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Thursday's ONT is Chock Full of Stuff

Question: How did socialists illuminate their homes before candles?

Answer: Electricity

Socialist 123.jpg

Emmanuel Goldstein

The Proggy Left has a new object for their two minutes of hate: Jordan Peterson. The Alberta-born psychology professor has stormed the battlements of the cultural battlefield and stands atop them defiantly waving his lobster-adorned flag, gathering an army of followers, much to the consternation of the entrenched overseers of allowable thought. This week a counter-volley arrived in the form of this NYT hit piece: Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy

Now don't get me wrong, I like much of what Peterson has to say. I'm not exactly a fanboi, but I'm not the audience that Peterson is trying to reach. Peterson is preaching certain truths that used to be universally accepted, but are anathema to Progs as they try and create their New Soviet Man. Human society is inherently hierarchical; one needs to be responsible for one's self; you can't change the nature of reality by denying it; and so on. Many people are calling him the necessary man, but why is that so?

To me it seems simple. Peterson's lectures are necessary because so many of the under 30 crowd haven't heard them. Not just that, they've been actively “educated” that black is white their entire lives. My generation, we learned these lessons at (and sometimes over) the knees of our fathers. For a large number of millennials, the father figure is a forgotten myth of antiquity. We had the lessons taught by a traditional education system that most of all taught us how to think. Education today is all indoctrination. How many 20-somethings are wandering lost and alone in a world that they not only don't understand, but one that runs counter to what they've been taught? Reality is rubbing their face in the fact that it won't be denied, no wonder they get angry and lash out. It's even working on their base: Why Jordan B Peterson Appeals to Me (And I Am on the Left)

The Fragile Generation: Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.

One day last year, a citizen on a prairie path in the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst came upon a teen boy chopping wood. Not a body. Just some already-fallen branches. Nonetheless, the onlooker called the cops.

Officers interrogated the boy, who said he was trying to build a fort for himself and his friends. A local news site reports the police then "took the tools for safekeeping to be returned to the boy's parents."

Elsewhere in America, preschoolers at the Learning Collaborative in Charlotte, North Carolina, were thrilled to receive a set of gently used playground equipment. But the kids soon found out they would not be allowed to use it, because it was resting on grass, not wood chips. "It's a safety issue," explained a day care spokeswoman. Playing on grass is against local regulations.

And then there was the query that ran in Parents magazine a few years back: "Your child's old enough to stay home briefly, and often does. But is it okay to leave her and her playmate home while you dash to the dry cleaner?" Absolutely not, the magazine averred: "Take the kids with you, or save your errand for another time." After all, "you want to make sure that no one's feelings get too hurt if there's a squabble."

The principle here is simple: This generation of kids must be protected like none other. They can't use tools, they can't play on grass, and they certainly can't be expected to work through a spat with a friend.

And this, it could be argued, is why we have "safe spaces" on college campuses and millennials missing adult milestones today. We told a generation of kids that they can never be too safe—and they believed us.

I've related this story before on the ONT. A couple of years ago, I sent Little out in the woods to play with another boy from the neighborhood. When he returned, he had a long, bloody scratch down one arm. Nonchalantly he said “Oh, I fell against a cable while we were climbing trees”. I have to admit that I was thrilled (the scratch wasn't anything more than a scratch). “Little has been wounded by the world!” I thought. “And he didn't come crying home to Mommy. Yes!”

He talked about the great time he'd had for a few weeks following the incident. Sadly, the other kid moved away shortly thereafter and he lost his outside playmate.

Musical Interlude

Here's a little known Joe Walsh song. Here's Joe on this song:

I was with Joe Vitale at his home studio in Ohio one night. We were feeling really good and we decided to write this. It's "I Love Big Tits," but we named it just with the letters. Then we put it on one of my albums [1983's You Bought It – You Name It] and the record company missed it. They never bothered to play the whole album and they just thought it was about some kind of a sandwich or something. Like a BLT. It came out and then they heard it and they called up and said, "You can't do that." And I said, "Well, you shipped it three weeks ago. It's a little late to just be listening to it for the first time!"

More Wacky Waving Arms

Looks like Twitter has gotten rid of the “embed video” option, so you have to embed the whole tweet. Annoying.


Child spotted at swinger’s party was actually just ‘very short woman’

Good thing I know that Alexthechick has far to much class to be involved in something like that, or I'd wonder what she was doing in England.

What's Wrong With California?

Which Food Does Your State Hate the Most?

The Internet is Anonymous

I Know Where Your Cat Lives

Guy takes the meta-data embedded in photos of cats people have posted online and uses it to map where in the world the picture was taken.

Battle Royale!

Epic battle between eagle, fox and rabbit on San Juan Island (with video)

Yeah, claiming that the rabbit was involved in the battle is a little like claiming the cow was involved in my dinner. Great video though.

Battle royale.jpg

Tonight's ONT brought to you by Rolled Pig:

Rolled Pig.jpg

(What's This From? (H/t @Mel_lific))

The Yahoo Group would totally eat rolled pig.

Posted by: WeirdDave at 10:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 So what are the three economies below Zimbabwe? You gotta try real hard to make that list.

Posted by: rickl at May 24, 2018 09:53 PM (sdi6R)

2 Eleventeenth!

Posted by: BD at May 24, 2018 09:53 PM (D0J4Y)

3 So what would it cost to have a sky writer write in the Hollywood sky, "Surrender Harvey"?

Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at May 24, 2018 09:53 PM (jp0Bv)

4 1000th!

Posted by: Corned Beef and Chlorine at May 24, 2018 09:56 PM (EracK)

5 Becoming a parent inescapably hammers two facts home: 1. You are going to die 2. Life continues after you are gone. My Son, My Executioner by Donald Hall

Posted by: Zaklog the Great at May 24, 2018 09:56 PM (pHCqZ)

6 Plants small, hand-held American flag.

Posted by: Daisy Cutter at May 24, 2018 09:58 PM (sM+h7)

7 Top 82bazillioneth

Fuckin' eh

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 09:58 PM (3Pma+)

8 I like big tits.

Posted by: davidt at May 24, 2018 09:58 PM (gsi3D)

9 Rolled pig? Was that a thing at some point? Good Lord...

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 09:59 PM (dUJdY)

10 Damn, farting around and JUST missed top 10...

Posted by: StürmToddler at May 24, 2018 10:00 PM (d/thM)

11 yaaay, Over Night Thread!

can we act less than completely responsible or will Melania be paying us a visit?

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 24, 2018 10:00 PM (KxbBq)

12 I remember hearing... almost fifteen years ago, now... that Botswana had decided to go free-market, and had quickly gone from the $900 per capita GDP so common in Africa to... $3000, I think? That was a big increase right off the bat, and I'm glad to see that that trend has only continued from there. $17k? That is awesome! Way to go, Botswana!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... now with 23% more Dragon Energy! at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (wSC8T)

13 I remember when I was growing up I would be gone all day. I played war, cowboys and Indians and wandered literally miles from home. Always found my way back and never got more than a few scratches. My mom didn't hover over me. I knew come dinner time though I better be within earshot of my stepdad whistling for me to come home.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (dUJdY)

14 Okay, I give up. Is the rolled pig thing real or not?

Posted by: T at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (MmeCn)

15 apparently, umlauts are outlawed in nics...

Posted by: SturmToddler at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (d/thM)

16 Boned Rolled Pig was a blues band in New Orleans in the early days. Great Stuff.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (roQNm)

17 8 I like big tits.
Posted by: davidt at May 24, 2018 09:58 PM (gsi3D)

I like them.


Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:02 PM (3Pma+)

18 That boned rolled pig is just WRONG!!! Soooo gross.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:02 PM (TdMsT)

19 I told Mrs Eez the other day that Botswana was the only country on that continent I would consider visiting.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (xJrIn)

20 MMMMMMMMMM...institutional meat food

Posted by: tu3031 at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (O5Q3r)

21 I remember when I was growing up I would be gone all day. I played war, cowboys and Indians and wandered literally miles from home. Always found my way back and never got more than a few scratches. My mom didn't hover over me. I knew come dinner time though I better be within earshot of my stepdad whistling for me to come home.
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (dUJdY)

We had to be home when the streetlights came on. We built forts, rode bikes, played with B.B. and cap guns.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (2DYau)

22 Rolled Pig? Did someone call?

Posted by: Lena at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (gsi3D)

23 First they bone me.

Then they roll me.



No dice.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:04 PM (2wOtx)

24 19 I told Mrs Eez the other day that Botswana was the only country on that continent I would consider visiting.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (xJrIn)

I agree. Mostly because of the Alexander McCall Smith books.

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:04 PM (TdMsT)

25 LMAO.. just noticed the rolled pig is fire resistant! Good to know!

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:04 PM (dUJdY)

26 I was getting kinda hungry - gonna have some good leftovers tonight - and then I read "industrial grade hog remnants" and "institutional meat food" ...... and I pause.

That ad really appeals to the senses, now doesn't it?

Posted by: rhomboid at May 24, 2018 10:05 PM (QDnY+)

27 Bots wanna what?

Posted by: davidt at May 24, 2018 10:05 PM (gsi3D)

There's a SPAM joke in here somewhere. I just can't get it laid out.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 24, 2018 10:05 PM (roQNm)

29 We had to be home when the streetlights came on. We built forts, rode bikes, played with B.B. and cap guns.

Yep, pretty much same here. I knew to be home by dark. The few times I was late or didn't hear the whistle I was grounded.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (dUJdY)

30 I always enjoy my Institutional Meat Food with a cold Budweiser.

This message brought to you by Slapweasel Farms, a subsidiary of Slapweasel Industries.

This message takes no subsidies, nor does it fall under any Governmental forces.

It is a stand-alone message and will only endorse what Slapweasel Industries finds as quality, consumable goods and services.


Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (Ckg4U)

31 There's a SPAM joke in here somewhere. I just can't get it laid out.

*snort... cute.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (dUJdY)

32 Kids have been uprooted from reality. I think Jordan Peterson is telling what those roots used to be.

Posted by: t-bird at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (y3sT9)

33 Leftists will go to their graves railing at father figures. Peterson makes them wish they had a present dad, and so they malign him over and over.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (rnAwa)

34 25 LMAO.. just noticed the rolled pig is fire resistant! Good to know!
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:04 PM (dUJdY)

It also boasts minimum vermin, that's a huge plus.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (2DYau)

35 WTF is gas station wine?
Cold pizza is bad, esp Detroit style pizza, and Pizza with pineapple is an abomination whether it comes from Hawaii or Curacao (where they also add corn).
Even if California loved Chick-fil-a, it's a stupid place.
Any state that won't eat well done beef, veggie burgers, pumpkin spice, or balsamic vinegar is a great place to be. And West-by God Virginia's tofu aversion makes perfect sense to me.

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (5gaNQ)

36 just heard about Boulder's budget tonight. the pig isn't the only thing that's boned

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:07 PM (YJJvG)

37 That picture completely misspelled Wakanda.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:08 PM (rnAwa)

38 Never knew red pandas were good with weapons

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:08 PM (5gaNQ)

39 I was hoping for maximum vermin.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:08 PM (IqV8l)

It also boasts minimum vermin, that's a huge plus.
Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (2DYau)

And it can sustain whole wings of students and prisoners for DAYS!!!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:08 PM (TdMsT)

41 Botswana unfortunately has a bad AIDS problem, had back when it was broke. they could be doing even better if not for that.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:08 PM (YJJvG)

42 14 Okay, I give up. Is the rolled pig thing real or not?
Posted by: T at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (MmeCn)

Parody add. The product is a photo of insulation.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (di1hb)

43 We had to be home when the streetlights came on. We built forts, rode bikes, played with B.B. and cap guns.
Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (2DYau)

Sounds familiar. We also played "Smear the queer", played ice hockey, football and baseball without protective gear. Hell, we didn't even have seat belts in the damn car.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (3Pma+)

44 Tanner Boyle

19_ _ - 2018

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.


Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (2wOtx)

45 Fire resistant, minimum vermin AND digestible by most humans? Well, take my money PLEASE!

Posted by: tu3031 at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (O5Q3r)

46 19 I told Mrs Eez the other day that Botswana was the only country on that continent I would consider visiting.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (xJrIn)

Far more so than South Africa at this point.

Seems to still have a major AIDS problem, though.

Posted by: T at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (MmeCn)

47 We've all whined about this topic before - how little adventure, life, and minor risks today's kids experience compared to our misspent yutes - but it remains absolutely true. And, I fear, somewhat ominous. Hard to believe desirable and useful traits or mindsets *increasing* in a society where kids have lost their freedom to this extent.

Know some very nice young parents. Out of courtesy I hardly even raise the subject. They're sort of brainwashed. Even those who are old enough to have just enjoyed a bit of the stuff we're talking about.


Posted by: rhomboid at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (QDnY+)

48 So far this week I have quit facebook, twitter, and now Netflix. Any others I should quit while I am quitting?

Posted by: Corned Beef and Chlorine at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (EracK)

49 As for boned rolled pig, I get the cows encouraging people to frequent Chick-fil-a, but can't imagine even an animal dancing for death.

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (5gaNQ)

50 always enjoy my Institutional Meat Food with a cold Budweiser.

This message brought to you by Slapweasel Farms, a subsidiary of Slapweasel Industries.

This message takes no subsidies, nor does it fall under any Governmental forces.

It is a stand-alone message and will only endorse what Slapweasel Industries finds as quality, consumable goods and services.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 24, 2018 10:06 PM (Ckg4U)

Who does your inspections?

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (TdMsT)

51 The Queer Standard: Tumbrizing Gender Dysphoria; Transphobic Genital Preferences; Raping Traditional Marriage

The focus this time: Cis-Hetero as Doubleplusungood

Posted by: The Political Hat at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (itfg0)

52 Sounds familiar. We also played "Smear the queer", played ice hockey, football and baseball without protective gear. Hell, we didn't even have seat belts in the damn car.
Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (3Pma+)

My brothers played smear the queer, seatbelts? That's what a forearm is for.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (2DYau)

53 Click on the link below the rolled pig ad. It looks like satire.

Posted by: rickl at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (sdi6R)

54 I told Mrs Eez the other day that Botswana was the only country on that continent I would consider visiting.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 24, 2018 10:03 PM (xJrIn)

I agree. Mostly because of the Alexander McCall Smith books.
Posted by: Ladyl

West Cape, ZA is still OK. Namibia is interesting.
Beyond that ... maybe Eritrea and Ethiopia to see old Christian churches and rift valley, maybe.

Posted by: Jean at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (MS0+a)

55 I have Institutional Meat Food installed as insulation, due to its fire-proof properties and R-Rating.

It also comes in handy when you need to break the drywall for a snack.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (Ckg4U)

56 ...although, I had flashbacks to "ham loaf" in the messhall.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (di1hb)

57 Parody add. The product is a photo of insulation.

Oh man!!! It's not as much fun if it's insulation.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (dUJdY)

58 That boned rolled pig is just WRONG!!! Soooo gross.
Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:02 PM (TdMsT)

It's also a good replacement for fiberglass insulation.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (2K6fY)

59 maximum vermin free with every frappucino at your local SBUX coffee house

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:11 PM (YJJvG)

60 Always though Charlie the Tuna waning to be canned was pretty annoying too.

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:11 PM (5gaNQ)

61 3 So what would it cost to have a sky writer write in the Hollywood sky, "Surrender Harvey"?
Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at May 24, 2018 09:53 PM (jp0Bv)


Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:11 PM (+lOpA)

62 ...although, I had flashbacks to "ham loaf" in the messhall.

Or Vienna sausages in those little cans.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:11 PM (dUJdY)

63 58 That boned rolled pig is just WRONG!!! Soooo gross.
Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:02 PM (TdMsT)

It's also a good replacement for fiberglass insulation.
Posted by: Kindltot at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (2K6fY)

I KNEW it reminded me of something!!!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (TdMsT)

64 Institutional meat food gets me everytime 60% of the time.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (+lOpA)

65 "Who does your inspections?"
-Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (TdMsT)

Some guy with a badge. I'm too trusting, perhaps.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (Ckg4U)

66 KHQ-TV reports that Rachel Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, was charged Tuesday with theft by welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance.

Court documents say she illegally received $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance from August 2015 through November 2017.

Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (e8kgV)

67 Who know there was gas station wine?

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (a3OL0)

68 Love the rolled pork ad. LOL!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (WFV7d)

69 Not rolled pig. That's insulation for the attic in your oven.

Posted by: Dr. Not The 9 O'Clock News at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (B/2Ej)

70 Maximum Vermin opened for The Boomtown Rats.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (IqV8l)

71 Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood at the start of the briefing

Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (e8kgV)

72 16 square yards of food per roll. Who else can say that?

Posted by: tu3031 at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (O5Q3r)

73 Guatemala is doing interesting things. Unfortunately it is all in Spanish.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (2K6fY)

74 Glad the pig ad is insulation, should have read it. But yes, hog remnants are probably better than rodent parts.

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (5gaNQ)

75 Botswanna have fun.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (+lOpA)

76 55 I have Institutional Meat Food installed as insulation, due to its fire-proof properties and R-Rating.

It also comes in handy when you need to break the drywall for a snack.
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (Ckg4U)

I'm sure that's what I've got between the rafters in the attic. Great aroma on a hot day!

Posted by: Ladyl at May 24, 2018 10:13 PM (TdMsT)

77 gah, knew.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (a3OL0)

78 Bots wanna what?
Posted by: davidt at May 24, 2018 10:05 PM (gsi3D)


Well, if they're Russian, tip an election, or so I've heard...

Posted by: No One of Consequence at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (+F0Wk)

79 We used to shoot bottle rockets and BBs at each other. We all had pirogues and went fishing in the bayou with zero supervision.

Back then there were Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. We played war with toy guns. We played tackle football and dodgeball.

No one called the cops on us.

Posted by: Grizzledcoastie at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (toeWq)

80 48 So far this week I have quit facebook, twitter, and now Netflix. Any others I should quit while I am quitting?
Posted by: Corned Beef and Chlorine at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (EracK)

tobacco products, beer, wine, liquor, sex and anything else that may give you pleasure from the sounds of it.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (3Pma+)

81 I remember when I was growing up I would be gone all day. I played war, cowboys and Indians and wandered literally miles from home. Always found my way back and never got more than a few scratches. My mom didn't hover over me. I knew come dinner time though I better be within earshot of my stepdad whistling for me to come home.
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (dUJdY)

I grew up on Navy/Marine Corps bases. When they played "To the colors" and struck the colors, it was time to go home.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (u24AF)

82 67: I'm from NJ and know of no gas stations with liquor licenses

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (5gaNQ)

83 The unidentified shooter entered the restaurant and fired his gun, hitting at least two people, Oklahoma City Police tweeted. The man, police said, "was apparently shot-to-death by an armed citizen."

Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:15 PM (e8kgV)

84 rickl

Lots of ways to slice economic data. After a tour of databases, my bets are:

Syria, Libya, and South Sudan. In no particular order.

Somalia is near there, & Yemen, and some other shithole countries like Malawi.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:15 PM (hyuyC)

85 >> That boned rolled pig is just WRONG!!! Soooo gross.

Make good blankets for the Syrian Refugees.

Posted by: garrett at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (d9IQg)

86 although, I had flashbacks to ham loaf in the messhall.
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 24, 2018 10:10 PM (di1hb)

Which flashed me back to that puke-worthy pickle loaf my Mom used to give us. I immediately pulled it out of the bread, fed it to the dog and prayed she did not leave any tell-tale olives on the floor, and ate my miracle whip sammich like a good little girl.

Posted by: Corned Beef and Chlorine at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (EracK)

87 67 Who know there was gas station wine?
Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (a3OL0)

I hear it is a tad better than gas station sushi

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (3Pma+)

88 Dickman's Boned Rolled Pig


Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (y4sLz)

Truly it is amazing that the commonsense principles Peterson espouses are so infuriating to the Left. Most who have followed them through time have lived happy, productive, prosperous lives.

Well, maybe not so amazing.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (swZkE)

90 Well early night for me morons. Big weekend show tomorrow and Saturday. Wish me luck! Hoping to turn my luck around with this one.

Stay safe.

Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (dUJdY)

91 ILBT, little know? We used to sing it to the girls as they came to work.

Posted by: gNewt at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (q5JuL)

92 >>Lots of ways to slice economic data.

Even more ways to slice a Rolled Pig!

Posted by: Carl Switzer - Dickman's Meats at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (d9IQg)

93 That's not a racoon. It's a red panda, as opposed to a great panda.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (/qEW2)

94 82 67: I'm from NJ and know of no gas stations with liquor licenses
Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (5gaNQ)

The gas stations near the freeway around here used to sell beer and wine. The wine was always Boone's farm variety.

I don't think they are allowed to sell beer and wine anymore. A gas station that's not near the freeway sells nice bottles of wine, but they're really expensive.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (2DYau)


First they bone me. Then they roll me.

So perfect.

Carpet cleaners. Construction. Cars. Furniture. Houses. Politicians. Doctors. Paychecks. Utility Bills. Fines. Insurance. Dentists. Computers. Marriage. Lawyers. Social Media. Credit Card Companies. Employers.

Apply liberally as needed.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (2wOtx)

96 Boned Rolled Pig. The parts left out of sausage.

Posted by: Winston at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (wgCUV)

97 I would say that pulled pork is a technological improvement over rolled pork.

Posted by: rickl at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (sdi6R)

98 Is anyone here an expert with Mac OS? I tried to upgrade to High Sierra but it froze midway and now I can only boot into recovery mode and even then when I try to install the OS again I get prompted that it cannot be downloaded at this time (and yes, I'm connected to internet).

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (GtG/j)

99 Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the
noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood
at the start of the briefing***
Send the sergeant-at-arms to Rosenpenis's house. Through him in jail.

Find the #3, announce he is now in charge give him 24 hours to product the documents. Repeat as necessary.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (Z8FFX)

100 Posted by: Grizzledcoastie at May 24, 2018 10:14 PM (toeWq)

What, no drinking from the hose, mud pies by sneaking out mom's pans and playing smear the queer?

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (a3OL0)

101 Court documents say she illegally received $8,747 in
food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance from August 2015
through November 2017.

Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (e8kgV)

. . . nothing I can say about this does not scream STEREOTYPING
I just wish she had a better outcome for her life.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (2K6fY)

Bacon and eggs: the hen is involved but the pig is committed.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:18 PM (swZkE)

103 Good thing I know that Alexthechick has far to much class to be involved in something like that, or I'd wonder what she was doing in England.


Have you listened to her podcast? I think it was last week that she was discussing the ethics of safe words.

I'd check her passport to be sure.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (pvjTE)

104 Is anyone here an expert with Mac OS? I tried to upgrade to High Sierra
but it froze midway and now I can only boot into recovery mode

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (2wOtx)

105 Who know there was gas station wine?

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (a3OL0)

Sure. Not too many places in NJ do it because of licensing issues, but in a bunch of states you can buy wine at gas stations. It's going to be pretty much the same stuff you'd get in convenience stories: mass-produced brands that you can find all over the place but at the gas station (or the convenience store) get a bigger markup than if you bought them elsewhere. In a few states you can buy liquor at gas stations. I remember standing in line at a gas station in MO several years ago and there was a rack of mini-bottles next to the cashier.

Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (TfcwT)

106 That rolled pig is not too far out. I used to read the Journal of Food Technology. Yikes. Some things can not be unseen.

Remember hardboiled egg slices with off-center yokes in salads. Came in a long tube ready for slicing.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (hyuyC)

107 Can make many similar comparisons, all of which are consistently minimized and obfuscated by the left and the media.

East v West Germany
Haiti v Dominican Rep
North v South Korea
Israel v Arab states
US v Mexico

Last week I heard an NPR report on the situation in Venezuela that NOT ONCE linked socialist economic policy to the misery being endured by her people. Government policy was not mentioned.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (EZebt)

108 >> I would say that pulled pork is a technological improvement over rolled pork.

For eating, sure.

But you can't use it as a roofing material!

Posted by: Carl Switzer - Dickman's Meats at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (d9IQg)

109 Greetings:

Re: Socialism (or worse)

I still get a bit of my TV news from the France24 English-language broadcasts. A couple of months back, it reported on the South Africa's ANC convention at which President Zuma (but not all of his wives) was to be removed from office. It was presented as some kind of democratic fruition.

There was a large, maybe 30 feet wide, yellow banner behind the raised dais on which the perpetrators and victims were seated. The banner contained the words "Radical Socio-Economic Transformation". Thankfully, the reporter, if that's the word, spared the viewers what that might mean.

Posted by: 11B40 at May 24, 2018 10:20 PM (evgyj)

110 Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood at the start of the briefing

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:20 PM (2wOtx)

111 Tanner Boyle

I did it on a mid 2011 Mac, but I used a professional installer.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (hyuyC)

112 I saw Boned Rolled Pigs open for Jerry Jeff Walker at the House of Blues in New Orleans in 1994.

Posted by: DB Cooper at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (LU8fy)

Last week I heard an NPR report on the situation in Venezuela that NOT ONCE linked socialist economic policy to the misery being endured by her people. Government policy was not mentioned.
Posted by: San Franpsycho

Were you surprised?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (IqV8l)

114 99 Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the
noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood
at the start of the briefing***
Send the sergeant-at-arms to Rosenpenis's house. Through him in jail.

Find the #3, announce he is now in charge give him 24 hours to product the documents. Repeat as necessary.
Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (Z8FFX)

Hell, send a SWAT team to Rosenpenis's house at 3AM. Those are the new rules, right?

Posted by: rickl at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (sdi6R)

115 89
Truly it is amazing that the commonsense principles Peterson espouses are so infuriating to the Left. Most who have followed them through time have lived happy, productive, prosperous lives.

Well, maybe not so amazing.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:16 PM (swZkE)

I'm not rich, nor am I famous. But for the most part I am happy and content. I have my faults and am imperfect.

Those on the left and their utter hate, intellectual laziness and emotional retardation must just lead horrible lives.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (3Pma+)

116 I call b.s. on the rolled pig.

Posted by: Texican ette at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (3x5KR)

117 insomniac been seen at all?

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (YJJvG)

118 joe walsh... funny thing - i've recently been listening to a lot of james gang: but only "funk 49" and "walk away" and only in the morning, so it's ok.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (Pg+x7)

I did it on a mid 2011 Mac, but I used a professional installer.
Bone and Roll.

Did you try the Apple Cult Store?

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (2wOtx)

120 >>>The Proggy Left has a new object for their two minutes of hate: Jordan Peterson.

I can't read this stuff. Not good for mental health. It would just piss me off to sit there silently ticking off errors and be unable to point them out to people who read it.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (/qEW2)

121 Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (TfcwT)

I'm always confused when we visit other states and you can't buy liquor in the grocery store.
State run liquor stores. That's just odd to me.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (2DYau)

122 That last item means you're going to have to add an addendum to the cookbook, with a new Boned Rolled Pig recipe.

I can taste the hate already.

Posted by: George LeS at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (59GGI)

123 'And it Boned Me to my Soul
Boned Me like a Dickman's Meat Pig Roll
Yeah it Bo-oned Me'

Posted by: Van Morisson at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (d9IQg)

124 Oh, here is an old slate magazine article where they call for Congress to arrest Condolence Rice for refusing a subpoena.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (Z8FFX)

125 This week a counter-volley arrived in the form of this NYT hit piece: Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy

The patriarchy represents, and is responsible for, progress, and everything that is worthwhile on this planet.

Everything else is pretty much worthless.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (u24AF)

126 105 Who know there was gas station wine?

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (a3OL0)

Sure. Not too many places in NJ do it because of licensing issues, but in a bunch of states you can buy wine at gas stations. It's going to be pretty much the same stuff you'd get in convenience stories: mass-produced brands that you can find all over the place but at the gas station (or the convenience store) get a bigger markup than if you bought them elsewhere. In a few states you can buy liquor at gas stations. I remember standing in line at a gas station in MO several years ago and there was a rack of mini-bottles next to the cashier.
Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 10:19 PM (TfcwT)

In my state, beer, wine and liquor are sold at convenience stores which have the proper licensing.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (3Pma+)

127 >>insomniac been seen at all?

Someone's Bonin' the Pigs. Am I right? Sad.

Posted by: Donald Trump's Forehead Merkin at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (d9IQg)

128 1 So what are the three economies below Zimbabwe? You gotta try real hard to make that list.

Posted by: rickl

Start with places that can afford a statue of Karl Marx and nothing else.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at May 24, 2018 10:24 PM (IeDO8)

129 Thanks for the ONT WD!

I agree with you on the kids issues.

I've tried to get more proactive in making sure that Little Clingette is self-sufficient. We started a few years ago when she was in single digits with often overlooked life skills like laundry and cooking.

At double-digits, we set about undoing much of what the schools teach in terms of taboo, among other things we went to the range and shot a .22, we used knives in the kitchen, we started putting chemicals in the pool, and other mundane activities that ordinarily require parental safety locks.

She began riding horses at 8, which also built self-confidence and maturity as well as the ability to manage her own responsibilities and safety.

When she has friends over, it's nice to see her "in charge" and I notice a stark contrast with some of her friends that have parents that watch over them like secret service.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 10:24 PM (gxENN)

130 I boned a rolled pig or two in my day.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:24 PM (CPfoe)

131 'And it Boned Me to my Soul
Boned Me like a Dickman's Meat Pig Roll
Yeah it Bo-oned Me'
Posted by: Van Morisson at May 24, 2018 10:23 PM (d9IQg)

I love that song.

Posted by: DR.WTF? at May 24, 2018 10:24 PM (T71PA)

132 You have nothing to fear from Karl Marx.

Posted by: Maverick at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (+lOpA)

133 85: You are SO smart! Maybe for the effin Somalis too

Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (5gaNQ)

134 I've seen comments on various YouTube vids consisting of variations of the "Jordan Peterson is the stupid man's smart person" to put him down, and by association, anyone who finds Peterson's mindthoughts remotely agreeable.

Posted by: Dr. Not The 9 O'Clock News at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (B/2Ej)

135 Tanner Boyle

No way will I use those preening Apple store guys.

I used a local computer shop with a worker that spoke MacOS.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (hyuyC)

136 >>Gowdy and Nunes did not receive the documents they requested during the
noon meeting at DOJ, despite the pleas for openness from Kelly and Flood
at the start of the briefing


Just a reminder, Trump can declassify any information he wants at any time. He is the only person on the planet with that power. He hasn't.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (/tuJf)

137 130 I boned a rolled pig or two in my day.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:24 PM (CPfo

Sometimes you gotta break the dry spell.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (+lOpA)

138 118 joe walsh... funny thing - i've recently been listening to a lot of james gang: but only "funk 49" and "walk away" and only in the morning, so it's ok.
Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (Pg+x7)

Never been a big fan of his.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:25 PM (3Pma+)

139 Bone first, then roll.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:26 PM (CPfoe)


First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:26 PM (2wOtx)

141 66 KHQ-TV reports that Rachel Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, was charged Tuesday with theft by welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance.

Court documents say she illegally received $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance from August 2015 through November 2017.
Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (e8kgV)

Method acting. She's really getting into her role.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:26 PM (u24AF)

142 ... the james gang's drummer was jim fox - he was excellent (check out some of their live performances on youtube) and, according to wikipedia, he was really the founder of the band. i mean walsh is great and everything, ok, but fox deserves a lot of credit.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:27 PM (Pg+x7)

143 Rickl,

I watched the launch Tuesday, the fog cleared about an hour before. It was really cool.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:27 PM (2DYau)

144 >>I love that song.

It's pretty much perfect.

Posted by: garrett at May 24, 2018 10:27 PM (d9IQg)

145 Back to tits... all tits are a blessing. Big ones, medium ones, and petite ones. Mrs mingo is petite with petite tatas that have not sagged from gravity. Sex at 70 is still a blessing, it just doesn't happen as often at 25.

Posted by: colfax mingo at May 24, 2018 10:27 PM (FoFVZ)

146 16 Boned Rolled Pig was a blues band in New Orleans in the early days. Great Stuff.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM (roQNm)

You ever get 'Radiated'? They worked Luigi's on Eleasian Fields out by UNO sometimes.

Posted by: BifBewalskiBot at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (8ZeGS)

147 In a few states you can buy liquor at gas stations."

Nobody beats Louisiana's drive through Daiquiri bars.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (V2Yro)

Method acting. She's really getting into her role.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:26 PM (u24AF)


You can't just talk the talk. You have to walk the walk.

The girl's all in.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (CPfoe)

149 No way will I use those preening Apple store guys.

I used a local computer shop with a worker that spoke MacOS.

Posted by: NaCly Dog

Good for you, Salty.

Successful operation I hope?

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (2wOtx)

150 I used to think my parents were strict, and they were about some things. But, I use to leave the house in the morning and not come home until dinnertime. My mom never knew where I was. After dinner, I had to be on the block as it began to get dark. But, I played Little League baseball from the time I was 8 until I was 15. At least three of the fields we played at were several miles away and I rode my bike to the games. Many game nights I didn't get home until well after dark. I don't believe my parents ever worried that something bad would happen to me.

Posted by: Bill R. at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (IuYIh)

151 Evening roonz and roonettes, what's shakin'?

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (vbvxt)

152 Call Apple support. They are usually pretty good about fixing things. You'll probably need to use the terminal and run some commands to clear the failed install.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (Lqy/e)

153 Good on Montana. As for what's wrong with California, I'm guessing that if Chick fil A donated to planned parenthood and other lefty causes, it wouldn't be in the list.

Posted by: Chase at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (RbV5J)

154 >>>"Your child's old enough to stay home briefly, and often does. But is it okay to leave her and her playmate home while you dash to the dry cleaner?"

The magazine said "no" and I agree but for a very different reason. *Your* kid may be responsible enough but what about the friend? I wouldn't take any chances unless at least teenagers and a child (and their parents) I knew very well. Injury/thievery/stupidity.

Posted by: cfo mom at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (RfzVr)

155 14 Okay, I give up. Is the rolled pig thing real or not?

Posted by: T

It better be. I just ordered six cases from Amazon. The actual Amazon. If it doesn't show up I'm out 9 bucks. The stuff I've got coming is the premium Rolled Long Pig which should be really tasty. It's got a great review from J Dahmer, whomever she is.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (IeDO8)

"I'm not rich, nor am I famous. But for the most part I am happy and content. I have my faults and am imperfect."

At least I have the serenity to accept that I will never be the person I thought I was. But I don't owe any apologies to those with no standing to demand them. Now I try to set good standards for myself and strive - not always successfully - to live up to them.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (gY6yL)

157 Evening roonz and roonettes, what's shakin'?

I could text you...

Posted by: Tony W at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (YJJvG)

158 Kidlet and I were shocked when we got to Savannah. Asked the desk clerk where the liquor store was. We walked down there and there was no beer. Had to go to Walmart. In CO, they only have near beer at the grocery store. Have to go the liquor store.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (a3OL0)

159 "Legally Edible"

Well, okey doke. Let's chow down!

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (qK7/b)

160 141 66 KHQ-TV reports that Rachel Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, was charged Tuesday with theft by welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance.

Court documents say she illegally received $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in childcare assistance from August 2015 through November 2017.
Posted by: undocumented illegal Mark Knopfler at May 24, 2018 10:12 PM (e8kgV)

Method acting. She's really getting into her role.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:26 PM (u24AF)

Fucking white privilege

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (3Pma+)

161 150 I used to think my parents were strict, and they were about some things. But, I use to leave the house in the morning and not come home until dinnertime. My mom never knew where I was. After dinner, I had to be on the block as it began to get dark. But, I played Little League baseball from the time I was 8 until I was 15. At least three of the fields we played at were several miles away and I rode my bike to the games. Many game nights I didn't get home until well after dark. I don't believe my parents ever worried that something bad would happen to me.
Posted by: Bill R. at May 24, 2018 10:28 PM (IuYIh)

The ironic part is that the soccer moms, who invariably vote Democrat, worry about their precious progeny being kidnapped/ raped/ murdered by some anonymous stranger, who is himself doubtless also a Democrat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (u24AF)

162 2 things:

1. "i boned a rolled pig or two in my day" - too funny.

2. got "funk 49" running in my brain so i'm off to listen to it.


Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (Pg+x7)

163 Peterson is one manifestation of The Red Pill.

Donald Trump is its avatar.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (0ogQG)


Birth - 5th grade.

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (2wOtx)

165 159 "Legally Edible"

Well, okey doke. Let's chow down!
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (qK7/b)


Michelin gives one star for that.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (CPfoe)

166 It's white people's fault Zimbabwe is poor but Botswana is not.

Posted by: logprof at May 24, 2018 10:31 PM (e7oj4)

167 Infidel: they passed a law flushing that p!ss out of the supermarkets, but it hasn't taken effect yet.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:31 PM (YJJvG)

168 Fucking white privilege
Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (3Pma+)

Wait a minute. She spent half of her life white, half of it black. Does that make her a mulatto? Isn't a time average pretty much like an cellular ensemble average?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:31 PM (u24AF)

169 Tanner Boyle

Yes. Even with my wife's computer. Which she abuses.

We were a mixed marriage at the start. I have given her 2 iMacs since then, and she just curses her machines some of the time.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:31 PM (hyuyC)

170 "I'm not rich, nor am I famous. But for the most part I am happy and content. I have my faults and am imperfect."

That right there is why the middle class has no need for rulers, and why our would-be rulers want to destroy the middle class.

Posted by: rickl at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (sdi6R)

171 They were still figuring this out when I started my Army hearing loss claim.
The Radiators "Suck the head"

Posted by: BifBewalskiBot at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (8ZeGS)


"Mother's Day"

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (2wOtx)

Boned rolled pig: sustains life without adding sublimnity.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (gY6yL)

174 166 It's white people's fault Zimbabwe is poor but Botswana is not.
Posted by: logprof at May 24, 2018 10:31 PM (e7oj4)

Of course. Whites are to blame for everything. The only things they're not responsible for are good things.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (u24AF)

175 46----As for boned rolled pig, I get the cows encouraging people to frequent Chick-fil-a, but can't imagine even an animal dancing for death.
Posted by: CN at May 24, 2018 10:09 PM (5gaNQ)
Look, I like pigs but, let's face it, they will do that.
Remember the Valleydale pigs? They had a smiling, marching piggie-band celebrating sausage and bacon.
It was .....macabre.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (0jtPF)

176 Smear the Queer--usually the object of contention was someone's hat.

We played army a lot--with walnuts as ammunition.

When my little brother was in 6th grade, he came home one summer day with a lacerated shin--down to the bone, having cut it while climbing a tree. My mom got mad because he got blood all over the floor. My father (a surgeon who always stitched us up himself) finally quit using anesthetic on little bro, hoping it would learn him not to do stoopid shit.

I had a mom in our cul-de-sac lose her shit with me because I let my boys "go past the stop sign," and her son inevitably tagged along. Can you imagine? I had feral children and was the scandal of the neighborhood.

Posted by: LadyTheo, A harriette through and through. at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (RsaU+)

177 HOU up 68-66

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (YJJvG)

178 The Proggy Left has a new object for their two minutes of hate: Jordan Peterson.


Vox Day has also been going after Peterson.

These revelations about the man are entirely consistent with his philosophy. His philosophy is openly evil; His philosophy is not, contra most of his fans' assumptions, respectful of the Bible and respectful of Christianity in any way. You know, the fact that you talk about them as myth and you talk about the importance of myth and all this sort of thing is it's more polite than calling them fairy stories, but in some ways it's actually more damaging because if you're a frothing-at-the-mouth New Atheist who is just complaining about fairy tales and no evidence and that sort of thing, you're very easily dismissed. It's very very easy to demonstrate that what those people are saying is objectively false.

I have no opinion. Day has bought and read Peterson's books and watched his videos and read the material that Peterson references. I'm not interested enough to do the same, so I can't say how fair Day is in his criticisms.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (pvjTE)

179 Serious cat, can you restore to your previous os?

High sierra is buggy.
killed my laptop's brightness adjustment functionality, which is not a big deal but super annoying.

Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (hMwEB)

180 Boned rolled pig: sustains life without adding sublimnity.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:32 PM (gY6yL)

But it *is* 60% real meat. So there is that.

Posted by: DR.WTF? at May 24, 2018 10:34 PM (T71PA)

181 153 As for what's wrong with California, I'm guessing that if Chick fil A donated to planned parenthood and other lefty causes, it wouldn't be in the list.
Posted by: Chase at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (RbV5J)

Reminds me to go hit Chik-fil-A more often.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:34 PM (u24AF)

The ironic part is that the soccer moms, who invariably vote Democrat, worry about their precious progeny being kidnapped/ raped/ murdered by some anonymous stranger, who is himself doubtless also a Democrat.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (u24AF)

Don't you just love it when felons vote?

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:34 PM (3Pma+)

183 hola!

Posted by: redc1c4 at May 24, 2018 10:34 PM (rAq5V)

184 I saw Institutional Meat Food open for Meat Beat Manifesto in 1991.

Posted by: logprof at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (e7oj4)

185 I'm always confused when we visit other states and you can't buy liquor in the grocery store.
State run liquor stores. That's just odd to me.

Posted by: CaliGirl at May 24, 2018 10:22 PM (2DYau)

I get the same feeling when I visit a grocery store in another state and don't see slot machines or people open carrying.

Posted by: The Political Hat at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (itfg0)

186 bth, thank God. I'm glad I have a cheap liquor store only a few blocks away. Cheapest smokes in town too.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (a3OL0)

Wait a minute. She spent half of her life white, half of it black. Does that make her a mulatto? Isn't a time average pretty much like an cellular ensemble average?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May

panda right?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (MTjB1)

188 Those on the left and their utter hate, intellectual laziness and emotional retardation must just lead horrible lives.
Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (3Pma+)

The angriest conservative in the world would punish liberals with only a faint shadow of the misery they put on themselves.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (rnAwa)

189 So what are the three economies below Zimbabwe? has a 2018 Index of Economic Freedom, with Zimbabwe at 174 out of 180 (and 6 unranked countries.) Behind them are Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Congo, Cuba, Venezuela, and (surprise) North Korea.

USA is 18th, in the "mostly free" category.

Posted by: mikeski at May 24, 2018 10:36 PM (JGBbg)

190 honestly I've about had it with VoxDay, from the antivaccine autism to the wink wink nudge nudge antisemitism to the stupid conspiracy theories about school shootings

he has done great work in the past but he has jumped several sharks.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:36 PM (YJJvG)

191 Don't you just love it when felons vote?
Posted by: Fat Jack at May

why would you think women are all felons?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 10:36 PM (MTjB1)

192 3rd freeest economy for Zimbabwe. So #1 least free is likely North Korea. #2? Cuba?

I wonder where how high/low in ranking of poorness Venezuela has fallen since they voted for Chavez/socialism.

Posted by: PaleRider, simply irredeemable at May 24, 2018 10:36 PM (84F5k)

193 Is Talcum X the next target for a fraud investigation?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:36 PM (hyuyC)

194 I didn't think much of Peterson's new book, but the linked article makes me want to check out his Maps of Meaning.

Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (hMwEB)

195 Going to bed since no one is discussing tits. Sheesh. Rolled pig, basketball, etc are nothing compared to bipedal tatas.

Posted by: colfax mingo at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (FoFVZ)

196 The ironic part is that the soccer moms, who invariably vote Democrat, worry about their precious progeny being kidnapped/ raped/ murdered by some anonymous stranger, who is himself doubtless also a Democrat.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:30 PM (u24AF)

I keep hearing the excuse is that crime is so much worse now than when I was a kid. I say excuse because I don't believe that for a second. What I do know is that things get put on social media very quickly which is something that didn't exist when I was young.

By the way, I was taught to shoot a firearm at 8 years old. The reason I remember that is because the riots were happening in Detroit at that time in 1967.

Posted by: Bill R. at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (IuYIh)

197 I have no opinion. Day has bought and read Peterson's books and watched
his videos and read the material that Peterson references. I'm not
interested enough to do the same, so I can't say how fair Day is in his
Peterson isn't Rick Santorum...but he basically tells people to live a sane, and frankly moral life.

I've yet to see something Peterson said that should be objectionable to any conservative - from Pence-ian to "Humping Marco Rubio's Trash" Ace-style

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (Z8FFX)

198 Don't you just love it when felons vote?
Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:34 PM (3Pma+)

Yep. We desperately need their input on what social mores should be.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (u24AF)

199 I had a mom in our cul-de-sac lose her shit with me because I let my boys "go past the stop sign," and her son inevitably tagged along. Can you imagine? I had feral children and was the scandal of the neighborhood.
Posted by: LadyTheo, A harriette through and through. at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (RsaU+)

And now you're an 'ette, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:37 PM (3Pma+)

why would you think women are all felons?

First they bone me.

Then they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:38 PM (2wOtx)

201 Luntz needs sartorial advice.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 10:38 PM (qK7/b)

202 I keep hearing the excuse is that crime is so much worse now than when I was a kid.

The Democrat Party is just trying to garner kudos.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (u24AF)

203 Speaking of voxday, what do ur u guys think of freestartr

Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (hMwEB)

204 I'm guessing you could smoke rolled pig.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (0ogQG)

205 Honestly I've about had it with VoxDay, from the antivaccine autism to the wink wink nudge nudge antisemitism to the stupid conspiracy theories about school shootings

I've not been able to stand him for years. He's an arrogant ass.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (eKkdJ)

206 It's some kind of free speech crowd funding alternative

Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (hMwEB)

207 201 Luntz needs sartorial advice.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 10:38 PM (qK7/b)

The polite way to say take your head out of your ass Frank?

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:39 PM (3Pma+)

208 If Africa is the cradle of life and the start of civilization and all that rot, why isn't it like the Jetsons by now? I mean, they had a huge head start on us evil white people.

I mean, I am sure it is Trump's fault, maybe Bush's, possibly both but I can't follow the logic.

Posted by: JB1000 at May 24, 2018 10:40 PM (ECkAC)

209 PaleRider, simply irredeemable

Venezuela is still way ahead of many African nations or Haiti. But it's # 2 with a bullet. I bet its already passed Honduras, Cuba, or Nicaragua.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:40 PM (hyuyC)

210 First they bone me.

Then they roll me.
Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:38 PM (2wOtx)

That is turning out to be an oddly apt response to just about everything.

Posted by: DR.WTF? at May 24, 2018 10:40 PM (T71PA)

211 I keep hearing the excuse is that crime is so much worse now than when I was a kid.

"Yes, there are so many people we should execute forthwith. Don't you agree? After all, it's for the children!"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:40 PM (u24AF)

212 I'm too lazy to look, but wasn't Carl Switzer the real name of the Little Rascals' Alfalfa..?

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (KxbBq)

213 208 If Africa is the cradle of life and the start of civilization and all that rot, why isn't it like the Jetsons by now? I mean, they had a huge head start on us evil white people.


White privilege.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (CPfoe)

214 While we can be sure it wasn't AlextheChick, we can also assume that she wouldn't be phased in the slightest. She probably has stories...

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (eKkdJ)

215 Sorry for parachuting in.

WTF is up with Frank Luntz' hair?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (fuK7c)

216 I'm not sure soccer moms are liberals.

They are breeders. Leftist females usually are usually "focused on a career" or aborting their would-be progeny.

I'm sure they lean Democrat because they are training their children to play cuccer, but I don't think they are completely leftist.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (gxENN)

217 208 If Africa is the cradle of life and the start of civilization and all that rot, why isn't it like the Jetsons by now? I mean, they had a huge head start on us evil white people.

I mean, I am sure it is Trump's fault, maybe Bush's, possibly both but I can't follow the logic.
Posted by: JB1000 at May 24, 2018 10:40 PM (ECkAC)

Makes you wonder why some people left Africa, doesn't it?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (u24AF)

218 Hannity has alluded to Rosenstein having an explosive temper. He is said to go on tirades against congressional staff as well as DOJ underlings. Trump should order Sessions to fire him for this abusive behavior.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (kWrQ3)

219 I break with Vox on this one as well. So you don't agree with Peterson on everything, or even on his worldview, fine. You don't have to. But he's still doing a lot of good with a big group of people who know nothing at all. Don't attack someone who's doing good, just because they're not doing it the way you would like them to.

Since Vox Day brought up Christianity, I should point out that's a paraphrase of Luke 9:49 - 50.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (V2Yro)

220 I keep hearing the excuse is that crime is so much worse now than when I was a kid.***
Crime is still worse then the 50s...though outside of the cities it is pretty darn safe.
There are likely more of the freaky sex-type criminals running around now then even in the recent past though because said gentleman would usually have done something to get them a good solid beating...if not disappeared...before the police could even arrest them back in the day, and now it is more of a catch and release...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:42 PM (Z8FFX)

221 208 If Africa is the cradle of life and the start of civilization and all that rot, why isn't it like the Jetsons by now? I mean, they had a huge head start on us evil white people.


Marauding Swedes kept stealing all their inventions.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:42 PM (CPfoe)

Here's a bad combo for me: low-carb diet and an Ember Friday. Plus no music tomorrow.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (nItp8)

223 LOL! On that last picture with the rolled pig: "Legally edible." Like . . . scrapple.

Posted by: RickZ at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (zRegE)

224 The angriest conservative in the world would punish liberals with only a faint shadow of the misery they put on themselves.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:35 PM (rnAwa)

I'm no conservative ... but challenge accepted.

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (wIrrX)

225 I could text you...

Posted by: Tony W at May 24, 2018 10:29 PM (YJJvG)
Say, isn't your wife's name pronounced Hum A? So how does that work?
Asking for a friend...

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (vbvxt)

226 Here's a bad combo for me: low-carb diet and an Ember Friday. Plus no music tomorrow.


You think you have it bad, I'm giving up masturbation for Lent.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (CPfoe)

227 Hadrian the Seventh

Is there any hope for your ear?

Like a NIH experimental bionic replacement?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:44 PM (hyuyC)

228 Dickman's?
Boned pig?
I'm afraid I'm not hungry anymore.

Posted by: Jim S. at May 24, 2018 10:44 PM (ynUnH)

229 Jordan Peterson had visited London, and he tells this anecdote. He had two stores to go to, and then back to his hotel. He goes to the grocery, and a Londoner there recognizes him. The young man said that he had watched his course videos, and because of it he had stopped drinking and started to put his life together. (Something like that, IIRC).
Then he goes to the next store, and another young man does just about the same thing. Peterson is telling this story and he is amazed, almost disbelieving. It occurs to me that Elvis or the Beatles might be incredibly jealous of what kind of celebrity he has become. These two men are outliers, but still.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:44 PM (rnAwa)

230 I read Peterson's book, because I wanted to send it to my youngest son. I think Day has him wrong, and willfully so.

Peterson treats the Bible as foundational myth IN THE BOOK--probably because he does not want to alienate non-Christians (not that his intended audience is non-Christian, but that many young people are agnostic and uneducated in their faith traditions). He strives to present the moral and ethical lessons of Scripture in a way that is accessible to everyone, not just Christians of a certain flavor.

He seems to want to connect young people to something transcendent, something beyond the human ego, and so he points them to the accumulated wisdom of the ages and the sense and experience of the divine that humans have chronicled since time immemorial.

Peterson is kind of an odd duck--but I admire him for refusing to take any bullshit from the Left, for holding firm to language as having certain meanings, for refusing to run after the SQUIRREL! with which the Left is always trying to confound us.

Posted by: LadyTheo, A harriette through and through. at May 24, 2018 10:44 PM (RsaU+)

231 JB1000, the northeast of Africa kind of *was* the Jetsons relative to much of the world.

there are lots of answers to your question, but it seems to settle around geography and the Arabs. (also genetics of course but then, you have to answer why being smart was not rewarded in Africa).

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:45 PM (YJJvG)

The US is responsible for all the world's problems and all the failed states everywhere.

Sort of like being Husband To The World.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (nItp8)

The current theory is that modern humans developed in what is now Ethiopia, and spread from there into the rest of Africa and the world as a whole.

Civilization though first appeared in Iraq, India, and China around 4000K years ago....with Greece, the near East, and Persia following not long after.

There has never been a great sub-Saharan African civilization.

Why is a hell of a question.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (Z8FFX)

234 Boulder t'hobo

Disease, and the diseased, closed minds of Arabs.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (hyuyC)

235 there are lots of answers to your question, but it seems to settle around geography and the Arabs. (also genetics of course but then, you have to answer why being smart was not rewarded in Africa).


Being fast was rewarded in Africa.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (CPfoe)

236 Vox Day has also been going after Peterson.
The problem with Vox Day is that he's always going on about "White people did this and white people did that". He's not wrong-but he acts as if it happened because they were white, when it's nothing more than an accident of history. Jump me back in time to the 7th century with a platoon of Marines to stop the Islamization of Africa, allowing it to continue to Christianize as it was doing, and the Renaissance/Reformation/Enlightenment would look very different (if it was even necessary at all, absent the European Dark Ages).

Posted by: Weirddave at May 24, 2018 10:47 PM (vFKpB)

237 Sort of like being Husband To The World.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (nItp

Take my wife... Please!

Posted by: Henny Youngman at May 24, 2018 10:47 PM (T71PA)

238 Marauding Swedes kept stealing all their inventions.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:42 PM (CPfoe)

I thought it was all those Greek homos, who when they stole all the inventions used their neuralyzers so the Africans would forget what they'd invented.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:47 PM (u24AF)

239 I'm not sure soccer moms are liberals.

They are breeders. Leftist females usually are usually "focused on a career" or aborting their would-be progeny.

I'm sure they lean Democrat because they are training their children
to play cuccer, but I don't think they are completely leftist.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 10:41 PM (gxENN)

Welcome to the DC metropolitan area (the line about remembering going to pro-choice rallies as kids is completely serious):

Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (TfcwT)

240 There has never been a great sub-Saharan African civilization.

Why is a hell of a question.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (Z8FFX)

Not really.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (u24AF)

241 ... p.s. "funk 49" has cowbell.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (Pg+x7)

242 18-1

Too many fatal diseases. And maybe the bright minds wandered away, never to return.

The stay at homes did not need to push themselves to survive.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (hyuyC)

243 Sort of like being Husband To The World.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (nItp


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:49 PM (u24AF)

244 I think I was served bone-rolled pork at the student cafeteria at Va. Tech circa 1985. It was that or the white sludge with chunks and I wasn't going for THAT again.

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 10:49 PM (1FhAQ)

245 It sounds like Peterson is using the more academic version of "myth", which is a story that a culturebuses to explain itself to itself. Something can be a myth and still contain truth.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at May 24, 2018 10:49 PM (eKkdJ)

246 The principle here is simple: This generation of kids must be protected like none other. They can't use tools, they can't play on grass, and they certainly can't be expected to work through a spat with a friend.

Some research just came out that claimed that kids being raised in houses that were too clean was contributing to leukemia, since the kids' immune systems didn't get the proper training (or something to that effect).

And these kids are only super-mega-protected in specific ways. In other ways, they are fed to the lions, basically, as when they are given serious psychoactive drugs to stop them from being pains-in-the-ass and when they are, insanely, given hormone treatments and other fvcked up stuff to encourage their decision to try to change their sex at age 5 ... not to mention the fvcked up things that they have been taught in school sex ed classes (at younger and younger ages every year).

These kids are over-protected, but only over-protected from normalcy. They are thrown into demented, perverted and insane situations as a matter of course.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:49 PM (RPXrN)

247 Considering what Botswana has done by embracing capitalism,. just imagine what doing the same could do for some of our blue states!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... now with 23% more Dragon Energy! at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (wSC8T)

248 I think a central Christian ideal is that individuals and society will work better if they follow Christian principles***
This is...clearly...true.

One can just assume that somehow those wacky guys in ancient Israel stumbled across something fundamental about human nature (and later clarified again in north Europe about 500 years ago) or you can ponder if that has some deeper meaning.

With the current depravity of American culture I'm perfectly fine with people starting with the former.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (Z8FFX)

249 Too many fatal diseases. And maybe the bright minds wandered away, never to return.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (u24AF)

250 I have free range kids. They just have to stay in the neighborhood and be home when they're supposed to be.

Posted by: lin-duh at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (kufk0)

Is there any hope for your ear?

Like a NIH experimental bionic replacement?

Posted by: NaCly Dog

Thank you for asking. Time will tell. I'm on Prednisone to try to reduce any swelling in the inner ear. Could take a while to come back, if ever. I will accept whatever the Good Lord leaves me.

Otherwise I feel fine.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (nItp8)

252 and I think Nubia counts as if not a first rank civilisation , at least as an excellent second rank. like mediaeval Armenia.

Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (YJJvG)

253 I bought Peterson's book for my stepson. I haven't heard the videos or read his other book. I listened to one video where he said young men are desperate for someone to tell them they are doing something right. He was really passionate about it. My stepson has been trying to get on the right track and I thought it might encourage him.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at May 24, 2018 10:51 PM (Lqy/e)

254 226 Here's a bad combo for me: low-carb diet and an Ember Friday. Plus no music tomorrow.


You think you have it bad, I'm giving up masturbation for Lent.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (CPfoe)

I gave up caring, I was way past the masturbation thing.

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:51 PM (3Pma+)

255 ... james gang - joe walsh - they had a moment. which is ok.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 24, 2018 10:51 PM (Pg+x7)

256 Yeah, claiming that the rabbit was involved in the battle is a little like claiming the cow was involved in my dinner French were involved in WWII.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:51 PM (RPXrN)

257 252 and I think Nubia counts as if not a first rank civilisation , at least as an excellent second rank. like mediaeval Armenia.
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (YJJvG)


The Nubians ruled Egypt for a while in the late New Kingdom.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (CPfoe)

258 >>there are lots of answers to your question, but it seems to settle around geography and the Arabs. (also genetics of course but then, you have to answer why being smart was not rewarded in Africa).

It's tribalism. Look at any backwards area in the world and you will find one thing holding back civilization, tribalism. No more clear example this today than the Middle East.

The genius of America was the melting pot. It didn't matter where you came from as long as you were willing to leave it behind, at least in your public life, and become an American.

It's why the left is so desperate to wipe out that concept and return to tribalism.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (/tuJf)

259 Too many fatal diseases. And maybe the bright minds wandered away, never to return.

The stay at homes did not need to push themselves to survive.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (hyuyC)

But note the internal contradiction here: 1) "too many fatal diseases," and "the stay at homes did not need to push themselves to survive."

Which is it?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (u24AF)

260 250 I have free range kids. They just have to stay in the neighborhood and be home when they're supposed to be.
Posted by: lin-duh at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (kufk0)

OACM (Obviously a cool mom)

Posted by: Fat Jack at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (3Pma+)

261 Hadrian the Seventh

At least you have a great excuse for not hearing Her Majesty. Not that any excuse would work.

Some things seem to be universal.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (hyuyC)

262 There has never been a great sub-Saharan African civilization.

Why is a hell of a question.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (Z8FFX)

Probably has a lot to do with the lack of access of regular, good water. There are no 'gentle' rivers like the Tigris and Euphrates, the Ganges, or the Yellow Rivers in Africa. Civilization needs a regular source of clean water to flourish.

Posted by: RickZ at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (zRegE)

263 Rolled pig . . . I want it to be true, so I won't look it up. Would explain the source of 80s dorm food.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (2xR5z)

264 /sock

Posted by: DR.WTF? at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (T71PA)

265 The Nubians ruled Egypt for a while in the late New Kingdom.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (CPfoe)

Pretty much everyone ruled Egypt for a while here and there.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (RPXrN)

266 It seems Rosenstein is abusive to people under him in a way that no one in the private sector could get away with. Profanity laced tirades that would get anyone with a real job fired tomorrow.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (kWrQ3)

267 My theory is that young men need a mission.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (+lOpA)

Wait a minute. She spent half of her life white, half of it black.

I think I saw her brother in an old Star Trek episode.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (IqV8l)

269 Too many fatal diseases.
There is something really, really odd about the constant rise of diseases from the central African area.

Perhaps being in proximity to our nearest genetic cousins is bad for our health?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (Z8FFX)

270 I must away and finish up my packing. Be well all and have a good long weekend.

Posted by: PaleRider, simply irredeemable at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (84F5k)

271 257 252 and I think Nubia counts as if not a first rank civilisation , at least as an excellent second rank. like mediaeval Armenia.
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:50 PM (YJJvG)


The Nubians ruled Egypt for a while in the late New Kingdom.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:52 PM (CPfoe)

Are you sure about that?

The Valley of the Kings (which I've visited) contains frescoes of Egyptians in war chariots running down blacks (Nubians). From the frescoes, it's VERY clear that these were two very different groups racially.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (u24AF)

Pretty much everyone ruled Egypt for a while here and there.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:53 PM (RPXrN)


That's true. They even had Libyan overlords for a while.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (CPfoe)

273 you know, the hq is like fight club for commenters.

really good training for going to foreign blog.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (MTjB1)

274 There has never been a great sub-Saharan African civilization.

Why is a hell of a question.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (Z8FFX)

There was Timbuktu.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (RPXrN)

275 Good evening!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (hYcqw)

276 Perhaps being in proximity to our nearest genetic cousins is bad for our health?

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (Z8FFX)

A number of human diseases are zoonoses, i.e., animal diseases that jumped the species barrier. See, e.g., avian flu.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (u24AF)

277 The Valley of the Kings (which I've visited) contains frescoes of Egyptians in war chariots running down blacks (Nubians). From the frescoes, it's VERY clear that these were two very different groups racially.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:54 PM (u24AF)

You can't go by what they put on their billboards.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (CPfoe)

My theory is that young men need a mission.
Posted by: eleven

Should they choose to accept it...

IMF - Impossible Mission Force or Institutional Meat Food?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (IqV8l)

279 187
Wait a minute. She spent half of her life white, half of it black. Does that make her a mulatto? Isn't a time average pretty much like an cellular ensemble average?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May

panda right?
Posted by: yankeefifth

So she's Chinese now? Damn broad can't make up her mind.

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (bV+IS)

280 179 Serious cat, can you restore to your previous os?

High sierra is buggy.
killed my laptop's brightness adjustment functionality, which is not a big deal but super annoying.
Posted by: Votermom's phone now on Team Gloom Sub Duty at May 24, 2018 10:33 PM (hMwEB)


I don't think I can because I never made a backup. I can get into Terminal but I'm not seeing anything in the root directory.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 24, 2018 10:56 PM (GtG/j)

281 You think you have it bad, I'm giving up masturbation for Lent.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:43 PM (CPfoe)

I tried that once, when I was younger. I gave up after two weeks.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 24, 2018 10:56 PM (7PQBV)

282 There was Timbuktu.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (RPXrN)

And Tyler too.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 10:56 PM (+lOpA)

Probably has a lot to do with the lack of access of regular, good
water. There are no 'gentle' rivers like the Tigris and Euphrates, the
Ganges, or the Yellow Rivers in Africa. Civilization needs a regular
source of clean water to flourish.***
Put then how do we explain the Greeks or the Hittites?
I have see some research suggesting the origins of agriculture and urbanization come from what is now south eastern Turkey. Well...the former seems established as it appears early cereal crops originated there, the later seems harder to establish.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (Z8FFX)

284 I see that Nunes and Gowdy got stiffed again. They must like riding in the bitch seat!

Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (rdl6o)

285 What's a Nubian?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (rnAwa)

286 Just joined Gab.
One of you guys took my name.

Posted by: Diogenes at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (F4eQP)

287 Welcome to the DC metropolitan area (the line about remembering going to pro-choice rallies as kids is completely serious):
Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 10:48 PM (TfcwT)


Well that is the District of Cucklumbia.

My daughter played 4 years in Tennessee and in general every season started with some dorky guy coaching the team and organizing orange slices and Capri Sun schedules, but the girls never got any better at soccer.

I'd usually wind up getting drafted to fill in at a few practices and ultimately wind up coaching the second half of the season. I yelled at the kids (not mean stuff, performance stuff) and worked them hard, made them run laps, etc.

By the end of the year, I had 100% if the fathers thanking me and 75% of the moms. The drawback is no one knew who was supposed to bring the mini boxes of raisins or the organic apple juices. Instead we just went to the all you can eat cheap-ass pizza buffet after the games.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (gxENN)

288 Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity

Maybe both. Adaptation did occur to diseases. Sickle cell anemia is one example. The smart ones got out of Dodge, and the ones fighting diseases did not prosper. They procreated, but were late in building civilizations. Or had weak cultures. Something. The Zimbabwe culture was weaker than the Incas.

Do you have ideas?

The Tsetse fly precluded cattle and horses, ISTR. It took high altitudes to get away from that.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (hyuyC)

289 The Nubians ruled Egypt for a while in the late New Kingdom.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May

the egyptians were ruled by a bunch of girls?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (MTjB1)

290 There was Timbuktu.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (RPXrN)

Where is the Parthenon of Timbuktu (which was prosperous only as a slave trading center)? The Coliseum? What are the works of literature, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, and science of Timbuktu?

I missed all that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (u24AF)

291 Just joined Gab.

One of you guys took my name.

First they bone me. Then, they roll me.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (2wOtx)

292 What's a Nubian?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (rnAwa)

Nothing. What's a nubian with you?

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (RPXrN)

293 What's a Nubian?
Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (rnAwa)


Posted by: DR.WTF? at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (T71PA)

294 233
The current theory is that modern humans developed in what is now Ethiopia, and spread from there into the rest of Africa and the world as a whole.

Civilization though first appeared in Iraq, India, and China around 4000K years ago....with Greece, the near East, and Persia following not long after.

There has never been a great sub-Saharan African civilization.

Why is a hell of a question.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 10:46 PM (Z8FFX)

My take is climate. Specifically, lack of winter. Don't have to work your ass off to store up to make it through 3-4 months of ice and snow in the tropics. Working hard makes you think of ways not to work so damned hard.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (di1hb)

295 Serious Cat at May 24, 2018 10:17 PM (GtG/j)

I'm holding at Yosemite.

Best of luck.

Posted by: Adriane the iSomething Critic ... at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (AoK0a)

There was Timbuktu.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

Their future was so bright they had to wear shades.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (IqV8l)

297 117 insomniac been seen at all?
Posted by: Boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 10:21 PM (YJJvG)


I asked a few nights ago but don't recall an answer.

In my prayers for God's blessing.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (EZebt)

Fifty thou a year will buy a lot of beer.

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (2wOtx)

299 Where is the Parthenon of Timbuktu (which was prosperous only as a slave trading center)? The Coliseum? What are the works of literature, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, and science of Timbuktu?


They do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (CPfoe)

300 286 Just joined Gab.
One of you guys took my name.
Posted by: Diogenes at May 24, 2018 10:57 PM (F4eQP)

I tried to join bit everything I tried said already in use.

I don't think it's true.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (+lOpA)

301 Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (u24AF)

Timbuktu was rolling in cash from the salt trade. It was a salt superpower. Of course, the Sahara was a lot less of a desert back then, too.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (RPXrN)

302 Nebraska hates chili peppers? Good grief! There's a taqueria on practically every street corner and more Mexican roach coaches than you can count. And then there are the "dot" Indian restarants. I guarantee you that each one of my kids and most of their friends have planted ghost peppers in their gardens, and a couple of the nitwits have also planted Carolina Reapers just for the bragging rights.

Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (eNyDO)

303 Timbuktu was a much later civilization than others. Zimbabwe's was earlier.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (hyuyC)

304 Old and busted: romaine e. coli.

New hawtness: broccoli listeria.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 24, 2018 11:01 PM (/qEW2)

305 You can't go by what they put on their billboards.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:55 PM (CPfoe)

It was an era before political correctness. And very clearly, the ancient Egyptians revelled in the notion of running down the darkies, as evidenced by their tombs from 4-5000 years ago.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:01 PM (u24AF)

306 But it *is* 60% real meat. So there is that.
Posted by: DR.WTF?

Rivals rodent products. This stuff would have been a hit post-war Germany.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (qK7/b)

307 My take is climate. Specifically, lack of winter. Don't have to work
your ass off to store up to make it through 3-4 months of ice and snow
in the tropics. Working hard makes you think of ways not to work so
damned hard.
I think a common theory on the development of both Sumerian and Egyptian civilization was that you had to organize people to work on the cycle of the rivers' flooding. can grow a lot of food *if* you can find a way to get a bunch of people together on a regular schedule to do specific tasks....and regular schedules, division of labor, and formal authority are of course hallmarks of civilization...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (Z8FFX)

308 Timbuktu was rolling in cash from the salt trade. It was a salt superpower. Of course, the Sahara was a lot less of a desert back then, too.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (RPXrN)

OK. So where's their literature, philosophy, architecture, medicine, mathematics, engineering, and science?

I missed that part.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (u24AF)

309 They do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (CPfoe)

Indian mound builders tried for that title ... unsuccessfully. But they left some nice piles of dirt.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (RPXrN)

310 300
I tried to join bit everything I tried said already in use.

I don't think it's true.
Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (+lOpA)

"the_original_eleven" is available

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (di1hb)

Timbuktu was rolling in cash from the salt trade. It was a salt superpower. Of course, the Sahara was a lot less of a desert back then, too.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

They were doing all right, getting good grades

Posted by: 2009Refugee at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (2xR5z)

312 Fenelon told me Insomniac was working on real world stuff.

Don't know ....

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (+lOpA)

313 The fact that Peterson (in his book) treats the Bible as foundational myth doesn't bother me in the least, because it *works* as foundational myth. It also works on a personal and spiritual level, for those who choose to follow it that way. It's a great work that works on multiple levels, and anyone who calls attention to the way it is one of the centerpieces of our culture is doing a great service to all of us.

And it's foolish to paint all believers as fundamental literalists. Even as a believer, I don't waste any thoughts on whether or not there was an actual man named Job who had these awful things happen to him, for example. I'm very comfortable thinking that some extremely thoughtful scribe about 3,000 years ago sat down and grappled deeply with the problem of Why do Bad Things happen to Good People - which is a problem *every* generation in *every* culture has to grapple with. The truth of the book is in the lesson it teaches, not in the dry recitation of names and places.

And for those who are not familiar with it other than by name, the lesson is a hard one to take. It's also True, and it's the only answer you will ever get in this life, whether you like it or not.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (V2Yro)

314 They do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (CPfoe)

The largest mud building in the world?

Damn. I'm impressed.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (u24AF)

315 Timbuktu was a much later civilization than others. Zimbabwe's was earlier.
Posted by: NaCly Dog

And Kalamazoo?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (qK7/b)

316 Lack of good harbors & sea trading in Africa?

The slave trade with Arabia was also much later.

The Mongols intellectually decapitated the Arab civilization when they destroyed the advanced and planned city of Bagdad. Again, nuch later than other civs.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (hyuyC)

317 They were doing all right, getting good grades
Posted by: 2009Refugee at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (2xR5z)

Turning their lives around?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (u24AF)

318 For the record, the Egyptians loved to talk about everyone they subjugated or killed...
And seeing as they were one of the few civilizations to beat the "Sea Peoples" they probably were kind of bad ass back in the day

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (Z8FFX)

319 I tried to join bit everything I tried said already in use.

I don't think it's true.
Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (+lOpA)

"the_original_eleven" is available
Posted by: Iron Mike Golf

One of the many bugs in Gab is that it reports names with illegal characters (like spaces) as "already in use."

Posted by: mikeski at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (JGBbg)

320 Rosenstein has been said to use racially charged language as well as possibly homophobic references in official DOJ communications.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (kWrQ3)

Where is the Parthenon of Timbuktu (which was prosperous only as a slave trading center)? The Coliseum? What are the works of literature, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, and science of Timbuktu?

I missed all that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (u24AF)

It's all in my attic.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (1UTp9)

I'm holding at Yosemite.

Best of luck.
Posted by: Adriane the iSomething Critic ... at May 24, 2018 10:58 PM (AoK0a)

I didn't want it, but I needed it in order to program for iOS's augmented reality stuff.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (GtG/j)

323 314 They do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 10:59 PM (CPfoe)


Umm, they have developed some of the most pernicious virus strains there.

Where is the credit for that, huh?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (gxENN)

324 he Mongols intellectually decapitated the Arab civilization when they destroyed the advanced and planned city of Bagdad. Again, nuch later than other civs.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (hyuyC)


How advanced could it be? It had no high-speed rail.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (CPfoe)

325 I think a common theory on the development of both Sumerian and Egyptian civilization was that you had to organize people to work on the cycle of the rivers' flooding. can grow a lot of food *if* you can find a way to get a bunch of people together on a regular schedule to do specific tasks....and regular schedules, division of labor, and formal authority are of course hallmarks of civilization...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (Z8FFX)

The latest theory on the development of Egyptian civilization is that the increasing desertification of the Sahara forced the people into higher density living along the Nile. I kind of like that theory. And then that led to what you wrote.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (RPXrN)

326 You will roll me. But first, you will bone me.

Posted by: Hula Pig at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (EzdLW)

One of the many bugs in Gab is that it reports names with illegal characters (like spaces) as "already in use."

First they bone me...

Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (2wOtx)

328 309 They do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.

Indian mound builders tried for that title ... unsuccessfully. But they left some nice piles of dirt."

It reminds me of Waco, which years ago had as it's only claim to municipal glory the fact that it had the largest indoor dirt floored arena in the US.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (V2Yro)

329 My take is climate. Specifically, lack of winter. Don't have to work your ass off to store up to make it through 3-4 months of ice and snow in the tropics. Working hard makes you think of ways not to work so damned hard.

So ... selection pressure?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (u24AF)

old and busted: pig in a blanket
new hotness: pig in a hula skirt

Posted by: Hula Pig at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (EzdLW)

331 OK. So where's their literature, philosophy, architecture, medicine, mathematics, engineering, and science?

I missed that part.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Stolen, by Greek homos.

Posted by: Al Sharpton at May 24, 2018 11:06 PM (qK7/b)

332 Botswana seems a lot like the fictional African country of Bangalla . Home of the Phantom, the goast who walks.

Posted by: deepred at May 24, 2018 11:06 PM (AfBox)

333 Hey everybody.

Has anyone else noticed that the big thing on TV news these days is to always start with a (usually actually pretty stale) "BREAKING NEWS!!" story?

I keep waiting for them to show the "BREAKING NEWS" logo and then the anchorperson has to clear his throat and say, "uh... somewhere someplace right now, someone is having a fatal heart attack! Okay, now to our regular news..."

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 24, 2018 11:06 PM (eMKNe)

334 The problem with Vox Day is that he's always going on about "White people did this and white people did that". He's not wrong-but he acts as if it happened because they were white, when it's nothing more than an accident of history. Jump me back in time to the 7th century with a platoon of Marines to stop the Islamization of Africa, allowing it to continue to Christianize as it was doing, and the Renaissance/Reformation/Enlightenment would look very different (if it was even necessary at all, absent the European Dark Ages).

Posted by: Weirddave at May 24, 2018 10:47 PM (vFKpB)


I don't know if you're aware, but Day has some American Indian blood. I don't know how much, but he did one of those ancestry DNA things and it came back that he was part Indian. So, he plays the part on occasion, and if anyone calls him on white supremacy or some such, he throws the Indian thing at them.

Speaking of stopping Islamization, the Mongols slowed them down anyway. Europe was saved from the hordes because The Great Khan fell off his horse.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 24, 2018 11:06 PM (pvjTE)

335 Ed Henry is reporting that after the meeting Devin Nunes said he couldn't comment because it was a classified briefing.

He didn't bitch about not getting the documents he has been demanding for weeks. He said no comment.

That seems interesting.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:06 PM (/tuJf)

336 Short tutorial on what to do if High Sierra hangs on installation:

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (1FhAQ)

337 Okay...It took my full name "Turd Ferguson" as my onscreen name.

Which I did not intend as I think there already is a Turd Ferguson here.

Pawn in game of life alas.

Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (+lOpA)

338 Time to turn in.

Have a great night, everyone.

And have a bragging night, not a complaining night.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (hyuyC)

339 First they bone me...
Posted by: Tanner Boyle at May 24, 2018 11:05 PM (2wOtx)

That's the fun part!

Posted by: Sheppy Smith at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (7PQBV)

340 ''I think I was served bone-rolled pork at the student cafeteria at Va. Tech circa 1985. It was that or the white sludge with chunks and I wasn't going for THAT again.''

College cafeteria mystery meat. I remember it well. One night it was chicken, the next pork, the next beef. Dress it up or dress it down. Yum.

Posted by: Tuna at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (jm1YL)

341 The Mongols intellectually decapitated the Arab civilization when they
destroyed the advanced and planned city of Bagdad. Again, nuch later
than other civs***
Yes and no...
Most of the scientific progress of the Muslim world was actually from Greek Christians, Jews, and Hindus.

Consider that Egypt was one of the most advanced parts of the world in science, art, and religion until oh...642 AD.

Egypt would re-emerge at various points as a military power after that but...not too much in any other field of human endeavor...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (Z8FFX)

Just as happy as a cow chewin' on a cud.
When the people beat their feet on the Tibuktu Mud.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (IqV8l)

343 OK. So where's their literature, philosophy, architecture, medicine, mathematics, engineering, and science?

I missed that part.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (u24AF)

They were pacing themselves.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (RPXrN)

344 Another TV news idea:

*anchorman farts loudly*

Graphic: "BREAKING NEWS!!"


Posted by: qdpsteve at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (eMKNe)

345 Horror movie trailer, Handjob Cabin

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (rnAwa)

346 The latest theory on the development of Egyptian civilization is that the increasing desertification of the Sahara forced the people into higher density living along the Nile. I kind of like that theory. And then that led to what you wrote."

The development of writing can be related to the cycle of flooding - wealth depended on land, and land depended on boundary markers. But each year, the river flooded, covering the old boundaries with layers of mud and washing away many local landmarks. Social order depended on developing some system of recording such things, and then also on developing a system to administer and enforce the terms of these records, which became government.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (V2Yro)

347 can grow a lot of food *if* you can find a
way to get a bunch of people together on a regular schedule to do
specific tasks....and regular schedules, division of labor, and formal
authority are of course hallmarks of civilization...

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (Z8FFX)

No, no. Don't do that, you will cause all the strife in the world and destroy the native naive goodness in humanity. Only the purity of the savages will keep mankind from all the evils of the modern world.

Strife began when man started declaring land for himself, and having to defend it.

If we had never done that it would be for the ultimate good of all mankind!

Posted by: Jean-Jacques Rouseau at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (2K6fY)

348 I guarantee you that each one of my kids and most of their friends have planted ghost peppers in their gardens, and a couple of the nitwits have also planted Carolina Reapers just for the bragging rights.

Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats

I love hot food, but I refuse to eat anything I can't touch without gloves.

Posted by: mikeski at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (JGBbg)

349 Your Dickman's Meat Master

Posted by: Carl Switzer at May 24, 2018 11:09 PM (EzdLW)

350 No one ever speaks of us anymore.

Posted by: Tarshish at May 24, 2018 11:09 PM (qK7/b)

351 They were pacing themselves.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (RPXrN)

LOL. A "Stripes" reference. I love it.

As I've said in similar debates/discussions, "all their intellectual achievements lie before them."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:09 PM (u24AF)

352 Lack of good harbors & sea trading in Africa?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (hyuyC)

This is the real question. Why were there no sea-going civilizations in sub-saharan Africa? That is really the key.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:10 PM (RPXrN)

353 'Night NaCly Dog.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 24, 2018 11:10 PM (7PQBV)

354 Anxious to end the shithole virus gap, India has come up with a new epidemic: "nipah" virus.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 24, 2018 11:10 PM (/qEW2)

It was the Hittites. And the Phoneceans, the bastards.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 11:11 PM (XeNdS)

356 The development of writing can be related to the cycle of flooding - wealth depended on land, and land depended on boundary markers. But each year, the river flooded, covering the old boundaries with layers of mud and washing away many local landmarks. Social order depended on developing some system of recording such things, and then also on developing a system to administer and enforce the terms of these records, which became government.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:08 PM (V2Yro)

Doesn't wash, no pun intended. The Phoenicians also invented writing, as did the Chinese, and the Mesopotamians (I assume you were speaking of the Egyptians). Pretty hard to believe that they all faced the exact same problem, or that no region in sub-Saharan Africa didn't face that problem.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:11 PM (u24AF)

357 What if every *country* had to have an ad slogan?

China: "You better look out 'cuz we're gonna getcha"

Russia: "Creeping everyone else out since the 15th century"

India: "Nothing good ever comes from us"

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 24, 2018 11:12 PM (eMKNe)

358 This is the real question. Why were there no sea-going civilizations in sub-saharan Africa? That is really the key.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:10 PM (RPXrN)

Or in South America, for that matter.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:12 PM (u24AF)

359 Most of the scientific progress of the Muslim world was actually from Greek Christians, Jews, and Hindus.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (Z8FFX)

Don't forget the Persians. Yeah ... they stole a lot from the Hindus but they also came up with a lot on their own.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:12 PM (RPXrN)

360 307 My take is climate. Specifically, lack of winter. Don't have to work your ass off to store up to make it through 3-4 months of ice and snow in the tropics. Working hard makes you think of ways not to work so damned hard."

This theory was extremely popular in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, but it doesn't really stand up. Angkor Wat in what is now Cambodia, as well as the Mayan civilization in central America both reached extremely high levels of achievement, while being located in the middle of equatorial jungles.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:13 PM (V2Yro)

361 307 My take is climate. Specifically, lack of winter. Don't have to work
your ass off to store up to make it through 3-4 months of ice and snow
in the tropics. Working hard makes you think of ways not to work so
damned hard.
I think a common theory on the development of both Sumerian and Egyptian civilization was that you had to organize people to work on the cycle of the rivers' flooding. can grow a lot of food *if* you can find a way to get a bunch of people together on a regular schedule to do specific tasks....and regular schedules, division of labor, and formal authority are of course hallmarks of civilization...
Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:02 PM (Z8FFX)

Hydraulic despotism. Digging canals, organizing work parties, keeping people to work schedules dictated by flooding, all takes centralized organization and more than a bit of coercion.

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:13 PM (1FhAQ)

362 How do you bone a rolled pig?
Sprinkle a little flour to find the wet spot.

Posted by: pogomip at May 24, 2018 11:14 PM (MB2cn)

363 Just as happy as a cow chewin' on a cud.
When the people beat their feet on the Tibuktu Mud.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot
Hey! Hey! Uncle Dud

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:14 PM (qK7/b)

364 I've boned many pigs in my day...

Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (eMKNe)

365 >>This is the real question. Why were there no sea-going civilizations in sub-saharan Africa? That is really the key.

Again, tribalism. Inward facing conflicts stop outward discovery.

South Africa has over 20 recognized dialects. 20. In a country of 55 million and much of that is relatively recent from the outside. They were way too busy fighting each other to look outward.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (/tuJf)

366 This thread has given me a mission. A Reason For Being. And for that, I am thankful.

First, I Bone them. Then, I Roll Them.

It all makes so much sense now. Everything.

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (52eOZ)

367 Or in South America, for that matter.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:12 PM (u24AF)

The Curse of Cortez.

Close enough ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (RPXrN)

368 What's a Grecian urn?

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (Evws/)

369 Lack of good harbors & sea trading in Africa?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (hyuyC)

There is sea trading, in a sense, but a little 'coersion' is usually necessary if you know what I mean.

Posted by: Somali Pirates at May 24, 2018 11:16 PM (7PQBV)

370 Most of the scientific progress of the Muslim world was actually from Greek Christians, Jews, and Hindus.

Posted by: 18-1 at May 24, 2018 11:07 PM (Z8FFX)

Yep. Most of the Muslim world's contribution to world advancement was keeping ancient learning alive. Their contributions to it were not non-existent, but not very great.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:16 PM (u24AF)

371 What's a Grecian urn?
Posted by: andycanuck

About 250 euros a month in unemployment bennies.

Posted by: qdpsteve at May 24, 2018 11:16 PM (eMKNe)

372 So, with the eruption on HI continuing and all, are hula girls considered steamed clams?

Posted by: BEN ROTHLISBERGER at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (tGjfm)

373 Hydraulic despotism. Digging canals, organizing work parties, keeping
people to work schedules dictated by flooding, all takes centralized
organization and more than a bit of coercion.

And then paying them with a beer ration! Woohoo!

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (Evws/)

374 Off, damn sock

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (tGjfm)

375 Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (eh0Va)

376 The Curse of Cortez.

Close enough ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (RPXrN)

That accounts for the post-1500 era. But before that?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (u24AF)

377 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (1FhAQ)

378 What's a Grecian urn?
Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (Evws/)

Whatever I say they do.

Posted by: Angela Merkel at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (/qEW2)

379 More Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (eh0Va)

380 364 I've boned many pigs in my day...
Posted by: Bill Clinton at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (eMKNe)

So did I.

Posted by: Carl Switzer, Your Dickman's MeatMaster at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (7PQBV)

381 Dangit, the Horde keeps thinking of things before I do.

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (1FhAQ)

382 Marilyn Monroink? That's worse than the product itself!

Posted by: mindful webworker was being here now and suddenly... at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (3tLP6)

383 Again, tribalism. Inward facing conflicts stop outward discovery.

South Africa has over 20 recognized dialects. 20. In a country of 55 million and much of that is relatively recent from the outside. They were way too busy fighting each other to look outward.
Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (/tuJf)

One word: Rome.

And before that, Macedonia (Alexander).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (u24AF)

384 Nice league you got there NBA.

What awful basketball.

Posted by: garrett at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (d9IQg)

385 I believe the Arabs were the first culture to distill liquor effectively.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (gxENN)

386 377 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).
Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (1FhAQ)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:20 PM (u24AF)

387 I tried to join bit everything I tried said already in use.

I don't think it's true.
Posted by: eleven at May 24, 2018 11:00 PM (+lOpA)
Might want to check your cookies. I reject them by default, and I hit that problem. I went to my "unsecured" browser and it went right through.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 24, 2018 11:20 PM (hYcqw)

388 hey do have a very large building made of mud. Possibly the largest mud building in the world.

It helps that there isn't a lot of competition for that title.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May

much harder for the people in tropical climes to compete.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:21 PM (MTjB1)

389 ILBTs has been a favorite Joe Walsh song of mine since I was a teenager.

That and the entire But Seriously Folks album.

Posted by: Rihar at May 24, 2018 11:21 PM (+PABY)

390 Doesn't wash, no pun intended. The Phoenicians also invented writing, as did the Chinese, and the Mesopotamians (I assume you were speaking of the Egyptians). Pretty hard to believe that they all faced the exact same problem, or that no region in sub-Saharan Africa didn't face that problem.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:11 PM (u24AF)

I would agree. You don't need flooding for the need to measure and record land and wealth. All you need is land and wealth and a healthy economy that involves lots of transactions - and a form of money really helps it all along. Along with the concept of ownership, of course. More important than identifying land boundaries is the ability to measure land.

BTW, the first land transaction recorded, I believe, is in the Bible when Abraham bought Hebron and held title to it. Strange that Hebron was one of the first things Israel gave away to the Palis.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:21 PM (RPXrN)

391 What awful basketball.

Posted by: garrett at May 24, 2018 11:19 PM (d9IQg)

Is there any other kind ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 24, 2018 11:21 PM (52eOZ)

392 377 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).
Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May

stupid fucking jeb, what can't he ruin.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:21 PM (MTjB1)

393 Parts of sub-saharan Africa had an extensive sea trade - the eastern coast around Zanzibar, in what is now Tanzania, had a thriving port trade going back to Roman times, and they discovered the Trade Winds in the Indian Ocean before the Europeans did, allowing them to travel back and forth to the markets in India in as little as a month's round trip.

Not far to point to South Africa - the Cape of Good Hope is one of the most treacherous ocean passages in the world, and even the Europeans were terrified to travel through it for quite a long time.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:22 PM (V2Yro)

394 Again, tribalism. Inward facing conflicts stop outward discovery.

South Africa has over 20 recognized dialects. 20. In a country of 55 million and much of that is relatively recent from the outside. They were way too busy fighting each other to look outward.
Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (/tuJf)

Didn't stop China, which to this day has dialects (e.g., Mandarin and Cantonese) that are mutually unintelligible to each other).

And which nevertheless, developed a writing system (that WAS intelligible to both), unlike any part of sub-Saharan Africa.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:22 PM (u24AF)

395 392 377 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).

Oh come on now you know how it jumped.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:23 PM (V2Yro)

Good night, Hordians. I may be the only person in the office tomorrow, so I'm not going to burn out any bearings getting in.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 24, 2018 11:23 PM (t+leZ)

397 386 377 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).
Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (1FhAQ)

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:20 PM (u24AF)

Not a Euphemism.

Posted by: Dickman's Boned Rolled Bushmeat at May 24, 2018 11:23 PM (7PQBV)

398 And for the most interesting bit of zoonosis, see HIV, which started out in monkeys as simian immunodeficiency virus and jumped to humans (probably from eating bush meat).
Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:18 PM (1FhAQ)

Eating bush meat? Whew. That's a load off my mind.

Posted by: Jane Goodall at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (/qEW2)

399 some black pastor had some thoughts about the lack of great civilizations in black countries / continents.

he posted his stuff on youtubes.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (MTjB1)

400 393 Parts of sub-saharan Africa had an extensive sea trade - the eastern coast around Zanzibar, in what is now Tanzania, had a thriving port trade going back to Roman times, and they discovered the Trade Winds in the Indian Ocean before the Europeans did, allowing them to travel back and forth to the markets in India in as little as a month's round trip.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:22 PM (V2Yro)

So ... why didn't they colonize India? Or Europe? The trade is Zanzibar was largely in slaves, IIRC.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (u24AF)

401 Maybe the Sub-Saharans are just damned stupid.

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (52eOZ)

402 Oh come on now you know how it jumped.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:23 PM (V2Yro)


Boning and rolling bush meat?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (gxENN)

403 I completely understand Peterson's popularity, particularly among young men. He delivers a message young men *desperately* need to hear, especially those who grew up fatherless (far too many in the younger generation).
I got lucky. I have an incredible dad - solid, extremely intelligent, well-spoken, firm hand when needed, knows how to balance support with "get off your ass."
If I didn't have that influence, I'd probably be pretty screwed up. To me, Peterson is familiar and completely understandable and I really dig his deep stuff. But I can also why people who didn't hit didn't hit the jackpot in the dad lottery like I did would be so attracted to his message and - as important - the way he delivers it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (hYcqw)

404 384 Nice league you got there NBA.

What awful basketball.
Posted by: garrett

But they're full of SJW Wokieness!! That is more important that fundamental, well played, basketball played at the highest level.

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 24, 2018 11:25 PM (bV+IS)

405 Good night, Hordians.
Ceylon, Hadrian the Seventh! Abyssinia!

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:25 PM (Evws/)

406 >>Didn't stop China, which to this day has dialects (e.g., Mandarin and Cantonese) that are mutually unintelligible to each other).

But they were a conquered people. Not so in tribal areas.

Look at the Middle East. The mistake the west makes constantly when looking at the Middle East is looking at countries that largely we created instead of understanding the tribal loyalties that transcend borders.

No great surprise that the most successful, peaceful and open country in the region is the UAW which is confederation of tribal states with autonomy at the local level.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:26 PM (/tuJf)

407 It might not be "winter" but hardship seems to play a role in civilization. If you live in a place where planning and saving are mandatory to survival (cold, flooding, short growing seasons, whatever), it seems like the odds of ending up civilized are in your favor.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 24, 2018 11:26 PM (hYcqw)

408 Thanks for the ONT!

I wonder what the difference is between Botswana and Zimbabwe. That's a puzzler.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (ycWCI)

409 399 some black pastor had some thoughts about the lack of great civilizations in black countries / continents.

he posted his stuff on youtubes.
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:24 PM (MTjB1)

Here ya go:

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (u24AF)

410 That doesn't preclude the bush-meat from eating Jane Goodall. Did her expeditions have a rather-large supply of peanut butter by any chance?

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (Evws/)

411 The hated food survey must have some very dubious methodology. I've never driven past a Chick-Fil-A with an empty parking lot, except on Sundays, of course. This is just in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties that I can draw on my own anecdotal observation but if Chick-Fil-A is thriving in those places it strikes me as unlikely the rest of the state is so intensely opposed as to make the survey's claim believable.

Posted by: epobirs at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (AJKgl)

412 (probably from eating bush meat).
___ can get diseases from that?

Posted by: Huma Abedin at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (Z8FFX)

413 And Kalamazoo?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (qK7/b)

I got a gal there.

Posted by: Tex Beneke at May 24, 2018 11:28 PM (vbvxt)

414 Look at the Middle East. The mistake the west makes constantly when looking at the Middle East is looking at countries that largely we created instead of understanding the tribal loyalties that transcend borders.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:26 PM (/tuJf)

You're aware, of course, that the Middle East has been conquered innumerable times historically, right?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:28 PM (u24AF)

415 406:No great surprise that the most successful, peaceful and open country in the region is the UAW which is confederation of tribal states with autonomy at the local level.
Posted by: JackStraw

The United Auto Workers? Damn, I'm impressed.

{you mean UAE. I know. Heh!}

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 24, 2018 11:29 PM (bV+IS)

416 So ... why didn't they colonize India? Or Europe? The trade is Zanzibar was largely in slaves, IIRC."

Slaves were not that valuable, India had plenty of people who were of little value to the wealthy class there. The trade was mainly in Gold and Ivory, which were being produced in Africa in great quantities, even in ancient times.

The boats of the time (dhows) were not large at all by todays standards, cargo had to be compact and fairly durable to survive a sea voyage.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:29 PM (V2Yro)

417 The boats of the time (dhows) were not large at all by todays standards, cargo had to be compact and fairly durable to survive a sea voyage.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:29 PM (V2Yro)

God forbid you build a bigger boat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:30 PM (u24AF)

418 >>You're aware, of course, that the Middle East has been conquered innumerable times historically, right?

Yes. What's that have to do with anything?

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (/tuJf)

419 I'm the designated Ace of Spades straight man: serve them up (bushmeat!) and stand back.

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (1FhAQ)

420 If you live in a place where planning and saving are mandatory to survival (cold, flooding, short growing seasons, whatever), it seems like the odds of ending up civilized are in your favor."

Although it doesn't seem to have done much for the Eskimo.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (V2Yro)

421 We're gonna need a bigger boat.

Posted by: Said no sub-saharan african ever at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (+lOpA)

422 Here ya go:
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May


Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (MTjB1)

423 For anyone who was curious about the stamp on the source material for ham roll (which was insulation). I was wondering WTH the "Women's Advisory Council on Solid Fuel" was - it stood out to me as odd. A bit of internet searching led me to a reference, and apparently it was a group in Britain after the war focused on how to make their fuel rations last longer/do more.

Things like this - despite all of the slime, stupidity and oftentimes evil you will encounter - I love the internet.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 24, 2018 11:32 PM (hYcqw)

424 God forbid you build a bigger boat.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:30 PM (u24AF)

We picked our battles.

Posted by: Republicans Back Then at May 24, 2018 11:32 PM (52eOZ)

425 Mallrats came out in 1995. At the time I thought the Hooper character was a bit of an exaggeration. Now thanks to the internet I could name five fuckers as bad as him.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 24, 2018 11:34 PM (rnAwa)

426 418 >>You're aware, of course, that the Middle East has been conquered innumerable times historically, right?

Yes. What's that have to do with anything?
Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (/tuJf)

You distinguished the Chinese as having been conquered, and so they were, as a distinguishing factor in their development.

But so was the most of the Middle East, by the Macedonians, the Persians, the Romans, etc.

So that explanation doesn't wash. Conquest in and of itself does not explain the difference in development.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (u24AF)

427 No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to a new global blueprint on how to beat cancer.

Even small amounts of processed meats and booze increase the risk of a host of cancers outlined in World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) guidelines updated every decade.

Posted by: SMOD at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (e8kgV)

428 411 The hated food survey must have some very dubious methodology. I've never driven past a Chick-Fil-A with an empty parking lot, except on Sundays, of course. This is just in Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties that I can draw on my own anecdotal observation but if Chick-Fil-A is thriving in those places it strikes me as unlikely the rest of the state is so intensely opposed as to make the survey's claim believable.
Posted by: epobirs at May 24, 2018 11:27 PM (AJKgl)

Chik-Fil-A is thriving here in the hyper-leftist Bay Area as well (as per my own observations). I imagine the result is due to a small group of SJWs consistently hating Chik-Fil-A while nobody else can decide on a most hated food.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (7PQBV)

429 God forbid you build a bigger boat."

It's not that easy - remember that one reason the Vikings could do so much damage was that their longboats in the 8th and 9th centuries were far more technologically advanced, from a design viewpoint, than anything Europe had ever seen before.

The English learned and developed the art of shipbuilding from the many Vikings who moved into the eastern areas.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (V2Yro)

430 413 And Kalamazoo?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:03 PM (qK7/b)

I got a gal there.
Posted by: Tex Beneke at May 24, 2018 11:28 PM (vbvxt)

A real chipperoo?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 24, 2018 11:36 PM (ycWCI)

431 420 If you live in a place where planning and saving are mandatory to survival (cold, flooding, short growing seasons, whatever), it seems like the odds of ending up civilized are in your favor."

Although it doesn't seem to have done much for the Eskimo.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (V2Yro)

It seems like there's a narrow ecological band in which civilization can thrive: need either a river or a sea, need a distinct growing season of a certain length, need wild grasses and animals that are amenable to domestication. If you've got a short growing season (arctic) or little water (desert) you have to make labor-intensive adaptations and spend most of the rest of your time struggling to overcome the elements trying to kill you (cold or heat, respectively).

Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at May 24, 2018 11:36 PM (1FhAQ)

432 Didn't read the hated-food thing, but it seems Chic Fil-A was listed as hated in CA? Yeah, on an anecdotal/common sense level, going to call that absurd.

First, there aren't that many locations. I'd say there's a huge segment of the population that's never been to one.

Second, the food is excellent and the stores and staff are easily the best in the business.

Third, they're swamped. Busy almost all the time. Long lines (cars, and people) at peak hours, every day they're open.

Suppose we would get the answer if we could peak at their CA store numbers and financials, but they seem wildly successful here.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 24, 2018 11:36 PM (QDnY+)

433 Although it doesn't seem to have done much for the Eskimo.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:31 PM (V2Yro)

Frankly, you're being disingenuous now. Living in a brutal climate, where survival is an iffy proposition, is not the same as living in one that present challenges that are surmountable through a bit of foresight and planning (i.e., intelligence).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:36 PM (u24AF)

434 No offense but putting those arms on shit is just stupid.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (aljs9)

435 I gotta zoo in Kalamagal... gal... gal...

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (Evws/)

436 427 No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to a new global blueprint on how to beat cancer.

Even small amounts of processed meats and booze increase the risk of a host of cancers outlined in World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) guidelines updated every decade.
Posted by: SMOD

Living is bad for your health. Grill steak and drink beer. Your going to die anyway.

Posted by: Puddleglum at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (bV+IS)

437 Does anyone have experience with car tracking devices? Dad's business partner need one for dad. Sundowners is getting bad. Would prefer a yearly pymt.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (a3OL0)

438 It's not that easy - remember that one reason the Vikings could do so much damage was that their longboats in the 8th and 9th centuries were far more technologically advanced, from a design viewpoint, than anything Europe had ever seen before.

The English learned and developed the art of shipbuilding from the many Vikings who moved into the eastern areas.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (V2Yro)

What stopped the Africans from doing the same thing?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (u24AF)

439 I finally get here and up top is "Boned Rolled Pig".

I can't stop laughing as it reminds me of what some guys in the Army would date.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 24, 2018 11:38 PM (IcT7t)

440 We hit over 1,000 in the Ace of Spades Morons group at Gab tonight.

More people=more posting and interaction=more fun.

Come see us!

Posted by: Warden at May 24, 2018 11:39 PM (MZ8Zz)

441 partner and I. Damn you pixy, or maybe my fingers.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 11:39 PM (a3OL0)

442 There is sea trading, in a sense, but a little 'coersion' is usually necessary if you know what I mean.

Posted by: Somali Pirates at May 24, 2018 11:16 PM (7PQBV)

Pirates, and the annihilation of same.

Posted by: RickZ at May 24, 2018 11:39 PM (zRegE)

I saw Minimum Vermin open for Ratt at the Cow Palace back in '87.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at May 24, 2018 11:40 PM (eXA4G)

444 Eskimos assimilated and outlasted the Vikings when those Vikings lost their sea resupply shipments.

This topic is a good one. Why civilization??? Lots of tribes worked at it, but the breakthroughs were isolated.

Once started, everyone copied the early adapters.

Now to try and get back to sleep.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:41 PM (hyuyC)

445 Once started, everyone copied the early adapters.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:41 PM (hyuyC)

Not everyone.

Can you think of anyone who hasn't copied the early adapters?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:43 PM (u24AF)

446 It's not that easy - remember that one reason the Vikings could do so much damage was that their longboats in the 8th and 9th centuries were far more technologically advanced, from a design viewpoint, than anything Europe had ever seen before.

The English learned and developed the art of shipbuilding from the many Vikings who moved into the eastern areas.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May

well, that was a part of it but more important was their theme song led zeppelin.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:43 PM (MTjB1)

447 looks like Steph Curry won't be invited to the White House this year either

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 24, 2018 11:43 PM (6FqZa)

448 >>You distinguished the Chinese as having been conquered, and so they were, as a distinguishing factor in their developmen

They were conquered internally and became Chinese rather than a group of tribes. Largely by force. And it has always been held together by force.

This kind of stuff has happened everywhere throughout history. The countries might have been named but the people never really got on the bus. Tribal ties remain stronger than imposed country rules. We still have Russia whining about Crimea and Ukraine.

Still happens even in China. Tibet and Taiwan are a couple examples. It's not like China is one big happy country. It never has been.

My larger point is that only a voluntary association of people allows a country to stop fighting internal battles and progress.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (/tuJf)

449 Does anyone have experience with car tracking devices?
A bit.

Posted by: zombie walter white at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (Evws/)

450 Rolled pig? Was that a thing at some point? Good Lord...
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 09:59

..rivals pigeon or rodent products...


Posted by: Farmer at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (yJ1e6)

451 OK, there are people who went different ways. Andaman Islanders invented fire once, and resist cultural improvements.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:45 PM (hyuyC)

452 A real chipperoo?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at May 24, 2018 11:36 PM (ycWCI)

Sweetest gal there.

No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to a new global blueprint on how to beat cancer.

Even small amounts of processed meats and booze increase the risk of
a host of cancers outlined in World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)
guidelines updated every decade.

Posted by: SMOD at May 24, 2018 11:35 PM (e8kgV)

Eat right, live healthy, die anyway.

Posted by: Tex Beneke at May 24, 2018 11:45 PM (vbvxt)

453 The Curse of Cortez.

Close enough ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:15 PM (RPXrN)
That accounts for the post-1500 era. But before that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (u24AF)
WTF? Are you seriously claiming that Spain was not a sea-faring civilization?
I must be misunderstanding this joke.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 24, 2018 11:45 PM (0jtPF)

454 What stopped the Africans from doing the same thing?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May ?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 24, 2018 11:46 PM (MTjB1)

455 The latest theory on the development of Egyptian civilization is that the increasing desertification of the Sahara forced the people into higher density living along the Nile. I kind of like that theory. And then that led to what you wrote.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:04 PM (RPXrN)

The Sahara used to br for the most part inhabitable and quite wet. Plenty of indications that humans could live there.

Posted by: The Political Hat at May 24, 2018 11:46 PM (itfg0)

456 Off, Band Sock!

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 24, 2018 11:46 PM (vbvxt)

457 Raising children like veal...what could go wrong.

Posted by: Robert Sendler at May 24, 2018 11:46 PM (3cgGS)

458 Like most, have not been following the House/IT/Awan scandal as closely as the FBI/DOJ/Obama Mega-Scandal Complex. But if anything, it's got some even more bizarre and dubious twists - in the "investigative" phase - than the latter.

Guy named Luke Rosiak is following it closely - and looking into it - and his twatters relate some jaw-dropping s**t. Today for example, he notes that the Capitol Police (who were threatened in a histrionic and bizarre fashion, openly, by WasserShultz mayo-hair woman, in connection with the case) "inadvertently" turned evidence over to ..... Awan's defense counsel, *instead* of the prosecutors. WTF?

Just the last few hours, he claims he emailed the prosecutors about some aspect of the case, then 3 hours later the defense lawyer tells him he's heard about the matter - via some contact on the Hill. Rosiak claims his email to the prosecutor was the only communication he's had about the matter in question.

The Awan/IT scandal (like the incredibly, mysteriously disappeared House sexual harassment settlement fund story) just by its basic nature would seem to have nukyler potential for many incumbents (in this case, all Dems).

Prosecutions aren't supposed to be set to political calendars, but it would be outrageous if the Awan thing doesn't mature, reach indictment/plea/cooperation stage, prior to November. The electorate deserves to know what can be known about all this before voting again.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 24, 2018 11:47 PM (QDnY+)

459 This one time at band sock camp...

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:47 PM (Evws/)

460 Now I'm going to dream of "Dawn of Civilization" myths.

Sheesh. See you all later.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 24, 2018 11:48 PM (hyuyC)

461 ..rivals pigeon or rodent products...


Posted by: Farmer at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (yJ1e6)

It was mentioned earlier, but it's a parody of insulation.

Posted by: Vendette at May 24, 2018 11:48 PM (TfcwT)

462 Warden....I need to delete my Gab account and make a new one.

I accidentally stole someone else's screen name.

How do I delete my account?

Posted by: Said no sub-saharan african ever at May 24, 2018 11:49 PM (+lOpA)

463 ...rivals pigeon or rodent products...

Posted by: Farmer at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (yJ1e6)

Squab, the other disturbingly pinkish meat.

Posted by: The American Squab Council at May 24, 2018 11:50 PM (7PQBV)

464 ..rivals pigeon or rodent products...

Posted by: Farmer

Kind of a low bar, eh?

OTOH, if you call pigeon 'squab', you can get $23.50 for it at trendy restaurants, as an entree.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:50 PM (YOW17)

465 They were conquered internally and became Chinese rather than a group of tribes. Largely by force. And it has always been held together by force.

This kind of stuff has happened everywhere throughout history. The countries might have been named but the people never really got on the bus. Tribal ties remain stronger than imposed country rules. We still have Russia whining about Crimea and Ukraine.

Still happens even in China. Tibet and Taiwan are a couple examples. It's not like China is one big happy country. It never has been.

My larger point is that only a voluntary association of people allows a country to stop fighting internal battles and progress.
Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (/tuJf)

Wait - let's distinguish between "being conquered" and entering into a "voluntary association of people." Which is it for the Chinese? And what stopped Africa from doing the same thing, in either case?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:50 PM (u24AF)

466 Look at the Middle East. The mistake the west makes constantly when looking at the Middle East is looking at countries that largely we created instead of understanding the tribal loyalties that transcend borders.

Posted by: JackStraw at May 24, 2018 11:26 PM (/tuJf)

The mistake the West makes in dealing with the middle east is that Westerners refuse to understand that arabs are very different people and their culture is not anything like Western culture. Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true. Westerners abuse the concept of empathy and abuse the notion of projection in imagining that everyone else is just like us, wants the same basic things as we do and thinks about things the same ways that we do. In many cases that couldn't be further from the truth - but egotistical, arrogant Westerners (mostly lefties who think they speak for "universal" values and ideas) just refuse to accept reality.

THAT is the problem the West has in dealing with the Middle East.

ace did a post about that, quoting someone else ... but I have been saying this exact thing for many, many years. When we value individual arab life more than the arabs, themselves - even the ones dying ... that really tells us something very important. But the West never pays attention to that shit. We tend to act as if everyone is a Westerner ... some are just dumber than us, but Westerners at their core, all the same.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:50 PM (RPXrN)

467 WTF? Are you seriously claiming that Spain was not a sea-faring civilization?

I must be misunderstanding this joke.

No. It means the Meso-Americans in S.A. before the 1500s Spanish arrival.

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:51 PM (Evws/)

468 Squab, the other disturbingly pinkish meat.
Posted by: The American Squab Council

I knew you guys were going to ring in.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:51 PM (YOW17)

469 No offense but putting those arms on shit is just stupid.

*Shrug* People like them, so when I find one I put it in.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 24, 2018 11:52 PM (CTvSA)

470 Alright, to seriously lay out the theory of why Great Civilizations rise, we need to look at the model first proposed by Ibn Khaldun in the 14th Century, then modified and redone by Spengler, then popularized by the Brit general whose name I forget.

The first stage is a tribe with a uniquely strong sense of identity and unity. They will be poor and rural, but they will have a unique bond and moral view, often associated with a Religion that see as Theirs, which binds them together. (think of the early Romans, in the days of Romulus and Remus) Because they are bound so tightly, they all work for the common good, they plan together, they build together, they are able to expand their control and overwhelm the groups near them who are not nearly as organized. Their power grows, and they are unstoppable because they are so tightly loyal to each other. They are not just a tribe, they have a Culture.

Because of this cohesiveness, because of this strong sense of self imposed and self policed morality, their economic power grows by leaps and bounds. (Trust being the basis of all successful economic activity) As their economic power grows, their wealth grows, and their military grows as well, allowing them to control more and more. Eventually this Culture becomes a Civilization, and the truly great civilizations expand until they control, either directly or indirectly, all of the other groups within a reasonable traveling distance.

And this of course is when it all breaks down. As the society becomes wealthy, so do many of its individuals, and now they become more focused on competition for status. The bonds that tied them together begin to fray, the need for belief in the old religion dies, the desire to do anything but pursue pleasure on a personal level becomes dominant as all of the old virtues fail. The ruling class succumbs to this rot first, of course, but eventually the rest of the society follows them into the abyss.

The final stage is when some new group, with its own culture and cohesiveness, arises from the hinterland and knocks the old one off it's perch and into the dustbin of history.

and so that's how great civilizations rise and fall.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:52 PM (V2Yro)

471 That accounts for the post-1500 era. But before that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:17 PM (u24AF)
WTF? Are you seriously claiming that Spain was not a sea-faring civilization?
I must be misunderstanding this joke.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 24, 2018 11:45 PM (0jtPF)

You are misunderstanding at least my point. I was addressing what I assumed was a point that attributed native South Americans' lack of seafaring to Cortez.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:53 PM (u24AF)

472 Posted by: zombie walter white at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (Evws/)

Not funny for this situation. Guess I will ask the day walkers.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 11:53 PM (a3OL0)

473 Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:52 PM (V2Yro)

And this didn't happen in sub-Saharan Africa because ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:54 PM (u24AF)

474 Here's something I missed the first time around the rolled pig thing. "Slice edges thin for 48 inch "bacon" strips". 4 feet long pieces of bacon? Sell my clothes, I've gone to heaven!

Posted by: tu3031 at May 24, 2018 11:54 PM (O5Q3r)

475 My theory is that civilization developed as people learned how to plant, cultivate, and harvest grains. Some groups, however, found it easier to just seize the farmers food. But the farmers were able to raise enough food to hire armed men to protect their harvests. Left to their own devices, except for feeding their protectors, the farmers raised even more food, enabling them to support a parasitical class of professional artists and priests. The leaders of the warrior castes became kings or pharoahs or emperors. The warriors became a hierarchy of nobility and the artists became merchants as much as artists. And, of course, the whole pyramid depended on the vast numbers of plain, uneducated farmers who were happy if taxes weren't too high, leaving them enough food to feed their own families and sell in the markets to buy things they couldn't make themseles. And the priests created their own hierarchies, but were also dependent on the farmers raising enough food. Superstition kept the peasants feeding the priests and working to build huge temples to both solidify the priests' positions and demonstrate their gratitude to the gods for the good lives they were living.

I see the whole process as an organic, rather than planned, series of events, each event depending on past events. No one suddenly stood up one day and declared himself king and everybody else agreed and prostrated themselves before this person. It happened incrementally until one day you had Hammurabi or Rhamses the whatever.

Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (eNyDO)

476 "No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to a new global blueprint on how to beat cancer."


These infidels are gonna learn today!

Posted by: Muslim Bro'hood Deep State running the USDA at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (DMcz+)

477 464 ..rivals pigeon or rodent products...

Posted by: Farmer

Kind of a low bar, eh?

OTOH, if you call pigeon 'squab', you can get $23.50 for it at trendy restaurants, as an entree.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 24, 2018 11:50 PM (YOW17)

This guy gets it!

Posted by: The American Squab Council at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (7PQBV)

478 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.
That's the "true" Libertarians' problem too IMHO. They think everyone in the world thinks like the mid- and high-IQ guys many Libertarians are, and with traditional Western views (both religious and secular) when that's not the case.

Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (Evws/)

479 467 WTF? Are you seriously claiming that Spain was not a sea-faring civilization?

I must be misunderstanding this joke.
No. It means the Meso-Americans in S.A. before the 1500s Spanish arrival.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:51 PM (Evws/)

Just saw this. Thank you, you are right.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (u24AF)

480 good evening folks

Posted by: TickledPink at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (TL2pK)

481 Doh! Posted to the old thread. Wondered why it had been nearly an hour since last comment:

Woo-hoo! I am back up and running Win7, after a fashion. Did a clean install of Win7 on a 120 gig solid-state drive I had on hand, and got it mostly working. Weird thing is, now I can access my old 500 gig HD which is on another SATA port. before the machine wouldn't recognize it.

I ran Pale Moon off that drive, now designated E:, and used it to download the Brave browser. Also had to get the windows .Net framework. And brave is now working, which is how I am posting here.

Same motherboard, same hardware, except for the main drive. SS drive is fast!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 24, 2018 11:57 PM (WFV7d)

482 The mistake the West makes in dealing with the middle east is that Westerners refuse to understand that arabs are very different people and their culture is not anything like Western culture. Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true. Westerners abuse the concept of empathy and abuse the notion of projection in imagining that everyone else is just like us, wants the same basic things as we do and thinks about things the same ways that we do. In many cases that couldn't be further from the truth - but egotistical, arrogant Westerners (mostly lefties who think they speak for "universal" values and ideas) just refuse to accept reality. "

One of the many things that impressed me about Spengler, writing in 1912, is that he wrote something that was extremely unpopular even then, in which he said that Arab culture was completely antithetical to Western culture, and that while there could be periods of truce, the conflict between the two cultures was foundational and could never end until one or the other of them was completely vanquished, for good. He proposed that they will be our sworn enemies as long as both of us exist, and I have never observed anything to counter his prediction.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:57 PM (V2Yro)

483 How do I delete my account?

Posted by: Said no sub-saharan african ever at May 24, 2018 11:49 PM (+lOpA)


There's a "Delete Account" button in the settings.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 24, 2018 11:58 PM (pvjTE)

484 If you live in a place where planning and saving are mandatory to survival (cold, flooding, short growing seasons, whatever), it seems like the odds of ending up civilized are in your favor."

It's more than just that. What you really need, to advance society an appreciable amount, is individual geniuses. Not too many, but you need a few every so often. They're the ones who push society ahead. It is only a handful of people but without them your society is sunk. That is what really drives civilization.

Now, you need the economic and social frameworks that allow for those genius inventions to be fully utilized and improved ... but, of course, you needed a genius or two to help come up with such frameworks ...

It all comes down to individual geniuses, how frequently your society gets them and what they are allowed to do. It is a very fine line. As I said, we're not talking about thousands but merely a handful of people over many years. But they are essential.

Barring that ... you can invade and conquer a society with the requisite geniuses. But, chances are that if you haven't produced a military genius you aren't going to be doing much of that, either.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:58 PM (RPXrN)

485 >>"No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe according to a new global blueprint on how to beat cancer."

That's why you roll it. It keeps the cancer out.

Posted by: Carl Switzer - Dickman's Meatmaster at May 24, 2018 11:58 PM (URThx)

486 478 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.
That's the "true" Libertarians' problem too IMHO. They think everyone in the world thinks like the mid- and high-IQ guys many Libertarians are, and with traditional Western views (both religious and secular) when that's not the case.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (Evws/)

Absolutely right. It's instructive to watch interviews with convicts in prison to really get a sense of how different their perspective is from non-convicts. They seriously blame people for their own thievery because those people did not take the requisite steps to preclude such thievery.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (u24AF)

487 I guess my lifetime of Zimbabwe jokes weren't too off the mar. Just damn....

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (9Om/r)

488 ...rivals pigeon or rodent products...

Posted by: Farmer at May 24, 2018 11:44 PM (yJ1e6)

They say that Rat tastes like chicken, but sweeter. I'm not interested in finding out if it's true.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (7PQBV)

489 406 No great surprise that the most successful, peaceful and open country in the region is the UAW which is confederation of tribal states with autonomy at the local level.

Posted by: JackStraw

Tunisia is protesting/voting on a measure that allows non-observants to eat, openly, during the day during Ramadan. That's a sharp stick in the eye of sharia law.

They seem pretty peaceful, as an Arab states goes as well.

But during TFG's Arab Spring, Tunisia almost went under the knife of Islam.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (0ogQG)

490 WTF? Are you seriously claiming that Spain was not a sea-faring civilization?
I must be misunderstanding this joke.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 24, 2018 11:45 PM (0jtPF)

The joke was that Cortez made his men burn their ships.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (RPXrN)

491 471---You are misunderstanding at least my point. I was addressing what I assumed was a point that attributed native South Americans' lack of seafaring to Cortez.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 24, 2018 11:53 PM (u24AF)
Ah, I see. The old blame whitey/colonization thing.
For a minute there I thought you were serious!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:00 AM (0jtPF)

492 490---The joke was that Cortez made his men burn their ships.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 24, 2018 11:59 PM (RPXrN)

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:02 AM (0jtPF)

493 Aww what a shame. Liberals favorite portrayal of a wise black man, Morgan Freeman is getting #metoo-ed.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:02 AM (lKs2v)

494 West makes in dealing with the middle east is that Westerners refuse to understand that arabs are very different people and their culture is not anything like Western culture. Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true. Westerners abuse the concept of empathy and abuse the notion of projection in imagining that everyone else is just like us, wants the same basic things as we do and thinks about things the same ways that we do. In many cases that couldn't be further from the truth - but egotistical, arrogant Westerners (mostly lefties who think they speak for "universal" values and ideas) just refuse to accept reality. "

One of the many things that impressed me about Spengler, writing in 1912, is that he wrote something that was extremely unpopular even then, in which he said that Arab culture was completely antithetical to Western culture, and that while there could be periods of truce, the conflict between the two cultures was foundational and could never end until one or the other of them was completely vanquished, for good. He proposed that they will be our sworn enemies as long as both of us exist, and I have never observed anything to counter his prediction.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May

well, the corollary to that, or maybe antecedent would be more correct, is that westerners hate to admit that most if not all of the the things that they like about western culture are attributable to Judeo-Christian culture.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (MTjB1)

495 It's more than just that. What you really need, to advance society an appreciable amount, is individual geniuses. Not too many, but you need a few every so often. They're the ones who push society ahead. It is only a handful of people but without them your society is sunk. That is what really drives civilization.

To clarify: you need a goodly number, because most of the geniuses will have no impact. You need enough that a few find themselves in the right place, at the right time, with the right perspective. I view this as the dandelion seed scenario.

This is the problem, I suspect, with Africa. They have geniuses, but not enough to make a difference, and to advance society. A genius steps in front of a bus, and BAM! That's it for him. You need a thousand geniuses, so that one might fall on fallow ground.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (u24AF)

496 The Spanish? Pfft.

Posted by: zombie henry the navigator at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (Evws/)

497 And this didn't happen in sub-Saharan Africa because ..."

The creation of a great civilization is like a spark from heaven, and has not happened that many times in human history. It's chancy to try and say exactly why that spark never struck - but one thing that comes to mind is that sub-saharan Africa never saw the rise of a defining and strong religion which is the hallmark of almost all great civilizations (although China is debatable) Africa just stayed stuck on the animist and ancestral religious views which probably go back to the ice ages, if not before.

No religion, no culture. No culture, no civilization, just a bunch of people hanging out, doing their thing on their own.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (V2Yro)

498 I am back up and running Win7, after a fashion.
Sorry to hear that.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (IcT7t)

499 Rolled Pig. Minimum Vermin. I like my meat low vermin. Surprised the pig didn't die of "natural causes".

Posted by: Burger Chef at May 25, 2018 12:04 AM (RuIsu)

500 Anon Y. Mous....thank you.

Posted by: Said no sub-saharan african ever at May 25, 2018 12:04 AM (+lOpA)

501 Every now and again I've been talking up Safaitic, as a witness to Arabic before it became Arabic.

Safaitic just made the New Yorker:

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:04 AM (6FqZa)

502 One of the many things that impressed me about Spengler, writing in 1912, is that he wrote something that was extremely unpopular even then, in which he said that Arab culture was completely antithetical to Western culture, and that while there could be periods of truce, the conflict between the two cultures was foundational and could never end until one or the other of them was completely vanquished, for good. He proposed that they will be our sworn enemies as long as both of us exist, and I have never observed anything to counter his prediction.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 24, 2018 11:57 PM (V2Yro)

And Churchill wrote the same thing about muslim culture (not arab) in 1899 in The River War.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 12:04 AM (RPXrN)

503 493 Aww what a shame. Liberals favorite portrayal of a wise black man, Morgan Freeman is getting #metoo-ed.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:02 AM (lKs2v)

That explains the real reason he got sent to Shawshank Prison...

Posted by: The Political Hat at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (itfg0)

504 I'm not sure about the target audience for JP.

I know that I was speaking with a friend my age, and a retiree who had voted Democrat until Obama.

When we mentioned he'd become a hate-figure for the Left, she got curious, so we put him on her TV. She loves him, and now she watches him all the time.

So I don't think he's just for young guys.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (UiRxW)

505 493 Aww what a shame. Liberals favorite portrayal of a wise black man, Morgan Freeman is getting #metoo-ed.
Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:02 AM (lKs2v)

"Portrayal" being the operative word.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (u24AF)

506 I am making an announcement. I tried to register for the gab thing, and
was informed that the user name Ruthless had already been taken.

if you see someone commenting on gab under that name, IT IS NOT ME and
do not hold against me anything said under that name on gab.

will not be registering on gab as I cannot appear as "myself". I have
used this handle for more than a dozen years on various sites, and here
on AOSHQ for more than a decade. This appears to be a kind of identity
theft and I am NOT pleased. Rant off.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (md3fh)

507 478 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.
That's the "true" Libertarians' problem too IMHO. They think everyone in the world thinks like the mid- and high-IQ guys many Libertarians are, and with traditional Western views (both religious and secular) when that's not the case.
Posted by: andycanuck at May 24, 2018 11:55 PM (Evws/)
AMEN. This is well said.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (0jtPF)

508 I am back up and running Win7, after a fashion.
Sorry to hear that.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (IcT7t)

Thanks, bud. Windows Update is now running, and there's a lot of updating to do since SP2.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 12:06 AM (WFV7d)

509 Sock purge.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:06 AM (+lOpA)

510 ""The mistake the West makes in dealing with the middle east is that
Westerners refuse to understand that arabs are very different people and
their culture is not anything like Western culture. Westerners like to
imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out"
but that isn't true. Westerners abuse the concept of empathy and abuse
the notion of projection in imagining that everyone else is just like
us, wants the same basic things as we do and thinks about things the
same ways that we do. In many cases that couldn't be further from the
truth - but egotistical, arrogant Westerners (mostly lefties who think
they speak for "universal" values and ideas) just refuse to accept
reality. "

I'm glad you mentioned the left, because they are theeee biggest abusers. I remember some years back the word "jingoist" was the favorite ass chant of the left if you even hinted at western culture being superior.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 25, 2018 12:06 AM (9Om/r)

511 437 Does anyone have experience with car tracking devices? Dad's business partner need one for dad. Sundowners is getting bad. Would prefer a yearly pymt.
Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (a3OL0)

Just lowjack their phone.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:06 AM (lKs2v)

512 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.

That shit ought to be etched in stone.

PoP ... you hit it right on the head.

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 25, 2018 12:07 AM (52eOZ)

513 The creation of a great civilization is like a spark from heaven, and has not happened that many times in human history. It's chancy to try and say exactly why that spark never struck - but one thing that comes to mind is that sub-saharan Africa never saw the rise of a defining and strong religion which is the hallmark of almost all great civilizations (although China is debatable) Africa just stayed stuck on the animist and ancestral religious views which probably go back to the ice ages, if not before.

No religion, no culture. No culture, no civilization, just a bunch of people hanging out, doing their thing on their own.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:03 AM (V2Yro)

Sorry, no sale. Why did Africans never invent writing?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:07 AM (u24AF)

514 I would imagine that civiliazations advance due to a variety of factors, and any one isn't enough. You need multiple factors.

Cyclical flooding encourages engineering to build irrigation and try and control the waters. Large waterways or bodies of water, such as the Med, allow you to build ships, which requires advanced construction skills, as well as basic knowledge of mathematics. Agriculture centered around grains encourage mathematics, and large-scale organization. A diverse range of environments and resources encourages specialization and eventually trade, especially when combined with ships (which allow the efficient movement of large amounts of cargo). etc. etc. etc.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (Tnhbr)

515 @495
This is the problem, I suspect, with Africa. They have geniuses, but not enough to make a difference, and to advance society. A genius steps in front of a bus, and BAM! That's it for him. You need a thousand geniuses, so that one might fall on fallow ground.

There's also another problem - namely, the tendency of some cultures to play whack a mole whenever the geniuses start to rise up above their fellow men. I know at least some parts of Africa have this problem. Start to do noticeably better than those around you, and the gossip will start to circulate that you're a witch.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (Ujf0G)

516 512 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.

That shit ought to be etched in stone.

PoP ... you hit it right on the head."

GW Bush. Iraqi Reconstruction. *facepalm*

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (V2Yro)

517 Aww what a shame. Liberals favorite portrayal of a wise black man, Morgan Freeman is getting #metoo-ed.
Posted by: buzzion

Next to Thomas Sowell, I'd go with Uncle Remus. He gives life advice that is unfailing.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (YOW17)

518 Put 497 and 494 together and you gat a further exposition of my point that stopping the Islamization of Africa would have lead Africa to be a much different continent today.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (CTvSA)

519 437 Does anyone have experience with car tracking devices? Dad's business partner need one for dad. Sundowners is getting bad. Would prefer a yearly pymt.

Posted by: Infidel at May 24, 2018 11:37 PM (a3OL0)


Have you considered tracking his phone instead of the car? With the phone, it's just an app.

Plus, if he leaves the car, he will presumably still have the phone with him. Even if he leaves in in the car, that still gets you to the same as a car tracker anyway.

With a car tracker, you have to have some way for the tracker to communicate back to you. This is usually accomplished with a cellular connection, so just that aspect of it will cost like a monthly cell bill with a data plan.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:10 AM (pvjTE)

520 I'm glad you mentioned the left, because they are thee biggest abusers. I remember some years back the word "jingoist" was the favorite ass chant of the left if you even hinted at western culture being superior.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 25, 2018 12:06 AM (9Om/r)

Western culture is objectively wildly, grossly superior. Who the hell ever goes to a Third World country for medical care? Or, indeed, much of anything else? Who tries to immigrate to a Third World country?


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:10 AM (u24AF)

521 Islam is to civilization as honey badger is to cobra.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:11 AM (md3fh)

522 I
will not be registering on gab as I cannot appear as "myself". I have
used this handle for more than a dozen years on various sites, and here
on AOSHQ for more than a decade. This appears to be a kind of identity
theft and I am NOT pleased. Rant off.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (md3fh)

Unless you know that the Gab "Ruthless" is a malicious attempt to impersonate you, why not simply regard it as a coincidence? Perhaps you could alter your nic for Gab by adding a designator? Say "Ruthless_HQ"?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 12:11 AM (WFV7d)

523 Westerners like to imagine that everyone is really a Westerner just waiting to be "let out" but that isn't true.

FDR gave unasked-for advice to Churchill vis-a-vis India. Churchill was flabbergasted that FDR was so astoundingly ignorant of Asian culture. Churchill couldn't even formulate a response.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 12:11 AM (YOW17)

524 There's also another problem - namely, the tendency of some cultures to play whack a mole whenever the geniuses start to rise up above their fellow men. I know at least some parts of Africa have this problem. Start to do noticeably better than those around you, and the gossip will start to circulate that you're a witch.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (Ujf0G)

The mark of an intrinsically stupid culture, I would say. And the culture is the distillate of a people.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:12 AM (u24AF)

525 Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (md3fh)
Duly noted. That's fucked.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 12:13 AM (UiRxW)

526 Sorry, no sale. Why did Africans never invent writing?

Egypt says hi from its new location in Kansas.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 12:13 AM (CTvSA)

527 FDR gave unasked-for advice to Churchill vis-a-vis
India. Churchill was flabbergasted that FDR was so astoundingly ignorant
of Asian culture. Churchill couldn't even formulate a response.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 12:11 AM (YOW17)

Churchill should have just blew a cigar hit and farted in his general direction. That would have been fitting.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 25, 2018 12:13 AM (9Om/r)

528 Aww what a shame. Liberals favorite portrayal of a wise black man, Morgan Freeman is getting #metoo-ed.

Posted by: buzzion

You know ... I watched his series - I can't remember what it was called ... The Story of G-d, or something like that - and really liked it. It was well done and I liked a lot of his commentary in it. I don't know if that was just written for him or if he had a hand in some of it but it was pretty good and interesting. And I liked what he had to say in a few interviews. He sounded, pretty much, on the ball.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (RPXrN)

529 Of course I don't know whether I am being deliberately impersonated, and expect that is not the case. The reason for my comment was merely to alert the HQ that it is not me. I am not suggesting anything sinister, but don't want to have the words of another credited to me, whether for good or ill.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (md3fh)

530 Cyclical flooding encourages engineering to build irrigation and try and control the waters. Large waterways or bodies of water, such as the Med, allow you to build ships, which requires advanced construction skills, as well as basic knowledge of mathematics. Agriculture centered around grains encourage mathematics, and large-scale organization. A diverse range of environments and resources encourages specialization and eventually trade, especially when combined with ships (which allow the efficient movement of large amounts of cargo). etc. etc. etc.
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at May 25, 2018 12:08 AM (Tnhbr)

And what is the sine qua non of all these activities? Why is it that the Israelis have prospered on the exact same turf on which the Arabs scratched out a subsistence living for millennia?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (u24AF)

531 Who the hell ever goes to a Third World country for medical care?

A shitload of American medical-tourists go to Thailand and various Caribbean countries, that's who. Because the American medical system is stuffed with rent-seekers and lawyers, and generally sucks balls.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (6FqZa)

532 522 I
will not be registering on gab as I cannot appear as "myself". I have
used this handle for more than a dozen years on various sites, and here
on AOSHQ for more than a decade. This appears to be a kind of identity
theft and I am NOT pleased. Rant off.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:05 AM (md3fh)

Unless you know that the Gab "Ruthless" is a malicious attempt to impersonate you, why not simply regard it as a coincidence? Perhaps you could alter your nic for Gab by adding a designator? Say "Ruthless_HQ"?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 12:11 AM (WFV7d)

That's like me going on the internet and finding out that I'm not the first person that thought to use "Buzz" as my name and getting pissed off. So silly.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:15 AM (lKs2v)

533 gossip will start to circulate that you're a witch.
Come on, we all know you can't trust those albinos. Especially the young English ones with the freaky eyes.

Posted by: andycanuck at May 25, 2018 12:16 AM (Evws/)

534 I am making an announcement. I tried to register for the gab thing, and
was informed that the user name Ruthless had already been taken.

if you see someone commenting on gab under that name, IT IS NOT ME and
do not hold against me anything said under that name on gab.

will not be registering on gab as I cannot appear as "myself". I have
used this handle for more than a dozen years on various sites, and here
on AOSHQ for more than a decade. This appears to be a kind of identity
theft and I am NOT pleased. Rant off.
Posted by: Ruthless at May

well, do you know if it is a moron?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:16 AM (MTjB1)

535 I am a bit irritated, but I am not "pissed off," and frankly disappointed. As I just explained, I just do not want any misunderstanding, that's all.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:17 AM (md3fh)

536 Sorry, no sale. Why did Africans never invent writing?"

Writing is only needed after a civilization with some level of central government comes into existence, beyond that of simply having a local strongman. And again, we should specify what time period we're talking about; after about 700, islamic script spread throughout any parts of Africa connected to the Indian Ocean trade, and Ethiopia has it's own writing system going back to about the same time.

Before that, I would theorize that the inhabitants of sub-saharan Africa were much like the inhabitants of North America at the same time - they were not organized, they had no advanced economic activity, and thus no need or desire for writing. Also not enough contact with the cultures that did have it to recognize it as a desirable thing.

And with respect to the Americas, remember that the Maya, who *did* develop advanced governmental and religious establishments, also developed extremely sophisticated writing and mathematical systems for those systems to use.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:17 AM (V2Yro)

537 A shitload of American medical-tourists go to Thailand and various Caribbean countries, that's who. Because the American medical system is stuffed with rent-seekers and lawyers, and generally sucks balls.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (6FqZa)

OK, in this context, those are not Third World countries, because the medics involved doubtless trained in the First World.

Let me be clear (channeling Obama here): who the hell goes to Somalia for medical care? Or the Congo?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:17 AM (u24AF)

538 Damn people
I never want harm caused to anyone
Just fucking live your life and dont shoot anyone or
stab anyone or blow anyone up or be an asshole who calls an innocent cop out for something he did not do or etc etc etc etc
Life could be glorious with the hard stuff like losing someone you Love but you could deal with it
But people fucking suck

Posted by: lousagirl at May 25, 2018 12:17 AM (PmCoA)

539 Heh they expect Solo to have the lowest opening Disney Wars movie opening so far.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (lKs2v)

540 531 Who the hell ever goes to a Third World country for medical care?

A shitload of American medical-tourists go to Thailand and various Caribbean countries, that's who. Because the American medical system is stuffed with rent-seekers and lawyers, and generally sucks balls.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (6FqZa)


I know people who go to Mexico for both dental care and prescription drugs. Much cheaper.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (pvjTE)

541 All I know is that gab says my handle has already been taken and I do not want the Horde to think whatever my unknown alter ego says is me speaking. It is a disclaimer, period.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (md3fh)

542 @448 Still happens even in China. Tibet and Taiwan are a couple examples. It's not like China is one big happy country. It never has been.

Most of geographical China these days is the Han telling the non-Han locals what to do - often at gunpoint. China's spent of a lot of its recorded history as a single, unified country (albeit one much smaller than the current entity). But it's also spent much of its recorded history fragmented into two or more parts.

The same goes for Korea, incidentally, which has spent considerably less time as a single, unified peninsula.

And just to round out the triad in that part of the world, the Japanese are a rather odd case. They've spent most of their history fighting against each other. But at the same time, they also have the longest-reigning dynasty of any country in the world, by a very considerable margin.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (Ujf0G)

543 I am making an announcement. I tried to register for the gab thing, and
was informed that the user name Ruthless had already been taken.

if you see someone commenting on gab under that name, IT IS NOT ME and
do not hold against me anything said under that name on gab.

will not be registering on gab as I cannot appear as "myself". I have
used this handle for more than a dozen years on various sites, and here
on AOSHQ for more than a decade. This appears to be a kind of identity
theft and I am NOT pleased. Rant off.
Posted by: Ruthless at May

well, it would only be identity theftish if it was a moron.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:19 AM (MTjB1)

544 Writing is only needed after a civilization with some level of central government comes into existence, beyond that of simply having a local strongman.

The Phoenicians, the Sumerians, and the Chinese developed writing ca. 3000 BC. The Africans? Still working on it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:19 AM (u24AF)

545 You develop writing to remember who owes you money. And how to make beer.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (lKs2v)

546 And what is the sine qua non of all these activities? Why is it that the Israelis have prospered on the exact same turf on which the Arabs scratched out a subsistence living for millennia?"

Capitalism. seriously. Also, in that specific example, the inborn hatred of any self-respecting Arab for anything close to what we would call "work".

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (V2Yro)

547 I know people who go to Mexico for both dental care and prescription drugs. Much cheaper.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (pvjTE)

And some survive it, too!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (u24AF)

548 OK, can we please just understand that I just do not want to be held responsible for someone else's gab comments? Jeesh.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (md3fh)

549 &And what is the sine qua non of all these activities? Why is it that the Israelis have prospered on the exact same turf on which the Arabs scratched out a subsistence living for millennia?

Because of their culture codified in their religion.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 12:21 AM (CTvSA)

Hello, fellow babies, whaz up?

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:21 AM (8O3HH)

551 LMAO, I'm watching Superstores, season 1, ep. 9. They all get locked in the store overnight, get drunk. It's stupid funny...hello motherfuckers!

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 12:21 AM (yJ1e6)

552 Capitalism. seriously. Also, in that specific example, the inborn hatred of any self-respecting Arab for anything close to what we would call "work".
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (V2Yro)

Capitalism, and intelligence.

It's hard to imagine an intelligent people featuring a stupid culture.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (u24AF)

553 junior: genetic studies on Korea show that the northern half is half Jurchen (Manchu), much more than the southern half.

Korea is like Italy. It looks like one peninsula. It pretends to have one language. They all claim to be one people. LOL, no.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (6FqZa)

554 540 531 Who the hell ever goes to a Third World country for medical care?

A shitload of American medical-tourists go to Thailand and various Caribbean countries, that's who. Because the American medical system is stuffed with rent-seekers and lawyers, and generally sucks balls.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 12:14 AM (6FqZa)


I know people who go to Mexico for both dental care and prescription drugs. Much cheaper.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (pvjTE)

Yeah but did those dentists graduate for the Tijuana School of Dentistry? Or are they US taught?

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (lKs2v)

555 I know people who go to Mexico for both dental care and prescription drugs. Much cheaper.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:18 AM (pvjTE)

I would rather have ball surgery by a blind surgeon with a rusty soup can lid.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (9Om/r)

556 Ruthless ....I thought someone already took my name but it wasn't so.

The registration is a little beta.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (+lOpA)

557 So what did you do to correct it, eleven? I would like to be on gab under my usual name.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (md3fh)

558 545 You develop writing to remember who owes you money. And how to make beer.

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:20 AM (lKs2v)

Civilization was created to handle the bar tab...

Posted by: The Brewed Hat at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (itfg0)

559 One time when I was about 6-7 I was riding my bike around the corner from the street I lived on. I wrecked and lost some skin. I sat there crying until I realized there was nobody around to come kiss my boo-boo and make it feel better. So I stopped crying, got back on the bike and rode home.

When I got home I didn't feel like crying anymore, so I bragged about how tough I was.

Posted by: Jaqen H'ghar at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (5fSr7)

560 The Phoenicians, the Sumerians, and the Chinese developed writing ca. 3000 BC. The Africans? Still working on it."

Not arguing that - those cultures also developed centralized bureaucracies at the same time. Seen some speculation that the Phoenicians may have just been an outlier that sprang from the truly impressive, and extremely early Minoan civilization, which was mostly wiped out by the Santorini explosion in about 1600 B.C. Likely to have sent 200 foot tall tidal waves throughout the eastern Mediterranean, annihilating all of the Minoan's coastal cities. A good possibility for the source of the Atlantis legend.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (V2Yro)

561 I would rather have ball surgery by a blind surgeon with a rusty soup can lid.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (9Om/r)

Party On !!!

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (52eOZ)

562 Yeah but did those dentists graduate for the Tijuana School of Dentistry? Or are they US taught?
Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (lKs2v)

Exactly. That was my point.

A First World-trained physician/dentist who happens now to be in a Third World country? Maybe OK. (Assuming he didn't get run out of the US for incompetence or nefarious activity).

Somebody locally trained? No dice.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:25 AM (u24AF)

563 557 So what did you do to correct it, eleven? I would like to be on gab under my usual name.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:24 AM (md3fh)

I just plowed on ahead ignoring the "already taken" text.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:25 AM (+lOpA)

564 So what did you do to correct it, eleven? I would like to be on gab under my usual name.
Posted by: Ruthless at May

why not go with "Ruth less" or "ruthlesss" or maybe even something better for your self esteem like "ruthmore"?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:25 AM (MTjB1)

I see Uncle Harvey is supposed to surrender himself in NY. I wonder what the odds are he'll go to trial, much less be convicted.

Something makes me think they're just doing this for show, and they'll just sort of throw the case.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (8O3HH)

566 @544 The Phoenicians, the Sumerians, and the Chinese developed writing ca. 3000 BC. The Africans? Still working on it.

The Ethiopians developed their own writing around 6th Century BC. It's apparently still in use today, though I suspect it doesn't get much use outside the country.

But I'm not aware of anything in the other non-Arab parts of the continent.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (Ujf0G)

567 Not arguing that - those cultures also developed centralized bureaucracies at the same time.

Why didn't Africa develop centralized bureaucracies? Hell, even South America did that.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (u24AF)

568 Civilization was created to handle the bar tab..."

And to impress women. Seriously, if society was made up of just men, we'd still all be living in holes dug into the mud down by the river.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (V2Yro)

569 Ruthless, whoever grabbed that nic at gab did it in August of last year. So probably not a Moron.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (IcT7t)

Uncle Harv gives us filthy ficus foulers a bad name. We're gonna have a vote on expelling him from our order next meeting we have.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:27 AM (8O3HH)

571 Why didn't Africa develop centralized bureaucracies? Hell, even South America did that."

Because they were smarter than everyone else?

HA that was a nice slow pitch right in the strike zone!

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (V2Yro)

572 Try AoSHQRuthless.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (+lOpA)

573 @545 You develop writing to remember who owes you money

Not really. Merchants have apparently been able to get by with just scratches and the like. From what I've read, it's usually the clergy that are the ones who push the development of writing.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (Ujf0G)

574 Yeah but did those dentists graduate for the Tijuana School of Dentistry? Or are they US taught?

Posted by: buzzion at May 25, 2018 12:22 AM (lKs2v)


I never asked how they go about finding a good dentist. It wasn't something I was thinking about doing myself, so I didn't really ask many questions. These are a couple of RV'ers, though. So, they are used to traveling around anyway. Maybe they have some kind of rating thing on one of their forums to keep track of the good and bad dentists.

The RV'ers have a bit of a tight-knit community.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (pvjTE)

575 Ruthless, whoever grabbed that nic at gab did it in August of last year. So probably not a Moron.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May

one of the benefits of having parents that hate you is that no one else's parents would ever think of naming their kid yankeefifth. hell, I am an only child.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (MTjB1)

576 And to impress women. Seriously, if society was made up of just men, we'd still all be living in holes dug into the mud down by the river.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (V2Yro)

Whereas if society were made up of just women, we'd still all be living next to the river, bitching that no one had dug any holes.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:29 AM (u24AF)

577 495---... It's more than just that. What you really need, to advance society an appreciable amount, is individual geniuses. Not too many, but you need a few every so often.......
And there has to be some way for them to escape the Evil Eye. Anyone else here read Helmut Schoeck's classic, "Envy?"

A few people above have mentioned the importance of trust in building up a strong community. But for a community to progress, there has to be a way for 'over-achievers' to escape the forces of resentful conformism.

(Schoeck himself thinks the West has historically done the best at balancing the sameness you need for trust with the margin for individual aspiration you need for improvement. And yeah, he credits the Judeo-Christian background.)

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:29 AM (0jtPF)

578 Because they were smarter than everyone else?

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (V2Yro)

Yeah, that must be it!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:30 AM (u24AF)

579 What does it say about me that 'Boned Rolled Pig' doesn't sound half-bad?

I could give a damn about food. Food is fuel. I'll eat anything but people.

Posted by: troyriser at May 25, 2018 12:30 AM (3ypBZ)

580 Whereas if society were made up of just women, we'd still all be living next to the river, bitching that no one had dug any holes."

Brings to mind something about Africa - maybe the answer to the mystery is that in Africa, there was just too much Badonkadonk to chase, and the men never got around to doing anything else.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:30 AM (V2Yro)

581 You also need writing to achieve scale. When you have a lot of people, where everyone can't know everyone else (Dunbar's Number), you need some tools to scale up. Hierarchy is one of those tools (and is not unique to man) but then figuring position, interaction of many hierarchies, keeping track of who owes what to whom, etc. all eventually necessitate writing. Writing also lets you keep an approximately accurate history if you want to, and that helps prevent the repetition of stupid mistakes as you scale over time.

Unless you're a socialist - in which case you enthusiastically make the same mistakes over and over again. I have come to believe that despite all the socialist prattle about equality and fairness and the working class, they just want to watch the world burn.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 25, 2018 12:31 AM (hYcqw)

582 society was made up of just men, we'd still all be living in holes dug into the mud down by the river.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May

yep. even worse, while there would not be alot of sex, what there was would be nasty, brutish, and short.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:31 AM (MTjB1)

World with just men: death by fire

World with just women: death by ice

The female makes the male direct the energy and aggression to productive purposes, building up a society.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (8O3HH)

584 one of the benefits of having parents that hate you is that no one
else's parents would ever think of naming their kid yankeefifth. hell, I
am an only child.

Trust me, they weren't exactly clamoring to emulate my parents' naming scheme.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (IcT7t)

585 What does it say about me that 'Boned Rolled Pig' doesn't sound half-bad?

Posted by: troyriser at May

you are ok with mugging and fucking a pig?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (MTjB1)

586 OK, I guess my ignorance about gab is showing. I see now that it is a large pond in which the AOSHQ part is a small tadpole, and segregated from other commenting groups. Therefore, comments by this other Ruthless will almost certainly not appear among the Horde's participation, which was my fear. (I never thought it was another Moron stealing my name.) Tempest in a teapot. I will try to register under a slightly different variant of my handle. Thanks everyone for showing me the light.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (md3fh)

587 Brings to mind something about Africa - maybe the answer to the mystery is that in Africa, there was just too much Badonkadonk to chase, and the men never got around to doing anything else.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:30 AM (V2Yro)

So ... sort of a negative selection pressure?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:33 AM (u24AF)

588 I believe this Horowitz fella at the DOJ is busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, but somebody oughta ask him to take a gander at whichever US attorney's office is prosecuting the Awan case. Distinctive aromas of funny business seem to be wafting from that direction.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 25, 2018 12:33 AM (QDnY+)

589 World with just men: death by fire

World with just women: death by ice

The female makes the male direct the energy and aggression to productive purposes, building up a society.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (8O3HH)


Now to account for the other 37 genders ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:33 AM (u24AF)

590 482 -- Tom Servo : That was one of the talking points before Gulf War 2. Did Iraq create Saddam Hussein because that was the only way to rule the country? Or did Saddam Hussein take control of Iraq because he was inherently a tyrant? Sort of like the chicken and the egg thing.

Personally, I think we should be careful how we approach any non-Northern European culture. We need to understand that just because Arabs, Chinese, Japanese, etc. are human beings like ourselves, they were raised with different cultural norms. (No, I am not condoning FGM or "tea boys" or the trade in albino parts.) Just over running a country and declaring it "free" is not going to actually make those people free in our sense of the word. Let's not forget that Russia was a feudal state until the late 1800s. Serfdom existed in Russia that late in the game.

It took hundreds of years for the West to accept and adjust to the end of feudalism. We just saw a prime example of feudal hangover this past weekend when Harry and Megan were married with the full pomp and circumstance a royal wedding entails. A lot of things have changed, but the British still demand the show. Yet Magna Carta was signed in 1215. Magna Carta merely curtailed the British monarchy's relations with the barons, but the Brits have been chipping away at their monarchy since then. Elizabeth 2 is little more than a figure head, unable to make laws, increase taxes, or hand out justice.

We need to realize that the Arabs and the Chinese and the everyone else who isn't us are, for the most part, just taking their first baby steps on the road to what we hope they will become.

Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May 25, 2018 12:34 AM (eNyDO)

591 Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:32 AM (md3fh)

I made basically the same mistake. The registration being beta didn't help.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (+lOpA)

592 [i9]Brings to mind something about Africa - maybe the answer to the mystery is that in Africa, there was just too much Badonkadonk to chase, and the men never got around to doing anything else.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:30 AM (V2Yro)

I can not lie and the other brothers can't deny...

Posted by: Sir Mix-a-Lot at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (itfg0)

593 "It's hard to imagine an intelligent people featuring a stupid culture."

And yet, Russia.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (QDnY+)

594 they just want to watch the world burn
Simpler. More juvenile. They just want to be king of the hill. If that means making a hill of shit to stand atop, then so be it.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (UiRxW)

595 Now to account for the other 37 genders ...
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:33 AM (u24AF)
They're only up to 39? The gender inventors need to pick up the pace. I couldn't possibly take them seriously until they hit 100.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (hYcqw)

596 We need to realize that the Arabs and the Chinese and the everyone else who isn't us are, for the most part, just taking their first baby steps on the road to what we hope they will become.
Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May

well, consider how old some of those cultures are? no reason to believe that their cultures, ingrained for centuries or longer, are going to switch to some other path.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:37 AM (MTjB1)

597 593 "It's hard to imagine an intelligent people featuring a stupid culture."

And yet, Russia.
Posted by: rhomboid at May 25, 2018 12:35 AM (QDnY+)

Yep. But the Russian culture isn't completely stupid. It does place an emphasis on, e.g., literature, poetry, mathematics.

But apart from that ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:37 AM (u24AF)

598 >>The RV'ers have a bit of a tight-knit community.

You don't want random strangers boning and rollin' your pig.

Posted by: Carl Switzer - Dickman's Meatmaster at May 25, 2018 12:38 AM (URThx)

599 576 And to impress women. Seriously, if society was made up of just men, we'd still all be living in holes dug into the mud down by the river.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:26 AM (V2Yro)

Whereas if society were made up of just women, we'd still all be living next to the river, bitching that no one had dug any holes.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:29 AM (u24AF)
Camille Paglia says that without men we'd all be living in grass huts. Probably true.
Tom Servo here (and many others) say that without women men wouldn't bother. Probably true.

James Brown has it just right!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:38 AM (0jtPF)

600 Yet Magna Carta was signed in 1215. Magna Carta merely curtailed the British monarchy's relations with the barons, but the Brits have been chipping away at their monarchy since then. Elizabeth 2 is little more than a figure head, unable to make laws, increase taxes, or hand out justice.

Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May 25, 2018 12:34 AM (eNyDO)

The Charter of the Forest in 1217 was probably even more important than the Magna Carta because it restricted royal power from infringing on inalienable rights of the common man.

Of course, The Magna Carta and on was just a slow process of "unshackling the Norman yoke."

Posted by: Se Léodweardprætt Hæt at May 25, 2018 12:38 AM (itfg0)

601 You don't want random strangers boning and rollin' your pig.
Posted by: Carl Switzer - Dickman's Meatmaster at May 25, 2018 12:38 AM (URThx)
Or *do* you?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 25, 2018 12:38 AM (hYcqw)

602 since I searched for the hq site on gab nothing but groups for pics of naked women have been recommended.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:39 AM (MTjB1)

603 Whoa, I just realized that it is *way* past my bedtime. G'night, Horde!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at May 25, 2018 12:40 AM (hYcqw)

604 Oh yes, I was only making a very modest attempt at AOSHQ snark about Russia. Clearly they don't lack for intelligence, now or earlier. Which just puts us back into that discussion of how do some societies succeed while others don't, or never "develop" in the modern sense.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 25, 2018 12:40 AM (QDnY+)

605 Not really. Merchants have apparently been able to
get by with just scratches and the like. From what I've read, it's
usually the clergy that are the ones who push the development of

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 12:28 AM (Ujf0G)

It depends on the culture. Minoan and Mycenaean was apparently devised for accounting for the estates.
Cuneiform was probably developed for scratching what the contents of a ball filled with tokens were so you didn't have to break open the ball to find out - the tokens were the basis for accounting also. Eventually they turned into the original clay tablets that to begin with were shaped like flattened out clay balls.
Everyone used those for accounting and business and tax and bureaucracy and treaties.

These writing systems were complicated and did not survive the end of the Bronze age (I think Cuneiform went away then, but I am often wrong so sorry)

In its place came the Phonecian type alphabets, and it flourished after the end of the Bronze age.
There are some indications of a Hittite alphabet in Western Anatolia, but I don't know if they ever figured if that came from proto-phonecian or Canaanite or was a native adaption.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 25, 2018 12:41 AM (2K6fY)

Look here at the this:

Blonde on the right. Callipygian. Yeah, your're gonna figure out something better than a grass hut to house that ass.

And when you can have that ass, going around whopping other dudes on the head in stupid territorial displays just doesn't cut it for kicks anymore.

That's how it works.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:41 AM (8O3HH)

607 One possible reason for a lack of major African civilizations is that humanity basically evolved there for so long that humans just kind of fit in and had their own groove. In other words, no major reason to change from what was working well enough to something else, which might work but would probably end up getting people killed.

Civilization comes from a process of evolution influenced by a myriad of factors. It is something that can not just be pulled out of some philosopher's butt like the Proggies like to think.

Posted by: The Civilized Hat at May 25, 2018 12:41 AM (itfg0)

608 596 We need to realize that the Arabs and the Chinese and the everyone else who isn't us are, for the most part, just taking their first baby steps on the road to what we hope they will become.
Posted by: Deplorable Lady with Only Two Deplorable Cats at May

well, consider how old some of those cultures are? no reason to believe that their cultures, ingrained for centuries or longer, are going to switch to some other path.
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:37 AM (MTjB1)

The amazing thing to me is that the Chinese, having invented writing, never moved from a pictograph-based writing system to a phonetic one.

You'd have thought at some point someone would have said, "Wait an effing minute. Instead of having a zillion ideographs representing ideas, why not have just a few representing the sounds of the words representing the ideas?"

In short, in group theory terms, let's move from a reducible to an irreducible representation.

But no. The society was too hidebound by precedent, much like that in the UK, to make such a dramatic leap.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:42 AM (u24AF)

Alright you assholes I signed up for gab. Send me some invites, you pricks and pricklettes.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 12:44 AM (0ogQG)

610 But apart from that ...
Don't forget the music.
But, politically defective. It's all boyars, metropoiltans, czars, and premieres. And ancient, primeval warlords. And German autocrats. And slavers. And pales... and on and on.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 12:45 AM (UiRxW)

611 why not go with "Ruth less" or "ruthlesss" or maybe even something better for your self esteem like "ruthmore"?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:25 AM (MTjB1)

"No way! Why should I change it? He's the one who sucks." -- Michael Ruthless Bolton

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 12:45 AM (RPXrN)

612 One possible reason for a lack of major African civilizations is that humanity basically evolved there for so long that humans just kind of fit in and had their own groove.

So ... kinda like the cheetahs, then?

And why does Africa keep needing help following droughts, flood, plagues, etc.?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:46 AM (u24AF)

613 Only time I was in China, right at the turning point where business was being unleashed, foreign investment encouraged, they were at what I think was the tail-end of their "romanization" effort WRT written language.

Most buildings, some street signs - long unpronounceable strings of letters underneath the Chinese characters. Just phonetic transliterations. The Chinese we talked to ridiculed it. Don't think it ever went anywhere.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 25, 2018 12:47 AM (QDnY+)

614 OK, I am now registered on gab as MoronRuthless. Thanks everybody. I will check in there from time to time to see what it's all about. I am generally against social media (no Farcebook, Twatter, etc.), but apparently gab is somewhat more friendly to such as we.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:47 AM (md3fh)

615 596---Well, consider how old some of those cultures are? no reason to believe that their cultures, ingrained for centuries or longer, are going to switch to some other path.
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:37 AM (MTjB1)
The notion that the differences between cultures are mere spaces on a mystical time-line of inevitable development is a silly, Progressive conceit.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:47 AM (0jtPF)

616 possible reason for a lack of major African civilizations is that humanity basically evolved there for so long that humans just kind of fit in and had their own groove.

were waiting for the naked and afraid cameras to show up.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:47 AM (MTjB1)

617 "were waiting for the naked and afraid cameras to show up."

Laugh if you must, but that show is an economic juggernaut for the "pixelate the naughty bits" industry.

I'm sure someone will eventually make a plug in for it, but right now, it's wide open.

Posted by: backbeatbaby at May 25, 2018 12:49 AM (w7KSn)

Why are we different from all these old cultures?

This is very interesting article that shook some of the foundations of socio-psychology (and economics, by assumptions about human behavior).

We Americans are WEIRD. In fact, Western culture is the tails of the distribution, and we Americans are the tails of that tail. We are very different, very fundamentally. In fact, that's how we came to be. People trying to get away from a world they didn't want a part of.

Anyway, that shows the genesis and nature of American Exceptionalism.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:49 AM (8O3HH)

619 And why does Africa keep needing help following droughts, flood, plagues, etc.?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:46 AM (u24AF)

To be fair, you do kinda need hands to take care of that...

Posted by: Leopold II at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (itfg0)

620 Anyway, that shows the genesis and nature of American Exceptionalism.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:49 AM (8O3HH)

Living in Europe for many years really brought that home.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (u24AF)

621 Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 12:47 AM (0jtPF)

You talk all smart and shit. So. Hawt.

Posted by: ScoggDog at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (52eOZ)

622 609
Alright you assholes I signed up for gab. Send me some invites, you pricks and pricklettes.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 12:44 AM (0ogQG)

Still figuring out how this snit works.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:51 AM (+lOpA)

623 well, consider how old some of those cultures are? no reason to believe that their cultures, ingrained for centuries or longer, are going to switch to some other path."

Given how long China has been around, and how briefly we have, I sometimes fear that we may head down their path somewhere in the future.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:51 AM (V2Yro)

624 619 And why does Africa keep needing help following droughts, flood, plagues, etc.?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:46 AM (u24AF)

To be fair, you do kinda need hands to take care of that...
Posted by: Leopold II at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (itfg0)

Compare and contrast: disaster hits Africa, vs. disaster hits Japan.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:52 AM (u24AF)

625 #432
It appears there are a bit over 100 Chick-Fil-A stores in CA now. I counted 104 but may have been off plus or minus.
100 locations in a big place like CA is small compared to some of the big names like Subway or McDonalds but it's still a considerable number.

Posted by: epobirs at May 25, 2018 12:52 AM (AJKgl)

626 Compare and contrast: disaster hits Africa, vs. disaster hits Japan.

Not fair.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 12:53 AM (+lOpA)

627 To be fair, you do kinda need hands to take care of that...
Posted by: Leopold II at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (itfg0)
Good point.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 12:53 AM (UiRxW)

628 The thing about the pictographs in China - I think I recall it was because China early on developed a class of scribes/officials, and THEY were the ones who were supposed to do all the writing. So it benefited them to keep it as something that only a trained professional class could do, and something ordinary people needed to be kept ignorant of. Kind of like how we treat the Law these days.

(even the Egyptians eventually developed a much simpler cursive script for everyday use, and kept the Heiroglyphs only for Royal Monuments)

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 12:55 AM (V2Yro)

629 Compare and contrast: disaster hits Africa, vs. disaster hits Japan.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:52 AM (u24AF)

And which place invented tentacle pr0n, used school-girl panty vending machines, and futanari?

Posted by: I'll ge the nukes... at May 25, 2018 12:56 AM (itfg0)

I had to laugh at the WEIRD thing. Based on assumptions that we humans are all basically alike, they've been doing all these experiments on basically American undergraduates and assuming their basic wiring applies to all humans.

Buzzzt. Wrong. Studying the behaivor of Americans is like studying penguins and applying the results to all birds.

What is fascinating is that so many very fundamental behavioral things, things you'd just assume were hardwired into the ROM of the human brain, are in fact not.

See those optical illusion examples. This is cultural. This is what we have here, and all the multi-culti SJWs are going to destroy it.

There's a reason we went to the Moon in 200 years, and the others have been stagnant for 2000 years.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:56 AM (8O3HH)

631 Given how long China has been around, and how briefly we have, I sometimes fear that we may head down their path somewhere in the future.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May

well, definitely a concern. we are fortunate that we wrote down lots of stuff so we have something to refer to, even if lots of people keep trying to tell us it means something other than what was written.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:57 AM (MTjB1)

632 Shit, now I have frogs in my computer! Just upthread I compared it to a pond, but I didn't expect frogs. Loud frogs. Like the Spanish Inquisition only with ribbit ribbit. Will I now get thousands of emails every day? Hope not.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 12:57 AM (md3fh)

633 There's a reason we went to the Moon in 200 years, and the others have been stagnant for 2000 years.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:56 AM (8O3HH)

To be fair, the U.S. didn't just spring up ex nihilo a quarter of a millennium ago, but was a combination of millennia of Western Civilization.

Posted by: The Western Hat at May 25, 2018 12:58 AM (itfg0)

634 SIA

Never Give Up listing music smile

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 12:58 AM (7ZiDC)

635 ruthless, you ok with your name showing?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:59 AM (MTjB1)

636 G'Night, Ev'ry-Buddy!


Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 12:59 AM (Ckg4U)

637 621---You talk all smart and shit. So. Hawt.
Posted by: ScoggDog at May 25, 2018 12:50 AM (52eOZ)

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 25, 2018 01:00 AM (0jtPF)

638 Day 3 of Jules surgery, she's still hurting a lot, anytime they cut into your gut is pretty bad. but it's getting better...well, I think.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:00 AM (yJ1e6)

639 Will I now get thousands of emails every day? Hope not.
I think I've received two emails from gab since I signed up. One for confirmation that it was my real email address, the other welcoming me to gab.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 01:01 AM (IcT7t)

640 Resilience to disaster is something developed economies have, and undeveloped economies do not, because they are already living on the edge. Richard Fernandez (Wretchard) has written extensively on the idea of "design margin" as it pertains to a society - I won't try to repeat all the good thought he has put into it, but I can paraphrase his thoughts by saying that healthy, strong societies have large design margins, so that they can be pushed very far by disasters and the like and yet recover very quickly - for example, the way Houston recovered from the hurricane/flood last year. A few months later, and it's just a memory. A whole lot of resilience built into that system.

On the other hand, look at Puerto Rico, hit by the same storm - they are still barely starting to pull things back together. Their problem, as is the problem in all impoverished areas, is that their systems were already collapsing before the disaster, and now they just don't have to be repaired, everything starting with roads themselves has to be rebuilt from scratch. Their system had a design margin of zero, and it only took a small push to send everything into a state of collapse. (not to mention what a big push does)

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 01:01 AM (V2Yro)

641 and THEY were the ones who were supposed to do all the writing...
So, The reason Korea has a phonetic alphabet is the other side of that coin. They used pictograms. But eventually one of their kings (I forget which) fell at odds with the clerical class, so he devised a new phonetic character system, and commanded all the peasants to learn it. That way, he didn't have to through the monks anymore.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 01:02 AM (UiRxW)

642 Shit, now I have frogs in my computer! Just upthread I compared it to a pond, but I didn't expect frogs. Loud frogs. Like the Spanish Inquisition only with ribbit ribbit.

Cajuns and us other Gulf Coast denizens never could understand how come frogs counted as a plague in Egypt. I mean, dude. FREE FRENCH FOOD.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:03 AM (6FqZa)

643 Yum..... Weird Save And Ace gets and is at the fore... the needed changes "music night towards Ratana's "Loud Pipes". Zero 7 in the waiting line...

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:04 AM (7ZiDC)

644 Having my name appear isn't really a problem for me, I guess. I have always linked to my websites, so I am no phantom or ghost in the machine. Although I expected to only be shown on gab by my user name, for what is the purpose of a user name otherwise? And, what is the option? I guess I could have given a nom de blog, and then a user name. They did check my email to see that it was real. I am not at all cognizant about how social media works, having avoided it like the plague. I do not want it sending me emails every few minutes, though, so will see if I can make that go away.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:04 AM (md3fh)

645 And for the next plague, behold, the L-rd shall cover your fields with escargot, and your crops shall yield naught but garlic

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:04 AM (6FqZa)

646 And for the next plague, behold, the L-rd shall cover your fields with escargot, and your crops shall yield naught but garlic

The plague of Gilroy.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 01:05 AM (IcT7t)

647 645 And for the next plague, behold, the L-rd shall cover your fields with escargot, and your crops shall yield naught but garlic."

And ye shall be overrun by Rabbits with Nasty, Sharp, Bitey Teeth. (makes hand motion)

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 01:06 AM (V2Yro)

648 Blanco -- I have already received three emails from other commenters. I think I clicked to allow something that I probably shouldn't have.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:06 AM (md3fh)

649 641 and THEY were the ones who were supposed to do all the writing...
So, The reason Korea has a phonetic alphabet is the other side of that coin. They used pictograms. But eventually one of their kings (I forget which) fell at odds with the clerical class, so he devised a new phonetic character system, and commanded all the peasants to learn it. That way, he didn't have to through the monks anymore.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 01:02 AM (UiRxW)

Korean is actually one of the easiest alphabets to read and spell.

On the flip side, you have ancient Tibetan...

It kinda looks like Klingon...

Posted by: The Western Hat at May 25, 2018 01:06 AM (itfg0)

650 good night, I gotta go. been fun!

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 01:06 AM (V2Yro)

651 G'Night, Tom Servo.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:07 AM (Ckg4U)

652 633 There's a reason we went to the Moon in 200 years, and the others have been stagnant for 2000 years.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:56 AM (8O3HH)

To be fair, the U.S. didn't just spring up ex nihilo a quarter of a millennium ago, but was a combination of millennia of Western Civilization.
Posted by: The Western Hat at May 25, 2018 12:58 AM (itfg0)

You also need to think on this...

We went to the Moon in my Grandfather's lifetime.... he went from the Horse and Buggy... and Horses pulling farm equipment... to seeing Men on the Moon...

My 27 year old Son, has never seen a Man on the Moon... except on historical video....

that..... is sad...

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:07 AM (NgKpN)

653 Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:04

Hey boulder, do you have any hopes for the Reps in this fall's election in CO?

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:08 AM (yJ1e6)

654 Gab no disrespect Twitter was and is a true bite in the Ass, Heh. There is no way out move forward or taken out. Maybe Ace's with Gab is a possible Echo Chamber, I get it but and that but what about the old # icon connections? Yeah old school beautiful strangers walkin in and tru. Lessons of counter counter Tic for Tat may exist on Gab for growth. I'm gun shy small g. Smile.

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:10 AM (7ZiDC)

655 Calling publius - cleanup on aisle 9!

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at May 25, 2018 01:11 AM (iTpm7)

656 631 Given how long China has been around, and how briefly we have, I sometimes fear that we may head down their path somewhere in the future.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May

well, definitely a concern. we are fortunate that we wrote down lots of stuff so we have something to refer to, even if lots of people keep trying to tell us it means something other than what was written.
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 12:57 AM (MTjB1)

Saying China has been around a Long time... is like saying France has been around a long time...

or Italy has been around a long time...

Technically... true... but China's revolution didn't really start until 1946....

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:11 AM (NgKpN)

657 The amazing thing to me is that the Chinese, having invented writing, never moved from a pictograph-based writing system to a phonetic one.

You'd have thought at some point someone would have said, "Wait an effing minute. Instead of having a zillion ideographs representing ideas, why not have just a few representing the sounds of the words representing the ideas?"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara, now with an added spark of divinity at May 25, 2018 12:42 AM (u24AF)

Sometimes societies suffer from being the first, since they get stuck with the 1.0 version. More backward societies that only pick up those inventions later have the benefit of getting better versions, even though they contributed nothing to creating them.

You get the same thing with Hebrew. Hebrew is the oldest written language on Earth still in use. But it goes backwards, which is a big pain in the ass for a lot of things. But why does Hebrew go backwards? It shouldn't. The world is generally right-handed everywhere and Hebrew is written for left-handers - right to left.

The problem is that written Hebrew was developed too early. Being one of the first it was made when etching was still the thing .... and etching goes from right to left for right-handers. But when writing got transferred to paper, where right-handers naturally write from left to right, it was too late. Hebrew wasn't going to change directions. And so it was stuck going the wrong way, because it was one of the pioneering written languages.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 01:12 AM (RPXrN)

658 Western Civ, and the U.S. as it once was and may be again, is the end result of thousands of years of social evolution going back to ancient Greece and other roots. In that respect, America has a long and respectable history. Such a wonderful thing cannot spring up in a mere couple of centuries. Now we must defend it against our enemies both foreign and domestic, and in particular the latter.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:12 AM (md3fh)

659 Hi Farmer your in IL did RC reach out to you a few mths ago. Both Dems and R reached, oops.

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:13 AM (7ZiDC)

660 Why are we different from all these old cultures?

This is very interesting article that shook some of the foundations of socio-psychology (and economics, by assumptions about human behavior).

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:49 AM (8O3HH)

Very good article.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 01:13 AM (RPXrN)

661 Day 3 of Jules surgery, she's still hurting a lot, anytime they cut into your gut is pretty bad. but it's getting better...well, I think.
Posted by: Farmer

Probably better to keep rolled meat off of the diet for a while.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 01:13 AM (YOW17)

662 Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:12 AM (md3fh)

The United States now has the oldest government on Earth, that has not significantly changed form.

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:14 AM (NgKpN)

663 >> Calling publius - cleanup on aisle 9!
Posted by: Miley, the Duchess

Coming, your Grace.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 01:15 AM (8O3HH)

664 My 27 year old Son, has never seen a Man on the Moon... except on historical video....

that..... is sad...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:07 AM (NgKpN)


Now he may see a man in another man's 'moon'!


Posted by: Shep! at May 25, 2018 01:15 AM (DMcz+)

665 -Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:10 AM (7ZiDC)

You seem to have spilled something on the ONT.

*hands Luann a paper towel*

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:15 AM (Ckg4U)

666 The United States now has the oldest government on Earth, that has not significantly changed form.
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:14 AM (NgKpN)


Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:15 AM (+lOpA)

667 Lol Light handlers stand to the Left for safety, less chance for firing against the line... music in shots your choice Tequila or sexy reloads

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:16 AM (7ZiDC)

668 Farmer: the talk around GOP circles is that we don't have a charismatic local or state candidate, but we got the God Emperor, who is kicking ass. So if we can gin up turnout amongst those who voted Trump last time, we got a shot.

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:16 AM (6FqZa)

669 Posted by: The Western Hat at May 25, 2018 01:06 AM (itfg0)
Cool video. Thanks!

Check out how alien and pretty Burmese script looks. And this is "simplified" for computing:

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 01:16 AM (UiRxW)

670 To be fair, the U.S. didn't just spring up ex nihilo...

We didn't invent Latin?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 01:16 AM (YOW17)

671 Far Eastern ideographs should not be compared to our alphabet, but to words. Each Chinese, Japanese or Korean "character" is like a spelled out word in English or other Western language. Just as we immediately recognize a word made up of letters, Asians see the ideographs as words. Seen that way, a literate American instantly recognizes several tens of thousands of "ideographs" made up of letters.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:17 AM (md3fh)

672 Night all.

Here is "React" by the Taiwanese band 獄無聲:

Posted by: The Hat of the Silent Hell at May 25, 2018 01:17 AM (itfg0)

673 TPOP: written "Hebrew" actually uses the Imperial Aramaic alphabet of Cyrus' administration

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:17 AM (6FqZa)

674 Anyone remember IRC?

Gab kinda reminds me of that.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:18 AM (DMcz+)

675 Ah good old Slapweasel, why do I wanna capitalize you W... mmm must be all that wide spread... God Bless your Metal Swoon.... you are always there thru hard and soft Bow...

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:19 AM (7ZiDC)

676 671 Far Eastern ideographs should not be compared to our alphabet, but to words. Each Chinese, Japanese or Korean "character" is like a spelled out word in English or other Western language. Just as we immediately recognize a word made up of letters, Asians see the ideographs as words. Seen that way, a literate American instantly recognizes several tens of thousands of "ideographs" made up of letters.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:17 AM (md3fh)

The Korean alphabet (Hangul) is an actual alphabet and not an ideograph.

Posted by: The Written Hat at May 25, 2018 01:19 AM (itfg0)

677 Teen age wasteland. Out here in the fields...

They are walkeing out on Superstore to this song, too funny...

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:19 AM (yJ1e6)

678 Hi everybody! I come looking for fart jokes and you yahoos are discussing the origin of the human race.

It took hundreds of years for the West to accept and adjust to the end of feudalism.


Accept Your Lot - a limerick

You'll not get the kit and kaboodle
In a civilization so brutal
A small piece of turf
Is enough for you, serf
Give up. Resistance is feudal

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:20 AM (mvenn)

679 Hebrew I cant show the? God Bless and for non believers I get it. Broken Glass

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:20 AM (7ZiDC)

680 Niters, Slap.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:20 AM (DMcz+)

681 The Korean alphabet (Hangul) is an actual alphabet and not an ideograph.
Posted by: The Written Hat at May 25, 2018 01:19 AM (itfg0)

Isn't there an alphabetic form for Japanese as well?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 01:21 AM (WFV7d)

682 Hi Farmer your in IL did RC reach out to you a few mths ago. Both Dems and R reached, oops.
Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:13

Who do you mean by RC?

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:21 AM (yJ1e6)

683 Muldoon Lift a Leg Fart jokes... Pipe

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 01:22 AM (7ZiDC)

684 TPOP: written "Hebrew" actually uses the Imperial Aramaic alphabet of Cyrus' administration

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:17 AM (6FqZa)

You're talking about the Hebrew alphabet of today, but there was an older version.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 01:22 AM (RPXrN)

685 I did not know about Hangul and assumed Korean was a kind of simplified ideographic written language. A quick look at Wikipedia tells me it was instituted several hundred years ago. Thanks for making me aware of that.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:23 AM (md3fh)

686 Feudalism is underrated anyhow. Yeah, you couldn't vote your baron away. But chances were that the baron would leave you alone. I'd rather live under an honest baron than under the SJWs in this county

Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:23 AM (6FqZa)

687 Isn't there an alphabetic form for Japanese as well?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 01:21 AM (WFV7d)

They have two different syllabaries.

Posted by: The Written Hat at May 25, 2018 01:23 AM (itfg0)

688 "Hi everybody! I come looking for fart jokes and you yahoos are discussing the origin of the human race."

If flatulence befalls us all
Humanity becomes the call
Farting ain't pretty
It's smelly and gritty
I say we just build a wall

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:24 AM (Ckg4U)

689 Due to the use of keyboards rather than writing brushes, pens and so forth, I suppose most of the Asian written languages are being simplified. You could not have a keyboard that types thousands of characters.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:24 AM (md3fh)

690 lol Slap

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:24 AM (DMcz+)

691 So, The reason Korea has a phonetic alphabet is the other side of that coin. They used pictograms. But eventually one of their kings (I forget which) fell at odds with the clerical class, so he devised a new phonetic character system, and commanded all the peasants to learn it. That way, he didn't have to through the monks anymore.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at May 25, 2018 01:02 AM (UiRxW)

Ataturk basically did the same sort of thing with Turkey, changing their alphabet to Latin overnight, basically, so that they could become more Western.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 01:25 AM (RPXrN)

692 "Niters, Slap."
-Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:20 AM (DMcz+)

Thank you, but nobody wished me a Good Night, so I'm being defiant.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:25 AM (Ckg4U)

693 oooook

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:27 AM (DMcz+)

694 My 27 year old Son, has never seen a Man on the Moon... except on historical video....

that..... is sad...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:07 AM (NgKpN)

You had a kid when you were two?!?

Posted by: Surfperch at May 25, 2018 01:28 AM (7PQBV)

695 About gab, as I am learning, it seems to be kind of like the discussion room thingy that Little Green Footballs used to have. I never used that but did click onto it once or twice years ago just out of curiosity. Looks like it is creating a kind of alterAOSHQ, which could be interesting. Am I wrong to have the impression that a lot of the gabers are mostly lurkers here, and speaking upon gab? I have now had about a half dozen "croaks" alerting me to email notifications. Think I may have to turn that off.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:28 AM (md3fh)

696 We have to go back to the moon. To either 1) prove we didn't lose something essential 2) find the essential thing again.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at May 25, 2018 01:29 AM (rnAwa)

697 660 Why are we different from all these old cultures?

This is very interesting article that shook some of the foundations of socio-psychology (and economics, by assumptions about human behavior).

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion of a Poperin Pear at May 25, 2018 12:49 AM (8O3HH)

Very good article.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at May 25, 2018 01:13 AM (RPXrN)

Interesting... and yet the 'Weird' culture has progressed the knowledge of Man further, faster, than any other culture.

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:30 AM (NgKpN)

698 694 My 27 year old Son, has never seen a Man on the Moon... except on historical video....

that..... is sad...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:07 AM (NgKpN)

You had a kid when you were two?!?
Posted by: Surfperch at May 25, 2018 01:28 AM (7PQBV)

Unlike others here...

I am more than TWICE 29..... /smile...

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:31 AM (NgKpN)

699 We not only need to go to the moon, but damn well better go to Mars if we intend to inhabit the solar system. It may not be possible for humans to live in space indefinitely, or on Mars, among the asteroids and so forth, but we need to SOGOTP and find out. It may be that we can only develop off-Earth resources through robotic pioneers, not human ones.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:31 AM (md3fh)

700 -Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:27 AM (DMcz+)

Yeah. At heart, I'm a dick. I'd just like a little courtesy, as you've offered.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:32 AM (Ckg4U)

701 Farmer: the talk around GOP circles is that we don't have a charismatic local or state candidate, but we got the God Emperor, who is kicking ass. So if we can gin up turnout amongst those who voted Trump last time, we got a shot.
Posted by: boulder t'hobo at May 25, 2018 01:16

Good luck to ya'll. You may need it in that state. Let's be hopeful.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:32 AM (yJ1e6)

702 Slap @688-
Now that's what I'm talking about.


Rhymes with Hiatus - a limerick

A fart joke is surely the greatest
(Though our mothers would surely berate us!)
You'll sound like a flute
When you let loose a toot
We shall let nothing de-flate us

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:32 AM (mvenn)

703 678 Posted by: Muldoon May 25, 2018 01:20 AM (mvenn)

I couldn't help but notice that TCT has their own Poet Laureate. The Bard Of Murdock.

I've got 50 quatloos on you kicking this poseur's ass in an iambic pentameter face-off.

Bury him in your rhythmic dust.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 01:33 AM (0ogQG)

704 Did anyone with a recall think I was kiddin "when I was caught in the midddle of bra burners? Make no mistake.... I did abandon the bra many years ago for comfort but certain family members were uncomfortable by the um "Salute" to my um Veterans. I respected their discomfort. Respect

Posted by: Womannocry at May 25, 2018 01:35 AM (7ZiDC)

705 I suspect some if not many GOP candidates will start to grow a pair as they continue to watch how Trump is doing things. By leading through example, PDJT may be able to transform the body of down ticket candidates as they learn it is possible to ignore the PC BS and say what the people know to be true. This would be a true soft counter revolution. MAGA!

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:36 AM (md3fh)

706 As we let loose our built-up gas flatus
Remember our Mothers begat us
Don't sit at the table
With sphincters unable
To consume a meal done in gratis

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:36 AM (Ckg4U)

707 I couldn't help but notice that TCT has their own Poet Laureate


Pardon my ignorance, but what or who is TCT?

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:36 AM (mvenn)

708 The Clinton Tyranny?

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:37 AM (md3fh)

709 Blanco -- I have already received three emails from other commenters. I
think I clicked to allow something that I probably shouldn't have.

Should be under "Account Settings". I've unchecked everything and so get no emails.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 01:37 AM (IcT7t)


Because I am known as Muldoon
I play a quite different tune
I don't sound like a flute
When I let flee a toot
I'm rather more like a bassoon!

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:38 AM (mvenn)

711 I am more than TWICE 29..... /smile...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:31 AM (NgKpN) *were* the pyramids built????

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:38 AM (+lOpA)

712 Yeah. At heart, I'm a dick. I'd just like a little courtesy, as you've offered.
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:32

Correction offered here Slap. You are NOT a dick. You are a kind soul and I know that for a fact, jack!

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:38 AM (yJ1e6)

713 I am more than TWICE 29..... /smile...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:31 AM (NgKpN)


Will be 25x2 in November.

No shame in my game.

No, you are not a dick, Slap...sheesh.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:39 AM (DMcz+)

714 Iambic pentameter is for wussies

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:39 AM (mvenn)

715 As beans will pass through fits and starts
And sometimes they tear us apart
We all deal with it
Before we must shit
We know well to hold in our farts

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:39 AM (Ckg4U)

716 Gotta love commas...

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:40 AM (DMcz+)

717 "Correction offered here Slap. You are NOT a dick. You are a kind soul and I know that for a fact, jack!"
-Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:38 AM (yJ1e6)

Bless you, Brother.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:40 AM (Ckg4U)

718 711 I am more than TWICE 29..... /smile...
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:31 AM (NgKpN) *were* the pyramids built????
Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:38 AM (+lOpA)

Carefully..... very carefully....

Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:40 AM (NgKpN)

719 Everyone knows the pyramids were build by space aliens to act as beacons for their UFO vehicles. How would they be able to find their way around without those beacons? They were kind of like today's VORTACs. It's science, and it's proven.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:40 AM (md3fh)

720 If flatulence befalls us all
Humanity becomes the call
Farting ain't pretty
It's smelly and gritty
I say we just build a wall

Ye olde fart as justification to build a wall gambit.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:42 AM (+lOpA)

721 Everyone knows the pyramids were build by space aliens to act as beacons for their UFO vehicles. How would they be able to find their way around without those beacons? They were kind of like today's VORTACs. It's science, and it's proven.
Posted by: Ruthless at May

well, those aliens in the will smith movie, independence day?, needed our satellites to coordinate their attack plan.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:42 AM (MTjB1)

722 Great googly-moogly, the future ex-ex can snore...

*dons earbuds and cranks up itunes*

*researches snore remedies*

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:43 AM (DMcz+)

723 "And then there was the query that ran in Parents magazine a few years back: "Your child's old enough to stay home briefly, and often does. But is it okay to leave her and her playmate home while you dash to the dry cleaner?" Absolutely not, the magazine averred: "Take the kids with you, or save your errand for another time." After all, "you want to make sure that no one's feelings get too hurt if there's a squabble.""

When I was about 8, around 1963, an elderly lady who was a friend of my parents came to stay with us. My father had a deli and we lived in an apartment behind the store. My parents' friend decided she wanted to watch another show, so she just went up to the TV and changed the channel. I changed it back. She changed it back. Then the fight broke out.

Out in the deli, hearing the commotion, my mother said to my pop that maybe he needed to stop the ruckus.

"They'll figure it out." (by the way, I won.)

Also remember when I went to kindergarten for my very first day of school. My school was maybe two blocks from home, but there was a street I had to cross on the way. Mom brought me to the crosswalk, checked for traffic and sent me on my way. That was the last time she walked her 5 year old to school.

My, my. Times sure have changed and not for the better.

Posted by: RobertM at May 25, 2018 01:43 AM (H2FoK)

724 *Heh*

Nobody here knew me in my twenties. My goal was to excoriate and shit upon the very soul of my perceived -(important word)- enemies.

I have fewer teeth because of it.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:43 AM (Ckg4U)

725 maybe the aliens spent their rubles on developing huge ships with warp engines and did not have anything left over for communication satellites?

kind of like how the russians spent all of their money developing the s500 but now they do not have planes, tanks or subs.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:44 AM (MTjB1)

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:39 AM (Ckg4U)


My friend you have no need to worry
When deciding on gas versus slurry
Adjusting your anus
Is not really heinous
It lets you pick sound over fury

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:44 AM (mvenn)

727 Great googly-moogly, the future ex-ex can snore...

*dons earbuds and cranks up itunes*

*researches snore remedies*

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May

you need to choke it off at the source. do you have a length of rope with a knot in the middle?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:45 AM (MTjB1)

728 Carefully..... very carefully....
Posted by: Don Q. at May 25, 2018 01:40 AM (NgKpN)

I gots to know.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:45 AM (+lOpA)

729 Undocumented aliens were a big problem back in Phaoronic Egypt. They used to park their UFOs in the parking lots and hang out around the Pyramid Supply Depots in the morning waiting to get jobs carrying bricks. Put a lot of poor, honest Egyptians out of work. Sad.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:46 AM (md3fh)

730 Since Muldoon is here to shudder in horror:
While rolling through Muldoon's neighborhoodThe engine was running quite goodAt Monte Vista it diedThe alternator friedAnd lunch was Mexican food

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 01:46 AM (IcT7t)

731 Forgot, a hungry Pixy keeps eating my line breaks.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 01:46 AM (IcT7t)

732 If flatulence befalls us all
Humanity becomes the call
Farting ain't pretty
It's smelly and gritty
I say we just build a wall

Tho it may be li-quiddy.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:47 AM (+lOpA)

733 "Ye olde fart as justification to build a wall gambit."
-Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:42 AM (+lOpA)

I figured I'd give that a try.


Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:47 AM (Ckg4U)

734 Okay, I'm trying to figure out how to work 'embouchure' into a fart limerick.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:48 AM (mvenn)

735 you need to choke it off at the source. do you have a length of rope with a knot in the middle?
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:45 AM (MTjB1)



Got rope, 550 cord, duct tape, etc.

Admittedly, in the early days of marriage 20+ years ago, I would have been less patient...

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:48 AM (DMcz+)

736 A wall built of farts -- that ought to keep the wetbacks where they belong.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:48 AM (md3fh)

737 Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:43

Good to see you back here. And I've missed some of you story, but I'm glad you reconnected, if I get the drift right.
Be well.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:49 AM (yJ1e6)

738 TCT = The Conservative Treehouse.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 01:50 AM (0ogQG)

739 Tho it may be li-quiddy.
Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:47 AM (+lOpA)

That's for sure.

Posted by: Hillary's Depends at May 25, 2018 01:50 AM (7PQBV)

740 At Monte Vista it diedThe alternator friedAnd lunch was Mexican food


Blanco- ouch! I know of no good place to eat (Mexical or otherwise) in Monte.

If you'd made it to Del Norte you could've hit Boogies. Horrible food, but the bad service more than makes up for it.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:50 AM (mvenn)

741 LOL!

Got rope, 550 cord, duct tape, etc.

Admittedly, in the early days of marriage 20+ years ago, I would have been less patient...

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May

wait, you are married? when did that happen? how could you possibly think it was wise to marry someone without letting me vet them for you?

is she hot?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:51 AM (MTjB1)

742 Mexical = Mexican

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:51 AM (mvenn)

743 Thanks Farmer!

You got it...heh.

You take care also.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:51 AM (DMcz+)

744 The flatulence is mostly the smell
If you decide to say "What the Hell"
The emergence of gas
That emits from your ass
Might cause you to be the expelled

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 01:51 AM (Ckg4U)

745 Undocumented aliens were a big problem back in Phaoronic Egypt.



Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:53 AM (mvenn)

746 The sweet smell of gaseous limericks is wafting in the air here in the AOSHQ. Somebody turn on the exhaust fan, stat.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:53 AM (md3fh)

747 SMH is a she-warrior.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:53 AM (+lOpA)

748 She?

I don't swing that way...and I say ex-ex because we're getting remarried next month.

*checks birth certificate*

Nope. No "yankeefifth" in the daddy's box.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:54 AM (DMcz+)

749 I'm truly impressed with all the alphabetical discussion tonight.

You folks sure know your P's and Q's

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:54 AM (mvenn)

750 P's and Q's are OK, but what about all those other letters?

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:56 AM (md3fh)

751 What rhymes with p's and q's....dammit.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:56 AM (+lOpA)

752 What brings you up this way, Blanco?

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:56 AM (mvenn)

753 bees and booze?

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:57 AM (md3fh)

754 Undocumented aliens were a big problem back in Phaoronic Egypt. They used to park their UFOs in the parking lots and hang out around the Pyramid Supply Depots in the morning waiting to get jobs carrying bricks. Put a lot of poor, honest Egyptians out of work. Sad.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:46

LMAO, you crack me up Ruthless.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 01:57 AM (yJ1e6)

755 sneeze and snooze

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 01:58 AM (mvenn)

756 *looks down at the floor*

Will someone help yankeefifth up?

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:58 AM (DMcz+)

757 I don't swing that way...and I say ex-ex because we're getting remarried next month.

*checks birth certificate*

Nope. No "yankeefifth" in the daddy's box.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May

LOL, yeah I know, I know.

congrats. he is definitely very fortunate.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 25, 2018 01:58 AM (MTjB1)

758 In the land of p's and q's

The bees and booze is king.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 01:59 AM (+lOpA)

759 It is my goal to amuse, for laughter brings rays of happiness into the lives of others. And if you buy that, I can sell you some happy gold bricks that were made by undocumented Egyptian aliens.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:59 AM (md3fh)

760 @656 Saying China has been around a Long time... is like saying France has been around a long time...

Not exactly...

The Han people were calling themselves "Chinese" long before the Franks took over the chunk of Roman territory that would become modern-day France. The government has changed repeatedly. But the basic idea of "we are Chinese" has been around for millennia.

China has existed - in one form or another - for a *REALLY* long time. The nearest equivalent would probably be the Greeks (who would actually be older), assuming that they hadn't been constantly conquered by their neighbors starting with Alexander.

Posted by: junior at May 25, 2018 02:00 AM (Ujf0G)

761 You can't sneeze when you snooze. Fact.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 02:00 AM (+lOpA)

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 02:01 AM (0ogQG)

763 sorry dude, thought you passed out...

And thank you, but we figured that the third time should be the charm.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:01 AM (DMcz+)

764 gesundzzzzzzzeit! *proving you can sleep and sneeze*

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:01 AM (md3fh)

765 762 smartest thing I've said all nite.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 02:01 AM (0ogQG)

766 twos and threes

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:02 AM (mvenn)

767 I know more fart jokes than the rest of you have forgotten.

You might call me a farticologist.

Then I'd fart on you. With extreme prejudice. I'm gassed, I'm pissed, I'm ready. I'm in love with sulfide compounds.
Underrate me at your own risk.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 02:02 AM (0ogQG)

768 Embouchure is a tough one, Muldoon.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:02 AM (Ckg4U)

769 The ex and I talked about getting back together again once upon a time.

And then we remembered why we were exes and got over it.

(Hint: I was career Navy and she didn't like sleeping alone)

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 25, 2018 02:03 AM (vbvxt)

770 I tried, but I don't have the vocabulary.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:03 AM (Ckg4U)

771 Child spotted at swinger's party was actually just 'very short woman'.

Good thing I know that Alexthechick has far too much class to be involved in something like that, or I'd wonder what she was doing in England.


Dave must want Gingy to be a widow badly.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:04 AM (DMcz+)

772 Embouchure is a tough one, Muldoon.


I wouldn't be 'so sure'.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:04 AM (mvenn)

773 Yeah, when a civilization is entirely replaced by another people, does it continue to exist? Did the Norman French (originally Vikings) integrate to become Englishmen, or did they make Saxon peoples into their own image? Modern Egyptians are Arabs for the most part. Were the ancient Egyptians Arabs? I don't think so. And Cleopatra was a Greek. Lines get pretty blurred as the machine of history continues to grind.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:05 AM (md3fh)

774 Okay... I MUST get to bed.

Let's try this again...

G'Night, Ev'ry-Buddy!

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:05 AM (Ckg4U)


Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:05 AM (DMcz+)

776 I'd have gone with "suture", Muldoon.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:06 AM (Ckg4U)

777 LOL @ SMH!

Thank You.


Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:06 AM (Ckg4U)

778 Just wanted to make sure you heard me, Slap...

And to make up for those slackers who can't say goodnight.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:07 AM (DMcz+)

779 Say good night, Slap.

Be well, my friend. I'll most likely fight you when we meet.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:07 AM (mvenn)

780 *fades*

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at May 25, 2018 02:07 AM (Ckg4U)

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:04 AM (DMcz+)

Thanks for following me, SMH -- If ever I need tank maintenance tips, I promise to hit you up first.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 02:07 AM (0ogQG)

782 Embouchure is a tough one, Muldoon

Said a moron high up on the moon

We all love them titties

Up here in the cities

Of the Moon of the moon of the moon.

Posted by: eleven at May 25, 2018 02:08 AM (+lOpA)

783 LOL Gnu!

You're welcome.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:08 AM (DMcz+)

784 Missus Muldoon and I got back together after a rough patch 30 years ago. Best decision we ever made.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:09 AM (mvenn)

785 *Looks at clock* What the bloody hell! Where did the time go? Why didn't anyone say something? I just can't count on you guys, can I? Now it's waaaay past my usual modest bedtime. Oh well, it's been fun. Night all.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:09 AM (md3fh)

786 The HQ is surely an art.
We never know just where to start.
The beginning of text
Well argued, what's next?
A conversation all about farts!

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 02:11 AM (RO8oH)

787 Thanks Farmer!
You got it...heh.
You take care also.
Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 01:51

Great for you. Best wishes.

Maybe sometime we can have an IL Momee now that you are up here. Or are you staying in this area?

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 02:12 AM (yJ1e6)

788 so anyway....

Posted by: redc1c4 at May 25, 2018 02:14 AM (wWK91)

789 Ruthless- later gator.

Weirddave - Ha!

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:14 AM (mvenn)

790 If ever i was in charge of loading the tanks rounds, they would be as follows:

HE (high explosive)
Obituary notices to the local paper

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 25, 2018 02:14 AM (0ogQG)

791 The HQ is surely an art.
We never know just where to start.
The beginning of text
Well argued, what's next?
A conversation all about farts!
Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 02:11

And you so much make it what it is WD. Thanks for that.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 02:16 AM (yJ1e6)

792 Gonna be here for a spell, and wheedling the ex-ex into going to the TexMoMee with me in October.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:16 AM (DMcz+)

793 Were the ancient Egyptians Arabs? I don't think so.
And Cleopatra was a Greek. Lines get pretty blurred as the machine of
history continues to grind.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:05 AM (md3fh)

My wife is fourth generation Syrian (her great grandfather came here after WW1), her brother got a DNA test (as part of the testing to see if his bone marrow would be compatible with his infant daughter) and the results came back only 10 percent Middle Eastern, the rest was southern Europe and English/Irish (from their mother). I told her I wasn't surprised, that part of the world is on the Med and has been owned by several different cultures over the past couple of thousand years.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 25, 2018 02:17 AM (vbvxt)

794 They say about three quarters of Europeans are descendants of Ghengis Khan. He must have been the original Paolo.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:19 AM (md3fh)

795 "I just impregnated the Slavs, and boy are my balls tired."

Posted by: Genghis Khan at May 25, 2018 02:21 AM (CPfoe)

796 The history of conquest of the regions of England and France has fascinated me for years.
The Vikings colonized Normandy and gradually converted to Christianity and begat William the Conqueror, Battle of Hastings, 1066, and all that.
You think the Trump victory was huge, 1066 was a real game changer with England being ruled over by non English speakers for quite a long time.
And forget about French, the language, that wasn't even extant at the time. The conquerors spoke Aquitaine and other Norman languages such as Gascony.
King Richard I (the Lionheart) was King of England but seldom even visited there and did not speak the language.
A fascinating character, and a highly flawed man.

Posted by: backbeatbaby at May 25, 2018 02:22 AM (w7KSn)

797 Some balls. Bowling? Soccer?

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:22 AM (md3fh)

746 The sweet smell of gaseous limericks is wafting in the air here in the AOSHQ. Somebody turn on the exhaust fan, stat.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:53 AM (md3fh)

The smoking lamp is OUT!

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at May 25, 2018 02:23 AM (e1mEI)

799 Kaboom!

*too late with the smoking lamp*

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:24 AM (md3fh)

800 We're using hard words with much wit,
(But honestly, it's all just some shit)
Take Embouchure,
(The doozy du jour)
And Muldoon just has a fit!

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 02:25 AM (vFKpB)

801 OK I'm signing off for real. Can't wait to see what amusing Friday revelations will fall upon us like gentle spring rain. Good night Horde.

Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 02:27 AM (md3fh)

802 Thank you Farmer, I think that's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me here. I really appreciate it.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 02:29 AM (vFKpB)

803 Four-day weekend for a lot of folks...

Oh yeah, it's gonna be a massive dump.

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:31 AM (DMcz+)

804 And Muldoon just has a fit!


Reminds me of a feghoot. It seems a long time ago a young man in a mythical country was out hiking in the woods when the rarest of birds, the Foo-Bird, flew overhead and crapped right on the young man's head. His hiking partner warned him that the poo of the Foo was a very magical and mystical substance that would endow him with immortality. For several days the young man was willing to forgo bathing, but eventually the smell became overwhelming. He jumped in the shower and cleaned the bird droppings off his head. Leaving the house that day he stepped into the street and was run over by a bus. The moral of the story?

If the Foo shits, wear it!

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:32 AM (mvenn)

805 Day 3 of Jules surgery, she's still hurting a lot, anytime they cut into your gut is pretty bad. but it's getting better...well, I think.
Posted by: Farmer
Probably better to keep rolled meat off of the diet for a while.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at May 25, 2018 01:13

Off the menu. On the menu, Campbell's Tomato soup made w/ half creamer hallf & half.. Much better than w/ milk.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 02:33 AM (yJ1e6)

806 HeeHeeHee. Good one.

Muldoon, you are the master of limericks, but you have a long way to go to match me on feghoots.

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 02:34 AM (vFKpB)

807 Allen West:

Posted by: SMH - Get right or get left at May 25, 2018 02:37 AM (DMcz+)

808 @806
Posted by: Weirddave


I acknowledge your mastery of the genre.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:38 AM (mvenn)

809 My dad (rest his soul) was an inveterate punster who introduced me to the feghoot (although we didn't call it that).

People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones.

...and the like.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:40 AM (mvenn)

810 You could not have a keyboard that types thousands of characters.
Posted by: Ruthless at May 25, 2018 01:24 AM (md3fh)

Typing 6 words a minute on the Chinese (manual) typewriter was considered speedy.

Posted by: Adriane the Useless Factoid Critic ... at May 25, 2018 02:42 AM (AoK0a)

Epic battle between eagle, fox and rabbit on San Juan Island

Skip San Juan Island and hit Orcas Island and visit Mt. Constitution on a clear day. You can see Puget Sound to Seattle and the entire San Juan Islands.
You could swear it's possible to hurl a rock and hit Sucia Island.

Clear day (snort giggles and then breaks out in hysterical laughter)

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at May 25, 2018 02:42 AM (e1mEI)

812 Well, I am off to bed. Still no luck in getting Thunderbird to load my years of previous e-mails, but it is set up to send/receive new ones. And I have lost contact with the E: drive. Weird.

Be well, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at May 25, 2018 02:45 AM (WFV7d)

813 People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones.
...and the like.
posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:40

Some day you need to post that old one. Thanks for all your humor here.


Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 02:47 AM (yJ1e6)

814 Blanco- ouch! I know of no good place to eat (Mexical or otherwise) in Monte.

Went to "Mountain View Restaurant", because it was across the street from the garage that did the alternator/battery swap. Place was decent, comparable to a few local burrito slingers.

And now I must wander off to bed, 'cause I have a full time job to attend to in the morning.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at May 25, 2018 02:49 AM (IcT7t)

People who wear grass skirts should be wary of open flames.

Posted by: Pyro Waterman at May 25, 2018 02:52 AM (roQNm)

816 Nite all, it's been a long day taking care of the queen and the dogs. I'm done tired. Be well all.

Posted by: Farmer at May 25, 2018 02:55 AM (yJ1e6)

817 Thanks for your kind comment Farmer! I am also off to bed, perchance to sleep.

Thanks for letting me play.

Endeavour to persevere!

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 03:00 AM (mvenn)

818 809 My dad (rest his soul) was an inveterate punster who introduced me to the feghoot (although we didn't call it that).

People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones.

...and the like.

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:40 AM (mvenn)

The beer that made Mel Famey walk us.

Posted by: tcn in AK at May 25, 2018 03:05 AM (NXsWM)

819 My dad was an inveterate punster. The stinkier the better. Since his stroke, he can't remember them very well, but he still knows 'em when he hears 'em, and they still tickle his funny bone.

Posted by: tcn in AK at May 25, 2018 03:06 AM (NXsWM)

820 Horrible night, will have to get something for sinuses before tonight.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 03:10 AM (aC6Sd)

821 By the way Muldoon, I have your new book and am looking forward to learning all of your rhymes before you can post them here.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at May 25, 2018 03:12 AM (vbvxt)

822 Made a K- cup coffee and run out to get some chores done before work. Be back in a hour.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 03:25 AM (aC6Sd)

823 What's wrong with California? That list is the reaction of Painthuffing Post readers, so self-selected moonbats to begin with.

Posted by: Spiny Norman at May 25, 2018 03:33 AM (YJhzI)

824 Goodnight Horde (if you're still awake).

Posted by: Surfperch at May 25, 2018 03:35 AM (7PQBV)

825 809

You know, that reminds me of a story. Way back in high school, I was just a strange young buck, not nearly the weirdo y'all know and love (you DO know and love me, right?). This took place when I was in high school, I think I was a senior, maybe it was spring of my junior year, I don't remember.

Anyhow, I was over at a friend's house, and we went out onto the patio. Now his parent's were well off, and when I say "patio", I mean the perfectly hardscaped area around their pool. There was a grill to our left, and surrounding it was the litter of a cookout from the night before. This was unusual, to say the least. I knew their maid, Lupe, well (she introduced me to the ways of being a man one night that I still haven't told my buddy about). Surrounding the grill was an assorted collection of BBQ trash; beer cans, paper plates, rib bones and cigarette butts. Bob, whose parents owned the house, was excitedly telling me about the new video game they had just bought for him. I remember thinking that it was odd that the detritus of last night's party was still evident, for I knew Lupe to be an enthusiastic and conscientious woman ( she had been when we were alone. Oh yes she had been. Enthusiastic. Conscientious. Boy howdy.). Why hadn't she cleaned up the mess?

No matter. Bob was going on and on about Yar's Revenge. I've played it and it isn't all that much, but for him it was like an epiphany. "It's like breakout, but there's an enemy on the other side of the wall! He shoots at you, and you have to eat away at the bricks protecting him!" Blah, blah, bladhy-blah. I wasn't paying much attention to Bob, I was thinking about jumping in the pool. He wasn't thinking about much other than gushing about his stupid video game.

Then it happened. Bob, not looking where he was going, stepped on the rib of a pig who had given his all for the previous night's debauchery. The rib rolled under his foot, and he lost his balance and fell down. His head struck the pavement and I froze. The "thunk" his head made is something I remember to this day, I honestly thought he was dead. Fortunately, he wasn't. He sat up and groaned, grabbed his head, and began cussing a blue streak that would make a sailor blush. "GOODAMN MOTHERFUCKING TRASH!" he yelled. "WHY THE FUCK HASN'T THAT WORTHLESS CUNT OF A MAID CLEANED IT UP?" I started to protest his castigation of my one (and only, at that point in my life) true love, when he just started screaming over and over. " FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" and so on. He was in a rage.

Now, up to that point in my life, I'd never seen a human being in an uncontrollable rage. Sadly, I have seen it several times since then. In any event, he picked up the rib he had tripped over and hurled it away from him with the white hot fury of a dozen suns.

Let me take a moment to set the scene. The two of us are on the patio of a typical upper-middle class home in Ruxton. In front of us is a typical suburban pool. To our left is a built in grill for entertaining, to out right is grass and a gate to the front yard. Overhead is a tin roof, slanting down towards the pool, ending in a series of scalloped half circles that were right out of the 1960s. Hanging from the end of the roof were a bunch of Disney themed ceramic wind chimes that were Bob's mother's pride and joy. I don't even want to imagine what they sounded like in a high wind, but on that day they were utterly silent. Cinderella, Snow White, Goofy, Donald....they all stared at us in silence, not a breath of wind to engage their strikers with the hollow metal tubes suspended beneath them.

The rib that Bob threw headed right towards the biggest of the wind chimes. It was Mickey Mouse, jauntily looking over his shoulder with a "what are you looking at?' expression on it's face. It was also Bob's mom's favorite wind chime, I knew this because I had been subjected to endless harangues from his mom about how perfect it was.

Everything slowed down. I know that is a popular trope in fiction, but I swear to you that time itself s l o w e d w a y d o w n. Bob realized that the rib was headed for his mother's absolute favorite nick-nack and began to panic. To this day I can't really describe the look of absolute horror that came across his face He lunged towards the rib, but he was far, far too late. The die had been cast.

Meanwhile, all of this had caught me by surprise. I was just standing there, and I felt as if I would keep standing there for 1000 years. This was happening in front of my eyes, but I was absolutely detached from the entire situation.

So. Bob picks up the bone, throws it in a rage, sees where it is going and panics. I stand there with my mouth agape. Meanwhile, physics being what it is, the rib Bob has thrown away from himself in a white hot rage smashes into a Mickey Mouse wind chime and shatters it. Pieces of the wind chime shower down onto the paving blocks of the patio.

Time stops.


Bob turns and looks at me, his mouth agape. "What have I done?" he asks in anguish.
I answer with the only thing that one can say in that circumstance:

"People with glass mouses shouldn't throw bones"

Posted by: Weirddave at May 25, 2018 03:51 AM (vFKpB)

826 I read, well it was in between... I hear Cannons but I can hold a 357 spin old school. Gad I love your music. Quick speed loader, ah screw it......pre was a huge flash....Bingo Head Shot WTH, Innocents in the way, "ah No" They were not... hmmm snipers.......I love babies held by their mommies, oh about that ear distortion. Loss/Sweet..... Seduction was brutal. Flash SciFi BS Here once gone tomorrow. Flash Fire Hearing, satisfaction was a head shot, Mum and baby save....

Oh am I still on mute, Raise the subject ya must care. Bad assumption, Where is my Sensi

Posted by: Womannocru at May 25, 2018 04:15 AM (7ZiDC)

827 What a nice night out here

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 04:29 AM (aC6Sd)

828 Rib Bones some say the taste is best when licked from the bone.

Were they overlooked? Friggin over cooked and those suckers are tough, get some rest...its all in a melody. Not so sure about steaming....too moist. B'Que may be in the absent song.

It is always nice to see a COB so late.... Is that in spices, nah not a question..... Drop, intice...... I do not have an issue with any others.

P.S. My guy drops the best twitter bombs.......Spy lol, thank heaven for a few smiles in

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 04:31 AM (7ZiDC)

829 Skip San Juan Island and hit Orcas Island and visit Mt. Constitution on a clear day. You can see Puget Sound to Seattle and the entire San Juan Islands.
You could swear it's possible to hurl a rock and hit Sucia Island.

Been to Leftifornia but never to the Northwest area.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 04:41 AM (aC6Sd)

830 Everything....... Ace sides ..... Hour is not excuse.....
Anyone that has ridden 24 hour Ferris Wheel gets, The Clock Never Stops.

Here In lies unacknowledged weakness. My tent is cozy it is filled with humor, tales, retreats and blessings +

Why would One even ask for prayers whom feels abandoned, non believer,abandoned ? Odd, huh

The Spirit Speaks ......that snipe is a warm Chuckle in a distant empty wisp..... Think. SCIENCE

Odd Ball Fine, pass that ancient beat.

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 04:47 AM (7ZiDC)

831 We have yet to hear, yet all agree on the thought that the Russians interfered with the election what exactly they did to change the outcome. Clapper did offer up that that magical 30,000 votes in a few states changed the election but thats laughable because Leftists think anyone not in their group think have been swayed or turned by someone.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 04:51 AM (aC6Sd)

5 a.m. and time sucks.

Posted by: Pyro Waterman at May 25, 2018 04:51 AM (roQNm)

833 Yeah, well seattle small s took a Clint..... Expose brought that gifted empty chair. Clint was also avoiding twitter like Gab?

Sometimes Those fashion small f as a layout.....are many
'Bless Clint," he hated twitter too.....

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 04:59 AM (7ZiDC)

834 Get up early, get it done and get home.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 04:59 AM (aC6Sd)

835 834 Skip

Is Git It Done, I'm a bad speller OOOOOOOOOR

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:01 AM (7ZiDC)

836 If the Foo shits, wear it!

Posted by: Muldoon at May 25, 2018 02:32 AM (mvenn)

I heard a very different version of this tale.

Across all of America, the Thunderbird is a revered icon of the native peoples. In one particular corner of the Midwest, it was known to the natives as the Foo. It came to pass that a young cowboy and his Indian friend were riding along, when all of a sudden, the biggest bird the cowboy had ever seen flew over them... and took a massive dump right on his head.

It was in his hat, in his hair, all over his clothes, and smelled rank, but the Indian friend was adamant. "This is a great blessing. You must not bathe yourself until it dries and flakes off on its own, or you will bear a terrible curse." Dismissing it as superstition, he went and bathed himself.

Later that day, he was thrown from his horse. Then his bank was robbed and his money stolen. Then he was attacked by hostile natives and shot full of arrows, then he was struck by lightning. Finally, on his way to see a doctor out East, his train derailed.

Laying in bed, bandaged from head to toe, and softly whimpering "Why?", his Indian friend showed up to visit. "Did I not tell you? If Foo shits, wear it."

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at May 25, 2018 05:02 AM (J+mig)

837 No one is as bad as me, I need a bigger key pad and a proof reader.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 05:03 AM (aC6Sd)

838 CATO The Rebel.....

this is another reason why I come here, LOL is weak... screw it LOTFFI H. Thank you piece pipe, Teepee failed the Medicine Stone..... G plug that hole

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:08 AM (7ZiDC)

839 Skip I need a maga, binoculars but ya know, what is that thing they call up for magnification. Na ya dont know... are we a wide brush. Or what is handy swipe. Huh

Friggin Squid sack written name with ink for pass fail.

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:14 AM (7ZiDC)

840 Eating Eggos right out of the toaster. Gotta run out the door asap.
Just get through a few hours and its a long weekend.

Posted by: Skip at May 25, 2018 05:20 AM (aC6Sd)

841 The onlynThunderbird I saw was flight and signature.... FY All died..

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:27 AM (7ZiDC)

842 Butter coffee and dead ahead a fresh day o'work. Have an awesome day, Shipmates!

Posted by: Eromero at May 25, 2018 05:46 AM (zLDYs)

843 Is it time to get up yet? I feel like I have slept for 16 months...

Posted by: Jeff Sessions at May 25, 2018 05:51 AM (yhf6w)

844 When does Pastor Fenelon usually show up? I rarely come around anymore, but had a question for her.

Posted by: Ketchup on a hotdog at May 25, 2018 05:53 AM (jpjQE)

845 If there are true readers. On ACE ......they will see those Eggos are cheap.....

Bland/FRozen/short of a pop tart lazy........Your name reminds me of an old memorable ass, hmm is that a compliment or an insult.

Too dumb to know the difference.... Five Great Men

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:53 AM (7ZiDC)

846 how did socialites light their homes before candles?

answer: they glowed.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 25, 2018 05:54 AM (Pg+x7)

847 This whole NFL thing has gotten out of control, geesh.

Posted by: TickledPink at May 25, 2018 05:56 AM (TL2pK)

848 Ketsup or whatever how its spelled. Your tee shirt was lam along with cheap pizza bam.....

I put what ever I desire on a piece of pork, beef or combo, WTE. No suck here except silly tee shirt.....\\\

PS try celery salt

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 05:59 AM (7ZiDC)

849 some day i will get on the ont and comment - "wasssssup?" in the middle of a serious discussion on world affairs and one will say to the other while tapping out the grounds from his pipe "who is that?" and the other will say "oh, he's just a silly fellow who used to come round - pay him no heed and he'll go away." and the discussion will return to serious matters.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 25, 2018 06:03 AM (Pg+x7)

850 ... i think that day has come.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 25, 2018 06:04 AM (Pg+x7)

851 Looks like Google is celebrating the film maker James Wrong How who pioneered in the art of making film so dark you couldn't see what was going on and had to guess by the sound effects, dialog, and music.

It was terrifying not knowing what was about to happen. The unseen terror is the worst kind because once you can see what you are fighting, then you have a chance. Gotta love Google.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - at May 25, 2018 06:08 AM (roQNm)

852 Frigging raccoons have graduated from sucking all the premium shelled bird seed out of the feeder to removing the feeder entirely from the hanger and throwing it on the ground. I swear I'd shoot the SOBs but there's no angle I can aim from that won't kill at least one neighbor.

Oh...'morning, Horde. Dave, you really are weird. Weirdness is prized here.

Posted by: creeper at May 25, 2018 06:11 AM (Gjw1J)

Up, kennel dogs let out, sitting in my armchair reading, a big double cup of unsustainable, exploitative slave-trade coffee at my elbow. We're good.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 06:12 AM (nBLhZ)

Two weeks ago our Scouts constructed fire starters from egg cartons, combustibles like dryer lint, shredded paper, rope scraps from natural materials, and old clothing rags. Last night we conducted a fire starting contest and soon had a dozen small fires going on the concrete pad in front of our storage shed. Easily the best meeting of the last two months. In two weeks' time I'm bringing in our foot-powered grindstone and we're going to sharpen hatchets and axes - should be even more fun.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 06:14 AM (pNxlR)

855 Frigging raccoons have graduated from sucking all the premium shelled bird seed out of the feeder to removing the feeder entirely from the hanger and throwing it on the ground. I swear I'd shoot the SOBs but there's no angle I can aim from that won't kill at least one neighbor.

Pick the least liked neighbor.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:15 AM (3oX+R)

I forgot to include that the fire starter materials were bound together with melted wax.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 06:15 AM (pNxlR)

857 G'morning, Hadrian.

Cats out (wherethehell were they when the bird feeder raid was being conducted?) and piggy fed. Cup of tea at hand beside the recliner. We are indeed good.

Posted by: creeper at May 25, 2018 06:16 AM (Gjw1J)

In two weeks' time I'm bringing in our foot-powered grindstone and we're going to sharpen hatchets and axes - should be even more fun.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 06:14 AM (pNxlR)

Boys burning stuff and chopping and whittling things. This is as it should be. Bonus: gives the SJWs the vapors.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 06:19 AM (nBLhZ)

859 michael curry, the minister who presided over the royal wedding, is organizing a vigil for lafayette park - across from the white house - to protest trump as a threat to the moral heart of the country.

2 questions for m. curry:

does he love the members of ms-13?

has he instructed his parishioners to open their doors to ms-13 to protect them from trump's ice?

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 25, 2018 06:19 AM (Pg+x7)

860 In two weeks' time I'm bringing in our foot-powered grindstone and we're going to sharpen hatchets and axes - should be even more fun.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot

Oh sweet! That sounds like a blast.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:20 AM (3oX+R)

861 rickb, can't. My neighbors are wonderful and they keep my freezer full of venison.

Considering something to discourage the 'coons that involves the battery charger. Idea needs fleshing out.

Posted by: creeper at May 25, 2018 06:20 AM (Gjw1J)

862 Hmmm Celery salt PS....

FY with interference

Posted by: Luann at May 25, 2018 06:21 AM (7ZiDC)

863 Boned Rolled Pig.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:23 AM (3oX+R)

864 Considering something to discourage the 'coons that involves the battery charger. Idea needs fleshing out.
Posted by: creeper

Electric fence wire & charger/battery.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:24 AM (3oX+R)

865 Considering something to discourage the 'coons that involves the battery charger. Idea needs fleshing out.
Posted by: creeper

We have them around our area. I use a wrist rocket loaded with an ice cube. 'Coons don't like it and I don't have to pick up any of the ammo from the grass

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 06:24 AM (8ikIW)

866 This whole NFL thing has gotten out of control, geesh.

Who gives a shit anymore? They've made it as watchable as flag football.

Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 25, 2018 06:25 AM (rdl6o)

867 Who gives a shit anymore? They've made it as watchable as flag football.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front

I haven't really watched watched a game in years. The announcers make it impossible for me to enjoy the broadcast without turning the sound off.

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 06:28 AM (8ikIW)

868 I forgot to include that the fire starter materials were bound together with melted wax.
Posted by: Krebs v Carno

One thing we did in scouts?

Empty washed tuna can. Cardboard strips wide enough to fit in can standing on edge. Roll the cardboard in a circle until it fills the can to where it looks like a can of corrugation.

Put a wick in the center. Fill can with melted wax.
Voila! Emergency candle. Hours long.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:29 AM (3oX+R)

869 Empty washed tuna can. Cardboard strips wide enough to fit in can standing on edge. Roll the cardboard in a circle until it fills the can to where it looks like a can of corrugation.

Put a wick in the center. Fill can with melted wax.
Voila! Emergency candle. Hours long.
Posted by: rickb223

OMG...You'll poke your eye out!

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 06:31 AM (8ikIW)

870 OMG...You'll poke your eye out!

I hate when that happens.

Posted by: JT at May 25, 2018 06:38 AM (cwdBm)

871 Firestarters: Stuff compartments of a CARDBOARD egg carton with dryer lint. Fill with melted wax and cut into sections.

Hmmmm...maybe I could set fire to the racoons?

Posted by: creeper at May 25, 2018 06:39 AM (Gjw1J)

872 Good morning!

Let's smile and be happy and strike fear in the heart of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at May 25, 2018 06:42 AM (hyuyC)

873 Firestarters: Stuff compartments of a CARDBOARD egg carton with dryer lint. Fill with melted wax and cut into sections.

Hmmmm...maybe I could set fire to the racoons?
Posted by: creeper

Build a mini trebuchet. Lay siege to them!

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:42 AM (3oX+R)

874 good morning horde!

doggeh came over, sat, farted, stood up went in a circle to sniff at the mysterious noise

all with a totally innocent expression on his fuzzy face

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:45 AM (hMwEB)

875 Considering something to discourage the 'coons that involves the battery charger. Idea needs fleshing out.
Posted by: creeper

no battery but how about
predator pee?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:48 AM (hMwEB)

876 all with a totally innocent expression on his fuzzy face
Posted by: votermom

Always blame the dog

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 06:48 AM (8ikIW)

877 bird feeder = welfare
no good comes of it

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:51 AM (hMwEB)

878 on "his" fuzzy face
Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:45 AM

So it's a guy-dog. Of course it is. Apparently this male pride-of-farts crosses all species.

Posted by: IrishEi at May 25, 2018 06:51 AM (HiDrR)

879 "We've all whined about this topic before - how
little adventure, life, and minor risks today's kids experience compared
to our misspent yutes - but it remains absolutely true. And, I fear,
somewhat ominous. Hard to believe desirable and useful traits or
mindsets *increasing* in a society where kids have lost their freedom to
this extent.

Posted by: rhomboid"
I've had several unpleasant experiences with helicopter parent past couple years as I allow my kids as much freedom to ram as possible without landing me in jail. Most recent was a birthday party last as weekend for my the 9y0 grade son. Midway through the party some of the kids, about 8 or 10, wandered off to a park ACROSSS THE STREET and were playing in a small creek there. The creek could not be more than 300 feet from my home. I don't give a damn about this type of thing and encourage my kids to do and a lot more.

Well, one of the parents stopped by to see how here kids were doing and they happened to be in the group that wandered off a whole 300 feet. Not happy with me or her kids. Made them leave the party as they actually did something fun outside adult supervision. And I am on the shit list for not watching the kids every damn second of the party and keep a running list of where they all are. Nice lady but I feel bad for her kids. Her son is going to be gender neutral.

Posted by: Ripley at May 25, 2018 06:52 AM (MxEKc)

880 Anybody want nuggets?

Posted by: Chicken Human Hybrid at May 25, 2018 06:53 AM (UdKB7)

881 And I am on the shit list for not watching the kids every damn second of the party and keep a running list of where they all are. Nice lady but I feel bad for her kids. Her son is going to be gender neutral.

Posted by: Ripley

He's going to become intimate with the inside of a locker by high school.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:57 AM (3oX+R)

882 So it's a guy-dog. Of course it is. Apparently this male pride-of-farts crosses all species.
Posted by: IrishEi at May 25, 2018 06:51 AM (HiDrR)


His favorite way to relax is to lick his genitals.

Do girl dogs do this?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:57 AM (hMwEB)

One thing we did in scouts?

Empty washed tuna can. Cardboard strips wide enough to fit in can standing on edge. Roll the cardboard in a circle until it fills the can to where it looks like a can of corrugation.

Put a wick in the center. Fill can with melted wax.
Voila! Emergency candle. Hours long.
Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:29 AM (3oX+R)

Great idea! We'll make those at one of our autumn meetings. Thanks!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 06:58 AM (pNxlR)

884 His favorite way to relax is to lick his genitals.

Do girl dogs do this?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:57 AM (hMwEB)

Yes, my Pointer bitch does that.

Posted by: clutch at May 25, 2018 07:01 AM (JrfCP)

885 His favorite way to relax is to lick his genitals.

Do girl dogs do this?
Posted by: votermom

If he gets girl dogs to lick his genitals, I wanna meet this boss!

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:02 AM (3oX+R)

His favorite way to relax is to lick his genitals.

Do girl dogs do this?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books!

Yes, girl dogs lick their mimsies, especially when in season. When they don't the smell can be well-nigh unbearable.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 07:02 AM (nBLhZ)

Not happy with me or her kids. Made them leave the party as they actually did something fun outside adult supervision. And I am on the shit list for not watching the kids every damn second of the party and keep a running list of where they all are. Nice lady but I feel bad for her kids. Her son is going to be gender neutral.

Her kid's recollection - until Mama Huey showed up - probably was "Best birthday party, ever!" And there's the real shame of the parent's reaction.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 07:03 AM (pNxlR)

888 Rolled pig
Christmas cookie cutter
Savory Nirvana

Posted by: Downcast at May 25, 2018 07:03 AM (+Pqj1)

889 I've had several unpleasant experiences with helicopter parent past couple years as I allow my kids as much freedom to ram as possible without landing me in jail. Most recent was a birthday party last as weekend for my the 9y0 grade son. Midway through the party some of the kids, about 8 or 10, wandered off to a park ACROSSS THE STREET and were playing in a small creek there. The creek could not be more than 300 feet from my home. I don't give a damn about this type of thing and encourage my kids to do and a lot more.

Well, one of the parents stopped by to see how here kids were doing and they happened to be in the group that wandered off a whole 300 feet. Not happy with me or her kids. Made them leave the party as they actually did something fun outside adult supervision. And I am on the shit list for not watching the kids every damn second of the party and keep a running list of where they all are. Nice lady but I feel bad for her kids. Her son is going to be gender neutral.

Posted by: Ripley at May 25, 2018 06:52 AM (MxEKc)

This reminds me of when I was married. I allowed and encouraged step son and his spend the night friend to go explore the creek on my property in the back yard because they asked. I dressed them safely. The creek is within a couple hunded feet. They had my 4 dogs to protect then plus the clothing. Gave them boundaries. They knew the neighbors.

My ex wife and her parents come back and act like I abused the kids. The cuck ex FIL agreed with the mom and grandmom. Then the kids parents were mad too. Granted the husband of the friend when his wife wasn't looking told me that they live on a farm and he wants his son to explore but wife and grandparents act like it's abuse.

I'm like WTF? I was exploring woods with friends and dogs at age 5.

So in their minds I had put the children in danger and should have had CPS called on me.

Posted by: Monk at May 25, 2018 07:04 AM (cqzjS)

Yes, girl dogs lick their mimsies, especially when in season. When they don't the smell can be well-nigh unbearable.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 07:02 AM (nBLhZ)

You guys have intact male and female dogs, right?
Do you isolate the girl in season?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 07:04 AM (hMwEB)

891 Her kid's recollection - until Mama Huey showed up -

Sad, or is it scary, that I know what that is in reference to?

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:04 AM (3oX+R)

892 I kinda wish we had one more kid. But I think at the time I was too anemic to even think about it

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 07:06 AM (hMwEB)

893 You guys have intact male and female dogs, right?
Do you isolate the girl in season?

Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 07:04 AM (hMwEB)

My Pointer is spayed. Yeah, you'd better stash your girl away unless you are looking for a litter of mongrels.

Posted by: clutch at May 25, 2018 07:07 AM (JrfCP)

When I see videos of those inflatable bounce houses getting caught by the wind and tumbling with kids inside, I wonder what the ratio is of kids 1) screaming in terror and 2) screaming, "Whee! This is great!"

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 07:07 AM (nBLhZ)

895 Invalids, students, and prisoners oh my

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:07 AM (JFO2v)

896 We had a rope swing across the creek in our yard when our boys were little . When their friends would come over they would all want to go on the swing because they had never seen or done anything like that.

Posted by: f'd at May 25, 2018 07:09 AM (UdKB7)

Yes, girls in season are house guests for the month. We also have a two-fence rule: there has to be at least two barriers between the girl and the boys.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at May 25, 2018 07:09 AM (nBLhZ)

898 In before 900

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at May 25, 2018 07:10 AM (akLGN)

899 barely.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 25, 2018 07:11 AM (V2Yro)

900 900?

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 07:12 AM (8ikIW)

901 I see Rachel Fakeblack is charged with welfare fraud. Thats like a birth certificate.

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:12 AM (JFO2v)

902 My female GSD is intact. I have to watch her because when she's in estrus even here in the Hudson Valley it attracts coyotes and other dogs.

No male dog in the house so that makes it easy. Plus she's a nasty bitch with other animals when she's in estrus. Even the rabbits don't come around. :-/

Posted by: Marcus T at May 25, 2018 07:12 AM (arw4g)

903 I am not an animal!


Posted by: Chicken Human Hybrid at May 25, 2018 07:17 AM (UdKB7)

Several years back in Scouts we were staying at a state park and it was a patrol activity weekend. After Saturday breakfast the members of our three patrols packed up whatever gear they needed, checked in with the Scoutmaster (me) and departed for the day. There was a first-time-camping-with-us mother present; her son was the Senior Patrol Leader. She was surprised that not one of the patrols left with an accompanying adult. I explained to her, "They are a patrol. They are taught to stick together and to support each other. They have cell phones. They know one or more or our adults phone numbers. They have a map of the park and compasses. They know that they are not to cross any of the major roads that bound this park. They told me their approximate routes and activities. We'll meet them over at the grills by this parking lot (showed her the map) for lunch." And we did. She wound up being favorably impressed (and her son wound up earning Eagle rank).

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 07:17 AM (pNxlR)

905 * wipes brow*

Close one.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at May 25, 2018 07:18 AM (akLGN)

906 Krebs vs Carnot - there is a style of box used for fresh produce that is made from paraffined corrugated that is a great fire starter just as it stands.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 25, 2018 07:18 AM (xJrIn)

907 I am not an animal!

Posted by: Chicken Human Hybrid

Me either!
Posted by: Jose MS-13

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:19 AM (3oX+R)

908 Krebs vs Carnot - there is a style of box used for fresh produce that is made from paraffined corrugated that is a great fire starter just as it stands.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez

Also one for chicken parts.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:20 AM (3oX+R)

909 And rickb - I have used that tuna-can thing too, works great !
That's how I spotted the paraffin-cardboard boxes and knew what they'd be good for.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 25, 2018 07:21 AM (xJrIn)

910 @879

Honestly, I understand both sides of it.

When I was that age, my parents let me roam too. Of course, it was a different time then. But, me and my friends rode bikes out in the boonies, and would be out from sunrise to sunset. But, my friends' parents knew that was the deal.

I think kids should probably get in the habit of at least letting an adult know where they are going. "Hey we are going to go play by the creek" than just wandering off. And, I think generally speaking, it's a fair assumption when sending your child to a birthday party that your child will be under adult supervision for the most part. So...I don't know that it makes them a helicopter parent, and I can genuinely understand their worry.

AND kudos to them for yelling at their kids too. At least they didn't only come down on you. They were disciplining their children which frankly, not enough of happens these days.

Posted by: TickledPink at May 25, 2018 07:21 AM (TL2pK)

911 G'morning' all from sunny Oceana.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 25, 2018 07:21 AM (gNteG)

912 "They are a patrol. They are taught to stick together and to support each other. They have cell phones. They know one or more or our adults phone numbers. They have a map of the park and compasses. They know that they are not to cross any of the major roads that bound this park. They told me their approximate routes and activities. We'll meet them over at the grills by this parking lot (showed her the map) for lunch."

And THAT'S where my respect for following the rules comes from. Stuff just like that.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:22 AM (3oX+R)

913 911 G'morning' all from sunny Oceana.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 25, 2018 07:21 AM (gNteG)

are we still at war with oceana?

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:23 AM (JFO2v)

914 The suspect in the shooting that injured many has died after he was confronted by a bystander with a pistol outside Louies Grill & Bar restaurant.

I thot good guys with guns were bad.

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:25 AM (JFO2v)

915 "They are a patrol. They are taught to stick together and to support each other. They have cell phones. They know one or more or our adults phone numbers. They have a map of the park and compasses. They know that they are not to cross any of the major roads that bound this park. They told me their approximate routes and activities. We'll meet them over at the grills by this parking lot (showed her the map) for lunch."

And THAT'S where my respect for following the rules comes from. Stuff just like that.

Oh, and there is ALWAYS one in the bunch that wants to break the rules.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:26 AM (3oX+R)

916 This is fukn crazy
The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:26 AM (JFO2v)

917 Harvey Weinstein surrendered to police.

Posted by: JAS at May 25, 2018 07:27 AM (ii30j)

918 Nothing like a big glass of Everclear to start the day!


Posted by: Hillary at May 25, 2018 07:27 AM (nILVB)

919 Scrolling through the ONT, the fact that dozens of Morons thought the Rolled Pig ad was real just amazes me. Or disturbs me. Both, really.

But its creator Cris Shapan's Facebook page is a blast, for the few who seem to "get" him.

Posted by: The Wolf at May 25, 2018 07:28 AM (pxOl8)

920 "are we still at war with oceana?"

Don't seem to be.

Vey peaceful.
At least till the F/A-18s start taking off.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 25, 2018 07:30 AM (gNteG)

921 @916
Deep State Runs Deep.
We're going to need a bigger helicopter.

Posted by: Kreplach at May 25, 2018 07:31 AM (UfMVm)

922 One thing we did in scouts?

Empty washed tuna can. Cardboard strips wide enough to fit in can standing on edge. Roll the cardboard in a circle until it fills the can to where it looks like a can of corrugation.

Put a wick in the center. Fill can with melted wax.
Voila! Emergency candle. Hours long.
Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 06:29 AM (3oX+R)

Great idea! We'll make those at one of our autumn meetings. Thanks!
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at May 25, 2018 06:58 AM (pNxlR)


Take it one step further and make makeshift stoves (that's what we did). Same tuna can/cardboard setup - but no wick - for the heat source. Get a metal coffee can. Put a bunch of holes in the side near the bottom of the can for vents. Cut away part of the top rim so that you can slide the tuna can underneath. Light up your tuna can, and put the coffee can upside down over it.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at May 25, 2018 07:32 AM (+F0Wk)

923 Rolled Pig read too much like old NatLampCo to take it seriously, but it was funny, and well - produced.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at May 25, 2018 07:32 AM (xJrIn)

924 916 This is fukn crazy
The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.
Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:26 AM (JFO2v)

Yeah, "crazy."

Posted by: Gem at May 25, 2018 07:33 AM (XoAz8)

925 The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.
Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:26 AM (JFO2v)

Yeah, "crazy."

Do you know what I had to do to get them to make that little "mistake?"

Posted by: Debbie W-S at May 25, 2018 07:34 AM (nILVB)

926 Rolled Pig read too much like old NatLampCo to take it seriously, but it was funny, and well - produced.
Posted by: sock_rat_eez,

Not so crazy, how do you think they make McRibs?

Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 07:35 AM (8ikIW)

927 Take it one step further and make makeshift stoves (that's what we did). Same tuna can/cardboard setup - but no wick - for the heat source. Get a metal coffee can. Put a bunch of holes in the side near the bottom of the can for vents. Cut away part of the top rim so that you can slide the tuna can underneath. Light up your tuna can, and put the coffee can upside down over it.
Posted by: No One of Consequence

What's so sad? Nowadays, find a coffee can.

Not a plastic coffee tub, but an actual can. They used to be everywhere.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:36 AM (3oX+R)

928 "a meat roll that rivals pigeon or rodent products..."

Posted by: JAS at May 25, 2018 07:36 AM (ii30j)

929 Meat roll sounds good right about now...

Posted by: Shep! at May 25, 2018 07:37 AM (nILVB)

930 Do you know what I had to do to get them to make that little "mistake?"
Posted by: Debbie W-S at May 25, 2018 07:34 AM (nILVB)

Promise to wear a bag over your head forever? That would be a nigh irresistible inducement.

Posted by: Gem at May 25, 2018 07:38 AM (XoAz8)

931 J.J. is AWOL?

Posted by: JAS at May 25, 2018 07:38 AM (ii30j)

932 Scrolling through the ONT, the fact that dozens of Morons thought the Rolled Pig ad was real just amazes me. Or disturbs me. Both, really.

You've never seen government cheese and oleo, have you?

That ad "looks like it's out of the 50's" which is what makes it believable.

Posted by: rickb223 at May 25, 2018 07:38 AM (3oX+R)

933 This is fukn crazy
The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.
Posted by: rhennigantx at May 25, 2018 07:26 AM (JFO2v)

That case has been fucked up since Day 1 with Debbie Downer's dogshit brother being the lead prosecutor. The Jeff Sessions's apologists have some explaining to do about how their cute little garden gnome hasn't done a fucking thing to bust some heads and high level firings.

Posted by: Captain Hate at May 25, 2018 07:39 AM (y7DUB)

934 Geez. It's getting harder to find tuna caught and canned in the USA. Who the hell needs tuna from China or Thailand. It's not like we can't produce tuna anymore.

Posted by: Marcus T at May 25, 2018 07:40 AM (arw4g)

935 Okay, I'll post something here so J.J. will put up the Headlines thread......

Posted by: Case at May 25, 2018 07:40 AM (2AmoJ)

936 I'll admit I thought it was some real industrial-type product until I read the vermin and fit for human consumption bits, then I knew it was a gag.

Posted by: Gem at May 25, 2018 07:42 AM (XoAz8)

937 JJ is up and at 'em


Posted by: Bruce at May 25, 2018 07:43 AM (8ikIW)

938 gather your things, JJ is here

Posted by: runner at May 25, 2018 07:43 AM (bUjCl)

939 874
Posted by: votermom pimping NEW Moron-authored books! at May 25, 2018 06:45 AM
Next step in dogs evolution to human: gathers dog friends, brings them over to proudly display his fart prowess.

Posted by: socalcon at May 25, 2018 07:46 AM (WAnre)

940 13 my stepdad whistling for me to come home.
Posted by: Jewells45 at May 24, 2018 10:01 PM
Same, only my career Navy father. Raised my own kids with a whistle. Was late 80s early 90s.

Two neighbors annoyed, but only two derisive comments, one about dogs and one about The Sound of Music Captain, met with a stern look. Stopped their antics, but quick.

Posted by: socalcon at May 25, 2018 07:55 AM (WAnre)

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Liberal Economists Rue a "New Decade of Greed"
Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility
Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips
They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan
Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq
Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town
When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool
What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means
Wonkette's Stand-Up Act
Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour
Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider
My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty
Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA
An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear
The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!
Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet
The House of Love: Paul Krugman
A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)
The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)