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Schwarzenegger Terminates Economic Girly-Men


Posted by: Ace at 09:41 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Wow. This is the attack. Mocking the One and at the same time talking the virtues of capitalism. Get this on the MSM.

Posted by: locus ceruleus at October 31, 2008 09:44 PM (e2mBS)

2 Thanks Ace. Best bog on the net

I'm serious folks, watch this whole thing and tell me that Obama didn't get flaming-douche-style PWNED by the girly man squasher.

Posted by: watchdog at October 31, 2008 09:46 PM (yCbBv)

3 *bog

BLOG lol

Posted by: watchdog at October 31, 2008 09:46 PM (yCbBv)

4 Drudge Banner:


I guess the 30 min spot didn't work all that well?

Posted by: Sean at October 31, 2008 09:52 PM (vZzYJ)

5 Arnold: Darryl Dawkins

Obama: The backboard

Posted by: BrianBoru at October 31, 2008 09:52 PM (IR2EX)

6 #2, you're right. This is the best blog. Ace and crew have been moving the ball for our team, and rallying us to pitch in. I've contributed money in previous years, but never as much as this year, nor did I ever make GOTV calls until this time around. I wouldn't have done that without the encouragement found here.

Posted by: Jim Digriz at October 31, 2008 09:52 PM (rWzis)

7 Let's go guys. I AM PUMPED!!!

Time to DONATE!

Posted by: Jay at October 31, 2008 09:53 PM (qddqX)

8 Zogby has McCain ahead in today's polling(drudge). This is in reach. Please keep the GOTV effort going. We can win this. We will win this. The only way we lose is if we don't get the people to the polls. I've always said Obama does not have enough new votes to win this thing.

Posted by: David at October 31, 2008 09:54 PM (HAdov)

9 my speakers are on the blitz - what were his best lines? Good ol Arnie - I had the biggest crush on him when he was the Terminator..something about a man with a big gun..

Posted by: IC at October 31, 2008 09:54 PM (P32hP)

10 Classic Arnold:

"John McCain has served this country longer in a POW camp than Obama has in the US Senate"

Posted by: watchdog at October 31, 2008 09:55 PM (yCbBv)

11 DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by: watchdog at October 31, 2008 09:56 PM (yCbBv)

12 What the fuck Ace !! Just when I was about to get with his politics my dog sniffed his ass out at the compond door and we fragged his ass, because he turned out to be, one of those rubber-skinned Franco-Columbo lookin muther-fracker.

Posted by: Barry's Peace Force at October 31, 2008 09:58 PM (+FzLa)

13 That was the headline we needed. Once people see that McCain has a chance, there will be a huge movement toward him.

Posted by: Jim Digriz at October 31, 2008 09:58 PM (rWzis)

14 Jim - I'm on the same page. Seriously, hat tip to this entire ACE crew, I've never blogged or participated before stumbling upon this site. Now I'm calling, donating, and trying to carry the ball for the team. WE CAN CROSS THIS FINISH LINE in the greatest upset in the history of American politics.

IMAGINE the headlines: Outspent by 600 million in worst economy in 100 years, with rampant voter fraud and worst approval president in 100 years, yet JOHN MCCAIN WINS THE ELECTION. The satisfaction would be UNIMAGINABLE. We're fighting for the very IDEA THAT IS AMERICA in this election.

Posted by: watchdog at October 31, 2008 09:58 PM (yCbBv)

15 No to be a knit picker (nit?) but were they just cheering torture and being a prisoner of war? Is that really something to applaud?

Posted by: FloofyParisParamus at October 31, 2008 09:59 PM (Ihk12)


This kicks much ass

Posted by: lauraw at October 31, 2008 09:59 PM (DbybK)

17 "McCain spent more time in a prisoner of war camp than Obama has in the Senate"

"If you were in a POW cell, who would you want with you, Obama or McCain?"

Posted by: locus ceruleus at October 31, 2008 10:00 PM (e2mBS)

18 I called it that there'd be polls showing McCain with a lead before Tuesday. Watch as everyone tries to write this off now.

Posted by: Dave J at October 31, 2008 10:00 PM (qsGH+)

19 nice speech, funny slams to Obama, the Governator rocked it!

Posted by: cnsrvsocal at October 31, 2008 10:01 PM (WTKkk)

20 Let me be the first to say:
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice (about the poll)

Posted by: sithson at October 31, 2008 10:02 PM (K1+tY)

21 watchdog, if I'm reading it right, the zogby refers to the last single day of his 3-day tracking poll, and that McCain won it, 48-47.
The turn of the tide? Galactic Outlier? Psy-op, with the rug pulledout on Monday? Acid Trip? Bingo Balls? Mirage?
Something to be ignored? I think so, until it shows up in a poll more reliable than a Magic 8-ball. If there is such a thing.
What the Fuck, as in What...the... Fuck?!?!?
I'd wish it was Tuesday, but McCain needs the next 3 days to make a final push.

Posted by: Evan3457 at October 31, 2008 10:03 PM (PtbIm)

22 Damn, Hank Jr. must warmed them up somethin' good. THEY ARE PUMPED.

Posted by: Editor at October 31, 2008 10:04 PM (p4YSL)

23 You'll have to bear with me, i'm in the middle of watching it, so I'm Live Commenting.

He brought up leaving Europe. KICK ASS!!!

Posted by: Editor at October 31, 2008 10:05 PM (p4YSL)

24 Id like to see how the kos kidz react to that news: they have the One up still by like 6 points. Which if you add bradley effect = dead even

Posted by: sithson at October 31, 2008 10:07 PM (K1+tY)

25 Did Arnie call him Barry a girly man? Michelle has more balls than Barry....

Posted by: IC at October 31, 2008 10:08 PM (P32hP)

26 bring back Zell Miller!

Posted by: ChangeUCantBelieveIn at October 31, 2008 10:08 PM (BNwRy)

27 Ahnuld is great. Finally talking about Card Check. He is hitting on the themes that should have been hit on all along.This is what we have been needing.

Posted by: oldfart at October 31, 2008 10:09 PM (L8y/X)

28 More from Drudge:

ZOGBY SATURDAY: McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all.

Hating spending Halloween night on the couch sick, but this makes me feel a bit warmer!

Posted by: Sean at October 31, 2008 10:09 PM (vZzYJ)

29 Zogby should be around +5 Obama tomorrow. I think the numbers are +12 O, +5 O, +1 M for the 3 days if my math is correct. Sunday's tracker should show a tie or +1 Obama if these numbers hold. The entire tracker could show a McCain lead by Monday just in time to deflate the inevibility when people start paying attention again.

Posted by: David at October 31, 2008 10:11 PM (HAdov)

30 Sorry, Pew Research poll just came out. Obama is up Infinity+1. And O! just bought the Hibbert Hotel with donations by George Soros laundered by 1,000 Sudanese school childeren

Posted by: Tiny Smeagle at October 31, 2008 10:12 PM (1V2sa)

31 That's the Ahhhhnold we love!

Arnold: Sarah Connor

Obama: You're terminated, fucker!

Posted by: Andy at October 31, 2008 10:12 PM (B+HYX)

32 Damn! Arnold has just redeemed himself in my eyes. He hit a fuckin' home run out there tonight. Awesome, awesome stuff. Time to go spread it around.


Posted by: CB at October 31, 2008 10:12 PM (9Wv2j)

33 So, that Zogby poll is the one Obi-Wan said would scare the shit out of the Obama camp. That being he said a poll showing McCain tied or ahead would scare the Barry camp because it will undercut their suppression strategy.

Posted by: Editor at October 31, 2008 10:13 PM (p4YSL)

34 Obama: 9 year old
Arnold: Electified campaign sign
(Hat tip comment #5)

Posted by: Lee at October 31, 2008 10:13 PM (Xb3DR)

35 I've been contributing money to the National Republican Trust PAC in time for this weekend's mediablitz in the Battleground States. I live in a Red State, so I wouldn't see them at home, but oddly enough I will be in Western Pennsylvania this weekend. -- so I will get to see the very ads I've "invested " in! :>

Posted by: Juliet16 at October 31, 2008 10:14 PM (2xgu5)

36 Obi-won was going to wait till tomorrow to give his update, maybe he knew the momentum shift was bigger than reported. I can't wait to wake up to more good news tomorrow.

Posted by: David at October 31, 2008 10:15 PM (HAdov)

37 Down the road I wonder about doing a night before the election event. With three High powered speakers to pound home the points of the campaign. Sarah, Arnold and then "fight with me" and "stand up and fight." Too bad there is no time to set it up.

Posted by: locus ceruleus at October 31, 2008 10:15 PM (e2mBS)

38 That was a great speech, especially the part about Europe. Prager alway mentions how moronic it is for Dems to espouse European positions when the failure of those positions is plain to see for anyone who looks; to say nothing of the fact that our subsidization of Europe, in RD and in miitary spending, allows Europe to make its moronic, dead-end decisions. Great speech Gov. Arnold.

Posted by: FloofyParisParamus at October 31, 2008 10:16 PM (Ihk12)

39 No - Obi-Wan had already given his update. It's Gerhety who's holding off. I'll bet there'll be an update to the update that hasn't even been updated, yet.

Posted by: Editor at October 31, 2008 10:17 PM (p4YSL)

40 Also, Ace, and company, thank you for this blog. It may be a pathetic commentary on things, but this blog is 100x more valuable than an MSM entity. So much good stuff here; and that it's delivered with outrageously funny humor makes it all the more amazing.

By the way, am I allowed to read this blog while drinking an expensive or even semi-expennsive vodka?

Posted by: FloofyParisParamus at October 31, 2008 10:18 PM (Ihk12)

41 What is it, Floofy? Grey Goose?

Posted by: Editor at October 31, 2008 10:19 PM (p4YSL)

42 Here in CA, Dems always make fun of Arnold but for all of us first generation immigrants, he is something of an icon. He came here hardly speaking any English, with hardly a dime and look at his achievements now. He can do it, we can do it, but only here, in this wonderful country!!!! No where else...I really hope all you native born citizens never take this country for granted.

Posted by: IC at October 31, 2008 10:19 PM (P32hP)

43 "If you were in a POW cell, who would you want with you, Obama or McCain?"
I would want Obama so I wouldn't feel so bad when I betray him foran extra bowl of ricefor dinner.

Posted by: Aaron at October 31, 2008 10:21 PM (dTiq3)

44 The Zogby news has hit the Gretawire bloggers, and energized them. Lets keep it going

Posted by: oldfart at October 31, 2008 10:22 PM (L8y/X)

45 Did Arnold say "drillions and drillions"? LOL
I like it!

Posted by: Carol at October 31, 2008 10:24 PM (5WsBD)

46 43

"If you were in a POW cell, who would you want with you, Obama or McCain?"

I would want Obama so I wouldn't feel so bad when I betray him foran extra bowl of ricefor dinner.

Ah shit, that made me laugh out loud. Way harsh, bro........

Posted by: sears poncho at October 31, 2008 10:25 PM (F0d04)

47 "If you were in a POW cell, who would you want with you, Obama or McCain?"

"I would want Obama so I wouldn't feel so bad when I betray him for an extra bowl of rice for dinner."

You're assuming he hadn't already betrayed you.

Posted by: locus ceruleus at October 31, 2008 10:31 PM (e2mBS)

48 Wow! That was a great speech by Arnold!!! It was perfect..........I wonder what his wife was thinking? Gee , why did they wait so long to get him out there? I'm fired up too,,
Hey, did you see where wussy Obama got cranky with the media while taking Malaria out for tricks? Does he not have a clue what it means to be Pres. of the United States? There is no more privacy...He wont be able to handle this, or the pressure that comes with the job.....Please folks this man can not win.

Posted by: Josey the Hygienist at October 31, 2008 10:34 PM (jvfVt)

49 New Republican meme in there: Financial Betrayal Betrayal is an "action" word in political speech - it stings. They used late so that the Left couldn't whine about being compared to Nazis - so lets see if it gets picked up and reverberated.

Posted by: Jean at October 31, 2008 10:40 PM (HVRSA)

50 the governator terminates obama's empty words
i love it

Posted by: YRM at October 31, 2008 10:54 PM (004wR)

51 Gosh that was a great speech. My hat is off to the Governator for saying what needed to be said. I wonder if he is making any additional introductory appearances before election day.

Posted by: HTL at October 31, 2008 10:58 PM (d6iMX)

52 Actually, just having Arnold come out and get involved shows that the Republicans have internals that show they have a good chance of winning and through his wife, Arnold can verify that the Democrats also see the race as much closer then the MSM would like you to believe.

If the Republicans had crummy internals or their numbers were not validated by the Democrats internals, Arnold would have ridden this one out, or at least not have gone after Obama so hard, after all he needs a good relationship with the White House to run California.

Posted by: Jean at October 31, 2008 11:07 PM (HVRSA)

53 Good God! I'd never seen Arnold give a political speech before; he was incredible. He said all the things I think all the time and wonder why no one ever says them. That was fantastic!

Posted by: Paula at October 31, 2008 11:09 PM (WYypq)

54 "come with me if you want to live"

Posted by: Kaptain Amerika at October 31, 2008 11:26 PM (4Qspj)

55 'oly shit... that was the second best speech of the season (only afterSaracudda's convention speech)

Posted by: MikeC at October 31, 2008 11:43 PM (8nB5X)

56 Y'know, I've been pretty disappointed in Arnie as governor, but he tosses the red meat with the best of them. That was one helluva great speech.

Oh, and you know those "scrawny" remarks got under Obama's thin skin. He just can't take being dissed. Heh.

Posted by: Phineas at October 31, 2008 11:59 PM (xPqjs)

57 They need to join him at the hip with McCain until Tuesday. And make sure he keeps his hands off Sarah, lol!

Posted by: CB at November 01, 2008 12:14 AM (9Wv2j)

58 Awesome, truly awesome! Great work Arnie!!

Posted by: Richard Romano at November 01, 2008 12:27 AM (kycO9)

59 One of my proudest votes FOR a candidate rather than against the other guy was for Arnie as governor of California. I haven't always been pleased with what he's done, but in such a liberal state, he's done more than most could.

This is the guy who makes me wish we could amend the Presidential requirements to allow a naturalized citizen to run. But I shudder to think what other Constitutional provision we might have to compromise on to get it passed.

Posted by: Clint at November 01, 2008 12:30 AM (oZ5OG)

60 For a RINO, Arnold is awesome. Or as he would say: "Fandastic." He just squished Obama there.

Posted by: fiatboomer at November 01, 2008 12:40 AM (QpY7Y)

61 Awesome indeed.

Posted by: Christoph at November 01, 2008 12:44 AM (hawOV)

62 Video must have hurt.

Just clicked on it, at 11:50 PM CST, and got message
"Were sorry, this video is no longer available"


Posted by: Paul Gordon at November 01, 2008 12:52 AM (JU6am)

63 Why is it the best pro-American speakers, the ones who make me wish I lived there before I realize that I do, are people who weren't born here? Mark Steyn, Tim Blair, and now Ahnold!

Posted by: Editor2 at November 01, 2008 12:57 AM (1eMmh)

64 They need to join him at the hip with McCain until Tuesday. And make sure he keeps his hands off Sarah, lol!

Oh, I think Sarah will be able to take care of him herself if he tries!


whadda woman!

Posted by: Peggy38 at November 01, 2008 01:49 AM (ICwbZ)

65 Arnold and Sarah together? Imagine the carnage they can create. The Dems would be both pissing and shitting their pants as they cut a swath of destruction cross the campaign. It's a shame it's too late it the game to do any good.

Posted by: Aaron at November 01, 2008 01:51 AM (dTiq3)

66 This video and speech was awesome! So well articulated contrasting Europe to Obama policies. If Arnold gives this speech in the toss-up states over the next few days, I do believe McCain wins. (Mocking "The One"!! Blaspheme!!)

Posted by: John at November 01, 2008 02:12 AM (hbpWG)

67 For the first time in my adult life I am proud to be a Californian! Thank you Arnold.

Posted by: rick at November 01, 2008 03:02 AM (ePvwP)

68 If you don't want to live in a country that will resemble France/Zimbabwe
then vote to stop Obama.

Posted by: Ron. at November 01, 2008 03:39 AM (zCROH)

69 now if he could just get "Dirty Harry" and the Nuge to go to Pennsylvania with him for a few stops.

Posted by: Robert at November 01, 2008 03:41 AM (eSfJJ)

70 Arnold is a patriot and understands the media. Like America Japan's media is mostly lefty with the occasional critics of the left given a token role. One vile news show host often interviews foreign dignitaries surrounded on stage by average "Japanese citizens" who just all happen to be members of fringe NGOs, loony move-on -code pink-like politic groups, etc... The questions and perspective are brutal. Gore comes over here and eats it up, glories in being amongst friends, is so dumb he probably believes he just heard Japan's true opinion, and bashes the hell out of his country. But Arnold knew exactly what was up and for thirty minutes with the tactic of filibuster ruled the room and the news-caster like no other. Not even the deceptful mistranslations could overcome The Arnold. The host was absolutely beaten and the audience silenced and given things to think about that their sheltered education had never allowed them to hear. I know that as a governor many are critical of Arnold, and rightly so, but on the big questions of freedom and the fight against tyranny, at home and abroad, Arnold is a spokesman par excellence, eespecially when abroad and facing the usual anti-Americanness clowns. Arnold would make a great Secretary of State.

Posted by: ito at November 01, 2008 04:32 AM (VdJEh)

71 You know you're gonna LOSE, right?

Posted by: D^2 at November 01, 2008 04:47 AM (yaCHd)

72 Being a American living in Austria (Arni's homeland) I must put up with Anti-American shit all day. They hate Arnold. He usued to have a soccer stadium named after him in his home town but after he fried that dude they changed the name. He sent the town a nice letter telling them to kiss his ass and returned a ring they gave him. I will enjoy showing this to my friends over here.
BTW Is that Bocefus on stage too??

Posted by: Mr. Austria at November 01, 2008 05:45 AM (4Ueyb)

73 "Were sorry, this video is no longer available"

Please tell me;
Is anyone else getting this message when they try to play the video?

The video is on maybe a dozen sites so far, and that message is what I get wherever I try. In some comment sections, other youtube urls are suggested. They go to youtube pages that are obviously for this video, and the display the same message as above.

The wording of that message makes me naively think the video is being pulled from everywhere it surfaces, as with the Saturday Night Live bailout sketch, but I have yet to find a comment ANYWHERE suggesting other people are having the same problem.

Is it remotely possible that the wrong version of Flash Player
(10.0.2.d26 in my case) could cause that message by passing an incorrect address or something, resulting in not finding it?

I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem.

Any ideas?


Posted by: Paul Gordon at November 01, 2008 07:57 AM (rLjF+)

74 Arnold is pretty much a joke these days in my home state. He tried the whole total recall "caulifornia" and do the other things, but really he just goes around and calls things fantasic all the time. He's like a baby man. By the way he's totally for gay marriage and has stood along side no on 8 supporters, but I know civil issues like gay marriage won't sway the conservative vote, right?

Posted by: Majk at November 01, 2008 08:28 AM (QdB4X)

75 Help. Can someone tell me where to get the video on YouTube? If someone can tell me what it is called (and I mean the full 12 minute version) then I can download it. I see the URL, but it doesn't seem to copy and YouTube is only showing a 4 minute version when I do a search.


Posted by: jcheney at November 01, 2008 08:53 AM (rb8Ui)

76 Arnold does an good job of explaining the difference between raising taxes for economic reasons, as opposed to ideological/sociological reasons.

Posted by: franksalterego at November 01, 2008 09:23 AM (QdFjo)

77 That was nothing short of awesome!

Posted by: Heywood at November 01, 2008 10:12 AM (sFDd7)

78 sorry to post so late morons, but I was THERE when Ahnold gave this speech and he was totally eviscerating the "one". The crowd was totally pumped up, I lost my voice from screaming and a few bones flew out of my hands from the constant clapping.

There was much ball-dipping had by all.

The media (spit) kept looking at the crowd in utter disbelief that so many people could be so bitter-clingy stupid. That only made us cheer more.

Ohio will go to McCain, thanks to Joe the Plumber, Ahnold, Palin who is worshipped as a goddess here, and of course the Amish who always come out of their barns to vote republican. Obama never went there and wore the little black hat or joined in a barnraising. Total misstep, dude.

The t-shirt I had on in honor of Halloween read:



Posted by: krukke1 at November 01, 2008 11:03 AM (pSOzi)

79 Go to youtube, I can see it there with no problems:

Posted by: CB at November 01, 2008 12:21 PM (9Wv2j)

80 CB (#79) said
"Go to youtube, I can see it there with no problems:"

I still get the same "Were sorry, this video is no longer available" message. Have yet to see a comment from anyone else this is happening to.

("Why me? Why me, all the time? :-)

Posted by: Paul Gordon at November 01, 2008 02:37 PM (DgXoo)

81 That's pretty strange, Paul. If you go to Youtube itself and then search Schwarzenegger Columbus, it should be the first one on the list. Title is Schwarzenegger Campaigns for McCain in Columbus. Posted by GOPOhio. Running time 12:41. Five red stars.

Posted by: CB at November 01, 2008 02:42 PM (9Wv2j)

82 Thank you, CB.

When I go to youtube, I get the page you described, the black screen for the video shows up, with the little whirligig running in the middle of it, and the it stops with "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" at the top of the black screen.

A commenter suggested that my security settings could be at fault, by not allowing cookies and so forth.

I couldn't find any settings that were blocking this, and I have no problem with other videos ("McCain at the Alfred Smith Memorial Dinner", and "Obama, No Merci Beacoup" for example), but at least he tried.

Because FireFox 3.03 (which I use) had problems with version 9 of Shockwave Flash, I replaced that version with a beta version 10.0.2 d26, which seems to play almost anything.

I've hit a couple of web pages that load in animation, that asked me to upgrade to the latest version of Flash (by which they meant version 9), but never a problem with youtube videos before.

My best guess at this point, is that this particular video is very sensitive to the version of Flash being used. (But, then, someone else should have run into the problem by now).

As everyone else seems to be just fine with the video, Occam's Razor almost demands that the problem is with me somewhow.

Frustrating; from the description, I would really like to see it.

Thank you, for trying to help.
I really appreciate it.

Posted by: Paul Gordon at November 01, 2008 04:12 PM (DgXoo)

83 Try this site, then dig down till you get to "Video won't play"

I see it does say you need to completely uninstall your older version of flash before installing the new one, as well as some other tips.

Posted by: CB at November 01, 2008 04:32 PM (9Wv2j)

84 Been there and done that on uninstalling and replacing Flash.

youtube support's own page about the message has this...

General Error Messages: We're sorry this video is no longer available.

You may receive this error message if
the video uploader has removed their video, disabled its embed option,
or if the video's been removed for violating our Terms of Use.

Well, Duh!. That's what got me into conspiracy theory/censorship speculations in the first place.

CB: I'm going to keep checking out possibilities, but if you begin to feel that you have a life to attend to, I completely understand.
I'm grateful for the help you given so far.

Going to take a long break now.
Again, Thanks.

Posted by: Paul Gordon at November 01, 2008 04:46 PM (DgXoo)

85 MTS Converter,MKV Converter,MKV Converter,DVD to iPod Converter Mac

Posted by: bvcb at February 05, 2009 12:06 AM (PsxXH)

86 شات دردشة مون لايت
منتدى مون لايت
دليل مواقع سعودي
فيديو يوتيوب رياضي
مقاطع يوتيوب المفضلة - مقاطع اغاني فيديو كليب يوتيوب , فيديو يوتيوب مضحك , يوتيوب رقص , يوتيوب مسلسلات ومقاطع منوعة - احلى يوتيوب
صحف سعوديه
صدى الملاعب
معلومات عامه,عواصم ودول
دليل الادله
شات دردشه كتابيه
شات دردشة صوتيةشات صوتي
العاب فلاش , بنات مكياج باربي
دليل ضوء القمر
دردشة مون لايت , دردشه , شات
منتديات مون لايت
دليل مواقع
توبيكات ملونه
بروكسي , بروكسيات , تحميل برنامج فتح المواقع المحجوبة
دردشة صوتية
شات صوتي
دردشة كتابية
شات كتابي
شات صوتي
دردشة صوتية
بروكسي , بروكسيات
حكم وامثال,امثال وحكم
ماسنجر , مون لايت , الماسنجر , مسن
اكواد الالوان,اكواد الوان
القران الكريم, قران كريم
دليل مون لايت
شات صوتي , دردشة صوتية
شات كتابي,دردشة كتابية
غرائب وعجائب , مون لايت , غرائب وعجايب
منتديات سعودي
دليل سعودي
شات سعوديات
منتدى سعودي
اكواد جافا - كود جافا java
ثقافه جنسيه
روابط نصيه,تبادل نصي
تبادل روابط نصيه,رابط نصي
روابط نصيه,تبادل نصي
تبادل روابط نصيه,رابط نصي
رسائل رومانسية رسائل عشاق رسائل حب رسائل عتاب رسائل هجران
مسجات رسائل اسلاميه , رسايل دينيه
مسجات حب رسائل وغرام رسايل غزل
مسجات شوق رسائل وله رسايل اقراب
مسجات وداع رسائل فراق رسايل غياب
مسجات مدح , رسايل مهايط , مرجله
مسجات الاعياد , رسائل عيد حب , رسايل الاضحى الفطر
مسجات متنوعه
مسجات نكت , مقالب , رسايل ضحك , عبط
مسجات نكت , مقالب , رسايل ضحك , عبط
شات سعودي صوتي كتابي دردشه
منتدى دردشة سعودي

Posted by: مون لايت at March 08, 2009 10:52 PM (BtnM1)

87 منتدى سعودي العام
المنتدى العام
المنتدى السياسي
المنتدى الاسلامي
منتدى الترحيب والتهاني
منتدى مجلس الأعضاء
منتدى سعودي للترفيه والابتسامه
منتدى الأبتسامه والمرح
منتدى الالعاب والمسابقات
منتدى العاب الفيديو والبلاي ستيشن
منتدى سعودي الرياضيه والفنيه
عالم الرياضة السعوديه والعربية و العالمية
منتدى اخبار الفن والفنانين
منتدى عالم السيارات
منتدى سعودي الادبي والشعري
منتدى النثر والخواطر
منتدى الشعر النبطي والفصيح
منتدى القصص والروايات والخيال
منتدى سعودي للاسره السعوديه والمجتمع السعودي
العيادهالطبيه والنفسيه والاجتماعيه
منتدى عالم الطفل والتربيه الأسريه
منتدى الطبخ والأكلات والسعوديه
منتدى عالم المرأة ( حواء )
منتدى الشباب السعودي ( آدم )
منتدى الديكور والاثاث المنزلي
منتدى سعودي للتصميم والبرامج التقنيه
منتدى تصاميم وجرافكس ودروس فوتوشوب والسويش
برامج الماسنجر Messenger Programs
المسجاتوالرسائل SMS " MMS
منتدى عالم الجوال
منتدى سعودي الإداري
منتدى المشرفين والمشرفات
منتدى الاقتراحات والطلبات
منتدى الارشيف و المحفوظات

Posted by: دليل مواقع at March 15, 2009 11:03 PM (XQJiu)

88 دليل مواقع
دليل مواقع
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دليل مواقع
دليل مواقع
دليل مواقع
دليل مواقع

Posted by: دليل مواقع at March 19, 2009 03:37 PM (MbYgV)

89 التاكسي الإسلامي
تاكسي الحوار العام
تاكسي التعارف و الاهداءات و الترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد والتبريكات والتهاني والافراح
تاكسي اقلام الاعضاء وابداعات الكتاب
تاكسي اللغة الانجليزية English و تعليم اللغات
تاكسي معجم لهجات الفاظ مصطلحات عبارات حكم امثال
تاكسي السياحة والسفر
تاكسي الرياضي
تاكسي السيارات
تاكسي السكربتات و الجافا
تاكسي تطوير و صيانة المنتديات vBulletin
تاكسي الهاكات و البلاقن
تاكسي لـلاستايلات
دورة تاكسي الحب للــPhotoshop CS
تاكسي لــ الشعر
تاكسي الـــخواطــر
تاكسي لـــ للقصص و الرويات
تاكسي شباب كول cool - عطور موضة ازياء اكسسوارات ملابس موديلات البسة مستلزمات مواهب صيحات
تاكسي الانـاقــة والازيــاء
تاكسي المكياج والجمال
تاكسي المطبخ الفاخر
تاكسي الصحة والحياة
تاكسي لـــ البرامج
تاكسي التصميم والجرافيكس
تاكسي الفن و الفنانين
تاكسي السينما
جـالـيـري الفـن
تاكسي برامج Nokia programs
ناكسي الثيمات Nokia themes
تاكسي العاب Nokia GAMES
تاكسي الصوتيات
تاكسي Bluetooth
تاكسي MMS SMS
تاكسي عام الصور
تاكسي الصرقعهة و الوناسة
تاكسي لـ الالعاب والمسابقات
مواقع إخباريه
مواقع إسلامية
كمبيوتر وبرامج
إنترنت وشبكات
الأسرة والترفيه
مواقع طبيه
أخرى ومنوعه
•ღ منتــدى حلا بنات الإسلامي ღ•
•ღ منتــدى حلا بنات العــــام ღ•
•ღ منتدي حلا بنات للترحيب والتهاني ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات الحـوار الجـاد ღ•
•ღ منتدى مجلة حلا بنات مشكلة وحل ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للحمية والرياضة ღ•
•ღ استراحة حلا بنات للتسلية والفرفشة ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للجمـال والمكيـاج ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للأناقـة والاأزياء ღ•
•ღ حلا بنات لأطيب المأكولات والمشروبات وأحلى الحلويات ღ•
•ღ منتدى صحـــة حلا بنـــــات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات فن الديكور والتصميم ღ•
•ღ أسرار البنات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات لفساتين الخطوبهღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات لفساتين الزواج ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للأحذية والشنط ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للمجوهرات والعقودღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للأكسسوارات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات هـمـس الـقـوافـي ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات عـــذب الـكـلام ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للقصص والروايات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات التصميم والجرافكسღ•
•ღ منتــدى حلا بنات لبرامــج الكمبيوتر ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للصوتيات والمرئيات ღ•
•ღ منتــدى حلا بنات للتصــوير الضــوئي ღ•
•ღ منتــدى حلا بنات للماسنجر وعالم المحادثهღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات لبرامج الجوال بجميع أنواعه ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات لجميع أنواع مقاطع للجوالات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات للويفات و النغمات لجميع الجوالات ღ•
•ღ منتدى حلا بنات لتقنية الجوال والمعلومات ღ•
•ღ منتدى الألعاب و المسابقات و النكت و الطرائف ღ•
•ღ منتدى إستراحة عضوات حلا بنات ღ•
•ღ منتدى الرياضي ღ•
•ღ منتدى الطرب الخليجي ღ•
•ღ منتدى أخبار الفنانين ღ•
•ღ منتدى صور الفنانينღ•
•ღ منتدى الطرب العربي ღ•
مركز تحميل

Posted by: admin of taxi at May 24, 2009 12:51 AM (BUzqk)

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Posted by: Zenerx at December 04, 2009 12:36 PM (P+wUx)

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