aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | LAT Blog: "How Did Newsweek Get Palin to Pose with a Rifle?"They answer correctly at first... How did Newsweek convince Gov. Sarah Palin to pose with a rifle for its cover? Simple. It didn't.But then it goes it very wrong. Instead, it used an archive (fancy speak for old) stock photo of her taken back in June 2002 and used it for the cover without her knowledge. However, to the magazine's credit, it did not try to hide the fact that it's a stock photo, even printing circa 2002 on the cover and again referencing the date in editor Jon Meacham's letter entitled "The Palin Problem." So that makes it OK. Right? Or maybe not? What do you think? Hey, is that even the right way to hold a rifle? Can't you shoot your foot off like that?The LAT. Pure fuckin' genius. Here's Palin with her rifle. ![]() The way she is pointing that loaded Machine Gun proves she is racist. Posted by: Journalism Student | October 08, 2008 at 06:30 PM Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)Posted by: Christoph at October 08, 2008 08:39 PM (hawOV) 2
Is "Ace Queen" your new gf's codename?
Posted by: someone at October 08, 2008 08:39 PM (2z2WN) 3
Posted by: Jones/CO at October 08, 2008 08:40 PM (KOkrW) 4
Other than these dipshits not knowing a shotgun from a rifle, what's the problem with Newsweek using an old photo of Sarah on the cover? They aren't lying and saying it was recent? What's the big deal?
Posted by: XBradTC at October 08, 2008 08:40 PM (DB7np) 5
Looks like one of them long range assault sniper shotguns to me.
Posted by: Purple Avenger at October 08, 2008 08:42 PM (Xl9pj) 6
That's no rifle! Barrack the Genius will tell you that's a semi-automatic assault weapon.
Posted by: Reiver at October 08, 2008 08:42 PM (lcnlv) 7
I guess to Newsweek, a woman who loves her country and her family and knows guns and loves the outdoors and doesn't murder her children in the womb MUST seem like an alien species needing study.
What a bunch of pantywaist stool pushers THAT editorial board must be. Posted by: Jones/CO at October 08, 2008 08:42 PM (KOkrW) 8
Newsweek was trying to say to all the gunbanning Safety Nazis "Look! Look! Scary woman with a gun! Your kid could get hold of that gun!"
That's just how they think. They don't realize that most American men, and some women, will take one look at that picture and head for their bunk. Posted by: Jim62sch at October 08, 2008 08:43 PM (ubHgw) 9
damn she is smoking hot.
Posted by: ppp at October 08, 2008 08:44 PM (zzms8) 10
Umm, it's breech, not breach. If you were to breach that breech, you'd have a serious problem, tho.
Posted by: irongrampa at October 08, 2008 08:44 PM (ud5dN) 11
They do not realize nor care that 60% of the nation laughs at them.
Posted by: Beto Ochoa at October 08, 2008 08:46 PM (F1b/5) 12
Nothing wrong with holding a shotgun that way. 'Course those freakin' retards in LA wouldn't know much about that.
And just WHAT IS WRONG with being photographed holding a rifle or shotgun? Guess they'd prefer a cover with some guy handling his personal equipment. They could relate to that. Pissants. Posted by: GarandFan at October 08, 2008 08:46 PM (eJ32B) 13
"Can I get me a hunting rifle here?"
what a bunch of fucking boobs. But if Palin can't identify the sorbet fork (yes, sarc) then THE REPUBLIC WILL CEASE TO EXIST Posted by: moronizer at October 08, 2008 08:47 PM (p1s9n) 14
What a Babe !!!
Posted by: aubrey at October 08, 2008 08:47 PM (joS+d) 15
And it appears to be breeched in the photo. Pretty safe, I'd say.
Posted by: toby928 at October 08, 2008 08:47 PM (PD1tk) 16
The NRA is the only hope for winning this election
Posted by: liontooth at October 08, 2008 08:49 PM (n3pxb) 17
They can have an opinion, Redfox, but as REPORTERS they should, you know, maybe try to find out the FACTS on topics of which they speak.
Or were you being sarcastic? (PS - I hate the various forms of teh chickenhawk argument, too) Posted by: moronizer at October 08, 2008 08:49 PM (p1s9n) 18
Ace wrote, "Thanks to Ace Queen from Free Republic. The link to Free Republic is bad. You left out the 'L', you naughty boy. Free Re-Pubic indeed. Posted by: Looking Glass at October 08, 2008 08:49 PM (7qIIr) 19
I would bet the rent money that when Sarah met her Secret Service detail, she asked to see one of their weapons - then dropped the mag, racked the slide and caught the round in the air, checked the balance, trigger pull, and sights, then reloaded and charged it before handing it back.
Hell, she probably gives shooting tips to her bodyguards. Posted by: Jim62sch at October 08, 2008 08:50 PM (ubHgw) 20
Joe Biden could have enlightened the LAT. How sad is that?
Posted by: mrobvious at October 08, 2008 08:50 PM (eIYnS) Posted by: Ryan Frank at October 08, 2008 08:51 PM (tPQKj) 22
That is such a boner-inducing photo. Still more real men voting for McCain is the result.
Posted by: TRO at October 08, 2008 08:54 PM (q4WFG) 23
"Can't you shoot your foot off like that?"
Christ, these people must put corks on the pointy ends of their butterknives. Of course you can't shoot your foot off like that...the firing pin is on the other half of the shotgun with, I don't know, the goddamn trigger. That's the over-under, break-open, breech-loading 12 gauge sort of rifle. And that's why I keep comin' back here, Ace. Posted by: Vercingetorix at October 08, 2008 08:54 PM (QaVQ6) 24
Hey, I just noticed the headline at the top of the cover. Sarah Palin is associated with cancer! So this is where David Brooks got his "Sarah Palin=cancer" epiphany. (Or maybe it was from TanningBedGate.)
Posted by: Jim62sch at October 08, 2008 08:54 PM (ubHgw) 25
Good thing she wasn't holdinga Gauss gun (old Traveller fan here). A meson gun might be just the ticket. Somebody give her a longbow (Am I banned? Again?).
Posted by: Crimso at October 08, 2008 08:55 PM (W6iJh) 26
umm i thinnk she looks fine, she looks tough. obama and biden better watch out, she is way tougher than they are and she looks good in heels. maybe they are jealous because she is more man than they are and more woman than theirs wives are.
Posted by: luva the scissors at October 08, 2008 08:55 PM (Ko0Aj) 27
It would be "Palinology" if they were inventing a new word.
By "Palintology" with a T, they are insinuating the word "paleontology"; that Palin and her supporters are dinosaurs. Stay classy, Newsweek! Posted by: David Ross at October 08, 2008 08:55 PM (39a/b) 28
"A meson gun might be just the ticket."
And, yeah, I know. Those are only available in spinal mounts... Posted by: Crimso at October 08, 2008 08:57 PM (W6iJh) 29
Sarah Palin is associated with cancer!
I bet they regret not saving that subliminal for a McCain cover Posted by: toby928 at October 08, 2008 08:57 PM (PD1tk) 30
Shooters are oftenasked to carry their shotguns "over unders or side by side" (this looks like a shotgun (over under with an adjustable stock since it is often hard to fit women) over the shoulderwith the barrelsdown for safety reasons. Good female shooters are hard to find in the shotgun sports, although they are increasing in numbers. God bless Mrs Palin.. And fuck Newsweek, and double fuck that little limp wrist turd Tom " I married a billionaires so I could be like the rest of my self worthless colleagues and fly in private jets for free" Friedman The fear of Palin is huge among these eunuchs..
Posted by: mytralman at October 08, 2008 08:59 PM (0mKiN) 31
Yes, that is a correct way to hold a shotgun. The standard "safe directions" are pointed up and pointed down, and no, she does not have it pointed at her foot. She also has the action open, a second rule for safe gun handling, especially on the range. Idle trap and skeet competitors will generally hold their shotguns with the actions open, rendering their guns unable to fire. Palin still keeps her shotgun pointed in a safe direction because the rules of gun safety are meant to be redundant. To accidentally shoot someone, you would have to break ALL the rules.
Posted by: Alec Rawls at October 08, 2008 08:59 PM (z6jSz) 32
#21 Jim62sch wrote, "I would bet the rent money that when Sarah met her Secret Service detail, she asked to see one of their weapons - then dropped the mag, racked the slide and caught the round in the air, checked the balance, trigger pull, and sights, then reloaded and charged it before handing it back. Hell, she probably gives shooting tips to her bodyguards." From /donsurber/2008/09/05/out-awesomed /#comment-183213 wherein David L. wrote, "Sarah Palin has been assigned to protect a 15-person Secret Service detail." Posted by: Looking Glass at October 08, 2008 09:00 PM (7qIIr) 33
Shit! Dave Brooks gets advanced copies of Newsweek. And it's subliminal retard-influence has gotten in his brain.
Hence the "Palin is cancer" crack Posted by: moronizer at October 08, 2008 09:01 PM (p1s9n) 34
When it comes to gun control, I do not trust anyone who believes that banning a bayonet lug - an item used to attach a knife to a firearm (because clearly this will be absolutely necessary in a firefight) - as vital to reducing crime.
Posted by: Guy in Utah at October 08, 2008 09:01 PM (V3WTz) 35
hotter then a victoria-secret catalog to me!
oh yeah, the boring part,safety...let me think...breech open, no finger on trigger, and barrel pointed in a safe direction...yeah, probably safe... Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:01 PM (aKu9I) 36
Oh i get it- shes an idiot and we're going to mock her
WHeres the "Obam-ology" issue- mocking his dumber than a box of fucking rocks worldview of "give everyone free shit and everything will be cool"? Posted by: TMF at October 08, 2008 09:02 PM (/YM8H) 37
What's Newsweek?
I think I remember reading an article about it during my American History (post 1865) class in college, but I could never work up much of an interest in early 20th century journalism. Posted by: AD at October 08, 2008 09:07 PM (WHVgl) 38
Harper's Bazaar did use to have cool editorial cartoons, though . . .
Posted by: AD at October 08, 2008 09:07 PM (WHVgl) 39
If memory serves , Todd Palin said secret service outdoor enthusiasts are really looking forward to the Palin detail.
Hell, that would be sweet duty . Hunting and fishing on the govt. dime in Alaska. Posted by: aubrey at October 08, 2008 09:07 PM (joS+d) 40
"Guess they'd prefer a cover with some guy handling his personal equipment. They could relate to that.
" Na, they would prefer to have a cover with a man handling another mans equipment. Posted by: Farmer at October 08, 2008 09:08 PM (pttWT) 41
Don't you mean "phased plasma rifle"?
Posted by: someone at October 08, 2008 09:08 PM (2z2WN) 42
Elizabeth Snead, the brilliant author of that piece at the LAT blog, has so far not approved any comments. What do you think the chances are she'll display any comments (probably 99% of the comments made by now) that show up her idiocy?
Posted by: Jim62sch at October 08, 2008 09:09 PM (ubHgw) 43
I want a poster sized reprint. minus the copy
Posted by: Jones/CO at October 08, 2008 09:10 PM (KOkrW) 44
If memory serves , Todd Palin said secret service outdoor enthusiasts are really looking forward to the Palin detail.
In his interview with Greta, he was saying they're trying to figure out how to guard him when he's running the Iron Dog Race. Posted by: Jim62sch at October 08, 2008 09:11 PM (ubHgw) 45
So, ah, Sarah... I hear your sister is single?
Posted by: turtle at October 08, 2008 09:11 PM (ZiZaA) 46
What is the logo on her shirt?
Posted by: Jones/CO at October 08, 2008 09:11 PM (KOkrW) 47
Not only is it a smoothbore look at the high comb of the stock. That is a high grade sporting shotgun, likely set up specifically for either trap or skeet (most likely trap.) Those arethe most highbrow types of shooting sport there areand that is probably the last type of firearm that the gun banners would come for (their owners tending to be the wealthy and otherwise politically connected.)
Your typical NRA member may never own a gun specifically like that, butaren't going to be put off by the association and some others, who might otherwise sneer at a pump duck gun or - heaven forfend - a semi auto sporter, are not going to be bothered by that firearm. Maybe by the hoi polloi cradling it, but not by the shotgun. Posted by: Lord Humongous at October 08, 2008 09:11 PM (IAju+) 48
TMF on "Obam-ology" -"give everyone free shit and everything will be cool"
Isn't that McCain's platform? Posted by: David Ross at October 08, 2008 09:12 PM (39a/b) 49
I was saying to myself, What are you talking about, Ace? I know nothing about guns - I live in a big city in Australia. I've never owned a gun. I pretty much never even see guns. And even I know that's a shotgun, not a rifle.
Which turned out to be rather the point. There is no fact so simple, obvious, and widely known that the mainstream media cannot misreport it. Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 08, 2008 09:14 PM (+J3Nt) 50
The Controversy thats being overlooked is that Newsweek is saying Sarah stole bidens shotgun, now Obama doesn't have anyone to cover his back while fighting cancer.
Change. Posted by: Wickedpinto at October 08, 2008 09:15 PM (ul7te) 51
i don't think she'll get any accidental discharges from the shotgun...however...that might not be the case for all entities (me) concerned...
btw, i think she is a totally awesome conservative politician, despite her looks - however good they might be, with views very close to mine - Sarah in '12!!! hey, "the hunt for red october" is on TV right now...Fred Thompson just said his line about the "russians not taking a dump without a plan"...totally awesome...! Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:15 PM (aKu9I) 52
Just what ya see, pal.
Posted by: Gun Store Clerk at October 08, 2008 09:15 PM (0+Ggj) 53
McCain and Palin are on HC right now... Time Warner's HD feed is artefacting -- conspiracy!
Posted by: someone at October 08, 2008 09:17 PM (2z2WN) 54
Looking forward to the Palin detail? Hell, those agents would probably slaughter a stadium full of puppies and kittens in order to get that detail.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at October 08, 2008 09:17 PM (wjZW+) 55
Ace, you are on fire this evening. The carpet bombing is awesome,now I'm ready for the bunker buster.
Posted by: Countrysquire at October 08, 2008 09:19 PM (k1JfE) 56
Hannity goes to commercial just as McCain starts talking about FMFM!?
Posted by: someone at October 08, 2008 09:19 PM (2z2WN) 57
Meh. You want to see authentic, take a walk down Union Street in Wilmington with me some time. On the weekends I carry my Beretta just like that when I'm walking from Katie's Restaurant down to the Home Depot.
Posted by: Lunchbucket Joe Biden (D-Scranton) at October 08, 2008 09:19 PM (iIvIk) 58
Is that her grampa's shotgun or something?
Go with the pump, pull the plug, get a few shells in it. Okay... my bad, it took me a second, Sarah is a far better shot than I am. Bunk. Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 09:23 PM (8/0ME) 59
while my beretta 92fs is pretty, i'll take my glock 40sw anytime...consistent trigger pull and more force behind each, very good accuracy and a long life...
Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:24 PM (aKu9I) Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 09:25 PM (8/0ME) 61
Elizabeth Snead, the brilliant author of that piece at the LAT blog,
has so far not approved any comments. What do you think the chances are she'll display any comments (probably 99% of the comments made by now) that show up her idiocy? Pretty slim; I was looking for the comments because I figured that there has to be enough real people even in Lost Angeles to ridicule that snotty gash. Posted by: Captain Hate at October 08, 2008 09:27 PM (m2sQh) 62
hannity is on right now...
i really respect mccain though i don't like all of his positions...not sure i could have endured what he did - but, he did...a big tip of my hat, sir, indeed... sarah is awesome - says the right thing in the right way at the right time...Sarah - POTUS in '12!! and, is it just me, or is alan columbs just a street hooker from another planet? i mean, he looks like he's an alien and he just attaches himself to hannity's popularity to turn a buck...? Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:30 PM (aKu9I) 63
They have comments up. You have to log in to see them, on typekey, or typepad. I saw one from warden, and there are a bunch more. They're all good.
Posted by: stace at October 08, 2008 09:38 PM (JO0c/) 64
watching mccain and palin on hannity...the body language suggests, to this un-educated observer, that they might actually LIKE each other in a good team...just my observation, however...
Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:38 PM (aKu9I) 65
Looks like an assault shotgun to me!
Posted by: Hrothgar at October 08, 2008 09:40 PM (07JBa) 66
Palintology: The Advanced Study of Sarah Palin and How She Sees the World:
WTF? Do they think Mrs. Palin is some exotic species from some strange and far-off land? Do these ass clowns know how much crap like that makes them look like out-of-touch, clueless dolts? 'Swounds, they're pathetic. Posted by: OregonMuse at October 08, 2008 09:40 PM (iXNy9) Posted by: Dead Career Sketch at October 08, 2008 09:40 PM (5hxyn) 68
#50 Lord Humongous--I think I heard one of her girlfriends say in an interview that they used to hang out at the gun club a lot, and shoot and chat. I have the impression that she's big into skeet and trap.
Posted by: stace at October 08, 2008 09:44 PM (JO0c/) 69
assume all guns are loaded.
don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're going to shoot. don't point the gun at anything you don't intent on shooting. seems to me, she got it covered...and then some... Posted by: ewillers at October 08, 2008 09:47 PM (aKu9I) 70
Dang if that rifle didn't go off! It shot the LA Times right in the foot!
Posted by: Mike O at October 08, 2008 09:57 PM (NxNzk) 71
Added note on gun safety:
Take your nephews and nieces to the range. Your sister will hate it but the kids start realizing how much soccer sucks pretty quickly. Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 09:59 PM (8/0ME) 72
Looking Glass @ 35: That got me laughing like an idiot. (Usually I'm quiet like an idiot, so nice one.)
Posted by: VRWC Agent at October 08, 2008 10:03 PM (o2slJ) 73
Never touch the metal on a firearm, not even Caribu Barbi, hot as she is.
Posted by: Joe Corlett at October 08, 2008 10:06 PM (cD0II) 74
Yes, that is a correct way to hold a shotgun.
Wrong, wrong, mutherfuckin' wrong! The correct way is to point it AT the LA Times photographer. . . . . . (I know, its a stock pic. The joke works better my way.) Posted by: adamthemad at October 08, 2008 10:10 PM (aVVGO) 75
Isn't that the way John Kerry was carrying his gun while he was coming out of the woods for the photo op... after someone shot a goose for him?
Posted by: johnd01 at October 08, 2008 10:12 PM (Jc6sH) 76
Interesting cover. I might read this one if I end up getting sick within a 3-6 month range and have to wait to see a doctor...
Do people actually read those things anytime within 3 months of when they're printed; or outside a hospital waiting room? I can't imagine it. Heck, waiting doing nothing is only slightly more boring than reading that drivel. Do they have a warehouse where they store them for the 3 months before they show up in doctor's offices? Posted by: Gekkobear at October 08, 2008 10:12 PM (W92gQ) 77
That cover rocks. I don't think NEWSWEEK realized it woould "back fire." BTW, Meacham is smarmy, terrible speaker and an awful writer.
Posted by: Jenn at October 08, 2008 10:13 PM (pGK5p) 78
These dingbats can't tell a breach-loaded chain gun with a reticulated ball turret and a Hydra-Flow Transmission from their left cha-cha!
Posted by: Ron at October 08, 2008 10:16 PM (QFIRj) 79
Hey, is that even the right way to hold a rifle? Can't you shoot your foot off like that?
Goddam right it's the right way to hold a shotgun. Unloaded andbroken. Christ, what assholes occupy Newsweek. Posted by: drjohn at October 08, 2008 10:16 PM (ToVRf) Posted by: drjohn at October 08, 2008 10:18 PM (ToVRf) 81
She's holding a gun? I was distracted by the twelve gauges in her shirt - BLAM!
Posted by: adolfo_velasquez at October 08, 2008 10:22 PM (n1+nj) 82
That's so hot!!! I love chicks with guns!
Posted by: JimK at October 08, 2008 10:24 PM (qIiKV) 83
Now, if they could only get her posing with a Barret half of us morons wouldn't leave our bunks before Christmast.
Posted by: Warthog at October 08, 2008 10:24 PM (0Rw+n) 84
Guess they'd prefer a cover with some guy handling his personal equipment. They could relate to that.
OK it makes sense that no oneat the LAT went thru basic trainingbut didn't anyonetheresee Full Metal Jacket? "This is my rifle and this is my gun. This (*) is for fighting and this (**) is for fun. *military rifle (M-14 or M-16) **I don't think I need totell AOS morons what thisis Posted by: adk46er at October 08, 2008 10:26 PM (V7bGS) 85
Is that the breech to nowhere?
Posted by: andycanuck at October 08, 2008 10:27 PM (Mhm4L) 86
Commenter rrpjr at Dirty Harry's Place has a sure-fire plan to win the election. /?p=4902#comment-53900 Palin should take a page from Will Rogers. Every day she should pull out an LA Times, WaPo, Time magazine, etc., hold it up, and say, “Gosh, look what these fellas said today about me”… or “about John McCain…” or “you’d never guess how many newspapers decided not to print yesterday’s news about [fill-in-the-blank] or “Say, do these guys get together every morning on a conference call and agree on what to write and what not to write…” or…”how is that all these newspapers can spin a story the same old way every day.” Just hold up the paper while she ruminates on the story. She could do the same thing with the broadcast media. This way she could discuss the actual story, that is, her and McCain’s take on it, and simultaneously jab the media for bias — all in an offhanded way. The media would hate her even more. The people would love her even more. No end of fresh material every day. No lose." Why is it guaranteed? The Democrats and the MSM have lost their sense of humor. It's the Reagan Way. When asked about his advanced age in a Presidential debate Ronald Reagan promised "I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.". Even his opponent Mondale laughed. Posted by: Looking Glass at October 08, 2008 10:34 PM (7qIIr) 87
BTW, is the Newsweek blogger a breachloader like Andrew Sullivan?
Posted by: andycanuck at October 08, 2008 10:35 PM (Mhm4L) 88
I'd love a shotgun up my fat troll ass.
Posted by: nlcatter at October 08, 2008 10:38 PM (EzwbQ) 89
Oddly enough, if she was a dude, the shotgun was a bullwhip, and she was holding it by jamming it up her ass, the Left would be totally cool with it....
Hell, they'd subsidize it. Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at October 08, 2008 10:41 PM (Tz2XN) Posted by: Al at October 08, 2008 10:41 PM (Lk931) 91
nlcatter, that's the point. With a shotgun in her hands, she doesn't have to worry about demented little fucks like you.
Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 10:43 PM (8/0ME) 92
duck, nl. Otherwise you're just Cheney's lawyer. Posted by: Dave in Texas at October 08, 2008 10:44 PM (eiOZw) 93
As an avid hunter with layers of Bible clinging buds that verified it, that's definitely a replica Russ Stanton first edition editorial red pencil with the eraser missing.
Posted by: Dusty at October 08, 2008 10:45 PM (Mlw0p) Posted by: Dave in Texas at October 08, 2008 10:46 PM (eiOZw) 95
ha, great comments over there.
Posted by: Mark at October 08, 2008 10:54 PM (05Yv7) 96
Something that liberals will never understand about women and guns:
Women, with guns, not victims. Women, without guns, less upper body strength. My daughter, she's learning how to shoot. (and will attend Harvard on an academic/sports scholarship) Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 10:54 PM (8/0ME) 97
Now, if they could only get her posing with a Barret half of us morons wouldn't leave our bunks before Christmast.
I'll wager the reason there isn't is they want us morons out and voting #cough# appropriately#cough# on Nov 4. BTW, is the Newsweek blogger a breachloader like Andrew Sullivan? Um, it seems to me that Excitable Andi is more like a bazooka- you can load it from the rear, and the flashback tends to come from there, too. Posted by: Bill H at October 08, 2008 10:55 PM (q8CmE) 98
This cover reminds me of my favorite poem:
Lucy had a pussy, Like a javalina hog. Broke her like a shotgun, Fucked her like a dog. I don't recall any of the other lines. Sorry. Posted by: pendejo grande at October 08, 2008 10:56 PM (qN0f5) Posted by: cheshirecat at October 08, 2008 11:01 PM (lhDtH) 100
That's a 12 GAUGE, as in shotgun, as in smooth bore, and since it breaks open at the breech, it is perfectly appropriate to carry ot over the shoulder, as long as you're off the firing line or away from the sporting clays or the quarry.
People on the right need to know their guns and not be ignorant. Leave that to the Left, where ignorance belongs... Posted by: johnjacobjingleheimersmith and wesson at October 08, 2008 11:09 PM (13wCR) 101
People on the right need to know their guns and not be ignorant. Leave that to the Left, where ignorance belongs...
Reread. Not much rifle/shotgun confusion in these parts. We're making fun of the "oh my god, that's a bazooka!11!111" mindset here. Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 11:14 PM (8/0ME) 102
Posted by: bobcat at October 08, 2008 11:14 PM (EzwbQ) 103
is a moron
Posted by: aceofspades at October 08, 2008 11:16 PM (EzwbQ) 104
That picture means one thing, Extra security for Obama.
Posted by: ricky at October 08, 2008 11:18 PM (muUqs) 105
Posted by: bobcat at October 08, 2008 11:14 PM (EzwbQ) You realize that's illegal right?Can we get an IP address on this one, please? Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 11:18 PM (8/0ME) 106
Counter/108 - I agree. What sport? My daughter is trying for fencing scholarships.
Posted by: Brickle at October 08, 2008 11:20 PM (BHGHK) 107
NRA wants self defense
perhaps someone thinks defending future president Mccain is to take care of Palin before she kills mccain Posted by: johnc at October 08, 2008 11:22 PM (EzwbQ) 108
I love watching a bunch of morons post msgs back and forth
instead of working the streets for votes for JohnMccain ! Posted by: youall at October 08, 2008 11:25 PM (EzwbQ) 109
so she will build split rail or cedar?
Posted by: youall at October 08, 2008 11:26 PM (EzwbQ) 110
Yeah, I'm not kidding, please notice comment #107, it's a crime. Record the IP address.
Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 11:26 PM (8/0ME) 111
Is there a full moon? A lot of morons out here tonight!
Thank you Newsweak for firing up the base again after that snoozer of a debate last night. Go, Sarah! Posted by: Elroy Jetson at October 08, 2008 11:28 PM (Zf5K/) 112
when Putin sees that he will head to his bunk and emerge looking for his weiner. Then he'll discover it is hanging off Sarah's belt like a scalp.
Posted by: krukke1 at October 08, 2008 11:28 PM (pSOzi) 113 43200 IN PTR 43200 IN NS 43200 IN NS 43200 IN NS 59504 IN A 59504 IN A 59504 IN A OrgName: Qwest Communications Corporation OrgID: QCC-22 Address: 1801 California Street City: Denver StateProv: CO PostalCode: 80202 Country: US NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: QWEST-INET-124 NetHandle: NET-75-160-0-0-1 Parent: NET-75-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Allocation NameServer: AUTHNS1.MPLS.QWEST.NET NameServer: AUTHNS2.DNVR.QWEST.NET NameServer: AUTHNS3.STTL.QWEST.NET Comment: RegDate: 2006-10-24 Updated: 2007-04-30 RAbuseHandle: QIA2-ARIN RAbuseName: Qwest Abuse RAbusePhone: +1-877-886-6515 RAbuseEmail: RNOCHandle: QIN-ARIN RNOCName: Qwest IP NOC RNOCPhone: +1-877-886-6515 RNOCEmail: RTechHandle: QIA-ARIN RTechName: Qwest IP Admin RTechPhone: +1-877-886-6515 RTechEmail: OrgAbuseHandle: QIA2-ARIN OrgAbuseName: Qwest Abuse OrgAbusePhone: +1-877-886-6515 OrgAbuseEmail: OrgNOCHandle: QIN-ARIN OrgNOCName: Qwest IP NOC OrgNOCPhone: +1-877-886-6515 OrgNOCEmail: OrgTechHandle: QIA-ARIN OrgTechName: Qwest IP Admin OrgTechPhone: +1-877-886-6515 OrgTechEmail: Posted by: cheshirecat at October 08, 2008 11:31 PM (lhDtH) Posted by: ChangeUCantBelieveIn at October 08, 2008 11:33 PM (bW4Qp) 115
she's about to shoot Cheney's buddy in the face with that longbow...
Posted by: typical fucking moonbat, AOS edition at October 08, 2008 11:35 PM (uOvAE) 116
Good catch. That is a 50 caliber automatic street-sweeper cop-killer assault weapon. Not only could she have blown her foot off, she could've killed every human within a 1000 yard radius. Which she would've probably enjoyed, since she loves to kill things. She is terrifying, and I have nightmares about her every night.
Hold me. comment by stace Is that "our" stace? Cuz that was freaking hilarious too. Posted by: pajama momma at October 08, 2008 11:36 PM (f3xJa) 117
ewwwwwwwww, Cuffy said longbow! I totally heard it. Longbow
Loooongboooooooow Longboooooooow Looooooooooongbow Posted by: pajama momma at October 08, 2008 11:37 PM (f3xJa) 118
Ace, I banned this little fucker person of interest to the Secret Service from my blog a couple of weeks ago. Let me know if you want to compare notes on the IP nlcatter was using over there.
Posted by: Cuffy Meigs at October 08, 2008 11:38 PM (uOvAE) 119
Palin: Head for business, Bod for sin, Eye for killin. Yum.
Posted by: Smug at October 08, 2008 11:46 PM (baPuN) 120
How can you tell it's a 12 gauge? Just by looking at the barrel? Not that I'm implying that you can't tell from a distance but I certainly don't know how. Personally I have a 20 gauge because it's lighter and yetwill mysteriously kill someone breaking into my house just as dead as a gun that shoots bigger pellets will. (People often forget that the number of pelletsit takes to weight apound is where the guage number comes from). I've never showe it to anyone and had them say "Oh! That's a cute 20 gauge you have there. Don't feel bad. Hey, at least it's not a .410 caliber!" I freely admitthat I'm a bit of a pussy with long guns.
I have a blued .357 revolver (Taurus makes it)that holds 8 shots and has a ported four inch barrel. Ported barrel unfortunately means it's not much good for use at night because the flash willruin your night vision.Typically I shoot .38 withI though, because the bang is less noisy and it "powders" me a bit less at the gun range. If I want to scare someone who knows nothing about revolvers I mention that it's "double action". That obviously means it can shoot two bullets at once or maybe it combines them into one bullet that is twice as big. Or it could be that the 2nd action is an electrical charge or metal eating acid that is released from the bullets when they hit. Maybe it means that it accepts shape changing cop killer teflon super bullets that candefeat kevlarbody armor (like most rifle rounds routinely do).Or maybe it just means that the revolver cocks its own hammer so it can be fired from the hammer down position with a single trigger pull (it behaves like anysemi-automatic pistol).Nah. That last one is boring. Posted by: Emery Calame at October 08, 2008 11:46 PM (ZKXZX) 121
I see no problem, except possibly that the MSM is clueless about the gun.
Brava. She looks like any of a number of Italian babes that I've seen. And no, she is in no danger of shooting herself -- the breech is open, as it should be. Posted by: Pink Pig at October 08, 2008 11:49 PM (/mceF) 122
Seems like you pathtetc morons have no lives
except talking about Cheney Posted by: instapundit at October 08, 2008 11:53 PM (vPufF) 123
Comment #112, eight minutes later, shows he had time to think about it and still repeated his threat/incitement.
Posted by: counter at October 08, 2008 11:54 PM (8/0ME) 124
Re: Cheshire Cat (I doubt that Lewis Carroll would approve)
So the Nazis are out in full force, are they? I expect that I could track you down and do to you as you propose to do to others, but for the moment I'll give you a break. Just withdraw your threat. Immediately. Posted by: Pink Pig at October 08, 2008 11:57 PM (/mceF) 125
pajama momma, yes, that was me. thanks.
Posted by: stace at October 08, 2008 11:58 PM (JO0c/) 126
#107.........sleep tight.
Over and under. Probably a 12 ga. Proper way to carry a break too. I bet she uses it to hunt wolverines with her uncle in Alaska! Posted by: Talon at October 09, 2008 12:01 AM (GK2Kx) 127
nlcatter left little droppings all over this post: It's an Ayers fan. Posted by: stace at October 09, 2008 12:04 AM (JO0c/) 128
I just bought my first shotgun. Nothing special, just a Remington 870 Express 18" barrel 12 gauge.
Bought some slugs, gameshot and buckshot for the bug-out bag. Never know when you'll run into a brown bear. Slug to the face should discourage most maulings. Posted by: Rasputin at October 09, 2008 12:10 AM (tunH+) 129
I'm betting that LAT blogger has never even handled a firearm. If they don't understand why it is safe, then go take a course. Back in '04 there was a pic of Kerry demonstrating some seriously unsafe shit. I don't recall one complaint from the media.
Notice there haven't been any pictures of Obama or Biden with a gun? Posted by: POTL at October 09, 2008 12:11 AM (mD4t/) 130
I know next to nothing about firearms, but I tell you...were I a man, I'd find that photograph mighty attractive.
Posted by: Bob's Kid at October 09, 2008 12:18 AM (nZ38S) 131
"WTF? Do they think Mrs. Palin is some exotic species from some strange and far-off land? "
uhm, yeah. Posted by: Faye Kinnitt at October 09, 2008 12:28 AM (l1oyw) 132
nlcatter = astroturf FAIL
Posted by: Faye Kinnitt at October 09, 2008 12:30 AM (l1oyw) 133
If the Secret Service guys compete to be assigned to Palin, do you suppose the guys who piss somebody off get assigned to Biden?
'Cause I'm pretty sure that having to follow that blowhard around 7/24 would be a living hell. Posted by: Dead Career Sketch at October 09, 2008 12:37 AM (5hxyn) 134
ewillers, did you use to work for a railroad? Ditto on the Victoria's Secret.
Didn't any of you morons notice that she carries a shotgun the same way Charlton Heston (cue Randolph Scott choir from Blazing Saddles) carried his? That settles the issue, as far as I'm concerned. New England Firearms makes a single-shot rifle in the break-open configuration, just saying. But I don't think that's what the Governor has there. Posted by: comatus at October 09, 2008 12:50 AM (87KdJ) 135
Lol @ the comments section of the original article in the LAT. Just about every comment is calling the author of the article a retard for not knowing the difference between a riffle and a shotgun.
Posted by: Matt at October 09, 2008 12:55 AM (+EW+C) 136
If I want to scare someone who knows nothing about revolvers I mention that it's "double action". That obviously means it can shoot two bullets at once or [...]
And it makes me laugh, Emery,when I see in contemporary-setting TV shows and movies when the bad guy (or good guy) cocks the revolver for dramatic effect as if it was a, what?, pre-1880 single action pieceand says something like, "Don't make me do it, man, I'll shoot if I have to...." BTW, isn't it dangerous to wear a seal on your shirt in Alaska? Posted by: andycanuck at October 09, 2008 12:57 AM (Mhm4L) 137
That *rifle* is as likely to be fired as an incompetent bureaucrat or a corrupt community organizer.
Posted by: Clemente at October 09, 2008 12:59 AM (KbJGW) 138
RE #107: I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to say "HOPE SOMEONE OFFSher". Had he said "I'M GOING TO OFF her", that would be a different story. Should he be cock-punched and then tea-bagged? Sure. But I don't think it's illegal. Posted by: thebronze at October 09, 2008 01:05 AM (YlH3h) 139
You know how liberals will react especialy the whinny aniaml rights activists becuase those people are so far out id stupidville they are plain igorant they have never been to alaska and never lived there they spend too much time living in their big city surroundings watching TV all day and the only few real animals they see are at the zoo they are idiots
Posted by: Spurwing Plover at October 09, 2008 01:12 AM (dx9Sj) 140
@143 andycanuck And it makes me laugh, Emery,when I see in contemporary-setting TV shows and movies when the bad guy (or good guy) cocks the revolver for dramatic effect as if it was a, what?, pre-1880 single action pieceand says something like, "Don't make me do it, man, I'll shoot if I have to...." That and nobody in the movies carries in Condition 1. Damn near every time you see a 1911 aimed, the hammer is still down. Posted by: POTL at October 09, 2008 01:13 AM (mD4t/) 141
Great photo. Time gets it right and actually prints a real photo.
Now how about a real photo of Barry H. Obama's wife assisting him into his skirt? Posted by: Roberto at October 09, 2008 01:30 AM (cZZSQ) 142
Brickle, sorry, I missed your question during the whole part where the leftie psycho started tossing around threats.
My daugther is 6. I was joking about the academic/sports scholarship to Harvard. Posted by: counter at October 09, 2008 01:34 AM (8/0ME) 143
Thebronze, as it was specific encouragement of violence towards a public official, I think I disagree.
Not really a free speech issue. See fighting words or yelling fire in a movie theater. Regardless, the Secret Service likes to keep a file on these types. Posted by: counter at October 09, 2008 01:39 AM (8/0ME) Posted by: counter at October 09, 2008 01:44 AM (8/0ME) 145
Counter, not even close to the same thing as the things you mentioned. I'm not defending that guy, I'm just saying that he didn't make a threat and he didn't incite anyone to commit murder. No a) threat and b) present capability. Vastly different than fighting words or yelling fire in a theater. Posted by: thebronze at October 09, 2008 01:46 AM (YlH3h) 146
Not talking about a threat (where I said otherwise, it was colloquial speech). Talking about incitement to violence. Hence capability doesn't matter either.
The specificity is relevant. "Hope someone offs those right wingers" is generic and lacking. Singling out a public figure, specific. Incitement has a lower threshold and it was met, I think. Posted by: counter at October 09, 2008 01:51 AM (8/0ME) Posted by: thebronze at October 09, 2008 02:39 AM (YlH3h) 148
I'm horrible with scatterguns, but it does look like an over-under. Are we sure it isn't a goose gun (10-ga)? One has to remember that Sarah is really tiny--about five feet tall. So the sense of scale is hard to determine.
I don't have my magnifying glass, but it could be one of the charitable wildlife organizations. (It isn't Ducks Unlimited; I know that one in my sleep; don't think it's Wild Turkey Federation, either.) Posted by: Attila Girl at October 09, 2008 03:41 AM (TpmQk) 149
I'm horrible with scatterguns, but it does look like an over-under. Are we sure it isn't a goose gun (10-ga)? One has to remember that Sarah is really tiny--about five feet tall. So the sense of scale is hard to determine.
I don't have my magnifying glass, but it could be one of the charitable wildlife organizations. (It isn't Ducks Unlimited; I know that one in my sleep; don't think it's Wild Turkey Federation, either.) Posted by: Attila Girl at October 09, 2008 03:41 AM (TpmQk) 150
I downloaded the photo, blew it up, and looked closely. It is an over-under. Yes, isn't it wonderful that these same idiots try to determine gun policy.
Posted by: Vic at October 09, 2008 05:17 AM (b1ysY) 151
I'm pretty sure that logo is a patch from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
I've seen it a few times. Posted by: Jack Frost at October 09, 2008 05:21 AM (YOZ/b) 152
" pilgrim you caused a lot of trouble this morning, might have got somebody killed... and somebody oughta belt you in the mouth. But I won't, I won't..." Heh.
Posted by: Broadsword at October 09, 2008 06:12 AM (cNZ/d) 153
The Fox Morning crew discussed this photo but they couldnt come up with what is wrong with it. I guess the NYC pundit crowd isnt very informed on guns either.
Posted by: Vic at October 09, 2008 07:00 AM (b1ysY) 154
Just what ya see, pal.
Posted by: Gun Store Clerk at October 08, 2008 09:15 PM What? no phased plasma rifle? no railguns? no BFG? what the hell kind of gun store are you running here? is your name Joe Biden?? Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at October 09, 2008 09:13 AM (1hM1d) 155
"Sarah is really tiny--about five feet tall." That must make it really hurt when she kicks your ass.
Posted by: joints at October 09, 2008 10:10 AM (pNR9t) 156
Point being, she's even shorter than I am, but her level of experience with powerful longarms is, obviously, extensive. As a moose hunter, she's obviously going to be best-known for rifle work, but she's clearly fine with a smoothbore as well. Remember those pictures of her as a little girl with some upland birds? So we know she was shooting 20-gauges when she was 10 years old or so.
(Though keep in mind that some people do, in fact, hunt deer with shotguns, just as some people hunt turkey with rifles. But "deer" as large as moose and caribou? No.) To some degree, the weight of the gun helps enormously with perceived recoil, though: I happen to shoot .45 1911s quite well, despite the fact that they don't really fit my hands. (I don't shoot 'em off-hand, though: I only do that with my own sidearms. Strictly Weaver on those .45 ACPs.) So I'm sure that her stance and strength compensates to some degree. But her achievements as a shootist are all the more remarkable because she doesn't have the weight of a lot of hunters, and that would make a difference if she didn't have her level of skill and experience. That's just physics. Posted by: Attila Girl at October 09, 2008 01:11 PM (TpmQk) 157
thebronze, went to sleep before your comment. Don't know if you'll check back here to see if I responded but this morning I cracked open some dusty old books and... you're right and I was wrong.
Posted by: counter at October 09, 2008 02:22 PM (8/0ME) Posted by: thebronze at October 09, 2008 02:37 PM (YlH3h) 159
And sorry to late post to the thread, but LOL, one of the end scenes of the new U.S.-version of Life on Mars that premiered tonight has the bad guy holding a snub-nosed revolver and dramatically cocking the hammer while threatening the cop who had been chasing him.
8^) Posted by: andycanuck at October 10, 2008 12:32 AM (Mhm4L) 160
Machine guns for everyone!!! Palin's HOT!
The MSM is so ignorant, it's amazing. Actually, it's not amazing at all. Posted by: DJK at October 10, 2008 05:02 PM (0CTho) Posted by: DJK at October 10, 2008 05:03 PM (0CTho) 162
Atilla Girl, the ass kicking wasn't aimed at you. I just hadn't realized that she was tiny, and was thinking that when she kicks The One's ass, that's going to leave an even bigger mark.
Posted by: Joints at October 11, 2008 11:39 AM (2a3WJ) 163
By the way, nice gun. I think I want that poster.
Palintology: The advanced study of Sarah Palin and how she sees the world. Great. Now how about an article on Obamology: The advanced study of Barack Obama and how he sees the worl? They should start with Ayers. Never mind what Ayers did in the past (not that it's not important) but look at the education reform Ayers and Obama are pushing. The radicalization of our kids. Radical church for 20 years. ACORN pushing "Reform Now" (that's the "RN" in ACORN). Community Organizer? That's the "CO" in ACORN. No kidding, it really is. But you'd think he'd helped organize soup kitchens and lemonade stands through the soft focus of the vague term "Community Organizer". ACORN ... hey, weren't they involved in pushing for lax lending standards that helped lead to the mortgage meltdown that led to this financial crisis? Isn't this the group being investigated for voter fraud in 11 states? Didn't Obama used to train these people and work as counsel for them? He's the one who wanted us to volunteer to lose the war in Iraq, too. Yes, let's do some advanced study of Obama's world outlook, shall we? Posted by: philmon at October 15, 2008 05:03 PM (Xa1kO) 164
bestThis might matter for Webb; as far as the others, the only way it will matter is if we make a big deal out of it. We're going to be called mean-spirited obstructionists if we do it after she's nominated just like we'll be called mean-spirited obstructionists before she's nominated. The only difference is, after the pick, in order to rescind her Obama would have to admit his supreme omniscient judgment was wrong--or he could just go ahead with her and feed to the media that we're a bunch of dirtbags for attacking her and run with that. Which do you think he'd rather do and which do you think the media would go along with?salecheapforsalesitemapsMerrell ShoesSkechers Shape Upsair o-swiss humidifierair o-swiss humidifier 7135air o-swiss 7133air o-swiss 7135air o swiss ultrasonicair o swiss 32838ultrasonic humidifierbissell carpet cleanersbissell vacuum cleanersbissell steam cleanerbissell steam mopbissell proheatbissell proheat 2xbissell partsbissell 9400bissell 9500bissell 9200bissell 2080bissell 1867bissell 1719bissell 1425bbissell 1770bissell 14007bissell 14005bissell 1200bbissell spot botbissell upright vacuumbissell 82h1bissell 3920bissell 16n5bissell 5770bissell 3990bissell 89q9bissell 3950bissell 20q9black decker vacuumblack decker phv1800black decker psv1800black decker partsblack decker dustbusterblack decker toaster ovenblack decker ironbounty paper towelsbrita pitcherbrita water filterdirt devil vacuumdirt devil broomdirt devil filtersdirt devil konedirt devil 082700dyson vacuum cleanersdyson dc07dyson 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Posted by: rosetta stone language at June 05, 2010 12:58 AM (YxJSE) 171
Serdecznie zapraszam do obejrzenia poniszych stron internetowych, mam nadzieje ze kazdy znajdzie cos dla siebie. Polecam w szczegolnosci <a href=""><strong>forum o Ukrainie</strong></a> gdzie mozna znale pomoc w trudnych sprawach, zapraszam na <a href=""><strong>najlepsz kawe w Warszawie</strong></a>, przy lekturze <a href=""><strong>pisma mionikow historii</strong></a> mona wrci do lat, ktre znamy z ksiek, mona te przysi i odpocz na <a href=""><strong>warsztatach ludowych</strong></a> w ciekawym miejscu BezOgrdek, pojecha na <a href=""><strong>wycieczk zagraniczn</strong></a> gdziekolwiek, wypi dobre <a href=""><strong>wino z Ukrainy</strong></a>, a jesli ktos lubi to posmakowac <a href=""><strong>ekskluzywne alkohole</strong></a>. To wszystko na dzi, dziekuje.
You are cordially invited to visit the following websites, I hope that everyone will find something for everyone. I recommend in particular, the <a href=""><strong>Forum of Ukraine</strong></a>, where you can find help in difficult cases, I invite you to the <a href=""><strong>best coffee in Warsaw</strong></a>, while reading a magazine <a href=""><strong>history enthusiasts</strong></a> can go back to the years that we know from books, or you can sit and relax in the <a href=""><strong>workshops of folk</strong></a> in an interesting place BezOgrdek, go on a <a href=""><strong>trip abroad</strong></a> somewhere, drink good <a href=""><strong>wine from Ukraine</strong></a>, and if someone likes a taste of <a href=""><strong>luxury spirits</strong></a>. That's all for today, thank you. Vous etes cordialement invits a visiter les sites Web suivants, j'espere que tout le monde va trouver quelque chose pour tout le monde. Je recommande en particulier, le <a href=""><strong>Forum de l'Ukraine</strong></a>, ou vous pouvez trouver de l'aide dans les cas difficiles, je vous invite a le meilleur <a href=""><strong>caf a Varsovie</strong></a>, tandis que la lecture d'un amateurs <a href=""><strong>d'histoire magazine</strong></a> pouvez revenir aux annes que nous savons des livres, ou vous pouvez vous asseoir et vous dtendre dans <a href=""><strong>les ateliers de folk dans</strong></a> un endroit intressant BezOgrdek, rendez-vous <a href=""><strong>sur un voyage</strong></a> a l'tranger quelque part, boire du <a href=""><strong>vin a bonne en provenance d'Ukraine</strong></a>, et si quelqu'un aime le gout de <a href=""><strong>spiritueux de luxe</strong></a>. C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, je vous remercie. Posted by: travel senior at July 20, 2010 04:35 AM (w5EPU) Posted by: join at August 03, 2010 04:24 AM (+IDFM) 173
[url=] dota[/url]
Posted by: join at August 03, 2010 04:25 AM (+IDFM) Posted by: Ferly Juliansyah at April 14, 2011 05:13 AM (iTWw3) 175
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