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Ace of Spades Pet Thread

nuke the lizards (1).jpg



Good afternoon everybody. Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Whatever you're doing can be put on hold for awhile. Take some time and enjoy the world of pets.


A Little of This. A Little of That.

Pete the Pooch travels Europe. H/T Hank Curmudgeon


H/T Hank Curmudgeon


Houdini The Husky.

Meet The PetMorons

isatmage1 (1).jpg

Here’s Angus the Home Protection Chihuahua. I’m a long time fan of the pet thread. This is my first post. - Kevin

Your first submission and you and Angus are the opening PetMorons. Excellent!!! He appears to be a super-duper Home Protection Companion. Thanks for sharing.



Long time lurker, gg, here. This is our 3yr old JR, Henry. He’s a bundle of energy & we are quite smitten with him. Love the pet thread.

Thank you GG for the support. Glad you and Henry decided to make a splash here in the Pet Thread.


perfect Golden.jpg

Aslan is a 4yr old Golden Retriever who belongs to my son and his 3 boys, but I was entrusted with his care while they were living in China for a year. He is a perfect Golden Retriever. He is calm, loving - what my son calls a "relationship dog". I have a cattle ranch and Aslan always thought he could make friends with the calves -- they were about his size. He would do the "play pose" with them at the fence but they were wary -- he looks too much like a coyote to them. Only occasionally would one touch noses with him. He is back with his family now, where he needs to be. - Susan

Great looking dog and what a wonderful parent for you to dog sit for an entire year. Glad to hear everyone is back home safe and sound.


A short Pet Thread. My In-Box was not overflowing this week with tidbits from you folks.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 03:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Happy Caturday!

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:01 PM (pPNCa)

2 "God" backwards is "dog."

Posted by: Insomniac at August 03, 2019 03:02 PM (NWiLs)

3 I see that the Pet Thread is going boldly where no Pet Thread has gone before.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:02 PM (pPNCa)

4 I thought dinosaurs evolved from birds?

Posted by: Concerned People's Front, Unbanned Chapter at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (NjJUT)

5 Henry is quite dapper.

Posted by: DR.WTF at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (aS1PU)


Posted by: redc1c4 at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (oAGVj)

7 Sweet pups this week. All different. Looks like they are all loved.

Posted by: KTbarthedoor at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (BVQ+1)

8 "God" backwards is "dog."

Only in English. Not in French, German, Latin, or any other civilized language. Reminds me of a librarian friend's joke about the dyslexic atheist: the guy sits up at night wondering whether "dog" exists.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (pPNCa)

9 I mentioned this in another thread earlier this week but granddog Java, an ancient chocolate lab looks to be approaching the rainbow bridge. He's arthritic, all he wants to do is sleep and now he's had a couple of falls.

Not my dog. I know the kids will do right by him but it's sad.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (ESjAn)

10 3 I see that the Pet Thread is going boldly where no Pet Thread has gone before.
Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:02 PM (pPNCa)

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (aA3+G)

11 It's probably because of the dogs God hasn't nuked us as well.

Posted by: Clutch Cargo at August 03, 2019 03:06 PM (Dzxm7)

12 My dog is sitting behind me in my office whining. I don't know what for, but it might be about a half eaten bag of cheetos.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:07 PM (ESjAn)

13 I was wondering, lots of people anthropomorphize their pets (attribute human motivations and feelings to them). Do cats and dogs felipomorphize or canipomorphize their humans? Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things because they think we're really terrible hunters.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 03, 2019 03:07 PM (l9m7l)

14 When I look at her she stops whining momentarily but then says heck with it, I want to whine, I'm gonna whine.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:08 PM (ESjAn)

15 Angus and Henry have soft things piled on soft things piled on the couch. As they should.

Posted by: m at August 03, 2019 03:10 PM (9sE8T)

16 The only thing wrong about dogs is they don't live long enough.

And by that I mean forever.

Shitheel cats on the other hand...

Posted by: Regular joe at August 03, 2019 03:12 PM (6/uwW)

17 Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things because they think we're really terrible hunters.

My vet (who is a cat guy, BTW) says that cats think of humans as oversize retarded kittens. Might explain why some cats lick their humans as if they're grooming a kitten.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:12 PM (pPNCa)

18 Are goldens bad for slobber?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 03:13 PM (ycWCI)

19 My Paisley is very vocal. She probably thinks I'm a little slow because I don't understand her.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:13 PM (ESjAn)

20 17 Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things because they think we're really terrible hunters.

My vet (who is a cat guy, BTW) says that cats think of humans as oversize retarded kittens. Might explain why some cats lick their humans as if they're grooming a kitten.
Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:12 PM (pPNCa)

Also we've shed most of our fur.

Posted by: m at August 03, 2019 03:13 PM (9sE8T)

21 8 "God" backwards is "dog."

Only in English. Not in French, German, Latin, or any other civilized language. Reminds me of a librarian friend's joke about the dyslexic atheist: the guy sits up at night wondering whether "dog" exists.
Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:05 PM (pPNCa)

You have a problem with English? You some kind of commiefag?

Posted by: Insomniac at August 03, 2019 03:13 PM (NWiLs)

22 Happy Caturday everyone

Posted by: Skip at August 03, 2019 03:13 PM (BbGew)

23 I'll share one more thing and then shut up. I had a day dream this week, it was a day dream but it was a strong one.

I arrive in heaven, obviously well after my late wife, but also sometime after Paisley.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:17 PM (ESjAn)

24 The photos at the Husky story are wonderful.

Posted by: m at August 03, 2019 03:18 PM (9sE8T)

25 Balloon terrier for the win.

Posted by: 1921 C DRUM at August 03, 2019 03:19 PM (h7sWp)

26 I love beagles. They go aroooooo.

That is all

Posted by: Wingnat Pikachu - Cutest RWDS Mascot at August 03, 2019 03:19 PM (AtnLe)

27 Sorry/--I'm greeted by Faye but off in the distance I see a whitish whirlwind, complete with much barking and other vocalizations.
Faye says "Paisley's been waiting for you to come home for a long time."

So according to my day dream Paisley will know Faye and adopt her as her heavenly human.

Just a day dream.

Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:19 PM (ESjAn)

28 Man adopts dogs from shelter which nobody else wants:

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 03, 2019 03:21 PM (+0VWg)


Puppy with missing leg adopted by a veteran with missing leg

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 03, 2019 03:25 PM (aKsyK)

30 Aww, that is sweet N Lurker.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at August 03, 2019 03:26 PM (vrfMC)

31 Cats think we are staff. We are there to serve there every single need. Our payment is they allow us to pet them and enjoy there presence. Seems fair.

Posted by: Puddleglum at August 03, 2019 03:26 PM (iwRWY)

32 Handsome doggies today. gg and Kevin, don't be afraid to come out of lurk mode.

The Husky and his buddy is very sweet. They really do look happy to finally see each other up close.

Posted by: cfo mom at August 03, 2019 03:28 PM (RfzVr)

33 31 Cats think we are staff. We are there to serve there every single need. Our payment is they allow us to pet them and enjoy there presence. Seems fair.
Posted by: Puddleglum at August 03, 2019 03:26 PM (iwRWY)

And dogs have pretty much exactly the opposite attitude.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 03:29 PM (ycWCI)

34 Nice Pets Ya'll!.......

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 03, 2019 03:31 PM (Z+IKu)

35 15 ... "Angus and Henry have soft things piled on soft things piled on the couch. As they should."

I've mentioned before but the tiniest of our toy poodles from years ago never got bigger than 4 pounds and could walk through the opening of a chain link fence when we first brought her and her brothers home. She wasn't heavy enough to dent firm whipped cream but she HAD to have as much cushion as possible. That meant blankets on top of towels on top of pillows in an unsteady ziggurat. From this soft and lofty perch she could snuggle while viewing her domain. Until she fell asleep.

We miss the three of them to this day.

Posted by: JTB at August 03, 2019 03:32 PM (bmdz3)

36 Hoomans are crazy. They have this noisy stick they rub all over the rug, floors, couch, pillows. They even rub it over my plush toys and my bed. I work so hard to get everything covered with fur, just like I like it, only to have the noisy stick suck it all up. Like I said, hoomans are crazy. Did I mention they collect my poop in little plastic bags?

Posted by: The Dog at August 03, 2019 03:35 PM (COzlW)

37 It's probably because of the dogs God hasn't nuked us as well.
Posted by: Clutch Cargo

If an alien species ever wants us to offer one human achievement to justify our existence, dogs would be it.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, something something punk at August 03, 2019 03:35 PM (D5yyd)

38 Sweet pets today. I bet Aslan is thrilled to have his 3 boys back to play with since the calves were too timid. Henry looks cute as a button and I believe the bundle of energy. Angus looks like a sweetheart.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at August 03, 2019 03:36 PM (vrfMC)

39 Great cartoon.

Posted by: Diogenes at August 03, 2019 03:37 PM (axyOa)

40 I was wondering, lots of people anthropomorphize their pets (attribute human motivations and feelings to them). Do cats and dogs felipomorphize or canipomorphize their humans? Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things because they think we're really terrible hunters.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 03, 2019 03:07 PM (l9m7l)

Yes they do. To our cat I am another cat that needs to be put in its place from time to time. The cat sees my wife, on the other hand, as an elven queen a little more wondrous that Galadriel.

Posted by: DR.WTF at August 03, 2019 03:39 PM (aS1PU)

41 what is your inbox for this MisHum? Doggeh could send you moar selfies

Posted by: vmom with book nooz from horde authors at August 03, 2019 03:41 PM (+72t1)

42 Doggeh had a possible ear infection this week (red gunk)
I suspect he might be sensitive to turkey (I know he is to chicken)
Was gonna take him to the vet but it seems like Zymox cleared it up
Am gonna try using a powder to help me pluck his ears better

Posted by: vmom with book nooz from horde authors at August 03, 2019 03:46 PM (+72t1)

43 make that boston terrier chairman of the federal reserve!

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at August 03, 2019 03:46 PM (Pg+x7)

44 MisHum, you might want to rethink challenging a component of the Horde about insufficient submissions to the Pet Thread, jus' sayin'!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 03:47 PM (BiNEL)

45 Do cats and dogs felipomorphize or canipomorphize
their humans? Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things
because they think we're really terrible hunters.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 03, 2019 03:07 PM (l9m7l)

A friend's mom has a story about their old momma cat, who when they had given away the last kitten in a litter, would meow at her until she went into the back room, where the momma cat then proceeded to demonstrate to her how to use the litter box.

This is the same momma cat that would bring her entire litter of kittens in to observe my friend's mom ironing whenever she set up the ironing board.

Posted by: Kindltot at August 03, 2019 03:47 PM (vJw+j)

46 Couple of weeks ago my dog was posted here; alllegedly he was Lab/Newfoundland mix. Got his spit test results back. Even though his coat is mostly black it says he's 1/4 Golden Retriever, 1/4 Swiss Shepherd, 1/4 Staffordshire and 1/4 Chow. I believe the Goldie; despite his color he looks and acts more like one every day. The rest...I honestly wonder if they just threw darts at a breed board and said "close enough."

Posted by: doomed at August 03, 2019 03:49 PM (oS0xz)

47 Just a day dream.
Posted by: A N.L. Urker, champion of Urkers everywhere at August 03, 2019 03:19 PM (ESjAn

Dayum, it is suddenly very dusty in here!

Conor and I think that is a prophetic dream, the kind that only comes to good people. We're glad you and Paisley found each other

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 03:51 PM (BiNEL)

48 45 This is the same momma cat that would bring her entire litter of kittens in to observe my friend's mom ironing whenever she set up the ironing board.
Posted by: Kindltot at August 03, 2019 03:47 PM (vJw+j)

I would never be able to quit laughing if I saw that.

Posted by: m at August 03, 2019 03:51 PM (9sE8T)

49 All of the dogs featured today are very somber-looking.

Posted by: m at August 03, 2019 03:54 PM (9sE8T)

50 Pet Thread!! WeaselDog says hey!

Posted by: Weasel at August 03, 2019 03:56 PM (JA1kr)

51 My poodle Charlie watches TV. He loves to see dogs on TV. Show Dogs, a live action movie about talking dogs, was on and he sat and watched the entire 90 minute movie with rapt attention.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 03, 2019 03:57 PM (+y/Ru)

52 Beautiful moron pups today. I was never fond of Chihuahuas but I got to "know" Jenna Marbles' Marbles and now I think they are pretty cute. I love how little dogs think they are lions.

Posted by: Gem at August 03, 2019 04:02 PM (XoAz8)

53 >>Are goldens bad for slobber?

Not particularly. Had many Goldens and none of them were particularly slobbery.

They are about the perfect dog.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 03, 2019 04:02 PM (K/2j/)

54 Our dog is also named Angus and is a chihuahua mix. Your Angus is teh kewt!

Right now our Angus is sunning himself on the patio. Lazy doggeh.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 03, 2019 04:02 PM (JvZF+)

55 Pretty much the only time Ajax responds to the tv is if there is a door bell or door knock. Aside from that he will glance at it, but it does not hold his interest.

Same things with mirrors. He does not seem interested. When I am standing at the bathroom vanity mirror brushing my teeth or whatever, i'll see him behind me, but he does not meet my eyes in the mirror, he is staring at the back of my head.

I think it has something to do with lack of smell and knowing the images are not 'real' because of it. He was the same with a laser pointer. He'd chase the dot a bit when he was a puppy, but quickly he'd start looking at my hand moving and start ignoring the dot.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:03 PM (ycWCI)

56 Going to hit the underthehouse and see where the pet rats are getting in. Sounds like they got up into the tub enclosure last night.


Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at August 03, 2019 04:03 PM (LGo6U)

57 53 >>Are goldens bad for slobber?

Not particularly. Had many Goldens and none of them were particularly slobbery.

They are about the perfect dog.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 03, 2019 04:02 PM (K/2j/)

Every one I have ever interacted with, they seem like pretty awesome dogs.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:04 PM (ycWCI)

58 My poodle Charlie watches TV.

My cats like to watch baseball games-- I think they find it amusing to watch humans run around a square outline on a field of grass, flip bats, and otherwise do (from the feline point of view) stupid things. They were fascinated by the Pirates/Reds brawl the other night-- I think they enjoyed watching two managers as well as the players making idiots of themselves. So much for human rationality.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:05 PM (pPNCa)

59 >>Every one I have ever interacted with, they seem like pretty awesome dogs.

It's pretty much impossible for me not to pet a Golden when I see one. I like all dogs but Goldens hold a particular place.

Be warned. If I see your Golden I will pet him.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 03, 2019 04:05 PM (K/2j/)

60 Going to hit the underthehouse and see where the pet rats are getting in.

You live in Baltimore?

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:06 PM (pPNCa)

61 51
SisterH had a corgi that would sit on the sofa between her and her husband and watch TV with them. The interesting part was that to the left of the TV was the interior of the house, while to the right was a glass door that overlooked their backyard. If an animal (especially a dog) ran off screen to the right, her corgi would jump down and go look out the glass door to see if it was there. However, the corgi never did this for animals that ran off screen but to the right!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 04:09 PM (BiNEL)

62 Golden's are simple dogs. The retriever part is kind of a misnomer. They will bring things back...but generally those are not the things you wanted.

So. Bonus. Each Golden owner will receive at the min. 1 Random Baseball Glove, Countless Random Balls including but not limited to Tennis; Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer Ball, etc.
You will also receive no less than 3 randomly selected handtools and several hats ranging in sizes from large to 'this doesn't fit at all!'

Posted by: garrett at August 03, 2019 04:09 PM (sX29E)

63 60 Going to hit the underthehouse and see where the pet rats are getting in.

You live in Baltimore?
Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:06 PM (pPNCa)

Kind of an apropos commentor nic there.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:09 PM (ycWCI)

64 Ugh rats. I am very happy to only ever see mice and bunnies around here and the odd bullsnake. I startle hard at the snakes but having hay for the horses I am glad to have them keeping the rodent population from exploding.

If your crawlspace is proofed against cats and things Valley Vet sells TomCat pellets. I use some in our feed room, don't really want snakes in there, prefer they stick to under the haystacks and I can keep the bait isolated from where dog or cat can get to.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at August 03, 2019 04:13 PM (vrfMC)

65 You will also receive no less than 3 randomly selected handtools and several hats ranging in sizes from large to 'this doesn't fit at all!'
Posted by: garrett at August 03, 2019 04:09 PM (sX29E)

A Man can always use another hat.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:15 PM (ycWCI)

66 >>Golden's are simple dogs. The retriever part is kind of a misnomer. They will bring things back...but generally those are not the things you wanted.

Our first Golden when I was a kid was a retired field trial champion. Now that dog brought back what he was told. He was also an exceptional frisbee catcher.

But we had one who was a hunter/scavenger. She would head out into the woods and bring back all sorts of animals that she would hunt down and kill. One time she brought back an ermine, I sent her back for more of those but alas. Our back yard has a sizable graveyard.

She stole a bottle of wine that had been left on a neighbors front stoop, all wrapped for Christmas. My mother made me take it back which seemed unnecessary.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 03, 2019 04:17 PM (K/2j/)

67 I see the troll has already been zapped; must be the Tom Cat rodent repellent at work.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:17 PM (pPNCa)

68 Our mutt Toby is a glove thief. He doesn't fetch random gloves and bring them to me or dad, he steals any glove that is dropped on the ground and runs off to bury it.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at August 03, 2019 04:17 PM (vrfMC)

69 Yikes did I poison the thread? Guess its my sign to shut the laptop and go do some yardwork.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at August 03, 2019 04:27 PM (vrfMC)

70 >>Cats, for example, leave us dead or half-dead things because they think we're really terrible hunters.

My vet (who is a cat guy, BTW) says that cats think of humans as oversize retarded kittens. Might explain why some cats lick their humans as if they're grooming a kitten.
Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 03:12 PM (pPNCa)

I recall reading something about how of all the sounds cats can make, there are some vocalizations they only use with their mothers - as kittens - and with their owners.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 03, 2019 04:27 PM (t+qrx)

71 As to whether pets petsonify us: Yes! All our pups assumed we were just funny looking dogs. Mrs. JTB, much smaller than me and usual dispensor of food, was to be protected. If they heard something 'threatening' outside, like thunder or someone knocking on the door, they would form up in front of her. On the other hand, with a 'threat' I became the alpha puppy for the moment and they stayed behind me. This behavior was consistent with five dogs over the course of thirty years.

Posted by: JTB at August 03, 2019 04:28 PM (bmdz3)

72 Yikes did I poison the thread?

I don't think so; some weekend Pet Threads move more slowly than others. Could be that some of the usual suspects are on vacation, too.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:29 PM (pPNCa)

73 After 14 years of companionship we had to bury Shadow today. At least we got to say goodbye and put her in a scenic spot on our land.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

74 o. Bonus. Each Golden owner will receive at the min. 1 Random Baseball Glove, Countless Random Balls including but not limited to Tennis; Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer Ball, etc.
You will also receive no less than 3 randomly selected handtools and several hats ranging in sizes from large to 'this doesn't fit at all!'
Posted by: garrett at August 03, 2019 04:09 PM (sX29E)

When we were first married we lived in a small mountain town. In that town was a store that was called The Purple Door owned by a woman that loved the color purple she lived about a quarter mile from us.

We owned a collie and he ran pretty much free. From time to time the dog would bring back all kinds of purple things. Shoes, various pieces of clothing, you name it, anything purple.

We never did fess up to that lady and I feel kind of bad about it.

Posted by: DR.WTF at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (aS1PU)

75 I love animals, especially out Pepper dog and Madison cat. I will even pick up a cricket that's found itself inside and put him back outside. I'm tenderhearted that way. But I will kill a deer or wild hog in a newyork minute. Yessir.

Posted by: Eromero at August 03, 2019 04:32 PM (UUkQp)

76 73 After 14 years of companionship we had to bury Shadow today. At least we got to say goodbye and put her in a scenic spot on our land.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

Sorry to hear that.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:32 PM (ycWCI)

77 Adam and Dog

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at August 03, 2019 04:36 PM (kJ1gp)

78 Speaking of anthropomorphizing, cat watches Mufasa's death (orginial Lion King) Little over a minute and a half.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at August 03, 2019 04:36 PM (l9m7l)

79 I was looking into pet walkers for my mom's dog since she really can't walk him anymore. The price was $25 a walk. WTH?

Posted by: Pig to man dreaming of lions at August 03, 2019 04:37 PM (2DOZq)

80 I recall reading something about how of all the sounds cats can make, there are some vocalizations they only use with their mothers - as kittens - and with their owners.

My vet says that some cats don't vocalize at all until they are adopted by humans and then they quickly learn how to make the sounds that will result in the appearance of food, fresh water, catnip toys, or whatever else they want. My second cat was quiet for a few weeks after I adopted her, but then she learned from my first cat how to issue commands to humans, and from then on she was quite vocal.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:37 PM (pPNCa)

81 Posted by: Aetius451AD


Thanks. Funny thing is, eight months ago she got lost in the surrounding land, and being almost totally deaf and mostly blind we despaired. Three days later the neighbors found her. We thought she was indestructible.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:38 PM (t2D+9)

82 Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

It's so hard to say good-bye to a beloved pet, especially when Shadow was part of your life for 14 years. Sympathy and condolences.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:41 PM (pPNCa)

83 Shocker

Posted by: REDACTED at August 03, 2019 04:42 PM (+8+gB)

84 Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:37 PM (pPNCa)

Mine only tell me when they want to go out in the patio or garage. They are silent regard to food thankfully.

Posted by: Pig to man dreaming of lions at August 03, 2019 04:43 PM (2DOZq)

85 11 surprising signs your cat likes you:

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 03, 2019 04:45 PM (DMUuz)

86 After 14 years of companionship we had to bury Shadow today. At least we got to say goodbye and put her in a scenic spot on our land.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

This is a well done and fitting end to an important part of your life.

I quote AoS poster Garrett from days of yore:

"Their candles burn too fast!"

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 04:45 PM (BiNEL)

87 The only negative thing I have ever heard about Goldens is that they are so friendly, they will even tolerate the occasional burglar.
Great pet thread, as usual, thanks MH!

Posted by: navybrat, another fine mess at August 03, 2019 04:47 PM (w7KSn)

88 73 After 14 years of companionship we had to bury Shadow today. At least we got to say goodbye and put her in a scenic spot on our land.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

I feel for you, we buried our golden, Nick, last weekend .

I will post a photo of Nick next week, in all his splendor.
He looked a lot like the golden from last nights ONT

If you can, the best thing is get another pup. Don't know how my wife would have coped without our bichons

Posted by: REDACTED at August 03, 2019 04:48 PM (+8+gB)

89 The price was $25 a walk.

I gather that's not unusual. There's a site called that says the national average for dog walking is $20 per half-hour walk, with some dog walkers charging as little as $10 and others charging up to $60.

More details here, if you're interested, because there are a number of factors that dog walkers take into account (number of dogs, size, breed, etc.) when they set a fee:

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:48 PM (pPNCa)

90 77 Adam and Dog
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at August 03, 2019 04:36 PM (kJ1gp)

That is a darn fine video.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:52 PM (ycWCI)

91 77 Adam and Dog
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at August 03, 2019 04:36 PM (kJ1gp)

Definitely should be the centerpiece for a pet thread.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:53 PM (ycWCI)

92 Great cartoon!

Posted by: blue horseshoe at August 03, 2019 04:55 PM (ltDdP)

93 Do good dogs shed in Heaven? Maybe they shed skittles.

Posted by: N.L. Urker at August 03, 2019 04:57 PM (ESjAn)

94 92 Great cartoon!
Posted by: blue horseshoe at August 03, 2019 04:55 PM (ltDdP)

It is groogv! I name it so.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at August 03, 2019 04:58 PM (ycWCI)

95 From time to time the dog would bring back all kinds of purple things. Shoes, various pieces of clothing, you name it, anything purple.

Oldie but goodie: video of Dusty the Klepto Cat, who stole everything of any color around his neighborhood in San Mateo that wasn't nailed down:

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 04:58 PM (pPNCa)

96 Arthropod count: Zero


Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 03, 2019 05:02 PM (gRS/u)

97 Love that Boston Terrier.

Posted by: N.L. Urker at August 03, 2019 05:08 PM (ESjAn)

98 Arthropod count: Zero

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 03, 2019 05:02 PM (gRS/u)

Maybe you're just not looking hard enough.

Posted by: hogmartin at August 03, 2019 05:10 PM (t+qrx)

99 Arthropod count: Zero

Just for you: a link to a page about Siphonaptera, an order within phylum Arthropoda. Nineteen pictures of fleas infesting dogs, cats, and humans, with some closeups that are not for the squeamish.

Or you could just take a trip to SF if you want to see this particular type of arthropod.

Posted by: Basement Cat at August 03, 2019 05:11 PM (pPNCa)

100 After 14 years of companionship we had to bury
Shadow today. At least we got to say goodbye and put her in a scenic
spot on our land.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 03, 2019 04:31 PM (t2D+9)

This is a well done and fitting end to an important part of your life.

I quote AoS poster Garrett from days of yore:

"Their candles burn too fast!"

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 04:45 PM


I read somewhere where a dog lives it's entire life with you but they are just a short part of ours. It hurts every single time to lose one.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 03, 2019 05:11 PM (JUOKG)

101 Maybe you're just not looking hard enough.
Posted by: hogmartin at August 03, 2019 05:10 PM (t+qrx)


I'd settle for sea monkeys at this point.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 03, 2019 05:12 PM (gRS/u)

102 dyslexic atheist: the guy sits up at night wondering whether "dog" exists.

If you sit up at night the dog will come check on you.
Do it long enough and the cat might come by for a snack.

Posted by: DaveA at August 03, 2019 05:13 PM (FhXTo)

103 I saw something Friday for the first time in real life, not just on tv. I was waiting for a bus and a man was 'walking' his elderly Boston terrier (very grey-muzzled). But the dog was walking in a two-wheeled harness. Something happened to the dog's back legs, I didn't ask. They could move slightly but not enough to support and propel him. So the owner bought a harness. He told me it took about two weeks for the dog to get used to the harness and the booties to protect his back paws when they dragged and use them, then took to it like he lived with the set-up his whole life. I saw the dog 'off leash' rolling ahead of the owner, tail all a waggin'. The owner said he had a leash for the harness to stop the dog from running into the street. You could tell the man really loved his dog and his dog never seemed happier. It was cool to see a doggie harness for an injured dog in person and see the happiness on the dog being able to get out and about and smell the world. Made my morning.

Posted by: RickZ at August 03, 2019 05:17 PM (Y8PSl)

104 I love our golden. He is a sweet dog and instinctively knows what my autistic daughter needs - hugs, a good wrestle or just to sit with her while she calms down. No judgement, just love.

Posted by: IC at August 03, 2019 05:20 PM (XQ5Y8)

105 104 I love our golden. He is a sweet dog and instinctively knows what my autistic daughter needs - hugs, a good wrestle or just to sit with her while she calms down. No judgement, just love.
Posted by: IC at August 03, 2019 05:20 PM (XQ5Y

That's lovely.

Posted by: N.L. Urker at August 03, 2019 05:21 PM (ESjAn)

106 Sea monkeys are arthropods, right?

*squints at Boys Life ad*

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 03, 2019 05:26 PM (gRS/u)

107 Posted by: RickZ at August 03, 2019 05:17 PM (Y8PSl)

Sister had to get one of those wheeled harnesses for her corgi. The dog was amazingly graceful and able to enjoy life for some time as a wheeled dog!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 05:27 PM (BiNEL)

108 Nood chess!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar at August 03, 2019 05:28 PM (BiNEL)

109 gg is chillin!
Some days I really miss my Golden who has been gone for over a decade now.
Happy Saturday.

Posted by: Quilp at August 03, 2019 06:35 PM (Bf3hj)

110 My condolences to VN and redacted on their losses. So sorry no that's always tough.

The story about Ashland and the Cavs reminds me of our Bailey. We border in a small town north of here where her vet border some farmland. One time cattle were in the field next door. When they took her out she made friends with them and was nose-to-nose with a lot of the cows. Wish I had a pic.

Posted by: Farmer posting from stupid smartphone at August 03, 2019 07:22 PM (ZraqE)

111 Vashta Nerada I'm very sorry for your loss. Our pets are family and precious. It is my hope and prayer that the Lord will allow us to reunite with them after we pass. As I think about you and your Shadow I can't help but feel a dread about when I too shall have to go through the same thing, again.

Posted by: SamIam at August 03, 2019 07:53 PM (oasF3)

112 If you can, the best thing is get another pup. Don't know how my wife would have coped without our bichons
Posted by: REDACTED at August 03, 2019 04:48 PM (+8+gB)

100% agree. Pups and new additions, like adult rescues, have a wonderful ability to help with grief over a deceased pet. I have never been able to go without another pet for more than a week. It's not necessary, and giving a home to another animal is a proper tribute to a former pet's impact on our lives.

Posted by: CN at August 03, 2019 08:54 PM (U7k5w)

113 Yes, Vashta, heart goes out to you. So hard to lose them. Remember always what a good life you gave Shadow.

Posted by: Tricia at August 03, 2019 09:34 PM (epxHH)

114 Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr osemuhau and decided to email him on so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact Dr osemuhau on( him this number +2348168714427

Posted by: moore at August 05, 2019 05:13 PM (sN+c4)

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