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Does American Jewish Antipathy To Israel Matter? (CBD)

Two influential American Jews have called into question the support for Israel among American Jews and the need for Israel to continue to court that support. Daniel Pipes adds the additional argument that American Jews are solidly leftist.

Jewish support for Israel has weakened primarily because Jews are solidly on the liberal-left of the political spectrum (these days symbolized by Bernie Sanders), the side most critical of Israel.

From Israel's point of view, the fact that American Jews are losing their ardor for Israel is a distinct loss. But it is made up for by American conservative support for the Jewish state.

The contrast between American conservatives and post-religious American Jewry is stark. Support for Israel among conservatives is tremendous, and while American Jews will claim that it is self serving because of religious reasons, at least part of it is linked to Israel's position as a democracy amidst the savagery of the Middle East. And....some of it is respect for the military prowess of a country that started with almost literally nothing, and has created a small but immensely competent armed force that contends successfully with wide-ranging threats; from single person attacks to well-organized infiltrations to rocket and missile attacks to the everyday possibility of large-scale invasion by regular armies.

Mathematically, is it better to have the near-unanimous support of Jews, who make up 1.8% of the U.S. population, or the very substantial support of the 38% who are conservative? To ask that question is to answer it. That said, this change does have disadvantages for Israel: For one, conservatives tend to know less about Israel. For another, Israel has become a partisan issue.

And I would argue that Israel should simply introduce conservative America to Israel! How many would like to walk on the Via Dolorosa or pray in the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, and then head into Tel Aviv for its world-class nightlife?

As for Israel being a partisan issue? of course it is. The fight against Islam is partisan, and Israel is at the tip of the spear. Those who would appease Salafist Islam will hate Israel...those who reject it will support Israel.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 04:15 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 *points at CBD and laughs*

Emstompening the boss?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 20, 2016 12:17 PM (1xUj/)

2 Someone not paying attention CBD?

Posted by: HH at April 20, 2016 12:19 PM (DrCtv)

3 American Jews, aside from holding only the spiritual value of leftism and unlimited abortion, seem to think their liberalism will save them from those who want to kill them. Those who want to kill them don't care.

Posted by: ejo at April 20, 2016 12:19 PM (il4FI)

4 Oops!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 20, 2016 12:20 PM (kTF2Z)

5 Like a fat kid at recess.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 20, 2016 12:20 PM (kTF2Z)

6 Not all American's jews supporting democrats. Jewish emigrants from former USSR voted 80% against Obama in 2012. Democrat in NY was forced to split Brighton Beach between 2 districts to avoid loosing city assembly seat.

Posted by: redmonkey at April 20, 2016 12:21 PM (H+4pU)

7 Personally, I think they ought to move Israel somewhere else.. problem solved!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 20, 2016 12:21 PM (so+oy)

Needs more use of the word aesthetics...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 20, 2016 12:21 PM (BK3ZS)

9 And I would argue that Israel should simply introduce conservative America to Israel! How many would like to walk on the Via Dolorosa or pray in the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, and then head into Tel Aviv for its world-class nightlife?

I'm down with that. Well except the nightlife, not really a nightlife person.

If Israel wants to introduce itself feel free to send some plane tickets and hotel stays

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at April 20, 2016 12:21 PM (tM4uk)

10 Personally, I think they ought to move Israel somewhere else.. problem solved!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 20, 2016 12:21 PM (so+oy)

"Would you pray at an exact replica of the wailing wall except with Tacos?"
--Sheldon Cooper

Posted by: tsrlbke PhD(c), rogue bioethicist at April 20, 2016 12:22 PM (tM4uk)

11 Not all Jews are solidly left. Some of us know better.

Posted by: JeffreyL at April 20, 2016 12:23 PM (mXv3y)

12 Uh-oh, head Ewok got stomped.

I blame the Joooooooooooooooos

Posted by: chemjeff at April 20, 2016 12:23 PM (dpnZC)

13 OT. So if we had called the left out on their "race-shaming." they would have checked their response years ago?

Posted by: Shiggz at April 20, 2016 12:24 PM (CqLnu)

14 Wow. You stomped Ace. That takes balls.

Posted by: Weirddave at April 20, 2016 12:25 PM (N8hFs)

15 This is one of the things in politics that just continues to blow my mind. Jews hate the people who like Israel and love the people who hate Israel. I can't think of another ethnic group that acts like that. It would be like Mexican-Americans supporting a group whose sole aim is the annihilation of Mexico. It's unheard of.

Posted by: OJ Jury Member at April 20, 2016 12:26 PM (0LHZx)

16 I suspect a lot of Israelis are uncomfortable with the support of American Evangelicals in particular, which might explain why there hasn't been more outreach from Israel.

Posted by: joncelli, Bridge Troll and Crossbow Afficianado at April 20, 2016 12:27 PM (3hIZX)

17 CBD 2016!


Posted by: @votermom at April 20, 2016 12:27 PM (nbrY/)

18 My Sodastream broke.

Posted by: Scarlett Johansen at April 20, 2016 12:28 PM (nckx1)

19 El Stompo?

Posted by: Ahoy! at April 20, 2016 12:28 PM (mcm0N)

20 Meatball's Revenge!

Posted by: Ahoy! at April 20, 2016 12:29 PM (mcm0N)

Jew stomped on Ace.

Hebe be very angry.

Tribe it again.....

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2016 12:29 PM (8XRCm)

22 Can the Church of the Holy Sepulchre save my arm? What about my career?

Posted by: Michelle Fields at April 20, 2016 12:29 PM (10hEu)

23 As a right leaning MOT - the sheer political stupidity of my fellow tribesmen is insane. They don't realize the party they are feverishly devoted to has it out for them and when the trains do come - they go on first.

Posted by: Astronaut Achmed at April 20, 2016 12:30 PM (AnRpr)

24 7 "Personally, I think they ought to move Israel somewhere else.. problem solved!"

Puerto Rico would be cheap enough and you've got a built-in housecleaning workforce.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2016 12:32 PM (Zs4uk)

25 16
I suspect a lot of Israelis are uncomfortable with the support of
American Evangelicals in particular, which might explain why there
hasn't been more outreach from Israel.

I think it has to do with the insane belief that evangelicals only support Israel because they want Armageddon. More leftist propaganda designed to cut support for Israel.

Posted by: Weirddave at April 20, 2016 12:32 PM (N8hFs)

26 What i wanted to say to my Dr when he said he voted for Obama. That if Jews could tell the right guy from the wrong guy we all wouldn't be in this mess.

Posted by: Shiggz at April 20, 2016 12:32 PM (CqLnu)

27 Something odd about this comments section.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at April 20, 2016 12:34 PM (xq1UY)

28 Hello?

Posted by: Chi at April 20, 2016 12:35 PM (Te2JU)

Unfortunately there seem to be quite a few leftist millionaires and billionaires of the Jewish persuasion that donate A LOT of cash to democrat coffers. I can't really understand giving money to leftist politicians allied with Islamic nutbags that want to kill you....maybe I'm missing something though...

Also CBD... I am imaging the heads that would explode if this article was posted on Taki magazine. Lolz.

*crawls into safe space under sink*

Posted by: Some Guy in Wisconsin at April 20, 2016 12:37 PM (Qj6zv)

30 I'll admit to supporting Israel first because God said so, but I also support them because they're a real democracy in the middle of a hellhole and they're the second Silicon Valley nobody knows about.

Intel's Core series of processors has been alternating generations between US and Israeli-designed chips after the US-designed Pentium 4 became a debacle and Intel Israel saved the company, and a lot of modern operating system tech comes from Israel as well. The next time you see someone ranting about the Jooooos, they're probably doing it with Israeli technology.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 20, 2016 12:43 PM (KUTP5)

31 WTF, O?
Hello? Is this thing on?
tap tap tap

Posted by: ChrisP at April 20, 2016 12:45 PM (zT2Pw)

32 The thing is, Jews are very disproportionately influential beyond their numbers, so their support or disapproval has weight beyond 1.8% of the population. Its not some racist bigotry to realize that Jews do largely control the entertainment community, and they have a huge megaphone.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 12:50 PM (39g3+)

33 Because it's not there.

Posted by: mindful webworker - not all here at April 20, 2016 12:56 PM (NstOx)

34 Cleared this one in advance?

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 20, 2016 04:09 PM (1xUj/)

35 Was this a secret thread that just went public?

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:09 PM (Dpy/y)

36 It should to Israelis

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:10 PM (Dpy/y)

37 Look at Bernie, he recently threw Israel under the bus, a lot of Jews are leftists first, Jews second.

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:13 PM (Dpy/y)

38 Was this a secret thread that just went public?

This thread enstompened an Ewok thread and was sent for a time out.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 20, 2016 04:13 PM (1xUj/)

Harriet Tubman was a good mother to JJ, Michael, and Velma.

Posted by: Mr. Rourke at April 20, 2016 04:13 PM (ZflfK)

40 CBD gave the boss almost an hour before stomping.

I know what side I'm on and it isn't the team with Mohamed, Abdul and Osama.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at April 20, 2016 04:13 PM (voOPb)

41 Well hello again, old thread!

Posted by: @votermom at April 20, 2016 04:14 PM (nbrY/)

42 The good news is that if American Jews swing over to get on board with Israel, leftism in America will lose a major driver.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:15 PM (oKE6c)

43 Looks who's back.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:15 PM (LA7Cm)

44 Joos have two whole months named after them- Joon and Joo-lie.
Joo privilege!

Posted by: @votermom at April 20, 2016 04:16 PM (nbrY/)

45 I'm down with that. Well except the nightlife, not really a nightlife person.

I've been to Tel Aviv a few times and didn't notice any world-class nightlife.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 20, 2016 04:16 PM (8ZskC)

46 I'd love to go to Israel. But only if I could carry a weapon.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 20, 2016 04:16 PM (Xo1Rt)

47 Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:15 PM (oKE6c)

And some major donors.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at April 20, 2016 04:17 PM (Xo1Rt)

48 When I think of Israel, I think of hot IDF gals.

Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 04:18 PM (Fmupd)

49 Hello CBD thread, my old friend. I've come to post on you again.

Off-topic within the first hundred posts is fine when a thread has spent hours in the Negative Zone, right? Because there was something more than average dumb I saw on Iowahawk's twitter feed and that deserves abuse. New article at Salon along the lines of "Men fake orgasms too and it's the patriarchy's fault".

Posted by: Sporkatus at April 20, 2016 04:18 PM (HtLSE)

50 Ace is busy today.

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2016 04:18 PM (o+SC1)

51 As for Israel being a partisan issue? of course it is.


IDK was Ireland ever a partisan issue? As I recall it was always Irish Dems/Catholics sending over money to Northern Aid. Nobody ever accused the Irish of divided loyalties, though of course there were.

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (3ZtZW)

52 My mommy spanked me for playing with her computer....

Posted by: Yes we will at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (RmQuC)

53 Oh wait, this isn't an ewok post.

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (o+SC1)

54 and then head into Tel Aviv for its world-class nightlife

My mom once told me how much my dad loved Palma de Mallorca as a liberty port. I asked dad once if that was true, to which he replied, "Well, it was OK." When I asked what his favorite liberty port was, he winked and said, "Hands down, Tel Aviv."

Posted by: Country Singer at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (uiwCw)

55 39
Harriet Tubman was a good mother to JJ, Michael, and Velma.
Posted by: Mr. Rourke at April 20, 2016 04:13 PM (ZflfK)

You talkin' to ME????!!!!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (p4UlV)

56 How many would like to walk on the Via Dolorosa or pray in the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, and then head into Tel Aviv for its world-class nightlife?

Not sure the types interested in the former two activities are going to be up for the latter.

Posted by: Jean at April 20, 2016 04:20 PM (cXiMR)

57 Posted by: Yes we will at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (RmQuC)


Posted by: chemjeff at April 20, 2016 04:20 PM (dpnZC)

58 >> IDK was Ireland ever a partisan issue?

You mean support for the IRA?

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2016 04:20 PM (o+SC1)

59 It's important to understand that "American Jews" here is a bit of a simplification: the reality is that for non-Orthodox Jews, liberalism IS their religion.

The Pew poll from a few years ago quantified what had been rumored: Orthodox Judaism is not only the only "denomination" that is healthy, but that the more Orthodox a Jew is, the more socially and politically conservative they are.

"Orthodox Jews identify with or lean toward the Republican Party over the Democratic Party by a 57% to 36% margin. And 54% of Orthodox Jews, including 64% of Ultra-Orthodox Jews, consider themselves politically conservative. On these measures (partisanship and ideology), the only other U.S. religious groups that are as conservative and Republican as Orthodox Jews are white evangelical Protestants and Mormons."*

Posted by: Marashir at April 20, 2016 04:20 PM (y0xhc)

60 Harriet Tubman was the one who had that hit song "Its Raining Men".

Posted by: steevy at April 20, 2016 04:21 PM (B48dK)

61 Lefty Jews in America are safe and successful, so it's easy to virtue-signal at the expense of those on the front line.

For most, the worst they face is having Hillary disenfranchise the entire borough of Brooklyn during a primary.

Posted by: The Little Merman, not Ethel at April 20, 2016 04:21 PM (Ndje9)

62 I do think absolutely that many conservatives hope support of Israel helps them with the Jewish vote, but it doesn't really seem to matter.

About the only group Democrats own more than the Jewish vote is the black vote. Nearly 8 in 10 Jews voted for Obama,

I look at Israel like I would look at Germany or another European country. I'm not really interested in throwing billions at them to shore up their defenses, but that doesn't mean I "hate" them or on the side of their crazy neighbors.

Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:21 PM (qGY2J)

63 You mean support for the IRA?


Oh, never! [wink] Support for the Wee Orphans!

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:21 PM (3ZtZW)

64 >> "Hands down, Tel Aviv."

Yeah, that's fine for the hands, but what about the rest?

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2016 04:22 PM (o+SC1)

65 Kikes!

- Secular American Jew pointing at Israel.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at April 20, 2016 04:22 PM (Nwg0u)

66 Its Thursday morning already -- crap I missed breakfast.

Posted by: Jean at April 20, 2016 04:23 PM (cXiMR)

67 There is the occasional Sharpton pogrom, however.

Posted by: The Little Merman, not Ethel at April 20, 2016 04:23 PM (Ndje9)

68 Posted by: Yes we will at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (RmQuC)


Posted by: SMFH while circling the drain... at April 20, 2016 04:23 PM (rlfds)

69 Never went to Tel Aviv. Did go to Haifa. It were OK and interesting. Been to Palma - that was better. Much. But I really liked a lot of Spain and environs.

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:24 PM (3ZtZW)

Whoa. Thursday Morning Headlines in.....Thursday Morning Headlines out.

Someone briefly got his hands on that time machine that Teh Ewok totally doesn't have.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 20, 2016 04:24 PM (MEFzG)

71 Not sure the types interested in the former two activities are going to be up for the latter.
Posted by: Jean at April 20, 2016 04:20 PM (cXiMR)


You don't know Baptists very well.

Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 04:24 PM (Fmupd)

72 The liberal condemnation of Israel is aesthetic.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at April 20, 2016 04:24 PM (xuouz)

73 Not really an enstompening. They were an hour apart.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:25 PM (wwx67)

74 Mis Hum just took a very small, quick dump.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at April 20, 2016 04:25 PM (xuouz)

75 The liberal condemnation of Israel is aesthetic.


IDK they really do get unhinged and threaten-y about it.

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:25 PM (3ZtZW)

Perhaps for just over a hundred years - not coincidentally the same timeframe as the beginning of the ascendancy of Fabian Socialism and its now near-capturing of the republic - American Jews have struggled with their identities as religious Jews, secular Americans believing in the American ideal and their historic role as victims of persecution. They were in toto Lenin's useful idiots; they believed in socialism as a way to fight the tyranny of the Tsars and as a way to ensure a sense of charity within the community. We now know that that myth has been exploded, but that was the reason and the ideal behind it. And if we are to be honest, Jews in America were heavily discriminated against almost into the early 1950s.

That all said, American Jewry up until the October War of 1973 has ceased to be. Their first and only allegiance is to hardcore leftist socialism. It sees America as evil and tragically it - just like Islam - sees Israel as the "little Satan": illegitimate, evil and a usurper/enslaver/hijacker of land that is not and never was theirs.

That is the hard and bitter truth. If they abandon Israel, then so be it. It and we who support Israel are better off without them.

Vayr ge hargit.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:26 PM (p4UlV)

77 Votermom you're on fire today.

Eli Shekelberg was born on the fourth of joo-ly.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at April 20, 2016 04:26 PM (xuouz)

Honestly, I liked Eilat night life a lot better than Tel Aviv. And Jerusalem night life pre-'91 was pretty awesome as well.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 20, 2016 04:26 PM (MEFzG)

79 You don't know Baptists very well.

Know they won't speak to you when they pass you in the liquor store.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:26 PM (wwx67)

80 Not really an enstompening. They were an hour apart.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:25 PM (wwx67)


Check the early comment times. This was an earlier stomp.

Posted by: Tim in GA at April 20, 2016 04:26 PM (/dC/I)

81 Its 4/20; time management is one of the first things that goes, although snack sales for the COBs should be up.

Posted by: Jean at April 20, 2016 04:27 PM (cXiMR)

82 Doesn't the Obama Administration support sanctions against Israel for human rights violations?

Just fall in-line with Barry and he'll lead you to the promised land.

Posted by: Fritz at April 20, 2016 04:27 PM (UzPAd)

83 You're missing the Orthodox element - by far the fastest growing segment of the Jewish population. They hardly intermarry and have phenomenal birthrates.

Anti-Israel American Jews are redundant throwbacks with low birthrates and peculiar leftist mindsets.

Posted by: TexasJew at April 20, 2016 04:27 PM (I9mva)

84 Eilat does have some nightclubs, or at least it used to. Nice beach too.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (8ZskC)

85 "Lefty Jews in America are safe and successful, so it's easy to virtue-signal at the expense of those on the front line."

Not to speak out of turn, but what have most American Jews done to deserve to criticize Israel?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (LA7Cm)

86 Ghost of kari, your comment that I reposted was quite popular. you-only-see-what-they-want-you-to-see/#comment-304082

Posted by: @votermom at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (nbrY/)

87 And I would argue that Israel should simply introduce conservative America to Israel! How many would like to walk on the Via Dolorosa or pray in the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, and then head into Tel Aviv for its world-class nightlife?

You know my feelings on this, cbd.

Also, I think this is a generational shift, like a lot of the issues dividing America. I know a lot of older Americans that always supported Israel, and still do, and are Democrats. It depends how deep the older generation feeds into the news.

The young, well, they need to be saved from MSM, Entertainment and public schools. The brainwashing includes anti-Jewish sentiment.

I had my first grapefruit from Israel yesterday, and I couldn't believe how delicious it was. Like candy. Really. How is that possible...

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 20, 2016 04:29 PM (qCMvj)

88 what have most American Jews done to deserve to criticize Israel?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (LA7Cm)

Most have no idea where Israel is and what Israel faces or is about. They are as, or more, ignorant of Israel than almost any other topic.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:29 PM (Ozsfq)

89 Mark Levin the other night called Bernie Sanders a "self-loathing Jew"

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (1rAS0)

90 Lefty Jews in America are safe and successful, so it's easy to virtue-signal at the expense of those on the front line

Yep. American Jews are the guy on the yacht who's criticizing the guy in the water that's trying to fight off the sharks.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (8ZskC)

91 Check the early comment times. This was an earlier stomp.

Was this an earlier stomp, or was this the broken post from around lunch time? Someone claimed nood, but that it was broken.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (wwx67)

92 Living in German Scandinavian Minnesota, support for the IRA was never big or important.

I look around now, and I see a lot of support for the PLO and Hamas, along with "moderate" Islam. Israel, not so much, even from our "Jewish" clown of a US Senator. But he is a Loyal Leftist.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (v0YLX)

93 85 "Lefty Jews in America are safe and successful, so it's easy to virtue-signal at the expense of those on the front line."

Not to speak out of turn, but what have most American Jews done to deserve to criticize Israel?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (LA7Cm)

It is axiomatic that anything that is traditional America and is supported by traditional Americans must be opposed and/or destroyed by Leftists.

Ergo, Israel.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (p4UlV)

94 holocaust denigher benjamin netanyahu is hurting israel and turning off many american jews.

Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (rLwiA)

Eilat does have some nightclubs, or at least it used to. Nice beach too.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 20, 2016 04:28 PM (8ZskC)

Last time I was in Israel was September '90, so I can't say for certain about how things are there anymore. But Eilat seemed much more laid back.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 20, 2016 04:31 PM (MEFzG)

96 I like how the Jewish left turned the term NeoCon into an insult.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 04:31 PM (zFzxj)

97 Yep. American Jews are the guy on the yacht who's criticizing the guy in the water that's trying to fight off the sharks.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (8ZskC)

After having chummed the water to attract the sharks.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:31 PM (oKE6c)


Clean up on aisle 52

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at April 20, 2016 04:32 PM (qCMvj)

99 94 holocaust denigher benjamin netanyahu is hurting israel and turning off many american jews.
Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (rLwiA)

Netanyahu is a Holocaust denier? Really?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:32 PM (oKE6c)

100 Not really an enstompening. They were an hour apart.

5 minutes. The Ace Michelle post was at 12:12, the first comment here at 12:17.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 20, 2016 04:33 PM (1xUj/)

101 Everything I need to know about Israel I'll learn at the mall's cosmetic kiosk. I'll let those Israeli sales ladies teach me anything.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 04:33 PM (zFzxj)

102 99 94 holocaust denigher benjamin netanyahu is hurting israel and turning off many american jews.
Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (rLwiA)


Since when?

And wtf is a 'denigher', btw?

Posted by: SMFH while circling the drain... at April 20, 2016 04:33 PM (rlfds)

103 For one, conservatives tend to know less about Israel

Ummmm wut?

This is probably my background bias coming out but pretty much all of the people I know in meat space know a whooooollllleeeee lot about Israel. A solid 40-50% have already gone to Israel and the rest are planning or hoping to go some day.

Of course, I was raised an Evangelical Christian and, frankly, that's pretty much the most Zionistic group I've ever met.

Posted by: alexthechick - Destroyer of Gaia and Seductress of Savagery at April 20, 2016 04:33 PM (mf5HN)

104 89 Mark Levin the other night called Bernie Sanders a "self-loathing Jew"

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (1rAS0)

I think the term is only partially correct. Psychologically, they loathe themselves, that is, their heritage. I very strongly doubt that Bernie Sanders observes Passover or the High Holy Days let alone any other holiday. He probably has all but renounced his Judaism but it wouldn't perhaps play well on the national stage. Or, judging from the tone of the comments, would it?

Lest we forget the 2012 Democrat convention when Israel was loudly booed during some sort of pro-forma platform vote.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:34 PM (p4UlV)

105 I had my first grapefruit from Israel yesterday, and I couldn't believe how delicious it was. Like candy. Really. How is that possible...


Created by Jooish Dentists, no doubt

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:34 PM (3ZtZW)

106 Was this an earlier stomp, or was this the broken post from around lunch time? Someone claimed nood, but that it was broken.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (wwx67)

It was a stomp

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at April 20, 2016 04:34 PM (/D5Lf)

107 Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (rLwiA)

Fuck you, get lost, up yours Yada Yada Yada

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:35 PM (Ozsfq)

108 52 Posted by: Yes we will at April 20, 2016 04:19 PM (RmQuC)

Well well. Lookie here.

Banhammer, s'il vous plait?

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:35 PM (p4UlV)

109 I honestly don;t understand why so many Americans identify as "Jews" when they don't really share the Judaism religion and have absolutely no connection with modern Israel. That probably describes the majority of Jews living in America.

I mean, I have Scandinavian origins, I don't give 2 shits about what happens to Norway or call myself Norwegian.

Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (qGY2J)

110 Secular Jews also make fun of the backwards sexuality of their orthodox brethren. Those same orthodox outbreed them by leaps and bounds.

Posted by: ejo at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (il4FI)

111 "From Israel's point of view, the fact that American Jews are losing their ardor for Israel is a distinct loss. But it is made up for by American conservative support for the Jewish state."

It is true that for a while conservative support of Israel can compensate for the increasing anti-Zionism of the Left.
But that "while" is ending.

It will not be long until conservative support of ANYTHING is useless, as we have less and less political power. In fact, as conservatism itself becomes more marginalized and socially unacceptable, conservative support alone will make a policy unpopular.

In my crystal ball I see a city banning products from Israel. I see a state reacting to that by passing a law saying people can buy whatever they please and no city can make trade laws like that. I see PayPal and Bruce Springsteen boycotting the "anti-Palestinian bigotry law."

American Jews who give a damn about Israel will have to change the Left. How? I don't know.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (T/5A0)

112 @102 netanayahu said palestinians were responsible for holocaust as good little nazis only wanted to send jews to africa!

Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (rLwiA)

113 " netanayahu said palestinians were responsible for holocaust as good little nazis only wanted to send jews to africa!"


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:37 PM (LA7Cm)

114 Clean up on Aisle 52?

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:38 PM (v0YLX)

115 Seems like a good place to put Salon using the term "goysplain" for Hillary criticizing Bern for running down Israel:

yeah, "goysplain"

Posted by: brak at April 20, 2016 04:38 PM (MJuTN)

116 109 I honestly don;t understand why so many Americans identify as "Jews" when they don't really share the Judaism religion and have absolutely no connection with modern Israel. That probably describes the majority of Jews living in America.

I mean, I have Scandinavian origins, I don't give 2 shits about what happens to Norway or call myself Norwegian.
Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (qGY2J)

And please tell me the strong relationship to Africa that is evident with people like Spike Lee and Al Sharpton.

All they are are pigmented. Period.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:38 PM (p4UlV)

Forget it, he's on a roll.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 20, 2016 04:38 PM (MEFzG)

118 On point is that Israel is quite the leftist state itself. I have never been there but many Jewish conservatives I hear from on media says that they are socialist through and through.

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:39 PM (Dpy/y)

And if we are to be honest, Jews in America were heavily discriminated against almost into the early 1950s.

As in "Gentleman's Agreement"

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 20, 2016 04:40 PM (k4M/B)

120 Well, there's always Uganda if they need to change homelands.

Or, Oyganda, if you prefer.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 20, 2016 04:40 PM (hqZPQ)

I got a tweet the other day from of all people, Rosanne. It was in response to something I said awhile ago about the UNHR pali ngos being a bunch of cocksuckers. Say what you will about Barr but she is very pro Israel and very adeptly confronts the joo haters daily.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 04:40 PM (iQIUe)

122 110 Secular Jews also make fun of the backwards sexuality of their orthodox brethren. Those same orthodox outbreed them by leaps and bounds.
Posted by: ejo at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (il4FI)

I have some issues here and there with the Lubavitchers. But they keep to themselves and have no agenda.

On the other hand, you can take Park Slope and the Upper West Side and throw them into a deep dark mikvah for all I care.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:40 PM (p4UlV)

123 Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (rLwiA)

I bet your kids hate you.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 04:41 PM (zFzxj)

124 "I hear from on media says that they are socialist through and through."

It is fairly leftist in many ways. Socialized health system, welfare, etc. Remember, Israel was big on the kibbutzim when it was founded and that is hardcore basic socialism.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:41 PM (LA7Cm)

125 I mean, I have Scandinavian origins, I don't give 2 shits about what happens to Norway or call myself Norwegian.
Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (qGY2J)


You'd probably feel differently if 1 billion people around the world had a burning desire to kill every Norwegian alive.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at April 20, 2016 04:41 PM (0LHZx)

126 It's not "cool" to support Israel.

By cool I mean permitted by your tribe.

Posted by: eman at April 20, 2016 04:42 PM (MQEz6)

127 119
And if we are to be honest, Jews in America were heavily discriminated against almost into the early 1950s.

As in "Gentleman's Agreement"
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 20, 2016 04:40 PM (k4M/B)

True story:

My aunt had to change her name in order to get a job at Inland Steel in Chicago. The classified ad in the newspaper - like many ads in all American papers - read "Gentile Only."

She typed 120 words per minute on a manual typewriter. Perfectly. I think they knew she was Jewish but said nothing.

That says it all, I think, about the state of the nation back then.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:42 PM (p4UlV)

128 I got a tweet the other day from of all people, Rosanne. It was in
response to something I said awhile ago about the UNHR pali ngos being a
bunch of cocksuckers. Say what you will about Barr but she is very pro

If only she were just a tiny bit pro-American.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:42 PM (oKE6c)

129 Never discount that the Christians believe the Abrahamic covenant applies to them and the American government: "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Gen 12:3

Posted by: polish pilgrim at April 20, 2016 04:43 PM (YMwXk)

130 I mean, I have Scandinavian origins, I don't give 2 shits about what happens to Norway or call myself Norwegian.
Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (qGY2J)


You'd probably feel differently if 1 billion people around the world had a burning desire to kill every Norwegian alive.
Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo

You mean like Muslims do with Christians?

They don't only hate Jews.

Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:43 PM (qGY2J)

131 @125, just give them a few years. I'll bet there are plenty of neighborhoods in Oslo where you can't buy pork chops.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 20, 2016 04:43 PM (hqZPQ)

132 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:34 PM (p4UlV)

I think Bernie (and many secular Jews) follow the Commandment about only having one God and one Religion. The only thing is they chose the religion of Marxism and Socialism, not the Religion of Judaism.

Just like many of my fellow "Christians" are good little socialists.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (v0YLX)

133 128
If only she were just a tiny bit pro-American.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:42 PM (oKE6c)

In this regard, she's an enigma to me. I don't think you can be pro-Israel and anti-America. Makes no sense, to me anyway.

Meh, go figure.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (p4UlV)

134 The Jewish persecution complex leads them to hang out with the bullies so as not to be targeted themselves. That's one explanation I've heard.

Just like the Jews capitulated with the Moors in Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was directly related to Muslim collaborators during the 711 A.D. to 1492 A.D. Muslim occupation.

Posted by: Great Reagan's Ghost at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (kfoLf)

Norway is as bad as Sweden for being anti Israel.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (iQIUe)

136 It is fairly leftist in many ways. Socialized
health system, welfare, etc. Remember, Israel was big on the kibbutzim
when it was founded and that is hardcore basic socialism.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 20, 2016 04:41 PM (LA7Cm)

And, ironically, was instrumental to Israel's coming into existence. The USSR, in the UN, supported the foundation of Israel, thinking that it would provide the Soviets with a foothold in the region.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:45 PM (oKE6c)

137 And wtf is a 'denigher', btw?

It's a donkey Holocaust denier.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (Nwg0u)

138 52 - As I wrote on ghere ONT Trump can get all the Republicans in New York to vote for him in November and do you know what? Hildabeast will still trounce him a hundred ways from Sunday, homeboy or not.

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (Dpy/y)

139 Just like many of my fellow "Christians" are good little socialists.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (v0YLX)

Christianity has no small undercurrent of socialist themes running through it.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (oKE6c)

140 And, ironically, was instrumental to Israel's coming into existence. The USSR, in the UN, supported the foundation of Israel, thinking that it would provide the Soviets with a foothold in the region.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:45 PM (oKE6c)


Interesting. Did not know that.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (0LHZx)

141 Posted by: jewish mama at April 20, 2016 04:36 PM (rLwiA)


Do you think before you speak or just open your mouth and hope for the best?

Posted by: Duke Lowell at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (kTF2Z)

142 134 The Jewish persecution complex leads them to hang out with the bullies so as not to be targeted themselves. That's one explanation I've heard.

Just like the Jews capitulated with the Moors in Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was directly related to Muslim collaborators during the 711 A.D. to 1492 A.D. Muslim occupation.
Posted by: Great Reagan's Ghost at April 20, 2016 04:44 PM (kfoLf)

This only holds true for a minority of individual Jews, like, say, George Soros.

There are essentially 3 phases of antisemitism over the past 2,000 years.

1 - You cannot live among us as Jews (conversion)
2 - You cannot live among us (expulsion)
3 - You cannot live (annihilation)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM (p4UlV)

143 It's not "cool" to support Israel.

By cool I mean permitted by your tribe.
Posted by: eman

My tribe is Tribe .223. My tribe let's me pick who I support.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM (wwx67)

144 RedState writers make Matt Drudge look like John Steinbeck.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM (xuouz)

145 You'd probably feel differently if 1 billion people around the world had a burning desire to kill every Norwegian alive.


But.... The Sun has that same Burning Desire to kill Scandis.

Posted by: Bigby's Ipse Digit at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM (3ZtZW)

146 Interesting. Did not know that.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at April 20, 2016 04:46 PM (0LHZx)

Yep. The USSR could have exercised its veto in the Security Council re the formation of Israel, but didn't for that reason. Only later did they (or he, Joe Stalin) realize their (his) mistake.
Much like the Korean War, where the Soviets walked out of the UN, allowing the Security Council to vote for UN troops to be sent to South Korea.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:49 PM (oKE6c)

147 Jews have always had a self-destructive gene. They thought migrating to Germany in the early 1900s was a great idea. Their homeland is the only territory in the mideast that doesn't have a trillion dollars of oil under their feet. 85%of them support abortion. And Adam Sandler.

Posted by: CrustyB at April 20, 2016 04:49 PM (GvSpB)

148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)

You put denigher in de coconut and drink it all up . . .

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (p4UlV)

The ruskies sure got a foothold in the US when joos left after one too many pogram and immigrated to the US. Unfortunately, many didnt leave their communism behind. It was shetl joos and Brahmins - what a combo!

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (iQIUe)

151 147 Jews have always had a self-destructive gene. They thought migrating to Germany in the early 1900s was a great idea. Their homeland is the only territory in the mideast that doesn't have a trillion dollars of oil under their feet. 85%of them support abortion. And Adam Sandler.
Posted by: CrustyB at April 20, 2016 04:49 PM (GvSpB)

Yeah. Always walking into guillotines, pogroms, mass graves and gas chambers. I mean really, what the hell is wrong with those people.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:51 PM (p4UlV)

152 Israel is a thoroughly Leftist state on every issue except "hawkishness" on some military matters. It might as well be France on every other issue.

Netanyahu condemning Trump for saying we should halt Muslim immigration was the height of hypocrisy from a leader of a "Jewish" state.

Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:52 PM (qGY2J)

153 Posted by: CrustyB at April 20, 2016 04:49 PM (GvSpB)

They found oil and gas offshore. Just like the US, soon Israel will be exporting energy again.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:53 PM (v0YLX)

154 Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud are conspicuously snubbing and slighting Barky on his big visit there.

Much as the Cuban regime also did during Barky's mission to Havana.

And as the Iranians are now vocally threatening to pull out of his "historic legacy" deal with them.

It's bizarre that the rest of the world know quite well that this guy is a lame duck, and while they'll accept no-strings giveaways from him of stuff they want, they won't give him any compliance nor courtesy in return. They're all just waiting to see who the next President is, before getting down to brass tacks.

Meanwhile, the Republican establishment on Capitol Hill, far from treating Obama like the lame duck that he is and that the rest of the world recognize him as being, are instead submissively bowing and scraping to him as though he's going to be in the White House for years yet to come.

Nope. 9 months from now, Obama is going to be a private citizen again. Get with the goddamn program and start dealing with him on that basis.

Posted by: torquewrench at April 20, 2016 04:53 PM (noWW6)

155 Its likely from necessity and just human nature but Jewish culture not absent of having their own prejudices of other races and creeds. I was an unwanted goyim at one time. Didn't bother and doesn't bother me because I understand human nature. I also am aware when it goes beyond reasonable human nature and must not be tolerated.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 04:54 PM (zFzxj)

156 148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.
Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)

Several random thoughts.

1) as someone wrote upthread, a desire to no longer be a victim and be "in with the in crowd."
2) anti-semitism is the bottom line position, no matter what the era, no matter the movement.
3) Judeo-Christianity is antithetical to socialism.
4) Israel is seen as a mirror of/creation of/ally of America. The enemy.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:54 PM (p4UlV)

157 89 Mark Levin the other night called Bernie Sanders a "self-loathing Jew"

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2016 04:30 PM (1rAS0)

Bernie Sanders is less Jewish than bacon bagel

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:54 PM (Ozsfq)

158 I am pro-Israel and I'm not religious. It's common sense. Do you favor people who tell the truth and build things, or people who lie and destroy things?

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at April 20, 2016 04:55 PM (/h7EQ)

159 There are essentially 3 phases of antisemitism over the past 2,000 years.
1 - You cannot live among us as Jews (conversion)
2 - You cannot live among us (expulsion)
3 - You cannot live (annihilation)
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM (p4UlV)

On the historical note, the "Jewish question" that Adolf proposed to solve had a long history in Europe, viz., was a Jew living in France / Germany / wherever actually a Frenchman or a German, or just a resident of that country, without any particular ties to it? Marx was among the long list of European intellectuals who addressed himself to that issue.

It's one reason German Jewish chemists (e.g., Haber and Willstaetter) threw themselves into developing chemical weapons in WWI: to prove their German bona fides.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:55 PM (oKE6c)

160 157 Bernie Sanders is less Jewish than bacon bagel
Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:54 PM (Ozsfq)

A bagel today is about as Jewish as pizza is Italian. But point taken.

He's a broken down, old farbissiner but he is very dangerous. The fact that he is a legitimate candidate is terrifying, but then again, look who got elected prexy. Twice.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:56 PM (p4UlV)

161 Posted by: torquewrench at April 20, 2016 04:53 PM (noWW6)

I've stated before. The US will be held in higher regard on Jan 21, 2017 than it is now.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 04:57 PM (48QDY)

162 Once Chuck Schumer gets what he wants on immigration, and that 38% conservative becomes 18% and then lower, the question of US support for Israel will be moot.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at April 20, 2016 04:57 PM (nFdGS)

163 The ruskies sure got a foothold in the US when joos left after one too many pogram and immigrated to the US. Unfortunately, many didnt leave their communism behind. It was shetl joos and Brahmins - what a combo!
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (iQIUe)

yeah that's not really true.. most of the immigrant from behind the former Soviet Union are NOT Liberal and the Jews who came from there are not different

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (Ozsfq)

164 Afterthought: I should point out that of course the perspective of Europeans is quite different from Americans, who are all immigrants. It's quite striking on living in Europe to realize that the people there have been living there for millennia. They never ask each other where they're from, except in the sense of what part of the country. (Obvious recent immigrants - from e.g., the Third World - are of course an exception.)

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (oKE6c)

165 It was reported that .Comrade Josef Stalin was about to start another purge before he suddenly died. This time it was going to be a purge of the Jews, and was built on the "Doctor's Plot" that was underway.

It is all rumors, because no one knew what that man would have done.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (v0YLX)

166 159 It's one reason German Jewish chemists (e.g., Haber and Willstaetter) threw themselves into developing chemical weapons in WWI: to prove their German bona fides.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:55 PM (oKE6c)

There are documented eyewitness accounts of Jewish war veterans who showed their Iron Crosses they earned in WW1 to the SS men literally at the gas chamber doors. I don't need to tell you what happened after the howls of laughter died down from the SS men.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (p4UlV)

167 Christianity has no small undercurrent of socialist themes running through it.

Nah, that's a misunderstanding of government and socialism. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians told that the government should take from all and distribute to the many, or control the economy.

Charity and compassion =/= socialism. Its pretty much the diametric opposite.

Posted by: Wade Wilson at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (39g3+)

168 With me it all comes down to food.

I like French food so I put up with the French. Made a croque monsieur for lunch today in fact.
I enjoy Jewish cuisine as well.
I even like a lot of Arab food.
I once ate at a Russian cafe and found the food pretty good.

I can't say I'm crazy about Scandi food, but the women are hot.

So what I'm saying is that why can't we all have a potluck and whiskey sours, and forget about our troubles.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (hqZPQ)

I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic

Well, Arabs are just as Semitic as Jews (at least originally), so you probably mean anti-Jewish.

Theory: It started with the notion that underachieving minorities are good and overachieving white people are bad. For Israeli/Palestinian purposes, you can consider Israelis "White Semitics." From there it's a hop, skip, and a jump to Jew hatred.

Posted by: iforgot at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (pC96u)

170 165 It was reported that .Comrade Josef Stalin was about to start another purge before he suddenly died. This time it was going to be a purge of the Jews, and was built on the "Doctor's Plot" that was underway.

It is all rumors, because no one knew what that man would have done.
Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (v0YLX)

Considering what he did to the Kulaks, the Ukrainians and the Crimean Tatars, it's pretty evident what he had planned. I think Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn confirmed it in "The Gulag Archipeligo."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (p4UlV)

171 yeah that's not really true.. most of the immigrant
from behind the former Soviet Union are NOT Liberal and the Jews who
came from there are not different

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (Ozsfq)

Not those who come now, from the former Soviet Union, but the ones who came from Czarist Russia after the pogroms of 1905 were heavily leftist.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (oKE6c)

172 Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:55 PM (oKE6c)

And we get George Lopez.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (48QDY)

173 Israel is a thoroughly Leftist state on every issue except "hawkishness" on some military matters. It might as well be France on every other issue.

Netanyahu condemning Trump for saying we should halt Muslim immigration was the height of hypocrisy from a leader of a "Jewish" state.
Posted by: Tyrone at April 20, 2016 04:52 PM (qGY2J)

Israel is not leftist on all issues other than Military and Netanyahu is just a ass like I have been saying for years..Don't confuse Netanyahu's incompetence for some grand theoretical stand he might have.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:00 PM (Ozsfq)

174 I wonder what cards Stalin was holding when he died of poison, er, hemorrhaged.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 20, 2016 05:00 PM (hqZPQ)

175 I have come to the conclusion that all socialists are atheists.

Therefore, left/socialist American Jews are not so secretly Atheists.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at April 20, 2016 05:01 PM (1ijHg)

176 162 Once Chuck Schumer gets what he wants on immigration, and that 38% conservative becomes 18% and then lower, the question of US support for Israel will be moot.
Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at April 20, 2016 04:57 PM (nFdGS)

The silence these past years from Joe Lieberman is deafening. The man is an observant conservative Jew. He is complicit by saying nothing, and therefore, disgusts me.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:01 PM (p4UlV)

177 It comes down to one simple precept: What part of "Thou shalt not steal" don't you understand?

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at April 20, 2016 05:02 PM (1ijHg)

178 154 The Sauds are dissing him but they have to let him hadj, even if he is Shia.

Posted by: Saladin Dressing at April 20, 2016 05:02 PM (Ndje9)

179 Nah, that's a misunderstanding of government and socialism. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians told that the government should take from all and distribute to the many, or control the economy.
Charity and compassion =/= socialism. Its pretty much the diametric opposite.
Posted by: Wade Wilson at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (39g3+)

The Bible doesn't say it explicitly, but from the "taking care of the poor" on an individual basis it's a hop, skip, and a jump to doing so on a governmental basis. It's easy to cite the Bible in support of the government's doing that.

Put conversely, those subscribing to the Biblical injunctions would be hard put to deny efforts for the government to do the same thing that the Bible exhorts individuals to do.

In that sense, Christianity has a considerable socialist undercurrent.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:03 PM (oKE6c)

180 Therefore, left/socialist American Jews are not so secretly Atheists.

Oh, they have a god. Its just the state.

Posted by: Wade Wilson at April 20, 2016 05:03 PM (39g3+)

181 Not those who come now, from the former Soviet Union, but the ones who came from Czarist Russia after the pogroms of 1905 were heavily leftist.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (oKE6c)

yes there is a lot of truth in that. Those that went to Israel had to give up some/much of those leftist views or modify them at least in order to survive. Those that came to America has the "luxury" of staying leftist fools.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:03 PM (Ozsfq)

182 174 I wonder what cards Stalin was holding when he died of poison, er, hemorrhaged.
Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 20, 2016 05:00 PM (hqZPQ)

Why, the ACE OF SPADES, naturally!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (p4UlV)

183 The leftist Jews in this country are truly a lost tribe.

Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (Fmupd)

184 In that sense, Christianity has a considerable socialist undercurrent.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:03 PM (oKE6c)

Sorry. No. That is just wrong.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (48QDY)

185 Nevergiveup you've had a hardon for Netanyahu since he became Prime Minister. For the most part he's kept Israel out of conflict during one of the most volatile times I can remember in that region.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (zFzxj)

186 The Bible doesn't say it explicitly, but from the "taking care of the poor" on an individual basis it's a hop, skip, and a jump to doing so on a governmental basis. It's easy to cite the Bible in support of the government's doing that.

Telling people to individually take care of the poor is charity. Compelling people to take care of the poor by gunpoint and redistribution is not charity, nor is it virtuous. It is also unBiblical. The fact that fools will quote scripture for foolish things doesn't make it scriptural or Christian.

You know what the Bible says the job of government is? Punish the wicked and encourage the righteous.


Posted by: Wade Wilson at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (39g3+)

187 The leftist Jews in this country are truly a lost tribe.
Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (Fmupd)

A "Tribe" that is slowly wasting away due to intermarriage and ignorance. Sigh

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (Ozsfq)

188 174 I wonder what cards Stalin was holding when he died of poison, er, hemorrhaged.

Aces and eights.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (wwx67)

189 yes there is a lot of truth in that. Those that
went to Israel had to give up some/much of those leftist views or
modify them at least in order to survive. Those that came to America has
the "luxury" of staying leftist fools.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:03 PM (Ozsfq)

That's a good point. The history of the kibbutzes traced out that same trajectory in microcosm.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (oKE6c)

190 148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.
Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)
I think a lot of it has to do with the screwed-up racialism that marks Jews as "white" and Arabs as "persons of color."

On a more vulgar level there is the perennial resentment of those who excel.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (T/5A0)

191 Sorry. No. That is just wrong.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (48QDY)

Thank you for your closely reasoned analysis.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (oKE6c)

192 OK I'll try changing my nick back for the third time then just figure its this computer that's screwed up and give up posting on it.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (39g3+)

193 If I was a Corinthian Christian, the third time St. Paul comes asking for money for the "brothers in Jerusalem" I would be asking him? Doesn't anyone there work?

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (1ijHg)

194 Not those who come now, from the former Soviet Union, but the ones who came from Czarist Russia after the pogroms of 1905 were heavily leftist.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (oKE6c)

As I wrote upthread, like everything of the left, the Jews who embraced socialism did so out of idealism. First and foremost as a way to empower themselves from Tsarist persecution and secondly in a misguided sense of being charitable to one's neighbors.

It's the dead enders who generation after generation refused to believe that their ideology not only didn't work but was lethal to actual real human progress. There is no reason a David Axelrod or a Max Blumenthal should have the mindset that they do.

And yet. And yet.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (p4UlV)

195 190 148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.
Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)
I think a lot of it has to do with the screwed-up racialism that marks Jews as "white" and Arabs as "persons of color."

On a more vulgar level there is the perennial resentment of those who excel.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (T/5A0)

Funny. To those on the left, it's odd how borders matter OVER THERE.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:07 PM (48QDY)

196 Nevergiveup you've had a hardon for Netanyahu since he became Prime Minister. For the most part he's kept Israel out of conflict during one of the most volatile times I can remember in that region.
Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (zFzxj)

Actually that is not true. he has been PM off and on for a long time. And he has fucked and or backed down on many issues. I think he is a terrible PM and the ONLY reason he kept getting re-elected is due to the total incompetence of the Left in Israel and Ariel Sharon's death. And he did not keep them out of conflicts, he just managed to mostly lose all of them, like the last Gaza Conflict.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:07 PM (Ozsfq)

197 183 The leftist Jews in this country are truly a lost tribe.
Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (Fmupd)

The golden calf, redux.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:07 PM (p4UlV)

198 174 I wonder what cards Stalin was holding when he died of poison, er, hemorrhaged.

Not sure what cards he was holding but he probably had a deuce in his pants.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at April 20, 2016 05:08 PM (tf9Ne)

199 An authentic Socialist does not believe in God. ipso facto the early Christians were not Socialists. Yes, they engaged in a communitarian experiment which, over the long haul, did not work out.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at April 20, 2016 05:08 PM (1ijHg)

200 If I was a Corinthian Christian, the third time St. Paul comes asking for money for the "brothers in Jerusalem" I would be asking him? Doesn't anyone there work?

Probably you wouldn't, given the news out of Jerusalem at the time.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 05:08 PM (39g3+)

201 It was reported that .Comrade Josef Stalin was about to start another purge before he suddenly died.
Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (v0YLX)

If you're ready to seize the means of production, learn more about us at our website, feelthebern.comrade!

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at April 20, 2016 05:08 PM (xuouz)

202 190 148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.
Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)
I think a lot of it has to do with the screwed-up racialism that marks Jews as "white" and Arabs as "persons of color."
On a more vulgar level there is the perennial resentment of those who excel.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (T/5A0)

I think it's simple: Israel is an American ally. Undermining Israel therefore helps to undermine America, since we are committed to Israel (or were, before Obongo). Israel's destruction would entail a huge loss of face for America, and encourage other American allies to distance themselves from us.

I think that that's why.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:09 PM (oKE6c)

203 It was reported that .Comrade Josef Stalin was about to start another purge before he suddenly died. This time it was going to be a purge of the Jews, and was built on the "Doctor's Plot" that was underway.

Some say it was Joe's BFF Lavrentiy Beria who pushed him the final step into the great beyond.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at April 20, 2016 05:09 PM (Nwg0u)

204 I am duty-bound to support Israel because it is the only place where Jews will ever be independent and relatively safe.

And I love the Jewish people simply because my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was a practicing Jew,
and it was MY personal sins that out him up in the Cross, NOT the Jews and Romans.

Posted by: Sharkman at April 20, 2016 05:09 PM (Ih4ii)

205 Not those who come now, from the former Soviet Union, but the ones who
came from Czarist Russia after the pogroms of 1905 were heavily

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 04:59 PM (oKE6c)


Pretty much everyone who grew up as a peasant or serf already had a strong socialist streak. People who live in stark conditions often share a lot more than people with means, as it is essential to survival. That is one of the reasons the Russian revolution was a victory for the socialists - the population figured that anything was at least as good as the current lousy life.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (Qvgg/)

206 Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (oKE6c)

See 186.

Something about the point of a gun.

Love my neighbor. The great commandment.

Purely voluntary.

If you believe, enjoy eternal life.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (48QDY)

207 202 I think that that's why.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:09 PM (oKE6c)

That's one aspect for sure. The other and I think bigger aspect is the Judeo-Christian ethic common to both nations and the biggest enemy of Leftists.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (p4UlV)

208 Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (zFzxj)

Yeah, Nevergiveup has never been a fan of Netanyahu, and I gave him a ration of shit for it, but everything he has said about Bibi is true, and I have gradually, with much struggle, come over to NGU's least mostly.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:11 PM (Zu3d9)


There is a wonderful documentary about how Israel got its AF. Most of the pilots were from the US. They raised the money in the US from American Jews and bought the air craft from the Czechs.

I dont think that would happen anymore. Whats chnaged? American Jews are more secular, more assimilated, and more concerned with non "jewish" causes. Lacking religion leftist ideology fills the void

Posted by: ThunderB at April 20, 2016 05:12 PM (zOTsN)

210 I watched that movie, they flew ME-109 Czech builds. Great documentary

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (39g3+)

211 Oh, and 4 million oft-oppressed, oft-murdered people surrounded on all sides by 1.5 billion of Satan's religious, AKA the Muzzie Plague?

Yeah, pretty much gotta stand for civilization against the Hell-spawned Goat Fuckers.

Posted by: Sharkman at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (Ih4ii)

212 As a Red Sea pedestrizn whose ancestors and forebears came to make their home in the Golden land, let me say this: That Israel has lost its Jewish supporters here matters very little. protestant evangelical supporters far exceed in numbers and power anything my tribe could ever muster.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (lutOX)

213 Ted Cruz's strategy:

Step 1: Get the party bosses to hand him delegates.

Step 2: Call those bosses, "the grassroots."

Posted by: You cruz you lose at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (P847y)

214 201 It was reported that .Comrade Josef Stalin was about to start another purge before he suddenly died.
Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 04:58 PM (v0YLX)


That's what anorexia and high colonics will do to you.

Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (Fmupd)

215 leftists liked Israel as long as the nation was an underdog

leftists treat Israel like the American military

they only care if the vet is a "victim" not a victor

Posted by: ThunderB at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (zOTsN)

216 By the way, I screwed up the timing of this post....and Ace fixed it. It was never supposed to go up at 12 something.....

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (Zu3d9)

217 Funny, the Alt-Right seems convinced that loyalty to Israel first seems to be the priority of the Joooooos.

Because I actually know Jews, I know that this is far, far, far, far from the case.

Posted by: Leo Spaceman at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (1GWUn)

218 I wouldn't say the New Testament fetishizes the poor as much as it sometimes condemns the rich - not for being successful, but for only caring about the material world.

Of course, that's only one way of reading that particular verse - it can also be interpreted as meaning that the rich and poor alike cannot be saved by their own actions, but only through God.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (kumBu)

219 190 148 I have no idea how leftists became antisemitic but it's so ingrained in there beliefs there doesn't seem to be any hope of changing that.
Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2016 04:50 PM (Dpy/y)
I think a lot of it has to do with the screwed-up racialism that marks Jews as "white" and Arabs as "persons of color."

On a more vulgar level there is the perennial resentment of those who excel.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 05:05 PM (T/5A0)

I think most of the world would be happy living in mud huts, as long as all their neighbors lived in mud huts too. And they'd lynch the first one that put in a floor made from wood.

People that succeed like the Jews/kulaks/whitey are hated by many small minded losers.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (v0YLX)

CNN reported the terrorist bus bombing as a bus fire. smh

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 05:15 PM (iQIUe)

221 213 Ted Cruz's strategy:

Step 1: Get the party bosses to hand him delegates.

Step 2: Call those bosses, "the grassroots."
Posted by: You cruz you lose at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (P847y)

Trump strategy:

Think that his mere presence will sweep him to victory without actually preparing himself or concerning himself with the details. Like how state elections and delegates are actually rewarded.

See you on the second and third ballot, champ.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:15 PM (p4UlV)

222 Yeah, Nevergiveup has never been a fan of Netanyahu, and I gave him a ration of shit for it, but everything he has said about Bibi is true, and I have gradually, with much struggle, come over to NGU's least mostly.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:11 PM (Zu3d9)

By the way if i were voting in Israel, I would have voted for the SOB every time, since the alternative was worse. even if I am laughing my ass off for doing that, that does not mean I have to kiss his ass for being a shitty PM!

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 20, 2016 05:16 PM (Ozsfq)

223 Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (39g3+)

Is it called "Above And Beyond?"

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:16 PM (Zu3d9)

224 documentary about the beginning of the Israeli AF is called "Above and Beyond". Highly recommend at this here smart military blog.

Posted by: ThunderB at April 20, 2016 05:16 PM (zOTsN)

225 osted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:14 PM (Zu3d9)

That publish button should be hooked to some electro shock or something.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:16 PM (48QDY)

226 As I wrote upthread, like everything of the left, the Jews who embraced socialism did so out of idealism. First and foremost as a way to empower themselves from Tsarist persecution and secondly in a misguided sense of being charitable to one's neighbors.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:06 PM (p4UlV)

According to Paul Johnson's History of the Jews, Russian anti-Semitism arose in no small measure because Jews, being literate, were often chosen to be the overseers on the aristocrats' lands, and thus in essence the tax collectors and foremen over the Russian peasantry. Needless to say, that position did not win them any friends.

Later, Czars and aristos realized that when things got bad, they could direct the peasantry's anger away from themselves and toward the Jews, whom they saw every day, as opposed to the absent Czar and aristos.

Still, the fervor for socialism arising as a reaction to Czarist persecution doesn't explain why it survived immigration to the US. Damned few Czars here. (At least then.) And yes, Jews faced discrimination, but realistically, almost every immigrant group did also. The Irish, Italians, and Chinese leap to mind in this connection.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:17 PM (oKE6c)

227 210 I watched that movie, they flew ME-109 Czech builds. Great documentary
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at April 20, 2016 05:13 PM (39g3+)

Yes. "Above and Beyond." On Netflix instant watch. Or at least it was. Outstanding movie.

That and "Under the Helmet" about a group of kids entering the Israeli paratroops.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:18 PM (p4UlV)

228 Pretty much everyone who grew up as a peasant or serf already had a strong socialist streak. People who live in stark conditions often share a lot more than people with means, as it is essential to survival. That is one of the reasons the Russian revolution was a victory for the socialists - the population figured that anything was at least as good as the current lousy life.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (Qvgg


And this scenario is exactly the set-up this regime has been pushing so intensely and so openly.

Posted by: Soona at April 20, 2016 05:18 PM (Fmupd)

229 220
CNN reported the terrorist bus bombing as a bus fire. smh
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at April 20, 2016 05:15 PM (iQIUe

I guess today the underwear bomber would have a headline "Liar, Liar".

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2016 05:18 PM (48QDY)

230 Logic.



These were guaranteed by whom?

Have you their signature?

If so would you be so kind as to share it with the rest of the class?

Thanks, Ace!

Posted by: DM at April 20, 2016 05:18 PM (j/tOh)

231 Nood

Posted by: Skip the thread sniper at April 20, 2016 05:19 PM (Dpy/y)

232 By the way if i were voting in Israel, I would have voted for the SOB every time, since the alternative was worse. even if I am laughing my ass off for doing that, that does not mean I have to kiss his ass for being a shitty PM!

So their politics is a lot like ours.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at April 20, 2016 05:19 PM (Nwg0u)

233 Nood. MacroMicroagression

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at April 20, 2016 05:20 PM (Qvgg/)

234 I have a theory. The Reform movement started in Germany. The emphasis in Reform Judiasm is Tikkun Olam, to "Heal the World", and routinely preached leftist causes. German reform rabbinate exported it to the US. Reform Jews are the largest block of Jews in the US

Posted by: ThunderB at April 20, 2016 05:21 PM (zOTsN)

235 226 Still, the fervor for socialism arising as a reaction to Czarist persecution doesn't explain why it survived immigration to the US. Damned few Czars here. (At least then.) And yes, Jews faced discrimination, but realistically, almost every immigrant group did also. The Irish, Italians, and Chinese leap to mind in this connection.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:17 PM (oKE6c)

The second part of my sentence was not fleshed out. Socialism as an instrument of charity which totally misinterpreted and mangled the true meaning of "tzdukah," or charity. Also, America was openly anti-semitic during the first half of the 20th century, so it was also a reaction to that and why Jews like other minority groups at least in the big cities were taken in (figuratively and literally) by the Democrat party.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:21 PM (p4UlV)

"Above and Beyond" is also the name of a movie about Col. Paul Tibbetts.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at April 20, 2016 05:21 PM (k4M/B)

237 Call me not by my Hebrew name, but by my African hash name - Kumbu, lord of the plain of endless hyenas.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at April 20, 2016 05:21 PM (kumBu)

238 Pretty much everyone who grew up as a peasant or
serf already had a strong socialist streak. People who live in stark
conditions often share a lot more than people with means, as it is
essential to survival. That is one of the reasons the Russian revolution
was a victory for the socialists - the population figured that anything
was at least as good as the current lousy life.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (Qvgg/)

That's a good point. Russian peasants were accustomed to a socialist way of life in the allocation of lands in the village, etc.

Lenin Co. were initially successful because they promised "bread and peace." After the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, however, the bread failed to materialize, and the Bolsheviks received only 25% of the vote (ca. 1919-1920, IIRC). So Lenin shitcanned subsequent elections.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at April 20, 2016 05:22 PM (oKE6c)

239 208 Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at April 20, 2016 05:04 PM (zFzxj)

Yeah, Nevergiveup has never been a fan of Netanyahu, and I gave him a ration of shit for it, but everything he has said about Bibi is true, and I have gradually, with much struggle, come over to NGU's least mostly.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 05:11 PM (Zu3d9)

So, Bibi is acting incompetently like every other Western leader?

I swear that someone in the old USSR developed a stupid drug, and fed it to everyone in academia, the media, and politics. Or maybe it is just leftism, socialism, and social justice are reaching their final endpoint.

Posted by: rd at April 20, 2016 05:22 PM (v0YLX)

240 Oblig.:


Posted by: Sharkman at April 20, 2016 05:22 PM (Ih4ii)

241 Reform Judiasm is the marriage of Judaism and Leftism. Most American Jews are Reform. Blame the Germans, not the Russians

Posted by: ThunderB at April 20, 2016 05:23 PM (zOTsN)

242 Has anyone called this thread a Jooooood yet?

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supports kittens at April 20, 2016 05:24 PM (uURQL)

243 207
That's one aspect for sure. The other and I think bigger aspect is the Judeo-Christian ethic common to both nations and the biggest enemy of Leftists.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2016 05:10 PM (p4UlV)

The Hebrew Bible does not permit you to say there is no Truth.
It does not permit you to say that there is no objective reality and that things are only what you feeeeel they are.
It does not permit you to say that there is no Good, that "good" is only what helps the Party and "bad" is only what hurts the Party.
It does not permit you to say that man lives by bread alone.
It does not permit you to say that man is qualitatively no different from a raccoon or a cockroach.

I could go on and on.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at April 20, 2016 05:26 PM (T/5A0)

244 My tribe is Tribe .223. My tribe let's me pick who I support.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2016 04:48 PM

I have 10,000 maniacs in my tribe, so I don't worry.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at April 20, 2016 05:29 PM (bzd8I)

245 Well I'm no fan of Israel or Islam. So there goes your theory.

Posted by: bjk at April 20, 2016 05:34 PM (x2rNW)

246 I will probably be called an anti-semite for saying this...but here goes.

Some Jews believe that they were cast out of the promised land for all time, for a reason (their security). That it is right and proper that they not have a homeland and that their security is rooted in not having that homeland. Basically they believe that living in a highly diverse nation (like the US) guarantees their security, because they don't stick out. This is probably the majority of American Jews and explains why they don't support Israel. This is the Left side of the political spectrum of Jewry. They are also open borders types.

Then you have the Zionists. They believe in a homeland for Jews and that Jewish security is rooted in them banding together against their enemies. They mostly live in Israel...but there are a lot outside Israel. This is the Right side of Jewry.

Then you have neocons. While the majority of neocons are Jewish, there are many Gentile neocons (Romney, Rubio, Bushes, Cruz...maybe Trump etc). Neocons believe in using the power of the US to protect Israel. Neocons are descended directly from Leon Trotsky. Neocons are also open borders types. Neocons are basically Leftist, except when it comes to Israel. Neocons are the problem in US politics.

Neocons dominate "conservative" politics in the US. That's why we keep electing "conservatives" and are surprised when they turn-out to be open borders types.

This why you have open borders types on both the Left and Right in US politics.

The above is highly oversimplified...

Posted by: TommyTee at April 20, 2016 05:34 PM (a9ehQ)

247 I went to Israel about a year ago. I have wanted to go back every day since. There is so much history jammed into such a small place.

Posted by: Valiant at April 20, 2016 05:44 PM (3MiF8)

248 CherryPy 3.3.0

Posted by: g6loq at April 20, 2016 05:59 PM (zj+JZ)

249 "In states such as Florida and New York, Jewish voters are a large enough percentage of voters to play a crucial role in election outcomes. In presidential elections, Democratic candidates depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 percent of the money raised from private sources. Any significant reduction in the financial support will weaken Democratic candidates and the Democratic Party organizations."

Not bad for 1.8% of the population.

Posted by: g6loq at April 20, 2016 06:01 PM (zj+JZ)

250 Posted by: TommyTee at April 20, 2016 05:34 PM (a9ehQ)

The jury is still out on whether you are an anti-Semite, but I am 100% sure that you are stupid and misinformed about a great many things.

Some Jews believe that they were cast out of the promised land for all time, for a reason (their security).

Really? How many? That you cite this tells me where you get some of your info.

Neocons are descended directly from Leon Trotsky.

Really showing off that amazing intellect! This one is even stupider than the sentence above it in your blather.'re a troll, so I don't really care.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 06:01 PM (Zu3d9)

251 #24 Move Israel to Texas. Tell them to bring their Merkava factories.

Posted by: pardon my shield at April 20, 2016 06:03 PM (jAIfo)

252 I wish I had not missed this thread. From an early age, love for the Jewish people and support for the Nation of Israel was taught to me, instilled in me, nourishing my soul. Come what may, I will never, not ever, lose my love for God's chosen people, and the many blessings that have come to me and my household because of them. God bless Israel. God bless the Jews. May those who are wandering come home.

Posted by: grammie winger, watching the fig tree at April 20, 2016 06:10 PM (dFi94)

253 For my honeymoon, my great wish was to go to Israel. We don't have the funds for that. That's okay. I will walk in Jerusalem one day.

Posted by: grammie winger, watching the fig tree at April 20, 2016 06:13 PM (dFi94)

254 Jewish support for the Republican Party is directly proportional to Jewish commitment

Posted by: Avi at April 20, 2016 06:17 PM (6NB8x)

255 Jews who will partake in Kosher Seders tomorrow and Saturday night are overwhelmingly republican
Jews who stop at the matzah ball soup support Hillary
Jews who skip the Seder support Bernie

Posted by: Avi at April 20, 2016 06:23 PM (6NB8x)

256 Candidly Speaking: Obama, Netanyahu and American Jews:
...IN THIS CONTEXT, the support of American Jewry is enormously important. Obama would presumably seek to avoid alienating his Jewish constituency, 80 percent of whom voted for him and also contributed more than 50% of Democrat campaign funding...

In the context of our times they are high value targets.

Posted by: g6loq at April 20, 2016 06:27 PM (zj+JZ)

257 The problem for Israel is that a substantial portion of its support on the right comes from philosemitic evangelicals, and this support can change much more rapidly to antipathy. It is important to remember that many evangelical supporters of Israel today have antisemitic grandparents or great grandparents and outside of the deep south I have met a lot of young Evangelicals who are far more isolationist than zionist. If Israel becomes dependent on Evangelical support in a world that is becoming ever more antisemitic, the Benedict option stuff I hear from many of my most genuinely devout evangelical friends is going to be a mortal threat.

I am from a leftist family background and a generation or two ago Zionism was a leftist cause. My mother's generation identified with Israel very strongly and is still shocked at the hatred from the left, especially with the death of the Arab secular left. She is in her 70s though.

Posted by: RoyLC at April 20, 2016 10:32 PM (DSwhx)

258 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2016 06:01 PM (Zu3d9)

Newsflash for you dipshit. The Neturei Karta (they are some Jews) oppose Israel for exactly that reason...among others.

WRT Neocons and Trotsky; look in the NR archives. Around 2003, the King of the Neocons (Jonah Goldberg) wrote a two-part, 10k word, screed outlining the history of neocons.

Talk about a troll.

Posted by: TommyTee at April 20, 2016 10:34 PM (a9ehQ)

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