aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Independence Day WeekendIndependence Day is my favorite holiday, bar none. Not being a religious person Christmas and Easter just don't have the same meaning for me as they do for the devout. Memorial and Veterans Day are important holidays I appreciate but not having much family history around the military, it's not quite as personal. I can respect these holidays and what they mean but the feel is not quite the same for me as it is for others. I am however a devout American. Independence Day is the day I get deep down in my bones. So as someone who loves the history of this country I was saddened but not surprised to this story on how little some HS kids know about this country. It got me thinking about how I came to be interested in history and what makes America special. This post from Ace gave me a hint. I went to that miracle of copyright infringement, Youtube, and checked out some of the Schoolhouse Rock episodes dealing with US history and now I realize what an impact they had upon me. Yeah, the music and animation are hokey and outdated but they kind of were then too. Below are a few of my favorites. If you are of a certain age, you might appreciate them for their nostalgic value and if you are younger (looks at Gabe), I think you'll be amazed that a broadcast network (ABC) at one time aired things so unapologetically pro-American. Sure there maybe a quibble here or there but this is all pre PC stuff, before the boomer got full control of the culture and they are all about the great and exceptional nature of America. If I had kids, they would be watching these, they are great antidotes to what we teach kids about America today.Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Nothing in there about creationism. Not important.
Posted by: Charles Johnson at July 03, 2009 10:52 AM (5V/kc) 2
What's this "Youtbue" of which you speak?
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 03, 2009 10:53 AM (btril) 3
Cute, but videos of rockets and F-22s and bikini babes with machine guns and bacon-flavored beer burgers are needed now more than ever.
Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 10:57 AM (fpywm) 4
I have an idea. Don't teach kids history til they are 21. Maybe x rated history. When kids are 14 they will be sneaky and learn history on their own.
That idea is worth a lot of money. Where is my check? Posted by: ungoogleable at July 03, 2009 10:58 AM (EiH7n) 5
I'm just a bill,
and with pork I am filled, But my Senator is merely a shill... (Trying to find a rhyme for 'placeholder.') Posted by: nickless at July 03, 2009 11:00 AM (MMC8r) Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 11:01 AM (AoS9J) 7
My daughter wants to know if anybody read Bill.
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:03 AM (uwi9h) Posted by: Bwaney Fwank at July 03, 2009 11:04 AM (AoS9J) 9
With the very high probability of multiple morons attending tea parties (there's one down the street from my Saturday night gig, I will be there), here's a good article on how to talk to reporters covering the event: Myself, I'll be keeping an eye out for protest babes. Pictures at 11. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at July 03, 2009 11:09 AM (ZGhSv) 10
here's a good article on how to talk to reporters covering the event:
You're a journalist? Do they give the balls slapping against your chin, or do you have to supply them yourself? Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:13 AM (uwi9h) 11
I loved it as a kid and now my kids watch the DVD and listen to the CD! "No More Kings" is currently my 4 yr old's favorite.
Multiplication Rock has been awesome for building multiplication skills. "See, you already know how to count by 2's, 3's, 5's, etc., just by singing the songs." BTW, they aren't just pro-American but actually use words like "hallelujah". GASP! Posted by: Mama AJ at July 03, 2009 11:13 AM (X6Zdh) 12
DrewM. -Irespect and share your love of this (once) great Country and with that I take no exception. However, I find yourqualifier "Not being a religious person..." interesting. It’s rare to encounter a secular conservative. Perhaps you’re still in the early stages of “evolution”.
Posted by: oneyedman at July 03, 2009 11:15 AM (A2uXF) 13
I saw a parody of "Great American Melting Pot" on YouTube called "Great American Slaughter House". Didn't click on it because of the kiddos, so I have no idea what it's about.
Okay, well, I can imagine... Posted by: Mama AJ at July 03, 2009 11:15 AM (X6Zdh) 14
My daughter (13 yrs old) passed the citizenship test, answering 8 out of 10 questions correctly. High school students only had to answer 6 out of 10 to pass! We, as parents, are the ones who should teach our children as the schools aren't doing their job. Just take a look at their textbooks today ... two paragraphs on Ronald Reagan ... four pages on Bill Clinton. Just watch, future textbooks will have an entire chapter devoted to the fraud sitting in the Oval Office today.
Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:18 AM (qON3z) 15
This 4th I will be in mourning for the loss of our freedoms. We have resurrected kings and nobles who will dictate to us how we can live. They will dictate to us whether we can sell our homes or not; what temperatures we can have in our homes; how much of the money we earn we must give in tribute to these nobles.
I see nothing to celebrate. We have betrayed our Founding Fathers and not kept the faith. Each year our liberties and freedoms are seized by trumped up demigods who will not obey the laws they hand down for the peons nor will uphold the oaths of office they took. Our Founding Fathers would not tolerate such despots. I will not celebrate them nor pretend this nation honors these men. How could it if we have twisted their views into this People's Republic? Posted by: Thomas Jackson at July 03, 2009 11:19 AM (B8gqF) 16
I have to throw the bullshit flag on this one. Videos full of “popular” history are not the way to teach children about history. But, then again, having them regurgitate PC history from texts written by a bunch of liberal weenies isn’t either.
One of the major failings we have is an entire generation of people who get their history from TV and comic books. Heaven forbid that they go to a library and actuality check some of the facts that get promulgated in crap like these videos push out. I am also tired of hearing about the failings of the “boomers” and how all of our current problems are the fault of the boomers. Our current problems are the fault of the damn self-professed “progressives”. They got their start in the late 1800’s. The federal government got its power over the States so that the progressives could push their agenda as a result of the radical Republicans after the illegal war of Northern aggression. Posted by: Vic at July 03, 2009 11:20 AM (5ynkO) 17
It’s rare to encounter a secular conservative.
That's not true at all. This is a conservative blog, and most of it's contents involve titties or cockholsters. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:20 AM (uwi9h) 18
I seriously cannot celebrate the 4th this year. There is nothing TO celebrate. The administration AND the congress we have are doing everything they can to destroy what made this country great.
If we don't wake up and do something may be irreversible. I, for one, will be spending the weekend going to all the tea parties I can to start a network of people who will actually take some action. Posted by: beedubya at July 03, 2009 11:21 AM (AnTyA) 19
Well, I'm celebrating like a spastic cat. Illegal fireworks, cookout, shooting fireworks at the kids, magazines of admittedly Russian ammo emptied into an old Chevy (seems appropriate). Our liberties are not gone, though they seem on loan, lately. Buck up, people. Read the Founders this weekend. Know why we fight. In short, gird your loins, and know that the right side of history is your birthright. Finally, quit being simpering pussies. There's work to do.
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:26 AM (uwi9h) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 11:27 AM (fpywm) 21
Saying there is nothing to celebrate on Independence Day in this great country of ours sounds a whole lot like the liberals' whining. I, for one, am still proud of my country. I can detest the One and what he is doing to my country (and protest at the tea party tomorrow), but I still love my country and am proud to be an American.
Just saying ... Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:28 AM (qON3z) 22
Drew, I have a 16 year old.African Diaspora seems to be the most intensive history lesson he gets every year in February. Everything else is moot. It is not PC to refer toGB circa 1776 as anything but GB with a King who was mentally unstable. Of course, the word 'Democrat" is rarely mentioned during the month of tribute to African Diaspora, especially when discussing the War of Northern Aggression. One would think that Democrats did not really exist in the South until Andrew Jackson became President (thus the reason why children are not really taught about Native American Diaspora like the trail of tears as anything more than the US sending Native Americans to a location because they were being disruptive). PC in our history classes is creating a cadre of citizens who will never really understand our roots, retarding their ability to capture the spirit of the 4th and really understand what it means to be free.
Posted by: 12 Inch Middle Finger at July 03, 2009 11:28 AM (n2vBd) 23
Posted by: Vic at July 03, 2009 11:20 AM (5ynkO)
I don't think these are the ways to teach history but they are great for igniting an interest in it. Even if it doesn't spark with every kid (and it won't) I think most kids today will learn more from these 3 minute videos than they do in a lot of history classes. If nothing else they hit the bullet points with out all the PC qualifiers. Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 11:30 AM (iTt2X) 24
Hey, folks!! You want to read Obama's Independence Day address to the nation a day ahead? Here it is:
My fellow Americans, father...I was 5 years old...and that is why...but for too long America has...prisoners...torture...but now we are beginning to...we as Americans need to realize...the world...other countries...reach out...restore our greatness...and so...Michelle and I...and God bless. Posted by: Matt at July 03, 2009 11:30 AM (jjZc+) Posted by: Barack Obama at July 03, 2009 11:33 AM (AoS9J) 26
We, as parents, are the ones who should teach our children as the schools aren't doing their job.
Sure they are. It's just that their mission statement changed. Posted by: Jonathon E. at July 03, 2009 11:33 AM (dQdrY) 27
These helped meremember lots of thingswhen I was inschool. Even in a college class I had to know the preamble to the constitution and could sing it in my head from memory, thanks to schoolhouse rock.
Posted by: estee at July 03, 2009 11:34 AM (xlYqZ) 28
Heh. I never realized it before, but the "Elbow Room" video implies that it's our God-given right to conquer the Moon in the name of Manifest Destiny.
I love Schoolhouse Rock! Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 11:36 AM (nKA5J) 29
Posted by: Matt at July 03, 2009 11:30 AM (jjZc+) Good effort, but it was way too cogent for the stuttering fucknozzle. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:39 AM (uwi9h) 30
And if you want to teach your kids about D-Day, this Peanuts special is excellent. What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? Posted by: Unicle tweets at July 03, 2009 11:40 AM (UU3J6) 31
July 4th has made me glum for several years now. True freedom is a dying concept among the general populance.
Those of us who still get it have nothing to celebrate. We have failed to influence a majority to understand what independence really means. Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 11:40 AM (/bVuS) 32
Christmas and Easter just don't have the same meaning for me as they do for the devout.
Religious people like tearing the heads off bunnies and getting free shit, too. Just saying. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:40 AM (uwi9h) 33
I loved SchoolHouse Rock!!! I kept posting links to videos in the ONT. I also keep asking people around my age "But didn't you learn that by watching SchoolHouse Rock?"
Vic, I usually mostly agree with you but in this case I disagree, these videos, which were shown between Saturday morning cartoons (back when there were only a few channels so you pretty much all watched the same thing) wormed their way into your head so that you knew the facts without ever realizing it. Case in point, in high school when we had to write the preamble to the Constitution on a History test you could pretty much hear the entire class humming the "Preamble" song from SchoolHouse Rock. I notice Drew didn't link that one, so here is the link to it: Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at July 03, 2009 11:43 AM (AJ4xq) 34
They used to play those during the Saturday morning cartoon hours. I used to finish my paper route come home and watch them every Saturday back in the day. Now, even the cartoons suck. Of course all the good (old) cartoons nowadays are on their own network.
Posted by: Bill R. at July 03, 2009 11:44 AM (EhlQq) Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 11:44 AM (iTt2X) 36
Also, the multiplication ones totally saved my bacon in math. And I still to this day sing "Conjunction Junction."
Aww, DrewM you've started my day off with a great big happy, despite all these glum folks in this thread, so thank you!!!!! Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at July 03, 2009 11:45 AM (AJ4xq) 37
July 4th has made me glum for several years now. True freedom is a dying concept among the general populance.
Look at that statement, Scott. You're glum because freedom is a dying concept. That's bullshit. Freedom is God's gift to the world. Like other gifts, it needs to be nurtured or it dies. Quit being glum, put on your boots, and fight like a cornered hobo whose Night Train just got jacked. The power of positive thinking is bullshit unless you back it up with hard work, but positive thinking is a prerequisite to rebuilding the Banana Republic. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:45 AM (uwi9h) 38
Count me among the secular conservatives.
Posted by: PaleoMedic at July 03, 2009 11:45 AM (yiNoG) 39
I don't think these are the ways to teach history but they are great for igniting an interest in it.
Granted. Also, sorry if I sounded real hostile. This and Constitutional Law are my “hot button” topics. Posted by: Vic at July 03, 2009 11:45 AM (5ynkO) 40
16 Our current problems are the fault of the damn self-professed “progressives”.
Our problemsare due to creationism. Have I mentioned that the Taliban are creationists? They are. Posted by: Charles Johnson at July 03, 2009 11:46 AM (5V/kc) Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 11:49 AM (AoS9J) 42
By the way, when you watch these videos about our country's history, you're reminded about the ideals and values held by those who made this country great. Obama has said many times that these values and policies have failed and it's time for a new way of thinking, a new of way doing things. How can Obama call this country a failure? America didn't become great with Government Motors, unions, government health care, Cap Trade, Lilly Ledbetter, SCHIP, all the other the failed and fruitless and regressive social programs. America was built on family values, liberalism, and freedom of choice in all our endeavors. Posted by: Unicle tweets at July 03, 2009 11:49 AM (UU3J6) 43
Our problemsare due to creationism. Have I mentioned that the Taliban are creationists? They are.
Posted by: Charles Johnson at July 03, 2009 11:46 AM (5V/kc) So am I. Check the derailleur next time you go out. Just friendly advice. Posted by: God at July 03, 2009 11:50 AM (uwi9h) 44
And I still to this day sing "Conjunction Junction."
Amen. Now, if only they'd done one for proper comma useage, I'd be set. Posted by: Jonathon E. at July 03, 2009 11:52 AM (dQdrY) 45
Wait till tomorrow guys...musical theater from 1776!
Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 11:52 AM (iTt2X) 46
How did I miss out on all these?! They look the genre of my era, but I don't remember any of them.
"I'm just a Bill" is given a cute personification. These days, I'd rather the "bills" be recognized as COSTS, bills that must be paid. I just read the thesis by F. Bastiat, The Law (Loi) published in 1849 the year following Marx's Communist Manifesto published the year of the huge European Revolutions of 1848. Bastiat nails bullseyes, a la our Founding Fathers, updated to repudiate Socialism. Posted by: maverick muse at July 03, 2009 11:53 AM (F1b/5) 47
Now, if only they'd done one for proper comma useage, I'd be set.
Posted by: Jonathon E. at July 03, 2009 11:52 AM (dQdrY) Now, Johnny, you learned, that in my, class'. Posted by: Jonathon's Public Skool teacher at July 03, 2009 11:53 AM (uwi9h) 48
Wait till tomorrow guys...musical theater from 1776!
Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 11:52 AM (iTt2X) I was hoping for a stick in the eye, but it'll do. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 11:54 AM (uwi9h) 49
Here's the test if you want to take it and hand it out to other morons. Easy questions if you have half a brain.
Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:55 AM (qON3z) 50
Barry: Uhhh...I never celebrated July 4 when I was growing up because...umm... it is a symbol of the repression of the indigenous peoples of this land. May 1 now there's a day to celebrate but July 4 not so much. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 03, 2009 11:55 AM (1oJ8f) 51
Secular here too. Conservatism does not require religiosity... that's where I part ways with Rush, Beck, Hannity, et al.
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at July 03, 2009 11:56 AM (SCcgT) 52
estee @ 27
I had to learn & memorize the Preamble in the 7th grade. I remember it well. We all stood outside in a single file line while the teacher was at the door. Each student had to recite it before entering the class. I am 46 and, to this day, I know it word for word. Have always been thankful for that my history teacher saw the importance. Btw, I grew up in the early/mid 70s & loved School House Rock. Sure beat watching commercials in between those Sat. morning cartoons. O/T: I'm cruising down I-95 on my way to Orlando for the 4th. Husband's driving while I surf the net. Damn, technology rocks. And for the record, I will not let The Jug Earred Usurper and his total decimation of my beloved country spoil my 4th of July. My country means more to me than to "sit this one out." Posted by: Twinks at July 03, 2009 11:57 AM (N63P1) 53
37, I'm preparing for a different fight. One which I sadly think is unavoidable.
Freedom might be God's gift (he sent his Son to free us from our debt for sin after all) but most of us seem to want to reject it. Or pervert the concept into something else entirely. The hardest thing is admitting we're all imperfect on the concept. IMO making the perfect the enemy of the good is what fractures the freedom movement and allows squishes like McCain to become the alleged face of the movement. Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 11:57 AM (/bVuS) 54
incognito, @#21: Saying there is nothing to celebrate on Independence Day in this great country of ours sounds a whole lot like the liberals' whining. I, for one, am still proud of my country. I can detest the One and what he is doing to my country (and protest at the tea party tomorrow), but I still love my country and am proud to be an American. Just saying ...
+1. The wonderful thing about this country is that everything that's done can be undone. Just because that road's become more difficult doesn't mean its presence is no longer worth celebrating. Re: high school students flunking elementary civics. One of my stepbrothers, when questioned as to why we light fireworks on July 4, replied, "Because it's the fourth of July," as if we picked some arbitrary day on the calendar to set off high explosives. I didn't know whether to weep or punch him. I'm pretty sure I did both. But Idid enjoy how, in the first video, "the pursuit of happiness" evidently meant a little 18th-century skirt-chasing. Posted by: INCITEmarsh at July 03, 2009 11:58 AM (oPFyu) 55
Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 11:57 AM (/bVuS) Hey, I think we all know that fight is coming. It's been fought before and we've never lost. All I'm saying (to everyone, not just you) is that being down in the dumps is a piss poor way to prepare to preserve liberty. Did we get all gloomy when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor? I'd just like to see more reason and thought and less emotion out of the right side. A hefty injection of Fuckitall would be helpful, methinks. Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at July 03, 2009 12:07 PM (uwi9h) 56
There's nothing special about July 4th. There are, like, 56 other days of the year.
Posted by: Obama Administration Official at July 03, 2009 12:08 PM (FcR7P) 57
Agreed INCITEmarsh.
JD Hayworth thinks passing the ten questions should be a requirement to get a driver's license. Not a bad idea at all. Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 12:08 PM (qON3z) 58
Yeah I'm more or less a secular conservative as well. Although I have a great deal of respect for faith and devotion thereto.
Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 12:08 PM (nKA5J) 59
As long as we're discussing the dour side of our national holiday, I'll throw this out:
What kind of mental illness is it that compels some people to do everything in their power to control the actions of someone else? I'm not talking aboutlaws, which establish the limits of acceptable behavior, but folks like Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky who intellectually justify the destruction of individual freedom and the society that (until recently) supported that freedom. What on earth drives these idiots? No sane person has any desire to exert control over anyone else. What is it about freedom that motivates these fools to even consider things like the "camps" that Ayers has envisioned for his fellow countrymen? I know this is a rhetorical question, and I probably won't get the answer until I shed this mortal coil, but it still bothers me. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at July 03, 2009 12:11 PM (ZGhSv) 60
Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:55 AM (qON3z)
Are you serious? Only 40 out of 1100 passed THAT test? It's pathetically easy! Oh man we are screwed. Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 12:13 PM (nKA5J) 61
Here's the test if you want to take it and hand it out to other morons. Easy questions if you have half a brain.
Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:55 AM (qON3z) I got 4!! Posted by: Obama voter at July 03, 2009 12:13 PM (uwi9h) 62
43 God: Mr Johnson wishes you to know that he still thinks you are part of a systematic plot by the Discovery Institute to deceive Americans, and he's going to sue you for assault.
He also wishes to inform you that you are banned from posting at his blog, as soon as he can mobilise enough fingers to work his keyboard. Posted by: Charles Johnson's Orthopedic Surgeon at July 03, 2009 12:14 PM (5V/kc) 63
One more for the secular conservative list. I'd rephrase it to 'it's rare to encounter an anti-Christian conservative'.
Look, we all end up in the same re-education camp. It's the belief in 'certain inalienable rights' and self-evident truths that mark us as domestic terrorists/conservatives. Posted by: t-bird at July 03, 2009 12:14 PM (FcR7P) 64
God Bless America
Posted by: MQ at July 03, 2009 12:14 PM (SjHne) 65
What is it about freedom that motivates these fools to even consider
things like the "camps" that Ayers has envisioned for his fellow countrymen? The camps are necessary to keep people like you from blowing my ass away. Posted by: Billy Ayers at July 03, 2009 12:15 PM (uwi9h) 66
This IS our Country and I celebrate the 4th of July with happiness, I'm not down in the dumps because I know what I am capable of if someone tries to take my Freedom, I fought twice for our freedom and I will continue that same path!!!!
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 12:15 PM (Nj9Dm) 67
What is a secular conservative? I am Episcopalian. Do I qualify?
Posted by: Big Daddy at July 03, 2009 12:15 PM (M41ls) 68
Fly your flags people and remember its the land of the free becuse of the brave!!
If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. --Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Posted by: 12 Inch Middle Finger at July 03, 2009 12:16 PM (n2vBd) 69
What kind of mental illness is it that compels some people to do everything in their power to control the actions of someone else? I'm not talking aboutlaws, which establish the limits of acceptable behavior, but folks like Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky who intellectually justify the destruction of individual freedom and the society that (until recently) supported that freedom. What on earth drives these idiots?
You may no longer post on my blog. Posted by: Charles Johnson at July 03, 2009 12:16 PM (5V/kc) 70
58 chemjeff I have a great deal of respect for faith and devotion thereto.
Same here. I think the trashing of Christianity by the MSM is an outrage. And don't get me started about "blame the joooos." Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at July 03, 2009 12:16 PM (SCcgT) 71
He also wishes to inform you that you are banned
from posting at his blog, as soon as he can mobilise enough fingers to work his keyboard. Posted by: Charles Johnson's Orthopedic Surgeon at July 03, 2009 12:14 PM (5V/kc) I didn't go there much anyway. There's only so many off center pictures of bike parts I can take. But I am keeping score. Posted by: God at July 03, 2009 12:17 PM (uwi9h) 72
What is a secular conservative? I am Episcopalian. Do I qualify?
Posted by: Big Daddy at July 03, 2009 12:15 PM (M41ls) Yes. Posted by: God at July 03, 2009 12:18 PM (uwi9h) 73
Old Glory flies 24/7 at my house!
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 12:18 PM (Nj9Dm) 74
to me it feels like a wake...
Posted by: Shoey at July 03, 2009 12:19 PM (RxUMK) 75
All Lefties are immature, self-absorbed control-freaks. Some go all the way to eleven. Their behavior likely is derived from arrested development and megalomania. Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 12:19 PM (fpywm) 76
Some conservatives that are religious are pluralists: we aren't Christian, and we aren't always libertarian either: we just want to be left alone to do our shit, and can see that if you start regulating others, we are gonna get stiffed sooner or later.
Posted by: HiHo at July 03, 2009 12:20 PM (5V/kc) 77
Their behavior likely is derived from arrested development and megalomania.
Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 12:19 PM (fpywm) Masturbation is a problem there, too. Posted by: God at July 03, 2009 12:20 PM (uwi9h) 78
It’s rare to encounter a secular conservative.
Lots of us, as noted in earlier comments. The idea that conservatives are necessarily religious is another liberal canard that the bastards use to try to divide us. A secular conservative can live a non-religious life while still showing respect and even reverence for religious institutions and beliefs. That's an act of tolerance that escapes the secular liberal. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 03, 2009 12:20 PM (btril) 79
Conservatism does not require religiosity...
But on the other hand, it doesn't hurt. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This was the point I wanted to make in my earlier rant. I don't want anyone to control me, therefore I don't wish to control anyone else. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at July 03, 2009 12:21 PM (ZGhSv) 80
Not only are there secular conservatives, but there's at least one pagan conservative here at moron-central. Not all stereotypes are true.
I'm taking my daughters to a Fourth of July festival tomorrow, just as I took them to the Memorial Day shindig - and, I might add, the band that played was all current or former military, the organizers in our little town made a point of it, also specifically inviting any and all former or current military as special guests, and a LOT showed up. It was awesome. BTW - remember when Loony Tunes also did history-based cartoons? I have some of those on DVD. Sadly, it seems like that was another world. Posted by: AngelEm at July 03, 2009 12:21 PM (+OJTS) 81
Something tells me I should stop this now. Just a feeling.
Posted by: God's Sockpuppet at July 03, 2009 12:22 PM (uwi9h) 82
"It’s rare to encounter a secular conservative." We are not so rare, my friend. Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 11:27 AM (fpywm) Yep, not so rare at all. I loved these videos as a kid. Being more sciencey, though, I enjoyed the math and science ones. Remember "Little Twelve Toes"? It taught a base 12 counting system. I never understood it as a kid, and it sure freaked me out! Posted by: InCali at July 03, 2009 12:25 PM (PFubb) 83
Are you serious? Only 40 out of 1100 passed THAT test? It's pathetically easy! Oh man we are screwed.
Yeah. Unbelievable, isn't it? You should have heard the callers to Hayworth's show. They were furious. My daughter missed the number of Supreme Court Justices and the Bill of Rights question ... not bad for a 13 year old. Now ask these nimrods about Michael Jackson or what's on the menu at McDonalds and they'll all pass with flying colors. This poor showing on the test reminds me of this. Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 12:26 PM (qON3z) 84
81 Something tells me I should stop this now. Just a feeling.
I smell ozone........... Posted by: HiHo at July 03, 2009 12:26 PM (5V/kc) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 12:27 PM (fpywm) 86
Something tells me I should stop this now. Just a feeling.
I smell ozone........... And the hair on the back of my neck just stood up. *takes several steps away so as to avoid the directlightning strike* Posted by: BackwardsBoy at July 03, 2009 12:29 PM (ZGhSv) 87
These were originally dreamed up by Michael Eisner when he was at ABC before he took over Disney.
Posted by: Flexo at July 03, 2009 12:32 PM (/lZCZ) 88
Remember "Little Twelve Toes"? It taught a base 12 counting system. I never understood it as a kid, and it sure freaked me out!
It's still freaking kids out! Sent one of my short people running out of the room just yesterday. Posted by: Mama AJ at July 03, 2009 12:34 PM (X6Zdh) 89
59, I think the mentality permeates a much larger segment of the population than most realize.
Consider how most homeowners' or condo associations act. Consider how many Bill Lumbergs ther are in companies out there. And fighting back against this mentality is hard. Particularly if you want to maintain the moral high ground. Our side simply cannot afford a Ft. Sumter so where do we draw the line against the statists then? Part of my gloom comes just from the effort of contemplating all this and realizing how much I have to do when I'm actually quite lazy. I'd much rather get up each day and just go fishing or tinker with my cars or guns but that part of me which is responsible speaks up and starts an internal war. Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 12:35 PM (/bVuS) Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 12:35 PM (VDj74) Posted by: Jonathon E. at July 03, 2009 12:38 PM (dQdrY) 92
91, now THAT is deep.
Adds another dimension to "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 12:42 PM (/bVuS) 93
Hey Drew, just what you need P(o)S thinking you're cool!
Posted by: jimmythleg at July 03, 2009 12:42 PM (sGnoA) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 12:44 PM (fpywm) 95
1. Why the hell would anyone care if painintheass steele thinks they're cool?
2. Why does a lack of religion make one "cool"? Some of the very coolest people I've ever known are religious. And some of the most self-righteous assholes I've ever known are NOT. Posted by: AngelEm at July 03, 2009 12:45 PM (+OJTS) 96
beer soaked T-shirts
Hey, the beer belongs in my mouth, use water to soak my t-shirt please. Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at July 03, 2009 12:45 PM (AJ4xq) 97
If that doesn't send Drew to church, nothing will.
eman, great minds think alike, I was thinking the exact same thing! Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at July 03, 2009 12:45 PM (AJ4xq) 98
btw, thanks Drew
i remember these too, i was 10 or 12 during the time they orginally aired, i still make reference to them, to the confusion and bewilderment of my younger co-workers. in 1976 it was still cool to love your country, i feel sorry for ppl too young to have experienced America before the onset of political correctness. we used to be free(er) we used to be able to have fun Posted by: Shoey at July 03, 2009 12:47 PM (RxUMK) 99
So a secular conservative CAN be devout. But the key definer is the consensus around the limited role of govn't in our lives.
Posted by: Big Daddy at July 03, 2009 12:47 PM (uMYva) 100
I am a secular conservative.... who occasionally prays when the shit is about to hit the fan... I figure it can't hurt...
---------- This is a true story: a day or two after election day the wind took down my flag and the bracket that held it... I haven't had the heart to put it back up yet. Maybe tomorrow... ----------- "A republic, if you can keep it." ~ Ben Franklin I don't think we have done such a good job in keeping it. We let the left take over the schools, they are indoctrinating our children and young adults so there is no understanding of liberty, there is no belief in American exceptionalism, there is no grounding in American history. The young are becoming internationalists. Posted by: the real joe at July 03, 2009 12:47 PM (gue3j) 101
belongs in my mouth by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle
BUNK! Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 12:48 PM (/bVuS) 102
"Hey, the beer belongs in my mouth, use water to soak my t-shirt please." - PGiS
I can think of something else that belongs in your mouth... Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 12:48 PM (VDj74) 103
All Conservatives feeling beat by the liberals should man/woman up NOW, the fight is only beginning, trust me there are 10 to one of us that want to fight, they want you to feel this way!
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 12:49 PM (Nj9Dm) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 12:50 PM (fpywm) 105
#103 "I can think.." Whoops, stop there. No, you can't think. That's your problem.What you mean to say is "I can type", but those are two different things. You really are kinda dim, aren't you?
Posted by: HiHo at July 03, 2009 12:54 PM (5V/kc) 106
Palin steele is projecting, his corner at lunch time is not to busy due to the holiday, he usually gives about 20 or 30 bjs to pay for his computer, not so much this weekend, shame.
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 12:54 PM (Nj9Dm) 107
eman, I think Jonah's essay is silly. Unlike the other wonks, Sarah doesn't have an image problem and, since it's 2 years before she can start campaigning in earnest, I think it's rational to make an emotional connection with people.
In particular, she has to establish that attacks against her and her family are out of bounds. If she's not making serious statements on national policy issues in 2011, then I'd be worried. At some point, though, she has to make John Ziegler an offical spokesman so he can do this stuff for her. Posted by: AmishDude at July 03, 2009 12:56 PM (FWbHu) 108
I am uh not there yet, but I uhm plan on the NEXT July 4th to be Dependence Day in honor of uhm me, your leader. By Executive Order.
And to you Palin Steele, the line is now uh long but there will soon be time for you too. Bring cocaine. Posted by: Barry Sotero at July 03, 2009 12:57 PM (Sou2P) 109
Speaking of 1976 in the post above and July the 4th reminded me of the bestest Independence Day celebration ever.
1976 was the Bicentennial and was widely celebrated. I was in the States that year and a bunch of us put on our old style dress blues (Navy) and went over to a place on Union Street in San Francisco. (I believe the name of it was The Tar and Feathers or something like that) There was an Australian ship in port that week as well and they were all in this bar in their dress blues. We and the Aussies took over the bar and really raised hell. The waitresses had a blast as well. They all wound up with parts of our uniforms. When the bar closed I crawled across the street to get on my bike for the long ride back my house in Castro Valley but a cop was standing there at my bike. I slurred out the comment “if I get on that bike you are gonna get me aren’t you?”. That was followed by the proper response “yep”. Rode back to a friend’s apt in Alameda with him. Got bike the next day. Posted by: Vic at July 03, 2009 01:00 PM (5ynkO) 110
the only "image" problemSarah Palinhas is amoung Ivy League types not real ppl.
Posted by: Shoey at July 03, 2009 01:01 PM (RxUMK) Posted by: Unclefacts at July 03, 2009 01:01 PM (vZVv7) 112
91, now THAT is deep.
Adds another dimension to "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 12:42 PM (/bVuS) Yep. Man may remove a god from the altar, but over time, he WILL find someone, or something, to replace them. We aren't asking liberals to change their political views, we are asking them to renounce their religion. Posted by: Jonathon E. at July 03, 2009 01:07 PM (dQdrY) 113
19 Well, I'm celebrating like a spastic cat. Illegal fireworks, cookout, shooting fireworks at the kids, magazines of admittedly Russian ammo emptied into an old Chevy (seems appropriate). Our liberties are not gone, though they seem on loan, lately. Buck up, people. Read the Founders this weekend. Know why we fight. In short, gird your loins, and know that the right side of history is your birthright. Finally, quit being simpering pussies. There's work to do.
Simpering pussy? Why I gotta be all that? Your description of how you plan to celebrate seounds like a typical afterrnoon at my house....that and having my way with several wenches, too What I'm saying is that with a Marxist fucktard like Barry...and a Democrat congress willing to do his every bidding..(with a few republican dickheads thrown in for good measure)...and a media cheering them along ...we seriously are in trouble of losing many of our economic and personal freedoms.. I just cannot sit back and let that happen...I am an "in your face" sort of dissenter..and I plan on being very active Posted by: beedubya at July 03, 2009 01:07 PM (AnTyA) 114
@ shoey
I can just imagine your conversation with your children: "kids, if you ever dream to and eventually get in an ivy league, you will cease to be real what your daddy did, just get a gre." Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 01:07 PM (VDj74) 115
BTW...George Stephanopolous has twittered (gay as that is) that Palin will announcetoday that she is not seeking re-election as governor
Posted by: beedubya at July 03, 2009 01:09 PM (AnTyA) 116
I agree. His essay offered nothing useful to a candidate. "Stay home, do your job and your homework" is equivalent to "Brush your teeth before you go to bed". Does he really believe that Sarah Palin doesn't know what to do? Does he truly think she needs advice from an NRO writer on how to run a successful campaign? Jonah reveals that he is a policy wonk and he wants Sarah Palin to dazzle him and his fellow graph-junkies with statistics, jargon, and name-dropping. Jonah, did you forget that the Declaration and the Constitution omit such things? Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:09 PM (fpywm) 117
I read Drew's rather pleasant post, then wondered how many comments before somebody drops a turd in the punchbowl and posts some wingnut boilerplate paranoia?
Incognito at post 14 is the winner with: We, as parents, are the ones who should teach our children as the schools aren't doing their job. Posted by: poon at July 03, 2009 01:13 PM (i31Zq) 118
Just remember there are Brave Troops suffering and fighting in very hot weather as I type this, I'm sure they haven't lost their Love of Country, they wish they could be laying by a pool or eating bbq, been there done that!
Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 01:16 PM (Nj9Dm) 119
What kind of mental illness is it that compels some people to do everything in their power to control the actions of someone else?
Two answers. Long answer: read Thomas Sowell's "Conflict of Visions." Shorter answer: watch Evan Sayet's address to the Heritage Foundation in 2007, search YouTube. 52% of us suffer from this mental illness. I worry that it's contagious. Posted by: George Orwell at July 03, 2009 01:17 PM (AZGON) 120
114: We aren't asking liberals to change their political views, we are asking them to renounce their religion.
Furthermore if we consider that the state is their god the we are infidels who refuse to bow to it. Posted by: Scott J. at July 03, 2009 01:18 PM (/bVuS) 121
Secular conservative? Hmmmm, maybe.
I do believe in God, I'm just not very religious. I always though that maybe Brahmanism was more for me. Now the whole naked orgy thing with the wicca and pagan religions sounds cool. At least that is what Dan Brown taught me. Posted by: Rickshaw Jack at July 03, 2009 01:18 PM (KbDhF) 122
I read Drew's rather pleasant post, then wondered how many comments
before somebody drops a turd in the punchbowl and posts some wingnut boilerplate paranoia?Incognito at post 14 is the winner with:We, as parents, are the ones who should teach our children as the schools aren't doing their job. Thats boilerplate wingnuttery? Even your god Obama agrees with that statement. Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 01:20 PM (AoS9J) Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 01:23 PM (AoS9J) 124
Yeah poon, its wildly paranoid to think that publicschools aren't doing a good job teaching kids history....You don't have kids, do you? I mean, I can take for granted the fact that you've never had sexual intercourse, but I suppose you might have adopted (the thought makes me shiver) some poor kid, so I have to wonder, how F88cking stupid are you, anyways?
Posted by: HiHo at July 03, 2009 01:24 PM (5V/kc) 125
President Palin's sweeping reform of education policies eliminates the Federal Department of Education, promotes home-schooling and charter schools, and ends all Federal interference in the education of children.
The few Americans who can read know that this is a good thing. Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:25 PM (fpywm) 126
If you see a Military type this weekend shake his/her hand or hell give them a hug and say thanks.
palin and poon I want you to spout your crap if meet a Military type so I can revel as to the way they fuck you up!! I wish I could meet you both and put you in the hosp. for a long time! Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 01:26 PM (Nj9Dm) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:26 PM (fpywm) 128
Here's the test if you want to take it and hand it out to other morons. Easy questions if you have half a brain.
Posted by: incognito at July 03, 2009 11:55 AM (qON3z) True story in 2000 I was working for a large bank in Chicago with a number of recent college (mostly big state schools) graduates and we got to talking about American history and I asked who we declared our independance from. I got blank stares. One guy said, Germany? I asked what language do we speak? Oh yeah....England. I asked what happened on Dec. 7, 1941? The answer I got was if we don't know then it must not have been important. None of them knew the year we landed on the moon. Needless to say they all voted for Gore. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 03, 2009 01:27 PM (1oJ8f) 129
I LOVED School House Rock, too. I can still sing the Preamble.
One school choice parents DO have, at least to a certain extent, is requesting teachers (or requesting NOT to have a teacher). Find out what teachers share your perspective the closest or whose teaching style is the best fit for your child. Talk to other parents and your kids' older friends. Look on Then by the end of January, write a letter to the principal, copied to the guidance department, with your request and your REASONS. Key phrases: "best fit for my child's learning style." "holistic approach to education" "teaches the child, not just the subject" "provides the classroom structure my child needs to thrive." If your child has an IEP or GEIP, get in request into it during the review. Not all of us teachers are moonbats. Posted by: goddessoftheclassroom at July 03, 2009 01:30 PM (cojWg) 130
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16
Posted by: A True Believer at July 03, 2009 01:30 PM (eMjOY) 131
Thinking it can't be helped, typing it not so much.
I'll take it you never heard of the 1400 comment post or were a part of it? Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 01:30 PM (AoS9J) Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2009 01:30 PM (ghSZ9) 133
" what your daddy did, just get a gre."
Get a Graduate Record Exam? The admission test into graduate school? Doesn't sound like a bad plan. Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 01:34 PM (nKA5J) 134
True story in 2000 I was working for a large bank in Chicago with a number of recent college (mostly big state schools) graduates and we got to talking about American history and I asked who we declared our independance from. I got blank stares. One guy said, Germany? I asked what language do we speak? Oh yeah....England. I asked what happened on Dec. 7, 1941? The answer I got was if we don't know then it must not have been important. None of them knew the year we landed on the moon. Needless to say they all voted for Gore.
I can one up you.. I went to school with a girl who up until the age of about 18 or so thought that the moon and the sun were the same thing..but that you could see it it better during the day because it was light out then....true story ...I heard from a friend that she was a volunteer for Barry's campaign Posted by: beedubya at July 03, 2009 01:34 PM (AnTyA) 135
Oh great palin steele and poon say something almost nice about on the same thread?
Well, in the spirit of the holiday, I will just be thankful that as Americans we can find some common ground somewhere. But on Monday, I go back to ripping your ass's the American way. BTW-I put up a post on Goldberg. Me thinks some of the ass ripping will becoming my way. Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 01:36 PM (iTt2X) Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 01:36 PM (VDj74) 137
I went to school with a girl who up until the age of about 18 or so
thought that the moon and the sun were the same thing..but that you could see it it better during the day because it was light out then....true story OMFG please tell me you are joking, PLEASE. I don't want to know that there are people that stupid out there with legal driver's licenses operating deadly machines Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 01:36 PM (nKA5J) 138
A little OT...
What does "secular conservative" refer to? Does it mean that the people using that description for themselves are atheist conservatives? Or does it mean they are religious, but don't vote based on religion? I'm just curious, because it seems that many of the popular bloggers and commenters (at least in the main blogs I read -- HotAir, Ace, etc) seem to be atheists or agnostics or non-religious. I find it pretty interesting. But I'm just wondering what people mean by "secular conservative". I know that someone can be non-religious and still be a social conservative since the arguments for sanctity of human life and against homosexual marriage aren't solely religious-based. In fact, I used to co-blog with guy who was an avowed atheist and described himself as a 9/11 Conservative, but he was also staunchly a social conservative and hated Leftists, liberals and progressive. He just thought religion was a bunch of hooey, basically. So, sorry for the all the rambling, but if anyone can expand a little on what they mean by secular conservative, I'd be much obliged! Also, on topic, excellent post DrewM. Great videos. Posted by: Michael in MI at July 03, 2009 01:37 PM (ObTcs) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:37 PM (fpywm) 140
137. Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff
The GRE was the most exhausting test I ever took (1985). What to really worry? Have a look at the Praxis, the test teachers take for certification, and then see what the cut-off scores are. It worries me that people can do a mediocre job and still become teachers. (Incidentally, and yes, I'm bragging: I got a perfect score on the English subject test.) Posted by: goddessoftheclassroom at July 03, 2009 01:38 PM (cojWg) 141
Yeah, I know what you mean, but ps saying that is like swearing at a nun to sound cool.
PGIS was a very active and participatory member of that thread from what I remember. She's not exactly a nun, not even close. Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 01:42 PM (AoS9J) Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:43 PM (fpywm) Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 01:44 PM (VDj74) 144
...a Military type so I can revel as to the way they fuck you up!
The military guys I know aren't violent sociopaths, grunt. Some of them even have college edumacations...and they voted for Obama. Posted by: poon at July 03, 2009 01:46 PM (i31Zq) 145
145, Yeah, I know. The timing and the source are my focus.
A moron may merit a pass, a troll not likely. BTW, regarding ignorance squared, I knew a young lady who thought it was hotter up high in the mountains because "you know, you're miles closer to the Sun". Posted by: eman at July 03, 2009 01:46 PM (fpywm) 146
What does "secular conservative" refer to?
Posted by: Michael in MI at July 03, 2009 01:37 PM (ObTcs) I'm sure you'll get as many answers as there are people who describe themselves that way but here's mine (though keep in mind, it's not how I refer to myself)... I'm one of those annoying "spiritual but not religious" types. I believe there's something out there but I haven't found any organized religion that explains it well enough. I know it's a matter of faith but I think my belief in some force is faith since I can't prove it (in the scientific sense). I believe that God whatever He or it is is beyond our capacity to understand in anyway that has any meaning. It's just too big of a topic for us. Like trying to explain aeronautical engineering to a cave man. The cave man could see the results but wouldn't have words or concepts to explain it. That said, I have tremendous respect for religion and those of faith (usually). A classically liberal society would be impossible without it. On the other hand, that kind of society could not exist with out Age of Enlightenment values either. I prefer it when those two systems work in harmony (which they often do) rather than in conflict. Posted by: DrewM. at July 03, 2009 01:48 PM (iTt2X) Posted by: 'Nam Grunt at July 03, 2009 01:49 PM (Nj9Dm) 148
OMFG please tell me you are joking, PLEASE. I don't want to know that there are people that stupid out there with legal driver's licenses operating deadly machines
True story...seriously. Another one: I spent the summer in Albuquerque once as a youth...and she said that she wanted tospend time foreign countries New Mexico. Thing is...she was so fucking hot...and "friendly"..if you know what I mean Posted by: beedubya at July 03, 2009 01:49 PM (AnTyA) 149
Some of them even have college edumacations...and they voted for Obama. Those must have been some of the very few absentee ballots that the Dems allowed to get through. Posted by: Blazer at July 03, 2009 01:49 PM (AoS9J) Posted by: poon at July 03, 2009 01:58 PM (i31Zq) 151
And I meant GED in my prior post.
Posted by: palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ) at July 03, 2009 01:44 PM (VDj74) Considering the utter stupidity that you write all of the time I'm guessing a GED would be beyond your intellectual capabilities. Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 03, 2009 02:00 PM (1oJ8f) 152
the GRE is a joke. Well, that depends on which one you took. Did you take the Type A GRE or the Type B GRE? Posted by: Jack Hardcore aka chemjeff at July 03, 2009 02:12 PM (nKA5J) 153
DrewM -- Thanks for that explanation. I was just curious, since, as I said, it seems like a lot of the blogs I follow that I like the most, the bloggers and commenters tend to be atheists or agnostics. Though, what I like about most of these bloggers and commenters is that they are not hostile to believers and the religious (AllahPundit being an exception, which is part of the reason it pisses me off to read some of his stuff sometimes).
I was raised Catholic and then decided to consider myself Christian after college, since I still believed in God, but wasn't living up to the Catholic teachings (no birth control, no sex before marriage, etc). Now, though, after years of allowing life and people to f*** me over, I've become very cynical and have lost a lot of my faith, to the point that I am not sure what I can really consider myself. I basically believe in God now based not on some strong faith, but really, because the alternative is just too depressing (that our lives have no meaning and once we die, that's it. We're all just random occurrences, lucky enough to have been people instead of, say, a blade of grass or a squirrel.) I can't say that I am secular, because I believe there must be a God out there (even though, as you say, it's something that, if exists, is so far beyond our comprehension, thus, we take it on faith), but at the same time, I don't go to Church and I can't defend the Bible on a scholarly level at all or try to evangelize anyone else to become Christian, because I am not strong enough in my own faith. Anyway, again, (I keep repeating myself) I asked just because I found it curious and interesting to have so much in common politically with people who don't seem to have the same foundation in religion, which is where I have previously found those whom I shared much in common. I'm not a regular commenter here, but I regularly read the posts and read through the comment threads. It's one of my favorite blogs and I can't tell you how many times I have busted out laughing from things people say here, both in the posts by you bloggers and by the commenters. I just found it interesting to discover over the course of the last few months finding out about Ace being agnostic/atheist and now you and many of the commenters here... just kinda broke my stereotype of agnostics and atheists trending liberal (as has been my unfortunate experience in my real life so far). Anyway, keep up the great work you do here. You and all the bloggers and commenters. One of my favorite daily reads. Great group of Patriots here who are both inspirational and downright hilarious, which keep my spirits up about the country when things seem pretty bleak. Happy Independence Day, all. Posted by: Michael in MI at July 03, 2009 02:18 PM (ObTcs) 154
Today we treated to a report that a Cuban baseball player disappeared from his hotel in the Netherlands to a waiting car.
I betcha he was homesick.... Posted by: torabora at July 03, 2009 02:18 PM (Sou2P) 155
I seriously cannot celebrate the 4th this year. There is nothing TO celebrate.
That's seriously shitty attitude there. There's no virtue in being a cynical wretch. Buck up. Posted by: Iskandar at July 03, 2009 02:19 PM (qk0Ux) Posted by: George Orwell at July 03, 2009 02:21 PM (Sou2P) 157
She's not exactly a nun, not even close.
On the Internet no one knows you are a nun... Posted by: ParanoidGirlInSeattle at July 03, 2009 02:33 PM (AJ4xq) 158
148 The military guys I know aren't violent sociopaths, grunt.Some of them even have college edumacations...and they voted for Obama.Its pretty cool how imaginary people can be anything you want them to be, isn't it? And no one can say you are lying, because they are imaginary! Yay!
Posted by: HiHo at July 03, 2009 02:42 PM (5V/kc) 159
Was out for a bit and returned to see the manycomments…Wow! I stand corrected.. (Doing his best Obama impression) “Well, what I meant was, of course, that …ah, well, you know, um, except for like…um PaleoMedic, Chemjeff, the real joe, eman, Blazer, Herr Morgenholz, t-bird, In Cali, IllTemperedCur, Bat Chain Puller, AngelEm….and all the others who didn’t comment, um, yeah, um, ah…I was right, of course, ya know in that observation... ah, um, ya'know..Where’s Rahm?
Posted by: oneyedman at July 03, 2009 04:33 PM (A2uXF) 160
Happy Fourth, fellow morons. As a non-secular (read rabidly zionist) conservative, I love America, not least because all conservatives have a home and a voice here.
Posted by: BattleofthePyramids at July 03, 2009 07:27 PM (CDZ+H) 161
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