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#FakeNews: Social Justice Warrior College Newspaper the Washington Post Breathlessly Reports RUSSKIES HACKED OUR POWER GRIDZ!!!

Then, over a series of edits, none of which acknowledged itself as a formal correction, they walked the story back into... one computer -- a laptop not connected to the grid at all -- having some malware on it of a type that is routinely purchased online by anyone who wants it.

But tell us all about the Fake News, boys.

The college newspaper The Washington Post is refusing to answer questions about its fact-checking procedures, especially regarding the fact-checking of misleading, clickbait #FakeNews headlines.

Posted by: Ace at 05:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Vermont would turn more conservative if they had been hacked by the KGB anyway!

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:46 PM (jBuUi)


Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 05:47 PM (0mRoj)

3 Washington Post new motto:

"All the news fit to boost Amazon sales."

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:47 PM (jBuUi)

4 The dog ate my malware!

Posted by: Bosk at January 02, 2017 05:48 PM (n2K+4)

5 99% of people will read the original breathless #FakeNews headline.

1% of people will ever see the retraction.

#FakeNews FTW!

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:49 PM (jBuUi)

6 I wonder if the press is just the Directorate of Agitprop for the Democrat Partei, or if the Dems are the political action group
of the media.

Or should I embrace the healing power of 'and'?

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 02, 2017 05:50 PM (FeQVL)

7 Old Post: Took down an American President.

New Post: Fakeity-fake-fake-fake.

Posted by: GuyfromNH at January 02, 2017 05:50 PM (5zfq1)

8 The set out the bait for clicks, but instead snagged an army of Fake News Debunkers.

Clickbait just don't work like it used to!

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:50 PM (jBuUi)

9 Whew! Now that I'm done laughing at the incompetence of these idiots, this just drives home the fact that "fake news" has nothing to do with veracity and everything to do with Orwellian machinations to judge truth or falsity based on whether it helps the Party.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 05:50 PM (0mRoj)

10 The set out = They set out

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:50 PM (jBuUi)

11 Sounds like somebody at Burlington Electric was looking at Russky porn sites.

Posted by: tu3031 at January 02, 2017 05:52 PM (qJhUV)

12 So someone at the power company was using PornHub?

Posted by: Methos at January 02, 2017 05:52 PM (3Liv/)

13 the media and the press are lieing again. water is wet, the sun came up this morning. this is the story of obama.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 05:53 PM (KP5rU)

14 Poo-slinging chimps. The media.

Posted by: That deplorable guy who always says... at January 02, 2017 05:53 PM (Tyii7)

15 Funny how Our Leftist Oppressors jerried up this Fake News meme in order to silence/otherize non-communist media outlets, but the entire meme had turned around and bit them on the ass so hard they're begging for mercy.

The barbarians are now armed. And they have mastered jiu-jitsu. Be careful, Leftist Oppressors, be very careful. Because henceforth we are made of rubber and you are made of glue.

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:54 PM (jBuUi)

16 The original premise was a joke anyway. Why the hell would the Russians haxx0r and pwn Vermont. It is a landlocked state far from any Russian zone of interest.

I suppose a missile from the Arctic might cross it, but the state is so very narrow it would have to be a well guided missile. Which somehow evaded Canadian / NORAD radar, neither of which were haxx0r3d nor pwnD.

Anybody who believed the WaPo is stupid.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at January 02, 2017 05:54 PM (6FqZa)

I mentioned this yesterday and it barely got a peep of response.

The infected power plant was, in reality, a single laptop with malware. MALWARE. As in an unwanted popup, I'd guess.

But the Contrived News told me that Russia Hacked A US Power Plant.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 05:54 PM (tlaZQ)

18 These Big Brothers in training are getting to be absurd.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 05:55 PM (92kX2)

19 Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, them Russkies is hackin' everybody up in here!

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 05:56 PM (0mRoj)

20 I prefer to call the WaPo Jeff Bezos's Blog (the same with the NYT, Carlos Slim's Blog).

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 05:56 PM (GsAUU)

21 The FakeNews goes round the world before Hillary can put her pants suit on.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 05:56 PM (IqV8l)

22 Please tell me that's not Rihanna singing "California Dreamin'" before each commercial break.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 05:57 PM (GsAUU)

23 So, how many Pinocchios is WaPo giving itself?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 05:57 PM (PY9jH)

24 Uh oh... there aren't any slavic redheads at my front door. The Russians must have hacked them and sent them to some rich guy instead.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at January 02, 2017 05:57 PM (6FqZa)

Here's my theory from Saturday:

So an employee at this power plant in Vermont went to a webiste he shouldn't have went to. And he got the laptop infected with malware. So now it's a big hoax/coverup and a national story that the Russians "hacked" a US power plant.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 05:57 PM (tlaZQ)

26 Progressive MSM = Dr. Frankenstein

"Fake News" meme = his monster

The Deplorable Trump voters = the villagers intended as the monster's victims

Ironic plot twist in which the monster kills Dr. Frankenstein instead = Progressive MSM forever tarred with their own "Fake News" label.

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:58 PM (jBuUi)

27 So am I right in my assessment that #Fake news is anything true about Dems, media, progressives, Oblabo, immigrants, refugees, islamist terrorists, and anything that could distract the public from Republicans, conservatives, Trump, and Christians being horrible, awful, terrible bigots?
And real news is anything that distracts the public from anything that could be harmful to Dems, etc?
Do I have this right? My brain is sore.

Posted by: madamemayhem (i wanna be sedated) at January 02, 2017 05:58 PM (yTnCT)

28 20 I prefer to call the WaPo Jeff Bezos's Blog (the same with the NYT, Carlos Slim's Blog).
Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 05:56 PM (GsAUU

That's only because you're too refined to use the the more accurate "lying treasonous shitweasels".

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad at January 02, 2017 05:58 PM (FeQVL)

29 27 Progressive MSM = Dr. Frankenstein

"Fake News" meme = his monster

The Deplorable Trump voters = the villagers intended as the monster's victims

Ironic plot twist in which the monster kills Dr. Frankenstein instead = Progressive MSM forever tarred with their own "Fake News" label.
Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 05:58 PM (jBuUi)

That's Fronkensteen!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 05:59 PM (92kX2)

30 16: anybody who believes any media or print news is stupid. they have been full of shit and influencing the populace forever. they have no credibility.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 05:59 PM (KP5rU)

FOX is covering the difference in treatment of the Chinese hacking vs Russian hacking.

They are calling it "Hacking Discrimination".


" Why you gotta be so racist, Barry?"

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 05:59 PM (zu88C)

32 OT: ISIS just went and bombed the Shiites in Sadr City again.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at January 02, 2017 05:59 PM (6FqZa)

33 Stealth corrections...

Can we still do that and get a switch in the lawsuit results?

Posted by: Gawker and Rolling Stone at January 02, 2017 06:00 PM (Ojki1)

34 22 The sad thing about this? Looks like the story was feed to the WaPo by the CIA.

The Trump Administration has to fight back against this shit. Can't just let it go uncorrected ... like "W" did for eight years.

At work - at home - in public - if you just keep quiet while somebody tells a bald-ass flaming lie ... guess what, sweetheart ? You just gave truth to the lie.

It sucks - but that's the way it is.

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:00 PM (fiGNd)

35 Puerto Rico's new governor was sworn in today, promising to push for statehood for PR, as the only way to achieve economic fairness for PR, which has suffered so grievously under U.S. "colonialism."

GMAFB. It wasn't "colonialism" that cause PR to spend billions more money than it had, or caused its crooked government to make crooked deals that put PR even deeper in the hole. That's all on them, and that is where it should stay.

Don't want to be a U.S. "colony" PR? Great, because we don't need you and don't want you. And we're not bailing you out either. You broke it, you own it. Pay for it yourselves.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at January 02, 2017 06:00 PM (riF5p)

36 Can't spell veracity without MSM. Oh wait, I must be mistaken. I retract my previous assertion.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 02, 2017 06:00 PM (7N6ox)

Because of JJ Abrams, the reconciliation between Spock and his parents never happen.

Spock never goes to Vulcan to fight Kirk during his horny pon farr stage in which he needs to have a woman...or wrestle with a man. Because of JJ Abrams.

Tuvak from Star Trek Voyage is never born, because of JJ Abrams. Or maybe he is born, but is killed in the planet's explosion...because of JJ Abrams.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:01 PM (tlaZQ)

38 Nittany Lions now moving the ball well.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:02 PM (GsAUU)

39 21 The FakeNews goes round the world before Hillary can put her pants suit on.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

The FakeNews goes round the world before Hillary can vomit on her pantsuit.

The FakeNews goes round the world before Anthony Weiner can send a 15-year-old girl a text about getting in her pants.

Posted by: Furious George at January 02, 2017 06:02 PM (77i7V)

40 "Tuvak from Star Trek Voyage is never born, because of JJ Abrams. Or maybe he is born, but is killed in the planet's explosion...because of JJ Abrams."

Star Trek meets Man in the High Castle

All is resolved.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (J+eG2)

41 Remember the 1966 film classic "The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming"?

It's about -- get this -- the Russians taking over a small New England state.

Is this whole "Russians hacked Vermont" hoax merely a viral advertising ploy to mark the 50th anniversary of "The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming"? Now 50% off on Amazon?

Bonus fact: Stars Andrea Dromm, the foxiest Star Trek babe ever, as the teenage American girl who falls in love with the Russian sailor!

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (jBuUi)

42 The Fake News outrage by the Left is their greatest projection creation ever.

It also does double duty as one of their more auspicious rebranding attempts. In the old days it was called propaganda.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (mEjqT)

Don't want to be a U.S. "colony" PR? Great, because we don't need you and don't want you. And we're not bailing you out either. You broke it, you own it. Pay for it yourselves.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer

I vote independence.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (IqV8l)

44 TD Penn State

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (GsAUU)

New series takes place in the kelvin timeline. The speculation is that it will be about the ship that was captained by Garh of Izar. One of the reasons this is speculated is that paramount recently went after a fan film that had him as the focus.
Prime timeline not the kelvin timeline. Kelvin timeline is the Abramsverse

I totes forgot about the new series.
I'm sure it will be as good as the new Hawaii Five-0.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (tlaZQ)

46 Just grant PR sovereignty. Problem solved.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (9iR5/)

47 I honestly thought Bezos would move the paper to the middle as he has more libertarianish instincts, but it's basically become the Huffington Post meets the Onion.

Posted by: Maritime at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (erd0M)

48 Please tell me that's not Rihanna singing "California Dreamin'" before each commercial break.

Sounds like Sia to me.

Posted by: no good deed at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (hJamr)

49 "Social Justice Warrior College Newspaper"

More ace poetry.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (QDnY+)

50 The CC for 'The Expanse' are freaking hilarious:

"(Announcer speaking some other language.)"


Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (92kX2)

51 the shiites still a thing? i remember them from the eighties. nabi birie fronted them. they were big for awhile.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (KP5rU)

52 Sooner or later its going to be cry wolf once to many times

Posted by: Skip at January 02, 2017 06:05 PM (5sOEp)

53 41 "Tuvak from Star Trek Voyage is never born, because of JJ Abrams. Or maybe he is born, but is killed in the planet's explosion...because of JJ Abrams."

Star Trek meets Man in the High Castle

All is resolved.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (J+eG2)

Didn't he also kill Captain Pike? He could have as easily had him survive as he did on the TV series.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 02, 2017 06:05 PM (mEjqT)

54 Bonus fact: Stars Andrea Dromm, the foxiest Star Trek babe ever, as the teenage American girl who falls in love with the Russian sailor!
Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (jBuUi)

Yes, very pretty.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:06 PM (92kX2)

55 52 the shiites still a thing? i remember them from the eighties. nabi birie fronted them. they were big for awhile.
Posted by: chavez the hugo

I saw The Shi'ites open for The Natchez Toilet Kings at Swampalooza '88.

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:06 PM (jBuUi)

56 Palin had an ad with a target on this power plant ... pretty sure she hacked it, and is a commie spy. (people still believe the BS about Palin, or the fake news that the shooter was tea party affiliated.

I wonder if there is an "air gap" between such laptops and the real power grid software. They are probably more strict than Hillary was with our national security. Hillary just had the foreign born maid doing copies, with Weiner's porn laptop full of secrets.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 02, 2017 06:07 PM (/aIFg)

57 Yeah that one is amazingly pathetic and its a perfect example of fake news the media does. Its a combination of 'we gotta be first' and 'narrative'

Who the hell gave JJ Abrams the right to blow up Vulcan??

Paramount, apparently but... it was stupid, start to finish. We're supposed to believe the planet Vulcan has zero air or ground defenses whatsoever? They just sit there as this thing tunnels through the planet for ten minutes and have nothing? Just dumb.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:07 PM (39g3+)


Isn't it funny hilarious that every time ISIS attacks us here and in Europe, it's a "lone wolf," but now every time a computer somewhere suffers a popup boner ad it was The Russians!!

Never a "lone wolf" hacker, it was the entire country of Russia, who are all agents of the Russian government and personally take orders directly from Putin.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (tlaZQ)

59 Bonus fact: Stars Andrea Dromm, the foxiest Star Trek babe ever, as the teenage American girl who falls in love with the Russian sailor!

Easy now.

Yvonne Craig ring a bell ?

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (fiGNd)

60 I must break you.

Posted by: Vlad Putin to American Power Grid at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (nIGPZ)

61 Uh, Marianna Hill.

Posted by: Foxiest Trek Babe Ever at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (nIGPZ)

62 Heh. Just saw this over at Zip's place. Korean PoliSci prof is suing the University of Illinois at Chicago because they forced him to teach Statistics. He says he's not qualified to teach Statistics. The school claims that he is qualified because Asian and Asian's are good at math. How would you like to take that course. *snerk*

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (9iR5/)

They just sit there as this thing tunnels through the planet for ten minutes and have nothing? Just dumb.

It was.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (tlaZQ)

64 Tonight on the MSM talent show will feature Jeff Bezo, accompanied by the Washington Post. The duo will sing a tribute to the narrative. A popular song called "Staying Alive, Staying Alive, oh, oh, oh, Staying Alive".

Posted by: Octiparan at January 02, 2017 06:09 PM (b9JGJ)

65 49 Please tell me that's not Rihanna singing "California Dreamin'" before each commercial break.

Sounds like Sia to me.
Posted by: no good deed at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (hJamr)


In any case, I'm not crazy about it.

I prefer the Beach Boys cover of it.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:09 PM (GsAUU)

66 The other danger with "The Big Lie Who Cried Wolf" stories like these is that when Russia does in fact one day detrimentally hack into a .gov system ... at least half the country won't believe it when the Praetorian Guard media reports it.

F'ing Fifth Column traitors ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 06:10 PM (mt8X9)

67 56: zombie, that had to be a helluva show. wish i would have seen it. didn't the shi'ites blow up a porta shitter for the finale?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:10 PM (KP5rU)

68 62 Uh, Marianna Hill.

A strong selection. Looked even better in some of her non-Trek pictures.

A stone cold hottie.

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:10 PM (fiGNd)

69 Just dumb.

The Craft of J.J. Abrams, page one.

Posted by: Foxiest Trek Babe Ever at January 02, 2017 06:10 PM (nIGPZ)

70 Somewhere at CHAOS headquarters, the Commissar is slapping Agent 39 and screaming, "You fool! You hacked Vermont? What good will that do us? They're our allies!"

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:11 PM (jBuUi)

71 63 Heh. Just saw this over at Zip's place. Korean PoliSci prof is suing the University of Illinois at Chicago because they forced him to teach Statistics. He says he's not qualified to teach Statistics. The school claims that he is qualified because Asian and Asian's are good at math. How would you like to take that course. *snerk*
Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (9iR5/)

That sounds like the onion.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 06:11 PM (cAnNx)

72 The CC for 'The Expanse' are freaking hilarious:

"(Announcer speaking some other language.)"

I was watching something on IFC one time and they're usual content warning came up (all of which is also displayed on screen). The CC said

"Here's the good stuff"

Posted by: Methos at January 02, 2017 06:11 PM (3Liv/)

73 Presdent Obama should do something about this treat because that idiot clown Trump will nots !!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT (Soon to be Obamaboro, VT) at January 02, 2017 06:11 PM (Fbj4h)

74 The Russians Are Coming was actually very well done. But at the time you had 60s comedic actors (a wealth of good ones), and good writers - and probably a much more literate audience.

Saw it at the drive-in as a kid.

Years later, on the couch, watching it on cable. And I notice that Alan Arkin is doing his Russian lines with a perfect accent. Hmmm. Only then did I learn that he grew up the son of Russian immigrants, thus was a Russian speaker.

One more thing. Arkin's exchange with the sub captain, at the dock, explaining who "Whittaker Walt" is. The writing is interesting, in that its full humor is far above the likely audience knowledge.

Arkin says Whittaker (Carl Reiner) is a "writer". You can see the sub captain get more serious. He asks Arkin - "what does he write?". Arkin asks, then pauses with Reiner's answer (perfectly played) - then tells the captain, with a slightly apologetic tone, "musical comedies". Captain rolls his eyes in disappointment.

Funny as it was, but even better when one knows that writers were highly regarded in Russian/Soviet society, they had social status unlike anything known here.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (QDnY+)

75 I always liked Emily Banks from the episode "Shore Leave." To be fair, there were a lot of lovely women in the original series.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (92kX2)

76 425 3/4 hrs to go

Posted by: Skip at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (5sOEp)

77 36 Puerto Rico's new governor was sworn in today, promising to push for statehood for PR, as the only way to achieve economic fairness for PR, which has suffered so grievously under U.S. "colonialism."
GMAFB. It wasn't "colonialism" that cause PR to spend billions more money than it had, or caused its crooked government to make crooked deals that put PR even deeper in the hole. That's all on them, and that is where it should stay.
Don't want to be a U.S. "colony" PR? Great, because we don't need you and don't want you. And we're not bailing you out either. You broke it, you own it. Pay for it yourselves.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at January 02, 2017 06:00 PM (riF5p)

I've long been an enthusiastic supporter of Puerto Rican independence. PRexit, FTW!

Show us how much better you do on your own, without all that nasty American "colonialism."

(Btw, objectively it is clear some outfits NEED to be treated as colonies, because they're hopeless on their own. Puerto Rico is high on that last, but California's on it too.)

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (SRKgf)

78 58 Yeah that one is amazingly pathetic and its a perfect example of fake news the media does. Its a combination of 'we gotta be first' and 'narrative'

Who the hell gave JJ Abrams the right to blow up Vulcan??

Paramount, apparently but... it was stupid, start to finish. We're supposed to believe the planet Vulcan has zero air or ground defenses whatsoever? They just sit there as this thing tunnels through the planet for ten minutes and have nothing? Just dumb.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:07 PM (39g3+)

Because it was Abram's first attempt to remake Star Wars & Vulcan was a stand in for Alderaan

Posted by: josephistan at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (7qAYi)

There are lots of stupid things we put up with in Sci Fi, but the tops are:

- blowing up entire planers
- time travel
- teleportation
- deflector arrays/shields

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:13 PM (tlaZQ)

80 Fact checker, fact checker,
Check me some facts,
Find me some finds,
Hack me some hacks...

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at January 02, 2017 06:13 PM (J8/9G)

81 Abrams admitted he didn't like Star Trek and was basically auditioning for making Star Wars movies, so that tells you what you need to know about the films he did.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:14 PM (39g3+)

82 71 Somewhere at CHAOS headquarters, the Commissar is slapping Agent 39 and screaming, "You fool! You hacked Vermont? What good will that do us? They're our allies!"
Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:11 PM (jBuUi)

You know, one of the most jarring cultural things I can remember was watching "White Christmas."

Bing and Danny Kaye are talking about what they could do to bring people to the ski lodge and Kaye says:
"Maybe we could scare up a democrat?"

"They'd stone him!" Bing laughs.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:14 PM (92kX2)

83 51 The CC for 'The Expanse' are freaking hilarious:

"(Announcer speaking some other language.)"

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:04 PM (92kX2)

--Heh, I enoy watching stuff with CC. Usually it's "Speaking foreign language"

It's fun watching Animal Planet with CC: "Loon chirps," "Puppies whimper," etc.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:14 PM (GsAUU)

84 Fake News or by design?
Notice how no one is talking about Hillz server hack?

Posted by: Diogenes at January 02, 2017 06:16 PM (0tfLf)

85 Two world class authorities that everybody in D.C. should be listening to on the matter of hacking, national security, and energy are John McCain and his fuckboy, Lindsey Graham.

Posted by: Fritz at January 02, 2017 06:16 PM (dbc6Q)

I now try to avoid all movies rife with Smartassery and a cameras that swing wildly to and fro.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:16 PM (tlaZQ)

87 We're supposed to believe the planet Vulcan has zero air or ground defenses whatsoever? They just sit there as this thing tunnels through the planet for ten minutes and have nothing? Just dumb.

I always wondered what in the hell happened in 50-75 years that a futuristic MINING SHIP would suddenly kick the shit out of the best war vessels in StarFleet.

It would be like a Shipping Vessel from 2050 squaring off against the US Navy circa 1975. I'm still betting on the purpose-built warships.

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:16 PM (fiGNd)

88 Genius! Let commifornia do the Calexit thingy. Then we go in and conquer them and make them a colony. All that would be left to do would be to sit back and watch all their liberal heads explode. Brilliant!

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:16 PM (9iR5/)

89 My usual approach, but yikes what this "hacking" stuff confirms about the effective national IQ.

Hacking and cyber-war efforts against the US are constant, and undertaken by all adversaries and probably a handful of friends and allies as well. As has been well known, for years.

So "hack attack on VT power grid!!!" - even assuming there was some there, there - is sort of like "NFL receiver drops easy pass!". Happens every week.

Where's the "news"? Where's the shock value? Not saying the country is giving a s**t about this "story", but that it *might* even do so, or WaPo might think that's the case, says a lot about the country.

Posted by: rhomboid at January 02, 2017 06:17 PM (QDnY+)

90 75 The Russians Are Coming was actually very well done. But at the time you had 60s comedic actors (a wealth of good ones), and good writers - and probably a much more literate audience.

Saw it at the drive-in as a kid.

Posted by: rhomboid

I just LOVED Jonathan Winters in that film. His timing and comic presence are unmatched. Even though he had a small role, he's the main thing I remember from the movie.

Posted by: zombie at January 02, 2017 06:17 PM (jBuUi)

91 This b.s. is only just in beta right now .... wait until the formal rollout on the 21st !

Zoom ! Bang ! Pow !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at January 02, 2017 06:17 PM (nrnR5)

92 Disclaimer:
This is NOT a dig on you, ace!
But, this shit is getting really tiresome. Get over it, snowflakes.

While I want the Left to keep stepping on their own dicks, I am already over hearing the whining, SJW, poo-flinging idiots complain about the loss they could have easily prevented by not propping up the corruptocrat they chose to support.

#ThisIsHowYouGotTrump motherfuckers. Live with it.

Posted by: Chi at January 02, 2017 06:17 PM (6QtJv)

It would be like a Shipping Vessel from 2050 squaring off against the US Navy circa 1975.

I dunno. I think my cheapie smartphone is more powerful than the computers that sent Apollo Whatever# to the Moon.

(I don't really know if this is true at all.)

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:18 PM (tlaZQ)

94 99% of people will read the original breathless #FakeNews headline.

1% of people will ever see the retraction.

#FakeNews FTW!

Unfortunately true. Very, very true.

I also mentioned that this was one laptop not connected to the grid that was infected with malware yesterday.

Doesn't matter; LIVs and seniors who don't get their news from the internet will believe it really happened.

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 02, 2017 06:18 PM (J5mC3)

95 Holy shit, what a great TD by Penn State

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:19 PM (GsAUU)

96 There are lots of stupid things we put up with in Sci Fi, but the tops are:

- blowing up entire plane..t..s

Whatever lets you sleep at night, Earthling ...

Posted by: Marvin the Martian ... at January 02, 2017 06:19 PM (AoK0a)

97 I generally liked the movie, but the scariest moment for me in Paranormal Activity was one of the shots where they're sleeping and the CC reports

"Sound of demon breathing"

And I couldn't hear anything.

In retrospect I find it more amusing but at the time the moment of panic when I realized I couldn't hear what was clearly there because the CC said so was kind of intense.

Posted by: Methos at January 02, 2017 06:19 PM (3Liv/)

98 (I don't really know if this is true at all.)

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:18 PM (tlaZQ)
It is true that your average every day smart phone has more computing power that what they sent the Apollo missions to the moon had.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:20 PM (9iR5/)

99 Well we all know if it's written on paper it's just gota be true.

Posted by: SOMESASSHOLESTOLEMYPEN at January 02, 2017 06:20 PM (nQHw/)

100 Our fact checking department was hacked by The Russians

Posted by: Washington Post at January 02, 2017 06:20 PM (Y2LX5)

101 And Nero is a horribly motivated villain, with nothing more than the hackneyed 'revenge!' cliche. Weakest part of the whole movie, really.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 02, 2017 06:21 PM (nIGPZ)

102 Looks like this will be a No Defense Allowed bowl.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:21 PM (GsAUU)

103 I dunno. I think my cheapie smartphone is more powerful than the computers that sent Apollo Whatever# to the Moon. (I don't really know if this is true at all.)

It is. But I'd still bet on 100-year old warships with, you know, guns.

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:21 PM (fiGNd)

104 the russians are abusing their red privelege. i think somebody should send them one of them cards.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:22 PM (KP5rU)

105 Just read a artical of the Ghost of Stalin Haunts Wisconsin at American Spectator, Socialist Leftists shouting down Jewish conservative (Ben Shapiro) calling him a National Socialist (Nazi)

Posted by: Skip at January 02, 2017 06:22 PM (5sOEp)

So "hack attack on VT power grid!!!" - even assuming there was some there, there - is sort of like "NFL receiver drops easy pass!". Happens every week.

Where's the "news"? Where's the shock value? Not saying the country is giving a s**t about this "story", but that it *might* even do so, or WaPo might think that's the case, says a lot about the country.

It's the shock value.

The MSM is pushing the "Russians are attacking us daily, and they STOLE OUR ELECTION" meme daily.

I suspect the MSM/ Democrats want to go to war with Russia.


Why do they want to go to war with Russia? Ask Hillary. Or John McCain Or George Soros.

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 02, 2017 06:22 PM (J5mC3)

107 The more of this shit I see and hear, the better I like Trump.

Posted by: Super Dude at January 02, 2017 06:23 PM (Sfs6o)

108 -
I must break you.

Posted by: Vlad Putin to American Power Grid at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM

Go for it.

Posted by: No-Script, Ad-Block-Plus, etc. at January 02, 2017 06:23 PM (vqzjE)

109 Hate crimez on Oberlin campus!

Posted by: Lena Dunham at January 02, 2017 06:24 PM (bc2Lc)

110 102 And Nero is a horribly motivated villain, with nothing more than the hackneyed 'revenge!' cliche. Weakest part of the whole movie, really.

No kidding. Wouldn't the better play just be to send Spock back in time and tell him DO NOT SCREW THIS UP !!!

Or - go back in time yourself - and tell the lovely Mrs. Nero "Baby, I know this sounds crazy - but how about the family take a tour on this mining ship with me ?"

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:24 PM (fiGNd)

111 >>>They just sit there as this thing tunnels through the planet for ten minutes and have nothing? Just dumb.<<<

Sulu did ten minutes of some samurai / ninja shit, so there's that.

Posted by: Fritz at January 02, 2017 06:24 PM (dbc6Q)

112 "Fake News" is what happens when the MSM loses complete control of the narrative

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 06:24 PM (sRFAL)

113 Sheesh, both teams may wind up with over 500 yards passing.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:25 PM (GsAUU)

114 so much hate, so little time. fuck oberlin.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:25 PM (KP5rU)

115 It is. But I'd still bet on 100-year old warships with, you know, guns.

- - - -

Hey. Look what the Missouri did to those aliens in Battleship!

Posted by: Diogenes at January 02, 2017 06:26 PM (0tfLf)

116 60 Bonus fact: Stars Andrea Dromm, the foxiest Star Trek babe ever, as the teenage American girl who falls in love with the Russian sailor!

Easy now.

Yvonne Craig ring a bell ?
Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:08 PM (fiGNd)

I remember Yeoman Daniels fondly. Who played her?

Posted by: Northernlurker at January 02, 2017 06:26 PM (hJrjt)

117 "Fake News" is what happens when the MSM loses complete control of the narrative
We have a winner!

/please remember to thank President Elect Trump and Twitter during your acceptance speech

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 02, 2017 06:26 PM (J5mC3)

118 Another TD for the Trojans.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:26 PM (GsAUU)

119 And purchases from amazon help fund that particular college newspaper and its fake news.

Posted by: Boots at January 02, 2017 06:27 PM (+KtxP)

120 80
There are lots of stupid things we put up with in Sci Fi, but the tops are:

- blowing up entire planers
- time travel
- teleportation
- deflector arrays/shields

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:13 PM (tlaZQ)


#1 for me is aliens speaking English ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 06:27 PM (mt8X9)

121 I remember Yeoman Daniels fondly. Who played her?

I remember a Yeoman Rand that was hotter than a two-dollar pistol.

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:27 PM (fiGNd)

122 #1 for me is aliens speaking English ...

#1 aliens speaking English who look exactly like humans

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 02, 2017 06:28 PM (J5mC3)

123 102 And Nero is a horribly motivated villain, with nothing more than the hackneyed 'revenge!' cliche. Weakest part of the whole movie, really.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 02, 2017 06:21 PM (nIGPZ)

This too. The movie works while watching it for the first time, but falls apart when you think about it- at all really.

One of the founding premises of the movie is that the people are essentially the same no matter what has happened to change their circumstances.

Kirk is not right (where is the calm brilliance under stress? He is like a hyper-kinetic squirrel with emotional stability issues.)

Spock is not right.

Bones is right. But this leads into one of the major problems of the movie. Karl Urban is the only one actually playing the character. Everyone else is playing a caricature of the character they are supposed to be- even Leonard Nimoy.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:28 PM (92kX2)

124 I vote independence.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 06:03 PM (IqV8l)

They don't want independence. They want statehood. Mainly because they believe that it's going to come with a bailout for their government's years of profligate spending and enormous debt. And of course, they also want the few U.S. welfare goodies they're not currently eligible for (like the EITC).

Over a third of Puerto Rico's population already receives U.S. food stamps -- at a cost to U.S. taxpayers of billions of dollars a year. A quarter of PR's entire workforce is employed by . . . the government of PR. And you'll be shocked! to learn that PR's government pensions are massively underfunded.

So by all means, lets rush to make PR a state, because if there is one thing the U.S. desperately needs it's another state full of deadbeat losers who can't pay their own way and who think the solution to every problem is enlarge government and to grab for more federal tax dollars.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at January 02, 2017 06:29 PM (riF5p)

125 Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:27 PM (fiGNd)
12 credit phaser.

Posted by: Super Dude at January 02, 2017 06:29 PM (Sfs6o)

Mariah Carey's Leotard Was HACKED.

Her ass fit inside it perfectly before !

Posted by: WA POW at January 02, 2017 06:29 PM (zu88C)

127 Maybe Nero's ship was a mining vessel like the Defiant was an escort vessel.

There's also a comic where the ship was a prototype using Borg technology which would explain the advanced weaponry it had.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (cAnNx)

128 The thing is, even if seniors are panicky that Russians hacked our energy grid, they don't trust Democrats to protect us from them so its not a win for the narrative.

I always wondered what in the hell happened in 50-75 years that a futuristic MINING SHIP would suddenly kick the shit out of the best war vessels in StarFleet.

Look I could take a trawler made today, go back in time, and take out the USS Arizona! Totes!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (39g3+)

#1 for me is aliens speaking English ...

I forgot about that one!

Stargate serials were the worst offenders. No matter what planet they went to, they all spoke 20th century American (no particular dialect) English.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (tlaZQ)

130 123 #1 for me is aliens speaking English ...

#1 aliens speaking English who look exactly like humans
Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 02, 2017 06:28 PM (J5mC3)

Well, to be fair, this is more a problem with Star Trek in general.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (92kX2)

131 The college newspaper the Washington Post, indeed. Only because it's so eager. Some of the others have the whiff of community newspapers.
Community journalism: it's a thing.

Posted by: m at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (3jGss)

132 So this drives the left and the press (BIRM) into a froth, while multiple reports of Muslims being found in restricted areas of water treatment plants and reservoirs leads them to yawn.

It really is all about their power, and screw the people of the United States, isn't it?

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 02, 2017 06:31 PM (fVubI)

133 Bones is right. But this leads into one of the major problems of the movie. Karl Urban is the only one actually playing the character. Everyone else is playing a caricature of the character they are supposed to be- even Leonard Nimoy.

Think Bones ever just gets the urge to tell the rest of the crew "You're all a bunch of suicidal ass-holes with delusions of grandeur. Dueces, bitches." ?

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:31 PM (fiGNd)

That's why Farscape was the best sci fi series ever.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:32 PM (tlaZQ)

135 Two publications, Rolling Stones and Ars Technica, not exactly bastions of conservatism and totes hardcore Trump supporters here, have cast doubt on this Russian meme bullshit.

When you've lost the propagators of RAAAAAPE culture and global warming, it's time to mail it in.

Posted by: John Nada - Formerly #NeverHillary at January 02, 2017 06:32 PM (ng8pa)

136 Kirk was terrible in the new Star Trek films. I like the actor fine, he's just no James T Kirk. His portrayal is almost as bad as the 1000 foot chasm in the middle of Kansas (???). He plays an interesting guy, just not Kirk.

And the Kobiyashi Maru sequence was terrible. I figured he came up with some super clever way to take advantage of a loophole, not sitting around like a dumb kid using cheat codes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:33 PM (39g3+)

137 The college newspaper the Washington Post

Dana "is a girl's name" Milbanks still whining over there?

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:33 PM (zu88C)

138 Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a friggin' counselor.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 02, 2017 06:33 PM (0tfLf)

139 Mariah Carey's Leotard Was HACKED.

Her ass fit inside it perfectly before !

Posted by: WA POW

In 1998

Posted by: Jean at January 02, 2017 06:33 PM (2RVmA)

140 Fake news like the walk for life is just a small gathering in DC every few years. Fuck the fake news.

Posted by: Usntakim at January 02, 2017 06:34 PM (hMqvx)

141 The Washington Post is so eager to break news and be the cutting edge investigator they're willing to do anything but actually investigate.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:34 PM (39g3+)

142 >> Hacking and cyber-war efforts against the US are
>> constant, and undertaken by all adversaries and
>> probably a handful of friends and allies as well. As
>> has been well known, for years.

Yes, absolutely.

Hacking can have several purposes, the attacker can be looking for (among other things):

a) More information about the site, facility, or organization they're attacking, to further future attacks.

b) Valuable commercial/technological information, whether credit-card numbers or F-22 blueprints, either for their own use or for resale.

c) Material damaging to the reputation of an individual or organization, possibly for blackmail or coercive purposes

d) Government/corporate internal deliberations, who's been talking to whom, decisions taken but not announced, whether for traditional spy-stuff purposes or for front-running the markets.

And so on.

So, when we look at the Wikileaks releases, what's NOT there is almost more important than what IS.

This information was the stuff that embarrassing but not nationally damaging, the stuff that a hacker sure enough of his personal safety - or just wanting to have some fun - would release because it wasn't important enough to hold onto.

There's no national-security related material in there. There's minimal communication to, from, and between high-level government officers. It's all functionaries at private entities (and the Democrat Party is not the US Government, despite their best efforts.)

There'd have been no real blackmail value to it - the negotiating window was closing November 8 and the Democrats were sure they were going to win. The Clinton Foundation took a hit, but nothing they couldn't have shrugged off had they won the election.

And there certainly was nothing of commercial value in it.

Personally, I conclude from this that whoever leaked this specifically AVOIDED certain classes of information, and there's most likely (as with OPM, Target, et al) probably much more in the hands of bad guys that's far too valuable in one way or another for its acquirer to let see the light of day - yet.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:34 PM (TppKb)

143 So by all means, lets rush to make PR a state, because if there is one thing the U.S. desperately needs it's another state full of deadbeat losers who can't pay their own way and who think the solution to every problem is enlarge government and to grab for more federal tax dollars.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer


When California secedes -- or, better yet, is booted out -- maybe we can give them their very own territory in Puerto Rico.

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 06:34 PM (mt8X9)

144 Mariah Carey skanky.

Posted by: Anonymous American Studies Doctoral Candidate at January 02, 2017 06:35 PM (97XyN)

145 Sherry Jackson had the best Star Trek costume.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at January 02, 2017 06:35 PM (MZcWR)

146 The problem for guys like Dick Clark is that when he started, the old stars he could bring in for nostalgia and fun for New Years were actually really talented and hard working. Today, they're hacks and divas and can barely do their job. So when in 2037 he brings out Justin Bieber to rock in the new year the fat balding old man won't be able to sing a lick either.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:35 PM (39g3+)

147 Stupidest of all is " the aliens are here to steal our water!"

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:36 PM (r/0kC)

148 WTF? I was channel surfing and CNN was reporting that Bibi is under criminal investigation. Didn't say for what.


Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 06:36 PM (PY9jH)

149 I just heard da Russians hacked the DNC and WEAPONIZED the information.

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 06:36 PM (2X7pN)

150 Russian's hacked my Chocolate Souffle.

How else do you explain it falling?

Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 06:36 PM (+lv+r)

151 "Look Jim. I'm just an old country doctor. You keep going around sticking The Little Captain in every green or blue or whatever skinned thing you find with tits and an ass ... and you're going to be Up the Shit Nebula without Standard Propulsion. Got it ?"

... Shit Bones is Dying to tell Jim

Posted by: SD at January 02, 2017 06:36 PM (fiGNd)

152 I trust news I get from a 5 yr old pennysaver more than anything WaPo puts out

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (6Ll1u)

153 >>Mariah Carey skanky.

We can help.

Posted by: Beer Goggles at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (/Nite)

154 135
That's why Farscape was the best sci fi series ever.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:32 PM (tlaZQ)


"Because I... am an American! And what does an American want? Capitalism!"

"Hey, Honey. Guess what I did today? I wore a bomb. A nuclear bomb in a field of flowers."

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (92kX2)

155 Yeoman Rand was going to be Kirk's love interest than they decided he should be free to chase any tail on ever planet they went to.So she was fired frm the show.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (r/0kC)

156 Listen up, Bezos, you furnish the dim-witted, incompetent journalists, and I'll furnish the war.

Posted by: George Soros at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (77i7V)

157 Farscape was great.Claudia Black was teh hawt.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:38 PM (r/0kC)

"Hey, Honey. Guess what I did today? I wore a bomb. A nuclear bomb in a field of flowers."

Great episode.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (tlaZQ)

159 Fake News = Shit idiots believe

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (sRFAL)

WaPo is the voice of the Progtarded, and the Snowflake Justice Warriors.

They can't POSSIBLY admit to their weaknesses and failures. Classic personality disordered behavior.

They need the "Russians" or some other external monster because admission of their own fault would kill them.

Being a Progtard means never having to say "I'm sorry" as well as living a blame-free life.

No wonder they hate Trump.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (zu88C)

161 Olivia d'Abo was very nice in Star Trek, I thought. Lovely girl.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (39g3+)

162 back in the day, Clintons were letting Chinese spies walk right out of the top secret nuke missile tech room with laptops full of secrets. Clintons believed in "multipolarity" they said, shared super power, for the common global good.

But they really just believed in the bribes. Those Chinese tended to disappear before trial, wiped like with a cloth from the records, so to speak. So ChinaGate was ignored and we got MonicaGate, which was passed off as just a little sex.

Maybe they are still in bed with China, who knows? They take money from anywhere. Billy Bob sell speeches to the Norks is he could.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (/aIFg)

163 If you want to know what's going on in this country, read the foreign press.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 06:40 PM (LTHVh)

164 137 Kirk was terrible in the new Star Trek films. I like the actor fine, he's just no James T Kirk. His portrayal is almost as bad as the 1000 foot chasm in the middle of Kansas (???). He plays an interesting guy, just not Kirk.

And the Kobiyashi Maru sequence was terrible. I figured he came up with some super clever way to take advantage of a loophole, not sitting around like a dumb kid using cheat codes.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:33 PM (39g3+)

I'd have rather seen him fail at it once. I don't mind his cheating because that's what he did to beat it. But be a little more clever about it. And the fact that you don't get to hear his justification for cheating the scenario was weak.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 06:40 PM (cAnNx)

165 I was channel surfing and CNN was reporting that Bibi is under criminal investigation. Didn't say for what.

He criminally disappointed the Chocolate Messiah

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:40 PM (39g3+)

166 -
Mariah Carey's Leotard Was HACKED.

Her ass fit inside it perfectly before !

Posted by: WA POW at January 02, 2017 06:29 PM

Nah. We hacked her spoon, years ago.

Posted by: Häagen-Dazs at January 02, 2017 06:41 PM (vqzjE)

167 159
"Hey, Honey. Guess what I did today? I wore a bomb. A nuclear bomb in a field of flowers."

Great episode.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:39 PM (tlaZQ)

The whole last two seasons were pretty much perfect- except for the spider episode.

One of my favorites is the "Constellation of Doubt" episode. Seeing Crichton on the ragged edge (even more than usual) was pretty much character perfect.

Overall that show did better characterization than pretty much any sci-fi show ever. Heck, you could probably argue it for anything on TV.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:41 PM (92kX2)

168 77 425 3/4 hrs to go
Posted by: Skip at January 02, 2017 06:12 PM (5sOEp)


I can get in a few more rounds.

Posted by: B+arack Ob+mao at January 02, 2017 06:41 PM (Q1UO3)

169 >> I was channel surfing and CNN was reporting that
>> Bibi is under criminal investigation.

I believe the Israelis investigate their government ministers largely for the same reasons the Australians play footy.

It's a sport played without helmets and pads.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:41 PM (TppKb)

170 Kirk tells them in Star Trek II that he reprogrammed the scenario so that it was possible to win.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:42 PM (r/0kC)

171 That Mariah Carey didn't do the obvious to rectify her situation and flash her giant silicon enhanced tits shows that she is NOT a professional.

Posted by: tu3031 at January 02, 2017 06:42 PM (qJhUV)

Remember how Kirk beat that space satellite?

He bombarded it with illogical statements!

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:42 PM (tlaZQ)

173 >> He bombarded it with illogical statements!

I'm on it.

Posted by: Thomas L. Friedman at January 02, 2017 06:42 PM (TppKb)

174 The Star trek film would have been okay rebooting if they'd made the whole film them in the academy desperately called up to deal with a nasty threat and pulling through against all odds because of teamwork and the immense skill of the captain at beating the impossible.

Instead he skates through school and gets a ship because Vulcan got blown up, or something. He was an even more insufferable Ferris Buhler, but graduating with honors.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:43 PM (39g3+)

175 Okay, so the WaPo's cub reporterettes aren't too savvy about computer code and things with wires and electricity and shit. But just ask them about guns.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 02, 2017 06:43 PM (TRzoP)

176 The Russians hacked me!!

Posted by: Nomad at January 02, 2017 06:43 PM (IqV8l)

177 171 Kirk tells them in Star Trek II that he reprogrammed the scenario so that it was possible to win.
Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:42 PM (r/0kC)

Note he did not say "I turned the scenario into a joke." It was a much more serious thing for him and informed you about the character- that he believed that nothing was impossible.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:44 PM (92kX2)

178 Kirk tells them in Star Trek II that he reprogrammed the scenario so that it was possible to win.

Sure, but what he didn't say is "I haxx0red it so I could sit and point fingers at the screen so the ships blew up, it was totally bitchen!!"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:44 PM (39g3+)

Was the spider the creature that killed Chrichton's friends on Earth at Christmas time?

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:44 PM (tlaZQ)

180 i may have to start going to church again... orgies-rectory-church-andrea-contin-padua-padova- veneto-italy-a7505851.html

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 06:44 PM (A4mOW)

Nomad! That was it.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (tlaZQ)

182 158
Farscape was great.Claudia Black was teh hawt.


I hated the finale. When they killed ****SPOILER****.

Otherwise I loved it.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (zu88C)

183 How much would we have to pay Canada to take Vermont off our hands?

Posted by: fluffy at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (jw2Xw)

184 Okay, so the WaPo's cub reporterettes aren't too savvy about computer code and things with wires and electricity and shit. But just ask them about guns.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 02, 2017 06:43 PM (TRzoP)

well, that is an interesting problem. the left does not understand that since they own the cultural high ground, controlling the media, we are firehosed with their values and thoughts, however, they avoid thoughts and concepts from the right.

Posted by: yankeefifth at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (cPsPa)

185 Was the spider the creature that killed Chrichton's friends on Earth at Christmas time?

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:44 PM (tlaZQ)

No, not that one, the episode where they pick up the spider creature that sucks out their most defining characteristic.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (92kX2)

186 We could do a direct exchange: Northestern states for BC and Alberta.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (39g3+)

187 The wife and I have been re-watching (on Netflix) Star Trek TOS after nearly 50 years.

Got a real kick out of recognizing a funny 21-year-old Teri Garr in the "Assignment: Earth" episode with Robert Lansing as Mister Seven ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (mt8X9)

188 164; i'll get my news from the onion. and, my daughters dogs.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (KP5rU)

I wonder if "Nomad" was supposed to be a reference to MAD (mutual assured destruction) policy between US and Soviet Union?

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (tlaZQ)

190 we know who the left is, they have no idea who we are.

Posted by: yankeefifth at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (cPsPa)

191 178 179 I'm not defendig JJ Abrams.Never saw any of his "Star Trek" movies and never will.They never happened as far as I am concerned.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (r/0kC)

192 >> i may have to start going to church again...

That's a substantially different application of the term 'liberation theology'...

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (TppKb)

193 Got a real kick out of recognizing a funny 21-year-old Teri Garr in the "Assignment: Earth" episode with Robert Lansing as Mister Seven/i]

Terrible episode but she was great, and so cute.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (39g3+)

194 Kirk also talked Landru into blowing itself up.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 06:46 PM (IqV8l)

the episode where they pick up the spider creature that sucks out their most defining characteristic.

oh, yeah.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (tlaZQ)

196 The reason the libs are in hysterics over #fakenews is because lies work. They're used to having a monopoly on lying into a megaphone, and are understandably perturbed that someone is threatening their game.

Now the right really needs to get in on the fake fact checking game. I rank the claim that Obama is a space alien as Mostly True.

Posted by: Lauren at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (ySUlq)

197 Wasn't Gary Seven going to get his own show?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (LTHVh)

198 Stargate serials were the worst offenders. No matter what planet they went to, they all spoke 20th century American (no particular dialect) English.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:30 PM (tlaZQ)

It's an even greater miracle when you consider that Stargate:SG-1 and follow-ons were shot in Vancouver.

Posted by: Fox 2! at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (brIR5)

199 'Talladega College's band will march at Trump's inauguration'

Natch some peoples are upset. How could they? He's so RACIST.

Posted by: freaked at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (BO/km)

200 198 Yes,I think it was another Roddenberry project.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:48 PM (r/0kC)

201 >> they avoid thoughts and concepts from the right.

This is the whole Gell-Mann effect: their ignorance of almost everything becomes apparent the minute they try to write about something you know about.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:48 PM (TppKb)

202 Twice Shy is the name of the episode.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:48 PM (92kX2)

i'll get my news from the onion. and, my daughters dogs.

I like my dogs with onion, too.

Posted by: Barack Obama at January 02, 2017 06:48 PM (IqV8l)

Wasn't Gary Seven going to get his own show?

If that episode wasn't a vehicle for a tv pilot, I don't know what was.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:48 PM (tlaZQ)

I guess Lucy didn't' like Gary Seven...

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:49 PM (tlaZQ)

206 six minutes till Jeopardy.

Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 06:49 PM (+lv+r)

207 >> Yes,I think it was another Roddenberry project.

Yeah, they were going to try to turn Gary Seven and his cat into a spinoff. Was a hell of a good Star Trek episode, maybe one of the top three, a lot of that series (sorry, fans) just doesn't stand up that well over time.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:49 PM (TppKb)

208 i'll get my news from the onion. and, my daughters dogs.

*touches nose*

Posted by: David Berkowitz at January 02, 2017 06:50 PM (LTHVh)

Twice Shy is the name of the episode.

Now I remember. It was the girl who Chiana took on board because she felt bad for her.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:50 PM (tlaZQ)

210 187 We could do a direct exchange: Northestern states for BC and Alberta.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (39g3+)

We basically traded "All of Western Canada worth Having" for Aroostook County, Maine, because James G. Blaine was a Downeaster.

Posted by: Fox 2! at January 02, 2017 06:50 PM (brIR5)

211 "We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop not connected to our organization's grid systems. We took immediate action to isolate the laptop and alerted federal officials of this finding."

Ha ha ha ha. "Immediate action" = a Malwarebytes scan. I wonder if they went with the quick "Hyper Scan" or the full-blown "Threat Scan." If they wanted a "Threat Scan" they had to pay $60 for the premium license.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 02, 2017 06:50 PM (TRzoP)

212 I was half white & half black on Star Trek. Back when Barry was growing up overseas.

Posted by: Frank Gorshin at January 02, 2017 06:51 PM (bc2Lc)

213 >> We basically traded "All of Western Canada worth
>> Having" for Aroostook County, Maine, because
>> James G. Blaine was a Downeaster.

First we have to wait for the Canadian Crypto-Commies to wear out their welcome, Alberta's in the hands of the loons right now.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 06:51 PM (TppKb)

214 184 How much would we have to pay Canada to take Vermont off our hands?
Posted by: fluffy at January 02, 2017 06:45 PM (jw2Xw)

No thanks, we have enough maple syrup.

And idiots.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 06:52 PM (GsAUU)

215 I was channel surfing and CNN was reporting that Bibi is under criminal investigation. Didn't say for what.'s mostly political. Initiated by a bitter political enemy. Mostly for maybe buying furniture for a his vacation home with money set aside for his government residence in Jerusalem and mayb? also for accepting "gifts" from Ronald Lauder.

Israeli Politics are dirtier than US Politics

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 06:52 PM (sRFAL)

216 That's a substantially different application of the term 'liberation theology'...


Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 06:52 PM (A4mOW)

217 Speaking of Malware Bytes, I'm having issues with their v3.x and my Win10 laptop. Working with their tech support to fix it.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:52 PM (9iR5/)

218 Now I remember. It was the girl who Chiana took on board because she felt bad for her.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:50 PM (tlaZQ)

Right. Not a horrible idea, just pretty poorly executed. It was amazing that, considering how the first season and about half the second season went, they were able to get almost perfect quality out of the later seasons.

Still, Twice Shy is not as bad as Jeremiah Crichton.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:53 PM (92kX2)

I was channel surfing and CNN was reporting that Bibi is under criminal investigation.

It's routine bullshit.
This is Contrived news. It's not exactly fake, but it's not at all newsworthy.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:53 PM (tlaZQ)

220 Stargate serials were the worst offenders. No matter what planet they went to, they all spoke 20th century American (no particular dialect) English.

I once had a Brit squawk about Napoleon speaking American English.

"Good point. Everyone knows he spoke BBC English."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 02, 2017 06:53 PM (SRKgf)

221 >>That's a substantially different application of the term 'liberation theology'.

Libation Theology is ever so much more popular.

Posted by: garrett at January 02, 2017 06:53 PM (4uaSQ)

FakeNews: Social Justice Warrior College Newspaper the Washington Post Breathlessly Reports RUSSKIES HACKED OUR POWER GRIDZ!!!

Mariah Carey's career hardest hit.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 06:54 PM (BK3ZS)

223 212: i bet they talked "michael" who called me the other day to fix my computer. i told haji to go fuck his mother. said he would infect every computer i have.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:54 PM (KP5rU)

Still, Twice Shy is not as bad as Jeremiah Crichton.

The episodes I didn't like were the ones about Chiana and her brother.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:54 PM (tlaZQ)

Yeah, hacking has been around for a while.

map dot norsecorp dot com/#/

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:54 PM (zu88C)

226 183 158
Farscape was great.Claudia Black was teh hawt.


I hated the finale. When they killed ****SPOILER****.

Otherwise I loved it.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her!

Meh, Londo had it coming.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 06:55 PM (pY+s4)

227 Wasn't Gary Seven going to get his own show?

It was a 'backdoor pilot' (an episode of a series deisgned as a pilot for another one), but not picked up.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 02, 2017 06:55 PM (nIGPZ)

228 oh look we got hacked again.

And again.

And again.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:55 PM (zu88C)

I hated the finale. When they killed ****SPOILER****.

KENNY? Those bastards!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at January 02, 2017 06:56 PM (nIGPZ)

200 'Talladega College's band will march at Trump's inauguration'

Natch some peoples are upset. How could they? He's so RACIST.
Posted by: freaked at January 02, 2017 06:47 PM (BO/km)

Say, the movie Cleopatra had a giant pyramid that she rode through Rome to meet Caesar. If we can find enough slaves that would be perfect to transport PEFLOTUS during the inauguration parade.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at January 02, 2017 06:56 PM (FtrY1)

231 69; 62
Marianna Hill

Star Trek TOS
I Spy
The Godfather: Part II

Nothing but a pants party.

Posted by: What's my name? Suck it. That's my name. at January 02, 2017 06:56 PM (zqFM9)

Tucker eviscerating a snowflake idiot.


Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 06:56 PM (zu88C)

233 If you can read this , IM IN YOUR COMPUTER!

Posted by: Vlad Putin at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (1isJI)

234 Washington Post is a chew toy of Jeff Bezos that people are taking seriously.

Posted by: Decaf at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (nogKi)

235 Looks like M$ is doing its own fair bit of hacking according to that map.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (9iR5/)

The episodes I didn't like were the ones about Chiana and her brother.
Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 06:54 PM (tlaZQ)

Yeah, the nebari episodes were largely misfires.

One of the most perfect things about Farscape is that pretty much every single government in space is a different style of totalitarian slave state.

Like the writers were trying to make a point about how rare freedom is or something.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (92kX2)

237 as much as i dislike apple, since i got away from micrshit, i have not had any security or software issues. ever. knock on wood. i have not used a windows machine since i stopped working. last good o.s. they had was xp.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (KP5rU)

238 Java was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (X/5o4)

239 We had a tour guide for the rainforest in PR, he told us that PR could grow their own coffee but it rots because nobody will pick it and some 75% of the population is on welfare and called the locals losers.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 02, 2017 06:58 PM (dKiJG)

240 As soon as I saw this story I was rolling on the floor, laughing. I know a bit more than most about how the US electric grid works, having worked for an electric utility for many years. Let it suffice to say that while it may not be utterly impossible for some hostile entity to hack into the electric grid, they would find it, well, lets just say, very difficult to do.

This because there are actually some very bright people running the US electric grids (there are actually three; the grid east of the Mississippi, the grid west of the Mississippi...and Texas...). And they have been very cognizant of the risks from a hack for a very long time. And let's just say, steps have been taken and leave it at that.

Now, does this mean some nimrod who works for some Vermont utility could have picked up some malware while surfing pR0n sites on his company laptop? Sure. Happens all the time. (It is also why most companies, especially electric utilities, are such fanatics about having good antivirus/malware software on their company computers, and will push updates on well nigh a daily basis to same.)

But does this mean the electric grid is at risk? Um, no. And if the idiots at the Washington Post had more than two brain cells to rub together among the lot of them, they could easily have found this out.

But, as I said, it was good for a laugh...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at January 02, 2017 06:58 PM (tHocv)

241 Adobe Photoshop was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 06:58 PM (X/5o4)

242 221 I once had a Brit squawk about Napoleon speaking American English.
"Good point. Everyone knows he spoke BBC English."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 02, 2017 06:53 PM (SRKgf)

Guess he would have loved the authenticity of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, then.

Posted by: Splunge at January 02, 2017 06:58 PM (iMxBJ)

243 239
Java was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (X/5o4)
No shit Sherlock. Like about every ten seconds.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 02, 2017 06:59 PM (9iR5/)

244 Speaking of Farscape, the actress who portrayed the blue chick (Virginia Ney?) also portrayed the Warrior Woman in the second Mad Max movie "The Road Warrior" IIRC.

Posted by: butch at January 02, 2017 06:59 PM (hXu8T)

245 238 as much as i dislike apple, since i got away from micrshit, i have not had any security or software issues. ever. knock on wood. i have not used a windows machine since i stopped working. last good o.s. they had was xp.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (KP5rU)

I have been pretty pleased with Windows 7.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 06:59 PM (92kX2)

246 Hawaii was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 07:00 PM (X/5o4)

247 What good will hacking the electrical grid do?

According to the Democrats, it's a shambles.

Posted by: garrett at January 02, 2017 07:00 PM (4uaSQ)

248 vlad should hack b.o. he has to be a droid.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:00 PM (KP5rU)

249 Java is a hack.

Posted by: freaked at January 02, 2017 07:01 PM (BO/km)

250 Muh Phone and Pen was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 07:01 PM (X/5o4)

251 "Stargate serials were the worst offenders. No matter what planet they went to, they all spoke 20th century American (no particular dialect) English."

"You ever notice how every planet we visit looks like Canada? Creepy." -- approximate Stargate: SG-1 quote.

ISTR they did have language issues from time to time, or at least in the beginning. Can't remember how they eventually Babelfished it.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 02, 2017 07:01 PM (fVubI)

252 Meh, Londo had it coming.
and Han shot first!

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 07:01 PM (A4mOW)

253 ISIS was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 07:02 PM (X/5o4)

254 248 What good will hacking the electrical grid do?

According to the Democrats, it's a shambles.
Posted by: garrett at January 02, 2017 07:00 PM (4uaSQ)

No, no, no. According to them we can take all the coal fired plants offline and replace them with solar power and everything will be bunnies and Kate Uptons because... reasons.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 07:02 PM (92kX2)

255 sometimes, i think microsoft is writing alot of these virus programs. that and norton and symantec. don't trust them at all.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (KP5rU)

256 Tucker Carlson is in the process of disemboweling his latest SJW kollege stoont on live TV.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (PY9jH)

257 234 If you can read this , IM IN YOUR COMPUTER!

Posted by: Vlad Putin at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (1isJI)


Since joo "c" eeze uncapitalized, joo message eeze no confidential -- yes?

Posted by: Hillary's Maid at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (mt8X9)

258 Krakatoa was hacked!

Posted by: josephistan at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (7qAYi)

Java was hacked!
Posted by: Barry Soetoro

Clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee

Posted by: Carly Simon at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (IqV8l)

260 I am signing an executive order to ban the game of Hacky Sack.

Posted by: Barack Obama at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (iMxBJ)

261 239 Java was hacked!

Posted by: Barry Soetoro at January 02, 2017 06:57 PM (X/5o4)


Does that mean it could tip over?

Posted by: Hank Johnson at January 02, 2017 07:04 PM (mt8X9)

262 No man has ever looked at his own penis and not wondered if he could give himself a blowjob.

The Establishment has proven that it is, indeed, possible.

Jurgens delenda est!

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (EUMr7)

263 So this is the pooter thread?

OK, pull my finger.

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (97XyN)

264 According to them we can take all the coal fired plants offline and replace them with solar power and everything will be bunnies and Kate Uptons

If that's the potential result, I'm willing to give it a shot

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (39g3+)

265 Most of this is not "hacking" it's good old scamming. I guess the term "hacking" has been broadened into taking advantage of stupid people.

Posted by: freaked at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (BO/km)

266 You know whats really cool?

That fucking jackass John Boehner is no longer SotH.


Posted by: Jacob's Step Stool at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (D7XV7)

267 Posted by: Jane D'oh


Yeah Jane. I have to get my nightly Tucker fix now!

SO much better than Brit Hume reading the news.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (zu88C)

268 My golf scorecard was hacked!

Posted by: Barack the Splendid at January 02, 2017 07:06 PM (CFc5L)

269 Tucker Carlson is in the process of disemboweling his latest SJW kollege stoont on live TV.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (PY9jH)

Wow, that kid is an idiot. And gay right? he has to be gay...not that there is anything wrong with that?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 07:06 PM (sRFAL)

Wow, that kid is an idiot. And gay right? he has to be gay...not that there is anything wrong with that

Most of them sound like that now.

Testosterone shortage.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:07 PM (zu88C)

271 My umbrella waz hacked.

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (Tyii7)

272 270 Tucker Carlson is in the process of disemboweling his latest SJW kollege stoont on live TV.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (PY9jH)

Wow, that kid is an idiot. And gay right? he has to be gay...not that there is anything wrong with that?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 07:06 PM (sRFAL)

Eh, all kids today talk like they're half a fag or something.

Posted by: josephistan at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (7qAYi)

273 i was hacked

Posted by: Cpt. James Cook at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (A4mOW)

274 Yeoman Rand was going to be Kirk's love interest than they decided he should be free to chase any tail on ever planet they went to.So she was fired frm the show.

Posted by: steevy at January 02, 2017 06:37 PM (r/0kC)

Actually, no. The character of Yeoman Rand was planned to have continued, but unfortunately the actress playing that part, the late Grace Lee Whitney had a bad alcohol problem, and by the end of the first season that Roddenberry had to let her go. Her character was not "killed off", she just disappeared. Rand did appear in some of the Star Trek movies, but only in very small parts.

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - No-Longer-Deplorable Source of all SMODs at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (tHocv)

275 What's this about Kate Upton?

Posted by: Weasel at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (Sfs6o)

276 "Posted by: freaked at January 02, 2017 07:05 PM (BO/km) "

Anytime something bad happens to someone that is computer related, the press calls it 'hacking.' It's now just a metonym for 'bad computer thingy.' I would say most of the time they say someone was 'hacked,' it was actually phishing.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (kumBu)

277 We were hacked.

Posted by: Mr. & Mrs. Borden at January 02, 2017 07:09 PM (bc2Lc)

278 Those female uniform dresses from Star Trek TOS need to make a fashion comeback.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 07:09 PM (6Ll1u)

279 Most of them sound like that now.

Testosterone shortage.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:07 PM (zu88C)


It's the estrogen in all the soy products they consume ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 07:10 PM (mt8X9)

280 Tucker Carlson is in the process of disemboweling his latest SJW kollege stoont on live TV.

Tucker called him intelligent. The student couldn't square the circle of his violence vs discourse argument and sounded very stooooopid.

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:10 PM (2X7pN)

281 Thought the Bordens were whacked, not hacked.

Posted by: Weasel at January 02, 2017 07:10 PM (Sfs6o)

282 It's now just a metonym for 'bad computer thingy.'

Like lesbian porn links.

Posted by: Josh Marshall - "journalist" at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (zu88C)

283 I see that they found out who the perpetrators of the massacre in Turkey are. We have met the enemy and they is us!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (Nwg0u)

284 I swear the ol' darling lifted her theory from the comment pages here, but I'm with Peggy Noonan; we're being lorded over by incompetent mediocrities with spiffy-sounding degrees.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (nd1zx)

285 270 Tucker Carlson is in the process of disemboweling his latest SJW kollege stoont on live TV.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 02, 2017 07:03 PM (PY9jH)

Wow, that kid is an idiot. And gay right? he has to be gay...not that there is anything wrong with that?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 07:06 PM (sRFAL)

I was whacked!

Posted by: Security guard at Chargers game watching cheerleaders at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (7qAYi)

286 Those female uniform dresses from Star Trek TOS need to make a fashion comeback.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 07:09 PM (6Ll1u)

I agree!

Posted by: Trigglypuff at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (2Lo8h)

287 It's now just a metonym for 'bad computer thingy.'

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 07:08 PM (kumBu)


Thank you. I learned a new word for the day ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (mt8X9)

288 grilled ham and sharp cheddar cheese on cracked wheat sourdough bread...

i lurve holiday left overs.

dinner tonight? 1/2 off new york strip stakes on the grill and a baked tater.

plus wine, of course.

martinis before and after.

also "of course"

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (A4mOW)

I see that they found out who the perpetrators of the massacre in Turkey are. We have met the enemy and they is us!

I would have bet on the Jews.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (LTHVh)

290 neil degrasse tyson was just on jeopardy. what does a chicken fucker know about science?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (KP5rU)

291 "Like lesbian porn links.

Posted by: Josh Marshall - "journalist" at January 02, 2017 07:11 PM (zu88C) "

But were they busty? America deserves answers, damnit!

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 07:13 PM (kumBu)

292 Those female uniform dresses from Star Trek TOS need to make a fashion comeback.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby


A fashion comeback is not enough. This time, we have to make sure they STAY!

Posted by: RKae at January 02, 2017 07:13 PM (AmP+5)

293 Mariah Carey had two dudes to ass-ist her down the stairs.

One for each cheek , I guess.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:13 PM (zu88C)

I see that they found out who the perpetrators of the massacre in Turkey are. We have met the enemy and they is us!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

America hacked Turkey!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 07:14 PM (IqV8l)

295 16 The original premise was a joke anyway. Why the hell would the Russians haxx0r and pwn Vermont. It is a landlocked state far from any Russian zone of interest. "

Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived there for a while after he was exiled from the USSR. Maybe on his return he told them "Vermont ez very important place center of the vital maple syrup and ice cream industries. Bring them down and America will be brought to knees"!

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:14 PM (P8951)

296 Those female uniform dresses from Star Trek TOS need to make a fashion comeback.
so do Ditto's jeans...

actually, they have, but not, last time i looked, in the original styles.

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 07:15 PM (A4mOW)

297 Fuck Peggy Noonan! I'll never read another word she writes. As far as I'm concerned, she's no better than David Brooks or that Frum douche.

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:15 PM (2X7pN)

298 Tucker Carlson is the only reason I watch any thing on FNC.

I gave up on "The News" after Barky was reelected.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at January 02, 2017 07:16 PM (2Lo8h)

The original premise was a joke anyway. Why the hell would the Russians haxx0r and pwn Vermont.

It was Russian agents Larry, Darryl and Darryl.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 02, 2017 07:16 PM (IqV8l)

America hacked Turkey!


Dammit, not all of us can go to butcher school just for one damn holiday

Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 02, 2017 07:16 PM (U0lQa)

301 Halftime arrrgh.

I wonder, season after season, why TV audio techs who can pick up the sound of a running back's knee tendon splitting can't manage to get the mike on a 110 member marching band blowing full tilt. WTF it's only the Rose Bowl.
For all 15 seconds they cover them between commercials.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (H5rtT)

302 Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (KP5rU)


We'll need you to put that in the form of a question, please ... e.g. --

ANSWER: neil degrasse tyson was just on jeopardy.

QUESTION: what does a chicken fucker know about science?

Posted by: Alex Trebek at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (mt8X9)

303 BTW, I take it Bernie and Solzhenitsyn never ran into each other and had any heart-to-hearts when AS lived in Vermont. Getting an earful from someone who actually experienced the gulags might have caused Bernie a bit of discomfort.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (P8951)

304 Now an ewok's cocoa butter adventures have more credibilty than all of the major national news organizations combined.

Story of Obama again.

Posted by: DaveA at January 02, 2017 07:18 PM (8J/Te)

305 304 BTW, I take it Bernie and Solzhenitsyn never ran into each other and had any heart-to-hearts when AS lived in Vermont. Getting an earful from someone who actually experienced the gulags might have caused Bernie a bit of discomfort.
Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (P8951)

Not a bit. They always just think "It would never work like that this time." Flawed implementation. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 07:19 PM (92kX2)

306 Another reason to not move to Florida.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 07:20 PM (Nwg0u)

307 BTW, I take it Bernie and Solzhenitsyn never ran into each other and had any heart-to-hearts when AS lived in Vermont. Getting an earful from someone who actually experienced the gulags might have caused Bernie a bit of discomfort.
Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there

You mean Bernie didn't take a tour of the gulags when he was on his honeymoon in the USSR (to give Comrade Stalin his right of prima nocte no doubt)?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 07:20 PM (MQZOg)

308 What is league of nations?

Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 07:21 PM (+lv+r)

309 Tucker called him intelligent. The student couldn't square the circle of his violence vs discourse argument and sounded very stooooopid.
Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:10 PM (2X7pN)

Tucker always compliments his SJWs before he lowers the boom on them. "You're clearly intelligent." SJW smirks - then goes on to vomit out stupid.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:21 PM (P8951)

310 Yes!

Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 07:22 PM (+lv+r)

311 to give Comrade Stalin his right of prima nocte no doubt


Did you see those Trudeau and Fidel pics? Kid's a ringer.

Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 02, 2017 07:22 PM (U0lQa)

Isn't it most odd that those accused of benefiting from "white privilege" are not the ones who are allowed to benefit from Affirmative Action?

If there does exist a "privilege" based solely on skin color, isn't it blacks and their Affirmative Action? Of course it is! On govt exams for jobs, for example, a black applicant can score, like, 75 points and get spotted 25 points to make 100% score! That's what I'd call privilege up the yingyang.

Never forget: All of the Left's "causes" and gripes are Bullshit.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 07:22 PM (tlaZQ)

313 >>You mean Bernie didn't take a tour of the gulags
when he was on his honeymoon in the USSR (to give Comrade Stalin his
right of prima nocte no doubt)?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable

Niet! I wouldn't touch her with Bernie's dick.

Posted by: Zombie Stalin at January 02, 2017 07:23 PM (/Nite)

314 I am too relevant, especially when I put my glasses up on my head.

Posted by: Peggy Nooner at January 02, 2017 07:23 PM (97XyN)

315 Yech Stalin touched Bernie's sick

Posted by: Bigbys other phone at January 02, 2017 07:23 PM (U0lQa)

316 we're being lorded over by incompetent mediocrities with spiffy-sounding degrees.

Mediocrats. Rulership by the mediocre and untalented.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 07:23 PM (39g3+)

317 304 BTW, I take it Bernie and Solzhenitsyn never ran into each other and had any heart-to-hearts when AS lived in Vermont. Getting an earful from someone who actually experienced the gulags might have caused Bernie a bit of discomfort.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersandsand so there at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (P8951)


I've had a premise for a novel the past decade, pondering how to non-violently persuade Leftists of the evil consequences of their ideas and behavior.

[I've tried to do some fiction writing, but am too much of a perfectionist and don't get far.]

Anyway, it involved using Virtual Reality to drug and kidnap Lefties and -- unbeknownst to them -- simulate their experiencing the destruction they wrought ... similar to your wondering what would have happened had Bernie spoken with Solzhenitsyn.

So cynical now, not sure that even those tactics would convince them of the errors of their ways ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 07:24 PM (mt8X9)

Me pointing out that Affirm Action is a black person's unfair 'privilege' is racist and a lie, which it is neither. But accusing a white person of 'privilege' is totes not racist or totes not a lie, which it is.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 07:24 PM (tlaZQ)

319 These shallow brained journalists just keep shooting themselves in the foot, and it just gets funnier every time it happens.

It's a well-earned and much deserved comeuppance!

Posted by: ALH at January 02, 2017 07:24 PM (Z56vq)

320 The chickens were very scrawny in Russia.

Posted by: Colonel Bernie Sanders at January 02, 2017 07:24 PM (Tyii7)

321 My refrigerator stopped making ground ice cubes a couple of days last week. I'm now certain those damn Ruskies have hacked my Internet of Things to deprive me of chilled tea.

Bastids. WaPo was right!

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (1CroS)

322 Clearly, that student SJW wore a bow tie to mock Tucker because someone told him Carlson wears bow ties. Since he doesn't watch Fox he didn't realize Tucker stopped with the bow ties years ago. So Tucker said "Nice tie" and the kid ended up looking like a douche with his little joke falling flat.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (P8951)

323 What is league of nations?

Precursor to the UN. Tried and failed after WWI.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (97XyN)

324 Great TD run for Penn State

Posted by: tu3031 at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (qJhUV)

325 So far, this first ep of The Expanse is not bad.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (92kX2)

326 Niet! I wouldn't touch her with Bernie's dick.
Posted by: Zombie Stalin

I kid. I know you liked your ladies in the 14-16 range. Also, not consenting.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (MQZOg)

I would have bet on the Jews.

Turks tried to pin it on the Kurds.

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (tlaZQ)

328 291 neil degrasse tyson was just on jeopardy. what does a chicken fucker know about science?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:12 PM (KP5rU

And let me guess, it was celebrity jeopardy. Because that's his intelligence level.

Posted by: buzzion at January 02, 2017 07:26 PM (cAnNx)

329 "... it involved using Virtual Reality to drug and kidnap Lefties ..."


Well, that would be considered violence as well ... so couldn't rectify that contradiction or come up with a clever resolution either.

Posted by: ShainS at January 02, 2017 07:26 PM (mt8X9)

330 304 BTW, I take it Bernie and Solzhenitsyn never ran into each other and had any heart-to-hearts when AS lived in Vermont. Getting an earful from someone who actually experienced the gulags might have caused Bernie a bit of discomfort.
Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (P8951)
Perhaps Bernie would respond to Solzhenitsyn's criticism of the USSR the same way my moonbat BIL did: "You can't really trust Solzhenitsyn's opinion because he is heavily biased after all he went through."

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at January 02, 2017 07:26 PM (Nox3c)

331 I'm either getting smarter, doubtful, or Jeopardy is being dumbed down.

Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 07:27 PM (+lv+r)

332 "You can't really trust Solzhenitsyn's opinion because he is heavily biased after all he went through."

Just like Juanita Broaddrick.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 07:28 PM (Nwg0u)

333 Celebrity Jeopardy is easy mode, for the dull but pretty people

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (39g3+)

334 329: no, he just was one of them so called celebs that did one of the categories. like DR jill biden did awhile back.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (KP5rU)

335 Watching Tucker Carlson and he is making Paul Davies look like an idiot. He's got the poor fellow stuttering.

Posted by: ALH at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (Z56vq)

336 333 --- It's an amazing argument!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (Nox3c)

337 Perhaps Bernie would respond to Solzhenitsyn's criticism of the USSR the same way my moonbat BIL did: "You can't really trust Solzhenitsyn's opinion because he is heavily biased after all he went through."

Posted by: Margarita DeVille

Try that argument back on him when he quotes Dindu Nuttin about how awful the US criminal justice system is.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 07:30 PM (MQZOg)

338 Meanwhile, the muzzies torch almost 1000 cars in France on new years eve, but the government thinks that everything went awesome.

Posted by: Jacob's Step Stool at January 02, 2017 07:31 PM (D7XV7)

339 >> What is league of nations?
>> Precursor to the UN. Tried and failed after WWI.

Woodrow Wilson's brainstorm, US membership shot down in the Senate.

Really useful institution: they finally finished their hall in Geneva about the time Hitler took back the Rhineland.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:31 PM (TppKb)

340 332: i think it is getting dumbed down myself. probably snowflakes writing for them now. the smart people are all retired.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:31 PM (KP5rU)

332 I'm either getting smarter, doubtful, or Jeopardy is being dumbed down.
Posted by: Kreplach at January 02, 2017 07:27 PM (+lv+r)

I'll take "Duh!" for $800, Alex!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:32 PM (BK3ZS)

342 335 329: no, he just was one of them so called celebs that did one of the categories. like DR jill biden did awhile back.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (KP5rU)

Oh their stupid video answer categories. Yeah probably the only way he would appear. If he actually competed he would probably make Wolf Blitzer look smart.

Posted by: buzzion at January 02, 2017 07:32 PM (cAnNx)

343 >> I'll take "Duh!" for $800, Alex!

I'll take Thomas the Tank Engine for $400, Alex.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:32 PM (TppKb)

344 Holy crap, the editor of th Philadelphia Enquirer sounded less intelligent than that student Tucker interviewed.

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (2X7pN)

345 Russia took down the US power grid along the entire Eastern seaboard for 18 hours.

Would you believe... Hoboken's Main Street lamposts for Sunday's dinner hours?

How about they shorted an electric blanket?

Posted by: Maxwell Smart, National Security Beat Reporter for WaPo at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (1CroS)

346 >> Holy crap, the editor of th Philadelphia Enquirer
>> sounded less intelligent than that student Tucker
>> interviewed.

I have to start watching Tucker Carlson.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (TppKb)

347 Know who else lived in Vermont? Rudyard effin Kipling that's who.
Wrote Gunga Din and the Jungle books in...


Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (H5rtT)

348 As it turned out, Russia hacked Stuxnet

Posted by: Iranian Centrifuge Computers at January 02, 2017 07:34 PM (5a8XA)

349 >> How about they shorted an electric blanket?

Maybe Samsung should try blaming the Note 7's battery problems on Putin.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:34 PM (TppKb)

350 343: hell, he would make a drunk piss matthews look smart. by the way, where is ole chrissy? haven't heard shit about him since the election. he still on the cartoon network?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:34 PM (KP5rU)

351 Keith Jackson is still alive. Hell, Jack Whittaker is still alive.

The Rose Bowl has gotten very interesting.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 07:35 PM (pY+s4)

352 Meanwhile, the muzzies torch almost 1000 cars in France on new years eve, but the government thinks that everything went awesome.
Posted by: Jacob's Step Stool

How do you say Trumpmentum en francais?

Posted by: Marine Le Penn - Future President, current MILF at January 02, 2017 07:35 PM (MQZOg)

353 348 Know who else lived in Vermont? Rudyard effin Kipling that's who.
Wrote Gunga Din and the Jungle books in...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (H5rtT)

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at January 02, 2017 07:35 PM (Nox3c)

354 Teen Jeopardy is harder than Celebrity Jeopardy, because of that pesky fact that celebrities are fucking idiots.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 07:36 PM (6Ll1u)

355 Grace Lee Whitney had a bad alcohol problem, and by the end of the
first season that Roddenberry had to let her go. Her character was not
"killed off", she just disappeared. Rand did appear in some of the Star
Trek movies, but only in very small parts.

And one of the other producers ~assaulted~ her and she sobered up later.

Posted by: DaveA at January 02, 2017 07:36 PM (8J/Te)

356 Watching Tucker Carlson and he is making Paul Davies look like an idiot. He's got the poor fellow stuttering.

He knew he was coming on to discuss his editorial and still could articulate a cogent answer!

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:36 PM (2X7pN)

357 I'm catching on to all this internet lingo. I just learned that getting hacked with a sword means you're haxxorred.

I still don't know what the fuck leet means, though.

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 02, 2017 07:36 PM (97XyN)

358 How about they shorted an electric blanket?
Posted by: Maxwell Smart, National Security Beat Reporter for WaPo

I shorted an electric blanket once. Now Dr. Jill makes me use rubber sheets.

Posted by: Joe Biden at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (MQZOg)

Catherine Herridge saying that "certain viruses known to be used by Russian intelligence sources for hacking" were used to phish Podesta.


Why does Joe Sixpack give a shit about the Clinton Campaign's dirty laundry?

As Tucker Carlson just hammered in beautifully " which piece of information changed the outcome of the election?".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (zu88C)

360 336 Watching Tucker Carlson and he is making Paul Davies look like an idiot. He's got the poor fellow stuttering.
Posted by: ALH at January 02, 2017 07:29 PM (Z56vq)

These people have rarely, if ever, had to face a prepared opponent who challenged their views.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (0mRoj)

361 Why does Puerto Rico want to be a steak?

/Emily Litella

Posted by: olddog in mo at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (Dhht7)

Mrs. Krebs has been watching a "Downton Abbey" marathon on the local PBS station for the past day or so. Of course it's a "sucking for bucks" event.

To hear the whiny beggars tell it, they lurves them some aristocracy and, by gum, you should, too! 'Splains a lot about lefty politics, I think.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (BK3ZS)

363 345 Holy crap, the editor of th Philadelphia Enquirer sounded less intelligent than that student Tucker interviewed.
Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:33 PM (2X7pN)

What was he on about?

Posted by: Security guard at Chargers game watching cheerleaders at January 02, 2017 07:38 PM (7qAYi)

364 326 So far, this first ep of The Expanse is not bad.

Its a slow burn but once it gets going, its very good. Same for The Magicians. It was kind of annoying at first but I gave it a chance because the gals in it were smokin'. Then in one episode it turned on a dime and got evil, nasty and very very good.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 07:39 PM (pY+s4)

Catherine Herridge saying that "certain viruses known to be used by Russian intelligence sources for hacking" were used to phish Podesta.

Your in waters way over your head, Sugar Tits.

And your water wings have sprung leaks...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:39 PM (BK3ZS)

366 355: hell, pre school jeopardy would be tougher than celebrity jeopardy. would love to see an ex presidents jeopardy. that would be huge. watching fuckstick shit himself while picking his nose on t.v. would make my day.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:39 PM (KP5rU)

367 The Washington Post.

How are they even able to stay in business. "Fact Checking", "Truth" and "Honesty" must be dirty words in the Editor's room.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 02, 2017 07:40 PM (5VlCp)

368 Off, public fapper sock

Posted by: josephistan at January 02, 2017 07:40 PM (7qAYi)

369 Didn't he also kill Captain Pike? He could have as easily had him survive as he did on the TV series.

Posted by: capt. christopher pike at January 02, 2017 07:40 PM (lJXY3)

370 Penn state is definitely a second half team.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 07:40 PM (cAnNx)

371 I'll take Classic Canine Recipes for $1, Alex.

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 07:42 PM (Tyii7)

372 What was he on about?

He didn't think it was fair that the DNC and Podesta emails were leaked, but wouldn't answer whether the voters should have been privy to the information prior to voting.

Ignorance, FTW!!!

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:42 PM (2X7pN)

373 Penn State seems to be taking this game seriously.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:42 PM (LTHVh)

374 Somewhere in a warehouse deep beneath State College, the statue of Joe Paterno just took its first, tentative step up the hill to Happy Valley.

Slowly, he turns...

Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 07:42 PM (H5rtT)

375 Uncalled pass interference though. He was 4 feet early.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:43 PM (LTHVh)

376 I think TFG already made a gameshow appearance.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 07:44 PM (MQZOg)

377 >> Your in waters way over your head, Sugar Tits.

Herridge has to date been one of the honest ones, and what she's saying can be accurate without being more than one data point out of a hundred needed to confirm FSB involvement.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:44 PM (TppKb)

378 Very entertaining Rose Bowl.
PSU coach is doing Kung-fu on the sideline

Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 02, 2017 07:44 PM (wHhk5)

379 USC is imploding.

Posted by: tu3031 at January 02, 2017 07:44 PM (qJhUV)

380 Also?
Attribution of a virus to a state actor is fucking laughable. APT is everyone's nightmare but it IS a nightmare because it is impossible to tell who did it.

A router table with IP's linking to a computer not protected by a proxy or VPN?

A witness who watched the hack occur or has secondhand knowledge. and talked to our paid off sources in Russia?

"This looks like the work of Alexandr Geekoriyvich Brainovsky of the KGB! There!Conclusive proof!"

Yeah. Sure. Gimme a break.

These "intelligence officials" are, to put it mildly, 'guessing' at best and 'lying' at worst. They are completely full of political shit.

The best hackers in Russia? Ain't working for Vlad Putin.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:44 PM (zu88C)

381 So far, this first ep of The Expanse is not bad.

Are you watching it free on something or Amazon Prime?

Posted by: DaveA at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (8J/Te)

382 So can they call PI on the review?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (LTHVh)

383 While they're talking about "Russian hacking" and all, what they're NOT talking about is Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, and possibly many in DNC's leadership criminality.

So their play for stupidity has some real payoff. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (1CroS)

384 Those cats waz fast as lightning.

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (Tyii7)

385 375 Uncalled pass interference though. He was 4 feet early.

Saw that. It was pretty blatent. I'm not complaining though. I'm rooting for Penn State.


Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (pY+s4)

386 My ne vzlamyvat' nikogo

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (5sOEp)

387 I stopped by Ann Barnhardt's web page
and received a 'host is not resolvable' message.

That doesnt sound good.

Hope its not a permanent thing.

Posted by: McCool at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (lUlM3)

I'm sorry, but the answer for which we were looking was "What are pigs in a blanket?"

* photo of (more than likely naked) Lena Dunham and (more than likely naked) Amy Schumer wrapped in a single blanket disappears from the screen *

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (BK3ZS)

389 pre school jeopardy would be tougher than celebrity jeopardy.

Alex: The color your tits would be if you dipped it in blue paint.

Rosie O'Donnell: What is Caucasian, Alex?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (Nwg0u)

390 "Same for The Magicians. It was kind of annoying at first but I gave it a chance because the gals in it were smokin'. Then in one episode it turned on a dime and got evil, nasty and very very good."

I was massively surprised by "The Magicians". Better than it had any right to be.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 02, 2017 07:45 PM (fVubI)

391 >> While they're talking about "Russian hacking" and
>> all, what they're NOT talking about is Hillary, the
>> Clinton Foundation, and possibly many in DNC's
>> leadership criminality.

Yeah, let us recall the original 'hack' was Hillary deleting 33K emails that belong to the taxpayer.

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:46 PM (TppKb)

392 I'll take "Famous Titties" for $500, Trebek!

Posted by: Sean Connery at January 02, 2017 07:46 PM (7qAYi)

393 Herridge wants continued access to her intelligence sources. It's curious that she chose to give such a cautious report.

Posted by: Very Irredeemably Undude at January 02, 2017 07:46 PM (2X7pN)

394 And the categories for the first round of Presidential Jeopardy are... Dog's Dinner (how to prepare dog meat); 1960's Communists; Chicago Gay Bars; Islamic Prayers; An Album Cover; and Fore And Away (answers about famous golf courses worldwide).

Posted by: alex trebek at January 02, 2017 07:46 PM (lJXY3)

395 Posted by: Margarita DeVille at January 02, 2017 07:35 PM (Nox3c)

Remember, the Vermont of Kipling's day produced Calvin Coolidge. It was a very conservative state.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:47 PM (P8951)

396 PSU is driving a train

Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (wHhk5)

397 What form of marine life does Mariah Carey most closely resemble?


Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (TppKb)

398 is good to go.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (zu88C)

399 Barkley is pretty good, eh?

Posted by: Grimace at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (89T5c)

Dog's Breakfast would have been better.

Nevertheless, LOL

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (BK3ZS)

401 388: damn you. that's just wrong on so many levels.still hilarious though.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (KP5rU)

402 Is lie! Is lie!

Alexandr run simple pr0n0 site for Germans.

Posted by: Alexandr Geekoriyvich Brainovsky at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (lJXY3)

403 damnit. off shitty fast food sock.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (89T5c)

404 Wonder if Barky saves his favorite dog recipes to Pinterest for easy reference later.

Posted by: ALH at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (Z56vq)

405 okay, who hacked the USC football team?

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (A4mOW)

406 >>PSU is driving a train

Sounds easier than pulling one.

Posted by: Sandra Flook at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (/Nite)

407 huh.. must be my problem.
re barnhardt page

Posted by: McCool at January 02, 2017 07:49 PM (lUlM3)

408 Dolly Parton!

Posted by: Sean Connery at January 02, 2017 07:50 PM (7qAYi)

409 I still don't know what the fuck leet means, though.
that's because it's spelled "l33t", n00b.

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 02, 2017 07:50 PM (A4mOW)

410 How about a law that a retraction gets the same page coverage that the original (incorrect and/or fake) story got?

Front page accusation.... then front page retraction. In the same point font as well. No 72 point font claim followed by a 6 point font retraction.

Posted by: Darth Randall at January 02, 2017 07:50 PM (6n332)

411 "My ne vzlamyvat' nikogo"

Tengo Na Minchia Tanta

Posted by: I'm using the chicken to measure it at January 02, 2017 07:50 PM (BO/km)

412 I hacked your granny last night, Trebek!

Posted by: sean connery at January 02, 2017 07:51 PM (lJXY3)

413 Are you in Socal Krebs? Because that's all PBS Socal has been playing for days.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 07:51 PM (6Ll1u)

414 Poop!

Posted by: Burt Reynolds at January 02, 2017 07:51 PM (89T5c)

415 411 "My ne vzlamyvat' nikogo"

Tengo Na Minchia Tanta

Hakuna MaTaTa

Posted by: ALH at January 02, 2017 07:51 PM (Z56vq)

302 Halftime arrrgh.

I wonder, season after season, why TV audio techs who can pick up the sound of a running back's knee tendon splitting can't manage to get the mike on a 110 member marching band blowing full tilt.

Ain't that the truth. I wondered what song they were playing.

Posted by: Spun and Murky at January 02, 2017 07:52 PM (4DCSq)

I would jackhammer Marie Osmond like a union trade getting triple overtime and an early completion bonus.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:52 PM (zu88C)

418 416:Ain't that the truth. I wondered what song they were playing.
Posted by: Spun and Murky

PSU's band was playing the 1812 Overture I believe. Didn't pay attention to USC. The cheerleaders distracted me.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 07:54 PM (pY+s4)

419 Da, da, Kanada!
Nyet, nyet, Sovyet!

Posted by: andycanuck at January 02, 2017 07:54 PM (lJXY3)

420 397 What form of marine life does Mariah Carey most closely resemble?

Posted by: JEM at January 02, 2017 07:48 PM (TppKb)


I was a Marine and I would bang that so hard.....pull me out...King of England.

Explain. Because Moron.


Posted by: Duke Lowell at January 02, 2017 07:54 PM (kTF2Z)

421 >>I would jackhammer Marie Osmond like a union trade getting triple overtime and an early completion bonus.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her!

No bonus for early completion.

Posted by: Marie Osmond at January 02, 2017 07:54 PM (/Nite)

422 326 Niet! I wouldn't touch her with Bernie's dick.
Posted by: Zombie Stalin

I kid. I know you liked your ladies in the 14-16 range. Also, not consenting.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 07:25 PM (MQZOg)

You're thinking of Beria, the head of Stalin's secret police. Stalin was a monster but did not share Beria's sexual tastes. He was perfectly willing to ignore Beria's rapes and perversions though.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 02, 2017 07:54 PM (P8951)

423 PSU's band was playing the 1812 Overture, I believe.
Russians hack university band!!!

Posted by: andycanuck at January 02, 2017 07:55 PM (lJXY3)

424 No bonus for early completion.

Posted by: Marie Osmond

I would give you the best 19.7 seconds of your life.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 02, 2017 07:55 PM (zu88C)

425 406 >>PSU is driving a train

Sounds easier than pulling one.
Posted by: Sandra Flook at January


That's all behind us

Posted by: Jerry's kids at January 02, 2017 07:55 PM (wHhk5)

426 I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier. Does it work? Because I'll buy a dozen right now!

Posted by: Sean Connery at January 02, 2017 07:56 PM (7qAYi)

427 That was a crazy two point play.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:56 PM (LTHVh)

428 USC implodes to 8 points.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 07:56 PM (H5rtT)

413 Are you in Socal Krebs? Because that's all PBS Socal has been playing for days.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 07:51 PM (6Ll1u)

Delaware; Philly PBS is running it.

The last PBS / BBC serial drama that interested me was "Poldark" from the late 70s / early 80s. Angharad Rees and Judy Geeson. "Aye, Cap'n! Ye be wantin' that whiskey now?"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:57 PM (BK3ZS)

430 Historically Black College band will march at Trumps inauguration...

How long til they have to respectfully renege on their commitment ?

Posted by: McCool at January 02, 2017 07:57 PM (lUlM3)

431 He was perfectly willing to ignore Beria's rapes and perversions though.
Coincidentally enough I just watched a movie this afternoon called Child 44 that was about a Stalin-era child murderer in the USSR.

Not bad but about 40 minutes too long. I can't imagine watching it on TV with commercials.

Posted by: andycanuck at January 02, 2017 07:58 PM (lJXY3)

432 mnogo igry, chtoby igrat' yeshche

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 07:58 PM (5sOEp)

433 How long til they have to respectfully renege on their commitment ?

I'm sure a few loud mouthed whiteys will tell them what to do.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 07:58 PM (LTHVh)

434 I would jackhammer Marie Osmond like a union trade getting triple overtime and an early completion bonus.

Maybe you could special order here.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 07:59 PM (Nwg0u)

435 jackhammer Marie Osmond

Would the whole Choir give you a standing ovation?

Posted by: DaveA at January 02, 2017 07:59 PM (8J/Te)

436 431: Try to find the movie Citizen X. It was about a serial killer in the Soviet Union. Based on a true story. Its very good. The book was really good too.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:00 PM (pY+s4)

437 You're thinking of Beria, the head of Stalin's secret police. Stalin was a monster but did not share Beria's sexual tastes. He was perfectly willing to ignore Beria's rapes and perversions though.
Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there

My bad. I get my commies mixed up sometimes.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 08:00 PM (MQZOg)

438 sorry, gotsta go, "mad max: beyond thunderdrome" is on. great movie, extremely underrated. from the surprise of its opening shot to the elegiac ending, an operatic masterpiece.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 02, 2017 08:00 PM (WTSFk)

439 Historically Black College band will march at Trumps inauguration...

How long til they have to respectfully renege reAfricanAmerican on their commitment ?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 08:01 PM (Nwg0u)

440 Mari Osmond nikogda ne bylo medved kak ya

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:01 PM (5sOEp)

441 I always liked Marie Osmond, she was cute enough to make me watch their awful show, although she wasn't on it enough. But looking at her pictures now she's kind of creepy in a doll way, like she's animatronic or something.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 08:02 PM (39g3+)

442 There waz funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung.

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 08:04 PM (Tyii7)

443 That's a bs call there.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 08:04 PM (LTHVh)

We'll need you to put that in the form of a question, please ... e.g. --

ANSWER: neil degrasse tyson was just on jeopardy.

QUESTION: what does a chicken fucker know about science?

Posted by: Alex Trebek at January 02, 2017 07:17 PM (mt8X9)

The answer is: "Running the gift shop at a planetarium."

The question is: "What employment does a marginal affirmative action doctoral candidate in the sciences get?"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 02, 2017 08:04 PM (SRKgf)

445 Oh I guess one of us ought to complain about hearing " perfectly willing to ignore rapes and perversions though" during Penn State's comeback...

Things you'll never see: Penn fan rally at Cedar Point.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 08:05 PM (H5rtT)

446 Man, they just killed off the hottest looking chick on the show thus far.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:05 PM (92kX2)

447 Donny Osmond's kids went to the school my mom taught at, she said the mothers made fools of themselves daily when he brought them to school.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:06 PM (6Ll1u)

448 And they called it...puppy love.

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 08:07 PM (Tyii7)

449 Mr k. commented just a bit ago about all the commercials for weight loss on after the new year. He asked " Look at Marie and then look at Oprah, which one would a smart person pick?" I started on how each worked and why I thought WW was the better plan, then I just shut up because it hit me that really wasn't the point of his comment.,,

Posted by: Molly k. at January 02, 2017 08:08 PM (9H4KE)

450 Child 44 is a good book. No intention of seeing the movie.

Posted by: April at January 02, 2017 08:08 PM (e8PP1)

451 Took the advice of Kirkman and rewatched from the beginning The Walking Dead through season 6, which I'd only seen the first 3 episodes. The dumbest cliffhanger gimmick in the history of Television. But Damn they have done a much better job than what critics are hitching about. It's a crime Andrew Lincoln has never Bern nominated for an Emmy or a Globe.

Anyway about to knock out season 7a. Night Horde.

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:09 PM (X/5o4)

452 448 And they called it...puppy love.
Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 02, 2017 08:07 PM (Tyii7)

But enough about Jasper and Dana Perino.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:10 PM (cAnNx)

453 How are my Nifty Lions doing?

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at January 02, 2017 08:10 PM (4uaSQ)

454 Wow. That was some a game changing call.

Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 02, 2017 08:10 PM (wHhk5)

455 delayet khorosho Baraku

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:11 PM (5sOEp)

456 "certain viruses known to be used by Russian intelligence sources for hacking" were used to phish Podesta. "

the question is whether ONLY the Russians use them. The point long ago was that others also use techniques that leave the same "trail". And other nations (China?) or other parties would be glad to make it look like Russia did it, maybe.

Posted by: illiniwek at January 02, 2017 08:11 PM (/aIFg)

457 Bruce is pretty scared about Trump as President.

his concern is
[x] Noted
[ ] Not Noted

Posted by: McCool at January 02, 2017 08:11 PM (lUlM3)

458 I was trying to find this image of Trump's campaign travel versus Hillary's. And my search led me to all these stories from earlier in the year about Hillary's lock on 270 electoral votes and how there was no path for Trump to win it. As long as there is an internet, these people will be shown to be fools. And I think I'll go read those stories again because they put a big old smile on my face.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at January 02, 2017 08:13 PM (Lqy/e)

459 Not a college newspaper, but the company paper in a company town.

Posted by: George LeS at January 02, 2017 08:13 PM (+TcCF)

460 445 Oh I guess one of us ought to complain about hearing " perfectly willing to ignore rapes and perversions though" during Penn State's comeback...

Things you'll never see: Penn fan rally at Cedar Point.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 08:05 PM (H5rtT)

Their entire Athletic Department should have received the NCAA death penalty. People should be in prison. Shame on those supporting Rape University.


Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:13 PM (X/5o4)

461 Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:13 PM (X/5o4)

Now you've done it.

Posted by: weirdflunkyonatablet at January 02, 2017 08:15 PM (8qB/k)

462 р д

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:15 PM (5sOEp)

463 Their entire Athletic Department should have received the NCAA death penalty.

The campus should be burnt to the ground Sherman style.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 08:15 PM (LTHVh)

464 Now you've lost me Vlad.

Posted by: I'm using the chicken to measure it at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (BO/km)

465 Bruce is pretty scared about Trump as President.

Poor Bruce Springsteen.

Well, as he once sang,

"Kladu ger farghem der feenmean barng,
Heer dangern fer mangern de herly farng!"

Something like that.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (nd1zx)

466 Shame on those supporting Rape University.

Collective Guilt is very Progressive of you.


Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (pY+s4)

467 Since 2001, Chicago has experienced 7,916 murders (as of September 06, 2016). The number of Americans killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was 2,384 and 4,504 respectively since 2001.

And them are the facts jack

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:17 PM (SjImc)

468 "Kladu ger farghem der feenmean barng,
Heer dangern fer mangern de herly farng!"

What. The. Apocalyptic. Fuck?

Posted by: Gort at January 02, 2017 08:17 PM (0mRoj)

469 And them are the facts jack

That's really disturbing.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 08:18 PM (LTHVh)

470 Baby, I was born to whine.

Posted by: Bruce Strinbean at January 02, 2017 08:18 PM (Tyii7)

471 ne khotyat videt' igrokov poluchit' travmu

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:18 PM (5sOEp)

472 463 Their entire Athletic Department should have received the NCAA death penalty.

The campus should be burnt to the ground Sherman style.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 08:15 PM (LTHVh)

It really should.

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:18 PM (X/5o4)

473 ugh

Posted by: Bruce Stringbean at January 02, 2017 08:18 PM (Tyii7)

474 "Kladu ger farghem der feenmean barng,
Heer dangern fer mangern de herly farng!"

Something like that.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (nd1zx)

This is actually more cogent than most Springsteen lyrics.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (92kX2)

475 467 Since 2001, Chicago has experienced 7,916 murders (as of September 06, 2016). The number of Americans killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was 2,384 and 4,504 respectively since 2001.

And them are the facts jack
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:17 PM (SjImc)

Unpossible. Chicago has strict gun control laws. This is fake news.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (0mRoj)

476 Oh lordy, Jules has the Arnold Celeb Apprentice show on. What a collection.

She got us into watching it when Meat Loaf was on w/ Trump. I still wasn't thrilled w/ Trump for prezzy, but at least we understood him somewhat better than many did.

I went from Walker to Cruz to Trump and am pleased w/ the results so far.

Posted by: Farmer at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (o/90i)

477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

478 The Penn St investigation of Sandusky was as thorough as the one that they did on Mann. Little to none comes to mind.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (6Ll1u)

479 I'm guessing that covers the Over, right?

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:20 PM (kumBu)

480 Yeah I don't see penalizing the students or athletes for the administration protecting the scumbag coahes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 08:21 PM (39g3+)

481 478 The Penn St investigation of Sandusky was as thorough as the one that they did on Mann. Little to none comes to mind.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (6Ll1u)

But but but...FOOTBALL!!!

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:21 PM (0mRoj)

482 lemme see if I can get my turkey neck to warble

Posted by: Bruce Stringbean at January 02, 2017 08:21 PM (Tyii7)

483 odna chetvert', chtoby poyti

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:22 PM (5sOEp)

484 477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

They are receiving plenty of $$$$ from boosters and Alum. And Scholarships as well.

SMU was destroyed because they gave money and cars and houses to players. Penn State turned a blind eye to systemic rape of college athletes who were raped by people in positions of power and authority. End of story.

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (X/5o4)

485 "Yeah I don't see penalizing the students or athletes for the administration protecting the scumbag coahes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 02, 2017 08:21 PM (39g3+) "

Isn't it the same for SMU, though? It wasn't the players cutting checks. Besides, it's a pain, but players are allowed to transfer if their school gets sanctioned.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (kumBu)

486 odna chetvert', chtoby poyti
Posted by: Vlad

So, the fappening...
you guys have anything to do with that? If so, I have some requests.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Deplorable at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (MQZOg)

487 484 477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

They are receiving plenty of $$$$ from boosters and Alum. And Scholarships as well.

SMU was destroyed because they gave money and cars and houses to players. Penn State turned a blind eye to systemic rape of college athletes who were raped by people in positions of power and authority. End of story.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (X/5o4)

So you can't.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx)

488 477:477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion

Some of them look at PORN!!!!

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (pY+s4)

489 474
"Kladu ger farghem der feenmean barng,

Heer dangern fer mangern de herly farng!"

Something like that.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (nd1zx)

This is actually more cogent than most Springsteen lyrics.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (92kX2)

Eddie Vedder went to Bruce's School of Mumbling MumbleFuckers.

Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:25 PM (prEBe)

490 The campus should be burnt to the ground Sherman style.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 02, 2017 08:15 PM (LTHVh)

It really should.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02


Odds are that some violece, probably death even, happened where you are located at this moment

Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 02, 2017 08:25 PM (wHhk5)

491 Are you familiar with the SMU Death Penalty? Boosters doing what they do everywhere, but that apparently was worse than child rape.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:25 PM (6Ll1u)

492 ya khotel Khillari, chtoby vyigrat', u menya yest' yeye

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:26 PM (5sOEp)

493 474
"Kladu ger farghem der feenmean barng,

Heer dangern fer mangern de herly farng!"

Something like that.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at January 02, 2017 08:16 PM (nd1zx)

This is actually more cogent than most Springsteen lyrics.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (92kX2)

Eddie Vedder went to Bruce's School of Mumbling MumbleFuckers.


Posted by: Bob Dylan at January 02, 2017 08:26 PM (8qB/k)

494 OT question here. Have liquor costs risen since the election, thanks to supply and demand? I imagine Hillary and MSNBC on air personalities have put a tremendous dent in supply.

Posted by: Northernlurker at January 02, 2017 08:26 PM (hJrjt)

495 ne znayu, groznaya igra ili grozni kino...

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (WTSFk)

496 Bruce Springsteen.

If ever there was an overrated millionaire musician who sings songs about the "working man", it's him.

Must be tough getting a BJ in the back of a Bentley.

Please go away and retire with your daddy Obama.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (5VlCp)

497 491 Are you familiar with the SMU Death Penalty? Boosters doing what they do everywhere, but that apparently was worse than child rape.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:25 PM (6Ll1u)

I would say that is far more connected to the athletic program and so the athletic program is who should be punished by the NCAA. The issue of child rape is one that should be handled by the state and punished by the state.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (cAnNx)

498 But but but...FOOTBALL!!!


Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (Nwg0u)

499 "So you can't.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx) "

Point me to the players on the 1980's Mustangs who were cutting checks to recruits. Sanctions are pretty much always levied on teams because of the actions of coaches or administrators, not players.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (kumBu)

500 487 484 477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

They are receiving plenty of $$$$ from boosters and Alum. And Scholarships as well.

SMU was destroyed because they gave money and cars and houses to players. Penn State turned a blind eye to systemic rape of college athletes who were raped by people in positions of power and authority. End of story.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (X/5o4)

So you can't.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx)

*points to the money men and NCAA in the luxury suites*

Penn State football does not exist without $$$$$$$

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (X/5o4)

501 dva programi, odin televisor

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (WTSFk)

502 Fumbled by PSU, recovered by USC.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (GsAUU)

503 "certain viruses known to be used by Russian intelligence sources for hacking" were used to phish Podesta. "

the question is whether ONLY the Russians use them. The point long ago was that others also use techniques that leave the same "trail". And other nations (China?) or other parties would be glad to make it look like Russia did it, maybe.
Posted by: illiniwek at January 02, 2017 08:11

BINGO. good hackers don't leave a trail to incriminate them selves. They leave no trail or one that points to someone else.

Posted by: Farmer at January 02, 2017 08:29 PM (o/90i)

504 Eddie Vedder went to Bruce's School of Mumbling MumbleFuckers.
Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:25 PM (prEBe)

Eddie Vedder, now there is a blast from the past. When was Pearl Jam's last hit? I want to feel old.

Stone Temple Pilots. Remember hearing 'Empty' for a lot of movie trailers and commercials? And about infinity+1 on the radio?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:29 PM (92kX2)

505 499 "So you can't.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx) "

Point me to the players on the 1980's Mustangs who were cutting checks to recruits. Sanctions are pretty much always levied on teams because of the actions of coaches or administrators, not players.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (kumBu)

And Penn state also got sanctioned as well. You may not like the extent the NCAA punished them but it wasn't nothing.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (cAnNx)

Things you'll never see: Penn fan rally at Cedar Point.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 08:05 PM (H5rtT)

That's a real insider's remark.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (BK3ZS)

507 OK, you got a break, now do something, you USC pansies.

Posted by: Skookumchuk at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (/WPPJ)

508 The Penn St investigation of Sandusky was as thorough as the one that they did on Mann. Little to none comes to mind.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (6Ll1u)

But but but...FOOTBALL!!!
Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:21 PM (0mRoj)

There was an investigation of Sandusky by a District Attorney on an allegation brought by a victim's mother prior to the Penn State trigger incident. That DA let Sandusky go . He should be the guy who gets the brunt of the blame. Instead he's a footnote.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (IDPbH)

509 Posers!

Posted by: Bob Dylan at January 02, 2017 08:26 PM (8qB/k)

The Grand Master Mumble of Mumbler- Bob Dylan, ladies and gentlemen.

But really, he was more of a nasally whiner, with a twist of mumbling. He multi-tasked, Bob did.

Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (prEBe)

510 500 487 484 477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

They are receiving plenty of $$$$ from boosters and Alum. And Scholarships as well.

SMU was destroyed because they gave money and cars and houses to players. Penn State turned a blind eye to systemic rape of college athletes who were raped by people in positions of power and authority. End of story.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (X/5o4)

So you can't.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx)

*points to the money men and NCAA in the luxury suites*

Penn State football does not exist without $$$$$$$
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (X/5o4)

Point to me the pedophiles on the field in Penn State uniforms.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (cAnNx)

511 My bad I forgot that decades of boy rape is totes ok because boys like rape according to colleges, SJWs, the law, and ESPN/Disney.

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:31 PM (X/5o4)

512 Of course, 'life isn't fair' also applies to NCAA athletics. Would the death penalty have been given to a school with an important historic pedigree, like Notre Dame or Michigan or Alabama or Ohio State? Doubtful.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:31 PM (kumBu)

513 Penn fan rally at Cedar Point.

Why would an Ivy League in Philly go to Cedar Point?

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (pY+s4)

514 Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (X/5o4)

You'd make a good High Sparrow.

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (IDPbH)

515 The Grand Master Mumble of Mumbler- Bob Dylan, ladies and gentlemen.

But really, he was more of a nasally whiner, with a twist of mumbling. He multi-tasked, Bob did.

Yeah, maybe, but the times they are achangin'.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (Nwg0u)

516 The Grand Master Mumble of Mumbler- Bob Dylan, ladies and gentlemen.

But really, he was more of a nasally whiner, with a twist of mumbling. He multi-tasked, Bob did.
Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (prEBe)

That's Nobel Prize winning Bob Dylan to you!

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (92kX2)

517 499 Point me to the players on the 1980's Mustangs who were cutting checks to recruits. Sanctions are pretty much always levied on teams because of the actions of coaches or administrators, not players.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:27 PM (kumBu)

Seems like a pretty simple evaluation. Scandals that accrue advantages to the team, or could, team sanction. Individual criminal action, cops and courts.

If a coach robs a bank, is a team sanction appropriate?

Posted by: Splunge at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (iMxBJ)

518 Eddie Vedder, now there is a blast from the past. When was Pearl Jam's last hit? I want to feel old.


Their cover of Last Kiss? Around 2000? And before that probably mid 90s

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (cAnNx)

503 "certain viruses known to be used by Russian intelligence sources for hacking" were used to phish Podesta. "

the question is whether ONLY the Russians use them. The point long ago was that others also use techniques that leave the same "trail". And other nations (China?) or other parties would be glad to make it look like Russia did it, maybe.

And therein is my point about Herridge being in waters over her head. Someone with the chops to execute a significant hack also has the chops to drop misleading clues as to its origin.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (BK3ZS)

Guess I'm not paying enough attention to this game.

I thought the clock was counting down the end of the game.

Fourth quarter yet to go...

Posted by: Spun and Murky at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (4DCSq)

521 We're arguing about Penn State and Sandusky? Is it pistols at 20 paces or sabers?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (SjImc)

522 Eddie Vedder went to Bruce's School of Mumbling MumbleFuckers.
Posted by: Occam's Epilady

Heyyyy yah
Hamma lamma gommy gamma lebe day
aw yeah

Posted by: Eddie Vedder at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (MQZOg)

523 510 500 487 484 477 Point me to the pedophiles on the field in the Penn State uniform.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:19 PM (cAnNx)

They are receiving plenty of $$$$ from boosters and Alum. And Scholarships as well.

SMU was destroyed because they gave money and cars and houses to players. Penn State turned a blind eye to systemic rape of college athletes who were raped by people in positions of power and authority. End of story.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:23 PM (X/5o4)

So you can't.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:24 PM (cAnNx)

*points to the money men and NCAA in the luxury suites*

Penn State football does not exist without $$$$$$$
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:28 PM (X/5o4)

Point to me the pedophiles on the field in Penn State uniforms.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (

All of them condone boy rape playing for a disgrace like Penn State. I'd never in a million years play a sport for that athletic department.

They and their parents condone it by playing for them an dbringing in money for them. It is a fucking disgrace .

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (X/5o4)

524 Their entire Athletic Department should have received the NCAA death penalty. People should be in prison. Shame on those supporting Rape University.

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:13 PM (X/5o4)

Yep, but the problem is that Pedo State is a glamor school, like U-M, OSU, Flori-duh, USC, Notre Dame, etc. So they got off easy. Disgusting.

Posted by: F.N.G. at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (kiSdp)

525 511 My bad I forgot that decades of boy rape is totes ok because boys like rape according to colleges, SJWs, the law, and ESPN/Disney.
Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:31 PM (X/5o4)

You need help.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (cAnNx)

526 Why would an Ivy League school in Philly go to Cedar Point?

Hit enter too soon

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (pY+s4)

527 Things you'll never see: Penn fan rally at Cedar Point.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at January 02, 2017 08:05 PM (H5rtT)

That's a real insider's remark.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (BK3ZS)

--Heh, I get it, and I've never been to Cedar Point.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (GsAUU)

528 "And Penn state also got sanctioned as well. You may not like the extent the NCAA punished them but it wasn't nothing.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (cAnNx) "

Well, that's what we're complaining about, right? They got a slap on the wrist, and some people think they should have gotten at least as big a penalty as SMU did.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:34 PM (kumBu)

529 Bob Dylan may be an ugly old fart who has mumbled for the last 30 years but he did say once that "happiness" is a yuppie thing and he just enjoys life.

He has that going for him. Plus looking like Edith Bunker can't hurt either.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 02, 2017 08:34 PM (5VlCp)

530 The first of 8 possessions Penn State did not score a TD.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:34 PM (GsAUU)

531 518 Eddie Vedder, now there is a blast from the past. When was Pearl Jam's last hit? I want to feel old.


Their cover of Last Kiss? Around 2000? And before that probably mid 90s
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (cAnNx)

That did the trick. Thanks Buzz.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:34 PM (92kX2)

532 521 We're arguing about Penn State and Sandusky? Is it pistols at 20 paces or sabers?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (SjImc)

Pistols. Can't do much damage with a saber at 20 paces.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:35 PM (0mRoj)

533 528 "And Penn state also got sanctioned as well. You may not like the extent the NCAA punished them but it wasn't nothing.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:30 PM (cAnNx) "

Well, that's what we're complaining about, right? They got a slap on the wrist, and some people think they should have gotten at least as big a penalty as SMU did.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:34 PM (kumBu)

No. Some psychos here think the guys on the field should be sitting in jail with Sandusky.

Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:35 PM (cAnNx)

534 "Why would an Ivy League in Philly go to Cedar Point?

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (pY+s4) "

It's America's Roller Coast.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:35 PM (kumBu)

535 Sure boy rape is something the country is obviously behind. And has been for a long time.

If you are against boy rape then you are a religious but.


Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:36 PM (X/5o4)

536 Why do I get the horrible feeling that something terrible happened at Cedar Point involving Jerry Sandusky?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:36 PM (92kX2)

537 We're arguing about Penn State and Sandusky? Is it pistols at 20 paces or sabers?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (SjImc)

Pistols. Can't do much damage with a saber at 20 paces.
Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:35 PM (0mRoj)

You've never seen me carve a Turkey or Ham?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:36 PM (SjImc)

513 Penn [State] fan rally at Cedar Point.

The State part was absent.

Suffice it to say that when I visited Cedar Point in 2012 with a group that included high school and college students, they were firing off one snarky remark after another about Jerry Sandusky.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 08:36 PM (BK3ZS)

539 If you haven't read Dylan's MusicCares acceptance speech, and his Nobel acceptance speech, you probably think less well of Dylan than he merits.

Posted by: Splunge at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (iMxBJ)

540 Confess Confess Confess

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (IDPbH)

541 382
So can they call Magnum, PI on the review?


Posted by: Anachronda at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (Oi5b2)

542 These "Russians hacked the election" Libs are just one continuous dumpster fire, aren't they?

Posted by: navybrat at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (w7KSn)

543 "If a coach robs a bank, is a team sanction appropriate?

Posted by: Splunge at January 02, 2017 08:32 PM (iMxBJ) "

If it's completely independent of the university/program? No. If administrators cover up for him so that he doesn't go to jail in order to benefit the program? Then yeah, I think NCAA sanctions are appropriate. And yes, I know that's not an exact analogue to the Penn St situation.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (kumBu)

544 Posted by: Eddie Vedder at January 02, 2017 08:33 PM (MQZOg)

"Just pass the butter, man".

That's all I hear.

Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (prEBe)

545 Both Rose Bowl teams suffered sanctions in the past few years, one coach got promoted to the pros and the other went prison. So obviously equal, Huh?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (6Ll1u)

546 Did Ace slip some sort of psy ops subliminal messages in the posts today making us want to go at each other with shivs?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (92kX2)

547 I haven't been to Cedar Point in over 30 years. I know its still there. Not a fan of crowds and I live in Virginia now anyways.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (pY+s4)

BTW, Cedar Point is a great roller coaster park. Highly recommended.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 08:38 PM (BK3ZS)

549 It's been all 'Naked Time' in here today, to riff off an earlier theme.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:39 PM (92kX2)

550 No. Some psychos here think the guys on the field should be sitting in jail with Sandusky.
Posted by: Buzzion at January 02, 2017 08:35 PM (cAnNx

Putting words in my mouth. never said players should be in jail. You said that. Playing the MSM game.

So I'm a psycho for saying institionalized boy rape is bad and should be punished. Well then I'm a proud psycho then.

Boy rape is bad. It should not be celebrated like it is while Penn State is aloud to play football. Crazy right?

Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (X/5o4)

551 Mrs. Krebs has been watching a "Downton Abbey" marathon on the local PBS station for the past day or so. Of course it's a "sucking for bucks" event.

To hear the whiny beggars tell it, they lurves them some aristocracy and, by gum, you should, too! 'Splains a lot about lefty politics, I think.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 02, 2017 07:37 PM (BK3ZS)

Every time I flip past a PBS station they have their hands out begging for money. Must be for all of the British shows they've been running for years and years and year and they still need more money for them and not the executives salaries.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (auHtY)

552 I'm sure someone put something up on Youtube comparing Eddie Vedder singing with a goat bleating.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (GsAUU)

553 I live in Virginia now anyways.

Posted by: Puddleglum at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (pY+s4)

Busch Gardens, Kings Dominion!!! (sorry- roller coaster loon here)

Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (prEBe)

554 DNGAF about USC but dang they have been getting screwed by the refs.

Posted by: Bob Dylan at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (8qB/k)

Virginia Beach was a very big Christian community. Is it still?

Or did the rotten Leftists buy up all the property there and ruin it?

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 02, 2017 08:42 PM (tlaZQ)

556 You've never seen me carve a Turkey or Ham?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 02, 2017 08:36 PM (SjImc)

Flying meat shrapnel?

Posted by: Insomniac at January 02, 2017 08:43 PM (0mRoj)

557 Nood.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:43 PM (92kX2)

558 No wonder pedophilia is ignored. People don't have the balls to have their precious institutions and their agents punished.


Posted by: Pepe at January 02, 2017 08:43 PM (X/5o4)

559 п о с а д к а

Posted by: Vlad at January 02, 2017 08:44 PM (5sOEp)

560 TD Trojans

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:44 PM (GsAUU)

561 And Pedo State's penalties got reduced from what they originally were. NCAA sux.

Should have been kicked out of the B10.

Posted by: F.N.G. at January 02, 2017 08:44 PM (kiSdp)

562 " Is it still? "

I go there fairly often, I'd say yes.
700 Club is there.

Posted by: navybrat at January 02, 2017 08:44 PM (w7KSn)

563 Busch Gardens, Kings Dominion!!! (sorry- roller coaster loon here)
Posted by: Occam's Epilady at January 02, 2017 08:40 PM (prEBe)

--I was I think 12 or 13 before I got the courage to ride the Loch Ness Monster.

Posted by: logprof at January 02, 2017 08:46 PM (GsAUU)

564 Not fighting Pepe but Sandusky is in jail, so everyone one that was a employee of the school and future students and faculty should all be banished I guess.

Posted by: Skip at January 02, 2017 08:46 PM (5sOEp)

565 Did Ace slip some sort of psy ops subliminal messages in the posts today making us want to go at each other with shivs?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 08:37 PM (92kX2)


Maybe ace is Loki?

Posted by: The guy with the hair at January 02, 2017 08:48 PM (wHhk5)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at January 02, 2017 09:04 PM (e8PP1)

Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at January 02, 2017 09:04 PM (e8PP1)

Ahhh, ok.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at January 02, 2017 09:07 PM (92kX2)

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