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Here's an Unpopular Fact for the "Respectable" Right: Of All the Many People Fired or Demoted by Corporations for Having Wrongthoughts, Kevin D. Williamson Has One of the Weakest Claims of Grievance of All

Corporations are in the opinion-punishing business now.

As one person -- wish I could remember the name -- put it on twitter, the algorithm goes like this:

1. Democrats decide something has happened that they don't like, like Trump winning the presidency.

2. Democrats search for a scapegoat and decide it must be a Villainous Corporation.

3. Democrats call Villainous Corporations before Congressional hearings and vaguely threaten that there might be consequences if this Bad Thing Democrats Don't Like ever happens again.

4. Corporations begin either making subtle promises that they will make sure this Bad Thing doesn't happen again, or outright ask to be regulated, as Mark Zuckerberg did.

Now, that's the script, and some of us don't like that script.

So when this script gets loaded into the teleprompter yet again, some of us speak up and start saying crazy things like "If corporations are so eager to bend to political pressure, perhaps we on the right should start pressuring them in the opposite direction, if not with the expectation that they will bend to our will, at least in the hopes that the counter-pressure will offset the pressure brought to bear by the left and keep them somewhat neutral."

But when I, or Kurt Schlichter, propose something like that, Good Little Corporate "Conservatives" sniff: "But that would be interfering with a business owner's business decisions, and we don't do that sort of thing. It's so... Trumpy."

When it's pointed out the left is doing it, and is wildly successful at turning corporations into their willing prison guards patrolling the public for wrongthink, they still just sniff "But that's not who we are," and content themselves, as usual, to lose with dignity.

I begin to wonder if it's the "with dignity" that's most important to them, or simply the "losing" part.

Meanwhile, Americans throughout the country are fired, demoted, or browbeaten by #Woke Human Resources departments into parroting the leftist cultural line.

Now, most corporations aren't political as far as their corporate charter goes, and therefore have no stated interest in pursuing a policy of political censorship on their employees.

Their real interest in imposing political censorship on their employees is that they know that the left will punish them if they do not, and the right is not going to say anything either way (they will sniff that it's no one's business what another man does with his business, even if that means he is whipsawed into becoming the left's catspaw for political pressure of everyday citizens).

Thus, they do wind up having a business interest in being an explicitly leftwing company: Defying the left would cost them in terms of coordinated negative public relations campaigns and boycotts, and crossing the right costs them not one slim dime, because on the right, it's considered uncouth to even criticize a business for turning into a bullyboy for the left, and so of course they take the path of least resistance.

As anyone in their situation would.

And again, when it is proposed by some that we work to change what that path of least resistance is, to make it clear that there will also be costs associated with joining the left, the respectable Corporate Class of the GOP, which happens to be largely funded by the corporate donor class (and I'm sure that's just a coincidence), says that we're engaging in the sort of thuggery that the left is engaging in.

Better a thousand average American citizens be bullied by their corporate bosses than a single corporation be bullied in turn by collective action by citizens concerned with citizen rights. People who think that maybe citizens have rights every bit as important as those that corporations enjoy.

But they say that this is a Sacred Principle of theirs, and so, however dire the outcome of abiding this Sacred Principle, it must nevertheless be observed to the letter.

Okay -- I buy that. Sacred Principles are, definitionally, Sacred.


But now comes another company, The Atlantic, and it fires one of their Cocktail Circuit buddies, and suddenly not only is it okay to furiously wail about a corporate decision to squelch someone's free speech, but it is in fact now a Sacred Principle that we do so.

Huh? How did that happen?

How did pressuring and criticizing a corporation for its cavalier attitude towards the spirit of free speech (and yes, idiots, i know the First Amendment only applies to government action, which is why I'm referring to free speech generally) go from "thuggish" to "absolutely necessary"?

Was it just that a buddy of the Corporate Cons got hit by leftist pressure tactics and corporate cowardice this time?

Is that it all it takes to render a Sacred Principle non-operational? One of your Twitter Palz gets dinged?

Or did you just get alarmed that rather than a company firing some Deplorable -- someone you don't know and wouldn't shake hands with if you could avoid doing so -- now you and your class was potentially at risk from corporations acting as catspaws for the left?

Is that all it takes to rubbish your Sacred Principles?

Are they really Sacred, then?

The Atlantic is a magazine of ideas. Obviously, ideas being its stock in trade, it has the right any business does of deciding what ideas it wishes to sell and which ideas it thinks it can sell to its customer base.

Its ideas and the writers typing up those ideas are its stock in trade and its entire brand identity.

It has a very strong interest in defining not only what its brand identity is, but what its brand identity is not.

No one, certainly no one from the National Review, can dispute this. I'll tell a short tale out of school, details omitted. I asked someone at the National Review during general campaign season of 2016 (not primary season -- general election season) why they were hiring nothing but NeverTrumpers. They were hiring both writers of quality, like Heather Wilhelm, and trash level writers, who I won't name.

The quality varied but their politics did not: They were all vociferously anti-Trump. Again, during general election season, when the only alternative to Trump was Hillary Clinton.

The person responded in what I would call a condescending and insulting manner. I considered responding in kind, but I didn't want to escalate it, and so I just let the exchange lie.

Why was the answer condescending? Well, I suppose he might have considered me to be the one overstepping by challenging his hiring decisions. He might have thought that he -- and not me -- had an interest in National Review's brand identity, and he might have thought it presumptuous of me to challenge his decision.

Fair enough.

But then: Doesn't The Atlantic have that exact same right to choose which writers it wants to tell its audience are worth reading (and, indeed, worth paying cash money for)?

If there was not a single new hire on the more anti-anti-Trump side National Review thought worthy of gracing its pages (the only anti-anti-Trump writers being long-timers like Mark Krikorian and Victor Davis Hanson, and thus grandfathered in) -- if Sean Davis, Mollie Hemingway, and David Harsanyi* were all rejected from consideration by the National Review as even worth a guest dissenting column -- why does The Atlantic have any greater responsibility to feature writers who don't quite fit in?

When a magazine hires a writer, it is saying "This writer is worth reading, and worth a fraction of the money you spend on this magazine," whether you agree or not.

More than any other type of company, a company with a largely or primarily political orientation has a right to screen its personnel for politics. I believe in California, where discriminating against an employee for his politics is generally illegal, there is an exception for companies which are themselves partisan, like political consultancy firms. They can discriminate based on party affiliation and ideology -- and it would be absurd to demand otherwise.

Even California gets that.

The Atlantic had a much, much, much greater right -- hell, it had a responsibility to its subscribers and stakeholders -- to fire Kevin Williamson than virtually any other corporation has had to make one of its own free-speech-squelching decisions.

But this is the fucking thing we're all going crazy about?

At long last, we've finally found that mythical hill we're willing to die upon, huh?

Ben Shapiro wrote a twitter rant claiming that it is the shrinking of the overton window of permissible thought, and the classification of tolerable conservatives like himself with the intolerable sorts of conservatives we all agree should have their free speech rights stripped away, that has brought upon Trump.

Well, it is partly that. But if it were just that, conservatives would have been full of fire to attack the left -- they wouldn't have been ginned up to turn the GOP Establishment class out into the streets.

No, for that part, it took some work by the GOP Establishment class.

People are waking up to the fact that our "leaders," both political and those in media, who we have put into positions of leadership to serve as our advocates and our champions, who maybe might speak up for us with one one-hundredth of the vigor with which they champion their pal Kevin Williamson in his bid to become a respectable writer at an prestigious left-wing magazine, seem to be an insular group of class-conscious, careerist mercenaries primarily interested in advancing their own interests and quite willing to sacrifice those of their fellow conservatives if it gets them just a bit of goodwill from the dominant leftist class.

So: Are we just making a special exception for brow-beating a corporation over a free speech decision for Kevin D. Williamson?

Will we go right back to the general rule that Thou Shall Never Criticize a Corporation for Its Business/Political Decisions tomorrow?

Is it only the swells whose careers and jobs matter?

You know what I'd do if I realized the lawyer I'd hired to represent my interests was really only concerned about his own, and was more than willing to make deals with the prosecutor at my legal expense if it would advance his own career?

I'd fucking fire his ass and I'd take pleasure in bum-rushing him out of my office and into the street.

You know how you got Trump, fellas?

You made it too obvious that you were pursuing the interests only of your own small insular class and had decided that the Little People and Filthy Commoners existed primarily to provide you with perks and power.

How many times do we have to hear about the plight of the very well paid Bari Weiss and the well-enough paid and somewhat famous Kevin Williamson while the "leaders" of the right continue to shrug at much-less justifiable acts of corporations to punish their workers for wrongthink?

If you're only going to use the media power which average citizens, who do not have any means of mass communication themselves, have trusted to you with the assumption that you would advocate for their interests once in a while and not exclusively for your own -- why should they let you keep that media power?

Why not turn you all out into the streets and elect a better class of advocates?

* I'm told that David Harsanyi does have an NR column. But then, he was also Never Trump, way back. Still is, a bit, though he's frequently more balanced now (an "anti-anti-," as some put it).

Actually, Mollie Hemingway was stridently anti-Trump during the primaries (and for some time after it), and so was Sean, now that I think of it.

Okay, bad examples.

I guess I meant me.

Apologies for the error. I'll leave it in, despite it not quite making as much sense now.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 06:21 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 First?

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:15 PM (MVjcR)

2 HA! So first. So very first.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:16 PM (MVjcR)

3 Whoa Ace....take it easy!! It's Friday after all.

Posted by: lin-duh at April 06, 2018 06:17 PM (kufk0)

4 I'd need a Sherpa to tackle this wall of text.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at April 06, 2018 06:17 PM (qJtVm)

5 Weasel,
You're needed down below to defend Jewell's and I's sacred honor. Christopher R. Taylor was trash talking waitresses.

Posted by: lin-duh at April 06, 2018 06:19 PM (kufk0)

6 Nood notification has been made.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:19 PM (MVjcR)

7 I don't know I have time tp read all that before bedtime

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:19 PM (aC6Sd)

8 THIS is an awesome post. One of Ace's best, and should be spread far and wide.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:20 PM (ujg0T)

9 Posted by: lin-duh at April 06, 2018 06:19 PM (kufk0)
I'm on it!

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:20 PM (MVjcR)

10 Why not turn you all out into the streets and elect a better class of advocates?

Posted by Ace of Spades at 06:21 PM Comments

The topic of debate earlier today, and off and on all week.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 06:22 PM (fiGNd)

11 " or simply the "losing" part. "

You don't really keep coming here for the hunting, do you?

Posted by: The BuFu Bear at April 06, 2018 06:23 PM (R2gO3)

12 Holy shit ace with the movies lately. What, did someone give you their netflix login?!

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 06:23 PM (F5+ro)

13 Great job Weasel!! **snort**

Posted by: lin-duh at April 06, 2018 06:23 PM (kufk0)

14 It's a plethora of shit-posted wrongthoughts!

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always says... at April 06, 2018 06:24 PM (Tyii7)

15 Bravo, Ace !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez, they are gaslighting us 24/365 at April 06, 2018 06:24 PM (Mbmmf)

16 OK, that should take care of the problem.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:24 PM (MVjcR)

17 ace I mentioned this morning, other thread, that I was puzzled by the brouhaha over the Williamson thing. Puzzled by "outrage" that an opinion journal would hire/fire someone based on ...... well, whatever they damn please.

It's absurd to pretend to believe that this is an "attack on free speech". Doesn't even need to be explained.

Schlichter and others I glanced at yesterday at least seemed, mostly, to be sticking to the periphery of the thing, ragging on Goldberg for cowardice, for lack of leadership, etc. Which is fine, and true, and completely unrelated to "principle".

Hadn't seen anything Williamson had written probably for years (never learned anything from his stuff, he was just an amusing polemicist, no new substance) til a friend sent me an excerpt from a recent piece. It's delusional and ridiculous - it could be the deep thoughts of Juan Williams or Tom Nichols. WaPo columnist-level crap.

So, I remain puzzled that anyone cares about almost *any* aspect of this.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (QDnY+)

18 Tribalism. It's all MUH SACRUD PRINCIPULZ until one of their fellow Chardonnay-and-penis-sippers gets the shaft.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (NWiLs)

19 oh crap, we are starting our weekend here!

but, I agree with whatever Ace said!

have a good one y'all!


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (fceHP)

20 The finger and hand yoga is paying off for somebody.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (GoNER)

21 The Battle of Woke Island. (Stolen from an Insty link.)

Posted by: andycanuck at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (ewxPW)

As reprehensible as I find Kevin D. Williamson I think some 'due diligence' on the part of the employer was required. He might have a case.

Hopefully KDW will find under-employment in some small town he wants to see die a speedy death.

Posted by: Forgot My Nic at April 06, 2018 06:26 PM (LOgQ4)

23 I did get through it all.
Well look at the time, goodnight everyone

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:27 PM (aC6Sd)

24 I'd like to see KDW have to get a job mining coal and start cooking meth on weekends to make ends meet.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 06, 2018 06:27 PM (NWiLs)

25 So, I remain puzzled that anyone cares about almost *any* aspect of this.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:25 PM (QDnY+)

I think the "Beautiful Losers" of the "Right" just assumed their sinecures would be assured, and are shocked--shocked! that Mr. Williamson's case proves they are not.

This might even go for the "Obvious Ogres" of these publications too.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:27 PM (ujg0T)

26 I think extra credit is due to someone FIRST on a post of this magnitude.

Extra. Credit.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:28 PM (MVjcR)

27 Just kidding, have a hour to go before that time

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:28 PM (aC6Sd)

28 Bubba in the wet stuff. That will teach you paint over the General Lee's roof.

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:28 PM (VWsDy)


Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 06, 2018 06:28 PM (oVJmc)

30 Trust us, they said...


Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (n9EOP)

31 Kevin is the bearded thumb, right?
See, I have been paying attention.

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (HgMAr)

32 Dear Corporate America:
Want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.



Posted by: Archer at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (gbWkA)

33 Kevin Williamson got hung by his own petard, no? No matter how much you hate the deplorables, you might find that when you try to join the elites, you will see that they won't be so accepting.

Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (Gmouh)

34 24 I'd like to see KDW have to get a job mining coal and start cooking meth on weekends to make ends meet.
Posted by: Insomniac at April 06, 2018 06:27 PM (NWiLs)

Pretty sure Kevy fancies himself as a toughie so it's a cinch

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (VWsDy)

35 You know how you got Trump, fellas?

You made it too obvious that you were pursuing the interests only of your own small insular class and had decided that the Little People and Filthy Commoners existed primarily to provide you with perks and power.


they still don't get it

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 06:30 PM (8UoSC)

36 31 Kevin is the bearded thumb, right?
See, I have been paying attention.
Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (HgMAr)

I thought it was the Thumbed "Beard"?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:30 PM (ujg0T)

37 I like what Vox Day did with David French's "wailing about 'the cowardly firing'" (all strikeouts are Day's edits).

The Atlantic National Review has caved to the intolerant mob and fired Kevin Williamson John Derbyshire, and in so doing has contributed to a slanderous fiction - that Kevin John is so beyond the pale that he has no place at one of the nation's premiere mainstream conservative publications. His millions of words, his countless interviews, and his personal character were reduced to nothing - inconsequential in the face of deleted tweets and a five-minute podcast dialogue a single column. Look, I know it's easy for some to dismiss Kevin's John's termination as mere inside-baseball media drama. But it's more than that. It's a declaration by one of America's most powerful media conservative entities that it can't even coexist with a man like Kevin John. If he wants to write, he should run along to his conservative Alt-Right home. His new long-time colleagues simply couldn't abide his presence.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 06:31 PM (pvjTE)

38 The important take-aways from this are at least three in number:
1. Class interests are 'a thing' and people act accordingly;
2. More people are waking to the fact that the culture war cannot be won by refusal to engage in it; and
3. KW is a negative asset, as he would say, amd got what he had coming.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 06, 2018 06:31 PM (fA1SL)

39 33 Kevin Williamson got hung by his own petard, no? No matter how much you hate the deplorables, you might find that when you try to join the elites, you will see that they won't be so accepting.
Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 06:29 PM (Gmouh)

Speaking of mixing, when's the bar open

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:31 PM (VWsDy)

40 Kevin should have realized they wanted him to mimic them, don't bring that old time thinking into this brave new world we are creating.

Posted by: willow at April 06, 2018 06:32 PM (eaoOY)

41 is there a Cliff Notes version?

Posted by: redc1c4 at April 06, 2018 06:32 PM (OaNFX)

42 is there a Cliff Notes version?
Posted by: redc1c4 at April

the butler did it.

Posted by: yankeefifth at April 06, 2018 06:33 PM (MTjB1)

43 I don't think the issue is that they fired Williamson so much as that they fired him over views he'd espoused long before he'd been hired. It's not like Williamson kept his pro-life views hidden all these years and the Atlantic suddenly discovered them after he was hired. Nor is it like this was some article he'd written on an obscure topic when he'd first gotten out of college. No, he's frequently written and spoken on the topic of abortion and he's KNOWN for his views on the topic.

So, there is a matter of unfairness here that is absent in a lot of other situations. Williamson gave up one position on the promise of position that he found more attractive. Did the Atlantic have the RIGHT to fire him? Of course it did. But, there are (or should be) some things you just don't do. This is one of them. You don't offer some one a job and then fire them FOR BEING EXACTLY WHO THEY SAID THEY WERE WHEN YOU HIRED THEM.

Posted by: DKWalser at April 06, 2018 06:33 PM (2WHt3)

44 They are all Marxists. Some are hard and some are soft, but they all want some form of it. These establishment types want Marxism because they want to live in a nation of their own within the larger USA, which they pretend to advocate for.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:33 PM (GoNER)

45 NeverTrumpers to the left of me
Ass Clown Corporations to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you....

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 06, 2018 06:34 PM (EoRCO)

46 41 is there a Cliff Notes version?
Posted by: redc1c4 at April 06, 2018 06:32 PM (OaNFX)


We're not going to help Kevin Williamson learn how to code and rent a UHaul.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 06:34 PM (F5+ro)

47 41 is there a Cliff Notes version?
Posted by: redc1c4 at April 06, 2018 06:32 PM (OaNFX)

The YachtClubCons wetting themselves about KDW being fired from the Atlantic are a bunch of hypocrites.

Posted by: Insomniac at April 06, 2018 06:34 PM (NWiLs)

48 is there a Cliff Notes version?

There's a Cliff Clavin Notes version, but it's twice as long.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 06, 2018 06:34 PM (oVJmc)

49 Meanwhile, on my commute to or from work tomorrow, I bet I will be cut off on the roads by some leftist "Womyn" (or perhaps a femboy), probably in a Volvo or a Subaru, with a bumper sticker that says "The Media Are Only As Liberal As The Conservative Corporations Who Own Them." Or something no less vapid.

Yes, the Left out here are that obtuse.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:35 PM (ujg0T)

50 I have a Hung Petard the ladies approve and some give it the old college try..though Corporations are still on the fence and just Google or facebook like it..dear Abby wot to do?

Posted by: saf at April 06, 2018 06:35 PM (5IHGB)

51 I feel like the monkey staring at the obelisk.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:36 PM (MVjcR)

52 This is one of them. You don't offer some one a job and then fire them FOR BEING EXACTLY WHO THEY SAID THEY WERE WHEN YOU HIRED THEM.
Posted by: DKWalser at April 06, 2018 06:33 PM (2WHt3)

My company's hiring and firing practices aren't national news.

Why do I care that HR overlooked something with Williamson?

I know several people who have had job offers rescinded after failing some sort of background check (drug test, criminal check, credit check, general "background check.").

It sucks. But if I wrote that women who get abortions should get hanged publicly on twitter, I can't say with any confidence that my company wouldn't fire me.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 06:36 PM (F5+ro)

Bubba in the wet stuff.

Let me consult my urban dictionary.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (IqV8l)

54 Williamson got what he deserved and advocated for the middle middle and lower middle class. He is a kiss ass for his "betters" and they treated him just like he deserves. His moral superiority and self righteous nastiness didn't get him squat from the elites he so craves to join. Lackeys get treated like this in the end.

Posted by: Lester at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (LfJIn)

55 Harris Co, Georgia Sheriff welcome sign,
If you kill someone we might kill you back.

Posted by: gNewt at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (ykL1t)

56 I'm finding it pretty hard to give a shit about any of the players in the this little soap opera. Yea, Goldberg acted like a douche by caving the left wing lynch mob but Williamson hates me as much as the left.

The fact they both lost in this exchange is a win for me and if liberals and neverTrumpers want to fight each other for the moral high ground that's less time they have to shit on me.

I'm good with that.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (/tuJf)

57 Crawl back to Kentucky, KDW, and live out your days in the obscurity and poverty you seem to wish on your lessers.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (fA1SL)

58 If team R would do their job of crushing team D now when they have all the advantages then there wouldn't be major economic consequences for companies to just ignore lefty tantrums or just give them a little pat on the head. Tweetstorm boycott nonsense might cost you a few % but Donk interference destroys entire industries on a whim.

Posted by: DaveA at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (FhXTo)

59 37 - You could do the same strikeouts and substitute in Ann Coulter, who NR canned over her opinions as well.

Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (uYSAz)

60 ace you're referring to politicians when you say "turn you all out into the streets and elect a better class of advocates", right? Presumably, the GOP?

Well non-troversies like this are nothing, just check out the CR. Congress - "controlled by the GOP" - pretty much repudiated almost every position and issue that put Trump in the WH, defense spending excepted. This, after one feeble O-care repeal attempt. One.

The willingness of so many corporations to instantly adopt some bizarre and extreme position demonizing what is really mainstream America is very discouraging, and to me remains not adequately explained. But seems like a different issue.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:38 PM (QDnY+)

61 they are all just pissed we didn't accept their profound political ideas and vote their guy in, and when that failed vote Their girl (Hillary) in.

we - we didn't accept their premise that we should listen to them and continue to bow our heads to their status and greater intellect.
KW , would never have made it in their culture, because He still had his own ideas. even perhaps some wrong ones.
he should feel freed from that type of intellectual oppression they are serving up.

You can pretty up your horrible ideas with swank, but voting Hillary was still the lowest of ideas for the future of the country.

Posted by: willow at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (eaoOY)

62 Corporations are the 21st century churches.... We live in a Corporate Theocracy.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (GoNER)

63 Wow.

That's a whole bunch of like words and stuff.

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (zw5wP)

64 51 I feel like the monkey staring at the obelisk.
Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:36 PM (MVjcR)

*kicks dirt*

Posted by: Monolith at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (VWsDy)

65 You know when the baseball players go on strike and both the players and management try to get the public on their side?

And you're like, "Why should I care about either of these groups? Neither gives a fuck about me."

That's how I feel about this. This is a dispute between the left wing upper middle class urban media Jets and the sort-of right wing upper middle class urban media Sharks, and both are trying to get me on their side, and I know that neither one of them would piss down my throat even if my heart was on fire, so I'm like: Go fuck yourselves.

This has got nothing to do with me. This is a little contretemps in your shared little effete urban media worker world. You'll all be best of friends again after cocktails.

Settle it yourselves, faggots. Leave the rest of us out of this. You don't give a shit about us; why the fuck would we care what happens to you?

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (8rNrN)

66 The willingness of so many corporations to instantly adopt some bizarre and extreme position demonizing what is really mainstream America is very discouraging, and to me remains not adequately explained. But seems like a different issue.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:38 PM (QDnY+)

Really? You don't think Ace nailed it in the first half of this post? I think he did.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:40 PM (ujg0T)

67 Through all of this I still don't know that anyone has explained ; Who Kevin Williamson is, or What Kevin Williamson did.

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:40 PM (zw5wP)

68 so, how was the movie?

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 06:40 PM (hMwEB)

69 anyway Friday obligations, kisses and hugs. have a great night everyone.

Posted by: willow at April 06, 2018 06:41 PM (eaoOY)

70 Isn't KW the putx that advocationg for the death of small towns ??

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:41 PM (VWsDy)

71 41 is there a Cliff Notes version?
Posted by: redc1c4 at April 06, 2018 06:32 PM (OaNFX)


Liberals being closed minded bigots, demanded KW be fired from a job he was just hired for.

His fellow elitist cuck two faced insiders go ape shot, when they ignore the firings and bannings of us schmucks in the hinterlands.

Remember they are not supposed to subject to the same rules as us peasants and serfs.

Posted by: rd at April 06, 2018 06:41 PM (4dz1m)

72 59 37 - You could do the same strikeouts and substitute in Ann Coulter, who NR canned over her opinions as well.
Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (uYSAz)

Nothing is worse than what the did to Mark Steyn, who was canned over a FUCKING RAT PACK JOKE.

If you don't remember, it went like this:

Q. How do you make a fruit cordial?

A. Just be nice to him!

Mark Steyn, one of the funniest and most trenchant right-wing writers, and a genuine free speech martyr after what happened with the Canadian justice system and the Michael Mann suit, was fired from the holy, sacred National Review for THAT.

Even I needed a lie-down.

Posted by: Kevin Williamson's Fainting Couch at April 06, 2018 06:41 PM (e4ZX9)

73 >>.56 I'm finding it pretty hard to give a shit about any of the players in the this little soap opera. Yea, Goldberg acted like a douche by caving the left wing lynch mob but Williamson hates me as much as the left.

The fact they both lost in this exchange is a win for me and if liberals and neverTrumpers want to fight each other for the moral high ground that's less time they have to shit on me.

I'm good with that.


yup. I just posted something similar.

What the fuck does this have to do with us? They're not fighting for some generally applicable principle that could aid ME; they're only special pleading for themselves.

Fuck 'em. Let them slap and pull hair while I just go about my business.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:41 PM (8rNrN)

74 I'm definitely drinking too much

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (VWsDy)




Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (zw5wP)

76 I didn't see the latest "Shapiro rant", but in general it's not fair to class him with the NeverTrump brigade. He's always been more OccasionallyTrump (If necessary). Also, his site does have Klavan, who really comes down as UsuallyTrump.

Remember,there were plenty of us wholly against him in the primaries, who have come over. I'm one, but that doesn't matter. Schlicter and Prager and Roger Kimball matter quite a bit more. (For that matter wasn't VDH in that category.

One thing that plagues these discussions is the the knee-jerk reaction that, if it's done by a private individual or group, it's automatically OK. This is perverse; and shows that the speaker, however libertarian in philosophy, has politics on the brain. No, criticizing doesn't mean you want to outlaw it; my wife is not calling in the city, state, and federal authorities every time she gets on me for leaving the shower curtain open.

Posted by: George LeS at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (+TcCF)

77 59 37 - You could do the same strikeouts and substitute in Ann Coulter, who NR canned over her opinions as well.

Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 06, 2018 06:37 PM (uYSAz)


Good point. Coulter's an even better comparison, as she had only worked for NRO a short time before they fired her.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (pvjTE)

78 Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (8rNrN)

I love socio-political poetry on a Friday afternoon!

Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (n9EOP)

79 That's how I feel about this. This is a dispute between the left wing upper middle class urban media Jets and the sort-of right wing upper middle class urban media Sharks, and both are trying to get me on their side, and I know that neither one of them would piss down my throat even if my heart was on fire, so I'm like: Go fuck yourselves.

Settle it yourselves, faggots. Leave the rest of us out of this. You don't give a shit about us; why the fuck would we care what happens to you?
Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (8rNrN)

So who was the girl Maria that Kevin Williamson met? Or was it a boy?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (ujg0T)

80 Gee its almost as if the Democrats are in a conspiracy in restraint of trade... as in 15 U.S. Code 1.

Posted by: An Observation at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (PBzFs)

81 In fairness, I think KW would not be the only person I'd hire away from a current gig with the promise of better pay and more social approval, only to shitcan at my earliest convenience.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (fA1SL)

82 >> Isn't KW the putx that advocationg for the death of small towns ?

You are thinking of John Cougar Mellencamp

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (zw5wP)

83 Fairness issue?

Assuming that's not intentionally comedic in nature, I'll just limit myself to "meh". Tough. Happens all the time.

Won't even break out the nano-violins for this one.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (QDnY+)

84 s in your shared little effete urban media worker world. You'll all be best of friends again after cocktails.

We'd be better off if they did permanently harm each other.

Posted by: DaveA at April 06, 2018 06:43 PM (FhXTo)

85 Preach it, brother!
Amen and amen.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 06, 2018 06:43 PM (0jtPF)

86 Monolithic Obelisk.

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:44 PM (MVjcR)

87 NeverTrumpers are on a sucide mission to prove that their principles and integrity are as worthless as their insight and awareness.

Capital job, guys. Now go run through that field of rakes.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 06, 2018 06:44 PM (aPsQQ)

88 Need a double bogey.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:44 PM (GoNER)

89 What I learned at AoS today:
Earlier we learned about crazy mannequin Iranian suicidal tranny.
After that Ace outed a fugly 7-11 lurker.
Fen denied picture was of her.
Jewells called her husband "Mr. Jewells". (old man balls joke withheld)
Kevin is one weird looking dude.

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (HgMAr)

90 86. Monorail!

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (fA1SL)

91 >>Settle it yourselves, faggots.

This is what Mom used to tell my brothers and I when we would come to her to resolve a fight / disagreement.

She was such a dear.

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (zw5wP)

92 You are thinking of John Cougar Mellencamp
Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (zw5wP)

T can assure you that I am most certainly NOT thinking of JCM

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (VWsDy)

93 Well, Kevin Williamson has joined the legion of the failed, but so what? I find in interesting that arguably the least qualified person ever to even think about being First Lady has come out to school us that Hillary is the most qualified person ever to run for the Presidency. Pot and Kettle? Clown Show? Insane Asylum? All of the Above with Extra Hot Sauce?

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (KBjDG)

94 so the moral of the story is basically, lie down with liberals, get up with fleas and get throw out.

Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (KxbBq)

95 Most people's principles go no further than their own self-interest.

That's why we have phrases like "Hit them where it hurts."

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Free Sonobi With Purchase of Grumbling Gadgets at the Outrage Outlet! at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM (0QYMt)

96 I'm glad when Never Trumpers get kicked.
They are more annoying than Leftists.

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (hMwEB)

97 Kevin, you can have the elite place at the front of the unemployment line. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow, bless his heart.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (LySSJ)

98 And the day is not over.

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (HgMAr)

99 If only the Kevin D Williamson Treatment can happen to Billy Kristol next.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (ujg0T)

100 >65
You know when the baseball players go on strike and both the players and management try to get the public on their side?

And you're like, "Why should I care about either of these groups? Neither gives a fuck about me."

That's how I feel about this. This is a dispute between the left
wing upper middle class urban media Jets and the sort-of right wing
upper middle class urban media Sharks, and both are trying to get me on
their side, and I know that neither one of them would piss down my
throat even if my heart was on fire, so I'm like: Go fuck yourselves.

This has got nothing to do with me. This is a little contretemps in
your shared little effete urban media worker world. You'll all be best
of friends again after cocktails.

Settle it yourselves, faggots. Leave the rest of us out of this.
You don't give a shit about us; why the fuck would we care what happens
to you?

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:39 PM (8rNrN)

Perfectly said.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 06, 2018 06:47 PM (8PL+d)

101 Kevin, you can have the elite place at the front of the unemployment line.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (LySSJ)

Dude was pretty clear about his hate for the White Working Class.

Maybe he's just being consistent.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 06:47 PM (fiGNd)

102 ace, as noted, that's poetry right there ("settle it yourself, faggots").

Curmudgeon, I'm not sure. Of course what ace has laid out is part of the explanation, maybe the major part, possibly the whole "part". Maybe I'm just still cursed with the magic ability to be stunned, to the down side, by what happens in America the last 15 years or so. In terms of what is done, said, without consequences.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:48 PM (QDnY+)

103 In the legal field when lawyers have to self censor, it can and will fuck up lives. Lord knows how long this has been going on, but it has.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:48 PM (GoNER)

104 Chris Stigall on a Philly talk station thinks MeAgain is going to be in the same situation, neither trusted by conservatives, Nevers or Leftists.

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:49 PM (aC6Sd)

105 Pretty sure VDH was one of the initial NeverTrumpers, and signed that letter with all the other shit birds. He's just a little quicker on the uptake in realizing how damaging that would be to future prospects.

Posted by: Grieg Brodsky at April 06, 2018 06:49 PM (0t9M1)

106 Coincidentally, there is an article at American Greatness on teh taxonomy of conservatives, and the one featured is exactly the type that Ace is writing about in this post.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Free Sonobi With Purchase of Grumbling Gadgets at the Outrage Outlet! at April 06, 2018 06:49 PM (0QYMt)

Jonah Goldberg was just on Special Report whining about poor Kev.

These guys should follow Kev's advice and quit whining and just die.

Posted by: publius, the Cranny-Curious Poperin Pear at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8O3HH)

108 I'm really angry because while I've known for a long time the left is attempting to create a tiered system of citizenship, a system of racial/sexual/political castes, where some have many more rights than others, I'm now getting the sense that the "right's" champions pretty much agree with this scheme *in principle,* but just are negotiating for one of the higher tiers of citizenship for themselves.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8rNrN)

109 104 Chris Stigall on a Philly talk station thinks MeAgain is going to be in the same situation, neither trusted by conservatives, Nevers or Leftists.
Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:49 PM (aC6Sd)

"is going to be"? She already *is*.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (ujg0T)

110 Exactly Scogg. Take out the middle and both coasts die.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (LySSJ)

111 92 You are thinking of John Cougar Mellencamp
Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (zw5wP)

Naw, it was KW. In 2016 he wrote an article that downtrodden small towns "deserve to die"

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (VWsDy)

112 >>>Jonah Goldberg was just on Special Report whining about poor Kev.

can't he just learn to code?

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (8rNrN)

113 blue ribbon stuff, ace!

Posted by: concrete girl at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (h9wAA)

114 "Why not turn you all out into the streets and elect a better class of advocates?"

This is probably as good as it gets.

Posted by: freaked at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (UdKB7)

115 I like the Cruz formulation posted earlier, that the new media companies are protected from certain laws, so they need to abide free speech principles.

This is my main problem with Libertarians--they have a knee jerk antipathy against all regulation. Regulation is often necessary for lots of reasons and just because too much is bad it doesn't mean it is all always bad.

So I think a news outlet, like the Atlantic, should be free to do whatever it wants. But I also think a company like twitter, google, fb, etc. that use a system (the internet) created by the gov., and which hold an effective monopoly on a certain type of use of that system, should expect regulation.

Either they open up their algorithms so everyone can see what they filter and how, or they eliminate all filtering. We have given all the street corners to one newspaper, and then that newspaper claims it would be censorship to regulate it. But it only exists on our street corners.

If twitter, or google, or whoever what to be "free", let them build their own damn internet root and branch. Otherwise, I say I want the boot in their face.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (LWu6U)

116 Come on guys, in your objective hearts, you know that Kevin is far more deserving than any of you tax-paying working white trash deplorable fly-over country rubes!

Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (n9EOP)

117 108 I'm really angry because while I've known for a long time the left is attempting to create a tiered system of citizenship, a system of racial/sexual/political castes, where some have many more rights than others, I'm now getting the sense that the "right's" champions pretty much agree with this scheme *in principle,* but just are negotiating for one of the higher tiers of citizenship for themselves.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8rNrN)

Addendum to your post, Ace! Please add.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (ujg0T)


Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Electrified, six-car monolith
What'd I say?


Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (IqV8l)

119 What little I've heard about Ben Shapiro, which is just snippets on the radio, leaves me with the impression that he is a shallow squish and not someone I should take seriously.

Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (Gmouh)

120 >can't he just learn to code?

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (8rNrN)

Ruby on Rails. All the way.

Posted by: Muad'dib at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (8PL+d)

121 Sacred:

Mary Ann
.45 ACP

Posted by: Duncanthrax at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (dKL2R)

122 Exactly, if a magazine chooses to fire someone that is their business. However, it is fair to make them live up to their "new" ideals in all of their other transactions. Everyone else who expressed a similar sentiment should also be fired.

I'm much more worried about deplaforming so that real conservatives can no longer get their message out.

Williamson was dumb enough to think that the left cared about him due to his "never Trump" vitriol. He and the other twits are the last of our concerns

Posted by: Buanadha at April 06, 2018 06:52 PM (kxv3u)

123 Addendum to your post, Ace! Please add.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (ujg0T)

brown noser

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 06:52 PM (F5+ro)

124 As long as a magazine doesn't hold more than ten rounds, it can do whatever it wants.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 06:52 PM (KBjDG)

125 Kind of a rhetorical question, but which "principles" get in the way of supporting de-regulation, tax reduction, restoring rule of law, harder bargaining in the trade arena, and pragmatic foreign policy? Have never understood this whole construct of NeverTrump cuz "principles".

Then again I'm puzzled by many things these days.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 06:53 PM (QDnY+)

126 Who's the asshole that told me to bet that Tiger wasn't gonna make the cut ??

Posted by: REDACTED at April 06, 2018 06:53 PM (VWsDy)

127 Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8rNrN)

A proper feudal system has many benefits for the right sort of people!

Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at April 06, 2018 06:53 PM (n9EOP)

128 Ace is confusing me about this Atlantic thing. Is he angry at a select group of conservatives or all of them?
He's wording is just confusing my brain...


Posted by: Delaforce and His Gewehr 95 at April 06, 2018 06:53 PM (eVIA2)

129 Ruby on Rails. All the way.
Posted by: Muad'dib at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (8PL+d)

is that where it's at now?

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (hMwEB)

130 119 What little I've heard about Ben Shapiro, which is just snippets on the radio, leaves me with the impression that he is a shallow squish and not someone I should take seriously.
Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (Gmouh)

He's not completely gone like Kristol or Williamson, and he has actually done some pro-Trump work at times, but he is a *weenie*, going on and on about how fighting back the way Trump does is just not dignified.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (ujg0T)

131 When are we going to have to sew yellow stars on our sleeves? Or get our foreheads tattooed with a big red T or something?

Will we get a heads-up call or something? Like an Amber allert?

Posted by: Les Kinetic at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (4ZE6o)

132 108 I'm really angry because while I've known for a long time the left is attempting to create a tiered system of citizenship, a system of racial/sexual/political castes, where some have many more rights than others, I'm now getting the sense that the "right's" champions pretty much agree with this scheme *in principle,* but just are negotiating for one of the higher tiers of citizenship for themselves.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8rNrN)

Like a Communist Inner Party and Outer Party.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (GoNER)

133 Monorail!
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine at April 06, 2018 06:45 PM

One of the best Simpsons episodes ever.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (2NqXo)

134 Good article, Ace

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at April 06, 2018 06:55 PM (xJa6I)

135 Sorta OT:

I've always wondered why more companies aren't opening up as "openly conservative". Starbucks and others have not really suffered from their openly liberal views unless you do that funky "but how much moar business if..." math.

I really believe there is a huge market for right-wing businesses that push patriotic themes and right-leaning agendas as their theme. Black Rifle Coffee could be a great test subject if some serious business management got in behind them to help with logistics.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 06, 2018 06:55 PM (rb093)

136 In Stalinist Soviet Union, magazine reads you.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 06:55 PM (KBjDG)

137 "the left is attempting to create a tiered system of citizenship, a system of racial/sexual/political castes, where some have many more rights than others"

That's what all this privilege stuff is about. It's some kind of evil getevenisim.

Posted by: freaked at April 06, 2018 06:55 PM (UdKB7)

138 123 Addendum to your post, Ace! Please add.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM (ujg0T)

brown noser
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 06:52 PM (F5+ro)

Sorry Harry, but he's nailed it about the "Conservative" chattering class.

I'm not going to put on saffron robes and bow down if Ace drives by me in a Rolls Royce, but....

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:56 PM (ujg0T)

139 He's not completely gone like Kristol or Williamson, and he has actually done some pro-Trump work at times, but he is a *weenie*, going on and on about how fighting back the way Trump does is just not dignified.
Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (ujg0T)

Weenie. That's the perfect word for Shapiro.

He's a guy I'll never trust.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 06:56 PM (+lOpA)

140 It's like the Upper West Side and the Upper East Side are feuding with each other and they're both pretty insistent that the rest of the world give a shit.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:56 PM (8rNrN)

141 Ace has a Rolls Royce?

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (MVjcR)

142 My opinion of Ben is he isn't a Never but nor a Trumpster

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (aC6Sd)

143 A lot of us were against Trump when we had a choice.

However, this is like the tool or device you have avoided all your life. You always thought you would not like using it, it looked ugly, did not seem like it would work and smelled funny too.

Then you try it out. "Huh." you think to yourself. This is not THAT bad. Then you find yourself using it more and more. Soon you start having a grudging respect for it's oddities. Then you come to the conclusion that for some jobs, this tool or device is the only one you want right then or will settle for.

Trump is kind of like that.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (WWZIZ)

144 It's like the Upper West Side and the Upper East Side are feuding with each other and they're both pretty insistent that the rest of the world give a shit.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:56 PM (8rNrN)

Well ... it does give the rubes a reason to think they're in opposition to each other.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (fiGNd)

145 "Why not turn you all out into the streets and elect a better class of advocates?"

This is probably as good as it gets.
Posted by: freaked at April 06, 2018 06:51 PM

Why not turnip you all out into the beets and elect a better class of avocados?

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (2NqXo)

146 Being worse than Deplorable, I hit Reprehensible years ago, I'm finding the wailing and gnashing of teeth amusing. They're angry because one of, "Their", people, got dumped on by Atlantic. Big fucking deal. The bubble is not only a shield to protect liberals and Never Trumpers from harm, it's an envelope that will suffocate them. It's just taking too damn long.

Posted by: Winston at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (wgCUV)

147 No, Ace has a Royce that rolls

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (aC6Sd)

148 Sharks vs Jet in the Octopusgon.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (IqV8l)

149 >>1 Ace has a Rolls Royce?

No. But he has every album Rose Royce ever put out.

On 8-Track.

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (/xLgi)

150 147 No, Ace has a Royce that rolls
Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 06:58 PM (aC6Sd)

Hobos can have strange names.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 06:59 PM (WWZIZ)

151 141 Ace has a Rolls Royce?
Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (MVjcR)

Nobody remembers the Bhagwan? A reference:

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:59 PM (ujg0T)

152 99 If only the Kevin D Williamson Treatment can happen to Billy Kristol next.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 06:46 PM (ujg0T)


It kinda-sorta did. He was the founder and chief editor of the Weekly Standard, until after Trump got elected. After that, he stepped down. He's still there as an editor at large, but he's no longer the grand poobah. The Weekly Standard is a Murdoch property. I think Rupert wanted to tone down his neverTrump profile.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 06:59 PM (pvjTE)

153 Epic Ace.

Posted by: Eromero at April 06, 2018 06:59 PM (zLDYs)

154 The guys I buy my alfalfa hay from use red, white and blue baling twine. I get a chuckle every time I look at it.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 06, 2018 06:59 PM (LySSJ)

155 141 Ace has a Rolls Royce?
Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (MVjcR)

Weasel, ace can't even remember to drink water.

People who don't remember to drink water don't drive Rolls Royce's. They ride mass transit with an occasional zip car misadventure.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 07:00 PM (F5+ro)

156 >is that where it's at now?

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (hMwEB)


Posted by: Muad'dib at April 06, 2018 07:00 PM (8PL+d)

157 "Why not turnip you all out into the beets and elect a better class of avocados? "

I am of the firm belief that we can call any vegetable.

Posted by: freaked at April 06, 2018 07:00 PM (UdKB7)

158 Beets!!!!

Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 07:00 PM (MVjcR)

159 corporations good

corporations bad

guess whose 200th birthday is tomorrow...

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at April 06, 2018 07:01 PM (Pg+x7)

160 141 Ace has a Rolls Royce?
Posted by: Weasel at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (MVjcR)

Weasel, ace can't even remember to drink water.

People who don't remember to drink water don't drive Rolls Royce's. They ride mass transit with an occasional zip car misadventure.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at April 06, 2018 07:00 PM (F5+ro)

But he looks good with his messenger bag...and he works it.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 06, 2018 07:01 PM (jS2zB)

161 Ben Shapiro is a tool, just like Trump is a tool.

I'll 'use' them when they're useful, and distain them when they're not useful.

Trump, right now, gets extra slack though. He's the boss and I don't want to juggle his elbow while he deals with the Deep State, Dems and weak sisters in the Republican party.

My goal is liberty and freedom. To be treated like a citizen, not guilty until proven so. Free to think and say what I want without being jailed, de-platformed or fired.

Those who further my goals, I support. When they turn into dumb asses, show them the way to PornHub.

I'm pretty sure Ben's already there.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at April 06, 2018 07:01 PM (xJa6I)

162 159 corporations good

corporations bad

guess whose 200th birthday is tomorrow...
Posted by: musical jolly chimp at April 06, 2018 07:01 PM (Pg+x7)

Bruce Campbell cannot be that old.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 07:01 PM (WWZIZ)

163 143 A lot of us were against Trump when we had a choice.

However, this is like the tool or device you have avoided all your life. You always thought you would not like using it, it looked ugly, did not seem like it would work and smelled funny too.

Then you try it out. "Huh." you think to yourself. This is not THAT bad. Then you find yourself using it more and more. Soon you start having a grudging respect for it's oddities. Then you come to the conclusion that for some jobs, this tool or device is the only one you want right then or will settle for.

Trump is kind of like that.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (WWZIZ)

Like a good many beverages, Trump is an Acquired Taste.

But at this point, and especially in light of all the dishonest crap the Demunist Commiecrats and RINO sellouts and cucks have hurled at him?

I'm hooked. The Donald has Out-Uncle-Ronned Uncle Ron, and I never thought I would say that in my lifetime.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 07:02 PM (ujg0T)

164 Rolls Royce was smooooth. Just like the car.

Posted by: freaked at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (UdKB7)

165 I'm hooked. The Donald has Out-Uncle-Ronned Uncle Ron, and I never thought I would say that in my lifetime.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at April 06, 2018 07:02 PM (ujg0T)

He's gonna' have to screw up the next two pretty bad to lose the "Best President In My Lifetime" Championship Belt.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (fiGNd)

166 143 A lot of us were against Trump when we had a choice.

However, this is like the tool or device you have avoided all your life. You always thought you would not like using it, it looked ugly, did not seem like it would work and smelled funny too.

Then you try it out. "Huh." you think to yourself. This is not THAT bad. Then you find yourself using it more and more. Soon you start having a grudging respect for it's oddities. Then you come to the conclusion that for some jobs, this tool or device is the only one you want right then or will settle for.

Trump is kind of like that.
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop

Trumps greatest asset is tearing off the masks of his (and ours, obviously) political enemies.

Posted by: Puddleglum at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (XpcPq)

167 Well, I hope this movie makes a return on investment. And that Ace gets paid by the word.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (7UW64)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Announces "Zero Tolerance' Policy For Border Enforcement The Last Refuge

Posted by: DeploraBOT at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (y3aQB)

169 Bcz of everyone getting snow, I have not bitched about the weather. But now I am because my nose was cold today and it was in the frickin' 20s.

Once the sun goes down I might as well be in an igloo.

rant over
For now...

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (jS2zB)

170 This is a side show to a much bigger, and much more important issue.

And it is a distraction because I think the Atlantic really should be able to fire KW and it is hard to argue otherwise.

This is a tougher question when it is a non-media company firing someone for something they tweeted off-hours, etc. But I am not sure what the solution there is.

But for me, as I said above, the question is much easier for the new media companies which filter and propagandize without any regulation, transparency, or oversight. That is where the main battle lies.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (LWu6U)

171 The best thing about Trump is that he just keeps getting better.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:04 PM (KBjDG)

172 There was absolutely no reason for the likes of NR and the Weekly Standard not to support Trump. NONE. They promoted much less conservative, much less "Republican" candidates. They themselves have promoted ideas that are much less conservative than those held by Trump. I mean immigration. They were all in for amnesty. Or at least most of them were for making compromises on national borders and illegals. He blew the lid right off.

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:04 PM (8UoSC)

173 105 Pretty sure VDH was one of the initial NeverTrumpers, and signed that letter with all the other shit birds. He's just a little quicker on the uptake in realizing how damaging that would be to future prospects.

Posted by: Grieg Brodsky at April 06, 2018 06:49 PM (0t9M1)



Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 07:04 PM (pvjTE)

174 Gotta go watch that video of Sergio getting his 11 or whatever it was yesterday.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:04 PM (QDnY+)

175 Kevin Williamson got fat.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at April 06, 2018 07:05 PM (VE1y7)

176 I haven't found anyone except the nevertrumper elite fake assbuckets who are upset over piece of shit Williamson.

Once you go Clinton....

But I'm making note of those, even Schlicter, who defends Williamson as if he needed defending and as if he hadn't stabbed his readers in the back.

Posted by: dagny at April 06, 2018 07:05 PM (CAKgV)

177 161 Ben Shapiro is a tool
No Need to go further

Posted by: DeploraBOT at April 06, 2018 07:05 PM (y3aQB)

178 143 - Aetius451AD: I should have added that yes, he's a very useful 'tool'. Good analogy.

Posted by: Puddleglum at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (XpcPq)

179 140 It's like the Upper West Side and the Upper East Side are feuding with each other and they're both pretty insistent that the rest of the world give a shit.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:56 PM (8rNrN)

And after all, they are both more than 10 miles away from me.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (7UW64)

180 No, VDH and Deroy Murdock did not.

Posted by: dagny at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (CAKgV)

181 We need to ban ALL KEVINS because...well because they are jobless fucks.

Posted by: saf at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (5IHGB)

182 I've always wondered why more companies aren't opening up as "openly conservative". Starbucks and others have not really suffered from their openly liberal views unless you do that funky "but how much moar business if..." math.

I really believe there is a huge market for right-wing businesses that push patriotic themes and right-leaning agendas as their theme. Black Rifle Coffee could be a great test subject if some serious business management got in behind them to help with logistics.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger

Mostly because Our Betters in the conservative movement let the Left take over the culture as they let them take over the academy.

We're fighting in retreat, Trump's election was a repreive not a victory. And that the fucking asshats at NRO and elsewhere are still throwing their toys around the room over it is just so galling.

The only conclusion I see is that they don't want to win. They like being a backbencher, rump party, meekly objecting as the Left turns the ratchet and institution after institution falls in line.

As much as people find it distasteful, 'cuck' truely is the most fitting descriptor.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (aPsQQ)

183 If Kevin can't code he can deliver pizza to those who can.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (3DZIZ)

I like Trump mostly from the get-go. But there were "distasteful" things he said of course that initially bothered me. And that was really fear that it wasn't going to fly.

And then, well in for a penny, in for a pound, or maybe in for his pound of ideas, and so in for the pennies of his Trumpiness too.

And now I delight in his Trumpiness. Knowing how it makes the Left wet their pants, and even better the Cuck-cons wet their jammies.

We need a pussy-grabber.

Posted by: publius, the Cranny-Curious Poperin Pear at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (8O3HH)

185 brooks brothers!

the classic american clothier was founded on april 7, 1818. it's now owned by an italian, but the quality has been maintained overall.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (Pg+x7)

186 174 Gotta go watch that video of Sergio getting his 11 or whatever it was yesterday.
Posted by: rhomboid

Its the golfing example of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Posted by: Puddleglum at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (XpcPq)

187 175 Kevin Williamson got fat.

But his beard didn't. It is like the face grew like a balloon, and the beard is hanging on to the tip of the chins(s)

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (LWu6U)

188 Trump is kind of like that.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 06:57 PM (WWZIZ)

Exactly. I didn't start out a supporter but when it came to the end there I was and I have been happy about what he does.
(I was interested in how unique this situation was.)

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Free Sonobi With Purchase of Grumbling Gadgets at the Outrage Outlet! at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (0QYMt)

189 But did the movie have any boobs in it? Movie reviews need to give us the important details.

Posted by: David Hogg's angry little face at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (bYtw0)

190 The Wall Street Journal. Bastion of capitalism, the great American businesses newspaper. Their editorials screeching about Trump's inadequacy. Really ?? Mitt Romney was a better, more effective businessman and leader ?? John McCain ? George Bush ?

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:08 PM (8UoSC)

191 Shapiro repeated that "17 intelligence agency" canard long after it was proved stupid.

Posted by: dagny at April 06, 2018 07:08 PM (CAKgV)

192 Testing...

Posted by: Delaforce and His Gewehr 95 at April 06, 2018 07:08 PM (eVIA2)

193 I hope Williamson's new friends hound him into penury.

Piece of shit needs to be made a cautionary tale.

Posted by: Kreplach at April 06, 2018 07:08 PM (UfMVm)

194 "But a big part of it is that people are waking up to the fact that our "leaders," both political and those in media, who we have put into positions of leadership to serve as our advocates and our champions, who maybe might speak up for us with one one-hundredth of the vigor with which they champion their pal Kevin Williamson in his bid to become a respectable writer at an prestigious left-wing magazine, seem to be an insular group of class-conscious, careerist mercenaries primarily interested in advancing their own interests and quite willing to sacrifice those of their fellow conservatives if it gets them just a bit of goodwill from the dominant leftist class."

Amen. I've been struggling for a framework, and think that the Dems view the situation as a prison yard. Several years ago I listened to a senior national government official observe that it used to be that someone laboring in a thinktank (until administrations changed and they could be brought back into government) could mildly criticize their party's policy or this or that. Now, though, such a move would be considered offering aid and comfort to the enemy. But on the Republican side, there are so many--like Shapiro, who sadly, I like--want to say "but I'm different! I'm not like those other guys." Not understanding, I suppose, that it no longer matters.

Posted by: Syme at April 06, 2018 07:08 PM (u/qo6)

195 Just saw a Bond movie is on tonight...a Roger Moore one. I won't watch, but there are Bond fans here. Station Call letters are THIS.

Posted by: prof disarray, gumdrop gorilla channel at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (jS2zB)

196 I'm a bit tired of the Trump purity test.

It works about as well as any other purity test, which is to say, just fine for hypocrites but not much use for anybody else.

Do Not Give One Shit.

He is the President of these United States, love him or not. The idea that "because I don't like it" changes anyone's reality is absolute nonsense.

You get to criticize presuming you voted one way or the other, but you don't get to scream bloody murder. The deed is done.

Heaven knows we put up with Obozo for 8 long years of occupation.

Get over yourselves.

[well, not us morons and 'ettes, but the rest of youse]

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (7UW64)

197 Well damn it all! Didn't know there a letter limit.

Been trying to post something, but kept get a sever error.

Posted by: Delaforce and His Gewehr 95 at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (eVIA2)

198 Ace en fuego today.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (C1FKG)

199 As much as I rag on tiny shoes Ben Shapiro... I'm gonna rag on his midget azz some more.

He gets shut down when he tries to speak at colleges. He ought to have been against corporate censorship before this.

But you can go through his Twitter time line and other articles.

He's always been against the protesters shutting HIM down, or other conservative speakers - but when a civilian gets sandbagged - someone who's not Ben short stack Shapiro or Kevin "Kill Whitey" Williamson it's either silence or "muh principles".

HOWEVER - if baby legs Benny and the Cucktard crowd FINALLY start standing up for unwashed mobs. Courageously and Consistantly (And I doubt they will) BUT if they do, then I would consider forgiving them.

But I'm never stoping the Michelle Fields socks. Too much fun

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (p5KfS)

200 Well, I hope this movie makes a return on investment. And that Ace gets paid by the word.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:03 PM (7UW64)

I think he does. That's why the words are all so short.
*ducks, runs*

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 07:09 PM (HgMAr)

201 As reprehensible as I find Kevin D. Williamson I think some 'due diligence' on the part of the employer was required. He might have a case.

You know the rule.

Posted by: Henry Kissinger at April 06, 2018 07:10 PM (0UCQh)

202 one tell Jill Filipovic....

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at April 06, 2018 07:10 PM (nILVB)

203 189 But did the movie have any boobs in it? Movie reviews need to give us the important details.

Posted by: David Hogg's angry little face at April 06, 2018 07:07 PM (bYtw0)

Pretty sure little Dave is the only boob he cares about.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:10 PM (7UW64)

204 Shapiro is a divide and conquer tool useful to The Left.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:10 PM (GoNER)


Posted by: Delaforce and His Gewehr 95 at April 06, 2018 07:11 PM (eVIA2)

206 I truly want to see bureaucracies moved out of DC. it would help immensely. Make them work in Duluth or Tulsa or Minot. There's no reason at all for them to hang out in DC. They can do video conference calls.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 06, 2018 07:11 PM (5HBd1)

207 I watched the movie on my boob tube. It was spectacular in living color and everything.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:11 PM (KBjDG)

208 There, damn. Server kept rejecting me out for some reason.

Posted by: Delaforce and His Gewehr 95 at April 06, 2018 07:11 PM (eVIA2)

209 Shapiro is a gullible fool.

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:12 PM (8UoSC)

210 The Pajama Boy Right is angry that one of their own got the business.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Free Sonobi With Purchase of Grumbling Gadgets at the Outrage Outlet! at April 06, 2018 07:12 PM (0QYMt)

211 Ben Shapiro is a disappointment in many ways. It's too bad as he should be a very effective fighter for our side. He's too interested in remaining a smart above the fray voice.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:13 PM (C1FKG)

212 TL;DR

Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at April 06, 2018 07:13 PM (Hy2rA)

213 The ending (last few paragraphs) of this post are classic Ace.

Posted by: Comrade Arthur at April 06, 2018 07:14 PM (XMCS3)

214 Well that was the most fun pretend 100 dollar bet I have ever experienced. Woods made it interesting. Whoever spotted that line 45-1 line and placed a bet is good.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:15 PM (GoNER)

215 I have been thinking bout this lately. We had Reagan, Thatcher and John Paul II and they brought great change.
Now we have PDT, bin Salman and Netanyahu and I think we are going to see great change again.

Also, A Texas Congressman had a secret meeting with Maduro.

Posted by: Ben Had at April 06, 2018 07:15 PM (LySSJ)

216 * I'm told that David Harsanyi does have an NR column. But then, he was also Never Trump, way back. Still is, a bit, though he's frequently more balanced now (an "anti-anti-," as some put it).

Actually, Mollie Hemingway was stridently anti-Trump during the primaries (and for some time after it), and so was Sean, now that I think of it.

Okay, bad examples.

I guess I meant me.

Apologies for the error. I'll leave it in, despite it not quite making as much sense now.

You know ace, you were pretty NeverTrump during the primaries and sometimes after it as well too

Posted by: buzzion at April 06, 2018 07:15 PM (cAnNx)

217 211 Ben Shapiro is a disappointment in many ways. It's too bad as he should be a very effective fighter for our side. He's too interested in remaining a smart above the fray voice.
Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:13 PM (C1FKG)

True. Above the fray. Can't trust 'im.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:15 PM (+lOpA)

218 Kevin Williamson got fat.

Funenjoyment should help with that. Food stamps run out quick when you buy lobster butter and mayonnaise, and Moet Chandon Dom Perignon.

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 07:15 PM (HgMAr)

219 Ace was bleeding at the end there.

*thumbs through AoSHQ Emergency Medical Manual*

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at April 06, 2018 07:16 PM (o7tuA)

220 Nice rant Ace...

the center-Right "thought leaders" don't get it they are leading a parade that is already broken up.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:17 PM (SzZnW)

221 Standing ovation.

Posted by: Cindy at April 06, 2018 07:17 PM (Dl60Y)

222 I'm not as ambivalent about this. Williamson lost me with his die small-town scum screed (though I've mostly been city scum for most of my adult life), but the phenomenon of outrage mobs scouring the Internet for info and campaigning to get folks fired is a recurring problem and one that easily could have been applied to me at various times in my career had I not come of age before the web was what it has become and had I not made some rudimentary efforts at online anonymity afterward. I'd as soon not cut off my own nose to spite my face. Not that I disagree with what Ace has said (for the most part), I just think the issue is more important than the people involved in a given incident. And sure, maybe truecons only care now because its one of their own, but I don't need my allies (even if only of a moment) to be pure of heart to be useful.

Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at April 06, 2018 07:17 PM (H5knJ)

223 TL;DR
Posted by: Alcoholic Asshole Shut In at April 06, 2018 07:13 PM (Hy2rA)

One of my favorite YouTube channels. Highly recommend a sub.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:17 PM (GoNER)

224 Kevin always wanted to be a class clown, but had no class and didn't have the nose for it. Sad.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:18 PM (KBjDG)

225 Hammer Time
caint touch this

caint touch this

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at April 06, 2018 07:18 PM (roQNm)

226 I don't know whether it was mentioned in that thread, but it IS illegal to change out an empty magazine for a full one in California. Magazines here are supposed to be attached with a "button," which makes it necessary to use a tool to remove it for reloading.

Posted by: Otis Criblecoblis at April 06, 2018 07:18 PM (0MKRD)

227 Nice rant Ace...

the center-Right "thought leaders" don't get it they are leading a parade that is already broken up.
Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:17 PM (SzZnW)

Soft left.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:18 PM (GoNER)

228 As much as people find it distasteful, 'cuck' truely is the most fitting descriptor.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 06, 2018 07:06 PM (aPsQQ)

I agree with your assessment of why existing corporations allow themselves to be cuckolded. They are all willing kneel-and-bobbers to their corporate PR consultants and deathly afraid their corporate VP jobs may vanish if a quarterly earnings report dips momentarily.

What I don't understand, however, is why new start-ups with nothing to lose aren't dipping a toe in empty conservative market vacuum.

CFA and HL have done very well sticking with a conservative, Christian business model. Surely there is plenty of room in other sectors.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 06, 2018 07:19 PM (rb093)

229 I've discussed the NT syndrome with my father and he's convinced it's all ego and that's why they continue to double down.

They just can't get over the fact they got it so wrong and a guy who doesn't speak in the hushed NPR tones with a beautiful eloquence beat EVERY ONE.

Pride is a sumbitch.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:19 PM (C1FKG)

230 Dang, this movie must have been longer than the Ten Commandments.

Posted by: Legion of Gloomer at April 06, 2018 07:20 PM (86iJs)

231 For all you right wingers out there who enjoy movie analysis on multiple levels, I highly recommend giving Jay Dyer a spin on YouTube.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (GoNER)

232 ts the golfing example of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.[/i\


Posted by: t-bird at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (gz0Wm)

233 Trumpentwatter citing the founder of BET waxing positive on the labor market, economy, and black unemployment.

Just smiling and shaking my head in admiration.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (QDnY+)

234 It was the uncut director's version, The Fifteen Commandments.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (KBjDG)

235 230 Dang, this movie must have been longer than the Ten Commandments.

Posted by: Legion of Gloomer at April 06, 2018 07:20 PM (86iJs)

Has more tits, too.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (7UW64)

236 Pride is a sumbitch.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:19 PM (C1FKG)

I think so.

I'm really curious what Primary Changes the GOP has in store, in 2020 and certainly 2024. No way they'll tolerate something like Trump again.

No way.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (fiGNd)

237 About lefties....

It's in their nature.

Posted by: tcn in AK at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (7UW64)

238 Cuck is acceptable because it is a term with the highest degree of accuracy.

Posted by: Max Power at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (q177U)

239 227 Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:18 PM (GoNER)

I agree, Shapiro et al desire to be the enforcers for leftoid orthodoxy not a counter force.

They can either join the main body of the party or join the democrats but I am done joining them.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (SzZnW)

240 This is a dispute between the left wing upper middle class urban media Jets and the sort-of right wing upper middle class urban media Sharks, and both are trying to get me on their side, and I know that neither one of them would piss down my throat even if my heart was on fire, so I'm like: Go fuck yourselves.

This, a million times. So long as they're comfortable, they're cool with America being laid waste. They advocate positions that mean NOTHING to them, except to the extent it makes them employable.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (fVubI)

241 I've been amusing myself watching Our Concern Troll Congress and Goldilocks Pundit Class:

"Of course, we all want secure borders, but this is no way to go about it!"

"Of course we need to stand up to China, but not like this!"

They simply need another 30 years to build up the nerve think about contemplating the consideration of studying the contingencies of possible options by researching the BLAHBLAHBLAH.

They had decades to fix this shit and couldn't, wouldn't and didn't. But they're all experts on how Trump is doing it wrong. Buzz off.

And I was anti-Trump once, too. But now? I'd cut a bitch.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (Ndje9)

242 231 For all you right wingers out there who enjoy movie analysis on multiple levels, I highly recommend giving Jay Dyer a spin on YouTube.
Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (GoNER)

Dave Cullen is a moron leaning movie reviewer you all would probably like.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (+lOpA)

243 Scogg - my biggest fear? A hijack of this movement ala the Tea Party. Tea Party was just as revolutionary but a bunch of opportunists pretended to be in lock step with us and betrayed us.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (C1FKG)

244 Otis - re CA magazine change requirements - that's only for AR-style rifles, I believe. Certainly not for hand-guns, which are the platform in question (UToob shootress/shooter).

And, besides, that would mean my M-1 carbines need mods to be legal, and they don't.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (QDnY+)

245 Ben Travel Size Shapiro is incredibly intelligent, articulate and informed.

He's also one of the most cucked of the cucked and is able to use his intelligence, knowledge and verbal abilities to rationalize his disgusting cuckery.

And Ben Ankle-Knees Shapiro will still be using his brain power to find a reason it's Trump's fault and using the government against the left is against "muh principles" as the left frog marches him to a firing squad.

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 06, 2018 07:24 PM (p5KfS)

246 Scogg - my biggest fear? A hijack of this movement ala the Tea Party.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (C1FKG)

It could happen. I can see that.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:25 PM (fiGNd)

247 Still don't like the cuck term. Too many racial connections for me, and yes I'm aware that's not how it's used.

Sadly though it is accurate lol.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:25 PM (C1FKG)

248 "Otis - re CA magazine change requirements - that's only for AR-style rifles, I believe. Certainly not for hand-guns, which are the platform in question (UToob shootress/shooter)."

Oops, you're right, Rhomboid, of course. Sorry about that.

Posted by: Otis Criblecoblis at April 06, 2018 07:26 PM (0MKRD)

249 243 Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (C1FKG)

The people who would have hijacked it, are the people ace is talking about.

The game is played like this, the left grabs real estate... the kept right secures it for them.

It is a lot like WW1 German Stormtrooper Units and Follow Ons.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:26 PM (SzZnW)

250 Sorry Ace...couldn't give a sh*t...

Posted by: BossaNovaBastard at April 06, 2018 07:26 PM (7DG+y)

251 Sven - good point.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:27 PM (C1FKG)

252 247 Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:25 PM (C1FKG)

Cuckold has been hijacked by contemporary interracial pron fetishists to make it "racial"....I assure you when my Grandfather wrote a letter to my step-grandmother about being cuckolded in the waning days of WW2 he was not implying my blood grandmother had shacked up with a Black.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:27 PM (SzZnW)

253 Kind of a rhetorical question, but which "principles" get in the way of supporting de-regulation, tax reduction, restoring rule of law, harder bargaining in the trade arena, and pragmatic foreign policy? Have never understood this whole construct of NeverTrump cuz "principles".

The principles that cannot be described, of course!

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 06, 2018 07:27 PM (fVubI)

254 "Better a thousand average American citizens be bullied by their
corporate bosses than a single corporation be bullied in turn by
collective action by citizens concerned with citizen rights."

To quote Thorny from Super Troopers: Enhance...

"Better a thousand average American citizens be bullied by their
corporate bosses"


"Better a thousand average American citizens be bullied"

And there you have it: the unwashed masses being firmly kept in their place via suffering. THAT is what the Right's ostensible leaders want to see - the suppression of a peasantry that dares to think that it has rights to anything beyond paying taxes and then dying when it is no longer useful.

The key difference between the Left and the Right is that the shot-callers on the Left hate all life; whereas the shot-callers on the Right merely hate all that they deem to be lesser than themselves. Thus, the upper echelons of both sides agree to a very large extent as to who all needs to be ruthlessly suppressed.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at April 06, 2018 07:28 PM (rznWS)

255 Moet Chandon Dom Perignon.
Milwaukee knows! It's the Beer of Champagnes!

Posted by: andycanuck at April 06, 2018 07:28 PM (ewxPW)

256 132 108 I'm really angry because while I've known for a long time the left is attempting to create a tiered system of citizenship, a system of racial/sexual/political castes, where some have many more rights than others, I'm now getting the sense that the "right's" champions pretty much agree with this scheme *in principle,* but just are negotiating for one of the higher tiers of citizenship for themselves.

Posted by: ace at April 06, 2018 06:50 PM (8rNrN)

Like a Communist Inner Party and Outer Party.
Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 06:54 PM (GoNER)

Nope. Harlem Globetrotters and Washington Generals.

They thought Williamson was moving up to the Big Team. Instead...

Posted by: Rob Crawford at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (fVubI)

257 >>You know the rule.
Posted by: Henry Kissinger

And you've got smelly feet.

Posted by: Jill St. John at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (8O3HH)

258 Shapiro seems to me to be someone who was flattered with praise at an early age, and it went to his head. And that led him to seek more praise instead of seeking intellectual rigor.

Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (Gmouh)

259 I assure you when my Grandfather wrote a letter to my step-grandmother about being cuckolded in the waning days of WW2
Posted by: sven10077 a

*gets comfortable in armchair*.. yes, so what is this WWII story now ?

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (8UoSC)

260 >> I'm really curious what Primary Changes the GOP has in store, in 2020 and certainly 2024. No way they'll tolerate something like Trump again.

Their foolproof plan is to lose. Repeatedly. That'll show'em.

Posted by: bananaDream at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (yRBj9)

So, just tell me this, who's side are we supposed to be on in this thing??

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (C8zum)

262 Mmmmm.....Jill St.John.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (+lOpA)

263 Scogg I don't think the GOP is going to rule-change an incumbent GOP president out of his own primary process. Time will tell, but unless Trump becomes widely unpopular/toxic, I don't see that happening, not least because Trump will have a lot to say about it.

Problem remains the GOP itself (duh). As the outrageous CR demonstrates (it was nearly a comprehensive - and even punitive - repudiation of high-profile positions that made Trump president), 2016 was a limited change, the historic upheaval was partial, and is being "contained".

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (QDnY+)

What I don't understand, however, is why new start-ups with nothing to lose aren't dipping a toe in empty conservative market vacuum.

CFA and HL have done very well sticking with a conservative, Christian business model. Surely there is plenty of room in other sectors.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger

Yeah, sorry - let my rage sidetrack me.

Culture again. The Left dominates the culture to the extent that openly 'conservative' companies have trouble getting the kind of cultural cache that the Left bathes in. Notice that the default 'mode' of new companies is the same default leftism that permeates the West.

CFA while they are doing very well, it's not exactly a spring chicken. ( I don't know what HL is. Heckla Mining? )

I wish companies like BRCC all the success in the world but let's not think that there will be BRCC coffee stores in all 50 states even without some enormous shift in the culture.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (aPsQQ)

265 >>>238 Cuck is acceptable because it is a term with the highest degree of accuracy.
Posted by: Max Power at April 06, 2018 07:22 PM (q177U)

It's a perfect description.
100% agree.

They are raising the children of leftism who wish to destroy them and their legacy.

Like Robin's raising a Cuckcoo chick that will steal food that would have gone to their own chicks. The Cuckoo will eventually kick the rest of the real robin eggs out of their nest too.

The leftist corporations will eventually have nothing left but their leftism. Dead. Like ESPN.

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (p5KfS)

266 Now it really is that time,
Good night all.

Posted by: Skip at April 06, 2018 07:31 PM (aC6Sd)

267 261
So, just tell me this, who's side are we supposed to be on in this thing??
Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (C8zum)

Pain for both?

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:31 PM (+lOpA)

268 >> Mmmmm.....Jill St.John.
Posted by: eleven

So, do your feet smell, too?

Posted by: Jill St. John at April 06, 2018 07:31 PM (8O3HH)

269 My feet don't smell. Don't have a nose for it.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:32 PM (KBjDG)

270 I'm really curious what Primary Changes the GOP has in store, in 2020 and certainly 2024. No way they'll tolerate something like Trump again.

No way.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:21 PM (fiGNd)


You *might* be right about 2024, but no way do they try to interfere with him in 2020. I doubt he will even have a credible opponent. Kasich will be about as high-tier as the oppo will get.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (pvjTE)

271 Scogg I don't think the GOP is going to rule-change an incumbent GOP president out of his own primary process.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:30 PM (QDnY+)

And when he's gone ?

I think they'll have a level of SuperDelegates that rivals the Democratic Primaries sooner rather than later.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (fiGNd)

272 We've got severe thunderstorms and tornadoes and other fun stuff and I'm sitting here laughing like crazy at youse guys.


Posted by: Mama AJ at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (mtfdF)

273 258 Shapiro seems to me to be someone who was flattered with praise at an early age, and it went to his head. And that led him to seek more praise instead of seeking intellectual rigor.

Posted by: CM9000 at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (Gmouh)

Spot on. He is terrified of competition from anybody on the right, hence why everybody to the right of him is a white nationalist. This way he avoids debates and arguments.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (GoNER)

CFA while they are doing very well, it's not exactly a spring chicken. ( I don't know what HL is. Heckla Mining? )

Hobby Lobby

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (lKyWE)

275 My feet don't smell. I don't know.


Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:34 PM (+lOpA)

276 Kasich will be about as high-tier as the oppo will get.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 07:33 PM (pvjTE)

Underestimate him at your peril. He's the son of a mailman. Not to be trifled with.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:34 PM (fiGNd)

277 The establishment is terrified of Christians having a revival and uniting in America.

Posted by: Monk at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (GoNER)

278 259 Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:29 PM (8UoSC)

My grandfather volunteered to fight and left the rock quarry he worked at that was owned by my eventual step-grandmother's dad. While he was in Africa my blood grandmother started screwing the little league coach. She eventually abandoned my father and his brothers her kids and my soon to be step grandmother informally adopted 3 sons and raised them from late '43 to '45 when Gramps came back.

They corresponded while he was in Europe, and when he got home he had to sue in court for divorce on grounds of marital abandonment winning custody of the boys.(because he had married into a millionaire's family)

Anyway, that was WW2 for the 10077 family, and is why I sorta laugh at hyper-moralist memories of the war.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (SzZnW)

279 Ben Shapiro is a kid.

Come back in ten years kid.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (+lOpA)

280 The GOPE needs a good purging.

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (hMwEB)

281 247 Still don't like the cuck term. Too many racial connections for me, and yes I'm aware that's not how it's used.

Sadly though it is accurate lol.
Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:25 PM (C1FKG)

How about 'Mewling Quims'? Mewlers for short? Less sexist imagery.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 07:36 PM (WWZIZ)

282 >>The GOPE needs a good purging.

At the very least a Yogurt Enema.

Posted by: garrett at April 06, 2018 07:36 PM (+8ETj)

283 279 Ben Shapiro is a kid.

Come back in ten years kid.

Posted by: eleven at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (+lOpA)

In ten years he'll still look like an 8 year old girl could beat him up for his lunch money.

Posted by: buzzion at April 06, 2018 07:36 PM (cAnNx)

284 What's the reason for the long post? I just don't care about this.
And it IS all about ME!

Posted by: RI Red - that's all, folks. at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (ZQG09)

285 A Black Rifle Coffee Enema. Keep your friends close but your enemas closer.

Posted by: Ruthless at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (KBjDG)

286 Didn't have time to check out comments on the Greensboro Majority Man (Mark Robinson) thread earlier, but I'll repeat once more what I said twice already on that.

Imagine even *one* GOP public figure/incumbent leading, verbalizing, delivering a truth- and common sense-packed smackdown like that. On the 2A, or any other big issue.

Right, we can't even imagine it. Trump, in a different way, was the plainest speaking candidate (now president) on "hot" issues in my lifetime. It seemed to help him, just a bit.

It's just more infuriating and frustrating. A pretty special country and heritage here, not yet completely degraded or hollowed out, with plenty of adults clear about the problems, and almost nobody able/willing to do what Greensboro Majority Man did. Without notes. Or staff. Or focus group testing.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (QDnY+)

287 The principles that cannot be described, of course! Posted by: Rob Crawford

So true. For being such experts, there is almost no real critique: "I would solve the problem by instituting policy X, Y, and Z."

Instead, its all Sadz! Feelz! Trumpz!

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (Ndje9)

288 NOOD... less reading more action

Posted by: wth at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (HgMAr)

289 What's funny is that the "white nationalist" boogy people are a bunch of lefties and adolescents from 4 chan having a great time screwing with on-line comment sections.

I was the first person at NR to call attention to and suggest that 'cuck' not be taken up for use as the 4 chan dorks were using it in their silly fake nazi rants and cartoons. The word was going to become loaded with racial overtones because of their use. These are the same people who caused David French to have a psychotic break and many places to move to Fakebook comment sections. It was all bullshit of course, but post psychotic break, they can't even think about it.

Posted by: dagny at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (CAKgV)

290 Night Skip.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at April 06, 2018 07:37 PM (WWZIZ)

291 I watch the new channels more than the average guy, and maybe as much as most of the folks here. You turn it on, there's some "strategist" for the uniparty, or one of our fine members of congress telling it like it is. It wears thin. Some sipper of cum working for a magazine makes a dramatic pronouncement, then gets his ass canned by someone who is thinking "I'm glad I didn't say that" is no longer news,but just the way things are. None of these assholes could make a living as a shoe sprayer at a bowling alley. Sometimes, I just want to pack things up , grow a beard and drive a buggy around York, PA (with my AR180 of course).

Posted by: bill in arkansas at April 06, 2018 07:38 PM (xzqr4)

292 The GOP doesn't have to do much to guard against another Trump because where will this new Trump come from?

There aren't that many mega-rich, media-savvy, business-experienced guys out there who want to take on the establishment. Most people who are that successful have joined the establishment long ago.

Usually, anyone who gets a little independent streak just wants to get paid to play nice.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at April 06, 2018 07:38 PM (pvjTE)

293 I've discussed the NT syndrome with my father and he's convinced it's all ego and that's why they continue to double down.

They just can't get over the fact they got it so wrong and a guy who doesn't speak in the hushed NPR tones with a beautiful eloquence beat EVERY ONE.

Pride is a sumbitch.
Posted by: thathalfrican

Yes. This x1000.

Their rage is ego-driven and reactive.

Trump not only didn't ask for their vetting or approval, he laughed at them. He wasn't their casting-central Stateman on a white horse willing to lose on principle.

He defied them. And they took that as a mortal slight that only petty and small people can.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 06, 2018 07:38 PM (aPsQQ)

294 You know whose dog didn't smell either...

Posted by: andycanuck at April 06, 2018 07:39 PM (ewxPW)

295 Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:35 PM (SzZnW)

huh, that's a story all right. did he bring any trophies back ? walthers...nazi skulls ?

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:39 PM (8UoSC)

296 Scogg - my biggest fear? A hijack of this movement ala the Tea Party.

Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding member/too sweet at April 06, 2018 07:23 PM (C1FKG)

It could happen. I can see that.

Posted by: ScoggDog at April 06, 2018 07:25 PM (fiGNd)

I view the actions of Ryan, McConnell and almost all of the elected GOP Establishment as a clear indication that that they will attempt to lose gracefully based on "muh principles" and thus be in a position to stay on the sweet Establishment gravy train when eventually the Dems take over Congress and the Presidency.

Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at April 06, 2018 07:40 PM (n9EOP)

297 By far the best thing you have ever written!

Posted by: Alvin Mullins at April 06, 2018 07:42 PM (ZAdcb)

298 295 Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:39 PM (8UoSC)

He brought back some rifle his legs.

Of course, it wasn't enough to keep him out of Korea but it was enough to get him made a truck driver rather than an infantryman.

I think he also brought back a captured R-35 Radom with Nazi markings of course I have not seen it since I was ~9 years old because he willed it to my uncle who was in the brown water navy in Vietnam.

He got wounded pretty good in Southern France and spent the waning days of the war rehabbing and helping a Canadian friend he made in the UK recovering get settled in Alberta.

Not a day that goes by I don't miss him.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:43 PM (SzZnW)

299 Scogg sure, I have no idea about post-Trump developments, and am only guessing about 2020 of course.

On that topic, let's see what the Dems do about that same issue. Seems there is (understandably) quite a bit of disquiet over their top-down, "super delegate" process, and not just from Bernie Bros. Generally speaking, that process evolved to prevent any more McGoverns. Now - maybe the guiding principle will be preventing any more Hillary Clintons.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 06, 2018 07:44 PM (QDnY+)

300 Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:43 PM (SzZnW)


that's a good story there sven, thanks.

Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:45 PM (8UoSC)

301 Great post, ace.

With regards to criticizing corporate decisions, we aren't dealing with Hank Rearden of Rearden Metal or Dagny Taggart of Taggart Transcontinental, who simply wanted to be left alone to run their businesses as they saw fit.

Most officers of today's corporations did not build the business from the ground up. They are professional managers brought in to run already-existing businesses. In many cases, they got the same SJW indoctrination in school as the protesters and boycotters did, so they are on the same page.

It would be interesting to see how Ayn Rand would have written Atlas Shrugged differently if she were writing it today.

Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 07:47 PM (sdi6R)

302 Ace,

I don't know if your day job is working for a Fortune 100 company, but as someone who does, let me tell you ... you nailed it. Bullseye. Progressives don't need the White House, Congress, and Courts if Bank of America, Wal-Mart, and the rest of the US Chamber of Commerce is willing to carry out their bidding, which they are. Every day on my company's corporate intranet, there's a new progressive message. It's no longer enough that you are willing to live and let live, you (as a corporate employee) have to affirmatively embrace and actively support these causes or risk being ostracized and ultimately fired. I personally know of one Fortune 100 company that recently reviewed its HR records for past complaints of harassment (going back decades) and purged every man that had anything in his file - no matter how it was adjudicated at the time and with no appeal. They sent men at every level of the organization packing with no due process whatsoever. And what do hear from our conservative champions with their swell principles ... crickets. They perfectly happy to let the US Chamber run the country.

Posted by: ZonToro at April 06, 2018 07:47 PM (P0e9G)

303 300 Posted by: runner at April 06, 2018 07:45 PM (8UoSC)

My pleasure, I teared up thinking about him it had been awhile.

He and Grandma(my step grandma) left before Obama....I am glad they did.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:49 PM (SzZnW)

304 Ben Shapiro is wholly onboard with replacement level mass immigration over here (because muh "nation of immigrants!") while openly and explicitly advocating ethnically cleansing the Palestinians over there.

When he wrote that he could see no reason to prefer hiring an American over a cheaper foreigner, I decided that he was no longer my countryman.

Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at April 06, 2018 07:50 PM (RShoj)

305 Mission BBQ seems to present as right-leaning.
I have no idea if that's just appearances.

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 07:51 PM (hMwEB)

306 I do believe those of us who supported DJT from the get go have earned the right to say...F*** you Nevertrumpers... to the recent converts well better late than never Dumbsh*ts...

Posted by: BossaNovaBastard at April 06, 2018 07:51 PM (7DG+y)

307 304 Posted by: ChicagoRefugee at April 06, 2018 07:50 PM (RShoj)

Ever notice "muh principles" never extends to anything but what he is betraying the right on on any given day?

Ben is more polite about it than Big Kev but underneath the smile or sneer they are the same guy.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:52 PM (SzZnW)

308 And a word on Kevin Williamson...

He's the same libertarian ideologue that wrote an essay telling those of us in flyover country to rent a Uhaul and move to the big city so we could serve him as baristas. Oh, and that our towns and villages deserved to die. When I challenged him on this in the comments section this intellectual paragon's rebuttal was to call me a stupid redneck (My undergrad is in Engineering and I have a Masters degree).

As far as I'm concerned, the man is completely devoid of empathy for his fellow human beings and his comeuppance is long overdue. I hope he has a nice long stint of unemployment and has to load his own damn u-haul and move back in with his relatives in west Texas.

Posted by: ZonToro at April 06, 2018 07:56 PM (P0e9G)

309 308 Posted by: ZonToro at April 06, 2018 07:56 PM (P0e9G)

He'll crawl back to NRO in reality.

Big Kev is a professional stream of consciousness troll.

I have been accused of the same, albeit not with the same pay scale.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 07:58 PM (SzZnW)

310 >>>>305 Mission BBQ seems to present as right-leaning.
I have no idea if that's just appearances.
Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at April 06, 2018 07:51 PM (hMwEB)
I love mission BBQ. They are my favorite!

Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at April 06, 2018 08:00 PM (p5KfS)

311 Lollipop Guild member/ helium voiced Ben Shapiro lied his *ss off about the Lewandowski/Michelle Fields episode...great guy...

Posted by: BossaNovaBastard at April 06, 2018 08:06 PM (7DG+y)

312 308 And a word on Kevin Williamson...

He's the same libertarian ideologue that wrote an essay telling those of us in flyover country to rent a Uhaul and move to the big city so we could serve him as baristas. Oh, and that our towns and villages deserved to die.
Posted by: ZonToro at April 06, 2018 07:56 PM (P0e9G)

The thing that's really galling is that small towns died because of deliberate government and corporate policies that shut down factories because of environmental regulations and moved manufacturing to China, which has cheaper labor and no environmental or worker safety regulations.

I think the de-industrialization of America is largely responsible for the opioid crisis. A whole generation of Americans in flyover country has grown up with no hope for the future. You can't live a middle-class life and raise a family on a Wal-Mart cashier's salary.

Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 08:10 PM (sdi6R)

313 312 Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 08:10 PM (sdi6R)

Big Kev and the Salon Hot 25's job is to shout that point down.

They are enablers of the rot.

I sympathize, it is HARD to change BIG things like the EPA, OSHA, and Big Labors desires to destroy American competitiveness....

far easier to engage the right in the left's equivalent of Tranny Bathroom Joy.....which unlike the Tranny's we will NEVER get satisfaction on by design.

The ONLY thing the Salon Hot 25 care about is low taxes.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 08:14 PM (SzZnW)

314 I have a small collection of Scientific American magazines from the 1950s and 60s. There are page after page of small ads for machine shops and manufacturers of electronic components and chemicals. There were thousands of such businesses in cities, towns, and suburbs all over America.

They are almost all gone now, either swallowed up by giant corporations or sent overseas. That is not the fault of the people who used to work there. They had the economic rug pulled out from under them.

Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 08:17 PM (sdi6R)

315 Whipsawed into becoming a catspaw?

Self edit dude. way too long

Posted by: docweasel at April 06, 2018 08:19 PM (Made5)

316 Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 08:17 PM (sdi6R)

And it was precisely that deep, decentralized industrial infrastructure that enabled us to gear up for WWII and outproduce the Axis powers, and enabled the Soviet Union to survive the Nazi onslaught. Could we do it today? I don't think so.

Posted by: rickl at April 06, 2018 08:23 PM (sdi6R)

317 One thing that plagues these discussions is the the knee-jerk reaction that, if it's done by a private individual or group, it's automatically OK. This is perverse; ...
Posted by: George LeS at April 06, 2018 06:42 PM (+TcCF)

If the GOPe really gave a crap, they would push legislation that protected political speech in the workplace (yeah, I know that ranks right up there with the "cordial fruit" joke). Case in point is that the federal government has seen fit to tell private business that they can not discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.

The current outrage of the Chardonnay and penis-sipping Cuckservative class is that they are coming to the realization that they are next on the Lefty hit list.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at April 06, 2018 08:23 PM (5Yee7)

318 I've discussed the NT syndrome with my father and he's convinced it's all ego and that's why they continue to double down.

They just can't get over the fact they got it so wrong and a guy who doesn't speak in the hushed NPR tones with a beautiful eloquence beat EVERY ONE.

Pride is a sumbitch.
Posted by: thathalfrican

Trump not only didn't ask for their vetting or approval, he laughed at them. He wasn't their casting-central Stateman on a white horse willing to lose on principle.

He defied them. And they took that as a mortal slight that only petty and small people can.
Posted by: weft cut-loop

Highlighted by article Dave linked last night:

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at April 06, 2018 08:29 PM (YOW17)

319 I just want to mention that this happened to me in the 2012 campaign. I was outed, with a wordpress page devoted to attacking me. The webpage cost me my job, has damaged my career ever since, and was used against me in an unrelated legal matter in 2017.

My great sins were calling Obama "Dear Leader" (obviously racist) and complaining that the CDC spent too much on AIDS research relative to the mortality of other diseases (clearly homophobic).

Posted by: motionview at April 06, 2018 08:52 PM (pYQR/)

320 319 Posted by: motionview at April 06, 2018 08:52 PM (pYQR/)

Yup, you will conform or be smashed....

I am old enough to remember when the happiness Gestapo were the people begging to be let in.....

the Salon Hot 25 ignored their gaining control.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 09:08 PM (SzZnW)

321 just admit that everything we believe is evil and should be punished.

Posted by: Kuhyt at April 06, 2018 09:22 PM (Kuhyt)

322 Perfect.

Speaking for myself, the Left can eviscerate these people and it won't draw criticism.

Welcome to reality, bitches.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 06, 2018 09:26 PM (R6x/4)

323 What?

Posted by: Dang at April 06, 2018 09:28 PM (8b+oT)

324 322 Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 06, 2018 09:26 PM (R6x/4)

The Salon Hot 25 were such "thought leaders" of the right they counseled ANYONE BUT TRUMP and the GOP nominated, Donald J Trump.

VOTE FOR EGGS MCMUFFIN and the GOP and some union dems elected....Donald J Trump.

Now they act shocked that the left really does hate them, and the right they have been mocking, ridiculing, and not leading is antipathetic to them.

Tell me some more NTs how you are the smartest people in the room.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 09:33 PM (SzZnW)

325 @324:

Yep. The cucks/Salon Hots never imagined they weren't exempted somehow from the crocodile menu. This uprising has just started and they ironically were eaten early into the conflict. I have no idea how this will end, but our side was able to jettison its excess baggage fairly quickly. Now onto the substsntive war.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 06, 2018 09:50 PM (R6x/4)

326 Shapiro is worthless. His entire rant pretty much comes down to, "Don't cast us out with the proles!!!" and "It's okay to silence those bad people over there. Just don't include us."

Posted by: WOPR (With Full Auto Nuclear Ability) at April 06, 2018 09:57 PM (J70i0)

327 326 Posted by: WOPR (With Full Auto Nuclear Ability) at April 06, 2018 09:57 PM (J70i0)

You can literally hear them screaming, "but I can lead them in circles for you!" in Ben's pleas.

Posted by: sven10077 at April 06, 2018 10:01 PM (SzZnW)

328 The precious elite have a bent to cowardice that drives them to desire the approval of the left. Amusing because they are held in such contempt by the left that no matter how far they are willing to crawl it results in the same rejection.

Posted by: lunatic_fringe at April 06, 2018 10:19 PM (pMvfp)

329 I'm sick of people using the word "elites". They're not elites, they're elitists. That's what the NeverTrumpers have in common with the ProgLeftists. They think they are better than everyone else.

I think that if you took the main street part of the Republican Party (everyone other than the country clubbers and the chamber of commerce types) and added old fashioned democrats to the mix, we might have about 70% of the country. We way outnumber the pricks and the various bad attitude victim groups.

Maybe we should just tell the pricks to get lost. Move to a country with a class/caste system if that's your deal. We don't do that here. And take the damn bad attitude people with you!

Short of that, maybe we just get divorced and split up the states.

Posted by: Liz at April 06, 2018 11:20 PM (6FiRh)

330 coward-pig "war hero" john mccain likes to spread his legs while his large-breasted pig-daughter looks on with undisguised enthusiasm?

Posted by: happyfeet at April 06, 2018 11:23 PM (mLfQi)

331 An anagram for Mary Jo Kopechne is "M.J.: her Cape nooky".

Posted by: Anagram Nation at April 06, 2018 11:27 PM (Q7M5N)

332 I know I'm just itching to go to bat for a guy who's a complete and total asshole with mommy abandonment issues. And I'll be sure to get right on backing up Shapiro so he can join forces with the speech police and shun those he finds unpalatable.

The best part about the nominal right's embrace of the left is going to be when they're immediately stabbed in the back and discarded after becoming useless to their cause.

Posted by: Johny at April 07, 2018 01:54 AM (HnucF)

Excellent piece, ace, as usual. (Despite the few odd near-examples.)

Societally speaking, we are in HUGE trouble. Plain and simple.
Our national motto is supposed to be: "E pluribus unum."
But as Justice Thomas rhetorically queried: "Where is our unum?" Where is the one thing - culturally speaking - that unites us? As Thomas observed: there doesn't seem to be anything that unites us all.
Sure, if a terrible terrorist attack happens the 'nation' will be united for a few weeks in condemning the attack. But that's about it.

The center will not hold.

As a movement, conservatives and libertarians should be looking to shame our ENEMY (that would be the left) at every opportunity.
When they say raise taxes, we say: "YOU WANT TO ENSLAVE CHILDREN."
When they say let's have single payer health care, we say: "YOU WANT TO SOCIALIZE MEDICINE AND DESTROY IT LIKE THEY DID IN VENEZUELA."

No quarter. That's the new motto. The left have been playing by and living by that new American motto for a long time now.
If we start playing by it, we might eventually be able to turn the tide. Donald Trump is proof of that plausibility.

But it means we have to shamelessly shame every single one of their ideological positions. Period.

We must lay the destruction of the black family at their rancid, troll feet.
We must rightfully accuse them of destroying that which is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment: the CIVIL RIGHT of self preservation against rapists and murderers.

We have to start fighting the way that they do: attack their motivations. Forthrightly and unapologetically assert that it is obvious that they intend to harm Americans through their rotten policies. - Make them prove otherwise. Then call them liars on the basis that the results of their policies are catastrophic and that they must surely know they are catastrophic and that therefore they are obviously liars who want to harm Americans.
Never give them any benefit of the doubt. Attack. Accuse. Attack. Accuse. Attack. Accuse.

No quarter.

Posted by: Cold Civil War at April 07, 2018 03:02 AM (Z2PYk)

334 How anyone can get so upset about something so boring and meaningless I will never know.

Posted by: True the Note at April 07, 2018 08:20 AM (HLTe8)

335 Brilliant essay. Brilliant.

Posted by: Michael Haz at April 07, 2018 10:03 AM (9ivOl)

336 Fight to win.

Do not be a "lose with dignity" Conservative.

Fighting and winning is the only thing that will prevent the Left from breaking into your room at night, putting a bag over your head, and carting you off to a gulag.

This is the reality of what awaits us. Think it can't happen here? It's going to, unless we wise up fast.

Fight now with words, memes, rhetoric, and ideas, or fight later with bullets and blood.

Posted by: FightToWin at April 09, 2018 03:24 AM (1bl6S)

337 This piece is short on specifics. What corporate actions driven by lefty politics are you referring to that NR writers failed to object to? Usually, when such things happen--like Brendan Eich's firing or Target's bathroom policy--there's an uproar.

Do these things get less coverage than Williamson's firing? Perhaps, but this is personal for all the NR people. And like it or not, NR is the center (or one of them, at least) of the conservative-thought universe. So the personal gripes of people at or close to NR will be amplified.

Posted by: gts109 at April 09, 2018 10:20 AM (rX06+)

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