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You're A-Gonna Not Believe This, But It Could Be That the Purely Personal Emails Hillary Deleted Were Work-Related

And also, graft related.

Is graft considered "personal" because the benefit accrues the Clintons' account?

Judicial Watch reports on the heroic efforts Huma Abedin went to to get favors for people who donated bigly to the Clinton Foundation.

udicial Watch today released 725 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

The new documents included 20 Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to 191 of new Clinton emails (not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department). These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department.

The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide apparently served as a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state. In more than a dozen email exchanges, Abedin provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. In many instances, Clinton Foundation top executive Doug Band, who worked with the Foundation throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure at State, coordinated closely with Abedin. In Abedin’s June deposition to Judicial Watch, she conceded that part of her job at the State Department was taking care of “Clinton family matters.”

Included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours. According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.


Also included among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange in which Band urged Abedin to get the Clinton State Department to intervene in order to obtain a visa for members of the Wolverhampton (UK) Football Club, one of whose members was apparently having difficulty because of a “criminal charge.” Band was acting at the behest of Casey Wasserman, a millionaire Hollywood sports entertainment executive and President of the Wasserman Foundation. Wasserman has donated between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation through the Wasserman Foundation.


The Abedin emails also reveal that Slimfast tycoon S. Daniel Abraham was granted almost immediate access to then-Secretary of State Clinton, with Abedin serving as the facilitator. According to the Clinton Foundation website, Abraham, like the Wasserman Foundation, has given between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. The emails indicate that Abraham was granted almost immediate access to Clinton upon request...

See Judicial Watch for the emails in question, and other cases of Huma Abedin's Quick Fixer operation.

Posted by: Ace at 03:48 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 F'rst.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (9krrF)

2 From the last thread:

255 FBI comes up with 14, 900 more emails that her lawyers never disclosed. Will Comey say that her lawyers are extremely careless?

Posted by: Cheri at August 22, 2016 03:41 PM (oiNtH)

What I want to know is: Who are these e-mails to and from?

That's the important question, correct? Who would be high enough up in the federal government to be e-mailing the Secretary of State at her obviously ".com" address and not a proper, secure, ".gov" or ".mil" address?

Wouldn't be interesting to know exactly who else is "extremely careless" with classified information? I think it would be extremely enlightening to know that.

And thus we never will.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Get Your Campaign F.U.D. Fix at the Outrage Outlet! New Shipments Arrive Daily! at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (hLRSq)

3 Next.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (9krrF)

4 Second.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Get Your Campaign F.U.D. Fix at the Outrage Outlet! New Shipments Arrive Daily! at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (hLRSq)

5 The Deuce you say!

Posted by: Buckaroo Banzai at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (zllbf)

6 We're well past the point where anyone else would be in jail. Why should this get my hopes up?

Posted by: Agent Cooper at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (1zARK)

7 Okay, I'm mildly shocked that the cover-up wasn't complete.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (u0s1P)

8 I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find corruption and graft in those emails.

Posted by: redbanzai at August 22, 2016 03:50 PM (3JA/M)

9 It's okay. I'm with D. Band.

Posted by: Rev at August 22, 2016 03:50 PM (3hXy6)

10 :O

That's my shocked face.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 22, 2016 03:50 PM (KUaJL)

11 So The FAB is not honest? The hell you say

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 22, 2016 03:51 PM (zp+j1)

12 Libs and members of the GOPe will still vote for her. Enthusiastically.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 03:51 PM (1ZOkK)

13 this is all Colin Powell's fault...


Posted by: Hillary at August 22, 2016 03:51 PM (sUQ21)

14 To recap, every single thing that hillary has said about her emails was a lie.

That is all.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 03:51 PM (iONHu)

15 Graft? You mean like skin?

Posted by: Cantankerous at August 22, 2016 03:52 PM (326rv)

16 Huh. The Wasserman Foundation. Wonder if there's any connection to Shark Mouth.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 03:53 PM (1ZOkK)

17 any average citizen would already be in prison for having done a minuscule fraction of what this pig has...

we are no longer have a government of laws, nor are we a serious country any more.

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 22, 2016 03:53 PM (sUQ21)

18 To recap, every single thing that hillary has said about her emails was a lie.

That is all.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 03:51 PM (iONHu)

Yes. And how many Richard Armitage's are out there, protecting Hillary because it is the only way to protect themselves?

The corruption and the "extreme carelessness" goes very deep and very wide, does it not?

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Get Your Campaign F.U.D. Fix at the Outrage Outlet! New Shipments Arrive Daily! at August 22, 2016 03:53 PM (hLRSq)

19 Well, back when the phrase "I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible", I kind of figured "personal" = incredibly shady Clinton Foundation dealings inextricably bound up with her State Department work.

But the Clinton people want to assure me that, no, no, it's just harmless personal stuff that she didn't want The Enemy She's Most Proud of Making (i.e. Republicans) trying to gin up a campaign issue out of.

Posted by: JPS at August 22, 2016 03:53 PM (8Xp8n)

20 Slim Fast - you can't make this crap up

Posted by: V Jarrett at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (bsDXW)

21 I remain of the opinion a tipping point is possible.

They can ignore it for as long as they have, and maybe... just maybe it reaches a point where they can't.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they won't. The precedent is Nixon. For months nobody thought you could impeach a sitting President, or force him to resign, until they did.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (TOk1P)

22 Where's my fainting couch?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill-President of NO MAAM Local #1127 at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (9ym/8)

23 [Whoops. Back when that phrase became public.]

Posted by: JPS at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (8Xp8n)

24 Imagine realizing you paid millions for direct access when others only paid $25,000.

Posted by: SH at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (gmeXX)

25 If I keep up with all this great work, perhaps the lawyers at Judicial Watch will let me wash their cars?

Posted by: Jason Chaff-itz at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (Aivl/)

26 Boss Tweed is unavailable for comment on Hillary!'s misdeeds because he is in shock that she got away with so much.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 22, 2016 03:55 PM (NSeBd)

27 Huma's been a busy Muzzie girl.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 03:55 PM (1ZOkK)

28 Anyone heard a peep from the "Republican" congress about this? Yeah, me neither.

Posted by: Rihar at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (+ao6J)

29 My Stupid Question of the Day:

What's the GOP response to the Clinton Global Corruption Fund?

I mean both in the sense of where are their objections, and also, where's the GOP Global Donations Fund?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (V3IFq)

30 I still say the smoking gun is whomever walked the JWICS stuff over from that system, to hers.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (jsWA8)

31 The American people need to know that there President-to-be is not a crook. Well, Hillory Clinton is crook.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (TOk1P)

32 We'll know in a couple months if it matters.

If I were a betting man, I'd say it doesn't.

Posted by: Chupacabra at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (0IDyD)

33 Meanwhile, a sailor is going to prison for one year for stupidly taking a picture on board his sub to show his kids.

Yes, he was extremely stupid.

The Hell Beast could murder and eat a baby on live TV and the MFM and her minions would yawn.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 03:57 PM (1ZOkK)

34 >>>>I remain of the opinion a tipping point is possible.

They can ignore it for as long as they have, and maybe... just maybe it reaches a point where they can't.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they won't. The
precedent is Nixon. For months nobody thought you could impeach a
sitting President, or force him to resign, until they did.
.I am hoping so myself, but I recall the blah reactions form the msm and the left when it was revealed that bill clinton publicly lied about lewinsky.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 03:57 PM (iONHu)

35 Anyone heard a peep from the "Republican" congress about this? Yeah, me neither.

Posted by: Rihar at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (+ao6J)

How many people in the Republican leadership e-mailed Hillary to her obviously unsecured ".com" account and are amongst those who could be labeled "extremely careless" with classified information?

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Get Your Campaign F.U.D. Fix at the Outrage Outlet! New Shipments Arrive Daily! at August 22, 2016 03:57 PM (hLRSq)

36 **shrugs**

Nope. Nothing shocks me anymore.

Posted by: Capt. Renault at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (H9MG5)

37 ...and also, where's the GOP Global Donations Fund?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (V3IFq)

Yes. To both questions, that's the answer. Yes.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (TOk1P)

38 "The new documents included 20 Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to 191 of new Clinton emails"

I'm guessing her sworn affidavit to the contrary has some weasel words like "knowingly" or "to the best of my knowledge" to avoid a perjury charge.

Posted by: Benji Carver at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (OD2ni)

39 Honestly, this reads like some of the RICO cases I've reviewed. WTF

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (Ug8ez)

40 How long before this is old news and safe to report on?

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (GTByf)

41 "Imagine realizing you paid millions for direct access when others only paid $25,000."

I know. Some people have got to be pissed.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill-President of NO MAAM Local #1127 at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (9ym/8)

42 And yet, democrats won't care.

Posted by: Darth Randall at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (6n332)

43 So, she's not a cheap whore ...

Posted by: Jean at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (ngn8T)

44 Anyone else, anyone not a Clinton or an Obama (or sufficiently high-up Dem), would be in fucking prison by now, if not being lined up and shot for treason.

Do they REALLY think the little people cannot see this all for what it is?

Consent of the governed -- what does the Left think it means?

Posted by: acethepug at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (1vBMd)

45 Evil, corrupt, and incompetent...what a winning combination.

That nobody will put her or any other D's down for the count for all of this says all I need to know about, well, everybody at this stage.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (9krrF)

46 Imagine realizing you paid millions for direct access when others only paid $25,000.

25k might get you access, but it will take millions to get the deal.

Posted by: O. Tay at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (Kzf4A)

47 I plead the 21st amendment. I'm always drunk. Hic.

Posted by: Hillary at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (OD2ni)


October is a'comin...

Posted by: In Vino Veritits at August 22, 2016 03:59 PM (qul7b)

Remember, Only 77 Days Left to Donate!

Posted by: The Clinton Human Fund at August 22, 2016 04:00 PM (2WoCi)

50 And the beat {of corruption} goes on . . .

Posted by: Locke Common at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (I6Am+)

51 How many people in the Republican leadership e-mailed Hillary to her obviously unsecured ".com" account and are amongst those who could be labeled "extremely careless" with classified information?

That may explain a lot of #NeverTrump. They're afraid, because they're compromised. If Trump is elected, whoo boy will he have a house to clean and a swamp to drain. Not sure how much headway he can make, but there's less risk of actual fvkcing treason than with Hilary!.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (u0s1P)

52 The Clinton Criminal Crony Party

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (NSeBd)

53 "41 "Imagine realizing you paid millions for direct access when others only paid $25,000."

I know. Some people have got to be pissed."

I'll send them some special pictures to cheer them up. Right after I shave my palms.

Posted by: Anthony Weiner at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (OD2ni)


I'll be happy to clear all this up.

But first, you will lick me where I shit.


Posted by: Hitlery at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (qul7b)

55 But, Trump!

Posted by: OregonMuse at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (gK1U8)

56 >>>The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide apparently
served as a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary
Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state.<<<

Why, it's almost as if Huma's dual loyalties working at State and for the Clinton Crime Syndicate wasn't a good idea for someone with no morality.

Imagine what other problems might arise for a woman with dual loyalties between her muzzie family and the Mo Bros., and US interests if her boss takes over the highest office in the land.

Posted by: Capt. Renault at August 22, 2016 04:02 PM (H9MG5)

57 What kind of scams are John Kerry running in the Obama state department. It appears to be anything goes.

Posted by: SH at August 22, 2016 04:02 PM (gmeXX)

58 52 The Clinton Criminal Crony Party

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 22, 2016 04:01 PM (NSeBd)

ISWYDT. *golf clap*

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 22, 2016 04:02 PM (u0s1P)

59 >>>>>How many people in the Republican leadership e-mailed Hillary to her
obviously unsecured ".com" account and are amongst those who could be
labeled "extremely careless" with classified information?

That may explain a lot of #NeverTrump. They're afraid, because
they're compromised. If Trump is elected, whoo boy will he have a house
to clean and a swamp to drain. Not sure how much headway he can make,
but there's less risk of actual fvkcing treason than with Hilary!.
.Sorry to bust your conspiracy bubble, but we would have seen that from day one. There is no way that the DNC or hillary's campaign wouldn't have put that out front on page one if it had happened.

Sort of like...."the Republicans knew it was happening and were OK with it".

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 04:03 PM (iONHu)


Trump fed Play-Doh to babies in Louisiana!

Posted by: Hitlery at August 22, 2016 04:03 PM (qul7b)

61 But first, you will lick me where I shit.

The constitution?

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 22, 2016 04:03 PM (GTByf)

62 >>The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide apparently
served as a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary
Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state.

Gosh, it's almost as if working for Hillary at State, and also for Bill at the Clinton Foundation, naturally created a conflict of interest!!

Who'd have predicted that?
Not Hillary's other close aid and counsel, Cheryl Mills, because....she was employed by both organizations at one point.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (NOIQH)

63 "The Clinton Criminal Crony Party "

Crafty minx.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill-President of NO MAAM Local #1127 at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (9ym/8)

64 Slimfast tycoon

One of my poorer-selling games.

Posted by: Sid Meier at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (2WoCi)

65 And yet, democrats won't care.

Posted by: Darth Randall

Lefties: Corporashunz are teh ebil! Corporashunz and moneyz are teh killin' us!!! Greed! ARGLE-BARGLE!

Non-leftie: What about Clinton's slush fund?

Lefties: Uh, that's different, because ... FUCK YOUZZZZ, EBIL CONTHERVATIVE!!!!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (V3IFq)

66 I am hoping so myself, but I recall the blah reactions form the msm and the left when it was revealed that bill clinton publicly lied about lewinsky.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 03:57 PM (iONHu)

I used to think the leftist media were at least as willing to go after a Democrat Party scandal, if it were juicy enough, but I'm not sure how it gets more juicy than Ma Barker with her compromised state secrets, and Papa Bubba with his trips to pedo island.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (TOk1P)

67 "Gosh, it's almost as if working for Hillary at State, and also for Bill at the Clinton Foundation, naturally created a conflict of interest!!"


Posted by: J Comey at August 22, 2016 04:04 PM (9ym/8)

68 zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by: The MSM, America's Proud Watchdog of Democracy at August 22, 2016 04:05 PM (8ZskC)

69 Remember, Only 77 Days Left to Donate!
Posted by: The Clinton Human Fund at August 22, 2016 04:00 PM (2WoCi)

After that, most Americans will be making mandatory voluntary donations.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at August 22, 2016 04:05 PM (oAY8z)

70 Poor Hillary. After a humiliating loss to a relatively young, unknown first term senator, she had to suck up and take the SOS position. Fortunately for her, she found a way to make it rewarding.

Posted by: SH at August 22, 2016 04:05 PM (gmeXX)

71 .Sorry to bust your conspiracy bubble, but we would have seen that from day one. There is no way that the DNC or hillary's campaign wouldn't have put that out front on page one if it had happened.

Sort of like...."the Republicans knew it was happening and were OK with it".

Maybe. That may have been a confession too far that early on. It's always an escalation of confessions/admissions. "I didn't do it." "Maybe I did, but I didn't mean to." "Okay, I did, but others did it too." That kind of thing.

Never start with, "I did it, and I'm glad! Whaddya gonna do, you sister-humping retards?" You have to build up to that.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 22, 2016 04:05 PM (u0s1P)

72 Let's recall that none other than Bill Clinton complained that he couldn't reach Hillary directly, he has to go through Huma Abedin.

Let that sink in.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:06 PM (NOIQH)

73 60

Trump fed Play-Doh to babies in Louisiana!

Posted by: Hitlery at August 22, 2016 04:03 PM (qul7b)

After he dick-punched them and raped their moms.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 04:06 PM (1ZOkK)

74 "I used to think the leftist media were at least as willing to go after a Democrat Party scandal, if it were juicy enough, but I'm not sure how it gets more juicy than Ma Barker with her compromised state secrets, and Papa Bubba with his trips to pedo island. "

Having that (D) by your name sure does help.


Posted by: Wild Bill C. at August 22, 2016 04:06 PM (9ym/8)

75 For between $5-$10 million you got yourself some service from the Secretary of State!

Posted by: steevy at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (fA75F)

76 How much did Trump pay for a meeting?

Awww come on. You know that will turn up sooner or later.

Posted by: Damiano at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (71OEY)

77 There are libs in my town who tell me in letters to the editor that Hillary! hasn't done anything wrong.

Of course, the fact our paper doesn't cover her crimes doesn't help.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (1ZOkK)

78 In Abedin's June deposition to Judicial Watch, she conceded that part of her job at the State Department was taking care of "Clinton family matters."

Yeah, Senator, the Clinton Family's got a lotta buffers.

Posted by: Willi Cicci at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (8ZskC)

79 Call me....................

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (F1iXz)

80 Trump fed Play-Doh to babies in Louisiana!

OT, but, um, Play-Doh used to be pretty good. A little salty, but when you're a kid, and you're hungry, you don't exactly have a discriminating pallete. (Maybe they changed the flavor in the past several decades.)

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 22, 2016 04:08 PM (u0s1P)

81 "Let that sink in."

Bit of a distant relationship you're saying?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 22, 2016 04:08 PM (9ym/8)

82 >>>Let's recall that none other than Bill Clinton
complained that he couldn't reach Hillary directly, he has to go through
Huma Abedin.
Let that sink in.
Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:06 PM (NOIQH)<<<

Yeah, buffers. The Clinton family has lots of buffers.

Posted by: Willie Cicci Clinton at August 22, 2016 04:08 PM (H9MG5)

83 For between $5-$10 million you got yourself some service from the Secretary of State!

Posted by: steevy at August 22, 2016 04:07 PM (fA75F)

Pfft. That's just the for Bronze Package.

Posted by: Saudi Arabia at August 22, 2016 04:08 PM (8ZskC)

84 Sorry to bust your conspiracy bubble, but we would have seen that from day one. There is no way that the DNC or hillary's campaign wouldn't have put that out front on page one if it had happened.

Sort of like...."the Republicans knew it was happening and were OK with it".

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman

Except that it would be better to have something to hold over the GOPe. Exposing it early on might have resulted in a lot of new faces on the GOP slate...

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (9krrF)

85 I can barely wait for the fawning adulation by the MFM when Princess Precious deigns to visit LA tomorrow.

I can see him prancing down the steps of AF1 now.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (1ZOkK)

86 Having that (D) by your name sure does help.


Posted by: Wild Bill C. at August 22, 2016 04:06 PM (9ym/

Right, but 5% cover? 50%?

I didn't realize it was 100%. I thought there was a line. Apparently not.

So go bang some 16 year olds, Bill. You earned it!

Posted by: BurtTC at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (TOk1P)

seems fishy.

Posted by: ArthurK at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (h53OH)

88 Band was acting at the behest of Casey Wasserman

Wait... that name rings a bell.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (9mTYi)

89 Those yoga poses in the emails?

- Lying Dog

- Pretzel of Truth

Posted by: Country Singer at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (uiwCw)

90 seems fishy.
Posted by: ArthurK at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (h53OH)


Posted by: Huma Abedin Rodham Edmund Wiener Clinton at August 22, 2016 04:10 PM (8ZskC)

91 It's a wonder they had any time left over to fail so badly at actual State Dept. business.

After all when was the last time any of us morons lost billions, entire regions and ambassadors all while stuffing enough cash in our pockets to embarrass Scrooge McDuck.

Posted by: DaveA at August 22, 2016 04:11 PM (8J/Te)

92 You know now that one can clearly see how Huma worked so damn hard to get all that money into the CCF, it's understandable that they paid her what 4 or 5 salaries, each with a nice benefits package--bitch earned it.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:12 PM (kXoT0)

93 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at August 22, 2016 04:12 PM (uPt3V)

94 Probably should pray for the head of Judicial Watch.. The Clinton Crime Syndicate can't like this exposure.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 04:12 PM (6HqlZ)

95 >>>>>Sorry to bust your conspiracy bubble, but we would have seen that
from day one. There is no way that the DNC or hillary's campaign
wouldn't have put that out front on page one if it had happened.

Sort of like...."the Republicans knew it was happening and were OK with it".

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman

Except that it would be better to have something to hold over the
GOPe. Exposing it early on might have resulted in a lot of new faces on
the GOP slate...
.It's been way too long to play that fish, she would have sprung that bombshell before now. She has taken too many body blows from the email scandal for her to not have reacted with that little tid bit if it was true.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 04:13 PM (iONHu)

96 The only thing that will stop Hillary Clinton's lawlessness is death because the peope who's job it is to do such things won't.

So here's hoping death comes calling soon.

Posted by: Kreplach at August 22, 2016 04:13 PM (9Prg2)

97 well "technically" the state department wasn't paying her to commit graft and corruption, that was her idea. So, personal, natch.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:13 PM (C6xeQ)

98 seems fishy.
Posted by: ArthurK
I wouldn't carp about it to much.

Posted by: Chi at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (iZFYA)

99 But Trump punched a baby in the dick, and then told it to go crawl back up mama's sugarhole until it was ready to be a man.

Posted by: josephistan at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (7HtZB)

100 94 Probably should pray for the head of Judicial Watch.. The Clinton Crime Syndicate can't like this exposure.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 04:12 PM (6HqlZ)

You're right. I pray for our country every day, but I think I'm going to have to start being more specific and naming names.

Posted by: bluebell at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (805dc)

101 Sorry to bust your conspiracy bubble, but we would have seen that from day one. There is no way that the DNC or hillary's campaign wouldn't have put that out front on page one if it had happened.

Sort of like...."the Republicans knew it was happening and were OK with it".
Posted by: The Great White Scotsman

DNC can't hammer the RNC WITHOUT implicating themselves.
Right now, they are trying to run out the clock. Look to property sales in Belize or wherever there is no extradition treaty When Trump wins.

Posted by: rickb223 at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (UC5ui)

102 The only thing missing from her tenure at State was high-stakes Mahjong games.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (Ug8ez)

103 [Bill] Clinton, 66, enjoys a particularly close partnership with Casey Wasserman,
chairman and CEO of the L.A.-based Wasserman Media Group, one of the
largest sports agencies in the world. Wasserman, who calls Clinton a
philanthropic mentor, has joined him in efforts to combat the nation's
childhood obesity epidemic...

No immediate relationship to DWS - she's not his wife or sister.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (NOIQH)

104 Can anyone say Smoking Gun?

There are more and more dots on the page, so that it's harder to not see the cat.

Judge should come down hard to accelerate disclosure. It's highly problematic if they get disclosed after November. Will Hillary pardon herself?

Where did these 15,000 come from? FBI may have exposure here. What did Comey know and when did he know it?

Someone needs to be charged with obstruction. I'm looking at you Cheryl.

Don't forget that Breitbart's Stephen Bannon bankrolled the book Clinton Cash and is now working for Trump. Lots of ways to play this -- think NY Post headlines and work backwards.

The wild card is what Assange (and others) may have hacked. May not even be necessary, but it could add fuel to the fire.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (r1fLd)

105 dint do nuffin. suck it rubes.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (KP5rU)

106 I still say the smoking gun is whomever walked the JWICS stuff over from that system, to hers.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at August 22, 2016 03:56 PM (jsWA

Not just that, but how widespread the use of unauthorized email services is, and whose emails on those services have been penetrated, and by whom. This, I think, will continue to come drip, drip, dripping out.

Posted by: Country Singer at August 22, 2016 04:15 PM (uiwCw)

107 Put Huma in jail!

Posted by: Anthony Wiener at August 22, 2016 04:15 PM (4AVeu)

108 To big to fail.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 22, 2016 04:15 PM (ZFUt7)

109 Huma was doing what?! *starts head bobbing for the next twenty minutes*

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at August 22, 2016 04:15 PM (k0G44)

110 Trump's calling her out hard on this and demands that their 'foundation' be immediately shuttered.

President Hillary:

"As far as I know, the border is secure"
"As far as I know, Iran is building nukes"
"As far as I know, all ME immigrants are peaceful"

Posted by: Cheri at August 22, 2016 04:16 PM (oiNtH)

111 >>Can anyone say Smoking Gun?

The emails from Soros urging Hillary to action - and she did - are an excellent start.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:16 PM (NOIQH)

112 Huma may find herself martyred for Hillary. She knows way too much. Same thing for Cheryl Mills.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (kXoT0)

113 It's pretty clear that Obama's Secretary of State was conducting a criminal operation right under his fly-covered nose.

Will the media hang this on him?

After all, she worked for him, and made millions for the Clinton Foundation off of his appointment.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (4AVeu)

114 You're right. I pray for our country every day, but I think I'm going to have to start being more specific and naming names.

I'm sure I'm on an enemies list since I have donated J.W.

Posted by: Infidel at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (hh7N1)

115 So what are you wingnuts going to do about it?

Posted by: Hillary at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (FEAjO)

116 The wild card is what Assange (and others) may have hacked. May not even be necessary, but it could add fuel to the fire.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (r1fLd)

Tinfoil hat - They killed Assange's lawyer as a warning

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (/D5Lf)

117 It's pretty clear that Obama's Secretary of State was conducting a criminal operation right under his fly-covered nose.

Will the media hang this on him?

Nope. There are already far too many justice-involved yutes.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 22, 2016 04:18 PM (8ZskC)

118 Hold on to your hats. The fallback position here will be Hillary and Co. telling us, "Well, they may have thought they were buying access. We can't control what our donors believe."

Bet on it.

Posted by: spongeworthy at August 22, 2016 04:18 PM (mrfTe)

119 >>After all, she worked for him, and made millions for the Clinton Foundation off of his appointment.

Not just the foundation - she assist Sid Blumenthal with his business in assisting companies set up in Libya, and Doug Band's consulting business, TENEO.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:18 PM (NOIQH)

120 Trump's calling her out hard on this and demands that their 'foundation' be immediately shuttered.

Uh, but then I would have to think about money.

Posted by: Chelsea Hubbell Clinton at August 22, 2016 04:18 PM (2WoCi)

121 99 But Trump punched a baby in the dick, and then told it to go crawl back up mama's sugarhole until it was ready to be a man.
Posted by: josephistan at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (7HtZB)

So, a bump in the polls then?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (VdICR)

122 Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.

IF YOU GAZE INTO THE COOKIE JAR LONG ENOUGH, THE COOKIE JAR GAZES BACK AT YOU. Cookie Monster Searches Deep Within Himself and Asks: Is Me Really Monster?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (R+30W)

123 94
Probably should pray for the head of Judicial Watch.. The Clinton Crime Syndicate can't like this exposure.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 04:12 PM (6HqlZ)

This. He could end up committing suicide three or four times.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (1ZOkK)

124 " I still say the smoking gun is whomever walked the JWICS stuff over from that system, to hers."

Repost on point:

Here's a post mortem. Comey and the FBI acted on a narrow investigation order. It was Hillary and her e-mails only. This was purposeful and hamstrung the investigation from the start.

e.g., The FBI did not investigate the "air gap" of how secure content on the government system got moved to Hillary's home brew. This almost certainly had to involve some combination of Huma, Cheryl or Jake. With none of them made a target -- nor their actions tied to Hillary -- much of the case was lost. No intent, no conspiracy. No leverage on Hillary's minions. Importantly, I thought this could be proven without any minion flipping, just with time logs of who accessed what and when. This should have been a relatively easy case to make. Had it been, there's no way that Comey couldn't find requisite intent no matter how he read the applicable statutes.

Nor did the FBI investigate Clinton Cash Corruption. I thought they would, based on leaks to Fox News'' Catherine Herridge. She got played. So did I. Related to this, the FBI ignored that "Hillary's lawyers permanently put 30,000 e-mails beyond forensic recovery." This is the true Holy Shit Headline.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (r1fLd)

125 It's hard to believe Nixon trying to cover up a penny ante break in to a dem campaign office in the heat of a landslide election led to his impeachment while this international RICO affair by these democrat grifters sails past their supporters with no effect.

Even the repubs were disgusted with Nixon. Dems don't care about nothing but winning elections no matter what.

Posted by: DanMan at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (RusNE)

126 As someone said on the adultery thread, "cheaters gonna cheat."

Posted by: nerdygirl at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (+lVUW)

127 Hillary! wouldn't steal candy from a baby. She would have Huma steal candy from a baby, then send Robbie Mook on the news shows to say the baby deserved to have the candy stolen from it. Next, in the New York Times: "Are Babies Becoming Racist? Some Question Republican Programs"

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (BWL+E)

128 test

What's the guide for the text tags?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (VdICR)

129 Rumor is Soros got hacked last week.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (xVRrG)

130 115 So what are you wingnuts going to do about it?
Posted by: Hillary
Ninja please...
Wait. I meant - ninjas. Please.

Posted by: Chi at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (iZFYA)

131 Tinfoil hat - They killed Assange's lawyer as a warning

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (/D5Lf)

Someone tried to break into the Embassy last night.

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (F1iXz)

132 Inquest rules that death of Julian Assange's lawyer, John Jones QC, was not 'suicide', opening door to law suits

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (/D5Lf)

133 "Well, they may have thought they were buying access. We can't control what our donors believe."

Sure they'll try it and it will be ridiculous. Trump's campaign (Bannon) will easily connect the dots between donations and access.

Posted by: Cheri at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (oiNtH)

134 Someone tried to break into the Embassy last night.

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (F1iXz)


Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (/D5Lf)


But Trump punched a baby in the dick

This is like a bad novel

Posted by: ThunderB at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (/+GtG)

136 Please don't ever put "hard" and "Huma" in the same sentence again.

Thank you.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (Ug8ez)

137 vast right wing conspiracy. same shit different year.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (KP5rU)

138 Inquest rules that death of Julian Assange's lawyer, John Jones QC, was not 'suicide', opening door to law suits

Pro tip: It's hard to pass off shot in the back 6 times as a suicide.

Posted by: rickb223 at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (UC5ui)

139 Tinfoil hat - They killed Assange's lawyer as a warning
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:17 PM (/D5Lf)

And too many other "accidents" to be accidental.

**adjusts tin foil bunny ears, because the hat would mess up my hair**

Posted by: bluebell at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (805dc)

140 :::scoots asshole across comments:::

Posted by: Snookums, Anal Tobogganer Extraordinaire at August 22, 2016 04:21 PM (Ap4Ev)


Nice Huma is selling access to arab overlords

Posted by: ThunderB at August 22, 2016 04:22 PM (/+GtG)

142 Those yoga poses in the emails?

- Lying Dog

- Pretzel of Truth

Posted by: Country Singer at August 22, 2016 04:09 PM (uiwCw)

- Driving the Porcelain Bus

- The Cookie Toss

Posted by: wth at August 22, 2016 04:22 PM (HgMAr)

143 @134

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:22 PM (F1iXz)

144 Slim Fast - you can't make this crap up

Posted by: V Jarrett at August 22, 2016 03:54 PM (bsDXW)

Wasn't Fast Boy Slim a rapper, until he waisted away?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 22, 2016 04:22 PM (oqkO3)

145 Someone tried to break into the Embassy last night.

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:20 PM (F1iXz)


Srsly. Not ninjas.
Ninjas get sprinkles. Ninjas are closers.

Posted by: rickb223 at August 22, 2016 04:23 PM (UC5ui)

146 And Rod Blagojevich is in jail for what????

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 22, 2016 04:23 PM (so+oy)

147 "Trump's calling her out hard on this and demands that their 'foundation' be immediately shuttered."

For the Clinton-loving media (all 99.9999% of them) if it's a Republican scandal, it's about Republicans. If it's a Democratic scandal it's about the Republican response.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at August 22, 2016 04:23 PM (BWL+E)

148 "Inquest rules that death of Julian Assange's lawyer, John Jones QC, was not 'suicide', opening door to law suits"

*dum de dum....dum*

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 22, 2016 04:23 PM (9ym/8)

149 Not a smidgen of non corruption.

Posted by: x at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (nFwvY)

150 >>Rumor is Soros got hacked last week.

News of Soros hack broke last week - already found to have influenced US/Hillary intervention on behalf of a European country, and also pushed Obama to take in 100,000 immigrants (which he did).:

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (NOIQH)

151 It's hard to believe Nixon trying to cover up a penny ante break in to a dem campaign office in the heat of a landslide election led to his impeachment while this international RICO affair by these democrat grifters sails past their supporters with no effect.

Even the repubs were disgusted with Nixon. Dems don't care about nothing but winning elections no matter what.
Posted by: DanMan at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (RusNE)

To this day, self righteous Dims will literally foam at the mouth about Nixon's High Crimes and Misdemeanors, all while neatly ignoring the fact that BJ Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Bobo commit or committed worse crimes everyday of their official lives in violations of their oaths and any common decency or morality.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (kXoT0)

152 From this morning:

This morning the British press reports that an intruder was trying to break into the London Ecuadorian embassy where Assange lives with political asylum.


It's just as plausible that Assange is creating drama as this being a failed hit.

Reality has passed my ability to suspend disbelief.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (r1fLd)

153 Wow this should make people feel all loved... especially guys.

Wednesday Fathom Events and Cinemark will be showing Thelma and Louise to mark the 25th anniversary of that cinematic dreck.

They need to do a remake that stars Hillary! and Huma I think.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (t22Cv)


This is pay for play. Old school

Posted by: ThunderB at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (/+GtG)

Nice Huma is selling access to arab overlords. ///

Who, btw, don't consider her fully human.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (xVRrG)

156 No, they are saying that right wing nuts are seeing something that isn't there. In other words, don't believe your lying eyes.

Millions in cash changing hands and special favors being done by State. But nothing to see here. Right. Even Stoopid gets this.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (Ug8ez)

157 128 test

What's the guide for the text tags?

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 04:19 PM (VdICR)


You have already mastered italics. You can also use underline, bold, and strikeout.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (R+30W)

158 I know. Some people have got to be pissed.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill-President of NO MAAM Local #1127 at August 22, 2016 03:58 PM (9ym/

I doubt it. Foundation money. Either not their own money, or money already written off as a "charitable donation".

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (oqkO3)

159 Not sure how much headway he can make, but there's less risk of actual fvkcing treason than with Hilary!.

Posted by: Lance McCormick

It would explain a lot. McCain & Co.

Posted by: Cheri at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (oiNtH)

160 Melania Trump has hired the same lawyer Hulk Hogan used vs Gawker to file defamatory lawsuits against Daily Mail and other outlets who have claimed she was an escort.

Posted by: @votermom at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (Om16U)

161 >>>And Rod Blagojevich is in jail for what????

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at August 22, 2016 04:23 PM (so+oy)<<<

Yeah, this is bullshit.

Posted by: Duke Cunningham (R-ong party) at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (H9MG5)

162 There is an old movie about the Puritans and Cromwell (Richard Harris) loping the head of the king (Alec Guinness), I think?
Later in the movie a fat character actor you see a lot, I can't remember his name; is sitting with a bunch of members of Parliament.
"If you not going to profit from Public Office, why would anyone bother?"
Or words to that effect.
Be nice if someone could put Hillary's head on the actor.... the body is basically the same. Kind of Monty Python like.

Posted by: Paladin at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (+Wvn3)

163 143 @134

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:22 PM (F1iXz)

Damn. Thanks.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at August 22, 2016 04:26 PM (/D5Lf)

164 104
Can anyone say Smoking Gun?

There are more and more dots on the page, so that it's harder to not see the cat.

Judge should come down hard to accelerate disclosure. It's highly
problematic if they get disclosed after November. Will Hillary pardon

Where did these 15,000 come from? FBI may have exposure here. What did Comey know and when did he know it?

Someone needs to be charged with obstruction. I'm looking at you Cheryl.

Don't forget that Breitbart's Stephen Bannon bankrolled the book
Clinton Cash and is now working for Trump. Lots of ways to play this --
think NY Post headlines and work backwards.

The wild card is what Assange (and others) may have hacked. May not even be necessary, but it could add fuel to the fire.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:14 PM (r1fLd)

We've had about a dozen smoking guns in the last 6 months.
Nothing ever happens. Why should we be excited about this one?Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see actual justice done here. I just don't think we'll ever see it.

Posted by: Agent Cooper at August 22, 2016 04:26 PM (1zARK)

165 There was a time when I thought what is Huma doing with Weiner?

Then I looked up close. And ran away screaming.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:26 PM (Ug8ez)


Hillary Medici

Posted by: ThunderB at August 22, 2016 04:26 PM (/+GtG)

167 I think hacking Soros will probably get some people killed. His scruples exist in theory only.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:26 PM (xVRrG)

168 Who, btw, don't consider her fully human.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (xVRrG)

Or to have a soul. She is not human period per Islam and as I posted in an earlier thread, the Saudis have announced a decision to admit that women are mammals because they give birth to lie young, breastfeed them, and have hair. The decision still asserts that they are not human and do not have souls.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (kXoT0)

169 Play-doh is actually very stress-relieving. Therapists uses it for child clients.
Iirc, they gave Elian Gonzales play-doh on his trip back to Castropia.

Posted by: @votermom at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (Om16U)

170 Assange may have hacked e-mails which show Hillary involved in Benghazi as a gun-running operation to arm Baby ISIS.

That's another possible Holy Shit Headline.

Hillary's already listing. That would be a torpedo amidships.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (r1fLd)

171 Soros and his spawn need to get disappeared. Evil incarnate.

Posted by: Infidel at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (hh7N1)

172 Daniel Abraham should have paid her in Slimfast.

Posted by: wth at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (HgMAr)

173 The Medicis were far more competent. They had to be because Itailian city-state politics was not for the faint of heart.

Posted by: Anna Puma at August 22, 2016 04:28 PM (t22Cv)

174 >>There was a time when I thought what is Huma doing with Weiner?

Before he messed up on twitter, Weiner was set to be Mayor of NYC with aspirations of then becoming governor of NY (IIRC). With Clinton help he could have probably pulled it off. So, Huma was in it for the beard and "power couple" plans.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:28 PM (NOIQH)

175 Assange may have hacked e-mails which show Hillary involved in Benghazi as a gun-running operation to arm Baby ISIS.

That's another possible Holy Shit Headline.

Hillary's already listing. That would be a torpedo amidships.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (r1fLd)

If by "listing" you mean "steaming ahead to an easy November landslide", then yes.

Posted by: Agent Cooper at August 22, 2016 04:29 PM (1zARK)

176 "I'd love to see actual justice done here. I just don't think we'll ever see it."

Hillary can lose in the court of public opinion, and lose the election.

I'd expect Obama to pardon her on January 19.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:29 PM (r1fLd)

177 I dunno. Something I wish there were simply more flamethrower last in the world. Oh yeah and more Mark 77 delivery vehicles.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:29 PM (Ug8ez)

178 Infidel,
How's the kitchen plumbing going? Problem solved?

Posted by: Chi at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (iZFYA)

179 Infidel - you are so right! I just recently learned that the old devil had a son. A son that dined with Kaine. How Conveeeenient!

Posted by: Cheri at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (oiNtH)

180 drip drip drip. I know its tinfoil hat, and judicial watch is one of the good guys but I can't shake the feeling that if the Dems get nervous that the MFM can't drag Shrillary into the WH there will suddenly be a push that the law must apply and hey presto the DNC holds an emergency convention and picks themselves a new candidate.

Posted by: Palerider at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (dkExz)

Posted by: @votermom at August 22, 2016 04:25 PM (Om16U)

She got an apology and retraction from The Inquisitr.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (kXoT0)

182 Many people on the right wonder why folks on the left can't see the obvious truth that Hillary is a criminal of the first order.

They can see it just fine.

What needs describing is the thought process they go through after reaching that conclusion.

Liberals consider the entire universe of bribes, pay for play, big money donors to sham foundations and all other money related crimes as the sole pervue of the republicans.

They see Hillary and Bill as being so smart, so clever that they are beating the right at their own game. Democrats think that, regardless of what the Clintons are doing, they are doing it with greater good of the little people in mind.

Taking bribes from terrorist nations? Milking corrupt corporations for donations? What could be wrong with that if the proceeds go to fighting AIDs and malaria and other good works done by people who really care?

There is no crime that can't be justified or rationalized in the minds of liberals if the perpetrator is Bill or Hillary.

That's just how their minds work.

Posted by: jwest at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (Zs4uk)

183 Just got a political robo-call from Trump.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (9ym/8)

184 Or to have a soul. She is not human period per Islam and as I posted in an earlier thread, the Saudis have announced a decision to admit that women are mammals because they give birth to lie young, breastfeed them, and have hair. The decision still asserts that they are not human and do not have souls. ///

Yep that's what I was thinking about when I typed that.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (xVRrG)

185 She got an apology and retraction from The Inquisitr.
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (kXoT0)


Exhibit #23 in how to fight back against the media. I like it.

Posted by: @votermom at August 22, 2016 04:31 PM (Om16U)


Huma isn't human and doesn't have a soul.

We Reptilians from Tau Ceti 5 instead have what we call a 'mrck yar' which is much like a Magic 8-ball...

Posted by: Hitlery at August 22, 2016 04:31 PM (qul7b)

187 There is no crime that can't be justified or rationalized in the minds of liberals if the perpetrator is Bill or Hillary.

...or themselves. If they do it, it's righteous because they are superior people.

Posted by: O. Tay at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (Kzf4A)

188 Poor Ambassador Stevens. Had he known the proper protocol to get Hillary's attention, he might be alive today. Instead, the poor SOB kept sending his plaintive emails to

Posted by: red speck at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (RcEOo)

189 155

Nice Huma is selling access to herarab overlords. ///

Who, btw, don't consider her fully human.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:24 PM (xVRrG)

FIFY. Her mother WORKS for the Saudi government publishing a magazine for them.

Posted by: Nip Sip at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (F1iXz)

190 Many people on the right wonder why folks on the left can't see the obvious truth that Hillary is a criminal of the first order.

Almost 40 years ago, we watched massholes idolize Teddy after he left a woman to drown.

The scene from Blazing Saddles, where one of the thugs says rape twice comes to mind.

Posted by: Blue Hen at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (326rv)

191 forget about hillary's 40 year corruption, money laundering and theft, let me tell you about donald trump's nuke problem

Posted by: runner at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (c6/9Q)

192 Before he messed up on twitter, Weiner was set to be Mayor of NYC with aspirations of then becoming governor of NY (IIRC). With Clinton help he could have probably pulled it off. So, Huma was in it for the beard and "power couple" plans. / / /

Plus her side job as a secret agent . . . for the other side.

Posted by: simplemind at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (xVRrG)

193 >>Infidel - you are so right! I just recently learned that the old devil
had a son. A son that dined with Kaine. How Conveeeenient!

Think he has 4 (or more?) kids - Chelsea Clinton had her wedding at Soros' daughter's mansion in NY.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:32 PM (NOIQH)

194 We get robocalled from Drumpf every other day on avg. Been that way for weeks

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at August 22, 2016 04:33 PM (oAY8z)

195 Ugh. I've eaten three cookies while reading this thread. I'll be back for the medical morons thread, in which I shall not admit to what I just wrote.

I think I need play dough and coloring books and footie pajamas and a safe space.

Posted by: bluebell at August 22, 2016 04:33 PM (805dc)

196 "Hillary can lose in the court of public opinion, and lose the election.

I'd expect Obama to pardon her on January 19. "

I think she could win and be pardoned as well, no?

Posted by: Harun at August 22, 2016 04:33 PM (UBBWX)

197 180: Oddly the best reassurance I have against that tin foil hat theory is that the Bernie Bots would expect him to be the nominee at that point and the big money folks won't allow that because Bernie doesn't understand that cronies don't get their wealth redistributed, only the little companies and political opponents. So if Bernie collapses I will be expecting "new evidence" and an emergency DNC convention.

Posted by: Palerider at August 22, 2016 04:34 PM (dkExz)

198 There is no crime that can't be justified or rationalized in the minds of liberals if the perpetrator is Bill or Hillary.

That's just how their minds work.
Posted by: jwest at August 22, 2016 04:30 PM (Zs4uk)

I experienced this first hand about 10 days ago at a social gathering, two rabid Hillary supporters were crowing, "They've tried to get her for thirty years and they can't." They looked to me for support and I guess my expression gave me away and someone said, "You're a Democrat, right." I answered no. At the next social events where both I and those women were present, they conspicuously avoided me.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:34 PM (kXoT0)

199 Chi- Yes, ran into a plumber in his plumbing truck yesterday coming out of the local hardware store. Said he didn't have time yesterday but could be here at 10:30 this am. Lives near little infidel and showed up when he said. All fixed for $75 including installing the new faucet. I have a new plumber. Super nice guy.

24 hours of no water in the house or swamp cooler. I was getting tired of hauling irrigation water for the toilet. Everything cleaned up now. Amazing the simple stuff you take for granted.

Posted by: Infidel at August 22, 2016 04:34 PM (hh7N1)

200 >>>>>
drip drip drip. I know its tinfoil hat, and judicial watch is one of
the good guys but I can't shake the feeling that if the Dems get nervous
that the MFM can't drag Shrillary into the WH there will suddenly be a
push that the law must apply and hey presto the DNC holds an emergency
convention and picks themselves a new candidate.
.Can't happen. While they might be able to get that candidate on the ballot in almost all Dem stronghold States, they won't have time to get them on any Republican States or most battleground States. Q.E.D.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 22, 2016 04:34 PM (iONHu)

201 I get that Huma has Muslim relatives and such, but I just don't buy her as religious.

She's just your average immigrant who went atheist Democrat.

Posted by: Harun at August 22, 2016 04:35 PM (UBBWX)

202 STROKE 2016

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 22, 2016 04:35 PM (NqZ29)

So what you're saying is that Huma has been acting as Frau Gruppencankles' bagman......errr, bag lady, for years.

Not that this is a surprise to Teh Horde, but I just wanted a legit reason to call Huma a bag lady.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 22, 2016 04:36 PM (xxSK3)

204 So if Bernie collapses I will be expecting "new evidence" and an emergency DNC convention.

I'm sorry; i don't quite understand. Bernie Collapses-you mean gets ill or something?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 04:36 PM (6HqlZ)

205 >>Her mother WORKS for the Saudi government publishing a magazine for them.

Much more than a magazine/journal - see details here:

The whole family was/is involved with this terror-funding imam.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:36 PM (NOIQH)

206 After all this time has anyone bothered to ask AOL if they have any backups...

Posted by: Colin at August 22, 2016 04:36 PM (toJdI)

207 Clintons are in an awkward spot. They don't want to shut down the Foundation, and if they do it's a tacit admission of wrongdoing.

So Trump can keep humping on it.

Even MSM has stopped ignoring it.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:37 PM (r1fLd)

208 If she has no clit, you must acquit!

Posted by: Zombie Johnny Cochran at August 22, 2016 04:37 PM (/hxGw)

209 Think he has 4 (or more?) kids - Chelsea Clinton had her wedding at Soros' daughter's mansion in NY.

Posted by: Lizzy at

Well, isn't that special.

Posted by: Infidel at August 22, 2016 04:37 PM (hh7N1)

210 The Left loves a despot.

As long as it's their despot.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:37 PM (v9gSJ)

211 "I think she could win and be pardoned as well, no?"

Oh yeah. She could win. Barry signs an E.O. in the mean time.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 22, 2016 04:37 PM (9ym/8)

212 If Hillary had just thrown those emails into Hope Solos gaping butthole, they would have been lost forever.

Posted by: garrett at August 22, 2016 04:38 PM (/hxGw)

213 >>She's just your average immigrant who went atheist Democrat.

Nope: She served as an executive on the board of Muslim Students Association.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (NOIQH)

214 "The decision still asserts that they are not human and do not have souls."

Redheads too?

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (r1fLd)

215 Interesting that no one can tell you what the charitable work of the Clinton charity is.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (v9gSJ)

216 Release more balloons!

Posted by: Max Power at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (q177U)

217 LOL Crown Prince wassisname of Bahrain had to line up behind Mr Slimfast. That's the sort of thing that the good prince will surely forget quickly!

Posted by: HiHo at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (CPk08)

218 Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:34 PM (kXoT0)

They tried to get a lot a mob bosses for decades and weren't able to do it until decades later and some they never got.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (NqZ29)

219 They got Capone on tax evasion.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:40 PM (v9gSJ)

220 Play-doh is actually very stress-relieving. Therapists uses it for child clients.
Iirc, they gave Elian Gonzales play-doh on his trip back to Castropia.

Posted by: @votermom at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (Om16U)

And when he arrived in Cuba, Castro's secret police seized the Play-doh, and a week later, bakeries all over Havana had a special on blue buns.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 22, 2016 04:41 PM (oqkO3)

221 Huma doesn't have to be religious to be helping the Muslim Brotherhood. She could just believe in world domination by the Caliphate for purely political purposes.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 04:41 PM (6HqlZ)

222 204: Yeah, I would expect the "dark forces behind the DNC" would make sure Bernie was out. (remember this is my tin foil hat paranoid imagination running wild) Either by Bernie proclaiming a health crisis or if he didn't play along he would get killed in a mugging or some such like has happened to quite a few potential witnesses to Hillary crimes.

Posted by: Palerider at August 22, 2016 04:42 PM (dkExz)

223 "Interesting that no one can tell you what the charitable work of the Clinton charity is."

Very little. Bought and distributed some AIDS stuff. Bono alone has done far more.

It's main mission was to pre-game Hillary's campaign and to support an Administration-in-Waiting. Among other crimes, it let the Clinton's evade Federal Election Commission restrictions, including donations from foreign interests.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:42 PM (r1fLd)

224 They got Capone on tax evasion.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:40 PM (v9gSJ)

Yeah. YEAH!!!

Um, no.

Posted by: John Koskinen (D) at August 22, 2016 04:42 PM (8ZskC)

225 " They got Capone on tax evasion."

Taxes? Taxes? You think we pay taxes? Hah! We don't need to pay no stinking taxes.

Posted by: Pedro Flores at August 22, 2016 04:43 PM (9ym/8)

226 Glad to hear it, Infidel.

So, there's been a chopper flying around nearly for close to an hour.
Apparently, 2 people were shot on the interstate nearby. No word on whether the shooter was in the car with them & fled, or if it was a different car, or random or what...

Posted by: Chi at August 22, 2016 04:44 PM (iZFYA)

227 They tried to get a lot a mob bosses for decades and weren't able to do it until decades later and some they never got.
Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 22, 2016 04:39 PM (NqZ29)

Yeah, but, at least the mob bosses had standards. They were content to own a governor here, a senator there, a few congress critters over there and there.

I like to think that they would not have been doing business gleefully with muslim f*chs to the detriment of the US. Italy and Corsica have known the muslim horde and its war against Christianity for centuries.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:44 PM (kXoT0)

228 The federal bribery statute., 18 U.S.C , 201 make it a crime for a public official to receive or accept anything of value in exchange for being influenced in the performance of any act.

The Democrats convicted McDonnell in Virginia for less and destroyed him in the process.

But their sainted diaper wearer takes millions and does favors directly for those donors and there is nothing to see here?

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:45 PM (Ug8ez)

229 O/T I'm at WalMart on their wifi and they've got my fave gun-buy site, Bud's, blocked.


Expect this more and more.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at August 22, 2016 04:45 PM (+F9EK)

230 You know, if I were a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (or a black Dem in general) I'd kinda wonder how Hellary can get away with her shit for so long (and at a far more serious level) than say... "Cold Cash" Jefferson, Chaka "Con", and Corrine Brown... who "the man" has no problem indicting/putting in prison.

Maybe some media rabble rousers might want to point this out? Maybe it's another tool Trump can use to drive a wedge between black voters and the Dem party that perpetually uses and abuses them?

Posted by: a T-Rex trying to rub one out at August 22, 2016 04:45 PM (H9MG5)

231 She's just your average immigrant who went atheist Democrat.

Posted by: Harun at August 22, 2016 04:35 PM (UBBWX)

Even if that were true, it wouldn't stop the muzzie scum from using here as a tool.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at August 22, 2016 04:45 PM (oqkO3)

232 "Interesting that no one can tell you what the charitable work of the Clinton charity is."

Very little. Bought and distributed some AIDS stuff. Bono alone has done far more.

It's main mission was to pre-game Hillary's campaign and to support an Administration-in-Waiting. Among other crimes, it let the Clinton's evade Federal Election Commission restrictions, including donations from foreign interests.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:42 PM (r1fLd)

You want to see some people that hate them some Bill Clinton, talk to the Haitians about how millions of dollars meant for them somehow stuck to BJ's skeletal fingers.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:46 PM (kXoT0)

233 Bahrain petroleum mm blood for oil dealers@!

Posted by: willow at August 22, 2016 04:46 PM (87qeT)


I'm a baby dick puncher
I'm a baby dick puncher
Watchin' babies go by
My, my, my

I'm a baby dick puncher
I'm a baby dick puncher
Here comes one now
Mmmm, mmm, mmm

Posted by: T Rump at August 22, 2016 04:46 PM (qul7b)

235 The Clinton Foundation took in $500 million in "charitable donations" from 2008 - 2012.

Of that $500 million donated for charity, the Foundation spent $425 million on administrative, travel, and other expenses.

Only $75 million, or 15% of the donors' money, actually went to charities.

So 85% of the donated "charity" funds went to pay for big salaries, perks, and luxury travel for the Clinton family, their friends, and cronies.

Big corporations and foreign potentates don't "donate" that kind of money to "charitable foundations" that aren't actually spending the money on charity. Only a fool would give that kind of money to a foundation that is spending 85% of donations on its directors/employees living large.

We all know the donors were "donating" that money in exchange for lucrative government contracts and other government favors that were far more valuable to them than the money they were paying the crooked Clintons.

We know about the lucrative State Dept. contracts that Hillary doled out to that "education" company that was one of the Foundation's big contributors. It would be interesting to know what the other big "donors" got for their money. If we had a government that was something other than a criminal conspiracy run by the Dims, it would audit all these "donors" to see what government benefits they obtained after they made their "donation" to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 22, 2016 04:46 PM (NnYnv)

236 Democrats are on TV trying out the "Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this nothing", fallacy. It's infuriating people at so ignorant.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:47 PM (Ug8ez)

237 Another Bush lie coming back to hurt our country and Presdent Obama. Bush lied and Am,erica died and Presdent Obama can saves this country but that stuped Constittution thing written by slave ownwers back in the 1800's is preventing Presdent Obalama from fixing the Bush problems... Cancel the election and lets give Presdent Obamama another 8 years...........

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at August 22, 2016 04:47 PM (NuElX)

238 That perfidious, fat, alcoholic, self dealing, cold hearted bitch sure was expensive to see but must have gotten results. Wow. You don't throw down $5M-$10M for nothing I guess.

Posted by: oddknot still frets at August 22, 2016 04:47 PM (g1MTt)

239 The Deuce you say!

Posted by: Buckaroo Banzai at August 22, 2016 03:49 PM (zllbf)

Damn you!

Damn you to HELL!

Posted by: Sharkman at August 22, 2016 04:48 PM (CS7jF)


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at August 22, 2016 04:48 PM (Ap4Ev)

241 Cancel the election and lets give Presdent Obamama another 8 years...........
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at August 22, 2016 04:47 PM (NuElX)

Not for nothing, Mare, but, I really think you should get that brain tumor seen to sooner rather than later.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:48 PM (kXoT0)

242 The only difference between the Clintons and the old gangsters is now instead of sacks of cash, they use pallets.

Posted by: wth at August 22, 2016 04:49 PM (HgMAr)

243 There are still 1,000 undisclosed donors whose money was funneled through a Canadian affiliate of the Foundation. Who are they?

The Clintons signed an MOU with the Obamans that all donors would be disclosed.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (r1fLd)

244 If Hillary shuts down the Clinton Foundation, I won't have a job after January.

Damn. Shits gettin' real.

Posted by: Loretta Lynch at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (4AVeu)

245 Everyone should have a nice pay to play scheme set up what's a poor woman to do but help dismantle countries and help your friends to get some of that countries pie.

Posted by: willow at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (87qeT)

246 It's main mission was to pre-game Hillary's campaign and to support an Administration-in-Waiting.

It's missions:

1. Provide a destination for scads of influence money raked in by the Clintons for their "speeches" and "memoirs" thus allowing them to write off the income as charitable contributions and avoid taxation on it;

2. Allow foreign governments and corporations to buy influence from the Clintons under the guise of conributing to a "charity";

3. Provide all the accoutrements of a billionaire's lifestyle to the Clintons (all three of the nasty little pigs) while writing off the private jets, multi-million lofts and other perks as the legitimate "expenses" of doing charitable shit. After all, who's gong to complain if this so-called charity only pays out 5% of its income to actual charitable purposes. The DONORS? Hah! I don't think so.

Top it all off with a DOJ that is resolutely unwilling to look sat this flagrant scam and you have a financial masterstroke.

It's fucking genius.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (8ZskC)

247 This SHOULD be flaming-skull-worthy.

Nothing to see here, though.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (xeeHA)

248 >>>The Clintons signed an MOU with the Obamans that all donors would be disclosed.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (r1fLd)<<<

The deal the signed with me takes precedence, bub.

Posted by: Satan at August 22, 2016 04:51 PM (H9MG5)

249 "It's main mission was to pre-game Hillary's campaign and to support an Administration-in-Waiting."

This is where we on the right fall flat.

It is essential, if we're ever going to be the party we need to be, that we establish some entity to train, educate, vet and support the key players in administrations of the future.

We should have a university that serves as the launching pad for our team. A place where people can specialize in the areas of government we need serious help in. Where ideas can be fully formed, allegiances made, friendships established and talent honed.

A full government in waiting.

People preparing to move in to key spots on day one and make a difference.

Such a fundamental thing, such a simple concept, but our billionaires are busy pissing away money on 30 second tv spots that no one will pay attention to.

Posted by: jwest at August 22, 2016 04:52 PM (Zs4uk)

250 Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:44 PM (kXoT0)

Oh I agree. I was just suggesting a response to your friends. You could add on your post on how the mob bosses were even better than the Clintons .

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 22, 2016 04:52 PM (NqZ29)





Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE HUMA'S ANAL BLEACHER at August 22, 2016 04:53 PM (qul7b)

252 Obama and Clinton machines

"I think you've made enuf money". Right?

Posted by: willow at August 22, 2016 04:53 PM (87qeT)

253 "This SHOULD be flaming-skull-worthy. "

Somebody should be in a fcuking orange jumpsuit and headed off to Ft. Leavenworth, but.

We are no longer a nation of laws. But rather politics.

Posted by: Pedro Flores at August 22, 2016 04:53 PM (9ym/8)

254 Oh its flsme worthy but the Attorney general and the MSM minions will bury it like a dead dog.

Posted by: Skip at August 22, 2016 04:53 PM (0G2eQ)

255 Off, Pedro.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 22, 2016 04:54 PM (9ym/8)

256 243 There are still 1,000 undisclosed donors whose money was funneled through a Canadian affiliate of the Foundation. Who are they?

The Clintons signed an MOU with the Obamans that all donors would be disclosed.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:50 PM (r1fLd)


A memo of understanding... Whaddya gonna do. Understandings change over time.

Posted by: Hillary Rodham! Clinton at August 22, 2016 04:54 PM (R+30W)

257 Any person who got an email from the home-server may have followed a link to a spoofed web site. I assume Obama is one of those.

Every addressee was obligated to disclose the breach of security and did not. I would say blacklisting them from working in Washington would be the best policy. This enema purge will have bad consequences, but the legitimacy of Washington needs to be recovered. No good choices here.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 04:54 PM (VdICR)

Not for nothing, Mare, but, I really think you should get that brain tumor seen to sooner rather than later.

It's not a tumah!

Posted by: Arnold Clogginstien at August 22, 2016 04:54 PM (IqV8l)

Only $75 million, or 15% of the donors' money, actually went to charities.

Most of that went to buying AIDS drugs which i'm sure the Clinton's made money on.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 22, 2016 04:55 PM (lKyWE)

260 They're trying to duct tape and drug this lady through the election. I'm hoping they run out of one or the other.

Posted by: Marcus T. at August 22, 2016 04:55 PM (Ug8ez)

261 Or to have a soul. She is not human period per Islam and as I posted in an earlier thread, the Saudis have announced a decision to admit that women are mammals because they give birth to lie young, breastfeed them, and have hair. The decision still asserts that they are not human and do not have souls.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and
butter futures!! at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM (kXoT0)

This isn't true. It comes from "World News Daily Report", which is a satirical site.

Posted by: OregonMuse at August 22, 2016 04:55 PM (gK1U8)

262 But-but-but-but if they shut down the Foundation, what will happen to all the nuns and orphans?!?!?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:56 PM (v9gSJ)

263 Note.... for the next couple of weeks...

Hillary has 21 FUND RAISERS... and only 1 campaign event..

Its almost like her most important thing is Money, not the voters....

Its almost like... there's a trend in all this...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 22, 2016 04:57 PM (qf6WZ)

264 IOW, once she's crowned Queen, there is no more need for the 'foundation.'

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:57 PM (v9gSJ)

265 B.J. and Hellary are extremely flame worthy.

And I've got some nice fires stoked and ready for them.

But I'm a patient fellow. It gives me plenty of time to barbed-wire wrap an eternity's worth of pineapples.

Posted by: Satan at August 22, 2016 04:58 PM (H9MG5)

266 Only $75 million, or 15% of the donors' money, actually went to charities.

Most of that went to buying AIDS drugs which i'm sure the Clinton's made money on.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 22, 2016 04:55 PM (lKyWE)

And most of the AIDS drugs were likely consumed by Bill.

Posted by: wth at August 22, 2016 04:58 PM (HgMAr)

267 To the guy who loves Winona

Montreal actress Charlotte Le Bon reminds me of a young Winona.

Your welcome

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:58 PM (r1fLd)

268 Google 'Doug Band' and 'Teneo'. And then, 'Beacon Global Strategies'.

Hillary and her clan are thoroughly twisted grifters.

Posted by: George Tirebiter at August 22, 2016 04:58 PM (/zyrl)

269 Old News
Comey and Powell said it was ok.
Science is settled.

Posted by: Roland [OMITTED] at August 22, 2016 04:59 PM (QM5S2)

270 The Clinton Foundation web site is really professional...They do so much for the poor, etc. If I give $1000, I get to be called an Ambassador..I get to have a unique relationship with the Bill and Chelsea...$50,000, probably even better get with it and write those checks....

Posted by: Colin at August 22, 2016 04:59 PM (toJdI)

271 Intent, people, intent. There's nothing criminal here.

Posted by: FBI Director Comey at August 22, 2016 04:59 PM (3myMJ)

272 Well, I still think that the GOPE is in this all the way with the D's .... complicity is the reason no one is pointing fingers.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 22, 2016 04:59 PM (Z8DIA)

273 Trump was giving kids GUNS in Baton Rouge.

Posted by: Roland [OMITTED] at August 22, 2016 04:59 PM (QM5S2)

274 Democrats LIKE their double standard. If you let all the people pour out of Leavenworth, they would hate it for all the wrong reasons.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (VdICR)

Hillary has 21 FUND RAISERS... and only 1 campaign event..

Her campaign is playing a prevent defense and hopefully it works out about as well as it does when an NFL team tries it.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (lKyWE)

276 ig corporations and foreign potentates don't "donate" that kind of money to "charitable foundations" that aren't actually spending the money on charity. Only a fool would give that kind of money to a foundation that is spending 85% of donations on its directors/employees living large.

We all know the donors were "donating" that money in exchange for lucrative government contracts and other government favors that were far more valuable to them than the money they were paying the crooked Clintons.

We know about the lucrative State Dept. contracts that Hillary doled out to that "education" company that was one of the Foundation's big contributors. It would be interesting to know what the other big "donors" got for their money. If we had a government that was something other than a criminal conspiracy run by the Dims, it would audit all these "donors" to see what government benefits they obtained after they made their "donation" to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at August 22, 2016 04:46 PM (NnYnv)

This morning, Occupy Democrats were sending around a Facebook meme that Donald Trump spent $7.7 million of donors money on his family and his properties. The idiot Dem. in the comments were saying things like he was running for President to get money to prop up his failed businesses.

Where do you even start with such a post....other than click to remove it? LOL.

Posted by: Jen the original at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (JbgDR)

277 Other headlines from

Paparazzi Threatens to Release Nude Pictures of Hillary Clinton to Highest Bidder

Rio: Athlete becomes pregnant after falling in filthy water

Donald Trump promises to release more pictures of his wife if elected

Rio: Russian Athlete Blames Shrunken Testicles on Zika Virus, Not Steroids

Posted by: OregonMuse at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (gK1U8)

278 Every addressee was obligated to disclose the breach of security and did not. I would say blacklisting them from working in Washington would be the best policy. This enema purge will have bad consequences, but the legitimacy of Washington needs to be recovered. No good choices here.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at August 22, 2016 04:54 PM (VdICR)

One specific Constitutional punishment for Impeachment, is that they can no longer hold any public Office, or Job....

Security Breaches... and graft, are both in the High Crimes or misdemeanor category...

/looks over at the leader of the House, where Impeachment starts...

Mr. Ryan? I believe the ball is in your court...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (qf6WZ)

IOW, once she's crowned Queen, there is no more need for the 'foundation.'
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 22, 2016 04:57 PM

The entirety of the government will be her foundation.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (IqV8l)


Posted by: SATAN at August 22, 2016 05:01 PM (qul7b)

281 OT - Canadian muslim youth invents airplane

Posted by: josephistan at August 22, 2016 05:02 PM (7HtZB)

282 >Where do you even start with such a post....other than click to remove it? LOL.
Posted by: Jen the original at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (JbgDR)

One of my dem friends shared something that said trump donated playdoh instead of food to Louisiana.

Posted by: Lea at August 22, 2016 05:02 PM (lIU4e)

283 Time warp the founders here...I give it a week before the shooting starts.

Posted by: A dude in MI at August 22, 2016 05:02 PM (0LQ4f)

Its almost like her most important thing is Money, not the voters....

Posted by: Don Q.
She already more money than she could ever want/need. The most important thing to this witch is POWER. And she will stop at nothing to achieve The Ultimate Power.

Posted by: Chi at August 22, 2016 05:02 PM (iZFYA)

285 nood huma

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 22, 2016 05:04 PM (Z8DIA)

286 170
Assange may have hacked e-mails which show Hillary involved in Benghazi as a gun-running operation to arm Baby ISIS.

That's another possible Holy Shit Headline.

Hillary's already listing. That would be a torpedo amidships.

Posted by: Ignoramus at August 22, 2016 04:27 PM

and those weapons were used to kill America troops in Afghanistan (the MANPADS) such that close air support was ended.

Posted by: oddknot still frets at August 22, 2016 05:05 PM (g1MTt)

287 The entirety of the government will be her foundation.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at August 22, 2016 05:00 PM (IqV8l)

And this ought to scare the heck out of people, Apparently, if you're a voting Democrat you don't care or don't know.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at August 22, 2016 05:06 PM (6HqlZ)

288 >>>267 Montreal actress Charlotte Le Bon reminds me of a young Winona.


Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at August 22, 2016 05:06 PM (Ap4Ev)

289 "Apparently, if you're a voting Democrat you don't care or don't know."

Or a NeverTrumper.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 22, 2016 05:08 PM (Z8DIA)

290 I was in New Orleans for many years, when now convicted, did time, now released Gov. Edwards was there. There was a certain level of admiration for his rascally" criminal ways. I suppose many gang leaders get the same ... those guys with the gold chains (Sharpton?)

Those that love Hillary, find the rascally Bill (rapist) Clinton just a lovable rascal. Maybe they loved Capone too ... didn't Alinsky get his tips from Al Capone? So when people decide the right is all bad, they decide Clintons are just doing what they have to, to defeat the "vast right wing conspiracy".

But does that really work still .. for independents ... for blacks sold a load of crap for decades? Hopefully not.

Posted by: illiniwek at August 22, 2016 05:14 PM (l6e0e)

291 If Trump wins, I don't know that Barky will pardon Hillary. He hates them and I don't think they have stuff on him that will stick...because, MFM (1st black preezy and all). we will see

Posted by: oddknot still frets at August 22, 2016 05:16 PM (g1MTt)

292 Do we really know Hillary deleted 33k emails, and not 233,000 emails?

The scrubbing, like with a cloth, was very thorough ... but one has to figure she has everything in some closet, with those Rose law firm files, the files on Rush and 100,000 others, and any other government secret from the 90's she figured might one day be useful as leverage.

Wasn't her first act out of law school, to abscond with documents from the Nixon case, for which she got fired? She had already been trained in the Alinsky way in Chicago, did her research paper on that? So getting the goods on everyone is her whole career.

But she got fired, failed the bar exam, so had to hook up with Bill and his bimbos, and slog through Arkansas cocaine syndicates as her route to become Queen ... or maybe inmate.

Posted by: illiniwek at August 22, 2016 05:22 PM (l6e0e)

293 You don't have to show quid pro quo.
At a minimum, the beotch owes us her SoS salary, Huma's salary, and likely the salary of many minions whose time was largely appropriate for non-State business.
Madame Secretary was basically treating her position like a no show sinecure from the DMV.

Most LIV's have a hard time getting pay for play and conflicts of interest. Payment "for access" sounds vague, and really is pretty vague (no rules against "talking" to anyone).

But it takes a pretty thick skull not to get not showing up for work, and putting your taxpayer paid staff on personal business.

On one level its like nailing Capone on tax evasion, when her real sins are exposing top level US strategic intelligence and selling out our interests to the Russkies, Chinese and Iranians. But at the very least we should be able to get this point across.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at August 22, 2016 05:28 PM (c0/+W)

294 Shocked! Shocked I tell ya!

Posted by: e=mc2 at August 22, 2016 06:27 PM (+SFzp)

295 Paraphrase Obiwan:

She's more money than mammal now.

Posted by: 80's music fan at August 22, 2016 06:42 PM (Dwe7n)

296 I'm sure that Huma's work was done after hours and that the taxpayer wasn't paying for her to do personal business on behalf of Cankles. Even if there were emails between or among Band, Huma and Cankles with a time stamp during working hours, I'm sure they were on a lunch/smoking/graft break so that they weren't, you know, breaking the law.

Posted by: Rachel Jeantal at August 22, 2016 06:46 PM (VclTF)

297 This is in an email. One can only imagine what transpired by telephone. Oh right, yoga routines.

Posted by: Formna buachaill at August 22, 2016 06:47 PM (blPpW)

298 You gotta admire a politician that once bought, stays bought!

Posted by: centralscrutinizer at August 22, 2016 07:18 PM (vI+F1)

299 We should have a university that serves as the launching pad for our team. A place where people can specialize in the areas of government we need serious help in. Where ideas can be fully formed, allegiances made, friendships established and talent honed.

A full government in waiting.

People preparing to move in to key spots on day one and make a difference.

Such a fundamental thing, such a simple concept, but our billionaires are busy pissing away money on 30 second tv spots that no one will pay attention to.

Posted by: jwest at August 22, 2016 04:52 PM (Zs4uk)

See Hillsdale College

Kirby center in Washington DC from Hillsdale

Posted by: Jen the original at August 22, 2016 07:18 PM (JbgDR)

300 jwest,

The liberals I know just think that Republicans are even more corrupt and criminal. Compare the Bush syndicate with the Clinton syndicate. You may disagree, of course, but do you really think all the GOP in DC and the establishment really want open borders and globalization, or are they just paid off?

Posted by: Lance at August 23, 2016 12:14 AM (rZMTM)

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