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For Congress: Jacob Turk, MO-5

Nice Deb tells me this can happen.

Jacob Turk's opponent is Emanuel Cleaver, who is not only as socialist/progressive as you could possibly want (or bear), but who also happens to be the chief architect of SpittleGate and all those racial slurs which no one seemed to record as the most liberal members of the Democratic Caucus marched defiantly to show they were ready willing and eager to defy the will of the electorate.

Unbeatable? Not so: A private Rasmussen poll shows him down a mere 6-9 points. And he was down 20 a couple of months ago.

Jacob Turk: proud to be a Tea Partier.

Here he is mixing it up with some of those dirty tea-bagger types at a rally:

Daring to come within spitting distance of a Tea Partier.

Jacob Turk for Congress

Two things, Emanuel: 1. We're spitting mad but we don't spit.

2. You're fired.

I love how every time Democrats are in political trouble Angry White People start popping out of the shadows to throw epithets at them. Just when they need it the most.

Just so curious how this keeps on happening. Like, with Ruth McClung. She's about to beat Grivalja or whatever his name is, Fat Tarantula Face, and just as she's about to score that upset, the Secret Legions of Conveniently Unrecorded Epithet-Hurling White Racists suddenly decide to activate.

Well, that all started with Cleaver, didn't it? Well, it didn't start with him, but he sure knows which page to turn to in the playbook.

Let him know: We remember.

And we're not in a forgiving mood.

Posted by: Ace at 03:38 PM


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1 We hope you'll support our brother Emmanuel in his race for Congress.

Posted by: Eldridge and Beaver Cleaver at October 13, 2010 03:41 PM (QKKT0)

2 I tapped June.

Posted by: Will Folks at October 13, 2010 03:43 PM (Ly+aE)

Who does this chick Ruth McClung think she is, a rocket scientist?

Posted by: Fish at October 13, 2010 03:43 PM (v1gw3)

yep, just like "numerous death threats" suddenly occur when a Democrat finds himself/herself in a scandal.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 13, 2010 03:45 PM (uFokq)

June Cleaver would be very embarrassed by her husband, Mr. Cleaver.

Posted by: Fish at October 13, 2010 03:46 PM (v1gw3)

Any day now Republican Dirty Tricks will rear its ugly beautiful head.

He's the guy who runs amok in the latter part of the election cycle. He does nasty stuff like quote Democrats with their own words, and sometimes he even criticizes the Democrat's records on issues.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 13, 2010 03:48 PM (uFokq)

7 Turk should really run for the 182nd district someplace.

Posted by: lorien1973 at October 13, 2010 03:48 PM (IhQuA)

8 Well, it didn't start with him, but he sure knows which page to turn to in the playbook.

Actually, it's all just the one play. We just photo-copied the same page 276 times to make the book seem thicker.

Posted by: Dem Interns Working on Campaign Strategy as Part-Time Summer Job at October 13, 2010 03:48 PM (KF/Jh)

9 New Ad

Posted by: newser at October 13, 2010 03:49 PM (0MrVN)

When the race tightens for a black democrat, it's truly amazing how many white racists pop out of tea bags, and begin calling that person a liberal democrat and their heads explode. What's up with that?

Posted by: Fish at October 13, 2010 03:49 PM (v1gw3)

11 Example?

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 13, 2010 03:51 PM (QMtmy)

12 Breaking Now!

LA porn industry shuts down over positive HIV test! We could be facing a porn shortage!


Posted by: Empire of Jeff at October 13, 2010 03:51 PM (60bND)

Guess I'll apply for welfare, and just do a few blow jobs on the side.

Posted by: Jenna Jameson at October 13, 2010 03:52 PM (v1gw3)

14 LA porn industry shuts down over positive HIV test! We could be facing a porn shortage!
There's always Oldies. Or Classics. Or whattever you call them.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 13, 2010 03:52 PM (QMtmy)

15 Is Emanuel the extra son they added in the fifth season as part of the re-tooling to address sinking ratings?

Posted by: Waterhouse at October 13, 2010 03:52 PM (KF/Jh)

16 /peers intently at picture

I see the man with the flag is doing a Nazi salute, you tea-bagging Reich Wingers.

Posted by: Gimlet-Eyed MFM Reporter at October 13, 2010 03:53 PM (KF/Jh)

I'm in big demand, especially from the liberal matrons who don't get any cock from their wussie men.

Posted by: Ron Jeremy at October 13, 2010 03:54 PM (v1gw3)

18 LA porn industry shuts down over positive HIV test! We could be facing a porn shortage!
America may have to dip intotheStrategic Porn Reserve.

Posted by: Cicero at October 13, 2010 03:54 PM (QKKT0)

19 America may have to dip intotheStrategic Porn Reserve.

Will Folks doesn't dip. Will Folks thunders away like a jackhammer.

Posted by: Will Folks, Cocksman at October 13, 2010 03:56 PM (KF/Jh)

20 I hated going over to the Cleavers after that Emmanuel moved in. He was always pissed off about something.

Posted by: Eddie Haskell at October 13, 2010 03:56 PM (QKKT0)

21 18
LA porn industry shuts down over positive HIV test! We could be facing a porn shortage!

America may have to dip into the Strategic Porn Reserve.

Posted by: Cicero at October 13, 2010 03:54 PM (QKKT0)

Or the home movies of Will Folks. Which might be the same thing.

Posted by: joncelli at October 13, 2010 03:56 PM (RD7QR)

22 Growing up not far from Kansas City Mo, this guy was the mayor for most of my childhood. To see him this far down in the polls in his KC district of all places is just mind boggling. There were points in his political career when he probably could have gotten elected dictator for life of KC MO but apparently not anymore. A really big push could dethrone this guy, St. Louis pretty much runs the Dems in MO. They aren't going to put a lot effort in saving Cleaver when they are looking out for their own asses on the other side of the state.

Posted by: Drew in MO at October 13, 2010 03:57 PM (eu/Ap)

23 I'm in the KC area. Hate to be an eyore, but it's not likely. This is Harry Truman's town after all, solidly Dem. But with a BIG wave and VERY LOW Dem turnout, it's possible. I wouldn't put $ on Turk though if I had to bet.

Posted by: Bob at October 13, 2010 03:57 PM (4DoFz)

24 Anagrams for Rahm Emanuel:
A Lean Hummer
Anal Here Mum
Enema Ma Hurl

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 13, 2010 03:58 PM (QMtmy)

Young Turk and the Turkettes take it to the liberal meat Cleaver who specializes in chopping his opponents up with invective and innuendo.

Posted by: Fish at October 13, 2010 03:58 PM (v1gw3)

America may have to dip intotheStrategic Porn Reserve.That may involve (ahem) deep drilling.

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 13, 2010 03:59 PM (QMtmy)

Aye Captain...... Ahm givin em all shey got....... but the firewalls...... they wone take much more o this.......

Posted by: David "Scotty in Engineering" Axelrod at October 13, 2010 03:59 PM (J5Hcw)

28 There's always Oldies. Or Classics. Or whattever you call them.
Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 13, 2010 03:52 PM (QMtmy)

I guess I'll be making a cumback.

Posted by: Zombie John Holmes at October 13, 2010 04:03 PM (Ni6l0)

29 Speaking in a purely hypothetical fashion ( because I am straight and all that) this Jacob Turk is a handsome fellow. But, remember, I'm not gay or anything.

Posted by: Larry Marchand, expert on vaginas at October 13, 2010 04:03 PM (/lkKn)

30 She's cute.

Someone tell her I said so and I'd be glad to tea her party any time.

Posted by: Sponge at October 13, 2010 04:03 PM (UK9cE)

31 which no one seemed to record as the most liberal members of the
Democratic Caucus marched defiantly to show they were ready willing and
eager to defy the will of the electorate.

Not only was it not recorded, but footage DISPROVING it was.

Breitbart begged dinosaur media outlets to play that but was met with responses like "old news" and "you won, get over it."

Posted by: Blackford Oakes at October 13, 2010 04:04 PM (0IR+C)


But, remember, I'm not gay or anything.

Posted by: Larry Marchand, expert on vaginas at October 13, 2010 04:03 PM (/lkKn)
Dear Larry,Call me next week and we can get together.Love,Barney

Posted by: Barneyi Fag at October 13, 2010 04:09 PM (v1gw3)

LA porn industry shuts down over positive HIV test! We could be facing a porn shortage!

Don't panic! The Russians, Czechs, and Ukraines are more than able to step up and fill the breach.

Posted by: Dang Straights at October 13, 2010 04:16 PM (fx8sm)

34 I like him. Tell, me, where, exactly, is his left hand?
Lucky bastard.

Posted by: West at October 13, 2010 04:19 PM (1Rgee)

35 I grew up in Cleaver's district, though most of it was during the time when he was mayor of KC. Guy's a world class race-baiter.

Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at October 13, 2010 04:20 PM (+tRwn)

36 There's a donate widget on my blog in case anyone wants to help Jacob out with some $$$. He really needs it because the party hasn't given him any funding at all, and he refuses to take PAC money.

Thanks Ace!

Posted by: Nice Deb at October 13, 2010 04:26 PM (7Q12J)

37 Let him know: We remember.
And we're not in a forgiving mood.

Sweep the leg, Jacob! Show no mercy!

Posted by: That Sensei Dude in Karate Kid at October 13, 2010 04:30 PM (qY2Vc)

38 Thanks for posting this ace!! I have been trying to get him some attention on the blogs. Hubby and I have been friends with him for 25 years. He's a great guy and a true conservative. This is his third attempt at defeating Cleaver. GO TURK!!

Posted by: jewells at October 13, 2010 04:31 PM (l/N7H)

39 Don't they call they guy who goes around NFL training camps and tells the guys that they've been cut "The Turk?"

Posted by: jimmuy at October 13, 2010 05:01 PM (ImAna)

40 Since I'm too lazy to look, I'll say Turk's chances depend on how far out the district runs from central KC. The further the better, and it's too bad it can't reach across the state line to take in Overland Park and Shawnee Mission.

Posted by: sestamibi at October 13, 2010 05:19 PM (Ft/ts)

41 I'm glad these candidates are doing well, but I think we need to heed Churchill's admontion that if we try to fight everywhere we will win nowhere. As excited as I am that conservatives are doing well, I think we need to aim the guns carefully and effectively. Just sayin'.

Posted by: ObjectionSustain at October 13, 2010 05:21 PM (YayEM)

42 I actually live in the 5th district, and I met and talked to Jacob Turk at a tea party gathering here in KC. Very nice guy, and I'd love to see him win.

I'm shocked that he's only down 6-9 points in this gerrymandered district. Makes me wish his campaign would get me that yard sign they promised...

Posted by: deathweezel at October 13, 2010 06:49 PM (PGYLy)

43 I am also in the 5th district, and am hoping beyond hope the impossible can happen. The polling news is wonderful.

I've also heard on the "urban" station, one of their weekend talk shows, the inner city folks are NOT happy with Mister Cleaver and his boondoggle of "Green Zone," which I think was nothing more than a way to funnel cash to his buddies.

Posted by: JamesLee at October 13, 2010 09:08 PM (7EJxi)

44 I also find it, um, interesting, that Cleaver's own church is a polling station.

Posted by: JamesLee at October 13, 2010 09:12 PM (7EJxi)


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