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A Letter from a Liberal to Her Fellow Liberals: I'm Tired of You, I'm Exasperated By You, I'm Quitting You and Your Weird Cult

In the last paroxysm of Political Correctness in the 1990s, some commentators began talking about "Compassion Fatigue," the syndrome whereby people who were told to care about everything eventually broke down and decided they just couldn't care about every stray bit of bullshit any longer. And then, the spell was broken; the forces of PC no longer had any influence over them.

We should be talking about Outrage Fatigue now-- who has the time or required neurotic/hysterical personality defect to be this outraged about so many different trivial things?

[I] was raised a secular liberal. My college professors were secular liberals. During my journalism phase, my newspaper colleagues were secular liberals. My law school professors and peers were – in the vast majority – secular liberals. Almost everyone at my corporate law firm was a secular liberal. My California neighbors and friends are secular liberals, as are my fellow government lawyers. My mother, siblings, and their spouses are all secular liberals.

By all rights, I should be a member in good standing of their tribe, "liking" their Facebook posts and joining their candlelight vigils against the evil Trump Administration. But November 8 and its aftermath revealed to me that I am just so tired of these people. I can't be like them, and I don't want my kids turning into them.

I am tired of their undisguised contempt for tens of millions of Americans, with no effort to temper their response to the election with humility or empathy.

I am tired of their unexamined snobbery and condescension.

I am tired of their name-calling and virtue-signaling as signs of supposedly high intelligence.

I am tired of their trendiness, jumping on every left-liberal bandwagon that comes along (transgender activism, anyone?) and then acting like anyone not on board is an idiot/hater.

I am tired of their shallowness. It’s hard to have a deep conversation with people who are obsessed with moving their kids’ pawns across the board (grades, sports, college, grad school, career) and, in their spare time, entertaining themselves and taking great vacations.

I am tired of their acceptance of vulgarity and sarcastic irreverence as the cultural ocean in which their kids swim. I like pop culture as much as the next person, but people who would never raise their kids on junk food seem to think nothing of letting then wallow in cultural junk, exposed to nothing ennobling, aspirational, or even earnest.

I am tired of watching them raise clueless kids (see above) who go off to college and within months are convinced they live in a rapey, racist patriarchy; "Make America Great Again" is hate speech; and Black Lives Matter agitators are their brothers-in-arms against White Privilege. If my kids are like that at nineteen, I'll feel I've seriously failed them as a parent. Yet the general sentiment seems to be these are good, liberal kids who may have gotten a bit carried away.

I am tired of their lack of interest in any form of serious morality or self-betterment. These are decent, responsible people, many compassionate by temperament. Yet they seem two-dimensional, as if they believe that being a nice, well-socialized person who holds the correct political views is all there is, and there is nothing else to talk about. Isn’t there, though?

I am tired of being bored and exasperated by everybody. I feel like I have read this book a thousand times, and there are no surprises in it. Down with Trump! Trans Lives Matter! Climate deniers are destroying the planet! No cake, we're gluten-free!

These are good people in a lot of ways. But there has got to be a better tribe.

That leads me to . . . drum roll . . . the Christian Right. It is no small feat, switching tribes. It feels stressful and weird to abandon your tribe for the Detested Other Side.

The more you tighten your grip, Lord Vader, the more systems will slip through your fingers.

Posted by: Ace at 05:36 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st?

Posted by: johnd01 at December 21, 2016 05:33 PM (ukNFU)

2 Woah cool. I'll go fetch The Others.

Posted by: johnd01 at December 21, 2016 05:34 PM (ukNFU)

3 Huh!

A flounce.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse at December 21, 2016 05:34 PM (6oSAH)

4 4th!

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at December 21, 2016 05:34 PM (xl97/)

5 So she had a literal "come to Jesus" moment. Glad those are still being had.

Posted by: Dead Parrot Society at December 21, 2016 05:35 PM (AJeMv)

6 The other problem should be simple fear. You carry water for a liberal, the chances are they will flush you because you were first useful and later an unwanted obligation.

I said earlier, you will get set aside faster than a oral surgeon going for his trophy wife.

Posted by: Kindltot at December 21, 2016 05:35 PM (9MInk)

7 And a conservative is born.

That's pretty much the emotional and rational process right there.

Posted by: Esch at December 21, 2016 05:35 PM (noPgi)

8 The parts about kids are the best.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at December 21, 2016 05:36 PM (U6f54)

I'll mention this again because it's related to this poat:

Mayor Marty Walsh of Boston, MA said racism played a role in Trump's win. Walsh also said that Trump's win was a backlash effect from having the nation's first black president.

So even when obama is not even on the presidential ticket, you are a racist for not voting for him.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:36 PM (4o/yn)

10 I am tired of their unexamined snobbery and condescension.

What took you so long?

Posted by: dantesed at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (88xKn)

11 A Tribe Called Question.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (IqV8l)

12 Nicely written. Takes some guts to leave the herd, whatever herd that may be.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gloaty McGloatface at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (RwwCT)

13 Perhaps its the cynic in me, but this letter seems fake.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (gmeXX)


And you know what happens to people who are in a constant state of hysterics?

We remove their wombs and put them in insane asylums.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (4o/yn)


Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (NOIQH)

16 I'm not sure trading one tribe for another is the answer. Better answer may be to stop being tribal.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (diqZH)

17 Going to stake out a number, then read the content.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at December 21, 2016 05:38 PM (wfDW1)

18 Concern Troll

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 05:38 PM (pfa8g)

19 Those who know me here in person know that, THAT is exactly why I joined The US Navy late in life. I had enough of "MY" Tribe. Ace, those could be my worlds almost exactly...well except for the last part about the Church. Not that there is anything wrong with that! LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:39 PM (SjImc)

20 I'm not sure trading one tribe for another is the answer. Better answer may be to stop being tribal.
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (diqZH)

No such thing. Tribalism is ingrained into human nature.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at December 21, 2016 05:39 PM (FYrz1)

21 I'm legitimately pleased, wondering why it took so long.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 21, 2016 05:39 PM (Qvgg/)

22 What is funny about all this shit is that back in the 50s when I was growing up there were four major concerns. "The bomb", getting a good education, getting a job, and then the draft.

None of this PC crap was even on the horizon. People had too much real shit to worry about.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at December 21, 2016 05:40 PM (mpXpK)

23 Tarkin.

Posted by: Geek at December 21, 2016 05:41 PM (ILsJE)

24 16. Well of course you'd say that, you cishet left-handed Dutch Winona stalker.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 05:41 PM (I7iYP)

25 That leads me to . . . drum roll . . . the Christian Right.

Welcome. And not just because of your politics. That's the least of it.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 05:41 PM (dFi94)

26 Good for her. She had a political conversion. I've been a liberal. I haven't been secular probably since I was in jr high.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (tOcW/)

27 A Christmas miracle, yes?

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (a0IVu)

28 "I am tired of their acceptance of vulgarity and sarcastic irreverence as
the cultural ocean in which their kids swim. I like pop culture as much
as the next person, but people who would never raise their kids on junk
food seem to think nothing of letting then wallow in cultural junk,
exposed to nothing ennobling, aspirational, or even earnest."


And this is reason number one why there is no cable television in my house, cutting of the revenue of the left is secondary.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (Qvgg/)

You wanna know how to argue with any unhinged Leftist?

Respond to every kooky thing they say with:

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (4o/yn)

30 We may just have passed the Peak Leftist Idiocy, and can now experience the long-awaited outbreak of sanity.

Keep a good thought.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (SRKgf)

31 20. Bingo. Man is a social animal. The smallest social/political unit is the family/clan. The tribe is our first interface with the rest of the world.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (I7iYP)

32 I guess I left my nominal secular tribe to become Catholic I don't ever remember being a liberal. I can't grok this one totally. I guess it takes guts?

Posted by: USNtakim at December 21, 2016 05:43 PM (hMqvx)


Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 05:43 PM (pfa8g)

34 You wanna know how to argue with any unhinged Leftist?

Respond to every kooky thing they say with:

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (4o/yn)

How about this?

"Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken.

"And in conclusion, chicken."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:43 PM (SRKgf)

35 Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (gmeXX)

I think it sounds very honest. There is a woman who has or had a blog and is from Southern California. She is a therapist. Sounds ver similar

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 05:43 PM (tOcW/)

36 I want to prepare my kids to live according to some unchanging truth,
not subject to every passing trend, and this felt like a start.


Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:43 PM (NOIQH)

37 And she lives in the republic of california at that - no easy task. Being outed as anything but a progressive liberal here and you are a social pariah in some circles.

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:44 PM (a0IVu)

38 Quick aside: Boeing CEO vows to build two Air Force Ones for the price of one

PE Trump is on a hot streak

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (SjImc)

39 You wanna know how to argue with any unhinged Leftist?

Respond to every kooky thing they say with:

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:42 PM (4o/yn)

How about this?

"Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken.

"And in conclusion, chicken."


I always like to say this to liberals:

"You do know that the theory of evolution is just a theory, don't you?"

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (gmeXX)

40 29. That's a fun website. Much better than the time-cube one.

I used to start sentences with, 'Well, as Nixon said,' etc. But these youngsters don't seem to get the joke these days. History began when they were born.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (I7iYP)

41 >>>No such thing. Tribalism is ingrained into human nature.
Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at December 21, 2016 05:39 PM (FYrz1)

Bullshit. You can reject tribalism. Or recognize that at any time you can choose a tribe over another for the moment.

Cool story about the old hardcore gyms in Chicago. Used to be a bin by the door where lifters would stash their guns while they worked out. Whites, blacks, cops, bangers. Nobody cared. If you were there to hit the iron, that was it. Inside was truce. Outside different story.

I belong to a lot of tribes. Which one wins out depends on a lot of factors. And none of the tribes may win out. That's what having a brain's for.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (diqZH)

42 >>I want to prepare my kids to live according to some unchanging truth

Hillary Clinton will never be President.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (/tuJf)

43 That leads me to . . . drum roll . . . the Christian Right. It is no small feat, switching tribes. It feels stressful and weird to abandon your tribe for the Detested Other Side.

Feeling's mutual. Feels stressful and weird to welcome someone who wanted me and mine dead.

And sorry, but that's what the Tribe of Left wants.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (wJky2)

44 38
Quick aside: Boeing CEO vows to build two Air Force Ones for the price of one

PE Trump is on a hot streak

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (SjImc)
Buy one, get one free!!!!!!

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (a0IVu)

45 Everyone wants meaning in their life. Something to aspire to. Something to believe in. Something that isn't cheap or temporary. Some people think political causes will provide that, both on the left and the right. Ultimately, the only thing that satisfies is the thing we were created for. We were created to love God - the God who first loved us.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (dFi94)

46 37 And she lives in the republic of california at that - no easy task. Being outed as anything but a progressive liberal here and you are a social pariah in some circles.
Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:44 PM (a0IVu)

Circles which I for one assiduously avoid. Being a pariah to those circles is like being frozen out by Lena Dunham, i.e., something fervently to be sought.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (SRKgf)

47 Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:37 PM (gmeXX)

I think it sounds very honest. There is a woman who has or had a blog and is from Southern California. She is a therapist. Sounds ver similar


Ok, no reason for me to deny its sincerity - was probably just being cynical. I'm sure many people have similar conversions (and unfortunately it goes the other way as well).

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (gmeXX)

btw, all that crap about Star Wars Rogue One being about Trump and white supremacists is bullshit.

Rogue One has been in post-production for at least a year. That means the script and filming was all done before December 2015.

NO ONE on the Left took Trump's candidacy seriously in December 2015. No one even thought of inventing the "alt-right" in December 2015.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (4o/yn)

49 "That leads me to . . . drum roll . . . the Christian Right."

One of the more remarkable things about the primaries was how Trump -- of all people -- got the Evangelicals to his side, despite Cruz making an all-in play for their support. In the general, Trump did +3 better with Protestants than Obama in 2012.

Catholic voters are a diverse group and their weighted average sits right smack in the middle of the electorate. Trump did +5% better than Obama with Catholics -- he did +8% better with Hispanic Catholics.

There have been many explanations put forth for why Hillary lost. At the margin, a lot of them are true. The swing in the Catholic vote is one.

Frustration with Secular Outrage may have been a driver in this.

Posted by: Ignoramus at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (SIY7D)

50 >.I think it sounds very honest. There is a woman who has or had a blog
and is from Southern California. She is a therapist. Sounds ver similar

Oh, that blogger "Robin" from San Francisco. Was so sorry she stopped blogging, she had wonderful insight into the way the Left thinks, and could really tear it apart having once gone along with it.

Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (NOIQH)

51 I suspect the number of these conversions will rise to the 10s of millions if The Left continues on the same trajectory. Some will be vocal about it. Some will just duck out the back door quietly.

2018 will be a slaughterhouse and I'm looking forward to it. About time the pendulum swung back in the other direction.

Posted by: Uncomfortable Pepe at the Libraty at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (jLChk)

52 Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (dFi94)

Nicely said.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 05:47 PM (tOcW/)

53 Have heard of a few people who use to be liberals who had it with the Leftists kooks

Posted by: Skip at December 21, 2016 05:47 PM (5sOEp)

54 5 Everyone wants meaning in their life. Something to aspire to. Something to believe in. Something that isn't cheap or temporary. Some people think political causes will provide that, both on the left and the right. Ultimately, the only thing that satisfies is the thing we were created for. We were created to love God - the God who first loved us


Posted by: USNtakim at December 21, 2016 05:47 PM (hMqvx)

55 I always like to say this to liberals:

"You do know that the theory of evolution is just a theory, don't you?"

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (gmeXX)

Ah, but as Darwin sailed around on HMS Beagle, the theory evolved in his head.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:47 PM (SRKgf)

56 Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (NOIQH)

Yes, that was the name. Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 05:47 PM (tOcW/)

If anything, Rogue One was written and filmed under the assumption that Hillary Clinton would easily win, probably by defeating John Kasick or Jeb Bush -- these two are hardly "the Empire" by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:48 PM (4o/yn)

58 >> Boeing CEO vows to build two Air Force Ones for
>> the price of one

This is fake news, right?

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:48 PM (TppKb)

59 >>Everyone wants meaning in their life. Something to aspire to. Something to believe in. Something that isn't cheap or temporary...

Well, not everyone...

but it's some nice sentiment.

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 05:48 PM (pfa8g)

60 Aw, ever feel like you're in a rut? And I'm not just talking about last eight years.

Okay, I am actually talking about the last eight years. Good riddance to President Threeputt and his globalist Marxist Islamist enablers! Woo-hoo!

Posted by: Fritz at December 21, 2016 05:48 PM (nrkHK)

61 41. Ahhh....but the men in the gym themselves constituted a tribe of sorts. Let one of them bring the smaller tribes' wars inside and see if it isn't so.

Humans form groups and such. We have to accept that and act accordingly, and always bear it in mind, as you say.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (I7iYP)

62 One down -- 90 million to go.

But it's something.

Posted by: eleven at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (qUNWi)

63 46, Circles which I for one assiduously avoid. Being a
pariah to those circles is like being frozen out by Lena Dunham, i.e.,
something fervently to be sought.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (SRKgf)
I hear you. I work in the environmental field so you can imagine the loons I deal with. Most folks know I am not a liberal but for the most part, I keep my thoughts to myself.

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (a0IVu)

64 I always like to say this to liberals:

"You do know that the theory of evolution is just a theory, don't you?"

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:45 PM (gmeXX)

Ah, but as Darwin sailed around on HMS Beagle, the theory evolved in his head.


This also sets them off.

If dinosaurs existed, how come so many of those "bones" are made of plaster? Let's just say I'm skeptical.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (gmeXX)

65 More of my life has been outside our tribes tent then inside. After I put my camels nose in I've never had an aggressive confrontation for questioning "dogma." Exact opposite of my experience in the other side. That's when I decided not just my camel nose but all my camel toes were happier in this tent.

Posted by: Shiggz at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (2QHqb)

66 I suspect the number of these conversions will rise to the 10s of millions if The Left continues on the same trajectory. Some will be vocal about it. Some will just duck out the back door quietly.

2018 will be a slaughterhouse and I'm looking forward to it. About time the pendulum swung back in the other direction.
Posted by: Uncomfortable Pepe at the Libraty at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (jLChk)

I hope so BUT PE Trump has to deliver. And I Hope/Believe he will

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (SjImc)

67 "You do know that the theory of evolution is just a theory, don't you?"

Like the theory that Oswald shot Kennedy.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (Nwg0u)

68 >>Yes, that was the name. Thanks.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Looks like she's back....?!

Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (NOIQH)

69 38
Quick aside: Boeing CEO vows to build two Air Force Ones for the price of one

PE Trump is on a hot streak

Gonna be some big-ass changes up in this bitch.


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (SRKgf)

70 33 nailed it. We're going to be seeing lots of DINOs soon as congresscritters scramble to keep their jobs.

I just hope the Rs don't manage to piss off the country as fast as the Ds did when they last had the whole damn show. Trump is too hard-wired to A/B test things to let that happen, I think.

Posted by: mx4 at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (qDvyT)

71 Holy Fuck the guy final left hanging up on the video call after 2.5 hours. He slammed the door on the way out.

Fuck I thought he was going to go postal on everybody here. Thank the Lord he's gone.

Posted by: comforable pepe, at the library on the phone at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (jLChk)

72 Please tell me you aren't saying there were no dinosaurs.

Posted by: eleven at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (qUNWi)

73 The shallowness point is really good and reminds of a theme that Ace has touched on about libs: These people spend an inordinate amount of time watching TV shows.

Posted by: Benji Carver at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (OD2ni)

74 Boeing CEO vows to build two Air Force Ones for
>> the price of one

This is fake news, right?

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:48 PM (TppKb)

No...The CEO of Boeing just got out of a meeting with PE Trump

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (SjImc)

75 Sounds like someone is growing up.

Posted by: @PeeteySDee at December 21, 2016 05:50 PM (B77dy)

76 And I'm sure a good deal of the responses she'll get to this will only illustrate the points she was making.

Not only that, but the left loves using "for the children" as their mantra. This woman's motto appears to be "for *my* children". A world of difference.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (ksKMl)

77 Please tell me you aren't saying there were no dinosaurs.


Its funnier when a liberal asks that.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (gmeXX)

78 These people are fascists but self identify as "liberals."

Don't let them get away with them self identifying as liberals.

Posted by: Jukin,The Deplorable & Profoundly Unserious at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (cOHS7)

79 >> One of the more remarkable things about the
>> primaries was how Trump -- of all people -- got the
>> Evangelicals to his side, despite Cruz making an all-
>> in play for their support. In the general, Trump did
>> +3 better with Protestants than Obama in 2012.

What was the line...oh...where was it...hmm...oh yeah:

"I cannot spare this man, he fights".

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (TppKb)

btw, aren't we overdue for archeologists digging up a new dinosaur bone somewhere that proves T-Rexes were gay and covered with feathers and could jump exactly 25.8 feet in the air?

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (4o/yn)

81 Now that you mention it, T.Rex does have some awfully 'Expressive' wrist bones.

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 05:52 PM (pfa8g)

82 >> T-Rexes were gay

And hung like, well, T-Rexes.

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:52 PM (TppKb)

83 I wonder if she's hot. (Come on, you were thinking it too)

Posted by: Benji Carver at December 21, 2016 05:52 PM (OD2ni)

84 Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:46 PM (SRKgf)
I hear you. I work in the environmental field so you can imagine the loons I deal with. Most folks know I am not a liberal but for the most part, I keep my thoughts to myself.

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (a0IVu)

I live in California. I'll leave it at that. Curiously, however, without consciously aiming to do this, all of my friends (mostly baseball guys) are conservative. (Of course, we're right outside of MCB Camp Pendleton, and so a lot of them are retired Marines.)

I literally only know two liberals, and I wasn't too crazy about either of them even before I knew their politics.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:52 PM (SRKgf)

85 >> T-Rexes were gay

And hung like, well, T-Rexes.


With a brain the size of Lena Dunham's.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (gmeXX)

86 "Don't get cocky kid !!"

Posted by: Jack Reacher at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (e8kgV)

87 If anything, Rogue One was written and filmed under the assumption that Hillary Clinton would easily win, probably by defeating John Kasick or Jeb Bush -- these two are hardly "the Empire" by any stretch of the imagination.
Posted by: Soothsayer

So what? They call every GOP a nazi.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (ZBp8/)

88 I wonder if she's hot. (Come on, you were thinking it too)



Posted by: eleven at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (qUNWi)


Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (I7iYP)

90 As long as one lives in a swamp he will have mold, mildew and fungus problems.

Posted by: gNewt at December 21, 2016 05:53 PM (0nM5K)

91 We just finished watching a BBC miniseries about the birth of Jesus, which was so beautiful and moving compared to secular TV. My nine-year-old really enjoyed it. I want to prepare my kids to live according to some unchanging truth, not subject to every passing trend, and this felt like a start. But I worry that an inability to believe in the supernatural aspects of the faith will limit my ability to be a "real" Christian.

I understand this. Like her, I started going to church regularly about two years ago. It has become one of the highlights of my week, if not the highlight, and yet I am very uncomfortable with some of the hierarchical language, and even the kneeling. The supernatural aspects of church doctrine I still am a little impatient with, and treat as metaphorical.

To me, church has become about my struggle to believe in eternal truth (outside of myself) and moral betterment. I especially like the Lords Prayer, which I treat as a step-by-step guidebook for my daily interactions with the world around me.

Posted by: Edwin Encarnacion, jobless right now at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (X4ZNp)

92 77 Please tell me you aren't saying there were no dinosaurs.
Its funnier when a liberal asks that.
Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (gmeXX)

It's fun to goof on liberals.

"Sure there used to be dinosaurs. They were the last Democrats to be patriotic Americans, but they died out long ago."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (SRKgf)

93 I live in California. I'll leave it at that. Curiously, however, without consciously aiming to do this, all of my friends (mostly baseball guys) are conservative. (Of course, we're right outside of MCB Camp Pendleton, and so a lot of them are retired Marines.)


No matter where I go, my friends tend to be conservative catholics.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (gmeXX)

94 Now that you mention it, T.Rex does have some awfully 'Expressive' wrist bones.
Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 05:52 PM (pfa8g)

82 >> T-Rexes were gay

And hung like, well, T-Rexes.

Posted by: JEM

When you have arms as short as theirs, you gotta pray a buddy will do you a solid when it comes to 'baitin'!

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (wJky2)

I stopped paying attention to all that dinosaur bullshit when they felt the need to change the name of Brontosauruses to Brachiosauruses.

They did it...because they can.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (4o/yn)

96 Christianity is wonderful because you can disagree about a few things, maybe a lot of things, but if you love Jesus then I love you.
If you don't love Jesus, that's your business but don't expect me to jump for joy over it.

Posted by: navybrat at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (w7KSn)

97 I saw Rogue One yesterday and I did not see anything in it but the same old Star Wars of good versus completely out of control overwhelmingly strong evil.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 05:54 PM (kXoT0)

98 77 Please tell me you aren't saying there were no dinosaurs.
Its funnier when a liberal asks that.
Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (gmeXX)

It's fun to goof on liberals.

"Sure there used to be dinosaurs. They were the last Democrats to be patriotic Americans, but they died out long ago."


Ashamed that they perished in the flood.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:55 PM (gmeXX)

99 >>When you have arms as short as theirs, you gotta pray a buddy will do you a solid when it comes to 'baitin'!

Why do you think they were always pissed off?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 05:55 PM (/tuJf)

100 T-Rexes were gay

And yet they went extinct.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at December 21, 2016 05:55 PM (Nwg0u)

101 So the CEO of Boeing is a racist because he was overcharging Obama because he is black.

Posted by: Jukin,The Deplorable & Profoundly Unserious at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (cOHS7)

102 Ashamed that they perished in the flood.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:55 PM (gmeXX)

So global warming got 'em, eh?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (SRKgf)

103 >> "Sure there used to be dinosaurs. They were the
>> last Democrats to be patriotic Americans, but they
>> died out long ago."

The Scoopus Jacksonii died out what seems like centuries ago now.

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (TppKb)

104 btw, aren't we overdue for archeologists digging up a new dinosaur bone somewhere that proves T-Rexes were gay and covered with feathers and could jump exactly 25.8 feet in the air?
Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 05:51 PM (4o/yn)

Latest dinosaur bit of news I saw was that they finally found a complete fossil of a voice box and they now think that dinosaurs cooed instead of roared.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (kXoT0)

105 My conversion didn't involve religion, but the rest of it sounds familiar.

Posted by: Farmer Joe at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (zSMr0)

106 Of course she doesn't necessarily need to join the Christian Right. If she does great. But she'll probably just enjoy the fact that she doesn't get the constant stink eye and hatred that liberals give if you're not on board with their newest pet cause.

Posted by: buzzion at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM (z/Ubi)

107 >> So the CEO of Boeing is a racist because he was
>> overcharging Obama because he is black.


Posted by: DOJ Office of Civil Rights at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM (TppKb)

108 101 So the CEO of Boeing is a racist because he was overcharging Obama because he is black.
Posted by: Jukin,The Deplorable & Profoundly Unserious at December 21, 2016 05:56 PM (cOHS7)

And outfitted Air Force One so that Obama's area was in the back of the plane.


Obama should've flown around in a plane designed and built by blacks. That would've solved our problem early on.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM (SRKgf)

109 Trump's them song, "You Can't Always Get What You Want", should change to "Start Me Up" inauguration day.

Posted by: gNewt at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM (0nM5K)

110 It's fun to goof on liberals.

"Sure there used to be dinosaurs. They were the last Democrats to be patriotic Americans, but they died out long ago."


Ashamed that they perished in the flood.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 05:55 PM (gmeXX)
Heh. I'm having fun with this rejoinder to their grumbling about all the regulations Trump is going to get rid off 'it doesn't matter because California is going to be its own nation and we can do anything we want!!!'

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM (a0IVu)

111 So she will basically never work again.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (P/lV9)

112 osted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 05:49 PM (NOIQH)

Good to hear that she's back. I always enjoyed her posts.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (tOcW/)

113 The Dark Side welcomes you, young Padawan.

Or the Light Side. Trying to get this straight.

OK guys. Meeting in back real quick.

Stay there, honey. We'll return momentarily.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (EUMr7)

114 Trump and his white privilege getting a BOGO on AF1s.

Posted by: Jukin,The Deplorable & Profoundly Unserious at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (cOHS7)

115 Ashamed that they perished in the flood.

Noah didn't build a big enough boat. Those brontosaurus needed some elbow room.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (Nwg0u)

116 Obama should've flown around in a plane designed and built by blacks. That would've solved our problem early on.

Oh. Heyooooo....

Posted by: eleven at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (qUNWi)

117 The more you tighten your grip, Lord Vader, the more systems will slip through your fingers.

Mighty big talk for a Princes of Alderaan Space Dust.

Posted by: Jame Gumb at December 21, 2016 05:58 PM (zjOBD)

118 THE armed and dangerous Tunisian asylum seeker police believe carried out the Berlin Christmas market terror attack reportedly spent four years behind bars in Italy for burning down a school.

Prime suspect Anis Amri, 24, was due to be kicked out of Germany TODAY, dramatic new details suggest.

Officials have also revealed Amri was under covert surveillance for MONTHS earlier this year over fears he was planning a terror attack.

Weasel Zippers


Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 05:59 PM (SjImc)

119 Cool story.

Posted by: Insomniac at December 21, 2016 05:59 PM (0mRoj)

120 The word I would describe for interacting with the left's disciples is "easily triggered conditioning." interacting with them is a minefield of hyper conditioned pavlovianss.

Not that we don't have our nutters, myself included, but we aren't running media empires or billion dollar bureaucracies.

Posted by: Shiggz at December 21, 2016 05:59 PM (2QHqb)

121 >> Obama should've flown around in a plane designed
>> and built by blacks. That would've solved our
>> problem early on.

Once again, I'm reminded that it's not appropriate to comment 'heh' on this blog.

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 05:59 PM (TppKb)

122 91 . . . I understand this. Like her, I started going to church regularly about two years ago. It has become one of the highlights of my week, if not the highlight, and yet I am very uncomfortable with some of the hierarchical language, and even the kneeling. The supernatural aspects of church doctrine I still am a little impatient with, and treat as metaphorical . . .

Posted by: Edwin Encarnacion, jobless right now

Edwin, take this if it helps (otherwise, free advice, getting what you paid for, etc.). Sometimes when the words aren't getting through during a church service, or you're not completely "there" during prayers, just let the rituals fill in the blanks for you.

Laus Deo.

Posted by: Furious George at December 21, 2016 05:59 PM (77i7V)

123 109. Sympathy for the Devil, baby!

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 06:00 PM (I7iYP)

124 >>Officials have also revealed Amri was under covert surveillance for MONTHS earlier this year over fears he was planning a terror attack.

Good thing the were watching him.

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:00 PM (pfa8g)

Bullshit. You can reject tribalism. Or recognize that at any time you can choose a tribe over another for the moment.

What if a tribe you feel part of rejects? What if Ace for no reason decides to ban you?Humans are tribal

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at December 21, 2016 06:00 PM (lKyWE)

126 "The guy the Germans are looking for has quite a history:
Thanks, Angela!"

This would be hilarious if it wasn't true. The heirs of the SS and the Stasi have degenerated into Sgt Schultz

Posted by: Ignoramus at December 21, 2016 06:01 PM (SIY7D)

127 One of my college roommates, quite a moonbat, went on to become a shrinkette. About 20 years ago she took a job at a university. Lefty job in lefty heaven!
At first.

She could have written this letter.
Years and years of seeing these kids from lefty families did it.

She voted for Trump.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at December 21, 2016 06:01 PM (Nox3c)

128 >>What if Ace for no reason decides to ban you?


What if Ace coud Ban Himself!?

Think about it...

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (pfa8g)

129 >> One of the more remarkable things about the
>> primaries was how Trump -- of all people -- got the
>> Evangelicals to his side, despite Cruz making an all-
>> in play for their support. In the general, Trump did
>> +3 better with Protestants than Obama in 2012.

He humbled himself and let himself be anointed. I live in Tulsa one of the most Evangelical Christian places on the planet--Rhema Bible College, Oral Roberts University. One of my friends is a devout born again Christian prayer warrior. She went to Branson for a long weekend before the election to do a prayer vigil. If I am remembering correctly, they had over 1,000 ministers there. They had several someones praying non-stop 24/7 for Trump for weeks before the election. I saw her just before the election and she was completely serene saying Trump will win.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (kXoT0)

130 It is our duty to fight for freedom from the imperialist white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy, which this post is Yet Another Example Of (YAEO)!

Posted by: Lil Proggie at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (DMUuz)

What if Ace coud Ban Himself!?


Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (4o/yn)

132 What if Ace for no reason decides to ban you?


What if Ace coud Ban Himself!?

Think about it...

He's been there, done that.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (wJky2)

133 Amri was under covert surveillance

It was deep, deep cover. So secret they couldn't even tell the guys who were supposed to be watching him.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (Nwg0u)

134 Mr. President (e), we need some F-22's.

Posted by: gNewt at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (0nM5K)

135 Ah, her husband is a conservative Christian. That probably partly explains it. She's likely gotten sick of hearing about what an awful hate filled bigot people like her husband supposedly are.

Posted by: buzzion at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (z/Ubi)

136 >>Officials have also revealed Amri was under covert
>> surveillance for MONTHS earlier this year over fears
>> he was planning a terror attack.

And they couldn't deport him because, like so many other 'asylum seekers', he'd destroyed his papers so they couldn't confirm WHERE they'd send him back to.

A sane culture would find an island somewhere for people like that. Gunboats and sharks 24x7. Their lawyers would slip in the shower on the way out to see their clients and find themselves, oops, overboard. What did I say about sharks?

And after six weeks everyone would stop coming.

It (well, not the harsher bits) worked for Australia, much to the discomfort of their left.

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (TppKb)

137 >> I live in Tulsa

The Philbrook!

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:03 PM (pfa8g)

For those unaware:

here is the audio (first 30 seconds) of the God Said Man Said Dot Com! wacky radio ad.

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 06:04 PM (4o/yn)

139 129, Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (kXoT0)

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Gives me goosebumps to read these stories.

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 06:04 PM (a0IVu)

140 Honk if you love Eegah.

Posted by: Arch Hall Sr. at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (IqV8l)

141 Trump's them song, "You Can't Always Get What You Want", should change to "Start Me Up" inauguration day.
Posted by: gNewt at December 21, 2016 05:57 PM

Would you like me to help you with that?

Posted by: Clippy at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (DMUuz)

142 Officials have also revealed Amri was under covert
>> surveillance for MONTHS earlier this year over fears
>> he was planning a terror attack.

And they couldn't deport him because, like so many other 'asylum seekers', he'd destroyed his papers so they couldn't confirm WHERE they'd send him back to.

Einey meeney miney moe works.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (wJky2)

143 >> What if Ace coud Ban Himself!?

Wasn't that a George Carlin line?

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (TppKb)

144 Watch Out For Snakes!

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (pfa8g)

145 Post 91 For poster Edwin Incarnation

If you are enjoying exploring the dynamics of "The Lord's Prayer" I recommend a wonderful paraphrase of it by someone who I think was a superior writer of faith and Christianity-Dallas Willard. He died a few years ago, but his book "The Divine Conspiracy" talks a lot about the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon On The Mount:

I will keep you in prayer for a job.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (tOcW/)

146 >>>So the CEO of Boeing is a racist because he was overcharging Obama because he is black.<<<

A major contributor factor in the budget overreach in Obama's state-of-the-art plan was adding an 11th hour mobile logistical command center for Golf Cart One. That and putting green.

Posted by: Fritz at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (nrkHK)

147 I still wish Trump has played "She's Lost Control Again" at a rally, but he might be saving that for Twitter.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (MgqkG)

148 And this women will now feel the full hatred of her former tribe directed at her. I knows what I am talking about. LOL

Posted by: Nevergiveup at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (SjImc)

149 >> Einey meeney miney moe works.

CEP. From FL450 over the middle of Africa, probably 200 miles.

Posted by: JEM at December 21, 2016 06:06 PM (TppKb)

150 A couple of years ago Bookworm wrote a blog post about how all her kids high school friends in Marin county seemed surprisingly one dimensional. She said they were nice enough kids and not *bad* people, but they were focused on doing well in school and going to a "good" college and she was concerned that there was no more to their lives than that. From this post it sounds like those kids were acorns that hadn't fallen far from the tree, and it's disturbing that apparently the adult versions rarely move beyond their pre-set world.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at December 21, 2016 06:06 PM (sEDyY)

Einey meeney miney moe works.

I'm next.

Posted by: Barack Obama at December 21, 2016 06:06 PM (IqV8l)

152 Being an outraged liberal just sounds exhausting.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 06:07 PM (gmeXX)

153 Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (kXoT0)

There was a lot of prayer and fasting done over this election. I believe Franklin Graham was doing prayer vigils in major cities in many-if not all-of the states.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:07 PM (tOcW/)

154 @47 Ok, no reason for me to deny its sincerity - was probably just being cynical. I'm sure many people have similar conversions (and unfortunately it goes the other way as well).

A few years ago I read something by Wonkette, of all people, where she noted that she was coming around to the Christian faith, after having lived a completely non-religious life. She was still a lefty, and I have no idea what flavor of Christianity she was interested in (or if she even still has an interest in it; as I said, this was a few years ago). But for someone like her to even express a positive interest in Christianity is unusual.

Posted by: junior at December 21, 2016 06:08 PM (jjleH)

155 There is ground between a secular liberal and the Christian right is there not?

Posted by: Javems at December 21, 2016 06:08 PM (yOqwj)

156 He humbled himself and let himself be anointed. I live in Tulsa one of the most Evangelical Christian places on the planet--Rhema Bible College, Oral Roberts University. One of my friends is a devout born again Christian prayer warrior. She went to Branson for a long weekend before the election to do a prayer vigil. If I am remembering correctly, they had over 1,000 ministers there. They had several someones praying non-stop 24/7 for Trump for weeks before the election. I saw her just before the election and she was completely serene saying Trump will win.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (kXoT0)


Posted by: gNewt at December 21, 2016 06:09 PM (0nM5K)

Apropos of nothing in particular, I've come to the conclusion that Allahpundit is a tiresome twit.

This after careful consideration.

Posted by: irongrampa at December 21, 2016 06:09 PM (X35Yt)

158 There is ground between a secular liberal and the Christian right is there not?

Burial ground.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 06:09 PM (wJky2)

159 >>There is ground between a secular liberal and the Christian right is there not?

Yes, which is why I don't believe a word of this.

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:09 PM (pfa8g)

160 So no more Moron medical health threads? I hope they come back. Those finally motivated me into the 23 hour fast zero carbs with a fat and protein diet. Lost 3 notches in my belt and 20 pounds since Thanksgiving. Feels like a dog has been lifted from my brain as well.

So thanks Ace for Moron Medical Health Threads.

Posted by: Library Pepe, on the phone at December 21, 2016 06:09 PM (jLChk)

161 155. I'd hope so, because that's where I'm standing, Tengri willing.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at December 21, 2016 06:10 PM (I7iYP)

162 >>There is ground between a secular liberal and the Christian right is there not?

You're soaking in it.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 06:10 PM (/tuJf)

163 Being an outraged liberal just sounds exhausting.


Sort of like the outraged sports fan.

I just don't have enough energy to be that upset with my favorite sports team, their ownership, their head coach, and the player who is not performing.

Its nice if they win, sucks when they lose, but ladi da.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 06:10 PM (gmeXX)

164 While I am a Catholic and by rights I need to believe all that the church teaches. I am human and doubt can creep in. I try to pray on a regular basis that god would help my unbelief. When that fails there is no shortage of reading material.

Posted by: USNtakim at December 21, 2016 06:10 PM (hMqvx)

165 several weeks ago i recommended an interview with anne sorock of frontier labs at legal insurrection. she predicted trump's victory like 2 years ago and she explains why. she does something she calls deep values research. another conclusion she drew was that down the road the answer to the p.c. left will be faith.

anne sorock, frontier labs, legal insurrection, dig it.

(& as i pointed out several times to encourage you guys, she's easy on the eyes!)

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at December 21, 2016 06:11 PM (WTSFk)

Feels like a dog has been lifted from my brain as well.


Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 21, 2016 06:11 PM (IqV8l)

167 I will keep you in prayer for a job.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:05 PM (tOcW/)

Thank you most sincerely. Less sincerely, I would like to work for the Indians at first base.

Posted by: Edwin Encarnacion, jobless right now at December 21, 2016 06:11 PM (X4ZNp)

168 Is Allahpundit a tiresome twit?


Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, This Is the Dawning of the Age of the Trumpius! at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (Nwg0u)

169 "These are good people in a lot of ways. But there has got to be a better tribe."

Why the hell do you need a tribe? Why not find out who you are and be that person. If other people like the person you are, fine; if not, there are sure to be others that do. Don't worry about what class/gender/income bracket/profession/political persuasion the people that like you are, they are sure to be varied. Idiots come in all flavors, as do geniuses and wonderful people. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, as that 100 year old thingy written by a bunch of straight white males said. The logic of any statement is independent of its source. Your level of enlightenment is independent of what package (i.e. body) it is in. Be who you are and be happy. If your old "friends" don't like it, F**k 'em

Posted by: Not From Around Here at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (QEUhF)

170 While I am a Catholic and by rights I need to believe all that the church teaches. I am human and doubt can creep in. I try to pray on a regular basis that god would help my unbelief. When that fails there is no shortage of reading material.


For the more causal read, I like More Christianity by Father Longnecker.

Posted by: SH at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (gmeXX)

There is ground between a secular liberal and the Christian right is there not?

Mine field

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (IqV8l)

172 Feels like a dog has been lifted from my brain as well.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr

I'd bet typo. D & F are next to each other.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (wJky2)

173 Men,
it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad
in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. Charles Mackay

And evidently, this woman too.

Posted by: Halfwise, Deplorable at December 21, 2016 06:12 PM (rB/gm)

174 several weeks ago i recommended an interview with
anne sorock of frontier labs at legal insurrection. she predicted
trump's victory like 2 years ago and she explains why. she does
something she calls deep values research. another conclusion she drew
was that down the road the answer to the p.c. left will be faith.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp


I read that, and it was fascinating, thanks.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 21, 2016 06:13 PM (Qvgg/)


Sweet potato pie with melted MARSHMALLOWS?

Ham glazing with RAISINS??

Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 06:13 PM (4o/yn)

176 @126 This would be hilarious if it wasn't true. The heirs of the SS and the Stasi have degenerated into Sgt Schultz

Not just the Germans, sadly. Remember that the guy who stabbed the French priest was under house arrest, but allowed unmonitored trips outside in the morning.

Posted by: junior at December 21, 2016 06:14 PM (jjleH)

177 When one really thinks about it, suddenly the scales fall from the eyes. This letter sounds like a convert from Islam, who say the same, "when I figured out how ridiculous it all seemed, I realized how ridiculous it really is."

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at December 21, 2016 06:14 PM (7N6ox)

178 ... easy on the eyes, e.g.:

awooooooooooo (wolf howl)

hubba hubba hubba

tweeeeeeeeeeee (steam whistle)

bang bang bang (hitting head with sledge hammer)

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at December 21, 2016 06:14 PM (WTSFk)

179 They won't give the PC thing up--that much enforcement power just ain't given up, not by no one

it gives them the means to destroy lives, JUST LIKE THAT

Posted by: Billy Occam at December 21, 2016 06:14 PM (ihtYN)

180 FR longnecker is the man. He has a good blog.

Posted by: USNtakim at December 21, 2016 06:14 PM (hMqvx)

181 It's similar to when I stopped being a liberal. I was raised in a blue collar family, but my grandparents thought FDR saved them from the Depression. I voted straight Dem for the longest time. It started to sink in that the Repub was always stupid. It's hard for even the delusional to think of Al Gore as brilliant. I started questioning everything and didn't look back.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at December 21, 2016 06:15 PM (Lqy/e)

182 Posted by: musical jolly chimp at December 21, 2016 06:11 PM (WTSFk)

That was a good article at Legal Insurrection.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:15 PM (tOcW/)

183 What movie is this about? I skimmed the review and didn't see any mention of a volcano.

Posted by: Michael the TEXIT at December 21, 2016 06:15 PM (nvMvs)

184 After the primary but before the election there was talk on the interwebs about why the Christian vote was going Trump's way when the man himself had never been religious.

The general consensus (hate that word but whatever) was that Christians were done voting for somebody 'like' them and were voting for somebody who would protect them in the culture wars.

Posted by: Boots at December 21, 2016 06:16 PM (EBwPV)

185 ...the Christian Right.
Who, if truly Christian, know for a fact that there ARE no "good" people. All men sin and fall short of God's glory, thus in need of a Savior to take care of that problem for them.

Posted by: scoville at December 21, 2016 06:16 PM (hWh8W)

186 One of the most dramatic conversions I've seen (radical left to Christian right) was the professor of Queer Studies at Can't Think Of It University. Lesbian in a long term relationship and a radical feminist. Came to embrace the love of Christ through some friends, and did a total 180. So the college ended up with a Queer Studies Professor who was a Born Again Christian. Fenelon knows who I mean.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:16 PM (dFi94)

187 Fog from the brain. Auto cucumber strikes again

Posted by: Library Pepe, on the phone at December 21, 2016 06:18 PM (jLChk)

188 Father Longnecker

Well, I'm a deplorable secular tribalist but I sure do like the name. *hic*

Posted by: Ready For Hillary!!11!! at December 21, 2016 06:18 PM (Tyii7)

189 >>Lesbian in a long term relationship and a radical feminist. Came to embrace the love of Christ through some friends, and did a total 180

I'm not awesome at Geometry, but that's still scissoring-no?

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (pfa8g)

190 Grammie

Her name is Rosaria Butterfield. Lots on interview with her and articles by her on web. She's very interesting.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (tOcW/)

191 Well, that's one.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (8ZskC)

192 I have a friend who lives in a veeeerrrrryyyy liberal area, but is an evil reich-winger. And he told me that while it was awesome seeing Trump wins, he's been bummed that he hasn't been able to share the win with many people. His family is lib, his co-workers are libs, his neighbors, etc. And so he kind of stays in the closet for the most part. It fucking sucks that people in America have to live like this.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:20 PM (P/lV9)

193 I'm not awesome at Geometry, but that's still scissoring-no?

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (pfa8g)

Silly garrett. Everyone knows that Born Agains are asexual.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:20 PM (dFi94)

194 Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (pfa8g)

No. Mathematics aside, she's now married to a heterosexual male who I think is a minister.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:20 PM (tOcW/)

195 Not sure I believe this, it sounds a little to perfect and could easily be a phony letter. Plenty of adult conversions to conservatism but how many go all the way to Christianity at the same time? The identity of the writer is kept secret but writer calls her brave. From personal experience it was difficult to finally admit to myself that liberalism/leftism is crock of BS but the brave part is going public. It cost me many friendships and strained many family relations. Still, I hope it is a real letter and would certainly understand her reluctance to go public..

Posted by: Ripley at December 21, 2016 06:21 PM (NbRJx)

196 192
I have a friend who lives in a veeeerrrrryyyy liberal area, but is an
evil reich-winger. And he told me that while it was awesome seeing Trump
wins, he's been bummed that he hasn't been able to share the win with
many people. His family is lib, his co-workers are libs, his neighbors,
etc. And so he kind of stays in the closet for the most part. It fucking
sucks that people in America have to live like this.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:20 PM (P/lV9)
Your friend could be me, except my husband is very conservative. But that is our story too.

Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 06:21 PM (a0IVu)

197 Her name is Rosaria Butterfield. Lots on interview with her and articles by her on web. She's very interesting.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:19 PM (tOcW/)

Yes! I knew you would think of her name. My brain is a sieve. I've heard her speak a couple of times. I really should get her book. I believe she's a pastor's wife now. I wonder if they have a worship band.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:22 PM (dFi94)

198 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

Posted by: goodluckduck at December 21, 2016 06:22 PM (yqvys)

199 I wonder if they have a worship band.
Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:22 PM (dFi94)

LOL. I don't think she lives in WI. It might be a bit of a commute.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:23 PM (tOcW/)

200 did she not post a boobeh pic?

Posted by: Original Jake at December 21, 2016 06:23 PM (jrFgU)

201 This was ME.

Posted by: exliberal at December 21, 2016 06:23 PM (kjizk)

202 I wonder if this woman passed Carhles Jhonson on the way out. He was the guy with the ponytail on the bike.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at December 21, 2016 06:23 PM (8ZskC)

203 184 After the primary but before the election there was talk on the interwebs about why the Christian vote was going Trump's way when the man himself had never been religious.

The general consensus (hate that word but whatever) was that Christians were done voting for somebody 'like' them and were voting for somebody who would protect them in the culture wars.

Posted by: Boots at December 21, 2016 06:16 PM (EBwPV)


Crazy I know, right?. I don't want someone who is exactly like me. I want someone who doesn't care what/who I am, but will treat me with respect and provide an environment in which I have the right to be whomever I choose to be. And I'm not talking religion here, I'm not religious at all. I'm speaking generally, I want someone who will just let me live my life in peace. And I think Trump will do that.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:23 PM (P/lV9)

204 TGTBT unfortunately... unless she has a big rack. I learned long ago to trust women with big racks. It's not that they are inherently more honest, it's that they are inherently a lot more fun to be with. True.

Posted by: Ray Van Dune at December 21, 2016 06:24 PM (xoLG3)

205 The Parable of the Pearl of Great Value
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
(Matthew 13:45-46 ESV)

Posted by: goodluckduck at December 21, 2016 06:24 PM (yqvys)

206 Liberalism as currently expressed always reminds me of "High Windows" by Philip Larkin. Where and how does it all end? Nowhere, empty and vapid.

Here it is if you wanna read a short poem

Thanks for posting this, Ace. The bit at the link about her struggle to connect with Christianity is relevant to my interests.

Posted by: mx4 at December 21, 2016 06:24 PM (/213d)

207 Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:20 PM (P/lV9)
Your friend could be me, except my husband is very conservative. But that is our story too.
Posted by: IC at December 21, 2016 06:21 PM (a0IVu)


Well he's not married, lol. But I feel your pain as well

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:24 PM (P/lV9)

208 My best friend is an ordained pastor but hasn't been involved with a church for about 10 yrs now. His wife died 2 yrs ago and it has been hard on him,but his faith in God is unbreakable. We have church every Sunday on our 2 mile walk at the beach. He is used by God to make me a better man, sure I slip up sometimes but that's life. I love that man more than I can express.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 21, 2016 06:25 PM (6Ll1u)

209 Our politics once favored parties assembling coalitions, positively. These coalitions often made little sense on paper, but worked in practice. e.g. the FDR coalition of urban minorities, southern blacks and the intelligentsia. The idea was to draw support, not repel support.

The core of the D party now hates a lot of Americans and think that were either stupid or racist or both. The Deplorable Irredeemables know this and are acting and voting accordingly.

Hillary always hated us. But the change in Bill since he's been in office is a real sign of how far the Ds have gone astray.

Posted by: Ignoramus at December 21, 2016 06:25 PM (SIY7D)

210 Awesome. Absolutely awesome.

Posted by: T at December 21, 2016 06:26 PM (IKdzI)

211 I've been gone the past two days, so I'm not sure if this got mentioned:

"Man arrested for burning historically black church sprayed with 'Vote Trump' graffiti"

Care to guess who did it?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at December 21, 2016 06:26 PM (ZO497)

212 >>Everyone knows that Born Agains are asexual.

So that whole I look like Agnetha thing was just a tease?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 06:26 PM (/tuJf)

213 Secular Liberals are to Life as the Cleveland Browns are to football.

Posted by: haggis at December 21, 2016 06:27 PM (+wjl1)

214 >>For those unaware:
here is the audio (first 30 seconds) of the God Said Man Said Dot Com! wacky radio ad.

Ah - a joke?

There's a preacher in the DC area who made (still makes?) these 30 second ads, pithy tidbits punctuated by "Something to think about!" Liked the guy's approach, must've attended Dale Carnegie.

Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 06:27 PM (NOIQH)



Posted by: Original Jake at December 21, 2016 06:27 PM (jrFgU)

216 Edited by our betters so you won't see what this mfer actually did to these to cops.

Wouldn't won't people to know what kind of animal this guy really was because...

You figure it out.


Posted by: weirdflunky at December 21, 2016 06:27 PM (vBcmu)

217 So that whole I look like Agnetha thing was just a tease?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 06:26 PM (/tuJf)

Silly JackStraw, everyone know that Swedes never lie.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:27 PM (dFi94)

218 I'm glad that Trump is already getting concessions, but I'm mightily pissed off at defense contractors. How quickly they caved and reduced prices tells me that they know they've been getting away with murder for years of not decades. $4 billion? Oh, we meant $2 billion.

Yeah, we now have a president who has held P&L responsibility.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 21, 2016 06:28 PM (kTF2Z)

219 Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes, who is now @SMcEvil on GAB at December 21, 2016 06:02 PM (kXoT0)

I didn't say anything before the election because I didn't want to be one of "those" people, but my parents told me that there were prophesies coming from around the world that Trump would win because G-d intended to use him as (Cyrus?) anyway, the Persian emperor who sent the Jews back to Israel. I *think* the indication was he would be a power for good even if he himself wasn't necessarily a good person.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at December 21, 2016 06:28 PM (sEDyY)

220 Very good. I corresponded with Rod Dreher back when he was on the editorial board at the Dallas Morning News. He and I have a lot in common, though he has a lot more of the talent thing going for him.

There's only one good guy left on the Dallas Morning News editorial board and he's been out ill recently.

I'm glad that Ace is reading Rod Dreher. We just may make a Christian out of the Ewok someday.

Posted by: Michael the TEXIT at December 21, 2016 06:28 PM (nvMvs)

Secular Liberals are to Life as the Cleveland Browns are to football.

What exactly is a "Brown" anyway?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 21, 2016 06:29 PM (IqV8l)

222 Trump The Chosen.

You people crack me up.

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (pfa8g)

223 The good news is that they can now make sex robots who look just like movie stars - I saw a picture of a prototype that looked just like Scarlett Johansson.

The bad news is that the only actress who has actually agreed to let them build sex robots in her own likeness is Lena Dunham.

Posted by: An Observation at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (6Cg/j)

Ah - a joke?


Posted by: Soothsayer at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (4o/yn)

225 I have a friend who lives in a veeeerrrrryyyy liberal area, but is an evil reich-winger. And he told me that while it was awesome seeing Trump wins, he's been bummed that he hasn't been able to share the win with many people. His family is lib, his co-workers are libs, his neighbors, etc. And so he kind of stays in the closet for the most part. It fucking sucks that people in America have to live like this.

He'll like this. At baseball practice after the election (yeah, we practice 52 weeks a year here) trotting out to shag balls in the outfield, glancing at conservative friends, our eyes would meet and we'd both have big grins. We didn't say anything to the two liberals - being polite, liberals please note - but we all knew we were all pleased as hell (except for the two liberals, of course).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (SRKgf)

226 >>Yeah, we now have a president who has held PL responsibility.

It's almost as if people react to incentives and expectations, huh?

Posted by: Lizzy at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (NOIQH)

227 'You shall know Him by His flowing Golden Scalp Weasel.'

Posted by: garrett at December 21, 2016 06:30 PM (pfa8g)

What exactly is a "Brown" anyway?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 21, 2016 06:29 PM (IqV8l)

Paul Brown was the founder and long time coach

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at December 21, 2016 06:32 PM (lKyWE)

229 Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational shitlord station!

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 21, 2016 06:32 PM (eXSOZ)

230 Nood.

Ace is mainlining caffeine.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at December 21, 2016 06:33 PM (fdyxv)

231 >>You people crack me up.

What do you mean by "You people"? That some kind of racist crack?

Posted by: JackStraw at December 21, 2016 06:33 PM (/tuJf)

232 Authorities originally investigated the arson as a hate crime against the church, which has been holding services for 111 years in Greenville, which has majority black residents.

Inquiring minds want to know why it it doesn't continue to be classified as a "hate crime".

Posted by: The Duke of Mish at December 21, 2016 06:33 PM (Tyii7)

233 willowed again

Posted by: The Duke of Mish at December 21, 2016 06:34 PM (Tyii7)

234 God uses the oddest people to get stuff done. Moses couldn't talk right. Jacob was a big fat liar. Rahab was a hooker. David was a murderer. #ThatsHowYouGotTrump Ya just never know.

Posted by: grammie winger - Glad Tidings of Great Joy at December 21, 2016 06:34 PM (dFi94)

235 H8rz!

You are all literally Hitler!!1!

You should all die you Kyriarchical scum!!1!

Why do you H8???

Posted by: Shrieking campus snowflake at December 21, 2016 06:35 PM (OzJeO)

236 48 Niw if only it wasn't a cookie-cutter slab o'mediocre...

Posted by: richard mcenroe at December 21, 2016 06:36 PM (QGkuq)

237 218 I'm glad that Trump is already getting concessions, but I'm mightily pissed off at defense contractors. How quickly they caved and reduced prices tells me that they know they've been getting away with murder for years of not decades. $4 billion? Oh, we meant $2 billion.

Yeah, we now have a president who has held P&L responsibility.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at December 21, 2016 06:28 PM (kTF2Z)


And yet so many people - including so-called conservative NeverTrumpers - are whining that his cabinet is nothing but rich CEOs. Yeah assholes, they are rich CEOs because they know how to run a company and know how not to spend $4B on a fucking plane.

I always reply with "well would you rather have a poor CEO?" Oddly I never get a reply back to that question.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 21, 2016 06:36 PM (P/lV9)

238 Guess which European country is about to get its first Muslim Prime Minister?

Posted by: The Political Hat at December 21, 2016 06:43 PM (OzJeO)

239 didn't say anything before the election because I didn't want to be one of "those" people, but my parents told me that there were prophesies coming from around the world that Trump would win because G-d intended to use him as (Cyrus?) anyway, the Persian emperor who sent the Jews back to Israel. I *think* the indication was he would be a power for good even if he himself wasn't necessarily a good person.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at December 21, 2016 06:28 PM (sEDyY)

Yes, it was Cyrus the Great. He was known to be proud and ruthless but brave to a fault.

Posted by: troyriser at December 21, 2016 06:54 PM (ZkXe+)

240 "Oh, you did not say you were a friend of Rick.

Did I say 4 no I meant 2 billion.

I see, for special friends of Rick -1 billion"

Posted by: Browndog at December 21, 2016 07:07 PM (ccfl2)

241 "..
not subject to every passing trend, and this felt like a start."

This is the source of both their greatest strength and weakness. They burn hot and fast but don't last and have to reinvent themselves hence the name and position changes. From. Crusaders to Victorians to Quakers to puritan to kkk to sjw.

Posted by: Shiggz at December 21, 2016 07:22 PM (iFym8)

242 Yet across all groups the consitancy of lecturing, fearmingering, political power, and personal moral preening of faux virtue status all revolving around but specifically NOT being Christian.

Posted by: Shiggz at December 21, 2016 07:24 PM (iFym8)

243 153 There was a lot of prayer and fasting done over this election. I believe Franklin Graham was doing prayer vigils in major cities in many-if not all-of the states.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at December 21, 2016 06:07 PM (tOcW/)

There was much prayer and fasting across the country. Many of the "home groups" in our church did just that and other churches in the area were actively involved in prayer and fasting for the country.

It wasn't the same as the religious right movement of the eighties, but was rather a quiet movement seeking God's mercy on our country and to turn hearts back toward God.

Our pastor didn't endorse a candidate but he gave a sermon before election day about current issues that Christians need to consider before voting. From Israel to abortion, it was straight down the conservative platform.

Posted by: Michael the TEXIT at December 21, 2016 07:25 PM (nvMvs)

244 Welcome to the Dark Side, sweetie - we have cookies. Warm, delicious, fresh-from-the-oven home-made from-high-quality-ingredients cookies.
Won't you come over and nibble at them, and just relax in the company of friends you never knew you had, in the company of whom you will not have to pretend any more.
Oh, yes -the cookies are warm, and non-judgmental. Take a bite. You know that you want to ...

Posted by: Sgt. Mom at December 21, 2016 07:32 PM (xnmPy)

245 Great letter. I wish that person well.

Part of it resonates with me, because when I was younger I found myself getting exasperated with the friends I was hanging around with. Everything was irony, sarcasm, and snark with them. Now I appreciate those things as much as the next guy, but not as a way of life. There is a time and place for everything. They seemed incapable of being serious or earnest about anything, and it got to be off-putting after awhile.

Posted by: rickl at December 21, 2016 07:46 PM (sdi6R)

246 The left is emotionally involved in politics. It brings them great joy and inspiration when they are on top and depression and anxiety when they are not.

Are healthcare, taxes, regulations, etc. really the places for emotional motivations? Probably not.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at December 21, 2016 08:17 PM (bKHc1)

247 The "tighten your grip" line was said by Leia to Governor Tarkin.

Posted by: Hugh Greentree at December 21, 2016 08:27 PM (aAMUE)

248 Leia says that line to Tarkin, not Vader.

Posted by: Daniel Williamson at December 21, 2016 08:32 PM (8noP+)

249 New here. Who is Ace? How to respond to comments? MAGA

Posted by: Libertarianwannabe at December 21, 2016 11:10 PM (nQ10o)

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