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Did Facebook Win Donald Trump the Presidency? [Warden]

I stumbled across a rarity yesterday--a leftist who is curious enough about how the right thinks to read and study us.

Someone pointed this series of tweets to me after the writer linked my article, How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom, as an example of the emotional state of the reactionary right.

It's a thoughtful series of tweets that I encourage you to read. The author has his finger on the emotional state of the reactionary right more than any other leftist I've encountered. He didn't rely on a bunch of tropes and stereotypes to reach his conclusions. He paid attention to what we've been saying.

I had a courteous exchange with the author, so if you respond to him please keep it cordial. Polite and thoughtful discussion deserves courtesy in return.

At any rate, our exchange gave me cause to think a little bit more deeply about what I'd written previously, particularly on the matter of reactionary politics.

Let me start by saying that Donald Trump is a reactionary phenomenon and most of us who voted for him are, by definition, reactionaries. And I would argue that most of this is due to social media.

When one looks at the left wing, you can basically separate the institutional left from what I call the soft left. The institutional left consists of the political players and their lackeys, media, academics, street agitators and the like. These are the people that shape the direction, agenda, strategy and tactics of the left.

The soft left are the voters. They don't give much thought to anything other than their preferences, which the Democrat party caters to very effectively. They are, traditionally, passive players.

Now I've understood since the Clinton years that the institutional left was actively seeking to harm me. Historically they've primarily done this through policy while other tactics such as demonization, othering, character assassination and lawfare were generally reserved for powerful political players and institutions on the right.

During the Obama years, we saw a radical shift. No longer were the Tom Delays and the Rush Limbaughs of the world the exclusive targets of what Bill Clinton labeled "the politics of personal destruction." Your average citizen was now in the cross hairs as well.

I first became aware of this during the Joe the Plumber episode when the media relentlessly attacked a citizen simply for asking, on his own property where Barack Obama was a guest, a question that happened to make their Boy-King look silly.

I thought it was a one-off due to the threat that Plumber's inquiry posed, but soon after the examples piled up--the slandering of the Tea Party movement, targeting of Christian wedding photographers, the harassment of the Memories Pizza owners, etc...

Which leads me to social media, Facebook specifically.

As this dramatic shift occurred, we began to see another shift within social media, one that reached its apex during the 2016 presidential election. That was the politicization of everything, not just by the institutional left, but by the soft left as well.

Where before the voters on the left were mostly passive receivers of Cultural Marxism, they had now become active participants via propaganda, slander, social shaming, and otherizing. This meant that conservatives were now being assaulted on two fronts, both from the institutional left and the soft left.

Every conservative who is active on Facebook knows what I'm talking about. After decades of Americans keeping their politics mostly to themselves, suddenly our feeds were jammed up with political invective.

It wasn't just directed at politicians. It was personal--a relentless litany of insults and abuse, first at the Tea Party and then Trump supporters. Most of it was generalized, but the message was clear. They held our kind in contempt and didn't care who knew it. In fact, they seemed to be in a contest to see who could broadcast it the loudest.

Most conservatives were hurt by this. We tend to keep our politics relatively private, both out of decorum and respect for our relationships with people whose politics differ from ours. The message that these public posts sent to us was that our "friends" on the left didn't respect or value us enough to avoid giving offense.

As someone who has been following politics since high school, I tend not to trust my own instincts what the average voter thinks. I'm simply to close to the subject. My wife, however, is a fairly low-key traditionalist who doesn't care to immerse herself in that world and so I use her as my political weather vane.

And so I knew that there was a storm brewing when she snapped down her phone over breakfast one day after reading Facebook and told me how sick and tired she was of her friends' political posts.

"When they say those things," she fumed, "they're talking about our family."

"I'm so sick and tired of being told that I'm a bad person because I disagree with someone's position on abortion or transgender bathrooms. Who do they think they are to tell everyone what they're required to believe?"

The hurt had turned to anger and quiet resolve.

The left sought to reprimand the right. What they did was alienate it. Their social media echo chamber only served to steel conservative misgivings about Donald Trump, if for no other reason than we simply couldn't abide by being pushed around for another 4-8 years.

It's one thing to know that your friends disagree with you. It's another to realize that they think you're stupid, uneducated, a bigot, bully, sexist, jerk and everything that's wrong with the world.

It's then that you realize that it's not just the institutional left that yearns to place its boot on your neck, it's your left-wing neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. When you see attacks on regular citizens cheered and reinforced by people on Facebook, your worldview changes radically.

You can no longer believe that they don't really understand what they're voting for. It becomes clear that they do--they're voting to turn you into a second class citizen, an "other" who is not due the same rights and courtesies as their exhalted tribe of Right Thinkers.

We loathed Obama and all the Marxist cockroaches surrounding him. Now we were beginning to loathe his supporters.

Donald Trump had exposed the press for the lying, shameless partisan hacks that they are. But social media exposed the soft left, the formerly passive Democrat party support.

This is why the left never saw it coming. They took over public spaces and shouted down the opposition with personal attacks. Horrified conservatives withdrew from engagement, but we didn't disappear.

We seethed with resentment and contempt.

And it drove us to the polls, quietly and without fanfare, like assassins in the night.

The left still doesn't know what hit him. They're still too busy screeching, insulting, protesting, rioting, and trying to manipulate the rules to ask the simple question: Why?

I'll tell you why. We see you. We see what you've become. And we're not having what you've been dishing out any longer.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 07:15 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 If you study us, you become us.

Posted by: Grump928(C) ProLite Elite 2200XL at February 01, 2017 07:17 PM (LTHVh)

2 Everything would be fine if we just accepted their gaslighting and their constant liberal delusion as the One Ultimate Truth.

That's really all they want. Total control over our objective reality.

Posted by: shibumi, a rational single white female and kitteh servant at February 01, 2017 07:19 PM (J5mC3)

3 I don't know anyone who has read Von Mises or Hayek and not been converted. It takes an act of will to reject the obvious.

Posted by: Grump928(C) ProLite Elite 2200XL at February 01, 2017 07:19 PM (LTHVh)

4 I could have won a third term if I'd gotten my message out.

Posted by: Preezy 44 at February 01, 2017 07:20 PM (bc2Lc)

5 A good read!

Posted by: Diogenes at February 01, 2017 07:21 PM (QMG4P)

6 . They're still too busy screeching, insulting, protesting, rioting, and trying to manipulate the rules to ask the simple question: Why?

They don't want to know why. None of them do, including the FAB.

They're actually just super p*ssed that no one is buying what they're selling, and the President has the audacity to send one of their favorites to sit in at the table with the Slow Kids.

Posted by: shibumi, a rational single white female and kitteh servant at February 01, 2017 07:21 PM (J5mC3)

7 We also became reactionary.

Posted by: Two Nuclei and a Subatomic Particle at February 01, 2017 07:22 PM (Tyii7)

8 Us too.

Posted by: Mentos and Pepsi at February 01, 2017 07:22 PM (LTHVh)

9 Excellent piece. And you're right about the personal insults rankling, and sending a lot of people straight to Trump.

In one way, though, I'm not sure this is new -- wasn't there a lot of personal insult for the Nixon voters coming from the McGovern Left?

Posted by: Splunge at February 01, 2017 07:25 PM (iMxBJ)

10 Press Briefings, circa 2019:

"The Slovenian Supermodel from the Daily Mail, I'll take your question. "

Posted by: shibumi, a rational single white female and kitteh servant at February 01, 2017 07:25 PM (J5mC3)

11 Couldn't have said it myself. In fact, I may steal that & post it on fb.

Posted by: josephistan at February 01, 2017 07:26 PM (7qAYi)

12 I read the whole thing and it was stupid. He doesn't understand the right. He may have heard Rush Limbaugh, but he never listened.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at February 01, 2017 07:26 PM (K4cgw)

13 Nood - stompy

Posted by: Flyboy at February 01, 2017 07:26 PM (R3Jti)

14 warden your post got linked EVERYWHERE

it was awesome

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 01, 2017 07:27 PM (Om16U)

15 It isn't just Conservatives, either. Plenty of average moderate Dems are sick of it, too.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 07:28 PM (kqtMD)

16 A Yamamoto quote comes to mind.

Something about disturbing a sleep-deprived collossus, and getting him all lathered up or sumpin'.

Posted by: VelvetElvis at February 01, 2017 07:29 PM (2JFvi)

17 the guy gets a little bit right but he's still blinfed by his prejudice and assumptions

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 01, 2017 07:29 PM (Om16U)

18 Another great article! Thanks.

Our son is in a mixed preschool/K class of 4-to-6 year olds. And *EVEN THOSE KIDS* were ganging up on a kid whose parents were discovered to be Trump voters.

So I don't actually mind the idiots venting on Facebook so much, since I just ignore them. But for them to vent that ill-will on their own children (and ultimately hurt the feelings of a little kid) was infuriating.

I gave our son the speech I *wish* those idiots would have given their kids -- about how we know nice people on both sides, and how that shows both candidates would probably do a fine job. Nothing too scary in an election.

But even then I kind of felt like I was *capitulating*. Argh.

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at February 01, 2017 07:31 PM (OVUYQ)

19 I think it's nice you had a nice conversation with him, but his opinion is garbage. I just read the stream. Why is it garbage? He is standing on the highest moral ground there is, and making his argument from there.

He is smart enough to know how dishonest he is being. He is equally smart enough to know that the Left does grievous moral harm to individuals of all stripes through their policies (but that they formulate such policy from the very same moral high ground and that is how they - those with consciences, not the power hungry ones who prey on those with consciences - sleep at night).

Yet he seems only bothered enough by us to study *us*. Wonder if he has the same curiosity about the Left's dangerous moral failings. I'm gonna wild guess no, because if he did, he would not be wafting his analytical stench from so far above us.

He would be down on the ground, in obvious weeds. Where true scientific curiosity lies.

Posted by: Mega at February 01, 2017 07:32 PM (EdXI9)

20 He still thinks it's emotion only, and that's to miss the bigger point: policy matters. The law matters. We aren't happy with that refugee EO because it hurts the left, it is simply a serious, stoic, policy decision. Just like most of them the right backs.

It's not vindictive, and that's what misses the fucking point.

Posted by: Chupacabra at February 01, 2017 07:33 PM (/x6xU)

21 @12, we are in agreement. Hermeneutically, even.
That guy knows conservatives like I know marital bliss.
Ouch, stahp, slaaaap...

Posted by: Jersey Lurker with the lightfooted wife at February 01, 2017 07:34 PM (tK4RW)

22 I should say, it's a serious, stoic, policy decision that has the side benefit of pissing off the pearl-clutching left

Posted by: Chupacabra at February 01, 2017 07:35 PM (/x6xU)

23 "They held our kind in contempt and didn't care who knew it. In fact, they seemed to be in a contest to see who could broadcast it the loudest."

THIS. Early last year, a friend of 20+ years started ranting on Faceplant and called Christians "the American Taliban". Not one of our 38 mutual friends called her on it, not the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, the Church of Christs, the Baptists. I said enough of this.

Posted by: roamingfirehydrant at February 01, 2017 07:35 PM (THS4q)

24 i've started to attack FB progs vociferously. They are really surprised. I immolate them. Some used to be my friends.

Posted by: S at February 01, 2017 07:36 PM (0Su3S)

25 I hit the 19th paragraph, where a wife is mentioned...... first thought was Holy Shit, Ace is really letting us deep into his personal life, because, what?!?!?!

Of course, I scrolled back up and all that was wobbly is now calm.....

Posted by: Dirty Randy at February 01, 2017 07:37 PM (br2jI)

26 I can't read the twitter convo so I'll just accept the conclusions of Chupacabra, Mega, and Colorado Alex .

Posted by: kallisto at February 01, 2017 07:37 PM (4AVeu)

Let me start by saying that Donald Trump is a reactionary phenomenon and most of us who voted for him are, by definition, reactionaries.

'Reactionary' does include a healthy dose of negative connotations, btw, So, I'm not sold on this term. If you describe someone's politics as reactionary, there's an image of an unthinking, reflexive partisan - not necessarily what you were aiming for.

There's prolly a better term out there.

Post-modern outcasts? Neo-peasants? Secular heretics?

The left sought to reprimand the right. What they did was alienate it.

To reprimand you must assume that you are in a superior position to those you are castigating.

By assuming that, it is, by default, alienation.

The Left's entire denouncement of 'privilege' is just more projection; they have privileged and will continue to privilege their politics above yours, serf.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 01, 2017 07:39 PM (DNPz2)

28 Cut the Marxists out of your life. If somebody is fucking with your life or your family's life based on signaling to the soft marxists then call them out on it.

It won't stop until they feel major pain, and unfortunately we are not even close to that point yet.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 07:40 PM (O6j88)

29 Great movie review, ace.

Posted by: John Nada at February 01, 2017 07:40 PM (pCUr3)

30 I lothed jugears purplelips supporters from day 1 and still consider them targets. every last one

Posted by: CW at February 01, 2017 07:40 PM (q0zv3)

31 Another point is that the left, even the soft left, will not defend the right, no matter how vile the statement. I have never heard a leftist defend someone that's being called a Nazi, have you?

Posted by: Chupacabra at February 01, 2017 07:40 PM (/x6xU)

32 Posted by: S at February 01, 2017 07:36 PM (0Su3S)

I've got so much going on that I'm too exhausted to engage political discussions. However I had ONE relative who simply would not let up. He thought he had some super special persuasive ability because he had worked in govt. and had a Ph.D.

I finally started speaking my mind. I discovered the one kryptonite tactic too direct to ANY lefty, even those hiding in RINO skin: point out the absolute butchery inflicted on Black Americans by donk/libtard agenda.

They get 100% triggered. I saved his triggered email, maybe I'll post it someday. After that I told him to take me off his stupid email list. Totes not interested in his shitty passive aggressive indoctrination attempts.

Posted by: kallisto at February 01, 2017 07:42 PM (4AVeu)

33 Alienated. That's a great word.

An alien in my own country. That's what I felt like.

And I looked around and saw a nation of aliens, wondering what happened and what we had done wrong. Then all of a sudden we all realized at the same time...nothing.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 01, 2017 07:43 PM (Gv7El)

34 It's not just those of us on the right who got sick of the Marxist tactics. Scott Adams, a notable libertarian, published his rebellion against the PC police and his intention to vote for Trump about a month before the election.

Libertarians, those who hadn't voted in a long time, soft leftys - a lot of them came out to vote for DJT.

He was the anti-PC icon. And a breath of fresh air.

Posted by: kallisto at February 01, 2017 07:45 PM (4AVeu)

35 No, I am not a reactionary. I am counter culture. When the culture does a 180, it is the traditionalist that becomes counter culture.

And, just a reminder, Trump supporters got the disdain from both Right and Left. Which is why I have not forgiven Ted Cruz for calling us "low information voters".

Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 01, 2017 07:46 PM (v9gSJ)

36 I would argue that the election of Trump was not reactionary. When I think of reactionary, it is defined as an action based more out of emotion than critical thought or even muslcle memory

I would describe his election as maybe part reflexive (like a doctor taps on your knee and your leg kicks up) by some voters and part cold calculation and planning by others. Both had purpose.

If the right was reactionary there would be blood in the streets and there has been great restraint the past 30 years.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 07:46 PM (O6j88)

37 Not only do they still not get it, they are doubling down. They are absolutely convinced that they failed in the messaging. In fact, their message is abundantly clear, and was soundly rejected by American voters.

The only thing they know how to do is more protest, more shaming, more agitation. Too bad for them that we've reached peak agitation.

Posted by: April at February 01, 2017 07:47 PM (e8PP1)

38 And I live in Philly... believe me, the left happily throws around the Nazi bullshit like a racist telling jokes in the lunchroom when he thinks there aren't any black people around.

They don't have a moral high ground to lay pronouncements from. Fuck them.

Posted by: Chupacabra at February 01, 2017 07:47 PM (/x6xU)

39 It's one thing to know that your friends disagree with you. It's another to realize that they think you're stupid, uneducated, a bigot, bully, sexist, jerk and everything that's wrong with the world.

Warden, I'm not on social media at all so luckily didn't have to deal with this much, but these two sentences strike me as encapsulating this whole election cycle in a nutshell. It seems if a conservative began a sentence, before he could finish it a liberal would be crying "Racist!" (or sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc.). Actually, it didn't matter much what the liberal said, they just had to make their objections and feelings known.

Kind of like last night, when Trump named Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee. Within ten minutes there were protesters at the Supreme Court building, complete with signs. They didn't care who was actually nominated, they were going to protest regardless.

Posted by: bluebell at February 01, 2017 07:48 PM (sBOL1)

40 I don't think you understood what this guy was really saying, Ace.

In fact, this was not a thoughtful piece about the right, it was simply more academic labeling of those who disagree with him and his fellow travelers.

He was setting the table for his next Twitter diatribe which was to call for a general strike. He is not to be reasoned with as he is beyond that.

Since I could not find the conversation you had with him, I can't judge it. However, based on his prolific use of twitter to empty his mind, it is clear he sees you and your readers as far below him.

Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 07:50 PM (w/bVh)

41 Trump represents the Masculine of a dying Western Civilization being destroyed by the dominance of the Feminine. Either the Masculine will take control and Western Civilization will survive or the Feminine will win and Western Civilization will be conquered by Islam and destoyed from within by Feminism.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 07:51 PM (O6j88)

42 I read the thread. Am I missing something? The guy clearly doesn't get it and the people tweeting back to him are all just circle jerking.

Posted by: Bob at February 01, 2017 07:51 PM (ZFXBU)

43 The left does not fully appreciate the hell they are summoning.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at February 01, 2017 07:52 PM (7N6ox)

44 Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 07:46 PM (O6j8

You said it perfectly.

They are not even remotely prepared for what the reactionary right can do.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 07:52 PM (kqtMD)

45 Warden should start a blog.

With ads on it.

And promote it, you know, around...

Great stuff.

I think it plays into the idea that they don't know us, not really. They generally don't come to our things or listen to us. Our ideas are never the starting point of anything (hence, we're the reactionaries).

We, on the other hand, know all about them very, very well. How could we not? We're submerged in the sewers of their thoughts, ideas, emotions, concerns, etc. It's all over the place since they control the levers of media, academia, and until recently the executive branch.

The fact they're still freaking means they still don't know us.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 01, 2017 07:53 PM (4ErVI)

46 The left does not fully appreciate the hell they are summoning.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at February 01, 2017 07:52 PM (7N6ox)

The left mistakes our passivity over the past decades as indifference, but they do so at their peril!

Posted by: Hrothgar at February 01, 2017 07:54 PM (UDXti)

47 I'm always tempted to tell my "friends" on Facebook to go fuck an elephant with HIV.

However, I keep things apolitical and light partly because I use FB to connect with coworkers, and up to now I've always had a good reputation with them. That became evident when one of the VPs of my company, as hardcore leftist (vagina first) feminist as they come, emailed me and said how much she enjoyed reading my Facebook posts.

It seems more prudent for me to stay the course, and then only discuss politics with people IN PERSON should the subject come up, then i can tell them what a bunch of stupid, leftist commie fuckwards they are (in a nice way).

There's something about social media that completely dehumanizes people.

Posted by: John Nada at February 01, 2017 07:55 PM (pCUr3)

48 I hope the realization is permanent. These people are tyrants. It's time to respond in kind.

Posted by: James the worst of the deplorable at February 01, 2017 07:56 PM (eW+bp)

49 Sorry for confusing Ace and Open Blogger

Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 07:56 PM (w/bVh)

50 My fear is that many people will consider the job finished since Trump got elected.

This would be a very, very dangerous assumption to make, but I think it might very well happen.

I think when they get back in power, they're not going to pull any punches. They can't afford another Trump.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 01, 2017 07:59 PM (4ErVI)

51 Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 07:56 PM (w/bVh)

This particular Open Blogger is named (or goes by here, at least) Warden

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 07:59 PM (kqtMD)

52 Over 20 years ago a guy named Chuck Palahniuk wroke a book about the alienated male called Fight Club.

David Fincher adapted it into the most insightful Masculine film in response to the Feminized culture and society. There is not one once of Feminine in that movie.

Both the book and the film are reflexive and/or calculating. Reactionary is not what I would use to describe that book and that film. JMHO.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:00 PM (O6j88)

53 50 My fear is that many people will consider the job finished since Trump got elected.


fortunately the endless protests and fake news media is keeping the deplorables engaged

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 01, 2017 08:00 PM (Om16U)

54 bluebell: "They didn't care who was actually nominated, they were going to protest regardless."

Because it is all they have left. They are pounding the table as it were.

The election was a full rebuke of government as it has been and those being booted out lost the reins. The country wants new rule and the new government has all the tools necessary to direct pretty much everything.

Hysterics is the only tool the Progressive out party has and so that's what they'll use. The key for the newly mandated government is to just move on moving on and simply explain clearly, bluntly what the object of policy is as it is moving on. Don't respond to every little tantrum designed to derail process. Explain rationally what the opponents are trying to do but just keep moving as you do.

Good policy will speak for itself as long as it is maintained. And the Hysterics will merely deafen more ears.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 01, 2017 08:03 PM (1CroS)

55 Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 07:59 PM (kqtMD)

Thanks. I was actually happy to see it wasn't Ace. I thought he had dropped a bookshelf on his head that made him go soft all of a sudden.

Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 08:03 PM (w/bVh)

56 I frankly think Gabriel Rosenberg's assessment is off base and the responses to his tweets by his intellectuals compatriots show that they still don't get it. At all. It's simple. I've had enough. The shit filter is full, pal. I won't be insulted, lectured or silenced. I've nuked most of my leftist "friends" on Facebook. They can fuck off and I hope they cry themselves to sleep at night. They have said terrible things about me either knowingly or unknowingly and insulted me for the last fucking time. No more. Fuck you. War.

Posted by: Witchfinder at February 01, 2017 08:05 PM (4DonB)

57 Warden, after reading the series of tweets I'm afraid I have to agree with the others here - I don't think he really does get the right at all. He "studied" us by reading comments at Breitbart and here, and came to the conclusion that we are "vindictive winners."

People blow off a lot of steam here in the comments section, but if that's what he's basing his new understanding on, he's not really digging very deep.

But if he had a courteous exchange with you, I'm glad to hear it.

Posted by: bluebell at February 01, 2017 08:06 PM (sBOL1)

58 the problem witgh the left is that they know so much that isn't true

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 01, 2017 08:06 PM (Om16U)

59 Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 08:03 PM (w/bVh)


And I was shocked when I saw the "wife" part! I had to scroll back up and double check at that point.... especially since someone in the precious thread had posted that the nood was ace.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 08:07 PM (kqtMD)

60 The worst ones, for me, are the folks in the fiber world. I was Facebook friends with some of the designers and writers. Most of them were not bad, but their followers were awful. And they would get so ticked off if you dared to respond to them. I finally went through and purged the lot of them. I'm back to just the Springer Spaniel people and some reliably conservative friends.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 01, 2017 08:08 PM (g6yUI)

61 Imagine if Clinton won. All those "Love Trumps Hate" folks would be shooting the wounded and crucifying the survivors.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at February 01, 2017 08:08 PM (J8/9G)

62 Of course we're reactionaries. We've had presidents of all stripes before but we've never had a truly anti-American president until 8 years ago.

If Obama isn't a traitor, they should remove the word from the dictionary.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at February 01, 2017 08:08 PM (Ndje9)

63 Another good post, Warden.

I'm not on Facebook or Twitter, but I've read enough to know what's been going on. It happens in meatspace, too: the assumption that you automatically agree with the Left, and outrage and invective when they find out you don't.

Posted by: rickl at February 01, 2017 08:08 PM (sdi6R)

I am conflicted.

There appear to be lefties that are thoughtful and have some form of conscience...

But when the rubber hits the road they will ALWAYS vote for and scream in defense of fellow totalitarians.

I can't AFFORD to forgive. Because the knife will just arrive in the dark and in my back. Or my wife's or my kids'?

We are at a point in history where entire cities are threatening to disobey Federal Law despite MURDER. Entire states are threatening to secede over being made to obey the LAW.

Pre Civil War?

Maybe. Just maybe.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 01, 2017 08:10 PM (Gv7El)

65 @votermom @vm: "fortunately the endless protests and fake news media is keeping the deplorables engaged"

Yes and no. At least for me. I'm simply ignoring the "news". I know it is a fabricated product to be pushed and sold to demographics by interested parties. Truth and objectivity has nothing to do with it anymore. Alinsky is destroying his own vehicle. So I consume less of what I know is crap.

Concomitantly, I am more engaged in not engaging old media as well as new media with propagandistic overtones. So I'm going out of my way to ignore vast swathes media and paying more attention to validated source info and select outfits dumped on by the Respected Class.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 01, 2017 08:12 PM (1CroS)

66 The Global Governance Marxists are banking on a reactionary response from the right, hence why the anarchist/anti-fascist movement is so well funded from both parties employing what amounts to mercenaries full time. 50,000 plus is an army.

They want a reaction because their goal is to either get rid of Trump and/or destroy this country and/or start Civil War 2. They keep poking and poking because the global Govetance Marxists want it to go hot.

Can't give them that. It would be better to fully Shrug starving the beast than to allow it to go hot. I expect the next step will be more people Shrugging in some form or another to starve the many heads of the Global Governance Marxists Hydra.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:12 PM (O6j88)

67 Pre Civil War?

Maybe. Just maybe.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 01, 2017 08:10 PM (Gv7El)

I think many on the left believe it has already started. Violence would seem to be a clue. I'm sure a lot of people hope all the chaos dies down, but with power and trillions of $ at stake, I think it has only just begun.

Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 08:13 PM (w/bVh)

68 I noticed that leaning in the fiber world some years ago. All natural, artisan, chemical free, animal free fibers (even though bamboo processing is far more harmful) and the bliss of a farm life with free range animals began bleeding into politics awhile ago. I suppose they'd be classified as the eco left--I even saw one spinner lamenting that all household/family items couldn't be handmade anymore. I left that list shortly after....

Posted by: Lirio100 at February 01, 2017 08:13 PM (JK7Jw)

69 Time has an article about Trump's phone call with Nieto.

He's threatening to send the military down there to take care of "bad hombres" because Mexico isn't doing enough.

Did it happen? Well, a Mexican news site said Trump humiliated Nieto with a confrontational demeanor so I'm thinking it did.

This administration is not going to fuck around.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at February 01, 2017 08:14 PM (4ErVI)

70 I want to sincerely thank you for this post. This is a topic that has been weighing on me for some time. Specifically, what is an appropriate response to "friends and family" that engage in this kind of social media shaming.

For the longest while, I'd just let it pass. Figuring it was good to keep tabs on the propaganda the institutional left was sending out into the world while still maintaining these friendships. But self respect is a bitch, and I just can't do that anymore.

Then, I tried responding in-kind with posts on my facebook page. I figured I'd respect their right to express themselves without trolling their walls with snarky comments, but I'd damn well post my feelings on my page. But when I do that, I just feel dirty because I'm alienated the 200 facebook friends that don't go in for this political nonsense. And the idiot progs go right on posting their shit.

Lately, I've considered simply muting these soft lefties or unfriending them without comment. But that seems like the coward's way out. And it lets them go about their business thinking everyone agrees with them or can be bullied into submission.

So, I think I've settled on voicing my displeasure on their wall and notifying them why I am unfriending them. Now, some will say that I shouldn't ruin friendships over this sort of thing. But can any of these people really be considered friends? If they said that stuff to my face, in my home, I'd punch them in nose. Anyway, I figure most of these folks operate politically on the level of a high school lunch room, and if enough people start unfriending them, they may begin to be a little more reticent about being conduits for propaganda. (I don't hold out much hope for a change of heart)

I've even put together a couple of memes to upload with my comment. My favorite is the scene of Darth Vader force choking that asshole in the Death Star conference room with the caption, "I find your bullshit political opinions disturbing... UNFRIENDED."

As Josey Wales says, "Governments don't live together, people live together. With governments you don't always get a fair word or a fair fight, well I've come here to give you either one or get either one from ya."

Posted by: Zon Toro at February 01, 2017 08:17 PM (82s/V)

Thsnks for organizing yout thoughts and stating so well what so many of us feel. Great job.

I've gone into a kind of self-exile. No TV apart from sports events, no movies, no social media, no discussing politics, cultivating hobbies and restricting myself to a close circle of like-minded people. And the Horde.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at February 01, 2017 08:17 PM (J8/9G)

72 57 Warden, after reading the series of tweets I'm afraid I have to agree with the others here - I don't think he really does get the right at all. He "studied" us by reading comments at Breitbart and here, and came to the conclusion that we are "vindictive winners."

People blow off a lot of steam here in the comments section, but if that's what he's basing his new understanding on, he's not really digging very deep.

But if he had a courteous exchange with you, I'm glad to hear it.

Posted by: bluebell at February 01, 2017 08:06 PM (sBOL1

He is basing the assumption that comments will lead to direct action. By ore labeling the right reactionary undermines all behaviors and actions that the right has made.

It is a dangerously loaded word that causes reflexive thoughts to associate the right with blood and violence.

He academic is projecting as usual. We should not allow the enemy to define our actions with loaded words like reactionary.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:18 PM (O6j88)

73 After reading his Twitter feed a bit I think he really does not understand. Liken it to global warming, tilting at the windmill that is CO2 emissions and ignoring the burning ball of fire in the sky called the sun. Lacking is the understanding in a larger world view and understanding of human nature. They are all for the cause but sometimes I do not think they know what the cause is other than a bunch of tired old preconceptions.

Posted by: The Garbone at February 01, 2017 08:20 PM (9dH/8)

74 71
Thsnks for organizing yout thoughts and stating so well what so many of us feel. Great job.

I've gone into a kind of self-exile. No TV apart from sports events, no movies, no social media, no discussing politics, cultivating hobbies and restricting myself to a close circle of like-minded people. And the Horde.
Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at February 01, 2017 08:17 PM (J8/

This is exactly the types of Shrugging which will define the next phase. It is not based on emotion and not violent. It I'd both reflexive and calculating with a purpose in mind.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:21 PM (O6j88)

75 I do have one Lefty friend, an ex-co worker techie and Bernie supporter, that is willing to discuss issues. We would have areas where we could agree. I did not tell him what a nut case Bernie is, so discussion between us was cordial. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his friends or his sister.

I just don't see the point in allowing people like that into your life. They aren't your friends. They aren't even acquaintances. They are friends of friends or some random Facebook person that pops up on your feed. I stay on it because of some family and old friend, and I like the pictures in the Springer group (mostly Brits).It is a very strange thing, when you think of it. Allow yourself to be badgered by random strangers.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 01, 2017 08:21 PM (g6yUI)

76 cross posted

Trump spent the day at the funeral of an American hero who gave his life to keep America free. At Trump's own order.

tabloids speculated that there were reports that the Islamists were
waiting for the USSOCOM team and that their operational intel was leaked
and that is why that SEAL was killed.

I believe Trump is moving from pain to rage.

Today? Mexico best not fuck around.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 01, 2017 08:22 PM (Gv7El)

77 The Left/Global Governance Marxists need us more than we need them. Always remember that and act accordingly.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:23 PM (O6j88)

78 Eh, Facebook. I seldom go on it anyway, but when I do, the only political interaction I have with my lefty friends and family is to correct them when they're factually wrong, or to point out how Obama did something that they're outraged at Trump for doing.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 08:25 PM (kqtMD)

79 Don't engage those scum unless maybe its the kind that involves a firearm, he's doing psyops/gathering intel. Fuck 'em. Unless they are family Cut Them Off

Posted by: JoshO at February 01, 2017 08:25 PM (34zfN)

80 Henceforth let our words and behavior be determined by our own standards and ethics and not those the Screaming Left and Identity Red Guards would impose on us.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at February 01, 2017 08:26 PM (J8/9G)

81 Nailed it. Totally.

Posted by: Lurking is all that and then some at February 01, 2017 08:29 PM (Blp1s)

82 Just took a gander at drudge... Ugg,, crazy shit...

Posted by: The Garbone at February 01, 2017 08:29 PM (9dH/8)

83 79 Don't engage those scum unless maybe its the kind that involves a firearm, he's doing psyops/gathering intel. Fuck 'em. Unless they are family Cut Them Off
Posted by: JoshO at February 01, 2017 08:25 PM (34zfN)

Nailed it brother.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:30 PM (O6j88)

84 Great and true essay. They hate us because we are not chairman mao, stalin, pol pot, etc. lackeys. F@#k them and the horse they rode in on.

Posted by: colfax mingo at February 01, 2017 08:32 PM (Ik1WR)

85 I refuse to have a FB or Twitter account because of this kind of tripe. But my wife does have FB, and she had to block an old friend of hers because of the vile crap she spewed.

As for me, I am like the millions of people that don't do "social media" but was sick and tired of being lied to, abused and called a bigot, racist, homophobe, and islamaphobe by the media. We all saw what the media had to say about Trump, and and we heard what Trump had to say, and what he said resonated with us.

The Left will always demean us, call us names and hate us.

And this will basically insure that they stay out of power, and will continually be mocked and then ignored. Like the MSM is experiencing right now.

Posted by: Mr Minority at February 01, 2017 08:33 PM (KoIVw)

86 I don't understand all of this soul searching from the right. We know why They do what they do yet many still engage them and provide them with ammo to use against us.

Instead of focusing on what the Left/Global Governance Marxists are, the right needs to be 100% engaged with each other about what we should be doing so it never reaches the. "Reactionary" end game the enemy seeks.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:34 PM (O6j88)

87 Posted by: The Garbone at February 01, 2017 08:29 PM (9dH/

The Wapo article hit every leftist stereotype about Trump in one article. Red meat for the weak minds.

Win/win for Trump, though. Either its fake news and he will call them out for it or he fulfills his promise to protect American interests.

Posted by: Hayao at February 01, 2017 08:34 PM (w/bVh)

88 I reduced my FB activity and stopped following some people because I don't need extra angst in my life. Those assholes are acting like they're in Rick's Cafe getting together to sing the Marseilles.

I think any extra dough I have I'll toss to whatever is the righty equivalent of the ACLU. The next battles will be lawfare. I'd like to get on the offensive with some lawsuits for once. Like suing the Portland airport for letting that poor kid get bashed in the head. If they feel some consequences, they'll police better.

Posted by: vivi at February 01, 2017 08:35 PM (11H2y)

89 This is DEAD ON. I loathed Trump before the election. I had no intention of even voting. On Election Day, it was a crisp 29 degrees when the polls opened. The line to get in was 200 meters long. I was driving by on my way to work, again, with no intention of voting. I passed the first driveway into the parking lot, and suddenly though "F*ck them. I am doing it." I turned into the second driveway, stood in line for 30 minutes with no jacket, and pushed the button for Trump (me, not Vlad Putin). Because f*ck them. F*ck them so so hard.

Posted by: Me at February 01, 2017 08:40 PM (QNNN6)

90 Anyone notice those Lefty's compassion toward the 91 Cuban refugees sent back to Raul's gulags because of Obama's EO on wet/foot dry foot? It seems were not the only ones who hate refugees.

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 08:42 PM (oXTRL)

91 BEAUTIFUL, Warden! Thank you for expressing everything I have been feeling.

Posted by: Sarah at February 01, 2017 08:45 PM (9iaG4)

92 Anyone uncomfortable that some lefty, however polite, is disescting us like fetal pigs?

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 08:48 PM (oXTRL)

93 Sorry Open, but this guy is a fucking idiot and he wasn't respectful and he still doesn't get it. The most I could say is that he read Warden's post and is mildly literate, but aside from that he's still a retard douche.

Posted by: fightwinger at February 01, 2017 08:49 PM (wzM4p)

94 Guess Warden wrote this too. Still deeply unimpressed with his dumb analysis and his dickhead attitude.

Posted by: fightwinger at February 01, 2017 08:50 PM (wzM4p)

95 (And by *his* I mean this liberal, not Warden obv, whose earlier post I agree with 100%)

Posted by: fightwinger at February 01, 2017 08:50 PM (wzM4p)

96 People on the right should not even be using the tools and products of the Left/GGM (Global Governance Marxists), unless it is to run operations against them.

People on the right should not even be engaging at all with the hard or soft Marxists unless it is to infiltrate to collect Intel/sabatoge.

Sucks the Soft Left has turned into full blown useful idiots. They are dangerous and a threat and should be thought of as such and handled that way. Don'r give them the reaction they seek.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:53 PM (O6j88)

97 I was (and in some ways still am) a Cruz guy. But I realize now, with the institutionalized left, Cruz would never stand a chance against them.

Trump by being an outsider can see that the left is not his friend. He hasn't spent a career in DC on the cocktail circuit or in the Senate Gym having sunshine blown up his ass by lefties, who'll then screw him on a vote, but let him use their guest house in Martha's Vineyard to make up for it. He's come in ready to deal, and they've dropped nukes on him. He's going to retaliate, and he's gonna shoot last.

As to Rosenberg, he doesn't have a clue. Not once did he see or acknowledge the legitimacy of our arguments and grievances. Of course as a leftist he can't, because that would immediately grant us legitimacy, and humanization. He still approaches the right as a hate fueled racist driven movement. At the same time knowing it isn't.

Its amazing that the people he and the left demonize, White Christian Males, are the only group in history who have willingly shared power with "the other". No Muslim has. No Communist has. White Christian Males have shared their hard won power with others. And because of that the left has to demonize them, because they feel that at anytime, WCMs will take the power back and the Left doesn't want to share.

Its ironic that the party that claims to be against racism (oh and forget the whole fighting a war to preserve slavery) is actively crafting policies designed solely to punish white men. And this guy is good with that.

Posted by: Iblis at February 01, 2017 08:54 PM (3gBCr)

98 The bastard lefties DO want violence. Look at what happened to Trump supporters in the election, or what happened to that guy in Oregon at the airport. If one of the assaulted in either situation had pulled a piece and just emptied it into the crowd, I'd have said he was totally justified and if I'd have been on his jury, he would have walked.

These canaille think they have complete moral authority and can take their rage out on anyone who doesn't agree with them. I suspect some of them are going to be shot right in the face at close range by people they thought they could bully. They'll deserve what they got and I think a lot of other people will be willing to nullify any jury that wants to convict them.

I'm past the point of giving them an inch. If they want war, they'll get it.

Posted by: mac at February 01, 2017 08:55 PM (eI49Y)

99 92 Anyone uncomfortable that some lefty, however polite, is disescting us like fetal pigs?
Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 08:48 PM (oXTRL

I'm uncomfortable that most of the right I is engaged in soul searching instead of thoughtfully planning ways to not give these Marxists the violent reaction that they seek.

I'm uncomfortable the right uses the tools and the products of people that want them dead. I'm uncomfortable that most on the right don't get it yet that the Soft Left is a threat because they are useful idiots who would not lose a wink of sleep if the right was systematically exterminated.... Out of sight, out of mind on all levels.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 08:59 PM (O6j88)

100 If hadn't been running my ass off to rebook my flights because of the douchebag.protestors, I might have spent the week in jail. But, no, I restrained my violent scots-Irish genes because I had work to do.

If one of them had touched me, like the guy in Portland ....

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:01 PM (oXTRL)

101 Pepe, what products? They don't produce shit.

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:02 PM (oXTRL)

102 I really wish Trump and Bannon would put the blame for all this violence right on Schumer/Pelosi/Soros/The Media and make them own it.

Posted by: Iblis at February 01, 2017 09:03 PM (3gBCr)

103 This is where I have to repost this article from oathkeepers that "Sig" originally posted yesterday. The most informative article I've read in years. It is a must read and why we need to not give them the reaction that they seek, violence. Read the comments as well as NJ's replies. This is not a game anymore. -hypo-action-report/

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:03 PM (O6j88)

104 Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:02 PM (oXTRL)

He means big companies like Apple and Amazon and the NFL, etc.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 09:07 PM (kqtMD)

105 Pepe, the fact that it vanished is su0posed to scare me

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:07 PM (oXTRL)

106 another fine post from warden. I will say this - the alt right did not rise in a vacuum. they are reacting to the endless torrent of anti-white and anti-male HATE that is spewing from the left on a daily basis. you'll note that the alt right tends to be a fairly young demographic. that's because these are people who are college students or recent college graduates who have been under assault from the cultural Marxists for years, and who have quite frankly learned to hate.

Posted by: WARPIG at February 01, 2017 09:08 PM (KL5Ns)

107 42 I read the thread. Am I missing something? The guy clearly doesn't get it and the people tweeting back to him are all just circle jerking.
Posted by: Bob at February 01, 2017 07:51 PM (ZFXBU)

Yeah, I was hoping to read some type of thoughtful thought-process from a "lefty" and got nothing. He thinks it is all about unbridled anger against progressive ideas. He missed the entire point of Warden's article since he appears to refuse the reality of many points made in the article.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at February 01, 2017 09:08 PM (k6kXg)

108 Nailed it, Open Blogger!

Posted by: ElJefette at February 01, 2017 09:08 PM (yAPH8)

109 I cut TV twelve years ago, kids have never been to public school, no tweeter or Facebook, etc.

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:10 PM (oXTRL)

110 Ace: I'm beginning to think you could actually expand your blog post, "How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom," into an entire book.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 01, 2017 09:11 PM (u8kLQ)

111 Door closing, night all

Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:11 PM (oXTRL)

112 92 Anyone uncomfortable that some lefty, however polite, is disescting us like fetal pigs?
Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 08:48 PM (oXTRL)

He didn't dissect anything. He utterly missed the point of the original article.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at February 01, 2017 09:11 PM (k6kXg)

113 Excellent post, Warden!

I quit Facebook during the lead-up to the 2012 election, shortly after the failed mass shooting at the Family Research Center. I saw all my liberal acquaintances on Facebook saying something to the effect of, "Well, I'm glad nobody actually got killed and all that, but those awful people sort of had something like this coming to them, what with all their hateful rhetoric about not wanting gay people to be married and stuff."

And I realized that these people who I considered friends were actually totally okay with the idea of some psycho trying to kill a bunch of people who think like I do.

I decided the smart thing for me to do was quietly disengage. I was asked a few times about my sudden disappearance from Facebook, and I always just said, "Yeah, I forgot my password, and I can't reset it because the Yahoo email I used to set up the account was shut down due to inactivity."

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 01, 2017 09:12 PM (0OG8D)

114 also, i saw a poll somewhere (i can dig it up if you're interested) taken of high school students (most of whom couldn't vote in the recent election). this poll, like most scientific political polls, broke the respondents down by demographics.

white high school students supported trump over Hillary by like a 40-20 margin (lots of third party supporters too).

white MALE high school students supported trump over Hillary by like a 55-10 margin (again, with lots of third party supporters).

also, it's important to remember that the exit polls of actual voters showed millennials supporting Hillary over trump, but white millennials actually supported trump over Hillary. so it's not the case that millennials are all a bunch of sjw communists. it's just that millennials are first generational cohort in american history in which whites aren't a sizable majority, and every non-white demographic group supports democrats by an enormous margin.

Posted by: WARPIG at February 01, 2017 09:13 PM (KL5Ns)

115 101 Pepe, what products? They don't produce shit.
Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:02 PM (oXTRL)

Social media, most multi national corporations are on the Global Governance Marxists side, The MSM, public education, Wall Street, entertainment, most black market activities, most government institutions.

Small businesses, America first companies, cash businesses, barter and trade. It's time to circle the wagons to protect our own way of life or it will be gone.

Shrugging is a sacrifice. But it is necessary for survival of America at this point.

I dint have nearly all the answers . I only know it is way past time to move forward with discussions about what to do next, so we don't act in a reactionary manner. It must be calculated with common goals and ends in place.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:13 PM (O6j88)

116 "Two plus two equals five; two plus two equals five; two plus two equals five -- I love Big Brother!"

Great essay, O.B.

Posted by: Beverly at February 01, 2017 09:15 PM (rqH+8)

117 I clicked over and read his twitter. I'll own up to the reactionary, but his stuff about the EO and refugees is just nonsense. Maybe I should have looked further to see if he complained about Obama's midnight EO ending the dry feet doctrine for Cuban refugees, but I'm positive no one marched to the shores of Miami south beach to show solidarity to Cuban refugees. And that's the thing; I'm tired of hearing how evil I am because I distrust a culture that calls for my death. Of another group that claims my religion is immoral because I think marriage is between a man and woman, but gay couples can do as they like; yet this other religion is just fine despite the fact they support hanging gays until dead on the rope (if not just beheading them). I'm very interested in how the EO affects refugees, because I would like to see Christian refugees that would otherwise be slaughtered simply for their believes be given a safe haven. I feel the same about muslims, but obviously not all muslims claiming to be refugees are lambs, and we ought to spend time determining whether they are Muslim or even Christian wolves.

Posted by: Leland at February 01, 2017 09:16 PM (OytKN)

118 That was so rich......I had to read it three times to make sure I got it all. Great analysis...thanks for connecting the dots for us morons. Lots of a-ha moments for me and I am sure for others.

Posted by: Belarusian at February 01, 2017 09:16 PM (9r7LP)

"When they say those things," she fumed, "they're talking about our family."


This is a conversation I had several times with former friends who happened to be leftys, mostly over guns.

"Anyone who wants to own an AR-15 is a fucking reactionary with sick fantasies about murdering innocent people."

"I own an AR-15."

"Oh.....I didn't mean YOU."

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 01, 2017 09:18 PM (cuZZW)

120 i think warden is reading this twitter guy wrong. he's a Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke for god's sake. and he doesn't seem to understand the right at all. he's just another scumbag sjw.

Posted by: WARPIG at February 01, 2017 09:18 PM (KL5Ns)

121 Fight the narrative! Join Right2Voice News and Social Media Service. Check us out at

Posted by: Robert farrow at February 01, 2017 09:20 PM (4DERI)

122 105 Pepe, the fact that it vanished is su0posed to scare me
Posted by: Jean at February 01, 2017 09:07 PM (oXTRL)

The oathkeepers article was there yesterday. It is slow loading so I can't confirm if it is gone.

My intention was not to gas light you and I'm sorry if it did.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:21 PM (O6j88)

123 "Anyone who wants to own an AR-15 is a fucking reactionary with sick fantasies about murdering innocent people."

"I own an AR-15."

"Oh.....I didn't mean YOU."
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 01, 2017 09:18 PM (cuZZW)

A number of times I've been in a very similar situation I ALWAYS reply with "I didn't know you stereotyped people. I figured you for an intelligent person. I guess I was wrong..."

Haven't had a real response to that in years.

Posted by: WinLinBSDAdmin at February 01, 2017 09:25 PM (k6kXg)

124 As many have said, the Progressive/Marxist crowd uses politics and personal social justice posturing as a substitute for religion in their lives. It's as if their Progressive/Marxist beliefs are a new religion (with commandments, clergy, rituals, saints, etc.), and the faithful are on a jihad to wipe out the infidels.

Perhaps one of the moderators could start a thread where the AoSHQ community can suggest contents of the Sharia Law of the Progressive/Marxist religion, defining the principles of the religion and permissible and impermissible beliefs and acts. I'd provide a few starting suggestions, but I am dead tired and heading to bed.

Posted by: Gref at February 01, 2017 09:25 PM (AMIL/)

125 #121: Yo. Bob. This is the first time I've seen you around here, and you're spamming a link to your own site.

I think some of us might be more inclined to check out your site if you actually had a history of engaging in conversation with us around here.

As it stands right now, I'm not exactly inclined to trust you. Maybe I'm being overly cynical, here, but when the first thing I see from someone is, "Hey, come check out my site", I find myself disinclined to do so.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 01, 2017 09:26 PM (0OG8D)

126 103 This is where I have to repost this article from oathkeepers that "Sig" originally posted yesterday. The most informative article I've read in years. It is a must read and why we need to not give them the reaction that they seek, violence. Read the comments as well as NJ's replies. This is not a game anymore. -hypo-action-report/
Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:03 PM (O6j8

The link is still active. I connected to the page. There are spaces in the link. Try that.

Great article Warden. Be careful engaging with the enemy. Their intentions are far from peaceful.

Looking forward to taking care of our own and our countrymen moving forward. God Bless.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:26 PM (O6j88)

127 Posted by: qdpsteve at February 01, 2017 09:11 PM (u8kLQ)

It's not ace, it's Warden.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at February 01, 2017 09:26 PM (kqtMD)

128 My intention was not to gas light you and I'm sorry if it did.

Posted by: Pepe, Moar Pleaae. at February 01, 2017 09:21 PM (O6j8

I found it here

Posted by: Hrothgar at February 01, 2017 09:32 PM (UDXti)

129 I'm sorry, why the *bleep* would I want the left to understand me better?

I don't effing WANT my enemies to understand me. I want them to fear me.

Posted by: Richard Cranium at February 01, 2017 09:44 PM (ZBO0C)

130 This post and its predecessor should be required reading on all college campuses.

Posted by: csmats at February 01, 2017 09:49 PM (yKiwk)

131 Obama told them to get in their neighbors faces. And boy did they. Smh They wanted confrontation in just daily life. It was so weird and assholish. Like talking to someone in just a casual situation in public and they announce to you that they are gay, and your like um ok good for you? Wtf? So weird. They wanted you to say something negative about them being gay, it seemed like. And they were seemingly disappointed if you didn't! ??? (You will be made to care!)

I think the 50's pin-up shirt controversy was when they really went off the deep end, though. Just insane.

Posted by: Anonymous at February 01, 2017 09:50 PM (E5dnG)

132 131
I think the 50's pin-up shirt controversy was when they really went off the deep end, though. Just insane.
Posted by: Anonymous at February 01, 2017 09:50 PM (E5dnG)

Yeah, that blew up in their face bigly.

Posted by: rickl at February 01, 2017 09:52 PM (sdi6R)

133 Perfectly correct.

I stopped doing facebook for exactly these reasons. At some point one of my lefty family members asked if I had seen one of her political posts. I said, no I've stopped going on facebook to avoid seeing such posts. "Why" she asked? Because family and friends don't talk to each other that way I said, and so I refuse to participate.

And we've not discussed since.

Posted by: steve walsh at February 01, 2017 09:58 PM (SPxQP)

134 I believe we are in the beginnings of a civil war. On the precipice of whether it can be turned around...or not. The left has truley gone insane.

Posted by: small town girl at February 01, 2017 10:00 PM (lTgSZ)

135 "It's a thoughtful series of tweets..."

Okay, now I read the leftist guy's tweets. He may be curious about what drives the right but he's an idiot when it comes to understanding what Open Blogger was really saying. The guy's tweets were simplistic, banal and completely lacking in any semblance of self-awareness.

Posted by: csmats at February 01, 2017 10:02 PM (yKiwk)

136 #131: On the other hand, if someone informs you on first meeting you that, "Hi! I'm bisexual," I can't help but think that what that person is actually telling you is, "Hey, there! Just hit on me a little, and you have a good shot at having sex with me."

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 01, 2017 10:07 PM (0OG8D)

137 Excellent essay. I don't think the headline does it justice.

Posted by: Travis at February 01, 2017 10:08 PM (usazX)

138 You really are on a roll. This is another extraordinary, insightful piece.

The American left-wing has become physically very violent so it makes sense that would manifest verbally, particularly on social media. As I type, UC-Berkeley is afire after students rioted to shut down a Milo Yiannopoulos speech. Milo just noted, correctly, American institutions have become among the world's most oppressive places, including Far Left nations such as North Korea.

We entered a cold civil war this summer largely because, as you pointed out, people we formerly considered friends revealed their violence isn't theoretical or limited toward just political actors. I don't know how this will end. As far as Facebook, we bitch and moan about Zuckerberg's censorship (all true) but our exodus from there into our own safe zones surely has him rattled; his business likely is endangered. He's in an impossible place and cannot stop the hemorrhaging lest he crack down on absolute lunatics. Over lunch today I spoke with a dear friend and he and his wife have opted to leave all social media for the very reasons you set out; they were big users and it's not a trivial matter to them as it would be for me. They also are typical of half the country.

The reaction at the ballot box likely was not enough given the thuggery we are witnessing. This will get hot and historians will find it difficult to explain how a long-dead form of communication facilitated the inevitable unraveling.

I hope there is a political solution, maybe akin to the Articles of Confederation without federal supremacy, something along those lines. There is no doubt in my mind now we will split apart.

Again, brilliant.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at February 01, 2017 10:14 PM (A7mom)

139 "Perhaps one of the moderators could start a thread where the AoSHQ community can suggest contents of the Sharia Law of the Progressive/Marxist religion, defining the principles of the religion and permissible and impermissible beliefs and acts. I'd provide a few starting suggestions, but I am dead tired and heading to bed."

The First Progressive Commandment is: Thou Shalt Not Inconvenience In Any Way a Woman's Ability to Control Her Reproductive Cycle.

Note that the commandment does not say "restrict", "hinder", or "legislate".

Posted by: Semper Why at February 01, 2017 10:19 PM (MERms)

140 117 "I'm very interested in how the EO affects refugees, because I would like to see Christian refugees that would otherwise be slaughtered simply for their believes be given a safe haven."

Congress passed a Genocide bill to let Christians and Yazidis in. Obama insisted on Shiites being added. When the bill passed, he only let the Shiites come in.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at February 01, 2017 10:27 PM (Ndje9)

141 Robert Heinlein wroteparaphrase)
"I am not in danger from my neighbors, and you are not in danger from yours. But I am in danger from your neighbors, and vice versa."

On social media, there areally no neighbors, just tribes.

Posted by: West at February 01, 2017 10:31 PM (t/fPx)

142 Yeah, well, I'm too late for this thread, but looking at what the guy said on Twitter, I don't see a whole lot of meaningful insight there, and his fellow imbeciles in the tweets below are every bit as pompous and clueless as they show themselves to be every day.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 01, 2017 10:42 PM (oVJmc)

143 119=-mt oldest friend (from 3rd grade, best man at my wedding and I his) regularly posts a meme from "Religitard." He knows full well that I a) am religious and b) have a daughter with Down Syndrome. I guess he means to offend on a Doublemint gum type of basis.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 01, 2017 10:45 PM (7jX2E)

144 #136, Ha! Naturally, tho this was different, and it happened more than once! Gay guys and girls. They just wanted a positive or negative reaction I suppose. Growing up in the 80's, all this SJW shit is just insane to me. The millennials have a very wrong idea about how things were back then. They think we were all hating on and beating up gay people, and non-white people and it was so not like that. But they've been taught we were that way I suppose and on the verge of naziism because we loved and still love America. The insidious educational system has really done a number on the millennials. Gen X is stuck in the middle of some serious madness. From the gen above and the gen below! But hey, at least we knew Al Sharpton was and is a charlatan, Al Gore is a televangelist-politician and Donald Trump has always been pretty damn awesome. So here we are. Though we are way outnumbered. Hope we make it!

Posted by: Anonymous at February 01, 2017 10:47 PM (E5dnG)

145 He read that entire article and all he got out of it was that the right doesn't like Trump except for the way he punishes the left? I find his argument... wanting.

Posted by: holygoat at February 01, 2017 10:51 PM (yUIAO)

146 My husband is er, was, as apolitical as they come. He had the same reaction as your wife. They are taking about US?!?! How dare they call us bigots and racists.

He jumped on the Trump train early and with a will. He watches Tucker nightly and can't seem to get enough of Infowars and other like-minded sites.

By calling him a monster they have created one. Bigly.

Posted by: Lily (formerly from HotAir now from AoSHQ) assassin in the night at February 01, 2017 10:59 PM (vfC/C)

147 Rosenberg is psychotic. He isn't trying to understand the right, he's looking for a strategy to crush the right. He's nuts. He has great concern for fucking illegals and Muslims but none for the people they rape and kill.

Fuck him and the entire psychotic, suicidal left.

Posted by: darwin at February 01, 2017 11:06 PM (3y7Iq)

148 Your post really hit home. Same thing happened to my wife when came to the defense of Melainia (sp?). Vitriol was vile.

Posted by: lynndh at February 01, 2017 11:08 PM (DaWUf)

149 If you watched the clip of Winona Riders face listening to the dude ranting at the awards show recently, THAT is the perfect encapsulation of Trump voters reaction at watching the left in its years long free-fall and listening to them get more and more insane.

Posted by: Anonymous at February 01, 2017 11:10 PM (E5dnG)

150 Charles the Simple, did you ask your oldest friend what the fuck was wrong with him?

Posted by: Richard Cranium at February 01, 2017 11:26 PM (ZBO0C)

151 The quote from "The Untouchables" sums up perfectly how to deal with the mindless rabble of the Left:

"You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone."

This is war, folks. As a veteran of an undeclared conflict, a UN-sanctioned coalition and a largely non-shooting 30-plus year war, I've learned you've got to be in it to win it. The Left was and is. The difference is we have a man in the White House who is taking the fight to these Hell-bound, nihilistic turds.

I worry that all of this propaganda has dehumanized us to some of the more mentally unstable on the Left and I'm afraid the violence toward the Right will escalate. That's fine, Lefties. Pick a fight with the side with the guns and the training. That will not end well for them. Trust me, war in the streets is not a desired outcome, but if they think the only way they can achieve their Utopia is via a violent revolution, I say bring it. You will lose.

I've blocked 90% of my Leftist friends on FB (while remaining friends) because their smug, preachy garbage is hateful bilge. I don't want to see it. I don't want to read it. Their virtue signalling is cowardice.

Posted by: Grizzledcoastie at February 01, 2017 11:36 PM (GV08/)

152 He's not really communicating any more.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 01, 2017 11:37 PM (7jX2E)

153 So, yes.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 01, 2017 11:37 PM (7jX2E)

154 People who want violence think it will split between two sides nice and neatly. It will not. When a millennials trump-voting mother is beaten or murdered in the street by the lefts thugs, it will not matter that the millennial also is a leftist when the time for vengeance comes. Or vice versa. Obviously those who are hot for political violence haven't thought this out. The fools.

Posted by: Anonymous at February 02, 2017 12:30 AM (E5dnG)

155 I lived through the mass brain washing of the 60's. When I began to come to my senses, it was with the realization that I had been programmed by every circumstance of my formative experience. I now observe the irrational ravings of the soft left as similarly objectively insane, beyond the reach of reason and in need of actual deprogramming. Public schools are where so much leftist thought farming takes place. I warmed to Trump quickly when I assessed his rage to be genuine and calculating.

Posted by: Yankee Doodler at February 02, 2017 12:31 AM (1YD1A)

156 Warden, way late here, but this post really hit home. My best friend is a liberal who has always been there for me 110% ( and vice versa). Tension since the election, as if we conservatives were misguided but harmless with Obama in power, but now we have become an enemy to fear and loathe.

INever seen this type of division before, and I've been around a while.

Please keep posting, you are really hitting nails on the head.

Posted by: RM at February 02, 2017 01:18 AM (Kpctk)

157 @153, well I'm sorry to hear that part of your past is essentially gone.

It sucks when it happens, but somewhere your timelines diverged and you didn't notice.

I'm too much of a sociopath to notice when the timelines diverge but I have little issue with cutting off the past. I don't claim that as a virtue.

Posted by: Richard Cranium at February 02, 2017 01:22 AM (ZBO0C)

158 The Left is finally getting just what it deserves, a President as smug and narcissistic as themselves.

Posted by: EmpireHasNoClothes at February 02, 2017 01:30 AM (A0xNS)

159 I have been posting conservative vitriol to fb for years. I'm not going to stop now. Some in the family unfriended me, and others occasionally attempt to engage from the left. None of them can defend their position because, as any idiot can understand, their views are indefensible.

Posted by: Anna Mac at February 02, 2017 02:00 AM (xujfC)

160 Late to the party but I applaud this post. You're right about it all. And as far as pushback -- this is really a first for me, because as a conservative my adult life long, I was careful not to offend; not to talk politics; not to hit back when me & my kind were mocked.
I've posted about it here (and been ignored), but one thing I have done lately is patrol & report on a TV site. I'm not a mod, but they know me now. I flag the posts that get nasty & personal about the admin, the Prez, and Rs in general. And sometimes I joke (A couple of posters had written, "Is there such a thing as a sane/reasonable Republican??" to which I chirp "Pleased to meetcha!"). And sometimes I give better than I get (& promptly get deleted for writing things like, "If you're going to use 'Trump' as an adjective meaning 'bully', it means I get to write 'Obama' for 'mom-jeans-wearing narcissist!"



Posted by: voiceover at February 02, 2017 03:31 AM (baHkj)

161 Can I make a suggestion?

I know many of you are inclined to unfriend "friends" on Facebook.

Don't. That's passive aggressive, cowardly bullshit.

Instead, look through their account for dirt to destroy them. Photo of them getting excessively friendly with someone? Forward it to their husband/wife/SO. Smoking green stuff? They'd better be working for a cannabis-friendly company. Posting support for far-left subversive groups? The FBI might be interested.

Maybe we could even take this to the next level and have coordinated fuck jobs on these swine. Facebook friend forwards Lefty's work info to co-conspirator; co-conspirator goes to Lefty's workplace and reports Lefty for shitty service.

Let's destroy these serpents.

Posted by: Ken at February 02, 2017 05:21 AM (zKL5N)

162 As I said on the previous Warden post:

"Fucking A"

Unfortunately, I'm afraid it all falls on deaf, lefty ears. Dealing with reality is not their strong suit.

Posted by: FITP at February 02, 2017 08:37 AM (EwnRL)

163 I've forced some of them to deal with it. I've refused to do business with, or even speak to people I know to be leftists. If they're going to hate me for my beliefs, I'm certainly not going to give them one dime of my money or the first word or act of assistance. There are several people and businesses I used to patronize who now have cause to know that their attitude has cost them a considerable sum of money.

The lefty bastards aren't going to stop being bastards until they hurt enough to learn they need to change. The sooner we get started making them pay a heavy price for being lefty bastards, the sooner they'll start changing.

Posted by: mac at February 02, 2017 08:56 AM (eI49Y)

164 Expectedly, some seem to object to "reactionary". For the most part, these seem to be Whig/libertarian conservatives, which is OK. Two points, though:

1. The word is sometimes used to mean "reacting" as in a reflexive response. I don't think this is useful, as it has a better function.

2. In Peter Witonski's collection, The Wisdom of Conservatism, Part IV is entitled "Reactionaries, Restorationists, and Counterrevolutionaries". The authors under this heading are:
Joseph de Maistre
Fisher Ames
Francois de Chateaubriand
Clemens von Metternich
K P Pbiedonostev
S T Coleridge
Richard Weaver
Russell Kirk.

That gives a fair selection of what the word ideally should mean. I'd add two who are models for my own reactionary views: Evelyn Waugh and Florence King. (Swift and Juvenal would qualify, too.)

I'm not going to argue that this stance IS conservatism, full stop. But I do object to some recent classical liberal/fusionist attempts to define themselves as the definitive form of conservatism. NRO has included the worst offenders, but to give them credit, last week they reprinted and exchange between Frank Meyer and L Brent Bozell (pere). The latter was superb. (In fairness to Meyer, his was a one-page standard column; Bozell's was a full article). Anyway, I'd urge all to read them both.

(The box won't let me paste the links, but they're easy enough to find.)

Strong evidence of how much more intellectually serious NR was back then.

Posted by: George LeS at February 02, 2017 09:00 AM (+TcCF)

165 #140 Indeed. And today, I read about the Trump/Turnbull phone call. The left think Turnbull is a good guy, yet this "host" took in "guests" and now wants to ship the guests halfway around the world, so that he no longer has to deal with them. If we did this to a foreigner that came on US soil and murder scores of people; it would be called rendition. Here's a thought Turnbull; you welcomed these refugees and offered to help them; help them in Australia.

As I read further through comments, it is very satisfying to note how many people aren't buying this Professor's irrational arguments. Or perhaps the Professor is an honest broker and will start talking about how Turnbull is indifferent to the plight of refugees on his soil? And there's also a chance that losing lottery ticket from a week ago will be a winner today!

Posted by: Leland at February 02, 2017 09:07 AM (tlwe6)

166 The twitter timeline is interesting, but what's more interesting is the doubling down on a lot of the replies.

"We're not for splitting apart America, they are! We want America to be together

So fuck them!"

Very inclusive, must like the last eight years. I almost bought the twitter OP's line of conversation until he slipped in "Trumpkins" into his dialog. Despite his better angels he couldn't help slip in a personal attack metaphor. Just like all the 'tolerant' people calling Tea Partiers 'Teabaggers'. If you can't be actually tolerant, PS, you're not tolerant.

Posted by: Gaff at February 02, 2017 09:08 AM (jPS2y)

167 #145 Like the other professor would say, indeed!

Posted by: Leland at February 02, 2017 09:09 AM (tlwe6)

168 This is a conversation I had several times with former friends who happened to be leftys, mostly over guns.

"Anyone who wants to own an AR-15 is a fucking reactionary with sick fantasies about murdering innocent people."

"I own an AR-15."

"Oh.....I didn't mean YOU."

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 01, 2017 09:18 PM (cuZZW)

Late to the discussion because actually had to work.

I had that identical conversation with lefty sister-in-law. My reply was, "Of course you were. I'm not a serf, I am a free man. Why was it OK for me to carry an M-16 when I was in the Army and when I was a cop, but not now?" Put a crimp on the family Christmas party and she ended up going to the ER from nearly stroking-out.

She pulls-in her antennae when she sees me now and pretty much keeps her mouth shut around me. And that's fine with me.

My attitude any more is "don't want problems from me? don't start nothing."

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at February 02, 2017 12:06 PM (YQ4mh)

169 Right on! I can also attest to having an apolitical wife who very recently has grown rather tired of the political FB posts from her leftist friends. She has been actively unfriending and blocking people for the last two weeks. And like the author, she is my political canary in the coal mine. I am just too close to be objective, having studied and worked in politics most of my life, but she really gives 0 f*ucks (or at least used to) about party and ideology. I should also note that she prides herself on being "open-minded" and she was a women studies minor (I know, the horror ... especially when were stilling paying off that pile of shit degree). She also reluctantly voted Trump, mainly out of a deep hatred for Hillary, but now she is looking at these leftists in disbelief. I'm not sure the left realizes how much damage they are doing to the Democrat brand with people like my wife, who is a great representative of the "apolitical middle".

Open Blogger has been nailing it the last few posts. Keep it up.

Posted by: Sloth at February 02, 2017 12:13 PM (UZcBc)

170 Social Media does for society just what tinted windows do for driving.

Posted by: JeffCharles at February 02, 2017 01:13 PM (NVotK)

171 Another great posting. So glad I came upon this site - courtesy of my friends at! I have been unfriending on FB for a couple of weeks, I'm sure I'm not done yet. I may end up leaving. I had posted before the inauguration that for 8 years I didn't post anything political because I respected my friends and I expect the same from then. Guess it was too much to ask. The left has become completely unhinged. I'm almost embarrassed for them.

Posted by: Leslie at February 02, 2017 01:17 PM (+JubQ)

172 It would seem they still don't get the point. I don't consider myself alt-right. I consider myself 'conservative'.
I believe in smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I believe it is wrong to kill the unborn because they are inconvenient -- or you were too lazy to use BC. I believe in taking care of our own first -- our veterans and our retirees before we ship in a bunch of people who have no urge to assimilate and join our country. I have an issue with importing the potential terrorists that Obama spent 8 years of near constant drone bombing creating. And I'm sick and tired of being called a hateful demonspawn because I disagree with their ideas for saving the planet.

Posted by: Oil Field Trash at February 02, 2017 01:59 PM (4aqU7)

173 171 I took a break from FB the day before the Million Women March -- couldn't bear to see my friends crowing about what an important movement it was. What were they protesting? Nothing was being threatened except their ability to kill their innocent unborn children for being inconvenient. Made me ill.
I'm much happier since then. Honestly considering giving it up full stop. I can't bear to see my liberal friends calling me evil because I don't agree with them politically. I would prefer to preserve my friendships where I can -- because they are based on far more than politics.

Posted by: Oil Field Trash at February 02, 2017 02:04 PM (4aqU7)

174 Again, my thoughts exactly.

I've shut down on Facebook. It used to be a fun way to reconnect with people, but it's turned into a political cesspool.

People I've known for 40 years? Gone. Out of my life forever, and they only have themselves to blame.

Fuck them.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at February 02, 2017 02:25 PM (0xzXo)

175 The left sought to reprimand the right.

Don't blame the left, the right long ago agreed to this arrangement. They agreed to allow the left to occupy the moral high ground,and be the "conscience" of the country. Just one of a litany of sins.

Posted by: DFCtomm at February 02, 2017 03:23 PM (4UG7U)

176 I am not sure Facebook did but social media sure did.

Posted by: Alborn at February 02, 2017 06:42 PM (XuAyw)

177 They're all VC. Even the women and little kids.

Posted by: Phil Ossiferz Srone at February 02, 2017 09:38 PM (TlVL7)

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