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Lame duck congress: all your school vending machine are belong to us

Obama is expected to sign this piece of shit legislation.

...The $4.5 billion measure would expand free school meals for the needy and give the government the power to decide what kinds of foods may be sold in vending machines, lunch lines and fundraisers during school hours....
The companies that service the vending machines will probably be hardest hit as sales volumes plunge. Not many kids are going to be captivated by "healthy" snacks with the taste and consistency of baked wallpaper paste.

OTOH, any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make a run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies and other shit like that, then make a killing bootlegging them to their classmates who've grown weary of the new Federal government dictated vending machine "snacks".

Of course, TSA will soon be consulting with school districts on methods for frisking students so all that contraband Dollar Tree stuff can be confiscated before it touches any eager lips.

Didn't we try this sort of thing already with prohibition? Yea, we did.

Didn't it create a whole new underground economy leading to vastly increased power for crime syndicates? Yea, it did.

Jill: pssst, Johnny, can you hook me up? I'm Jonsing for some twinkies?

Johnny: no can do babe, not today, I got Ding Dongs in stock this week.

Jill: OK, I'll take'em today, but you'll have the Twinkies next week, right?

Posted by: Purp at 10:22 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I can't believe our president, Bubba Clinton, would go along with this!

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 13, 2010 10:26 AM (wHdL5)

2 More important are they still teaching masturbation and gay sex to Kindergarden kids?

Posted by: nevergiveup at December 13, 2010 10:26 AM (0GFWk)

3 I can't believe our president, Bubba Clinton, would go along with this!
Posted by: RondinellaMamma at December 13, 2010 10:26 AM (wHdL5)

Did ya ever think that you'd be praying for that? G-D help us all

Posted by: nevergiveup at December 13, 2010 10:27 AM (0GFWk)

4 #1 unless he is in on the kickback.

Posted by: Robert at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (V+ylD)

5 The new nutrition standards would be written by the Agriculture
Department, which would decide which kinds of foods may be sold and what
ingredients can be used on school lunch lines and in vending machines.

Ah, another one of those "surprise" bills that leaves all the pesky details for later.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (yea0z)

6 ... any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make a run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies ...

Friend of mine did exactly that in high school almost 40 years ago. He was at Lane Tech in Chicago, and he'd go out, buy snacks and sandwiches from a place just down the street from the school, and re-sell them inside the school. Make a tidy profit, too, from what he said.

Posted by: Steve White at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (D14J4)

7 OTOH, any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make a
run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies and other
shit like that, then make a killing bootlegging them to their
classmates who've grown weary of the new Federal government dictated
vending machine "snacks".

Until the Feds figure this out and ban any store an X-mile radius of public schools from selling "unhealthy" foods to the kiddies.

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (9hSKh)

8 Maybe they'll put condoms in the vending machines?

Posted by: Purple Avenger at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (ruWHK)

9 Vending machines=Mafia=People sleeping with the fishes.

Posted by: Barbarian at December 13, 2010 10:28 AM (EL+OC)

10 You joke, but mandatory screening of brown bag lunches is next. Really- how big a leap is it from the Gummint deciding what school cafeterias may serve, to telling kids what they can bring to school to eat?
"Hey- that leftover pizza and twinkie is setting a bad example- let me just TAKE THAT..."

Guy Fawkes was on to something.

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 10:29 AM (b+yWd)

11 I totally sold jolly ranchers in elementary school. Lots of $ to be had.

And I had a teacher tell me to stay off the creme-filled donuts before class, I was a bit loopy on a sugar high.

When will america stand up to this BS from the feds?

Posted by: cockProf at December 13, 2010 10:29 AM (UvAYo)

12 Another reason to homeschool.

Posted by: SarahW at December 13, 2010 10:30 AM (Z4T49)

13 I'm all for anything that makes the public schools more miserable. Anything that might piss people off enough to make them consider private school or homeschool is good.

Posted by: Bomber at December 13, 2010 10:30 AM (qzoN5)

14 Have you ever eaten a stadium bleacher? Some parts are edible and now that Queen Michelle is School Lunch Czar, you will be eating them.

Posted by: Ewell Gibbons at December 13, 2010 10:31 AM (xxgag)

15 Has already happened in England. Kid's lunch confiscated for being 'unhealthy'.

Posted by: Adriane at December 13, 2010 10:32 AM (dIik4)

16 schools = food deserts.

dessert deserts?

Posted by: Seven Chinese Spammers at December 13, 2010 10:32 AM (hCQG5)


Posted by: typical libtard idjit at December 13, 2010 10:32 AM (RY/Dc)

18 8
Maybe they'll put condoms in the vending machines?

If they put the condoms in the same vending machines as the bananas, wolia', a sex-education class in itself right there!

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at December 13, 2010 10:33 AM (9hSKh)

19 Have you ever eaten a stadium bleacher?

I munched on something under the stadium bleacher once. Does she count?

Posted by: nevergiveup at December 13, 2010 10:33 AM (0GFWk)

20 OTOH, any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make
a run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies and
other shit like that, then make a killing bootlegging them to their
classmates who've grown weary of the new Federal government dictated
vending machine "snacks".

Zero tolerance--they'll all be expelled.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:33 AM (4ucxv)

You joke, but mandatory screening of brown bag
lunches is next. Really- how big a leap is it from the Gummint deciding
what school cafeterias may serve, to telling kids what they can bring to
school to eat?

"Hey- that leftover pizza and twinkie is setting a bad example- let me just TAKE THAT..."

Guy Fawkes was on to something.

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 10:29 AM (b+yWd)
You can still bring french fries, though, because those are just small potatoes.

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 10:33 AM (xxgag)

22 Until the Feds figure this out and ban any store an X-mile radius of
public schools from selling "unhealthy" foods to the kiddies

You'll have to show a photo ID proving you're 18 to buy a candy bar.

But not to vote, that would be wrong.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:35 AM (4ucxv)

23 We already treat children like prisoners anyway, what's one more rule ? /s

Posted by: CyclopsJack at December 13, 2010 10:35 AM (AtRaJ)

24 anyway, vending machine designers hafta come up with a machine that deep fries twinkies as they drop. snickers too

Posted by: Seven Chinese Spammers at December 13, 2010 10:35 AM (hCQG5)

25 19
Have you ever eaten a stadium bleacher?

Eat the bleacher.

Posted by: President Foot Wedge at December 13, 2010 10:36 AM (EL+OC)

26 Of course he's going to sign it. This is Moochelle's pet program.

Nancy Reagan - Just Say "No" - $0
Michelle Obama - Just Eat "No" - $4.5 Billion

Posted by: Andy at December 13, 2010 10:37 AM (5Rurq)

27 Why are there vending machines in the schools anyway? We never had those.

Get off my goddamn lawn, you spoiled little shits!

Posted by: Warden at December 13, 2010 10:37 AM (V6HDd)

28 As others have noted kids will plan ahead and brown bag or black market. This administration is clearly racist.

More than a few schools in my area made deals with Pepsi and Coke for exclusive vending rights for many years. Paid for some nice football fields and scoreboards. Wonder if they will have to pay some back.

Posted by: Guy Fawkes at December 13, 2010 10:37 AM (b75eT)

29 You'll have to show a photo ID proving you're 18 to buy a candy bar.

Dept Ag will be implementing something like the AFT Form 4473 you gotta fill out to buy a gun. Background checks, waiting periods, etc. Snickers are almost like WMD.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at December 13, 2010 10:38 AM (ruWHK)

30 You'll soon see episodes of COPS where the police raid local schools at night and come up with such contraband as Twinkies, Snickers, MMs, and the most dangerous stuff of all - those mini chocolate doughnuts!

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at December 13, 2010 10:39 AM (9hSKh)

31 More than a few schools in my area made deals with Pepsi and Coke for
exclusive vending rights for many years. Paid for some nice football
fields and scoreboards. Wonder if they will have to pay some back.
If they donate to the DNC or du jour, WAIVER !

Posted by: President Foot Wedge at December 13, 2010 10:40 AM (EL+OC)

32 You'll soon see episodes of COPS where the police raid local schools at night and come up with such contraband as Twinkies, Snickers, M&Ms, and the most dangerous stuff of all - those mini chocolate doughnuts!
Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at December 13, 2010 10:39 AM (9hSKh)

An I am sure the cops will put ALL the evidence in the evidence locker?

Posted by: nevergiveup at December 13, 2010 10:40 AM (0GFWk)

OT, but with a name like "Max Johnson", what can else do you expect? Good to see the younger Morons stepping up!

MANSFIELD TWP. — A 21-year-old township man was arrested over the
weekend after allegedly holding a party in which he provided alcohol to
several juvenile females.

According to township police, Max Johnson, 21, of Mansfield Village,
was arrested Dec. 11 after patrols responded to his apartment 12:46 a.m.
in reference to complaints over a loud party.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 10:41 AM (LdYLm)

I smell soon-to-be unintended consequences. We allow the government into our lives a little more each day with this nany-statist administration.

Good going, leftards and proggies. thanks so much.

Posted by: Lemon Kitten at December 13, 2010 10:42 AM (0fzsA)

35 Wonder if they will have to pay some back.

I'm betting the machine revenue kickback the districts get overshadows this additional Federal money in many cases. I'd also bet some districts make the decision to not take the Fed money so they can keep selling the evil "sugared death" on-site and the kickback money rolling in.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at December 13, 2010 10:43 AM (ruWHK)

36 27: Yeah, the only vending machine in my school was in the teachers lounge.

Posted by: Palerider at December 13, 2010 10:43 AM (ITaIZ)

37 Stocking up on Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Oreos....

Posted by: Double Ply at December 13, 2010 10:43 AM (ezdtY)

38 My junior high cafeteria made the best cookies and cinnamon rollsoozing with butter and trans fat.
If a piece touched your clothing, the oily stain would never come out.

Posted by: FreakyBoy at December 13, 2010 10:44 AM (YU9IY)

39 More than a few schools in my area made deals with Pepsi and Coke for
exclusive vending rights for many years. Paid for some nice football
fields and scoreboards. Wonder if they will have to pay some back.
Big Soda's gonna need that money for lawyers. What happened to the tobacco companies is going to look merciful in comparison.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:44 AM (4ucxv)

40 Also in the Hunger-Free Kids Act S. 3307:

Removes junk food from schools by applying nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools.

-not just vending machines, but also the cafeteria and the student cafe

Supports a skilled workforce by establishing professional standards and training opportunities for school food service providers.

-cool, certification for lunch ladies. And since AFSCME is a sponsor of the bill, probable unionization.

Connects more children to healthy produce from local farms by helping communities establish farm to school networks, create school gardens and use more local foods in cafeterias with $40 million in mandatory funding.

-enjoy pulling beets, young Komsomol comrades

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 10:44 AM (yea0z)

41 Hostess? Pfha! I declare Jihad on that over-priced infidel snack food!
Those that deny the perfection of the Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie and their reasonably priced fatty, sugary goodness shall be cast into the outer darkness.
Those devoted warriors of the snack food get 72 Little Debbies after death.
(72 Devil Squares, that is...)

Posted by: Warthog at December 13, 2010 10:46 AM (WDySP)

42 President Barack Obama, accompanied by his wife, Michelle, is scheduled
to sign the bill at a District of Columbia elementary school.

Oh yes, sign it at a school beneath his dignity to send his own darlings to. Ass!

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 10:46 AM (yRrAd)

43 We must support this bill. It's the best deal we can get and if we don't do this now or children will die of being fat or something when January arrives. Sure, this bill against porkers is full of pork, but we can't afford to die on a 4.5 billion dollar hill.

Posted by: The New Pragmatic GOP at December 13, 2010 10:47 AM (AZGON)

44 Isn't saying piece of shit legislation like saying piece of shit piece of shit?
Douchebags are piling on more and more laws for us peons to have to follow. There needs to be a moratorium on legislation. Close Washington for 4 years. It would be worth a try.

Posted by: kansas at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (mka2b)

45 42
President Barack Obama, accompanied by his wife, Michelle, is scheduled
to sign the bill at a District of Columbia elementary school.

Oh yes, sign it at a school beneath his dignity to send his own darlings to. Ass!

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 10:46 AM (yRrAd)
Ok, Ok, I gonna sign the stupid bill, Michelle. I just wanna go around back and have a quick smoke first!

Posted by: Barack Mussolini Obama at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (LdYLm)

46 If we are going to feed and house the bottom half of the country, they owe you! Why don't you sign up the young ones for a sort of civilian military force?

Posted by: Hugo Chavez at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (QdxaI)

47 Why are there vending machines in the schools anyway? We never had those.

We had Pat's Candy Store across the street.

Friend of mine did exactly that in high school almost 40 years ago. He
was at Lane Tech in Chicago, and he'd go out, buy snacks and sandwiches
from a place just down the street from the school, and re-sell them
inside the school.

Would that have been 'The Ass'? (Addison Snack Shop).

Posted by: CUS at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (wOGfT)

48 36 Yeah, the only vending machine in my school was in the teachers lounge.Posted by: Palerider at December 13, 2010 10:43 AM (ITaIZ)

Lemme guess: it was for smokes, right?

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (yRrAd)

49 Again, we didn't have this Obesity 'Epidemic' when I was in school eating my snackcake lunches every damn day.

Posted by: nickless at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (MMC8r)

50 I sold powdered chocholate in school in the day when they did not offer chocholate milk.Ironic that I brought this 'powder' to sell in school in pill bottles.

Posted by: Chocholate pusher at December 13, 2010 10:49 AM (G74/x)

51 Start them young dealing black market snacks so later they can smuggle cigarettes in from Canada and someday move up to selling hard drugs.

Posted by: John Galt at December 13, 2010 10:49 AM (F/4zf)

52 "
OT, but with a name like "Max Johnson", what can else do you expect? Good to see the younger Morons stepping up!"

I believe I know the man.

Posted by: McLovin at December 13, 2010 10:49 AM (AZGON)

53 49
Again, we didn't have this Obesity 'Epidemic' when I was in school eating my snackcake lunches every damn day.

Posted by: nickless at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (MMC8r)
That's becuase kids had Phys Ed every day. Now, my kid has it twice a week.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 10:50 AM (LdYLm)

54 Here is today's menu for Sidwell Friends, Obama's kid's school, apparently broke-ass DC public schools are going to have to watch a little food network!!
Tuna Salad with CapersCorn Pepper SaladSalad du JourWafflesRosemary Roasted Tomato FritattaTurkey SausageCrispy BaconCinnamon Orange Slices

Posted by: Brian at December 13, 2010 10:50 AM (BNlV7)

55 I miss the Ring.Ding of.1968 that actually tasted like.chocolate and cream. Today's junk food pastries blow.

Posted by: parisparamus at December 13, 2010 10:50 AM (PRUJ6)

56 Why are there vending machines in the schools anyway? We never had those. Get off my goddamn lawn, you spoiled little shits!

My mother wouldn't even let us buy lunch, we had to brown-bag it.

And shovel my sidewalks before you get off my lawn, you little slackers!

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 10:51 AM (lI4pw)

57 PA,
Funny dialogue, but your point is well taken. Hopefully this will not lead to loan sharking and other rackets in our elementary schools with Johnny "The Little Hammer" ratcheting up the stakes.

Posted by: RM at December 13, 2010 10:51 AM (1kwr2)

58 15 already said was I was going to say, but I recall reading that the Brit experts also got the idea of not letting kids off of school property during the school day to insure that the little brats didn't go out for stuff that actually tastes good.
Hmmm.... maybe the SupCourt can rule that the Commerce Clause doesn't let Congress go this far. One can always hope, anyway. Or wait till the farm state pols demand that corn chips be exempted.

Posted by: mallfly at December 13, 2010 10:51 AM (bJm7W)

59 Hey, GOP!

This bill? Zero, zip, zed, nada funds to implement it in the next budget!

Get it?

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 10:52 AM (yRrAd)

60 Stocking up on Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Oreos....

Psssst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some Twinkies? Twix? Ho Hos? The answers to tomorrow's math test?

Posted by: Freaky Dude Wearing Overcoat by the Schoolyard at December 13, 2010 10:52 AM (wOGfT)

61 Outlaw cable TV, Playstations andtexting (under 21), and watch the childhood obesity "problem" disappear.

Posted by: FreakyBoy at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (YU9IY)

62 54
Here is today's menu for Sidwell Friends, Obama's kid's school,
apparently broke-ass DC public schools are going to have to watch a
little food network!!
Tuna Salad with Capers
Corn Pepper Salad
Salad du Jour
Rosemary Roasted Tomato Fritatta
Turkey Sausage
Crispy Bacon
Cinnamon Orange Slices

Posted by: Brian at December 13, 2010 10:50 AM (BNlV7)

Piss off wingnuts!! Not only is Presidentin' hard 'n shit but being the daughter of the man is also hard...'n shit! They need good food.

Posted by: Sir Golfs Alot at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (Rn2kl)

63 Here is today's menu for Sidwell Friends, Obama's kid's school,
...Crispy Bacon

Bacon? The real thing? Does Michelle know?

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (lI4pw)

64 ...I recall reading that the Brit experts also got the idea of not letting kids off of school property during the school day to insure that the little brats didn't go out for stuff that actually tastes good.

Lot of schools here do that for "safety" reasons.

Posted by: Bomber at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (qzoN5)

65 Also in the bill:

The proposal would require that all fluid milk served in schools is consistent with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Ouch! My bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of..."Malk"?

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (yea0z)

66 so later they can smuggle cigarettes in from Canada

And toilets! The Canadians haven't bought into the mandatory low-flow fraud. You can still buy shitters that really flush in Canada.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (ruWHK)

67 I grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland, right outside DC. It's a nanny-state socialist hellhole and where the cancer started that eventually killed the rest of the State of Maryland.
Cafeteria employees there were unionized thirty years ago. They were in with all the other "supporting services" staff, everyone from janitors to the teacher's aides.

Posted by: SGT Dan at December 13, 2010 10:53 AM (QUuUE)

68 During my freshman year in high school, I had a writing class for my last period of the day. The teacher was a very popular one with students, and she would allow the girls with big purses to go down to the vending machines and buy soft drinks for anybody who gave them money to do so. Of course, the school administration was not exactly pleased at the thought of students eating and drinking in class. One day one of the administrators came in to lecture us on not doing that anymore. I was sitting at the back of the room, and from my angle I could look inside most everybody's desk and see the soft drink cans they had tucked away.

Posted by: Book Geek at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (1+OO5)

69 Meanwhile, Michelle Obama continues her not so slow metamorphosis into Jabba the Hutt.

Posted by: Alex at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (yY28H)

70 We already treat children like prisoners anyway, what's one more rule ? /s

Pretty much. I feel bad for kids today. They can't leave a four yard radius around the house. The cartoons are also stupid crap. Then, the only things they can do - video games and TV- they have to listen to aging boomers bitch about.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (TpXEI)

71 48: No it was just a soda machine. They paid for their coffee out of the profits. I'm sure the greasy tater tots we sometimes got in the cafeteria wouldn't pass Meanchelle's approval and we certainly had the occasional bake sale.

Posted by: Palerider at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (ITaIZ)

72 That's becuase kids had Phys Ed every day. Now, my kid has it twice a week.

I'm going to call bullshit on this Phys Ed fetish. You don't get healthy standing in line for your turn to kick the ball over the roof of the gym, and you don't get a life-long love of fitness from getting an F because you're physically incapable of doing so.

We didn't have this epidemic[sic] when we were kids because after school, kids went home and did something other than sit in front of the TV and the internets until midnight.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (4ucxv)

73 Dept Ag will be implementing something like the AFT Form 4473 you gotta
fill out to buy a gun. Background checks, waiting periods, etc.
Snickers are almost like WMD.

But I need to buy a gun Twinkie. I'm angry hungry NOW!!!11!!

Posted by: shibumi at December 13, 2010 10:55 AM (OKZrE)

74 Sheesh. At my high school we had a small canteen run by students during lunch that sold candy, gum and stuff with the school logo and mascot on it. All the procceds went to help fund student events. Then there were the soda machines and occassional bakesales. Michelle would have hada fit.

Posted by: Annabelle at December 13, 2010 10:55 AM (Zeljq)

75 Again, we didn't have this Obesity 'Epidemic' when I was in school eating my snackcake lunches every damn day.

Posted by: nickless at December 13, 2010 10:48 AM (MMC8r)
That's becuase kids had Phys Ed every day. Now, my kid has it twice a week.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 10:50 AM (LdYLm)
When I was a kid, the other neighborhood kids and I ran around pretending to shoot Krauts and Japs with toy guns. I don't think that allowed anymore. Now they are only allowed to pretending to be civil rights attorneys filing hostile environment briefs.

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 10:55 AM (xxgag)

76 and speaking of phys ed, remember when the gym teacher was allowed to call you a hump because you couldn't do enough pushups? (I got double abused because I had a slightly old cousin was was multiple varsity letters.)

Posted by: mallfly at December 13, 2010 10:56 AM (bJm7W)

77 Hey, GOP!
This bill? Zero, zip, zed, nada funds to implement it in the next budget!
Get it?

Posted by: ya2daup

S. 3307: the Senate approved the bill by unanimous consent on August 5, 2010.

Nope, they don't get it.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 10:57 AM (yea0z)

78 I think that we need a Fucking constitutional amendment that abolishes the god damn "lame duck" congress. I mean what the fuck. The new fucking congress should be seated the fucking day after the election. It doesn't take 2 fucking months to get to DC anymore.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 10:57 AM (Rn2kl)

79 did something other than sit in front of the TV and the internets until midnight.

Heh. Unlike, er, us morons.

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 10:59 AM (lI4pw)

80 Someone needs to notify Obama quick that every grocery store has .... the horror! ... a candy aisle. You can buy bags of candy there. Bags I tell you! No id required, nothing. Last week I bought a bag of cherry lifesavers. All cherry! Not even the occasional pineapple to slow me down.

I think we need a minimum age to purchase candy -- maybe 18.

This sounds like a job for Chewbacca. Have that high-waisted scrunt start a taskforce or something. She hasn't insulted us in a few weeks.

Posted by: bobbo at December 13, 2010 10:59 AM (QcFbt)

81 I just sold beer out of my trunk, never thought of Ho-Hos

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 10:59 AM (c3oPV)


You joke, but mandatory screening of brown bag lunches is next. Really-
how big a leap is it from the Gummint deciding what school cafeterias
may serve, to telling kids what they can bring to school to eat?

That's already been considered because of the dreaded peanut allergy.

We didn't have any vending machines in High School and it was no biggie. If they're all so concerned I say just remove the vending machines. One of our science teachers took advantage of our lack of vending machines, though -- she sold bags of chips to students.

Posted by: Ed Anger at December 13, 2010 11:00 AM (7+pP9)

83 78: +1000

Posted by: Palerider at December 13, 2010 11:00 AM (ITaIZ)

84 This is one of the times I kind of wish that I didn't send my kids to private school. Think of the cash we could make with the contraband junk food.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (Rn2kl)

85 72
That's becuase kids had Phys Ed every day. Now, my kid has it twice a week.

going to call bullshit on this Phys Ed fetish. You don't get healthy
standing in line for your turn to kick the ball over the roof of the
gym, and you don't get a life-long love of fitness from getting an F
because you're physically incapable of doing so.

We didn't have
this epidemic[sic] when we were kids because after school, kids went
home and did something other than sit in front of the TV and the
internets until midnight.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (4ucxv)
The way I look at it, boys need to run around at least two hours a day. During the winter, my kid has enough daylight to play outside 1 hour then at least 1 hour of homework, 1 hour for dinner and we close to bedtime.I think boys focus better if they can get some good physical exercise in the middle of the day and not sitting at at desk for 6 hours.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (LdYLm)

86 I didn't even eat lunch at school. I'd buy a pack of cookies from the vending machine, pocket the rest of the lunch money and eat when I got home. At the end of the week I had enough to buy a new cassette tape!

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (HaYO4)

87 I went to school in rural KY with no vending machines, but our lunch ladies cooked with butter and lard, made insanely good rolls from scratch every day, and I'm still looking for a recipe to match their peach cobbler. I've been back to that school for functions (Mom taught there until about 5 years ago) and the changeover to Pizza Hut pizza and burgers every day has been a travesty. Ou sont les neiges d'antan?

Posted by: Kerry at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (a/VXa)

88 We didn't have this epidemic[sic] when we were kids because after
school, kids went home and did something other than sit in front of the
TV and the internets until midnight.

What can they do now? Nobody would think of letting a twelve year old go out on the streets alone nowadays like used to happen. They could fall or something!

The thing about the child obesity epidemic is that I'm pretty sure it uses the widely discredited body mass index. When I look at kids I don't see them any fatter than they used to be.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (TpXEI)

89 72

We didn't have
this epidemic[sic] when we were kids because after school, kids went
home and did something other than sit in front of the TV and the
internets until midnight.Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (4ucxv)

Exactly! We had the run of the neighborhood and all year-round. This time of year the city plowed off its tennis courts and flooded them to create ice rinks. We'd skate after school, go home to eat dinner and do homework, and then return in the early evening to skate and play some more hockey. Great fun and great exercise and no one worried their poor little hearts out over us because we were granted the honor of assuming that we'd take care of ourselves.

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (yRrAd)

90 Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 10:54 AM (4ucxv)



Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo ( NJConservative) at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (LH6ir)

91 I think that Tea Partiers should organize a bake sale protest outside of the White House. They can sell sugary snacks and announce that all proceeds raise will go to support legal efforts to fight this law.

Posted by: Alex at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (yY28H)

92 Why don't we just ban fat kids instead?

Posted by: Cherry π at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (+sBB4)

93 I remember in elementary school, which was decades ago, we only had gym 1-2/week. But got put outside everyday after lunch for 30 minutes or so. The only time we did not was when it was raining. And when I went to high school (thankfully private) you were required to play a sport. And not pocket pool, if you didn't want soccer, you ran track, didn't want to play basketball, you got sent outside everyday for gym for an hour. The spring was lacrosse or track again.

My son is in 2nd grade, and has gym 1/week and no outside time during the day. And Dept of Ed bitches about how poorly behaved the boys are. Not a lot of sympathy for the teachers or school administration.

Posted by: Penfold at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (1PeEC)

94 At what point will our State Goverments just inform the Feds that they will no longer cooperate with Washington DC to enforce all these laws. For a government of this size to function you have to have the willing cooperation of the states. If enough states just stop helping DC won't be able to do anything.
I don't mean that we stand in the doorways facing down the Feds, instead we just stop filling out the forms, the police just stop reporting things. At the same time we just start harrasing the living crap out of federal empolyees. Nothing violent, but stuff that willmake them just not want to do their jobs.

Posted by: southdakotaboy at December 13, 2010 11:03 AM (TC4J/)

95 Oh, heh. When I was a...junior? in high school, the band (all 27 of us) sold candy bars to raise money for a trip, and I sold more than anyone...first class, band. Second class: history class comprised of three girls and 20 football players, half of whom wrestled. On the days they weighed in before school, the wrestlers would clean me out of candy bars.

I imagine at least half the wrestlers would fall afoul of today's federal BMI guidelines.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:03 AM (4ucxv)

96 "S. 3307: the Senate approved the bill by unanimous consent on August 5, 2010.

Nope, they don't get it."

Look forward to similar steely resolve in January when the new House gets a taste of MFM hatred and snubbing from the social scene in DC. They can't defund shit anyway without Presidential signature and Senate approval. Prediction: No government shutdown as tactic, business as usual.

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:03 AM (AZGON)

97 Nobody would think of letting a twelve year old go out on the streets
alone nowadays like used to happen. They could fall or something!

My mom used to throw my ass out when I got under foot with instructions to not come back for several hours.

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 11:03 AM (xxgag)

98 Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (yRrAd)

And I'll bet you walked there and back. No rides from mom.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo ( NJConservative) at December 13, 2010 11:04 AM (LH6ir)

99 We didn't have this epidemic[sic] when we were kids because after school, kids went home and did something other than sit in front of the TV and the internets until midnight.
In addition, we had parents who, oh, actually told us to get off our ass, go outside and play. Now, we have too many parents obsessed with themselves and their interest and are more than willing to let the tv or the internet keep the child entertained while they deal with their problem.
We had parents who actuall went out and played catch with the young'un, threw the football with the kid, shot hoops with the kid..etc. Now, they buy private lessons, leave it to the coach or otherwise just expect someone else to do that (think I am kidding.....go to any youth soccer practice. All the mommy and daddy's are there....on their cell phones, blackberrys or generally gossiping.).
We had parents who actually regulated what we did, where we were and who we were with. Now, if you do that, you are the tyrannt parent.
In other words, we had parents. Today kids.......they have best friends and buddies. Pssttt.....its your kid, not your friend. Want a a god damn dog.

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:04 AM (OWjjx)

100 88 - don't laugh, the media given to whack job predators has got a lot of moms scared. That web site from the ONT last week has 20+ freaks in or near my zipcode, all with kiddie sex pulls.

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 11:05 AM (wgkZv)

101 Wait...this bill is meant to provide more kids with more food strictly regulated by big brother yet Obomba just said in a public forum that this bill is meant to fight obesity because 1 in 3 kids is obese...
I hate the gubmint, I really do...

Posted by: FreedomFighter at December 13, 2010 11:05 AM (LU3mk)

102 Yep. They'll have to check the incoming student lunches. Won't other kids bringing in 'snacks' reduce morale for the school lunch changes?
And really, aren't home school lunches just ostentatious displays of wealth that support patriarchal society? A concerned parent at home (probably a mother!) packing a lunch and thinking about their child's well-being? Disgusting. Why can't people understand we have 'experts' for that sort of thing?

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (VoSja)

103 This bill will provide "free money" to the schools. It tells the schools how to run their lunch rooms AND their after school socialism programs. It doesn't pay for all the costs so the States and Counties will be expected to pick up the rest of the tab.

AND it is blatantly unconstitutional. But don't look for any challengers. Likely the only ones who would be able to get standing are the school who will not challenge it, or the County who can not afford to go to court.

How many Republicans voted for this POS in the Senate?

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (e4sSD)

104 95 - Heather, when I wrestled - we had to go get a BMI measurement at the beginning of the season - that limited the weight we could drop.

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (lnUW/)

105 Leave Queen Moochelle alone!!

Posted by: Barak Insane Obamao at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (6yyVB)

106 We had parents who actually regulated what we did, where we were and who
we were with. Now, if you do that, you are the tyrannt parent.
Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:04 AM (OWjjx)

Well you can just call me a damned tyrant. And I kick my kids out the door as soon as they finish their homework. Oh yeah, I also coach multiple sports and parents, practice is a drop off. You don't need to stay, your kids will be fine.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (Rn2kl)

107 The only real way to fight this kind of shit is to shut down every public school and make them all private. Then eliminate all the taxes that were funding schools.

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 11:08 AM (e4sSD)

108 OT: I s anybody else sick of the extended blow job the media are giving John Lennon's rotting corpse?

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 11:08 AM (xxgag)

109 "Hey kid! Hand over that twinkie. Right, now take this bong and condom and get outta here."

Posted by: Farmer Joe at December 13, 2010 11:08 AM (z4es9)

110 How many Republicans voted for this POS in the Senate?

Posted by: Vic

All of them. Unanimous voice vote. The House vote was vote of 264 to 157.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:08 AM (yea0z)

111 My son is in 2nd grade, and has gym 1/week and no
outside time during the day. And Dept of Ed bitches about how poorly
behaved the boys are. Not a lot of sympathy for the teachers or school

Posted by: Penfold at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (1PeEC)
Yep, I agree. Schools are skewed to girls, let's sit around all day. Boys want to get up and move around and cause mayhem. I see it when I assist at Sunday school. The boys get antsy after 30 minutes, they just have too much energy to sit still. They have to move.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:09 AM (LdYLm)

112 The teacher was a very popular one with students, and she would allow the girls with big purses to go down to the vending machines and buy soft drinks for anybody who gave them money to do so.
Hanging curveball, right over the plate....

Posted by: Count de Monet at December 13, 2010 11:09 AM (L3Wmw)

113 Section 5, para 6: "All schoolchildren will be required to pass through a nude body scanner and/or a pat down prior to entering school in order to prevent them from smuggling in Bon-Bons, Ding Dongs and Twinkies in violation of Section 3, para 18."

Posted by: Cherry π at December 13, 2010 11:10 AM (+sBB4)

114 The thing about the child obesity epidemic is that I'm pretty sure
it uses the widely discredited body mass index.

They use statistics based on age as well. One definition of "obese" is "over a certain percentile for age" which means a certain percentage of kids is going to be obese no matter how little food you give them. The tall and early-developing kids are fucked.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:10 AM (4ucxv)

115 Now, we have too many parents obsessed with themselves and their
interest and are more than willing to let the tv or the internet keep
the child entertained while they deal with their problem.
I see the opposite problem, honestly. I see hovering parents who go to every sporting event, dance, and practice to 'be involved' in their kids lives. The children are never able to do anything on their own. Then when they get to college they black out from over-drinking the first time they taste real freedom.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at December 13, 2010 11:11 AM (TpXEI)

116 Next up, not only will school food be "healthy" but it will also be "diverse" -- just like in England.
Don't get me wrong -- some of the stuff the schools feed the kids is hideous, and there's definitely room for improvement as far as what the kids are getting -- but this new government program isn't going to do squat (other than give the government something else to boss people around with and advance their agenda).
I'd also argue that we do have a lot of people in this country who could stand to eat a bit better -- but that should be a personal choice and there should be individual consequences (both of which seem to be disappearing from society at an alarming rate).

Posted by: unknown jane at December 13, 2010 11:11 AM (5/yRG)

117 Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:07 AM (Rn2kl)
That is two of us. When it was time to ship my oldest off to high school (private grade school) the wife and I decided she was going to a Catholic High School. She did not want to go. The other parents in her class could not believe we were sending her there against her wishes. One made the unfortunate mistake of asking me about one night at a basketball game "you really gonna send her there...she doesn't want to go?" My response: "yes....because in my house, the god damn inmates don't run the god damn asylum...I do."

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:11 AM (OWjjx)

118 It snowed today and I doubt my kids are going to get outside at school - the boys will be going nuts.

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 11:12 AM (7Jipo)

119 And now, the 1,500-employee-strong Bureau of Bake Sales within the Department of Education.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at December 13, 2010 11:12 AM (B+qrE)

120 108
OT: I s anybody else sick of the extended blow job the media are giving John Lennon's rotting corpse?

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 11:08 AM (xxgag)
It was a tragedy but they definitely make a much bigger deal out of it. Funny, you really don't hear about what is happening if Afghanistan, lots of our people getting killed but no coverage in the media.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:12 AM (LdYLm)

121 My mom used to throw my ass out when I got under foot with instructions to not come back for several hours.

Never, never said 'I'm bored' around my house because mom could find a million things I didn't want to do. In fact, when she got that look that tipped me off she'd soon be looking for child labor I'd be out the door and off on my bike, and not return until dinner time.

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 11:13 AM (lI4pw)

122 Hmmm..... Are they trying to say this is under their authority, due to the Commerce Clause???
Cause I can't think of any other power of Congress which gives them authority...
Commerce Clause, is there nothing it can't do???
Hmmm.... Commerce Clause, would that be Santa Clauses evil brother? The one they don't talk about who wants to ruin Christmas??? (sorry, watching too many holidaze specials).

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 13, 2010 11:14 AM (AdK6a)

123 OT: Honeymoon in Chernobyl and bring a glow to your bride's face.

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 11:14 AM (xxgag)

124 78
I think that we need a Fucking constitutional amendment that abolishes
the god damn "lame duck" congress. I mean what the fuck. The new
fucking congress should be seated the fucking day after the election.
It doesn't take 2 fucking months to get to DC anymore. Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 10:57 AM (Rn2kl)

There is one and only one requirement for Congress to meet after the election and before the new year, and that is to receive and certify the report from the College of Electors after a Presidential election. PERIOD. And under the circumstances, seating the newly elected / re-elected Congresscritters within a week of their election would satisfy that requirement and put an end to this bullshit lame duck fit-pitching we're seeing this time around.

Posted by: ya2daup at December 13, 2010 11:14 AM (yRrAd)

125 see the opposite problem, honestly. I see hovering parents who go to every sporting event, dance, and practice to 'be involved' in their kids lives. The children are never able to do anything on their own. Then when they get to college they black out from over-drinking the first time they taste real freedom
They are at practice.........but half the time (or more) what I see is the parents sitting around gossiping. Or bitching cause Janey or Susie isn't doing this or that. What I am talking about is actually get out there and playing with the kids.....after pratice.
But, you have a valid point, there are the very extreme parents who micromanage every moment of the child's life. And videotape it as well. Oh God Lord, can your kid take a friggin bowel movement without you there to record it...please?

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:14 AM (OWjjx)

126 I once met our current President Clinton after he jogged and had donuts and potato chips for breakfast. Liked the chips so much, he arranged for them to be in Air Force One! Martins Bar-B-Que Waffles are the best. The Maple Donuts aren't bad either.

Posted by: dfbaskwill at December 13, 2010 11:14 AM (71LDo)

127 And now, the 1,500-employee-strong Bureau of Bake Sales within the Department of Education.

So all those wankers with otherwise worthless degrees in Public Policy or Fat Studies get a well-compensated sinecure as a thank-you for voting for Barry. Lovely.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:15 AM (4ucxv)

128 OTOH, any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make a run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies and other shit like that, then make a killing bootlegging them to their classmates who've grown weary of the new Federal government dictated vending machine "snacks".
My step son did that for 1 1/2 years at his HS here in Nanny State Rhode Island, and well he had to do it on the sly. When the Vice Principal found out he was suspended for a WEEK! Meanwhile the kid with the joints in his pocket at the next locker, not so much.

Posted by: jimmytheleg at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (QPiHH)

129 Yep. They'll have to check the incoming student lunches. Won't other kids bringing in 'snacks' reduce morale for the school lunch changes?
Uh, they are sort of doing this already. Most schools restrict the type of "snacks" you can provide for events such as birthdays. Now, it is no longer cupcakes or whatever....cause someone may have an egg allergy. Oh, and no peanut butter sandwich for lunch....someone may have a peanut butter allergy.

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (OWjjx)

130 I remember in elementary school, which was decades ago, we only had gym 1-2/week. But got put outside everyday after lunch for 30 minutes or so.
I remember we had a 15 min recess mid-morning, then an hourto eat lunch then go play until the hour was up, and another 15 min recess in the afternoon.

Posted by: Annabelle at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (Zeljq)

131 Yeah, this worked so well with pop machines in Iowa. My kids were among the rest of the student body who made a morning run to Caseys and Hardees to get their daily sugar and caffeine. Kids had two-liter bottles of pop stuffed in their lockers and book bags.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (q7HXM)

132 How many Republicans voted for this POS in the Senate?

See @77. So few objected that it passed with unanimous consent.

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:19 AM (AZGON)

133 Lemme guess - they're allowed to do this 'cuz of the commerce clause...
Yet more intrusive BS. They have much more meaningful laws on the books (like those governing immigration, for example) that they don't even enforce,laws meant to protect people fromothers rather than themselves,yet they are willingto devote resources to policing this crap???
Tar. Feathers. Rail. Some assembly required.

Posted by: Reactionary at December 13, 2010 11:19 AM (xUM1Q)

134 115 We have both problems -- as with everything else now the "happy medium" cannot seem to be attained for even a second.
In our quest to do away with imperfections we have created a dysfunctional mess. In our desire and belief that we can obtain some form utopia, we are sliding towards hell on earth. All sides, factions, and groups are guilty of this...our "improvement" jags will be the death of us.

Posted by: unknown jane at December 13, 2010 11:20 AM (5/yRG)

I remember we had a 15 min recess mid-morning,
then an hourto eat lunch then go play until the hour was up, and
another 15 min recess in the afternoon.

Posted by: Annabelle at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (Zeljq)

We had recess every day that it wasn't raining for at least 30 minutes. Guess what else we asphalt playground...with a jungle gym...and real, big swings...and see-saws...and a sliding board, without a railing...How did we survive?!! Thank God the Federal Government is there to protect us now.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:20 AM (Rn2kl)

136 I want to see a renegade bake sale. What are the feds going to do? I can see the nightly report now - parents hauled off to jail for selling cookies and brownies with the contraband confiscated. It might wake up a few more people.

Posted by: InCali at December 13, 2010 11:20 AM (u1OeY)

137 Ho-Hos are the new contraband.
It'll be like a sale for weed with the skeevy 19 yeardude old that's still technically a junior. The 'transaction' will take place in his '88 Trans Am.

Posted by: laceyunderalls at December 13, 2010 11:21 AM (pLTLS)

138 I have reached the point where spluttering indignation about this sort of thing from "conservatives" just makes me chuckle. Ironic chuckles, but chuckles nevertheless.

Face it: You guys want a massive, intrusive Government. Gotta eliminate Dem Debbil Druuuugs, and nothing is out of line if it can be sold as doing that.

You're just pissed because somebody else has the controls and is using it to promote their program. The resulting protests aren't very convincing.


Posted by: Ric Locke at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (0kx35)

139 I bootlegged a lot of candy in elementary school. Taught me a ton about economics, and it also gave me a nice healthy contempt of authority and the skills to learn out to avoid and outsmart them.

I say bring it on.

Posted by: Phelps at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (jhIJh)

140 Most schools restrict the type of "snacks" you can provide for events such as birthdays.
I remember maybe ten years ago the first time I heard that cake wasn't allowed a school birthday parties. I thought that I had heard it all. I guess I was wrong.

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (xxgag)

141 Pshaw, this has nothing to do with health. It is a transparent secularist ploy to get God Created The Earth In Six Days Cola out of the schools.

Posted by: The Chap in the Deerstalker Cap at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (qndXR)

142 My sister's middle school french class has a bouche de noel baking contest every year. Now its been banned because eating cake is bad.

Posted by: JP at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (ctq0s)

143 there is a reqmt for the certification/education of food preparers????
we are here in rural poor Virginia. There are not many highly educated people working in school cafeterias. Why? because there isn't much pay for dishwasher.

Posted by: kelley in virginia at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (97r5C)

144 Lemme guess - they're allowed to do this 'cuz of the commerce clause...

My guess would be that it comes as string-attachment to any school system that takes federal funding (i.e. all of them).

Posted by: Farmer Joe at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (z4es9)

145 Because we can certainly afford S. 3307. It's not like $4.5 billion is real money. Now, a Presidency with a $400 billion deficit, that's virtually genocide.

Oh, wait... that was Bush. We're closing on on $2 trillion with Barry? That's different.

Now, see? Who cares about $4.5 billion?

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:23 AM (AZGON)

146 Oh, eff - the whitehouse has a sample menu under the new program up on their site:

Hot dog on bun (3 oz)
with ketchup (4 T)
Canned Pears (1/4 cup)
Raw Celery and Carrots
(1/8 cup each)
with ranch dressing (1.75 T)
Low-fat (1%) Chocolate Milk (8 oz)

Whole Wheat Spaghetti
with Meat Sauce (1/2 cup)
and Whole Wheat Roll
Green Beans, cooked (1/2 cup)
Broccoli (1/2 cup)
Cauliflower (1/2 cup)
Kiwi Halves, raw (1/2 cup)
Low-fat (1%) Milk (8 oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)
Soft Margarine (5 g)

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:23 AM (yea0z)

147 Meanwhile the kid with the joints in his pocket at the next locker, not so much.

Weed's good for you; Rice Krispie treats--fortified with how many different vitamins and minerals?--have to be banned.

We're being ruled by complete fucking idiots.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:24 AM (4ucxv)

148 Mallamutt,
On first look, I thought you said ingrates don't run the asylum.
This "lay off the caffeine" experiment isn't working so well...

Posted by: LibertarianJim at December 13, 2010 11:24 AM (PReJ3)

149 @138

Maybe it's just the angry old man in me, but I'm coming around to your point of view.

Unanimous consent. Incredible.

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:24 AM (AZGON)

150 Face it: You guys want a massive, intrusive Government. Gotta eliminate Dem Debbil Druuuugs, and nothing is out of line if it can be sold as doing that.Hey "Ric"
If you're going to go to bat for something, I suggest you pick something other than weed, blow and meth.
Additionally, in the immortal words of Junior Soprano, go shit in your hat.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at December 13, 2010 11:25 AM (B+qrE)

151 i never understood the whole school lunch thing anyway...the kids don't like it...on occassion i will go to school and sit with my son at lunch....the kids buying lunch usually stand in line, purchase the lunch, dump the lunch in the garbage can on the way to the table....and guess what union the lunch workers belong to? seiu

Posted by: phoenixgirl at December 13, 2010 11:25 AM (eOXTH)

152 I just got an email about the new requirement to list all registered guns on the tax form. It is supposed to be confirmed by Snopes, but I stopped trusting them when they were exposed as a husband-wife team with no expertise or training in uncovering the truth.

Any of you morons know?

Posted by: annie oakley at December 13, 2010 11:25 AM (0AkWH)

Whole Wheat Spaghetti
with Meat Sauce (1/2 cup)
and Whole Wheat Roll
Green Beans, cooked (1/2 cup)
Broccoli (1/2 cup)
Cauliflower (1/2 cup)
Kiwi Halves, raw (1/2 cup)
Low-fat (1%) Milk (8 oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)
Soft Margarine (5 g)

You forgot the chia seeds and the hair shirt.

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:26 AM (AZGON)

154 ""Is anybody else sick of the extended blow job the media are giving John Lennon's rotting corpse?""

Fuck yeah. I didn't give shit when it happened, and I really don't give a shit now.

Posted by: Berserker at December 13, 2010 11:26 AM (gWHrG)

155 Green Beans, cooked (1/2 cup)Broccoli (1/2 cup)Cauliflower (1/2 cup)Kiwi Halves, raw (1/2 cup)Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)

a) That's all going to end up in the garbage.
b) Even if it didn't, the reason you serve buttermilk or oil or cheese on vegetables is so the fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed by the body.

(I've been looking at Wikipedia, and I still don't see where M'Shell went for her degree in nutrition.)

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:26 AM (4ucxv)

156 You can pry my chocolate milk from my cold dead fingers!

Posted by: JP at December 13, 2010 11:26 AM (ctq0s)

157 Whole Wheat Spaghetti
with Meat Sauce (1/2 cup)
and Whole Wheat Roll
Green Beans, cooked (1/2 cup)
Broccoli (1/2 cup)
Cauliflower (1/2 cup)
Kiwi Halves, raw (1/2 cup)
Low-fat (1%) Milk (8 oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)
Soft Margarine (5 g)

I can see a whole lot of 8th grade growing boys eating that shit. Right. Good fucking grief. Local schools can't even decide what the fuck they feed their own kids. Where is my pitchfork?

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:26 AM (Rn2kl)

158 My kid's high school offers "healthy" food (which pisses me off because the correct term is "healthful"). Regardless, there's a 7-11 next door. At 3:15 the 7-11 is packed. Does M'Chell get to close down the 7-11? Or does she let them stay open if they add Gagh.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:27 AM (PFoBt)

159 More before/after rmeals:

Bean and cheese burrito (5.3 oz)
with mozzarella cheese (1 oz)
Applesauce (1/4 cup)
Orange Juice (4 oz)
2% Milk (8 oz)

Submarine Sandwich
(1 oz turkey, .5 oz low-fat cheese)
on Whole Wheat Roll
Refried Beans (1/2 cup)
Jicama (1/4 cup)
Green Pepper Strips (1/4 cup)
Cantaloupe wedges, raw (1/2 cup)
Skim Milk (8oz)
Mustard (9 grams)
Reduced fat mayonnaise (1oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)

Well. you know how kids love their raw green pepper strips and cantaloupe...

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:28 AM (yea0z)

160 It snowed today and I doubt my kids are going to get outside at school

I take it no snow ball fights, then?

Posted by: CUS at December 13, 2010 11:28 AM (wOGfT)

161 Good find on the menu.
Anyone else happy that limited the soft margarine to only 5g? Anything else would have been fucking ridiculous.
I hope there aresevere penalties for the kids who would dare use someone else's soft margaine and get a whole 10g a day.

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 11:28 AM (VoSja)

162 We had recess every day that it wasn't raining for at least 30 minutes.

On the rainy days they opened up the gym.

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 11:29 AM (lI4pw)

163 By the way, how can we have a childhood obesity and hunger problem at the same time?

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:29 AM (Rn2kl)

164 It will be very interesting to see if the Government can change behavior through mandates...I firmly doubt this and I base my thoughts on one of my clients (Summer children's camp) and their experimentation with food menus...I don't need to tell you what works and what doesn't; it's common sense.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:29 AM (5qJM5)

165 I asked my boys if they EVER at the fruit I put in their lunch. No. I shopped, bought, carried home, refridgerated, washed and packed fruit for 13 years that ended up in the trash.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:29 AM (PFoBt)

166 Jicama (1/4 cup)

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (PFoBt)

167 Whole Wheat Spaghetti
with Meat Sauce (1/2 cup)
and Whole Wheat Roll
Green Beans, cooked (1/2 cup)
Broccoli (1/2 cup)
Cauliflower (1/2 cup)
Kiwi Halves, raw (1/2 cup)
Low-fat (1%) Milk (8 oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dip (1 oz)
Soft Margarine (5 g)

Oh sure, like teenage boys are gonna eat something that tastes like half boiled cardboard. Of course, not that public schools actually care about boys in the first place.....

Posted by: Akornzombie at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (plA0w)

168 142
My sister's middle school french class has a bouche de noel baking
contest every year. Now its been banned because eating cake is bad.

Posted by: JP at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (ctq0s)
Mon Dieu!

Posted by: Marie Antoinette at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (5qJM5)

169 On the rainy days they opened up the gym.

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 11:29 AM (lI4pw)

Our elementary school back in the 70's didn't have a gym. We had indoor recess. The most memorable one being a knock down drag out fight with my best friend in 4th grade. Ahh, good times.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (Rn2kl)

170 When the whole vending machine in schools controversy cropped up twenty or so years ago, it was the conservatives fighting them and the libs calling us dinosaurs and idiots because we couldn't see the value in soda and candy bars on the school property.

They change back to our side and still call us dinosaurs and idiots.


Posted by: flashbazzbo, s.e. at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (i0rVe)

171 We didn't have any vending machines in High School and it was no biggie.

Neither did we. But our Jr. High and High Schools did have "snack bars" that opened after lunch service waiting for next period, and for 30 minutes after school, candy bar or ice cream sandwich. And the kids who worked there earned money. It wasn't volunteer.

Posted by: maverick muse at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (H+LJc)

172 Gie me Sno Balls, or give me death.

Posted by: Nathan "Alan" Hale at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (bs5fH)

173 On first look, I thought you said ingrates don't run the asylum.
Well, I have 2 teenage sometimes ingrates works.

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (OWjjx)

174 160 It snowed today and I doubt my kids are going to get outside at schoolI take it no snow ball fights, then?
Posted by: CUS at December 13, 2010 11:28 AM (wOGfT)
Can't go outside with snow on the ground. Someone might slip.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (PFoBt)

175 We had recess every day that it wasn't raining for at least 30 minutes. Guess what else we asphalt playground...with a jungle gym...and real, big swings...and see-saws...and a sliding board, without a railing...How did we survive?!!
Heh, I remember that too. If it had rained, stay on the blacktop. If it was raining we could stay in our classrooms for free timeor go to the gym and play dodgeball. The horrible, evil dodgeball with boys and girls playing in the same game, oh no!! It was great fun.

Posted by: Annabelle at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (Zeljq)

176 166

Jicama (1/4 cup)


Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (PFoBt)
Ummm, don't knock it till you've, uhhhhhhhhh, tried it. By the way, have you, ummmmmmmm, seen the price of, Ahhhhrugula?

Posted by: TEH WON at December 13, 2010 11:32 AM (5qJM5)

177 Back in the day it was simple. Our neighborhood playgrounds were (a) a vacant lot where no house was yet built, and (b) a wood/wetland area near the neighborhood that hadn't been developed within an inch of our lives. Activity was freeform, and usually involved some level of imagination and creativity, or at least some healthy exploring of the area. Supervision typically took the form of a peer who'd gotten a head start on that maturity thing.

We came through it pretty good. I should also note the blackberries we got from the aforementioned semi-wild area made a quite tasty cobbler, with nobody on our cases over any of it.

It really, really shows the folks who came up with this had a dysfunctional urban background.

Posted by: AoSHQ's DarkLord© at December 13, 2010 11:32 AM (GBXon)

178 Wait...1% milk twice a week?
Just watch, liberals groups will whine about some health study that shows children have 7% greater odds of experiencing elementary school ennui when they don't consume skim mlik all week.

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 11:32 AM (VoSja)

179 Cantaloupe wedges, raw (1/2 cup)

Hey, c'mon. Kids need something to prop open their books.

Posted by: George Orwell at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (AZGON)

180 By the way, how can we have a childhood obesity and hunger problem at the same time?
Because there's nothing on those plates a kid would eat?

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (4ucxv)

181 I think boys focus better if they can get some good physical exercise in the middle of the day and not sitting at at desk for 6 hours.
Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:01 AM (LdYLm)
That's some of the philosophy behind the homeschooling movement. Most young kids don't have the ability to sit still and focus on one academic subject after another for hours on end. Some in the movement advocate only teaching elementary age kids for a few hours during the day, then letting them free to followother pursuits the rest of the day (as Thomas Edison's mother did to him). This could include taking care of animals, learning practical skills in housework and yardwork, reading, taking up a hobby (such as playing an instrument, painting, arts and crafts, etc.)

Posted by: Book Geek at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (1+OO5)

182 Lame duck congress: all your school vending machine are belong to us
American public: Yeah, so? yawn...

Posted by: snort at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (K/USr)

183 ""Is anybody else sick of the extended blow job the media are giving John Lennon's rotting corpse?""
Yeah. Enough already. Sorry, my vote for most overrated band of all times - The Beattles. Though Nirvana does give them a run for their money.

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (OWjjx)

184 Our elementary school back in the
70's didn't have a gym. We had indoor recess. The most memorable one
being a knock down drag out fight with my best friend in 4th grade.
Ahh, good times.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:30 AM (Rn2kl)
...we had a gym -- with DODGEBALL for gymclass...good times, indeed!!!

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (5qJM5)

185 And just as bad, I doubt the incoming Congress will try to repeal this, nor will the new GOP House try to deprive it of funding, because they will be afraid of offending the so-called soccer moms. Its just another one of these things we'll have to put up with for a good long time, and more proof that elections have consequences.

Posted by: ThePaganTemple at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (2qv2r)

186 Because there's nothing on those plates a kid would eat?

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (4ucxv)

Then I guess they get fat from going to the convenience store after school and eating chips and cheetos.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:34 AM (Rn2kl)

187 I guess the Republicans just have not got the message. I guess in 2012 it will be 2x4 time in the primaries again. And I don't want to hear a single freakin word about "purity Republicans".
I just got an email about the new requirement to list all registered guns on the tax form.

That myth was debunked long ago. In fact the original myth was sent around years ago and you would have seen it in your income tax forms years ago if it were true.

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 11:34 AM (e4sSD)

188 Yeah, this worked so well with pop machines in Iowa. My kids were among the rest of the student body who made a morning run to Caseys and Hardees to get their daily sugar and caffeine. Kids had two-liter bottles of pop stuffed in their lockers and book bags.
Posted by: katya, the designated driver at December 13, 2010 11:17 AM (q7HXM)
This makes a good point. The agents of the state think that by doing this they are forcing people to become good littleconformists. What they are really doing is creating scofflaws. When the law becomes a joke, as it is here, it creates lawlessness. People are quite right to mock and ignore this law, so any work done to undermine it is wholly justified. But the mentality that the rules are meant to be broken spreads and worsens with time.

Posted by: Reactionary at December 13, 2010 11:34 AM (xUM1Q)

189 I went to a girls' prep school. We had one vending machine that sold soda. Only seniors were allowed to use it. 20 cents bought you a 6 oz soda, we only drank the Tab. However on Tuesdays we ate 3-4 Dreamsicles each. After 9th grade, I don't remember eating anything for lunch except apples and Tab, except on Tuesdays. I can't imagine the boys would do the same.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:34 AM (PFoBt)

190 Psssst! Hey kid, you wanna buy some Hershey Brown?

Posted by: Shady Kid standing Next to Your Locker at December 13, 2010 11:34 AM (xxgag)

191 ...we had a gym -- with DODGEBALL for gymclass...good times, indeed!!!

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (5qJM5)

We did too once we got to middle school. Could you imagine a middle school letting boys and girls play co-ed dodgeball now. The horror!!

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:35 AM (Rn2kl)

192 Another one for the whitehouse:

Pizza sticks (3.8 oz)
with marinara sauce (1.4 cup)
Raisins (1 oz)
Whole Milk (8 oz)

Chef Salad
(1 cup romaine, .5 oz low-fat mozzarella,
1.5 oz grilled chicken) with Whole Wheat
Soft Pretzel (2.5 oz)
Corn, cooked (1/2 cup)
Baby Carrots, raw (1/4 cup)
Skim Chocolate Milk (8 oz)
Low Fat Ranch Dressing (1.5 oz)
Low Fat Italian Dressing (1.5 oz)

1.5 oz of chicken . My my, the war with East Asia must be going well. And kids sure do love romaine lettuce, don't they?

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:36 AM (yea0z)

193 185
And just as bad, I doubt the incoming Congress will try to repeal this,
nor will the new GOP House try to deprive it of funding, because they
will be afraid of offending the so-called soccer moms. Its just another
one of these things we'll have to put up with for a good long time, and
more proof that elections have consequences.

Posted by: ThePaganTemple
at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (2qv2r)Can't we all just get along?'s what the American People want!

Posted by: John Boner et. al. at December 13, 2010 11:36 AM (5qJM5)

194 I've always wanted to experiment with a school for boys which would involve 40 minutes of academics followed my 15 minutes of exercise alternately throughout the day.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:37 AM (PFoBt)

195 We did too once we got to middle school. Could you imagine a middle school letting boys and girls play co-ed dodgeball now. The horror!!
Oh, thanks for the bad memories. 5th grade we had a girl who was a softball pitcher who threw the dodgeball underhand and was deadly. Then she learned how to curve the dodgeball.........
Recess, she was always first picked when setting up the dodgeball teams.

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:37 AM (OWjjx)

196 Psssst! Hey kid, you wanna buy some Hershey Brown?

A friend of mine once wrote an agit-prop story about a "utopian" community that had a black market in smuggled chocolate. Who knew it would be so prophetic?

Posted by: Farmer Joe at December 13, 2010 11:37 AM (z4es9)

197 The low fat stuff is crap. They pump more sugar in it to give it taste. And it's far better to eat butter than margarine. Same for whole milk vs skim. Why the hell are they giving kids skim milk? There's practically zero nutrients left in it.

Posted by: Tami at December 13, 2010 11:38 AM (VuLos)

198 183

""Is anybody else sick of the extended blow job the media are giving John Lennon's rotting corpse?""

Yeah. Enough already. Sorry, my vote for most overrated band of all
times - The Beattles. Though Nirvana does give them a run for their

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:33 AM (OWjjx)
How soon we forget the promise and ultimate demise of the Bay City Rollers!

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:38 AM (LdYLm)

199 Ummm, don't knock it till you've, uhhhhhhhhh, tried it. By the way, have you, ummmmmmmm, seen the price of, Ahhhhrugula?
I have tried it. I GUARENTEE YOU that they will NOT eat "jicama" because they a. won't like it and b. won't try it because they don't know what the f it is.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:38 AM (PFoBt)

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well." @politico

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 11:38 AM (b+yWd)

201 We did too once we got to middle
school. Could you imagine a middle school letting boys and girls play
co-ed dodgeball now. The horror!!

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:35 AM (Rn2kl)
I've heard it is strictly VERBOTTEN!!!...Dodgeball, Kickball -- cripes, 4-square's probably off the table, too. Soccer anyone?

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (5qJM5)

202 Where is my pitchfork?

They took it away while you were sleeping (without a warrant.) I thought that was in the email! Oh, I forgot, they took that away also.

Posted by: Big Brother at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (71LDo)

203 Most young kids don't have the ability to sit still and focus on one academic subject after another for hours on end.
Hell, I was like this right up through high school. I loathed it.
Then I went to college and figured out I could take a nap, grab a snack, and play video games between classes.

Posted by: LibertarianJim at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (PReJ3)

204 In one of the skools I attended, the band teacher managed the soda vending machines, - he embezzled 5¢ per can for 35 years.

Posted by: Fritz at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (GwPRU)


Shut the fuc up and fuc you.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (uFokq)

206 How soon we forget the promise and ultimate demise of the Bay City Rollers!
Oh....but those boys could wear plaid like no one in the history of mankind!

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (OWjjx)

207 Again, anyone care to argue that the Constitution has any meaningful role in the nation's government at this point?

Posted by: snort at December 13, 2010 11:40 AM (K/USr)

208 Can't go outside with snow on the
ground. Someone might slip.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (PFoBt)
Oh Sweet Jesus...we used to build igloo's in the plow-mounds at elementary school!

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:41 AM (5qJM5)

209 For the entire week a student would eat:
2oz of baked fish.
1.5oz of grilled chicken
1oz turkey
Meat sauce on spaghetti
I'm counting about two to threeservings of meat for the week. Removing meat from the menu is going to make the students finish their jicama....right.

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 11:41 AM (VoSja)

210 don't know what the f it is
I don't know what jicama is, and I refuse to look it up.
Can a fellow moron put me some f'n knowledge, preferably in expletive-laden and sarcastic moron-speak?

Posted by: LibertarianJim at December 13, 2010 11:42 AM (PReJ3)

211 207

Again, anyone care to argue that the Constitution has any meaningful role in the nation's government at this point?

Posted by: snort at December 13, 2010 11:40 AM (K/USr)
I like wiping my ass on it! Nice and crackly.

Posted by: Barack Mussolini Obama at December 13, 2010 11:42 AM (LdYLm)

212 Another:

Breaded beef patty (4 oz)
with ketchup (2 T)
Wheat roll (2 oz)
Frozen Fruit Juice Bar (2.4 oz)
2% Milk (8 oz)

Oven-Baked Fish nuggets (2 oz)
with Whole Wheat Roll
Mashed Potatoes (1/2 cup)
Steamed Broccoli (1/2 cup)
(canned, packed in juice – ½ cup)
Skim Milk (8 oz)
Tarter Sauce (1.5 oz)
Soft Margarine (5 g)

Sorry kids, 2% milk is for closers. You get skim.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:42 AM (yea0z)

213 Dam... we used to sell Candy from the School Office between classes... and at lunch at the "fast food" line... no sodas though...
But then, this was in the 70's, and we had an approved designated smoking area.... and guns in the rack of yer pickup was more normal, than a reason for expulsion.

Posted by: Romeo13 at December 13, 2010 11:43 AM (AdK6a)

214 Well. you know how kids love their raw green pepper strips and cantaloupe...I actually know a 6 y/o and 3 y/o who do (however, the eat like their parents).They also love avocadoes andsalads, every kind of fruit do will eat those foods if they're raised eating those foods AND there are no subs offered if they don't eat them.
I grew up on a truck farm and we ate peppers while we picked them, busted cantaloupes as snacks, had great tomato wars while picking the over ripe maters in between eating them. etc. The biggest reason was--- there was nothing else to choose from to eat. This world where kids have 1000 choices and Mom will get up from the supper table to fix something else for Jr. (I've seen this done too many times) is why kids don't eat peppers and canteloupes.
I also work with kids in a peds psych unit--- you get the kids saying "I don't eat this" and it's "OK, this is what you get". No subs. It's amazing how quickly they learn than an apple, milkand some graham crackers are a fabulous afternoon snack.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:43 AM (Ty06w)

215 My sister's middle school french class has a bouche de noel baking
contest every year. Now its been banned because eating cake is bad.

At Thanksgiving, my (scrawny) 6-year-old nephew yelled at his mom for "making him fat" by feeding him cereal in the mornings (he said this with a mouth full of Mimi's chocolate chip pancakes, heh). I managed to stop the "What the FUCK are they teaching you in kindergarten?!" before it got to my mouth, since everyone would have focused on the bad word and not the question...

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:43 AM (4ucxv)

216 138
I have reached the point where spluttering indignation about this sort
of thing from "conservatives" just makes me chuckle. Ironic chuckles,
but chuckles nevertheless.

Face it: You guys want a massive,
intrusive Government. Gotta eliminate Dem Debbil Druuuugs, and nothing
is out of line if it can be sold as doing that.

You're just
pissed because somebody else has the controls and is using it to promote
their program. The resulting protests aren't very convincing.


Posted by: Ric
Locke at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (0kx35)
Hey Ric, you self-professed 'Broken-Tooth Redneck'...come back; better yet, GTFO, prick.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:44 AM (5qJM5)

217 I'm counting about two to threeservings of meat for the week.
"And you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day."

Posted by: Jello Biafra, taken out of context at December 13, 2010 11:44 AM (PReJ3)

218 206
How soon we forget the promise and ultimate demise of the Bay City Rollers!

Oh....but those boys could wear plaid like no one in the history of mankind!

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (OWjjx)
Ock Aye!

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:44 AM (LdYLm)

219 Tarter Sauce (1.5 oz)

Isn't that just mayonnaise with green stuff?

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:45 AM (4ucxv)

220 Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤
at December 13, 2010 11:43 AM (Ty06w)

Looks like we stirred up a Troll's Nest...

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:45 AM (5qJM5)

How did we ever survive before the progressives came along and told us how to live, what to eat, how to think, etc?

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:45 AM (uFokq)

222 -Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas 1996-2007

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act makes significant progress toward ending
child hunger and obesity by expanding access to federal child nutrition
programs and improving the nutritional value they provide. In addition
to reauthorizing federal child nutrition programs, the act will help
address childhood obesity by reducing the fat and calorie content of
school meals. Reversing the childhood obesity epidemic in a single
generation – as First Lady Michelle Obama has called upon our nation to
do – won’t be easy. It will require a long-term, sustained commitment
to attacking this issue across multiple fronts. The Healthy,
Hunger-Free Kids Act makes great strides toward eliminating this threat
to our children's health.”

Posted by: pam at December 13, 2010 11:46 AM (uDwml)

223 221

How did we ever survive before the progressives came along and told us how to live, what to eat, how to think, etc?

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:45 AM (uFokq)
We didn't. We died.

Posted by: Radioactive Satellite Of LOVE at December 13, 2010 11:46 AM (LdYLm)

224 197 The low fat stuff is crap. They pump more sugar in it to give it taste. And it's far better to eat butter than margarine. Same for whole milk vs skim. Why the hell are they giving kids skim milk? There's practically zero nutrients left in it.
All that's removed from skim milk is the fat--- the PRO, CHO, Ca etc remain the same.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:46 AM (Ty06w)

225 207

Again, anyone care to argue that the Constitution has any meaningful role in the nation's government at this point?

Posted by: snort

Constitution: I do not believe that means what you think it means.

Posted by: Inigo Montoya at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (mka2b)

226 #150: As I said. Cops breaking doors down more or less at random? Warrantless searches? Random traffic stops? Hey, it's all cool! It's for the children! Their health might suffer!

Now somebody else has the controls and a different agenda, and you splutter in indignation. Like I said, it ain't convincing.


Posted by: Ric Locke at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (0kx35)

227 when I was growing up, we experienced the following
drank out of the hose
no seat belts
no bike helmets
legal fireworks
no diet soda
no childproof anything

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (b+yWd)

228 220 Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:43 AM (Ty06w)Looks like we stirred up a Troll's Nest...
I've been here a long time sweetie, I'm not a troll.... try again for a better come back.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (Ty06w)

229 If you happen to havea male 15 year old athlete, what happens to him? He can't survive on jicama and low fat ranch. My oldest at 19 runs 7 miles every morning and even with a cheeseburger laden diet has trouble staying over 7% body fat. If he were only allowed M'chelle's diet, he would starve or have to quit exercising. His little brother is 6 feet and 200 lbs with a 30 in waist. He eats a meal to give himself energy to eat a meal. He practices something 3 hours a day. I don't deny him any food. Sorry Nannies.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (PFoBt)

230 One more nail in the coffin of American freedoms. As expected:

President Obama signs the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at December 13, 2010 11:48 AM (9hSKh)

231 A jicama is abland, tastelessMexican turnip. Kids hate it, but it ties in so well with the multicultural curriculum.
Teacher: Did you students enjoy your jicama at lunch today?
Students: No
Teacher: You wouldn't you racist bastards. Extra jicama tomorrow and a field trip to pick jicama in Mexico to learn about our colonialist immigration policy.

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 11:48 AM (VoSja)

232 OTOH, any budding young capitalists will quickly realize they can make a
run to Dollar Tree and stock up on "unhealthy" Little Debbies

Ya, don't say?

When I grew up we had no vending machines in school. I would go to the drug store and buy penny candy, yes I am THAT old, and sell it to the kids for at least 2 cents, some stuff I got a nickel for. The long taffy would go for a nickel, since it was a big piece of candy!

Good times, then I would buy me some crack, well not really.

Posted by: Kemp at December 13, 2010 11:48 AM (vSiVD)

"... give the government the power to decide what kinds of foods may be
sold in ... fundraisers during school

So, when Sarah Palin said that this would give the feds the power to stop schools from selling brownies at bake sales, she was right and her critics were full of shit. As usual.

Posted by: Brown Line at December 13, 2010 11:48 AM (lHRwg)

234 Can't go outside with snow on the ground. Someone might slip.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:31 AM (PFoBt)

Shit, I got biffed so hard in the face once with a snowball I was lucky I was wearing glasses. Otherwise, I probably would be blind. I came back to class with my glasses all bent, and my face beet red I got a cross glance from the teacher.
They used to freeze the schoolyard for hockey and stuff. We had contests to see if who could slid all the way across the ice during recess.Anyone ever skitch on cars? Wait until they slow down, then grab on for a free ride?

Posted by: CUS at December 13, 2010 11:48 AM (wOGfT)

235 I've been here a long time sweetie, I'm not a troll.... try again for a better come back.
Your as fashionable as the Bay City Rollers plaid................. (I keed, I keed)

Posted by: Mallamutt, just wanting to work the Bay City Rollers into another post at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (OWjjx)

236 Look, it's like I keep saying...take the warnings off everything for 18 months and let nature run its course.

We've been fending Darwin off for too long, and I don't mean Creationism in textbooks.

Posted by: AoSHQ's DarkLord© at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (GBXon)


Shut up, Ric Cocsucer

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (uFokq)

238 219
Tarter Sauce (1.5 oz)

that just mayonnaise with green stuff?

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:45 AM (4ucxv)
Mayo, relish, worcestershire sauce, lemon and tabasco -- least that's how I make it; guarantee they'll use some low-fat crap as a sub for the mayo.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (5qJM5)

239 we used to build igloo's in the plow-mounds at elementary school!

When we could talk him in to it, my father would take us to the Alms House (county run poor house in those days) and we'd sled down their big hill. County employees! would run flat-beds pulled by tractors to tow us back to the top. Imagine doing that stuff on county property now.

Posted by: Retread at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (lI4pw)

240 You wanna cure childhood obesity? Take away the teevee and thePlaystation and the laptop- make the little fockers play outside

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 11:49 AM (b+yWd)

241 Could you imagine a middle school letting boys and girls play co-ed dodgeball now.

We had it high school Phys Ed. I got a concussion from one of those varsity football players I sold candy bars to.

*snicker* Only took 20 years, but I suddenly find that funny.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (4ucxv)

Ric is the type of grown man who wears a helmet when he rides his bicycle.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (uFokq)

243 Simply amazing. A liberal cockholster on Fox just now saying we MUST reinstate the death tax in order to take care of the deficit.

That at the same time they are going to sign into law an unconstitutional $5B bill to take over school lunch rooms.

Never mind that:

1. The death tax has never raised any appreciable amount of money. It only succeeded in breaking up businesses and farms while the real billionairs avoided the tax through various loopholes.

2. No tax increase has ever reduced the debt in the history of the country because it gets spent at rates higher than the tax AND the economy gets hit from the tax thus reducing the taxes actually collected.

And he had the nerve to say this was a scheme "to exploit the wealthy".

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (e4sSD)

244 When I was in high school.... we had vending machines, a snack bar.
and a SMOKING lounge.

ahhh.. those were the days.

Posted by: Timbo at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (ph9vn)

245 Mayo, relish, worcestershire sauce, lemon and tabasco -- least that's how I make it; guarantee they'll use some low-fat crap as a sub for the mayo.I add minced onion to mine--- wonderful stuff!

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (Ty06w)

Ric hates those fascist cops, but loves socialized medicine.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (uFokq)

247 228

220 Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010
11:43 AM (Ty06w)

Looks like we stirred up a Troll's Nest...

I've been here a long time sweetie, I'm not a troll.... try again
for a better come back.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤
at December 13, 2010 11:47 AM (Ty06w) My bad -- apologies offered.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:51 AM (5qJM5)

248 Eric Cartman sold contraband candy at fat camp.

"You know what you need? You need a friend. A chocolate friend."

Posted by: AmishDude at December 13, 2010 11:51 AM (T0NGe)

249 Now somebody else has the controls and a different agenda, and you splutter in indignation. Like I said, it ain't convincing.Meth = Lemon bars.
Got it.
Shove your head in a blender and hit puree, dunce.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at December 13, 2010 11:51 AM (B+qrE)

250 Bachelor Tartar Sauce Recipe
Mayo + pickle relish
Bachelor "Secret Sauce"
Mayo + ketchup

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 11:51 AM (b+yWd)

251 If he were only allowed M'chelle's diet, he would starve or have to quit exercising.

I'm pretty sure that's an intended consequence.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 11:51 AM (4ucxv)

252 Ric, I doubt we are as monolithic on that subject as you think. National Review - that good old liberal standby - has long since declared the drug war over and advocated legalization and regulation of evil druuugs.

Posted by: RM at December 13, 2010 11:52 AM (1kwr2)

253 It is good for budding entrepreneurs. My daughter is a student teacher in a middle school with food restrictions. Some of the kids make their spending money by bringing in and selling soda and such at high markups.

Posted by: PowerLifter at December 13, 2010 11:52 AM (h6+3E)

254 245
Mayo, relish, worcestershire sauce, lemon and tabasco -- least
that's how I make it; guarantee they'll use some low-fat crap as a sub
for the mayo.

I add minced onion to mine--- wonderful stuff!

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤
at December 13, 2010 11:50 AM (Ty06w)
I (sometimes) thrown in yellow curry; gives it a little kick / different flavor.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:52 AM (5qJM5)

255 244
When I was in high school.... we had vending machines, a snack bar.
and a SMOKING lounge.

We had one too. It was the boys room in the corner on the second floor. Never went in there, smelled too bad and you reaked of smoke all day.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:52 AM (Rn2kl)

256 at my son's elementary school they have a big field....for soccer...then two play grounds, one for k thru 2nd and the other for 3rd thru 5th. then a large asphalt area that is marked for four square, nine square and loads of free space....the yard duty ladies make sure the only running done outside is on the have to sit on a bench if they run on the asphalt...

Posted by: phoenixgirl at December 13, 2010 11:53 AM (eOXTH)

257 All that's removed from skim milk is the fat--- the PRO, CHO, Ca etc remain the same.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 11:46 AM (Ty06w)
Whole milk is better for you than skimmed....hands down. At least give the poor kids 2%. The fat in milk is needed by our bodies.
And don't even get me started on Soy...biggest fraud perpetrated on the American public.

Posted by: Tami at December 13, 2010 11:53 AM (VuLos)

258 2. No tax increase has ever reduced the debt in the history of the
country because it gets spent at rates higher than the tax AND the
economy gets hit from the tax thus reducing the taxes actually

Obama was confronted in a debate with the fact that the death tax did not raise revenue and that lowering it would result in greater revenue.

He said he didn't care and that the death tax should be high for "fairness" purposes.

Posted by: AmishDude at December 13, 2010 11:53 AM (T0NGe)

259 I've said it before to many people on various jobs, and I'll say it again: I'll drink low-fat milk when they show me a low-fat cow.
Milk is good for kids. If they ever ran around and fell down a lot, like I did, they'd need that calcium for strong bones.
I still hate that blue-tinted low-fat milk. Has absolutely no flavor.

Posted by: RickZ at December 13, 2010 11:53 AM (vGy3W)

260 92
Why don't we just ban fat kids instead?

Posted by: Cherry π at December 13, 2010 11:02 AM (+sBB4)
Hey, youse talking to me?

Posted by: Gov Christie at December 13, 2010 11:53 AM (vSiVD)

261 Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:44 AM (5qJM5)

"The warlock" is just happy that anything he might spawn in one of his rituals is guaranteed breakfast, lunch and dinner... just so he and his beautiful partner have extended financial resources for more cheap Mexican drugs, be they recreational or antibiotic.

Posted by: LC LaWedgie at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (RnVNE)

262 How soon we forget the promise and ultimate demise of the Bay City Rollers!
Oh....but those boys could wear plaid like no one in the history of mankind!

Posted by: Mallamutt at December 13, 2010 11:39 AM (OWjjx)
I remember cocksucker Howard Cosell shilling for them on MNF for his unwatchable variety show before that dogshit got cancelled. Other prime musical guests: Jimmy Connors!!11!!

Posted by: Captain Hate at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (kOMUP)

We had one too. It was the boys room in the
corner on the second floor. Never went in there, smelled too bad and
you reaked of smoke all day.

Posted by: Hedgehog at December 13, 2010 11:52 AM (Rn2kl)

We had two... actual outside smoking lounge for the kids.. with seats and everything.

Posted by: Timbo at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (ph9vn)

264 I hate these goddam awful people.

Posted by: SurferDoc at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (o3bYL)

265 "...better yet, GTFO, prick. Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 11:44 AM (5qJM5"Ah, a Democrat. Welcome to the forum.Regards,Ric

Posted by: Ric Locke at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (0kx35)

266 This is one I love to use on libs: You know who the first health Nazis were?

The actual Nazis.

Posted by: AmishDude at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (T0NGe)

267 My middle son had straight As and was 95% on his standardized tests. Honor roll? Not in 8th grade. He was too "rough" during the "football unit" (which he had played for real since 2nd grade). I told him since the fat female gym teacher thought torturing him was fun, he could go ahead and have some fun with her (within reason). The worst she could do was keep him off honor roll which was already happening.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 11:54 AM (PFoBt)

268 My SIL was telling me a story about this Ninny at my niece's elementary school.. An anorexic mother of course that wants to make all the little girls as self-conscious as she is w/her body image issues.
[she must have pics of the school board members -- she's not even a PTA member. not sure where she wielded all this power]. Anyway, she banned these ice cream socials the kids would have to kick off the school year. Once a freakin' year and she replaced it guess right a salad bar.
Oh the other thing...
The sweet old janitor that has worked at the school for 30+ years -- he would seek volunteers to help him wipe down the tables after lunch. And then each kid would get ONE tootsie roll. The little crappy tootsie roll. Anyway, this hag banned that too. She said he could keep soliciting for student volunteers -- she suggested he make certificates instead.
The worst? She goes around at lunch and gives kids gold stars that 'seem' to be eating healthy lunches. She of course is the judge of how healthy the meal is. The kids are no w in freak-out mode if they don't get a sticker.
My niece (nine yrls old) told me the other day that we 'all need to drink more water'. I told her to go eat a Twinkie.

Posted by: laceyunderalls at December 13, 2010 11:56 AM (pLTLS)

Ric reminds me of DMXdroid.

Both are a couple of know-it-all cocksuckers.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:56 AM (uFokq)

270 I add minced onion to mine--- wonderful stuff!

Capers. Don't forget the capers. Some spicy mustard, too!!

Mayo + ketchup

I always considered that French Dressing.

Posted by: CUS at December 13, 2010 11:56 AM (wOGfT)

Ric is so simple he gets his news and world-view from the Daily Show and Colbert.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 11:57 AM (uFokq)

272 Firefox seems to hang up while loading ads. Seems to eventually load but takes several minutes. Any settings anyone know of?

Posted by: kansas at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (mka2b)

273 If they take out the vending machines will that allow room to expand the high school nursery?

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (judfL)

274 He was too "rough" during the "football unit" (which he had played for real since 2nd grade).
What grade is he in? Why does he have a female Gym Teacher?
Can't they trust her in the Girls Locker room?

Posted by: garrett at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (sk8k3)

275 Firefox seems to hang up while loading ads. Seems to eventually load but takes several minutes. Any settings anyone know of?

Posted by: kansas at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (mka2b)
Install the Adblock plus add-on.

Posted by: Tami at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (VuLos)

276 From the whitehouse:

President Obama Signs Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Into Law

First Lady Michelle Obama, Administration Officials and Let’s Move! Advocates Reaffirm Commitment to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids

“As Vice Chair of the Partnership for a Healthier America, I join President Obama and the First Lady in celebrating the signing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. This bi-partisan legislation will significantly enhance the quality of food for our children for generations to come and is a dramatic step forward in reducing childhood obesity. As a physician, I know smart nutrition leads to healthy and productive lives. With 36.5% of our children in Tennessee being overweight, this act goes a long way in ensuring that kids in Tennessee and around the country will have the healthy nutrition they deserve.”

- U.S. Senator Bill Frist (R-TN)

“Congratulations to First Lady Michelle Obama, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and to the bi-partisan support in the Congress to pass the Healthy, Hunger Free Children Act. By passing a bill that addresses the nutritional quality of school lunches, an important step is being taken to give children choices that will make them healthier and more productive.”

-Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas 1996-2007

Our team, ladies and gentlemen....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:59 AM (yea0z)

277 Whole milk is better for you than skimmed....hands down. At least give the poor kids 2%. The fat in milk is needed by our bodies.
And don't even get me started on Soy...biggest fraud perpetrated on the American public.I happen to like and use both myself. I'm an advocate of a wide variety of foods and no one food being a magic bullet. We give our kids 2% because they're still growing and hopefully, are more active. At birth, a child needs 200 kcal per Kg. By adulthood, that number can be as low as 30 kcal per Kg (even 20 in the obese). However, I also deal with morbidly obese kids and yes, the problem there is too much food and too little activity. Plus the crap they're admitted for (that doesn't help).

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 12:00 PM (Ty06w)

278 lacy

i'd be all over the school asking why this person was in the lunch room stalking the kids and their's one thing to go in and sit with your kid during lunch, unless she's on the payroll at the school she shouldn't be having access to everyones kids.....that's totally creepy and i'd consider a restraining order.....seriously.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (eOXTH)

279 Ric is so simple he gets his news and world-view from the Daily Show and Colbert.
That qualifies him as learned and scholarly in Democrat circles.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (vbh31)

280 I hope someone slipped a buy American provision in there

Posted by: Jean at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (Ja6pC)

and there's the federal govt coming into our homes and taking over as parents...

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (uFokq)

282 Meth = Lemon bars.

To the people who thought this up, the difference is too small to notice. And they're just as sincere and indignant about it as you are.


Posted by: Ric Locke at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (0kx35)

283 Michelle and the Obama's should not be the face of this effort.
The day a smoker, his wife with a big caboose and their child who should be the "before" picture for any ad campaign are the ones officially promoting it, well....hard to take too seriously.

Posted by: Who Knows at December 13, 2010 12:02 PM (QLiYt)

284 No jicama in a child's diet is the main impediment to the educational productivity of children. Few people know that Huckabee owes his political successes to jicama-related food stuffs.

Posted by: Paper at December 13, 2010 12:02 PM (VoSja)

285 274
He was too "rough" during the "football unit" (which he had played for real since 2nd grade).
What grade is he in? Why does he have a female Gym Teacher?
Can't they trust her in the Girls Locker room?
Posted by: garrett at December 13, 2010 11:58 AM (sk8k3)
He was in 8th grade then and there was no locker room. However, in high school the female gym teacher who looks so much like Rachael Maddow you have to do a double take, is NOT allowed in the girls' locker room.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 12:03 PM (PFoBt)

...the difference is too small to notice.

What's it like to have a head full of shit?

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 12:03 PM (uFokq)

287 [she must have pics of the school board members -- she's not even a PTA member. not sure where she wielded all this power]

Your SIL needs to find someone on the PTA who wants their power back.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 12:03 PM (4ucxv)

288 279
Ric is so simple he gets his news and
world-view from the Daily Show and Colbert.
That qualifies him as learned and scholarly in Democrat

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at December 13, 2010 12:01 PM (vbh31)
Don't forget confused...confusion will be his epitaph.

Posted by: billygoat at December 13, 2010 12:04 PM (5qJM5)

289 I hope someone slipped a buy American provision in there
They'd be stuck with applesauce instead of jicama.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 12:04 PM (4ucxv)

290 that's totally creepy and i'd consider a restraining order.
she's like a den mother or something. I don't really get her role but you're right -- it's creepy as all get out. luckily she doesn't have any little girls - just boys. they'll be screwed up but not as bad as girls would be if she had them.

Posted by: laceyunderalls at December 13, 2010 12:05 PM (pLTLS)


Va Judge rules Healthcare mandate is UNCONSITUTIONAL

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 12:05 PM (e4sSD)

292 Check out my next movie, Little Debbie Does Dallas.

Posted by: roman polanski at December 13, 2010 12:05 PM (KHKnV)

293 Breaking. VA judge finds that mandating the purchase of health insurance unconstitutional.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 13, 2010 12:05 PM (TMB3S)

If they take out the vending machines will that allow room to expand the high school nursery?
Condom vending machines are still OK.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 12:06 PM (4ucxv)

Finally, a sensible ruling from a federal bench.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 12:06 PM (uFokq)

296 However, in high school the female gym teacher who looks so much like Rachael Maddow you have to do a double take, is NOT allowed in the girls' locker room.
But she is allowed in the Boys Locker Room?
What if she gets confused and thinks the boys are made of Latex?

Posted by: garrett at December 13, 2010 12:06 PM (sk8k3)

297 I prefer skim milk, Ithink it tastes better. However, with my oldest son having battled ear infections for most of his baby and toddlerhood with the attendant screaming, antibiotics, and fevers only to find that it was a SOY allergy, I'm skeptical about it being included in every damn thing out there and triumphed as a wonderfood. Pisses me off.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 12:06 PM (PFoBt)

298 Posted by: laceyunderalls at December 13, 2010 11:56 AM (pLTLS)

WTF?!! Ugh.. I hear this shit and I am so thankful my son graduates this year.

Posted by: Timbo at December 13, 2010 12:06 PM (ph9vn)

299 laceyunderalls,

The woman in your comment, how is she allowed in the school during school hours, is she a volunteer? I am not allowed in to my son's school to drop him off (which I think is good) and to enter the school for any other purpose than picking him up requires a check in with ID (but no frisking yet) to a school safety officer.

Posted by: Penfold at December 13, 2010 12:07 PM (1PeEC)

300 Bret Beir: This is a big big ruling (I waited for BFD)

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 12:07 PM (e4sSD)

301 Also from the whitehouse press release:

“On behalf of Mission: Readiness and over 100 retired generals and admirals who support child nutrition legislation as a matter of national security, we are very pleased that the nation has taken this important step in addressing the nation’s obesity epidemic. Being overweight or obese is the No. 1 medical reason why young men and women are unable to join the military. Military concerns about the fitness of American children are not new. When the National School Lunch Act was first passed in 1946, it was seen as a matter of national security. At the time many military leaders recognized that poor nutrition was a significant factor reducing the pool of qualified candidates for service. Our country is facing another serious health crisis. Obesity rates threaten the overall health of America and the future strength of our military. We must act, as we did after World War II, to ensure that our children can one day defend our country, if need be.”

-Retired Army Generals John M. Shalikashvili and Hugh Shelton, Former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Hey, remember when we used to joke about Obama wanting to mold Americans into his model of the New Soviet Man?

Good times. good times....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 12:07 PM (yea0z)

302 278 lacy i'd be all over the school asking why this person was in the lunch room stalking the kids and their's one thing to go in and sit with your kid during lunch, unless she's on the payroll at the school she shouldn't be having access to everyones kids.....that's totally creepy and i'd consider a restraining order.....seriously.....
What she said.Seriously, the quickest way to get a kid to eat healthy is to simply shut up and do it yourself.Kids learn from adults about the concept of 'bad' foods (and there is nosuch thing as a 'bad' food) And yes, offer treats as treats--- in a wide range of food offerings. But policing food in one direction and using food as reward/medication are both extremes that need to go.

Posted by: ¤§EZB§¤ at December 13, 2010 12:07 PM (Ty06w)

303 Don't worry, half the kids are getting free lunches and will just throw that shit in the barrel and drink the milk. Then their "poor" parents will pick them up in their $60K F350 4X4 trucks. We see it everyday in Texas.

Posted by: Mr. Dave at December 13, 2010 12:08 PM (dYKl3)

304 However, in high school the female gym teacher who looks so much like Rachael Maddow you have to do a double take, is NOT allowed in the girls' locker room.
But she is allowed in the Boys Locker Room?
What if she gets confused and thinks the boys are made of Latex?
I don't know. I know she moved kinda slow because of an injury. She's a serious bitch and when my older son had a handicap placard because of his ankle surgery he actually went to school early every single day to take her preferred parking spot.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 12:08 PM (PFoBt)

305 I munched on something under the stadium bleacher once. Does she count?
Not if she was a cheerleader.

Posted by: andycanuck at December 13, 2010 12:09 PM (KHKnV)

It's a matter of national security, you see.

Just like giving driver's licenses to illegals is a matter of public safety.

Just like Health Care Reform will create jobs lower the deficit.

Posted by: Soothsayer for RNC Chair at December 13, 2010 12:09 PM (uFokq)

307 Healthy, Hunger-Free Child act. For the epidemic of childhood obesity or something. Oh, the hilarity of it all. Billions will be unaccountable, wasted, squandered, or otherwise thrown down the rat hole. All for mandated fruits and vegetables, approved by our gracious First Fat Ass. We didn't want Barky to sleep on the couch, did we? So now even more fat kids will qualify for "free" lunches so they won't go hungry, as lunch prices for the rest of our kids rise to help pay for this. Socialism is great!

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 13, 2010 12:09 PM (x9xik)

308 Facebook posts are reporting VA judge ruling Obamacare mandate unconstitutional!

Posted by: Lady in Black at December 13, 2010 12:11 PM (x9xik)

309 All these fat kids are starving.
Someone give them somefree rhubarb before they get even fatter from starvation.
Look: I tell you that they are starving because they can't afford food, and also, morbidlyobese. And that's that. Who you gonna believe? Me or that lying tub of lard?

Posted by: Entropy at December 13, 2010 12:11 PM (IsLT6)

You're just pissed because somebody else has the
controls and is using it to promote their program. The resulting
protests aren't very convincing.


Posted by: Ric Locke at December 13, 2010 11:22 AM (0kx35)

Dear Ric,
you are a fucking idiot.
Love, UF
p.s. I have a K for sale, cheap.

Posted by: Unclefacts, Confuse A Cat, Ltd. at December 13, 2010 12:13 PM (eCAn3)

311 I'm all for eating heathfully (god damn it, at least use the right word) and I keep little processed crap at home. HOWEVER, you cannot eliminate all the fat from children's diet. They can't grow and they can't think. It stops brain development. You cannot make 15 year old boys who exercise eat this vegan horseshit. They have to have food with calories, fat, and carbs. Not everybody is a limpwristed computer geek.

Posted by: dagny at December 13, 2010 12:13 PM (PFoBt)

312 ""When I was in high school.... we had vending machines, a snack bar.
and a SMOKING lounge.""

We didn't have any of that. We did have a small school store that sold some school supplies and a small amount of munchies though. Other than that we had to smoke in the bathrooms, or in the soccer practice field where they let us go after we ate. The school lunches themselves were generally pretty healthy. I have no clue what this fucking first lady is crusading about. The most possible unhealthy thing that was in our lunch room was MAYBE the chocolate chip cookies that came 3 to a pack for 25 cents. We had very few overweight kids.

Posted by: Berserker at December 13, 2010 12:14 PM (gWHrG)

313 10
You joke, but mandatory screening of brown bag lunches is next.

More likely, they'll just ban kids from bringing any food to school and force them to have the "free" cafeteria lunch.

Posted by: Brendan at December 13, 2010 12:14 PM (2jQGY)

314 Vic, what's the judge's name?

Posted by: laceyunderalls at December 13, 2010 12:14 PM (pLTLS)

315 No guns and no butter. They'll both kill you.

Posted by: the nanny state czar at December 13, 2010 12:15 PM (KHKnV)

316 Who will pick all of the lettuce Americans won't pick?

Posted by: Fritz at December 13, 2010 12:17 PM (GwPRU)

317 Sorry, here is the correct statement from Huck:

“Congratulations to First Lady Michelle Obama, Secretary of Agriculture
Tom Vilsack and to the bi-partisan support in the Congress to pass the
Healthy, Hunger Free Children Act. By passing a bill that addresses
the nutritional quality of school lunches, an important step is being
taken to give children choices that will make them healthier and more

-Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas 1996-2007

Posted by: pam at December 13, 2010 12:17 PM (uDwml)

318 Who will pick all of the lettuce Americans won't pick?


Posted by: HeatherRadish at December 13, 2010 12:18 PM (4ucxv)

319 FOX HOT NEWS ALERT:Michelle Obama's ass is a threat to national security

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 12:19 PM (b+yWd)

320 Vic, what's the judge's name?

They said it but I didn't catch it all. I'm sure Fox will have some text soon. BTW there is a flaming skull up for this now.

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 12:20 PM (e4sSD)

We didn't have any of that. We did have a small
school store that sold some school supplies and a small amount of
munchies though. Other than that we had to smoke in the bathrooms, or
in the soccer practice field where they let us go after we ate. The
school lunches themselves were generally pretty healthy. I have no clue
what this fucking first lady is crusading about. The most possible
unhealthy thing that was in our lunch room was MAYBE the chocolate chip
cookies that came 3 to a pack for 25 cents. We had very few overweight

Posted by: Berserker at December 13, 2010 12:14 PM (gWHrG)

I went to a huge high school... 2 cafeterias that served 2 different lunches... then we had a big salad bar. We had a snack bar outside the cafeteria that served candy and soda and junk food. Then the 2 smoking lounges.
I graduated in 86.
My son goes to the same school... they now have 3 cafeterias that serve endless food... a salad bar, pizza bar and snack bar.
They cant sell soda anymore but they sell those flavored waters. (kids bring their own soda to school and teachers say nothing)
Smoking lounge ended in the 90's.

Kids are smart enough to pick what they will eat. He is a teenage boy.. he needs the calories.

Posted by: Timbo at December 13, 2010 12:20 PM (ph9vn)

322 But policing food in one direction and using food as reward/medication are both extremes that need to go.
A very cogent point.

Would you like a chocolate?

Posted by: dr sheldon cooper at December 13, 2010 12:20 PM (KHKnV)

(and there is nosuch thing as a 'bad' food)

I just require a little longer cooking time.

Posted by: Amanita phalloides at December 13, 2010 12:21 PM (7+pP9)

324 How can 0bama sign a childhood obesity measure when it's clear he isinto juicy doubles?

Posted by: Jones at December 13, 2010 12:21 PM (b+yWd)

325 So the party whichlofted the idea of freedoom of choice concerning the extermination of life inside a mother's womb -relegating it as either a legally accepted aye or nay choice over a thing called life -finds it completely acceptable to force the general public to comport with their desired choices concerning calories.
Since progressive politics is a steady state of implementing change, think where this is ultimately headed.
The ultimate mode is a society of aesthetical requirements and subservient subjects whose every action will be viewed as impacting, the State.
The State under the progressives' political design will have "skin in the game" in every conceivable aspect of human life for the justification will be its delta impact on 1) mother earth 2) global finances and 3) world population.
The constitution and its talk of liberty and the pursuit of happiness are upnext on the progressive's chopping block. It's currently being sliced and diced and will soon be thrown into a bubbling stew of luke warm liberal booyabase.

Posted by: journolist at December 13, 2010 12:21 PM (LwLqV)

326 I used to get my beer money by stopping in the local mini market and stocking up before school. Take my lunch money and triple it while still being able to buy lunch!

Posted by: oxrock at December 13, 2010 12:22 PM (1ML07)

327 Judge "Henry Hudson"

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 12:22 PM (e4sSD)

328 I munched on something under the stadium bleacher once. Does she count?Only to ten, Mudhead.

Posted by: Farmer Joe at December 13, 2010 12:23 PM (z4es9)

329 Umm, Mr. Locke is absolutely correct .
He just don't placate .

Posted by: awkward davies at December 13, 2010 12:29 PM (YCW1b)

330 They need to take the vending machine away from the Surgeon General before anyone else. Have you seen the size of that heifer?

Posted by: Luca Brasi at December 13, 2010 12:41 PM (YmPwQ)

331 I went to Catholic school. Our high school had the most vile cafeteria ever. The boxes of hamburgers and alleged veal patties were labeled "edible but of no nutritional value". Annnnnd, we had to pay for it .

I just had baloney and cheese everyday.

Posted by: Luca Brasi at December 13, 2010 12:46 PM (YmPwQ)

332 Connects more children to healthy produce from local farms by helping communities establish farm to school networks, create school gardens and use more local foods in cafeterias with $40 million in mandatory funding.
Cute. "Mandatory funding" meaning that the money has to be provided and can't be defunded. Per the definition of "mandatory funding" at the Administration for Children and Families:
Notices advising established grantees of annual “application” or plan requirements under non-competitive formula, entitlement or block grant programs. Eligibility under these programs is established by law and recipients have an on-going funding relationship with the awarding agencies. If they meet certain qualifying conditions, grantees have an enforceable right to receive awards.

Posted by: MWR at December 13, 2010 12:46 PM (4df7R)

333 321 Well, yes and no -- but I believe that is one of the role of the parents -- to set some guidelines about what a kid can and cannot have to eat and getting them outside and off their butts (which is funny -- as my kids have to go do farm chores morning and evening, and in super cold or super hot weather, they kinda enjoy the comforts of inside -- because they don't get access to it for long).
I don't care for letting kids eat all this crappy junk food -- it really is bad for them, and it's expensive -- but it should probably be the job of the parents to make sure they don't (although judging from a buddy of mine who is a garbage man, the parents wouldn't know how to boil water -- he says everybody's trash is full of Snackables, pizza cartons, KFC, you name it -- and in all neighborhoods).
Oh well, deal with your own kids and make sure they don't turn into Jabba or have rotted teeth I guess.

Posted by: unknown jane at December 13, 2010 12:50 PM (5/yRG)

334 Connects more children to healthy produce from local
farms by
helping communities establish farm to school networks, create school
gardens and use more local foods in cafeterias with $40 million in mandatory funding.

There is no such thing as "mandatory funding". The courts shoved that one up their ass long ago.

Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 12:51 PM (e4sSD)

335 Wm Jacobson (Legal Insurrection) reports that a judge ruled the "individual mandate" unconstitutional...

Posted by: mallfly at December 13, 2010 12:58 PM (bJm7W)

336 The government may decide what foods can be sold in school vending machines, but they won't be deciding what food is bought from school vending machines.

The government's choice of healthy snacks will rot.

But I am in favor of the gov shortening the list of what folks can buy with food stamps. Bare essentials only.

Posted by: Dang at December 13, 2010 01:10 PM (TXKVh)

337 Our team, ladies and gentlemen....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at December 13, 2010 11:59 AM (yea0z)
Those Wascally Wepublicans!

Posted by: WalrusRex at December 13, 2010 01:51 PM (xxgag)

338 ...and give the government the power to decide what kinds of foods may be sold in vending machines, lunch lines and fundraisers during school hours....

Sounds like Bloomberg writ large...

Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at December 13, 2010 01:59 PM (nD3Pg)

339 what next? telling kids they can't bring porn to school?

Posted by: archie bunker at December 13, 2010 02:14 PM (0YS61)

340 first they took away the kid's ciggies we should have revolted then

Posted by: archie bunker at December 13, 2010 02:16 PM (0YS61)

341 "Didn't it create a whole new underground economy leading to vastly increased power for crime syndicates? Yea, it did."

My ancient cogitation engine is remembering how this exact thing happened in a book I read as a boy.

"The Great Brain at the Academy" by John D. Fitzgerald

Brain is shipped off to boarding school and one of the things he does is start a smuggling/sales ring for banned items like candy and snacks.

Posted by: loki at December 13, 2010 02:31 PM (RJEaj)

342 CNN Headline right now about how middle class is going hungry. Looks like fat as a national security issue didn't last too long.

Posted by: kansas at December 13, 2010 03:00 PM (mka2b)

343 Shrug. Federal dollars paying for schools, that's what you get. They probably shouldn't have vending machines to begin with anyway.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at December 13, 2010 03:13 PM (61b7k)

344 You know, I do recall my lunch room days and the stuff that got pitched into the trash off the trays. Expect a lot of 'organic' compost offerings from the public schools into our local landfillsnow.
Oh, and whenwill they have lunch room 'police' to grab some kid's home-packed lunch because they don't agree with what's in it?
On a side-note, have you seen Michelle's ass lately?

Posted by: Drillanwr at December 13, 2010 03:21 PM (6lgHg)

345 All of this will go to naught when the good Republican House reduces the Dept of Education budget to zero next year.


Posted by: Vic at December 13, 2010 03:29 PM (e4sSD)

346 I do not see anywhere in the Constitution where Congress can mandate kids' food. Perhaps I missed something. Anyone not a member of the Supreme Clowns want to weigh in here and show me... please??

Posted by: chuck in st paul at December 13, 2010 07:00 PM (EhYdw)

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Posted by: ugg outlet at December 13, 2010 08:26 PM (3RbCd)

350 The government may decide what foods can be sold in school vending machines, but they won't be deciding what food is bought from school vending machines.

The government's choice of healthy snacks will rot.

But I am in favor of the gov shortening the list of what folks can buy with food stamps. Bare essentials only.

Posted by: Dang at December 13, 2010 01:10 PM (TXKVh)
When I was in HS our Latin Club got the rights to run the vending machine which was pretty much idle, in exchange for the profits. First thing we did was look at what was selling. Candy bars - they sold so they got multiple rows for each brand. Nuts and trail mix - one row, just because we had them. We sold about one every other day. Dried fruit - take it out, it never sold any.With that, and the permanent revolving 'two week candy bar sale', we had enough money by the end of the year to provide a college scholarship.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2010 12:43 PM (z1N6a)

351 I do not see anywhere in the Constitution where
Congress can mandate kids' food. Perhaps I missed something. Anyone not a
member of the Supreme Clowns want to weigh in here and show me...

Posted by: chuck in st paul at December 13, 2010 07:00 PM (EhYdw)
Commerce Clause. Your kid might cross state lines with a candy bar in his hand someday.

Posted by: Oldcat at December 14, 2010 12:44 PM (z1N6a)

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