aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Official Twitter Ruling: Saying That Dana Loesch's Children Must be Murdered to "Make Her Understand" Does Not Violate Twitter's Rules
Conservatives and Trump supporters have for the last several years questioned whether Google was deprioritizing conservative news sites, hiding them from users who utilize their search engine. Google has maintained that all outlets are treated fairly, but nevertheless, conservative sites have reported reduced search traffic and, in the case of Google-owned YouTube, content creators have been banned and demonetized. Google's high-profile firing of conservative James Damore, purportedly over his conservative political views, only reinforces the idea that Google is picking winners and losers. To test the premise, I performed a Google search for "Trump" using the search engine's "News" tab and analyzed the results using Sharyl Attkisson's media bias chart. [Omitted; it just shows media organizations in their expected left-to-right positionings.]By the way, has anyone tried finding FoxNews in Google searches? I prefer linking conservative outlets for news stories, but I have to specify "" because Google usually does not list FoxNews hits -- or at least not until the second page or so. In the meantime, "conservative" politicians and "conservative" lobbying groups and think-tanks will continue helping social media giants censor conservatives, because they're paid to do just that, and they do love their money. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Good G-d.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 02:56 PM (ptqGC) 2
AOSHQ is far more balanced than Twitter.
Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (sX1BW) 3
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (I16G8) 4
Well, at least I feel centered.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (ptqGC) Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (LZygN) 6
Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (6qErC) Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (ptqGC) 8
Centripetal force
Posted by: Memories at August 27, 2018 02:57 PM (mwcEF) 9
Center mass! Center mass! Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (veoSD) Posted by: Anon a mouse at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (6qErC) 11
Stuck in the middle with you.
Posted by: flounderbot, rebel, vulgarian, deplorabot, winner at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (5jVnA) Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (lxZ71) 13
Break them up.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (oVJmc) 14
I don't do google searches on anything anymore. They've become a joke. Everything is skewed leftward. Screw 'em.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (fqUgw) 15
Oh great. Here we fookin' go again..... Posted by: Stealers Wheel at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (veoSD) 16
I like money
Frito Goldberg Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (mCMQ5) Posted by: you loved Brad... at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (+vvPT) 18
Do any Google search on Trump and try a few different issues. It comes out so skewed its ridiculous. You almost never get anything from Fox or a conservative site in the top few pages. It is always the Democrats official point of view on whatever it is.
It's no longer "media". It's a pure propaganda engine. I use Duck Duck Go and even that is starting to lean left. Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (VpIIl) 19
Platform or Publisher.
Pick one, and be damned. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, GECSPLAN, SMR and Ancient Slavonaut Newsletters at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (fA1SL) 20
I am feeling somewhat centered on this.
Posted by: Fox at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (DVC2D) 21
Conservatives and Trump supporters have for the last several years questioned whether Google was deprioritizing conservative news sites, hiding them from users who utilize their search engine.
++++++++++++++++ I suspect they actually aren't deprioritizing conservative sources. I'll bet they're just prioritizing leftist ones. The net effect is the same, but they can hide behind weasel language. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (I2dne) 22
Good G-D, mccains saint tour and shep on Fox...what a fuckin shit show.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (Lg2h/) 23
I feel centered !!!
Posted by: Amy Schumer at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (fiGNd) 24
This is about as balance as this content will get...
Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (VpIIl) 25
Why isn't the creepy child-threatener being ruthlessly harassed?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (oVJmc) 26
YAY!! Another 100 comments about centering, and not one of them original or funny! Bring 'em on! Can't wait!
Posted by: Eustace Haverkamp at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (XuYmQ) 27
Someday a Leftist is going to pull one like this Jacksonville shooting on a conservative gathering. It won't end well.
Posted by: Skip at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (lxZ71) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (r+sAi) 29
Anyone who thinks the Loesch family isn't a hardened target deserves their impending doom of the painful agony of being gut-shot.
Of course I pray for no violence, but if violence it shall be, I pray for a brutal, horrible, slow death to the one who brings it and safety for the one who ends it. Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (AURKQ) 30
Clean up on LzG0h
Posted by: flounderbot, rebel, vulgarian, deplorabot, winner at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (5jVnA) Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 03:01 PM (veoSD) 32
Check out Milan Legius's Twitter feed. My bet is that Dana Loesch could kick his faggoty ass.
Posted by: tu3031 at August 27, 2018 03:01 PM (jDF8P) 33
Rules for thee but not for me.
Posted by: Leftocrites at August 27, 2018 03:01 PM (c+2jX) 35
(clean up on aisle 19, por favor)
Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 27, 2018 03:01 PM (AURKQ) 36
Why does anyone use twitter anyway?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (Lg2h/) 37
Center mass! Center mass!
Posted by: IllTemperedCur Appropriate aim point. However, do not focus so much there that you miss taking the shot. Posted by: rickb223 at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (TUUTu) 38
I hear this internet can be a fickle beast.
Posted by: MySpace and at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (O5sv7) 39
20 Platform or Publisher.
Pick one, and be damned. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, GECSPLAN, SMR and Ancient Slavonaut Newsletters at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (fA1SL) ========== I'd go platform. Establish some very concrete rules (no doxxing, no threats of violence) and leave it at that. Yeah, social media's never going to be anything other than toxic. Regulating (even self-regulating) it to not be so isn't going to actually make it any better. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (LZygN) 40
Posted by: Mark Matis at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (LzG0h)
----------- This needs to be nuked from space. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (I16G8) 41
Good G-D, mccains saint tour and shep on Fox...what a fuckin shit show.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (Lg2h/) Is Shep at half-staff today? Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (ptqGC) Posted by: Amy Shumer at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (vvSBD) 43
Posted by: BEN ROTHELISBERGER at August 27, 2018 03:01 PM (fiGNd) ============ I don't get it. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (LZygN) 44
Democrats have an overwhelming love of dead Republicans. They are probably in favor of McCain voting in November ... being dead and all Posted by: undocumented illegal SMOD at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (e8kgV) 45
Will someone please nuke 19?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (ptqGC) 46
Posted by: Eustace Haverkamp at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (XuYmQ) I feel fully justified in saying *tttthhhhhhhpppphhhttttt!* Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (veoSD) 47
39. Yup. Platform is the way to go. Far less liability and headaches all around.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, GECSPLAN, SMR and Ancient Slavonaut Newsletters at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (fA1SL) 48
Are all MSM posts going to be centered, just to troll their lack of ethics.
Posted by: Jean at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (j0Mw7) 49
[i[Yup. Platform is the way to go. Far less liability and headaches all around.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, GECSPLAN, SMR and Ancient Slavonaut Newsletters at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (fA1SL) Like walking the plank kind of platform ? Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (fiGNd) 50
Imonna wear a neck brace to prepare for the coming whiplash.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (ptqGC) 51
47 39. Yup. Platform is the way to go. Far less liability and headaches all around.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, GECSPLAN, SMR and Ancient Slavonaut Newsletters at August 27, 2018 03:03 PM (fA1SL) ========== Or, go publisher and pay all of the people who post stuff, cause you're selling their data anyway. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (LZygN) 52
I would open a twitter account but would just get banned so no sense in wasting my time. Posted by: Diogenes at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (0tfLf) 53
If only Twitter would learn from AoS.......
Posted by: zombie Pres. John McCain at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (vvSBD) 54
Twatter rules only apply to conservatives. The left can spew its vile garbage all day and Twatter won't do a damn thing which is why it and the rest of the lefty tech companies need to go away
Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (OLCnA) 55
Oh, and Google has set up its "algorithms" -- I put that in quotes because they say "algorithms" as if these are neutral mathematical protocols, when in fact biased human beings tweak them to achieve the results they want
We just hired a guy named Al Gorithm. We never said anything about mathematical formulas. Posted by: Twitter at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (c+2jX) 56
Also, on topic, the net effect of Twitter's stance is "the terms of service means what we say they mean, and objective interpretation is irrelevant." We knew this of course, but it is good that it is out in the open now, and good on those folks who tweeted this out. Time to stop letting them hide behind the Telecommunications Act of 1996. They are exercising editorial control that has nothing to do with "decency" and so open them up to litigation and then break them up for being monopolies.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (I2dne) Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (IqV8l) Posted by: Warden at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (MZ8Zz) 59
Fuck social media
And fuck McCain too. Posted by: #neverskankles at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (zPWJo) 60
Of course this argument is easily reversible.
In order for leftists to understand the value of self defense, they need to see their own children get murdered because they did not possess the means of self defense, and had been taught by their parents that it was unnecessary and evil to possess such means. But of course, they wouldn't learn anything from that. Iowa, and Vester Flanagan and numerous examples from Europe shows that they are lemmings that want to die. I say *FINE* but why drag the rest of us into it? Just go biking in Tajikistan and leave the rest of us out of it. Don't vote to impose your stupid, suicidal rules on the rest of us. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (/qEW2) 61
Clowns Me Jokers Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (NWiLs) 62
If you don't pay for it, you are the product.
Posted by: Infidel at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (qXri4) 63
Meanwhile, PDT and Little Marco are to blame for the Jax gamer shooting.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (ptqGC) 64
It's not just Trump stuff. It's anything they deem controversial or that doesn't fit their narratives.
I decided to do a test after the school shooting in Florida and I had to go back about five or six pages in the results to see the usual IT'S A FALSE FLAG THE GOVERNMENT DID IT paranoia laced articles from small conspiracy minded sites and bloggers. A few years ago some of those would be on the first page. So it's definitely Google doing it. They've been going after that type of stuff on youtube as well. Those awful videos about Sandy Hook being a false flag and the parents are crisis actors were up for years and nothing happened to them. It was only after Trump got elected that these shenanigans started up. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (4ErVI) 65
I tried watching Brave with the kids. Couldn't make five minutes.
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (fiGNd) Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (HgMAr) 67
Try to be a platform like Gab and Microsoft threatens to shut you down. Or Mastercard, or Patreon, or someone else.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (oVJmc) 68
60 Of course this argument is easily reversible.
In order for leftists to understand the value of self defense, they need to see their own children get murdered because they did not possess the means of self defense, and had been taught by their parents that it was unnecessary and evil to possess such means. But of course, they wouldn't learn anything from that. Iowa, and Vester Flanagan and numerous examples from Europe shows that they are lemmings that want to die. I say *FINE* but why drag the rest of us into it? Just go biking in Tajikistan and leave the rest of us out of it. Don't vote to impose your stupid, suicidal rules on the rest of us. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (/qEW2) =========== The argument I've heard from a committed progressive is that their feelings of safety outweigh your feelings of safety. It's nonsense. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (LZygN) 69
63 Meanwhile, PDT and Little Marco are to blame for the Jax gamer shooting. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (ptqGC) Sensible Baltimorean control now!!! Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (NWiLs) 70
Eh, Palp beat me to it and for more concisely. They can't play both the "platform" and "publisher" games simultaneously. As they are *very* clearly publishers, treat them as such and let them be on the hook for all the crippling liability.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (I2dne) 71
Dana Loesch seems to think Cruz is in trouble when it comes to the election. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (IqV8l) I agree with her...Texas going blue is a when not if question. 2018 may well be then when date. Posted by: #neverskankles at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (zPWJo) 72
38 I hear this internet can be a fickle beast. Posted by: MySpace and at August 27, 2018 03:02 PM (O5sv7) Duh. Posted by: CompuServe at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (veoSD) 73
66 Hmm. LatinFeels disappeared. Now I'm getting Days Inn. Bummer. Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:06 PM (HgMAr) That's where you take your LatinFeels chick. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (NWiLs) 74
65 I tried watching Brave with the kids. Couldn't make five minutes.
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (fiGNd) =========== Too bad. That movie's quite nice. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (LZygN) 75
All your leaders have fled together; they have been captured without using the bow. All you who were caught were taken prisoner together, having fled while the enemy was still far away.
Posted by: Lord Comey at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (2Mnv1) 76
Wow, it's like the Jaxville shooting never happened , out in the Fake Media. Must not fit their narrative.
Posted by: Da Goyem Know at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (EATOD) 77
Aw, c'mon man. He didn't mean "murder murder". Get over it!
Posted by: Your Friendly And Woke Twitter Moderator at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (jDF8P) Posted by: 2020 at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (O5sv7) 79
Adam Baldwin had a twitter DM censored - and he was linking to the Federalist Papers??!?!?!?!
Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:07 PM (W+vEI) 80
I'd really rather not regulate them. I'd really rather they were consistent. But it looks like that's too much to ask.
Posted by: joncelli, providing the traditional responses at August 27, 2018 03:08 PM (RD7QR) 81
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Posted by: Stealer's Wheel at August 27, 2018 03:08 PM (Sjz1F) 82
80 I'd really rather not regulate them. I'd really rather they were consistent. But it looks like that's too much to ask.
Posted by: joncelli, providing the traditional responses at August 27, 2018 03:08 PM (RD7QR) ============ Regulate them like a newspaper. Their "editorial board" would be liable for threats of violence. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (LZygN) 83
Ummmm ..... TX going blue, now - while GOP may take NJ and PA, on Senate level?
Seems doubtful, at best. Posted by: rhomboid at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (QDnY+) 84
The social media giants are publicly traded, which imposes a different set of rules than "privately held" companies.
And since they are choosing political sides, it is false advertising to claim they do NOT censor conservatives. And of course as publishers that approve of threatening to murder Dana's kids, they are open to libel. AND as anti-American propagandists, taking money from Russia/Fusion/DNC/ForeignAgents/etc. ... they are seditionists. well, that is my take ... not sure how much can be pursued legally, at least not till we get real judges and a real DoJ. Some assembly and swamp draining required. Posted by: illiniwek at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (Cus5s) 85
23 Good G-D, mccains saint tour and shep on Fox...what a fuckin shit show.
__________ Saw McCain couldn't resist taking a final shot at Trump . . . and at his own voters in AZ. Some bullshit statement he reportedly dictated that "we weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls." I'm so old I remember when McCain was telling his peeps here in AZ that he'd "build the damn wall" if that's what AZ wanted. Take a stroll through any prison in AZ and you'll quickly see what is really weakening the world's greatest republic: thousands of illegal alien criminals from socialist, third-world shitholes. And McCain, who never had the courage during his lifetime to be honest about his open borders desires, would have been happy to import millions, or even billions, more here. After all, McCain's wealth and status meant that he would never have to worry about being stabbed to death by an illegal alien and tossed into a car trunk. And he also never had to worry about his kids being crammed into public schools packed to the gills with un-vaccinated, non-English-speaking illegal alien kids, because all his kids attended $40,000 a year private schools, just like the Obama kids. And no illegal alien criminals were going to be moving into the mansion next door to his. No, it was going to be us deplorables who would have to live with the consequences of McCain's (and Obama's and Soros' and the rest of their ilk) dreams of a borderless and America-less New World Order. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (fqUgw) 86
Good G-D, mccains saint tour and shep on Fox...what a fuckin shit show.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:00 PM (Lg2h/) ............ Never knew the guy was so popular, like he was married to a Kardashian or something. Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (HgMAr) Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (fiGNd) 88
Well ... that turned out like shit.
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (fiGNd) 89
A Self Portrait
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (fiGNd) ++++++++ I knew I recognized you! Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (I2dne) 90
Beta doesn't have a chance in Texas, no matter how many people's phones he spams
Posted by: brak at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (VckGX) 91
This is acceptable since the kids really suck and should die to make room for more deserving brown people.
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (2LelM) Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (veoSD) 93
Things are too centered around here. I'll check back later.
Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:10 PM (sX1BW) 94
I mean, c'mon. Posted by: you loved Brad... at August 27, 2018 02:59 PM (+vvPT) " Exactly. That "if" means a lot.. Posted by: OJ Simpson, author at large at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (oZ6kz) 95
This Milan Legius douche looks like your typical fey coffee shop hipster.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (ptqGC) 96
Stuck in the middle with you.
Posted by: flounderbot, rebel, vulgarian, deplorabot, winner at August 27, 2018 02:58 PM (5jVnA) Hey flounderbot... Willowed from below... You misquoted me.. you attributed the "warrior for peace" quote to me, when it was John Lewis who said that.. watch how you quote somebody, asshole. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (so+oy) 97
The new masters of the universe ought to learn something from the last group that thought they were. Being human they won't.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (hLRSq) 98
Ummmm ..... TX going blue, now - while GOP may take NJ and PA, on Senate level?
Seems doubtful, at best. Posted by: rhomboid at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (QDnY+) I dunno' ... ... every Prog piece of shit invading Texas is leaving from "somewhere". Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (fiGNd) 99
The argument I've heard from a committed progressive is that their feelings of safety outweigh your feelings of safety.
It's nonsense. Posted by: TheJamesMadison Exactly. Feelz hasn't a damn thing to do with it. Posted by: rickb223 at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (TUUTu) 100
Nick Monroe did the thankless job of reviewing 12 Buzzfeed reporters/editors twitter feeds and discovered this: Sarah Jeong, passionate hater of all things white? Yeah, she's the norm.
And none of these people are shadowbanned or suspended. 1033894091183063040 Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (W+vEI) 101
Speaking of numbers, the three of them are public utilities and will be broken up. Soon I hope.
Posted by: Oddknot at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (u5+en) 102
What's Camera Hogg doing today? Does shooting nerds not count?
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (2LelM) 103
Since we made it to 100, is the HQ now a "very smart centrist blog?"
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (I2dne) 104
Twitter and FaceBook are publishers, not platforms, and should be legally responsible for anything users say on it, just as every other publisher is.
And a pretty damn skeevy one at that, considering who Twitter doesn't have a problem with... Posted by: Brother Cavil at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (AM1GF) 105
98 Ummmm ..... TX going blue, now - while GOP may take NJ and PA, on Senate level?
Seems doubtful, at best. Posted by: rhomboid at August 27, 2018 03:09 PM (QDnY+) I dunno' ... ... every Prog piece of shit invading Texas is leaving from "somewhere". Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (fiGNd) ============= How is Beto going to make that much of an improvement on Wendy Davis' numbers? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (LZygN) 106
Is it wrong of me to want to see a Tesla rocket land on Goolag?
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (2LelM) 107
What's Camera Hogg doing today? Does shooting nerds not count?
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (2LelM) He blew a tire on his bike. *low-hanging curve ball* Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (ptqGC) 108
TX going blue is the wet dream of liberals throughout the country.. they predicted TX would go blue in 2016.
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (so+oy) 109
Is it wrong of me to want to see a Tesla rocket land on Goolag?
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (2LelM) ++++++++ Crash land. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (I2dne) 110
99 The argument I've heard from a committed progressive is that their feelings of safety outweigh your feelings of safety.
It's nonsense. Posted by: TheJamesMadison Exactly. Feelz hasn't a damn thing to do with it. Posted by: rickb223 at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (TUUTu) ============= Even the feelz is nonsense within its own little shell. One person's feelz should be equal to another person's feelz. Unless there are people who are more equal than others that is. But that couldn't possibly be it. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (LZygN) Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (Bdeb0) 112
It was only after Trump got elected that these shenanigans started up.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 27, 2018 03:05 PM (4ErVI) --------- I believe it was specifically timed to start under Hillary and the censorship was going to be quicker and much worse. Basically anything "divisive" was going to be labeled a dangerous threat to the precious Hag White House. They were going to shut us down as best they could. I know it in my bones. Posted by: Mega at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (O5sv7) 113
they hate us and want us dead.
viewed through this simple insight, everything they do makes perfect sense. Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they are gaslighting us 24/365 at August 27, 2018 03:14 PM (58Au8) 114
TX going blue is the wet dream of liberals throughout the country.. they predicted TX would go blue in 2016.
-------------- Who really needs oil and guns? Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:14 PM (sX1BW) 115
I believe it was specifically timed to start under Hillary and the censorship was going to be quicker and much worse. Basically anything "divisive" was going to be labeled a dangerous threat to the precious Hag White House. They were going to shut us down as best they could.
I know it in my bones. ++++++++ Yup. I have asserted that thanks to Hillary!, 2016 wasn't supposed to be the last election - it was just supposed to be the last election that mattered. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:14 PM (I2dne) 116
>>The argument I've heard from a committed progressive is that their feelings of safety outweigh your feelings of safety.
It's nonsense. And "safety" is a very specific word choice, since on college campuses, this is what kicks in Title IX requirements - a person being "unsafe.". They're just carrying over their campus snowflake routine into the real world, as if that environment were worth emulating! Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (W+vEI) 117
That's why I use Duck Duck Go as the default search engine on all my personal devices.
Posted by: rational67 at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (3Lyjl) Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (dFL5B) 119
Ted Cruz is going to be reelected. Texas is not going to be any bluer than it is right now.
Robbie is shooting himself in the foot everyday. Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (D/yfw) 120
Dana should threaten to shoot him back and dare Twitter to ban her. Think we all know how that'd end though.
Posted by: Dark Helmet at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (PafRH) 121
The notion that the Wall Street Journal is right-leaning is false. The news side of that rag hasn't been right-leaning since they published excerpts from Jill Abramson's deranged hit-piece book on Clarence Thomas.
The editorial page is a collection of Chamber of Commerce urgent calls to action. Screw 'em. Posted by: Furious George at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (9vQJW) 122
watch how you quote somebody, asshole.
Postes by: John Lewis at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (so+oy) Damn. Relax John Lewis. Posted by: Mega at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (O5sv7) 123
But of course, they wouldn't learn anything from that. Iowa, and Vester Flanagan and numerous examples from Europe shows that they are lemmings that want to die.
___________________ Did you read about the eulogy that Mollie Tibbetts' lefty dad gave at her funeral? Said we should all just turn the page and stop talking about her murder, and that Mollie was "no victim." Uh, she was stabbed to death and tossed in the trunk of an illegal alien's car. She was certainly a victim. She was a victim of an illegal alien murderer who had no business being in the U.S. She was also a victim of foolish and corrupt politicians (and their leftist enablers) who refuse to take seriously their responsibility to enforce our laws and secure our borders. And refusing to talk about that is not going to make anything better. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (fqUgw) 124
And "safety" is a very specific word choice, since on college campuses, this is what kicks in Title IX requirements - a person being "unsafe.". They're just carrying over their campus snowflake routine into the real world, as if that environment were worth emulating! Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (W+vEI) Rapey male gaze? Unsafe. "Trump 2016"? Unsafe. Inviting a non-progressive speaker? Unsafe. MAGA hat? Unsafe. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (NWiLs) 125
Oh, and Google has set up its "algorithms" -- I put that in quotes because they say "algorithms" as if these are neutral mathematical protocols, when in fact biased human beings tweak them to achieve the results they want -- to deliver liberal media results nigh-exclusively for searches for "Trump." 96% -- ninety-six percent -- of all searches for Trump return liberal media articles.
---- It's not algorithm, it's Al Gorithm. He's new here, but doing great work. Posted by: google overlords at August 27, 2018 03:16 PM (7HtZB) 126
Hey, Ben Had, I bought three in the series of # 1 Women's Detective Club, and read half of the first book last night.
GREAT book. And it's a lesson in the positive effects of capitalism, as well. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (ptqGC) 127
By the way, has anyone tried finding FoxNews in Google searches? I prefer linking conservative outlets for news stories, but I have to specify "" because Google usually does not list FoxNews hits -- or at least not until the second page or so.
Why is anyone still using google? I haven't used it for many years - I use Bing and when I do a news search Fox is there the vast majority of the time. Not that I have any particular undying faith in Bing, but it seems to be a lot more balanced than the shit show that is google. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (/qEW2) 128
Who really needs oil and guns?
Posted by: SH ........... brings up another good point about how clueless they are.. When there was talk about Texas seceding, they were all "Let them leave!" I had to point out to them that about one-third of all U.S. energy comes from or through Texas. But they don't really care.. they got solar panels! Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (so+oy) 129
The line to bang McCain's corpse starts in the middle.
Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (ymnmz) 130
How is Beto going to make that much of an improvement on Wendy Davis' numbers?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (LZygN) -------- I don't think Robert Francis O'Rourke will even get to abortion Barbie's numbers. He is down by 4 points in.....Austin. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (I16G8) 131
Social media delenda est.
Posted by: Cato by Phone at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (J+mig) 132
TX going blue is the wet dream of liberals throughout the country.. they predicted TX would go blue in 2016. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 27, 2018 03:13 PM (so+oy) And in 2012. And in 2008. And that is what so brilliant about it! We will catch the watchful conservatives totally off guard! Doing precisely what we have done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time! Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (veoSD) 133
Moving libs to the red states to take them over is the long term plan, not that hard to get people to volunteer seeing that the places they leave are shitholes that don't function well
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (6Ll1u) 134
Coming to the Central Community Center!
The Smash Broadway Hit! --- McCain's Funeral - The Musical! --- Featuring the Music of Bruce Springsteen MC Hammer DEVO and Boy George! Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (hLRSq) 135
Did you read about the eulogy that Mollie Tibbetts' lefty dad gave at her funeral? Said we should all just turn the page and stop talking about her murder, and that Mollie was "no victim."
And refusing to talk about that is not going to make anything better. ----------- No, but a grieving dad may not want to see his daughter used or discussed in such a manner. Doesn't mean the country has to comply, but one can understand his request. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (sX1BW) 136
Not that I have any particular undying faith in Bing, but it seems to be a lot more balanced than the shit show that is google.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (/qEW2) DuckDuckGo. They don't track you. Posted by: Cato by Phone at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (J+mig) 137
Now who could i copy/paste that exact tweet to that would get me banned from Twitter?
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (PNcou) 138
From the Des Moines Register, a relative of Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa girl murdered by an illegal alien, opened her piehole and the following dribbled out :
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." Murphy said those casting blame should instead focus on the accused killer's "sense of male entitlement." "We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. WTF is wrong with these people? Posted by: Iowa Bob at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (tu3iY) 139
This battle is lost. All that can be effective is a 100% boycott. Turn them off for a week and see how happy they are. We need Newt to organize a 1 week boycott.
Posted by: joe dagostino at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (eq2/x) Posted by: Mega at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (O5sv7) 141
Agree with Ace. Change their status and start the lawfare and criminal proceedings as well.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (pw+jk) 142
130 How is Beto going to make that much of an improvement on Wendy Davis' numbers?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (LZygN) -------- I don't think Robert Francis O'Rourke will even get to abortion Barbie's numbers. He is down by 4 points in.....Austin. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (I16G ![]() ============ I haven't hated on polls nearly as much as some people, but some of this stuff just screams nonsense. The TX stuff, the MT poll showing the R up by 2. My guess is that polling firms really really believe that Democrats are coming out in force and Republicans are going to forget about things on a certain Tuesday. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (LZygN) 143
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:11 PM (fiGNd)
============= How is Beto going to make that much of an improvement on Wendy Davis' numbers? Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:12 PM (LZygN) Oh ... I hear what you're saying. Can't see Texas going blue that soon either. But eventually ? Why not ? It's all a function of how many Progs are moving in compared to how quick Texans are making new little Texans. I have wondered if the "shifts" we're seeing ain't changing attitudes at all - just people moving around. But I don't know. Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (fiGNd) 144
Why is anyone still using google? I haven't used it for many years - I use Bing and when I do a news search Fox is there the vast majority of the time.
Not that I have any particular undying faith in Bing, but it seems to be a lot more balanced than the shit show that is google. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (/qEW2) ---------- This has been my experience with Bing as well. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:20 PM (I16G8) 145
"We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote.
========= Do we? He wasn't raised here. Posted by: bicentennialguy at August 27, 2018 03:20 PM (vg8iE) 146
Hillary's obssesionwith turning Texas blue cost her Wisconsin. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 03:20 PM (10vO4) Posted by: Captain Oblivious at August 27, 2018 03:20 PM (Astxw) 148
Anyone on a political message board knows that the lack of bias in moderation of said board is only as good (dispassionate) as the moderator. The tech giants are populated by lefties.
Everyone is acting as if this is news (that biased moderators moderate biasedly). Posted by: Tonicdog at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (a1pXU) 149
133 Moving libs to the red states to take them over is the long term plan, not that hard to get people to volunteer seeing that the places they leave are shitholes that don't function well
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (6Ll1u) ============= "I'm so glad that I moved from California where there are sky high taxes, everything's regulated to death, and the embrace of weirdness in people has led to a shit stained San Francisco." "So, are you going to change your voting behavior at all?" "Why would I do that?" Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (LZygN) 150
You misquoted me.. you attributed the "warrior for peace" quote to me, when it was John Lewis who said that..
Whereas John Lewis is a warrior for stupidity. A pretty formidable one, too. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (dFL5B) 151
"TX going blue is the wet dream of liberals throughout the country.. they predicted TX would go blue in 2016. "
They also predicted that Abortion Barbie in her pink sneakers was going to sweep the place. Magical thinking is very prevalent on the Left. Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (hLRSq) 152
(*Y*).( v )
Posted by: Senator Zombie McCain at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (xBSm0) 153
TX going blue is the wet dream of liberals throughout the country.. they predicted TX would go blue in 2016 The entire country will. Eventually. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (IqV8l) 154
Hillary's obssesionwith turning Texas blue cost her Wisconsin.
======= As well as her obsession with alcohol and pills. Posted by: bicentennialguy at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (vg8iE) 155
Did you read about the eulogy that Mollie Tibbetts' lefty dad gave at her funeral? Said we should all just turn the page and stop talking about her murder, and that Mollie was "no victim."
Families of victims seem to be under pressure to be "graceful" and Positive. Some rape victims have said the exact same thing, according to media. It may be a successful coping strategy, but I've seen later accounts where the families and survivors express disillusionment. Families yearning for justice and placing blame where it belongs is untidy. Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (vvSBD) 156
It's nice to see that the Overton window had moved and the HQ is now considered centrist.
Posted by: Delayna's deplorable tar and feather warehouse at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (QBqqe) 157
138 From the Des Moines Register, a relative of Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa girl murdered by an illegal alien, opened her piehole and the following dribbled out :
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." Murphy said those casting blame should instead focus on the accused killer's "sense of male entitlement." "We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. WTF is wrong with these people? ------------------------ She sounds like a fucking Quaker. Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (2LelM) 158
138 From the Des Moines Register, a relative of Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa girl murdered by an illegal alien, opened her piehole and the following dribbled out :
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." Murphy said those casting blame should instead focus on the accused killer's "sense of male entitlement." "We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. WTF is wrong with these people? Posted by: Iowa Bob at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (tu3iY) ============= 1. Immigrant. 2. We must make our boys better. Um...he's not one of our boys. Our way of raising boys didn't really affect him all that much. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (LZygN) Posted by: Maxine Waters' Hair at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (7AQC5) 160
"I'm so glad that I moved from California where there are sky high taxes, everything's regulated to death, and the embrace of weirdness in people has led to a shit stained San Francisco."
"So, are you going to change your voting behavior at all?" "Why would I do that?" Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:21 PM (LZygN) A liberal acquaintance said essentially that when I talked about moving to Arizona, and he offered that he was thinking the same thing, and I asked him why. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (dFL5B) 161
Oh, and Google has set up its "algorithms" -- I put that in quotes because they say "algorithms" as if these are neutral mathematical protocols, when in fact biased human beings tweak them to achieve the results they want -- to deliver liberal media results nigh-exclusively for searches for "Trump." 96% -- ninety-six percent -- of all searches for Trump return liberal media articles.
======== If you have to have some idiot from shitholistan manually monitoring things, like that Indian "engineer" that James O'Keefe busted, by definition you haven't figured out an "algorithm". A real algorithm would represent an automated process. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (/qEW2) 162
Two words... anti trust.
Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (LQqiF) 163
WTF is wrong with these people?
Posted by: Iowa Bob at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (tu3iY) It is self-evident. Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (hLRSq) 164
113 they hate us and want us dead. viewed through this simple insight, everything they do makes perfect sense. Posted by: sock_rat_eez - they are gaslighting us 24/365 at August 27, 2018 03:14 PM *insert Cur's patented "shooting kneeling Kulaks in the back of the neck" rant here* Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (veoSD) 165
Moving libs to the red states to take them over is the long term plan, not that hard to get people to volunteer seeing that the places they leave are shitholes that don't function well
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 03:18 PM (6Ll1u) +++++++++++ Thankfully they aren't committed to the cause, they just hate the leftist shitholes from which they hail and are unwilling to understand why they were shitholes when they expatriate. If they were committed, they would pick much easier targets. 100,000 of them could probably flip Wyoming and pick up three electoral votes. 250,000 could probably flip Montana and do the same. It took *millions* to do it Colorado, and took a much longer period of time. I am just glad they're foolish instead of evil. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (I2dne) 166
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not."
.............. HUMANS ARE NOT ILLEGAL Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (HgMAr) 167
"We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men,
so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. Sounds like Woman Studies 101 at Cornhole Community College has been berry berry good to her. Posted by: tu3031 at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (jDF8P) 168
"We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote.
Posted by: Iowa Bob at August 27, 2018 03:19 PM (tu3iY) Hey, listen up Mexicans! She's talking about you! Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (dFL5B) 169
Why is anyone still using google? I haven't used it for many years - I use Bing and when I do a news search Fox is there the vast majority of the time.
Not that I have any particular undying faith in Bing, but it seems to be a lot more balanced than the shit show that is google. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear ............ Bing's maps suck. If you are searching for anything that you may need to look at map results, you can't beat Google results which will link to Google maps. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (so+oy) 170
113 they hate us and want us dead.
Which is why we are armed in this household... Oh wait... We were armed until that tragic canoe accident Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (O2RFr) 171
John "Build the Dang Fence!" McCain is admonishing people for hiding behind walls?
Jeesh, I guess Hillary and Schumer must be hanging their head in shame having voted for it in 2006. Posted by: WisRich at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (G0vdT) 172
A liberal acquaintance said essentially that when I talked about moving to Arizona, and he offered that he was thinking the same thing, and I asked him why. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:22 PM (dFL5B) ============ "What would John Oliver think of me if I learned my lesson and started voting for the GOP?!?!?!" Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (LZygN) 173
My guess is that polling firms really really believe that Democrats are coming out in force and Republicans are going to forget about things on a certain Tuesday.
---------- My two cents. Beto is generating a lot of liberal "momentum." Like Wendy Davis before him. Cruz is not really campaigning yet. Most people aren't really paying attention. Beto's momentum is with leftist anyway. He hasn't picked up anyone who would not vote Dem. He does speak better than a lot of the crazy leftist loons that Texas produces. Combining the Irish gift of gab with the Hispanic sounding nickname is one of the better ideas the Texas left has produced. Certainly better than dressing up infanticide as Pink Sneakers or Barbie. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (sX1BW) 174 those centered jokes make no sense.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (LZygN) 175
"We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. _________________ "We" didn't raise that illegal alien killer. And yes, he is an illegal alien. The government has already confirmed that. There is no "uncertainty" about his legal status. He was born and raised in Mexico, where they don't give a shit about lefty notions of "male entitlement" -- other than to think that it's a damn fine thing, along with drunk driving and bribing government officials and a lot of other shit that clashes with our American values, values that Mollie Tibbetts' family would love to see destroyed. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (fqUgw) 176
Jane, so glad you like the book (s). If you haven't seen Duma, I will send you my copy.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (D/yfw) 177
Dana Loesch seems to think Cruz is in trouble when it comes to the election.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (IqV8l) Doubt it. Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (LQqiF) 178
Holy smokes. Google "Donald Trump" and click on the News tab in the search results. They aren't even hiding the bias.
Posted by: Neil at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (MUXKZ) 179
Please see page 238 of my new book, Diaretics, for an answer to this problem.
Posted by: Zombie L Ron McCain at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (ymnmz) 180
Yay for Left justified again! Thanks Ace.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (I16G8) 181
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not."
A) There's no fucking uncertainty about his legal status. He was an illegal alien, and now bids fair to have the legal status of convicted murderer. B) It bloody-well matters, you stupid bint. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (dFL5B) 182
The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:
* Black *Female * Wants to remove all Confederate monuments *Wants to raise taxes because we need "free" healthcare for all * Etc., etc., etc. Brian Kemp had better wake the hell up. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (ptqGC) 183
I'm just glad we got all our beets picked and pickled before Dana found out about 'em.
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (fiGNd) 184
Whoa. Not helping the hangover there, boss.
Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (HgMAr) 185
180 Yay for Left justified again! Thanks Ace.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (I16G ![]() =========== The HQ has gone leftist?!?! Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (LZygN) 186
Said we should all just turn the page and stop talking about her murder, and that Mollie was "no victim."
And refusing to talk about that is not going to make anything better. ----------- WT actual F? She was either a victim or she was complicit. Which one is it daaaaaad? Posted by: rickb223 at August 27, 2018 03:26 PM (TUUTu) 187
Ding Dong , NAFTA's dead.
So now we can build the Juan McVain Memorial Damned Wall. And Mexico's gonna pay for it. Posted by: you loved Brad... at August 27, 2018 03:26 PM (+vvPT) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 27, 2018 03:26 PM (+y/Ru) 189
>>Combining the Irish gift of gab with the Hispanic sounding nickname is one of the better ideas the Texas left has produced. Certainly better than dressing up infanticide as Pink Sneakers or Barbie.
How about the Mexican/Palestinian candidate in CA running against Duncan Hunter? Oh yeah, he also happens to have a grandfather who masterminded the Munich Olympics attack! Funny how Robert Spencer and David Horowitz were de-platformed right before the strategically timed Hunter indictment was announced, eh? *takes off tinfoil hat and puts it back on the shelf* Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (W+vEI) 190
Well, I've got to run out and Do Stuff. Later, gators.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (ptqGC) 191
WT actual F? She was either a victim or she was complicit.
Which one is it daaaaaad? Posted by: rickb223 at August 27, 2018 03:26 PM (TUUTu) ++++++++++ A victim of a system that glorifies male violence, of course. Not a victim of an illegal alien murderer. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (I2dne) 192
Waiting for the inevitable Twitter *this was a mistake * fake response.
Posted by: Archer at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (dJApo) 193
WT actual F? She was either a victim or she was complicit. Which one is it daaaaaad? ---------------------- She taunted the poor Mexican with her bewbie privilege. Then there were the tight running shorts that accentuated her plush tush. Bottom line, Mollie was a whore. Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (2LelM) 194
Saw McCain couldn't resist taking a final shot at Trump . . . and at his
own voters in AZ. Some bullshit statement he reportedly dictated that "we weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls." Sounds just like a guy hours from death by brain cancer, doesn't it? Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (oVJmc) 195
130---I don't think Robert Francis O'Rourke will even get to abortion Barbie's numbers. He is down by 4 points in.....Austin.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:17 PM (I16G ![]() ----------------------- Yeah, I heard about that "Austin poll" but...... Was that a poll of Austin voters or just a poll of Texas voters done by an Austin outfit? Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (0jtPF) 196
I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (O2RFr) 197
174 those centered jokes make no sense.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (LZygN) I still think a new tradition should be the last one who makes a (centered, italic, bold) comment gets the barrel when the blog is fixed. Posted by: rickl at August 27, 2018 03:29 PM (xjiRE) 198
Said we should all just turn the page and stop talking about her murder, and that Mollie was "no victim." Until the day she was Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 03:29 PM (10vO4) 199
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not."
I'll give the bitch credit ... she's a quick study. She's got the lingo down pat. Drop that "immigrant" bomb, and you shut down half of the Republicans right there. Because they simply will not go so far as to call somebody a criminal for sneaking into the country. Jay throws out a fine flamethrower response at 181 ... but you've gotta' be willing to throw away one vote to pick up two others. And most Repubs just don't have that will. Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:29 PM (fiGNd) 200
Combining the Irish gift of gab with the Hispanic sounding nickname is one of the better ideas the Texas left has produced. Certainly better than dressing up infanticide as Pink Sneakers or Barbie.
Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (sX1BW) Yes, saying that NFL kneelers are SUPER patriotic is a good move, too. Abortion Barbie was closing in, too, until she got bet by 20 points. Posted by: blaster at August 27, 2018 03:29 PM (Z5y53) 201
And I saw a poll where Trump has 96% approval among republicans. Keep fucking that chicken, Kristol.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 27, 2018 03:29 PM (dNzKv) 202
"we weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls."
============ Bing "John McCain homes" and click on "Images." Looks like some walls around those homes.... Posted by: bicentennialguy at August 27, 2018 03:30 PM (vg8iE) 203
I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
------------ This sounds reasonable. Cindy Sheehan was afforded some time ... but her looniness clearly had an expiration date. A grieving dad should have his space. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:30 PM (sX1BW) 204
She taunted the poor Mexican with her bewbie privilege. Then there were the tight running shorts that accentuated her plush tush. Bottom line, Mollie was a whore.
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (2LelM) ---------- I have been reliably assured that this is an issue of toxic masculinity, not of immigration status. Because apparently it had been predetermined that a male would kill Mollie that night, no matter what. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:30 PM (I16G8) 205
That Tibbetts family is all fucked up. Or brainwashed. Or both. They're having a collective Mike Dukakis moment.
Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (NWiLs) 206
I hope Loesch will sue twatter.
Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (oHNA6) 207
Twitter, FaceBook and all the rest are private entities, and according to conservative principles - should be able to run their sites as they please.
However, the caveat is that the government does have two important functions in a capitalist marketplace: (i) enforcing the rule of law - primarily enforcing contracts, and (ii) ensuring the free flow of accurate information from marketers. The latter function means that Congress (or other appropriate regulator) has the right/responsibility to require these sites fully to disclose their operating policies. If they want to censor conservatives - fine; just say so in express language. The disclosures (or lack/insufficiency thereof) then form a basis for any contract (express, or implied by "doing business" with a customer). If a privately operated website operates in variance to their published policy, then the government should entertain a lawsuit by an injured party for breach of contract. Posted by: one-eyed cat peepin' in the seafood store at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (/sTHK) 208
Sounds just like a guy hours from death by brain cancer, doesn't it?
meh. I think McShame was dead and in the freezer for at least 6 weeks. Cindy was banging on the keyboard hoping to goad Trump into taking a Twitter shot , so she could play victim. Posted by: you loved Brad... at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (+vvPT) 209
>> I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
Yeah, that kind of loss is devastating enough without it having national political implications. Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (W+vEI) 210
By 2020 Goolag, Hatebot and Twatter will have all the algorithms worked out to completely block any right-of-center views and ensure a free and fair election. They will not be hijacked by the American people this time.
This will dwarf what Lois Lerner and the IRS pulled in 2012 and it will all be completely legal. Posted by: Ripley at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (MxEKc) 211
I'm also going to cut the Tibbetts some slack.
I was at a funeral for a young man who got hit by an SUV. He was killed. At the funeral, everyone blamed the SUV. No mention that the young man was jaywalking on a busy LA street. At night. Grief does mind tricks to the bereaved. Posted by: navybrat, gaining weight on southern cooking at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (tpP8u) 212
The best thing to do is not use Google, Twitter, or any other social media site. I have long abandoned google search for Bing, but I would bet it is just as bad.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (mpXpK) Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (TM5Iv) 214
I haven't used Google itself for several years. But I still use YouTube, simply because I get more hits. I usually use it for old TV shows. (And by "old", I mean 70s or earlier. Usually earlier.) E.g., YouTube is the only place I've found with full seasons of Bullwinkle.
What else works? I'd be happy to try. IMO, conservative sites - all of them - should have regular articles about alternatives on the net. It should just be a weekly feature. Posted by: George LeS at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (59GGI) 215
Molly should have just let that dusky man take her in the cornfield and she would still be alive today...
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (mCMQ5) 216
"we weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls."
Mexico is the world's greatest republic? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:32 PM (dFL5B) 217
If she wasn't a victim, why is she dead?
Posted by: grammie winger at August 27, 2018 03:33 PM (fD4nI) 218
204 She taunted the poor Mexican with her bewbie privilege. Then there were the tight running shorts that accentuated her plush tush. Bottom line, Mollie was a whore.
Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 03:27 PM (2LelM) ---------- I have been reliably assured that this is an issue of toxic masculinity, not of immigration status. Because apparently it had been predetermined that a male would kill Mollie that night, no matter what. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:30 PM (I16G ![]() Of course, the general male predilection for nice, tight T&A is nothing but toxic masculinity, having nothing to do with biological hardwiring or the propagation of the human species. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:33 PM (NWiLs) 219
> I have long abandoned google search for Bing, but I would bet it is just as bad.
I switched my desktop and all devices to use DuckDuckGo. It's been pretty satisfactory. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:33 PM (TM5Iv) 220
Yeah, I heard about that "Austin poll" but......
Was that a poll of Austin voters or just a poll of Texas voters done by an Austin outfit? Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (0jtPF) ---------- I really don't recall. It was a headline I saw late last week. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:34 PM (I16G8) 221
I switched my desktop and all devices to use DuckDuckGo. It's been pretty satisfactory.
----------- Can't get a better endorsement than that. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:34 PM (sX1BW) 222
Why I don't use social media apps. Fuck these companies by not giving them money.
That's the "platform of choice?" I don't care. Piss off. Die in a fire. Social Media is largely responsible for the violent state we have ourselves in now and for the dumbing down of society. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:34 PM (F4u7C) 223
>> I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months Yeah, that kind of loss is devastating enough without it having national political implications. Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:31 PM (W+vEI) Agreed - to a point. If that was my daughter, I would be taking a wildly different approach. A vigil until the illegal immigrant is released from prison, where I'd pick him up and express my personal interest in his slow drawn out suffering. Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at August 27, 2018 03:34 PM (jxbfJ) 224
Trumps next tariff should be immigrants. We will take all of the immigrants you want to send, but the losing country has to pay a $100,000 tariff per head, and it is retroactive to those arriving since 1990. And it is no refundable. They commit a crime or are unemployed/out of school more than 6 months, deported. You can come back, but your country has to pay $1 million.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 27, 2018 03:34 PM (dNzKv) 225
I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (O2RFr) And this is why Republicans lose. In a couple of months ... nobody will give two fucks about Molly Tibbets or her family. We'll be eight news cycles past this shit. But ... their opinion matters now. And so, now, they're making their political opinion known. Loud and proud. Whenever possible. Republicans sit back and "give them space" at their own peril. To do so cedes the public square to House Tibbets at the exact moment that showing their stupidity for what it is gets would be most effective. Nobody's opinion will be changed by your show of decency. However, the Tibbets Babbling Brook of Bullshit will absolutely change some minds when contradicted by ... nothing. Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:35 PM (fiGNd) 226
This just in, John McCain is still dead.
Posted by: Francisco Franco at August 27, 2018 03:35 PM (/tuJf) 227
Exactly what do these douchebags want her to learn by having her children murdered?
Sounds like projection regard to the children who are being murdered by illegals. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at August 27, 2018 03:35 PM (FOeaV) 228
"we weaken the world's greatest republic when we hide behind walls." ============ Bing "John McCain homes" and click on "Images." Looks like some walls around those homes.... Posted by: bicentennialguy at August 27, 2018 03:30 PM (vg8iE) Agreed, lets not hide behind our walls. Build them to protect our lands and then sally forth an take it to the enemy. Am I right Johnny Mac? Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at August 27, 2018 03:35 PM (ymnmz) 229
This centred shit is fucking with my Monday!
Someone quoted Twitter's ToS in the thread, and it said threats or wishing harm... how is this not wishing harm and it's all 'context' as the excuse email said? Where are the fucking lawsuits? Horowitz, Prager, InfoWars, etc. They need to be slapped by Sekulow or EFF for violating net rules and straying into published print censorship. Did they take a Sleepy Jeff pill? I feel like I'm in a Rick and Morty episode... Posted by: atomicplaygirl, now with more Kaboom! at August 27, 2018 03:36 PM (Gim9y) 230
Agreed - to a point. If that was my daughter, I would be taking a wildly different approach. A vigil until the illegal immigrant is released from prison, where I'd pick him up and express my personal interest in his slow drawn out suffering.
I think I would too, but i don't know.... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:36 PM (O2RFr) 231
The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:
* Black *Female * Wants to remove all Confederate monuments *Wants to raise taxes because we need "free" healthcare for all * Etc., etc., etc. Brian Kemp had better wake the hell up. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 03:25 PM (ptqGC) I'm hoping everyone in GA is looking at Atlanta and thinking, "Let's not recreate that fiasco on a statewide level". Posted by: Bert G at August 27, 2018 03:36 PM (uiwCw) 232
Maybe someone correct me if I'm wrong or give some better background, but I'm pretty sure Salena Zito isn't really a conservative, at least not in the pundit sense.
As far as I can tell, she's an old-school see-where-the-facts-take-us investigative reporter/journalist, not a propagandist. Targeting her strikes me as unwise and probably counter-productive. Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (84QUd) 233
John "Build the Dang Fence!" McCain is admonishing people for hiding behind walls?
Jeesh, I guess Hillary and Schumer must be hanging their head in shame having voted for it in 2006. Posted by: WisRich at August 27, 2018 03:23 PM (G0vdT) Try traipsing across McCain's ranch in Sedona. He had some rather good security measures. He always thought the TEA Party hobbitses were coming to take his lucky charms or something. Posted by: AZ Hi Desert at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (O9qtX) 234
" Eh, Palp beat me to it and for more concisely. They can't play both the "platform" and "publisher" games simultaneously. As they are *very* clearly publishers, treat them as such and let them be on the hook for all the crippling liability."
I like this in theory, but just wondering about the impact of lawsuits and litigation on these techie billionaire brats. The idea of going after someone with virtually unlimited money on an issue to be adjudicated in a lefty court in their home state where they spew gazillions in taxes and political contributions and (to be fair) some good public works, is daunting. Going further, if this goes anywhere, why would they simply not acquire some 500 lawyer global law firm and give them the charge - scorched earth? I have always felt we would win the long war because we had the power of the right ideas on our side. Now, I think this could be our greatest challenge going forward after illegal immigration. Posted by: RM at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (U3LtS) 235
> No, but a grieving dad may not want to see his daughter used or discussed in such a manner.
Don't forget that the family may well be getting death threats if they say anything about the poor misguided illegal alien. In fact, I would almost bet they're getting death threats. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (TM5Iv) 236
" The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:"
because that's the standard thing for political partisans to do? Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (hLRSq) 237
David Harris Jr.
Has screenshots of what Facebook is doing to his page. This is interesting and we should all be calling our Republican Senators and Congressmen and women regarding this because it's just going to get worse. If might just happen to this site. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:38 PM (hECVl) 238
Agreed - to a point. If that was my daughter, I would be taking a wildly different approach. A vigil until the illegal immigrant is released from prison, where I'd pick him up and express my personal interest in his slow drawn out suffering.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed piano wire, meat hook, some assemble required Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 03:38 PM (Bdeb0) 239
I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
. The cousin should probably stop the half-assed pronouncements. She's drawing fire down on her family, and what happened and what will happen is bad enough. It's very hard living beyond a relative, especially one taken at a young age, by violence. They face a lifetime sentence of dealing with this vermin and the political machinations. Starting off with lies about "uncertainty" doesn't help. and if there is dissension within the family, this could tear it apart. At least one of the families that suffered in the Columbine shooting was ripped apart by the mother getting buddy-buddy with the mother of one of the killers. her daughter died, and her son was forced to play dead and underwent years of therapy. The son became estranged from her and the husband divorced her. Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 03:38 PM (vvSBD) 240
236 " The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:"
because that's the standard thing for political partisans to do? Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (hLRSq) ========= Next thing you'll tell me is that Republicans will tend to vote for Republican candidates. Posted by: TheJamesMadison, Pre-Order The Battle of Lake Erie Today! at August 27, 2018 03:38 PM (LZygN) 241
I Googled "Tucker" and "South Africa" because I wanted to rewatch the first segment he did on South Africa. The top stories, the first of which was from the WaPo were all from Left Leaning sites and about how Tucker was "lying", distorting, etc. not one link to his original video in the first two pages.
I gave up and wen right to Fox. But you can imagine how an independent Joe searching Google to see that would react as he's pummeled with propaganda. Now- tell me why the Russians are such a big elwctoral deal when the top U.S. media properties are waging a campaign that makes them look like rank amateurs? Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (gpQ2A) 242
I'm gonna cut the Tibbets family some slack for now... Let's see how they feel in a couple of months
Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:28 PM (O2RFr) Gotta disagree. Expressing sorrow is one thing, but when you weigh in on a policy issue, you're now in the political arena, and are fair game for criticism. None of this Cindy Sheehan "absolute moral authority" crap. For my part, the Tibbetts family, through its obvious and public support for illegal immigration, has some complicity here. If they don't like my saying that, then they should STFU on the politics. You don't get to weigh in on politics and then claim "King's X" when someone pushes back. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (dFL5B) 243
Going further, if this goes anywhere, why would they simply not acquire some 500 lawyer global law firm and give them the charge - scorched earth?
----------------- If I'm a plaintiff's attorney I'm hoping for that. The more a company spends on attorneys, the more vulnerable they are. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (sX1BW) 244
"Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her
murder," she wrote. "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." Murphy said those casting blame should instead focus on the accused killer's "sense of male entitlement." "We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. ===== I have a hundred dollar bill that if Mollie was brutally murdered by a white legal American citizen that was republican and a NRA member this scrunt would have a far different statement. Oh also all white republican men would be responsible. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (pw+jk) 245
" The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:"
.... WILL CAMPAIGN FOR FOOD Posted by: John Ossoff at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (+vvPT) 246
I see a lot of people have not learned their lesson about BS polls from the last election. TX is not a small population State like CO where a few thousand locusts from CA and NY can move in and turn the State blue. Don't believe anything from these BS polls.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (mpXpK) 247
In January, Mueller got PT's GOTV analytics. Not long after that the Cambridge Analytica (sp) reveal was public, so FB could do a mea culpa. PT won bc small town folks use FB and those voters were incentivized to vote, imo, bc there was a promise to make things better. And, those GOTV analytics found them. This is all calculated to remove that avenue to the LIV voters.
Posted by: Ever at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (OLS0m) 248
Remember when Trump ended his political career because he shot back at that Gold star dad that took shots at him?
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (mCMQ5) 249
Was the google testing done on a brand new browser or in incognito mode? The test doesn't do much good if you're a logged in google user, as the algorithm is supposed to show you things you'd like based on your previous viewing history..
So if you go to CNN a lot, even if it's to complain and research how shitty they are, then google search is going to give you cnn results first. Posted by: data scientist at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (BfDm5) 250
Don't forget that the family may well be getting death threats if they say anything about the poor misguided illegal alien.
In fact, I would almost bet they're getting death threats. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:37 PM (TM5Iv) Then don't say anything about the illegal alien. Just express sorrow for your family's loss, and let it go at that. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM (dFL5B) 251
I see a lot of people have not learned their lesson about BS polls from the last election. TX is not a small population State like CO where a few thousand locusts from CA and NY can move in and turn the State blue. Don't believe anything from these BS polls.
------- Beto doesn't have a chance. But if he were to win, that would be far more surprising than Trump's victory was. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM (sX1BW) 252
>>We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young
men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. So the plan is to take on toxic masculinity in the Latino world? Good luck with that. Bring bandaids. Posted by: JackStraw at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM (/tuJf) 253
I'm hoping everyone in GA is looking at Atlanta and thinking, "Let's not recreate that fiasco on a statewide level".
Posted by: Bert G at August 27, 2018 03:36 PM (uiwCw) --------- I'm not too worried about Kemp taking a statewide race. If it were for Mayor of Atlanta, Abrams would be a lock. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM (I16G8) 254
" The progs are determined to put Stacy Abrams in as GA governor, because:" .... WILL CAMPAIGN FOR FOOD Posted by: John Ossoff at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (+vvPT) Stacy Abrams hasn't got a chance in hell of winning GA. If Scankles couldn't win it she sure as hell can't. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (mpXpK) 255
248 Remember when Trump ended his political career because he shot back at that Gold star dad that took shots at him?
Good Lord they still bring that up along with the "Trump mocked a disabled man." and "Trump instigates violence at his rallys... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (O2RFr) 256
248 Remember when Trump ended his political career because he shot back at that Gold star dad that took shots at him?
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (mCMQ5) The dishonest of the leftists infuriates me. They'll get someone like Gold Star dad, or Cindy Sheehan to take shots at the left's political opponents, but whine about any return fire. You can't have it both ways. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (dFL5B) 257
I see a lot of people have not learned their lesson about BS polls from the last election. TX is not a small population State like CO where a few thousand locusts from CA and NY can move in and turn the State blue. Don't believe anything from these BS polls.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (mpXpK) Vic ... I got a little math project in mind. You might be able to help. Other than basic census data - where do you think I could get my hands on some State By State data that relates Urban to Rural populations ? My theory being, the relative "Redness" or "Blueness" of said state is nothing more than the population distribution of that state ... when compared as Rural to Urban. Any ideas ? Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (fiGNd) 258
In January, Mueller got PT's GOTV analytics. Not long after that the Cambridge Analytica (sp) reveal was public
------- Surely in the hands of the Democrats now. Posted by: MAGA at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (jXbZc) 259
Ahhhh, Ace has found his new center of gravity.
Posted by: Draki at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (kvjRt) 260
I'm not too worried about Kemp taking a statewide race. If it were for Mayor of Atlanta, Abrams would be a lock.
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM (I16G ![]() She could do for Atlanta what Kwame Kilpatrick did for Detroit. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (dFL5B) 261
I think, pretty soon, Johnny will be hiding under 6 feet of dirt.
Posted by: Archer at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (dJApo) 262
Anyone who thinks our side can "win" by calling this out, forget that false dream. We can't, unless we support Governement content regulation. Short of that, all we can do is encourage everyone to get off twitter, to get off Facebook, to use Google as little as possible.
Facebook, Twitter, and Google Do Not Care About Your Complaints. Your Tears of Ultimate Sadness are their Nectar. Everytime any of you complain about the way they do things, Every Exec at Google and Twitter and FB have a big laugh. Posted by: Tom Servo at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (k1TUh) 263
"I have a hundred dollar bill that if Mollie was
brutally murdered by a white legal American citizen that was republican and a NRA member this scrunt would have a far different statement. Oh also all white republican men would be responsible. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable" It's worse than that. If Mollie Tibbets had been received unwanted sexual advances (i.e. rape) on campus there would be more outrage from the left than her murder by an illegal. Posted by: Ripley at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (MxEKc) 264
in well after Ace closed the tag
Posted by: redc1c4 at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (PzPE7) Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:43 PM (O2RFr) 266
We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young
men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. .... hate to break it to her, but sometimes violence IS the appropriate response to this world. P.S. Ghandi was a hypocrite and a f*cking imbecile. Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (AURKQ) 267
"Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with
uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." .............. Don't tell me... junior college English professor? Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (HgMAr) 268
Gotta disagree. Expressing sorrow is one thing, but when you weigh in on a policy issue, you're now in the political arena, and are fair game for criticism. None of this Cindy Sheehan "absolute moral authority" crap. For my part, the Tibbetts family, through its obvious and public support for illegal immigration, has some complicity here. If they don't like my saying that, then they should STFU on the politics. You don't get to weigh in on politics and then claim "King's X" when someone pushes back. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (dFL5B) I agree. If they didn't want the heat, they should've grieved their loss without making it a political statement. You know, normal stuff, like how they miss her, the good things about her, her being taken too soon, etcetera. And I guaran-damn-tee you that had it broken the other way - using Mollie's death to push back against illegal immigration, the entire MFM would be down their throats, up their asses, doxxing them and their extended family and friends, and burning up social media about how horrible they are to use their murdered daughter as a prop. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (NWiLs) 269
So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later.......
We've been screwed. He should've relinquished his seat 6 months to a year ago. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (F4u7C) 270
I see a lot of people have not learned their lesson about BS polls from the last election. TX is not a small population State like CO where a few thousand locusts from CA and NY can move in and turn the State blue. Don't believe anything from these BS polls. ------- Beto doesn't have a chance. But if he were to win, that would be far more surprising than Trump's victory was. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:41 PM --- beto is going to come close, especially with his talk about open borders. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (JUOKG) 271
.... hate to break it to her, but sometimes violence IS the appropriate response to this world.
-------------- Violence isn't always the answer, and it isn't always the only answer, but it does have a way of being a very good answer - sometimes good and sometimes bad. And typically, the other side doesn't really care how you feel about it anyway. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (sX1BW) 272
We've been screwed. He should've relinquished his seat 6 months to a year ago.
Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (F4u7C) This is why I drink. No matter what I do ... it's never good enough. Posted by: Mr. McTumor at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (fiGNd) 273
269 So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later...
With my MIL it was about 2 weeks.... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (O2RFr) 274
We've been screwed. He should've relinquished his seat 6 months to a year ago.
Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (F4u7C) ===== Yes but he kept getting checks from the feds and other donors. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (pw+jk) 275
P.S. Ghandi was a hypocrite and a f*cking imbecile.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (AURKQ) You left out "pervert." Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (dFL5B) 276
JackStraw, they don't have toxic masculinity in the Latino culture. They have Machismo and that's like totally different.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (D/yfw) 277
So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later.......
Well depends what you mean by "treatment"? It might mean Life sustainment and when you removed those- Oxygen, and Yada yada Yada...Yeah he could die within 24 hours or less Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (Lg2h/) 278
I miss threads sometimes, and I haven't yet hit on this point, don't know if it's been made elsewhere or not...
That McCarrick dude, he literally looks like a penis with a face on it. Sometimes evil looks exactly how you'd expect it to look. Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (9chmE) 279
beto is going to come close, especially with his talk about open borders.
Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (JUOKG) What the Hell do you know about anything ? You were on here just last week swearing up and down John McCain would never return to the Senate !!! Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (fiGNd) 280
The people doing the reporting of offensive content are most likely offensive themselves. Here's what to do: create alternate accounts with liberal feeds and go to town with reporting offensive content - even if it strays into a gray zone report it. Give them a taste of their own medicine and make Twitter waste time and resources.
Posted by: Wendy at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (bpemY) 281
"Expressing sorrow is one thing, but when you weigh in on a policy issue, you're now in the political arena, and are fair game for criticism. None of this Cindy Sheehan "absolute moral authority" crap."
And I think you have hit the crucial point. If the family is expressing their opinion in their time of grief it is churlish to pound on them - that isn't your grief and your loss. If the family intends to make that a racket like Cindy Sheehan and David Hogg, to erect a political lectern using her coffin as the podium? Then it's on like Donkey Kong. Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (hLRSq) 282
So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later...
-------------- That doesn't surprise me. Treatment can mean a lot of different things. I think with Barbara Bush, it was only a few days. Posted by: SH at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (sX1BW) 283
276 JackStraw, they don't have toxic masculinity in the Latino culture. They have Machismo and that's like totally different.
Exactly.. It's part of their wonderful"culture." Unfortunately they are bringing it here... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (O2RFr) 284
277 So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later.......
Well depends what you mean by "treatment"? It might mean Life sustainment and when you removed those- Oxygen, and Yada yada Yada...Yeah he could die within 24 hours or less Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (Lg2h/) If he was dependent on IV nutrition and hydration, pulling those would have him dead in 24 hours. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (NWiLs) 285
>>JackStraw, they don't have toxic masculinity in the Latino culture. They have Machismo and that's like totally different.
How silly of me. Posted by: JackStraw at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (/tuJf) 286
Dana Loesch seems to think Cruz is in trouble when it comes to the election.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (IqV8l) Doubt it. Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (LQqiF) ****************************** Y'all are freaking me out. Dana lives in Dallas and I live outside of Houston. I have seen quite a few Beto signs. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (hECVl) 287
a real study on the fake algorithms and search distortions would probably have to compare ... something like "medieval warm period" results, or something where science would yield on set of results, but a contrived political slant would provide Gore's cronies and a bunch of crap.
Since leftists run most of media, a study would also have to compare maybe --- number of leftist results versus amount of leftist traffic. As Rush showed, leftists and Soros funded jerks deliberately screw up search results, so even an honest search engine would have to navigate the muddied waters. Rush iirc, said just a few guys were making it look like there was major backlash to him for being so radical or some such. But we already have people on the inside of those leftist giants admitting they censor and screw with conservatives and/or Trump supporters. We already have Creamer (Obama's buddy for 30 years or so) admitting to creating trouble at Trump events, timed with Hillary blaming Trump for violence ... which is sorta the street version for this digital propaganda "game". Posted by: illiniwek at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (Cus5s) 288
267 "Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with
uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not." .............. Don't tell me... junior college English professor? Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:44 PM (HgMAr) "Ask not for whom the matter matters. It matters to thee, bird thou never wert." Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (dFL5B) 289
My father died within a week of stopping treatment. More like 4 days.
Posted by: grammie winger at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (fD4nI) 290
So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious
before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later... ----------------------------------------------- With my MIL it was about 2 weeks.... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (O2RFr) The man's life has been a big fat lie, I don't know why anyone would be surprised to hear his death has been riddled with falsehoods. Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (9chmE) 291
o, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later.......
Well depends what you mean by "treatment"? It might mean Life sustainment and when you removed those- Oxygen, and Yada yada Yada...Yeah he could die within 24 hours or less Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (Lg2h/) If he was dependent on IV nutrition and hydration, pulling those would have him dead in 24 hours. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (NWiLs) For what it is worth, he has been dead to me for over 2 years now Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (Lg2h/) 292
Is McCain really going to lie in state? Will there be pisstoons, you know like spittoons? Spitoons would work to I guess, keep it classy
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (6Ll1u) 293
For what it is worth, he has been dead to me for over 2 years now
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:48 PM (Lg2h/) *snort* Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (NWiLs) 294
It's interesting how there is absolutely no mention of sexual assault or rape whatsoever.
With most coroner's reports you get the pertinent negatives "there was no sign of sexual assault or sexual activity". But this one just says " uh she was stabbed with a sharp thing". He saw this hot little number jogging? And all he could think to do was stab her? Maybe. Maybe. Posted by: you loved Brad... at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (+vvPT) 295
Remember when Trump ended his political career because he shot back at that Gold star dad that took shots at him?
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 03:40 PM (mCMQ5) It wasn't just any random Gold Star father. That guy erected his lectern at a political convention. When you do that the normal protection for the grieving family no longer applies. Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (hLRSq) Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (oVJmc) 297
It wasn't just any random Gold Star father. That guy erected his lectern at a political convention. When you do that the normal protection for the grieving family no longer applies.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:49 PM (hLRSq) He did WHAT at a political convention?! Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (NWiLs) Posted by: Shep! at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (vg8iE) 299
Hey, I heard a lot of complaining the last year but now? Nothing for a job well done?
Posted by: Juan McCain's Tumor at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (pw+jk) 300
Now- tell me why the Russians are such a big elwctoral deal when the top U.S. media properties are waging a campaign that makes them look like rank amateurs?
Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 03:39 PM (gpQ2A) The same reason the average lowly citizen ended up in a ditch for suspicion of saying something less than flattering about Comrade Stalin. Posted by: Mega at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (O5sv7) Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (fiGNd) 302
257 Vic ... I got a little math project in mind. You might be able to help.
Other than basic census data - where do you think I could get my hands on some State By State data that relates Urban to Rural populations ? My theory being, the relative "Redness" or "Blueness" of said state is nothing more than the population distribution of that state ... when compared as Rural to Urban. Any ideas ? Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:42 PM (fiGNd) Wiki gives demographic data for every State and it is usually pretty good. However all you have to do is take a quick look at the population centers. If it has more than a few cities of more than 100K population it is most likely blue. If it has mega cities like NYC, Chicago, LA, etc it is usually hard blue. Currently GA has Atlanta which is doing its damnedest to turn GA blue and is getting help from Macon which some in GA are calling little Detroit. But still Scankles could not win GA when all the polls said she was up by 5%. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 03:51 PM (mpXpK) 303
are you guys serious about Ted Cruz losing to that bento box fool???
Posted by: IC, now with extra super elite at August 27, 2018 03:51 PM (a0IVu) Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 03:51 PM (Bdeb0) 305
My theory being, the relative "Redness" or "Blueness" of said state is nothing more than the population distribution of that state ... when compared as Rural to Urban.
Any ideas ? Good idea - you could use listed totals for MSA's (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) For example, the DFW MSA is population 7.4 million, give or take, and the Houston MSA is population 6.9 million. Of course, these take in a lot of nearby land that might be rural, for instance I think Denton and Kaufman get included in the DFW MSA, and so don't know if this will work as intended. I did a quick look at a wiki page and came up with a number of about 21 million of Texas' 28 million residents live in the top 10 MSA's. Posted by: Tom Servo at August 27, 2018 03:51 PM (k1TUh) 306
That McCarrick dude, he literally looks like a penis with a face on it.
======== Oh, really? Posted by: Shep! at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (vg8iE) Sorry Shemp, he likes 'em young. You're too old. Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 03:51 PM (9chmE) 307
If you want to know where this is headed (if the left gets their way) look no further than Europe. Criticizing Islam, or suggesting immigration limits or making any number of inconvenient observations will get you investigated if not arrested by the police.
This happens only rarely of course, because 99% of Europeans have gotten the message to shut up, and so just listen quietly to their EU overlords. Posted by: xnycpeasant at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (koNhm) 308
Hey, I heard a lot of complaining the last year but now? Nothing for a job well done?
Posted by: Juan McCain's Tumor at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (pw+jk) Hey pal ... see 272 ... and get your poser ass off my lawn. Posted by: Mr. McTumor at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (fiGNd) Posted by: Tom Servo at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (k1TUh) 310
Y'all are freaking me out.
Dana lives in Dallas and I live outside of Houston. I have seen quite a few Beto signs. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (hECVl) ---------- The large cities are where the Blue is concentrated in any state. Same here in GA. I'm guessing more rural TX is not showing Beto signs. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (I16G8) 311
Well depends what you mean by "treatment"?
It might mean Life sustainment and when you removed those- Oxygen, and Yada yada Yada...Yeah he could die within 24 hours or less Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (Lg2h/) But, were that the case, he wasn't coherent, conscious or available...... Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (F4u7C) 312
Dana Loesch seems to think Cruz is in trouble when it comes to the election.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at August 27, 2018 03:04 PM (IqV8l) Doubt it. Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:24 PM (LQqiF) ****************************** Y'all are freaking me out. Dana lives in Dallas and I live outside of Houston. I have seen quite a few Beto signs. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (hECVl) I am sure enthusiasm among people who vote Dem is high. Unless half of Cali moved to Texas in the last two years though, I don't see that mattering. Enthusiasm for Trump is just as high and people on our side have every reason to vote. I am seeing trends elsewhere that hard core leftists are making ALOT of noise but Democratic voter registration is down overall. Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (LQqiF) 313
But, were that the case, he wasn't coherent, conscious or available......
Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (F4u7C) He's been that for years Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (O2RFr) 314
I don't know what da bitch's problem is. If she doesn't want to be called a cunt and being threatened with having her children murdered, she needs to start her own platform. Geez, Louise, you conservatives are so dense. --Al Gorithm, Twitter Vice President of Censorship.....I mean Civility.
Posted by: Anonymous White Male at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (9BLnV) 315
standing by...
Posted by: red two at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (+vvPT) 316
Because of Trump's hateful rhetoric a noble, kind and upstanding undocumented citizen was forced to brutally kill some white girl in Iowa.
Death to Trump .... and white girls in flyover country when needed. Posted by: This is CNN at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (pw+jk) 317
313 But, were that the case, he wasn't coherent, conscious or available......
Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (F4u7C) He's been that for years Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (O2RFr) BURN! Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (NWiLs) 318
It's interesting how there is absolutely no mention of sexual assault or rape whatsoever.
With most coroner's reports you get the pertinent negatives "there was no sign of sexual assault or sexual activity". But this one just says " uh she was stabbed with a sharp thing". I think that that was the preliminary finding, with the cause of death; she was stabbed. As to whether they are slow walking the results, I don't know. She was missing for a month, and was probably killed that night. Sadly, her body was thrown away like trash and left out in the open for a month in an Iowa summer. I will not hazard a guess as to the condition. Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (vvSBD) 319
He did WHAT at a political convention?!
Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (NWiLs) Lectern. It's the stand you put books or notes on. The podium is the raised platform that you stand on. The father, metaphorically, put up a lectern. Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (hLRSq) 320
Well depends what you mean by "treatment"?
It might mean Life sustainment and when you removed those- Oxygen, and Yada yada Yada...Yeah he could die within 24 hours or less Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 27, 2018 03:46 PM (Lg2h/) But, were that the case, he wasn't coherent, conscious or available...... Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (F4u7C) Seriously, does ANYBODY believe he was tweeting the obnoxious tweets being sent out in his name the last few months? Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (9chmE) 321
The large cities are where the Blue is concentrated in any state. Same here in GA. I'm guessing more rural TX is not showing Beto signs. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:52 PM (I16G ![]() There are some signs in rural Texas. I'm a bit concerned that Cruz is taking this clown lightly as I don't see him campaigning and Beto is already running commercials every 3 minutes. "oh, hes' got a cool nickname. Beto...that sounds interesting and hip". We've got a TON of transplants here......I'm getting concerned. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (F4u7C) 322
We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world," she wrote. That's stamped into the male DNA sugartits and you ain't teaching it out Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (10vO4) 323
308 Hey, I heard a lot of complaining the last year but now? Nothing for a job well done?
Posted by: Juan McCain's Tumor at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (pw+jk) Hey pal ... see 272 ... and get your poser ass off my lawn. Posted by: Mr. McTumor Over schedule and over budget. Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (Bdeb0) 324
Two things that are sure enough BS today - McCain's final statement and Beto beating Cruz in November.
Posted by: rammajamma at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (AjNMO) 325
Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet!
............. Ooh ooh! I want one of those, to go right next to my Barack Obama Seal Team 6 action figure! Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (HgMAr) 326
beto is going to come close, especially with his talk about open borders.
Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (JUOKG) *********************************** If you're in TEXAS contribute to the Cruz campaign... if you're not in TEXAS contribute to the Cruz campaign. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:55 PM (hECVl) 327
292 Is McCain really going to lie in state?
_______________________________________ Yes. He must return to the Temple of the Swamp one last time to ensure his spirit endures in the afterlife in the Dome of Eternal Stupidity. Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 27, 2018 03:55 PM (vbJig) 328
That's stamped into the male DNA sugartits and you ain't teaching it out
======= That's why we'll proclaim your male children as "trannies" and pump them full of hormones before they can do any damage. You're welcome. Posted by: The Left at August 27, 2018 03:55 PM (vg8iE) 329
Seriously, does ANYBODY believe he was tweeting the obnoxious tweets being sent out in his name the last few months?
No, but he would if he could Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:55 PM (O2RFr) 330
Here's the thing about the "slanting: of the algorithms....They had to either already been designed that way a decade ago, or Google would have to spend a massive amount of resources to change the feeds....
It's possible, but frankly, I don't think it's super likely. The reason being that changing your algorithms to tune search results can't happen overnight. There's a lot of testing to be done to make sure that you don't screw up everything else. If a non-biased version were already in production, I doubt they would go in to change it.. Since google takes into account your past browsing history to predict what you'll like , it you go to CNN/NYT/MSNBC, or whatever, it's going to give you those sites again in the future. Posted by: data scientist at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (BfDm5) 331
The father, metaphorically, put up a lectern.
Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:53 PM (hLRSq) I heard, from a friend of a friend, that the lectern was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (fiGNd) Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (oVJmc) 333
Exactly.. It's part of their wonderful"culture." Unfortunately they are bringing it here... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (O2RFr) ------------------------- Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (0jtPF) 334
> . We can't, unless we support Governement content regulation.
Sure we can. All we have to do is go back to the perfectly sane rules that controlled media and communications for the first two hundred years of our country's existence (and that existed in English Common Law before that). Under those, there are two statuses: "publisher" and "common carrier". A "common carrier" (like the phone company or FedEx) is not responsible for transmitted messages. You can't sue the phone company or charge them with a crime if someone uses the phone to plan a murder. BUT, in order to get that status they are required to accept messages from all comers under the same terms and conditions. The phone company is required to provide the same service to anyone with the money to pay the bill. A "publisher" (like the New York Times) CAN practice discrimination, but with that power comes responsibility for the transmitted information. This made perfect sense; in each case the control and responsibility are commensurate. Phone company has no control over the messages, and no responsibility for them. Newspaper has full control over the messages, and full responsibility for them The Facebooks and Twitters want (and have largely been given, so far) full control and no responsibility. That can, and should, change. There's no need for the government to practice content regulation -- the carriers can either choose to regulate content (and assume responsibility) or choose to not regulate it (and have no responsibity). Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (TM5Iv) 335
beto is going to come close, especially with his talk about open borders. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 27, 2018 03:45 PM (JUOKG) *********************************** If you're in TEXAS contribute to the Cruz campaign... if you're not in TEXAS contribute to the Cruz campaign. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:55 PM (hECVl) Political campaigns usually need bodies in the field far more than they need money... if you are in Texas, start door knocking on the weekends (and evenings during the week). Posted by: redbanzai at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (LQqiF) 336
And "safety" is a very specific word choice, since on college campuses, this is what kicks in Title IX requirements - a person being "unsafe.". They're just carrying over their campus snowflake routine into the real world, as if that environment were worth emulating!
Posted by: Lizzy at August 27, 2018 03:15 PM (W+vEI) Yeah, we all love to make fun of Sovereign Citizens. I know I do. The way they wave specific words around as if they're talismans is ridiculous. "I wasn't driving, I was travelling." But the only thing they're misunderstanding is they don't have the will to power backing the left does. The left can wave certain words around and they DO have the force of law. The way they say, "Safety" or "Choice" or "Racism" is exactly as ridiculous as the Sovereign Citizen's "travelling", but one works and the other doesn't. Posted by: bonhomme at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (9qZ3S) 337
They were even showing Beto here in Cali on the morning news and jacking off under the desk
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (6Ll1u) 338
>>>"Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not."
As Jay observed, there is no uncertainty about his status. In addition, I'd say it matters. It shows how important it is to have a formal immigration policy so we can at least *try* to vet immigrants and assess if they will be beneficial or detrimental to the country. I like Minnfidel's analogy of a few days ago. For those who suggest that "immigration is irrelevant", if a murderer escaped from prison and raped and killed a relative of theirs, would they consider prison security irrelevant? Then we must always consider the hypocrisy of the left trying to invoke causality whenever it suits them (Parkland? NRA! Terrorism? Mental illness!). Fine. So causality is real. Now let's have a serious discussion about it. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (/qEW2) 339
"I have seen quite a few Beto signs.
" You can't find them in West Texas. They all have shotgun blasts through them. It's like- "WTF is that?". Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (VpIIl) 340
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
I mean their treatment of women in general... Rape is the extreme Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (O2RFr) 341
Socialism as a crime against humanity. A criminal political doctrine that prescribes as virtues all of the Seven Deadly Sins. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at August 27, 2018 03:57 PM (SX9PR) 342
-- Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM ----------------------------- You seriously believe that to be accurate? Posted by: irright at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (pMGkg) 343
308 Hey, I heard a lot of complaining the last year but now? Nothing for a job well done? Posted by: Juan McCain's Tumor at August 27, 2018 03:50 PM (pw+jk) Hey pal ... see 272 ... and get your poser ass off my lawn. Posted by: Mr. McTumor Over schedule and over budget. Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (Bdeb0) ==== All's well that ends my friendish. Posted by: Juan McCain's Tumor at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (pw+jk) 344
Is McCain really going to lie in state?
........... It's either that or his frozen head in a jar. Posted by: wth at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (HgMAr) 345
Listening toDana now. She's a bulldog and makes me laugh too.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (EPnrI) 346
Is McCain really going to lie in state?
Shit, he'll probably go Full Lenin. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (oVJmc) Maybe they could take it on tour? The Rolling Stones and McCain's Corpse! Posted by: Mikey NTH - McCain Funeral Blowout! Senator Maverick Action Figures at the Outrage Outlet! at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (hLRSq) 347
283 Exactly.. It's part of their wonderful"culture." Unfortunately they are bringing it here... Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (O2RFr) ------------------------- Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (0jtPF) Ok and why is that? Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (ymnmz) 348
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
========== 1. Only reported rapes factor into that stat, correct? 2. Also, someone's doing the raping here. ![]() Posted by: The Left at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (vg8iE) Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (O2RFr) Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (hECVl) 351
Amazing how if BHO mentioned "something, something, uh, internet" the left would just swoon about how hip, smart and current he was.
But DJT chooses to speak directly to the American people via social media and its all "unpresidential" harumphing and pearl-clutching. Posted by: xnycpeasant at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (koNhm) 352
If you're gonna' run in Texas
Ya' gotta' have Hispanic in the clan That Cruz campaign is hot But not for an illegal votin' man So stuff that ballot box For Progressive Love and lets all dance If you're gonna' run in Texas Ya' gotta' have Hispanic in the clan Posted by: ScoggaBama at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (fiGNd) 353
There are some signs in rural Texas. I'm a bit concerned that Cruz is taking this clown lightly as I don't see him campaigning and Beto is already running commercials every 3 minutes.
"oh, hes' got a cool nickname. Beto...that sounds interesting and hip". We've got a TON of transplants here......I'm getting concerned. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 03:54 PM (F4u7C) -------------- How did Felonia do in TX? Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (I16G8) 354
The Dems are sucking hind tit. They are running Loopy against Abbott because they have nothing else.
The first debate is going to put Robbie down by 5 and Ted will do it with humor and style. Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (D/yfw) 355
"Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
" Because they are either not reported due to a lack of law enforcement protection and others are classified as murder. Posted by: Marcus T at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (VpIIl) 356
Amazing how if BHO mentioned "something, something, uh, internet" the left would just swoon about how hip, smart and current he was. But DJT chooses to speak directly to the American people via social media and its all "unpresidential" harumphing and pearl-clutching. Posted by: xnycpeasant at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (koNhm) Pearl Clutching???? Is that like Shrimping? Posted by: Lisa Page at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (ymnmz) Posted by: BOTS at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (y8Foj) 358
If Cruz loses to Beta "Front Hole" O'Cuck, it may be time to hang it up.
But I don't think that's going to happen. Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (TM5Iv) 359
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
I mean their treatment of women in general... Rape is the extreme Posted by: It's me donna Lower incident rate? or lower rate of reporting? Areas of the US have proven that when cops and courts don't treat it seriously, reporting drops. And what are they counting? Reports? Prosecutions? Convictions? They have numerous decapitations and kidnapping. But they have a lower incidence of rape? Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (vvSBD) 360
269 So, how long was McCain in a coma or unconscious before they announced he was no longer getting treatment? I mean, you don't usually say "I'm done with treatment" then die 24 hours later...
_____________________ I have taken care of people who have died from GBMF and there is no way McCain was dictating any kind of statement hours or days before his death. Cognitively, he has most likely been pretty out of it for at least the last month. GBMF patients typically lose their short-term memory and higher-functioning mental skills as the cancer spreads into the frontal and temporal lobes, and they often don't know where they are, or who they are, or who the people around them are, in the latter stages of the disease. Often they can't speak at all. In the last days, they usually lapse into coma. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (fqUgw) Posted by: your neighbor with a telescope at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (yhYmR) 362
The Facebooks and Twitters want (and have largely
been given, so far) full control and no responsibility. That can, and should, change. There's no need for the government to practice content regulation -- the carriers can either choose to regulate content (and assume responsibility) or choose to not regulate it (and have no responsibity). Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (TM5Iv) I don't know anything about the law, except the way we do it is teh stoopid, but what's to stop a parent of say, a teener who offs themself, from suing the social media platform? All the middle school class was sending tweets saying "kill yourself you worthless pig?" How's about somebody bring tweeter into court for that? What's stopping them? Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (9chmE) Posted by: fluffy at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (cHbmY) 364
Ted Cruz wants you to stand for America. Beto thinks it's okay to kneel against America.
If Beto wins in Texas with that position , SMOD can't be that far behind. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (FOeaV) 365
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM Because it's not reported. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (10vO4) 366
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
_______________________________________ Well, when they murder the victim, it becomes a murder case and not a rape case. Posted by: El Machete at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (vbJig) 367
Good news.
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously. Chuck and McCain: Two peas in a pod. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (ptqGC) 368
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
I mean their treatment of women in general... Rape is the extreme Posted by: It's me donna Ever watch a Mexican soap opera? That's all they do is beat and rape women. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (F4u7C) 369
292 Is McCain really going to lie in state?
_______________________________________ I'm gonna do my own eulogy bitches! Posted by: Zombie Maverick at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (EPnrI) 370
Mexico has a high rate of law enforcement bribery, which may affect crime statistics.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (1ISKN) 371
How can I miss McCain if he won't go away?
Posted by: JackStraw at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (/tuJf) 372
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously.
Chuck and McCain: Two peas in a pod. Wish Chuck would join him and take Ruthie Ginsberg with them Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (O2RFr) 373
292 Is McCain really going to lie in state? _______________________________________ I'm gonna do my own eulogy bitches! Posted by: Zombie Maverick at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (EPnrI) See page 243 of my new book, Diaretics! Posted by: Zombie L Ron McCain at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (ymnmz) 374
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (0jtPF) I would guess that engaging in rape there would be a good way to end up in the murder statistics. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (dFL5B) 375
Remember when the internet was too decentralized for any one or two entities to do any real censorship?
I 'member. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (bcbK8) 376
353 How did Felonia do in TX?
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (I16G ![]() It was a blowout for Trump. Scankles lost by 9% Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (mpXpK) 377
In general, this is the censorship argument I hear from liberals:
Twitter is a private company, so they can impose any rules they want on anyone at any time. FYI, this rule does not apply to Christians who won't bake a wedding cake. Yeah, hyprocrisy. Also, I was told yesterday that it is totally OK for black africans to kill white land owners in SA and confiscate their land because they were there first and the land was stolen from them. Even if that land was uninhabited. And the whites bought it. Because "whites killed blacks, so it's fair." Posted by: shibumi at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (SbIX4) 378
if we are going to rename all things mccain......let's start with the steele dossier......
Posted by: phoenixgirl at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (0O7c5) 379
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously.
Chuck and McCain: Two peas in a pod. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (ptqGC) Jane ... I know I sound like a broken record. I just don't think it can be noted enough. McCain and Schumer were in lockstep agreement about the one principle that matters most - they both agreed in the Primacy of the State over the Citizen. Their only arguments revolved around what exactly the Citizen should be compelled to do. Posted by: ScoggaBama at August 27, 2018 04:03 PM (fiGNd) 380
How can I miss McCain if he won't go away? Posted by: JackStraw at August 27, 2018 04:02 PM (/tuJf) That line never gets old. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (ymnmz) 381
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
I strongly doubt that. Third world shit-holes aren't exactly meticulous keepers of crime statistics. Further, it's a well-known practice of pretty much every country that wants to pee in the United States' Wheaties to juke their crime, health, infant mortality, and pretty much every other stat to make themselves look better. Their methods, to the extent they use them at all, are not at all congruous with America's. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (NWiLs) 382
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
they way Mexican culture treats women this isn't really a surprise, your average "macho" mustachioed Mexican cop probably laughs at rape claims Posted by: brak at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (VckGX) 383
Ted Cruz wants you to stand for America. Beto thinks it's okay to kneel against America.
If Beto wins in Texas with that position , SMOD can't be that far behind. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (FOeaV) Yes, Beto said that. The media isn't reporting it. Cruz needs to pound that home. He's not campaigning that I've seen and Beto is running the shit out of "I've driven to all the counties in Texas, talking to the "people" on TV everywhere. Don't take this shit lightly. Cruz needs to win and win big to remind the Dems, they have NO CHANCE here. Posted by: Sponge at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (F4u7C) 384
376 353 How did Felonia do in TX?
Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 03:59 PM (I16G It was a blowout for Trump. Scankles lost by 9% Yes but that's before everyone knew how icky Trump was... eeeew Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (O2RFr) 385
>>>Not a single right-leaning site appeared on the first page of search results.
The problem with this is that it may seem to be based on objective metrics, but they could always rationalize and handwave it away. "CNN is a moderate site. We've determined that Fox and DailyCaller are hatespeech sites and that's why we've weighted them so they appear on the second or third page". You could ask them why and an endless argument would ensue. As impossible as it seems, alternatives need to be found to these organizations, and rogue judges need to be defrocked. There are just some areas where your adversary can just keep arguing on forever, so once you realize they are trolls, they need to be banhammered. The only way. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (/qEW2) 386
Exactly.. It's part of their wonderful"culture." Unfortunately they are bringing it here...
Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 03:47 PM (O2RFr) ------------------------- Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 03:56 PM (0jtPF) Oh, rape. There might be other... eh, factors that go into calculating rape rates than just, you know, how many rapes there are. Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (9chmE) 387
361 Money is the root of all evil.
Posted by: your neighbor with a telescope at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (yhYmR) --- Wrong. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not inherently evil. Just like guns aren't. Posted by: SMH at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (7UCSd) 388
The flag was lowered again at the White House, not a good move, the media is gonna run with this.
Posted by: WeBoned! at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (1rK0t) 389
Just like they have almost no unsolved murderes in Japan.They classify them as suicides...
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (mCMQ5) 390
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously.
DC's Blueplains Water treatment plant. Posted by: wrg500 at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (Bdeb0) 391
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (fqUgw
This. Other than having a problem with the freezer he was kept in, there must be a reason for the timing. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (EPnrI) 392
Yes but that's before everyone knew how icky Trump was... eeeew
Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (O2RFr) The "icky" is probably my strongest motivator to vote for him again !!! Posted by: ScoggaBama at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (fiGNd) 393
367 Good news.
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously. ---------------------- I would think naming Goldman Sachs would be more honest. Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (2LelM) 394
Rapes in Mexico rarely get reported because they are murdered or married off to the cousin or uncle who did it. Children are little better than livestock in rural mexico
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (6Ll1u) 395
Nooood. Schlicter.
Posted by: Eustace Haverkamp at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (XuYmQ) 396
Yeah,it's going to be an early night.
Posted by: steevy at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (mCMQ5) 397
The flag was lowered again at the White House, not a good move, the media is gonna run with this.
Posted by: WeBoned! at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (1rK0t) Jeebus. Where is Gen. Kelly? Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (ptqGC) 398
Ted Cruz wants you to stand for America. Beto thinks it's okay to kneel against America.
If Beto wins in Texas with that position , SMOD can't be that far behind. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (FOeaV) ----------- Robert is also out and proudly open borders, in the state with the biggest Mexican border. Posted by: Calm Mentor at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (I16G8) 399
Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
they way Mexican culture treats women this isn't really a surprise, your average "macho" mustachioed Mexican cop probably laughs at rape claims Posted by: brak Based upon multiple reports of women claiming to have been drugged and attacked in Mexico at resorts, and their subsequent treatment by those authorities, I'm calling bullshit on a lower rate. Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (vvSBD) 400
388 The flag was lowered again at the White House, not a good move, the media is gonna run with this.
That is a mistake... Should have stuck with protocol Posted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (O2RFr) Posted by: ScoggDog at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (fiGNd) 402
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously.
Chuck and McCain: Two peas in a pod. Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 27, 2018 04:01 PM (ptqGC) You know what? A lot of us didn't trust McCain--with good reason, of course. But it's funny to see the Democrats claim McCain as one of their own when the man was a Republican who got elected many times as a Republican and *mostly* voted with the Republicans. He NEVER changed his party affiliation and all but the dimmest LIV's know he was a Republican. If there is any goodwill to scoop up for lionizing McCain, why wouldn't it redound to his party, the Republicans? Posted by: BOTS at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (y8Foj) 403
Cruz is doing a lot of campaigning - but he's going through rural areas and smaller cities, just like he did last time, so he doesn't get any major coverage. There is no point to him doing much in Dallas, Houston, and Austin, the media capitols, because those are the dem strongholds. But Ted is all over East Texas today - campaign stops in Corsicana and Palestine, tomorrow he'll be in Carthage and Lufkin and Marshall, then Wednesday he'll head to West Texas and Lubbock.
You know what all of those cities have in common? No one in any of those cities is EVER contacted by any pollsters, because they think they aren't big enough to bother counting. That's how they slant the polls - they only poll DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonia, and they say that is the same as the entire state. It Isn't. Posted by: Tom Servo at August 27, 2018 04:07 PM (k1TUh) 404
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 27, 2018 04:07 PM (mpXpK) 405
That is a mistake... Should have stuck with protocolPosted by: It's me donna at August 27, 2018 04:06 PM (O2RFr) Agreed, bad decision. Posted by: WeBoned! at August 27, 2018 04:08 PM (1rK0t) 406
Wrong. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not inherently evil. Just like guns aren't. Posted by: SMH at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (7UCSd) Also translated as "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil," meaning many different evils can grow from the love of money. Not that all evil branches from the love of money. Sin is the root of all evil, if you want to get all theologicalistic about it. Posted by: Insomniac at August 27, 2018 04:08 PM (NWiLs) 407
The democrats should all move to Mexico. Problem solved.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 27, 2018 04:08 PM (1ISKN) 408
Chuck Schemer wants to rename the Russell senate building after McCain. Seriously. ---------------------- I would think naming Goldman Sachs would be more honest. Posted by: Puddin Head at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (2LelM) Renaming the NTSB's building in McCains honor would be more fitting Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 04:08 PM (10vO4) 409
Sponge, you have to be in the wbap listening area. They have beaten Robbie like a rented mule after that statement. They ran it in every segment for days.
Posted by: Ben Had at August 27, 2018 04:08 PM (D/yfw) 410
they way Mexican culture treats women this isn't
really a surprise, your average "macho" mustachioed Mexican cop probably laughs at rape claims Posted by: brak at August 27, 2018 04:04 PM (VckGX) I'm picturing the young lady walking into the police station saying "I'm not really dating this guy, but we've hooked up a few times before, and so the other night I was a bit drunk, and he sorta took advantage of my drunkenness. That's rape.... right?" Yeah, that's gonna get reported. Or the gal who wants to report being ganged up on by a bunch of dudes, walked into the police station, takes a look around, and says "On second thought fellas, I'm good." Then skedaddles back the way she came. Posted by: BurtTC at August 27, 2018 04:09 PM (9chmE) 411
355 "Mexico actually has a significantly lower rape rate than the US.
" All of the rapists came here for the easy-pickings. Posted by: Cicero Boom chicka boom Kaboom! Kid at August 27, 2018 04:09 PM (XsTuH) 412
13 alternate search engines to Google that find what Google doesn't ( article): 11 private search engines that don't track you ( article) Google's search engine share has been falling for a while, and is now down to around 70% of all searches -- Still huge, but headed in the right direction. Posted by: GnuBreed at August 27, 2018 04:10 PM (0ogQG) 413
Money is the root of all evil. Nope, sorry. It's the love of money that's the root of all evil. IOW, putting money ahead of people. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM (HaL55) 414
Anti-Rights Leftist Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy Tweets Elevates Numbers Labeling Jacksonville 234th Mass Shooting of 2018
- August 27 is the 249th day of the year so no quite one per day. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM (+y/Ru) 415
342---You seriously believe that to be accurate?
Posted by: irright at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (pMGkg) --------------------------- My guess is that it is accurate. What do you think happens to a guy in the average Mexican village/neighborhood who rapes a woman? What do you think her male relatives will do? Very often the "toxic masculinity" that may allow mistreating women also allows protection against OTHERS seeking to hurt her. But you remove these guys from the old country and all bets are off. (Also, in regard to the US rape rate, if you remove certain demographic clusters---and I do not mean Latinos --- it goes waaaay down.) Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM (0jtPF) 416
The flag was lowered again at the White House, not a good move, the media is gonna run with this.
Posted by: WeBoned! at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM Never fear... Trump will tweet it's for the poor girl killed in the midwest. Just to twist the balls (several deviations below the norm, sizewise) of the media. Posted by: Forgot My Nic at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM (LOgQ4) 417
We need some good news.
Now I am really getting worried about Cruz. Abbott is running for governor, so they are both on the ballot. Posted by: redridinghood at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM (hECVl) 418
Posted by: Tom Servo at August 27, 2018 04:07 PM (k1TUh)
He still needs to hit the big cities to push Republican turnout. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at August 27, 2018 04:12 PM (FOeaV) 419
It's the love of money that's the root of all evil. IOW, putting money ahead of people.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at August 27, 2018 04:11 PM Wrong, yet again. It's the lack of money which is the root of all evil. So send me some of yours. I don't want to be evil. Posted by: Forgot My Nic at August 27, 2018 04:13 PM (LOgQ4) 420
387 361 Money is the root of all evil.
Posted by: your neighbor with a telescope at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (yhYmR) --- Wrong. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not inherently evil. Just like guns aren't. Posted by: SMH at August 27, 2018 04:05 PM (7UCSd) Guns and money are too completely different things. I doubt you would say or agree with that the love/lust of guns is the root of all kinds of evil. In the Current Year, I blame the Love/Lust of Money. Posted by: your neighbor with a telescope at August 27, 2018 04:14 PM (yhYmR) 421
359---They have numerous decapitations and kidnapping. But they have a lower incidence of rape?
Posted by: Blue Hen at August 27, 2018 04:00 PM (vvSBD) ------------------------- There is no international correlation between rape and murder rates. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at August 27, 2018 04:15 PM (0jtPF) 422
---You seriously believe that to be accurate? Posted by: irright at August 27, 2018 03:58 PM (pMGkg) --------------------------- My guess is that it is accurate. If you live in a culture where a female family member being raped brings shame upon the entire family I doubt you can get an accurate number. Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 27, 2018 04:15 PM (10vO4) 423
I'm going out on a limb and stating that it's expected of people in America to put money ahead of people to advance their careers and social status. If you don't, it sends a signal for you to be punished by those who act and behave in evil ways who are Our Betters and Our Overlords.
Posted by: your neighbor with a telescope at August 27, 2018 04:17 PM (yhYmR) 424
left has kicked moderate establishment liberalism to curb. they say clintonista corporate democrats your discredited we are taking over now! no more mr. nice guy.
Posted by: wammo at August 27, 2018 04:18 PM (Y84vI) 425
Totally off topic
Back from the dental clean & scrape with most of my face hole numb. I was smart enough not to grab a meal yet and end up eating a hamburger with a side of cheek and tongue like the last visit. Put my tongue in some ice water to get some moisture without major drooling. Tongue can sense liquid and hard items, but no sense of temperature at all. Always fun and weird testing what and how anesthetics do. Posted by: Least clever student in the 6th grade class at August 27, 2018 04:21 PM (Pi3Fh) 426
425 Totally off topic
Back from the dental clean & scrape with most of my face hole numb. how many fingers did you harvest? Posted by: Anachronda at August 27, 2018 04:25 PM (xGZ+b) 427
What frustrates me is that the "right" is so willing to destroy themselves, in order to stop Trump. Their sacred honor, their alleged principles hold that its better for the left to win than the right that they have no power over. If they can't win, then they are determined their enemies win rather than their alleged allies.
Which really means: their true enemies are conservatives. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at August 27, 2018 04:30 PM (39g3+) 428
I don't think Robert Francis O'Rourke will even get to abortion Barbie's numbers. He is down by 4 points in.....Austin.
I can only go by what I see in my old suburban Houston Neighborhood: one Cruz sign - about a dozen Beto signs. Most houses - like mine - don't have signs. Libs do love to virtue signal. I'm afraid Culberson - my Republican rep may be in trouble - due to changing demographics from the Harvey flood. Posted by: An Observation at August 27, 2018 04:33 PM (O9jhU) 429
Avoid Twitter and Facebook at all costs avoid them like the Flu
Posted by: Tamaa the Bird of 1000 Voices at August 27, 2018 04:37 PM (wGqjj) 430
left has kicked moderate establishment liberalism to curb. they say
clintonista corporate democrats your discredited we are taking over now! no more mr. nice guy. Yes, that is what that Communist turd who heads up the Young Turks called for after Hillary crashed and burned. Good - they need to be exposed for what they are. Posted by: An Observation at August 27, 2018 04:38 PM (O9jhU) 431
Interesting. So I guess this means everyone can now go on Twitter and start calling liberal women c*nts and advocate for their children to be murdered.
Someone make a meme of Will Farrell with "Will Ferrell yelling Meme Generator" saying "You're a C*NT! And I hope your children are murdered!" Boom. That could then be the standard response to *anything* said by a liberal woman from here forward. Thanks to the Twitter ruling. Posted by: Clyde Shelton at August 27, 2018 04:41 PM (7A4qQ) 432
The White House lowered the flag again today.
In an unrelated development, they did host a mariachi band on the WH lawn. Posted by: xnycpeasant at August 27, 2018 05:03 PM (koNhm) 433
So why keep supporting Twitter by featuring stories about them?
Posted by: Anchovy at August 27, 2018 06:38 PM (srWwQ) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.0832 seconds. |
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