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No, Trump Did Not Share a "Doctored Video" of Nancy Pelosi

The media which supposedly patrols for fake news can't stop putting out its own 100% fake news.

This video of Nancy Pelosi slurring her words is 100% real. It's merely edited down to the most interesting parts -- you know, like the media itself always does.

But they're calling it "doctored" and "selectively edited." Why yes, in the sense that the editor has selected the most interesting parts.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 03:27 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Pot, Kettle ... et cetera ...

Posted by: Adriane the Doctored Video Critic ... at May 27, 2019 03:27 PM (LPnfS)

2 Oneth?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivismBAMN at May 27, 2019 03:28 PM (HaL55)

3 Shazbot! I'll fetch the others.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivismBAMN at May 27, 2019 03:28 PM (HaL55)

4 not first

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 03:29 PM (0eoFj)

5 I thought ace was going to be off today?
**pretends to read the content**

Posted by: lin-duh at May 27, 2019 03:29 PM (UUBmN)

6 Mika insists Pelousy is 'sharp as a tack!'

Posted by: kallisto at May 27, 2019 03:29 PM (BuB4M)

7 5 I thought ace was going to be off today?
**pretends to read the content**
Posted by: lin-duh at May 27, 2019 03:29 PM (UUBmN)


He scheduled a bunch of posts late last week. Which is why all this late breaking news is from...last week.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 03:29 PM (0eoFj)

8 Nanny Pelosi is only good for playing the Rusty Trombone.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at May 27, 2019 03:30 PM (Z+IKu)


Doctor my eyes.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 27, 2019 03:30 PM (aKsyK)

10 Try working at 79 years old in the private sector.

Posted by: t-bird at May 27, 2019 03:31 PM (QrTqV)

11 Somewhat low ordinal number!

Posted by: WaterCow at May 27, 2019 03:31 PM (ta49A)

12 Even the news about fake news is fake news!

Posted by: zombie at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (5tb4C)

13 The Vampiric One needs the blood of a virgin intern to regain her strength. And since one of those is as rare as a hen's tooth in DC...

Posted by: josephistan at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (Izzlo)

14 Doctor my eyes.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 27, 2019 03:30 PM (aKsyK)

Hey, come on!

At least she's not nekkid ...

Posted by: Opthomologist Union Rep ... at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (LPnfS)

15 Of course its the Fox News Channel Business channel!!!! Their always editing stuff!!!

Posted by: WaterCow at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (ta49A)

16 Thanks, ace!

I couldn't find this video.

Posted by: fluffy at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (dCRRg)

17 Lying about an elected official should be a crime. Right, media?

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:32 PM (uEbPt)

18 Looks like Lou Dobbs takes her seriously. What a fraud media we have.

Posted by: Prince Tuesday at May 27, 2019 03:33 PM (vtd+q)

19 Doctored Doctored
Gimme fake news
I got a bad case
Of saggy boobs.

Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 03:33 PM (UdKB7)

20 >>> Nanny Pelosi is only good for playing the Rusty Trombone.

Would not.

Posted by: fluffy at May 27, 2019 03:33 PM (dCRRg)

21 Matt Drudge pushed this meme hard.
What happened to that guy?

A montage of clips of someone doing something repeatedly is not "doctoring" it.

"Doctoring" it would be if you say asked a question and then gave a clip right after that was not their actual answer.

Posted by: Blago at May 27, 2019 03:34 PM (UfkIY)

22 Trump is all, 'You want to represent I'm unfit, and need to be 25th Amendmented? WATCH THIS!'

Posted by: kallisto at May 27, 2019 03:34 PM (BuB4M)

23 Even the news about fake news is fake news!

Posted by: zombie

Mind . . .

* pkhhh! *

Posted by: FireHorse at May 27, 2019 03:35 PM (ta49A)

24 Note to the Washington Compost and S. E. Cupps: That video was not "doctored" nor is it "distorted."

Please use proper English words and their clear meanings when discussing politics.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivismBAMN at May 27, 2019 03:35 PM (HaL55)


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

They are just lazy and don't understand the subject they report on. Take the example from the story from Friday of the 9th circuit Judge blocking sections of the border wall. I saw several reports where they mistakenly reported the projects blocked were located in Arizona and Texas... while it was actually Arizona and New Mexico... but since the New Mexico border is located in what boarder control dubbed the "El Paso Sector", the reporters assumed the project was in El Paso, Texas without ever checking/reading text of the judges ruling.

I even pointed this out to both CNN and Fox News reporter on the Twitter... but they never responded or corrected their report.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 27, 2019 03:36 PM (Xqo6t)

26 Yep. I'm old enough to remember the false allegation of doctored baby parts for sale videos.

Posted by: Taqyia2Me at May 27, 2019 03:36 PM (x6XkS)

27 Drei Glaser!

She must hail from Piz Palu.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 03:37 PM (+cWrw)

28 A montage of clips of someone doing something repeatedly is not "doctoring" it.

"Doctoring" it would be if you say asked a question and then gave a clip right after that was not their actual answer.
Posted by: Blago at May 27, 2019 03:34 PM (UfkIY)


You mean like NBC or some outfit did to the white Hispanic, George Zimmerman, by excising the 911 operator's question as to the suspect's race, so it seemed as though Zimmerman were volunteering that information? THAT was doctoring.

Which presumably the Reds do routinely, since they think everyone else does too.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 27, 2019 03:37 PM (gH2RJ)

29 I like those doctored videos where they show little clips of all the news readers using the same word or phrase of the day, like "gravitas", or "the walls are closing in".

Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 03:38 PM (UdKB7)

30 Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 03:37 PM (+cWrw)

We have a word for that kind of odd in English. It's called suspicious.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:38 PM (uEbPt)

Hasn't Maher or Jon Stewart made a career of selectively editing videos of conservatives? And all the progs think it's just peachy?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:39 PM (X3lUd)

32 Gettysburg 2.0 is going to be a real fucking disaster.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at May 27, 2019 03:40 PM (cXV7n)

33 Nancy Pelosi has been slurring around for a few years. Either get her to lay off the sauce* or have her checked for Alzheimer's.

*Nancy, Hillary - what is it with these superannuated Democrat women and their need to put back fifths of hooch on a daily basis?

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Memorial Day Special! AoS Brand Cuck Flensing Knives 50% off at The Outrage Outlet! at May 27, 2019 03:40 PM (LGlN2)

34 There are three kinds of people in the world:

1. Those who can count
2. Those who can't

Posted by: FireHorse at May 27, 2019 03:40 PM (ta49A)

35 It's called "projection". They accuse PDT doing what the NBC News did to Sarah Palin.

Posted by: JAS at May 27, 2019 03:40 PM (KOCKb)

36 I'm sick of all this fighting back from Trump. When will he grow up and learn to shower his tormentors with praise?

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:41 PM (uEbPt)

Hasn't Maher or Jon Stewart made a career of selectively editing videos of conservatives? And all the progs think it's just peachy?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:39 PM (X3lUd)

It's worse - they think it's the unvarnished news. They eat Deep Thoughts cereal for breakfast every day.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:41 PM (pNxlR)

38 RIP Bill Buckner

Posted by: Vertov at May 27, 2019 03:41 PM (gO7fe)

39 My entire life of 29 years the news media has ALWAYS selectively edited video.

Posted by: MAGA at May 27, 2019 03:42 PM (QuMeI)

40 Gettysburg 2.0 is going to be a real fucking disaster.
Pickett's Division gets hung up in the souvenir shops on Steinwehr Ave.?

Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (IFKOp)

41 Doctor, doctor, told me the news
I've got a case of the arrhythmia AOCs

Posted by: bad Nancy at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (NRi/V)

They eat Deep Thoughts cereal for breakfast every day.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM)

Is Deep Thoughts cereal a bargain-basement Kaboom?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (X3lUd)

The comments on that Twitter thread by all the #resistance #derpthinkers are as banal and lightweight as you'd expect.

But they're the sophisticated thinkers.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (pNxlR)

44 Has anyone set this video to Yakkity Sax yet?

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 03:44 PM (r2fAt)

45 Today isn't a holiday for Ace?

Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 03:44 PM (MVjcR)

46 Trump making fun of a senior with dementia is not nice.

Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 03:44 PM (dm05u)

Is Deep Thoughts cereal a bargain-basement Kaboom?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (X3lUd)

Seeing as how its main ingredient is packing peanuts, yes.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:45 PM (pNxlR)

48 Maybe she was reading off Obama's teleprompter.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 03:45 PM (7njPr)

49 This is nothing like MSM videos of GM pick-ups blowing up (with explosives) because of supposedly faulty gas tank design. That was good, solid jornolism for the public good.

Posted by: Ripley at May 27, 2019 03:46 PM (MxEKc)

50 38 RIP Bill Buckner
Posted by: Vertov

That's sad to hear. The media will yammer on about his error during the 86 WS but he was a solid baseball player for years. Hopefully they'll talk about that too.

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 27, 2019 03:47 PM (E/T0y)

51 "Rush to your local Milky Way Market to get Deep Thought cereal, you'll get 42 times smarter!" - Magicthighs.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 03:47 PM (r2fAt)

52 It was a "Nancy needs a doctor" video.

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 27, 2019 03:48 PM (t5m5e)

53 Slim Jim monkey shines to the outer layer of the dogfish canal washers!

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at May 27, 2019 03:49 PM (gC2IV)

54 The Left used to tell us the news was the news and facts were facts and it was impossible to present these things in any way that wasn't the completely straight and unvarnished truth. No, they really did.

They kind of still do this when it suits them.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:49 PM (uEbPt)

55 Has anyone set this video to Yakkity Sax yet?
Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 03:44 PM (r2fAt)

Wot I ever do'ya ??????

Posted by: Boots Randolph ... at May 27, 2019 03:49 PM (LPnfS)

56 Soyboyns.

Posted by: nAnCy pELoSi at May 27, 2019 03:49 PM (t+qrx)

The idea of Nancy "Word" Pelosi praying for anyone is laughable.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:49 PM (pNxlR)

58 Dear MFM,
Are there people on your staffs whose job title includes the word "Editor"? If so, STFU.

Posted by: pep at May 27, 2019 03:50 PM (T6t7i)

59 She is in top notch form...straight shooter...nothing to see here.

Posted by: Dreamy James Comey at May 27, 2019 03:50 PM (yhf6w)

60 It just amazes me how lefties deny the obvious bias of the media. I have friends who tell me I'm "overly sensitive" when I point to specific examples of blatant media misrepresentation.

Scott Peck wrote "People of the Lie," in which he posits that most of the world's problems are caused by individuals with "insufficient commitment to truth." He didn't mean it to be, but that's the best indictment of leftists I've found. It applies to all of them. Every single one.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at May 27, 2019 03:50 PM (hjaPQ)

61 Try working at 79 years old in the private sector.

1/2 the stock"boys" are geezers at a local small chain grocery.

Posted by: DaveA at May 27, 2019 03:50 PM (FhXTo)

62 But meanwhile some dweeb from Time can push out a fake quote he attributed to Trump on Twitter and that's just fine and dandy and isn't the President disrespectful?

Posted by: bluebell at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (aXucN)

63 Buckner shouldn't have even been on the field in the 10th. His manager John McNamara left him out there on a bum leg so he could be there to "celebrate".

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (uEbPt)

64 31
Hasn't Maher or Jon Stewart made a career of selectively editing videos of conservatives? And all the progs think it's just peachy?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:39 PM (X3lUd)


*puts on clown nose*

"That's different because shut it!"
-Trevor Noah

*peels of laughter*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (0eoFj)

65 If you're Speaker, shouldn't you be able to, you know, speak?

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (Ndje9)

66 Hey.

Everybody's here. Like it's Monday.

Posted by: eleven at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (tH5fk)

67 Shpeakr of n Houshn

Posted by: eleven at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (tH5fk)

68 Somebody in the last thread mentioned that Rob Reiner was convicted of election fraud.

Does anybody know more about this, and is it different from the trouble he got into spending program money campaigning for First 5 California?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (t5m5e)

69 Everybody's here. Like it's Monday.
Posted by: eleven at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (tH5fk)

They don't usually let me out during the day.

Posted by: hogmartin invites you to the Summer MIMoMe (link: nick) at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (t+qrx)

70 Why do I keep seein* news about Trump spreading a fake video of Nanzi Pelosi?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (1g7ch)

Slim Jim monkey shines to the outer layer of the dogfish canal washers!
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi

Holy Mother of Raimondo!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (aKsyK)

72 Mika says Nancy is "as sharp as a tack."
To be fair, this is something EVERYONE says about old people they happen to like.

Posted by: JoeF. at May 27, 2019 03:53 PM (NFEMn)

73 I drink so much, I make a Motley Crue concert look like an AA meeting!

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at May 27, 2019 03:53 PM (gC2IV)

65 If you're Speaker, shouldn't you be able to, you know, speak?
Posted by: The Gipper Lives at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (Ndje9)

We Credentialists will be the judge of that, peasant! Now, go blast some road signs with grapeshot as your type are wont to do!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:53 PM (pNxlR)

75 65 If you're Speaker, shouldn't you be able to, you know, speak?
Posted by: The Gipper Lives at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (Ndje9)

Mumbler of the House

Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 03:53 PM (dm05u)

76 Mumbler of the House
Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 03:53 PM (dm05u)

I love that song.

Posted by: hogmartin invites you to the Summer MIMoMe (link: nick) at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (t+qrx)

77 Nancy IS sharp as a tack.
A tack of pancakes.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (uEbPt)

I think that Nanzi would be hard pressed to retain the title of Sitzpinkler of the House at this point.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (pNxlR)

79 Drei Glaser!

She must hail from Piz Palu.

I would love to know how Tarantino came up with that. I was paying really close attention. Magneto's accent was a little off, but it didn't slip at any point. I was like what was the tell.

And then she explains about the fingers. Wow.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (fuK7c)

80 Mika is about as sharp as marble.

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (r2fAt)

81 Why do I keep seein* news about Trump spreading a fake video of Nanzi Pelosi?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (1g7ch)

Because that's part of the talking points for the weekend?

The media still has no grasp about how on the ball Trump is. They don't like how he said she "STAMMERS." But SHE was the one saying that Trump was losing his marbles.

Posted by: JoeF. at May 27, 2019 03:56 PM (NFEMn)

82 Nancy IS sharp as a tack.
A tack of pancakes.
Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (uEbPt

A heart atTACK

Posted by: JoeF. at May 27, 2019 03:56 PM (NFEMn)

83 f the outside.
went out to week roses, dead fkn snake. Will have to have the neighbor remove it.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 03:56 PM (xzK3J)

84 79 Drei Glaser!

She must hail from Piz Palu.

I would love to know how Tarantino came up with that. I was paying really close attention. Magneto's accent was a little off, but it didn't slip at any point. I was like what was the tell.

And then she explains about the fingers. Wow.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (fuK7c)


I saw a video of a German speaker watching the scene and talking about how Fassbiner's accent was just a little off. Something about the ich's not being quite sharp enough. Could be explained as originating from another part of Germany, but enough of a tell to arouse suspicion.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (0eoFj)

85 We're gonna need a montage...

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (rnAwa)

86 To be fair, this is something EVERYONE says about old people they happen to like.

My wife is as sharp as a tack.

Posted by: Emmanuel Macron at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (sZRzw)

87 Why do we let people like that rule us?

Feeble ass, disgusting shrew of a woman. Stammering, yammering, full of hatred and greed and impropriety and will be until she draws her last halitosis laden breath. You just know her rotting teeth holes emit some stench that resembles a cross between what your fingers smell like after chopping onions and the tube socks underneath a teenaged male's bed.

It's to accept that I must wait for her to be cast into the fiery pits of hell and keep voluntarily giving her and her lesser demons the fruits of my labor until that time, instead of just rattling her out of her bullet-proofed SUV with a group of deplorables, like shaking a field mouse from a empty coca-cola can, and dealing with her the way vermin should be dealt with.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (+cWrw)

88 weed. can't even spell. yuk.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 03:58 PM (xzK3J)

89 f the outside.
went out to week roses, dead fkn snake. Will have to have the neighbor remove it.
Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 03:56 PM (xzK3J)

Meh. suck it up with the shop vac.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 03:58 PM (7njPr)

90 Pelosi's not just a brilliant world leader, she's a fashion icon, unlike that tawdry Melania.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at May 27, 2019 03:59 PM (hjaPQ)

91 My wife is as sharp as a tack.
Posted by: Emmanuel Macron at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (sZRzw)

Must be the brain; can't be the elbows.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 03:59 PM (7njPr)

92 Dead snakes grills up real nice.

Mmm hmmmm....

Posted by: eleven at May 27, 2019 03:59 PM (tH5fk)

93 May I please dog face to the banana patch?

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at May 27, 2019 04:00 PM (gC2IV)

94 No way. Not gonna contaminate the shop vac. The only thing I will not abide. Snakes. f that.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:00 PM (xzK3J)

95 No way. Not gonna contaminate the shop vac. The only thing I will not abide. Snakes. f that.
Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:00 PM (xzK3J)

Nothing much more harmless than a dead snake. Of course, it might just be a deep sleep.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:02 PM (7njPr)

96 Yeah? Well, how do you think my day is going?

Posted by: Dead Snake at May 27, 2019 04:02 PM (gC2IV)

97 Slim Jim monkey shines to the outer layer of the dogfish canal washers!
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi

And thank you, Nancy, for that fine example of authentic Washington gibberish.

Posted by: josephistan at May 27, 2019 04:02 PM (Izzlo)

Nothing much more harmless than a dead snake. Of course, it might just be a deep sleep.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:02 PM (7njPr)

Pinin' for the fjords, it is!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 04:02 PM (pNxlR)

99 They don't usually let me out during the day.
Posted by: hogmartin invites you to the Summer MIMoMe (link: nick) at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (t+qrx)

you only.come out at night

Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (dm05u)

100 I saw a video of a German speaker watching the scene and talking about how Fassbiner's accent was just a little off. Something about the ich's not being quite sharp enough. Could be explained as originating from another part of Germany, but enough of a tell to arouse suspicion.

Well that's my point and the point of the scene. His accent is a little off the whole time. They make up the Piz Palu story to cover for it. Fassbender has a German father, but I read an interview with him in a German newspaper and he refused to speak German there.

No, the accent was off the whole time but there was the one moment that confirmed his fraud and that was the fingers thing. I speak the language well enough to pass and I didn't catch that.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (fuK7c)

101 Democrats should retire nancy to make AOC speaker. Corporate establishment democrats have been discredited anyway as chinese stooges.

Posted by: raimondo at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (HXXvK)

102 99 They don't usually let me out during the day.
Posted by: hogmartin invites you to the Summer MIMoMe (link: nick) at May 27, 2019 03:52 PM (t+qrx)

you only.come out at night
Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (dm05u)


It Comes at Night.

Paranoia does. No monsters. Don't get all pissy when there are no monsters.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (0eoFj)

103 Corporate establishment democrats have been discredited anyway as chinese stooges.
Posted by: raimondo at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (HXXvK)

Culry, Rally, or Moe?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (7njPr)

104 100
No, the accent was off the whole time but there was the one moment that confirmed his fraud and that was the fingers thing. I speak the language well enough to pass and I didn't catch that.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:03 PM (fuK7c)


My wife caught it when she saw it for the first time. She and her 3 years of high school German.

I was just over there thinking, "This is amazing!"

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (0eoFj)

105 Nothing much more harmless than a dead snake.

Curiously, I was just reading an article two days ago about a man who was bitten and subsequently killed by a decapitated snake head.

Seems when the snake's head is decapitated the snake loses the ability to limit the venom dose but still maintains the ability to bite.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (+cWrw)

106 the MFM histrionically "reports" a fake quote of Trump as real, made up by some leftist. That's OK.

But real clips of Pelosi stumbling fumbling jumbling along ... that they call fake.

Posted by: illiniwek at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (Cus5s)

107 https://www.weasel

Heh, Camping World tells city to pound sand over flag.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:05 PM (xzK3J)

108 107 https://www.weasel

Heh, Camping World tells city to pound sand over flag.
Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:05 PM (xzK3J)
Weasel approved.

Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 04:06 PM (MVjcR)

109 Well, by this logic, everything CNN airs is "doctored" video.

Posted by: Mirror Universe Phil Collins at May 27, 2019 04:06 PM (al2Cf)

110 Just got home from work, did Macron lose and by how much?

Posted by: Bob Ross at May 27, 2019 04:07 PM (88xKn)

111 I awaysh crawl it Canana, like banada. But not bandana.

Lip-lil bandana, like those doggies on those video things.

Hey, don't walk away! What did I say about so much goddamn ice?

Posted by: John Boehner at May 27, 2019 04:07 PM (sLicW)

112 Curiously, I was just reading an article two days ago about a man who was bitten and subsequently killed by a decapitated snake head.

Seems when the snake's head is decapitated the snake loses the ability to limit the venom dose but still maintains the ability to bite.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (+cWrw)

He had to have been messing with it, then. Because one thing a decapitated (deassitated?) snake head definitely loses is the ability to strike.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:07 PM (7njPr)

113 109 Well, by this logic, everything CNN airs is "doctored" video.
Posted by: Mirror Universe Phil Collins at May 27, 2019 04:06 PM (al2Cf)

Even their live New Years Eve footage of Anderson Cooper getting a simulated BJ from Kathy Griffon & a blackout drunk Don Lemon getting his nips pierced?

Posted by: josephistan at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (Izzlo)

114 The Bavarian ich sounds like eesh. The Prussian ich sounds like eek.

Posted by: JAS at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (KOCKb)

115 I once participated in a public service project that was covered by the Washington Post. In the artticle that ran about a half page, the reporter managed to get every significant fact wrong.

Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (MVjcR)

116 Nothing much more harmless than a dead snake. Of course, it might just be a deep sleep.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at

Thru a rake at it. Didn't flinch.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (xzK3J)

117 May I please dog face to the banana patch?

Half-way bookfetches continuate forswearing popcorn. Fireplace pokers have extension windows without gondolas but sometimes do portent statutory gradients.

- Nazi Pelousi

Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivismBAMN at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (HaL55)

118 115 I once participated in a public service project that was covered by the Washington Post. In the artticle that ran about a half page, the reporter managed to get every significant fact wrong.
Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (MVjcR)


"But this next article is just full of truth, I'm sure!"

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (0eoFj)

119 The Bavarian ich sounds like eesh. The Prussian ich sounds like eek.
Posted by: JAS at May 27, 2019 04:08 PM (KOCKb)

either way, it's death on fish.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (7njPr)

120 The Prussian ich sounds like eek.

There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (fuK7c)

121 And then she explains about the fingers. Wow.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (fuK7c)

Tarantino said the finger thing was borrowed from an older movie.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:10 PM (uEbPt)

122 47
Is Deep Thoughts cereal a bargain-basement Kaboom?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 03:43 PM (X3lUd)

Seeing as how its main ingredient is packing peanuts, yes.

kaboom is made out of cheetos?

Posted by: Anachronda at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (JC/0A)

123 Why do we let people like that rule us?

Districts that literally have shit on the sidewalk need representation also?

Posted by: DaveA at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (FhXTo)

124 Y'all aren't going to believe this, but I just got asked, seriously if I would run against her. I live in her district.

Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (w7KSn)

125 121 And then she explains about the fingers. Wow.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (fuK7c)

Tarantino said the finger thing was borrowed from an older movie.
Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:10 PM (uEbPt)


Just like most things in his movies.

The point is that he uses these things well.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (0eoFj)

126 There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (fuK7c)

I warned them not to take the Prussic acid.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (7njPr)

127 There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (fuK7c)

Prussian Blue
King of Prussia mall

Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (dm05u)

128 124 Y'all aren't going to believe this, but I just got asked, seriously if I would run against her. I live in her district.
Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (w7KSn)
We don't believe you.

Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (MVjcR)

129 He had to have been messing with it, then. Because one thing a decapitated (deassitated?) snake head definitely loses is the ability to strike.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 27, 2019 04:07 PM (7njPr)

Definitely hearing the ghostly chuckles of Charles Darwin in the background

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (ykYG2)

130 127 There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (fuK7c)

Prussian Blue
King of Prussia mall
Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 04:11 PM (dm05u)


They're everywhere!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (0eoFj)

131 The squid was asked. Napoleon tried the idea powder

Chinese menu items or Nancy Pelosi gibberish?

Posted by: josephistan at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (Izzlo)

132 I have the letter.

Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (w7KSn)

133 29 I like those doctored videos where they show little clips of all the news readers using the same word or phrase of the day, like "gravitas", or "the walls are closing in".

Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 03:38 PM (UdKB7)

This is the best example of all.

Posted by: rickl at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (sdi6R)

120 There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.

that's what they *want* you to think

Posted by: Anachronda at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (JC/0A)

135 Posted by: illiniwek at May 27, 2019 04:04 PM (Cus5s)

Future Media: The videos of the bodies of Deplorables being plowed into landfills are doctored.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:13 PM (uEbPt)

136 I showed the letter to my wife.
She's is on the floor laughing.

Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:13 PM (w7KSn)

137 132 I have the letter.
Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (w7KSn)
Kidding! I keed! I keed!

Posted by: Weasel at May 27, 2019 04:13 PM (MVjcR)

138 Has anyone asked Nancy if she got fugu instead of Botox during last round of treatments?

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 04:13 PM (r2fAt)

139 These Tic Tacs are sharp. Ow.

Posted by: Nanzi Pelousy at May 27, 2019 04:13 PM (QzkSJ)

140 Return of the Prussians
- future summer movie

Posted by: vmom superior, order of sweet merciless ninjasmy at May 27, 2019 04:14 PM (dm05u)

141 I would certainly have to change to a (D).
Which is not going to happen... so.

Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:14 PM (w7KSn)

142 You mean run against Pelosi? Is that legal?

Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 04:14 PM (UdKB7)

143 You should let your wife be your campaign manager.

"So I married this dickweed and he..."

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (fuK7c)

There is no more Prussia and there are no more Prussians.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:09 PM (fuK7c)

*grumbles into drink*

But... Lithuania. And the damn Lithuanians.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (X3lUd)

145 Drei Glaser!

She must hail from Piz Palu.

I would love to know how Tarantino came up with that. I was paying really close attention. Magneto's accent was a little off, but it didn't slip at any point. I was like what was the tell.

And then she explains about the fingers. Wow.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 03:55 PM (fuK7c)


I saw a video of a German speaker watching the scene and talking about how Fassbiner's accent was just a little off. Something about the ich's not being quite sharp enough. Could be explained as originating from another part of Germany, but enough of a tell to arouse suspicion.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 03:57 PM (0eoFj)
You don't got to be Stonewall Jackson to know you don't wanna fight in a basement.

Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (IFKOp)

146 65 If you're Speaker, shouldn't you be able to, you know, speak?

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at May 27, 2019 03:51 PM (Ndje9)

She house speaker. House no care you speak good.

You stand here or buy?

5 melon, you take 1 lettuce. 7 melon, you take 2 lettuce and onion, ok?

Posted by: Produce Stand Korean Lady at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (sLicW)

147 142 You mean run against Pelosi? Is that legal?
Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 04:14 PM (UdKB7)


Cindy Sheehan supposedly survived.

Though the left has been uninterested in her since for some reason.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (0eoFj)

148 145 You don't got to be Stonewall Jackson to know you don't wanna fight in a basement.
Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 04:15 PM (IFKOp)


Le sigh...I now wish to watch Inglousious Basterds again.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (0eoFj)

149 114 The Bavarian ich sounds like eesh. The Prussian ich sounds like eek.

ting tang wallawalla bing bang

Posted by: schwabian ich at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (JC/0A)

150 Her casual conversations, how they bore me. They go on and on, endlessly.

Posted by: Little Super Lupe at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (EgshT)

151 124 nancy pelosi will be taken out by the left not the right. A young budding AOC will take her out.

Posted by: raimondo at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (HXXvK)

152 I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

Posted by: Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (QzkSJ)

153 132 I have the letter.
Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (w7KSn)


NavyBrat 2020: I'll Deal With This Shit, Literally.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 04:17 PM (+cWrw)

154 Watching the actual video, this is exactly what the ABCBSNBCNN conglomerate does on a daily basis to President Trump, or anyone not spewing the Leftist agenda for that matter.

Nanzi's press conferences are routinely showing her to stutter, change direction mid-sentence with a different topic, and the general blank, hollow stare at the cameras.

The Left is so hollowed out they are down to charging false attacks on those they have lied about for nearly 3 years now.

BTW, what is the shelf life of the conglomerate press? A lot less than 3 years, that's for sure.

The Left is increasingly acting like wounded wild animals. That is when they are most dangerous.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 27, 2019 04:17 PM (sy5kK)

155 141 I would certainly have to change to a (D).
Which is not going to happen... so.
Posted by: navybrat

why not? dems run as republicans all the time.

Posted by: x at May 27, 2019 04:17 PM (nFwvY)

156 It finally hit me. It's been bugging me that Buttplug reminded me of someeone... the dorky alien from Galaxy Quest.

Posted by: lin-duh at May 27, 2019 04:17 PM (UUBmN)

157 153 132 I have the letter.
Posted by: navybrat swimming upstream at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (w7KSn)


NavyBrat 2020: I'll Deal With This Shit, Literally.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 04:17 PM (+cWrw)


"That's a local concern and shouldn't matter. Now, about forcing Mississippi to do what we want..."
-Nancy Pelosi

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (0eoFj)

158 Didn't the Left initially try to claim that Hillary didn't collapse but then uh oh there was video of it?

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (uEbPt)

A young budding AOC will take her out.
Posted by: raimondo at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (HXXvK)

You into training bras, r-o? Who is transitioning, you or your "dad"?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (pNxlR)

160 Le sigh...I now wish to watch Inglousious Basterds again.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (0eoFj)

When I die, if God is just, he will hook me up with Diane Kruger and Melanie Laurent for all eternity.

Posted by: BurtTC at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (cY3LT)

161 158 Didn't the Left initially try to claim that Hillary didn't collapse but then uh oh there was video of it?
Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (uEbPt)


I remember there being doctored video of it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (0eoFj)

162 160 Le sigh...I now wish to watch Inglousious Basterds again.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:16 PM (0eoFj)

When I die, if God is just, he will hook me up with Diane Kruger and Melanie Laurent for all eternity.
Posted by: BurtTC at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (cY3LT)


*watches her in National Treasure*

"This Diane Kruger lady is not a particularly good actress."

*watches her while she acts in her native German*

"This Diane Kruger lady is a pretty good actress."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (0eoFj)

163 I remember there being doctored video of it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

The guy always with Hill was a person health assistant, not an actual doctor.

Posted by: Miklos, a stickler at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (QzkSJ)

164 29 I like those doctored videos where they show little clips of all the news readers using the same word or phrase of the day, like "gravitas", or "the walls are closing in".
Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 03:38 PM (UdKB7)

It's a Constitutional Crisis.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (sy5kK)

165 navybrat, WE ARE ALL IN. Think of the inaugural band you would have, with all your connections! I know there's not really an inauguration but we would make it happen!

Posted by: bluebell at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (AmF6E)

166 I'm working my way through the "Obsolete Man Skills You Should Ditch" list in the article on the sidebar. Number Three was a breeze, as I already know how to code.

Number Four, however is tough. Instead of "Fixing Things At Home", it says "Instead, Learn to Decorate", and I'm stuck. Horde, I need your help. Taupe or Fawn?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (DMUuz)

167 The guy always with Hill was a person health assistant, not an actual doctor.

Does he have a newsletter?

Posted by: Almost-Zombie RBG at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (EgshT)

158 Didn't the Left initially try to claim that Hillary didn't collapse but then uh oh there was video of it?
Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (uEbPt)

The "Side o' Beef Incident" - it was glorious!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (pNxlR)

169 This Diane Kruger lady is a pretty good actress."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (0eoFj)
Tarantino is a director who can really get the most out of his actors.

Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (IFKOp)

170 Le sigh...I now wish to watch Inglousious Basterds again.

I have to run out because the booze store is about to close but if y'all are still talking about it in twenty minutes I will seriously language geek about it.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (fuK7c)

171 It's a Constitutional Crisis.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (sy5kK)


It's good to hear you speaking truth to power.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (+cWrw)

172 Apocalyptic Biker Nood, everybody.

Posted by: Jackal at May 27, 2019 04:22 PM (pziek)

173 Number Four, however is tough. Instead of "Fixing Things At Home", it says "Instead, Learn to Decorate", and I'm stuck. Horde, I need your help. Taupe or Fawn?

Dun! Dun! Dun!

Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 04:22 PM (IFKOp)

174 "Taupe or Fawn?"

Are you at a strip club?

Posted by: freaked at May 27, 2019 04:22 PM (UdKB7)

175 Doctored Hillary video?

Perhaps every time this is claimed people should yell "Bollards!"

Posted by: Anna Puma at May 27, 2019 04:23 PM (r2fAt)

176 *watches her while she acts in her native German*

"This Diane Kruger lady is a pretty good actress."

She got to play being an attractive actress, which isn't really a stretch.

Posted by: casting at May 27, 2019 04:23 PM (sZRzw)

177 I would certainly have to change to a (D).

Which is not going to happen... so.

The Donks want you run against her?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy says #PurgeProgressivismBAMN at May 27, 2019 04:23 PM (HaL55)

178 >>You mean run against Pelosi? Is that legal?
Posted by: freaked

Legal, yes. Healthy? Probably not.

Posted by: Aviator at May 27, 2019 04:24 PM (2cuLk)

179 Le sigh...I now wish to watch Inglousious Basterds again.

I have to run out because the booze store is about to close but if y'all are still talking about it in twenty minutes I will seriously language geek about it.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (fuK7c)

Has anyone seen the trailer for Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?
It's looks like "fun."

Posted by: JoeF. at May 27, 2019 04:25 PM (NFEMn)

I thought the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting wasn't meant to be known about but some civilian discovered it. Uppity bastard.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 27, 2019 04:26 PM (X3lUd)

181 When I die, if God is just, he will hook me up with Diane Kruger and Melanie Laurent for all eternity.
Posted by: BurtTC at May 27, 2019 04:18 PM (cY3LT)


*watches her in National Treasure*

"This Diane Kruger lady is not a particularly good actress."

*watches her while she acts in her native German*

"This Diane Kruger lady is a pretty good actress."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (0eoFj)

National Treasure is not a very good measure of acting skills.

Silly fun, but that's about it.

She's in the American/Mexican version of the British/French series called "The Tunnel." The American version is called "The Bridge."

The original version is Swedish (I think), and the Brits/French adapted it, about a murder that takes place, where the body is left... at the line between countries, so they have to team up.

The Euro version is better than the American, but still, the American version has Diane Kruger in it. So hella yes.

Posted by: BurtTC at May 27, 2019 04:26 PM (cY3LT)

182 169 This Diane Kruger lady is a pretty good actress."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:20 PM (0eoFj)
Tarantino is a director who can really get the most out of his actors.
Posted by: Captain Obvious at May 27, 2019 04:21 PM (IFKOp)


He is good with actors, but she's naturally better in her native language in general.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Read some Movie Thoughts and Pre-Order Crystal Embers Today! at May 27, 2019 04:26 PM (0eoFj)

183 Navybrat 2020: Don't Drop the Soap, America!

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at May 27, 2019 04:27 PM (hjaPQ)

184 Horde, I need your help. Taupe or Fawn?

Blah or Blergh?

Posted by: mustbequantum at May 27, 2019 04:29 PM (MIKMs)

141 I would certainly have to change to a (D).
Which is not going to happen... so.

Run as a D and conduct your office as a conservative.

Posted by: Infidel at May 27, 2019 04:31 PM (xzK3J)

186 This latest "controversy" is another great example of the ABCBSNBCNN Conglomerate Press NOT SHOWING THE ACTUAL VIDEO, but spending 2 days commenting on what THEY believe they want YOU to see.

This is a textbook case of BIAS BY OMISSION.

Bias by omission eliminates or censors key facts of an issue, and the result is that any common fair person is purposely led to a much different conclusion than if ALL of the information was presented.

Bias by omission is a primary tool of the Leftist Conglomerate press to keep their lemming viewers in line. Don't like the story? Then change it by ignoring what you want in order to get the viewer to reach the conclusion you think they should believe.

Watch for it the next time you are stuck in an airport.

Joe Concha of The Hill (and on Hannity as a guest) first mentioned Bias by omission, (where I saw it first), so proper acknowledgement.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 27, 2019 04:33 PM (sy5kK)

187 "I thought the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting wasn't meant to be known about but some civilian discovered it. Uppity bastard.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh"

I thought it was some local journalist. Probably too green to know the rules and his career came to an untimely end.

Posted by: Ripley at May 27, 2019 04:35 PM (MxEKc)

188 Kruger spent a lot of time speaking English in IB. She was very, very good in it.

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:36 PM (uEbPt)

189 Diane Kruger showed up in an episode of Fringe and she's talking in a car on a cell phone and says she has an appointment with a Dr. Gorlami. Funny!

Posted by: ... at May 27, 2019 04:38 PM (uEbPt)

190 Chinese menu items or Nancy Pelosi gibberish?
Posted by: josephistan at May 27, 2019 04:12 PM (Izzlo)

Ace needs to dedicate an entire thread to this comment.

Talk about target rich! Oh sweet mother of God!

The phrase "fish in a barrel" comes to mind.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 27, 2019 04:41 PM (sy5kK)

191 >>> This latest "controversy" is another great example of the ABCBSNBCNN Conglomerate Press NOT SHOWING THE ACTUAL VIDEO, but spending 2 days commenting on what THEY believe they want YOU to see.

It is telling.

The local press never mentioned the awful thing that Larry Sommers said, just that some snowflake was triggered by the awful statement.

Posted by: fluffy at May 27, 2019 04:49 PM (dCRRg)

192 Navybrat

You MUST run as a Republican. If you run on the D ticket. You will be completely on your own for funding and you will be out by the primary, due to low voter turnout, and name recognition.

As a Republican or even Independent you might get some national funding tossed your way. Plus the chance for a Debate is there. Add that to higher vote turnout in Nov. plus some voter angst.

Odd slim, but if you were going to do it. That would be my advice. Hell you can do door to door and say "Hey, I did not vote bring people to sh$t in your parks or sidewalks."

Posted by: Picric at May 27, 2019 05:05 PM (nonGu)

193 "But they're calling it "doctored" and "selectively edited." "

Sort of like every 60 Minutes episode over the last 4 decades or so.....

Posted by: TXMarko at May 27, 2019 05:45 PM (X5X1x)


"Sharp as a tack"

Remember, mika is using joe as a comparison.

Posted by: zefal at May 27, 2019 06:24 PM (PzC9a)

195 "Undoctored" video

Posted by: zefal at May 27, 2019 06:32 PM (PzC9a)

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