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Google joins ClimateGate (dis)information fray? [krakatoa]

Kate at Small Dead Animals notices a peculiar thing when searching Google for things like "climategate", "climate hack", or "climate emails".

It used to be, up until yesterday, when beginning to type those queries the drop-down helper would show the list of most searched items. Yahoo has a similar feature. Go ahead and try both in Yahoo and Google, and you'll see the difference.

UPDATE: Google now shows "climategate" in response to typing "clim". 10.6 million responses, and for some reason Google's algorithms lost it.

It's not censorship, per se. This isn't quite Google China again. It does demonstrate though the occasional petty and intolerant actions of those who claim to trade in the free flow of information.

If the AGW activists truly believed "the science was settled" (the mere utterance of which, one would think, precludes the statement from the Scientific realm forever), one strains to find a credible reason for massaging data, deleting or otherwise losing key measurements, or manipulating the peer-review process to exclude dissenting Scientific studies from gaining broad readership.

Andy Revkin notes the growing cracks in the IPCC's armor. (Apologies in advance for the NYT link.) At the moment, the goal of the MSM and the AGW proponents is to try to minimalize the damage by framing the issue as a tempest in a teapot; a quibble over esoterica in code or data that has no impact on the larger findings. At worst, they hope to limit this to a few inconsequential lapses by a few bad apples.

We know, based on the works of the likes of Steve McIntyre & Anthony Watts that it is in those esoteric details that large trends can be bent to the results the "Scientist" wishes to achieve.

We suspect that these "bad apples" represent the poisoned fruit from which many of the supporting studies by non-IPCC affiliated Climate Scientists derived data for their own purposes.

I expect those independent scientists whose work was based on the now highly questionable datasets provided by the IPCC "scientists" are feeling more than a little discomfort about their own results.

Posted by: xgenghisx at 12:34 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

[Open in new window]

Another relevant link I just posted in the other thread. It's to more Andy R material and the comments are definitely worth reading.

Posted by: The Hammer at November 28, 2009 12:37 PM (YBTwf)

2 Google joins ClimateGate Remember, it is climaquidick, not 'gate.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 12:37 PM (CDUiN)

I thought we agreed we weren't gonna promote Canadian blogs here at AoS?

Posted by: a.k.a. at November 28, 2009 12:37 PM (z37MR)

Just kidding. I'm sure Kate is a good canuck, even if she's only 4/5 of a real person.

Posted by: a.k.a. at November 28, 2009 12:38 PM (z37MR)

5 A point I have not seen mentioned before;

We know that CRU and its cohorts were manipulating data significantly. The only people that noticed at all, before the email leaks, were the AGW skeptics. So to the extent that those free of the CRU group are doing research, they aren't even able to confirm or deny the CRU's work.

This seems pretty damning to me. If you had a large number of scientists doing independent research, as seems to be the AGW line now, one would have expected the actions of the CRU group to have shown up quickly.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2009 12:42 PM (bgcml)

6 Anyone who still uses Google, with so many other search engines to choose from, is party to their bullshit.

F*ck Google to death. Overrated purveyors of over-marketed mediocrity.

Posted by: Gabriel Syme at November 28, 2009 12:43 PM (X2xSP)

7 Hammer, krak

Revkin's "seasoned climate scientist" Judith Curry is trying to square a circle. Her advice to "young climate scientists" is to be honest with their data; it should be nothing less than to rethink ANY interest they have in this fraud short of a determination to expose every last datum to the blaring light of day.

I have every confidence that Monbiot, Hammer, Curry, et ilk will cover ass to the end and go whole hog with the next big eco-scare.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 12:45 PM (GKXA7)

8 Sometimes a dam leaks and shows cracks before it collapses.

Sometimes it looks just fine. This dam is leaking and covered with cracks.

AGW fanatics have been warned. Get to high ground or drown.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 12:46 PM (eSNGZ)

9 Yeah, they've changed it. I started to type in Climategate a few days ago and the drop down already did it for me. Now, when you type in the whole word the first choice is Climate Guatemala. It still comes up with a lot of choices for Climategate though. A subtle change. What reason could they have for that if the info still shows up that you're looking for?

Posted by: Bill R. at November 28, 2009 12:47 PM (EhlQq)

We need to put these hucksters on trial.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 12:48 PM (z37MR)

11 Type in "google sucks".

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 12:48 PM (eSNGZ)

12 Interesting article but the NYT fails to mention the one way that the skeptics could all be silenced.

That is for the EPA and the UN to publish ALL of their data, their methods, and their calculations for independent review.

Why do they still refuse to do this?

In addition, I find it "ironic" that a newspaper who published "leaked" classified information on the WOT and called it a "good thing" while these leaked e-mails are a "criminal activity".

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 12:50 PM (CDUiN)

13 18-1, that's being mentioned quite a bit around the 'sphere, including here where a few Alike-Thinking Great Minds noted that these "scientists" act as though their data is the recipe for Coca-cola and not to be shared. Trouble is, it's old news! Back in 2005 that ass Jones felt secure enough in his protection by the AGW racket to flat-out refuse to share his data when Steve McIntyre requested it.

You are right -- that right there should have shut the whole fraud down!

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 12:50 PM (GKXA7)

14 This is a nice climate blog ya got here.

Posted by: MRI at November 28, 2009 12:50 PM (aVQo/)

15 I have every confidence that Monbiot, Hammer, Curry,
et ilk will cover ass to the end and go whole hog with the next big

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 12:45 PM (GKXA7)
I remember when the Lewinsky scandal first started to hit the airwaves, most of the left argued that if true Clinton should resign, but it certainly wasn't true.In short order we got proof, and the same talking heads were then arguing that it isn't a big deal if the president is having sex with an intern, committing perjury in a court of law, and obstructing justice in an investigation.I think most of the Left knows that AGW is built on, at best, questionable science, so they will circle the wagons much faster here. AGW is too convenient of a weapon to advance their agenda to let it go now.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2009 12:50 PM (bgcml)


I expect those independent scientists whose work was based on the now
highly questionable datasets provided by the IPCC "scientists" are
feeling more than a little discomfort about their own results.

You kow, that's a beautifully salient point. Any work done that arose from Phil Jones et al and the data they monkeyed with is worthless, as well.
And, if those further scientists didn't get the methodology for temp adjustments and what not, and reviewed that first, they're doing the same quality science as the CRU Gang (that is, none at all).

Posted by: nickless at November 28, 2009 12:51 PM (MMC8r)

17 In addition, I find it "ironic" that a newspaper who
published "leaked" classified information on the WOT and called it a
"good thing" while these leaked e-mails are a "criminal activity".

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 12:50 PM (CDUiN)

Heresy is not protected speech in leftyland.

Posted by: 18-1 at November 28, 2009 12:53 PM (bgcml)

18 Is Andy Revkin slowly removing his tongue from Phil Jones' anus?

Posted by: bondo at November 28, 2009 12:54 PM (WJYrk)

19 Bing picks up climategate as the first suggested term when you get to "clim...", sounds right to me.

Do a Bing. Don't be a Google.

Posted by: gonzo at November 28, 2009 12:54 PM (oaGls)

20 I have switched to Bing, but I still hate Microsoft and Bill Gates.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 12:56 PM (eSNGZ)

21 NYT, they're like totally still printing that right?

Posted by: Unclefacts, Summoner of Guinness, and Near Miss Meteors at November 28, 2009 12:56 PM (erIg9)

22 are they worried about the climate and the earth or smug looks?

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 28, 2009 12:57 PM (ucxC/)

Speaking of grinning liars...

Remember when Robert Kennedy Jr called us all traitors and accused us of treason? Watch this short clip and laugh at the irony.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 12:58 PM (z37MR)

24 Vic, in this as in so many other current stories, we are once again drowning in irony.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 12:58 PM (GKXA7)

25 Whatever happened to the smart military blog, it's all climategate all the time around here lately.

Posted by: BTMintheSTL at November 28, 2009 12:59 PM (4X3d1)

I highly recommend you watch that clip because John Stossel slaps Kennedy around, and that was two years ago.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:00 PM (z37MR)

27 And, if those further scientists didn't get the methodology for temp
adjustments and what not, and reviewed that first, they're doing the
same quality science as the CRU Gang (that is, none at all).

I'd like to see some sort of graphic representation, a phylogeny of sorts, of the primary literature and the depth to which the initial corrupt data has percolated throughout the entire field.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:00 PM (aVQo/)

And in this clip, you can see Algore exposed as a naked dunce-emperor.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:01 PM (z37MR)

29 The pro-AGW idjits are starting to remind me of that fat redneck kid screaming to the pro rasslers that "it's real to me, dammit!"

Posted by: eddiebear at November 28, 2009 01:01 PM (hFNwV)

30 Two AGW Scientists walk into a bar.

No wait, make that four AGW Scientists walk into a bar.

Nope. Hang on a minute. That can't be right. Hmmm.

Ok, that's better. Seven AGW Scientists walk into a bar........

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:02 PM (eSNGZ)

31 Kind of appropriate.

Here Come the Bastards by Primus.

Here they come
Here come the bastards
I heard it from a confident -
Who heard it form a confidant
They're definitely on their way
There's one with this idea
Something about a hammer head shark
Nosehairs and flatus
Best keep your distance because
Here they come here come the bastards
Bury your head deep in the sand
Anonyminity is a virtue in this day and age
Amazing hand dexterity
Flagrant misuse of security
Better run, run, run, run, run
Run Run Run Run, here they come

Posted by: Rickshaw Jack at November 28, 2009 01:04 PM (OVP8C)

32 O/T: (relevant) "Mark Pittman, A Close Friend, Great Reporter, And The First Person To Sue The Fed And Win, Has Died"
"Mark Pittman, the Loeb Award-winning Bloomberg journalist, a personal
friend, a legendary financial reporter and the first person to sue the
Fed (in conjunction with Bloomberg News) and win, passed away on
Wednesday. He was 52. Our thoughts are with his family"

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:04 PM (p302b)

btw, Ed Begley shares the same intellect as a typical stripper.

You ever talk to a stripper? When they're not marrying/divorcing a 20-year newly-inducted military man, they're ranting about any number of conspiracy theories.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:04 PM (z37MR)

34 Have noticed that Google is sort of screwing up shopping. The insist upon giving you four pages of shopping search engines and no department stores, big bos stores or even little stores. If you want those you have to know which search engine to choose. It is maddening. Makes you start your google searches on page 5 or 6.

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:06 PM (p302b)

Well of course the marxists at google are joining in the attempted cover-up.

Posted by: Dang Straights at November 28, 2009 01:06 PM (x++TB)

36 It's not a popularity contest, people.

Posted by: Barack Obama, Prom Queen at November 28, 2009 01:06 PM (ir65V)

37 20 I have switched to Bing, but I still hate Microsoft and Bill Gates.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 12:56 PM (eSNGZ)
I have always refused to use Google. In the beginning I just didn't like something about the company and saw no reason to move from Yahoo, but later it became clear that Google is one of the worst, most intrusive companies on Earth. I don't trust Google as far as I can throw them and do everything I can to keep all Google software off of my computer.
I also switched to Bing, eventually, as I think Microsoft is the least bad of the big tech companies and I never liked how they got called monopolists of a field for which robust, free alternatives were always available. I just wish that Microsoft hadn't tried to peddle Bing as anything more than a regular search engine. All of that "semantic search" BS didn't do them any good.

Posted by: progressoverpeace at November 28, 2009 01:07 PM (A46hP)

38 Google is on borrowed time anyway. Murdoch and NewsCorp are getting ready to enter into a large partnership with Bing to de-index all of their material from Google.

Bye,bye bitch.

Posted by: Blazer at November 28, 2009 01:08 PM (+FzLa)

39 You ever talk to a stripper? When they're not marrying/divorcing a
20-year newly-inducted military man, they're ranting about any number
of conspiracy theories.

Heh. I once had a stripper rant to me about her hippy mother what would get stoned and eat all the peanut butter in the house, oh and that HAARP thing in Alaska is used for CIA mind control, apparently.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:08 PM (aVQo/)

40 I'm kind of cranky about seeing these widely-discussed points occurring
over and over, but it's mainly because it's so obvious that it's being
stated everywhere EXCEPT IN THE OPEN IN THE MSM!!! Where the fuck is
the reporter chasing Al Gore down the street yelling "Kenneth, what is
the frequency"!!!???

So, the necessity of re-evaluating every damn last paper or project that was based on the faulty IPCC data has been widely discussed. Are any of them feeling betrayed?

Evidently not, because I don't seem to see or hear any of them saying so -- which tells me all I need to know about these lame-asses! I cut no one any slack. That they were willing to rake in grant money and do their research without ever once trying to get hold of the underlying data tells me all I need to know about these "scientists."

It would be like Eng Lit scholars taking as a matter of faith that a new play by Shakespeare had been found on the basis that some colleague has retyped the entire text but refuses to show the actual parchment.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 01:09 PM (GKXA7)

41 Not sure what the big deal is. When I came up with the special theory of relativity, I didn't release the details or any equations or anything. Why should I? They just wanted to poke holes in it.

Posted by: Al Einstein at November 28, 2009 01:09 PM (8l0RO)

42 Google also jobbed "hide the decline". A few days ago that worked. Google hired an international terrorist woman to smooth things over with muslim devil worshipers.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:09 PM (kKP5O)

43 Oh noes! Does that mean I have to give up my gmail account? But, but it's so fashionable!!!
No, seriously. WTF have I been thinking?

Posted by: Alex's Caabin, at November 28, 2009 01:10 PM (ir65V)

You can put Ed Begley, Robert Kennedy Jr, Patrick Kennedy, and a bunch of strippers in a bag, shake 'em up, and they'd all come out the same.

Wiretapping, CIA cover-ups, the evil Catholic church, global warming, etc. This is the same shit you can hear about if you talk to any stripper you meet.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:11 PM (z37MR)

45 So if everybody went and googled the following phrases:

google is in on climategate
google is hiding climategate
why is google covering up climategate?

would it have any effect or would putting "climategate" on the blacklist automatically strike out any phrase that contained it?

Posted by: Buckleyfan at November 28, 2009 01:13 PM (DtTM9)

46 Wiretapping, CIA cover-ups, the evil Catholic church, global warming,
etc. This is the same shit you can hear about if you talk to any
stripper you meet.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:13 PM (aVQo/)

It's either cocaine or the pressures of law school.


Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:14 PM (z37MR)

Hey hey hey hey. HEY. Let's not turn this into a stripper-bashing thread now, people. They serve a legitimate purpose, unlike those other types you're mixing them in with.

Posted by: Dang Straights at November 28, 2009 01:14 PM (x++TB)

49 @27
A couple years back, someone did this, all science-like. I can't remember his name, and I can't come up with the right words to search his paper down, but someone else will have a link handy, I'm sure; the paper has been re-cited pretty widely this week.
Its finding: The Consensus is an almost closed social network of about 40 people, most of whose names you'll recognize from the -gate leaks.

Posted by: oblig. at November 28, 2009 01:15 PM (rQ95J)

50 48,

Thanks man. We were heading off a cliff there.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:16 PM (eSNGZ)

51 "And we've learned there was no blood found on the steering wheel of
Tiger's SUV -- putting into serious doubt that Tiger sustained his
injuries from the crash."

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:16 PM (p302b)

52 52,

Yep. Mrs. Woods is facing assault and battery, I bet.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:18 PM (eSNGZ)

53 Seriously, this shit is starting to make me think Alex Jones isn't off his rocker.

Posted by: Buckleyfan at November 28, 2009 01:18 PM (DtTM9)

I joined a stripper forum a few years ago just to look at the member's pic galleries, you had to be a registered member to view them.

Anyway, I read a lot of their threads, too. Holy Contaminated Water, Batman! These girls are all nuts.

Even the pics they posted were strange. Nothing nude or anything, just pics of themselves, etc. But their personal issues and their whole outlook on life was so strange and sad.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:19 PM (z37MR)

55 It's either cocaine or the pressures of law school.

I think silicone toxicity might be in the running. Whatevs, the science is settled.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:19 PM (aVQo/)

56 "53

Yep. Mrs. Woods is facing assault and battery, I bet.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:18 PM (eSNGZ)"Have read that the alleged GF is saying nothing has gone on.

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:19 PM (p302b)


Just a few years ago you could type in George Bush into Google search and it would list at least 5 or 6 web-sites comparing GWB to a Nazi, a war criminal ,a murderer or a chimp before it got to his Wikipedia page or his page.

Google biased and staffed by hardcore lefties? Nawwwwww, where would anyone get that idea ?

Posted by: Blazer at November 28, 2009 01:20 PM (+FzLa)

58 As a trained PhD engineer and current scientist and modeler, I'm appalled at the behavior of the so-called scientists involved in climategate. If I did anything like that, I would get fired, and rightly so.

I work in industry, so most of what I do is subject only to internal review and doesn't go beyond the company, but we have way higher standards than that.

I have had a few arguments with other scientists at my job, but we put everything out in the open, including our assumptions and methods.

Scientists are human beings, too, and I have seen instances where ego and obstinence have seemed to interfere somewhat, but what happened in climategate is beyond the pale.

When we model in my group, we always state assumptions and limitations of the model and endeavor to give people a realistic assessment of the certainty -- uncertainty, moreso -- of the predictions. And the models often end up being quite predictive. When they are not, we don't cover it up (that would be difficult to do, anyway), but investigate reasons why the model didn't work and incorporate new findings into the model.

Of course we are able to compare model predictions to reality in a shorter time frame than with climate models, but the fact is now obvious that the climate models have not been predictive. Rather than run away from that fact, any decent climate modeler would go back and reassess his/her assumptions and acknowledge that it is difficult make predictions in such a complex system as the climate.

I guess in my company, if we fudged data like that, we would screwed since we'll almost certainly lose large sums of money. I'm pretty sure heads would role if such dishonesty were discovered. But the grant scientists, not so much. Instead they continue bilking the public as they receive loads of grant money and facilitate politicians' and crazy leftists' attempts to destroy entire economies.

Scientists should be about the truth we observe around us and leave policy issues to the politicians. If they want to get involved in policy issues, then they should leave academia and join a think tank.

As someone who got her PhD from one of the institutions involved, I'm also quite dismayed. I hope every one of the scientists involved is discredited completely and never recovers from the consequences this fraudulent behavior. (A girl can dream, no?)

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 01:20 PM (9VOeE)

59 52
"And we've learned there was no blood found on the steering wheel of
Tiger's SUV -- putting into serious doubt that Tiger sustained his
injuries from the crash."
That's one crazy bitch!

Posted by: Ike Turner at November 28, 2009 01:20 PM (OVP8C)

60 Robert Kennedy Jr. Isn't he the same lying asshole who ran into a DC street sweeper while drunk and the capitol police took him home?

Lot of credibility there.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 01:21 PM (CDUiN)

61 With TW, the MSM has asked other golfers to comment and the comments are sort of like "why would you leave your own home at that hour, nothing good can come from that and there is always the counch". Heard that one on the radio news...

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:21 PM (p302b)

Why does every strippuh want to become a lawyer?

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:21 PM (z37MR)

63 We're going to see more and more of this stuff, as current and future generations who end up at the helm of information and technology defend and promote their pseudo-religion.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at November 28, 2009 01:21 PM (554T5)

Can we just cut to the chase and post some stripper pics?

Posted by: Dang Straights at November 28, 2009 01:22 PM (x++TB)

65 You can put Ed Begley, Robert Kennedy Jr, Patrick Kennedy, and a bunch of strippers in a bag, shake 'em up, and they'd all come out the same.
i call bullshit,
i never dated Ed Begley, Robert Kennedy Jr, or Patrick Kennedy

Posted by: navycopjoe at November 28, 2009 01:22 PM (eVLpt)

No, that was Patches Kennedy...high on Ambien.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:22 PM (z37MR)

67 If you get your money only from grants then you feel pressure to have your findings line up with the attitudes of the grant givers. This stuff must be important as there are "grant writers" who make a living writing your grant application and assuring that you will get the grant. Now if you can't even write yoru own application then it would seem that this is crazy stuff.

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (p302b)

68 I expect those independent scientists whose work was based on the now highly questionable datasets provided by the IPCC "scientists" are feeling more than a little discomfort about their own results.
And as an added facet (I'm aware ofthe conspiritorial tinge to this argument - mock me.) that there may also be an aspect of this argument, related to much that is going on now in the world, where the bottom line is not climate at all. It is about secular morality. It is about accepted and non-accepted behaviors.
Don't consume, Don't polute, Don't be religious (irrational religions accepted), Don't be nationalistic, Don't kill the whales, Kill the fetuses, Mock and shun established morality, Believe what your told to believe, etc.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (r1h5M)

69 "why did google bury climategate?"

Did you mean: why did google buy climategate?

Posted by: Buckleyfan at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (DtTM9)

70 Why does every strippuh want to become a lawyer?
believe it or not but i actually know 3 ex-strippers who are lawyers

Posted by: navycopjoe at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (eVLpt)

One of the stripper chicks posted pics of herself dressed up as a cat. Wow. Face make-up and everything. She was showing the forum her skills in costume making and make-up. Really.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (z37MR)

72 Is Tiger's old lady a stripper? They fight like Sith Lords.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:24 PM (kKP5O)

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 01:20 PM (9VOeE)

african chick, have you ever in your life set foot in a church or have been spotted within' a half-mile radius of one or been in the same building with a priest or a reverend and that includes a WalMart or a 7-11?

If the answer is yes, unlike me, you are not qualified to argue or debate the issue of Climate Change.

I bid you a fine adieu.

Posted by: Charles Johnson at November 28, 2009 01:25 PM (+FzLa)

believe it or not but i actually know 3 ex-strippers who are lawyers
I believe you. If we've learned one thing from our friend AmishDude it's that anybody can graduate from lawyer-school.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:26 PM (z37MR)

75 Of course we are able to compare model predictions to reality in a
shorter time frame than with climate models, but the fact is now
obvious that the climate models have not been predictive.

An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the
American Chemical Society (ACS) are revolting against the group’s
editor-in-chief — with some demanding he be removed — after an
editorial appeared claiming “the science of anthropogenic climate
change is becoming increasingly well established.”


ACS member scientist Dr. Howard Hayden, a Physics Professor
Emeritus from the University of Connecticut: “Baum’s remarks are
particularly disquieting because of his hostility toward skepticism,
which is part of every scientist’s soul. Let’s cut to the chase with
some questions for Baum: Which of the 20-odd major climate models has
settled the science, such that all of the rest are now discarded? [...]
Do you refer to ‘climate change’ instead of ‘global warming’ because
the claim of anthropogenic global warming has become increasingly
contrary to fact?”

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:27 PM (aVQo/)

Why does every strippuh want to become a lawyer?

believe it or not but i actually know 3 ex-strippers who are lawyers

It is not unusual for strippers to go into prostitution.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:27 PM (kKP5O)

77 I just used for the climategate, climate hack, climate emails search, and I believe will be my new search engine! They were the suggestions on the list.


Posted by: MathMom at November 28, 2009 01:27 PM (W2Dc8)

african chick, do you discuss AGW with your colleagues?

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:28 PM (z37MR)

79 I had to do that same shit Albert. When I discovered Electricity using a kite and a key I made sure to do it at night in my backyard where noone could see me. They might just wanna poke holes in my theory so F them.

Posted by: Ben Franklin at November 28, 2009 01:28 PM (SqAkN)

It is not unusual for strippers to go into prostitution.

hahaha, rimshot!

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:28 PM (z37MR)

81 Forget google and bing. use startpage

Posted by: George Noory at November 28, 2009 01:29 PM (DtTM9)

82 75 so true, some of my wife's lawyers friends make my cats look like mit grads
77 i am going to try that line with the next one i see but if i don't survive the joke i'll come back and haunt your ass

Posted by: navycopjoe at November 28, 2009 01:29 PM (eVLpt)

83 Bing is my new homepage. They need to build a browser. You can't use Bing as your default for FireFox.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:29 PM (kKP5O)

84 Well said, african chick.

I work in Solid State Chemistry in Pharma and just the idea of faking and hiding data as the AGW criminals have done is completely alien to me.


Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:29 PM (eSNGZ)

You can't use Bing as your default for FireFox.

Maybe not for 3.5, but it works for 3.0...

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:31 PM (z37MR)

86 Bing is my new homepage. They need to build a browser.
Ummm, bing is Microsoft, dude. They might just have a browser out there already.

Posted by: Dang Straights at November 28, 2009 01:32 PM (x++TB)


I had to turn the chicken around because it was so worn out. How do you cure beak poisoning?

Posted by: Charles Johnson at November 28, 2009 01:32 PM (+FzLa)

88 ...the next one i see...

Which should be a half hour from now.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:34 PM (aVQo/)

89 I believe when Google made its corporate motto "Don't be Evil" it was a bit of a Jedi mind trick. Because what they really meant was "We're going to take over the world and no one is going to notice because we said we wouldn't"

Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at November 28, 2009 01:34 PM (RZ8pf)

90 Bing is my new homepage. They need to build a browser.
Ummm, bing is Microsoft, dude. They might just have a browser out there already.

Nobody uses IE because it sucks.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:34 PM (kKP5O)

91 Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:13 PM (aVQo/)
Extacy. Rewires the brain in a bad way.

Posted by: Rodent Liberation Front at November 28, 2009 01:35 PM (dQdrY)

92 How do you cure beak poisoning?


Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:35 PM (aVQo/)

93 I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm badI'm just a mean green mother from outer space and it looks like you've been had...

Posted by: Algore at November 28, 2009 01:35 PM (DtTM9)

94 As if to confirm my previous comment - CATO institute says BarryCare could top 6 Trillion - SIX EFFING TRILLION MOTHER EFFING DOLLARS!
More Wisdom from Solomon (Solomonia blog)

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 28, 2009 01:35 PM (r1h5M)

95 I had to turn the chicken around because it was so worn out. How do you cure beak poisoning?
Posted by: Charles Johnson

Apply a hot paste of cement and sulfuric acid.

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 01:35 PM (eSNGZ)

96 Rewires the brain in a bad way.

Forever mired in the madness of the limbic brain.

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:36 PM (aVQo/)

97 87
You can't use Bing as your default for FireFox.Maybe not for 3.5, but it works for 3.0...

Bing works fine in 3.5. Just go here and after installing check the button that asks if you want to start using it right away.

Posted by: koopy at November 28, 2009 01:36 PM (XllG0)

98 Jesus Christ these Global Warming guys are amatures. When I finished building my first telephone, I quickly called my brother to see if it worked. When I heard the sound of his voice from a mile and a half away I gathered up my phone and equipment and rode my horse over to hishouse. Once there I had him help me with my new experiment, digging a hole in his backyard to bury the telephone and wires. I told him that we had to dig it extra large so we could cover it with a heavy tarp so as to avoid damage. Once we finished I pulled out a .44 magnum and shot him in his left temple. I buried both his body and all the equipment from my experiment in his backyard where they are safe to this day from any "skeptic" or "denier" that might prove me wrong.

Posted by: Alexander Gram Bell at November 28, 2009 01:37 PM (SqAkN)

As if to confirm my previous comment - CATO institute says BarryCare could top 6 Trillion - SIX EFFING TRILLION MOTHER EFFING DOLLARS!
More Wisdom from Solomon (Solomonia blog)

I can remember when that was a lot of money. U.S.A. should tell its creditors to go get stuffed.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:37 PM (kKP5O)

I hate 3.5, but I can't remember why.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:37 PM (z37MR)

101 Latest rumor is that the "uninvited guests" were not democrats.

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 01:37 PM (p302b)

102 i really need to go to law school, aos has taught me enough to make a fortune
imagine me and alexthechick trying to settle out of court when her client has a slam dunk case against mine
atc: you're screwed joe, we want 50 million
me: sure you don't want just fifty bucks?
atc: are you insane, your client put my client's family in traction because he was drunk driving, 50 million
me: 50 bucks anddddddddd this pair of stompy boots
atc: ooooooh, okay sounds good

Posted by: navycopjoe at November 28, 2009 01:38 PM (eVLpt)

103 african chick, that is EXACTLY why I am cutting no slack and brooking no quarter for ANY scientist who so much as wrote a paper that relied on the motley CRU's data. The "young climate scientists" were betrayed by their own failure. Let them jerk coffee, man the 24-hour gas stations, telemarket keychains and pens. Fuck 'em.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 01:38 PM (GKXA7)

oh yeah, now I 'member.

Because the add-on for the realplayer download feature doesn't work.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:38 PM (z37MR)

105 It's even better when you try "ClimateGate." YouLube is in on it too.

Posted by: cbullitt at November 28, 2009 01:40 PM (g5ih3)

106 I'm convinced hawt female underwear causes Global Warming.

There can be only one solution.

Posted by: KSM at November 28, 2009 01:40 PM (QECjC)

Latest rumor is that the "uninvited guests" were not democrats.

My ass they weren't.

Attention whores -- check
Wannabe Beautiful People -- check
Waste their time doing stupid shit -- check

They're Democrats.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:41 PM (z37MR)

108 106
oh yeah, now I 'member.Because the add-on for the realplayer download feature doesn't work.

Try this.

Posted by: koopy at November 28, 2009 01:41 PM (XllG0)

109 oh yeah, now I 'member.

Because the add-on for the realplayer download feature doesn't work.

Real Player causes registry errors. VLC is the ticket. I used to use Real Player. That Commercial Window opening up lead to its death.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:41 PM (kKP5O)

110 we need a Palin Facebook post to cut through this
Sarah Palin ... help us tear down this wall
All we need is a "Hide the Decline" Post ..... break through 1,000 of journalists building a snow wall.

Posted by: Cromagnum at November 28, 2009 01:42 PM (ZPy9T)

111 I burned all the schematics for my invention, the Flux Capacitor, and scattered the ashes in the Pacific Ocean. Now noone can deny that I can travel in time!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Dr. Emmit Brown at November 28, 2009 01:42 PM (SqAkN)

112 Nice chattin', MMs. My skin rash is kicking back up and I feel like kicking a baby carriage.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 01:43 PM (GKXA7)

113 I'm convinced hawt female underwear causes Global Warming.

There can be only one solution.

A spanking?

Posted by: Zombie Erik The Red at November 28, 2009 01:43 PM (aVQo/)

114 Download Helper is good, but if you convert you get huge Download Helper logos everywhere.

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 01:43 PM (kKP5O)

I'm guessing this POWM is a stripper.

Posted by: Dang Straights at November 28, 2009 01:43 PM (x++TB)

I'll give it a whirl, koopy. Thanks.

And I'll look into VLC, too.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:44 PM (z37MR)

117 Of course we are able to compare model predictions to reality in a
shorter time frame than with climate models, but the fact is now
obvious that the climate models have not been predictive.

When we built "models" one of the first things we had to do was enter an input from past data and watch it run. If the output did not match the past data we knew the model was bad and it was back to the drawing board.

I understand that they tried this with their current models and they failed utterly. Yet they still use the models.

Theoretically we should be flooded out to the Appalachian and rocky mountains now

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 01:49 PM (CDUiN)

When I finished building my first telephone, I quickly called my brother to see if it worked. wasn't your first telephone, it was your second telephone.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:51 PM (z37MR)

Wow, the LSM is beating the Salahi story like a red-headed-stepchild. Because, you know,...thats the real scandal going on out there right now. WAPO has an entire four page write up on it today, like they're the Rosenbergs or something.

Posted by: Blazer at November 28, 2009 01:51 PM (+FzLa)

120 Fox has its main story as "Can US turn Taliban into allies?"

Meanwhile, I found this story from the Times of London:

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 28, 2009 01:53 PM (UBQGM)

Well, they wanted to be instant celebrities and the Secret Service played right into their hands. Not only is the SS incompetent, but when they announced the ruse to the public, they gave the Salahi's exactly what they wanted.

Nice going, Secret Service.

Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:54 PM (z37MR)

122 I understand that they tried this with their current models and they failed utterly. Yet they still use the models.

I also think I read somewhere that the modeling processes were written in 200 year-old patchwork FORTRAN.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at November 28, 2009 01:54 PM (554T5)

123 The one thing I fear the most is to be exposed as a fraud and a manipulator. That cracker bitch Sarah Palin and her facebook bullshit is helping too much to make that fear become a reality.

Posted by: B. Hussein Obama at November 28, 2009 01:55 PM (C39a6)

124 Has Chris Matthews rushed to the defense of that couple yet? If calling AQ isn't a crime, what's the big deal about crashing a party?

Posted by: Buckleyfan at November 28, 2009 01:55 PM (DtTM9)

125 I commissioned a ship to take me directly over the Marianas Trench where I dropped my invention, the Model T, into the ocean. You extremist deniers can't prove my invention didn't work, now pony up a gov. grant for a billion dollars.

Posted by: Henry Ford at November 28, 2009 01:56 PM (SqAkN)

126 Wow, the LSM is beating the Salahi story like a red-headed-stepchild.
They'll use anything to divert the masses from the real problems at hand.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at November 28, 2009 01:57 PM (554T5)

127 This is kinda funny:

Posted by: profligatewaste at November 28, 2009 01:57 PM (b3rrc)

128 How about this story from Fox:

ACORN Can Receive Pending Federal Payments, Justice
Department Says

The DOJ is at it again.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 01:59 PM (CDUiN)

129 Salahi who? What sort of name is that?

Posted by: Flavius Julius at November 28, 2009 02:00 PM (kKP5O)

130 "130
How about this story from Fox:

ACORN Can Receive Pending Federal Payments, Justice
Department Says

The DOJ is at it again.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 01:59 PM (CDUiN)"It was part of the pre Thanksgiving dump. What else was part of the dump?

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 02:01 PM (p302b)

131 I am the worlds # 1 climate scientist. Call me now for my free book and DVD showing you how to get free government money! It is so easy a caveman could do it!!!! Who wouldn't want free money call today!!! Call now and for a limited time I willinclude your own suit with questions marks on it!

Posted by: Mathew Lesko at November 28, 2009 02:01 PM (SqAkN)

132 So I'm thinking that when people (I just can't call them scientists anymore) started to really study climate and tried to make computer models, they found out it was complicated and didn't work. But some politicians NEEDED a particular answer, and you know (nudge-nudge, wink-wink) if we start getting the answers we KNOW are true, there's lots more research grants and prestige. So the word went out to the funding agencies - if the grant application talks about global warming - APPROVE IT! That's been happening for what, 2 decades now? You want to study the migration habits of red squirrels? Sorry. You want to study the effects of global warming on the migration habits of red squirrels? APPROVED.

Posted by: 141 Driver at November 28, 2009 02:01 PM (JFNQ7)

133 me: 50 bucks anddddddddd this pair of stompy boots
atc: ooooooh, okay sounds good

I am deeply offended by this. I would totally hold out for two pairs of stompy boots.

Posted by: alexthechick at November 28, 2009 02:02 PM (rfBP3)

134 "Michaele and Tareq Salahi DC Wedding Celebration mini-version"
Is this them?

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 02:04 PM (p302b)

135 7
Hammer, krak

"seasoned climate scientist" Judith Curry is trying to square a circle.
Her advice to "young climate scientists" is to be honest with their
data; it should be nothing less than to rethink ANY interest they have
in this fraud short of a determination to expose every last datum to
the blaring light of day.

I have every confidence that Monbiot,
Hammer, Curry, et ilk will cover ass to the end and go whole hog with
the next big eco-scare.

Posted by: arhooley at November 28, 2009 12:45 PM (GKXA7)

Not sure if this is directed at me or if there is another Hammer involved...I'm a skeptic...just posting the link.

Posted by: The Hammer at November 28, 2009 02:05 PM (YBTwf)

136 If you use you still get climategate, etc. Guess they only took it off the general searches.

Posted by: PJ at November 28, 2009 02:08 PM (Qpxxz)

137 Funny even when you get a search that starts showing the scandal it all links to stories on Fox or right wing websites.They dohave a total media blackout going on this. Nothing to see here move along. Look oh no someone crashed a White House party!!!!

Posted by: Mr. Pink at November 28, 2009 02:10 PM (SqAkN)

138 Don't look at me.

I ain't done nuttin.

Posted by: The Sun at November 28, 2009 02:11 PM (Am6n/)

139 How could they not invite Vikram Pandit??????
And yet, he could have crashed like them, who knew?

Posted by: curious at November 28, 2009 02:12 PM (p302b)


I'm convinced hawt female underwear causes Global Warming.

There can be only one solution.

Granny panties?

Posted by: the bear at November 28, 2009 02:13 PM (PD1tk)

141 Posted by: Mr. Pink at November 28, 2009 02:10 PM (SqAkN)
I'll bet that half the country still has no idea that ClimateGate even exists.

Posted by: Alex's Cabin at November 28, 2009 02:13 PM (ir65V)

142 @77: I know a few hookers that call themselves lawyers.

Posted by: KSM at November 28, 2009 02:14 PM (QECjC)

143 @142: you TOTALLY misinterpreted where I was going with that...

Posted by: KSM at November 28, 2009 02:16 PM (QECjC)

144 climate frau brings up climate fraud
climategat brings up nothing

Posted by: Gerry at November 28, 2009 02:16 PM (bW+qF)

145 Commonwealth Backs $10 Billion Climate Adaptaion Fund
I saw that today. It's time to embarrass politicians every day.

Posted by: Cincinnatus at November 28, 2009 02:17 PM (f4sLg)

146 80
african chick, do you discuss AGW with your colleagues?
Posted by: Scopes, the talking monkey at November 28, 2009 01:28 PM (z37MR)

No. Believe it or not, we discuss such portentous topics such as clothes, skin care, and the like in our spare time. Yeah, quite a few of us are chicks.

We don't really discuss political issues, but I'm sure I've let it slip that I think the whole thing is a crock. Like throughout earth's history, the earth's climate was constant till the 70s. Uhuh.

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 02:21 PM (9VOeE)

147 eman @ 86, I work in evil big pharma, too.

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 02:23 PM (9VOeE)

148 18 Is Andy Revkin slowly removing his tongue from Phil Jones' anus?
Posted by: bondo at November 28, 2009 12:54


it appears so

Posted by: The Great Satan's Ghost at November 28, 2009 02:24 PM (pNYyA)

149 How much of the existing research by non-CRU bodies is derivative of these original CRU findings? How many of the existing models are directly influenced by CRU studies? If the AGW proponents are going to point to the rest of the field as proof of a remaining consensus, shouldn't we be sure that CRU didn't itself create the foundation for that consensus?

Posted by: ef at November 28, 2009 02:28 PM (+5ndY)

150 Posted by: ef at November 28, 2009 02:28 PM (+5ndY)

Looking around, it seems like virtually all of the national/internaional "green" movements use the IPCC numbers/arguments. The baby and the bathwater are one in the same. Throw it all out.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2009 02:31 PM (7XkqZ)

151 136 "Michaele and Tareq Salahi DC Wedding Celebration mini-version"
Is this them?

Yep, that's them.

Almost 2,000 guests at the wedding. If I were the bride, I would kill myself. To each his own.

I wonder if they're actually "important people" or just wannabes.

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 02:33 PM (9VOeE)

152 Google results for "Adam Lambert": 8.9 million
Google results for "Climategate": 10.9 million

Posted by: Jim Treacher at November 28, 2009 02:33 PM (GrDz5)

153 154

But how many of those are Adam Lambert deniers?

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 28, 2009 02:35 PM (7XkqZ)

154 My understanding is that the IPCC largely relies on CRU, but isn't entirely based on CRU data. Other research was used to establish the IPCC figures as well. What portion of that other pre-IPCC data is CRU derived (sort of like tracking money that comes from Soros, but is channeled through three or four other organizations before it all ends up in the same spot)? My guess is that it is substantial, but I think this revelation makes it important that we find out.

Posted by: ef at November 28, 2009 02:38 PM (+5ndY)

155 My understanding is that the IPCC largely relies on CRU, but isn't
entirely based on CRU data. Other research was used to establish the
IPCC figures as well. What portion of that other pre-IPCC data is CRU

And our EPA uses the IPCC. They have no data of their own. What is NOT known by most people because the MSM has been mis-reporting this since it was written, but the SCOTUS case did NOT tell the EPA that they must regulate CO2 and call it pollution.

What they ruled (badly) was that the EPA did have the authority to regulate it and that IF they wanted to NOT regulate it they had to base that decision on more than someone's opinion.

If I am not mistaken, I believe that EPA's mandate included a requirement that they prove an effluent was pollution before they could regulate it. They have not done that and the court took the opposite stance in one of their (in)famous 5-4 decisions.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 02:46 PM (CDUiN)

156 BTW; it has been my opinion that the Bush DOJ mishandled that case on purpose. That way they could have cover for supporting the AGW scam and blaming it on SCOTUS.

I mean, arguing that the original law did not authorize them to regulate CO2 was pretty lame in itself.

Posted by: Vic at November 28, 2009 02:52 PM (CDUiN)

157 Hi African Chick..

They're just wannabes. Google yahoo dogpile ask bingle bing IxQuick them!

Posted by: sickinmass at November 28, 2009 02:52 PM (g7J39)

158 Hi sickinmass!

Posted by: african chick at November 28, 2009 02:56 PM (9VOeE)

159 So does this make Google a Climategate Denier?

Posted by: CoolCzech at November 28, 2009 03:06 PM (QECjC)

160 I understand that they tried this with their current models and they failed utterly. Yet they still use the models. Theoretically we should be flooded out to the Appalachian and rocky mountains now
Clearly there is a flaw in the Mother Nature 2.5 program.

Posted by: pep at November 28, 2009 03:08 PM (DZyVK)

161 Google = MSM

Bing = Fox News

Bings drop down gives climategate popping up easily.

Posted by: Guy Fawkes at November 28, 2009 03:17 PM (DIYmd)

162 Thanks for the heads up abut Bing - I've made it my homepage. Screw Google.

Posted by: CoolCzech at November 28, 2009 03:20 PM (QECjC)

163 Don't subsidize EVIL. Give Bing a try.

I switched a couple of months ago because of Bing's superior results and deleted my Google bookmarks.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 28, 2009 03:39 PM (+OW0C)

164 Palin/Bing 2012!!!!!

Posted by: eman at November 28, 2009 03:42 PM (eSNGZ)

165 Try
Better than google in every way.

Posted by: maxxman at November 28, 2009 03:44 PM (OYeDg)

166 The Science Bubble Explodes

Posted by: moneyrunner at November 28, 2009 04:01 PM (uAekG)

167 ClimateGate's Michael Mann Being Investigated by Penn State

Aiiyeee! My balls won't survive the dipping.

Posted by: toby928 at November 28, 2009 04:29 PM (PD1tk)

168 I switched to Bing a while back specifically because of googles bias.

Posted by: theBman at November 28, 2009 04:36 PM (pBNEK)

169 Penn State? Isn't that in Pennsylvania with all those bitter white racist idiots clinging to their guns and religion?

Nothing to see here, I asked the Magic 8 Ball about AGW and it came back
"All signs point to YES"

Posted by: Cahrsel Jhonsno at November 28, 2009 05:03 PM (sYxEE)

170 Bingsuggests "Climategate" as #1 when you type c-l-i.
Or is that because of a previous search I did?

Posted by: sherlock at November 28, 2009 05:06 PM (ktKOD)

171 Or is that because of a previous search I did?
Apparently not. Typed in h-u-m and got "humana", etc. Typed in "humboldt" and got Humboldt State U. etc. Typed in h-u-m again and got the same list as at first, i.e. h-u-m did not suggest "Humboldt" just because I hadsearched thatbefore.

Posted by: sherlock at November 28, 2009 05:11 PM (ktKOD)

172 If you want to see smart people shamelessly employing one logical fallacy and shady debate tactic after another, I really recommend that RealClimate blog. Those guys are really really good at putting that veneer of authority and sophistication over utter bullshit. My favorite at the moment is one warmist demanding that a "denier" provide specific references to data sets that have been "suppressed" by warmist scientists when the "denier" originally only pointed out the undeniably true: warmist scientists refuse to share their data except among true believers. The warmist also demands to know which laws of physics warmist scientists "bent" because "AGW follows from the known physics." Never mind that the issue is that the evidence is inconclusive and there is a high likelihood that it has been fudged to paint a certain warmist picture. I mean it's some great comedy over at that place.

Posted by: chaos at November 28, 2009 05:15 PM (mFUln)

173 There is NO global warming. Any bullshit these pussy libtard egg heads serve you is just that. BULLSHIT. If the world is not getting warmer nor has it gotten warmer since they started squealing like gay boys on there first butt date. They WANTED to believe something so they manufactured it. Unfortunately NOTHING backs their bullshit. The globe has NOT gotten warmer for 11 plus years. The same EXACT PERIOD OF TIME, that they have been making the claims that it has. There is NO EVIDENCE to the contrary, merely speculation, and computer models that are nonsense.

Posted by: gus at November 28, 2009 05:15 PM (Vqruj)

174 I'm not a big Twitter user but I've been watching the site over the past week and I've never seen 'Climategate' (or any variation) as one of the popular 'Trending Topics'.


Bing suggests "Climategate" as #1 when you type c-l-i.

Or is that because of a previous search I did?"

Just tried it, Climategate is indeed the top result and I don't use Bing.

Posted by: mudskipper at November 28, 2009 05:38 PM (/LRV0)

This fish stinks from the head back. Looks to be yet another manbearpig and Soros clusterfuck. This crap won't go away until these hucksters are put away.

Posted by: riterong at November 28, 2009 06:10 PM (nranl)

176 I just tried it and it dropped to "Climategate" after I typed "Cli" so either they put it back up, or it just drops by freqency of those who search for the term (which is what I think).

So keep googling it!

Posted by: cheshirecat at November 28, 2009 06:13 PM (q2c6d)

177 Also, they removed "hide the decline" from youtube's most watched list...

Posted by: todderchek at November 28, 2009 06:16 PM (EGZ+1)

178 Bing suggests "Climategate" as #1 when you type c-l-i.

Or is that because of a previous search I did?

Same thing happened on Google just now, which strongly suggests that they both use the same search engine, and frequency of query determines the drop order.

I'm not really buying this conspiracy.

I think if enough people queried, "andrew sullivan dickalicious" would pop up as well.

God know why they would though.

Posted by: cheshirecat at November 28, 2009 06:19 PM (q2c6d)

179 And yes, I just googled "andrew..." because I wanted to see if anyone has...fortunately, no dropdown.

Thank god.

Posted by: cheshirecat at November 28, 2009 06:21 PM (q2c6d)

180 Google be damned, have you noticed Fox hasn't had this story on their web page AT ALL for four days?! They're actually covering it less than the LSM is! What the hell?

Posted by: Flubber at November 28, 2009 06:22 PM (/2m9F)


The plot thickens...will this be a whitewash or a real investigation.

Exit question: If the AGW worshipers were on the other side of an email find like this, wouldn't they expect full explanations and demand the "science" be fully reviewed?

Posted by: The Hammer at November 28, 2009 06:25 PM (YBTwf)

182 You know how the fat bastards claim to have "lost" half of their raw data? That's because they didn't even pay my bill for taking care of that! I sure as hell wasn't going to finish the job.
James Hansen, though, there's a man who knows how to spend money.

Posted by: The Dog Who Eats Homework at November 28, 2009 06:54 PM (/2m9F)

183 Someone may have already asked this question, but: Isn't Al Gore on the board of directors for Google?

That explains it all about Google.

Posted by: TKH at November 28, 2009 06:57 PM (pq986)

184 As for Google, those @%$ are @%$ and can $%#@ my %@$.

As for media coverage and liberal adherence to ideology over science, do you recall the amazing scientific discovery that adult stem cells could be manipulated to emulate embryonic stem cells? I recall Rush declaring the debate over. There was no further need to destroy embryos. But did that stop them? NO!

The libtards didn't care that medical science could perform research without destroying embryos. They wanted to destroy embryos, and spend our tax dollars to do so. BHO even lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research AFTER it was discovered that adult stem cells would work just as well.

They don't care about the science. Liberalism is a religion and a mental disorder.

Posted by: RTH615 at November 28, 2009 07:11 PM (Rytlc)

185 I just went to and typed in c-l-i-m at which point Google suggested "climategate".
I use Bing too, but I'm not sure there's a vast leftwing conspiracy at work here. Just sayin...

Posted by: Major Major Major Major at November 28, 2009 07:13 PM (FuY29)

186 Google is oddly behind the curve on a lot of news stories, I am not sure what their algorithm is but it seems to be deliberately slow to pick up the slack. Some stuff they definitely manipulate and suppress but this one doesn't seem like there's anything there.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 28, 2009 07:24 PM (PQY7w)

187 Updated with the news Google has found the term "climategate" again.

Posted by: krakatoa at November 28, 2009 07:30 PM (hQbvm)

188 When I first read this post, "climategate" did not come up on Google, but now it does.
I guess in my company, if we fudged data like that, we would screwed since we'll almost certainly lose large sums of money. I'm pretty sure heads would role if such dishonesty were discovered.
This reminds me of my reaction in 1992 to Hillary's "I don't remember nothing about that client and have no idea where records might be." I'm not a lawyer, but I was working at a law firm at the time and I knew that it was total b.s. How anyone who'd ever stepped foot in a law firm could even consider her excuses for a second was beyond me.

Posted by: Mama AJ at November 28, 2009 07:32 PM (Be4xl)

189 I just went to and typed in c-l-i-m at which point Google suggested "climategate".

A) Inferior technology.
B) They didn't think they'd get caught and put the original back chop chop to save face before it exploded in their faces.

Take your pick. I'd give it 50/50.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 28, 2009 07:32 PM (h+uFy)

190 Anyone wanting to mindmeld with the AGW zealots need only go to ClimateProgress and see how they reacted to Curry's piece:

Posted by: effinayright at November 28, 2009 07:57 PM (7M8Py)

191 Do a search on Yahoo for Climategate... And click on the results. They are 90% pro climate change articles. That the BIG site it points people to" #4" on the list, said it was Bush's fault... I'm not kidding!!

Posted by: Indian Outlaw at November 28, 2009 08:02 PM (8zsWd)

Climate-Gate: The Bush Administration, Global Warming and the ...Climate-Gate: The Bush Administration and the EPA's Report on the Environment ... Climate-Gate: What Is President Bush Being Accused Of, Exactly? CLIMATE-GATE

Posted by: Indian Outlaw at November 28, 2009 08:07 PM (8zsWd)

193 What Is President Bush Being Accused Of, Exactly?
Posted by: Indian Outlaw at November 28, 2009 08:07 PM (8zsWd)
Its the #1 result on Yahoo "climate gate"

Posted by: Indian Outlaw at November 28, 2009 08:09 PM (8zsWd)

194 If you want to have some fun, askyour libtard in-laws who was Vice President when the US Senate rejected Kyoto. Then ask them, what is the only actual job that the VP is granted by the US Constitution?
Sure, I know that the Senate rejectedKyoto unanimously and the VP can only vote in the case of a tie... but shit, there's no way in hell they will know that!

Posted by: sherlock at November 28, 2009 09:07 PM (ktKOD)

195 A bit of a tangent -

Get out of the weeds, ain't no 'model' here at all, just an extrapolation of manipulated temps.

If they had a 'model' they would only need 'start' temps of any given year to run the model's engine, and test its effectiveness.

Nope, just a bunch a raw temp, washed thoroughly to get the results they wanted.

Shiite, even a fifth grader should be able to put a bunch of dots on a graph (year vs. temp), and draw a straight line... guess it takes a "climatologist" to bend the curve.

Incidentally - note that the 'program' files in the release all have the file name extension *.PRO. Google it, HT Rosie.

Posted by: Druid at November 28, 2009 09:23 PM (Gct7d)

196 On extrapolation of data -

I could take a wooden beam, put bags of sand on it, measure deflection, and extrapolate deflection vs. load.

That would not demonstrate any understanding of the underlying mechanics nor the failure load, but it would demonstrate one's dangerous ignorance.

Posted by: Druid at November 28, 2009 09:48 PM (Gct7d)

197 NOTE-I tried typing “climâ€‌ as you suggest in your "UPDATE," but did not get “climategateâ€‌ as claimed.

Maybe Google “fixedâ€‌ that bug?

Posted by: yonason at November 29, 2009 02:43 AM (2+qy0)

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Posted by: reviewups at December 02, 2009 02:34 AM (fZN4w)

201 This whole google auto-suggest thing is not quite fixed for everyone. This might be a domain thing, but in Canada, is routed to I'm still not seeing climategate in the auto-suggest.

But it gets more intriguing. Yesterday morning I switched to bing and it showed climategate in the auto-suggest after just a few letters. Yet by the afternoon, bing was not showing it either. I don't think you can blame that on a bad/slow algorithm. Once again detects I'm from Canada (it gives me the option to search 'only in Canada'.
I'd be curious to hear if others are seeing the same thing from Canada or other domains.

At least in Canada, this story is not over.

Posted by: Michael at December 02, 2009 08:51 AM (bmNqq)

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221 منتديات ايمو بنات كيوت منتديات بنات كيوت منتديات ozq8 منتديات وكر العصفور عبايات خليجية قمصان نوم قصيرة emo pictures افريل لافين ايمو صور ناروتو رومانسية الحب توبيكات عتاب ولوم mai hagiwara صور هبله ايمو حب قيمزر فساتين اليسا رمنسيه للكبار - صوررومنسيه بنات -صوررومنسيه 2010 صوررمنسيه صور ايمو قيرلز ايمو قيرلز جلابيات دانتيل صور حب وغرام صور عشاق صور رومانسية قلوب خلفيات كمبيوتر صور مثيره ليندسي لوهان صور قمصان نوم مثيرة , احدث اطقم قمصان النوم ملابس نوم رسومات ايمو ,صور بنات ايمو , اولاد الايمو اكسسوارات ايمو توبيكات جروحي ملونه ~ توبكات جروحي ~ نكات جروحى نك نيمات مكياج سهرة ناعم مسجات بوس قصص تكست txt للجوال قصص ملاحظات للجوال مسجات احبك احلى مسجات حب .عتب.غزل. زعل مسجات حب خياليه مسجات حب رومانسية توبيكات غرور وكبرياء ، توبيكات غرور للبنات ، توبيكات غرور جديده صور حروف للماسنجر ، صور أحرف للماسنجر ، صور حروف إنجليزيه ايقونات سمايلات رموز خبال مضحكة رائعة للماسنجر ~ باندا Banda ارواب نوم ارواب مثيره و شتويه ارواب صيفيه ارواب نعومي جديده صور احرف انجليزية ايقونات بكاء - ايقونات دموع للمسنجر قصات شعر ايمو ثيمات ايمو صور قبلات للماسنجر emo pink ايمو بوي خلفيات عن الايمو ليلة الدخلة بالصور صور ايمو جديده ايمو حزين صور ايمو للمسن صور ايمو love فستان اليسا جماجم ايمو فساتين افراح 2010 فساتين زفاف 2010 فيسات رموز تصيح للمسن اختصارات وايقونات تصيح للمسن ايقونات تبكي للمسن , فيسات تبكي للمسن , اختصارات تبكي للمسن فيسات تضحك للمسن -رموز تضحك للمسن - ايقونات تضحك للمسن فيسات قلوب للمسن - رموز قلوب للماسنجر-ايقونات قلوب للمسن ايقونات خجل للمسن-رموز خجل-فيسات خجل-اختصارات خجل ومستحيه للمسنجر فيسات مضحكه - رموز مضحك للمسن - ايقونات و إختصارات مضحكه للماسنجر ابتسامات بنات - رموز بنوتيه - فيسات للبنات جديده فيسات رموز ايقونات بنات بناتيه للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات تجنن للمسن فيسات غضب للمسن - رموز غضب للمسن - ايقونات غضب للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات كيوت للمسن ‏ فيسات رموز ايقونات سبونج بوب للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات زعل للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات زعلانه للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات حزينه للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات حزن للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات كول للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات رومنسيه للمسن اختصارات رومنسيه للمسن جديده فيسات رموز ايقونات شفايف للمسن فيسات kiss رموز kissايقونات kiss للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات بوس للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات قبلات للمسن فيسات رموز ايقونات حب للمسن Brushes , Brushes2010, Brushes new باترن منقط للفوتوشوب 2010 خطوط انجليزيه تفوق الروعه , تحميل خطوط انجليزيه روعه 2010 , Capital Fonts صور كدش - صور كدش جديده 2010 - صور كدش تضحك برنامج الوافي للجوال الموبايل سكربت كشف الظهور دون اتصال خلفيات ماسنجر 2010 - خلفيات مسن 2010 - BACKGROUND - ogtdhj lhsk[v - خلفيات للمسن 2010 نكت 2010 - نكت جديده - نكت محششين 2010 - k;j خطوط اجنبيه - خطوط انجليزيه - خطوط 2010 - o',' طريقه حذف الايميل نهائيا - lhsk[v صور ميكي ماوس - ميكي ماوس 2010 - والت ديزني2010 - صور والت ديزني ايقونات مسن 2010 - اختصارات ماسنجر 2010 - فيسات للمسن 2010 سمايلات بط 2010 , رموز بط 2010 , ايقونات بط 2010 , فيسات بط 2010 خلفيات جديدة خلفيات ماسنجر جميلة خلفيات بنات للمسن صور اطفال صور اطفال جميلة للمسن صور اطفال كيوت للماسنجر صور اطفال 2011 للماسنجر صور اطفال جميلة للمسن صور اطفال روعة للماسنجر 2010 باترن للفوتوشوب2010-باترن 2010 فرش مصابيح للفوتوشوب2010 خامات خشب للتصميم2010-خامات خشبيه2010 خامات ازهار للتصميم -خامات ازهار للتصميم 2010 خامات مزخرفه للتصميم2010-خامات زخارف2010 مسجات وداع2010 مسجات حزينه2010 أجمل رسائل اعتذار2010 صور ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر شباب - صور ماسنجر بنات - w,v lhsk[v مسجات تسامح 2010 صور ماسنجر انمي 2010 - صور رمزيه انمي 2010 - صور انمي للماسنجر - صور انمي للمسن 2010 صور انمي - صور انمي روعه - صور انمي 2010 صور بنات - انمي بنات 2010 - صور بنات جديده 2010 صور انمي, صور آنمي جديده2010 مسجات عتاب 2010 - رسائل عتاب 2010 - عتاب - رسائل حزينه 2010 باترن خامات 2010 - ohlhj - fhjvk - باترن 2010 - خامات 2010 صور ماسنجر هلاليه - صور ماسنجر الهلال 2010 - صور ماسنجر لجمهور الهلال خامات 2010 - سكرابز 2010 - خامات جديده - خامات رومنسيه 2010 - خامات 2010 رمزيات انمي جديدة رمزيات انمي جميلة اكبر موجموعة رمزيات 2011 صور ماسنجر انمي 2011 قصاصات سكرابز مذكرات بنات 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز قلوب رومنسية 2011 قصاصات سكرابز اصارات منوعة 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز بنات سكرابز ادوات بنات 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز الوان جميلة 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز ادوات رومنسية 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز كلمات قديمة 2011 للتصميم قصاصات سكرابز اطفال سكرابز شامل للاطفال 2011 للتصميم صور ماسنجر 2011 - صور ماسنجر انمي 2011 - صور رمزيه انمي 2011 صور ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر انمي 2010 - صور انمي 2010 للماسنجر - صور رمزيه انمي 2010 توبيكات جديدة توبيكات رومانسية توبيكات 2010 - 2011 توبيكات جديدة توبيكات اغاني توبيكات راشد الماجد توبيكات الفنان راشد الماجد صور ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر انمي 2011 - صور مسن انمي - صور انمي للمسن 2011 صور ماسنجر شبابية صور ماسنجر شبابية جميلة صور ماسنجر للشباب 2011 خلفيات ماسنجر جديدة خلفيات مسن جميلة خلفيات 2011 للماسنجر صور رومانسية جديدة صور رومانسية جميلة صور انمي رومانسية جديدة صور انمي رومانسية 2011 خلفيات ماسنجر جديدة خلفيات ماسنجر كيوت خلفيات ماسنجر 2011 توبيكات شوق توبيكات وله توبيكات جديدة توبيكات جميلة للمسن 2011 رموز ماسنجر 2011 - رموز فيونكات 2011 للمسن - اختصارات مسن 2011 رموز خليجيه - رموز خليجيه للماسنجر 2010 رموز ماسنجر 2011 - فيسات مسن 2011 - اختصارات ماسنجر 2011 خلفيات ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر 2010 - خلفيات وصور ماسنجر جديده 2010 صور ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر منوعه - صور ماسنجر بنات - صور ماسنجر اطفال - صور مسن 201 رسائل سعادة وسائط رسال الحب الحقيقي وسائط 2011 رسائل وسائط شوق رسائل صباح الشوق وسائط mms شوق 2011 رسائل حب وسائط رسائل وسائط حب mms حب 2011 رسائل عشق وحب وسائط رسائل اغلى حب وسائط mms عشق 2011 رسائل وسائط رومنسيه مسجات وسائط 2011 mms رومنسية رسائل وسائط جرح وعتاب 2011 رسائل عربية حلوة 2011 مسجات حلوة رسائل اشعار جميلة مسجات شعر جميل 2011 مسجات الغاز رسائل لغز 2011 رسائل حزن مسجات حزينة 2011 رسائل عربية جميلة مسجات عربية 2011 تحميل خطوط عربية و انجليزية خطوط اسلامية اكثر من 3000 خط مكتبة خطوط جديدة 2010 - 2011 ماهو الإميج ردي - كيف تحرك الصور به - شرح مفصل فساتين سهرة باللون الوردي ، صور فساتين سهرات باللون الوردي فساتين تركية فساتين سهرة تركيا موديلات تركيه 2010 ازياء , فساتين احدث موديلات قمصان نوم حريمي نعومي ساخنه جدا دلع روعه فساتين قصيرة ازياء المصمم عقل فقيه ~ فساتين عقل فقيه 2010 فساتين سهرة للمصممة الكويتية نوال العنزي اتين المصمم توفيق حطب ~ ازياء للمصمم توفيق حطب 2010 ازياء و فساتين المصمم فادي نحلة 2010 ازياء فادي نحلة فساتين فادي ازياء فساتين ايلي صعب فساتين سهره لبنانية للمصمم ايلي صعب 2010 عبايات من تصميم المصممة امل مراد جلابيات امل مراد,جلابيات خليجية عبايات فساتين مصممات سعوديات - ازياء مصممات سعوديات فساتين اكمام طويلة , موديلات اكمام طويلة , فساتين سهرة اكمام طويلة صور قمصان نوم مثيرة 2010 ملابس قمصان نوم 2011 للعروس و للعرائس ملابس داخلية مثيرة للزوج جديدة و حلوه ، صور ملابس داخلية مثيرة للزوج جديدة و حلوه صور ملابس داخلية بناتية 2010 للبنات 2011 روعه و جذابه و حلوه فساتين روعه مره للخطوبة 2011 اخر دلع و شياكة جنان موضة 2012 بلوزات و بلايز شيفون 2010 ، صور بلوزات و بلايز شيفون جديدة موضة 2011 كلوتات و كلوت ابو خيط و ابو خط كلوت ابو صفقه كلوتات نسائية قمصان نوم مثيرة قمصان نوم حريمي قمصان نوم روعه قمصان نوم قصيرة صور تنانير و بلايز للجامعه و للكليات ، تنانير و بلايز للجامعه و للكليات و للمعاهد ازياء ماركة لصيف 2011 حلوه و انيقة تنانير و بلوزات ازياء صيف 2011 للمحجبات ، ازياء صيف 2011 محجبات,صور محجبات 2011 ازياء صيف 2010 للمحجبات موضة 2011 فيسات ماسنجر 2010 - فيسات مسن - فيسات للماسنجر 2010 نغمه موسيقه رائعه جدا احله نغمه للمسجات اكسسوارات هواتف بنات2010 - اكسسوارات جوالات بنات2010 - اكسسوارات موبايل 2010 صور ون بيس متحركة - صور ماسنجر - صور ون بيس للماسنجر - صور ماسنجر 2010 خلفيات للمسن - خلفيات ماسنجر - خلفيات ماسنجر 2010 - خلفيات ماسنجر رومنسيه صور أنمي للمسن - صور انمي للماسنجر - صور انمي 2011 - صور انمي 2010 صور ماسنجر صور رومانسيه للماسنجر صور رائعة للماسنجر صور للماسنجر صور مسن صور ماسنجر جديدة صور شبابية جديدة صور شباب للماسنجر صور شباب جميلة للماسنجر صور انمي جديدة صور انمي جميلة للماسنجر صور انمي جديدة للمسن صور اطفال الخليج 2010 صور اطفال للمسن - صور أطفال مسن pic msn خلفيات ماسنجر 2010 - خلفيات ماسنجر جديده - خلفيات ماسنجر روعه - خلفيات مسن صور ماسنجر 2010 - صور ماسنجر جديده - صور ماسنجر حلوه - صور مسن 2010 اختصارات ماسنجر 2010 - اختصارات مسن - اختصارات للماسنجر - اختصارات ماسنجر جديده صور انمي للماسنجر - صور انمي للمسن - صور ماسنجر انمي - صور مسن انمي - صور انمي 2010 رموز للمسن - رموز ماسنجر منوعه - رموز ماسنجر مضحكه متحركه - رموز ماسنجر 2010 جديده برامج سوني أريكسون / k800i - W900 - W800 - W810 - K750 - K700 مسنجر للجوال n85 , n96 , n79 طريقة عمل ايميل هوتميل - طريقة عمل ماسنجر - طريقة عمل ايميل جديد ماسنجر 2010 - الماسنجر الجديد - تحميل ماسنجر جديد 2010 - Windows Live Messenger 2010 صور رومانسية حلوة صور رومانسية لعشاق الرومانسية رومانسات جديدة رومانسيات 2011 صور جديدة صور جميلة صور رومانسية 2011 صور انمي رومانسي 2010 صور قلوب - صور قلوب 2010 - صور حب - صور رومنسيه - صور غرام صور رومنسيه - صور حب - صور غرام - صور غزل 2010 صور غرام 2010 صور حب 2010 - صور رومنسيه كروت حب - كروت غرام - كروت رومنسيه - كروت 2010 صور شموع 2010 - صور شموع رومانسية - صور شموع رومنسيه صور حب - صور رومنسيه - صور عشق - صور تصميم رومنسيه كروت رومانسية جديدة - كروت حب جميلة - كروت رومانسية صور رومانسية جميلة صور رومانسية جديدة صور حب صور غرام صور رومانسيات 2011 رسائل خواطر وحب تجنن 2010 صور وسائط - رسائل وسائط - وسائط 2010 - وسائط حب - وسائط رومنسيه وسائط صوتيه روعه 2011 - وسائط صوتيه 2011 - وسائط صوتيه بدون موسيقى 2011 وسائط 2011 - مسجات وداع 2011 - رسائل حزينه 2011 وسائط صوتيه حزينه 2010 - وسايط صوتيه حزينه - وسائط حزينه - وسائط صوتيه 2011 رسائل اعتذار - مسجات اعتذار - رسائل اسف - رسالة اعتذار وسائط 2010 - مسجات وداع2010 - رسائل حزينه2010 مسجات الصباح مسجات صباح الخير مسجات صباح الورد 2011 مسجات 2011 رسائل جوال قصيرة 2011 مسجات مسائيه رسائل مساء الخير مسجات مساء الخبر 2011 مسجات تهنئه المولود الجديد 2010 - مسجات تهنئه للمواليد 2010 مخطوطات الاسلامية - خطوط اسلامية للتصميم - خطوط فوتوشوب 2011 جديد الفرش الموسيقية الكلاسيكية 2011 Music Brushes جدبد فرش الالوان 2011 Particle Smoke Photoshop Brushes اكشن للفوتوشوب - الاكشن للفوتوشوب - اكشن فوتوشوب 2010 استايلات جديدة 2011 - استايلات 2010 - hsjhdghj - استايلات روعه فرش رسوم متحركه - فرش إنمي - فرش افلام كرتون للتصميم - فرش كرتون سكرابز جديد - سكرابز 2010 - 2011 - مجموعة سكرابز جديدة وحلوه صور زهور - صور ازهار - صور ورد صور شلالات Waterfalls صور شلالات - صور شلالات رومانسية صور أمواج - صورة امواج للتصميم شرح برنامج الاميج ريدي تحريك الصور - ببرنامج الاميج ريدي - درس تحريك الصور في برنامج درس الكتابة بالحرف العربية في برنامج الفلاش مسجات خيانة قوية - رسائل خيانة قوية جدا - مسجات خيانة قوية مرة اجمل mms وسائط 2010 روعه - وسائط حب - عشق جديدة 2010 صور رمانسيه - صور رومنسيه متحركه - صور رمانسيه جديده صور روماسنية جديدة صور رومانسية خيال صور رومانسية روعة ورمانسيات خيال صور akon جديدة 2010 - صور akon - akon صور انمي اولاد 2010 صور انمي اطفال - صور انمي اطفال 2010 - صور أطفال انمي كيوت صور اشارات المرور - صور الاشارات المرورية صور للكعبة المشرفة - صور للمسجد الحرام - صور للكعبة اكسسوارات لاب توب - اكسسوارات لاب توب 2010 صور خدع بصريه - خدع بصريه جديدة - خدع بصرية 2010 عجائب الدنيا السبع - صور عجائب الدنيا السبع - عجائب الدنيا السبع 2010 خامات للتصاميم - خامات جديدة - خامات 2011 - خامات فوتوشوب - ohlhj صور 2011 شراء كاميرا رقميه - مواصفات كاميرا الديجيتال - مميزات كاميرا الديجيتال بيسكلات روعه 2010 - صور متحركه 2010 - فواصل روعه2010 فرش ريش طيور 2010 - فرش ريش طيور للتصميم 2010 - فرش ريش طيور للفوتوشوب 2010 فرش دموية - فرش دموية للتصميم 2010 - فرش دموية جديدة زخارف اسلاميه - صور زخارف ايات قرانية - زخرفة ايات قرانيه برنامج Inpaint - برنامج إنبينت - 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Posted by: ebridalgowns at June 14, 2011 01:21 AM (SuY4Y)

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