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HufPo Writer: Maybe Mary Jo Would Have Been Happy To Have Died For The Kennedy Cause UPDATE: You Know What Cracked Teddy Up? A Good Chappaquiddick Joke!

You see, she wasn't killed as much as she was a good liberal who took one for the team or something (safe link to NRO).

We don't know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she'd have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn't preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death, and what she'd have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

I put the Matt Cooper thing in the headlines before Ace posted it and I said it was the "dimwitted quote of the day, so far". Never in my wildest dreams however did I think it would be topped in such spectacularly stupid and disgusting fashion. I'm not ready to call it the worst yet or that we are likely to see before it's all said and done. We've still got two days until the guy is buried.

It never ceases to amaze me that liberals, especially liberal women, who look to Democrats to vindicate their feminist ideas are willing to put up with sexual abuse, offer themselves up sexually or even think women might be happy to die for them.

This is their idea of what political heroes should be? Sick stuff.

Somewhat related...there's a debate whether opponents of health care reform should acquiesce to the Democrats new idea of calling it "KennedyCare". I say fine.

First, Kennedy is not nearly as popular outside of liberal salons as they think.

Second, when a lot of people think of Kennedy they think of three things: dangerous behind the wheel, bloated and dead. Strikes me that's a perfect metaphor for Obama-Kennedy Care or whatever we wind up calling it.

UPDATE: If launching Kennedy's career to a whole new level wasn't enough, I'm sure Mary Jo Kopechne would be happy to know she provided a lifetime of humor (for him, not her obviously).

Yeah, I'm pretty much not feeling bad about joking about this SOBs death.

Posted by: DrewM. at 11:13 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 May I be the first to say holy effing shit.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:14 PM (UOM48)

2 I offer myself up sexually to Barack Hussein Obama Jr- to do with as he pleases.

Posted by: Jenna Jameson's Baby Daddy at August 27, 2009 11:19 PM (VRZ7Z)

3 Well, you know what they say: You can't make an omelet without drowning a few campaign workers.

Posted by: ExUrbanKevin at August 27, 2009 11:19 PM (toqoX)

4 May I be the first to say holy effing shit.

Second. Ms. Lafsky, seek professional help.

Posted by: HeatherRadish at August 27, 2009 11:20 PM (YzDEL)

5 There are days I think of becoming a Democrat simply to feed my baser desires of running a prostitution ring out of my apartment, keeping $80k in my freezer, feeding an alcohol/floozy addiction, and then being praised for all of it.

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 27, 2009 11:21 PM (9H4sW)

6 I'm sure all the seniors Obama Care will be sending to the Solyent Green processing factories are also dying for the cause.

Posted by: The Chewbacca Defense at August 27, 2009 11:21 PM (YMZjg)

7 You forgot "alcohol-soaked".

I'm surprised that his will didn't specify that he was to be placed in the world's largest bottle of Jose Cuervo and that the person who finished it off had to eat his remains.

Posted by: Brandon In Baton Rouge at August 27, 2009 11:22 PM (mySIW)

8 if i was related to Mary Jo and read this, i would be the one in jail for murder, not teddy
too bad the "word" is banned, it would fit in this case

Posted by: navycopjoe at August 27, 2009 11:24 PM (DJf5J)

9 The mental gymnastics required to justify your positions is immense when your political idols are self-serving, arrogant scumbags. Ted Kennedy was everything the liberals say they hate, and they adored him. Shame on them for not having the personal integrity to stand up for their principles.

Posted by: kefka at August 27, 2009 11:24 PM (udoJ3)

10 Proud to be an accomplished, conservative woman who doesn't take shit from any man, but knows how to keep her man happy.

Posted by: Y-not at August 27, 2009 11:26 PM (sey23)

11 Who knows — maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

It might have been worth it now that Teddy is dead but you can't hear the screams of the damned in heaven so I would still have to give that a big no.

Posted by: Mary Jo Kopechne at August 27, 2009 11:28 PM (3RHzM)

12 The Kopeckne family's silence has always been chillingly disturbing. I'd have gone postal on Teddy Boy and would have spent the rest of my life in prison.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:28 PM (UOM48)

13 Personally I think naming a POS legislation for a POS senator is a great idea.

Posted by: GarandFan at August 27, 2009 11:29 PM (qKTIT)

14 I don't think there's any coincidence that New England has had Hurricane Bill, and now Tropical Storm (so far) Danny heading that way this summer. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:30 PM (UOM48)

15 Duh.

What do you all think feminism IS? Feminism is nothing more than the pursuit of the Alpha male. The desire to be the mistresses and so on of powerful men. That's the WHOLE POINT of feminism.

There is no contradiction. Liberal women LOVE: Clinton, Kennedy, Dodd (with Teddy in the booze-soaked grope/assault fest on the waitress), Villaraigosa, Newsome, etc. BECAUSE they are bastiches. The worse a man is to women, and the more he poses as "the Big Man" (particularly if he humiliates/berates subordinates and is a general jerk) and has the "correct" political attitudes endorsed by the fashionable people, women will be all over him.

It's the same in Hollywood as it is in Politics. It's the same dynamic too. It's a basic lust for power. It manifests itself in different ways in women than men, but oh boy is it there, and oh boy is it as equally as ugly (as in men). Just ugly in a different way.

Posted by: whiskey at August 27, 2009 11:31 PM (L03mw)

16 Your comment "Kennedy is not nearly as popular outside of liberal salons as they think," combined with the link to the Mirabella quote and its comments, give me some hope.

The whacked-out Left really is a small minority. They thought Obama's election was proof that they weren't, but they were hopelessly wrong, and they're finding that out now.

And it absolutely enrages them.

Posted by: . at August 27, 2009 11:32 PM (U0qKE)

Posted by: Brown Line at August 27, 2009 11:32 PM (pWRk0)

I'd like to give you my reaction to that. But I can't, because the man you're eulogizing murdered me 40 years ago.

Posted by: Mary Jo Kopechne at August 27, 2009 11:36 PM (pWRk0)

19 Hi,
First time poster after lurking for awhile. That statement from HuffPo is so stupid, heartless, sickening, insane that I had to jump in.
I'd love to ask the writer if they would have happily given up their life for Teddy Boy's Senate career? Sorry, no love, no family, no doing what you envisioned doing with your life but, hey, Ted gets to play Senator for 40 years!

Posted by: sarahconnor2 at August 27, 2009 11:36 PM (xCraI)

20 Yea. They name the heath care bill after a fat, dead, alcoholic piece of shit. Good idea libs. That oughta fly like a lead balloon.

Posted by: mossback at August 27, 2009 11:38 PM (GfYt/)

21 12 The Kopeckne family's silence has always been chillingly disturbing. I'd have gone postal on Teddy Boy and would have spent the rest of my life in prison.
Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:28 PM (UOM4
They took the money, and being hard-core Kennedy worshipers, they never looked back. They were probably slightly pissed at their own daughter for getting Ted on so much trouble. I have no respect for them.

Posted by: Jim in San Diego at August 27, 2009 11:38 PM (H7Rlw)

22 Most of the female Huffnpuffers probably wholeheartedly agree with the idea.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:39 PM (UOM48)

23 Ahh, yes. Dying so that one such as Kennedy may prosper is a virtuous sacrifice to the common good.
You just wouldn't understand, what withConservatismbeing a mental disease, you see.

Posted by: krakatoa at August 27, 2009 11:39 PM (P+oMN)

24 So leftest women = masochist slaves to leftest politics? Hmmm, it fits the self loathing need-to-feel-pain-to-feel-anything profile.

Posted by: ray at August 27, 2009 11:41 PM (ve72s)

25 UK Health Care System (via Drudge):

Man goes into hospital for gout; gets head removed.

Posted by: mossback at August 27, 2009 11:41 PM (GfYt/)

26 Saw that rapist William Kennedy Smith at the Kennedy Library today. Uncle Ted was the drunken, whoring, POS family member you never wanted your grown sons or daughters to hang out with. Sure had the connections to get one of his own out of trouble, though.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 27, 2009 11:42 PM (UOM48)

27 MJK died so that Ted could never be president. If she ultimately served a cause it wasn't his cause.

Posted by: tachyonshuggy at August 27, 2009 11:42 PM (YRjsF)

28 What we don't you know, as always, could couldn't fill a Metrodome metronome.
Fixed it

Posted by: 141Driver at August 27, 2009 11:42 PM (LEynS)

29 "...and being hard-core Kennedy worshipers...."

Not likely. Mary Jo's father died an embittered man. I imagine the conversation went something like this: "He's a KENNEDY. The 'accident' took place in Massachusetts. There was no real investigation of the 'accident'. No 'evidence' was collected. All of the witnesses are on the Kennedy payroll. Do you honestly think Ted would be CONVICTED of anything? Take the money. Shut up. Bury your daughter. Forget about it."

Posted by: GarandFan at August 27, 2009 11:42 PM (qKTIT)

30 Under the new Kennedy Health Care Bill alcoholism will be encouraged as the bastion of public good.

Posted by: mossback at August 27, 2009 11:44 PM (GfYt/)

31 When you think about it, the vics have always been little people. No-future lounge singers, low-level state workers, waitresses, secretaries, interns....
The apologists apologize for the victimization of others. Usually, the vic is not the apologist and vice versa.
IOW, the feminists are willing to throw their disposable sisters to the sharks if the sharks will slander Judge Bork or fund abortioin.
Tammy Bruce said that organized feminism is for radical/progressive causes. If women's issues help, then women's issues are SERIOUS. If not, not. If there's a conflict, women's issues are slagged.
Example: Feminists on the Duke lax rape hoax. But when a real rape happened, when all that horror that the fems tell us happens in a rape happened for real to a real woman....nada. Wrong narrative. Rich white jocks against a poor black woman justifies reproaches to all of society, especially white men. But the other rape caseat Duke had a white vic and a black perp and thus the wrong narrative. So the vic, who was really raped, is a nothing.
Hard to see a better example of Bruce's point than that.

Posted by: Richard Aubrey at August 27, 2009 11:44 PM (rFmWZ)

32 I have been hoping for a Kennedy care thread so I can try this one out:

Kennedy care - The service is top notch but the ambulance ride is a killer.

Posted by: somejoe at August 27, 2009 11:44 PM (yP5sH)

33 damn, sometimes libs are so convoluted and grasping in their effort to sound 'interesting' and bring a a unique angle to some subject that they are just plain stupid, ridiculous and beyond comprehension.

Posted by: nyc redneck at August 27, 2009 11:45 PM (xZw+6)

34 I have always thought the whole accident was really a cover up for a rape or rape attempt. His excuses for not getting her out of the car, nor summoning help don't make sense without it -- and given his pattern of behavior with women, plausible.

Something went wrong in that car and I don't think it went wrong at the inlet.

Posted by: Jean at August 27, 2009 11:45 PM (L64A6)

35 Well, "ObamaCare" isn't working, so why not call it "KennedyCare," although that brand is as played out as the Popeil Pocket Fisherman. When I think of KennedyCare, I visualize Dr. Kennedy driving his patient in a town carinto the water, then swimming away. Calling it KennedyCare is marginally better than calling it DeathPanelCare.

Posted by: Tantor at August 27, 2009 11:48 PM (Ek/Oc)


he Herald Journal

Joseph Kopechne is quoted by the magazine as saying he and his wife
rejected an autopsy later because "we were led to believe that the
autopsy was primarily to find out if my daughter was pregnant."


Either Joseph Kopechne is ignorant of the process or more concerned about the money from Kennedy.

Posted by: Fish at August 27, 2009 11:50 PM (FnA4R)

37 Mary Jo gave up her Presidential dreams for Teddy. Isn't that enough?

Posted by: wHodat at August 27, 2009 11:51 PM (+sBB4)

38 "we were led to believe that the autopsy was primarily to find out if my daughter was pregnant."
It was to find out if she'd been beaten up before she went into the water.

Posted by: flenser at August 27, 2009 11:52 PM (T+lnK)

39 kennedy's behavior shows he doesn't give a shite abt. people or their health and well being. it's a joke to call it kennedy care.
people will laugh. let's do it.

Posted by: nyc redneck at August 27, 2009 11:52 PM (xZw+6)

40 One of my co-bloggers has coined the term "Tedicare."

I think that works.

Posted by: speedster1 at August 27, 2009 11:53 PM (Ia4Vc)

41 Where's dum dum? I was really looking forward to hearing from our resident liberal female troll on this.

Posted by: DrewM. at August 27, 2009 11:53 PM (iTt2X)

42 Lead... balloon? Sounds... familiar, somehow.

Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you swim, gonna make you groove.
Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing, gonna make you drown, gonna make you sting.
Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way, watch your seaweed drip, can't keep away.

Yeh. I'm sure Ted's in hell, driving Mary Jo around in his water-logged Olds, and the only thing playing on the radio is the same Simon Garfunkel tune. Forever.

Posted by: R. Plant at August 27, 2009 11:54 PM (8+GNM)

43 maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

It was. It kept that lecherous turd out of the Whitehouse, didn't it?

Posted by: Mary Jo's ghost at August 27, 2009 11:54 PM (AUiV9)

44 Mary Jo already had a taste of KennedyCare. She didn't approve.

Posted by: wHodat at August 27, 2009 11:54 PM (+sBB4)

45 I betshe never, not for a second, thoughtthat maybe, had Teddy not killed her, Mary Jo might have become"themost successfulSenator in history." But conservatives are the ones who want to keep women barefoot and pregnant.
Fucking hypocritical fauxminists.

Posted by: Miss Fluffy McNutter at August 27, 2009 11:55 PM (xMSXs)

46 KennedyCare: It can do for you what Kennedy did to Kopechne.

Posted by: flenser at August 27, 2009 11:56 PM (T+lnK)

Saw that rapist William Kennedy Smith at the Kennedy Library today.

The travesty of Willie Smith raping Patricia Bowman at the Kennedy compound was magnified by the perjured testimony of Ted Kennedy. The entire Kennedy clan was afforded front row seats to influence the jury. How do you reserve seats in a court of law?

Shameful testimony and poor decision for Ms. Bowman, most commonly known as the Blue Blob. The media were brutal towards Bowman, and kissed the Kennedy asses throughout the trial.

Posted by: Fish at August 27, 2009 11:57 PM (FnA4R)

48 Think of that poor girl in the car, with one bubble of air, trying to make it last. Horrible, really. Not the stuff of which jokes are made.

Posted by: rawmuse at August 27, 2009 11:57 PM (sZNLt)

49 The diver who found her believed that she might have been alive down there for up to two hours.

Posted by: flenser at August 27, 2009 11:59 PM (T+lnK)

50 Well, this whole topic pretty much is summed up by this: Liberalism is a disease. Absolutely.

I'm off to bed, morons. I want to be well rested when they come to haul my ass off to the camps. Sigh.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 28, 2009 12:00 AM (UOM48)

51 Think of the poor girl under water while Teddy is in his hotel bed getting a good night's sleep.

Posted by: wHodat at August 28, 2009 12:01 AM (+sBB4)

52 The whole idea that Mary Jo would have been happy to die for Teddy disgusts me. I am horrified that one would even think that.

She has a family. She had a future.

Teddy Kennedy killed her. He killed her dreams. Her future. The dreams of her family. They say she lived about a half hour before she died. I cannot imagine what she went through. Teddy was never put in jail for his crime. Imagine if that was your sister, your daughter.

Today is a happy day for the Kopekne family. Their daughter's killer has left this earth and hopefully gone to hell.

Posted by: shibumi at August 28, 2009 12:02 AM (OKZrE)

53 What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.
Aside from the poor syntax, it's an odd metaphor, don't you think? Fill the Metrodome? A medium sized, kind of run down, soon to be bulldozed indoor stadium...until I found the connection.
The Metrodome is home to the Minnesota Twins.
MJK was carrying someone's twins, and it sure wasn't Harmon Killebrew's.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at August 28, 2009 12:03 AM (DPM1U)

54 one word: WOW

Posted by: YRM at August 28, 2009 12:05 AM (xNw7B)

55 From the Wikipedia entry on the event.
two amateur fishermen had seen the overturned car in the water and notified the inhabitants of the cottage nearest to the pond, who called the authorities at around 8:20 am. A diver was sent down and discovered Kopechne's body at around 8:45 am. The diver, John Farrar, later testified at the inquest that Kopechne's body was pressed up in the car in the spot where an air bubble would have formed. He interpreted this to mean that Kopechne had survived for a while after the initial accident in the air bubble, and concluded that -
"Had I received a call within five to ten minutes of the accident occurring, and was able, as I was the following morning, to be at the victim's side within twenty-five minutes of receiving the call, in such event there is a strong possibility that she would have been alive on removal from the submerged car."
Farrar believed that Kopechne "lived for at least two hours down there.

Posted by: flenser at August 28, 2009 12:05 AM (T+lnK)

56 damn, *swipes away sweat*, thanks for making me look somewhat sane after that comment about Mary Jo, big thanks

Posted by: Matt Cooper at August 28, 2009 12:06 AM (xNw7B)

57 Hey, the Pufferfish is on to something here.

Had Teddy not swam away from Chappaquiddick with his political career intact, he never would have been able to get William Kennedy Smith off of those annoying rape charges.

And if he didn't keep William Kennedy Smith out of jail, why Mr Smith wouldn't have had the opportunity to sexually assault at least two other women.

So, I think that not only would Mary Jo Kopechne approve of the results of her death at Kennedy's hands, but I'm sure all real feminists beam in pride at Teddy's long fight for the freedom to choose to sexually assault women.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 28, 2009 12:07 AM (N4HN8)

58 we freed the slaves were crucial in the civil rights bill, we don't get black votes today

we don't get caught cheating on our wives w/ women (as Wilson, FDR, JFK, Bill did), we still lose the women's vote

what can you do?

Posted by: YRM at August 28, 2009 12:08 AM (xNw7B)

59 it shows the mind set of kennedy. he was a psychopath.

Posted by: nyc redneck at August 28, 2009 12:08 AM (xZw+6)

60 drewM
"dangerous behind the wheel, bloated and dead. Strikes me that's a perfect metaphor for Obama-Kennedy Care or whatever we wind up calling it."
A very accurate and witty observation. I'm sure the leftist media will pick up on it soon enough and brand you a hater and racist. It's what they do best.

Posted by: AES at August 28, 2009 12:09 AM (dkcp2)

61 15!!!!1!!

Preach it, Whiskey!

That's some serious science you dropped right there. Yes sir.

Posted by: Christopher Calandro at August 28, 2009 12:09 AM (JdbYk)

62 46

KennedyCare: It can do for you what Kennedy did to Kopechne.

Posted by: flenser at August 27, 2009 11:56 PM (T+lnK)
That is really not fair. You are only looking at it as a patient. KennedyCare will also treat the taxpayer as well as the esteemed Senator treated waitresses at La Brasserie

Posted by: 18-1 at August 28, 2009 12:11 AM (N4HN8)

63 Mary Jo waits 40 years for justice

Posted by: wHodat at August 28, 2009 12:11 AM (+sBB4)

64 they should call it kopechnecare. An idiot is in charge, they leave you to die,and hewalks away scott free.

Posted by: vivi at August 28, 2009 12:13 AM (TQtLI)

65 I wonder if Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman would have been happy to take one for racial paybacks.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 28, 2009 12:15 AM (0Lv+U)

66 And Teddy loved to tell and seek out new Mary Jo jokes.

Posted by: andycanuck at August 28, 2009 12:15 AM (htkSG)

67 #58

We didn't do anything to abolish slavery. Our fathers took care of that one for us.

Are we still snagged on issues from 1865?

Posted by: AES at August 28, 2009 12:19 AM (dkcp2)

68 How does one puke in the corner of a round room?? That is my dilemma.
And, to think, I actually expected to sleep tonight. For a change.

Posted by: sybilll at August 28, 2009 12:19 AM (zYuMX)

69 59 "59 it shows the mind set of kennedy. he was a psychopath. "

Hey nyc - the story about that night from wiki brings it back to now - makes you remember all the real details about Ted - they will make him out like a saint but the ugly truth is out there but as always those that are "in love" will not see - same with the Obama lovers.

Posted by: collardgreensandbacongrease at August 28, 2009 12:21 AM (F3PMt)

70 Yeah. I bet, right before death, she was masturbating to the idea.

Posted by: lorien1973 at August 28, 2009 12:24 AM (ZXnUe)

71 Ted Kennedy, the original Death Panel, may have saved the state of Massachusetts a few hours overtime when he decided against the extraordinary measure of calling for help. By all means, roll KennedyCare out nationwide.

Posted by: t-bird at August 28, 2009 12:24 AM (FcR7P)

72 #64 yes, afaICt, that's the federal government healthcare insurance model.

Posted by: AES at August 28, 2009 12:25 AM (dkcp2)

73 Obama enjoys Gay Head without his bike helmet.

Posted by: wHodat at August 28, 2009 12:26 AM (+sBB4)

74 Why get down on Lafesky? It was a Boston Globe columnist who actually wrote, "If Mary Jo Kopechne were still alive, she'd be 69 today and grateful to Ted Kennedy for his work on health care."

Posted by: richard mcenroe at August 28, 2009 12:28 AM (InJAC)

75 73 Obama enjoys Gay Head without his bike helmet.
Gag, please post a warning if you are linking to HuffPo. Iwon't knowingly givethose loons the traffic.

Posted by: Miss Fluffy McNutter at August 28, 2009 12:30 AM (xMSXs)

76 74
Why get down on Lafesky? It was a Boston Globe columnist who actually
wrote, "If Mary Jo Kopechne were still alive, she'd be 69 today and
grateful to Ted Kennedy for his work on health care."

And, as National Lampoon put it, if Teddy Kennedy drove a VW Bug, he'd have been elected President.

Posted by: Brandon In Baton Rouge at August 28, 2009 12:30 AM (mySIW)

77 Excuse me, the Haaavahd Lampoon.

Posted by: Brandon In Baton Rouge at August 28, 2009 12:32 AM (mySIW)

78 Ya just gots to wonder how long the rest of the Kennedy clan will last without Uncle Teddy running interference for them...

Posted by: Warren Bonesteel at August 28, 2009 12:33 AM (SKJDN)

79 Enuf alright already.
This is worse than enduring the Michael Jackson fiasco/homicide.
Just ick ick ick. He was a creep "par excellance".
The family is wacked. They mean nuthin' in the West. Nuthin'. Good f'in' riddance. Can we move on to something more important? Like mebbee the overthrow of the Constitution of the US that is happening before our very eyes?

Gaaahhhd. almighty.

Posted by: Derak at August 28, 2009 12:35 AM (VJtYp)

80 Edward M. Kennedy never killed anyone in Marxist Vineyard. It's a collective figment of imagination.

Posted by: AES at August 28, 2009 12:38 AM (dkcp2)

81 I read the GQ article that was posted in ONT. I don't know how anyone could have an ounce of saint-worship for that man after that, AND after reading how the diver found Mary Jo pressed up where an air bubble would have been.

Can you imagine? For hours she was there, just hanging on to life. What a horrible way to die. And the man that killed her died in his warm bed surrounded by his loved ones. And these hypocrites actually have the nerve to suggest she would've been happy to be "martyred" for this POS? What the hell is wrong with these people? Amazing how leftist thinking can rot the mind.

Posted by: Angry Beaver at August 28, 2009 12:42 AM (XFrSe)

82 Hey, I've got a good one: "You're safer around me with a gun than riding in Ted Kennedy's car."

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 28, 2009 12:44 AM (nS7nk)

83 “If she had lived, Mary Jo
Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a
legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old

-- Charles Pierce in a January 5, 2003 Boston Globe Magazine article.

Posted by: OregonMuse at August 28, 2009 12:46 AM (TnUnj)

84 Ghouls, really. If you need people to die for your cause in order to advance your cause.... maybe your cause isn't worth supporting in the first place.

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 28, 2009 12:47 AM (nS7nk)

85 Let the democrats name a healthcare bill after a man whose family drilled a half inch hole in the head of his sister and commenced excavating with a butter knife so as to remedy her mood swings. Sounds like good medicine to me.

Posted by: 2549 at August 28, 2009 12:49 AM (WYkJI)

86 84
Ghouls, really. If you need people to die for your cause in order to
advance your cause.... maybe your cause isn't worth supporting in the
first place.

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 28, 2009 12:47 AM (nS7nk)
As one famous liberal said, "You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet."

Posted by: 18-1 at August 28, 2009 12:54 AM (N4HN8)

87 I'm speechless.

Posted by: Richard Romano at August 28, 2009 12:57 AM (TivDR)

88 Wow. These people have no shame.

Question: Has the coverage on Kennedy's death been as unbearable as Michael Jackon's death? I made the wise decision no avoid all press coverage so I don't know.

Posted by: Tina48 at August 28, 2009 01:03 AM (rcAOq)

89 I wouldn't dance on Teddy's grave, not me.

But I'd be happy to pee on it.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 01:07 AM (AZGON)

90 Who knows — maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

These people (and I use that term very loosely) are without a doubt seriously mentally ill. There's just no other way around it. Being a card-carrying member of the lunatic left offers them some semblance of acceptance. Otherwise, they'd be totally cast adrift in society at-large. I'd almost pity them, if I didn't despise them so intensely.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at August 28, 2009 01:09 AM (/2hGD)

91 who knows, maybe she'd say i wish that cock-filled douchemonger asshole had actually tried to save my life instead of trying to cover up the fact that he killed me.

Posted by: HueyDiamondPooty at August 28, 2009 01:10 AM (R8K46)

92 I said it yesterday, that Teddy Booze Barrel is worth more to the left dead than alive. The people actually happy to see him dead are on the left.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 01:12 AM (AZGON)

93 yeah kennedy was bad, but you know whos worse? glenn beck. now excuse me while i go ride my bicycle and snap stupid pictures of garbage to pretend i have talent. toodles!

Posted by: charles johnsons faggy ponytail at August 28, 2009 01:12 AM (oA5Kx)

94 Who knows? Maybe she wanted to drown. Maybe her parents enjoyed outliving their child. Perhaps the anguish they experienced just made them stronger people.

Maybe they all should have thanked Ted.

Why didn't they? They're probably selfish people. Mary Jo could have at least had the decency to claw a note of gratitude to Teddy into the interior rooftop before dying.

Posted by: Warden at August 28, 2009 01:26 AM (KXbGD)

95 Chappaquiddick jokes? From a Kennedy? Jeeze Louise, that just spells class and compassion.

An amazing fucktard, that guy. At least he didn't do something as mocking and offensive as getting a dog named "Splash" or something. You know, for the humor of it all.

Oh, wait...

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at August 28, 2009 01:26 AM (JamGx)

96 And people call the Kennedy's American Royalty....ugh.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:27 AM (/i4dU)

97 I think the ONT is sort of broke. At least in my browser it is.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at August 28, 2009 01:28 AM (/2hGD)

98 Well, they are royalty in the fact that any woman who fools around with a Kennedy is royally screwed.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:30 AM (/i4dU)

99 Mine too, Soap.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:30 AM (/i4dU)

100 I like this, found in the comments at a Kennedy thread at IMAO:

“A bill that’s bloated, reckless, forces itself upon unwilling
others, and endangers other Americans? Sounds like a fitting bill to
name after Teddy-O.”

Posted by: iamfelix at August 28, 2009 01:33 AM (uf3XG)

101 Can't we folks on the route from the church wherethe funeral service is held, to the place they deposit his obese and slowly decomposing carcass, show our respects byMOONing his ass as his hearse passes by?
God, I hate the sumbitch!!!!
God, I hope he fries for all eternity!!!
(knowing all along that he is actually extinct, defunct, dead, indifferent, oblivious....and giving the finger to all of us, throughout all eternity)

Posted by: effinayright at August 28, 2009 01:34 AM (PH8IC)

The story of Teddy's runaway success

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:35 AM (/i4dU)

103 Lets be real here. Kennedy was working with theKGB during the Reagan Presidency.. feeding them info about our military programs

Thats TREASON. Kennedy was not only a murderer, he was a traitor to his country. "Liberal Lion" indeed... and the American people were his prey

Posted by: Billy Barty at August 28, 2009 01:35 AM (IMSJ7)

104 These people are genuinely evil. How else can you explain the view that a murdered woman would or should appreciate the accomplishments of her murderer? Sick. Sick. Fucks.

Posted by: Schlippy at August 28, 2009 01:38 AM (Hb88Z)

Greetings from TED

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:39 AM (/i4dU)

He could be Santa, their both big and fat, rosy red checks and noses.
But he can't be, because Santa isn't a God Christmas hating, liquor loving dead liberal piece of shit.

Fuck Ted Kennedy! With Michael Moore sideways.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 01:43 AM (/i4dU)

107 Disgusting and incomprehensible.

I haven't gotten through the GQ article about Ted Kennedy yet , but it looks like Camelot was filled with sociopathic men who viewed women as less than meat and generally had no morals or scruples. Ted Kennedy's behaviour while he was alive was very shameful and offensive. And I had no idea Chris Dodd was such a debauched monster. Ugh.

Posted by: african chick at August 28, 2009 01:47 AM (1mQZQ)

108 #93...
navycopjoe, or someone posting over there as that tonight, tried to talk reasonably about Beck hate and lost out.
Joe, pot of coffee on the burner in the mess. Swing on by.

Posted by: 2549 at August 28, 2009 01:48 AM (WYkJI)

109 sickinmass wrote:

And people call the Kennedy's American Royalty....ugh.
American Borgias is more like it.

Posted by: Otis Criblecoblis at August 28, 2009 01:51 AM (hvQmW)

110 I spotted a comment on another blogexplaining that because ol' Teddy was the butt of the jokes he passed along about Mary Jo drowning and not Miss Kopechne herself, they weren't all that bad.
Are these people just a bunch of fucking sociopaths?

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 28, 2009 01:51 AM (gw4Jx)

111 The Kennedys just lost a lot of power. Around 40 years of senatorial seniority. That will make a huge difference in how they are treated.

Posted by: Johnathan E. at August 28, 2009 01:54 AM (dQdrY)

112 Are any Republicans going to run in the special election? Am I the only one who dares to dream that we can pick up this seat? How's Obamacare polling in MA?

Posted by: schizoid at August 28, 2009 01:59 AM (r8sB8)

113 Are these people just a bunch of fucking sociopaths?

I think that pretty much profiles them. There's a disturbing amorality to their though processes. Their logic is extremely childlike, although even a child is able to reason from point A to point B in a linear manner. These folks are on their best day circular, and on their worst completely dissonant. It's morbidly fascinating to behold.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at August 28, 2009 01:59 AM (/2hGD)

114 @114, to quote another blog comment I saw today. this time @Stoaty Weasel:

And that is what bothers me about the ‘liberal’ or ‘commie’ or Nazi,
ideology. It is the ‘don’t give a fuck’, no conscience, no empathy,
empty-hearted, cruelness, they give others, especially the unborn and
now, as they are coming out ever more clearer, the elderly, the sick,
the disabled – though that one was always evident, those who get in the
It is all about their pleasure and who can do what for them. Get in our way, we will destroy you. It’s a pathology.

Posted by: iamfelix at August 28, 2009 02:05 AM (uf3XG)

115 The coverage of Michael Jackson's death looks sane and restrained compared to this. Even on my Sirius Patriot talk station, the damn AP "news" updates are nothing but slobbering tributes. This bizzaro world that we've entered since last November is getting worse and worse.....

Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at August 28, 2009 02:05 AM (xkNW1)

116 They seem like run of the mill aristocrats to me. Nothing really unusual about them from that standpoint. The lesser folks are put on earth to serve them.

Posted by: Johnathan E. at August 28, 2009 02:05 AM (dQdrY)

117 Talking to my sis back in NEPA today, no one is shedding any tears for that piece of shit Teddy. Mary Jo is buried not far from where she lives. People there loathe the Kennedys with good reason. I always knew he was a soulless piece of scum. This just confirms it. I hope he rots in hell.

Posted by: MrsPaulsDisgustedFishSticks at August 28, 2009 02:07 AM (PBGAP)

118 I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I honestly don't know.
What are the leading theories for why Mary Jo lived for possibly minutes or even hours inside the car but didn't swim to shore?

Posted by: agmike at August 28, 2009 02:10 AM (CCqrP)

119 It is all about their pleasure and who can do what for them. Get in our way, we will destroy you. It’s a pathology.

That's right. It's pathological narcissism. You see it in all of their political heroes - Kennedy, Clinton, Obama - the list goes on and on.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at August 28, 2009 02:12 AM (/2hGD)

120 I can't remember where I heard this the other day but someone made the remark that the Obama/Kennedy worshippers are just like battered women. They keep returning to the same sick bastard who keeps abusing them asking for more and making excuses. Sounds about right on the button to describe the raging libs.

Posted by: MrsPaulsDisgustedFishSticks at August 28, 2009 02:15 AM (PBGAP)

121 Yep, between the left's narcissism the "cult of personality" (I remember my Dad going off about that before he died in '76), I think we're headed off the cliff.

Posted by: iamfelix at August 28, 2009 02:16 AM (uf3XG)

122 "If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be sixty-two years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age."

--Boston Sunday Globe Magazine, January 5, 2003

Posted by: sierra at August 28, 2009 02:17 AM (dzmPh)

123 I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I honestly don't know.What are the leading theories for why Mary Jo lived for possibly minutes or even hours inside the car but didn't swim to shore?

Off the top of my head?

Car doors get jammed in auto accidents.

If the car is laying on it's side, then you have to push the door up, not sideways.

Water pressure makes it almost impossible to open a car door underwater unless the cab is completely filled with water as well.

Understandable panic in a life-threatening situation makes problem-solving difficult.

And the more heinous possibility that she wasn't conscious when the car went into the water.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 28, 2009 02:20 AM (9Lm5R)

124 Did that really appear in the Globe? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. We really are witnessing some sort of horrific collective insanity, and it's spreading like H1N1 with twice the virulence.

Posted by: Soap MacTavish at August 28, 2009 02:23 AM (/2hGD)

125 "If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be sixty-two years old.
Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have
brought comfort to her in her old age."

I don't have enough words to say how disgusting that is.

Posted by: iamfelix at August 28, 2009 02:26 AM (uf3XG)

126 Oh come on. She was from the lesser order. Bimbos are entirely replaceable. What's the big deal? It is not like she was important.

Posted by: Teddy at August 28, 2009 02:32 AM (dQdrY)

127 126
"If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be sixty-two years old.
Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have
brought comfort to her in her old age."

I don't have enough words to say how disgusting that is.

I can think of seven.

Posted by: schizoid at August 28, 2009 02:37 AM (k66Dv)

128 "I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I honestly don't know.What are the leading theories for why Mary Jo lived for possibly minutes or even hours inside the car but didn't swim to shore?"
Understandable panic in a life-threatening situation makes problem-solving difficult.
I would agree there. The car landed on it's roof. Finding yourself in cold water can induce a lot of panic. I'm sure she didn't realize she was only in 7 feet of water. She was not from the coast and probably thought she was in deep ocean. She did not live hours. If the entire car had been filled with air it would not be enough for hours.

But the air bubble would be big enough for 15 minutes at least to make her cling to it rather than immediately attempt to swim away. She probably ran out of air trying to work up the courage to attempt to swim up from what she may have thought was the bottom of the ocean. People don't realize that you get sleepy gradually as you run out of air. It's not a quick thing.

The really sick part is Teddy was an excellent swimmer. Had she been 20 feet down he would have been able to reach her easily. The bastard must never have made any attempt and I doubt his buddies did either. They had to know it was useless by the time Teddy got back to them.

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 02:38 AM (3RHzM)

129 You know, if a few million liberals would commit suicide to demonstrate their bereavement for the "Liberal Lion", then I just might reconsider his contribution to our society. How about it dummy?

Posted by: Darth Randall at August 28, 2009 02:42 AM (oLULt)

130 As to old Teddy liking Chappaquiddick jokes I am sure what was meant was jokes about him. I am sure he saw it as a way of attoning somehow by letting people know he agreed he was a joke concerning that. But he was sick there too. He probably saw that as real guilt, suffering being the butt of jokes, as opposed to actually feeling bad about Mary Jo.

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 02:45 AM (3RHzM)

131 I caught a post today where a blogger made the following claim to absolve Teddie's apparent lack of interest in summoning help.
"Just because there was a light on (at Dike House) doesn't mean there was anyone home."

This made me wonder - Here's little Teddy Kennedy, a Junior Senator whose seat was bought and paid for by his Daddy's connections. Soaked to the bone, drunk as fuck, and with a woman other than his wife in his rapidly sinking car. [Whether or not she has a stomach full of his DNA, a Womb Carrying his Bastard(s), or has/had been recently raped. After all, M.Kennedy Smith is a legacy rapist...]
Teddy is by all accounts crapping his well tailored pants. He has aspirations/delusions of a Presidency in his alchohol addled brain. It is slipping away. Nobody has noticed, at leastthere appears to be no witnesses.
At this point he makes up his mind to flee the scene. He must have thought that he could shrug off a murder/hommicide charge - after all, he's a Kennedy. Those laws don't apply to him.
Why the fuck would a decent man, with the same connections and hubris inspired confidence, care if nobody was home at the nearest residence?
Are we expected to believe that he was afraid of a Breaking and Entering rap if nobody was home to answer the door?
A woman lay dying in the bottom of that pond. He was directly responsible for her situation as well as her condition. Even a stranger would be justified in breaking a window to call for help.
Apparently Teddy never read his Kant:
HeCould Have Saved Her.
(Ergo)- HeShould Have Saved Her.
However - He Chose NOT To Save Her.

Yet he had the clarity to; i)entreat his friends to keep the accident a secret, ii)have them aid him in his escape/flight from the Vineyard,iii) immediately call the Front Desk at his Inn (after swimming across the Bay) to complain aboutthe people in the adjoing room atthe Inn keeping him awake upon his return?
So, he had the mental accuity to establish (or at least try to establish) an alibi, but not the Moral Clarity to fulfill the basest of all Human Obligations.

He chose to let her die because her death would be more convenient than the Truth.

Posted by: garrett at August 28, 2009 02:50 AM (qkhJB)

132 Seven feet? He let her drown in seven feet of water? If that's true I'm with Jean, this wasn't an accident.

Posted by: schizoid at August 28, 2009 02:52 AM (k66Dv)

133 Through his tireless work as a legislator....

That's hilarious. Kennedy took more vacations in a year than most people take in a lifetime. He had a staff of 100. The most work he ever did was staying sober long enough to make a decent speech. He certainly never cooked a meal or washed his own clothes or cleaned a single thing in his whole life. Everything was arranged him.

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 02:53 AM (3RHzM)

134 #132
That was as good of a eulogy to Teddy as he deserved. Only too polite. Nevertheless, well done.

Calm down, step back, and take a disinterested view of history. Consider how we think of, say, the Borgias, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Or consider the excesses detailed in Suetonius's "The Twelve Caesars." We read of the anti-human degradation, the appalling perverted behaviors of the people raised to highest levels in societies long dead. We marvel a little, as if to say "How could people so monstrous inhabit the corridors of power?" But the reaction to such an observation usually consists of something like whistling past the graveyard... In other words, we think "That could never happen here, now, in the 21st century. People are far more civilized, in fact we almost think of decadent Roman tyrants as another species." And we fool ourselves.

You want to see Caligula resurrected? Look at the life of Edward M. Kennedy. We have such monsters in human shape, here and now. One of them died recently, and it could not have come too soon.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 03:02 AM (Ud2mU)

135 "Chappaquiddiccare. If waiting is good enough for Mary Jo, it's good enough for all of us."

Posted by: Office of the Senate Taxidermist at August 28, 2009 03:03 AM (G8Eo0)

136 I just found out the British made him a knight this year. WTF?

Posted by: Johnathan E. at August 28, 2009 03:05 AM (dQdrY)

137 It was only 7 feet of water. The car was discovered in the morning by 2 fisherman as it could be seen very clearly from above the water, in daylight at least.

As far as someone being home at the house with a light there was. The woman testified to it at the inquest which is when she noted she had left the light on prior to going to bed.

What you wonder is what made him so sure she was dead? Teddy said he kept thinking to himself that night that she must have got out somehow and expected her to show up but yet told his buddies not to tell the other girls to keep them from trying to rescue Mary Jo supposedly. The other thing was that they did find small amounts of blood on her clothes. Just how the hell did he become so sure she was dead so quickly?

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 03:05 AM (3RHzM)

138 Many years ago The Discovery Channel did a story on Chappaquiddick. They came up with a different POSSIBILITY. The question the news media didn't report was that Kennedy was at a party two hours AFTER the accident, and in dry clothes. The FBI report is at (

The Discovery Channel GUESSED Kennedy gave Mary Jo Kopechne a ride home. On the way, he pulled over and they got out of the car. Kennedy tried to have sex with Mary Jo. He was known to love women and booze. She fought him off, jumped in the car, and drove away.

She might have had a few drinks, and she didn't know the road very well. It was a narrow one-lane dirt road, and it was at night. The road comes right to the end of the bridge at an angle. The bridge angles left. There wasn't a guard rail on the bridge at that time. She went off the bridge and into the water. If I remember correctly, the car wasn't completely under water. The bottom of the car was above water.

The Discovery Channel figures Kennedy walked or got a ride, eventually winding up at some get together. He was known to be there TWO HOURS AFTER THE ACCIDENT, in dry clothes, and hadn't reported it. If he was driving, why didn't he help Mary Jo or go get help? He would of passed several houses on his walk. There are just too many unanswered questions.

Posted by: Smorgasbord at August 28, 2009 03:13 AM (+0zZ9)

139 133 - "He let her drown in seven feet of water?"

No, he made sure she drowned in 7 feet of water.

Posted by: garrett at August 28, 2009 03:13 AM (qkhJB)

140 Also, he graduated Suma Cum Laude from the 'Torgo School of Groping'.

Posted by: garrett at August 28, 2009 03:16 AM (qkhJB)

141 You know what? With the way Teddy the Swimmer treated women, he was literally a modern Bluebeard. Unfortunately Mary Jo did not have brothers who killed Bluebeard in justice, ridding the land of a pestilent monster. But at least a brain tumor finally did the job. I hope the pain was excruciating.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 03:20 AM (Ud2mU)

142 They should name the Healthcare monstrosity after Kennedy. If it passes, the peons will be left to drown in a sea of government incompetence and indifference while the Lib "Elite" will still get the best possible care.

Posted by: Damn Sockpuppet at August 28, 2009 03:20 AM (xkNW1)

143 Holy freaking crap. "The Torgo School of Groping." I just watched the MST3K treatment of "Manos - The Hands of Fate." That movie, despite the fine efforts of the robots and Joel, nearly gutted my brainpan.

Torgo. Man of action.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 03:23 AM (Ud2mU)

144 Posted by: Smorgasbord at August 28, 2009 03:13 AM (+0zZ9)

I think what they meant was a little over 2 hours later he was back at his hotel, having showered and dressed. Complaining to hotel staff about noise and asking the time in a pathetic attempt to establish and alibi. The amazing thing was he must not have been able to get one his his stooges who were at the party to take the fall. I can just imagine what he must have offered that night and still had no takers. They knew Teddy too well I guess.

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 03:30 AM (3RHzM)

145 Bill Kennedy Smith did not rape that girl according to his testimony.He told her to put out or uncle Teddy was going to drive her home.Consentual-case dismissed.
If you're hanging out with a Kennedy at 3a.m. you're definitely looking for it.No resonable cause-case dismissed.
Enough of this drivel-good night.

Posted by: chicocano at August 28, 2009 03:40 AM (pTNLm)

146 8. too bad the "word" is banned, it would fit in this case

Would the word perhaps be phonetically related to Kunta Kinte?

Posted by: Rod Rescueman at August 28, 2009 03:57 AM (BvXTp)

147 Would the word perhaps be phonetically related to Kunta Kinte?
Posted by: Rod Rescueman at August 28, 2009 03:57 AM (BvXTp)
Not unless Kunta translates in raging bitch.

Posted by: Johnathan E. at August 28, 2009 03:59 AM (dQdrY)

148 It never ceases to amaze me that liberals, especially liberal women, who look to Democrats to vindicate their feminist ideas are willing to put up with sexual abuse, offer themselves up sexually or even think women might be happy to die for them.

This is their idea of what political heroes should be? Sick stuff.

Recall that in the late nineties, numerous leftard female columnists or commentators were explicitly stating their desire to service Mr. Clinton, with oral obeisances as "gratitude" for his leftard sympathies.

They said this gleefully, despite the fact that the man was and is still (?) married, and has a daughter. A person with even rudimentary notions of decorum and respect for others would think offering in public, in print or on TV, to fellate a married man would be an insult to his wife, his children, and to him.

On the other hand, I don't recall Cankles or Chelsea objecting to the public prurience of leftard females, wishing to predate upon Billy's willy.

Gosh, there I go again... thinking that the concept of decent behavior has any intersection of any kind with the set defined as "Liberal people and politicians."

Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 04:00 AM (Ud2mU)

149 Gosh, there I go again... thinking that the concept of decent behavior has any intersection of any kind with the set defined as "Liberal people and politicians."
Posted by: George Orwell at August 28, 2009 04:00 AM (Ud2mU)
Oh come on. They are above such plebian concepts a morality. Except when it helps manipulate the proles, of course.

Posted by: Johnathan E. at August 28, 2009 04:05 AM (dQdrY)

150 So the most popular liberal was killing his campaign workers , hmmm..

Posted by: I sea kittens at August 28, 2009 04:36 AM (bAL0J)

151 KennedyCare? Mary Jo says NO.

Posted by: I sea kittens at August 28, 2009 04:39 AM (bAL0J)

So the most popular liberal was killing his campaign workers , hmmm..

Oh yeah, compared to Kennedy, Gary Condit was just a poseur.

Posted by: Rod Rescueman at August 28, 2009 04:43 AM (BvXTp)

153 I was one hell of a Marine

I also got courtmartialed.

I never killed anyone, but, had I have, I would have been hawnted by it, and the only way I could have survived is with gallows humor.

Granted teddy ACTUALLY killed someone who wasn't an enemy, but the populace doesn't know that.

It's just the same gallows humor that cops, firemen and military take part it.

Except that cops firement, and military risk THEIR LIVES to protect others.

Meanwhile teddy TAKES lives to protect his electorate.

Same thing really, other than well the fact that real hero's are hero's and teddy is PROCLAIMED as a hero by the media.

What is the name of the last 3 people who EARNED with their blood, with their lives?! the Medal of Honor?

Fuck that.

Teddy kennedy died.

Posted by: Douglas at August 28, 2009 04:58 AM (uU+Ss)

154 So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll[.]

Anyone here ever hunted aerial wolves? What do you use, Cessnas with machine guns mounted on them? Antiaircraft cannons? Are they like the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz?

And today I'm glad that Ted is dead. Yesterday I got twinges at all the jokes, thinking that Ted was a human and as such merited a modicum of restraint, but today I realize that he's wasn't human after all. He was just a disease with two legs and a pumpkin-sized head splotched with gin roses. It's perfectly fine to jeer at diseases. It's healthy, in fact.

Posted by: Tom W. at August 28, 2009 05:11 AM (q3X5s)

155 ``Joseph Kopechne is quoted by the magazine as saying he and his wife
rejected an autopsy later because "we were led to believe that the
autopsy was primarily to find out if my daughter was pregnant."

Don't know how many commenters here are old enough to remember 1969, but back then, an out-of-wedlock pregnancy was still shocking, at least among middle-class people. I can imagine the Kopechnes being fearful (1) that it might be true and (2) that word might get out.

Mary Jo was an only child, and both her parents are dead now. I hope they rest in peace. Teddy, not so much.

Posted by: Annalucia at August 28, 2009 05:51 AM (N5fO7)

156 "we were led to believe that the autopsy was primarily to find out if my daughter was pregnant."
I don't see this as them just taking the money. I see it as lets shame her some more.

Posted by: madamex at August 28, 2009 05:57 AM (J7GhY)

157 Let the Liberals openly celebrate theperson incarnateof public graft, corruption, and special privilegeof the Washington elite,
at the very time when Americans are showing their outrage at townhalls across the country, against public graft, corruption and special privilige of the Washington elite.

Posted by: biff at August 28, 2009 06:24 AM (G0tCZ)

158 Personally, I'm really sad that TK is dead.

He died before he could murder one of my children for his "noble cause".

Now that I can't "take on for the team", my life is incomplete.


Posted by: Che Pizza at August 28, 2009 06:25 AM (4iIhs)

159 Kennedy care - The service is top notch but the ambulance ride is a killer.


Posted by: Che Pizza at August 28, 2009 06:31 AM (4iIhs)

160 I was watching this poor Muslim-turned Christian girl on Fox News, worried fer family (being of the Religion of Peace) will have her Honored Killed.

I justvwant her to know that I fully support her right to wear a Hijab, and to an Honor Killing.

Hell, she can even offer herself up sexually to me!

Posted by: Barry Obama at August 28, 2009 06:34 AM (kzhuA)

161 Sometimes, the mask slips. Given the volume of of articles and opinion pieces TK's death was bound to inspire, it's no surprise that this woman, Matt Cooper, and probably a few others would give us a view into the soul of the left. This wasn't some stupid, inadvertent fuck up. She really believes MJK would have sacrificed herself for the cause, and by extension, she grants approval for TK's treacherous act.

Posted by: bunny boy at August 28, 2009 06:36 AM (YsSn7)

162 I said this at 5: There are days I think of becoming a Democrat simply to feed my baser
desires of running a prostitution ring out of my apartment, keeping
$80k in my freezer, feeding an alcohol/floozy addiction, and then being
praised for all of it.
I was watching this poor Muslim-turned Christian girl on Fox News,
worried fer family (being of the Religion of Peace) will have her
Honored Killed.

I justvwant her to know that I fully support her right to wear a Hijab, and to an Honor Killing.

Hell, she can even offer herself up sexually to me!

I think similar things about becoming a Muslim when I read that, except in that case I'd be both praised and feared.

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 28, 2009 06:40 AM (nS7nk)

163 But you know...

The Liberals might be on to something (or more accurately, "on something?")...

After all... Mary Jo might be up in heaven at this very instant, looking down at the pathetic excuse we have by way of a fascist President in the WH at the moment. And she might be thinking to herself, "Thank GOD that Son of a Bitch Kennedy Perv didn't get to be President. If my few hours of sheer horror in that car kept that from happening, then it was worth it!"

Who knows? Maybe she wishes she could do it all over again, if it had kept Il Douche out of power?

Posted by: CoolCzech at August 28, 2009 06:44 AM (kzhuA)

Isn't there enough hate in this world? Do you have to add to it?

Edward Kennedy did nothing but help people. Haters like you will never appreciate a man like Ted Kennedy who sacrificed so much for the people.

Gawd, I hate all you haters. I wish you'd all just go away.

Posted by: stupid typical fucking moonbat at August 28, 2009 07:01 AM (9RRbi)

165 You Moonbats don't appreciate how great it would be to have a man like John or Ted become President. What a great step forward for women it would be, if they all had the right to their abort their "love children"!

Posted by: Elizabeth Edwards at August 28, 2009 07:02 AM (kzhuA)

166 5 There are days I think of becoming a Democrat simply to feed my baser desires of running a prostitution ring out of my apartment, keeping $80k in my freezer, feeding an alcohol/floozy addiction, and then being praised for all of it.
There are worse things.

Posted by: Robert Bork at August 28, 2009 07:07 AM (Ifn+q)

Wasn't Ted Kennedy's suffering enough for you Haters?

He lost so much in his lifetime of devotion to the People. And he leaves behind a retarded son who will be dead in a few years from drug and alcohol abuse. Is that not enough for you to stop the hate?

I hate you all!!!

Posted by: stupid typical fucking moonbat at August 28, 2009 07:08 AM (9RRbi)

168 Mary Jo was an only child, and both her parents are dead now. I hope they rest in peace. Teddy, not so much.

Those poor poor parents. Mary Jo must have been the light of their lives.
A pretty smart college girl with her whole life ahead of her.

Teddy really was pig. How could he make jokes? After all these years of stories of rape, murder, drug abuse ... there really is something wrong with Kennedy men.

Posted by: Long Island at August 28, 2009 07:23 AM (5sJHG)

169 Hey, not ALL the Kennedy men were poxes on society.

Posted by: Joe Jr. at August 28, 2009 07:36 AM (Ifn+q)

170 @ 162 Sometimes, the mask slips. Given the volume of of articles and opinion pieces TK's death was bound to inspire, it's no surprise that this woman, Matt Cooper, and probably a few others would give us a view into the soul of the left. This wasn't some stupid, inadvertent fuck up. She really believes MJK would have sacrificed herself was a small sacrifice to make for the cause, and by extension, she grants approval for TK's treacherous act.
The so-called "principled" Liberals suddenly become extremely utilitarian when it comes to forwarding their vile agenda. They don't acknowledge the basic human dignity of others. Those people would throw their own mothers to the wolves if that meant increased political power for them. Imagine, then, what they'll do to their enemies(conservatives and anybody else notLeftist enough)once they have the power. Imgine what's going through theircorruptminds even now. TheLeft always goes violent the moment they think they can win.

Posted by: Reactionary at August 28, 2009 07:36 AM (P+HSn)

171 But... But... The Kennedys are American Royalty.

Or so the MSM insists, anyway.

I guess American Royalty ain't what it used to be. The Kennedy men at Camelot would rape Guinevere, passing her back and forth on a rotating Round Table.

Posted by: Barry Obama at August 28, 2009 07:38 AM (kzhuA)

The so-called "principled" Liberals suddenly become extremely utilitarian when it comes to forwarding their vile agenda.

Sorta like how Rahm Emmanuel's brother, Dr Death Emmanuel, is advocating a health care system based on 'communitarian' ethics -- doing what's best for the whole rather than the individual.

For example: spending millions of $$ to extend the life of a 77 year old former alcoholic with brain cancer when that money can cover dozens of younger, healthier for the rest of their lives?

Posted by: Tweet, Jacobs, Shapiro, Gold, Liebowitz, and Magillicuddy at August 28, 2009 07:44 AM (jVldi)

173 Gee, I wonder if Mary Jo's parents appreciated a good Chappaquidik joke, like good 'ol Ted did.

For that matter, ya think Ted appreciates a good Rotisserie joke, now that he's got one jammed up his ass as he rotates over a nice 1,200 degree flame?

Posted by: Barry Obama at August 28, 2009 07:44 AM (kzhuA)

174 The needs of the Kennedy's out weigh the needs of the few or the one.

Posted by: MAJHAM at August 28, 2009 07:46 AM (c2P97)

175 Apparently Teddy never read his Kant: Posted by: garrett at August 28, 2009 02:50 AM (qkhJB)

LOL; good one, garrett. Is there any evidence this illiterate mick fuck even knew how to read? This whole horseshit family story has been like God producing the bizarro world version of The Godfather where Fredo outlives everybody else; the family still goes to hell in a handcart but this way they take the whole fucking nation with them.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 28, 2009 07:50 AM (U1nHn)

Careful, Cap'n.

genghiss might delete your comments

Posted by: Tweet, Jacobs, Shapiro, Gold, Liebowitz, and Magillicuddy at August 28, 2009 07:51 AM (jVldi)

177 Tweet, has there been a new G-rated policy put into place that I was blissfully unaware of? I'm still kind of in shock over that prior deletion, just because it hasn't happened before and I've posted far worse imo.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 28, 2009 07:57 AM (U1nHn)

178 And people call the Kennedy's American Royalty....ugh.

Actually very appropriate. While "Camelot" is a bullshit fairy tale, the Kennedys behave like medieval Tudor or Stuart princes. Immoral, despicable sociopaths, the lot of them.

Posted by: Reiver at August 28, 2009 08:04 AM (Yi1Sk)

179 I want to thank whoever is responsible for the "Daddy ate my eyeballs" story in the sidebar. Puts my faith back in the notion that the meteors are indeed coming.

Posted by: Twinks at August 28, 2009 08:05 AM (wjosM)

I read your comment before it was deleted and I found absolutely nothing inappropriate or offensive about it, but that's me.

I guess genghis expected Ace to be walking on eggshells for Ted Kennedy in fear of reprisal, or something. Turned out ol' Ace doesn't really give a shit about that piece-o-shit Edward M Kennedy's memory, after all.

Posted by: Tweet, Jacobs, Shapiro, Gold, Liebowitz, and Magillicuddy at August 28, 2009 08:05 AM (jVldi)

As far as Ted Kennedy being a succesful senator, the only thing Kennedy succedded at was making America a worse place to live. Oh, and he also succeeded in un-doing what little good his older brothers ever did for America.

Oh, and Ted Kennedy also succeded in ruing the Kennedy family name.

Posted by: Tweet, Jacobs, Shapiro, Gold, Liebowitz, and Magillicuddy at August 28, 2009 08:09 AM (jVldi)

Oh, and you know what else? I've been a harsh critic of the Catholic Church for a longtime...and today is no different.

The archdiocese of Boston should be ashamed of itself...again. How can they hold a mass for that shit-heel Edward Kennedy when Kennedy was an outspoken advocate for so many anti-Catholic positions?

Posted by: Tweet, Jacobs, Shapiro, Gold, Liebowitz, and Magillicuddy at August 28, 2009 08:14 AM (jVldi)

183 I won't comment on the reasons that Ted Kennedy doesn't deserve to be lionized- he's dead.
Instead let me point out that our country has spent a good deal of the last thirty days praising and lionizing, hell practically beatifying, two reprobates. The honoring of these two men who were, so publicly and seemingly unrepentantly, twisted renders meaningless any future honors that this nation and this public might bestow.

Posted by: kidney at August 28, 2009 08:19 AM (utbm/)

184 183- They can hold Ted's funeral in therecognition that no man can know wether or not he had truly repented before he died.

Posted by: kidney at August 28, 2009 08:21 AM (utbm/)

185 Courtesy of the UK, one of the inspirations behind the forthcoming (and entirely superfluous) Kennedy memorial projects?

Posted by: Track-A-'Crat at August 28, 2009 08:22 AM (OiQQU)

186 Wasn't Deaddy Teddy's dog named "Splash"? Really? That's like OJ naming his tabby cat "Slice".
I had to watch some stupid government mandated powerpoint on the Violence Against Women Act a year or so ago. Ted Kennedy's picture was on the first screen. Ted Motherfucking Kennedy and the Violence Against Women Act. What, Ike Turner wasn't available?

Posted by: UGAdawg at August 28, 2009 08:25 AM (/VjHB)

187 So this is funny again, then?

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 28, 2009 08:29 AM (MFbfZ)

188 Wasn't Deaddy Teddy's dog named "Splash"? Really? That's like OJ naming his tabby cat "Slice".

Dawg, I commented on that a couple days ago before genghis deleted it: What does it say about how totally wasted a fucking family the Kennedys are that somebody didn't have the nads to tell fat Turddie that it was really a stupid and insensitive idea to name a female dog that. Shit for brains, the whole fucking lot of 'em.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 28, 2009 08:30 AM (U1nHn)

189 Damn, forgot about my sock puppet...

Regarding the deletion of posts, I'm really, really tired of conservative self-censorship of the Truth.

For who's sake? Independents? How did that work out for us last November?

Liberals? How did that work out for us? Did Pelosi promise not to call old people Mobsters?

No, we should not lie about anyone. But neither should we be afraid of saying the Truth. And we need to, absolutely NEED to, reject Liberalese PC Peak in all its forms.

Posted by: CoolCzech at August 28, 2009 08:31 AM (kzhuA)

190 EDIT: I meant, reject PC Speak - the liberal conceit of being the moral arbiters of what words we are allowed to use. These intellectual cripples are moral niggards when it comes to other people's freedom of speech.

Posted by: CoolCzech at August 28, 2009 08:37 AM (kzhuA)

191 Melissa Lafsky is Dum Dum?

Posted by: UncleFacts Summoner of the Meteors at August 28, 2009 08:38 AM (vZVv7)

192 Hey, how many Kennedys does it take to drown Mary Jo? You'll love this one.

Posted by: Teddy Kennedy In Hell at August 28, 2009 08:58 AM (SWvPS)

193 You know, the fact Kennedy thought Chappaquiddick jokes were teh funneh deserves a flaming skull. Seriously. If thinking jokes about the girl in the prime of her life he callously left to cling to a tiny air pocket at the bottom of a lake all alone in the cold dark is freaking hillarious doesn't deserve a flaming skull, I don't know what does.

Posted by: MaureenTheTemp at August 28, 2009 08:58 AM (8cihe)

194 There is no such thing as a womens lib movement anymore. It has been replaced by an affluent, progressive, womens ideology. My own sister is one of these dumb bitches with the "This is what a feminist looks like" T-Shirts.
Look no further than the treatment of Palin. Whether you like her or not, her life story should serve as a fine example of a woman of humble background who became a Gov and a VP candidate. She should have been celebrated by women in America for those real achievements.
Instead of celebrations, however, what we heard from "feminists" was that Palin needed to get back to Alaska and take care of her retarded baby. Their love for a scumbag like Teddy is just who they are. Shallow, emotionally bankrupt, and pathetic. My sister included.

Posted by: Sgt. Fury at August 28, 2009 08:58 AM (l08G4)

195 179And people call the Kennedy's American Royalty....ugh.Actually very appropriate. While "Camelot" is a bullshit fairy tale, the Kennedys behave like medieval Tudor or Stuart princes. Immoral, despicable sociopaths, the lot of them.

With Dead Red Ted starring as Henry the 8th.......

Posted by: Crowsting at August 28, 2009 09:06 AM (61BD9)

196 196 There is no such thing as a womens lib movement anymore. It has been replaced by an affluent, progressive, womens ideology. My own sister is one of these dumb bitches with the "This is what a feminist looks like" T-Shirts.
There never was a "womens" movement. There was a progressive womens movement going back to the beginning of the progressive era, run by bored affluent housewives who wanted to help out the "little people". Sometime in the late 50s, these women "realized" that they themselves were the "little people," and that somehow it was men's fault.
It has always been a condescending social re-engineering movement run by clipped-haired pear-shaped mean-faced women who really need to get laid.

Posted by: Truman North at August 28, 2009 09:07 AM (e8YaH)

197 We can have a good old fashioned viking funeral for ted. Take the bitch from hufpo and burn her along with ted and the longship.

Posted by: wildman at August 28, 2009 09:13 AM (NGeuy)

198 You have to stop and think about this for a while. His two brothers got assassinated and he's next in line. He thinks his time will be up shortly's booze, women, wild parties and anything goes.
The rest of us just do it because....well.....HELL IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!
Let's go over to BerniesTed's place and party!!!!!

Posted by: harleycowboy at August 28, 2009 09:15 AM (JKGfQ)

199 Ted Kennedy took away everything Mary Jo Kopechne had, and was ever gonna have.

Posted by: Will Muny at August 28, 2009 09:15 AM (SXpYP)

200 Truman North, there is very little in character that is different in modern feminism from the old temperance movement.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 28, 2009 09:16 AM (T0NGe)

201 They are both progressive movements which seek to use the power of government to restrict liberty to make things better for the collective. At least in theory. What no progressive truly understands is that liberty is what makes things better for the collective- witness the nice Milton Friedman video from last night's ONT.

Posted by: Truman North at August 28, 2009 09:17 AM (e8YaH)

202 They should call Obamacare the MaryJoKopechne Care Act, so people will know the "care" consists of deliberately letting you die.
I don't have the words to express my disgust at what "swimmer ted" did. And that business about the autopsy to show if she was pregnant was a not-so-subtle threat: "take our money and shut up about your dead daughter, or we will smear her reputation and make the world think she was a slut - and since I am a Kennedy nothing will happen to me regardless."
This is an example of a Leftist hero? Yes, and no one should be surprised. The left glorifies executioners like Che, after all.

Posted by: BattleofthePyramids at August 28, 2009 09:18 AM (rthMw)

It has always been a condescending social
re-engineering movement run by clipped-haired pear-shaped mean-faced
women who really need to get laid.

Posted by: Truman North at August 28, 2009 09:07 AM (e8YaH)

Sounds like a Garafalo to me...

Posted by: UncleFacts Summoner of the Meteors at August 28, 2009 09:18 AM (vZVv7)

204 Did I say government? I really meant, the courts and all those other useless guys who are reliant on re-election and therefore nominally in tune with public opinion.

Posted by: Truman North at August 28, 2009 09:18 AM (e8YaH)

205 You thought Chappa...was funny, how's this for a knee slapper:
The son of the country's most famous Catholic family defied church teachings when he divorced his first wife, then was granted an annulment only after he admitted he wasn't being honest when he promised her he'd be faithful. His most significant and public break with the church came with his support for abortion rights.

Posted by: dananjcon at August 28, 2009 09:19 AM (1B81L)

206 Liberals keep trying to invent psychological grounds for conservatives being mentally defective but what to make of this? What kind of broken brain does it take to not realize that this is best not spoken aloud, never mind published for millions to see.

When assessing the insane, one of the critical determinations is to find if the patient cannot tell the difference between right and wrong or if can tell the difference but simply do not care.

Posted by: epobirs at August 28, 2009 09:19 AM (tZS2Z)

207 Current tally: 2 facebook "friends" down after having friendly uh, chats about the disgusting bloated pig that was teddy "fourth choice" kennedy.

When even Henry Rollins is on your side, you know you're on to something.

Posted by: buster mcDissenter at August 28, 2009 09:19 AM (fndZI)

208 This is another crystalline example of how liberals really don't give a fuck about people as individuals. Sure, they love abstract groups like "blacks" or "Hispanics" or "environmentalists", but when it comes to the average human being, they are nothing more than a potential voter to be pandered to or an opponent to be destroyed.

Posted by: UGAdawg at August 28, 2009 09:20 AM (/VjHB)

209 They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Soon there will be amazons and they won't even need men to reproduce.

Posted by: curious at August 28, 2009 09:25 AM (p302b)

210 Hey Huffpo - I made Lincoln a martry - where is my puff piece. Oh, I forgot, I was a white male racist.

Posted by: John Wilkes Booth at August 28, 2009 09:26 AM (V9SYy)

211 @ 21 Jim in S.D. - They took the money, and being hard-core Kennedy worshipers, they never looked back.
We were talking about that last night, Jim. The wife came to the same conclusion as you, but I pointed out that the Kopechnes were dealing with the Kennedys in this matter.

You know, the Kennedys that made their initial fortune bootlegging, which at the time was the equivalent of the Medellin Cartel? Sure they'd gone "legit" since prohibition, but you think they didn't still have some very rough boys on their payroll? Plus, they'd already bought off the local cops, the local legal system, and probably bought off/shut up everyone within 10 miles of that bridge- I'm not so eager to dismiss the Kopechnes out of hand given this scenario.

Posted by: buster mcDissenter at August 28, 2009 09:27 AM (fndZI)

212 "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Kopechne, nice uh, rest of your family you got there, shame if, um, somethin' else happened to 'em."

Tell me that conversation never happened.

Posted by: UncleFacts Summoner of the Meteors at August 28, 2009 09:31 AM (vZVv7)

213 @ 213 Pecos Bill - Henry Rollins is the original poser.

WGAF what is on his small mind.
Agreed. But broken clocks, right twice a day, etc. etc. etc.

Posted by: buster mcDissenter at August 28, 2009 09:31 AM (fndZI)

214 Why is this man being buried in Arlington. I thought Arlington was reserved for veterans!

Posted by: bob t at August 28, 2009 09:31 AM (bMqOL)

215 Who knows — maybe she'd feel it was worth it.
Nothing like starting Friday with a genuine dose of incoherent, stupid and meaningless liberal gibberish.
Holy Cow. That one makes me want to pour a couple of fingers of Glenlivet already.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 28, 2009 09:32 AM (B+qrE)

216 "Hey Mr. and Mrs. Kopechne, nice uh, rest of your family you got there, shame if, um, somethin' else happened to 'em."
Exactly. You win the bigass panda.

Posted by: buster mcDissenter at August 28, 2009 09:32 AM (fndZI)

Well, he had really, really nice hair.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 09:33 AM (/i4dU)

218 This is how they think, they're true believers. Other people aren't real, they're just props in this play going on in their heads. In their minds it makes absolute sense that Kopechne would have gladly died for the 'kennedy cause'.

Is liberalism a mental disease, or are sociopathic and borderline personalities just drawn to it? I'm buying more ammo, these people really are zombies.

Posted by: Dang Straights at August 28, 2009 09:34 AM (Haq+B)

219 On my twitter: When folks say "we're going to look back at this and laugh", suffocating to death in a car isn't what they mean.

Posted by: Tom in Korea at August 28, 2009 09:36 AM (9H4sW)

220 215 Tell me that conversation never happened.
You know it did.

Posted by: Naan at August 28, 2009 09:37 AM (YR3gL)

221 Ted Kennedy epitomizes what is wrong with American politics: a career politician who never worked an honest day in his life, gives away hard working peoples money to those that don't deserve it, and gets away with extreme malfeasance due to his position.

I usually don't like blasting people after their dead, dead men can't defend themselves, but this man was scum.

At least in one hundred years the only thing he'll be mentioned for is being JFK's brother and and being able to get away with murder.

Posted by: I have a Jalen Rose jersey at August 28, 2009 09:38 AM (4jZ56)

Camelot was a fantasy ---- one that the people of Massachusetts and the news media have been on for almost 50 years. As a result, a Kennedy could get away with acts and double standards that would have ended the political careers and destroyed the reputation of anyone else. Let's take a look at the real Kennedy legacy --- a bloated, intrusive federal government; out of control illegal immigration; an unsustainable welfare state; the vast increase of the invisible holocaust "abortion"; the segmenting of the American citizenry into little "communities" and "special interest groups" all vying for their pork; a repressive, bloated tax code; an effort to redefine marriage to include alternative lifestyles; a Congress that is fiscally irresponsible --- to name just a few. These are the true Kennedy legacies. Is America any stronger economically or its government fiscally better off than it was in 1962 when Ted Kennedy was first elected? No, most definitely not. We can mourn the passing of the man in deference to his family, but let's face it, his legacy has been a malignant one.
Rest in peace Mary Jo.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 09:39 AM (/i4dU)

223 These Lefties are like like crack-Moms that prostitute their kids for a hit.

Teddy died a well-deserved bad death, but way too late.

As someone mentioned earlier, Ancient Rome is alive and well.

Posted by: eman at August 28, 2009 09:39 AM (AKepb)

224 Jim said" They took the money, and being hard-core Kennedy worshipers, they never looked back. They were probably slightly pissed at their own daughter for getting Ted on so much trouble. I have no respect for them."
From the book "Chappaquiddick" which I read about 25 years ago, the author intimated that the familytook the money,butnot just because they were Kennedy supporters. Sounded tome like it was an offer they "couldn't refuse".
That said, I'm in agreement with you. I'd never have been able to stay silent while this man continued on his life journey, making a lifelong career in politics,that one word from me would have stopped that dead in it's tracks.

Posted by: NancyP at August 28, 2009 09:39 AM (lzz2P)

225 Sometimes when I was alone I would re-live that fateful night. If she hadn't insisted on going back to my hotel room instead of polishing my knob in the car like I wanted, she would still be alive now. It was all her fault. She ruined my chance to be president.

I should have just stuck with my original plan, gotten in may car alone, and gone to Fapaquiddick.

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at August 28, 2009 09:40 AM (DYJjQ)

226 Ted Kennedy could have chopped up babies on live TV and the effing idiots in Massachusetts would have said "I'm still voting for him. Those babies probably asked for it. Crying while he was trying to craft vital legislation."

Posted by: eman at August 28, 2009 09:44 AM (AKepb)

227 KopechneCare.

Posted by: ellersburgwhoresonellis at August 28, 2009 09:44 AM (76M/E)

228 I am so thankful that there is a place to go to speak the truth about this womanizing, murdering, alcoholic, douchbag of a man. Thank you.

Posted by: Hurting Head at August 28, 2009 09:44 AM (4KSXE)

229 So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving,
aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would
have had to say about Ted's death

In this delusional scruntlette's excuse for a mind, a fucking wolf's life is worth more than a human's; specifically a woman's life who believed in the fat fuck who killed her. What is it about these mindless harridans that they get so damp in their panties about wolves? Is their life so barren that they have to fantasize over animals who would bite through their throats in a split second?

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 28, 2009 09:45 AM (U1nHn)

230 Are these people just a bunch of fucking sociopaths?

Posted by: sherlock at August 28, 2009 09:45 AM (9kYWY)

231 Why is this man being buried in Arlington. I thought Arlington was reserved for veterans!

Ted Kennedy was in the Army for a few years after he got caught cheating a couple of times and thrown out of Harvard and maybe someplace else. His daddy was quite upset but pulled strings and got him assigned to Europe.

Posted by: Popcorn at August 28, 2009 09:46 AM (OOehk)

232 I think I'm going to go book a wolf shooting trip, and send this bitch the video.

Posted by: UncleFacts Summoner of the Meteors at August 28, 2009 09:46 AM (vZVv7)

It is about time to end any dynasty. We are not England. The Kennedy's are not entitled to anything. Time for a new Senator from Massachusetts without the Kennedy connection. At 77, if he were subject to the "public option" (option being an oxymoron) he would have been dead a long time ago.
In their rush to adore Teddy, people should remember that the wrong person died at Chappaquiddick.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 09:49 AM (/i4dU)

My memorial to Edward “Ted” M Kennedy, who enlisted for a two-year term in the army in 1950. To Ted Kennedy, whose father used personal influence to get Ted an assignment as a guard to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE) in Paris; which kept him out of the Korean War, in which thousands of brave American young men were dying.

IN MEMORY OF EDWARD M KENNEDY ~ Such desecration of hallowed ground. ~ A weed beside the rose. ~ Assured, not he with them would die ~ Yet, worthy, thought he, with them to lie ~ A coward beside heroes.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 09:53 AM (/i4dU)

235 I read some of the comments on Huffpo. Those people, in general, have no sense of history. One idiot asked why worry about something that happened so long ago when Ted had done so much good in the world. I have begun to think that all liberals have head injuries.

Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 09:54 AM (knHvu)

236 I'm pretty much not feeling bad about joking about this SOBs death.

For once in his life he did the right thing, albeit under ummmm....duress. I have tremendous respect for the man now. Not so much a few days ago.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 28, 2009 09:54 AM (OwOTA)

237 Serious grown-ups with jobs and careers and everything are talking publicly on the radio, in print, and on the boob tube,about appointing his second wife to his post-- to continue to dynasty.
I for one cannot stand for such a travesty. Spouses of politicians are not de faco politicians themselves!

Posted by: Evita Peron and Mary Bono at August 28, 2009 09:55 AM (e8YaH)

238 Hey, lighten up - I'm a funny guy! I've been cracking up Hitler and Stalin with Jew jokes down here. It helps to take the edge off of the ass full of hot coals.

Posted by: Ted Kennedy at August 28, 2009 09:56 AM (VmtE9)

239 That said, I'm in agreement with you. I'd never
have been able to stay silent while this man continued on his life
journey, making a lifelong career in politics,that one word from me
would have stopped that dead in it's tracks.

Posted by: NancyP at August 28, 2009 09:39 AM (lzz2P)
Sorry but I just can't agree with this. First of all, you see what enablers the MSM have been for the Kennedys. In a fair and just world you would have honest reporters that cut through the bullshit and honestly presented what a hideous monster Teddy was but that bears no relationship to how things work. There would've been a steady stream of leaks from people about what a slut Mary Jo was and how obsessed with Ted she was to the point that she was stalking him. The parents would've witnessed a systematic destruction of their daughter's memory that they'd be powerless to contradict. It must've been a difficult pill for the Kopechne's to swallow, but that was the situation they were up against.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 28, 2009 09:56 AM (U1nHn)

240 Honest!

The other day I felt the call to pray for Ted K, so I did.
Early the next morning I was bolted from sleep by an angel hovering over me.
"I just spoke with the Boss" said the angel, "And we do not want Ted!
And that goes for Obama too!"

Drunken Ted Kennedy drove off that bridge, sending Mary Jo Kopechne to her drowning death. Ted saved himself, swam across the canal and went to bed. Yep, went to bed. Worse, he called Mary Jo's parents the next day and told them Mary Jo had been killed in an auto accident .. but did not tell them he was driving. Such character, such courage by Ted "Runt of the Litter" Kennedy is no one to be saluted. I pray for Mary Jo's family and friends.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 09:57 AM (/i4dU)

241 It helps to take the edge off of the ass full of hot coals. Posted by: Ted Kennedy
Hemorrhoids from hell, Ted?
Ba dum dum. I'll be here all week, please hump your waitress.

Posted by: Shecky Satan at August 28, 2009 10:00 AM (knHvu)

242 Teddy named his dog "Splash". What a funny guy.

Posted by: wHodat at August 28, 2009 10:00 AM (+sBB4)

243 a pretty good example of a hit piece and why no civility is needed in this discussion:

Posted by: Artruen at August 28, 2009 10:01 AM (L+dBi)

244 Hey morons, Michael Savage ripped Beck and Limbaugh a new one for "crying over the loss of freedom of speech," when Savage himself was already banned from England... and then went on to rip them for being corporatists. Savage himself is syndicated by a service that does him, Jerry Doyle, Tammy Bruce, and a couple of no-names... so I guess he felt justified in ripping the "big guys" who had neither experienced the censorship Savage feels he is suffering under, nor felt it necessary to jump to his defense.

I'm a big talker? I defend Savage. But I can understand how these guys wouldn't want to help him, since to hi, they are "the hemerroid" and "the golfer".

Posted by: Truman at August 28, 2009 10:03 AM (e8YaH)

245 He did a decent "woe is me" show last night. I can only take so much of it, though. I decided to go outside and chainsmoke and listen to the Red Sox.

Posted by: Truman at August 28, 2009 10:07 AM (e8YaH)

246 This whole thing over Kennedy just goes to show how Americans have gone down the toilet by idolizinghim.The whole family is a pack of crimminals. They earned their money though illegel sales of alcohol during prohibition. They are known murderers, rapists, adulterers,blackmailers, liars........... I cannot wait until this family and their "legacy" is behind us and forgotten forever! They are a shame to our country and to every American. They should be wiped out of our history books. No more Kennedys in power please!!!!! America wake up!

Posted by: Diane Leef at August 28, 2009 10:09 AM (HOdvT)

247 We should rename it "KopechneCare" as a tribute to Kennedy.

Posted by: 4thGenerationBuck at August 28, 2009 10:10 AM (oxLDq)

248 I'm a big talker? I defend Savage. But I can understand how these guys wouldn't want to help him, since to hi, they are "the hemerroid" and "the golfer".
He's a poodle nipping at the heels of the bigger dogs, trying to get attention. I have never considered him to be anything more than a caricature.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at August 28, 2009 10:12 AM (sXLx/)

249 speaking of ending the dynasty, of all those 3rd generation kennedys is there even one worth a tinkers damn?

Posted by: nyc redneck at August 28, 2009 10:13 AM (SdomY)

So many Kings, so many deaths. The death I long for is the death of political mythologies like Camelot. After having been raised on Camelot – the backdrop of the Beatles matched only by the deaths of Jack and Bobby Kennedy as the defining cultural experiences of my youth – I have now come to resent it.
I resent the Camelot myth as if I had grown up an angry son of the abusive father who had instilled in his sons the ruthless sense of entitlement with which the Kennedy sons were raised, and longed for the world to see through the facade that protected him from being seen for what he was.
His family was American royalty, conjuring visions of handsome brothers tossing a football in an age of innocence, long before Watergate laid bare the sins of ego and power on the presidency.
While Jack Kennedy managed to create the symbolism the country could be inspired by at that moment in history, Camelot was about ignoring his flaws and seeing a fantasy.
He was a rich, sailing, East Coast blue blood, well-connected and much dissected, who could have walked away from Washington long ago yet didn’t. While his personal foibles and his celebrity sometimes outpaced his significant work in Congress, Mr. Kennedy lived the life in public service that he and his brothers, John and Robert, accepted as their lot in life.
Perhaps pulling a ship as big as this country requires a showman – perhaps it can only be done through sleight of hand. Maybe the constitution configured a presidency so weak that we need to be tricked into having enough belief in them that they can lead.
I prefer to think that we can do just fine on reality. Part of what makes Abe Lincoln the most compelling of presidential stories is his humanity – he tried and failed more than once before getting anywhere in politics, he micro-managed the execution of the war and suffered over every day of it, he struggled with a mentally ill wife and the loss of a child, his single guard wasn’t up to the task of protecting him on the night of his assassination. Lots of punishing work, no magic.

A law was made a distant moon ago here:
July and August cannot be too hot.
And there’s a legal limit to the snow here
In Camelot.

Are we so different today that we can only be lead by fantasies? For the Kennedys to have been great leaders rather than the damaged sons of a criminal tycoon? Are we so disinterested in our responsibilities as citizens that we prefer to be conned into voting for unqualified, inexperienced candidates because we find their celebrity enchanting?
The press has a fascination with that family --a lurid obsession that was the equivalent of political porn -- following them through the alcoholism, the Palm Beach rape allegations surrounding Mr. Kennedy's nephew William Kennedy Smith, the accidents, the drugs and the drugs.
I believe we’re better served by the imagery of the Eisenhowers and the Trumans than the Kennedys and the Obamas. And with Teddy’s death and Barack’s presidency already caving in around him, I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to bury Camelot, and the need for such fantasies, along with them.
The choice of Barack Obama to the Presidency will likely go down as one of America’s greatest electoral mistakes. At a time of war and economic crisis, we put the least experienced man available at the helm – one who happens to be an ideologue with beliefs that fall far outside the mainstream.

The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Camelot.

The blunder was made possible by the heightened power of broadcast media in swaying the electorate at a moment when journalism has been taken over by TV’s entertainment divisions. The President as Celebrity, as if pulled from the contract actors on the lot of Louis B. Mayer.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 10:18 AM (/i4dU)

251 maybe Quentin Taranino can write an alernative ending for dead ted the rhymes with zed.

Posted by: white punk at August 28, 2009 10:19 AM (vjX6g)


We should rename it "KopechneCare" as a tribute to Kennedy..Posted by: 4thGenerationBuck..
I second that.

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 10:21 AM (/i4dU)

253 Slime Magazine has an article about what a great and real Catholic Teddy was. Teddy was as faithful a Catholic as he was a teetotaler. In fact, that might be Slime's next article: Ted Kennedy's sober and contemplative life.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 28, 2009 10:22 AM (1Jaio)

254 #213
Have to call you out. Yeah, Henry really swung left in his old age, but 'poseur' he ain't. He was the singer for effing Black Flag. I'd say that's worth a few 'punk points', no?

Posted by: Navin R. Johnson at August 28, 2009 10:24 AM (J7/Ud)

255 The thing to remember about Camelot...

Posted by: richard mcenroe at August 28, 2009 10:33 AM (srYBo)

256 What is the difference betweenKansas and Chappaquidick?
If you drown a chick in Kansas you go to jail.

Posted by: JohnJRambo at August 28, 2009 10:34 AM (A4YqN)

257 I just went to wowowow, a website for women of a certain age, and read Liz Smith's boohoo for Ted. I left a post with the link to the youtube audio. I can't believe those women. One idiot posted that he was flawed buthe fought for legislation that helped her make the softball team or something. Wowowow is a hotbed of liberal idiocy, so register and have fun with the comments.

Posted by: vivi at August 28, 2009 10:34 AM (TQtLI)

258 speaking of ending the dynasty, of all those 3rd generation kennedys is there even one worth a tinkers damn?

Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 10:35 AM (knHvu)

259 Kennedy care - The service is top notch but the ambulance ride is a killer.
Posted by: somejoe at August 27, 2009 11:44 PM (yP5sH)

LOL Maybe they should use Volkswagens as ambulances.

Posted by: Tattoo DePlane at August 28, 2009 10:35 AM (rrxDo)

In 1985, Dodd and fellow Senator Ted Kennedy were out (with dates) for a night on the town at La Brasserie. Much liquor was consumed--that will come as a shock to those of us familiar with Ted Kennedy--and the two Senators were at one point unaccompanied by their dates. The Senators made a "Waitress Sandwich" out of some poor, unsuspecting waitress.

If you're not entirely sure what that means, let's just say you wouldn't want to be the waitress. The report had it that Kennedy threw the woman on Dodd, who was slumped in a chair, and then jumped on top of her. She was said to have run screaming from the room.

Summary of 1989 Penthouse magazine article, summarized by the Washington Times:
"When she put in an appearance in their private retreat - 'The Teddy Kennedy Fun Room' - the Massachusetts senator picked her up and heaved her onto a table. The crystal candlesticks and champagne glasses shattered as he grabbed her again and flung her on top of Dodd.
"Then Kennedy threw himself on top of the woman. The waitress implored Mr. Kennedy to 'Get off me!'
"Another waitress entered to find 'things all tipped over and Kennedy was on top, [the waitress] was in the middle and Dodd was on the bottom.' At that point the sandwich was disassembled. "

Posted by: sickinmass at August 28, 2009 10:37 AM (/i4dU)

261 Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 10:35 AM (knHvu)

Thankfully, it seems inbreeding, murder and recklessness have got the best of the Kennedy clan. Someone needs to find their oldest living member and cut off its head, drive a stake through its heart, douse it with Holy Water and shoot its corpse with a silver bullet just to be on the safe side. Maybe then the curse will be lifted.

Posted by: Tattoo DePlane at August 28, 2009 10:39 AM (rrxDo)

262 In order to be a true hero of the democrats you have to kill someone.

Posted by: Ben (the original) at August 28, 2009 10:41 AM (TeGAd)

263 "In 1985, Dodd and fellow Senator Ted Kennedy were out (with dates) for a night on the town at La Brasserie."

Huffington Post blogger: Kennedy was so cross-eyed drunk, he thought he was at a whore house called La Brassiere. So what?

Posted by: Tattoo DePlane at August 28, 2009 10:42 AM (rrxDo)

264 Michael Savage is a leftist 5th columnist.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 28, 2009 10:43 AM (OwOTA)

265 "You see, she wasn't killed as much as she was a good liberal who took one for the team or something..."

Hmmm. Well, I think naming this Kopechne-care would fit then. We won't be killed so much as we will be asked to be a good American to take one for the team, or good of society, and just die.

Also, just as Kennedy left Kopechne to die, the government will leave us to die -- either at the beginning of life with doctors being forced to leave babies who survive abortions to die or at the end of life with doctors being told to give people pain pills to prepare for death instead of pace makers and proper care to extend their lives.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 28, 2009 10:44 AM (ObTcs)

266 Assuming that Mary Jo wasn't ugly, she would therefore not be honored to die for the Kennedy cause/feminism. Feminism was invented to give ugly women something to do. If you doubt this, look at the woman driving the Prius with the Obama and Stop War bumper stickers---if you dare. My 14 year old son actually looked this morning as we passed one, I told him not to but he did, and is still shuddering. I hope he is going to be ok in a day or two. He'll never make that mistake again.

Posted by: Dagney Taggart at August 28, 2009 10:46 AM (07VBT)

267 Willows whiten, aspens quiver, Little breezes dusk and shiver Through the wave that runs for ever By the island in the river Flowing down to Camelot. Four grey walls, and four grey towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent isle imbowers The Lady of Shalott.
Only reapers, reaping early, In among the bearded barley Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly; Down to tower'd Camelot; And by the moon the reaper weary, Piling sheaves in uplands airy, Listening, whispers, " 'Tis the fairy Lady of Shalott."
There she weaves by night and day A magic web with colours gay. She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot. She knows not what the curse may be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care hath she, The Lady of Shalott.
And moving through a mirror clear That hangs before her all the year, Shadows of the world appear. There she sees the highway near Winding down to Camelot; There the river eddy whirls, And there the surly village churls, And the red cloaks of market girls Pass onward from Shalott.
But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror's magic sights, For often through the silent nights A funeral, with plumes and lights And music, went to Camelot; Or when the Moon was overhead, Came two young lovers lately wed. "I am half sick of shadows," said The Lady of Shalott.
And down the river's dim expanse Like some bold seer in a trance, Seeing all his own mischance -- With a glassy countenance Did she look to Camelot. And at the closing of the day She loosed the chain, and down she lay; The broad stream bore her far away, The Lady of Shalott.
Lying, robed in snowy white That loosely flew to left and right -- The leaves upon her falling light -- Thro' the noises of the night, She floated down to Camelot: And as the boat-head wound along The willowy hills and fields among, They heard her singing her last song, The Lady of Shalott.
Under tower and balcony, By garden-wall and gallery, A gleaming shape she floated by, Dead-pale between the houses high, Silent into Camelot. Out upon the wharfs they came, Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame, And around the prow they read her name, The Lady of Shalott.
Who is this? And what is here? And in the lighted palace near Died the sound of royal cheer; And they crossed themselves for fear, All the Knights at Camelot; But Lancelot mused a little space He said, "She has a lovely face; God in his mercy lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott."

Posted by: Lea at August 28, 2009 10:50 AM (lIU4e)

268 Ted did not just destroy MJK, he was cheating on his pregnant wife, she lost the baby after MJK's funeral. He dishonored his wife, was always a sleazy father, and ignored the consequences of what he did.

It does not surprise me that he spent years drinking with his younger family members, and passing on tips about women to them. I am a feminist in the kind that does not like men who brutalize women, there are a few of us.

If there is a hell, he is rotting in it.

Posted by: ford at August 28, 2009 10:51 AM (Ki7fm)

269 The fact that the press is trying so hard to make this shit into a Saint is starting to make me wonder if the first thing we do when the revolution comes is not to line up all the lawyers and shoot 'em, but to line up all the Press and shoot them. Then line up all the shysters and shoot them.

Posted by: Iblis at August 28, 2009 11:00 AM (9221z)

270 Yeah there's nothing so farkin' funny as having a girl asphyxiate in the back seat of your car.

Posted by: Scipio at August 28, 2009 11:03 AM (0vFVj)

271 Liberals have no idea how dumb they sound, nor how offensive.
Chappaquiddic-kare...has a nice ring to it!

Posted by: NancyP at August 28, 2009 11:03 AM (lzz2P)

272 ergiebusted

Posted by: Tetélestai at August 28, 2009 11:03 AM (kIyNG)

273 Vivi, I took your recommendation and left the following comment:
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Ted.We’ll be spending eternity in different places, but, if I were where he’s going, I’d welcome him to hell with open arms.
By MJ Kopechne
I can't wait to see how long it stays.

Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 11:04 AM (knHvu)

274 I'm thinking today is a good day to punch random libs in the face.

Yep. Good day

Every time I think I have heard the lowest of the low, they out fascist themselves once more.

"We don't know how her death affected him..."


Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 28, 2009 11:05 AM (weVyN)

275 Ted Kennedy- the white O.J.

Posted by: Elroy Jetson at August 28, 2009 11:06 AM (Mpowj)

276 speaking of ending the dynasty, of all those 3rd generation kennedys is there even one worth a tinkers damn?

Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 10:35 AM (knHvu)

No, Thank God.

Posted by: Rocks at August 28, 2009 11:08 AM (Q1lie)

277 Posted by: Tetélestai at August 28, 2009 11:03 AM (kIyNG)
A new troll. Same old lies and bullshit. But nice try though chimp.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 28, 2009 11:09 AM (1Jaio)

278 Torgo as the 'Man of Action' - Orwell

ONThread Winner for the Month of August!

Soren and I will be laughing ALL day long...Thanks - G

Posted by: garrett at August 28, 2009 11:14 AM (uoBdc)

279 First comment lasted about 35 minutes. So, I made another when it disappeared.
What? Not good enough to post on your site? Apparently, mysacrifice is not appreciated here as it is on Huffington Post.
By MJ Kopechne

Posted by: huerfano at August 28, 2009 11:18 AM (knHvu)

280 "Hey guys, wanna hear a good one? I let some chick drown and I didn't even get busted for it! HA HA HA!!"

Asshole. You got off too easy in this life, Teddy.

The hero worship (or "idolatry", as it is called in The Book) given by Leftards to their leaders really does permit the political double standard to exist. That "feminist" reporter willing to blow Bill for supporting her agenda REALLY makes her sound professional, and not at all like Morgan Fairchild's character on Flamingo Road. Yeah, "You've com a long way, baby"...on your knees.

Posted by: exdem13 at August 28, 2009 11:27 AM (lYKj1)

281 I've put in a recommendation that we put him up on a pylon like some old Navy A-4, with a big stainless-steel rainbow coming out of his backside.

We'll subcontract it to some artist and give him an NEA grant.

Posted by: Office of the Senate Taxidermist at August 28, 2009 11:30 AM (G8Eo0)

282 If it's not a swooning fit over a presidential blowjob, it's some other datum of human folly
A Democrat kills somebody, and it is merely some abstract "datum of human folly" and not anything to care about. It's not likea Republican having an affair or anything, which is true evil!

watch GW murder Iraqis
This is so 2003. The rest of your fellow moonbats have long stopped pretending to givea rats ass about the Iraqis. It was a poor act in the first place.

Posted by: flenser at August 28, 2009 11:30 AM (ynPq2)

283 Besides, I believe it is Obama that is now the imperialist killer of poor, brown people -- get with the times moonbats.

Posted by: unknown jane at August 28, 2009 11:33 AM (EpmMs)

284 So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death
OK maybe not, but the obligatory Palin bashing in a defense of Teddy does makes you a Huffhole. (huffington post asshole)

Posted by: ADK46er at August 28, 2009 12:30 PM (ZoHK4)

285 I can't f*cking believe I just read that. Maybe she'd feel it was worth it? Man, these people are sick.

Posted by: Chris Jones at August 28, 2009 12:47 PM (wg/TB)

286 The Fight Goes On, The Cause Endures, and The Dream of a Waitress Sandwich Will Never Die!!

Now, can somebody turn me over and brush me with some extra virgin olive oil? I think this side is done...

Posted by: Zombie Teddy at August 28, 2009 12:58 PM (kzhuA)

Mary Jo died so that Ted Kennedy could never be elected president. That may have been worth it.

Posted by: Ronsonic at August 28, 2009 12:58 PM (+XKkH)

288 What, exactly, was "worth it" referring to?
What would Mary Jo Kopechne's continued life have done to Kennedy's career that her dying was "worth it"?
IOW, this moron takes it for granted, not worth even mentioning, that Mary Jo Kopechne was an obstacle of some sort, now knows it, andmay even now think that her being removed as that obstacle is "worth it".
Her death, however it happened, according to this moron removed an obstacle from Kennedy's path, and, since that's more important than a human life, it was "worth it" that she should die.
So now we can speculate on what, exactly, was the nature of the obstacle the moron Lafsky told us existed. Was Mary Jo Kopechne raped? Was she pregnant? Had she been beaten? Was she witness to some other scummy behavior? This paragraph would, of course, be completely unnecessary had Lafsky not screwed up and told us that Mary Jo Kopechne was some kind of obstacle and, for Kennedy and progressivism, better off (for them) dead.
Not that Lafsky would think there's anything wrong with that.

Posted by: Richard Aubrey at August 28, 2009 01:33 PM (d0ih6)

289 The left may think the kennedys are royalty; but the way the kennedys behave explains the French Revolution, as well as the Americn one.

Posted by: rabidfox at August 28, 2009 01:47 PM (Hl8Mu)

290 If Spain can indict Rumsfeld for crimes "committed" in the US and Iraq, why didn't some state like TX arrest Kennedy during a visit/stopover?

Posted by: Sexypig at August 28, 2009 02:06 PM (0t7L8)

291 I can't believe they haven't gotten to "Would Mary Jo be alive today if Obamacare had been around back then? It's something to think about..."

Posted by: Felix at August 28, 2009 02:31 PM (T/CkD)

292 Its possible that she would have: she was a huge Kennedy worshipper and worked on RFK's election campaign. She just didn't get a choice in the matter.

This is as bad as the "Mary Jo would have benefited from Kennedy's tireless work for the elderly if she'd lived" line a few years back. It's hard to believe anyone could be that out of touch with reality.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at August 28, 2009 05:39 PM (PQY7w)

293 Please do not forget Martha Moxley. Teddy Boy was present but drunk when she was murdered. As far as I am concerned it took 19 years too long to put Skakel( Kennedy cousin) in prison. Teddy Boy was "chaperoning" the "Kennedy cousins" at the time.
As for Mary Jo Kopechni, my only thought is, I hope and pray her face was in his head as he drew his last corrupt breath.

Posted by: elclynn at August 28, 2009 05:42 PM (Fuqhn)

294 #5 Tom in Korea
Please don't, it just isn't worth it. Trust me as a liberated Democrat.

Posted by: elclynn at August 28, 2009 05:44 PM (Fuqhn)

295 I can't believe the trolls and mobys are still trying to sell that alcoholic lout as a saint to us. He was a waste of skin, as corrupt and evil as anyone who has ever been in goverbnment and much worse than most.

Posted by: Thomas Jackson at August 28, 2009 06:36 PM (B8gqF)

296 Mary Jo's death is a tragic and heartwarming story like the man who abducted an eleven year old girl and kept her and the children he fostered by her in a toolshed for 18 years. Personally, I'd not be surprised if nothing ever grew over his grave. I am certain that the hours Mary Jo spent gasping for breath in the air pocket of the car were not spent thinking that that swell son of a bootlegging, fascist-loving father was worth her slow asphyxiation.

I give more credit to Mary Jo's parents. If it were my child, he would not have made it out of the 60's.

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