aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | It's About Time: Autotrader Announces it Will No Longer Advertise on Samantha Bee's Show
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)Posted by: Bete, deplorable bot of melancholy at May 31, 2018 03:23 PM (Ojki1) 2
Posted by: Rhino the Hamster at May 31, 2018 03:24 PM (XiVKO) Posted by: Rick in SK at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (FZYNt) 4
Your 'standards' assure you lose.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (fceHP) 6
You will be hearing from my trademark lawyers, Mr. AceOfSpades.
Posted by: John Edwards at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (warH9) 7
It's only a New Rule call if her show gets canceled and she gets fired. Otherwise, it's just more piss in our faces.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (QQ+il) 8
Ivanka is beautiful
Samantha is grotesquely ugly. She's simply jealous. That's all there is to it. A jealous ugly girl. Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (c+2jX) 9
Hear, Hear!!!
The nasty bitch Michelle Wolfe, who savaged Sarah Sanders at the nerd prom was rewarded by the Susan Rice led Netflix with a multimillion dollar production deal. The left takes care of it's own. It's time to target companies like Netflix who reward their agent provocateurs!!! Posted by: Kreplach at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (UfMVm) 10
It's not a law, it's a social compact. And like any social compact you can't let the assholes rewrite it every few weeks.
Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (vDqXW) 11
Well, they've SUSPENDED sponsorship. I would like to have seen the word CANCELLED.
Posted by: hobbitopoly at May 31, 2018 03:27 PM (MX7xj) 12
Going Alinsky on them can work!
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:27 PM (md3fh) 13
Boy, I can't wait to toast all of this tomorrow for TGIF. Been an interesting week. Things feel like they are at the tipping point, in our favor, for once. Well, twice, after Trump won. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (fceHP) 14
How did Bee's apology read? "I'm sooper sorry I called the President's daughter a feckless c^*t. I meant to say she was a retarded c^*t."
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (ty7RM) 15
I think most just want the opposite double standard, where conservatives get a pass and liberals don't.
...thereby proving you have no earthly idea what a conservative is. Posted by: t-bird at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (nBBdT) 16
Hopefully , just 5 more hockey games then bye bye DiecTV.
Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (warH9) 17
Alex Griswold is such a feckless cunt.
Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (CPk08) 18
Ivanka is beautiful
Samantha is grotesquely ugly. She's simply jealous. That's all there is to it. A jealous ugly girl. ======== And insanely wealthy. That galls her too. Ivanka will have a wonderful, happy, full life. Bee will end up worse than Stormy Daniels. Posted by: bicentennialguy at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (vg8iE) 19
Cool. I've bought two cars off Autotrader listings.
Posted by: JEM at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (0KBj7) Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (warH9) 21
We need more of this. A lot more. We need to start punishing media companies and, more importantly, media companies' advertisers, just like they do to us, until the Balance of Terror is equal on both sides.
Amen, Best Blogger in the Blogosphere. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (fceHP) 22
9 Hear, Hear!!!
The nasty bitch Michelle Wolfe, who savaged Sarah Sanders at the nerd prom was rewarded by the Susan Rice led Netflix with a multimillion dollar production deal. The left takes care of it's own. It's time to target companies like Netflix who reward their agent provocateurs!!! Posted by: Kreplach at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (UfMVm) I notified Netflix in no unclear words that I was cancelling because of the Obamas and because of that nasty Wolff creature. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (7UW64) 23
Her apology is worthless unless everyone involved gets canned.
Posted by: AZ Hi Desert at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (O9qtX) 24
>>>17 Alex Griswold is such a feckless cunt.
he looks like he'd get a nosebleed from walking stairs. The weaklings like to herd. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (8rNrN) 25
A rule which does not bind all men equally is not a rule.
Never forget that Tyranny is not marked out by its severity but rather by its capriciousness. A government of men rather than laws. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (QQ+il) 26
Lefts getting the new rules treatment.
Ain't tired of winning yet. Posted by: Bete We told them they wouldn't like the new rules. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (KpEyG) 27
David Solway has a good two-part essay at PJMedia on this topic, and ponders drastic measures.
I'm skeptical and tend to think Ace is correct about eventual national fragmentation. If we go, the rest of the world goes with us into an irretrievable dark age. Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (v6UKb) 28
The Media IS 1984, writ large.... to not see this is part of the problem... I won't make comparisons to Weimar Germany... but I could.
Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (zSVEm) 29
I'll repeat from the last three, the c word was bad but her reference to Ivanka wearing something tight and low cut to get her way with PDT is just as reprehensible. There is no apology in reality and no redemption int hat souls broad.
Posted by: rammajamma at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (AjNMO) 30
Who is this Griswold holier than thou douchebag?
Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (y1gYQ) 31
There's a Star Wars episode called Balance of Terror.
Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (vDqXW) Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (MnkFD) 33
>>he looks like he'd get a nosebleed from walking stairs.
He has a blood condition! Every 3 1/2 weeks or so... Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (warH9) Posted by: JEM at May 31, 2018 03:30 PM (0KBj7) 35
David French fiercely defending Sam Bee yet?
Posted by: TJ at May 31, 2018 03:31 PM (CzbE+) 36
Is twitter anything other than a mechanism for self-harm?
Giving twitter to a celebrity is like giving a razor blade to a moody goth girl. Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:31 PM (c+2jX) 37
And this fey soy-cuck Alex Griswold is...who?
Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at May 31, 2018 03:31 PM (RD7QR) 38
first, everyone is virtue signalling by how awful roseanne is...and the goal posts are really off target. Is the tweet super mega hitler KKK raycist or kinda meh racist. There's only one answer or you'll prob get doxxed and fired.
The roseanne rule is insane and should be applied to liberals until they relent. So, fuck samanta bee, she's a bit too self satisfied for her skill set, which as far as I can tell, is being moderately hot mother of 4 looking, suitable for a Lifetime movie. The kind where her husband gets cancer, not where she has an affair with a vivacious person of color. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:32 PM (FOPyv) 39
The lefty side of America is fragmenting all right. The solid core will hold, though, IMO. Under Trump traditional American values are regaining strength while the other side falls apart. Watch the crowds on Right Side Broadcasting when the cover a Trump event and you'll see what I mean.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:32 PM (md3fh) 40
I truly loathe the c-word, but it is equally awful that this applause-whore made Ivanka out to be interested in seducing her father.
Filth. And I suspect not a little bit of projection. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:32 PM (7UW64) 41
David French fiercely defending Sam Bee yet?
Posted by: TJ at May 31, 2018 03:31 PM (CzbE+) --- You think the right scumbags would *defend* her, even applaud her free speech rights. Posted by: David French-SurrenderMonkey at May 31, 2018 03:32 PM (vDqXW) Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (8rNrN) 43
This is not a novel, hard-to-understand, or revolutionary idea. We demand that we be treated equally. If a rule shall be inflicted on us, then we demand it be inflicted on the High Caste as well. If it is not to be inflicted on the High Caste, then we reject the rule as not a rule at all.
Hillary really really really threw this in our faces. And Comey wrote the Horror flick script reveal. Hillary helped build this, after Obama helped build this new wave. We need a name for it. Trumpin'Thumpin'FreedomWave Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (fceHP) 44
I didn't see where this twit's show was cancelled..... They playing field isn't level yet.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (7ZVPa) 45
So have they kicked the black kids out of Samantha Bee's kids school yet?
Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (O5Q3r) 46
"Caste" is pronounced "kast," not "kayst."
But I always wanted to pronounce it "kayst" to distinguish it from "cast." Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (8LKJx) 47
42 >>>37 And this fey soy-cuck Alex Griswold is...who?
a cautionary tale of Tofu Madness. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (8rNrN) I thought he was the guy who told them the shitter was full. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (7UW64) 48
I suspect the Washington Free Beacon has similar ownership/funding pools to the other cuckservitor websites.
Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (8rNrN) 49
===== Obama Allies Scheme to Kneecap Trump's New National Security Team ===== they are really this dumb? do they have a clue what John Bolton is like & whether he gives a Rats Ass what they think? Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (y3aQB) 50
Moose out front should have told Griswold to get his shinebox.
Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (y1gYQ) 51
>> Ivanka is beautiful
======================== Right around the election, some female funny gal said something like: "I'm trying to hate Ivanka, bust she's so beautiful and looks like she smells like vanilla." I choose to think she actually does smell like. And has exotic taste in lingerie. Mostly the lingerie bit. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (ty7RM) 52
46 "Caste" is pronounced "kast," not "kayst."
But I always wanted to pronounce it "kayst" to distinguish it from "cast." Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (8LKJx) It is pronounced that way if you grew up in Wyoming. ![]() Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (7UW64) 53
You keep saying things like, "We need more of this." Well, put up, already. Identify a particular sponsor, publish contact information, and try to get readers here to influence behavior.
Otherwise, your call to action is just bitching. Posted by: RichieC at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (N2ODI) 54
I get tired of the 'Christian' argument that we should all just lay down and accept this abuse. Honestly I think it's this perversion of the idea that allowed the left to get so much traction in the culture wars.
Posted by: Alskari at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (tdVTp) 55
I think the comparison with "jury nullification" is apt. That's why evangelicals and other socons didn't bite on the media parading Stormy Daniels around.
20 years ago, maybe even 10 years ago, they would have and Trump would have lost his base.... Posted by: JoeF. at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (7uYFy) 56
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (ty7RM) 57
"Caste" is pronounced "kast," not "kayst." But I always wanted to pronounce it "kayst" to distinguish it from "cast." Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 31, 2018 03:33 PM (8LKJx) Did someone say 'paste'? Posted by: Joey Choo Choo at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (8iiMU) 58
36 Is twitter anything other than a mechanism for self-harm?
Giving twitter to a celebrity is like giving a razor blade to a moody goth girl. Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:31 PM (c+2jX) So... is there a way we can get more celebrities on Twitter? Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (ycWCI) 59
Conservative thought means what WE say it means. If you're still taking any cues from anyone but yourself and how you were raised, you are doing it wrong.
There are a lot more of us than there are of them, so why have we been taking the high road, whatever the hell that is. I'm going to continue rubbing these feckless cunts the wrong way, every day. Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (Y9uH4) 60
Bee will end up worse than Stormy Daniels.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (vg8iE) Hey, I'm doing just fine, thank you! I am the official deep throater for Truck Stops of America and I throw out the first blowjob at the Sturgis Motercycle Rally. Posted by: Anonymous White Male at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (9BLnV) 61
Controlling who may speak, and how they may do so, is an ambition of 99% of the population. Regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation.
Controlling Speech, and thereby controlling Thought, is a power too great for just about everyone. Yet just about everyone desires to wield it. Posted by: Hypocrisy at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (Tf/vJ) 62
The Left is in the cultural cockpit and is remorselessly determined to render conservatives as the 'untouchables', Indian-style.
Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (v6UKb) 63
>>>53 You keep saying things like, "We need more of this." Well, put up, already. Identify a particular sponsor, publish contact information, and try to get readers here to influence behavior.
Otherwise, your call to action is just bitching. Posted by: RichieC ... fair point, and it's occurred to me. I'll give it some thought. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (8rNrN) 64
Samatha Bee is not grotesquely ugly. She's average looking, looks improved with makeup. She may be jealous of Ivanka, but she-as all the left does-loathes Trump and can get her accolades from calling Ivanka a c***t and get a dig in at Trump by implying he and his daughter are having sex together.
The rest of the sponsors need to get on board with pulling their sponsorship. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (vw6r3) 65
I thought Griswold was on vacation at Wally World.
Posted by: wth at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (HgMAr) 66
It's the opposite of Jim Gerraughty: We want to apply *their* rules across the board.
We are done with them using our values - such as respecting free speech - against us. Kurt Schlichter has been saying this for a while: You will not like the New Rules. Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (W+vEI) 67
Bee should apologize for being a talentless flack.
If she'd had a joke in there somewhere, she could have defended it. As it was, it wasn't anything but gratuitous profanity in lieu of wit. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (oVJmc) 68
ABC has every right to fire Ros....
That's us retreating in the face of the SJW red menace. And Geraghty has just now arrived to gawk at the still-smoldering-wreckage. Posted by: 13times at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (K3B2k) 69
No, I think it's cynical and partisan. I think most just want the opposite double standard, where conservatives get a pass and liberals don't. This Alex guy is a d*ck. Bubble living. Get out some, son. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (fceHP) 70
If Bill Kristol and Michael Moore sat beside each other on a hot day would they melt into one giant, gooey marshmallow?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (nBr1j) 71
54 I get tired of the 'Christian' argument that we should all just lay down and accept this abuse. Honestly I think it's this perversion of the idea that allowed the left to get so much traction in the culture wars.
Posted by: Alskari at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (tdVTp) You can simultaneously forgive someone for their misbehavior and protect yourself from its fallout or a repeat performance. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (7UW64) 72
Not only was the Bee comment scripted it was done almost immediately after the Barr meltdown. There is no way that was a coincidence. They did it to show they could and that nothing would happen to them.
This shit has gone on for way too long. Posted by: JackStraw at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (/tuJf) 73
I worked for a company that printed Auto Trader magazines. That was a huge market.
I would deliver them all over New England and down through Philly and all over the five Boroughs of NYC. We delivered literally tractor trailer loads of those things every week. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (+Dllb) Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (y1gYQ) 75
The Free Beacon isn't the Weekly Kristrout.
They don't suck any more routinely than half the right blogosphere. I'm watching RedState's fitful efforts to dispose of the Susan Wright Era. Posted by: JEM at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (0KBj7) 76
Man, I gorked that post up. It was funny in my head, anyway.
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (ty7RM) 77
I think he's gonna pork her, Dad!
Posted by: Rusty Griswald at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (warH9) 78
The Left is why we can't have nice things - decorum, decency, respect, a civil society....
Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Proudly Sponsors The Last Voyage of the Sea Cuck! at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (hLRSq) 79
>>>58 36 Is twitter anything other than a mechanism for self-harm?
twitter is a place for femmes and cucks to reassure each other that they are in the fat soft middle of the herd and therefore protected from predators. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (8rNrN) 80
BTW a few of our NeverTrumper regulars who have moved on since the election intimated that Trump was sexually attracted to his own daughter.
Posted by: steevy at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (LiyEm) 81
Yumm, giant gooey marshmallows! -- Homer
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (md3fh) 82
46 "Caste" is pronounced "kast," not "kayst."
But I always wanted to pronounce it "kayst" to distinguish it from "cast." Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug The Untouchable caste is often harassed for living in waste and having bad taste. Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (c+2jX) 83
For Sale:
Posted by: Roland THTG at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (xBSm0) 84
So before I get to my point, I just want to say that Roseanne's incredibly racist tweet is one of the most horrifyingly racist statements ever made for which there is no justification or defense.
Now that the required preamble is out of the way, I still don't see how the tweet was racist. Posted by: mugiwara at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (SnqEw) Posted by: Clark Griswald at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (8rNrN) 86
almost comical how Griswold's reaction is a textbook example of projection - he unquestioningly assumes that is what conservatives want, because that is the only thing he would want. He isn't capable of thinking any other way.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (k1TUh) 87
List of Feckless C*nts:
@TheOrkinMan @TacoBell @Apple @Verizon @HaagenDazs_US @JimBeam @Windows @Febreze_Fresh @Discover @GEICO @SNICKERS @DPAssociation @outshinesnacks @StateFarm Posted by: Joe Bar at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (wexIo) 88
>>>Yet: Samantha Bee's joke was scripted and rehearsed, whereas Roseanne's was clearly tossed off spontaneously.<<<
The show was also taped at about 6pm with an airtime of 10:30pm, so the producers and TBS had several hours to review the show and felt it was within their parameters. As did the Standards and Practices of TBS. Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, formerly known as MrCaniac at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (fdTrp) 89
Right around the election, some female funny gal said something like: "I'm trying to hate Ivanka, bust she's so beautiful and looks like she smells like vanilla."
I choose to think she actually does smell like. And has exotic taste in lingerie. I imagine her naked under her clothes. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (QQ+il) 90
Or can I pronounce it "kayst?"
Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (8LKJx) 91
72 And I suspect to provoke a response from people who don't have cover.
Posted by: steevy at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (LiyEm) 92
Dennis Prager says fear of the Left is the biggest factor in the USA
Posted by: Skip at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (aC6Sd) 93
Posted by: mugiwara at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (SnqEw)M
Especially if you take her at her word that she thought VJ was Iranian. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at May 31, 2018 03:38 PM (y1gYQ) 94
Christianity has been, IN SOME CASES, subverted and then weaponized by the Progressives as yet another part of their campaign against traditional Western Culture.
This is not a new thing. Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (zSVEm) 95
Racist as a term has become completely meaningless. It can probably be used as noun, verb, adverb, pronoun or conjunction in any circumstance whatsoever. Means nothing.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (md3fh) 96
The Untouchable caste
is often harassed for living in waste and having bad taste. Posted by: zombie We love you, but you ain't no Muldoon. Posted by: JEM at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (0KBj7) 97
>>>86 almost comical how Griswold's reaction is a textbook example of projection - he unquestioningly assumes that is what conservatives want, because that is the only thing he would want. He isn't capable of thinking any other way.
Posted by: Tom Servo well this has been an eye-opening couple of years for me. For decades the left has charged that the right was full of groupthink and received wisdom and because-I-said-so reflexive nonthought and a lack of imagination. It pains me to see that the left was 88% correct. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (8rNrN) 98
===== Obama Allies Scheme to Kneecap Trump's New National Security Team ===== they are really this dumb? do they have a clue what John Bolton is like & whether he gives a Rats Ass what they think? Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (y3aQB) I believe they are. How do we know that Obama's allies weren't behind WhoaFat's attack on Bolton and Pence--that caused Trump to cancel his trip? How can we be sure that Obama's peeps are trying to buck up our erstwhile European allies and encouraging them to not go along with Trump's Iran sanctions? Posted by: JoeF. at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (7uYFy) 99
This is knda like my take on relationships.
I'm perfectly willing to play any game where the rules are applied equally and don't change. ...needless to say, alone. And I will always be single. Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (warH9) 100
Kind of blew up in their face though,today would have been all Roaseann and the atmosphere Trump created if this didn't happen.
Posted by: steevy at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (LiyEm) 101
This is not a novel, hard-to-understand, or revolutionary idea. We demand that we be treated equally. If a rule shall be inflicted on us, then we demand it be inflicted on the High Caste as well. If it is not to be inflicted on the High Caste, then we reject the rule as not a rule at all.
---------- To do otherwise is to cede the argument to the left. If you will not require of the left what they require of the right, you are essentially admitting that their position is stronger. Posted by: SH at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (sX1BW) 102
14 How did Bee's apology read? "I'm sooper sorry I called the President's daughter a feckless c^*t. I meant to say she was a retarded c^*t."
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:28 PM (ty7RM) ------------- I'm guessing it's along the lines of "I'm deeply sorry that you mouth-breather conservatives got all butthurt over me calling that feckless c#$% Ivanka a feckless c@#$. I'll do better in the future to use words you likely won't understand when insulting your fapfodder." School is out. There is no more class. It is time for us to remember St. Breitbart's call to #WAR Posted by: reason at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (XiVKO) 103
Racist as a term has become completely meaningless. It can probably be used as noun, verb, adverb, pronoun or conjunction in any circumstance whatsoever. Means nothing.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (md3fh) Kind of like "fuck." Posted by: JoeF. at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (7uYFy) 104
Bee will end up worse than Stormy Daniels.
Posted by: bicentennialguy Nothing worse than a 45 yr old pole dancer with no experience. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (KpEyG) 105
It's the opposite of Jim Gerraughty: We want to apply *their* rules across the board.
We are done with them using our values - such as respecting free speech - against us. Kurt Schlichter has been saying this for a while: You will not like the New Rules. Posted by: Lizzy The only rule is that only members can hand out rules like candy! Die, peon, die! Posted by: The Committee for the Uniparty at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (zfrbv) 106
Posted by: Joe Bar at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (wexIo)
Well, shit. I can't boycott them, because I'm not a customer. I guess I could write them nasty notes. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (7UW64) 107
The rest of the sponsors need to get on board with pulling their sponsorship.
======================== I'm not disagreeing, but do you really think they would pull the plug on her? Soros has enough money rolling around in his ashtray to keep "Full Frontal" on the air for the next 150 years. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (ty7RM) 108
I would nominate Guy Benson to cuck status as well.
His new Fox radio show is insufferable, and he was in full-fledged support of Howdy-Doody. Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (v6UKb) 109
We need to be like Trump. Don't back down! Double down! Barr made the fatal mistake of backing down. Jarrett IS a Muslim. There is no denying that. Start making fun of the liberals and progressives and shove it back in their faces. At this point, why Not?
Posted by: bladerunner at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (sq/yX) 110
>>>108 I would nominate Guy Benson to cuck status as well.
Um, I'm pretty sure he filed his own nomination papers some time ago, dude. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:41 PM (8rNrN) 111
It's not a law, it's a social compact. And like any social compact you can't let the assholes rewrite it every few weeks.
Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (vDqXW) Ignore that one! No one has changed the rules of animal farm is painted on the barn! They are the same as always! Must be a Snowball agent. Posted by: Napoloeon at May 31, 2018 03:41 PM (hLRSq) Posted by: Mrs Guy Benson at May 31, 2018 03:41 PM (warH9) 113
Turning the other cheek just invites more of the same behavior.
It's pacifism in the face of aggressors. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 03:41 PM (oVJmc) 114
Posted by: Joe Bar at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (wexIo)
Thanks. I'll take State Farm since I have their home owners insurance. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (QQ+il) 115
Bee's show must be cancelled and her staff be put out of work or the whole thing remains bullshit
Posted by: CN at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (5gaNQ) 116
SH, correct. I should mention that more often. The right sure acts like it has a guilty mind when it forever accepts the left's fundamental premise that we are evil and irredeemable. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (8rNrN) Posted by: JackStraw at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (/tuJf) 118
I once heard on the BBC a discussion of how the word fuck had become universal. Someone told of a machinist in a factory whose lathe had broken down. When the foreman came to check it out, he was told "fuckin' fucker's fucked" -- adjective noun and verb forms making up a complete sentence with only one root word.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (md3fh) 119
104 Bee will end up worse than Stormy Daniels.
Posted by: bicentennialguy Nothing worse than a 45 yr old pole dancer with no experience. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:40 PM (KpEyG) Yeah, the guys are supposed to tip you, not heckle you. Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at May 31, 2018 03:42 PM (RD7QR) 120
You don't achieve results in this sort of thing by an unfocused boycott. You are actually more likely to receive results from, "nasty notes."
But the best way is for the dozens or hundreds of reader here who want to do something to pick ONE advertiser to target. That is where Ace comes in. Enough of the, "Someone should do something!!!" Name names and ask your readers to do something specific. Posted by: RichieC at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (N2ODI) 121
The most outrageous part of this story is that a white person like Valerie Jarrett can claim to be black and not get pilloried for "cultural appropriation" like her fellow traveler Rachel Dolezal.
Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (c+2jX) Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (QQ+il) 123
Go back over the northern border from whence you came, you humorless Newfie iceback!
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (pNxlR) 124
The 'I'm actually a' is understood.
Posted by: Mrs Guy Benson at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (warH9) 125
114 Posted by: Joe Bar at May 31, 2018 03:37 PM (wexIo)
Thanks. I'll take State Farm since I have their home owners insurance. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'm in as well for state farm. I have all policies through them. Bitches. Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (Y9uH4) 126
We need more of this. A lot more. We need to start punishing media companies and, more importantly, media companies' advertisers, just like they do to us, until the Balance of Terror is equal on both sides. Amen, Best Blogger in the Blogosphere. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:29 PM (fceHP) Hey lefties....... Do you want to play? Posted by: WOPR at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (ymnmz) 127
Right around the election, some female funny gal said something like: "I'm trying to hate Ivanka, bust she's so beautiful and looks like she smells like vanilla."
I choose to think she actually does smell like. And has exotic taste in lingerie. I imagine her naked under her clothes. Posted by: Grump928 Victoria's Secret model. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (KpEyG) 128
well this has been an eye-opening couple of years for me. For decades the left has charged that the right was full of groupthink and received wisdom and because-I-said-so reflexive nonthought and a lack of imagination.
It pains me to see that the left was 88% correct. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (8rNrN) I think you are falling into the fallacy they want you to fall into. Socialism and statism rely on the concepts of propaganda that say that a very small minority (who believes in a certain thing) are much larger and more pervasive than they are. To Libs it is doctrine. It forces people to lose heart and question their own beliefs, because 'hey, if EVERYONE thinks like that maybe I am wrong' or 'If everyone thinks that way, what chance do I have?' It also starts you looking over your shoulder waiting for the knife in the back, or waiting for the footsteps in the middle of the night. It gets the target to thinking of themselves as a minority and more importantly as a target. Don't play that game. Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 31, 2018 03:44 PM (ycWCI) 129
89 Right around the election, some female funny gal said something like: "I'm trying to hate Ivanka, bust she's so beautiful and looks like she smells like vanilla."
I choose to think she actually does smell like. And has exotic taste in lingerie. I imagine her naked under her clothes. Posted by: Grump928(c) Black leather corset, thigh high stiletto boots. Be right back.... Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 03:44 PM (Bdeb0) 130
"84 So before I get to my point, I just want to say that Roseanne's incredibly racist tweet is one of the most horrifyingly racist statements ever made for which there is no justification or defense.
Now that the required preamble is out of the way, I still don't see how the tweet was racist." yes yes, Roseanne's tweet which brought about a completely justified reaction from ABC for the horror she visited on the world can never be fixed, yet... it's a big stupid meh. Roseanne should take her ball and go to netflix or something and make money while ABC fails. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:44 PM (FOPyv) 131
>>Nothing worse than a 45 yr old pole dancer with no experience.
That's not's eczema Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:44 PM (warH9) 132
Christianity has been, IN SOME CASES, subverted and then weaponized by the Progressives as yet another part of their campaign against traditional Western Culture. This is not a new thing *high five* Posted by: Pope Francis at May 31, 2018 03:45 PM (VckGX) 133
"Right around the election, some female funny gal said something like: "I'm trying to hate Ivanka, BUST she's so beautiful and looks like she smells like vanilla."
I choose to think she actually does smell like. And has exotic taste in lingerie." 'Bust' eh? Freudian slip? Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 31, 2018 03:45 PM (ycWCI) 134
Kurt Schlichter gives Alex Griswold virtual swirlies on Twitter every week it seems.
Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (OD2ni) Posted by: nip at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (ECLaL) 136
Ivanka busts me up.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (md3fh) 137
"If there is going to be a law, then the law shall apply to all.
If the law does not apply to all, then there shall be no law at all." Exactly! End affirmative action. End hate crime laws. End illegal alien benefits. All Americans are equal or they are not. Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (cQMpQ) 138
Make them live by the rules they've imposed on us.
Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (7HtZB) 139
The left truly do not know what to do. Nothing is sticking. They keep going lower and lower. More vulgar. Louder. Even some are pushing violence. Yet Trump keeps winning and the Democrat Party is panicking. This is just the calm before the storm. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (fceHP) 140
Bee's apology:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it." Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (W+vEI) 141
When you spend eight straight years saying it is "beyond the pale" to attack the sitting president (*or disagree with him) people tend to notice shit like you spending the very next eight years saying that defending (*or agreeing with) the sitting president is ALSO beyond the pale.
And let's not even bring up 2001-2008. Trump has revealed the man behind the curtain. It cannot be unseen. Posted by: Mega at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (iB20E) 142
"I would nominate Guy Benson to cuck status as well."
It is the continuous "I despise Trump. However he is doing great things and has a point" nonsense. They need to get that out at the end of the article in 4 point type like at the end of a lawyer informercial. Posted by: Mikey NTH - The Outrage Outlet Proudly Sponsors The Last Voyage of the Sea Cuck! at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (hLRSq) 143
>>>0 You don't achieve results in this sort of thing by an unfocused boycott. You are actually more likely to receive results from, "nasty notes."
But the best way is for the dozens or hundreds of reader here who want to do something to pick ONE advertiser to target. That is where Ace comes in. Enough of the, "Someone should do something!!!" Name names and ask your readers to do something specific. ... yes as I said, I think this is a good point, and I'll think about it. The thing is, I am not naturally an organizer. I feel out of place in the role. But you're right about vague rhetoric vs. actual tactical objectives. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (8rNrN) 144
At what point do demands to make ourselves servile and compliant end?
History gives us solid guidelines on this. Sadly, nobody ever seems to learn from them...and so the lesson must be repeated, over and over. Because the ones who make the demands think themselves exempt from consequences. What goes up... Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (AM1GF) 145
"The most outrageous part of this story is that a white person like Valerie Jarrett can claim to be black and not get pilloried for "cultural appropriation" like her fellow traveler Rachel Dolezal."
right, in thinking about planet of the occurred to me that the writers didn't want to make it an allegory for the races, right? (maybe they did but the girl apes are pretty white and the main human protagonist made out with one, right?) in order to not be an allegory about race, the apes were of a general animal hue not "blacks". Valerie's facial structure matches the ape mask. It's not about color it's about her weird face. and that she's the main source of evil behind obama's abject surrender to radical islam,. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (FOPyv) Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (fceHP) 147
Thanks. I'll take State Farm since I have their home owners insurance.
............ Do you know Jake? Posted by: wth at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (HgMAr) 148
Like I said in the other thread, if there are people who don't mind getting timed-out by
Twitter, it should be illustrative to tweet at this feckless cunt and tell her that she's a feckless cunt. I don't use Twitter, so I can't tell this feckless cunt that she's a feckless cunt that way. Just an idea. Posted by: Some guy at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (0d7v8) 149
140 Bee's apology:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it." Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (W+vEI) And the incest innuendo? **crickets** Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (7UW64) 150
Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump are in the news together....
And they're the adults in the room having serious policy discussion. WTF, 21st century. W T Everlovin' F. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (BRvh1) Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (warH9) 152
State Farm looks like the best one to influence if you have that. I don't. Jim Beam would work too. But I drink Crown. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (r+sAi) 153
Take them down one by one. At some point the entire edifice will collapse. It is teetering on the edge of the abyss already.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (md3fh) 154
Ace, I noticed that with the exception of a couple of re-tweets, your pal David French has been pretty quiet about Sam Bee. What a shock.
Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (OD2ni) 155
>>>I think you are falling into the fallacy they want you to fall into. Socialism and statism rely on the concepts of propaganda that say that a very small minority (who believes in a certain thing) are much larger and more pervasive than they are. To Libs it is doctrine. It forces people to lose heart and question their own beliefs, because 'hey, if EVERYONE thinks like that maybe I am wrong' or 'If everyone thinks that way, what chance do I have?' It also starts you looking over your shoulder waiting for the knife in the back, or waiting for the footsteps in the middle of the night.
well I look around at the "Thought Leaders" on the right and I seem them almost exclusively just repeating memes they saw their idiot Twitter Palz say. And they say it so dogmatically. There's no thought behind their pronouncements, but plenty of trembling anger and self-righteousness. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (8rNrN) 156
Who's this Alex Grosswold idiot? Glad I don't know. It is reflective of a lib though. They cannot grasp the fact there are people who just want America back and actuall apply the same standards regardless of politics. I do, and I sometimes catch heat for it on this site.
So stuff it Alex Gross wold. You are flat out wrong. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (VHwfF) Posted by: Italians at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (warH9) 158
My Malibu Guy Benson doll. With Coconut-Soy grip.
Posted by: 13times at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (K3B2k) 159
>>>154 Ace, I noticed that with the exception of a couple of re-tweets, your pal David French has been pretty quiet about Sam Bee. What a shock.
brother I'm as stunned as you are!!!! Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (8rNrN) Posted by: Paolo at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (ty7RM) 161
My email to State Farm:
I am extremely disappointed in your sponsorship of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. I have been a State Farm customer for Auto, Home & Life for over 10 years. Regardless of your political stance, the coarsening of our society is being sponsored by State Farm. I can always take my business elsewhere. Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (Y9uH4) 162
OT: Sort of because it involves Google search engines. Everyone has seen that they labelled the California Republican Party as Nazis, but why is Noam Chomsky's picture come up when you do a search for Adam Smith? ![]() Posted by: William Eaton at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (MuTTO) 163
And Bee will still get her "award" tonight.
Posted by: Sponge at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (Zz0t1) 164
Paolo to the white courtesy phone.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:49 PM (md3fh) 165
Never Trumpers, wrong side of history. They will learn.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette No they won't. If they were capable of learning, they wouldn't still be NeverTrumpers. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (AM1GF) 166
The thing is, I am not naturally an organizer. <<<
Maybe just a post of her sponsors, then people can share the link and contact if they use. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (r+sAi) 167
"well I look around at the "Thought Leaders" on the right and I seem them almost exclusively just repeating memes they saw their idiot Twitter Palz say. "
the only non cuck rightwing thought leaders are coulter and schlickter...and they, like trump, are not fit for polite society as deemed by our corporate overlords. which is funny, ABC is saying Roseanne is not fit for polite society, they mean...actually...her audience. But those people, dammit, still watch tv and buy things. The left won't be happy until they're purged. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (FOPyv) 168
I suspect the Washington Free Beacon has similar ownership/funding pools to the other cuckservitor websites.
Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (8rNrN) really sad to hear they have taken the wrong turn oh well I stopped visiting The Right Scoop because they went psycho on Trump supporters. Insanely psychotic. the Free Beacon used to cover good stuff, and even had some funnies by Sonny Bunch (or whoever), but sidebar stuff. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (fceHP) 169
"Christianity has been, IN SOME CASES, subverted and then weaponized by the Progressives as yet another part of their campaign against traditional Western Culture. "
Why can't conservatives do the same and apply Alinsky tactics of isolation and ridicule to the Left? I think Trump is doing exactly this with Twitter. Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (v6UKb) 170
Ultimately, we should ask ourselves, " is all of this happening over 10 miles from us"???
Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (zSVEm) 171
I think you are falling into the fallacy they want you to fall into. Socialism and statism rely on the concepts of propaganda that say that a very small minority (who believes in a certain thing) are much larger and more pervasive than they are."
Yes, and right now that small minority controls all the opinion publishing outlets in and around Washington DC, including the supposedly "conservative" ones, such as the Free Beacon. They're all playing for the uni-party ruling class. I would never say that anywhere near most conservatives in this country tend to groupthink, but I'd be willing to believe that almost ALL of those who live in the DC area and who pretend to be conservative because that's where their paycheck is currently coming from are that way. Trust NO ONE who lives in DC. Not on any side, because they are all on the same side, which is NOT our side. Posted by: Tom Servo at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (k1TUh) 172
Thanks. I'll take State Farm since I have their home owners insurance. ............ Do you know Jake? Posted by: wth at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (HgMAr) She sounds hideous. Posted by: That woman in all those commercials at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (8iiMU) 173
I don't see anything remotely inconsistent with Christianity in telling Samantha Bee and her advertisers that to call women "c****" and implying that she should seduce her father is unacceptable behavior, and that you won't support advertisers who suggest this is o.k. Jesus dealt with women in a positive way. I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (vw6r3) 174
"Michael L. Tipsord is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. State Farm and its affiliates are the largest providers of auto, home and individual life insurance in the United States." btw, Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (QQ+il) 175
155 well I look around at the "Thought Leaders" on the right and I seem them almost exclusively just repeating memes they saw their idiot Twitter Palz say.
And they say it so dogmatically. There's no thought behind their pronouncements, but plenty of trembling anger and self-righteousness. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:48 PM (8rNrN) Take their money away, and it will stop. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (WDCYi) 176
You've got some nerve, Griswald.
Posted by: Todd at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (rwaEp) 177
74 Posted by: Hypocrisy at May 31, 2018 03:35 PM (Tf/vJ)
Projection of a Lefty. Posted by: Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp at May 31, 2018 03:36 PM (y1gYQ) Is it ? Is all speech tolerated here ? Is there not even a single rule governing what may or may be said, or whom it may be said to ? And if a single exists, applied to a single person, is that not the control of speech ? And may I assume, in a collection of voices such as this, that the majority has not at least hoped for for - if not in fact requested - the application of rules to modify if not stop outright the speech of a voice found unpleasant ? Not even a single time ? You may find the control of speech here to your liking. I did not say otherwise. I simply opined that the control of speech is a power desired by most, and a power that I entrust to exceedingly few. Good day. Posted by: ScoggDog at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (Tf/vJ) 178
I once heard on the BBC a discussion of how the word fuck had become universal. Someone told of a machinist in a factory whose lathe had broken down. When the foreman came to check it out, he was told "fuckin' fucker's fucked" -- adjective noun and verb forms making up a complete sentence with only one root word.
I'm in a machine shop right now taking apart a threading machine that has exactly that problem, for 'lead screw' and 'half nut' values of 'fucker.' What a coincidence. Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (87ijN) 179
I am so glad I'm not on Twitter. I would have "ambien tweeted" so many awful things.
*makes sign of the cross* Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (VHwfF) 180
where would I find a list of her sponsors?
And actually -- TBS' sponsors in general? I don't see the need, necessarily, to just hit her sponsors. Maybe take a shot at a couple of TBS sponsors -- big ones-- who don't advertise on her show but do advertise on the network. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (8rNrN) Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (BRvh1) 182
"If there is going to be a law, then the law shall apply to all. If the law does not apply to all, then there shall be no law at all."
Hey, hey, hey, slow down there sport! How are we slimy, corrupt politicians and other assorted New World Order types suppose to get our lawless pedo-freak on with that kind of talk? Posted by: Jeffrey Epstein at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (cQMpQ) 183
None of this would be happening is Trump hadn't degraded what it means to be an American.
And yes, I still hate fuckin' money. Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (398bZ) 184
Bee's skill set, which as far as I can tell, is being moderately hot mother of 4 looking, suitable for a Lifetime movie. The kind where her husband gets cancer, not where she has an affair.
Her role in Sisters was funny as the too drunk housewife in a beige bra. Very vanilla. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (FOPyv) 185
7 It's only a New Rule call if her show gets canceled and she gets fired. Otherwise, it's just more piss in our faces.
Posted by: Grump928(c) No, it's still not enough for her to be fired and her show canceled. It must happen within 24 hours, the head of TBS must call Ivanka personally to apologize, all her residuals from Daily Show reruns must be cut off, and so forth. Tit for tat. That would be approaching 'fair'. Posted by: GnuBreed at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (0ogQG) Posted by: ScoggDog at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (Tf/vJ) 187
170 Ultimately, we should ask ourselves, " is all of this happening over 10 miles from us"???
Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (zSVEm) And more importantly, "What would The Almighty Exalted HR McMaster do?". Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (WDCYi) 188
Christianity has been, IN SOME CASES, subverted and then weaponized by the Progressives as yet another part of their campaign against traditional Western Culture. This is not a new thing. Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (zSVEm) ===== When I was younger, it was all Buddhists being so peaceful and serene and so much better than those narrow-minded Xtians. Like all people, they can be peaceful and serene. Until they are not. Sales job isn't working so well with the muslims -- no peace there at all. Posted by: mustbequantum at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (MIKMs) 189
149 140 Bee's apology:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it." Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (W+vEI) And the incest innuendo? **crickets** Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:47 PM (7UW64) Oh, and I'm sorry the Cheetoh humps his loin-spawn. Happy now? Eh? Posted by: Samantha Insect at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (RD7QR) Posted by: David Byrne at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (warH9) 191
Washington Free Beacon has some good T&A from time to time but I feel like they've fallen behind Daily Caller in Kate Upton upskirts.
Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (FOPyv) 192
Make them live by the rules they've imposed on us. That's one of the devil-worshipper Saul Ainsky's Rules for Radicals. My personal favorite RfR is the use of ridicule. Progs are a target-rich environment, with the added bonus of being true. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (GdWl+) 193
Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (8rNrN)
Guilt by association. Sounds good to me! If Trump is somehow magically "responsible" for Roseanne making a bad joke, then hell, TBS is ABSOLUTELY responsible for airing this smoldering dumpster fire of a show. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (BRvh1) 194
And yes, I still hate fuckin' money. Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (398bZ) Well, you should stop and try fuckin' something else. Not your husband, tho. We don't need anymore Devil spawn on this planet. Posted by: Sponge at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (Zz0t1) 195
I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (vw6r3) I sometimes wonder about that: Do these women really believe that the whole world thinks of their value entire locked up in their lady bits, and they just project? And radical feminists: Underneath, is there a cry for help and dominance by strong men? In both cases, these women are damaged and struggling, but stubborn in their misery. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (7UW64) 196
Bee's apology:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it." Is there a template these people (or their lawyers) use? Because it always sounds the same and it always sounds like bullshit when they use it. Samantha Bee gives two fucking shits that she insulted Ivanka Trump. She's just sorry she got called out for it. Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (O5Q3r) 197
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (87ijN)
It's always funny to watch a foreign language show and all of sudden they say "fuck this and fvck that, and fuckity fuck fuck". It seems to be a word that is universally adopted as an expression of frustration. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (VHwfF) 198
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
I would guess this was scripted at the same time as the 'joke' itself. Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (v6UKb) 199
Rich Zeoli out of 1210 AM Philly was talking about how bad the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (7HtZB) 200
Peace through superior fire power. The only proven workable system.
Sadly the GOPe had unilaterally disarmed since Bush 1. How's that been working out? They were, in Keith Olbermann's phrase 'Beating them like a rented goalie'. So Trump has stopped throwing the game, and lots of trogs have started trogolodyting, and, hmm, the bullies are seeing Ralphie go all Scott Farkus. Yes, indeed, they are going to hate the new rules. Posted by: Kristian Holvoet at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (uGiHE) 201
Samantha's sponsors, get to work people:
@TheOrkinMan @TacoBell @Apple @Verizon @HaagenDazs_US @JimBeam @Windows @Febreze_Fresh @Discover @GEICO @SNICKERS @DPAssociation @outshinesnacks @StateFarm Posted by: SideFx at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (1hiZs) 202
185 That would be approaching 'fair'.
Posted by: GnuBreed at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (0ogQG) "Fair" would be when they have to fear a masked mob caving their skulls in with bike locks at any moment. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (WDCYi) 203
I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names. "
right? there's a special place in hell for women who don't support women. This has to be written by the most clueless beta dork ever or a feminst shucker of jive who hasn't a clue about her own true nature. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (FOPyv) 204
They are coming for us.
Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (zSVEm) 205
Tit for tat doesn't work when some are protected by magic shields such as Democratium and so forth. Also I would note that tits are fine, but tats are not cool.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (md3fh) 206
>>I sometimes wonder about that: Do these women really believe that the whole world thinks of their value entire locked up in their lady bits, and they just project?
It's less thoughtful than that. The truth is they don't mean a word they say. Posted by: JackStraw at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (/tuJf) 207
Orkin Corporate Office Address
Orkin, LLC 2170 Piedmont Rd NE Atlanta, Georgia 30324 Contact Orkin Phone Number: (404) 888-2000 Fax Number: (404) 888-2012 Website: On of her shows sponsors Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (vw6r3) 208
Sales job isn't working so well with the muslims -- no peace there at all.
Posted by: mustbequantum at May 31, 2018 03:52 PM (MIKMs) "No Justice, No Peace!" "Sweet, A two-fer!" "Dammit Mohammed, that's not what we meant!" Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (BRvh1) 209
well I look around at the "Thought Leaders" on the right and I seem them almost exclusively just repeating memes they saw their idiot Twitter Palz say.
Are they truly "thought leaders on the right", or merely well disguised never trumpers? Because I can't honestly think of too many thought leaders on the right besides you, Steven Crowder, and Trump himself.... Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (KpEyG) 210
Rich Zeoli out of 1210 AM Philly was talking about how bad the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (7HtZB) And that's why women usually reserve it to describe other women Posted by: JoeF. at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (7uYFy) Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (8rNrN) 212
No, it's still not enough for her to be fired and her show canceled. It must happen within 24 hours, the head of TBS must call Ivanka personally to apologize, all her residuals from Daily Show reruns must be cut off, and so forth. Tit for tat. "Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik." Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (GdWl+) 213
"And yes, I still hate fuckin' money.
Posted by: Chelsea Clinton" The Aviator: Katherine Hepburn's Mother: We don't talk about money. Howard Hughes: That's because you have it. Katherine Hepburn's Mother: I beg your pardon Howard Hughes: You have it so you don't need to talk about it. Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (OD2ni) 214
I'll take Verizon. Been with them for 15 years. not that they'll give a shit, but at least they have to answer.
Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (Y9uH4) 215
"Sadly the GOPe had unilaterally disarmed since Bush 1. How's that been working out? They were, in Keith Olbermann's phrase 'Beating them like a rented goalie'"
the cuck GOP never learns the right lesson. Bush lost to Clinton because of Perot? Time to unilaterally surrender the culture wars. Dole lost to Clinton because of Perot? The GOP must never let there be another shut down again and should surrender immediately because this surely won't become the DNC's go to move. Posted by: Krystal Slider Enthusiast at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (FOPyv) 216
192 My personal favorite RfR is the use of ridicule. Progs are a target-rich environment, with the added bonus of being true.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (GdWl+) "Freeze. Personalize. Dehumanize." is the RfR most needed right now. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (WDCYi) 217
And yes, I still hate fuckin' money.
Posted by: Chelsea Clinton at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (398bZ) Not to worry, dearheart, your hubby has pissed all that away. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (7UW64) 218
It's time to target companies like Netflix who reward their agent provocateurs!!!
Posted by: Kreplach at May 31, 2018 03:26 PM (UfMVm) So many media turds to boycott! And yet, I cannot, because how can I boycott that which I have never used? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (WFV7d) Posted by: anon2 at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (v6UKb) 220
State Farm can suck it. During the Paula Jones sexual-harassment lawsuit, Bill Clinton needed quick cash and couldn't get it because of fund-raising scandals. State Farm and Pacific Indemnity gladly provided $2 million to pay his attorneys.
Posted by: Jolo at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (WrMOC) 221
201 Samantha's sponsors, get to work people:
@TheOrkinMan @TacoBell @Apple @Verizon @HaagenDazs_US @JimBeam @Windows @Febreze_Fresh @Discover @GEICO @SNICKERS @DPAssociation @outshinesnacks @StateFarm Posted by: SideFx at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (1hiZs) Meanwhile, national talk show hosts with 3x the listeners have to rely on DIY window blinds & patent medicine ads to keep going. Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (7HtZB) 222
I don't see anything remotely inconsistent with Christianity in telling Samantha Bee and her advertisers that to call women "c****" and implying that she should seduce her father is unacceptable behavior, and that you won't support advertisers who suggest this is o.k. Jesus dealt with women in a positive way. I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke As I keep reminding folks: When asking "What Would Jesus Do?", bear in mind use of bullwhips is not always out of the question... Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (AM1GF) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (r+sAi) 224
And that's why women usually reserve it to describe other women
My wife used to call it "The Magic Word". Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (O5Q3r) 225
Permitting a double-standard should hurt like getting your dick slammed in a car door.
The problem for advertisers and companies is they are finally finding public pressure campaigns and phone bank calls from liberal organizations are AstroTurfed, and yielding to them only hurts their commercial interests. All for an atta boy, and temporary relief from the Twitter Bullies. Eventually what you have is the wreckage of a company. Auto trader was smart. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (SeyTv) 226
Hillary sounds hideous also ... and her "deplorable, irredeemable, racists" comment was also scripted, and she never apologized.
Scripted and funded ... divisive and leftist and fascist. These are evil people funded by shadow evil people. Not only boycott and get them fired, but support your local businesses. Wal-Mart is an alternative to Amazon, but it would be nice to buy domestic made when possible, and we should change policy to make it easier for Americans that obey laws and respect their neighbor and give to their church/community. As opposed to buying from those that use slaves that they will always control, and that pollute without concern, and that in the end, build armies against US. Posted by: illiniwek at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (bT8Z4) 227
I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (vw6r3) Yea, the new wave of feminism is complete crap. The double standards and hypocrisy are off the charts. Just like women would be better leaders and more protective of women. Really? Bcz the high rape rates in Germany & England say differently. Where Merkel & May are in charge. And Sweden is the Rape Capitol of the West and women are in high positions of authority there too. So I don't buy that women are superior to men, or that men are superior to women. I just smh at the stupidity. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (VHwfF) 228
In both cases, these women are damaged and struggling, but stubborn in their misery.
Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 03:53 PM (7UW64) That's a good way to put it. I can't say that I've never thought of calling another women a rude name, but the b word comes to mind. I'm old enough to think c**t is one of worst things you can say to a women Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (vw6r3) 229
When Jesus isn't sure of the right thing to do, he prays to me for guidance.
Posted by: David French at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (8rNrN) 230
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
............ I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it. Posted by: Amy Schumer at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (HgMAr) 231
"These, and other grievances, were patiently borne by the people of Texas, until they reached that point at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. We then took up arms in defence of the national constitution. We appealed to our Mexican brethren for assistance: our appeal has been made in vain. Though months have elapsed, no sympathetic response has yet been heard from the interior. We are, therefore, forced to the melancholy conclusion, that the Mexican people have acquiesced in the destruction of their liberty, and the substitution therefor of a military government that they are unfit to be free, and incapable of self government." - From the 1836 Texas Declaration of Independence
Posted by: CatchThirtyThr33 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (J655h) Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (Bdeb0) 233
Rich Zeoli out of 1210 AM Philly was talking about how bad the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Posted by: josephistan Honestly? Not seeing it. As many times as I've been called a dick. Told not to be a dick about something. By women. Am seeing a huge double standard. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (KpEyG) 234
It's amazing to me how they bash Ivanka despite the fact that she's a manhattan limousine liberal. All because he carries the name Trump.
Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 31, 2018 03:59 PM (+dsLj) 235
I'm confused.
How am I going to be able to signal my spectacular virtue if I can't use my brainwashed mind, and small pictured view of the world to aid leftists? Posted by: Right-Wing Virtue Signaler Extraordinaire at May 31, 2018 03:59 PM (cQMpQ) 236
"well I look around at the "Thought Leaders" on the right and I seem
============================= I think part of the problem on the right is that single issue voters (see; abortion, guns) are animated by that single issue. They grudgingly accept the overarching political philosophy of free market Capitalism and fiscal restraint.The left is completely animated and mobilized by Socialist dogma, and will cede any single issue for the greater goal. Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (ty7RM) 237
Samantha Bee gives two fucking shits that she insulted Ivanka Trump. She's just sorry she got called out for it.
Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (O5Q3r) Yeah, this is the point where the mom in me says, "You want to try that again?" and look at the kid over the top of my glasses. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (7UW64) 238
Ivanka is Jewish. This is anti-semitism. The Dems are all for that.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (md3fh) 239
"suspended" sounds suspiciously temporary to me.
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V sez don't you dare walk the damn pitcher at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (H80UQ) 240
As I keep reminding folks: When asking "What Would Jesus Do?", bear in mind use of bullwhips is not always out of the question... Only because cattle prods hadn't been invented yet. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (GdWl+) 241
It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
"...and therefore there will be no lasting consequences." Posted by: t-bird at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (7ThJ3) 242
So many media turds to boycott! And yet, I cannot, because how can I boycott that which I have never used?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 03:56 PM (WFV7d) Find their direct competitors, and buy their products. Even if you wind up giving them away or throwing them out. Boycott by proxy? I don't know what you'd call it. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (BRvh1) 243
201 Samantha's sponsors, get to work people:
@TheOrkinMan @TacoBell @Apple @Verizon @HaagenDazs_US @JimBeam @Windows @Febreze_Fresh @Discover @GEICO @SNICKERS @DPAssociation @outshinesnacks @StateFarm Posted by: SideFx at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (1hiZs) Meanwhile, national talk show hosts with 3x the listeners have to rely on DIY window blinds & patent medicine ads to keep going. Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (7HtZB) Thanks for the list. I have contracts, long standing, with 3 of those companies. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (VHwfF) 244
222 As I keep reminding folks: When asking "What Would Jesus Do?", bear in mind use of bullwhips is not always out of the question...
Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 31, 2018 03:57 PM (AM1GF) All I'm asking is : When do people like Samantha Bee become Pillars of Salt? Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (WDCYi) 245
The most outrageous part of this story is that a white person like Valerie Jarrett can claim to be black and not get pilloried for "cultural appropriation" like her fellow traveler Rachel Dolezal. Posted by: zombie at May 31, 2018 03:43 PM (c+2jX) wait whut? Posted by: WOPR at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (ymnmz) 246
I'm concerned that so called conservatives are cheering this sort of corporate bullying, and think that it somehow justifies Trumps own offensive language.
Posted by: Ben Shapiro at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (3MG/9) 247
Honestly? Not seeing it. As many times as I've been called a dick. Told not to be a dick about something. By women. Am seeing a huge double standard. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (KpEyG) Of course there is a double standard. Otherwise, none of what they are doing would work... Posted by: kraken at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (zSVEm) 248
This probably should wait on the pet thread, but our fur-guys are so miserable from TX fleas that don't respond to the treatments we've been trying ...
Has anyone tried nitenpyram? AKA Capstar or PetArmor Fastcaps? Would really appreciate some feedback. Posted by: empire1 at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (IU0/X) 249
The Rosanne firing was premeditated in that there was a plan to oust her at the first opportunity.
Also the ABC exec that pulled the plug just so happens to be gal pals with Michelle Obama, who was probably behind the firing. Rosanne was fired and her show cancelled within hours of the tweet and without any sort of meeting or call from ABC. So you know that shit was corrupt from jump street. Posted by: Kreplach at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (UfMVm) 250
Yeah, the suspension is probably already expired since the b**** has "apologized." *Spit*
Posted by: Ruthless at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (md3fh) 251
Snickers is a Mars Corp brand.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (QQ+il) 252
If everybody here called or sent an e-mail to at least three corporate sponsors of Bee's shows that would be a strong showing. I just wrote to Orkin and called called Bee a "pest" they need to not support.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (vw6r3) 253
Honestly? Not seeing it. As many times as I've been called a dick. Told not to be a dick about something. By women.
Am seeing a huge double standard. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (KpEyG) Gosh, I don't know, do you suppose it is because there is a quantifiable difference between men and women, and that women have a real, physical need to protect that about them that is most sacred and private? Gosh, who would have thought it? Like, 5,000 years of morality. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (7UW64) 254
There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it
Ewww, why would you want to? Posted by: David "Camera" Hogg at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (7ThJ3) 255
And I apologize to Samantha Bee for calling her an insensitive, calculating, insincere bully and cunt.
Wait. No I don't. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (SeyTv) 256
237 Samantha Bee gives two fucking shits that she insulted Ivanka Trump. She's just sorry she got called out for it.
Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (O5Q3r) Yeah, this is the point where the mom in me says, "You want to try that again?" and look at the kid over the top of my glasses. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (7UW64) When dealing with the willfully obtuse, retribution has to stand in for argument. Posted by: Samantha Insect at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (RD7QR) 257
which sounds really sci-fi when you write it that way.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (QQ+il) 258
I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 03:51 PM (vw6r3) ---- Fen..... its because "we" deserve it. Toddler logic, but there it is. Posted by: fixerupper at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (8XRCm) 259
This is knda like my take on relationships.
I'm perfectly willing to play any game where the rules are applied equally and don't change. ...needless to say, alone. And I will always be single. Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 03:39 PM (warH9) Gotta have some give and take. It's worth it. You nailed it with the game playing. I've always despised people who play games. What is the point? I suppose we all play some games throughout life, but I monitor myself a lot for that. You'll run into someone with the same thoughts. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (fceHP) 260
Dangit. Insectoid sockoff.
Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (RD7QR) 261
I've been a State Farm customer for 20 years. I just e-mailed corporate and told them that I expect them to drop their advertising on SB's show. I also told them that they are not the only insurance agency out there.
Posted by: Old Blue at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (gEvQ8) 262
Posted by: t-bird at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (7ThJ3)
HA! They think just saying the phrase "I take full responsibility" is how you take full responsibility. Not, you know, atonement, restitution, etc. As if it were some kind of performative language, like "I do" in a wedding vow. "What the hell, I said 'I take full responsibility', what more do you want from me?" Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (BRvh1) 263
233 Rich Zeoli out of 1210 AM Philly was talking about how bad the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Posted by: josephistan " Well actually you CAN put your finger on it, you know. Posted by: Morgan Freeman at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (k1TUh) 264
Samantha Bee will be working with Olbermann at ESPN in a week.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (MnkFD) 265
262 "What the hell, I said 'I take full responsibility', what more do you want from me?"
Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (BRvh1) Blood. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (WDCYi) 266
246 I'm concerned that so called conservatives are cheering this sort of corporate bullying, and think that it somehow justifies Trumps own offensive language.
Posted by: Ben Shapiro at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (3MG/9) Ben, go lay down by your dish. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (7UW64) 267
Yeah, this is the point where the mom in me says, "You want to try that again?" and look at the kid over the top of my glasses.
Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (7UW64) ---- If Id have called somebody a feckless cunt, there would be no warning, no look over the glasses. Just the rapid deployment of the wooden spoon and hot wheel track blizzard. Posted by: fixerupper at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (8XRCm) 268
I stopped with the Jim Beam since Mila Kunis's stunt.
Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (Bdeb0) 269
Bee's apology:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it." Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 03:46 PM (W+vEI) apologized for using a word worthless apology worthless Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (fceHP) 270
Ya know who is happiest about this? Roseanne Barr...should take some heat off of her. I could not believe how the wolves descended on her via Twitter. It's scary to me that people will try and destroy someone like that. Sadly, she did not remove herself, and tweeted for like 10 hours straight, from what I read. smh People have become monsterous.
Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (VHwfF) 271
202 "Fair" would be when they have to fear a masked mob caving their skulls in with bike locks at any moment.
Posted by: Hikaru That's a damned good point, applicable to the broader range of 'acceptable speech'. Though I will point out that the cops did charge that prof responsible for the lock incident, once 4Chan sniffed him out. Posted by: GnuBreed at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (0ogQG) 272
268 I stopped with the Jim Beam since Mila Kunis's stunt.
Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (Bdeb0) Eh. Jim Beam's Japanese-owned now anyway. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (WDCYi) 273
"Channing Dungey was named entertainment president of Disney's ABC television network, becoming the first African American to lead a major broadcast network at a time when lack of diversity in Hollywood has come under increasing scrutiny."
Channing Dungey hates white women! She's a racist! She hates jewish women. She's an anti-semite! Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (cQMpQ) 274
"Just the rapid deployment of the wooden spoon and hot wheel track blizzard."
OMG. I felt so alone until now. :-) Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (SeyTv) 275
>>I'm tired of these women who yammer on about womens' right but think it's o.k. to call the Trump women degrading names. "
I know, right? But they've constructed all sorts of progressive rules that completely allow - even requires - them to do so. An example - feminist Jill Filipovic: I'm not sure you get to be offended by a comedian calling Ivanka the c-word if you voted for her father, who "moved on her like a bitch" so he could "grab 'em by the pussy." I mean for the record, I don't like that Samantha Bee called Ivanka a cunt. On the list of things I'm mad about today though, the Trump admin separating children from their parents and border patrol murdering a 20-year-old Guatemalan woman ranks way higher. Their rules: A. You can't be outraged by A if you support (unrelated) B. B. I'm too busy caring about more important things C. Your feelings about this are fake. Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (W+vEI) Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (QQ+il) 277
Just the rapid deployment of the wooden spoon and hot wheel track blizzard.
Posted by: fixerupper at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (8XRCm) I think I may still have a lingering depression on the side of my head by a backhanded wooden spoon wielded in anger. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (7UW64) Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (Bdeb0) 279
My claim to fame will be my dim silhouette in the background as these people are dropped through the trap door on the gallows.
Like those soldiers standing on the fort wall in the background as Lincoln's assassins are hanged. Anyone know their names? Not as far as I know, but there they are. They were there to see it. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (4ErVI) 280
Posted by: empire1 It may not be fleas, it may be skin allergies. Dogs are susceptible to them down here for some reason. Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (Y9uH4) 281
No, I think it's cynical and partisan. I think most just want the opposite double standard, where conservatives get a pass and liberals don't.
--- Say something intelligent and reasoned, and maybe I give a shart what you think. Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (vDqXW) 282
The left set the standard, I don't hate Bee personally but pour encourager les autres. Burn in hell.
Posted by: JEM at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (0KBj7) 283
Rich Zeoli out of 1210 AM Philly was talking about how bad the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it" Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 03:54 PM (7HtZB) Deep apologies for that which follows: I know right, it's right on the end of my tongue. I denounce myself. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (ymnmz) Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 04:07 PM (OD2ni) 285
apologized for using a word worthless apology worthless Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:04 PM (fceHP) It's the non apology apology that the left are famous for. Posted by: moki at May 31, 2018 04:07 PM (V+V48) 286
I see that Boehner has been hitting the sauce again....
Posted by: KWDreaming at May 31, 2018 04:07 PM (Z1I24) 287
I've been a State Farm customer for 20 years. I just e-mailed corporate and told them that I expect them to drop their advertising on SB's show.
Always write the CEO if you can find a contact for them. The Corporate flappers will just round file your complaints. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:07 PM (QQ+il) 288
278 Still won't buy it.
Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:06 PM (Bdeb0) Not what I was getting at. Was pointing out (since someone earlier in the thread to stop buying non-American) that if one is doing that, they probably won't be buying Jim Beam anyway. Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (WDCYi) 289
Samantha Bee will be working with Olbermann at ESPN in a week.
Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at May 31, 2018 04:03 PM (MnkFD) --- Providing unfunny unhinged commentary in another venue. Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (vDqXW) 290
You nailed it with the game playing. I've always despised people who
play games. What is the point? I suppose we all play some games throughout life, but I monitor myself a lot for that. ===== Games are not real life. Games have winners and losers without life-altering penalties. Where we lose it is when we treat games as the goal rather than living life. Posted by: mustbequantum at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (MIKMs) 291
280 -- It's fleas -- I've seen 'em on his tummy. Posted by: empire1 at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (IU0/X) 292
just glanced over at Allahpundit, and of course he has his concern troll face on, and his only take is that Yeah, Bee shouldn't have said that, but the REAL violation is the press secretary suggesting her show should be canceled! Because 1st Amendment, man!!!
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (k1TUh) 293
This summer is going to be very hot.
Posted by: Pickles at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (gt2pY) 294
You ladies who deal out corporal punishment want to meet for a drink?
Asking for a friend. I was on the receiving end for many years. The service cured me of that, but I remember it fondly. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (SeyTv) 295
Alex Griswold is kindly invited to eat a bowlful of dicks.
Posted by: physics geek at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (huQJB) 296
the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Okay, being from Philly, maybe I am the only person seeing the sexual innuendo there? Posted by: Kristian Holvoet at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (uGiHE) 297
Bee still has a job, she only lost a sponsor. But it is a start.
Posted by: Darth Randall at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (7TeOH) Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (Y9uH4) 299
Anyone that uses the 'c' word I lose almost 100% respect for...I hate that word. If it is gonna be used, then it should be reserved for women who are evil to the bone. Like a Linda Sarsour. I'd prefer to never hear it...but if it must be used it should be reserved for truly evil beings.
Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (VHwfF) 300
295 Alex Griswold is kindly invited to eat a bowlful of dicks.
Posted by: physics geek at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (huQJB) Too late. Bowl's already empty. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (7UW64) 301
Did you know for the last couple of years State Farm has a roving tow truck in the Philadelphia suburbs area? They seem to stop at every broken down vehicle and since that seems to be the case are not only servicing only State Farm customers.
I do not have State Farm either. Posted by: Skip at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (aC6Sd) 302
just glanced over at Allahpundit
Why? Eeyorepundit never added anything of interest to the national discussion even when he was pretending to be on our side much less now. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (QQ+il) 303
I was on the receiving end for many years. The service cured me of that, but I remember it fondly.
Posted by: Marcus T So you stopped with the BDSM? Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (Bdeb0) 304
Never Trumpers, wrong side of history. They will learn.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette No they won't. If they were capable of learning, they wouldn't still be NeverTrumpers. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at May 31, 2018 03:50 PM (AM1GF) They are learning now, but I was talking about when they are old and grey. They will learn, but will never own up to it. They will have to admit failure. They won't. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (fceHP) 305
'Last Man Standing' was the most popular show on ABC television and Channing Dungey canceled it!
"Channing Dungey was named entertainment president of Disney's ABC television network, becoming the first African American to lead a major broadcast network at a time when lack of diversity in Hollywood has come under increasing scrutiny." Channing Dungey hates white people! Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (cQMpQ) 306
"We need to start punishing media companies and, more importantly, media companies' advertisers, just like they do to us, until the Balance of Terror is equal on both sides."
===== Ace I think "Balance of Terror" is going to go viral. I've long been in the camp of making bad people do good things because they will be hurt camp. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (pw+jk) 307
Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:05 PM (W+vEI)
So Jill Filipovic wouldn't mind if people called the Obama daughters a rude name? Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (vw6r3) 308
I just got back from a long drive and listened to Rush and Hannity. Both especially Hannity, are getting fed up and pissed off on the air over all of this.
Posted by: Pickles at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (gt2pY) 309
the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Okay, being from Philly, maybe I am the only person seeing the sexual innuendo there? Posted by: Kristian Holvoet at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (uGiHE) Oh, there is definitely a phrasing issue. I have to go back and see who posted it to know if it was intentional or not. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (VHwfF) 310
What rule is it that says a sponsoring company has to continue sponsoring when the person(s) they sponsor hurls epithets such as Bee directed at Ivanka? Autotrader doesn't want to be linked to that sort of thing; they judge the relationship now to be a negative rather than a positive. Good for them. I think a good argument could be made that they should have done a better job researching this Bee character - she's nearly as outrageous and offensive as Roseanne.
Posted by: steve walsh at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (C60vS) 311
How do you even know what products are American anymore? Ford builds cars in Mexico, and Toyota builds them in the US. and GM just cranks out endless piles of turds, who cares where they are built.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (k1TUh) 312
just glanced over at Allahpundit, and of course he has his concern troll face on, and his only take is that Yeah, Bee shouldn't have said that, but the REAL violation is the press secretary suggesting her show should be canceled! Because 1st Amendment, man!!!
***************** 4chan needs to dox the holy fuck out of Analpundit, then send his personal info to the Muslim Brotherhood. Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (+dsLj) 313
This probably should wait on the pet thread, but our fur-guys are so miserable from TX fleas that don't respond to the treatments we've been trying ...
Has anyone tried nitenpyram? AKA Capstar or PetArmor Fastcaps? Would really appreciate some feedback. Posted by: empire1 Bravecto. A once a month chew. No fleas. Max is a 60/40 outside dog/lab-blue heeler mix. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (KpEyG) 314
>>>295 Alex Griswold is kindly invited to eat a bowlful of dicks.
Posted by: physics geek I don't know that he needs to be invited. Posted by: ace at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (8rNrN) 315
So Jill Filipovic wouldn't mind if people called the Obama daughters a rude name?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (vw6r3) Let me suggest "illegitimate," or perhaps, "ignorant and foolish." That's about as crass as I can come up with. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (7UW64) 316
I've caught Last Man Standing in re-runs. As soon as it premieres on FOX, I'll tune in, just because. not a big TV guy.
Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (Y9uH4) 317
Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. --- Nice to hear from an honest cunt. Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (vDqXW) 318
This probably should wait on the pet thread, but our fur-guys are so miserable from TX fleas that don't respond to the treatments we've been trying ...
Has anyone tried nitenpyram? AKA Capstar or PetArmor Fastcaps? Would really appreciate some feedback. Posted by: empire1 Bravecto. A once a month chew. No fleas. Max is a 60/40 outside dog/lab-blue heeler mix. Check that. Once every three month chew. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (KpEyG) 319
Let me suggest "illegitimate," or perhaps, "ignorant and foolish."
That's about as crass as I can come up with. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (7UW64) I can give you some pointers if you want. Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (CPk08) 320
Advantix worked for about a week, then he was back to his normal infestation. ::sigh:: So we're looking for something better. Or something that will at least allow more frequent application. Once a month doesn't seem to hack it.
Posted by: empire1 at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (IU0/X) Posted by: Jak Sucio at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (Y9uH4) 322
Sally Field tweeted: --- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. --- Nice to hear from an honest cunt. Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (vDqXW) Jeebus....Norma Rae phone home. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (ymnmz) 323
304 Never Trumpers, wrong side of history. They will learn.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette Nonsense! Kasich will beat Trump in 2020 and save the republic AND the Republican party from you alt-right monsters! Posted by: Ben Shapiro at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (3MG/9) 324
Sally Field is a pinhead.
And this obsession with your crotch should have gone away about the time you were potty-trained, girls. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (oVJmc) 325
280 -- It's fleas -- I've seen 'em on his tummy. Posted by: empire1 ___________________ EM SLAP HOT IRON TO 'EM FOADDY-FI!!! Posted by: Maxine Waters' Hair at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (mPeei) 326
Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. ========== Did she really? Posted by: bicentennialguy at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (vg8iE) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (r+sAi) Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (VHwfF) 329
317 Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. --- Nice to hear from an honest cunt. Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (vDqXW) I have no words that will do this justice, but if that buttwipe thinks her lady bits are so damned powerful, etc., I think she needs an anatomy lesson. Dear God in Heaven, deliver us from these clowns and idiots, who debase what you made sacred and deeply personal. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (7UW64) 330
"So you stopped with the BDSM?
Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:10 PM (Bdeb0)" Somewhere between OSUT and AIT my attempt to avoid pain ended and became more personal enjoyment. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (SeyTv) 331
>>So Jill Filipovic wouldn't mind if people called the Obama daughters a rude name?
Heh. Of course she would mind. She and others, such as Jessica Valenti, are completely dismissing this with a general "I hate the C-word, but..." and then they essentially justify it by saying "...YOU don't get to be offended because Trump has sexist stuff, and you're not really offended you're just a misogynist taking the opportunity to score point, and oh yeah, this is no biggies because there are More Important Things going on in the world!" Of course, none of this applied to Roseanne's "ape" and those More Important Things in the World existed 72 hours ago. Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (W+vEI) 332
It occurred to me that they use the c-word alot on that game of thrones. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (r+sAi) The name of another show I have never seen 1 second of. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (ymnmz) 333
I got to admit. I'm enjoying the hell out of all this.
Blue on blue. They all be raysist, anti-semetic, homophobic, islamophobic. Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (cQMpQ) 334
This probably should wait on the pet thread, but our
fur-guys are so miserable from TX fleas that don't respond to the treatments we've been trying ... Has anyone tried nitenpyram? AKA Capstar or PetArmor Fastcaps? Would really appreciate some feedback. Posted by: empire1 at May 31, 2018 04:01 PM (IU0/X) ======= We had really bad fleas last year. In years past FrontLine or Advantex worked for our dogs but not last year. We'd put it on and the fleas would take a long time to die/leave and then be back in a few days. So we went with an internal chew called NexGard and fleas left within a day and lasted for over two months. We got ours at Doctors Foster Smith for under $20/pill, buying 3, 60 pound hound. Almost half the price of the vets. Have to get vote to OK but Doctors Foster Smith will call them for you. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (pw+jk) 335
I take full responsibility for that thing I just did in your mouth and I always will.
Posted by: A Saint, A Saint I Tell You at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (398bZ) 336
I have no words that will do this justice, but if that buttwipe thinks her lady bits are so damned powerful, etc., I think she needs an anatomy lesson. ======== I guess she can forego pap smears and other exams, since her powerful cunt can obviously ward off cancer. Posted by: bicentennialguy at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (vg8iE) 337
And this obsession with your crotch should have gone away about the time you were potty-trained, girls.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (oVJmc) Maybe I was raised differently, but I doubt I was ever obsessed with it. My husband, however..... Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (7UW64) 338
Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. ISWSDT The one bad thing about stealing all my movie entertainment is that I can't get any pleasure from denying Hollywood the money I wasn't giving them anyway. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (QQ+il) 339
312 4chan needs to dox the holy fuck out of Analpundit, then send his personal info to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (+dsLj) Didn't he already out himself as Josh Barro? Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (WDCYi) 340
the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Okay, being from Philly, maybe I am the only person seeing the sexual innuendo there? Posted by: Kristian Holvoet at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (uGiHE) If you can't put your finger on it, you're completely missing the target. Posted by: Mike Litoris at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (pAx+1) 341
[iBecause I can't honestly think of too many thought leaders on the right besides you, Steven Crowder, and Trump himself....
Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 03:55 PM (KpEyG) roger simon thomas sowell Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (fceHP) 342
309 the "c-word" is: "There's something just so offensive about it - you can't put your finger on it"
Okay, being from Philly, maybe I am the only person seeing the sexual innuendo there? Posted by: Kristian Holvoet at May 31, 2018 04:09 PM (uGiHE) Oh, there is definitely a phrasing issue. I have to go back and see who posted it to know if it was intentional or not. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (VHwfF) It was intentional - I was laughing out loud. Posted by: josephistan at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (7HtZB) 343
As I keep reminding folks: When asking "What Would Jesus Do?", bear in mind use of bullwhips is not always out of the question...
Only because cattle prods hadn't been invented yet. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (GdWl+) The bullwhips are actually better. They leave a permanent reminder of your stupidity. Posted by: Anonymous White Male at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (9BLnV) 344
Dear Sally:
Tits are nurturing. Cunts are not. Unless you are doing things very, very wrong. Yours truly, The English Language Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (BRvh1) 345
>>And this obsession with your crotch should have gone away about the time you were potty-trained, girls.
"You're welcome!!" --- Eve Ensler Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (W+vEI) 346
Mrs Field's > Sally Fields
Posted by: garrett at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (warH9) 347
I think nurturing anything with your lady parts is probably a crime--unless it's a willing adult partner.
Posted by: Axeman at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (vDqXW) 348
318 This probably should wait on the pet thread, but our fur-guys are so miserable from TX fleas that don't respond to the treatments we've been trying ...
Has anyone tried nitenpyram? AKA Capstar or PetArmor Fastcaps? Would really appreciate some feedback. Posted by: empire1 Bravecto. A once a month chew. No fleas. Max is a 60/40 outside dog/lab-blue heeler mix. Check that. Once every three month chew. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (KpEyG) Nair, maybe? Posted by: Hikaru at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (WDCYi) 349
It occurred to me that they use the c-word alot on that game of thrones.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (r+sAi) Do they? I watched the first few seasons, and then stopped. It wasn't anything concious, but subconciously things must have been bugging me because I tuned out. I don't remember hearing that word. I would have been concious of that. I think Lannister being killed by his dwarf son was my last viewing. Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (VHwfF) 350
Oh, there is definitely a phrasing issue. I have to go back and see who posted it to know if it was intentional or not.
Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at May 31, 2018 04:11 PM (VHwfF) ----- Oh... cmon. Its no worse that guys calling each other "dick". Right?? Posted by: fixerupper at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (8XRCm) 351
319 Let me suggest "illegitimate," or perhaps, "ignorant and foolish."
That's about as crass as I can come up with. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:12 PM (7UW64) I can give you some pointers if you want." What happened when the Communist Party and the Planet of the Apes had babies? Posted by: Roseanne Barr at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (k1TUh) 352
"Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. " I love it when the Flying Nun talks dirty. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (SeyTv) 353
Sally Field tweeted:
--- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest. These people never fucking learn, do they? Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (O5Q3r) 354
Maybe I was raised differently, but I doubt I was ever obsessed with it. Rational people aren't. But the femynysts both insist they aren't defined by it, then define themselves by it at the same time. Totally infantile. Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (oVJmc) 355
Dear Sally: Tits are nurturing. Cunts are not. Unless you are doing things very, very wrong. Yours truly, The English Language Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (BRvh1) I beg to diffa. Posted by: Oprahs Minge at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (ymnmz) Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (SeyTv) 357
Worst thing is they bring in these insufferable foreign pricks and bitches and they're talking like that. In a sane world they'd be killed where they stand.
Who the hell does that shit? You couldn't pay me to go to another country and start shit talking about it. I'd expect to have my teeth caved in...and they'd be right to do it. Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (4ErVI) 358
"Sally Field tweeted: --- I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt. " I love it when the Flying Nun talks dirty. Posted by: Marcus T at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (SeyTv) Fist to say its a bad habit. Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (ymnmz) 359
320 Advantix worked for about a week, then he was back to his normal infestation. ::sigh:: So we're looking for something better. Or something that will at least allow more frequent application. Once a month doesn't seem to hack it.
Posted by: empire1 at May 31, 2018 04:13 PM (IU0/X) Your yard and house may be infested. You will have to spray your yard, your house, wash all of the linens the dog has been on, and perhaps take dog to the vet for a professional flea dip. Then start advantix/frontline, etc after all of the above. Sorry, but once fleas get a toe-hold, they are a Samantha Bee to get rid of. Posted by: moki at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (V+V48) 360
I will have to Google Samantha, heard the name many times but I couldn't pick her out in a police line up. I'm sure once I see her I will recognize her.
Posted by: Skip at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (aC6Sd) Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (ymnmz) 362
And yes, I still hate fuckin' money.
Posted by: Chelsea Clinton Then your doing it wrong. Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 03:58 PM (Bdeb0) She could make a pretty bodacious dildo out of two rolls of Twonies wrapped in duct tape. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (WFV7d) 363
These people never fucking learn, do they?
Posted by: tu3031 at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (O5Q3r) No, but apparently fucking is all they learned. I prefer to make love. To my husband. Fucking just seems so wicked and damaging. As evidenced by the apparent brain damage it has done to these folks. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (7UW64) 364
Jealous much girls ?
Posted by: Somewhere on Ventura Highway at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (M+Lyo) Posted by: In Vino Veritits, Feckless Dick at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (UFLLM) 366
If you can't put your finger on it, you're completely missing the target.
Posted by: Mike Litoris at May 31, 2018 04:16 PM (pAx+1) I am hiding in plain sight people! Posted by: Bozo Button at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (VHwfF) 367
356 "Dear Sally:
Tits are nurturing. Cunts are not. " The hell you say. Posted by: Marcus T May not be nurturing but they give great hugs Posted by: wrg500 at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (Bdeb0) 368
Gee. I never knew Sally Field had such a powerful yet wrinkled and dry dusty old granny cunt.
Posted by: maddogg at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (w46Mb) 369
345 >>And this obsession with your crotch should have gone away about the time you were potty-trained, girls.
"You're welcome!!" --- Eve Ensler Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:17 PM (W+vEI) "You know, Eve--" [takes drag on cigarette] "--didja ever think that having me speak was kind of...unrealistic?" Posted by: Eve Ensler's Hoo-Hoo at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (RD7QR) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 31, 2018 04:21 PM (+y/Ru) 371
323 304 Never Trumpers, wrong side of history. They will learn.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette Nonsense! Kasich will beat Trump in 2020 and save the republic AND the Republican party from you alt-right monsters! Posted by: Ben Shapiro at May 31, 2018 04:14 PM (3MG/9) I heard that Ben wanted on the ticket or at least a position in the cuck administration. Posted by: Pickles at May 31, 2018 04:21 PM (gt2pY) 372
This whole thread just stinks.
Posted by: filbert at May 31, 2018 04:21 PM (953wK) Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 31, 2018 04:22 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:22 PM (QQ+il) 375
Samantha Bee's joke was scripted and rehearsed - The word your looking for is "premeditated". Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 31, 2018 04:21 PM (+y/Ru) Rosanne was premedicated. Allegedly. Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 31, 2018 04:22 PM (aljs9) 376
Feckless Dick sounds like a Dickens novel character. Feckless 'C' not so much. Posted by: In Vino Veritits, Feckless Dick at May 31, 2018 04:20 PM (UFLLM) And then there's his cousin, Spotted Dick. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (7UW64) 377
And who doesn't love that Marvelous Ms Maisel!
About a one-time repressed woman in oppressive "1950s" America where a woman couldn't say "fuck" or "shit." Unlike today in which a woman can and should talk about bodily functions all day but is forbidden to acknowledge that men and women are biologically different, or to insult the appearance of a person of color, or blaspheme Islam. Posted by: xnycpeasant at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (koNhm) 378
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the cucks of war".
Posted by: Fritz at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (J7XgW) 379
Nurturing Cunts and Nestled Testicles. Soinds like the next super band to me.
Posted by: Pickles at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (gt2pY) 380
Rosanne was premedicated. Allegedly.
So she meant to get her show canceled? She must have a great contract with ABC. Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (QQ+il) 381
"Feckless Dick sounds like a Dickens novel character."
Actually it sounds like a yummy dish, aye wot? Posted by: Some Drunk English Guy at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (398bZ) 382
She looks vaguely familiar. No doubt she was looking for Leftist bonifide
Posted by: Skip at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (aC6Sd) 383
Find their direct competitors, and buy their products. Even if you wind up giving them away or throwing them out.
Boycott by proxy? I don't know what you'd call it. Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:00 PM (BRvh1) I don't buy movies, I don't watch TV (don't even own one that works), no cable (of course), I don't buy CD's or records, except maybe the occasional CD bought straight off the stage at a music performance. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (WFV7d) 384
374 This whole thread just stinks.
Powerfully Posted by: Grump928(c) at May 31, 2018 04:22 PM (QQ+il) Smells just like Sally Field's old, dried up husk of a ...... Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (7UW64) 385
Your yard and house may be infested. You will have to spray your yard, your house, wash all of the linens the dog has been on, and perhaps take dog to the vet for a professional flea dip. Then start advantix/frontline, etc after all of the above. Sorry, but once fleas get a toe-hold, they are a Samantha Bee to get rid of.
Posted by: moki That's why the chews are best. Adults bite & die. Eggs hatch, bite & die before laying new eggs. Cycle breaks. At least, that's the way it worked for us. Max gets a chew from the vet once every three months. No fleas or ticks. 60/40 outside dog in Texas. Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (KpEyG) 386
"So Jill Filipovic wouldn't mind if people called the Obama daughters a rude name? "
Oh she would act outraged.* But this just shows it is an act they put on to score political points. She doesn;t really give a shit. Look at the Pod Bros and the pics of kids in cages. The lost interest when they found out it was from 2014. They didn't give two shits about the kids. *Jill is kinda cute. Tooo bad it is wasted on such an awful person. Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (OD2ni) 387
Want some more stupid? Nevertrumper Tracinski on The Federalist is warning that happened to Roseanne could happen to Trump himself. Posted by: buzzion at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (lKs2v) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (+y/Ru) 389
Oh... cmon.
Its no worse that guys calling each other "dick". Right?? Posted by: fixerupper at May 31, 2018 04:18 PM (8XRCm) The hell you say?! Posted by: Dick Van Dyke & Zombie Dick Clark, at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (VHwfF) 390
If the Media Aristocracy Caste decides that only Deplorables should have to pay federal taxes, while they will claim their lordly right of immunity to federal taxation Reminds me a bit of the commie caterwauling about no longer being able to deduct state taxes on their fed tax returns. All because of that damned Trump. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (XWkhW) 391
Fen - Here are some of those carefully constructed feminist rules I was talking about. It's crazy: Posted by: Lizzy at May 31, 2018 04:24 PM (W+vEI) 392
Feck! Feck! Feck!
Posted by: Father Jack at May 31, 2018 04:25 PM (oVJmc) 393
Unlike today in which a woman can and should talk about bodily functions all day but is forbidden to acknowledge that men and women are biologically different, or to insult the appearance of a person of color, or blaspheme Islam.
Posted by: xnycpeasant at May 31, 2018 04:23 PM (koNhm) Well, watch me. Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:25 PM (7UW64) 394
Posted by: rickb223 at May 31, 2018 04:25 PM (KpEyG) 395
The Barr and the Bee
try their best to make glee, occasionally trying a stunt. The one made a joke insufficiently woke, the other one's just a.... Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:25 PM (BRvh1) 396
I think Betty White said:
I don't know why people say that took balls because balls are pretty delicate. Now vaginas can take a real pounding. Or something like that. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at May 31, 2018 04:25 PM (pw+jk) 397
I just wrote to Orkin and called called Bee a "pest" they need to not support.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:02 PM (vw6r3) Orkin has some expertise in exterminating insects... Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (WFV7d) 398
Sally's hasn't had much power since Burt Reynolds fucked it into jerky.
Posted by: Father Jack at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (oVJmc) 399
Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (7UW64)
I laughed at your comment. Being nurturing and honest are traits that humans have, Unless her lady part can hold up a 100 lb weight it's not powerful either. I don't want my ***** to be personified. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (vw6r3) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (+y/Ru) 401
54 I get tired of the 'Christian' argument that we should all just lay down and accept this abuse. Honestly I think it's this perversion of the idea that allowed the left to get so much traction in the culture wars.
Posted by: Alskari at May 31, 2018 03:34 PM (tdVTp) Welcome to the party brother. Better late than never. Oh lets not forget how Christians were targeted and killed by the 10's of millions by the Marxist/communist countries of China and the USSR. How many movies have been made about this in the last 40-50 years? Posted by: Pickles at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (gt2pY) 402
Games are not real life. Games have winners and losers without life-altering penalties. Where we lose it is when we treat games as the goal rather than living life.
Posted by: mustbequantum at May 31, 2018 04:08 PM (MIKMs) yea If you bypass the games and be open and honest, it is a much easier path. It's so weird. Like people who lie. Depending on the lie of course, but simple lies for no reason. Causes more harm when found out to be lying than if you had just been truthful. Silly games. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 31, 2018 04:27 PM (fceHP) 403
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 04:26 PM (WFV7d)
I don't want her exterminated. I just want their sponsorship of her to die. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:27 PM (vw6r3) 404
"360 I will have to Google Samantha, heard the name many times but I couldn't pick her out in a police line up. I'm sure once I see her I will recognize her.
Posted by: Skip" Her commercials are incessant during the MLB Playoffs on TBS. She is why the mute button was invented. Posted by: Benji Carver at May 31, 2018 04:27 PM (OD2ni) 405
My Friendsh,
I'm concerned about a backlash against Isis, I mean Muslims. I've instructed Cindy, my heiress wife and mother of my nepotistic daughter, who will be inheriting my dynastic Senate seat to screw you over all the time from the bowels of hell where I plan to spend eternity. My Friendsh, I do hope to be able to screw you all over just one last time before I leave this mortal coil. Posted by: John McCain at May 31, 2018 04:27 PM (cQMpQ) 406
I have a theory about why sour and hateful old leftist bitches are so sour, hateful, and bitchy. They are completely at the mercy of men. Their whole lives are dependent on men. They are helpless and impotent without men to take care of them. They resent that fact. They deny that fact. But a fact it is nonetheless.
Posted by: maddogg at May 31, 2018 04:29 PM (w46Mb) 407
"Feckless Dick sounds like a Dickens novel character."
LOL. It does. Like a nicer version of that guy in the Dickens novel who's always rubbing his hands and pretending to a humble when he's a louse. Having a memory block on his name. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:29 PM (vw6r3) 408
Having a memory block on his name.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at May 31, 2018 04:29 PM (vw6r3) That's all of them, Fen. Have to be more specific. ![]() Posted by: Warai-otoko at May 31, 2018 04:30 PM (BRvh1) 409
"I get tired of the 'Christian' argument that we should all just lay down and accept this abuse."
Jesus wasn't a doormat. The concept of turning the other cheek was predicated upon a SINCERE request for FORGIVENESS for prior sins. He didn't say, "Hey roll over and be a sucker for the creep that is molesting your kid. Let him keep abusing your kid." Good lord, people are stupid. Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 04:31 PM (cQMpQ) 410
remember, the free beacon payed for the Steele "report" too - they are part of the anti-Trump conspiracy. Its not just nevertrump weakness, its straight up collusion with the cia and fbi to overthrow the us government.
Posted by: jihadi at May 31, 2018 04:31 PM (blf2l) 411
When you call the companies to complain about Bee, also mention that she and her husband are fighting against integration of BLACKS in their kids schools. You can google and read it on-line yourself, even watch the video, if you want to give them the sources to visit. I'm sick of these double standards, so if I need to point these things out to companies to give the left a wake up call, I will. Posted by: professor disarray, gg channel at May 31, 2018 04:35 PM (VHwfF) 412
Dear God in Heaven, deliver us from these clowns and idiots, who debase what you made sacred and deeply personal.
Posted by: tcn in AK at May 31, 2018 04:15 PM (7UW64) ***** Dear God in Heaven, deliver us from these ASSclowns and idiotsFIFY - corrected for accuracy as per AoS Style Guide Posted by: Bill Krstolmeth at May 31, 2018 04:36 PM (Fb9aZ) 413
I beg to diffa.
Posted by: Oprahs Minge at May 31, 2018 04:19 PM (ymnmz) Numbah One supplier of industrial yeast to ADM for their gasohol factories! Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 31, 2018 04:36 PM (WFV7d) 414
Off Kristol sock!
Posted by: Publius Redux at May 31, 2018 04:36 PM (Fb9aZ) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 04:36 PM (GdWl+) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at May 31, 2018 04:39 PM (GdWl+) Posted by: Internet Tough Guy at May 31, 2018 04:47 PM (y3aQB) 418
"I get tired of the 'Christian' argument that we should all just lay down and accept this abuse." Jesus wasn't a doormat. The concept of turning the other cheek was predicated upon a SINCERE request for FORGIVENESS for prior sins. He didn't say, "Hey roll over and be a sucker for the creep that is molesting your kid. Let him keep abusing your kid." Good lord, people are stupid. Posted by: Slip Slide at May 31, 2018 04:31 PM (cQMpQ) *** My favorite response to all this nonsense of "what would Jesus do" - that leftards, who have no idea at all about the teaching of the Bible, sometimes try on us normals? I remind everyone that freaking out, wildly overturning tables and whipping people through the streets is within the realm of possibilities. (John 2:15) Posted by: Publius Redux at May 31, 2018 04:49 PM (Fb9aZ) 419
Here's the thing: Roseanne made a spontaneous comment. Bee? A staff of ten writers, plus assistants, producers, directors...ALL agreed to air the "cunt" comment. This was an official production of her show and channel.
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at May 31, 2018 04:49 PM (7Ml7x) 420
Posted by: Publius Redux at May 31, 2018 04:49 PM (Fb9aZ)
Yep. You see a lot of the "Pharisees praying aloud" types that don't recognize themselves. "But, but, but, I'm so nice." Posted by: Slip & Slide at May 31, 2018 05:04 PM (cQMpQ) 421
tablet sign in
Posted by: andycanuck at May 31, 2018 05:09 PM (Evws/) 422
Bake the cake, Samantha. Bake the cake, you twit.
Posted by: budman at May 31, 2018 05:10 PM (/n3ql) 423
"When policemen break the law, there is no law; only the fight for survival" Billy Jack
Posted by: Shelgel at May 31, 2018 06:57 PM (e9r4/) 424
Samantha Bee's joke was scripted and rehearsed, whereas Roseanne's was clearly tossed off spontaneously.
I gotta admit, I have a little sympathy for the Ambien defense. The first (and only) time I took that stuff I was as loopy as a squirrel on acid. Posted by: Ace's liver at May 31, 2018 07:46 PM (h2Bdk) 425
Thank you, I agree with every word of this. A good point about Bee being on script too, and Roseann off the top of her hot head, which someone else mentioned too, but I had not thought of that.
Roseann was very much in the wrong too. And I loathe Valerie Jarret, but, in all honesty she's not a bad looking dame. She does look sort of evil and power mad. But she's not ugly, and certainly not mannish or apish, so you know - again, not funny because not true. But I have to say, under new rules or old, the C. word is NOT ALLOWED. Posted by: jocon307 at May 31, 2018 07:48 PM (QnbOD) 426
It isn't just a demand for equal application of the rulez; it is rather 'shove your rulez up your progressive asses (alongside the rest of your foul ideologies) and we'll see you on the f'n battlefields of CivilWar II'.
Had enough. Ready to shoot the Left's icons and advocates. Posted by: rayra at May 31, 2018 08:27 PM (Pgsaa) 427
Don't forget that Sam and her hubby don't want their precious children rubbing elbows "those people". By which they mean "persons of color". Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at June 01, 2018 12:16 AM (wPVDQ) 428
Also, Autotrader has merely suspended sponsorship. Maybe that becomes permanent, but I'm thinking it means that when the furor dies down, they'll resume sponsorship. Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at June 01, 2018 12:17 AM (wPVDQ) 429
Time to reject the hate hierarchy of the Left. If it's wrong to "hate" their revered victims, it's wrong to hate us, too. We demand equal protection and equal treatment! #HateIsHate
Posted by: Deplora Boule at June 01, 2018 09:34 AM (4XWxt) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.0849 seconds. |
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