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Oh, My: MSNBC Carefully Crops Shot of Black Man Carrying AR-15 at Healt Care Rally to Avoid Skin Color, So They Can Then Rant and Rave About "White People" Showing Up With Guns When a "Person of Color" is President

Oh no they di'n't.

Oh yes they did.

Allah is outraged, as is the Newsbusters which found this (or rather their partner/parent MRC).

Heads should roll for this.

These bastards are screaming about racial tensions and they're deliberately falsifying video in order to create more racial tension for partisan gain and ratings?

Here's the video before the careful cropping. Which, you know, would have taken less care and effort to run. Cropping and repeating that one almost-still image took more time and effort than just running the real news.

So why did they take extra time? Well, falsifying news ia harder than reporting it, so I guess they must have their reasons.

By the way, the guy who posted that clip on YouTube wrote this:

This is gonna send Chris Mathews and the rest at MSNBC over the edge. They can't claim racism this time. What will they do? They'll say it's a white guy with face paint?

They can't claim racism this time. And yes, they did claim it was a white guy, albeit no mention of face paint.

How naive you are, sport.

Chris Matthews 1, You 0.

They can't be allowed to get away with this.

As I have noted with footnotes and authoritative citations previously, Contessa Brewer is a dirty, lying, pus-mouthed whore.

A cheap, sore-riddled nasty bit of gutterscrunge who'll rent you her mouth for the change in your pocket.

A tawdry wallow-trollop oozing with syphilitic fester who raises her filthy skirts at the scent of crack-smoke.

A disease-dripping pincushion, the media's vile mattress of last resort, a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels, a loose-toothed croup-breathed nightcrawler reeking of bathtub gin, fungicide, and the genetic stink of human desperation.

A skanky bit of mung-trash sloughing off diseased skin like a leprous snake. (A leprous snake who whores out her verminous cloaca for two bits a pop, I mean.)

This sad clown of a whore, oozing with foul custard and slack and sloppy as an over-used trash bag, is too stupid to know how to lie judiciously, and so lies promiscuously and wantonly, demonstrating all the discretion she once showed in junior high when her nickname was "Automatic" Brewer.

By the way: No, I don't think Contessa Brewer really "did" this. She's too stupid. She doesn't have that kind of responsibility. Her job is to wear a wonderbra, eat rice pudding with a "safety spoon," blow the line producer, and read the phonetically-spelled questions someone else writes for her.

Some pale fat loser in the producer chair did it. But I don't know that porky nobody's name, and Contessa Brewer knew what was being done here, so the hell with Typhoid Brewer.

Contact: Ask NBC if it plans on running a dramatization of The Turner Diaries on the air, or if it will just stick to falsifying the news in attempting to provoke a race war.

New York, NY 10112 (Map)
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4085

NBC Headquarters
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4444
Fax 212-664-4426

NBC Washington Bureau
4001 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016
Tel 202-885-4200
Fax 202-362-2009
DC Bureau Chief
Tim Russert 202-885-4548

Nightly News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4971/4691 or 202-885-4259
Fax 201-583-5453
Executive Producer
David Corvo 212-664-4850

Meet the Press
4001 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington DC 20016
Tel 202-885-4598
Fax 202-966-4544
Executive Producer
Nancy Nathan

Today Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel 212-664-4249
Fax 212-664-2914
Executive Producer Jeff Zucker 212-664-2830

Dateline NBC
30 Rockefeller Plz
New York NY 10112
Tel 212-664-7501
Fax 212-664-7864/7073

One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus NJ 07094
Tel (201) 583-5000
Fax (201) 583-5453/5584
(Steven Capus, exec producer 201-583-5102)

Hardball w Chris Matthews 202-783-2615

Thanks to AHFF Geoff for that stuff.

Posted by: Ace at 08:51 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Eleven!!!

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 08:53 PM (UOM48)

2 in a just world...
but we are in this one, so.....

Posted by: trailortrash at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (wiDZf)

3 Good. God. That's. Seriously, at this point the press seems to be determined to start a race war.

Posted by: alexthechick at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (lQiq2)

4 New York Money Men

Posted by: Max Power at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (q177U)

5 The black man, Chris, seemed to be with the anti-Obamacare crowd.

Posted by: EC at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (iWj1i)

6 You know, for how common they seem to think this occurance is, surely they'd have no problem finding a WHITE guy to show who was packing heat. I'm amazed at just how full of racists PMSNBC actually is.
Wait did I say amazed? I mean not even remotely surprised. My mistake.

Posted by: paranoidpyro at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (Do1Kg)

7 Is Contessa Brewer still a slut?

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (UOM48)

8 Well dammit, if there isn't anything for them to be outraged about, they'll CREATE something.

RIP journalism.

Posted by: Dang Straights at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (9G7uV)

9 What do you think?

Posted by: Contessa Brewer's Syphillized Fallopian Tubes at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (aVQo/)

The fuckin cocksuckin Deciders

Posted by: Tweet Diamond Phillips at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (TItTf)

11 Does anyone watch MSNBC any more, though? I mean, my alzheimers afflicted in-laws do, but we don't let them vote.

You're welcome.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (qIC+p)

12 Goebbels is smiling from hell.

Posted by: ICBM at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (w5y2y)

13 Black people with guns - eww, gross.

Posted by: Meghan McCain at August 19, 2009 08:58 PM (VRZ7Z)

14 Was watching morning meeting every morning but there is just so much of msnbc you can take. Wonder what dylan Ratigan will say about this, someone should track him down and ask him, he's a pretty straight forward guy. Not the type to doctor a video.

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 08:58 PM (p302b)

15 I'd say I was shocked, but that would me just as much of a lying cocksucker as these assholes.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 08:59 PM (vZVv7)

16 Yes. I hope so. I will only watch Contessa with the sound muted and pretend she is really speaking about conservative values... "yes... yes... tell me more about the importance of the second amendment, Contessa my lovely marshmellow..."

Who is that Ratigan retard, btw.

Posted by: newguy40 at August 19, 2009 08:59 PM (kduZC)

17 Cuntessa Brewster better not complain about being ripped to shreds. After all, as she told Sarah Palin and John Zeigler, its ok, because she's still there, she's still standing.

Posted by: lurker at August 19, 2009 09:00 PM (AqLUZ)

18 Winston, you know who watches that cesspool? Every single little libtard who voted for the first time evah! for hopenchange. Venture, if you dare, into the bowels of Daily Kos, and HuffPo. Your head will explode from the stupid. Oh, and I went to the NYT yesterday. And wanted to kill myself.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:00 PM (UOM48)

19 What do you think?

Posted by: Contessa Brewer's Syphillized Fallopian Tubes at August 19, 2009 08:57 PM (aVQo/)
I'm going in; let the haz-mat people know if I don't return

Posted by: Steel Brush w/Lysol at August 19, 2009 09:01 PM (U1nHn)

20 Dylan Ratigan used to be great on Fast Money, but it was always quite obvious that he was a loyal Democrat.
Back when Jeff Mackey was on the program, Dylan would get noticeably irritated and defensive whenever Mackey took some mildly humorous shots at Obama (mostly about his smoking habit).
By the way, did Mackey get canned by CNBC? He was the most entertaining guy on that show, and now he's gone. It seems to me that it happened pretty quickly after he started taking shots at The One.

Posted by: stickety at August 19, 2009 09:01 PM (Jg5C9)

21 Who the fuck knows who that Ratigan guy is?

I confess to completely ignoring that network for YEARS now. I even insist on turning off Monday Night Football when that ass bandit Olbermann makes an appearance.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:01 PM (qIC+p)

22 Meh. Ever since the whole Bush-TANG-Rather crap, I'm less than shocked to find out the MSM is just making shit up. I guess it's good they're being called on it, but who, among their present audience, is going to care? I mean, if you're still watching PMSNBC for news coverage, is there ANYTHING they could do to make you question whether they're providing good coverage? Besides putting conservatism in a good light, I mean?

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:02 PM (XIXhw)

23 Kinda like yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater, ain't it?

Posted by: Countrysquire at August 19, 2009 09:02 PM (LlII4)

24 So, exercising your Second Amendment rights, is now, "racism".

Fuck these fucking cockholsters. Just fuck them.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 09:03 PM (vZVv7)

25 They can't be allowed to get away with this.

Oh? And what are you going to do about it?

And whatever happened to that "operation pipewench" site that went up the last time something egregious like this happened?

Posted by: OregonMuse at August 19, 2009 09:03 PM (TnUnj)

26 Winston, you know who watches that cesspool? Every single little
libtard who voted for the first time evah! for hopenchange. Venture,
if you dare, into the bowels of Daily Kos, and HuffPo. Your head will
explode from the stupid. Oh, and I went to the NYT yesterday. And
wanted to kill myself.

Oh, believe me, I understand. Deluded and insufferably stupid "Progressives."

I did in fact spend some time on Daily Kos once. ONCE.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (qIC+p)

27 ATC, I don't think they want a literal race war, but they do want enough 'scary' black outrage (i.e. ACORN) ginned up to cow Americans into accepting Obamacare. Unfortunately, they don't understand that we're not going to be backing down.

Obama's mentor Ayers and his prophet Farakhan both seem to want it so maybe he does to. I can't see how any of them think that turns out well for anyone on Obama's side.

Um, and just because we can't be too careful, I'd rather not have a race war, being as how I live in Cook County.

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (aAtZG)

28 This should be easy to dismiss. The black dude carrying the AR-15 wasn't exactly hiding from the cameras.
Don't panic!

Posted by: ErikW at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (hKtiw)

29 Why not a frivilous class action suit on behalf of "white people" against MSNBC for defamation of character and incitement! Really!

Posted by: JDW at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (L+u9U)

30 Tim Russert's still the bureau chief?
DA-yum! That's dedication!

Posted by: Mike Caldwell at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (s+0uF)

31 This is quite the time for aluminum foil manufacturers, what with all these justifiable reasons for paranoia.

They'll [CITI] enjoy financial success and insulation from market forces, as long as they understand that their jobs require them to serve as the quiet handmaidens of political favors. They also must serve as the political class's useful human media and public distractions from the politicians' own culpability in whatever financial scandal is bothering everyone at a given moment. (the corner).

Couple this with $100 billion for GE, nationalization of GM, thug tactics, etc, etc, all the laundering that is and has been undoubtedly going on. How is this not fascism? No, this is the distilled essence of fascism. I don't think it ends well.

Posted by: M.R.I. at August 19, 2009 09:06 PM (aVQo/)

32 Now, now, now... I think we should spend more time talking about Contessa's lovely skin and chiseled cheek bones. And, yes, yes... her dimples when she smiles about something Obama said.

Enuff I say about this Ratigan fellow. He has such and odd hairstyle, eh?

Posted by: newguy40 at August 19, 2009 09:06 PM (kduZC)

33 Raaaaaaaaaaacce waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr!!!!!!

We cut the report. And we decide.

Posted by: MSNBC at August 19, 2009 09:06 PM (PDeVA)

34 I swear it's like 1984. Everybody please be seated for the "Two Minute Hate."

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:06 PM (qIC+p)

35 ...and Contessa, honey, your mouth is making noise again. See to it.

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:07 PM (XIXhw)

36 O.K. morons. Seriously.

Boycott G.E.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:08 PM (UOM48)

37 So the black guy with the gun is racist against black presidents ? Wha ?

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at August 19, 2009 09:08 PM (dCjum)

38 Meh, NBC has been airing faked "shocking" video for decades.

Anyone remember the phony Dateline footage of exploding cars where they had to use pyrotechnic devices cuz they weren't blowing up on their own?

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:08 PM (3yn9o)

39 Let loose the dogs of media crushing!

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:08 PM (5r0Tz)

40 Treacher's tweeting you think she's answer???
no, that wasn't a serious I look stupid?

Posted by: Mama AJ at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (X6Zdh)

O.K. morons. Seriously.

Boycott G.E.

I'm in.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (qIC+p)

42 I love the flaming skull.....

Posted by: Gary at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (oSOQF)

43 Holy sh*t. I actually just went and watched the interview with Jeff Macke that got him canned. He was totally incoherent and looked like he was jacked up on something illegal. I guess it wasn't the Obama cracks that got him fired.

Posted by: stickety at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (Jg5C9)

44 Never did need no guns.

Posted by: Ike Turner at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (1EZ8w)

45 you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.

Posted by: Dum Dum (I quit this site, assholes. Peace off) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

46 Is Keith Olberman doing their video editing?

Posted by: ricky at August 19, 2009 09:10 PM (b/a/H)

47 Heads should roll for this.These bastards are screaming about racial tensions and they're deliberately falsifying video in order to create more racial tension for partisan gain and ratings?They can't be allowed to get away with this.Posted by:Ace

(1) This comes as a surprise to anyone? Outrage? Why? They have been doing this for at least 8 years. Anyone remember the TANG documents? Deliberately making up documents in order to take down a sitting President. Anyone remember all last year? Deliberately smearing Sarah Palin and covering Obama's ass every step of the campaign trail in order to affect a Presidential election. Why the outrage? This is SOP for the mass media and has been since at least the Spring of 2003 when they started with the "Bush Lied!" meme.

(2) They can and they will... get away with this. They have been getting away with it since 2003. They lie about everything and STILL the majority of the American public trusts them.

(3) Even if heads do roll, they have already succeeded. They got the message out there (anti-Obamacare protesters are racist nutballs packing heat) and that is what will stick with the ADHD public. The lie has been put out there, it will be spread by the ignorant ('wow, did you see that report on MSNBC, with the racists packing heat at the Obamacare rally?' Those people are crazy, yo!') and the truth won't even matter once the lie has been accepted as conventional wisdom.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:11 PM (ObTcs)

48 This surprises anyone? Come on.

Best case scenario there will be some sort of mumbled explanation, and they might claim they're firing an intern.

Oh yeah, and they'll claim we're racist for noticing the video was of a black man.

Posted by: shibumi at August 19, 2009 09:11 PM (OKZrE)

49 ATC, I don't think they want a literal race war,
You know, I used to agree but now I'm not too sure. I mean, at the very least I don't think MSNBC would be horrified. They'd get great footage after all.

To be clear, *I* don't want a race war or anything like that. I guess I just am shocked at how blatantly manipulative this is.

Posted by: alexthechick at August 19, 2009 09:11 PM (lQiq2)

50 Um, and just because we can't be too careful, I'd rather not have a race war, being as how I live in Cook County.
Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 09:04 PM (aAtZG)
They need a crisis. That would be a big one.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 09:11 PM (dQdrY)

51 PS - now "officially" onboard with deceiving the public.

Q: what other deceptions of the public do they officially approve of?

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:12 PM (3yn9o)

52 So Janeane Garofalo is writing scripts for "news" shows now?

What a bunch of lying fucking fucks.

And FUCK OFF, DUM-DUM, you pathetic whining bitch.

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 09:12 PM (0hjKF)

53 If anyone ever read Stephen King's Dark Tower series (not that great and overlong), G.E. could be the North Central Positronics Corporation. Their name is on everything and seems ubiquitous in the post-apocalyptic world (or dimension, but you get the point).

Posted by: M.R.I. at August 19, 2009 09:12 PM (aVQo/)

54 45
you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

so you support the explicitly false story told by Contessa? Showing a gun with a machine gun WHO IS BLACK but not showing his skin and then claiming White people are taking machine guns to see obama?

That's okay with the Poon ombudsman?
But Ace pointing it out is not?
Douchebag, poon, is what you are.

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (5r0Tz)

55 Wowser, now, that is some journalistic integrity.

Posted by: Bru at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (NZ58E)

56 Tim Russert 202-885-4548

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tim Russert is dead and has been for about 14 months now.

Posted by: Neo at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (5d1ix)

57 I'm sure this was just the action of one rogue editor.

Posted by: tachyonshuggy at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (kxJ6O)

58 Everyone who worked on this needs to be fired immediately.
Then they need to be blacklisted from the news industry. But that would be the right thing to do.

Instead this just puts them in line for the Meet the Press chair.

Our news media holds themselves to despicably low standards of integrity. They're morally equal to pimps and drug pushers on playgrounds. They are absolutely contemptible filth.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (PDeVA)

59 Color me confused. The media are reporting that the guy was carrying an assault rifle. Others are saying he was carrying an AR-15. That, however, isn't an assault rifle. Congress stuffed it into the assault weapon category but that's not the same thing.

So, what was the dude carrying? Was it an automatic weapon or not?

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (SHKl9)

60 Remember when Dateline NBC blew up those GM trucks to "prove" they were explosive? Now they're trying to do the same thing with the race issue.

Posted by: Jim Treacher at August 19, 2009 09:14 PM (cvmgB)

61 Unfuckingbelievable.

Posted by: Farmer Joe at August 19, 2009 09:14 PM (SLsZo)

62 msnbc are the same people who are pushing the

"Socialism is the new N word" reporting on white folks calling Obama a socialist.

Somehow i sense a pattern

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:14 PM (5r0Tz)

63 If there were an actual race war, MSNBC would sign an exclusive deal with ACORN to embed their anchors.

Posted by: M.R.I. at August 19, 2009 09:14 PM (aVQo/)

64 I'm sure this was just the action of one rogue editor.

Multiple layers of rogue editing, people. That's why they're better than the bloggers.

Posted by: alexthechick at August 19, 2009 09:15 PM (lQiq2)

65 We are looking for a new dishwasher. Won't be able to replace it till the end of the year (if that) with our business suffering. I swear to God, it will not be G.E. and as soon as we can afford to replace the old G.E. wall oven and microwave, it will be anything but.

Fuck NBC, MSNBC, G.E. and their new little pal, the Weather Channel.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:15 PM (UOM48)

66 GE has some great scientists and engineers, but the management of the corporation has been taken over by the forces of evil.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:15 PM (3yn9o)

67 56
Tim Russert 202-885-4548

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tim Russert is dead and has been for about 14 months now.

Posted by: Neo at August 19, 2009 09:13 PM (5d1ix)

yea it was an old page i got the numbers from, sue me.

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:15 PM (5r0Tz)

68 I see why you're backing this Dum Dum. You and MSNBC share a definition of Non-Partisan.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:15 PM (PDeVA)

69 @51

purple avenger, do you understand what the term deceiving means?

what they did, every media channel (yes, including your favorite, Faux News) does. It's called editing. Faux News edits Obama's speeches and cuts off context to get the message they want, CNN does it too, and so does MSNBC.

Deceiving would be if MSNBC said a white guy was carrying the gun...which it did not as far as I know.

So please, cut out this sanctimonious act.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (VDj74)

70 22
Meh. Ever since the whole Bush-TANG-Rather crap, I'm less than shocked
to find out the MSM is just making shit up. I guess it's good they're
being called on it, but who, among their present audience, is going to
care? I mean, if you're still watching PMSNBC for news coverage, is
there ANYTHING they could do to make you question whether they're
providing good coverage? Besides putting conservatism in a good light,
I mean?

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:02 PM

I send links from here, Gateway Pundit, Michelle Malkin, American Thinker, etc to my lefty friends and they all just blow them off and say they are not credible news sources like CNN and MSNBC, etc. Drives me up a wall.

Just today I had someone say that my link to Gateway Pundit I provided to him was not credible, but he helpfully provided me with a link to Media Matters and told me to spend a few days reading that site to get informed. I told him about George Soros and he came back with some copy-paste job of some paragraph from Soros' website claiming he was some philathropic messiah and I was stupid for claiming he was anything otherwise.

I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (ObTcs)

71 Goebbels is smiling from his grave.

Posted by: rawmuse at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (V01QF)

72 #45 you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.
Yeah, because Ace took a video and totally misconstrued it to say that a main reason why a bunch of left-wingers went to protest was because of racism.

You're a fool, Dummy. Go back to spooning Poon - that seems to be the only thing you're good at.

Posted by: Kratos (on the back of Gaia, scaling Mt Olympus) at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (otlXg)

Yea, that was pretty fuckin' outrageous, despicable and flaming skull worthy. However,being its MSNBC only two peopleprobably saw it. These douchenozzles stillneed to apologize and retract immediately

Posted by: Blazer at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (RwgDY)

74 purple avenger, do you understand what the term deceiving means?

they did, every media channel (yes, including your favorite, Faux News)
does. It's called editing. Faux News edits Obama's speeches and cuts
off context to get the message they want, CNN does it too, and so does

Deceiving would be if MSNBC said a white guy was carrying the gun...which it did not as far as I know.

So please, cut out this sanctimonious act.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (VDj74)

did you watch the video jackass?
That's exactly what they did - claimed it was a white guy when the guy was black.
stop pushing your false crap to distract.


Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (5r0Tz)

75 #45: Are you trying to make a point?

Posted by: Uncle Jed at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (eKgqT)

76 Oh calm down. It's not like they accused him of calling on God's wrath or anything over the top.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (dQdrY)

77 @66

...forces of evil...

my, aren't we getting a little carried away and melodramatic here...

Posted by: Dum Dum (I just learned another new word!) at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (VDj74)

78 for awhile I've been saying they aren't even trying anymore.

Well, they're sure trying now.

Posted by: evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight at August 19, 2009 09:17 PM (taJZA)

79 #45, Poon, go get me a fucking beer, wench. Meanwhile shut your flapping cum-dumpster while the grownups are talking.

I suppose the second and third-order unintended consequences of a "race war" never occur to those idiots who run America's media companies?

Posted by: SGT Dan at August 19, 2009 09:18 PM (Wcgzm)

80 Deception and lies are the tools of evil. These people are heavily under the influence of evil or are evil themselves.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:18 PM (PDeVA)

81 Fuck, I mean Palin. Wrong fucking troll, I get them mixed up.

Posted by: SGT Dan at August 19, 2009 09:18 PM (Wcgzm)

82 72 -- yes, that is funny, MSNBC does this, which Dum Dum defends to the hilt, and then *I* get accused of makin' stuff up for traffic.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 09:19 PM (LNOmx)

83 Wrong fucking troll

Just different shades of the same hivemind.

Posted by: M.R.I. at August 19, 2009 09:19 PM (aVQo/)

84 Just when you think you have seen it all.... Holy friggin hell.

Say, wasn't congress saying something about a fairness doctrine last year?

I wonder what this falls under.

Racism, or blatant fucking racism?

I'm going with blatant fucking racism.

Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (9QC0z)

85 ...ummm, cockholsters, anyone?

Posted by: billygoat at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (DrB2V)

86 Deceiving would be if MSNBC said a white guy was carrying the gun...which it did not as far as I know.So please, cut out this sanctimonious act.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (VDj74)
Your ignorance is astounding, rivaled only by your lack of curiosity.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (U1nHn)

87 These bastards are screaming about racial tensions and they're
deliberately falsifying video in order to create more racial tension
for partisan gain and ratings?

That's what the whole health care debate has devolved to. They aren't selling the plan -- they can't -- so their last refuge is the argument we knew they'd make eventually: Obama wants this done. Obama is (kinda) black. If you don't want it, then you are racist.

Race bullying may work on some things, but it won't pass Government healthcare.

Even though it didn't make a big polling impact, I think the Skip Gates thing left a bad taste in peoples' mouths vis a vis Obama and race.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (T0NGe)

88 Hey, it's all about the white man hatin' on the black man, you AoSHQ retards.

Jeanenne Garafalo (sp? whatever)

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (UOM48)

89 Ok, guys

let me break it down for you

Contessa never said the guy they showed was white

she said "white people with guns" showed up....which is true.

I'm not sure what the lie is here. MSNBC could've just shown that other mediawhore with the gun with the tyranny sign...the message would've been the same.

grow the fuq up and stop whining.

Posted by: Dum Dum (I'm having sex with my Captain America doll right now) at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (VDj74)

90 #45, Poon, go get me a fucking beer, wench. Meanwhile shut your flapping cum-dumpster while the grownups are talking.

suppose the second and third-order unintended consequences of a "race
war" never occur to those idiots who run America's media companies?

Posted by: SGT Dan at August 19, 2009 09:18 PM (Wcgzm)

the white leftists never seem to think things thru. If some real shit ever opened up in America, the white leftists would be the ones who suffered the most - no doubt about it.

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (5r0Tz)

91 I'll bet that the chickenshits who pulled their advertising with Beck have no problem with this. It's "news" you know, not outright deception.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (0Lv+U)

92 #77 my, aren't we getting a little carried away and melodramatic here...
And you being nonchalant about this false racial "framing" of an issue shows, yet again, that you're not a true "non-partisan".

Posted by: Kratos (on the back of Gaia, scaling Mt Olympus) at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (otlXg)

93 To be clear,
An Obama-ism that should die.

Posted by: ErikW at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (hKtiw)

94 Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

You understand the value of propaganda.

We could have used a nice girl like you in the Hitler Youth.

You are blond, blue eyed and buxom, aren't you?

Posted by: Joseph Goebbels at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (iTt2X)

95 Poon got itself a DIC-TION-ARY!

Posted by: billygoat at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (DrB2V)

96 70 I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
What'd the wall ever do to you ? Stop the hate of walls !

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at August 19, 2009 09:21 PM (dCjum)

97 95
Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

You understand the value of propaganda.

We could have used a nice girl like you in the Hitler Youth.

You are blond, blue eyed and buxom, fat aren't you?


Posted by: billygoat at August 19, 2009 09:22 PM (DrB2V)

98 she said "white people with guns" showed up....which is true.

Any 'other' people with guns show up? And why make the distinction in the first have an agenda.

Posted by: Tami at August 19, 2009 09:22 PM (VuLos)

99 90
Ok, guys

let me break it down for you

Contessa never said the guy they showed was white

she said "white people with guns" showed up....which is true.

not sure what the lie is here. MSNBC could've just shown that other
mediawhore with the gun with the tyranny sign...the message would've
been the same.

grow the fuq up and stop whining.

Posted by: palin steele (the o

ignore the Poon.

You're just intentionally pushing false statements to destroy the thread.

Showing a video of a black guy with a machine gun for 10 seconds and then saying that white people with guns are everywhere in obama events is an EXPLICIT lie.

enough said/

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:22 PM (5r0Tz)

100 I wonder what it would take to get their advertisers pulled...

What? They did it to Beck...

Posted by: Gabriel Malor at August 19, 2009 09:22 PM (rWvvO)

101 Morons, don't feed the trolls. Please. They're hungry and have no where else to go.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:23 PM (UOM48)

102 Deceiving would be if MSNBC said a white guy was carrying the gun...which it did not as far as I know.

That's because you're a fucking retard who is too lazy to do your homework and watch the video where they VERY SPECIFICALLY mentioned only white men toting guns.

Further trivially provably false statements from you will get me deleting your posts. You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts. I will not tolerate deliberate and willful lying.

Play straight and honest you stay, keep this lying shit up and you're gonna get deleted. It is that simple, and its your choice.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:23 PM (3yn9o)

103 90Ok, guys

let me break it down for you

Contessa never said the guy they showed was white

she said "white people with guns" showed up....which is true.

not sure what the lie is here. MSNBC could've just shown that other
mediawhore with the gun with the tyranny sign...the message would've
been the same.

grow the fuq up and stop whining.
Hmmmm -- is that like it 'depends on your meaning of the word is, is? Twit.

Posted by: billygoat at August 19, 2009 09:23 PM (DrB2V)

104 Even Dum Dum doesn't believe what he's saying. He should think about that.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:24 PM (PDeVA)

105 And now for a Public Service Announcement...

Please don't feed the trolls. You can't win an argument with the mentally ill so don't try.

Thank you.

Posted by: Iskandar at August 19, 2009 09:24 PM (SB5kV)

106 Just called NBC headquarters, got forwarded to a comment line

Posted by: Mjim at August 19, 2009 09:24 PM (dUG1X)

107 well deserved flaming skull. this needs to make the Grapevine on Bret Baer's show, someone send it to him,

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:25 PM (f0I0I)

108 45
you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM

Speaking of reach, I hope Axelrod is giving you a big one for this since you've gone beyond silly and simply say the sky is red.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 09:26 PM (0Lv+U)

109 Ace, You've been on fire the past couple of weeks...

Posted by: Uncle Jed at August 19, 2009 09:26 PM (eKgqT)

110 Facts just get in the way of the narrative. I'm sure the dozens of people that still watch MSNBC for mental masturbation it provides for them were satisfied.

Posted by: kefka at August 19, 2009 09:26 PM (udoJ3)

111 Dum-De-Dum-Dum.

Posted by: billygoat at August 19, 2009 09:26 PM (DrB2V)

112 Shit, I only ran those fake memos. I didn't type them myself.

Good job MSNBC! I wish I had thought of it.

Posted by: Dan Rather at August 19, 2009 09:27 PM (iTt2X)

113 This is where I'm supposed to caution Purple Avenger and tell him not to delete Dum Dum's posts.

Whoops, I have something better to do.

It's called EDITING, dum dum. "Everyone does it."

So, PA, "edit" Dum Dum if you like.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 09:27 PM (LNOmx)

114 Only way to get heads to roll is to get the guy in the vid to come forward, I'd wager.

Posted by: evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight at August 19, 2009 09:27 PM (taJZA)

115 I send links from here, Gateway Pundit, Michelle Malkin, American Thinker, etc to my lefty friends and they all just blow them off and say they are not credible news sources like CNN and MSNBC, etc. Drives me up a wall.
Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:16 PM (ObTcs)
Yep. My leftist father is the same. Regards the NYT and CNN as conservatively biased, and mixes that with Mother Jones to come up with a world view. I don't bother talking politics with him, which drives him nuts as it's all he wants to talk about. As some guy once said, you can't reasonpeople out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:28 PM (pZEar)

116 of course MSNBC has an 'agenda'

Race baiting is an acceptable agenda for you?

Do you complain about fox's agenda too?

Yeah, they have too much 'liberal' balance on there. Stopped watching them a long time ago.

Posted by: Tami at August 19, 2009 09:28 PM (VuLos)

117 of course MSNBC has an 'agenda'. It wants to attract liberal
viewers...hence its completely biased towards liberals. Im not denying
that.Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:25 PM

Kookvision is allowed its own opinions, but not their own facts.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 09:28 PM (0Lv+U)

118 If other news outlets have integrity they'll be on this like white on rice. You have to police your own the hardest.

. . . but we all know what won't happen.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:28 PM (PDeVA)

119 ACE, do not inadvertently help the anti-gunners. That piece was NOT an Assault Rifle. It was a civilian version semi-auto rifle.

This just helps the GFW's by perpetuating their Bull-Crap that loooks make Guns Evil!

Posted by: Old Dog at August 19, 2009 09:29 PM (CRC5/)

120 Ratings? I don't think they do this stuff for ratings anymore. Their ratings are horrible, even given their desire to have a selective audience. I really think this has become a goodwill effort on the part of GE to kiss up to the Democrats, from whom they want government contracts.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:29 PM (T0NGe)

Who said this man is black? It's clear he's a deeply tanned Puerto
Rican beach boy wearing Burberry shades and a "I shag liberal chicks for spite" button.

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:29 PM (FnA4R)


"Fox News is heavily tilted towards conservatives."

Hey me one conservative on MSNBC.

There aren't any, are there...

Name me one conservative at ABC, NBC or CBS...even CNN.

Not one, you knobby headed sneeze and canteloupe seeds come shooting out your nose.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E. Buzz Miller at August 19, 2009 09:29 PM (CHf6r)

123 thanks, PA, for deleting my post where I admit MSNBC has an agenda...a liberal one.

Everyone has agendas. Mine involves the paper boy and some baby oil.

Posted by: Dum Dum (the dummest dumbass of all) at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (VDj74)

124 The thing with a race war is, blacks (who I presume MSNBC is trying to provoke) are outnumbered by like 8 to 1 and get their asses kicked on a regular basis whenever they tangle with hispanics, with whom they have roughly equal numbers. And it's not like they can just do the muslim thing and fire the shot that honor requires and ditch the uniform because, um, duh. Black outrage is most likely to take the form of riots, which are going to be put down with whatever force is required in the cities, by Democrat mayors, so that's not helpful.

And were they to storm predominantly American areas in the suburbs and beyond, it would be all-out civil war. Which I can't imagine would be a safe environment for any Obama collaborator, particularly reporters who are not known employees of Fox News.

I think MSNBC is just playing for outrage because aside from roughing up Ken Gladney, Obama's calls to get his supporters out in front of his healthcare takeover have spectacularly failed. Which is completely irresponsible, but what do we expect from leftists?

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (aAtZG)

125 Maybe the dude with the long gun doesn't want to be the next Kenneth Gladney.

Posted by: Uncle Jed at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (eKgqT)

126 I'm
not sure what the lie is here. MSNBC could've just shown that other
mediawhore with the gun with the tyranny sign...the message would've
been the same.
The selectively edited tape pushing the meme that the health care rallies are full of angry racist white men is a particular problem. This contrivance is not only willful propaganda created to backstop the slide in public opinion of the bills in Congress but, by pushing the racial angle, these pundits are purposely trying to rile up minorities. This is dangerous shit. If you can't see that I'm forced to ask how long you've lived in the US because it's bloody obvious.

Posted by: Iskandar at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (SB5kV)

127 he was clearly a race traitor.
Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann apparently let the gate to the plantation open and this guy wondered off and began to think for himself.

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (f0I0I)

128 Damn, the turd-generator Dummy Himself's really winding up on this thread. I guess either Dummy needed more rent money or Axelrod's doing some quick media damage control. Let me put Dummy's latest droppings through my bullshit detector:

#90 Ok, guys

There are moronettes here too, git.
let me break it down for you

i.e. Let me try to confuse the issue and claim that the media didn't do what they just did. Hey, everybody's gotta eat and if I need to fellate Obama and his defenders to do it, then so be it!.

Contessa never said the guy they showed was white
Genius. But then, on the next line:

she said "white people with guns" showed up....which is true.

So, if one didn't know that the guy in the video was black, they'd see the video, hear Cuntessa say that "white people with guns" showed up, and make the inferrence that the guy they showed in the video was white. I can see now why you went to Harvard (supposedly).

not sure what the lie is here. MSNBC could've just shown that other
mediawhore with the gun with the tyranny sign...the message would've
been the same.

So, why then didn't they just show a group of "white guns with guns"? The point that you miss... hell, you probably don't, you're just carrying water here - is that the media took a picture (cropped) of a scary person with a gun, reporters said that there's lots of "anger" towards a black President, and basically said that racism is driving these protests, when the guy in their "fuqqing" picture is black!
grow the fuq up and stop whining.

Get out of mommy's basement and Poon's glory hole and then we can talk. But, alas, in the end, Dummy will be spooning Poon.

Posted by: Kratos (on the back of Gaia, scaling Mt Olympus) at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (otlXg)

129 left not let

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (f0I0I)

130 Who said this man is black? It's clear he's a deeply tanned Puerto
Rican beach boy wearing Burberry shades and a "I shag liberal chicks for spite" button.

Posted by: Fish

Well color me shocked. I just checked my census form and that counts a Caucasian.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:30 PM (PDeVA)

131 Pile of Stooloh'bama is taking the gaspipe across the board.Lie back, accept it and don't fight it-it will be less painful.

Posted by: Dr. Carlo Lombardi at August 19, 2009 09:31 PM (mX2kS)

132 119 If other news outlets have integrity they'll be on this like white on rice
Is that a racial slur or something ? You got something against brown rice ? Ricist ! Stop the rice hate !

Posted by: Noah Bawdy at August 19, 2009 09:31 PM (dCjum)

133 @114

Well, my comments have been edited alot. Do I whine about it...YES. I even demanded that Drew do something about it like a whiny little bitch baby.

Posted by: Dum Dum (the dummest dumbass of all ... now with bonus racism!) at August 19, 2009 09:31 PM (VDj74)

134 Ace is back on that low carb diet!

Posted by: Cooper at August 19, 2009 09:31 PM (g8BV8)

135 And they love throwing around "Faux News". Irony is apparently as dead as journalism at 30 Rock.

Posted by: Dang Straights at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM (9G7uV)

136 #65 Jane D'oh Just came on line, hoping that nobody else posted this info. GE also markets under other names, they all do; its like automobiles. GE made appliancesare also Hotpoint and RCA. Some, repeat some dishwashers are sold to Sears under the Kenmore name. Sears buys from everybody and the salesperson cannot, or will not tell you who made the product. They made no appliances themselves.

Posted by: Mystry at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM (dIHlE)

137 ot, i cant believe this asshole actually said this. see below. this is what we're goign to get for health care --- "you filled out the form wrong - back to the end of the line"

A trade group in New York said today that repayment delays
led about 200 dealers to pull out of the program, which helped
revive demand last month. LaHood blamed the holdups on
incorrectly completed paperwork from dealers and insufficient
staff at the Transportation Department to process the repayment

揗any of the applications are faulty and we have to send
them back, LaHood told reporters after the press conference.
揂s soon as we get a good application, we send the check out.

Posted by: Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM (5r0Tz)

138 Dear Contessa,

I put your talking points out with the wingers and pwned them. Can I sniff your used panties now?

Posted by: dum-dum, the only blind, deaf and dumb partisan at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM (0Lv+U)

139 and I've never seen Purple Avenger this angry...sheesh.

It reminds me a lot of when I told my parents that I've spent the last 3 months typing imbecilic comments on blogs instead of getting a job.

Posted by: Dum Dum (the pretend quitter) at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM (VDj74)

140 I love that guy, even though he reminds me of Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air with glasses.

Exploting the sin of omission to create a narrative is one thing, inexcusable as it may be. This is almost a taunt, a slap in the face to anyone who has ever seen the actual, unedited clip. Cropping out his blackness (racist anyone?) while implying that there are angry white people with guns a huntin' for Obama is infuriating.

But then, I just can't stay mad at MSNBC. It would be a waste of energy.

Posted by: Fortunate Son at August 19, 2009 09:33 PM (FaLC9)

Race War! Race War! (starts about 1 minute in)

Posted by: paranoidpyro at August 19, 2009 09:33 PM (Do1Kg)


Posted by: Dan Rather at August 19, 2009 09:33 PM (RwgDY)

143 we should be talking about that "woman" who won gold medals at track events in germany, but is clearly a man. the story is on drudge

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:33 PM (f0I0I)

144 Dum-Dum, you're too stupid to live. Race-baiting dipshits at MSNBC make unsubstantiated claims of racism as a major driving force behind anger at Odumbass' lying thieving Marxist administration, citing "white people with guns" showing up at rallies, and include as their "proof" a picture of a black man with a gun ... carefully not showing he's a black man, because it would destroy their entire narrative.

That's acceptable to you, you demented partisan fuck?

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 09:33 PM (0hjKF)

145 110
Ace, You've been on fire the past couple of weeks...

Posted by: Uncle Jed at August 19, 2009 09:26 PM

Seconded. Just outstanding stuff lately. Reminds me of when I first discovered this place and immediately got hooked.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:34 PM (ObTcs)

146 I don't think MSNBC wants to foment racial unrest.
I do think MSNBC wants to guilt white people into rolling over for the Obamagenda.

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 09:34 PM (KOkrW)

147 Trust me....a good application means a you must put a smiley face in Box 33a, not Box 33b, if you put the smiley face in the wrong box then your application/claim will be REJECTED. I deal with this crap all the time when I bill Medicare. It is called obstructionist bullshit.

Posted by: Cooper at August 19, 2009 09:34 PM (g8BV8)

148 140
and I've never seen Purple Avenger this angry...sheesh.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:32 PM

We've never seen you this obtuse either, and that took some doing. Your level of stupid is consistent though, we'll give you that

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 09:34 PM (0Lv+U)

149 My view is this: If anything, conservatives are guilty of not being ANGRY ENOUGH!!!! So polite, willing to let others have their say.

I for one have had enough of that bullshit. I'm pissed, and I don't care who the fuck knows it.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:34 PM (qIC+p)

150 Most gun-haters are racists anyway. They are mostly urban and could care less about rural people or suburbanites having guns.

What they really don't want is for black men to have guns.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:35 PM (T0NGe)

151 45
you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

Every time I think to myself, Dum Dum can't possibly say anything more idiotic than the last thing he said, he jumps right up and raises the bar. And that bar was already astronomically high. Grats Dum Dum, you have set a new mark in the field of Stupid Shit Trolls on AoS Have Said. Your commemorative mug is in the mail.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 09:35 PM (vZVv7)

152 MSNBC..The Place For Politcis Race Baiting

Posted by: DrewM. at August 19, 2009 09:35 PM (iTt2X)

153 "7 Is Contessa Brewer still a slut?"
Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (UOM4

I sure hope so...

Posted by: CoolCzech at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (kzhuA)

154 Palin Steele How do you manage to cobble together all two brain-cells to repeatedly come back here and get your ass handed to you after you say "I quit this site" like a fuckin 4 year old? You cann;t deny this is blatant race baiting by MSNBC... You can't

Are you drinking? You seem quite BRAVE tonight. Did you get into a fight with you GF or something? Jeeziz boy, get a life home slice.

Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (9QC0z)

Reminds me of when I first discovered this place and immediately got hooked.

Sure, but was it the spirited banter or the titty ass jokes?

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (FnA4R)

156 Okay, it is a stretch, butt....why wouldn't the O administration call out the clans (Acorn, SEIU, UAW, Etc...) have them meet up at the National Guard Armory and hand out real military weapons? That would tilt the playing field a bit. If I was going to launch the brown shirts, that's what I'd do.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (dQdrY)

157 Do I whine about it...NO.

Yes you do, you lying sack of shit. There's post after post of you getting pissed off at trollbusters in other threads, whining, crying, sobbing, flouncing off in a huff.

You pathetic dissembling asshole.

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 09:37 PM (0hjKF)

158 Are we all well-dressed or not so well-dressed racists?

Posted by: Cooper at August 19, 2009 09:37 PM (g8BV8)

159 I tried sending them an email and it won't go through. I think it autoforwarded to the white house email!!

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 09:38 PM (cvmTR)

160 The beauty of this clip is that in 30 seconds it shows the lengths that the MSM will go to to deceive the public. While it's true that only a few hundred people saw it when it aired, this should turn into a viral email that millions will see. People remember the incidiary devices they used on those GM trucks back in the early '90's, so that helps as well. While the average American might not pay attention to the political world (although that's changing), very few will tolerate the incitement of racial tensions.

Posted by: Countrysquire at August 19, 2009 09:38 PM (LlII4)

161 this really the first time you guys realized media edits things to deliver its message (whatever it may be)

every fuqing channel, every fuqing program does it. get over it. every reality tv star since the dawn of time has complained about how they weren't accurately portrayed by the editors or turned into some caricature...get to the back of the complaining line.

ace, I know you're too media savy to be truly outraged over this.

Posted by: Dum Dum (getting dumber all the time) at August 19, 2009 09:38 PM (VDj74)

162 I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tim Russert is dead and has been for about 14 months now.
...and could still be a better bureau chief than whatever is currently holding the position.

Posted by: barbelle at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (qF8q3)

163 The bar can never be lowered, they buried it.

Posted by: madamex at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (VjsUJ)

164 may have just been flagged...uh oh.

Posted by: Cooper at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (g8BV8)

165 Okay, it is a stretch, butt....why wouldn't the O administration call
out the clans (Acorn, SEIU, UAW, Etc...) have them meet up at the
National Guard Armory and hand out real military weapons? That would
tilt the playing field a bit. If I was going to launch the brown
shirts, that's what I'd do.

...and if it ended up like the scene in Blazing Saddles, when the black sheriff has his KKK mask pulled off, would the networks report it?

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (qIC+p)

166 #158

Indeed. He cried and then goes off to "fellate" and have "anal sex" with his "girlfriend" (composed primarily of plastic) and then shows back up 10 comments later.

Posted by: Kratos (on the back of Gaia, scaling Mt Olympus) at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (otlXg)

167 >was it the spirited banter or the titty ass jokes?


Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (KOkrW)

168 but as a private company, it has the right to, just as Fox has the
right to a conservative agenda and is allowed to edit to send its

You seem to have a difficulty understanding the difference between hard news and opinion pieces don't you?

NBC is free to lie all they want in opinion pieces, and does so on a regular basis. When "reporting" (not opionizing) where video exists, it behooves them to stick to the facts. They got into deep shit for faking video of Ford explosions some years ago and reporting the fake results as truth.

I'm quite sure their FCC license doesn't sanction the broadcast of provable lies in what purports to be hard news video.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM (3yn9o)

169 Well, my comments have been edited alot. Do I whine
about it...NO. It's a private site and I understand its a privilege for
me to post here. You can do whatever you like.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:31 PM

Yup.. nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaaahhhhh!!!!

Hey kids, dum-dum has cooties! Pass it on!

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (0Lv+U)

170 Fake but accurate.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (T0NGe)

171 I, for one, am ready for a shooting war with our Marxist overlords and their cock-sucking media establishment., err extension, errr appendage.

Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (zNl33)

172 I knew he was a black guy though I was shocked at how clean and articulate he was.

God love me!

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (iTt2X)

173 I swear to God, it will not be
G.E. and as soon as we can afford to replace the old G.E. wall oven and
microwave, it will be anything but.

I have a GE stove and refrigerator that are a few years old, and will not, under any circumstance, buy a GE product again. Not only are they freaking Obama d*ck sucking communists, but their products are C R A P.

Posted by: shibumi at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (OKZrE)

The flaming skull is truly memorable, and the Blago skull was even more impressive. When will the Moron community demand a pair of flaming hooter's in honor of such notables as Eleanor Clift, Rachel Madow, Rosie O'Donnell, and Miss Barney Frank?

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:41 PM (FnA4R)

175 Dum, dum it's called inciting a riot, not just sloppy editing.

Posted by: madamex at August 19, 2009 09:41 PM (VjsUJ)

176 So, why do we have journalism schools anyway?

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:41 PM (T0NGe)

177 @169

um..that didn't look like a news segment. It was an opinion piece...she was chatting with two other folks...this is at 9am in the morning, its dylan ratigan's show. Thats not a news show...its an opinion show.

Posted by: Dum Dum (you could feed a small African village with just the crumbs from my keyboard) at August 19, 2009 09:41 PM (VDj74)

178 So, why do we have journalism schools anyway?


Posted by: DrewM. at August 19, 2009 09:42 PM (iTt2X)

179 @176

which riot did it incite?

Posted by: Dum Dum (the only troll dumb enough to try to defend MSNBC) at August 19, 2009 09:43 PM (VDj74)

Who is more attractive, Megyn Kelly in her maternity wear or Palin Steele in hers?

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:43 PM (FnA4R)

181 Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:41 PM (VDj74)

She's right, you can lie and make shit up in opinion pieces.

Just look at my entire career at the Times.

Posted by: Paul Krugman at August 19, 2009 09:43 PM (iTt2X)

182 I've never seen Purple Avenger this angry...

I challenged someone pretty strongly about a bogus statement of fact yesterday or the day before too. It was about some false claim that the government doesn't manufacture any of its own military hardware. This too was a trivially provable false statement simply by noting that the Watervliet Arsenal exists and has made all this nation's large naval and land based cannons for close to 200 years.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:43 PM (3yn9o)

183 On top of contacting NBC, get Bill O'Reilly on the case. This is something that he will absolutely love reporting on, it will greatly shame NBC, and it will generate thousand and thousands of calls and e-mails.

Posted by: Dan M. at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (RTO0h)

184 162 this really the first time you guys realized media edits things to deliver its message (whatever it may be)every
fuqing channel, every fuqing program does it. get over it. every
reality tv star since the dawn of time has complained about how they
weren't accurately portrayed by the editors or turned into some
caricature...get to the back of the complaining line.ace, I know you're too media savy to be truly outraged over this.

So, it's okay with you that a news program is trying to forment racial tensions over cheaply cropped videos that totally negate their point? I'll bet you're still one of the gits that support Rather over the forged TANG memos because "hey, they were just trying to deliver their message that Bush is evil and needs to be kicked out of office".

Posted by: Kratos (on the back of Gaia, scaling Mt Olympus) at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (otlXg)

185 As some guy once said, you can't reasonpeople out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:28 PM

Sad, but true. Which is why I have stopped sending this stuff to certain friends after a while, after realizing they are not open to having their world view challenged.

I still remember a former friend of mine asking me during the campaign what I thought of Obama. I went on to list all I knew about his background with Wright, Ayers, Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Infanticide votes, etc etc etc. She responded to my 5 minute summary with "Where do you get your information?" (from blogs such as Ace of Spades HQ, rattled off about 5-6 more, etc etc etc) "Oh... okay... I was just making sure you weren't just listening to Fox News".

Of course all this was said by her in a snotty little know-it-all tone as well, after telling me how cool she thought she was for proudly wearing her Obama pin on her purse and putting an Obama sign in front of her house.

Turns out she's a fan of Rachel Maddow.

She also told me that she was proud to call herself an American (with the nomination of Obama happening), since she couldn't always say that in the past and then after the election she sent me an e-mail wondering if at least I was happy about being able to be a part of history (I assume she meant the first (half-)Black President, but I didn't bother asking, since I was too pissed off at the time).

All that, in addition to her knowing nothing about Sarah Palin except what she learned about her from Tina Fey impersonations (I'm serious too, that's not sarcasm), is the reason why she is now a former friend. I just have no patience for that kind of ignorance and stupidity.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (ObTcs)

186 I swear to God, it will not be G.E. and as soon as we can afford to replace the old G.E. wall oven and microwave, it will be anything but.I have a GE stove and refrigerator that are a few years old, and will not, under any circumstance, buy a GE product again. Not only are they freaking Obama d*ck sucking communists, but their products are C R A P.
i bought GE stock when it was low, as soon as it gets to the teens i will sell it for a tidy profit. I would sell it now out of principle, but money is one of my main principles

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (f0I0I)


"So, why do we have journalism schools anyway?"

Jobs for assholes with ponytails and goatess walking around in in sandals? The sensitive male needs a job too, so that he can be even more sensitive.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E. Buzz Miller at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (CHf6r)

188 Megyn Kelly is one of God's most wondrous creations. Second only to Alexis Glick.


Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:45 PM (qIC+p)

189 @ 31 ...Couple this with $100 billion for GE, nationalization of GM, thug tactics, etc, etc, all the laundering that is and has been undoubtedly going on. How is this not fascism? No, this is the distilled essence of fascism. I don't think it ends well.
I suggest that if the Libtards get their way we'll be wishing we had something as relatively benign as fascism. Their aim is a greater evil - leftist totalitarianism -Soviet-style communism mixed with a deep hatred of humanity in general and white people in particular. At least the fascists were usually patriotic and interested in attempting to run things properly. Fascists don't try totear down their own nation. Mussolini didn't try to replace ethnic Italians with people of foreign nationalities and races to form an enslaved voting bloc. Even Hitler wanted less government control than our current crop of Liberal scum. And neither of those two villians worked to do as much cultural damage as ourown leftists have - nor debased art and literature to the extent that our own counter-cultural vermin have. If I have a choice between Franco and Pelosi, Franco wins hands down.

Posted by: Reactionary at August 19, 2009 09:45 PM (4nbyM)

(sure someone said that)

They have gone all in with their credibility on Baracky.. I hope when B. Hussain Obama fails the entire network fails too.

Posted by: Dave C at August 19, 2009 09:45 PM (La0Tt)

191 @183

PA, ace yesterday claimed Howard Dean was the current DNC chair. Please scream at him for spreading a easily correctable falsity with the same righteousness you aimed at me.

Thanks in advance.

Mmmmmm is that pie over there?

Posted by: Dum Dum (if you're quiet you can HEAR me getting fatter) at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (VDj74)

192 159
Are we all well-dressed or not so well-dressed racists?

Posted by: Cooper at August 19, 2009 09:37 PM (g8BV

Well dressed, and well armed.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (vZVv7)

193 You can tell when Dum-Dum is having a hard time carrying the water when he tries to address Ace directly.

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (T0NGe)

194 She's right, you can lie and make shit up in opinion pieces.Just look at my entire career at the Times.
Posted by: Paul Krugman at August 19, 2009 09:43 PM (iTt2X)

Posted by: Yes you are Paul. at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (nxUYP)

195 Yes Ace has been on fire. It must be hard to keep up with this fuck-up-a- minute of an administration, but to tackle media bias at the same time must require some serious patience. I can't even stand READING "Progressive" bullshit, nevermind watching it... More power to ya, Ace

Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (9QC0z)


Please include Julie Banderas on the best ass and hooter combo. She's also a very good reporter with stems that go from the ground all the way to her butt. Oh, yea.

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM (FnA4R)

197 not only was this race related, it also sexually objectified men. it only showed repeated footage of the guys butt.
MSNBC, Race hustler sexual deviants

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:47 PM (f0I0I)

198 so dylan ratigan's show is now a news to me.

You know what else is news to me? That you can't perform fellatio on a girl.

Posted by: Dum Dum (the dumbest racist fat girl eveh) at August 19, 2009 09:47 PM (VDj74)

199 Well, I wanted him to be a white guy, so he's a white guy

Posted by: Tawana Brawley, MSNBC News Editor at August 19, 2009 09:47 PM (0Lv+U)

200 Looks like NBC is continuing in the footsteps of Dan Rather. "Don't just report the news, MANUFACTURE it!"

Posted by: GarandFan at August 19, 2009 09:47 PM (qKTIT)

201 "I'm quite sure their FCC license doesn't sanction the broadcast of provable lies in what purports to be hard news video. "

Really ?

That comes as a complete surprise to me since IMAO the whole MSM( except for the few like Jake Tapper) is composed of lying tendentious douchebags who ALWAYS lie about the 'news'. Usually by deliberate omission but in this case by deliberate mis-representation. The means are just the means; it's the reasons that matter.

Fake but accurate is not merely a one-time application. It's FOREVER.

Posted by: dougf at August 19, 2009 09:48 PM (16GPT)

202 Megyn Kelly is one of God's most wondrous creations. Second only to Alexis Glick.YUMMY!
Posted by: Winston Smith

dum dum has a thing for Bill Shultz.
the clock just struck 13 winston, time to go to bed.

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:48 PM (f0I0I)

203 168

>was it the spirited banter or the titty ass jokes?


Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 09:39 PM

What he said.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:48 PM (ObTcs)

204 I'll wager half the fruitcakes at PMSNBC are secretly hoping someone will actually do something stupid with a weapon. Nothing rallies the psychotic Left like a martyr.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 19, 2009 09:48 PM (AZGON)

205 By the way, a little eye candy for you bastards...

Yup, that's me all right...

Posted by: palinsteele at August 19, 2009 09:49 PM (qIC+p)

206 GE's commercial electrical gear is fairly well made and generally reliable. I've use it, and worked on it with not particular complaints. The low end residential TQP push on breakers aren't so good above 30A though. They start to burn the stabs/contacts. My fav is the high end "CH" (not BR) Cutler/Hammer residential stuff. Real class act that stuff is.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:49 PM (3yn9o)

207 Michael in MI

Ah, yes. My libtard niece bragged after the election that for the "first time in her life" she could make one of her yearly travels to Europe without being "ashamed" of being an American.

She thinks our son, a Marine recruit, is "confused", or something.

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 09:50 PM (UOM48)

208 They're falling apart. I love it. I love it.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 09:50 PM (PDeVA)

209 199
so dylan ratigan's show is now a news to me.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:47 PM (VDj74)

I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that most things are news to you, you feckless crapweasel.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 09:50 PM (vZVv7)

210 196
Yes Ace has been on fire. It must be hard to keep up with this
fuck-up-a- minute of an administration, but to tackle media bias at the
same time must require some serious patience. I can't even stand
READING "Progressive" bullshit, nevermind watching it... More power
to ya, Ace

Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 19, 2009 09:46 PM

Heh, I hear ya. I'm the same way. In fact, the only time I read or hear progressive bullshit is when they are being called out on their bullshit on the right-of-center sites I read or when Rush is playing the soundbites of their bullshit to expose them on his show.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:50 PM (ObTcs)

211 Keep in mind, MSNBC is basicallythe DNC's cable news division. Dum-Dum I see your still huffing freon and smoking crack getting your crack smokedin mom's basement.
Surely a Harvard educated lawyer such as yourself would have no problem finding a job, I mean even your empty suited messiah did.
Get a job bum.

Posted by: Blazer at August 19, 2009 09:51 PM (RwgDY)

212 I like how Purple Avenger is now ignoring my post where I corrected his incorrect notion that this was a news segment.

He should respond to me IMMEDIATELY. Why isn't he F5-ing like a retarded ADD crack monkey like I do? Is there something wrong with him?

Posted by: Dum Dum (I have a slice of pizza in each hand and am typing with my chubby little toes) at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (VDj74)

213 grow the fuq up and stop whining.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:20 PM (VDj74)

How's the job search coming you pathetic little turd? Still exposing yourself to underaged boys at the beach?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (eBT1w)

214 45
you're getting more and more ridiculous, ace. guess as long as you get site hits, there will be no low you won't reach.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:09 PM (VDj74)

You are a limp-dicked little fuckwit. Furthermore, you have the intellect of cat shit and all the cognitive ability normally associated with a persistent vegetative state.

Posted by: dumb_blonde at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (86YrO)

215 What抯 up with Madcow抯 page boy haircut. Is she teh ghey? NTTIAWWT.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (nxUYP)

216 Jonathan@157 You can't really hand over the keys to the national guard armories. There tend to be national guardsman there, um, guarding them. And even if you could give union/ACORN goons a bunch of guns in a hurry, you'd still have to train them in order for them to have any effect beyond spreading fear. Even attempting it would be the death of his administration because he doesn't have the loyalty of the military or the veterans or much of anyone else with familiarity with firearms.

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (aAtZG)

217 didn't look like a news segment. It was an opinion piece...

IMO, when you show video, you've switched to "news mode". If they'd just yammered on and didn't show the doctored video, they'd be in the clear. Scumbags of course, but in the clear.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (3yn9o)

218 the clock just struck 13 winston, time to go to bed.

What? Disagreement on Alexis Glick?

I repeat...YUMMY.

Posted by: palinsteele at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (qIC+p)

219 I know this dum-dum steele is on my side of the issues, but could you wingers please send someone to get him away from 30 Rock? He's creeping me out and I want to get to my car.

Posted by: C*ntessa Brewer at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (0Lv+U)

220 GE's commercial electrical gear is fairly well made and generally reliable. I've use it, and worked on it with not particular complaints. The low end residential TQP push on breakers aren't so good above 30A though. They start to burn the stabs/contacts. My fav is the high end "CH" (not BR) Cutler/Hammer residential stuff. Real class act that stuff is.
um.....i type good.

Posted by: Ben at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (f0I0I)

Bernard McGuirk is on Hannity and killin' Juan "NPR" Williams.

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (FnA4R)

222 I like how Dum-Dum is ignoring the post where I pointed out that he lied about not whining about his posts being changed.

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 09:53 PM (0hjKF)

223 oops

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:53 PM (qIC+p)

224 213
I like how Purple Avenger is now ignoring my post where I corrected his incorrect notion that this was a news segment.

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM

He's ignoring you because you have cooties

Posted by: dum-dum's classmates at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (0Lv+U)

225 I like how Purple Avenger is now ignoring my post

Unlike you, I have a life. I can't sit here hitting the F5 key every 5 seconds like a ferret slamming the pedal on a crack dispenser all night. My bad.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (3yn9o)

226 @218

Are you serious, PA? If Hannity or Beck shows a clip, it becomes a news segment?

Come on dood, let's be intellectually honest here.

I was wrong about commenting on the clip before viewing it, and I'm man enough to own up to it.

You should admit you were wrong. It was not a news segment, it was an opinion piece where she was discussing the issue with the host and another pundit.

Besides, making up facts is fun. Remember when I pretended to go to an Ivy League school? Or how I act like I'm not partisan? Or how I keep saying I quit this site, then coming back? What's wrong with telling a few lies, anyway?

Posted by: Dum Dum (the only dummy who types "dood" on AoS) at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (VDj74)

227 I wish we could start a pool to bet on the next fissure of paranoia and deceit the Left opens up. What will be tomorrow's fresh lie?

Why not fake a video of someone eating a dead granny and claim it's an insurance CEO at the table? Just as believable as anything else they have come up with.

Posted by: George Orwell at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (AZGON)

228 222 Bernard McGuirk is on Hannity and killin' Juan "NPR" Williams.

Love McGuirk, he was the originally "nappy headed ho". But Imus repeated him and took all the shit.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (nxUYP)

229 August 19, 2009.

The day Big Media Died.

Posted by: USCitizen at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (ig+Mg)

230 and I'm man enough

Funniest. Post. Evar!

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 09:56 PM (0hjKF)

231 All that, in addition to her knowing nothing about Sarah Palin except what she learned about her from Tina Fey impersonations (I'm serious too, that's not sarcasm), is the reason why she is now a former friend. I just have no patience for that kind of ignorance and stupidity.
Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:44 PM (ObTcs)
Yep. Sucks to be related to folks like that. Of course, if they had any interests outside of politics, it wouldn't be quite so bad. As it is, though, it's just sad and annoying for both sides.

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 09:56 PM (XIXhw)

232 ace, I know you're too media savy to be truly outraged over this.

Posted by: Dum Dum (getting dumber all the time) at August 19, 2009 09:38 PM (VDj74)
I know you're too stupid to understand any of this. By the way, how's the job search coming? Still sitting at home all day watching Sex the City? I mean doing "research on women in NYC".

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 19, 2009 09:56 PM (eBT1w)

233 I just called the CEO of MSNBC and asked the prick why his station was doctoring video. This was his response to me.

Posted by: Michael in MI at August 19, 2009 09:57 PM (ObTcs)


Love McGuirk, he was the originally "nappy headed ho".

Tonight, McGuirk sits next to another nappy headed liberal ho!

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 09:57 PM (FnA4R)

235 Bernard is the MAN.

He used to do a bit about Maya Angelou, where every sentence ended with "Gimme a New-port."

His Cardinal O'Connor skits were also not to be missed, Bejeesus.

Posted by: Winston Smith at August 19, 2009 09:58 PM (qIC+p)

139 Dear Contessa,I put your talking points out with the wingers and pwned them. Can I sniff your Olbermann's used panties now?
Posted by: dum-dum, the only blind, deaf and dumb partisan


Posted by: Countrysquire at August 19, 2009 09:58 PM (LlII4)

237 Even attempting it would be the death of his administration because he doesn't have the loyalty of the military or the veterans or much of anyone else with familiarity with firearms.
Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 09:52 PM (aAtZG)
Lots of nations run by badly trained thugs with automatic weapons. NG armory folks will follow orders. Half of police will back administration. Nothing is certain.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 10:00 PM (dQdrY)

238 Stoopid idiots should bring frames, not guns, anyway.

More of a statement since it shows how dumb the ATF definition of a firearm is, still scares the GFWs too.

Posted by: evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight at August 19, 2009 10:00 PM (taJZA)

239 Are we all well-dressed or not so well-dressed racists?
Well dressed white trash. Don't ask me how.

Posted by: Mama AJ at August 19, 2009 10:01 PM (X6Zdh)

240 172
I, for one, am ready for a shooting war with our Marxist overlords and
their cock-sucking media establishment., err extension, errr appendage.
Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 09:40 PM (zNl33)
I am calling you out right fucking now....Either you are a Federal Plant, or you know not what you say.Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others
Cue up this song right now...
"Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down"

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 10:01 PM (yWaN3)

241 Time, effort and cooperation went into editing this video.

They go out there with the express purpose of putting one over on you. They have the conscious goal of tricking anyone foolish enough to watch them. They. Want. To. Put. One. Over. On. You.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:01 PM (PDeVA)

242 I was wrong about commenting on the clip before viewing it, and I'm man enough to own up to it.
Posted by: Dum Dum (the only dummy who types "dood" on AoS) at August 19, 2009 09:55 PM (VDj74)
Why don't you own up to being woefully ignorant of every subject under the sun? It would save you a lot of time from making a complete ass out of yourself.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 19, 2009 10:02 PM (eBT1w)

243 Not only does this scrunt and her little crapweasel analyst cut out the guy's actual race, but they conveniently leave out that the guy was a supporter of Obamacare, maybe there to shoot a few crackers for King Barry.

But if you're repairing mom's dildos with superglue, you can imagine all sorts of things like dum-dum does.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 10:02 PM (0Lv+U)

244 It's a little weird how Dum-Dum yawns about bias at MSNBC or Fox, and then is shocked, SHOCKED, when he thinks he perceives some spin at a conservative blog.


Then again, he is one stupid bitch.

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 10:02 PM (0hjKF)

245 Damn it...sheriff's heli is circling my neighborhood again looking for some perps. Time to break out the "black rifle" and put it by the computer.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 10:03 PM (3yn9o)

246 His Cardinal O'Connor skits were also not to be missed, Bejeesus.

Ah yeah, nary we forget those classics that eviscerated Imus. "What doesn't belong and why"?

Posted by: Samuel Adams at August 19, 2009 10:03 PM (nxUYP)

247 If Hannity or Beck shows a clip, it becomes a news segment?

If that clip is specifically edited to deceive a viewer, IMO yes it does.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 10:05 PM (3yn9o)

248 You know, the guy who created "60 Minutes" died today. Maybe this was MSNBC's way of paying tribute.

Posted by: The Chap in the Deerstalker Cap at August 19, 2009 10:07 PM (novKZ)

249 238-I have complete confidence that NG troops will not 'follow orders' to empty out the armory to busloads of ACORN goons. City police may well side with the Democrats through their mayors, but they can't get their shit under control, so they'd have a hell of a time projecting power outside the city limits. All we really have to do is stop food shipments into the cities for a couple weeks while the Pentagon tells Obama to go fuck himself.

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 10:08 PM (aAtZG)

250 You still don't grasp the difference between fact and opinion...probably never will I suppose since in the leftist world view, objective fact simply doesn't exist.

In my world, the world of engineering and science, I can't change the atomic weight of Chromium or wave my hand and have the crystal lattice structure of diamond or graphene be something it isn't. These things are immutable objective fact.

Unedited video is like the atomic weight of Chromium. It is what it is.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 10:09 PM (3yn9o)


If "Contessa" has a big ass, and she's curvy in a not-obese way, so what.

Roll her around a little, throw thay big wide ass a smack or two...

Nothin' bad can come of that. Ecept if she is as annoying and stupid as Asleigh Banfield, then...

Hell, maybe old AShliegh is a terror in the sack...she's crazy and stupid...maybe.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E. Buzz Miller at August 19, 2009 10:09 PM (CHf6r)

252 I sent an email of bothe videos to my conservative and not insanely liberal friends saying in short, if your conservative this will piss you aff and if your liberal it should embarrass and piss you off. Bet I get a lot of response on this. I also sent it to Fox news and my congressman.

Posted by: Dan at August 19, 2009 10:10 PM (qfb86)

253 It is pointless to talk about a shooting war until states (plural) secede and military units mutiny. Until then, the second ammendment is just the opiate of the masses.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 10:10 PM (dQdrY)

254 I can imagine the airplay this is going to get from Rush, Sean, Glenn, and Mark Levin tomorrow.

Posted by: phoenixrisen at August 19, 2009 10:10 PM (74DQm)

255 Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.

Tell 'em how you REALLY feel Ace!

Posted by: torabora at August 19, 2009 10:11 PM (UniPz)

256 First, this newsreader is kinda cute, so I'm gonna cut her a break. She doesn't know what the hell she's talking about, she just reads it and accepts whatever she's given by her GE/MSNBC overlords.

Second, who exactly is Mark Hinkley ? Your expert, who you dedicate airtime to to discuss this, can't remember the name of the guy who made the last attempt ?

I can understand a slip-up. They happen, especially in the live TV/radio heat of debate. But if you can't get your shit straight on such a simple fact, you need to be put to pasture. I would have excused "Contessa Hinkley" more than Mark. At least then you could write it off as a mixed thought. This was just flat-out wrong.

As is MSNBC.

Posted by: JB at August 19, 2009 10:11 PM (KBTH3)

257 PA, ace yesterday claimed Howard Dean was the current DNC chair. Please scream at him for spreading a easily correctable falsity with the same righteousness you aimed at me.
Which isn't all that inaccurate, since Yeeearrrrgghe!! has been on allthe news channels and quoted in a lotof publications over the last several weeks pushing Communist healthcare and Kaine has been M.I.A.
Most of the far left still consider the psycho dentist to be the Democrat party head.
Oh yea, about that job search. You still got that shine box ?

Posted by: Blazer at August 19, 2009 10:11 PM (RwgDY)

258 Oh, gawd. Every post here should be accompanied by a devistating lightning bolt. That comes right out of your computer.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 10:11 PM (kynTZ)

259 I really don't think I've been on fire. I haven't written anything particulary funny or insightful.

it's the obama administration that's on fire.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:12 PM (LNOmx)

260 I don't know if anyone has posted this but, right on the program's page, the morning meeting page they have a section where they ask you to sound off and tell them what you think of the show. Maybe we should.

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 10:12 PM (p302b)

261 >>>PA, ace yesterday claimed Howard Dean was the current DNC chair

No I didn't. Someone asked in the comments if he was, and I said, "I"m embarrassed to say i don't know. I don't remember anyone else being elected. So, yeah, I guess I'm 99.9% sure he is."

I said that in the comments.

After confessing embarrassment that I didn't know.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:13 PM (LNOmx)

262 I wonder if he is from my state. Local cops seem unaware that open carry is legal with a license and when told that get a bit assholish.

Posted by: Mark at August 19, 2009 10:14 PM (n2R3V)

263 "Sound off and tell us what you think about the show, news, politics, and more. E-mail us!
e-mail address and/or phone number will not be published. Leave your
name or hometown blank if you do not want it published."

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 10:14 PM (p302b)

264 Yup, you've been on fire, bro.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 10:15 PM (kynTZ)

265 Dean seems to think he still is, so the confusion is understandable.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 10:15 PM (dQdrY)

266 "7 Is Contessa Brewer still a slut?"

Posted by: Jane D'oh! at August 19, 2009 08:55 PM (UOM4

I sure hope so...

Posted by: CoolCzech at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (kzhuA)
God is she ever; we lost an uncounted number of our union brethren to that cooter of Cuntessa's, which we now refer to as Love Canal 2, after a bunch jumped off some crackhead's pubes when he was banging her for a shot of Rock Rye. With the horrendous smell, they thought they were in for a major yeast feast, but then the guys just started keeling over. I thought it was impossible, with our simplistic immune system, but I think they got STDs from her. It was brutal, like Matewan 2; Bammers better come through with card check for us after that, although threatening to attack Michelle would just get him to laugh at us.

Posted by: Crab Lice Local 666 SEIU at August 19, 2009 10:15 PM (U1nHn)

267 255 I can imagine the airplay this is going to get from Rush, Sean, Glenn, and Mark Levin tomorrow.

Friggin great week for Ingraham, Levin, and Savage to take vacation.

Posted by: Samuel Adams at August 19, 2009 10:16 PM (nxUYP)

268 Me: PA, ace yesterday claimed Howard Dean was the current DNC chair
ace: I guess I'm 99.9% sure he is.

Sorry, are we playing a game of semantics here?

Posted by: Dum Dum (now with 50% more dumb) at August 19, 2009 10:16 PM (VDj74)


Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:16 PM (vZVv7)

270 Howard Dean is Chairman Emeritus of the DNC.

Hey I went to the DNC website and clicked on the tab 'our leaders'.
Guess what?
No black faces.

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:17 PM (KOkrW)

271 can we please have Dum Dum banned outright, since he can't even quit, and stay quit properly?

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:17 PM (vZVv7)

272 Really Ace, you have been knocking them out of the park lately.


Posted by: DPR VIII at August 19, 2009 10:17 PM (4XUD3)

273 Jonathan, a lot of the killing early on in Iraq was just evening old scores, but it was pushed as a civil war. I don't think there are enough motivated followers of Obama to take up arms and hold territory outside of the cities. But if another John Allen Mohammed shows up at a health care rally and guns down protestors 'before they get Obama,' is that a 'race war' or 'an unfortunate incident involving one lone individual of unknown race and political persuasion who will only be tried if Holder can't bury the incident?'

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 10:17 PM (aAtZG)

274 Bad Dum Dum! BAD!

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:18 PM (PDeVA)

Damn it...sheriff's heli is circling my neighborhood again looking for
some perps. Time to break out the "black rifle" and put it by the

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 19, 2009 10:03 PM (3yn9o)

We had a pack of skunks that lived in a little cave on the back of a 1 acre lot.We left them alone and they cleaned up cockroaches, crickets and snails at nightSo the sheriffs were chasing a guy and he hops the back fence, right on top of the skunk den and the finniest part was the sheriffs arguing about who had to take him to county.

Posted by: maverick muse at August 19, 2009 10:18 PM (F1b/5)

276 right, dum dum. Right.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:19 PM (LNOmx)

277 DNC Chairman: Gov. Tim Kaine

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:19 PM (KOkrW)

278 Sorry, are we playing a game of semantics here?

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 10:16 PM (VDj74)
No, you're playing your normal game of distract everyone from my original asinine comment and get Ace to reply directly to!!!
Does it really affect society if Ace did or did not name Dean as head of the DNC? Lame...even for you PS.

Posted by: Tami at August 19, 2009 10:20 PM (VuLos)

279 Me: PA, ace yesterday claimed Howard Dean was the current DNC chair
ace: I guess I'm 99.9% sure he is.Sorry, are we playing a game of semantics here?

Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at August 19, 2009 10:16 PM (VDj74)
Please inject yourself with potassium chloride at your very earliest convenience.

Posted by: dumb_blonde at August 19, 2009 10:20 PM (86YrO)

280 Santorum on Greta next.

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 10:20 PM (p302b)

281 Muffy @ 26 - egggselent.

I'm going to have some fun with that link.

Like a viking.

Posted by: DPR VIII at August 19, 2009 10:21 PM (4XUD3)

282 Sorry, are we playing a game of semantics here?

Posted by: Irony Meter at August 19, 2009 10:21 PM (0hjKF)

283 #241

I'm neither a federal plant nor trying to incite anything. I'm merely a frustrated American sick and damn tired of what this administration and it's media wing are trying to do to this country. Maybe my words were strong but I've been on this site for a while and seen A LOT worse. It seems clear to me that it's THIS administration and media outlets like MSNBC are the ones trying to incite violence through racial and class warfare and shoddy editing practices like the example in this post.

Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 10:21 PM (zNl33)

284 er, muffy @ 261.

Posted by: DPR VIII at August 19, 2009 10:22 PM (4XUD3)

285 Sorry, are we playing a game of semantics here?
we're playin stop changing the subject, dickbag.

Posted by: kidney at August 19, 2009 10:22 PM (utbm/)

286 Listen:

I really want people to stop with the shooting war bullshit.



You will bring up your theoretical right to engage in self-defense if the situation presents itself and so forth.

I will tell you you sound insane, like people darkly muttering to themselves about what's gonna happen to a mugger if he tries anything.

In other words, you're not discussing a terrible possibility soberly, you're talking about it like you JUST CAN'T WAIT, and it's creepy as fuck and I don't want to have to fucking read The New Improved Turner Diaries every time I go into the comments.

Go find some other site to talk up the coming shooting war.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:22 PM (LNOmx)


As long as sweet, sweet Connie doesn't have a fucking moustache, I'd give that big assed Italian girl a roll, a dinner roll.

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E. Buzz Miller at August 19, 2009 10:23 PM (CHf6r)

288 I'm sorry if that came off strong.

I want it to stop though.

It sounds insane, it's borderline seditious, and it's creepy.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:23 PM (LNOmx)

289 Ace is right guys. Stay on target and don't go off the reservation.

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:23 PM (cvmTR)

290 >Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 10:21 PM (zNl33)

Come into the light, O moron lurker

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:23 PM (KOkrW)

291 I've been shocked, pissed, and livid. But, now, I am fucking shocked, pissed, and livid.

Posted by: sybilll at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (3F+ms)

292 Ace, I think you should add a minotaur to your logo.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (kynTZ)

293 287, Ace:

My apologies. I will tone it down.

Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (zNl33)

294 Of course I lie, the media lies and all 52% of us lie. We do just exactly as Mr. Axelrod tells use to do. Oh, by the way, I quit this racist site. Too many JOOOOSSSSS!

Posted by: Painful Stool the Axelrod Tool at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (V9SYy)

295 What about summoning the meteors? I have so few things that make me happy in life Ace, please don't tell me I have to stop with the summonings.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (vZVv7)

296 Just listening to Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Dr. Michael Savage, just to name a few. There is a war and they are taking no prisoners. They will lie, cheat, and steal to win. They have targeted their advertisers. I say turnabout is fair play. Remember when Obama said Get In Their Faces? Well, well, we stole that page at the town halls. Seems to be very effective. Go to page two. Boycott THEIR advertisers next. Every fucking one. Starting with Keith Olberman and Katie Couric.

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (yWaN3)

297 Bump this shit. This is outrageous.

Posted by: Filly at August 19, 2009 10:24 PM (lsiux)

298 295
Of course I lie, the media lies and all 52% of us lie. We do just
exactly as Mr. Axelrod tells use to do. Oh, by the way, I quit this
racist site. Too many JOOOOSSSSS!

Posted by: Painful Stool the Axelrod Tool

Now post again in 20 minutes and the illusion is complete.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:25 PM (PDeVA)

299 And for the record, MSNBC is comprised of lying douchbag, pieces of shit that would sell this country downa shittubethinking that it would usher a marxist paridise. They are that little bit puss ina staph infected boil at the top ofa hairy ass thatare collectivelyour mainsteam press, our education system,Hollywood and the entertainment industry. That rotten core that has to be squeezed out, if on is ever to find relief.
Should they win, our only reward will be watching those self appointed arbitors of what is right for the rest of us being first in line to be marched to the reeducation camps by the goose stepping Nazi's they helped to put in charge.
Apologies for the grammar not the sentiment

Posted by: Dan at August 19, 2009 10:25 PM (qfb86)

300 Ace,
Thanks for the flaming skull. Twice this week already. It's like old times. Now what's it take to get some cowbell around here?!

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:26 PM (cvmTR)

301 WTF? Where the hell are the adults??

Posted by: LAsue at August 19, 2009 10:26 PM (0n0gz)

302 UncleFacts, summon the meteors!

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:26 PM (PDeVA)

303 303
UncleFacts, summon the meteors!

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:26 PM (PDeVA)


Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:27 PM (vZVv7)

304 Meteors are kind of a major escalation. It's like an eighth level spell, if I remember right, which I don't. (But I'm 99.9% sure it is.)

I don't know. Summoning the meteors has its place, and you have that "right," but you sure seem blithe about summoning the meteors.

You summon a meteor. Someone else summons a comet. WHO WINS? No one, that's who.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:27 PM (LNOmx)

305 >Go to page two. Boycott THEIR advertisers next.

FNC regularly beats CNN and MSNBC as though both werehoboes who owed Fox money.

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:27 PM (KOkrW)

306 Z-Ryan - I have to post now, I can not wait 20 minutes. I got hobos to, ugghhhh, "service".

Posted by: Painful Stool the Axelrod Tool at August 19, 2009 10:28 PM (V9SYy)

307 Ace, I've just been in that kind of mood all week. Besides, they're so damned shiny!

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:28 PM (vZVv7)

308 260 I really don't think I've been on fire. I haven't written anything particulary funny or insightful. it's the obama administration that's on fire.
Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:12 PM (LNOmx)
It may be horrible for the country, but a liberal in office is a gold mine for pundits. So... we got that going for us... at least until the fairness doctrine...

Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic at August 19, 2009 10:28 PM (XIXhw)

309 This breaking news flash just in:

Tim Russert is still dead.

So is Generalisimo Franco.

And Michael Jackson.

Elvis just went home.

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at August 19, 2009 10:29 PM (kay6f)

310 Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:29 PM (cvmTR)

311 Go find some other site to talk up the coming........

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:22 PM (LNOmx)

Agreed, don't ever mouth off about these matters
It is exactly what they want you to do.

Posted by: Beto at August 19, 2009 10:29 PM (F1b/5)

312 >>>Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?

You're welcome.

Posted by: Barack "Godhead" Obama at August 19, 2009 10:30 PM (LNOmx)

313 Of course after Katie Couric loses HER advertisers, what she gonna do? She already showed her fucking colon for ratings and advertisers. I really don't want to see that nasty fucking snatch.

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 10:30 PM (yWaN3)


Don't worry guys, the USSR didn't really last all that long, plus think of the vodka and women with no hope and no future.

We have that to look forward to!

Posted by: Rev. Dr. E. Buzz Miller at August 19, 2009 10:31 PM (CHf6r)

315 Lighten up people! This is a totally legitimate news piece!

Posted by: Joseph Goebbels at August 19, 2009 10:31 PM (yP5sH)

316 311
Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a
few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?

It had nothing to do with global warming, so why are we supposed to give a shit?

Posted by: NASA at August 19, 2009 10:31 PM (0Lv+U)

317 This would be a great "excuse" for NBC to pull the plug on this ratings-disaster of a network and replace it with re-runs of "Diff'rent Strokes"... or maybe "The Facts of Life". At least the exponential growth of Natalie's ass would be credible.

Posted by: Powdered Milk Man at August 19, 2009 10:32 PM (VrQsw)

318 311
Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a
few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:29 PM (cvmTR)

Sorry, I was drinking heavily at the time.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:32 PM (vZVv7)

319 In my world, the world of engineering and science, I can't change the
atomic weight of Chromium or wave my hand and have the crystal lattice
structure of diamond or graphene be something it isn't.

Hell, I do that every day before breakfast.

Buncha wingnut slacker underachievers you are.

Posted by: Barry O, The Chicago Unicorn Wrangler at August 19, 2009 10:32 PM (9Lm5R)

320 Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?
Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:29 PM (cvmTR)

That's 2 impacts on Jupiter since 1994. We'll get one sooner or later.
There's a brilliant post about this on my blog (click on 'Jones')
>blogwhoring off<

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:33 PM (KOkrW)

321 This guy isin Arizona, him and a few of his buddies frequent a gun board I am on a lot, they planned this, got a police liazon and he is NOT an Obama supporter. We open carry a LOT, concealled carry even more here in AZ.

Posted by: bob_hussein_dole at August 19, 2009 10:33 PM (DLaJY)

322 310
This breaking news flash just in:

Tim Russert is still dead.

So is Helen Thomas, but for some reason they keep firing up the defibrillators and reanimating her.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 10:34 PM (0Lv+U)

323 Mr. Jones, Sofia Webber is how you say, DAY-AMN.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:34 PM (vZVv7)

324 >>>It's like old times. Now what's it take to get some cowbell around here?!

Someone else besides President Pee-Pants in the oval office.

I don't know... I have to use it, but for what? I guess for good poll news.

Yeah, I'll do that.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 10:35 PM (LNOmx)

325 324 Mr. Jones, Sofia Webber is how you say, DAY-AMN.
Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:34 PM (vZVv7)

That's a big No Shitter, pal

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:36 PM (KOkrW)

326 323
This breaking news flash just in:

Tim Russert is still dead.

So is Helen Thomas, but for some reason they keep firing up the defibrillators and reanimating her.

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 10:34 PM (0Lv+U)

Blazer, I swear upon everything I hold dear and holy, if you so much as mention Helen Thomas, and ANY kind of womens undergarment in the same sentence, I will hunt you down, and stuff both poon, and Dum Dum in your rectal chamber.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:36 PM (vZVv7)

327 311
Speaking of meteors (or comets). They say the one that hit Jupiter a
few weeks ago was almost the size of Earth. How'd we miss that fucker?

We'll get around to it as soon as we have proof that the alien superrace that planted the white race on the earth is shooting comets at us because a black man is president

Posted by: C*ntessa Brewer at August 19, 2009 10:37 PM (0Lv+U)

328 Damn Uncle Facts, what the fuck were you drinking when you summoned that one? Can you aim it a little better next time?

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:37 PM (cvmTR)

There's a brilliant post about this on my blog (click on 'Jones')>blogwhoring off<Posted by: Jones
Jones, I like how you not only pimp your own article, but you call it brilliant.

Eh, it worked on me. I read the post. And the picture of the naked chick got me to read that post too.

Posted by: Z Ryan at August 19, 2009 10:37 PM (PDeVA)

330 Holy shit!

That's fucked up.

My girlfriend is the least political person you could imagine. A lovely girl, she avoided history in school and what she gets she gets from me.

Yesterday she got the video of the fellow holding the AR-15. My girlfriend doesn't especially care for guns, and I was teasing her about your country being better, how old should we be when our first child shoots full auto, etc.

Just messin' with her.

Today I asked her a simple question. Remember that video from yesterday with the guy with a rifle? What colour was he?

Answer: "Black."

Then I explained what MSNBC did and even she was like, "No way! That's crazy and fucked up."

Uh. Yeah.

Stick it to them, Ace and all. This is nonsense, absurd, lying, race-mongering, sick cynical nonsense.

I can't believe the Soviet or Iranian propaganda ministries would be this incompetent. Yet MSNBC is.

Posted by: Christoph at August 19, 2009 10:38 PM (uYL8F)

331 Wasn't it NBC that did the expose about unsanitary practices in the meat department by a non-union grocery store? The one where they used an undercover union meatcutter, that did unsanitary things with the meat and filmed himself doing it and then represented that as standard practice with that chain?

IIRC, when they were sued, discovery brought out film that had cut out showing the "employee" being corrected, and even upbraided, by the manager for his unsafe practices.

Posted by: toby928 at August 19, 2009 10:38 PM (PD1tk)

332 329
Damn Uncle Facts, what the fuck were you drinking when you summoned that one? Can you aim it a little better next time?

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:37 PM (cvmTR)

Glen Fiddich, the expensive stuff. Natch.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:40 PM (vZVv7)

333 >Jones, I like how you not only pimp your own article, but you call it brilliant.
Was it over the top? Of course! It's dirty thankless work...

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:40 PM (KOkrW)

334 Rachel Maddow keeps googling my name and wide-assed cnut. Could someone tell her to knock it off? She creeps me out, reminds me of the little dork next door who was always looking in my window

Posted by: C*ntessa Brewer at August 19, 2009 10:41 PM (0Lv+U)

335 Ace,
It's a morale thing. I can't think of anything that is cowbell worthy yet. Maybe the announcement for the AoS HQ Football Pool would fit the bill!!

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:41 PM (cvmTR)

336 Ace, can't we justsort all this out with the President over a beer...?

Posted by: Contessa Brewer at August 19, 2009 10:42 PM (NLgSf)

Blazer, I swear upon everything I hold dear and holy, if you so much as mention Helen Thomas, and ANY kind of womens undergarment in the same sentence, I will hunt you down, and stuff both poon, and Dum Dum in your rectal chamber.
Roger wilco. I only do something that heinous when you're not expecting it.
It's only fun that way

Posted by: Blazer at August 19, 2009 10:42 PM (RwgDY)

338 See I don't see color or race, I'm oblivious to it, so what I saw was a guy in a white business shirt and pants to a gray suit. I thought this spoke more to them trying to say that the middle class was causing a problem, not that it was a white person. The guy who carried the weapon was black but he was middle class first. I'm probably not making sense.

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 10:43 PM (p302b)

Wasn't it NBC that did the expose about unsanitary practices in the
meat department by a non-union grocery store? The one where they used
an undercover union meatcutter, that did unsanitary things with the
meat and filmed himself doing it and then represented that as standard
practice with that chain?IIRC,
when they were sued, discovery brought out film that had cut out
showing the "employee" being corrected, and even upbraided, by the
manager for his unsafe practices.

Posted by: toby928 at August 19, 2009 10:38 PM (PD1tk)
No, I think you're talking about that blonde skeezer Diane Sawyer's hack job on Food Lion for ABC. They covered up for her bleached twat really well.

Posted by: Captain Hate at August 19, 2009 10:43 PM (U1nHn)

340 #332 - NBC was also the network which ignited explosives under a GM pickup as a "demonstration" of how unsafe its gas tanks were.

Posted by: Waterhouse at August 19, 2009 10:44 PM (0hjKF)

341 Blazer yeah it is fun that way, kinda like opening the shower curtain and seeing Helen Thomas bent over shaving her crotch.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:46 PM (vZVv7)

342 A while back I filled out a poll from NBC as to why I don't watch their shows;

"When your funniest show is Dateline, you've got a problem"

Posted by: kbdabear at August 19, 2009 10:46 PM (0Lv+U)

343 "Ask NBC if it plans on running a dramatization of The Turner Diaries on the air, or if it will just stick to falsifying the news in attempting to provoke a race war."
Helter Skelter man!

Posted by: Javems at August 19, 2009 10:46 PM (/IQA9)

344 I've been simmering around "pissed" since oh, November. You name it, the MSM, Cap Tax, this government-run healthcare bullshit...
But this...this post.
Dayum Ace, there's so much prime invective in it, it was cathartic to read.
Thank you.

Posted by: X_LA_Native at August 19, 2009 10:46 PM (/JGtb)

345 "Prior to joining CNBC, Ratigan served as a Global Managing Editor at
Bloomberg News until March 2003. He joined Bloomberg News in 1995 and
was a driving force in building the organization, expanding half a
dozen new print beats, including IPOs, derivatives and mergers and acquisitions
and then helping to expand their television network by creating and
hosting their first successful two-hour morning show. Ratigan spent his
last two years there off-camera implementing and supervising
Bloomberg's network of banking and finance coverage worldwide with more
than 100 reporters in more than 50 countries."

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 10:49 PM (p302b)

346 >Blazer yeah it is fun that way, kinda like opening the shower curtain and seeing Helen Thomas bent over shaving her crotch.

yeah, but the self-administered coffee enema was just too much

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:51 PM (KOkrW)

347 Stirring up stuff is what Acorn does best. I remember, summer of 1985. Beautiful sunny day it was. This fellow walked into The Hood where I lived. Now, please understand, this is The Ghetto. A true melting pot of just about every ethnic you can think of. We all got along, unless somebody did something stupid. I digress. This fellow was going on and on to me and my crew about this and that outrage and injustice aka Reagan , blah, blah, blah. We asked him one question. Just one. Are you going to bring us jobs to this neighborhood? He said No. We all at the same time told him it was time to Get Steppin. First and last time I ever saw an Acorn agitator in Southwest Detroit.

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 10:51 PM (yWaN3)

348 Okay, I should have just said 'There won't be a race war because there's not enough stupid on their side to pull it off,' rather than detailing what an abysmal failure the enterprise would be. But, ace, if you're not worried about MSNBC putting the idea in someone (not that someone)'s head to 'do something' to protect Obama, than what was the point of this post?

Or at least I assume you meant to include me in the knocking it off since people is plural.

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 10:53 PM (aAtZG)

349 260
I really don't think I've been on fire. I haven't written anything particulary funny or insightful.

it's the obama administration that's on fire.

Nope, Ace. You the man. In fact, I know we don't have it yet, but what we need is ...
A Flaming Ewok Skull!!!

Posted by: AmishDude at August 19, 2009 10:53 PM (T0NGe)

350 Contessa Brewer is a dirty, lying, pus-mouthed whore.
A cheap, sore-riddled nasty bit of gutterscrunge who'll rent you her mouth for the change in your pocket.
A tawdry wallow-trollop oozing with syphilitic fester who raises her filthy skirts at the scent of crack-smoke.
A disease-dripping pincushion, the media's vile mattress of last
resort, a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels, a loose-toothed
croup-breathed nightcrawler reeking of bathtub gin, fungicide, and the
genetic stink of human desperation.
A skanky bit of mung-trash sloughing off diseased skin like a leprous
snake. (A leprous snake who whores out her verminous cloaca for two
bits a pop, I mean.)
This sad clown of a whore, oozing with foul custard and slack and
sloppy as an over-used trash bag, is too stupid to know how to lie
judiciously, and so lies promiscuously and wantonly, demonstrating all
the discretion she once showed in junior high when her nickname was
"Automatic" Brewer.
If I had no job, my goal in life would be to hold this sign in the air above Contessa Brewer's head while she was reporting live from a obamacare protest.

Posted by: John Galt at August 19, 2009 10:53 PM (Ylv1H)

yeah, but the self-administered coffee enema was just too much

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:51 PM (KOkrW)

Well, I was going to mention the fact that the reason she was bent over to shave it was that it drags on the floor, but I do have some measure of decorum.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:53 PM (vZVv7)

352 Really, Ace, I have to object here.

The people who know Contessa Brewer, *really truly* know her tell me that she's really an endless, fetid battlefield where lice and spirochete fight an eternal battle claw to slime for dominion of the slack, sagging, mucilaginous folds of her skin avoiding only the foul sulphurous sheets of her labia swinging beneath her like the entrails of a slaughtered goat in a Mexican open market and fizzing with the yeasty fermentation of a thousand beer breweries.

That's what some say....

Anyway, I thought you ought to know.

Posted by: The Commissar of Love at August 19, 2009 10:54 PM (oEAm5)

353 John Galt, I may have to burn some vacation time to be able to hold a sign like that up over that skanks head.

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 19, 2009 10:55 PM (vZVv7)

354 MSNBC just got bent over.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 10:55 PM (kynTZ)

355 Cowbell is nice, but I want some news that is Jennifer Connelly on a horse worthy.

Posted by: toby928 at August 19, 2009 10:55 PM (PD1tk)

Greta just showed Michelle Obama wearing shorts at the Grand Canyon. Looks more like the posts at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 10:57 PM (FnA4R)

357 >Cowbell is nice, but I want some news that is Jennifer Connelly on a horse worthy.Michelle Pfeiffer on a piano worthy?
Deborah Winger on a mechanical bull worthy?

Posted by: Jones at August 19, 2009 10:59 PM (KOkrW)

358 Toby, good call!!!! I forgot about that one!! That's a trivia question. When was the last time Ace used Jennifer Connelly for a blog post?

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 10:59 PM (cvmTR)

359 Well, I was going to mention the fact that the reason she was bent over
to shave it was that it drags on the floor, but I do have some measure of decorum.

Jeebus you guys.
A palette cleanser.

You're welcome.

Posted by: DPR VIII at August 19, 2009 10:59 PM (4XUD3)

360 >>>Or at least I assume you meant to include me in the knocking it off since people is plural.

I don't know if you did it or not. I can check if you really want me to.

I mean the endless wallowing in the idea that a civil war is coming, and the bragadoccio about 'we've got the guns, we'll kill 'em." The whole can't wait crap.


I don't know if the people saying this are veterans or not. But from what i know of combat veterans -- no one who knows shit talks about battle and violence as if it's a good thing that they all can't wait for. Guys fresh out of boot camp might talk that way but few others do.

And civil wars are far worse. Riots? citizens shooting each other? Martial law?

Anyone talking like that kind of shit is some great cleansing and that's when we'll "take our country back" ought to get their heads examined and, if they own guns, seriously reconsider whether they have the temperament, judgment, sobriety, and stability for prudent gun ownership.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 11:00 PM (LNOmx)

361 1) I once let a guy blow me.
2) I visit Kos and hufpo.
Which one makes me teh ghey?

Posted by: hutch1200 at August 19, 2009 11:00 PM (mBZRL)

362 342 Blazer yeah it is fun that way, kinda like opening the shower curtain and seeing Helen Thomas bent over shaving her crotch.
Worse yet ? In the middle ofyour ownshave later on, you realize too lateit wasyour she had been using.

Posted by: Blazer at August 19, 2009 11:00 PM (RwgDY)

363 Contessa Brewer's vagine, it hangs like sleeve of wizard.

Posted by: Borat, the Media Critic Blogger Make Glorious Benefit Khazakstan at August 19, 2009 11:01 PM (LNOmx)

364 Avatar trailer in 10 hours.

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 11:03 PM (cvmTR)

365 "Guys fresh out of boot camp might talk that way but few others do."

Rogue Colonels and brigadier General officers sometimes do. The majority of revolutions are fomented by the Colonel-level rank.

Posted by: Christoph at August 19, 2009 11:03 PM (uYL8F)


Is this Kirsten Powers and her mom?

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 11:04 PM (FnA4R)

367 and frankly there's a real undercurrent of shooting "them," specifically.

'nuff said. it's ugly and stupid and needs to stop.

Everyone stop talking about your guns and your readiness to kill every time a story pops up.

It's like a confession.

Posted by: ace at August 19, 2009 11:05 PM (LNOmx)

368 I'll frickin' summon a planet. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:06 PM (kynTZ)

369 Right now the military has got it's hands full fighting two wars, a budget war and the QDR. Civil War or any other shit is the furthest thing from our minds. Most of us are Pros. Stop watching Red Dawn and shit and just focus on the here and now. The rest will take care of itself whichever direction it goes. Stay engaged with your political leaders and fight to get the truth out there. Take care of your families and friends and take it day by day.

Posted by: CDR M at August 19, 2009 11:06 PM (cvmTR)

370 Uumn. I'm looking back on this thread. I think I missed something.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:08 PM (kynTZ)

371 A cheap, sore-riddled nasty bit of gutterscrunge
A tawdry wallow-trollop oozing with syphilitic fester who raises her filthy skirts at the scent of crack-smoke.
A disease-dripping pincushion, the media's vile mattress of last
resort, a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels, a loose-toothed
croup-breathed nightcrawler reeking of bathtub gin, fungicide, and the
genetic stink of human desperation.
A skanky bit of mung-trash sloughing off diseased skin like a leprous
snake. (A leprous snake who whores out her verminous cloaca for two
bits a pop, I mean.)
This sad clown of a whore, oozing with foul custard and slack and
sloppy as an over-used trash bag, is too stupid to know how to lie
judiciously, and so lies promiscuously and wantonly, demonstrating all
the discretion she once showed in junior high when her nickname was
"Automatic" Brewer.I'm trying to figure out what Ace's thoughts are here...

Posted by: Tinkerbella at August 19, 2009 11:09 PM (1eGHD)

372 Borat, you should say things like that. It makes it bad around here.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:10 PM (kynTZ)

Meh, NBC has been airing faked "shocking" video for decades.
Anyone remember the phony Dateline footage of exploding cars where they had to use pyrotechnic devices cuz they weren't blowing up on their own?
Yeah. Every time I read a news story or see a report on network TV, I just realize that for reporters this is like that time in 7th grade when you had to write a book report on Moby Dick but you only made it halfway through and it was due the next morning. So what did you do? You tried to come up with something that sounded plausible, then you cherry-picked quotes from the book that sounded right. As long as you had enough words to meet the criteria, you couldn't go wrong. Of course, the teacher always knew you were bullshitting, so it never worked out like you thought it would, but still.
WRT Contessa Brewer: weird name, but I would hit it like a screen door in a hurricane—provided she restricted her verbal contributions to low moans

Posted by: The Band at August 19, 2009 11:10 PM (QtRBc)

374 Shouldn't. Shouldn't.
I'm just learning how to write.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:11 PM (kynTZ)

375 I have 2 Gun safes that are full. And at least 200-500 rounds for each. This is the only place I would ever say that. I'm an NRA member and have never put the sticker in any window of my vehicles. That is asking for an ass rape by an ornery cop, and a casing by thieves.
Personally I'm torn between the need to let my Reps know we have the weapons and training, not the nutroots. In my other hand is my dick. Wait, wrong site....On the other hand, I try to rotate ranges, and frequent many different shops. I don't want my weapons showing up on the streets. I try to keep mywhole survival preparedness on the down low.
Fuck the 52% moochers. No incense in my bunker.

Posted by: hutch1200 at August 19, 2009 11:12 PM (mBZRL)

376 Blazer, I swear upon everything I hold dear and holy, if you so much as
mention Helen Thomas, and ANY kind of womens undergarment in the same
sentence, I will hunt you down, and stuff both poon, and Dum Dum in
your rectal chamber.

You mean like Helen Thomas in a thong?

Can't hit me. I'm a girl.

Posted by: dumb_blonde at August 19, 2009 11:13 PM (86YrO)

377 1) I once let a guy blow me.
2) I visit Kos and hufpo.
Which one makes me teh ghey?
Dude, that whole post makes you ghey.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:13 PM (kynTZ)

378 terryairy, i just wrote you

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:15 PM (kynTZ)

Dude, that whole post makes you ghey.
Asking Bwaney Fwank a question will also make you ghey.

The follow-up is really disgusting.

Posted by: Fish at August 19, 2009 11:15 PM (FnA4R)

380 Oh please, Winston Smith! Megyn Kelly is way hotter than Alexis Glick!! Alexis Glick wishes she had the sex appeal and looks MK has. Megyn Kelly is so hot, I lust after her. Puhleeze.
Speaking of lusting, is it normal that when Ace takes someone down like he did to oldCuntessa it turns me on? A lot? Ace has been flaming skull hot lately, tis true. Wowzer.
Oh, and this whole deal is bullshit. I would say who even watches this crap, but I have had this clip sent to me 5 or 6 times already this afternoon, so somebody has spread it around well. It is ridiculous to mention Squeaky Fromme and Hinkley. And they do it so casually, like it is a given. Oh, of course those heathern red necks are racists!
Fuck em and feed em fish heads.

Posted by: di butler at August 19, 2009 11:16 PM (tjdui)

381 Sorry Ace, but I don't think this "shooting war" crap is all that unexcpected, given todays political climate. Consider that nationalized health care and cap and trade policies, if enacted, will give the government absolute control of the people, industry, and our wallet. That's an awful lot of freedom to give up for "change".
The left has unmasked itself in its naked grab for permanent power, and the press has gone all in right behind them, pitting group against group, friend against friend, all to prop up an agenda while desperately trying to keep or boost ratings ( if not in absolute numbers, then in comparison to other networks). Throw in a very shaky economy, nuclear proliferation amongst our enemies, and Islams never ending war against Dar al Harb, and people who care to stay informed aren't just nervous, they're anxious.
Have you tried to buy pistol or black rifle ammo lately? There's more ammunition sold in the US to private individuals per month than is necessary to keep the chinese army supplied!
Ever see so many comments about drinking on weeknights as you do now?
Long story short, things are so crazy right now that crazy don't seem so crazy anymore, and when anything is possible, then anything is possible.
People are simply expressing what is unthinkably possible, yet still possible.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at August 19, 2009 11:18 PM (Poe30)

382 She calls me "doll." She makes me feel good.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:19 PM (kynTZ)

383 Well, okay then. I only saw one person excited by the prospect, one dismal at the inevitability of the attempt and 'their' success, and me trying to make the point that it wouldn't get that far. So your plural confused me.

I don't have nor will I get a gun as my eyesight is bad enough that I'd be a threat to the wrong people, so I'm not looking forward to that kind of trouble. I just don't think we can afford to take the position that the communists are going to win because they have all the cards and infinite will to act.

Posted by: Methos at August 19, 2009 11:20 PM (aAtZG)

384 Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands pee his pants, hoist the black white flag, and begin slitting throats holding beer summits.

Posted by: Not H. L. Mencken at August 19, 2009 11:20 PM (yP5sH)

385 Dave in was a trick question. You passed with flying colors. BTW, the first part was bullshit. I should have asked me which action makes one gheyer.

Posted by: hutch1200 at August 19, 2009 11:21 PM (mBZRL)

386 You mean like Helen Thomas in a thong?

Can't hit me. I'm a girl.

Great. I need another Jenny Agutter pic now.

Posted by: DPR VIII at August 19, 2009 11:21 PM (4XUD3)

387 How do you get the lines through a word?

Posted by: hutch1200 at August 19, 2009 11:25 PM (mBZRL)

388 # 357...yeaow.....poor Michelle, perhaps she can get liposuction with BHO's new health plan. After all what is more important...extending the life of 5 older folks or new reduced "thighs" for Michelle. ACORN will make the call. one of the 3 conservatives who punish themselves by looking at MSNBC on occassion...(kind of like reading the NYT..want to see what lies the other side is stating...)things are really bad over there. HC is looking so bad that all they have to talk about is to criticize Fox News or harp endlessly on minor Republican senators like John Ensign or talk about militias.
MSNBC is like Paris Hilton's little shit dog that she carries in her purse. Fox is a big, pure bread German Shepard, it's mostly ignores the little bitch because it is 5-10X bigger.
MSNBC's personalities (don't confuse them with a true journalists) are like ventraquilist dummies that sit on the lap of Howard Dean or BHO and spout talking points. Yu know hat they will say before they say it.
Any wonder why MSNBC is beaten like a rented mule every day of the week, not just by Fox but every other cable channel and even re-runs of Jerry Springer- although I sense a strong overlap between audiences. After all only a Jerry Springer audience would believe BHO when he says he can insure more people, lower the cost without rationing. All MSNBC does is further weaken the NBC news brand, piss off a few million consumers and reinforce GE's image as a big company dependent of big government programs- health care, green shit....ect..

Posted by: John at August 19, 2009 11:26 PM (6FYZ6)

389 Treacher is still trying to engage old Cuntessa on Twitter. Heh. JTlol.@contessabrewer I don't think Orwell meant you to take it quite so literally: minutes ago from web

Posted by: di butler at August 19, 2009 11:28 PM (tjdui)

390 Revolutions are ugly things, I hear. And really, no one has the right to foment one as long as we still have free and fair elections. If the majority wishes to cut the country's throat, we must let them. As long as we have reasonably free and fair elections.
Personally I think we are seeing the end of the republic. I'd love to be wrong.
The elections of 2010 and 2012 will be instructive. IIRC, liberal democracies have, historically, been followed by dictatorships.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 19, 2009 11:29 PM (dQdrY)

391 di, don't say words like that.

Posted by: Dave in Russia at August 19, 2009 11:29 PM (kynTZ)

392 Ace,

You are on fire these days. It's good that you jump in to take control of your blog. People do tend towards braggadocio when faced with the unknown. It is good to try to throttle it down. How many of us that were alive when Red Dawn came out thought it could happen? Lots. It hasn't happened yet, but it could?
People want to be ahead of the curve. They also can believe that what has happened can happen again. I tell people all the time to keep their ideas to themselves and definitely to keep them off the web. Why would anyone want to get their name on the list of someone fomenting anything if they actually thought something would happen? I personally hate guns, wouldn't own one and can't imagine why anyone would have any problem with anything that our President has proscribed. I also have a lot of ocean front property in Missouri at historically low prices that you may be interested in!

Posted by: Really at August 19, 2009 11:33 PM (XUeYy)

393 Hutch at #388:
If you look between the comments block and the word above it "comments", you will see a command line. Highlight the text you want to underline, strike out or make bold. tThen left click on the appropriate icon. It will continue to print that way untill you click it again.
You could also use other programs to write whatever you want, however you want, copy and paste. Dan

Posted by: Dan at August 19, 2009 11:34 PM (qfb86)

394 I am sorry if I offended with my post. I will repost the following link. "Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others"
Now I wish to state upfront, Teh One would not dream of planting fake doctors at local townhalls, so perhaps I should just take off my tinfoil hat, as they would never think of lurking here. Sorry.

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 11:35 PM (yWaN3)

395 I am not a veteran although I have many, many veterans in my family
including my father who served for 30 years and my brother for 8.

I am not looking for armed conflict with fellow citizens, despite my intense disagreement with many of them.

I am perfectly sane, a husband and a father of two great kids.

I don't spout off each time something like this is posted however this piece from MSNBC was especially over the top.

I do, however, wonder what the end game is. I am active in my local GOP
party. I understand full well that our grassroots effort has been
complacent over the past 8-12 years, still resting on our laurels from
the Reagan revolution of the 80's and the Contract with America years.
I understand that the sane answer is to nominate and elect good
conservatives who can represent traditional , conservative American
values who can hopefully roll back this snowball of Marxist shit headed downhill towards middle America.

The reality is that we are at a crossroads in our country, morally, spiritually, ideologically, and politically. The divide between left and right, communism and capitalism, good and evil, government and the private sector, whatever you want to call it appears to be terminal. And if crap and tax passes and Obamacare passes, then this country at the crossroads, against the will of the people, will have taken a markedly leftward turn.

We have elected representatives who abuse the office they hold, openly ignore their constituents views and opinions, and pursue a single agenda of self-preservation.

We are living 1774 all over again with regard to government tyranny, a ruling oligarchy and taxation without representation. There is a reason our Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution in the manner and language in which it is crafted. I'll leave it at that.

And my apologies again for stirring up a shitstorm tonight.

Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 11:35 PM (zNl33)

396 Remember when putting a white face on a black guy was racist? Like, up until yesterday?

Posted by: Jim Treacher at August 19, 2009 11:35 PM (cvmgB)

397 BTW, been I've been in a few places either in the midst of a revolution or post revolution and don't want to see one here. That being said, remember Franklin's words, "A sword often keeps another in the scabbard.

Posted by: Dan at August 19, 2009 11:38 PM (qfb86)

398 390
Treacher is still trying to engage old Cuntessa on Twitter. Heh. JTlol.@contessabrewer I don't think Orwell meant you to take it quite so literally: minutes ago from web

Posted by: di butler at August 19, 2009 11:28 PM (tjdui)
I swear that boy tweets in his sleep.

Posted by: Tinkerbella at August 19, 2009 11:42 PM (1eGHD)

399 372 - He'll be in his bunk.

Posted by: dayers at August 19, 2009 11:42 PM (OxWrr)

400 Who is this big talker guy who seems to be masquerading as a conservative?

Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 11:46 PM (p302b)

401 Thanx Dan, 394.
I came for the war pron and lesbo stuff. I stay for teh funny and mad computer skillz.

Posted by: hutch1200 at August 19, 2009 11:48 PM (mBZRL)

402 Smerconish is generally seen as a conservative, although he endorsed Obama last year and supports abortion rights.
Doesn't sound like a conservative to me.

Posted by: sirsurfalot at August 19, 2009 11:49 PM (yWaN3)

403 Oops sorry,forgot. I meantScruntessa. I also vote for the flaming hooters idea. I think they would be perfect in the MoDo or Noonan type postings.

Posted by: di butler at August 19, 2009 11:51 PM (tjdui)

404 Smerconesh, If that's a real name, surely has to be a conservative. What with all the pro abortion,Obama voting and shit. He's even more conservative if he loves excessive taxes, deficit spending, porous borders, government controls, crappy schools, union thugs, ragging on our troops, christian bashing, situational ethics, rivisionist history, the main stream meadia, Palin bashing, Keith Olberman, gun controland Janine Garafalo, in the Bizarro Universe!

Posted by: Dan at August 20, 2009 12:00 AM (qfb86)

405 Posted by: theadmiral at August 19, 2009 11:35 PM (zNl33)

My, my, my, aren't you just the gloomy gus? You think straight, don't fret. Be ready for what is coming, just don't talk about it.

Posted by: Really at August 20, 2009 12:01 AM (XUeYy)

406 155 Palin Steele How do you manage to cobble together all two brain-cells to repeatedly come back here and get your ass handed to you after you say "I quit this site" like a fuckin 4 year old? You cann;t deny this is blatant race baiting by MSNBC... You can'tAre you drinking? You seem quite BRAVE tonight. Did you get into a fight with you GF or something? Jeeziz boy, get a life home slice.
Posted by: MelodicMetal at August 19, 2009 09:36 PM (9QC0z)
Shepopped him one. Get it? Popped! Lost pneumatic integrity! Haw!

Posted by: Wm T Sherman at August 20, 2009 12:02 AM (PB0gV)

407 Personally I think we are seeing the end of the republic.

I don't think so. The way I see it, we're just in the endgame of a long struggle with the hard left that started about 60 years ago when they started infiltrating the democrat party in force right after WWII. Sometimes people need to run right up to the edge of abyss and peek over the edge before they'll admit its there and real. The public has started to peek, and its not liking what it sees.

50 years ago, this crew would have been seen as obvious Soviet agents, even by normal democrats of the day, but since the Soviet union collapsed, they had to forge ahead on their own, in denial of the fundamental unsoundness of the basic principle they believe in. This is when the branding of the democrat party changed, and as Reagan said, the party left him, he didn't leave the party.

Where the neo-commie modern democrats really fucked up was in making their play when they did. Had they waited another 10-15 years when all of the WWII and Korean war generation were dead, they might very well have gotten away with it. There is a very good chance that the last of the greatest generation will save this nation from disaster yet again, only this time in the voting booths rather than on the battlefield or in a weapons factory.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 20, 2009 12:03 AM (3yn9o)

408 PA,
I hope you are right. I think the demographics have changed enough to take the plunge. There is a serious "now or never" feel to all that is going on.
The balkanization of America is not accidental.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 20, 2009 12:24 AM (dQdrY)

409 PA,

I agree with you totally. And I will come birthday party as well as Christmas this year.

Your friend,

Santa Claus.

Posted by: Come on! at August 20, 2009 12:26 AM (XUeYy)

410 This country has "reinvented" itself many times over the past 230 years, only once requiring major bloodshed. I don't see anything at all resembling the hardened battle lines that were present in the run up to the civil war yet.

Anyone who does see that kind of thing at this point is either delusional or a leftist plant.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 20, 2009 12:33 AM (3yn9o)

411 What a dumbass! I obviously meant I would come to your birthday.

Posted by: Santa at August 20, 2009 12:38 AM (XUeYy)

412 Your talkin sense Purp.

Posted by: Dan at August 20, 2009 12:41 AM (qfb86)

413 Ya know, dumbshit already said he quit the site. So why doesn't somebody just help him out?

He thinks what MSNBC did is OK because he claims everybody else does it. He only comes here to say "not", to every single post. He does what every no-life troll sets out to do - hijack threads.

In typical left-tard fashion, he's so damned nuanced he doesn't know what "I quit" means. So somebody please show him the door.

Live up to your word you whiny little bitch, go away. Forever.

Posted by: rockhead at August 20, 2009 12:42 AM (RykTt)

414 I really do hope you are right AP. I love my country way more than me. HO HO HO.

Posted by: Santa at August 20, 2009 12:50 AM (XUeYy)

415 CNN's expert can't even get Hinkley's name right. Mark Hinkley? That's some expert. If the guy spent half as much time forming his argument instead of figuring out where to place his arms for the most effect (the video can't be believed unless not seen), he might have come up with a point.
But, he didn't. He literally flailed around on all fronts, physical and intellectual, and wound up looking like the fool that he is.
What an idiot.
Welcome to your new leadership, give or take a few degrees. This guy has the "right" attitude even if he's a failure on all other points.
He's in.
Brave New World.

Posted by: Cowboy at August 20, 2009 12:54 AM (Gclmc)

416 Anyone who does see that kind of thing at this point is either delusional or a leftist plant.
Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 20, 2009 12:33 AM (3yn9o)
Well, as I've said before, it'll happen or it won't. Nothing our pay grade is going to affect.Paranoia seems kind of high for a free people, though.

Posted by: Johnathon E. at August 20, 2009 01:02 AM (dQdrY)


" a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels"

Dude. Awesome.

Posted by: Faye Kinnit at August 20, 2009 01:11 AM (l1oyw)

418 Don't have the time to read all of the comments, but if no one else pointed it out, Tim Russert is dead and no longer NBC's DC Bureau Chief. Unless he's running theBureau from six feet under.

Posted by: SoFedUp at August 20, 2009 01:21 AM (sRM+4)

419 #217, Methos, there's almost no live ammo in the average National Guard armory. The small arms are there to train with, up to the .50 caliber machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers, but the ammo is in guarded holding areas at the training areas where the firing ranges are. Examples would be Camp Shelby in Mississippi, Ethan Allen Firing Range, Vermont, etc.

So assuming ACORN and the New Black Panthers got in there, they'd have a lot of unloaded rifles unless they thought to bring their own 5.56mm ammo with them.

Posted by: SGT Dan at August 20, 2009 01:40 AM (Wcgzm)

420 Good Lord. Time to fire off a blog posting. Good work guys.

Posted by: Patrick at August 20, 2009 01:55 AM (BH4he)

421 BTW...BHO found a "conservative" talk radio guy in Philadelphia, this guy is syndicated on how many stations ? Yes, right.....never heard of him.....
This guy is probably as conservative as David Rodham Gergen......

Posted by: John at August 20, 2009 01:59 AM (6FYZ6)

422 Hey, Ace & Dum-Dum, the Dems think their current chairman is Dean:

Posted by: theCork at August 20, 2009 05:02 AM (L0cxG)

423 How is this any different than the MSM tactic of misrepresenting Obama's COLB and repeatedly claiming his eligibility is proven when in fact it is not?
Like this is anything new. They take the facts, twist them, use only the portions they like, and present an entirely false reality. Then they call you a racist if you disagree.
The sad thing is that sometimes (like the eligibility issue) the right joins in and helps push the MSM lies.

Posted by: Capital G at August 20, 2009 05:31 AM (f5SBu)

424 401Posted by: muffy at August 19, 2009 11:46 PM (p302b)
Muffy, this guy is pro-socialism. He had a caller the other day who had dual citizenship, he was talking about the great health care in the other country. He sent his kids back there for free school, and after that they came here because they could make more money. The concept that of why the kids could make more money here was lost on them. I hate libs. He will give BHO a BJ.

Posted by: madamex at August 20, 2009 05:55 AM (zHnCn)

425 They can't be allowed to get away with this.

They got away with Kanye West saying "George Bush hates black people" and they'll get wawya this everything else.

Problem is, Americans haven't capacity to unglue their eyeballs from the TV set; zombie slime from the HDTV screen.

Posted by: syn at August 20, 2009 06:04 AM (tfsh+)

426 laser engraving laser cutter desktop laser engraver vinyl cutter laser cutting
laser engraving machine laser cutting machine cutting plotter
laser cutter laser engraver
laser engraver laser engraving machine laser cutter
laser cutting machine vinyl cutter cutting plotter cnc router

Posted by: woodworking machine at August 20, 2009 06:08 AM (CGf1z)

427 The only thing left is for some Black Panthers to block an election entrance holding clubs or something. If that ever happens, what with all these whities carrying guns and hand grenades to Obama rallies, then you'll have your race war.

Posted by: alppuccino at August 20, 2009 06:56 AM (Owge8)

428 Anyone complain to the FCC yet?

Posted by: Darth Randall at August 20, 2009 07:02 AM (98AOY)

429 Yep. They're liars.

Posted by: TheNewGuy at August 20, 2009 07:15 AM (l7IRX)

430 Sorry I missed all the palin steele Dum-Dum bashing last night. So to recap, Dum-Dum:
1. Ignorantly spouted off about the video before even watching it. Par for the course.
2. Finally watched it, but insisted that Brewer didn't say what she said ("white people with guns")
3. Finally capitulated and agreed Brewer indeed said what she said --- but it was all Brewer's opinion on an opinion show, thus fine and dandy. Along with all the convenient video editing. Hey, it's all good.
All from the douche who "understands how blacks feel in this country" ... because he watched "Black in America" once on CNN (see #127 here), which I'm sure contained no opinions and was a straight-up news show. Got it.

Posted by: Cuffy Meigs at August 20, 2009 07:30 AM (outBY)

431 Oh shock!
A biased, horribly reported piece with Cuntessa of all people!?

I'm stunned.

Posted by: Jay at August 20, 2009 07:38 AM (fhO13)

432 Posted by: Cuffy Meigs at August 20, 2009 07:30 AM (outBY)


Posted by: TendStl at August 20, 2009 07:56 AM (XLRes)

433 Yeah, but I'd hit it. And lie about it later.

Posted by: Fritz at August 20, 2009 08:18 AM (GwPRU)

434 You had me at "pus mouthed whore.

Posted by: SGT Ted at August 20, 2009 08:24 AM (PdOj3)

435 Wow. I just stopped by to check in and got a lesson in locution. I looked up most of the words in my dictionary, but can't find some. But they sound fitting anyway.

By the way, who watches that channel anyway? 10 people in San Francisco? Oh yeah, and why is Tim Russerts email address still active? I wonder where THAT email goes?

Posted by: marcus Traianus at August 20, 2009 08:34 AM (PCihv)

436 White men! White women! Senator Byrd's office is calling you. The Jew is using The Black as muscle against you. And you are left there helpless. Well, what are you going to do about it, Whitey? Just sit there? Of course not! You are going to join with us. The members of the American Democratic Party. An organization of decent, law abidingracist but "progressive"folk. Just like you!

Posted by: Xoxotl at August 20, 2009 08:38 AM (crgw3)

437 good Christ.. I wish journalists would just not comment on guns. That is not a machine gun. It's a semi-auto.

Posted by: UGRev at August 20, 2009 08:43 AM (uhjTJ)

438 And the really funny part is that if you go to Cuntessa has a rant about a doctored pic of obama with a cigarette.

She says something about the GOP just making up the news to fit their agenda....

I actually DID LOL for once!

Posted by: bizjetmech at August 20, 2009 08:46 AM (koXiG)

439 I got blisters on me vulva!

Posted by: Scruntessa Brewer at August 20, 2009 08:48 AM (k7SeR)

440 D'oh....they took it down!

Posted by: bizjetmech at August 20, 2009 09:14 AM (koXiG)

441 440
I got blisters on me vulva!

Posted by: Scruntessa Brewer at August 20, 2009 08:48 AM (k7SeR)

Self-inflicted no doubt....

Posted by: UncleFacts, Summoner of the Meteors at August 20, 2009 09:21 AM (vZVv7)

442 good Christ.. I wish journalists would just not comment on guns. That is not a machine gun. It's a semi-auto.

They couldn't get the skin-color right. They probably guessed on whether it was a gun or a really cool man-purse.

Posted by: alppuccino at August 20, 2009 09:24 AM (SAHzp)

443 I tried not to laugh at your Contessa rant. I even put my hand over my mouth. Fail.

Geez, she sucks.

Posted by: Darcy at August 20, 2009 09:26 AM (gTF9B)

444 Where the neo-commie modern democrats really fucked up was in making their play when they did. Had they waited another 10-15 years when all of the WWII and Korean war generation were dead, they might very well have gotten away with it. There is a very good chance that the last of the greatest generation will save this nation from disaster yet again, only this time in the voting booths rather than on the battlefield or in a weapons factory.--Purple Avenger
My FIL expressed the exact same sentiment. They pulled the trigger too early.
Thank God.

Posted by: RarestRX at August 20, 2009 09:36 AM (rmNST)

This is a Democrat Party technique known as a win-win-win. First, create the problem (done here through crafty, albeit sleazy editing). Second, profit from the problem (create a race battle-garner better ratings at MSNBC). Finally, have the problem you created get blamed on someone else (a third party you wish to demonize, like, I don't know, angry white men or something).

To see how this technique has been used in the past just think about Bawney Fwank and the residential housing bubble. First, put pressure on banks and other lending institutions to make loans that they wouldn't otherwise make. Profit from the sub-prime mess you created by winning more Democrat Party seats in the next election (not to mention winning the White House). Finally, and with the help of a compliant media, blame the clusterfark you and your buddies create on Republicans, greedy banks, speculators, Republicans, sub-prime paper, Republicans, etc, etc, ad naseum, etc. Like I said, Win-Win-Win

Posted by: Hughie at August 20, 2009 10:01 AM (KAa2W)

446 ...forces of, aren't we getting a little carried away and melodramatic here...

Sort of like Harry Reid?

Posted by: DoDoGuRu at August 20, 2009 10:12 AM (Xdxf8)

447 Remember when Contessa Brewer said calling a teenage girl a WHORE was no big deal, because she'd been called a WHORE a whole bunch of times and liked it just fine? Good times.

Posted by: Tattoo DePlane at August 20, 2009 10:12 AM (rrxDo)

448 Sorry, it just came to me. It was Letterman's "slutty" comment. With all the times the supposedly ethical, progressive, women's rights-motivated media has called Sarah Palin and her children WHORES, I get confused. But calling a special needs baby an inbred bastard and accusing the Governor of Alaska of wearing a fat suit and faking her own pregnancy... they've lost their minds. What a sick bunch of soulless fucks delivering our nightly news.

Posted by: Tattoo DePlane at August 20, 2009 10:17 AM (rrxDo)

449 "A disease-dripping pincushion, the media's vile mattress of last resort, a pathogen in garish vinyl high heels, a loose-toothed croup-breathed nightcrawler reeking of bathtub gin, fungicide, and the genetic stink of human desperation."
Dude...that was beautiful. I cried.

Posted by: Andrew the Noisy at August 20, 2009 10:58 AM (V0QP1)

450 Ace, that mock of Brewer in your post was the most scornful, vituperative, and hilarious that I've ever read. It was sheer poetry. You remind me why Kings used to fear the satire of a bard. Thanks.

Posted by: theCork at August 20, 2009 11:02 AM (L0cxG)

451 Nice rant!
I can't watch the news anymore. I can't afford a new T.V.
These scumbag gutter sluts in the media can rot in hell. They're just itching for a race war. Douchebags.

Posted by: 1IDVET at August 20, 2009 11:15 AM (tVBdl)

452 Dude, their not going to take anyone seriously who sends an email to Tim Russert. You may want to update your files.

Great catch, though. Their brazeness knows no bounds.

Posted by: cbullitt at August 20, 2009 11:19 AM (M/WbE)

453 And I need to update my spelling. Should have been "they're" obviously.

Posted by: cbullitt at August 20, 2009 11:21 AM (M/WbE)

454 Ace,
I assume that this has been pushed to Breitbart and Drudge?

Posted by: Old Texas Turkey at August 20, 2009 11:35 AM (edQ4y)

455 After the close up of gun on hip. The jump cut to a white guy also wearing a white shirt who had a strap visible on his shoulder. The strap appeared on close inspection to be attached to a camera. However, it you weren't looking for it you'd think the guy who got the microphone stuck in his face was also the guy with the guy. Who, I'm sure would be pissed if he know MSNBC implied with their editing and commentary that he was a racist gunman. Somebody track that guy down and lawyer him up. THAT"S A GOOD LAWSUIT RIGHT THERE BABY.

Posted by: joe at August 20, 2009 12:02 PM (rf1Kd)

456 This is your LIBERAL OVERLORD.

All your typing will not stop us. We will CONTINUE to control the media. We will CONTINUE to manufacture consent. Our power is so vast and so widespread that we have agents in every community in the USA.

Your futile typing makes us chuckle. You WILL DO NOTHING. You are braying sheep and none of you dare step out of line lest something with actual consequences greater than a reply to your latest post enter your sad lives.

ALL elections will be FIXED from this point forward. What hope do you have? We can get ANYONE elected regardless of any technicalities that stand in our way.

And if you don't believe me ask yourself this: Why did my Dear Leader Obama keep Gitmo open? He campaigned saying it would close. Now he chooses to keep it open. It is a place where the laws of the USA cannot protect you and all that is needed to put you there and keep you there forever is the movement of my Dear Leader Obama's pen. Don't you think he will use it?

He will. And you are powerless to stop it.

So keep spouting your "Fuck this fucking fuck fuck" nonsense. We will continue to take over the USA and shape it into our dream of a SOCIALIST UTOPIA.

I would wish you luck but you pansies wouldn't know what to do with it.

Posted by: LIBERAL OVERLORD at August 20, 2009 01:53 PM (zyXQf)

457 I loved the "you would rent you mouth for the change in your pocket."

oh, and pus mouth...classic


Posted by: Pinkie French at August 20, 2009 02:24 PM (2H94Q)

458 There were two people, one black and one white, carrying AR-15's at the rally. The white guy seemed to not want to be filmed and the black guy seemed not to mind as much. There were also a lot of other people carrying handguns, all of whom were white.

Posted by: jeff at August 20, 2009 02:24 PM (NJMN1)

459 #460: Jeff, so what? It doesn't make theMSNBC less mendacious, nor Brewer less of a dirty, lying, pus-mouthed whore.

Posted by: theCork at August 20, 2009 03:11 PM (zL5Q1)

460 Jeff; so much MLK jr's Dream .... Liberals just dont like it.

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Frankly, I see a marxist communist with poor character, sitting at 1600 Penn ave. not a BLACK man.
That does not make me racist, it makes me an American with 1st Amendment rights. (of course, good character and common sense as well)

Posted by: Pinkie French at August 20, 2009 03:42 PM (2H94Q)

461 You're cute when you're angry.

Posted by: The Needle at August 20, 2009 04:16 PM (VBxu7)

462 So does this mean all the businesses that pulled their ads from Glen Beck will completely pull their advertising from MSNBC, since not only are they "polarizing", but outright fabricated a news story to incite racial tensions? I doubt it.

Posted by: Papa Swamp at August 20, 2009 04:22 PM (EKIlJ)

463 FYI, my email to the following failed: (not suprising)

At this point I've recieved confirmation from:

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams
Weekend Today

It will be interesting to see if there is any reply

Posted by: Mark at August 20, 2009 04:23 PM (n2R3V)

464 I knew this kind of media propaganda would happen once that nigra was elected!

Posted by: Bubba at August 20, 2009 04:52 PM (aOPAZ)

465 at least you didn't say "cunt".

and those ad dollars keep rolling in....


Posted by: KEvron at August 20, 2009 05:06 PM (ouPPZ)

466 Ace: It's like a confession.

Wannabe revolutionaries run their mouths on the internet.

We are no where near done with the political process yet.

Posted by: Kristopher at August 20, 2009 05:18 PM (GA+HK)

467 "Everyone stop talking about your guns and your readiness to kill every time a story pops up."
may we continue to talk about slitting throats?

Posted by: KEvron at August 20, 2009 05:34 PM (ouPPZ)

468 Are Brewer's political philosophies insufficiently vile that you must resort to such vulgar mysogyny? I'm reminded of the leftists who rail against Sarah Palin, except no one expects eloquence from them. You could at least try to be better than those gutter dwelling cretins.

Posted by: perlhaqr at August 20, 2009 08:10 PM (ABbua)

469 Posted by: Bubba at August 20, 2009 04:52 PM (aOPAZ)

Piss off moby. We don't serve your kind here.

Posted by: toby928 at August 20, 2009 08:20 PM (PD1tk)

470 Oh Ace Ace Ace...

Time to get back to your calm and rational playdoh and bacon fantasies of women.

You know, those creatures who won't sleep with you.

Posted by: MacKenna at August 20, 2009 09:28 PM (z697b)

471 Don't forget that Barack Obama is 1/2 white, so this could still be racially motivated.

Posted by: Neo at August 20, 2009 09:57 PM (5d1ix)

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Posted by: My favoriate jewelry at August 21, 2009 03:59 AM (Dmtrk)

473 Outdated contact info. You need to update the contact info on this post. I wasted my time calling the "Engineering Department" at MSNBC, and (politely) venting at some guy who has nothing to do with the News Department.

Seriously, this is C- "community organizing" here. The communists at "Color Of Change" certainly have Glenn Beck's advertiser's updated contact info. Get with the program, Ace.

Posted by: Ed at August 21, 2009 07:40 PM (G7cj4)

474 So, uhm, how's that whole "toning it down to not scare off the potential advertisers" thing going, Ace?

Protip: Capitalism, ok, successful capitalism, usually takes a little bit of self-discipline. If you're gonna keep shooting up in full view of your customers, you're not likely get any return business or pull in any new rubes, nowhutameen?

And, honestly, I'd like you to be able to keep blogging. You're a good example to show my nieces nephews what can happen if they keep doing drugs, and I'm kinda worried about your ability to hang on to a real job for any amount of time (see above).

Some cunt or another who you'll never get to fuck

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Posted by: 丕賱毓丕亘 at December 26, 2009 12:25 PM (WdOnV)

thank you賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 丕賱禺賵丕賮賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘 賱丕毓亘 賰乇丕鬲賷賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賵賳噩賱毓亘丞 爻賰賵亘賷 丿賵 賵丕賱賯乇丕氐賳賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻賰賵亘賷 丿賵賱毓亘丞 丕賱廿爻賮賳噩賴 丕賱噩亘丕賳賴 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 爻賵賳賷賰 賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賷丿乇賲丕賳 丕賱兀爻賵丿賱毓亘丞 亘丕鬲賲丕賳 丕賱毓丿 丕賱鬲賳丕夭賱賷 賱賱氐乇丕毓 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕鬲賲丕賳賱毓亘丞 亘丕鬲賲丕賳 賵 亘乇賲賷賱 丕賱禺胤乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕鬲賲丕賳賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 亘丕亘丕賷 乇噩賱 丕賱亘丨丕乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘亘丕賷賱毓亘丞 鬲乇賰賷亘 丕賱賵噩賴 丕賱賲囟丨賰賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 鬲乇賰賷亘賱毓亘丞 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵 丕賱賮囟丕亍 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵Naruto vs Sasuke - Manga Games賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 丕賱爻賷丕乇丕鬲 丕賱賳賮丕孬賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘丕賯 丕賱爻乇毓賴賱毓亘丞 乇丕賱賷 丕賱氐丨乇丕亍 - 丕賱毓丕亘 乇丕賱賷 丕賱爻賷丕乇丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 gufm 爻亘丕賯 丕賱丕賳鬲賯丕賲 - 丕賱毓丕亘 鬲氐丕丿賲 hguhf 賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 丕賱禺胤 丕賱爻乇賷毓 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘丕賯 爻賷丕乇丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 爻賷丕乇丞 丕賱丕爻毓丕賮 丕賱賲噩賳賵賳賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻賷丕乇丕鬲 2009丕賱毓丕亘 爻賰爻賱毓亘丞 丕賱卮丕丨賳賴 丕賱卮亘丨 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻賷丕乇丕鬲 賵賯鬲丕賱賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 丿乇丕噩丕鬲 賳丕乇賷賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘丕賯 丕賱丿乇丕噩丕鬲 丕賱賳丕乇賷賴賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 丕賱丿乇丕噩丕鬲 孬賱丕孬賷 丕賱丕亘毓丕丿 - 丕賱毓丕亘 丿乇丕噩丕鬲 賳丕乇賷丞賱毓亘丞 賯賷丕丿丞 爻賷丕乇丞 丕賱賮賵乇賲賱丕 1 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賮賵乇賲賱丕 賵賳賱毓亘丞 賯賷丕丿丞 爻賷丕乇丞 丕賱爻亘丕賯 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘丕賯 爻賷丕乇丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 爻賷丕乇丕鬲 乇賷賲賵鬲 賰賳鬲乇賵賱 夭亘 夭丕亘夭 - 丕賱毓丕亘 孬賱丕孬賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 丕賱丿乇丕噩丕鬲 丕賱氐丨乇丕賵賷 - 丕賱毓丕亘 丿乇丕噩丕鬲 賳丕乇賷丞賱毓亘丞 爻賱丕賲 丿丕賳賰 gufm - 丕賱毓丕亘 賱毓亘鬲 爻賱丕賲 丿丕賳賰賱毓亘丞 丕賱亘賱賷丕乇丿賵 孬賱丕孬賷丞 丕賱丕亘毓丕丿 gufm - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵丕賱毓丕亘 賰乇丞 賯丿賲 賱毓亘丞 賯賮夭 丕賱丨賵丕噩夭 賱賱禺賷賱 - 丕賱毓丕亘 乇賷丕囟賷丞 賱毓亘丞 鬲賳爻 賮賱丕卮 - 丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賳爻 乇賷丕囟丞 賱毓亘丞 孬賱丕孬賷丞 丕賱丕亘毓丕丿賱毓亘丞 賰丕亘鬲賳 丕賱賰丕亘鬲賳 賲丕噩丿 賱毓亘丞 亘賱賷丕乇丿 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵 丕賱亘賱賷丕乇丿賵 丕賱亘賱賷丕乇丿賱毓亘丞 賰乇丞 丕賱賯丿賲 丕賱賲賱賵賳賴賱毓亘丞 丕賱賲賱丕賰賲丞賱毓亘丞 丕賱鬲夭賱噩 賱毓亘丞 亘賱賷丕乇丿賵賱毓亘丞 賰乇丞 賯丿賲 賱毓亘丞 丕賱噩賲亘丕夭 賱毓亘丞 賰兀爻 丕賱爻賵亘乇 賱毓亘丞 賰乇丞 丕賱胤丕賵賱丞 賱毓亘丞 氐賷丿 丕賱亘丕賱賵賳丕鬲 minisoccer賱毓亘丞 賲賴丕乇丕鬲 亘賷賰賴丕賲賱毓亘丞 丕賱亘賵賱賳噩Billard賱毓亘丞 賰乇丞 丕賱爻賱丞 賱毓亘丞 賳賷卮丕賳 丕賱丕爻賴賲賱毓亘丞 丕賱亘賱賷丕乇丿賵賱毓亘丞 囟乇亘丕鬲 丕賱噩夭丕亍 賱毓亘丞 鬲賳爻 丕賱胤丕賵賱丞賱毓亘丞 丕賱賲賱丕賰賲丞 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賴賵賰賷 丕賱賴賵丕卅賷 賱毓亘丞 賰兀爻 丕賱毓丕賱賲 2011 賱毓亘丞 丕賱丿毓爻賵賯賴 丕賱賲賯丕鬲賱賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賯鬲丕賱賱毓亘丞 賴丕賲爻鬲乇 賴賲鬲丕乇賵 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賴賲鬲丕乇賵丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賱賷 鬲亘賷夭 - 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賷 鬲丕亘賷夭賱毓亘丞 賰賵賳賰乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賰賵賳賰乇賱毓亘丞 賲丕乇賷賵賱毓亘丞 爻賵亘乇 賲丕乇賷賵賱毓亘丞 爻賵賳賷賰賱毓亘丞 爻賵亘乇 賲丕乇賷賵 3賱毓亘丞 賲丕乇賷賵 丕賱噩丿賷丿丞賱毓亘丞 賲賷睾丕賲丕賳賱毓亘丞 爻賵亘乇 賲丕乇賷賵 丕賱噩丿賷丿賴賱毓亘丞 賲賷噩丕賲丕賳賱毓亘丞 爻賵亘乇賲丕賳 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 爻賰賵亘賷 丿賵賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 爻亘丕賷丿乇賲丕賳賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 爻鬲乇賵亘乇賷賱毓亘丞 胤乇夭丕賳賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 乇賷賲賷 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 亘丕鬲賲丕賳 Batman賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 賱賷賱賵 Lilo 賱毓亘丞 毓賱丕亍 丕賱丿賷賳 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 丕賱賯胤 噩丕乇賮賷賱丿 Garfield賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 賳賷賲賵 Finding Nemo賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 賲丕賵賰賱賷 Jungle Book 2賱毓亘丞 胤乇夭丕賳賱毓亘丞 爻賳賵賵丕賷鬲賱毓亘丞 賳賯丕乇 丕賱禺卮亘賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 丕賱兀爻丿 丕賱賲賱賰 賱毓亘丞 毓丿賳丕賳 賵賱賷賳丕 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 丕賱賷爻 賮賷 亘賱丕丿 丕賱毓噩丕卅亘賱毓亘丞 賲賷賰賷 賲丕賵爻 丕賱卮賴賷乇丕賱毓丕亘 賲爻丿爻丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 賰丕賵賳鬲乇 爻鬲乇丕賷賰賱毓亘丞 賰乇丕卮 賱毓亘丞 賰乇丕卮 crash game 賱毓亘丞 丨乇亘 丕賱卮賵丕乇毓 賱毓亘丞 氐賷丿 丕賱胤賷賵乇 賱毓亘丞 丕賱丕胤亘丕賯 丕賱胤丕卅乇丞賱毓亘丞 乇賵亘賳 賴賵丿賱毓亘丞 噩賲毓 丕賱匕賴亘 丕賱毓丕亘 亘亘丕賷賱毓亘丞 賲丕賳噩丕丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賵賷鬲賷 亘賷乇丿丕賱毓丕亘 丿乇丕睾賵賳 亘賵賱 z丕賱毓丕亘 亘賳 鬲賳丕賱毓丕亘 賲賷賰賷 賲丕賵爻丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賵賲 賵噩賷乇賷 丕賱噩丿賷丿丞 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕鬲 賲丕賳丕賱毓丕亘 爻賲亘爻賵賳 賱毓亘丞 丕賱亘丨孬 毓賳 丕賱爻賲賰賴 賳賷賲賵 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賳賷賲賵丕賱毓丕亘 賵丕賱鬲 丿賷夭賳賷 賱毓亘丞 亘賳 鬲賳 10 賵丕賱丕卮乇丕乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘賳 鬲賳賱毓亘丞 賲賷賰賷 賲丕賵爻丕賱毓丕亘 丕賱鬲丨丿賷 丕賱毓丕亘 丕賱丕亘胤丕賱 丕賱禺丕乇賯賷賳賱毓亘丞 賯胤丕乇 丕賱賲賵鬲 賱毓亘丞 丕賱丕爻丿 丕賱賲賱賰丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賷賲賵賳 賵亘賵賲亘丕賱毓亘丞 丨賰丕賷丞 賱毓亘丞 - 丕賱毓丕亘 賰乇鬲賵賳 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕夭賱 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 丕賱賷爻 賮賷 亘賱丕丿 丕賱毓噩丕卅亘丕賱毓丕亘 亘賵賰賷賲賵賳賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賲爻鬲乇 亘賳 丕賱毓丕亘 爻賰賵亘賷 丿賵賱毓亘丞 爻賱丕賮 丕賱賳賷賳噩丕 丕賱毓丕亘 賳丕乇賵鬲賵賱毓亘丞 亘噩夭 亘賳賷 賱毓亘丞 賮鬲賷丕鬲 丕賱賯賵丞 丕賱禺丕乇賯丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 賲禺鬲亘乇 丿賷賰爻鬲乇賱毓亘丞 賴賲鬲丕乇賵賱毓亘丞 鬲賷賲賵賳 賵 亘賵賲亘丕 氐賷丿 丕賱丨卮乇丕鬲POWER RANGERS 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賯胤 噩丕乇賮賷賱丿賱毓亘丞 賰丕爻亘乇賱毓亘丞 丕賱爻賳丕賮乇賱毓亘丞 丕賱乇噩賱 丕賱丕禺囟乇賱毓亘丞 鬲乇賰爻 賱毓亘丞 爻賵賱賷鬲賷乇 爻賵賱鬲賷乇 solitaire games丕賱毓丕亘 噩丕賰賷 卮丕賳丕賱毓丕亘 賲氐丕乇毓丞 賱毓亘丞 賴丕乇賷 亘賵鬲乇 賱毓亘丞 賯鬲丕賱 丕賱卮賵丕乇毓 賱毓亘丞 亘乇賵爻賱賷賱毓亘丞 噩丕賰賷 卮丕賳賱毓亘丞 夭賵賲丕 賱賱鬲丨賲賷賱 賱毓亘丞 夭賵賲丕 zuma 丕賱噩丿賷丿丞 - 鬲丨賲賷賱 賱毓亘丞 夭賵賲丕 賱毓亘丞 丕賱丨賷丕丞 丿賷賱 丕賵乇 賳賵 丿賷賱 Deal or no Deal賱毓亘丞 丕賱丨賷賴丕賱毓丕亘 賷賵睾賷賱毓亘丞 夭賵賲丕 夭賵賲丕 賱毓亘丞 鬲乇鬲賷亘 丕賱丕乇賯丕賲賱毓亘丞 鬲賷鬲乇賰爻賱毓亘丞 鬲賵氐賷賱 丕賱賲賵丕爻賷乇 賱毓亘丞 丕賱卮胤乇賳噩 賱毓亘丞 氐賷丿 丕賱爻賲賰 賱毓亘丞 丨乇亘 丕賱賲賱賵賰 賱毓亘丞 丨乇亘 丕賱賳噩賵賲 丕賱毓丕亘 爻鬲乇賵亘乇賷丕賱毓丕亘 胤亘禺 賰賷賰 丕賱毓丕亘 胤賱丕亍 丕賱丕馗丕賮乇賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 丕賵賱丕丿賱毓亘丞 亘賳丕鬲 丕賱毓丕亘 丕賱賲賰賷丕噩丕賱毓丕亘 鬲乇鬲賷亘 丕賱賲賳夭賱 丕賱毓丕亘 賲賷賰 丕亘賱毓亘丞 亘丕乇亘賷丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕乇亘賷鬲賱亘賷爻 亘賳丕鬲 丕賱毓丕亘 丕賱鬲賱亘賷爻 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 亘丕乇亘賷 丕賱毓乇賵爻賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 兀賱賷爻丕 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賮鬲賷丕鬲 亘乇丕鬲夭 賱賱禺乇賵噩賱毓亘丞 賲賰賷丕噩 賵賲賷賰丕亘 爻賳丿乇賷賱丕賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賵賱丿 賵 亘賳鬲 賱毓亘丞 賲氐賳毓 丕賱丌賷爻 賰乇賷賲賱毓亘丞 亘乇丕鬲夭 亘賷亘賷賱毓亘丞 鬲乇鬲賷亘 睾乇賮丞 賱毓亘 丕賱兀胤賮丕賱 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱賵賷賳 丕賱毓乇賵爻 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賵賲賰賷丕噩 亘丕乇亘賷 賵 賮賱賴 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕乇亘賷賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 丕賵賱丕丿 賵 亘賳丕鬲 丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賱亘賷爻賱毓亘丞 賮鬲賷丕鬲 丕賱賰丕賵亘賵賷 - 兀賱毓丕亘 亘賳丕鬲賱毓亘丞 鬲氐賵賷亘 丕賱噩丕爻賵爻丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 兀賲賷 賵賷賲賷 毓賱賶 爻胤丨 丕賱賯賲乇 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賵乇賵丿 丕賱賲賱賵賳賴賱毓亘丞 Pest Attack 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賮乇丕卮丕鬲 丕賱賲賱賵賳賴賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 丕賱亘賳丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 丕賱禺亘丕夭 賵 丕賱賮胤丕卅乇 賱毓亘丞 丕賱胤亘丕禺賴 丕賱賲丕賴乇賴賱毓亘丞 胤亘禺 賵 鬲夭賷賷賳 丕賱賰賷賰 賱毓亘丞 賲氐賳毓 丕賱丌賷爻 賰乇賷賲賱毓亘丞 鬲噩賲賷賱 丕賱賰賷賰賴賱毓亘丞 賲胤毓賲 丕賱賵噩亘丕鬲 丕賱爻乇賷毓賴賱毓亘丞 鬲乇鬲賷亘 亘賷鬲 亘丕乇亘賷 - 丕賱毓丕亘 亘丕乇亘賷 噩丿賷丿丞賱毓亘丞 賲賱丕亘爻 亘乇丕鬲夭 丕賱囟丕卅毓丞賱毓亘丞 賲賱丕賴賷 亘乇丕鬲夭賱毓亘丞 賲賰賷丕噩 賵賲賷賰 丕亘 噩丿賷丿丞賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賮鬲賷丕鬲 丕賱賯賵丞 賱毓亘丞 賯氐 卮毓乇 亘丕乇亘賷 丕禺乇 氐賷丨丞 2008賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 賱賵賱賵 賰丕鬲賷 Lolo CaTy賯氐 賵 鬲噩賮賷賮 賵氐亘睾 卮毓乇 賯氐丕鬲 噩丿賷丿丞賱毓亘丞 賯氐 卮毓乇 亘丕乇亘賷賰賵丕賮賷乇 賵賯氐 卮毓乇 賮鬲賷丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 賯氐 卮毓乇 丕賱亘賳丕鬲 賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 丕胤賮丕賱 亘賳丕鬲 賵 丕賵賱丕丿賱毓亘丞 胤亘禺 賵氐賳毓 丕賱賰毓賰 賱毓亘丞 賯氐 卮毓乇 亘賳丕鬲 胤賵賷賱 賱毓亘丞 胤亘禺 亘賷囟 賵 賲賯丕賳賯 賲賯賱賷丞 丕賱毓丕亘 胤亘禺賱毓亘丞 賯氐 卮毓乇 賵睾爻賱丞 賵鬲噩賮賷賮丞賱毓亘丞 丕賱賮鬲賷丕鬲 丕賱禺丕乇賯丕鬲 丕賱囟亘 氐賳賴丕鬲 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲氐丿賵賲 賲氐丿賵賲 賲丕賮賷賴 賮賰賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱丨賲丕賲 丕賱賲夭毓噩 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賲夭賳賵賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱毓賮乇賷鬲 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱毓賳夭 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱丨乇丕賲賷 丕賱馗乇賷賮 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰卮乇賰丞 丕賱丕鬲氐丕賱丕鬲 丕賱賲鬲賳賯賱賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱噩丕賲賵爻賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱賴丕鬲賮 丕賱氐丕毓賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱賰卮丕賮賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱賲賳丨賵爻 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱乇噩賱 丕賱禺丕乇賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱亘丕亘 丕賱賲鬲丨乇賰 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賰賱亘 爻賷亍 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 亘賵卮賱丕禺 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱賮胤賵乇 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賮賱賲 亘賵乇爻賱賷 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲賳 爻賷乇亘丨 丕賱丿卮賱賷賵賳 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賯鬲丕賱 丕賱賰賱丕亘 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丿賵丿賷 賲丕賳 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰廿賳鬲賯丕賲 亘胤乇賷賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰噩乇賷賳丿丕賷夭乇 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰鬲賱賮夭賷賵賳 賴丕賷 鬲賰 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰鬲丨丿賷 丕賱兀乇賳亘 賵丕賱爻賱丨賮丕丞 - 賮賱丕卮丕鬲 賲囟丨賰賴 丕賱毓乇賵爻 賵毓卮 丕賱夭賵噩賷賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丨乇亘 兀賷賯賵賳丕鬲 丕賱賵賷賳丿賵夭 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱賮乇賯 亘賷賳 廿賷胤丕賱賷丕 賵兀賵乇賵亘丕 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賱賷賱丞 丕賱丿禺賱賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲毓賱賯 乇賷丕囟賷 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賲丨丕賵賱丕鬲 丕賱賯乇丿賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰鬲賱賮夭賷賵賳 賲賰鬲賵亘 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賲丕賰丿賵賳丕賱丿夭 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲丿賲賳 賳鬲 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲丿乇爻 兀賯卮乇 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賲賱賯賵賮 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賲睾丕夭賱 卮賷丕亘 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰丕賱爻賳賴 丕賱噩丿賷丿賴 - 賮賱丕卮丕鬲 賲囟丨賰賴賮賱賲 賳賷賳噩丕 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賳氐丕卅丨 丕賱鬲爻賵賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱兀賵賱賵賲亘賷丕丿 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰亘賳賯 亘賵賳賯 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰爻賵丿丕賳賷 卮丕毓乇 賯賱胤賴 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰爻賷丕乇丞 囟丿 丕賱爻乇賯賴 - 賮賱丕卮丕鬲 賲囟丨賰賴賮囟丕賷丨 爻鬲丕乇 丕賰丕丿賷賲賷賲賯賴賶 爻鬲丕乇亘賵賰爻 - 賮賱丕卮丕鬲 賲囟丨賰賴爻賵亘乇 爻鬲丕乇 賰賵賲丕乇 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰賲丿賲賳 鬲賱賮夭賷賵賳 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 賮賱賲 賮賱丕卮 賯賵丕毓丿 丕賱賲乇賵乇 - 賮賱丕卮 賲囟丨賰 丕賱毓丕亘 毓乇亘賷丞賱毓亘丞 廿賳賯匕 丕賱氐亘賶 - 賱毓亘丞 毓乇亘賷賴賱毓亘丞 丕亘胤丕賱 丕賱丿賷噩賷鬲丕賱 賴噩賵賲 丕賱賲爻賳賳丕鬲 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賷爻 鬲賵賳賱毓亘丞 鬲乇賰賷亘 丕賱丕卮賰丕賱 賱毓亘丞 毓乇亘賷賴賱毓亘丞 乇賵亘賳 賴賵丿 - 丕賱毓丕亘 乇賵亘賳 賴賵丿 毓乇亘賷賴賱毓亘丞 鬲鬲乇爻 毓乇亘賷賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 毓乇亘賷賴賱毓亘丞 賯氐賴 賵丕爻卅賱賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 毓乇亘賷賴 賲賷賴 亘丕賱賲賷賴賱毓亘丞 乇丨賱丞 丕亘賳 亘胤賵胤丞 - 丕賱毓丕亘 毓乇亘賷賴 賱毓亘丞 丕禺鬲亘丕乇 丕賱氐亘乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 毓乇亘賷賴 賱毓亘丞 丕賱匕丕賰乇丞 - 丕賱毓丕亘 丕賱匕丕賰乇丞 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賯賵丞 丕賱毓丕卮乇丞 Power Of 10 賱毓亘丞 賲賳 爻賷乇亘丨 丕賱賲賱賷賵賳 賱毓亘丞 丕賱賲丨賯賯 賰賵賳丕賳 丕賱鬲丨乇賷 丕賱匕賰賷 賱毓亘丞 爻丕亘賯 賵賱丕丨賯 賮賰乇 賵丕乇亘丨 賱毓亘丞 兀亘胤丕賱 丕賱丿賷噩賷鬲丕賱賱毓亘丞 賲賵賳賵亘賵賱賷 賲賳賵亘賵賱賷賱毓亘丞 賵夭賳賰 匕賴亘 丕賱毓丕亘 賵夭賳賰 丿賴亘 賱毓亘丞 爻亘丕賯 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 孬乇賷 丿賷 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘Sponge Bob Square Pants game Nicktoons 3D Snow Kart Rally Anchovy Feeding Frenzy SpongeBob Game Bubble Ball SpongeBob Game Flip or Flop SpongeBob Game SpongeBob SquarePants : Crater Crossing 賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 毓囟賱丕鬲 - 賱毓亘丞 鬲丨賲賷賱 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 鬲賱亘賷爻 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 2 - 丕賱毓丕亘 鬲賱亘賷爻賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 亘賷賳賯 亘賵賳賯SpongeBob SnowPants SpongeBob SquarePants Dress Up SpongeBob SquarePants Patty Panic 賱毓亘丞 鬲丨丿賶 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 賮賷 鬲賮噩賷乇 丕賱賮賯丕毓丕鬲SpongeBob SquarePants The Best Day Ever 賱毓亘丞 丕賱爻賱胤毓賵賳 氐丿賷賯 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 鬲賵氐賷賱 丕賱亘賷鬲夭丕賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 賵丕賱丨賱夭賵賳SpongeBob SquarePants Plankton's Krusty Bottom SpongeBob SquarePants Bikini Bottom Bust Up 賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 爻丕卅賯 丕賱丨丕賮賱賴賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 卮丕賷賱 爻賷賮賴SpongeBob SquarePants Boo or Boom 賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 丕賱丨賮丕乇 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 鬲丨鬲 丕賱亘丨丕乇賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘 賱丕毓亘 賰乇丕鬲賷賴 - 丕賱毓丕亘 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 丕賱廿爻賮賳噩賴 丕賱噩亘丕賳賴 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘 賮賷 丕賱爻亘丕賯賱毓亘丞 爻亘賵賳噩 亘賵亘 丕賱禺賵丕賮賱毓亘丞 丕賱廿爻賮賳噩賴 爻亘賵賳賯 亘賵亘

Posted by: 丕賱毓丕亘 at January 30, 2010 09:57 PM (dON8S)

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Posted by: 爨耨噫 疏邂 at February 06, 2010 10:40 AM (5Cs/k)

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There have been some other advances <a href="">GHD Hairs</a> since the early invention by Issac Shero and the addition of having straighteners that allow the user to straighten wet hair is one good example. Overall though the ceramic ones are the most common and remain the brain child of the early day inventors <a href="">Replica watches</a> and will be around for many more years to come

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There have been some other advances GHD Hairs since the early invention by Issac Shero and the addition of having straighteners that allow the user to straighten wet hair is one good example. Overall though the ceramic ones are the most common and remain the brain child of the early day inventors Replica watches and will be around for many more years to come.

The GHD Hair Straightener or some may call them hair tongs either way they have become the modern day must have hair accessory for women and now many men. The humble GHD Hairs Straightener some say can date right back to 1872 to a Parisian gentleman called Marcel Grateau. His early invention which was basically heat rods which were used with chemical lotions which were then added to the hair to straighten it.锛侊紒锛侊紒Like many early day inventions there were many draw backs and many people would find their scalp and hair became damaged and in many cases burnt. The first registered hair iron patent was in 1906 by a chap called Simon Monroe, his invention was basic and in a different format. The hair tool he created consisted of metal teeth which the user would use to comb through the hair; these worked but would not be considered the same product as the GHD Straightener that are used today. 锛侊紒锛侊紒The first real hair straightner design that could be considered would have to be in 1909 by Issac Shero, he patented and invented the first heated hair care tools. The first designs were basically hot metal plates that were used to slide through the hair, the products were a great improvement on the early day inventions and provided the user with a much reduced risk on damaging the hair. He then advanced the designs at a later date and introduced more advanced ones which included the ceramic straightener and electrical straighteners. Not only this, but he was also the first person to provide the user with the ability to adjust the heat settings and the sizes of the straightener. 锛侊紒锛侊紒There are some Chinese herbs also which helps you to reduce the hair fall like psoralea seeds, mulberries and oyster. These herbs are also very effective and reduce the hair fall. Henna is also very effective herb for hairs. It is one of the oldest herb which helps to reduce the hair fall and it act as the conditioner to the hairs. Rosemary is also very good for hairs. Boil the rosemary with nettle, peach leafs, burdock and sage. And wash your hairs with this solution on regular basis, this will help you to reduce the hair fall and gives you healthy and strong hairs.锛侊紒锛侊紒Most of his design techniques are still used to this very day in the modern day hair salon or home and the reliance on his invention has become second nature to most people. The most common straightener today would be the ceramic ones with the heating elements. The technology remains the same, however has become more sophisticated. The ceramic ones became the chosen type for many for a number of reasons which include the fact that they are less damaging to the hair to use and the ceramic heating elements heat up quickly. 锛侊紒锛侊紒It was proven by the early models that using straighteners can be damaging for the hair if not used correctly or too much, this still applies today and the chances of getting split ends, or brittle and broken hair is increased. Unlike in the early days though there has been advancement in many of the hair tools to prevent this from happening. Products such heat protection sprays and creams will reduce the amount of damage caused by excessive use.

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Also the new Hermes colors of the season are particularly hard to obtain but Bags of Luxury will be amongst the first to receive these. For instance they already have available Hermes Birkin bags in the new autumn winter 2010/2011 colors iris and rubies.? I was wrong, thank goodness. My next encounter with an myhermes --and the first that would really be mine--was a worn brown Kelly a gift from a good friend who'd been a famous fashion model in the Sixties. Giants like Norell, Galanos and Gernreich had designed entire collections around her. Fresh out of school when I first met her, I was fortunate enough to work as her personal assistant off and on for three years. I had never met anyone with such unerring chic. hermes bag She never adopted the latest fads (as I slavishly did). Rather, she stuck with classics. Looking back, I learned everything I know about style from her. All along, I admired her collection of Hermes bags--11 in all, I counted--which had taken her years to assemble. 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Posted by: bandagedressherveleger at July 12, 2011 11:12 PM (f1SCw)

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Posted by: monster Sport headphones at July 14, 2011 05:26 AM (KzIx6)

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