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SecState Mike Pompeo and SecDef James Mattis: No Direct Evidence, No Smoking Gun Connecting Kashoggi Assassination to Saudi Crown Prince

Most people know about the Katyn Forest Massacre, but if you don't:

In 1940, the Soviets rounded up Polish military and intelligence officers, and members of the Polish intelligentsia, and executed them two-by-two with pistols and dumped them into mass graves.

They killed 22,000 people. They killed them two at a time, one in front of the other, so that they could kill two with one bullet. This laborious process meant that the large-scale slaughter took time -- 28 days. The prisoners were kept in pens, listening to their comrades being murdered, while they were awaiting their own turn to be killed.

The massacre was not known outside of Soviet command circles for a while. But later, the Nazis invaded the other half of Poland, the half that used to be held by their former allies, now enemies the Soviet Union, and discovered the mass graves in 1943.

They accused the Soviets of having committed a major massacre in utterly cold blood.

Now, the Nazis were of course guilty of their own genocidal program.

But they were not wrong about the Soviets being behind this massacre.


In 1943, with Fortress Europe still mostly held by the Third Reich, and with our brutish Soviet allies tying down most of the Nazi war machine on the Russian Front (and with Russia threatening that they would sign a separate peace with the Nazis and thereby free the Nazis up to send the full force of the Wermacht against Allied troops, unless the US opened a much bigger western front than we had down in Italy) should we have disowned the Soviets and handed Europe to Adolf Hitler?

Churchill decided that such a thought was preposterous, and the Americans followed suit. From Wikipedia:

According to the Polish diplomat Edward Bernard Raczynski, Raczynski and General Sikorski met privately with Churchill and Alexander Cadogan on 15 April 1943, and told them the Poles had proof the Soviets were responsible for the massacre. Raczynski reports Churchill, "without committing himself, showed by his manner that he had no doubt of it". Churchill said "The Bolsheviks can be very cruel".

However, at the same time, on 24 April 1943, Churchill assured the Soviets: "We shall certainly oppose vigorously any 'investigation' by the International Red Cross or any other body in any territory under German authority. Such investigation would be a fraud and its conclusions reached by terrorism".

Churchill, the Lion of Britain, promised the Soviets he'd denounce the truth and call it a fraud created by Nazi terror.

Which he knew to be false (in this instance).

Unofficial or classified UK documents concluded Soviet guilt was a "near certainty", but the alliance with the Soviets was deemed to be more important than moral issues; thus the official version supported the Soviets, up to censoring any contradictory accounts. Churchill asked Owen O'Malley to investigate the issue, but in a note to the Foreign Secretary he noted: "All this is merely to ascertain the facts, because we should none of us ever speak a word about it."

O'Malley pointed out several inconsistencies and near impossibilities in the Soviet version.

Later, Churchill sent a copy of the report to Roosevelt on 13 August 1943. The report deconstructed the Soviet account of the massacre and alluded to the political consequences within a strongly moral framework but recognized there was no viable alternative to the existing policy. No comment by Roosevelt on the O'Malley report has been found.

All of this is to say: Sometimes in war you excuse war crimes by your allies.

There is a war going on, with the Islamist dictatorship Turkey, the deep-pocketed, Western-media-purchasing Qataris, and the Islamist terror state of Iran on one side, and the Saudis, Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan, Egypt (post-Muslim Brotherhood, of course!) and Israel on the other.

The Saudis killed someone. Someone who has previously worked as a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, and was close to more terrorist-friendly elements in Saudi Arabia. Supposedly that was behind him now (supposedly). But whatever his background, it's hard to see his murder as what polite civilized society would call justifiable.

There is a massive information ops being conducted against the US media -- or I should say, with the full complicity of the Western media -- to end our alliance with Saudi Arabia over this, and effectively hand victory in the war to Iran, Turkey, and Qatar, and deal defeat to Jordan and Israel.

There is little doubt that Obama's Boys are rooting for such an outcome. They have long fought, bizarrely, to treat the enemy nation Iran as an ally and the allied nation Israel as an enemy.

But why the hell would the rest of us go along with this plan?

And why the hell is the media pretending that Saudi Arabia's enemies in this war do not routinely kill journalists and kill dissidents living in Western countries?

That wasn't seen as a major problem when Obama handed Iran $150 billion and the permission to update its atomic bomb fuel centrifuge program. In fact, Ben Rhodes served as the Maestro of a Grand Echo Chamber in the media covering up Iran's past, and present, misdeeds to get them their $150 billion.

All the media, nearly, agreed.

Why is it required that we now end all military cooperation with the Saudis?

Also curiously, the media is suddenly interested in the civilian deaths in the war in Yemen, which is being fought between groups sponsored by/allied with Saudi Arabia on one side, and Iran on the other. It's a regional proxy war, in other words.

Back in 2016, when I was reading French newspapers, I noticed the French were covering this war and noting the awful civilian deaths it was producing.

I also noticed that the American media did not report on this at all. It was if the media followed a rule that went like this:

If there was no domestic political fight, no leftwing domestic agenda item, that could be advanced by war coverage, like blaming a Republican President for war deaths, or blaming Israel, the deaths just didn't matter, and in fact, really didn't even happen, as far as the media was concerned.

But now the media does have domestic political squabble they can advance by talking up Yemeni civilian deaths -- they can attack Trump for not doing enough to punish Saudi Arabia, and try to push down his approval rating, and they can fight for the bizarre Pivot to Iran the Obama Boys gave us with the Iran Deal.

And suddenly, the media is covering Yemeni civilian deaths -- something they never covered at all when it was a president they helped elect, Barack Obama, who would be harmed by exposing the civilian deaths and questioning the US' involvement in the war.

Odd, isn't it?

I've said this before myself, but Dave Reaboi said it on twitter recently: The Democrat Party is dedicated to the idea that there are no External Enemies, no foreign enemies. They think this makes them elevated and peaceful.

But they do have enemies -- and their enemies are Internal Enemies, also known as "other American citizens."

And the only time the Democrats or their media Broadcast Communication Shops start pretending they've discovered a new External Enemy, it's really all just kabuki to fight the only war they care about, the war against their internal enemies, their domestic opponents.

The media did not care about Yemeni casualties in 2016 and it does not care about them now. This is about taking down a hated domestic enemy -- Trump -- and rewarding their fellow partisans in the leftwing army by improving Iran's position.

The media did not care about all the actual US citizens Iran killed in terror attacks, both soldiers and civilians on cruise ships, and never for one second thought such piddling concerns ought to stand in the way of Ben Rhodes' and Barack Obama's diplomatic efforts to give Iran the nuclear bomb.

And it also does not care that Saudi Arabia killed a "reporter" who was, as some reporters are (especially in this area of the world), actually a partisan for an enemy faction.

But they'll pretend they care -- again, to get Trump, and to prop up Rhodes' and Obama's Iran Initiative.

The media and Democrats have no enemy but one: you, and all normal, non-leftist Americans.

And if you see them ginning up a moral panic about a supposed foreign enemy, you better take great heed, because what they're really doing is mounting an offensive against you.

Flashback: from Jane D'Oh:

18 Seeing the MFM's hair on fire over Khasshoggi, this got willowed:

Remember when ISIS beheaded an American journalist, and Barry sashayed
in front of a mic for a couple of minutes to tell us, and then hit the
links immediately after?

The press whores were pretty quiet.

Right. There were domestic political considerations of a higher priority -- namely, not undermining Obama's claim that "ISIS was on the run." So this was played down, and barely remarked upon.

Below, clips of Pompeo and Mattis denying direct proof of the involvement of the Saudi Crown Prince in the murder.

Which I think is probably bullshit, but you know, FDR and Churchill knew that the Soviet's claim "The Nazis did the Katyn Massacre" was bullshit too, but they pretended along with it, at least until the war was over.

Correction: I thought I remembered the Nazis had 20 divisions in Russia. But a quick look-up tells me they sent 99 of their 190 divisions to Russia.

Quite a deviation from my memory.

Well, I'm not sure what the right number is so I've rewritten to avoid specifying how many Nazi troops were in Russia. Let's just say it was the majority of their armies.

Another Correction: Commenters say the executions were done with pistols, not machine-guns.

Grump928C adds these details:

Point of history. They shot them, in pairs, by hand, with a pistol.

It took weeks. So for weeks some had to listen to their comrades being murdered and just wait for their turn.


and by pairs I mean they shot one bullet through two heads to save ammunition.

Oh, I had no idea about that. I may be being influenced by a brief flashback depiction of the Massacre by Hollywood, in Enigma.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 07:08 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 What do you call a journalist with his testicles and nose cut off, screaming for mercy?

A good start.

Posted by: trev006 at November 28, 2018 07:12 PM (rtdP6)

2 bu, but, CIA...

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:16 PM (bUjCl)

3 This is what Mr Graham is having vapors about, he wants more information

Posted by: Skip at November 28, 2018 07:17 PM (6VrXf)

4 He lies!!!

Posted by: Turkish sources at November 28, 2018 07:18 PM (Evws/)

5 OMG, it really is] a wall o' text.

Off to the shower. I'll read the other half later.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at November 28, 2018 07:18 PM (NMAzL)

6 When a Turk lies, he does; when a Saudi lies, he lies like a rug.

Posted by: benny shapiro at November 28, 2018 07:18 PM (Evws/)

7 There is no evidence, no smoking gun, that anybody in the US actually gives a damn about this story.

Posted by: Ripley at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (NbRJx)

8 As I wrote below,
Every Muslim's well fair on the planet is not our problem

Posted by: Skip at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (6VrXf)

9 Alaweed is the culprit behind this. Bin Salman jailed him and made him pay billions in fines. Alaweed owns 40% of twitter.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (DFa6Z)

10 How many people do the Chicoms disappear on a daily basis?

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (3o56+)

11 right on!

Security Studies Group, @SecStudiesGrp has been saying this since day one.

Posted by: concrete girl at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (GKk5d)

12 Oky Horde, let's get that comment number up, mkay??? Pretty anemic efforts...

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (DpEis)

13 I keep thinking about how beautifully Melania has decorated the White House. I remember the Jackie WH tour. The new decorations are so spectacular. Yet we are not allowed to see them because of the media blackout. I wouldn't trust someone in the media to even give me the correct time. I'd like to see them all unemployed.

Posted by: notsothoreau at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (JKNZq)

14 A country that has an Official Beheader might not be the best one to piss off the Monarch thereof.

Posted by: DaveA at November 28, 2018 07:20 PM (FhXTo)

15 Read it all. Really. Now back to my puthy quotes.

Posted by: Ben Sharpy at November 28, 2018 07:20 PM (UdKB7)

16 Poland 1943? 20 divisions on the Russian front?

Posted by: OldGrunt at November 28, 2018 07:20 PM (bxXfg)

17 top 32

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 28, 2018 07:20 PM (GBteo)

18 Seeing the MFM's hair on fire over Khasshoggi, this got willowed:

Remember when ISIS beheaded an American journalist, and Barry sashayed
in front of a mic for a couple of minutes to tell us, and then hit the
links immediately after?

The press whores were pretty quiet.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (ptqGC)

19 Graham will revert to being Graham.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (aKsyK)

20 Thank God we have international courts and international judges and international laws to conjure rulings from the depths of random third world shitholes to ultimately impact our foreign policy with frienemies.

Posted by: Fritz at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (Z9C5C)

21 Mr Graham is having vapors about, he wants more information back on TV.

Posted by: DaveA at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (FhXTo)

22 I like to point out that our former president ordered drone strikes on American citizens, on foreign soil.

Posted by: TexasDan at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (IBLGf)

23 In 1940, the Soviets rounded up Polish military and intelligence officers, and members of the Polish intelligentsia, and machine-gunned them to death and dumped them into mass graves.

Ah - nitpicky, not relevant to the topic, and not that it matters much in the end, but it was individual, and personal. Pistols, one-on-one, one at a time.

Look up "Vasily Blokhin".

Posted by: hogmartin at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (t+qrx)

24 I'm tired of people excusing the Saudi Crown for this.

Saudi Arabia has thousands of high-ranking Muslim Brotherhood members, and they sawed one of them up while he was still alive. One.


Pick up the pace, Salman.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (Ebk5d)

25 Jane, Yes I do.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (DFa6Z)

26 John Kennedy was pretty damned good on Harris Faulkner's show re Khashoggi.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (ptqGC)

27 How about a shout-out to Joe Medicine Crow!!!

Posted by: Barack Obama at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (aKsyK)

28 It's not OK to be kind.


Posted by: Ben Shapiro's Twitterbot at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (pkeCj)

29 What was it that Creedy said to Inspector Finch?

"At this time, it would behoove you... cease any investigation of matters
that have long since passed...
...and concentrate on the concerns
of our present.

Read more:

Posted by: Dis Lexic, Rhetorically at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (hrcfq)

30 But I want to be dominated by a large hairy Turk!!!

Posted by: Chad Thor at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (pnMCv)

31 My Arabic labeled give-a-shit-o-meter reads falafel.

Posted by: DaveA at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (FhXTo)

32 Poland 1943? 20 divisions on the Russian front?

Yeah. I think someone missed a zero.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (3o56+)

33 I don't really give a shit, I figure they have their reasons and I'm sure some sort of hit was ordered from up high.

I'm not a fan of Saudi Arabia, but they seem to be cleaning house and all this hysteria is just some sort of bank shot because Trump.

I honestly see more outrage over this from the media than all the people from Saudi Arabia that perpetrated 9/11,

Posted by: Blago at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (UfkIY)

34 Personally, I don't care if the Fresh Prince of RIYADH ran that Muslim Brotherhood scumbag through the chipper himself, as long as he stands up to Iran... ( I kinda felt that way about Saddam Hussein... full disclosure...)

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (DpEis)

35 Great post Ace.

Also when the fuck have the left ever given a rat's ass about other vile murders committed by Muslim Arab and Persian Kingdoms in the Middle East in the last 100 years? Selective outrage

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (7L9vr)

36 O/T Harris says she's got news coming up about Marine Reservists being assaulted by Antifa goons. I hope the story ends with Antifa brains and limbs scattered.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (ptqGC)

37 But the CIA said...

Posted by: Jewells45 at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (dUJdY)

38 Graham will revert to being Graham.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (aKsyK)

Times change, values don't.

Posted by: The Motto of Lakewood, CA at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (pkeCj)

39 Big deal. The Saudis off muslim brotherhood aholes like we put amdro on fireants in Texas. Big deal.

Posted by: Eromero at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (zLDYs)

40 @27, spot on and that crossed my mind as I was replying to Jane. Thank You for saying it.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (DFa6Z)

41 if you're a mouthpiece for al quada I'm not going to give two shits if someone cuts your lips off and dices you into insinkerator size chunks

Posted by: x at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (nFwvY)

42 *Breaking* PotUS motorcade has abruptly left the WH Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (ty7RM)

43 SecState Mike Pompeo and SecDef James Mattis: No Direct Evidence, No Smoking Gun Connecting Kashoggi Assassination to Saudi Crown Prince

That's a shame. I was really starting to gain some respect for the prince.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (Cp/jq)

44 Marine reservists were maced and attacked by Antifa activists in Philly. Caught on video.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (ptqGC)

45 Really good analogy, Ace.

And spot-on that this is all about effing up our strategic relationship with The Kingdom, and ze-ro to do with "human rights".

All being pushed by the same oxygen thieves who would applaud the deaths of you, me, and everyone here.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (tSXzq)

46 In 1943 the Germans had 200 division equivalents on the Russian front not 20. The Allies (US and Britain) had their share of war crimes to answer for. But war is war and war crimes are only committed by the loser.

I will refrain from describing my feelings about FDR.

Posted by: I am not corey Booker at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (Pr11x)

47 *Breaking* PotUS motorcade has abruptly left the WH Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.


Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (3o56+)

48 I could wish you wouldn't treat Churchill like he's Jesus Christ (infallible.)

It was wrong for him (and us) to never say a word about it, probably wrong not to bring it up during the war immediately upon it's being found out (the Russians needed us more than we needed them.)

Same here.

This point, that we are necessarily going to have evil allies against worse evil, and that we are going to have to put up with them for a long while, is a good one.

But, if the point is that we shouldn't talk about how evil they are during the time they are allies, that is wrong.

Posted by: Can anyone think of a good name at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (kNkfi)

49 But the CIA said...
Posted by: Jewells45 at November 28, 2018 07:24 PM (dUJdY)

Actually the "CIA" never said dick...UNNAMED sources supposedly from the cia selectively leaked self servicing partial interpertations to the MSM

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (7L9vr)

50 ( I kinda felt that way about Saddam Hussein... full disclosure...)

Posted by: kraken at November 28, 2018 07:23 PM (DpEis)

You have to remember that the entire world- the US, Russia, and China- were all propping up Saddam. Misunderstandings and poor diplomacy led to Desert Storm: Junior's complete ineptitude led to Saddam's death and a huge increase in Iranian influence.

It all goes back to those two moron Presidents, doesn't it.

Posted by: trev006 at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (rtdP6)

51 It's all politics all the time for the left and the Media. They have no true moral compass, so why would any normal person listen to them. Asswipes.

Posted by: SteveOReno , I proudly self-identify as a Moron at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (2sCft)

52 Kasshoggi was a Taliban and MuzBroHood supporter.

The Looming Tower mentions him as a fucking friend of Bin Laden.

The guy could have been a designated target by the US.

Posted by: Chad Thor at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (pnMCv)

53 Meh ...

... Plenty of the 9/11 crew were Saudi. Our only ally over there is Israel.

Posted by: A Better Class of Troll at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (Kuxsi)

54 All of this is to say: Sometimes in war you excuse war crimes by your allies

In good part because there is no such thing as a "war crime".

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (Cp/jq)

55 Excellent post, Ace.

Posted by: Surfperch at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (pkeCj)

56 Marine reservists were maced and attacked by Antifa activists in Philly.

It is time to start beating the shit out of Antifa on sight.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (3o56+)

57 Actually the "CIA" never said dick...UNNAMED sources supposedly from the cia selectively leaked self servicing partial interpertations to the MSM
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (7L9vr)

Point taken.

Posted by: Jewells45 at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (dUJdY)

58 My God, muslims factions killing each other!
*checks calendar*
Yup, day ending in Y.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (5RXy6)

59 Kasshoggi was a Taliban and MuzBroHood supporter.

The Looming Tower mentions him as a fucking friend of Bin Laden.

The guy could have been a designated target by the US.

Posted by: Chad Thor at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (pnMCv)

THIS. I wonder if his name is on the WH logs when Emperor Barry was in office?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:27 PM (ptqGC)

60 Marine reservists were maced and attacked by Antifa activists in Philly. Caught on video.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (ptqGC)


Please tell me the Marines kicked the ever loving shit out of them. Lie to me if you must.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (ffYR/)

61 "That's a shame. I was really starting to gain some respect for the prince.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (Cp/jq) "

Don't give up on that, he could just be really good at covering his tracks.
Which deserves additional respect.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (tSXzq)

62 I rewrote the 20 divisions thing.

I guess it was more like "99 of their 190 total divisions."

Hey, I was going from memory. Sometimes my memory is dumb.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (PbpT7)

63 I don't care about Kashoggi.

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (XZ3Gp)

64 Ugg, Off Chad.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (pnMCv)

Teh Ewok didn't like this movie, I see.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (eXA4G)

66 A friend in the DEA was stationed in Singapore, from where our guys would work with Indonesia on drug trafficking.

Indonesian cops would often brag and even show him trophy photos of their extrajudicial killings. He would often have remind and request that they not tell him about such things.

It's really hard to imagine what sort of bubble people live in to think that international relations without exception require situational etchics.

I think the real reason the left thinks they have a bone here is Kasoggis sort-of credential as a journalist. The left will never let go of their claim of exceptional status for journalists. Hence more hue and cry over this than the violent death of a US ambassador.

I agree it's about the particular goal of creating a wedge between us and the Saudis but the reason they think it's a winning ploy is this ruling class status of the press, supposedly.

Posted by: TexasDan at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (IBLGf)

67 Sometimes its better to make a stitch in time than curse the darkness.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (oVJmc)

68 Churchill was not infallible. But without him, we're screwed.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (3o56+)

69 Please tell me the Marines kicked the ever loving shit out of them. Lie to me if you must.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (ffYR/)

I don't know. Harris did mention some of the Antifa thugs were "females." And they called the Marines white supremacists.



Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (ptqGC)

70 >>>46 In 1943 the Germans had 200 division equivalents on the Russian front not 20. The Allies (US and Britain) had their share of war crimes to answer for. But war is war and war crimes are only committed by the loser.

I will refrain from describing my feelings about FDR.
Posted by: I am not corey Booker


yes, I am dumb.

This isn't really news.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (PbpT7)

71 The media are every bit as cold and hard bitten as the house of Saud - and every bit as conniving.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (OjnQU)

72 In 1940, the Soviets rounded up Polish military and intelligence officers, and members of the Polish intelligentsia, and machine-gunned them to death and dumped them into mass graves.

Point of history. They shot them, in pairs, by hand, with a pistol.

It took weeks. So for weeks some had to listen to their comrades being murdered and just wait for their turn.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:30 PM (AojII)

73 Us Jews picked a bad location to set up our Country ( and 0h Yeah G-D, yu had a hand in that fuck up LOL) and Poland choose poorly setting up shop between the Ruskies and the Germans ( Hey G-D was that your handy work also?)

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:31 PM (7L9vr)

74 Meanwhile, Iran locks up all kinds of people, the Norks torture people they kidnap, blah blah blah.

Even the media wouldn't care about this terror-symp with a press card if it wasn't an avenue to attack Trump.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at November 28, 2018 07:31 PM (oVJmc)

75 Happy Dia de los Muertos, everybody!

Yoohoo! We're over here!

Posted by: zombie mexican journalists at November 28, 2018 07:31 PM (Evws/)

76 36. that happened in Philly

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:31 PM (sQqgE)

77 Find these fucking antifa fuckers and just give a name, please.

Posted by: Ben Had at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (DFa6Z)

78 But, if the point is that we shouldn't talk about how evil they are during the time they are allies, that is wrong.

Posted by: Can anyone think of a good


If you want any leverage at all with your marriage of convenience ally, you absolutely keep your mouth shut.

Posted by: TexasDan at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (IBLGf)

79 Remember Barry bowing (deeply) to the Saudi's? I do.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (ptqGC)

80 Angelo Codevilla, an expert in foreign policy matters, wrote a great piece (today?) for American Greatness. His angle on the matter is: how would US policy makers from 1800 through 1900 have handled this matter? Brilliant stuff.

Posted by: mrp at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (Pqytn)

81 Ace, excellent post... except I'd have added four things:

* The previous administration's support of the Muslim Brotherhood coup in Egypt...

* Their support of the military action in Libya, which I suspect was supposed to tip the scales in Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, and which caused massive bloodshed, even if it didn't work.

* Their support of the revolutionaries in Syria...

* Their big payoff to Iran which, as near as I can tell, funded The Russians' war against the previous group of revolutionaries in Syria which we had incited.

Suddenly these guys, standing on the mountain of corpses and Russian bombing campaigns _They and unfortunately We paid for at their request_... they're now Born Again, Praise Bob! and very concerned about the murder of that single innocent...

Ugh. The gall. The Chutzpah.

Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain - Orange Man Bad, But It's The Only Jib I've Got! at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (Clxcy)

82 and by pairs I mean they shot one bullet through two heads to save ammunition.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (AojII)

83 Please tell me the Marines kicked the ever loving shit out of them. Lie to me if you must.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (ffYR/)

No..See in todays PC World, they would be brought up charges and kicked out. Sad but True

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (7L9vr)

84 *repeats toast from #149 on previous thread*

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (tSXzq)

85 Churchill's the latest historical great to be disowned and trashed because he once said something bad about brown people.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (R85nB)

86 Bigger question I always thought about this caper was how the fk did the Turks get audio of this murder that supposed to have happened in a Saudi embassy?

Posted by: Skip at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (6VrXf)

87 By failing to sanction the Saudis, Trump stands clearly guilty of equating "goatfucker" with someone who fucks goats.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (hjaPQ)

88 MBS is pro-Trump, vehemently anti-Obama, anti-Iran, and anti- jihadists.

He's trying to clean up corruption, and kneecap the people in his government and country at large financing terrorism.

So obviously the American left has a problem with him.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (GBteo)

89 I simmer the turkey bones, make the stock and tell Mom and Dad when we are eating.

All I have to do is add mixed vegetables, rice and leftover turkey.

In 1/2 hour away from the kitchen, Dad eats ALL the turkey.

Now they're arguing. I want to drown in the bathtub.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (T) at November 28, 2018 07:33 PM (Ckg4U)

90 A link to the Angelo Codevilla piece:

Posted by: mrp at November 28, 2018 07:34 PM (Pqytn)

91 The media are every bit as cold and hard bitten as the house of Saud - and every bit as conniving.

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2018 07:29 PM (OjnQU)

That's because we fund them.

Posted by: Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, Emir of Qatar at November 28, 2018 07:34 PM (pkeCj)

92 link to the video of antifa attacking Marines?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:34 PM (XZ3Gp)

Just how much must the Progressive/Liberal hate US that they would make US out to be the bad guy while ignoring truly evil governments?

The left in the US are insane.

Posted by: Dis Lexic, Rhetorically at November 28, 2018 07:34 PM (hrcfq)

94 Slap!

Posted by: chavez the hugo at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (KP5rU)

95 the deaths just didn't matter, and in fact, really didn't even happen, as far as the media was concerned

Tell us about it!

Posted by: Kids in Flyover America OD'd on Opioids at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (DuAZ5)

96 hugs, Slap

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (XZ3Gp)

97 Please tell me the Marines kicked the ever loving shit out of them. Lie to me if you must.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:28 PM (ffYR/)

No..See in todays PC World, they would be brought up charges and kicked out. Sad but True
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:32 PM (7L9vr)


This really, really sucks. Has Mattis changed nothing on all the PC crap?

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (ffYR/)

98 In 1940, the Soviets rounded up Polish military and intelligence officers, and members of the Polish intelligentsia, and machine-gunned them to death and dumped them into mass graves.

Actually, they shot them onesie twosie, Lubyanka-style, in a small building, but that's a detail.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (IMdOQ)

99 No the Marines were outnumbered and got the worst of the fight. First they were maced.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (sQqgE)

100 which meant, btw, that the 2nd person was often not completely dead and was just buried alive.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (AojII)

101 Just how much must the Progressive/Liberal hate US that they would make US out to be the bad guy while ignoring truly evil governments?

Rhetorical question.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (IMdOQ)

102 Look up "Vasily Blokhin".
Posted by: hogmartin

Holy shit.

Personally shot 7,000 of them with a pistol, averaging at least one every three minutes, assembly line style, dusk till dawn, for 28 consecutive days.

Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (/04dS)

103 MBS is (likely) from my reading and talking to a good friend of mine from KSA one of the best things to happen to KSA from the US's standpoint in decades.

Why the fuck would we want to undermine him at all?

Now, yeah, things could change on the ground. MBS could be full of shit. My buddy could be wrong or completely misinformed...

...but why wouldn't we give this a chance?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (GBteo)

104 7 There is no evidence, no smoking gun, that anybody in the US actually gives a damn about this story.
Posted by: Ripley at November 28, 2018 07:19 PM (NbRJx)

Wogs killing wogs? There's a first.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (IMdOQ)

105 . Has Mattis changed nothing on all the PC crap?
Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (ffYR/)

This goes way above him. With people like occasional cortex in Congress what do you expect

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (7L9vr)

106 What does it say when nearly everyone that's against Iran is making Nice with Isreal including Saudi Arabia and they are throwing the Palestine's under the bus. They hate the Jews more the Leftists. They're having direct flights to Isreal now, I never thought I would see that.

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (dKiJG)

107 Churchill didn't like it and i'll defer to his judgement of the situation since he was the only one even concerned about Stalin other than Hitler.

Posted by: x at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (nFwvY)

108 Actually, they shot them onesie twosie, Lubyanka-style, in a small building, but that's a detail.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:35 PM (IMdOQ)

Yep. There's a movie on the matter. Pretty damn grim.

Posted by: mrp at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (Pqytn)

109 Pasty fat Antifa fatboy charged in assault on Marines:

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (oVJmc)

110 If there was no domestic political fight, no leftwing domestic agenda item, that could be advanced by war coverage, like blaming a Republican President for war deaths, or blaming Israel, the deaths just didn't matter, and in fact, really didn't even happen, as far as the media was concerned.


1. which is why it's insane the left is able to drive what Fox covers.

2. If you watch CNN, as I do while I'm in a public space that has a tv on no one is watching, everything they talk about it analyzed from the perspective of "if we analyze this in the worst possible light with respect to trump, how does that hurt trump?"

it's nonstop. it's worse than a 24 hour hannity show.

Posted by: billionaires! At the bottom of it all! at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (7J5t2)

111 Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of 330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed in the Middle East.

Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (oXJmp)

112 The problem is Philly's commie mayor and Soros D.A. LOVES them some Antifa.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (sQqgE)

113 102 Look up "Vasily Blokhin".
Posted by: hogmartin

Holy shit.

Personally shot 7,000 of them with a pistol, averaging at least one every three minutes, assembly line style, dusk till dawn, for 28 consecutive days.
Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (/04dS)

Thanks. This is the guy I was thinking of.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (IMdOQ)

114 The Saudis are not our friends, and a lot of the modern strain of Islamic radicalism can be directly traced back to them.


They're our allies because there's a bigger menace than the Islamists right now - a nuclear Iran running unfettered in the Gulf.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (R85nB)

115 and how do we know all this? Because the Polish prisoners kept journals and wrote down what was going on. The journals were subsequently buried with them as they were in the pockets of their military coats.

Imagine the horror of waiting.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (AojII)

116 Who the fuck eats 1-1/2 lbs. of turkey right before dinner?

My Hero, the Forgetful Woodchipper, that's who.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (T) at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (Ckg4U)

117 and perhaps the conservative media could start connecting the hysteria dots to show which foreign billionaire or which commie started the latest talking points.

It's fucking insane to single out one death of one guy in the middle east when we had ISIS slaughtering thousands a day. There's payback time after such things.

Posted by: billionaires! At the bottom of it all! at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (7J5t2)

118 It's their country what they do with their citizens is their business.

We have no more right to bitch about their internal affairs than they have a right to bitch about our internal affairs.

To run PDT through the beltline on this is asinine.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 28, 2018 07:39 PM (MSiSP)

119 Wow, wooga, there's a Soviet historical figure I never heard of before.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:39 PM (tSXzq)

WOW. I just got back from The Green Book. Took 90-year-old grandma. We both LOVED it. Fabulous Christmas movie.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at November 28, 2018 07:39 PM (oGNNA)

121 I think the Poles are tearing down the Soviet Monuments or defacing them.

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at November 28, 2018 07:39 PM (dKiJG)

122 No the Marines were outnumbered and got the worst of the fight. First they were maced.
Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (sQqgE)


Of course. Those Pantifa phuchs would not have a prayer without using something like mace against Marines. Cowardly shitbags.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:39 PM (ffYR/)

123 Gorbachev released the KGB files confirming it all.

Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (/04dS)

124 Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of 330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed in the Middle East.
Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (oXJmp)

Well "Technically" wasn't he killed in Istanbul, so in Europe? Just saying?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (7L9vr)

125 When are we going to send the Soros family back to Hungary?

Posted by: Braenyard at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (MSiSP)

126 Holy shit.

Personally shot 7,000 of them with a pistol, averaging at least one every three minutes, assembly line style, dusk till dawn, for 28 consecutive days.
Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (/04dS)

That's how you get the Order of the Red Banner, folks.

Posted by: hogmartin at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (t+qrx)

127 Finished my taping! Wasn't able to get a Horde mention, but I'm probably going to be a meme anyway. My lips are sealed but I hope everyone tunes in January 25th! I'll post the air date again closer to the day.

Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (dQAdn)

128 Pasty fatso will be honored by Soros DA not punished. The auties will have to take care of fatso.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (sQqgE)

129 The Saudis are not our friends, and a lot of the modern strain of Islamic radicalism can be directly traced back to them.


They're our allies because there's a bigger menace than the Islamists right now - a nuclear Iran running unfettered in the Gulf.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (R85nB)

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (7L9vr)


I've said this before myself, but Dave Reaboi said it on twitter
recently: The Democrat Party is dedicated to the idea that there are no
External Enemies, no foreign enemies. They think this makes them
elevated and peaceful.

But they do have enemies -- and their enemies are Internal Enemies, also known as "other American citizens."

THIS is why Hillary Clinton needed to have an unsecured server for her e-mails. Because she didn't care if the Russians or the ChiComs or the Norks could hack her e-mails because they're not the enemy. The enemy is the Republican Party, and us, who might have exercised some oversight - which is their constitutional fucking responsibility - over her dealings as SoS. This was the "tell" that I saw years ago, that Hillary and Obama and all the other treasonous Democrats think we're the enemy. For crying the fuck out loud!

Posted by: LGoPs at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (FnEPY)

131 >>Kasshoggi was a Taliban and MuzBroHood supporter.

>>The Looming Tower mentions him as a fucking friend of Bin Laden.

>>The guy could have been a designated target by the US.

I heard this other day and went back and looked and yep, it's true.

No, sorry, I do not care that a terrorist sympathizer, at least, was executed. I wish the Saudis had been more discrete but I do not care about Khashoggi and wish people would be a little more grown up about how these things work.

Obama killed American citizens with drones. No trial. No muss or fuss by pretty much anyone including us to be honest. So why am I supposed to care about a Saudi citizen who hated America, spied for rogue elements within SA on America using journalism as a cover, in Turkey who is trying hamstring us while they partner with Iran and Syria?

Do not care.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (/tuJf)

132 BUT BUT BUT !!!! Washington Compost said they had proof !!

Posted by: Max BOOThole at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (BqBId)

133 Thank you, votermom.

Hey, chavez.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (T) at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (Ckg4U)

134 thing from snowy mountain,

yes, it appears the Obama holdovers, and maybe the Deep State generally, are fighting to ally with the Muslim Brotherhood. They consistently excuse Muslim Brotherhood barbarities and then start applying Marquis de Queensbury rules for people who fight the Muslim Brotherhood.

Al-Sisi of Egypt, for example.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (PbpT7)

135 124 Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of 330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed in the Middle East.
Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (oXJmp)

Well "Technically" wasn't he killed in Istanbul, so in Europe? Just saying?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (7L9vr)

Nobody cares.

Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (oXJmp)

136 109 Pasty fat Antifa fatboy charged in assault on Marines:
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at November 28, 2018 07:37 PM (oVJmc)

Too bad he and his Brownshirt pals didn't get their faces kicked in.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (NWiLs)

137 HEY ! Broseidon, that's great - well done !

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (bUjCl)

138 Do not care.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (/tuJf)


Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (7L9vr)

139 @AndrewPollackFL
"Captain Jan Jordan froze during the Parkland shooting. Officers said she was in over her head.
Now Sheriff Israel admits Captain Jordan was recommended based on "diversity" NOT qualifications.
Her lack of leadership led to kids dying, all because they wanted diversity!"

Posted by: Max BOOThole at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (BqBId)

140 "111 Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of 330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed in the Middle East.

Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (oXJmp) "

And every one of them is a dedicated enemy of everything America stands for.


Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (tSXzq)

141 Look up "Vasily Blokhin".
Posted by: hogmartin

Holy shit.

Personally shot 7,000 of them with a pistol, averaging at least one every three minutes, assembly line style, dusk till dawn, for 28 consecutive days.
Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (/04dS)

Used German pistols too, to make it seem like it was carried out by the Nazis.

Posted by: Surfperch at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (pkeCj)

142 Well "Technically" wasn't he killed in Istanbul, so in Europe? Just saying?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (7L9vr)

Istanbul's not Europe. They have long wanted to be, but they're not.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (Cp/jq)

143 Regardless of the geopolitical implications, I have to say I'd enjoy a serious slapfight between Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (hjaPQ)

144 found the story

video is only of the perpetrators prior to attack
(delete newline)

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (XZ3Gp)


Fucking caps lock.

Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (q177U)

146 Well "Technically" wasn't he killed in Istanbul, so in Europe? Just saying?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (7L9vr)

Wasn't he killed at the Saudi embassy?
If so, that's legally Saudi soil.

Posted by: Braenyard at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (MSiSP)

147 From Wikipedia:

He is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940, making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history.

Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (/04dS)

148 Excellent Ace, but you forgot one salient point.

The press, the ever narcissistic press, gets picked on and demonized by Trump. He embarrasses them. They want to pretend they are brave soldiers on the front lines, enduring the harassment of trump. They want to be heroes of their own little psychodrama. They want to pretend that Trump laughing at their incompetence is the same things as journalists being strung up by repressive governments.

Kashoggi is just a stand in for themselves. they see what the Saudis did to him and think "yeah, just like when Trump tried to take my press pass!" or "Just like that time Sara Sanders called me fake news!"

Really, it is just that pathetic. By over-reporting on this incident, they are really reporting on their favorite topic, themselves. "See! See how dangerous my cushy job of asking questions and reading from a teleprompter is!"

Posted by: Dean wormer at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (AJj50)

149 Fucking Jimmy Carter legacy.

How long will it take to get Iran back to where it was before Carter decided to destroy the Shah?

No one gives a shit about this non-event with the MB fake journalist; the media is apoplectic that they can't whip up the public like they could under Obama.

Posted by: Batterup at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (U2JQS)

150 >>>That's a shame. I was really starting to gain some respect for the prince.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:25 PM (Cp/jq)


Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (q177U)

151 Yay Broseidon!!!
Can't wait!

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (XZ3Gp)

152 127 Finished my taping! Wasn't able to get a Horde mention, but I'm probably going to be a meme anyway. My lips are sealed but I hope everyone tunes in January 25th! I'll post the air date again closer to the day.
Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (dQAdn)

Awesome! I hope you kicked ass!

Posted by: Insomniac at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (NWiLs)

153 Heh. Obama sees himself in Beto.

That's tight? Or no?

Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (nRWPy)

154 127 Finished my taping! Wasn't able to get a Horde mention, but I'm probably going to be a meme anyway. My lips are sealed but I hope everyone tunes in January 25th! I'll post the air date again closer to the day.
Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (dQAdn)

Please tell me you farted and blamed it on the woman next to you.

Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:44 PM (oXJmp)

155 Istanbul's not Europe. They have long wanted to be, but they're not.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (Cp/jq)

The real Istanbul, the city in citadel, is on so called historic peninsula and is located on European side. ... Although Turkey straddles Europe and Asia, Istanbul on the west of the Bosphorus is officially very much within Europe.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:44 PM (7L9vr)

156 I'm all out of fucks to give, and I sure as hell ain't borrowing any for the likes of Kashoggi.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 28, 2018 07:44 PM (NWiLs)

157 127 Finished my taping! Wasn't able to get a Horde mention, but I'm probably going to be a meme anyway. My lips are sealed but I hope everyone tunes in January 25th! I'll post the air date again closer to the day.
Posted by: Broseidon Czar of the Brocean at November 28, 2018 07:40 PM (dQAdn)

No horde memes?! Bummer.

Well, yeah -- definitely let us know as the date approaches!

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 28, 2018 07:44 PM (GBteo)

158 Wasn't he killed at the Saudi embassy?
If so, that's legally Saudi soil.
Posted by: Braenyard at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (MSiSP)

OK, I'll give ya that one. LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (7L9vr)

159 That's how you get the Order of the Red Banner, folks.
Second Class.

He didn't fill in the paperwork correctly after.

Posted by: zombie josef stalin at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (Evws/)

160 I thought the traditional way of dealing with the people after they attack marines was to put the one who were still alive in a camp until the war ended.

Posted by: x at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (nFwvY)

161 We're not the planet's cop. I fail to see why this isn't between the Saudis and the Turks, and why it's our problem, and our job to investigate and fix. If we were the planet's cops, we'd be getting paid for doing that job by the citizens in the jurisdiction we're policing.
And I don't buy the argument that we have a duty to base all of our foreign policy stances on the human-rights records of the involved countries. Red China is probably the biggest human-rights violator the world has ever known, and that argument would require we nuke Red China.
We make our foreign policy decisions and alliances based on the net benefit to America. End of the matter.

Posted by: Qoheleth at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (iIzG7)

162 Please tell me you farted and blamed it on the woman next to you.
Posted by: Lisa Ann at November 28, 2018 07:44 PM (oXJmp)

He farted and blamed it on Trebek's mama!

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (XZ3Gp)

163 115 and how do we know all this? Because the Polish prisoners kept journals and wrote down what was going on. The journals were subsequently buried with them as they were in the pockets of their military coats.

Imagine the horror of waiting.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:38 PM (AojII)

And you're standing outside, waiting, when every few minutes you hear another gunshot, and the line you're in moves forward a bit. /shudder

Because when you're shooting people at that rate, you KNOW the prospective victims are within earshot of the pistol shot, and they know perfectly well what is happening.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (Wd55D)

Latest in the Toyota Corolla meets deer saga
According to local
insurance agent, the head office will be contacting us soon to offer
replacement cost. Totalled, 13000 $+ estimate fix. Didn't even mention
Diminished Value. 2018 model

Thanks to all who commented Jim and Mis hope no friendship lost.

Posted by: Lord Percy's Cracked Chamber Pot at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (v2sS9)

165 Sources tell us that the Saudi Crown Prince met several times with Julian Assange to plan the murder of Kashoggi.

Posted by: The Guardian - real news you guys at November 28, 2018 07:46 PM (5RXy6)

166 @AndrewPollackFL

"Captain Jan Jordan froze during the Parkland shooting. Officers said she was in over her head.

Now Sheriff Israel admits Captain Jordan was recommended based on "diversity" NOT qualifications.

Her lack of leadership led to kids dying, all because they wanted diversity!"

Posted by: Max BOOThole at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (BqBId)

This is the Left's religion and Diversity is one of their sacraments. It matters not to them that kids will die in the service of their religion.

I have a religion too - Catholic - but I don't have the force of law behind it. At the most I might tut-tut someone for bad behavior But I certainly can't (or wouldn't) compel them with the force of the government behind me. Yet these evil fucks consider me a threat. The world has gone mad.

Posted by: LGoPs at November 28, 2018 07:46 PM (FnEPY)

167 Obama sees himself in Beto.


Posted by: Grump928(C) at November 28, 2018 07:46 PM (AojII)

168 Note Mattais' side pieces: Marilyn Manson and Pocahonky

Posted by: Regular joe at November 28, 2018 07:46 PM (7PllL)

169 Obama sees himself in Beto.



Obama sees Beto in him ?

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (bUjCl)

170 And I don't buy the argument that we have a duty to base all of our foreign policy stances on the human-rights records of the involved countries.

Only silly women, children, and mental defectives - e.g., Jimmah Carter - would even consider doing anything of the kind.

In the real world, you deal with others as they are, without getting pissy about things like that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (Wd55D)

171 169 Obama sees himself in Beto.



Obama sees Beto in him ?
Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (bUjCl)

Only if he has a rear-view mirror.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (NWiLs)

172 There was another incident where a police captain was punched by a punk but because it was a National Park - Independence Mall - out of the jurisdiction of the city so the US Attorney is pressing charges.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (sQqgE)

173 >>>Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of
330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed
in the Middle East.

Posted by: Lisa Ann<<<

Yes! Thank you! B-b-b-but he was a Journalist! Outrage! Treason! Impeach!

Posted by: Fritz at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (Z9C5C)

174 yes, it appears the Obama holdovers, and maybe the Deep State generally, are fighting to ally with the Muslim Brotherhood. They consistently excuse Muslim Brotherhood barbarities and then start applying Marquis de Queensbury rules for people who fight the Muslim Brotherhood.

Al-Sisi of Egypt, for example.
Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:41 PM (PbpT7)

Well, it's the same way they blame the US' support of the shah of iran for the rise of the ayatollahs.

The thinking is "well, shit, if we just let them run their own internal affairs without meddling, they'll love us again and leave us alone. Islam is the religion of peace, the only reason they attack us is because they have legitimate grievances against us."

As I'm sure you remember, the first big question asked after 9/11 was "why do they hate us? What did we do to cause this?"

It doesn't occur to them that left to its own devices, Islam is gunna Islam.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (GBteo)

175 Heh. Obama sees himself in Beto.

Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:43 PM (nRWPy)

Barry would never do that, he's always been a Bottom.

Posted by: Reggie at November 28, 2018 07:48 PM (pkeCj)

176 me hearing that a WaPo "contributor" was killed for playing the Great Game of espionage:

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:48 PM (PbpT7)

177 Remember me? I wrote a book called "Dictatorships and Double Standards" that you might like.

Posted by: Jeanne Kirkpatrick at November 28, 2018 07:48 PM (hjaPQ)

178 Istanbul's not Europe. They have long wanted to be, but they're not.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (Cp/jq)

IMO, it was until 1453.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 28, 2018 07:48 PM (YEpQs)

179 Latest in the Toyota Corolla meets deer saga
According to local
insurance agent, the head office will be contacting us soon to offer
replacement cost. Totalled, 13000 $+ estimate fix. Didn't even mention
Diminished Value. 2018 model

Thanks to all who commented Jim and Mis hope no friendship lost.
Posted by: Lord Percy's Cracked Chamber Pot at November 28, 2018 07:45 PM (v2sS9)


I'm glad they totaled it, and I hope the settlement pays off the loan and leaves enough for a good down payment on the next one.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 07:49 PM (ffYR/)

180 I'm not sure what I would do without this site to keep me balanced about what I read elsewhere.

Thank you, Ace.

Posted by: Wenda (sic) at November 28, 2018 07:49 PM (fCE6j)

181 I wonder if Khashoggis gruesome execution might be seen as a sort of cautionary tale by the media. Like, when you take pronounced sides in a hot war, sometimes the bullets come your way.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, boom! at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (4MRvZ)

182 Don't do it Slapweasel !

Good to seeya around !

Been through a version of that with Papa Eez & Mrs Eez's mom ... unless one of our younger siblings goes, we have survived it all, barely at times, but survived anyway.

*manly, non-weird hug and slap on back*

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (tSXzq)

183 ace, you should check out that story in the Miami Herald about Jeffrey Epstein. It's pretty incredible.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (/tuJf)

184 The Marines were attacked in city jurisdiction. They were attending a Trump rally.

Posted by: kallisto at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (sQqgE)

185 This is the Left's religion and Diversity is one of their sacraments. It matters not to them that kids will die in the service of their religion.

Diversity is weakness. Only an idiot would fail to grasp that.

Everywhere, at all times in human history, from the late Roman Empire up through the northern Ireland, Rwanda, Nigeria, and the Balkans today.

Hell, even in Tijuana today, the Mexicans and the Hondurans are at daggers drawn, and let's face it, we see essentially no difference between them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (gHCnG)

186 Khashoggi's murder is emblematic of the verbal murders committed by the Trump Regime against the valiant members if the WH Pres Corp. every single day!

We will prevail.

*links arms with Rachel Maddow*

Posted by: Brian Williams at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (YEpQs)

187 Globalism and cosmopolitinism is a disease. The globalists that run the deep state and the party establishment view themselves as part of a global ruling class. This is why there are no foreign enemies: because the literally see no difference between Al Qaeda and the tea party, merely two groups, each trying to supplant the "natural" rulers.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (SgjGX)

188 Ace has written a really outstanding essay here.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, boom! at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (4MRvZ)

189 I absolutely could not care less if foreigners kill each other.

Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (nRWPy)

190 >>>183 ace, you should check out that story in the Miami Herald about Jeffrey Epstein. It's pretty incredible.
Posted by: JackStraw

i did. They seem to be going with the Trump Involvement angle.

funny how they never bothered investigating this when Hillary was running for president.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (PbpT7)

191 Someone I knew once said that if there was suddenly a one day rule that you could kill your political enemies with impunity simply by going to your polling place and pushing a red button, the democrats would line up for miles two hours before opening - and Hilary would push the button until someone pulled her off.

The media is the same way - they can spare me there tears of Khashoggi

Posted by: Boswell at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (OjnQU)

192 Trump is literally the best president we've ever had, literally.

Posted by: Kreplach at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (qxq6t)

193 It's a broken world. I do not need or want CNN to pontificate to me how it must be improved.

They're broke too.

Posted by: Simplemind at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (ZuGkg)

194 I absolutely could not care less if foreigners kill each other.
Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (nRWPy)


Posted by: Surfperch at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (pkeCj)

195 Yes! Thank you! B-b-b-but he was a Journalist!
Posted by: Fritz at November 28, 2018 07:47 PM (Z9C5C)

So ... a good start.

D-Lamp, we hardly knew ye.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (gHCnG)

196 176 me hearing that a WaPo "contributor" was killed for playing the Great Game of espionage:


yes but what of our eternal soils, what do we gain if we choose to base our decisions on things like reality when there's a clear right and wrong which there clearly is here as long as you just focus on him being an american citizen, which he wasn't, and a hournalist, without bias...brave and true, which he wasn't. Then, our [editors note, this goes on and on for 2 more pages] demands we give it all away to be pure. and then the middle east willbe more like us, mostly because we will nowbe the middle east due to immigration and local sharia laws and sharia police forces.

Posted by: billionaires! At the bottom of it all! at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (7J5t2)

197 I absolutely could not care less if foreigners kill each other.
Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (nRWPy)

Not me. Depending on which foreigners we're talking about, I'm all for it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (gHCnG)

198 We will prevail.

*links arms with Rachel Maddow*
Posted by: Brian Williams

*hip-tosses Brian*
*gives him wet-Willie*

Posted by: Rachel Maddow at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (5RXy6)

199 Foreign national killed another foreign country...
... and I was supposed to care just because the 'news' spent a lot of time whining about it?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (1g7ch)

200 Trump is literally the best president we've ever had, literally.
Posted by: Kreplach at November 28, 2018 07:52 PM (qxq6t)

Sir, you have forfeited a luxurious Caribe Deck cabin with an obstructed ocean view!

Posted by: Rear Adm. Bill "Cucky" Kristol at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (YEpQs)

201 We must not turn a blind eye to evil, but must instead turn the eye we can actually see out of to evil, so we can see it coming, and maybe duck.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro, Super Quote Maker at November 28, 2018 07:53 PM (PbpT7)

Pick up the pace, Salman.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at November 28, 2018 07:22 PM (Ebk5d

(Giggles). You had me going for a second.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (oGNNA)

203 Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 07:50 PM (/tuJf)
& guess who was Head of FBI ?

Posted by: Max BOOThole at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (BqBId)

204 so yeah, the libs outrage scale now goes from:


0 being obama did anything
2 being benghazi
4 being 9-11
7 being some fat honduran mom getting gassed by mexicans as she's used as cannon fodder to charge a gate.
10 Khasghosshi.

Posted by: billionaires! At the bottom of it all! at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (7J5t2)

205 73 and Poland choose poorly setting up shop between the Ruskies and the Germans ( Hey G-D was that your handy work also?)

perhaps one of us should borrow ace's time machine and go have a quick word with lech, czech, and rus.

Posted by: Anachronda at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (NmR1a)

206 MBS is pro-Trump, vehemently anti-Obama, anti-Iran, and anti- jihadists.

He's trying to clean up corruption, and kneecap the people in his government and country at large financing terrorism.

So obviously the American left has a problem with him.

OK, this kinda puts things in perspective. Plus he kills a pro muslim brotherhood REPORTER, two sacred cows.

Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (q177U)

207 Diversity is weakness. Only an idiot would fail to grasp that.

Everywhere, at all times in human history, from the late Roman Empire up through the northern Ireland, Rwanda, Nigeria, and the Balkans today.

Hell, even in Tijuana today, the Mexicans and the Hondurans are at daggers drawn, and let's face it, we see essentially no difference between them.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

we are building a Tower of Babel

Posted by: x at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (nFwvY)

208 189 I absolutely could not care less if foreigners kill each other.
Posted by: dagny at November 28, 2018 07:51 PM (nRWPy)

And any day that a Muslim Brotherhood member is killed is a good day.

Posted by: rickl at November 28, 2018 07:55 PM (sdi6R)

209 who knows whether or not khashoggi's murder was gruesome? why would it be? since they were not going to share it with other would be traitors what would be the point? why make a huge mess when all you have to do is strangle him?

the more gruesome the murder the less believable the story.

Posted by: yankeefifth at November 28, 2018 07:55 PM (MTjB1)

210 Guy was a Moslem Brotherhood member.

Pictures of him armed and fighting in Afghanistan.

This is Saudis killing Saudis... on Saudi soil.

We don't have a dog in this hunt, and the only reason anyone says we do, is the media.

Posted by: Don Q at November 28, 2018 07:55 PM (NgKpN)

211 I hope so too

Posted by: Lord Percy's Cracked Chamber Pot at November 28, 2018 07:56 PM (4UVVF)

All things considered, Khashoggi would've had a first class ticket on Aerolineas Pinochet... one way.

Shits given by me: ZERO.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 28, 2018 07:56 PM (/9p9e)

213 Agree with Ace on the MSM whoring for pro-Iranian factions and because Orange Man Bad.

Still, why Pompeo and Mattis even bother making such a statement? It's only going to light a bonfire under the MSM to make damn sure someone DOES find a "smoking gun" (hate that term, btw ) that magically "connects" MBS to the killing.

Yes I know I'm probably concern trolling here - but I can see it playing out that way 'cause I'ma pessimist and know there's no limit to how low the MSM will sink to get their narrative to predominate.

Why play this game in the first place? Trump's already condemned the killing, etc. Administration shouldn't waste its time making "no smoking gun" style statements. Just tell MSM to go f*ck themselves, we need Saudis as strategic partner.

Posted by: Hands at November 28, 2018 07:56 PM (786Ro)

214 OK, this kinda puts things in perspective. Plus he kills a pro muslim brotherhood REPORTER, two sacred cows.
Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (q177U)

Put Acosta on the Kashoggi beat. Await developments.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 07:56 PM (xSo9G)

215 Trump may be the president literally, but formally and consequentially he is a nationalist.

Posted by: Ben Shapiro says... at November 28, 2018 07:56 PM (bUjCl)

216 Plus he kills a pro muslim brotherhood REPORTER, two sacred cows.
Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:54 PM (q177U)

This is actually a myth.

He was not a reporter, he wrote a couple of op eds... ie he was writing opinion pieces.

Its like saying I am a reporter because I wrote a letter to the editor.

Posted by: Don Q at November 28, 2018 07:57 PM (NgKpN)

217 0 being obama did anything
2 being benghazi
4 being 9-11
7 being some fat honduran mom getting gassed by mexicans as she's used as cannon fodder to charge a gate.
10 Khasghosshi.
5,09,203 November 8, 2016

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 28, 2018 07:57 PM (3o56+)

218 The Washington Post only hired al Qaeda propagandist Khashoggi because bin Laden's other best friend and al Qaeda propagandist Anwar al Awlaki was unavailable. It seems someone assassinated him with a drone to keep him from talking about his days working with Bob Mueller.

Mueller is prosecuting Jerome Corsi for forgetting an email--but Mueller had al Awlaki released despite a federal arrest warrant. Weird contrast, huh?

btw, did you ever notice how bin Laden was killed not just before Barry's re-election campaign, but also before the push to give Iran nukes and money? The last thing Obama wanted was a captured bin Laden singing about all the help Iran gave him.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at November 28, 2018 07:57 PM (Ndje9)

219 *links arms with Rachel Maddow*

That's gross.

Posted by: Little Lupe at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (Tyii7)

220 >>& guess who was Head of FBI ?

Yep. I get that the media is gonna target Trump but the bigger story to me is the long time corrupt at the DOJ and the powerful politicians and money people they protected.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (/tuJf)

221 >>>Still, why Pompeo and Mattis even bother making such a statement? It's only going to light a bonfire under the MSM to make damn sure someone DOES find a "smoking gun" (hate that term, btw ) that magically "connects" MBS to the killing.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (PbpT7)

222 WP was a cover.

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (bUjCl)

223 The Soviets killed about 22,000 in the Katyn Forest Massacre, at various sites, the main one in the Katyn.

I learned this at Wiki, and reading it brings a chill.

We think this kind of evil is behind us, because we're all so civil, so kind, so focused on equality and justice. But we either ignore the facts that get out because it does not affect the ambiance at our local Starbucks, or never hear anything because it happens behind some totalitarian wall somewhere.

That 22,000 number sounds large, but it is nothing compared to what happened in China under Mao, or what likely happened in North Korea maybe just last year. It pales when looked at against what Isis has done, or Assad.

Can it happen here? Sure. All it takes is the right mix of madness, and control of media. It begins with banning, and goes from there.

Posted by: Les Kinetic at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (+fPHo)

224 >>>>Nobody but a couple 100 people in DC and NYC out of
330 million give a shit that some camel fucker named Kashoggi was killed
in the Middle East.

I'm gonna throw a penalty flag on this one. There are probably 10,000 pussy hat wearing childless wierdos that are SUPER PISSED about this. It's a new patch that just got updated in their NPC programming. Ver. 1.2.1

Posted by: Max Power at November 28, 2018 07:59 PM (q177U)

225 I think Ace cares not

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 07:59 PM (bUjCl)

226 >>>

i have said this before. it's satisfying.

Posted by: concrete girl at November 28, 2018 07:59 PM (GKk5d)

227 223 Posted by: Les Kinetic at November 28, 2018 07:58 PM (+fPHo)

Billy Ayers stated that once he and his merry pranksters overthrew America, about 22 million or so of us un-re-educatables would have to be liquidated.

He was not joking then, and his legacy in the form of James Hodgkinson and Antifa are not now.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 28, 2018 08:00 PM (/9p9e)

228 The remains of an American sailor from New York City who was killed in the Pearl Harbor attack nearly 77 years ago have been identified.

The Pentagon announced Wednesday that Seaman 1st Class Walter C. Foleys remains were accounted for earlier this year.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 08:00 PM (7L9vr)

229 228 The remains of an American sailor from New York City who was killed in the Pearl Harbor attack nearly 77 years ago have been identified.

The Pentagon announced Wednesday that Seaman 1st Class Walter C. Foleys remains were accounted for earlier this year.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 28, 2018 08:00 PM (7L9vr)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 28, 2018 08:01 PM (/9p9e)

230 @223 That 22,000 number sounds large, but it is nothing compared to what happened in China under Mao, or what likely happened in North Korea maybe just last year. It pales when looked at against what Isis has done, or Assad.

Or what might very well happen if the People's Republic of China successfully invades the Republic of China.

Posted by: junior at November 28, 2018 08:01 PM (apsNf)

231 Word count on Ace's post:


By my standards, that's pretty short!

(I once posted an essay with 6,000+ words.)

Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2018 08:01 PM (c+2jX)

232 Absolutely nobody outside the MSM/left bubble gives a shit about this. But they think it will move the needle if they keep shouting about it. If I stand up at work tomorrow and say Kashoggi!, I'll get a couple of geseundheits and a whole bunch of blank stares.

Posted by: Floyd of Rosedale at November 28, 2018 08:02 PM (ICaYg)

233 231 Word count on Ace's post:


By my standards, that's pretty short!

(I once posted an essay with 6,000+ words.)
Posted by: zombie at November 28, 2018 08:01 PM (c+2jX)

"I would've made it shorter if I had the time."

- - E. Hemingway

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 28, 2018 08:02 PM (/9p9e)


Members of the "migrant caravan" currently camped out in Tijuana, Mexico, just across the border from San Diego, California, told MSNBC late Tuesday that they were told making entrance into the United States would be much easier and that they're ready to make the long journey back home.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2018 08:02 PM (aKsyK)


Help us, Shaggy Kenobi. You're our only hope.

Posted by: Fake News at November 28, 2018 08:03 PM (hEfz0)

236 Help. because none of these links ever open for me. Does anyone have the name of the antifa fuck that has been charged?

Posted by: Ben Had at November 28, 2018 08:03 PM (DFa6Z)

237 When do we get the investigation into why the Bezos Post had a known agent of a foreign terrorist organization on payroll?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:03 PM (5RXy6)

238 Can it happen here? Sure. All it takes is the right mix of madness, and control of media. It begins with banning, and goes from there.

There is little doubt in my mind that it is when will, not can it happen here.

Posted by: Drc at November 28, 2018 08:04 PM (llGBY)


Ace, that's a great gif.

I just remembered another "I don't care" line-moment in a movie:

Bill Murray in Scrooged.

I think he said "I care" sarcastically, tho.

Posted by: Fake News at November 28, 2018 08:04 PM (hEfz0)

240 that they were told making entrance into the United States would be much easier and that they're ready to make the long journey back home.

Told by whom, I'd like to know. Of course, no one followed up on that.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at November 28, 2018 08:05 PM (//voU)

241 Kim Strassel throwing her own reporters under the bus. That could get interesting.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 08:06 PM (/tuJf)

242 I seem to recall a certain Anwar Awalaki and his good buddy Samir Khan, both US citizens, who were assassinated in Yemen. They were both a bunch of seditious idiots as far as I can tell and I'm not mourning their death. They were probably traitors too though they were never convicted of any of these charges.

However, if the Saudis are guilty of assassinating one of their own, on Saudi territory, then the left had better be ready to defend their paragon of virtue, Barack Obama. It was Obama who ordered drones to be fired upon Awalaki and Khan.

Trump's "crime", if there is one, is ignoring Kashoggi's death. That's a far cry from what his predecessor did.

Posted by: Gork at November 28, 2018 08:07 PM (VmQ66)

243 Obama killed American citizens with drones. No trial. No muss or fuss by pretty much anyone including us to be honest.

I didn't like the way he did it, but I'll confess I had a hard time working up any sympathy for the "American" victims. They were citizens in name only. Foreign muslims who'd been given U.S. citizenship, but who'd never relinquished their hatred for us and our country, and their desire to see us destroyed, and who were (apparently) trying to carry that desire to fruition.

Doesn't excuse Obama's actions, or his blatant hypocrisy in pretending that his actions were not a gross violation of "who we are" as Americans (to use his own overused phraseology). But am I going to lose sleep because some asshole terrorist-wannabes holding U.S. passports got murdered by drones under the order of an American (or so he claims) president? No.

If that makes me a bad person, so be it.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 28, 2018 08:08 PM (fqUgw)

244 When do we get the investigation into why the Bezos Post had a known agent of a foreign terrorist organization on payroll?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:03 PM (5RXy6)


I think he was a freelance writer/contributor. Not on payroll, paid by the story.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:08 PM (ffYR/)

245 Mmmm, beer but chicken should done soon.

Posted by: Farmer at November 28, 2018 08:08 PM (yJ1e6)

246 141 Look up "Vasily Blokhin".
Posted by: hogmartin

Holy shit.

Personally shot 7,000 of them with a pistol, averaging at least one every three minutes, assembly line style, dusk till dawn, for 28 consecutive days.
Posted by: wooga at November 28, 2018 07:36 PM (/04dS)

Used German pistols too, to make it seem like it was carried out by the Nazis.
Posted by: Surfperch at November 28, 2018 07:42 PM (pkeCj)

Ya know, all them death camps were in the Soviet occupied territories. And Stalin didn't like the jooz either...

Posted by: Conspiracy Theory Man! Professional Derpist at November 28, 2018 08:09 PM (aqpW6)

247 Mmmm, beer but chicken should done soon.

did you bring enough for everybody ??

Posted by: runner at November 28, 2018 08:09 PM (bUjCl)

248 Pro Tip: To Saudi Arabia, next time you need to bump off a dissident, have it done in Chicago - no one will notice or care.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at November 28, 2018 08:10 PM (lD3vL)

249 If that makes me a bad person, so be it.

It makes you my newest bestest buddy ever.

Posted by: some rat in the swamp at November 28, 2018 08:10 PM (LOq4H)

250 A Shoggoth on the Roof, If I Were a Deep One

Posted by: BourbonChicken at November 28, 2018 08:11 PM (rnAwa)

251 Excellent post, ace. The analogy with Katyn and the WWII alliance is outstanding. Your point is only made stronger by the fact that in this case the "bad ally", Saudi Arabia, is not credibly alleged to have done anything remotely on the scale of what everyone quickly accepted the USSR had done.

Remember reading for the first time, in detail, about the Nazis' propaganda campaign based on Katyn (probably in Goebbels' diary, or the books based around it). Human history probably has no more stunning example of brazen hypocrisy on the gravest matters. Germany, which had effaced Poland as a nation, while murdering and enslaving millions of its people, pretended to be shocked or somehow morally engaged that the Soviets had done something literally identical to ongoing and recent German atrocities.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:11 PM (QDnY+)

252 242 I seem to recall a certain Anwar Awalaki and his good buddy Samir Khan, both US citizens, who were assassinated in Yemen. They were both a bunch of seditious idiots as far as I can tell and I'm not mourning their death. They were probably traitors too though they were never convicted of any of these charges.

However, if the Saudis are guilty of assassinating one of their own, on Saudi territory, then the left had better be ready to defend their paragon of virtue, Barack Obama. It was Obama who ordered drones to be fired upon Awalaki and Khan.

Trump's "crime", if there is one, is ignoring Kashoggi's death. That's a far cry from what his predecessor did.
Posted by: Gork at November 28, 2018 08:07 PM (VmQ66)

"assassinating" --> "murdering"

They weren't political figures. None of them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:11 PM (Wd55D)

253 I think he was a freelance writer/contributor. Not on payroll, paid by the story.
Posted by: Calm Mentor

My point still stands: why was the Bezos Post paying a know agent of a terrorist organization?
How much of his "writing fees" went to support his life's main focus?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:11 PM (5RXy6)

254 My point still stands: why was the Bezos Post paying a know agent of a terrorist organization?
How much of his "writing fees" went to support his life's main focus?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:11 PM (5RXy6)


No clue about that.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:13 PM (ffYR/)

255 In other Chateau D'Eez news, a new battery appears to have fixed the laser on the Sig P290.

Yay !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 08:14 PM (tSXzq)

256 If I stand up at work tomorrow and say Kashoggi!, I'll get a couple of geseundheits and a whole bunch of blank stares.

And many Millennials will head to the break room thinking that it is an alternative to Avocado Toast.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at November 28, 2018 08:15 PM (lD3vL)

257 Or maybe just fully tightening the battery cover screw ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 08:15 PM (tSXzq)

258 How can the libs complain about Saudi Arabia? What happened to Tolerance and Diversity(TM)? All cultures being equal and whatnot?

Oh yeah, I forgot, they don't mean what they say.

Posted by: Darth Randall at November 28, 2018 08:15 PM (v3DL/)

It makes you my newest bestest buddy ever.
Posted by: some rat in the swamp

Except that I hate you even more than the muzzie terrorist pretend-Americans that your cocoa messiah droned.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 28, 2018 08:16 PM (fqUgw)

260 If I stand up at work tomorrow and say Kashoggi!, I'll get a couple of geseundheits and a whole bunch of blank stares.

Kashoggi used to be a very well-known name - one of the richest men on the planet, it was claimed.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 08:16 PM (Cp/jq)

261 Pretty sure Mattis and Pompeo know the entirety of our intel on the matter, so there won't be any surprises "leaking" from the IC. In addition, "smoking gun" is a bit weaselly, as it doesn't say there is not evidence, not even that there is not fairly damning evidence, of X - just that there's no direct clear irrefutable confirmation of X.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:17 PM (QDnY+)

262 Awright, enough Jager for me.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 08:17 PM (tSXzq)

263 You have to remember that the entire world- the US, Russia, and China- were all propping up Saddam. Misunderstandings and poor diplomacy led to Desert Storm: Junior's complete ineptitude led to Saddam's death and a huge increase in Iranian influence.

It all goes back to those two moron Presidents, doesn't it.

Posted by: trev006 at November 28, 2018 07:26 PM (rtdP6)


Don't forget about me!

Posted by: Cap'n Bill Kristol at November 28, 2018 08:17 PM (v3DL/)

264 Ya know, all them death camps were in the Soviet occupied territories. And Stalin didn't like the jooz either...
Posted by: Conspiracy Theory Man! Professional Derpist at November 28, 2018 08:09 PM (aqpW6)

Probably not, as Russians (and presumably Georgians) are/were notoriously anti-Semitic, but the prominent Jews he whacked were primarily high-up Communist Party officials, and potential conspirators against him. E.g., Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yagoda, and of course Trotsky, to name a few.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:17 PM (gHCnG)

265 You might also be thinking of the end of 'The Great Escape'. Different set of assholes.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 08:20 PM (PQMST)

266 >>Kashoggi used to be a very well-known name - one of the richest men on the planet, it was claimed.

Also just happens to be Jamal Khashoggi's uncle.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 08:20 PM (/tuJf)

267 The difference between using a drone and a hacksaw is a Nobel Peace Prize.

Posted by: Sjg at November 28, 2018 08:20 PM (gDSJf)

268 Trump needs to form his own party. Which GOP donors were involved in the Iran deal and who do they fund?

Posted by: Flowerbelle at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (+fVli)

269 Still, why Pompeo and Mattis even bother making such a statement? It's only going to light a bonfire under the MSM to make damn sure someone DOES find a "smoking gun" (hate that term, btw ) that magically "connects" MBS to the killing

He's King right, why doesn't he just say I ordered it and enjoyed listening to the tape. FYNQ, Bitch about it anymore and I fly to Moscow and cut a deal with Putin to raise oil prices. He like journalists just as much as I do, maybe we will listen to the tape together.

If you can't off an inconvenient journalist or priest, why bother getting out of bed.

Posted by: Jean at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (1W4SR)

270 adnan kashoggi was the basis for an arms dealer character in the chevy chase/signourney weaver bomb "Deal of the Century."

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (PbpT7)

271 I wonder if the attack on the Marine reservists by Antifa goons will make the MFM tomorrow?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (ptqGC)

272 There is a Robert Harris novel and movie about the discovery of the Katyn massacre as a central plot point. Great book and movie.

Posted by: WarEagle82 at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (2BPRE)

273 I think trump either bought adnan kashoggi's ultrayacht or talked about buying it.

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:22 PM (PbpT7)

274 265 You might also be thinking of the end of 'The Great Escape'. Different set of assholes.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 08:20 PM (PQMST)

I thought that too, but that was also ahistorical. The recaptured prisoners were also shot onesie twosie by the Gestapo, not machine-gunned en masse (which is, of course, notoriously inefficient).

The movie took legitimate poetic license on that point.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:22 PM (gHCnG)




Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:22 PM (PbpT7)


Here's the thing: There is no recording.

There is no recording of Shaggy getting butchered. Turkey made it up.

His Apple watch recorded it. Yeah, my ass.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the "Nood" at November 28, 2018 08:23 PM (0/NKA)

277 Probably not, as Russians (and presumably Georgians) are/were notoriously anti-Semitic, but the prominent Jews he whacked were primarily high-up Communist Party officials, and potential conspirators against him. E.g., Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yagoda, and of course Trotsky, to name a few.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Think about it though, the Red Army was constantly short of food and medicine. Then they liberate a camp full of people who desperately need food and medical attention. Do they give up what they have to help innocent civilians or shoot them all, burn the bodies, and say "look what the nasty Germans did!"? This is the Soviets we're talking about here.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:23 PM (5RXy6)

278 I wonder if the attack on the Marine reservists by Antifa goons will make the MFM tomorrow?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (ptqGC)


Surprisingly, it is there in print right now if you search for it. Not sure about the alphabets broadcasting it though.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (ffYR/)

279 267 The difference between using a drone and a hacksaw is a Nobel Peace Prize.

And being a "progressive" with dusky-hued skin tones.

If a white Republican American president had murdered some fellow citizens with drones, he'd be universally condemned as a lawless savage.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (fqUgw)

280 There is a great Polish movie on this too but it is in Polish, German and Russian. I don't remember if it had subtitles but it is worth watching.

Posted by: WarEagle82 at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (2BPRE)




Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:22 PM (PbpT7)

I knew it!

Posted by: Brain-dead leftist twerp at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (Cp/jq)

2 months ago, 99.9% of the world never heard of Kashoggi. Now all of a sudden were supposed act as if his murder is a Franz Ferdinand (the Austrian not the band) level event. All the hysteria is just to try to force Trump to do something or put him in a bad light over it.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (SiINZ)


His Apple watch magically recording his murder-- along with key things being uttered at the time as to provide evidence -- and then magically being retrieved by the Turks.

My ass.

It's a lie right out of a novel.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the at November 28, 2018 08:25 PM (0/NKA)

284 Anybody have any idea what victory looks like in this war?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 28, 2018 08:25 PM (0tfLf)

285 I heard MBS was a big part of getting manga translated to arabic and he's a huge fan of One Piece. Can't be that bad, offing a Muslim Brotherhood supporting Wahhabist is just icing on the cake.

Posted by: mugiwara at November 28, 2018 08:25 PM (B623R)

Where do they get off with this K was a "journalist" shit? He wrote opinion pieces, did he not?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 28, 2018 08:25 PM (EENtS)

The preposterousness of the "recording" reminds me of that movie where they get the very last image of a dead woman's eyeballs, using magical science, and, get this, SEE her murderer.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (0/NKA)

288 279
If a white Republican American president had murdered some fellow citizens with drones, he'd be universally condemned as a lawless savage war criminal.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (fqUgw)


Posted by: rickl at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (sdi6R)

289 Hilariously, Fusion Ken Dilanian is out with a piece claiming Manafort lawyers briefing White House lawyers on what Mueller is asking about constitutes obstruction of justice.

I didn't read it, I admit, because I hate giving clicks to NBC, but the title alone (not to mention the byline) was enough to start the laughter.

Posted by: Stormy Daniels at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (E4NQ0)

I thought Kashoggi was that crappy granola cereal from Whole Foods

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (KCxzN)

291 284 Anybody have any idea what victory looks like in this war?

We're still standing at the end of it?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at November 28, 2018 08:29 PM (fqUgw)

Hilariously, Fusion Ken Dilanian is out with a piece claiming Manafort lawyers briefing White House lawyers on what Mueller is asking about constitutes obstruction of justice.

Yep, Adam Shitt now says he's going to "investigate" the collusion between Manafort's lawyers and Trump's lawyers.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the at November 28, 2018 08:29 PM (0/NKA)

Posted by: redc1c4 at November 28, 2018 08:29 PM (xPNLF)

294 266 Also just happens to be Jamal Khashoggi's uncle.

273 I think trump either bought adnan kashoggi's ultrayacht or talked about buying it.

Oh man, this goes deeper than I ever thought! Layers trapped within circles inside of riddles!

Posted by: Floyd of Rosedale at November 28, 2018 08:30 PM (ICaYg)

295 The movie took legitimate poetic license on that point.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:22 PM (gHCnG)

Next you'll be telling me the beginning of The Outlaw Josie Wales is not historical!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 08:30 PM (PQMST)

296 "Ice" to see you, everybody!

Posted by: zombie leon trotsky at November 28, 2018 08:31 PM (Evws/)

297 huh? @ #293...

all i did was reload the page.

behold the power of Minx 0.7 alpha!

Posted by: redc1c4 at November 28, 2018 08:31 PM (xPNLF)

298 A boat? A fucking boat?

Posted by: Les Kinetic at November 28, 2018 08:31 PM (+fPHo)

299 Next you'll be telling me the beginning of The Outlaw Josie Wales is not historical!
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop

But the ending of The Patriot was legit, Mel Gibson won the Revolutionary War.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:31 PM (5RXy6)

300 Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I honestly don't care about Kashoggi.

Lots of NeverTrumper NeoCons with a giant hard-on for yet-another war with the sandpeople that neither they nor any of their swell buddies will have to die in. Lots of shitbag commie-sympathizers who want to see a re-run of the Persian-Median Empire, only with nukes, because that'll show us. Neither of them have the country's best interest at heart, so they can all eat a jumbo bag-o-dicks and DIAF.

Posted by: DocJ at November 28, 2018 08:32 PM (cCHLt)

301 Think about it though, the Red Army was constantly short of food and medicine. Then they liberate a camp full of people who desperately need food and medical attention. Do they give up what they have to help innocent civilians or shoot them all, burn the bodies, and say "look what the nasty Germans did!"? This is the Soviets we're talking about here.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:23 PM (5RXy6)

I'm not aware of the details of the Soviets' handling of death camp survivors. My point was that, per Occam's Razor, it wasn't necessary to invoke anti-Semitism, since Stalin killed LOTS of people wholesale, regardless of ethnicity. In fact many of the inmates of the death camps were captured Soviet soldiers (including, at one time, Stalin's own son), and Stalin considered them as traitors/ potential agitators. The two largest groups in the camps were Polish Jews and captured Soviet soldiers, and they suffered similar fates. Only the former are mourned now.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:32 PM (Ry8mf)

302 277 Probably not, as Russians (and presumably Georgians) are/were notoriously anti-Semitic, but the prominent Jews he whacked were primarily high-up Communist Party officials, and potential conspirators against him. E.g., Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yagoda, and of course Trotsky, to name a few.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Think about it though, the Red Army was constantly short of food and medicine. Then they liberate a camp full of people who desperately need food and medical attention. Do they give up what they have to help innocent civilians or shoot them all, burn the bodies, and say "look what the nasty Germans did!"? This is the Soviets we're talking about here.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:23 PM (5RXy6)

I was actually originally joking, but as you described it I'd be shocked, *shocked* if the soviet red army didn't blame every atrocity they could on the hated Germans.

And they probably got away with at least some of it.

Posted by: Conspiracy Theory Man! Professional Derpist at November 28, 2018 08:33 PM (aqpW6)

I thought Kashoggi was that crappy granola cereal from Whole Foods
Posted by: AltonJackson at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (KCxzN)

That's as close to "globally known" that name got at our house (and the cereal is Kashi).

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 28, 2018 08:33 PM (EENtS)

304 I thought Kashoggi was that crappy granola cereal from Whole Foods
Posted by: AltonJackson at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (KCxzN)

I thought it was some kind of genital sore.

"I've got a bad Kashoggi, and right near the tip, too!"


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:34 PM (Ry8mf)

305 Anybody have any idea what victory looks like in this war?

Posted by: Diogenes at November 28, 2018 08:25 PM (0tfLf)

Western control of the gulf oil fields.

Without the gulf fields the arab/persian/muslim world is absolutely neutered, in every way - financially, strategically, politically ... everything. With control of the gulf fields (which they all stole in the 50s and 60s, BTW) the APM world will remain a serious threat to all civilized societies. Not only are they serious direct threats, but they remain indirect threats in that they are just as likely to attack us by destroying the fields - as the other hussein made so starkly clear back in 1991 when he lit just about every single oil well in Kuwait on fire and intentionally dumped over 40 million barrels of oil into the gulf.

That's what this all comes down to. It always has. The gulf oil fields are the beginning and the end of APM threats. Everything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Posted by: Brain-dead leftist twerp at November 28, 2018 08:34 PM (Cp/jq)

306 Friggin socks ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at November 28, 2018 08:34 PM (Cp/jq)

307 280 There is a great Polish movie on this too but it is in Polish, German and Russian. I don't remember if it had subtitles but it is worth watching.
Posted by: WarEagle82 at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (2BPRE)

Yes it's on Netflix and subbed.

Katyan I believe is the name

Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at November 28, 2018 08:34 PM (dKiJG)

308 261 Pretty sure Mattis and Pompeo know the entirety of our intel on the matter, so there won't be any surprises "leaking" from the IC. In addition, "smoking gun" is a bit weaselly, as it doesn't say there is not evidence, not even that there is not fairly damning evidence, of X - just that there's no direct clear irrefutable confirmation of X.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:17 PM (QDnY+)

Slam dunk, baby.

Posted by: trev006 at November 28, 2018 08:35 PM (rtdP6)

309 Shorter:

One islamofascist was killed by other islamofascists in an islamofascist embassy in an islamofascist capital.

So we're all good here.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 28, 2018 08:35 PM (EZebt)

310 The preposterousness of the "recording" reminds me of that movie where they get the very last image of a dead woman's eyeballs, using magical science, and, get this, SEE her murderer.
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the at November 28, 2018 08:27 PM (0/NKA)

A Victorian notion, that a murder victim's eyes would hold the image of the murderer. It's science! Just like phrenology, and homeopathy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:36 PM (Ry8mf)

311 Can we leave Shitcanistan, Iraq, and Syria yesterday? I can't stand losing another American life in those hell holes.

G-d bless the fallen and their heartbroken families.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 08:36 PM (ptqGC)

312 The two largest groups in the camps were Polish Jews and captured Soviet soldiers, and they suffered similar fates. Only the former are mourned now.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

True. I think the moral is that both sides were evil fucks and Western leaders dropped the ball in letting it get that far.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 08:36 PM (5RXy6)

309 Shorter:

One islamofascist was killed by other islamofascists in an islamofascist embassy in an islamofascist capital.

So we're all good here.

Or swap in shitbag / shitbags / shithole / shithole and it's still good.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at November 28, 2018 08:37 PM (EENtS)

314 @283

Its technically possible but the bigger truth is nobody gives a shit and Trumps handling of it is as RealPolitik as you can get.

It practically Kissengeraian.

Posted by: Kreplach at November 28, 2018 08:37 PM (qxq6t)

315 A Victorian notion, that a murder victim's eyes would hold the image of the murderer. It's science! Just like phrenology, and homeopathy.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 08:36 PM (Ry8mf)

Seared into the hippocampus, I tell you.

Posted by: DocJ at November 28, 2018 08:38 PM (cCHLt)

316 >>Oh man, this goes deeper than I ever thought! Layers trapped within circles inside of riddles!

It's the middle east. That's actually true.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 28, 2018 08:38 PM (/tuJf)


Then you'd have my undivided attention!

Posted by: Little Admiral Kristol at November 28, 2018 08:39 PM (Tyii7)

318 The Wikipedia article on Katyn does not mention using one bullet to kill two people, which would seem contradictory to usual NKVD practice.

German divisions on the Eastern Front began at around 145 and peaked at 194. Germans divisions in Russia and elsewhere can be tracked here:

Posted by: Severe Conservative at November 28, 2018 08:39 PM (Vs8ka)

319 305
That's what this all comes down to. It always has. The gulf oil fields are the beginning and the end of APM threats. Everything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Posted by: Brain-dead leftist twerp at November 28, 2018 08:34 PM (Cp/jq)

Yep, it's our oil. It belongs to the West. The oil fields would never have been developed if not by the West.

Once the Industrial Revolution got going, the Muslim world increasingly became an irrelevant backwater. Only with the influx of oil wealth after the mid-20th Century did they become a threat to us again.

Posted by: rickl at November 28, 2018 08:40 PM (sdi6R)

320 One islamofascist was killed by other islamofascists in an islamofascist embassy in an islamofascist capital.

So we're all good here.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at November 28, 2018 08:35 PM (EZebt)


Even shorter: None of our business. Stay out of it.

Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:40 PM (ffYR/)

321 send herr mueller to turkey and the saudi embassy to investigate this. he'll get to the bottom of this tragedy.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at November 28, 2018 08:41 PM (KP5rU)

322 As far as I'm concerned, they made a "good muslim" out of kashoggi.

Posted by: Bookdoc at November 28, 2018 08:41 PM (PzBTm)

323 255 In other Chateau D'Eez news, a new battery appears to have fixed the laser on the Sig P290.

Yay !
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 08:14 PM (tSXzq)


the alt-right has developed laser pistols!

Posted by: MSM at November 28, 2018 08:41 PM (yL25O)

Can we leave Shitcanistan, Iraq, and Syria yesterday? I can't stand losing another American life in those hell holes.
G-d bless the fallen and their heartbroken families.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Send over Max Boot and Bill Kristol.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at November 28, 2018 08:43 PM (aKsyK)

325 One islamofascist was killed by other islamofascists in an islamofascist embassy in an islamofascist capital.

Local news. Nothing compared a snowstorm in NYC, that's for sure.

Posted by: t-bird at November 28, 2018 08:43 PM (Y9zp1)


and how did that terrorist POS get paid by WaPo if he didn't have a green card to w*rk in America?

Posted by: redc1c4 at November 28, 2018 08:43 PM (xPNLF)

327 Even shorter: None of our business. Stay out of it.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:40 PM (ffYR/)

That is good advice, applicable to various and sundries situations.

Posted by: ALH at November 28, 2018 08:44 PM (cS3Yq)

328 We should have vaporized fucking Moscow in 1946.

Posted by: Christopher Pike at November 28, 2018 08:45 PM (6XZdO)

329 42 *Breaking* PotUS motorcade has abruptly left the WH Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin

Something unusual happened down heah in Gulfport MS on Monday -- Both Trump and Pence were at the campaign rally for CHS. First time that's happened since the 90s, outside of DC.

Now PauliGirl is still SotH for now, but after January I definitely do not want those two doing that shit while Botox Palsi is Speaker... Since she's next in line and all.

Posted by: GnuBreed at November 28, 2018 08:45 PM (Z4rgH)

330 As observed here by a Moron, Saudi citizen killed by Saudi government, on Saudi soil. We might disapprove, but in the final analysis, it's none of our business.

Where was this 'concern' when Janet Reno/Bill Clinton killed 76 men women and children at Waco?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2018 08:46 PM (sc/gu)

331 If the US defense posture were appropriate to many of the Horde's apparent conceptions of security and how to protect our interests, the budget reductions would actually be material to the deficit, even in the current fiscal insanity. It's really worse than silly to support forces and capabilities vastly in excess of requirements. Suppose a tiny remnant of the USMC would still be useful, but really only for embassy evacuations (and those would be fairly common). Forrestal's exuberant prediction upon seeing the flag on Suribachi would still be, just barely, still alive.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:46 PM (QDnY+)

332 Send 'em all over to investigate ...

if any come back, well, that's why we've got trebuchets, innit ?

*well, okay, one more for a nightcap ... *

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at November 28, 2018 08:46 PM (tSXzq)



Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:46 PM (PbpT7)

334 @326 and how did that terrorist POS get paid by WaPo if he didn't have a green card to w*rk in America?

He had a green card.

Posted by: junior at November 28, 2018 08:47 PM (apsNf)

335 A funny story. We have a salesman who's from Holland. He comes over about 3 times a year and travels around trying to book orders. A real live traveling salesman. About mid 20's and he's sorta cute. Anyway..he was going back to Holland yesterday after being here for a few months and comes down the hall wearing a Make America Great Again Trump shirt! I nearly peed my pants. He asked if the airline would let him on wearing it. I said probably but you will get shit thrown at you first! This kid LOVES Trump!

Posted by: Jewells45 at November 28, 2018 08:47 PM (dUJdY)

336 Not gonna go there - this has got to be a funneh by ace.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:48 PM (QDnY+)



Posted by: ace

I'm cackling over here.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Creator of the at November 28, 2018 08:48 PM (0/NKA)

338 333 BREAKING

Posted by: ace at November 28, 2018 08:46 PM (PbpT7)

Believe it or not, I guessed what that was before I clicked on it!

Posted by: rickl at November 28, 2018 08:48 PM (sdi6R)

339 We should have vaporized fucking Moscow in 1946.
Posted by: Christopher Pike

Same with Bejing, in November of 1950.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2018 08:48 PM (sc/gu)

340 278 I wonder if the attack on the Marine reservists by Antifa goons will make the MFM tomorrow?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 28, 2018 08:21 PM (ptqGC)


Surprisingly, it is there in print right now if you search for it. Not sure about the alphabets broadcasting it though.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at November 28, 2018 08:24 PM (ffYR/)

Yeah, it was trending among liberals I know on fb, when they thought it was an attack by Trump supporters. But now? Not so much.

Posted by: josephistan at November 28, 2018 08:49 PM (Izzlo)

341 interesting history ... and a few historian types wonder why the heck we gave so much to the Soviets (control behind their iron curtain) after the war. Most logical answer to (non-historian) me is that Russkies had infiltrated the White House ... they had people inside back then ...

So yeah, the war is internal ... Soviets dismantled a lot from inside, marched through our institutions ... now it is the globalists taking advantage of that. And given our monetary situation, we surely have to look at who influenced the politicians that gave our monetary policy to private bankers (1913) and then the IRS promised that tax would never go above 1% (or whatever lie they told)

Now they are deep state, the hate is their tool. Hate Week is now a permanent state, but this is also a methodically used PsyOp weapon. Resist we Much.

Posted by: illiniwek at November 28, 2018 08:49 PM (Cus5s)

342 Well one long-overdue reform is that nobody should be able to advocate any public policy unless they are personally and directly involved in implementing it.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:50 PM (QDnY+)

343 I never got the audio thing. If they had video, that is one thing. Outside of that, how is this definitive proof of anything?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 08:51 PM (PQMST)

344 Yeah, it was trending among liberals I know on fb, when they thought it was an attack by Trump supporters. But now? Not so much.

Posted by: josephistan at November 28, 2018 08:49 PM (Izzlo)

The left will Katyn the truth about it. It's what they are good at

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 28, 2018 08:51 PM (SiINZ)

345 I suspect this was a pre-scheduled suicide mission on behalf of the Brotherhood--Erdogan, Khameni and Brennan.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at November 28, 2018 08:51 PM (Ndje9)

346 President Trump lies that 200 German army divisions were on the Eastern Front when it was actually 194.

This is the 10,752th lie told by President Trump.

Posted by: Snopes at November 28, 2018 08:51 PM (Evws/)

347 This is what Mr Graham is having vapors about, he wants back on TV.

Posted by: DaveA at November 28, 2018 07:21 PM (FhXTo)

Ms Graham is alot Like Chucky Schumer in this regard.

Posted by: BignJames at November 28, 2018 08:51 PM (cxHbL)

348 "No smoking gun..."

Well, not now...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 28, 2018 08:54 PM (V+A8w)

349 Ha, Senate votes 63-37 to end US support for anti-Iran side in Yemen war.

Haven't looked to see which geniuses joined the racist-authoritarians, but it must have been at least 12, if my arithmetic and memory are right.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:56 PM (QDnY+)

350 341 interesting history ... and a few historian types wonder why the heck we gave so much to the Soviets (control behind their iron curtain) after the war. Most logical answer to (non-historian) me is that Russkies had infiltrated the White House ... they had people inside back then ...


FDR was a big fan of Uncle Joe (Stalin). True story.
He was planning to give the store away after WW2. Lucky he croaked and Ike took over.

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 08:56 PM (XZ3Gp)

351 A Victorian notion, that a murder victim's eyes would hold the image of the murderer. It's science! Just like phrenology, and homeopathy.

Everybody knows this. Right behind the right eyeball there is a micro USB port, and the last ten minutes are stored in MPG4 file on an NTFS formatted cellular-drive.

Stupid people only record in black and white though.

Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy at November 28, 2018 08:58 PM (lD3vL)

352 quite frankly, none of this matters. we elected our side to do their best. let them. we don't have true first hand information so how could we truly make an informed decision. I'm trusting Trumps team. period.

Posted by: sally at November 28, 2018 08:58 PM (sBDDH)

353 The ridiculous swoon for Graham during the Kavanaugh debacle was not surprising, but depressing.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 08:59 PM (QDnY+)

354 -I saw a news blurb that said that a guy got fired from PBS for making a rape joke about Last Tango in Paris.

-I never saw Last Tango in Paris, so I looked it up on wikipedia. (I knew of the movie, but 'sexual thriller' starring Marlon Brando... yeah, not making me want to see it.)

-No mention of rape (except for the woman's planned story of why she shot the dude), but it seems like a stupid movie.

Now I am glad I never took the time to see it.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 08:59 PM (PQMST)

355 He had a green card.
Posted by: junior at November 28, 2018 08:47 PM (apsNf)

he didn't actually
he had some kind of visa, not an immigrant

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 08:59 PM (XZ3Gp)

356 Your point is only made stronger by the fact that in this case the "bad ally", Saudi Arabia, is not credibly alleged to have done anything remotely on the scale of what everyone quickly accepted the USSR had done

I disagree in part. I think that the war in Yemen really is That Bad. Future archaeologists exhuming the mass graves in Yemen will find many Katyns there. Some graves, by Saudi hand.

The difference is that there will also be found mass graves by the Houthis' hand. And that, in Yemen, there are no innocents; no third-parties like the Poles caught in the crossfire.

(Well, maybe the Mahra; but they're wayyy off to the side, on the border of Oman. And they don't seem to be much affected.)

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 28, 2018 08:59 PM (ykYG2)

357 "Senate votes 63-37 to end US support for anti-Iran side"

Exactly why Khashggi was sent on his suicide mission.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at November 28, 2018 09:00 PM (Ndje9)

358 Everybody knows this. Right behind the right eyeball there is a micro USB port, and the last ten minutes are stored in MPG4 file on an NTFS formatted cellular-drive.

Stupid people only record in black and white though.
Posted by: Blue Bird of F'ing Joy

David Carradine is pretty embarrassed by that revelation.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 09:00 PM (5RXy6)

359 It was those dastardly Soviet moles in FDR's WH, and the hundreds of Soviet divisions all over eastern Europe, that gave the USSR eastern Europe.

But mostly the hundreds of Soviet divisions.

Posted by: rhomboid at November 28, 2018 09:00 PM (QDnY+)

360 Posted by: Snopes

Ah, the Crack Monkey with a Keyboard!

Posted by: Little Admiral Kristol at November 28, 2018 09:01 PM (Tyii7)

361 David Carradine is pretty embarrassed by that revelation.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at November 28, 2018 09:00 PM (5RXy6)

Thankfully all you can see is black (I am assuming he did the deed with the closet door shut.)

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 09:01 PM (PQMST)

362 FDR was a big fan of Uncle Joe (Stalin). True story.

Everyone was a fan of Stalin, in the West, as of the mid 1940s. That's why Britain went so far socialist after the war.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at November 28, 2018 09:01 PM (ykYG2)

363 Increase magnification!

Is that the Duke of Clarence!?

Posted by: CSI Whitechapel at November 28, 2018 09:01 PM (Evws/)

364 363 Increase magnification!

Is that the Duke of Clarence!?
Posted by: CSI Whitechapel at November 28, 2018 09:01 PM (Evws/)

Nice. Obscure but topical.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at November 28, 2018 09:04 PM (PQMST)

365 nood

Posted by: Roy at November 28, 2018 09:04 PM (ABjxW)

366 Nice. Obscure but topical.
Thank you.

Posted by: andycanuck at November 28, 2018 09:05 PM (Evws/)

367 LOL @ blatant apologism for murder of journalists. If only trumptards had any self-awareness.

Posted by: TrumpTears at November 28, 2018 09:06 PM (prcvl)

368 350 341 interesting history ... and a few historian types wonder why the heck we gave so much to the Soviets (control behind their iron curtain) after the war. Most logical answer to (non-historian) me is that Russkies had infiltrated the White House ... they had people inside back then ...


FDR was a big fan of Uncle Joe (Stalin). True story.
He was planning to give the store away after WW2. Lucky he croaked and Ike took over.
Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at November 28, 2018 08:56 PM (XZ3Gp)

Not to be a-hole contrarian (first time for everything), but I can make a case for FDR's policy.

Americans were sick of war, and having won, wanted the boys/ girls/ transgenders/ other assorted perverts home ASAP. The Soviets, by contrast, faced no such pressure, or the KGB would've had a word with those expressing such sentiments.

Bear in mind that the Soviets incurred almost as many casualties in the battle for Berlin as we suffered in the entire war. Now we may not have suffered as many, as the Wehrmacht and SS might have fought us less vigorously than they did the Red Army, but still ...

After the war, the Red Army occupied eastern Europe, we occupied western Europe, but domestic sentiment here ran strongly towards bringing the boys home, and Britain was exhausted and broke (and the French were, astonishingly, useless).

Now God knows the Roosevelt Administration was shot through with Commies, but it's not necessary to invoke their presence to explain Roosevelt's policy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at November 28, 2018 09:07 PM (Wd55D)

369 by the way, try doing a search for "Journalists killed by Turkey".

Let's just say the press' sudden concern over the death of a "journalist" in Turkey is a bit...comical.

Oh, and Erdogan has what? a dozen journalists in jail? They've abducted 100 people from overseas. Purged the government of all critics. Murdered who knows how many. Eh. Who cares? But Kashogggi....

Posted by: Dean Wormer at November 28, 2018 09:08 PM (AJj50)

370 Dead thread, asshole.

And Mexico's dead journalists, and the 300 or so journalists in prison in Turkey thank you for your concern.

Posted by: andycanuck at November 28, 2018 09:08 PM (Evws/)

371 Khashoggi was a "journalist" like John Wilkes Booth was a Post theater critic.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at November 28, 2018 09:14 PM (Ndje9)

372 71 The media are every bit as cold and hard bitten as the house of Saud - and every bit as conniving.

At least the Saudis have something valuable to offer...oil.

Posted by: RGallegos at November 28, 2018 09:25 PM (cj1Xj)

373 The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Posted by: Your Friendly Neighborhood Witch at November 29, 2018 05:18 AM (6BOW3)

374 the saudi alliance is part of globalist plans since the start of the 20th century, for all the kvetching I doubt anyone with any serious clout in the satanic NWO game actually wants it ended

Posted by: dw at November 29, 2018 07:23 AM (stPAM)

375 Three things.1. There were 15 of 19 Saudi citizens who rode the planes in 9/11 said to be in reprisal for the US basing Troops on Holy Saudi soil.2. democrats are TWANLOC, (Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen.)3. If it is not an American other than a TWANLOC I don't care who Saudi kills or who kills Saudi's.

Posted by: obsidian at November 29, 2018 08:17 AM (7+yqP)

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