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Open Thread

Slow start today. Getting past a migraine.

I'm also pretty depressed. Apparently, some in this party really do think they're going to hand the election to Hillary, and, bizarrely, they think this will bully the rest of us into knuckling under to their agenda in 2020.

Rather than simply getting payback and tanking their candidate in return.

This party is on the verge of self-destructing. The upper class of the party is upset that the lower class has finally had its say, and they're determined that should never be permitted to happen again.

Why then would anyone of the lower class ever vote for the GOP again? Are they required to sign a piece of paper confirming that they are Lessers who should know their place in order to have the privilege of voting against their own interests?

I'm personally probably defecting to the Democrats after this. All my life I've been animated by one idea in politics. Not about guns, not about abortion, not even about national security. (Okay, that last one is important.)

But what caused me to join the GOP is the very palpable idea emanating from the liberals that there was a group of people empowered due to their position and education to Lead Us, and the rest of us had no say in the affairs of the country. They were to make decisions for us, and we were to follow.

This idea saw flower in the media itself, where a group of people who had no particular expertise in history or political philosophy, and who weren't even terribly intelligent, used the simple happenstance of having jobs giving them control over information as a justification to deceive and manipulate people into supporting their agenda.

I see that currently happening in the "conservative" media, where we have a hundred people who claim to be #NeverTrump and #NeverHillary but, strangely enough, never talk about the downsides of a Hillary presidency. Oh, they'll talk up how much of an authoritarian Trump is, but not Hillary's sense of entitlement, grievance, vengeance, and her own history of authoritarianism and lawlessness in covering up her crimes.

They talk all day about "Principles," but discard the most basic principles -- such as keeping a proven lawbreaker out of the White House, or just honestly admitting which candidate they're actually supporting to their readers -- as convenience may recommend.

In fact, right now they're howling about Ted Cruz' "calculations" in endorsing Trump, while not admitting their own pose of "Being Against Both Equally" is in fact a completely contrived lie they've calculated will permit them to agitate for their candidate (Hillary) while not compromising their career prospects within Conservatism, Inc. too much.

How much can I agitate for Hillary while still retaining plausible deniability?

How much can I agitate for Hillary to appease my anti-Trump donors while still keeping enough pro-Trump readers that my anti-Trump donors will feel they're getting enough eyeballs per dollar of their patronage?

The party -- not just the party;the writers who are supposed to have telling the truth as their first mission, but instead of become nonstop liars all the time decrying Trump as a liar himself -- has declared war on all of the Lessers beneath their station, those not in The Media and who should, therefore, not have quite as much of a say in things as they themselves have.

They've made themselves into exactly what they pretend to oppose -- and exactly what I do in fact oppose.

I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the party where I get the least social grief.

If I'm to get nothing I want from either party -- not even the minimum respect of being offered the truth -- then I'll go with the party where I don't have to make apologies for my political leanings at parties.

If their both liars and elitist scumbags who think they have Right to Rule, what the fuck do I care which of them is in charge?

There's also a self-protection angle here: the Republican Party is about to make itself a permanent minority party -- good luck winning elections when you've betrayed half your base, geniuses! -- and that means the executive power, the power of law enforcement and prosecution, will be in the hands of the Democrats, forever.

I don't know if this party of liars and fools has given us much choice but to start making peace with our new perpetual political masters.

This party is now determined to give the machinery of prosecution and persecution to the Democrats until at least 2020 and probably 2024. Eight more years under a weaponized IRS and compromised FBI.

Nevermind what's going on in Wisconsin -- and a Hillary-stocked Court won't interject itself to stop that madness.

They're doing this deliberately. They're exposing thousands of their alleged fellow party members to government harassment for four more years and probably eight.

If you're part of an army that's deliberately losing the war, maybe you should start thinking about your own safety and security and slip across No Man's Land to join the other side.

At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Posted by: Ace at 12:05 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Nothing that a Trump victory wouldn't cure, no?

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 12:07 PM (r1fLd)

2 And the slutty liberal chicks...

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at September 29, 2016 12:07 PM (cBWom)

3 Yikes!

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 12:08 PM (O2RFr)

4 Sounds like Ace had Kaboom! for breakfast.

Posted by: gapoz at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (thyJJ)

5 Ace, is there any specific recent incident that has caused you to feel this way?

Personally, I think the endorsement of GOP elites would do more to hurt Trump than help him.

Posted by: Mike at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (ISxUB)

6 the only thing that helps my migraine is ice and sleep

Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (0O7c5)

7 There was a kid, literally a child, who was big in GOP circles for a while because he knew how to say all the right things conservatives loved to hear.

The kid went to college and became a liberal.

I remember Beckel on "The Five" commenting "The girls will put out either way..."

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (cBWom)

8 If they believe in party over country, Fuck Them.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at September 29, 2016 12:10 PM (PNcou)

9 The upper class of the party is upset that the lower class has finally had its say, and they're determined that should never be permitted to happen again.


The upper class had forgotten what a Representative Republic is all about.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:10 PM (8XRCm)

10 Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you.

Posted by: Marco Rubios Trash at September 29, 2016 12:10 PM (M+Lyo)

11 This party is on the verge of self-destructing. The upper class of the party is upset that the lower class has finally had its say, and they're determined that should never be permitted to happen again.

The GOP is just like the Democrat Party.

They upper (self-serving, and protected) class were only using pro-life, religious, 2nd Amendment rights folks, and so very evident with the bashing of the Tea Party people who simply wanted a smaller government and budget control.

What does the GOP even stand for anymore? Nothing.

Power and $$

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (qCMvj)

12 When my kids were growing up I thought about not fighting it and letting them become liberals/democrats for this very reason. It'd be easier for them in the long run.

But they grew up to be somewhat conservative.

Posted by: Jprs at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (dXZCD)

13 It's over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor???

Posted by: Bluto at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (fgOnp)

14 Maybe you shouldn't write essays when you gotta migraine

Posted by: Leonard Alfred Schneider at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (/542q)

Meanwhile, Madame Borgia and her handlers are in a full blown panic that they're going to lose.

Hence, Seńorita Puerco, the ex-porn star. They've got nothing.

Except the media.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (9P3OG)

16 Why not the Libertarian Party? Is there a specific philosophical objection, or do you think there are only two feasible choices for directing the future of the country?

Posted by: SummBoddie at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (6n/PP)

17 Getting past a migraine.

Drink water and try to get some fresh air.

also remember this...

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Marcus Tullius Cicero

Posted by: havildar-major at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (jpW6t)

18 Same place as ace.
Lose. Lose.

Posted by: L, Elle at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (6IPEM)

19 Salt imbalance = migraine. When you feel one coming down a good tablespoon of salt. It's disgusting.

Don't go D, go Independent like the rest of those unwilling to choose a side of a fence.

Posted by: Terri at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (i53qy)

20 Or...or you could do what many of us do and not be affiliated with a party. Support candidates who follow through on their promises, however rare that is, and hold all of their feet to the fire, no matter the party.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (eEBON)

21 Yes, the 1% who voted for Jeb Bush are eagerly awaiting his endorsement to tell them who to vote for.

Posted by: Realityman at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (Ch0fq)

22 I remember Beckel on "The Five" commenting "The girls will put out either way..."

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (cBWom)

I would much rather listen to Beckel than that mental midget Juan Williams

Posted by: The Jackhole at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (M+Lyo)

23 Good place to recommend that Codevilla article "After the Republic" in the sidebar again, for those who haven't read it.

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (zoehZ)

24 11 Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (qCMvj)

It isn't that the GOP "is like" the Democrat Party. The GOP is PART OF the Democrat Party.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (9P3OG)

25 I kinda see where Ace is coming from here. I'm totally with him on the contempt our 'elites' have for those who don't go to Ivy League schools and have bylines at NRO. I've stopped registering as Republican. My money, tainted by bad luck as it is, will go to candidates who support issues I believe in. On either side of the aisle. You find me a pro-gun Democrat and I'll vote for him.

I am very single-issue on guns. If you don't have them, you aren't a citizen, trusted to be informed and responsible, you're a sheep to be sheared.

I'm also out of patience for anyone who's vocally NeverTrump (you don't want to vote for him, fine. But don't help Hillary)

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (fX/b9)

26 I would respect the #NeverTrump's more if they came out and endorsed Hillary, at least then they'd be honest.

"Respectable" Republicans keep acting like it's no big deal to endure 4-8 years of Hillary, they can just bide their time until they nominate Jeb/Rubio/Kacish/whoever. What they fail to take into account is the demographic transformation that will occur after amnesty and another 4-8 years of mass immigration that will make it effectively impossible for Republicans to win a national election

Posted by: SimonGruber at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (rX06+)

There's also a self-protection angle here: the Republican Party is about to make itself a permanent minority party -- good luck winning elections when you've betrayed half your base, geniuses! -- and that means the executive power, the power of law enforcement and prosecution, will be in the hands of the Democrats, forever.

I don't know if this party of liars and fools has given us much choice but to start making peace with our new perpetual political masters.

This party is now determined to give the machinery of prosecution and persecution to the Democrats until at least 2020 and probably 2024. Eight more years under a weaponized IRS and compromised FBI.

Nevermind what's going on in Wisconsin -- and a Hillary-stocked Court won't interject itself to stop that madness.

They're doing this deliberately. They're exposing thousands of their alleged fellow party members to government harassment for four more years and probably eight.


chemjeff hardest hit

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (8XRCm)

28 Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling!

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (d3Ee6)

29 >>
2 And the slutty liberal chicks...
Posted by: Stateless Infidel

Too neurotic, believe me.

Posted by: Sphynx at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (OZmbA)

30 Don't get upset, Ace. Join us for the grain puns in the art thread instead.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (LdMbv)

31 I'm with you ACE. I too am leaning to just voting straight Democrat if Hillary wins. Straight down the line.

I'm going to vote out every Republican regardless who they are if I'm in voting reach.

I just watched Comey lying his butt off to Congress and it seems nobody cares so why should I.

PS: I was going to turn straight ticked Democrat before you Ace and I'm a straight ticket Republican of 35+ years.

Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (bdzyz)

32 Way to go, Sir Gallahad, lead the way!

I prefer just not to join and shill for people I know who suck. If I'm going to lose, I'll want a modicum of honor.

Posted by: AD at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (E+JMV)

33 Ace, there are more of us than there are of them. Besides, the fake-righties are all going to die in a fire, or at least that is my fervent hope. Liars.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (09Ay7)

34 Pepe is the conductor.

Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (75WaT)

35 Whoa.

I wouldn't think it's ever a god time to join the Democrats.
Leave the GOP? Sure. But join the scumbag Dems?

Ace, don't give in to the Dark Side!!

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:13 PM (NOIQH)

36 23 Good place to recommend that Codevilla article "After the Republic" in the sidebar again, for those who haven't read it.
Posted by: rickl the deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (zoehZ)

Just remember that the main takeaway from that essay is that Codevilla is wrong about Ted Cruz.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (9P3OG)

37 >>Hence, Senorita Puerco, the ex-porn star

In her defense : her work in 'Girls who Sell Median Oranges and Take it Up the Ass' was nothing if not memorable.

Posted by: garrett at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (0BkbS)

38 @16 The reason why I'm not signing up with the big "L" party is my pure distaste that they have become the "democrats with weed" party instead of any bastion of liberty.

When your nominee (and running mate) thinks it's quite unnecessary for a firearm to have a magazine capacity of >5 rounds (else it's a military firearm, don'tcha know) and all above should be banned; and the party does not jettison him immediately, then I know that's not my party.

Posted by: GeoSTI at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (0e/Wy)


Ace, I think the answer to your screed is an old saw:

Let it Burn

Then, Reset Button

Posted by: Sphynx at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (OZmbA)

They've got nothing.

Except the media.

Which is pretty important... Think about the e-mail thing... If Hillary was the R candidate and Comey was testifying about all her lies etc. it would be the lead story in every news channel , twitter,facebook, and print...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (O2RFr)

41 I shall recapitulate some of a conversation I had with a ginger midget last night.

It's not about Party for me any more. I am losing my faith in American Exceptionalism. I usually point to the Marshall Plan as the finest example of that, but what I've always found Exceptional is that we've ruled ourselves under a framework established by the finest flowers of the Englightenment.

Now we have sham hearings where Gowdy, Issa, and Chaffetz say the right things and reassure us that justice will be served, but nothing happens.

The whole system of tripartite government assumes that each branch will jealously guard its power, but Congress has abdicated in favor of getting re-elected.

Two and a quarter centuries was a pretty good run, even by Roman Empire standards. We don't have the government I was raised to revere, regardless of which party we subscribe to.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (mgbwf)

42 Maybe watching a Milo speech would cheer you up?
There are happy warriors still out there. There is hope, always.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (NOIQH)

43 >>>8 If they believe in party over country, Fuck Them.
Posted by: buzzsaw90

they do and they're fairly open about saying so. How they dress it up is like this: The conservative movement is the only thing that can save america; so, in giving the White House to Hillary for 4 to 8 years, we're actually saving the conservative movement, which itself, in 12 or 16 years, will finally get down to the business of Saving America.

Or something.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (dciA+)

44 Hence, Senorita Puerco, the ex-porn star. They've got nothing.


ex-porn star makes as little sense as ex-marine.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (PNcou)

45 Why not start a 3rd party and call it the Pirate Party like they did in Iceland.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (1ISKN)

46 Sorry, Ace, I can't do it.

The Democrat party is the party of straight-up murder. Of infants now, but quickly closing in on anyone deemed to be a "useless eater" (I can't think of the German term right now).

I understand your position. As you're someone with an internet presence, subject to harassment and punishment, I can sympathize with it.

But as for myself, I will not ally with evil.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (X6fMO)

47 If the Ds rule, you will be made to care.

Posted by: Benko at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (5FKUO)

48 39
Then, Reset Button
Posted by: Sphynx at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (OZmbA)

Presumes a) we control the button in the aftermath and that b) there is an aftermath wherein the button may be pressed.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (9P3OG)

49 I was surprised to see the #Nevertrumps still at it this week. I honestly thought most had quietly shed that intellectual fig leaf for reality. It appears this isn't the case. It's political childishness (as well as suicide) to pretend that a vote for a candidate with 0% chance of winning even one state, let alone the presidency, doesn't have a consequence on the two candidates literally tied in polls with 50% chance each.

It's especially galling after the long line of losers we've had to hold our breath for. I hate that we are having the same thread for the 245th time this year alone-but here we are.

Perhaps ace is right and it's just chauvinism dressed up as Principles. Or maybe we are that stupid. Or simply uncomfortable with the reality of politics. It's gross to fight in the mud for power, but that's what it is.

Posted by: Alex #11 at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (EUMt/)

50 We haven't been represented in years, maybe not since the Gipper. Unfortunately, what that's going to lead to is oligarchical corporatism and an ongoing resistance movement (plus some outright terrorism from our jihadi guests.). Don't like it, don't want to bequeath it to my stepsons, but there it is.

Posted by: joncelli, Present at the Autopsy at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (RD7QR)

51 Shorter Codevilla: buy more ammo.

Posted by: Roy at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (VndSC)

52 I will crawl over broken glass to vote against Hillary Clinton because she left Americans who were her responsibility to die and she put her own preservation above the country's by circumventing the official classified system.

Posted by: pookysgirl at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (ar2KI)

53 "I wouldn't think it's ever a god time to join the Democrats.
Leave the GOP? Sure. But join the scumbag Dems?"

As a life long Republican I too will be going straight ticket Democrat should Hillary win and I never miss an election.

It is no longer about issues. It's about payback to all of the sons a bitches that I helped put in office over the years.

Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (bdzyz)

54 44
ex-porn star makes as little sense as ex-marine.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (PNcou)

Semper Thigh?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (9P3OG)

55 not about abortion

abortion is a national security question. If the most basic human right can be contorted away by the legal system, nothing is safe. Also, fewer productive people will tank the economy quicker. Japan is dying first because it was the first developed country to "legalize".

Posted by: Unsure if deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (9MlEz)

56 I was already on the other side. When Empress Hillary tried to throw an innocent man in prison on a whim in Travelgate, I came over to the Dark Side.

Democrats aren't your answer. If they win, we might all be pre-Federalists; the Revolution had no parties.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (Ndje9)

57 There's also a self-protection angle here: the Republican Party is about to make itself a permanent minority party -- good luck winning elections when you've betrayed half your base, geniuses! -- and that means the executive power, the power of law enforcement and prosecution, will be in the hands of the Democrats, forever.


California says Hi

Posted by: meh at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (bsDXW)

58 Ace, sorry to hear you're down today.
Respect your viewpoint, and see where you are coming from.
I am a small " l " libertarian.
I can not go Democrat.
And Republicans do not truly support my world view, although I admit I engaged in some willful self- delusion that they did.
So, I am left with NO- Party representing me.
And that fact makes me feel abandoned most of the time.

Don't even know if this relates to where you are at, but if I read your position correctly, I think I get it.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (d6TTt)

59 Welcome aboard the SS Payback Ace...

People like Jack Straw will be gravely disappointed in you, but we may get our cut of the graft and corruption the GOP betters are indifferent to.

Hope you shed the migraine.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (SzZnW)

60 Can't get too angsty about how Grand and Old the GOP isn't. I was a "classical" libertarian before I could vote, and in my pre-29's had pretty much come to view the big national culture as something that didn't really have much for me. Keep in mind, "conservative" repubs had pretty well poisoned that well already in the Nixon era.

So, you learn to cope and survive, is all. Registered as a Republican to vote against Gov Taft in a primary, for a gun-rights guy. Comically, that guy had the same name as one of our fine state's biggest republican superstars in the all-asshole time frame, but that wasn't his fault. Also, he lost. And I got my "R."

I'm "invested" in certain precepts of conservative thought, okay surefine. I do not sit up nights emoting over the future of the Republican Party. I just never saw them as being our national salvation. You used to occasionally meet a conservative Democrat (I'll admit it: in high school we called them "Fascists.") You never know, it could happen again. Or, the light of human reason could go out in darkness. No big deal; it was dark when I was growing up. Been there.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (H5rtT)

"Hillary, I cant campaign today, I'm really sick," Kaine said.

"How sick are you?," Clinton asked.

"I'm at home fucking my sister, that's how sick I am!," Tim Kaine answered

Hillary yelled back, "That's not sick enough. Get back on the campaign trail!"

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (Y2G1A)

62 All this is rather academic.

If Hillary wins in this election, she and her allies will make sure there is never an election in the future that actually matters.

Sure they'll still be multiple candidates on the ballot - they'll all govern exactly the same way.

For my own part, if nevertrump gives the election to Hillary I plan on calling my local Democrat federal officials and asking them to bring back the Eisenhower top tax rates.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (X7E8f)

63 Ace, you're lost and confused, slightly depressed and obviously haven't been laid in a good while.

Because of this, you're talking a little crazy.

Yes, there is a realignment going on in politics. You're lucky that you're still on the right side of it. When this all shakes out in November, people in the main stream will be looking for writers who recognized the mood of the country and were able to express why the parties of the past didn't matter.

Get some more rest and buck up, little cowboy.

We're going to ride this one out to the end.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (Zs4uk)

64 I've never understood the passion some evelop for political parties. My uncle was a yellow dog democrat for instance. He would vote for a yellow dog if it had a D at the end of its name. Personally, i consider ALL politicians with suspicion, and vote for the person i think will do less damage to the country. The last D i supported for president was Carter. In my defense, I was young, and got fooled by his Navy credentials.

Posted by: Nostromo at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (Z3YWc)

65 Once upon a time my philosophy was Better Dead Than Red.


Better Dead Than Democrat.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (drrsd)

66 You make me glad I am not wired into the GOPe set, Ace; I would get depressed too.

Posted by: PaleRider at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (Jen0I)

67 I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the party where I get the least social grief.

Ace'ington Post

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (qCMvj)

68 Is there a possible coalition between the disaffected of both parties? Or is that basically what Trump is targeting?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (PNcou)

69 >>>
I wouldn't think it's ever a god time to join the Democrats.
Leave the GOP? Sure. But join the scumbag Dems?

Ace, don't give in to the Dark Side!!


this country is in a state of political warfare adn one side wants to win, viciously, and the other side are milquetoasts and donor-supported sell-outs who want to lose it.

There is no question the Democrats win -- therefore, the only question is "Do I want to be on the winning side of a politcal war, or the permanently losing side?"

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (dciA+)

In any case, Ace, there won't be an HQ after the Internet is handed over to the UN. So party on dude.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (9P3OG)

71 I do have to say, it's depressing to see people I thought were allies willing to shoot their own when they don't get their way.

I've fallen in line with every nominee, and even sent nearly all of them a check.

I do think though that the NeverTrump Republican phenomenon is almost exclusively within that political consultant class, not Republicans at large. Would love to see an accurate poll.

But if Trump loses, it will in my opinion be from these people. I just don't see myself ever aligning with these people again.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (onbPc)

72 If the Democrats win everything, then this blog will be history. The skull/spade masthead will become (by force) a rainbow.

Posted by: Roy at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (VndSC)

73 3 Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 12:08 PM (O2RFr)

Yikes what Donna?

It is the only sane play, NRO et al have taught me that for the GOP losing is winning.

I aim to ensure they lose by as many votes as humanly possible after their tantrum.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (SzZnW)

74 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (Upnsy)

75 Could one not argue that these elites are doing the same as you are planning, Ace? Getting on the other side, politically, to avoid the IRS harassment, etc.? I fully agree that it is a long term loser, since the levers of government will be fully weaponized against the populace, but perhaps either they haven't thought that far ahead, or figure that since they pay lip service to worshipping at the altar of the democrat party, they will not be primary targets.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (7ZVPa)

I posted months ago during the primaries that Trump, even if he didnt secure the nomination, would rip the masks off the pretend Party Republicans and that who's who would be plain for everybody to see.

It continues to this day.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (8XRCm)

77 "The Democrat party is the party of straight-up murder. Of infants now, but quickly closing in on anyone deemed to be a "useless eater" (I can't think of the German term right now). "

The democrtic party has not funded the baby part manufacturing over the last couple of budgets. The Republicans did.

Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (bdzyz)

78 I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the party where I get the least social grief.

Which will quickly relinquish itself to the International Order of Things.

One World.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (qCMvj)

79 Why not the Libertarian Party?

A head-in-the-sand foreign policy won't help the fight against Islam.

Posted by: Crusader at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (ewSN2)

80 Surrender to the Republican party?

No one ever won anything by surrendering to his party. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard surrender to his party.

Kick the damn post-American, globalist, elitist, plutocrat leeches out of the Republican party and make the American government work for the American people.

Posted by: General George S. Patton at September 29, 2016 12:18 PM (fgOnp)

81 Well I liked the last thread but everyone left so I guess I'll go nood.

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (3VwJI)

82 So is Alicia Muchado's porn worth watching?


Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (Upnsy)

83 Feels like I could have written this essay myself. I also went gop, in 1996, for the same reason -- I liked what the Newt repubs were doing in terms of restraining government and the Dems had gone so PC by then. I couldn't even get into UC/Davis law school in 1992 when it was a 3rd-tier school, though I got into Boston U., ranked around 25, though I had top 9.5% LSAT, cum laude, commissioned 2LT, etc. I was a white male. Now the gop has gone flop. Ugh. My social positions parallel Ace's, the gop's economic policy sucks, and it offers nothing of substance anymore. What's the point? At least I've been a registered Libertarian for several years so I don't have to gag at social functions when I mention my party (which I would do if I were gop or Dem).

It was a nice run, Abe, but your party crapped its bed 16 years ago and it's been lying there ever since.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (dZ756)

84 25 Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (fX/b9)

I am not single issue on guns I am big issue though.

The Never Trump shitstorm will allow the Supreme Court to outlaw private ownership within a quarter century.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (SzZnW)

85 >>>I can not go Democrat.

oh I don't believe in their agenda, but the "Republicans" don't believe in their own. It's a simple question of self-preservation -- who's going to own the white house for the next 20 years?

If one party is deliberately throwing elections, and the other will use any criminal means to win, then I've got to say, as unappetizing a course of action as it is, simple regard for one's own security and safety dictates aligning oneself iwth the party who wants to win and who WILL be winning for 10-20 years.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (dciA+)

86 It would be an interesting strategy if conservatives joined the Democrat Party and pulled it to the center.

I really wouldn't care all that much about politics if Democrats were like Bill Clinton in the 90's.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (onbPc)

87 test

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (KHyOM)

88 I've often thought that maybe the best way to try and salvage what's left of America would be for true conservatives to join the Democratic Party, destroy them from the inside.

Until the 1980's, the Deep South was a solid Democrat base and their Presidential candidates had to keep their statist elitist leanings in check.

On the other hand, many of the special interest tribes who make up the Democrat party base do not like each other very much, it's only the existence of the "Racist Republicans" that unite them at all. If there's no viable Republicans around, they'll start fighting each other like spoiled rich kids fighting over grandpa's estate after the funeral.

As Ace said though, can anybody really think of a reason for the Republican party to exist other than to agree to play the scapegoat or the Happy Losers like the Washington Generals?

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (Ya7zs)

89 Ace is probably right which is too depressing for me... Later all...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (O2RFr)

90 Don't Stop - Believin - Hold onto that Feeling

Posted by: Jeff E. at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (1yOGV)

91 Join the popcorn party - that where you watch the GLBT agenda folks take on the Sharia-in-America gang.

Posted by: Roy at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (VndSC)

92 27 Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (8XRCm)

ChemJeff should be thrilled.

He'll get his open borders and his command economy he is so hot for.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (SzZnW)

93 It's like this:

I want to be on the side of the cops, not the mafia.

But when the cops are now openly supporting the mafia, and the mafia is playing rough with the people the cops aren't protecting -- it's time to start paying the mafia its protection money.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (dciA+)

94 ?????

I get the dissatisfaction and disappointment with the Republican Party. What I don't get is the switch the the Democratic party which is now really the Socialist Party?

To me, that's a cut off your nose to spite your face move. And runs counter to most of what you post here?

And the reason? "Not to get grief"? Well each to his own

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (zp+j1)

95 My hash!!

My hash !!!


Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (Upnsy)

96 What a bunch of defeatists.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!

Trump can and will win.

You want to send a message. Vote early and often and drag a friend along.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (r1fLd)

97 The reason why I'm not signing up with the big "L" party is my pure
distaste that they have become the "democrats with weed" party instead
of any bastion of liberty
William Weld was one of the least libertarian Republican office holders in recent memory.

And now he is the VP nominee for the Libertarian Party.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (X7E8f)

98 And, side note, I regret not being able to get my words down in the gray box quicker, Ace, because I did want to say something to you personally, But I can't usually express myself quicly enough to catch the ride, so to speak.

Of course I don't know you personally, but I want to say that YOU, and your site, have carried me through a lot of bumps, over the years.

And for that, thank you, Ace.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 12:21 PM (d6TTt)

99 Absolutely could never vote Fascist. Just cannot do it. I'm hoping to lay low enough that they don't come after me. I'm trying to sell my businesses, convert my assets to cash, move to a smaller place and stay the hell out of notice. I'm even thinking I may need to mask the places I go on the internet.

As my GOT addicted daughter keeps reminding me, "Winter is coming". Like Codevilla and VDH also warned.

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 12:21 PM (/m8T6)


I'm waiting for a decent Independent runner. Maybe in 2020 we'll finally have a decent Independent candidate.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:21 PM (qCMvj)

101 Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!
See? That just shows how racist America was for not nuking the Germans when they started the war!

Posted by: Your Average Hillary Voter at September 29, 2016 12:21 PM (X7E8f)

102 the only thing that helps my migraine is ice and sleep
Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (0O7c5)

Same here, any of the meds that works--I am allergic. If I am not allergic to it, then it's useless.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes now with tiny wizened charcoal grey lump that is the McEvil heart at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (kXoT0)

103 "Why not the Libertarian Party?"

Because that allows the Republican progressives to remain in control and continue to fuq their people over with unmitigated glee.

If Hillary wins, they need to be voted "against". That would mean for the Democrat. It's always a binary deal. I couldn't even begin to play idiot in pretending it's not.

Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (bdzyz)

104 I don't claim to know what's going to happen, but I'm pretty sure there's going to be shooting. I think it's sensible to make preparations for that.

And fuck the GOP.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (97XyN)

105 I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the party where I get the least social grief.


Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (0/zKO)

106 As my 85 year old mother in law says, it makes not difference who you vote for. They are the same, only slightly different shade.

Posted by: SouthTexas at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (Elnfu)

107 What parties are you going to that you're apologizing for your political leanings? I currently live in the Chicago suburbs, lived in and around Milwaukee, and lived in Madison over the past 10 years. None of those are exactly hard right enclaves. I go to a lot of parties. I haven't apologized once.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (1H9ox)

108 It's a miracle.

Anyway, ace, you won't become a democrat.

Why? Because while Republicans may tell you not to kill your kid or do it up the butt, Democrats tell you not to do *anything*

"THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" they'll scream at you every day of your life. It doesn't matter how much you toe their party line. It doesn't matter how much you grovel. They will turn on you in a second to get a leg up in the grievance Olympics.

Republicans may make you feel a little guilty about that busty lesbian porn, but we aren't going to make you write a public apology about the reason it didn't feature an intersex woman of color.

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (KHyOM)

109 My long term plan is to be dead. Until then I fight and live as a free man. Peaceful secession is my preference, before Texas is ruined.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (UBk+d)

Actually the GOP thinks we'll be back in 2018 voting for them so they can "stop hillary."

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (Y2G1A)

111 Ace you are in a blue bubble.
Trump has the wind at his back.
Save your depression for Nov 9 - chances are it won't be needed.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (Om16U)

112 keep the faith ace, and go for those last 10.

Posted by: concrete girl at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (B5Tpe)

113 >>>Getting on the other side, politically, to avoid the IRS harassment, etc.?

possibly -- but I've said this stuff myself before.

If they're doing this, why do they not have the honesty to say so?

Basically I have zero respect for the movement now. Zero. I do not like these people. They are as enemy to me as the Democrats --- and the Democrats have the hyuge advantage that they'll actually be in charge of putting people in federal prison for 10-20 years.

So I make my choice on pragmatic concerns like that.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:22 PM (dciA+)

114 Please someone shoot me to death with their BB gun.

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (3VwJI)

115 "Do I want to be on the winning side of a politcal war, or the permanently losing side?"

Not unlike what they asked in Vichy France...

Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (Yi9Gb)

116 I would much rather listen to Beckel than that mental midget Juan Williams
Posted by: The Jackhole at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (M+Lyo)

Beckel was entertaining. Juan is just embarrassing.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (qCMvj)

117 Not to put words in ace's mouth, but this is similar to Scott Adams' "endorsement" of Hillary. Not an agreement of position, not a real show of support, but one that, due to the use/abuse of power, is the safest official position.

Posted by: GeoSTI at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (0e/Wy)

118 yeah.. time to jump ship..

Hope you feel better, Ace.. I'm not sure if I get migraine headaches or sinus headaches.. but I get 3 or 4 doozies a year... sometimes standing over a steam kettle and breathing in the steam helps.. temporarily at least.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (so+oy)

119 Also hard hit this year was "conservative media," which goes a long way towards explaining why so many hate Trump. They picked wrong, naturally missing the opportunity to understand where the electorate were, and missed the boat. Rather than accept reality they doubled down.

Remember these are the parties that for 8-10 years have pushed us on TeaPartyPatriots and TeaPartyExpress and give us more money to fight big government and read this book about liberty and freedom and whatever other crap they are selling. Oh, and buy gold.

Our movement got hijacked by vultures, both in government and in media. They wore the armor of a "defender of liberty" but had no stomach for the fight.

Posted by: Alex #11 at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (EUMt/)

120 Alicia Muchado, team hardwoods?

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (Upnsy)

121 94 Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (zp+j1)

Hillary will be executing a revenge fantasy she has harbored since she was kicked off the Watergate Committee.

The GOP is busy destroying any chance it has through indifference to tacit ethnic cleansing of the nation.

I aim to make my peace on the surface with the tyrants the NRO gang is empowering.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (SzZnW)

122 Charlie Crist, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie fetching coffee, [You].

I still consider that repulsive. Given you're response to Cruz, maybe you don't.

I do think you're trying to jump on a train that has already left the station...whose only remnants are stories told by old folks and an occasional apparition a la Ghostbusters 2.

Posted by: AD at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (924j6)

123 The democrats have for large swaths of polical history been the controlling political party in America. We are just slipping back to historical norms.

The Democrats have always been an extremist party regressive party so you can expect nothing less from their new ascendency.

And with 10th amendment having been virtually repealed it makes little difference that Republicans control most of the state legislatures, the democrats will pursue you, there are no safe havens.

We are not voting our way out of our predicament.

War is coming.

Posted by: Kreplach at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (jzUL/)

124 I get the dissatisfaction and disappointment with the Republican Party. What I don't get is the switch the the Democratic party which is now really the Socialist Party?

To me, that's a cut off your nose to spite your face move. And runs counter to most of what you post here?

And the reason? "Not to get grief"? Well each to his own
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (zp+j1)

I could never register as a Democrat. If I changed my registration to Independent, then, I can't vote in the primaries. Of course, I have the luxury of living in a very Conservative state with fairly reliable representation locally and in DC.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes now with tiny wizened charcoal grey lump that is the McEvil heart at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (kXoT0)

125 Votermom:
Trump has the wind at his back.
Save your depression for Nov 9 - chances are it won't be needed.
you clearly missed the debate the other night...

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (so+oy)

126 It isn't that the GOP "is like" the Democrat Party. The GOP is PART OF the Democrat Party.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:12 PM (9P3OG)

Yes, I meant in terms of the fake support of specific principles to lure you in.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (qCMvj)

127 Me too. But I'm going back to Independent again. I would like to see independents become more organized (not a formal third-party) and put forth alternate candidates. Most of the reason Trump won the Republican primary was due to Democrat cross-overs and people who seldom if never vote.

Posted by: Mary at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (2ly7u)

128 So is Alicia Muchado's porn worth watching?

Is any porn worth watching? All it does is end up depressing the hell out of me.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (X6fMO)

129 Please someone shoot me to death with their BB gun.
Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM

You'll put your eye out.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (014lE)

130 Rugged individualists, unite!!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (wPiJc)

131 Ace, I feel your frustration, even though I'm sure you're putting up with it on a level I am not (and probably very few others here are either, but I don't want to speak for them). So, for what it's worth, thanks for slogging through the shitswamp all the time to keep this site running.

Also, BroScience is a great find. Dom Mazzetti used to do more generally bro-focused (and college focused) comedy under his name rather than BroScience. If you haven't already, check those out. They are gold.

Posted by: deplorable shillelagh at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (L3vVL)

132 >>>>Apparently, some in this party really do think they're going to hand the election to Hillary, and, bizarrely, they think this will bully the rest of us into knuckling under to their agenda in 2020.

Happy warrior, bro. Some days I fake it, but it is slowly becoming a habit. (an annoying habit maybe, but the alternative is despair)

I'm hoping like crazy that Trump can pull this off, but lets not kid ourselves, it's a long shot.

Posted by: Max Power at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (q177U)

133 @110 Magoo

Rs won't need to tell us to stop Hillary in 2018. Any patriot will want to.

Posted by: Unsure if deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (9MlEz)

134 I don't know how this election will turn out, (latest LA Times Poll shows Trump leading by 4, 3 days of polling after debates) but it is depressing that we had a big opening here and we have a candidate that I'm pretty convinced is simply too lazy to do things like bone up on the issues.

The debate definitely depressed me because it reminded me why I couldn't pull the lever for Trump in the primary. The entire debate was him just winging it, despite the fact he was a television star and knew it would be the largest debate audience in history.

The Trump we all want I just don't think is ever going to arrive because of his ego.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (onbPc)

135 As a life long Republican I too will be going straight ticket Democrat should Hillary win and I never miss an election.

It is no longer about issues. It's about payback to all of the sons a bitches that I helped put in office over the years.
Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (bdzyz)

Going all Democrat could possibly bring the collapse sooner, so there is a potential upside.

I'm not doing it though.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (drrsd)

136 Actually the GOP thinks we'll be back in 2018 voting for them so they can "stop hillary."

What's going to be left to stop in 2018?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (Nwg0u)

137 What does Thad Cochran think about this?

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (Upnsy)

138 Do NOT be depressed. It is debilitating, and makes things worse. Fight it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (9mTYi)

The debate went fine for Trump, Jerry.

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (Y2G1A)

140 >>>To me, that's a cut off your nose to spite your face move. And runs counter to most of what you post here?

And the reason? "Not to get grief"? Well each to his own
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:20 PM (zp+j1)


you don't get the main point: With the "GOP" now deliberately throwing elections, the Socialists have won, will continue to win. There is no more fight for America left -- there is only the struggle to keep oneself out of danger.

The GOP has decided to give power to the Democrats -- a wise man makes accomodation and peace with the inevtiable.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (dciA+)

141 120 Alicia Muchado, team hardwoods?
Posted by: Yo!

Sadly, yes.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (eEBON)

142 Go over to the dems? No thanks.
Feet. Not my knees.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (+aCe4)

143 Brock seems to be doing OK.

Posted by: x at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (jHP/z)

144 God, you fucking pussies.

Posted by: Patrick Henry at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (Yi9Gb)

145 The "Tea Party" should have created its own party. I said six years ago not doing so was a bad idea. Absolutely nothing which has happened since then has done anything other than borne out that conclusion.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, convening Horde Thunderdome at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (9krrF)

146 Can someone teach me to 'broscience' ???

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (Upnsy)

147 I do have to say, it's depressing to see people I thought were allies willing to shoot their own when they don't get their way.

Sadly, there's nothing new here.

We've watched the Senate races for the last eight years, and more.

The party leaders attacked primary challengers, and refused to abide by the rules and the winner of a primary (AK) and allowed another to stand back and attack another (DE). The races in Kansas and Arkansas(?) where primary challengers were openly fought were a tell.

This party wants coronations. And remember that we criticized the Tea parties and some of their candidates. Which we should.

But they were at least Not Of The Body.

We wanted fairness, and quality.

We would have settled for quality.

We got what we have now.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (326rv)

148 The powerful elite Democrats at the top of the party have co-opted the Neocon foreign policy agenda, so when it comes to that I see no difference either.

It will be fun watching Hollywood suddenly become very pro-war and former peaceniks telling us how vital to our very existence a war with Russia is necessary.

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (Ya7zs)

149 you clearly missed the debate the other night...
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (so+oy)

I saw a "clearly not Hitler" guy versus a "stone-cold smirking bitch"

She won the debate and lost voters.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (Om16U)

150 115 "Do I want to be on the winning side of a politcal war, or the permanently losing side?"

Not unlike what they asked in Vichy France...
Posted by: Bat Chain Puller at September 29, 2016 12:23 PM (Yi9Gb)

Christopher Buckley and Peggy Noonan beat anybody trying to take this path by a country mile in 2008.

Is that what you want, Coddington Van Voorhees?

Posted by: AD at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (924j6)

151 "I could never register as a Democrat. If I changed my registration to Independent, then, I can't vote in the primaries. Of course, I have the luxury of living in a very Conservative state with fairly reliable representation locally and in DC."

Personally I will stay Republican. I couldn't care les what Democrat is running.
I like having the ability to vote for or against a particular Republican.

Posted by: Drider at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (bdzyz)

152 >>>Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling!

love it when we get a big lebowski reference!

Posted by: concrete girl at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (B5Tpe)

I really hope that President Trump and his cabinet put some serious thought in outright punishing if not destroying the GOPe collaborators.

That wing of the party need to be amputated.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (8XRCm)

154 Whenever I feel down I watch this video. Never fails to make me laugh:

Posted by: Independent George at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (BDZWU)

155 I honestly don;t think there will be another opportunity for conservatives to "take the country back" once the Court is stacked.

The only path I see is something like a National Divorce, and I honestly don't think we have the numbers or balls to pull it off.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (onbPc)

156 The most recent position I've heard is that they'll vote for Trump if he promises to do all the True Conservative things that have not been done (or even talked about) by the professional (R) politicians that have held office and been in politics their entire lives.

But if Trump won't promise to defund NPR the day after he is sworn in, the deal is off and we can try again in 2020 after Hillary appoints her additional 3-5 lifetime SCOTUS picks.

Or something.

Posted by: Billy Dale at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (x4zgf)

157 I'm not sure I understand the comparisons to the fall of the Roman Empire. America was never an empire like Rome. Perhaps a better comparison is the fall of the Roman Republic. It's the patricians vs the plebs, and weirdly both major parties are patrician.

Posted by: Caliban at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (DrC22)

158 140 Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (dciA+)

In effect the CW CWWWW WWW Cooke types have said to the right "my way or the highway"...

um Chuck your way is defacto the highway....

if you have decided empowering the 2d Alinsky communist in a row is no big deal in 2016 why should it ever be a big deal again?

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (SzZnW)

159 Indentured servitude has an end date. Elites seem to forget that.

Posted by: ever at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (kronK)

160 Republicans may make you feel a little guilty about that busty lesbian porn, but...

I've never seen a single episode of "Two Broke Girls"--I can't stand NBC programming for anything except Sunday night football.

Posted by: Crusader at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (ewSN2)

161 >>>alt imbalance = migraine. When you feel one coming down a good tablespoon of salt. It's disgusting.

well i had a lot of smart water last night (It has ELECTROLYTES!) but I'll try some sea salt right now.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (dciA+)

162 Let's look at this realistically...

Who is going to define and guide this new party? Trump? I don't think so. He's going to be the leader when he's elected, but not the intellectual head.

The old school will be bickering among themselves from the sidelines, because they will be little more than Steve Schmidts and Nichole Wallaces - former "somebodies" that got caught in the vortex of being turncoats.

There are only a few writers who can lay claim to being there from the start, correctly gauging the direction of change and taking a principled stand.

This new party, defined and guided by articles written by you (after receiving advice from us) will be the one that goes forward to defeat evil democrats like the Clintons.

We are making history.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (Zs4uk)

163 "Aha! I know! I'll build a spaceship and to hell with them all!"

- Dr. Atomic

Posted by: TB at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (UXEYz)

164 I've been an Independent for some time now but there is zero chance I would ever become a Democrat. They don't represent anything I believe, in fact they are actively agitating for just the opposite of what I want.

I'll continue to support the candidate that comes closest to representing me.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (/tuJf)

165 Trump is NOT a Republican and it's NOT just elites that are against him. He is a liberal and is only in it himself. I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie against stopping Hillary. This party will never, ever reunite if Trump wins. I've already stopped listening to talk radio and stopped going to half the websites I used to. I'll never again watch Fox News or listen to Rush or Hannity if Trump wins. People that believe that it's only establishment types who hate trump are in denial. He had 20 million Republicans that voted against him, only had 70% of Republicans supporting him in the election, and is HATED by over 60% of the country.

Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

166 I still got a shot baby !!!

Posted by: ScoggDog's Fifty Bucks at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (Fv8UY)

167 Democrats will eat their own if it helps the agenda. See Zimmerman and his work for the Democrats before he decided top join a neighborhood watch...

Posted by: dc at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (oY/R7)

168 So do I have to become gay?

Look eventually at this rate the Muzzies will win and then it'll be all over for the Lefties. Europe is gone. All our boys will have mammaries and won't fight so USA...gone. Then I'll start trying to kill myself on the slip and slide.

*Tries to cheer everyone up.*

How 'em I doing so far?

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (3VwJI)

169 Hey, Ace, I know a guy you can seek for advice on this. He was really good at it. Made a great switch on a dime:

Andrew Sullivan

Posted by: AD at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (924j6)

170 you clearly missed the debate the other night...

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:24 PM (so+oy)

You realize there are two more debates, don't you?

Or is your advice that Trump should just give up and hand it all to Hillary now?

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (X6fMO)

171 If Trump loses, I'll vote for the Constitution Party for president in 2020 while telling my peers that I'm a Democrat for the sake of social acceptability.

Posted by: WARPIG at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (KL5Ns)

172 Do you want to be the finger? Or the anus? That's the question!! Maybe the anus is a little smelly, maybe he says the wrong things at the wrong times, maybe he's a little inappropriate and gets lint balls stuck around him, but THAT FINGER has a sharp nail and just JAB JAB JAB!! But afterwards don't they both smell like the anus? So what's the difference?
I'm really not sure where I was going with this, which party is the finger again?

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (d3Ee6)

173 Don't let the ***s get you down.
Sorry if that sounds chirpy, but it is a route toward acting from your own principles and not only in response to theirs.

Posted by: m at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (/4GEs)

174 I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this

What a nice surprise!

Posted by: Ready For Hillary!!11!! at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (vtcmf)

175 What IS going on in Wisconsin? What was that reference to?

Posted by: Decaf at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (8zHLN)

176 I'm going reverse Winston Wolfe on this. Well, let's not start cutting off each other's dicks quite yet.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (Nwg0u)

177 Ace, I almost always agree with you and love your style, but I simply can't "reward" the evil forces of the Left because our side has terrible leaders.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (onbPc)

178 The debate went fine for Trump, Jerry.

Posted by: M Magoo's
I actually laughed out loud at my desk when I read this..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (so+oy)

179 164 Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (/tuJf)




Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (SzZnW)

180 Ace says:

"This party is on the verge of self-destructing."

Whaaaaaaat? "Verge"? It doesn't even exist anymore. Already self-destructed. Finito. Gone.

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (jBuUi)

181 Once upon a time my philosophy was Better Dead Than Red.


Better Dead Than Democrat.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 12:16 PM (drrsd)

So you're saying you haven't changed at all.

Posted by: An Observation at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (DjRJ+)

182 "Sir, the globalist elitists have captured Republican headquarters to our rear and are using it to loot the country in collaboration with the Democrats."

Okay, then damn it, we'll just attack in a different direction!

Posted by: Chesty Fucking Puller at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (fgOnp)

183 If one party is deliberately throwing elections, and
the other will use any criminal means to win, then I've got to say, as
unappetizing a course of action as it is, simple regard for one's own
security and safety dictates aligning oneself iwth the party who wants
to win and who WILL be winning for 10-20 years.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:19 PM (dciA+)

But what do YOU win?

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (Enq6K)

184 From the AmericaFirst viewpoint ... the Trump gambit is to get the rust belt blue collar flyover people (of any ethnic identity, sexual identity ... you know, "citizens") to rebel against the DC cartel that ignores them in both establishment party.

So in that "play", purging the stealthNeverTrumpers is perhaps essential, certainly not harmful. The pundits addicted to power need rehab ... many Democrats hate Hillary, many (blue dog?) Democrats like the America First attitude, many have flipped for Trump.

Bloggerverse is an alternate universe inhabited by a few that have been through some wormhole that left them in some OtherNet World. Real world workers of all ethnicity and sexual persuasion work and party together in the real world, largely unaware of these pajama boy wars. Trump's reality TV days in some ways made him king in that world, and if he can stay on policy points (as recommends) and off his battle with Hillary's personal attacks ... he will win big.

The globalist cartel will still have most power, but Trump may shout it down since he is maybe more capable at the Bully Pulpit than Obama, if he allws himself to be scripted by his brighter lights especially.

Just Win baby ... no jumping ship till after the election please.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (n6rAX)

185 When my kids were growing up I thought about not fighting it and letting them become liberals/democrats for this very reason. It'd be easier for them in the long run.

But they grew up to be somewhat conservative.

Discovered firearms 4 years ago (Thanks BHO!). It's amazing the transformation of wife and 2 kids (and myself) to deepening of appreciation towards the Bill Of Rights. Both kids are having a hoot by aggravating all of the special snowflakes in college. Talk about a target rich environment.

Posted by: doesky2 at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (Zpygp)

186 155 I honestly don;t think there will be another opportunity for conservatives to "take the country back" once the Court is stacked.

The only path I see is something like a National Divorce, and I honestly don't think we have the numbers or balls to pull it off.
Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (onbPc)

I honestly think that the Divorce has already occured.
The seed has germinated, and it is now flowering.
I do not know if it can be pulled off, in terms of reversing the course of the nation.
But I sincerely believe it has already happened.
What the consequences will be, God, alone, only knows.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (d6TTt)

187 In fact, right now they're howling about Ted Cruz' "calculations" in endorsing Trump, while not admitting their own pose of "Being Against Both Equally" is in fact a completely contrived lie they've calculated will permit them to agitate for their candidate (Hillary) while not compromising their career prospects within Conservatism, Inc. too much

I haven't said jack about Cruz and just yesterday I was lamenting that people ignore how bad Hillary will be for the country when declaring trump "beyond the pale" and a "threat to the republic."

I find that strange, because a corrupt, paranoid (VRWC!), vengeful, grifter is at least as bad as a crazy authoritarian.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (dzmBR)

188 None of this will matter when Sharia becomes the law of the land.

Hide the women and children!

Posted by: Fritz at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (2Mnv1)

189 OK, much more palatable than a table spoon of salt is adding the same salt to Gatorade.

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (KHyOM)

190 I think we are about to enter a time like the 1840s and 1850's...

A time when there were multiple parties... which splintered the Whigs.

Right now neither party really stands for a damn thing except power.... and they have created legislation to give them legal advantages over other parties.... but....

That CAN and will change IMO.... people are felling powerless... disenfranchised... almost like our government is not governing with our consent...

But... when in the course of human events....

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (qf6WZ)

191 165 Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

Right....2d Alinsky trained communist in a row "because"...

have fun storming the castle.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (SzZnW)

ace love the passion and the intelligence and clarity, as always.

But the Dems - hell, the whole swamp of contemporary fashionable urban/coastal/NPR/NY/Bos-Wash conventional wisdom and sensibility - have become alien, anathema, vile, and stupid.

As you are none of those, cannot really "join" them, and you will never agree or sympathize with any of their alien, vile leanings (are you racist? are you an authoritarian? are you a soulless rent-seeking tick pushing "green" energy or some idiotic "social justice" crap? No, and you never will be)

And my recommendation for parties is to nuke the idiots who dare to barf their alien, authoritarian, un-American, racist, ignorant garbage in your presence. Nuke them, don't apologize to them.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (QDnY+)

193 Republicans who hate Trump are also assuming if he loses this would be the end of Trump...and his Children...Bwahahaha.

Maybe we need a new party: Blue Dogs!

Posted by: William Eaton at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (KhJh8)

194 this country is in a state of political warfare adn one side wants to win, viciously, and the other side are milquetoasts and donor-supported sell-outs who want to lose it.

There is no question the Democrats win -- therefore, the only question is "Do I want to be on the winning side of a politcal war, or the permanently losing side?"

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:17 PM (dciA+)

Once again i refer to the book The Fourth Turning, written in 1997.

If their thesis is correct, we are in the Crisis stage of American history and there will be some sort of resolution one way or another around the year 2020.

We are living it, and there's no guarantee it will turn out ok.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (drrsd)

195 >>The Never Trump shitstorm will allow the Supreme Court to outlaw private ownership within a quarter century.

Not just private ownership of guns. The time of "you didn't build that" will morph into the era of "you don't really own that." Think you own that domain name? Sorry, some UN member state just decided you were blaspheming their god. You think you own that trademark? Sorry, the government just decided it is "offensive." You think you own your driverless car? Sorry, you're commute is being routed as the central system has determined is best, and you'll have to wait until traffic goes down 20%. You think you want to eat that? Sorry, you will not qualify for Obamacare unless you stay within HHS-mandated dietary guidelines. Oh, and don't even think of participating in the following "high risk" activities or you will be denied treatment. And on and on...

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (NOIQH)

196 Gee. Already 155+ and I was only away for a few minutes.

the demographic transformation that will occur after amnesty and another 4-8 years of mass immigration
It's already started---something that should also be taken into account for question regarding polling numbers.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (LdMbv)

197 I don't care what the name of the party is...never have. I stay on the side of, and advocate for, the person that I think follow my general beliefs.
I haven't really found that person to be one with a D behind their name. Unfortunately, the person that I have stayed on the side of has many times disappointed me. Sometimes its them, sometimes they can't fight the inexorability of the machine, sometimes shit just happens. But sometimes they come close to living up to my ideals (Walker in WI, Rauner is trying in IL)
But I can't really see forgoing the chance at the one's who actually stay the course pretty well to support people who start out on the opposite side of the fence from me.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (1H9ox)

198 So the NeverTrumpers weren't true conservatives, weren't committed enough ideologically, were traitors...

And you pick this route.

Posted by: AD at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (924j6)

199 Man, Ace sounds as depressed as Michael Moore did after the debate.

Trump did great in the debate. How great? The Dems had to fudge the polling numbers to get the results they wanted. No one is going to remember Alicia Machado's name a week from now. Hillary's people are running from her as fast as they can. Hillary's finished. After digging up an alleged quote from an alleged accomplice to a felony crime, there's nothing left for her to use.

And we still have civil unrest, Hillary still promises to raise taxes and grab guns, Obamacare is in a death spiral and health insurance rates are spiking (again). And the SC is in the balance.

Trump is still in there, swinging. Hillary is toast.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (JBggj)

200 Trump is NOT a Republican and it's NOT just elites that are against him. He is a liberal and is only in it himself. I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie against stopping Hillary.
Posted by: rexbatt

Unite like they did against Obama?

I'm sure then our leaders will start to get serious, it was always Donald Trump holding them down.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (onbPc)

201 I do not think depressed is the description of what you suffer from Ace.
For someone admitting they will turn Democrat if they do not get their way, which by the way, is something I have heard on this site for years, you sure seem to feel the need to project your own failures onto other people and say they are in fact already the Democrat you want to be.
I get it, your life sucks, other people are to blame, attack attack. You seem to make a perfect candidate for the Democrats team.
As for why some people do not keep attacking Hillary at levels that you deem are mandatory, we do not feel responsible for Hillary. We are not, like you, Democrats. She cannot make us look bad in the eyes of the world. We are not associated with her. So, if we have more to say about a man who, by party affiliation, is associated with us, it is because we would rather not suffer through 4 years of being associated with him.

You want Trump to win. Good for you, and the alt-right, the neo-nazi's, the KKK and the rest of the degenerates who back him. Feel free to carry his sorry fat short fingered vulgar ass over the finish line, and if you get enough racists behind you, you might get him there ahead of the detestable and disgusting Hillary Clinton you so loathe.

I for one could care less about which one wins. Because as a grown up, I take care of myself, regardless of the situation. I have lived through George Herbert Walker Bush, Clinton, George W Bush and Obama just fine. And if Hillary or Trump get elected, guess what, I will get by too.

Posted by: astonerii at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (ia088)

202 Ace -- if the GOP is on the verge of splintering and falling apart, as you say, then there is a golden opportunity to forge a new party in opposition to the democrats. The second the GOP shatters is the second that a new party rises to take its place. It might take a few cycles in the wilderness to sort things out, but it will be a chance at a new beginning.

Defecting to the democrats means supporting everything that we claim to be against. And your belief that there is a palpable idea from liberals that they are a "group of people empowered due to their position and education to Lead Us, and the rest of us ha[ve] no say in the affairs of the country" is still correct.

If opposition to these ideas has to come to the bottom, joining the party of the top will do nothing.

Posted by: Revenant at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (3DSAh)

203 It's too late to jump on the Dem bandwagon.
Gonna go with a start-up, prolly the alt-right.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (Om16U)

204 Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

**grits teeth**

Just screw. OK? Screw and stay screwed.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (X6fMO)

205 Just remember that the main takeaway from that essay is that Codevilla is wrong about Ted Cruz.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2016 12:14 PM (9P3OG)


You saw that too? Ha, ha.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (gwwEL)

206 BTW Ace, defecting to the Dems won't save you from grief or protect you. In fact I think it will expose you to more trouble.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (0x/TW)

207 Some souls are selling at a discount this week.
Mephistopheles is pleased.

Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (0/zKO)

208 So I make my choice on pragmatic concerns like that.

But what tangible benefit could you get from being on the side of the winners?

The spoils go to the union bosses, the race-baiters, and the apparatchiks. Just being on their side doesn't stop you from being a pawn.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (mgbwf)

209 Or is your advice that Trump should just give up and hand it all to Hillary now?
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing
No.. my advice is Trump should maybe spend an evening boning up on the issues and memorizing some comebacks..

Hillary rope-a-doped Trump like he was George Foreman on his last legs.. geeezus..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (so+oy)

210 183 Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (Enq6K)

Peace and breathing space.

The GOP is more interested in warring on itself than the left....

The best way to eliminate bad law is to make sure it is ruthlessly enforced.

The best way to end communism I guess is to fully empower it.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:33 PM (SzZnW)

211 What does Thad Cochran think about this?

Posted by: Yo!


The Cochran primary was when I realized that the GOPe was as big an enemy as the democrats.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 12:33 PM (7ZVPa)

212 Ace, you're a brilliant blogger. Don't join the other side, for God's sake. It wouldn't be sincere anyway. Just become an advocate for the anti-elitist faction of the GOP and the Right generally. I know that's hard for you, because that faction is several degrees more vulgar than you care for, but that's where the bulk of your sympathies rest. So, do it.

Posted by: Mr. Hand at September 29, 2016 12:33 PM (fI8sj)

Well, that's depressing.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (oGNNA)

214 "The GOP has decided to give power to the Democrats "

That's weird. I was sure there was a series of fiercely contested campaigns going on, all over the country. Complete with mass rallies, fundraising, etc. They never leave me alone.

Whatever warped bubble you live in, Ace, you need to get out of it. Ignore the self righteous pricks like everyone else does, instead of believing their bullshit that they represent... anyone. Because they don't.

You want to walk away from the party because they're 'giving up power,' when the Republicans are currently projected to win. That's silly.

And this assertion that you don't really care about politics too much is an obvious lie. No one runs a blog so focused on politics, with political involvements and inside baseball analysis and all the rest, without passion.

Posted by: Apostate at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (+nUSr)

215 Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Posted by: zombie Janis at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (014lE)

216 okay I had some salt. we'll see how the Moron Medical Society's advice works out.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (dciA+)

217 I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie against stopping Hillary.
Posted by: rexbatt

Hey moonbat.

1. You left out "concerned"

2. You have no proof and no way of proving your assertion.

3. So trump has to lose first, meaning Hillary wins. Then we somehow "stop' the winner after the fact. Like we stopped JEF from doing whateverthefuckhefeltlike for eight years.

4. Enabling Hillary isn't gonna convince anyone here to have makeup sex with you or Jeb!

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (326rv)

218 Or perhaps, Ace, politics is just an empty exercise that cannot deliver the satisfactions it promises. I, for one, am doubling down on my faith and choosing to walk a path of kindness. I at least have some control over that.

Posted by: ObjectionSustained at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (nnUUK)

219 you don't get the main point: With the "GOP" now deliberately throwing elections, the Socialists have won, will continue to win. There is no more fight for America left -- there is only the struggle to keep oneself out of danger.

The GOP has decided to give power to the Democrats -- a wise man makes accomodation and peace with the inevtiable.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (dciA+)

I get "your" point, and for sure some, The Elites, in the GOP are doing exactly that. Whether they will succeed is yet to be seen. And win or lose, after this election, there will be a major realignment of the Republican/Conservative Movement. A real blood letting I would think. I just don't feel throwing in with the enemy ( The Left ) is the solution.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (zp+j1)

220 Perhaps a better comparison is the fall of the Roman Republic. It's the
patricians vs the plebs, and weirdly both major parties are patrician.
Julius Caeser was a patrician who claimed to speak for the plebes and rode that to becoming dictator.

Of course in fairness to Rome, Julius, and Augustus, were serious, competent men. They were better leaders then most of the rest of the options available.

Somehow we've gotten the modern equivalent of Elagabalus (Obama) and we are about to choose Nero (Hillary)

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (X7E8f)

221 " defecting to the Dems won't save you from grief or protect you. "

Exactly. They love eating their own.

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (KHyOM)

222 195 Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (NOIQH)

Well Lizzy the important thing will be "you fucking sister fucking flyover trash learned your lesson though right?"

//KD Williamson

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (SzZnW)

223 172 Do you want to be the finger? Or the anus? That's the question!! Maybe the anus is a little smelly, maybe he says the wrong things at the wrong times, maybe he's a little inappropriate and gets lint balls stuck around him, but THAT FINGER has a sharp nail and just JAB JAB JAB!! But afterwards don't they both smell like the anus? So what's the difference?
I'm really not sure where I was going with this, which party is the finger again?
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (d3Ee6)

You read my mind.

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (3VwJI)

The Trump we all want I just don't think is ever going to arrive because of his ego.
Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:25 PM (onbPc)

I don't know why people think he didn't bone up.He was strong when the topic was actually on things Americans care about,trade,law enforcement and national security.They sabotaged him on birtherism,Miss Piggy and his taxes,how do you bone up for that?

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (lKyWE)

225 I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie against stopping Hillary.
Posted by: rexbatt




Trump winning stops Hillary.

Wake up.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (8XRCm)

226 I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY
way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie
against stopping Hillary. This party will never, ever reunite if Trump

Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

So the plan is for President (R) to give rousing party speeches against decades and decades of whole-cloth laws and judge-shopping decisions Hillary's extremely liberal and extremely stacked Supreme Court justices will give us?

Hell yeah. Let's save the party.

Posted by: Billy Dale at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (x4zgf)

227 216 okay I had some salt. we'll see how the Moron Medical Society's advice works out.


Now you need a nap in a dark room.
Go! no electronics, keep your eyes closed.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (Om16U)

228 I don't want a Trump Presidency, yet I prefer him over Hillary hands down.
One thing for sure, no matter who wins and who loses this will probably be my last voting ever.
It has become to dangerous to get on someone's political party revenge list.
Frankly I just don't think a vote matters anymore, the people in power will simply elect whom ever they wish.

Posted by: obsidian at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (ARK2U)

229 He'll figure this out when the migraine goes away. The best course is register unaffiliated and vote Trump. Down the ticket, case by case.

After the election do what you need to do as an individual to realize you aspirations.

Posted by: Meremortal at September 29, 2016 12:35 PM (MNZrw)

230 The spoils go to the union bosses, the race-baiters, and the apparatchiks. Just being on their side doesn't stop you from being a pawn.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (mgbwf)

And I wouldn't assume you can make a dent in the party direction from the inside. If we can't change the party that was nominally on our side, we sure as hell can't change the one that's clearly opposed to us.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (dzmBR)

231 At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

You really think they'll let you alone?

Posted by: t-bird at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (2z74n)

232 okay I had some salt. we'll see how the Moron Medical Society's advice works out.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (dciA+)

**looks at self**

OK, I am wearing a white coat, but I'm not really a doctor.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (X6fMO)

233 Just start a new party. How about the National Party. How about this slogan - 'What's good for America might not be good for Manhattan and DC'. Any takers?

Posted by: Puddin Head at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (vV/gB)

234 okay I had some salt. we'll see how the Moron Medical Society's advice works out.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:34 PM (dciA+)


It was iodine free salt.



Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (8XRCm)

235 At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Yes they do that, but you will find that there is a very strict Cast System. You will be way down the list. Unless your looking at putting on pretenses. I use to hang wit the Dem's when I was young and single, because their women were .... well you know. Break ups were easy, I would just let my true feeling be known. I would get the "I just don't know you any more." Asta la vista baby! You may want to slip over to Canada to pick up a large supply of Penicillin, cuz Obamacare will put you on a list.

Posted by: Paladin at September 29, 2016 12:36 PM (QGbEp)

236 >At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

You're in for one hell of a surprise, white boy.

Posted by: DDT at September 29, 2016 12:37 PM (DUynq)

237 "At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own."


Sure they do. Just look at our inner cities...

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:37 PM (eEBON)

238 I do think though that if the GOP adopted Trump's platform, it would be FAR more popular than what the Paul Ryan types are offering.

Trump's problems are 99% personality based.

If you had Trump's platform with say a Newt Gingrich type intellect, this would be a landslide election for Republicans.

Also, I just don;t understand the TruCon knocks against Trump, he has campaigned both before and after the primary as a conservative.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:37 PM (onbPc)

239 RE: "Ace, is there any specific recent incident that has caused you to feel this way?"

Meh -- continued posts from the RedState and NRO writers. ; > )

RE: "What I don't get is the switch the the Democratic party which is now really the Socialist Party?"

Ace won't switch anyway -- any more than he would "burn it down" or refuse to vote for Trump back months ago when he said he wouldn't vote for him.

I recognized that the Republican Party was at war with its base with the vast expansion of Medicare, the TARP bailout, the further Federal takeover of public schools under No Child Left Behind -- all enacted and cheerily and loudly supported by Republicans under GWB's second term.

That's when I made my rule -- I don't vote for liberals in any party. Which means -- I'm not voting for Trump or Hillary.

At all costs we need a conservative opposition party. The election of Trump will move us farther away from that possibility -- far far farther away. That won't happen, however -- he won't be elected, because the enabling idiots within the Republican Party -- along with scads of Democrats and People-Who-Never-Vote -- nominated a guy whom many people, both RINOs and conservatives -- won't vote for.

End of story. They screwed up. They offered a "product" to the market that the market does not like -- or that at least huge chunks of the market deems to be cow-patty burger meat. All the lamenting and threats and moans about this will not take away the fact that they chose . . . poorly . . . and now we will all suffer the consequences of that awful choice.

Oh Well.

I think the smart thing to do when one's hopes are dashed and ground into a fine powder is to try to see what one can salvage. Can one salvage -- for a few years anyway -- work? Yep. How about real friendships? Yes. Maybe some money, a house, some material success? Possible. God? Yes -- He can salvage me. Romance? Yes -- I can have that even on a battlefield. All sorts of things I can *still have* despite the very very poor, insane, incompetent, weird choices of the Republican Party.

I don't know what's going to happen with the Republican Party -- I give it 50/50 odds of dying and a third party beginning from the ashes, with the long awful slog of some 30-40 years before it might be able to win national elections. But then -- that's the consequence of not ever having a reformed, conservative opposition party in the Republican Party. When leaders mess up, a whole lot of people suffer.

On the other hand, it's *possible* I suppose that conservatives continue stabbing efforts to reform the Republican Party from the inside -- perhaps with the loss of the 2016 presidency, the "establishment" will be more amenable or the conservatives will be smarter and craftier and sneakier. I don't know.

But I did my mourning back when Trump was clearly going to be nominated and I realized that Hillary would be our next President.

Posted by: Igor at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (FfQXL)

240 Ok, see the joke was that "Two Broke Girls" is the "busty lesbian porn" that another poster referred to in a previous post (rather than a bad comedy on NBC) and...and...and...nevermind.

Posted by: Crusader at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (ewSN2)

241 Doesn't matter anyways. Republicans will pass legislation to fix Obamacare if Trump is elected.

In 4 years, Rs will be the liberal party and Ds will be the communist party

Posted by: ajlfour at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (R9Dm2)

242 Ace, do you have a heavy bag? Sometimes violence works for migraines.

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (3VwJI)

243 Rexbatt, you're not getting what we're saying, If Hillary wins, you actually think 45% of us, those who backed Trump (because he was our candidate and we hate Hillary) are going to do shit to help ANY candidate or party who actively tweeted, posted, went on national tv, radio etc., to bash Trump?

Get fucking real.

Posted by: Seems legit at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (U+nHb)

244 Is this like when Ace was got a "I'm With Herllary" tattoo on his forehead before the primaries ended but then went out and bought a Trump toupee to cover it afterward? Or is this different?
Asking for a friend.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (1H9ox)

245 168 So do I have to become gay?

Look eventually at this rate the Muzzies will win and then it'll be all over for the Lefties. Europe is gone. All our boys will have mammaries and won't fight so USA...gone. Then I'll start trying to kill myself on the slip and slide.

*Tries to cheer everyone up.*

How 'em I doing so far?
Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:29 PM (3VwJI)

Will there be lube and roofies? I mean, I might consider it then.

Posted by: joncelli, Present at the Autopsy at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (RD7QR)

246 Also, I just don;t understand the TruCon knocks against Trump, he has campaigned both before and after the primary as a conservative.


No, no he hasn't unless you confuse populism for conservatism.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (eEBON)

247 Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:37 PM (onbPc

Cool so besides "Tariffs, wall, and bomb ISIS" what is Trump's platform?

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (dzmBR)

248 If I can put words in your mouth, Ace, what you're really saying is you're going Galt. I keep trying to convince myself to do the same - every election season I get sucked back in to caring about the result. But, yes, if they're both corrupt, then why not get some freebies out of it for yourself? Join the gravy train. Our country is gone.

Posted by: HoustonGal at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (2zfpa)

249 239 Posted by: Igor at September 29, 2016 12:38 PM (FfQXL)

Hey Igor....

"Good luck storming the castle"...

My best advice to you on the election is to remember "Grammy don't golf"...

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (SzZnW)

250 >>> Or perhaps, Ace, politics is just an empty exercise that cannot deliver the satisfactions it promises. I, for one, am doubling down on my faith and choosing to walk a path of kindness. I at least have some control over that.

oh I certainly agree with that, which is why I'm not in this for the Social Signalling or Virtue Posturing.

I'm in this for simple pragmatics: I do not want a weaponized IRS and FBI being used against me.

Some will say Trump may weaponize them to use against his foes. 1, bullshit, he'd never be allowed to get away with it, while Hillary and Obama already have, and 2, better he fuck over people other than myself than myself.

But yeah, that's why I'm doing other things and finding things more enriching and more personal than politics.

I think a lot of people are, as I keep saying Frustrated Priests, who see politics as a way to demonstrate their morality and goodness and membership in The Elect.

I don't. Politics is just one gut-level leaning among a hundred others. The stuff that actually valorizes one as a person is stuff that's a bit more important that whatever the Social Justice Warriors of the left AND right and pushing this week.

So I completely agree that politics is ultimately not philosophy, nor virtue, nor anything of particularly elevated value.

But there are the pragmatic considerations.

If our own party has decided to permit Sharia law for a decade or three, then it's time I converted, or at least start paying the tax on infidels.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (dciA+)

251 One thing I get a kick out of with college educated leftist Dems is ... "How can you vote for the Republicans, the party of Big Corporations!!"

Then in the next paragraph they'll gloat "look how great the stock market does under Clinton and Obama! I made out like a bandit on stocks!!!"

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (Ya7zs)

252 I felt the same way after the first debate last year, remember my malaise Ace?

Posted by: Andrew Sullivan at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (POq9R)

253 Has anyone been following polling in the battleground states? new-battleground-polls-clinton- wins-debate-holds-single-digit-lead_384 .html#.V-1DbvkrJaQ

Several of these were pro-Trump before Monday, but now all are pro-Clinton...

Has anyone dug into the underlying distributions?

LA Times is still showing Trump ahead overall, but is giving a Hillary a 70% chance of winning if the election were held today.


Posted by: slash buzz at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (YseGW)

254 Of course then again, I see violence as a cure for most things that irk me.

Posted by: Cannibal bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (3VwJI)

255 One thing about voting Democrat, the military will be reduced to nothing.

Makes it easier to you know.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (gwwEL)

256 If I'm part of an army that's deliberately losing to the other side, I'm not joining the other side. I'm shooting my generals.

Posted by: josephistan at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (7HtZB)

257 I'm a life long concerned conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses.

FIFY, redbait.

Posted by: t-bird at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (2z74n)

258 Concern troll is concerned. Ho hum.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (WlGX+)

259 On a happier note, we're ramping up for the 3rd Annual Southwest Ohio Moron Meetup, October 22nd near Dayton.

Email for details (and please include your nic).

Posted by: ibguy at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (vUcdz)

260 The Wall Street Journal and NRO greedheads, who convinced themselves they could actually win a Hispandering contest and could not let go of their cheaper gardeners and maids, brought us to where we are.

I saw this coming back in California in 1994. Pete Wilson was in many ways a RINO, but he understood the realities of what importing a larger underclass would mean for the nation.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (ujg0T)

261 >>>Ace, do you have a heavy bag? Sometimes violence works for migraines.

I don't own one but I make use of one.

But not today.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (dciA+)

262 I do think though that the NeverTrump Republican phenomenon is almost exclusively within that political consultant class, not Republicans at large. Would love to see an accurate poll.

I think that is mostly true. There are of course some rank and file that are as well. I mean you always get a little of that. For whatever reason they hate a particular candidate and refuse to vote for him. So there is some of that. I wouldn't be shocked though that if some of the rank and file are the type that always shouted "But the SCOTUS! But the Democrats are worse!" for the last 8 years. And now all of a sudden they find the idea that maybe this guy is just not good enough to support. I of course find that to be bull shit. And after November is over if Trump loses they will be back to excusing every cave the Republicans in Congress engineer and shrieking that you must vote for the R candidate because "But the Democrats are worse!"

Posted by: buzzion at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (bMG0w)

263 What? Surrendering right before the greatest day of our lives? Change your perspective and hang in there dude!

We were told for decades we had to accept the RINO / Establishment / NeoCon pick because "Party Unity" demanded it. Well we all now see they talk a good game but, like bipartisanship, it only goes one way. You can't put that toothpaste back in the tube, this marriage is done, as mangled as this metaphor.

So if Trump succeeds in winning on the base of the old Republican Party + the downscale "Reagan" Democrats we have a new ballgame. Goddammnit Ace, it is the rise of the MORON HORDE and you wanna bail? Don't you dare! Our hour approaches!

So get some rest, rustle up some meds and get ready for good times.

Posted by: John Morris at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (yd+8u)

264 Way ahead of you.

> Humpty Dumpty - All the king's horses and all the king's men.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (bpfzP)

265 If you feel a migraine coming on you should do the following:

1. Remove any restrictive clothing
2. Stand up, take five deep breaths in a row
3. Step forward and then backward with your left foot, about 10 inches each direction
4. Repeat step 3
5. Lift your left foot up and shake out any tense muscles.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 with your right foot.

This will do absolutely nothing for your headache. I just like watching people do the Hokey Pokey.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (wPiJc)

266 I still believe that Trump can win, if-

he can beat the margin of voter fraud by the Democrats.

Which is why # NeverTrump is so disingenuous.

This time every vote counts becuz it has too. and that goes double for the a-holes telling us they can throw away their vote becuz they live in a blue state.

Yeah, genius if you're so good at predicting the future gimme tomorrow winning MegaMillion numbers.

You don't know if this will be a sweep like Reagan because you don't know.

Like jwest(how the hell did that happen?), I believe this is a realignment election,

due mostly to the feckless, surrender monkey corrupt GOP but don't forget how many traditional Dims are being told to go fuck themselves forever.

Honestly, if the NeverTrumps prevail, and Trump loses, there will be no place for conservatives to go-

Ace's idea of going to the Democrats may not be such a bad idea-

perhaps a massive conservative influx could moderate their worst impulses.

Who knows?

I hope it won't come to that, though.

Coooooooommmmeeee oooonnnn, Realignment!

Daddy needs new representation!

Posted by: naturalfake at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (0cMkb)

267 I do think though that if the GOP adopted Trump's platform, it would be FAR more popular than what the Paul Ryan types are offering.

Trump's problems are 99% personality based.

If you had Trump's platform with say a Newt Gingrich type intellect, this would be a landslide election for Republicans.
Spot on. Not saying that I, in particular, am a fan of several hunks of his platform. But from an electability standpoint...yeah.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (1H9ox)

268 "we have a candidate that I'm pretty convinced is simply too lazy to do things like bone up on the issues."

Trump has been working his ass off for over a year.

I'd trade Miss Piggy for Serial Rapist Enabler any day.

In the first debate Trump mostly stuck to his marching orders from Conway and Bannon not to make a first impression with millions of first time viewers by looking like a dick. By using personal attacks, Hillary has now opened the door to attacks over her role in enabling Bill's very bad behavior.

Miss Piggy is 20 years ago and a minor incident. Trump saved her job actually. What do you think would happen if an actress showed up on set 60 pounds overweight? Unless she was Jennifer Lawrence she'd be fired on the spot.

Expect the 12-year old rape victim to come to light. Maybe even an ad from a Trump PAC. Hillary's asked for it. Let the schlonging begin!

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (r1fLd)

269 Thoughts?
Posted by: slash buzz at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (YseGW)


Polling isnt designed to figure out what you think.

Polling is designed to influence what you think.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (8XRCm)

270 AoSHQ 2018:

So, Hillary has fulfilled her promise to make things better for all individuals of color and gender..."

*society of blog censors*

"Dear Mr. Ace, we appreciate your dedication to Madam President's agenda, however we take offense over your use of the word "individuals" as you know, many peoples prefer to be referred to with plural pronouns. Obviously, "individual" is strictly singular. We are writing to alert you to this issue and will check back in one hour to make sure that it was sufficiently addressed.


Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:41 PM (KHyOM)

271 This is way bad, just like the Brits in Malaysia in the 50's

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (Upnsy)

272 There is the problem of "what political positions are acceptable in order to get elected in 2016 (or 2020, etc)" juxtaposed against the problem of "what are the real fucking problems the country is facing, and how do we fix them."

As far as I'm concerned, the democrat position on the real problem is to not believe that it is an actual problem (like the debt). The democrats instead create new problems that they can offer "solutions" for (like climate change).

The GOP at least pays lip service to (some) of the real problems.

Ultimately, the real problems will rise up to get us. There does not seem to be a political posture out there that can address them and still allow the office seeker to be elected.

Posted by: Revenant at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (3DSAh)

273 "Joining the other side" is in itself a betrayal. I could understand preserving ones independence by becoming, an independent as the most viable, honest choice. Being treasonous to one side because you feel, rightly, betrayed by your own to me lacks personal ethics, reason or integrity. Especially given the other side itself has been shown both treasonous and corrupt. More so by their agenda that has destroyed and divided our country.

What? For a few trinkets in the form of social policy which they only really support for votes, not the efficacy or righteousness of it?

Choosing between Democrat and Republican is a choice between bad and worse. I'll take the third option, which preserves the right for me to vote in my own best interest.

And remember, nobody can be your better unless you are r too lazy to defend yourself.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (jYV/+)

274 Ace, if you want to get rid of a migraine, caffeine is your friend. It helps handle the blood vessel size in the cranium.
I eat way more salt than most people, and it does nothing to reduce the number of migraines I get.
For me, I really just take some Vicodine and let it take the edge off.

Good luck getting rid of it.

Posted by: astonerii at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (ia088)

275 >>Well Lizzy the important thing will be "you fucking sister fucking flyover trash learned your lesson though right?"

Yup, a long with a good dose of, "Hush now, rube, we know better how you should live your life."

You can never check out, there is no safe space to be found in the arms of the Left. Live and let live is not an option with them. You will bake that cake, you will applaud *enthusiastically* for Jenner (lookin' at you, Favre!), you will let that creep into the YMCA women's changing room, you will pay for that abortion, etc.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (NOIQH)

276 Be of good cheer Trumpeters.

Trump is a long term planner. He does nothing without a reason. He's been planning this for a very long time.

He's been setting a very purposeful pace.

Meh. On all the doom and gloom.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (GztDi)

rexbatt, it is ignorant voters like you that have created the situation we have in the country.

You "hate" and "love" candidates, but have a 9-yr old's understanding of, you know, actual policy, the whole point of elections.

Mass lawlessness and racist social engineering in immigration, insanely dangerous foreign policy, and suicidally stupid and impoverishing energy policy - alone - are reason enough to get over your ignorant, emotional reaction to Trump.

There is substantial reason to think that if Trump wins these three areas at a minimum will see massive improvement (things largely under executive control and not requiring any heroics from the likes of Ryan or McConnell).

Ignoring that, or not understanding it, renders you a silly and destructive voter, at best.

But cling to stupid labels like "conservative", and your NYT-level understanding of the state of the world.

Posted by: rhomboid at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (QDnY+)

278 Or something.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (dciA+)

The issue has two parts:

1. Elect a conservative president.
2. Defeat the Left.

The current regime in the Republican party is comfortable doing neither of these things.

But defecting seems to be a sub-optimal reaction.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (Zu3d9)

279 I don't know why people think he didn't bone up.He was strong when the topic was actually on things Americans care about,trade,law enforcement and national security.They sabotaged him on birtherism,Miss Piggy and his taxes,how do you bone up for that?
Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic

It was similar to the dynamic when Al Gore kept making obnoxious sighing noises. Hillary's smug and awkward performance probably neutralized most of it, but except for about the first 15 minutes, Trump gave a shitty performance in my opinion.

Debates aren't decisive (ask President John Kerry) but I just know I came away liking Trump a lot less because to me it said loud and clear he didn't adequately prepare as I could what was going to happen a mile away.

That's ego. That's a guy that thinks he already knows everything because he has his name on the side of buildings.

My hope is Trump has hit paydirt with a Silent Majority on immigration and that pulls him across the finish line, because his personality is sure as hell not winning anyone over.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (onbPc)

280 I for one could care less about which one wins. Because as a grown up, I take care of myself, regardless of the situation. I have lived through George Herbert Walker Bush, Clinton, George W Bush and Obama just fine. And if Hillary or Trump get elected, guess what, I will get by too.

Posted by: astonerii

Haha. Suuuure you will.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (+aCe4)

281 255 Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 12:40 PM (gwwEL)

A reduction in military spending under Team Jackass is a good thing.

Frankly the worse the better, the GOP has demonstrated that they will never allow my vote to be used to make positive change and as such I am reduced to using it to make negative change.

The left as constructed will be destroyed when MS-13 and ISIS are given defacto free reign over wide swaths of America.

I am joining the La Raza wing, since NRO assured me there is "Good La Raza"

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (SzZnW)

282 Thoughts?
Posted by: slash buzz

Yeah. Try again and cite the polls that caused the shift. Before you make an ass of yourself, ensure that the internals are included.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (326rv)

283 Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 12:39 PM (dciA+)

Problem is the IRS and FBI have self-weaponized and I suspect Trump won't bother to undo that. And they continue to get away with it because they'll be targeting the right people.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (dzmBR)

284 My thoughts, intended as comfort:
This generation of Republican pols is, yes, done for. Jeb, Marco and the gang had their shot, blew it, and will not recover. However, there is the next generation to consider, and always hope that someone therein will catch the necessary clues about where the party went wrong and how to steer it right. It may be a slower process than we'd like - I can see it taking longer than I will probably live (I'm 52), but the foundational principles of freedom and capitalism that this country was founded on have survived for better than 200 years, through a civil war, and even Jimmy Carter, and they'll survive this.

Posted by: Lee Bentley, Jr. at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (4B/Ke)

285 >>Toodles!"

Posted by: Lauren

Should include a link to your short story on Amazon

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (NOIQH)

286 Moving into the democrat party and splitting it sounds better than starting from scratch. And if we wreck the place who the f cares?

Posted by: prolife2ndamendmentsmallgovdem at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (jHP/z)

287 Getting past a migraine.

Best grain. pun. EVAR.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (zu88C)

288 I for one could care less about which one wins. Because as a grown up, I take care of myself, regardless of the situation. I have lived through George Herbert Walker Bush, Clinton, George W Bush and Obama just fine. And if Hillary or Trump get elected, guess what, I will get by too.

Posted by: astonerii at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (ia08

Its apparent you have never spent time in a failed State.... in one of the third world shit holes.

We are seeing the breakdown, in real time, of the Republic... of the rule of law.

And you seem to think the Republic will survive making the President, the person that is benefiting from that breakdown...

You get less of what you punish... more of what you reward.... rewarding Hillary with the Presidency will destroy the Social Contract of the Constitution itself.

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (qf6WZ)

289 278 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (Zu3d9)

No CBD, it is the sane choice.

The ONLY use for the GOP the last 16 years has been in preventing Democrats from suffering from stupidity being its own reward.

Time to allow Donkey the fruit of their labors.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (SzZnW)

290 I'm not sure I understand the comparisons to the fall of the Roman Empire. America was never an empire like Rome. Perhaps a better comparison is the fall of the Roman Republic. It's the patricians vs the plebs, and weirdly both major parties are patrician.
Posted by: Caliban at September 29, 2016 12:27 PM (DrC22)

America has been an empire for 50-60 years. It just happened to be a halfway decent one.

When the Evil Empire went away, the globalists took over and now the mask is off this Empire as well.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (drrsd)

291 "I don't know why people think he didn't bone up.He was strong when the topic was actually on things Americans care about,trade,law enforcement and national security"

Except when he let Hillary lie her ass off about republican economics being responsible for the last recession.

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (KHyOM)

292 284: You obviously don't know many millenials. Not enough conservatives there...

Posted by: Jackal at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (/VCVg)

Nobody liked my joke, eh?

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (Y2G1A)

294 Just watched yesterday's Trump rally.

He's trying to make "follow the money" trend.

Masterful the way he does it. At one point after using it several times he asked "what's the phrase?" and someone yelled out "crooked Hillary." "That too," Trump responded, "but I'm talking about follow the money."

He repeats the phrase a good half dozen times during that part of the speech, and by the time he returns to the theme later, the crowd is chanting it along with him. Follow. The. Money.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (WlGX+)

295 I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this
because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags
who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights
in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the
party where I get the least social grief.

AND extra portions of mystery meat in the camps!

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (zu88C)

296 Time to allow Donkey the fruit of their labors.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (SzZnW)

Sorry, but then we will get California writ large.

Unacceptable alternative.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (Zu3d9)


The joke in all of this is, Trump is a Democrat.

So it doesn't even make sense that the nevertrumper's are putting their support behind Hillary.

He's just not as far left. Still loves the country.

And will pick Supreme Court justices that aren't anti-American and anti-Constitution.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (qCMvj)

298 Leaving a party because the people in the party prefer to party with the people of the other party, thereby joining in the partying with the people of that party too, alongside the people in the party you left the party for. I think.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (bpfzP)

299 Where are Trump's ads on channels like HGTV focussing on Kathy Shelton and BET w Jamiel Shaw's dad or the fact that black vets make less than immigrants, especially the refugees that bill wants to give Detroit? If those demographics could be turned, it makes up for all the NTs and then some.

Posted by: ever at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (kronK)

300 Why not the Libertarian Party? Is there a specific philosophical objection, or do you think there are only two feasible choices for directing the future of the country?

Posted by: SummBoddie at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (6n/PP)

Because the Libertarians are and have always been a bunch of unserious flakes floating out there on the fringe. They are, in short, a giant bad idea magnet powered bybullshit and magical thinking.

Here *cough*, take a hit off this while I share my libertarian vision of the future...

Posted by: troyriser at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (OGbEB)

301 Say what you want about Glenn Beck, but he's never considered becoming a quisling.

Posted by: trev006 at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (++Ayw)

302 Join me, Ace. join me!

Posted by: Andrew Sullivan at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (924j6)

303 I don't recall this much scorn being directed at people who claimed they wouldn't vote for Romney or McCain.

Trump just isn't a very good candidate, and he was the weakest of all the candidates against Hillary. Even if I didn't get my first choice of Cruz, I could have settled for Walker, or Perry, or even Rubio. Heck, even Jindal.

But the "Lessers", as you call them, have decided that because this loser of a candidate panders to them while espousing policies that will A) substantially raise their cost of living and B) lower his own out of pocket expenses, well, he's the chosen one and he's gon git Hillary an them thur Democruts but good.

He's not. He sucks at debating, and he sucks at prep, he sucks at having any kind of conservative message or agenda, or explaining why conservatism is beneficial and desirable. He's garbage at it.

All he talks about is how much money he makes and how little taxes he pays (cuz he's smart, unlike you dummies that play by the rules). That's not a winning strategy.

It won't be the end of the Republic if Trump wins, and it also won't be the end of the Republic if Trump loses. One thing these last couple of election cycles have taught me is that when someone is screaming histrionically about the END OF THE COUNTRY OH MY GOD, it usually means they're begging for donations or trying to hawk a book.

We survived FDR, we'll survive either one of these chucklefucks.

At the end of the day I will probably pull the lever for that cheeto faced charlatan, hating myself for doing so, and only justified in the belief that he'll be easier to rein in with a solid R House and Senate.

Posted by: trendingdown at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (C0NKJ)

304 I don't want to be led by any of the cocksuckers in Washington. I want to be left alone. But, the behemoth will crush us. It's what behemoths do.

Posted by: kathysaysso at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (43OZ6)

305 What's wrong with Ace? The REAL Ace would have linked to the Alicia Machado posts at The Sun and the Daily Mail. That would have lifted all of our spirits! And the Drudge pic of Machado next to Slick. Awesome!

There's gotta be a photo of Alicia standing with Hillary somewhere.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (JBggj)

306 So it doesn't even make sense that the nevertrumper's are putting their support behind Hillary.

It's because he's not in their DC club. That is all it is.
Their phoney baloney gravy train is at risk.
They worry Trump will bring in his own ppl.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (Om16U)

307 Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:45 PM (SzZnW

Yeah but for that all you have to do is stop voting.

For that matter the "fruit" will take at least another 10-15 years (if nto a generation) to ripen.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (dzmBR)

308 Join me, Ace. join me!
Posted by: Andrew Sullivan at September 29, 2016 12:47 PM (924j6)


Cold dude.

Very cold.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (8XRCm)

309 It's because he's not in their DC club. That is all it is.
Their phoney baloney gravy train is at risk.
They worry Trump will bring in his own ppl.
Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (Om16U)


They should be.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (8XRCm)

310 But as for myself, I will not ally with evil.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (X6fMO

What he said.

Posted by: cicero Kaboom! kid at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (SgUT6)

311 Sigh

The Dark Side is having a good day

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (zp+j1)

312 Why not the Libertarian Party? Is there a specific philosophical
objection, or do you think there are only two feasible choices for
directing the future of the country?


'Feasible' is such a kewl word.

Righteous verbiage.

*bong hit*

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (zu88C)

313 "Should include a link to your short story on Amazon "

Haha, I like the way you think, Lizzy.

Well since you asked...

Posted by: Lauren at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (KHyOM)

314 I apprecIate and respect the frustration. I completely agree with ace's assessment of what a pathetic sack of entitled, lying pieces of shit the policial and media classes have become. No disagreement there.

I also agree that continuing to vote for the same people who have demonstrated nothing but utter contempt for the minority half of the country (let's face it, anyone who honestly believes in limited, constitutional govenment, personal responsibility, and rule of law are a rapidly shrinking minority. The majority simply have slightly different opinions on what free shit people are most entitled to) is idiotic. Everyone professes to agree that slavery and involuntary servitude are absolutely wrong, yet that's where we are. Show me a single aspect of anyone's life that is not actively regulated and controlled by goverment at this point. Everything you see and hear and even what you're permitted to say to your children is subject to goverment oversight and approval.

Here is where I disagree. If the argument is, "Fuck all those people who refuse to support the Republican and are, in fact, supporting Democrats and lying about it to maintain their status and position", how is, "Fuck this, next time I am supporting Democrats so I don't have to be a social outcast" any different?

I agree. Perpetually voting to maintain the authority of your slave masters and oppressors is dumb. Voting for the other master that gives out more candy is equally dumb.

Stop accepting the premise that there are only two choices. It is not and never has been true. If 52%+ are going to vote for one of two flavors of free shit until infinity, fine. If 48% united and say enough of this shit, the divide majority cannot stand.

The real answer is very simple and was spelled out elegantly 240 years ago:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Posted by: Damiano at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (71OEY)

315 I don't think that my feet would obey me if I told them to walk over to Obama's Hillary's camp. I'll need to be dragged there, dead.

Posted by: goon at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (k6BdX)

316 "with the people the cops aren't protecting -- it's time to start paying the mafia its protection money." ace

I call real life "communism", the mafia with a government kicker.

So we have to be aware of what country we live in ... and if Hillary is elected, that country becomes Russia.

I may well quit the blogs if Hillary wins ... I have much to do, I'll survive fine, even if they confiscate weapons. Why "kick against the pricks"? This does seem like the last ditch effort to not become Russia.

(and many smart people think it is too late, and given we are surrendering internet control, not indicting open conspiracy by Hillary, opening borders, debates with Holt attacking for Hillary so she can keep smiling ... they have evidence)

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (n6rAX)

317 Trump's a traitor to his class, in the eyes of the elites. Always has been.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (WlGX+)

318 I'm in a pretty good mood - just picked up an 8# jug of Bullseye gunpowder.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 12:49 PM (6xtq3)

319 Also, can we at least stop the histrionics that after this Election we are going to be in mortal danger if we don't join the Democrat Party?

Even if they start threatening us with reeducation camps, I'm not going to bend my knee to Hillary Clinton.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (onbPc)

320 273 Posted by: Marcus T at September 29, 2016 12:42 PM (jYV/+)

Good to know my taking the Never Trump types at their word that it makes no difference if a democrat is elected is more treason than their throwing an election.

I backed John McCain whom I loathed while the Brooks types backed Ogabe.

I backed Romney who wrote off members of my family as "47%" when the veterans of Kotex ridge backed Ogabe....

I am backing another man I loathe because get this I hate Saul Alinsky and were I ensured a good defense I'd beat his acolytes with ball bats as a corrective.

The NRO types have said that losing is winning, I aim to make sure they win.


Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (SzZnW)

321 @296

I don't think we have much choice.

We have reached a tipping point and there more than likely is no road back.

Posted by: Kreplach at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (jzUL/)

322 The class and culture aspects play a role but I believe among the hardcore it's pure financial self interest.

Power in DC comes from the donor class, and they donate to rent seek and pump the pork and make millions and billions of dollars in the process off the back of US tax payers and less affluent competitors who cant pay to play. Trump is an existential treat to the pork machine, the likes of which has not been seen in recent times.

For example, the entire, useless Green subsidized industry could evaporate under Trump and that's $1/2 trillion right there. All of the failure theater on budget cuts, etc., was not "fear of the MSM" or "incompetence" but simply achieving a goal without having the luxury the Democrats have of running on big government.

You diminish the establishment, you pull back from globalization and there are a LOT of losers and their paid flunkies in the GOPe are being whipped into action. Not to mention the flunkies lose their perpetual golden parachutes with funded think tank positions, board seats, K street millions, etc.

Posted by: Keith not a one-named troll at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (USf3s)

323 The GOPe has decided to join the Dems and "dissolve the people and elect another" because the elites can't stand the deplorables. Also, the Chamber of Commerce donor base insists on open borders for an endless supply of cheap labor.

Posted by: cool breeze at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (StZrq)

324 Also remember the Democrat party will probably split soon too. Why? The big internationalist donors will mess their party up as much as they messed up the GOP. Just look at the unhappiness in the Democrat Party over Hillary.

No matter if Trump wins or loses (obviously preferable if he wins) this is a period of realignment, joining the Dems is just jumping to another sinking boat. The better move is to create a new winning team in the aftermath. What is a winning message, political views, etc? Hence why I still think Trump's general message, even if not always articulated correctly, is the best message.

People will start to crave security, nation, etc. after all the chaos. The real questions are can we survive the chaos intact as a single country? How bad will it get?

Posted by: William Eaton at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (KhJh8)

325 "Apparently, some in this party really do think they're going to hand the election to Hillary, and, bizarrely, they think this will bully the rest of us into knuckling under to their agenda in 2020."

Trust me, this plan is fool-proof:

Step 1: Betray the deplorables and their candidate in 2016.

Step 2: Deplorables realize their foolishness and come running back to lick our boots.

Step 3: Deplorables vote for our candidate in 2020.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (hLRSq)

Let's just smoke a bowl and listen to Thin Lizzy, then.

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (Y2G1A)

327 Btw, ppl were wondering why trolls come here - it's because Ace teases them with posts like this.

Troll HQ this morning: "Thought-leader Ace is on the verge of switching parties! Quick, go seal the deal!"

Meantime Ace gets the extra site hits.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (Om16U)

328 As far as I'm concerned, the democrat position on the real problem is to
not believe that it is an actual problem (like the debt). The democrats
instead create new problems that they can offer "solutions" for (like
climate change).

The left broadly believes that reality is malleable. Essentially if people stop believing there is a debt crises...there won't be! If people stop believing Obamacare is won't!

They will occasionally try to defend this by arguing that it is essentially defeatism, but the actual truth is they believe that thoughts affect outcomes directly.

Ifeveryone united hating the right things, and loving the right things....we'd get to Utopia in no time. So stop thinking bad thoughts you meanies! Before we have to MAKE you stop having bad thoughts.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (X7E8f)

329 So Harrison Bergeron in what 2019?

Posted by: Yo! at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (Upnsy)


Bonus quatloos if you know what a Thin Lizzy is.

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (Y2G1A)

331 My worst-case scenario is Hillary wins and the D's get 50 or more senate seats. New majority leader Schumer revises senate rules to eliminate all filibusters.

You want to see what's coming to you as Supreme Court nominees? Take a look at Jerry Brown's appointments to the CA court: Goodwin Liu, Mariano Florentino-Cuellar, and Leondra Kruger. All early to mid-40s.

I won't be back for the rebuilding in 2018 or 2020 that the 'establishment' thinks is coming.

Posted by: George Tirebiter at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (/zyrl)

332 oh I certainly agree with that, which is why I'm not in this for the Social Signalling or Virtue Posturing.

I'm in this for simple pragmatics: I do not want a weaponized IRS and FBI being used against me.

It's still going to happen. Surrendering will only delay when it happens, not if.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (m3iiU)

333 The same people who are #NeverTrump are the same ones who cried when John Boehner and Eric Cantor was primaried by grassroots for the most part.

Posted by: Blanco at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (tGBt6)

334 Yes, there comes a time where you just have to draw a line and put all your enemies on the other side of it.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (rwI+c)

335 We survived FDR, we'll survive either one of these chucklefucks.

A compelling case can be made that the Republic did not survive FDR.

We have been sliding down into a term-limited elected monarchy for quite some time. Executive overreach is common. People look to the federal government to provide largesse.

Hell, the democrat party is essentially the party of noblesse oblige. The Republican party kept the idea behind the Republic alive (at least on paper), but the GOP elite often find themselves in agreement with their democrat peers that the peasants are revolting and stink on ice.

Posted by: Revenant at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (3DSAh)

336 Ace, I wasn't making light of your pain when I said 'Heavybag'.

You do an outstanding job of bringing what is important to/about this country and how it's being destroyed to light with reason and humor. I drop in and out of here to learn and vent and have the 'rons put me some knowledge and make me laugh. I couldn't follow, uncover and report in such depth and with such 'passion?' Day in and day out, and stay sane. This has to take a huge toll on you. Hell, I don't have any answers for my mental health these days, or life balance, let me put it that way. I hit he bag till I fall down exhausted, then I start thinking and drag myself up and do it again. I used scare my wife sometimes I think. Now she knows I'm just angry inside at a lot of shit and well so..'go hit the bag'. So I certainly don't have any answers for you in that regard. Just sayin'. Take care of yourself. I like it here, and you did this.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (3VwJI)

We have answered the question " what would happen if we elected a racist, activist, communist, America-hating lawyer to the presidency?".

Do we really need to answer that question again?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (zu88C)

338 I saw Thin Lizzy open for...oh, waitaminute....

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (WlGX+)

339 Bottom line: the GOPe has more in common with Hillary and the Democrats than the conservatives who make up the Republican base.

So yes, the modern GOP is dead. GOP 2.0 will be a much smaller party as the elites join forces with the Democrats.

GOP 2.0 will be DOA once the Democrats take back Congress and gerrymander the GOP 2.0 out of existence.

Posted by: MacGruber at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (sgrzZ)

340 307 Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 12:48 PM (dzmBR)

You misunderstand....all my political life I have had to answer for the right's crazies despite the fact the KKK is and always has been a democrat creature....

the left has never had to answer for its crazies....

I aim to empower their pet monsters as much as possible.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (SzZnW)

341 Ace, you should get a account.

Winning the political war is as simple as winning the culture war, and winning the culture war is as simple as creating a series of competing media establishments with attendant entertainment establishments--and then siphoning away dominant-culture consumers.

That'll take a long time, but that's really all there is to it.

Posted by: Mr. Hand at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (fI8sj)

342 In the last years of the Jimmah Carter administration, everyone thought Amerika was dying. Stagflation had lingered since early Nixon administration and gotten worse under Carter. Double digit interest rates on home loans. 14% interest to buy a car. Recession in the 1970s had created a lot of welfare recipients. Drugs were 'cool.' Celebrities were visibly high on awards shows, reflecting the lax morality of the times. Worst of all, bellbottoms were de Rigueur and showed no sign of losing popularity.

Reagan arrived. Things changed. Optimism returned. Fashion changed. Haircuts changed. Morality became popular again.

Trump is no Reagan and things may not change if he is elected. My point is things do and will change, even when they seem to be dire and the country seems to be circling the drain. Take heart and have patience.

Posted by: Sphynx at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (OZmbA)

343 You want Trump to win. Good for you, and the alt-right, the neo-nazi's, the KKK and the rest of the degenerates who back him. Feel free to carry his sorry fat short fingered vulgar ass over the finish line, and if you get enough racists behind you, you might get him there ahead of the detestable and disgusting Hillary Clinton you so loathe.

Keep on with that virtue signaling. It won't stop the Black Liar Marxists from grounding and pounding you. Nor will it win you that all important Hispandering contest.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (ujg0T)

344 Ef-em all Ace!

Go rub one out, take a nap and start fresh this afternoon.

Lots of train news to pontificate upon.

Posted by: dananjcon at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (NpXoL)

345 The joke in all of this is, Trump is a Democrat.
Yeah I know. I can't believe he wants to raise taxes, gut the second amendment, reduce the military, expand the ACA, destroy the thin blue line, and sell baby parts and is running on the Republican ticket. Amazing.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (1H9ox)

Posted by: sven10077

You are a good man , sven.

Proud to fight next to you.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:52 PM (zu88C)

347 #322

Excellent comment. Hillary did pimp for a solar panel plan for every home during the debate, and your last paragraph was spot on.

The Spice must flow .... OMG, it's Donald Trump!

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (JBggj)

348 Not just private ownership of guns. The time of "you
didn't build that" will morph into the era of "you don't really own
that." Think you own that domain name? Sorry, some UN member state just
decided you were blaspheming their god. You think you own that
trademark? Sorry, the government just decided it is "offensive." You
think you own your driverless car? Sorry, you're commute is being routed
as the central system has determined is best, and you'll have to wait
until traffic goes down 20%. You think you want to eat that? Sorry, you
will not qualify for Obamacare unless you stay within HHS-mandated
dietary guidelines. Oh, and don't even think of participating in the
following "high risk" activities or you will be denied treatment. And on
and on...

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 12:31 PM (NOIQH)
Of course, a lot of blog time and commentary is against the few people who have stuck their necks out to try to prevent those outcomes -- they aren't cheering loudly enough or wishing hard enough and must be purged.

Posted by: mustbequantum at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (MIKMs)

349 Bonus quatloos if you know what a Thin Lizzy is.
Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:51 PM (Y2G1A)


Tin Lizzy.... a model T.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (8XRCm)

350 Ace: "Politics is just one gut-level leaning among a hundred others."

No. That someone today can assert this is because we are still free riding, if you will, living off the inheritance of those who understood that politics is about who controls your life -- and who literally fought to create and sustain a system in which most differences of opinion can be argued and voted upon to resolve them, but in which the most important rights were placed out of bounds.

If Trump loses and the Left and the No-Borders globalist GOP-e consolidate their power over the American people, the pretension that politics is just one not very important matter among a hundred things in life will soon evaporate away when you realize that the people who control the monopoly of legal force intend to control what you do in those other hundred things in life.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (fgOnp)

351 Trump did not have soundbite answers in the debate. He was actually answering substantially.

Hillary, btw was just soundbite bullet points that weren't responsive. Ace even posted on that.

Trump was not polished, he is not a debater and, I guess doesn't think it necessary to be one.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (gwwEL)

352 The Republicans are a gaggle of weasels. The Progs want me dead. It's not really a contest. If anyone wishes to align with the party that wants me dead, that's your right. Just stay far far FAR away from my grandchildren.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 12:53 PM (bpfzP)

353 Btw, ppl were wondering why trolls come here - it's because Ace teases them with posts like this.

Troll HQ this morning: "Thought-leader Ace is on the verge of switching parties! Quick, go seal the deal!"

Meantime Ace gets the extra site hits.


Crazy blog money.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (zu88C)

354 333 The same people who are #NeverTrump are the same ones who cried when John Boehner and Eric Cantor was primaried by grassroots for the most part.

Posted by: Blanco


Many of them are, and certainly those in the so-called conservative media fit that description. But there's also a lot of us who don't.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (eEBON)

355 Good for you, and the alt-right, the neo-nazi's, the KKK and the rest of the degenerates who back him.


I wonder if I can pass for white. I might shave my head and join the skin-heads. It would save so much on hair products.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (Om16U)

356 I was sorta, kinda with you until I read "I'll side with the party where I get the least social grief." Ace, I don't know what circles you travel in, but every single one of my D-party friends and family members seem to think it is their Constitutional duty to berate me for my political positions whenever and wherever I dare to mention them. I'll stick with my far fewer R-party friends, thanks.

Posted by: VA MKZ at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (o0ky2)

357 Ace should just put up a poll if he wants to bump his traffic numbers.

This one trick pony - upper/lower class - theme is now a dead pony.

It's always been about MONEY. These people are going to lose money that's why they are so upset with Trump.

I'd wager that the biggest complainers here employ illegals.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (GztDi)

358 Here's what I don't understand, and I have a few Republican friends that are not voting for Trump and likely Hillary.

Are you really going to be happy on Election Day seeing her win? What is your prize that's going to come in the mail?

Do you really think the GOP is suddenly going to be this awesome force for good once Trump is out of the way?

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:54 PM (onbPc)

Model T is right.

I guess it's nickname was Tin Lizzy.

But why "lizzy?"

Was Henry Ford's wife named Elizabeth or something?

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (Y2G1A)

360 Even if they start threatening us with reeducation camps, I'm not going to bend my knee to Hillary Clinton.
They won't send cops to your door in the middle of the least for Joe Average.

They'll fire you at work if you have a wrong thought, or take your kids away, or refuse to publish your book, or fine you.

The left has focused a lot of effort on learning how to boil the frog without making him jump out of the pot.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (X7E8f)

361 296 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:46 PM (Zu3d9)

Right CBD, if there is one thing the GOP has shown it is that it is ALL IN on stopping Mexifornia becoming reality....

//Marco Rubio

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (SzZnW)


Posted by: astonerii


It's the Virtue Signal!!!

Quick!!! To the VirtueMobile !!!!

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (zu88C)

363 Even if they start threatening us with reeducation camps, I'm not going to bend my knee to Hillary Clinton.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:50 PM (onbPc)

The good news for us isthe word 'fight' is purely an allegorical abstraction for the pajama boy crowd on the Left, a euphemism for 'strongly worded letter' or 'down-twinkles' type protesting.

We'll see soon enough, I suppose.

Posted by: troyriser at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (OGbEB)


Or was the Model T made in Elizabethtown??

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (Y2G1A)

365 I wish people could take a moment and try to appreciate how small the GOP "elite" is. All tolled, there probably aren't more than 150 who constitute the core.

These people are more panicked than the democrats because their world is crashing down around their heads. They believe their only hope is to get Trump to lose in the hope that in the next cycle, things will go back to the way they were.

They are dreaming. Things will never be the same.

The new party is a nationalist, populist, right wing libertarian party. Sure, the media would like to frame the narrative that it's the educated against the stupid, but that's far from the truth.

It's important that this new GOP, once purged of the old elite, has a place to go to receive the guidance required to gel the movement into an effective force.

Don't lose faith.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (Zs4uk)

366 Ace,

If the nation is going to collapse, as we know it will, best to keep your distance from the Left who are causing it. When the rug is yanked out, they always eat each other first because they're almost always disarmed and instantly go into scapegoat mode. Better to fight on your feet then be brought into Room 101 by one of your own party members.

Posted by: Doomed at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (wImUw)

367 This is all George Herbert Walker Bush's fault, and I mean that.

If only he had just kept his stupid promise until after being elected, this country would be in a better place.

As it is, we got Clintons, unrecoverable polarization, 9/11, and a toss away of any pretence that our magnificent freedoms needed preservation. In fact, freedom seems now to be used synonymously with privileged oppression. America is gone. We threw it away, and it's too late now. And there is no place else to go.

I won't ever vote for Hillary because I know what she is, but worse I know what she represents in the American people.

So yeah, depression.

Posted by: SarahW at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (Sp1NT)

368 Ace, drain out all the water, take in plenty of oil, grease up that back end, get out on the highway and go at full speed for about ten miles. See how it feels.

Posted by: Crusader at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (ewSN2)

369 I could have settled for Walker, or Perry, or even Rubio. Heck, even Jindal.

He's not. He sucks at debating, and he sucks at prep, he sucks at having any kind of conservative message or agenda, or explaining why conservatism is beneficial and desirable. He's garbage at it.

This is like the 2010 Delaware Senate primary. People either didn't understand or flat out lied about what happened.

Trump kicked the ass of 16 rivals in the primary. THEY lacked a message and THEY sucked at it.

They were all raising money, spending money and staying alive. he came in, campaigned against them, and cleaned their clocks. And the GOP weighed in against him and him only. So he ran against them.

He's shitty. And yet, he kicked the ass of 16 rivals AND the powers that be in the party.

Kinda like how a witch managed to kick the ass of the SMARTEST MAN IN DELAWARE. She wasn't a good candidate either. But she ran a good primary campaign, didn't take the voters for granted and (get this, it'll slay ya) spoke like a a republican primary. Holeeee shit.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (326rv)

370 "Where are Trump's ads"

There's a new one on Hillary can't be trusted that I saw twice this morning on MSNBC. Pretty good.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (r1fLd)

371 I guess it's nickname was Tin Lizzy.

But why "lizzy?"

Was Henry Ford's wife named Elizabeth or something?
Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (Y2G1A)


Had something to do with model T named Lizzy winning some race somewhere.

Posted by: fixerupper at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (8XRCm)

372 364

Or was the Model T made in Elizabethtown??
Posted by: M Magoo's


Nope, Highland Park then Dearborn.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (eEBON)

373 As the old philosopher once said, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

I suspect things will continue down the same trajectory we have been on until such time as enough of the populace feel enough pain to pull their noses out of their phones, open their eyes and look around. And then it will take a galvanizing moment or series of events, quite probably involving a grand futile gesture resulting in a martyr or two or several hundred. Only when people are pushed to the point of making the choice "Give me Liberty or give me Death" and actually have it mean something (i.e. potential lethal outcomes) will the course begin to be reversed. Much pain and suffering yet to come.

Just my humble two cents worth.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (wPiJc)

374 If this election is lost because of NeverTrumpers and moderate Republican elites, I will never vote Republican again.

Posted by: Randy Magnum - Cameraman/Pro Kite Surfer at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (pLTLS)

Trump was not polished, he is not a debater and, I guess doesn't think it necessary to be one.


The man learns. He also used to hold wild-crazy rallies in which he riffed and railed. That changed bigly. Let's see what happens at the next debate.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 12:57 PM (oGNNA)

376 The left has focused a lot of effort on learning how to boil the frog without making him jump out of the pot.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (X7E8f)

Pretty much, but I don't think the Bill Ayers bunch are too concerned about the frog's fate. They don't want to alarm the neighbors, because they're next on the list.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 12:58 PM (JBggj)

377 I think it's a signal of supreme cluelessness that the white, male, presumably straight people - Christian and not - think that they're going to be 'protected' if they become Democrats.

Have you not noticed yet that leftists have a habit of eating their own? Have you noticed that they particularly love to sacrifice white straight males who step out of line?

I'm afraid scrambling over to the Democrat party and expecting to be protected isn't in the cards, gents. If you don't fight against that machine and you want to exist in peace, your remaining option is to leave the country altogether.

Posted by: DDT at September 29, 2016 12:58 PM (DUynq)

378 My point is things do and will change

Things don't change, people change things. I'm not seeing anyone changing things to be the way I want them.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at September 29, 2016 12:58 PM (rwI+c)

379 If we are going to bend the political pendulum back towards conservatism, we need Hillary to enact her programs. Let the rich get soaked in taxes, let them pay more in college tuition thanks to inflation from her "debt-free" program. Let the middle class pay more in taxes. Let the fossil fuel industry wither.

Once enough people get pissed off enough, a rival to the Democratic Party can emerge.

Posted by: MacGruber at September 29, 2016 12:58 PM (sgrzZ)

380 D's run the welfare plantation. I'm not down for supporting lazy, fake sick malingers, no count, drug addled, addicted, uneducated, criminal, parasites that make up the FSA. Eff that.

Posted by: torabora at September 29, 2016 12:58 PM (+wXZW)

381 Migraines suck. I've dealt with them for over 40 years now. I always have my sumatripain on me. But I've discovered something that works pretty well in the early stages. Migraines are typically (YMMV) the result of blood vessels widening; vasodilation. So what this technique does is set up a vasodilation system in the feet and at the same time sets up a vasoconstriction system in the head.
Very warm, hot as you can stand without scalding in the bathtub about ankle high. Large mixing bowl of ice (and I mean lots of ice) cold water and a washcloth or even small hand towel. Place feet in water and then place ice cold towel on head.
This has worked so many times, again in early stages and even after the thing gets going. I've recommended it to several and all have agreed as to its efficacy.
Offered in understanding of how crappy migraines can be. Hope it works, if not; think of Hillary in a bikini.

Posted by: Arizona Mike at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (TDwM9)


"Why won't Trump just do what I WANT him to do?"

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (zu88C)

383 Even the Model T people can't agree on the reason for the name Tin Lizzie.

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (eEBON)

384 The new party is a nationalist, populist, right wing
libertarian party.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (Zs4uk)

I am not as sanguine about the Republican Party's prospects as you are, but it is not beyond the realm of logic to hope that what you suggest will occur.

But it will require a more savvy leader than Trump.

Who will that be?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (Zu3d9)

385 Better to purge the "generals". There aren't that many.

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (CGZma)

386 The day you start writing pro-Dimocrap pieces is the day this blog dies Ace. I'd really rather see you hang it up than to see that sad day.

Posted by: Mitchell at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (BvNzB)

go have some tikka masala and get this out of your system.

Posted by: concrete girl at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (B5Tpe)

388 Don't forget that this is not just a Left vs Right situation. The jihadis are an important part of the equation.
Things are unpredictable.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (Om16U)

My hope is Trump has hit paydirt with a Silent Majority on immigration and that pulls him across the finish line, because his personality is sure as hell not winning anyone over.
Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 12:43 PM (onbPc)

His personality is vintage Queens New York,that won't change.But if you understand that and can look past the gruffness he becomes more likeable

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (lKyWE)

390 I've been thinking the same way as Ace ever since I found out that Trump punched a baby in the dick.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (1H9ox)

391 No comment

Posted by: i am mad as hell and i am not going to take it anymore at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (cgxNI)

392 Rather than leave the party, why don't you join the Republican peasant uprising and take the party back?

From my perspective, that's what's going on. Finally the little people are out with their torches and pitchforks.

Posted by: Jay at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (V75aX)

393 "I wish people could take a moment and try to appreciate how small the GOP "elite" is. All tolled, there probably aren't more than 150 who constitute the core."


The other complainers are probably lawn maintenance company owners who are going to lose their cheap labor.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (GztDi)

394 Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (326rv)

I disagree, and I'll back it up with MATH.

Trump didn't "Kick" anyone's ass. He managed to keep the most oxygen in a crowded room and that's it. (Arguably he basically did a similar thing to Romney in 2012.)

Vote totals reflect this as well. Trump never got a majority of primary voters overall (he did in a few states.)
Indeed, if the infighting amongst the other candidates hadn't risen to stupid the outcome may have been different. If Rubio drops before MO for example, MO likely goes to Cruz, and that's just 1 state.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (dzmBR)

395 If we are going to bend the political pendulum back towards conservatism, we need Hillary to enact her programs. Let the rich get soaked in taxes, let them pay more in college tuition thanks to inflation from her "debt-free" program. Let the middle class pay more in taxes. Let the fossil fuel industry wither.

Once enough people get pissed off enough, a rival to the Democratic Party can emerge.
Posted by: MacGruber

We thought that about obamacare. We were wrong.

We thought this about Libya and Benghazi. We were wrong.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (326rv)

396 *hands Ace a Snicker's bar*

Here, Ace, have a Snicker's. You're not yourself when you're hungry!

*carefully backs away from Teh Ewok......*

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (v5iqM)

397 It's always best to remember that regardless of who becomes President, or which party they claim, neither of these two candidates can stop the utter avalanche of debt that we're facing.

Things neither Hillary nor Donald can stop:

1. Financial Armageddon due to untenable debt.
2. Collapse of SS program
3. Collapse of dollar
4. Massive unemployment due to (see above) and robot workers
5. Increased/ever increasing racial strife as (see above) continues
6. Looming war with China/Russia
7. Likely war in Middle East as Iran gets nukes and Israel says "nope".
8. Likely launching of nukes between Pakistan and India
9. Likely war between China and Japan over disputed territory.
10. Continued attacks by radical Islamic fundies.

Did I miss any sunshine? So while we're arguing over the carpet color, the house is burning down.

Best to laugh this election off and prepare for these far more likely events.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (2PHKP)

398 Posted by: Arizona Mike at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (TDwM9)

Wow! I'm gonna try that the next time I get one.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (Om16U)

399 Was Henry Ford's wife named Elizabeth or something?

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 12:55 PM (Y2G1A)

Clara Bryant Ford

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (hLRSq)

400 Your thinking makes no sense. You say your motivating ideology is as follows:

But what caused me to join the GOP is the very palpable idea emanating from the liberals that there was a group of people empowered due to their position and education to Lead Us, and the rest of us had no say in the affairs of the country. They were to make decisions for us, and we were to follow.

You are despondent over the fact that the GOP is sorely inadequate as an opposition party for the battle that you believe is important.* So, you decide that the answer is to join the enemy. Of course, the Democrats do not allow dissent. If you are to join them, you must embrace their ideology. This makes sense for a mercenary. A mercenary just wants to make a living as warrior; they join whoever pays. It makes no sense for an ideologue. For one who is motivated by ideology, which side one is on matters.

If you only intended to abandon the GOP since you no longer felt they were fighting the good fight, that would make sense. But, joining the dark side? That means you were never motivated by ideology in the first place. Not really.

*It also seems premature to announce your giving up on the GOP since some of them are looking to shiv the rest of us in the back. If When Trump wins, it will be the GOPe types who will have been proven to be wrong. Why abandon the fight for the heart of the GOP then?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (R+30W)

401 "Trump's problems are 99% personality based.
If you had Trump's platform with say a Newt Gingrich type intellect, this would be a landslide election for Republicans."

In 2012 I thought Newt had a puncher's chance against Obama and that Romney had little chance because Scrooge McDuck.

Trump wasn't my first choice initially but I concluded that this cycle he was the only choice because we need his Mad Media Skilz to counter the corrupt Inner Inner D Party, MSM, the GOPe and the shithead pundits. The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (r1fLd)

402 WOW!!!!



Posted by: no LIV , ever at September 29, 2016 01:01 PM (zu88C)

403 333 The same people who are #NeverTrump are the same ones who cried when John Boehner and Eric Cantor was primaried by grassroots for the most part.

I have several good industry friends who are DC lobbyists. Consider themselves conservative, generally fight to save the industry from the worst of regulation vs. pushing self-serving regulation, etc.

I don't know how many times I heard them bitch about Dick Luger being primaried. Not because of the Todd Akins fiasco that followed, never heard that once, but because it was real easy to work with old Dick. Dick was good for business in DC.

Posted by: Keith not a one-named troll at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (USf3s)

404 I can't imagine aligning myself with people who would leave good men to die in Benghazi, just to avoid taking a little heat at a Friday night fish fry. Jiminy Christmas I'm glad you're not on the front lines next to anybody's kid.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (bpfzP)

405 One more thing about 'Conservatives Selling out for Trump'

They never had that much pull to begin with.

If they did, do you think we would have had M & M running the last two cycles? (Maverick and Mitt)

Those two were more centrist than Trump. Maverick's ego dwarf's Trumps but he keeps it couched in terms of Service to America.

Posted by: Blanco at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (tGBt6)

406 We're well and CCW Cooked.

Posted by: bjk at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (x2rNW)

407 Although my problem sometimes is I can't tell if I have a sinus headache or a migraine.
I get both kinds, on the same side of the head.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (Om16U)

408 236 >At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

You're in for one hell of a surprise, white boy.
Posted by: DDT at September 29, 2016 12:37 PM (DUynq)

Bingo. Do you really want to be treated like the inner city African Americans are by your Commiecrat masters?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (ujg0T)

409 The fact that the only thing the MSM could attack Trump on is Miss Piggy comments 20 years ago tells you how effective he was in the debate

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (gwwEL)

410 Cookeservatives.

Posted by: bjk at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (x2rNW)

411 I wish people could take a moment and try to appreciate how small the GOP "elite" is. All tolled, there probably aren't more than 150 who constitute the core.

Don't lose faith.
Posted by: jwest

I feel the same way, but it's difficult for me to know for sure.

Almost everyone I know that is a NeverTrump Republican works in the sausage factory of politics.

My feeling is it's mainly a group of people that have a large voice in that DC corridor that doesn't go very far.

But I'm not going to pretend that the GOP Establishment and Donors shooting you in the back while taking shots in the front from the Left is going to to have "zero" effect on the race.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:02 PM (onbPc)

412 But what about your GAINZ BRO?!?!?

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (1H9ox)

413 388 Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (Om16U)

The left thinks goat fuckers were the missing ingredient from the American experiment....

NRO agrees.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (SzZnW)

414 Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (326rv)

That's because the rich never get socked the the policies. The dems build in enough loopholes that the middle class gets socked and they can claim to the lower class they're "sticking it to the rich."

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (dzmBR)

415 Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (326rv)

I disagree, and I'll back it up with MATH.

Trump didn't "Kick" anyone's ass. He managed to keep the most oxygen in a crowded room and that's it. (Arguably he basically did a similar thing to Romney in 2012.)

Vote totals reflect this as well. Trump never got a majority of primary voters overall (he did in a few states.)
Indeed, if the infighting amongst the other candidates hadn't risen to stupid the outcome may have been different. If Rubio drops before MO for example, MO likely goes to Cruz, and that's just 1 state.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist

That's how a primary is won. Especially in a crowded field.

If the field hadn't been so crowded

if the media hadn't blundered in and become an easy opponent (and provide free air time)

If the party leadership hadn't blundered in.

If one of the leading assholes had tried speaking like a republican

Trump would have flamed out. But he didn't.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (326rv)

416 Inside every Fat Lizzy is a Thin Lizzy struggling to get out.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (wPiJc)

417 >>>At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Ace, you'll get no love for defecting. You don't belong to right demographic groups. Why the dichotomy? Just go independent. No need to vote Democrat, any more than you have to vote for someone just because of an 'R' after their name.

Posted by: Yuimetal at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (g6yUI)

418 Once amnesty is passed elections won't mean shit. From a conservative perspective at least.

Won't mean much for the Bill of Rights either.

It's cute, those talking about 2020.

Posted by: nip at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (L5nkE)




Posted by: no LIV , ever at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (zu88C)

420 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

421 This party will never, ever reunite if Trump

Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

this is silly

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:04 PM (qCMvj)

422 too bad the small group of gop elites include senator's and congresscreeps that wield great power........

Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 01:04 PM (0O7c5)

423 Milo had to cancel in Florida today because of a "credible threat" per Breitbart

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:04 PM (Om16U)


Well, Ace could "Play" a Democrat and just create the new Onion site.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:04 PM (qCMvj)

425 Ace, I just stopped reading those guys. They are a waste of time. Also, how many of the voters really read and care about the NeverTrumpers? I'm up here in northern Ohio in a very Democrat area loving all the Trump signs. The Deplorables are real. Don't give up the ship until it really sinks!

Posted by: Emily at September 29, 2016 01:05 PM (QtkD6)

426 Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (326rv)

Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky.
Ass kicking implies he did any of it on his own accord. 90% of it was pure luck and own goals by this opponents.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:05 PM (dzmBR)

427 I'm a fiscal and a social conservative, I left the Republican party to become a registered Independent. There is no party that represents my beliefs although I tend to vote republican I don't realistically have any expectation they will uphold any of my values. The democrats will never represent my values either. Either way I have no party.

Posted by: USNtakim at September 29, 2016 01:05 PM (hMqvx)

428 Finally the little people are out with their torches and pitchforks.

Posted by: Jay at September 29, 2016 01:00 PM (V75aX)

I wouldn't go that far sport. Out voting against the traitors yes, pitch forks and lamp posts... not so much.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 29, 2016 01:05 PM (i0ykY)

429 It's simple really. When one is comfortable with one's place in the social ecology, one doesn't want to wreck the ecology. As a wrecking ball, Trump threatens one's comfort.

Posted by: melanerpes at September 29, 2016 01:05 PM (UZClb)

430 Milo had to cancel in Florida today because of a "credible threat" per Breitbart
Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:04 PM (Om16U)

it is people like him, and others who literally put their lives on the line that give you hope

maybe that is why Ben Shapiro went pro-Hillary. He has kids now. He pulled an Ace maneuver before Ace did.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:06 PM (qCMvj)

431 The joke in all of this is, Trump is a Democrat.

Maybe, but today's Democrats are Socialists/Communist. So it is not really the point.

And anyone threatening to join the Democratic party is really joining the Socialist party at best.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:06 PM (zp+j1)

432 384 The new party is a nationalist, populist, right wing
libertarian party.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 12:56 PM (Zs4uk)

I am not as sanguine about the Republican Party's prospects as you are, but it is not beyond the realm of logic to hope that what you suggest will occur.

But it will require a more savvy leader than Trump.

Who will that be?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (Zu3d9)

Well, here's the thing.

Politicians want their cushy, low-to-no work political jobs-

and they must win elections to keep them.

I think you and everyone here will be surprised at how fast these stinking DC assholes change their tunes if Trump wins big.

Like Reagan he'll get a year or two of what he wants, until they can start their passive-aggressive horseshit to undermine him.

Expect a new McCain/Miss Lindsay Gang of Whatever.

However, 2 years will give us a shot at clearing out the worst pieces of shit i the House and Senate if we keep our eyes on the prize.

The prize isn't just winning - the prize is using a Trump victory to change the leadership and composition of the DC GOP.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 29, 2016 01:06 PM (0cMkb)

433 It comes down to this: I hate the Republican party...but I really REALLY FUCKING HATE DEMOCRATS!

I'm not so much voting for Republicans as I am against Democrats.

Posted by: DanInMN at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (h5ffp)

434 "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

The people that wrote then followed through on and achieved this independence were not a majority or anywhere close to it.

The mast majority of people in the colonies in 1776 didn't care about and in no way participated in the revolution. Their political choice back then wasn't binary either. It was "Whatever the king says. Don't agree? You can express your grievances in our kangaroo court, then we'll make a mockery out of you and take your shit and station troops at your house to "keep you safe". Now back to work, peasant."

The fly in the ointment then was that people were presented with a false, signular choice. King or nothing. Control is much easier with a binary choice: don't like what I have to say? Then go support my friend over there. Afterward, my friend and I will get together and work out the details. Don't worry your stupid little head about it."

We're back to to the same problem of 1776. Accept what we have and continue to modify, adjust, and conform to the increasing demands of your betters or "other".

Pretending that voting for the "opposition party", no matter what side you're on, has been a false choice for a very, very long time now. That farce is nothing but the most subtle and effective form of control our "betters" have. The Federal Election Commission is formed of 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans, appointed by the goverment, to control elections. The Presidental Debate commission is the same. Every alleged "bipartisan" entity exists for one purpose: to ensure that the farce of a binary choice is maintained and all other voices are silenced.

Posted by: Damiano at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (71OEY)

435 420 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...
Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

Ace is Prisoner 24601?

By the way, Javert is really a Let It Burn guy, isnt he?

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (Om16U)

436 Ace, say what you will about Glenn. You're wrong in one aspect. The man has raged about how horrible Clinton is for 10+ years. Also he doesn't single just Trump out now. Both candidates are horrible. Both candidates will drive the bus off the cliff, one just wants to go over the left side the other the right, both turns lead straight down.

You're also fooling yourself if you think he and he alone has the power to sway the election to Hillary. If that were the case would Romney not have won?

Posted by: Grow a set at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (rjCmx)

437 90% of it was pure luck and own goals by this opponents.


Funny, that's the almost exactly line that proggies use about successful people.

You know.

The rich.

Posted by: no LIV , ever at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (zu88C)

438 This party will never, ever reunite if Trump

Posted by: rexbatt at September 29, 2016 12:28 PM (woA40)

Some people would leave, others would stay and others would join.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (hLRSq)

439 "I hope that President Trump and his cabinet put some serious thought in outright punishing if not destroying the GOPe collaborators.

That wing of the party need to be amputated."


Yes, treachery must not be rewarded or left unpunished.

Posted by: Decaf at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (8zHLN)

440 That's a pretty impressive screed for a guy with a migraine, Ace. Well said.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (8ZskC)

441 Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky.


he is inordinately lucky.
not a bad thing

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (Om16U)

442 /own goal

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:08 PM (zu88C)

I for one welcome our new cankled overlord and the no doubt dystopian future we have in store.

Posted by: Sphynx at September 29, 2016 01:08 PM (OZmbA)

444 "Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky."


He beat 16 candidates and hundreds of millions of ads against him. Thousands of political and media operatives against him. World leaders against him.

That ain't luck. That's skill.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:08 PM (GztDi)

445 Oh, we will rue the day that ¡Jeb dropped out of the race! Can only imagine what his lead in the polls would be at this stage.

(Okay, I tried typing that with a straight face, couldn't quite make it)

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 01:09 PM (wPiJc)

446 Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (326rv)

Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky.
Ass kicking implies he did any of it on his own accord. 90% of it was pure luck and own goals by this opponents.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist

Speaking like a republican in a republican primary wasn't luck. it was:

1. What you're supposed to do in a republican primary
2. Something the others shit canned early on.

All of the amnesty first, security maybe never, the threat to issue bibles, the shitty spending, all of it had no place there and that's what all of them were doing.

"I'm going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it".

That wasn't luck. If any of those other assholes had done ANYTHING like it, he never would have gained traction.

What we got was what we're getting now; hearing that lead to nothing and nowhere.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:09 PM (326rv)

447 They are after our freedom of speech, and our right to bear arms. and closer than ever to getting it.

Most important election of my lifetime.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (QtQaN)


Those who are depressed are not watching Trump rallies.

There is clearly something different going on right now with The People.

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (Y2G1A)

449 Apparently Pelosi already blaming the Republicans for New Jersey train since they didn't pass the train control bill after that last derailment.

This is the party Ace wants to join? Pelosi and Reid? The fuckers who would pickpocket someone who just got run over in the street.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (2PHKP)

450 Oh, we will rue the day that ˇJeb dropped out of the race! Can only imagine what his lead in the polls would be at this stage.

He isn't known as El Machismo down south of the border for nothing.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (8ZskC)

451 "This party is on the verge of self-destructing."

You says this like it's a bad thing.
It's not.

Let it burn.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (0xzXo)

452 They tell me in church to be in but not of the world. I guess they are right the world doesn't "match" with me any many ways. Not that I am the ideal person. I'm fallen and will never be perfect.

Posted by: USNtakim at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (hMqvx)

453 I don't have to make apologies for my political leanings at parties.

Stop going to those kind of parties

Posted by: DaveA at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (8J/Te)

454 Hillary told us during the debate that she plan to re-educate everyone.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (Om16U)

455 447 Posted by: xnycpeasant at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (QtQaN)



Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (SzZnW)

But it will require a more savvy leader than Trump.

Who will that be?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at September 29, 2016 12:59 PM (Zu3d9)

Trump can make a good spokesman, but the real thinking, the place where the new policies will be sculpted has yet to be determined.

I maintain that it will come primarily from places like this.

We've got the ideas, Ace has the talent to put them into an effective article. From small media pieces giant programs grow.

We have the ability to shape defense policy, foreign relations, domestic policy, energy, everything.

All it takes is a reasoned argument made in the open to gauge reaction. Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it.

From there, the new group of insiders, desperate for new ideas and acceptance, will grab hold and go for it.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (Zs4uk)

457 I'll never become a Democrat, the SJW bullshit was the last straw, I'll join the Communist Party first.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (4e+hS)

458 Bullshit

He beat 16 candidates and hundreds of millions of ads against him. Thousands of political and media operatives against him. World leaders against him.

That ain't luck. That's skill.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:08 PM (GztDi)

Well I think he got lucky in as far as the other 16 idiots did not realize they were cutting their own throats by not coalessing behind one Candidate early on. Pick your poison, I was supporting Cruz then, but any of them, if running alone against Trump "migh" have prevailed.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (zp+j1)

459 Posted by: Decaf at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (8zHLN

Bit tent party!

I have to admit, being partyless for the first time in my young life is pretty fun.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (dzmBR)

460 @448 M. Magoo:
Remember Comrade: it is not important who votes. But who counts the votes is of the highest importance.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (QtQaN)

461 The problem with #BurnItDown is that it's foolish to think you get to choose the form of your destructor.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (kZVsz)

462 The joke in all of this is, Trump is a Democrat.

Maybe, but today's Democrats are Socialists/Communist. So it is not really the point.

And anyone threatening to join the Democratic party is really joining the Socialist party at best.
Posted by: Nevergiveup

That line though of "Trump is a Democrat" is so over used, if Democrats campaigned on those same issues, I guess I'm a Democrat?

I get that Trump has in the past said something "non conservative" in the past, but please tell me the one issue that makes someone irredeemably a Democrat forever?

At the last debate, Trump bragged about being endorsed by the NRA, his plan deregulating businesses, and that his tax cuts were the biggest since Reagan would jump start the economy.
What a left-winger!!!

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (onbPc)

463 435 420 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...
Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

Ace is Prisoner 24601?

By the way, Javert is really a Let It Burn guy, isnt he?
Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:07 PM (Om16U)

Yeah.... its really a horrible comparison...

ValJean actually gets laid in Les Mis...

But I see Javert as the current GOPe... part of the power structure, but wants a damn payoff...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (qf6WZ)

464 457 Posted by: Dr Spank at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (4e+hS)

Comrade, *we* *are* the communist party...

//Barney Zanders

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (SzZnW)

465 This site is a bore.

One note johnnies. One note commenters.

Either the trolls are a bore or Ace goes manic depressive.

I'm going to where the winners are. Too many losers here.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (GztDi)

466 Things neither Hillary nor Donald can stop:

1. Financial Armageddon due to untenable debt.
2. Collapse of SS program
3. Collapse of dollar
4. Massive unemployment due to (see above) and robot workers
5. Increased/ever increasing racial strife as (see above) continues
6. Looming war with China/Russia
7. Likely war in Middle East as Iran gets nukes and Israel says "nope".
8. Likely launching of nukes between Pakistan and India
9. Likely war between China and Japan over disputed territory.
10. Continued attacks by radical Islamic fundies.
Some comments; I'm feeling cynical.

RE: numbers 1, 2, and 3: Who says they can't perpetually keep that ball in the air? The investors are happy, we've got machines that print money and no one seems to care what happens to the man on the street. You know, the peons.

RE: 4 to 10: Internal strife from uneployment, race wars and terrorism mean more government control They want that. As for war, either dirct or by proxy means culling the peons and $$$ for the military industrial complex. They want that.

So really, points 4 through 10 are what Our Betters want. So why would they avoid it? Think "boot on your neck forever." Unfortunately, that is our future.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (tvyXw)

467 Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (zp+j1

Our enemy as conservatives has always been the arrogance of the politicians.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (dzmBR)

468 461
The problem with #BurnItDown is that it's foolish to think you get to choose the form of your destructor.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (kZVsz)

As long as the destructor does a good job, who cares who it is? Just make sure to get it all..

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (2PHKP)

469 Republican Party?

I never get invited to parties.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (6xtq3)

470 Watching the GOP in 2016 is kind of like watching a cocoon as it starts to wiggle. Some major changes are happening, but what will emerge? Will it be a gorgeous multi-colored butterfly, a powerful Luna moth or a puddle of protoplasmic goo that drips down the branches of the tree into a little glob on the ground?

Time will tell.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (wPiJc)

471 Kaepernick is helping.

Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (0/zKO)

472 "441
Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky."


Yes he sure did. Just like socialist regimes somehow get unlucky.

Also, the harder and smarter I work the luckier I get. Weird.

Posted by: Jukin,The Deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (6N+OU)

473 420 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...
Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

Well Valjean wasn't really a revolutionary, he was trying to get Marius out of harm's way for the sake of his adopted daughter Cosette.

Posted by: josephistan at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (7HtZB)

474 That's how a primary is won. Especially in a crowded field.

If the field hadn't been so crowded

if the media hadn't blundered in and become an easy opponent (and provide free air time)

If the party leadership hadn't blundered in.

If one of the leading assholes had tried speaking like a republican

Trump would have flamed out. But he didn't.

People NEED to give credit where credit is due.
A non-politician beats 16 pros, that's not luck.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (ApT0U)

475 Well I think he got lucky in as far as the other 16 idiots did not realize they were cutting their own throats by not coalessing behind one Candidate early on. Pick your poison, I was supporting Cruz then, but any of them, if running alone against Trump "migh" have prevailed.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (zp+j1)

That's not surprising - each of them is too egotistic to bow out. But why didn't any of them pre-empt his message?
Because that's not what their donors want.
The GOP is run by globalists, just like the Dems are.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (Om16U)

476 Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing - You express my thoughts precisely. How could I support someone who declares erroneously that an unborn baby isn't a human child? If he/she refuses to acknowledge a human being's life, why would I allow him/her the power over mine?

Posted by: Callen at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (c24pu)

They tell me in church to be in but not of the
world. I guess they are right the world doesn't "match" with me any many
ways. Not that I am the ideal person. I'm fallen and will never be

Posted by: USNtakim at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (hMqvx)

That's where I am too. This little video sums up where I'm at this election. I posted it on another thread, I think, so if it's a rerun for you I apologize.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (bpfzP)

Those who are depressed are not watching Trump rallies.


Naw, dude.

It's the debates , man. Debates are like everything. Super duper important.

As President John Stewart once said, "He who scores the most public zingers winz and sh1t. "

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (zu88C)

479 Our enemy as conservatives has always been the arrogance of the politicians.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (dzmBR)


Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (zp+j1)

480 Hmm.
Seems that Ace is going full Sean Penn...

Posted by: Big Willie style at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (OVJcF)

481 Posted by: The media Suxs

I'd ask you to blow me but the line seems a bit long.

Posted by: Dr Spank at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (4e+hS)

482 I get that Trump has in the past said something "non conservative" in the past, but please tell me the one issue that makes someone irredeemably a Democrat forever?

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (onbPc)

Ahem: Gun Control (he's back to wanting it)
Single payer (he still wants that too, he just manages to distract from it)
Federal power and the expansion thereof.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (dzmBR)

483 Isn't this exactly that the #nevertrump people are essentially doing? Just beating you to it?

Posted by: Dave at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (2Kysq)

The fact that the only thing the MSM could attack Trump on is Miss Piggy comments 20 years ago tells you how effective he was in the debate

When did Miss Piggy become a horrible slur against women anyway? She is an iconic character beloved by a generation of children and adults alike.You could argue she is one of the first figures that taught girls they didn't have to look like a Barbie doll.

Miss Piggy is full figured and sheknows she looks good
Miss Piggy speaks her mind
Miss Piggy don't take no crap

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (lKyWE)

485 All this pusillanimity.

Concern over the R party overlooks what happens to the D party if Trump wins. In a word or two, they're fucked.

The Ds will have lost the Man vote badly. It's not a good long-term strategy to piss on half the electorate.

The Ds will have lost the white working class vote badly. It's not a good long-term strategy to piss on half the electorate.

The Ds will have alienated the Youth vote. Not a good long-term strategy. Especially when you have no bench.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (r1fLd)

486 So Ace is moving to France?

Posted by: Butters at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (0x/TW)

487 Republican Party?

I never get invited to parties.

I believe that you folks refer to them as "hootenannies."

Posted by: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (8ZskC)


This IS the blog of winners.

Isnt it?

Arent we?

Or are we blog of weiners?


Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (Y2G1A)

489 Ace is depressed from watching Morning Joe and seeing a few polls that show Trump down a few points.

If he read his own blog in the morning, he would have seen my comment posting the methodology of Emerson College (twice). After reading that, nobody with any sense would put a great deal of stock in these polls.

The country wants change. Who the fuck are they going to vote for? Hillary?

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (Zs4uk)

490 Politicians want their cushy, low-to-no work political jobs-

and they must win elections to keep them.


Pretty sure Mr. Soros is currently pefecting "voter fraud technology" as we speak, making eleations moot.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (tvyXw)

491 Like I said ...

... some people will endure ANYTHING to keep the shelves stocked and the power on.

Not me. No way.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (RKJF2)

492 >>>Herein lies the problem though, Trump got lucky

Uh, no. He was the only one (apart, to some extent, from Cruz) who was articulating the concerns of the Republican masses.

The other candidates were articulating the concerns of the donors.

Others could have been successful. They just needed to become the voice of the voters. They chose not to.

Consider Glenn Beck. Back when he was an instrument reflecting the concerns of the American people, he could summon three-quarters of a million people to show up on the Washington Mall for a rally.

Now? Maybe a few dozen in a small banquet room.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 01:15 PM (fgOnp)

493 Things neither Hillary nor Donald can stop:

We went past the go-no go line in 2012, I think. The best that can be done is to lessen the impact...but the impact is coming regardless of whomever is driving the bus at this point.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (eytER)

494 "Ace says:

"This party is on the verge of self-destructing."

Whaaaaaaat? "Verge"? It doesn't even exist anymore. Already self-destructed. Finito. Gone.
Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 12:30 PM (jBuUi)"


Zombie is right, the GOPe media members who are depressing Ace are just being coy and want a little wooing from Dems. They don't want to appear easy and cheap.

Posted by: Decaf at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (8zHLN)

495 Ahem: Gun Control (he's back to wanting it)
Single payer (he still wants that too, he just manages to distract from it)
Federal power and the expansion thereof.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist

Trump has been the most pro-2nd Amendment Presidential candidate I have seen in my life time.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (onbPc)

496 Posted by: Blanco

I don't believe we've been introduced.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (YEelc)

Ace's Weiner Blog

A blog about Weiner Dogs.

All Weiner dogs, all the time.

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (Y2G1A)

We thought that about obamacare. We were wrong.

To be fair, obamacare hasn't played out yet. You don't yet take your health rationing card to a state-employed, unionized, affirmative-action healthcare professional designated by your local medical district to receive your "free" diphtheria drugs.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (oGNNA)

499 476 Posted by: Callen at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (c24pu)

The GOP has funded the last 6 years of abortions. Not me. The nice thing about my "being out of power" is I get what I want anyway.

//Nancy Pelosi

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (SzZnW)

500 Bullshit

He beat 16 candidates and hundreds of millions of ads against him. Thousands of political and media operatives against him. World leaders against him.

That ain't luck. That's skill.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:08 PM (GztDi)

Well I think he got lucky in as far as the other 16 idiots did not realize they were cutting their own throats by not coalessing behind one Candidate early on. Pick your poison, I was supporting Cruz then, but any of them, if running alone against Trump "migh" have prevailed.
Posted by: Nevergiveup

Luck definitely was a factor.

Enemies making a shit ton of mistakes is luck. Taking advantage of them is media savvy, which is a skill.

Your own leadership calling you out and you only is luck (and a gift from the political heavens in an outsider year).
Teeing off on it was skill.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (326rv)

501 Lizzy was probably some broad a time traveling Kirk had to shove into traffic or Hillary would eventually become President and start a global nuclear war.

Posted by: x at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (jHP/z)

502 What a stupid time to be alive.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (RFeQD)

503 449 Apparently Pelosi already blaming the Republicans for New Jersey train since they didn't pass the train control bill after that last derailment.

This is the party Ace wants to join? Pelosi and Reid? The fuckers who would pickpocket someone who just got run over in the street.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:10 PM (2PHKP)

I lost a friend over the Amtrak crash in 2015. That person, a NY resident, posted some claptrap about how a Republican spending bill had guaranteed that Amtrak couldn't keep its trains safe. I responded with an article from the Federalist about "government spending theodicy"- the idea that all problems can be explained by the lack of government money to anticipate or fix them. She replied that she wouldn't allow that kind of "offensive language" in her TL.

That's the left for you.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at September 29, 2016 01:17 PM (kZVsz)

504 Trump is not my guy, but he is hated by my three biggest enemies- Reps, Dems, and Media. I also hate the British and the Russians. But you work with what you got to take out Hitler.

Posted by: Big Ben at September 29, 2016 01:17 PM (TTVQ4)

505 I'm a life long conservative Republican and the ONLY way at all to save this party is if Trump loses. Then we can untie against stopping Hillary. This party will never, ever reunite if Trump wins. I've already stopped listening to talk radio and stopped going to half the websites I used to. I'll never again watch Fox News or listen to Rush or Hannity if Trump wins.

I discovered he was manipulative poser:

[x] on line 1
[ ] on line 2 or 3
[ ] on line 4 to 7
[ ] not a manipulative poser.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 01:17 PM (VdICR)

506 Here's my question - if Hillary does win, through pretty obvious fraud, do you guys think teh Trum supporters, being nice law-abiding citizens, ar ejust going to stay home and drown their sorrows in Valu-Rite?

I mean, they might, that's what our side has aways done, but I can't tell if that's what happens now too.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:17 PM (Om16U)

507 483 Posted by: Dave at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (2Kysq)


Of course, I mean it.

Recall the media pretends that democrats are like Tinkerbell they are not flying because we are not clapping hard enough.

Well if NRO thinks *they* can clap why can't I?

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (SzZnW)

508 What a stupid time to be alive.
Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at September 29, 2016 01:16 PM (RFeQD)

Beats the alternative?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (zp+j1)

509 "Bullshit

He beat 16 candidates and hundreds of millions of ads against him. Thousands of political and media operatives against him. World leaders against him.

That ain't luck. That's skill. "

Makes me sad that you believe this, because I'm sure you do.

He got an estimated $2 billion worth of free advertisement on mostly liberal, terrestrial broadcast networks. You know, the kind that actually reach people. And he got this because the liberals that run those networks and their fellow travelers (and sometimes just straight up spouses) in the Democratic Party told them to, because they knew he was the worst possible candidate.

What burned most of the "conservative" media for me was that they followed right along, hook line and sinker.

None of that free airtime was a gift. They were just giving him enough rope. And now at the debates they'll bait him into enough soundbites for a million election season ads that will target those same LIVs reached by terrestrial broadcast networks, and they'll turn him back into a clown, and he'll be lucky if he manages to pull through.

All this talk about GOPe elites and #NeverTrumpers supporting Hillary is laughable. You're talking a maximum of a couple of thousand votes in a sea of 100+ million. Even if we stipulate that every #NeverTrumper is in fact a secret Hillary supporter, so what? That's less than the proverbial drop in the bucket. It's nothing.

Where he's failed over and over is coming across as a knowledgable, temperamental, rational, adult. If he did that 80% of the time and got heated or animated 20% of the time, most people could let it slide. Instead, it's something like 20-80 the other way.

Posted by: trendingdown at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (C0NKJ)

510 I take solace in the belief Cruz will make an excellent leader for the exiled American government once Hillary's Muslim Brotherhood buddies establish the caliphate in Minneapolis or Dearborn.

Posted by: centralscrutinizer at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (vI+F1)

511 I mean, they might, that's what our side has aways done, but I can't tell if that's what happens now too.
Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:17 PM (Om16U)

When the celebration riot meets the losing riot the fun begins!

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (dzmBR)

512 Ace, you are sounding deplorable. Ha.

Hope your migraine gets better soon. Don't let these pantywaist twit gnat farhts like Bill Kristol and others get you down. We all see through their transparent tantrum.

And, yes. They are idiots, thinking 2020 will offer something magical. Their principles are blinding the rest of us don't have principles, too, and if they say this enough we will feel guilty or something. I have principles. I am also a realist and want to beat Hilz the Haggard Harridan and her rapist husband out of my life forever. In doing this we will be more secure (after she has, almost single-handedly, given power to Isis and demolished the stability of the ME), someone may attempt to balance the budget, and, hey! maybe pass a budget since W was in office. Strengthen the military, yeah, baby, I like that one. And build the dang wall and enforce the immigration laws on the freaking books already. (Sen Cruz and Sen Sessions are grilling the hell out of DHS this week on allowing undocumented Syrians into the country. Unvetted 40 yr old males claiming to be 17 in HS with your daughter...oh, yeah, that 2020 magical year is going to bring change.

Wake up and vote Trump/Pence 2016. This time your life or someone you know depends on kicking the Obarky rule out of DC. Stop yer whining and vote!

One twitter I follow now is the great actor, James Woods. Down to earth and cheers me up. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:18 PM (Cx8BK)

513 I see Ace keeps some pretty questionable company. No wonder he swings in attitude like a manic depressive - hanging with people like that will do that to ya.

I don't hate Trump, some things I love about him, some things I cringe over. But he's my weapon - blustering, orange, awkward battle axe. He's my only legal weapon to keep Spill out of office. I'm voting to do the job that the FBI, DOJ and President won't. If a better candidate had run and won, I'd have voted from him/her. Hell, if Jeb had won, I'd have voted for him to keep Spill out. She's THAT BAD.

NeverTrumpers (at least the "honest" ones, not the shills) truly do not understand the gravity of Spill taking office. Chalk that up to echo chambers and the biased media. They feel the breeze of the tornado down the street but don't think it will hit their house. Even Spill's supporters know she's guilty as sin, but will brainlessly vote for her anyway because, and I quote, "Bu...bu....bu....but Trump COULD do what she's already done." Sure thing v. known risk and they are going known risk. Yeah, think about that for a second.

That's why I give no credibility to the "college educated". Have you seen what college is these days? Safe spaces and witch trials. That term "college educated" is just a virtue signal now. Being "highly educated" myself (doctorate), that doesn't automatically translate into "common sense" or constructive critical thinking. I'd rather trust the opinion of a coal miner that can smell bullshit a mile away rather than one of a "scholar" that can tell me how to run my life but can't figure out how to plug in his electric razor.

Posted by: SaltyDonnie at September 29, 2016 01:19 PM (i6shs)

514 Once Trump is out of the way, the GOP can go back to providing competent representation and advocacy for its members in the grand tradition that all of you have come to know and expect.

Posted by: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell at September 29, 2016 01:19 PM (8ZskC)

515 WTF, is it April 1? the only reason to switch to DEMs is some sort of seizure.

Posted by: Albert Horton at September 29, 2016 01:19 PM (OJnd5)

516 Concern over the R party overlooks what happens to the D party if Trump wins. In a word or two, they're fucked.

I think if Trump wins both parties as they are now are pretty much fucked. The electorate is attempting a realignment, first party to recognize the new alignment wins.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at September 29, 2016 01:19 PM (YEelc)

517 >>>Ace is depressed from watching Morning Joe and seeing a few polls that show Trump down a few points.

We told him in August they were goosing the polls to try to give Hillary a kick-start. Then Ace seemed surprised when Trump moved to catch up with Hillary in the polls in September.

Of course they're going to give her a little boost now. It's not something to resign oneself in defeat over.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (fgOnp)

518 Only by tripling down on the milquetoast GOPe positions can the country be saved!

Good luck with that.

IT'S OVER. For God's fucking sake, it's fucking over. The quicker you recognize it, the better off you'll be.

Take off your bow tie already.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (4ErVI)

519 GOP isn't even a worthy opposition party anymore.

Goodbye internet
Goodbye dollar
Goodbye security

Adios bitches

Posted by: Floyd Winston at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (OCUhH)

520 Ace, thanks for your thoughtful reply. I do believe politics is important. I just want to keep it in perspective. It is the art of wielding power. It is a poor vehicle for inculcating virtue and values.

At this point I believe that people of honor and good will are now in hand to hand combat with those who wish to enslave us.

Posted by: ObjectionSustained at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (nnUUK)


Heh. You dumb dishonest shit.

Who sent you here, you phony?

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (Y2G1A)

522 Ahem: Gun Control (he's back to wanting it)
Single payer (he still wants that too, he just manages to distract from it)
Federal power and the expansion thereof.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:14 PM (dzmBR)

Shillary's track record on this, vs. Trump's, is undeniable.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face and all that.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (ujg0T)

523 @490
As to voter fraud, its a layered approach IMO.

Basically you have many on visas and with green cards who lack the legal right to vote, but who are allowed to vote by laws preventing voter ID or citizenship questions.

Then you have the strata of illegals, who vote, often more than once.

Then you have active, big city voter fraud (which I've seen with my own eyes as a former Poll Watcher in NYC in the Guiliani elections).

Then you have State level shenanigans with absentee ballots and R voter registrations going to wrong addresses or not sent etc.

And they are expanding the motor voting to aid all of the above.

And they've pushed "early voting" as a "civil rights" issue to the point that it favors pure name recognition (hello institutional candidates and MSM) and mitigates the effects of actual debates and Wikileaks revelations in real time.

So you don't need a magic hurricane machine, just a disciplined multi-layered approach and you get an automatic 5% or greater edge from the get go.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (QtQaN)

524 Ace's Weiner Blog

A blog about Weiner Dogs.

All Weiner dogs, all the time.


A weiner dog is a type of corgi.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (wPiJc)

525 //

Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (0/zKO)

526 Posted by: Blanco Basura at September 29, 2016 01:19 PM (YEelc

The dems get 4 years of running against Trump, and frankly they're better at turning obstruction into a net positive than the GOP.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (dzmBR)

527 Ace; You're already a member of the Democratic party, it's just the adjunct version tasked with providing a foil for the Dems. I never hear this articulated, but look at it this way: The Dems were getting checks in the millions of dollars range, while the Repubs were not. Some staffer somewhere asks his boss (Boehner, McConnell?) "Hey, why don't we go to those same guys and ask for big checks too? What do we have to lose?" In total, there are probably 50-100 names on the list of those that would write a check that big, and they're all Dems (Soros, Steyer, etc). Surprisingly, these "whales" said yes, with one condition; they still want the open borders/cheap labor/progressive agenda. So that's where we got the GOPe. I always imagine a new Senator or HOR member arriving in Washington and being immediately met by leadership, who tells the newbe how it's going to be. The GOP makes a token effort at resisting the Dems, but in the end will capitulate. In return for this treason, money will flow for reelection campaigns.

Posted by: KK at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (bW9jK)

528 Well I think he got lucky in as far as the other 16 idiots did not realize they were cutting their own throats by not coalessing behind one Candidate early on. Pick your poison, I was supporting Cruz then, but any of them, if running alone against Trump "migh" have prevailed.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:11 PM (zp+j1)

That's because the GOPe thought they were going to smother a conservative insurgency.

They wanted to atomize conservative support as they did with Romney previously. (These people are not that smart. They always fall back on what worked before.)

And if Trump weren't in there saying the "unsayable", it probably would've worked.

Up till the end these GOPe geniuses still thought the battle was to deny Cruz the run, when Cruz had already lost due to a poor and un-agile campaign plan.

They thought Kasich or some such asshole .would knock off the "unthinkable Trump".

Hey maybe Jeb! could get back into this thing at the convention.

Trump wasn't lucky. He changed with the circumstances and maneuvered his way to the win.

Everyone else of the 16 - stuck with their previous plan and lost.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (0cMkb)

529 People NEED to give credit where credit is due.
A non-politician beats 16 pros, that's not luck.
Posted by: rickb223

It's easier to believe that voters are stupid and that a SMART man was defeated by witchcraft.

Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (326rv)

530 Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at September 29, 2016 01:13 PM (tvyXw)

1-3 will kill us, because the government economists no longer understand the difference between Wealth, and Money.

Wealth is stuff... its making things... Money is the way we keep score of who gets that stuff...

They are constantly devaluing the 'wealth' of money earned in the past... and making it harder through regulation to make stuff here...

They have printed Trillions of dollars... without any backing beyond their word its worth stuff...

With a trade deficit of over $500 Billion per year... its unsustainable unless others start buying OUR stuff... or we have the ability to grow more wealth at a rate greater than $500 billion per year... to make up for the money we export to them (which they can then use to buy stuff)...

Neither of which is going to happen without drastic change...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (qf6WZ)

531 Okay, I have reread Ace's post, and focused on his rage against a party that has sold out and is not so subtly abetting the victory of the ostensible opposition party.

So Uniparty, nationally.
This is what I see too.
Having said that, I am enthusiastically voting for Trump.
Because he is not part of Uniparty.
Easy choice.

I see Trump as a type of old school John Kennedy type Democrat. Very Pro America.

I see the decline of America in that it may be all we can do to get a traditional type Democrat elected.
God help us all.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (d6TTt)

532 I should have stayed on the art thread.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (bpfzP)

533 grease up that back end,
Join me, ace!

Posted by: andi sullivan at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (LdMbv)

534 If you're getting this pissed off and depressed by politics, you might want to consider inhaling less of it.

Volunteer. Create. Get to know your next-door neighbors and start caring about them.

You're gonna need each other soon.

Posted by: Grisle McThornbody at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (lvNsd)

535 I tried to think about it last night but quit when it became too depressing to visualize.

What does Hillary's Presidency look like for America?

I shudder to imagine.

I got as far as:

1. Continuing racial strife as she continues cultivating the victim class and their right to break the law if they feel like it.
2. Continuing SJW class warfare.
3. Full on attack from every previously inconceivable angle against 2nd Amend.

I decided to think about puppies and bass fishing after those three.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (2PHKP)

536 Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM (ujg0T)

Once we choose to have a throwdown between Hillary and Trump it became apparent to me we're in the final pages of MacIntyre's After Virtue.

Brace yourself, whoever wins we lose, it's just a matter of how soon and in what way.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (dzmBR)

537 The magic that Reagan worked was convincing people that Conservative and Republican were traditional Patriotic Nationalism. Between 1988 and 2016 the Republicans and Conservatives kind of forgot about the Patriotic Nationalist part.

Trump picked up the Patriotic Nationalist part and has been running with it, and doing quite well with it.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (hLRSq)

538 Re: the ignorant NYT writer in the sidebar... I wonder if Linda Greenhouse would mind if I assumed her identity and took out a bunch of credit cards in her name. I mean, who needs to prove they are who they say they are?

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (+FSld)

539 And we are far beyond simple deployment of a well structured syllogism or snappy slogans.

Posted by: ObjectionSustained at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (nnUUK)

540 If this Hoboken train is terrorism the Obama administration will definitely cover it up until at least the election, probably forever.

Posted by: bjk at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (x2rNW)

541 448
Those who are depressed are not watching Trump rallies.
There is clearly something different going on right now with The People.

Whenever I start getting too down on things, I'll watch one. Yesterday's was a good 'un.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (WlGX+)

542 So are we're still on a depression spiral...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (O2RFr)

543 I will gladly give you lip-service in 2024 for eight years of slavery starting today.

Posted by: Wimpy, GOP Strategist at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (jBuUi)

544 A weiner dog is a type of corgi.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 01:20 PM

So...not a type of weasel, then?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (bzd8I)

545 "This party is on the verge of self-destructing."

Whaaaaaaat? "Verge"? It doesn't even exist anymore. Already self-destructed. Finito. Gone.

Posted by: zombie


Zombie is right, the GOPe media members who are depressing Ace are
just being coy and want a little wooing from Dems. They don't want to
appear easy and cheap.

Posted by: Decaf


So much brillance and clarity.

I just stand back and admire.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (zu88C)

546 Maybe Ace should GO to a Trump rally.

When he doesn't have a migraine, of course.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (Om16U)

547 540 If this Hoboken train is terrorism the Obama administration will definitely cover it up until at least the election, probably forever.

Pelosi already blamed Republicans.

They'll blame Trump as soon as they figure out an angle.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (WlGX+)

btw, I better not hear "hillary will be easy to beat in 2020" from ANYONE

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (Y2G1A)

549 You are thinking about this all wrong, Ace. The other side does not give a f*ck about its army, just as the GOP does not give a f*ck about its army. You are thinking in terms of left and right, when you should be thinking in terms of Elites (democraps and repukicans) and everyone else suffering underneath them. It is the 99% on BOTH sides against the 1% on both sides. The problem is, the 99% on both sides will never get their shit together to cooperate and fight back before it is too late. It is already too late, I believe. And that is why I feel like crap today. No migraine needed.

Posted by: Tired Mom at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (q9y5Q)

550 Posted by: AlaBAMA at September 29, 2016 01:22 PM (2PHKP

Hillary isn't Bill. In fact I often wonder if she was pushing the more amicable Bill to get her higher on the ladder.
So unlike Bill, she's going to go digging for her VRWC to dismantle it.
The fact that it doesn't actually exist does not mitigate the damage she'll do in the search.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (dzmBR)

551 The joke in all of this is, Trump is a Democrat.

Maybe, but today's Democrats are Socialists/Communist. So it is not really the point.

And anyone threatening to join the Democratic party is really joining the Socialist party at best.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:06 PM (zp+j1)

Exactly. That is how far left the nation has moved, even if some is only perception.

But Trump was for a government healthcare/public option (now he changed his tune a bit; cross state line competition). He was pro-choice. He talked about "big projects" (like building the Dam!, but mostly infrastructure, roads and bridges - which is fine, but costly). He's pro-gay marriage. He's pro gender neutral bathrooms. Etc. So you can't say he's a conservative. He's not. He is both, but mostly rooted in the old Democrat Party.

He is pro-American. Pro-workers. Pro-miners.

Someone said (I think it was that Luntz character on tv) that if Trump just ran on reducing government spending and waste, particularly waste, he'd win. I don't know if that would do it, but the "wall" is what set fire to his campaign. Open borders ties into economics, national security, drugs, and jobs.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (qCMvj)

552 I don't know. Yes, I am capable of saying that I don't know things, as the Universe reminds me of painfully when I do not.

We were crowing about the permanent Republican majority in 2004. You see how that worked out. I am old enough to remember 1994 and the Republicans winning a majority in Congress for the first time in forever. Nothing is more permanent than change.

But. There's the but. But there does seem to be a strong sense of the right of what conceives of itself as the technocracy to rule. It's part of the Science, Bitches mindset. We are theoreticians and we are trained in this theory and we know best so we deserve to make these decisions. Which, okay, fine, would be more persuasive if said theoreticians applied the lessons of what happens when reality interacts with theory. They do not. How smart are you, really, if you refuse to use basic scientific methodology to refine your theory?

Look, I've been one of those super annoying there is no Constitutional requirement of two parties (yes, yes, I know first past the post makes it a practical requirement) for years. So, yes, the destruction of the Republican party is a matter of a shrug to me. That being said, I am a cockeyed optimist enough to still think that I am a citizen, not a subject, and my voice shall be heard. The currently most efficient way to do that is through the existing parties. So maybe I should care about that destruction if I want to have my voice matter as it should.

Speaking of not learning from theory interacting with reality.

I despair. I despair.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (mf5HN)

553 So are we're still on a depression spiral...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:23 PM (O2RFr)

Fortunately I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in a couple hours. Perfect timing.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (bpfzP)

554 Ace, is this just you trying to get bought out by Salem?

Posted by: Billy Dale at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (x4zgf)

555 Oy...we need a Braveheart type moment to rally the troops. Ace, for migraines, Excedrin and any carbonated drink always does the trick for me.

Posted by: IC at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (a0IVu)

556 540 If this Hoboken train is terrorism the Obama administration will definitely cover it up until at least the election, probably forever.

Of course they would, but from what I've read it had something to do with the "driver" ... a medical problem

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (O2RFr)

557 Cruz and Firoina and the like are butt hurt selfish fools... if they really were concerned about the country they would swallow their pride and actively campaign for trump, or at least against hillz.... they are articulate speakers and can make a difference if they would try ....

Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (c+7Ko)

558 Ace's Weiner Blog

A blog about Weiner Dogs.

All Weiner dogs, all the time.


We're on this.

Posted by: ICANN at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (zu88C)

We told him in August they were goosing the polls to try to give Hillary a kick-start. Then Ace seemed surprised when Trump moved to catch up with Hillary in the polls in September.


After all the talk here, I girded my loins and tiptoed over to RCP to look at those polls. wtf? I was expecting disaster. No such freaking thing.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (oGNNA)


obama's FBI agents are a type of weasel

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (Y2G1A)

561 542 So are we're still on a depression spiral...
Posted by: deplorable donna

I'm depressed that you're depressed that Ace is depressed about everyone being depressed.

It's a perfect Escher Staircase of self-supporting downward-spiral misery!

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (jBuUi)

562 He got an estimated $2 billion worth of free advertisement on mostly liberal, terrestrial broadcast networks. You know, the kind that actually reach people. And he got this because the liberals that run those networks and their fellow travelers (and sometimes just straight up spouses) in the Democratic Party told them to, because they knew he was the worst possible candidate.

Did you object when John McCain did the same thing? The media *loved* him, as long as he was a tool against W Bush. Once the Commiecrat nominee appeared, McCain learned he really didn't have media pals after all.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (ujg0T)

563 Just in time for Obama's turnover of the internet to the UN:

A new internet.

I actually figured that this was coming eventually. Too much social justice superhero BS on this old dirty one.

Posted by: Mr Macca Bean (Make deplorable adorable again!) at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (4ng05)

564 So you don't need a magic hurricane machine, just a disciplined multi-layered approach and you get an automatic 5% or greater edge from the get go.

That's why, despite the fact that the polls are often cooked and skewed... I believe they are likely fairly accurate.

Not because they are telling the truth, but because they are showing the likely final results after fraud. That thumb on the scale in polls is a rough approximation of the effect voter fraud will have in the final results.

Look we've already seen what Hillary is willing to do to win in the primaries. She was absolutely shameless, the DNC was totally willing to cheat, lie, and destroy votes just to get the results they wanted. Just ask a Bernie voter about fraud and you'll get an hour-long lecture.

The only way Trump can win is to overwhelm that by so much the fraud won't matter. And then hope no further shenanigans result.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (39g3+)

565 I'm back to where I was at the beginning of the year: for the first time since I became of voting age, I'm going to sit this one out. I can't vote Republican because they have beclowned themselves so massively. Hell will freeze over before I vote for Cankles and her bottomless greed for money and power, and screw the country. The Libertarians, who usually put up intelligent, reasonable candidates, have managed to put up a flaming idiot this time. And to repeat myself, Hell will freeze over before I vote for a Greenie moron. About the only thing that will get me out of the house on election day is adding my bit to try and vote Brad Ashford out of office.

Posted by: Deplorable lady with a deplorable basket of deplorable cats at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (aQ3UV)

566 547 540 If this Hoboken train is terrorism the Obama administration will definitely cover it up until at least the election, probably forever.

Pelosi already blamed Republicans.

They'll blame Trump as soon as they figure out an angle.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat?

Well, we can't blame Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder...

Posted by: Countrysquire at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (eEBON)

567 "So are we're still on a depression spiral... "

Not I. Some days I have a four hour Schadenboner.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (r1fLd)

568 I went to a Trump rally. First Niagara Center, Buffalo.

It was on a weeknight and I had to work in the morning, but I couldn't pass it up. If he manages to win, I believe his unorthodox campaigning style with the rallies will make the history books. I wanted to be able to say I attended one.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (WlGX+)

423 Milo had to cancel in Florida today because of a "credible threat" per Breitbart


It's clear these people are literally ready for -- if not already engaged in -- a hot war.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (oGNNA)

570 If the GOP won't even try to be an opposition party

Bullets are the only other option to stop these collectivists

Posted by: Floyd Winston at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (OCUhH)

571 I no longer visit NRO, don't watch or (pay for) Fox News, don't read any of the #NTers. Admittedly, this is no great sacrifice, but increasingly the Fox News/Paul Ryan/AEI wing of the party is nothing but draft-dodging generals without an army.

Posted by: bjk at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (x2rNW)

572 On the Monday before the election, either Hillary or Trump will do something insane and it will swing the electorate one way or the other, determining the outcome of the election.

Everything up until that moment is a waste of time, endless nattering about nothing.

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (jBuUi)

573 There is one sure way for Trump to be elected...

Wait until there is only 2 weeks to the election then announce a major new program. I like the 500 identical nuke plants spread across the country for (almost) free electrical power for citizens and industry.

It has all the features to capture the imagination of the country and falls just as easily into the defense realm of diversified power grid as it does the "free shit" society the democrats built. Something for everyone.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (Zs4uk)

574 Someone said (I think it was that Luntz character on tv) that if Trump just ran on reducing government spending and waste, particularly waste, he'd win. I don't know if that would do it, but the "wall" is what set fire to his campaign. Open borders ties into economics, national security, drugs, and jobs.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette

I don't really buy that, as much as I want to see smaller government, I don't think it sells much beyond wonky types that are already voting R.

But immigration and trade? I think that resonates with a much larger audience.

I really don't even think we can "cut" enough to really make a difference, some sort of default is inevitable.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (onbPc)

575 570

I'd back off on that kind of talk...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (O2RFr)

576 ...also Ace, recommend you get a good workout in. A strenuous one. It can help with the depression

Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (c+7Ko)

577 Prediction:

Comey's defense of the Clinton email get out of jail free evolution will go down in history as rivaling the famous, "I did not have sex with that woman," statement.

A Clintonian twofer.

Posted by: Mr Macca Bean (Make deplorable adorable again!) at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (4ng05)

578 If one is not voting for Trump, doesn't one kind of forfeit the right to label themselves a Deplorable?

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at September 29, 2016 01:28 PM (WlGX+)

579 Ace, there are a lot of Republicans like me who don't resent that "other people had their say" in nominating a candidate. I understand the sentiment is present, but it's probably more nuanced than you're implying. No, what I take exception with vis-a-vis the GOP is the fact that, through sheer incompetence, it allowed itself to be hijacked by a) someone who is not a Republican and b) someone we don't really understand. On top of this, prominent Republicans are now jumping ship and announcing their support for Clinton, presumably trying to curry favor with someone they believe will grant them a place at the table when the time comes, which we know won't happen. Finally, people like me are looking at the GOP and concluding that the party believes it can continue winning elections without our votes, thus sending a message that regardless of what we do, they have no intention of representing our interests.

I think a lot of people began having serious doubts about the GOP when it failed to unseat Obama in '12, but the propagandists played their part and we were running a candidate who placed more emphasis on likeability rather than winning. We find once again the same leftists in the media manipulated the outcome of the Republican nomination by means of giving Trump undue attention during the primaries, and once again the GOP passively observed history repeating itself and didn't lift a finger to fight it. If you look at this way, it's no mystery that those of us who are counted among the core constituencies of the Republican party are struggling to find a reason to support a candidate that we effectively allowed our opponents to choose.

What's sorely lacking on this side of the spectrum is leadership. We had Reagan in the 80s and Gingrich in the 90s who successfully united the party and made it capable governing force. We've had a vacuum for several years, and the democrats have successfully exploited that weakness by transforming the executive into something that may be beyond reformation - I don't know. We don't have to speculate what a Clinton presidency will look like - she will simply build on the success Obama achieved in undermining the separation of powers and the rule of law. Should Trump win, it's possible he might have some kind of epiphany and go the other direction, but it doesn't seem likely based on what we know.

In any case, our whole system of governance was based on political power shifting back and forth between two parties with fundamentally different ideas about how to lead. Now, we live in a one party state dominated by people who place greater emphasis on power and wealth as opposed to principle and leadership, and the chasm that exists between the governors and the governed is rapidly filling up with the stuff race riots and a Trump nomination are made of. I may be overly cynical, but it's hard to imagine that this chaos isn't part of the political calculus - and I'm afraid it's going to get out of control.

Posted by: Sirius the Canine Pundit at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (LBO1U)

580 Haha. Suuuure you will.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (+aCe4)

Now, now. There's always a demand for experienced glory hole operators.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (o9m/V)

581 Also, any voter who hates Trump without ever having interacted with him is an idiot.

Hillary is an actual criminal.
She has done actual harm to our country and numerous other countries (see Haiti).

In the face of that you just can't bring yourself to vote for someone else? Idiot.

There it is. Sorry about your idiocy, it's probably idiopathic.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (Om16U)

582 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

You don't wish to take to the barricades, dearest one? Alors! Then we shall stay here together, my love, and sing and dance! Together forever! Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la!

Posted by: Lena Dunham In Her First Musical Role at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (OGbEB)

583 Of course they would, but from what I've read it had something to do with the "driver" ... a medical problem
Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (O2RFr)

where did you read that?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (zp+j1)

584 Does David Brock get "migranes" too?

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (SeD0w)

585 "He got an estimated $2 billion worth of free advertisement on mostly liberal, terrestrial broadcast networks. You know, the kind that actually reach people. And he got this because the liberals that run those networks and their fellow travelers (and sometimes just straight up spouses) in the Democratic Party told them to, because they knew he was the worst possible candidate."

He got that airtime because he was a known entity, that was always entertaining, and he would show up or call up and talk to anyone. He took a lot of risk being unscripted all the time, but it worked for him.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (hLRSq)

586 Our party has ended!

We shall burn ourselves, like the Whigs of old.

Bring me wood and oil!

Posted by: Denethor, Steward of the GOP at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (XIXhw)

587 where did you read that?

One of the British papers..

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (O2RFr)

588 I think that the republicans, the sensible ones, are right. It is a smart play to have four or eight years of my presidency. Of course that will show the people to vote for their version of government.

Pro Tip: Ain't going to be any elections anymore.

Posted by: Hillary Clintoris at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (6N+OU)

589 Well, I don't think the Democrats would have me after all these years, so switching sides isn't an option for this old gal.

Posted by: ALH at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (uLuPn)

590 Me ? I'm just thankful that all the masks are finally dropping. Because I got really tired of being told how the GOP was looking out for me ... when I could friggin' see there wasn't THAT much daylight between McConnell and Reid. Between Boehner and Pelosi.

I've said time and time again ... my biggest fear has always been that the powers that be keep this shit up until I'm too old. Not going to happen.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (RKJF2)

591 Apropos of the above, I am greatly looking forward to my BJJ class this evening, the wife, the kids and the dog.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at September 29, 2016 01:30 PM (QtQaN)

592 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:24 PM (mf5HN

I was once asked by a colleague how I planned on fighting back against liberal bioethics. "I don't," I said, "I intend on getting them to fight each other."

The same thing is possible here on a much grander scale if one plays their cards right we might achieve destruction of both parties.
Assume, for argument, Trump loses (if Trump wins, obviously the entire outcome is different, but right now I'll play the polls and odds.)

Democrats will have won an impressive 3 elections in a row, twice with wounded and damaged candidates. Given the GOP's constant surrender, their victory at this point is more or less total.
But their collation its highly volatile, in that the only glue that holds it together is "Against GOP" as long as there is no more GOP to be against you can start picking at the various seams to unravel the party.

Pit big business against the unions, for example.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (dzmBR)

593 ACE--Please do no allow others to decide what your principles are, what YOU hold dear. Whenever we allow others to browbeat us into accepting their guiding lights as our own, we have failed, not just ourselves, but our very souls. WE can see plainly the goal of globalism, and we know who is leading the way. It is neither conservatives, nor liberals, nor Republicans, nor Democrats-- It IS the ELITE. It is THEY who would mold us into THEIR proletariat, their vassals, their peons, their serfs.
See this for what it is. It is a metamorphosis occurring before our very eyes-- Morphing into what?--into the elites--and those below them--us.

Posted by: rld77 WAY down south at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (VzCZ2)

594 I will not join nor endorse either party - independent. Both are hell bent on power and money and with very few exceptions have been playing the American people as pawns to be played with, lied to, and mocked.

If this election has done nothing else, it has shown us that we are the enemy to the elite and they don't fucking care.

Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (oiNtH)

595 583 Of course they would, but from what I've read it had something to do with the "driver" ... a medical problem
Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (O2RFr)

where did you read that?
Posted by: Nevergiveup

Driver was seen "slumped over the controls."

Don't know if that was the result of a heart attack or whatever, or as a result of the crash itself.

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (jBuUi)

596 fter all the talk here, I girded my loins and tiptoed over to RCP to look at those polls. wtf? I was expecting disaster. No such freaking thing.
Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky

Honestly, the polls look fine.

if you told me this is where we would be after Trump got the nom I never would have believed it.

And I still contend Trump will outperform the polls.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (onbPc)

597 The GOPe was over upon the Corker bill vote. Sen. Cotton was the only survivor.

The party's over.

Posted by: GBruno at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (2Jfab)

598 "Heh. You dumb dishonest shit.

Who sent you here, you phony?"

Like I said, I'm not happy about it, and honestly I live in a state where I could vote for Porky Pig and it wouldn't matter, but I'll probably pull the lever for this idiot.

But people like you shouldn't be surprised on Nov. 9th.

I was 100% sure Romney was going to win - and I bought all that "correcting the polls" bullshit so many people were peddling. I gobbled it up because it supported my belief.

I'm not going to do that again.

Posted by: trendingdown at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (C0NKJ)

599 560 obama's FBI agents are a type of weasel

Posted by: M Magoo's at September 29, 2016 01:25 PM (Y2G1A)
are not!

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (6xtq3)

600 May you live in interesting times. Or so cursed the Chinese. Well, we've got them.

I think it helps to take a step back and look, fundamentally, at the core ideology here. We are talking good versus evil. One party wants to control you. Sadly, the GOP has joined them. The other side, that of individual liberty and responsibility, appears to be without a home.

And that's true worldwide. We fought WWII on this issue; we fought the cold war as well.

Now we as America have finally succumbed to the same forces. We have lost (for the time) to our own quislings.

So what do we do? Is there hope? Should we join the side promoting control and the worthlessness of mankind? The left's core belief is that we are all animals, to be controlled via pleasure and appealing to our base, animal instincts.

In theory, the conservative side rejects that, holding out for the idea that each person has value. Libertarians have part of this correct, the individual liberty bit, but they reject the notion of individual responsibility.

When we cut to the core dispute; and the great question: Who should make your choices; you or someone else? -- the left cannot prevail. Very few people want to surrender their autonomy.

Trump nor Clinton are great; but Clinton has vowed to essentially erase the ability of people to say "no" to her. If she wins.... what then?

Give up? Concede defeat? Nonsense. Ace, you are very valuable: you have a megaphone that most do not. If Hillary wins, preaching "Surrender" and joining them is worse than useless, while being the "voice in the wilderness" as it were is very valuable.

The message of conservatism is not bigotry, hatred, etc; it is enabling, uplifting. It is a message of liberty. And too often do we fail to remember just how powerful and appealing our message really is. Bill Whittle became popular because he spoke truth, and no one can deny it. Liberals go into rages because they cannot deny it.

Don't join the dark side because Charlie Cooke or Bill Kristol have surrendered to evil. Preach clear, basic truths that no one can deny. And be, as it were, an apostle for truth.

Even if we all fail, we have fought the good fight and can finish our course knowing we were on the side of good.

If that sounds religious... well, it is. Religion, properly understood, addresses the question of who we are and how we should behave. Conservatism has a very plain voice in that area.

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (IQzhs)

601 If Trump doesn't win, I won't go from being a Republican to a Democrat or Independent.

I'll be a secessionist. I'll consider my nationality to be Texns and not American.

Yeah, really.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (03/ff)

602 Some good news, walked into O'Hare yesterday with my MAGA hat on and the VERY FIRST person I passed as I entered gave me a thumbs up with a "great hat Go Trump" comment.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (gwwEL)

603 For as long as I've been following politics, there's been this ongoing debate within the GOP and on the right in general about what constitutes 'true' conservatism. On the left they don't really have this problem, and it's not because they're principled. The various factions that make up the Democratic party are all animated by one big idea: big government cures everything. What's our big idea? It used to be about the sovereignty of the individual, but only now is it clear that there are too many who said these sorts of things just to use and manipulate those that sincerely held these positions. Could we just form a new party after this? Call it the Conservative Party or revive the Federalist Party?

Posted by: Slave to the World Engine at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (JZZHp)

604 Hillary has been gunning for the 1st amendment since 1998, at least: America's core, foundational freedom. There will be no one to stop her now.

Trump is a ridiculous figure to me, but he is survivable.

He's not Hitler. She and all her little Brownshirt protectorate,however, want to make sure you never breathe free another day in your life. You will all be brides of the state, dependent and angling for favor. Only those with right think may prosper.

Posted by: SarahW at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (Sp1NT)

605 Instapundit has a great post on Twitter and why he's backing away from it. He's taking this less from the perspective of it being an addictive time waster but from a business angle.

"Add to that the exposure to Justine-Sacco type shamestorms on a platform you don't control, and I don't see why I should keep working for them for free. And on that point, if I, a tenured professor whose university just admitted that his tweets are protected by the First Amendment, have concerns about this, I have to wonder why anyone whose job is less secure would stay on Twitter?"

His conclusion:

"I've been spending a lot of time on it even though it doesn't make me any money, and even though I kind of doubt it has much of an impact on anything.

"Why should I keep working for them for free?"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (39g3+)

606 At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Posted by: Ace at 12:05 PM

No, Ace. Do not join the enemy. Take up a hobby which requires you to be away from news and internet - horseback riding; sailing; carpentry; whatever. This,too, shall pass.

The dems do not give a rats ass about you or anyone else. Unless you are either extorting them or are a rich source of income or power for them, you are expendable and they'll throw you ( and anyone else) under the bus the very second it becomes expedient for them to do so.

Also, as for being able to fit in at parties...ask yourself seriously: why would you even want to associate with the completely amoral?

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at September 29, 2016 01:33 PM (oQQwD)

607 As-30-people-injured-New-Jersey-commuter-train-crashes-station.html

"Witness says driver was 'found slumped at the controls of Hoboken train wreckage'"

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 01:33 PM (jBuUi)

423 Milo had to cancel in Florida today because of a "credible threat" per Breitbart


It's clear these people are literally ready for -- if not already engaged in -- a hot war.

They only think they are ready.
When only one side shows up, it allows them to walk tall.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:34 PM (ApT0U)

609 Haha. Suuuure you will.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 12:44 PM (+aCe4)

Now, now. There's always a demand for experienced glory hole operators.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Heh. He's probably looking forward to it.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 01:34 PM (0x/TW)

610 #NeverTrumpers ?

It's all about the rice bowl. They are retainers wearing their masters' livery.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 01:34 PM (JBggj)

611 582 This is the part of Les Deplorables where Ace (playing the part of ValJean) does not want to go to the barricades...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 01:03 PM (qf6WZ)

You don't wish to take to the barricades, dearest one? Alors! Then we shall stay here together, my love, and sing and dance! Together forever! Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la!
Posted by: Lena Dunham In Her First Musical Role at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (OGbEB)

/looks at Lena...

OK then... barricades it is!

Posted by: ValJean at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (qf6WZ)

At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Posted by: Ace at 12:05 PM

Do you believe they will consider you one of their own?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (IqV8l)

613 Insty's post on Twitter on his site

He has a lot of other good points to make as well. Twitter can be useful for business, but only very slightly. Its dumb to ignore it completely for your business, but not worth much in the way of resources.

Auto-posts there of blog updates, etc, sure. Spending time there arguing? Not so much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (39g3+)

614 for the first time since I became of voting age, I'm going to sit this one out.

I did that in '08. Couldn't be *for* either of them.

But here's the difference. On the morning after the '08 election I saw people on the street literally laughing and singing. I had a thought that maybe at least some happiness would do the country some good.

It didn't of course.

But the day after this year's election will bring no happiness. The winning and losing sides will be bitter and vindictive at each other.

The days of a handshake and may the better (wo)man win are past. It's shit shows all the way down.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (mgbwf)

615 Oh, and NeverTrumpers? Your argument is a stale biscuit. Get over yourselves and let's move this Moron train back on track.

I ask one thing: how many of you have actually bothered to look at his website? Listen to his speeches at a rally? Read about how he has helped helping Greta get that Marine out of Mexico and giving him money to get his life back.

This was when I decided I could vote for him, no problem, when I cut through the cloud of hate and bias and made the choice myself. Not my first choice, but he won over the rest and I would rather light my hair on fire than not vote against Hillary Rodamn Clinton, corruption expert and nothing else but pure evil flowing through her veins. She thinks it is her turn. I would vote for Al Gore over her! Which is alarming as he is still looking for that chakra under his fatness.

Your argument of principles bore me. And many of you Morons I like. But, hail,sometimes you have to cut bait or fish. I call myself a reality Republican. Trump won. He has my vote. Is he a messiah? No, but no one is. Is he going to make mistakes? Of course. But he is the only candidate since I have paid attention, in a long line of Republicans who is not afraid to say what people think...because he does not need this job. He is fearless on immigration and not being the world police. Fearless of political correctness. What's not to like about that?

Think about it. He does not need power or wealth or all the other gilded jewels that come with a career in politics. He has rooted out the rats in DC in both parties (can we say Bush dynasty?). He is a billionaire who reaches out to coal miners, whose own employees say he is down to earth and not snotty. I believe he cares about this country and said as much on stupid fat Oprah's show 20 yrs ago.

He has fought against the GOP, other candidates, the Dems, the BLM, the globalists, and the MSM and still won. The people who hate him I hate also, so I guess I am deplorable and bite moi. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (Cx8BK)

616 602 Some good news, walked into O'Hare yesterday with my MAGA hat on and the VERY FIRST person I passed as I entered gave me a thumbs up with a "great hat Go Trump" comment.

Posted by: Make America Great Again

Contrast that with this guy almost getting beaten to death for wearing a Trump hat in El Cajon a couple days ago:

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (jBuUi)

617 "Do you recall what was revealed the day the music died?"

The country will not survive four to eight years of Clinton. We're barely hanging on now.

Posted by: nraendowment at September 29, 2016 01:36 PM (MnDAb)

618 ...increasingly the Fox News/Paul Ryan/AEI wing of the party is nothing but draft-dodging generals without an army.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 01:36 PM (LdMbv)

619 My problem with the Trump rallies is that they aren't making new voters or building outreach. They're just feeding his vast ego. He's "winning" in the sense that he can get tens of thousands of people to adore him, but is he winning the race?

Big numbers at a rally feels nice, but doesn't accomplish much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:36 PM (39g3+)


How'sit goin (D) boy?

*short skirt butt wiggle*

Call me?

Posted by: #nevertrump at September 29, 2016 01:37 PM (zu88C)

621 Instapundit has a great post on Twitter and why he's backing away from it. He's taking this less from the perspective of it being an addictive time waster but from a business angle.

"Add to that the exposure to Justine-Sacco type shamestorms on a platform you don't control, and I don't see why I should keep working for them for free. And on that point, if I, a tenured professor whose university just admitted that his tweets are protected by the First Amendment, have concerns about this, I have to wonder why anyone whose job is less secure would stay on Twitter?"

His conclusion:

"I've been spending a lot of time on it even though it doesn't make me any money, and even though I kind of doubt it has much of an impact on anything.

"Why should I keep working for them for free?"
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:32 PM (39g3+)

twitter is useless

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:37 PM (qCMvj)

622 I was 100% sure Romney was going to win - and I bought all that "correcting the polls" bullshit so many people were peddling. I gobbled it up because it supported my belief.

I'm not going to do that again.
Posted by: trendingdown

But you have to remember, the national polls had Romney winning (at least Gallup did, which is why they left the business) so I really don't think it was delusional, bunker mentality that let people think Romney looked like he was going to win. Also, undecided voters traditionally break HEAVILY for the challenger, that's been an iron law of politics.

And turnout for Obama was SUBSTANTIALLY down from 4 years ago, by millions of votes.

Had the 2004 Bush coalition showed up, Obama would have likely been a one termer.

You would think in 8 years, Republicans could increase the amount of voters.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:37 PM (onbPc)

623 563
Just in time for Obama's turnover of the internet to the UN:

A new internet.

I actually figured that this was coming eventually. Too much social justice superhero BS on this old dirty one.

Posted by: Mr Macca Bean (Make deplorable adorable again!) at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (4ng05)

There is also this.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:38 PM (GX63o)

624 My problem with the Trump rallies is that they aren't making new voters
or building outreach. They're just feeding his vast ego.



and you base this on what, exactly?


Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (zu88C)

625 This site is a bore.

One note johnnies. One note commenters.

Either the trolls are a bore or Ace goes manic depressive.

I'm going to where the winners are. Too many losers here.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (GztDi)

Oh, don't leave! Whatever would we do without your trenchant wit and pithy commentary? Why, you're a modern-day Alexander Woolcott!

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (X6fMO)

626 The only way Trump can win is to overwhelm that by so much the fraud won't matter. And then hope no further shenanigans result.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:26 PM (39g3+)

That's the only way Republicans ever win.

Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (0/zKO)

627 My problem with the Trump rallies is that they aren't making new voters or building outreach. They're just feeding his vast ego. He's "winning" in the sense that he can get tens of thousands of people to adore him, but is he winning the race?

Big numbers at a rally feels nice, but doesn't accomplish much.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

I feel the same way.

I'm hoping it's indicative of voter intensity, but spending time with voters that you already have won over doesn't seem to be the best use of time.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (onbPc)

628 Democrats will have won an impressive 3 elections in a row, twice with wounded and damaged candidates. Given the GOP's constant surrender, their victory at this point is more or less total.
But their collation its highly volatile, in that the only glue that holds it together is "Against GOP" as long as there is no more GOP to be against you can start picking at the various seams to unravel the party.

Pit big business against the unions, for example.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:31 PM (dzmBR)

The Democrats are just as divided as Republicans. See re: Bernie. Their internecine war is simply going to get worse. Remember, there are those on the Hard Left who despise Obama as a centrist and those people think that Hillary is as terrible as we do.

Looming over all of this is the Generation Wars (tosses napalm on fire) now that the bill is coming due on Social Security. I will say what I have been saying since I was 18 and that is far longer ago then I care to consider. When the Boomers start to die off and expect Gen X, the generation that they ignored, to take care of them, Gen X is going to tell them to get fucked. Gen X is not going to be taxed at 80% to pay for the retirements of the parents who ignored them and then had their second family of Millenials upon whom they dote.

OBVIOUSLY I am painting with the broadest possible brush here, but the Social Security crisis and the utter apocalypse of state and local pension payments are going to be massive issues in the very near future.

Math wins this fight. The scavenging will be over the scraps Math leaves behind.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (mf5HN)


The California Senate race are two Democrats on the ticket. No opposition. So they don't even have to throw money at it.

There ya have it.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (qCMvj)

630 My problem with the Trump rallies is that they aren't making new voters or building outreach. They're just feeding his vast ego. He's "winning" in the sense that he can get tens of thousands of people to adore him, but is he winning the race?

Big numbers at a rally feels nice, but doesn't accomplish much.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor


if this one is about turnout of your base, and keeping people in it to win it, then these may help. Especially if people leave these things and speak positively, while Empress mommom is laying low and looking like she's about to gorf.

And if your fundraising while you're doing it, so much the better. Hillary's one "accomplishment" was how many meeting and miles she logged.

Now she's not even doing that.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (326rv)

631 there's no left or right anymore. there are fascists and anti-fascists.

Posted by: azjaeger at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (ELoKH)


the sun is shining


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (qCMvj)

633 Ace, honest straightforward question for you.

Do you favor Trumpism? At least insofar as what can be construed as the ideological underpinnings of Trump's message.

Because if we get Trump, we also get Trumpism. It is a package deal.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (gXKl3)


whoa whoa whoa


whoa whoa whoa

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (zu88C)

635 The rallies are building courage, I think, to help those in the closet come out, or those undecided voters view Trump more favorably when they learn that someone they know/like went.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (Om16U)

636 What's Hillary's current slogan?

At first it was: "I'm With Her!"

Then it was "Stronger Together!"

Is there a new one?

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 01:41 PM (JBggj)

637 >>>Together forever! Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la!
Posted by: Lena Dunham In Her First Musical Role at September 29, 2016 01:29 PM (OGbEB)


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:41 PM (EWcNW)

638 and you base this on what, exactly?

In what way is giving a speech to supporters buidling outreach and increasing his voter base? How many people are added to Trump side by him giving yet another speech to lots of people who already like him?

Perhaps it is; perhaps lots of those people are there to see him and decide, but I'm very skeptical that anyone goes to a political rally unless they already like the politician, or is there to protest and doesn't care what he says.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:41 PM (39g3+)

639 What this thread needs is more Andie MacDowell.

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 01:42 PM (dB5LE)

640 Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (Cx8BK)

Nicely said. I agree....

Posted by: Dirty Randy at September 29, 2016 01:42 PM (jjaLl)

641 570
If the GOP won't even try to be an opposition party

Bullets are the only other option to stop these collectivists

Posted by: Floyd Winston at September 29, 2016 01:27 PM (OCUhH)

There are a few remaining soapbox holdouts. The jury box is already compromised. The ballot box may only have a few more realistic options . . . .

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:42 PM (GX63o)


Brats in battalions were ruling the streets saying
"Generation Landslide close the gap between 'em"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 29, 2016 01:42 PM (IqV8l)

Big numbers at a rally feels nice, but doesn't accomplish much.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:36 PM (39g3+)

Yes because those people never go back out into their communities and get active and become involved in spreading the Trump message.Just like people did before the 24/7 media days

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 01:42 PM (lKyWE)

644 Math wins this fight. The scavenging will be over the scraps Math leaves behind.
Posted by: alexthechick

The problem is, you can kick the can to the point where all of us will be too old to care anymore.

And it's not like when it goes bust, voters come to our way of thinking.

Look at Greece, they still vote for Socialist Party candidates despite going broke.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (onbPc)

645 @547....they'll say it is the Trump Train hijacked by a bunch of Deplorables.

Sad for those who lost loved ones today and 100+ injured. Seems similar to that Amtrak train that the engineer did not slow down for curve?

Oh, and I love you Morons...and one more dang thing in defense of Mr. Trump. When the esteemed Senator Sessions endorsed him that was enough for me. Now Sen Cruz, perhaps seeing the future in the tea leaves, is supporting him as well. Endorsements don't usually mean squat to me, but Sen Sessions meant a lot, as does Rudy's, Gen Flynt, the survivors of Benghazi, etc. Think about it, NeverTrumpers. Don't sit this one out.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (Cx8BK)

646 629

The California Senate race are two Democrats on the ticket. No opposition. So they don't even have to throw money at it.

There ya have it.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (qCMvj)

And meanwhile, the "moderate" and "sensible" Republicans backed an open blanket primary election system because they claimed that it meant "more electable Republicans could win again in California."

Fuck them. From the David Duke effect in Louisiana to one-party California, open primaries are just crap.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (ujg0T)

647 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (mf5HN)


Oh and one more thing: The Alzheimer's bomb is slowly going off.
I've written papers on it, we're pretty much fucked as the trend accelerates.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (dzmBR)

648 Math wins this fight. The scavenging will be over the scraps Math leaves behind.
Posted by : Alexthechick

EuroSocialism solves the Social Security (and I would add, the Medicaire/ Medicaid matter). Situation.
Force people to participate. And pay up.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (d6TTt)

649 The Democrats are just as divided as Republicans. See re: Bernie. Their internecine war is simply going to get worse. Remember, there are those on the Hard Left who despise Obama as a centrist and those people think that Hillary is as terrible as we do.

This is true, but they aren't at the same point we are, yet. They're maybe one election from going "F--- THIS!!!" because of the constant betrayals and failures of their party. This isn't the election where they've finally had it, yet.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (39g3+)

650 Yesterday was the first time Obama's veto got an override, I was shocked to know. It's grossly unfair that we need three out of three branches to get our way in the smallest thing, but there it is.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (VdICR)

651 Ace,

The new Party is going to need Leaders.

Please sign up.

Thanks for what you do.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Imperialist. Unprincipled. Vulgar Trump-tard. at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (d76uN)

652 Ace, honest straightforward question for you.

Posted by: chemjeff

Hah! Good one.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (V3IFq)

653 Yes because those people never go back out into their communities and get active and become involved in spreading the Trump message.Just like people did before the 24/7 media days
Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic

I hope you're right

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:43 PM (onbPc)

654 How hard is it not to bash the not-prog nominee before an election? Why do people on the right or the pretend right or anything right of Martha Radish INSIST that they need to have some stupid fucking public square announcement about their deepest darkest feelings about the nominee before the election? It has an effect, I know many think it does not, but it does. It gives people cover to not vote, it gives them ideological cover to keep bashing, and it depresses the vote.

I'm really sick of hearing "I'll vote for the awful dumbass." Shut the hell up. Complain later. Get a damn clue. Have you never been on a sports team or written a proposal or been a member of a sales group or even a family? Can it. Control yourself and your incessant need to tell everyone how virtuous you are because you "see" things. You don't see anything that anyone else doesn't "see."

I assume these people are trolls, if not now, deep in their souls.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (09Ay7)

655 The rallies are building courage, I think, to help those in the closet come out, or those undecided voters view Trump more favorably when they learn that someone they know/like went.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (Om16U)

Yes, I agree, there is a vote multiplier there.
At every rally he tells them, you must vote, go get your friends to vote.

Posted by: the basket...forever censored at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (0/zKO)

656 I'm going to be tasting that gyro for a while.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (1H9ox)

657 As for the "Trump has large rallies!" bit: So did Romney. I distinctly remember him filling a stadium or something in Pennsylvania or Vermont or something like that and saying "wow, he's doing great! With that kind of turnout in that state, no way is he going to lose!"

We all know how that turned out. Trump's rallies are good, but I fear they will do him as much good as Romney's large rallies did him.

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (IQzhs)

658 In what way is giving a speech to supporters buidling outreach and increasing his voter base?


Do they briong friends? Family?

Because you just described "networking".

Perhaps it is; perhaps lots of those people are there to see him and
decide, but I'm very skeptical that anyone goes to a political rally
unless they already like the politician, or is there to protest and
doesn't care what he says.


Maybe. Or maybe people are just tired of the same old bullshit excuses for why they can't find a job. Or why they are racists. Or why the world's problems are "all THEIR fault"?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (zu88C)

659 Repub votes from 2004, 2008, 2012 were essentially flat.

My thinking that all McCain and Romney were seen as Bush rehashed.

Trump does not suffer from that particular liability and I hope the coalition of voters can reform and grow based on the different policies and styles.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (gwwEL)

660 Just saw a Trump ad during a FBN break. Finally.

This was his ad, not a PAC ad.

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (Enq6K)

661 I feel the same way.

I'm hoping it's indicative of voter intensity, but spending time with voters that you already have won over doesn't seem to be the best use of time.
Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:39 PM (onbPc)

Agree. He needs to devote as much time as possible to debate preparation. One mock debate after another after another. Rallies at this point are FAR less important than that. Whoever would show up to one is going to vote for Trump anyway.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (DDM7c)

662 Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:35 PM (Cx8BK)


Well said. Very well said.

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (+FSld)

663 Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:40 PM (gXKl3)

For God's sake, get a fucking hobby.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (09Ay7)

664 I'd feel better if, at the rallies, Trump's people would be passing out early voting ballots.

Posted by: VA GOP Sucks at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (PFy0L)

665 @499 The GOP has funded the last 6 years of abortions. Not me. The nice thing about my "being out of power" is I get what I want anyway.

Really? So it's the GOP that was threatening to block zika funding if Planned Parenthood didn't get money?

Posted by: junior at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (MSpR+)

I'm going to be tasting that gyro for a while.
Posted by: ajmojo

At least you will be stable.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (IqV8l)

667 625 This site is a bore.

One note johnnies. One note commenters.

Either the trolls are a bore or Ace goes manic depressive.

I'm going to where the winners are. Too many losers here.

Posted by: The media Suxs at September 29, 2016 01:12 PM (GztDi)

Nice Flounce, Mildred.

Posted by: ALH at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (uLuPn)

668 Where's bluebell? I forgot to tell her that I combed my hair with a fork this morning. And it was not the first time. Different fork though.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (EWcNW)

Charles C. W. Cooke*

Are you under the impression that NR exists to parrot the transient folly of pluralities?


Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (kdS6q)

670 In what way is giving a speech to supporters buidling outreach and increasing his voter base?
It builds momentum. Give a bunch of speeches in front of 1000's of people at a time, have those speeches get covered by the "media". People then want to know what's going on at those events because everyone wants to be part of the crowd.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (1H9ox)

671 Honestly, the party splitting in two would almost certainly be a good thing long term. Would incentivize the Bernie/Occupy wing of the Democrats to split with the Clinton wing, and we wouldn't be stuck with two horrible parties yelling at their voters to fall in line or else. Which would in turn give both right and left the ability to cast a protest vote with relatively low stakes. 2016 demonstrates dramatically the benefits of having more than two viable political parties.

Posted by: reform highlander at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (jCH/T)

672 Saying you'll switch to the Democrats is...not believable? Are you gonna stop thinking? You don't care, but I'm looking for a leader of sorts to walk me through this terrible time. You usually fit the bill, but nihilist talk, pathetic rumblings of giving up, doesn't do it for me.

Posted by: Victoria at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (OgXUl)

673 Posted by: Reggie1971 at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (DDM7c)

I'm sure king "I'm the best at everything" will get right on that.

Obama is arrogant as hell, but at least he prepped.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (dzmBR)

674 These are all likely- and registered-voter polls. Nobody can measure new voter enthusiasm, and it's precisely that cohort that won him the nomination by such a hilarious margin. Seriously, go back and look at the numbers.

Right wing writers and pundits have Stockholm syndrome and have learned to live with left-wing control of news and culture. Trump is exploiting this imbalance. It's just another arbitrage opportunity.

Enjoy the ride, morons.

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (Ou6/U)

675 twitter is useless
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 01:37 PM (qCMvj)

Twitter allows me to have tiny little interactions during the day with various and sundry people I like and to talk about stuff I find interesting and enjoyable. That is value added to me. But that's all it is and if twitter disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't be more than a blip on my radar.

So I wouldn't say it's useless but it's not terribly important either.

Note that I have no business that I am attempting to grow or push and I'm not trying to drive clicks to anything personal so that makes a huge difference.

And don't bother saying use Facebook to me. Facebook creeps me the hell out and nope. All the nope.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (mf5HN)

676 665 @499 The GOP has funded the last 6 years of abortions. Not me. The nice thing about my "being out of power" is I get what I want anyway.

Really? So it's the GOP that was threatening to block zika funding if Planned Parenthood didn't get money?
Posted by: junior at September 29, 2016 01:46 PM (MSpR+)

THIS. Sorry 499, but no, you DON'T "get what you (don't) want anyway...." You get worse.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (ujg0T)

677 Anyone talking about Gary Johnson's other Aleppo moment? No, not the talking with his tongue sticking out, the new, new Aleppo moment. This is why we can't have third party candidates...

Posted by: Dang Deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (k0G44)

678 Yes because those people never go back out into their communities and get active and become involved in spreading the Trump message.

Your satire is noted, but you'll see I used the word "much" in your quote -- as in, something, but not... much.

Christians deal with this all our lives. We go to a camp or a tent meeting or a conference and come out all full of fire for the Lord for like... a day.

It seems like he might be better served using the money and effort for something less ego-feeding but more productive at least some of the time.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (39g3+)

679 Trump is focused on the battleground states, would you rather him not do rallies.

Also GOP ground game in battleground states is 7 times larger than in 2012

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (gwwEL)


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy


You get the Man-Card Platinum Level if you ate with the fork before you combed your hair.

+50,000 SkyMiles if you ate with it after.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (zu88C)

681 Record-breaking Republican Party primary turnout in 2016 means something, too.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (JBggj)

682 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (mf5HN

I have a friend who restricted facebook from getting his location.
It still pegged him at "home" the other day.

I suspect it's using IP address as a proxy for location, which is equally creepy.

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (dzmBR)

683 It seems like he might be better served using the money and effort for something less ego-feeding but more productive at least some of the time.
Go on.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (1H9ox)

684 EuroSocialism solves the Social Security (and I would add, the Medicaire/ Medicaid matter). Situation.
Force people to participate. And pay up.


And the laws of economics and human nature will still, eventually, cause it to fail.

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (+FSld)

685 Agree. He needs to devote as much time as possible to debate preparation. One mock debate after another after another. Rallies at this point are FAR less important than that. Whoever would show up to one is going to vote for Trump anyway.
Posted by: Reggie1971

I know it was this high-five moment Trump going to rallies while Hillary prepared for the debate, but I'd rather have had a better introduction to a 100 million people than some pep rallies.

But we can't change the candidate

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (onbPc)

686 Just saw a Trump ad during a FBN break. Finally.

This was his ad, not a PAC ad.

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 01:45 PM (Enq6K)

I've seen his ad quite a few times this week on Fox Business and CNBC.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (493sH)

687 "Is this like when Ace was got a "I'm With Herllary" tattoo on his forehead before the primaries ended but then went out and bought a Trump toupee to cover it afterward? Or is this different?
Asking for a friend."


Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (r1fLd)

688 What ChristyBlinky & Dagny said.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (Om16U)

689 Milo, on his tour, opened with a funeral for Twitter. Complete with a casket and Mozart's Requiem. Him wearing a priest's frock.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (VdICR)

690 They are retainers wearing their masters' livery.
There's a chess match they should be invited to then:

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (LdMbv)

691 Well? Do you favor Trumpism? Do his ideas even matter to you? Or is all that is important to you is any warm body that opposes Hillary regardless of how odious that person's ideas might be?

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (gXKl3)

692 This makes one of Monty's DOOM posts seem cheerful.

Posted by: Anna Puma at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (WdNME)

693 Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (IQzhs)

I don't recall watching the big Romney rallies, but I would go all in on the fact that there wasn't anywhere near the level of enthusiasm for Romney as there is for Trump.

Just a thought...

Posted by: Dirty Randy at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (jjaLl)

694 It's not embarrassing that I feel like a broken record telling everyone to go read Scott Adams

It's embarrassing that it takes a cartoonist to explain to every political junkie what's going on in this election.

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (Ou6/U)

Herb Scribner

Thanks to @TeamMcMullin, candidate @Evan_McMullin has moved past Jill Stein in the polls

*Staff news and politics writer @deseretnews. Inbred as a puppy-mill Golden Retriever.


Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (kdS6q)

696 Christians deal with this all our lives. We go to a
camp or a tent meeting or a conference and come out all full of fire
for the Lord for like... a day.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (39g3+)

Hey now. Once it was like, four days.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (bpfzP)

697 >>>It builds momentum. Give a bunch of speeches in front of 1000's of people at a time, have those speeches get covered by the "media". People then want to know what's going on at those events because everyone wants to be part of the crowd.

Also, it increases enthusiasm among the ralliers. It's not just that you want people who come to rallies to vote. You want them excited enough to talk to their neighbors and co-workers, put out signs, give someone a ride to the poll, poll-watch, etc etc.

An enthusiastic supporter is a force multiplier compared to unenthusiastic supporters.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (fgOnp)

698 And the laws of economics and human nature will still, eventually, cause it to fail.
Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (+FSld)

I agree. A bloody, pitiless, devastating fail.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (d6TTt)

699 And the laws of economics and human nature will still, eventually, cause it to fail.
Posted by: Lady in Black

Yes, but Europe has been failing with socialism since WWII, and my guess is it will still take several more decades before you see a real collapse.

I just wouldn't bank on LetItBurn

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (onbPc)


" But what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE??????"

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (zu88C)

701 Trump won this election when Sessions endorsed him.

Cheer up suckazzzz

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (Ou6/U)

702 And don't bother saying use Facebook to me. Facebook creeps me the hell out and nope. All the nope.


Posted by: The Cape Cod Manatee what is Preggers at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (mgbwf)

703 671 Honestly, the party splitting in two would almost certainly be a good thing long term. Would incentivize the Bernie/Occupy wing of the Democrats to split with the Clinton wing, and we wouldn't be stuck with two horrible parties yelling at their voters to fall in line or else. Which would in turn give both right and left the ability to cast a protest vote with relatively low stakes. 2016 demonstrates dramatically the benefits of having more than two viable political parties.
Posted by: reform highlander at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (jCH/T)

The distirct Post called, to remind you that the one first past is still the one elected.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (ujg0T)

704 Trumpism = America first.

if you oppose Trumpism you hate America.

Why do you hate America? Hmmmm?

Posted by: Votermom using Alinsky tactics at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (Om16U)

705 I've seen his ad quite a few times this week on Fox Business and CNBC.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (493sH)

Ah ok. Guess I just didn't notice until today.

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (Enq6K)

706 OBVIOUSLY I am painting with the broadest possible brush here, but the Social Security crisis and the utter apocalypse of state and local pension payments are going to be massive issues in the very near future.

$220 TRILLION in unfunded/underfunded liabilities.
City, county, state & federal pensions.
PLUS the 20 TRILLION dollar debt.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (ApT0U)

707 I have a friend who restricted facebook from getting his location.
It still pegged him at "home" the other day.

I suspect it's using IP address as a proxy for location, which is equally creepy.
Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (dzmBR)

It's absolutely using IP as a location proxy.

There really is no where to hide.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (mf5HN)

708 Christy, exactly.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (09Ay7)

If it was left to the MSM, the only time one would hear Trump's name mentioned would be in a Clinton ad.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 01:52 PM (JBggj)

710 679 Trump is focused on the battleground states, would you rather him not do rallies.

Also GOP ground game in battleground states is 7 times larger than in 2012
Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (gwwEL)

How do rallies persuade undecided voters at this point? The people who show up to them are almost exclusively hardcore supporters. They are going to vote for him regardless of whether he appears in their town again or not.

The way to reach the people on the fence is by performing well at the next debate. That takes intense preparation and that means fewer speechs to enthusiastic crowds.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at September 29, 2016 01:52 PM (DDM7c)

711 "I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this.."

If you do, Ima need a prorated refund on my membership fees.

Seriously tho, all this guff from the "conservintellegencia shows we're winning.

As far as social penalties, I get people talking all sorts of Trump trash and I always indicate that I disagree and why. I PENALIZE THEM!!!!

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 01:53 PM (kfcYC)

712 666
I'm going to be tasting that gyro for a while.
Posted by: ajmojo

At least you will be stable.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr
Not trying to stirrup any trouble, but is this where we drop the horse puns?
'Cause I'm chomping at the bit...

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 01:53 PM (dB5LE)

713 chemjeff: Hillary promises to shut down the 1st amendment. No more freedom of speech, assembly, press, or religion.

Exactly why should I care about what Trump's views as long as I can say he's not going to throw me in jail for disagreeing with him?

Hillary is openly campaigning on ending American liberty. I'd vote for Obama's half-eaten dog remains over her. Heck, even Erwin Rommel or Kaiser Wilhelm would be better. For that matter, Hitler respected America. That's better than Hillary!

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 01:53 PM (IQzhs)

714 Trump also received John Sununu's endorsement AFTER the debate was over. Sununu was Bush 41's former White House chief of staff.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (JBggj)

715 " But what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE??????"

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (zu88C)

Don't know Mort. I've always thought you were an ok Moron in all respects. It's Folks like you and NGU that kept me from throwing my bashes in on Senator Cruz during the Trumpenkrieg.

Yeah, yeah, I know. You weren't talking about you. I was.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Imperialist. Unprincipled. Vulgar Trump-tard. at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (d76uN)

716 So, big enthusiastic Trump rallies don't mean anything?
And, by analogy, small, desultory Clinton rallies don't mean anything?
I think I see now.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (d6TTt)

" why isn't everyone paying attention to MEEEE ???"

Posted by: Anne Attentionwhore at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (zu88C)

718 I am going to dickpunch the next person who mentions Scott Adams.

We've had this all year. "Oh, you have to read master persuader to understand what Trump is doing".

It's clear what Trump is doing and why it works for some people and not so much for others. This idea that all of us here, pretty much all politics junkies, don't read the right columnist is irritating.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (mgbwf)

719 Well? Do you favor Trumpism? Do his ideas even matter to you? Or is all that is important to you is any warm body that opposes Hillary regardless of how odious that person's ideas might be?
Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:49 PM (gXKl3)

That's literally all I've wanted from the GOP, ever. Instead we got odious Boehner, McConnell, and McCain, and couldn't even get opposition out of them!

The beauty pageant and hot daughter and huge hands and fuck you attitude are just icing on the cake.

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (Ou6/U)

720 Lotsa words.
All I got to say is...

PS it helps to be a little crazy

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (EWcNW)

721 But what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE??????"

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (zu88C)

MeAgain Kelly is everywhere.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 01:55 PM (d6TTt)

722 The rallies are building courage, I think, to help those in the closet come out, or those undecided voters view Trump more favorably when they learn that someone they know/like went.

Its possible, I agree. And maybe the strategy will work, I just am skeptical.

People always yell about get out the vote and turnout, but they're missing the boat here. Its not turnout. Its enthusiasm.

The reason people get out to vote is because they want to and like the idea of it. If you cannot get that into people's hearts, they won't go, no matter how many times you call or nag or show up at their door. No amount of ads make up for enthusiasm. No amount of spending on GOTV and caller banks makes up for a candidate people want to support.

That's why Obama's get out the vote was so effective, not because he was so brilliant with social media (translation: not a retard like the GOP), not because they had a huge push of guys going door to door, but because people in large groups wanted to vote for Obama.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:55 PM (39g3+)

PS it helps to be a little crazy

I'm in...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 01:55 PM (O2RFr)

724 @694...I love Scott Adams as well. I no longer pay one second of attention to FOX or NRO. They have revealed their stripes. I do not suffer fools gladly, but I am and always have been deplorable and ready to fight. And that is what this is: a fight for what is left of America after our fekless GOP Congress for two years and eight years of a community organizer's socialist rule.

I want change and really think Mr. Trump will make good on his word to try to get some things done. Refreshing,too, not to have a career politician/lawyer in the Oval Office. Let's roll.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:55 PM (Cx8BK)

A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 01:55 PM (oGNNA)

726 Charles C. W. Cooke*

Are you under the impression that NR exists to parrot the transient folly of pluralities?


Great Scot, no! NR exists to perpetuate the inbred follies of the gentry. The very idea!

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (hLRSq)

727 Also GOP ground game in battleground states is 7 times larger than in 2012

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (gwwEL)

Wait, really? I keep hearing about how the R ground game is practically non-existent....

Posted by: Dirty Randy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (jjaLl)

728 Do you people even go to Trump rallies?

Yes the GOP is at the rallies signing up voters.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (gwwEL)

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 01:53 PM (IQzhs)

Yes, if you believe Hillary is literally going to send conservatives to the camps, then I can understand why a vote for anyone to stop Hillary, regardless of that person's views, can be justified.
But if you don't think Hillary is actually Stalin-levels of evil, then such a vote becomes harder to justify.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (gXKl3)

730 " why isn't everyone paying attention to MEEEE ???"

Posted by: Anne Attentionwhore at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (zu88C)

Back of the line, Anne.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (Zs4uk)



$220 TRILLION in unfunded/underfunded liabilities.
City, county, state & federal pensions.
PLUS the 20 TRILLION dollar debt.
Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:51 PM (ApT0U)

There was an article the other day about state pensions in hmmm Washington State? Maybe? Where the woman in charge of trying to come up with some type, any type, of solution literally broke down crying when talking about it. That article also had a chilling part where the people running the numbers admitted point blank that the rate of return was fraudulent but for some reason that was the rate that had to be used.

I read history. I know how this ends.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (mf5HN)

732 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (EWcNW)

733 This makes one of Monty's DOOM posts seem cheerful.
Posted by: Anna Puma


Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (RFeQD)

734 The thing about rallies is that they are fun.

People are attracted to fun.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:57 PM (Om16U)

735 Well? Do you favor Trumpism? Do his ideas even matter to you? Or is all that is important to you is any warm body that opposes Hillary regardless of how odious that person's ideas might be?
Posted by: chemjeff

Geepers mister, I did NOT know that "any warm body" was on the ballots in 50 states.

I understood that only three people were, and one of them is about as lucid as you, the other is empress mommom, and then there's trump.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 01:57 PM (326rv)

It seems like he might be better served using the money and effort for something less ego-feeding but more productive at least some of the time.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 01:48 PM (39g3+)

Nothing screams grass roots like a 15 second TV ad.

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 01:57 PM (lKyWE)

737 732 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (EWcNW)

Johnny Depp

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:57 PM (Om16U)

738 So, big enthusiastic Trump rallies don't mean anything?
And, by analogy, small, desultory Clinton rallies don't mean anything?
I think I see now.
Posted by: tubal

I definitely think it says something. Especially with regard to Hillary. I would easily say I see 90% less Hillary bumper stickers than I saw for Obama.

The question is, with limited resources and time, are rallies going to decide this election when 99% of them are people that you've already closed.

If you owned a company, would you want your salesman only contacting existing customers or finding new ones?

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (onbPc)

739 Pundits want to knock the online polls after the debate...I agree, obviously, they're not scientific, but they were consistent and do represent an important subset of the voting population. I also don't think Trump prepped well but he was fighting two fronts. Hillary's not pulling ahead in polls by any significant margin with a month left in the campaign.

We heard about the Democrat permanent majority in 08 and by 2016 they're so depleted in Congress and the states that Bernie Sanders was plausibly the Dem nominee. I don't think Hillary has the coattails Obama did.

And lets not forget that the "popular" Bill Clinton never received a majority of the vote, and at least in 92 probably won solely based on Perot pulling 19%. He also lost the Congress for the better part of a generation. Wouldn't it be ironic if Hillary lost because Stein and Big'n Johnson pulled from her electorate?

Deutsche Bank is about to go under too, so this could cut into the fed-pumped stock boom.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (hqZPQ)

740 732 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (EWcNW)

Scott Adams

Posted by: Independent George at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (BDZWU)

741 At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Posted by: Ace at 12:05 PM

Their own are the elites within the ranks.

Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (oiNtH)

742 Whoops, bandersnatch. Sorry about mentioning Scott Adams.

I have just lost so many I once respected that there are few places I read these days. I mostly read his twitter. I don't care about his hypnotism stuff, but he does seem to have good insight into people, there's that.

My goodness, can't we all just be Morons with the goal of kicking the Clinton's out of our lives?

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (Cx8BK)

743 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy

Bounty Eves.

Posted by: ADL at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (iFgwk)

744 I read history. I know how this ends.
Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then

Some flunky in the government ends up with all the chocolate chip cookies??

Is that it?

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....outlaw in America at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (RFeQD)

Hey Tim, I envy your level of calm .

I , like our furry host, have my more mercurial moments.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (zu88C)

746 Yes, if you believe Hillary is literally going to send conservatives to the camps, then I can understand why a vote for anyone to stop Hillary, regardless of that person's views, can be justified.
But if you don't think Hillary is actually Stalin-levels of evil, then such a vote becomes harder to justify.

Which party has people in it that wants to jail climate deniers?

And which party doesn't?

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (ApT0U)

747 #TwitterIsUseless


Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (LdMbv)

748 Crud. The polling sites I actually trust are saying Trump is down by 6 now. Urg. He better win the next two debates.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (0x/TW)

749 The thing here is we have shell shock, first because the left continually gets the better of the turds running the GOP, then you add that Trump got the better of most of us and those same turds. Now the GOPe turds are their cozy relations with the people in power on the left is plain to see. Sucks to be forced to support Trump with his crap 2A stuff and no fix healthcare fix ext. The only positive is the GOPe Turds are probably going to be left to dry up in the sun if he wins. Maybe, just maybe we can get people like Gowdy and even Cruze to step up, maybe fix or expel Ryan. But as it looks we are alone, with only the great unwashed to back us.

I think Trump is going to win, I think the tears of the left and GOPe will be some of the sweetest we will ever taste. 40 days and a lot of flung shit will tell the tail. He sucks, but at this point he is all we have and that sucks also. I see no political future I like if the GOP fails this cycle and hardly see on if they win.

Posted by: The Deplorable Garbone at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (5xuEg)

750 Right, Hillary is not that bad.
Clinton Cash movie, pure lies, lies, I tell you!!!!!

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (Om16U)

751 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??



Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (zu88C)

752 It's clear what Trump is doing and why it works for some people and not so much for others. This idea that all of us here, pretty much all politics junkies, don't read the right columnist is irritating.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 01:54 PM (mgbwf)

Bander, Adams said he PROFITED IN LOSING THE DEBATE because his most important goal was seeming less scary to women voters - even more plausible when you consider this debate was head to head with a Monday night football game.

Did you see that take? Was that obvious?

He's also not a columnist, he's a shitty cartoonist, by his admission. And he's pantsed every political commentator for over a year! LOL

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (Ou6/U)

753 Not everyone who is opposed to Trump is part of the Republican establishment or upper class. That's a false narrative. There are those types, of course, but that's hardly the only group that's reluctant to support him. He also struggles with younger people, people who attend church regularly, and people with college degrees. Even many of the people who will vote for him don't actually like him as a candidate- they are doing so only in opposition to Hillary Clinton.

Some people who have decided they can't automatically support Republicans have the same deep discontent with the party reflected in this post. The GOP fights much harder against conservatives than they ever do Democrats (see Chris McDaniel). They take conservative votes for granted because conservatives are generally a reliable voting bloc. Politics is transactional; if a politician doesn't need to win your vote he won't try to- he'll cater to the voters he needs to win over. That's why you have to consider each candidate on his own merits.

Posted by: Myself at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (5wiU6)

754 732 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy
Honestly, the number of people here who quote and refer to him daily astounds me.
The guy made his millions drawing a friggin' cartoon, but is now an intellectual poeerhouse?

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (dB5LE)

755 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy

Bounty Eves.
Posted by: ADL at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (iFgwk)

Nah, it's either Charles Schulz or Gary Trudeau. I get those two mixed up.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (d6TTt)

756 The Republican Party has been dying for some time. The Libertarian Party is beginning, and will attract the disaffected ex-Republicans. They'll have their growing pains but will grow and maybe figure things out as the Democrats screw this county up more and more.

Posted by: MostlyRight at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (2T0Va)

757 I am going anti-incumbent.....all the way....if both candidates are 'incumbents' I will not vote for that office


It's not that hard!

Posted by: Myshiba at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (cfHE9)

758 Ace,

Please don't switch to the Democrats. I like where you are now: an independent conservative. I have no loyalties to any party, but I hold on to conservatism and my moral principles. Plus, real lifters aren't wussy democrats. Get your Donald Pump on!

Posted by: Draki at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (xK4GI)

759 Yes, if you believe Hillary is literally going to
send conservatives to the camps, then I can understand why a vote for
anyone to stop Hillary, regardless of that person's views, can be
But if you don't think Hillary is actually Stalin-levels of evil, then such a vote becomes harder to justify.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (gXKl3)

Hang on...imma get that video guy on the phone.

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (Enq6K)

Trump at Iowa rally: "Anyone here who's not a conservative Christian? Raise your hands."

[people raise hands here and there]

Trump: "Shall we let them stay in the room?"


Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (oGNNA)

761 We heard about the Democrat permanent majority in 08 and by 2016 they're so depleted in Congress and the states that Bernie Sanders was plausibly the Dem nominee. I don't think Hillary has the coattails Obama did.

And frankly, Obama didn't have *any* coattails in 2012.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (ujg0T)


Great Scott! Adams fruit gums used to be good. Especially the Sour Orange.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (kdS6q)

763 I think Trump won the undecideds in the last debate.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (gwwEL)

764 We've had this all year. "Oh, you have to read master persuader to understand what Trump is doing".
Actually, I think Trump needs to read Master Debater.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (1H9ox)

765 If the Republicans put Hillary in office and think 2020 is Paul Ryan's for the taking and the key to their resurrection they are going to have the sadz.

And with the Dems in power I don't think voting, party membership, the rule of law, or anything else is going to much matter. But I will certainly not join them. It will be a uni party system cloaked in the two party dress.

I will wait and join the Resistance Party should one form.

Posted by: gracepc at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (OU4q6)

766 If you owned a company, would you want your salesman only contacting existing customers or finding new ones?

I would want my salesmen NOT stepping on their dicks and showing my company in a piss poor light so that my customers would help recommend me by word of mouth.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (ApT0U)

767 What's Hillary's current slogan?

At first it was: "I'm With Her!"

Then it was "Stronger Together!"

Is there a new one?


¡Si se pudenda!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (wPiJc)

768 Nah, it's either Charles Schulz or Gary Trudeau. I get those two mixed up.

Schultz was a conservative... we all know what Trudeau is...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (O2RFr)

769 Which party has people in it that wants to jail climate deniers?

And which party doesn't?

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (ApT0U)

Yup there are people on the left who has some pretty awful and terrible ideas. I agree.

Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"?

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (gXKl3)

770 Don't let my optimism fuck up your shitty day!

Everybody cry into their McMuffin! It's what principled conservatives do!


Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (Ou6/U)

771 " He is a billionaire who reaches out to coal miners,
whose own employees say he is down to earth and not snotty. I believe
he cares about this country and said as much on stupid fat Oprah's show
20 yrs ago.

He has fought against the GOP, other candidates, the Dems, the BLM,
the globalists, and the MSM and still won. The people who hate him I
hate also, so I guess I am deplorable and bite moi. xoxo"

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen

yes ... I agree. He is running on "populism" but Hillary is running on manufactured PC Populism, based in race and gender wars. That PC populism (cultural Marxism) was fabricated by Alinsky and real commies, back when Obama and Hillary were his students. Now they control government as corrupt Marxist acolytes.

The opposite of populism was supposed to be our well purposed elites, thinking through intricate details, chosen on broader terms by the electorate. We have nothing like that now ... we have a bloated PC bureaucracy that is weaponized against the citizenry, to protect the income of the donor class. True the Vote gets the anal probe from five federal agencies, for no good reason.

AMERICANISM is not a nationalism that imposes a state king or pope on us, but one that recognizes liberty of man to obey his own "higher power" first, and a government constrained to serve and assure that liberty.

Our welfare state of corruption is none of that, so appealing to the popular demand to give people their voice, and their power back, is the last stop before absolute tyranny.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (n6rAX)

772 Everyone needs to stop believing politicians are smart people who come up with the ideas for policies.

I come from a district with solid GOP representative who is probably the most stupid person I've ever met. If not for his staff, he would constantly drool on himself.

We are where the new idea will come from. Start getting your policies ready.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (Zs4uk)


So the engineer and the conductor were found in the same compartment

Is that the norm? Whenever i took the train, there was 1 dude on each end. Not both together.

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (+kpYV)

774 The first thing a nevertrumper loses?

Their sense of humor.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (zu88C)

775 chemjeff: I had a debate the other day with a local Democrat/progressive idiot on the pages of my local rag. It was with regards to the question about Target and trans people, I think.

This person literally said that "Organized religion must be removed from the public square" and also that "religion must be held accountable for their doctrines and teachings." Exact quote.

What else does that mean except to the camps? These people scream that every pronouncement by a religious leader is "forcing theocracy on America!!!!!"

I'm Mormon, chemjeff. We Mormons know exactly what happens to religious minorities the government hates. I recall the US Army being sent to attack us. And this was back in the day when most people accepted Christianity. Today's government prays to Marx and Lenin; do you honestly think Hillary would have any problems murdering millions of Mormons, Catholics, or Baptists?

And she has vowed to "force religions to change their beliefs" that she doesn't like. That's... .a pretty direct threat.

So tell me why Hillary won't send us to the camps. Provide specifics, please.

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM (IQzhs)

776 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (EWcNW)


Posted by: Dirty Randy at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (jjaLl)

777 Why don't you believe Hillary when she said she would send Americans to be reeducated?

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (Om16U)

778 >>The first thing a nevertrumper loses?

Thought it was their mask?

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (NOIQH)

779 "Who is going to define and guide this new party? Trump? I don't think so. He's going to be the leader when he's elected, but not the intellectual head. "

Prager + Sowell

Posted by: doesky2 at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (Zpygp)

780 I have been predicting a Trump landslide for a while but now I see the signs for a stolen election with the MSM asking Trump if he will accept the outcome of the election also a lot of "hacking" activity popping up and a weaponized DHS talking about taking over the elections.

The game is afoot with these pukes.

Posted by: Kreplach at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (jzUL/)

Honestly, the number of people here who quote and refer to him daily astounds me.
The guy made his millions drawing a friggin' cartoon, but is now an intellectual poeerhouse?
Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (dB5LE)

Chi, that sounds like elitist bullshit.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (oGNNA)

782 And I have to go to class now, talk to you later.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (gXKl3)

783 Yes, the attitude is disheartening, but just a caveat here, Ace, don't let your mood be entirely be affected by this. You are recovering from a migraine. You don't feel well. When you don't feel well everything looks darker. Get some rest and take care of yourself.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (EnGQE)


Scogg dog. Give me some learning

Are the conductor and the engineer typically in the same compartment

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (+kpYV)

785 >>Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (NOIQH)

786 Honestly, the number of people here who quote and refer to him daily astounds me.

The guy made his millions drawing a friggin' cartoon, but is now an intellectual poeerhouse?

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (dB5LE)

I think he's trolling the Trumpian right.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (gXKl3)

787 Yup there are people on the left who has some pretty awful and terrible ideas. I agree.

Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"?

So you're ok with that? Ok. Your kids first.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (ApT0U)

788 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??


Haven Monahan?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (wPiJc)

Everybody cry into their McMuffin! It's what principled conservatives do!


Oh but don't forget "vote for Hillary: The Onliest Choice For Principled Conservatives With Principles"

Self-astroturfing. It's apparently a thing.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (zu88C)

790 BTW, are we not talking about the train wreck in NJ? Is that Definitely Not Terrorism?

Becuase if it is, it doens't better Our Future Queen.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (tvyXw)

791 Politics is transactional; if a politician doesn't need to win your vote he won't try to- he'll cater to the voters he needs to win over. That's why you have to consider each candidate on his own merits.
Posted by: Myself at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (5wiU6)

Except that the parties have been trying to elect a new people for some time now.

And insulate themselves from the elections.

And at this point, our choices are one of these three, only two of whom have a chance of winning, writing in someone else (no chance) or not voting.

And this is, or should be, obvious by now to everyone.

Any choice other than those two is a protest vote. What bang do you expect to get for that buck?

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (326rv)

792 Ace that is the stupidest thing you ever have said. Defecting to the other side solves nothing. Things are changing in the party. The Breitbart revolution is energizing younger people to think about conservative ideas for the first time in my lifetime. Basically him, you, Gutfeld, Levy, Gavin Mcinnes and a bunch of other people made it hip to be square.

We are the fun people now. We can drink, smoke, look at boobies and tell dirty jokes with caring about the thought police all while believing in fiscal responsibility and a strong defense.

Posted by: bestie21 at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (dMn3H)

793 Posted by: astonerii at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM


Wow. Telling the host that he is a failure and his life sucks, and then lumping him (along with many others on this site) in with Neo-Nazis, the KKK and other degenerates, all the while touting your own smug self-righteousness, and yet completely oblivious to the fact that you are the. exact. type. of person Ace is writing about. Words fail.

But you just keep on plucking that chicken.

Posted by: Deplorable IrishEi at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (eM2Uz)

794 Exactly why should I care about what Trump's views as long as I can say he's not going to throw me in jail for disagreeing with him?

Which candidate is more likely to impose more social justice crap, political correctness tyranny, more restrictions on expression and punish more free association:

[ ] Trump
[ ] Clinton

This is really a no-brainer. Immigration is a serious concern. Islamofascism is a deadly threat. The economy is a major storm on the horizon.

But the creeping tyranny of petty dictators incrementally taking away more and more liberty through pissant rules of behavior and speech? That's the most caustic and horrific acid eating away at the roots of America. The reason immigration is such a concern is because it helps the agents of this evil gain and maintain power.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (39g3+)

795 My goodness, can't we all just be Morons with the goal of kicking the Clinton's out of our lives?

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 01:58 PM (Cx8BK)

Sorry. While I agree with you there are many that prefer that if something cannot be done (1) with the proper motivation and beliefs, (2) in the proper manner, and (3) with the proper person then it should not be done at all.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (hLRSq)

796 Also from the sidebar. That Cascade Mall murderer who voted illegally three times as a resident alien?

He also likely did not have a resident alien firearms license as required by RCW 9.41.171, class C felony, the prosecution of which in 2014, when he was under prosecution for DV and firearms restrictions, likely could have prevented the senseless loss of life.

Also, he also attempted to buy a pistol moments before the act, inquired about avoiding the background check (because likely no alien firearms license) and was denied.

But we need more gun control.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (GX63o)

Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"?
Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (gXKl3)

Which candidate uses the term "wrong people"?

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (lKyWE)

798 " He is a billionaire who reaches out to coal miners,
whose own employees say he is down to earth and not snotty. I believe
he cares about this country and said as much on stupid fat Oprah's show
20 yrs ago.

He has fought against the GOP, other candidates, the Dems, the BLM,
the globalists, and the MSM and still won. The people who hate him I
hate also, so I guess I am deplorable and bite moi. xoxo"

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen

The only thing anyone needs to know...

He took a skating rink that the local government had been dicking around with for 6 years and had it up and operational in a few months, under budget.

That one accomplishment is what gives Trump the experience he needs to run the entire country. If he can bring any portion of the that success to everything the government does, we will be a shining Utopia in 4 years.

Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (Zs4uk)

799 "Crud. The polling sites I actually trust are saying Trump is down by 6 now."

And which polls are those. LA has Trump up 4, Rasmussen down 1.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (r1fLd)

800 What's Hillary's current slogan?

At first it was: "I'm With Her!"

Then it was "Stronger Together!"

Is there a new one?

When somebody pointed out to her campaign that "Stronger Together" was previously used by the Italian Fascists in the thirties, I think they switched to "Together".

As in when fourth graders say, "we can sit on the bus together".

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:06 PM (/m8T6)

801 #793 That's okay, Deplorable IrishEi, because later he gives Ace some heartfelt advice on (IIRC) how to cure his migraine.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 02:06 PM (LdMbv)



Im reality and i am intruding

They are making it sound like it wasnt an accident

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:06 PM (+kpYV)

Sorry. While I agree with you there are many that prefer that if
something cannot be done (1) with the proper motivation and beliefs, (2)
in the proper manner, and (3) with the proper person then it should not
be done at all.


Damn. That's a LOT of regulations on behavior.

How do they accomplish anything?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:07 PM (zu88C)

Oh, you Morons aren't being fair to poor ole chemjeff.

You're supposed to ask him what he means by Trumpism?

That's his diabolically clever plan.

Then chemjeff can spew a bunch of negative crap about "Trumpism" and Trump and engage you in moving goalpost, bad-faith arguments and send the whole thread down the toilet.

How dare you not follow his cunning plan?

Posted by: naturalfake at September 29, 2016 02:07 PM (0cMkb)

805 It occurs to me that if Trump really did call a certain former beauty contestant Miss Piggy (and I haven't actually seen a quote to that effect), then perhaps he ought to offer an apology...

... to Miss Piggy.

Posted by: junior at September 29, 2016 02:07 PM (MSpR+)

806 They are making it sound like it wasnt an accident


Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:07 PM (O2RFr)

807 >>Honestly, the number of people here who quote and refer to him daily astounds me.
The guy made his millions drawing a friggin' cartoon, but is now an intellectual poeerhouse?

The cartoon is just one of his pursuits. He's also written a book on persuasion. He's interpreting the campaign from a persuasion/winning narrative perspective. Is he worth listening to? Dunno. I like checking his site occasionally just for a different perspective on things.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (NOIQH)

808 If you owned a company, would you want your salesman only contacting existing customers or finding new ones?
False narrative. To say that because he is doing rallies is precluding him from contacting new voters is off base. In fact, a lot of the crap he says at rallies (and on tv and in marriage, jenner bathrooms, no fly lists) is meant to reach out to new voters.
Further, I actually only let my salesmen mine for new business clients about 20% of the time. The rest of their time is spent leveraging every last dime out of their existing base because that is way more cost efficient.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (1H9ox)

809 Oh and one more thing: The Alzheimer's bomb is slowly going off.

I don't remember hearing about that.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (X6fMO)


The engineer and the conductor were in the same compartment

And they keep referring to LE

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (+kpYV)

811 Well, I hope you feel better, Ace. This will be a tough fall for those with and without allergies--the fields around here are greener than I've ever seen.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (hqZPQ)

812 And they keep referring to LE


Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (O2RFr)

813 So many of these posts read like Ace is yelling at someone but I don't really know who. Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?

Are they all on Twitter which I refuse to use? Glenn Beck?

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (wTSvK)

814 That's his diabolically clever plan.

You forgot your "sarc" tags

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (/m8T6)

815 Yeah, because Trump will be sending Mexicans and Moslems to the death camps; not Hillary doing that to you guys.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (LdMbv)

816 TPTB will never let Trump take office. If they really think he'll win the election they will kill him or smoke him after the election and let Pence have it.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (x3uSY)


On Fox they are hearing it may not have been an accident

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (+kpYV)

818 A good chunk at these rallies are the new people

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (gwwEL)

819 Binary.



That's it.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:09 PM (zu88C)

The first thing a nevertrumper loses?
Posted by: Mortimer

Their -- their -- wife.



Posted by: Ben Howe - Alone Again, Naturally

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (kdS6q)

821 He took a skating rink that the local government had been dicking around with for 6 years and had it up and operational in a few months, under budget.

That one accomplishment is what gives Trump the experience he needs to run the entire country.
But I don't skate. As such, I am voting for Hillary.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (1H9ox)

822 On Fox they are hearing it may not have been an accident

48 hour rule?

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (O2RFr)

823 Ace may be dehydrated after shucking to much to Miss Piggys pron vid.....

Posted by: The Deplorable Garbone at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (5xuEg)

824 I recall the US Army being sent to attack us.
Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 02:02 PM

Well, with a DOB in 1850 or so, you up there Moron age-wise. I'll try to stay off your lawn. :-)

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (014lE)

825 >>Becuase if it is, it doens't better Our Future Queen.

That determines it then, doesn't it?

2012 Benghazi attack: *Not* terrorism because "Bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run, yo!"

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (NOIQH)


They keep saying to wait for Law Enforcement. Not the NTSB

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (+kpYV)

827 Oh and one more thing: The Alzheimer's bomb is slowly going off.
I don't remember hearing about that.

Huh? Who?

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (/m8T6)

Chi, that sounds like elitist bullshit.
Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky
Uh, I don't get it.
I'M elitist for not getting why people seem to worship Adams?

I'm about as elite as the guy you gave your change to on the ay out od Starbucks this morning.

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (dB5LE)

829 Which candidate uses the term "wrong people"?

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (lKyWE)

Deplorables and irredeemables please step to the right. The rest of you remain where you are.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (hLRSq)

830 I just polled my cat.

Posted by: Joey 'Two Yowls' Biden at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (nGtPk)

831 Justaguy: NRO, Red State, the Weekly Standard and their supporters online and on Twitter; and Twitter types including Rubio dead-enders.

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (LdMbv)

832 Just to make an inside joke less inside, I shall tell the Horde a story.

Last week a manatee was observed and captured on Cape Cod. (We all know that there is a certain Bearer of Rackage who is smitten with manatees).

This is what's brilliant about the ocean and makes it superior to lakes. Literally anything can happen, like a manatee showing up on Cape Cod.

They caught the critter and brought her to the Mystic Aquarium where they discovered she was pregnant. She'll be rehabbed and sent to Florida to be released and rear her manatee pup.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (mgbwf)

833 Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"?
Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:01 PM (gXKl3)

Which candidate uses the term "wrong people"?

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 02:05 PM (lKyWE)

And deplorable, and irredeemable, and etc. etc. etc.

Posted by: Country Boy - Deplorable and proud of it at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (Idu2i)

834 Further, I actually only let my salesmen mine for new business clients about 20% of the time. The rest of their time is spent leveraging every last dime out of their existing base because that is way more cost efficient.
Posted by: ajmojo

The problem, people only get one vote each (at least for Republican voters)

A customer though can spend more and more.

So mining the same rabid voter base with a huge amount on intensity gets you to the same number when it comes to votes.

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (onbPc)

835 810

The engineer and the conductor were in the same compartment

And they keep referring to LE
Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (+kpYV)

German co-pilot type situation?

Posted by: rickl the deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (zoehZ)

836 Thanks to @TeamMcMullin, candidate @Evan_McMullin has moved past Jill Stein in the polls

*Staff news and politics writer @deseretnews. Inbred as a puppy-mill Golden Retriever.


Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 01:50 PM (kdS6q)

Damn! Chemjeff abandoned me!

Posted by: Jill Stein at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (o9m/V)

837 @802...thanks, ThunderB. Will have to start many terrorist attacks on our soil in the last 8 yrs they have kept us "safe?" And Hilz wants to import 550% more sweet refugees?

This is why I am absent from Ace a lot til Hillary snark or terrorism. I don't twitter as I don't argue. I like to read positive things. No sense deepening the depression of the last eight years of Odungo to read arguments. I am going to fight Hillary with the only weapon I have, other than snark, and that is Nov 8th I will happily vote for Mr. Trump, the most non-politically correct candidate we need right now.

Love y'all. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (Cx8BK)

838 An Egg McMuffin will lead them..

Posted by: TexasJew at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (rUnRu)

839 About Trump's approach to the debate, one thing we know is that he didn't approach it impulsively, he had a plan.

Some people think Trump is impulsive, flying by the seat of his pants. That's not the case.

What a business executive like Trump does with every project is plan. Plan. Plan. Plan.

Building something like a hotel casino or a golf course resort requires a strategy and careful, long-term planning and the successful, timely execution of many tasks.

A multi-year project is planned in advance in great detail and every week the timeline of tasks and schedule of responsibilities is updated to reflect progress and new information, focusing on the tasks for the week ahead but always re-assessing and measuring against the long-term goal. Usually the week will start out with meetings or conference calls with the managers and participants of sub-elements of the project such as regulatory, contractor proposals, finance, architects, etc. in order to plan. This is what Trump has done, day in and day out, for decades. Yes, negotiating deals is a big part of it, but the bigger part is simply planning.

My take: Trump realized that many people watching the first debate would be paying close attention to him for the first time. He settled on a strategy for that debate in which he would actually answer the questions asked of him and not quickly deflect the question away. He wanted to convey to Democrats and Independents that he was not dodging questions like a typical politician and that he could defend the smears against him because the smears are unfair.

Having done that, I would expect to see a different strategy in debate two and an even different strategy in debate three.

You may not agree with the strategy, but one thing we can be sure of is that he does have a strategy.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 02:12 PM (fgOnp)

840 Honestly, the number of people here who quote and refer to him daily astounds me.
The guy made his millions drawing a friggin' cartoon, but is now an intellectual poeerhouse?
Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:00 PM (dB5LE)
I think he's trolling the Trumpian right.
Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:04 PM (gXKl3)

Maybe if your tried actually reading the writer in question and considering his ideas you wouldn't be so confused and upset by those who have.

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 02:12 PM (Ou6/U)

841 822 On Fox they are hearing it may not have been an accident

48 hour rule?

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:10 PM (O2RFr)

Honestly, I guessed that first thing (like prolly everyone else) and I'd be surprised if it turns out differently.

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:12 PM (/m8T6)

842 Ace has people who used to be friends and people whose minds and ideas he admires that are on twitter and who are so anti-trump its repulsive. Its hard when that happens, they are irrationally against Trump to the point they practically support Hillary. We still have a few here that do it, for various reasons and motivations.

-Some do it because Trump is personally repellant to them just a huge jerk they can't back.
-Some do it because they have other motivations, like a support for global warming hysteria they believe is SCIENCE!!! and anyone who opposes that must be awful
-Some do it because they see yet another non-conservative candidate from the GOP they just cannot manage to yet again vote for after so many in a row.

But none of those reasons are sufficient to bash Trump constantly and effectively throw aid and comfort to Hillary and her voters. None of them.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:12 PM (39g3+)

843 27
There's also a self-protection angle here: the Republican Party is about to make itself a permanent minority party -- good luck winning elections when you've betrayed half your base, geniuses! -- and that means the executive power, the power of law enforcement and prosecution, will be in the hands of the Democrats, forever.

I don't know if this party of liars and fools has given us much choice but to start making peace with our new perpetual political masters.

This party is now determined to give the machinery of prosecution and persecution to the Democrats until at least 2020 and probably 2024. Eight more years under a weaponized IRS and compromised FBI.

Nevermind what's going on in Wisconsin -- and a Hillary-stocked Court won't interject itself to stop that madness.

They're doing this deliberately. They're exposing thousands of their alleged fellow party members to government harassment for four more years and probably eight.


chemjeff hardest hit
Posted by: fixerupper

Yes, the problem is not that the Republicans won't win any more elections, its that the slide to Venezuela status will be impossible to brake.

It may be already too late. With the FBI, IRS and DOJ corrupted to the current point, (nevermind the media and academia), what's to stop the (even more) obvious fixing of elections.

The judiciary has been loaded with activist liberals at the Blue State court, federal court and appeals levels and SCOTUS is already 50 % gone and unable to overturn lefty appeal rulings, and if Hillary gets in they won't need to.

Who would stop them? Who could even raise the subject with all parts of the US a safety zone free from such triggering talk?

Trump is the last possible chance for the US to save itself through the electoral process. IMHO.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (kfcYC)

844 The Mirror (UK) repeated reports that the train's driver is alive and is in the hospital. The driver is said to be in critical condition.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (JBggj)


Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

846 Here. Something else for the Horde to knife fight over.

A Ketosis cookbook.


*bounds off innocently*

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (mf5HN)

847 The game is afoot with these pukes.
Posted by: Kreplach at September 29, 2016 02:03 PM (jzUL/)

Nothing to be done about this but just go ahead and vote.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (d6TTt)

848 I agree with this 100%, but, we're not going to get a David Mamet "you can't handle the truth" moment like I think Ace wants. They've convinced themselves they are noble (they aren't) and after noble ends (they're not) and that what he says isn't true (it is) and that the choice isn't binary (it is) and that there will be another chance later (there won't). I think I'll just withdraw all together and quietly wait for the wave to crash on me when it gets here, knowing my own personal breakwater will be insufficient.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (mN+tK)

849 An Egg McMuffin will lead them..
Posted by: TexasJew at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (rUnRu)

I didn't think Jews could eat pork.

Posted by: StrawMan at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (LwB8i)


*bounds off innocently*
Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:

Harsh. Very harsh.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (d6TTt)

851 >>>839

Oh my god thank you

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 02:14 PM (Ou6/U)

852 Damn! Chemjeff abandoned me!
Posted by: Jill Stein at September 29, 2016 02:11 PM (o9m/V)

See Jill's great new idea that's linked in my sock!

Posted by: andycanuck at September 29, 2016 02:14 PM (LdMbv)

853 I would be curious to see what the minute by minute viewership numbers of the debate were (and further broken down into different cohorts of voters). I'm willing to bet DT had those numbers and his strategy for the debate was helped shaped by it.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:14 PM (1H9ox)

854 I'm personally probably defecting to the Democrats after this.

That has been the goal of the GOPe all along. There is really only one party and they are getting tired of even playing the games about it. So naturally, if voters all switch to democrats, the politicians never have to worry about elections again, they just have to please the party bosses so they don't get primaried.

Is this Russia, this isn't Russia is it? Naw. Its gonna be worse, because he had something to lose and lose it we did.

Posted by: simplemind at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (xVRrG)

Thank you, Democratic Party! Thank you! You're a great audience, just amazing. I'm so honored to be part of Ace O'Palooza this year. It like, you know, I'm a symbol of all the Progressive Movement stands for so when you, like, embrace the Progressive Movement, you're like, embracing me--no, wait! It's more than that. It's like you're french-kissing me and feeling me up. Because, you know, I, Lena Dunham, AM the Progressive Movement.


And now formy next number, I'd like to do a little thing I call 'Twerkin' It', with a big shout-out to mysister Miley...

Posted by: Lena Dunham In Her Second Musical Role at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (OGbEB)

856 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Posted by: Azathoth at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (dazWW)

857 One quick hit on the polling.

Reuters in it's latest has a Democrat advantage of 9 points, which is sky high and not based in reality.

I know dismissing polls usually means your losing, but how do you not question this ?

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (onbPc)

858 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??

Brian Dennehy.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (X6fMO)

859 >>>845

Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment
Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

Butt stuff??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (EWcNW)

860 Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment?
Once I catch this next hobo I'll ask him.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (1H9ox)

861 Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment
Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

When they are the same person?

Posted by: TheRiddler at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (LwB8i)

862 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.
Posted by: Azathoth

And I'm sure NeverTrumper Republicans will still contend the Republic is better off with Hillary

Posted by: Maritime at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (onbPc)

863 Damn. That's a LOT of regulations on behavior.

How do they accomplish anything?

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:07 PM (zu88C)

Ask chemjeff, I think he knows. I just try to do what I can in the time I have with the tools that are available.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (hLRSq)

864 I will not cave and 'go-along-to-get-along". I will not forsake my sovereign rights of freedom. I BELIEVE in the foundation of our country; its freedom and its uniqueness. I do not believe the "masses" are correct, collective groups are sheep that chatter to themselves without thought. Individuals have the opportunity to think and contemplate. For every person that says "Koch brothers" I say "George Soros". I will not be swayed, I will not be run over by "elites". I will vote out every single incumbent and continue to do so until the stranglehold of the elite has been broken. Our country faces the same tyranny it faced that caused its inception. I will not let our forefathers down and participate in the erasure of our lives, our liberty and our freedom.

Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (MjzZN)

865 Having done that, I would expect to see a different strategy in debate two and an even different strategy in debate three.

You may not agree with the strategy, but one thing we can be sure of is that he does have a strategy.

I agree, it pains me to see people panicking and being so upset over the debate, like Trump had to come out a clear winner on points while spewing their favorite anti-Hillary talking points or he SUCKED AND IS DOOMED!!!!!1!111!!!

He did what he had to do, introducing himself to a lot of people that only know him through popular media and news portraying him as an orange hand grenade.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (39g3+)

866 Hence, Se orita Puerco, the ex-porn star. They've got nothing.

Except the media.
And if experience tell us one thing it tells us, that's all they need.

Posted by: simplemind at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (xVRrG)

867 862 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

A win ,win!

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (O2RFr)

868 We shall call it "This Party"

Posted by: DaveA at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (8J/Te)

869 "You may not agree with the strategy, but one thing we can be sure of is that he does have a strategy."

In the first debate Trump mostly stuck to his marching orders from Conway and Bannon not to make a first impression to first time viewers as being a dick. By going personal, Hillary has opened the door to attacks over her role in enabling Bill's very bad behavior.

So expect a Trump counter-attack to come.

Some people want to believe that Trump isn't that smart. But he is, and he does plan. It's part of his Mad Media Skilz.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (r1fLd)

870 397 It's always best to remember that regardless of who becomes President, or which party they claim, neither of these two candidates can stop the utter avalanche of debt that we're facing.

Things neither Hillary nor Donald can stop:

1. Financial Armageddon due to untenable debt.
2. Collapse of SS program
3. Collapse of dollar
4. Massive unemployment due to (see above) and robot workers
5. Increased/ever increasing racial strife as (see above) continues
6. Looming war with China/Russia
7. Likely war in Middle East as Iran gets nukes and Israel says "nope".
8. Likely launching of nukes between Pakistan and India
9. Likely war between China and Japan over disputed territory.
10. Continued attacks by radical Islamic fundies.

Did I miss any sunshine? So while we're arguing over the carpet color, the house is burning down.

Best to laugh this election off and prepare for these far more likely events.

Posted by: AlaBAMA

High levels of economic growth can solve the debt problem. Vote Trump.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (kfcYC)

871 I'm still doing research for my project.

We all, theoretically, have 30 basic human rights by the UN. That's quaint. I'm going through the list and seeing a bunch that no longer seem to apply.

Who do we talk to about that?

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at September 29, 2016 02:17 PM (cBWom)

872 The debate went fine. I was told over and over that all he had to do was look calm and potentially presidential. Then evey one falls for the leftist spin.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:17 PM (09Ay7)

873 The cartoon is just one of his pursuits. He's also written a book on persuasion. He's interpreting the campaign from a persuasion/winning narrative perspective. Is he worth listening to? Dunno. I like checking his site occasionally just for a different perspective on things.
Posted by: Lizzy
Oh, I don't doubt that he is 10x more intelligent than me.
And I'm sure he's a fine man.
It's just odd that in over ten years of coming here, I had never seen his name mentioned until he agreed with Trump supporters.

Now his name is mention multiple times per day like he's some sort of political guru that should be listened to.
Not try to stir shit up or piss off anyone.

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (dB5LE)

874 Hey there, I get to vote for Rubio three times this year......

Now I need a drink..

Posted by: The Deplorable Garbone at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (5xuEg)

875 Hillary! supporters are a lot more afraid of Trumpers than we may believe. They see the vociferousness of his supporters (and I'll say on the blogcord that I'm voting for him if I don't die by then...if I do die before then, all bets are off) and may be reluctant to display their support for her.

This is the 3rd Presidential election to take place in the realm of Social Media and it seems more consumers of said media are wary about voicing political opinions.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (hqZPQ)

876 Banana banana banana

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (+kpYV)

877 813
So many of these posts read like Ace is yelling at someone but I don't really know who. Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?

Are they all on Twitter which I refuse to use? Glenn Beck?

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (wTSvK)

Yesterday, Potatoes Au Gratin. This appears to be some residual angst from that.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (GX63o)

878 846 A Ketosis cookbook.

Is it bacon, followed by steak, followed by cheese?

With Rum chasers?

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (/m8T6)

879 Brian Dennehy.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM (X6fMO)

*bows to the master*

I really enjoyed your post the other day.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (mf5HN)

You want Trump to win. Good for you, and the alt-right, the neo-nazi's, the KKK and the rest of the degenerates who back him.
Posted by: astonerii

"Trump Supporter Roll Call, sound off now!"





Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (kdS6q)

881 Take an early weekend for God's sake. Too much of this is bad for the soul. Unplug my friend. Plan a road trip, like now, pack up and go somewhere beautiful. Safe travels.

Posted by: Voice of reason at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (HYvr6)

882 Let's see - in mid-August, after all that stupid Khan stuff, a Trump victory looked impossible. We were all depressed.

Then Hill makes her "deplorables" comment and takes a dive on 9/11 and the media obviously lies - and then it a Trump victory doesn't look so impossible. Why, Hill's even losing ground in states like NJ and MN.

We were all giddy and excited.

Then Trump comes across as clueless in the first debate, the media gloms onto the Next Stupid Thing, his poll numbers take a bit of a hit - and here we are at gloom and doom again.

I think that ace did not expect the dip in polls - and (as a fellow migraine sufferer) combine that with the hungover, depressive feeling that you have after a migraine.....ace, wait a few days.

I've been saying all along that the media would go with the 2012 playbook because it worked so well for them - but I still think Events will decide this, not trivial bullshit.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (u0lmX)

"Trump Supporter Roll Call, sound off now!"






Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (O2RFr)

884 One of the rights the Progressives promote is the "Right to Die".
Phrased slightly differently.
Something to contemplate.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (d6TTt)

885 My low bar this election cycle: Candidate does not have to believe what I believe, but Candidate does have to protect my right to believe it.

That's pretty much it.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (bpfzP)

886 Further, I actually only let my salesmen mine for new business clients about 20% of the time. The rest of their time is spent leveraging every last dime out of their existing base because that is way more cost efficient.
Posted by: ajmojo

The problem, people only get one vote each (at least for Republican voters)

A customer though can spend more and more.

So mining the same rabid voter base with a huge amount on intensity gets you to the same number when it comes to votes.
Nope. There is a reason that voter enthusiasm is a monitored thing. Each voter may only be able to vote once, but you damn sure better do all that is in your power to ensure they stay on track and get to the polls.
He isn't mining for new business...he is mining to make sure that enthusiasm stays at a fever pitch even in the face of relentless criticism. He can't afford to lose an existing client (voter).

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (1H9ox)

887 Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment
Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

Butt stuff??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy

Train wreck threadwinner.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:20 PM (ApT0U)

888 Well, my lawn actually sucks, Duncanthrax, I'll give you that. Too many dandelions.

I actually have an ancestor that was ambushing US Army supply wagons during that little military adventure. Buchanan's Blunder, it was called. Strange, many of the great Civil War generals on both sides served side by side during that little shindig.

But on the question of "Hillary putting people in the camps? Why, that's absurd!"

Is it? Is it really? The woman is evil, and she's let it slip a few times that her greatest enemies are conservatives. She's amoral, she hangs around with rapists by choice (and who knows, if she is lesbian inclined, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's raped a few girls herself--maybe a running contest between her and Bill), she's power hungry, and she's dying.

If she's elected, she has the entire media on her side; and an opposition that tried to help her win. Practically speaking, she will have more political power than any president in history. If she announced that she would ignore the 1st Amendment, who would stop her? Ryan and McConnell? After she beat Trump? Please. A few months of sustained hyperbole and all out assaults on "traitors known as Mormons" or some other large conservative group that is easily identifiable, and she could get Ryan and company to fund the camps.

Democrats had no problems putting the Japanese into them, after all. And I assure you, the left hates Christians and conservatives far, far more than they hated the Japanese.

Who is going to stop her if she tries it? Only the people she's targeting, most likely. We've seen how effective the FBI and Justice Department are in holding Hillary accountable. Give her the presidency, and there is nothing that will restrain her from her most evil impulses, except the people themselves.... if they can be bothered.

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 02:20 PM (IQzhs)

889 One of the rights the Progressives promote is the "Right to Die".

Phrased slightly differently.

Something to contemplate.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:19 PM (d6TTt)

Progressive policies always, always lead to death. Instead of "Follow the Money", it's follow the mortician. They want you dead.

Posted by: grammie winger's deplorable basket at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (bpfzP)

890 Never in a million years will I switch to the Democrats. They are wrong on every issue. It is as simple as that. I am leaving the GOP and I'll go Independent or Libertarian. Democrat? F that in its A

Posted by: BikerChick85 at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (I2Bfq)

891 862 "Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins."

But, but, but Trump has the complexion of Cheetos! Here let me show you!

*proceeds to dip face into crushed Cheetos*

Posted by: Glenn Beck at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (BDZWU)

892 Jack Daniels Silver Select


Posted by: Roland [OMITTED] at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (QM5S2)

893 Take an early weekend for God's sake.
What's a 'weekend'???

Posted by: hillary, dowager countess of chappaqua at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (LdMbv)

894 A Ketosis cookbook.

Is it bacon, followed by steak, followed by cheese?

With Rum chasers?

If not, it sounds good.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:22 PM (ApT0U)

895 i asked this the other day and got two answers but neither from actual never trumpers.......

so i ask again.......never trumpers,

"do you want trump to lose?"

i'm not asking to provoke....i'm honestly asking this question.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 02:22 PM (0O7c5)

896 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (mf5HN)

Hey, just wanted to tell you I listened to the podcast the other day and really enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, at the end you were talking about "Designated Survivor" and since I had only watched a little of it went back and watched the rest and thought it was pretty good.

So thanks!

Posted by: HH at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (DrCtv)

897 I have a seriously problem trusting polls immediately after a Democrat-involved major event because you know damn well what they are going to say going in.

In any case, Ace needs to take his own advice regarding polls: they only matter in the aggregate to determine momentum, not individually or in groups for specifics. That's it, that's all they teach you.

But, I do understand. Ace is a man who already got nailed with lawfare by a lunatic who will go unnamed here and knows what its like to have the full weight of the system leaning on you.

He's a major high profile blogger who gets mentioned favorably all over the internet. Hillary Clinton has a list. For us its depressing and miserable for our nation to see her win.

For Ace, it might be a matter of personal freedom and livelihood. He's got a lot more skin in this game than you or I.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (39g3+)

898 If not, it sounds good.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:22 PM (ApT0U)
it's always good the first day or two......

Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (0O7c5)

899 Is it bacon, followed by steak, followed by cheese?

With Rum chasers?
Again? Must be Thursday.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (1H9ox)

900 The debate went so good for Trump the only thing the media could talk about is a twenty year old Miss Piggy incident.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (gwwEL)

901 I believe this election is a "grexit" wave and there are millions of Trump voters not saying shit to anyone, very pissed off. Grexit = government exit. No way will I ever join the party of SJW, Hillary, Wiener, Reed, etc, etc. I will simply change to an independent and stop voting instead, just like I stopped watching ESPN, CNN, NFL. If you want to be another David Brock, Ace, good for you. I've got

Posted by: Dave at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (kH/If)

Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment
Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

Gonna ask my blog friend who worked in RR all her life.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (Om16U)

903 High levels of economic growth can solve the debt problem. Vote Trump.
Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (kfcYC)

It's the only thing that can solve it.

Posted by: Phone of kari which, deplorably, features a headphone jack at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (Ou6/U)

904 Even if we don't agree with President Carter's policies, how can we possibly vote for the voodoo economics of someone who's been divorced?

Posted by: #neverreagan at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (EIB5Y)

905 California has made sexual assault a crime with no statute of limitations. Any of Bill's sex attacks made in California?

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (ofpt4)

906 Ace, bud, I know you're down. But don't do anything rash. Speaking of rash, don't rape your penis today. Prolly why you got the migraine. Do some sqwats, cuddle with your French girlfriend, and take her easy.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (EWcNW)

907 877 813
So many of these posts read like Ace is yelling at someone but I don't really know who. Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?

Are they all on Twitter which I refuse to use? Glenn Beck?

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (wTSvK)

Yesterday, Potatoes Au Gratin. This appears to be some residual angst from that.
Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (GX63o)

Don't forget Bill (Not) Kyrstol Balls.

And the angst is that he killed the diet for Potatoes Au Gratin, instead of a Loaded Bloomin Onion followed by a Reeses Pieces Sunday. If you're gonna go off the wagon, at least do it like a Viking!

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (9221z)

908 Bibi Netanyahu. There.


Posted by: Gary Johnson at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (8ZskC)

Trump has the complexion of Cheetos! Here let me show you!

*proceeds to dip face into crushed Cheetos*
Posted by: Glenn Beck at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (BDZWU)

HAHAHAH -- wait, didn't that really happen?

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (oGNNA)

910 Any train people here?

Why would the conductor and the engineer be in the same compartment

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:13 PM (+kpYV)

Gonna ask my blog friend who worked in RR all her life.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:24 PM (Om16U)

Neidermeyer's dead horse would know. The poster here....not the actual horse.

Posted by: Tami - Powering through being a Deplorable. at September 29, 2016 02:25 PM (Enq6K)

911 The engineer and the conductor were in the same compartment

And they keep referring to LE

Posted by: ThunderB at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (+kpYV)

Sausage party?

Posted by: Jill Stein at September 29, 2016 02:25 PM (o9m/V)

912 Butt stuff??
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 02:15 PM

There's a reason it's called a caboose.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (014lE)

913 Some people want to believe that Trump isn't that smart. But he is, and he does plan. It's part of his Mad Media Skilz.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 02:16 PM (r1fLd)

And I do not pretend to know what his plan is and what he and his advisors have gamed out.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (hLRSq)

914 741 At least that army seems to give a fuck about protecting its own.

Posted by: Ace at 12:05 PM

Their own are the elites within the ranks.
Posted by: Cheri

Precisely. That's the essence of socialism--everyone is equal and on the same team, but not everyone gets a dacha on the black sea. Some other team members have to share a three-room unheated apartment with two other families, all of which are missing members who didn't toe the team line.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (kfcYC)

915 I heard that if a thread goes over 1000 comments then the world ends. Stop now before it's too late!

Posted by: StrawMan at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (LwB8i)

916 The thing that goes "Choo Choo" goes in the front.

Sometimes it goes in the back.

Posted by: jOe bIDen at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (hqZPQ)

917 Even if we don't agree with President Carter's policies, how can we possibly vote for the voodoo economics of someone who's been divorced?

"exactly how I feel"
-George Bush the elder

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (39g3+)

918 Neidermeyer's dead horse would know. The poster here....not the actual horse.
Don't judge me bro. You don't know what I've seen

Posted by: Neidermeyer's zombie horse at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (1H9ox)

919 Hey, does anyone remember what that guys name is who writes Dilbert??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 01:56 PM (EWcNW)

What's on second. Who is on first.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (493sH)

920 >>Oh, I don't doubt that he is 10x more intelligent than me.
And I'm sure he's a fine man.
It's just odd that in over ten years of coming here, I had never seen his name mentioned until he agreed with Trump supporters.

Hey now, never said he's smarter than you or anyone here!
I just checked out his site after referrals from the horde. The whole messaging/persuasion mindset is not something I usually notice, so it's just interesting to check him and Cernovich out. Have no idea if they're onto something or if it's BS.

Posted by: Lizzy at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (NOIQH)

921 I agree with everything ace has said with the exception of joining the democrats. There is another option and that is to become an independent. The issue with both parties is that they have not stayed true to their ideals. The democrats insist that they have merely amended their ideals to deal with "systemic racism/sexism/LGBT bias. The true reality is that the party has pushed progressivism and made that their platform. This is the same progressivism of the early 20th century, complete with eugenics, environmentalism, enshrinement of a class of elites, etc. The republicans have also embraced progressivism completely although they lie about it or insist that we must embrace "compassionate conservatism". It is no different than the progressive democrats. Wars, trade deals, messaging is all done to support progressive ideals and the modern version is no less racist or psychopathic than the earlier version. The sad fact is that those in power have never been called to account and until that happens nothing will change. Hitler, who actually embraced progressive philosophy was actually the person who also pushed it into hiding. Now you have progressives coming out with the old ways. Examples include (but are not limited to) Cass Sunstein and Ruth Gader Ginsburg.

Posted by: lightning at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (pwONV)

922 909
Trump has the complexion of Cheetos! Here let me show you!

*proceeds to dip face into crushed Cheetos*
Posted by: Glenn Beck at September 29, 2016 02:21 PM (BDZWU)

HAHAHAH -- wait, didn't that really happen?

Well, crazy fucker, so

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (d6TTt)

923 California has made sexual assault a crime with no statute of limitations.

See, sometimes a woman doesn't realize that she was raped until she has an advanced degree in Feminist Studies, and that can take eight years or more.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (8ZskC)

Yesterday, Potatoes Au Gratin. This appears to be some residual angst from that.
Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable

I'll will have you know that my late, unlamented sock was fighting the Good fight against that persona twit.

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (326rv)

925 I hear they're doing a remake of Jumanji. Jumanji, fer chrissake! We are fast approaching another Dark Age.

Posted by: Fritz at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (2Mnv1)

926 So is Ace trolling today?

Posted by: Dave at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (kH/If)

927 I read Scott Adams' blog. He brings a unique perspective. So, I'm open. But worship? Nope,

Posted by: gracepc at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (OU4q6)

928 I heard that if a thread goes over 1000 comments then the world ends. Stop now before it's too late!

Do you really want me to post 100 times in a row?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (39g3+)

Hillary's supporters are freaking out, too, you know.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:27 PM (oGNNA)

930 923 California has made sexual assault a crime with no statute of limitations.

See, sometimes a woman doesn't realize that she was raped until she has an advanced degree in Feminist Studies, and that can take eight years or more.
Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at September 29, 2016 02:26 PM (8ZskC)

Hey! Those fat injections take time!

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (9221z)

931 769 Which party has people in it that wants to jail climate deniers?

And which party doesn't?

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 01:59 PM (ApT0U)
Yup there are people on the left who has some pretty awful and terrible ideas. I agree.

Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"?
Posted by: chemjeff

More like camps a la Hitler.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (kfcYC)

932 So many of these posts read like Ace is yelling at someone but I don't really know who. Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?

Are they all on Twitter which I refuse to use? Glenn Beck?

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:08 PM (wTSvK)


All of National Review, everyone on Fox except Hannity, Redstate, hotair-ish, the Political Hat, random asswipes who come here, and the depressives at Powerline.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (09Ay7)

933 This #NeverTrump bullshit is nothing new from the Vichy GOP. They've been doing this stuff for over a decade. They started in 2006, when they tried to despicably force aid and comfort to invading illegals through the Senate in the dead of night - over and over and over - and called us names when we found out about it and fought back, stopping the traitors in their tracks. That led to the GOP getting trounced in 2008 by the most un-American, retarded douchebag in history taking the White House and the GOP becoming a total pariah among EVERYONE.

Then, in last gasp efforts to save America the Tea Party formed and put the GOP back in control of the House in 2011, only to have the GOP turn around and do nothing of what they were given power to do but to spend their time trying to squash the Tea Party and agreeing with the lowlife dems about every deliberately false and misleading accusation made against Tea Partiers. From that point on, the Vichy GOP considered its two main jobs to be collaborating with Barky and snuffing out the Tea Party.

After the re-election of the worst back-stabbing loser in House Speakership history I had had enough of the GOP. I left. That was it for me. I certainly was not for the dems - they are the lowest of the low and allying with them assures no one of anything. You can't trust a dem as far as you can throw him, but I was done with the Vichy GOP.

The only reason I came back to the GOP (to give them a vote in 2016) is because Trump emerged to finally state some of the simple truths of what it meant to be a nation and some of the basic steps necessary to even have a chance to re-establish America. Just a chance, but he was the only one taking that path.

As to the Vichy GOP, they are and always will be back-stabbing douchebag traitors. But this is not new. It didn't come up all of a sudden. The bullshit with Paul Ryan showed what they are about and what they will continue to do unless they are forced to change (or, even better, just gotten rid of). Trump is the last chance before a national divorce becomes the only possibility (though Trump might not even be able to forestall that, anyway).

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (zc3Db)

934 Ace, nice post as always.
Instead of joining the dims how about becoming a muzzie instead (in name only of course)? They are the most protected class it seems atm. Could you all imagine the massive confusion on the left and right if large numbers of conservatives started openly claiming to be muzzie. Out 5th column the 5th columnist's. Pro America and Pro Israel Muslims. The head explosions from all sides might be worth it alone.

Or to go the Clinton route we could all just join the Bloods or Crips. Even more Clintonian would be to move South and join the Narco's, sh!t, take over the Narco's.

Just spit balling here.
Stay frosty everyone.

Posted by: prophet of the deplorables at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (KIJKy)

935 Thanks andycanuck. I never really got to Red State or the Standard but thought NRO had many correct arguments against Trump in that issue they did during the primaries. Haven't followed them since because the Corner isn't as fun as it used to be.

Oh well I guess Ace voting for Hillary will show those people who won't vote for Trump. He can become like all those "conservatives" in 2008 who talked about how smart and cool Obama was and nevermind the issues and what is actually best for the country.

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (UnMRd)

936 California has also decided Virginia criminals shouldn't be the only ones voting.

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (ofpt4)

937 813 So many of these posts read like Ace is yelling at someone but I don't really know who. Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?

my guess is he went out to dinner or something with a bunch of his friends, who are devout nevers.

Posted by: concrete girl at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (pORYo)

938 I heard that if a thread goes over 1000 comments then the world ends. Stop now before it's too late!

Only if the Threads cross

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (zp+j1)

939 the rest of the degenerates who back him.
Posted by: astonerii

Not to be confused with the pedophiles, druggies, pressitutes, hedge fund managers, Wall Street bankers, university professors, communists, socialists, politicians, civil service, free shit army, murderers, Democrats, and the rest of the degenerates that back Hillary.

Posted by: Country Singer (gab @BertG) at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (uiwCw)

940 so i ask again.......never trumpers,

"do you want trump to lose?"

i'm not asking to provoke....i'm honestly asking this question.....
Posted by: phoenixgirl, deplorable is better than despicable at September 29, 2016 02:22 PM (0O7c5)

Go watch most of the Fox News lineup.

There are never any pro Trump stories... even when he was gaining in the polls, all the stories were about how he was losing the Electoral College...

The snark is evident when they talk about Trump... from Brit Hume, to Campaign Carl Cameron... to Kelly Files (which is blatantly and irrecoverably anti Trump .... because ... Guhrlll Power)....

Or... go look at NRO...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (qf6WZ)

941 Ace:

I registered as a Democrat last month, and highly recommend all Morons and other Constitutional Conservatives do so. Now my teaching colleagues and students all love me, and -- bonus! -- I can criticize Hillary, et. al., because if I start by saying "I'm a Democrat and..." they don't hoot and holler!

This is an 80% true story.

I'm going to eat them from the inside out.

Posted by: WryMouth at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (JoueB)

942 906 cuddle with your French girlfriend, and take her easy.


Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (/m8T6)

943 All of National Review, everyone on Fox except Hannity, Redstate, hotair-ish, the Political Hat, random asswipes who come here, and the depressives at Powerline.
Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (09Ay7)

I think VDH finally recognized Trump as the lesser of two evils last week.

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (9221z)

944 It's nice to think that Any guy can be accused of sexual assault for, like, ever, by any woman he's ever known.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (d6TTt)

945 path to victory:

elect Trump: we have good reason to take him at his word about putting good conservatives on the Sup Ct and other courts. Hillery will give us a SC that rules that the First Amendment doesn't really prevent the politicians from giving us laws that restrict political or other kinds of speech (or religious rights, for that matter) if they think it's good for the nation. And as I've said before, expect a HRC Sup Ct to rule that the second Amendment only applies to those who are actively serving in an official state militia.

resurrect the Tea Party: more conservatives in Congress after the 2018 election... hell, let's do it now, can't hurt if enough on-the-fence Repubs are in fear of what might happen to them in the 2018 primaries.

I'm tempted to add "and shut down the government to save the internet from foreign despots", but that would just be another news story about the mean old conservatives not caring if grandma gets her So Sec check next month.

Posted by: mallfly version 1.00203d at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (2JQBv)

946 Annnnnnd there is the first gyro burp. Dammit, gonna be a long afternoon.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (1H9ox)

947 Time for my afternoon FREE COFFEE!!!!!

Off to Wawa.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (Om16U)

948 More like camps a la Hitler.>>>

With current technology my camps will be much more efficient.

Posted by: Bill Ayers at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (tf9Ne)

949 Or to go the Clinton route we could all just join the Bloods or Crips

I'm pretty go with a Bo Staff.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (hqZPQ)

950 Interesting site I just came across....

militaryfactory dot com

I was looking for list of Generals. They have lists of all of the weapons, ships, aircraft used by each country in past wars. Nice site....

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at September 29, 2016 02:31 PM (cBWom)

951 Only if the Threads cross
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (zp+j1)

And there's no mention of bewbs, hobos (hoboes?), guns, and Thai Tranny hookers.

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 02:31 PM (9221z)

952 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (zc3Db)

Awesome. You GET me, man.

Posted by: Cicero -- Profoundly Deplorable But Pretty Dependable at September 29, 2016 02:31 PM (8ZskC)

953 I got free coffee twice today because I stopped at two different places that sell coffee. :^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:31 PM (EnGQE)

954 I would like a gyro right now.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (mgbwf)

955 hey, what's the prize for being the 1000th person to comment? A year's supply of Kaboom?

Posted by: mallfly version 1.00203d at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (2JQBv)

956 Which party has people in it that wants to jail climate deniers?

Its a stupid false dichotomy anyway.

If Hillary does not literally want to send everyone on her hate list to "reeducation" death camps, then her and Trump are the same!

Nobody sane and informed believes this.

Instead of joining the dims how about becoming a muzzie instead (in name only of course)? They are the most protected class it seems atm.

Its actually a really easy religion to follow. You profess that Allah alone is God and Muhammad is his prophet, you donate to needy Muslims, you pray three times a day facing Mecca, you fast on Ramadan, and you visit Mecca at least once in your life.

That's it. Do this and you're a Muslim. The beards, clothing, all that, its optional, the five pillars are the only requirements in the Koran. If you join a given sect, they have their traditions and rules of course.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (39g3+)

957 Here's the thing: across the Western world there appears to be a big backlash brewing against the elites. We saw it with Brexit. We are seeing it with the rise of populism in Europe and the growing reaction against Merkel. And we are seeing it here with the rise of Trump.

Maybe Trump the man doesn't matter as much as the movement behind him. If he has hit at just right time, the time when Americans have had enough of being pissed on and told it's raining, then trying to stop him by shrieking about birthers or fat beauty queens might just be like trying to fix a hole in a boat with a band aid.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (u0lmX)

958 I would like a gyro right now.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (mgbwf)

who wouldn't?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (zp+j1)

959 I may not be able to name any world leaders or know what the definition of a leppo is but I am on a first name basis with Mary Whanna and Ellis Dee if that counts for anything.

Posted by: Gary Johnson at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (cCxiu)

960 Hey, just wanted to tell you I listened to the podcast the other day and really enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, at the end you were talking about "Designated Survivor" and since I had only watched a little of it went back and watched the rest and thought it was pretty good.

So thanks!
Posted by: HH at September 29, 2016 02:23 PM (DrCtv)

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it. I dvr'd the second episode and haven't watched it yet though I had it on mute in the background and it appeared they went right to poor put upon Kal Penn being racially profiled and my eyes did the rolling around so hard they nearly fell out thing.

On the other hand, since I was peeved that there was not The Evil Omnipotent Incompetent CIA Did It, I do have to accept that of course the poor dear will be racially profiled.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (mf5HN)

961 I will simply change to an independent and stop voting instead, just like I stopped watching ESPN, CNN, NFL. If you want to be another David Brock, Ace, good for you. I've got

Posted by: Dave

Damn! Sniper got Dave!

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:33 PM (ApT0U)

962 Posing as a Democrat and railing against Hillary for crony capitalism and corporatism and oligarchy wall street whatever is fun.
I've done this.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:33 PM (d6TTt)

963 956 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (39g3+)

Go for the protected species hat trick and burn your identity if possible get a tan and a dye job and become Juan Mohammed the Mexican-American Muslim Gay guy.....

you'll be a civil service affirmative action hat trick.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:33 PM (SzZnW)

964 Here's what my blog friend said about the train:

the cab car of a train has a dept or a seat at the front of the car where the engineer can operate the train. there are passenger seats behind the cab of the car. the conductor could have been working the car getting passengers ready to detrain while the engineer was in the control seat of the car. There should have been a brakeman working the rear car of the train.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:34 PM (Om16U)

965 Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (UnMRd)

Wow. Way to miss a point. That was epic.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:34 PM (09Ay7)

966 This "a leppo" Johnson routine always makes me laugh. It probably won't at some point, but I'm glad to laugh right now.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:34 PM (EnGQE)

967 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (zc3Db)

This. Well stated.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable at September 29, 2016 02:34 PM (GX63o)

968 Ok now I'm really getting coffee

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:34 PM (Om16U)

969 Or to go the Clinton route we could all just join the Bloods or Crips

I'm pretty go with a Bo Staff.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 29, 2016 02:30 PM (hqZPQ)

Wouldn't you fit in better with the Yakuza, The Tong, or The Triad?

Posted by: Country Singer (gab @BertG) at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (uiwCw)

970 All of National Review, everyone on Fox except Hannity, Redstate, hotair-ish, the Political Hat, random asswipes who come here, and the depressives at Powerline.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (09Ay7)

Powerline is uniformly voting for Trump. Don't much know about the rest, but NR has several pro-Trump writers.

There's a lot of finger pointing going on around the right-world. I've noticed some of the pointers demand people be "pro-Trump" for some reason, instead of voting Trump to be anti-Hillary.

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (/m8T6)

971 The reason statutes of limitations exist is because after a certain point it becomes at the very best extremely impractical, if not usually impossible, to prosecute. Evidence is degraded or lost, or destroyed. It simply becomes circumstantial and he said/she said.

Justice demands that you don't push for convictions of some crimes after a given point because you cannot have a just trial and come to a reasonable conviction based on the evidence.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (39g3+)

972 I think VDH finally recognized Trump as the lesser of two evils last week.

Posted by: Iblis at September 29, 2016 02:29 PM (9221z)

No, he's been fine all along. I should have said except VDH

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (09Ay7)

973 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (39g3+)

You kinda left out the whole going to hell when you die for following a false God thing...

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (qf6WZ)

974 935 Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (UnMRd)

You kind of missed the whole "2018 and on" thing....

Never Trump says we can win by losing, and think they will rise back on a white horse and claim leadership of the GOP....

they may well do so....I will cross the aisle and help them lose/win for the next 100 years.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (SzZnW)

975 >>You do an outstanding job of bringing what is important to/about this country and how it's being destroyed to light with reason and humor. I drop in and out of here to learn and vent and have the 'rons put me some knowledge and make me laugh.

I did not take the heavybag comment as snark. I didn't mean to sound grumpy. I was literally just saying, yes, I use one, but I won't be going to the gym today. It's my off day.

I do sometimes work out frustrations on it but usually I'm just doing it for exercise and technique.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (dciA+)

976 Protip - if you pose as a Democrat to attack, come at her from the Bernie Socialist angle.
That's pretty unassailable.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (d6TTt)

977 The media is NOT ALLOWED to run positive Trump stories. It's not a matter of want.

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (Om16U)

978 >>> you pray three times a day facing Mecca,

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (39g3+)


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (EWcNW)

979 Well, you poke the comment bear and end up generating a 1k comment shitstorm.
Not bad for a migrained Ewok.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (FtrY1)

980 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Oh, please. If Trump wins, that nickelfucking bitch will suddenly have a come-to-Satan moment and declare that she can't possibly leave the court, because she's the last line of defense against Trump and his Mexican death camps.

The stupid cvnt should be home praying for a happy death.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (X6fMO)

981 All of National Review, everyone on Fox except Hannity, Redstate, hotair-ish, the Political Hat, random asswipes who come here, and the depressives at Powerline.
Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:28 PM (09Ay7)


If you can't handle The Political Hat--you've got a problem.

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (fi5nC)

982 >>>I'm also pretty depressed.

Awww. Here's a little something to cheer you up.

Posted by: Yuimetal at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (iFgwk)

983 Ace's depression, touching my soul
I know what I want, but I just don't know how to get it
drops from my fingers, fingers
Aces's depression captured my soul

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (ofpt4)

984 Less than thirty to go ... stay focused.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (RKJF2)

985 Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (/m8T6)

I said the depressives at Powerline. They're voting trump but whining.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (09Ay7)

986 Justice demands that you don't push for
convictions of some crimes after a given point because you cannot have a
just trial and come to a reasonable conviction based on the evidence.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:35 PM (39g3+)
"She said" is irrefutable evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, unless my husband or a client of mine is involved.

Posted by: HRC at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (EIB5Y)

987 You kinda left out the whole going to hell when you die for following a false God thing

Yeah it doesn't end well.

In fact, even if Islam is true and right... you still go to hell. Everybody does in Islam, except for martyrs to the faith and Muhammad himself. Literally. Muslim hell is like a really nasty purgatory in Roman Catholic theology, you pay for the sins in your life a while, then go to paradise. Some pay longer. Some never get out -- depending on who you ask in Islam.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (39g3+)

988 Did anyone see the pics of Miss Piggy boinking that dude on the reality show and saying things that probably sound sexier in spanish than they do in translated english?
I'd doink her with another 50 pounds on easy. Maybe even 75.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (1H9ox)

989 976 Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (d6TTt)

Yes comrade college is too expensive, here is an idea why not free cars too?

Like on Oprah?

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (SzZnW)

990 There's a diner down the street from me. I just pulled up its web page.

Gyro costs $11.25. Peasant food should not cost $11.25.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (mgbwf)

991 Relax, Ace!

This election was lost the second Trump won the primaries with the support of 38% of the voters and millions of DNC crossovers.

Sit back and enjoy the suck.

It isn't your fault. It isn't your fault.

Posted by: Ginned up Controversy at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (QSZu4)

992 The attitude of the GOP Establishment comes through in the Detroit News endorsement of Aleppo Johnson for President (Giving a new meaning to the phrase "High Office.")

Donald Trump is unprincipled, unstable and quite possibly dangerous. He can not be president.

His Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, has an impressive resume and a presidential bearing. And although we disagree with her nearly across the board on the issues, we acknowledge she has the temperament to be commander-in-chief and leader of both a diverse nation and the free world.

Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (O7MnT)

993 Is it just a Myth that threads over 1000 are actually a Prayer to bring SMOD?

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (qf6WZ)

994 I predict this thread will go to 2000 comments

Posted by: Votermom the deplorable @vm on Gab at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (Om16U)

995 btw--I lurk seldom here now but that's the SECOND time you've tried to smear The Political Hat while he's not here.

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (fi5nC)

996 Can I get a free iced coffee at Wawa today?
I'm a cheap SOB, and will be right near one in an hour...

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (dB5LE)

997 It hits 1000, things start to go wonky

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (7ZVPa)

998 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Separation of powers bitch. Heard of it? On the other hand, please walk if Trump wins.

Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (oiNtH)

999 Amen. The obamas know Hillary and Bill are racist and were very angry she was beaten by a black man. But they still campaign for her because they have discipline. Republican leaders are like whiny safe space seeking sjw' s and only do what feels good.

Posted by: Timwi at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (SxaAL)

1000 1000?

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (ofpt4)

1001 If you can't handle The Political Hat--you've got a problem.


Oh, I 'handled' him fine. I blocked him on twitter. I wrote above why I'm bored with and sick of the bitching.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (09Ay7)

1002 now?

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (7ZVPa)

1003 re 971:
"Justice demands that you don't push for convictions of some crimes after
a given point because you cannot have a just trial and come to a
reasonable conviction based on the evidence."

not any more it doesn't. You need to pay more attention to the MSM and less to the Other McCain.

Posted by: mallfly version 1.00203d at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (2JQBv)

1004 Whoo Hoo!

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (ofpt4)

1005 Gyro costs $11.25. Peasant food should not cost $11.25.>>>

But it is free range organic and glutten free.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (tf9Ne)

Powerline is uniformly voting for Trump.

They're depressives and bad-mouthers nonetheless. I was feeling better when Trump went up in the polls so I tiptoed back over there, and instantly remembered why I'd left in the first place.

Tangential point, but I'm in a nitpicky mood.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (oGNNA)

1007 Ace, you could move out of New York....believe it or not, there ARE still places in this once great country where one could admit to being a conservative or Republican without fear of social isolation.

Myself, I stopped considering myself Republican after Mississippi, and if not then would have done so this year. I seem to have little in common with 95% of the party apparatus and about two-thirds of its voters.

The party is on the verge of self-destruction, but its not because of a simplistic class struggle; its because its comprised of three broad factions that have lost all trust or respect for the other factions, none of which trust the competing factions to pursue their priorities within the coalition in good faith.

Posted by: lowtech redneck at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (egK2C)


Dear Ace,

Don't Speak
~ No Doubt

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (qCMvj)

1009 Also, the Detroit News is totes on board with Aleppo's Unlimited Immigration policies; exactly like the GOP-E

Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (O7MnT)

1010 There's a diner down the street from me. I just pulled up its web page.

Gyro costs $11.25. Peasant food should not cost $11.25.
Holy crap. I am in an overpriced Chicago suburb. I don't pay more than $8 for a gyro platter, maybe $6-$7 for just a gyro sandwich.

Posted by: ajmojo at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (1H9ox)

1011 If you can't handle The Political Hat--you've got a problem.


Oh, I 'handled' him fine. I blocked him on twitter. I wrote above why I'm bored with and sick of the bitching.
Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (09Ay7)

OK I'll bite who or what is the "Political Hat"
I am usually the last to know? Sigh

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (zp+j1)

1012 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:18 PM (mf5HN)

**makes obeisance to the Empress**

I'm glad you liked the piece. If I can - and CBD is willing - I'm thinking of one on Roscoe Arbuckle or Peg Entwistle (the girl who jumped off the Hollywood sign).

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (X6fMO)

1013 998 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Avoid the rush and quit now Ruthie, you ignorant dumabass.

Posted by: JAMES COMEY at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (4rh2D)

1014 Well played skip. I think you get the tin foil membership for that.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (RKJF2)

1015 998 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Separation of powers bitch. Heard of it? On the other hand, please walk if Trump wins.
Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (oiNtH)

wow... all the MORE reason to vote Trump!

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 02:41 PM (qf6WZ)

1016 Grzjly wimoadn aoinsdnto t;lksoinand

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 02:41 PM (7ZVPa)

1017 This totally off track, but since where're at 973 posts now I don't think it makes a difference. ;^) I just wanted to say that I laughed loudly when I was at a clergy meeting at a table with all women clergy and one young male clergy and one of the women used the word "mansplain" (not about the clergyman, but something else) which I had never seen used except on the internet. I said before laughing, "I think it's a ridiculous word." I do not feel bad about it.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:41 PM (EnGQE)

1018 The stupid cvnt should be home praying for a happy death.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM

Howie? Is that you?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 29, 2016 02:41 PM (bzd8I)

The Democrat party is the party of straight-up murder. Of infants now, but quickly closing in on anyone deemed to be a "useless eater" (I can't think of the German term right now).

Leben unwirtsleben. Life not worthy of living

Posted by: Fox2! at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (cTgw8)

1020 So WA mall shooter has voted 3 times and not a citizen. And they say there is no voter fraud.

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (ofpt4)

1021 OK I'll bite who or what is the "Political Hat"
I am usually the last to know? Sigh
Posted by: Nevergiveup

Ummm...a guy who's been posting as long and as frequently as you?

He's a regular Moron.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (mgbwf)

1022 I'll stop mansplaining when you finally un-girl-stand.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (VdICR)

1023 1017 Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:41 PM (EnGQE)

The rot is deep and if we purged it completely people's hearts would look like a farmer's furrows.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (SzZnW)

1024 Oh, I 'handled' him fine. I blocked him on twitter. I wrote above why I'm bored with and sick of the bitching.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (09Ay7)


Quit trying to rile up "the gang" against him--it's petty and it's gross.

You can't handle him and you have to block him because he's intelligent.

I know that isn't valued supposedly and now it's a smear but it is what it is.

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (fi5nC)

1025 isn't it funny how, if you have a thousand square feet of linoleum and three square feet of carpet, the cat will always throw up on the carpet?
I think the Congress needs to look into this.

Posted by: mallfly version 1.00203d at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (2JQBv)

1026 We keep fighting. Hell, conservatives aren't winning here (TN) but they've gotten closer than they have in the enitre history of elections. This is where the Ben Shaprios of the world are wrong: focusing on the national scene. Not that it's not important. It is (but we still have a squishy legislative branch anyway). The real gains are to be made locally. In our towns, cities, state governments. Here's where we start to push back. Like in NC. They need to stand firm. And be patient. The liberal social agenda took decades to reach this point. It will take about that long to roll it back.

Posted by: David W. at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (aWQkK)

Do you think this is equivalent to "send all the conservatives to camps aka Stalin"? Posted by: chemjeff

Lets ask some Scott Walker supporters in Wisconsin

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (lKyWE)

1028 OK I'll bite who or what is the "Political Hat"
I am usually the last to know? Sigh
Posted by: Nevergiveup

Ummm...a guy who's been posting as long and as frequently as you?

He's a regular Moron.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (mgbwf)

Yeah I just google it. Sigh.
Long day

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (zp+j1)

1029 "If you can't handle The Political Hat--you've got a problem."

I think the people who cannot get over the primaries are the people who have the problem.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (hLRSq)

1030 Well played Fen, taking a deserved slap at children who pipe up when sitting at the adults table.
We need more of that!

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (d6TTt)

1031 1019 Posted by: Fox2! at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (cTgw

Ja, project T4 kameraden....

the Nazis learned their eugenics hymnals from the US.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (SzZnW)

1032 1009 Also, the Detroit News is totes on board with Aleppo's Unlimited Immigration policies; exactly like the GOP-E
Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 02:40 PM (O7MnT)

The Wall Street Journal is getting local editions?

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (ujg0T)

1033 Leben unwirtsleben.

Lebensunwertiges Leben.

Because I'm a pedantic dick.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:44 PM (mgbwf)

1034 934 Ace, nice post as always.
Instead of joining the dims how about becoming a muzzie instead (in name only of course)? They are the most protected class it seems atm. ...

Posted by: prophet of the deplorables

Even if you don't actually become a moslem, its not a bad idea to memorize some Quranic verses, you know, just in case.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:44 PM (kfcYC)

1035 1027 Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 02:43 PM (lKyWE)

Charles CW WWW Cooke is okay with the John Doe attacks if it means he still gets good invites.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:44 PM (SzZnW)

1036 It's not your fault, Matt Damon.

It's not your fault.


Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 02:44 PM (VdICR)

1037 Skip, did you make a wish? It will come true!!

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (EWcNW)

1038 Take away the media and leftists have nothing (well, except the
universities and government, but those will eventually fall without the
media). I've never quite understood why conservatives don't treat the
media as the political enemies they really are. Politicians run attack
ads against their political enemies, why not against wankers like George
Stephanopolis? Find all the verifiable dirt you can on the scumbag,
put together a few good ads and destroy him. Sure, it might be
difficult to get them on some (most?) of the tv stations, but new media
is where it's at at the moment anyway (at least until the leftists gain
full control of it). Destroy the 'moderate' facade (and hence
credibility) of a few of these 'personalities' (amongst the politically
clueless LIVs) and watch the rest change their behaviour. Well, ok, I
don't know for sure if it will work but I've always thought it was worth
a shot (and conservatives have to try something new cause what they're
doing at the moment isn't worth shit).

Posted by: Cosmic Puppet (Down conservative down under) at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (QsW38)

1039 I did not take the heavybag comment as snark. I
didn't mean to sound grumpy. I was literally just saying, yes, I use
one, but I won't be going to the gym today. It's my off day.

I do sometimes work out frustrations on it but usually I'm just doing it for exercise and technique.

Posted by: ace at September 29, 2016 02:36 PM (dciA+)

Heh. Took me a few moments to clue in that "heavybag" was the exercise device used by boxers. My first thought was, "Gee, that's an exceedingly personal question."

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (o9m/V)

1040 Quit trying to rile up "the gang" against him--it's petty and it's gross.

You can't handle him and you have to block him because he's intelligent.

I know that isn't valued supposedly and now it's a smear but it is what it is.

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (fi5nC)

Dagny wants a Trumpian bubble to surround her. No dissent shall be tolerated.

Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (EEnvH)

1041 Political Hat is a regular ONTer

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (ofpt4)

1042 Even if you don't actually become a moslem, its not a bad idea to memorize some Quranic verses, you know, just in case.
Posted by: Dirks Strewn at September 29, 2016 02:44 PM (kfcYC)

May help you keep your head on straight.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (d6TTt)

1043 1025 isn't it funny how, if you have a thousand square feet of linoleum and three square feet of carpet, the cat will always throw up on the carpet?
I think the Congress needs to look into this.
Posted by: mallfly version 1.00203d at September 29, 2016 02:42 PM (2JQBv)

Congress? I thought you actually WANTED an answer....

Posted by: Don Q. at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (qf6WZ)

1044 LOL. It's not as if women are never condescending or don't roll their eyes when women explain things to men, but nobody calls this "womensplaining" I will obviously have to to be the token woman at the table with men. :^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (EnGQE)

1045 1037 Posted by: SENATOR TURTLE DICK FROM KY at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (XzRw1)

Not you obviously Mooch.

See you in 2018 sport.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (SzZnW)

1046 Yeah there's a local place here I can get a Gyro and sides for under $8. ITs just a Mediterranean taco, don't overspend.

Darn tasty too.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (39g3+)

1047 I said the depressives at Powerline. They're voting trump but whining.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:37 PM (09Ay7)
Hinderaker is strongly pro-Trump and his blogmates vary, so I think they aren't what you think (at least now).

You were answering the question "Who are these pro-Hillary #nevertrumpers?", and the Powerline guys aren't nevertrump. Neither is Levin or Ponnuru (as of last week at least, maybe earlier for all I know).

I'm arguing this because there is a group on the Trump side who aren't satisfied with an intention to vote Trumo, it's almost as if they want a personal statement of devotion. I'm not saying that's you, but I'm hoping early Trump voters will accept new Trump votes regardless of motivation and without rubbing prior positions into the new Trump voters faces.

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (/m8T6)

1048 988 Did anyone see the pics of Miss Piggy boinking that dude on the reality show and saying things that probably sound sexier in spanish than they do in translated english?
I'd doink her with another 50 pounds on easy. Maybe even 75.

Yeah, but afterwards you will not slap a kill decal on the tool since it feels empty and useless. Like shooting down a Ki-30 driven by a training pilot.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (FtrY1)

1049 There's a diner down the street from me. I just pulled up its web page.

Gyro costs $11.25. Peasant food should not cost $11.25.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:38 PM (mgbwf)

Does it have artisinal gyro loaf? You know that's a thing. It has to be a thing.

The one Greek place by me does gyro dinner for like $9.25 but that's a huge gyro, pasta salad and an enormous pile of fries. It's at least two meals for me.

Bander, you would like it as an appetizer.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (mf5HN)

1050 I have had a few 1ks, forgot in my rush to make one

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:46 PM (ofpt4)

1051 1040 Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (EEnvH)

and you think Grammy H is the answer to stopping Grammy H.....

I always thought chem was STEM track.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:46 PM (SzZnW)

1052 If worse comes to worst, the electoral and justice system fails, the Left will learn the laws worked to protect them from us way more than us from them.

I just ordered two more cases of 5.56mm. My ancestors in the Continental Army would demand no less.

Posted by: Colonel Kurtz at September 29, 2016 02:46 PM (z4k8L)

1053 So WA mall shooter has voted 3 times and not a citizen. And they say there is no voter fraud.

Voter fraud is a myth! A myth, I tell you! People voting illegally is more rare than legitimate UFO sightings or actual alien abductions!

It's all a manufactured outrage by the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, to keep poor black folks from exercising the franchise!

I know, 'cuz I'm like a political geeeeeenius! Plus Whoopie Goldberg confirmed it to me, and there is no more reliable source than her!

Posted by: MIKA at September 29, 2016 02:46 PM (4rh2D)

1054 Lebensunwertiges Leben.

Hence, the title of my third book. But whom is it referring to?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:47 PM (39g3+)

1055 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, practicing lich and SC justice, threatens to resign from Supreme Court if Trump wins.

Separation of powers bitch. Heard of it? On the other hand, please walk if Trump wins.
Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (oiNtH)

wow... all the MORE reason to vote Trump!

Yeah. That's two picks from jump street.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:47 PM (ApT0U)

1056 A senior activist in Britains Labour Party who is close to controversial party leader Jeremy Corbyn questioned why Holocaust Remembrance Day is only about Jews.

Jackie Walker also questioned the need for security at Jewish institutions, suggesting that anti-Semitism is not behind any attacks, during a workshop organized by the Jewish Labour Movement at the annual party conference on how to confront anti-Semitism and engage Jewish voters.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2016 02:48 PM (zp+j1)

1057 Sounds like Ace had Kaboom! for breakfast.
Posted by: gapoz at September 29, 2016 12:09 PM (thyJJ)

No way. It's loaded with carbs.

Posted by: SMOD 2016! at September 29, 2016 02:48 PM (YeKKY)

1058 -I lurk seldom here now but that's the SECOND time you've tried to smear The Political Hat while he's not here.Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:39 PM (fi5nC)

I didn't smear him, I said he's a nevertrumper. They're PROUD of that, it's not a smear, or at least not to them. He'd agree that that's what he's been tweeting nevertrump stuff. I don't know how putting him in a category he wants to be in with Jonah Goldberg, Charles C. Cooke, Kevin Williamson, Jim Geraghty, Noonan, etc is a smear if he is literally announcing that's where he falls.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:48 PM (09Ay7)

1059 Will bourbon knock you out of keto? Will red wine?

I just got keto strips for the first time so will be able to track it now. I was doing great on the weight loss and then stalled the other day and the only thing I did different was had a glass of red wine - a small glass at that.

Peed on a stick this afternoon and it came back moderate so that's something.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at September 29, 2016 02:48 PM (SUtNI)

1060 The one Greek place by me does gyro dinner for like $9.25 but that's a huge gyro, pasta salad and an enormous pile of fries. It's at least two meals for me.

A Cheeseburger at Wendy's is two meals for you, half pint.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:48 PM (39g3+)

1061 Neverdemocrat

It's not that bad, Ace. Like another moron said, live free and end up dead either way. Honor those that fought for Liberty in the past.

The big question if the beast prevails? Idaho or Texas? I'm thinking Idaho subsistence type existence. In the company of moron types.

Posted by: Cooldawg at September 29, 2016 02:49 PM (AmeQT)

1062 Maybe Trump the man doesn't matter as much as the movement behind him. If he has hit at just right time, the time when Americans have had enough of being pissed on and told it's raining, then trying to stop him by shrieking about birthers or fat beauty queens might just be like trying to fix a hole in a boat with a band aid.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time)

Man, why do I keep seeing folks say stuff I've been on about for ages...well duh, of course it isn't about Trump. He just plugged into the mother of all live wires. Somebody would have.

I fully believe things are so far gone Trump was actually our best case scenario for how these forces got unleashed.

We may yet see the worst.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, convening Horde Thunderdome at September 29, 2016 02:49 PM (9krrF)

1063 Dagny wants a Trumpian bubble to surround her. No dissent shall be tolerated.
Posted by: chemjeff at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (EEnvH)

chemjeff, I hope your class went as well as your argumentation here does.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:49 PM (mf5HN)

1064 One quick hit on the polling.

Reuters in it's latest has a Democrat advantage of 9 points, which is sky high and not based in reality.

I know dismissing polls usually means your losing, but how do you not question this ?

Posted by: Maritime

Ipsos Reuters was one of the most accurate last election. However, it was in the last 21 days of the election that they were most accurate so who knows about now?

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 02:49 PM (+aCe4)

1065 I share something with Whoopie so kind of like her, but she is a nut case.

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (ofpt4)

1066 Obama won the presidency with 29% of the vote possible from eligible voters. The bitching about the percentage of the plurality is the dumbest argument out there.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (09Ay7)

1067 "And I do not pretend to know what his plan is and what he and his advisors have gamed out."

I'd take the bet that the 12-year rape victim will come up, along with examples of how Hillary enabled Bill's very bad behavior.

Until Miss Piggy, HillaryLand and MSM would say these stories were too old. Now they can't.

And the focus is on Hillary not Bill.

Goodbye Millenial woman vote.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (r1fLd)

1068 Over 1000, looks like we're on our own today...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (O2RFr)

1069 Twitter allows me to have tiny little interactions during the day with various and sundry people I like and to talk about stuff I find interesting and enjoyable. That is value added to me. But that's all it is and if twitter disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't be more than a blip on my radar.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 01:47 PM (mf5HN)

But it's the boob pics I tweet that have worn the paint off of your F5 key

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (Ya7zs)

1070 Mencken did not say "It's time to raise the pink panties and begin licking throats." (To paraphrase the original).

Just like losing weight. it took years to put on. It won't come off in weeks.

We've begun to make a difference. I'm not ready to give up. I still loathe the party who wants to pay people to not work, and who gives people everything when they have contributed nothing.

It's uphill for sure, but look at where we are compared to 2 years ago. Ther is a lot less apathy and acceptance of the staus quo.

I consider that encouraging.

Posted by: Gunslinger at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (4S7hN)

1071 But it's the boob pics I tweet that have worn the paint off of your F5 key
Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (Ya7zs)

I'm sure that I have no idea to what you could be referring, good girl that I am.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:51 PM (mf5HN)

I'm hoping early Trump voters will accept new Trump votes regardless of motivation and without rubbing prior positions into the new Trump voters faces.

Posted by: MTF at September 29, 2016 02:45 PM (/m8T6)

Dude, speaking for myself, I'll take Trump voters from all points on the political spectrum, all converts however late. In fact I wish "Bernette" would post here more often.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (oGNNA)

1073 I get the fatigue and frustration of this endless bullshit that Ace seems to be feeling. The GOP establishment is becoming the party of nothing.

But don't discount that there are TENS OF MILLIONS of Republicans who are NOT part of that establishment, and who are also fed up with this crap.

I say re-boot the Tea Party. Give it a new name if you have to. But THAT to me is the proper response to tyranny, regardless of whether the source is the Democrats or the GOP establishment.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (wtvvX)

1074 Ah the horde is more than able to amuse themselves

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (ofpt4)

1075 I just ordered two more cases of 5.56mm. My ancestors in the Continental Army would demand no less.

You, sir, are a great American.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (RKJF2)

1076 *waves at Danube River Guide*

You ain't been around much, pahdneh.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (mgbwf)

1077 Ah the horde is more than able to amuse themselves

That's what I'm afraid of...

Posted by: deplorable donna at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (O2RFr)

1078 Did anyone see the pics of Miss Piggy boinking that dude on the reality show and saying things that probably sound sexier in spanish than they do in translated english?

Mi coulo pendejo! Pinche cabron!

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (ApT0U)

1079 The Washington state government is owned by Democrats, but their voting system relies on the "honor" system.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (JBggj)

1080 btw, conservative treehouse has some links showing Hillary's guys stealthily removing device(s) from her podium, not just the papers. The suggest she may have even had a teleprompter ... but it does seem they took some device away, then go back for something else, as well as the papers. And they did seem to want to hide it. And Bill covers his mouth, when talking to one helper, apparently like a catcher does for a pitcher.

the old guy that gets part of the things from the podium, meets Hillary when she shows up, and walks with her from the vehicle. And then there is the picture of the box and wire under her big outfit, also obvious.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (n6rAX)

1081 No dissent shall be tolerated.
Posted by: chemjeff

Funny, that's exactly what they told us

Posted by: the peasants fucked over in WI at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (326rv)

1068 Over 1000, looks like we're on our own today...


(eats goldfish, jumps on couch, starts licking paw)

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (oGNNA)

1083 I picked a terrible day to quit sniffing glue.

Posted by: eleven at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (fYChk)

1084 Obama won the presidency with 29% of the vote possible from eligible voters. The bitching about the percentage of the plurality is the dumbest argument out there.
Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (09Ay7)

For what it's worth ( not much ), I agree.
No mandates for anyone will ever be forthcoming.
We are the Balkans, and might as well learn to deal with it.

Posted by: tubal at September 29, 2016 02:53 PM (d6TTt)

1085 I'm arguing this because there is a group on the Trump side who aren't satisfied with an intention to vote Trumo, it's almost as if they want a personal statement of devotion


An this is before he wins. If this is the woo-ing stage I don't want to see what they demand once he is supposedly leader of the free world.

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:54 PM (fi5nC)

1086 Always knew I was missing stuff on Twitter, just didn't know what

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 02:54 PM (ofpt4)

1087 Quit trying to rile up "the gang" against him--it's petty and it's gross.

Yawn. Placing him with the milieu he chose is not trying to "rile" anyone up. I would think that saying the opposite would be insulting to him, not admitting that he is what he tweets about. I just included him in the list of nevertrumps because he is one. It says more about you that you deny him his choice.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:54 PM (09Ay7)

1088 First!

oops, too soon, sorry

Posted by: Premature Ejaculator at September 29, 2016 02:54 PM (fgOnp)

1089 and of course after the debate, the media flooded us with porn star stuff, to distract from any Hillary had help commentary perhaps.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 02:54 PM (n6rAX)

1090 Speaking of things twitter is good for, it's stuff like this.

Guy trash talks Justin Rose. Justin Rose puts up $100. Stuff happens.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (mf5HN)

1091 Gee I'm just thinking about all the free shit we'll get when we go to the dark side. Wont it be fun? We won't have to worry about the camps either.

Posted by: Jaimo at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (9U1OG)

1092 But it's the boob pics I tweet that have worn the paint off of your F5 key
Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (Ya7zs)

I'm sure that I have no idea to what you could be referring, good girl that I am.
Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then

Well shit. Now I have to join Twitter!?!

Posted by: Blue Hen at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (326rv)

1093 But it's the boob pics I tweet that have worn the paint off of your F5 key

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:50 PM (Ya7zs)

But always tastefully covered...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (wtvvX)

1094 Did anyone see the pics of Miss Piggy boinking that dude on the reality show and saying things that probably sound sexier in spanish than they do in translated english?
I'd doink her with another 50 pounds on easy. Maybe even 75.

Posted by: ajmojo

She had a BF at the timee and that guy she hooked up with, wasn't him.

Posted by: Tilikum KAW at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (m3iiU)

1095 No, boring Chemjeff, I don't even particulary care for "Trumpers". I do care that we work to not depress turnout against Hillary or give cover to dopes who think the election isn't binary.

Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 02:55 PM (09Ay7)

the old guy that gets part of the things from the podium, meets Hillary when she shows up, and walks with her from the vehicle. And then there is the picture of the box and wire under her big outfit, also obvious.


I'm sort of okay with this. ALL Hillary can do is memorize her lines and try to deliver them with a smile, and it's the one thing that's turning people off of her. She cannot improve. She's hit her ceiling on performance and delivery. She cannot avoid the impression of phoniness and staleness.

Posted by: iforgot says God bless Snorky at September 29, 2016 02:56 PM (oGNNA)

1097 Greetings from Boston. Just here for a friend's wedding. Been off the grid in the Poconos golfing. I see everything here is "normal".

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 29, 2016 02:56 PM (XKXAM)

1098 Third party. It's time. The Republicans are done as we've known them. Either Trump wins and they become the party of Trump, or he loses and no Republican will ever win a national election again.

It's really that simple.

BTW, when you start talking about Cruz and his "calculations" I think... "Hhhhmmmm.... where did I read THAT today ?".

Hell, I wish Allahpundit would even outwardly ADMIT on Hotair that he's NeverTrump. That's about as dishonest as you can be. He's outwardly NeverTrump on Twitter, but pretends to be playing it straight at Hotair. What a load of BS that is.

Posted by: deadrody at September 29, 2016 02:56 PM (W15tP)

1099 Always knew I was missing stuff on Twitter, just didn't know what

Sentence fragments that don't seem to have any meaning?

Posted by: eleven at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (fYChk)

1100 Another program with a theme song that had no lyrics was CHiPs.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (6xtq3)

1101 My biggest concern about this whole Trump/Nevertrump argument is that people are burning bridges. Its one thing to have a feisty debate between each other about various topics like crossbows and breakfast cereal. Its another to get so wound up, so personally invested, and so emotionally involved that you do permanent damage to relationships.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (39g3+)

1102 I peruse Red State from time to time to see what absolute obtusity looks like. Those people are as dense as the center of a black hole.

They fail to see that in the singularity of their Trump hate that they have come out on the other side loving Hillary. I hold them in more contempt than Hillarys fangirlz and fanboyz.

Posted by: Minuteman at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (zKlQa)

1103 1076 *waves at Danube River Guide*

You ain't been around much, pahdneh.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:52 PM (mgbwf)


Hey--thanks for remembering me!

Posted by: Danube River Guide at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (fi5nC)

1104 I'm thinking Idaho subsistence type existence. In the company of moron types.

Posted by: Cooldawg at September 29, 2016 02:49 PM (AmeQT)

I make good beef stew.

*Pictures herself in front of campfire ladling out beef stew to 'rons and 'ettes.*

Someone else will have to make the pies.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (u0lmX)

1105 As much as I love boob pics ... and I really, really do ... I can't do Twitter.

Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (RKJF2)

1106 1098 Posted by: deadrody at September 29, 2016 02:56 PM (W15tP)

"announcing" is a pretentious pose for someone who cut his viewers to 1.3d peak....

"saying" fits better.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (SzZnW)

1107 If we look at the black community, we can quickly see that the Democrats don't take care of their own.

Posted by: Draki at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (xK4GI)

1108 But always tastefully covered...

That would be my issue with the kbdabear compliance pics.

What's with all the tastefulness?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (mgbwf)

1109 Another program with a theme song that had no lyrics was CHiPs.

Hogan's Heros.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (ApT0U)

1110 Its about 40 days out, all guns on deck to take out SS Clinton.

No need to bitch about Trump at this stage.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (gwwEL)

1111 Posted by: ScoggDog at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (RKJF2)
I'm with you, Bro. Never twitted.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (6xtq3)

1112 I'm hoping early Trump voters will accept new Trump votes regardless of motivation and without rubbing prior positions into the new Trump voters faces.

Judging by the reaction to the Cruz endorsement, not bloody likely.

Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (O7MnT)

1113 Someone else will have to make the pies.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (u0lmX)

Some Dutch oven cobbler sounds good.

Posted by: Country Singer (gab @BertG) at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (uiwCw)

1114 Well, Twitter is good for some stuff like Kim Rhodes giving the eternally stupid Gavin Newsom an epic smackdown.

Posted by: IC at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (a0IVu)

1115 1101 Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (39g3+)

I have a pretty simple test on whether or not I burn a bridge.

Did you empower the commie?

You see me forgiving Brooks and Drunk by Noonly yet?

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (SzZnW)

1116 My biggest concern about this whole Trump/Nevertrump argument is that people are burning bridges. Its one thing to have a feisty debate between each other about various topics like crossbows and breakfast cereal. Its another to get so wound up, so personally invested, and so emotionally involved that you do permanent damage to relationships.


Perhaps it is because the two groups do not share as much in common as once was thought.

Posted by: SH at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (gmeXX)

1117 the old guy that gets part of the things from the podium, meets Hillary when she shows up, and walks with her from the vehicle.


The old guy was a long-time NBC employee. Almost certainly this was some dishonest shit going down between NBC and the Hillary campaign about the debate. The Conservative Treehouse had a post up on this today.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (fgOnp)

1118 If chemjeff is back, I eagerly await his proof that Hillary won't at least attempt to put Conservatives in the camps. Or something roughly equal.

She is, after all, the person who jailed that filmmaker because she needed a distraction. And she and Bill have, apparently, ordered several murders for political purposes before. Why wouldn't she go for a bigger number? Leftists always, always love using the power of life or death. Remember, Obama giggles like a little girl watching people get droned. Hillary is no different.

Posted by: Vanceone at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (IQzhs)

1119 I'm sure that I have no idea to what you could be referring, good girl that I am.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 02:51 PM (mf5HN)

Yes, a good girl who fantasizes about locking BC in a room with the Browns game playing and the batteries removed from the remote.

Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (Ya7zs)

1120 As much as I love boob pics ... and I really, really do ... I can't do Twitter.

Twitter is like the Star Wars prequels. Everyone on Twitter in Jar Jar Binks.

Posted by: eleven at September 29, 2016 03:00 PM (fYChk)

1121 1112 Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (O7MnT)

You mean like my meltdown at Cruz?

//Grin Breck

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:00 PM (SzZnW)

1122 "there is a group on the Trump side who aren't satisfied with an
intention to vote Trumo, it's almost as if they want a personal
statement of devotion"

idk, but Trump must win for SCOTUS at least, and much more. So if there is a volleyball game, and one guy says "OK I'll play, but don't ask me to try", then that is a problem.

That is what bugs me about most of FOX, so many that claim to be Republicans seems to say they might vote for Trump, but they will trash him at every turn, more than Hillary even. I'd rather some just say they are globalists and they are in with the in crowd, so screw you middle class in fly over country.

But anyway ... if it is a debate team, pick a side and win ... other stuff ... after the election?

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 03:00 PM (n6rAX)

1123 16 Why not the Libertarian Party? Is there a specific philosophical objection, or do you think there are only two feasible choices for directing the future of the country?
Posted by: SummBoddie at September 29, 2016 12:11 PM (6n/PP)

If the Libertarian Party were coherently libertarian instead of just being another flavor of progressive with better weed.

Posted by: Minuteman at September 29, 2016 03:00 PM (zKlQa)

1124 Greetings from Boston. Just here for a friend's
wedding. Been off the grid in the Poconos golfing. I see everything here
is "normal".

Posted by: Puddleglum at September 29, 2016 02:56 PM (XKXAM)

If you see a stray pressure cooker in the street, just run away.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 03:00 PM (o9m/V)

1125 1109 Another program with a theme song that had no lyrics was CHiPs.

Hogan's Heros.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (ApT0U)
Here's a point for discussion; would the narration during the opening of The Six Million Dollar Man count as lyrics?

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (6xtq3)

1126 Yes, a good girl who fantasizes about locking BC in a room with the
Browns game playing and the batteries removed from the remote.

Wait. The Cleveland Browns?

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (JBggj)

1127 Technically, the MASH theme song has lyrics.

My biggest concern about this whole Trump/Nevertrump argument is that people are burning bridges. Its one thing to have a feisty debate between each other about various topics like crossbows and breakfast cereal. Its another to get so wound up, so personally invested, and so emotionally involved that you do permanent damage to relationships.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (39g3+)

I am saying this mainly to myself.

Absent some cataclysm, there will be a November 9th. We (I) will all do well to remember that.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (mf5HN)

1128 I will only ever call him "Boring Chemjeff" from now on. As usual I will not respond to him directly.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (VdICR)

1129 If chemjeff is back, I eagerly await his proof that Hillary won't at least attempt to put Conservatives in the camps. Or something roughly equal.

Since he thinks putting some in are ok, which kid of his is he offering up?

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (ApT0U)

1130 Another factor, is if you're a classical liberal who's okay with some immigration, the Democrats currently are not a crazy choice.

In fact, the three choices for a classic liberal are all sucky:

GOP - new brand (Trump) = not so not

GOP - old brand (GOPe) = might sound better but never, ever delivers anything.

DEMs = not so hot.

Posted by: sexypig at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (UBBWX)

1131 the old guy that gets part of the things from the podium, meets Hillary when she shows up, and walks with her from the vehicle. And then there is the picture of the box and wire under her big outfit, also obvious.

OK to head this off at the pass.

1) Someone took something from Trump's podium either, its not visible in some videos, but they did. An aide will clean up after the candidate; they usually have a pad with notes they take during the debate. I don't know if a cheat sheet was allowed, but that might be whats on it too.

2) Both candidates had a mic on their podium and a mic pinned to their jacket. HIllary's mao jacket really shows it off on her chest. That's what the device was for: its a wireless transmitter for her mic.

I have no doubt she got the questions in advance and was super prepped, and may have packed her earpiece, but that stuff wasn't anything particularly significant.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (39g3+)

1132 Yes, a good girl who fantasizes about locking BC in a room with the Browns game playing and the batteries removed from the remote.
Posted by: kbdabear at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (Ya7zs)

He watches the Jags. He's built up tolerance.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (mf5HN)

1133 Technically, the MASH theme song has lyrics.

Suicide is painless.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (mgbwf)

1134 >>>1104 I make good beef stew.

Someone else will have to make the pies.
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (u0lmX)

I make pancakes!!! Can I bring a guest??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (EWcNW)

1135 1127 Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 03:01 PM (mf5HN)

The day to end history will be a few months later.

Grammy will try to use her pen and phone to grant amnesty to 1/7th the US Population within 90 days I'll wager.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (SzZnW)

1136 Another program with a theme song that had no lyrics was CHiPs.

Stargate SG-1 had terrific theme music.

Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (O7MnT)

1137 If you are a such a complete dolt that were on the fence yet you didn't do any investigation of what Trump's view are posted on his website or didn't listen to any of his speeches yet you were suddenly all in for hillary because of some stupid story about an overweight beauty queen supposedly having her life destroyed by some comment Trump may or may not have actually said then you deserve to have Hillary as your President.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (EnGQE)

1138 Here's a point for discussion; would the narration during the opening of The Six Million Dollar Man count as lyrics?

Technically, imho, yes. It was the same thing, every time. You didn't have one without the other. It never changed.

Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (ApT0U)

1139 Past time for staying locked on target? Then use The Force, Luke.

Posted by: CyberCipher at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (p6WoB)

1140 MASH theme has lyrics, they don't use them in the credits but was sung in the movie

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (ofpt4)

1141 Never been on twitter, never will be. Signal to noise ratio is about 3 orders of magnitude too low.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 03:04 PM (o9m/V)

1142 \
Hogan's Heros.
Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2016 02:58 PM (ApT0U)

Get Smart

Posted by: Deplorabe Male Logic at September 29, 2016 03:04 PM (lKyWE)

1143 1140 Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:03 PM (ofpt4) oldies station played the hell out of the theme in the early 80s back home in Dayton.....

they *almost* had me convinced....

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (SzZnW)

Good news, Everyone!:

DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual.

Now, don't you feel just wonderfully progressive?

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (kdS6q)

1145 Apropos of food, though sadly not gyros, I was at WalMart yesterday and saw some Paleo frozen meals.

I couldn't decide if it was inspired jumping on a trend or if they were actually paleo compliant. They looked good though.

Posted by: alexthechick - but I have chocolate chip cookies so that's okay then at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (mf5HN)

1146 1134
>>>1104 I make good beef stew.

Someone else will have to make the pies.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (u0lmX)

I make pancakes!!! Can I bring a guest??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (EWcNW)
I make beer. Porters OK?

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (jxbfJ)

1147 What makes you think they would let a bunch of icky conservatives in their exclusive cocktail party? That is the last thing they want. And who would they lord over?

Posted by: Ripley at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (1BQGO)

1148 I said become muzzie (in name only). Meaning Indian like Liz W. All the benefits with no down side (no going to hell because you don't really believe their trope). 5th column all the way down. Plus a lot of muzzie's seem to hit strip joints often enough, so there is that. I am trying to make light of Ace's post, but still this might be something to consider.

And everyone always says there is no where else to go if America is lost. What about Israel? I have never been, but they seem to have their shit together more than anywhere else. I am not totally clear on their laws regarding the right to return or becoming a citizen. Non Jews can become citizens if they live there is my understanding. But Jews can move there and become citizens. And I am not talking in name only, I have seriously been looking into this (and I say this as a Catholic). Learning Hebrew seems hard but other than that, have you seen the IDF girls. This is The horde so of course you have.

Posted by: prophet of the deplorables at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (KIJKy)

1149 1141 Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 03:04 PM (o9m/V)

You pick your own noise, that said I quit....

I probably like Insty won't be going to gab either.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (SzZnW)

1150 Rockford Files, music no lyrics

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:06 PM (ofpt4)

1151 Joining The Party, eh, Ace?

I've switched my new name for "mainstream/lamestream media" to "Party Media".

And now you announce you're going to join The Party. I don't hold anything against you. I'm in the conservative coalition, not because conservative politics are just THE BEST, but the widespread dishonesty of The Party, and how they would like to shut one segment out of the political process altogether so that the elite can rule in our "best interest". (That's what was the matter with Kansas: people didn't know to vote for their best interest, dammit!)

Posted by: Axeman at September 29, 2016 03:06 PM (2mC6G)

1152 Ha.

Fen, that funny.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 03:06 PM (gwwEL)

1153 1144 Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (kdS6q)

Wait she wans't?

She's from lesbos man.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:06 PM (SzZnW)

1154 1100
Another program with a theme song that had no lyrics was CHiPs.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (6xtq3)

Quantum Leap, too!
Unless that was the first one mentioned, then never mind!

Posted by: Dirty Randy at September 29, 2016 03:07 PM (jjaLl)

1155 Columbo didn't have lyrics.

That would have been really weird.

Posted by: eleven at September 29, 2016 03:07 PM (fYChk)

1156 For the Great Horde Redoubt, I'd be honored to be your guys' shiner. Been a while, but I still know how to make a decent distillation. Almost as good as valu-rite, it is.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at September 29, 2016 03:07 PM (vtXNT)

1157 Very powerful speech by Stephen Miller supporting Trump.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes now with tiny wizened charcoal grey lump that is the McEvil heart at September 29, 2016 03:07 PM (kXoT0)

1158 Robert Altman's teenage son wrote the lyrics for "MASH"

or so I'm told

Posted by: Leonard Alfred Schneider at September 29, 2016 03:08 PM (/542q)

1159 "I'm sort of okay with this. ALL Hillary can do is
memorize her lines and try to deliver them with a smile, and it's the
one thing that's turning people off of her. She cannot improve. She's
hit her ceiling on performance and delivery. She cannot avoid the
impression of phoniness and staleness.

Posted by:Snorky

Yeah, but with a device like that, she doesn't even have to memorize. It gives her a large advantage, even if just instructions on smiling. It is something that can turn the election, and btw the fate of the western world. She was likely/maybe getting prompts on everything. So what state is she really in? America needs to know, and not accept "the fix is in".

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 03:08 PM (n6rAX)

1160 I have no doubt she got the questions in advance and was super prepped, and may have packed her earpiece, but that stuff wasn't anything particularly significant.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (39g3+)

I suspect the old guy as the go-between between Lester Holt's team and Hillary's team. I seriously doubt Holt would have direct meetings or phone conversations with Hillary or Mook or a Hillary staffer. Someone would act as go-between, and a NBC News guy who spent 43 years at NBC retiring in 2012 would be a likely candidate.

Looking at the way Hillary greets this guy with her arm around him etc when she gets out of her vanbulance for the debate, something's fishy here.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 03:08 PM (fgOnp)

1161 Here's a point for discussion; would the narration during the opening of The Six Million Dollar Man count as lyrics?

Its like the Hulk TV Show theme song, the voiceover kind of makes it. They did have a "lonely man theme" that's a bit more pastoral and sad that's a different version of the song, played over the end credits too.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (39g3+)

1162 All newTrumpers on deck, we know you think the captain is a dumbass, but know is not the time to argue about it.

We need all the help we can get to take out the enemy.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (gwwEL)

1163 Long thread is f'in with my tablet

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (ofpt4)

1164 Posted by: deplorable dagny at September 29, 2016 01:44 PM (09Ay7)

That's a supremely weird way to look at the world. You don't give cover to bad things to win. You freely admit what's the matter and work with it anyway. Or ditch it, be it a sportsteam, a product, or a family member. You don't have to give some phony image, it doesn't work, anyway.

Posted by: SarahW at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (Sp1NT)

1165 We all want to be Inner Party members, but it's not gonna happen. The proles were the only ones in Oceania who had anything like freedom. The Outer Party had it worst of all.

Remember that, brothers and sisters.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (vtXNT)

1166 DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual

So there is a chance, you say.
I could get lucky.

Posted by: Frod Gnebbisher at September 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hG9Dn)

1167 Robert Altman's teenage son wrote the lyrics for "MASH"

or so I'm told

Posted by: Leonard Alfred Schneider at September 29, 2016 03:08 PM (/542q)

Yep, wrote the lyrics to "Suicide Is Painless" as a teenager and wound up making more money off the movie than anyone else thanks to the royalty payments.

Posted by: Country Singer (gab @BertG) at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (uiwCw)

1168 I found I can maintain my conservative pro-trump bonafides without falling out of social grace by also claiming Im a male lesbian too.

Posted by: #NeverHillary at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (5JBUT)

1169 "DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual."

She is an Amazon from an island populated solely by women. Think about that while I pack my luggage. Tropical shirts, sandals, suntan lotion, prophylactics.....

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - M.A.G.A. Lace Helicopter Wigs are at The Outrage Outlet! at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (hLRSq)

1170 Anybody here know ANYTHING about art and artists from the 1860-1920 period?

I'm trying to identify the name of the artist or the painting on which this artwork is based:

The original painting may or may not have included a beard -- not sure if it was photoshopped in later. Although that obviously would make a big difference when it comes to identifying the image.

From the style, it looks late 19th-century and European, and it does ring some kind of memory-bell, but I can't pin down who painting it or in what way the painting is famous. Help!

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (jBuUi)

1171 As M said to Bond in Casino Royale, "I want you to take your ego out of the equation." Look at the big picture. I'd prefer to not be a larger version of France in twenty years. That means sucking it up, doing the hard work and not getting caught up in the failings of people you thought were on your side.

Posted by: Crom's Dirty Underpants at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (h8FRs)

1172 I wouldn't count the set up for the 6 Million Dollar Man as lyrics

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (ofpt4)

1173 The TV show "I Dream Of Jeannie" has theme lyrics, too, written by Buddy Kaye.

Posted by: mrp at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (JBggj)

1174 Someone else will have to make the pies.
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (u0lmX)

I make good pies. Can I come join you?

Posted by: bluebell at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (xpSCc)

1175 You pick your own noise, that said I quit....

I probably like Insty won't be going to gab either.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:05 PM (SzZnW)

Hah. Even if the Twitter thread (chain?) is something I might agree with, the endless repetition and reTweets and fragmentary sentences are frustrating to anyone whose attention span is greater than that of a gnat.

I don't like music videos or TV shows with super-quick cuts either.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (o9m/V)

1176 My biggest concern about this whole Trump/Nevertrump argument is that people are burning bridges. Its one thing to have a feisty debate between each other about various topics like crossbows and breakfast cereal. Its another to get so wound up, so personally invested, and so emotionally involved that you do permanent damage to relationships.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 02:57 PM (39g3+)

I think that ship has already sailed. Like I've said, the major factions of the Republican coalition just no longer trust or respect each other. Most blogs have long since become strictly enforced echo chambers.

Posted by: lowtech redneck at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (egK2C)

1177 The MASH theme song was weirdly upbeat for what was often a pretty depressing show. The original version with the lyrics seemed to fit the show better.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (39g3+)

1178 Nood!

Posted by: HH at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (DrCtv)

1179 1171 Posted by: Crom's Dirty Underpants at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (h8FRs)



Venezuela comrade.

Posted by: sven10077 at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (SzZnW)

1180 re: 1170

Also, this is a black-and-white scan of a printed newspaper. The original was likely in color.

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (jBuUi)

1181 Know = now

Posted by: Make America Great Again at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (gwwEL)

1182 Wonder Woman as a Bi is economic genius, plays to both sides

Posted by: Skip at September 29, 2016 03:11 PM (ofpt4)

1183 Not sure I understand the obsession with making Trump support into a class thing. Why is it so hard to grasp that some people a) don't like Trump the person b) don't think he's conservative or really Republican and c) don't think he's fit to be President? Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with that determination. She's corrupt, a proven liar, and unfit herself...that does not though change anything about Donald Trump. For every Jonah Goldberg or whoever these alleged elites are, there's a Byron York, or a Sean Hannity who's probably been his biggest cheerleader. I simply don't get the angst about the relative few who've decided he's not their guy.

Besides, if Trump were actually running a real campaign and had some semblance of a ground game, he'd be able to more than make up for us nevertrumpers with the 'missing' white (unregistered) voters. The problem is your candidate, not with those who can't vote for him.

Posted by: NeverTrump at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (gI9Bk)

1184 And then Stephen Miller broke out with an a capella rendition of 'ABRACADABRA'.

(Sorry, I had to)

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (jYiRF)

1185 The upper class of the party is upset that the lower class has finally had its say, and they're determined that should never be permitted to happen again.

But National Review is OK, right?

Posted by: Captain Oblivious at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (lpHNf)

1186 Jumping to the Dems? no way Jose. C'mon. Ace. Please.

Posted by: grandmalcaesar at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (yrohn)

1187 I think that ship has already sailed. Like I've said, the major factions of the Republican coalition just no longer trust or respect each other.


And yet the GOP wins a lot of races.

But at some point everyone needs to eat from the trough - if just a little.

Posted by: SH at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (gmeXX)

1188 Nood.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'I'm not dead yet! at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (3VwJI)

1189 We can't all move to Israel. America is the last stand. Freedom-seeking legal immigrants from bad places are well aware. We don't have anyplace to escape to. And I don't much want to escape anyway.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 03:13 PM (VdICR)

1190 Posted by: NeverTrump at September 29, 2016 03:12 PM (gI9Bk)

"A person non grata", is that you?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke, redeemed and redeemable at September 29, 2016 03:13 PM (EnGQE)

1191 A-Team theme song was pretty good back in the day. I tend to like short and to the point intro's now. Like Lost or Supernatural (I like how they slightly changed each season. Burn Notice wasn't to bad either.

Posted by: prophet of the deplorables at September 29, 2016 03:13 PM (KIJKy)

1192 Besides, if Trump were actually running a real campaign and had some semblance of a ground game, he'd be able to more than make up for us nevertrumpers with the 'missing' white (unregistered) voters. The problem is your candidate, not with those who can't vote for him.

Complete and utter bullshit.

Posted by: #NeverHillary at September 29, 2016 03:13 PM (5JBUT)

1193 This is the most depressing essay Ace has ever put up, in my opinion. And he written a few doozies, but this one...

The worst part is the threads of reality in his assessment.

Posted by: Whiskey Mike at September 29, 2016 03:14 PM (7lqlp)

1194 No lyrics:

Wild Wild West
The Streets of San Francisco

Posted by: Tex Lovera at September 29, 2016 03:14 PM (wtvvX)

1195 1173 The TV show "I Dream Of Jeannie" has theme lyrics, too, written by Buddy Kaye.
Posted by: mrp

I have the extreeeeeeemely rare recording of the theme song WITH LYRICS BEING SUNG that recorded for the TV show BUT NEVER USED!

"Jeannie, fresh as a daisy
Just look, how she obeys me..." etc.

The song is even better with lyrics! They were quite clever.

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 03:14 PM (jBuUi)

1196 From the style, it looks late 19th-century and European, and it does ring some kind of memory-bell,

Good god, you have some weird fetishes.

The text on the left is some sort of Scandi and refers to "arty farty" and "feminist art circles", so the thing as a whole is modern.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at September 29, 2016 03:14 PM (mgbwf)

1197 Baywatch, and Magnum PI. McCloud comes to mind, too. Bewitched. Hardly anything has lyrics.

Posted by: t-bird at September 29, 2016 03:14 PM (2z74n)

1198 Jeannie, fresh as a daisy.
Just love how she obeys me,
Does things
that just amaze me

She smiles, Presto the rain goes.
She blinks, up come the rainbows.
Cars stop, even the train goes slow.

When she goes by
She paints sunshine on every rafter,
Sprinkles the air with laughter,
We're close as a quarter after three.

There's no one like Jeannie.
I'd introduce you to her, but it's no use, sir;
'Cause my Jeannie's in love with me.

She's in love with me!

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 03:16 PM (jBuUi)

1199 1150 Rockford Files, music no lyrics
Posted by: Skip
The answering machine message doesn't count as lyrics?

Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 03:16 PM (dB5LE)

1200 Dallas. The beginning of the theme music was the only part of the show I ever watched.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at September 29, 2016 03:17 PM (7ZVPa)

1201 DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual.

A character built from the start as from an island entirely of women and designed with her creator's femdom and BDSM fetishes in mind, and I'm supposed to call folks out on saying this 70-odd years later?

My lawn. Off.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, convening Horde Thunderdome at September 29, 2016 03:18 PM (9krrF)

1202 chemjeff, I hope your class went as well as your argumentation here does.

Posted by: alexthechick


'NANA NANA BOO BOO: An Existentialist Treatise On My Own Narcissim'

Dr. Chemical Jeffries, PhD, MD, DD, CD, OD, QED

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at September 29, 2016 03:18 PM (zu88C)

1203 but that stuff wasn't anything particularly significant.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

ok, I didn't know they both had wireless mics ... still seems large. But you'd have to look at the link to see the other things. It does not seem insignificant.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 03:19 PM (n6rAX)

1204 1199 1150 Rockford Files, music no lyrics
Posted by: Skip
The answering machine message doesn't count as lyrics?
Posted by: Chi at September 29, 2016 03:16 PM (dB5LE)

The messages left always varied.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 03:19 PM (ujg0T)

1205 Can anyone explain what a "headache" feels like?

I've never had one.

Posted by: qzy at September 29, 2016 03:19 PM (W4mBo)

1206 I can understand your frustration at the GOP, but remember, if you join the party of "least social grief" you'll to keep up with the SJW Oppression Stack. As a straight white guy your place is always at the bottom, but if you want to have any friends the relative position of, say, cis gay black men and Asian gender queers will need to be committed to memory and updated as necessary.

Remember people higher on the stack know all about you, but as a white guy you can't understand their lived experience and need to shut up.

Also, remember you can be a bad person for noticing facts, so you'll need to get better at believing multiple contradictory ideas at the same time.

Posted by: Ace's deplorable liver, powering through at September 29, 2016 03:20 PM (Xuv2G)

1207 1201 DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual.

A character built from the start as from an island entirely of women and designed with her creator's femdom and BDSM fetishes in mind, and I'm supposed to call folks out on saying this 70-odd years later?

My lawn. Off.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, convening Horde Thunderdome at September 29, 2016 03:18 PM (9krrF)

Bingo. She was always fishy. (Is there a pun there?)

Posted by: Curmudgeon at September 29, 2016 03:20 PM (ujg0T)

1208 1183 ...Why is it so hard to grasp that some people a) don't like Trump the person

You're still going to vote for someone, right? When you get to front of the line, "I'm not ordering a Big Mac for my child," is not an acceptable answer. There are no nutritious choices, but tell us what you are going to order so your kid doesn't starve. You're not allowed to order nothing at all. Speak clearly so the girl behind the counter can hear you, and take responsibility for your positive choice.

Posted by: Captain Oblivious at September 29, 2016 03:21 PM (lpHNf)

1209 Damn Ace, no wonder you've got a migraine. This happens in every presidential election, some worse than others. I'll concede this one is more bizarre than any election in perhaps a hundred years or more, but, the good thing which comes out of this is you will be able to separate the wannabes from the real conservatives. Having another Clinton in the White House should be a no-brainier for anyone; NO. She could wreck havoc way worse than anything Donald Trump may do.
The real enemies to the state are people like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Warren Hatch, and any of those who have made a career out of politics. Now is the time to lead or get the fuck out of the way.

Posted by: Jethro the Bodine at September 29, 2016 03:22 PM (SWKLU)

1210 1201 DC comics made Wonder Woman bi-sexual.

A character built from the start as from an island entirely of women and designed with her creator's femdom and BDSM fetishes in mind, and I'm supposed to call folks out on saying this 70-odd years later?

My lawn. Off.
Posted by: Brother Cavil, convening Horde Thunderdome at September 29, 2016 03:18 PM (9krrF)

This made me laugh!! It's funny how people think comic books are only "funny" and silly!

Posted by: Cheri at September 29, 2016 03:23 PM (MjzZN)

1211 From the style, it looks late 19th-century and European, and it does ring some kind of memory-bell, but I can't pin down who painting it or in what way the painting is famous. Help!

Posted by: zombie at September 29, 2016 03:10 PM (jBuUi)

zombie, I had trouble posting the link but it's a parody of Rossetti's "Lady Lilith" of 1861. Google it and you'll see right away.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 03:25 PM (u0lmX)

1212 Buck Rogers Theatrical pilot intro

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 29, 2016 03:25 PM (VdICR)

1213 Ace, I have to agree with most of what you say here. Of course, I figured all this out, particularly with regards to the media, about 25 years ago. And the Repubs as well, although that took a little longer.

However, one thing I will NOT do is switch sides to my enemy, the Commicrats. I know what they are, and what they have always been, and they will betray me no matter what. Because I'm not "one of them". True, the Repubs have done the same (betrayed us), but as bad as they are, the Dims are worse. At least with the Repubs I don't have to worry about them sending their goons around sooner or later to haul me off to the camps for "wrongthink", as the FAB and her D-rats will.

But when they come for me, I won't go down easy. What the hell, my health is shot anyway, so I might as well make sure I've got some D-rat goon sideboys as I stride down the corridors of Hell. And a bit of self respect left as well...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Deplorable Source of all SMODs at September 29, 2016 03:27 PM (2pIEi)

1214 Hawaii Five-O had no lyrics and was arguably one of the best songs.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 03:28 PM (6xtq3)

1215 Maybe Trump the man doesn't matter as much as the movement behind him. If he has hit at just right time, the time when Americans have had enough of being pissed on and told it's raining, then trying to stop him by shrieking about birthers or fat beauty queens might just be like trying to fix a hole in a boat with a band aid.
Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 02:32 PM (u0lmX)
Interesting that Trump seriously considered campaigns for the elections of 2000, 2012, and 2016 and actually did so once - which happens to be the right time. His three campaign books are essentially the same with two major exceptions. Border security is focused on for 2012 and 2016 and that for 2000 includes an extended attack on Pat Buchanan and some praise for Jesse Ventura.

Posted by: RioBravo at September 29, 2016 03:29 PM (NUqwG)

1216 Shaft had lyrics.

Posted by: Weasel at September 29, 2016 03:30 PM (6xtq3)

1217 Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 03:25 PM (u0lmX)

Oops, no, Lady Lilith was completed in 1873. I have no idea who did the parody "bearded lady" painting. The parody could be intended to be a mocking picture of Christ. Can't read the text, so I don't know for sure.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at September 29, 2016 03:31 PM (u0lmX)

1218 The old guy was a long-time NBC employee. Almost
certainly this was some dishonest shit going down between NBC and the
Hillary campaign about the debate. The Conservative Treehouse had a
post up on this today.

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at September 29, 2016 02:59 PM (fgOnp)

Had to have been. She was livid after being questioned by Matt Lauer and made sure nothing like that would happen again. She owns the media.
I'll have a patty-melt, steak fries, and fresh cole slaw, if we're still taking lunch orders.

Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at September 29, 2016 03:32 PM (CFc5L)

1219 I make pancakes!!! Can I bring a guest??

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at September 29, 2016 03:02 PM (EWcNW)
I make beer. Porters OK?

Oh boy, so we got stew (with some variety of Idaho venison in it?) , pancakes, pies, and Porter.

Where is this safe space in Idaho? I'm ready. Seriously, never been there but looks like beautiful country.

*frantically throwing stuff in the truck my wife lists the property and post our toys on CL*

Posted by: Cooldawg at September 29, 2016 03:34 PM (AmeQT)

1220 I for one could care less about which one wins. Because as a grown up, I take care of myself, regardless of the situation. I have lived through George Herbert Walker Bush, Clinton, George W Bush and Obama just fine. And if Hillary or Trump get elected, guess what, I will get by too.

Posted by: astonerii at September 29, 2016 12:32 PM (ia08

You may not care about who will bring you a totalitarian state, but she who brings the totalitarian state cares about you.

Posted by: Minuteman at September 29, 2016 03:39 PM (zKlQa)

1221 Well, that was depressing.

Posted by: Trainer at September 29, 2016 03:46 PM (X/Cr2)

1222 " old guy was a long-time NBC employee"

that guy was retired, and one post said he says it is not him. He isn't with NBC now anyway ... so it was some guy that met Hillary at the car, and they walk in together.

This has some freeze frame pics and notes ... doesn't show another the Treehouse has, which show a lightbar on Hillary's lecturn, that goes off automatically somehow, when she walks away. Nothing conclusive, but even Lou Dobbs asked about it.

Posted by: illiniwek at September 29, 2016 03:47 PM (n6rAX)

1223 Apparently, some in this party really do think they're going to hand the election to Hillary, and, bizarrely, they think this will bully the rest of us into knuckling under to their agenda in 2020.

It will and it won't. The walmart shoppers will just drift away from voting, it hasn't did them any good for decades anyway, so they'll just quit, and the GOP will drift down the demographic lazy river never to return, but the elite set will be in charge of that cruise into oblivion, and that's what they really care about anyway. I've always said that Trump couldn't destroy the GOP, only the GOP could do that, and it looks like that's exactly what they intend to do.

Posted by: DFCtomm at September 29, 2016 03:50 PM (4X0M6)

1224 I've never heard a Trump speech I really liked, he's killing it in NH right now.

Posted by: firehorse at September 29, 2016 03:52 PM (//TVq)

1225 We haven't been represented in years, maybe not
since the Gipper. Unfortunately, what that's going to lead to is
oligarchical corporatism and an ongoing resistance movement (plus some
outright terrorism from our jihadi guests.). Don't like it, don't want
to bequeath it to my stepsons, but there it is.

Posted by: joncelli, Present at the Autopsy at September 29, 2016 12:15 PM (RD7QR)

Most answers can be found in history, since there is little we can come up with that hasn't been seen before. The problem with our mad elites isn't new either, and it will be resolved as it always has. When the problems become large enough to touch the elite class, then and only then, will they see them as the truly existential threats they are. The problem is that by the time the fire burns through the door of their panic room it's consumed pretty much everything else already.

Posted by: DFCtomm at September 29, 2016 04:01 PM (4X0M6)

1226 Zombie:

It is a painting by the pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Posted by: Brunnhilde at September 29, 2016 04:10 PM (aW5/6)

1227 Zombie:

Well, it is BASED on his painting (yes, the beard was added for some comic effect).

Posted by: Brunnhilde at September 29, 2016 04:11 PM (aW5/6)

1228 1208
1183 ...Why is it so hard to grasp that some people a) don't like Trump the person

You're still going to vote for someone, right? When you get to front
of the line, "I'm not ordering a Big Mac for my child," is not an
acceptable answer. There are no nutritious choices, but tell us what you
are going to order so your kid doesn't starve. You're not allowed to
order nothing at all. Speak clearly so the girl behind the counter can
hear you, and take responsibility for your positive choice.

Posted by: Captain Oblivious at September 29, 2016 03:21 PM (lpHNf)
Why do I have to vote for someone? The idea that I must, and that it must be for either Trump or Hillary, and not voting for one must mean it is a vote for the other, isn't akin to ordering a Big Mac or not, it's telling the starving kid she can only have the garbage out of the trash. And in this case, she's just not that hungry.

Posted by: NeverTrump at September 29, 2016 04:25 PM (gI9Bk)

1229 This is exactly my line of thinking after 2008. Then the Tea Party movement so I figured I get back into helping the Republicans.

Mitt Romney after the first debate had me on cloud 9. Then that bastard during the second debate on through the election to Obama. It was so freaking obvious I did not even vote.

I was going to stay out of it all because it was not worth it, but finally a candidate, who is flawed, actually wanted to fight for Americans and American interests.

The NeverTrumper supposedly smart group are worse than any Leftist I've ever met. They are like the George Soros types during WWII or people living in Communist countries who are such cowards they snitch on their brothers and sisters, selling out their own to certain death.

Hillary wins there will be death. The Government will be fullyweaponized. We will live in an Orwellian Hell.

Posted by: Pepe, The Irredeemable at September 29, 2016 04:30 PM (pcbAL)

1230 As much as I hate failure theater I do expect a recession in the next 4 years which wouldn't be Trumps fault but it would make the Dem President and Dem Congress in 2020 very likely at which point we get amnesty.

Hillary winning again in 2020 would be quite unlikely outside of many of the Republicans we already have voting for amnesty.

Posted by: justaguy at September 29, 2016 04:40 PM (UnMRd)

1231 Why do I have to vote for someone? The idea that I
must, and that it must be for either Trump or Hillary, and not voting
for one must mean it is a vote for the other, isn't akin to ordering a
Big Mac or not, it's telling the starving kid she can only have the
garbage out of the trash. And in this case, she's just not that hungry.

Posted by: NeverTrump at September 29, 2016 04:25 PM (gI9Bk)

Here's the deal. You can take your vote and go home, and I hope you do. Because if we win without you, then you're gone. You've lost any place you once held, in the party. It's good night for the nevertrumps if he wins. If he loses then many, not all, but many Trump supporters will do a slow fade, and never come back to the GOP. I have strong anecdotal evidence to support that outcome. No matter who wins the GOP is never going to be the party it was in 2014.

Posted by: DFCtomm at September 29, 2016 04:41 PM (4X0M6)

1232 Dear Never Trumpers,

If you do not vote, and sit on your high-minded principles that are so rare and precious that none of the rest of us have them on Nov 8th...well, you have no dog in this fight. Which means, dear, that you should just not comment and nurse your principles. Heck, put those rare and unique set of principles in amber, encased in crystal, and stare at them til 2020.

I don't give a gnat farht if you "like" Mr. Trump. I know you are waiting for the stale Rino arguments, chewed over and over into mush. You are a one-note sad trombone and off key as well as boring me into pissiness.

I like Mr. Trump. The more I see the guy the more I like him. I LIKE HIM! I have commented her a long dang time. Does that make me stupid? Inferior?

I am so dang deplorable I guess my principles are lacking. You can bite moi...but just shut up. Oh, wait! This is how you get attention! I forgot.

And, I guess, because of your dislike of the most outspoken candidate that I can remember to vote for against an evil and corrupt, ill, hag... well, that impacts us all and we should follow you off the ledge. Because you don't like him! Take off your panty girdle and just stare at your principles, and get out of my fox hole as some of us want to fight. pfft.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Deplorable Infidel Queen at September 29, 2016 04:43 PM (Cx8BK)


You may have actually persuaded me to stop identifying myself as a default-Republican and staunch conservative after this election.
Because the last sentence of this post shook me. "At least that army [the Democrats] gives a fuck about protecting its own."
An excellently written piece - and likewise was the one before it.

I too have been predisposed toward depression due to this looming election.
I think I take a far more charitable view toward the good character of Mr. Trump than you do. But you at least understand the ultimate priority of defeating Hillary.
I am utterly sickened by the "right of center" [-yeah right!] idiots who are willing to allow another Clinton presidency for the sake of "principle" or for the sake of punishing Trump supporters / the "less educated/sophisticated" Republican voters.

For many months now I have been telling my liberal girlfriend (who yes will be voting for Hillary and who yes I love completely) that I will likely be protest voting for Dems after 2016.
- That remains true. I'm not going to reward with continued power the bastards who have betrayed me at the most fundamental level. I won't vote for a known scoundrel like Clinton in 2020 or ever.
But I can easily vote for simply stupid Democrats who have no known indication of corruption in their backgrounds. There will be absolutely no reason to vote for Republican-Dem-Light. - Nah. I'll support the real thing, thank you!

The nation's terrible trajectory has been clarifying over the past ten years or so.
Let's accelerate it! ...and be done with it already.

In the meantime (and beyond), I'm carefully reviewing the Gospels.
Through salvation, every individual life that has ever existed has the potential to be infinitely bigger than the _relative_ triviality that is partisan politics.

Posted by: Testy Stoic Trumpublican at September 29, 2016 04:49 PM (AhiRu)

1234 >>>154 Whenever I feel down I watch this video. Never fails to make me laugh:
Posted by: Independent George at September 29, 2016 12:26 PM (BDZWU)

Yeah, but they're not on the ticket.

Posted by: m at September 29, 2016 05:11 PM (/4GEs)

1235 I've thought more than once that it might be a good idea to defect to the Democrat party after this election, on the simple grounds that I may as well support a party that can DO SOMETHING FOR ME; the GOP has not done two farts' worth of anything for anyone for as long as I can remember.
But then, the reason I became political in the first place was because I thought the GOP really stood on principles and sought to preserve my rights, and I wanted to support that effort. But those days are over. On the other hand, the Democrats will never do a god-damned thing for me, even in their inimitably corrupt way, because I am a white native-born male and hence their eternal bęte noir.
So I will vote for Trump in November, and then I will return to the fog of private life and leave politics behind as a bad job.

Posted by: jbspry at September 29, 2016 05:20 PM (ycm4Q)

1236 I've thought more than once that it might be a good idea to defect to the Democrat party after this election, on the simple grounds that I may as well support a party that can DO SOMETHING FOR ME

The problem is they're far more likely to do something to you.

Posted by: Ace's deplorable liver, powering through at September 29, 2016 05:33 PM (Xuv2G)

1237 "I want to be on the side of the cops, not the mafia.

But when the cops are now openly supporting the mafia, and the mafia
is playing rough with the people the cops aren't protecting -- it's
time to start paying the mafia its protection money.


No wonder we lose all the time, with leaders like this . . .

When the cops are with the mafia and the mafia comes to hurt you, YOU HURT THEM. Fight back, HARD. And if you live through that, you take the fight to their backers too.

When they unleash goons on the population to rule through violence and fear, it is well past time to start fighting openly.

They can plan and scheme and do whatever they like, but every man with a rifle gets a vote, when it really matters.

They want to kill us. Make 'em EARN it.

Posted by: Not A Republican Anymore, but Damned Sure Not a Democrate Either at September 29, 2016 07:06 PM (6zGK9)

1238 Sometimes when there's nothing left to lose, you have to set yourself on fire.

That being said, I went to Ukrainian school with kids whose parents ate the family dog to survive the famine, and my father was almost killed in a Nazi labour camp. I will die first, before I align at all with a group of socialists.

Not that I don't understand the point - my frustration is at an all time high, as is my disgust. That there is nary an honest man to be found in all the corridors of Washington politics is terrible, horribly depressing.

I will be a dreaded independent I guess, or form my own party for other freedom loving folks, and see what happens.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl at September 29, 2016 07:06 PM (Gim9y)

1239 What exactly makes you think they would want you as one of their members, Ace? As a whipping boy? A repentant martyr on the stage for their 'fun' S&M games to show off to their fans and make an example of? F that! Besides, that time has passed. It's all or nothing time.

Posted by: Anonymous at September 29, 2016 09:45 PM (eLvFT)

1240 What the fuck is this "this party" shit Ace? YOu've said multiple times you left the GOP.

Can people please be honest about whether or not they are actually Republican? It seems some are when it's their candidate of preference and then aren't when it's not.

Posted by: Rich at September 29, 2016 11:50 PM (ygBCA)

1241 "This party is on the verge of self-destructing."

I would take the fact that Donald Trump is our nominee as proof positive the self-destruction has already happened.

Grab a log, a long stick and let's make some s'mores with the flames..

Posted by: ClancyO at September 30, 2016 06:02 AM (fUncd)

1242 No, YOU are on the verge of self-destructing.

Are you a black, a female, a homo, crippled, illeagal alien, or muslim terrorist? If not, then what sort of "special privileges"would you expect to get from the Democrats?!? What's the "special victim" status you crave?!?

On the verge of the victory of someone who - while he may not do the "right wing virtue signalling" of blabbering about the Constitution - is trying to do the one, fundamental Constitutional thing: return power to the people.

But you want to join the totalitarians. Your choice. To hell with your "that small faction (#NTers) is bad, so I'm joining the Professional Wrecking Team" mentality.

Posted by: Kauf Buch at September 30, 2016 10:01 AM (FIYuZ)

1243 'is in fact a completely contrived lie they've calculated will permit them to agitate for their candidate'

This is not true and what's more, you know it.

You've lost it.

Posted by: SteveD at September 30, 2016 10:56 AM (egLZV)

1244 too early to say. If republicans behave after trump win, they have a chance to survive. But if Trump loses, they're finish

Posted by: oic at September 30, 2016 11:06 AM (uvlNx)

1245 You're getting destroyed for this demented column over at RedState. As you should be, you pouncing, crybaby, tittysucking mince. You are the deplorable.

Posted by: Michael at September 30, 2016 12:49 PM (LiQoy)

1246 Maybe you shouldn't write essays


Posted by: MUD at September 30, 2016 02:30 PM (bo+5z)

1247 Ace: "I think I'm out. And I think I'm defecting to the Democrats after this
because, if I have a choice between one group of corrupt lying scumbags
who think their (much over-vaunted) position gives them special rights
in this democracy unavailable to the commoners, then I'll side with the
party where I get the least social grief."

So, after decrying the treason of the #NeverTrumpers (of whom only Mormocon Glenn Beck is still standing) as being actual Hillary supporters, Ace plans to join the #HillaryForevers the day after the election.

I don't get the punch line exactly. Usually Benedict Arnold waits until after his dastardly betrayal to come out of his closet.

Wouldn't it be more fun if Ace just did this in stages, like issuing a few threats to move to Canada or France if we don't all obey his will?

Of course, Ace has been threatening to jump ship and go Lefty for quite some time so there really are no recent events that credibly explain his current snit. The only recent actions from the (former) #NeverTrumpers are a few like Cruz and Levin who have jumped daintily on the Trump bandwagon.

Posted by: TooCon at October 01, 2016 08:06 AM (9ZilT)

1248 It ain't over until the fat lady collapses.

I don't think any candidate has stumped like Trump for, at least, the last 50 years. All the knowledgeable people say the rallies don't change the votes at the polls. Me, I suspect, at least this year, they are quite wrong.

Of course all the election news reported shows Trump losing, all the reporters are pro-Hillary.

Of course the GOP pans Trump, today's GOP is far far to the left of JFK's Democrat party (I was around back then, I know what I'm talking about.).

However those folks attending Trump's rallies are talking to friends, talking to friends, talking to friends about how; ".. you know, maybe the guy has somethin', I'm gonna vote for him."

Just maybe, this year, the candidate putting himself out there, talking one on thousands and thousands at a time instead of depending on 10 second media sound bites, talking heads, and party pundits, may just be a game changer that can beat both the Democrat party and it's Republican appendage and at least give us a chance to make America America again.

If you want to see that please remind folks that there are only 2 choices, Trump or Hillary, believing anything else is delusional.

Posted by: Jim O'Neil at October 02, 2016 02:23 PM (qXXhs)

1249 Both parties are in the process of collapsing...Democrats will become the party of non-white immigrants, Republicans the party of white nationalism (or possibly be replaced by such)....

Posted by: peter connor at October 03, 2016 07:23 PM (awY+M)

1250 "I'm personally probably defecting to the Democrats after this."

Good luck getting Democrats elected.
It'll probably be easier to do that from their party; rather than trying to get them elected into the GOP as POTUS so I suspect you'll have more luck.

Enjoy supporting Progressive liberal causes and railing against the Constitution, and freedoms, and liberties, and a government that just isn't big enough to take care of you.

Much like Dems, you'll support a guy who was in Epstein's little black book.
Because who cares about enslaving and raping underage girls if there's ANY sort of party loyalty involved... right?
Perfect Democrat view. You're an amazing fit.
Weird it took you so long to find your true home.

Posted by: gekkobear at October 09, 2016 05:38 PM (2iR3c)

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