aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | David Hines: How the Left Runs Psyops On Allied and Enemy AmericansHe further elaborates the basics of the plan being executed in Operation Parkland.
The way spectrum of allies analysis works is: you categorize people and groups by where they stand in relation to you and your target on whatever issue you're working on.I would say the most egregious part of this warplan, and the one that makes me the most animated, is the part where they attempt to pressurize their "active enemies" into a coerced silence, threatening consequences for speaking out against them. I would further say the biggest division on what used to be called "The Right" are the two main factions' understanding of this tactic and this desired end-state, and their total rejection of it -- or soft toleration of it. Some of us are still in Business as Usual Mode and some of us are highly alarmed at how close the left is to achieving its end-state of a society divided between the Empowered True Believers and the Denigrated and Threatened Underclass, and are no longer willing to walk towards the gulags. As we consider civil equality and freedom-in-fact (not just theoretical freedom, but actual real freedom in the real world) to be principles that are more important than any other, we are willing to violate some of the less-important procedural principles to fight the left's objective of complete subjugation of us. To many of us, it appears the Business As Usual crowd is focused on fairly trivial procedural matters while performing their appointed duties as the left's enablers and enforcers of complete social and cultural rulership by the left. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
What a rectum. Is he running for Ambassador to the U.N. or something?
Posted by: Burger Chef at March 02, 2018 04:29 PM (RuIsu) 2
Posted by: It's me donna at March 02, 2018 04:29 PM (O2RFr) 3
Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 04:30 PM (ibLBN) 4
This means the left sacrificed those kids to set this plan in motion. They KNEW it was coming. They had PLENTY of warning that Cruz was evil. They enabled him. The Sheriff allowed him. The deputies waited for him to murder 17 kids.
The left is evil. They will stop at nothing to take away your freedom. NOTHING. They. Killed. Kids. This is going to lead to a war. Be prepared. Posted by: Sponge at March 02, 2018 04:31 PM (w8Rs1) 5
it's almost as if they system is rigged...
Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 04:31 PM (ibLBN) Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (LWu6U) 7
So what are the chances the police were ordered to stand a watch a massacre of children specifically to trigger this?
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (7d/38) 8
So it cost Delta 40 million bucks to dump a discount that was so popular that only 13 people used it? Shrewd...
Posted by: tu3031 at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (O5Q3r) 9
and then there always the clinton way: a bullet in the head, like seth rich.
(i just read an article via free republic that id's seth rich as the dnc leaker. he was ,mysteriously gunned down a month later..) Posted by: musical jolly chimp at March 02, 2018 04:33 PM (Pg+x7) 10
(...not that i would spread rumors or anything.)
Posted by: musical jolly chimp at March 02, 2018 04:33 PM (Pg+x7) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:33 PM (dGlZa) 12
Recall also that the "School Resource officer" refused to describe the details of a specific previous encounter with the shooter.
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 04:34 PM (7d/38) 13
6; Super Happy Fun Camp. The pantsuited bitch told you all about it, if you were listening.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 02, 2018 04:34 PM (KP5rU) Posted by: musical jolly chimp at March 02, 2018 04:35 PM (Pg+x7) 15
It's a good speech. Didn't want to interrupt.
Seriously... National Review and Hot Air are not only willing to walk to the gulags, they're doing their damnedest to push us there. Disqualifying and consequences were the biggest tools they had: until we were the ones with the luxury of ignoring them. At what point does our media stop pretending such fairweather shills are "allies" worthy of intellectual consideration? I am comforted by the notion that such a plan just needs patience and dedication: not even that much intelligence. We can adopt such plans too: especially after the rich incompetence of all LEOs, state and federal, in Broward County. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 04:35 PM (jRA31) 16
Let's just be honest, our side is a bit lazy when it comes to politics.
The Left treats politics like it's a religion and they'll go to hell if they don't perform their duty. If we were half as aggressive as they were we would own this country lock, stock, and barrel. They leave no stone unturned. Sports, Hollywood, television, technology, internet, government, higher education, lower education, national security, the military, Academia, etc Everywhere they get their tentacles and they are always working. Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (lKmt3) 17
6 The most egregious part is,....
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS ONCE WE ARE DISARMED? Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (LWu6U) See: Kolyma Gulag. Also: Einsatzgruppen and Port Huron Statement. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (VM6ev) 18
It's a roadmap to tyranny.
If these people want war, they are going to get one they don't expect. ANd they will lose Posted by: Marcus T at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (VpIIl) 19
Yeah, and I'm a ballerina.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:33 PM (dGlZa) Tutu or dance belt? Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (7UW64) 20
Think of it as a non-violent army. That's what it is. And it's hard work. Respect it.
======== If you wonder how governments get overthrown in third world countries . . . who is a non violent army. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (NKsrI) 21
Good heavens, ace, there is so much meat in this post, not enough room to comment on all of it.
We all have our topics that really set us off. For lots its guns. For me it's this sort of thing. The Deep Left (what I call them ) are so far ahead when it comes to this stuff. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (EzdLW) 22
We need to start fucking with these companies.
I've been eying a 70inch flat screen at Walmart I would like to try out for the next 29 days. Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (r9UYA) 23
Some of us are still in Business as Usual Mode and some of us are highly alarmed at how close the left is to achieving its end-state of a society divided between the Empowered True Believers and the Denigrated and Threatened Underclass, and are no longer willing to walk towards the gulags.
Let's start the shooting and end this once and for all. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (0R8lo) 24
Parkland is the first time I watched the stage production in all its glory and could just tell the fix was in. NBC interrupted Olympic coverage and spent a few minutes watching helicopter views and stressing that they didn't know the status of the situation. Suddenly, from the Capitol, we have Senator Nelson (D) Fla., informing us of piles of bodies in the schools and warning of the danger of firearms.
There's an entire machine with its script already written and players in the wings ready to go. They simply wait for the next tragedy and the show rolls into town. Posted by: Darth Chipmunk at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (t41dG) 25
They've been planning this crap since before Karl Marx roamed the earth!
While we rearrange the deck chairs to get a little more sun before twilight sets in! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (gwPgz) 26
(i just read an article via free republic that id's seth rich as the dnc leaker. he was ,mysteriously gunned down a month later..)
*** No man...he was totally mugged. And the mugger shot him. And didn't take his wallet or anything. Because that is what muggers do right? Posted by: 18-1 at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (Z8FFX) 27
This is the kind of work the left does while the right is playing with itself on talk radio and buying Sarah Palin books.
Posted by: mark1971 at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (xPl2J) 28
oh, and a PS. If all this stuff sounds military to you? *That's because it is.*
It's what we call "Information Warfare". Posted by: Bert G aka Country Singer at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (yzxic) 29
What part of the left is exceptionally well organized does anyone not understand at this point?
We are not organizing our way out of our predicament. I really dont see a way back to normalcy without a hot civil war. Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (TwwPG) 30
I'm in the camp where I accept that all our public and most of our institutions and major corporations have been infiltrated by Marxists/Commies and since Waco we are seeing their plans against America come to the light with increasing speed and frequency. They are also getting sloppy because nepotism.
They will either burn the country down on their on or we can help facilitate the matter and take most of them out while we still can. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (96C7R) 31
The thought of Bill Wynn, Average Joe, Hector and Bob Braun as the new Sargent Schultzes should be enough to fire you up. That and doing forced marches to subsonic the HedgeHogg as your daily Lord Haw-Haw. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (VM6ev) 32
There's an entire machine with its script already written and players in the wings ready to go. They simply wait for the next tragedy and the show rolls into town.
Has to be the "right" tragedy.. No of color or Muslim atrocities... Not newsworthy Posted by: It's me donna at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (O2RFr) 33
That and doing forced marches to subsonic the HedgeHogg as your daily Lord Haw-Haw.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton what the hell are you talking about? Posted by: Ron Jeremy at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (FZYNt) 34
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all this. Then I remember I'm not, and I cope a whole lot better.
Posted by: grammie winger - returning body to original upright position, at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (lwiT4) 35
"conspiracy of cockroaches"
Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (bBE6d) 36
Let's start the shooting and end this once and for all. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (0R8lo) With film and videotape, I assume. RIGHT? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (VM6ev) 37
Let's start the shooting and end this once and for all.
Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (0R8lo) Easy there, trigger. Let's not start a war all by ourselves, mmmkay? Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (7UW64) 38
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (89T5c) Posted by: Broward County Sheriffs Office at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (MxEKc) 40
As we consider civil equality and freedom-in-fact (not just theoretical freedom, but actual real freedom in the real world) to be principles
that are more important than any other, we are willing to violate some of the less-important procedural principles to fight the left's objective of complete subjugation of us. I think this is essentially what Trump is doing vis a vis China trade. He knows that in the short term, tariffs are costly to the people you're trying to help. Yes, the average American will pay more for aluminum and steel products. However, there is a larger goal here, namely letting China know that business as usual is over, and we're willing to take some short term pain, for longer term gain, specifically an end to their dumping into this country, stealing our technological secrets, and generally behaving like d***s. Trump is prepping the battlespace. At least that's what I hope he's doing. Posted by: pep at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (LAe3v) 41
delta also contributes to the biggest child killer in america, planed parenthood.
- Now that Delta is back pedaling as fast as possible, they're saying that they are reviewing their company to eliminate any politically controversial elements. I wonder if Baby Killer R Us will get the axe. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (dGlZa) 42
Re the Daily Caller tweet with the "NRA is basically killing children" quote:
the most awful thing about these murders is, of course, the 17 lives lost. But to me, the second most awful thing is how these students have been turned into Stepford kids. It's really, really creepy. I just can't imagine letting my kid be used liked this. And they must have to have their parents' permission, because most of them are under 18, I would imagine. Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (kNasr) 43
The Left has done a great job splitting the Right since 2008.
We have done a lousy job handling any of this, though I do see a lot of pro-NRA voices at least. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (xJa6I) 44
This is the kind of work the left does while the right is playing with itself on talk radio and buying Sarah Palin books.
Posted by: mark1971 _________ That's a good way of putting it. Also though, the Left has way more in resources and seem to attract the uber-wealthy to bankroll them. These sorts of organizations require money and manpower. It seems like the Koch Bros are about the only ones that are willing to invest in this, and half the time they are angling for amnesty. Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (lKmt3) 45
Has to be the "right" tragedy.. No of color or Muslim atrocities... Not newsworthy
*** They wanted to use Paddock earlier - but when it came out he was shooting Trump voters and was a pussy hatter himself they decided it wasn't the right time...yet. Posted by: 18-1 at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (Z8FFX) 46
(...not that i would spread rumors or anything.)
A woman would never spread a rumour, mjc. [ducks] Posted by: andycanuck at March 02, 2018 04:40 PM (ewxPW) 47
To many of us, it appears the Business As Usual crowd is focused on fairly trivial procedural matters while performing their appointed duties as the left's enablers and enforcers of complete social and cultural rulership by the left.
===== BUT BUT BUT that's crazy! The liberals wouldn't do that! This is just political disagreement after all. *Ahem* they kill babies and sell them for parts don't they? Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:41 PM (5ht4D) 48
Zero toleration from me and my family. We are tired of being called names by members of the Disneyfied Right for pointing out facts to them which requires critical thinking in their parts instead of drooling over the tv news.
Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:41 PM (96C7R) 49
We are in an existential fight for the survival of the country. To paraphrase that schmuck Bush, 'if you're not with us, you're against us'.
Posted by: LGoPs at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (UThOJ) 50
The activist kids from Parkland High have been groomed from an early age by their progressive parents, schools, media, et al, to step forward at a moment such as this. If it hadn't been the shooting spree it would've been something else, eventually. If the shooting hadn't happened, David Hogg or Emma Gonzalez would have had their moment in the sun later on, perhaps in college. These kids didn't cause the shooting, but they've been taught how to rise to the occasion should the national spotlight ever fall on or near them.
Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (EzdLW) 51
The thought of Bill Wynn, Average Joe, Hector and Bob Braun as the new Sargent Schultzes should be enough to fire you up.
===================== That's kind of the problem for me, J.J. Fired up to do what? I don't know steps I can take in real life other than more gun training and prayer. What should we do - concretely, I mean? Posted by: grammie winger - returning body to original upright position, at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (lwiT4) 52
Just consider how much worse this would all be if the pant-suited bitch had won the White House. Nick Cruz was the bomb waiting to go off. He was going to go off whoever was in the WH. Somehow the (R)'s have to turn this into a campaign issue which secures a 60-40 Senate majority and retains House numbers even better then they are now. I'm somewhat confident. Because I feel in touch with about 53% of the country. I don't need to know about the 47%. Fvck 'em. They'd say the same to me. Posted by: ACME Little-Giant Snow Cloud Seeder at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (2FqvZ) 53
You can almost see Bill Ayers grinning. I bet there are teams of project managers running these operations. I mean, how else to track progress? And there is John Boner, smoking cigs and drinking. Paul Ryan, dopey as that ass kissing shithead boss you have. The rest of the eunuchs, walking around passively, don't care. The media, the schools, the internet, the is all part of the left. They run it all and now we see they can shut any opposition down hard. They are testing now, but will have a full feature set of controls available to their executives. It might be better to view the left as a major corporation. Is there any difference? There are money flows to different groups, private and public. It kinda freaks me out. 10,000 people on Google's payroll going after conservatives on the Youtube platform. Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz IVANOVICH at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (ffzJn) 54
Textbook. See Churchill's carefully (if excruciatingly difficult) executed tasks of dealing with Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Greece during WWII. Even the Dominions and Ireland (particularly) needed to be carefully handled. And...the French colonies.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (QxXRY) 55
Also though, the Left has way more in resources and seem to attract the uber-wealthy to bankroll them
*** Because lefty politicians give generous favors to their benefactors. So think of it as an investment more then a gift... Posted by: 18-1 at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (Z8FFX) 56
We are supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Kinda...
Posted by: Delta CEO at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (O5Q3r) 57
Now that Delta is back pedaling as fast as possible, they're saying that they are reviewing their company to eliminate any politically controversial elements. I wonder if Baby Killer R Us will get the axe.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks #TooLate Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (0R8lo) 58
Signs that the light is beginning to dawn on Dreher:
--- We might be more winsome (I hate that word) than Mike Huckabee, but we are no different in the eyes of the left-wing militants. I have been resisting this conclusion hard for a long time, but I can see with each passing day that it is becoming untenable. You don't have to like Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, or any of that populist tribe to understand that they are not coming for your job, and they are not trying to drive you out of decent society. Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (vDqXW) 59
Now that Delta is back pedaling as fast as possible, they're saying that they are reviewing their company to eliminate any politically controversial elements. I wonder if Baby Killer R Us will get the axe.
Someone with a twitter account should ask them. Posted by: Blanco Basura - It's OK, I'm with the banned at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (IZPn8) 60
We know the left never lets a tragedy go to waste
We know the Left plays by their own rules We know they lie and cheat We know this and more WE have to fight back the same way and stop tying our hands behind out backs. ACT like we mean to WIN Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (Aiion) 61
This is the kind of work the left does while the right is playing with itself on talk radio and buying Sarah Palin books.
Posted by: mark1971 Well, technically, I bought the books first.... Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (xJa6I) 62
The next shooting will be.......
Posted by: Blindfolded Soros with a US map in front of him with a dart at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (89T5c) 63
Goodie, new post. Make part of the batch with chocolate chips and part without. It's not an all-or-nothing proposition! Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 04:27 PM (NWiLs) Good point! I think I will do this. Bluebell, Mark, Boots... We'll all be happy! Need to read the post now Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (fceHP) Posted by: washrivergal at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (Kcf2u) 65
Funny how Mike Huckabee of all people is now a Trumper....
Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (LiyEm) 66
"delta also contributes to the biggest child killer in america, planed parenthood.
- Now that Delta is back pedaling as fast as possible, they're saying that they are reviewing their company to eliminate any politically controversial elements. I wonder if Baby Killer R Us will get the axe. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks" If that is true about Delta and they decide to try to stop their annual "contribution" they will rapidly find out it is like joining the Mafia. You are in until death. Posted by: Ripley at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (MxEKc) 67
Delta CEO: "We are supporters of the 2nd Amendment"
- Oh, I guarandamntee they still encourage THEIR employees to carry guns on the clock and in the pilots seat. Posted by: Moron Robbie - Bama's Boot Stomping on the Face of College Football Forever at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (ks6bw) 68
They rely on the concept of 'othering'. I learned to my dismay when my CNN zombiefied cousin tried to shame me by charging that my opinion was in the MINORITY. Oh noes I'm not kewl anymore
Posted by: kallisto at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (9HR8n) 69
The way the population of the USA felt about the American Revolution was - about 1/3 actively wanted a revolution, another 1/3 actively did NOT want a revolution, and the last 1/3 were neutral.
I wonder where we are right now with public sentiment vis a vis the cold civil war we are engaged in. Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (EBwPV) 70
16 Let's just be honest, our side is a bit lazy when it comes to politics.
The Left treats politics like it's a religion and they'll go to hell if they don't perform their duty. If we were half as aggressive as they were we would own this country lock, stock, and barrel. They leave no stone unturned. Sports, Hollywood, television, technology, internet, government, higher education, lower education, national security, the military, Academia, etc Everywhere they get their tentacles and they are always working. Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (lKmt3) exactly the problem, which is why we can not do what they do, which is why we always lose, even when we win. Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (bBE6d) 71
60 We know the left never lets a tragedy go to waste
We know the Left plays by their own rules We know they lie and cheat We know this and more WE have to fight back the same way and stop tying our hands behind out backs. ACT like we mean to WIN Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (Aiion) And we need to start penetrating THEIR organizations or starting and supporting our own. We're lousy at that, too. I have a Conservative friend in management at one of the big big big tech companies. It would never occur to him to hire based on political ideology. But his co-workers would. That is another reason we lose. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (xJa6I) 72
Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (LiyEm)
Huckabee has been on this trajectory for awhile. I remember during the primary and not hating him. Like ever, but, was happy to see him go. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (IYHxL) 73
Show me one NRA member who's committed a mass murder. Just one, you pimply-faced polesmoker.
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (NWiLs) 74
Abc : always be corroding
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Bama's Boot Stomping on the Face of College Football Forever at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (ks6bw) Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (kNasr) 76
Is Trump running a counter-PsyOps including with his patented rope-a-dope?
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (n+6mJ) 77
I think that, for some us anyway, well, for me anyway, it is difficult to see how low and evil those true believers on the left can be.
It is always hard to look at evil directly, and perhaps our hesitance to call them on it has to do with a somewhat Pollyanna outlook on people in general. It strains credibility when we hear how passionately some people believe in utter nonsense. It does not quite compute. And then they bring it full force against us, and we are aghast, but still don't quite get it. I'd have to say this was true of BLM, Hands Up Don't Shoot, and then the whole pussy hat nonsense, screaming at the sky, etc. Trigglypuff was just the symptom. Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (7UW64) 78
Goodie, new post. Make part of the batch with chocolate chips and part without. It's not an all-or-nothing proposition! Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 04:27 PM (NWiLs) Good point! I think I will do this. Bluebell, Mark, Boots... We'll all be happy! Need to read the post now Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (fceHP) I'm already happy just thinking about this. Thanks for the dessert idea! Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (xJa6I) 79
One of the better truisms I've ever heard is: The reason there is a Second Amendment is in case the government ever tries to take away the First Amendment.
From Rush, many years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Posted by: LGoPs at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (UThOJ) 80
Our opponents make a living by being our opponents, mostly paid by our tax dollars.
How do we end this when all we have to work with are the weak sisters of the GOP? Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 02, 2018 04:47 PM (QQ+il) 81
We don't act like the left. We don't lie in wait--and I don't want to change that. I still have a life as Christian servant of the Lord to live.
5 more yards no the political grid iron is not the point. Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:47 PM (vDqXW) 82
The Right needs to stop ignoring exculpatory evidence because the MSM and the Commies do. It should make you that more focused on it instead of pulling an ostrich in the current year.
Hard core censorship is coming to the interwebz so the right does not have much longer to use their brains and examine all evidence and facts with their own two eyes and ears and freaking think critically instead of emotional wishcasting that this could never happen because America. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:47 PM (96C7R) 83
Looks dangerous in here.
*sets up perimeter* Posted by: Broward County Sheriffs Office - I read a Mark Twain story many the year ago about a bunch who were gung ho to fight in the Civil War until the lead started flying then they became advocates of flanking the enemy which they interpreted as staying the hell away from them. Pretty much the same as setting up a perimeter. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:47 PM (dGlZa) 84
This means the left sacrificed those kids to set this plan in motion.
What? No, no it does not. These mass shootings happen often enough that you just have to wait for one. Posted by: bonhomme at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (iv0p7) Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (arhmY) 86
AB did a great job in opening many eyes to this, including mine. These things are never about what they pretend to be. Every article, every news story, almost every movie is pushing lefty agenda. And don't forget public schools, those are just commie farms. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (r+sAi) 87
80 Our opponents make a living by being our opponents, mostly paid by our tax dollars.
How do we end this when all we have to work with are the weak sisters of the GOP? And most of the media, Hollywood, Tech, and Corps. against us? Posted by: It's me donna at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (O2RFr) 88
68 They rely on the concept of 'othering'. I learned to my dismay when my CNN zombiefied cousin tried to shame me by charging that my opinion was in the MINORITY. Oh noes I'm not kewl anymore
Posted by: kallisto at March 02, 2018 04:44 PM (9HR8n) This, absolutely. You can rely on the left to tell you that Trump supporters are in the minority, and yet he was elected. WTF? Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (7UW64) 89
nice Hitler Youth haircut
Posted by: x at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (nFwvY) 90
Posted by: DeploraBOT at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (y3aQB) 91
We'll all be happy!
Need to read the post now Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (fceHP) Hahaha, have fun with that. All aboard the emotional shear train, express service to rage! Toot toot! Posted by: hogmartin at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (y87Qq) 92
The only thing the Democrats are missing is German accents. That would complete the picture of the authoritarian bastards that they truly are.
Posted by: LGoPs at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (UThOJ) 93
Free trade works in the lab.
In the real world, spending locally has a multiplier effect. In a nanny state, I want my neighbor to have a job out of enlightened self-interest. Some kinds of government spending can have a positive multiplier, but fewer do these days. Obama's Porkulus had a negative multiplier as it scared the private sector into hunkering down and not hiring. Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (n+6mJ) 94
ou can rely on the left to tell you that Trump supporters are in the minority, and yet he was elected. WTF?
It was the Russians! Posted by: Hillary at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (O2RFr) 95
Because lefty politicians give generous favors to their benefactors. So think of it as an investment more then a gift...
Posted by: 18-1 at March 02, 2018 04:42 PM (Z8FFX) -------------------------------------- During feudal times the aristocracy granted favors to their chosen ones. What socialism/leftism really is, is a return to feudalism. Big government/big royalty owns everything and grants crumbs to the serfs. Serfs are expected knuckle under and serve, because everything is provided for them! No worries about how to pay your rent, it's free! But free is not the same as freedom. Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (EBwPV) 96
What part of the left is exceptionally well organized does anyone not understand at this point?
FFS please remember how many of their troops can't organize a campout in NY without raping each other and getting their lunch stolen by the homeless. Whereas the little old ladies at church organize everything from funerals to food drives week in and week out no problem. Posted by: DaveA at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (FhXTo) 97
Nothing is as it appears. Everything is an op.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at March 02, 2018 04:50 PM (oVJmc) 98
REI is doing the same SJW shit. We won't sell you a CamelBak, because guns or something. They do however sell knives and axes etc! I had a 30 plus dollar dividend laying around and it's going in the garbage. So tired of all these little SJW companies. Hey, you want to piss off a bunch of customers? Feel free.
Posted by: Minnfidel at March 02, 2018 04:50 PM (+1EJs) 99
Hard core censorship is coming to the interwebz so the right does not have much longer to use their brains and examine all evidence and facts with their own two eyes and ears and freaking think critically instead of emotional wishcasting that this could never happen because America. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:47 PM (96C7R) +++ I think this is true and very alarming. They have all of their pieces in place to do a major, major shut-down and there is not a damned thing we can answer back with. What, ham radio? Posted by: washrivergal at March 02, 2018 04:50 PM (Kcf2u) 100
80 Our opponents make a living by being our opponents, mostly paid by our tax dollars.
How do we end this when all we have to work with are the weak sisters of the GOP? if the SC upholds the Janus lawsuit that would help A LOT Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2018 04:51 PM (bBE6d) 101
58 Signs that the light is beginning to dawn on Dreher:
Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:43 PM (vDqXW) Oh ffs man. That's his whole schtick. A paragraph of outrage at people's kids being seized because the family wouldn't conform to the trans agenda, an essay on Drumph and his failson supporters. I find it amazing that anyone takes The American Conservative seriously. It's Chomskyism for the gullible conservadads. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 04:51 PM (jRA31) 102
So what are the chances the police were ordered to stand a watch a massacre of children specifically to trigger this?
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (7d/3 ![]() The connection to Debbie Swifferman Schultz tells me the chances are right around the point where we don't even refer to them as "chances" anymore. The implications of this are mind-numbing and soul-crushing yet no longer shocking to me. Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 04:51 PM (rv0Fo) 103
Fuck fuck fuck, The commie democrats want us dead. With tears in my eyes I beg them to back the fuck off. They will not like it when CW 2.0 breaks out. I don't advocate violence but I can see it happening if the Left keeps pushing us. Nudge, nudge, shove from the left will eventually result in a huge shove back from the right. Trump is a warning shot, the next one will be more serious.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (0OmEj) 104
Show me one NRA member who's committed a mass murder. Just one, you pimply-faced polesmoker.
- Or, for that matter, one person savec by a gun free zone. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (dGlZa) 105
The Right doesn't groom their children for war and death like Marxists do. A psychological war is just a damaging as a shooting war, which the Right and their kids will win.
Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (96C7R) 106
FFS please remember how many of their troops can't organize a campout in NY without raping each other and getting their lunch stolen by the homeless.
Whereas the little old ladies at church organize everything from funerals to food drives week in and week out no problem. Posted by: DaveA at March 02, 2018 04:49 PM (FhXTo) Not to mention the absolutely Gawd-awful mess they always leave behind them. Between all their idiotic protest signs, crapping on police cars, PETA killing dogs and cats, or rape tents, they are a walking crapping environmental disaster. And yet they lecture us about taking care of the precious earth. Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (7UW64) 107
Am I banned?
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (Ckg4U) 108
107 Am I banned?
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (Ckg4U) Should you be? Posted by: Grump928(C) at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (QQ+il) 109
This means the left sacrificed those kids to set this plan in motion.
What? No, no it does not. ===== Well it depends on how you interpret set in motion. They had a policy in place where they would not arrest kids in that school even for felonies. They released them and the school punished them with suspensions. It got so bad that the local gangs started forcing the HS kids to do their bidding because they knew they could get caught carrying drugs and wouldn't even get charged. it effectively put a target on the back of every High school kid in the county. Also this particular kid should have been arrested for felony and as a felon his guns would be forfeited. So did they set this in motion . . . depends on what you mean. They didn't give him the gun. They just let him keep it. They knew he was a flaming nut but didn't intervene. When the bullets were flying in the school they staged outside and prevented anyone else from going in. These of course are facts that you could say were coincidental. And so terribly far away from the organized money collecting machine that we saw in operation the VERY NEXT DAY. But hey, crazy talk and all. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (Sk1wq) 110
Once they get the children. From pre-school through university. We see it. Single parenting and working two-parent families are what changed drastically over the years. Children left to be raised by others. Others that brainwash from a strong support system. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (fceHP) 111
"Think of it as a non-violent army"
No. I prefer to think of the left as a violent army and getting more violent every day. That which cannot last won't. Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (jWe5r) 112
And we need to start penetrating THEIR organizations or starting and supporting our own.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (xJa6I) ----------- This is a good point. Too often, I think, we are quick to say "I'm outta here" instead of staying in to fight for our side. And I'm guilty of it too. It reminds me years ago of something I read when the abortion pill was developed. It was an article on a Catholic website, and the author said Catholics who worked for the company that developed it (can't remember, Merck or someone) or who were on their board, shouldn't quit in protest over this. Instead, they should stay, and try to change the company from within, just the way the other side does. That has stuck with me for many years because I think he was right. Progressives are loud and noisy and even though it may go against our grain, I think we need to be the same sometimes. I don't like it, but there are many things I don't like but which I need to do. Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (kNasr) 113
I think the Right needs to adoot tge politics of personal destruction.
Fibd durt ob the angelic faces of kittle monsters like Hogg et al. Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (hMwEB) 114
It kept coming-up "You should really type something" after I had written a screed.
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (Ckg4U) Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (ibLBN) 116
This is the kind of work the left does while the right is playing with itself on talk radio and buying Sarah Palin books. Posted by: mark1971 at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM Pish posh. In 2008 I learned about Obama's radical Alinskyite training and philosophy from Mark Levin's talk radio show and reading Stanley Kurtz at NRO. Would not have learned about it otherwise. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (EzdLW) 117
So Bush took up painting as a hobby. That is nice.
barry organized the downfall of the country. This has OFA fingerprints all over it. Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (LWu6U) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (r+sAi) 119
84 This means the left sacrificed those kids to set this plan in motion.
What? No, no it does not. These mass shootings happen often enough that you just have to wait for one. Posted by: bonhomme at March 02, 2018 04:48 PM (iv0p7) The repeated choices to do nothing about the murderer's psychotic and criminal behavior leading up to the shooting, his direct threats that he was going to shoot up a school, and finally standing idly by as he carried out the school shooting, were all still deliberate choices and deliberate actions. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. --Rush, Free Will Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (NWiLs) 120
So what good guy orgs are there that apply this kind of pressure or planning against the Left besides the NRA.
I'd like support them too. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (xJa6I) 121
artisanal 'ette, if you need a recipe for those, mine is in the cookbook
Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:46 PM (kNasr) no worries there you ought to know I have hundreds of cookbooks, and a family cookbook that I made, that is the one I'm using, btw. A really quick one, and a small recipe. It's our Friday treat. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (fceHP) 122
I think the Right needs to adoot tge politics of personal destruction. Fibd durt ob the angelic faces of kittle monsters like Hogg et al. Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM Firstly against the Media who enable the Hoggs of the world. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 04:55 PM (EzdLW) Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at March 02, 2018 04:55 PM (arhmY) 124
I will stand-in against the Soft Leftists.
I shall unsheathe my sword and hand them the Justice they deserve. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:55 PM (Ckg4U) 125
Fuck fuck fuck, The commie democrats want us dead. With tears in my eyes I beg them to back the fuck off. They will not like it when CW 2.0 breaks out.
I will borrow a page from William T Sherman's handbook. I will make the march to the sea look like a walk in the park. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:56 PM (0R8lo) 126
So it's Friday... Wonder what will "drop" today?
Posted by: It's me donna at March 02, 2018 04:56 PM (O2RFr) 127
Calling out Islam was brave in 2004-2007. Now its easy virtue signalling for lazy conservative readers.
The enemy is Marxism and all its applications being applied at once in America, which includes Islam. Notice the corporate conservatives rarely to never name all the applications of Marxism as the enemy. *spit* Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:56 PM (96C7R) 128
REI sells way way overpriced merch. Who would shop there?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM I used to for two reasons, their customer service was very good and if any piece of gear failed on you, they took it back, pretty much no questions asked. The operative word being used to. I wrote them a letter today and tossed my card in the shredder. AMF. Posted by: Minnfidel at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (+1EJs) 129
Am I banned?
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (Ckg4U) If ya gotta ask? Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (Aiion) 130
115 IIRC, Seth Rich was shot twice by his mugger...
in the back. Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (ibLBN) Double-tap, center-man. That's what I was taught. Posted by: tcn in AK at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (7UW64) 131
Let's smile as we burn their Playground
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (Ckg4U) 132
Wow, I will be drinking tonight. Truly the most depressing item I have read all day (or week).
Posted by: Max Power at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (q177U) 133
"To many of us, it appears the Business As Usual crowd is focused on fairly trivial procedural matters while performing their appointed duties as the left's enablers and enforcers of complete social and cultural rulership by the left."
yeah, meme war, psyop warfare ... 4Chan cernovich types kinda get it maybe. Zerohedge sometimes ... But Orwell and those guys fighting commies in the 50's ... they understood a lot. Good news is the black hats have to cover up more and more criminal abuse. Hillary is crooked, they seem to know that, yet under some spell still vote for her. Kinda like the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz, they were glad when Dorothy melted the witch with water. But Dorothy apologized, we need to use fire hoses, and send emails to the flying monkeys, get them to collaborate with US ... burn the witch, crown the witch(es) ... whatever works. WE are the white hats ... the commies using slaves and polluting ... black hats. Posted by: illiniwek at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (bT8Z4) 134
IIRC, Seth Rich was shot twice by his mugger...
in the back. Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (ibLBN) the gateway pundit has a piece on him today. I guess someone from that site spoke to Seth's father, and he said he knew what his son was doing, and he was indeed the leaker. Another crime that won't be solved. Just like the Vegas shooter. Something really bad is going on in this country. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (fceHP) 135
LL Bean sells anything and everything that REI sells, and usually at a better price. And LL Bean is on our side (at least one of the founder's descendents is anyway).
Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (EBwPV) 136
Some of us are still in Business as Usual Mode and some of us are highly alarmed at how close the left is to achieving its end-state That appears to be the principle distinction between NeverTrumpers and the rest of us. During 2016 I was struck by the NeverTrumpers' lack of awareness about how dire the political situation was becoming more than by any personal distaste they had for Trump. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (EzdLW) 137
Many of the earliest adopters of Trump were the "evangelicals". It struck many as odd at the time.
It's because they understood immediately what we are up against and what will be required to fight it. Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (rv0Fo) Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (r9UYA) 139
not just theoretical freedom, but actual real freedom in the real world
NICE Remember for 8 years B Hussein talked about rights and freedoms and tried daily to reduce both. The Bill of Rights is a joke to all Progressives as they use it like a chinese menu. Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (BtQd4) 140
I think that, for some us anyway, well, for me anyway, it is difficult to see how low and evil those true believers on the left can be. Ha, that's my wife too. She'll say something like 'well thats dumb, why don't they just (some logical solution).' Then I have to reminder her its not about the issue at all, its about the Leftists getting control. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (r+sAi) Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (dGlZa) 142
Wow, I will be drinking tonight. Truly the most depressing item I have read all day
======= Like a moron, I gave up alcohol for lent. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (Pkl+z) 143
Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 04:56 PM (96C7R)
It's been called out, maybe not to the extent you'd like it to be but it has. Shit Jonah Goldberg wrote a book about it. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (IYHxL) 144
no worries there
you ought to know I have hundreds of cookbooks, and a family cookbook that I made, that is the one I'm using, btw. A really quick one, and a small recipe. It's our Friday treat. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (fceHP) ------- Ha! You're right; what was I thinking??!!! ![]() Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (kNasr) Posted by: It's me donna at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (O2RFr) 146
One of the things that these commies are very good at is dividing people into groups. So since its in their DNA they use it so effectively. And that prick Soros gets it all too well.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (70cRb) 147
drown the witch, not crown ... my letters on my keyboard are worn off ... lol
Posted by: illiniwek at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (bT8Z4) 148
So Bush took up painting as a hobby. That is nice.
Fuck the entire Bush family. Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM Finger painting with pudding. Next week, macaroni and glue! Posted by: Minnfidel at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (+1EJs) 149
>>128 REI sells way way overpriced merch. Who would shop there?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM I will then return their overpriced shit in less than 30 days. Here, take this shit back. Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (r9UYA) 150
115 IIRC, Seth Rich was shot twice by his mugger...
in the back. Posted by: redc1c4 Who took nothing. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (0R8lo) 151
Oh ffs man. That's his whole schtick. A paragraph of outrage at people's kids being seized because the family wouldn't conform to the trans agenda, an essay on Drumph and his failson supporters.
I find it amazing that anyone takes The American Conservative seriously. It's Chomskyism for the gullible conservadads. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 04:51 PM (jRA31) --- You can take it how you want to, but my wife traveled a similar path. First she was "Well, you don't have to like somebody to vote for them." Later, "I hate that these people are so unhinged they're making ME defend Trump!" About May last year, she dug in. She's going to trust Trump more than the media. She's going to worry about media distortions more than Trump's tweets. And she's been fully on board. Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (vDqXW) 152
MEC is a Canadian company. The U.S. cooperative's decision comes the same day as its counterpart in Canada, Mountain Equipment Co-op, severed ties with several outdoor brands owned by the parent company of a semi-automatic gun and ammunition manufacturer. Who cares what Canada does. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (fceHP) 153
Same with Walmart. Here, take these slightly used shorts back. I wore them for a month and they smell like shit. Full refund.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (r9UYA) 154
I gave up self-restraint for Lent
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (NWiLs) 155
"With film and videotape, I assume. RIGHT?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 04:39 PM (VM6ev) 37 Let's start the shooting and end this once and for all. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 04:37 PM (0R8lo) Easy there, trigger. Let's not start a war all by ourselves, mmmkay?" Aaaand this is why we'll lose. 'We need the right to bear arms so we can resist encroaching tyranny.' 'Hey, let's resist encroaching tyranny.' 'What are you, a terrorist? BANNED." The enemy has taken to mass street violence (Antifa) and political assassinations (Scalise, etc.), forcing us off Internet platforms, SWATing, calling in bomb threats as heckler vetoes, and targeting our organizations for political and cultural destruction, and the most pushback they get is an occasional piece of minor legislation, a few judges, and the odd Twitter rant. Leftists take risks for their cause. They fight. They lose often, but never give up and never relent. And they've been winning incrementally for decades. It has gotten to the point now where they actively conspired to overthrow the government because the 'wrong' person won, along with all the vile behavior I listed above. There have been shootings. Senator Paul was severely beaten. There was an arrest for a poison chemical attack via the mail, what, yesterday? But what are you willing to do about it? Nothing. Sit and bitch in an Internet forum, but not too loudly or with too much vigor, lest your masters notice. And hurriedly hush anyone who speaks above the approved tone. Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (7d/38) 156
154 I gave up self-restraint for Lent
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (NWiLs) I'm proud of you Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (xJa6I) 157
OT so yesterday the stock market was down and it was all doom tariffs doom from a certain someone.
Matket up today. crickets Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (hMwEB) 158
Am I banned?
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (Ckg4U) \ Confession is good for the soul! Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (gwPgz) 159
It reminds me years ago of something I read when the abortion pill was developed. It was an article on a Catholic website, and the author said Catholics who worked for the company that developed it (can't remember, Merck or someone) or who were on their board, shouldn't quit in protest over this. Instead, they should stay, and try to change the company from within, Unless you work for a firearms manufacturer then the pope says you're not a christian. Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:01 PM (lKyWE) Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 02, 2018 05:02 PM (2fnWP) 161
Time to move on from the red pill rage that we the election of Trump and the aftermath. Accept the situation and the conclusion by evaluating all the facts and evidence for yourself. Don't allow Marxists to shame you.
Fuck their feelings. Fuck feelings in general. Feelings will get you and your family killed in this situation. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:02 PM (96C7R) 162
Wow, I will be drinking tonight. Truly the most depressing item I have read all day
======= Like a moron, I gave up alcohol for lent. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (Pkl+z) ouch! I don't drink that much, but I would never give that up, hehe. Nor coffee. Or chocolate. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 05:02 PM (fceHP) 163
Unless you work for a firearms manufacturer then the pope says you're not a christian.
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:01 PM (lKyWE) --------- Don't get me started. Luckily, there was a much better pope when that article I referenced was written. The writer, I might add, was a well-respected Catholic lay theologian, not just a random person writing on some blog somewhere. Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (kNasr) 164
One thing the Right needs to be better at is making examples. We can't boycott every single company but we can make a few examples and put some fear into them.
The Delta Airline debacle is like the first time the "Right" took a pound of flesh and people noticed. With of course a few cowards on our side saying it was beneath us to play with a tax credit like that. I wouldn't mind also making an example out of Big Tech with some DOJ investigations to look into breaking them up for being a monopoly. What do you want to bet they pump the brakes on the 24/7 Social Marxism if they were under the gun? Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (lKmt3) 165
So what good guy orgs are there that apply this kind of pressure or planning against the Left besides the NRA. I'd like support them too. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM Maybe James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, or Judicial Watch. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (EzdLW) Posted by: Shadowban Response System at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (vDqXW) 167
You have to remember: for the Dems, preserving the wealth and power of the nomenklatura is the whole point of the operation. If Soros, the Obamas and the Clintons were wiped out when DC was destroyed, their nerve center would break.
If conservatives lost Trump (absolute worst case), we would carry on. The person who could credibly replace him would be MUCH nastier. And if we lost the Bush family instead? Hey, that would actually help us. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (jRA31) 168
You can take it how you want to, but my wife traveled a similar path.
First she was "Well, you don't have to like somebody to vote for them." Later, "I hate that these people are so unhinged they're making ME defend Trump!" About May last year, she dug in. She's going to trust Trump more than the media. She's going to worry about media distortions more than Trump's tweets. And she's been fully on board. Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (vDqXW) I'm in kind of the same boat. I was a Ted Cruz supporter. Then Trump was the candidate and he won my respect by hustling and trying but I still didn't respect him as God Emperor. Next I wound up defending him to my Liberal and Agnostic friend. Now I' Pretty much on the Trump train, trusting in his skill and judgement. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (xJa6I) 169
"Have you been thinking thoughtcrimes?"
-Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (dGlZa) Yeah, but that doesn't count here. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (Ckg4U) 170
Did the BSO etc get together with the media and say "get ready - we've got somebody who's going to pop"? No - they didn't have too. They, as well as every other leftist PD in the country had simply set up the conditions where it was inevitable that sort of thing would happen. Is what all these people are doing murder? Sure it is - you just could never prove that in a court of law. Why do you think the left is so good with coming up with instant reasons for why they have their policies? Because it is all premeditated. If this were actual incompetence they would be all "Doh" and stand around looking stupid - like somebody who just had an exploding cigar go off in their face. That is not what they do - they have policies and rules and 20 layers of carefully textured bullshit ready to defend themselves at a moment's notice. Intentional - not incompetence. Posted by: An Observation at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (aSUIm) 171
But what are you willing to do about it? Nothing. Sit and bitch in an Internet forum, but not too loudly or with too much vigor, lest your masters notice. And hurriedly hush anyone who speaks above the approved tone. Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (7d/3 ![]() It should be noted that this here site does have rules. And one of them is NOT the active intentional calling for violence. If you (the royal you) cannot abide by that, then kindly leave. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (VM6ev) 172
Truly the most depressing item I have read all day (or week).
Posted by: Max Power at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (q177U) It is extremely depressing, but remember we at least have the truth on our side, and something is breaking through. A liar has to work a million times as hard to keep up his charade. That's the "strategy" you're reading about. Why do they hate Trump's tweets? They put in all this crazy effort to "organize", and then he just rolls over and sends a twelve word TRUTH BOMB OF COVFEFE up their ass and around the world. Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (rv0Fo) 173
So what good guy orgs are there that apply this kind of pressure or planning against the Left besides the NRA. I'd like support them too. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM Maybe James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, or Judicial Watch. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (EzdLW) I'm supporting O'Keefe. I'll take a look at Judicial Watch. Any other orgs out there? Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (xJa6I) Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (Ckg4U) 175
79 One of the better truisms I've ever heard is: The reason there is a Second Amendment is in case the government ever tries to take away the First Amendment.
Aint no #1 without the #2. Being able to speak and worship with no means of self protection means you are not able to speak or worship. Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (BtQd4) 176
Like a moron, I gave up alcohol for lent.
Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 04:58 PM (Pkl+z) ouch! I don't drink that much, but I would never give that up, hehe. Nor coffee. Or chocolate. ====== Only the half of it. For years I would do something extra instead of give something up. But the extra stuff I started doing I didn't want to quit after lent so I kept doing it. This year I felt like I didn't have any time left for adding another thing so I decided to go old school. Still got a month to go. Man am I gonna celebrate Easter this year. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (XSghg) 177
So what good guy orgs are there that apply this kind of pressure or planning against the Left besides the NRA.
I'd like support them too. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards GOA, JPFO Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (0R8lo) 178
Those "5 Political Yards" matter, because the left is only TWO Political Yards away from "kill all the unbelievers". Posted by: Hikaru at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (gOKNv) 179
Trump economy anecdote: my yard guy just called me. He's cutting back on the number of customers he's going to have and wanted to know if I still wanted him to handle my yard, which would be on Saturdays only.
Seems he got a good-paying day job (I didn't ask what it was), hence the drastic cut in customers. Or as he put it, "Now this [the yard work business] is just walkin' around money, not livin' money." Posted by: Bert G aka Country Singer at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (yzxic) 180
175 79 One of the better truisms I've ever heard is: The reason there is a Second Amendment is in case the government ever tries to take away the First Amendment.
Aint no #1 without the #2. Being able to speak and worship with no means of self protection means you are not able to speak or worship. Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 05:04 PM (BtQd4) Actually, it may be #2 on the list but it is #1 really in importance. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (VM6ev) 181
On Monday the S.C. started hearing a case called "Janus v. American Federation of State" if the final vote comes down on the Janus side this would be a very powerful blow to public unions which are the only unions left with any considerable power, it would be a kick in the 'nads to Dem. fund raising and also be a kick in the 'nads to the bureaucracy which is really what people have been calling the Deep State.
Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (bBE6d) 182
We'll head him off at the pass!
Posted by: Jan Jordan at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (bJ0w+) 183
Progs are just depraved. "A top environmental lawyer has been charged with having sex with his dog. Ivan DeVoren, 61, allegedly abused Labrador Snoopy, who is six months old, at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz IVANOVICH at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (ffzJn) 184
you ought to know I have hundreds of cookbooks, and a family cookbook that I made, that is the one I'm using, btw. A really quick one, and a small recipe. It's our Friday treat.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:54 PM (fceHP) \\ BUT, is a copy of that recipe in "The" Cookbook? Or is it being saved for Volume II? Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (gwPgz) 185
I cannot believe he shooting was planned, or even intentionally allowed to happen. It seems to be just a whole serous of insane PC policies, decisions and incompetence that had a not very surprising outcome.
However, I have no doubt that the over the top, without waiting for the bodies to cool MSM/Dem propaganda response was planned and in the waiting for this type of massacre. They would not have used it with a low body count. It had to be a big one. With lots of white kids for the cameras. Posted by: Ripley at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (MxEKc) 186
The big tech companies are ripe to be broken up, the same way Ma Bell was broken up back in the 1980's.
Too much control in too few hands. The FTC and the FCC should get busy, Pres Trump is already well into his second year and time is slipping into the future. Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (EBwPV) 187
I've been a member of the Delta skymiles program since 1983. In the late 90s I went gold with Delta and AA. Haven't used Delta for years so had to spend a bit of time to find my card. Just found it and called in to give a complaint about the Smart Move on Delta's senior managment's part.
Current hold time 3 hours. I don't think this whole anti-2A thing is working out too well for them. Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at March 02, 2018 05:06 PM (3BFzK) 188
Single parenting and working two-parent families are what changed drastically over the years. Children left to be raised by others. Others that brainwash from a strong support system.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (fceHP) Yes, this can't be stressed enough. I'm so fucking tired of pretending that this isn't a major problem and that I shouldn't be so judgemental on this. Fuck that; raise your children correctly or don't have any. Posted by: Captain Hate at March 02, 2018 05:06 PM (y7DUB) 189
135 LL Bean sells anything and everything that REI sells, and usually at a better price. And LL Bean is on our side (at least one of the founder's descendents is anyway).
Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 04:57 PM (EBwPV) Well they're on board with the 21+ for all firearm sales. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:06 PM (xJa6I) 190
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (LWu6U) You're planning to disarm? Posted by: HoggDog at March 02, 2018 05:06 PM (kiSdp) 191
And she's been fully on board.
Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 04:59 PM (vDqXW) That's great, and I have nearly unlimited patience for regular people to take as much time as they need. Go back in Dreher's archive and tell me if you notice the "why we got Trump/ GOSH what a degenerate/ I would have considered voting for Clinton" cycle that he uses frequently. I have no time for media personalities that refuse to see thr obvious. Especially ones that allege the Benedict Option is our only way forward. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 05:07 PM (jRA31) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:07 PM (xJa6I) 193
Second, progressives are getting better and more aggressive at silencing dissenting behavior. All sorts of formerly legitimate opinions have now been deemed beyond the pale on elite campuses.
David Brooks loves him some Progressivism. Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (BtQd4) 194
When you only have seconds police are in the parking lot setting up a perimeter. Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (lKyWE) 195
My next Scary Black Rifle is going to be nicknamed "The Hogg."
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (3BFzK) 196
I've been on that train for a while. The Patricians of the Left MUST be rendered naked, broke, stripped of their jobs and their ID, and homeless. Posted by: Hikaru at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (gOKNv) 197
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (7d/3
Because talking about killing political opponents always ends well. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (IYHxL) 198
This ends with Free Drink Coupons!
Posted by: L-188 Loadmasters Association at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (/8nF6) 199
We all knew this is how they operated, btw. They were sitting on stuff and waiting to leap at O'Reilly, Hannity, Rush, etc. They do this all of the time. If they don't succeed, they lay in wait and try again at the next opportune moment. That is also why it is crucial to find the root of the money and ops. The problem is, they have been doing it for so long now, it is like a well oiled machine. Look at how quickly they got a half mil from oprah and clooney. The database/tech side is not new either, and will just get better and better. Distribution lists, phone lists. Social media programs. They have become a behemoth. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 05:09 PM (fceHP) 200
I cannot believe he shooting was planned, or even intentionally allowed to happen. It seems to be just a whole serous of insane PC policies, decisions and incompetence that had a not very surprising outcome.
However, I have no doubt that the over the top, without waiting for the bodies to cool MSM/Dem propaganda response was planned and in the waiting for this type of massacre. They would not have used it with a low body count. It had to be a big one. With lots of white kids for the cameras. Posted by: Ripley at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (MxEKc) I think this is true. Posted by: Archer at March 02, 2018 05:09 PM (gbWkA) 201
6 The most egregious part is,....
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS ONCE WE ARE DISARMED? Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (LWu6U) Part of their plans, ironically: to build a wall. To keep us IN, not Mexicans out. California has already contemplated an "exit tax" (a ransom by any other name) on those who sell a house in California and fail to buy another one in the state. The proposal was a 10% tax on the sale - which in coastal California is mucho dinero indeed. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (toAck) 202
A national tourist boycott of blue counties would help drive a point. I personally have been doing this for years?
Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (r9UYA) 203
This is is sorta on topic, so I'll do my daily shilling:
J&G sales has multiple high quality handguns for sale @ or ~ $300. They and Classic Firewarms also have ARs for $400 or thereabouts. If you ain't carrying iron, you're wearing it. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (xJa6I) 204
Charles Ortel fighting to expose the Clinton wing in particular. charlesortel dot com
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (2fnWP) 205
Second, progressives are getting better and more aggressive at silencing dissenting behavior. All sorts of formerly legitimate opinions have now been deemed beyond the pale on elite campuses.
David Brooks loves him some Progressivism. Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (BtQd4) Yes, social media drives these bullies and people become afraid for their lives and family. The left have become openly violent, with no punishment. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (fceHP) 206
We are not organizing our way out of our predicament.
I really dont see a way back to normalcy without a hot civil war. Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2018 04:38 PM (TwwPG) This. Just do it while I am young. Posted by: HoggDog at March 02, 2018 05:11 PM (kiSdp) 207
I cannot believe he shooting was planned, or even intentionally allowed to happen.
========= Did they give him the gun, mask, and a ride to the school? Prolly not. The other stuff they didn't do, well its stuff they should have done. Like arrest him for felonies. That was a policy decision. Who made the policy and why? Was their money in it for the county? Did some group benefit after the shooting occurred? Who? How? The softball shooting. We are in the middle of a civil war. It went hot a while back. Sometimes all they have to do is create situations and let them smolder. They could have put this one out before it started. Didn't. They could have gone in while it was going on. Didn't. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 05:11 PM (Hss8S) 208
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 05:00 PM (7d/3
![]() This. All of this. We won't be free again until 1) We stop fearing the progs and their co-conspirators in goverment, media, big tech firms and whereever 2) They fear us. Posted by: Methos at March 02, 2018 05:11 PM (XQvuQ) 209
is not what they do - they have policies and rules and 20 layers of carefully textured bullshit ready to defend themselves at a moment's notice. Intentional - not incompetence. --------------------------- True, but only because they can't handle reality. Go watch tapes of Swifferman Schultz trying to handle the Bernie Hecklers, or Pelosi with the illegals. Compare it to how Trump (for example) deals with a heckler. They have no idea what to do, and look like the moderate IQ, stuck up, stick-in-the-mud, out of touch prigs they really are. All this organization and faffing around they do is their *weakness*, not their strength. Because all it takes is for someone to come along and pop the balloon, or knock over the House of Cards (tm). Trump broke the Fourth Wall. It's done. The consequences for this are happening in slow motion but they *are* happening. And what has been seen can never be unseen. Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 05:11 PM (rv0Fo) 210
Thanks Rick. I know about GOA but will bookmark the other.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:07 PM (xJa6I) Also look to see if you have a state affiliation with the NRA. We have the TSRA, which is the Texas State Rifle Association, an NRA state affiliate. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:12 PM (0R8lo) 211
"Think of it as a non-violent army" No. I prefer to think of the left as a violent army and getting more violent every day. That which cannot last won't. Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM (jWe5r) ======== It is getting worse, not better. The Leftists/Globalists press outlets are blatantly ignoring facts coming out and just making up their own reality. The massive organization to get the FL "kids" in front of cameras, the costs of the buses, travel, etc., is proof this is indeed a PLANNED operation. Any truth or honor is out the window. Using kids for political propaganda shows how little the Left values life of any kind, except when it can be used to further their biased political agenda. IMO, it will NOT get better. Wake the Eff Up! The words of General Mattis introducing himself to new troops in IRAQ comes to mind now: "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at March 02, 2018 05:12 PM (UsCnO) 212
I'm surprised you were able to decipher my comment. so many typos but yeah, being a Lefty mouthpiece is risk free must change that Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:12 PM (hMwEB) 213
any government that wants to disarm you is one that is likely getting ready to do something to you they know you'd shoot them for trying.
Gavin Newsome, i'm looking at you. Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 05:12 PM (ibLBN) 214
207 Trump developed the road map to counter this. Use harsh words, exaggerated commentary, extreme positioning and a media circus and you might motivate people back the other way.
The whole Phil Robertson issue from a few years back is a classic example. If you make it hurt more to shift on an issue then it does to stay quiet or show support, then companies and individuals develop a backbone. The Chik-fil-A buycott from a few years back is a good example of countering movements with positive reinforcement. Our problem is we wait for real organic backlash. The left generates false support for its causes. We really should have a mechanism to send automated bot responses to companies like Dick's, Delta, etc. that attack the same metrics that the left plays on. I wish I was technically gifted, I certainly would create such a mechanism to use for counter measures. Posted by: Malcolm Tent at March 02, 2018 05:11 PM (ZWfNi) The NRA/ILA has a setup to find your local representatives and send an email to all of them with one click. It's something. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:12 PM (xJa6I) 215
13 people have used the Delta NRA Discount.
Delta lost a 40 million buck a year tax break. That is 3 million per year per ticket. Great work fellas A shareholder should sue for fiduciary malfeasance. Posted by: sven10077 at March 02, 2018 05:13 PM (SzZnW) 216
The shooting ITSELF wasn't planned, per se, but they ABSOLUTELY put all the pieces in place to agitate it, and ABSOLUTELY made sure the Sheriff's department would give an absolutely impotent response.
They didn't make Cruz do it, but they were certainly WANTING for him to do it. Posted by: Hikaru at March 02, 2018 05:13 PM (gOKNv) 217
Remember the rule of thirds. Even during the revolution, 1/3 were for independence, 1/3 were loyal to the crown and 1/3 could have given a crap one way or the other.
We can only count on 1/3 of the population. Happy Friday. Posted by: Archer at March 02, 2018 05:13 PM (gbWkA) 218
Whelp I guess its time for me to get my newest camelback from a company that is not SJW. I would like to do more to smack REI for this B.S. but I don't really know where to start. I suppose I could send a letter.
Dear REI, I buy camelbacks and I hunt, I have purchased from REI before but I will not tolerate you cutting off a company that makes great products because of some whining from gun grabbers after several government agencies had serious derelictions of duty with not arresting Mr Nicolaus Cruz for his previous felony actions. A nut like him would have set a fire or a bomb to hurt innocent students if he couldn't get a rifle. I will discourage everyone I know from shopping at this company that wants to leave me defenseless to other psychotic predators. Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (eASYU) 219
Or is it being saved for Volume II?
Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (gwPgz) Is there a 2nd one coming? Lots of work! I doubt I would put a cookie recipe, but we'll see. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (fceHP) 220
If the age of purchase of a weapon is moved to 21, well then a lot of decisions ought to be moved to the age of 21.
How about the age of consent? Age to vote? Age to register for the selective service and be drafted? Age to enlist in the military? Age to buy a car, get insurance, get a mortgage, take out hundreds of thousands in student loans, etc. Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (EBwPV) 221
So what good guy orgs are there that apply this kind of pressure or planning against the Left besides the NRA.
Second Amendment Foundation. Posted by: An Observation at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (aSUIm) 222
Finally with REI there's a company that I use and can boycott. I just told them to cancel my membership.
Posted by: stace at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (6HFDU) Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (lKyWE) 224
"The left generates false support for its causes"
because they own Mass Media, we don't, the only support we have is "organic" and they just ignore it until it goes away. unfortunately our side is stuck with playing by the rules. until the shooting starts, but I don't want that to happen because then we are all fucked. Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2018 05:14 PM (bBE6d) 225
-------------------------- Let me refer you to this little thing called the 20th Century. Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (rv0Fo) 226
California has already contemplated an "exit tax" (a ransom by any other name) on those who sell a house in California and fail to buy another one in the state. The proposal was a 10% tax on the sale - which in coastal California is mucho dinero indeed.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (toAck) How do they collect what you have left the state? Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (0R8lo) 227
Trump is a warning shot, the next one will be more serious.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 02, 2018 04:52 PM (0OmEj) ........ There is only one way to defeat this as it has advanced to a near tipping point for the complete loss of our nation as we knew it. The swift decapitation of it's leadership and funding sources BAMN! A large scale civil war is not the answer nor desired. Posted by: Tentotwo at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (yhf6w) 228
Still awaiting the revelation of who were the little darlings who bullied the shooter. Wasn't bullying a big no-no and the most dire thing ever? I'm willing to bet some of the current cadre of Parkland media shock troopers were among the bullying cohorts. Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (pNxlR) 229
I have no time for media personalities that refuse to see thr obvious. Especially ones that allege the Benedict Option is our only way forward.
Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 05:07 PM (jRA31) --- I'm perfectly okay with reading somebody who's opinion differs from mine. It's increasingly a defining characteristic of the left that they can't abide another opinion. However, it's this: "I can see with each passing day that it is becoming untenable". He is finding his resistance more and more untenable. As much as Dreher likes to fashion himself as an intellectual (not without some merit, I think) the word untenable is huge. And if you're an intellectual and you think your position is untenable, it's going to change. I can't say what he's going to do. But it's also his audience that he has told he feels that day by day the tenability of his argument is slipping away, however hard he's been trying to resist the conclusion. Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 05:16 PM (vDqXW) 230
Nothing is as it appears. Everything is an op. Posted by: Mr. Peebles
That's exactly right. And it's kinda' hard to get your head around or remember 24/7. But it's non-stop Agit-Prop now, All Propaganda, All the Time. Earlier, Ace asked "Why Did It Take Two Weeks for the Media to Report on the Parkland Students' Astroturfing?" The word "report" itself means "to carry back", to faithfully relate facts to someone who wasn't there. Instead, we have propagandists who hide facts when they're not manufacturing them. Get your mind right. We're at war. Posted by: The Gipper Lives at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (Ndje9) 231
Remember the rule of thirds. Even during the revolution, 1/3 were for independence, 1/3 were loyal to the crown and 1/3 could have given a crap one way or the other.
We can only count on 1/3 of the population. 110 million people who own the majority of guns and ammo is nothing to sneeze at. Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (0R8lo) 232
Still awaiting the revelation of who were the little darlings who bullied the shooter. Wasn't bullying a big no-no and the most dire thing ever?
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (pNxlR) --- Do lions care what sheep are waiting for? Ha! Posted by: Sheriff Israel and the MSM at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (vDqXW) 233
Chik-Fil-A is a great example. I had never eaten there before the late unpleasantness and now I don't eat anywhere else!
Posted by: Comrade Hrothgar at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (gwPgz) Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (pNxlR) 235
One Reichstag fire after another. Sad.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at March 02, 2018 05:17 PM (hyuyC) 236
How do they collect what ( me: assume the word 'once) you have left the state?
Posted by: rickb223 Through the IRS. My daughter exited new Jersey without paying some NJ exit tax. The IRS scarfed it from her checking account. Posted by: ACME Little-Giant Snow Cloud Seeder at March 02, 2018 05:18 PM (2FqvZ) 237
AKM stripped receiver for $49.99 spud-762x39-receiver-p-11570.html Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 05:18 PM (ibLBN) 238
Progs are just depraved.
"A top environmental lawyer has been charged with having sex with his dog. Ivan DeVoren, 61, allegedly abused Labrador Snoopy, who is six months old, at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz IVANOVICH at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (ffzJn) Depraved, I know, come on man, no one wants to eat that! Not indirectly, anyway. Posted by: Barry Odumbshit at March 02, 2018 05:18 PM (rv0Fo) 239
Think of it as a non-violent army
In their heart of hearts, they are no such thing. ======= Well, we will be if you don't do what we say. After all its for your own good. Posted by: Fascist with a Smiley Face at March 02, 2018 05:18 PM (EAMXb) 240
California has already contemplated an "exit tax" (a ransom by any other name) on those who sell a house in California and fail to buy another one in the state. The proposal was a 10% tax on the sale - which in coastal California is mucho dinero indeed.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 02, 2018 05:10 PM (toAck) How do they collect what you have left the state? Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (0R8lo) --------------------------------- They collect at the closing of the property. Some states and counties already have such a tax, it's called a "transfer tax" and there's a line item for it on your closing documents. Yes, I live in a very blue county of a deep blue state. Why do you ask? Posted by: Boots at March 02, 2018 05:18 PM (EBwPV) 241
Great work fellas A shareholder should sue for fiduciary malfeasance. Posted by: sven10077 at March 02, 2018 05:13 PM (SzZnW) But the left is saying the GOP has made Jeff Bezos mad and now he won't build the new Amazon distibution hub in Atlanta. Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (lKyWE) 242
GOPe = French Army without the cheese.
Posted by: Deplorable Redneck Bitter Clinger at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (iiixZ) 243
The media has gone from Fake News to Make News.
Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (rv0Fo) 244
And they figure they can turn Pamela Geller into a passive-opponent by threatening her kids.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (6FqZa) 245
I don't do REI because again, Academy Sports is right next door to them and a lot cheaper.
I'm going to be screwed if Academy joins these douchebag corporations. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (oOYbM) 246
242 Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (lKyWE)
Great, he can put it in a high tax heaven for all I care. Burn it down, dance in the ashes. Atlanta is a democrat town, no skin off a GOPers' nose. Posted by: sven10077 at March 02, 2018 05:20 PM (SzZnW) Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 05:20 PM (r9UYA) 248
How do they collect what you have left the state?
Posted by: rickb223 _______ these states don't have any problem serving notices to people out of state. Supposedly Rush Limbaugh left the state of NY like 15+ years ago and he is still fighting with their tax dept Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 05:21 PM (lKmt3) 249
The Left has an active violent army of illegals and antifa.
Reserve army of SJWs. Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:21 PM (hMwEB) 250
We have to take your guns away. Then we can go all digital currency. Then we can confiscate everyone's 401K's and provide basic income to everyone else in the country and healthcare! and citizenship! and you're not a Christian if you don't go alone with it. So then it's totes okay for us to gas you. K thx bye. Posted by: Fascist with a Smiley Face at March 02, 2018 05:21 PM (ZcXOL) 251
I'm in kind of the same boat. I was a Ted Cruz supporter. Then Trump was the candidate and he won my respect by hustling and trying but I still didn't respect him as God Emperor. Next I wound up defending him to my Liberal and Agnostic friend. Now I' Pretty much on the Trump train, trusting in his skill and judgement. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:03 PM (xJa6I) My story too, except I started with Scott Walker for the few minutes he was in the race. Then I switched to Ted. Until Donnie Two Scoops smoked him just like the other 16 candidates.Can't argue with results. That is what scares the Leftists. They can't deliver results. Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at March 02, 2018 05:21 PM (UsCnO) 252
What's truly spine-chilling is the demonstration of how many people in power in our own damn country are willing to give certain orders *and* how many else are willing to follow them.
Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 05:21 PM (rv0Fo) 253
How do they collect what you have left the state?
Posted by: rickb223 at March 02, 2018 05:15 PM (0R8lo) Ah, they've thought of that. When you sell your house, they Now this is not the law; it was just a proposal. But it shows what they're thinking, and what they're worried, viz., white taxpayers not sticking around to be shorn like sheep. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at March 02, 2018 05:22 PM (toAck) 254
Posted by: someone, out there at March 02, 2018 05:22 PM (CjE8v) 255
Before you say that you can't believe something, May I kindly suggest that you examine all eye witness testimonies on camera, examine all facts and evidence that you know of (and not what the media is implying) and formulate your own conclusion using logic and reason while eliminating all emotion.
Marxists use these situations and probably allow them to happen because they are so emotionally charged that it makes it very difficult to think critically without emotion taking over. The evidence exists from local news articles, to social media accounts, to family relationships, to eye witness accounts, ect... Treat it like a court of law, which the MSM and the Marxists don't want you to do. For example, a student was found in a building with a Kevlar vest on that their dad gave then that day because he knew there would be a drill. This is a fact. Another fact is that the ofdical time line is 6 minutes and yet the shooter took a black bag with the gun, a gas mask and full body armor into the school and had to assemble and get into all of it, shoot up the building on 3 floors, get out of it all, and walk out in 6 minutes. This I'd eye witness accounts. He was also arrested away from the school after walking 1.5 miles to a Subway and McDonald's. He had no sweat, no marks, no residue on his body and clothes were clean and pressed. Where are the tapes? Why is the Uber drivers name not been released? Where are the Subway tapes and employee interviews? Where are the McDonald's tapes and interviews? How can a student in full body armor and a gas mask be identified immediately as the shooter? Why are multiple students accounts on tv being ignored that there were more than one shooter? Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (96C7R) 256
But the left is saying the GOP has made Jeff Bezos mad and now he won't build the new Amazon distibution hub in Atlanta.
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic ___________ I wouldn't be surprised at all if Amazon is the biggest gun accessory retailer on the planet. If he's anti-gun, he needs to do a better job of minding what's on his shelves. Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (lKmt3) 257
"That's exactly right. And it's kinda' hard to get
your head around or remember 24/7. But it's non-stop Agit-Prop now, All Propaganda, All the Time. Posted by: The Gipper Lives" If you almost never watch TV like me, when you occasionally are exposed to it the level of the blatant lies and agit-prop is stunning. Nealy every program, movie, news show is an endless stream of it. Morning news/talk shows are he worst. Makes me feel like I woke up in 1984. Posted by: Ripley at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (MxEKc) 258
I see no way this ends that does not involve widespread violence.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (G8hDY) Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (Ckg4U) 260
How do they collect what you have left the state? Posted by: rickb223 They won't try to collect they'll just let the interest keep building on the judgment against you. It'll follow you around everywhere. Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (lKyWE) 261
Second, progressives are getting better and more aggressive at silencing dissenting behavior. All sorts of formerly legitimate opinions have now been deemed beyond the pale on elite campuses.
Posted by: rhennigantx at March 02, 2018 05:08 PM (BtQd4) --- Which totally makes me want to go construct a crucifix and cement it to a public school floor. I want to paint scripture on public school walls--and call their BULLSHIT about SCHOOLS being GOVERNMENT! Because if schools--by their funding--are representative of Congress--all these colleges by the bullshit doctrine of "Incorporation" CAN'T silence SPEECH! I'm sick of our courts developing the doublethink of Dems! Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 05:23 PM (vDqXW) 262
For example, a student was found in a building with a Kevlar vest on that their dad gave then that day because he knew there would be a drill. ======== Link? Lotta fake news out there buddy. Posted by: Donnie two scoops at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (+Ky9y) 263
My email to REI (where I actually have a membership):
Please pass this message REI management and board of directors from me and a lot of other NRA members: You do understand that declaring schools a defender free "gun free" zone is a blatant invitation to slaughter, right? But you want to only do business with people who support that invitation to slaughter? Go to hell you rotten evil trash. I was okay with you being stupid, but declaring that you only want to do business with people who share your monstrous evil stupidity? Your hatred of your own country's Constitution? Never again business with you. Sincerely, Alec Rawls Silverdale WA (home of a soon to be forlorn REI store) In terms of allies analysis this might make passive-turning-active allies of the left think twice or it might harden them. I'm thinking in different terms, of confronting them with an understanding of the gun rights issue that has somehow eluded them: that it is the anti-gun side whose policies predictably lead to mass murder and that by simply NOT VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION we can reduce the frequency and "mass" of these mass murders. I think they really have never heard it. If they watch ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, never mind CNN and MSNBC, they never would have heard it. They live in a bubble. Pop it, and maybe that takes a sharp jab. Plus they deserve it. Posted by: Alec Rawls at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (AphMS) Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (hMwEB) 265
I will be First on the ONT because I want it. ...there's nothing you can do about it but cheat. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (Ckg4U) 266
And we need to start penetrating THEIR organizations or starting and supporting our own. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 04:45 PM (xJa6I) ----------- This is a good point. Too often, I think, we are quick to say "I'm outta here" instead of staying in to fight for our side. And I'm guilty of it too. It reminds me years ago of something I read when the abortion pill was developed. It was an article on a Catholic website, and the author said Catholics who worked for the company that developed it (can't remember, Merck or someone) or who were on their board, shouldn't quit in protest over this. Instead, they should stay, and try to change the company from within, just the way the other side does. That has stuck with me for many years because I think he was right. Progressives are loud and noisy and even though it may go against our grain, I think we need to be the same sometimes. I don't like it, but there are many things I don't like but which I need to do. Posted by: bluebell at March 02, 2018 04:53 PM It's a GREAT point. Which is why I only give two cheers for each new "conservative alternative" to some mainstream organization that's been coopted by the left. Eg., AMAC instead of AARP, gab instead of twitter. Probably other examples, but my Adhd is scrambling my brain today. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (EzdLW) 267
245 And they figure they can turn Pamela Geller into a passive-opponent by threatening her kids.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2018 05:19 PM (6FqZa) Marxists have been doing it to little people for decades via schools and courts. This is SOP for them. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (96C7R) 268
>>>Think of it as a non-violent army
<<< I'm not sure about the "non-violent" part. Count the number of countries where we are actively engaged in military hostilities. We are already in WWIII. And the enemy is here on our soil, and the evidence strongly suggests we are already actively engaged in a domestic/civil war. People, civilians, citizens, soldiers are dying everywhere. Posted by: Fritz at March 02, 2018 05:25 PM (bJ0w+) 269
So what are the chances the police were ordered to stand a watch a massacre of children specifically to trigger this?
Posted by: Apostate at March 02, 2018 04:32 PM (7d/3 ![]() No, but they had the wrong person in charge, and she was probably hired and then promoted because she is a woman. Posted by: girldog at March 02, 2018 05:25 PM (g5YYQ) 270
266 P.S.
I will be First on the ONT because I want it. ...there's nothing you can do about it but cheat. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (Ckg4U) No, Slap! Don't! That way lies the 'time out' corner... Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:25 PM (xJa6I) 271
Why does this stupid, obnoxious storm have to exist in the first place? Is it trying to get me to believe in "climate chaos"? I just want it to end.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 02, 2018 05:25 PM (/qEW2) 272
16 Let's just be honest, our side is a bit lazy when it comes to politics.
The Left treats politics like it's a religion and they'll go to hell if they don't perform their duty. If we were half as aggressive as they were we would own this country lock, stock, and barrel. They leave no stone unturned. Sports, Hollywood, television, technology, internet, government, higher education, lower education, national security, the military, Academia, etc Everywhere they get their tentacles and they are always working. Posted by: Maritime at March 02, 2018 04:36 PM (lKmt3) Under the traditional American system of government the average citizen did not have to eat, sleep, and breathe politics 24/7. People mostly concerned themselves with local, county, or state politics, and the federal government mostly stayed out of their way. This had a lot do to with how Americans became so prosperous. They were free to innovate and run their own businesses with minimal interference. The Left, to whom politics *is* a religion, echoes Trotsky: "You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you." Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2018 05:26 PM (sdi6R) 273
Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (hMwEB)
Well I had no intention of seeing it as it's a remake, but held out hope for just cuz of Bruce Willis. Now? Must see. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 05:27 PM (IYHxL) 274
274 Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (hMwEB)
Well I had no intention of seeing it as it's a remake, but held out hope for just cuz of Bruce Willis. Now? Must see. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 05:27 PM (IYHxL) Same. Saw Christian Toto's review. Anything that annoys liberals this much deserves some coin. Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (xJa6I) 275
Great Post!
I go through this in my own family. My 89 year old Mom is a Conservative, but is afraid of confronting anyone about anything, and so remains silent. AND tries to guilt trip ME into remaining silent as well... because some neighbor might say something to HER... or someone at her LIBERAL Church might say something... or a REALATIVE might say something... or the illegal that lives in the neighborhood might slit her throat... or... The Right has somehow become afraid... and that needs to change... Posted by: Don Q. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (NgKpN) 276
"No, Slap! Don't!
That way lies the 'time out' corner..." -Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:25 PM (xJa6I) With both Misanthropic Humanitarian and Charlie Brown's Dildo in my corner, I am going to be okay. I don't cheat and they both know that. I'm Calling My Shot because I can. I'm simply offering a Challenge to Those Who Would Be First. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (Ckg4U) 277
Through the IRS. My daughter exited new Jersey without paying some NJ exit tax. The IRS scarfed it from her checking account.
Posted by: ACME ---------- I believe that tax is a New Jersey tax, and must have been collected by the state of New Jersey. Anyhow, I'll see your Exit Tax, and raise yous a Going Out of Business fee. In our little uber-Progressive burg, it is necessary that you pay a fee to the city to go out of business. As an aside, the 'local' paper, which is now owned by Gannett, and has become a Lefty propaganda sheet, has been steadily losing circulation. No one even knows who the publisher is anymore. In the face of said falling circulation, they have come up with a typically Lefty strategy to compensate, raise subscription cost. They now want $500 for a year's subscription to their yellow rag. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (5OO3x) 278
Posted by: Don Q. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (NgKpN)
That's always been SOP for the right. We try to play nice and what not. The left emotes and figures EVERYONE must agree with whatever bullshit they're spouting out. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (IYHxL) Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (xJa6I) 280
272 Why does this stupid, obnoxious storm have to exist in the first place? Is it trying to get me to believe in "climate chaos"? I just want it to end.z'
Sunny, calm, and 70 degrees in East Texas right now. (we had our rain earlier this week) now not meaning to pick on you, but the comment on "climate change" is what the left is always trying to push, when we know that shitty weather happens, has always happened, will always happened. Sometimes I think the entire "climate change" movement is simply based on the boomers getting old, and doing what all old people do which is sit around on the porch and bitch about the weather, and how everything used to be so much better when they were young. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (k1TUh) 281
You might want to consider getting involved politically in you local area.
Posted by: Dick Nixon at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (Wd0WT) 282
This had a lot do to with how Americans became so prosperous. They were free to innovate and run their own businesses with minimal interference.
The Left, to whom politics *is* a religion, echoes Trotsky: "You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you." Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2018 05:26 PM (sdi6R) Actually... it stems from the fact that the State (Feds) have WAY too much power, and intervene in everything now.... I can't think of one thing that somehow is not controlled or regulated by the State. Thus... when decisions in Washington affect you personally??? Politics becomes personal... Posted by: Don Q. at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (NgKpN) 283
With both Misanthropic Humanitarian and Charlie Brown's Dildo in my corner, I am going to be okay. I don't cheat and they both know that. I'm Calling My Shot because I can. I'm simply offering a Challenge to Those Who Would Be First. Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1), (T) at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (Ckg4U) Let me guess: You have a second computer running a script that hits F5 every second, and when a new post comes up, there you are. ![]() Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (sdi6R) 284
Yup, that's what that one twitter post of that guy turning in his guns was all about. He, of course, was a plant trying to move the active opponent to passive opponent, as well, and move neutrals to passive ally all in one sweep.
Too bad the guy was a god awful actor. Posted by: Orson at March 02, 2018 05:33 PM (OhXea) 285
They attack the NRA and the 2nd amendment. We join the NRA, arm the gun-free zones, and vote for the 2nd amendment defenders.
Posted by: Mr Peabody at March 02, 2018 05:33 PM (fSf/G) 286
What can we do?
" Monkey-wrenching" is one thing that comes to mind. Little acts of anonymous sabotage. Target selection requires some thought. The artist Sabo comes to mind as an example of a monkey-wrencher, although since he is not anonymous, he is paying a price. Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at March 02, 2018 05:33 PM (jKWxY) 287
Anyhow, I'll see your Exit Tax, and raise yous a Going Out of Business fee. In our little uber-Progressive burg, it is necessary that you pay a fee to the city to go out of business. IPosted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (5OO3x) Surely you jest. Posted by: girldog at March 02, 2018 05:34 PM (g5YYQ) 288
Let's just be honest, our side is a bit lazy when it comes to politics.
-------------- Yeah...but there's a reason. Conservatives, by their nature, are reserved, polite, and respectful. The Left take advantage of that. One manifestation of that is the invasion of the most vulnerable institutions, Churches and schools. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:34 PM (5OO3x) 289
No, no it does not. These mass shootings happen often enough that you just have to wait for one. This is an example of why we can't have nice things. The left creates the situations which breed mass shootings. The Promise program was intentionally set up to breed mass murderers in schools. Only and idiot would believe that could achieve any other goal. The left is not a bunch of idiots - this is intentional. Posted by: An Observation at March 02, 2018 05:34 PM (aSUIm) 290
Sometimes I think the entire "climate change" movement is simply based on the boomers getting old, and doing what all old people do which is sit around on the porch and bitch about the weather, and how everything used to be so much better when they were young. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM Heh. I've had the same thought. Not so much about the climate change movement but about climate change reporting from the MSM. Considering how their audience is made up of so many seniors, iirc. Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 05:34 PM (EzdLW) Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2018 05:35 PM (ptqGC) 292
I think I"m going to redo my will and leave everything to the organization that will piss off my liberal friends the most.
The Thomas More Law Center looks good. Get some lawfare going in the opposite direction.... Posted by: vivi at March 02, 2018 05:35 PM (11H2y) 293
Soon then later groups like Antifa will start shooting people. This will be the ignition point. Prepare. Take no prisoners.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 05:35 PM (r9UYA) 294
#Failifornia is dunning me for back taxes on money i never earned, just because i keep my pharmacy tech registration current.
they calculate what they thing average salary is then demand i file taxes to *prove* i'm not hiding income... as if the healthcare industry has people w*rking under the table, or i can to tech w*rk from home on my own... they're desperate for every $ they can get. Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 05:36 PM (ibLBN) Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:36 PM (hMwEB) 296
What would happen if a bunch of folks hurled a boatload of Tide Pods at the next children's crusade?
Posted by: vivi at March 02, 2018 05:36 PM (11H2y) Posted by: Bruce at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (7rlrd) 298
So what are the chances the police were ordered to stand a watch a massacre of children specifically to trigger this?
======== Well break it down. They were ordered to set up a perimeter not enter. They did stand and watch (using your terms) they didn't even go to assess for wounded. Why? A few days ago we didn't even know they were ordered to not go in. they tried to tell us there was only one guy there and he froze. Did they seamlessly capitalize on this tragic event immediately as if it had been a scripted response? I'd like to believe that even leftists wouldn't let something like that happen to kids. But our govt. gives half a billion a year to an organization that kills kids and sells their parts for profit. Bengazi. They threw a guy in jail for a video when they knew it had nothing to do with it. Lied for months. I know its hard to get your mind around but, you have to put it on the table. It is within the realm of plausibility that they are setting up scenarios where these things can happen because when they do it monetizes and advances their goals. They do not seem in the slightest hesitant to capitalize the tragedy. Pun intended. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (ZIcq+) 299
Wolf Blitzer -- another guy with a head that looks like the top of a Pez dispenser.
Posted by: Hands at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (EzdLW) 300
"We can only count on 1/3 of the population. --
110 million people who own the majority of guns and ammo is nothing to sneeze at. Posted by: rickb223 the 1/3rd thing is important to consider, but in the info age all can now be "reached" instantly. The propaganda is fake, the truth/light exposes the darkness. People can discern, cuz in the end people live in a real world. this is why the internet CAN save us, and is why they so desperately wanted to control all searches and topics ... and are censoring Truth. 1776 they used pamphlets ... everything was slow. Internet sends video to everyone on the globe in an instant. Propaganda gets flamed. they still have convinced a couple generations on diversity and the other shit sammiches ... but look at Europe or Detroit ... open borders LA ... Truth wins ... quickly. Americanism ... or a slave to China communism? let's do a real comparison ... Europe, forcing jihadists into Poland/CzechRepublic ... or London telling women to get used to rape and it is hate speech to complain about jihadists? Truth (should) WINS. more than a third ... all are online. Don't fight the last war ... or the 1776 war, which wasn't the last one. More than a third were involved and picked a side in WW2. Posted by: illiniwek at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (bT8Z4) 301
In the face of said falling circulation, they have come up with a typically Lefty strategy to compensate, raise subscription cost. They now want $500 for a year's subscription to their yellow rag.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (5OO3x) The next step is for your local government to subsidize the paper with the fees you pay to go out of business. Posted by: girldog at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (g5YYQ) 302
Our local newspaper was sold by the somewhat conservative family who owned it, and it's now a full-on liberal rag, with it's national "news" source being the AP.
On today's front page was a high school SJW making her sign to carry to a Stop Killing Our Children!!! rally (or whatever the hell they're calling it). The local Pussy Hat hags are egging them on. All of this, happening in a mid-size Southern city. Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2018 05:40 PM (ptqGC) 303
For example, a student was found in a building with a Kevlar vest on that their dad gave then that day because he knew there would be a drill. ======== Link? Lotta fake news out there buddy. Posted by: Donnie two scoops at March 02, 2018 05:24 PM (+Ky9y) Your a tough smart guy, so your on research and decide for yourself. I'm phone posting and can't get to my saved links. Jesus Christ if it wasn't for autists on the Chans Hillary would be POTUS and most would still be in the dark. Start there, buddy. Try these two links and comments with links buddy. Link one is the bullet proof vest, buddy. Also the building is going to be demolished and reached a plea deal to avoid death with Cruz to avoid a trail so no investigation. There are local news reports about those as well. Think buddy. I'm not the enemy so stop talking to me like I am. I trying to help our side instead of enabling emirioanl wishcating that Marxists are taking over our country and its worth fighting for. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:40 PM (96C7R) 304
What would happen if a bunch of folks hurled a boatload of Tide Pods at the next children's crusade?
lol.. I like the way you think. Posted by: Jewells45 at March 02, 2018 05:41 PM (dUJdY) Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 02, 2018 05:42 PM (IYHxL) 306
Dicks Sporting Goods down .83 percent today. Trending down.
Delta down .17 (yea I know, nothing) but trending down. Fight the good fight every moment Every minute every day Fight the good fight every moment It's your only way All your life you've been waiting for your chance Where you'll fit into the plan But you're the master of your own destiny So give and take the best that you can A somewhat under-rated Canadian band. Posted by: Deplorable Redneck Bitter Clinger at March 02, 2018 05:42 PM (iiixZ) 307
I know its hard to get your mind around but, you have to put it on the table. It is within the realm of plausibility that they are setting up scenarios where these things can happen because when they do it monetizes and advances their goals. They do not seem in the slightest hesitant to capitalize the tragedy. Pun intended. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (ZIcq+) I've said before that totalitarian collectivists are willing to murder millions when they are in power. What would keep them from using mass murder as a tool to obtain power? Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2018 05:42 PM (sdi6R) 308
MEMO to GOP Lawmakers: Either You Stand with Conservatives Against Tech Giant Censorship Today - Or You Will Stand Alone at Midterms -GP Posted by: Under Fire at March 02, 2018 05:42 PM (r9UYA) 309
What would happen if a bunch of folks hurled a boatload of Tide Pods at the next children's crusade? Drop them from a helicopter WKRP style. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 02, 2018 05:43 PM (IqV8l) 310
I think next time if Ace asks if pound me too is troll I might have a different opinion. Buddy. Posted by: ACME Little-Giant Snow Cloud Seeder at March 02, 2018 05:43 PM (2FqvZ) 311
Where have you gone, Joe Stalino?
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo woo woo. What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson? Purgin' Joe has left and gone away, hey hey hey. Posted by: Max Boot at March 02, 2018 05:43 PM (ppaKI) 312
Marxists have one very solid skill and that is they organize. With good organization, a few people can run roughshod over thousands.
On a happy note, on the way home from the rifle range this afternoon I saw a dwarf running a fruit stand by the highway. Made me smile, you go little man! Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 02, 2018 05:44 PM (EoRCO) 313
"I would say the most egregious part of this warplan, and the one that makes me the most animated, is the part where they attempt to pressurize their "active enemies" into a coerced silence, threatening consequences for speaking out against them."
Which is where I find myself in the argument. I coach 67 kids ages 8-18 in all shooting sports disciplines. These are the kids who are the role models for responsible and safe firearms ownership. These are the kids Trump needs to talk to in order to understand that the idiots are a tiny minority. In Texas alone, well over 100,000 kids participate in some type of organized shooting group. Texas is recognized as the recruiting grounds for USA Shooting and USA Archery. However, we're not going to throw our kids "out there" to be targeted and attacked by the trolls these folks employee who think nothing of tossing out death treats against young people - see Kendal Jones for a great example. Posted by: 2nd Amemdment Mother at March 02, 2018 05:44 PM (USAOW) 314
What would happen if a bunch of folks hurled a boatload of Tide Pods at the next children's crusade?
Drop them from a helicopter WKRP style. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 02, 2018 05:43 PM (IqV8l)-------------------------- Drop them in those big plastic containers you can buy them in. Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2018 05:44 PM (ptqGC) 315
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 02, 2018 05:44 PM (NWiLs) 316
Anyhow, I'll see your Exit Tax, and raise yous a Going Out of Business fee. In our little uber-Progressive burg, it is necessary that you pay a fee to the city to go out of business.
IPosted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:29 PM (5OO3x) Surely you jest. Posted by: girldog ------------------- I couldn't make that up. The Progs are like vultures. Another example. I work with a charitable organization here. Some years back, we planted a cherry tree at the NE corner of our office building. It was badly sited, and after several years began dropping leaves into the gutter, and abrading the shingles. Solution? Simple, cut it down. One of the people on the staff pointed out that we could not do that without permission. I was flabbergasted. I checked with the city. Sure enough, though it was our tree, that we planted on our property, it was necessary that we obtain approval and a permit to cut it down. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (FJXGr) 317
Actually... it stems from the fact that the State (Feds) have WAY too much power, and intervene in everything now.... I can't think of one thing that somehow is not controlled or regulated by the State. Thus... when decisions in Washington affect you personally??? Politics becomes personal... Posted by: Don Q. at March 02, 2018 05:31 PM (NgKpN) Exactly. And who set it up like that? The Left. Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (sdi6R) 318
I know its hard to get your mind around but, you have to put it on the table. It is within the realm of plausibility that they are setting up scenarios where these things can happen because when they do it monetizes and advances their goals.
They do not seem in the slightest hesitant to capitalize the tragedy. Pun intended. Posted by: simplemind at March 02, 2018 05:37 PM (ZIcq+) I think you're farther in to conspiracy land then me, but I will say these (probably unrelated) thoughts have been mulling around in my head for a few months at least.... 1) The FBI / law enforcement seems have missed a lot of known wolves lately. Incompetence? Yeah, probably. But suffice to say that the FBI, at the very least, knew the name of many of the recent mass killers (both nutjob and Islamic types). In some cases, it's been confirmed the FBI was even in communication with these people (at the very least interviewing the pulse nightclub shooter multiple times). 2) The FBI / law enforcement spent a decade post-9/11 bragging about their sting operations against muslims where they'd find some low IQ loser, introduce a plan to him about mass killings, set up fake training, fake bombs, etc., then arrest the guy right before he "detonated the bomb" on terrorism charges. Then the FBI would run to the media and brag about it. We don't hear those stories much anymore... Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (F5+ro) 319
Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:40 PM (96C7R)
Anybody say they heard fire from two guns. Did they find more than one gun? Any of the ballistics say two guns used? Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (oOYbM) 320
Progs are just depraved. "A top environmental lawyer has been charged with having sex with his dog. Ivan DeVoren, 61, allegedly abused Labrador Snoopy, who is six months old, at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzz IVANOVICH at March 02, 2018 05:05 PM (ffzJn) ------ either Ted Nugent - Dog Eat Dog or Iggy Pop- I wanna be your Dog is his mood music ? Posted by: DeploraBOT at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (y3aQB) 321
the Left's foot soldiers are dumb, but their top leaders are crafty
coulda set the stage for school massacres deliberately Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at March 02, 2018 05:46 PM (hMwEB) 322
I cannot believe he shooting was planned, or even intentionally allowed
to happen. It seems to be just a whole serous of insane PC policies, decisions and incompetence that had a not very surprising outcome. This is why we are losing. You can't believe the enemy is as evil as they really are. Most people can't - so you are in the majority. The Soviets used to say: "If only Comrade Stalin knew" while they were on their way to the gulags. Here is a hint - he knew. We don't have any trouble figuring out how to prevent mass school shootings - the Israelis figured it out in 1974. Why do you think the left is so vigorous in rejecting actual solutions? Because these shootings HAVE to be allowed to continue or they lose their media advantage. It is not incompetence - it is pure malice on their part. Posted by: An Observation at March 02, 2018 05:47 PM (aSUIm) 323
294 #Failifornia is dunning me for back taxes on money i never earned, just because i keep my pharmacy tech registration current.
they calculate what they thing average salary is then demand i file taxes to *prove* i'm not hiding income... as if the healthcare industry has people w*rking under the table, or i can to tech w*rk from home on my own... they're desperate for every $ they can get. Posted by: redc1c4 at March 02, 2018 05:36 PM (ibLBN) --- They also assess a fine on any state tax payments not made the instant you get your paycheck. It's not enough to pay what you owe by April 15th. If not enough was removed from each and every paycheck, if they didn't get full payment continuously, they assess a fine. And all the traffic fines have been jacked up about 400% in a decade... Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at March 02, 2018 05:49 PM (jKWxY) 324
Dicks Sporting Goods down .83 percent today. Trending down.
Delta down .17 (yea I know, nothing) but trending down. --- It's probably not too late to get in the action shorting those bums. Posted by: Methos at March 02, 2018 05:49 PM (XQvuQ) 325
The Thomas More Law Center is hiring.
Posted by: vivi at March 02, 2018 05:49 PM (11H2y) 326
309. That's not how you use helicopters.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 02, 2018 05:50 PM (fA1SL) 327
so basically the soros PR world has a game plan for not letting crisis's go to waste and the cnn/msnbc world is fine with hours of free air time for it.,
Posted by: zibbly wibbly at March 02, 2018 05:50 PM (V3U1L) 328
just remember, the left has dozens of groups being given millions of dollars, from the black lives matters folks getting millions from the NFL to other consent decrees and DOJ settlements. this is that money at work, dozens of PR firms ready to go.
Posted by: zibbly wibbly at March 02, 2018 05:51 PM (V3U1L) 329
Posted by: Auntie Maxine at March 02, 2018 05:52 PM (t41dG) 330
I can't say what he's going to do. But it's also his audience that he has told he feels that day by day the tenability of his argument is slipping away, however hard he's been trying to resist the conclusion.
Posted by: Axebot at March 02, 2018 05:16 PM (vDqXW) I wouldn't enter comboxes if I couldn't handle alternate opinions. But here, to prove it isn't the paranoia of a young man: Jan 2018: "It's about our vulgar President's contempt for entire nations full of poor, non-white beings." Later: "The left's inability to discuss hard questions without screaming bloody murder... is one reason we have Trump." Next: "My own problems with Trump is that he is vulgar, cruel, stupid, corrupt, and not half the populist he claims to be." Now: "You don't have to like Donald Trump... or any of that populist tribe to understand that they are not coming for your job." It is a cycle, and I can go back all of last year to find more examples. I have enough problems, so waiting for a particular thought leader's head to finish turning holds no interest for me. The boot is on our throat. Meanwhile, Rod Dreher spent the last year waffling between "Progressives are coming to crush anyone who does not believe in the gay lifestyle" and "the party of Bill Clinton... has gotten out ahead of the GOP on sexual assault." And that after Harvey Weinstein! I don't grudge your reading him, but I promise you can do better. Posted by: trev006 at March 02, 2018 05:54 PM (jRA31) 331
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (FJXGr)
Ah well, I live in South Florida, so who am I to talk? Posted by: girldog at March 02, 2018 05:55 PM (g5YYQ) 332
Solution? Simple, cut it down. One of the people on the staff pointed out that we could not do that without permission. I was flabbergasted. I checked with the city. Sure enough, though it was our tree, that we planted on our property, it was necessary that we obtain approval and a permit to cut it down.
Posted by: Mike Hammer kill it with fertilizer. Posted by: x at March 02, 2018 06:03 PM (nFwvY) 333
The Vista brands listed are HUGE brands. Let REI boycott them, and watch REI's sales plunge. Those brands have plenty of other outlets, but REI doesn't have that many other brands in those markets. Giro and Bell are by far the biggest bicycle helmet makers, bolle is huge in eyewear, camelbak is dominant in hydration, and blackburn is one of the biggest accessory makers.
Posted by: OCBill at March 02, 2018 06:04 PM (df+Zi) 334
319 Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 05:40 PM (96C7R)
Anybody say they heard fire from two guns. Did they find more than one gun? Any of the ballistics say two guns used? Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at March 02, 2018 05:45 PM (oOYbM) 320 Yes multiple students on camera said this. The interwabz are scrubbing them. Here is one still up with some of the interviews. There are no ballistics tests being released or it will be controlled.. There is no official investigation because there will be no criminal trial. See how that works? So it's tried by the MSM court of propaganda. Posted by: Pound Me Too at March 02, 2018 06:09 PM (96C7R) 335
dear MEC,
you homos just got tricked into buttfucking yourselves by Bezos. I'd say enjoy your blown rear seals, but you are probably already doing so. Posted by: x at March 02, 2018 06:09 PM (nFwvY) 336
Mark 12:14 And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that t███ art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to C███ar, or not? Posted by: James Comey, teetering closer to the edge of the abyss at March 02, 2018 06:20 PM (2FqvZ) 337
Do you understand how the "long march through the institutions" was accomplished now? The early workings on the march sputtered in the 70s due to in-fighting between left factions. The "old guard," the 1930s-40s-50s CPUSA guys in the late 70s/early 80s sat all the factions down and laid out the new plan.
Community organizing to grow a cadre of true believers and money spigots from unions, foundations, and government to pay for the organizers and the think tanks to come up with the plans the organizers would push. Chicago was the hub where it all began with the Midwest University, Acorn, Gamaliel, and the Alinsky started IAF. Posted by: geoffb at March 02, 2018 06:26 PM (zOpu5) 338
We need more James O'Keefe's infiltrating these Leftist and Leftist-leaning organizations to show how so many of these so-called grass-roots organizations are nothing more than astroturf.
Posted by: jim at March 02, 2018 06:33 PM (gjGvH) 339
We're not going to win and the spectrum of replies here is why. There are people who want a shooting war today... but they don't want to start it. There are people who expect a shooting war when it gets "bad enough". But it never does. There are those who want to fight back but without violence, the same losing tactics for the last 50 years. And finally those who want to withdraw. No one wants to be first through the breach, so we lose.
Posted by: Mr Black at March 02, 2018 06:40 PM (1eiRh) 340
Thanks for another great piece, Ace.
We can not doubt ourselves any more: Posted by: epador at March 02, 2018 07:13 PM (RyIfn) 341
What they fail to realize is that there will never be a 100% conversion from one spectra slot to another. Many passive's will go to active as soon as the threat gets either closer or bigger to them. Probably brought about by the threats from the left. The biggest thing that befuddles me (just a tad off topic) is why do people who on the surface seem rational, refuse to protect their children with armed guards in schools, just to put their party first?
As a talk show host here in Cleveland says (all the time lately lol): "I'm living in a world I don't understand." Posted by: Jon Brooks at March 02, 2018 07:30 PM (19v3Y) 342
Good info above, but it's worth mentioning that in psychological operations, you aren't viewing groups as groups. You are evaluating individuals with in the groups who are best positioned to move the group in the direction you want it go.
You identify these "key leaders" (also called centers of gravity, but a cog can be a group) and you get them to move and align with you. Then, if you've done your targeting correctly, no further action is required on your part because they will take the actions you need them too. And when you really need them to move (for example when a target of opportunity, such as Parkland, appears) they are predisposed to respond favorably to your request. As a "psyoper" it frustrates me that we are talking about Delta. We are talking about REI. We are talking about the NRA. We aren't talking about the individuals who are making the decisions for those groups. The left does a better job of that than the right does. They identify key leaders on the right and target them, as individuals, publicly. They dox, they swat, they defame. This is how they keep their passive opponents passive, fear. Posted by: SSG Kane at March 02, 2018 07:32 PM (eJWAU) 343
What we need to do is express our intent not to patronize REI ever again. I will write a letter to that effect.
Really Expensive Items. Posted by: LadyTheo at March 02, 2018 07:46 PM (+H2sG) 344
Just wrote REI, told them to cancel my REI number which I've had since the 1970's. I was their core customer: buyer of climbing, mountaineering, backpacking, outdoor gear of all types. Every year since forever I spent > $1000 at REI outfitting myself and my compadres. No more! Way to go, REI. Proggro Puget Sound Jerks (JOPPS).
Posted by: John A. Fleming at March 02, 2018 08:14 PM (MTWhU) 345
Ok. Not to be an asshole, but by all means call me one anyway if it makes you feel better, but I understood this allies-to-enemies spectrum in high school. Is this not common knowledge? Am I some sort of un-self aware genius?
Posted by: Wtp at March 02, 2018 09:04 PM (WQfDg) 346
Fascists gotta be Fascists. It's amazing how ignorant so many people are of history. It's true that our schools and entertainment collude to deceive people but the information is readily available over the internet though it's obvious with the machinations of the social media Stalinists that they plan to label that information as 'fake' and get it out of circulation.
Posted by: TBlakely at March 02, 2018 10:27 PM (LAjF2) 347
Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2018 10:27 PM (rv0Fo) 348
First, know thine enemy. Second, the best defense is a good offense. Third, given theses One and Two, the only good blood-enemy is a dead one. If "death" seems a bit, um, overly provocative, we'll consider this a metaphorical moral-and-spiritual vs. physical termination.
But that is not how totalitarian creeps-and-thugs of every collectivist/Statist stripe play ball: They hate your guts, they want you liquidated physically, and their small-minded, vicious, little selves will stop at nothing to attain that end. Sooner or later, it will be you-or-them. Posted by: Pyrthroes at March 02, 2018 11:21 PM (GElx1) 349
The antidote to all this leftist bullshit is sunlight. They are liars and manipulators. Arm yourself with the truth and dispel all their lies. It is work, but I have seen lots of anti gun people that were exposed to the truth converted.
All the left has is misinformation and propaganda Look at the current campaign, it is all bullshit and emotion. No facts to it. The left are a bunch of nasty fucks that deserve to live in Hell for taking advantage of those kids. Posted by: David M at March 02, 2018 11:44 PM (qZfBO) Posted by: Reno Sepulveda at March 03, 2018 12:01 AM (0rgQ8) 351
350 349 comments... what are any of us prepared to do about it? Not a damned thing.
Many of us are doing many damned things--please pay attention. Posted by: Kevin C at March 03, 2018 12:23 AM (L7PXD) 352
I was going to get into a possible linkage between F&F and then Las Vegas, then finally Parkland; and how the first two events didn't produce enough outrage, so the Parkland massacre was "arranged" to make sure there was enough collective outrage. That may be a stretch, but I wanted to share the downstream local effect.
Our local smalltown paper had an article about one of our high schools and the kids demonstrating against the NRA and wanting to have "their lives mean more than guns". The nail in the coffin was a statement from one of the mothers about how she was so proud of her daughter for her critical thinking skills. They are so clueless and self unaware, it is sad. We have a collision of Constitutional rights with an ever increasing pool of immature children who will never grow up nor understand their obligations. I can't imagine a single one of them defending this country in a time of war. This collision of culture and duty has been part of the Left's plan all along to destroy the country from within. Posted by: Ringo Phonebone at March 03, 2018 01:01 AM (x3OZt) 353
California has let 60000 people out of their prisons...lots of gun deaths will result from that. It's not even a felony now to STEAL a firearm.
Posted by: torabora at March 03, 2018 01:01 AM (K0z2U) 354
Just joined the NRA.
Posted by: More Liberty at March 03, 2018 02:54 AM (KyAqJ) 355
"354 Just joined the NRA." "Posted by: More Liberty at March 03, 2018 02:54" I rejoined after a long absence, and for 5 years. Posted by: Ringo Phonebone at March 03, 2018 11:48 AM (x3OZt) 356
You know, the worst thing they could do would be to pass regulations making me a felon for passively possessing weapons. In that case, what incentive do I have to not go full Jolly Roger on them?
Posted by: Michael D. Houst at March 05, 2018 02:25 PM (K6A61) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.0536 seconds. |
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