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DeepStateGate Update

A few quick bits and links:

As the sidebar notes, Sara A. Carter reported on Hannity that the tidbit that Christopher Wray found so "concerning" was the claim that Andrew McCabe asked FBI agents to alter their form 302 witness interview reports. As I mentioned over there, as the FBI does not record conversations, the form 302's are the one and only official "documentation" of an interview. If McCabe asked agents to alter their own best-recollection accounts of these interviews, then he was effectively asking them to falsify evidence in potential criminal cases.

Carter says that the FBI is examining this charge. If it is found to be true, McCabe will be fired -- and that, I take it, means that his "terminal leave" will be cancelled and he will not get his full pension. (Not getting his full pension is no huge thing financially, as it's pro rated, Commenter tells me, so he'd get like 99.8%, but a true firing will demolish his reputation and may even carry further penalties.)

Sara Carter also casts doubt on any of these "voluntarily stepped down" claims that the media has "reported" (probably using McCabe himself as an objective source). She reports he was "forced to resign," and that he "lashed out at his colleagues" when he was told, Outten Sie.

Mollie Hemingway noted the long list of McCabe's and Mueller's Top Men who've been demoted or reassigned or fired in this sham investigation, and notes that the media, for reasons i'm sure none of us can even speculate about, seems to be willfully avoiding covering a major story.

Byron York reports that the Schiff counter-memo the media is so breathless about is mostly just a long personal attack on Republican Intel Committee head Devin Nunes.

However, it's also larded up with classified information -- which I think Democrats did on purpose, so that when Republicans properly redact it, they can claim "Oh, see, they're keeping all this important information from the American people!"

Which the media will of course dutifully buy into, because the media is Partisan, and the media is Dumb.

I forget the cite, but someone, maybe Chuck Ross, reports that the FISA Abuse memo must be held for five days, even if Trump approves its release on day one, so don't expect to see it before Friday at the earliest and more likely next Monday.

One more bit I don't have a link handy for (I have too many tabs open and can't find any of the articles I opened): Someone's reporting, or maybe just speculating, that McCabe is just the first to be force-out, and that this force-out is just a general prelude to a more extensive house-cleaning of McCabe's "cronies" at the FBI.

When I find that link, I'll add it. If you know the links for those last two, please help a blogga out and link them in the comments.

Posted by: Ace at 12:09 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Heh - look at Rasmussen' huge one day approval index hike for PDT

Date Approval Index Strongly Approve StronglyDisapprove

30-Jan-18 +29 44% 15%

29-Jan-18 -14 29% 43%

26-Jan-18 -12 30% 42%

Posted by: TheATL at January 30, 2018 12:10 PM (yFgwo)

2 The memo will be held for 5 days, or until it gets leaked, whichever comes first.

Posted by: Roy at January 30, 2018 12:11 PM (7n4KQ)

3 Yikes foist first milestone!

Posted by: TheATL at January 30, 2018 12:11 PM (yFgwo)

4 >>Heh - look at Rasmussen' huge one day approval index hike for PDT

Those damned Russian bots again...

Posted by: Roy at January 30, 2018 12:11 PM (7n4KQ)

5 Sounds like the leaking has already begun.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:11 PM (LiyEm)

6 Top 10 annnd I'm out.

Posted by: regular joe at January 30, 2018 12:11 PM (O50yS)

Suck it, poseurs ...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 30, 2018 12:12 PM (pNxlR)

8 4 page memo - leak a page per day

Posted by: Roy at January 30, 2018 12:12 PM (7n4KQ)

9 We're being worked to death. May need to look into unionizing.

Posted by: Holier than Thou Asshole Bot at January 30, 2018 12:13 PM (SkuXa)

10 "Yikes foist first milestone!"

And you even included real content. Nice!

Posted by: Chris M at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (eAZVt)

11 Part of the "classified" wording in the Democrat memo includes sections like: "Trump eats boogers, neener, neener, neener"

Posted by: Roy at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (7n4KQ)

12 Haven't you heard from your buddy Jeff B today? The Memo "is a purely conclusory document and thus inherently suspect." And "If you think there's an iota's worth of difference between Nunes and Schiff, look in a mirror: you're the hack."

Posted by: Gman at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (Bnm2K)

13 leak a page per day

Awww, I wememba leaking on pages evwy day.

Posted by: Bawney Fwank at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (OFSX3)

14 Speaking of biased media I can't quite grasp how Jim Acosta has managed to find work as a lead reporter for CNN. I know I don't know the full story, but he sure seems a few mules short of a train, or a few bulbs short of a chandelier.
What has he done to earn his position?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (nBr1j)

15 I can't remember the last time a government official had to give up his/her pension. Even the Boston FBI agent who authorized hits and is serving life in prison is getting a monthly kiss in the mail.

Posted by: regular joe at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (kb0cx)

16 The AP is less trustworthy than Pravda.

This morning's fish wrap had nothing but AP reports about PDT pressuring Wray to get rid of McCabe, which as I understand the facts as they've been presented so far, is an absolute lie.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:15 PM (ptqGC)

17 14: him smokem many, many, poles.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 30, 2018 12:15 PM (KP5rU)

18 What has he done to earn his position?

Something about chrome and trailer hitches

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 12:15 PM (OFSX3)

19 What has he done to earn his position?

You sure you wanna know?

Posted by: Jeff Zucker at January 30, 2018 12:16 PM (SkuXa)

20 On of the most hardcore lefties I've ever known married my childhood BFF.

Retired FBI weasel. Lives like a damned king on his sweet pension.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (ptqGC)

21 Trump is a meany!!!

Posted by: Bruce at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (0Uw9t)

22 One more bit I don't have a link handy for (I have too many tabs open and can't find any of the articles I opened): Someone's reporting, or maybe just speculating, that McCabe is just the first to be force-out, and that this force-out is just a general prelude to a more extensive house-cleaning of McCabe's "cronies" at the FBI.

From your keyboard to God's ears, ace, and may Pompeo do the same for CIA, which is probably every bit as compromised as the FBI.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (RD7QR)

23 If I want any shit out of JeffB I'll squeeze his head...

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (LiyEm)

24 Burn down the FBI. At this point we would be better off.

Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (0OmEj)

25 As I mentioned over there, as the FBI does not record conversations, the form 302's are the one and only official "documentation" of an interview. If McCabe asked agents to alter their own best-recollection accounts of these interviews, then he was effectively asking them to falsify official documents in potential criminal cases.

If true, that's a felony that carries up to a 20 year sentence. This is no small matter.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (NWiLs)

26 How does Adam Schiff manage to hold his great, giant melon up without the help of a normal sized neck?
Does he need viagra just to keep his erect?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (nBr1j)

So..... Presstitures...... please , by all means. Im willing to listen to your pro Governmental Agency spying on opposition party's, candidates, and elected officials to undermine and unjustly overturn free an fair elections.

Do. Go on.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (8XRCm)

28 What Clint Eastwood said - paraphrasing 'we own this country. not THEM.'

Let justice be served. Perhaps to include pillories and public stockades and baskets of rotten vegetables and fruits.

Posted by: Count de Monet at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (QLvwG)

29 Sara Carter reported that McCabe dismissal was the tip of the iceberg for people getting shitcanned from FBI

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (y3aQB)

30 Golf ball, garden hose

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (M2Zoe)

The memo has passed from a House committee to the White House for review, which is required because the document is based on classified information. Trump has as many as five days to review the document for national security concerns, but it won't be mentioned as part of his State of the Union speech to Congress Tuesday, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News.

from Bloomberg

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 30, 2018 12:19 PM (pNxlR)

32 Here's the link to which you were referring:

Posted by: Khiri at January 30, 2018 12:19 PM (KdUQb)

33 The FBI is cancerous. Chemo the whole thing and start over. Are you going to accidentally kill healthy cells? Probably. But it's the only way.

Posted by: LizLem at January 30, 2018 12:19 PM (hvf9s)

34 Retired FBI weasel. Lives like a damned king on his sweet pension.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (ptqGC)

As befits one of our betters.

Daughter H lives in a community where many many homes are owned and occupied by retired dual Civil Service couples. They live the good life!

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 12:19 PM (gwPgz)

ace: five day possible delay link in #31

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (pNxlR)

36 I'm pretty sure Chuck Ross is wrong.

Trump has 5 days to approve or deny the memo. If he approves it it will be released immediately.

If he denies it it goes back to the House where the House can vote to release it.

I think the only reason we haven't seen it yet if the SOTU. It will probably be released on Thursday unless for some reason it would interfere with some message that Trump gives at the SOTU.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (/tuJf)

37 28: you misspelled guillotine.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (M2Zoe)

38 Morning Joe was hilarious today. Mika is dressed in black because #MeToo (even as she sits beside her boyfriend, Philanderin' Murderin' Joe), and Joe's hair was extra high.

They had the usual cast of suspects in their "salon," Miss Prissy Peggy Noonan, Tom "Mumbles" Brokaw, and others.

Joe told Peggy Noonan that PDT is destroying the Constitution, but she did rebut him by saying the American people have the right to see what's in the memo. Of course, he and his side piece totally disagreed.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (ptqGC)

39 The President can release anything he damn well pleases.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (1ISKN)

40 Has David Frump explained why it's a bad thing to release the FISA memo?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (nBr1j)

41 If McCabe did what Sara Carter is saying, then forget firing. The little crapweasel should be in jail!

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (+1EJs)

42 ... Jeff B today? The Memo "is a purely conclusory document and thus inherently suspect." And "If you think there's an iota's worth of difference between Nunes and Schiff, look in a mirror: you're the hack."
Posted by: Gman

Boy, he sounds positively nervous.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (32tyq)

43 Altering a witness testimony as an FBI agent should be WAY more than getting your pension docked 1%.

You should be in federal prison.

I can't even believe that just letting this people go is such a hard thing to do.

Posted by: Maritime at January 30, 2018 12:21 PM (lKmt3)

44 Someone's reporting, or maybe just speculating, that McCabe is just the
first to be force-out, and that this force-out is just a general prelude
to a more extensive house-cleaning of McCabe's "cronies" at the FBI.

Sara Carter says this Ace, on fascist Twitter

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 12:21 PM (LISuA)

45 Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (NWiLs)

I found it incredible that the FBI does not record interviews, but now I know why!

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 12:21 PM (gwPgz)

46 How does Adam Schiff manage to hold his great, giant melon up without the help of a normal sized neck?

Does he need viagra just to keep his erect?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (nBr1j)


Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:21 PM (ptqGC)

47 >>Jeff B today? The Memo "is a purely conclusory document and thus inherently suspect." And "If you think there's an iota's worth of difference between Nunes and Schiff, look in a mirror: you're the hack."

His girfriend still a slut?

...asking for a friend.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (t5DVd)

48 I don't want shit canning, I want criminal prosecution and then death sentences. Anything less is bullshit.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (r9UYA)

49 Trey Goudy already asked some rhetorical questions about the memo pretty much saying its exactly what we think it is.

Posted by: PhilDirt at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (PQmzi)

50 27
So..... Presstitures...... please , by all means. Im willing to listen to your pro Governmental Agency spying on opposition party's, candidates, and elected officials to undermine and unjustly overturn free an fair elections.

Do. Go on.
Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM (8XRCm)

Lord knows how many plebes have been prosecuted, jailed, and harassed because of falsifying evidence to obtain FISA or any kind of warrants for that matter.

This is a death blow for the judical institutions.

Posted by: Monk at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (g4lFK)

51 him smokem many, many, poles.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 30, 2018 12:15 PM

Hey, I have to make a living somehow nowadays.

Posted by: Chief Wahoo at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (+1EJs)

52 "...seems a few mules short of a train, or a few bulbs short of a chandelier.
What has he done to earn his position?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem"

Unflinching services to the Party in Upholding the Narrative.

Posted by: russian-bot_rat_eez, gaslighting you 24/365 at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (oVWx5)

53 Anyone see the Schiff presser yesterday? Looked terrified! And about to cry

Posted by: Bigby's Pointy Finger at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (srOkZ)

54 34 Retired FBI weasel. Lives like a damned king on his sweet pension.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:17 PM (ptqGC)

As befits one of our betters.

Daughter H lives in a community where many many homes are owned and occupied by retired dual Civil Service couples. They live the good life!
Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 12:19 PM (gwPgz)

The wife and I ran across a pair of those at a campground--60-ish couple who retired on full, 100 percent pensions after 25 years. They had an Airstream. Christ I love Airstreams.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (RD7QR)

55 "What has he done to earn his position?"

Suck a golf ball thru a garden hose?

Posted by: navybrat at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM (w7KSn)

56 My dad and stepmom are DINKs (dual income no kids) and both retired from government jobs. My dad makes more retired a month than I do working. Glad he will be taken care of, but holy moly.

One of my in-laws near my age works for government and says her benefits are not nearly as good as what my dad got. The boomer generation that got into government work in the yuppie 90s era is making out like bandits in retirement.

Posted by: LizLem at January 30, 2018 12:23 PM (hvf9s)

57 I don't think it's right to say the media is "missing" this story. They're not aiming at it, but 180 degrees in the other direction (when they DO seem to miss constantly.)

Posted by: George LeS at January 30, 2018 12:23 PM (+TcCF)

58 Rules and Laws don't apply to the Utilitarians on the Left.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:23 PM (t5DVd)

59 I found it incredible that the FBI does not record interviews, but now I know why!
Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BO


I'd love to hear their explanation of why they can't record interviews with FBI agents but of course can put listening devices on "suspects"

It's all about power

Sort of like an FBI agent can lie to you, but you lie to an FBI agent and you go to prison.

There needs to be wholesale reforms at these agencies.

Posted by: Maritime at January 30, 2018 12:23 PM (lKmt3)

60 Firings aren't enough.

Strip them naked and drop them in the middle of the Alaskan Wilderness. Anybody caught trying to restore them to their former status will be prosecuted.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 12:23 PM (9TK8E)

61 Well all I can say is it must be bad... Schiff has leaked any of it

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (O2RFr)

62 murderin joe is a bigger cancer in this country than the perpetually drunken piss matthews. why is he a free human?he's not a man, i have no idea what that gender fluid assclown is.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (KP5rU)

63 I believe that once the damn breaks, there will be many, MANY people spilling their guts for some leniency. It will go all the way to the top.

But that will only happen when people start getting arrested and charged.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt-bot at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (8iiMU)

64 Let's not punish our civil servants too harshly.

Posted by: Lois Lerner at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (XUMZv)

65 It would be nice to see Trump and Sessions assemble a team of extremely competent investigators and prosecutors to clean out the corruption. We the People need our own Wrecking Crew.

Posted by: Lurking Device Back On at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (a7ZMW)

66 Well all I can say is it must be bad... Schiff has leaked any of it

That should say hasn't

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (O2RFr)

67 >> Christ I love Airstreams.

No slides. Aluminum tubes of craziness and rivets.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (r9UYA)

68 I really should write a book on the euphemistically labeled Mueller investigation.

Title - Suppose They Had An Inquisition And No One Cared.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (jlR94)

69 One of my in-laws near my age works for government and says her benefits
are not nearly as good as what my dad got. The boomer generation that
got into government work in the yuppie 90s era is making out like
bandits in retirement.

Fifty year old Andrew McCabe is right in that demographic. Started in 1996, retired in 2018. Will live for decades, receiving that sweet government sugar every month.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (LISuA)

70 Do we have an extradition treaty with Kenya?

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (t5DVd)

71 14 Speaking of biased media I can't quite grasp how Jim Acosta has managed to find work as a lead reporter for CNN. I know I don't know the full story, but he sure seems a few mules short of a train, or a few bulbs short of a chandelier.
What has he done to earn his position?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (nBr1j)

You overlook the fact that, at CNN, "a few mules short of a train, or a few bulbs short of a chandelier" amounts to "highly qualified." He meets the very exacting standard set by Cuomo and Stelter.

Posted by: George LeS at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (+TcCF)

72 Victor Davis Hanson had a good read on all this corruption. (I suck at linking) His theory is that all the lies, obfuscation etc. were done because they expected (Like many did) Hillary to win and they'd get a nice cushy job somewhere with team Hillary. They backed the wrong horse. And had Hillary won, we'd be hearing none of this.

Posted by: Minnfidel at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (+1EJs)

I don't see firings or prosecutions. Unfortunately.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (r+sAi)

74 One of my in-laws near my age works for government and says her benefits are not nearly as good as what my dad got. The boomer generation that got into government work in the yuppie 90s era is making out like bandits in retirement.
Posted by: LizLem


They are still vastly over paid, but I think a lot of those federal agencies went from defined benefit pensions to defined contribution more like a 401(k).

Its the states that are holding on to the outdated pension model that's completely unsustainable. And states can't print money.

Posted by: Maritime at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (lKmt3)

75 62 murderin joe is a bigger cancer in this country than the perpetually drunken piss matthews. why is he a free human?he's not a man, i have no idea what that gender fluid assclown is.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (KP5rU)

He's just Murderin' Joe.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (9TK8E)

76 damn! - "dam"

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt-bot at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (8iiMU)

77 68 I really should write a book on the euphemistically labeled Mueller investigation.

Title - Suppose They Had An Inquisition And No One Cared.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (jlR94)

Dam..... but no one expects the Mueller Inquisition!

Posted by: Gen. Flynn at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (NgKpN)

78 Of course, he and his side piece totally disagreed.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:20 PM (ptqGC)

Low IQ Meeka gets nervous by the term "raw data".

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (y7DUB)

79 67 >> Christ I love Airstreams.

No slides. Aluminum tubes of craziness and rivets.
Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:25 PM (r9UYA)

SLIDES ARE A TOOL OF SATAN. Besides, Airstreams don't get roof leaks.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:26 PM (RD7QR)

80 >>I'd love to hear their explanation of why they can't record interviews with FBI agents but of course can put listening devices on "suspects"

The ironic thing is that Eric Holder and Barak Hussein Obama changed the policy in 2014. Suspects who are arrested are now videotaped, prior to that everything was done on paper.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:27 PM (/tuJf)

joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:22 PM

Yep, they have turned government service into a Ponzi scheme.

Posted by: Waldren Thackery at January 30, 2018 12:27 PM (O+THj)

82 One more bit I don't have a link handy for (I have too many tabs open and can't find any of the articles I opened)

I hate when that happens.

Posted by: Ramon Perez (D-RI) at January 30, 2018 12:27 PM (/qEW2)



Posted by: THE VANDALS at January 30, 2018 12:27 PM (t5DVd)

84 Bringover from previous thread...

The Cleveland baseball team should be renamed...

The Cleveland Rocks.

You're welcome.

Posted by: TCDD, pointin' and laughin' at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (b5Gek)

85 " And had Hillary won, we'd be hearing none of this.
Posted by: Minnfidel "

No, we'd be hearing the ram opening our doors at 3 am as they applied these "new rules" to all of us deplorables.

Posted by: russian-bot_rat_eez, gaslighting you 24/365 at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (oVWx5)

86 >>They had an Airstream. Christ I love Airstreams.

My plan for retirement is to travel the country in an Airstream and kill fish when I find 'em.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (/tuJf)

87 My friendsh, you have nothing to worry about with an unsubstantiated Russian pee-pee dossier circulating in the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

Posted by: Malignant Johnny at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (2Mnv1)

88 However, it's also larded up with classified information -- which I think Democrats did on purpose, so that when Republicans properly redact it, they can claim "Oh, see, they're keeping all this important information from the American people!"


if it is their memo, can they require that the Democrats do their own redacting?

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (oGRue)

89 I so want to see Comey and McCabe doing perp walks.

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (9221z)

90 "McCabe's and Mueller's Top Men who've been demoted or reassigned or fired in this sham investigation, and notes that the media, for reasons i'm sure none of us can even speculate about"

they had to wash their hair that day, all those days.

The destruction of the MediaNarrative (and the MSM itself) is nearly as important as the take down of the GlobalistMafia acting as double agents inside our government.

Citizens don't trust media now, they should go another step and realize they are anti-American propagandists, employed by an evil empire (shadow government)

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (bT8Z4)

91 What Clint Eastwood said - paraphrasing 'we own this country. not THEM.'
Posted by: Count de Monet at January 30, 2018 12:18 PM

The youthful naivety displayed by all you sub-twentyniners is utterly and completely charming.

Posted by: Your Betters at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (ctuyM)

92 Orwellian (murderin' Joe) prog-speak at its best.

So, a body completely accountable to the people in the voting booth scrutinizing another bureaucratic body that is wholly unaccountable to the voters IS an attack on democracy itself.

Posted by: TheATL at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (yFgwo)

93 Prediction...

Trump will release the memo Thursday... just about the time the News of the SOTU starts to go off the front pages.

BUT... he now has access to it, so hope he will mention it during said speech...

Posted by: Don Q'Bot at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (NgKpN)

94 89. In mid-air.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (fA1SL)

95 Oh, and no country club prisons for these guys. Send them to the places where they send dirty cops to die.

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (9221z)

96 >>My plan for retirement is to travel the country in an Airstream and kill fish when I find 'em.

Come on down. You can park it right on the river.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (t5DVd)

97 Actually a Federal employee that is vested will get Social Security and Federal Employee Retirement System benefits. That is given. And if they invest the government fund matching TSP, then add in a 401K plan.

So three retirement checks. And if they are a veteran with benefits, four checks.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:30 PM (jlR94)

98 >>> when he was told, Outten Sie.

You know who else told people Outten Sie?

Posted by: fluffy at January 30, 2018 12:30 PM (cHbmY)

99 >>SLIDES ARE A TOOL OF SATAN. Besides, Airstreams don't get roof leaks.

They have very little storage capacity and ground clearance as well. We seriously looked at the Astream last year and decided to purchase a fiver. No dainty little bumper hitch for this hombre.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:30 PM (r9UYA)

100 >>Come on down. You can park it right on the river.

I was planning on showing up at your place like Chevy Chase's cousin.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:30 PM (/tuJf)

101 -

I so want to see Comey and McCabe doing perp walks.
Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM


No way Comey would accept that. He'd off himself first and leave a note lionizing himself as a hero hounded to death by evil-doers.

Posted by: irright at January 30, 2018 12:31 PM (pMGkg)

102 The shrieking that unveiling of the memo undermines a necessary national institution seems really inexplicable to me.
Are the people doing the shrieking claiming there is no defence against an institutional coup?

Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (nBr1j)

103 Do we have an extradition treaty with Kenya?
Posted by: garrett

According to the web, yes.
The countries that we don't?
You guessed it. Shitholes.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (TAu/7)

104 Let's not punish our civil servants too harshly.
Posted by: Lois Lerner at January 30, 2018 12:24 PM (XUMZv)

Speaking of which, did a black robed tyrant decree whether us unwashed citizens will be allowed to see her testimony?

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (y7DUB)

105 One more bit I don't have a link handy for (I have too many tabs open and can't find any of the articles I opened)


over/under on lesbian pron pages


Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (oGRue)

106 >>94 89. In mid-air. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (fA1SL)

C'est magnifique.

Posted by: Zod at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (Bdeb0)

107 No way Comey would accept that. He'd off himself first and leave a note lionizing himself as a hero hounded to death by evil-doers.

Posted by: irright at January 30, 2018 12:31 PM (pMGkg)

I can live with that.

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM (9221z)

108 >>I was planning on showing up at your place like Chevy Chase's cousin.

You will fit right in around the Bitterroot Valley.

There's a reason it's known for, 'Poverty. With a View'.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:33 PM (t5DVd)

109 96 >>My plan for retirement is to travel the country in an Airstream and kill fish when I find 'em.

Come on down. You can park it right on the river.
Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:29 PM (t5DVd)

LOL... my older brother retires in 2 months... bought a HUGE 5th wheel and told his wife his plan was to pull it all over the country, and see stuff.... stay for a couple weeks here... a couple weeks there...

She told him... 'OK, I'll fly in for a few days once you get there'...


Posted by: Don Q'Bot at January 30, 2018 12:33 PM (NgKpN)

110 Release it Monday to cheer me up after the Eagles lose

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 12:33 PM (oGRue)

111 No way Comey would accept that. He'd off himself first and leave a note lionizing himself as a hero hounded to death by evil-doers.

Posted by: irright at January 30, 2018 12:31 PM (pMGkg)


I can live with that.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:33 PM (8XRCm)

112 They need a "Wall of Shame" pics of former agents now in their orange jumpsuits right in the lobby so they're reminded daily. Because next time somebody competent might do this and then we're fucked.

Posted by: DaveA at January 30, 2018 12:33 PM (FhXTo)

113 1 Heh - look at Rasmussen' huge one day approval index hike for PDT

People looking at their pay stubs and realizing they are getting more take home pay?

Hahaha, suck it Dems.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (ZM2xo)

114 Can anyone explain why in this day and age interviews are not recorded? Also, how can anyone get nabbed for lying to the Feds when it's only what the Feds remember the suspect saying?

Posted by: WOPR (now with chainsaw bayonets) at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (+R7L/)

115 >>I was planning on showing up at your place like Chevy Chase's cousin.

Shitter's full! *waves beer can*

Posted by: Cousin Eddie at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (hvf9s)

116 Here's what we're facing, always, everyday:

Last night Adam Schiff held a press conference post-release meeting and mocked Republicans for claiming to want transparency but denying Dems right to release their memo (not to be confused with Nunes' memo).

Here's what that asshole didn't tell you: they haven't even released their memo for the rest of the committee, much less all of Congress, to be reviewed.

It really makes my stomach churn and my bile go into overdrive when I watch these tricks of theirs. Repubs are like the good guy wrestling duo, constantly getting cheated by the dark side while a blind ref (read media) sees nothing.

The good news is, the good guys usually win thanks to Good triumphing over Evil even in a rigged contest.


Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (Q3oNv)

step 1 : collude like fuck
step 2 : obstruct like fuck
step 3 : make up story trump colluded
step 4 : lose the motherfucking election anyway
step 5 : make up story trump's obstructing.
step 6 : have bullshit investigation start to investigate points 3 and 5
step 7 : accidentally reveal points 1 and 2 instead.

Posted by: zibbly wibbly at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (V3U1L)

118 when killer joe wins a grammy next year as a rock guitar god, you keyboard facsists won't be laughing at that no socks wearing fucktard then.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (KP5rU)

119 At what point along the journey of discovering that the entire federal government is actually composed of Russian agents do our liberal friends realize they need to give Senator Joe McCarthy a second look?

Posted by: ghost of kari at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (eY/ez)

120 The Mexican pensionistas err emoluementes are building FBI pensions and the wall....that's a hell of a lotta LEAF BLOWIN".Estades de union por favor............

Posted by: saf at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (cS/ge)

121 114. General Flynn might coukd put us all some fucking knowledge.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (fA1SL)

122 114 Can anyone explain why in this day and age interviews are not recorded? Also, how can anyone get nabbed for lying to the Feds when it's only what the Feds remember the suspect saying?
Posted by: WOPR (now with chainsaw bayonets) at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (+R7L/)

So the Feds can get away with doctoring the records.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (NWiLs)

123 Call him Adam Scheisschiff

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (jlR94)

124 >>> She told him... 'OK, I'll fly in for a few days once you get there'...

She will be relaxed when she gets there.

Posted by: The Paolo at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (cHbmY)

I so want to see Comey and McCabe doing perp walks.

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (9221z)

You'll love this. "Republican" Ana Navarro compared Comey and McCabe to Holocaust victims yesterday.

She needs a bitch-slap, with my fist.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (ptqGC)

126 97 Actually a Federal employee that is vested will get Social Security and Federal Employee Retirement System benefits. That is given. And if they invest the government fund matching TSP, then add in a 401K plan.

So three retirement checks. And if they are a veteran with benefits, four checks.

And add a VA check for 5!!!

Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 30, 2018 12:35 PM (jsWA8)

127 At what point along the journey of discovering that the entire federal government is actually composed of Russian agents do our liberal friends realize they need to give Senator Joe McCarthy a second look?
Posted by: ghost of kari at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (eY/ez)


Im thinking most of our "liberal friends" are Russian agents too....

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:36 PM (8XRCm)

128 If McCabe asked agents to alter their own best-recollection accounts of
these interviews, then he was effectively asking them to falsify
evidence in potential criminal cases.

I hunted all over a for a link for that in the sidebar and could not find one. All I could find was as you said, she said in on Hannity. But this actually a major felony committed to conceal a crime by an FBI agent. Sessions better get off his ass. This turd needs to be in jail.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (mpXpK)

129 >>LOL... my older brother retires in 2 months... bought a HUGE 5th wheel and told his wife his plan was to pull it all over the country, and see stuff.... stay for a couple weeks here... a couple weeks there...

Best family vacation we did when I was a kid was renting an RV and spending a few weeks touring the national parks out west. Staying in the parks themselves is spectacular.

I've done all the international travel I need to do, I would much prefer to see this country again. There are some incredible places here.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (/tuJf)

130 "...I think a lot of those federal agencies went from defined benefit pensions to defined contribution more like a 401(k)."

I work for a federal agency and I can confirm that.

Posted by: Chriscom at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (H2FoK)

131 127
Im thinking most of our "liberal friends" are Russian agents too....

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:36 PM (8XRCm)

No way.

Qatari, Iranian, or possibly Saudi. Maybe even Egyptian (since the MoBros are based out of Egypt)

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (9TK8E)

132 127. Bezmenob and his KGB colleagues builded better than they knew.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (fA1SL)

133 Not getting his full pension is no huge thing financially, as it's pro rated, Commenter tells me, so he'd get like 99.8%...

Uh, that was me, but I've seen it's best not to take credit around here. * Looks at the ghey JackStraw for confirmation *

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (2FqvZ)

134 Remember when the press was all holy and noble in saving the country bringing down Nixon? Well piss on that. They only bring down Republicans.

Steve Bannon was right about one thing: the media is the opposition.

Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:38 PM (Q3oNv)

135 >>Sessions better get off his ass.

I'm told any minute now because, reasons.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:38 PM (r9UYA)

136 Can anyone explain why in this day and age interviews are not recorded? Also, how can anyone get nabbed for lying to the Feds when it's only what the Feds remember the suspect saying?
Posted by: WOPR (now with chainsaw bayonets) at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (+R7L/)

Not having any record of a conversation except your own memory of it wouldn't fly in the sales department of the trashbag factory, it's a complete joke.

Now it's time to square the circle on the Dems' "the police are racist and must be abolished!" stance from the past five years. Between that, the obvious drug trade, dems dropping blacks for hispanics, and the coming revelation of Obama's traitorous criminality, there is NO WAY the democrat party should still exist in its current form in 2020.

Posted by: ghost of kari at January 30, 2018 12:38 PM (eY/ez)

137 So when it's all said and done, McCabe took one in the pooper for Chlamydia Thudershart. Someone should ask him how it feels and if it was worth it since the Golden Honey Badger is still president but now he's gonna be a felon.

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at January 30, 2018 12:39 PM (ymnmz)

The Cleveland baseball team should be renamed...

The Cleveland Rocks.

You're welcome.

Posted by: TCDD, pointin' and laughin' at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (b5Gek)

No f'ing way, bud!

Posted by: The Colorado Rockies at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM (ZM2xo)

139 I don't think Comey is the type to commit suicide.What would his prison nickname be?I go with Big Pussy.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM (LiyEm)

140 I'm tin-hatted enough to think someone -- Soros? Bezos? -- is deliberately tanking the stock market today to throw cold water on Trump's speech tonight.

Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM (Q3oNv)

141 84 The Cleveland baseball team should be renamed...
The Cleveland Rocks.

Much better than The Cleveland Steamers.

Posted by: I Got Nuthin at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM (a7ZMW)

142 The Cleveland River-Burners?

Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:41 PM (Q3oNv)

143 "One more bit I don't have a link handy for (I have too many tabs open
and can't find any of the articles I opened): Someone's reporting, or
maybe just speculating, that McCabe is just the first to be force-out,
and that this force-out is just a general prelude to a more extensive
house-cleaning of McCabe's "cronies" at the FBI."

Sara Carter had that on her site last night.

Posted by: Jay at January 30, 2018 12:41 PM (8oCSY)

144 86 >>They had an Airstream. Christ I love Airstreams.

My plan for retirement is to travel the country in an Airstream and kill fish when I find 'em.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:28 PM (/tuJf)

*Fistbumps JackStraw* I'm going to leave the fish alone but the rest is my plan too.

99 >>SLIDES ARE A TOOL OF SATAN. Besides, Airstreams don't get roof leaks.

They have very little storage capacity and ground clearance as well. We seriously looked at the Astream last year and decided to purchase a fiver. No dainty little bumper hitch for this hombre.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:30 PM (r9UYA)

I'm reluctantly forced to confess that fifth wheels are better for long-term camping. I guess it depends on whether you're going total mobile life or just doing week-long trips.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:41 PM (RD7QR)

145 140The thought crossed my mind as well...

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:41 PM (LiyEm)

146 Qatari, Iranian, or possibly Saudi. Maybe even Egyptian (since the MoBros are based out of Egypt)

Yeah, that is what I am seeing as well. MoBros have a much bigger presence in government circles than even Chinese or Russian.

Posted by: mustbequantum at January 30, 2018 12:41 PM (MIKMs)

147 I don't think Comey is the type to commit suicide.What would his prison nickname be?I go with Big Pussy.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM

My vote would be for "Most Likely To Get Shiv'd on Day One"

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (2FqvZ)

148 Murderin' Joe: "We know what's in the memo and it's false!" (Newsbusters)

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (ptqGC)

149 Actually a Federal employee that is vested will get Social Security and
Federal Employee Retirement System benefits. That is given. And if they
invest the government fund matching TSP, then add in a 401K plan.

Seriously? I thought that if they get the FERS check it was in lieu of SS. They get both?!

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (LISuA)

150 Retirement? I do not recognize that word.

I'm going to have to go on an interstate crime spree to fund my trip to garret's river.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (fuK7c)

151 135
>>Sessions better get off his ass.

I'm told any minute now because, reasons.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:38 PM (r9UYA)

Yeah, get off his ass, back onto the couch and back to sleep.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (jxbfJ)

152 Re the stock market today, over 300 point drop seems a lot but it really is only ~1.4% given the trading volume. Good time to buy!

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (a0IVu)

153 So, Bander. Did you enjoy AM Joe/Mika today?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (ptqGC)


Nolte: Bill Kristol Reminds Me of a Guy I Knew Who Went to Prison

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (y3aQB)

155 150. That's called 'foraging.' Completely natural choice, and one with a distinguished pedigree.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (fA1SL)

156 151 135
>>Sessions better get off his ass.

I'm told any minute now because, reasons.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:38 PM (r9UYA)

Yeah, get off his ass, back onto the couch and back to sleep.


Posted by: CSMBigBird at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (jsWA8)

157 I don't think Comey is the type to commit suicide.What would his prison nickname be?I go with Big Pussy.



Posted by: Rev. Jim Comey, Spiritual Advisor To The Stars at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (LISuA)

158 Sara Carter is smart to appear on Hannity every night. I fear for her safety once this story plays out in the coming years when she can't be on tv every night.

Posted by: Monk at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (g4lFK)

159 117

step 1 : collude like fuck

step 2 : obstruct like fuck

step 3 : make up story trump colluded

step 4 : lose the motherfucking election anyway

step 5 : make up story trump's obstructing.

step 6 : have bullshit investigation start to investigate points 3 and 5

step 7 : accidentally reveal points 1 and 2 instead.

Posted by: zibbly wibbly at January 30, 2018 12:34 PM (V3U1L)

Step 8: Hillary becomes President

Posted by: Genral Organa (I am not a princess!) at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (ymnmz)

160 Seriously? I thought that if they get the FERS check it was in lieu of SS. They get both?!

Yep. Grandma was a Fed employee and I remember her upset when she finally became a 'double dipper'.

Posted by: mustbequantum at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (MIKMs)

161 Quit dishing on Sessions! Alzheimer's victims get a pass.

Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (Q3oNv)

162 >>Fistbumps JackStraw* I'm going to leave the fish alone but the rest is my plan too.

Are you anywhere near Jersey? If so check out Colonial Airstream someday if you haven't already.

They always have a yuuuge inventory and it is totally drool worthy.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (/tuJf)

163 147
I don't think Comey is the type to commit suicide.What would his prison nickname be?I go with Big Pussy.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM

My vote would be for "Most Likely To Get Shiv'd on Day One"

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (2FqvZ)

"Comey, my homey. And my bitch"

Posted by: Comey's cellmate at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (jxbfJ)

164 I'm tin-hatted enough to think someone -- Soros? Bezos? -- is deliberately tanking the stock market today to throw cold water on Trump's speech tonight.
Posted by: Doucheous


I thought the same. Something tells me this never happened for a SOTU for Obama.

Regardless, I bought a little stock today. I think its like 1996 and the market will still run up a bit

Plus, sitting in cash forever I have learned is just a guaranteed losing strategy.

Even if you buy when the market is high, long term you'll still do well.

Posted by: Maritime at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (lKmt3)

165 154

Nolte: Bill Kristol Reminds Me of a Guy I Knew Who Went to Prison

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:43 PM (y3aQB)

The word "happily" is missing.

Posted by: buzzion at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (cAnNx)

166 Does Airstream not make a fifth-wheel model? There's no good reason their design philosophy could not be applied to one. They did build a motor home for several years; I saw one a couple of weeks ago. In use, too, 40-ood years after it was built.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 12:45 PM (YA0uK)

167 I'm tin-hatted enough to think someone -- Soros? Bezos? -- is deliberately tanking the stock market today to throw cold water on Trump's speech tonight.

Posted by: Doucheous at January 30, 2018 12:40 PM

Anytime he appears in public, especially in this current hair-on-fire environment in the same room with Democrats I fear the odds of assassination rise exponentially.

Ask Rand Paul if I'm stupid.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:45 PM (2FqvZ)

168 Sessions better get off his ass. This turd needs to be in jail.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at January 30, 2018 12:37 PM (mpXpK)

I think its pretty obvious by now Sessions is complicit. Incompetence doesn't explain this kind if dereliction.

Posted by: Lord Culvert at January 30, 2018 12:45 PM (4vKZ+)

169 The problem with the Airstream is that is almost impossible to find something as cool as your Airstream to pull your Airstream.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:46 PM (t5DVd)


Posted by: Rev. Jim Comey, Spiritual Advisor To The Stars at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (LISuA)

So, Reverend Big Pussy?

Posted by: tcn in AK at January 30, 2018 12:46 PM (7UW64)

171 >>They always have a yuuuge inventory and it is totally drool worthy.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (/tuJf)

They also make a special Tommy Bahama model. $180K.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:46 PM (r9UYA)

172 "So three retirement checks. And if they are a veteran with benefits, four checks. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR)

and the ones I know that get multiple checks like that, invest it all back in the stock market ... so half goes to China, the rest to NYC players, and BigCorp.

I try to get some to invest in their community that slaves to pay the school taxes, but they feel entitled. Sickens me. ... sucks the life out of smaller communities ... sends it to coastal elite and our enemies.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2018 12:47 PM (bT8Z4)

173 >>Does Airstream not make a fifth-wheel model? There's no good reason their design philosophy could not be applied to one. They did build a motor home for several years; I saw one a couple of weeks ago. In use, too, 40-ood years after it was built.

Don't think so. But they have been building RVs on and off for some time. I saw a beauty from the 60s in FL last year and they are making a few models now based on Mercedes chassis.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:47 PM (/tuJf)

You will fit right in around the Bitterroot Valley.

There's a reason it's known for, 'Poverty. With a View'.

Posted by: garrett

That's sad. I remember driving from Cincinnati to Tacoma through the Bitterroot Valley. Extraordinarily beautiful with the late afternoon sun sparkling on the river by the interstate.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at January 30, 2018 12:47 PM (BWL+E)

175 I can't wait for the implosion of this fucked up phony made out of thin air "investigation". I hope it brings the FBI tot he ground. I want perp walks and arrests of present and former govt insects. Orange jumpsuits all around. Hopefully the jugearedfreak and hillbot are brought down to answer for their criminal behavior.

Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at January 30, 2018 12:47 PM (0OmEj)

176 Posted by: Monk at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (g4lFK)
John Solomon's Colleagues at the Hill got him off the beat & that is why he is not on Hannity anymore, or writing or Tweeting about it

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:47 PM (y3aQB)

177 So, Bander. Did you enjoy AM Joe/Mika today?

Why is it that Ma'ud Dib gets no grief for reporting on what happened on Morning Joe? (Yes, I know you're just doing alex's bidding).

No, it's a clean break. Yesterday was my last MJ.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (fuK7c)

178 A Bugatti Veryon is about the coolest thing to pull an Aistream. But everyone will beat you to death for wanting to put a trailer hitch on it.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (jlR94)

179 Trump tonight:"You get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jump suit....."

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (LiyEm)

180 Posted by: Lord Culvert at January 30, 2018 12:45 PM (4vKZ+)
UMMM Yeah Ok ! KOOL !

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (y3aQB)

181 >>Sessions better get off his ass.

I'm told any minute now because, reasons



Posted by: Bigby's Pointy Finger at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (srOkZ)

182 But, but, but . . .

These are honorable men, working tirelessly and anonymously, risking their lives daily, and we must GIVE THEM MO' MONEY so they can continue their thankless and anonymous toil on behalf of the state.

Posted by: mustbequantum at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (MIKMs)

183 >>That's sad. I remember driving from Cincinnati to Tacoma through the Bitterroot Valley. Extraordinarily beautiful with the late afternoon sun sparkling on the river by the interstate

Nah, it's the West.

I'd take a dollar for every mobile home / trailer in Montana well before I'd take two for every person.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (t5DVd)

184 over/under onbusty lesbian pron pages
Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 12:32 PM


Posted by: AoSHQ Style Guide at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (ctuyM)

185 >>166 Does Airstream not make a fifth-wheel model?
Nope and they are only 8 feet wide. Think Pringles tube.

One dent in the aluminum skin and it stays there, well, forever.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (r9UYA)

186 airstream towed by a dymaxion car would be a sight, no?

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (fA1SL)

187 >>They also make a special Tommy Bahama model. $180K.

Yea that ain't happening. I'm leaning more toward the smaller models.

After spending most of my life on boats I don't need a lot of room and I don't want to be hauling all that weight around.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (/tuJf)

188 My older brother retired from a SAC base and he does not get one of those golden parachutes. They halted their government defined pension retirement program about 10 or 15 years ago and everyone went on a 401K type plan and SS. what they had vested in the gov plan went to SS. At least that is the way I understand what he explained to me.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (mpXpK)

189 ''The problem with the Airstream is that is almost impossible to find something as cool as your Airstream to pull your Airstream. ''

I don't know about that. I saw a beautiful medium sized Airstream being pulled by an absolutely georgeous extended cab pick up a couple of months ago

Posted by: Tuna at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (jm1YL)

190 The FAB is front and center again and will talk about sex allegations?

My G-D the gift that keeps on giving

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 30, 2018 12:49 PM (5y11N)

191 Schiff is all pissy because he was notified by the Obama admin in 2016 they were spying on Trump. He knows.

In fact I suspect Reid, Pelosi and Warner were informed too (FISA act requires notification to Congress), but they left out Nunes. They probably told McConnell and Burr. Ryan I not sure.

Posted by: MAGA at January 30, 2018 12:50 PM (Gxneo)

192 >>I don't need a lot of room and I don't want to be hauling all that weight around.

So, just a few shelves and some fasting?

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:50 PM (t5DVd)

193 "What has he done to earn his position?"

He makes it a point to make eye contact with his superiors while he's "negotiating his contact" from down there.

Posted by: Jaws at January 30, 2018 12:50 PM (oOw3I)

194 Stock market always gets jittery when things are uncertain. This FBI thing counts. Both here and abroad.

It need a correction anyway, otherwise there's a crash like 2008 lurking.

The market will be fine, unleass the talking puppet heads of media start hyperventilating about it. Then people will get nervous bcz of 2008 and panic.

Since the press has so much stuff on their plate right now...SOTU, Memo, Mueller...hopefully that won't happen.

Have I mentioned recently how much I loathe the press.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (7qyhD)

195 Murderin' Joe: "We know what's in the memo and it's false!" (Newsbusters)
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:42 PM (ptqGC)

He's just cranky for not getting any run at the Grammys for that horrible video he did.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (y7DUB)

196 (Yes, I know you're just doing alex's bidding).
Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM

In the end, aren't we all?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (ctuyM)

197 Last night on the NBC News there was a mention of some secret memo.

Like it just popped up and dunno what that is. Like no one has even been talking about it for over a week now or however long it's been.

"Hey guys apparently there's some secret memo or sumpin'. Sounds secret and stuff. Who knows we just heard about today and thought we'd mention it."

Posted by: Maxine Waters at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (4ErVI)

198 The problem with the Airstream is that is almost impossible to find something as cool as your Airstream to pull your Airstream.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:46 PM (t5DVd)

Here ya go:

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (YA0uK)

199 *sock off*

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 12:52 PM (4ErVI)

200 >>So, just a few shelves and some fasting?

And room for my gay lover apparently.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:52 PM (/tuJf)

Trey Gowdy Drops MAJOR Clue Why Release of FISA Memo Delays Will Be "EMBARRASSING" For Adam Schiff

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:52 PM (y3aQB)

202 162 >>Fistbumps JackStraw* I'm going to leave the fish alone but the rest is my plan too.

Are you anywhere near Jersey? If so check out Colonial Airstream someday if you haven't already.

They always have a yuuuge inventory and it is totally drool worthy.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 12:44 PM (/tuJf)

We've been to Colonial on business (the wife used to be a transfer driver). They had to bodily restrain us from towing one of the 16-footers away.

166 Does Airstream not make a fifth-wheel model? There's no good reason their design philosophy could not be applied to one. They did build a motor home for several years; I saw one a couple of weeks ago. In use, too, 40-ood years after it was built.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 12:45 PM (YA0uK)

No fifth wheels; the aluminum tube design just doesn't work for that. On the other hand, they do make a class B on a Mercedes chassis. As you might expect it's a palace and hella expensive.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 12:52 PM (RD7QR)

203 He's just cranky for not getting any run at the Grammys for that horrible video he did.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (y7DUB)

Lol. You've been on fire today!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (ptqGC)

204 "What Clint Eastwood said - paraphrasing 'we own this country. not THEM.' "

On a funny money monetary basis, THEY own us, to a large extent. Half the population can't afford a $600 emergency, and are receiving some sort of "welfare".

This does not mean socialism/redistribution is the answer. It means bailing out billionaires, due to bribery of our government must be prosecuted. It means we must stop them from importing a new people to be their voting slaves.

Does a majority population "own" the country? Hillary seemed to think no, we deplorables must go. Google oligarchs agreed ... other telecoms agreed ... to spy on us with backdoors to their devices and software.

"Ownership" must be fought for ...

Posted by: illiniwek at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (bT8Z4)

205 >>Here ya go:

Yep. That's gonna set you back another 35K.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (t5DVd)

206 McCabe needs to be jailed on obstruction of justice charges if true.

Like Corrine Brown, he'll still be collecting 99.8% of his pension while in prison.

Posted by: Valiant at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (3MiF8)

207 >>Best family vacation we did when I was a kid was renting an RV and spending a few weeks touring the national parks out west. Staying in the parks themselves is spectacular.

Yes, THIS!

I love road trips and staying at national parks and seeing all sorts of wacky stuff and beautiful scenery along the way.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (W+vEI)

208 Classical definition of gay means happy. So a smoking hot blonde in a string bikini delighted to be with you could fit that definition.

Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM (jlR94)

209 >>And room for my gay lover apparently.

Mr. Slave doesn't take up much room.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM (t5DVd)

210 Drudge reports that the FBI is taking a close look at a "second dossier" compiled by one Cody Shearer, who appears to be even more sketchier than Mr. Steele. It's a Guardian article at that.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM (Pqytn)

211 "As the sidebar notes, Sara A. Carter reported on Hannity that the tidbit that Christopher Wray found so "concerning" was the claim that Andrew McCabe asked FBI agents to alter their form 302 witness interview reports. "

I saw that, but was really annoyed that Hannity had her on with Seb Gorka and Jeanine Pirro. Carter had interesting new information that was important to hear without interruptions to go to Gorka/Pirro for the same rants I have heard a thousand times.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM (OD2ni)

212 179 Trump tonight:"You get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jump suit....."
Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:48 PM (LiyEm)

I so hope the Capitol is surrounded by ICE Agents, and they bag every "dreamer" the Dems try to sneak in, and bag the Dems for harboring the illegals!

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM (9221z)

213 If true, that's a felony that carries up to a 20 year sentence. This is no small matter.

Its a felony to ask, order, or coerce somebody to alter an official record. Each count of doing that is its own separate 20 year prison felony.

Posted by: An Observation at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM (Kpesh)

Hate Has No Labels Here

is that how it goes?

Posted by: Soothie -- Black Diamond Crew at January 30, 2018 12:55 PM (8qqTj)

215 Oh no,a Wesley Crusher episode....(quickly changes channel)

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:55 PM (LiyEm)

216 Drudge reports that the FBI is taking a close look at a "second dossier" compiled by one Cody Shearer, who appears to be even more sketchier than Mr. Steele. It's a Guardian article at that.
whose Brother works at Mother Jones !

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 12:55 PM (y3aQB)

217 Something like this would be cool to tow an airstream.

Posted by: BuckIV at January 30, 2018 12:55 PM (CLfqv)

218 >>> Trump tonight:"You get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jumpsuit and you get an orange jump suit....."

Ha, yes please!

Have the Horde figured out a drinking game for tonight's SOTU yet?

Posted by: LizLem at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (hvf9s)


heres how conservative policy wonks grade trumps first year/

Mark Perry of American Enterprise Institute is apparently NeverTrump and full throated globalist.

Posted by: buzzion at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (cAnNx)

220 Its a felony to ask, order, or coerce somebody to alter an official record. Each count of doing that is its own separate 20 year prison felony.

Posted by: An Observation at January 30, 2018 12:54 PM

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to fire the person who did that as opposed to reassigning him to a lateral position?

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (2FqvZ)

221 I made a dossier about Adam Schiff this morning...oh wait,I just wiped my ass...

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (LiyEm)

222 This tweet has the 2 links Ace was looking for

Posted by: ArthurK at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (XMCS3)

223 So, just a few shelves and some fasting?
Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:50 PM

And a supply of oxygen dihydride.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 30, 2018 12:57 PM (ctuyM)

224 ''The problem with the Airstream is that is almost impossible to find something as cool as your Airstream to pull your Airstream. ''

I don't know about that. I saw a beautiful medium sized Airstream being pulled by an absolutely georgeous extended cab pick up a couple of months ago
Posted by: Tuna

Get up into the Ford F-550 & F-650 or the Chevy/GMC 5500 & 6500? series with the Western Hauler beds used for custom show horse trailers.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 12:57 PM (TAu/7)

225 Low IQ Meeka gets nervous by the term "raw data".

Huh? Wha? I always let my dates do me raw.

Posted by: Mika at January 30, 2018 12:57 PM (vg8iE)

Obiwan Trumpnobi to Congress:

These Aren't The Bots You're Looking For.

Posted by: Soothie -- Black Diamond Crew at January 30, 2018 12:58 PM (8qqTj)

227 A Bugatti Veryon is about the coolest thing to pull an Aistream. But everyone will beat you to death for wanting to put a trailer hitch on it.



Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 12:58 PM (tRaq7)

228 >>Get up into the Ford F-550 & F-650 or the Chevy/GMC 5500 & 6500? series with the Western Hauler beds used for custom show horse trailers.

Yeah, those things are not cool.

I'm talking a Woodie Wagon : like a 49 Plymouth Special Deluxe.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 12:59 PM (t5DVd)

dihydrogen monoxide

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 12:59 PM (8XRCm)

230 >> " [McCabe would] get like 99.8%, but a true firing will
demolish his reputation and may even carry further penalties."--Ace

McCabe's reputation will be ruined, yes, but I don't think that by itself or even getting his lawyer to plea bargain down to spending a few years in a country club prison is what's really scaring him. The biggest fear for McCabe and the other FBI co-conspirators is that discovery will be made available for plaintiffs who will sue for civil rights violations. Their entire net worth will then be on the chopping bloc, plus legal fees when the plaintiffs win.

Just image what the *Trump family alone* could do to these criminals in court; they could sue them for all they're worth.

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 30, 2018 12:59 PM (daXIn)

231 So a smoking hot blonde in a string bikini delighted to be with you could fit that definition.
Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at January 30, 2018 12:53 PM

That definition makes Trump alpha gay.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 30, 2018 01:00 PM (ctuyM)

232 "Drudge reports that the FBI is taking a close look at a "second dossier" compiled by one Cody Shearer, who appears to be even more sketchier than Mr. Steele. It's a Guardian article at that."

The hacks at the Guardian are reporting it as something anti-Trump without disclosing Shearer is a Clinton affiliated hatchet man connected to Sidney Blumenthal.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:00 PM (OD2ni)

233 connected to Sidney Blumenthal.


THAT fucker turns up more than a bad penny.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (8XRCm)

234 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims -Fox

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (r9UYA)

235 Harry Shearer wrote an anti Trump dossier?

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (LiyEm)

236 Correction:
"Just *imagine* what the *Trump family alone* could do to these criminals in court; they could sue them for all they're worth."

Posted by: Anonymous 7 at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (daXIn)

237 The less I take with me on vacation, the better the vacation.

Posted by: davidt at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (Vl5bQ)

238 Posted by: Gman at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (Bnm2K)


Hey! Dangit.

Posted by: GMan (My kingdom for 10 feet of rope and some torches) at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (sxq57)

239 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims

What if the practitioners are black?

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (vg8iE)

connected to Sidney Blumenthal.


THAT fucker turns up more than a bad penny.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (8XRCm)

It's neck-and-neck between Sidney and Jamie Gorelick.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (Pqytn)

Remember that VA jerkoff hack who President Trump fired and then had to fire again?
Yeah, he's working in Baltimore now for $200K/yr...

for the VA.

Posted by: Soothie -- Black Diamond Crew at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (8qqTj)

242 11 countries speed up funding for Palestinians after US cuts
UNRWA head says Russia, Kuwait and nine European countries agree to accelerate contributions intended to fill shortfall left by Trump's decision to withhold millions of dollars from the Palestinian refugee agency; 'It is clear that we have a very big task on our hand to fill that gap.'

Good. The US should stop being suckers. For our friends anything. For our enemies? Not a fuckin penny

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (5y11N)

243 >>The hacks at the Guardian are reporting it as something anti-Trump without disclosing Shearer is a Clinton affiliated hatchet man connected to Sidney Blumenthal.

In the 6 letters that Grassley sent last Friday, he asked each person to detail their contact with a number of interesting people. One of them was Blumenthal.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (/tuJf)

244 >>Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy,

Well, yeah.

Nothing better than a hot chick with a Yoga body.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (t5DVd)

245 I think I was a victim of disparity - US Navy Enlisted sitting in jail for taking a picture.

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (gbWkA)

246 Re: the 302s McCabe allegedly asked others to update - wouldn't some/most of these have already been reviewed by the OIG?

Given that the OIG investigation started last January it would have been likely McCabe had been lulled into a false sense of security (that he would be getting rid of Trump, and with him, the possibility of having the Hillz cover-up and other stuff discovered). Hope this eventually comes out...

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (W+vEI)

247 Google sells out of Always On cameras.

Why would anyone want one of those? Except the Kardashians?

Are people so naive or stupid? I guess yes, and yes.

I'm never going to other people's homes that have these.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (7qyhD)

248 Read the bit on the "alternate dossier" - apparently the theory behind it that some unknown amateur connected to the Clintons was able, on his own, to come up with previously unknown intelligence assets inside Putin's FSB. Oh yeah, that's likely.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 30, 2018 01:03 PM (V2Yro)

249 The boomer generation that got into government work in the yuppie 90s era is making out like
bandits in retirement.

A long time ago it was known and accepted that government jobs pay sucked, but benefits were great. However, they've been banging the "we need to increase pay to attract the best people" drum for at least a couple decades now.

So they've been fighting for pay equal to or greater than people in the private sector.

This is insanity to me. If you compare pay + benefits in both public and private, government workers already make out like bandits. For example, you can work to 55 in a government job and get a significant percentage of your end paycheck for the rest of your life!

Who outside of government is retiring comfortably at 55 with a pension? Who even has a pension anymore?

Posted by: bonhomme at January 30, 2018 01:03 PM (iv0p7)

250 It's a joke but I'm still intrigued.

Would a Bugatti Veyron be geared properly to do a tow?

Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at January 30, 2018 01:03 PM (eytER)

251 Lol.

There will be five (FIVE) Dem rebuttals tonight.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (ptqGC)

252 234 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims -Fox

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM (r9UYA)

Well it is Scandi in origin.

Posted by: buzzion at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (cAnNx)

253 I think I was a victim of disparity - US Navy Enlisted sitting in jail for taking a picture.
Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (gbWkA)

I get your point but not a good analogy

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (5y11N)

254 Before Morning Joe there was Scarborough Country where Murderin Joe built his brand on being a true Southern man of the people. I still remember the cheesy opening credits of him tossing the pigskin around outside.

Seriously, WTF happened to this guy? It's like he went through a Dinsey style grooming of their kid stars in his 40's.

Posted by: Monk at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (g4lFK)

255 McCabe took a bribe to make old Hill's secret server problems go away. Once he was in he couldn't get out and Hill's problems and the necessary crimes to cover them up grew exponentially. But everything was fine because she was going to win! The very idea of Hill losing was un-possible!

Posted by: Lester at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (LfJIn)

256 Wouldn't it be more appropriate to fire the person who did that as opposed to reassigning him to a lateral position?

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 12:56 PM (2FqvZ)

If you are investigating the guy with a view to laying charges, it's easier to keeps tabs on him if he continues to be an employee, and comes in to the office every day.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (YA0uK)

September 24 2016:

CNN: Forty eight hours before the debate and our CNN contibuters are calling Hillary Clinton the clear winner. 'It's obvious she's going to power through Donald Trump', they agree, 'even with the lingering effects of pneumonia. That's wining, in anyones book'.

Our impartial contributers include unindicted co-conspirators Sid Blumenthal, Lanny Davis, and James Carville.

Posted by: se pa moron at September 24, 2016 05:26 PM (ZFUt7)

Where do I collect my prize?

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (2FqvZ)

258 251

There will be five (FIVE) Dem rebuttals tonight.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (ptqGC)

Still short handed.

Posted by: President Richard Punch at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (ymnmz)

259 Seriously, WTF happened to this guy?




Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (8XRCm)

260 >>11 countries speed up funding for Palestinians after US cuts UNRWA head says....

Yeah, also probably shouldn't have just bought that $50 million private plane for Abbas, eh?

Keep that in mind as they peddle stories of children starving and hospitals closing because of Trump's threat to withhold payments: they had *at least* $50 million to spare....

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (W+vEI)

261 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims -Fox
Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM

Ha! I call your contributing to white supremacy, and raise you cultural appropriation, climate change, cisheteropatriarchy, and capitalism!

Posted by: Oberlin University professor at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (ctuyM)

Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy

I hate Yogurt!!

Posted by: Dark Helmet at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (IqV8l)

263 No disrespect to the poster who claimed it would only b a small hit and he would get his FERS retirement (plus a supplement until eligible for SS), but I believe that information is not correct. McCabe hits 50 in May with 21 years of service. If he was fired, he cannot use his accrued leave to stay on the books until that magic 50. If fired, he would receive the monetary value of the leave and his end of service is that date. He would still receive his FERS pension, but not until he was 62. If he had 25 years of service, this would be a totally different conversation.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (OLS0m)

264 247 Google sells out of Always On cameras.

Why would anyone want one of those? Except the Kardashians?

Are people so naive or stupid? I guess yes, and yes.

I'm never going to other people's homes that have these.
Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (7qyhD)

I could see the use of an always-on cam as a nanny cam. But I'm thinking that there's a perverted use for them because there always is. The actual implementation is left as an exercise for the pervert.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (RD7QR)

265 255
McCabe took a bribe to make old Hill's secret server problems go away. Once he was in he couldn't get out
and Hill's problems and the necessary crimes to cover them up grew
exponentially. But everything was fine because she was going to win! The
very idea of Hill losing was un-possible!

Posted by: Lester at January 30, 2018 01:04 PM (LfJIn)

Sad Trombone

Posted by: President Richard Punch at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (ymnmz)

266 Is Fusion GPS a front for the CIA?

Posted by: davidt at January 30, 2018 01:06 PM (Vl5bQ)

267 Maybe the FBI needs a uniform so all citizens can automatically 'not recollect' upon meeting them. Jodhpurs and Stompy Boots come to mind.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2018 01:06 PM (YV+SU)

268 Looking back, I still can't grok how the country got suckered into thinking that electing a product of the well-known Chicago Corruption Machine as president who installs an Alinsky disciple in his administration couldn't result in something like this.

I'm not all that bright, but I knew a lot of damage was going to come from it. It was inevitable. Still, it's pretty shocking to see.

That's a mighty big swamp for PDT to drain, but I'm glad he's doing it.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 01:06 PM (tRaq7)

269 Any sauce for have to hold 5 days?

My understanding was that the executive branch had 5 days to review and say no, or it would be released automatically. And if they said no it would go to a full house vote to (potentially) over ride. In other words, if President does nothing, it comes out in 5 days. If the President completes consulting with his reports (DOJ, FBI etc etc) and says, 'release' it can be released immediately.

My guess was that President sits on it a few days to keep the focus on SOTU for 2 news cycles, then drops the memo to capture the narrative for the next several cycles.

The other likely course of action is GEOTUS may do nothing (neither say yes, nor say no, let the DOJ/FBI wail at him for mercy for 5 days, see if they can come up with something actually substantive, then do nothing, and the memo comes out).

Posted by: Rather Not at January 30, 2018 01:06 PM (oPogG)

270 266 Is Fusion GPS a front for the CIA?
No, that would be the NYTs.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (YV+SU)

271 In the 6 letters that Grassley sent last Friday, he asked each person to detail their contact with a number of interesting people. One of them was Blumenthal.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (/tuJf)

I don't get it. Even Cock Curious and, I assume, the Farsi Ferret couldn't stand the sight of that pinworm yet he keeps appearing like needledick Rasputin to Czarina Rodham of the Carpet Munchers.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (y7DUB)

272 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims

What if the practitioners are black?
Posted by: bicentennialguy

What if it's Hillary emailing yoga workouts??

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (TAu/7)

273 >> If he had 25 years of service, this would be a totally different conversation.

I think most of this is academic. If he is charged and convicted for the crimes it seems he committed he loses his entire pension and benefits.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (/tuJf)

274 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims -Fox
Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:01 PM

And they eat sammiches whose life cycles contribute to bigly increase global warming.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (7qyhD)

275 "In the 6 letters that Grassley sent last Friday, he asked each person to detail their contact with a number of interesting people. One of them was Blumenthal.
Posted by: JackStraw"

Cody Shearer was on the list as well. So Grassley knows about this BS.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (OD2ni)

276 I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (7uYFy)

277 "Deep State" sounds more similar to "Teapot" than it does to "Water," so maybe we should call it "Deep State Dome"?

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (42M22)

278 Penalties?! Like prison?

Posted by: torabora at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (K0z2U)

279 Would a Bugatti Veyron be geared properly to do a tow?

Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at January 30, 2018 01:03 PM (eytER)

I was told by an auto technician that the Bugatti Veyron has custom tire+composite wheel assemblies. Each tire-wheel assembly costs about $25K. According to the tech, if a driver touches the brakes while the car is going at very high speed, each wheel assembly must be replaced.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (Pqytn)

280 Even Cock Curious and, I assume, the Farsi Ferret couldn't stand the sight of that pinworm yet he keeps appearing like needledick Rasputin to Czarina Rodham of the Carpet Munchers.


*wipes tear

The WRITING in this place. Man... what ART.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (8XRCm)

281 271
In the 6 letters that Grassley sent last Friday, he asked each person
to detail their contact with a number of interesting people. One of
them was Blumenthal.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (/tuJf)

I don't get it. Even Cock Curious and, I assume, the Farsi Ferret
couldn't stand the sight of that pinworm yet he keeps appearing like
needledick Rasputin to Czarina Rodham of the Carpet Munchers.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (y7DUB)

Rasputin Pinworm. Accurate.. Sad.

Posted by: President Richard Punch at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (ymnmz)

282 273. And if he just goes missing, as tens of thousands of people do every year?

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (fA1SL)

283 Cody Shearer was on the list as well. So Grassley knows about this BS.
Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (OD2ni)

Cody Shearer related to Harry Shearer of This Is Spinal Tap fame?

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:09 PM (7uYFy)

284 Nothing better than a hot chick with a Yoga body.
Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM

Do not, in the name of Horde Purity and non-grossness, duckduckgo "naked yoga".

Posted by: @JRandomMoron at January 30, 2018 01:09 PM (ctuyM)

285 So, at the celebrity anti-SOTU protest today, MR called Trump Supporters the underbelly of America. That is so cute.

Bcz calling us Deplorables worked out so well.

Never learn anything.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:09 PM (7qyhD)

286 276
I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (7uYFy)

Tell me more!

Posted by: Lisa Page at January 30, 2018 01:09 PM (ymnmz)

287 >>I don't get it. Even Cock Curious and, I assume, the Farsi Ferret couldn't stand the sight of that pinworm yet he keeps appearing like needledick Rasputin to Czarina Rodham of the Carpet Munchers.

He does hate him, even prevented Hillary from hiring him at the State Dept.

But she loves him and it has already been demonstrated that he was giving her "intelligence" on Benghazi. And the letters that Grassley sent were to the Hillary campaign and to the DNC.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if we find out that he was involved with the dossier.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (/tuJf)

288 271 In the 6 letters that Grassley sent last Friday, he asked each person to detail their contact with a number of interesting people. One of them was Blumenthal.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:02 PM (/tuJf)

I don't get it. Even Cock Curious and, I assume, the Farsi Ferret couldn't stand the sight of that pinworm yet he keeps appearing like needledick Rasputin to Czarina Rodham of the Carpet Munchers.
Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (y7DUB)

Who do you think arranges all the Arkancides?

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (WDCYi)

289 McCabe hits 50 in May with 21 years of service. If he was fired, he cannot use his accrued leave to stay on the books until that magic 50. If fired, he would receive the monetary value of the leave and his end of service is that date. He would still receive his FERS pension, but not until he was 62. If he had 25 years of service, this would be a totally different conversation.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (OLS0m)

Wait... You're saying he is eligible for 'Full' pension after only 21 years? At 50 years of age?

My assumption he was much older and was at the 30 year mark. Damn, government bennies are the best if that's true.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (2FqvZ)

290 You know who else drained swamps?

That's right -- Mussolini!

So Trump is now also Literally Mussolini.

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (42M22)

291 Does Mark Zuckerberg massage Hillary's corns like he does Merkel's? People want to know.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (YV+SU)

292 250 It's a joke but I'm still intrigued.

Would a Bugatti Veyron be geared properly to do a tow?
Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at January 30, 2018 01:03 PM (eytER)

I doubt it. I also doubt if the brakes and suspension would be up to it.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (RD7QR)

293 >>I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.

I got a Sawbuck says it's a broken condom filled with Michael Obama's DNA.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (t5DVd)

294 I lived in a mid 60s Airstream for 8 years. The interior is designed like a yacht. They really are wonderful.

Posted by: notsothoreau at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (5HBd1)

295 Any sauce for have to hold 5 days?

No. Sauces are often better the next day when the flavors have had time to meld, but for five days you'd better put it in the freezer.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (fuK7c)

296 I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.
Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:08 PM (7uYFy)


Welll....... It bedder be is head..... I TOLD that ash hole to FIX DISSHIIIT....... *hic*.......

This is starding to unravel ans IM NOT GOING DOWN ALONE!!!! *hic*

Posted by: HILLARY!! at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (8XRCm)

297 I think most of this is academic. If he is charged
and convicted for the crimes it seems he committed he loses his entire
pension and benefits.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (/tuJf)

His last thought as he feels the trap give way beneath his feet: "Oh shit, there goes my pension!"

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (YA0uK)

298 289 My assumption he was much older and was at the 30 year mark. Damn, government bennies are the best if that's true.
Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (2FqvZ)

The Feds, yeah.

Certain states, not so much.

You need 35 years in PA.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (WDCYi)

299 The hacks at the Guardian are reporting it as something anti-Trump without disclosing Shearer is a Clinton affiliated hatchet man connected to Sidney Blumenthal.
Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:00 PM (OD2ni)


anything linked to Sid should count as minus one sources.

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (oGRue)

300 285 So, at the celebrity anti-SOTU protest today, MR called Trump Supporters the underbelly of America. That is so cute.

Bcz calling us Deplorables worked out so well.

Never learn anything.
Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network

Who is "MR"?

Need to add them to my voodoo-doll pin-sticking ritual tonight.

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (42M22)

301 I was told by an auto technician that the Bugatti Veyron has custom tire+composite wheel assemblies. Each tire-wheel assembly costs about $25K. According to the tech, if a driver touches the brakes while the car is going at very high speed, each wheel assembly must be replaced.
Posted by: mrp

Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (TAu/7)

302 McCabe hits 50 in May with 21 years of service. If he was fired, he cannot use his accrued leave to stay on the books until that magic 50. If fired, he would receive the monetary value of the leave and his end of service is that date. He would still receive his FERS pension, but not until he was 62. If he had 25 years of service, this would be a totally different conversation.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (OLS0m)

Wait... You're saying he is eligible for 'Full' pension after only 21 years? At 50 years of age?

My assumption he was much older and was at the 30 year mark. Damn, government bennies are the best if that's true.
Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM

Civil Service Reform. Now.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (7uYFy)

303 I think most of this is academic. If he is charged and convicted for the
crimes it seems he committed he loses his entire pension and benefits.

2-6 years from now some people are going to have pardons and the gratitude of a billionaire. Others aren't even going to keep most of their book royalties.

Posted by: DaveA at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (FhXTo)

304 His last thought as he feels the trap give way beneath his feet: "Oh shit, there goes my pension!"
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (YA0uK)

Out with the pension, in with the tension.

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (+lOpA)

305 >>Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.

Brakes just slow you down.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (t5DVd)

306 Mueller has to do some soul searching - does he collapse the tent and retain his 'integrity' or does he go down with Lynch, Comey, Strzok and Page? If he doesn't bail then someone has something pretty nasty on him.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (YV+SU)

307 56, 69,
"The boomer generation that got into government work in the yuppie 90s era is making out like bandits in retirement."
"Fifty year old Andrew McCabe is right in that demographic. Started in
1996, retired in 2018. Will live for decades, receiving that sweet
government sugar every month.

The, so called, "boomer generation" was born from 1946 to 1964 and in reality that '64 is stretching the actual baby boom after WWII which is what the name came from. Even someone from '64 like Obama is now 54-55 not 50. McCabe is Gen X born in 1968 when this "boomer" was 20.

BTW this whole generation label thing is identity politics crap like all the other groups the left has made up to mask that people are individuals not mind-melded groups.

Posted by: geoffb at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (zOpu5)

308 There are 5 Dem rebuttals to sotu? Well, you know Trump is successful if the left thinks it need 5 people to rebut 1 man.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (a0IVu)

309 I was told by an auto technician that the Bugatti Veyron has custom tire+composite wheel assemblies. Each tire-wheel assembly costs about $25K. According to the tech, if a driver touches the brakes while the car is going at very high speed, each wheel assembly must be replaced.
Posted by: mrp

Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (TAu/7)

Sounds like a car for assholes with too much money to burn.

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (7uYFy)

310 My assumption he was much older and was at the 30 year mark. Damn, government bennies are the best if that's true.
Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (2FqvZ)

The Feds, yeah.

Certain states, not so much.

You need 35 years in PA.
Posted by: Hikaru

20 in Denton County, Texas.
My sister pulled the trigger after 20. And she's ten years younger than me.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:14 PM (TAu/7)

311 304 His last thought as he feels the trap give way beneath his feet: "Oh shit, there goes my pension!"
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (YA0uK)

Out with the pension, in with the tension.
Nah, give him his pension and then bankrupt him with defense bills just like he did to Flynn.

Posted by: Puddin Head at January 30, 2018 01:14 PM (YV+SU)

312 301
I was told by an auto technician that the Bugatti Veyron has custom
tire+composite wheel assemblies. Each tire-wheel assembly costs about
$25K. According to the tech, if a driver touches the brakes while the car is going at very high speed, each wheel assembly must be replaced.

Posted by: mrp

Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (TAu/7)

A car that goes really fast but you can't touch the brakes...Hmmmmm

Shut up Po

Posted by: Genral Organa (I am not a princess!) at January 30, 2018 01:14 PM (ymnmz)

313 Someone's reporting, or maybe just speculating, that McCabe is just the first to be force-out, and that this force-out is just a general prelude to a more extensive house-cleaning of McCabe's "cronies" at the FBI.

There have been rumors for the past several months that this is what AG Sessions has been focused on, and that "he's the right man for the [AG] job" despite seeming to having been MIA for a year.

Whether it's true, or if that's just a cover-up by his cheering section, is hard to tell. But he did take on probably the most weaponized, most politicized, most powerfully self-protected departments of Obama legacy. One does not move rashly against such a foe.

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at January 30, 2018 01:14 PM (3NjrP)

314 Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.

Of course you can use the brakes, it'll cost you though.

Posted by: Enzo the Mechanic at January 30, 2018 01:14 PM (iv0p7)

315 >>> Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims

Do you call a white supremacist yoga group the OmOmOm?

You'd think after the Nassar scandal, MSU would be trying to tamp down on connecting their name and rep to stupid stuff. Guess this one slipped through.

Posted by: LizLem at January 30, 2018 01:15 PM (hvf9s)

316 Cost of border fences, underground barrier, reaches NIS 6bn
Over the past 17 years, Israel has spent NIS 6 billion on building and improving border fences along the Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese and Gazan borders, as well as on the first-of-its-kind underground barrier project which cost nearly half the sum itself.

Gee what does Israel understand that the left does not? LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 30, 2018 01:15 PM (5y11N)

317 297 I think most of this is academic. If he is charged
and convicted for the crimes it seems he committed he loses his entire
pension and benefits.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:07 PM (/tuJf)

His last thought as he feels the trap give way beneath his feet: "Oh shit, there goes my pension!"
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (YA0uK)

I'm pretty sure that the FBI is NOT covered by the Normal Civil Service laws either... one of the few agencies exempted from it...

Posted by: Don Q'Bot at January 30, 2018 01:15 PM (NgKpN)

318 So some Dem just called Trump Mussolini. Cliburn is a nut.

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 30, 2018 01:16 PM (BtQd4)

319 Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (TAu/7)

The emphasis was on the "very high speed" limit. Like 200mph. For people who can afford a Veyron, $100K is worth the thrill.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 01:16 PM (Pqytn)

320 294 I lived in a mid 60s Airstream for 8 years. The interior is designed like a yacht. They really are wonderful.
Posted by: notsothoreau at January 30, 2018 01:11 PM (5HBd1)

Yeah, that and no leaks (or fewer, anyway) are the attraction. It's just nice to be inside of it.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:16 PM (RD7QR)

321 Sounds like a car for assholes with too much money to burn.

It's a car for assholes who want to laugh at the assholes who are stuck in a much slower Lamborghini.

Posted by: Enzo the Mechanic at January 30, 2018 01:16 PM (iv0p7)

322 We towed our Airstream with a silver '69 Cadillac. It was almost as long as the trailer and had no problems with handling. (did have a professionally installed hitch).

Posted by: notsothoreau at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (5HBd1)

323 So Trump should give his speech from a balcony tonight and end it by jutting out his chin and crossing his arms....

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (LiyEm)

324 So some Dem just called Trump Mussolini. Cliburn is a nut.


So.... Trump is no longer literally Hitler?

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (8XRCm)

325 Well that's one policy that should change, in todays digital world there is no reason to rely on hand written notes that are basically an opinion not evidence. If he in fact did order the notes changed he's dirtier than one can imagine?

Posted by: Rose at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (30UCB)

326 >>We towed our Airstream with a silver '69 Cadillac.

See. That is cool.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (t5DVd)

327 So.... Trump is no longer literally Hitler?

Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)

328 >>We towed our Airstream with a silver '69 Cadillac.

Now that is styling.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (/tuJf)

329 Perhaps Sessions is just not interrupting while certain people are making mistakes?

Just a thought. Everything seems to be unraveling quite spectacularly as is.

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (+lOpA)

330 308
There are 5 Dem rebuttals to sotu? Well, you know Trump is successful if the left thinks it need 5 people to rebut 1 man.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:13 PM (a0IVu)

5 against 1 and it still isn't a fair fight.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (jxbfJ)

331 I am so shallow..I just want to see what the Trump ladies wear tonight.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (a0IVu)

332 327. Metaphorically Stalin

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (fA1SL)

333 318 So some Dem just called Trump Mussolini. Cliburn is a nut.

Posted by: rhennigantx at January 30, 2018 01:16 PM (BtQd4)

Truly silly and easily debunked with a one second thought.

Which is, if Trump actually was a Mussolini or a Hitler, they'd be putting up missing persons posters for Cliburn by tomorrow.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (4ErVI)

334 Penalties should double for public sector employees convicted of committing crimes against the public.

However, 2 x 0 convictions because of lack of prosecution = 0 penalties.

Posted by: davidt at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (Vl5bQ)

335 So.... Trump is no longer literally Hitler?

Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)


So.... a Nazi, a Fascist and THe President walk into a bar.

Bartender says "The usual Mr Trump"??

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (8XRCm)

336 So.... Trump is no longer literally Hitler?

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (8XRCm)

Isn't that almost a promotion, in Left-speak?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (YA0uK)

337 Mussolini was also a socialist like the runner up for the dem nomination.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (1ISKN)

Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.


You know who else couldn't use the brakes?

That's right.

Ted Kennedy.

Posted by: Oldsmobile Delmont 88 at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (MnkFD)

339 I still feel like a criminal

doggeh is due for one year appointment anyway, gonna have the vet have a look tomorrow

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (hMwEB)

340 Somebody tried Trump-is-literally-Stalin but that went over like a lead fart.

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (+lOpA)

341 So, at the celebrity anti-SOTU protest today, MR called Trump Supporters the underbelly of America. That is so cute.

Bcz calling us Deplorables worked out so well.

Never learn anything.
Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network

Who is "MR"?

Need to add them to my voodoo-doll pin-sticking ritual tonight.
Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM (42M22)

Mark Ruffalo.

Weirdly, I can't find much about the event. Some sources say it was today, others say last night.

I can find the list of celebs that attended, but not how many other people attended. I can't find pics of anyone but the celebrities. So either it wasn't well attended, or I have misinformation.

I wasn't surprised to see Planned Parenthood and the Women's March sponsored. So the Woman's March is an organization now? Can't keep up with the nutbars.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (7qyhD)

342 Just had a brilliant A-ha! moment.

The Dems in California are obsessed with building a 500-mile long "High Speed Rail" train that will cost billions and which the Republicans call a boondoggle.

The Trump administration is obsessed with building a 500-mile-long fence along the Mexican border that will cost billions and which the Democrats call a boondoggle.

Solution to both problems simultaneously?

Build the High Speed Rail along the Mexican border.

That way everybody gets what they want, and the 200-mph trains will run over and flatten any illegals who try to cross the tracks. Win-win!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (42M22)

343 324 So some Dem just called Trump Mussolini. Cliburn is a nut.


So.... Trump is no longer literally Hitler?
Posted by: fixerupper

See comment #290 above!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM (42M22)

344 The issue with the FBI/302/McAcabe change/Memo is: A bunch of convicted people could ask for new trials on anything he was connected to - and you'll find a lawyer for everyone else to reopen their cases.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM (bB4HN)

345 297 I think most of this is academic.

Depends. If McCabe is convicted of one of the crimes: 5 USC §3512, believe so, but if he can lower the charges to something not covered, don't think one can say it is a given.

317 I'm pretty sure that the FBI is NOT covered by the Normal Civil Service laws either... one of the few agencies exempted from it...

Right. If was not LEO, he would need to be 56 years 8 months at retirement (based on 1968 BY.)

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM (OLS0m)

346 Did Ace already do a post about the RT guy that the FBI says beat himself to death?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM (1ISKN)

347 Well that's one policy that should change, in todays digital world there is no reason to rely on hand written notes that are basically an opinion not evidence.

Of course there's a reason. It's so that in court, the only official record of the interview is the FBI's malleable handwritten account.

Obama changed that in 2014, but we're talking about the FBI. They get to take laws as suggestions.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM (iv0p7)

348 hat way everybody gets what they want, and the
200-mph trains will run over and flatten any illegals who try to cross
the tracks. Win-win!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (42M22)
heh. I think the high speed rail should ram right up Jerry Brown's ass.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (a0IVu)

349 He does hate him, even prevented Hillary from hiring him at the State Dept.

But she loves him and it has already been demonstrated that he was giving her "intelligence" on Benghazi.

I'm sure he appeals to her lack of intelligence, which cocksuckers like David Maraniss used to lie about all the time to a gullible public, and overall greed for money unlike her pervert husband who just wanted strange gravy on his bent pole, by feeding her a steady line of gossipy lies which the dumb bint swallowed like a largemouth bass.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (y7DUB)

350 >>The issue with the FBI/302/McAcabe change/Memo is: A bunch of convicted people could ask for new trials on anything he was connected to - and you'll find a lawyer for everyone else to reopen their cases.

Guys like General Flynn for example.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (/tuJf)

351 >>>Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy

Yoga is the new "Ok" sign dog whistle.

"Say, do you ... practice yoga? I practice yoga".

That's how these neo-Klans/trans/(wo)men attempt to fly under the radar.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (/qEW2)

352 327 Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)

Virtually Hirohito.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (WDCYi)

353 Funny thing is that the American left was very enamored with both Mussolini and Stalin for quite some time...

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (LiyEm)

354 >>Did Ace already do a post about the RT guy that the FBI says beat himself to death?

Never use a tiger shark.

Posted by: Dolphin at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (t5DVd)

355 353 And Hitler too..

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (LiyEm)

356 331 I am so shallow..I just want to see what the Trump ladies wear tonight.
Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (a0IVu)

I do too, but probably for different reasons.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (RD7QR)

357 Build the High Speed Rail along the Mexican border.

That way everybody gets what they want, and the 200-mph trains will
run over and flatten any illegals who try to cross the tracks. Win-win!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (42M22)

Build the Wall up the Central Valley, and out to the coast just north of Frisco. Win, win!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (YA0uK)

358 Mussolini has no where near the body count of the people Trump is usually compared to.
At any rate, Democrats used to love themselves some Mussolini at one time....

Posted by: JoeF. at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (7uYFy)

359 342 Just had a brilliant A-ha! moment.

Are you sure you aren't in Congress? LOL!

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (OLS0m)

360 >>Build the Wall up the Central Valley, and out to the coast just north of Frisco. Win, win!

This. We need to wall off California.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:22 PM (t5DVd)

361 350
>>The issue with the FBI/302/McAcabe change/Memo is: A bunch of
convicted people could ask for new trials on anything he was connected
to - and you'll find a lawyer for everyone else to reopen their cases.

Guys like General Flynn for example.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (/tuJf)

As the covers are lifted from the FBI, a lot of lawyers are going to become extremely busy.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (jxbfJ)

362 No need for a flaming skull.

Pretty sure Stefan Molyneux is turning into a flaming skull right now.

Posted by: RKae at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (NHmPj)

363 Anybody see Cuomo interview Pelosi last night on CNN?
She was so pissed off she was shaking, blinking and basically spazzing out. Or maybe it was the drugs and alcohol.

Posted by: wth at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (HgMAr)

364 Totally Tojo

Posted by: irright at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (pMGkg)

365 Tippecanoe and Hitler Too!

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (WDCYi)

366 Build the High Speed Rail along the Mexican border.

That way everybody gets what they want, and the 200-mph trains will
run over and flatten any illegals who try to cross the tracks. Win-win!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM

Even better. The idiots here on Bacon Hill are apparently thinking about a high speed rail line from Boston to Springfield. It's like they saw the Simpson's monorail episode and learned all the wrong lessons. I need to unass this state.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (p+Wdc)

367 332 327. Metaphorically Stalin
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:18 PM (fA1SL)


no, they LIKE Stalin

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:23 PM (oGRue)

368 Somebody tried Trump-is-literally-Stalin but that went over like a lead fart.

Speaking of which, I'm still chuckling over Ace's little observation about April Ryan yesterday:

"I bet she smells like the ocean farted down there." (or words to that effect)

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM (vg8iE)

369 357 Build the High Speed Rail along the Mexican border.

Dios mio!

Do you know how hard it is to spray paint your name on a train moving 150 miles per hour?

Posted by: Juan Carlos Gonzalez Frijole Chalupa Chicano at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM (MnkFD)

370 352 327 Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.
Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)

Virtually Hirohito.
Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (WDCYi)


symbolically Shiva

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM (oGRue)

371 Sara Carter, Sara Carter, Sara Carter, Sara Carter,

Wooooo shit!

Sara Carter!

Posted by: Country Singer at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM (uiwCw)

372 Time made Hitler Man of the Year.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (1ISKN)

373 She was so pissed off she was shaking, blinking and basically spazzing out. Or maybe it was the drugs and alcohol.

Or was me!!!!

Posted by: Parkinson's at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (vg8iE)

374 We towed our Airstream with a silver '69 Cadillac.

> 5000 pounds


< 3000 pounds

IIRC Veyron is a carbon fiber monocoque sp? = thus undrillable.

also from

Prototypes have been subjected to repeated 1.0g braking from 312km/h (194mph) to 80km/h (50mph) without fade

Posted by: DaveA at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (FhXTo)

375 Well, Hitler is literally Trump.

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (MnkFD)

376 Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims

whatabout Pilates? is that ok?

Posted by: votermom certified russian matryoshka bot at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (hMwEB)

377 Did Ace already do a post about the RT guy that the FBI says beat himself to death?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:20 PM

That story didn't ring a bell so I looked it up. Link for others...

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (2FqvZ)

378 373 She was so pissed off she was shaking, blinking and basically spazzing out. Or maybe it was the drugs and alcohol.

Or was me!!!!
Posted by: Parkinson's

don't take all the credit

Posted by: Dementia at January 30, 2018 01:25 PM (FZYNt)

379 371 Sara Carter, Sara Carter, Sara Carter, Sara Carter,

Wooooo shit!

Sara Carter!
Posted by: Country Singer at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM (uiwCw)


Sarah Connor?

Posted by: T-800 at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (WDCYi)

380 There. You all now have an earworm of Clarence Carter's "Strokin'", but substituting Sara Carter's name.

Posted by: Country Singer at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (uiwCw)

381 Are we that worried about the pension?

I want jail time. Then I'll worry about the pension.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (4ErVI)

382 made me bingle April Ryan. Bad morons! BAD!!

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (+lOpA)

383 Build the High Speed Rail along the Mexican border.

That way everybody gets what they want, and the 200-mph trains will run over and flatten any illegals who try to cross the tracks. Win-win!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:19 PM (42M22)


There should be a 30' tall electrified fence. The train would have runners deriving their power from that. That I think would work.

We can be humane and post warning signs. In English.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (/qEW2)

384 FBI is examining this charge. If it is found to be true, McCabe will be fired -- and that, I take it, means that his "terminal leave" will be cancelled and he will not get his full pension.

Why are not national security personal in the FBI treated as military personnel as Dishonorably Discharged personnel in the military?

Posted by: willow at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM (Z8j2x)

385 You know how they have nicotine patches?

What about marijuana patches?

We'll make millions.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (1ISKN)

386 Anybody see Cuomo interview Pelosi last night on CNN?
She was so pissed off she was shaking, blinking and basically spazzing out. Or maybe it was the drugs and alcohol.

Daily Caller has part of the interview here:

Posted by: bonhomme at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (iv0p7)

387 378. Pfft! It was old man Kuru, all the time!

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (fA1SL)

388 Poor guy just kept falling and falling.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (LiyEm)

389 One great thing about the MSM blockaiding all reporting on the FBI.DOJ scandals is that when the facts force the news out it'll stun people, even if it is less of a story than we believe (as JeffB thinks) or even if it is more even-handed spying (as Eli Lake implies). However it breaks, there seems to be a consensus emerging that voters will be shocked.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (LISuA)

390 385 You know how they have nicotine patches?

What about marijuana patches?

We'll make millions.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe

Bacon patches

or better yet, pussy patches


Posted by: Rick in SK at January 30, 2018 01:28 PM (FZYNt)

391 >> Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor claims -Fox

Hey, we made it better by adding baby goats!

(They like goats over there where it originated, right? /sarc)

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:28 PM (W+vEI)

392 If the 302 thing turns out true. corruption in the FBI is more widespread than i'd like to imagine. How does one ask the people upholding the law to break the law, unless you know that they're down with it.

And if that's the case, how did this ever come out?

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:28 PM (oGRue)

393 Pelosi got one thing right,told Cuomo he didn't know what he was talking about.

Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:28 PM (LiyEm)

394 >>whatabout Pilates? is that ok?

Same category as Prancercize. Highly racist and-- ghey.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (r9UYA)

395 Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)

Virtually Hirohito.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (WDCYi)


symbolically Shiva

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM

Actually Attila.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (p+Wdc)

396 And if that's the case, how did this ever come out?
Posted by: Buzzsaw90

HRC as prez would have buried it all

Posted by: Rick in SK at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (FZYNt)

397 Only in Russia would a journalist beat himself to death.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (LISuA)

398 A second dossier is being pimped out by the usual suspects. trump-russia-collusion-fbi-cody-shearer-memo

Posted by: Monk at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (g4lFK)

399 There should be a 30' tall SOLAR POWERED electrified fence. The train would have runners deriving their power from that. That I think would work.



Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (oGRue)

400 395. Genghis Don

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (fA1SL)

401 I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.

Probably Hillary & Barky McFuckstick

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (y3aQB)

402 Pelosi got one thing right,told Cuomo he didn't know what he was talking about.
Posted by: steevy at January 30, 2018 01:28 PM (LiyEm)


If Cuomo was on his game..... he would have followed up with a "soooo..... you've READ the Memo Ms Pelosi"?

She hasnt.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (8XRCm)

403 Only in Russia would a journalist beat himself to death.

Here, he would have marched himself out to Ft. Marcy Park and put two in the back of his own head.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (LISuA)

404 Trumpolini

Posted by: Rick in SK at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (FZYNt)

405 Wait... You're saying he is eligible for 'Full' pension after only 21 years? At 50 years of age?

My assumption he was much older and was at the 30 year mark. Damn, government bennies are the best if that's true.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:10 PM (2FqvZ)

McCabe's pension (pre-tax) is going to be less than $20K per year, probably closer to $15K. He's apparently retiring at nearly the earliest permissible time for him. Since there's a promise of no math on AoSHQ, I won't give you my calculations, but I am a Fed Employee and know the retirement rules and pension formulas.

He will be eligible for Social Security as well, but that won't be much. His Fed TSP (a 401k type instrument) will also give him additional income, eventually, but no more than anyone else at age 50 with a 401k for the past 20 years (McCabe's Fed service time) would have.

McCabe will need a job after leaving the FBI, unless he and his wife are already rich.

Posted by: Gref at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (AMIL/)

406 FIFY

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (oGRue)

Then the illegals would simply cross at night.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (YA0uK)

407 Actually Attila.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState


Demonstrably Dr. Doom.

Posted by: RKae at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (NHmPj)

408 >>That story didn't ring a bell so I looked it up. Link for others...

What, he forgot to pack polonium tea bags?

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (W+vEI)

409 Trumpelgruber

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (+lOpA)

Allegorically Alexander the Great

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (8XRCm)

411 I bet Mueller pulls something out of his ass between the SOTU speech and the release of the memo.

His finger?

Posted by: Little Jack Horner at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (vg8iE)

412 Scarey thing: one of my kids asked me if shutdown was over so she could file taxes. I don't think the minutiae of 'scandal' will reach most 30yo non-political types.

Posted by: mustbequantum at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (MIKMs)

413 Posted by: bonhomme at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (iv0p7)

who would know more about what is coming out than that HAG

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (y3aQB)

414 394 >>whatabout Pilates? is that ok?

Pilates is like tonic clonic phases of a seizure, only you do it on purpose while wearing funny clothes.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (MnkFD)

415 Audaciously Mao.

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (+lOpA)

416 "363 Anybody see Cuomo interview Pelosi last night on CNN?
She was so pissed off she was shaking, blinking and basically spazzing out. Or maybe it was the drugs and alcohol."

She was calling Devin Nunes "Dennis" Nunes. LMFAO.

Also, as with Hannity and Roy Moore, if a Dem is having a hard time being questioned by Fredo Cuomo, you know its bad for them.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (OD2ni)

417 There. You all now have an earworm of Clarence Carter's "Strokin'", but substituting Sara Carter's name.

Posted by: Country Singer at January 30, 2018 01:26 PM

*looks up Sara Carter*

That works.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (p+Wdc)

418 >>>IIRC Veyron is a carbon fiber monocoque sp? = thus undrillable.

Robert Veyron-LaCroix was Jean-Pierre Rampal's accompanist on harpsichord. Really talented guy.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (/qEW2)

419 Then the illegals would simply cross at night.

They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (vg8iE)

420 397. That's why it happened here in the US.

(Also, don't discount the possibility - only true slav could beat himself to death. )

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (fA1SL)

421 50:

"Lord knows how many plebes have been prosecuted, jailed, and harassed because of falsifying evidence to obtain FISA or any kind of warrants for that matter.

This is a death blow for the judical institutions."

Yeah, it's pretty much over except for selling off the furniture. The federal system has about a 97 percent conviction rate, not dissimilar to the Soviet Union and Saddam Hussein. Defense attorneys may start to demand jury trials and be more aggressive but that likely will lead to attempts to limit or end jury trials, as has happened in the UK.

Ace had is about right some time back. The divorce needs to be filed while heads are cool enough for a fair property settlement. Once the totalitarian genie is out of the bottle there's no turning back.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (cZ3Tx)

422 So is Pelosi bringing her DACA buddy to the SOTU tonight?
Maybe it's one of those that was arrested last week in San Diego for human smuggling.

Posted by: wth at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (HgMAr)

423 Trumplestiltskin

Posted by: Cuthbert the Witless at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (ymnmz)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 12:51 PM (YA0uK)


Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (gwPgz)

425 Sara Carter said last night that something like 12 Democrats have read the four page memo summary, while most all Republicans have read it. Bear that in mind when Democrats are talking on the news about it.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (LISuA)

426 Literally Titler.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (r9UYA)

427 or better yet, pussy patches

Posted by: Rick in SK

Just do tuna patches.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:33 PM (TAu/7)

428 425 Sara Carter said last night that something like 12 Democrats have read the four page memo summary, while most all Republicans have read it. Bear that in mind when Democrats are talking on the news about it.
Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:32 PM (LISuA)

And none of them were Mad Maxine, because Mad Maxine can't read.

Posted by: T-800 at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (WDCYi)

429 >>If Cuomo was on his game..... he would have followed up with a "soooo..... you've READ the Memo Ms Pelosi"?

>>She hasnt.

Actually, she did claim that she read the dossier during the interview.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (/tuJf)

430 400 395. Genghis Don
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine

That's genius. Too genius, in fact., If the Dems see that, they'll use it everywhere!

Best plan is to pre-empt them and "embrace" the insult ourselves, so that by the time they find out about "Genghis Don," it's already defanged as an affectionate moniker!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (42M22)

431 Off, killer robot sock.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (WDCYi)

432 Can I take the pussy patch off after 5 mins?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (1ISKN)

433 >> So is Pelosi bringing her DACA buddy to the SOTU tonight?

Muldoon has titled it "Bring your Pet Peeve to Work" day at the SOTU.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (W+vEI)

434 McCabe will need a job after leaving the FBI, unless he and his wife are already rich.

Posted by: Gref at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (AMIL/)

Terry McAwful will probably take them under his wing!

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (gwPgz)

435 430 Best plan is to pre-empt them and "embrace" the insult ourselves, so that by the time they find out about "Genghis Don," it's already defanged as an affectionate moniker!
Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (42M22)

Meh. Genghis Khan failed the World by not wiping out Islam when he had the chance.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (WDCYi)

436 However it breaks, there seems to be a consensus emerging that voters will be shocked.
Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:27 PM (LISuA)

I'd like to think you're right. Hell ... I'd like to think all you people that still believe the system will work out are right. But obviously, I don't.

I keep getting this feeling that, at the end of the day, the bulk of the country - Dems and Repubs alike - simply will not give a damn.

And then its over. Because then the Fed Govt will finally undestand that ... as long as the store shelves are full and the cable signal is strong ... they can do whatever the hell they want.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (XGrlW)

437 Mostly Morgoth

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (oGRue)

McCabe isn't collecting SS until he's 62 years and change. If he's only 50 something now, that's a long time.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (2FqvZ)

439 408 >>That story didn't ring a bell so I looked it up. Link for others...

What, he forgot to pack polonium tea bags?
Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:31 PM (W+vEI)

Tripped over the carpet and hit his head on the table. 27 times. He just really like to walk on carpet.

Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (RD7QR)

440 I know I'm piling on but I still cannot process that the FBI does not record interviews.

Posted by: TexasDan at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (yL25O)

441 Don't know if it's been mentioned anywhere but a tweeter suggested that the reason Nunes was so spooked last year was that his comms were among the ones that he saw that were monitored. He was on the transition team.

Cue ominous music...

Posted by: The Cookie Man at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (sQtWK)

442 Can I take the pussy patch off after 5 mins?
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (1ISKN)


Yeah.... like you last 5 minutes.

Posted by: mrs sniffy big toe at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (8XRCm)

443 Terry McAwful will probably take them under his wing!

Head of Opposition Research at the DNC (which is a position he previously held at the FBI).

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (MnkFD)

444 Best plan is to pre-empt them and "embrace" the insult ourselves, so
that by the time they find out about "Genghis Don," it's already
defanged as an affectionate moniker!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM

Quickly. Before John Forbes (did I mention my initials are JFK?) Kerry mispronounces it publicly.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (p+Wdc)

That's genius. Too genius, in fact., If the Dems see that, they'll use it everywhere!

Best plan is to pre-empt them and "embrace" the insult ourselves, so that by the time they find out about "Genghis Don," it's already defanged as an affectionate moniker!
Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (42M22)


are we doing it in Kerry-voice or normal human voice?

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (oGRue)

446 Putin = Sauron

Trump = Saruman

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (t5DVd)

447 >>McCabe will need a job after leaving the FBI, unless he and his wife are already rich.

I'm sure he's all set with a job at Crowdstrike or any number of Silicon Valley tech companies that are tight with Clinton/Obama. They'll need to make sure he stays bought and under their control.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (W+vEI)

448 Don't know if it's been mentioned anywhere but a tweeter suggested that the reason Nunes was so spooked last year was that his comms were among the ones that he saw that were monitored. He was on the transition team.

Cue ominous music...
Posted by: The Cookie Man

Dunh dunh duuuuuunnnnn

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (TAu/7)

449 A second dossier is being pimped out by the usual suspects. trump-russia-collusion-fbi-cody-shearer-memo

We talked about that Drudge link earlier. Google Cody Shearer, and all your dossier worries will go away. The guy is a Clinton whore.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (LISuA)

450 There should be a 30' tall electrified fence. The train would have runners deriving their power from that. That I think would work.

We can be humane and post warning signs. In English.

Build it right next to Teh Wall with a 20-ft stretch of land with motion detectors in between.

Viola! A live version of Frogger.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (tRaq7)

451 Here, he would have marched himself out to Ft. Marcy Park and put two in the back of his own head.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (LISuA)

And then had the good sense to hide the gun!

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (gwPgz)

452 Classically Caligula

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (gbWkA)

453 395 Literally Hitler.

Figuratively Mussolini.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:17 PM (vg8iE)

Virtually Hirohito.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:21 PM (WDCYi)


symbolically Shiva

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:24 PM

Actually Attila.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:29 PM (p+Wdc)

Practically Pol Pot.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (YqDXo)

454 *looks up Sara Carter*

That works.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState"

Sara had a nice form fitting top on last night. Another reason I was annoyed they kept cutting to Seb Gorka.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (OD2ni)

455 I know I'm piling on but I still cannot process that the FBI does not record interviews.

How the hell else do you expect us to manufacture the truth we need? Damn.

Posted by: Your FBI at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (vg8iE)

456 Hmmm......Donald the Carpathian?

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (fA1SL)

457 are we doing it in Kerry-voice or normal human voice?


Posted by: AltonJackson at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (ZQfW9)

458 Did you all see the Travel Ban has been dropped?

Really, really, really wish they hadn't done that. They said they are rolling out stricter verting. How's about put in place first, then drop the ban.

Ya know a real good security measure? The ban.


Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (7qyhD)

459 442 Can I take the pussy patch off after 5 mins?

A pussy patch? Is it leaking air?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (MnkFD)

460 Was the alteration of the 302's the actual "insurance policy" that Strzok and his girlfriend discussed?

Posted by: Chthillary, Dead but Dreaming at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (p/YFn)

461 How do you tak your Pussy Patch off?

Do you try and peel it slowly, or do you just rip it off?

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (t5DVd)

462 Basically Bismarck

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (gbWkA)

463 Ace, saying "Help a blogga out" is racist. Unless you're black. At which point it would be racist to tell a black guy he's racist. Either way, your blog harbors racism and has been reported to the hate crimes divisions of Canada and our other forward-thinking western partners.

Posted by: Brisco_County_Sr at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (+D/b7)

464 Can I take the pussy patch off after 5 mins?
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:34 PM (1ISKN)


Yeah.... like you last 5 minutes.


The patch is younger and better looking than you.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (1ISKN)

465 candidly Caligula

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (oGRue)

466 Sounds like a design flaw if you can't use the brakes.
Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:12 PM

If you brake it, you break it.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (ctuyM)

467 Regarding Chuck Schumer, remember when Trump was first elected, Schumer told Rachel Maddow Trump was really dumb to go up against the intelligence agencies because they had six ways from Sunday to get back at him. Hmmmm.

Posted by: LMD Outer Banker at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (Vuaet)

468 basically Bonaparte

Posted by: Buzzsaw90 at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (oGRue)

Rep. Matt Gaetz on FISA Memo: "More Heads Will Roll" Predicts "Criminal Prosecutions"

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 01:38 PM (y3aQB)

470 Do you try and peel it slowly, or do you just rip it off?

I lick mine off.


Posted by: Hillary at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (vg8iE)

471 McCabe will need a job after leaving the FBI, unless he and his wife are already rich.


I think his wife is a doctor so they're not going poor anytime soon. Besides, he will be team teaching Ethical Government with Rev. Comey at William and Mary or someplace similar before the spring term is over.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, music lover and bacon afficianado at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (LISuA)

472 High speed Airstream!

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (r9UYA)

473 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise". So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any confirmation.

What really burns me is that he refused to cooperate with the FCC investigation and they only learned this information by a written statement his boss had him write. Who the hell gets to tell a regulatory agency to FOAD? Of course he still keeps his job just away from any of the emergency alert controls. He's probably planning Aloha Friday's pot-luck right now.

Posted by: Cheri at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (oiNtH)

474 Because then the Fed Govt will finally undestand that ... as long as the store shelves are full and the cable signal is strong ... they can do whatever the hell they want.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM (XGrlW)

Dude, don't harsh our mellow...

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (gwPgz)

475 >>Practically Pol Pot.

Almost Idi Amin?

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (W+vEI)

476 Practically Pol Pot

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (t5DVd)

477 If you brake it, you break it.
Posted by: Duncanthrax

Time to fire the marketing department. LOL.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (TAu/7)

478 Literally Lenin

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (t5DVd)

479 "I'm sure he's all set with a job at Crowdstrike or any number of Silicon Valley tech companies that are tight with Clinton/Obama. They'll need to make sure he stays bought and under their control.
Posted by: Lizzy"

That or Holder brings him on board at Covington & Burling. The big white collar firms in DC loving having high ranking former FBI/DOJ guys that can brag about.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (OD2ni)

480 Practically Pol Pot

Posted by: Amy Schumer at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (FZYNt)

481 I do like the 'Donalt Ivanovich Trollstoyevski' that the folks at RT came up with.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (fA1SL)

482 Maybe this has been asked and answered - haven't read all the comments yet - but why doesn't the FBI tape formal interviews? Too much documentation to prevent altering the facts?

Posted by: Joanne at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (A07hL)

483 So many rumors, so much speculation, so much wild guessing. Just gotta wait and see, its the IG report I'm more interested in.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (39g3+)

484 Tentatively Tepes

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (gbWkA)

485 461
How do you tak your Pussy Patch off?

Do you try and peel it slowly, or do you just rip it off?

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (t5DVd)

Is this one of Gwyneth Paltrow's products?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (jxbfJ)

486 475 >>Practically Pol Pot.

Almost Idi Amin?
Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (W+vEI)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (YqDXo)

487 All I know is, I see the name Sara Carter, and I think "Sarah Conner," or "Peggy Carter." And in either case, I suspect the picture in my head is much hotter and much more badass than Sara Carter.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 30, 2018 01:40 PM (9chmE)

488 Really, Robespierre

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (t5DVd)

489 Stylistically Stalin

Posted by: TexasDan at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (yL25O)

490 If Cuomo was on his game..... he would have followed up with a "soooo..... you've READ the Memo Ms Pelosi"?

She hasnt.

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:30 PM (8XRCm)

Or he could have put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Nancy, are you all right? Do you want me to call someone for help?"

Posted by: wth at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (HgMAr)

491 Who the hell gets to tell a regulatory agency to FOAD? Of course he still keeps his job just away from any of the emergency alert controls. He's probably planning Aloha Friday's pot-luck right now.

I'm certain it would have been racist to make him cooperate with a federal agency.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (vg8iE)

492 He just really like to walk on carpet.
Posted by: joncelli, because somebody had to at January 30, 2018 01:35 PM

A quality shag does feel good between your toes.

Posted by: Quentin Tarantino at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (ctuyM)

493 test test is this thing on?

crusty hillary meant to say baskets of disposables
show no mercy give no quarter for none shall be given

President Trump do not shirk your duty. We hired you to destroy the commies AND the rinos. Finish it!

Posted by: azalea city at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM (WX+x0)

494 Derivatively Duvalier

Posted by: TexasDan at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (yL25O)

495 I have a third dossier on Trump.

Posted by: A Hawaiian Judge at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (MnkFD)

496 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise". So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any confirmation.


The first story was that it was a mistake, the new story is that he thought it was all real and sent it purposely. What will the story be tomorrow? Tune in to the legacy media and watch them publish guesswork, rumors, and speculation as news!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (39g3+)

497 I am calling for President Trump to #ReleaseTheMemo tonight during the State of the Union, so the American people can finally know the truth.

RT if you agree!

-- Rep. Matt Gaetz

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (r9UYA)

498 Posted by: Cheri at January 30, 2018 01:39 PM (oiNtH)

I did see that and was like wtf? It is banana republic territory. We have lost common sense somewhere. You'd think the Hawaiian citizens would organize and demand his firing. Hahahahaha

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (7qyhD)

499 Does it have to be alliterative? I don't like wordplay.

I'm a heathen.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (WDCYi)

500 I have a fourth dossier on Trump.

Posted by: Some Guy Who Gambled Away $40,000 at a Trump Casino at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (ATVNj)

501 473 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise". So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any confirmation.

What really burns me is that he refused to cooperate with the FCC investigation and they only learned this information by a written statement his boss had him write. Who the hell gets to tell a regulatory agency to FOAD? Of course he still keeps his job just away from any of the emergency alert controls. He's probably planning Aloha Friday's pot-luck right now.
Posted by: Cheri

You're obscuring the amazing part of the headline:

The worker who sent out the alert in Hawaii actually thought that Hawaii was actually about to be hit by missiles. He did not press the button "by mistake." He pressed it on purpose. But he was inattentive during a drill and missed the part where they announced it was a drill. So, in a panic, thinking the end of the world was near, he intentionally sent out the alert!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (42M22)

502 Potentially Pinochet

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (fA1SL)

503 Actually Atilla

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (SGFoV)

504 Mostly Mao

Posted by: DR.WTF? at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (T71PA)

505 [iA quality shag does feel good between your toes.

Posted by: Quentin Tarantino at January 30, 2018 01:41 PM

Begun, the shag/hardwood wars have...

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (p+Wdc)

506 Hillary = Saruman, Bluminthal = Wormtongue.

Wormtongue killed Saruman by stabbing him in the back.

Posted by: davidt at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (Vl5bQ)

507 But he was inattentive = Because he was inattentive

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (42M22)

508 Tantamount to Trotsky.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (YqDXo)

509 Figuratively Fuhrer

Posted by: @votermom @vm pimping great books usually free or sale at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (hMwEB)

510 Chimerical Ceausescu

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (t5DVd)

511 Bigly Boris Badenov

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (/tuJf)

512 Did you all see the Travel Ban has been dropped?

Really, really, really wish they hadn't done that.

Didn't that just get overtaken by events? It was supposed to be a "we need 90 days to sort things out" emergency measure and it's been fought over for 300 days.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (fuK7c)

Nearly Nero.

Posted by: mrs sniffy big toe at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (8XRCm)

514 But he was inattentive during a drill and missed the part where they announced it was a drill.

Hey, that porn ain't gonna watch itself.

Posted by: bicentennialguy at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (vg8iE)

515 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise".

So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any confirmation.

Srsly. You don't think something that important requires confirmation?

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (TAu/7)

516 Suddenly Satan

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 30, 2018 01:44 PM (SGFoV)

517 Basically Obama.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at January 30, 2018 01:44 PM (1ISKN)

518 But he was inattentive during a drill and missed
the part where they announced it was a drill. So, in a panic, thinking
the end of the world was near, he intentionally sent out the alert!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (42M22)

An inattentive government worker? Say it isn't so, zombie!!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:44 PM (YA0uK)

519 I have a fifth dossier on Trump.

Posted by: Nerd Who Was Pantsed By Donald Trump in Third Grade at January 30, 2018 01:44 PM (ATVNj)

520 Cunningly Caligula

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:44 PM (r9UYA)

521 Trump is a goddamn PR/Marketing/Spin Doctor genius.

It's amazing how this is all coming to a head with the memo just in time for the SOTU tonight.

There's no way that's a coincidence. Not with Donald J. Trump. I'll be shocked if he doesn't at the very least mention it.

I'll be amazed if he doesn't do anything with this tonight. It's not in his nature to just ignore it. And by mentioning it, or even quoting from it (please God let this happen), he sucks all the oxygen away from the media and the Dems. There will be people watching it who have not heard about this. Their first hearing of it will come from Spin Master Trump.

I'm so glad I lived to see this presidency happen.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (4ErVI)

522 I don't like wordplay.

What do you like?

Posted by: Carlos Danger at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (LISuA)

523 Does it have to be alliterative?


No. Not Necessary. Now nearly needy.

Posted by: mrs sniffy big toe at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (8XRCm)

524 I'm sure he's all set with a job at Crowdstrike or any number of Silicon Valley tech companies that are tight with Clinton/Obama. They'll need to make sure he stays bought and under their control.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:36 PM (W+vEI)


McCabe's likely been planning to retire as soon as eligible ever since Hillary lost. Trump had been bashing him before or shortly after the election, so McCabe knew he had no future in the FBI/DoJ as he may have dreamed would happen under Hillary. I'm sure he has a sweet job lined-up paying much much more than his FBI salary.

Posted by: Gref at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (AMIL/)

525 A quality shag does feel good between your toes.

Posted by: Quentin Tarantino

Except at the Denver EPA...

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (TAu/7)

526 Equal to Eighteen Rabbit!

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (W+vEI)

527 So, we have an allegation of McCabe ordering the alteration of 302s, plus the "obstruction" traps played on Priebus and Trump ( completely bogus, can the FBI state that publicly? We'll look into that. Two weeks later, FBI leaks to NYTWAPO White House ordered us to declare vital information false.)

After all that, is it a good idea for the President to sit down for a Mueller interview? I think not.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (Pqytn)

So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any confirmation.

Let he who has never scared the hell out of millions of Americans cast the first stone.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (2FqvZ)

529 Fabulously Fabian!

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (tRaq7)

ugg sock

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (8XRCm)

531 Here is my grocery list for tonight:

Entenmann's donuts
popcorn (large box)

Posted by: Brunnhilde at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (aW5/6)

532 Negligently Nero

Posted by: @votermom @vm pimping great books usually free or sale at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (hMwEB)

533 What do you like?

Posted by: Carlos Danger at January 30, 2018 01:45 PM (LISuA)

Numerologists like fourplay.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (YA0uK)

534 I don't like wordplay.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (WDCYi)

Or any of those other douchey bands from the late 90s/early 00s.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (9chmE)

535 Constantly Castro

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (W+vEI)

536 Totally Torquemada.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (fuK7c)

537 263 No disrespect to the poster who claimed it would only b a small hit and he would get his FERS retirement (plus a supplement until eligible for SS), but I believe that information is not correct. McCabe hits 50 in May with 21 years of service. If he was fired, he cannot use his accrued leave to stay on the books until that magic 50. If fired, he would receive the monetary value of the leave and his end of service is that date. He would still receive his FERS pension, but not until he was 62. If he had 25 years of service, this would be a totally different conversation.
Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:05 PM (OLS0m)

Does the FERS pension system allow employees to buy time served?

Posted by: Iblis at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (9221z)

538 Jocosely Jovian?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (39g3+)

539 >>ugg sock

They make socks now? I bet they are even gayer than the boots.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (/tuJf)

540 I was being attentive to my plate lunch. Mmmm, two scoops of rice!

Posted by: Hawaiian at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (Vl5bQ)

541 Causationally Castro

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (gbWkA)

542 After all that, is it a good idea for the President to sit down for a Mueller interview? I think not.

Now he has the perfect reason not to, and a lot more people will agree as the news spreads.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (tRaq7)

543 Mostly Ming

Posted by: eleven at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (+lOpA)

544 I don't like wordplay.

Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (WDCYi)



*wiggles hips back and forth

Posted by: Shep!! at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (8XRCm)

545 >> I don't like wordplay.

"Really? Huh..."

-- They Might Be Giants and Bare Naked Ladies

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (W+vEI)

546 Numerologists like fourplay.

It's been such a long time.

Posted by: Zombie Brad Delph at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (SGFoV)

Sara had a nice form fitting top on last night. Another reason I was annoyed they kept cutting to Seb Gorka.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:37 PM (OD2ni)

I like what Gorka has to say but you're right they should keep the camera on Sara and she can lip sync to whatever Gorka is talking about.

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (lKyWE)

548 Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (fuK7c)

The article I read only said the White House had announced the ban had been dropped, and then yadda yadda yadda. I'd prefer a permanent ban, like the other ME countries have. But nooooo, we need to compromise our country.

It seems to me after fighting so hard for the ban, up to the Supreme Court, ya don't just drop it. I guess this is where I trust my govt. hahahahahahaha

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (7qyhD)

549 Every time the news puts out a story about this Hawaiian guy its a different story, like they're just trying out stuff to see what people buy. Tomorrow they'll claim it was his clone or something.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (39g3+)

550 Obviously Obama

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (y3aQB)

551 501
473 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile
warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which
is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise". So on his own he
sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any

What really burns me is that he refused to cooperate with the FCC
investigation and they only learned this information by a written
statement his boss had him write. Who the hell gets to tell a regulatory
agency to FOAD? Of course he still keeps his job just away from any of
the emergency alert controls. He's probably planning Aloha Friday's
pot-luck right now.

Posted by: Cheri

You're obscuring the amazing part of the headline:

The worker who sent out the alert in Hawaii actually thought that Hawaii was actually about to be hit by missiles.
He did not press the button "by mistake." He pressed it on purpose. But
he was inattentive during a drill and missed the part where they
announced it was a drill. So, in a panic, thinking the end of the world
was near, he intentionally sent out the alert!

Posted by: zombie at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM (42M22)

Private sector: Fired immediately.
Govt. sector: promoted, salary increase.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (jxbfJ)

552 I don't like wordplay.
Posted by: Hikaru at January 30, 2018 01:42 PM

Word had 4 letters.

You know who else didn't like foreplay?

Posted by: Progressive Logictitan at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (ctuyM)

553 Frankly Franco

Posted by: Archer at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (gbWkA)

554 Inimically Imelda (Marcos)

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (t5DVd)

555 So the stock market plummets on the day Trump is giving his SOTU speech? Coincidence or manipulation?

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (O2RFr)

Shockingly Che'

Posted by: fixerupper at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (8XRCm)

557 Ceaselessly Caesar

Posted by: publius, the Persistent Poperin Pear at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (8O3HH)

558 test

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (gwPgz)

559 "'It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man!' Hawaiian Scare technician claims"
--Tomorrow's headline

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (39g3+)

560 They make socks now? I bet they are even gayer than the boots.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:46 PM (/tuJf)

I love my gay boots!

And I am not out killing sea turtles with straws.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (7qyhD)

561 Flynn is accused of lying to the FBI.

But now we can't know what he told the FBI because its all based on the account of interviewing agents, and we've just found out that agents were being pressured/told to alter their accounts.

How do we know, empirically, WHAT Flynn told the FBI, and whether or not that conflicts with what he said later?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (oVJmc)

562 #549

Every time the news puts out a story about this Hawaiian guy its a
different story, like they're just trying out stuff to see what people
buy. Tomorrow they'll claim it was his clone or something.

And yet we still don't know the killer's motive(s) for gunning down innocent people during the Las Vegas Massacre.

Posted by: mrp at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (Pqytn)

563 405 McCabe's pension (pre-tax) is going to be less than $20K per year, probably closer to $15K.

Not sure what his SES pay is, but as an LEO it would be calculated at 1.7% of first 20 plus 1% of the additional year (plus fraction, thereof.)

Don't bl he gets hit w any age penalty.That would seem to be more than $20K? Wouldn't he be Level 1 at $200K?

BTW, Gref, thanks for your insight on Mueller. Couldn't agree w you more.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (OLS0m)

564 After all that, is it a good idea for the President to sit down for a Mueller interview? I think not.

Posted by: mrp

Trump would ensure it was video taped and recorded.

Posted by: Cheri at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (oiNtH)

565 473 Somewhat related - the incompetent fool who sent out the missile warning message in Hawaii didn't hear the first part of the drill which is the most crucial "Exercise...Exercise...Exercise". So on his own he sent the real deal without getting Supervisor approval or any

Right after finishing his jumping jacks.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (YqDXo)

566 Totes Tito
Basically Beria
Just Djukashvilii

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (fA1SL)


Pelosi tells CNN's Cuomo about the FISA memo..."You don't know what you are talking about."

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Wipes tears from eyes)

Here's the kicker...She doesn't either!!!!


About anything!!!

BWAHAHAHA...stop it...stop it really. You guys are killing me!

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (0tfLf)

568 Ace went back to bed.

There will be 4 more weeks of Winter.

Posted by: garrett at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (t5DVd)

569 So what's this second dossier they are talking about?

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (O2RFr)

570 So the stock market plummets on the day Trump is giving his SOTU speech? Coincidence or manipulation?

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (O2RFr)

My guess would be profit-taking in advance of an event that may introduce some uncertainty.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (YA0uK)

571 >>>14 Speaking of biased media I can't quite grasp how Jim Acosta has managed to find work as a lead reporter for CNN. I know I don't know the full story, but he sure seems a few mules short of a train, or a few bulbs short of a chandelier.
What has he done to earn his position?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at January 30, 2018 12:14 PM (nBr1j)

It'd be fun to have a whole post on Acosta. He's so awful. There's so much material.

Posted by: m at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (VKsXm)

572 Heinously Hillary

Posted by: Lily(former Bronco Superfan) now of AoSHQ assassin in the night and not a Russian Bot at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (5R2Zt)

573 Srsly. You don't think something that important requires confirmation?
Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:43 PM (TAu/7)

There's nothing about that whole incident, particularly after some of the dimwit judicial decisions, that doesn't make me think that whole place is run by retards.

Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (y7DUB)

574 It seems to me after fighting so hard for the ban, up to the Supreme Court, ya don't just drop it.

I wonder (too lazy) if that moots the Court case. There is some value to pushing it through to SCOTUS to establish the precedent that, yes, the President may use the powers explicitly delegated to him by law.

But practically it was supposed to be a 90 day interim necessity, so...

Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (fuK7c)

575 Every time the news puts out a story about this Hawaiian guy its a different story, like they're just trying out stuff to see what people buy. Tomorrow they'll claim it was his clone or something.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:47 PM (39g3+)

Ya know when else this happened? Las Vegas.
It's the new journalistic reporting style.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (7qyhD)

576 "555 So the stock market plummets on the day Trump is giving his SOTU speech? Coincidence or manipulation?
Posted by: It's me donna "

Heh. I'm surprised Bill Wynn hasn't shown up yet to point that out.

Posted by: Benji Carver at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (OD2ni)

577 WAHAHAHA...stop it...stop it really. You guys are killing me!

Posted by: Diogenes at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (0tfLf)
Too bad he didn't have the balls to tell her, 'well, neither do you, you brain-addled monster'.

Posted by: IC at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (a0IVu)

578 Private sector: Fired immediately.
Govt. sector: promoted, salary increase.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at January 30, 2018 01:48 PM (jxbfJ)

I'm a bit more forgiving because I guarantee you if my only job was to sit at a desk and hit a button when something goes down, at some point I'm going to accidentally push the button. Even if it's something dumb like setting a cup of coffee down on it or tripping and landing on it, it's going to happen. That's how my luck rolls.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (4ErVI)

579 I love that Pelosi gets so much face time. She's like a slow motion disaster for the Democrats. So many awful, stupid Dems out there in front of microphones. These are people who, were they Republicans, would have been drummed out of politics and shamed into a byword by now. Such a combination of stupid, crazy, and incompetent the world has rarely seen before.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (39g3+)

580 So what's this second dossier they are talking about?

It's the one that got Trump on double secret probation.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (SGFoV)

581 And I am not out killing sea turtles with straws.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (7qyhD)

Then why are paying you?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (YA0uK)

582 After the Nunes memo hits the street, the only response from Trump to Mueller's interview request should be 'Dear Bob, get on your knees and blow me'.

Posted by: BluesFish at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (j1V0I)

583 You at least got to give Schiff credit for the " Cousin Vinnie" act. Warner comes out and blabs some "new documents " bs and the investigation is "nowhere close to being done" and what does Burr say. NADA. What has the lefties have on Burr ?? I guess he's lining up a cushy K street gig since he isn't running for re-election. PUTZ

Posted by: sofa saver at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (4u7kU)

I'm betting that there's no actual 'button' for the Hawaiian civil defense dude to press. Everything is software. Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates, software lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (2FqvZ)

585 582
After the Nunes memo hits the street, the only response from Trump to
Mueller's interview request should be 'Dear Bob, get on your knees and
blow me

I like your thinking

Posted by: It's me donna at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (O2RFr)

586 >>So what's this second dossier they are talking about?

Nothing. Just some garbage cooked up by another Hillary crony.

They are getting increasingly desperate.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (/tuJf)

587 Totes Tito

I liked Tito when he was with the Jackson 5.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (TAu/7)

588 There's nothing about that whole incident, particularly after some of the dimwit judicial decisions, that doesn't make me think that whole place is run by retards.
Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (y7DUB)

California has competition?

California would rush a bill through the Legislature declaring California to be a missile-free state.

There. That should do it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (YqDXo)

589 579 I love that Pelosi gets so much face time. She's like a slow motion disaster for the Democrats. So many awful, stupid Dems out there in front of microphones. These are people who, were they Republicans, would have been drummed out of politics and shamed into a byword by now. Such a combination of stupid, crazy, and incompetent the world has rarely seen before.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (39g3+)

No, we've got these people too. Thad Cochran, McCain, others. They've long worn out their welcome yet there they are, keeping on keeping on.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (4ErVI)

590 >>I love that Pelosi gets so much face time. She's like a slow motion disaster for the Democrats...

And really, isn't this also the story of Hillary?

Posted by: Lizzy at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (W+vEI)

591 dossier

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always says dossier... at January 30, 2018 01:53 PM (vtcmf)

592 Paul Sperry

BREAKING: Speaker Ryan hinted that FISA memo will show "malfeasance" by certain officials at the FBI/DOJ, and that former Trump adviser Carter Page's "civil rights" were "violated" in the FISA process. He also suggested Rosenstein was merely following the policies of predecessors

Posted by: MISHBOT at January 30, 2018 01:53 PM (y3aQB)

593 >>568 Ace went back to bed.

There will be 4 more weeks of Winter.

Explains the elusive Sessions seeing his own shadow.

Posted by: Under Fire at January 30, 2018 01:53 PM (r9UYA)

594 587. Yeah, fell to shit after he quit the band, as it were.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:53 PM (fA1SL)

595 586 >>So what's this second dossier they are talking about?

Nothing. Just some garbage cooked up by another Hillary crony.

They are getting increasingly desperate.
Posted by: JackStraw at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (/tuJf)


I don't know...."dossier" makes it sound super spycrafty.

Must be legit.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (9kfJR)

596 Nunes >>>>> Burr

Posted by: sofa saver at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (4u7kU)

597 I'm betting that there's no actual 'button' for the Hawaiian civil defense dude to press. Everything is software.

Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates software H1b hires lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.
Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises


Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (TAu/7)

598 549 Every time the news puts out a story about this Hawaiian guy . . .

Whoa. What is this stuff about a "Hawaiian guy"?

Posted by: Don Ho, striding to the EEOC Office in Honolulu at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (ATVNj)

599 Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates, software lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.

Posted by: Acme Trucking Enterprises, White Truck Division at January 30, 2018 01:52 PM (2FqvZ)

Dude, asking for you to re-enter and re-verify your password is just too complicated!

Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (gwPgz)

600 561 Flynn is accused of lying to the FBI.

And, sometime in March (?), iirc, Comey said that some agents believed Flynn "misremembered." I always wondered how there could be obstruction on Flynn, if the agents themselves had questions on any guilt.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (OLS0m)

601 But practically it was supposed to be a 90 day interim necessity, so...
Posted by: Bandersnatch at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (fuK7c)

Yea, I kinda forgot that part. So now I feel a little less ripped off. Which is why the horde is so great.

But they shoulda done 90, 90 months. B/c I say so dammit! *stomps feet in her cozy, gay Ugg boots*

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:55 PM (7qyhD)

602 A friend worked for the county for 6 years and they called him up. The HR person told him that he should take his pension now to get more money, thanks for looking out for the taxpayers there. So for 6 years in he gets around $450 month, not bad.....for him. Really bad for us as he got this at 53.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at January 30, 2018 01:55 PM (3BFzK)

603 The memo is going to be released AAAANNNDD nothing will happen.

The IG report if its ever released will result in no indictments and no imprisonment.

Nobody is going to be charged with anything.

This is all theatre.

That is the cold hard reality of the situation we find ourselves in.

Posted by: Kreplach at January 30, 2018 01:55 PM (LYEjy)

604 Notionally Nazarbayev.

(Speaking of whom, the look of puzzlement on his face when American reporters were yelling questions at Trump about 'shithole nations' or whatever the hell it was, was really quite charming.)

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at January 30, 2018 01:55 PM (fA1SL)

605 Nood dossier.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (YA0uK)

606 As a special treat tonight, Twitchy says Bill Nye will attend the SOTU and opine on shit, later. In a bar someplace.

Posted by: Carlos Danger at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (LISuA)

607 BREAKING: Speaker Ryan hinted that FISA memo will show "malfeasance" by certain officials at the FBI/DOJ, and that former Trump adviser Carter Page's "civil rights" were "violated" in the FISA process. He also suggested Rosenstein was merely following the policies of predecessors

Even Ryan has to let go of the pearls for a moment

Posted by: sofa saver at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (4u7kU)

608 There's nothing about that whole incident, particularly after some of the dimwit judicial decisions, that doesn't make me think that whole place is run by retards.
Posted by: Captain Hate at January 30, 2018 01:50 PM (y7DUB)

California has competition?

California would rush a bill through the Legislature declaring California to be a missile-free state.

There. That should do it.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

At least Hawaii didn't have retaliatory strike capability.

Posted by: rickb223 at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (TAu/7)

609 600 561 Flynn is accused of lying to the FBI.

And, sometime in March (?), iirc, Comey said that some agents believed Flynn "misremembered." I always wondered how there could be obstruction on Flynn, if the agents themselves had questions on any guilt.
Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 01:54 PM (OLS0m)

'He was guilty of not being one of our people, but Trump's. That is his true crime.'
-lib faceless bureaucrat.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (ycWCI)

610 And I am not out killing sea turtles with straws.

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (7qyhD)

Then why are paying you?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 30, 2018 01:51 PM (YA0uK)

Show me the money!

Posted by: Professor Disarray, Gumdrop Gorilla Network at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (7qyhD)

611 Ever at January 30, 2018 01:49 PM (OLS0m)


Ever, you may be right that as an LEO McCabe gets a better retirement than a plain-old Civil Service Employee. I do not know the Federal LEO retirement benefits. On the public FBI employee benefits website I cannot find ANY retirement benefits info.

If I'm misleading the Horde on how much McCabe's retirement bennies will be, that's my error and I apologize. My calcs are based on if he is a plain old Civil Servant working for IRS, EPA, etc.

Posted by: Gref at January 30, 2018 01:56 PM (AMIL/)

612 Is it "dosey A"?

Or "dose-E-Air"?

Or "dah-see-air"?

Or "dah-see-ay"?

Posted by: I'm Confused at January 30, 2018 01:57 PM (ATVNj)

613 "You ask for miracles...I give you the FBI." Hans Gruber

Posted by: Alf767 at January 30, 2018 01:57 PM (l9B5i)

614 He fell for a jerky boys crank call.

"If there is an incoming nucular strike, Press One Now!"

He just missed the first part. Honest mistake.

Posted by: davidt at January 30, 2018 01:57 PM (Vl5bQ)

615 Why is no one talking about the DOJ IG suddenly cancelling his Congressional Briefing today? While we're all in vapors over #ReleaseTheMemo, the real Kahuna suddenly goes dark and we have no idea what testimony is being changed as we sit here...

Posted by: I smell something rotten.... at January 30, 2018 01:57 PM (iWzUm)


Posted by: Hrothgarevitch BOT at January 30, 2018 01:57 PM (gwPgz)


Security video of the errant Hawaii Missile Warning Test.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 30, 2018 01:58 PM (eXA4G)

618 Nobody is going to be charged with anything.
This is all theatre."

Even IF that is true, and I'm not convinced of that, but even if its true, we still completely discredit the Mueller investigation, and we get to fire/demote a bunch Obama zealots in both the DOJ and the FBI. And with any luck, the fallout from this clear portrayal of democratic abuse will help the GOP retain the House and the Senate in the fall.

In fact, next to that, whether or not anyone actually gets charged is pretty inconsequential. Remember what the stakes in this game really are.

Posted by: Tom Servo at January 30, 2018 01:58 PM (k1TUh)

619 Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates software H1b hires lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.

For whom "Are you Sure" somehow gets translated into "Please to be allowing me to violate your pet during your dinner."

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 30, 2018 01:58 PM (tRaq7)

620 Yes 401Ks have done very well under Trump. This just proves how racist Trump is because the black community has a disparate share of 401Ks.

Obama's economic policies leveled the field in 401Ks and curbed this racist white privilege. Trump must be impeached!!

Posted by: Jimmy Leftists Icon Clyburn at January 30, 2018 01:58 PM (3BFzK)

621 *daydreams of crucifixes endlessly lining the boulevards of DC upon which hang the DemonRat traitors in our midst*

*awakens to the reality that we are still very close to suffering the eternal fate of a failed people; that of having the boot of totalitarianism stamping upon our faces*

Posted by: Sharkman at January 30, 2018 01:59 PM (bsdd3)

622 Speaker Ryan hinted that FISA memo will show "malfeasance" by certain officials at the FBI/DOJ, and that former Trump adviser Carter Page's "civil rights" were "violated" in the FISA process. He also suggested Rosenstein was merely following the policies of predecessors


"Low level staffers" plus the Nuremberg defense

Posted by: Bigby's Pointy Finger at January 30, 2018 02:00 PM (srOkZ)

623 Cromulently Cromwell.


Posted by: Roland THTG at January 30, 2018 02:00 PM (xBSm0)

624 I'm betting that there's no actual 'button' for the Hawaiian civil defense dude to press. Everything is software. Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates, software lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.

Did you guys not see the screengrab of the UI of the messaging system?

You have to see it! It's hilariously, stupidly bad.

It's a jumble of html links on a plain white page with no apparent naming convention. The exercise links are mixed in with the real live event links. Not even a red box around the real messages and green box around the fake messages.

Posted by: bonhomme at January 30, 2018 02:02 PM (iv0p7)

625 And, if you want to wear a tin-foil hat, read this page text on 6/4/17 and imagine what page might have talked "Andy" into doing:

"...plug with Aaron [Zebley]all the behind scenes work i did with Andy, Jim, etc. to get to this result. Andy was NOT [her emphasis] going to do it just based on Mueller's convo with him-he just didn't understand what the problem was...."

When I first read this I thought it just had to do w creating the SC, but now I think it had to do with something more nefarious, if Andy had no problem w changing 302's, what else would he do?

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 02:04 PM (OLS0m)

626 "Blackmail" is a word attributed to McCabe's bad acts, or so I read.

Also, check True Pundit for his stinky, smelly, red flag, Muh Russia connections and inexplicable monitoring of FBI Russian investigations a la FBI Agent Hansen, convicted spy for Putin.

Posted by: oddknot awaits The Flood at January 30, 2018 02:05 PM (g1MTt)

627 (122)(114)
It's called "Home Field Advantage"

Posted by: Burger Chef at January 30, 2018 02:08 PM (RuIsu)

628 611 If I'm misleading the Horde on how much McCabe's retirement bennies will be, that's my error and I apologize. My calcs are based on if he is a plain old Civil Servant working for IRS, EPA, etc

LOL. I understand the difficult path to maneuver that is the maze that is OPM. However, the much better LEO retirement terms would support an absolute melt down by McCabe, if he thought he was being deprived of $50K. (with the SS benefit) for the next 12 years, as opposed to a number closer to 15K

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 02:10 PM (OLS0m)

629 Ya know when else this happened? Las Vegas.
It's the new journalistic reporting style.

I think what happened with Las Vegas is the very rich and powerful Vegas tourism board leaned on everyone to stop the terribad publicity. Vegas does not need people to be reminded of an awful shooting from a window, so they sat on everything as hard as possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure the guy was either part of or an informant for federal investigation so there was a lot they didn't really want to talk about.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 02:11 PM (39g3+)

630 622 He also suggested Rosenstein was merely following the policies of predecessors

Guess that explains why the Rosenstein was smirking as he left WH yesterday. He won.

Posted by: Ever at January 30, 2018 02:13 PM (OLS0m)

631 Everything is software. Safe dependable software written by recent 2.1 gpa graduates, software lacking in even an 'Are You Sure?' prompt.

Do we know for sure there was no prompt? I can easily see a desk jockey clicking right through it without a second thought.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at January 30, 2018 02:17 PM (SFq6s)

632 Cromulently Cromwell.

This comment embiggens the entire blog.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 30, 2018 02:18 PM (39g3+)

633 >>I was planning on showing up at your place like Chevy Chase's cousin.

Saw on "Big Time RV" last week on the Great American Channel that some guy bought Cousin Eddie's RV from a lady who still had it for something like $8500. Has restored it to all of Cousin Eddie's glory. Rust, dirt, and all.

Posted by: A-10 at January 30, 2018 02:23 PM (5mjdU)

634 OK, if all 435 members of the House have read the memo, why hasn't it been leaked?

Goddam it, everything else leaks, but not this?

Posted by: West at January 30, 2018 02:23 PM (hzCgH)

635 It's easy to lie to the FBI if they will alter their Form 302s after the fact. You said white--they say black, and the 302 is the only record. That's a good reason never to talk to the FBI.

Posted by: Comanche Voter at January 30, 2018 02:46 PM (Sda6L)

636 If at first your dossier cedes
try, try again

Posted by: @votermom @vm pimping great books usually free or sale at January 30, 2018 02:47 PM (hMwEB)

637 Why hasn't it been leaked ?

Democrats who do the major part of leaking don't want it out

Posted by: Skip #3rd times the charm at January 30, 2018 03:23 PM (aC6Sd)

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