aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Back Stabbers Celebrate![]() USS Liberty, Israel and The 6 Day War Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Leaving the UN is a great idea.
Posted by: HH at December 26, 2016 01:13 PM (DrCtv) 2
I hope every Jew who voted for that asshole Obama is happy.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:13 PM (mpXpK) 3
Obama's doing everything he can to help the caliphate. You can't tell me he isn't a moslem.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at December 26, 2016 01:15 PM (MZcWR) 4
If it was up to me we would have never been part of the UN. They have been forever useless. We avoided it when commie Wilson wanted it. But after commie FDR took office he was a virtual dictator and got what he wanted.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:15 PM (mpXpK) 5
The only thing the UN has provided us has been a hole to throw money into. And a source of spies in the US.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:16 PM (mpXpK) 6
I believe leaving the UN is on the table for a Trump administration.
Posted by: Pepe at December 26, 2016 01:16 PM (a94gW) 7
First, let's move the UN headquarters to Havana. Then let's quit.
Posted by: VA MKZ at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (fEW81) 8
The Coward Obama didn't even have the balls to vote for the resolution his shitstain UN Ambassador helped engineer.
What a miserable turd he is. Dear God, please let Trump take vengeance on all of its supporters and the UN itself. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (8ZskC) 9
Wasn't the UN begun to establish Israel?
Posted by: the littl shyning man at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (fKzbc) 10
Remember when the UN allowed Yassir Arafat to wear his pistol when he addressed them? That alone spoke volumes.
Posted by: HH at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (DrCtv) 11
10 Wasn't the UN begun to establish Israel?
Posted by: the littl shyning man at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (fKzbc) No. The UN was founded in 1945. Israel didn't come into existence as such until 1948. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:18 PM (SRKgf) 12
We avoided it when commie Wilson wanted it.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:15 PM (mpXpK) The United Nations wasn't created until 1945. You are thinking of The League of Nations, which was created in 1920, and was not particularly effective. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 26, 2016 01:18 PM (42Mgr) 13
Ratfuck anti-Semitic sonsabitches. And the chutzpah giving Hanukkah greetings when they obviously HATE the Jews. Just galling.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (0mRoj) 14
Looks like Obama is doing his part to bring about the white genocide! That is commendable.
Posted by: Professor George Ciccariello-Maher, of Drexel at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (rH4JY) 15
Who are these people at "World Vision"?
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (TEElI) Jew-hating, terrorist-enabling cocksucking pieces of shit. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (42Mgr) Posted by: Neokong at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (p76V+) 17
Wasn't the UN begun to establish Israel? Posted by: the littl shyning man at December 26, 2016 01:17 PM (fKzbc) No, it has long been a a desire of worldwide communism to aid in the spread of one world government under communists. The Democrats have wanted it since the early part of the 20th century when communism started spreading everywhere. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (mpXpK) 18
Vic, the US Government takes advantage of the UN headquarters being in NYC to monitor the UN. and it's staff.
IDK if we get good intelligence from that effort. But ISTR books saying monitoring exists. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (u82oZ) 19
The conference ended with the drafting of what would be called the LaGrange Declaration
There's a shack outside there. They got a lotta nice girls. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:20 PM (0mRoj) 20
Gullible Lefty Rubes celebrate.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:20 PM (LTHVh) 21
I just want to shriek at my libtard Jewish friends, "Do you finally get it now? This man hates you! HATES you."
Prolly a waste of breath. I'm guessing they still don't get it. In the meantime, before we walk away from the UN completely, can we enjoy watching its death by a thousand cuts? Let's change the rules for the 3rd world dictator-ambassadors living like kings in NYC. No more diplomatic immunity. Jack up their rents. TURN OFF THE AC IN ALL UN BUILDINGS. IN AUGUST. I mean seriously, let's have some fun with this. Posted by: Tired Mom at December 26, 2016 01:20 PM (Zb1SV) 22
12 The United Nations wasn't created until 1945.
You are thinking of The League of Nations, which was created in 1920, and was not particularly effective. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 26, 2016 01:18 PM (42Mgr) Yes I know, but both are the same thing with different names, although we gave the UN more power than the league of nations. It still hasn't been anything but a money sink for the US. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (mpXpK) 23
Well I'm so glad obama is finally gonna have some time to think about Himself....He's worked soooo very hard on his golf game, I mean soo hard for the American people....
Posted by: deplorable donna at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (O2RFr) 24
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (8ZskC) 25
If the un is here to gather intelligence they have certainly failed in gathering it.
Our intelligence agencies have failed spectacularly Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (voOPb) 26
I used to want them to move the UN to Jerusalem so they'd be motivated to protect their own ass, but now that the possibility of actually leaving the UN completely might be within our grasp I'd much prefer that.
Less than useless, they have proven themselves as part of the problem. Posted by: Leonard Pinth-Garnell at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (bX2R6) 27
According to CBD's posted sidebar article, it goes back at least to 1979, a conference in LaGrange, Illinois. Anti-Zionism linked to Palestinian sympathizing, and continuing ever since. Posted by: BurtTC at December 26, 2016 01:04 PM (Pz4pT) Weird. 1979 was when I first started contributing to World Vision. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (tLCYC) 28
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (8ZskC) Wait, whut? Did your team lose to the All Blacks or something? Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (0mRoj) Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (rH4JY) 30
Vic, the US Government takes advantage of the UN headquarters being in NYC to monitor the UN. and it's staff. IDK if we get good intelligence from that effort. But ISTR books saying monitoring exists. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:19 PM (u82oZ) Piss on that. Get them out of NY and us out of the UN. Then we will not need to monitor them and their Soviet spies in NY. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (mpXpK) 31
25 If the un is here to gather intelligence they have certainly failed in gathering it.
Our intelligence agencies have failed spectacularly Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (voOPb) They're too busy violating our constitutional rights with mass communication surveillance to actually do anything in furtherance of national security. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:23 PM (0mRoj) 32
most jews in the u.s. are jews in name only. the majority are true left wing liberal thinkers. they will never get it. waste of breath and time trying to change them.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 26, 2016 01:24 PM (KP5rU) 33
"US out of the UN, UN out of the US"
With this last straw on the camels back perhaps the Shit Midas has once again over played his hand and struck the final blow that pushes public opinion to where the UN can be thrown out of the US and our withdrawal from the society of corruption will be finished. Posted by: Gmac - 'All politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (wemGq) 34
Everybody knew who Obama was (unless they were being willfully ignorant). I don't know how they couldn't have heard his "When the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will side with The Muslims" quote.
And people still voted for this asshole, because they were fed that "Muslims are the world's Ultimate Victims" narrative and badly wanted to believe it. And they can't let it go because no matter how much Islamic Violence they see, they projected all of their hopes and dreams on that Evil JEF. Posted by: Hikaru at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (eriW1) 35
Would support UN booted from US soil. As far as Israelis never having killed US soldiers, there is the USS Liberty incident although formal reports say it was accidental.
Posted by: DLD at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (P5fqQ) 36
If the un is here to gather intelligence they have certainly failed in gathering it. Our intelligence agencies have failed spectacularly Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (voOPb) The Russians and the East block commies have long used their UN staff as fronts for spies in the US. They have been doing since the end of WWII when that shit was established. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (mpXpK) 37
American Center For Law and Justice is filing a lawsuit against the Obama administration for abandoning Israel. Good for them!
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (tOcW/) 38
Wait. Let's not forget spending taxpayer cash to unseat Netanyahu
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (SEXy3) 39
Posted by: deplorable donna at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (O2RFr)
Has he stopped using the ladies tee? Posted by: Deathknyte at December 26, 2016 01:26 PM (chWiq) 40
I hope every Jew who voted for that asshole Obama is happy.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:13 PM (mpXpK) The ones that vote Democrat hate Israel so they are happy Posted by: MAC-SOG at December 26, 2016 01:26 PM (QPdNE) 41
there is the USS Liberty incident although formal reports say it was accidental.
Posted by: DLD at December 26, 2016 01:25 PM (P5fqQ) is those tin-foil-hat wearing lunatics whose reports are more accurate. The idea that Israel would purposefully attack an American ship is ludicrous on its face. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (42Mgr) 42
The dhims are playing 11 dimension tic-tac-toe.
Posted by: Fewenuff at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (gHE26) 43
g'afternoon, 'rons
Posted by: AltonJackson at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (KCxzN) 44
I so wished Trump had selected The Stache to be SoS. Or Secretary of the Bitch-Slapping of Feckless Third World Shitholes.
Posted by: fly gal at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (kkwfW) 45
So the narcissist in Chief, who thinks only of himself and finds a way to inject himself into EVERYTHING is finally going to have time to think about and reflect on...himself.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (0mRoj) 46
44 I so wished Trump had selected The Stache to be SoS. Or Secretary of the Bitch-Slapping of Feckless Third World Shitholes.
Posted by: fly gal at December 26, 2016 01:27 PM (kkwfW) State Department requests $500 billion for new program to provide feck support to third world shitholes. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (0mRoj) 47
According to CBD's posted sidebar article, it goes back at least to 1979, a conference in LaGrange, Illinois. Anti-Zionism linked to Palestinian sympathizing, and continuing ever since.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 26, 2016 01:04 PM (Pz4pT) Weird. 1979 was when I first started contributing to World Vision. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (tLCYC) I know almost nothing of this, since I just read the article today, and had no prior knowledge of the organization, but it appears to me as the sort of thing many Christians understand all too well: Satan often works by using those who are caring, by hiding in plain sight, his intentions to use their kindness for hidden, nefarious purposes. Posted by: BurtTC at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (Pz4pT) 48
most jews in the u.s. are jews in name only. the majority are true left wing liberal thinkers. they will never get it. waste of breath and time trying to change them.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 26, 2016 01:24 PM (KP5rU) Some people like to think better of themselves by voting or acting against their own self interest, but they're fooling themselves. They must value their leftism more than their religion or they would act differently. Posted by: OneEyedJack at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (kKHcp) 49
My profanity vocabulary is insufficient to do justice on this subject.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (hLbPJ) 50
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (8ZskC) -------------------------- I think we should formally object at the UN every time the NZ government (local or national) issues a building permit. These are clearly "settlements" on Maori land. I'm sure there must be a whacko, murderous Maori gang we can designate as oppressed "refugees" of the NZ "occupation." We should fund them ... and demand that the UN do so too. (j/k, but.....) Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (Nox3c) 51
46 State Department requests $500 billion for new program to provide feck support to third world shitholes.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (0mRoj) Since when is that "new"? Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:30 PM (mpXpK) 52
I say we ban the construction of new settlements in California. After all that is only going to exacerbate the tense relations between the Anglo settlers and the native Indians...right?
Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:30 PM (aZq03) 53
Satan often works by using those who are caring, by hiding in plain sight, his intentions to use their kindness for hidden, nefarious purposes.
Posted by: BurtTC at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (Pz4pT) Hmmm...I think I tried to warn you about someone like this...maybe....SAAATAN!? Posted by: The Church Lady at December 26, 2016 01:30 PM (0mRoj) 54
Posted by: deplorable donna at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (O2RFr) Has he stopped using the ladies tee? Posted by: Deathknyte I'm sure he has his own special tee that is advanced at least a far as either the first dog leg or past the worst hazard. Posted by: Gmac - 'All politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at December 26, 2016 01:30 PM (wemGq) 55
The first sentence of the second paragraph is inaccurate. Israel killed 34 service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1967. I don't think many of us know anything about what is happening in that area of the world. In spite of that, I still support Israel over the terrorist muslims!
Posted by: wayne at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (+JFwL) 56
Satan often works by using those who are caring, by hiding in plain sight, his intentions to use their kindness for hidden, nefarious purposes.
Posted by: BurtTC ----------- See: The Screwtape Letters Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc.,etc. at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (ZO497) 57
He doesn't need a tee. He has the arm toss and the foot wedge.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (mpXpK) 58
Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers unlike Iran or any of their proxy wards.
It looks like somebody forgot about the USS Liberty Posted by: Bill Wynn at December 26, 2016 01:32 PM (olaVm) 59
This was a spiteful move on Obama's part, but I don't think it will have any real consequences. Just Obama pulling down his pants and crapping on the carpet on his way out the door.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2016 01:33 PM (rH4JY) 60
Obama is astounding. Just when you think he has plumbed the complete depth of political depravity, he manages to swim a little deeper.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc.,etc. at December 26, 2016 01:33 PM (ZO497) 61
State Department requests $500 billion for new program to provide feck support to third world shitholes.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:29 PM (0mRoj) Sorry, Iran. We ran into an accounting error. Unexpected payment delay. Posted by: fly gal at December 26, 2016 01:33 PM (kkwfW) 62
Well, yes, and something like 17 of every 20 American Jews of voting age pulled the lever for Obama twice.
This point has to be driven home over and over. Leftist American Jews need to have a ... er ... come to Jesus on this stuff. The defense of Israel is fundamentally Conservatarian. The opposition to it is fundamentally Progressive. Posted by: AmosDW at December 26, 2016 01:34 PM (9gcGV) 63
He has the arm toss and the foot wedge.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (mpXpK) Of this I am 100% confident! Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 26, 2016 01:34 PM (42Mgr) 64
The first sentence of the second paragraph is inaccurate. Israel killed 34 service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1967. I don't think many of us know anything about what is happening in that area of the world. In spite of that, I still support Israel over the terrorist muslims! Posted by: wayne at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (+JFwL) I read a long report on that. They attacked that ship for almost an hour trying to sink it and halt communications because it was monitoring the transport of their nuclear weapons. They did not call off the attack until Navy jets arrived on scene. And yes, they "knew" it was a US ship. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:34 PM (mpXpK) 65
You DO know that the State Department is going to recognize pali statehood before Jan 20. How could they not....
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (EUMr7) 66
if i say what i really think of obama, management would have to remove the comment. so, i'll pass.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (KP5rU) 67
59 This was a spiteful move on Obama's part, but I don't think it will have any real consequences. Just Obama pulling down his pants and crapping on the carpet on his way out the door.
Who do think taught us? Posted by: EPA at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (kkwfW) 68
Sooooo... The plan to move our embassy to Israel's capital in still on schedule, then?
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (kP16F) 69
Israel is one of the oldest regions we can definitively tie to an ethnic group.
They have a stronger tie to Israel then modern Germans have with Germany, or modern French with France. Hell, if I was at the UN I'd file a motion to return northern Europe to the Celts. I mean, we have to oppose occupation, right? Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (aZq03) 70
The UN should move to Zurich, or Mumbai.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (LTHVh) 71
70 The UN should move to Zurich, or Mumbai.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (LTHVh) ----------------- Move them to hell Posted by: Rick in SK at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (K2T58) 72
You DO know that the State Department is going to recognize pali statehood before Jan 20. How could they not.... Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at December 26, 2016 01:35 PM (EUMr7) Doesn't that require approval of the Senate? Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (mpXpK) 73
The USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was attacked by the Israeli Air Force because their intel was wrong, the Navy HQ tracking the Liberty was not co-located with the AF command center, the Israeli AF sucks at ship id (like most AFs) and the jets could not see the large US flag until after weapon release. The torpedo boats just piled on, assuming a ship under attack was a proven enemy. Best book on the incident: The Liberty Incident: The 1967 Israeli Attack on the U.S. Navy Spy Ship by Jay Cristol (2002). I have a family interest in this incident. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (u82oZ) 74
55 The first sentence of the second paragraph is inaccurate. Israel killed 34 service members aboard the USS Liberty in 1967. I don't think many of us know anything about what is happening in that area of the world. In spite of that, I still support Israel over the terrorist muslims!
Posted by: wayne at December 26, 2016 01:31 PM (+JFwL) --- Via wiki: "In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.7 million 2016) in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest." Friendly fire incidents are to be expected in war. Ask Pat Tillman. Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:37 PM (CRotO) 75
If you missed this, well, it tells the tale of precisely what they intended to do at the UN: Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at December 26, 2016 01:37 PM (SEXy3) 76
70 The UN should move to Zurich, or Mumbai.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (LTHVh) What, no love for Mogadishu? Or Lagos? Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:37 PM (SRKgf) 77
The defense of Israel is fundamentally Conservatarian. The opposition to it is fundamentally Progressive.
It goes beyond just Israel though. Obamaism and Hillary's policies are fundamentally anti-Jewish. They want to flood the nation with hordes of people who hate Jews and want to obliterate them. They are anti-religious, and want no religion in the public place. This isn't just about Israel, its about American Jews apparently liking being the oppressed minority being slaughtered by the culture they inhabit. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:38 PM (39g3+) 78
>>>Doesn't that require approval of the Senate?
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (mpXpK) Not in Obamastan Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at December 26, 2016 01:38 PM (EUMr7) 79
24 >> Also, F*CK NEW ZEALAND
Keep in mind that all the Yes votes included Egypt, Britain, France plus the usual assholes such as Russia and China. Plenty of blame to go around. Times of Israel is reporting that the Israelis don't think TFG and Co. are done yet; that they are cooking up another UN resolution that will attempt to impose a two state set of conditions. Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 01:38 PM (oZEJt) 80
>>In the meantime, before we walk away from the UN completely, can we
enjoy watching its death by a thousand cuts? Let's change the rules for the 3rd world dictator-ambassadors living like kings in NYC. No more diplomatic immunity. Jack up their rents. TURN OFF THE AC IN ALL UN BUILDINGS. IN AUGUST. I mean seriously, let's have some fun with this. LOL. Do it!! Posted by: Lizzy at December 26, 2016 01:38 PM (NOIQH) 81
24 Also, F*CK NEW ZEALAND. Right. Especially them.
Posted by: John Meyers at December 26, 2016 01:39 PM (i1KHZ) 82
The UN should move to Zurich, or Mumbai.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM Port Au Prince Posted by: AltonJackson at December 26, 2016 01:39 PM (KCxzN) 83
A dangerous move by the JEF. Don your tinfoil full coverage body suits. The SCOMAF is a deep sleeper agent for the Republican Party and an even deeper double agent for Conservatives. With this one move he may have doomed the dhimocrats and progressives to the dust bins of history. Keep it up "Bwanna".... Secret squirrel code name for the O.
Posted by: Fewenuff at December 26, 2016 01:39 PM (gHE26) 84
Numerically, Jewish voters aren't particularly important. They are small in number (relatively speaking), & concentrated in deep blue states.
Otoh, Jewish donors are important to both parties, & hopefully some will now switch. Posted by: mnw at December 26, 2016 01:39 PM (eXZrW) 85
Well, yes, and something like 17 of every 20 American Jews of voting age pulled the lever for Obama twice.
*** It is odd that most American Jews seem more afraid of evangelical efforts to talk to them then Muslims efforts to exterminate them. I know a large part of this is that American Judaism has signed on to the left wing project and find it more important then their actual religion, but their terror over someone like Rev. John C. Hagee compared to Islamists is perplexing. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:40 PM (aZq03) 86
Port Au Prince Posted by: AltonJackson at December 26, 2016 01:39 PM (KCxzN) We'll help build it! Posted by: The Clinton Foundation at December 26, 2016 01:40 PM (EUMr7) 87's almost as if this administration hates this country and its allies and has done everything it can to destroy this country and its allies. But we can't say that or we'll be racists Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2016 01:40 PM (auHtY) 88
"Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers unlike Iran"
USS Liberty. Buried and unpleasant history. Yes, they have. I still support Israel, but you are wrong here. Posted by: S at December 26, 2016 01:40 PM (YtzJ5) 89
58 Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers unlike Iran or any of their proxy wards.
It looks like somebody forgot about the USS Liberty Posted by: Bill Wynn at December 26, 2016 01:32 PM (olaVm) It looks like I forgot the word intentionally Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (voOPb) 90
Keep in mind that all the Yes votes included Egypt, Britain, France plus the usual assholes such as Russia and China. Plenty of blame to go around. Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 01:38 PM ------------------------------- NZ was one of the four countries SPONSORING the resolution after Eqypt withdrew it. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (Nox3c) 91
So what is this all about? Another "screw you, America" from Obama:
. obama-christmas-gift-anti-propaganda-bill-signed-into-law/ ...In other words the stage is now set for the U.S. government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the they deem to be "foreign propaganda." The ministry of truth is setup. Welcome to 1984. Clean the DoJ and then repeal that anti-propaganda part of the NDAA Posted by: Lizzy at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (NOIQH) 92
28 24 Also, F*CK NEW ZEALAND
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 26, 2016 01:21 PM (8ZskC) Wait, whut? Did your team lose to the All Blacks or something? Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:22 PM (0mRoj) NZ has been run by progressive fucktards for decades. They're full of guilt and self-loathing. Back in the 80s, they passed some sort of anti-nuke bullshit which greatly limits our military working with theirs. Like our nuke carriers can't dock in their ports, that sort of thing. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (tLCYC) 93
The really disturbing thing here is not the abstention, but the motivation for it.
I could see an abstention, unpopular though it may be in some quarters, if one truly believed that that was the proper course. But this abstention was apparently motivated by petty pique against Netanyahu, kind of a "mean girl" thing. And that is beneath contempt, because Obama is using US foreign policy to get even personally. In this it is of a piece with his references to "my military" and such. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (SRKgf) Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (aZq03) 95
The UN should move to Zurich, or Mumbai.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:36 PM (LTHVh) Tehran would be a nice place for it Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 26, 2016 01:42 PM (auHtY) 96
90 NZ was one of the four countries SPONSORING the resolution after Eqypt withdrew it.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (Nox3c) Obama is the one who pushed it behind the scenes. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:42 PM (mpXpK) 97
"It looks like I forgot the word intentionally"
This. Though you'll inevitably have those who will dispute that, for endless varied theories. Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 26, 2016 01:42 PM (fVubI) 98
I have never understood why the Palestinians would want statehood if they are going to continue attacking Jews. It takes it from a crime to a Casus Belli.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (LTHVh) 99
87: everything is rayyyyycis or, sexist. i don't really give a fuck anymore.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (KP5rU) Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (EUMr7) 101
Derschowitz (sp?) came out strongly against TFG on this vote, but as a typical liberal Jew, he bemoaned his need to criticize by saying it was hurtful because he supports so much of TFG's domestic policies.
And that's why 71% of US Jews voted for Hillary, right there. Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (oZEJt) 102
Two quotes are appropriate.
How many divisions does the UN have? A paraphrase. They made their ruling, now let's see them enforce it. Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (kTF2Z) 103
MisHum > Obama may not be a Muslim in disguise.
Nah. Just hates America. Got daddy issues. Effin clown living large in Hawaii. Wonder how often he'll go when it's on his own dime? Posted by: Golfman at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (48QDY) 104
Back in the 80s, they passed some sort of anti-nuke bullshit which greatly limits our military working with theirs
*** Mighty convenient then the countries that might want to attack NZ would all have to go through other American allies first isn't it? I'm pretty sure if they were located when South Korea is now that they wouldn't feel quite so up for passing these kinds of edicts... Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (aZq03) 105
"So what is this all about? Another "screw you, America" from Obama:
. obama-christmas-gift-anti-propaganda-bill-signed-into-law/ ...In other words the stage is now set for the U.S. government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the they deem to be "foreign propaganda." The ministry of truth is setup. Welcome to 1984. Clean the DoJ and then repeal that anti-propaganda part of the NDAA" So Trump can have the Mexican-owned NYT shut down. Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 26, 2016 01:43 PM (fVubI) 106
Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers unlike Iran or any of their proxy wards.
++++ That is not strictly true. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 01:44 PM (R+30W) 107
Whether or not Israel knew the USS Liberty was American or not will likely never be solved. But whether they knew or not, they absolutely should have know. It was either intentional or grossly negligent. The only reason I lean towards the latter is the lack of motive for the former.
Posted by: Simon Gruber at December 26, 2016 01:44 PM (60SwY) 108
And that's why 71% of US Jews voted for Hillary, right there.
*** If the Dems renamed themselves the National Socialist party (which Bernie Sanders is mind you) they'd still get a majority of the Jewish vote. Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:45 PM (aZq03) 109
96---Obama is the one who pushed it behind the scenes.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:42 PM (mpXpK) --------------------------------- Of course. F*** New Zealand for being his butt boy. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 01:45 PM (Nox3c) 110
106 Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers unlike Iran or any of their proxy wards.
--- Technically, it's true. Were soldiers on that ship? Or sailors only? Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:46 PM (CRotO) 111
NZ was one of the four countries SPONSORING the resolution after Eqypt withdrew it.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (Nox3c) Explains RBG's affection, no? Posted by: Golfman at December 26, 2016 01:46 PM (48QDY) 112
98 Grump928©, that's been my take. Under state-to state Westphalian Rule of Law, all Israel has to do after an attack from Palestine is to declare war, and win it.
The Soviets gave us the template in Kaliningrad and the borders of Germany post WWII., as well as plenty of precedent after WWI. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:47 PM (u82oZ) 113
92 NZ has been run by progressive fucktards for
decades. They're full of guilt and self-loathing. Back in the 80s, they passed some sort of anti-nuke bullshit which greatly limits our military working with theirs. Like our nuke carriers can't dock in their ports, that sort of thing. Posted by OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM As I said yesterday, we were not allowed to doc in NZ as far back as the early 70s and probably before then. That is when I got there. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:47 PM (mpXpK) 114
>>>Derschowitz (sp?) came out strongly against TFG on this vote, but as a
typical liberal Jew, he bemoaned his need to criticize by saying it was hurtful because he supports so much of TFG's domestic policies. Why do any of us give a fuck about what one of OJ's lawyers thinks? Posted by: S at December 26, 2016 01:47 PM (YtzJ5) 115
Tristan da Cunha would be a good place for the UN headquarters...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at December 26, 2016 01:47 PM (kP16F) 116
SMFH, sailors onboard. Friends and shipmates of my father. The torpedo hit the collection space like a golden bb.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:48 PM (u82oZ) 117
Speaking of RBG, what leverage will Trump have to make her recuse herself on any business that his administration has before the SC?
Are there cases of lower court judges campaigning for a political candidate while in office and then deciding on cases involving said candidate's opponent? Posted by: 18-1 at December 26, 2016 01:48 PM (aZq03) 118
The really disturbing thing here is not the abstention, but the motivation for it. I could see an abstention, unpopular though it may be in some quarters, if one truly believed that that was the proper course. But this abstention was apparently motivated by petty pique against Netanyahu, kind of a "mean girl" thing. And that is beneath contempt, because Obama is using US foreign policy to get even personally. In this it is of a piece with his references to "my military" and such. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:41 PM (SRKgf) But that missed the real problem. Obama orchestrated this whole anti-Israel mess. It wasn't a standing by to not aid. He wanted this and pushed it. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (mpXpK) Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (CRotO) 120
90 NZ was one of the four countries SPONSORING the resolution after Eqypt withdrew it.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille I'm not disagreeing with that, just pointing out everyone involved voted Yes (except the US, which backstabbed by abstaining). We rate US politicos by how they vote on issues, not by introduced the bills. Why give Britain and France a pass on their Yes vote? Netanyahu certainly isn't; he's called their ambassadors onto the carpet. Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (oZEJt) 121
Gaylord is merely an anti-colonial anti-West Marxist who thinks anything that reduces the US to third world status is a good thing. I wish he would go back to Jakarta and eating dog.
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (rsaZS) 122
As a former Trump skeptic (to say the least), I continue to be thrilled with Trump's actions as PEOTUS, especially on this backstabbery of Israel.
Posted by: stace, deplorable at last at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (ozZau) 123
I don't know in the case of the Liberty, but I wonder if they weren't back up against a wall and yelling "f the world, where were they in 1940" attacking everything that might threaten them. In their place, with their history, its almost understandable.
Nah. Just hates America. Got daddy issues. I also think because of his upbringing he has a pretty Muslim worldview, even though he's clearly not religious. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:50 PM (39g3+) 124
Obama did this out of personal pique with Netanyahu and to establish his post-POTUS street cred with the Globalists. That it will weaken the D party didn't register.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 01:51 PM (SIY7D) 125
Someone should hold the liberal's feet to the fire. Ask them, "If Israel accedes to all Palestinian demands and terrorist attacks on Israelis increase drastically, would you agree that your suggestions are in error and that Israel should double down on their former policies? Because otherwise, you are asking them to commit suicide". Get them to admit it openly, that that is what they want.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2016 01:51 PM (rH4JY) 126
He lost more friends to the North Koreans when they shot down that WV from AQ-1 (a US Navy EC-121).
Intel collection was and is a high risk business. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:51 PM (u82oZ) 127
Why give Britain and France a pass on their Yes vote?
Nobody expects any differently from those nations. They've always been anti-Israel and anti-Jew. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:51 PM (39g3+) 128
I like the idea of leaving the UN. And kicking that gang of thieves and murderers out too
Posted by: Rick554 at December 26, 2016 01:52 PM (oxpQH) Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:52 PM (CRotO) 130
@115 Remember in the early 60's when everyone from Tristan was evacuated to England because their volcano was erupting? The one thing that stunned the Tristaners about modern culture was...
Model Railroads. Not the real ones. The models. Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 01:52 PM (H5rtT) 131
But that missed the real problem. Obama orchestrated this whole anti-Israel mess. It wasn't a standing by to not aid. He wanted this and pushed it.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (mpXpK) Yes, of course, at least that is our inference. I was referring to the objective observation of the abstention, not the imputed mechanism by which it came about, and the motivation for it, viz., personal pique. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:53 PM (SRKgf) 132
I'd read the location and duplicitous mission of the Liberty was not shared with the Israelis, nor did the ship attempt to properly identify itself once the attack was underway... We'll never know the truth...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at December 26, 2016 01:53 PM (kP16F) Posted by: no good deed at December 26, 2016 01:53 PM (hJamr) 134
126 He lost more friends to the North Koreans when they shot down that WV from AQ-1 (a US Navy EC-121).
Intel collection was and is a high risk business. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:51 PM (u82oZ) --- That is true. Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:53 PM (CRotO) 135
SMFH, are you doing OK? I could have some poorly made crockery sent to you, billing you for what you break in a cathartic moment or two.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:53 PM (u82oZ) 136
Just curious as to why media, pundits and bloggers have such a difficult time calling Obama a muslim. If it walks, quacks and shits like a duck. As with everything else in that sickening fraud's life, his true affiliation's are a "mystery" only because either (1) his past is hidden, or (2) those who are best positioned to call him out, are afraid to for apparent fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist. And before I'm labeled an Infowars Nut, I am not - I've done quite a bit of reading on various reports and, just like his birth certificate, the spin is more productive than factual reporting of his past.
Posted by: Smitty27 at December 26, 2016 01:54 PM (g9d8D) 137
I'm fine, Salty.
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:54 PM (CRotO) 138
122 As a former Trump skeptic (to say the least), I continue to be thrilled with Trump's actions as PEOTUS, especially on this backstabbery of Israel.
Posted by: stace, deplorable at last at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (ozZau) Trump may just be our Cincinnatus. I have hope. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 01:54 PM (SRKgf) 139
It's going to get worse in the next 4 weeks.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 01:55 PM (sRFAL) 140
Obama did this out of personal pique with Netanyahu and to establish his post-POTUS street cred with the Globalists.
I think President Obama has a list of stuff he always wanted to do but didn't feel he could because it would hurt Democrats, and is pulling the trigger now. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:55 PM (39g3+) Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:55 PM (CRotO) 142
Hey SMFH. Hugs.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 01:55 PM (0mRoj) 143
stay in the UN, just to be a PITA, but cut our funding to 1/193rd of the budget and tell them we're taking back the land in Manhattan, so they'll have to move to their alternate HQ in Europe.
then move the US embassy to Jerusalem, recognize their current borders as permanent, also recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country, and a soverign Kurdistan as well. fuck all those shitbirds at once. Posted by: redc1c4 at December 26, 2016 01:55 PM (H/IO6) 144
Leaving the UN all together is problematic
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 01:56 PM (sRFAL) 145
Just curious as to why media, pundits and bloggers have such a difficult time calling Obama a muslim.
Because I do not believe that man worships anything other than himself or holds to any religion other than leftist humanism. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:56 PM (39g3+) 146
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:56 PM (CRotO) 147
@123 back up against a wall and yelling "f the world, where were they in 1940" attacking everything that might threaten them
This is my take. It was after all the period of the Great Non-Alignment. Other "fairly important" nations, Egypt and India for example, were walking on the knife's edge, because We didn't know then What We Know Now. Or do we? Israeli culture was considered pretty damn hip by hipsters in the 60's and early 70's. I put this down to the "Soviet" influence of kibbutz life. I knew a lot of dewy-eyed hippygals who wore the Star of David. Right up until... Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 01:56 PM (H5rtT) 148
Otoh, Jewish donors are important to both parties, & hopefully some will now switch.
Posted by: mnw I doubt Soros and Steyer will switch. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (rH4JY) 149
NGU, we can't stop it. But we can point to it continually. And mock pbho and his deliberately clueless supporters. Fools they are not. Evil they are.
We need to work our Reps to get onboard the Save US train. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (u82oZ) 150
W is the mission designator. Usually appended to like AD-4W. In this case ELINT/AWACs aircraft. V, the US Navy manufacturer's designator. In this case Lockheed. P2V-7 is another. EC-121 is the USAF designation for the AWACs version of the Lockheed 1049G Super Constellation. In Vietnam they were sometimes called Disco. The ones tasked with listening to North Vietnamese GCI chatter were called Red Oak or something. Posted by: Anna Puma at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (rsaZS) Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (LTHVh) 152
And as I mentioned on another Threat, this vile resolution completely changes the meaning of Resolution 242 which was the basis for ALL peace movements. And that has not even been emphasized. THIS is a complete clusterfuck
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 01:58 PM (sRFAL) Posted by: wth at December 26, 2016 01:58 PM (HgMAr) 154
*waves to Anna*
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 01:58 PM (CRotO) 155
Just have to get over the hump otherwise known as "The Holidays".
Season changes are rough too, from watching my mom. God be with you and keep you, may the love of Christ bring you peace and comfort. You have to let your soul heal, it has taken tremendous damage like a broken back or shattered leg. You can't rush healing. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:58 PM (39g3+) 156
NGU, we can't stop it. But we can point to it continually. And mock pbho and his deliberately clueless supporters. Fools they are not. Evil they are.
We need to work our Reps to get onboard the Save US train. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (u82oZ) Ha? Stop what? Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 01:59 PM (sRFAL) 157
SMFH, hugs as well.
(And by request: Approved shoulder-line hugs only, not too long, and no NFL type slapping.) Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 01:59 PM (u82oZ) 158
"122 As a former Trump skeptic (to say the least), I continue to be
thrilled with Trump's actions as PEOTUS, especially on this backstabbery of Israel. Posted by: stace, deplorable at last at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (ozZau)" I'm with you there. My arrogant ass thought for a long time that I'd be proud of my write-in vote. Still am, but it's refreshing to be proven wrong about many assumptions about people. This was what I wanted when Obama was elected and didn't get. Posted by: S at December 26, 2016 01:59 PM (YtzJ5) 159
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:00 PM (CRotO) 160
120---Why give Britain and France a pass on their Yes vote? Netanyahu certainly isn't; he's called their ambassadors onto the carpet.
Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 01:49 PM (oZEJt) ----------------------------- Who is giving them a pass? But I reserve special contempt for those forcing this vote now. F*** New Zealand in particular. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:00 PM (Nox3c) 161
Jews as a whole are leftists first Jews second. The GOP and Republican party cannot be any more pro Israel/Pro Jew, Jews vote anywhere from 3:1 to 4:1 for the Donk party who is openly hostile to the Jewish state. Jews are just another identity group that have been permanently captured by the Democrat party. Nothing is going to change that dynamic. Posted by: Kreplach at December 26, 2016 02:00 PM (+lv+r) 162
There was a great Branca cartoon I was trying to find.A Palestinian holding a baby suicide bomber holding a list of demands "death to the jews" .Netanyahu looking across the table and Kerry in the middle says "Can't you meet them half way?"
Posted by: steevy at December 26, 2016 02:00 PM (r/0kC) 163
NGU, we can't stop Obama now. Let him fly his freak flag - the more the merrier. He is the Shit Midas, after all.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:01 PM (u82oZ) 164
The passive aggressive president.
He shall be remembered for abstaining. On an issue which the president elect has already signaled a course change, with the pick for ambassador. It's Hillary-esque in its deafness of tone. Posted by: Mama AJ at December 26, 2016 02:01 PM (gTQoY) 165
![]() Kerry to recognize Palestinian State in the 67 Borders? THAT would be a complete and utter sell out and a 100% side with the Arab World Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:01 PM (sRFAL) 166
*waves to SMFH*
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 26, 2016 02:01 PM (rsaZS) 167
Breaking Bad marathon is on. I used to DVR to skip commercials and the Skyler scenes. Which led to my missing "I'm the one who knocks" until my son informed me. Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) 168
Kurt Schlichter covers the problem well in his "liberal fascism" piece. Someone should turn this idea into a book.
Posted by: MTF at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (X4ZNp) 169
It's going to get worse in the next 4 weeks.
Posted by: Nevergiveup ------- Each outrage will be superceded by one even greater. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc.,etc. at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (ZO497) 170
Israel has never killed U.S. soldiers
Wrong. Completely wrong. The combined air and sea attack by Israel upon the U.S.S. Liberty killed 34 crew members (including one civilian), and wounded 171 crew members. Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (DMUuz) 171
Kerry to recognize Palestinian State in the 67 Borders?
For a few weeks at most. The US Embassy: "Next year in Jerusalem." Just keep that thought in mind. Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (H5rtT) 172
Each outrage will be superceded by one even greater.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc.,etc. at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (ZO497) I am afraid so. Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (sRFAL) 173
The Russians never miss a security council meeting at the UN. The reason? Korea.
Leaving the UN would give the bad guys of the world an imprimatur of legitimacy when they get together to do bad things. If we were to leave, I think the smart play would be to set up a Free World Council as a counter to the United Nations, which would consist of those titular free countries not busy committing genocide, persecuting dissidents and religious minorities, attacking their neighbors or plotting world domination. Just a thought. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (ZkXe+) 174
Obama is not a Muslim the same way he is not a commie, which is to say, for the purposes of public consumption only.
Posted by: navybrat at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (w7KSn) 175
Going to take a nap. Got to work tonight.
Posted by: Anna Puma at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (rsaZS) 176
I guess it's still against the HQ bylaws to read the comments before posting.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (LTHVh) 177
I've been binge-watching this series on SyFy called, "Aftermath"
It's about the end of the world, and a family named the Copelands are trying to get through it. Beyond a few things that irk me (Air force pilot flying helos), it's pretty good. Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (CRotO) 178
Obama may not be a Muslim in disguise.
.......... Coulda fooled me. Posted by: wth at December 26, 2016 01 Nope. He is greater than Allah. Posted by: Golfman at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (48QDY) 179
Those kids lighting the candle are very white, probably have lots of White Privilege and should be paying reparations Michelle and Barack.
Posted by: Ripley at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (1BQGO) 180
Let's not forget that Israel did attack the USS Liberty, killing several sailors, lots of conspiracy theories about it, Who knows if the ship was attacked on purpose to cover up the beginning of the Six Day war.
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (dKiJG) 181
Have a nice nap, Anna.
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (CRotO) 182
Kerry to recognize Palestinian State in the 67 Borders?
For a few weeks at most. The US Embassy: "Next year in Jerusalem." Just keep that thought in mind. Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 02:04 PM (H5rtT) Not so easy to walk things like that back specifically if some UN Security Council member takes that to the Security COuncil...and I would not put that past this fuck Fredo Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (sRFAL) 183
Marx is a jealous god.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 02:06 PM (LTHVh) 184
Skyler is a cunt in many ways but it's important not to skip her scenes. She's an integral part of Walt's life and the full picture is so much greater than the sum of its parts. Posted by: S at December 26, 2016 02:06 PM (YtzJ5) 185
Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (DMUuz)
See earlier comment, I neglected to use the word intentionally Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:07 PM (voOPb) Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 02:08 PM (H5rtT) 187
Let's not forget that Israel did attack the USS Liberty, killing several sailors, lots of conspiracy theories about it, Who knows if the ship was attacked on purpose to cover up the beginning of the Six Day war.
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at December 26, 2016 02:05 PM (dKiJG) It was AFTER the 6 day war had already started. The "conspiracy " theory is that it was bombed to prevent anyone from knowing how far the Israeli forces had advanced in The Sinai Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:08 PM (sRFAL) 188
150 Anna Puma, in the Navy those aircraft were called Wolly Victors for the official designation of WV-2.
I have two framed B&W 4x5 pictures of those aircrafts in Japan, one a group shot, and the other a single picture of the one shot down, from earlier days when my Dad was one of the CT's onboard. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:08 PM (u82oZ) 189
Mebbe he just dislikes shitty photoshop pics...
Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 26, 2016 02:09 PM (ZBp8/) 190
185 Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (DMUuz)
See earlier comment, I neglected to use the word intentionally Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:07 PM (voOPb) ++++ And yet, the post remains unchanged. I thought you cobs had the ability to edit your posts. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:09 PM (R+30W) 191
I also think because of his upbringing he has a pretty Muslim worldview, even though he's clearly not religious.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 01:50 PM (39g3+) No, I wouldn't call it a "Muslim" worldview, I'd call it an "anti-colonial" or "anti-West" or "I hate America" worldview. At least, those were the worldviews of Obama's teachers, mentors, and other individuals he chose to associate with before became a public figure and such associations became politically inexpedient. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM (tLCYC) 192
The combined air and sea attack by Israel upon the U.S.S. Liberty killed 34 crew members (including one civilian), and wounded 171 crew members.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (DMUuz) That was a case of mistaken identity, a terrible screwup. You know it, I know it. Or maybe you don't. Maybe you think Israeli commanders somehow saw some kind of strategic advantage in willfully, purposefully attacking their American superpower ally for no reason whatsoever. You never know about those wily Joos, amiright? Wheels within wheels, man. Wheels within wheels. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM (ZkXe+) 193
Funny sad that these Marxist anti-Israel assholes are in alliance with the 'alt-Right' bogeymen that they created in their head.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM (IDPbH) 194
The civilian killed in Liberty was one of the NSA direct assist personnel.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM (u82oZ) 195
186 (Air force pilot flying helos)
Hey, it happens. Posted by: Stringer Davis at December 26, 2016 02:08 PM (H5rtT) --- Yeah... After said flyboy requests extra EXTRA hazardous duty pay and a stay at Holiday Inn. Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:11 PM (CRotO) 196
It was AFTER the 6 day war had already started. The "conspiracy " theory is that it was bombed to prevent anyone from knowing how far the Israeli forces had advanced in The Sinai
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:08 PM (sRFAL) I stand corrected, reading about it now. Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at December 26, 2016 02:11 PM (dKiJG) 197
Hi, Bob at NSA. Hope you have a good day at Ft. Meade.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:12 PM (u82oZ) 198
>>I also think because of his upbringing he has a pretty Muslim worldview
And thinks "abstain" is the English translation of "inshallah". Posted by: Mama AJ at December 26, 2016 02:12 PM (gTQoY) Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:13 PM (CRotO) 200
SMFH, that the EPA. Totally different Federal Agency.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:13 PM (u82oZ) 201
They're all shitbirds as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:14 PM (CRotO) 202
Speaking to CNN, Obama blames McConnell for obstruction, Hillary for not running on Obama's economic message (and instead overly focusing on Trump), and conservative media for disrupting his message of hope and change.
Obama says that if had run again and "articulated his vision" he would have won a third term. But I thought he had eight years to articulate and sell his vision. Us dogs didn't like the dog food he was selling. Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:14 PM (SIY7D) 203
Fredo and Kerry have kissed up to EVERY vile dictatorship in the World and is intent on fucking Israel on the way out the door....Sigh
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:14 PM (sRFAL) 204
167 Breaking Bad marathon is on. I used to DVR to skip commercials and the Skyler scenes. Which led to my missing "I'm the one who knocks" until my son informed me. Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) I did not like Skyler's character at all. She was a blight on an otherwise amazing TV series. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:15 PM (0mRoj) 205
Have you heard the one about USS Liberty?
Posted by: Amy Schumer at December 26, 2016 02:16 PM (97XyN) 206
182 >> Kerry to recognize Palestinian State in the 67 Borders?
NGU, I mentioned in comment #79 that TFG and Co. weren't done yet, per a Times of Israel report. Here's the link: Posted by: GnuBreed at December 26, 2016 02:16 PM (oZEJt) 207
Would the UN no longer exist if the US pulls funding?
Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at December 26, 2016 02:16 PM (dKiJG) 208
And I thought electing an anti-semite like Ellison to the DNC was bad???? I knew Fredo was going to try to fuck Israel but not even I saw this depth of duplicity coming
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (sRFAL) 209
The Liberty is irrelevant today. Except for USN ships in the vicinity, making sure their Link-16 is up and IFF operational. In the last 50 years, Arabs have killed, deliberately, many, many more Americans.
We support Israel because it is the front-line state containing even more Arab madness and terrorism. And their technology. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (u82oZ) 210
190 185 Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:03 PM (DMUuz)
See earlier comment, I neglected to use the word intentionally Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:07 PM (voOPb) ++++ And yet, the post remains unchanged. I thought you cobs had the ability to edit your posts. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:09 PM (R+30W) And modify all of the comments? Yes, that can be done too. Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (voOPb) 211
Obama probably would have been reelected if he could have run again.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (IqV8l) 212
"I did not like Skyler's character at all. She was a blight on an otherwise amazing TV series."
I get that Skyler was an important part of the series. it didn't stop me from fast forwarding when I could. Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (SIY7D) 213
I think the UN could continue, but if we started charging them rent and utilities, they'd probably move to Brussels or something.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (39g3+) 214
161---Jews are just another identity group that have been permanently captured by the Democrat party.
Nothing is going to change that dynamic. Posted by: Kreplach at December 26, 2016 02:00 PM (+lv+r) --------------------------------------- I kinda disagree. To the extent that Judaism or ethnic solidarity is an important, positive factor, Jews tend to vote GOP as often as not. The stronger the religious and ethnic identity, the LESS likely they are to vote Democrat today. When we talk about Jewish-Americans being lefties, I wonder. Are they really any different from others in their demographic cohort --- the urban educated? Wandering the halls of academia for decades, I have never seen any significant difference in political opinion between Jews and Gentiles. The sole exception I can think of is on the subject of Israel, where Jewish lefties used to break ranks often and now do so occasionally and for the most part half-heartedly. I dunno. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (Nox3c) 215
I didn't get the Kevin Williamson thing in the Morning thread but see now. Posted by: Skip at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (5sOEp) 216
204 167 Breaking Bad marathon is on. I used to DVR to skip commercials and the Skyler scenes. Which led to my missing "I'm the one who knocks" until my son informed me. Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) I did not like Skyler's character at all. She was a blight on an otherwise amazing TV series. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:15 PM (0mRoj) ++++ Walter Jr. was also a human toothache. Funny that everything Walter Sr. did was for his family, both of whom were just miserable to be around. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:18 PM (R+30W) 217
And the thread has been modified
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:18 PM (voOPb) 218
I swear these assholes did this on purpose to upset Jewish families and Christians just to put a damper on Hannukkah and Christmas. January 20th seems a lifetime away. I dread to see what other asshole moves this group of anti-Semites and America haters pull btwn now and then .
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Posted by: L, Elle at December 26, 2016 02:18 PM (6IPEM) 219
151 and tell them we're taking back the land in Manhattan
to return it to the Lenape.. Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 26, 2016 01:57 PM (LTHVh) Nice piece of property yus got there....(scribbles floor plans on bar napkin). Posted by: D. Trump at December 26, 2016 02:18 PM (7Ni1g) 220
Funny sad that these Marxist anti-Israel assholes are in alliance with the 'alt-Right' bogeymen that they created in their head.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM (IDPbH) Those 'alt-right' guys do exist. Richard Spencer is real enough. He's also a not-so-closeted asshole Nazi. From what I can tell, the hardcore true believers in that crowd promote Odinism and bodybuilding. Many of them seem to be like the kind of men who really, really like wear leather and hang out with other men. Who wear leather. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (ZkXe+) 221
Shorter Axelrod: Obama is very disappointed in Hillary, the media and America
Posted by: MTF at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (X4ZNp) 222
The thing to remember is that Europeans are baffled by how much Americans like Israel. All the news they ever get is anything bad Israel does, or all the Fauxtography alleging bad stuff by Israel. They get all the propaganda against Israel, and none of the rest of the story or the bad stuff the Arabs are doing. They think its a terrible place.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (39g3+) 223
I have been reading everything I can on the UN resolution, defund the bastardsand cut off that gravy train. As Diplomad 2.0 writes this resolution will matter in courts all over the globe.
Posted by: Skip at December 26, 2016 02:20 PM (5sOEp) 224
The only perq of that I am supremely jealous of in being US president is the one in which he can request to see all of the secret shit of the last 80+ years.
Did that sasquatch force DB Cooper to jump from the Library Building with the Linboeurg baby? Forget Area 51, what the Nike goes on in Area 49? How many Russians does it take to fit in a lightbulb? Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transubstantionalist? Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 26, 2016 02:20 PM (ZBp8/) 225
Breaking Bad marathon is on. I used to DVR to skip commercials and the Skyler scenes. Which led to my missing "I'm the one who knocks" until my son informed me. Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) I did not like Skyler's character at all. She was a blight on an otherwise amazing TV series. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:15 PM (0mRoj) Skyler is an awful character who probably should've been killed off much much much earlier in the show. She is the only poorly written character (well okay Walt Jr is pretty bad too) in "BB". The writers clearly had a direction they wanted for her to go, but at least for me, her "journey" never feels organic. She does what she does becuz the writer/director wants her to do it. That's all. Posted by: naturalfake at December 26, 2016 02:21 PM (vZ9Fw) 226
So the Israelis started a civil war of northern aggression by using crossbows instead of longbows on the USS Liberty?
Posted by: Mama AJ at December 26, 2016 02:21 PM (gTQoY) 227
And modify all of the comments? Yes, that can be done too.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:17 PM (voOPb) ++++ *smile* I was just going to point out how you could do it, but I see you already have. I would have also suggested that in your update note on the bottom, you could put in a brief explanation that several commenters have brought up the USS Liberty incident, so you added the word intentionally. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:22 PM (R+30W) 228
I would feel badly for the Palestinians if they hadn't replaced all of the UN peacekeepers surrounding Israel prior to the start of the war. They pushed their chips onto the table and lost. Tough luck, boyz. The next time that someone tells you that they are going to kick Israel's ass and you don't look at them like they are crazy, well, just remember what happened last time. You bet it, you lost it. Get over it, and don't try that shit again!
Posted by: goon at December 26, 2016 02:22 PM (EaQ6/) 229
226 So the Israelis started a civil war of northern aggression by using crossbows instead of longbows on the USS Liberty?
Posted by: Mama AJ at December 26, 2016 02:21 PM (gTQoY) They were partial to Ginger and 9mm ammunition too. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:22 PM (0mRoj) 230
And remember antisemitism is a leftist trait the world over, so no suprise to me Europeans to New Zealand are voting against Israel.
Posted by: Skip at December 26, 2016 02:23 PM (5sOEp) 231
>>They were partial to Ginger and 9mm ammunition too.
Well, at least they didn't weigh in on the Trump/Cruz rehashes. Posted by: Mama AJ at December 26, 2016 02:25 PM (gTQoY) 232
Less Filling!
Posted by: Raymond Jeh Johnson Jr. at December 26, 2016 02:25 PM (IqV8l) 233
222 The thing to remember is that Europeans are baffled by how much Americans like Israel. All the news they ever get is anything bad Israel does, or all the Fauxtography alleging bad stuff by Israel. They get all the propaganda against Israel, and none of the rest of the story or the bad stuff the Arabs are doing. They think its a terrible place.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (39g3+) -------------------------------------- Their ruling elite protects them from "fake news" and "foreign propaganda!" Isn't that nice? Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:25 PM (Nox3c) 234
Jeh Johnson is right!
Posted by: Grump928(c) at December 26, 2016 02:25 PM (QQ+il) 235
Wishing the US leaves the UN and vise versa
Posted by: DaveM at December 26, 2016 02:26 PM (WFjXF) 236
I would feel badly for the Palestinians if they hadn't replaced all of the UN peacekeepers surrounding Israel prior to the start of the war. They pushed their chips onto the table and lost. Tough luck, boyz
Well as usual it was not so much the was Egypt Syria and Jordan who did that...They did not and still do not give a rat's ass about the Palis. The Palis are saps Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:26 PM (sRFAL) 237
Obama needed a third term for the sake of his legacy. Instead we're getting the anti-Obama.
How and why did Obama go along with Hillary being declared the nominee by the Inner Inner D party before the process even started? There's little public discussion of how this actually happened, but it's a key development in how the election unfolded. Biden probably would have beaten Trump, or anyone else the Rs put up. Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:27 PM (SIY7D) 238
After defunding the UN and kicking them out of NYC, we need to dismantle that DAMNED sculpture (it makes my blood boil), replace the barrel on it and give it to the NRA. Posted by: irright at December 26, 2016 02:28 PM (vqzjE) 239
Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (ZkXe+)
I'm talking about the GOP alt right they made up. I don't even accept there is such a thing as alt right. They are Neo Nazis or White Supremacists who are closer to the Left in their anti-semitism. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at December 26, 2016 02:28 PM (IDPbH) 240
"Back Stabbers Celebrate"
Backstabbing has really gotten a bad press. It's always been a favorite of mine. Posted by: Bitch McConnell with a Christmas Dick In His Mouth at December 26, 2016 02:28 PM (97XyN) 241
Obama's legacy to the Jews: Thank you, Russia, Angola, Ukraine, Japan, Spain, Egypt, Malaysia, Venezuela, New Zealand, Senegal, Uruguay, France, China, and Britain. Obama's legacy in charts: Obama's legacy to America: Posted by: gNewt at December 26, 2016 02:29 PM (m/vQu) 242
Posted by: Golfman at December 26, 2016 02:29 PM (48QDY) 243
News Flash, there are no "Palestinians". There are only Egyptians and Jordanians.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at December 26, 2016 02:29 PM (QQ+il) 244
Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) A brilliant, outwardly inoffensive but inwardly seething and bitter chemist who can somehow only find work as a high school teacher and a car wash attendant decide to make crystal for some fast cash. That trip to the Dark Side? Not so slow and fateful. We don't see the corruption and fall of a good man. We see an angry schmuck learn how to be a crime lord. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (ZkXe+) 245
From what I can tell, the hardcore true believers in that crowd promote Odinism and bodybuilding. Many of them seem to be like the kind of men who really, really like wear leather and hang out with other men. Who wear leather.
Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (ZkXe+) Totes not gay, though. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (tLCYC) Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (voOPb) 247
237---Ignoramus ---
The only thing I can think of is that Obama was afraid of the Clintons. They know where the bodies are buried. Even with an obsequious, Obama-loving press, they could really embarrass him. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (Nox3c) 248
Biden probably would have beaten Trump, or anyone else the Rs put up.
I don't know why people keep saying this. Biden has run for president repeatedly and never gotten beyond single digit support even from Democrats. Some seem to think he's this political juggernaut when he's a universal joke. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (39g3+) 249
243 News Flash, there are no "Palestinians". There are only Egyptians and Jordanians.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at December 26, 2016 02:29 PM (QQ+il) Who left their homes in Israel only because they thought the attempted genocide was going to be successful and they could move right back. Whoops. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:31 PM (0mRoj) 250
"How and why did Obama go along with Hillary being declared the nominee
by the Inner Inner D party before the process even started?" That was agreed to in 2008 when Hillary stepped aside without a nasty convention fight and she and Bill supported him, at least in public. Posted by: Ripley at December 26, 2016 02:32 PM (1BQGO) 251
Back Stabbers Celebrate
It's not "back-stabbing", it's face-stabbing. Barky has never hid the fact that he hates Israel and will do everything he can to destroy it. Same with his hate of the US and of Americans. If anyone is surprised by anything Barky has done then they just haven't been paying attention. This shit was all perfectly clear in 2008. The only reason Barky didn't do all this stuff sooner was because he thought the Vichy GOP turds might stop him ... LOL. He learned that he could do anything he wanted and the Vichy GOP would not only not stand in his way but would hold the door open for him. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 26, 2016 02:32 PM (zc3Db) 252
I've never felt bad for them they don't belong there. They were given that land by coercion. It's not theirs.
Posted by: gNewt at December 26, 2016 02:32 PM (m/vQu) 253
They get all the propaganda against Israel, and none of the rest of the story or the bad stuff the Arabs are doing. They think its a terrible place.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:19 PM (39g3+) In the best of times, European anti-Semitism is never very far under the surface. And of course these days, it's broken out all over the place. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (tLCYC) 254
That trip to the Dark Side? Not so slow and fateful. We don't see the corruption and fall of a good man. We see an angry schmuck learn how to be a crime lord.
Yeah the premise that this man somehow was incapable of finding any work beyond bottom level menial with his drive, skills, and experience is a bit difficult to buy into. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (39g3+) 255
Maybe the Frogs or Limeys will step up in the UN and veto some shit resolution. Trump might look with favor upon a Britain needing a trade deal. France could use help (again!) repelling the invader.
Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (FtrY1) 256
One of the times Uncle Joe ran before he dropped out because of a plagiarism scandal.
Posted by: Skip at December 26, 2016 02:34 PM (5sOEp) 257
254 That trip to the Dark Side? Not so slow and fateful. We don't see the corruption and fall of a good man. We see an angry schmuck learn how to be a crime lord.
Yeah the premise that this man somehow was incapable of finding any work beyond bottom level menial with his drive, skills, and experience is a bit difficult to buy into. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (39g3+) I think he was at least partially paralyzed by his own bitterness. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:34 PM (0mRoj) 258
Maybe the Frogs or Limeys will step up in the UN and veto some shit resolution. Trump might look with favor upon a Britain needing a trade deal. France could use help (again!) repelling the invader.
Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (FtrY1) Maybe I'll win the lottery this week? Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:35 PM (sRFAL) 259
Walter's progression to the Dark Side is slow but fateful, as he faces a series of choices and always picks the one he thinks expedient but necessary.
Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:02 PM (SIY7D) A brilliant, outwardly inoffensive but inwardly seething and bitter chemist who can somehow only find work as a high school teacher and a car wash attendant decide to make crystal for some fast cash. That trip to the Dark Side? Not so slow and fateful. We don't see the corruption and fall of a good man. We see an angry schmuck learn how to be a crime lord. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (ZkXe+) Yeah, Walter's background info, esp. with the company, showed that he was pretty much a dickweed all along but one who was constrained by his circumstances and bad choices more than anything else. Cancer, in essence, freed Walter to be the person he truly was. He "broke bad" because there were no longer any constraints on him beyond family. Posted by: naturalfake at December 26, 2016 02:35 PM (vZ9Fw) 260
Don't bother me with all your Trumpy enthusiasm. I'm busy guarding against over-reach.
Posted by: Bitch McConnell with a Christmas Dick In His Mouth at December 26, 2016 02:35 PM (97XyN) 261
That was a case of mistaken identity, a terrible
screwup. You know it, I know it. Or maybe you don't. Maybe you think Israeli commanders somehow saw some kind of strategic advantage in willfully, purposefully attacking their American superpower ally for no reason whatsoever. You never know about those wily Joos, amiright? Wheels within wheels, man. Wheels within wheels. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:10 PM Dude. Know it? Have you researched anything about it at all? Or like a proggie, is it just the feelz that are important? One example: Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador to the U.S. in Washington, sent two cables to Abba Eban, Israel's minister of foreign affairs. (These are now declassified by Israel and can be obtained from the Israel State Archive.) The first, sent five days after the attack, says a U.S. informant told him (Harman) that there was "clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway." Three days later, the second cable added that the White House is "very angry" because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American." Your "wheels within wheels" statement is highly likely to be correct, however. Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (DMUuz) 262
A brilliant, outwardly inoffensive but inwardly seething and bitter chemist who can somehow only find work as a high school teacher and a car wash attendant decide to make crystal for some fast cash.
Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (ZkXe+) This, in many way, is the story of chemjeff. I keed! I keed! Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (tLCYC) Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (sRFAL) 264
Going back to 1916, there is not a single Presidential election where Jews have given majority support to the GOP candidate. The highest was 39pct for Ronald Reagan. Jews are Democrats, it's as simple as that. Under special circumstances they have voted heavily for GOP candidates like Rudy and Bloomberg but in the main, their voting patterns are similar to other ethnic/racial identity groups breaking 70-80pct Democrat. Posted by: Kreplach at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (+lv+r) 265
News Flash, there are no "Palestinians". There are only Egyptians and Jordanians.
I don't know how many are still left, but there were some people living in the region before Israel was rebuilt. They had no nationality, structure, government, or organization, but some lived there. Palestine was just a district in the Roman Empire, not a nation, ever, at any time. It later became a description for a region like "Willamette Valley" not a state or place with borders. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (39g3+) 266
"I think he was at least partially paralyzed by his own bitterness. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:34 PM" ------------- And isn't this, once again, the story of Obama? Posted by: irright at December 26, 2016 02:37 PM (vqzjE) 267
266 -
"I think he was at least partially paralyzed by his own bitterness. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:34 PM" ------------- And isn't this, once again, the story of Obama? Posted by: irright at December 26, 2016 02:37 PM (vqzjE) TFG's done a pretty good job monetizing his. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:38 PM (0mRoj) 268
Well as usual it was not so much the was Egypt Syria and Jordan who did that...They did not and still do not give a rat's ass about the Palis. The Palis are saps
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:26 PM (sRFAL) Well, yes, but it was Nassar, thinking he had a big dick, that ordered the peacekeepers out and replaced them with Palestinian cannon fodder. Syria could reasonably be expected to join in, because Israel had been routinely shooting their planes down as punishment for Palestinians sneaking across the border and burning farms and killing folks. Jordon, being idiots, got talked into joining in even after Israel warned them to stay home and not get involved. That was like a day or so after the shooting started. I think they learned their hard lesson in Jerusalem, where they got their asses handed to them comprehensively. Anyhow, my sympathy tank is bone dry. Posted by: goon at December 26, 2016 02:38 PM (EaQ6/) 269
I think he was at least partially paralyzed by his own bitterness.
Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:34 PM (0mRoj) Meh. That's not how the series started, at all. They just made up the rest of the stuff for Walter later on. That bullshit about him having been a founder of an internet giant ... LOL. As with almost all series, what it eventually became was radically different than what it started out as. The writers and producers test to see what they think people like and then just super-charge those aspects, even if they clash with what was happening at the start. When they make up new things for the past, though ... that is really annoying. I liked the series but it really took a few totally ridiculous detours and changed the personalities of its "stars" on a dime ... for whatever reason. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 26, 2016 02:38 PM (zc3Db) 270
"Biden has run for president repeatedly and never gotten beyond single digit support even from Democrats."
He would have run as Obama's third term. Unlike Hillary, he didn't have high negatives, liked campaigning, and can fake caring for the common man. Biden would never have lost PA and the Midwest. Although he's a straight white man, Obama would have helped get out black men, and the young. If Biden had run we wouldn't have had Bernie, and the Berniebots would never have coalesced. Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:38 PM (SIY7D) 271
Joe Biden the half tard uncle being elected President? Just shoot me if that ever happens.
He should have been laughed off the national stage for his FDR coming on TV to calm the citizenry after the stock market crash. That is still the dumbest statement ever made by a national politician in my opinion. Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at December 26, 2016 02:39 PM (IDPbH) 272
251 Back Stabbers Celebrate
It's not "back-stabbing", it's face-stabbing. Barky has never hid the fact that he hates Israel and will do everything he can to destroy it. Same with his hate of the US and of Americans. If anyone is surprised by anything Barky has done then they just haven't been paying attention. This shit was all perfectly clear in 2008. The only reason Barky didn't do all this stuff sooner was because he thought the Vichy GOP turds might stop him ... LOL. He learned that he could do anything he wanted and the Vichy GOP would not only not stand in his way but would hold the door open for him. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 26, 2016 02:32 PM (zc3Db) ++++ Obama wanted this resolution to pass. Yet, the US did not offer the resolution. Instead, Obama worked behind the scenes to make it happen. And, after all that, instead of using the US's vote to vote in favor, he goes with an abstention. It is true to form for the passive-aggressive bitch we have for a president to use the weaseliest way possible to get what he wants, rather than using the direct approach and taking responsibility for his actions. He is a backstabber. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:40 PM (R+30W) 273
248---I don't know why people keep saying this. Biden has run for president repeatedly and never gotten beyond single digit support even from Democrats. Some seem to think he's this political juggernaut when he's a universal joke.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:30 PM (39g3+) --------------------------------- -Primary fights and the general election are not the same thing. -We really have dumbed down political discourse to the extent that Biden does not seem as dim-witted as he once did. Twenty years ago Biden's performance at the 2012 "debate" with Ryan would have been seen as childish, rude, and obnoxious. Nowadays it's a big "win." - Biden has "the common touch." Those 200+ counties that went for Obama in 2008 and for Trump in 2016 would have gone for Biden....IMO. -Far fewer people actively dislike him than dislike Hillary. He doesn't have that prissy MIL vibe that male voters in particular hate. Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:40 PM (Nox3c) 274
Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements. A change which he had nothing to do with, since it was all by the Supreme Court, another branch of government.
What a winner! Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (39g3+) 275
OM, Chemjeff is doing OK at his university. He has tenure, and ISTR, a new paper out.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (u82oZ) 276
-Far fewer people actively dislike him than dislike Hillary. He doesn't have that prissy MIL vibe that male voters in particular hate.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 26, 2016 02:40 PM (Nox3c) He does have that loudmouth asshole thing going, which I also hate. Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (0mRoj) 277
Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements. A change which he had nothing to do with, since it was all by the Supreme Court, another branch of government.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (39g3+) Gavin Newsome was really the one who started the whole gay pretend marriage bullshit. He should have been jailed for intentionally breaking the law and acting as a tyrant ... but he was allowed to just do whatever the hell he wanted until they could get all the courts in for the "win". Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 26, 2016 02:43 PM (zc3Db) 278
OM, Chemjeff is doing OK at his university. He has tenure, and ISTR, a new paper out.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (u82oZ) I know, I was just riffing on the high approval ratings he used to get here on this blog. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:44 PM (GdPXh) 279
Your "wheels within wheels" statement is highly likely to be correct, however.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:36 PM (DMUuz) Convoluted conspiracy crap makes my head hurt, particularly the kind featuring evil *cough* Zionists *cough*. I know what you're getting at. Take that shit over to Stormfront. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:45 PM (ZkXe+) 280
Going back to 1916, there is not a single Presidential election where Jews have given majority support to the GOP candidate. Someone up thread said it was not because they are Jews but because they are highly educated. That's why everyone must attend college. Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 26, 2016 02:45 PM (IqV8l) 281
275 OM, Chemjeff is doing OK at his university. He has tenure, and ISTR, a new paper out.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (u82oZ) Ghost writing for Kevin D. Williamson? Posted by: Insomniac at December 26, 2016 02:45 PM (0mRoj) 282
>>Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements.
Hardest Hit : Barack's Cornhole. Posted by: Michele Obama's Landing Strip at December 26, 2016 02:46 PM (4uaSQ) 283
I still maintain that Barack Obama is America's First Jewish President ...
Posted by: Jeffrey Goldberg at December 26, 2016 02:47 PM (mt8X9) 284
OM, of course.
Chemjeff earned all of his dislike. He could have been charming, like the early chemjeff, but no. Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:47 PM (u82oZ) 285
Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements.
Which Barky originally opposed. At least outwardly. Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 26, 2016 02:47 PM (SRKgf) 286
A change which he had nothing to do with, since it was all by the Supreme Court, another branch of government.
What a winner! Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:41 PM (39g3+) A court to which Obama appointed a number of hard-core, doctrinaire leftists dedicated to promulgating the progressive gospel in every decision they rule on. So yes, I think it is legitimate for Obama to claim homosexual marriage as one of his achievements. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:48 PM (GdPXh) 287
>>Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements.
That was all me. Posted by: Elena Kagan's Fiskars at December 26, 2016 02:49 PM (4uaSQ) 288
"O-Jong-il administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements. Which Barky originally opposed. At least outwardly." ---------------- Let me tell you what he did inwardly... Posted by: R Love at December 26, 2016 02:49 PM (vqzjE) 289
So yes, I think it is legitimate for Obama to claim homosexual marriage as one of his achievements.
Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:48 PM (GdPXh) Hum not so much. It was moslty legal already. Now he made it fully legal in the Military and he help extend all sorts of benefits to gay couples. Now he is THE TRANSEXUAL President. THAT is for sure Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:50 PM (sRFAL) Posted by: DaveA at December 26, 2016 02:50 PM (8J/Te) 291
So yes, I think it is legitimate for Obama to claim homosexual marriage as one of his achievements.
I don't because its not even his branch. He appointed some judges, but not enough to overcome the balance of the court. Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:51 PM (39g3+) 292
During the first Gulf War I was at a firm with a lot of Jews, mostly Reform or non-practicing. They really, really cared about how the outcome would effect Israel, especially when Saddam started firing missiles on Israel. Many at the time criticized the influence the Israeli lobby was said to have on US policies in the ME.
I'm quite surprised at the change in American Jews in a generation. Posted by: Ignoramus at December 26, 2016 02:52 PM (SIY7D) Posted by: Clint Eastwood at December 26, 2016 02:53 PM (vqzjE) 294
Report: Joe Biden Convinced Ukraine to Vote for Anti-Israel UN Resolution Posted by: SMFH -- 12-3 at December 26, 2016 02:53 PM (CRotO) 295
Yeah the premise that this man somehow was incapable of finding any work beyond bottom level menial with his drive, skills, and experience is a bit difficult to buy into.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at December 26, 2016 02:33 PM (39g3+) I did work as a technical adviser in a lawsuit brought by a scientist against our company. Brilliant guy, actually nominated for a science Nobel Prize. Were he anything but a complete and utter egomaniac, psychopath and asshole he would have gone down as one of the greats. But he effectively got himself fired at three different companies. He won the lawsuit because his counsel lied through their teeth. Big settlement, then he started running around with a stripper. His wife divorced him and cleaned him out. Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at December 26, 2016 02:53 PM (J8/9G) 296
Nood. pbho ego trip.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at December 26, 2016 02:53 PM (u82oZ) 297
I know what you're getting at. Take that shit over to Stormfront.
Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:45 PM You have zero clue what I'm getting at. And you're a twit. Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:54 PM (DMUuz) 298
287 >>Obama administration lists "homosexual marriage" as one of their top achievements.
That was all me. Posted by: Elena Kagan's Fiskars at December 26, 2016 02:49 PM (4uaSQ) ============== Back off, bitch! Posted by: Anthony Kennedy at December 26, 2016 02:55 PM (mt8X9) Posted by: Grump928(c) at December 26, 2016 02:58 PM (QQ+il) 300
Now he made it fully legal in the Military and he help extend all sorts of benefits to gay couples. Now he is THE TRANSEXUAL President. THAT is for sure
I opt for gay. I think he is narcissistic about being a man, and the homosexual is basically a narcissist. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 26, 2016 02:59 PM (rH4JY) 301
Were he anything but a complete and utter egomaniac, psychopath and asshole he would have gone down as one of the greats. But he effectively got himself fired at three different companies.
This, in many ways, is the story of Keith Olbermann. He won the lawsuit because his counsel lied through their teeth. Big settlement, then he started running around with a stripper. His wife divorced him and cleaned him out. Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at December 26, 2016 02:53 PM (J8/9G) Rough justice is better than no justice. Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 26, 2016 02:59 PM (GdPXh) 302
Hum not so much. It was moslty legal already. Now he made it fully legal in the Military and he help extend all sorts of benefits to gay couples. Now he is THE TRANSEXUAL President. THAT is for sure
Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 26, 2016 02:50 PM (sRFAL) ++++ Just because the First Lady is a tranny doesn't mean Obama is. He is just highly sympathetic. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 26, 2016 02:59 PM (R+30W) 303
You have zero clue what I'm getting at. And you're a twit.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at December 26, 2016 02:54 PM (DMUuz) Name-calling can get you banned here. Keep doing it, please. Posted by: troyriser at December 26, 2016 02:59 PM (ZkXe+) 304
Name-calling at the HQ? Just not done, old chap.
Posted by: Miley, the Unindicted Duchess of the DSR at December 26, 2016 03:02 PM (tHwdc) 305
Thank you for that update about the USS Liberty.
The fcuking MFM have bamboozled me for years about that incident, ever since I read a book about the NSA from an angry, angry, author. I always thought that incident was strange. Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at December 26, 2016 03:03 PM (8iiMU) 306
Recommendation for Trump: Have your UN ambassador (Nikki Haley) veto everything in the Security Council until this resolution gets repealed.
Posted by: Joshua K. at December 26, 2016 03:10 PM (oCZ4e) 307
305 Thank you for that update about the USS Liberty.
The fcuking MFM have bamboozled me for years about that incident, ever since I read a book about the NSA from an angry, angry, author. I always thought that incident was strange. Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at December 26, 2016 03:03 PM (8iiMU) ================== Seconded. Posted by: ShainS at December 26, 2016 03:23 PM (mt8X9) 308
<i>306 Recommendation for Trump: Have your UN ambassador (Nikki Haley) veto everything in the Security Council until this resolution gets repealed.
Posted by: Joshua K. at December 26, 2016 03:10 PM (oCZ4e) </i> ================== If you didn't see it in the J.J. Sefton post below -- Cruz: No U.S. Money for UN Until Anti-Israel Resolution Reversed. Posted by: ShainS at December 26, 2016 03:27 PM (mt8X9) 309
Sorry. Despite the provided link to the information on the USS Liberty, I still don't believe the official line from either the US or Israel. The Liberty was refused assistance from 6th Fleet (which had birds on the cats waiting for launch) while the attack was still on-going. The fact that the ship couldn't be identified as a non-belligerent by the attackers is ludicrous. And the "but the US military has done it too!" crap does not wash in this instance. Politicians closed ranks on this one and ensured that no one higher than an 0-3 would spoil the tale publicly. I very much dislike the desert idiots and that bankrupt religion of peace they espouse but I'm not much of a fan of the Israeli government to this day either (nor our US government, for that fact).
Posted by: bullnuke at December 26, 2016 04:22 PM (3tU+1) 310
Can we drop all the Liberty Truther comments? If I wanted to read anti-Israeli conspiracy theories, I'd be over at the NYT.
Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 26, 2016 04:31 PM (fVubI) 311
Obama's actions towards Israel are inexcusable.
This doesn't change the fact that Israel puts its interests first...second, third and fourth. They are a country literally fighting for their survival since their founding. If that means doing things we utterly disapprove of, they do it. If that means spying on the US, they do it. I cheer for Israel from afar, and at the same time am firmly on team USA if our interests diverge. As conservatives we would be wise to realize that Israel is a valuable friend, we side with them against Islamic barbarism, but they are not an ally like the UK. Posted by: Doug at December 26, 2016 04:57 PM (3RVQo) 312
"Can we drop all the Liberty Truther comments? If I wanted to read anti-Israeli conspiracy theories, I'd be over at the NYT."
Well, fuck you. That wasn't a "friendly fire" incident unless you are going to tell me that we were attacking the Arabs along with Israel. The ship was in international waters. Were there shore bombardments from some ships against Israeli forces? Don't think so. Were there carrier based aircraft attacking Israeli forces? Don't think so. So why were they spending air sorties to attack a vessel in international waters? They were gonna attack the Soviets instead of us? Israel has its own agenda; I've got no problem with that. I also don't have any problem with them wiping out every Palestinian in their A.O. If the Palestinians managed to wipe out all the Israelis, I wouldn't really care about that either, to be honest. We should work together when our interests align and not do so when they don't. Just like almost any other country in the world. Posted by: Richard Cranium at December 26, 2016 09:39 PM (ZBO0C) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.051 seconds. |
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