aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Obama Calls Jon Gruber "Some Advisor"He also claims, in the video below, to have just heard about this Gruber business from the newspapers. Another claim he makes is that Obamacare was thoroughly "debated."The fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your stories.The one thing we can't say is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America, or that it was not adequately covered.First of all, it wasn't. The political and media classes themselves never explained how Obamacare would work -- they only presented Obama's predictions about how wonderful it would be. Not the details of how it would allegedly work -- who would pay for it, and who would actually benefit. Second of all, as Jim Geraghty points out, you can't say we "debated" the plan when in fact the Plan was to hide the Plan from the "stupid" American voters, all along. The entire "debate" was set up to occur over false premises. Gruber has admitted that the Administration offered not debate but calculated lies at every turn. The Gruber/Obama philosophy is to lie to ensure that no one knows what is actually going to be enacted into law; thus the amount of time spent debating is moot. As he put it so bluntly, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically call it the stupidity of the American voter, or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical in getting the thing to pass.” It is not exculpatory to insist you spent a whole year lying to us. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Barack Obama is a stuttering clusterf*ck of a malignant traitor.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (kff5f) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (NeFrd) 3
Oneth again?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Curmudgeon Extraordinaire at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (0HooB) 4
I'll get the others.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (kff5f) 5
Is it really a lie of the MSM does not report it?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (M0mf2) 6
Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (evdj2) 7
Jeesh. The "I don't know" excuse didn't fly for me when I was 7.... And yet his idiot followers buy it hook, line and sinker.
Posted by: PAgirlinNC at November 17, 2014 03:58 PM (LMKjz) Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Curmudgeon Extraordinaire at November 17, 2014 03:58 PM (0HooB) 9
At which point, we shall now see many in the media repeat this and switch to their favorite tactic of hiding news that hurts Dems: "Oh that? That is old news."
Posted by: RoyalOil at November 17, 2014 03:58 PM (VjL9S) 10
Guy running Germany in the 30s and 40s - some guy with a moustache.
Posted by: Roy at November 17, 2014 03:58 PM (VndSC) 11
And Fredo just heard about it? Which begs the question what the fuck was he doing?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 03:58 PM (M0mf2) 12
When all you have been trained and taught your entire life is nothing but lies, that's what you do. Liars gotta lie.
Oh and and 34th. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at November 17, 2014 03:59 PM (nUbHY) Posted by: Farmer at November 17, 2014 03:59 PM (o/90i) 14
Oh, and didn't Nazi Pelousi say we'd have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?
That's just all kinds of transparent right there. *eye-roll* Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Curmudgeon Extraordinaire at November 17, 2014 03:59 PM (0HooB) 15
The CBO model used Gruber's model.
That's why Gruber's model was so accurate at predicting CBO scores. Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 03:59 PM (ZPrif) 16
We sent some advisors to Vietnam once. Worked out like Obamacare has so far.
Posted by: Roy at November 17, 2014 03:59 PM (VndSC) 17
He also claims, in the video below, to have just heard about this Gruber business from the newspapers.
He may as well stick with what works for him. Posted by: rickl at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (zoehZ) 18
Thanks, Ace.
Posted by: Piercello at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (JybVy) 19
Jon Gruden should have stuck to football.
Posted by: Lincolntf at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (2cS/G) Posted by: flounder at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (sDapq) 21
Herr Furher Gaylord Merkin, deep inside his golf sand bunker finds out about Jo-Han Gruber via Voice of America. He fully expects 'Pinch] Steiner and the crack MSM division to rescue him.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (xcr5g) 22
"Gruebbels is just some guy from the neighborhood. Don't know him, really, barely heard of him, in fact." - Obongo
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (oKE6c) 23
The race hustlers egging on the Ferguson mobs have a problem Its awfully
cold for large, sustained riots. Sure, the hard core leftists and thugs will show up but most of the EBT/WIC crowd that provide cover and numbers for mass chaos will be watching the festivities on their large screen TV. Thanks to Global Warming, this leftist riot may have to be canceled. Or at least re-scheduled. Posted by: George Orwell at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (1BQGO) 24
Oh BTW -- I caught a glimpse of yesterday's NYT Sunday Magazine.
"In Praise of Failure" I shit you not. Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:00 PM (GXZgZ) 25
Is anyone going to mention the fact that Gruber is on tape saying that Obammy was IN THE ROOM when they were planning a lot of this stuff? Particularly the Cadillac Tax? Obammy can't just claim to not know who Gruber is when he met with the guy, and the White House logs confirm it.
Gateway Pundit: You know, the White House logs that the White House keeps trying to circumvent by meeting in coffee shops and shit like KGB double agents? Yeah, they didn't think the Preezy meeting with Gruber for four hours was sensitive enough to warrant the Starbucks treatment. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (4df7R) 26
Twitter Fight!!
Speaker John Boehner @SpeakerBoehner Is this a joke? RT @politico: Obama: We didn't mislead on health care Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (ZPrif) Posted by: Golfman in NC at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (wVWRM) 28
I love this line:
"The one thing we can't say is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America" Note that he *doesn't* say, "...did not have a lengthy debate about The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (aka: ObamaCare, aka: PP-caca). Sure, we "had a lengthy debate" about health care, in general. PP-Caca, however, was rushed through Congress without anyone reading the bill, and STILL did not have majority support. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (kff5f) 29
Hide the decline.. I mean Look at the trend line, in 2025 it goes straight UP! If we don't stop this now it will be too late and your grandchildren will suffer terribly.
We have to get control of our emissions or we'll be overwhelmed, we have to act, and if the GOP controlled congress won't act, then Obama will be forced to take steps necessary to hold those White Democrats who control St. Louis County and that White Governor of Missouri then people's civil rights will be violated. It's all the fault of the GOP. They want this to happen, so Obama will have to send in Federal Troops to restore order, stop global warming, and guarantee freedom of speech, and the right to protest police brutality. Coming soon to a shopping mall near you. Posted by: Carie Otter at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (9X0AI) 30
We debated the bill that the hid from other Democrats and passed on Christmas Eve?
They expect that lie to fly. Posted by: Jean at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (NMxmz) Posted by: Mitt Romney at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (Qgr71) 32
My favorite is when some leftie is defending Obaaamacare and they'll throw out some random number "of all the Republican Amendments" that were voted on in the "debate" of the bill.
Which, they'll state, puts the lie to the claim that Republicans didn't have any input. Of course, I'm not even going to bother looking at these "amendments." 1) I doubt they were substantial in any way, 2) every single one was voted down on party lines. Posted by: RoyalOil at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (VjL9S) 33
Mark Halperin blamed the lack of O-Care debate on Mitt Romney (this morning's Morning Joe.)
Srsly. I must've missed that time when Romney was in Congress. Halperin even looked embarrassed at the spin coming out of his mouth. But it didn't stop him. Posted by: Citizen X at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (7ObY1) 34
Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengruber, baby.
Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (vgIRn) 35
2020: "Sasha? Malia? Michelle? Never heard of 'em." - Obongo
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (oKE6c) 36
Gruber will come.
Posted by: Steiner at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (evdj2) 37
Ed Henry's shirt is sexist and misogynist. This shit just has to stop people!
Posted by: Rose Eveleth at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (6um35) 38
Jay Carney was much better at gaslighting and bullying journalists.
Posted by: Blame Whom at November 17, 2014 04:02 PM (7wyDO) Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (Gysa/) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (LA7Cm) 41
It is not exculpatory to insist you spent a whole year lying to us. I only had to lie for about an hour to get her to do it. Posted by: The guy who said he wouldn't do that thing in your mouth at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: Sub Captian Yuri Muhammed Is laballin at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (RJMhd) 43
Posted by: Charlotte at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (3ZtZW) Posted by: ChristyBlinky at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (dMEBN) 45
No one is angrier about this than me! I don't know what the topic is, I just know I need to be angry about it!
Posted by: Oblahblah at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (yRwC8) 46
"I hear nothing, I see nothing. I know nothing."
Posted by: Branco Bama Schultz at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (RZlSA) 47
Is anyone going to mention the fact that Gruber is on tape saying that
Obammy was IN THE ROOM when they were planning a lot of this stuff? Particularly the Cadillac Tax? Obammy can't just claim to not know who Gruber is when he met with the guy, and the White House logs confirm it. Define "anyone." Conservatives are going to scream it until we're blue in the face. The MFM (delenda est) will ignore it, and pretend to believe O-bungler. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:03 PM (kff5f) 48
You really got yer Grube on, Ace.
Just don't forget who the Main Boss Man of Choom Care -- and of amnesty, Muzzie-sucking, Fast and Furious, IRS malfeasance, corrupt appointees, etc., etc., etc., etc., all the way down a long list of unconstitutional and blatantly illegal acts -- really is. The Squirrels get squirellier, the Shiny Stuff gets shinier. Meanwhile, President I Stand With Muslims does whatever he damn well pleases, and no one pays the slightest attention. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:04 PM (PoKIA) 49
(too much obama, didn't watch) was this an interview, were there follow up questions of relevance? Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 17, 2014 04:04 PM (Gysa/) 50
Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengruber, baby.
I was saying last thread , before I was so rudely interrupted, that all the Gruber threads should have a cheerleader pic at least. Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:04 PM (GXZgZ) Posted by: ChristyBlinky at November 17, 2014 04:04 PM (dMEBN) 52
25 Is anyone going to mention the fact that Gruber is on tape saying that Obammy was IN THE ROOM when they were planning a lot of this stuff? Particularly the Cadillac Tax? Obammy can't just claim to not know who Gruber is when he met with the guy, and the White House logs confirm it.
Gateway Pundit: You know, the White House logs that the White House keeps trying to circumvent by meeting in coffee shops and shit like KGB double agents? Yeah, they didn't think the Preezy meeting with Gruber for four hours was sensitive enough to warrant the Starbucks treatment. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at November 17, 2014 04:01 PM (4df7R) Don't forget the golf courses. Posted by: Buzzion at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (z/Ubi) 53
Without the Bush-created healthcare crisis to deal with I could have saved the oceans!
Posted by: Dr. Barack Obama at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (6um35) Posted by: Gruber, bringing disco not sexy back at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (yRwC8) 55
So the takeaway is that Ninny Pelosi was the only honest one in the run up to the vote?
Posted by: weft cut-loop, now in Dark Chunks! at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (/lTUs) 56
@29 - Control over my emissions?
Got that? No fapping tonight. No fornication, either, whether marital or non-marital. And none of those funky dreams, either. Said Otter is not going to wash your sheets tomorrow. Posted by: JEM at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (o+SC1) 57
"I just found out about that thing I did in your mouth when I heard about it on the news."
Seriously, that's his claim? Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (kff5f) Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (MMC8r) 59
My grammar is fawaffle.
Posted by: Sub Captian Yuri Muhammed Is laballin at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (RJMhd) 60
also, remember, president stutterfuck was, get this, aloof during process of writing obamacare. he just sais shit. Basically, he lied and lied and had no idea.
Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (Gysa/) Posted by: Marcel Marceau at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (0HooB) 62
So. Business as usual I see.
Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (qaepl) 63
No... that's Outer Limits that has control of your emissions.
Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (GXZgZ) 64
Maybe it's like an X Files thing and Obama was an alien abductee who lost time while this was all going on.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (XUKZU) 65
"I wasn't lying.....I swear there is a turtle down there....somewhere" Posted by: Mr.KnowItAll at November 17, 2014 04:06 PM (uJK1E) Posted by: Sub Captian Yuri Muhammed Is laballin at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (RJMhd) Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (xcr5g) 68
You'll have to acknowledge I had absolutely nothing to do with this particular disaster.
So please keep discussing it. Posted by: Hillary! at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (6um35) 69
Maybe it's like an X Files thing and Obama was an alien abductee who lost time while this was all going on.
That excuse is actually more believable than "I just found out about Gruber from the Media." Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (kff5f) 70
Actually, we DID have a debate over Obamacare -- and the critics utterly destroyed it, pointing out that it necessarily must be a Ponzi scheme combined with cronyistic corruption. And that it will lead to unsustainable deficits and destabilize the economy and not improve care.
We also destroyed it philosophically -- a trojan horse for socialism. But despite the fact the our side won the debate the lying corrupt progressives ram it through with bribes and threats anyway. Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (K4YiS) 71
The 'Debate,' you'll remember, was all Democrats, as well.
No Republicans need apply. Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (MMC8r) If I remember correctly, weren't the Republicans physically locked out of the room where Demonrats were talking about the bill? Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (4df7R) 72
"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then
argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about." Oops. Posted by: Barack Obama at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (sDapq) 73
Great White Snark, meanwhile the MSM said Reagan napped during Iran-Contra.
This guy does not have the excuse unless you count jonesing with Reggie as napping? Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (xcr5g) 74
We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your
stories.The one thing we can't say is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America, or that it was not adequately covered. Also of note, is that a debate is completely worthless if you are going to go ahead and hammer it through on Christmas eve using reconciliation with a party-line vote anyway. And now to find out "some analyst" games the CBO to score it so it could even be passed at all, and this f**king guy is going to tell us it's all some sort of red herring that he just read about in the newspaper "just like us!"? I really, really do not wish this man well despite our disagreements about policy. To put it plainly, he's a lying cocksucker. Posted by: Heralder at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (/Mxso) 75
64 Maybe it's like an X Files thing and Obama was an alien abductee who lost time while this was all going on.
Posted by: The Great White Snark BUT WHO DID ANAL PROBE? Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (K4YiS) 76
Obama Calls Jon Gruber "Some Advisor"
Yeah, Obama also calls me "Some Neighbor." Ungrateful prick. Posted by: Bill Ayers at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM (jfUIE) 77
the Plan was to hide the Plan from the "stupid" American voters, all along.
******* So Obama hid the sausage--who among us--has not? Posted by: Sub Captian Yuri Muhammed Is laballin at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (RJMhd) Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (Dhdnu) 79
Our President is a master debater.
Posted by: dfbaskwill at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (zllbf) Posted by: Golfman in NC at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (wVWRM) 81
So 'some advisor' is caught extemporaneously blowing that the deal that is what we said it was all the time.
'Some advisor,' meaning he WAS on their team. This is just the same 'never heard of him' that Pelosi tried. Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (MMC8r) 82
Well.... I was thinking more like NFL cheerleader than high school Japanese girl.
But thanks I guess? Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (GXZgZ) 83
You'll have to acknowledge I had absolutely nothing to do with this particular disaster. So please keep discussing it. Posted by: Hillary! Yeah. What she said. Posted by: Jeb !! at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (Qgr71) 84
Interesting verbiage: "...the actual process that was run."
Kinda clunky, no? "...the actual scam that was run" or "...the actual con that was run" would have sounded more natural. Posted by: VA Gator at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (h1JKn) 85
Stuttering Obama!!! Stuttering Obama!!!
Posted by: Adam Smith's Invisible Pimp Hand at November 17, 2014 04:09 PM (JjJUC) 86
What is it with you people and probes? Do you think I'm harvesting farts?
Posted by: Paul at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (JtwS4) 87
If I remember correctly, weren't the Republicans physically locked out of the room where Demonrats were talking about the bill?
That happened at least once or twice, yes. Though, for all that, I'm still bitter at Republicans. Republicans who, at just about any step, could simply have withheld "Unanimous Consent" and forced this thing to be read out loud. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (kff5f) 88
Don't forget the golf courses.
Posted by: Buzzion at November 17, 2014 04:05 PM (z/Ubi) -------------------------------------- That would be another area to investigate whether the Grubster had a working relationship with Ogumbe. We might be surprised at the list of people who've "golfed" with Baraka. Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (qaepl) 89
He was masturbating!!! He was masturbating!!!
Posted by: Warren at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (Dhdnu) Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (xcr5g) 91
So if Leatherface Pelosi the bag says that we needed to pass this shit to figure it out, how does that square with what Juggy Besr just said? Of course, who cares, he is a black guy and thtas all that matters. As a side note, why is the prs getting deeply involved with this ferguson shit? Is that normal? What is he doing? The press is getting worse. Posted by: rev dr e bunnies bunny at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (vtxyA) 92
Though, for all that, I'm still bitter at Republicans. Republicans who, at just about any step, could simply have withheld "Unanimous Consent" and forced this thing to be read out loud. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (kff5f) I'm sure McLame would have said that wasn't respectful or some other bullshit. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at November 17, 2014 04:10 PM (4df7R) 93
Herr Eichmann was just "some advisor"...
Posted by: Adolf Hitler at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (lN8KC) 94
If I remember correctly, weren't the Republicans physically locked out of the room where Demonrats were talking about the bill? Yes. Yes, they were. Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (MMC8r) Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (V70Uh) Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (MMC8r) 97
If one of the two debaters is lying, then it isn't a debate.
SCOAMF is back! Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (iAUf+) Posted by: Hrothgar at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM (F2IAQ) 99
So...just some advisor rakes in $6 million for just some advising. Not a bad gig if you can get it.
Posted by: levi at November 17, 2014 04:12 PM (5V/0T) 100
>>Obammy can't just claim to not know who Gruber is when he met with the guy, and the White House logs confirm it.
Gruber has stated that he first met Obama in 2006, before Obama had even announced his run for the Presidency, and gave him a tutorial on health insurance. He met with him in his Senate office so this wasn't just some chance encounter. Obama just lies and lies and lies ...... Posted by: JackStraw at November 17, 2014 04:12 PM (g1DWB) 101
Lying cocksuckers suck cock, tell lies. Details at 11.
Posted by: Insomniac at November 17, 2014 04:12 PM (DrWcr) 102
We debated this often, myself and I. Because I am the master debater. Posted by: Dr. Hussein, squeezing one off at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (wAQA5) 103
So it wan't a debate-debate--it was a presentation in the US media.
The House is for the peasants. Sometimes the peasants need to be circumvented. Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (RJMhd) 104
I'm sure McLame would have said that wasn't respectful or some other bullshit.
I remember one Republican (I don't even remember which one) who did that regarding an amendment to the bill- and rather than sit through the reading, the sponsors of the amendment withdrew it (which, technically, they weren't allowed to do- but still...). And, yes, the Party Leadership then complained about said member. Wasn't this around the same time as Joe "You Lie!" Wilson being forced to apologize for speaking the truth? Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (kff5f) 105
(Wagging Finger) Listen to me, I never had sex with some advisor, miss Lewinski.
Posted by: Barack Obama at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (fP1wH) 106
Lies THEN and Lies NOW. They lie about their lies and then lie once again. The media might question the lies then due to the Gruber vids, but keep up the charade by not questioning the current lies. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (1nB6R) 107
voters have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in.....oh, forget it!
Posted by: John McVain at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (6um35) 108
Obama Calls Jon Gruber "Some Advisor"
Ya, some guy in the Cincinnati who is on talk radio. Had nothing to do with the legislation. He just did the scoring part, the statistical analysis. Posted by: Carie Otter at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (9X0AI) 109
I remember that debate. That's the one where Obama was saying there are no cuts to Medicare, just 'efficiencies' that nobody ever thought to take before he got to the White House. The media said he was correct. These people aren't really our betters, are they? They're not even above average, except in dishonesty.
Posted by: East Bay Jay at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (7v8o1) 110
I think the 2015 State of the Union will have some piquant moments to look forward to.
If there is a coup, I hope Joe Wilson is elevated to National Caretaker until a new Constitution is complete. Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (Dhdnu) 111
The American people still didn't want his plan even after all of the lies. They weren't stupid after all.
The Republicans, the "stupid party", didn't support this at all. The only ones fooled by the lies were teh Democrats and the Progressives. That's some nuance right there. Posted by: Mikey NTH - We Blanked Out at the Outrage Outlet! at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (hLRSq) 112
Yes. Yes, they were.
Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:11 PM Right up to the point when Bitch McConnell went crying to Hairy Reid and begged him to put it to a vote right away so's ol' Bitch could get home for his Christmas pressies.... Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:13 PM (PoKIA) 113
Got lied to. Yeah, expected that. To this extent? Don't think so.
If only I could find a political party willing to take this steaming pile of shit legislation and put to a well deserved death I'd feel better. 2nd look at 2nd American revolution? Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (zxQ4h) 114
Ace: the flu doesn't last for eight days usually. You should go see a doctor.
Posted by: Truman North, Moron Emeritus at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (7Oo+W) 115
Wait what?
Even to the extent it was debated, MA sent Scott Freaking Brown to the senate to stop it. AND THEY STILL passed it. So it wasn't debated, still it was found wanting, and yet shoved down our throats. Posted by: tsrblke (Tablet) at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (+p2Ga) 116
I am , like my good friend , John Gruber, an architect.
The architect of the Comprehensive Piece of Sh... I mean Immigration Reform. In other wordsh, I Grubered myshelf. Posted by: John McCain (R) at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (Qgr71) 117
>>And Fredo just heard about it? Which begs the question what the fuck was he doing?
Posted by: Nevergiveup Do you really want to know? Posted by: Reggie at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (3rrMW) 118
And let us not forget that Obaaama promised and promised and promised--as candidate--that the ENTIRE debate on his health care bill in Congress would be televised for all to see.
The drafting, the amendments--EVERYTHING. And . . . . I guess we all get Four Pinocchio's from PolitiFact for daring to remember those statements. Posted by: RoyalOil at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (VjL9S) 119
Well get ready folks according to John Podesta claims climate change is next up and there is nothing the congress or senate can do to stop it.
Posted by: wrg500 at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (sWgE+) 120
Obama Calls Jon Gruber "Some Advisor" Yeah, Obama also calls me "Some Neighbor." Ungrateful prick.
Posted by: Bill Ayers Such language is unholy, you KKKmoney making evvvviil person you Posted by: The very rev Jerimiah Wright at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (Spluw) 121
No one--puts Gruber in a corner!!
Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (RJMhd) 122
Who exactly did Obama debate jack-squat with? Democrats and technocrats! Remember, the GOP was persona no gratta... not invited, not included, shut out of the process. The Donks own this, lock, stock and barrel.
Posted by: Yip at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (84SRe) Posted by: Missouri National Guardsman at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (F2IAQ) 124
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH PRAISE PIXY, SALVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by: ANNOYING GUY WHO COULDN'T OPEN COMMENTS AT WORK at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (q177U) 125
Member when that picture of Carney and his strange Stepford family was out there with his house being all decorated with Soviet stuff all over? So that was real.... This does seem to me to be a kind of takeover of the govt by a leftist entity. But hey, thats just silly. Posted by: rev dr e bunnies bunny at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (vtxyA) 126
Actually, we DID have a debate over Obamacare -- and the critics utterly destroyed it, pointing out that it necessarily must be a Ponzi scheme combined with cronyistic corruption. And that it will lead to unsustainable deficits and destabilize the economy and not improve care. We also destroyed it philosophically -- a trojan horse for socialism. But despite the fact the our side won the debate the lying corrupt progressives ram it through with bribes and threats anyway.
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:07 PM (K4YiS) ---------------------------------------- This is true. 60% of Americans argued against it. Ocare was forced upon us. BUT, some of those 60% voted for the shitbags that voted for it. So there is that. Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (qaepl) 127
oh, and how long until the leftists trot out their favorite and try to pull the reverse smear?
"Why are you all upset that Gruber lied about Obaaamacare? It was a plan from the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation all along!!1!! Ha, ha, ha! Are you calling them liars?" Posted by: RoyalOil at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (VjL9S) 128
Posted by: Yip at November 17, 2014 04:15 PM (84SRe)
Unfortunately... we're the ones stuck paying for it. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (kff5f) 129
"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then
argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about." unless you win a few senate seats because I'm going to deem n' pass the bitch. signed, xxoo donks Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (Gysa/) 130
Obam Harfs up a Gruber
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (F2IAQ) 131
You know, when you think about it, maybe now would be a good time to have that debate ol' Preezy Obeezy thinks we had.
Would be nice if we had a majority party in the Congress or something, where such a debate could take place. Think we will? Posted by: BurtTC at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (TOk1P) 132
Kind of hard to have a full debate on a bill no one read, isn't it Obama, you dishonest shitburger?
Posted by: Heralder at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (/Mxso) 133
OT: Racist Missouri governor calls out National guard before grand jury decision announced to intimidate mostly peaceful social justice protesters.
"(Reuters) - Missouri's governor declared a state of emergency on Monday ahead of a pending grand jury decision on whether to file criminal charges against a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. Jay Nixon said in an executive order that he was taking the action because "there is the possibility of expanded unrest" regardless of the findings of federal and state investigations, which he said could soon be announced." Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (XUKZU) 134
Maybe it's like an X Files thing and Obama was an alien abductee who lost time while this was all going on.
Posted by: The Great White Snark BUT WHO DID ANAL PROBE? Posted by: zombie Reggie. Nightly. Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (cGoQr) 135
Here's a liberal blog saying that locking the Republicans out on healthcare was the right thing to do: Not surprisingly, many of the main news sources are memory-holed... Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:16 PM (MMC8r) 136
And Fredo just heard about it? Which begs the question what the fuck was he doing?
Posted by: Nevergiveup Do you really want to know? Posted by: Reggie at November 17, 2014 04:14 PM (3rrMW) He wanted to know what he was doing, not who he was doing. Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (V+kmg) Posted by: Umlaut Liberation Front at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (JtwS4) 138
Any chance we can see the college transcripts now?
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (oDCMR) 139
Wow. I can't believe a liar would keep lying about his lying.
Posted by: The Mega Independent at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (QCo5R) 140
Somebody should publicly stand up to the President when he's lying so blatantly.
Posted by: Joe Wilson at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (6um35) 141
Don't refer to me as "Some Ebola Nurse"
Posted by: Ebola Nurse at November 17, 2014 04:18 PM (fP1wH) 142
Actually, we DID have a debate over Obamacare -- and the critics utterly destroyed it, pointing out that it necessarily must be a Ponzi scheme combined with cronyistic corruption. And that it will lead to unsustainable deficits and destabilize the economy and not improve care. We also destroyed it philosophically -- a trojan horse for socialism. But despite the fact the our side won the debate the lying corrupt progressives ram it through with bribes and threats anyway.
---------------- Did one of my adolescent children write that? Bwahahahahahah Posted by: Jonnie Goober at November 17, 2014 04:18 PM (F2IAQ) 143
Heh. Goober just set up the repeal of Zerocare.
Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:18 PM (xWW96) 144
I believe that Obama's contribution to the entire debate was "I won".
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President of the Sheena Easton Fan Club at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (OWjjx) 145
At what point does the GOPe get tired of being the fall-guys for this, and finally realize that bending over for TFG isn't going to make him love them? At what point do they say "Enough. If the President takes unilateral action on anything on which the US House and Senate should be legislating, we will, first, shut the Federal Government down so fast his mulatto head will spin, and second, draft Articles of Impeachment at near relativistic speed?" Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (kff5f) 146
Of course TFG read it in the paper. Which one?
Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (sj3Ax) 147
Hey Barky, do you think about what you're going to say or do you just open your mouth and hope for the best?
Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (KFdZd) 148
somebody has to go to the white house and tell him to take off the goggles and headset.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (LWu6U) 149
Obama tells carefully crafted lie
in denying that Obamacare was passed as a carefully crafted lie Posted by: Illiniwek at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (L95KT) 150
When they came to throw the MIT professor under the bus, I said nothing because I wasn't an MIT professor.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (8ZskC) 151
Obammy can't just claim to not know who Gruber is when he met with the guy, and the White House logs confirm it.
Gruber has stated that he first met Obama in 2006, before Obama had even announced his run for the Presidency, and gave him a tutorial on health insurance. He met with him in his Senate office so this wasn't just some chance encounter. - OMG! Gruber has become an unperson! Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (XUKZU) 152
Like a dog to its own vomit, Obama returns to his lies.
At this point, all bets are off as to if he is even mentally stable enough to recognize reality. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (n0a1r) 153
Posted by: Jonnie Goober at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (F2IAQ) 154
These are not the architects of your doom that you're looking for. [waves hand like Alec Guinness]
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (K4YiS) 155
I can see that I got out of the lying business too early.
Posted by: Barry Minkow at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (8ZskC) 156
Heh. da Zero keeps on digging. Not smart enough to know telling more lies is futile when your credibility is zero. He's just pissing people off now.
Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (xWW96) Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (ZKzrr) 158
Heh. Goober just set up the repeal of Zerocare. Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:18 PM (xWW96) I am not done milking the donks,yet. Posted by: Hans Gruber at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (sDapq) 159
I believe that Obama's contribution to the entire debate was "I won".
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President of the Sheena Easton Fan Club at November 17, 2014 04:19 PM (OWjjx) yeah that was he "compromise" position Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (M0mf2) 160
Heh. Goober just set up the repeal of Zerocare.
Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:18 PM What planet are YOU living on? ChoomCare will never be repealed. That's "never" as in: no way, no how, no time. We will have it hanging over our heads and sucking money from us for as long as we live. No, I take that back: as soon as the Senate votes to impeach Choom Boy, it will be repealed. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (PoKIA) 161
Wait. I'm the responsible adult in the room now?
Posted by: Delaware's own Joe Biden at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (Spluw) 162
At what point does the GOPe get tired of being the fall-guys for this, and finally realize that bending over for TFG isn't going to make him love them? At what point do they say "Enough."
- At what point does Miley Cyrus say, "OMG! I've become nothing but a cheap whore!" Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (XUKZU) Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (GXZgZ) 164
The debate that resulted in Nancy Pelosi saying we had to pass the bill to see what is in the bill? That debate?
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President of the Sheena Easton Fan Club at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (OWjjx) 165
When they came to throw the MIT professor under the bus, I said nothing because I wasn't an MIT professor.
Posted by: Cicero --------------------- Damn. You missed an excellent chance to sock Landrieu. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:22 PM (F2IAQ) 166
Ugh that subaru tree hugging commercial is on
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:22 PM (M0mf2) 167
That thing that happened in your mouth?
My grunts clearly indicated that prior assurances were not longer valid. Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at November 17, 2014 04:22 PM (LWu6U) 168
I'm with Allen G comment 145!
Republicans have to get a pair & use them. I'm sick of them being afraid of the little wimp. Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:22 PM (sj3Ax) 169
Like a dog to its own vomit, Obama returns to his lies.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:20 PM (n0a1r) Heh. "Shit Soloman said" (slightly modified) ![]() Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:22 PM (xWW96) 170
A plan, a man, a canal....
Posted by: The Progs at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (iQIUe) 171
Honesty? What did you expect, I wouldn`t be president if I were honest, now would I...???
BHO Posted by: tbd at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (qgIeC) 172
At what point does Miley Cyrus say, "OMG! I've become nothing but a cheap whore!"
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM The answer is exactly the same for Miley and the "Republicans:" when the money stops rolling in. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (PoKIA) 173
But if we overturn Obamacare how will Sandra Fluke get her cooter products? By God man she is in her ninth year of college!!!
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (oDCMR) 174
Just a guy from the neighborhood.
You know, I've been binging on Columbo on Netflix and this point in the Obama administration is when the exasperated Barack keeps popping up saying "Just one more thing, sir..." Posted by: AmishDude at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (L2xDv) 175
"Nixon's order also establishes that the Missouri State Highway Patrol, St. Louis County Police Department and St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department will operate as a unified command to keep members of the public safe and protect property, while allowing citizens to exercise their constitutional rights."
***** Is this some type of attempted pre-emptive mollification of the agitators? Because if they were only going to be exercising their constitutional rights why would you need the National Guard??? Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:23 PM (NeFrd) 176
Verfügen wir über Umlaute?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (V+kmg) Posted by: Steiner at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (evdj2) 179
This 'stuff' is so insane, it isn't even funny any longer, not even graveyard gallows humor.
and we still have more than two years to go before there is even any hope that it might be over. Posted by: Carie Otter at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (9X0AI) 180
David Burge @iowahawkblog 3m
The government's so mad about Al Sharpton's $4.7 million in unpaid taxes, they're throwing Dinesh D'Souza in prison. Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (ZPrif) 181
At what point does Miley Cyrus say, "OMG! I've become nothing but a cheap whore!"
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (XUKZU) Ha! Well played, thanks for the laugh, I needed it. Posted by: Heralder at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (/Mxso) 182
Ace? Beware the rebound! If you feel better for a few days and then (unexpectedly) take a turn for the worse? That's the time to go see a doctor, stat, 'cause you probably have a secondary bacterial infection that needs antibiotics. That's how it works with me, anyway, even with routine colds. FML
Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (ShhlF) 183
Barky lied, people will die! Fuck him.
Posted by: Killerdog at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (DhkCX) 184
Ah. Ümlauts
Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (V+kmg) Posted by: Soothsayer, All Knowing Of (Approximate) Knowledge at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (esnsL) 186
These people aren't really our betters, are they? They're not even above average, except in dishonesty.
They aren't any smarter than you or I. But that's another scam for another thread. Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Curmudgeon Extraordinaire at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (0HooB) 187
No Umlauts, No Peace!
Posted by: Umlaut Liberation Front at November 17, 2014 04:17 PM (JtwS4) ********* Exactaly! Posted by: Popular Front of Intrusive Schwas at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (vgIRn) Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (evdj2) Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (cGoQr) 190
Damn. You missed an excellent chance to sock Landrieu.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc What did I miss!?! What do you want me to be?? I can be pro life! watch this *breathes* see? I'm in favor of that! Posted by: Mansion lovin Landrieu at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (Spluw) Posted by: Prince Rupert Hussein Obama at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (MMC8r) 192
Never mind Ebola, we're experiencing a Black Diamond epidemic.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (F2IAQ) 193
You fucked up. You trusted me.
Well, okay, you didn't trust me. But you still fucked up. Posted by: Prince Rupert Hussein Obama at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (MMC8r) They voted for him so by definition they trust him, so they fucked up. But more important they fucked US UP Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:26 PM (M0mf2) Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 04:26 PM (evdj2) 195
£ sand
Posted by: wooga at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (YAVyP) 196
Who is this Gruber person you speak of ?
Posted by: orack barama at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (yrk2K) 197
Heh. da Zero keeps on digging. Not smart enough to know telling more lies is futile when your credibility is zero. He's just pissing people off now.
Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (xWW96) ----------------------------------------- Of course this is what it's all about. It's the very same thing as Pelosi and her butt buddies parading through the middle of the anti-Ocare crowd outside of the Capitol building with that giant gavel: They want us pissed off enough to fire the first shot. And they won't stop until they get that or something like it. Beware. They're going to be going for broke these last two years. Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (qaepl) 198
What are the black diamonds all aboüt?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (F2IAQ) 199
"That's the time to go see a doctor, stat, 'cause you probably have a secondary bacterial infection that needs antibiotics. "
Those germs get inside you Alcohol kills germs. Value-Rite is alcohol Just sayin' Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (n0a1r) 200
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (K4YiS) Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (Zu3d9) 202
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (K4YiS) 203
Charles Ponzi + Jonathan Gruber = Adolf Eichmann NB: Jonathan Gruber = any Federal technocrat or academician Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (CMkNk) 204
Obama is himself a lie and that attribute flows normally and continuously from his entire being.
Posted by: rplat at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (PYTq2) Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (CMkNk) 207
198 What are the black diamonds all aboüt?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM (F2IAQ) It was a bad Kiss song, which, like all Kiss songs, was bad. Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (vgIRn) Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (GXZgZ) Posted by: Golfman in NC at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (5c/59) 210
Barry knows he always needs someone or thing to set against. Always. It diesnt matter how stupid he looks, like a wrassldr, he is nothing without an enemy. Simple con artist technique. Good thing we gave all this power to such a person. Real good. Posted by: rev dr e bunnies bunny at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (vtxyA) 211
& all i got is this lousy ampersand. &
Posted by: wooga at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (YAVyP) 212
Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at November 17, 2014 04:24 PM (ShhlF) Around here you have to be on antibiotics to enter the comment section. Posted by: wrg500 at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (sWgE+) 213
obama specifically said "the time for debate has ended." Posted by: Soothsayer, All Knowing Of (Approximate) Knowledge at November 17, 2014 04:25 PM (esnsL) He better be careful about that, because if that's the case then the time for tar, feathers and lampposts may be just around the corner. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (CMkNk) 214
Give it a few more days, and Obama will be here to tell us that no one is madder than he that the American people have been lied to.
Maddest Of Us All. Posted by: CM at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (0NdlF) 215
208 What are the black diamonds all about?
They're for the experts only. Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:28 PM (GXZgZ) ******* You have to pass the black diamonds before you can know what is in the black diamonds. Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (RJMhd) 216
>>> Ace: the flu doesn't last for eight days usually. You should go see a doctor.
Levin went on Beck's show right after Beck came public about his illness; sort of admonished him to be healthy and to not overwork himself to death. Levin said that was what got Breitbart, health complications from overwork and pushing his body just from the sheer momentum of trying to get everything he wanted accomplished, and pulling himself in too many directions. Don't you go do the same thing, Ace; that advice also applies to you. If you need to see a doctor, go see a doctor, don't pull that man up crap and skip out. We need you bright eyed and bushy tailed again, ready to go out and tear the left a new one; can't afford to lose you also. Not trying to be morbid, just a caring reminder. When I'm sick and go to work anyway, because deadlines of doom, I take twice as long to get healthy. If you need to bug off and just sleep all day, alert the cobs and go do that. We'll be here when you get back, swearsies! Posted by: LizLem at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (yRwC8) 217
This is where we separate the Platinum from the Cardboard.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (JtwS4) 218
Beware. They're going to be going for broke these last two years.
Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM In the words of Al Jolson: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! You ain't heard nothin' yet!" Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (PoKIA) 219
Should be Ponzi + Eichmann = GRUBER
Posted by: J.J. Sefton ------------- With a side of Himmler... Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (F2IAQ) 220
At what point does Miley Cyrus say, "OMG! I've become nothing but a cheap whore!"
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:21 PM (XUKZU) ... I wish I could refute this statement. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (kff5f) 221
Up until now, I kind of was with Charles Krauthammer regarding impeachment.
Not anymore. This fucker needs to be impeached. Even Joe "Eats paste" Biden cannot be as evil as TFG. Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (V70Uh) 222
Let it burn ♨
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (zxQ4h) 223
Remember that news article several months ago.
There was a take away line in there, something like... They're not stockpiling ammo cause they're scared. They're preparing for war. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (n0a1r) 224
If one of the two debaters is lying, then it isn't a debate. Worse, one side doesn't know or care that that are lying, or even think that telling the truth might be important in a debate. Now that all their lies are being exposed, they aren't even covering up their lies: Lie: If you like your policy, you can keep your policy Progs: We didn't say that. OK, maybe we did But, everybody knew it couldn't be true. We aren't responsible for what happened after the promise Lie: Your premiums will go down $2500 Progs: Try for some people,receiving subsidies, which is good enough for us. Besides, how could they go down if millions are going to get free or subsidized care? Just do the math, fool Lie: This will reduce the fedral deficit Progs: We can't help what the CBO came up with. We just gave them the numbers we had. Which are the numbers we liked and needed to get it pass the stupid Americans. Not our fault Amricans are so stupid. And on and on. It's not possible to debate with this mindset. Makes more sense to debate with some crazy guy on a corner downtown screaming at people... Posted by: George Orwell at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (1BQGO) 225
It's not that Obama and the statists lie. They do. It's that everyone in the MFM covers and shills for them. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (CMkNk) 226
Ace, Hot n' Sour Soup and you will be feeling well in 24 hours.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (oDCMR) 227
For those of you unable to post umlauts:
If you "cater" to Ace's "needs" (hint: BJs), he will give you the special "Umlaut Pass" that mäkës ülaüts appear whenever you want. Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (K4YiS) 228
Around here you have to be on antibiotics to enter the comment section.
Posted by: wrg500 ----------------------------- Except...., the ONT has become antibiotic-resistant. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (F2IAQ) 229
çaça is for closers!
Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (RJMhd) 230
Beware. They're going to be going for broke these last two years. yep global warm is next according to Podesta. Posted by: wrg500 at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (sWgE+) 231
dude, whatch you mean you never heard of me ....I have a blue dress to show you
Posted by: J. Gruber aka The 6 million dollar adviser at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (yrk2K) 232
Up until now, I kind of was with Charles Krauthammer regarding impeachment.
Not anymore. This fucker needs to be impeached. Even Joe "Eats paste" Biden cannot be as evil as TFG. Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (V70Uh) But first we shut the gov down Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (M0mf2) Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (GXZgZ) 234
Around here you have to be on antibiotics to enter the comment section.
Posted by: wrg500 Don't you oppress me! besides, I am on antibiotics, but not for Ebola. It's for.....some other souvenir I brought back from Africa Posted by: Kaci the killer Laci, Ebola RN at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (Spluw) 235
Doesn't this fool realize that all the lies, upon lies is going to piss people off?
Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (sj3Ax) 236
219 Should be Ponzi + Eichmann = GRUBER
Posted by: J.J. Sefton ------------- With a side of Himmler... Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (F2IAQ) Someone here said it last week. Jonathan SCHICKELGruber. That one should go in the AOS hall of fame. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (CMkNk) 237
The Barakhenatening is nigh.
Posted by: garrett at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (HcSZU) 238
And I predict that by Thursday the new spin will be that because the Republicans told bigger lies about Obamacare they had to lie to get it passed....for the children.
Posted by: Mallamutt, RINO President of the Sheena Easton Fan Club at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (OWjjx) 239
"The Gruber/Obama philosophy is to lie to ensure that no one knows what is actually going to be enacted into law; thus the amount of time spent debating is moot." -- Jim Geraghty
I agree Posted by: dedomeno at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (UccCH) 240
Not trying to be morbid, just a caring reminder. Awww. Girls are so sweet. Dibs on the hobo pelt scraping rack! Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (JtwS4) 241
There is now video of gruber saying that Romenycare was funded by manipulating the tax code to get the cash from the feds -- I think he said "stealing".
This was pretty clear if you had read the details, but no one ever reported it. Romenycare was a plan that shifted costs to the feds through the tax code, but certainly that could not work on a federal scale. This was the dirty secret that Romney could not use as justification in his presidential bid, and the mfm would not report since it would undermine their support for barrycare. Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (LWu6U) 242
If you "cater" to Ace's "needs" (hint: BJs), he will
give you the special "Umlaut Pass" that mäkës ülaüts appear whenever you want. Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (K4YiS) Good to know. How many did you have to give? Posted by: Heralder at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (/Mxso) 243
I visited AOSHQ and all I got was a lousy black diamond.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 17, 2014 04:31 PM (XUKZU) 244
Ever get a phone message with no caller ID and they slur the name and give an incomplete phone no.? Eh, I never call back people unless I know who they are anyway.
Posted by: The Progs at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (iQIUe) Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (evdj2) 246
Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (MMC8r) Posted by: zombie Justice Robert Bork ( who would have nuked obamacare) at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (Spluw) 248
Mark Halperin blamed the lack of O-Care debate on Mitt Romney (this morning's Morning Joe.)
*head ------>desk* Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Suntanning in Bizzaro World at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (Gqihq) 249
Bourbon always made me feel better
Posted by: Truck Monkey, Aiming His Torpedo at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (32Ze2) 250
226 Ace, Hot n' Sour Soup and you will be feeling well in 24 hours.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (oDCMR) Okay, so Ace. I know you're in NYC. I'm in NYC. And I have a fresh batch of Mama Sefton's chicken soup. And since it's Jewish, it would be referred at the White House as Chickenshit soup. But still. You want I should bring you? Contact CBD and he can be a go-between. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (CMkNk) 251
Biden cannot be as evil as TFG.
Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM (V70Uh) ---------------------------------------- Biden is as viscious and anti-American as Ogumbe is. Don't kid yourself. Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (qaepl) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (NeFrd) 253
Doesn't this fool realize that all the lies, upon lies is going to piss people off? He doesn't care. The ends justifies the means. Posted by: wrg500 at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (sWgE+) 254
Ever get a phone message with no caller ID and they slur the name and give an incomplete phone no.? Eh, I never call back people unless I know who they are anyway.
Posted by: The Progs at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (iQIUe) Yes you have to be careful. There is a scam out there that if you call back you find a 50$ charge on you bill next month Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (M0mf2) 255
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon
$ RT @BretBaier: free beacon back at it: Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (ZPrif) 256
I'm really looking forward to the Ferguson Grand Jury announcement .
Posted by: Charles Manson at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (HcSZU) Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (MMC8r) 258
The paid this guy 400k to advise them on this matter. If that's just 'some advisor' and not an integral member of the team, they shouldn't pay him a salary close to the presidents. IOW, bullshit. Posted by: Lea at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (lIU4e) 259
"If you "cater" to Ace's "needs" (hint: BJs), he will give you the special "Umlaut Pass" that mäkës ülaüts appear whenever you want."
So, all you fcukers with them special characters.... Yeh, wipe your mouths off. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (n0a1r) 260
Joe Biden? ...... Ummmm he is just some Vice President
Posted by: Preznit Urkel X at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (32Ze2) 261
I've got sideways umlauts! Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:33 PM (NeFrd) Life always finds a way. Posted by: Heralder at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (/Mxso) 262
247 Even Joe "Eats paste" Biden cannot be as evil as TFG.
Think again. Posted by: zombie Justice Robert Bork ( who would have nuked obamacare) at November 17, 2014 04:32 PM (Spluw) Joe Eats Paste has spent the better part of 40 years being a vindictive, vicious attack dog and character assassinator. And crook. The dimwit found his niche. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (CMkNk) Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (LA7Cm) Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (cGoQr) 266
I want my Ümlauts
Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (V+kmg) 267
I want my Ümlauts
Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (V+kmg) 268
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 17, 2014 03:57 PM (kff5f)
You may have to kick it up a notch. This no longer covers the depths of his treachery. Posted by: despair at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (dcY7v) 269
250 226 Ace, Hot n' Sour Soup and you will be feeling well in 24 hours.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (oDCMR) Okay, so Ace. I know you're in NYC. I'm in NYC. And I have a fresh batch of Mama Sefton's chicken soup. And since it's Jewish, it would be referred at the White House as Chickenshit soup. But still. You want I should bring you? Contact CBD and he can be a go-between. ------------------------- JJ, Chicken Soup is mostly fat. Hot n' Sour has hot oil and other creepy Asian things that scare the shit out of the flu. Word. Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (oDCMR) 270
Are there still issues with comments? I got Error 400 on iPad.
I know & expect Error 500 when I use punctuation on Mac. Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (sj3Ax) 271
I think Diamonds of Color is the proper term.
Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (ZPrif) Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (K4YiS) 273
Hey J.J. Those are the free range Brooklyn Chickens you used for the soup right?
Posted by: Truck Monkey, Aiming His Torpedo at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (32Ze2) 274
265 aka, nipples.
Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:34 PM (cGoQr) I think nipples are horizontal. I'm a demon for detail. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (CMkNk) 275
Up until now, I kind of was with Charles Krauthammer regarding impeachment. Not anymore. This fucker needs to be impeached. Even Joe "Eats paste" Biden cannot be as evil as TFG. Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:29 PM
Welcome to the club, Grampa. I -- and a few others -- have been saying that since, oh, somewhere around mid-2009, providing great amusement to Seasoned Political Mavens like the Corpulent "Captain" and Allahpander. It gives me no pleasure to see that some are now beginning to realize that Choom Boy is a danger to our country. There are still too many whose heads are buried fully in the sand. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (PoKIA) Posted by: Patrick McGee from Ballinahee at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (Spluw) 277
Yep - when you swallow, you get the Platinum Umlaut Pass!
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (K4YiS) 278
I want my MTV!
Posted by: Dire Straits at November 17, 2014 04:36 PM (OWjjx) 279
Debate? I thought you brung debate.
Posted by: Dr. Hussein, gone fishing at November 17, 2014 04:36 PM (wAQA5) 280
273 Hey J.J. Those are the free range Brooklyn Chickens you used for the soup right?
Posted by: Truck Monkey, Aiming His Torpedo at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM (32Ze2) Not the Coney Island whitefish, for sure! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:36 PM (CMkNk) Posted by: JackStraw at November 17, 2014 04:36 PM (g1DWB) Posted by: LizLem at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (yRwC8) 283
Can anyone post fancy quotes?
The slanted ones. Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (ZPrif) Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (evdj2) Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (cGoQr) 286
Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (V+kmg) 287
Mötley Crüe
Posted by: Vince Neil just testing at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (vgIRn) 288
Posted by: Hepcat at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (yQRD6) 289
Are you Jewish?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at November 17, 2014 04:27 PM No, man, I just don't dig on swine, that's all. Posted by: Jules Winnfield at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (knoK7) 290
278 I want my MTV!
Posted by: Dire Straits at November 17, 2014 04:36 PM (OWjjx) Isn't . . . "now he's up there, Hawaiian noises, he's banging on the bongos like a chime-pan-zee. . ." . . . the story of Obama? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (CMkNk) 291
sʎnƃ punoɹɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ƃolq ǝɥʇ ʞɐǝɹq ʇ,uop
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (zxQ4h) 292
Someone needs to call the Ümlaut Liberation Front
Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (V+kmg) 293
Don't impeach Obama, just investigate his minions constantly. No self respecting Obama flunkie wants to see all that ill gotten gains chewed up in legal bills. They will sell out Barky in a NY minute.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (oDCMR) 294
"You can't impeach Obama because BIDEN!" isn't an argument, it's a joke.
If you're really stuck with Hitler because the alternative is Jerry Lewis, you need to start over from scratch. Posted by: --- at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (MMC8r) 295
285 I think nipples are horizontal. I'm a demon for detail.
Not from behind on her side. Posted by: rickb223 at November 17, 2014 04:37 PM (cGoQr) Now you're talking! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (CMkNk) 296
133 OT: Racist Missouri governor calls out National guard before grand jury decision announced to intimidate mostly peaceful social justice protesters.
Posted by: The Great White Snark Thank you. Isn't the Democratic governor of Missouri telling the whole world that he believes that African-Americans are naturally violent? Didn't that used to be racist? Or is it only racism when non-Democrats say words like "golf" and "IRS"? Posted by: Furious George at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (UlJ3l) 297
Judge Bork was attacked by the usual suspects, Ted Kennedy & Joe Biden.
I remember watching that tag team attack Justice Thomas about Anita Hill. Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (sj3Ax) 298
Let me just check: "
Day'um..... I don't even want to know what need you took care of for the Boss. But, that's some righteous Character foo right there. Now, go brush your teeth. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (n0a1r) 299
Hot n' Sour has hot oil and other creepy Asian things that scare the shit out of the flu. Word.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM Agreed. The Chinese really outmaneuvered teh Joooos on that one. Pro Tip: a good helping of wasabi on the side will clear out those stuffed nasal passage like no expensive OTC medicine can. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (PoKIA) Posted by: garrett at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (HcSZU) Posted by: eleven at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (GXZgZ) 302
Its threads like this that remind me why Ace did not use his real name when naming this blog.
Posted by: Dire Straits at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (OWjjx) 303
225 - J.J. Sefton-
"It's not that Obama and the statists lie. They do. It's that everyone in the MFM covers and shills for them. " ---------------- Yup Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (F2IAQ) 304
‟ test ”
Posted by: toby928(C) at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (evdj2) 305
Pro Tip: a good helping of wasabi on the side will clear out those stuffed nasal passage like no expensive OTC medicine can.
Pro Tip : Don't ask for a side of Wasabi and Green Tea at a Chinese place. Posted by: garrett at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (HcSZU) 306
Like I've said, da Zero, Pelosi, and Hairy Reed are doing irrepairable damage to the leftard brand. Excellent work. Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:40 PM (xWW96) 307
SE PA moron,
That was quite a comment. Did you write it & copy & paste it? Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 04:41 PM (sj3Ax) 308
Its threads like this that remind me why Ace did not use his real name when naming this blog.
Posted by: Dire Straits at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM (OWjjx) You mean that Mrs. O'Spades is NOT his paternal grandmother?? Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 17, 2014 04:41 PM (V+kmg) 309
299 Hot n' Sour has hot oil and other creepy Asian things that scare the shit out of the flu. Word.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM Agreed. The Chinese really outmaneuvered teh Joooos on that one. Pro Tip: a good helping of wasabi on the side will clear out those stuffed nasal passage like no expensive OTC medicine can. ---- Yep. An hanging out in a noodle shop is like a soothing sauna with noodles, jowtsers and Jap beer. Good Times. Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (oDCMR) 310
Like I've said, da Zero, Pelosi, and Hairy Reed are doing irrepairable damage to the leftard brand. Excellent work.
Posted by: maddogg Perhaps not. my wife's family is utterly unphased by any of it. Posted by: Blue Hen at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (Spluw) 311
ümlauts are overrated.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (NeFrd) 312
Don't ask for a side of Wasabi and Green Tea at a Chinese place.
Posted by: garrett at November 17, 2014 04:39 PM I'm the "inclusive" type. I'll eat both, same day. Whatever beef those two countries have is between them. Notice, however, I'm sating away from Korean food. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (PoKIA) 313
Hopefully they'll use Twatter to troll us again that "ITS THE LAW"
Posted by: tooltip at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (T1lV8) Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (V70Uh) 315
Hot n' Sour has hot oil and other creepy Asian things that scare the shit out of the flu.
---------------- Minced rat tail. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (F2IAQ) 316
299 Hot n' Sour has hot oil and other creepy Asian things that scare the shit out of the flu. Word.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:35 PM Agreed. The Chinese really outmaneuvered teh Joooos on that one. Pro Tip: a good helping of wasabi on the side will clear out those stuffed nasal passage like no expensive OTC medicine can. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (PoKIA) The Jewish New Year is 5774 and the Chinese New Year is 3700 which means that for over 2000 years, Jews went without Chinese food on Sundays. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (CMkNk) 317
I still can't copy and paste a fancy quote or ellipsis or emdash.
Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (ZPrif) 318
Perhaps not. my wife's family is utterly unphased by any of it.Posted by: Blue Hen at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (Spluw) There ain't no cure for stoopid.
Posted by: maddogg at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (xWW96) 319
I ❤ umlauts.
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (K4YiS) 320
I cannot be pronounced correctly without an umlaut.
Posted by: Uber at November 17, 2014 04:44 PM (UlJ3l) 321
313 Hopefully they'll use Twatter to troll us again that "ITS THE LAW"
Posted by: tooltip at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM (T1lV ![]() So was Dred Scot and Plessy v Ferguson (Ferguson!!!) yo. Just saying. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:44 PM (CMkNk) 322
So, the consensus is: Impeach both Obama and Biden. A special 2-for-1 sale. Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 04:42 PM
Yup. With a special message for their successor: "get your mind right, chump; we can treat you the same way." Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:44 PM (PoKIA) 323
317 I still can't copy and paste a fancy quote or ellipsis or emdash.
Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (ZPrif) Fake it with spaces . . . - - - Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:44 PM (CMkNk) 324
Impeach Obama? Why do that, he's already a fruit.
Posted by: Joe Biden at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (wAQA5) 325
293 Don't impeach Obama, just investigate his minions constantly. No self respecting Obama flunkie wants to see all that ill gotten gains chewed up in legal bills. They will sell out Barky in a NY minute.
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (oDCMR) Yep. Impeachment, however correct, would end up to be kabuki and bite the Republicans in the ass without an honest media. Period. Investigate the living shit out of the shadow people. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Suntanning in Bizzaro World at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (Gqihq) 326
The Jewish New Year is 5774 and the Chinese New Year is 3700 which means that for over 2000 years, Jews went without Chinese food on Sundays.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (CMkNk) Yeah but if you look at the Family Albums from back then, we were all pretty skinny Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (M0mf2) Posted by: Margaret Cho at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (HcSZU) 328
That was quite a comment. Did you write it & copy & paste it?
It took two passes of two separate programs. No '500 Server Errors' for moi. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (zxQ4h) Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Curmudgeon Extraordinaire at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (0HooB) 330
Minced rat tail.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM (F2IAQ) Fabulous. Simply darling. It sets me all a-twitter. Better than a Judy Garland film festival on Key West. Oh, and by the way, I'm not ghey. I have a kid. No, really. Not at all. In fact...hang on...Hello?...Yeah, I gotta take this. It's the "American Pickers." Posted by: Andrew Zimmern at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (vgIRn) 331
Yeah but if you look at the Family Albums from back then, we were all pretty skinny Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (M0mf2) Bubbe and Zayda Ho Lee Fookenstien were like chopsticks. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (CMkNk) 332
Investigate the living shit out of the shadow people.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Suntanning in Bizzaro World at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (Gqihq) Here. *hands over yesterday's Depends* Posted by: Al Roker at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (sDapq) Posted by: fixerupper at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (NaV4z) 334
Remember Obozo said it was going ot be on CSPAN and that the bill would be posted for everyone to read before it was voted on ?? WTF media Posted by: The Jackhole at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (6/J77) 335
327 Notice, however, I'm sating away from Korean food.
Why won't you eat Korean? ---------------------- Garlic (and that's what all Korean food is) is great for avoiding colds and flu but not for ending them quickly. Why be miserable and smell funny as well? Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (oDCMR) 336
It is not exculpatory to insist you spent a whole year lying to us. What about an entire lifetime? Posted by: DaveA at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (DL2i+) 337
The Jewish New Year is 5774 and the Chinese New Year
is 3700 which means that for over 2000 years, Jews went without Chinese food on Sundays. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:43 PM Maybe the Chinese hit teh Reset Button somewhere along the way. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (PoKIA) 338
Posted by: @somePresident at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (Qgr71) 339
Ah, the WH has a sad:
@Reuters 14s U.S. "disappointed" with Iran's IAEA lack of cooperation ahead of nuclear talks: Posted by: weft cut-loop, now in Dark Chunks! at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (/lTUs) Posted by: Soothsayer, All Knowing Of (Approximate) Knowledge at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (esnsL) 341
gee it's getting dark earlier lately
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (M0mf2) 342
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:38 PM (zxQ4h) ********** I don't even want to know what you had to do to earn that kind of privilege around here. It probably involves Batman tights. Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (RJMhd) Posted by: Ueber at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (evdj2) 344
Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on? Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
Posted by: Helen Reddy, for no particular reason at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (JtwS4) 345
Let's run Gruber out of town with a ♆.
Posted by: zombie at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (K4YiS) 346
We disappointed him again so he's lying to us or,
He's lying to us so we disappointed him again. I'm disappointed no moron has flogged this meme in 300+ comments. Posted by: DaveA at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (DL2i+) 347
CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint
Posted by: boner & turtle at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (TiTon) 348
325 Investigate the living shit out of the shadow people.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Suntanning in Bizzaro World at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (Gqihq) Impeachment sends a message IF and only if you have a party and a spokesperson who can articulate why it's necessary. We got "oo-gatz" in that regard. So yes, investigate the living shit out of every damn department. Then again will Boehner and McConnell appoint select committees? Sheesh. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (CMkNk) 349
I'm still impressed that he fessed up to the fact that businesses don't pay taxes, they pass them along to consumers. That's a bigger issue for 2016 debates: kill Corporate taxes.
Posted by: Joan of Argghh at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (LTY2j) 350
I still think that by the end of 2015, it will be the Democrat party bringing up impeachment.
And comment #294 (---) really sums it up. Posted by: jwb7605 at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (ZALPg) Posted by: Ueber at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (JtwS4) 352
gee it's getting dark earlier lately
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (M0mf2) ---- its because global warming is causing the Sun to run out of helium so no nuclear fusion. The shorter days are the suns way of conserving energy. Posted by: fixerupper at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (NaV4z) 353
In fact...hang on...Hello?...Yeah, I gotta take this. It's the "American Pickers."
Posted by: Andrew Zimmern at November 17, 2014 04:46 PM (vgIRn) ************ Hi ANDREW!!!! Posted by: Frankie..... Who is not Ghey at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (32Ze2) 354
Twelves my limit on schnitzengrubers Posted by: Baraka the sherriff Obama at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (6/J77) 355
>>U.S. "disappointed" with Iran's IAEA lack of cooperation ahead of nuclear talks:
Obama won't negotiate with Republicans but he will negotiate Iran. Yes, I see nothing odd about this situation. Posted by: JackStraw at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (g1DWB) 356
Oh snap.
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 2m Ouch. RT @lachlan: Obama in 2006: "I've stolen ideas from [Jonathan Gruber] liberally" Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (ZPrif) Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (M0mf2) 358
Also remember, that the Obamacare wording was inserted into the hollowed out House spending bill so that it could be passed in the Senate and sent back to the House where it was deemed passed.
Sort of the Senate equivalent of a Swisher Sweet cigar hollowed out to make a blunt. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (NeFrd) 359
Why won't you eat Korean?
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM I've had Korean food, but the context here is that both the Japanese and Chinese seem to have a mad on for Koreans (and vice versa), and that's a squabble any sensible person would stay out of. Posted by: MrScribbler at November 17, 2014 04:51 PM (PoKIA) 360
Remember Obozo said it was going ot be on CSPAN and that the bill would be posted for everyone to read before it was voted on ?? WTF media Posted by: The Jackhole at November 17, 2014 04:47 PM (6/J77) A very large Nelson Muntz laugh at you, bad kid! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:51 PM (CMkNk) 361
Debated it - they never Read it!!!
Posted by: lizzy at November 17, 2014 04:51 PM (cyU1e) 362
Obama lies' shits in their mouth, and the clapping idiot seals just keep clapping. Nobody is madder about this than me.
Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at November 17, 2014 04:51 PM (ucDmr) 363
CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint CANNOT shut down gubmint Da Shutdown of Doom HURTED the 'Publicans becuz POLLS!!!! Posted by: GOPologists at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (Qgr71) 364
Ümlaut! Posted by: zombie heh... great memories. I saw Umlaut open for the Raging Bungholes back in the day.. those deep cuts on their 2nd album... man.. Posted by: Yip at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (84SRe) 365
358 Also remember, that the Obamacare wording was inserted into the hollowed out House spending bill so that it could be passed in the Senate and sent back to the House where it was deemed passed.
Sort of the Senate equivalent of a Swisher Sweet cigar hollowed out to make a blunt. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (NeFrd) So okay. The Democrats were Mike Brown slapping the store owner. Where's our metaphorical Officer Wilson? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (CMkNk) Posted by: SE Pa Moron at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (zxQ4h) 367
JJ, Ace values his privacy but that soup offer would be hard to resist!
I'll be in NYC next week! I have planned stuffs to do, and places to eat, but any advice/recs from the NYC Morons? Don't know when the next meetup is, probably should ring CBD. Wish I could see you guys but not sure that's in the cards. Posted by: LizLem at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (yRwC8) 368
Also, curse you at #343!
Posted by: Ueber at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (JtwS4) 369
352 gee it's getting dark earlier lately
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 17, 2014 04:48 PM (M0mf2) ---- its because global warming is causing the Sun to run out of helium so no nuclear fusion. The shorter days are the suns way of conserving energy. Posted by: fixerupper at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (NaV4z) We need one of those switches that turns off lights when you're not in the room wired to the Sun... Posted by: MikeH at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (ZdA3v) 370
Yes you can.
Posted by: Ueber at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (JtwS4) **** Which goes to remind us that Ellis Island typewriters didn't have umlauts either. My family got the 'oe' rather than the 'ae' Posted by: Seamus Muldoon, a solid man at November 17, 2014 04:53 PM (NeFrd) 371
Posted by: Ueber at November 17, 2014 04:53 PM (evdj2) 372
367 JJ, Ace values his privacy but that soup offer would be hard to resist!
I'll be in NYC next week! I have planned stuffs to do, and places to eat, but any advice/recs from the NYC Morons? Don't know when the next meetup is, probably should ring CBD. Wish I could see you guys but not sure that's in the cards. Posted by: LizLem at November 17, 2014 04:52 PM (yRwC ![]() I have tons of places to recommend. You can reach me through CBD. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:54 PM (CMkNk) 373
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 1m
Whoa. Obama Flashback: 'I've Stolen Ideas' From Jonathan Gruber Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:54 PM (ZPrif) 374
356 Oh snap.
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 2m Ouch. RT @lachlan: Obama in 2006: "I've stolen ideas from [Jonathan Gruber] liberally" Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (ZPrif) ******** Wow--off to check that out. Posted by: Jon Gruber Voxplains it! at November 17, 2014 04:54 PM (RJMhd) 375
Actually, we did debate obamacare. At the 2014 election, where we finally udnerstood what it was and what it was doing.
Posted by: Dr McCoy at November 17, 2014 04:55 PM (/EkKm) 376
@224 George Orwell Excellent!
Posted by: Yip at November 17, 2014 04:55 PM (84SRe) Posted by: Soothsayer, All Knowing Of (Approximate) Knowledge at November 17, 2014 04:55 PM (esnsL) 378
"We need one of those switches that turns off lights when you're not in the room wired to the Sun..."
Clap on, clap off. A really ginormous Clapper. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:56 PM (n0a1r) 379
356 - Who is this 'Gruber' chap?
Posted by: MFM at November 17, 2014 04:56 PM (F2IAQ) 380
293 Don't impeach Obama, just investigate his minions constantly. No self respecting Obama flunkie wants to see all that ill gotten gains chewed up in legal bills. They will sell out Barky in a NY minute.
The key is to investigate people that are NOT currently in the government. Otherwise, taxpayer funded lawyers. Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at November 17, 2014 04:56 PM (i7m/g) 381
Gruber himself says Obama asked him questions about how to con the stupid voters into accepting his health insurance plan: Posted by: Senator Phil E. Buster at November 17, 2014 04:56 PM (HvsPx) 382
That's not being faithful to what this
country's about." Posted by: Barack Obama at November 17, 2014 04:08 PM How the hell would *you* know? Posted by: despair at November 17, 2014 04:56 PM (dcY7v) 383
Obama. On stage. With Gruber. Bragging that he's "stolen ideas" from Gruber.
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 2m Ouch. RT @lachlan: Obama in 2006: "I've stolen ideas from [Jonathan Gruber] liberally" Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (ZPrif) 384
Austan Gooooolsbee and JON GRUBER. He said it. The lying piece of shit said it, said it, said it. But the MFM will cover. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (CMkNk) 385
Hmm, not exactly "Some chicken, some neck"
Posted by: Jean at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (rQe9y) Posted by: Sandra Fluke at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (LA7Cm) 387
I have tons of places to recommend. You can reach me through CBD.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:54 PM (CMkNk) Awesome! Will do. Posted by: LizLem at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (yRwC8) Posted by: Charles Gibson at November 17, 2014 04:57 PM (n0a1r) 389
I did not make policy with that economist, Mr. Gruber.
Posted by: B. Obama at November 17, 2014 04:58 PM (MMC8r) 390
So yes, investigate the living shit out of every damn department. Then again will Boehner and McConnell appoint select committees? Sheesh.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:49 PM (CMkNk) ------------------------------------- I, like you, have my doubts from previous performances. BUT, I'm still going to hold off on my blanket condemnation until the new congress gets underway. Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:58 PM (qaepl) 391
A republican democracy such as ours starts to get into very dangerous territory when the Executive ignores the voters, law and Constitution and substitutes his on will in its place. We not only call that despotic but anarchistic.
That Congress has also taken the Constitutionally mandated tool, impeachment, off the table, and the fact they have neither the temerity or guts to at least rise that up to the level of potential remedies, all because some consultants tell them it does not poll well or it somehow hurts them politically, increases the danger and relegates the people to subjects, or at a minimum electoral dupes. Obama maybe the most despicable president in our history, but Congress is equally loathsome because the only people who seem to be losing are the citizenry. Posted by: Marcus T at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (BVi/B) 392
224 Makes more sense to debate with some crazy guy on a corner downtown screaming at people...
Posted by: George Orwell at November 17, 2014 04:30 PM (1BQGO) That would be our government. Or Ed Schultz. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (CMkNk) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (n0a1r) 394
Suck it, haters.
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, Vermont at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (zNKCm) 395
356 Oh snap.
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 2m Ouch. RT @lachlan: Obama in 2006: "I've stolen ideas from [Jonathan Gruber] liberally" Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 17, 2014 04:50 PM (ZPrif) Using our previously stated words against us is unpatriotic! And racist. And you're meanie heads. Posted by: Everyone in the Obama Administration, and the media, but I repeat myself at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (yRwC8) 396
Oi! Corgis! Nood.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 17, 2014 04:59 PM (knoK7) 397
Can one buy ace a Resturant gift certificate in NYC that he can collect by dropping in the joint?
Posted by: Jean at November 17, 2014 05:00 PM (rQe9y) 398
Posted by: AltonJackson at November 17, 2014 05:00 PM (2Ayux) 399
390 I, like you, have my doubts from previous performances. BUT, I'm still going to hold off on my blanket condemnation until the new congress gets underway.
Posted by: Soona at November 17, 2014 04:58 PM (qaepl) Honestly, it's their last chance with me. If they fail, I will stay home in 2016 (depending on our candidate) and recommend going 3rd party. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 17, 2014 05:00 PM (CMkNk) Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 17, 2014 05:00 PM (go6ud) 401
>>Austan Gooooolsbee and JON GRUBER.
Who was also part of The Hamilton Project at Brookings where you notice Obama was giving his talk. I'm telling you, The Hamilton Project is a who's who of Clinton and Obama insiders. Virtually everyone connected to ramming this piece of shit down our throats including Goolsbee, Orszag, Summers, Elmsdorf and more. It is just not credible that Obama knew all these people but not Gruber who Larry Summer's admits provided the economic model at the core of Obamacare. Posted by: JackStraw at November 17, 2014 05:00 PM (g1DWB) 402
...which means that for over 2000 years, Jews went without Chinese food on Sundays and Christmas.
Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at November 17, 2014 05:01 PM (V70Uh) 403
" Wondering when responsible Dems will pull him aside and say "enough, already."
First, off, I'm not sure there are any responsible Democrats. And second, even if there were, they will not do so because they like what he's doing. They full approve. They applaud him. They want him to do more. They believe - along with most of the hard left and many Democrats I've talked to - that President Obama is losing support because he hasn't been hardcore leftist enough. And hey, why wouldn't they think so? They've had tremendous power and support through 8 years of elections, winning enormously 3 out of the 5 elections, regardless of what they did or said. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 17, 2014 05:01 PM (39g3+) 404
I agree with the comment above. There is no debate and no transparency if one side is lying through their teeth.
Posted by: Ken at November 17, 2014 05:04 PM (LXJ1e) 405
This is simply O's playbook as I don't think he is intelligent enough to realize how naked his lies are: Ayers = some guy in the neighborhood Rev. Wright's Church = I never knew that there was any kind of anti-American talk at this church that I attended for 20 years. Uncle Drunkle -Never met him.Except that time I lived with him for a while. IRS scandal: I'm mad as hell about this! Not a smidgeon of corruption. The list goes on and on..... Posted by: cheri at November 17, 2014 05:05 PM (oiNtH) 406
There were three bombscares in Boston today, two were at CVS Pharmacies.
Posted by: Carol at November 17, 2014 05:06 PM (sj3Ax) 407
Lie all you want, RethugliKKKan haters. Our historic first multiracial President owns all of you. How does his ass taste?
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, Vermont at November 17, 2014 05:07 PM (zNKCm) 408
120 Obama Calls Jon Gruber "Some Advisor"
Yeah, Obama also calls me "Some Neighbor." Ungrateful prick. Posted by: Bill Ayers ____________________________ Yes, you'd think after Bill Ayers got Obama that plum job handing out other peoples' money on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, then wrote Obama's book for him (after Obama was "stuck" with just a fistful of scribbled notes when his book contract deadline approached), then helped Obama kick off his political career by holding fund-raising parties for Obama in his house, that Obama would give admitted terrorist Bill Ayers credit for being something more than "just some guy in the neighborhood that I barely know . . . ." But then, Obama always has been a lying, selfish, narcissistic SOB, hasn't he? Posted by: Bernadine Dohrn at November 17, 2014 05:10 PM (HvsPx) 409
Voters call Obama "some alleged adviser" to the people of the United States
Posted by: Marcus T at November 17, 2014 05:13 PM (BVi/B) 410
Awful lot of global warming flying around outside. Not supposed to accumulate enough to try out the new Toro redistributor yet.
Posted by: DaveA at November 17, 2014 05:16 PM (DL2i+) 411
There were three bombscares in Boston today, two were at CVS Pharmacies.
It was socons, they want to blow up the birth control pills! Posted by: Blanco Basura at November 17, 2014 05:18 PM (UVfht) 412
Are we OT yet? If not, allow me...
A little late for Sunday's book thread, but Moron-approved tome "The Martian" by Andy Wier is up for Goodreads Best Books of 2014 in the SciFi category. Also up is Larry Correia's "Moster Hunter: Nemisis" in horror and Lena Dunham's "Not That Kind of Girl" in humor (please, for the love of Cthulhu, go vote for anything else). Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren both have a book in the Autobiography and Memoirs section (but so does Cary Elwes, "As You Wish", which is indeed about the filming of Princess Bride. Vote accordingly). Linky for to cast your vote: Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at November 17, 2014 05:18 PM (6fyGz) 413
"after Bill Ayers got Obama that plum job handing out other peoples' money on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge"
I recall pointing out to ardent liberals back in 2008 that Obama and Ayers had blown through _a hundred million dollars_ worth of Annenberg money for the Chicago public schools, and that all they had managed to do with it was to drive _down_ already dire Chicago public school test results, and what grounds were there for trusting someone that incompetent with the keys to the Oval Office? Their response? Fingers in ears. "LA LA LA LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA!" Posted by: torquewrench at November 17, 2014 05:18 PM (noWW6) 414
Our historic first multiracial President owns all of you. How does his ass taste?
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, Vermont at November 17, 2014 05:07 PM (zNKCm) Perhaps we should be asking you that very same question, hmmm??? Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at November 17, 2014 05:21 PM (6fyGz) 415
Investigate the living shit out of the shadow people.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Suntanning in Bizzaro World at November 17, 2014 04:45 PM (Gqihq) I'd hope they put Val Jar under oath (without her illegal Secret Service protection detail). Posted by: RickZ at November 17, 2014 05:35 PM (06FRj) 416
Obama lied. Grandma died.
Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at November 17, 2014 05:39 PM (lJLML) 417
If everything was so transparent then why were we told "we have to pass it so we can find out what's in it " ??? !!!!!!!
Posted by: Lewfarge at November 17, 2014 06:58 PM (XOC90) 418
LOL! You can't make this stuff up. You really can't. He goes on t.v. and pulls the same old, "Oh...well I just head about this. I had no idea," then someone digs up an old speech of him talking about his buddy Austin Goolsbee and "stealing liberally" from academics like Gruber. But will anything come of this? Probably not. We have a feckless opposition party that won't do a damn thing to stand up for the American people, which is what they are supposed to do. He will pass amnesty, and still they will do N O T H I N G. It's like we, the people, are being held up on the street, and all the Repubes can do is get out their cell phones and video tape the whole thing. Later one they'll upload the clip on youtube, wax sympathetic, and give it a catchy title like, "Watch the Poor Tax Paying Public Get Owned by the Leviathon." Thanks for having our backs, guys, really. No really, thanks a lot.
Posted by: Mistress Overdone at November 17, 2014 08:08 PM (2/oBD) Processing 0.06, elapsed 0.0756 seconds. |
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