12, 2011 03:12 PM (LwLqV)

61 The left thought this incident would give them what they thought they needed to destroy Palin. They pulled their gun and took dead aim at her image, not realizing that that image was in their own head.
The fatal would appears to be being inflicted on their own selves.

Posted by: Have Blue at January 12, 2011 03:12 PM (mV+es)

62 The narrative proceedeth. And it stoppeth not.

You know how the salad bars in restaurants have those glass sneeze shields?

'Cause we're gonna have to have one in front of the screen tonight when MSNBC revs up. The spit is really gonna be flying.

Then later, we'll get the Teleprompter-In-Chief giving us what he hopes will be as good as MLK's "I have a dream" piece, but it won't, but nonetheless, the lamestream media outlets will all be giving it a monstrous tongue-bath anyhow.

Where is this all going, anyhow?

Posted by: Yeltsin: Boris at January 12, 2011 03:12 PM (4sQwu)

63 Am I concerned about this issue, incitement? Indeed. And I'm no Johnny Come Lately on the issue, either, Howie-- I cared about it eight years ago when people were writing books about the assassination of George W. Bush (the book was on the Pro side of the issue) and, oh, what else? Movies about the assassination of George W. Bush (the movie was also, get this, on the Pro- side).
I noted before that Eugene Robinson made the somewhat surprising admission that 'political violence in the 60s and 70s came from the Left.' If Kurtz or anyone else can point to the time Democrats or liberals looked in the mirror and had to heed the media's call to tone it down, I'd like to see it.
Come've admitted the obvious. Now show us the responsible followup you now demand from the right (after having manufactured a link.)

Posted by: CJ at January 12, 2011 03:12 PM (9KqcB)

Zombies don't have sexes.

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:13 PM (6cqZX)

65 Ace all I an say to the progsis a thousand times your last sentence.

Posted by: Buffalobob at January 12, 2011 03:13 PM (GwH6h)

66 Howie, are you going to ask that the President back off his own harsh language for the good of all? Here's some examples of his own brash rhetoric:

"Hit back twice as hard".

"They bring a knife, we bring a gun".

"Get in their faces".

"We talk to these folks to know who's ass to kick".

"Its time to fight for it".

"Punish your enemies".

"I'm itching for a fight".

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at January 12, 2011 03:13 PM (9hSKh)

67 Ace, you are on fucking fire, my friend.

I hope you are doing the smug dance in your underwear around the house right now cuz, dude, you deserve it.

Posted by: Sarah Para Bellum at January 12, 2011 03:14 PM (l4J9G)

68 The Left is entering full-blown Pogrom mode.

Posted by: Holger at January 12, 2011 03:14 PM (YxGud)

69 So, she is a witch?

Posted by: Cherry π at January 12, 2011 03:14 PM (+sBB4)

70 "Congratulations. That is one of the most OBTUSE references I've ever heard/read."
Hey, I finally did it!

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 03:14 PM (HaYO4)

71 Howard Kurtz: "Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase."

What about "death panel"? Seems that was pretty inflammatory for the Left and the MFM (BIRM).

Kurtz, you dishonest SOB. Palin could say "puppy" or "marshmallow" and your ilk would go into high dudgeon over her outrageous murder-speak.

I'm with Ace's curt conclusion. But with heavy petting from The Barbed Cock of Satan.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (swuwV)

72 The burden is on Sarah Palin to be more inclusive in answering baseless charges against her by those who IMMEDIATELY sought to score partisan points using her as a focal point in the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy.
Look -she created the Golem, wrote the libelousnote out in BLOOD (she admitted to it!), shoved the note in the Golem's mouth and sent it off to Tucson to shoot Gabrielle Giffords and that poor little girl.
Why do you defend her, why are are you so blind to her machinations!?!?

Posted by: Howard 'Blood Orange Libel' Kurtzz at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (Aa/el)

73 I keep pointing out that its my nature, yet everyone is still shocked.

Posted by: the scorpion at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (S5YRY)

74 I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself, Jew Boy.
That's my conscience dreaming.

Posted by: Maureen Dowd at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (5qBd2)

75 Dammit, Ace, this is nice, but it is insufficient because of Kanjorski.

These jerk-offs aren't just "close to urging" murder; they urge the murder of their political opponents in actual fact.

Posted by: Troll Feeder at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (EipGL)

Bawbawa Walters. Remember when she came out with a book a couple of years ago. I can't remember if it was a biography or what, but her main selling point was admitting to an affair with the Senator from Connecticut in the late 60's, early 70's. At the time he was the only black man serving in the Senate (and a Democrat, of course). "I swept wif a mawwied bwack man, buy my book!" was basically her sales pitch. No concern at all for the man's family or children-if an adulterer deserves such consideration, that is. What happened to shame in America? Or just common decency? Or just the common courtesy of the code of silence maintained between crooks and other scumbags? Or to put it more succinctly by an older female relative when hearing about Ms. Walters admissions, "Why that Barbara Walters is just an old whore!" Yes, well spotted in one!

Posted by: hughie at January 12, 2011 03:15 PM (v6JKx)

77 It's hard to wrap my head around the concept that there are millions of people in this country who seem to have the same short circuit in their logic processor as Loughner. We are barely even talking about this monster, instead we are arguing over whether a woman who had absolutely nothing to do with a crime should apologize for ... what exactly? Not being responsible for the crime?

The left has so little regard for the victims of the crime that have turned this tragedy into a political circus and they seem to have absolutely zero shame.


Posted by: JackStraw at January 12, 2011 03:16 PM (TMB3S)

78 And another thing --
someone needs to tell these leftists that the reason so many on the right are emotional about issues is because the left is using governement to fuck up our kids, take out money control our food and make us miserable. Why is the left so upset? what do they have to be emotional about?

If they want the tone of political discourse to become more polite, then shrink governement. I don't get emotional about kellogs, or microsoft since they are not forcing me to do shit. I do get emotional about taxes and regulations and governement since it does things by force. This is how the world works -- the only way to make people care less about governement is to shrink it.

Posted by: nine coconuts at January 12, 2011 03:16 PM (DHNp4)

79 --In fact, Media Matters For America was very sensible on this point...
the moment we learned he was on the fanatical fascist environmental left:

Of course, Media Matters was totally wrong on this account as environmental leftism, itself, demonizes human existence and was the main motivation for the Discovery Shooter.

Also, the left celebrates terrorists. We have Bill Ayers being accepted into leftist society as a rock star, not to mention current AG Holder's great interest in securing pardons for the Puerto Rican terrorists who actually shot up the Capitol - all to just gain some hispanic electoral points for Clinton's dipshit wife.

Again, there is no parity between right and left. The left understand this full well. Making pretend they are just the mirror image of the right is part of their despicable, lying scumbag ideology.

Personally, I get a real kick out of the story that the left loves America. That has to be the biggest joke going.

"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."

That's the left.

Posted by: iknowtheleft at January 12, 2011 03:16 PM (G/MYk)

80 Oh, so he's an atheist, is he? And a Truther?? As in "fire can't melt steel," that sort of thing?

But... but... but...

I thought only rightwing militia-joining tea partying Christianists were violent?

I thought only religion caused violence and irrational behavior in the world?

Dear Left: Take your sudden concern with civility and stick it up your skanky ass.

Posted by: CoolCzech at January 12, 2011 03:17 PM (tJjm/)

81 Shit, sock.

Posted by: nickless at January 12, 2011 03:17 PM (MMC8r)

82 This same thought occurred to me the other day as well

Over at AT
The Media Has Declared... WAR! / john_fricke

It was a story bigger than the breaking news -- that a political philosophy and a group (white men) they stand opposed to was responsible for inciting a murderous rampage.

Posted by: sTevo at January 12, 2011 03:17 PM (/JTfU)

83 Zombies don't have sexes.

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:13 PM (6cqZX)

So, once you're zombified, your penis drops off or your uterus falls out?

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (UK9cE)

84 Ace, as much as I agree with you, all of this is a pointless argument. Since Palin is the target (oh! I said "target", I denounce myself) of the day for the MFM, let's use her as an example.

Step 1: Lacking any shred of evidence for and in spite of all evidence to the contrary, Democrat politicians, the usual suspect pundits and individuals, and the MFM, within minutes of the shooting, started the narrative that Sarah Palin and right wing "vitriol" were partially, if not totally responsible. In short, we start with the total absence of truth.

Step 2: Wash, rinse, repeat Step 1

Step 3: The "debate" is now whether Sarah Palin is or is not responsible for a completely false argument.

Step 4: Palin's choices are a) ignore all of it and allow the unfounded slander and libel to go on without her interference, or b) address it and thus argue against a fallacy, providing it validity and support in the minds of the deranged people who are pushing the Narrative. In short, lose- lose.

In a rational world where there remained any shred of dignity , logical ability, or common sense, the answer would have been for someone to simply tell anyone and everyone who spouted any of this nonsense that they were a fucking imbecile and discredit their argument with actual facts and credible information. Unfortunately, 40% or more of our population is even more ignorant and malicious than the MFM and Democrat politicians (an achievement, to be sure) and they make up an extremely vocal majority who watch the "news", write letters to sponsors, and otherwise actively engage 24/7 in supporting this completely irrational idea of total government control. They support it to the full depths of their deranged minds and spirits because they directly benefit. They have nothing else to do and have no ability nor desire to contribute anything to society. So they resort to "supporting" themselves in the only way they can- by arguing that they are entitled to the fruits of others blood, labor, ability, and sacrifices. You will never convince they otherwise because that would mean that they would be accountable for themselves, would have no time for senseless protests, and would have no alternative but to give up their "free" government funded housing, food, flat-screen TVs, computers, internet, cable, utilities, etc. and either stave to death, die from exposure, or... [shudder]... change their views. It is clear to me that death would occur before changing their views.

In other words, we are combating willful ignorance, stupidity, which has become these people's sole means of life and support; with logic. To accept logic, facts, or even a small degree of rational thought would mean accepting personal accountability and ultimately failure and death for these people.

Posted by: Damiano at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (3nrx7)

85 Ace, the silver lining of the Tucson Massacre is that your it has brought of some of your best work. Let the rantings against of the MFM continue, they warm my soul.

Posted by: Mark in Spokane at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (Nmyyl)

86 Then later, we'll get the Teleprompter-In-Chief giving us what he hopes will be as good as MLK's "I have a dream" piece, but it won't, but nonetheless, the lamestream media outlets will all be giving it a monstrous tongue-bath anyhow.

Which will be his greatest speech ever since his last one..

Posted by: Dave C at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (p13tD)

87 I guess I'm not paying close attention but Hannity just said the president called Dipstick? Why would the president fo the US call a lowly sheriff? More and more dipstick reminds me of that harvard professor that generated the beer photo op

Posted by: curious at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (p302b)

88 "And make sure to pack some more of those special iPods. I'll give one to each of the families- they've earned it."

Posted by: His Greatness at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (FcR7P)

89 At best I was luke warm on the Tea Party, as I have said in the threads about she-who-must-not-be-mentioned. This non-stop Blood Libel of the Right is starting to really piss me off. Time to contact the local Tea Party.

Thought the Tea Party was going to go away? The bitter-clingers go back to sleep? Keep on writing your shit, Howie...keep it up.

Posted by: Quilly Mammoth at January 12, 2011 03:18 PM (Bn2v8)

90 Hey, I finally did it!

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 03:14 PM (HaYO4)

Enjoy your 15 minutes......they go by FAST!!! 8^)

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:19 PM (UK9cE)

91 Had Kurtz scoured his brain, he could not have come up with a functioning cell.

plus a bonus as learned from the MFM:

There is no evidence that the killer read Kurtz, but he is equally responsible for the murders by working for something called the daily beast, known in satanic circles as the devil, as we saw that Laughner had a daily beast shrine in his own back yard.

Posted by: Guy Fawkes at January 12, 2011 03:19 PM (xQAv5)

92 I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself.
S'OK, sometimes I get a little testy.

Posted by: Curt at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (ERJIu)

yeah, zombies have no hoo-hoos or pee-pees.

They don't pee and they don't have sex; why would they need sex organs?

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (hBqOU)

94 Zombies don't have sexes.
Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:13 PM (6cqZX)
Fuckin' is how I get the brains out!

Posted by: Zombie John Holmes at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (Aa/el)

95 Who is more stupid? Howard Kurtz or Paul Krugman? Inquiring minds...

Posted by: jewells45 at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (l/N7H)

96 Why is the left so upset? what do they have to be emotional about?

Because stealing all your shit and ruling you like gods over an ant colony isn't happening fast enough.

Posted by: The Left at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (gQ+XA)


Oh wow, I'm getting subliminal messages from the left. KILL RIGHT WINGERS, KILL RIGHT WINGERS.

Seriously, are the left this dumb that they truely believe "sane" people (which Loughner was not) get "subliminal messages" to go out and kill?

Posted by: Kaitian at January 12, 2011 03:21 PM (yFt7r)

98 And oddly enough-- even as Howard Kurtz offers to admit on Palin's
behalf that she talked in violent code that resulted in murder -- I
notice that not a single figure on the left is willing to do likewise.


Here are the facts:
1) The President of the United States said that his followers should "bring a gun" to political events.
2) Jared Loughner did exactly what the President said to do.

Until the left is willing to condemn the President for his violent rhetoric, they cannot complain about anything that anyone else says about anything.

Posted by: CM at January 12, 2011 03:21 PM (SZze/)

99 Ace, I just sent you $5 because I love the last line of this post so much!

Posted by: Lilikoi at January 12, 2011 03:21 PM (qQU5j)

100 So, once you're zombified, your penis drops off or your uterus falls out?

Yes, to the first (if you're lucky -- it might be eaten off by maggots). Don't know about the second.

Posted by: Meiczyslaw at January 12, 2011 03:22 PM (bjRNS)

101 Howard Kurtz: "As someone who has argued that linking her rhetoric to the hateful violence of Jared Loughner is unfair..."

Let me rephrase for Kurtz: "As someone who sort of defended Palin previously, I have received a right, proper thrashing from my peers and found being cast outside the walls with The Other to be discomforting. Naturally, when the opportunity to backtrack on a trumped up charge presented itself, I had to leap at it. I'm now at one with the guild." And so on...

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 12, 2011 03:22 PM (swuwV)

102 Posted by: jewells45 at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (l/N7H)

Combined they got the intellectual capacity of a rancid douche.

Posted by: Holger at January 12, 2011 03:22 PM (YxGud)

103 Thanks Ace.

Posted by: Dan at January 12, 2011 03:22 PM (mXBxH)

104 I'm making the point again, but the Left is fervently trying to change the facts of the situation;

Lefty Lunatic kills congresswomen because she didn't believe in his arguments about the ability to control reality with words.

By using words, to try to control reality. Loughner not only is a leftist, but he also acted in furthering a leftwing political argument and the media are continuing the argument for their own ends.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 12, 2011 03:23 PM (bgcml)

105 When the Spirit is upon him, Ace slices like a fuckin' HAMMER.

Posted by: Empire of Jeff at January 12, 2011 03:24 PM (BMjpF)

106 I know one thing, if I was NBC I would be hiring an army of bodyguards to protect Sarah Palin.
If God forbid anything were to happen to that family everything they have said in the last few days will come back to haunt them.

Posted by: robtr at January 12, 2011 03:24 PM (hVDig)

Seriously, are the left this dumb that they truely believe "sane" people
(which Loughner was not) get "subliminal messages" to go out and kill?

Well, they're just going on how they behave.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 12, 2011 03:24 PM (IuKAf)

108 And speaking of blood libel from farging idiots, who can forget that gem from Grayson that the Republican (and by extension all non-leftists) health care plan was to have all you sick people "die quickly"?

Leftists are lying suckwads. Scorpions sting. Water is wet.

GOFY is about all there is left to say to them.

Posted by: Troll Feeder at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (hhRFk)

109 So "marketing campaign" and "bullet points" and "target audience" are code words for kill, kill, kill?
(For cris'sake.)

Posted by: FireHorse at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (sWynj)

110 >>Zombie is a 'she', I believe.......

I was referring to the site as a "he", but thanks Jared.

Posted by: Dr Spank at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (1fB+3)

111 "yeah, zombies have no hoo-hoos or pee-pees.They don't pee and they don't have sex; why would they need sex organs?"
Are you calling Anal Zombies VII improbable?

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (HaYO4)

112 "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED… Tucson Tea Party Leader Receives Death Threats This Week"
when did we become a "nation of death threats" did I miss this...
it seems everyone is discussing their "death threats"....the media guys o'really, people in public service (the sunday programs).....

sheesh it's an epidemic.

Posted by: curious at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (p302b)

113 I seem to remember leftyassassin friendly sympathy for the woman who attacked Rand Paul.

Posted by: %$^& the Left at January 12, 2011 03:25 PM (spdso)

114 yeah, zombies have no hoo-hoos or pee-pees.They don't pee and they don't have sex; why would they need sex organs?

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:20 PM (hBqOU)

But, I saw a zombie movie the other day (starring Omar Epps and that guy that plays the husband in that crappy Medium show) where Omar's woman was pregnant, bit by a zombie, became one and gave birth to a zombie. That would require there to at least be a uterus, in tact......

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:26 PM (UK9cE)

115 Why is the left so upset? what do they have to be emotional about?

Because they believe, like a certain other individual now in the news, that words and thoughts can remake reality. And it is not working.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 12, 2011 03:26 PM (bgcml)

116 Why would the president fo the US call a lowly sheriff?

Many people have noted that Sheriff Dipstick acts as though he's being coached by someone. You do the math.

If I may reach back to 4 or 5 posts ago, I would submit that it's entirely possible Catcher in the Rye causes people to want to kill. Specifically, it makes them want to kill J.D. Salinger.

Posted by: Ian S. at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (p05LM)

Joanie, sometimes I don't whether I want to fight you or fuck you.

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (6cqZX)

118 The really sick part is that the media is framing Loughner's defense. If I were a betting man I would lay 100 to 1 odds that the public defender wench opens with the Talk Radio/Sarah Palin = Hate Speech argument.
No, the REALLY sick part is that Sheriff Dipshit is framing Loughner's defense. The prosecution may wind up getting this asshole off.

Posted by: Luca Brasi at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (YmPwQ)

In other words, will you marry me?

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (6cqZX)

120 I don't mean to be curt but, Fuck Yourself
That should be on the bannerat top of the home page

Posted by: lsmith at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (XGLac)

121 That's interesting - He warns that we shouldn't use "military style" language and in the same sentence he mentions Palin "retreating." Isn't retreating a military term?

Posted by: jdp at January 12, 2011 03:28 PM (r8CsW)

122 Bah.... of course Zombies have Penis's... where the heck do you think the expression "Stiffy" came from?

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 12, 2011 03:28 PM (AdK6a)

123 Are you calling Anal Zombies VII improbable?
Doubtful - I was the male starin that one...pretty much the same plot as The Back Way Inn VII.
...but with Zombies. So there were some skull fucking scenes.

Posted by: Zombie John Holmes at January 12, 2011 03:28 PM (Aa/el)

124 #114 But, I saw a zombie movie the other day (starring Omar Epps and that guy
that plays the husband in that crappy Medium show) where Omar's woman
was pregnant, bit by a zombie, became one and gave birth to a zombie.
That would require there to at least be a uterus, in tact......

I think you're talking about Dawn of the Dead, the Zack Synder remake. But she was pretty far along in her pregnancy before she became a zombie; She only became a zombie mere minutes before childbirth.

Zombies don't have sex to form baby zombies.

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at January 12, 2011 03:29 PM (9hSKh)

125 "In other words, will you marry me?"
Jack M, is that you?

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at January 12, 2011 03:29 PM (HaYO4)

I seem to remember leftyassassin friendly sympathy for the woman who attacked Rand Paul.
They don't venerate Che Guevara because he was a physician; there are physicians in the world who dedicate their lives to charitable acts. They venerate Che because he was executed "enemies of the people".

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 12, 2011 03:30 PM (IuKAf)

127 Joanie, sometimes I don't whether I want to fight you or fuck you.
Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (6cqZX)
And they say romance and chivalry are dead!

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 12, 2011 03:30 PM (ERJIu)

128 The Horror, the horror ...

Posted by: Howard Kurtz at January 12, 2011 03:30 PM (S5YRY)

129 I like this sort of thread.


It's the intellectual equivalent of taking an industrial, hot-water
pressure washer and cleaning up the Left.


Doubtless, Howie Kurtz is aware of this thread, and is going through
some severe intellectual pain because of it. He's unlikely to respond
here, but what about his column? ... and with LINKS to Ace's original
writings, so his readers can read for themselves the cause of Howie's


The days of Leftists re-interpreting attacks upon their pontifications
their way, to properly frame the debate so their readers really read THE
TRVTH, are gone.


Posted by: Arbalest at January 12, 2011 03:30 PM (BqSr3)

130 No, the REALLY sick part is that Sheriff Dipshit is framing Loughner's defense. The prosecution may wind up getting this asshole off.
Posted by: Luca Brasi at January 12, 2011 03:27 PM (YmPwQ)
Yep, he'll be the Poster child for the Insanity Defense... and the International set will support him HUGELY...
He may never see the light of day... but IMO he'll never see either Prison, or the Death Penalty.

Posted by: Romeo13 at January 12, 2011 03:30 PM (AdK6a)

131 Well it looks like the real trigger was Peter Joseph. I guarantee you if Joseph supported anyone in 2008 it was Obama.

Posted by: Mr. Sar Kastik at January 12, 2011 03:31 PM (70v0o)

132 @100

no way, Meiczyslaw. Zombie or not, it's blued steel. Cat couldn't scratch it.

Maggots wouldn't have a chance.

Posted by: Troll Feeder at January 12, 2011 03:31 PM (D0Wz2)

133 And yet I keep wondering "what happened to the left's big anti-bullying push"

Posted by: The Dude at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (Ig1Wo)

134 Does "Kurtz" mean putz? Or does it mean schmuck? Inquriing minds want to know!

Posted by: Comanche Voter at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (3ESDJ)

135 Zombies don't have sex to form baby zombies.

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at January 12, 2011 03:29 PM (9hSKh)

Well, agreed, but that doesn't mean that they're a-sexual. They still have their parts, just don't have a need to use them because they're more worried about eating human flesh than bangin......

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (UK9cE)

136 Rigor mortis sets in and then your junk falls off?
So, the first time in years thatI get it stiff without the help of Viagra, it's going to fall off?

Posted by: Hugh Hef on his bed of Death at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (Aa/el)

How can a dead zombie give birth to a dead baby zombie?

It makes no sense.

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (6cqZX)

138 Time for a musical salute to the insane left.

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 12, 2011 03:32 PM (pRKLf)

139 Posted this in the wee hours. Still think it's worth repeating.

I've heard it said that some great insights occur in the early hours. I don't know that others will think of this in that way but I had an epiphany inspired by something someone here said much earlier. (Sorry, I can't remember on what thread so I don't know as I can find out who to credit.)

In re: the Liberal/Socialist Democrats that infest this country should be perceived and dealt with as MEMBERS OF A HIVE.

Their instinct is to mirror others of the HIVE and to react without thinking in an identical manner. This is why they think that WE take our marching orders from the likes of Rush, Beck, Savage, Levin et al. Because IT'S WHAT THEY DO.

It's why they're such huge proponents of Big Government.

It's why their nutcases are so obvious to us; because they become ISOLATED FROM OR BY THE HIVE for whatever reason. (Self-induced or a reaction by the HIVE.)

Most of OUR crazies are cold and calculating and fit in without notice with most conservatives because WE ACT AS INDIVIDUALS AND CONSIDER SELF-RELIANCE A VIRTUE.

It's why they're becoming so poisonous; THE HIVE IS IN DANGER. Their processes of indoctrination have been discovered/uncovered and their true goals and ideology has been exposed for being false, dangerous and UNdemocratic.

Most HIVES are subterranean. They are destroyed by EXPOSURE TO SUNLIGHT.

This has happened because of the Internet. Although it has been a benefit to the HIVE insofar as rapid, secret and far reaching communication can be to a HIVE BEING, the internet has allowed conservatives to also communicate and reach a point where we realize WE ARE NOT ALONE. We have begun to band together to fight back against the HIVE PEOPLE.

We are undergoing a PREFERENCE CASCADE. Where those who felt that they were alone and unable to affect the direction of the Nation have realized that WE HAVE MUCH IN COMMON WITH OTHERS IN THE NATION AND THAT THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THEM.

This cascade has happened in other countries. Most notably the countries behind the Soviet Union's Iron Curtain. The USSR fell so quickly mostly because of loosened communications and people found out that many others felt that the USSR was living a lie and was not what they wanted. After 80 years of tyranny and backwardness, the country fell within 4 years of the opening of communication.

We too have been living a lie. Promulgated by our socialist educational system and reinforced by the Major Media Outlets.

They have seen what has happened and they can see it happening here.

THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED and what does a HIVE do when it is exposed? IT SWARMS THE INTRUDER WITH BITES AND STINGS. Hoping to fend the intruder off.

The HIVE is mindless and relentless.

I fear it will only get worse until we're at the point the dam breaks and then it should get better. I have to hope that.

Squash a Liberal today. (VERBALLY YOU TROLLS!)

Posted by: jakee308 at January 12, 2011 03:33 PM (fhTf7)

140 CBS News headline: Palin Plays the Victim Card

This is really heating up, isn't it?

Posted by: Yeltsin: Boris at January 12, 2011 03:34 PM (4sQwu)

Are you telling me that zombies have viable sperm and eggs?

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:34 PM (hBqOU)

142 Didn't you get the memo? Dissent is no longer patriotic! Now get back to watching that screen, citizen, because the screen is damned sure watching YOU!

Posted by: MinTruth at January 12, 2011 03:34 PM (ERJIu)

143 Ace, DAMN! I'm going to have to hit the tip jar to keep you in Valu-rite and black market meds to ensure you continue your blazing writing streak! You up the game - and the posters up theirs too. 'Tis a thing of beauty.

Posted by: kathysaysso at January 12, 2011 03:35 PM (LkFvf)

144 I know one thing, if I was NBC I would be hiring an army of bodyguards to protect Sarah Palin.
If God forbid anything were to happen to that family everything they
have said in the last few days will come back to haunt them.

Posted by: robtr at January 12, 2011 03:24 PM (hVDig)
They will say she brought it upon herself.Seriously.Remember that EVERYTIME the Left makes an accusation, it's because they do it themselves. They are trying to incite their own base. They love violence and they will not hold themselves to the same standards they hold us to. They have not put themselves into a box here.

Posted by: AmishDude at January 12, 2011 03:37 PM (T0NGe)

145 Are you telling me that zombies have viable sperm and eggs?

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:34 PM (hBqOU)

Dead ones......

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:37 PM (UK9cE)

146 How can a dead zombie give birth to a dead baby zombie?It makes no sense.
It's the Circle of Life, my son.

Posted by: Zombie Mufasa at January 12, 2011 03:38 PM (Aa/el)

147 CBS News headline: Palin Plays the Victim Card

This is really heating up, isn't it?

Posted by: Yeltsin: Boris at January 12, 2011 03:34 PM (4sQwu)


Posted by: The Dude at January 12, 2011 03:38 PM (Ig1Wo)

148 The comments are...priceless.

she is just like the bad guys in Avatar.....

arrogant corrupted....

celebrating the worst in human behavior towards nature.....

rejoicing at the sight of giant trees being felled for profit's sake with transformer-like machines.....

overjoyed to shoot kill a wild animal just for a thrill.

this is palin palin family fun.

if you don't believe it, check her tv show.

It is lacking the OMG OMG though.

Posted by: huerfano at January 12, 2011 03:38 PM (QgmBR)

149 "But how things changed on January 11, 2009!"
Nit pick: America's interracial angel was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009.

Posted by: Ernie McCracken at January 12, 2011 03:38 PM (jmf9+)

150 How can a dead zombie give birth to a dead baby zombie?It makes no sense.
It's the Circle of Life, Simba.

Posted by: Zombie Mufasa at January 12, 2011 03:38 PM (Aa/el)

151 "But how things changed on January 11, 2009! Oh my! Now that we had a president in office we didn't want killed, oh dearie, how this became all that anyone cold talk about!"
Nit pick: America's interracial angel was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009.

Posted by: Ernie McCracken at January 12, 2011 03:40 PM (jmf9+)

152 Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase
She punched back

And this isn't violent imagery, how?

Posted by: Blue Hen at January 12, 2011 03:40 PM (R2fpr)

153 Hey!
I got blanked out by pixieand that double posted...weirdness.

Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:40 PM (Aa/el)

154 Jeez, I think someone put redbull into Ace's valurite bottle.

Posted by: dagny at January 12, 2011 03:40 PM (+Z6ve)

155 This is really heating up, isn't it? "This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 12, 2011 03:40 PM (IuKAf)

156 I know one thing, if I was NBC I would be hiring an army of bodyguards to protect Sarah Palin.

Are you kidding? She killed six people from Alaska! She's the last person who needs more protection.

Posted by: t-bird at January 12, 2011 03:41 PM (FcR7P)

157 I ignored this, partly because of my unfounded conceit that no one on
the left is violent, but mostly because it is in my own best political
interests to overlook the excesses of my own side."

I guarantee you that if this communist asshole Kurtz were to discover that one of his lefty pals was in the last stages of planning an attack designed to inflict mass destruction upon an American city, his conceit and political interests would once again trump his sense of humanitarian obligation.

You see, for a liberal, political power that promotes and imposes leftist ideology is the Holy Grail. All other human affairs become secondary to these miscreants. I despise them.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at January 12, 2011 03:41 PM (vbh31)

Talking Points Memo has a page called "Muckracker."

It's a page for sliming Republicans. This is the hot story right now on the Left:

An Arizona Republican Party District Chairman resigned shortly after
the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others on
Saturday. to The Arizona Republic,
Anthony Miller had been subject to verbal attacks and internet postings
by apparent Tea Party members, and said he feared for his safety.

"I wasn't going to resign but decided to quit after what happened Saturday," Miller told the Republic. "I love the Republican Party but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone."

Posted by: Soothsayer3P0 at January 12, 2011 03:42 PM (hBqOU)

159 Hey check this out:

The link goes to the Huffington Post, where RFK, jr. is making the point that the right caused the Kennedy assassination. Yeah, because Oswald was such a right-winger!
Is RFK, jr, the one who likes to pop pills and drive his car into lighting stanchions?

Posted by: Beppo at January 12, 2011 03:42 PM (BblAc)

160 This is why they think that WE take our marching orders from the likes
of Rush, Beck, Savage, Levin et al. Because IT'S WHAT THEY DO.

Of course. Everyone thinks that everyone else thinks like them. That's why the Left are a bunch of racists. They're thoroughly racist. They think only in terms of race. Just consider the bigotry they admit to (redneck, WalMart voter, teabagger, etc.) how can they not see skin color? But they feel guilty about it, mostly out of a sense of noblesse oblige.

When they accuse us of racism it's because they can't conceive that we don't see the world the way they do. (I think Chris Matthews admitted as much, something like "everybody's a little racist.")

They are the violent ones because if they were in the same position, they would be advocating violence, and did.

Posted by: AmishDude at January 12, 2011 03:42 PM (T0NGe)

161 Whereas: Some people are smarter than everybody elseANDWhereas: Some people are LeftistsTHEREFORE (by if a=b and a=c then b=c):Leftists are smarter than everybody else.This means you, morons. QED. The logic is unassailable.
So just shut up. Do and think only those things that your Democratic and mainstream-media (but I repeat myself) betters tell you to do and think.

Posted by: The Atom Bomb of Loving Kindness at January 12, 2011 03:42 PM (Pl6My)

162 Let me clue Howard Kurtz in: I am one of those who agrees, generally, that actually inciting language is dangerous, and should be restrained. I do in fact believe there are enough Category 3 types that we should have worries about this, and do our best, to the extent we can, to at least make sure such people do not get the erroneous impression that acts of violence would be applauded by any political cohort.

The problem with this thinking is, even if catagory 3 people exist in droves, we can't ever know what will make any single cat3 person act. In other words, for one it may be political speech. For another it may be some song. for another it may be a rainy day.

You are conflating 2 ideas with Catagory 2 and Catagory 3 people. In reality, what you call "Cat3" people are Cat2 people who have rationalized their actions through some outside "message". In other words, I highly doubt any sane individual exists who will hear a political speech and say "that person is right, I have to kill grandma!". No, what happens is a crazy person who has not yet acted out finds some message to rationalize behavior that was going to happen anyway.

so, if you stop "inciteful" speech in teh political context, all you are doing is making the person move over to some other "message" for their rationalization. You can't stop crazy from happening.

It's like these people who believe the jihadiis will become peaceful, productive members of civilization if we simply say the right things. It is the same stupid mindset that leads to teh belief that if we ban certain words the crazies will never act up.

Like all liberal thinking, it is childish thinking. They believe they can regulate the world to become a perfect place. (I know, in this instance their motives are not actually so benign - but the thought flows from the same belief system).

Posted by: monkeytoe at January 12, 2011 03:42 PM (sOx93)

163 I have to keep paraphrasing Masturbatin' Pete, just because it was so right on:

Crazed Leftist Democrat murders Republican Judge, child. Moderate Democratic Representative and others wounded.

and, somehow, this is Palin's fault.

Posted by: toby928™ at January 12, 2011 03:43 PM (S5YRY)

164 Arrgh - I don't know why my last comment came out as one long paragraph. I'll try again to make it readable:
Let me clue Howard Kurtz in: I am one of those who agrees, generally, that actually inciting language is dangerous, and should be restrained. I do in fact believe there are enough Category 3 types that we should have worries about this, and do our best, to the extent we can, to at least make sure such people do not get the erroneous impression that acts of violence would be applauded by any political cohort.
The problem with this thinking is, even if catagory 3 people exist in droves, we can't ever know what will make any single cat3 person act. In other words, for one it may be political speech. For another it may be some song. for another it may be a rainy day.
You are conflating 2 ideas with Catagory 2 and Catagory 3 people. In reality, what you call "Cat3" people are Cat2 people who have rationalized their actions through some outside "message". In other words, I highly doubt any sane individual exists who will hear a political speech and say "that person is right, I have to kill grandma!".
No, what happens is a crazy person who has not yet acted out finds some message to rationalize behavior that was going to happen anyway. so, if you stop "inciteful" speech in teh political context, all you are doing is making the person move over to some other "message" for their rationalization. You can't stop crazy from happening.
It's like these people who believe the jihadiis will become peaceful, productive members of civilization if we simply say the right things. It is the same stupid mindset that leads to teh belief that if we ban certain words the crazies will never act up. Like all liberal thinking, it is childish thinking. They believe they can regulate the world to become a perfect place. (I know, in this instance their motives are not actually so benign - but the thought flows from the same belief system).

Posted by: monkeytoe at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (sOx93)

165 Squash a Liberal today. (VERBALLY YOU TROLLS!)
Posted by: jakee308 at January 12, 2011 03:33 PM (fhTf7)
Hey, that doesn't mean if you see one sitting in the last seat on the bus you can't use them like a barcolounger.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (Ty06w)

166 This was plainly not an assasination. He was looking to rack up a body count and go out via suicide by cop.
Name one other assasin that turned the gun on the crowd.
He was looking for what we are giving him, attention.

Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (Aa/el)

167 BTW Ace, your thoughts that inciting language should be restrained are understandable. Problem is: who decides what's inciting and who does the restraining.

Voluntary restraint can work but that only can work for those willing to self censor and can govern their emotions.

Any other type of restraint even in when it attempts to do so on extremely provocative language is problematic.

Who decides what's extreme and who does the restraining.
We do have a court system that has decided that certain words are to be considered "fighting words" and are to be considered mitigating factors when physical/emotional violence is the reaction.

That's about as far as we can go.

That this guy was still on the streets was a failure on the part of his parents, his neighbors and law enforcement. (the college bears a bit of responsibility also).

Posted by: jakee308 at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (fhTf7)

Is RFK, jr, the one who likes to pop pills and drive his car into lighting stanchions?

You can say that about any Kennedy, though.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (IuKAf)

169 If God forbid anything were to happen to that family everything they
have said in the last few days will come back to haunt them.

Its already going to haunt them with any viewers who still have a few neurons firing and aren't mind scrubbed O-bot Zombies. When your shit is that lame, and you push it that hard, people kinda notice.

That's one of the things that should have come out of this last election -- people aren't buying weak shit anymore. If they were, the Dems would still have the house.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (GhHlR)


Pinko douche wunderkind Ezra Klein schools Palin
He tells her how she might've profited from Tucson. Or does he? Maybe he is just trying to profit from Tucson.

Posted by: flurmf at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (xO+xd)

171 I know one thing, if I was NBC I would be hiring an army of bodyguards to protect Sarah Palin. Are you kidding? She killed six people from Alaska! She's the last person who needs more protection.
Posted by: t-bird

I second that.

Posted by: zombie Halibut at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (R2fpr)

172 Ace is on fire. Cob-loggers should give him the rest of the month off.
*golf claps*

Posted by: right field bleachers at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (K/USr)

173 What, have you not felt reconciled lately?
Is "reconciled" Latin for "reamed"?

Posted by: andycanuck at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (2rOwc)

174 Great job Ace.
This whole travesty with the media pretty much makes it impossible to ever believe them on anything ever again.
Nothing they say after this should be accepted as anything approaching an objective truth.
It's their "jumping the shark" moment writ large.

Posted by: jjshaka at January 12, 2011 03:45 PM (4YYCH)

Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase.

she could have drawn a parallel showing how democrats are using this event for political gain in much the same way as Hitler and the brown shirts used the fire at the reichstag

Posted by: kj at January 12, 2011 03:46 PM (SRLyD)

176 He was looking for what we are giving him, attention.

Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (Aa/el)
At this point, I think he needs a little attention. I want to hear him expound on how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were crimes.I know it doesn't mean anything, but the parents were county employees and I read that county employees were unionized in 2007 by the SEIU. So do we have confirmation that Mom and Dad have donned the purple?

Posted by: AmishDude at January 12, 2011 03:47 PM (T0NGe)

177 Keep at it, Ace. That last line was almost fist in the air stuff. Oh no, did I say air???? Everyone knows bullets fly through AIR.

Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (5I0Yr)

178 she is just like the bad guys in Avatar.....
When faced with such inarguable intellectual depth, we should just surrender.

I feel totally overmatched.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (GZITd)

179 Problem is: who decides what's inciting and who does the restraining.

The proprietor of the media venue. If that's too arbitrary for someone, then they're free to open up their own venue.

The 1st amendment does NOT guarantee a venue, an audience, particular market share, or freedom from economic consequences if the audience doesn't like what you're saying.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (GhHlR)

180 Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase.
Oh, I don't know - she could have called the Party of Robert Byrd a bunch of racists.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (bgcml)

181 The Chair is Against The Wall. John has a Long Mustache.

Posted by: Holger at January 12, 2011 03:49 PM (YxGud)

"Humphries told TPM he’s called the Sheriff’s department more than
once in the past few days to make them aware of threatening phone calls.

“We got a not-so-veiled threat,” Humprhies told me. “The Sheriff’s deputies told me to stay away from public places.”"
I posted this so all the law folks who read here can have a good laugh.

Posted by: curious at January 12, 2011 03:49 PM (p302b)

183 Oh, I don't know - she could have called the Party of Robert Byrd a bunch of racists.

Posted by: 18-1 at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (bgcml)

You mean tell the unvarnished truth?

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:51 PM (UK9cE)

184 "enforcement
I posted this so all the law folks who read here can have a good laugh."

that's odd, i typed it with "enforcement" between the word law and folks.

Posted by: curious at January 12, 2011 03:52 PM (p302b)

185 Oh, I don't know - she could have called the Party of Robert Byrd a bunch of racists.

There it is. Bingo.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at January 12, 2011 03:52 PM (vbh31)

186 Jumped the shark? The leftist media has jumped the shark more times than a guy at the circus who jumps sharks for a living and is about to retire because he's tired from all the shark jumping.

Posted by: The Mega Independent at January 12, 2011 03:52 PM (5I0Yr)

187 He was looking for what we are giving him, attention.
Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM

BINGO! That's why that demented looking smirk in his mugshot;


Posted by: jakee308 at January 12, 2011 03:52 PM (fhTf7)

188 jake308 at #139:

verrrrrry interesting. I see it as a socio-biological flux that we may be in. Due to rising human population? Konrad Lorenz wrote extensively about how certain flocking animals showed evidence that they were formerly NOT flocking animals at all - but what he considered higher-order animals (solitary or pack/clan animals). Anyway as our population density increases, we may - or some of us may - be evolving (or devolving I guess) from our small-clan situation into something a bit more . . . flockish.

I think some of us won't choose to do that, and hopefully there will be space stations or orbital thingies or something for us to go to.

On a tangent - all this zombie sex and Category 3 talk is making me want to watch some truly nasty movies!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at January 12, 2011 03:52 PM (SB0V2)

189 Uh, Mr. Ace-
weren't you pretty much accusing SP of the same thing just a number of weeks ago?:
Being an un-presidential drama queen by constantly responding to her critics?

Posted by: LeBron Steinman at January 12, 2011 03:53 PM (VyrUM)

190 damn Ace, we've run out of puddin'

but our balls are nice and happy

Posted by: momma at January 12, 2011 03:53 PM (penCf)

191 I don't mean to be curtZ but, Fuck Yourself.

Posted by: beedubya at January 12, 2011 03:53 PM (AnTyA)

192 I was one of many rooting for the "bad guys" in Avatar.

Posted by: The Q at January 12, 2011 03:54 PM (5qBd2)

193 I don't mean to be curt, buttfuck Yourself.
...and I like this better

Posted by: beedubya at January 12, 2011 03:55 PM (AnTyA)

194 Kill the smurfs.

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at January 12, 2011 03:55 PM (SJ6/3)

195 You guys realize that today Kurtz's readership probably tripled due us morons reading his crap - all of the MSM crap is a tree falling in the woods - no one is listening.

Posted by: Jean at January 12, 2011 03:56 PM (7Jipo)

196 Palin= Israel.
Mainstream Media= Rocket firing Hamas.
Yet they're shocked when she strikes back with superior fire power...

Posted by: Countrysquire at January 12, 2011 03:56 PM (1hLHC)

197 John has a Long Mustache.

Damn straight!

Posted by: John Bolton and his mustache "Regis" at January 12, 2011 03:57 PM (p05LM)

198 Kill the smurfs.

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at January 12, 2011 03:55 PM (SJ6/3)

Nah...they'll die off on their own. I mean, they only have that one broad around to procreate with.....they'll all be blood relatives at one point and have mutant blue babies and just disappear at some point.

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:57 PM (UK9cE)

199 166
This was plainly not an assasination. He was looking to rack up a body count and go out via suicide by cop.

Name one other assasin that turned the gun on the crowd.

He was looking for what we are giving him, attention.

Posted by: garrett at January 12, 2011 03:44 PM (Aa/el)

I sort of wonder about that too, why did he shoot at the crowd? Even crazy people have "reasons" for what they do, even if the reasons make no sense to everyone else. Was it for attention? Or did he think that they were all "in on it" and out to get him, or something nonsense like that? I wonder if we'll ever know.

Posted by: Lilikoi at January 12, 2011 03:57 PM (qQU5j)

200 I is a backwards pirsson, not proggressive at al, so maybes youse cud help me?

I dint hear her say no blood libel but I dont heer so good sumtimes becuz of the voices?

I heered her say macaca.

She just done said macaca macaca macaca macaca and then all the voices sez it too.

Kin you make it stop?

Posted by: barbarausa at January 12, 2011 03:57 PM (gRgC6)

201 Have they released his toxicology report yet?

I have a feeling that is going to be some interesting reading.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at January 12, 2011 03:58 PM (SB0V2)

202 You guys realize that today Kurtz's readership probably tripled due us
morons reading his crap - all of the MSM crap is a tree falling in the
woods - no one is listening.

That's why I read Ace's review of what they've written, read the quotes from the article and make my determination NOT to click the links and bless their sorry asses with traffic.

Posted by: Sponge © at January 12, 2011 03:58 PM (UK9cE)

203 FACT: Bristol Palin bought a house in Arizona.
FACT: Mass chaos hits Arizona in the form of one Jared Loughner.
CONCLUSION: Bristol Palin delivered coded messages from the WASILLA ICE QUEEN to one Jared Loughner.

Posted by: Sheriff Clarence Dupnik at January 12, 2011 03:58 PM (P33XN)

204 ALINSKY RULE 5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Posted by: Cherry π at January 12, 2011 03:59 PM (+sBB4)

205 The Media Matters insider who shot up Tuscon is obviously a red diaper doper baby.

Posted by: FlaviusJulius at January 12, 2011 03:59 PM (SJ6/3)

206 The proprietor of the media venue. If that's too arbitrary for someone, then they're free to open up their own venue.The 1st amendment does NOT guarantee a venue, an audience, particular market share, or freedom from economic consequences if the audience doesn't like what you're saying.
Purple Avenger at January 12, 2011 03:48 PM (GhHlR)

Agreed. What I was referring to was verbal speech not blogging or commenting speech. If that was what Ace was referring to then I agree. I get a little hinky when folks start saying that some speech should be restrained. That's up to Judges and not, say, alcoholic looking puffy faced blow hard Sheriffs.

Posted by: jakee308 at January 12, 2011 04:00 PM (fhTf7)

207 FACT: Bristol Palin bought a house in Arizona.
FACT: Mass chaos hits Arizona in the form of one Jared Loughner.
CONCLUSION: Bristol Palin delivered coded messages from the WASILLA ICE QUEEN to one Jared Loughner.

Posted by: Sheriff Clarence Dupnik at January 12, 2011 03:58 PM

Unassailable logic, Sheriff. We can never hope to win.

Posted by: huerfano at January 12, 2011 04:00 PM (QgmBR)

208 Palin's use of the term "Blood Libel" was exactly on point. That is exactly what the Progs are doing. Not surprisingly, they are also the biggest purveyors of the "Blood Libel" against the Jews also. Sarah called it exactly right.
BTW Kurtz, I'm also Jewish, though one of the 22% who had her head on straight and did not vote for the Anointed One in 2008, and I do NOT find her use of the term offensive at all. I find Howard Kurtz and his fellow travelers offensive.
As for her apologizing for something she had nothing to do with, why should she? Why would anyone?
I think the 1 silver lining in all this is that most people do'nt get their news from just the MSM anymore, therefore the MSM just lost a bit more of their already dwindling credibility.

Posted by: martha at January 12, 2011 04:00 PM (kFsTd)

209 We are well and truly flocked.

Posted by: Konrad Lorenz at January 12, 2011 04:00 PM (2rOwc)

210 204
ALINSKY RULE 5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost
impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition,
which then reacts to your advantage."

Posted by: Cherry π at January 12, 2011 03:59 PM (+sBB4)
On that note, I think the left probably all has the same complex as Kevin Kline's character in A Fish Called Wanda.Maybe instead of pointing out how wrong they are by using facts, we should just get in their faces and flat out call them stupid?

Posted by: grognard at January 12, 2011 04:01 PM (NS2Mo)

211 I daresay that the shooter isn't getting as much attention as Palin is. That might make him even more angry.

Posted by: Luca Brasi at January 12, 2011 04:02 PM (YmPwQ)

212 It's interesting to me that the left have so thoroughly integrated the idea that Palin's "violent rhetoric" was in some way connected to what Loughner did. It's fact to them now, regardless of the real truth.

Did I say interesting? I meant terrifying. Leftists are sick.

Posted by: blue star at January 12, 2011 04:03 PM (8H0Ra)

213 We should hire Flo.

Palin has blood on her...


Palin couldn't have picked a more inflammatory....


Palin used target....


Posted by: grognard at January 12, 2011 04:03 PM (NS2Mo)

214 I agree that most have no idea who Kurtz even is, but tens of millions watch CBS NBC ABC and they are all on the "Palin linked to Mass Muder" train. On their broadcasts and websites.

if you combine the nightly newscasts of the 3, its about 20 million alone.

Posted by: Dan at January 12, 2011 04:04 PM (mXBxH)

215 Wow so Peter king did another thing that made his constituents go "what?"

Posted by: curious at January 12, 2011 04:05 PM (p302b)

216 .they'll die off on their own. I mean, they only have that one broad around to procreate with.....they'll all be blood relatives at one point and have mutant blue babies and just disappear at some point.
To be fair...we gestate quickly, frequently birth tripletsand she's a whore.

Posted by: Truthy Smurf at January 12, 2011 04:06 PM (Aa/el)

217 "I agree that most have no idea who Kurtz even is, but tens of millions watch CBS NBC ABC and they are all on the "Palin linked to Mass Muder" train. On their broadcasts and websites. "

This is why the Tea Party should have organized a giant press conference with dozens or hundreds of conservatives to condemn the blood libel.

Posted by: Cherry π at January 12, 2011 04:06 PM (+sBB4)

218 I don't mean to be curt with you but;Go Fuck Yourselves,you fucking fucks.
There,fixed it for you,No,it's ok...I don't mind helping when I can. Really.

Posted by: firefirefire at January 12, 2011 04:07 PM (7NgJ5)

219 The leftard meme is that Palin's surveyor's symbol caused the Tuscon tragedy..
...but this is just venting

Posted by: beedubya at January 12, 2011 04:11 PM (AnTyA)

220 Palin is Emanuel Goldstein in drag.

Posted by: G. Orwell. at January 12, 2011 04:11 PM (9Pzy7)

221 Well done, Ace. En fuego, as they say.
Congrats for refusing to play the lamestream game and accept their premises as the terms of the debate.
Many of the people who we voted for and who are supposed to represent us would do really well to take a page from your book. Perhaps a high priced consulting career as a sideline..."How to frame the debate to your advantage", or something like that.

Posted by: RM at January 12, 2011 04:13 PM (1kwr2)

222 I can't wait to see Keith Olbermann smoking a doobie on his program in a show of solidarity with Jared.

Posted by: Fritz at January 12, 2011 04:15 PM (GwPRU)

223 My opinion only: I think Sarah should have kept quiet. The MFM was in full self-destruct mode and she could have just sat back and watched them pull the trigger to the gun in their collective mouths.It makes me think perhaps that she may not run for president (maybe VP) this time around, so she really has nothing to lose by joining the fray. Having said that, I think I probably would have punched back on all of this also if I were in her position. The nation is in the saddest state I've ever seen it, and I'm a Vietnam vet and lived through the 60's bullshit when the left started flaming. These are scary times.

Posted by: Triumph Motors at January 12, 2011 04:15 PM (vx2bM)

224 Ace, I love you man !!!!

Posted by: Dathi at January 12, 2011 04:15 PM (G0syV)

225 OT, but the Donald ripping it up on Hannaty.

Posted by: RM at January 12, 2011 04:15 PM (1kwr2)

226 You left out the best, most jawdropping line:

One thing that Palin’s comments have done, judging from the early
coverage, is to take the spotlight off the victims and make this about

Words fail.

Posted by: bledsoe at January 12, 2011 04:18 PM (g7SfB)

227 Jawdropping, indeed. First I heard about this Saturday was from a FB feed pinning it squarely on Palin; second, from a FB feed linking to the steaming Krugman pile.
These people will not rest until someone takes a shot at her. I just know it.

Posted by: MDH3 at January 12, 2011 04:21 PM (CZcCo)

228 Well, I for one don't give a good rat's ass what Howie or anyone else thinks would "heal our national soul" or whatever the dribble line of the day is.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one, but I don't care about yours.

Posted by: SKYNET at January 12, 2011 04:22 PM (D6Uk6)

229 Ace is in the zone today!

Posted by: WishRich at January 12, 2011 04:40 PM (hdpay)

230 The best thing about this is it has forced Ace to acknowledge that with the unhinged hate of our opponents, that rational discourse is not always possible.
Sometimes ignoring them while making preparations for self-defense is the thing to do. It seems wiser to me than trusting in the non-existent good intentions of those who have openly declared themselves our mortal enemies.

Posted by: SGT Dan at January 12, 2011 05:03 PM (QUuUE)

231 Who the fuck is Curt?

Posted by: West at January 12, 2011 05:12 PM (kOdz/)

232 I'm sure it's in one of the 230+ comments about but seriously:

First you complain about "military" language, then you drop in a comma and use the word "retreat"??????

Talk about EPIC FAIL!

Posted by: Jason Coleman at January 12, 2011 05:28 PM (vGt6I)

233 First they drag Palin into the story hours after the first shots were fired. Then they have the temerity to complain about the manner in which she is defending herself.
Blood Libel is the perfect term for her to use as a child tragically died. And the MFM are somehow trying to pin this on her. She showed way more restraint than I ever would have.
As a side note, these idiots on the left are probably making things even better politicallyfor Palin in the long run. The level of vitriol launched at her I think is and will backfiring on them. I really didn't think that leftoids could look more idiotic. I was wrong.

Posted by: Bruce The Robert at January 12, 2011 05:56 PM (mrS0w)

234 It will get better.

The memorial service tonight has a logo and a gaudy program. THE CONCESSION STANDS WILL BE OPEN.

I don't know about you, but nothing expresses my grief more than a bag of popcorn and a coke.

Unless someone gets a handle on this, it will degenerate to Wellstone Funerally levels.

Posted by: Miss Marple at January 12, 2011 05:58 PM (Fo83G)

235 I no longer even try discussing politics or current events with people who only get their info from MSM.
Why bother? They have little skepticism over the narrative, especially the logical lapses the MSM makes trying to keep it together.
Critical thinking would make most of the MSM stories appear bogus and misleading but no....
Then the viewers just try and shout their "facts" at you with little cross-checking.
So sad.

Posted by: Whitehall at January 12, 2011 07:10 PM (FmPSC)

236 Right at the end of Reliable Sources this past Sunday (I DVR and skim it, mostly looking for 'balanced' segments so I mostly 'watch it' at 4x speed except for 1 or 2 segments, Geharty's (sp) on from time to time btw) Kurtz had rightie and leftie talk show hosts on to discuss this issue (I didn't really know either one). The leftie did a lot of OMGs and are you serials? while the rightie pounded both Kurtz, who was faux neutral but clearly annoyed withbeing humiliated on his own show, and the leftie.
Within that segment here was one moment of comedy goal. In introducing the segment he asked the rightie something like 'what's wrong with toning it down?', after which the beatdown described above ocurred. At the end poor Howie is whipped and he steps in to counter the rightie with, and I quote: "nobody's asking you to tone it down". I actually felt bad for him because his expression after saying this was 'deer in headlights', he even hesitated momentarily knowing exactly what had happened.

Posted by: East Bay Jay at January 12, 2011 09:45 PM (svwGR)

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240 Wow, Ace. That was great. Thanks for articulating so well what is so fucked up about this whole thing.

I push but it don't post
And now I am stuck here. Crap.

Posted by: Cindy in San Diego at January 13, 2011 12:04 PM (IB258)

241 Freedom! And it didn't post 4 times.

Posted by: Cindy in San Diego at January 13, 2011 12:06 PM (IB258)

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