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Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 Goes to Japanese Researcher into Autophagy

It's not Medial Monitoring day, but I thought I'd mention this. There are claims -- I don't know if these claims are true -- that Intermittent Fasting promotes autophagy, the cells' self-eating of their own defective parts, because the body diverts metabolic energy to self-eating when it's not digesting food from outside the body.

Anyway, here's a translation of this article.

Nobel Prize in Medicine, 2016: What is autophagy?

The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 has been awarded, on October 3rd, to the Japanese biologist Yosinori Oshumi, 71, for having shed light on the mechanisms of autophagy, a process of breaking down and destroying the defective components of the cell.

This process is essential for the survival of the cells. Some mutations in the genes that control autophagy can cause disease, stated the message of the [Nobel Prize] jury, and problems in this process have, importantly, been linked to infections, to neurodegenerative diseases (when misformed proteins are not eliminated), to diabetes type 2 and to cancer.

I think I've mentioned this, but if I haven't, Taubes talks a lot about these misformed proteins, glycoproteins if I remember right, which form when a protein divides imcorrectly and then sticks to a glucose molecule. These glycoproteins collect in the brain and may be directly linked to one of the forms of Alzheimer's.

I think the problem is that other proteins are supposed to break down proteins in the brain, but there aren't any proteins that bond to this weird mutant hybrid protein-sugar molecule, so they're left to accumulate. And they cause loss of brain function in accumulation.

Supposedly a low-carb diet helps prevent this. Maybe. It's complicated; the more insulin you have in your body, apparently the less brain-clearing hormone you have. (This is all sketchy, from memory.)

And I suppose, though now I'm just speculating, that IF may promote the autophagy which removes these defective malformed proteins from the brain. (I'm just guessing on that -- because I don't think there's anything that can clear out these mutant proteins once they're formed and stuck between your neurons. But maybe autophagy eats up the badly-formed proteins which will wind up forming glycoproteins, before they can bond with sugar.)

"The discoveries of Oshumi have led to a new paradigm in the understanding of the manner in which the cell recycles its own parts."

The concept of autophagy appeared in the 1960s when scientists observed for the first time the destruction by the cells of their own defective parts. The waste products of the cells is concentrated in the small vesicles, which are transported to the lysosomes, the cell organelles which destroy them [the waste products].

The understanding of this phenomenon, however, remained limited until the work of Mr. Oshumi who, in the beginning of the 1990s, led some "brilliant experiments," according to the Nobel jurists. He had virst worked on the [levures -- a scientific word I don't know], in which he had demonstrated the mechanisms of autophagy and proven them. Then, by several experiments, always among the [levures], he had proven the 15 key genes involved in this process. These results were published in 1992. He had shown that the comparable mechanisms are at work in human cells.

The biologist, professor at the Institute of Technology in Tokyo, had also notably received the Canada Garidner International Award of 2015 for his work. He is the sixth Japanese to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Oh, so I looked up levure. Um, the "lev" is a root seen in the word "elevation."

It's not a scientific word -- it just means "yeast." Levure -- something that rises or raises. Makes sense.

So he did his research in yeast cells, then proved that the same mechanisms were observable in human cells.

Posted by: Ace at 06:48 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 AutoPsaki?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:49 PM (9P3OG)

But did he win it in 4th grade, which is akin to SCOAMF winning it 2 months into his presidency?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:50 PM (9P3OG)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:50 PM (9P3OG)

4 Quadrophonic?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:50 PM (9P3OG)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:51 PM (9P3OG)

I'll get the others.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:51 PM (9P3OG)

7 everyone's in the Trump thread

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (VHGGJ)

8 Was this the elephant in the room?

Posted by: SH at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (gmeXX)

9 Evening all. Bring on more research. I plan on living to 120.

Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (kiy9d)

10 Helloooo

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (Om16U)

11 Intermittent fasting is what time period again? Food only from 12pm-8pm? Or am I thinking of something else?

Posted by: What's a Seawolf? at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (WuRdh)

12 hashing out "old" threats, implications, and smears...

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (VHGGJ)

13 9 Evening all. Bring on more research. I plan on living to 120.
Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (kiy9d)

I will run out of money within 4 years. I'm 56. No thanks.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:53 PM (9P3OG)

14 >>>Intermittent fasting is what time period again? Food only from 12pm-8pm? Or am I thinking of something else?

any time that's convenient. Just that you don't eat for 16 hours (or so) straight.

Make your sleeping hours part of that 16, obviously.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 06:53 PM (dciA+)

15 Autophagy

Is that pronounced with a hard "g"?

Asking for a friend

Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 06:53 PM (sMt7r)

16 Auto-fag? Is this a Mini dealership?

Posted by: josephistan at October 13, 2016 06:53 PM (7qAYi)

17 I thought autophagy was going to be something kinky.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (qUNWi)

18 living to 120 sounds like hell...all your friends [probably] are dead or almost...

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (VHGGJ)

19 >>>Evening all. Bring on more research. I plan on living to 120.
Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 06:52 PM (kiy9d)

i was just saying that if we could manage to live another 30 years, we might get to live 100 more years.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (dciA+)

20 Eating your own. Well I get that.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'one word...Scrapple!' at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (B+MYz)

21 15 Autophagy

Is that pronounced with a hard "g"?

Asking for a friend
Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 06:53 PM (sMt7r)

"Zh," like Zhirionovsky.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (9P3OG)

22 Autophagy is the syndrome in which the sufferer has a compulsion for eating cars.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (yMqqR)

23 Nobel prize has been a joke for years, look they gave on to Fredo who never did anything to deserve it.

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (sWbjH)

24 17 I thought autophagy was going to be something kinky.
Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (qUNWi)

"There is ever-present a group of phagocytes . . ."

Name that movie!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (9P3OG)

25 Fantastic Voyage??

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (VHGGJ)

26 22 Autophagy is the syndrome in which the sufferer has a compulsion for eating cars.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (yMqqR)

" . . .and now he only eats guitars!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (9P3OG)

27 We need political autophagy. Eating defective pols.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (Om16U)

28 Nobel prizes in the hard sciences still mean something. The rest are pretty much a joke.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (yMqqR)

29 Autophagy?
Another word we're supposed to look up?

Yesterday, it was Hypergamy - nope. Didn't take the bait then, won't do it today.
I learned that lesson back in the Lemon Party days, man.

I'd rather you do a RickRoll on us, ace.

Posted by: Chi at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (aMChO)

If you change a bunch of those words around, it says yeast makes beer.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (ODxAs)

31 Garble



Posted by: Bob Dylan at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (B+MYz)

32 Fantastic Voyage??


Ah - Raquel.

Posted by: SH at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (gmeXX)

33 But did he win it in 4th grade, which is akin to SCOAMF winning it 2 months into his presidency?

Well....this is one of those Nobels that actually still mean something.

Not the kind made of chocolate wrapped in foil.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (qUNWi)

34 Posted this in the Trump thread. The woman has been outed.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (TPimP)

35 Name that movie!

Brokeback Mountain?

Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (sMt7r)

36 Lincolns too, Mercurys and Subarus.

Posted by: Debbie Harry at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (yMqqR)

37 35 Name that movie!

Brokeback Mountain?
Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (sMt7r)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (9P3OG)

38 Ace, that is a pretty good theory about IF promoting autophagy. I wonder if that's one of the reasons that all the major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hindus, Buddhism and even the goat bangers) have fasting traditions.

Posted by: The Walking Dude at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (cCxiu)

39 Not completely off-topic, since we're talking about Nobel Prizes, but I awoke this morning to the news that Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Excellent news, and it put a spring in my step all day. He richly deserves it for his more than 50-year body of work.

Unlike the Nobel Peace Prize, the prizes in the other categories still recognize genuine achievement.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (sdi6R)

40 Ace... I'm sure there will be a tipping point in longevity. I'll be pissed if I'm on the wrong side.

Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (kiy9d)

41 Autophagy? When Barney Frank f*cks himself.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (iFgwk)

42 33
Not the kind made of chocolate wrapped in foil.
Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 06:56 PM (qUNWi)

Chanukah gelt has value.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (9P3OG)

43 I thought autophagy was what they called a e-cigarette in England.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (6Ll1u)

44 Gelt im Himmel!

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 06:58 PM (VHGGJ)

45 " . . .and now he only eats guitars!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:55 PM (9P3OG)

Holy cow! That girl did not age gracefully..... But back in the day.....

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 13, 2016 06:58 PM (+DiO8)

46 43 I thought autophagy was what they called a e-cigarette in England.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at October 13, 2016 06:57 PM (6Ll1u)

"Oy! Give us an autophag, guv."

*Bob Hoskins voice*

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:58 PM (9P3OG)

47 I'm 48 and have a six year old son. 120 lets me enjoy him and the grandchildren for a long time.

Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 06:59 PM (kiy9d)

48 9 Evening all. Bring on more research. I plan on living to 120.
Posted by: Beth M

Please tell me you don't mean comment #120!

You'll be dead by 7:10!

Posted by: Chi at October 13, 2016 06:59 PM (aMChO)

49 these big words hurt my eyes.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 13, 2016 06:59 PM (cJrMO)

50 Ok... I think we need pictures of the 4 'accusers'...

Posted by: Don Q. at October 13, 2016 06:59 PM (qf6WZ)

51 I saw Autophagy open for Levure at Dalberg Arena in '78.

Posted by: Octiparan at October 13, 2016 06:59 PM (cn2r5)

52 45
Holy cow! That girl did not age gracefully..... But back in the day.....
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 13, 2016 06:58 PM (+DiO

The thick NY accent was a turn-off. But "Eat to the Beat" was a pretty decent record. And Clem Burke is one of the most underrated drummers, IMHO.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (9P3OG)

53 I thought you wrote "misinformed proteins" and I started thinking, Jesus, even the proteins can't be bothered to get their facts straight.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (AroJD)

54 Isn't that how David Carradine died?

Posted by: tu3031 at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (qJhUV)

55 The only problem I have with the intermittent fasting thing is that, if done too often, it could cause other problems not known about. Or maybe they are known about and I don't know them.

It's really a thing of how almost anything done to excess is often problematic.

Smoking is bad of course but puffing on tobacco a few times a month can actually have some benefits. Same with drinking and pretty much everything else.

When you guys are talking about fasting 5-6 days a week, I get a bit worried about the long term consequences of it. Again, maybe it's ok I don't really know anything about fasting beyond basic stuff.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (4ErVI)

56 >>>Ace... I'm sure there will be a tipping point in longevity. I'll be pissed if I'm on the wrong side.
Posted by: Beth M a

that's what i figure. it's coming; the game is to try to stay alive until it comes.

being a shade younger than 29, I have an advantage, obviously.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (dciA+)

57 Clem Burke was STRONG - surprised he didn't destroy his kit!

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (VHGGJ)

58 53 I thought you wrote "misinformed proteins" and I started thinking, Jesus, even the proteins can't be bothered to get their facts straight.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (AroJD)

LIPs = Low Information Proteins?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (9P3OG)

59 i was just saying that if we could manage to live another 30 years, we might get to live 100 more years.
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (dciA+)

But who wants to, really?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (cJrMO)

60 I thought autphagy is when you choke someone until they almost die because sex.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (B+MYz)

61 57 Clem Burke was STRONG - surprised he didn't destroy his kit!
Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (VHGGJ)

Him and Terry Williams (Rockpile, Dire Straits).

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:01 PM (9P3OG)

62 I actually studied this a bit in college ... any moderate about of stress (as with, e.g., fasting) can stimulate the immune system to combat mutated cells (which can become cancerous).

Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (sMt7r)

63 >>>When you guys are talking about fasting 5-6 days a week, I get a bit worried about the long term consequences of it. Again, maybe it's ok I don't really know anything about fasting beyond basic stuff.

but how often do you figure your primitive forbears ate in one day?

Surely not three square.

The way they ate is probably the way the body is adapted to eat, no?

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (dciA+)

64 54 Isn't that how David Carradine died?
Posted by: tu3031 at October 13, 2016 07:00 PM (qJhUV)

And Michael Hutchence. And Albert Dekker.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (9P3OG)

65 Nick Lowe forever!

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (VHGGJ)

66 >>>But who wants to, really?

well hell I do!

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (dciA+)

67 What is autophagy?
A lesbian's Subaru?

Posted by: joey biden at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (LdMbv)

68 I'll always have a soft spot for Deborah Harry. Back around the time of Blondie's second album, someone said they had a fan club, and in the depths of my despair I wrote her a letter.

She wrote back. I thought that was just incredibly nice.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (AroJD)

He's also the only Japanese scientist not working on sexbot technology

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (lKyWE)

70 63
The way they ate is probably the way the body is adapted to eat, no?

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (dciA+)

They foraged, which is caveman talk for "nosh." But they had no medicines, shelter, etc. and were more disease prone.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (9P3OG)

71 Autophagy is a gateway drug.

Posted by: Zombie zombies at October 13, 2016 07:04 PM (Z58Xa)

72 Isn't that how David Carradine died?

See --- that's right where my mind went.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:04 PM (qUNWi)

73 by all accounts, Debbie Harry is a good soul

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 07:04 PM (VHGGJ)

74 69
He's also the only Japanese scientist not working on sexbot technology
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (lKyWE)

Tentacles. And eyeball licking too.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:04 PM (9P3OG)

75 Chi... that's funny!

Posted by: Beth M at October 13, 2016 07:05 PM (kiy9d)

76 Autophagy. Isn't that the highway in Europe that has no speed limit/

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:05 PM (B+MYz)

77 The way of the warrior

The ogre-tyrant is the champion of the prodigious fact; the hero-warrior, one of the creative life: he is the champion of things to come, and not of those past. The tyrant defends the status quo and away, for his benefit, the authority conferred by his position, status.

The ogre believes hold its strength itself. His pride (ego) made him the prey for the shadow. His destiny is to be lured. His injury is in the umbilicus scar attachment point, cut (culpa) which must emerge the sword (dignity).

The warrior is him in righteous anger. His fists are armed, disarmed her heart is connected to the divine.

According to Joseph Campbell

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at October 13, 2016 07:05 PM (qurRi)

78 76 Autophagy. Isn't that the highway in Europe that has no speed limit/
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:05 PM (B+MYz)

"Phag, phag, phag mit der Auto-Phag!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:05 PM (9P3OG)

79 Ace thanks for the IF stuff. I am down ten lbs., And my blood sugar levels are improving also.

Posted by: F.N.G. at October 13, 2016 07:06 PM (kiSdp)

80 ...AUF der Auto-Phag...

Posted by: geezer der mensch at October 13, 2016 07:06 PM (VHGGJ)

81 Always hated Joseph Campbell.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:06 PM (uyrlv)

82 There are claims -- I don't know if these claims are true -- that Intermittent Fasting promotes autophagy

Intermittent Fasting can turn you into a phag. Yeah, I believe that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:07 PM (zc3Db)

83 Autophagy is Twitterspeak for "I am fabulous"

Posted by: Roy at October 13, 2016 07:07 PM (fWLrt)

84 This is a ripoff

Posted by: Otto Phagy at October 13, 2016 07:07 PM (bsDXW)

85 autophagy

I thought that meant you were gay for cars.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:08 PM (uyrlv)

86 81 Always hated Joseph Campbell.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:06 PM (uyrlv)

Good soup.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:08 PM (9P3OG)

87 I've kinda stalled on the keto. Im not drinking enough water I think.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:08 PM (B+MYz)

88 "Oy! Give us an autophag, guv."

*Bob Hoskins voice*

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:58 PM (9P3OG)

Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:08 PM (CFc5L)

89 >>>
They foraged, which is caveman talk for "nosh." But they had no medicines, shelter, etc. and were more disease prone.

how often do you think they came across an animal to hunt or a bush full of berries?

They can't graze like cows. Food isn't everywhere for people. It's occasional.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (dciA+)

but how often do you figure your primitive forbears ate in one day? Surely not three square.

They burned more calories than we do today.So I imagine they consumed more than you would think

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (lKyWE)

91 81 Always hated Joseph Campbell.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:06 PM (uyrlv)
I liked him okay until he married Tanya tucker.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (Nox3c)

92 So are you back on IF, Ace?

And did anything fix Chrome for you?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (UHLlC)

93 Autophagy is the syndrome in which the sufferer has a compulsion for eating cars.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at October 13, 2016 06:54 PM (yMqqR)

There was a semi-famous novel,

"Car" by Harry Crews

that dealt with a guy eating his car.

It's pretty good surprisingly.

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (9q7Dl)

94 I need to fast. i'll read up on it.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (B+MYz)

95 Hi Ace, these posts have been great for me. The Dr. Jason Fung stuff, especially, has been fantastic. Started with Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories) about 3 1/2 years ago and Fung is really the culmination (so far?) of the model that Taubes began. IF is my usual routine now. One day a week I splurge. 57 years old, pretty lean and feel great. thanks!

Posted by: eRacer at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (5z07D)

96 89 Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (dciA+)

True. They were also smaller. Probably slept a lot more to conserve energy with limited food.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (9P3OG)

97 Posted by: BeckoningChasm at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (AroJD
That's nice she wrote you back. Debbie was so cool.

Posted by: CaliGirl at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (Q5Ymk)

98 I have to say that I haven't the least bit of interest, anymore, who gets the Nobel Prizes for much of anything. They don't mean shit.

It's a real shame what the leftists and Scandis have done to the Nobels. Alfred Nobel probably would have blown all of them up ... and then made prizes bearing their names, but only after he incinerated them.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (zc3Db)

99 They burned more calories than we do today.So I imagine they consumed more than you would think


I think there was a recent study debunking this - or at least claiming it wasn't true.

Posted by: SH at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (gmeXX)

100 The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 has been awarded, on October 3rd, to the Japanese biologist Yosinori Oshumi, 71, for having shed light on the mechanisms of autophagy, a process of breaking down and destroying the defective components of the cell.

Political metaphor?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (SRKgf)

101 What does this have to do with their sex robots?

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2016 07:11 PM (HgMAr)

102 lysosomal disorders that affect the cells abilities to get rid of waste materials are heartbreaking and usually result in death at a very young age.

Posted by: Max Power at October 13, 2016 07:11 PM (q177U)

103 >>>54 Isn't that how David Carradine died?

five point exploding heart technique

Posted by: concrete girl at October 13, 2016 07:11 PM (tqIxq)

104 The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 has been awarded, on October 3rd, to the Japanese biologist Yosinori Oshumi Yoko Ono

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:11 PM (uyrlv)

105 how often do you think they came across an animal to hunt or a bush full of berries?

I've had a bush full of Barry, IYKWIMAITTYD

Posted by: Reggie at October 13, 2016 07:11 PM (8ZskC)

106 Why do we have to live like cave men to be healthy? You would think our body would have adapted to a different way of eating by now. Is civilization such a thin veneer?


Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (B+MYz)

107 98 I have to say that I haven't the least bit of interest, anymore, who gets the Nobel Prizes for much of anything. They don't mean shit.

It's a real shame what the leftists and Scandis have done to the Nobels. Alfred Nobel probably would have blown all of them up ... and then made prizes bearing their names, but only after he incinerated them.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (zc3Db)

The REAL Nobel Prizes - physics, chemistry, medicine/physiology - are OK. Economics is a wobbler. Literature and Peace are jokes, and have been for a long time.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (SRKgf)

108 how often do you think they came across an animal to hunt or a bush full of berries?

5 times a week, was the average.

They can't graze like cows. Food isn't everywhere for people. It's occasional.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (dciA+)

Is this a paleo argument for IF? Just trying to keep up.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (zc3Db)

109 >>>There are claims -- I don't know if these claims are true -- that Intermittent Fasting promotes autophagy, the cells' self-eating of their own defective parts, because the body diverts metabolic energy to self-eating when it's not digesting food from outside the body.

Eat me!

Posted by: Ace's autophagic cell at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (OkKDg)

110 but how often do you figure your primitive forbears ate in one day?

Surely not three square.

The way they ate is probably the way the body is adapted to eat, no?

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:02 PM (dciA+)

Right but you can't discount with certainty that their irregular eating habits contributed to their very early mortality.

Obviously no vaccines, no surgery (or crude surgery I think they've found remains where it appeared someone tried to perform something on someone), the environment with little protection, predators, etc., but do we know the long term effects of such a random diet?

Again I don't know I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist or whatever it is that would allow one to know this stuff.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (4ErVI)

Don't know what autophagy but i'm sure its allowed to use the girls bathroom

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:13 PM (lKyWE)

Fast Food. Sounds counterintuitive, no?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:13 PM (9P3OG)

113 70
They foraged, which is caveman talk for "nosh." But they had no medicines, shelter, etc. and were more disease prone.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:03 PM (9P3OG)

I've read that analysis of the remains of hunter-gatherers before the invention of agriculture indicates that they were healthier and better-nourished than those who came after.

That makes sense, since they would have had a more varied diet than those with a wheat-centered diet. They also knew of plant-based remedies, and some of that knowledge was probably lost when people settled down and were no longer living "in the wild".

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:13 PM (sdi6R)

114 Seeing how they gave the Nobel for Literature to Dylan, I figured the one for Medicine would go to that guy that played House or sumthin...

Posted by: tu3031 at October 13, 2016 07:14 PM (qJhUV)

115 I think I've mentioned this, but if I haven't, Taubes talks a lot about these misformed proteins, glycoproteins if I remember right, which form when a protein divides imcorrectly and then sticks to a glucose molecule.

I must confess I consider Taubes to be in the same class with Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, and others of that ilk, viz., shameless opportunists making a career out of conning the gullible.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:14 PM (SRKgf)

116 Well once the Hillary Depression takes hold we will all be IF...but healthy!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:15 PM (B+MYz)

117 95 Hi Ace, these posts have been great for me. The Dr. Jason Fung stuff, especially, has been fantastic. Started with Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories) about 3 1/2 years ago and Fung is really the culmination (so far?) of the model that Taubes began. IF is my usual routine now. One day a week I splurge. 57 years old, pretty lean and feel great. thanks!

Posted by: eRacer at October 13, 2016 07:10 PM (5z07D)

I think you're doing it the right way with the splurging (intermittent splurging?). I was reading about the paleo thing a few years ago and once a week the guy pretty much ate anything he wanted. Pizza, ice cream, candy, whatever. He just felt it helped balance things out.

It likely also helps keep you on the regimen if you know you can indulge.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:15 PM (4ErVI)

118 I've read that analysis of the remains of hunter-gatherers before the invention of agriculture indicates that they were healthier and better-nourished than those who came after.

And they lived in harmony with nature, letting no part of the buffalo go to waste. Women were respected as equals and trannies were permitted to use any restroom they wanted.

Then the white man showed up and ruined everything...

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at October 13, 2016 07:16 PM (8ZskC)

119 Taubes seems legit, at least from my experiments with his work.

Campbell now, there's a fraud and a hack. There are nuggets of gold in his work and huge amounts stolen from the Golden Bough and just repackaged with Freudian jibber jabber.

Stephen King gives better writing advice than Campbell ever did.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at October 13, 2016 07:16 PM (UHLlC)

120 The REAL Nobel Prizes - physics, chemistry, medicine/physiology - are OK. Economics is a wobbler.

No. They're largely irrelevant. They won't award Nobels until long after something has been totally accepted - and the people have already been richly rewarded. The Nobel in those areas are still nothing but afterthoughts - and they try to ram politics into them, too. There was supposed to be a math prize but Nobel was in a fight with one of the great mathematicians of the day. That says a lot.

Einstein never got a Nobel for Relativity. 'Nuff said about Nobel Prizes.

Literature and Peace are jokes, and have been for a long time.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:12 PM (SRKgf)

Yeah. These are sick jokes. But they carry the Nobel name so they weight down the Nobel name.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:17 PM (zc3Db)

121 >>> Quadrophonic?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 06:51 PM (9P3OG)


A litte mood music:

Posted by: LizLem at October 13, 2016 07:17 PM (hvf9s)

122 I didn't have any forebears. We Bidens had forepeople.

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2016 07:17 PM (8ZskC)

123 Then the white man showed up and ruined everything...

Darn tootin!!

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:17 PM (qUNWi)

124 Cells are gross. If a part of me got gangrene, I would just have it amputated. I wouldn't eat it.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 13, 2016 07:18 PM (OkKDg)

125 What the hell is tis the Golden Bough? Wait is that Obamas boner?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:18 PM (B+MYz)

126 Yeah the prizes were cool and stuff. I mean someone said hey why don't you give money and stuff away, maybe a huge fucking medal with your mug on it, to the great doers of the world.

I mean, ok. It's a thing.

I don't know I just liked blowing shit up with dynamite!

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:19 PM (4ErVI)

127 *failure to deploy sock fail*

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:19 PM (4ErVI)

128 There are four bears!!!

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:19 PM (qUNWi)

129 Taubes seems legit, at least from my experiments with his work.

Taubes started out writing pop sci physics articles, then realized the bucks were in pop sci dieting books. He is to medicine/physiology what Neil deGrasse Tyson is to astrophysics. Except Tyson actually finished grad school with his Ph.D. (charity or not), whereas Taubes did not.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:19 PM (SRKgf)

130 >>>
Taubes started out writing pop sci physics articles, then realized the bucks were in pop sci dieting books. He is to medicine/physiology what Neil deGrasse Tyson is to astrophysics. Except Tyson actually finished grad school with his Ph.D. (charity or not), whereas Taubes did not.
Posted by: Jay Guevara


i guess that's why my cardiologist promotes Taubes and paleo

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:21 PM (dciA+)

Donald Trump wrote a dieting book for women,its called Stop Stuffing Your Pieholes You Disgusting Pigs

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:22 PM (lKyWE)

132 i guess that's why my cardiologist promotes Taubes and paleo

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:21 PM (dciA+)

You have a cardiologist?


Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:22 PM (zc3Db)

133 I'd rather have a math thread than a biology thread.

Posted by: tbodie at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (aNSOb)

You have a cardiologist?

So do I.

He gets to call me fat once a year.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (uyrlv)

135 You have a cardiologist?


He's a cautious 29.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (qUNWi)

136 Doctor Howard, Doctor Fine, Doctor Howard.

Posted by: Nobel Prize committee at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (IqV8l)

137 Some of you have bought into the medical advice given out from the 70s through the 90s.

Um, you really need to read up. Almost all of that is being retracted, bit by bit.

Eggs, for example. Nothing wrong with them. The government/medical establishment finally admitted that this past year -- after claiming they were bad for you for 30 years, despite there never having been evidence for this claim, and despite increasing evidence they were perfectly healthy.

if you want to keep on citing the garbage science the government forced on you from 1977 to 1996, that's your business, but the rest of us have learned to not trust government science.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (dciA+)

138 132 i guess that's why my cardiologist promotes Taubes and paleo

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:21 PM (dciA+)

Yeah but can it regrow hair.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:24 PM (B+MYz)

139 I'd rather have a math thread than a biology thread.


Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:24 PM (uyrlv)

140 131
Donald Trump wrote a dieting book for women,its called Stop Stuffing Your Pieholes You Disgusting Pigs
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:22 PM (lKyWE)
I LOLed.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (Nox3c)

141 >>>You have a cardiologist?

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair


yeah I thought i was having heart pains and they kept telling me I was fine but I eventually insisted on seeing a specialist. He told me I was fine.

He also told me I should lose weight as a preventative method and recommended Paleo. I was already on Atkins and IF, so he said: Okay, keep doing that.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (dciA+)

142 'I must confess I consider Taubes to be in the same class with Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, and others of that ilk, viz., shameless opportunists making a career out of conning the gullible.'

It's science!

Posted by: Zombie L.Ron Hubbard at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (BO/km)

143 Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:22 PM (lKyWE)
If someone to follow me and scream that phrase every time I ate, I would totally lose weight.

Posted by: CaliGirl at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (Q5Ymk)

144 I LOLed.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (Nox3c)

I think everyone did. That was funny.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:26 PM (zc3Db)

145 paleo lets you eat fruit; atkins lets you eat cheese.

Advantage: Atkins

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:27 PM (dciA+)

146 When I hit 29 years old, I gained 30 pounds. When I stopped smoking, chewing, coffee, caffeine, and sugar, I gained at least 10 to 15 more from eating three squares to compensate.

Now that I'm 29 years old and the struggle seems to be going the other way, I'm dropping pounds, exercising regularly, eating smaller portions, eating less often, -- once or twice a day, maybe three on the weekend, -- and I feel one hell of a lot better.

IF and autophagy should be part of a weekly routine.

Posted by: Fritz at October 13, 2016 07:28 PM (cyoBN)



Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:24 PM (uyrlv)

Shit, now you tell me.

Posted by: Einstein at October 13, 2016 07:28 PM (B+MYz)

148 Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (dciA+)

You being 29 and all you probably don't remember the butter scare of the 1980s.

It was like a combination of the clown scare and memories of the Carter years.


A few years later...oopsy!

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:29 PM (4ErVI)

149 No. They're largely irrelevant. They won't award Nobels until long after something has been totally accepted - and the people have already been richly rewarded. The Nobel in those areas are still nothing but afterthoughts - and they try to ram politics into them, too. There was supposed to be a math prize but Nobel was in a fight with one of the great mathematicians of the day. That says a lot.

Einstein never got a Nobel for Relativity. 'Nuff said about Nobel Prizes.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:17 PM (zc3Db)

Einstein had already received the Nobel Prize for his treatment of the photoelectric effect, and in that era it was unprecedented for anyone to receive it twice.

Originally the Nobel Prize was intended to help promising young scientists advance their careers, much like, e.g., Dreyfus awards now. The problem was that there were more worthy recipients than Prizes, since any given Prize can only be split at most three ways (per Nobel's will). So a backlog quickly arose, which pushed back the age of recipients dramatically. Also, Swedish Royal Academy is paranoid about making mistakes, and so tends to wait to see the significance (and soundness) of the work.

For example, a few years after he invented the spectroscopy named after him, they gave Moessbauer a Nobel Prize in physics when he was 30ish.

But practically nobody uses it, and few people have EVER used it. I think most physicists and chemists view that Prize as a grievous mistake.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:29 PM (SRKgf)

150 >>>What the hell is tis the Golden Bough?

It's some 19th century book on comparative religions. C. S. Lewis didn't think much of it. Christ mythers love it.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 13, 2016 07:29 PM (OkKDg)

151 paleo lets you eat fruit; atkins lets you eat cheese.

Advantage: Atkins

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:27 PM (dciA+)

And Kashrut lets you eat fruit any time but cheese only some of the time.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (zc3Db)

152 Ever notice since the gummint started telling us what to eat we've all gotten fat and diabetic?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (uyrlv)

153 89
how often do you think they came across an animal to hunt or a bush full of berries?
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:09 PM (dciA+)

You touched on something important there.

First of all, there were lots of animals around to hunt, and stone age people learned to become good hunters. Secondly, they learned to eat a wide variety of plants, so they could usually find something. Maybe they stockpiled nuts to get them through the winter; I don't know. They probably learned to smoke meat and make jerky.

But fruit would have been a rare treat. They could only get it when it was in season, and much of the year it was unavailable. That would have kept their sugar intake down, unlike today when we can get fruit year-round at the supermarket.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:31 PM (sdi6R)

154 152 Ever notice since the gummint started telling us what to eat we've all gotten fat and diabetic?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (uyrlv)


Posted by: Einstein at October 13, 2016 07:31 PM (B+MYz)

155 152. Speak for yourself

Posted by: Michael Moore at October 13, 2016 07:31 PM (vCA4F)

156 paleo lets you eat fruit; atkins lets you eat cheese.

Advantage: Atkins

Becky lets you eat her.

Advantage: Becky

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:32 PM (uyrlv)

157 Damn...'nope' was supposed to be by Michael Moore.

Now this site is on autophalagy! It posts on it own!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:32 PM (B+MYz)

You being 29 and all you probably don't remember the butter scare of the 1980s.

It was like a combination of the clown scare and memories of the Carter years.


A few years later...oopsy!

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:29 PM (4ErVI)

My grandmother lived to 94. She would only use butter, whole milk, heavy cream her entire life. And she wasn't any roly-poly either.

Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (CFc5L)

159 Becky lets you eat her.

Advantage: Becky

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:32 PM (uyrlv)

So does Hillary.

Advantage: No one

Posted by: Huma Abedin at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (4ErVI)

160 Until Becky claims you molested here when you're running for school board

Posted by: Roman Maroni at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (vCA4F)

161 Einstein had already received the Nobel Prize for his treatment of the photoelectric effect, and in that era it was unprecedented for anyone to receive it twice.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:29 PM (SRKgf)

It was more of a precedent for a no-name to publish three separate, absolutely groundbreaking, historic papers in the same copy of one journal.

The Nobel committee just didn't really understand what was going on and by the time they did it was way too late. They would look like fools.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (zc3Db)

162 Seeing how they gave the Nobel for Literature to Dylan, I figured the one for Medicine would go to that guy that played House or sumthin...

Posted by: tu3031 at October 13, 2016 07:14 PM (qJhUV)

Dr Hook and the Medicine Show

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (9q7Dl)


A few years later...oopsy!


yeah, and it turns out margarine is made up of the transfats we now know are the actually dangerous fat!

(The only dangerous fat, by the way -- the artificial one created by saturating natural fat with hydrogen atoms)

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:33 PM (dciA+)

164 Ace has mentioned his weight but don't recall a height along with that. 4'7 at 179 is a whole lot different than 6'2 179.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2016 07:34 PM (iiA9G)

165 Auto phatty?

Posted by: Roman Maroni at October 13, 2016 07:34 PM (vCA4F)

166 151
And Kashrut lets you eat fruit any time but cheese only some of the time.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (zc3Db)

You have to separate the mish, er, meat from the dairy.

*punchline to Jewish joke*

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:34 PM (9P3OG)

167 137 Some of you have bought into the medical advice given out from the 70s through the 90s.

Um, you really need to read up. Almost all of that is being retracted, bit by bit.

Eggs, for example. Nothing wrong with them. The government/medical establishment finally admitted that this past year -- after claiming they were bad for you for 30 years, despite there never having been evidence for this claim, and despite increasing evidence they were perfectly healthy.

if you want to keep on citing the garbage science the government forced on you from 1977 to 1996, that's your business, but the rest of us have learned to not trust government science.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:23 PM (dciA+)

138 132 i guess that's why my cardiologist promotes Taubes and paleo

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2016 07:21 PM (dciA+)

So when did your cardiologist do his training - in the 70s-90s? Or is he immune to following medical fads and fashions? Your argument cuts both ways.

I've said it before: biomedical research is in a parlous state. It's got nothing to do with the government; it's to do with the scientific training of people conducting the research, who are insufficiently rigorous. Physicians are NOT generally scientists, any more than auto mechanics are engineers.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:34 PM (SRKgf)

168 Ever notice since the gummint started telling us what to eat we've all gotten fat and diabetic?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (uyrlv)

I would lay the blame for that more with the advent and popularity of sugar substitutes.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:35 PM (zc3Db)

169 I'm telling ya. All kinds of boosts from IF.

Posted by: moviegique at October 13, 2016 07:35 PM (7zeA4)

170 2*w/(e+e)k^s
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:24 PM (uyrlv)

That was the best laugh I've had all week.

Posted by: tbodie at October 13, 2016 07:36 PM (aNSOb)

171 As Forbes magazine pointed out some months ago, the Republican candidate is worth roughly $4.5 billion. The Democratic candidate is worth roughly $45 million. Compare that with the average American household, which is worth about $144,000. The median U.S. income is about $56,000. Neither major candidate lives anywhere near the solar system where most Americans live, work and raise families. Nonetheless, we're asked to trust them.

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at October 13, 2016 07:36 PM (qurRi)

172 >>>Einstein had already received the Nobel Prize for his treatment of the photoelectric effect, and in that era it was unprecedented for anyone to receive it twice.

I was doin my funky 'pollen grain' dance, and then that hairy ass mofo won his Nobel Prize by his description of it. He's a cultural appropriator.

Posted by: Michael Brown at October 13, 2016 07:36 PM (OkKDg)

173 140 131
Donald Trump wrote a dieting book for women,its called Stop Stuffing Your Pieholes You Disgusting Pigs
Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at October 13, 2016 07:22 PM (lKyWE)
I LOLed.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 13, 2016 07:25 PM (Nox3c)

The I-Hate-To-Mish Cookbook.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2016 07:37 PM (9P3OG)

174 62 I actually studied this a bit in college ... any moderate amount of stress (as with, e.g., fasting) can stimulate the immune system to combat mutated cells (which can become cancerous).

1. Yes, I am quoting myself

2. On the other hand, too much stress is harmful to the immune system. It can cause an acute inflammatory response at the cellular level, which can (over the long term) lead to cancer. If you have a stressful lifestyle, a daily low dose aspirin can modulate the inflammatory response.

Not sure why I'm posting this. Maybe it will help someone, so ...

Posted by: Dick Poulin at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (sMt7r)

175 168 Ever notice since the gummint started telling us what to eat we've all gotten fat and diabetic?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:30 PM (uyrlv)

I would lay the blame for that more with the advent and popularity of sugar substitutes.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:35 PM (zc3Db)

I would lay the blame on lack of physical activity occasioned by labor-saving devices.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (SRKgf)

176 The Nobel committee just didn't really understand what was going on and by the time they did it was way too late. They would look like fools.

General relativity wasn't widely accepted until Arthur Eddington confirmed it with his solar eclipse observations in 1919. That was when Einstein become known outside of physics.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (8ZskC)

177 "... acting on the public advice of the Director of the FBI, James Comey, who said that no responsible prosecutor would indict Mrs. Clinton."

Apparently, this is likely to change

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at October 13, 2016 07:39 PM (qurRi)

178 >>>And Kashrut lets you eat fruit any time but cheese only some of the time.

I don't give milk.

Posted by: a chicken at October 13, 2016 07:40 PM (OkKDg)

179 I would lay the blame on lack of physical activity occasioned by labor-saving devices.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (SRKgf)

I would lay the blame on lawyers who sue everyone for millions (for a guy who never would have made more than $130,000 in his whole life) for the most minor of scratches whenever someone goes out and does any physical activity of any sort.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:40 PM (zc3Db)

180 Autophagy? How about autofellatio? Any breakthroughs in that.

Einstein's four 1905 papers are know as the Annus Mirablis, miracle year.

And, did you know Einstein in 1905 used 'V' rather than 'c' for the speed of light? Nowadays, the use of anything other than 'c' for light speed would be too confusing. This came later.

Posted by: Beyonce, role model for girls at October 13, 2016 07:41 PM (DW+jj)

181 I would lay the blame on lawyers who sue everyone for millions (for a guy who never would have made more than $130,000 in his whole life) for the most minor of scratches whenever someone goes out and does any physical activity of any sort.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:40 PM (zc3Db)

Back in the 1980s (a time many of you 29 year olds can't possibly remember), anyone outside of the military, football, or construction who got caught wearing a helmet was killed on sight. We didn't cotton to that kind of gay ass weakness.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at October 13, 2016 07:42 PM (4ErVI)

182 General relativity wasn't widely accepted until Arthur Eddington confirmed it with his solar eclipse observations in 1919. That was when Einstein become known outside of physics.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (8ZskC)

But Einstein didn't get his Nobel until after that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:43 PM (zc3Db)

183 Originally the Nobel Prize was intended to help promising young scientists advance their careers, much like, e.g., Dreyfus awards now

Or Fields, in math. That's why there's an age limit.

Misha Perelman, bless his autistic heart, thought the Fields medal was so lame he refused to accept one.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at October 13, 2016 07:45 PM (6FqZa)

184 180 Autophagy? How about autofellatio? Any breakthroughs in that.

I'm still the gold standard, babe.

Posted by: Ron Jeremy at October 13, 2016 07:45 PM (0mRoj)

185 And, about 100 years later to the date, gravitational radiation was finally confirmed. It was a beautiful 100th birthday for General Relativity.

GR is, as far as physical theory, Elle MacPherson or any of the hotties the names escape. It still gives me a raging hard on, in mathematical/physics sense.

Posted by: Beyonce, role model for girls at October 13, 2016 07:46 PM (DW+jj)

186 Sock fail. Shit....Beyonce talking about GR.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at October 13, 2016 07:47 PM (DW+jj)

187 179 I would lay the blame on lack of physical activity occasioned by labor-saving devices.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:38 PM (SRKgf)

I would lay the blame on lawyers who sue everyone for millions (for a guy who never would have made more than $130,000 in his whole life) for the most minor of scratches whenever someone goes out and does any physical activity of any sort.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:40 PM (zc3Db)

When I worked in Europe I lived in a town that had once been encompassed by a town wall, and hence was very compact - to the extent that it was difficult to drive anywhere, and the major part of the city was pedestrians only. Consequently, everyone walked or rode bikes.

American faculty members who came to do their sabbaticals with me were astonished at how quickly they lost weight because they'd have to walk at least several miles per day. When I first got there, I thought there was something wrong with shoes there, because they wore out in six weeks or so.

I think that that's where the difference lies, frankly. People doing manual labor generally have no problem keeping their weight down. Office workers, not so much.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:47 PM (SRKgf)

188 @180-well Beyoncé can strip you of a cnote faster than light.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2016 07:47 PM (iiA9G)

189 Ace, re: laptop, I just bought one of these and like it so far...

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at October 13, 2016 07:47 PM (Kucy5)

190 John Bolton on FBN

Just began his sentence with " Under a real President..."


Posted by: that guy at October 13, 2016 07:48 PM (zu88C)

191 But Einstein didn't get his Nobel until after that.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:43 PM (zc3Db)

He'd already gotten one, in 1905 (IIRC).

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:48 PM (SRKgf)

192 Or Fields, in math. That's why there's an age limit.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at October 13, 2016 07:45 PM (6FqZa)

I'm not so sure about that. Not saying you're incorrect, but the Fields was meant to award the great mathematical discoveries. Not just the best that period, but truly important work. Fields don't even have to be awarded every four years if nothing that important has been done.

Historically, almost all mathematicians did their greatest work before they turned 25 - many before they hit 20. The number of mathematicians who have done important work after 40 are few enough that even barky could count them.

But ... you might be correct about the reason the age limit is there. I had never heard that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (zc3Db)

193 Why hasn't someone just invented a skinny pill? This is America for F&cks sake.

And where's my flying car?!!!!!!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (B+MYz)

194 60
I thought autophagy is when you choke someone until they almost die because sex.

I thought it was a Cars cover band.

Posted by: that guy at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (zu88C)

195 And where's my flying car?!!!!!!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (B+MYz)

Autophagy done ate it.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 07:50 PM (Om16U)

196 /sock half off

Posted by: Mortimer, that deplorable guy at October 13, 2016 07:50 PM (zu88C)

197 He'd already gotten one, in 1905 (IIRC).

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:48 PM (SRKgf)

No. 1921.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:50 PM (zc3Db)

198 The Nobel Committee had better give me a Peace Prize, or I'll drone their sorry asses!

Matter of fact, I'll also take Literature, for Hard Choices, and Astronomy, to make up for NASA rejecting me.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 13, 2016 07:50 PM (OkKDg)

199 Hey Votermom! Good to see you.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:51 PM (B+MYz)

200 Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now.

Posted by: Nick in South Bend at October 13, 2016 07:51 PM (19FyL)

201 When I read A Beautiful Mind the Fields was described as being only for young people.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (qUNWi)

202 Hey CB

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (Om16U)

203 Why hasn't someone just invented a skinny pill? This is America for F&cks sake.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (B+MYz)

They have. Housewives used to take them like they were going out of style.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (zc3Db)

204 Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now.


oh God. Another one?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (zu88C)

205 Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now.
Trump groped Cindy, too?

Posted by: Methos at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (3Liv/)

206 Yes, Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize for the photelectric effect paper, with the honorable mention of "theory of relativity which is the subject of lively debate".

Einstein won "person of the century" from Time in 1999. It was deserved, but I'll call it Man of the Century.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at October 13, 2016 07:53 PM (DW+jj)

207 Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now.


Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 07:53 PM (qUNWi)

208 200 Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now.
Posted by: Nick in South Bend at October 13, 2016 07:51 PM (19FyL)

Oh no. Has he grabbed Cindy's pussy now?

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:53 PM (sdi6R)

Autophagy? How about autofellatio? Any breakthroughs in that.

I'm still the gold standard, babe.
Posted by: Ron Jeremy

Silly human.

Posted by: Dogs everywhere at October 13, 2016 07:53 PM (IqV8l)

210 203 Why hasn't someone just invented a skinny pill? This is America for F&cks sake.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:49 PM (B+MYz)

They have. Housewives used to take them like they were going out of style.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (zc3Db)

Right? And then one to sleep and then pop one to wake up and then one to sleep and wake and sleep and wake. What was wrong with that? Gees. Just ruin good thing.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:54 PM (B+MYz)

211 Dogs do autoanalingus, too. Perverts.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at October 13, 2016 07:54 PM (DW+jj)

212 "And where's my flying car?!!!!!!"

Pffffttttt on your flying car, I want my own personal Star Trek style transporter?

Who the heck wants to drive to the next Continent?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 13, 2016 07:54 PM (d76uN)

213 The Bible commands fasting. 24 hours minimum, no food or water. At least once a year (Atonement), but more as needed. To draw closer to God. It's good for your body.

Posted by: Nikkolai at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (aEfC9)

214 Should have got the Nobel Prize in economics for my cattle futures formulae.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (OkKDg)

215 203
They have. Housewives used to take them like they were going out of style.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:52 PM (zc3Db)

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (sdi6R)

216 "Genuinely YUGE crowd for Trump in Cindy right now."

Jan and Marsha hardest hit.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 13, 2016 07:56 PM (d76uN)

217 Didn't The Stones write about the Little Yellow Pill in the 60,s

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at October 13, 2016 07:56 PM (6Ll1u)

218 Cincinnati crowd booing the press

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 07:57 PM (Om16U)

219 212 "And where's my flying car?!!!!!!"

Pffffttttt on your flying car, I want my own personal Star Trek style transporter?

Who the heck wants to drive to the next Continent?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 13, 2016 07:54 PM (d76uN)

Oh yeah that was kinda yesterday. I want my transporter!!!

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 07:57 PM (B+MYz)


Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (sdi6R)

I thought that was going to be a clip from Requiem For A Dream. Yours was even better.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:57 PM (zc3Db)

221 21,0000 at Trump's rally now in Cincinnati w/ 7000 outside.

Posted by: waffler at October 13, 2016 07:57 PM (bsDXW)

222 It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited.

Posted by: Cindy at October 13, 2016 07:57 PM (IqV8l)

223 Lose Weight Faster With Linux!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 13, 2016 07:58 PM (uyrlv)

224 197 He'd already gotten one, in 1905 (IIRC).

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:48 PM (SRKgf)

No. 1921.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 07:50 PM (zc3Db)

You're right. Now that I think about it, I believe he published his work on the photoelectric effect in 1905. That's the date that sticks in my mind for the photoelectric effect.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:58 PM (SRKgf)

225 The Nobel Prize used to mean something....

Now...after Obama won one for "peace" it is about as useless as shit on a stick. No Watson and Crick that one.

Actions have consequences.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 13, 2016 07:59 PM (ej1L0)

226 214 Should have got the Nobel Prize in economics for my cattle futures formulae.
Posted by: Hillary Clinton at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (OkKDg)

Move over Black-Sholes. Or should I say mooooove over?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:59 PM (SRKgf)

227 "huge crowd in Cindy"

So, three?

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at October 13, 2016 08:00 PM (6FqZa)

228 225 The Nobel Prize used to mean something....

Now...after Obama won one for "peace" it is about as useless as shit on a stick. No Watson and Crick that one.

Actions have consequences.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 13, 2016 07:59 PM (ej1L0)

The real ones still do, by and large. Literature and Peace have been a joke since forever. The latter is hopelessly and ineluctably political (especially nowadays), whereas the former ... what can I say? How does one compare literature written in different languages?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (SRKgf)

229 You're right. Now that I think about it, I believe he published his work on the photoelectric effect in 1905. That's the date that sticks in my mind for the photoelectric effect.

It's amazing to me that physics was so advanced in what was still predominantly a horse and buggy age.

And Newton in the 1600s!?!?!

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (qUNWi)

230 You're right. Now that I think about it, I believe he published his work on the photoelectric effect in 1905. That's the date that sticks in my mind for the photoelectric effect.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 07:58 PM (SRKgf)

He published three revolutionary papers in the same edition of a physics journal (I forget the name):

- The Photo-electric effect
- Brownian Motion
- Special Relativity

After all those years all he got a Nobel for was for the photoelectric effect.

And einstein was counting on the Nobel for many years as it was part of his divorce agreement with his (ex)wife - that she would get the Nobel money.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (zc3Db)

231 Trump talking about the wikileaks e-mails.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (Enq6K)

232 @213
You know what else is good for the soul?
Not talking. We did a 24 hour vow of silence thing for my fraternity back in the day.
It was just 24 hours: no hairshirts, no vow of poverty, but it was a pretty profound experience.
I'd like to see some people get behind this.
We would be a better country for it: National Shut Up Day.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (QtQaN)

233 225 The Nobel Prize used to mean something....

Now...after Obama won one for "peace" it is about as useless as shit on a stick. No Watson and Crick that one.

Actions have consequences.
Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 13, 2016 07:59 PM (ej1L0)

The Nobel *Peace* Prize has been a sick joke for decades. The other ones still mean something, and usually recognize genuine achievement.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:02 PM (sdi6R)

And where's my flying car?!!!!!!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob

It's in the garage beside my jetpack.

Posted by: Chi at October 13, 2016 08:03 PM (aMChO)

235 I ain't gettin in no transporter.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 08:04 PM (qUNWi)

236 Hahaha! He's talking about the $1M check to Bill from Saudi Arabia.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:04 PM (Enq6K)

And where's my flying car?!!!!!!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob

It's in the garage beside my jetpack.
Posted by: Chi at October 13, 2016 08:03 PM (aMChO)

Right Chi? We got screwed. Where is this stuff?

Posted by: Cannibal Bob at October 13, 2016 08:04 PM (B+MYz)

238 National Shut Up Day is on the 6th of June


Posted by: Bigby's Ouija Board at October 13, 2016 08:05 PM (U0lQa)


Livestrong has always been a good site. Sadly Tour de Lance had to step down.

Something I was trying to get across a few times, but they say it much better:

Cautionary Note
As noted, Intermittent Fasting is very attractive for certain populations. Eating a good breakfast, much less eating healthy meals throughout the day, is a real challenge for many busy people. A system that allows eating less frequently while still building a lean, strong, healthy body sounds appealing.

But just because you say you're too busy to prepare food doesn't mean IF is the best option for you. Based upon my hands-on experience, a good fit for IF should:

- Have a history of monitoring calorie/food intake. In other words, you have "dieted" before.
- Be used to dealing with cravings and, at times, extreme hunger.
- Be legitimately too busy to eat and prepare small, frequent meals - not just too lazy or bored.
- Understand how to make good food choices.
- Be in a relatively low-stress world (single and no kids, or with a very supportive partner).

Granted, exceptions can always be made, but for those who don't fit the above criteria, I suggest focusing on "the basics" more than anything.


calories, and pure healthy foods
You have to really have a grasp of them both.

Fasting has been around for ages, as has yoga (which also detoxes and cleanses the body).

I'll mention again,

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Her bs & Food Supplements
by Phyllis A. Balch CNC

Read it and live it. Much info on fasting, cleansing and detoxing the body. Beware of the herbal remedies - read side effects.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at October 13, 2016 08:05 PM (qCMvj)

240 Now he's talking about Clinton getting the questions before a debate from the media.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:05 PM (Enq6K)

241 You may get a flying car but you won't be allowed to drive it.

Posted by: freaked at October 13, 2016 08:05 PM (BO/km)

242 Hillary is in LA now collecting more sweet sweet money,

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at October 13, 2016 08:06 PM (6Ll1u)

243 Just wanted to point out that although I gave "Slim" a thoughtful and intelligent response to his query, had he persisted in that vein, I would have devolved to sarcasm and eventually to the low brow insult.

Just so you know I'm not "too good" for you guys.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at October 13, 2016 08:06 PM (/f2t4)

244 And no I don't want to be replicated in a transporter.

Posted by: freaked at October 13, 2016 08:07 PM (BO/km)

245 >>>We would be a better country for it: National Shut Up Day.

Is it ok to text pictures? Asking for a friend.

Posted by: Anthony Wiener at October 13, 2016 08:07 PM (OkKDg)

246 He published three revolutionary papers in the same edition of a physics journal (I forget the name):

- The Photo-electric effect
- Brownian Motion
- Special Relativity

After all those years all he got a Nobel for was for the photoelectric effect.

And einstein was counting on the Nobel for many years as it was part of his divorce agreement with his (ex)wife - that she would get the Nobel money.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 08:01 PM (zc3Db)

Zeitschrift fuer Physik?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:07 PM (SRKgf)

247 You may get a flying car but you won't be allowed to drive it.

Nope. The FAA would have a field day.

Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 08:08 PM (qUNWi)

248 235 I ain't gettin in no transporter.
Posted by: eleven at October 13, 2016 08:04 PM (qUNWi)

But think ... if we could talk leftists into getting a transporter ... you see where I'm going with this.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:09 PM (SRKgf)

249 Now he's talking about Lynch and Bill meeting on the plane. He spoke about this earlier today.

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:09 PM (Enq6K)

250 Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:07 PM (SRKgf)

I looked it up:

Annalen der Physik 17 (1905)

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 08:09 PM (zc3Db)

251 Tami? On FOX?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:10 PM (zu88C)

252 Those trainspotters are junky.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 13, 2016 08:10 PM (IqV8l)

253 The Nobel Prize for Literature is a mixed bag, to say the least. Check out this list:

I've never heard of most of them, but that's largely because they didn't write in English. But there are some true, genuine giants in there: Rudyard Kipling. Winston Churchill. Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

And now Bob Dylan.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:10 PM (sdi6R)

254 I don't want a flying car. I've never wanted a flying car. It'll be a cold day in hell before you get me into a flying car.

Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:10 PM (CFc5L)

255 251
Tami? On FOX?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:10 PM (zu88C)

Yes....but here's the youtube link

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:11 PM (Enq6K)

256 Mortimer, how did your interview go today?

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:11 PM (Enq6K)

257 Thanks, Tami!

Very thoughtful!

(Wife is watching Real Hellwives of HouseCounty or somegoddawful thing)

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:12 PM (zu88C)

258 First question I have to ask about all this fasting and supplements is , Do you ever listen to your own body? Some herbals might work but many will not because you have no clue if they are pure or not. Herbal cures have been around forever but most came from fresh sources.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2016 08:13 PM (iiA9G)

259 213 The Bible commands fasting. 24 hours minimum, no food or water. At least once a year (Atonement), but more as needed. To draw closer to God. It's good for your body.
Posted by: Nikkolai at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (aEfC9)

Reference, please?

Posted by: Emmie at October 13, 2016 08:14 PM (xVuS6)

260 ...or Rip Taylor drives into town.

Posted by: Tear Shred at October 13, 2016 08:14 PM (FyuAv)

261 The Nobel Prize is about as useless as an 18 year old to Michael Jackson..

Posted by: Chi at October 13, 2016 08:16 PM (aMChO)

262 256
Mortimer, how did your interview go today?

Posted by: Tami.

Really , Really , Really well.

I hardly dare to get excited but I sorta am.
I nailed the technical stuff, they liked me, liked what I was saying.

I think that the compensation offer is going to be too low. I have a limit but they may push it.

Or maybe they hire someone else. I don't know.

I am happy-ish but afraid to get too happy I guess.

Thanks for asking , if it turns into anything I will update ASAP!

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:17 PM (zu88C)

263 he Bible commands fasting. 24 hours minimum, no food or water. At least once a year (Atonement), but more as needed. To draw closer to God. It's good for your body.
Posted by: Nikkolai at October 13, 2016 07:55 PM (aEfC9)

Reference, please?
Posted by: Emmie at October 13, 2016 08:14 PM (xVuS6)

I just listen to my colon....some days when my colon is worn out and in need of a rest I just drink for a day or two.

Or three.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 13, 2016 08:17 PM (ej1L0)

264 Annalen der Physik 17 (1905)
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at October 13, 2016 08:09 PM (zc3Db)

That's it! Z. Physik didn't sound quite right.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:18 PM (SRKgf)

265 The Annus Mirablis of 1905 was four papers, the three mentioned plus mass-energy equivalence, E = mc^2 (although, again Einstein originally used "V" for 'c').

That was a later paper than the original SR paper.

I would advise anyone with the background to read Einstein's 1905 SR paper. Compare that with the ridiculous academese jargon of today. It was a work in brevity. To the point, and nothing more.

And that work was the start of revolution.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at October 13, 2016 08:18 PM (DW+jj)

I just listen to my colon....some days when my colon is worn out and in need of a rest I just drink for a day or two.

Sounds like a MUMR/TVOC post.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 13, 2016 08:19 PM (IqV8l)

267 This is good

Trump' s speech to millenials

(Remove space) donald-j.-trump-will-work-every-day-to-make-america-great-again-for-millenn

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on gab at October 13, 2016 08:20 PM (Om16U)

268 think I got willowed...

Has anyone heard about this:


News has broken that @HillaryClinton has been forced to submit to a federal judge under threat of perjury - @afneil

Posted by: Gran of the Deplorables at October 13, 2016 08:20 PM (lcUJ5)

269 Thanks for asking , if it turns into anything I will update ASAP!

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:17 PM (zu88C)

Ooooh, sounds good! Sending good vibes your way!

Posted by: Tami...Powering through being a depolorable at October 13, 2016 08:21 PM (Enq6K)

270 >>I don't want a flying car. I've never wanted a flying car. It'll be a cold day in hell before you get me into a flying car.
Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable

How about if I offer you candy?

Posted by: Some Perv in a Raincoat at October 13, 2016 08:22 PM (5huyv)

271 I just listen to my colon....some days when my colon is worn out and in need of a rest I just drink for a day or two.

Sounds like a MUMR/TVOC post.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 13, 2016 08:19 PM (IqV8l)

That, or a Bawney Fwank post.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at October 13, 2016 08:23 PM (SRKgf)

272 >>>I just listen to my colon....some days when my colon is worn out and in need of a rest I just drink for a day or two.

Funny. Drinking gives me IBS.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 13, 2016 08:28 PM (OkKDg)

273 Nood Hillary.

I denounce myself.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 13, 2016 08:29 PM (sdi6R)

274 Is it wrong to watch a game hoping players on both teams would pull hamstrings and break legs?
I mean, I don't want them maimed and crippled for life. Just for a few weeks.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 13, 2016 08:32 PM (Nox3c)

275 Clinton answered questions in response to Judicial Watch lawsuit.

She lied and mostly claimed she couldn't remember.

Posted by: Michael the Deplorable TEXIT at October 13, 2016 08:33 PM (nvMvs)

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