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TURN OF THE SCREW: Andrew Sullivan Calls Barney Frank Out for Complicity in Financial Crisis, Sleeping with Fannie Mae Executive, Playing "Homophobe Card" to Avoid Scrutiny!

Just kidding. He wants to know who Trig's mother is.

Births At Mat-Su Medical Center In April 2008


Here they are listed on the hospital's website. Trig Palin, who was born there, Sarah Palin tells us, on April 18 at 6.30 am, is nowhere to be found. If you can find any public record of Trig Palin's birth anywhere, please let me know. I will gladly publish it as soon as I find it. So far, none exists that I have been able to track down.

The Dish contacted Mat-Su and asked what the criteria are for including the names of the babies born in the hospital.

They said that inclusion on the list is by parental choice and they ask all parents. When asked if it was therefore a fair inference to say that they asked the Palins and the Palins chose not to have their child included on the list, the hospital told us that the Palins' privacy barred them from answering those questions. I asked the McCain-Palin campaign to comment but they refuse to answer my emails.

It's shocking that the Palins somehow got the idea that they should probably not make their records public. I mean, what are the odds of a creepy gay vagina-envy child stalker intruding into their lives?

One in... one, as it turns out.

There's no requirement parents disclose their births, by the way. It's a private choice, not a hospital decision. Other parents make the same decision.

Also note that Sullivan previously asserted the Palins made such sick money (over $200,000 in combined salaries! WOW!) that they could "intimidate a hospital," so I'm not quite sure why they couldn't easily force the hospital to say Sarah Palin is Trig's mother.

Note his offer of proof shifts every day as the facts shift, but his conclusion remains e'er fixed like the North Star. One day they bully the hospital into faking records; the next day they bully them into withholding records.

And finally, note that disgusting picture. Oh, the picture's sweet, but Sullivan uses it to suggest that Levi and Bristol are Trig's pa and ma, despite the fact which is obvious to everyone but Sullivan that Bristol is seven or eight months pregnant and therefore was also pregnant in April, when Trig was born.

I understand that Sullivan is not merely gay but SUPRAGAY, and thus is as familiar with the female reproductive system as he is about... well, any other topic he writes so passionately about, anyway, but a two minute Google search should satisfy him of the fact that Bristol Palin is a human female and not, in fact, a Tribble.

Compare and Contrast: Bristol Palin speaks at least human language and does not emit a trilling purr when her fur is stroked; Bristol Palin is an omnivore, consuming vegetables and meat alike, and does not subsist entirely on "superwheat" space-crop quadrotriticaline

GayPatriotWest wondered why Andrew Sullivan, the Go-To Guy of Gay, the guy who cannot help but pontificate on anything having to do with homosexuality, has completely missed the whole Barney "Fannie Buddy" Frank thing.

By the way, I didn't want to post this. Thanks for the tips; but it's no longer possible to embarrass this brain-damaged gay gossip columnist. Nor, apparently, the gay gossip site and antisemitic conspiracy newsletter and Child Stalking for Dummies publisher he works for.

I had to post it because I got up early (for me) today to get the McCain news, and now I find there's no other stupid news to post. I only finally posted it when I thought of the joke headline and made myself chuckle.

And, in case you care, Sullivan posts the Trig thing again today (the above quoted post is yesterday's). Briefly, though. Just a brief regurgitation. And I do mean regurgitation. So there's no point clicking over there.

Andrew Sullivan Actually Demanded to Know Why Economics Blogger Megan McCardle Was Writing About the Bailout Rather than Trig Palin: Her answer--

Andrew wants to know why I'm more freaked out by the bailout package than by Sarah Palin. [Palin-hating bona fides established.] Andrew may not have heard, but there have been a few interesting developments in the financial markets over the last few weeks. As an economics blogger, I was regretfully forced to forgo full time devotion to the vice presidential race and turn to more trivial matters.

Thanks to Oschisms for that.

This once again proves one of my main takes on Sullivan -- he has a mediocre and trivial mind, inexpert in any area that would normally qualify one as a serious commentator on national affairs, and so is forced to reduce "politics" to this Melrose Place type crap because it's the only thing he's capable of writing about.

And, on top of that, now he's demanding that experts in relevant fields stop writing about their areas of expertise in order to join him on his Changeling Baby Snipe Hunt.

Posted by: Ace at 12:48 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Bold tag out of control.

Posted by: Well Hung Chad at October 09, 2008 12:51 PM (d+kiR)

2 You know what perfectly set me up for this gag?
Alec Baldwin calling out Dems on the financial meltdown.
For just a minute, I believed that Sullivan could have lost enough money to be honestly outraged at Frank.

Posted by: kidney at October 09, 2008 12:54 PM (mPhH9)

3 Andrew has doubled down so many times he's origami now!

Posted by: dfbaskwill at October 09, 2008 12:54 PM (z6fKT)

4 There needs to be a simple retaliation for this; Sarah Palin needs to ask the next journalist who comes within ten feet of her, "Is there any particular reason that you and your fellow media members believe I faked my pregnancy?"

Little shit Andrew wants to claim he's a journalist; let's start holding all journalists responsible for his behavior.

Posted by: North Dallas Thirty at October 09, 2008 12:55 PM (E3Yxq)

5 Where are the test proving Obama's two daughters are his and Michelle's?

Doe Andi hound Obama spokesmen about that on a daily basis?

Posted by: DrewM. at October 09, 2008 12:57 PM (hlYel)

6 I don't know what's worse, Milk. E. Lodes continuing to obsess over his Trig Trutherism or the fact that he is still able to collect a paycheck from The Atlantic Monthly.
Obviously, neither of them have any capacity for embarrasment.

Posted by: thirteen28 at October 09, 2008 12:57 PM (s8N54)

7 Love the title

Posted by: Neo at October 09, 2008 12:57 PM (Yozw9)

8 Does this mean we can start calling hospitals and asking for Andi's medical records. Methinks those might be somewhat more interesting reading...

Posted by: XBradTC at October 09, 2008 12:57 PM (XR95h)

9 Just curious, but has Andrew puzzled out all this Ripley' Belive it Or Not Pregnancy Bristol Palin is supposed to have had here? She was pregnant with Trig when she became pregnant again, gave birth to Trig while the fetus of baby #2 remained in gestation?

Posted by: topsecretk9 at October 09, 2008 12:57 PM (7Z79i)

10 You know, I have to say, I've always wondered what it would be like to be beyond shame. Apparently it's like have your brain run by rabid weasels. Good to know.

Posted by: alexthechick at October 09, 2008 12:58 PM (SHHaV)

11 Dammit, Ace.

You know we only read the headlines.

Posted by: vinman at October 09, 2008 12:58 PM (idc+/)

12 That was cruel ace.

Posted by: David at October 09, 2008 01:01 PM (HAdov)

13 That syphilis can really fuck you up, ya know?

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at October 09, 2008 01:02 PM (5aa4z)

14 Yes, ts9, it can be done. #2 baby has to cling tight on to the afterbirth and avoid being swept out byTrig's umbilical cord as it shoots by, but it can be done.
And all with those stubby little flippers. Amazing, no?

Posted by: spongeworthy at October 09, 2008 01:03 PM (a00go)

15 Andrew Sullivan should just say out loud "I love scat" to anyone because he obviously eats a bunch of shit and then spews that shit onto anyone that reads it.

Posted by: Kaitian at October 09, 2008 01:03 PM (/zEk+)

16 [Foreground: Baby sitting in front of computer.]
[Background: Clown making balloon animals.]
"We were trying to figure out what we were going to do with all this extra coin and I said 'I'm getting a subscription to The Atlantic!'
And, uh, I have to say I seriously underestimated the creepiness factor."
[Pans to clown, who is revealed to be Sullivan in a clown nose, attempting to make balloon versions of Trig.]

Posted by: Steve the Pirate at October 09, 2008 01:04 PM (W54Uh)

17 Jeez, what a dwama queen.

Posted by: Barney Frank at October 09, 2008 01:05 PM (R8+nJ)

18 9:
Andi may not be fully 'up to speed' on how a woman's reproductive system works, but I doubt he believes they can gestate two kids at once.

He probably just assumes that Sarah's daughter is simply not pregnant now! Hasn't he hinted that he believes there will be a fake sad announcement of miscarriage or something?

Fuckin' knave.

Posted by: Rasputin at October 09, 2008 01:06 PM (Z5vhr)

19 She was pregnant with Trig when she became pregnant again, gave birth to Trig while the fetus of baby #2 remained in gestation?

What? It could happen. Those females, those breeders, are very mysterious to Mr. MilkyPowerGlutes. Who can say for 100% sure what really goes on up in there?

Posted by: Speculumation at October 09, 2008 01:06 PM (Vi57P)

20 Apparently, in the middle of a credit crisis, Andrew asked the Atlantic house economics blogger why she wasn't covering Sarah Palin.

Posted by: Oschisms at October 09, 2008 01:06 PM (l+mzU)

21 I demand proof from Andrew Sullivan that Trig was ever even born in the first place. He wants proof of parantage but I want him to first prove birth. Maybe "Trig" is just an elaborate hoax to get Sullivan's panties in a twist. Did he ever think of that? I mean, come on, has Sullivan ever actually seen Trig in person? Has he conducted an exam to prove that "Trig" is actually a person and not some life-like doll?
As long as we're going to be hell bent on proving things that don't really need proving, I'd like Sullivan to start proving some things first. Come on Sully. Prove it. Prove something. Anything.
Yeah...i know...the argument sounds infentile. I'm just trying to speak at your level Sully so you can understand.

Posted by: t.ferg at October 09, 2008 01:09 PM (2YVh7)

22 You know, even if Obama wins, we'll always have this assbag to kick around.
No matter how grim the polls look, I would like to thank you, Andy, for making me smile each and every day with your attempts at coherant and rationalthoughtthat look more like you just bashed your semen encrusted face against the keyboard a couple times and let spell check sort it out for you.
Maybe Palin should release her records, just so Andy canmove onto his Plan B theory that Trig was born in an Umbrella lab and is infused with T-Virus.

Posted by: El Kabong at October 09, 2008 01:10 PM (41KxF)

23 Sully is doing this because he's hot for Todd, right? This is part of his strategy to break up their marriage or something.

Posted by: DrewM. at October 09, 2008 01:10 PM (hlYel)

24 "Compare and Contrast: Bristol Palin speaks at least human language and does not emit a trilling purr when her fur is stroked; "

Do we know this for sure???????

Posted by: MAJHAM at October 09, 2008 01:11 PM (5ap+X)

25 "there's no point clicking over there"

There never is.

Posted by: someone at October 09, 2008 01:11 PM (2z2WN)

26 Apparently, in the middle of a credit crisis, Andrew asked the Atlantic house economics blogger why she wasn't covering Sarah Palin.

Isn't that speshul? Andrew whines like a little baby when any blogger points out his idiocy while the little twat runs around bashing his co-bloggers for not obsessing about Sara Palin's uterus.

Posted by: topsecretk9 at October 09, 2008 01:12 PM (7Z79i)

27 You want crazy. You can't handle crazy.

Posted by: Power Glutes at October 09, 2008 01:12 PM (JQwWt)

28 I wish teh Sarah would let Piper use her mind to set this loathesome asshole on fire.

Posted by: Kensington at October 09, 2008 01:15 PM (kFwRi)

29 I asked the McCain-Palin campaign to comment but they refuse to answer my emails.
No shit. I can't get Jodie Foster to return a voicemail either. Fucking bitch. I bet she's having an alien baby too..................................................BUGS11!!

Posted by: John Hinckley at October 09, 2008 01:16 PM (uw1/g)

30 Andi may not be fully 'up to speed' on how a woman's reproductive
system works, but I doubt he believes they can gestate two kids at

You must be a medicalist.

Posted by: Captain Hate at October 09, 2008 01:17 PM (m2sQh)

31 Ace,
Can we please have the Andrew splodeyhead cartoon?

Posted by: Old Dad at October 09, 2008 01:17 PM (JQwWt)

32 had me there for a second Ace!
Why is this so incredibly personal to Sully?

Posted by: EC at October 09, 2008 01:18 PM (mAhn3)

33 I have never said this about a single living human being, but I really hope that Sullivan is in end-stage AIDS..

Posted by: horrified at October 09, 2008 01:20 PM (iZqUY)

34 16 Steve wins

Posted by: David Ross at October 09, 2008 01:20 PM (GwV+j)

35 LOL! Thanks for the much needed humor! I'm with kidney - bc of Alec Baldwin holding Frank accountable I fell for the headline!
And the tribbles thing! Loove it! Good on ya'!

Posted by: freetofly at October 09, 2008 01:21 PM (N4fTx)

36 34 iZqUY is moby

Posted by: David Ross at October 09, 2008 01:21 PM (GwV+j)

37 "does not emit a trilling purr when her fur is stroked"

I wouldn't bet on that.

Posted by: Christoph at October 09, 2008 01:22 PM (hawOV)

38 What's really creepy about Andy's continuing obsession about Trig Palin is that his guy has the race sown up. Why even bother? There's no need, Obama's going to win. Andy is just obsessed with this for, I'm guessing, deeply personal reasons.

Posted by: Big E at October 09, 2008 01:22 PM (uw1/g)

39 I have always been bemused at the tendency of most people to decry loudly the immorality of activities they themselves indulge in (or used to). Ex-smokers are some of the worst anti-smoking bigots there are, and you have never met a Christian as irritating as the one who used to be a coke-snorting hooker. I suppose it's of a piece with the Left's (purported) hatred of "hypocrisy" long as this hypocrisy is practiced by those to the ideological right of themselves, anyway.

I tend to have fairly liberal views of human sexuality, and also tend to be rather forgiving of behavior that might strike others as rather extreme or even disgusting. As long as two -- or more! -- consenting adults are involved, I don't really care -- whatever floats your canoe down the river, you know? This does not mean that I myself practice these behaviors (alas); it simply means I do not practice judgement on those who do.

Andrew Sullivan is one of the most noxious demagogues because he himself has lived the kind of life that would have embarassed Nero himself (if reports are to be believed), and yet finds it necessary to blow the moral clarion against a mother with a disabled child. Why? Because of the hypocrisy, apparently, although I must have missed the part where Palin was damning the gayfolk to hell for their turd-burgling ways.

But, just as a thought experiment, let's just say that he's right and Trig is actually not Sarah Palin's biological child. Does this sin outweigh Obama's continued relationships with terrorists and racist demagogues? One is an act of love and forgiveness; the other is an act of calculated political brinksmanship and self-aggrandizement. Both are wrong in an absolute moral sense, and yet clearly the second is the more heinous by far.

I think that Sullivan finds the obvious normalcy of Sarah Palin maddening. It is a normalcy he himself has never had (nor cared to have, apparently), and yet seems to resent it in others.

Posted by: Monty at October 09, 2008 01:24 PM (4Pleu)


Posted by: RiteWingFascist at October 09, 2008 01:29 PM (1hSHv)

41 turd-burgling ways.

Now, that's teh funnay.

Posted by: FishFearMe at October 09, 2008 01:31 PM (EygOj)

42 I wonder if Maureen Dowd will join Andi in writing to the McCain/Palin campaign and not getting a response. If she ever gets back from the airport she was left at.

Posted by: Penfold at October 09, 2008 01:32 PM (lF2Kk)

43 Babies born with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21.
The risk of Down syndrome goes up with maternal age.
At age 20, the odds of a Downs syndrome baby are 1 in 1,500.
At age 35, they go up to 1 in 350.
By age 43, the odds are 1 in 50.

Posted by: politicalmuse at October 09, 2008 01:34 PM (kLKnf)

44 "I understand that Sullivan is not merely gay but SUPRAGAY, and thus is as familiar with the female reproductive system as he is about..."

Bacon and Play-Doh, right?

At least you're finally sticking a toe out of that closet, subconsciously or otherwise...

Posted by: hurf at October 09, 2008 01:34 PM (3cpy3)

45 its true.
i eat scat.

Posted by: Andrew Sullivan at October 09, 2008 01:35 PM (kFwRi)

46 The McCain campaign won't answer Andy's e-mails, eh? I smell CONSPIRACY!!

Posted by: mojo at October 09, 2008 01:37 PM (g1cNf)

47 That picture of Trig is adorable, and it's so sweet how Bristol and Levi are ministering to him so tenderly.
How decrepit do you have to be in your soul to use such a lovely image for such a loathesome purpose?

Posted by: Kensington at October 09, 2008 01:37 PM (kFwRi)

48 Kensington, Funny.

Posted by: mare at October 09, 2008 01:37 PM (X1fsj)

49 Just picture that feverish moron sitting there clutching the telephone in one swampy palm and thinking "OMG!1! I'm going to get the scoop!"
Thank God that sweet little boy will probably never understand how he's being abused.
Fuck you, Andrew.

Posted by: Kensington at October 09, 2008 01:39 PM (kFwRi)

50 Andrew Sullivan is gay? Weird. He always struck me as a cunning linguist...

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at October 09, 2008 01:39 PM (4ZOxD)

51 I have moved beyond being angry at Sullivan because he's just so far off the deep end.
I am angry at the Atlantic and Drudge for enabling him. Since he has lost the ability to make judgements, someone else needs to.

Posted by: MamaAJ at October 09, 2008 01:40 PM (X6Zdh)

52 If you can find any public record of Trig Palin's Barack Hussein Obama's birth anywhere,
please let me know. I will gladly publish it as soon as I find it. So
far, none exists that I have been able to track down.

I'm just just helping the mentally ill.

Posted by: McGuyver at October 09, 2008 01:40 PM (KlcnD)

Hasn't this pathetic excuse for a journalist heard of HIPAA? Of course the hospital can't release that information without the Palins consent! That's the fucking law! And exactly why should the Palins indulge Sullivan's perverted curiosity?

Sorry to rant, but this horseshit makes me absolutely furious.

That is a beautiful photo of little Trig with his sister. But there is nothing so beautiful that the likes of Andrew Sullivan cannot drag them into the mud.

Posted by: Brown Line at October 09, 2008 01:41 PM (VrNoa)


Posted by: Never forget at October 09, 2008 01:43 PM (AQj/2)

55 I opted to not have my son's birth appear in the newspaper and that was 20 some years ago. It was a particularly difficult birth and I didn't want to be annoyed with someone who I knew 10 yrs earlier call me on the phone to congratulate me while I was recovering. Everyone who mattered already knew he was born.
A governor would get thousands of unwanted calls. Who needs that?

Posted by: linda at October 09, 2008 01:43 PM (5Cjf6)

56 Does anyone know Andi's email address? I'd like to write him and ask him to provide medical proof that he doesn't have Aids Dementia Complex and that his obsession is his idea of jou8rnalism and not an artifact of ADC.

Posted by: Quilly Mammoth at October 09, 2008 01:43 PM (TbX8B)

57 "Hasn't this pathetic excuse for a journalist human being heard of HIPAA?"
Sorry, just had to clarify.

Posted by: Kensington at October 09, 2008 01:44 PM (kFwRi)

58 What's funny to me is that, while he's so concerned about Trig's birth records, he is apparently 100% comfortable with the fact that his own candidate has spent months trying to stall a federal lawsuit trying to ascertain the circumstances of his own birth. And hey, what about his Columbia records and the matter of where his tuition money came from at all those high-priced schools. At most businesses in the United States, the factual information Obama has provided would not qualify him for even the lowliest job.

Posted by: CB at October 09, 2008 01:45 PM (9Wv2j)

59 Just picture that feverish moron sitting there clutching the telephone in one swampy palm and thinking "OMG!1! I'm going to get the scoop!"
He wants to be Kaus with the Edwards story. "Then everyone will see!!"

Posted by: MamaAJ at October 09, 2008 01:45 PM (X6Zdh)

60 You can not expect someone of limited mental capacity to respond in a logical manner. Mr. Sullivan lost his mind a very long time ago, and to expect him to be able to breathe,move, and have coherent thoughts all at the same time is quite beyond his limited mind.

Posted by: Magic at October 09, 2008 01:46 PM (8X9tr)


He deserves a sucker punch.

Posted by: Sen. Rev. Dr. E Buzz at October 09, 2008 01:47 PM (sf4Oe)

62 Bacon and Play-Doh, right?

Ha. I cannot believe some libs are still on that one.

Posted by: Slublog at October 09, 2008 01:47 PM (R8+nJ)

63 "How decrepit do you have to be in your soul to use such a lovely image for such a loathesome purpose? -Kensington

As decrepit as anyone who's looking for love in a man's hairy ass.

Posted by: Randy at October 09, 2008 01:49 PM (XFyLb)

64 Were I on the McCain campaign and Sullivan called asking for info, I'd tell him to put a plastic bag over his head and hold his breath and I'll get right back to you.

See, I didn't call him a pansy assed, butt-fucking faggot and plead with him to end his misery with a bullet to the head.


Posted by: GarandFan at October 09, 2008 01:50 PM (eJ32B)

65 October 9, 2008
From the Desk of John S. McCain [a version with real balls who exists only in my mind]
Re: Trig Palin
Dear Mrs. Andrew"Lunatic Fringe" Sullivan:
This letter will confirm that my campaign has, in fact, received all 2,715 of your recent e-mails attempting to extract private information regarding the parentage and birth of Trig Palin. We thank you for your many inquiries into this subject of utterly vital importance to the future of the Republic. Please be advised, however, that no information will be provided to you in any form until you provide all of the following to Karl Rove:
1. A complete list of all diseases and/or medical conditions you have ever contracted, from whatever source.
2. A complete, currentset of medical records for each of the diseases and/or medical conditions listed in response to number 1, above.
3. A complete list of all medications taken for each of the diseases and/or medical conditions listed in response to number 1, above.
4. Absolute proof, in writing (or video, if you must) that you have never engaged, at any time in yourlife,in sexual contact, whether homosexual or heterosexual (okay, I jest on that one), with any human being under the age of 18, whether male or female (again, I do jest re: the female thing - HA!).
Please feel free to omit any reference when responding to the above to your well-known propensity for fucking your beagles and other stray animals of various species. Some things, as you should know by now, are simply beyond the pale of inquiry despite our common knowledge of your depravity.
Once complete and inarguable proof of all of the above is provided to Mr. Rove, and he reports to me that you are not, in fact, a pedophile, I will requestMr. and Mrs. Palin to release the documentation you seek regarding Trig Palin. Until then, however, please just fuck right off and die.
Thank you again for your interest in Trig Palin.
Cordially yours in maverick sensibility,
I'm John S. McCain[and if I didn't think you'd enjoy it, I'd strangle you by shoving my mailed fist up your ass and grabbing your windpipe from the inside of your worthless carcass] and I approve of this message.

Posted by: Sharkman at October 09, 2008 01:51 PM (UioS4)

66 Please, please don't say Andrew Sullivan is the go-to guy for gay. Even back before he lost his mind and was still writing graceful and occasionally intelligent stuff, he was a self-important tosser and an utter slave to the state of his emotions. I had dinner with him once back in his pre-insanity days (no, it wasn't a date) and couldn't believe what an arrogant fool he was. Now he's lost the prose style and the intelligence and the occasional glimpse into, what is that thing called?, reality; all that's left is the emotion and the self-importance. Yes, I know you didn't really mean he's the go-to guy for gay, but the very thought of it creeps me out, especially this close to Halloween.

Posted by: Stealth Gay Conservative Academic at October 09, 2008 01:51 PM (pnYJr)

67 "He wants to be Kaus with the Edwards story. "Then everyone will see!!""
But let's play Twilight Zone for a second and give Andrew the benefit of the doubt for a second. Just for the sake of discussion, let's say he's right.
So what? How would this hurt Sarah?
It wouldn't, and that'sa fundamental difference between this and Silky Pony's affairs.
The stupidgit doesn't even understand that.

Posted by: Kensington at October 09, 2008 01:52 PM (kFwRi)

68 Why is this so incredibly personal to Sully?
Because to merely drop it would mean that the World's Greatest Gay Fake-Conservative Blogger was wrong in his support ("just asking questions") for a disproven, absurd conspiracy theory.
So he doubled down, because no way could the author of the Most Read Single Writer Blog Ever be so wrong and petty. It's nearly impossible to prove a negative; he can imply that something isn't right about the circumstances of Trig's birth without actually stating what it is, he only need blame the supposed lack of disclosure for hiding The Truth. You can't prove there isn't something damaging, therefore you can't prove him wrong.
This is standard Troofer tactics- the lack of evidence for a conspiracy is evidence of a coverup and thus evidence of a conspiracy. They "just ask questions" until one goes unanswered, and use that lack of answer to further suggest a coverup without providing any evidence of their own.

Posted by: Hollowpoint at October 09, 2008 01:53 PM (rf03a)

69 Sarah Palin will release Trig's birth records, if Sullivan adds a comment section to his blog. Deal?

Posted by: Damian P. at October 09, 2008 01:54 PM (ugvll)

70 Andi has just marginalized himself with his incessant rantings about poor Trig. The only ones whoare giving him any attention these days are us. (Although I never actually click to read his articles, I just comment on the Ace articles)

Posted by: HawaiiLwyr at October 09, 2008 01:54 PM (Mt4OE)

71 Please, please don't say Andrew Sullivan is the go-to guy for gay.

I'm sure that Ace was being satirical. Everyone knows that Ace himself has been the "go-to guy for gay" for...well, forever. I have it on good authority that when he filled out his census form, he listed "Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love" under "Profession". He also carried on quite a dalliance with Dame Elton John back in the day.

Posted by: Monty at October 09, 2008 01:55 PM (4Pleu)

72 bugs bugs bugs bugs heartache bugs bugs bugs

Posted by: Andrew Sullivan at October 09, 2008 01:55 PM (kFwRi)


This is the real headline. I never knew he was homosexual.

Posted by: Never forget at October 09, 2008 01:56 PM (AQj/2)

74 I wish teh Sarah would let Piper use her mind to set this loathesome asshole on fire.

But, but, but... that would make him a flaming asshole!!
Seriously- I just can't get worked up over Excitable Milky Glutes anymore. Everyone else has moved on, the McCain campaign has finally begun to show Hussein for who he really is, and by now it should be painfully obvious to the most casual observer- like me- that Andi is running on ass-fumes. I just don't care if Trig was adopted from some third-wold shithole and given a color change a-la Michael Jackson. Ooh- I may want to be careful with that- don't want to give 'em any ideas.

Posted by: Bill H at October 09, 2008 01:57 PM (q8CmE)

75 Earlier posts about this guy struck me as a little bit mean. I used to read Andi all the time in the run up to the Iraq war, back before the toxoplasmosis really got to him. But in all seriousness, this guy has lost his damn mind.

Posted by: Alex at October 09, 2008 01:58 PM (Tr7vq)

76 How would this hurt Sarah?
It's not just that it was a bizarre idea in the first place.
It's not just that it is disproven by the current pregnancy.
It's not just that he's ignoring HIPAA and thinking the hospital should give him information they CAN'T.
There's just so many things wrong with the whole picture.
Countdown to when he uses the word "Rovian" to describe someone telling him to stop...

Posted by: MamaAJ at October 09, 2008 02:01 PM (X6Zdh)

77 OT sorry but Todd Palin has beautiful blue eyes.

Posted by: I am sure Andrew noticed at October 09, 2008 02:03 PM (Cjir0)

78 The whole gestation thing is lost on a gay man like Sullivan. Trying to explain female biology and the reproductive system to him is like trying to explain color to a blind man.

His hostility toward women, and fertility, is palpable.

Posted by: Amphipolis at October 09, 2008 02:05 PM (GqewV)

79 Technically, the tribble analogy fails unless Trig is pregnant with the Bristol/Levi baby, but maybe that's Andy's next theory.

Posted by: The Raving Atheist at October 09, 2008 02:06 PM (VKn7o)

80 I feel like Andy is missing the real story: Sarah Palin adopted the baby of Track Palin, then sent him off to war. I'm not sure who the mother is-- could be Willow Palin.

Posted by: MayBee at October 09, 2008 02:07 PM (lAE3K)

81 I want to see Andi's mom's medical records regarding his supposed "birth."

Because I am positive that shit does not come from a woman's vagina.

Posted by: wiserbud at October 09, 2008 02:09 PM (/dufV)

82 He has to use that picture to prove that Levi is the real father of Trig. Otherwise Levi may look like a loving man that isn't being forced by politicians to marry his girlfriend.

Posted by: MayBee at October 09, 2008 02:09 PM (lAE3K)

83 April 18 at 6.30 am
The great San Francisco earthquake was early in the morning on April 18th. Claiming Trig's birth was on the anniversary of this date is an obvious reference to the upheaval in the Palin family. It's Rovian, just Rovian.

Posted by: MamaAndi at October 09, 2008 02:12 PM (X6Zdh)

84 I love that picture with Bristol and what's-his-face with Trig. People who see ugly things in that picture have no clue what family is like. None. And that's a shame.

Sully is delusional.

Even if his little theory were true, it wouldn't hurt Palin.

Posted by: AngelEm at October 09, 2008 02:21 PM (EyKhI)

85 Seriously, the pic of the "f'n redneck" teenager tenderly kissing his little brother in law is heartwarming.

Posted by: Robin at October 09, 2008 02:45 PM (FDsck)

86 Hey, give Andrew a break, he's had a tough day.

Posted by: Veeshir at October 09, 2008 03:51 PM (ThMnZ)

87 There are two things tribbles can't stand-Klingons and Andy Sullivan.

Posted by: Jack Bauer's Evil Brother at October 09, 2008 04:01 PM (AUpCk)

88 a two minute Google search should satisfy him of the fact that Bristol Palin is a human female and not, in fact, a Tribble.

Oh, I dunno; I thought I found one between my girlfriend's legs the other day. I much prefer when she shaves it, if she insists on having one...

Posted by: Tom at October 09, 2008 04:11 PM (YglJ/)

89 "they refuse to answer my emails." That is fucking classic. As a side note, my exgirlfriend from high school is not answering my calls either. She changed her voice mailbox code and told me to stop peeping in her windows too. What the fuck? There are questions she needs to answer.

Posted by: SalvucciFumbles at October 09, 2008 04:14 PM (iY8C/)

90 I must have missed the part where Palin was damning the gayfolk to hell for their turd-burgling ways.

Sorry, I needed to see that again... *snork*

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at October 09, 2008 05:43 PM (1hM1d)


Yes, and? I'm straight, but I'll admit that I'm frightened and confused by the v-jay-jay. Mostly because I tend to lose my mind when I get some. It's a damn, dirty Jedi mind trick I tells ya!

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at October 09, 2008 05:55 PM (1hM1d)

92 I'm a 55 year old gay man. Unlike Andrew Sullivan, I'm not a pestilent catamite.

Posted by: Brooks at October 09, 2008 11:44 PM (0hiNf)

93 Ace,
At this point, the only reason I care to read these Sulivan-related posts is some perverted Schedenfraude. I can see the guy in Vegas or (more likely) Atlantic City, just knowing that if he keeps at it, his big payoff is coming. After all, he's been at it so long, at some point his luck has to change, right?! Andi made a smallish bet early on, lost, and then has since refused to believe that he can lose. It's somewhat fascinating to watch someoneplace all the marbles on one game and let it ride - he is literally finished once this ride ends, so he's got to keep anteing up more just to keep the game afloat.
Frankly, I once saw Andi on Maher's show (several years back) and he made some great defenses of the Catholic church with regard to the overall positive influence the church has in opposition to its current scandals. Seeing him (Sullivan) disgrace himself in this manner is not pleasent, but it is fascinating.

Posted by: moleman1976 at October 10, 2008 01:52 AM (Z8Jiq)

94 "turd burgling".... snark

Ace, tell us how you REALLY feel.

Posted by: torabora at October 10, 2008 09:50 PM (6wVev)

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